Re: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-04 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 6/3/21 12:25, Berneburg, Cris J. - US wrote:

cb> StringBuilder - 264MB for the supporting byte array and 264MB for the
cb> returned String, about 790MB total for that piece of the pie.
cb> Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to the client.
cb> No mystery there.

Also, I noticed that the SB internal memory usage is about 2x the
size of the actual contents.  Is that because each char is stored as
2 bytes for Unicode?  (Not the char array to string conversion, which
is different.)
You'd have to look more closely at the circumstances. I was about to say 
that SB grows 2x each time is grows, but it doesn't.

CS> Yep: runaway string concatenation. This is a devolution of the
CS> "Connector/J reads the whole result set into memory before
CS> returning" thing I mentioned above. Most JSON endpoints
CS> return arbitrarily large JSON responses and most client
CS> applications just go "duh, read the JSON, then process it".
CS> If your JSON is big, well, then you need a lot of memory to
CS> store it all if that' who you do things.

Looking at the contents of the JSON, it's not normalized - a lot of
redundant metadata.  Hand-editing the JSON for analysis reduced it from
135 MB to 26 MB.  Maybe the code that generates it can be improved.

Wow, that's quite an improvement.

CS> If you want to deal with JSON at scale, you need to process
CS> it in a streaming fashion. The only library I know that can do
CS> streaming JSON is Noggit, which was developed for use with
CS> Solr (I think, maybe it came from elsewhere before that).
CS> Anyway, it's ... not for the faint of heart. But if you can figure
CS> out out, you can handle petabytes of JSON with a tiny heap.

I don't think we need to serve up that much data, but I'm guessing
we  can do better with what we do serve.  Interesting nonetheless.

CS> You might want to throttle/serialize queries you expect to
CS> have big responses so that only e.g. 2 of them can be running
CS> at a time. Maybe all is well when they come one-at-a-time,
CS> but if you try to handle 5 concurrent "big responses" you bust
CS> your heap.

Hmm... I had not thought of throttling that way, restricting the
number of concurrent queries.  I was thinking about restricting the
number of records returned.  Not sure how to handle lots of users
connected but only a few able to query concurrently.  Different DB
connection pool with fewer connections for queries?

I think it will be easier for you to restrict the total number of 
connections via your pool than to change your application to e.g. page 
the data, or request smaller chunks, or whatever.

As long as the queries don't take a long time to execute and, once they 
are processed, the data are quickly discarded, I think you'll stabalize 
your application. I think users would prefer slow and reliable over fast 
and sometimes unavailable due to OOME :)


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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-03 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Thanks Chris

[snip, snip, snippety-snip]

CS> What's the database? And the driver?

Oracle 19, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver - jdbc:oracle:thin.

CS> MySQL Connector/J used to (still does?) read 100% of the results
CS> into the heap before Statement.executeQuery() returns unless you
CS> specifically tell it not to. So if your query returns 1M rows, you
CS> might bust your heap.
CS> It's entirely possible that other drivers do similar things.

The JSON has all the rows, so it appears no pagination is being used on the DB 

cb> Multiple TC instances
cb> (3) because multiple copies of the apps don't play nice with each
cb> other.  That is, we can't just rename the WAR files and expect the
cb> deployed apps to stay inside that context name (I think).

CS> You might want to look into that, eventually. If they aren't playing
CS> together nicely, they are not "good" servlet citizens. Solving those
CS> issues may improve other things. *shrug*

Yeah, I was working on that previously, but attention spans are short, and I 
got pulled off that task onto - SQUIRREL!

cb> StringBuilder - 264MB for the supporting byte array and 264MB for the
cb> returned String, about 790MB total for that piece of the pie.
cb> Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to the client.
cb> No mystery there.

Also, I noticed that the SB internal memory usage is about 2x the size of the 
actual contents.  Is that because each char is stored as 2 bytes for Unicode?  
(Not the char array to string conversion, which is different.)

CS> Yep: runaway string concatenation. This is a devolution of the
CS> "Connector/J reads the whole result set into memory before
CS> returning" thing I mentioned above. Most JSON endpoints
CS> return arbitrarily large JSON responses and most client
CS> applications just go "duh, read the JSON, then process it".
CS> If your JSON is big, well, then you need a lot of memory to
CS> store it all if that' who you do things.

Looking at the contents of the JSON, it's not normalized - a lot of redundant 
metadata.  Hand-editing the JSON for analysis reduced it from 135 MB to 26 MB.  
Maybe the code that generates it can be improved.

CS> If you want to deal with JSON at scale, you need to process
CS> it in a streaming fashion. The only library I know that can do
CS> streaming JSON is Noggit, which was developed for use with
CS> Solr (I think, maybe it came from elsewhere before that).
CS> Anyway, it's ... not for the faint of heart. But if you can figure
CS> out out, you can handle petabytes of JSON with a tiny heap.

I don't think we need to serve up that much data, but I'm guessing we can do 
better with what we do serve.  Interesting nonetheless.

CS> You might want to throttle/serialize queries you expect to
CS> have big responses so that only e.g. 2 of them can be running
CS> at a time. Maybe all is well when they come one-at-a-time,
CS> but if you try to handle 5 concurrent "big responses" you bust
CS> your heap.

Hmm... I had not thought of throttling that way, restricting the number of 
concurrent queries.  I was thinking about restricting the number of records 
returned.  Not sure how to handle lots of users connected but only a few able 
to query concurrently.  Different DB connection pool with fewer connections for 

cb> (At least StringBuilder is being
cb> used instead of plus-sign String concatenation.)

CS> In Java "..." + "..." uses a StringBuilder

I did not know that.  Or I forgot, in which case I can't tell the diff.  :-P

CS> In some code, "..." + "..." is just fine

Often it's run-on sentences of plus-sign concatenation with nested quotes, 
almost unreadable and even worse for editing.  I like to replace with SB for 
readability and maintainability.

CS>  I hate it when someone replaces it with:
CS>  String foo = new StringBuilder("bar").append("baz").toString();
CS>  because the compiler does the _exact same thing_ and you've
CS>  just made the code more difficult to read.

Ahhh, the classic train wreck.  :-)

CS>  in a *loop*, then replacing it with a StringBuilder is pretty
CS>  important for performance, otherwise the compiler will
CS>  do something stupid

I believe the technical term for that is "stoopid".  :-)  Yeah, I like to be 
strategic about SB's and loops.

CS>  You might actually have to start reading some code (shiver!).

