Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing speed is glacial for large file

2013-04-11 Thread Girvin Herr

On 04/10/2013 03:13 PM, David Ronis wrote:

I have a project managed by an odm file that ends up being ca 1600 pages
long and contains several OLE objects, many graphics (some comprising
entire pages that started out as PDFs).  I find LO unbelievably slow
(even on such simple things as refreshing the window after remapping
it).  I've turned of recording/displaying changes,  upped the graphics
cache numbers, set the swap directory to a ram disk, and turned off all
to-disk swapping; nothing helps.   This is on a 2 CPU machine with gig's
of ram.

I'm currently trying  to print the project to a file (postscript
format).  This takes 4-6 hours, with 1 of the CPU's running at 100% [BTW
is LO multi-threaded?].  The resulting postscript file is big, (about
350M) but not that big.

I'm on a Slackware Linux box.

Any suggestions?


There is a known problem with LO and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) 
graphics.  They slow down video rendering tremendously, causing 
frustrating long scrolling time.  This may also cause a problem with 
printing, I never tried it.  When I converted my document's EPS images 
to JPEG, LO rendering/scrolling sped up tremendously.

Hope this helps.
(Fellow Slacker.)
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing speed is glacial for large file

2013-04-12 Thread Girvin Herr

That may or may not be true.  I am not familiar with the "free", etc. 
tools you mention, but they may be reporting system free memory, while 
the LO settings are limits for LO and may be topping out while there is 
still free system memory available.  I would take a look at the document 
file size and maybe triple that or more for the LO settings.  Keep in 
mind that the file is compressed, so you should at least double that 
size, assuming a nominal 50% compression.  You could count the number of 
graphics in your document to get the max number of graphics setting.  
1600 pages is a lot.  I have many "large" documents but I don't think 
any of them are 1600 pages.  Maybe hundreds of pages at the most.  So I 
don't have any experience with a document that large.  Too bad LO 
doesn't have a memory pool usage dialog where one could see the memory 
usage.  Hint, hint to the devs.  With such a tool, we wouldn't need to 
be guessing about these settings.  I suggest you try File -> Properties 
and select the "General" tab.  There is a report on the document "Size" 
there.  Use the "Statistics" tab to see some other allocations, such as 
number of graphics.  Use of this data may help you zero in on acceptable 
memory allocation settings.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

On 04/12/2013 09:08 AM, David Ronis wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the reply.  In short, I'd already upped the memory options
for graphics (250MB total, 10MB per object, 100 objects) and tools like
free etc. show that I'm nowhere close to using all my memory (with or
without swapping enabled).


On Thu, 2013-04-11 at 22:04 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Have you attempted anything in particular to see if it allows for a
speed improvement? For example:

1. Check on memory usage. How high is it? Are you running out of memory?

2. Change graphics settings:

Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Memory

Then try increasing the memory for things such as graphics objects and
number of objects?

On 04/11/2013 01:59 PM, David Ronis wrote:

Hi Girvin,

Most of the graphics in the document are PDF pages that I've imported
into Draw and then cut and pasted them into an odt file, which in turn
is incorporated into the full document as laid out in the odm file.

Also normal scrolling of the odm document is horrendously slow as well
(minutes to scroll to the next page and redraw).


-Original Message-
From: Girvin Herr 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Printing speed is glacial for large
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:21:16 -0700

On 04/10/2013 03:13 PM, David Ronis wrote:

I have a project managed by an odm file that ends up being ca 1600 pages
long and contains several OLE objects, many graphics (some comprising
entire pages that started out as PDFs).  I find LO unbelievably slow
(even on such simple things as refreshing the window after remapping
it).  I've turned of recording/displaying changes,  upped the graphics
cache numbers, set the swap directory to a ram disk, and turned off all
to-disk swapping; nothing helps.   This is on a 2 CPU machine with gig's
of ram.

I'm currently trying  to print the project to a file (postscript
format).  This takes 4-6 hours, with 1 of the CPU's running at 100% [BTW
is LO multi-threaded?].  The resulting postscript file is big, (about
350M) but not that big.

I'm on a Slackware Linux box.

Any suggestions?


There is a known problem with LO and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
graphics.  They slow down video rendering tremendously, causing
frustrating long scrolling time.  This may also cause a problem with
printing, I never tried it.  When I converted my document's EPS images
to JPEG, LO rendering/scrolling sped up tremendously.
Hope this helps.
(Fellow Slacker.)
Girvin Herr

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-12 Thread Girvin Herr

My 2-cents.

On 04/12/2013 10:15 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Programs with tk (or more usually gtk) at the end or at the beginning are for a one 
type of DE for Gnu&Linux.  Sometimes a G is used instead.  The other main type 
of DE usually has K or Qt at the front of it's programs.
"tk" stands for Tool Kit, so truncating GTK (Gnome Tool Kit) is not 
entirely proper.

Often programs have a "back-end" or "command-line" tool that does most of the heavy lifting and 
then different "front-ends" or "Gui"s are put on for each of the 2 main types.

Typically we talk about families of distros but even a single distro might have 
2 or 3 versions with each one having a different type of DE.  If you choose the 
'wrong one' then you can choose whether to install the other DE or get a 
different version of the distro that does have the 'right one'.  Tim at Kracked 
Press has somethings he likes in each of the main DEs so he installs both.  It 
makes his system a bit more bloated but means he can use choose more apps.

DE = Desktop Environment.  The main 2 are Gnome and KDE.  Most of the rest 
(Xfce, Unity, Enlightenment and probably hundreds more) tend to be able to use 
front-ends written for one or the other.
I have switched to Xfce, since IMHO KDE 4 is still a basket case even 
though it is release 10 (4.10) on my Slackware 14.0 distro! From what I 
am hearing on other forums, I am not alone in switching.  The K people 
had a very stable KDE in 3.5 and they were only up to release 5 (3.5).  
I was sorry to see that stability go for an entire rewrite in KDE 4.

Ok, so it's not quite that simple.  2 extra wrinkles;
1.  Gtk or tk are pretty rarely used but are for the Xfce DE (well really a WM 
(=window manager (note the lower-case w)) but that is nearly a DE) and Xfce 
apps work well in Gnome.
Not so.  From my experience, most of the apps without a "K" prefix are 
written with GTK, so they can run on the most DEs.  I ran GTK apps on KDE.

Gnome is a bit heftier (a bit more "fully functionally" if you know what i 
mean) so it's fairly normal to find a G (stands for Gnome) instead of the rarer Gtk but 
then that's a pain because the app might need a 3rd front-end instead of just having 2 to 
reach everyone.
2.  Going back to seeing the K at the beginning of apps written for KDE makes 
sense but why the Qt?  Well, until recently Qt was less streamlined and was a 
lot of the weight in KDE.  Now it is a lot faster and lighter it seems that 
Gnome or distros using Gnome have pulled it in but just not quite enough of it 
for Tim's requirements.
3.  Since Gnome often can run apps built for the 3 main DEs shouldn't that make 
it the DE of choice!?  Oddly not.  It's been forked in at least 2 or 3 
different directions and in Ubuntu it's been replaced by Unity (which can also 
run a lot of the Gnome, Xfce or KDE apps but is extremely unpopular amongst 
KDE is and has been, built on the QT libraries, so the QT is redundant.  
K* can assume QT.  Most if not all of the other DEs are built on the GTK 
libraries.  In my experience, there are many more applications built on 
GTK than QT.  Apps built on GTK will run on KDE, however, I am not sure 
apps built for KDE will run on all GTK DEs.  I know for a fact that KDE 
apps will run well on Xfce, I am doing so.  In fact, I was amazed at how 
well they do run.  The QT library was proprietary at one time 
(Trolltech).  I don't know if the current version is.  GTK is open 
source (GNU) licensed.

I hope that helps!!  I hope i got it about right too otherwise i'm going to get 
deluged with unwanted flaming or something!  Something i like about Gnu&Linux 
is the passion and that we go all sorts of different ways but somehow manage to 
grow and learn from each other or make use of each others achievements and even 
build on them (if individuals are gifted enough)
Regards from
Tom :)

Yours in enlightenment.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-14 Thread Girvin Herr

Looks like pdftk is written in Java.

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime 
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty, 
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in 
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to 
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own 
gui code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be 
surprised if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.

Girvin Herr

On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was 
confused by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the 
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui 
interface on Linux.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-15 Thread Girvin Herr
I always try to expand acronyms when I first use them in text.  That is 
good writing form and good communication, which is what writing is all 
about.  However, it Is beyond the scope of these messages to describe 
the terms.  That task is left as an exercise to the student.

I always say: when I stop learning, it is time to bury me.

Oh, pdftk is probably an acronym for Portable Document Format Tool Kit.  
But it is a software program, so the term is atomic, meaning it is 
inseparable, and it can mean anything the programmer wants it to.

Class dismissed!
Girvin Herr

On 04/15/2013 08:26 AM, anne-ology wrote:

yikes, sounds as if I need further information -
or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)

Ah, acronyms  ;-)
tk :=
(well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis  wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.**Pdftk<>

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty,
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own gui
code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be surprised
if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.
Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various platforms.

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off of
Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was confused
by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui
interface on Linux.


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[libreoffice-users] Base MySQL Native connector problems

2013-04-15 Thread Girvin Herr

I am configuring a new Linux system with MySQL 5.5.29 and LibreOffice  Since it is a new install, I figured I would try using the 
MySQL (Native) connector for the first time.  However, it did not work.  
Of the 3 selections {MySQL (JDBC), MySQL (Native), and MySQL (ODBC), I 
selected the MySQL (Native) option, but when I selected the tables icon 
and entered my password at the prompt, I got the following:

   The connection to the data source "foobar" could not be established.

   The connection to the external data source could not be established.
   No SDBC driver was found for the given URL.

When I clicked on the more information button, I got:

   SQL Status: HY000


   A connection for the following URL was requested

Clearly I have a disconnect.  What is this SDBC driver I am being told 
is missing?
Is this SDBC driver going to be any better than the JDBC driver I had 
been using?

I was under the impression that to use the Native connection, all was 
supplied with LO and I would not need any other drivers.  I can always 
go back to the mysql-connector-java driver (JDBC), but I was hoping the 
LO native driver could work better.

Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Base MySQL Native connector problems

2013-04-15 Thread Girvin Herr

On 04/15/2013 04:31 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:

On 04/15/2013 05:53 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

I am configuring a new Linux system with MySQL 5.5.29 and LibreOffice  Since it is a new install, I figured I would try using the 
MySQL (Native) connector for the first time. However, it did not 
work.  Of the 3 selections {MySQL (JDBC), MySQL (Native), and MySQL 
(ODBC), I selected the MySQL (Native) option, but when I selected the 
tables icon and entered my password at the prompt, I got the following:

   The connection to the data source "foobar" could not be established.

   The connection to the external data source could not be established.
   No SDBC driver was found for the given URL.

When I clicked on the more information button, I got:

   SQL Status: HY000


   A connection for the following URL was requested

Clearly I have a disconnect.  What is this SDBC driver I am being 
told is missing?
Is this SDBC driver going to be any better than the JDBC driver I had 
been using?

I was under the impression that to use the Native connection, all was 
supplied with LO and I would not need any other drivers.  I can 
always go back to the mysql-connector-java driver (JDBC), but I was 
hoping the LO native driver could work better.

Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr
 I have been able to use the AOO version of MySQL Connector 1.0.1 
for LO 3.5.x through There seems to be a secrete: you must 
also install these files: libmysqlclient18 and libmysqlcppconn5. After 
installing them and MySQL Connector 1.0.1, you should be able to 
connect to a MySQL Server. One more point, if you have been using  
JDBC MySQL connector, you must remove it from the Class Path (Tools > 
Options > LibreOffice > Java > Class Path. This works for me using 
Ubuntu 12.04 32 and 64 bit.
 The LO native driver was built with LO 4.0.0 so it will only work 
for 4.0.0 and above. The previous paragraph is for those who do not 
want to use 4.0.x until many of the bugs have been eliminated.


So, the Native driver only works on 4.x.  So much for that.
I just re-packaged Mysql-connector-java 5.1.18, which LO found, but LO 
needs to be restarted and I don't want to do that until I power up again 
tomorrow.  I have 5 open files and it is a pita closing and reopening 
them.  Yes, I am lazy.  So, the final test will have to wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for the help.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-16 Thread Girvin Herr

Don't get me started on this subject!
I use 640x480 (300K) on my photos, which are reasonable file sizes to 
attach to messages and they look good enough to me at 4x5 photo paper 
sizes.  I have no intention of blowing my photos up to 8x10 or larger.  
That blowup is where the larger pixel count is good, but who does that 
regularly?  I keep getting photos from relatives of their grandson, etc. 
that are so detailed I can see the pores on the kid's face, but I can't 
see the entire picture on the screen at once!  It is frustrating to 
scroll around the photo on my screen to get some idea of what the photo 
is about.  Sometimes I just don't bother.  Life is too short.

One thing that is enabling this megapixel bloat is the increasing size 
of the memory cards.  For example, my camera, at 640x480 (300K), is 
showing  photos available with a few shots already on it and with an 
8GB card.  At 4608x3456 (16M), it is down to 1877 photos.  Yes, it is a 
16 megapixel camera.


On 04/16/2013 04:03 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
They do and it does. :D

This "mega pixel" malarky is hilarious.  Everyone else is racing to get more and more mega-pixels 
(is 12 or 16 mega-pixels the standard issue now?) so that they can have more noise and distortions and 
file-sizes like a herd of elephants trying to stampeded down my phone-line.  One company is trying to market 
a 4 Mega-pixels camera that gives a better quality image by not adding in random fuzziness.  However everyone 
is going to say "this 16 megapixels MUST be better than 4 right?  4 is old isn't it?".  meanwhile 
we getting stunning photos of Mars done on  'old' 2 megapixels cameras.  It wouldn't be quite so bad if 
"mega-pixel" really meant anything.  It clearly does NOT mean 1,000 pixels (or 1,024 in computers)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Felmon Davis 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 2:45
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Most on-line dictionaries (in the top 10 according to a google search) agree 
"A neologism is a newly coined term, word, or
phrase, that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not
yet been accepted into mainstream"
but my fav is Mirriam-Webster's bucking the trend amusingly
"a meaningless word coined by a psychotic."

Even though it is not apt it's still quietly amusing, to me at
least, sorry Felmon bud! :)

no problem but seriously, if the people in the telly were constantly
sending _you_ neologisms, don't pretend it wouldn't unsettle you a bit


Regards from Tom :)

From: Felmon Davis 
Sent: Monday, 15 April 2013, 21:59
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

very interesting, yes indeed  ;-)

well, the more I read this list, 'the more I seem to learn, yet the
stupider I feel'  ;-)
(the glorified typewriter has so surpassed me)

I note you've used a 'new' word; acronymonious seems to fit well in
this saga -
yet I hope you didn't mis-type acrimonious  ;-)
(oh, surely not)

I did not mistype. I went neologistic on you.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Felmon Davis  wrote:

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

 yikes, sounds as if I need further information -

or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

not sure how the further discussion would be relevant to you if you just
want to use the tool. the link I gave you explains the things pdftk can do.
you can then decide if it might be useful.

the next step is to determine if you find it convenient to use.

of course, if you are also interested in how the tool is built, then
that's a different matter.

 Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)

Ah, acronyms  ;-)
tk :=**TK.html<>
(well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

don't mean to be acronymonious about it but all disciplines and
occupations use abbreviations and have specialist dictionaries -
general-purpose dictionaries won't do.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis  wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.<**Pdftk>

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it is

Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

2013-04-17 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks, I will try that double-click next time.

On 04/17/2013 02:21 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I generally double-click on a picture to open it and then double-click on that to "full-screen 
it".  If it's larger than the screen the picture gets reduced in size to fit.  If i have a lot 
of pics to look through then instead of "Full-screening it" i go to the menus and choose

View - Slideshow

and use the keyboard arrows to flick through or just let it run
Regards from
Tom :)

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Sorting a MySQL Database

2013-08-29 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/29/2013 12:30 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Hi Noel

On 29/08/13 06:12, Marion & Noel Lodge wrote:

Hi Ian,

With a Form, I have found the following is the way to lock in the Form's
sort order -

1.  Open the Form in Edit mode
2.  Right click on the form and from the dropdown choose Form...
3.  Click on the Data Tab
4.  The contents field should be pointing to your Table
5.  Click on the box to the right of the Sort field
6.  Then you can choose your sort fields, (LastName and FirstName)
7.  Click OK
8.  Close Form Properties
9.  Save the Form

This works with my H2 database.  Hopefully it is the same for your 

Thanks for your reply - This is exactly what I was looking for!!


I open the Form in Edit Mode and Right-Click on it and there is NO 
"Form" in the options that come up!!

My LO is version (Build ID: 5b93205) and MySQL is 5.1

thanks anyway

Pretoria RSA

It seems where you right-click on the form is important.  If I click 
anywhere but the top of the form, then I do not get the "Form" option.  
However, if I click near the top edge, I do get the "Form" option.  
Don't know why this is, unless it has something to do with the beginning 
of data.  There was something I read about the form being made up of 
"paragraphs", so maybe you need to click near the beginning of the first 
"paragraph" to get outside it.  Otherwise, you get the paragraph context 
menu for the right-click.  If you don't have the form broken up into 
paragraphs (I don't), then you have one paragraph.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Grouping objects in Draw

2013-09-08 Thread Girvin Herr

If you can select all the objects you want to group, which seems to be 
the case if you can then move them, try right-clicking on the selected 
group and then use the Group option in the popup to make them a group.

If, on the other hand, you want to select an object or more within the 
larger background object without selecting the larger object, then you 
must put the larger object on another layer and make the layer 
unchangeable.  Look up layers in the manual to see how to do this.  I 
had the latter problem and couldn't see how to select the smaller object 
I wanted to move without selecting the larger object it was on top of.  
This forum set me straight about layers and I was then able to select 
the smaller object without selecting the underlying larger object.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

On 09/08/2013 10:32 AM, Carl Paulsen wrote:
I have 3 objects I'd like to combine in Draw (one background image, 
another image over a portion of the background and one text block also 
over the background).  I'd like to somehow combine them into one 
object (used to be done by grouping them) that I can then copy and 
paste elsewhere and re-size as needed without having to separately 
resize each object.  I can't seem to make this happen.

I can't seem to select each object so as to group them.  I was able to 
select the background object (which extends beyond the edges of the 
other two objects) and selected Modify->Group, and they all seemed to 
become a part of some kind of group.  I can then copy and paste that 
group, but I can't re-size the group as a whole.

I essentially want to group each object into one so that it gets 
treated as if it were one object, not three.

Can anyone help?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] MariaDB 5.5.33 Now Available

2013-09-18 Thread Girvin Herr
FYI: I just checked the latest Slackware Linux development distro and 
they have switched to Mariadb for the next release.  Slackware has a 
history of dropping software packages when the supplier varies from the 
Open Source paradigm or refuses to fix security problems. I guess Oracle 
has gone too far.

Girvin Herr

On 09/18/2013 08:51 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)

Another stable release from MariaDb.

Last time a few of the BoD slapped my wrists for posting 'irrelevant' and 
'off-topic' posts and cited forwarding the last MariaDb announcement as an example, 
meanwhile a few  people here suggested that it was good to hear about because so 
many Gnu&Linux distros are swapping out MySql (Oracle's) and replacing with 
MariaDb (which i thought had recently merged with another fork of MySql or 

Regards from
Tom :)

  From: MariaDB Announce List 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2013, 19:35
Subject: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB 5.5.33 Now Available

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of MariaDB 5.5.33.

This release features the addition of TokuDB as an additional storage
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See for more information.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MariaDB 5.5.33 Now Available

2013-09-18 Thread Girvin Herr
I just checked the Slackware "Current" (unreleased yet, but available 
for testing) website again to see if the release notes had been updated 
with the reason to switch from MySQL to MariaDB.  Alas, they have not 
updated that file from the 14.0 release yet.  I think you are correct in 
that there are a lot of applications, including KDE4 I discovered, that 
use MySQL and Slack must verify they will all work with MariaDB before 
they release a distro with it.

As another datapoint, I just checked the Slack 14.0 release, the latest 
release, and MariaDB is not included in the "extra" directory of the 
distro.  That implies that back when 14.0 was released (c. 2012), Slack 
was not intending to replace MySQL with MariaDB.  The "extra" directory 
usually contains experimental packages that Slack is considering, but 
they have not yet tested them enough to include them in the normal 
installation.  From what I saw on the "current" website, MariaDB is not 
going to be in the "extra" directory, but in the installation itself.  
That change is a big step and a fast decision by Slackware - that is, if 
it is not changed before the release of "current".

On a personal note, my biggest concern is whether MariaDB will work with 
the Oracle Java connector I am using to interface with LO Base, or do I 
have to research all that again to get the correct configuration.


Yes, it is old, but it works and I don't have to deal with the paranoid 
Oracle website.


On 09/18/2013 12:12 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I think Oracle has always gone too far.  I suspect the delay with 
Slackware switching was due to just how embedded MySql is in so many 
things and they wanted to make sure MariaDb really would work in as 
many of those places or ways as possible.

Thanks for the feedback!  I feel a bit vindicated again :)  It is 
going to affect office systems so i figure it is good for us to be 
aware of what is going on.

Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

*From:* Girvin Herr 
*Sent:* Wednesday, 18 September 2013, 19:49
*Subject:* Re: [libreoffice-users] MariaDB 5.5.33 Now Available

FYI: I just checked the latest Slackware Linux development distro and
they have switched to Mariadb for the next release. Slackware has a
history of dropping software packages when the supplier varies from the
Open Source paradigm or refuses to fix security problems. I guess Oracle
has gone too far.
Girvin Herr

On 09/18/2013 08:51 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> Another stable release from MariaDb.
> Last time a few of the BoD slapped my wrists for posting 
'irrelevant' and 'off-topic' posts and cited forwarding the last 
MariaDb announcement as an example, meanwhile a few  people here 
suggested that it was good to hear about because so many Gnu&Linux 
distros are swapping out MySql (Oracle's) and replacing with MariaDb 
(which i thought had recently merged with another fork of MySql or 

> Regards from
> Tom :)
>  From: MariaDB Announce List <>>

> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2013, 19:35
> Subject: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB 5.5.33 Now Available
> The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability
> of MariaDB 5.5.33.
> This release features the addition of TokuDB as an additional storage
> engine option. There are also bug and other fixes. See the Release
> Notes and Changelog for details.
> - - Links  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> MariaDB 5.5.33 Stable (GA)
> - Release Notes:
> - Changelog:
> - Downloads:
> Overview of MariaDB 5.5:
> APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator:
> - - User Feedback plugin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> MariaDB includes a User Feedback plugin. This plugin is disabled by
> default. If enabled, it submits basic, completely anonymous MariaDB
> usage information. This information is used by the developers to track
> trends in MariaDB usage to better guide development efforts.
> If you would like to help make MariaDB better, please add "feedback=ON"
> to your my.cnf (my.ini on Windows) file!
> See for more informati

Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-08 Thread Girvin Herr
I am coming late to this thread, but this talk of a "single-button" 
install scares me.  I take the downloaded Linux binary LO package and 
re-package it into a Slackware Linux installation package.  I use a 
script I created to do this and all I have to do when a new LO release 
comes out is to change the version and run the script.  Out comes a 
Slackware package, ready for installation.  I surely hope that any 
effort going to a single-point installer for LO, which would probably 
break my process, will not be the only way to install LO in the future, 
and the current installation scheme will still be an option.

Girvin Herr

On 10/08/2013 08:08 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
it's a historical problem.  LibreOffice is moving towards a more normal 
installer.  Sun wasn't keen on such gimmicks when developed by the community.  
Go-oo didn't need a decent installer because it didn't develop so fast = so it 
could settle on whichever version was supplied in the OS.

LibreOffice does develop quickly and people do want to keep up so it kinda does 
need a normal installer and is developing one.
Regards from
Tom :)

  From: James Knott 
To: "lo >> LibreOffice" 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2013, 15:56
Subject: Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was 
Corrupt Installer Errors??)

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Have you tried to do that for LO?
How many package files need to be run to install LO on a Linux "box"?
There are 52 .deb files to run/install in the 4.1.2 64-bit Debian
install, plus the help pack, plus the language pack if needed.

Like to do a single click or double-click to install all of those files?

The problem is with the way LO is distributed.  I have no idea why they
do it that way.  There are other programs available where clicking on
the RPM works fine.

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-08 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/08/2013 01:48 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 13:22 -0700, Girvin Herr wrote:

I am coming late to this thread, but this talk of a "single-button"
install scares me.  I take the downloaded Linux binary LO package and
re-package it into a Slackware Linux installation package.  I use a
script I created to do this and all I have to do when a new LO release
comes out is to change the version and run the script.  Out comes a
Slackware package, ready for installation.  I surely hope that any
effort going to a single-point installer for LO, which would probably
break my process, will not be the only way to install LO in the future,
and the current installation scheme will still be an option.
Girvin Herr

What I have seen with Linux "one-click" installers is they actually
invoke the distro software installer. This requires user confirmation
before the install occurs (password entry). So it is as secure as any
other package installation. The "one-click" installers are normally
distro (distro family) specific.

Currently I have two versions of LO installed, one from the repository
and a downloaded version.

Yes, Slackware calls its install system "pkgtools", which includes the 
"installpkg", "removepkg", and "upgradepkg" command line tools. My 
concern is that the LO developers will create their own installer, which 
could make it tough for me to repackage the LO distributions, depending 
on how they implement it.  Of course, I could always compile the source 
code, but that can be another can of worms and it takes a lot longer to 
compile LO than to just repackage the already compiled binary.  I am not 
sure what your definition of "distro" is in your reply above.  It could 
mean the LO distro or the Linux distro, in my case Slackware.

I do not like using supplied package installers.  The only one I know of 
and do use is the Adobe Acrobat Reader installer.  Every time I use it, 
I shudder because I do not know exactly what is going on in there.  
Computer security is a high priority with me and I generally do not 
install such programs unless I have no choice, such as with AR.  
Generally, such package installers need to be run as root and that is a 
no-no with me.  Luckily, so far, AR's installer has been just an 
extractor and does not need to be run as root, so I can run it in user 
mode, repackage the extracted binary into a Slackware package and then 
install that as root.  So far, I have been lucky there.  It is a matter 
of who do I trust.

Take care.
Girvin Herr

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-09 Thread Girvin Herr
In most cases, I do compile from source.  It is the safest way to make 
sure the dependencies are there and the resulting package works on my 
system.  However, the last time I built OpenOffice (admittedly a *long* 
time ago), it took over 3 hours on a 1.5 GHz Athlon machine.  Now the 
latest LO, being larger, will most likely take even longer.  As a 
result, I just repackage the downloaded LO binaries (rpms).  Obviously, 
compiling from source is not for everybody.

Girvin Herr

On 10/09/2013 01:52 AM, Anthony Easthope wrote:

But I like compiling from source complains the battle scared OS


On Wed, 9 Oct 2013, at 04:02 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I suspect that a lot of your concerns and more besides are shared by


LO devs and in some cases by the companies they work for.
My guess is that is part of the reason we don't already have 1-click
installers.  We already have at least 2 systems that work (repos and
copy&paste from instructions) so there is nothing driving them to


some hasty bodge in the "release early and release often" style.
Another, slightly wilder, guess is that you might need to do 1 extra


= such as unzipping a container-file (as we can do with .odt files).
This whole topic, about 1-click installers, is a "chinese whisper"


sure why the Chinese get the blame for it as we all do it).  It would


better for one or 2 of us to contact the devs to initially find out
1.  If there is a plan or vague idea to create 1-click installers for


3 or 4 ways of packaging such things for Gnu&Linux (maybe and Bsd?)
If there is then 2 follow-up questions arise
2.  How imminent are such plans?  Soon or years away?
3.  Are compiled binaries going to be available? (perhaps in .deb or


form for people to repackage for various distros such as Slackware


use tools such as the alien thing))
At the moment we are all just making guesses based on something that


person thinks they might vaguely remember having heard or read about


time ago.  With no proof or links to anything to suggest that vague
memory has any basis in fact.  Errr, that 1 person was me so i deeply
apologise for that and for not intervening sooner [hangs head in


[shuffles feet]
Apols and regards from
Tom :)
From: Girvin Herr 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2013, 0:35
Subject: Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins:
(Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

Of course, I could always compile the source
code, but that can be another can of worms and it takes a lot longer


compile LO than to just repackage the already compiled binary.  I am


sure what your definition of "distro" is in your reply above.  It


mean the LO distro or the Linux distro, in my case Slackware.

Generally, such package installers need to be run as root and that is


no-no with me.

Take care.
Girvin Herr
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Anthony Easthope



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[libreoffice-users] Base Report Builder much better, but...

2013-10-15 Thread Girvin Herr

Using LO under Linux.
I have just worked with Base Report Builder for a few hours and I must 
admit, it is *much* faster now than the last time I worked with it.  
Congrats to the devs for fixing the sloth bug(s).

However, I still see that lines still are not supported.  It appears as 
if I am inserting horizontal lines in my report, but they do not print.  
I do not see any way to make them thicker, in case that is the problem.

Second, the Report Headers do not seem to work as I expected.  The 
Report Footer section seems to be okay, but the Report Header section is 
under the Page Header on each page.  I expected them to be reversed - 
the Report Header first, followed by the Page Header, the latter which 
goes on each page, the former goes on the first page only.  As it is, 
the Page Header and Report Header are the same thing, going on each 
page. Is there a way to move the Report Header to page one only or is 
this a known bug?

The first is a human readability issue and the second would save paper, 
making room for more record data without my full headers on each page.  
Neither one is a show-stopper for me, just a would-be-nice if it were fixed.

Thanks again.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base Report Builder much better, but...

2013-10-16 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/16/2013 12:46 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:

Second, the Report Headers do not seem to work as I expected. The
Report Footer section seems to be okay, but the Report Header section is
under the Page Header on each page.  I expected them to be reversed -
the Report Header first, followed by the Page Header, the latter which
goes on each page, the former goes on the first page only.  As it is,
the Page Header and Report Header are the same thing, going on each
page. Is there a way to move the Report Header to page one only or is
this a known bug?

There are many ReportBuilder bugs in successive release versions - 
some get fixed in one version and others appear, these then get fixed 
and still others appear or re-appear - it seems to be an ever-changing 
landscape. Your best bet to find out is Bugzilla, but I'm pretty sure 
that what you are experiencing is a known bug.

Additionally, the problem might depend on the distributor of the LO 
version you are using. Ubuntu PPA versions of LO, for example, tend to 
have their own additional bugs, especially in extensions (like the 


For the record, I am using the binary RPM I downloaded from the LO 
website.  So, I doubt this would be the problem. As I said, this is not 
a work-stopper for me, just a query (pun?) to see if anyone had a fix or 
work-around.  It should get fixed sooner or later.  I am primarily glad 
this version is running at a reasonable speed, unlike previous versions 
I tried to use and gave up for a 3rd-party report builder which had its 
own set of bugs.  That report builder also had problems with inserting 
lines - option in the menu, but did nothing. However, it did do report 
headers properly.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base Report Builder much better, but...

2013-10-16 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the heads-up on lines working.  I plan to try 4.x 
when it gets to 4.1.5+.  I will try that Report Builder at that time.  I 
am currently using Slackware 14.0 Linux, 3.2.29 32-bit SMP kernel, MySQL 
5.5.29, mysql-connector-java-5.1.18, LO and KDE 4.8.5.

I am aware of the talk on this forum regarding the time values.  I am 
using the MySQL Connector Java for my interface to my MySQL database, so 
I may not run into that problem, but I will look for it, since I do use 
times as well as dates.  There is also a migration to mariadb in the 
future for me.

Thanks again.

On 10/16/2013 12:53 AM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:

Hi Girvin,
I did also have the problem of horizontal lines not working. However, 
they do
appear correctly now under LO My system is Linux-Mint-15, 32 
But then - as I have mentioned before (and filed a bug report) - 
don't appear correctly both in Base as such and of course in report 
as a consequence. Everything works o.k. when using JDBC (for the time 

It's a never-ending story!

On Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:46:04 +0200, Alex Thurgood 

Le 16/10/2013 03:18, Girvin Herr a écrit :

Hi Girvin,

However, I still see that lines still are not supported.  It appears as
if I am inserting horizontal lines in my report, but they do not print.
I do not see any way to make them thicker, in case that is the problem.

I don't know whether this has been fixed yet in current release versions
of 4.x, if Robert is reading, he might know more about that.

Second, the Report Headers do not seem to work as I expected. The
Report Footer section seems to be okay, but the Report Header 
section is

under the Page Header on each page.  I expected them to be reversed -
the Report Header first, followed by the Page Header, the latter which
goes on each page, the former goes on the first page only.  As it is,
the Page Header and Report Header are the same thing, going on each
page. Is there a way to move the Report Header to page one only or is
this a known bug?

There are many ReportBuilder bugs in successive release versions - some
get fixed in one version and others appear, these then get fixed and
still others appear or re-appear - it seems to be an ever-changing
landscape. Your best bet to find out is Bugzilla, but I'm pretty sure
that what you are experiencing is a known bug.

Additionally, the problem might depend on the distributor of the LO
version you are using. Ubuntu PPA versions of LO, for example, tend to
have their own additional bugs, especially in extensions (like the


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Re: [libreoffice-users] RTF

2013-10-20 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/19/2013 07:08 PM, Mark LaPierre wrote:

On 10/19/2013 04:43 AM, Patrick wrote:


I've received this .rtf file (attachment) with a little picture on the left 
side that i can't see with Libre Office. I'm using Ubuntu because I hate 
Microsoft and all their products :) ... So, in conclusion, my friend (on 
Microsoft Office Word) opened this file and the picture was here. I'm asking 
now, could this problem be resolved in the future Libre Office release?

Best regads,

Patrick Demarki

Hey Patrick,

RTF stands for Rich Text File.  Many email tools can handle RTF files.
Try opening the file with whatever mail tool you have available to see
what happens.

To keep the records straight, RTF is an acronym for Rich Text _Format_, 
not File.

Girvin Herr

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[libreoffice-users] Changing Base report boolean representation

2013-10-22 Thread Girvin Herr

Linux LO
I am working on my MySQL Base reports with Report Builder.  The default 
output of a boolean value is TRUE/FALSE.  Is there a way to change this 
to a check mark or X for TRUE and blank for FALSE?
All the FALSEs clutter up my reports, making the TRUEs hard to see in 
the forest.  The forms use a check mark widget, which would be ideal.

Since I am using queries for the report sources, I would entertain some 
SQL coding for a solution, if that is the best solution and someone 
could point me in the correct direction.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Changing Base report boolean representation

2013-10-24 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/23/2013 04:18 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:

On 23/10/2013 13:08, Alex Thurgood wrote:

On 23/10/2013 03:59, Girvin Herr wrote:

This should do it :


And remember to change the formatting to "Text" in the General tab of
the corresponding control's properties.


Thanks for your help in pointing me in the correct direction to solve my 
report Boolean representation problem.

Using your direction, I finally got this to work - sort of. I used the 
"Formatting" option in the field properties' "General" dialog. I checked 
the MySQL query output for a Boolean field in my table and it returns 
"0" or "1" as the result. So, I verified the report field's "Data" tab 
"Data Field Type" is set to "Field or Formula" and the correct Boolean 
field is selected for the data from the query in "Data field". I then, 
under the "General" tab, used the field properties "Formatting" option 
to select a "User-defined" Category and then in the "Format Code" field, 
I entered:


(The ✔ is code U+2714, which is in Liberation Sans / Symbols / Dingbats 
This should output the check mark when the data is 1, and null fields 
when the data is 0 or anything other than 0 or 1.

I had to use the character map utility to copy the check-mark to the 
clipboard and then insert that character into the expression with 
Ctrl-v. Note that the "\u2714" construct did not work in this case. All 
I got was the "\u2714" text in the report. I even tried \U2714, \U+2714, 
etc. to no avail. Also, for some reason the "[=0]" test part of the 
equation does not do what I expected according to the help (bug?). It 
seems to be ignored and the default (the last node after the 2nd ";") 
gets executed instead. In fact, if I leave off that last default field, 
LO postpends a "General" option to take its place and it then prints the 
"0" false data. These anomalies are why I said "sort of" above. Note 
that this expression works since the value is a number (0 or 1) and I am 
using the number format "wired-in" LO constructs. I have not tested it 
with a text field and the number field constructs may not work for text.

Note that I did not use the boxed symbols you suggested, since I did not 
particularly want the boxes, just the check-mark. I found them all in 
the Liberation Sans font, but decided to stick with the unboxed check 
mark. I did try the boxed versions you suggested and they did work using 
the character map utility to insert them.

Thanks again for the help. This will clean up my reports nicely.

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[libreoffice-users] Default option for a Base form listbox

2013-10-24 Thread Girvin Herr

Using Linux LO

I have several listboxes in my Base forms.  I would like to set a 
default selection in those listboxes.  The listboxes reference small 
tables with 2 columns.  Column 1 is the key, and column 2 contains the 
text value for that key.  I am trying to figure out how the Default 
selection under the listbox properties General tab works.

Entering the number (the Key number from column 1) does not work. 
Entering "2" for row 2, actually selects the text in row 8!

If I try entering the text from column 2 of the listbox table seems to 
work for single characters, but not strings.  For instance, most of my 
listbox tables use "-" (dash) in row 1 column 2,  Entering -, which 
becomes "-" in the default option, oddly does work.  The defaults for a 
new record show - in the listbox.  However, if I enter "Active", which 
is in row 2, column 2 with column 1 containing the key number 2, does 
not work.  It does nothing.  In fact, "Active" does not stick in the 
default option, but turns blank as if I didn't enter anything.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Failure to Download the new Libreoffice

2013-11-01 Thread Girvin Herr

Running Slackware Linux 14.0 (K3.2.29) and using Firefox 17.0.8.
I just got on to the website and downloaded both the 
main and helppack RPM tarballs for v4.1.3 with no problem.

I notice that they added torrent options.  Are you sure you are not 
clicking on the "torrent" link, which requires bittorrant to download.  
I don't know what your browser may do with a ".torrent" file rather than 
an http file.  There are 3 links in each of the download blocks.  Make 
sure you are clicking on the top line, which is the RPM tarball link, 
not the "torrent" or "Info" links on the second line.

Note that I understand some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) hinder or 
prevent bittorrant files.  Maybe yours does.  I suggest trying the 
regular tarball, not the torrant file and see what it does for you.

Girvin Herr

On 11/01/2013 08:23 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

For what it's worth ...

Just as a follow-up, I just went to the main download site for my version
(64-bit Ubuntu Linux), which is

When selecting the "Main Installer 196 MB (Torrent)" option, I receive a
page containing the following:

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

When selecting the "Main Installer 196 MB (Info)" option, I receive a page
containing the following:

===Begin Page

Gateway Timeout

===End Page

This is essentially the behavior I have experienced at least since the
release of version 4. I experienced the same thing earlier this morning when
attempting to download a Windows version (in Oracle's VirtualBox), and the
same behavior is present when choosing the LibreOffice built-in help

I hope this helps someone figure out what the issue is 


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Re: [libreoffice-users] 2 questions related to Base Design Form

2013-11-09 Thread Girvin Herr

On 11/06/2013 07:54 PM, Scott Castaline wrote:
In Libreoffice Base The Form Design window, I was trying to get it 
where the cursor starts in the first field. Right now it is in the top 
left corner at start up (data entry) like it is when I go into form 
edit mode. In exploring ways to do this I had clicked on an icon 
called "Automatic Control Focus" so now the form controls (record 
advance, 1st record, last record, & new record) are greyed out. The 
only way to advance is by tabbing from the last field or to go back a 
record shift & tab from the first field.

I am running Libreofice on Fedora 20 Alpha. So I have two 

1. How do I disable this automatic control focus?

2. How do I get the cursor to start in the first field when I'm in 
Data Entry Mode?

I am using LO under Slackware Linux, not 4.x, but it looks like 
the "Automatic Control Focus" icon is alternate-action.  If you go back 
into form edit mode, click on the icon and see if it turns off (no 
border around it).

I do not use that feature.  I use the "Activation Order" feature to 
order the controls in my forms.  In my 3.x, this icon is two to the left 
of the "Automatic Control Focus" icon.  It contains a checkbox and a 
radio button (bulls-eye).  Clicking on this icon should get you a "Tab 
Order" window that allows you to edit the activation order of your 
form's controls by selecting the control from the list on the left and 
moving it up or down in the list with the buttons on the right.  I 
usually select the "Automatic Sort" first and then go back and refine 
the order with the up and down buttons.

In addition, if there are any controls you do not want to tab to, such 
as a read-only control, the tab can be disabled on a control-by-control 
basis by the "Tabstop" option under the "General" tab in the control's 
properties dialog.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre form over MySQL limiting number of characters in text filed.

2013-11-29 Thread Girvin Herr

On 11/29/2013 09:05 AM, wrote:


I've got an odd result coming from a test drive DB I'm using OpenLibre to front 

DB is MySQL 5.5 using current MySql native driver on Server 2003 with base 
being installed locally same machine.
Libre Base attaches to a small, simple table configured like the Libre canned 
"Employees" table.
It has a PK plus a fields of pchar, 50 characters wide, built in MySql using 
workbench initially.

I generated a duplicate query in base over top of the table.
Created a form over the query
Was pleased to see it operated as expected.

But then...

During edits of records within the form I discovered any prior entry which had 
X characters used in the form, would not permit other records to have any 
greater number of characters than the prior smallest used characters.  The 
problem appears only to happen in the form tool.  I can edit, add or delete in 
query or table with no problem.

If I edit the earliest smallest text entry in table view to hold 30 characters, 
the form cannot enter or edit any more than thirty characters on subsequent 
records.  If I again alter the earlier smallest field record to 5 characters, 
once again the form only permits 5 characters on subsequent records.

I've looked for a configuration issue that might affect it, but it puzzles me 
since table and query operations work fine, why the form would adopt such an 
odd behavior.

Anyone able to offer a suggestion what to look for to solve this.  My efforts 
to search for a solution have come up empty so far.

Thank you in advance,


Are you using VARCHAR as the data type in the table definition (table 
edit mode: Text [VARCHAR] )?
If so, what is the "Length" set to at the bottom of the table edit 
dialog for the field?

In the form edit mode, what is the "Max Text Length" property for the field?

Note that these two lengths can be different.  My version has other text 
data types, such as Text[ENUM], Text[SET], Text (fix) [CHAR]. I am not 
familiar with any of these, but if your database is set to any of them, 
it may be the problem.  I believe VARCHAR max is 255 characters, but you 
can limit that with the length settings in Base tables & forms.  I just 
checked one of my forms and discovered the limit for my "Notes" field, 
which is 255 characters max, is set to 0 (zero).  According to the help, 
this property setting gets the length from the database (MySQL?) as long 
as it was never changed (set, or defined).

Note that I am using MySQL 5.5.29 under Linux 3.2.29 and LO at 
the current time.  I do not have this problem with my numerous 
databases, nor did I have it with previous versions of MySQL or LO. I 
have always been able to add to a text field up to the 255 character 
MySQL limit, no matter which record.  When I get to the limit, Base will 
not allow me to enter any more characters until I delete some elsewhere 
to make room for the new characters.  That is better than getting a 
MySQL error when the record is saved.  So, it should work for you.

Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] user interface to Base

2013-12-05 Thread Girvin Herr

Paul, you left out one more way (#3?) to look at the data.  Open the 
database table and read the data like a spreadsheet.
Speaking of spreadsheets, you can link the database as a data source to 
a calc spreadsheet.  I rarely do that, but when Report Builder was too 
slow to use a couple years ago, I did experiment with the Calc 
spreadsheet.  As a result, I am glad the devs got RB running faster.

Girvin Herr

On 12/05/2013 06:20 PM, Paul wrote:

Hi Bob,

I haven't played much with Base, but there are at least two ways of
viewing the stored information that I know of.

The first is to create a form. I know you can set the form so that you
cannot add, modify or delete any data, which in effect means the form
will be for viewing only.

The second way is to create a report. It really depends on what you
want people to be able to see as to which would suit you better. Forms
are more for viewing a single table one record at a time, whereas
reports are more for generating a listing of information from the
database, possibly from multiple joined tables, and usually only a
subset of the data for each record (but again that depends on how much
data there is), and possibly grouped, with subtotals and stuff.

Play a little and see if one of these two don't meet your needs,
otherwise feel free to provide a little more details about what you
want to achieve and someone here might come up with a better way.

Of course there are other ways outside of LO, like custom frontends,
possibly web frontends, but I'm not sure if you need that sort of


On Thu, 5 Dec 2013 14:25:35 -0500
"Bob Muir"  wrote:

Hi all,
I am a new user of LibreOffice Base and a beginner in database

I believe that I have figured out how to create my simple database of
tables and forms.

My question is "Is there a friendly, visual (GUI) thing for
retrieving information from the database?"  I don't want to  require
anyone to write SQL code or use the query design view provided by

It is possible that the database might be placed on a web server if
that makes a difference.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc 410 crashes on Fedora 19

2013-12-06 Thread Girvin Herr
For Linux, If you run the gui app in a shell, sometimes messages are 
displayed in the shell.
Also, I discovered that some significant messages from KDE (or whatever 
desktop is being used) can be captured by redirecting the output to a 
file when invoking KDE.  i.e.  startx &>logfile
After exiting KDE, logfile should have the messages logged during the 
KDE session.

Girvin Herr

On 12/06/2013 11:40 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
OOops!  I had meant to send it to the users list!  Good catch, thanks :)

I'm glad the bug-report page did help.  With hindsight it makes more
sense that you grumbled about lack of output after running it from the
command-line.  Gui apps almost never give output when they crash!
Sometimes a pop-up warning but if the app is crashing it would take
that down at the same time.  Obvious really!

If renaming the User Profile didn't fix anything then it's probably
worth renaming it back to regain your old settings.

So i'm kinda 3 for 3 there, apart from having given a useful link.
Apols and regards from
Tom :)

On 6 December 2013 19:21, Peter Langfelder  wrote:

Hi Tom,

thanks for the reply, why not send it to the whole list?

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Tom Davies  wrote:

Hi :)
You could try running LibreOffice from the command-line to see if that
gives you more output after it crashes.  This page probably covers
that and other options for getting more info out of your machine.

I was running it from command line. I get Exit 135 as the only output.
Following the instructions on the wiki page, I generated a backtrace
and submitted a new bug report.

It might be some interaction between the Extensions and dependancies
so it might be a good idea to try renaming your User Profile to see if
that clears it.

Renaming the profile did not help. To the best of my knowlegde I
didn't install any non-default extensions.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO 4.1.3

2013-12-17 Thread Girvin Herr
To add my 2-cents to this discussion, I align with Tom and the others 
who wait for the x.x.4+ version.  In my case, does everything I 
need it to do and does it without surprises. Therefore, I am not 
pressured to upgrade to the 4.0 or 4.1 version. I, and others it would 
seem, are content to wait for the most stable versions.  I have that 
luxury.  On the other hand, others may need to upgrade to get new 
features they need or think they need.  That may be why some install the 
latest and greatest not-quite-stable versions in hopes that the bugs in 
them will not affect them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Girvin Herr

On 12/17/2013 02:17 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
It sounds like you are happier with much later releases in a branch.
It makes sense to wait for the x.x.5.  For a lot of people the x.x.4
is the best balance between new features and stability.  If you
normally use more than 1 machine then getting a x.x.0 on one and
keeping the other at the last stable one you were happy with makes a
lot of sense.  It's good to test-drive early releases and post
bug-reports against them but to have the stable one for normal use.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 17 December 2013 09:57, rost52  wrote:

Thanks for the hint with 4.0.6. This version is indeed very stable and it
has a least one feature which I missed in previous version. Thus I currently
very happy with 4.0.6.

I used 4.0.5 before, changed to and then back to 4.0.6. Maybe Tom is
write and something happend during the download/installation of and
thus this version showed a few bugs of which one I could not accept.

Currently I am thinking about installing 4.1.4 but maybe I don't have time
for installation and then 4.1.5 will be released.

On 2013-12-17 05:47, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

If you want to try 4.0.6 first, since you jumped from 3.6.x, it might be a
good idea.  It is at the end on that line and I use it all of the time.

Sure, you can try 4.1.4 when it comes out, but 4.0.6 is very stable and
you can use it as a stepping stone to the 4.1.x line. The "messages" about
4.1.3 being too "buggy" for you [or others] suggests going to 4.0.6 and not
going back down to the 3.6.x line.  Later, when all of the "possible
problems" with 4.1.4 comes in, you can decide if it is ready for you to use.

Still, personally, I would try 4.0.6, for now.  Then look into 4.1.4 or
4.1.5 later.

On 12/16/2013 06:47 AM, Dr. R. O. Stapf - the service institute japan

Hi Tom,Thanks for the hint, I will do with the 4.1.4 version which is
scheduled to be released this week.RPresidentthe service institute
japan... the service enhancement
On 2013-12-14 00:46, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ahh, i think just go for a standard normal reinstall of 4.1.3. maybe
re-download the installer to make sure that isn't the problem
Regards from
Tom :)

On 13 December 2013 02:42, rost52bugquestcontri@online.dewrote:The fact
that I had to downgrade from to 4.0.6 due to bugs and
Nino's proposal to install 2 versions parallel made my thinking that it
would be very efficient to have the install wiazerd modify to use it to
replace a version or install it parallel to an existing one.

I am just hesitant to go trough the work of installing LibO through the
command line.

In my case I would install 4.0.6 (stable) and (with some nasty
for me but some interesting features as well). With 2 versions I also
do easy testing for bug reports.

Is there interest/support for having the installed wizard modified to
parallel installations?

On 2013-12-12 23:07, Nino Novak wrote:Am 12.12.2013 09:38, schrieb Kunwar
Shivpal Singh:What would happen if I download LO 3.5.7 (already started it
from Source
Forge. Will there be a clash between the 2 versions? Will LO
allow me to install the older version LO 3.5.7?Kunwar, if it is of
interest for you: you can install both versions in
parallel -
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-23 Thread Girvin Herr

I have been reading this thread, but since I do not use Ubuntu, I have 
no direct experience to add to this discussion.  However, I may make one 
suggestion: check the age of your video card and computer. I use 
Slackware Linux and I have had KDE4 (QT-based) and xfce (GTK-based) 
desktop stability problems for the last 3 or 4 Slackware releases.  My 
computer and its ATI Radeon AGP video card were over 10 years old.  I 
recently upgraded my computer to 2-year old technology and used an ATI 
4350 PCI Express video card and the stability problems went away.  I 
suspect that the Linux devs no longer have access to the old hardware 
(AGP in this case) and do not test the new code with it.  Therefore, it 
is a crap shot for new Linux versions to fully function with old hardware.

As a footnote: After the upgrade, I took the old computer and went from 
1GB to 3GB of RAM, but that alone did not solve the desktop stability 
problems.  Switching from the old ATI AGP to an even older Nvidia AGP I 
had lying around, and switching from the default nouveau driver, because 
it would not find the old card, to the "nv" driver, got the old system 
working stably again.  But it is a "bailing wire" approach and is 
destined to fail in the future.

Girvin Herr

On 01/22/2014 09:02 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

10.04 LTS is lucid. We never went to gnome 3 since it broke too many
workflows. We looked at cinnamon and mate and they made our workstations
unstable. It's weird that an application could disrupt the ui as much as
we're seeing. Our users are used to their workstations staying up for
months and installing libre office has been much more disruptive than a
simple application install should have been.
On Jan 21, 2014 6:53 PM, "Jay Lozier"  wrote:

On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
dual-core E350 and E450.

I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
the buttons are.

I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
desktop to function.


This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough
about gnome-panel to answer you.

Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Index Quirks in Writer

2014-01-25 Thread Girvin Herr

The last time I worked with LO indexes, I was trying to make an 
alphabetic sort of the table of contents (heading styles), which did not 
work.  So, I am not all that experienced with indexes.  I find them a 
bit of a pain to create.  However, the paper size problem you mentioned 
may be just a matter of changing the Index entry paragraph style(s).  
You might try that to bring your margins in.

Girvin Herr

On 01/25/2014 11:26 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

I know the table of contents feature seems to work well, as I've used it
quite a bit in the past.
But creating an alphabetical index (a first for me, at least using Writer)
seems to have a number of rather annoying features. I've provided an
experiment you can do at the end, but first let me discuss the issues.

1) When creating an alphabetical index, the Columns feature works as
use columns on a 6" x 9" page, Writer still seems to assume a "standard"
paper size and doesn't seem to know that I'm using a 6" x 9" page. Thus no
matter how I try to tweak the setup, the right column is almost completely
off the page on the right. So I can't use columns for the Index - Bummer,
but not the end of the world.

2) If I go through and highlight each entry that I want indexed, everything
works great (so far as I can tell), and I have the options for "match case"
and "whole words only." But in a long document, using a concordance file
certainly seems to make more sense, and it SEEMS TO WORK, but it actually

   Issue a) No matter what boxes are checked, Writer goes and marks ALL
instances of whatever the concordance entry has: regardless of whether or
not it is a whole word or whether the capitalization matches.

   Issue b) If you add another entry to the concordance file and "Update
Index/Table," all instances (even incorrect ones) of the new entry are
indeed marked within the file and added to the index, but every earlier
entry GETS AN ADDITIONAL marker. As I modify the concordance file to add new
items and update the index, I find that the earliest entries have as many
markers as the number of updates I've done.

Here's an experiment you can do:

Open a new document using whatever standard size is in effect.
At the top of the document, type dt and press F3. This generates the dummy
In a separate text editor create a concordance file with the following


Back in the document, create a new index at the bottom of the page, and mark
"Case Sensitive." Then choose the concordance file created above.

You'll see that the words "himself" and "along" are marked in the document
and included in the index as "Self" and "Long", even though these words
never appear in the text. Now add the following entry to the concordance


Find it? It actually marked the last three letters of the word "sweat" which
doesn't match the case.

In a three hundred plus page document with a surname index this tends to
make the index pretty useless, since it's cluttered with erroneous entries
which will drive you nuts looking on a referenced page to find something
that just isn't there.

Sadly, I've obviously done that, which brings up another issue:

How do I get rid of the index markers? Going through one by one is far too
tedious. I recall that the alternate search and replace had a selection for
"index" under properties, but the I downloaded that and the latest version
seems to have a serious bug which doesn't let you get to a specific entry on
the drop down list for "properties" so that's out. And I don't know if that
would be what I need anyway.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

2014-01-25 Thread Girvin Herr


I have been working with general purpose computers since the mid 70s and 
made a pretty good career out of it until I retired 10 years ago.  I 
don't do facebook because it violates my computer security rules and I 
strongly disagree with facebook's data-mining business model.

In my view, the reason email, BBs, and forums like this one seem to be 
out of favor is that general purpose computers are becoming dinosaurs in 
favor of mainstream ipads and smart phones.  Last year I upgraded my 
10-year-old desktop computer and discovered new components are becoming 
difficult to find.  This may be the last time I can upgrade it, since I 
suspect in 10 years, the desktop computer will not be available.  That 
gives me a warm fuzzy, but then in 10 years I may not care.

The way I see it, if someone only allows responses from me via facebook 
and/or twitter, then they don't get a response, which effectively 
self-limits their help.

Girvin Herr

On 01/25/2014 12:07 PM, anne-ology wrote:

as for me, I don't even know what AskLO is -
and probably don't want to know if it's similar to Facebook,
because I too don't want all the additional spam ...
or the minute-by-minute diaries of the inane.

I too have been using these computers since the days of the BBs  ;-)
and see no reason why e-mail should be considered out-of-date.

BTW - it irks me when someone requests a reply only through facebook
or twittering ... ... ...
   (I happen to enjoy watching, & listening, to the birds, yet they
stay in the yard)

From: CVAlkan 
Date: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 1:29 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

Hi Tom:

Just my two cents. I've tried using AskLO several times and have never
figured out how to set up an account, so I hope you don't drop this in favor
of AskLO.

Maybe I'm just dense (and I've only been using computers and bulletin boards
and mailing lists and their descendants since the mid-80s), but all I see
are ways to sign in using Google or Facebook and so forth, and I don't have
any of those accounts, and don't want them, since I get enough spam already
and don't have much interest in cat videos or what my neighbors had for

Sorry - I'll go away now.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: low traffic lately?

2014-01-27 Thread Girvin Herr

On 01/26/2014 02:40 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)


James Lang went back to the original question and like many people in
another thread suggested the drop in traffic might be something to do
with "Reply" taking messages off-list.  Sadly bottom-posting meant his
message got hidden under the signatures so people probably thought it
was just an accidental empty email
"Is this a result of having to "reply all" to get the answer
automatically sent to the list?

I have been led to believe that "reply all" should be used sparingly
and that its indiscriminate use is rude.

I thought when the list was changed a few years ago to make it easier 
for the devs, IIRC, "reply all" was the only way to reply to the list.  
If "reply all" is not used, the reply goes only to the poster, not the 
list.  Has it changed again?  I am still using "reply all", unless I 
want a private reply.

It might help if people could write to the postmaster of this mailing
list explaining why they think it's a bad idea for this list to
operate the way it does.  Apparently on other lists people wrote in to
grumble that it wasn't set-up this way previously.  Grumbling to the
mailing-list itself wont get anywhere because none of us can influence
Regards from
Tom :)
Here we go again.  We (I) tried this in the past and was hit with the 
results of a survey that the majority liked the way it is. Remember, 
Tom?  Has something changed?  It is interesting that this list is still 
the only list I know of that works this way.

Girvin Herr


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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Base: MySQL or Mariadb ?

2014-02-09 Thread Girvin Herr

On 02/09/2014 12:00 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

On 02/09/2014 11:38 AM, Harvey Nimmo wrote:

Can I use Mariadb as back-end for LO Base or must it be MySQL? For
example, are the connectors compatible or is there a Mariadb-specific


Looks like it's possible -
but I've never done it.


I, too, am faced with switching to Mariadb, since the latest Slackware 
Linux has switched from MySQL to Mariadb.  I looked on the Mariadb 
website and they are claiming full compatibility with everything, 
including the connectors.  I have yet to confirm that, but I am 
hopeful.  I did notice that Mariadb even goes so far as to keep the 
MySQL utility program names, such as mysql_install_db.  So even existing 
MySQL scripts should work with Mariadb.  That is pretty compatible.

Good luck.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] User Profile Question

2014-03-02 Thread Girvin Herr

Have you looked at lm-sensors for Linux?
Girvin Herr

On 03/02/2014 07:09 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
I use Ubuntu Linux 12.04LTS as my default OS, but I also use Win7 on 
dual-booting laptops.  I never had Linux run "hotter" than Windows 
when it is installed onto the drive.  I also do not use the "thin" 
laptops, but the thicker ones that have more "fan space and size" to 
remove the heat better. Tell me, what do you use to see the CPU temps 
in Linux?  What do you use for Windows?  I use Speedfan for Windows 
and have not found much to really see actually temps in Linux, but by 
feeling the heat from the surface of the laptops, it never gets as 
"hot" as Windows.  Both laptops are dual core and the main desktop is 
a quad with the others dual and single cores.

As for the User Profile issue,  I would get it setup as you want it to 
be and then make a backup of it.  That way you do not have to "start 
from scratch".

I do not customize as much as you do, just add a dictionary [or two] 
and add a larger color choice option for backgrounds, borders, text, 

I really think that getting your setup into a backup and using it when 
you "crash" due to a "corrupted file" would be most helpful. As for 
the compatibility of the Windows profile/config to Linux, well I do 
not know much about what each file does either.

For Win7 to Win7 systems, I think it taking a specific set of file in 
the user profile and copying it over to a new system would work.  
Which are the needed files, I do not know.  Maybe using the whole 
"User" folder would work transfered over to the new systems.

Question:  What type of [and how many] screen colors and keyboard 
assignments/modifications do you set up for your system?  What are you 
using them for?  We always like to know what LO is being used for and 
what our users are doing with it to make their workflow "flow" 
better.  I know of a SciFi-Fantacy writer who switched to Linux and 
now LO to write his 1 to 3 book a year [being now in his 70's it is 
down from 4+ paper-back books a year].  He uses many macros and 
keyboard assignments [and a non standard keyboard] for many years.  
So, knowing what you change your profile to/with might help our 
developers make it easier for our users to do their work.

On 03/02/2014 07:57 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Thanks, Scot.

That seems to be what I was looking for. Just a quick glance showed 
me a lot of settings that I have customized. I'll dig further to see 
if all of them are in there.

You mention that you're on Linux. Are you running on a laptop? I've 
tried several different Linux distros on my Sony Vaio laptop, in many 
different forms (live CD/USB Flash, Wubi, "true" dual boot), etc. and 
every one of them seems to make my CPU run really hot, much hotter 
than my Windows setup. Have you (or any others) experienced similar 
problems? Various Linux forums online seem to indicate this is not 
uncommon. I've been *really* trying to give Linux a fair try, but it 
keeps hitting me with roadblocks. I know many of you are Linux 
enthusiasts, but I can't get past the heat and sound of a frantically 
whirring fan.


-Original Message- From: Scott Castaline
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] User Profile Question

I run on Linux so I'm not sure if you have it on Win7. There's a file
called registrymodifications.xcu under libreoffice/4/user.
It's in some Markup format somewhat similar to html or xml. It can be
kind of cryptic but I have edited that file directly with some success.
I don't know if that contains everything within user options or not, but
I have saved it in the past before trying something that would cause the
app to barf and then restored that file and everything was fine again.

Scott C.

On 03/01/2014 04:40 PM, Carol-Virgil Arrington wrote:
I’ve got a question about the User Profile. I’m using LO 4.1.5 on 
Windows 7.

I understand that my user profile consists of a bunch of folders and 
files in my AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\User folder. But, beyond 
that, I can’t make sense of any of it (other than my Templates).

For example, I’ve made several customizations to my copy of LO, such 

1. Screen colors
2. Keyboard assignments. I have many of my favorite paragraph styles 
assigned to Ctrl-key combinations, etc.

Where are these types of information kept? With other programs, I 
could find it in a file called <*something*.ini>, but in LO’s user 
profile, I can’t find anything that resembles any type of 
configuration file, and I’ve stepped my way through each and every 
file in each and every folder in the User file tree.

My computer recently crashed resulting in a corrupt User Profile. I 
was able to re


2014-03-07 Thread Girvin Herr

I am using LO under Linux, which has Report Builder (Oracle?) 
version 1.2.3 built in.  Go into your LO Extensions manager (Tools -> 
Extension Manager) and look for the report builder installed.  The last 
time I checked, Report Builder 1.2.3 was the latest version.

I am also using MySQL 5.5.36 and mysql-connector-java 5.1.18 with Base.  
The built-in report builder works well for me.  It is much faster than 
previous versions, so the devs must have fixed some bugs.  However, for 
large databases it can still be a bit slow creating a report.  Just have 
patience and it will eventually complete.

Girvin Herr

On 03/06/2014 09:08 PM, nazimspirani wrote:


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[libreoffice-users] Where are the file checksums?

2014-03-10 Thread Girvin Herr

I have just downloaded the 4.1.5 version.  However, I cannot find the 
file/page containing the file checksums on the website to verify I have 
good files.  Before the website had been revamped lately, these files 
which contained the checksums, sha sums, etc. were available right up 
front.  I was able to get them for 4.1.4, but not 4.1.5, so it is a 
recent omission.  Does anyone know where these files are now located?

BTW: I am using  to download from.
Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where are the file checksums?

2014-03-10 Thread Girvin Herr

On 03/10/2014 02:36 PM, Cley Faye wrote:

2014-03-10 22:19 GMT+01:00 Girvin Herr :

I have just downloaded the 4.1.5 version.  However, I cannot find the
file/page containing the file checksums on the website to verify I have
good files.  Before the website had been revamped lately, these files which
contained the checksums, sha sums, etc. were available right up front.  I
was able to get them for 4.1.4, but not 4.1.5, so it is a recent omission.
  Does anyone know where these files are now located?

BTW: I am using  to download from.

I believe this question was asked recently (or maybe it was on a localized

Anyway, from the main page, here's the step to get the
various checksums:
​​- Click on "Download now"
- Click on "Info"
The page show a list of various hash to use. Same goes for different
OS/Languages/Versions; as far as my testing goes, the Info page always
contain checksums (the 4.1.5 too).

Yes!  That was it.  Thanks.
I do seem to remember this question being posted a while back, but I 
must not have saved it then and couldn't remember the solution now. I am 
definitely putting this solution in my computer notes list for the 
future.  I must have gotten distracted by the "torrent" caption, which I 
do not use, and ignored the "Info" option.  This link should be more 
prominent and have a better title than "Info" for us "blind" guys.

Thanks again.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Where are the file checksums?

2014-03-10 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the help.  I do use gpg when available.  I will get the LO 
public key and use it from now on.

Thanks again.

