[Users] [SOLVED] Re: Networking questions (LONG)

2014-01-20 Thread Alan Murrell
I just thought I would reply back to my own thread with what my team  
and I have come up with.  While I have marked this as Solved, don't  
get too excited; it is not exactly the resolution we were looking for,  
but is acceptable nonetheless.

After some further digging around, we found that it is possible to  
pass hardware (including a NIC) through to a guest.  Unfortunately,  
this renders the guest unable to be migrated to another host  

In a single-server setup (which many of our clients' setups are via  
VMware, currently0, this would not make a difference, since there is  
no other host to migrate to anyway.  Son in those cases, not much  

For multi-server setups, we have two choices:

  1.) Forgo the virtual firewall and purchase a Lanner or similar  
hardware to install the firewall onto.  Since a multi-server setup (at  
least two server + SAN) typically runs a minimum of $10K-$15K in  
hardware alone, an addition $300 or so for the Lanner (or similar  
hardware) would not increase the overall cost of the project in a  
significant way.  (This option could of course be used in a  
single-server setup as well, but hardware cost is usually more of a  
factor with these setups for our clients)

  2.) Setup a firewall guest on two of the hosts, and configure them  
in an active-passive fashion.  As long as both of the hosts with the  
firewall VMs do not go down at the same time, then there should not be  
an issue.  If a host with a firewall VM goes down, the other firewall  
VM will take over.

So, those are the work-arounds that we have come up with (nothing  
new to anyone here, I am sure) until such time as OpenVSwitch gets  
adopted into oVirt/RHEV as either an easy-to-enable option, or as the  
standard/default switch.

Anyway, this post was really more of a closure post so anyone coming  
across this thread in the future does not wonder what the ultimate  
outcome was. :-)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VoIP on virtual infrastructure and oVirt in particular

2014-01-20 Thread Alan Murrell
I cannot speak to oVirt in particular, but I run a Elastix PBX on my  
Xen server at home (soon to be replaced by oVirt).  It is very lightly  
used (just my wife and I) but I have had no problems with it.

The company I work for runs our PBX (trixbox) off a VMware cluster in  
our colo.  It consists of about 4 servers (hosts) with about 16  
running VMS.  We just recently switched to full VoIP, but prior to  
that we were using a PRI card that was accessible over IP (similar to  
using something like a SPA-3000 for connecting one's analog home line  
via Asterisk/Elastix -- which I currently do on my home setup).  We  
did not experience any performance issues under this setup (and  
currently do not with our all-VoIP config)

I hope this helps.


Users mailing list

[Users] Copy VM to external disk and import back

2014-01-25 Thread Alan Murrell

I did some updates to my test installation from an unofficial repo (I
had installed a compile version of qemu-kvm-rhev from a private repo).
After rebooting, I was encountering errors with adding networks (when I
tried to save, it would say that my already-exisiting networks were
being added twice)

Anyway, not sure what exactly broke, as there were some other oVirt
updates as well.  I was planning on just wiping my all-in-one install
and starting from scratch, but I first wanted to see if it was possible
to copy my Win7 VM to an external USB drive, then import it back in
after I have a fresh all-in-one install?

I already have an export domain and have tested exporting one of my
other VMs, but am not sure if I would then be able to:

  1.) Copy the resulting directory to external storage
  2.) Do my fresh install
  3.) Copy the directory from external storage to my new export domain
  4,) Import the VM from the export domain

I guess my question is, is the export domain like the ISO domain: can I
copy files directly to it (with the appropriate metadata, of course) and
after a few minutes, have oVirt able to automatically see the contents
and be able to import it back in.

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Copy VM to external disk and import back

2014-01-25 Thread Alan Murrell
On Sat, 2014-01-25 at 12:42 +0200, Itamar Heim wrote:
 yes. You can copy files to and from the export domain.

OK, good to know.  So basically as long as I keep everything in tact
(the meta file, etc.), then there should be no problem in getting it
imported back in.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Error: The following Network Interfaces were specified more than once:

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Assaf Muller amul...@redhat.com:

Please run:
vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps

Here you go:

--- START ---
HBAInventory = {'FC': [], 'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName':  

ISCSIInitiatorName = 'iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:63b5586465eb'
bondings = {'bond0': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {},
  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
  'ipv6addrs': [],
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'slaves': []},
'bond1': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {},
  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
  'ipv6addrs': [],
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'slaves': []},
'bond2': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {},
  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
  'ipv6addrs': [],
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'slaves': []},
'bond3': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {},
  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
  'ipv6addrs': [],
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'slaves': []},
'bond4': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {},
  'hwaddr': '00:00:00:00:00:00',
  'ipv6addrs': [],
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'slaves': []}}
bridges = {'VLAN001': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no',
  'DELAY': '0',
  'DEVICE': 'VLAN001',
  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
  'ONBOOT': 'yes',
  'STP': 'no',
  'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
  'gateway': '',
  'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::2ccd:eff:fee5:6a65/64'],
  'ipv6gateway': '::',
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'ports': ['dummy_0.1'],
  'stp': 'off'},
  'VLAN002': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no',
  'DELAY': '0',
  'DEVICE': 'VLAN002',
  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
  'ONBOOT': 'yes',
  'STP': 'no',
  'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
  'gateway': '',
  'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::2ccd:eff:fee5:6a65/64'],
  'ipv6gateway': '::',
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'ports': ['dummy_0.2'],
  'stp': 'off'},
  'VLAN009': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no',
  'DELAY': '0',
  'DEVICE': 'VLAN009',
  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
  'ONBOOT': 'yes',
  'STP': 'no',
  'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
  'gateway': '',
  'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::2ccd:eff:fee5:6a65/64'],
  'ipv6gateway': '::',
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'ports': ['dummy_0.9'],
  'stp': 'off'},
  'VLAN010': {'addr': '',
  'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no',
  'DELAY': '0',
  'DEVICE': 'VLAN010',
  'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
  'ONBOOT': 'yes',
  'STP': 'no',
  'TYPE': 'Bridge'},
  'gateway': '',
  'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::2ccd:eff:fee5:6a65/64'],
  'ipv6gateway': '::',
  'mtu': '1500',
  'netmask': '',
  'ports': ['dummy_0.10'],
  'stp': 'off'},
  'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '',
'cfg': {'BOOTPROTO': 'dhcp',
'DEFROUTE': 'yes',
'DELAY': '0',

Re: [Users] Error: The following Network Interfaces were specified more than once:

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Lior Vernia lver...@redhat.com:

It's a quirk of oVirt at the moment :) The interface state as shown in
the GUI currently has very little to do with whether there's
connectivity on a network. There should be an open RFE for connectivity

OK, so at this point it is a cosmetic issue as opposed to a functional one?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Extremely poor disk access speeds in Windows guest

2014-01-29 Thread Alan Murrell
I notced updates on a Win7 VM I ceated previously were *really* slow,  
but when I logged in to it remotely for daily use, it seemed pretty  
snappy.  I did not do any significant data transfers, however.  I had  
the same latest virtio-win drivers installed, and in oVirt, the disk  
was of type VIRTIO (and not VIRTIO-SCSI).

For other reasons, I have rebuilt my test host, and am going to be  
installing a new Windows 7 VM.  Is there anything I can do in this  
process to provide more data and help with this troubleshooting?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] SPICE behind NAT

2014-02-07 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the reply.

Quoting Andrew Lau and...@andrewklau.com:

Just install squid proxy and port forward the 3128 port through your
firewall you should be all good.

Is squid installed on your oVirt box or is it on your firewall? Or did  
ypu srtup a seperate box ad the proxy? What you post above suggests  
you installed it in the oVirt machine?

Here's a quick snippet from my notes:


engine-config -s SpiceProxyDefault=http://public_ip_address:3128/

Ah, so the IP I put is the *public* IP on the firewall (or at least  
the one I am connecting to), and not the private IP of the machine  
Squid is installed on?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] SPICE behind NAT

2014-02-07 Thread Alan Murrell
I followed your notes, installing Squid on my oVirt server (I have an
all-in-one installation).  I set a port forward on our firewall for port
3128 to my oVirt server.

I logged into the User Portal and tried connecting to the console, but I
get Could not connect to graphic server (null).  Not sure if I have
overlooked something?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Fwd: oVirt or RHEV ?

2014-02-09 Thread Alan Murrell
From what I have experienced so far (which, admittedly, is only in a
testing environment), stable release of oVirt seems to be fine.  The
only SRPM I have had to re-compile is qemu-kvm (CentOS 6.5); I just set
rhev=1 so I could get live snapshot working, until there is a qemu-kvm
version for RHEL/CentOS that natively supports live snapshotting.

(qemu-kvm for RHEL/CentOS is an older version than currently available)


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] SPICE behind NAT

2014-02-10 Thread Alan Murrell
Just got a chance to get back to this.  Looks like I cannot connect  
using SPICE at all, even from the internal network.  I could connect  
fine (from internal network) before the attempted proxy changes :-(

When I try to connect using SPICE, the black console windows pops ups,  
and just says Connecting to graphic server, then just stays there.   
I can connect using VNC, if that helps shed any light.

To answer Andrew's questions:

Quoting Andrew Lau and...@andrewklau.com:

- Can you connect to squid from your browser?

If I go to http://vm-mgmt01.localdomain:3128 in my browser I get:

--- START ---

The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: /

Invalid URL

Some aspect of the requested URL is incorrect.

Some possible problems are:

Missing or incorrect access protocol (should be http://; or similar)

Missing hostname

Illegal double-escape in the URL-Path

Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed.

Your cache administrator is root.
--- END ---

- Did you modify the squid.conf to match your setup? (dst addresses, etc).

I have the following for my SPICE config:

--- START ---
# SPICE proxy
http_access deny CONNECT !Safe_ports
acl spice_servers dst
http_access allow spice_servers
--- END --- is my internal network.

- iptables?

I made the suggested ACCEPT entry, but just to be sure, I completely  
stopped iptables so the server was wide-open and still unable to  
connect to SPICE.  Still get same error when trying to connect to to  
the proxy.

- restarted engine?

I did.  I also tried the following (restarted engine and tested after  
each attempt):

  - engine-config -s SpiceProxyDefault=  (i.e., set it back to blank,  
and also stopped Squid)
  - engine-config -s SpiceProxyDefault=;  
(the internal IP of my ovirt-engine/all-in-one server.  I also had  
Squid started for this test)

The results were the same: SPICE console just stuck on Connecting to  
graphic server

I think I really bollocks'd this one up and may need to do a fresh  
install and try again.

- If you're using ovirt 3.4 make sure you set the cluster policy too

Using 3.3 from Yum repository.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] SPICE behind NAT

2014-02-11 Thread Alan Murrell
Looks like I am talking to myself now, but I will post my latest  
findings, as I have had some time today to poke at this a bit.