"You're ... mocking me."  :-)  Actually, I might be able to pass it off onto 
the guy who wrote the library.  *phew*

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

This electronic message contains information from CACI International Inc or 
subsidiary companies, which may be company

Re: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-01 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 6/1/21 09:17, Berneburg, Cris J. - US wrote:

Hi Chris

[lots of snippage]

cb> One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big
cb> user query.  We'd like to find out why.
cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
cb> * AWS EC2 instance.
cb> * There are other TC instances on the same server.
cb> * Each TC instance has multiple apps.

cs> What's the goal? Do you just Want To Know, or are you trying
cs> to solve an actual problem.

a. Barely enough memory to distribute among the multiple TC instances
and the apps they support.  A big enough user query (no throttling)
causes OOME's.  Attempting to determine if the code is being wasteful
in some way and therefore could be made more efficient.

What's the database? And the driver?

MySQL Connector/J used to (still does?) read 100% of the results into 
the heap before Statement.executeQuery() returns unless you specifically 
tell it not to. So if your query returns 1M rows, you might bust your heap.

It's entirely possible that other drivers do similar things.

b. It's a dev app server (EC2) which hosts diff stages in the dev
process - dev, test, and prototype streams.  Multiple TC instances
(3) because multiple copies of the apps don't play nice with each
other.  That is, we can't just rename the WAR files and expect the
deployed apps to stay inside that context name (I think).
You might want to look into that, eventually. If they aren't playing 
together nicely, they are not "good" servlet citizens. Solving those 
issues may improve other things. *shrug*

c. I don't want to debug the code.  I'm relatively new to the 
project, unfamiliar with some of the code, and anticipate getting

lost in the weeds.  See point #1 below.  ;-) >
cs> If you have a bunch of garbage that's not being cleaned up,
cs> usually it's because there is simply no need to do so. The GC
cs> is behaving according to the 3 laws of rob..., er, 3 virtues of
cs> computing[1]:
cs>1. Laziness: nothing needs that memory so... meh
cs>2. Impatience: gotta clean that Eden space quick
cs>3. Hubris: if I ever need more memory, I know where to find it

cs> [1]

Ha ha ha!  :-)

cs> How long does the query take to run?

Dunno about the time on the DB query itself.  From the user's point of view, a 
full minute plus.

cs> What kind of query is it? Are we talking about something like SQL

Yup.  Classic RDMS back-end.

cs> or some in-memory database or something which really does
cs> take a lot of memory for the application to fulfill the request?

Nah, nothing that fancy.  The only fancy part is using node.js for the 

I followed Amit's and John's suggestion of using Eclipse Memory
Analyzer Tool's "Keep unreachable options" when running a query from
the app client.  Digging deeper into the Leak Suspects Report, I saw
a StringBuilder - 264MB for the supporting byte array and 264MB for
the returned String, about 790MB total for that piece of the pie.
Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to the client.
No mystery there.
Yep: runaway string concatenation. This is a devolution of the 
"Connector/J reads the whole result set into memory before returning" 
thing I mentioned above. Most JSON endpoints return arbitrarily large 
JSON responses and most client applications just go "duh, read the JSON, 
then process it".

If your JSON is big, well, then you need a lot of memory to store it all 
if that' who you do things.

If you want to deal with JSON at scale, you need to process it in a 
streaming fashion. The only library I know that can do streaming JSON is 
Noggit, which was developed for use with Solr (I think, maybe it came 
from elsewhere before that). Anyway, it's ... not for the faint of 
heart. But if you can figure out out, you can handle petabytes of JSON 
with a tiny heap.

I suspect that repeating the process with multiple queries will
reveal multiple StringBuilder's each containing big honking JSON

Very likely. You might want to throttle/serialize queries you expect to 
have big responses so that only e.g. 2 of them can be running at a time. 
Maybe all is well when they come one-at-a-time, but if you try to handle 
5 concurrent "big responses" you bust your heap.

The short-term solution is to simply not allow that much concurrency.

So the issue may not be a problem with efficiency so much as one of
simple memory hogging.
This can happen with almost any application. We serve ... many clients 
simultaneously and we run with a maximum of 10 connections in our db 
connection pool on each app server. It sounds "too small" but it handles 
the user-traffic without any user complaints.

(At least StringBuilder is being
used instead of plus-sign String concatenation.)
In Java "..." + "..." uses a StringBuilder (unless the compiler can 
perform the concatenation at compile-time, in which case there is no 
concatenation at all). In some code, "..." + "..." is just fine and I 
hate i

RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-01 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi Chris

[lots of snippage]

cb> One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big
cb> user query.  We'd like to find out why.
cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
cb> * AWS EC2 instance.
cb> * There are other TC instances on the same server.
cb> * Each TC instance has multiple apps.

cs> What's the goal? Do you just Want To Know, or are you trying
cs> to solve an actual problem.

a. Barely enough memory to distribute among the multiple TC instances and the 
apps they support.  A big enough user query (no throttling) causes OOME's.  
Attempting to determine if the code is being wasteful in some way and therefore 
could be made more efficient.

b. It's a dev app server (EC2) which hosts diff stages in the dev process - 
dev, test, and prototype streams.  Multiple TC instances (3) because multiple 
copies of the apps don't play nice with each other.  That is, we can't just 
rename the WAR files and expect the deployed apps to stay inside that context 
name (I think).

c. I don't want to debug the code.  I'm relatively new to the project, 
unfamiliar with some of the code, and anticipate getting lost in the weeds.  
See point #1 below.  ;-)

cs> If you have a bunch of garbage that's not being cleaned up,
cs> usually it's because there is simply no need to do so. The GC
cs> is behaving according to the 3 laws of rob..., er, 3 virtues of
cs> computing[1]:
cs>1. Laziness: nothing needs that memory so... meh
cs>2. Impatience: gotta clean that Eden space quick
cs>3. Hubris: if I ever need more memory, I know where to find it

cs> [1]

Ha ha ha!  :-)

cs> How long does the query take to run?

Dunno about the time on the DB query itself.  From the user's point of view, a 
full minute plus.

cs> What kind of query is it? Are we talking about something like SQL

Yup.  Classic RDMS back-end.

cs> or some in-memory database or something which really does
cs> take a lot of memory for the application to fulfill the request?

Nah, nothing that fancy.  The only fancy part is using node.js for the 

I followed Amit's and John's suggestion of using Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool's 
"Keep unreachable options" when running a query from the app client.  Digging 
deeper into the Leak Suspects Report, I saw a StringBuilder - 264MB for the 
supporting byte array and 264MB for the returned String, about 790MB total for 
that piece of the pie.  Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to 
the client.  No mystery there.

