[ANN] Maven Enforcer Plugin 1.2 Released

2012-12-03 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Enforcer
Plugin, version 1.2

The enforcer plugin provides goals to control certain environmental
constraints such as Maven version, JDK version and OS family along with
many more standard rules and user created rules.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Enforcer Plugin - Version 1.2

** Bug
* [MENFORCER-135] - Remove log.info in DependencyVersionMap.getVersion
* [MENFORCER-139] - Regex rule example is incorrect; matching is not

** Improvement
* [MENFORCER-137] - DependencyConvergence should log only as WARNING
instead of ERROR.
* [MENFORCER-140] - DependencyConvergence: upgrade
maven-dependency-tree dependency to 2.0 for better Maven 3 support
* [MENFORCER-141] - Show correct version of the enforcer api /
plugin in example

** New Feature
* [MENFORCER-97] - Standard rule to check that no dependencies have
system scope
* [MENFORCER-136] - New enforcer for environment variables
* [MENFORCER-138] - Rule to ban all transitive dependencies

** Task
* [MENFORCER-144] - generate every enforcer plugin site in /enforcer
and redirect previous /plugins/maven-enforcer-plugin
* [MENFORCER-145] - use maven-plugin-tools' java 5 annotations


-The Maven team

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Enforcer 1.1 Released

2012-05-14 Thread Paul Gier
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Enforcer,
version 1.1

This plugin provides various configurable validation rules for Maven builds.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Enforcer Plugin - Version 1.1

** Bug
* [MENFORCER-98] - requirePluginVersions rule is not compatible with
maven 3.0-beta-1
* [MENFORCER-114] - Typo in Require Plugin Versions Documentation
* [MENFORCER-125] - requireProperty documentation's example for
property.version uses wrong regex

** Improvement
* [MENFORCER-118] - DependencyConvergence gets better if it doesn't
fail on snapshots of same baseVersion

** New Feature
* [MENFORCER-128] - Fail the build if a dependency is overwriten
with an incompatible lower version (patch)


-The Maven team

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Surefire 2.10 Released

2011-09-30 Thread Paul Gier
The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Surefire,
version 2.10

This release includes the maven-surefire-plugin, which executes the
unit tests of an application, the maven-surefire-report-plugin, which
parses surefire/failsafe test results and renders them to DOXIA
creating the web interface version of the test results, as well as the
maven-failsafe-plugin, which executes the integration tests of an


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.10

** Bug
* [SUREFIRE-754] - unbounded memory use when capturing logs
* [SUREFIRE-761] - java.lang.NoSuchMethodException when trying to
run Junit 3 suite class
* [SUREFIRE-763] - environmentVariables fails with
useSystemClassLoader=false or forkMode=always
* [SUREFIRE-766] - Regression in excludes feature between surefire
2.6 and 2.7.

** Improvement
* [SUREFIRE-738] - Fail on not existing run order.
* [SUREFIRE-750] - Add custom name suffix for surefire-reports (xml
and txt)
* [SUREFIRE-752] - Fix duplication in surefire/failsafe sites

** New Feature
* [SUREFIRE-755] - Add new reports which default to the failsafe-


-The Maven team

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[ANN] License Maven Plugin 1.0-beta-2 Released

2011-05-16 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the License Maven
Plugin 1.0-beta-2.

This plugin includes several features related to managing the project
license and the licenses of project dependencies.


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


Release Notes - Mojo - license-maven-plugin-1.0-beta-2

** Bug
* [MOJO-1666] - License plugin fails when previously generated
license file is present
* [MOJO-1671] - License download-licenses goal doesn't allow
parameters to be defined using system properties


The Mojo team.

Paul Gier

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Deploy Plugin 2.6 Released

2011-05-13 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Deploy
Plugin, version 2.6

This plugin allows artifacts to be deployed to a Maven repository.  See
the plugin's site for more details:


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Deploy Plugin - Version 2.6

** Bug
* [MDEPLOY-112] - deployed snapshot name has different build numbers
for multiple artifacts of the same build
* [MDEPLOY-123] -
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/usage.html says
maven does not support password hashing

** Improvement
* [MDEPLOY-48] - deploy:deploy-file does not support deploying
sources jars too
* [MDEPLOY-106] - Packaging should not always be required.


-The Maven team

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] JBoss Maven Plugin 1.5.0 Released

2011-01-17 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Maven
Plugin version 1.5.0.  This plugin manages the ability to start/stop the
JBoss Application Server and to deploy/undeploy files to the JBoss
Application Server.  This releases fixes several bugs and provides a
couple of minor enhancements.


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Plugin - Version 1.5.0

** Bug
* [MJBOSS-49] - Console buffer isn't flushed on linux, preventing
Jboss SOA-P startup
* [MJBOSS-52] - Command arguments not passed correctly to
run.sh/shutdown.sh on unix
* [MJBOSS-53] - hard-undeploy doesn't cope with exploded archives
* [MJBOSS-54] - not runnable run.bat generated on windows
* [MJBOSS-55] - jboss plugin incompatible with jboss AS 6 - mojo
produces incorrect cmd invocation when starting

** Improvement
* [MJBOSS-51] - Remove have a nice day! from hard-undeploy

** New Feature
* [MJBOSS-47] - Wait a given app to start
* [MJBOSS-57] - Can't skip plugin to run even if tests are skipped
and phase is set to test.


The Mojo team.

Paul Gier

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Antlr Maven Plugin 2.2 Released

2010-11-22 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Antlr Maven
Plugin version 2.2.

The Antlr Plugin uses the parser generator Antlr v2 to generate source
code based on Antlr grammar files.


To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Antlr Plugin - Version 2.2

** Bug
* [MANTLR-1] - ANTLR plugin does not track dependencies based on
importVocab/exportVocab options
* [MANTLR-3] - ANTLR plugin does not reorder grammars connected by
importVocab/exportVocab dependencies
* [MANTLR-29] - Impossible to utilize dependent grammars
(import/export vocabs) using different packages


The Mojo team.