It seems that the issues I last posted about may be specific to whn  
using the Windows Remote-Viewer client, as that is what I was testing  
with yesterday (and when I was logged in remotely).  I can connect  
from the local network when using the Remote Viewer on my Linux  
laptop.  I will try from remote when I get home, but I still cannot  
connect from a local Windiws machine.

Also, I wanted to confirm what the value for SpideDefaultProxy  
should be, when behine NAT.  Should it be:

  * the value of the external IP/hostname, or
  * the value of the internal IP/hostname of the server where the  
proxy is installed (in my case, on the All-In-One setup)

The reason I ask is for a couple of reasons:

  * If I used the value of the external hostname, I was unable to  
connect from my Linux laptop on the local network (same symptoms as  
when trying to connect from the Windows PC, as detailed in my previous  
post).  However, if I edited my local hosts file to resolve hostname  
we use externally to the IP of the SPiceProxy server, I was then able  
to connect to the SPICE session.  I believe this is because our  
firewall does not allow hairpinning, so it wa denying the return  
  * If the correct value is indeed the external IP/hostname, then if  
the firewall denies hairpinning connections, will the conenction  
from outside be blocked due to that as well?

I hope the above makes sense.  Let me know if you need clarification  
on the above.  In any event, I will update on my test from outside.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] SPICE behind NAT

2014-02-13 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Andrew Lau and...@andrewklau.com:

Your value for SpiceDefaultProxy should be your external IP
address/hostname otherwise external users will never know where to connect

So the spice proxy would be going out the firewall then looping back  
in (also known as hairpinning), which in my experience is usually a  
behaviour denied by many firewalls as standard, which is what I  
believe is happening here.

This then becomes more of a firewall issue as you're spice proxy is

I agree.  Would you be willing to share the current IPTables rules on  
your external firewall so I can confirm this? (sanitised appropriately  
for actual IPs and/or hostnames, of course)  You can contact me  
off-list if you prefer.  This is more for curiousity/confirmation than  
anything else.

I know that when I was on the same LAN as the oVirt box, I had to edit  
my local hosts file to point the proxy value to the oVirt box itself  
for the remote-viewer to connect to the Windows desktop.

If that is indeed what is happening here, I think a better (and more  
universal) solution would be to have a VPN connection from the remote  
end user to the network where the oVirt/RHEV server is (site-to-site  
if the users are in an office and road warrior for remote  
individuals).  Not sure how much of a performance hit that might make,  
though.  Will need to do some testing.

working. But just to confirm, if you open up console through chrome it
should download a console.vv file rather than opening up remote-viewer
natively, before you run it; open it with a text editor you'll see the
proxy settings there.

I took a look and the proxy settings are correct.

The windows issue is probably just related to non proper drives installed.

On the machine I am connecting from or the virtual machine I am  
connecting to?  I downloaded the client from the link here:


Is there a different SPICE client for Windows that is recommended?

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt 3.5 planning

2014-02-25 Thread Alan Murrell
This may be more of a 4.0 feature, but my vote goes for integration of
OpenvSwitch (or least an option to add it easily)

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt 3.5 planning

2014-03-01 Thread Alan Murrell
On Wed, 2014-02-26 at 04:18 -0500, Antoni Segura Puimedon wrote:
 Does this mean making simpler the integration with Neutron that is currently
 allowing to use OpenvSwitch or does this call for direct use of ovs?

I was thinking direct use, as in being able to setup a vSwitch (to use
VMware terminology) and be able to do proper VLAN trunking all from
within the oVirt/RHEV interface.


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Self-hosted Engine

2014-07-15 Thread Alan Murrell
Are the official instructions for the setting up the self-hosted  
engine applicable to a fresh install (either CentOS or Fedora)?

Basically I am looking to see uf it is possible to basically do an  
all-oin-one install but with the engine asca self-hosted VM insread of  
on the host itself.


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Upgrade question

2014-11-09 Thread Alan Murrell


I just wanted to clarify the upgrade procedure for when I am ready to go 
from my 3.4 - 3.5.

I have a single server running oVirt 3.4 (host+storage) with a 
self-hosted engine setup.  The hosted engine and the host are both on 
CentOS 6.5.

According to the release notes for 3.5, I would install the 
ovirt-release35.rpm RPM, which gives me the oVirt 3.5 repositories.  Is 
the upgrade path at that point then as simple as running yum upgrade 
on both the host and the hosted-engine or do I still need to run yum 
update ovirt-engine-setup then engine-setup after upgrading both?

It isn't clear (to me) if the yum ovirt-engine-setup and 
engine-setup steps on the 3.5 Release Notes are for a clean install 
only, or if they still need to be run on a system being upgraded.

Thanks! :-)

Users mailing list

[Users] Networking questions (LONG)

2014-01-09 Thread Alan Murrell

I am evaluating oVirt as a replacement/alternative to VMware deployments we 
typically do.  I have installed and all-in-one setup on a test box (which 
itself used to be an ESXi server), but it only has one NIC.  I trying to 
duplicate our typical configuration we do in VMware, which is this:

  1.) we create several port groups on the vSwitch, each assigned a VLAN ID, 
such as:

  - VLAN001 (VLAN ID: 1)
  - VLAN002 (VLAN ID: 2)
  - VLAN009 (VLAN ID: 9)
  - VLAN010 (VLAN ID: 10)
  - VLAN200 (VLAN ID: 200)
  - TRUNK (VLAN ID: 4095 - in VMware-world, VLAN ID 4095 is all VLANS 
and basically just passes the VLANs through to whatever is attached to the port 
group for the VM to handle)

  2.) We assign VMs to port groups appropriate for the VLAN they are part of.
  3.) The only VM that has a NIC assigned to the TRUNK port group is the 
firewall (which is Linux), and we create VLAN interfaces on it (i.e., eth1.1, 
eth1.2, eth1.10, eth1.200).  The firewall VM acts as the router between 
the various VLANs.

To replicate the above in oVirt, I created logical networks for each VLAN, and 
assigned the appropriate VLAN ID.  It seems oVirt/KVM does not have an 
equivalent for VMware's VLAN ID of 4095, so after some searching around, so 
for the TRUNK network, I left it with no VLAN assigned.  Because i cannot add 
VLAN and non-VLAN networks to the same physical NIC, after some searching 
around, it looks like I may have to utilise two NICS: one for the VLAN networks 
and one for the TRUNK network.

Because, at this point, I am not yet concerned with making the test VMs I will 
be setting up be accessible from outside the virtual lab environment (i.e., 
everything will communicate within my oVirt server/network for now), I am 
trying to make use of dummy interfaces, but I am not sure the best way to 
make use of this.  I am able to create the dummy* interfaces and have them show 
up in oVirt, but I am not sure of how they should be setup.  Here is what I am 
*thinking* should be done, but want to make sure it is correct before getting 
too deep:

  - I will use the physical NIC for management, therefore the ovirtmgmt 
bridge with eth0 assigned to it will remain as-is
  - Create two dummy interfaces: dummy0 and dummy1
  - Create a new bridge, ovirtvm and assign dummy0 and dummy1 to it
  - Attach the VLAN-enabled networks to dummy0
  - Attach the TRUNK network to dummy1

Would the above be the way to go about this?  The one thing I am not sure of is 
whether or not having no VLAN assigned (on the TRUNK network) accomplishes 
the same this as the VLAN ID 4095 in VMware: will oVirt/KVM just pass the 
traffic through for the VM attached to it to deal with?

Thanks for reading this far, and I appreciate any help you might be able to 
lend in the above.

Users mailing list

[Users] Network unsynchronised

2014-01-09 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi All.

I have a brand new, fresh all-in-one installation that I am using to evaluate 

I have removed the VM network role from the ovirtmgmt bridge, as I want to 
use it for management only, and no VMs (I plan on using other networks I am 
creating with VLAN IDs for handling the VM network).  I can remove the role 
alright, but when I go in to Setup Host Network, the ovirtmgmt network is 
showing as being unsynchronised.  When I click on the pencil icon on the 
network to edit it, I put a check in Sync Network and clik OK but it never 
seems to sync.

Any idea why it will not?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Networking questions (LONG)

2014-01-09 Thread Alan Murrell
One other question to add: If I do indeed ned to create a new bridge  
(ovirtvm in my example), I do not want to assign any IPs to it, nor  
any of the logical networks I create.  When I did try this in my  
fooling around, oVirt would not let me save the changes, giving me  
an error about network parameters not correct (I have the host shut  
down a the moment, so I can get the exact message, but if necessary, I  
can get it for you when I get in to our shop in the morning)

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Ovirt Engine single point of failure

2014-01-09 Thread Alan Murrell
OK, so just so I understand this, in the described scenario of three
servers: one management server/engine and two nodes, let's say the
management server suffers catastrophic hard disk failure where no data
can be recovered from it, nor were any backups made.

Is it possible to perform a new installation of ovirt-engine, add the
two existing nodes, and everything just works?  Or would you at least
need to do some reconfiguring (e.g., re-add the logical networks etc.)

Basically, even though the nodes were part of the now-dead ovirt-engine,
there would be no problem in getting them added in to the
newly-installed ovirt-engine?


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Networking questions (LONG)

2014-01-11 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Dan Kenigsberg dan...@redhat.com:

This was devised as a security constraint - otherwise, a VM attached to
the non-VLAN network could sniff traffic from another (VLAN) network.
However, it seems that this is exactly what you need - a special VM that
is designed to do just that.

Well, I would prefer it not be a VM but part of the oVirt networking  
stack itself.  VMware has this built in with just a few clicks (you  
assign a VLAN ID of 4095 to a port group/network and it is basically  
tagging that port group with all VLAN IDs).  VMware of course is not  
using the Linux networking, though; they use their own vSwitch, so  
that is probably how they are able to do it.

So it seems to me the problem of no being able to do exactly what I am  
looking to do within oVirt itself is not really a shortfall of oVirt,  
per se, but the underlying platform on which it relies :-(

And it's not only you: there's another recent request for lifting this
Bug 1049476 - [RFE] Mix untagged and tagged Logical Networks on the
same NIC

I actually do not have a problem with not being able to mix untagged  
and tagged Logical Networks on the same NIC; it is very convenient to  
be able to do so, but would not be considered a show-stopper IMO; if  
two physical NICs would need to be used, so be it.

I do not understand what you are trying to do with dummy devices (after
all, they are not going to send any packet anywhere).

Since my test server only has one physical NIC, I am using the dummy  
devices instead of physical ones.  I know they cannot pass traffic  
outside of the server (unless attached to a VM was is also attached to  
the physical NIC), but I am not concerned with that at the moment.  I  
am trying to test with a virtual lab, and as long as the  
traffic/access behaves as expected within it, there should be no  
reason it should not behave as expected with physical NICs, when I get  
to that stage.