I suspect that repeating the process with multiple queries will reveal multiple 
StringBuilder's each containing big honking JSON results.  So the issue may not 
be a problem with efficiency so much as one of simple memory hogging.  (At 
least StringBuilder is being used instead of plus-sign String concatenation.)

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-01 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi Raghunath

cb> One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory,
cb> specifically a big user query.  We'd like to find out why.
cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?

rm> You could try using the Oracle utility - "jstat"  - for analyzing
rm> the GC in an active Java process (PID)
rm> The "gcold" option helps us to peep into the Old Generation area
rm> jstat -gcold PID
rm> jstat -gcoldcapacity PID

That sounds interesting.  :-)  I'll look into it!

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary, privileged 
or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-28 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi John :-)

cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
cb> 2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?

jeg> MAT has an option  to "Keep unreachable options."  It's under preferences.

Thanks for the suggestion!  I did not know about that option.

jeg> It sounds like you don't have an actual leak, just high allocation/GC.

Yeah, that's what I think too.

jeg> My favorite tool for this is to use the Java Flight Recorder and analyze 
it with Java Mission Control.

Hmm... Sounds interesting.  I'll check it out!

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary, privileged 
or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-28 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi Amit  :-)

cb> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
cb> 2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?

ap> Have you enabled the " Enable 'keep unreachable objects'" setting of MAT?

No, I had not heard of that before.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

This electronic message contains information from CACI International Inc or 
subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary, privileged 
or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
solely by the recipient(s) named above. If you are not an intended recipient, 
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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-27 Thread Mysore, Raghunath
You could try using the Oracle utility - "jstat"  - for analyzing the GC in an 
active Java process (PID) 
The "gcold" option helps us to peep into the Old Generation area 
jstat -gcold PID 
jstat -gcoldcapacity PID

-Original Message-
From: Berneburg, Cris J. - US  
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 1:24 PM
Subject: [OT] web app big memory usage?

Hi Folks  :-)

One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big user query.  
We'd like to find out why.

The Tomcat Web Application Manager Find leaks button said that "No web 
applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop, reload or 

Tomcat Manager Server Status shows that 1.7GB (82%) of G1 Old Gen space is 
being used that has not been recycled yet.

I grabbed a heap dump and used Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and it shows that only 
94MB of memory is being used when G1 Old Gen space used 1.8GB.  MAT seems to be 
looking only at the active objects, not the discarded ones.  IOW, we're looking 
at what the app is doing ATM, not what it already did.

I want to explore the 1.7GB garbage pile to see what's being thrown away, not 
what things are still being used, to determine wastefulness.

1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?

2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?

Some technical specifics:
* TC 8.5.63
* Java 1.8.0_291
* AWS EC2 instance.
* Windows Server 2016.
* Instance started as Windows Service.
* There are other TC instances on the same server.
* Each TC instance has multiple apps.

Thanks for reading this far.  :-)

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

This electronic message contains information from CACI International Inc or 
subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary, privileged 
or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
solely by the recipient(s) named above. If you are not an intended recipient, 
be aware that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this 
transmission or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately.

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Re: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-27 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 5/27/21 15:24, Berneburg, Cris J. - US wrote:

Hi Folks  :-)

One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big
user query.  We'd like to find out why.

The Tomcat Web Application Manager Find leaks button said that "No
web applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop,
reload or undeploy."

Tomcat Manager Server Status shows that 1.7GB (82%) of G1 Old Gen
space is being used that has not been recycled yet.

I grabbed a heap dump and used Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and it shows
that only 94MB of memory is being used when G1 Old Gen space used
1.8GB.  MAT seems to be looking only at the active objects, not the
discarded ones.  IOW, we're looking at what the app is doing ATM, not
what it already did.

I want to explore the 1.7GB garbage pile to see what's being thrown
away, not what things are still being used, to determine

1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?

2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage

Some technical specifics: * TC 8.5.63 * Java 1.8.0_291 * AWS EC2
instance. * Windows Server 2016. * Instance started as Windows
Service. * There are other TC instances on the same server. * Each TC
instance has multiple apps.

Thanks for reading this far.  :-)

What's the goal? Do you just Want To Know, or are you trying to solve an
actual problem.

If you have a bunch of garbage that's not being cleaned up, usually it's
because there is simply no need to do so. The GC is behaving according
to the 3 laws of rob..., er, 3 virtues of computing[1]:

  1. Laziness: nothing needs that memory so... meh
  2. Impatience: gotta clean that Eden space quick
  3. Hubris: if I ever need more memory, I know where to find it

Seriously, though, the only real difference between the new gen and the 
old gen is time, so if your query ran faster it might get a lot more of 
its scratch objects cleaner-up without having to ask for a full GC.

How long does the query take to run? What kind of query is it? Are we 
talking about something like SQL or some in-memory database or something 
which really does take a lot of memory for the application to fulfill 
the request?


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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-27 Thread John.E.Gregg

> -Original Message-
> From: Berneburg, Cris J. - US 
> Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: [OT] web app big memory usage?
> Hi Folks  :-)
> One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big user query.
> We'd like to find out why.
> The Tomcat Web Application Manager Find leaks button said that "No web
> applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop, reload or
> undeploy."
> Tomcat Manager Server Status shows that 1.7GB (82%) of G1 Old Gen space
> is being used that has not been recycled yet.
> I grabbed a heap dump and used Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and it shows that
> only 94MB of memory is being used when G1 Old Gen space used 1.8GB.
> MAT seems to be looking only at the active objects, not the discarded ones.
> IOW, we're looking at what the app is doing ATM, not what it already did.
> I want to explore the 1.7GB garbage pile to see what's being thrown away,
> not what things are still being used, to determine wastefulness.
> 1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?
> 2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?
> Some technical specifics:
> * TC 8.5.63
> * Java 1.8.0_291
> * AWS EC2 instance.
> * Windows Server 2016.
> * Instance started as Windows Service.
> * There are other TC instances on the same server.
> * Each TC instance has multiple apps.
> Thanks for reading this far.  :-)
> --
> Cris Berneburg
> CACI Senior Software Engineer
> This electronic message contains information from CACI International Inc or
> subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary,
> privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is
> intended to be used solely by the recipient(s) named above. If you are not
> an intended recipient, be aware that any review, disclosure, copying,
> distribution or use of this transmission or its contents is prohibited. If you
> have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender
> immediately.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

MAT has an option  to "Keep unreachable options."  It's under preferences.