Paul Gier

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Antrun Plugin 1.6 Released

2010-10-11 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Antrun
Plugin, version 1.6

This plugin provides the ability to run Ant tasks in a Maven build.  See
the plugin's site for more details:


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:



-The Maven team

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin - Version 1.6

** Bug
* [MANTRUN-152] - Embedded task attachartifact does not work
without classifier
* [MANTRUN-154] - Antrun double decodes xml escapes
* [MANTRUN-155] - Encoding issue with created build-main.xml

** Improvement
* [MANTRUN-150] - Update site docs to reflect change to target
instead of tasks

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[ANN] Maven Antrun Plugin 1.5 Released

2010-09-17 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Antrun
Plugin, version 1.5

This plugin allows Ant tasks to be run within a Maven build.  See the
plugin's site for more details:


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:



-The Maven team

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin - Version 1.5

** Bug
* [MANTRUN-119] - copy task does not respect failonerror=false
* [MANTRUN-140] - project.build.outputDirectory property is invalid
* [MANTRUN-143] - Regression: 1.4 does not resolve
$(settings.localRepository} or ${localRepository}

** Improvement
* [MANTRUN-132] - Allow the antrun plugin to set the namespace for
the built in tasks.
* [MANTRUN-141] - Merge the AbstractAntMojo with the AntRunMojo
* [MANTRUN-142] - Refactor the tasks parameter to simplify
integration with Ant
* [MANTRUN-144] - Debug info being thrown in System.out.println
* [MANTRUN-145] - Rename ITs so that they describe what they test
* [MANTRUN-146] - Some refactoring seems to have broken the plugin
with Maven 3

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[ANN] JBoss Maven Plugin 1.4.1 Released

2010-07-07 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Maven
Plugin version 1.4.1.


This release includes bug fixes and minor enhancements, specifically
related to the way the plugin starts and stops a JBoss server.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Plugin - Version 1.4.1

** Bug
* [MJBOSS-41] - Bug in the site generation that causes the deploy
and undeploy mojo pages to not be generated.
* [MJBOSS-42] - start-and-wait don't work on a secured jmx-console
* [MJBOSS-43] - stop don't work on a secured jmx-console
* [MJBOSS-45] - start and stop doesn't work if the server is bound
to an address or JNDI port different from localhost:1099
* [MJBOSS-46] - Wrong version of JBOSS is started if JBOSS_HOME env
variable is set

** Improvement
* [MJBOSS-37] - To allow the deployment of multiple files when using
* [MJBOSS-38] - Need to wait for JBoss container to stop before
calling start
* [MJBOSS-48] - Allow server ID specified on the command line during

** New Feature
* [MJBOSS-44] - Patch to allow to pass java options to jboss in the
configure goal

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[ANN] RMIC Maven Plugin 1.1 Released

2010-06-28 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the RMI Compiler Maven
Plugin version 1.1.


This release includes minors updates to the site and the project configuration.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x RMIC Plugin - Version 1.1

** Improvement
* [MRMIC-27] - The example for the package goal is broken

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[ANN] Maven Antrun Plugin 1.4 Released

2010-05-28 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Antrun Plugin,
version 1.4

This plugin allows Ant tasks to be run inside a Maven build.  See the plugin's
site for more details:


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin - Version 1.4

** Bug
* [MANTRUN-51] - Problems with multiple antrun declarations in multiproject
* [MANTRUN-62] - line.separator property not passed properly to ant
* [MANTRUN-104] - Documentation for referring to artifacts classpaths is 
* [MANTRUN-139] - There is a problem with the site plugin preventing proper
site documentation

** Improvement
* [MANTRUN-40] - Properties defined in pom properties do not propagate to
the antrun environment
* [MANTRUN-110] - mistake in antrun docs: refid=maven.dependency
* [MANTRUN-126] - Antrun plugin should follow the more common pattern
groupId:artifactId:classifier:type pattern for dependency properties.
* [MANTRUN-128] - Deprecate sourceRoot and testSourceRoot parameters in
favor of using build helper maven plugin
* [MANTRUN-135] - Mark antrun plugin as @threadSafe
* [MANTRUN-136] - Upgrade to ant 1.8.1
* [MANTRUN-137] - Use ant-nodeps artifact instead of ant and ant-launcher

** New Feature
* [MANTRUN-100] - Allow antrun plugin to attach artifacts to maven build
* [MANTRUN-138] - Add version mapper to Antrun similar to the Maven Ant 

** Wish
* [MANTRUN-47] - Provide FileSet references dependencies.


-The Maven team

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Ant Tasks 2.1.0 Released

2009-12-05 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Ant Tasks,
version 2.1.0

The Maven Ant Tasks allow several features of Maven to be used in an Ant build. 
 This includes dependency management, reading and writing pom files, and 
deployment to a Maven repository.  More information is available at the project 


The current version of the Maven Ant Tasks can be downloaded from the project 
downloads page.


Release Notes - Maven Ant Tasks - Version 2.1.0

** Bug
* [MANTTASKS-4] - System scope not working properly in Maven Antlib
* [MANTTASKS-152] - Mvn task omit localRepository param
* [MANTTASKS-153] - Properties defined in Ant are not passed to Maven
* [MANTTASKS-155] - Dependency fileset should set the current ant project
* [MANTTASKS-159] - Wrong credentials used for mirrored repositories
* [MANTTASKS-160] - Wrong metadata files created for mirrored remote 
* [MANTTASKS-167] - Generated ant build file should save version list for 
version mapper

** Improvement
* [MANTTASKS-117] - Setting Maven user-properties not possible
* [MANTTASKS-169] - Dependencies verbose option should be deprecated in 
favor of standard ant verbose option

** New Feature
* [MANTTASKS-151] - Support for artfacts that are 'classified' from birth
* [MANTTASKS-156] - Add feature to dependencies task to write file paths to 
a file.

* [MANTTASKS-168] - New task to write a pom file


-The Maven team

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[ANN] JBoss Packaging Maven Plugin 2.1.1 Released

2009-11-20 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Packaging Maven 
Plugin version 2.1.1.