But if you are willing to mess with network configuration under the feet
of oVirt, you could do the following:

As long as it does not involve too much complexity, I have no problem  
with having to mess with some configuration outside of oVirt.  It has  
to be kept pretty minimal.

We are looking for a good alternative to VMware so we don't have to  
keep putting up with their onerous licensing.  oVirt is our  
evaluation; if it ticks all our boxes, we would likely go with RHEV  
for those clients who are more comfortable with the commercial  
support, and oVirt for the others.  Unfortunately, this trunk  
capability is a pretty big one :-(

- create a network tagged with an id that is not really used in your
  datacenter, say 999, and attach it to the host.
- build and install vdsm-hook-extnet rpm
- define a vnic profile using this network, and adding a custom propery
  called extnet with the value of (say) untagged.
- set up a bridge named untagged directly on top of your eth0 (say
- define a libvirt bridged network named untagged, that uses breth0.
- attach the vnic of your firewall VM to your vnic profile.

I will give the above a try and let you know.  It might be a few days  
before I can get to it though.  I am really looking to do a trunk  
port though, which actually carries multiple tagged VLANs.  Going back  
to VMware, just for clarification, when VLAN ID 4095 is assigned to  
the trunk port group/network we create, that's the same thing as  
tagging that port group with all VLAN IDs, from 1 through to 4094.  
 It is very different from having it untagged.

OpenvSwitch supports this, but it appears it will be a while until  
full/natural integration is done with OpenvSwitch.  Unfortunately, we  
are not developers, so we are unable help with it's integration :-(

Anyway, we are not ready to give up yet.  We'll see what we can do  
with the above and let you know.  The other work-around, of course, is  
an earlier suggestion of just adding as many vNICs to the firewall VM  
as we need for each VLAN'd Logical Network, but that would raise  
another problem, albeit a rare one: if we were to put oVirt/RHEV in  
our own datacenter, replacing VMware, we have a couple of BGP routers  
that are setup with a few dozen VLANs.  It would be a PITA to add a  
vNIC for each one :-(  Most of our deployments with our clients,  
though, have less than ten VLANs, so it *could* be workable enough in  
those cases.

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Host/storage OS upgrade: VM migrate?

2015-03-05 Thread Alan Murrell


I currently run oVirt 3.5 on CentOS6.  It is on a single host with a 
self-hosted engine.  Not an officially supported setup, but it is just a 
home lab.

When the next release of oVirt comes out (3.6), I am thinking I may want 
to upgrade to CentOS7 on both host and engine to take advantage of the 
newer libraries and features of Centos7.

On the host, my storage is GlusterFS and is on the same physical HDD as 
the OS, but on a different LVM partition.

If I were to do a fresh install on the OS partition, and run through the 
initial steps to install oVirt and GlusterFS packages, when I get to 
configuring GlusterFS, will it be able to pick up my existing bricks and 
thus allow me to import that existing storage into oVirt?

Alternatively, is there a way to export my VMs to an external HDD, do a 
completely fresh install, then import them VMs back in?  I suspect I 
would probably need to resort to a cloning tool like CloneZilla?

Downtime of the VMs is not an issue, since this is just a lab and there 
is nothing production-wise running on it.

Thanks for your advise!


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Host/storage OS upgrade: VM migrate?

2015-03-05 Thread Alan Murrell

Thanks for the reply, Darrell.

On 05/03/2015 9:26 AM, Darrell Budic wrote:

Might be safer to setup an export domain on an external drive and export your 
VMs to it, then you can import them to a clean new system after your upgrade. 
Way less to go wrong with this approach, so I’d probably recommend it.

Ah, I never thought of that.  I do have a 2TB NAS drive that supports 
NFS that I could setup as an export domain.

Thanks!  I will give it a try!


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] 3.5 - 3.5.1 upgrade issue

2015-01-30 Thread Alan Murrell
I noticed I didn't have the reports installed, and thought in addition 
to installing thm I would upgrade my installation to 3.5.1.

I did a 'yum install engine-setup-dwh engine-setup-reports' and when 
those installed, I ran 'yum upgrade engine-setup'.  This may have been 
my mistake.

Anyway, once everything got downloaded and installed, I ran a screen 
session then ran 'engine-setup'.  I answered the questions (leaving 
mostly the defaults) and let it go.

The process usually gets to '[ INFO ] Deploying Jasper' then I lose my 
SSH session.  No problem, I can just log right back in and connect to my 
screen session, right?  Unfortunately, whatever causes my SSH session to 
drop also seems to kill my screen session, as there are none to be found.

I cannot see anything useful in the logs for why the sessions got 
killed, but even after I lose the session, I can connect tot he webGUI, 
though it is still on and if I click on the Reports link, it 
says the Reports module is not installed.

I tried connecting to the console of the Engine (did I mention it is a 
self-hosted engine?), but the VNC connection cannot seem to connect, so 
I can't even run it from the console (even though the 'engine-setup' 
process shuts down the engine services, at least running it from the 
console should allow it to finish since it won't kill an SSH session)

Any ideas on either what could be going on here and/or how to 
successfully run 'engine-setup'?

Thanks! :-)

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] update 3.5 - 3.5.1

2015-01-30 Thread Alan Murrell

On 28/01/2015 10:33 PM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:

Solved it.

What was the resolution?


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Why so long to add virtual HDD?

2015-05-18 Thread Alan Murrell


I am wondering why it takes so long to provision a HDD for a VM?  I 
typically do full provision (as opposed to thin provision) and while I 
have never sat there and timed it, it takes at least ten minutes to 
provision a 32GB HDD.  I provisioned a 100GB HDD earlier today and even 
after 45 minutes it was not complete.

I am from the VMware world where it takes less than a minute (usually 
more like 30 seconds or so) to provision a VM, regardless of HDD assigned.

My host's physical HDD's are 2x2TB SATA drives in a hardware RAID1. 
oVirt storage is an NFS pool connecting to my host machine (for all 
intents and purposes, local storage)

I wonder if I have things mis-configured? Is it normal for provisioning 
to take that long?

Thanks! :-)

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Why so long to add virtual HDD?

2015-05-18 Thread Alan Murrell
On 05/18/2015 01:39 AM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:
 Since your disks are configured as pre-allocation, vdsm use the dd command 
 when creating them.
 perhaps you could try to monitor the dd command to analyze the progress.

I will see if I can do that, though if it is using dd, that would
explain the time it takes.

 BTW, Is there any reason not to use thin provisioning?

I would like to avoid over-allocating the disk space.  If I
thin-provision, and over-allocate my physical space, there may come a
day when I run out of physical space even though I have space
avaialble on my VMs.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Why not bond0

2015-06-07 Thread Alan Murrell

On 06/04/2015 03:23 AM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
 Do not use tlb or alb in bridge, never! It does not work, that's it.
 The reason is it mangles source macs in xmit frames and arps. When it
 is possible, just use mode 4 (lacp). That should be always possible
 because all enterprise switches support that. Generally, for 99% of
 use cases, you *should* use mode 4. There is no reason to use other modes.

I think 99% may be a bit high... what if one wants to split the bond
between two or more non-stacked switches, which I would imagine is a
pretty common scenario.  My understanding is if mode 4 (LACP) is used,
all the interfaces need to be connected to the same switch, no?



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Stuck installing Neutron Appliance

2015-08-06 Thread Alan Murrell


I am running oVirt 3.5.1. on a single server running Hosted Engine.  I  
am running through  
http://www.ovirt.org/Features/NeutronVirtualAppliance#Run_the_neutron_server_vm and am stuck on the section Install a Host with the network provider.  Specifically, I am stuck on Step 2, which  

  2. Install the host with the external network provider by clicking  
on the 'Network Provider' left tab

I am not sure where to click.  In my Tree, I do have External  
providers, but I already added my Neutrom Provider in the previous  
section, 'Configure Neutron network provider on ovirt-engine'.  Is  
there somewhere else I need to add this, or because I am running a  
self-hosted engine, it ends up being the same thing?

Also in this same section, Step 7 where I am to run 'ovs-vsctl  
add-port br-neutron neutron', I don't have this command ('ovs-vsctl'  
doesn't seem to be installed, which I believe is part of openVswtich).  
I didn't see any steps beforehand that would have installed  
openVswitch.  Is there a step missing?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-16 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Maor,

It is/was probably something really weird with my 
single-server/self-hosted engine.  As a test I was able to install oVirt 
Node 3.5 on another machine that I could borrow for a short period, and 
I was able to get it connected via iSCSI to my FreeNAS VM, so I am 
satisfied (for my own info) that iSCSI connectivity does work (I didn't 
*really* doubt it since others are using it; I was just a bit frustrated 
on my last post)

That being said, I think there is something odd/weird when trying to use 
iSCSI on a single server/self-hosted engine setup, from which the iSCSI 
connection is also being served from (even from a VM)

In the case of the FreeNAS test, I had the initiator set to ALL, 
meaning any and all IQNs would be allowed to connect.  I didn;t do 
anything different on the FreeNAS side of things, and the oVirt 3.5 Node 
that I installed was able to connect without any issue whatsoever.

I will try the steps you suggest if/when I ever decide to try this 
again, but probably for a setup such as what I am testing, I will 
probably stick to the local NFS storage (not yet sure if I will go 
with or without gluster; doing so sort of gives me more felxability in 
the future)



On 16/08/2015 5:24 AM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:

Hi Alan,

basically, it could be that your ACL in your iSCSI server might be configured 
without the Initiator IQN of your Host.
do you have any access to your iSCSI server?
also, can u try to connect to the iSCSI server directly from your Host and see 
if it works:

1) First discover the targets:
  iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p {scsi_server_ip},{port}

2) Try to log out from the target you were trying to login before:
   iscsiadm -m node -u -T {iqn.2015-07.com.target_name.redhat}:{port} -p 
{scsi_server_ip},{port} -u

3) list your files at /sys/block

4) logging in to the target:
iscsiadm -m node -T {iqn.2015-07.com.target_name.redhat}:{port} -p 
{scsi_server_ip},{port} -l

5) list again all your files at /sys/block, and check if there were new added 
block devices.


- Original Message -

From: Alan Murrell li...@murrell.ca
To: users users@ovirt.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:41:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

I think it is something with oVirt.  I installed a VM with FreeNAS and
configured it tot he setup guide for iSCSI.  Once again, I can connect
my Windows 7 PC to the iSCSI target and LUN no problem, but when I try
to add iSCSI storage in oVirt, it sees the target, can log in to the
target but does not see any LUNs.

iSCSI is not a huge deal; I guess I will just stick with NFS and
consider iSCSI in oVirt not ready.



Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Stuck installing Neutron Appliance

2015-08-16 Thread Alan Murrell

On 15/08/2015 11:11 PM, Moti Asayag wrote:

The 'Network Provider' left tab should appear also on Install Host dialog.
So if you move the host to 'Maintenance' mode and click on the Install
button, the dialog
should have the 'Network Provider' left tab.

Ah, OK, I will see if I can give that a try.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell

Hello again.

So I have been doing some more testing just to be sure.  I performed a 
reboot of my Win7 ESXi guest VM between each running of the Parkdale HDD 
speed test app, just to be absolutely sure the results were not a result 
of caching and each time I get pretty consistent results: no less than 
60 MByte/s Seq. Write and around the same for Seq. Read.

In oVirt, is there some tuning I am maybe missing?  Is there a different 
HDD type I should be selecting (or converting to)?


On 27/07/2015 6:34 PM, Alan Murrell wrote:


So a bit of an update, though I still have some additional testing to
do.  I installed ESXi 5.5 on the same hardware (blew away my oVirt
install) and installed a Windows 7 VM, with same settings (2GB RAM, 1
single-core vCPU, 60GB thin-provisioned HDD)

The install of Windows itself was definitely *way* faster.  I don't have
actual timings for real comparisons, but I can say with 100% certainty
that the install was faster.  I would say it took at *least* half the
time to install as oVirt, though to be honest, I would have to say it
was maybe 1/3 of the time.

Once installed, I installed the VMware Guest Tools, then downloaded and
ran the Parkdale app with the same settings I ran it under the Windows
7 VM.  The preliminary results are interesting.

The Seq. Write test comes up at around 65 MByte/s, which compares well
to the bare metal results I got previously.  What is interesting (and
disappointing) is that the Seq. Read test indicates about 65MByte/s,
which is a *huge* decrease to what I was getting in the oVirt Win7 guest.

As I mentioned, still going to do some additional testing, but wanted to
let you know that -- initially, anyway -- the problem under oVirt does
not seem to be a hardware-related issue, but possibly something with the

For those who are running Windows VMs in production, what sort of
performance do you see?  What type of virtual HDD are you running?

I will post back either later or some time tomorrow (Tue) with more


Quoting Alan Murrell li...@murrell.ca:


I am running oVirt 3.5 on a single server (hosted engine).  I have two
Western Digital WD20EZRX drives in a hardware RAID1 configuration.  My
storage is actually on the single server, but I am attaching to it via

I created a Windows 7 guest, and I am finding its write speeds to be
horrible.  It is a VirtIO-SCSI drive and the guest additions are

The installation of the OS took way longer than bare metal or even
VMware.  When I ran Windows updates, it again took a *lot* longer than
on bar metal or on VMware.

The read speeds seem to be fine.  The guest is responsive when I click
on programs and they open about as fast as bare metal or VMware.

I downloaded and ran Parkdale HDD tester and ran a test with the
following settings:

  - File size: 4000
  - Block Size: 1 MByte

The results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

I ran another test, but this time changing the Block Size to 64 kByte
[Windows Default].  Results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

On the host, running '|dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test
conv=fdatasync|' on my data mount via NFS rsuled in the following:

256+0 records in
256+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 3.59431 s, 74.7 MB/s

I got this https://romanrm.net/dd-benchmark and measures the write
speed of a disk.  As you can see, it is significantly higher than what I
am getting in the Windows guest VM.

Running that same dd test on an Ubuntu guest VM gives me 24MB/s.

Any ideas why I have such poor write performance?  Is this normal with
oVirt guests?  Any ideas on what I might be able to do to improve them?
I don't expect to get close to the bare metal results, but maybe
something in the 40-60 MB/s range would be nice.

Thanks, in advance, for your help and advice.


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell

On 28/07/15 03:06 PM, Donny Davis wrote:

 Are you using virtio-scsi in oVirt?

Initially I thought I was, but realised it was just virtio (no '-scsi'),
though I did have the guest tools installed (as well as having to
install the virtio drivers to get the Win7 install to see the HDD). 
When I realised this, I added a second virtual HDD, making sure it was
of type virtio-scsi and then I formatted it.

I ran the same tests from Parkdale on the second HDD, but
unfortunately with the same results.

I am willing to install oVirt again and try another Win7 VM, making sure
the first disk is virtio-scsi, if you think that may make a difference?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-08-01 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi Donny (and everyone else who uses NFS-backed storage)

You mentioned that you get really good performance in oVirt and I am
curious what you use for your NFS options in exportfs?  The 'async'
option fixed my performance issues, but of course this would not be a
recommended option in a production environment, at least unless the NFS
server was running with a BBU on the RAID card.

Just curious.  Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Storage network question

2015-07-31 Thread Alan Murrell
Actually, I have to make a correction to my earlier statement... the 
article I referred to was using bond mode 0 (bond-rr) and not mode 1 as 
I had indicated.

I know mode 0 is not supported in the oVirt interface as one of the 
official options (but can be specified under custom) and probably is 
not typically recommended, but if setup correctly, it seems it would be 
perfect for the storage (and migration?) network/bonds?


On 30/07/2015 10:41 PM, Patrick Russell wrote:

We just changed this up a little this week. We split our traffic into 2 bonds, 
10GB mode 1 as follows:

Guest vlans, managment vlan (including some NFS storage) - bond0
Migration layer 2 only vlan - bond1

This allowed us to tweak the vdsm.conf to speed up migrations without impacting 
management and guest traffic. As a result we’re currently pushing about 5Gb on 
bond1 when we do live migrations between hosts.


On Jul 28, 2015, at 1:34 AM, Alan Murrell li...@murrell.ca wrote:

Hi Patrick,

On 27/07/2015 7:25 AM, Patrick Russell wrote:

We currently have all our nics in the same bond. So we have guest
traffic, management,  and storage running over the same physical
nics, but different vlans.

Which bond mode do you use, out of curiousity?  Not sure I would go to this 
extreme, though; I would still want the physical isolation of Management vs. 
network/VM traffic vs. storage, but just curious which bonding mode?

Modes 1 and 5 would seem to be the best ones, as far as maximising throughput.  
I read an article just the other day where a guy detailed how he bonded four 
1Gbit NICs in mode 1 (with each on a different VLAN) and was able to achieve 
320MB/s throughput to NFS storage.

As far as the storage question, I like to put other storage on the network 
(smaller NAS devices, maybe SANs for other storage) and would want the VMs to 
be bale to get at those.  Being to use a NIC to carry VM traffic for storage as 
well as for host access to storage would cut down on the number of NICs I would 
need to have in each node.



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] [SOLVED] Re: Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-30 Thread Alan Murrell
OK, so an update... it looks like the issue was indeed my NFS settings. 
 I ended up doing a self-hosted engine again.  Here was the entry I 
have been using for my (NFS) data domain (based on what I had seen in 
oVirt documentation):

/storage1/data  *(rw,all_squash,anonuid=36,anongid=36)

however, I had come across some articles on NFS tuning and performance 
(nothing from oVirt, though) indicating that by default, (current 
versions of) NFS use sync, meaning that it syncs all data changes to 
disk first.  Indeed, my new test VM was getting the same disk write 
performance it was getting before (about 10-15 MB/s)

In my new install, I added my NFS data store as I had been before, but I 
also added a second data store like this:

/storage1/data  *(rw,all_squash,async,anonuid=36,anongid=36)

and migrated my VM's vHDD to this second data store.  Once it was 
migrated, I rebooted and ran the HDD test again.  Results are *much* 
better: about 130MB/s sequential write speed (averaged over a half dozen 
or so runs), and almost 2GB/s sequential read speed.  If it means 
anything to anyone, Random QD32 speeds are about 30MB/s for write and 
40MB/s for read.

Hopefully this can help someone else out there.  Would it be appropriate 
to add this to the Troubleshooting NFS documentation page?  As long as 
people are aware of the possible consequences on the 'async' option 
(possible data loss if server shut down suddenly), then it seems to be a 
viable solution.

@Donny: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  I was actually 
starting to get a bit frustrated as it felt like I was talking to myself 
there... :-(

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] CPU family: which should I choose?

2015-07-31 Thread Alan Murrell


I am a bit confused about the CPU families.  When I installed my host, 
it prompted me for the CPU family to use, and gave me a list of CPU 
models to choose from.  I chose the default suggestion, model_SandyBridge.

I don't recall all the choices it gave me offhand, but when I run ' 
vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps | grep -i flags ; echo -e -n \n ;cat 
/proc/cpuinfo | grep model name | head -n 1', it indicates the 
following models detected:


Which one would provide the most compatibility?  Is there a list of CPU 
family hierarchies which would indicate what model(s) could fit with what?

Thanks! :-)

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi Donny,

On 28/07/15 06:30 PM, Donny Davis wrote:
 Can you give this a try. Fire up a manager thats not hosted engine,
 maybe a vm on a laptop or something. And then add that centos install
 you already as a node in a datacenter that uses local storage. ... I
 have a feeling you might have had some NFS related issues with your
 write performance. If that is the case, then NFS tuning will be
 required to get what you are looking for.

I only have the one server.  I could do a oVirt All-In-One install and
use local storage on it.  You may be right about the NFS side of things;
it did occur to me to.  All the other tests I did (ESXi, vanilla KVM)
use true local storage.

If it works fine with the AIO/local storage install, then at least that
gives me something to look at (NFS storage)

I may be able to get to this tomorrow, but it may not be until Thu or
Fri that I can report on results, so please be patient :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell
For my latest test, I installed CentOS7 on my server and then  
installed the libvirt/KVM virtualization group.  I created a Win7  
guest VM giving it 2GB RAM, 1 vCPU, and 60GB HDD. I did not specify  
anything for the HDD type; just whatever the default is for libvirt.

The install of Win7 went *way* faster than any bare metal install I  
have ever done of Win7, and also faster than the ESXi install I had  
done earlier.

Once installed, I downloaded the same Parkdale HDD testing  
application I have been using, and used the same settings.  The write  
test results were about 100 MByte/s.  I ran the test several times,  
including rebooting between tests, and the results came back consistent.

As a baseline, I ran the following modified 'dd' write test on the  
server itself:

dd bs=1M count=4000 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=sync

with the following results:

4000+0 records in
4000+0 records out
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB) copied, 39.349 s, 107 MB/s

So now the question becomes, why would I be getting such a huge  
difference in oVirt?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell

On 27/07/2015 6:54 PM, Donny Davis wrote:

Add this on to your dd command


On the console login of my host/server, the 'dd' command I used was:

dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync

Would I be replacing the 'conv=fdatasync' with the 'conv=sync', or am I 
appending it (i.e., 'conv=fdatasync,sync')

And then report result. Its no surprise that your writes are slow in raid1

I will give it a try and report results when I re-install my 
oVirt+Hosted Engine on my host, however it actually, wasn't/isn't the 
write speed on the bare metal host that I was too concerned with but 
rather the poor write speed within the guest VMs, particularly my 
Windows 7 guest.