It sounds like you don't have an actual leak, just high allocation/GC.  My 
favorite tool for this is to use the Java Flight Recorder and analyze it with 
Java Mission Control.


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RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-27 Thread Amit Pande

Have you enabled the " Enable 'keep unreachable objects'" setting of MAT?


-Original Message-
From: Berneburg, Cris J. - US  
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:24 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [OT] web app big memory usage?

Hi Folks  :-)

One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big user query.  
We'd like to find out why.

The Tomcat Web Application Manager Find leaks button said that "No web 
applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop, reload or 

Tomcat Manager Server Status shows that 1.7GB (82%) of G1 Old Gen space is 
being used that has not been recycled yet.

I grabbed a heap dump and used Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and it shows that only 
94MB of memory is being used when G1 Old Gen space used 1.8GB.  MAT seems to be 
looking only at the active objects, not the discarded ones.  IOW, we're looking 
at what the app is doing ATM, not what it already did.

I want to explore the 1.7GB garbage pile to see what's being thrown away, not 
what things are still being used, to determine wastefulness.

1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?

2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?

Some technical specifics:
* TC 8.5.63
* Java 1.8.0_291
* AWS EC2 instance.
* Windows Server 2016.
* Instance started as Windows Service.
* There are other TC instances on the same server.
* Each TC instance has multiple apps.

Thanks for reading this far.  :-)

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

This electronic message contains information from CACI International Inc or 
subsidiary companies, which may be company sensitive, proprietary, privileged 
or otherwise protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used 
solely by the recipient(s) named above. If you are not an intended recipient, 
be aware that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this 
transmission or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately.

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To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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[OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-05-27 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi Folks  :-)

One of our web apps is using a "lot" of memory, specifically a big user query.  
We'd like to find out why.

The Tomcat Web Application Manager Find leaks button said that "No web 
applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop, reload or 

Tomcat Manager Server Status shows that 1.7GB (82%) of G1 Old Gen space is 
being used that has not been recycled yet.

I grabbed a heap dump and used Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and it shows that only 
94MB of memory is being used when G1 Old Gen space used 1.8GB.  MAT seems to be 
looking only at the active objects, not the discarded ones.  IOW, we're looking 
at what the app is doing ATM, not what it already did.

I want to explore the 1.7GB garbage pile to see what's being thrown away, not 
what things are still being used, to determine wastefulness.

1. Is there a way to analyze uncollected garbage?

2. Is that a reasonable way to identify potential memory usage problems?

Some technical specifics:
* TC 8.5.63
* Java 1.8.0_291
* AWS EC2 instance.
* Windows Server 2016.
* Instance started as Windows Service.
* There are other TC instances on the same server.
* Each TC instance has multiple apps.

Thanks for reading this far.  :-)

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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Re: Memory Usage

2019-04-24 Thread Mark Thomas
On 24/04/2019 21:46, Simon Funnell wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking at running a small ecommerce site with about 40-80 users at a
> time on a virtual private server with 4 cores and 1GB of memory, I am
> planning on running apache james, mysql and tomcat on this instance. My
> question is will 256MB maximum heap memory with say 50 threads be enough to
> handle the load without any out of memory errors?

No idea.

I've seen apps with 6GB heap fail with OOME with only 5 concurrent users
and other apps serve 1000s of users with a few hundred MB.

It all depends on the app and we can't see you code. Load testing and
profiling are strongly recommended.


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Memory Usage

2019-04-24 Thread Simon Funnell

I am looking at running a small ecommerce site with about 40-80 users at a
time on a virtual private server with 4 cores and 1GB of memory, I am
planning on running apache james, mysql and tomcat on this instance. My
question is will 256MB maximum heap memory with say 50 threads be enough to
handle the load without any out of memory errors?


Re: Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after changing the tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution

2017-04-14 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/14/17 4:36 AM, wrote:
> Problem statement: Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after
changing the tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution

Any other changes? For example, changes to the heap configuration, stack
configuration, or any other memory-related parameters?

Please post your complete JVM launch command. If you use ""
or "" to launch Tomcat, use "ps" to find out the effective
command and post that.

How are you measuring the "memory usage"?

> As tomcat memory has increased it is impacting available memory
> for other applications on server
> o   Is this a bug ?

Almost certainly not.

> o   Earlier with 32bit it was running around 400MG, If we restrict 
> the tomcat memory to 500GB for 64bit application will it any
> impact on tomcat operations

You can only restrict the size of the various heaps. AFAIK, there is no
way to restrict the amount of native memory that the JVM uses.

> Tomcat Version : Tomcat 7.0.73 on Solaris 11

What JVM versions (32-bit and 64-bit)?

- -chris

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Re: Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after changing the tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution

2017-04-14 Thread tomcat

On 14.04.2017 10:36, wrote:

Hi All,
Problem statement: Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after changing the 
tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution
As tomcat memory has increased it is impacting available memory for other 
applications on server

o   Is this a bug ?

o   Earlier with 32bit it was running around 400MG, If we restrict the tomcat 
memory to 500GB for 64bit application will  it any impact on tomcat operations

Tomcat Version : Tomcat 7.0.73 on Solaris 11

Maybe as a very first observation : it is not Tomcat that you changed. The Tomcat code has 
remained exactly the same. It is the Java JVM that was changed, from a 32-bit to a 64-bit 
version. So /that/ is the underlying reason for the memory usage increase, not Tomcat.

Read more on the topic :

(I recommend this one as a starter :

Thus, to respond to your first question : no, it is no a bug; or at least not a 
Tomcat bug.
About your second question : there is no such thing as a 64-bit application under Tomcat. 
All Tomcat applications are written in Java, and are ultimately run by the Java JVM. It is 
the JVM which determines if this uses, for example, 32-bit or 64-bit memory pointers, 
4-byte or 8-byte object references etc.
If you reduce the available memory for the Tomcat Heap, then, depending on the way the 
applications are written, this may cause more Memory Garbage Collections to occur in any 
given period of time.  Whether this really impacts your applications or not, is something 
which only you can measure and determine.

Try it, and look at the results.
Or add more memory to your server.
If you went from a 32-bit JVM to a 64-bit JVM, presumably you had a reason for doing that. 
Wat was the reason ? (And if there was no good reason, you can always go back).

