Re: [Talk-de] Wehr - Schleuse

2015-01-06 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Ich habe in waterway=sluice_gate benutzt.

Siehe auch:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Post-Christmas Midlands OSM Meet-up

2015-01-06 Per discussione SK53
Thanks for Rob for adding the missing footpaths
(although I've read his blog posts about using umap, seeing is believing).

Obviously we can potentially knock more of these on the head if we
split-up, but then we can't map  chat. One benefit of mappers from
different places is the chance to share perspectives on how, what etc. one

So I'd like to suggest everyone meets at the rendezvous, and that at least
the first short walk is done as a group.



PS. There is also a good opportunity to clarify if mapped paths which dont
have the designation tag are rights of way. I'll try and produce a file of
nodes where PRoWs end up on roads, for checking.

On 29 December 2014 at 16:54, Rob Nickerson

 Hi all,

 I've finally found some time to catch up with this thread. :-)

 * Mapping event Sat 3rd Jan - yes I'll be there, and will map some
 * Lifts - yes If you want a lift from the Warwick/Coventry area (or a
 train station that my route will take me past) then let me know.
 * I've also added some more details to

 See you soon,

 p.s. If you're planning to come please let us know :-)

 On 24 December 2014 at 12:55, SK53 wrote:

 Thanks everyone for such a good response to the Doodle Poll.

 A couple of late entries persuaded me to choose Saturday 3rd January for
 the event as that allows all who could attend to make it.

 I have chosen the area around Hanbury and Draycott in the Clay which is
 to the west of Burton-on-Trent. There are a good number of completely
 unmapped footpaths between these two locations, and a number of pubs. Of
 particular interest is the Fauld Crater which can be reached
 from a path starting at the Cock Inn, Hanbury Hill.

 Meet at 10:30 in the car park of the Cock Inn . Roughly I plan a walk to
 look at the crater followed by mapping the footpaths between Hanbury 
 Draycott. We may be able to split up to maximise the number of these we can
 get in the time available. Aim is to return to the Cock between 12:30 and
 13:00 for a drink and/or lunch.

 Lifts may be available from me (Derby, Nottingham area), and Rob
 (Coventry, Warwick), and we can arrange a pick-up from Burton Station too.

 I'll also put this information in the wiki.

 I look forward to meeting everyone in the New Year,

 Jerry Clough

 PS. I anyone has an OSM banner or similar do bring it along, it would be
 nice in a group photo.

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Post-Christmas Midlands OSM Meet-up

2015-01-06 Per discussione SK53
Well if nothing else we can talk about whether landuse=cemetery is an
appropriate tag for the crater!


On 29 December 2014 at 17:42, Rob Nickerson

 On 29 December 2014 at 17:06, SK53 wrote:

 Thanks for Rob for adding the missing footpaths
 (although I've read his blog posts about using umap, seeing is believing).

 Obviously we can potentially knock more of these on the head if we
 split-up, but then we can't map  chat. One benefit of mappers from
 different places is the chance to share perspectives on how, what etc. one

 So I'd like to suggest everyone meets at the rendezvous, and that at
 least the first short walk is done as a group.

 Sounds good. It will be interesting to see this crater near the pub.
 Depending on the number of people we can probably split into 2 or 3 groups
 afterwards (and then catch up again in the pub).

 Also if anyone wants to do some mapping from home before we head out
 there's quite a bit to be done aligning roads, mapping landuse and/or
 tracing buildings.




 PS. There is also a good opportunity to clarify if mapped paths which
 dont have the designation tag are rights of way. I'll try and produce a
 file of nodes where PRoWs end up on roads, for checking.

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Andreas Goss

* People are making discussions that come to no conclusion, this is so

I guess one of the main reasons is that you often don't have to come to 
a conclusion. There is no pressue. If there is no agreement everybody 
just keeps tagging like before. I have this with fitness centre/gym now 
again. A few replies and then nobody cares.
(compared to Wikipedia, where in the end you actually want to write 
something on the page, so you have to agree on something and can't just 
mash everything on a page)

(compare with Wikipedia)

I think the main difference is that most of the Wikipedia stuff is 
discussed on Wikipedia. Meanwhile the OSM database is seperated from the 
Wiki. In addition mailinglists and Forums are used by a lot more people 
than talk: pages.

I keep preaching it over and over again, but unfortunately very few 
people are willing to invest time into the Wiki. It's just so sad when 
you look on TagInfo and see how many tags lack a documentation.


talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] OT: elektrické vedení v katastrálních mapách

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jan Dudík
Ahoj, narazil jsem na takovou věc, která se tak úplně netýká OSM, ale
byla by potenciálně zneužitelná jako zdroj.

V katastrálních mapách je často zakreslené nadzemní elektrické vedení.
Ovšem zdá se, že je tam už třeba i desítky let a často neodpovídá
- pokud to srovnám s vyjádřením o existenci sítí od e.on nebo čez,
často vede jinudy
- na některých místech je zakreslené skrz domy, včetně paneláků
(např. st.parcela 2242, k. ú. Dobříš)

Jde mi spíš o to, zda někdo netuší, jak se taková věc do katastrálky
dostává, respektive, jak docílit její změny / výmazu

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Protezione da vandalismi

2015-01-06 Per discussione John Doe
Francesco, sarebbe interessante ed andrebbe implementato ma non basta visto
che possono essere anche cancellati dati corretti e mappati da utenti
spariti, magari non più interessati ad OSM, che quindi ignorerebbero il
Diciamo che io unirei questo discorso a quello dell'obbligo di giustificare
ogni singolo elemento cancellato.
Rimane il fatto che mi sono imbattuto in zone remote in cui sono presenti
solamente elementi mappati anni fa da persone sparite ed in cui se venisse
cancellato qualcosa per puro vandalismo nessuno ci farebbe caso (io stesso
ho i feeds attivi su determinate zone ma non in tutta Italia o in tutto il
Rimango dell'idea che almeno a livello regionale o provinciale servirebbero
degli organi di controllo, pur supportando questa idea di sviluppare
appositi tools come quelli da noi pensati.
Magari iniziamo a controllare chi sono gli utenti attivi regione per
regione ed ad istituire autonomamente e comunitariamente delle figure che
si impegnino a fare da supervisori ai changesets applicati alla mappa;
sarebbe meglio se le ogni persona si potesse occupare a livello provinciale
di ciò in quanto, probabilmente, a livello regionale il lavoro sarebbe
tanto in alcuni casi.

Simone, pur non essendo un programmatore resto a disposizione per proporre
idee e dare una mano in qualsiasi modo.
 Il giorno 05/gen/2015 14:30, Francesco Pelullo ha

 Il 05/gen/2015 14:19 Federico Cortese ha scritto:

  Io speravo fosse possibile ottenere un alert, alla stregua del feed
  RSS, di livello alto, quando vengono caricati changeset che cancellano
  e basta, di livello medio, quando vengono caricati changeset che oltre
  ad aggiungere elementi nuovi ne cancellano di esistenti. Tutto ciò con
  particolare riferimento a way intere.

 Tempo fa avevamo ipotizzato di inviare automaticamente un alert via email
 al mapper che aveva creato una certa feature, quando qualcuno cancellava la
 sua creatura.

 Magari ci si potrebbe provare.


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Guidage OsmAnd

2015-01-06 Per discussione le nash
Le 6 janvier 2015 09:32, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

 Le mardi 30 décembre 2014 16:18:44 le nash a écrit :
  OSMand gère aussi les interdictions de tourner.  Sur Bordeaux il m'est
  arrivé près de l'aéroport de voir OSMand me proposer de tourner a des
  endroits incongru.
  Il a fallut que je mette des interdictions de tourner qui n’était
  visiblement pas implicite. (en fait, il faudrait que OSMand comprenne que
  l'angle entre la voie d'accès et la route est tellement important que
  l'interdiction de tourner est implicite)

 Je ne sais pas ce que tu appelles angle tellement important, mais je
 des intersections où on peut effectivement tourner sur une voie avec un
 qui me semble très important … Surtout que des fois il y a une différence
 l'angle entre les segments dans OSM et l'angle réel (qui est dans un espace
 continu et non discrétisé à la souris).

 Nicolas Dumoulin

Le cas le plus courant est lorsque le GPS veux nous faire prendre la voie
de décélération de la voie d'en face. Une interdiction de tourner est alors

Mais tu as raison, j'ai pensé après mon message a certains cas dans
lesquels malgré l'angle important, l'interdiction implicite de tourner
poserai plus de probleme qu'elle n'en résous.
On se retrouverai avec des autorisation explicite de tourner, ce qui est un
peu stupide...

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSRM-talk] OSRM backend v4.5.0 released

2015-01-06 Per discussione Dennis Luxen
Dear fellow OSRM’ers,

I am excited to announce the release of the backend of OSRM v4.5.0 [1], your 
favorite OpenStreetMap based routing engine. We are moving at a fast pace and 
are combining 270 commits this time. This release features a number of exciting 

First of all, we are using the great libosmium[2] for parsing OSM data files 
now. It's developed by Jochen Topf and we have been impressed with the speed 
and reliability of the code. Thus, we retired our own parsing code. Expect a 
speedup when parsing files!

Please note that this is a breaking change if you have been using custom speed 
profiles with your OSRM installation. If you have any questions or concerns 
porting your speed profile, please don't hesitate to get in contact.

This is the shortened change log:

- implement parsing thru libosmium
- reimplemented incremental nearest neighbor query
- nearest neighbor is chosen from nearest small and big component
- updated cucumber tests
- refactored SCC traversal code, same interface as BFS components code
- move application logic, i.e. shape file generation, from SCC traversal class 
to calling tool code
- enable gcc color output when available
- continued stream-lining of source files to remove camel case
- fixed a number of unintended implicit un/signed casts
- fixed a number of of old-style casts
- reformatted code of phantom node c'tor for legibility
- add better checks for forbidden routes
- made implementation of restriction map independent of graph type
- replace insecure std::rand by C++11's random number generation
- fix coverity issue 1258907 Division or modulo by float zero
- use JSON container to hold all intermediate results:
- fix #1255 assume lift gates are passable

We have tested the release in the past days at our demo site and it has been 
running without any apparent issues with tens of millions of queries. Also, we 
continue our effort to update the existing JavaScript web UI to a much more 
modern and slick look. This is work in progress and we are tracking the changes 
in a separate repository [3]. Patches and contributions are more than welcome. 
In the mean time, we invite everyone to use the existing web interface at our 
demo site:

Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)


Want to support OSRM development? Buy us a beer:

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jan Laporte
Yes, it will be free for download in vector format, even without registration 
on the AGIV-website. Similar to the availability of CRAB.
Same for the webservices.

From: Jo []
Sent: maandag 5 januari 2015 13:47
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now 
conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

That is indeed great news! Does it mean we'll be able to use the building 
outlines/contours as well then, in the foreseeable future? And, if so, would 
they be available as vectors/shape files, like in the UrbIS dataset? Or am I 
mistaken and is that in CRAB and not in GRB?

2015-01-05 12:03 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas
Thanks Jan for keeping us in the loop.  This is awesome news.


On 05-01-15 11:08, Jan Laporte wrote:
 GRB currently is in the process of becoming open data. The agreement is
 signed and official. Only the GRB-decree needs to be edited now before
 it effectively is open data. I can unfortunately not give a timing for that.

 In any case, it’ll be allowed quite soon.


 *From:*André Pirard 
 *Sent:* donderdag 1 januari 2015 17:49
 *To:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
 *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now
 conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

 On 2015-01-01 16:19, Glenn Plas wrote :

 The danger in not adding GRB layer is that people will 'correct' using

 Bing, and we all know where that leads to...

 We should focus on efforts in getting GRB to open up.  I'm terribly

 frustrated by people deleting buildings using Bing while I have added

 all new buildings using Agiv, doublechecked using GRB and addressed

 properly only to find out that the get deleted by some oblivious user.
Talk-be mailing list

AGIV e-mail disclaimer:
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM-Fehler

2015-01-06 Per discussione Markus

Niemand der helfen kann?