This release includes some minor bug fixes and updates to the plugin site.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Packaging Plugin - Version 2.1.1

** Bug
* [MJBOSSPACK-31] - problems importing 'ejb-client' artifact in PAR

** Improvement
* [MJBOSSPACK-32] - Add ability to attach generated .sar to the project, 
even if classifier is not specifed
* [MJBOSSPACK-33] - Packaging types archiver should be matched to 
JarArchiver instead of ZipArchiver

* [MJBOSSPACK-34] - Add site docs about describing attached artifacts

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[ANN] JBoss Maven Plugin 1.4 Released

2009-11-09 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Maven Plugin
version 1.4.


Some notable features in this release include improvements to the start-and-wait 
mojo and general improvements to the plugin configuration.  The plugin site has 
also been improved and now provides more docs and examples.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Plugin - Version 1.4.0

** Bug
* [MJBOSS-23] - jboss:undeploy causes NPE
* [MJBOSS-30] - NullPointerException in UndeployMojo

** Improvement
* [MJBOSS-24] - JBoss plugin should be able to read JBOSS_HOME when using 
JDK  1.5

* [MJBOSS-25] - Refactor to follow Maven code formatting conventions.
* [MJBOSS-26] - Should be able to override the parameters for the 
startAndWait mojo from the command line.

* [MJBOSS-28] - harddeploy should skip unconfigured POMs without failing
* [MJBOSS-31] - Fix deprecation warnings about using components.
* [MJBOSS-32] - Improve parameter configuration
* [MJBOSS-33] - Improve site documentation
* [MJBOSS-34] - Add a wait period between retries of the JMX Connection 
when using startAndWaitGoal

* [MJBOSS-35] - startAndWait mojo needs a security manager
* [MJBOSS-36] - Mojo goal names should follow standard Maven naming format.

** New Feature
* [MJBOSS-29] - Add exploded deployment support

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[ANN] JBoss Packaging Maven Plugin 2.1 Released

2009-08-10 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Packaging Maven 
Plugin version 2.1.


Some notable features in this release include handling for the par (process 
archive) format.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Packaging Plugin - Version 2.1

** Bug
  * [MJBOSSPACK-17] - deploymentDescriptorFile option needs to be explicitly set

** Improvement
  * [MJBOSSPACK-25] - Add archiver mappings for each type
  * [MJBOSSPACK-26] - Create an example in the site docs about how to create a 
sar using the assembly plugin

** New Feature
  * [MJBOSSPACK-19] - Create a Par archive for deployable jbpm processes

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[ANN] Build Helper Maven Plugin 1.4 Released

2009-07-13 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Build Helper Maven 
Plugin version 1.4.


This is mainly a bug fix release.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Build Helper Plugin - Version 1.4

** Bug
* [MBUILDHELPER-11] - ParseVersionMojo throws NPE when there is no qualifier

** New Feature
* [MBUILDHELPER-12] - Version parser should be more flexible with the 
format of the version string

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[ANN] JBoss Packaging Maven Plugin 2.0 Released

2009-06-22 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Packaging Maven 
Plugin version 2.0.


This is mainly a bug fix and minor refactoring release.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


Please allow up to 24 hours for the new version to sync to the central 

A comprehensive list of changes can be see in the release notes:


The Mojo team.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Build Helper Maven Plugin 1.3 Released

2009-06-08 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Build Helper Maven 
Plugin version 1.3.


Some notable features in this release include:

  - A new goal to retrieve the current version of Maven to a property.
  - A new goal to parse the current project version into it's components (major 
version, minor version, etc)

  - A new goal to add resources to a project

A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


Please allow up to 24 hours for the new release to synchronize with the central 


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x Build Helper Plugin - Version 1.3

** New Feature
* [MBUILDHELPER-4] - build-helper-maven-plugin:  Add resources
* [MBUILDHELPER-9] - New Mojo to store the maven version in a property
* [MBUILDHELPER-10] - Add mojo to set properties containing parsed project 
version string

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[ANN] Maven Ant Tasks 2.0.10 Released

2009-05-27 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Ant Tasks,
version 2.0.10

The Maven Ant Tasks allow several features of Maven, (dependency management, 
artifact deployment, etc.) to be used within an Ant build.  More information is 
available at the project site.


The binaries can be downloaded from the maven download page.


Release Notes - Maven Ant Tasks - Version 2.0.10

** Bug
* [MANTTASKS-87] - Using a pom.xml for dependencies, in which the pom.xml 
has a parent pom.xml will cause a Error downloading parent pom error
* [MANTTASKS-106] - Maven ant tasks artifact has maven inside the jar and 
so can't be used from inside the maven (maven-antrun-plugin) - classes do conflict

* [MANTTASKS-111] - Support for SNAPSHOT deployment
* [MANTTASKS-116] - NPE when install target is missing file and pom type is 
* [MANTTASKS-142] - Default remote repository id not safe
* [MANTTASKS-144] - Error reading settings file error is reported when 
settings.xml is deleted from maven/conf folder.
* [MANTTASKS-145] - Dependency management doesn't work with pom and 
dependencies tasks

** Improvement
* [MANTTASKS-35] - Support profiles in pom type
* [MANTTASKS-114] - improve documentation
* [MANTTASKS-146] - Improvements to site documentation
* [MANTTASKS-147] - Improvements to scope filtering

** New Feature
* [MANTTASKS-71] - running m2 inside Ant
* [MANTTASKS-149] - Allow multiple types in the type filter
* [MANTTASKS-150] - Add option for creating fileset refs for each resolved 


-The Maven team

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

[ANN] Maven Source Plugin 2.1 Released

2009-04-22 Thread Paul Gier

The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Source Plugin, 
version 2.1

This plugin is used to create jar of the project source files.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Source Plugin - Version 2.1