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Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after changing the tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution

2017-04-14 Thread
Hi All,
Problem statement: Memory usage increased form 500MB to 4 GB after changing the 
tomcat process from 32 bit to 64 bit execution
As tomcat memory has increased it is impacting available memory for other 
applications on server

o   Is this a bug ?

o   Earlier with 32bit it was running around 400MG, If we restrict the tomcat 
memory to 500GB for 64bit application will  it any impact on tomcat operations

Tomcat Version : Tomcat 7.0.73 on Solaris 11

Thanks & Regards
Nagendra Raju

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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-30 Thread Igor Cicimov
Hi all,

I don't know if this is useful but apart from utilities/commands already
mentioned, I use the following to monitor the GC of the particular
generations in JVM:

/usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_12/bin/jstat -gc $TOMCAT_PID 5000 10

Of course you need to substitute the appropriate JDK installed on your
system and the time interval the stats should be printed.


On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Mikolaj Rydzewski  wrote:

> On Fri, 27 May 2011 09:50:06 +0200, André Warnier wrote:
>  Searching the WWW, I am finding (too) many interpretations of the
>> output of "-verbose:gc" (or "-verbosegc", none of them starting from
>> exactly the format above.
>> I can kind of guess what the above means, but where can I find an
>> "authoritative" interpretation for Sun/Oracle Java 1.6 ?
>> Also, does anyone know if there is a way to specify that instead of
>> the unreadable leading timestamp above, one can get a nicely-formatted
>> one ?
>> (-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps ?)
> I use the following options:
> -Xloggc:gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
> We use nice tool from HP (HPJmeter) at work. It parses GC logfile and
> produces various graphs. I guess you can download it for free from
> --
> Mikolaj Rydzewski 
> -
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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-27 Thread Mikolaj Rydzewski

On Fri, 27 May 2011 09:50:06 +0200, André Warnier wrote:

Searching the WWW, I am finding (too) many interpretations of the
output of "-verbose:gc" (or "-verbosegc", none of them starting from
exactly the format above.
I can kind of guess what the above means, but where can I find an
"authoritative" interpretation for Sun/Oracle Java 1.6 ?

Also, does anyone know if there is a way to specify that instead of
the unreadable leading timestamp above, one can get a 

one ?
(-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps ?)

I use the following options:

-Xloggc:gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

We use nice tool from HP (HPJmeter) at work. It parses GC logfile and 
produces various graphs. I guess you can download it for free from

Mikolaj Rydzewski 

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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-27 Thread André Warnier

Pid wrote:

On 26/05/2011 21:50, André Warnier wrote:

André Warnier wrote:

Pid wrote:

On 26/05/2011 20:16, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: André Warnier [] Subject: Monitoring
memory usage of JVM
I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,

Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:

The jmap & jstat commands shipped with the JDK are also useful.

Thanks to both.
I'll try these out.

For now, I have used the "-verbose:gc and -Xloggc:" command-line
options, and added the jmap command into one of the other monitoring
shell scripts I created.
I'll have to wait for the next GC to see the output of the switches.  As
the application isn't doing anything right now, that could take a while.

But a question about "jstat" in the meantime :
In the documentation of jstat, it has this to say about the /lvmid/ part :

The default port for communicating with the remote server. If the
hostname is omitted or the protocol specifies an optimized, local
protocol, then port is ignored. Otherwise, treatment of the port
parameter is implementation specific. For the default rmi protocol, the
port indicates the port number for the rmiregistry on the remote host.
If port is omitted, and protocol indicates rmi, then the default
rmiregistry port (1099) is used.

Is this the same port which I otherwise set for jconsole, iow via the
option :

Yes, AFAIK.  There's also a companion utility 'jstatd'.

I'll just continue adding here, so that everything stays together.

the output of the "-verbose:gc" switch looks as follows :
36980.453: [GC 479482K->271910K(994752K), 0.0135340 secs]
37085.411: [GC 511334K->269236K(992320K), 0.0130770 secs]
37750.377: [GC 508660K->276295K(999168K), 0.0124960 secs]
38078.813: [GC 524999K->286052K(997184K), 0.0077580 secs]
38187.341: [GC 534756K->295781K(1004032K), 0.0096650 secs]
38341.838: [GC 553765K->300854K(1001600K), 0.0230050 secs]
Searching the WWW, I am finding (too) many interpretations of the output of "-verbose:gc" 
(or "-verbosegc", none of them starting from exactly the format above.
I can kind of guess what the above means, but where can I find an "authoritative" 
interpretation for Sun/Oracle Java 1.6 ?

Also, does anyone know if there is a way to specify that instead of the unreadable leading 
timestamp above, one can get a nicely-formatted one ?

(-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps ?)

By the way, I know that there is an over-abudance of articles on the WWW about Java memory 
tuning, but here is one I found serendipitiously :
Even if it appears to have been written mainly for one kind of application, it is short, 
readable, to-the-point, and I think usable in a broader context.

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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread Pid
On 26/05/2011 21:50, André Warnier wrote:
> André Warnier wrote:
>> Pid wrote:
>>> On 26/05/2011 20:16, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>>>> From: André Warnier [] Subject: Monitoring
>>>>> memory usage of JVM
>>>>> I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
>>>>> to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,
>>>> Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:
>>> The jmap & jstat commands shipped with the JDK are also useful.
>> Thanks to both.
>> I'll try these out.
> For now, I have used the "-verbose:gc and -Xloggc:" command-line
> options, and added the jmap command into one of the other monitoring
> shell scripts I created.
> I'll have to wait for the next GC to see the output of the switches.  As
> the application isn't doing anything right now, that could take a while.
> But a question about "jstat" in the meantime :
> In the documentation of jstat, it has this to say about the /lvmid/ part :
> port
> The default port for communicating with the remote server. If the
> hostname is omitted or the protocol specifies an optimized, local
> protocol, then port is ignored. Otherwise, treatment of the port
> parameter is implementation specific. For the default rmi protocol, the
> port indicates the port number for the rmiregistry on the remote host.
> If port is omitted, and protocol indicates rmi, then the default
> rmiregistry port (1099) is used.
> Is this the same port which I otherwise set for jconsole, iow via the
> option :

Yes, AFAIK.  There's also a companion utility 'jstatd'.


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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread André Warnier

André Warnier wrote:

Pid wrote:

On 26/05/2011 20:16, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: André Warnier [] Subject: Monitoring 
memory usage of JVM

I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,

Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:

The jmap & jstat commands shipped with the JDK are also useful.

Thanks to both.
I'll try these out.

For now, I have used the "-verbose:gc and -Xloggc:" command-line options, and added the 
jmap command into one of the other monitoring shell scripts I created.
I'll have to wait for the next GC to see the output of the switches.  As the application 
isn't doing anything right now, that could take a while.