As you can see from my original results, within the Win7 guest on oVirt 
I was only getting about 10 MByte/s while the host I was able to get 
about 74 MByte/s.  That just seems like one heck of a performance 
drop-off to me, which means I either don't have something 
configured/tuned properly, or virtio-SCSI is not that good (though 
everything I have rad suggests that virtio-SCSI is what I should be 
using for best performance, as long as the guest drivers are installed)



I am running oVirt 3.5 on a single server (hosted engine).  I have two
Western Digital WD20EZRX drives in a hardware RAID1 configuration.  My
storage is actually on the single server, but I am attaching to it via NFS.

I created a Windows 7 guest, and I am finding its write speeds to be
horrible.  It is a VirtIO-SCSI drive and the guest additions are installed.

The installation of the OS took way longer than bare metal or even
VMware.  When I ran Windows updates, it again took a *lot* longer than
on bar metal or on VMware.

The read speeds seem to be fine.  The guest is responsive when I click
on programs and they open about as fast as bare metal or VMware.

I downloaded and ran Parkdale HDD tester and ran a test with the
following settings:

   - File size: 4000
   - Block Size: 1 MByte

The results are as follows:

   - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
   - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

I ran another test, but this time changing the Block Size to 64 kByte
[Windows Default].  Results are as follows:

   - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
   - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

On the host, running '|dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test
conv=fdatasync|' on my data mount via NFS rsuled in the following:

256+0 records in
256+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 3.59431 s, 74.7 MB/s

I got this https://romanrm.net/dd-benchmark
https://romanrm.net/dd-benchmark and measures the write speed of a
disk.  As you can see, it is significantly higher than what I am getting
in the Windows guest VM.

Running that same dd test on an Ubuntu guest VM gives me 24MB/s.

Any ideas why I have such poor write performance?  Is this normal with
oVirt guests?  Any ideas on what I might be able to do to improve them?
I don't expect to get close to the bare metal results, but maybe
something in the 40-60 MB/s range would be nice.

Thanks, in advance, for your help and advice.


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Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Storage network question

2015-07-28 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Patrick,

On 27/07/2015 7:25 AM, Patrick Russell wrote:

We currently have all our nics in the same bond. So we have guest
traffic, management,  and storage running over the same physical
nics, but different vlans.

Which bond mode do you use, out of curiousity?  Not sure I would go to 
this extreme, though; I would still want the physical isolation of 
Management vs. network/VM traffic vs. storage, but just curious which 
bonding mode?

Modes 1 and 5 would seem to be the best ones, as far as maximising 
throughput.  I read an article just the other day where a guy detailed 
how he bonded four 1Gbit NICs in mode 1 (with each on a different VLAN) 
and was able to achieve 320MB/s throughput to NFS storage.

As far as the storage question, I like to put other storage on the 
network (smaller NAS devices, maybe SANs for other storage) and would 
want the VMs to be bale to get at those.  Being to use a NIC to carry VM 
traffic for storage as well as for host access to storage would cut down 
on the number of NICs I would need to have in each node.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-07 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Jiri,

On 07/08/2015 4:38 AM, Jiri Belka wrote:

Have you tried to attach LUN on anything else then oVirt?
This way you could find out if it is oVirt or a general issue.

Yes, I did.  I am able to connect a Windows 7 machine to the LUN with 
absolutely no issue.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-10 Thread Alan Murrell
I think it is something with oVirt.  I installed a VM with FreeNAS and
configured it tot he setup guide for iSCSI.  Once again, I can connect
my Windows 7 PC to the iSCSI target and LUN no problem, but when I try
to add iSCSI storage in oVirt, it sees the target, can log in to the
target but does not see any LUNs.

iSCSI is not a huge deal; I guess I will just stick with NFS and
consider iSCSI in oVirt not ready.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Cannot save network

2015-08-05 Thread Alan Murrell
Problem is resolved.  I had edited a couple interfaces I wasn't using 
yet with static IPs but hadn't created/assigned any logical networks to 
them.  Doing just that has made the error go away.



On 05/08/2015 8:18 PM, Alan Murrell wrote:


I am running oVirt 3.5.1.  I am running into an error when I try to save
my network config:

--- START ---Operation Canceled
Error while executing action:


 Network address must be specified when using static ip
--- END ---

I have several logical networks defined, all of which are set with
bootproto=none; the only logical network that has a static IP is

I have searched the archives and Google and found same issue, but no
resolution to my setup.

Any ideas?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-06 Thread Alan Murrell


I am hoping someone here has had experience in setting up an iSCSI  
target using 'targetcli'.   I followed the following guide:  
http://www.certdepot.net/rhel7-configure-iscsi-target-initiator-persistently/.  This is on my single host (with hosted engine currently running; I am using a seperate HDD for the iSCSI  

The iSCSI initiator of my host, from it's information page in oVirt,  
is iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:ba4cc8b3368e, so I created an ACL with  
that name.  Here is a result of the listing in the 'acls' directory  
for my IQN:

--- START ---
/iscsi/iqn.20...gt1/tpg1/acls ls
o- acls ..  
[ACLs: 1]
  o- iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:ba4cc8b3368e ..  
[Mapped LUNs: 1]
  | o- mapped_lun0  [lun0  
block/block1 (rw)]

--- END ---

So it appears as though my host's initiator is mapped to my LUN 0.

When I go in to oVirt and add iSCSI storage, the Discover finds my  
target, and I can even log in successfully, however when I click on  
the LUNS-Targets side tab, there are no LUNs listed, so I cannot  
add any iSCSI storage.

Any ideas on why the LUN is not showing up?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Multiple Networks on Self Hosted Engine

2015-08-07 Thread Alan Murrell

On 07/08/2015 9:39 AM, Brent Miles wrote:

I am trying to install RHEVM 3.5 Self Hosted Engine. I have multiple vlan
interfaces on the host that I would also like to have available on the
self hosted engine.

Out of curiousity, what is the use-case for this?

vm is installed. Any advise on doing this?

The short answer is you can't do this.

I went through this some time ago, except my use-case was a firewall 
routing for multiple VLANs, with all the VLANs on a single interface. 
This is a common scenario in our current VMware deployments.

VM (guest) interfaces cannot handle VLAN routing.  It has to do 
something with in order to that, the whole network layer needs to be 
opened up tot he VM needing the access, and that poses a security risk. 
 My explanation is probably a bit wrong, but there was a good 
discussion about it on my thread:


My thread is the one that is [Users] Networking questions (LONG)

I am currently looking into using the Neutron appliance, since it uses 
openVswitch, and may be able to do what we were originally looking to do 
(though we have run into a bit of a roadblock with that at the moment as 
far as getting the Neutron appliance working on our lab host)



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-10 Thread Alan Murrell
I cleared my iSCSI config and ran through the setup again.  Once  
again, I am able to connect to it the LUN from my Win7 PC, but not  
from oVirt.

oVirt is able to discover the target, but when I click Login, which  
is does successfully, there are no LUNs displayed.

Do I need to install something else on my oVirt host?  I have been  
assuming that oVirt has it's own iSCSI Initiator, but maybe I need to  
install one?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-10 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Donny Davis do...@cloudspin.me:

tail -f /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log

Then then go through the connect sequence. You should get a better idea.

It shows a successful connect, but keeps trying to do a scan.  About  
every 30 seconds, the following entry shows up:

--- START ---
10:13:09,286::misc::741::Storage.SamplingMethod::(__call__) Trying to  
enter sampling method (storage.iscsi.rescan)
10:13:09,286::iscsi::424::Storage.ISCSI::(rescan) Performing SCSI  
scan, this will take up to 30 seconds
/usr/bin/sudo -n /sbin/iscsiadm -m session -R (cwd None)

--- END ---

so it seems it never quite finished the scan.

Did you put any acls on the iscsi mount to allow the hosts to connect?

I did.  I was able to get my oVirt host's iSCSI Initiator Name from  
it's General tab/page System  Hosts, and created the ACL for it  
in targetcli:

-- START ---

create iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:ba4cc8b3368e
--- END ---

The output indicated that the ACL was created and mapped to LUN 0.  I  
ran the exact same command for my Win 7 PC (using it's iSCSI Initiator  
Name, of course).

I did not setup any sort of CHAP authentication.

There is one thing I have noticed in viewing my /var/log/messages on  
my host/storage that may have an effect.  As you may or may not know,  
I am running a single-server with hosted engine.  My storage is also  
on this server.

What I have noticed is that my host/storage server is mounting the  
iSCSI target automatically as '/dev/sdd', so I am not sure if that may  
be affecting oVirt's ability to scan, if it is already connected to by  
the very same host?

(I hope this makes sense?  If not, let me know and I can try to answer  
your questions better)

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets balnk

2015-08-10 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting Donny Davis do...@cloudspin.me:

I think you nailed it. There are no disks available to mount. They are
already mounted to the host.

OK, I will see if I can stop the host itself from mounting the iSCSI  
LUN, and then try again through oVirt.

The iSCSI Initiator Name (IQN?) I got via the oVirt interface, that  
would be the same identifier for the iSCSI client/initiator on the  
host itself, right (outside of oVirt, I mean)?



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI question... LUNS-Targets blank

2015-08-10 Thread Alan Murrell
As an update... I was able to connect to the iSCSI target on my host  
from a Windows 7 PC on the same network with problem.  This was after  
I added an ACL for my Win7 PC's IQN.

Not sure if I am missing something in oVirt itself?



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Stuck installing Neutron Appliance

2015-08-15 Thread Alan Murrell

On 15/08/2015 8:45 AM, Carlo Rodrigues wrote:

Got it. It's in the 'Add New Host' dialog. I just removed each host from
the cluster, and re-added it again.

Ah, unfortunately this is not an option for me, currently, then.  I only 
have the single server, and this, single host :-(

Thanks for figuring that out, though.  I will keep it in mind for the 


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-27 Thread Alan Murrell


So a bit of an update, though I still have some additional testing to  
do.  I installed ESXi 5.5 on the same hardware (blew away my oVirt  
install) and installed a Windows 7 VM, with same settings (2GB RAM, 1  
single-core vCPU, 60GB thin-provisioned HDD)

The install of Windows itself was definitely *way* faster.  I don't  
have actual timings for real comparisons, but I can say with 100%  
certainty that the install was faster.  I would say it took at *least*  
half the time to install as oVirt, though to be honest, I would have  
to say it was maybe 1/3 of the time.