Mit josm.jnlp
- nach erfolgter Installation
- und nach erfolgter Konfiguration (F12)
- und dem dann erforderlichen Neustart

die Fehlermeldung:
Anwendung kann nicht geöffnet werde

Wozu ist die gut?
Ich vermute, das ist ein Bug...

Cornelia wollte in den Weihnachtsferien ein Tutorial machen.
Nun kann sie entweder den Bug darin ansprechen, was aber sinnlos wäre, 
wenn er behoben würde, oder den Bug nicht erwähnen, was genauso doof 
wäre, wqenn der Bug nicht behoben wird...

Mit herzlichem Gruss,

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Protezione da vandalismi

2015-01-06 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2015-01-06 8:47 GMT+01:00 John Doe
 Andrebbe benissimo l'obbligo di dover inserire una motivazione quando si
 cancella qualcosa. Questo lo estenderei a tutti, indistintamente. Sarebbe
 una modifica da apportare radicalmente ad OSM in modo da obbligare anche le
 varie applicazioni di editing ad adattarsi nel più breve tempo possibile.

l'unico modo per vedere questo scenario implementato nel sistema è
quello di scrivere patch per il software attualmente in produzione.

invece, per un sistema di reportistica un po' piu' elaborato, possiamo
discuterne e provare a scrivere dei requisiti e implementarli insieme.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wehr - Schleuse

2015-01-06 Per discussione Thorsten Alge

On 06.01.2015 08:51, Markus wrote:
 Hallo Helmut,

 Schleusen an Mühlbächen
 keine Schleusen für Schiffe,
 sondern die Schieber zum Wasserstand regulieren
 also die Abflussmenge in einem Mühlbach / Kanal.

 Dafür gibt es m.W. kein explizites tag.
 Wehr passt aus den bisherigen tags irgendwie noch am besten,
 ist aber ziemlich unspezifisch und generisch ;-)
 (wasserregulierendes System...)

 Ein passendes tag kann aber erfunden werden :-)

Etwas ähnliches wäre im Harz für die vielen Regulierungsüberläufe an den
Wassergräben auch interessant.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway=trunk en France

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
J'ai pas relu le sujet depuis un moment. Mais comme dit précédemment il y a
le cas générale du code de la route puis les panneaux informant/rappelant
une  modification de ce dernier. Dans certains cas exceptionnels il y a des
dérogations qui sont notifiés par des arrêtés. Il faut donc présenter cela
du plus général au plus spécifique en informant quels sont les moyens
d'identifier et de vérifier ces différentes caractéristiques. (Et voir
comment gérer et identifier une modification temporaire ou cyclique déjà
fait sur l'autoroute de Montpellier mais suite aux travaux de dédoublement
toute une partie est passée à 90...)

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Guidage OsmAnd

2015-01-06 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin
Le mardi 30 décembre 2014 16:18:44 le nash a écrit :
 OSMand gère aussi les interdictions de tourner.  Sur Bordeaux il m'est
 arrivé près de l'aéroport de voir OSMand me proposer de tourner a des
 endroits incongru.
 Il a fallut que je mette des interdictions de tourner qui n’était
 visiblement pas implicite. (en fait, il faudrait que OSMand comprenne que
 l'angle entre la voie d'accès et la route est tellement important que
 l'interdiction de tourner est implicite)

Je ne sais pas ce que tu appelles angle tellement important, mais je connais 
des intersections où on peut effectivement tourner sur une voie avec un angle 
qui me semble très important … Surtout que des fois il y a une différence entre 
l'angle entre les segments dans OSM et l'angle réel (qui est dans un espace 
continu et non discrétisé à la souris).

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jo Walsh

 Attack is the best form of defence?

Sorry, I don't have much sense of the OSM community as it currently
exists, and I just re-joined the list, where it seems like others leap
in with confrontational tone. It has been some years since I was
actively involved in OSM and i'm so glad that it's hitting the public
radar in the way that my Twitter feed seems to suggest.

I don't mean to aggress or to show off, if that's how my suddenly
reappearing presence has come off; this is a genuine question for all of
those contributing suggestions to the list; water it up or down
according to extent of commitment. I just accidentally got a bit
overcommitted to OSM.
 On 2015-01-06 06:46, Jo Walsh wrote:

 dear Michal,

This is an interesting set of comprehensive criticisms that gives OSM
something to aim for in terms of a classical maturity model.

However, I wonder what you bring to the party apart from critique. What
are your contributions to OSM?

Jo / zool
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jan Laporte
Well, up to today, all the work is being done by AGIV. The municipalities can 
report issues with the database, it still is AGIV that sends out a contractor 
to do the mapping. And we always check 10% of the work our contractors bring 
in. Hence, the quality should be pretty much equal all over Flanders.

Now in the future, the municipalities will be able to do their own mapping. 
They can send in as-built plans after construction works (public domain, not 
houses), those plans will be integrated in the GRB.

Indeed, new houses are not yet fully mapped. A surveyor can of course not enter 
private terrain to map the back side of houses. So they map the front and add 5 
meters to create the shape. We are currently updating those houses based on 
aerial mapping. In the future we will no longer release those half-mapped 
houses (people call them “garageboxen”). We have new aerial images every year, 
the houses will be released only when fully mapped.

And indeed, mapping houses is a lot easier in rural areas than in urban areas. 
Building layouts can be complicated and the only indications our mappers have 
is what’s visible form the air (of course in combination with what was visible 
to the surveyor in the street). Perhaps a guesstimation sometimes looks better, 
but still what you see on the GRB is what is seen on aerial images. It could be 
that reality is more complex than a guesstimation. I’m not saying it all is 
perfect, but things like projection distortion should be rather exceptional, 
since they’re mapped with a stereo photo mapping technique.


From: Stijn Rombauts []
Sent: maandag 5 januari 2015 21:29
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now 
conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

Even in het Nederlands als ik mag.

De gemeentes zijn verantwoordelijk voor 'hun' GRB. Ik vermoed dat alle 
gemeentes de opbouw van hun GRB uitbesteed hebben aan landmeters. Misschien dat 
updates (zie bv.
 door de gemeentes zelf aan het GRB worden toegevoegd. Maar het is dus perfect 
mogelijk dat de kwaliteit in de ene gemeente minder is dan in een andere 
gemeente. Maar ze zouden eigenlijk toch allemaal moeten voldoen aan de eisen 
die door AGIV zijn opgelegd.
De gebouwen in het GRB zijn gebaseerd op topografische opmetingen op terrein en 
op luchtfoto's. Waar mogelijk zijn de voorgevels opgemeten: die zouden dus 
behoorlijk correct moeten zijn. De rest is gebaseerd op de luchtfoto's. Zo 
krijg je soms vreemde toestanden van recente gebouwen waarvan de voorgevel is 
opgemeten, maar het achterliggende stuk grotendeels ontbreekt omdat ze niet op 
de luchtfoto's staan/stonden. De huizen in Beekstraat 55-61 zijn waarschijnlijk 
zo'n geval.



From: Marc Gemis
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2015 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now 
conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

I assume the quality depends on the GIS person adding the data. If he/she is 
less motivated/less capable/... the quality will be less.

The example that you give seems like the classic case where the building was 
not yet finished when it was traced. Then they always draw a small rectangle 
along the front side.



On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 7:56 PM, Sander Deryckere wrote:

I think Pablo also helped in some pieces of the GRB:
Is it normal that quality differs from municipality to municipality? In Staden, 
I haven't seen any problem with GRB. But in Roeselare, I often bump into 
problems like these. Buildings with a completely clear form (however, they're 
often quite new, so perhaps drawn without aerial pics), but drawn completely 
wrong in GRB.
Up until now, I've avoided the old centre of the town, because the building 
layouts are way too complicated there. It might get easier when we have access 
to the GRB.

So yes, an automated import won't work, but being able to use it opens up a lot 
of perspectives, so thanks to anyone involved.

2015-01-05 15:35 GMT+01:00 Gilbert Hersschens

In comparison to Bing even Picasso wins ;-)

On 5 January 2015 at 15:30, Glenn Plas wrote:

In my experience, the outlines and building shapes I've seen in GRB are
like 10 times better than all the work that exists using bing and other

A one on one copy would be silly, but if you bring it all together,
agiv/grb and osm data, 

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jo Walsh

 I keep preaching it over and over again, but unfortunately very few 
 people are willing to invest time into the Wiki. It's just so sad when 
 you look on TagInfo and see how many tags lack a documentation.

I recently attended a weekend mapping party organised by the 57 North
Hacklab up in Aberdeen. It was meant to have more of a hackday aspect
but we just carried on mapping, and I really enjoyed the introduction to
a new city it provided me with.

It was also an interesting view of very geeky new mappers, familiar with
the underlying concepts but new to the problem space, and so we were
exploring the taginfo / wiki combination to figure out how to add things
like contact details for local

One thing we found was that a lot of the wiki pages had transitional
sets of tags; moving from one namespace to a more specialised one. We
weren't sure which tagset to use, and so of course one way to find out
is to look at the volume in taginfo.

In the end we looked at the centre of a comparable local city for
commonly used tagsets, and took those patterns, can't remember how it
all got tagged up in the end.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] WMS (aerial) imagery covering Belgium, now conveniently packaged for adding it to JOSM

2015-01-06 Per discussione Ben Abelshausen

@sander: nice one to email Mapbox to update their imagery! :-)

On the GRB:

Every datasource lies even when of the highest possible quality. For
example, the definition of a building may differ in some places. Think
about a building with an underground parking place for example?

It's great that we can use this as a source and this will improve OSM in a
lot of places in the future. We will just have to treat it like any other
source. IMHO almost always surveys or local knowledge is better and this
will be or always should stay our strength.

When looking at our own house I would add more detail, as I did in OSM,
compared to GRB but this is only possible when you know the location.

Thanks @ Jan Laporte for the detailed information here!

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wehr - Schleuse

2015-01-06 Per discussione Helmut Kauer
Danke. Genau das ist es.


Am Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015, 10:22:59 schrieb Volker Schmidt:
 Ich habe in waterway=sluice_gate benutzt.
 Siehe auch:
 Talk-de mailing list

Helmut Kauer
Bodelschwinghstraße 35
83301 Traunreut

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Mike N

On 1/6/2015 4:23 AM, Andreas Goss wrote:

I have this with fitness centre/gym now again. A few replies and then
nobody cares.

 I'm pretty sure that now I tag each fitness centre randomly 
differently.  I'd prefer a single convention, but I can see that there 
will never be agreement.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Reconnaissance automatique des panneaux routiers ?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
Un peu tardivement, voici l'endroit où vous pouvez trouver le plugin josm
pour ajouter les informations provenant des panneaux de signalisation, je
n'ai testé que rapidement, mais je suppose que cela fonctionne bien, mais
peu de données disponibles et le plugin ne semble pas (encore?) utiliser
mapillary :

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Le 28 décembre 2014 13:37, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Le 28 déc. 2014 à 10:54, Christian Quest a
 écrit :

  Il y a eu pas mal de choses de faites de ce côté,

 Concrètement pour OSM, qu’est-ce qui existe ?
 Que peut-on utiliser ?

- soit en temps réel ?
Une appli qui tourne dans un smartphone et qui enregistrerait une
trace, la position approximative du panneau et sa photo…
- soit en différé :
   - on récupère les photos/vidéos de sa caméra embarqué et on lance
   un logiciel de traitement qui extrait les panneaux
   - on télécharge ses photos/vidéos sur un site comme Mapillary qui
   lui fait le travail.

 Mapillary en parle sur la présentation que j’ai indiqué, mais que font-ils
 vraiment avec ?

 Avec ces techniques, on peut donc détecter la présence de panneaux et
 estimer leur position...  et au final compléter les données OSM,

 Oui je voyais plutôt ce cas. Telenav n’a pas présenté un plugin pour JOSM
 qui importe les positions des panneaux depuis leur système de vision ?

 ensuite c'est une info qu'il faut croiser avec d'autres de façon
 automatique quand c'est possible

 Est-ce que feu les DDE ou les grandes agglomérations pensent à ouvrir
 leurs bases en Open Data ?

 sûrement pas par import mais par la mise à disposition de cette source
 supplémentaire d’information.