But a question about "jstat" in the meantime :
In the documentation of jstat, it has this to say about the /lvmid/ part :

The default port for communicating with the remote server. If the hostname is omitted 
or the protocol specifies an optimized, local protocol, then port is ignored. Otherwise, 
treatment of the port parameter is implementation specific. For the default rmi protocol, 
the port indicates the port number for the rmiregistry on the remote host. If port is 
omitted, and protocol indicates rmi, then the default rmiregistry port (1099) is used.

Is this the same port which I otherwise set for jconsole, iow via the option :


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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread André Warnier

Pid wrote:

On 26/05/2011 20:16, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: André Warnier [] 
Subject: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,

Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:

The jmap & jstat commands shipped with the JDK are also useful.

Thanks to both.
I'll try these out.

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Re: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread Pid
On 26/05/2011 20:16, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: André Warnier [] 
>> Subject: Monitoring memory usage of JVM
>> I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
>> to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,
> Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:

The jmap & jstat commands shipped with the JDK are also useful.


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RE: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: André Warnier [] 
> Subject: Monitoring memory usage of JVM

> I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM,
> to dump for example some information each time a GC happens,

Try -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:

 - Chuck

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Monitoring memory usage of JVM

2011-05-26 Thread André Warnier


Tomorrow morning (European time), we are planning a moment of peak usage of one Java 
daemon application. It is not Tomcat, but it behaves in a manner similar to Tomcat, in the 
sense that it listens on a TCP port, processes quasi-HTTP requests, creates threads as 
needed to process these requests, manages kind of sessions etc..

It is not our application and we do not have the source code.
Our biggest concern is the amount of memory it will use under the predicted high load, as 
for each "session" it needs to parse and keep in memory the contents of a moderate-size 
XML file.

We would like to monitor the memory usage of that JVM, but in a way that in itself does 
not impact the performance too much.  Basically what we want, is to keep some information 
in a logfile, which in case of serious problem with memory would allow us to get a clue as 
to what is happening via some post-mortem analysis.
So not just a dying dump, nor a nice GUI interface, but more in-between, like a trace log 
that gives us some "snapshots" on a minute-by-minute base (on on a GC-cycle base) of the 
evolution under load.

Preferably also, not something that takes a big effort to set up.
I am thinking of a couple of command-line options for the JVM, to dump for example some 
information each time a GC happens, but among the array of available switches I do not 
really know what to pick as a reasonable compromise.

Since this place is packed with Java gurus (what we are not), any quick 
suggestions anyone ?


Oh, and here is the environment info :

# java -version
java version "1.6.0_22"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03, mixed mode)

The JVM of the application is started with "-Xms1024M -Xmx2048M", and no additional 
non-standard GC-related options right now.

The host has a total of 12 GB RAM, of which only maybe half is really used for 

# uname -a
Linux vixen2 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jan 25 05:59:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-02-02 Thread Dan Armbrust
Nope, but I'm not an expert with these (at all).

I use something pretty similar, the only real difference is that I
haven't turned on the CMSIncrementalMode.  My apps haven't shown an
issue with long pause times, so I haven't researched/tested it yet.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Carl  wrote:
> Dan,
> These are the Javs opts currently set in
> JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+PrintGCDetails
> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
> -XX:HeapDumpPath=/usr/local/tomcat/logs"
> Do you see anything dangerous/wrong/not good?
> Thanks,
> Carl

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-02-02 Thread Carl


These are the Javs opts currently set in

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 

Do you see anything dangerous/wrong/not good?



- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Armbrust" 

To: "Tomcat Users List" ; 
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

FYI - look out for this WRT MaxNewSize and NewRatio:

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-02-02 Thread Dan Armbrust
FYI - look out for this WRT MaxNewSize and NewRatio:

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Pid

On 29/01/2010 15:27, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Pid []
Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

So the MaxNewSize, despite often being seen at high values in
jmap outputs, is actually only applicable if the 'mx' allows it?

Correct.  Do you have an example of an erroneous MaxNewSize display?  I seem to 
recall some problems with 32-bit JVMs and incorrect treatment of unsigned 
integers causing problems in the past.

Not to hand, I'll poke around.

Probably the source of my confusion is that I think I remember seeing 
the default value of MaxNewSize as 4096M, despite having manually set a 
lower value for mx.


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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Pid []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> So the MaxNewSize, despite often being seen at high values in
> jmap outputs, is actually only applicable if the 'mx' allows it?

Correct.  Do you have an example of an erroneous MaxNewSize display?  I seem to 
recall some problems with 32-bit JVMs and incorrect treatment of unsigned 
integers causing problems in the past.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Pid

On 29/01/2010 15:13, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Pid []
Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

The overall size of the heap is controlled by 3 different groups of
settings, not just the one you referred to:
   -Xms512M  -Xmx512M
   -XX:NewSize=32m   -XX:MaxNewSize=4096m
   -XX:PermSize=64m  -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

The overall amount of memory used is the sum of current values of each
these groups, plus non-heap memory.

(How'd I do?)

Not well.  The -Xmx and -Xms values include the NewSize; it is not a separate 
portion of the memory space as PermGen is.

Dagnamit.  So the MaxNewSize, despite often being seen at high values in 
jmap outputs, is actually only applicable if the 'mx' allows it?


  - Chuck

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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Pid []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

> The overall size of the heap is controlled by 3 different groups of
> settings, not just the one you referred to:
>   -Xms512M  -Xmx512M
>   -XX:NewSize=32m   -XX:MaxNewSize=4096m
>   -XX:PermSize=64m  -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
> The overall amount of memory used is the sum of current values of each
> these groups, plus non-heap memory.
> (How'd I do?)

Not well.  The -Xmx and -Xms values include the NewSize; it is not a separate 
portion of the memory space as PermGen is.

 - Chuck

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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Hüsnü Þentürk []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> Is following classifications true for memory usage of Java ?

Pretty much, but you're missing ancillary bits such as libraries, OS-created 
structures, statically linked code, dynamically generated code, stacks, and 
probably other things I'm leaving out.  Running a process in a modern OS is 

> Sum of PermGen and Heap memory usage smalller then 600,980 KB which
> I see on Task Manager. Can you explain the reason of this difference?