On 03/10/2014 03:53 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

For earlier versions that have dropped from the LibreOffice mirror system--
see the   TDF LibreOffice archives

The MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 hashes are recorded in the 'Details' links for each

For most folks, using the hash and skipping the GPG verification is

But,  if you are super cautious,  you'll need to use a GnuPG client to
extract and verify the .ASC PGP signature of the download.

Note: on Windows that would probably be  Gpg4win
  , it offers the Kleopatra GUI to
simplify the steps.

For any OS,  you'll need the LibreOffice project public key, named

Done from CLI with

  gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys AFEEAEA3

and then running the  GPG verify against the .ASC signature for the
download.  Both the installer package and the signature file need to be in
the same directory.

  gpg --verify LibreOffice_4.1.5.3_Win_x86.msi.asc

In doing so, you both verify the signature of the download (that it came
from TDF build process)  and  coincidentally verify the integrity
--completeness-- of the download.

And for completeness, the Apache OpenOffice folks sign with public key


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Re: [libreoffice-users] stop automatic scrolling

2014-03-21 Thread Girvin Herr

I am not sure this is a LibreOffice problem.  I have seen it in other 
applications, such as Firefox as well.  I think it is an unstable mouse 
or mouse driver effect.  I noticed it usually occurs when I am hovering 
the mouse cursor in the vertical scroll bar.  I found that clicking 
somewhere in the vertical scroll bar usually stops it.  I haven't seen 
it lately, but then maybe I stopped hovering the mouse cursor in the 
vertical scroll bar.

Girvin Herr

On 03/21/2014 03:24 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Have you tried renaming your User Profile yet?

That often fixes weird things that shouldn't happen = particularly if
they haven't always happened and just started mysteriously one day for
no apparent reason (perhaps after adding a new Extension)
Regards from
Tom :)

On 21 March 2014 09:59, Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:

Good evening
Probably this is a stupid question, but ...
I noticed time and again, that LO starts scrolling and cannot be
stopped, until the end of the file is reached,
when I click below the blue rectacle on the right side scroll bar in
order to get just a little further down.

I have been looking, and searching the help documentation for "automatic
scrolling" (or similar expressions), but
could not find yet the trick to make LO stop this. (it is really
annoying, when you are taken to place you don't want to go to)

How do you stop, or customize, this behavior.

Thank you.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO for Chrome OS - i.e. Samsung Chrome Book

2014-04-21 Thread Girvin Herr
I looked at Wine about 8 years ago in order to run the very few 
proprietary apps I needed on Linux.  I haven't looked at it lately, but 
back then, it seemed that the wine devs were focused on getting 
proprietary games working, not apps such as ms Access.  I gave up on 
wine when the equivalent Linux native apps that I needed became 
available.  'Tis better to go native than to emulate.  I never did use 
their mailing list, if they even had one back then.  So I can't vouch 
for their "rudeness factor".

Girvin Herr

On 04/20/2014 05:21 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :(
Do!!!  Yes, being for Windows-only is a bit of a blocker!!  Sorry
Tim@KrackedPress!! :((  I thought it was an easy answer and ended up being
quite rude.  Many apologies for those posts!

Wine can be really annoying and their mailing-lists and help system tends
to be extremely rude to people.  I get the impression there is some prize
for "rudest answer to a legit question".  To be fair they do get swamped
with really badly written questions and there is such a huge difference
between each release that they really need to know which version, which
hardly anyone realises when they first post.

The only other way that i could see would be a huge amount of work
Has anyone here tried this yet?  Is it as horribly complicated as it

Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 April 2014 13:01,  wrote:

Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
  From the "Portable Apps"

As far as I'm aware, the Portable Apps builds only run on Windows. From
the above link (
"A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you
on a portable device and use on any Windows computer." mentions:
"Also Works With: Linux, Unix, BSD, etc via Wine & Mac OS X via CrossOver,
Wineskin, WineBottler, PlayOnMac"
i.e. a Windows emulator or compatibility layer is needed for other

  "A portable app works from any device (..., cloud drive, ..., etc)" but

i've never heard from anyone who has tried installing their portable apps
to a Cloud.  Each Chromebook links to it's own Cloud space doesn't it?

I think that's referring to the fact they don't have to be installed on
the local PC's hard disk. You can "install" them on a flash drive, cloud
storage, etc. and then run them from there on any Windows PC.

  Note there are a few caveats

Also i suspect that the WinPenPack probably offers a similar option but
they don't go on about it as much.  The advantage with WinPenPack is that
they tend to get each release of LibreOffice out there quickly and they
don't skip any releases.

I'm not so familiar with that one, but the name suggests it may also be
Windows-only. The installation instructions are certainly focussed on
Windows, and
cat.5.24 again suggests the need for Wine to run under Linux.

  Wrt Chromium, my understand was that Chrome was the OS and Chromium was

web-browser but apparently it's not quite as simple as that;

It is rather confusing that they use the same name for the OS and web
browser! I guess they want people to forget about the distinction between
locally installed and web applications, and between files stored on their
own computer and files stored on the cloud. Chromium web browser and
Chromium OS are the parts they released as open source, and use as the
basis for the Google Chrome web browser and Chrome OS.

  Regards from

Tom :)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Need help with Base

2014-05-05 Thread Girvin Herr
Tom, If you read your posting again, it implies that MariaDb is "owned 
by Oracle".  That would be news to me and, I suspect, the MariaDb 
development team.

Girvin Herr

On 05/05/2014 09:02 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Good point!!

An external database is a really good approach.  Many people go for MySql
or MariaDb (unless using a Mac) but that's owned by Oracle and some worry
about the future of "free" or "Open Source" under Oracle.  Many go for
faster, lighter java back-ends such as Hsqldb as an external but others
worry about the whole java issue.

So Postgresql might well be a good choice.  They have put a lot of work
into building a decent connector for Base.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 5 May 2014 15:44, Wolfgang Keller  wrote:

I'm new user of LO Base, we are transitioning from MS Access, and I
need to redesign our db from it.

One word of advice based on experience:

Avoid use of the "built in" database.

Use a proper client-server RDBMS. Preferrably PostgreSQL, as it's
reliable and the driver comes with LO.

Otherwise you *will* regret it the day your data has gone to Nirvana.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Need help with Base

2014-05-05 Thread Girvin Herr
I have not been tracking MS Access system design since version 1.1, but 
back then Access did have an external database back-end (server) engine 
called Jet.  Jet was bundled in with Access, much like Base uses HSQLDB, 
but I think it could be used by other front-end clients than Access.  
So, the MS Access client-server  topology was not that unlike Base.  
Base just allows one to get out of the MS Access proprietary "silo" and 
allow much more control of the database system.

For the record, I am using MySQL with Base, soon to be switching to 
MariaDB.  I have not needed to use any macros in my work with Base forms 
or reports.  I have made it a point to avoid macros because they are 
very client-dependent and they would lock me in to a specific client, 
much as the MS Access macros in your database are causing you problems 
now.  I have been able to do some of what you are needing to do with 
forms, only I used queries.  Many of my forms have list boxes where I 
select one of a list of options to be inserted into a database field.  
Although I have not used it, there is another type of drop-down listbox 
that presents options, but if an option not in the list is needed, the 
user may enter that option into the field.  I may have misread your 
posting, but that may be what you need.  I can see that there are times 
when macros would be the only answer to a problem, such as with custom 
forms, but my recommendation is to avoid them whenever you can.

Girvin Herr

On 05/05/2014 12:28 PM, milica wrote:

Actually, that base in ms access is kind of start point, and needs to be
more developed,so I have to learn LO macros anyway :(
  I'm reading the book Macros Explained (great book!), and
making new version in LO but in LO Calc.
Thank you once again :))

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:29 PM, TomD [via Document Foundation Mail Archive]

Hi :)
Good point!!

An external database is a really good approach.  Many people go for MySql
or MariaDb (unless using a Mac) but that's owned by Oracle and some worry
about the future of "free" or "Open Source" under Oracle.  Many go for
faster, lighter java back-ends such as Hsqldb as an external but others
worry about the whole java issue.

So Postgresql might well be a good choice.  They have put a lot of work
into building a decent connector for Base.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 5 May 2014 15:44, Wolfgang Keller <[hidden 

I'm new user of LO Base, we are transitioning from MS Access, and I
need to redesign our db from it.

One word of advice based on experience:

Avoid use of the "built in" database.

Use a proper client-server RDBMS. Preferrably PostgreSQL, as it's
reliable and the driver comes with LO.

Otherwise you *will* regret it the day your data has gone to Nirvana.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Need help with Base

2014-05-06 Thread Girvin Herr

Tom & Milica,
No! No! No!  I am not offering to do the work.  I apologize if I somehow 
implied that.  I  have zero experience writing LO macros of any sort.  I 
was just suggesting to avoid macros wherever possible. Recreating data 
entry forms and reports when there is a need to migrate to another 
client (front end) is enough of a problem without having to re-write 
macros too.

I use the Base query editor as Tom suggests, which is a nice GUI shell 
around the SQL, to create my table data relationships, aliases and 
sorts.  It is very similar to what Access 1.1 had to define similar 
relationships.  It works great.  If you want to see the underlying SQL, 
it can switch modes to show the SQL and even test run it to see the 
resultant output in table form.

I was just suggesting to look at using a query or two rather than 
macros, wherever possible.  Another aspect of this is that a query 
should run the actions, such as a sort, on the database server 
(back-end) and should run faster than a macro running in Base.  I am 
curious: Does the Base macro "engine" run in Java?  Has anyone tested 
this probable speed difference?


On 05/06/2014 03:52 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Can you post some of the old macros as plain text and give a rough idea of
what each does.  SQL is usually easier because you get a nice gui to do a
lot of the work in a nice point&click way.  Some of the algebraic formulae
might be much the same or perhaps a little less convoluted.

Plus Sql is more generic and less dependant on specific product and
versions.  On the other hand the LibreOffice/OpenOffice macro language is
also much less version-specific than MS macros.

I'm not certain that Girvin is offering to do the work for free.  Knowing
him he probably is but it might be better if there was a potential for
payment for work done, unless exchange-rates make that unworkable (as often
Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 May 2014 07:45, milica  wrote:

Dear Girvin,
I have that base that we use in our workshop like warehouse
management,(select product, type amount that needs to be added/removed from
warehouse and macro does it) and also base needs to create work orders
based on calculation (for every product, how many half products there is to
be made) times number of products needs to be made,and then write that on
some report.
I pretty mush did all the work in LO Calc, and the SQL is too much for me
currently. And I do that for personal use, since we have to switch from
XP/Access to Ubutu/LO on our workshop computer.
I cannot ask you to do that work for me, and I'm not sure If I could handle
that myself.

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Girvin Herr [via Document Foundation Mail
Archive]  wrote:

I have not been tracking MS Access system design since version 1.1, but
back then Access did have an external database back-end (server) engine
called Jet.  Jet was bundled in with Access, much like Base uses HSQLDB,
but I think it could be used by other front-end clients than Access.
So, the MS Access client-server  topology was not that unlike Base.
Base just allows one to get out of the MS Access proprietary "silo" and
allow much more control of the database system.

For the record, I am using MySQL with Base, soon to be switching to
MariaDB.  I have not needed to use any macros in my work with Base forms
or reports.  I have made it a point to avoid macros because they are
very client-dependent and they would lock me in to a specific client,
much as the MS Access macros in your database are causing you problems
now.  I have been able to do some of what you are needing to do with
forms, only I used queries.  Many of my forms have list boxes where I
select one of a list of options to be inserted into a database field.
Although I have not used it, there is another type of drop-down listbox
that presents options, but if an option not in the list is needed, the
user may enter that option into the field.  I may have misread your
posting, but that may be what you need.  I can see that there are times
when macros would be the only answer to a problem, such as with custom
forms, but my recommendation is to avoid them whenever you can.
Girvin Herr

On 05/05/2014 12:28 PM, milica wrote:

Actually, that base in ms access is kind of start point, and needs to


more developed,so I have to learn LO macros anyway :(
   I'm reading the book Macros Explained (great book!),


making new version in LO but in LO Calc.
Thank you once again :))

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 7:29 PM, TomD [via Document Foundation Mail


<[hidden email] <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4107732&i=0


Hi :)
Good point!!

An external database is a really good approach.  Many people go for


or MariaDb (unless using a Mac) but that's owned by Oracle and some


about the future of "free" or "Open Source&qu

Re: [libreoffice-users] Need help with Base

2014-05-06 Thread Girvin Herr
Everything I read about MariaDB states that it is a plug-in replacement 
for MySQL.  I also discovered the MariaDB programs even retain the MySQL 
names as well as their functionality, such as mysql_install_db, so 
scripts and procedures should run without change.  I am still running 
MySQL on my Slackware 14.0 system, but when I upgrade to Slackware 14.1, 
I will be using MariaDB. Slackware has replaced MySQL with MariaDB 
starting with version 14.1.  The compatibility is also reported to 
include the interface drivers, such as Oracle's mysql-connector-java.  
So, a MySQL / Base system should be fully compatible with MariaDB with 
no changes.

Girvin Herr

On 05/06/2014 10:53 AM, john herron wrote:

IIRC MySql is owned by Oracle, but *MariaDB is not*, so I believe there
should be no problem using MariaDB to connect with Base via the
appropriate connector.


On 05/05/2014 06:02 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Good point!!

An external database is a really good approach.  Many people go for 
or MariaDb (unless using a Mac) but that's owned by Oracle and some 

about the future of "free" or "Open Source" under Oracle.  Many go for
faster, lighter java back-ends such as Hsqldb as an external but others
worry about the whole java issue.

So Postgresql might well be a good choice.  They have put a lot of work
into building a decent connector for Base.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 5 May 2014 15:44, Wolfgang Keller  wrote:

I'm new user of LO Base, we are transitioning from MS Access, and I
need to redesign our db from it.

One word of advice based on experience:

Avoid use of the "built in" database.

Use a proper client-server RDBMS. Preferrably PostgreSQL, as it's
reliable and the driver comes with LO.

Otherwise you *will* regret it the day your data has gone to Nirvana.



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[libreoffice-users] Draw problems

2014-05-09 Thread Girvin Herr

I am using Linux LO  I see that Draw still has problems 
rendering drawings correctly as an embedded object.

I am editing small graphics figures in my document using Draw. These 
figures contain a graphical outline of an item using lines, boxes and 
circles as well as other details such as text, dimension arrows and lines.

These figures are inserted as "objects" in my document, along with the 
"figure" frame and title.  The problem is that although the graphics 
look perfect while in Draw, when I click outside the embedded draw 
object to return to the document, parts of the figure are not rendered 
properly in relation to the other graphics in the figure, such as boxes 
and circles.  For example, the lines, arrows and text of the dimensions 
are offset vertically about 3/8" (by the "ruler") below the boxes, lines 
and circles of the item.  That will not do.  The horizontal relationship 
seems correct.  The error is only in the vertical plane.  I used the 
print preview to verify these rendering errors are going to be printed 
and they are.

Then I tried using Draw in stand-alone mode (not as an embedded object) 
to export the figure as a jpeg or png file and inserting that file into 
the document.  I changed the Draw page margins to the 2" by 7.5" figure 
in order to exclude all but the figure.  However, these export functions 
only allow full page saves, not the small 2" high by 7.5" wide figure I 
need.  When inserting the file into the document, I get a lot of white 
space and my figure is tiny. Changing the height and width parameters in 
the Draw export window has strange effects and does not alter the full 
page export.  Also the export width and height values interact with each 
other and do not allow specific settings.  That is a moot point, since 
they don't seem to work as expected anyway.

It certainly looks like I cannot get what I reliably need from Draw.  
What I need to do should not be this difficult and frustrating.  Worst 
case, I guess I could print the Draw figure, and use Xsane to scan and 
save the area I need to insert into my document.  But that is silly and 
time consuming.  Does anyone have a better solution?

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw problems

2014-05-10 Thread Girvin Herr

Thank you very much for your suggestions.  They are very helpful, 
especially the suggestion to use the "Selection" box in the Draw export 
dialog.  I have no idea why I have not noticed that option before.  I 
tried it and it works.  I will definitely put your suggestions in my 
Computer Notes document for future reference.

Toward the end of your response, you describe a process to copy-paste a 
Draw figure into a Writer document.  I have never tried that, but how 
does that differ from an OLE object?  One thing I would expect is that 
changes to the figure would not be reflected in the target document, 
they would have to be copy-pasted again.

To answer some of your other questions,

1. I do not use the latest LO version.  I usually wait until x.x.5(+)
   is released and then stick with that stable version until the next
   release reaches x.y.5(+).  That said, I do have version 4.1.5 in the
   wings, but I have yet to re-package it for Slackware Linux and I
   have not had a really good reason to upgrade from yet. 
   Eventually, I will try it.

2. Yes, my document is in Writer.
3. I have more than one reason to use the OLE object rather than
   inserting a file.  First, is that the OLE process maintains my
   document in one file.  When copying it, I don't have to remember to
   copy the figure files as well.  Second, the figure version tracks
   the document version.  By that, I mean that when I create a new
   document version, I still keep the old version(s) for historical
   reasons.  If I use the external file insertion process, then when I
   change a figure for a new version, the back versions will also
   change.  That is not what I need.  Third, I do believe that when a
   figure file is inserted, the path to that file is maintained in the
   document.  That is problematic if I change the directory structure,
   such as renaming a directory or copying the directory to another
   higher directory.  Then that link will break.  Using OLE prevents
   those negative effects. Fourth, is that the OLE object is easier to
   change while not going outside the Writer document to do other
   processes. Popping back and forth, is easy.  However, there are
   problems with Draw OLE that have been around for a long time, at
   least as old as LO, if not OO.  One is this rendering error. 
   Another is that the OLE version of Draw has a subset of commands

   from the stand-alone version of Draw.  One that comes to mind is
   Zoom. The stand-alone version of Draw supports Zoom, the OLE version
   does not for some reason.  I do miss zoom while editing an OLE
   figure when I need to position a point at an exact location and it
   keeps jumping around when I move the mouse.  Using Grid Snap should
   help this, but sometimes a point needs to be off-grid and then the
   lack of being able to zoom in to exactly position the point then
   zoom back out, is very frustrating.
4. No, I have not checked if this problem has a bug report. However, as
   I said, this problem has been around for years and I am surprised
   there wouldn't be a report by someone else in all that time.  If
   there is one and it hasn't been fixed in all these years, then the
   devs must not think this bug is important.
5. In 1:1 scale, my objects vary in size, but they are around 2" high x
   7" wide.
6. My Draw "document" is letter size by the look of it.  However, in
   OLE mode, the size is whatever is defined by the Writer frame that
   contains the object.  I usually drag the frames (object and
   Figure/caption) to the size I need to contain the figure.
7. The only reason I use jpeg or png files is that they seem to be
   widely supported and they render well with good resolution. If I
   have a choice,  usually use jpeg for photos and png for graphics.  I
   am not sure of the other formats and I have not done much
   experimenting.  I do know that I stay away from EPS (Encapsulated
   PostScript) files like the plague.  I once used EPS files for some
   figures and it brought LO to its knees.  It took minutes to scroll
   to the end of the document.  I would guess that the LO rendering
   engine for EPS is not very efficient.  Once I discovered that the
   same figure in JPEG did not slow LO down (and the file was smaller),
   I began using jpeg and blacklisted EPS.

Now, all this said, after I sent my original message, I had the need to 
print the figures and they printed just fine!  So, it looks like the 
problem is with the LO video renderer, since the errors only show up in 
the document and in Print Preview, while the actual print looks fine.  
That makes this problem an annoying bug for me, but not a show-stopper 
as I implied in my message.

Thanks again and take care.
Girvin Herr

On 05/09/2014 04:33 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Girvin,

Girvin Herr schrieb:

I am using Linux LO  I see that Draw still has problems
rendering dr

Re: [libreoffice-users] Draw problems

2014-05-10 Thread Girvin Herr

On 05/09/2014 11:25 PM, Jean-Francois Nifenecker wrote:

Hi Girvin,

Le 09/05/2014 23:45, Girvin Herr a écrit :

Then I tried using Draw in stand-alone mode (not as an embedded object)
to export the figure as a jpeg or png file and inserting that file into
the document.  I changed the Draw page margins to the 2" by 7.5" figure
in order to exclude all but the figure.  However, these export functions
only allow full page saves, not the small 2" high by 7.5" wide figure I
need.  When inserting the file into the document, I get a lot of white
space and my figure is tiny.

On this very problem, you'll notice that the export dialog has a
"Selection" checkbox in the lower left part.

To export a selected part of a drawing to some third-party format, which
is what you're looking for, do:

1. Select the drawing (part) you're willing to export. If you want the
whole drawing, then just Edit > Select all (Ctrl + A)

2. Open the Export dialog and tick the Selection checkbox.

And you're done! Your new image is now without any white space clutter.

Note: the "Selection" checkbox doesn't retain its state. You'll have to
check it again when exporting another drawing.


Yes, it did.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector

2014-05-11 Thread Girvin Herr
Yes, if I understand Mr. Stoellinger's problem correctly, it is the 
MySQL server (aka "back-end") which is dropping his connection. 
According to my MySQL documentation, by default, the MySQL server drops 
any connection after 8 hours of continuous connection. However, Mr. 
Stoellinger's admin has reduced that time to 60 seconds!  IMHO, that is 
ridiculous, but it must be the policy at his institution, so he must 
live with it.  The MySQL connector driver that he has been using has a 
workaround by triggering a reconnect operation every so often, 
effectively restarting the 60-second timer.  That is the purpose of the 
"autoReconnect=true" connector driver parameter he talks about.  Now, it 
appears that the new LO Base has a MySQL native driver that replaces the 
Oracle MySQL-connector-java driver that he most likely has been using 
and he needs to know if the new LO native driver supports the reconnect 
schema and if so, how to implement it.  As far as I know, no one on this 
list so far has given him the answer to that question.  I have no 
experience with the new native driver (yet), so I do not have the 
answer.  If the native driver does not support it, or he does not get an 
answer, I would suggest keeping the Oracle JDBC driver until he gets his 
answer, if the new LO still allows replacement of the native built-in 

BTW: I am my own admin, so my MySQL server is still set to the default 
timeout, if any.  Therefore, I do not experience this disconnect 
problem.  However, every so often, I see a posting about it on this 
forum, so he is not alone.