** Bug
* [MSOURCES-28] - No test for up todate/no ablity to exclude pom.properties 
from resulting jar
* [MSOURCES-31] - forking lifecycle of source:jar goal results in 
release-plugin error
* [MSOURCES-36] - Source jar manifest should contain Specification and 
Implementation details
* [MSOURCES-37] - CLONE -maven-source-plugin causes generate-sources phase 
to execute twice

* [MSOURCES-40] - Add throws MojoExecutionException on getSources() mehtod

** Improvement
* [MSOURCES-13] - No-Forking mojos for use within a POM instead of CLI
* [MSOURCES-34] - Allow the artifact type to be changed
* [MSOURCES-39] - Add an includePom option to the sources:jar goal

** New Feature
* [MSOURCES-41] - Generate source jars supporting Eclipse Source Bundle 

** Wish
* [MSOURCES-33] - provide includes  excludes configuration
* [MSOURCES-42] - Please add support for MavenArchiveConfiguration


-The Maven team

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@maven.apache.org

Re: Maven surefire plugin - testFailureIgnore and its behaviour with forkMode

2009-03-30 Thread Paul Gier
As far as I know, it's not expected behaviour.  If you can create a jira issue 
with a sample project to reproduce this, I'm sure someone can take a look.

Also, try version 2.4.3 since that is the latest.

Jaikiran wrote:

I am using Maven surefire plugin 2.4.2 with the following configurations:


I have intentionally set testFailureIgnore=false (i.e. the default value),
so that if the test fails the build process fails. However when my tests
fail with ERROR, i see that irrespective of this property value, the rest of
the build is carried out and the build reports a SUCCESS.

A bit of debugging and playing with the forkMode, shows that the
testFailureIgnore=false results in the build to fail (which is what i
expect) *only* when the forkMode is set to never. Setting the forkMode to
always or once always results in a successful build irrespective of the
testFailureIgnore setting.

Is this the expected behaviour?

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Re: Duplicate name in parent and current

2009-03-25 Thread Paul Gier
I think it's the duplicated artifactId's that is causing the problem.  Maybe the 
artifactId of the pom in the subdirectory modA/modA should be set to modA-modA 
or something like that.

huser wrote:


I have a situation in which the dir names are same. 


I get the following error while trying to run mvn compile. The code for 2
POM's is below. What should I change in the parent to make this work ?


Reason: Parent element is a duplicate of the current project  for project


[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException: Parent element is a
of the current project  for project com.co.t3:modA
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.getProjects(DefaultMaven.java:378)
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMaven.java:292)
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven.java:129)
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(MavenCli.java:287)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(Launcher.java:255)

at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:375)


name modA /name








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Re: maven2 properties reference page

2009-03-24 Thread Paul Gier
There is an associated JIRA issue related to this [1].  Please vote for it if 
you are interested.


Rusty Wright wrote:
Why does the url for MavenPropertiesGuide start with docs.codehaus.org?  
I would think it should start with maven.apache.org.  I recently spent a 
long time one day looking for a list of the maven properties on the 
apache maven site and finally gave up.

I am repeatedly frustrated by the documentation on the apache maven 
site.  I suspect that this is hindering the adoption of maven.

Wayne Fay wrote:
Why aren't any of these properties documented for Maven2?  Is anyone 

Can I use them with Maven2 without having problems?


As you said, those properties are for Maven1. You can generally assume
they will not work for Maven2.

The corresponding page for Maven2 is in the wiki:


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[ANN] Properties maven plugin 1.0-alpha-1 Released

2009-01-27 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Properties Maven Plugin
version 1.0-alpha-1.


This is the first alpha release of the plugin.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin



Paul Gier

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[ANN] Rmic Maven Plugin 1.0 Released

2008-11-20 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Rmic Maven Plugin
version 1.0.


This is the first stable release and fixes a few issues from the previous beta.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


Paul Gier

Release Notes - Maven 2.x RMIC Plugin - Version 1.0

** Bug
* [MRMIC-23] - rmic creates multiple stub files when run multiple times
* [MRMIC-24] - rmic is run even when the classes are already up to date

** Improvement
* [MRMIC-25] - Add configuration for testOutputDirectory
* [MRMIC-26] - Fix checkstyle errors

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[ANN] JBoss Packaging Maven Plugin 2.0-beta-1 Released

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Gier
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Packaging Maven 
Plugin, version 2.0-beta-1


This plugin is a replacement of the earlier jboss-sar-maven-plugin.  The plugin 
has been deployed to the codehaus repository, and it should be available shortly 
via the central repository.


Release Notes

** Bug
  * [MJBOSSPACK-1] - jboss-packaging plugin does not include ejb-client jars
  * [MJBOSSPACK-2] - Dependency scope not respected
  * [MJBOSSPACK-3] - Dependency to project with packaging-type 'jboss-sar' 
doesn't work
  * [MJBOSSPACK-6] - Source repository - Web access redirects you to a missing 
404 URL

  * [MJBOSSPACK-7] - Add pluginRepository definition to the docs
  * [MJBOSSPACK-8] - SAR plugin does not work with cobertura report
  * [MJBOSSPACK-10] - Add pom configuration example to docs

** Improvement
  * [MJBOSSPACK-15] - Set up integration tests using maven invoker plugin
  * [MJBOSSPACK-16] - Fix checkstyle warnings


-The Mojo team

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[ANN] RMIC Maven Plugin 1.0-beta-1 Released

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Gier

The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the RMIC Maven Plugin
version 1.0-beta-1.

This release contains some minor enhancements and bug fixes.

A list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


Paul Gier

Release Notes - Maven 2.x RMIC Plugin - Version 1.0-beta-1

** Bug
* [MRMIC-19] - dependencies with scope provided are not considered within
* [MRMIC-20] - No stubs are created for remote interfaces in IIOP mode

** Improvement
* [MRMIC-13] - Create basic unit tests and/or integration tests.
* [MRMIC-18] - Fix some java 1.5 specific code.
* [MRMIC-21] - Should have a documented way to put the stubs in the main jar

** New Feature
* [MRMIC-12] - Add support for running rmic against the test classes 


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Re: How to set the classifier of an Artifact for install-plugin ?