 Dans Osmose ? ;-)


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 01/03/2015 06:22 PM, Chris Hill wrote:
 What about the maps I produce for my client? You're not likely to know
 about it as it is a private project. If you make a mechanical edit that
 breaks my render, should I send the bill for the changes to you rather
 than ask my client to pay?

That is an interesting question and far, far broader than a mechanical edit.

For example, it is very likely that with API 0.7 we'll be introducing an
incompatible change to how areas are mapped. We (as in the OSM project)
will probably make the effort to update the stock software - major
editors, osm2pgsql, osmosis and so on, and popular open source software
like OSRM will be easily upgraded, but we are meanwhile so popular that
there will be tons of OSM-based applications out there somewhere that
will just fail (and the developers have meanwhile moved on). There will
be an outcry (cf. the maturity discussion in another thread): How can
you be so irresponsible to make this change, don't you see how this
ruins the application, now who's going to pay for it, we expect that you
provide at least one year's notice and keep a compatible API for at
least another year to give us time etc.etc.

Personally - while I am very adverse to mechanical edits for other
reasons - I believe that OSM always comes under a take it or leave it
policy, and we cannot (and should not strive to) offer any guarantees
that something you build today still works tomorrow.

This doesn't mean that we should randomly switch around tagging just to
make life more difficult for people, but if there is a good reason for a
change, I think data consumers might have a problem with the change
should not be an reason we consider or else we're close to total stagnation.

Of course that doesn't mean that we should make life hard for data
consumers *unnecessarily*. But at the same time our current tagging
scheme is always a draft and subject to change at any time. Or perhaps
more precisely - subject to evolution. And that brings me back to
mechanical edits; those are usually not evolutionary and therefore I
tend to dislike them.

A good technical solution to this whole affair could be a system where
you could subscribe to tags. Some of you may have noticed that Taginfo
now supports a list of which-project-uses-which tags here: -- Suppose you could do
something like this but non-public, for example Chris could register his
interest in pipeline tagging somewhere, and would get an automatic
notification if there is any major mechanical edit or tagging change
that affects pipelines. Now it wouldn't be important for Chris since
he's following what happens on the lists anyway, but there might be 20
other people who have set up something that regularly processes pipeline
information and who haven't told anyone and aren't reading here.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Mike N

On 1/6/2015 6:47 AM, Chris Hill wrote:

If the new scheme is adopted in staged way that would be better than a
single mass edit, though it can still break data use for people who
don't follow OSM's mailing lists.

I don't blame the proposer of the scheme; he's just following the daft
guidelines in the wiki. He probably hasn't realised what a phoney,
broken procedure voting is.

Let's stop using voting.

  There's nothing wrong with voting - there just needs to be a well 
defined way to stage changes so that consumers are informed and can 
adapt to them as they come in.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wehr - Schleuse

2015-01-06 Per discussione Helmut Kauer
Griaß eich,
das Wehr ist schon klar, es geht aber um die Schleusen bei diesen Wehren. 
Siehe Text der Mail.
Da ist die Antwort von Volker Schmidt die gesuchte.

Am Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015, 07:56:31 schrieb Georg Feddern:
 Am 05.01.2015 um 22:33 schrieb Helmut Kauer:
  Griaß eich,
  schon länger suche ich nach einer Möglichkeit, Schleusen an Mühlbächen zu
  mappen. Also keine Schleusen für Schiffe, sondern die Schieber zum
  Wasserstand regulieren, also die Abflussmenge in einem Mühlbach / Kanal.
  Habt Ihr da einen Tip?
  Gruß Helmut
 Talk-de mailing list

Helmut Kauer
Bodelschwinghstraße 35
83301 Traunreut

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Okupljanje u ZG oko nove godine?

2015-01-06 Per discussione hbogner
Šta kažete na četvrtak 17-19h, lokacija Pivnica Zlatni Medo, križanje 
Ja mogu u tom terminu. Nije pre kasno za neke koji putuju, a nije pre 
rano za neke koji rade.

On 12/19/2014 12:28 PM, Darko Boto wrote:

Ja isto kao i Janko... najbolje zakaži okupljanje na vrijeme pa ćemo se
namjestit ako možemo.

2014-12-19 10:52 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić

Ja ću moći odlučiti samo u zadnji čas tako da ne mogu ništa obećavati.
Dana 19. 12. 2014. 01:05 osoba hbogner napisala je:

Samo su se Fiki i SilverSpace javili za sad, njima paše iza nove godine u
popodnevnim satim.

Što je sa ostalima?

On 12/15/2014 01:34 PM, SilverSpace wrote:

Ja bi ali samo poslije nove godine vjerojatno ću se do tada oporavit.

Dana 15. prosinca 2014. u 13:15 Fiki je


Definitivno sam za, s time da bi volio da se nađemo u neko normalno
vrijeme tipa 16-17 ili ranije, tako da imam priliku vratiti se u Sisak


Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione François Lacombe
+1 with Mike, there is nothing wrong with voting.

As Frederik suggested, I'm strongly in favor of software supplying
information about tags.
The wiki can be understood by humans but not so readable by machines.

We can imagine that draft of presets or renders can be dynamically
generated by software provided that a reference would be completed and

*François Lacombe*

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

2015-01-06 12:56 GMT+01:00 Mike N

 On 1/6/2015 6:47 AM, Chris Hill wrote:

 If the new scheme is adopted in staged way that would be better than a
 single mass edit, though it can still break data use for people who
 don't follow OSM's mailing lists.

 I don't blame the proposer of the scheme; he's just following the daft
 guidelines in the wiki. He probably hasn't realised what a phoney,
 broken procedure voting is.

 Let's stop using voting.

   There's nothing wrong with voting - there just needs to be a well
 defined way to stage changes so that consumers are informed and can adapt
 to them as they come in.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orne - communes nouvelles

2015-01-06 Per discussione Pieren
2014-12-22 21:34 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy
 Attention ce sont des communes associées : les 4 communes ne disparaissent
 pas elles passent au niveau 9; c'est une 5e commune qui est créée au niveau

Euh, je n'ai pas souvenir qu'on est atteint un consensus sur ce sujet.
Le level 9 correspond à un niveau administratif très précis : les
arrondissements des grandes communes Paris, Lyon, Marseille. Utiliser
le même tag pour une autre entité administrative n'est pas une bonne
chose. Il faudra bien pouvoir distinguer arrondissements et communes
associées d'une manière ou d'une autre.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Reconnaissance automatique des panneaux routiers ?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Quelques minutes après votre message, au talk-gb

-- Forwarded message --
From: Steven Horner
Date: Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] View roadsigns in JOSM

The Mapillary team are working on integration with ScoutSigns, this is what
Jan sent from Mapillary:

We are actually working on integration with the Scout team. Initially
 piping our traffic signs detected with our own system into their
 ScoutSigns JOSM plugin. Potentially deeper integration later on.

Talk-GB mailing list

2015-01-06 12:53 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

 Un peu tardivement, voici l'endroit où vous pouvez trouver le plugin josm
 pour ajouter les informations provenant des panneaux de signalisation, je
 n'ai testé que rapidement, mais je suppose que cela fonctionne bien, mais
 peu de données disponibles et le plugin ne semble pas (encore?) utiliser
 mapillary :

 Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

 Le 28 décembre 2014 13:37, Yves Pratter a écrit :

 Le 28 déc. 2014 à 10:54, Christian Quest a
 écrit :

  Il y a eu pas mal de choses de faites de ce côté,

 Concrètement pour OSM, qu’est-ce qui existe ?
 Que peut-on utiliser ?

- soit en temps réel ?
Une appli qui tourne dans un smartphone et qui enregistrerait une
trace, la position approximative du panneau et sa photo…
- soit en différé :
   - on récupère les photos/vidéos de sa caméra embarqué et on lance
   un logiciel de traitement qui extrait les panneaux
   - on télécharge ses photos/vidéos sur un site comme Mapillary qui
   lui fait le travail.

 Mapillary en parle sur la présentation que j’ai indiqué, mais que
 font-ils vraiment avec ?

 Avec ces techniques, on peut donc détecter la présence de panneaux et
 estimer leur position...  et au final compléter les données OSM,

 Oui je voyais plutôt ce cas. Telenav n’a pas présenté un plugin pour JOSM
 qui importe les positions des panneaux depuis leur système de vision ?

 ensuite c'est une info qu'il faut croiser avec d'autres de façon
 automatique quand c'est possible

 Est-ce que feu les DDE ou les grandes agglomérations pensent à ouvrir
 leurs bases en Open Data ?

 sûrement pas par import mais par la mise à disposition de cette source
 supplémentaire d’information.

 Dans Osmose ? ;-)


 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-at] Einladung zum Stammtisch in Graz am 12.1.

2015-01-06 Per discussione Michael Maier
Liebe OpenStreetMap-Interessierte in der Steiermark,

Wir laden herzlich ein zum nächsten OpenStreetMap-Stammtisch Graz am
Montag, 12.1.2015.

Der Stammtisch findet um 18:00 im Brot  Spiele in Graz  statt -
Tischreservierung auf „žOpenStreetMap“, wir sitzen im Kaminzimmer

Zwecks Agenda und sonstigem bitte die Wiki-Seite konsultieren:

Wir freuen uns auf euer kommen!

lg, Michael

Michael Maier, Student of Telematics @ Graz University of Technology
OpenStreetMap Graz

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rendu qa : analyse par commune

2015-01-06 Per discussione Pierre-Yves Berrard
Le 4 janvier 2015 09:35, didier2020 a écrit :

 Bonjour a tous,

 c'est toujours la :

 nouveautés pour 2015 :
 - la base de données exclus les iles anglo-normandes et Genève.
 - Top 10 des modifications (nombre de creation,modification ou
 effacement par user) entre 2 analyses (maintenant quotidienne si j'oubli
 pas d'allumer mon pc le soir ...)
 - Posibilité de télécharger un fichier .osm ouvrable dans josm pour
 telecharger tout le contenu dans l'emprise d'une commune (pratique pour
 le post-import cadastre) :

Merci pour toutes ces stats !

(il faudrait ajouter l'unité au premier graphique)

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Proposta per messaggio di benvenuto ai nuovi utenti

2015-01-06 Per discussione Marcello
Dato che molte informazioni riguardo gli utenti impegnati, le attività e
le mailing lists locali si trovano quasi esclusivamente nelle pagine
wiki delle singole regioni, propongo che venga inserito il link tra gli
altri link che vengono forniti nella mail di 'orientamento alla
mappatura' per i nuovi iscritti. Che ne pensate?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Chris Hill
A tagging scheme, that was already in use, was being changed by a proposal, 
supported by a small number of votes. Because of these votes the proposer 
decided that his tagging scheme should be adopted by a mass edit. That mass 
edit would have broken any use of the tagging scheme by data consumers. Surely 
data consumers are what we want. We want OSM data to be used, not just for 
rendering but for analysis, routing, research, planning and many more uses. 
Data reliability matters. If a tagging scheme just gets changed on an arbritary 
date, especially in a single step, we risk scaring away dara consumers - all 
for a change that there's no evidence that it's needed and supported by a small 
number of votes.

Mappers matter too (even more actually) and changing tagging schemes confuses 
them too. Extending a tagging scheme is quite different, both for mappers and 

Let's stop this crazy idea that a handful of votes makes anything alright. It 
doesn't. Wiki voting is wrong, devisive and sometimes destructive.

If the new scheme is adopted in staged way that would be better than a single 
mass edit, though it can still break data use for people who don't follow OSM's 
mailing lists.

I don't blame the proposer of the scheme; he's just following the daft 
guidelines in the wiki. He probably hasn't realised what a phoney, broken 
procedure voting is. 

Let's stop using voting.

On 6 January 2015 06:06:08 GMT, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
 What about the maps I produce for my client? You're not likely to
know about
 it as it is a private project. If you make a mechanical edit that
breaks my
 render, should I send the bill for the changes to you rather than ask
 client to pay? (This is not hypothetical I really do have a render
 pipelines. I'm also using pipeline data to calculate approximations
 distribution and aggregation).