Just because the virtual space is reserved doesn't mean it's actually being 
used in real memory.  I don't know which of the memory values you chose to 
display in Task Manager, but it's probably real memory usage, which is only 
that part of the process space that the OS happens to have loaded at that 
instant.  Nearly all components of memory usage change over time, both in 
virtual space and real, and there is no definitive relationship between the 
two.  In other words, the Task Manager number is not terribly useful for tuning 
a Java execution, but it does provide some information when you're looking at 
the system as a whole.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Pid

On 29/01/2010 14:11, Hüsnü Þentürk wrote:

Chuck and Chris,
Thanks for yor explanations,

Let me, try to summarize what I understand  adding some extra info and ask my 

Is following classifications true for memory usage of Java ? If not please 
correct it.

A. Java memory usage when application is started as a windows service:
1. Heap memory
* objects
2. Non-heap memory
* PermGen (holds reflective data (meta-data) of the JVM itself, such as 
class and method objects and static fields )
* JVM's itself ( Garbage collector, managing heap etc.)
* Java service wrapper dlls.

B. Java memory usage when application is with a batch file:
1. Heap memory
* objects
2. Non-heap memory
* PermGen (holds reflective data (meta-data) of the JVM itself, such as 
class and method objects and static fields )
* JVM's itself ( Garbage collector, managing heap etc.)

If I turn my first e-mail, in my example, java heap size was 512 MB, I did'nt 
define  PermSize parameter so application uses default value 64 MB. Sum of 
PermGen and Heap memory usage smalller then 600,980 KB which I see on Task 
Manager. Can you explain the reason of this difference?

  Heap PermGen
512 MB+   64 MB= 576 MB = 589824 KB<600980 KB

Firs e-mail
"In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined jvm parameters 
"--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is using 600,980 KB memory. I 
expect the application not to use more then 512 MB."

The overall size of the heap is controlled by 3 different groups of 
settings, not just the one you referred to:

 -Xms512M  -Xmx512M

 -XX:NewSize=32m   -XX:MaxNewSize=4096m

 -XX:PermSize=64m  -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

The overall amount of memory used is the sum of current values of each 
these groups, plus non-heap memory.

(How'd I do?)


From: "Caldarale, Charles R"
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 10:32:01 PM
Subject: RE: tomcat memory usage

From: Christopher Schultz []
Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

What else goes into PermGen, other than java.lang.Class objects?

It varies by JVM level.  In the original HotSpot implementation it was pretty 
much just the instances of java.lang.Class.  As things evolved, a lot of 
class/method/field metadata migrated into PermGen from the C heap, pushed 
there, I suspect, by the growing use and sophistication of JMX and JVMTI, as 
well as making it easier for GC to clean up dead classes.  AFAIK, none of these 
secondary structures are directly visible to Java code.

- Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-29 Thread Hüsnü Þentürk
Chuck and Chris,
Thanks for yor explanations,

Let me, try to summarize what I understand  adding some extra info and ask my 

Is following classifications true for memory usage of Java ? If not please 
correct it.

A. Java memory usage when application is started as a windows service:
1. Heap memory
* objects
2. Non-heap memory
* PermGen (holds reflective data (meta-data) of the JVM itself, such as 
class and method objects and static fields )
* JVM's itself ( Garbage collector, managing heap etc.)
* Java service wrapper dlls.
B. Java memory usage when application is with a batch file:
1. Heap memory
* objects
2. Non-heap memory
* PermGen (holds reflective data (meta-data) of the JVM itself, such as 
class and method objects and static fields )
* JVM's itself ( Garbage collector, managing heap etc.)

If I turn my first e-mail, in my example, java heap size was 512 MB, I did'nt 
define  PermSize parameter so application uses default value 64 MB. Sum of 
PermGen and Heap memory usage smalller then 600,980 KB which I see on Task 
Manager. Can you explain the reason of this difference? 
 Heap PermGen  
512 MB    +   64 MB    = 576 MB = 589824 KB <   600980 KB
Firs e-mail
"In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined 
jvm parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is 
using 600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512 MB. "
Thanks again.


From: "Caldarale, Charles R" 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 10:32:01 PM
Subject: RE: tomcat memory usage

> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> What else goes into PermGen, other than java.lang.Class objects?

It varies by JVM level.  In the original HotSpot implementation it was pretty 
much just the instances of java.lang.Class.  As things evolved, a lot of 
class/method/field metadata migrated into PermGen from the C heap, pushed 
there, I suspect, by the growing use and sophistication of JMX and JVMTI, as 
well as making it easier for GC to clean up dead classes.  AFAIK, none of these 
secondary structures are directly visible to Java code.

- Chuck

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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> What else goes into PermGen, other than java.lang.Class objects?

It varies by JVM level.  In the original HotSpot implementation it was pretty 
much just the instances of java.lang.Class.  As things evolved, a lot of 
class/method/field metadata migrated into PermGen from the C heap, pushed 
there, I suspect, by the growing use and sophistication of JMX and JVMTI, as 
well as making it easier for GC to clean up dead classes.  AFAIK, none of these 
secondary structures are directly visible to Java code.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 1/27/2010 2:50 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz []
>> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
>> The compiler knows that the "staticObject" member is static, and might
>> even be able to tell the runtime that the object to be used for that
>> static member should go into PermGen.
> You're confusing the reference with the object it points to. The
> field containing the reference is in PermGen, the object the reference refers
> to is in the main heap.

I /was/ confused about your description, and I was sure that the object
itself was stored in the heap. All you're saying is that, since Class
objects are stored in PermGen, the memory required for their static
object references is also stored in PermGen. That makes complete sense
to me.

>> The runtime doesn't know until the putstatic call that the object is
>> destined to be a static reference.
> See above; "reference" != "object", but "reference" == pointer to
> "object".  (But I think you know that.)

Thanks for the OO semantics lesson, professor :) I think my above
statement was missing the "pointed to by a static reference".

> No, the object will never migrate to PermGen space.  (Nothing ever
> migrates across the PermGen / main heap boundary, in either
> direction.)

Good to know. What else goes into PermGen, other than java.lang.Class

- -chris
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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Steffen Heil []
> Subject: AW: tomcat memory usage
> I am not sure, where the Class objects themselfes reside.

They are in PermGen along with a very few other internally-generated structures.

> Whereever they are, static references are in there.

Actually, there's no requirement that static fields be in the java.lang.Class 
instance or even in PermGen, as long as the interpreter, the two JITs, and GC 
know how to find them.  It would be easy to locate static fields on the C heap, 
with just a pointer in the native part of the java.lang.Class instance to the 
location.  But I believe they actually are in PermGen, since that makes the 
card table marking easier when a reference field is updated via putstatic.

 - Chuck

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AW: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Steffen Heil

> So, static members are stored outside the heap? Where are they stored? 
> PermGen?