2008-02-29 Thread Paul Gier
Assuming you are creating a DefaultArtifact object, you have to set the 
classifier when you first call the constructor.  Does that work for you?


Guillaume Durand wrote:


I wrote a packaging plugin replacing the jar-plugin and accepting a 
classifier as parameter to generate the proper artifact name. Once the 
artifact is created I use Artifact.setFile with the newly created artifact.
It works fine but the install-plugin copies the artifact into the 
repository without the classifier.

If the package plugin is jar-plugin the classifier is kept though.

How do I set in my plugin the classifier to use for the install-plugin?

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Re: How to override POM properties from CLI

2008-02-21 Thread Paul Gier
This seems to work ok for me.  I tried it locally and my profile properties 
override my pom properties, and cli props defined with -D override both pom and 
profile properties.  I tried with maven 2.0.6 and 2.0.8.

Can you attach a small zipped project to a jira issue that reproduces the 

Igor Romanov wrote:

Thank you for reply.
Are you saying that properties specified in POM can not be overridden with
-D option?


Wayne Fay wrote:

You should put the properties in different profiles, and then specify
which profile using -Penv1 when running Maven.


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Rmic maven plugin 1.0-alpha-1 release

2008-02-14 Thread Paul Gier
For anyone that uses rmic in their builds, I have released the rmic-maven-plugin 
version 1.0-alpha-1.  It is now in the codehaus repository, and it should be 
available via the central repository later today.

Please check it out and submit feedback through jira.


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Re: Release plugin (prepare) doesn't update more than one dependencies in multi modules project

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Gier
Sorry this is not much help, but I haven't had good luck with getting the 
release plugin to update my snapshot dependencies either.  So I always update 
them manually before doing a release.  If you can create a jira issue for this 
(in the release plugin project) and attach a small test project to reproduce the 
problem, I'm sure someone will get around to take a look at this.

alexsil wrote:

Hi all,
I have a project so structured:

au   au-business
 |---  au-sistema

Dependencies in au are:



!--  external dependencies--

Dependencies in au-business are:

Dependencies in au-sistema are:

When I make a mvn release:clean release:prepare  the plugin, correctly, ask
me to resolve SNAPSHOTs dependencies. (framework-business

Unfortunatly at the end of the process only framework-sistema has been
modified, while framework-business no.
I've debuged the problem and I found that if I force the two dependencies
(framework-sistema, framework-business) in the parent pom (pom of au) all
run fine (also if the process to resolve SNAPSHOT dependencies get prompted
tree times ...  too much I say ...).
Is this the correct behavior ? 
I hope no, becouse I should  modify al my poms.

Morever , the flag updateDependencies=false doesn't run. I think it has
not managed.

Best regards

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Re: release from a specific tag

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Gier
I would think checking out from the tag, and then running release:prepare from 
that would work fine for you in this case.  It will create another tag, but that 
shouldn't be a problem, since you probably want to keep one tag nightly x/x/x 
and then another tag release x.x.x even though they have basically the same 
code.  There's nothing in the release plugin, as far as I know, that says you 
have to be working from trunk.

Benoit Decherf wrote:
Image that we are working on the trunk. Every night a nightly snapshot 
is created and deploy on a test servers and automatic tests are run 
(they can last 4hours for a project).

on date 04 feb. every tests passed.
on date 05 feb. some tests are broken.

But on 06 feb we want to make a release (to install in prod). The dev 
started on 05 feb are not finished, and so the nightly of 04 feb should 
be released.
To do so, I suppose that release:prepare should be executed from the 
nightly tag of 4 feb to remove all snapshots dependencies, tag the 
release with an official tag, etc... The release prepare should create a 
branch from this tag to do it ?


Kalle Korhonen wrote:
I don't understand what you are asking. release:perform doesn't do 

else but runs deploy (and site-deploy) on the newly created tag; after
release:prepare, the release is already cut. If you want snapshots, why
don't you just deploy uniquely versioned snapshots nightly?


On 2/7/08, Benoit Decherf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But I don't want to create an official version every night.
In the nightly version, there still have the -SNAPSHOT versions. So I
can't use release:perform to do it. I realy need to execute the
release:prepare from the nightly tag.

All projects here ask for this feature. I think this is a very good
feature to be able to release an unofficial  version that is entirely
It seems strange that nobody has asked for this feature. All of you
always create a version from the last commits files of the trunk
(integration branch) ?

Is it possible to make an evolution of the release plugin to support 



Nicole Lacoste wrote:

Hi Benoit,

Yes I think so.  Well I know you can release from a tag made with the
release prepare.  The command is

mvn release:perform


Look at page 224 of better builds with maven for more details


On 06/02/2008, Benoit Decherf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I think that we should be able to perform a release from an old 

tag rather than do it always from the trunk :

Every night functional tests run on a project A. On day d everything
works, but after, I decide to add a feature and I broke the trunk. I'd
like to be able to release the project in it's state of day d 

losing the work I done. This could be useful in some cases.
Is there already a way to do it ?


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Re: Generate PDF books from maven

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Gier

Hi Julien,
Can you create a jira issue for the jboss maven-jdocbook-plugin with some sample 
input? Here is the jira URL (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/MPJDOCBOOK). 
Then maybe we can get it fixed.


Julien Graglia wrote:

What do you use to generate PDF books?

I'am using doxia-maven-plugin to generate html books, but the pdf format
is 'deprecated' because it is generated by iText and iText no longer
support pdf output. (http://maven.apache.org/doxia/modules/index.html).
I have pb with UTF 8 encoding of french pages...(it is a known pb of

I have read that from the doc-book output of doxia, I can generate a PDF
book but I don't have found how...docbook seems very dark to me : need
a xsltranslator , how? not a word of doxia site...