Girvin Herr

On 05/10/2014 03:37 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
It's the 2nd one Anne-ology.

The connector is some sort of bridge between Base and MySql.  It's the
bridge that is timing out rather than the computer afaik.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 May 2014 22:13, anne-ology  wrote:

If you're referring to the computer-machine shutting down and/or
entering sleep-mode, then there's a simple solution;
 if you're referring to something else - well, I haven't a clue.

If the 1st - go to properties/options/ and re-set the timing
mechanism to never shut down;
you can also do similarly in various programs - as LO -
  which otherwise decide they want to save every so often, causing
me to lose my train of thought while writing  ;-)

If the 2nd - I'll be awaiting someone else's response on this list;
and will attempt to figure out what's what  ;-)

From: Heinrich Stoellinger 
Date: Sat, May 10, 2014 at 8:08 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector
To: "" 

It's good to see a native connector for MySQL under 4.2.
One question: In the server my.cnf the value for wait_timeout
is set to 60 seconds and will not be increased. This is a nuisance
if one needs to be connected over longer periods but sometimes
has to go away from there client for more than a minute.
Under the JDBC-connector there is a possibility to specify
"?auto-reconnect=true" after the database name.
Is there some facility like that under the native connector?
H. Stoellinger

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Which components do you use most?

2014-05-12 Thread Girvin Herr
I seem to have missed the OP's posting.  Jumping in at the middle with 
my following order of usage:

WriterFor text documentation
CalcFor budgets and tabular lists
Base   For inventories and fixed asset accounting
Draw  For figures in documents, PDF form filling
Impress   Looking at powerpoint files sent to me

Girvin Herr

On 05/11/2014 03:45 PM, anne-ology wrote:

an interesting survey -
as for me:

Writer  - prefer this to any other text program; use to write, ...
Calc - don't use since still do manually  ;-)
Impress - use to use for presentations, then would convert to video; now
skip that 1st step
Base - don't use since still do manually - (well, old-fashioned with good,
artistic hand-writing)
Draw - have not gotten the hang of drawing with these machines; they just
don't look as appealing as done by hand  ;-)

From: Virgil Arrington 
Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 4:53 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Which components do you use most?
To: "" 

I'm curious to find out what components of LO are used most by the people
on this list. I think it helps to know different folks' area of experience.
It might also help us in learning new ways to integrate the different
components. For myself, my approximate usage is:

Writer (85% of my use of LO)
Impress  (3%, Maybe four to five presentations a year)
Base   (once a year to print out labels for my Christmas cards)
Draw  (What's that?)


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector

2014-05-12 Thread Girvin Herr

Although I do not have the problem you are experiencing, I am keeping an 
eye on this thread is case I do have a similar problem in the future.  I 
hope you can get an answer soon to solve your immediate problem.  Aside 
from your cup of coffee example, from my experience, the Base Report 
Generator can take much more than 60 seconds to render a large report.  
I am not sure how Base collects the data for a report, but if it does so 
a record at a time, then your server would time out way before the 
report is finished!  I would think that the best case would be that the 
constant reconnects would slow the Report Generator even more.

Since it sounds like your system worked before LO 4.2.x and I suspect 
you where using the Oracle MySQL-connector-java, as I am, there may be a 
way to replace the new native connector with the "tried-and-true" Oracle 
connector.  That would get you up and running again until more 
information on the native connector is released.  I have no experience 
with this, but it may be an option for you, if it can be done.

Good luck.

On 05/11/2014 11:52 PM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:

Thanks a lot, Girvin...
My situation is exactly as you describe it. I used to run my own server,
installing everything from Linux to Apache2, PHP, mail, MySQL, etc.
Therefore I had the possibility to set my OWN parameters for MySQL.
For cost and other reasons I changed to a "stripped-down" web-hosting
structure and therefore have stopped being my own admin
I also think that 60 seconds is an inappropriate value for the 
because it doesn't even allow you to go have a quick coffee (or other, 

pressing things...).
Yes, in MY situation it would be great if the native connector supported
a kind of automatic reconnect after the SERVER (nothing to do with 
shuts down an idle connection (in my case in 60 seconds, even though 

would be allowed!!!
Regards from Austria
H. S.

On Mon, 12 May 2014 00:35:48 +0200, anne-ology  

   Well, that autoReconnect=true must have something to do with JAVA

I 'searched' and uncovered nearly 100,000 articles [whew  


   BTW - when opening up the first few, I noticed others are 
asking the

same question re. this timing out  ???!!!???!!!???

   Oops - Something tells me I should quit calling this machine a
glorified-typewriter; maybe it will want revenge and blow up ... ... ...
my mouse already died this year; had to replace the li'l
fella'  ;-)

From: Girvin Herr 
Date: Sun, May 11, 2014 at 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Native Connector

Yes, if I understand Mr. Stoellinger's problem correctly, it is the 
server (aka "back-end") which is dropping his connection. According 
to my

MySQL documentation, by default, the MySQL server drops any connection
after 8 hours of continuous connection. However, Mr. Stoellinger's admin
has reduced that time to 60 seconds!  IMHO, that is ridiculous, but 
it must

be the policy at his institution, so he must live with it.  The MySQL
connector driver that he has been using has a workaround by triggering a
reconnect operation every so often, effectively restarting the 60-second
timer.  That is the purpose of the "autoReconnect=true" connector driver
parameter he talks about.  Now, it appears that the new LO Base has a 
native driver that replaces the Oracle MySQL-connector-java driver 
that he
most likely has been using and he needs to know if the new LO native 
supports the reconnect schema and if so, how to implement it. As far 
as I
know, no one on this list so far has given him the answer to that 

 I have no experience with the new native driver (yet), so I do not have
the answer.  If the native driver does not support it, or he does not 
an answer, I would suggest keeping the Oracle JDBC driver until he 
gets his

answer, if the new LO still allows replacement of the native built-in

BTW: I am my own admin, so my MySQL server is still set to the default
timeout, if any.  Therefore, I do not experience this disconnect 
 However, every so often, I see a posting about it on this forum, so 
he is

not alone.
Girvin Herr

On 05/10/2014 03:37 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

 Hi :)

It's the 2nd one Anne-ology.

The connector is some sort of bridge between Base and MySql. It's the
bridge that is timing out rather than the computer afaik.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 10 May 2014 22:13, anne-ology  wrote:

 If you're referring to the computer-machine shutting down 

entering sleep-mode, then there's a simple solution;
 if you're referring to something else 

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: connection between Libre and Open Office

2014-05-12 Thread Girvin Herr

If new files are experiencing this problem, then it sounds like your 
default template is not clean.

First, check the Tools -> Options -> Paths paths to be sure nothing is 
pointing to the OpenOffice directories.  Especially the "Templates" 
path.  If the "Templates" path is set to the OpenOffice templates path, 
then the OpenOffice default template could be used for new documents.

If the paths are okay, then open a new document and/or spreadsheet and 
then look at File -> Properties and verify they are blank. If not, and 
the "Title" property in the "Description" tab is set to "OpenOffice", 
then you will have to make the change(s) to the template properties and 
save it as the new default.  That should correct the problem with new 

For old documents or spreadsheets, check the problem ones by opening 
them and check the properties as with the new file procedure above. If 
your spreadsheet or document has the "Title" property set to specify 
"OpenOffice", and the Title "field" is inserted into the document or 
spreadsheet, then it will always be OpenOffice until that property is 
changed.  The file properties are set in the document and will follow 
the document, not the application.

As a last resort, you might try deleting or renaming the LO user profile.

Girvin Herr

On 05/12/2014 06:20 AM, anne-ology wrote:

OpenOffice became LibreOffice.

As for the header; I'm not sure I understand the question -
 neither OO nor LO should be noticeable on your form
   unless, for some reason, you've added that as your header for the

From: George Roberts 
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 09:47:05 +0100
Subject: [libreoffice-users]

Dear Sir

Is there any connection between Libre and Open Office?

The reason I ask, I downloaded Open Office, did a spreadsheet, and on
advice, was told Libre was better, so I downloaded Libre.

Then I did a copy/paste of my spreadsheet from OO to Libre, but the heading
still shows as Open Office.

So, thinking it was because it was a copy/paste, I produced a sample
spreadsheet called dates using Libre, and open office is still shown in the
saved title name?

Could it be because I have not uninstalled Open Office yet?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] displaying/editing a table through LO-Base

2014-05-16 Thread Girvin Herr

I can't be sure if this is your problem, but in the past, I have 
experienced strange behavior in Base when I upgraded MySQL without 
saving and restoring the database.  In other words, using the old MySQL 
version database with the new MySQL version.  At those times, I was 
getting some complaints in the MySQL log about the database integrity.  
However, running the MySQL-suggested database fixer made it worse, not 
better.  Since then, I have been using the policy to save the database 
with mysqldump under the old version, renaming the MySQL database 
directory to force a fresh install, upgrading MySQL, and then, after the 
installation, restore the database with the new version's mysql.  Since 
I have been doing that process, I have not seen any database strangeness 
and the log remains "clean", but verbose.  So, if you have upgraded 
MySQL at some time in the past and not "upgraded" the database at that 
time, that may be your instability's "root cause".

You may try a save and restore.  The conversion process of mysqldump 
converting to SQL and mysql importing the resulting SQL can act as a 
sort of filter to discard problem areas in the database.  I don't think 
it will do any harm, but always backup first.

For the record, I am using MySQL 5.5.36 and MySQL-connector-java-5.1.18 
and they seem to work well together. (Slackware 14.0 (K3.2.29) Linux)

Girvin Herr

On 05/16/2014 12:26 PM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:


To start with - I am not certain that this belongs into THIS "forum"...

I run a MySQL-database which is stored at a Linux-Debian-Squeeze-Server.
This DB consists of "dozens" of inter-related tables, views, 
functions, procedures,

etc., etc.
I have been accessing the DB both through the the command-line client 
and phpMyAdmin,
adding, updating, deleting tuples with no problems at all with ALL 

Except - when accessing the DB through LO-Base, using the JDBC 
connector from MySQL
(mysql-connector-java-5.1.30), there is just ONE table which I cannot 
access. it is

defined like this:
   bezeichnung VARCHAR (255) not null default ' ',
   stueckZahl INTEGER not null default 1,
   anschDatum DATE not null DEFAULT '1999-09-01',/* Anschaffungsdatum */
   fvbNr INTEGER not null default 0, /* Firmennummer des 
Lieferanten */
   typBesch CHAR(1) not null default 'k',/* Miete, Kauf, 
Leihe, Spende,... */
   anschKosten FIXED (11,2) default 0,   /* Anschaffungskosten 
in EUR */
   repKosten FIXED (11,2) default 0, /* aufgelaufene 
Reparaturkosten in EUR */
   abschreibung FIXED (11,2) default 0,  /* aufgelaufene 
Abschreibung in EUR */
   datEliminiert DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '2099-09-01',/* aus Inventar 
ausgeschieden am... */
   vorhanden SMALLINT NOT NULL default 1,/* Menge laut 
Inventur */

   invDat DATE not null default '1999-09-01',/* Inventur-Datum */
   bemerkung VARCHAR (255) not null default ' ',
   PRIMARY KEY (nummer),
   UNIQUE INDEX (nummer),
   INDEX (fvbNr),
   INDEX (typBesch),
   FOREIGN KEY (fvbNr) REFERENCES fvbPartner(nummer),
   FOREIGN KEY (typBesch) REFERENCES invBeschTyp(code)
  CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci
I am sure that the problem lies with the JDBC-Connector itself or its 
usage under LO-Base,
since I don't experience any problems when going either through the 
command-line client,
phpMyAdmin or the native MySQL connector under LO-Base. There is NO 
entry in any of the


Has anybody experienced a similar situation?

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Re: [libreoffice-users] displaying/editing a table through LO-Base

2014-05-17 Thread Girvin Herr

Yes, I forgot that the backed-up SQL first drops the table to be 
restored and then recreates it before loading the data.  My mistake.  
That makes the process even simpler.

I do not know much about the JDBC connector either.  Have you tried the 
Oracle website or a search engine (google, etc.)?  Sometimes you can get 
a hit that can point you in the right direction.  Maybe someone else on 
this forum has replied to your design and has an answer.

Good luck.
Girvin Herr

On 05/17/2014 03:31 AM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:

Thanks for caring to answer, Girvin!
I use mysqldump to dump all tables and views from the server and then 
the resulting sql-text-file on my local machine. During this process I 
drop the database and then recreate it from a "tabula rasa". It seems 
to me that

this should take care of the problem of migrating the server.

By the way, I have got 5.5.37-0+wheezy1-log installed on both the 
remote server

and my local mysql-server-machine.

In addition - using the native connector EVERYTHING (including 
accessing/editing etc.
the table mentioned in my first append) works just fine - both through 
the command-line client AND LO-Base. So I am pretty sure that the 
problem has to do
with JDBC and its integration within LO-Base. Unfortunately I simply 
don't know how
to trace down what happens in the JDBC case. I don't know of any 
logging facility
within either JDBC or LO-Base. The mysql logs don't show ANY entries 
in the failing


Regards from cold/rainy Salzburg - actually - looking up from my 
laptop I can

actually see snow (in mid-May!!) half-way up the surrounding mountains.

On Fri, 16 May 2014 23:01:30 +0200, Girvin Herr 

I can't be sure if this is your problem, but in the past, I have
experienced strange behavior in Base when I upgraded MySQL without
saving and restoring the database.  In other words, using the old MySQL
version database with the new MySQL version.  At those times, I was
getting some complaints in the MySQL log about the database integrity.
However, running the MySQL-suggested database fixer made it worse, not
better.  Since then, I have been using the policy to save the database
with mysqldump under the old version, renaming the MySQL database
directory to force a fresh install, upgrading MySQL, and then, after the
installation, restore the database with the new version's mysql.  Since
I have been doing that process, I have not seen any database strangeness
and the log remains "clean", but verbose.  So, if you have upgraded
MySQL at some time in the past and not "upgraded" the database at that
time, that may be your instability's "root cause".

You may try a save and restore.  The conversion process of mysqldump
converting to SQL and mysql importing the resulting SQL can act as a
sort of filter to discard problem areas in the database.  I don't think
it will do any harm, but always backup first.

For the record, I am using MySQL 5.5.36 and MySQL-connector-java-5.1.18
and they seem to work well together. (Slackware 14.0 (K3.2.29) Linux)
Girvin Herr

On 05/16/2014 12:26 PM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:


To start with - I am not certain that this belongs into THIS "forum"...

I run a MySQL-database which is stored at a 

This DB consists of "dozens" of inter-related tables, views,
functions, procedures,
etc., etc.
I have been accessing the DB both through the the command-line client
and phpMyAdmin,
adding, updating, deleting tuples with no problems at all with ALL

Except - when accessing the DB through LO-Base, using the JDBC
connector from MySQL
(mysql-connector-java-5.1.30), there is just ONE table which I cannot
access. it is
defined like this:
   bezeichnung VARCHAR (255) not null default ' ',
   stueckZahl INTEGER not null default 1,
   anschDatum DATE not null DEFAULT '1999-09-01',/* 
Anschaffungsdatum */

   fvbNr INTEGER not null default 0, /* Firmennummer des
Lieferanten */
   typBesch CHAR(1) not null default 'k',/* Miete, Kauf,
Leihe, Spende,... */
   anschKosten FIXED (11,2) default 0,   /* Anschaffungskosten
in EUR */
   repKosten FIXED (11,2) default 0, /* aufgelaufene
Reparaturkosten in EUR */
   abschreibung FIXED (11,2) default 0,  /* aufgelaufene
Abschreibung in EUR */
   datEliminiert DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '2099-09-01',/* aus Inventar
ausgeschieden am... */
   vorhanden SMALLINT NOT NULL default 1,/* Menge laut
Inventur */
   invDat DATE not null default '1999-09-01',/* Inventur-Datum */
   bemerkung VARCHAR (255) not null default ' ',
   PRIMARY KEY (nummer),
   UNIQUE INDEX (nummer),
   INDEX (fvbNr),
   INDEX (typBesch),
   FOREIGN KEY (fvbNr) R

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.12 GA and MariaDB 10.1.0 Alpha now available

2014-07-05 Thread Girvin Herr

On 07/04/2014 04:16 AM, Jim Seymour wrote:

On Fri, 4 Jul 2014 08:37:46 +0100
Tom Davies  wrote:


*  Some distros have already moved from MySql to MariaDb


How does a distro "move from" one dbms to another?  Admittedly: I
don't keep track of all the latest & greatest stuff on the FOSS world
(I presume MariaDb is FOSS?), but I'd never heard of MariaDb before.
Furthermore: Considering how even PostgreSQL, which has, technically
speaking, been around *longer* than MySQL, can gain little traction
as a backend dbms for many projects, I would think it would be
suicide for any distro to try to "move from" MySQL to such a thing.


Moving from MySQL to Mariadb is very easy.  I use Slackware Linux and 
Slackware, with the 14.1 distribution, moved from MySQL to Mariadb.  My 
research on Mariadb has shown me that even the MySQL apps, such as 
mysql_install_db are fully supported in Mariadb and retain the app name 
so scripts should run without change.  So far, I have not encountered 
any significant differences between the interfaces of either back-end.  
I might add that the compatability is such that even the Oracle 
mysql-connector-java driver will interface with Mariadb as-is.

Years ago when I was researching the DBMS market to decide which one I 
wanted to use, at that time Postgresql had some limitations which MySQL 
did not.  I no longer remember what they were, but it seemed that MySQL 
was more mature and had more of the features that I wanted, so I 
committed to MySQL.  MySQL has worked for me and that is what counts.  
Postgresql may now have equivalent or better features, but I have made 
my commitment and do not want to spend the energy and resources required 
to switch to Postgresql.  I may not be alone in that, so that may be why 
you see no "traction" for Postgresql.

"Suicide"?  No.  Slackware does not do such things haphazardly. They 
only make such decisions if the software is proven to work and only 
after much testing.  Slackware has been known to drop packages that have 
refused to fix bugs in a reasonable time, especially security bugs.  I 
suspect Oracle's MySQL fits that category.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Adding fields to existing Base table

2014-07-10 Thread Girvin Herr

I use the MySQL server and have added table fields before.  It is simple 
in the LO Base table design window.

Tables -> right click on table -> select Edit
MySQL accepts these changes and adds the field.  Of course, then you 
must add the new field to your forms, queries, relationships and 
reports, as needed.

Deleting fields is another matter.  I have had problems with MySQL field 
deletions before - especially messing with the primary key. Then it may 
be a matter of directly using the MySQL interface program, with some SQL 
code, bypassing LO Base.  But it is possible.  So be careful what you 
do.  Think it out first.

I have no experience with the internal HSQLDB server.  From what I read 
on this forum, using the internal HSQLDB server with a large 3GB 
database is not recommended.  Best to use MySQL, MariaDB, or Postgresql 
for such large databases.  Also, remember that there may be no way to 
easily port your data from the internal HSQLDB database to an external 
database if you so decide to make the change in the future.  You may end 
up re-entering it all.  Best to make the commitment now, before you run 
into a wall.  Note that I consider my databases "large" at 2.7_M_B for 
the current largest.  IMHO, 3GB is out there.

Girvin Herr

On 07/10/2014 12:27 PM, dave boland wrote:

I'm setting up a database that is small (three tables, may grow to 3GB
over next year).  I need a strategy to deal with the unknown, which is
how to add fields to an existing table.  I read in the docs that doing
this can be painful and it is required to put something in each field
for each record.  Do I have this correct?  If so, how do I handle the
inevitable "...would you add..." that is sure to come within the next
few months?  I would add them now, but I really can't anticipate how
many fields will be added or their requirements.

In general, do other databases have similar restrictions?  At some time,
when I have time, I will consider MySQL, MariaDB, and others.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Scan documents?

2014-07-23 Thread Girvin Herr
I just tried this for the first time on my Slackware Linux system and it 
does seem to be broken.  (LO  I used Insert -> Picture -> Scan 
-> select source to verify it was using my Epson USB flatbed scanner.  
The problem with my version is that it defaults to the existing, but 
unconnected video device (v4l:/dev/video0).  When I select my scanner in 
the "Device used" option, it shows the "epson2:libusb:00", which I 
assume is correct. However, it still will not scan and the "About 
Device" button results in the info for the video device even though I 
changed the device.  It will not run the scanner and results in a 
garbage block (probably the unconnected video card).  LO does not seem 
to support USB scanners.

I would do a separate scan with Xsane and save it in whatever format you 
want.  I usually use jpeg, but others could work also.  Just do _not_ 
use encapsulated Postscript.  Then insert that file into your document.  
I have had good success with that process.

Girvin Herr

On 07/23/2014 11:30 AM, Thomas Taylor wrote:

Is it possible to scan an older printed document directly into LO?

I have an old 2 page document that I want to reproduce and modify with LO but
don't find any entries in the menus for scanning directly into LO.  This is in
a Linux system and would probably use xine for the scanning.

I suppose I could scan into a pdf and bring that into LO but would prefer to
work on an *.odt format.

Thanks, Tom  list moderator

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Scan documents?