You'd rather face a tag fragmentation, and slowly see your data slip
It seems in many cases it's a favor to have the data migrated to one
tagging system
as long as that change is properly coordinated.

cheers, Chris
osm user, chillly___
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Einladung zum Stammtisch in Graz am 12.1.

2015-01-06 Per discussione Clemens Schüller

Am 06. Jän. 2015 um 13:30 schrieb Michael Maier:

 Liebe OpenStreetMap-Interessierte in der Steiermark,

 Wir laden herzlich ein zum nächsten OpenStreetMap-Stammtisch Graz am
 Montag, 12.1.2015.

 Der Stammtisch findet um 18:00 im Brot  Spiele in Graz  statt -
 Tischreservierung auf „žOpenStreetMap“, wir sitzen im Kaminzimmer

 Zwecks Agenda und sonstigem bitte die Wiki-Seite konsultieren:

 Wir freuen uns auf euer kommen!

 lg, Michael

Nachdem ich mich mehr mit OSM beschäftigen möchte, werd ich am Montag
vorbeischauen. Bin ja ein absoluter Neuling ;-)

Beste Grüße, Clemens Schüller

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 03/01/15 22:05, François Lacombe wrote:
 I include some mechanical edits as vandalism, other than that,
 vandalism has not caused me any problems at all.
 I was too.
 And I don't understand why a static snapshot can't help you regarding
 changes that don't suit your needs.

Think about that in practice!
Chris is currently ADDING new data to the database, using his current
set of tagging rules and needs to update his view of the data as that is
added. HOW can that be done if he is forced to take a static snapshot?

There have been several comments about 'phasing things out' rather than
simply point in the sand destroy that data. By all means introduce new
or expanded tags, but only destroy data after there has been a period of
time to allow a switch over. I don't like the way PHP handles some areas
of 'improvement', but one does at least get a warning that something
will be removed later. I would STILL prefer a database of approved tags
rather than the random notes provided by the wiki, and this could then
be used by editors to identify valid entries, and eventually flag up
deprecated tags and values. The same database would provide a cross
reference perhaps to what is rendered by a particular service, or
recommend alternate ways of doing something.

This is possibly a case for a separate API for the management of tag
metadata? Nothing stopping private tagging, but controlling better the
core tagging infrastructure and allowing MANAGEMENT of the evolution of

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] (RFC) OSMのWeb アプリ: POI editor 2014冬

2015-01-06 Per discussione Satoru Takeuchi

2014年12月30日 8:44 Satoru Takeuchi



  - 既存POIの削除ができるように見えるが、公式webアプリの



 * 次にやること(期限はとくになし)
  - 削除機能がまともに動くようにする


  - CheatSheetに載っているPOIをすべて登録できるようにする

CheatSheetのうち、leisure, amenity, shop, tourism, historic, landuse の中の



 * 開発動機


 * 公開場所

 * ソースコード

 * 今できること
  - 既存POIを含めた現在地の地図を表示。
- nameタグが存在するものをPOIと定義
  - クリック(or タッチ)した場所へのPOIの追加

 * 備考
  - アプリの認証取り消しはwebサイトにログインしてOAuthの設定から実施
  - 既存POIの削除ができるように見えるが、公式webアプリの

 * 次にやること(期限はとくになし)
  - 削除機能がまともに動くようにする
  - CheatSheetに載っているPOIをすべて登録できるようにする
  - 画面遷移なしにPOIを追加できるようにする
  - 追加できるPOIの検索機能を付ける
  - 追加できるタグの種類を増やす(sourceやnoteなど)
  - SSL対応
  - 本家OSMの地図を編集できるようにする
  - 検索によって現在地以外にも簡単に移動できるようにする
  - 追加できるノードの種類を増やす(とりあえず日本語版cheet sheetの範囲)
  - 英語化、本家へのアナウンス
  - Androidアプリ作成


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Changements massif sur les noms génériques de shop et amenity

2015-01-06 Per discussione Pieren
Après lecture et mûre reflexion, je crois qu'il faut redire quelques points ici:

- d'abord, éviter de faire des changements globaux sans en parler
avant à la communauté (comme le rappelle fort justement sky). Même si
cela ne concerne que quelques centaines d'objets, cela concerne le
travail de plusieurs dizaines de contributeurs et une personne seule
ne peut imposer ses vues aux autres sous prétexte qu'elle maitrise
mieux les outils pour le faire.

- je connais plein de boulangeries qui ont une façade avec uniquement
marqué Boulangerie. D'autres sont marquées Boulangerie pâtisserie.
Même si le vrai nom est Boulangerie Tartampion, l'information n'est
pas toujours disponible immédiatement. Et il se trouve aussi que
comment tagguer patisserie et/ou boulangerie/patisserie, dépôt de
pain, etc est une question récurrente dans OSM chez les nouveaux (et
les autres). Même chose pour les parkings ou les églises ou que
sais-je avec le cas particulier que certains parking n'ont vraiment
pas de noms (comme certaines routes d'ailleurs).

- OSM fonctionne par itération. Mettre un tag name sur une boulangerie
n'est pas faux. Mettre un tag name=Boulangerie au lieu de
name=Boulangerie Tartampion n'est pas faux mais incomplet. Si
c'était name=Boulangerie en face de la boucherie ou name=La
boulangerie avec les meilleurs croissants, là ça serait une erreur.
Si vous tombez sur une boulangerie tagguée name=Boulangerie,
cherchez son nom complet plutôt que de revenir en arrière. Si c'est
juste que ça vous irrite et que vous n'avez pas envie de chercher le
nom complet, respirez un bon coup et passez à autre chose, il y a
assez à faire ailleurs (utilisez osmose si les idées vous manquent).
Pour les parkings, c'est pareil. Un changement de masse ne peut pas
déterminer si name=parking est incomplet ou incorrect (qu'il n'a
vraiment pas de nom).

- OSM est une communauté dont seule une infime partie participe aux
discussions. Ca ne me gêne pas trop de voir des reverts massifs si ça
permet de rectifier l'action d'une ou deux personnes prolifiques qui
tentent d'imposer leur point de vue par la quantité. Par contre,
annuler des choses faites par des dizaines ou centaines de
contributeurs différents (ce qui est le cas ici) me pose d'avantage de
problème. La question devient en quoi mon opinion est-elle plus
valable que la leur ?, pourquoi sont-ils si nombreux à ne pas penser
comme moi ?

Après ça, je ne peux pas dire que ces changesets soient finalement une
bonne idée. Cette polémique me rappelle celle des oneway=no qui
seraient inutiles sur les highway puisque implicite. Mais ca sert
quand même dans les villes qui ont plein de sens uniques (pour dire
que celle-là a bien été vérifiée et est bien à double sens). Ca n'est
pas parce qu'une information est implicite qu'elle n'est pas utile à


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OSM based GPS navigations and ODbl license of OSM data

2015-01-06 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 1/6/2015 11:01 AM, Karel Charvat wrote:
Are the developers of Be-On-Road fullfilling their ODbl license  
obligations by providing their data only in files with unknown format?
It depends. If they are not adding any data, they can simply point to 
the source (

If they are adding data, they need to provide the entire derivative 
database (4.6.a) or an alteration file (4.6.b) with the new contents. 
Based on my experience, I would be surprised if they had non-OSM data in 
a derivative database. Far more common is to layer OSM data with other data.

It would be nice if be-on-the-road documented their format and provided 
open-source tools to use it, but this is not a legal requirement. The 
ODbL is concerned with preserving the openness of the data, not of the 
data format.

They of course need to meet the other obligations of the ODbL (e.g. 

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] OSM based GPS navigations and ODbl license of OSM data

2015-01-06 Per discussione Karel Charvat

I would like to study structure of data used in various GPS navigations 
based on OSM. As raw OSM data are not suitable for routing, I suppse, each 
implementation in GPS navigation needs some changes in the data. I suppose 
these modified datasets can be called Derivative Database by the definition 

If derivative database or processed work is publicly used in some software 
tool, the license requires providing the derivative database to the 
recipients also in machine readable form.

OSM data are used for example by Be-On-Road. On
( it is posible to download data for various 
individual countries in files with .bmd extension. I haven't found any 
specifications of this file format, so It is not possible for me to access 
and study the data. I can only use them in be-on-road navigation.

Are the developers of Be-On-Road fullfilling their ODbl license  obligations
by providing their data only in files with unknown format?



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione SomeoneElse

On 06/01/2015 01:25, Michał Brzozowski wrote:

* Software for monitoring OSM changes is still very rudimentary. I
wanna be the f**king NSA. It's incredibly hard to check newbies' work
quickly (eg. you have to load every changeset separately into OSMHV).

I'm not sure that it is incredibly hard - I rarely need to throw new 
users' changesets at osmhv - that usually gets saved for the wide 
changesets of people making things match JOSM's presets.  It's usually 
pretty easy to categorise new users into adding new things; no 
problems, adding things OK but haven't quite grasped $some_concept 
(like joining roads at nodes) or Oh dear they're really struggling.

* Why do these newbies make so many mistakes?

Because it's difficult, dammit!  When I started mapping there was a 
large area of white space for several miles around my house - not even 
the roads were mapped.  It took a long time to get the hang of things, 
but while I was doing it there were no local mappers breathing down my 
neck saying that I was tagging for the renderer or similar.

We have to give new mappers the time to get the hang of things, and 
offer help when required, but constructively and not just saying 
your're doing it wrong.  One of the sad things about OSM is that many 
people are willing to fix the _data_ but not to fix the _people_ - if 
you look at the changset history anywhere you'll often see quite wide 
changesets with descriptions such as fix typo - but rarely are the 
people making these changes going back to the original mappers 
explaining the best way to map a certain feature.

The documentation is a
mess, editor presets are incomplete (whereas they should include all
approved and other widely used features)

Sometimes we forget that real life is complicated.  It's not a simple 
case of tag X or tag Y - something might be a pub, or a restaurant, or 
somewhere in between, and sometimes what might be the best category can 

We saw it recently where well-meaning people tried to mechanically 
change wood=deciduous to leaf_type=broadleaved (most deciduous trees 
in the UK are broad_leaved, though some aren't - for example ).  At the weekend I went and 
had a look at this area:

and it turns out that things are _much_ more complicated than how it is 
currently mapped (by me!) suggests.  There are at least four groups of 
planting type there (old-growth broadleaved deciduous on the SSSI, 
planted-for-forestry pine in neat rows, some odds and sods mixed 
deciduous between the pine plantings, and some areas that are virtually 
heathland).  No amount of remotely changing tag X to tag Y will 
capture that detail - you need to go there and have a look.

However, if a new mapper arrives at an area like this part of Clipstone 
Forest but blank and maps it all just as some sort of woodland, 
perhaps even very roughly to start with, they've still made the map 
better than it was before.

Sometimes we forget that we were all new mappers once.



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] Oportunidad laboral - mapeo de rutas de transporte público

2015-01-06 Per discussione Johnattan Rupire

Hola Gissella,
sería interesante subir está información al blog, quizá desde allí 
podemos moverlo en redes para que llegue la convocatoria a más personas...


Coincido con Polyglot en que sería bueno también incluir Josm entre las 
herramientas a usar, y ya que estamos también incluir LibreOffice


El 05/01/15 a las 18:21, Gissella Bejarano escribió:

Buenos días,

El grupo de Reconocimiento de Patrones e Inteligencia Artificial 
aplicada se encuentra realizando un proyecto sobre optimización de 
rutas de transporte público (

Para ello, estamos en búsqueda de una persona con ánimos de colaborar 
con nosotros realizando el mapeo de las rutas de transporte público 
actuales y pasadas (antes de los corredores). Además de las rutas se 
podría necesitar mapear alguna otra información y/o colaboración en el 

- Experiencia en mapeo de información en OSM.
- Conocimientos de las herramientas IdEditor, Potlatch (deseable)
- Manejo de herramientas ofimáticas (excel, word, power point)
- Interés por la difusión en la herramienta OSM

Duración: 3 meses
Remuneración mensual: S/. 1000 (40h a la semana) o S/. 500.00 (20h a 
la semana)

Inicio: 19 de enero 2015

Los interesados por favor enviar sus CVs a: con el subject: Proyecto Rutas - mapeo

(los CVs enviados a otro correo no serán considerados).