I also have found the JBoss Plugin : maven-jdocbook-plugin
(http://labs.jboss.com/maven-jdocbook-plugin/) but, here again, I didn't
get correct result : i try to inject the docbook xml generated by doxia,
but it is invalid for jdocbook plugin...I have made some hand made
corrections to the xml... but the result is awfull...

Well, I try many things, but did not found ONE way to generate a pdf
from maven

What do you use? and how?  Thanks!
May be it's just a dream?

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Re: release from a specific tag

2008-02-08 Thread Paul Gier

Sorry, I was thinking you were using svn.  Maybe you should convert ;)
Yes, when I said the code is the same, I meant your project code minus the 
changes to the pom.

So maybe you would need to do something like
1. checkout the tag
2. make a branch
3. check the code from the tag into the branch
4. make the changes to the pom.

Then run your maven release.  I agree this is not a very nice process.

Benoit Decherf wrote:
A tag is a fixed version, not a branch. So I can't make a 
release:prepare on a tag. This can probably be done in svn because there 
is no real difference between a tag and a branch, but that's not true in 

The nightly x/x/x and the release x/x/x are not the same code. The 
pom of a release has no SNAPSHOTs dependencies.

Paul Gier wrote:
I would think checking out from the tag, and then running 
release:prepare from that would work fine for you in this case.  It 
will create another tag, but that shouldn't be a problem, since you 
probably want to keep one tag nightly x/x/x and then another tag 
release x.x.x even though they have basically the same code.  
There's nothing in the release plugin, as far as I know, that says you 
have to be working from trunk.

Benoit Decherf wrote:
Image that we are working on the trunk. Every night a nightly 
snapshot is created and deploy on a test servers and automatic tests 
are run (they can last 4hours for a project).

on date 04 feb. every tests passed.
on date 05 feb. some tests are broken.

But on 06 feb we want to make a release (to install in prod). The dev 
started on 05 feb are not finished, and so the nightly of 04 feb 
should be released.
To do so, I suppose that release:prepare should be executed from the 
nightly tag of 4 feb to remove all snapshots dependencies, tag the 
release with an official tag, etc... The release prepare should 
create a branch from this tag to do it ?


Kalle Korhonen wrote:
I don't understand what you are asking. release:perform doesn't do 

else but runs deploy (and site-deploy) on the newly created tag; after
release:prepare, the release is already cut. If you want snapshots, why
don't you just deploy uniquely versioned snapshots nightly?


On 2/7/08, Benoit Decherf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But I don't want to create an official version every night.
In the nightly version, there still have the -SNAPSHOT versions. So I
can't use release:perform to do it. I realy need to execute the
release:prepare from the nightly tag.

All projects here ask for this feature. I think this is a very good
feature to be able to release an unofficial  version that is 

It seems strange that nobody has asked for this feature. All of you
always create a version from the last commits files of the trunk
(integration branch) ?

Is it possible to make an evolution of the release plugin to 
support this



Nicole Lacoste wrote:

Hi Benoit,

Yes I think so.  Well I know you can release from a tag made with the
release prepare.  The command is

mvn release:perform


Look at page 224 of better builds with maven for more details


On 06/02/2008, Benoit Decherf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I think that we should be able to perform a release from an old 

tag rather than do it always from the trunk :

Every night functional tests run on a project A. On day d 
works, but after, I decide to add a feature and I broke the 
trunk. I'd
like to be able to release the project in it's state of day d 

losing the work I done. This could be useful in some cases.
Is there already a way to do it ?



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Upcoming rmic plugin release

2008-02-06 Thread Paul Gier

Hi Everyone,
I'm currently doing some work on the rmic maven plugin, and I plan to do a 
1.0-alpha-1 release in the upcoming weeks.  If you use this plugin or you are 
interested in it, please take a look at some of the jira issues 
(http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRMIC).  If there are issues that you agree or 
disagree with, please comment and/or vote on the issues, and create new issues 
for desired features, bugs, etc.


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JavaCC Maven Plugin 2.3 released!

2008-01-25 Thread Paul Gier

Hi Everyone,
The JavaCC maven plugin version 2.3 has been released, and should show up in the 
central maven repository later today.  This release includes several bug fixes, 
a couple new features including a new jjdoc mojo, and some improvements to the 
project site (http://mojo.codehaus.org/javacc-maven-plugin).  A list of all the 
changes in this release can be found in the release notes 


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Release 2.3 of javacc maven plugin

2008-01-14 Thread Paul Gier

Hi Everyone,
I'm planning to do a release of the javacc maven plugin 
(http://mojo.codehaus.org/javacc-maven-plugin/) sometime next week.  If you use 
this plugin or are interested in it, I encourage you to try out the 2.3-SNAPSHOT 
 that is available in the codehaus snapshots repository.


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Ant tasks to deploy a jar

2007-12-12 Thread Paul Gier
Has anyone successfully deployed a jar file to a maven repository using the 
artifact:deploy ant task?  I tried using this task with both maven 2.0.6 and 
maven 2.0.8, and it would only deploy the pom files and not the jar.

I ended up using ant exec/ and just calling mvn deploy:deploy-file.  I'm 
wondering if I'm just missing something?  Or if this is broken I will create a 
jira issue.

Also if anyone has other suggestions about the easiest way to deploy ant built 
jars into a maven repo I would appreciate your ideas.


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Downloading dependency sources

2007-10-22 Thread Paul Gier

Hi Everyone,
Is there a way to tell maven to download source jars by default?  I didn't see 
anything in the pom or settings model to do this.  I know I can download sources 
using the eclipse plugin or the dependency plugin, but I would like to tell 
maven to always download source jars when building a project.


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Re: Control transitive dependencies

2007-08-27 Thread Paul Gier

You can also use
mvn project-info-reports:dependencies
That will generate an html page with the dependency tree in the target/site 
directory.  That should make it a little easier to figure out where transitive 
dependencies are coming from.

Erez Nahir wrote:

Thanks Larry for the prompt and detailed reply.

The strange thing is that maven debug info (and the dependencies 
reports) shows only the dependency on 1.2.14, it does not list who uses 
1.2.12 (I figured it out by searching the poms in my local repository).