Once installed, I installed the VMware Guest Tools, then downloaded  
and ran the Parkdale app with the same settings I ran it under the  
Windows 7 VM.  The preliminary results are interesting.

The Seq. Write test comes up at around 65 MByte/s, which compares  
well to the bare metal results I got previously.  What is interesting  
(and disappointing) is that the Seq. Read test indicates about  
65MByte/s, which is a *huge* decrease to what I was getting in the  
oVirt Win7 guest.

As I mentioned, still going to do some additional testing, but wanted  
to let you know that -- initially, anyway -- the problem under oVirt  
does not seem to be a hardware-related issue, but possibly something  
with the virtio-SCSI?

For those who are running Windows VMs in production, what sort of  
performance do you see?  What type of virtual HDD are you running?

I will post back either later or some time tomorrow (Tue) with more results.


Quoting Alan Murrell li...@murrell.ca:


I am running oVirt 3.5 on a single server (hosted engine).  I have two
Western Digital WD20EZRX drives in a hardware RAID1 configuration.  My
storage is actually on the single server, but I am attaching to it via NFS.

I created a Windows 7 guest, and I am finding its write speeds to be
horrible.  It is a VirtIO-SCSI drive and the guest additions are installed.

The installation of the OS took way longer than bare metal or even
VMware.  When I ran Windows updates, it again took a *lot* longer than
on bar metal or on VMware.

The read speeds seem to be fine.  The guest is responsive when I click
on programs and they open about as fast as bare metal or VMware.

I downloaded and ran Parkdale HDD tester and ran a test with the
following settings:

  - File size: 4000
  - Block Size: 1 MByte

The results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

I ran another test, but this time changing the Block Size to 64 kByte
[Windows Default].  Results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

On the host, running '|dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test
conv=fdatasync|' on my data mount via NFS rsuled in the following:

256+0 records in
256+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 3.59431 s, 74.7 MB/s

I got this https://romanrm.net/dd-benchmark and measures the write
speed of a disk.  As you can see, it is significantly higher than what I
am getting in the Windows guest VM.

Running that same dd test on an Ubuntu guest VM gives me 24MB/s.

Any ideas why I have such poor write performance?  Is this normal with
oVirt guests?  Any ideas on what I might be able to do to improve them?
I don't expect to get close to the bare metal results, but maybe
something in the 40-60 MB/s range would be nice.

Thanks, in advance, for your help and advice.


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-26 Thread Alan Murrell

I am running oVirt 3.5 on a single server (hosted engine).  I have two
Western Digital WD20EZRX drives in a hardware RAID1 configuration.  My
storage is actually on the single server, but I am attaching to it via NFS.

I created a Windows 7 guest, and I am finding its write speeds to be
horrible.  It is a VirtIO-SCSI drive and the guest additions are installed.

The installation of the OS took way longer than bare metal or even
VMware.  When I ran Windows updates, it again took a *lot* longer than
on bar metal or on VMware.

The read speeds seem to be fine.  The guest is responsive when I click
on programs and they open about as fast as bare metal or VMware.

I downloaded and ran Parkdale HDD tester and ran a test with the
following settings:

  - File size: 4000
  - Block Size: 1 MByte

The results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

I ran another test, but this time changing the Block Size to 64 kByte
[Windows Default].  Results are as follows:

  - Seq. Write Speed: 10.7 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )
  - Seq. Read Speed: 237.3 MByte/sec  (Random Q32D: )

On the host, running '|dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test
conv=fdatasync|' on my data mount via NFS rsuled in the following:

256+0 records in
256+0 records out
268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 3.59431 s, 74.7 MB/s

I got this https://romanrm.net/dd-benchmark and measures the write
speed of a disk.  As you can see, it is significantly higher than what I
am getting in the Windows guest VM.

Running that same dd test on an Ubuntu guest VM gives me 24MB/s.

Any ideas why I have such poor write performance?  Is this normal with
oVirt guests?  Any ideas on what I might be able to do to improve them? 
I don't expect to get close to the bare metal results, but maybe
something in the 40-60 MB/s range would be nice.

Thanks, in advance, for your help and advice.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-26 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi again,

After doing some searching around, I enabled viodiscache = writeback
in the Custom Properties of my Windows 7 VM and running the same tests
as earlier result in about 53MByte/sec write speed and 3.2GByyte/sec
read speed.

Is this a recommended setting?  Is there any downside to having it enabled?


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Storage network question

2015-07-26 Thread Alan Murrell
If I am using a NIC on my host on the storage network to access storage
(NFS, iSCSI, Gluster, etc.), is there any issue with allowing VMs to be
assigned to it so they can access the same storage network?

(the VMs would have a NIC added specifically for this, of course)

Basically, unlike in VMware and Hyper-V, in oVirt can the same NIC be
used for host and VM access to the storage network?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Ubuntu guest doesn't reboot properly

2015-07-26 Thread Alan Murrell
I have an Ubuntu 14.04 guest (actually Zentyal server).  Guest additions
are installed from respository (and even displays the extra info like IP
address, host name, memory use) in the oVirt dash board.

Whenever I either reboot the guest or shut it down, it never seems to
come up properly.  It shows that it is powered on and it responds to
ping, but I cannot SSH in (says connection refused).  The SPICE console
display just shows black with some slightly coloured bars in the upper
left of the screen, so I am unable to determine what stage of the boot
process it is on and/or if it is even at a login screen.

I have a Windows 7 guest VM that reboots with no issue.  I currently do
not have another Linux guest VM to test with, but I plan on installing a
Debian guest, CentOS guest, as well as a vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 guest to
see if it is a Linux thing, and Ubuntu thing, or just something odd with
the Zentyal spin of Ubuntu.

I will report on my results (it may take a bit), but I wanted to check
here to see if anyone else has already troubleshot this and what the
findings and conclusions were?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Poor guest write speeds

2015-07-26 Thread Alan Murrell
OK, so disk write performance is back to being poor on my Win7 guest.

It is very plausible that the bottleneck is my HDD hardware and/or
built-in RAID controller on the server, though the difference i am
getting in write speeds between the bare metal test and with the guest
VM is still pretty steep.

This is a home/lab setup with not much on it, so just to determine if it
is my HDD/RAID hardware, I am going to blow this setup away, install
VMware 5.5 on this exact same hardware and install a Win7 guest VM. 
Once I have done that, I will run the exact same HHD read/write test
with this Parkdale application and report back on the results.  I should
be able to get that done this week.

Based on my results, if it turns out to be an oVirt issue, we can figure
out if there is anything further I may be able to do to get better



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hosted Engine: Cannot initialise host

2015-07-22 Thread Alan Murrell
OK, so I blew away my hosted engine and removed my ovirmgmt interface
(returning it back to the original eno1 and on my host ran through the
deployment again.  Everything wen through fine.

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hosted Engine: Cannot initialise host

2015-07-21 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Dan,

Quoting Dan Kenigsberg dan...@redhat.com:

virsh -r dumpxml vdsm-ovirtmgmt

I will see if I can get you that output a little later, along with the  
vdsClient output suggested by Yedidyah.

your own, you should also define that network. Skipping network
definition might have worked in the past, but it would certainly not

When you refer to defining the network definition, are you referring  
to a NETWORK= line in my ifcfg-ovirtmgmt file (which I think was  
referred to by Yedidyah)?

If necessary, I can also blow away my current install and try the  
deployment again without defining the bridge first, if for no other  
reason than if it still fails to do so, it is a bug that that you will  
be aware of.



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Storage question: single node gluster?

2015-07-13 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi There,

This is not strictly oVirt, but is storage-related, so hopefully you
will indulge me?

Is there any detriment (performance or otherwise) in setting up a
single-node glusterFS storage?  I know glusterFS is designed to be used
with multiple nodes, but I am wondering if there are any ill-effects in
configuring current storage as a single-node cluster, with the idea of
possibly adding future nodes in the future?

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] ovirt-Node + hosted engine question

2015-07-14 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi All.

As I was perusing my e-mails from this list earlier today one that
caught my attention was one that had to do with ovirt-node and hosted
engine.  It appeared as though it is possible to install hosted engine
on a ovirt-node host, and indeed, when I installed ovirt-node into a
VirtualBox VM to poke around, there is a hosted engine option in the
menu where you can enter a URL for an ISO/pxe source for OS installtion.

I just want to clarify the following questions:

  1.) Is it possible to install ovirt-node, and then install a hosted
  2.) If the answer to 1.) is Yes, does it require some sort of
NFS-enabled storage, or can you confgiure local storage on ovirt-node
and install the engine to there?
  3.) Is it possible to create NFS-enabled storage on ovirt-node?
  4.) Can you install the hosted engine onto external NFS storage, then
move/migrate it to local storage on ovirt-node?

I am thinking of a lab situation where there is only one server, but
gobs of RAM and storage.  Running ovirt-node as the host would require
fewer space resources (not that I would necessarily be hurting for
space, but any extra I could squeeze out would not be unwelcome).

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Storage question: single node gluster?

2015-07-18 Thread Alan Murrell
Hi all.

On 15/07/15 12:20 AM, Amit Aviram wrote:
 Hey Alan.

 Using a single Gluster node will be like mounting any other storage, just 
 without Gluster's advantages of backuping/distributing the FS.
 Also, you can attach nodes later on to your GlusterFS after you start using 

 (Thanks to Sahina Bose from Gluster's team for advicing (: )

That is what I figured.  I was only going to set up a single node now,
so if I decide to add additional nodes in the future, I don't have to
make any changes to my current storage (as far as preparing it for
Gluster); I just need to add the additional node(s).


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Hosted Engine: Cannot initialise host

2015-07-21 Thread Alan Murrell
I have installed a hosted engine setup on a single host.  The host is 
running CentOS 7 and the engine is Centos 6.6.

Prior to running through the engine deployment, I created the 
ifcfg-ovirtmgmt file and set my primary network interface, eno1, as 
part of that bridge.I did this because when I have attempted 
deployment in the past, the deployment ran into some problems creating 
the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge.  I do recall during the deployment script, the 
output did indicate that it saw the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge was already 
present.  The deployment *seemed* to go OK.

Upon logging in to the admin portal, my host is not initialised; it has 
a red X.  The error indicated that the ovirtmgmt bridge was not 
assigned to an interface.

When I click on the host then Network Interfaces, all my network 
interfaces are showing red down arrows (which makes sense if the host 
is not initialised).  When I click on Setup Network Interfaces, it 
lists my physical interfaces on the left and on the right, under 
Unassigned Logical networks is ovirtmgmt.

I Assigned ovirtmgmt to interface eno1, but when I click OK, I get 
the following message:

--- START ---
Error while executing action:

* Network address must be specified when using static ip
--- END ---

I tried to edit ovirtmgmt and assign the static IP, but the same error 
comes up.