2014-07-26 Thread Girvin Herr

I do _not_ have a problem with scanning to a file.  Yes, XSANE does come 
up and lists both the video card for some reason and my scanner as 
options.  That is an anomaly which started with Slack 14.0 (k3.2.29).  
However, unlike LO, when I select my scanner, XSANE does use the 
scanner, not the video card.  My video card is an internal card and I am 
not going to keep removing it just to allow me to directly scan from 
LO.  As I said, I can insert scanned images using the file insert 
procedure.  I do not need to use the insert scan procedure.  Good thing, 
since it seems to be broken in my older version of LO.  Also, I am sure 
XSANE has far more scanning features than LO would ever hope to have, so 
I prefer to use XSANE.

I use the SANE driver that came with my Slackware distro.  It uses the 
udev system to sense my Epson 1660U USB scanner and installs the correct 
driver for it.  I did have to copy the stock Epson udev rule to 
/etc/udev/rules.d/99-epson-scanner.rules in order to modify it to allow 
user mode access.  The stock rule would only allow scanning as root - an 
old problem with security-centric Slackware. I never downloaded any 
hardware drivers.  I have no experience with Ubuntu. I feel Ubuntu is 
too much like Windog and I prefer to keep control over my computer, not 
hand that control over to the distro developer who has some crazy idea 
that they know what I want better than I do.  Ubuntu is fine for some 
people, just not me.

Thanks for the help.

On 07/26/2014 06:02 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I had great difficulty finding workable driver for my Epson 
print/scan/copy/fax device, since Epson did not support Linux 
[Ubuntu].  It took a OS update before I could get the scanning to work 
properly.  The key here is where did you get the driver for the 
scanner and how well can other packages use it?  Yes, you do seem to 
have an issue that seems to associate the Epson scanner with the video 
device in the config files.

Here is a question and possible fix.
Unplug the video device and keep the scanner plugged in and on. rename 
the LO config folder and reopen LO to recreate it.  See if the video 
device is still listed.  If so, then there may be something "outside" 
of the LO "system" that maybe causing the issue.  Is the Video device 
and the scanner both Epson tech?  If so, then that might cause some 
confusion somewhere.

To be honest, I deal with Win7 and various Ubuntu types of Linux - 
i,e, Ubuntu 13.xx / 14.xx, and Linux Mint.  So I do not know the 
internals of Slackware or any RPM based Linux.

As I stated, I had a lot of trouble with an Epson Artisan 810 
Print/Scan/Copy/Fax device.  I could not get even half of its options 
to work properly with Ubuntu based OSs.

On 07/23/2014 04:24 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:
I just tried this for the first time on my Slackware Linux system and 
it does seem to be broken.  (LO  I used Insert -> Picture -> 
Scan -> select source to verify it was using my Epson USB flatbed 
scanner.  The problem with my version is that it defaults to the 
existing, but unconnected video device (v4l:/dev/video0).  When I 
select my scanner in the "Device used" option, it shows the 
"epson2:libusb:00", which I assume is correct. However, it still will 
not scan and the "About Device" button results in the info for the 
video device even though I changed the device.  It will not run the 
scanner and results in a garbage block (probably the unconnected 
video card).  LO does not seem to support USB scanners.

I would do a separate scan with Xsane and save it in whatever format 
you want.  I usually use jpeg, but others could work also. Just do 
_not_ use encapsulated Postscript.  Then insert that file into your 
document.  I have had good success with that process.

Girvin Herr

On 07/23/2014 11:30 AM, Thomas Taylor wrote:

Is it possible to scan an older printed document directly into LO?

I have an old 2 page document that I want to reproduce and modify 
with LO but
don't find any entries in the menus for scanning directly into LO.  
This is in

a Linux system and would probably use xine for the scanning.

I suppose I could scan into a pdf and bring that into LO but would 
prefer to

work on an *.odt format.

Thanks, Tom  list moderator

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[libreoffice-users] Restoration problem between sessions

2016-07-21 Thread Girvin Herr


I am running Slackware Linux 14.1 (K3.10.17), Xfce 4, and Libreoffice (binary .rpm download from LO website).

I prefer to keep several oft-used LO files open all the time. These 
files are open when I shut down the session.  When I start the next 
session, LO will not autoload these files and in fact will not run at 
all.  When I then start LO5 manually from the desktop icon, these files 
are opened.  I created a log of the Xfce output from the startup, which 
included the startup of LO5 and got the following snippet:


LibreOffice 490fc03b25318460cfc54456516ea2519c11d1aa

Unknown option: --session=2c07016df-92b0-47a4-8398-8d806cdb3d0c

Usage: soffice [options] [documents...]

--minimizedkeep startup bitmap minimized.
--invisibleno startup screen, no default document and no UI.
--norestoresuppress restart/restore after fatal errors.
--quickstart   starts the quickstart service
--nologo   don't show startup screen.
--nolockcheck  don't check for remote instances using the installation
--nodefaultdon't start with an empty document
--headless like invisible but no user interaction at all.
--help/-h/-?   show this message and exit.
--version  display the version information.
--writer   create new text document.
--calc create new spreadsheet document.
--draw create new drawing.
--impress  create new presentation.
--base create new database.
--math create new formula.
--global   create new global document.
--web  create new HTML document.
-o open documents regardless whether they are templates or not.
-n always open documents as new files (use as template).

  Specify X-Display to use in Unix/X11 versions.
  print the specified documents on the default printer.
  print the specified documents on the specified printer.
  open the specified documents in viewer-(readonly-)mode.
  open the specified presentation and start it immediately
  Specify an UNO connect-string to create an UNO acceptor through which
  other programs can connect to access the API
  Close an acceptor that was created with --accept=
  Use --unnaccept=all to close all open acceptors
  Force an input filter type if possible
  Eg. --infilter="Calc Office Open XML"
  --infilter="Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,,,"
[--outdir output_dir] files

  Batch convert files (implies --headless).
  If --outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as 

  Eg. --convert-to pdf *.doc
  --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir /home/user *.doc
  --convert-to "html:XHTML Writer File:UTF8" *.doc
  --convert-to "txt:Text (encoded):UTF8" *.doc
--print-to-file [-printer-name printer_name] [--outdir output_dir] files
  Batch print files to file.
  If --outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as 

  Eg. --print-to-file *.doc
  --print-to-file --printer-name nasty_lowres_printer --outdir 
/home/user *.doc

--cat files
  Dump text content of the files to console
  Eg. --cat *.odt
--pidfile file
  Store soffice.bin pid to file.
  Set a bootstrap variable.
  Eg. -env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp/test to set a non-default 
user profile path.

Remaining arguments will be treated as filenames or URLs of documents to 


As can be seen in the list of valid options, --session is not one of 
them.  I suspect that --session is what the Xfce desktop uses to pass 
last session state information for startup.

LO 3.x would do this without any problems, but ever since LO 4.x, I have 
had this problem.

Is there a solution for this?

Girvin Herr

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[libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-22 Thread Girvin Herr


I have just re-joined this forum since dropping it 2 years ago due to 
email provider censoring issues.  Back then it was vibrant and I was 
able to get good answers to my LO problems quickly and I was able to 
help others with problems.  Now, since I resubscribed, I saw less than 
10 postings downloaded on my first day, but nothing since.  I posted a 
message yesterday, and it was echoed to me but that is it.  Is this not 
the proper place to post LO user questions?  If not, what is?

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-22 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the reply.
Whew!  I was beginning to think I was the only one on the list. Since I 
wrote this, I have seen some activity here, including your response.  I 
have signed up for the Nabble site, but I prefer mail lists.  With the 
list, I get replies to my postings in my email inbox.  As far as I am 
aware, Nabble does not have this notification feature and I have to keep 
polling the site for replies to my postings.

Thanks again.

On 07/22/2016 01:36 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:


Still the right place, just not much activity.

Of course you can always follow along, or query old activity for this and other 
project ML via our Nabble archive.


From: Girvin Herr 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 3:25 PM
To: LibreOffice Users
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?


I have just re-joined this forum since dropping it 2 years ago due to
email provider censoring issues.  Back then it was vibrant and I was
able to get good answers to my LO problems quickly and I was able to
help others with problems.  Now, since I resubscribed, I saw less than
10 postings downloaded on my first day, but nothing since.  I posted a
message yesterday, and it was echoed to me but that is it.  Is this not
the proper place to post LO user questions?  If not, what is?

Girvin Herr

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Fwd: Re: [libreoffice-users] Restoration problem between sessions

2016-07-22 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the response.
I checked and this option is already checked by default.  So, it doesn't 
look like that is the problem.  Or are you suggesting I uncheck it and 
see if LO5 comes up automatically at the next session where now it 
doesn't come up at all?
I will try it, but I am not sure how that would affect the rest of my 
desktop.  So, it may not be a long-term solution for me.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Hello Girvin

In Xfce, when you click on the logout button on the taskbar there is a 
checkbox "Save session for future logins"...

Would this be a way to solve your problem?

On 7/21/2016 3:37 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:


I am running Slackware Linux 14.1 (K3.10.17), Xfce 4, and Libreoffice (binary .rpm download from LO website).

I prefer to keep several oft-used LO files open all the time. These 
files are open when I shut down the session.  When I start the next 
session, LO will not autoload these files and in fact will not run at 
all.  When I then start LO5 manually from the desktop icon, these 
files are opened.  I created a log of the Xfce output from the 
startup, which included the startup of LO5 and got the following snippet:


LibreOffice 490fc03b25318460cfc54456516ea2519c11d1aa

Unknown option: --session=2c07016df-92b0-47a4-8398-8d806cdb3d0c

Usage: soffice [options] [documents...]

--minimizedkeep startup bitmap minimized.
--invisibleno startup screen, no default document and no UI.
--norestoresuppress restart/restore after fatal errors.
--quickstart   starts the quickstart service
--nologo   don't show startup screen.
--nolockcheck  don't check for remote instances using the installation
--nodefaultdon't start with an empty document
--headless like invisible but no user interaction at all.
--help/-h/-?   show this message and exit.
--version  display the version information.
--writer   create new text document.
--calc create new spreadsheet document.
--draw create new drawing.
--impress  create new presentation.
--base create new database.
--math create new formula.
--global   create new global document.
--web  create new HTML document.
-o open documents regardless whether they are templates or 

-n always open documents as new files (use as template).

  Specify X-Display to use in Unix/X11 versions.
  print the specified documents on the default printer.
  print the specified documents on the specified printer.
  open the specified documents in viewer-(readonly-)mode.
  open the specified presentation and start it immediately
  Specify an UNO connect-string to create an UNO acceptor through 

  other programs can connect to access the API
  Close an acceptor that was created with --accept=
  Use --unnaccept=all to close all open acceptors
  Force an input filter type if possible
  Eg. --infilter="Calc Office Open XML"
  --infilter="Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,,,"
[--outdir output_dir] files

  Batch convert files (implies --headless).
  If --outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as 

  Eg. --convert-to pdf *.doc
  --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir /home/user *.doc
  --convert-to "html:XHTML Writer File:UTF8" *.doc
  --convert-to "txt:Text (encoded):UTF8" *.doc
--print-to-file [-printer-name printer_name] [--outdir output_dir] files
  Batch print files to file.
  If --outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as 

  Eg. --print-to-file *.doc
  --print-to-file --printer-name nasty_lowres_printer --outdir 
/home/user *.doc

--cat files
  Dump text content of the files to console
  Eg. --cat *.odt
--pidfile file
  Store soffice.bin pid to file.
  Set a bootstrap variable.
  Eg. -env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp/test to set a non-default 
user profile path.

Remaining arguments will be treated as filenames or URLs of documents 
to open.


As can be seen in the list of valid options, --session is not one of 
them.  I suspect that --session is what the Xfce desktop uses to pass 
last session state information for startup.

LO 3.x would do this without any problems, but ever since LO 4.x, I 
have had this problem.

Is there a solution for this?

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-22 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the response.
Yes, I have bookmarked also.  It is another 
resource.  This forum has benefited me in the past, and I prefer to stay 
with it.  As I said, I have been away for about 2 years and I was not 
sure what had happened to the forum in that time.  I have spent the last 
year off-and-on trying to sign up again through my at&t/yahoo email 
provider, but my subscription requests have been going into a black 
hole.  I never even got the subscription confirmation replies.  I 
suspected the problem was with at&t/yahoo again, similar to 2 years ago, 
so I had a friend, who was not with at&t/yahoo, test the subscription 
process and it worked for him.  That was when I had proof that the 
problem was with at&t/yahoo.  I suspect they are blacklisting this forum 
for whatever reason, but they never told me they were doing it.  I am in 
the process of shutting down my at&t/yahoo email service and, as you can 
see in the header, I am in the process of switching to FastMail.  They 
seem to be working fine.

Thanks again and take care.

On 07/22/2016 05:36 PM, Bruce Hohl wrote:

There also exists the busier forum 
 but like you I prefer mailing lists ... 
and this is a good mailing list where questions often receive solid 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-23 Thread Girvin Herr

On 07/22/2016 09:12 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

On Fri, 22 Jul 2016, Girvin Herr wrote:

Thanks for the response.
Yes, I have bookmarked also.  It is another 
resource.  This forum has benefited me in the past, and I prefer to 
stay with it.  As I said, I have been away for about 2 years and I 
was not sure what had happened to the forum in that time. I have 
spent the last year off-and-on trying to sign up again through my 
at&t/yahoo email provider, but my subscription requests have been 
going into a black hole.  I never even got the subscription 
confirmation replies.  I suspected the problem was with at&t/yahoo 
again, similar to 2 years ago, so I had a friend, who was not with 
at&t/yahoo, test the subscription process and it worked for him.  
That was when I had proof that the problem was with at&t/yahoo.  I 
suspect they are blacklisting this forum for whatever reason, but 
they never told me they were doing it.  I am in the process of 
shutting down my at&t/yahoo email service and, as you can see in the 
header, I am in the process of switching to FastMail.  They seem to 
be working fine.

Thanks again and take care.

possible cause:

"In an attempt to block email spoofing attacks on addresses, 
Yahoo began imposing a stricter email validation policy that 
unfortunately breaks the usual workflow on legitimate mailing lists."

Lucian Constantin
IDG News Service Apr 8, 2014 6:10 AM




Yes, but the effect of this at&t/yahoo policy is to censure their 
customers.  at&t had never informed me of this policy. I had to figure 
it out from the unusual silence I was experiencing.  These at&t/yahoo 
policies are not in my interests, so I am dumping at&t/yahoo as soon as 
I can.

Thanks for the link.  It was enlightening.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-24 Thread Girvin Herr

On 07/24/2016 10:19 AM, fudmer rieley wrote:

Open source needs to get to cracking on the cad / cam software

bricad is excellent but it does not handle architecture very well.

it may not take much to develop an architecture front end to bricad
someone interested to work on this..

This is a bit off-topic, but if you are looking for a 2D drawing editor, 
I might suggest Librecad:
I have been using it for a while and, after the learning curve, have 
done some mechanical drawings.  It is similar to autocad and by default 
uses the common dxf file format.  It also has an architectural symbol 
library available, but I still had to create some of my own symbols for 
my architectural drawings.  Doing so is not very difficult.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Restoration problem between sessions

2016-07-25 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the suggestion.  Someone else suggested that and I discovered 
in my Xfce desktop, that option is already checked. Just for grins, I 
tried unchecking it and there was no difference.

I think the problem has to do with that "session=" argument that LO5 
does not like.  Xfce is passing it, but LO5 is not accepting it.  The 
".desktop" file uses the %U argument.

   Exec=libreoffice5.0 %U

I suspect the two methods of starting LO5 are different and that is why 
it works when I use the desktop icon, which uses the ".desktop" file, 
but not when Xfce is restoring the last session.


On 07/25/2016 06:54 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:

Hello Girvin

In Xfce, when you click on the logout button on the taskbar there is a 
checkbox "Save session for future logins"...

Would this be a way to solve your problem?

On 7/21/2016 3:37 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:


I am running Slackware Linux 14.1 (K3.10.17), Xfce 4, and Libreoffice (binary .rpm download from LO website).

I prefer to keep several oft-used LO files open all the time. These 
files are open when I shut down the session.  When I start the next 
session, LO will not autoload these files and in fact will not run at 
all.  When I then start LO5 manually from the desktop icon, these 
files are opened.  I created a log of the Xfce output from the 
startup, which included the startup of LO5 and got the following 


LibreOffice 490fc03b25318460cfc54456516ea2519c11d1aa

Unknown option: --session=2c07016df-92b0-47a4-8398-8d806cdb3d0c 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is everyone?

2016-07-26 Thread Girvin Herr

Hello Kracked,

I remember you from 2 years ago.  I am sorry to hear you are having 
health problems.  I hope you get better soon.

The list has picked up since I wrote this. That makes me feel better.  
You are correct that maybe no one here has a solution to this technical 
problem.  I try this forum first, before I go elsewhere or give up.  I 
will let my posting run a while longer and see if I get any solutions.  
If not, I may look into submitting a bug report.  The devs may be able 
to resolve it in a future release.

Thanks and take care.

On 07/25/2016 09:43 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Hello Girvin

I am one of those who no longer read these posts daily.  This is due 
to health and equipment issues.

As you have been told of before, somethings there are not a lot of 
posts in this forum every day.  Sometimes there are not many people on 
this list that have a solution you need.  I had one issue that took 
several weeks to get an answer, since it was a very specific to my OS 
and printer.  Sometimes it just happens this way.

On 07/22/2016 04:25 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:


I have just re-joined this forum since dropping it 2 years ago due to 
email provider censoring issues.  Back then it was vibrant and I was 
able to get good answers to my LO problems quickly and I was able to 
help others with problems.  Now, since I resubscribed, I saw less 
than 10 postings downloaded on my first day, but nothing since.  I 
posted a message yesterday, and it was echoed to me but that is it.  
Is this not the proper place to post LO user questions?  If not, what 

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Restoration problem between sessions

2016-07-28 Thread Girvin Herr

Thanks for the suggestion.  My reply delay is due to this week being 
filled with appointments and I have not had the time to investigate 
this.  It has made me think of a few other possibilities to try, 
though.  If and when I get any more information, I will post it.


On 07/25/2016 11:56 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Perhaps you have a ~/.bash_profile that you can modify by adding 
"Exec=libreoffice5.0 %U" to it.

I have little experience with Xfce, but I understand this is where 'at 
login' commands are to appear.

On 7/25/2016 2:36 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion.  Someone else suggested that and I 
discovered in my Xfce desktop, that option is already checked. Just 
for grins, I tried unchecking it and there was no difference.

I think the problem has to do with that "session=" argument that LO5 
does not like.  Xfce is passing it, but LO5 is not accepting it.  The 
".desktop" file uses the %U argument.

   Exec=libreoffice5.0 %U

I suspect the two methods of starting LO5 are different and that is 
why it works when I use the desktop icon, which uses the ".desktop" 
file, but not when Xfce is restoring the last session.


On 07/25/2016 06:54 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:

Hello Girvin

In Xfce, when you click on the logout button on the taskbar there is 
a checkbox "Save session for future logins"...

Would this be a way to solve your problem?

On 7/21/2016 3:37 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:


I am running Slackware Linux 14.1 (K3.10.17), Xfce 4, and 
Libreoffice (binary .rpm download from LO website).

I prefer to keep several oft-used LO files open all the time. These 
files are open when I shut down the session. When I start the next 
session, LO will not autoload these files and in fact will not run 
at all.  When I then start LO5 manually from the desktop icon, 
these files are opened. I created a log of the Xfce output from the 
startup, which included the startup of LO5 and got the following 


LibreOffice 490fc03b25318460cfc54456516ea2519c11d1aa

Unknown option: --session=2c07016df-92b0-47a4-8398-8d806cdb3d0c 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-07-31 Thread Girvin Herr

On 07/31/2016 12:49 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 7/30/16 3:30 PM, jorge wrote:


On GNU / Linux / Ubuntu, and of course in other distributions, there are
to program that you would probe because could help you to export Access
DB to open document:

1) MDBtools (View and export MSAccess db)

2) Kexi of Caligra Suite that say it is able to read MS Access db

Thanks, jorge.  I'll have to check with my "conspirator" on how much 
effort in learning he's willing to do to create a Linux database.


One thing about Kexi.  I looked at it a few weeks ago and discovered 
that Kexi has a capability of reading Access database files to some 
degree.  However, it reads and converts the access database into its own 
internal database.  Kexi has no capability to interface to and use an 
external database server (aka "Back End") such as Mariadb or MySQL, as 
LO Base does.

I am using LO Base as a database client (aka "Front End") on Linux and 
connected to my Mariadb database server using a Java "connector" 
driver.  I do this because the LO internal HSQDB has limitations that 
MySQL and Mariadb do not have.  You may consider this if your 
database(s) are large or complex.

Years ago, I had my data in an access (1.1) database and needed to port 
my data to MySQL.  I managed it by using the option in access to output 
the database as a comma-separated file, much like a spreadsheet ".csv" 
file.  I then was able to set up MySQL to import this file into its 
database format.  Of course, as some others have noted, the forms and 
reports needed to be recreated.  At this time, OpenOffice (before LO was 
available) did not have a database client which would work with MySQL, 
so I chose an open source client called Rekall and had to recreate my 
data entry forms and reports.  It was labor intensive, but needed to be 
done.  Then Rekall went bust and I had to find another client.  By then, 
OpenOffice had Base, which would talk to my MySQL database engine.  I 
did not need to do anything with my MySQL database, but I did have to 
recreate all of my data entry forms and reports yet again - more labor.  
So, the bottom line is that any time you change database clients, expect 
to recreate the data entry forms and reports.  There is no standard for 
them.  One big advantage to using an external database such as MySQL or 
Mariadb, is that they use standard SQL, while the LO Base HSQDB database 
server uses a non-standard version of SQL.  So, using HSQDB could lock 
you in to it.

My databases are critical to me.  All of my database software decisions 
were based on being able to easily port my data to another client or 
server and not need to recreate it.  Depending on the size of your 
database, that could take much more time than recreating just the forms 
and reports.