Anyway, I'll give it a try.


BTW, this is on maven 2.0.7

Larry Suto wrote:

There are a few ways:  mvn -X will give you the debug output and will
show the transitive that are brought in by the main dependencies,
though I found this to be a bit tricky to use...my preferred way is
too find the jars in my project(s) that mvn bundles a pom.xml in...if
you look ar the pom.xmls in these jars you will find the dependencies
they are bringing inyou then need to declare the jar as a
dependency in the pom.xml in the particular artifact you want this
excluded in and add  excludesexcludes...place only groupId and
artifactId inside here.../exclude/excludes inside the dependency
declaration  or you can add the tag in the jar plugin config that
excludes the pom.xml if you have control over the build...then you
dont have to worry about this stuff

On 8/25/07, Larry Suto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are a few ways.  mvn -X will give you debug output

On 8/25/07, EN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We have a multi module project:
parent - pom, dependencyManagement
  proj1 - jar
  proj2 - jar
  proj3 - war

Although we use log4j 1.2.14, our proj3.war file contains log4j 
1.2.12 which
probably added by maven as transitive dependency of one of our 

(activemq-parent-4.1.1.pom or commons-logging-1.1.pom).

How can I force maven to package only log4j 1.2.14?

View this message in context: 

Sent from the Maven - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Access Execution Id from plugin

2007-06-19 Thread Paul Gier

Anyone know how to get the current execution Id from within a plugin?
I would like to be able to compare the current execution Id to a system 
property while the plugin is running.


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Property validation

2007-05-22 Thread Paul Gier
I would like to verify that certain properties are set in my pom.  If 
the property is not set, I would like the build to fail.  Is there a way 
to do this with the enforcer plugin or with another plugin?


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One profile activate another

2007-05-04 Thread Paul Gier
I would like to have two profiles.  One profile can be called by 
itself.  The second one should activate the first one so that the 
configuration of the first is included.

Is this possible?


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Re: Maven 2.0.6 using JDK 1.3

2007-05-04 Thread Paul Gier
It seems like a better default behavior for the compiler plugin would be 
to use the current jvm version.
If I'm running maven with jdk1.5 I would expect the compiler plugin to 
default to source level 1.5.

Is there a reason that it can't work like that?

Wayne Fay wrote:

This is one of the most common questions on this list...

It has been answered repeatedly -- check the archives at Nabble.

Also it is very well documented on the Maven website -- both in the
FAQ and in the Maven Compiler plugin docs.

Google also has numerous links when you search for maven generics.


On 5/4/07, David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem compiling my project with maven 2.0.6.  Maven is
using JDK 1.3 to compile the java files that contain generics.  The
build fails with an error stating that 1.3 does not support generics.

How do I switch JDKs so that maven will use 1.5 instead of 1.3?  My
classpath and path variables both point to 1.5.


[INFO] Building Unnamed - com.javaworld.hotels:HotelDatabase:jar:0.0.1

[INFO]task-segment: [package]




[INFO] [resources:resources]

[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.

[INFO] [compiler:compile]

Compiling 2 source files to




[INFO] Compilation failure


odel.java:[22,19] generics are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

public ListHotel findHotelsByCity(String city){


odel.java:[24,32] for-each loops are not supported in -source 1.3

(try -source 1.5 to enable for-each loops)

for(Hotel hotel : hotels){

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Specify snapshot build number

2007-04-30 Thread Paul Gier
Is there a way I can specify which snapshot build my project should use 
in it's dependencies?  I would like maven to ignore the latest snapshot 
version, and refer to a specific snapshot build number.


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Questions about surefire plugin

2007-04-23 Thread Paul Gier

How do I change the log level of the surefire plugin?  I would like to 
change the log level from DEBUG to INFO.

If I have multiple execution IDs in my surefire configuration, is there 
a way to run just one of the executions?  I could do it using profiles, 
but I was wondering if there is an easier way.


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Accessing an execution id from pom

2007-04-23 Thread Paul Gier
Is there a way I can access the current execution ID if I have multiple 
executions of a plugin?
I have multiple executions of the surefire plugin, and I would like the 
output to go to a different directory for each execution.

So in my plugin configuration I would like to have something like:

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Attached artifacts

2007-04-03 Thread Paul Gier

When working on a maven plugin, I noticed that two attached artifacts 
can have the same name and overwrite each other when they are deployed.  
Is this by design?  Maybe the artifacts attached to a project should be 
a set instead of a list, and a warning should be generated when one 
artifact replaces another.
An easy way to reproduce this is to define the maven source plugin with 
two different execution ids.  When the deploy plugin is run, the source 
jar is deployed twice, with the second overwriting the first.
Changing the attached artifacts from a List to a Set would probably 
break a bunch of existing code, but it might be something for a maven 
3.0 release.

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Multi module assembly with dependencies

2007-03-29 Thread Paul Gier
I'm trying to create an assembly for a multi-module project that 
includes the dependencies of the modules.

My assembly descriptor looks something like this:


I get an error that says the dependencySets tag is not recognized.  I'm 
using version 2.1 of the assembly plugin.  Is dependencySets only 
supported in 2.2-SNAPSHOT?  Or am I doing something else wrong.


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Transitive dependencies of artifacts with classifiers

2007-03-20 Thread Paul Gier
How are transitive dependencies handled when the artifacts have a
non-default classifier?  For example, I have the following dependency
A - B
B - C

Now let's say I want to build a jdk1.4 version of A.  So I depend on
B-jdk14.jar (B with jdk14 classifier), and B-jdk14.jar depends on

Is it possible to include the C-jdk14 dependency through B?


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Re: Using Maven without an intyernet connection

2007-03-19 Thread Paul Gier
What's the easiest way to download the whole central repository?  Is
there a maven plugin to do that?  Or is there some way to get a zip of
the whole thing?