Here are my files for 'ifcfg-eno1' and 'ifcfg-ovirtmgmt':

--- START ifcfg-ovirtmgmt ---
--- END ifcfg-ovirtmgmt ---

--- START ifcfg-eno1 ---
--- END ifcfg-eno1 ---

Here is the output of 'brctl show':

--- START ---
bridge name bridge id   STP enabled interfaces
;vdsmdummy; 8000.   no
ovirtmgmt   8000.fc4dd4f2e238   no  eno1
--- END ---

It appears that the bridge exists, but the system (VDSM?) is not 
recognising it nor able to create it.

Any ideas what the issue is?  If you need a look at something else, 
please let me know.  I may not be able to post it until later (my server 
is remote to me until Wednesday so I won;t have immediate access), but I 
will post whatever else you need to have a look at.

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-27 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Richard,

I actually did end up doing a full reboot of the host shortly after I 
sent that reply suggesting it.

On 27/09/2015 3:04 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

You can check if the nested option is enabled by doing:

$ cat /sys/module/kvm*/parameters/nested

The output will be either '1' or 'Y' if nested virt is enabled.

It does indeed have a "Y".  I logged in to the admin (why does the 
initial login to webGUI take so long after the engine has been 
restarted/rebooted??).  I am now able to successfully install Hyper-V on 
my lab VMs.

Thanks! :-)



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Esxi 5.5 under oVirt 3.5

2015-09-30 Thread Alan Murrell

On 28/09/2015 2:30 PM, Conrad Lawes wrote:

Is it possible to run esxi v5.5 under oVirt 3.5, i.e. nested virtualization?

I don't know about ESXi 5.5, but I was just recently able to run Hyper-V 
under oVirt.  Look for my thread on "Hyper-V in a guest".  I did have to 
reboot the host for the module parameters to take effect when all was 
said and done.

Basically, you install 'vdsm-nestedvt' on your hosts. It should be in 
the repos for your distro, if you are running CentOS6 or above.

Once installed, reboot your host, as there is a parameter that needs to 
get passed to the kvm_* module when it loads to allow nested KVM.

Once you have rebooted, go to your Hosts tab and look in :Host Hooks"; 
you should see something like this:

before_vm_start  50_nestedvt

I hope this helps.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-27 Thread Alan Murrell
Sorry, I meant to send this reply to the list earlier, but I 
accidentally replied to just Joop.

Hi Joop,

Thanks for your reply.

On 25/09/2015 11:23 PM, Joop van de Wege wrote:
> You will need vdsm-nestedvt installed on all your hosts. It will pass 
through the vtx vtd bits from the hypervisor to the guest.
> You will need a relatively new kernel for this. Centos7 or 
Centos6+elrepo 3x kernel or Fedora.

I am running on CentOS 7.  I installed vdsm-hook-nestedvt and restarted 
vdsmd on my host.  When I look on the "Host Hooks" tab of my Host's 
properties, I see the following:

before_vm_start 50_nestedvt

So it appears to have installed correctly.  I fired up my Server 2008R2 
guest and tried installing the Hyper-V role, but it still gives me  the 
message about needing a CPU that supports hardware virtualization 
enabled in the BIOS.

The CPU family I am using is SandyBridge, if that makes any difference.

Is there something else I need to enable?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-27 Thread Alan Murrell
As a followup to my last e-mail, I grepped the '/var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log' 
file for the name of my VM so I could see what CPU options (and options 
in general) were being passed, and I definitely see that "hyperVenable" 
is being set to "true"

I could try a full reboot of my host, in case the "kvm_intel" module 
didn't get properly (re-)loaded with the "nested" option?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-27 Thread Alan Murrell
As a followup to my last e-mail, I grepped the '/var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log' 
file for the name of my VM so I could see what CPU options (and options 
in general) were being passed, and I definitely see that "hyperVenable" 
is being set to "true"

I could try a full reboot of my host, in case the "kvm_intel" module 
didn't get properly (re-)loaded with the "nested" option?


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] VNC console behind NAT

2015-09-20 Thread Alan Murrell

I am able to connect to SPICE that is behind a NAT (via Squid), but am
wondering if there is a way to do it with VNC as the console option?

I thought I had this working at one point, several installs ago, but it
doesn't seem to be the case currently.  When I do try to connect to a VM
configured to use VNC as the console option, the remote-viewer screen
opens, says "Connecting to graphic server", then after about 30 seconds
or so says it is unable to connect to the graphic server.

Thanks! :-)



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] VNC console behind NAT

2015-09-24 Thread Alan Murrell

On 23/09/15 07:44 AM, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
> you would need a full proxy. Is websocket proxy & noVNC in browser an option?

I have tried both of those and have never been able to get them to work
for me.

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] moving storage away from a single point of failure

2015-09-24 Thread Alan Murrell

On 22/09/15 02:32 AM, Daniel Helgenberger wrote:
> - Do not run compute and storage on the same hosts

Is the Engine considered to be the "Compute" part of things?



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-25 Thread Alan Murrell


I am running oVirt  I am trying to setup a virtual lab to  
emulate a client's environment to do some testing.  They are running a  
Hyper-V environment.

I created a Microsoft Server 2008R2 guest.  When I tried to install  
the Hyper-V role, the system said that I needed to have hardware  
virtualization support enabled in the BIOS.

I came across some posts about enabling "Hyper-V enlightenment" in KVM, but:

  1.) I am not sure this is what I am actually looking ofr.  It looks  
like it is to make some Windows guests perform a bit better (as if  
they were in a Hyper-V environment); and
  2.) Assuming this is what I am looking for, I am not sure how to  
enable it in oVirt (I saw that there were a couple of patches to  
support it in oVirt 3.5).  I am not seeing anything in the GUI.  Is  
this something that would need to be edited on the CLI?  If so, how?   
if ti can be enabled for a guest in the GUI (via it's "Edit"  
settings?), where do I do so?

Thanks! :-)
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] VNC console behind NAT

2015-09-21 Thread Alan Murrell

Quoting "Tomas Jelinek" :

Display address override would not help?

I wasn't aware of that feature, or at least I don't think I was :-)  I  
must have had that enabled previously when I was able to connect via  
VNC console through NAT via VNC console.

Is the VNC port that is used different for each host also?  I  
currently only have one host, and it gives a connection on port 5902.   
If I added a second host, would it also use 5902 or would the engine  
assign a different VNC port to it?

The reason I ask is that for a multi-host setup, that could become a  
bit of an issue if they all use the same port (using different host  
names is not an issue).  If the same port is used for all hosts, can  
this be overridden too?

If it can't be, then I suppose one solution would be to setup a a TCP  
proxy and forward port 5902 to it, then let it handle the connection  
to the correct host based on the host name used.

I hope that makes sense?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Setting up oVirt for the first time

2015-12-02 Thread Alan Murrell

On 01/12/2015 2:47 PM, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:

What you are asking for is generally called hyper-convergence. We tried
to have it for 3.6 with glusterfs on each node but it wasn't valuated
stable enough to  be released. We are still working on that for the next

In such a setup (GlusterFS running on 3+ nodes, sharing their storage), 
is this also basically what VMware's "vSAN" is?  It seems very similar, 
at least.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] NFS Domain with 1GB limit

2015-12-03 Thread Alan Murrell

On 03/12/2015 5:41 AM, kont...@taste-of-it.de wrote:

yes its an iso domain and yes i can only create a data domain. but the
question is why it is limited to 1gb?

When you create the ISO domain during engine-setup, I believe the ISO 
domain is created on the Engine host itself.

Can you see how much space is available under /var/lib on the Engine host?



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Re: [ovirt-users] how shutdown a host

2016-01-02 Thread Alan Murrell

On 02/01/2016 8:31 AM, Nir Soffer wrote:

You should move the host to maintenance.

Will moving a host to maintenance mode automatically migrate its VMs to 
another available host in the cluster, or should that be done first?



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Self-hosted engine: Host cannot activate - network issues

2015-12-29 Thread Alan Murrell
Everything seems to be good.  The install created the "ovirtmgmt"  
bridge without any issue.  At one point after I did the  
'engine-setup', I thought the host got stuck, as it seemed to stay on  
"[INFO] Connecting to the engine" for quite a bit of time, but my  
"screen" session just got broken.  I reconnected to the screen  
session, and was able to continue/finish the setup.

Logging in to the webadmin indicates all seems to be fine (network  
interfaces are good, no errors, survives a reboot)

Thanks for your insight on this! :-)



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] oVirt 3.6: Dummy interfaces

2015-12-24 Thread Alan Murrell


I just upgraded my oVirt 3.5.1 install to 3.6.  I have a self-hosted  
engine setup all on a single server.

I make use of dummy interfaces for internal networks for my various  
labs/testing setups.  Normally I edit the following file:


I then go to the variable 'fake_nics' and add 'dummy*", so it looks like this:

('fake_nics', 'dummy_*,veth_*,dummy*', ),

After I added my entry, I even restarted the whole server (which  
restarts the VDSM on the host as well as the engine VM), but when I go  
into the "Network Interfaces" on the host the dummy interfaces are not  

Are dummy interfaces still supported in 3.6?  I see a feature called  
"Isolated Networks" in 3.6; is this essentially a replacement?  The  
Features page is a bit confusing to me on how to create an isolated  




Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Migration path: All-In-One to self-hosted engine?

2015-12-28 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi All,

I am just wondering if there is any sort of migration path for those  
running All-In-One setups to a self-hosted engine setup?



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Self-hosted engine: Host cannot activate

2015-12-28 Thread Alan Murrell
I am attempting to install oVirt 3.6 on a CentOS7 host.  it is a  
single server, so I am trying to install a self-hosted engine.  I am  
able to install oVirt 3.5 self-hosted engine, but am having some  
problems doing it with 3.6.

Everything appears to go fine; the engine-setup completes  
successfully.  On the host, I pressed"1" to indicate engine-setup was  
complete, and it can connect to the webadmin but the host never  
becomes operational.

I am able to log in to the webadmin, and indeed the host is in a  
non-operational state.  When I click on the host then click on the  
"Virtual networks" tab, all my interfaces are showing a red arrow.

When I click on "Setup Host Networks", my "ovirtmgmt" network is  
unassigned.  Believing this to be why my host is not operational  
(since it is under "Required"), I assigned it to my management  
interface, but the interfaces still remain red.  In addition, the  
"ovirtmgmt" network does have a green arrow, but also the icon  
indicating "Out of sync".  If I click on "Sync All Networks", I get  
the following error:

"Error while executing action SyncAllHostNetworks: Network is  
currently being used"

which makes sense, since "ovirtmgmt" is assigned/in use.  I am unable  
to unassign ovirtmgmt.