Hope this helps with your decision.  Good luck.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-08-01 Thread Girvin Herr

On 07/31/2016 07:36 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

I understand the concept of Front End/Back End, but never have dealt 
with it.  Nor have I ever used MySQL, Mariadb, or others.  Access and 
a bit of dBase is all I've ever used, and in general, even then that's 
more power than I've ever needed.

Actually, IIRC, Access has both a client and server built in.  The user 
isn't normally aware of it.  In my experience with Access 1.1, the 
server is called the "Jet" server.  Today's Access may no longer use the 
Jet server, but I am sure something like it is still in there 
somewhere.  I must admit the Access bundled concept is addictive.  As a 
newbie to databases back in the 90s, I liked it and it was a shock and a 
learning experience to wean myself off of it and go with the industry 
standard forms of client/server architecture and the SQL language.  
Since then I have learned a lot and find the latter concept very 
powerful.  In your case, if Access and dBase had/have more power than 
you ever needed and that power is all that you will ever need, then the 
LO internal HSQLDB engine is probably a good choice for your application.

Now that you mentioned dBase, you may, or may not, be aware that LO has 
a dBase option.  But a limitation to it that I found is that older 
versions of dBase files are not supported.  I have some old dBase 1.x 
files with dbase programs that will not load into LO, let alone run.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-08-01 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/01/2016 11:35 AM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:

On 1 August 2016 at 00:16, Girvin Herr

One thing about Kexi.  I looked at it a few weeks ago and discovered that
Kexi has a capability of reading Access database files to some degree.
However, it reads and converts the access database into its own internal
database.  Kexi has no capability to interface to and use an external
database server (aka "Back End") such as Mariadb or MySQL, as LO Base does.

If you mean ability to connect without generating any metadata as in
pure frontends, and being a SQL frontend, then yes. The internal
database is created on first use, however it still can be the server
database possibly running on the same server like the original one,
it's just not the same database.

I recommend - 2.x supports
MySQL, PostgreSQL, xBase and MS SQL/Sybase backends (it does so
without limiting itself to capabilities of ODBC/JDBC).

KEXI 3 would be able to do open databases "in place", just not 3.0.
Still, it would not be called a db frontend however transmitting
unchecked/raw SQL strings back and forth; it would be still more a
different type of software: an integrated app creator / environment,
so a slightly more high-level tool.

What I found back on July 4th (and today) is this snippet from the Kexi 
FAQ, Q1.2:

"- *Currently you can not "open" (i.e. connect to) databases created 
outside of Kexi. You can only import the tables and data*. "

That tells me that databases other than Kexi can only be imported 
(converted to Kexi format and maintained internal to Kexi, not Kexi 
maintaining the server version).  When Kexi states that they support 
databases like  "MySQL, PostgreSQL, xBase and MS SQL/Sybase", I must 
assume they mean that Kexi can import and convert such databases, not 
connect to their server and maintain the server versions.  There is a 
big difference.

My Kexi research was precipitated by confirming that AOO 4.1.2 had a 
broken Report Builder and it looked like it was not going to be fixed 
anytime soon.  This was a show-stopper for me.  My Slackware 14.1 Linux 
comes with Kexi 2.7.4, so I naturally looked at it.  I was searching for 
another Mariadb client option to see what Kexi could do for me, since I 
was having problems with LO 4.x+.  When I discovered the above FAQ 
statement, it told me I could not use Kexi in my application.  I was not 
going to get "locked in" to another integrated application like MS 
Access.  It could be that at some time in the future Kexi will have the 
connection capability that I require and I may revisit it.

In case you're interested, I ended up using AOO 4.1.2 for documents, 
which doesn't have the problems I am having with LO 4+, and LO 5.0.6 for 
my databases, which has a working Report Builder (Kudos to the devs for 
fixing the lines in reports not WYSIWYG problem).


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-08-02 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/02/2016 03:02 PM, tonybsa wrote:

In defence of LibreOffice Base.
Unlike Ian I have had very good results with Base.

Over the last 8 years I have used Base as a a "front end" to a MySQL database 
in 5 different countries for different projects.

One database was for the New Ireland (PNG) Provincial Government Old Age & 
Disabled Pension fund. 170,000 records updated and maintained by two dedicated data 
entry people, but accessed by approximately 35 other users. LibreOffice Base on 
Windows 10, 8 and XP PC, on Ubuntu 12.04 PC, on Macintosh OS X laptop. All 
connecting via ethernet and wireless to a Ubuntu 12.04 Server.

Another similar situation with Ministry of Tourism, Tonga collecting data on 
visitors to Tonga and also used for tourism venture's licensing and 
administration and conventions. 25 users connecting LibreOffice Base to MySQL 
on FreeBSD server, with Windows and Ubuntu PCs.

Full administration for 5 divisions in Sanma Provincial Council, Santo, 
Vanuatu. Including HR, Accounts, Youth, Disabilities, Planning, etc. 75 staff 
members, plus external users, with LibreOffice Base connecting to MySQL on 
Ubuntu 14.04 server from Windows (10, 8.1, XP), Ubuntu 12.04 and Macintosh PCs.

Now I used Access (Base not available) at Kokopo Business College for student 
records. Created a database for College Library with Base on Ubuntu PCs 
connecting to central MySQL database via Fibre Optics.

Had real trouble trying to set this up with Access for multiple users (25 
teachers, 10 admin staff).
When I got LibreOffice Base I had similar problems with using the HSQLDB engine.

I found that connecting Base to MySQL was very easy and I had real problems 
trying to connect Access.
I could also use Base on Linux machines and update all my colleagues to a 
consistent operating system.

You can not export Access forms, reports, macros, etc to use with Base but you 
can export all the data from Access and import it into Base very easily.

Sorry to keep on!!! I have had good results with LibreOffice Base connecting to 
an external database. I also make extensive use of Macros with Base.

Just in case you are wondering -- I am retired and about to have my 75th 
birthday so not just straight out of Uni.!!!

Thanks for listening

Tony Bray
MacBook Pro 15 inch Mid 2009
2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM,
Mac OS X  10.11.6
LibreOffice 5.0.6
Scribus 1.4.4
Libre Project 1.5.19
Parallels Desktop 11.02
Ubuntu 14.04
LibreOffice 4.4.4
MySQL, PHP, Apache

I will second that defense of Base.  Tony's experience is much broader 
than mine, so counts for more points.  I only maintain two inventory 
databases with several tables each on a single Slackware 14.1 Linux 
machine.  Many of these inventory tables have more than 1000 records and 
growing.  I am connecting LO Base to a mariadb local server with the 
mysql-connector-java connector and, unlike Ian, in the over one decade 
of use I have never had a data loss or a crash of any sort that took my 
data or the Base forms or reports. It is very stable, which is good, 
because I rely on these databases very much.  I consider them critical.  
The Report Builder is another story, but it has never corrupted my data, 
and it is improving with time.  Long live Base's connection options.

BTW, Tony.  I am also retired and only 2 years younger than you, with a 
birthday coming up soon.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-08-04 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/04/2016 09:16 AM, toki wrote:

On 02/08/2016 16:39, Ken Springer wrote:

Now that you mentioned dBase, you may, or may not, be aware that LO has
a dBase option.  But a limitation to it that I found is that older

I didn't know this, but must admit dBase is probably not the best answer.

For most individuals, dBase3 is adequate. Perhaps a little slow, but
with current hardware, not spectacularly so. However, the major
stumbling block is that there is even less LibO documentation for it,
than there is for Base.


I used dBase in the 80s and I must assume that since it still seems to 
have a demand, that users are still out there and happy with it.  It did 
have some nice features, such as the programming capability, which is 
why I tried to import my files into LO rather than reinvent the wheel.  
I suspect most of the users are "on the other side of the pond", since I 
rarely hear of dBase users here in the US.  Then again, Fortran is still 
active too.  It takes a long time for that flywheel to coast to a stop.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Compatibility of LO Base with Access databases

2016-08-05 Thread Girvin Herr
dBase files are plain text, but they have a specific format, which 
varies with version (feature add-ins).  I did some research on the file 
format when I was trying to decide how I wanted to approach resurrecting 
my files. Another option is to use the old dBase 1.x under dosemu under 
Linux.  Actually, that may be the easiest way to do it, but maybe not 
the long-lasting correct way.


On 08/04/2016 09:57 PM, Walther Koehler wrote:

My doctors office uses a dBase based system for administration, keeping
patient records and so on. It has integrated LO for many purposes, i.e.
medical letters. As I was told, reading those dbf files using scripts is easy
(dbf_dump), modifying dbf files from outside the program however tedious,
they use LO base for that purpose. Unfortunately, the SQL commands for dBase
are limited.


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[libreoffice-users] Where is the gpg public key?

2016-08-06 Thread Girvin Herr


I keep running into a brick wall with this and I shouldn't be.  I 
searched high and low for a place to download the gpg 
Public Key file to no avail.  My searches of past threads regarding the 
subject were not successful.  Since the download files on the LO website 
have the gpg check files (.asc), I must assume the Public Key resides 
somewhere and it should be easy to find, not kept secret.  In fact, the 
location should be advertised along with the files to download or in a 
relevant and prominent web page location.  I need it to verify the files 
I download are not corrupt or insecure.  Does any one here know where I 
can get the LO.o gpg Public Key?

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is the gpg public key?

2016-08-07 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/07/2016 03:03 AM, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

Girvin Herr wrote:

  > Greetings,
  > I keep running into a brick wall with this and I shouldn't be.  I
  > searched high and low for a place to download the gpg
  > Public Key file to no avail.  My searches of past threads regarding the
  > subject were not successful.  Since the download files on the LO website
  > have the gpg check files (.asc), I must assume the Public Key resides
  > somewhere and it should be easy to find, not kept secret.  In fact, the
  > location should be advertised along with the files to download or in a
  > relevant and prominent web page location.  I need it to verify the files
  > I download are not corrupt or insecure.  Does any one here know where I
  > can get the LO.o gpg Public Key?

Just do a gpg --verify on the .asc file and it gives you the key ID:

LibreOffice $ gpg2 --verify LibreOffice_5.2.0_MacOS_x86-64.dmg.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in 'LibreOffice_5.2.0_MacOS_x86-64.dmg'
gpg: Signature made Fri 29 Jul 08:21:07 2016 CEST using RSA key ID 
gpg: Good signature from "LibreOffice Build Team (CODE SIGNING KEY) 
" [unknown]

Then you can fetch the key from one of the key servers, if you want. It's not 
really necessary.

Of course this doesn't guarantee that the key really belongs to the LO 
Development team.
But the fact that the signature is downloaded from the LO site should be enough 


I tried this and got:

502:$gpg2 --verify libreoffice-translations-
gpg: Signature made Wed 04 May 2016 03:22:04 PM PDT using RSA key ID 

gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

This is what I have been getting each time I try to check the LO files.  
"...No public key" is my problem.  I need the public key to import to my 
gpg to complete the check.  I tried the:

504:$gpg --keyserver  hkp://  --search-keys
gpg: searching for "" from hkp server
gpg: keyserver timed out
gpg: keyserver search failed: keyserver error

I just tried it again using but got the same 
timeout result.

I need to find the public key to unlock the check process.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Where is the gpg public key?

2016-08-07 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/06/2016 07:55 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

The MirrorBrain meta page for each build has a link to the GPG public
signature, as well as MD5, SHA1, SHA256 HASH

This as applied to

This is the link to the meta page for the Windows x64 build of

And you can find similar for all builds in the project archive.

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Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

I am aware of this.  These are the public check files (.asc), not the 
Public Key file.  I need the Public Key to import into gpg to allow it 
to use the ".asc" check files.  Both are needed to verify the downloaded 
file.  The Public Key file could be something like 
"Libreoffice-gpg-key", but it could be named anything.  For example, I 
have the following public key files:


I use these to check software updates from those sites.  I need to do 
the same for libreoffice.  If LO.o is supplying the public check files, 
it must have the public key available somewhere.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Where is the gpg public key?

2016-08-07 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/07/2016 02:19 PM, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

Girvin Herr wrote:
  > Piet,
  > I tried this and got:
  > 502:$gpg2 --verify libreoffice-translations-
  > gpg: Signature made Wed 04 May 2016 03:22:04 PM PDT using RSA key ID
  > gpg: Can't check signature: No public key
  > This is what I have been getting each time I try to check the LO files.
  > "...No public key" is my problem.  I need the public key to import to my
  > gpg to complete the check.  I tried the:
  > 504:$gpg --keyserver  hkp://  --search-keys
  > gpg: searching for "" from hkp server
  > gpg: keyserver timed out
  > gpg: keyserver search failed: keyserver error
  > I just tried it again using but got the same
  > timeout result.
  > I need to find the public key to unlock the check process.

OK, I was partly wrong.
It appears that I had the public key already downloaded. But even if I delete 
that key the gpg2 --verify will fetch it for me, but it gets it from keyserver 

And you cannot use as search key, because that's not in the key.
Use the ID: gpg2 --keyserver  hkp://  --search-keys AFEEAEA3

The key identifies as:
LibreOffice Build Team (CODE SIGNING KEY) 
  4096 bit RSA key F434A1EFAFEEAEA3, created: 2010-10-11

Hope this helps.


That was it!  I changed the keyserver and used the ID and gpg found the 
key and imported it.  The check with the .asc file now works.  For some 
reason, my gpg will not automatically fetch the key from the .asc file.  
I must manually import it.  It may be that way for security reasons.

Thank you very much.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Where is the gpg public key?

2016-08-07 Thread Girvin Herr

On 08/07/2016 02:39 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:


gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys AFEEAEA3

C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG>.\gpg2.exe --keyserver hkp://
--recv-keys AFEEAEA3
gpg: requesting key AFEEAEA3 from hkp server
gpg: key AFEEAEA3: public key "LibreOffice Build Team (CODE SIGNING KEY)
" imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:  imported: 1  (RSA: 1)

or you can open the archive and copy text to a file with .asc
extension--then import the certificate.

Same record of key AFEEAEA3



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I got it!  Per Piet's suggestion, similar to yours, I changed the 
keyserver and used the key ID rather than the org and my gpg was 
successful in getting and importing the public key.  Now the check with 
the .asc file is successful.  Thanks to all who have helped in this.

Now, how can we get this procedure on the website so others don't have 
to go through what I had to do to get the key?

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Page formatting in writer goes nuts

2016-09-05 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/04/2016 02:34 PM, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:

On 04-09-16 20:26, Bo Siltberg wrote:
I have a large document with lots of pictures currently using LO

After doing some editing, the page formatting function kicks in
automatically but does a bad job, inserting page breaks randomly and 

of empty pages in sequence.

I am not sure it finishes, it looks like the process times out, or 
worse, crashes.

You could try to use a master document (.odm) with smaller 
sub-documents. It does not solve the problem, formatting is still 
stopping, but reformatting every sub-document/satellite can be forced 
after opening the odm, before exporting to pdf and or printing. On the 
other hand, if your document just opens correctly, you are probably 
creating extra work with this procedure.


* Open document
* Update index
* Update selection for every satellite (using navigator)
* Update index again
* Export to PDF for printing and distribution

I have got the impression that it is the pictures LO has
problem with since most of these extra page breaks are made where 
there are

pictures nearby.

I agree. And calculating columns goes wrong too in certain large 

I have tried anchored them to the paragraph or as a
character without any effect that I can see. Closing and reopen the
document clears the problem as the initial page formatting works fine.

I did some testing with the large LO-manuals from They don't suffer 
from this problem, despite the large amount of pictures. This is 
described further in the link to the thread above. These pictures are 
in a frame, with the frame anchored as (not to) character, always 
followed by an enter.

Unfortunately this causes a lot of white space left and or right from 
the frame when small pictures or listings are involved.

I have a document that has many tables of only two columns of about 1 
inch wide.  I set up a Section for each table and formatted the section 
as three page columns to spread the table data over the page and not 
waste paper.  As I add rows to the tables, the tables should expand 
serpentine fashion across the page and when the page fills, it should 
continue on the next page.  What I was occasionally experiencing was 
something similar to what you are seeing.  The tables would prematurely 
advance to the next page before filling the current page, or continue on 
the next page in other than the first section column, and blank pages 
would appear which could not be edited (the cursor could not be put in 
them), but were printed (negating the purpose of saving trees).  This 
anomaly continued to my latest LO  The last time I experienced 
this problem, I found the Tools -> Update -> Page Formatting option and 
having nothing to lose, tried it.  I was pleasantly surprised that the 
pages were reformatted correctly with no blank pages and the table flow 
problems were corrected.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Line spacing on Writer

2016-09-14 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/13/2016 06:54 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

I found my documents (LO) accumulated a pile of rubbish, styles, etc. 
from documents I import from. Copy/pasting from word docs copies the 
styles into the LO doc.
When I merge content from multiple documents (.doc, .docx, .odt, PDFs) 
into my documents I use an intermediary document to cleanse the 
copy/pasted content and apply the styles I want before copy/pasting 
again into my final document and this way my final document only has 
the look and styles I want.



This post gave me an idea to look at the find command (Edit > Find and 
Replace... or Ctrl-F) dialog to see if it would search for a particular 
style.  I discovered that it does, under More Options!  I ran some tests 
and it does highlight the text with the selected style.  This could be a 
way to find and change those pesky imported styles.  When all are 
changed to the wanted style, then one could delete the now unused 
style.  I discovered long ago that LO will not delete a style which is 
in use (duh).  Finding all of them had been my problem until now.  
Possibly selecting a new style and "Replace All" may solve your problem, 
or at least make it less labor-intensive.


Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] 5.2 64bit DEB will not allow paper size selection

2016-09-17 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/17/2016 03:30 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:

Le 16/09/2016 à 21:43, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :

Today, I was working on a 11x17 inch tabloid paper poster.  I am using
Ubuntu 16.04 MATE 64bit running LO  The paper size of the
document was the tabloid size.  When I went to print the document to my
HP printer [13x19 inch max] the paper size drop down menu was grayed out
and set for US Letter size.

Did you try to check the third option in the Option tab of the print
dialog : "Use only paper size from printer preferences" ?

Best regards.

Yes.  That worked.

However, it does not seem to be a global setting.  It appears one must 
set this option for each print, or at least for each document if the 
setting is embedded in the document. I have not tested that. A global 
setting option does not seem to be in the Tools > Options > Print menu.  
How does one set this as the default?

BTW, On my LO, it is the 4th option down.  My 3rd option is "Use 
only paper _tray_ from printer preferences".

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] 5.2 64bit DEB will not allow paper size selection

2016-09-22 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/21/2016 05:03 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

On 09/17/2016 02:06 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

On 09/17/2016 03:30 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:

Le 16/09/2016 à 21:43, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster a écrit :

Today, I was working on a 11x17 inch tabloid paper poster.  I am using
Ubuntu 16.04 MATE 64bit running LO  The paper size of the
document was the tabloid size.  When I went to print the document 
to my
HP printer [13x19 inch max] the paper size drop down menu was 
grayed out

and set for US Letter size.

Did you try to check the third option in the Option tab of the print
dialog : "Use only paper size from printer preferences" ?

Best regards.

Yes.  That worked.

However, it does not seem to be a global setting.  It appears one 
must set this option for each print, or at least for each document if 
the setting is embedded in the document. I have not tested that. A 
global setting option does not seem to be in the Tools > Options > 
Print menu.  How does one set this as the default?

BTW, On my LO, it is the 4th option down.  My 3rd option is 
"Use only paper _tray_ from printer preferences".

Girvin Herr

OK, to answer several posts . . .

I do not have the HP printer set for tabloid in the Ubuntu printer 
driver settings - set for Letter, even though it has tabloid paper in 
the tray.

NO I do not have any settings stating to use only the loaded printer 
paper size.

One quirk is, now that I exported to PDF as a tabloid paper size, now 
the paper size box that is grayed out shows 11x17 inch [tabloid] size 
paper, not letter size, for the tabloid sized document.  NOW, the 
grayed out paper size is showing Letter size for the letter size 
document.  SO, it looks like there is some quirky bug somewhere, 
either in LO or in the Ubuntu printer drivers.

Are you using CUPS as your printer driver?
I had a problem with an app that did not allow me to configure the 
printer options in its print dialog, which was critical to selecting the 
11x17 size I wanted from a normally letter size by default printer.  I 
solved my problem by creating a logical printer in CUPS which I 
configured to default to 11x17 paper for this printer.  So now, whenever 
I want to print an 11x17 size in an app that doesn't allow or implement 
11x17 selection, I just select the 11x17 logical printer in the list of 
printers.  That works fine in my case.  It may be your workaround 
solution.  If your ubuntu is not using CUPS, then YMMV.


Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Paragraph Style: Heading. Master Doc Inserting Unwanted Page Break Between Title on Two Lines

2016-09-27 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/27/2016 07:02 AM, Philip Jackson wrote:

On 27/09/16 00:50, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:

3: File > Properties shows the right template.

Sometimes this happens, sometimes not. I've tried a few tests and can't
say what it depends on.

LO: Version: Build ID: 1:5.2.1~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial0, but as far
as I know it worked fine too in LO 5.1.

I think you must be using a later version from a ppa other than the main
Ubuntu repository - or else UbuntuStudio 16.04 differs from Ubuntu 16.04
in the LO selection.

Philip, are you using the TemplateChanger from the link mentioned at the
top? The file is template-changer-1.2.7c.oxt, so version 1.2.7c.

I just rechecked in Tools > extension manager and my template changer
says 1.2.7 although my download is 'template-changer-1.2.7c.oxt'
Just to be on the safe side, I removed and reinstalled the extension -
it still says 1.2.7 so I guess that's what 1.2.7c says.

My current concern is to pass a template I've developed to someone else.
I think the only safe way to do so, is to have place holder text (lorem
ipsum) in the template with an example of each style applied.