On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 14:26 +, Andrew Williams wrote:
 If you can run maven on an internet connected computer first to  
 download all the dependencies then you could just copy the ~/.m2/ 
 repository/ directory to the computer without the internet and run  
 maven in offline mode (mvn -o)
 On 19 Mar 2007, at 07:17, Ivan Biddles wrote:
  I am integrating several open source projects into an application and
  some of these projects are built with Maven, which I have not used to
  I have read the FAQs etc. but I could not find a mention of being able
  to do a Maven build on a machine that is not directly connected to the
  Internet or whether such a connection is a prerequisite.
  My situation is that my development machine is not connected but I do
  need to be able to build some of these projects. Is there some way  
  Maven supports this disconnected build?
  Thanks. Best wishes, Ivan.
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Multimodule assembly plugin question

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Gier
I have a project with multiple modules, and I would like to assemble the
classes of the modules into a single jar file.
If the names of the modules (and directories) match the artifact ID, the
assembly works fine.  But if the artifactId does not match the module
name, then the files are not picked up.  Is there a way to configure
this to work with the different names?  Or do I need to just rename my
modules or artifacts so that they match?


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Inter module dependencies with release plugin

2007-03-08 Thread Paul Gier

I have a multi-module project where some modules depend on others.
And module 2 depends on the current snapshot version of module 1.  I
would like to release them all at the same time, but the problem is that
the release plugin tells me that module 2 is dependent on a snapshot
version of module 1 so it cannot run.

How can I get around this issue?

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Re: Username and password for deploy plugin

2007-03-06 Thread Paul Gier
Thanks.  Yes that issue is similar to what I'm asking for.  I linked my
issue to that one, and voted for it.  I also found this issue which is
the same as what I was asking for:

On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 16:50 +0530, Gregory Kick wrote:
 I think that you might be talking about what was reported in
 http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-553 .  This issue was reported a
 long time ago and doesn't seem to be getting much attention anymore...
  Maybe a few more votes for it?
 On 3/3/07, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 2/28/07, Paul Gier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Is there a way to supply a username and password for a remote repository
   on the command line instead of in the settings.xml?  It would be helpful
   if the deploy plugin could prompt the user as needed for this
   information.  The password could be hidden from view this way, and
   developers would not have to worry about configuring settings.xml.
   Specifically, I would like to have this feature for the wagon-webdav
   plugin, but I think it could apply to all the deploy related plugins.
  No idea if it takes userid/password on the command line, but there is
  some work in the gpg plugin to prompt for a passphrase (and mask it).
  Perhaps that could be borrowed.
  (wagon-webdav isn't a plugin, is it?  I only know it as an artifact
  that needs to be configured as a build extension or otherwise added to
  Maven since it doesn't support dav by default.)
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Re: Testing the release plugin

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Gier

When I use the dryRun option, it seems to work fine.  But then if I try
to use the standard release:prepare after a dry run, maven tells me that
the prepare step is finished and does not tag my release.  Is this a

If I set resume to false then the prepare step starts over and
everything works ok.  The problem that I'm having now, is that the
default scm url for my tag is not what I want, and I would like to be
able to change it manually after the using dry run option.

On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 15:52 +0100, Thorsten Heit wrote:
 Hi Christophe,
  I need to use the release plugin but I want to test it before really use 
  it for release.
  How can I do to NOT modify my svn trunk files. Is it better to work on a 
 mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
 Is that what you're looking for?
 (see http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/usage.html)
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Re: Testing the release plugin

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Gier

Some additional info, I'm using an svn repository, and maven 2.0.5


On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 15:01 -0600, Paul Gier wrote:
 When I use the dryRun option, it seems to work fine.  But then if I try
 to use the standard release:prepare after a dry run, maven tells me that
 the prepare step is finished and does not tag my release.  Is this a
 If I set resume to false then the prepare step starts over and
 everything works ok.  The problem that I'm having now, is that the
 default scm url for my tag is not what I want, and I would like to be
 able to change it manually after the using dry run option.
 On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 15:52 +0100, Thorsten Heit wrote:
  Hi Christophe,
   I need to use the release plugin but I want to test it before really use 
   it for release.
   How can I do to NOT modify my svn trunk files. Is it better to work on a 
  mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
  Is that what you're looking for?
  (see http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/usage.html)
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Username and password for deploy plugin

2007-02-28 Thread Paul Gier
Is there a way to supply a username and password for a remote repository
on the command line instead of in the settings.xml?  It would be helpful
if the deploy plugin could prompt the user as needed for this
information.  The password could be hidden from view this way, and
developers would not have to worry about configuring settings.xml.

Specifically, I would like to have this feature for the wagon-webdav
plugin, but I think it could apply to all the deploy related plugins.


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Get the scm settings from plugin

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Gier
I would like to be able to access the scm settings (connection, tag, 
etc) in the pom.xml from within a plugin.  Is this possible?  It seems 
like there should be an easy way to get access to all of the pom 
configuration from within a plugin, but I haven't found it yet.  I tried 
looking in project.properties, but it was empty.  Is project.properties 
used for anything?


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Re: Get the scm settings from plugin

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Gier

Thanks, it works!
Does that work for the other objects in the model?
For example if I also want to get the license information can I use 
${project.license} to get a License object from model?

Is that functionality documented anywhere?

David Jackman wrote:

It seems project.properties will always be empty (I've been working on
that issue in the Mojo accessing project properties thread in this

However, what you want isn't in the properties anyway.  What you want is
the project.scm value.  Declare your plugin field like this:

 * Source control information.
 * @parameter expression=${project.scm}
 * @required
 * @readonly
private org.apache.maven.model.Scm scm;
You'll need to add maven-model as a dependency to your plugin as well:


That should be enough to get the scm information in your plugin.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Gier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:01 AM

To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Get the scm settings from plugin

I would like to be able to access the scm settings (connection, tag,
etc) in the pom.xml from within a plugin.  Is this possible?  It seems
like there should be an easy way to get access to all of the pom
configuration from within a plugin, but I haven't found it yet.  I tried
looking in project.properties, but it was empty.  Is project.properties
used for anything?


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