Current status is this:

  - All network interfaces are showing the red "down" arrow
  - "ovirtmgmt" is assigned to my management NIC, but indicating that  
it is out of sync
  - I am unable to unassign the "ovirtmgmt" network (or at least, if  
I do, the "OK" button is greyed out)

I could destroy the engine VM and go through the setup again, with the  
idea of once it is installed and waiting for the host to become  
operational, I could do a "Sync All Networks" and see if the networks  
turn green and go from there.

I wanted to see what sort of insight I could get from here first.  I  
am not sure what logs would be useful to you, so let me know what you  
want to see and I and make them available (I will likely zip them up  
and post a link)

Something else I could try if this becomes a "puzzler" is to do a  
3.5.x self-hosted engine then perform an in-place upgrade to 3.6 and  
see if that works?  I would rather try to help make a direct 3.6  
install work, though...

Thanks, in advance! :-)


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt 3.6: Dummy interfaces

2015-12-28 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Frank,

Thanks for info!  Does your script automatically load the dummy module  
as well, or do you create a separate file in '/etc/modprobe.d' to load  
it (that's how I currently do my dummy NICs)

Thanks! :-)

Quoting "Frank Wall" <f...@moov.de>:

Hi Alan,

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 10:37:17AM -0800, Alan Murrell wrote:

Are dummy interfaces still supported in 3.6?

I'm running ovirt 3.6 AiO and dummy interfaces are working just fine.
Instead of modifying oVirt's python source files, I'd recommend you
rename the dummy interface(s) to match the required pattern.

I've setup a service for this by creating  

with the following content:

Description=Rename dummy network interfaces for oVirt

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip l set dev dummy0 name dummy_0
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip l set dev dummy1 name dummy_1
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip l set dev dummy2 name dummy_2
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip l set dev dummy3 name dummy_3


Then enable this service as follows:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable dummynics
systemctl status dummynics

Of course, you need to use the new dummy_* names when configuring the
network interfaces. I'd recommend to reboot the host after making these

- Frank

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Self-hosted engine: Host cannot activate - network issues

2015-12-29 Thread Alan Murrell

On 28/12/2015 11:29 PM, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:

Did you principally do exactly the same thing in 3.5 and 3.6?

I did.  I basically followed "Up and Running with oVirt 3.5", except I 
used 3.6 packages.

In both cases just had a simple network interface (no vlan/bonding/whatever)
and input it when asked?

Well, I pre-created the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge, as I had to do that under 
3.5 otherwise I ran into problems during setup.  I can't recall offhand 
what the bug was (I posted about it a while back), but perhaps whatever 
it was has been fixed in 3.6, and I shouldn't pre-create the 'ovirtmgmt' 

After I sent my earlier e-mail on this issue, I played around with a 
couple things and actually got it up and working (the interfaces turned 
green, etc.).  As a test, I rebooted the host, but now I can't even ping 
the host.  it is at the office, so I won't have physical access to it 
until I go in in a few hours.

What exact versions (OS and ovirt)?

CentOS 7 minimal (after 'yum update', I think it it 7.2?).  oVirt is 
3.6.1, I believe (whatever version is installed form latest repo packages)

Since I have lost access, I suspect something happened to the 
'ovirtmgmt' interface.  There is nothing on it that matters, so I may 
just do a fresh install, but without pre-creating the 'ovirtmgmt' bridge 
and see if the setup does it (which I understand itis supposed to?)



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Self-hosted engine: Host cannot activate - network issues

2015-12-29 Thread Alan Murrell

On 29/12/2015 12:17 AM, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:

In principle pre-creating the bridge should work, but is not commonly tested.

Perhaps you also had issues with NetworkManager?

After I do the minimal install I always stop and disable NetworkManager 
(and firewalld), anfd in the ifcfg-* files I set 'NM_CONTROLLED=no'. 
For good measure, I usually reboot also.

Please open bugs if it does not work.

Alright, I will do a fresh OS install on my server, not pre-create 
ovirtmgmt bridge, and run through the same steps as "Up and running with 
oVirt 3.5", except use 3.6 packages.  If it gets stuck and does not 
create the ovirtmgmt bridge, I will file a bug.

I file a bug with any other issues I encounter as well, if necessary.

I will report back on on results.



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Re: [ovirt-users] Windows Server 2012R3 guest: BSOD

2016-02-08 Thread Alan Murrell

Hi Gregor,

Thank you for the response.

On 06/02/2016 2:05 PM, gregor wrote:

On my test machine I had run qemu with the cpu "Westmere"

I changed the CPU for the Windows Server 2012 R2 VM from the default 
(Sandybridge) to "Westmere", but the same issue occurs :-(



Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Windows Server 2012R3 guest: BSOD

2016-02-06 Thread Alan Murrell


oVirt: 3.6.1
qemu: 2.3.0

I installed a Windows Server 2012R2 guest.  The install is good, but 
when the guest boots into Windows, the Server 2012 version of the BSOD 
comes up,then goes to a "DOS" screen that has an error code '0xc001'

I have tried using a VirtIO HDD and IDE; both result in the same error.

Any ideas what the issue might be?  CPU is Sandybridge, if that makes a 


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] No traffic on dummy interface

2016-01-30 Thread Alan Murrell


I am running Ovirt 3.6.1 on CentOS 7.1 in a single server, hosted  
engine setup.

I have created 10 dummy dummy interfaces names 'dummy_[0-9]'.  Ovirt  
sees them, and in "Networks" for my cluster, I created 10 10  
"internal" networks called 'Internal_[0-9]'.

In the "Hosts" tab, in the "Network Interfaces" tab for my host, I  
assigned the 'dummy_*' interfaces tot he appropriate 'Internal_*'  
network (i.e., dummy_0 -> Internal_0, dummy_1 -> Internal_1, etc.)

I have create two VMs and assigned a NIC interface on each attached to  
the 'Internal_0' network.  I gave the interfaces on the gusts an IP  
int he same subnet, but they cannot talk to each other.

When I try to ping one from the other, here is the response I get  
(public IPs redacted):

--- START ---

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from XX.XXX.XX.XX: TTL expired in transit.
Request timed out.
Reply from XX.XXX.XX.XX: TTL expired in transit.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
--- END ---

The IP of the PC I am pinging from is ''

I have been able to setup internal networks like this before, but seem  
to be missing something and I am not sure what?

Here is what the dummy_0 interface shows when I run 'ip addr show':

--- START ---
7: dummy_0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue  
master Internal_0 state UNKNOWN

link/ether 0e:a2:6b:54:1a:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
--- END ---

and Internal_0 looks like this:

--- START ---
20: Internal_0:  mtu 1500 qdisc  
noqueue state UP

link/ether 0e:a2:6b:54:1a:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::dc07:84ff:fe1b:60cb/64 scope link
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
--- END ---

I am not sure what other info you need, so please do let me know.

I did see this:  
except that I use 'dummy_*' instead of 'dummy*', my setup is the same.

Thanks, in advance, for your help on this.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] No traffic on dummy interface

2016-01-30 Thread Alan Murrell
OK, don't worry about this ticket.  It seems to be resolved now.  I 
noticed I was in fact missing "PROMISC=yes" in the ifcfg-dummy_* files, 
but even after adding, it I still needed to reboot the host for it to 
seemingly take effect (a simple "systemctl restart network" didn;t do 
the trick)

Weird :-(


On 30/01/2016 10:03 AM, Alan Murrell wrote:


I am running Ovirt 3.6.1 on CentOS 7.1 in a single server, hosted engine

I have created 10 dummy dummy interfaces names 'dummy_[0-9]'.  Ovirt
sees them, and in "Networks" for my cluster, I created 10 10 "internal"
networks called 'Internal_[0-9]'.

In the "Hosts" tab, in the "Network Interfaces" tab for my host, I
assigned the 'dummy_*' interfaces tot he appropriate 'Internal_*'
network (i.e., dummy_0 -> Internal_0, dummy_1 -> Internal_1, etc.)

I have create two VMs and assigned a NIC interface on each attached to
the 'Internal_0' network.  I gave the interfaces on the gusts an IP int
he same subnet, but they cannot talk to each other.

When I try to ping one from the other, here is the response I get
(public IPs redacted):

--- START ---

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from XX.XXX.XX.XX: TTL expired in transit.
Request timed out.
Reply from XX.XXX.XX.XX: TTL expired in transit.

Ping statistics for
 Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
--- END ---

The IP of the PC I am pinging from is ''

I have been able to setup internal networks like this before, but seem
to be missing something and I am not sure what?

Here is what the dummy_0 interface shows when I run 'ip addr show':

--- START ---
7: dummy_0: <BROADCAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master
Internal_0 state UNKNOWN
 link/ether 0e:a2:6b:54:1a:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
--- END ---

and Internal_0 looks like this:

--- START ---
20: Internal_0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
state UP
 link/ether 0e:a2:6b:54:1a:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 inet6 fe80::dc07:84ff:fe1b:60cb/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
--- END ---

I am not sure what other info you need, so please do let me know.

I did see this:
<http://blog.duderamos.com/internal-isolated-networks-on-ovirt/> and
except that I use 'dummy_*' instead of 'dummy*', my setup is the same.

Thanks, in advance, for your help on this.


Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] VDI question: How much disk space used?

2016-01-30 Thread Alan Murrell


I have a question about VDI and the use of a VM pool.  Are the VMs that 
are part of the pool linked clones or full clones of the pool's template VM?

Let's say my template VM has a HDD of 64GB, fully allocated.  I create a 
VM pool that uses that template and the pool consists of 5 VMs.

Do I need to have 64GB x 5 = 320GB of disk space available (actually 
384GB, counting the template VM), or just the 64GB of the template VM + 
whatever temporary space is used by each VM for the temporary changes 
made while a user is using the VM?

(I hope that makes sense?)

Thanks! :-)


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Recommended bonding modes?

2016-05-22 Thread Alan Murrell


I am wondering what the recommended bonding modes are for the  
different types of networks:

  - Management/Display
  - Guest VM Traffic
  - Storage (NFS)

For the purposes pf this post, assume mode 4 is not available.

For Management/Display, I am thinking mode 1 (active-backup) is  
adequate since there generally isn't a lot of traffic being pushed  

Storage, I like mode 0 (round robin) due to some performance results I  
have seen, though I understand this has to be setup in "custom  
bonding".  Mode 6 seems like it would do well here as well.

Guest VM traffic is the one I am not sure about.  There could be a lot  
of traffic going back and forth, so I would want all the interfaces in  
the bond active to balance the load.  Of the supported bonding modes,  
either 2 or 5 would seem to be the options.

I am just wondering what others' thoughts and experiences are.

Thanks! :-)



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