Saludo cordiales,
Gissella Bejarano

Talk-pe mailing list

Talk-pe mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] January Meeting

2015-01-06 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Despite meeting with the Notts/Derby crowd on Sat we're still on for
aregualr meeting at the Bull Price Street this Thursday

Happy New Year

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Bryce Nesbitt
I'm a data consumer also.
And I've faced tagging proposals that would break my imports also.

In general while I think the tagging / wiki voting system is pretty broken,
I also believe in mass re-tagging to make data more regular.
While there's a one time disruption due to re-tagging, the promise of more
rational data in the future makes it worth it.

The least short term pain is to leave the old tags alone and introduce new
tags, slowly eat away data.  But that's also the most painful long term.
Similar pain comes from deleting tags in the editor, as is done for Tiger
data in the USA.

We can imagine that draft of presets or renders can be dynamically
 generated by software

provided that a reference would be completed and maintained.

I have written a script that extracts from each editor (Merkator,  JOSM,
iD, Potlatch 2) and mapping tool (osmarender, mapnik)
which tags they have as presets, and which tags they render.  That could be
a start to a a grand unification system.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] View roadsigns in JOSM

2015-01-06 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
The Mapillary team are working on integration with ScoutSigns

Yay that's great news! To me this is as big as when Bing let us use their
imagery. It'll be a great resource and shows that companies are confident
enough in OSM to make it part of their day-to-day and to share back so
freely :-)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réunion contributeurs Toulouse ?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Sébastien Dinot
Florian LAINEZ a écrit :
 On se fait une soirée bière contribution OSM un de ces 4 ?

Excellente idée !

 Que diriez-vous du mardi 20 janvier à 19h par exemple ?

Le jour et l'heure ne m'arrangent pas trop mais vous pourrez commencer
sans moi. :)


Sébastien Dinot,
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] qual a confiabilidade do whodidit?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Roger C. Soares

Eu tb já notei alguns changesets que o
  whodidit não reportou na área que eu monitoro. A impressão que eu
  tive foi que edições em áreas muito pequenas às vezes são
  ignoradas pelo whodidit..
  On 06-01-2015 19:12, Gerald Weber wrote:

  Eu creio que muitos aqui usam o whodidit para
monitorar suas áreas.

Eu monitoro a região de BH, especialmente para evitar que
  novos usuários saiam apagando coisas e para poder reverter
  enquanto dá tempo.

No entanto eu venho notando que ocasionalmente descubro
  edições em BH que não foram relatadas pelo whododit.

Esses dias de quase uma centena de edições de um usuário
  novo, apenas uma foi reportada.

Qual tem sido a experiência de vocês?


Talk-br mailing list


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orne - communes nouvelles

2015-01-06 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
On en avait discuté ici, il n'y a aucune confusion possible entre les
arrondissements municipaux de PLM et les communes associées partout

D'ailleurs administrativement c'est vraiment très proche; avec un maire
délégué au lieu d'un maire d'arrondissement, des maires annexes dans les
deux cas, un conseil municipal unique (qui est aussi conseil
départemental seulement à Paris).

Le risque est bien plus élevé de confondre les quartiers et les communes
associées qui ont leur identité propre en tant que communes. Dans compter
que les communes associées ont leurs propres quartiers au niveau 10.

Nombre de communes assoicées entrent et ressortent régulièrement de
l'association. Chacune a son cadastre et les zones cadastrales ne sont pas
mélangées et clairement identifiées.

Les communes associées sont encore désignées légalement comme des
communes même dans des textes récents, et leur code INSEE est toujours
valide avec leur propre état-civil. Dans l'association ce qui est commun
c'est le conseil municipal, le budget global et la dotation de l'état. Mais
chacune a encore une personnalité légale, ses propres comptes, son
évaluation financière et des données statistiques séparées.

La preuve en est les arrêtés décrivant les découpages des nouveaux cantons
pour 2015 qui font référence uniquement au nom des communes associées sans
autre précision: la frontière communale est toujours là et sert à séparer
les communes associées dans des cantons séparés !

Pas besoin d'un autre niveau que le niveau 9 puisqu'il n'y a aucune
confusion possible (sinon le niveau 10 est faux et fait beaucoup plus de
confusion possibles). Il n'y a strictement rien qui empêche de mettre les
communes associées au même niveau que les arrondissements municipaux de PLM
(et si on veut réelleement un tag, autant en ajouter un uniquement dans les
3 douzaines d'arrondissements de Paris/Lyon.Marseille pour dire que ce sont
bien des arrondissements et pas des communes associées, ce qui serait la
valeur par défaut pour le niveau 9, bien que ce tag optionnel ne soit pas

A côté de ça on a plus de 700 communes associées dont la plupart ne sont
PAS correctement identifiées dans OSM (ou ont été taguées à tord comme des
quartiers. Certains les ont même supprimées à tord, comme si elles
n'existaient plus (il faut les rétablir : elles existent et sont absolument
nécessaires aux adresses; notamment à Lille !!!).

Reste à voir comment évolueront les nouvelles métropoles : il n'est pas
encore prévu que les communes membres y fusionnent d'une façon ou d'un
autre et se transforment en arrondissements... en perdant leur identité;
leur nom et leur autonomie budgétaire). Lyon par exemple reste divisé en
arrondissements uniquement à Lyon et pas dans les autres communes de la
nouvelle métropole. On ne peut rien dire sur l'avenir mais comme le cas ne
s'est encore jamais présenté, et qu'il n'y a pas de confusion possible, le
niveau 9 est tout à fait approprié.

Le 6 janvier 2015 12:49, Pieren a écrit :

 2014-12-22 21:34 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy
  Attention ce sont des communes associées : les 4 communes ne
  pas elles passent au niveau 9; c'est une 5e commune qui est créée au

 Euh, je n'ai pas souvenir qu'on est atteint un consensus sur ce sujet.
 Le level 9 correspond à un niveau administratif très précis : les
 arrondissements des grandes communes Paris, Lyon, Marseille. Utiliser
 le même tag pour une autre entité administrative n'est pas une bonne
 chose. Il faudra bien pouvoir distinguer arrondissements et communes
 associées d'une manière ou d'une autre.


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] OSRM backend v4.5.0 released

2015-01-06 Per discussione Antonio Moratilla Ocaña
Thanks a lot, Dennis!

Antonio Moratilla Ocaña - - Despacho N334

Profesor del Dpto. Ciencias de la Computación -
Escuela Politécnica - Informática -
Universidad de Alcalá -

2015-01-06 19:51 GMT+01:00 Dennis Luxen

 Hi all,

 there will be a post detailing some of the profile changes later this week.


 Want to support OSRM development? Buy us a beer:

  Am 06.01.2015 um 19:31 schrieb Antonio Moratilla Ocaña
  Hi Dennis,
  Where can we find any information about porting our speed profiles?
  Antonio Moratilla Ocaña - - Despacho N334
  Profesor del Dpto. Ciencias de la Computación -
  Escuela Politécnica - Informática -
  Universidad de Alcalá -
  2015-01-06 11:23 GMT+01:00 Dennis Luxen
  Dear fellow OSRM’ers,
  I am excited to announce the release of the backend of OSRM v4.5.0 [1],
 your favorite OpenStreetMap based routing engine. We are moving at a fast
 pace and are combining 270 commits this time. This release features a
 number of exciting changes!
  First of all, we are using the great libosmium[2] for parsing OSM data
 files now. It's developed by Jochen Topf and we have been impressed with
 the speed and reliability of the code. Thus, we retired our own parsing
 code. Expect a speedup when parsing files!
  Please note that this is a breaking change if you have been using custom
 speed profiles with your OSRM installation. If you have any questions or
 concerns porting your speed profile, please don't hesitate to get in
  This is the shortened change log:
  - implement parsing thru libosmium
  - reimplemented incremental nearest neighbor query
  - nearest neighbor is chosen from nearest small and big component
  - updated cucumber tests
  - refactored SCC traversal code, same interface as BFS components code
  - move application logic, i.e. shape file generation, from SCC traversal
 class to calling tool code
  - enable gcc color output when available
  - continued stream-lining of source files to remove camel case
  - fixed a number of unintended implicit un/signed casts
  - fixed a number of of old-style casts
  - reformatted code of phantom node c'tor for legibility
  - add better checks for forbidden routes
  - made implementation of restriction map independent of graph type
  - replace insecure std::rand by C++11's random number generation
  - fix coverity issue 1258907 Division or modulo by float zero
  - use JSON container to hold all intermediate results:
  - fix #1255 assume lift gates are passable
  We have tested the release in the past days at our demo site and it has
 been running without any apparent issues with tens of millions of queries.
 Also, we continue our effort to update the existing JavaScript web UI to a
 much more modern and slick look. This is work in progress and we are
 tracking the changes in a separate repository [3]. Patches and
 contributions are more than welcome. In the mean time, we invite everyone
 to use the existing web interface at our demo site:
  Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)
  Want to support OSRM development? Buy us a beer:
  OSRM-talk mailing list
  OSRM-talk mailing list

 OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Cycling network tag

2015-01-06 Per discussione Steve Bennett
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:29 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:

  The cycle tourism network that I suspect that you're referring to is
 the National Byway which is a
 bit of a one-off - there are other RCNs that suit different cycling styles
 and needs.

Ah, could be. I did ride some parts of the NB. Strangely, in several places
it was very different from what was marked on OSM - I kept hitting it at
right angles.

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-us] Another use of OpenStreetMap

2015-01-06 Per discussione Tod Fitch
American Airlines flight tracker:
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Talk-pt Digest, Vol 62, Issue 2

2015-01-06 Per discussione Nuno Gomes Lopes
Bom dia a todos. Parabéns, Miguel. A verdade é que tudo o que comecei no
OSM foi sempre antevendo momentos como este - que alguém pegue o testemunho
e faça um trabalho melhor do que o que fiz. O que estás a desenvolver em
Braga tem tudo para tornar a cidade uma referência no OSM português.

Tudo de bom. Abraços.
Em 02/01/2015 11:16, escreveu:

 Send Talk-pt mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Talk-pt digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: Talk-pt Digest, Vol 61, Issue 11 (Miguel Borges)


 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 11:15:47 +
 From: Miguel Borges
 To: OSM Portugal
 Subject: Re: [Talk-pt] Talk-pt Digest, Vol 61, Issue 11
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Faltou o mais importante:

 -- Miguel.