Where are you getting this Template Changer 1.2.7x?

When I go to the LO home page and then the extensions page, all I see is 
still the 1.2.6 version for LO 3.3 dated 2013 and a warning that it has 
not been updated for over a year!  As far as I know, this 1.2.6 
extension is not compatible with LO 4.x or 5.x.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Paragraph Style: Heading. Master Doc Inserting Unwanted Page Break Between Title on Two Lines

2016-09-29 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/28/2016 03:06 AM, Philip Jackson wrote:

On 27/09/16 21:30, Girvin Herr wrote:


Where are you getting this Template Changer 1.2.7x?

When I go to the LO home page and then the extensions page, all I see is
still the 1.2.6 version for LO 3.3 dated 2013 and a warning that it has
not been updated for over a year!  As far as I know, this 1.2.6
extension is not compatible with LO 4.x or 5.x.

I quote from an email by Wiebe van der Worp of 7 April 2016 :

"... you need to use this link for a working Template Changer:";

That is where I got my version 1.2.7 from


Wiebe & Philip,

Thanks for the response.  I downloaded both the 1.2.7b and 1.2.7c 
versions.  I will make a Slackware package of it to install on my system 
with LO and try it out.

I normally use the load styles option, but now and then, when I open a 
document, I get a popup saying the template has changed and it allows me 
to cancel or update the document template.  If I chose cancel, it sets a 
bit in the document to never allow this popup again for this document.  
The Template Changer was the only option to restore this popup option.  
I made the mistake years ago, thinking "Cancel" was the safe option and 
not knowing the consequences, to choose Cancel for some documents.  I no 
longer know which ones, since I didn't keep records of what I had opted 
for each document.  And so, I could still run into documents that have 
no way to restore this update feature or update the template without the 
Template Changer.

This is a strange and unintuitive place to find a working extension.  
Any plans to put it in the usual place for extensions under the LO home 
page to make it easier for users to find?

Thanks again.
Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Drawing electrical symbols (images on dropbox)

2016-09-29 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/29/2016 10:34 AM, Martin Marmsoler wrote:


I'm trying to draw a schematic with electrical symbols. First I draw the
symbol and then I placed the glue points and then I created a group of the
hole symbol. I created a new theme in the gallery and moved the symbol in
this (pic1, 1.). But when I try to use the symbol and drag them out of the
gallery the glue points don't exist anymore (pic1, 2.). I can make just a
connection to the points of the border (Is there a possibility to delete
this points?). Is there a possibility to save the glue points too?
I took some symbols like the inductor out of the "freie-schaltzeichen"
library and there the preview of the symbols looks much better(pic2, left)
then my one (pic2,right) when I drag my symbols into a new library. How can
I get the same quality of symbol previews?
Here you can find the images:

Best regards



This sounds like using the wrong tool.  Have you looked at gEDA:

What you want is gschem, the schematic capture application.  I use it 
all the time for drawing schematics, and it includes a symbol library, 
however, your own symbols are easily created and used.  You don't say 
what your OS is, but there is a windows version of gEDA available.


Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Trial of LibreOffice

2016-09-30 Thread Girvin Herr

On 09/30/2016 02:23 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2016-10-01 04:21, V Stuart Foote wrote:

TomD wrote

There is no harm in having both LibreOffice and OpenOffice installed
alongside each other.

Actually they do not get along all that well, but will coexist if you
perform a custom installation and disable the "Quick Starter" feature 

in the Optional Components section both--and also clear the "File Type"
dialog of checks to not assign a program association.


I have had then running side by side on Linux fine for a few years, no 
special install. I still have to keep OO to cater for functionality 
dropped from LO and it works fine.



AOO 4.1.2 + LO + Slackware Linux 14.1 (k3.10.103). However, I do 
not use the "Quick Starter" - my choice.  ...And vice-versa: LO still 
has the Base Report Generator, AOO does not. So I keep them both for the 
features I like and rely upon.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Trial of LibreOffice

2016-10-04 Thread Girvin Herr

Tom et al.,
I looked at this a while back and discovered that on my Slackware 
system, LO and AOO are installed into separate sub-directories in /opt, 
with symlinks in /usr/bin with different names pointing to the 
appropriate soffice.  soffice seems to be some sort of legacy name from 
the old Star Office days.  I, too, wonder why it is not changed to be 
something more unique.  However, I am not privy to the inner workings of 
these programs nor organizations.  The symlinks are an adequate work-around.

Girvin Herr

On 10/04/2016 08:35 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Thanks :)  I think it used to be quite noticeable.  Whichever one was open
first (including quick-starter if that was enabled) would stay fine but the
2nd instance wouldn't open, or would get part-way open and then crash.

I think the problem was caused by LibreOffice and OpenOffice (and i think
the various forks which have now mostly merged back into LO or AOO afaik)
using the same command to open;
Since this would attempt to re-open the same program/suite in the same
program-folder but also trying to be whichever one you'd tried to open 2nd
it would all get very confusing for the poor machine.  It's possibly
entirely different from that but that is the way i understood it at the
time from various people trying to explain it.

So if you've not noticed that sort of thing happening then you are probably
Regards from
Tom :)

On 1 October 2016 at 12:18, James Knott  wrote:

On 09/30/2016 11:21 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

TomD wrote

There is no harm in having both LibreOffice and OpenOffice installed
alongside each other.

Actually they do not get along all that well, but will coexist if you
perform a custom installation and disable the "Quick Starter" feature


in the Optional Components section both--and also clear the "File Type"
dialog of checks to not assign a program association.

I have both installed on both Linux and Windows.  No issues I've noticed.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Trial of LibreOffice

2016-10-05 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/04/2016 07:20 PM, James Knott wrote:

On 10/04/2016 10:06 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

James Knott wrote

Neither of them currently uses soffice.  LibreOffice uses libreoffice
and OpenOffice uses openoffice4.

Sorry, Dave is correct.

Those actually are names of the AppData folders holding the user profile,
both programs on Windows builds use a mixed--soffice.exe launcher and
soffice.bin runtime.

And yes they conflict when both are fully installed/configured in Windows
registry--HKCU and HKLM/Software and especially if an instance of one or the
other is running an soffice.bin process of its QuickStarter.

Well, the KDE menu uses those commands, rather than soffice and they
also work at the command line.  If I use soffice, I get LibreOffice.
/usr/bin/libreoffice is a symlink to /lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice,
but /usr/bin/openoffice4 is a binary.


Maybe not.  Have you looked at your /usr/bin/openoffice4 ?

On my Slackware system, I have a /usr/bin/openoffice4 file and it is a 
shell script which invokes /opt/openoffice4/program/soffice with "$0" as 
an argument.

Shell scripts are marked executable, but they are not a binary. You can 
read them as plain text.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Cannot edit a template ott file

2016-10-06 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/06/2016 02:10 PM, Ken Heard wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 2016-10-06 00:37, jorge wrote:

Hi Ken and all:

It would be because the template is only for read, not for edit. In
this case you have to save with other name and then edit.

I hope this help,


Jorge Rodríguez

What is the sense of having an edit button if it cannot be used to
edit something, in this case ott files?


Version: GnuPG v2



Well, you can do that.  But I think it will become a document (odt), not 
a template (ott).  Templates are treated differently than documents in 
LO, so you can't just open and save them like documents.  No, the best 
way to edit templates is through the Template Manager.

From the main page (no open documents) try Templates > Edit Templates 
and select the template you want to edit.

Or if a document is open, use File > Templates > Manage. In the Template 
Manager, select the template to edit then select the "Edit" button to 
open it for editing.

When you save the edited template, use the Save or Save As button as you 
would a document.  There are probably other ways to do this, but I think 
the key here is to make sure you open the template with the Template 
Manger, not like a regular document.

Note that if you make a template from a document, you must use the File 
> Templates > Save as Template process, not just save a document with a 
.ott suffix.


Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How do I install the current Linux version

2016-10-29 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/29/2016 06:52 PM, gordon cooper wrote:

Hi again Ken,
   There is some odd going on here. I don't use LO 

often, most of my writing is done with Lyx, which then outputs as a
PDF and I print from there.  Have just looked at LO and found that
when it was asked to print, to either my little  Brother laser,or an
elderly HP Deskjet, the landscape paper option was greyed out,
just like yours.  These results came on a desktop, running MX-15
Linux.  Looked as if LO was deciding that the files would fit onto
portrait and not giving me the option to change.

I'll do some more digging. Think I have LO on a laptop with XP,
will dig it out .Perhaps somebody else will pop upon the forum
with an answer.


This was brought out in an earlier thread.  Go to Print -> options tab 
and check "Use only paper size from printer preferences."

That should enable paper sizes and orientation selection in the print 



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How do I install the current Linux version

2016-10-30 Thread Girvin Herr

On 10/30/2016 10:56 AM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 10/29/16 8:04 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

On 10/29/2016 06:52 PM, gordon cooper wrote:

Hi again Ken,
   There is some odd going on here. I don't use LO
often, most of my writing is done with Lyx, which then outputs as a
PDF and I print from there.  Have just looked at LO and found that
when it was asked to print, to either my little  Brother laser,or an
elderly HP Deskjet, the landscape paper option was greyed out,
just like yours.  These results came on a desktop, running MX-15
Linux.  Looked as if LO was deciding that the files would fit onto
portrait and not giving me the option to change.

I'll do some more digging. Think I have LO on a laptop with XP,
will dig it out .Perhaps somebody else will pop upon the forum
with an answer.


This was brought out in an earlier thread.  Go to Print -> options tab
and check "Use only paper size from printer preferences."

That should enable paper sizes and orientation selection in the print

It does not.  :-(

However, I discovered I can go to the printer's defaults, and set 
landscape there, choose the "Use only..." setting in LO, and I get the 
landscape layout when the spreadsheet is printed.

What I'm taking away from this is, it is a problem with LO 5.0.x that 
comes with Mint 17.3 Rosa.

So I still need to go somewhere to find out how I install the current 
version after I have it downloaded.

Thanks for the help and suggestions, everyone.

Yes, you must select landscape in LO (Format -> Page)  to format the 
document/page and you must select landscape in the print dialog to 
select the printer paper size/orientation.  If you don't then you get 
the symptoms you described in your OP.  This is not a bug.  It makes 
good sense.

The grayed out paper size/orientation in the print dialog I responded 
to, is a separate issue brought up by Gordon and seemed to have started 
with LO 5.x.  Don't know about 4.x.  LO 3.x did not exhibit this 
"feature" AFAIK.  OpenOffice 4.x does not exhibit this either, but then 
it is a different beast now.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Bouncing messages from

2016-12-20 Thread Girvin Herr


These are automated messages that indicate the LibreOffice mail-list 
server could not deliver some messages to you at your registered email 
address.  The problem cleared up and you got this message from it.  It 
is letting you know which message(s) did not get delivered to you 
(50942).  You could use that number to look up the message and retrieve 
it, if you like.

That said, as far as I know, there is nothing fatal about these messages.

Girvin Herr

On 12/19/2016 12:17 PM, Luuk wrote:

Why twice the same message?

Why this message at all?

What am i missing?

On 19-12-16 17:00, wrote:
Hi, this is the Mlmmj program managing the 

mailing list.

Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this
message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your

Here is the list of the bounced messages:
- 50942
- 50942

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Members Choice Awards - "Office Suite of the Year" - vote

2017-01-09 Thread Girvin Herr

On 01/08/2017 05:29 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I have been using LO since the beginning of its time, OO since its 
beginning of time, and Star Office before that.  BUT, a close 
relative, who uses Windows and MSO, uses it because: (a) It's a bother 
to learn something new, (b) the files don't always show up right, (c) 
her other colleagues (school teacher) use MS O, so they discus doing 
things using MS O, and (d) most importantly, using 'something 
different' gets in the way of her doing her job (excellent school 
teacher).  I mention this because I feel that these are real facts of 
life when it comes to being a pioneer, using Linux and LO, or even LO 
under Windows.  I use Linux mainly because of the freedom based on 
technology, not structure based on profits.


As for those who stick with microsoft: Use whatever tool fits your hand.
I, personally, haven't found anything msOffice can do that OpenOffice 
and LibreOffice can't do.  The UI is just different. Much of what AOO 
and LO do do, I don't use.  My concern is that AOO and/or LO are trying 
too hard to keep up with msOffice and are becoming feature bloated too, 
to the detriment of fixing bugs.  AOO and LO are great programs in their 
own right.  'nuff said.

Girvin Herr

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[libreoffice-users] Mysql Connector Java version

2017-01-11 Thread Girvin Herr


I am upgrading software and I downloaded the MySQL_connector_java driver 
version 5.1.40 for use in connecting LO 4.4.7 or 5.1.6 Base to my MySQL 
databases.  Previously, I have been using version 5.1.18, which worked 
fine.  Has anyone had experience with the 5.1.40 version and can verify 
it will work with Base?

I also installed java 1.8u112, previously 1.8u40. Any known problems 
with 8u112 and LO?


Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Mysql Connector Java version

2017-01-12 Thread Girvin Herr

On 01/12/2017 09:03 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Le 12/01/2017 à 12:21, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :

Hmm, with LO5.1.6 and Java112, I seem to recall quite a serious crashing
problem...a bug that was corrected for 5.1.5, but not integrated to
5.1.6 when it branched off. Unfortunately, as 5.1.x is EOL, this won't
be fixed for those versions. THe problem doesn't affect current 5.2.3 or

I forgot to mention that the crashing in LO5.1.6 was on OSX.


I forgot to mention that I am running Slackware Linux 14.2 32-bit x86 
While waiting, I installed the 5.1.40 connector with JDK 1.8u112 and it 
does work with Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3, but I did not extensively test 
it yet.  I just did about the same with LO 5.1.6 and it is working about 
the same - not extensive testing.

So far - so good.

My policy is to use only the x.x.6+ versions of LO, since they are 
supposed to be the most stable.  So, I would have to wait for 5.2.6 for 
this potential bug fix.

Thanks for the responses.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice help menu

2017-01-24 Thread Girvin Herr

On 01/24/2017 01:46 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:36:49 +1300
Mike Adams  wrote:

In between Uninstalling and Installing if you choose this route i
would look to reset the User Profile Data as well. Information here:

This isn't Windows! I'm not reinstalling something that my distro has
installed unless I first know exactly what has gone wrong, if anything.

My personal suspicion is that this still looks like a build error.

I understand where you are coming from, and I agree with you that it 
looks like a build problem.  I currently run LO on a Slackware 
Linux system.  For years, I have been building my own Slackware 
installation packages from the downloaded LO "rpm" binaries.  When I 
download the LO program, I always download the corresponding LO help 
package along with it.  I have a shell script that takes those two 
distributions and makes a single Slackware installation package.  I have 
never seen the symptoms you describe you are having, so my guess is that 
the helppack did not get built or installed into your LO distribution.

As for the "reset the user profile" answer, that seems to be the stock 
knee-jerk reaction to strange LO behavior for years.  Instead of 
deleting my user profile (which is more than one file and I have never 
been told exactly which file is the culprit), what I do, is to move (or 
copy-delete) the profile directory, ~/.config/libreoffice/4 (if you are 
using LO 4+) on my Slackware system, to a temporary directory and start 
LO again.  These files are not part of the LO distribution, but are 
created by LO when it does not find them on startup.  Thus "resetting" 
them to the default configuration hard-coded into LO.  If that works, 
then you get to reconfigure LO to your liking and all is well.  If not, 
you can move the saved files back (after closing LO) and you are back to 
where you are now.  Consider it a diagnostic procedure.  So, it is a bit 
different than a windows environment: reboot for everything.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 5.3 glitches

2017-02-03 Thread Girvin Herr
I can confirm Paul's solution.  I use Slackware Linux and xfce4 for my 
desktop.  xfce provides a similar popup when the .desktop file is not 
+x.  I routinely change the *.desktop files to +x to quiet the xfce 

IMHO, This is not exactly a LO problem.  Sure, they could ship the 
distro with all .desktop files +x but that is not the proper solution, 
nor is it LO's responsibility.  The proper solution is to get the 
packager to make the change, or do it yourself as a part of system 

As for changing the .desktop properties, such as the text or icon, that 
information is embedded into the .desktop file, which, as you 
discovered, is owned by root and cannot be changed without being root.  
I would suggest making a user-editable version by changing the symlink 
to the .desktop file in your ~/Desktop directory to a copy of the 
.desktop file itself.  Just find the desktop file and copy it into your 
~/Desktop directory.  Doing the copy should change the permissions to 
your user permissions.  If not, then you may have to be root to change 
them.  When you have a user version, then you can change the .desktop 
properties, including its filename which may be used as the desktop icon 
text.  Here, I am assuming your desktop abides by the opendesktop 
standards, which include the ~/Desktop directory.  xfce does and so does 
kde.  If not, you may have to find out where your desktop places the 
.desktop files displayed on the desktop.


Girvin Herr

On 02/03/2017 06:38 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:

Try changing the Icon properties set to allow execute.

This may help.

On 2/2/2017 7:36 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:

Minor ones, the download and install were fine and that fixed my lack
of spell-checking that I was complaining of here a while back.

I'm using Linux Mint 18. The new icons for version 5.3 showed up in the
start menu and they work. My boot process ends at a desktop so I like
to have a LO Writer icon on the desktop so I can start there if I want.
I popped up the start menu, went into "office" then with the mouse
over the LO Writer icon, dragged it to the desktop, leaving me with a
desktop icon as launcher. Clicking on the desktop icon gives a dialog
box with a message, "untrusted application launcher" and "The
application launcher 'libre-office5-3writer.desktop' has not been marked
as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it
may be unsafe." Below are two buttons, "Launch anyway" and "Cancel" I
always launch and it works fine. Still it would be nice to make it

Also the icon has a little lock emblem in the top right corner.
Ordinarily I expect to see that when I'm running as a user and trying
to launch a program owned by root. And finally I'd like to be able to
change the icon image and label text but an attempt to rename through
the icon properties dialogue box leaves me with a message box telling me
the item could not be renamed and 'unable to rename desktop file.'

All small stuff the upgrade is still very worthwhile.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Upgrade loses fonts

2017-02-14 Thread Girvin Herr

On 02/14/2017 05:40 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 14 Feb 2017, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I did not see "tuffy" in the font list within LibreOffice till I looked
into the usr/share/fonts/truetype and /opentype. I never knew I had some
of these fonts till I looked. There are some of these fonts that were in
my ".font" folder and also in the "usr/share/. . ." folder. Most of the
".font" folder fonts are not in the "usr/share/ . ." list.

  I've never used ~/.font/; all the fonts installed on the system are in
/usr/share/fonts/ subdirectories. All in one place.

  Now I need the 5.1.4 tarball to re-install that version.


I don't know where you got your Slackware package to install or if you 
created it yourself, as I do.  Or you installed the RPM directly.  I use for my Slack packages.  Here is S14.1 LO 5.1.4:

There is a link to the LO website where you can download 5.1.4. Alas, it 
is no longer available or broken.  I did some drilling work for you and 
here is 5.1.6 on a mirror site, which is supposed to be the stable version:

Another point is that I was told that the most stable LO is x.x.6+. 
Since 5.3 is not there yet, I will wait until 5.3.6 is released or try 
5.2.6.  I am currently running LO on My Slackware 14.2 system.  
Like you, it runs fine.

I also am confused as to why you seem to have lost fonts in 
/usr/share/fonts.  You are not running LO as root are you?  That path 
and all the files in there should only have root write permissions.  
Running LO as a user should not remove fonts from that directory.  I 
have not looked at 5.3 yet, so I do not know what the distribution 
package would overwrite when installed as root.  I always look at the 
package innards before I install it to see if there are any nasties in 
there which could cause problems.  I have been burned in the past by 
packages that do nasty things.  I just looked at my LO Slackware 
package that I created and there is no /usr/share/fonts directory, so it 
could not overwrite anything when installed.

Alas, reinstalling LO 5.1.4 will probably not restore your missing 
fonts.  Good luck.

Girvin Herr

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO won't open - claims is corrupt

2017-03-31 Thread Girvin Herr

On 03/31/2017 12:16 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:

On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 17:17:30 +0100
Tom Davies  dijo:

Renaming the user-profile will remove all the add-ons but it's
probably a good idea anyway.
Copying the from the working computer was brilliant imo,
as was trying to rename the previous one to see what happened.  I
wonder if renaming the whole folder that is in might make
LO regenerate the whole of that sub-folder?
Some sort of reinstall might dislodge something and fix it but
generally reinstalling tends to keep the user-profile (incl
Extensions/add-ons) intact so it might not do anything useful for this.
So unless Brian or Regina or someone like that weighs in then going for
Virgil's idea is likely to be the best 'first' step.  You can always
rename the user-profile (or chunks of it) back.
Good luck and regards from Tom :)

Thanks to Tom and everyone else who offered suggestions. I finally bit
the bullet and restarted the computer (I hate that because I have so
many things going on). Afterwards the problem was solved except for the file (my renaming). Writer happily opened the 'corrupt'
documents and, after I renamed back to it
opens without bitching about the missing file.

All is right in my world again. And as if it was a sign from the
computer gods, as soon as the problem was resolved the morning clouds
parted and the sun came out. Now I'm going for a walk to celebrate my
victory over evil bugs.

I do wish I knew what happened to cause this. It would be good to let
the devs know, but alas, this will probably remain a mystery.

Phase of the moon?  SEU (Single Event Upset) from Cosmic rays?  Once in 
a long while, I must restart my Slackware Linux machine when it doesn't 
work right after booting.  (I shut mine down every night.) So, it does 
happen with Linux, but not very often.  I would say about once or twice 
a year for me.  I chalk it up to a SEU from a Cosmic ray hitting a vital 
memory cell or two at this 4400-foot altitude.

Glad you solved your problem.
Girvin Herr

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