 No dia 2 de janeiro de 2015 às 11:14, Miguel Borges

  criei um documento na wiki do osm sob a comunidade de Braga (uma vez que
  tem referência directa na página base da wiki portuguesa) com informação
  sobre o que está feito e o que falta fazer nas rotas TUB de Braga. Como
  ainda não havia qualquer conteúdo na comunidade de Braga, coloquei o
  documento na raíz - claro que assim que surgirem mais temas na
  arruma-se o documento numa página com referência à pagina base.
  À medida que for desenvolvendo o trabalho de criação das rotas, vou
  actualizando a tabela que lá está. Pedia a quem quisesse colaborar que se
  cordenasse comigo.
  Abraço a todos!
  Miguel (mirtilo)
  No dia 19 de dezembro de 2014 às 18:04, Nuno Gomes Lopes escreveu:
  Boa tarde a todos. Fui eu, na sequência do projeto do, que introduzi essas rotas em Braga. Introduzi as
  rotas pelo número ( Fico
  por perceber que este trabalho está a ter continuidade - talvez
  proximamente Braga possa juntar-se a Almada como um concelho com todas
  rotas de autocarros no OSM (ficam a faltar, como é óbvio, as rotas de
  operadores privados).
  Gonçalo, o já é um serviço a nível nacional baseado no OSM, se bem
  que a informação das rotas não vem do OSM (utilizamos o Open Trip
  que existe um pouco por todo o mundo). Os TUB entraram no nosso serviço
  mesmo tempo que entraram no google transit, o que considerámos uma bom
  operandi*. O mesmo não podemos dizer da CP, que também entrou no google
  transit sem ter disponibilizado as suas rotas a outros serviços.
  Miguel, uma sugestão: podias criar uma wiki para transportes
  e introduzir lá as rotas (a introduzir aqui, semelhante à das
  Continuação de bom trabalho! Abraço a todos.
  No dia 19 de dezembro de 2014 às 16:30, escreveu:
  Send Talk-pt mailing list submissions to
  To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
  or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
  You can reach the person managing the list at
  When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
  than Re: Contents of Talk-pt digest...
  Today's Topics:
 1. Rotas dos Transportes Urbanos de Braga (Miguel Borges)
 2. Re: Rotas dos Transportes Urbanos de Braga (Gonçalo Lourenço)
 3. Re: Rotas dos Transportes Urbanos de Braga (Miguel Borges)
  Message: 1
  Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 12:44:05 +
  From: Miguel Borges
  To: Lista
  Subject: [Talk-pt] Rotas dos Transportes Urbanos de Braga
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
   Talk-pt@openstreetmap.orgOlá a todos,
  Escrevo-vos para dar conta à comunidade do trabalho que estou a
  e para ver se não colide com o trabalho que algum outro membro esteja a
  fazer. Ainda um apelo: se alguém quiser dar uma ajuda, é bem-vindo(a)!
  Meti-me na empreitada de completar as rotas 

Re: [Talk-us] Another use of OpenStreetMap

2015-01-06 Per discussione Toby Murray
Where did you find a link to that attribution page? I went looking and
found a flight tracker on their website that is actually serving up tiles
straight from Not quite in line with tile usage policies I suppose
but they DO have attribution on the map at least.

To see it you have to find an in-progress flight. Right now this link
should work for a few more hours (until the flight reaches LA):


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Tod Fitch wrote:

 American Airlines flight tracker:
 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mudança na URL da layer TMS do IBGE

2015-01-06 Per discussione Gerald Weber
Oi Turma

só para conferir, este tutorial está atualizado?

2014-04-09 11:51 GMT-03:00 Vitor George

 Fiz um micro-tutorial sobre como adicionar a camada do IBGE que o Thiago
 fez, no iD e no JOSM:

 2014-03-24 15:43 GMT-03:00 Thiago Marcos P. Santos

 2014-03-24 0:33 GMT+02:00 Fernando Trebien
  Thiago, uma pergunta (não sei se perdi algum pedaço no começo da
  história): você está fazendo os alinhamentos manualmente? Se sim,
  poderia contar com a ajuda de mais pessoas interessadas.

 Hehehe, na mão eu não teria vida útil pra isso não. :)

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-de] Start der öffentlichen Beteiligung zur Nationalen Geoinformationsstrategie (NGIS)

2015-01-06 Per discussione Joachim Kast

unter bittet die die Koordinierungsstelle
GDI-DE um die Beteiligung an der Nationalen Geoinformationsstrategie (NGIS).

Ich habe letztes Jahr an einem Workshop der Koordinierungsstelle
teilgenommen und die wichtigsten allgemeinen Gedanken der OSM-Community
dargelegt. Da es aber sicherlich auch zusätzliche Meinungen und Ideen
aus dem immer breiter werdenden Spektrum der Community gibt, bitte ich
alle Interessierten, sich an der anonymen Umfrage zu beteiligen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.26.1

2015-01-06 Per discussione Matthijs Melissen
Dear all,

Today, v2.26.1 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet has been released
and rolled out to the servers.

This version only includes one change:
* Areas tagged with amenity=place_of_worship and no building tag are
rendered again.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

-- Matthijs

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Andrew Hain
Jo Walsh metazool at writes:

 Attack is the best form of defence?
 Sorry, I don't have much sense of the OSM community as it currently
exists, and I just re-joined the list, where it seems like others leap in
with confrontational tone. It has been some years since I was actively
involved in OSM and i'm so glad that it's hitting the public radar in the
way that my Twitter feed seems to suggest.
 I don't mean to aggress or to show off, if that's how my suddenly
reappearing presence has come off; this is a genuine question for all of
those contributing suggestions to the list; water it up or down according to
extent of commitment. I just accidentally got a bit overcommitted to OSM.

Although lots of people have managed to do lots of constructive work the
past few months have been the most argumentative since the Australian clique
were at their worst as a cascade of long-running dissatisfactions have come
to the boil like dominoes. It’s time for everyone (including myself) to take
a deep breath, but we can’t just let frustrations build up again and we
really need to work on a stronger culture of harmony (we can have strong and
differing opinions of course) and not just a surface appearance; lurkers on
our communication channels aren’t the real audience.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réunion contributeurs Toulouse ?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Mides
Bonne idée !

La date et l'heure sont notés, j'espère pouvoir me joindre à vous.


Le 6 janvier 2015 21:48, Sébastien Dinot a écrit :

 Florian LAINEZ a écrit :
  On se fait une soirée bière contribution OSM un de ces 4 ?

 Excellente idée !

  Que diriez-vous du mardi 20 janvier à 19h par exemple ?

 Le jour et l'heure ne m'arrangent pas trop mais vous pourrez commencer
 sans moi. :)


 Sébastien Dinot,
 Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Proposta per messaggio di benvenuto ai nuovi utenti

2015-01-06 Per discussione Daniele Forsi
Il 6 gennaio 2015 16:56, girarsi_liste ha scritto:

 Non ho capito perchè il Trentino Alto Adige è sotto la L :)

perché nel sorgente della pagina c'era scritto di ordinarlo come Liguria :-)

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Proposta de importação de dados em Juiz de Fora

2015-01-06 Per discussione Marcelo Pereira

Segundo o wiki ( bairros e
sub-distritos tem o mesmo nível, 10.

Em 6 de janeiro de 2015 19:39, Vítor Rodrigo Dias


 Estou pensando em tratar os dados de setores do IBGE e colocar no
 OpenStreetMap os limites de bairros, subdistritos e distritos em Juiz de

 O problema é: a cidade tem distritos E subdistritos, e a hierarquia do OSM
 entre cidade e bairro só tem um nível administrativo (9). Como proceder?

 Vítor Rodrigo Dias
 Revisor de textos
 Tradutor port/ing/port e port/esp/port
 Telefone: (31) 7360-9421 - TIM

 Talk-br mailing list


São Pedro recebe Seu Lunga no céu perguntando:
 Morreu, Seu Lunga? 
Não, vim passar o Natal!
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Guidage OsmAnd

2015-01-06 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Pour des virages vraiment très serrés, il vaut mieux ne pas laisser l'angle
réduit à un seul noeud et ajouter des noeuds dessinant une courbe avec
des angles à moins de 45 degrés. Même si une petite route rejoint une route
principale avec une direction quasiment parallèle, si le virage est
autorisé, on doit s'arranger pour placer assez de noeuds dans le triangle
de connexion où un virage serré est possible (la plupart du temps on peut
placer une connexion à 90 degrés, meˆme si l'intersection traverse le
carrefour (dans les faits à cause de ces angles, il n'y a pas 1 carrefour
mais deux carrefours proches et le tracé devrait donner des directions

Il n'y a que pour les virages à gauche interdits (sorties
unidirectionnelles d'un triangle de connexion à un giratoire par exemple),
qu'on met des angles serrés à plus de 150 degrés (le demi-tour ne se fait
pas là mais dans le giratoire qu'on vient de quitter ou au carrefour
suivant ou sur une entrée de voie privée ou de garage ou une place de
parking inoccupée).

Ca devrait suffire pour ne même pas avoir besoi nde mettre de restrictions,
et les navigateurs ont raison alors d'exclure par défaut des angles très
serrés à plus de 150 degrés (si on veut les utiliser on est obligé de
mordre sur les trottoirs à cause des rayons de braquage minimum de l'ordre
de 3 mètres (pour les voitures), avec des manoeuvres dangereuses interdites
par le code de la route puisqu'on ne peut pas se dégager rapidement et que
dans de tels lieux si c'était possible, il n'y aurait souvent pas de
visibilité du véhicule entrant dans ce virage par les véhicules venant
derrière, ni pour les piétons qui traversent devant.

On doit donc regarder la présence d'un triangle dégagé permettant de
tourner correctement et tracer en conséquence: attention aux
simplifications : cela mériterait une analyse Osmose des carrefours ayant
des angles à plus de 150 degrés non signalés comme interdits et qui ne sont
pas non plus entre deux voies à sens unique connectées à moins de 50 mètres
à un même giratoire: le tracé est très probablement trop approximatif et à

Le 6 janvier 2015 09:32, Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit :

 Le mardi 30 décembre 2014 16:18:44 le nash a écrit :
  OSMand gère aussi les interdictions de tourner.  Sur Bordeaux il m'est
  arrivé près de l'aéroport de voir OSMand me proposer de tourner a des
  endroits incongru.
  Il a fallut que je mette des interdictions de tourner qui n’était
  visiblement pas implicite. (en fait, il faudrait que OSMand comprenne que
  l'angle entre la voie d'accès et la route est tellement important que
  l'interdiction de tourner est implicite)

 Je ne sais pas ce que tu appelles angle tellement important, mais je
 des intersections où on peut effectivement tourner sur une voie avec un
 qui me semble très important … Surtout que des fois il y a une différence
 l'angle entre les segments dans OSM et l'angle réel (qui est dans un espace
 continu et non discrétisé à la souris).

 Nicolas Dumoulin

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Tom Taylor

On 06/01/2015 8:16 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

On 03/01/15 22:05, François Lacombe wrote:


This is possibly a case for a separate API for the management of tag
metadata? Nothing stopping private tagging, but controlling better the
core tagging infrastructure and allowing MANAGEMENT of the evolution of

While we're at it, it would be nice to have a database that allows going 
from the tagged item (e.g., fitness centre) to recommended tag. Maybe 
I'm missing something that already exists, but at the moment my 
understanding is that the Map Features page at

is my primary resource. This provides the reverse mapping from tag to 
feature, and I have to search the whole page to get what I need in the 
other direction.

If the mapping I need doesn't exist, I'll be glad to add a Wiki page 
containing it. It would obviously have to cross-reference advice on the 
Features page.

Tom Taylor

talk mailing list

[Talk-br] qual a confiabilidade do whodidit?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Gerald Weber
Eu creio que muitos aqui usam o whodidit para monitorar suas áreas.

Eu monitoro a região de BH, especialmente para evitar que novos usuários
saiam apagando coisas e para poder reverter enquanto dá tempo.

No entanto eu venho notando que ocasionalmente descubro edições em BH que
não foram relatadas pelo whododit.

Esses dias de quase uma centena de edições de um usuário novo, apenas uma
foi reportada.

Qual tem sido a experiência de vocês?


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cantons

2015-01-06 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Pour enlever le planned: il faudrait d'abord rechercher les cantons actuels
et les placer en disused: (avec end_date=2015-03)

Pour l'instant pas besoin de layers, on peut les voir immédiatement avec
Overpass API. Mise à jour dans la minute qui suit chaque modif...

Mais pour l'instant le serveur API d'OSM est arrêté pour maintenance (pas
d'accès même en lecture).

Pour Overpass, cette requête va bien (on ne peut pas choisir toute la
France, ça déborde en mémoire et en temps mais sélectionner des zones
voisines d'un département pour visualiser une trentaine de cantons environ,
donc pas de rectangle dans cette requête, c'est celui de la vue en cours
qui est utilisé):

Le 6 janvier 2015 01:32, Jérôme Amagat a écrit :

 Il y a environ la moitié des cantons de fait (un peu moins de 1000 sur un
 peu plus de 2000 cantons).
 Enlever le planned: permettrait de les rendre visible sur cantons  politique (ou faudrait créer un
 nouveau calque avec ces cantons :-)).

 pseudo osm : Olyon

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Cadre commun d'urbanisation du SI de l'État v1.0

2015-01-06 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Un document du Secrétariat général du Gouvernement, publié par la DISIC.

Cadre commun d'urbanisation du SI de l'État v1.0

La vision officielle pour leschoix d'artichecture, le partage
d'informations dans les services de l'Etat et avec les collectivités
locales et leurs services.

On y parle ouverture des données, gouvernance; coopération, veille
technologique, applications et interopérabilité et sinon les stratégies
générales à adopter pour une urbanisation des différents systèmes
d'information (et bien sûr des économies de moyens et d'échelle)
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-br] Proposta de importação de dados em Juiz de Fora

2015-01-06 Per discussione Vítor Rodrigo Dias

Estou pensando em tratar os dados de setores do IBGE e colocar no
OpenStreetMap os limites de bairros, subdistritos e distritos em Juiz de

O problema é: a cidade tem distritos E subdistritos, e a hierarquia do OSM
entre cidade e bairro só tem um nível administrativo (9). Como proceder?

Vítor Rodrigo Dias
Revisor de textos
Tradutor port/ing/port e port/esp/port
Telefone: (31) 7360-9421 - TIM
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Proposta de importação de dados em Juiz de Fora

2015-01-06 Per discussione Vítor Rodrigo Dias


Em 6 de janeiro de 2015 20:44, Marcelo Pereira


 Segundo o wiki ( bairros
 e sub-distritos tem o mesmo nível, 10.

 Em 6 de janeiro de 2015 19:39, Vítor Rodrigo Dias


 Estou pensando em tratar os dados de setores do IBGE e colocar no
 OpenStreetMap os limites de bairros, subdistritos e distritos em Juiz de

 O problema é: a cidade tem distritos E subdistritos, e a hierarquia do
 OSM entre cidade e bairro só tem um nível administrativo (9). Como proceder?

 Vítor Rodrigo Dias
 Revisor de textos
 Tradutor port/ing/port e port/esp/port
 Telefone: (31) 7360-9421 - TIM

 Talk-br mailing list

 São Pedro recebe Seu Lunga no céu perguntando:
  Morreu, Seu Lunga? 
 Não, vim passar o Natal!

 Talk-br mailing list

Vítor Rodrigo Dias
Revisor de textos
Tradutor port/ing/port e port/esp/port
Telefone: (31) 7360-9421 - TIM
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Wehr - Schleuse

2015-01-06 Per discussione Richard Z.
On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 10:22:59AM +0100, Volker Schmidt wrote:
 Ich habe in waterway=sluice_gate benutzt.

bitte keine falsche Scheu das auch mal im wiki zu Dokumentieren.

Im wiki steht nur
wo das tagging ganz anders aussieht?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MEP - pipelines

2015-01-06 Per discussione Bryce Nesbitt

 While we're at it, it would be nice to have a database that allows going
 from the tagged item (e.g., fitness centre) to recommended tag.

The iD editor has a nice internal feature called aliases, so a person
looking to add a restroom will find the toilet preset.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Feiras de Orgânicos

2015-01-06 Per discussione Aun Johnsen

Primeiro, nao tudo vai aparecer no mapa no site Nosso 
projeito e aberto para mapear p que quizer

Existem muitas mapas especialicadas, ver se acho um por produtos organicos, seu 
feira dever aparecer ai

Aun Johnsen
Sent from my iPhone

 On 6. jan. 2015, at 23.22, Marcelo Pereira wrote:
 Vi que no site do Idec existe um mapa identificando as feiras de orgânicos no 
 Até entrei em contato perguntando se eles poderiam disponibilizar a 
 informação de forma livre e aberta.
 Daí, como teste, incluí no mapa, a feira perto de casa ( ) com o tageamento que achei mais 
 A questão é, de novo, a renderização, ela só apareceu qdo eu acrescentei 
 building=yes, lembrando que é uma feira semanal, e portanto essa tag está 
 Mas o que fazer para ela aparecer ?
 Uso um node ao invés dessa área ? Qual ? Pensei em shop=supermarket.
 No aguardo de ideias,
 Marcelo Pereira
 São Pedro recebe Seu Lunga no céu perguntando: 
  Morreu, Seu Lunga? 
 Não, vim passar o Natal!
 Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Feiras de Orgânicos

2015-01-06 Per discussione Marcelo Pereira

Vi que no site do Idec existe um mapa identificando as feiras de orgânicos
no Brasil.

Até entrei em contato perguntando se eles poderiam disponibilizar a
informação de forma livre e aberta.

Daí, como teste, incluí no mapa, a feira perto de casa ( ) com o tageamento que achei
mais adequado.

A questão é, de novo, a renderização, ela só apareceu qdo eu acrescentei
building=yes, lembrando que é uma feira semanal, e portanto essa tag está

Mas o que fazer para ela aparecer ?

Uso um node ao invés dessa área ? Qual ? Pensei em shop=supermarket.

No aguardo de ideias,


Marcelo Pereira


São Pedro recebe Seu Lunga no céu perguntando:
 Morreu, Seu Lunga? 
Não, vim passar o Natal!
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Proposta per messaggio di benvenuto ai nuovi utenti

2015-01-06 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 06/01/2015 14:14, Marcello ha scritto:
 Dato che molte informazioni riguardo gli utenti impegnati, le
 attività e le mailing lists locali si trovano quasi esclusivamente
 nelle pagine wiki delle singole regioni, propongo che venga
 inserito il link tra
 gli altri link che vengono forniti nella mail di 'orientamento
 alla mappatura' per i nuovi iscritti. Che ne pensate?
 Ciao Marcello

Non ho capito perchè il Trentino Alto Adige è sotto la L :)

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] [Bangalore] Mapping party tomorrow!

2015-01-06 Per discussione Aneesh T
I'd like to try and join remotely too... How do I do that? (Potlatch - by
the way)
On 7 Jan 2015 12:11, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 WIll join in remotely from Dharamsala :)

 I'll also be online on oftc#osm

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Sajjad Anwar wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 The January edition of GeoBLR is going to be a mapping party. We are
 meeting at the Center for Internet and Society in Domlur from 6pm to 8pm.

 More details and RSVP here -

 Hope to some of you there!


 Talk-in mailing list

  Arun Ganesh

 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-in] [Bangalore] Mapping party tomorrow!

2015-01-06 Per discussione Sajjad Anwar
Hello everyone,

The January edition of GeoBLR is going to be a mapping party. We are
meeting at the Center for Internet and Society in Domlur from 6pm to 8pm.

More details and RSVP here -

Hope to some of you there!

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] access road routing - two real world cases

2015-01-06 Per discussione Bryce Nesbitt
I would tag *access=destination* here, and hope routers don't use that route
unless the way is within the bounding box (or at least near) to my
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] [Bangalore] Mapping party tomorrow!

2015-01-06 Per discussione Arun Ganesh
WIll join in remotely from Dharamsala :)

I'll also be online on oftc#osm

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Sajjad Anwar wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 The January edition of GeoBLR is going to be a mapping party. We are
 meeting at the Center for Internet and Society in Domlur from 6pm to 8pm.

 More details and RSVP here -

 Hope to some of you there!


 Talk-in mailing list

 Arun Ganesh
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] [Bangalore] Mapping party tomorrow!

2015-01-06 Per discussione Yogesh

Hash: SHA1

I'll also join remotely. :)

On 01/07/2015 12:13 PM, Aneesh T wrote:

 I'd like to try and join remotely too... How do I do that? (Potlatch -
by the way)

 On 7 Jan 2015 12:11, Arun Ganesh wrote:

 WIll join in remotely from Dharamsala :)

 I'll also be online on oftc#osm

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Sajjad Anwar wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 The January edition of GeoBLR is going to be a mapping party.
We are meeting at the Center for Internet and Society in Domlur from 6pm
to 8pm.

 More details and RSVP here -

 Hope to some of you there!


 Talk-in mailing list

 Arun Ganesh

 Talk-in mailing list

 Talk-in mailing list

Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Another use of OpenStreetMap

2015-01-06 Per discussione Toby Murray
Oh, the -ops in the URL threw me off. Your link is to the attribution page
for, not American Airlines. And is serving
up their own tiles. They started using OSM back in 2011 or 2012 when Google
started charging for maps. Wm Leler from presented at the
2012 SOTM-US conference in Portland. Links to the presentation are on the


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Toby Murray wrote:

 Where did you find a link to that attribution page? I went looking and
 found a flight tracker on their website that is actually serving up tiles
 straight from Not quite in line with tile usage policies I
 suppose but they DO have attribution on the map at least.

 To see it you have to find an in-progress flight. Right now this link
 should work for a few more hours (until the flight reaches LA):


 On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Tod Fitch wrote:

 American Airlines flight tracker:
 Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mudança na URL da layer TMS do IBGE

2015-01-06 Per discussione Thiago Marcos P. Santos
Oi Gerald,

Não está não, as layers foram todas migradas para o Mapbox, então a
URL dos tiles está errada.

As informações aqui estão corretas:


2015-01-06 20:30 GMT-02:00 Gerald Weber
 Oi Turma

 só para conferir, este tutorial está atualizado?

 2014-04-09 11:51 GMT-03:00 Vitor George

 Fiz um micro-tutorial sobre como adicionar a camada do IBGE que o Thiago
 fez, no iD e no JOSM:

 2014-03-24 15:43 GMT-03:00 Thiago Marcos P. Santos

 2014-03-24 0:33 GMT+02:00 Fernando Trebien
  Thiago, uma pergunta (não sei se perdi algum pedaço no começo da
  história): você está fazendo os alinhamentos manualmente? Se sim,
  poderia contar com a ajuda de mais pessoas interessadas.

 Hehehe, na mão eu não teria vida útil pra isso não. :)

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Nächstes Karlsruher Hack-Weekend im Februrar

2015-01-06 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 12/12/2014 09:41 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Wikiseite dazu kommt später, ich wollte nur schonmal die Termine ankündigen.

Da ist sie:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Change: How mature is OpenStreetMap?

2015-01-06 Per discussione Jo Walsh
I have no memory of sending this message. 

On January 6, 2015 10:38:29 PM GMT, Andrew Hain 
Jo Walsh metazool at writes:

 Attack is the best form of defence?
 Sorry, I don't have much sense of the OSM community as it currently
exists, and I just re-joined the list, where it seems like others leap
with confrontational tone. It has been some years since I was actively
involved in OSM and i'm so glad that it's hitting the public radar in
way that my Twitter feed seems to suggest.
 I don't mean to aggress or to show off, if that's how my suddenly
reappearing presence has come off; this is a genuine question for all
those contributing suggestions to the list; water it up or down
according to
extent of commitment. I just accidentally got a bit overcommitted to

Although lots of people have managed to do lots of constructive work
past few months have been the most argumentative since the Australian
were at their worst as a cascade of long-running dissatisfactions have
to the boil like dominoes. It’s time for everyone (including myself) to
a deep breath, but we can’t just let frustrations build up again and we
really need to work on a stronger culture of harmony (we can have
strong and
differing opinions of course) and not just a surface appearance;
lurkers on
our communication channels aren’t the real audience.


talk mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Marciapiedi molto larghi

2015-01-06 Per discussione emmexx
Sto mappando un'area di Milano con uffici e molte aree destinate ai 
pedoni. Per altri motivi ho gia' indicato alcune foto che ho fatto:

Come potete vedere nella zona alla base del cilindro, il marciapiede e' 
un'area molto ampia.
Stavo provando a mappare usando delle way con highway=footway ma risulta 
uno schifezzo che non coincide molto con la realta'.
Quelle aree sembrano piu' pedestrian ma sono solo marciapiedi 
estremamente ampi che riempiono lo spazio tra gli edifici e la strada.

Come mappare?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Licens igen

2015-01-06 Per discussione Michel Coene
Nu skal vi lige slå kold vand i blodet.  Ja, loven kan være en mærkeligt
ting, men retslige konsekvenser vil ikke opstå med mindre en minister
ønsker det.  En politiker som sagsøger en non-profit for gratis at servere
Danskerne data de allerede har betalt for igennem deres skat?  politisk
selvmord er den udtryk du leder efter.  Det er ikke en skattekonstruktion
i Luxembourg vi snakker om!  Worst case scenario er en løftet pegefinger,
et ønske om at fjerne data så vidt muligt og forbud at gøre det igen i
fremtiden.  Og hvis Christiansborg får rotter i loftet og sagsøger, så vil
jeg gerne møde den dommer som udstøder bøder.  Så ren teknisk synes jeg vi
skal tage udgangspunkt i et realistisk worst case.  Hvis import-robotten
tagger alt med kilden, burde en slette-robot kunne fjerne det igen så vidt


2015-01-06 17:48 GMT+01:00 Kristian Krægpøth

 For nogen tid siden blev der diskuteret masseimport af bygninger fra GST.
 I den forbindelse forklarede Julian Hollingbery, at der måske engang i
 fremtiden kunne opstå problemer, hvis nogen enten inden for
 administrationen eller i det politiske system fik ondt af, at OSM brugte

 Hvis man/vi/OSM nu beslutter at ville importere data fra GST, bliver man
 vel også nødt til at overveje konsekvenserne, hvis det viser sig at
 importen er ulovlig, at der på et senere tidspunkt måske vil blive rejst en
 sag om ulovlig anvendelse af data.

 Kan det klares ved, at de importerede data blot fjernes igen fra OSM? I så
 fald må man sørge for, at dataene ikke bliver alt for meget spundet ind i
 de øvrige data. Eller at man på én eller anden måde kan bevare de data, som
 senere er hægtet på bygningerne.

 Eller kan der blive tale om retslige konsekvenser for den bidragyder, som
 har lagt data ind i OSM fra GST? Er det noget, som kan give bøder, eller er
 det ligefrem en kriminel handling?

 Er der nogen, der ved noget om konsekvenserne i tilfælde af, at OSM på et
 senere tidspunkt bliver bedt om at fjerne GST-data?

 Venlig hilsen
 Kristian Krægpøth

 Talk-dk mailing list

Michel Coene
Georginehaven 94
Dk-2765 Smørum

+45 52339625
Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-it] Strade con corsie per bici e parcheggio

2015-01-06 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Mi perdo fra i vari metodi di tagging per corsie.
Esempio concreto:
Come taggare questa situazione:
cioè una strada con tre corsie, da sinistra a destra:

   - corsia bici a senso unico verso l'osservatore
   - corsia parcheggio longitudinale con senso via dal osservatore
   - corsia traffico a senso unico via dal osservatore

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-dk] Licens igen

2015-01-06 Per discussione Kristian Krægpøth
For nogen tid siden blev der diskuteret masseimport af bygninger fra GST.
I den forbindelse forklarede Julian Hollingbery, at der måske engang i
fremtiden kunne opstå problemer, hvis nogen enten inden for
administrationen eller i det politiske system fik ondt af, at OSM brugte

Hvis man/vi/OSM nu beslutter at ville importere data fra GST, bliver man
vel også nødt til at overveje konsekvenserne, hvis det viser sig at
importen er ulovlig, at der på et senere tidspunkt måske vil blive rejst en
sag om ulovlig anvendelse af data.

Kan det klares ved, at de importerede data blot fjernes igen fra OSM? I så
fald må man sørge for, at dataene ikke bliver alt for meget spundet ind i
de øvrige data. Eller at man på én eller anden måde kan bevare de data, som
senere er hægtet på bygningerne.

Eller kan der blive tale om retslige konsekvenser for den bidragyder, som
har lagt data ind i OSM fra GST? Er det noget, som kan give bøder, eller er
det ligefrem en kriminel handling?

Er der nogen, der ved noget om konsekvenserne i tilfælde af, at OSM på et
senere tidspunkt bliver bedt om at fjerne GST-data?

Venlig hilsen
Kristian Krægpøth
Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Tipton Blue Plaques

2015-01-06 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
I've just been informed of:

which lists Tipton Civic Soceity's blue plaques.

Use as you see fit...

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Mapeador visitando Portugal dia 7 e 8

2015-01-06 Per discussione Rui Oliveira
Faço das minhas palavras as do Nelson. Infelizmente não sou de perto do
Porto, mas apelo a todos dessa zona se puderem tentem acolhê-lo bem.  O
Zverik é um membro reputado da comunidade russa, segue o Link do fast CV

 Eu ponho-me sempre na pele de quem viaja, quando viajo para outro país
gosto sempre de ser bem recebido e, é sempre um bom contacto para o futuro
(nunca se sabe)! Meia hora do nosso tempo para um café, pode não fazer
muita diferença para nós, mas faz de certeza toda a diferença para quem
estamos a dedicar esse tempo.
Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] OSRM backend v4.5.0 released

2015-01-06 Per discussione Antonio Moratilla Ocaña
Hi Dennis,

Where can we find any information about porting our speed profiles?


Antonio Moratilla Ocaña - - Despacho N334

Profesor del Dpto. Ciencias de la Computación -
Escuela Politécnica - Informática -
Universidad de Alcalá -

2015-01-06 11:23 GMT+01:00 Dennis Luxen

 Dear fellow OSRM’ers,

 I am excited to announce the release of the backend of OSRM v4.5.0 [1],
 your favorite OpenStreetMap based routing engine. We are moving at a fast
 pace and are combining 270 commits this time. This release features a
 number of exciting changes!

 First of all, we are using the great libosmium[2] for parsing OSM data
 files now. It's developed by Jochen Topf and we have been impressed with
 the speed and reliability of the code. Thus, we retired our own parsing
 code. Expect a speedup when parsing files!

 Please note that this is a breaking change if you have been using custom
 speed profiles with your OSRM installation. If you have any questions or
 concerns porting your speed profile, please don't hesitate to get in

 This is the shortened change log:

 - implement parsing thru libosmium
 - reimplemented incremental nearest neighbor query
 - nearest neighbor is chosen from nearest small and big component
 - updated cucumber tests
 - refactored SCC traversal code, same interface as BFS components code
 - move application logic, i.e. shape file generation, from SCC traversal
 class to calling tool code
 - enable gcc color output when available
 - continued stream-lining of source files to remove camel case
 - fixed a number of unintended implicit un/signed casts
 - fixed a number of of old-style casts
 - reformatted code of phantom node c'tor for legibility
 - add better checks for forbidden routes
 - made implementation of restriction map independent of graph type
 - replace insecure std::rand by C++11's random number generation
 - fix coverity issue 1258907 Division or modulo by float zero
 - use JSON container to hold all intermediate results:
 - fix #1255 assume lift gates are passable

 We have tested the release in the past days at our demo site and it has
 been running without any apparent issues with tens of millions of queries.
 Also, we continue our effort to update the existing JavaScript web UI to a
 much more modern and slick look. This is work in progress and we are
 tracking the changes in a separate repository [3]. Patches and
 contributions are more than welcome. In the mean time, we invite everyone
 to use the existing web interface at our demo site:

 Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)


 Want to support OSRM development? Buy us a beer:

 OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

[Talk-pt] Mapeador visitando Portugal dia 7 e 8

2015-01-06 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
Não sei se todos viram ou se possuem interesse, mas o Zverik estará em
Portugal nos dias 7 e 8 agora:
Ele tem um podcast de OSM.

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Marciapiedi molto larghi

2015-01-06 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

Il 06/01/2015 17:30, emmexx ha scritto:
 Sto mappando un'area di Milano con uffici e molte aree destinate
 ai pedoni. Per altri motivi ho gia' indicato alcune foto che ho
 Come potete vedere nella zona alla base del cilindro, il
 marciapiede e' un'area molto ampia. Stavo provando a mappare usando
 delle way con highway=footway ma risulta uno schifezzo che non
 coincide molto con la realta'. Quelle aree sembrano piu' pedestrian
 ma sono solo marciapiedi estremamente ampi che riempiono lo spazio
 tra gli edifici e la strada.
 Come mappare?
 grazie maxx

Ti riferisci a quella specie di piazzetta con sclinate alla base delle
scale a chiocciola?

Se si per me sono da mappare come piazzette, con highway=pedestrian,
area=yes, foot=designated/destination/yes, bicycle=yes/no,

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] OSRM backend v4.5.0 released

2015-01-06 Per discussione Alex Farioletti
I just rebuilt and the extract and prepare were orders of magnitude faster.

thanks for all the hard work!

*Alex Farioletti*
* *

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Antonio Moratilla Ocaña wrote:

 Hi Dennis,

 Where can we find any information about porting our speed profiles?


 Antonio Moratilla Ocaña - - Despacho N334

 Profesor del Dpto. Ciencias de la Computación -
 Escuela Politécnica - Informática -
 Universidad de Alcalá -

 2015-01-06 11:23 GMT+01:00 Dennis Luxen

 Dear fellow OSRM’ers,

 I am excited to announce the release of the backend of OSRM v4.5.0 [1],
 your favorite OpenStreetMap based routing engine. We are moving at a fast
 pace and are combining 270 commits this time. This release features a
 number of exciting changes!

 First of all, we are using the great libosmium[2] for parsing OSM data
 files now. It's developed by Jochen Topf and we have been impressed with
 the speed and reliability of the code. Thus, we retired our own parsing
 code. Expect a speedup when parsing files!

 Please note that this is a breaking change if you have been using custom
 speed profiles with your OSRM installation. If you have any questions or
 concerns porting your speed profile, please don't hesitate to get in

 This is the shortened change log:

 - implement parsing thru libosmium
 - reimplemented incremental nearest neighbor query
 - nearest neighbor is chosen from nearest small and big component
 - updated cucumber tests
 - refactored SCC traversal code, same interface as BFS components code
 - move application logic, i.e. shape file generation, from SCC traversal
 class to calling tool code
 - enable gcc color output when available
 - continued stream-lining of source files to remove camel case
 - fixed a number of unintended implicit un/signed casts
 - fixed a number of of old-style casts
 - reformatted code of phantom node c'tor for legibility
 - add better checks for forbidden routes
 - made implementation of restriction map independent of graph type
 - replace insecure std::rand by C++11's random number generation
 - fix coverity issue 1258907 Division or modulo by float zero
 - use JSON container to hold all intermediate results:
 - fix #1255 assume lift gates are passable

 We have tested the release in the past days at our demo site and it has
 been running without any apparent issues with tens of millions of queries.
 Also, we continue our effort to update the existing JavaScript web UI to a
 much more modern and slick look. This is work in progress and we are
 tracking the changes in a separate repository [3]. Patches and
 contributions are more than welcome. In the mean time, we invite everyone
 to use the existing web interface at our demo site:

 Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)


 Want to support OSRM development? Buy us a beer:

 OSRM-talk mailing list

 OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Request for feedback: new building colours in openstreetmap-carto

2015-01-06 Per discussione Christoph Hormann

First i do not particularly like or dislike the new color, looking at 
this change only it seems to me in some areas and zoom levels the map 
appearance is improved, in others it is not.

But as i have mentioned on github i think in a broader consideration 
regarding the style as a whole this change goes in the wrong direction.  
Making the buildings much lighter further restricts the available color 
space for area colors (that is essentially all colors that could form a 
background to a building).  The available space between the background 
color of the map and the building color is extremely small to fit into 
that dozens of different area colorings and still be distinguishable.  
So far no suggestion has been made to address this i think.

We all know that the standard map style has a lot of technical 
constraints that make a good design difficult but you should not make 
the mistake to avoid hard decisions by creating ambiguities. The 
clarity of a map strongly depends on things that are shown to be 
clearly and distinctly shown and not too much stuff that is just 

Specifically this is a problem when showing buildings at zoom levels 
12-14 where the individual building often is hardly 1-2 pixels in size.  
In areas near the equator (where extensive building mapping is rare) 
showing buildings at z=12 is fully pointless and still doubtful for all 
but the largest buildings at z=14, see:

Even at very high latitudes at z=12 the smaller buildings are just 

And in areas with dense building coverage this is further aggravated by 
the way AGG renders polygons.

From z=15 on things look better, largely due to the outlining - low 
latitude cities still look crappy but more due to the roads than due to 
the buildings.

Part of why the brighter color might seem an improvement is that it 
creates less disturbing noise at these levels but this is just hiding 
the fact that displaying sub-pixel sized buildings does not make a lot 
of sense and it further smudges the already difficult to distinguish 
urban landuse colors.

In any case ultimately i think it is good to try things out this way - 
there is only so much you can evaluate in advance in a test deployment 
as it has been done for this change.  

Christoph Hormann

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