For sure, no.
ALL persistent java objects are on the heap. With optimization some very short 
living objects may reside on the stack only.

References to static objects ARE probably stored in PermGen, but the objects 
themselfes are surely not. They are created as any other object during object 
initialization using the new operator.

I am not sure, where the Class objects themselfes reside. Maybe they are on 
PermGen or they are in the heap and are referenced in PermGen. Whereever they 
are, static references are in there.


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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> The compiler knows that the "staticObject" member is static, and might
> even be able to tell the runtime that the object to be used for that
> static member should go into PermGen.

You're confusing the reference with the object it points to.  The field 
containing the reference is in PermGen, the object the reference refers to is 
in the main heap.

> The runtime doesn't know until the putstatic call that the object is
> destined to be a static reference.

See above; "reference" != "object", but "reference" == pointer to "object".  
(But I think you know that.)

> any long-living, heap-allocated object could be attached to 
> a static member at any time without warning.

Sure; it happens all the time.

> Does that mean that the putstatic opcode likely does one of two things:
> 1. Immediately promote that object into the PermGen space
> 2. Marks the object as destined for PermGen so that the GC can move it
>whenever it wants

No, the object will never migrate to PermGen space.  (Nothing ever migrates 
across the PermGen / main heap boundary, in either direction.)

> In either case, each object would need not only a regular reference
> count but also a static reference count 

No Java GC mechanism has used reference counting for close to ten years now.  
All GC operations are performed by following reference chains from the roots 
(subject to a ton of acceleration techniques that avoid following all paths on 
all GCs).

> Why not just have objects that end up bound to static members
> grow old and move into the "old" generation just like most 
> long-lived objects?

They do exactly that.  The fact that a reference field is static says nothing 
about the expected lifetime of what the reference refers to.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 1/27/2010 1:50 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
>> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
>> So, static members are stored outside the heap? Where are they
>> stored? PermGen?
> They're definitely not in the main Java heap; I'm pretty sure they're
> in PermGen, although it's been awhile since I've looked at that code.
> Keeping them in PermGen makes it easier for the all the GC
> reference-chasing logic to work.

This seems fishy to me. Consider the following.

public class MyClass
  public static Object staticObject = "static";

The compiler knows that the "staticObject" member is static, and might
even be able to tell the runtime that the object to be used for that
static member should go into PermGen.

But, now what happens if some other code does this:

MyClass.staticObject = new String("new string");

(I intentionally used the "new" keyword to force a new object creation
at runtime... not sure what the compiler/runtime does with string
constants within the constant pool).

The bytecode for that looks roughly like this:

new String
ldc "new string"
invokespecial String.(String)
putstatic MyClass.staticObject

The runtime doesn't know until the putstatic call that the object is
destined to be a static reference. Even if the compiler and runtime were
to collude to make this happen in this contrived example, any
long-living, heap-allocated object could be attached to a static member
at any time without warning.

Does that mean that the putstatic opcode likely does one of two things:
1. Immediately promote that object into the PermGen space
2. Marks the object as destined for PermGen so that the GC can move it
   whenever it wants

In either case, each object would need not only a regular reference
count but also a static reference count in case the object was still
relevant but no longer bound to a static member, in which case it should
be moved /back/ into the regular heap?

That sounds like more work than is really necessary for the GC to
perform. Why not just have objects that end up bound to static members
grow old and move into the "old" generation just like most long-lived

- -chris
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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> So, static members are stored outside the heap? Where are they stored?
> PermGen?

They're definitely not in the main Java heap; I'm pretty sure they're in 
PermGen, although it's been awhile since I've looked at that code.  Keeping 
them in PermGen makes it easier for the all the GC reference-chasing logic to 

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 1/27/2010 11:28 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz []
>> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
>> All Java objects and their associated data are stored 
>> within the heap.
> Well... no. The OP's original question was about what was outside
> the
> -Xmx heap setting, and Class objects and the associated static fields
> are /not/ included in that value. Instances of java.lang.Class and the
> static fields are kept in PermGen, which is separate from the regular
> Java heap, and sized independently of -Xmx.

Fair enough.

>> Unless you are writing JNI code, then everything you are
>> effecting is happening in the heap.
> Also not strictly true, since a major chunk of the JVM and JRE are
> native code, and consume considerable amounts of process space to
> implement the Java operations.

What I meant was that you can create as many objects as you want in Java
and you aren't really stepping outside the Java heap. If you write JNI
code, you can call malloc as much as you want and /that/ would be
outside the Java heap. The OP can only cause the JVM to allocate a lot
of memory for non-Java-heap items indirectly... say, but opening a bunch
of sockets, creating a bunch of threads, etc.

>> Static variables and references (which are the same thing,
>> depending on how you see things) are not special in any way
>> when it comes to memory use.
> Other than their location outside of the -Xmx-controlled heap.

So, static members are stored outside the heap? Where are they stored?

- -chris
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RE: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz []
> Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage
> All Java objects and their associated data are stored 
> within the heap.

Well... no.  The OP's original question was about what was outside the -Xmx 
heap setting, and Class objects and the associated static fields are /not/ 
included in that value.  Instances of java.lang.Class and the static fields are 
kept in PermGen, which is separate from the regular Java heap, and sized 
independently of -Xmx.

> Unless you are writing JNI code, then everything you are
> effecting is happening in the heap.

Also not strictly true, since a major chunk of the JVM and JRE are native code, 
and consume considerable amounts of process space to implement the Java 

> Static variables and references (which are the same thing,
> depending on how you see things) are not special in any way
> when it comes to memory use.

Other than their location outside of the -Xmx-controlled heap.

> It's the JVM itself which is allocating memory outside that heap.

And the OS and the various libraries used by the JVM.

> Many DLLs loaded into a process's memory space are, in fact, shared
> with many other processes.

They're shared in real memory, but not process space (virtual memory).

> the fact that WTM shows you only a single number for "memory" 
> means that you're not getting the whole story.

The Task Manager can actually show several memory-related values, including 
virtual memory and various working set sizes.  What's available to display 
depends heavily on the version of Windows one's using.

> So, maybe WTM is giving you a decent measure of what memory is actually
> being used by that process, specifically.

Yes, it's pretty decent these days.  Still has nothing to do with the Java 
heap, of course.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-27 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 1/27/2010 2:06 AM, Hüsnü Þentürk wrote:
> As far as I know, heap memory is used by objects. On the other hand,
> our application has static variables and references to the objects
> residing in heap area. Does it mean, static variables and references
> of our application are stored outside of reserved 512MB area? Or, the
> memory outside of 512MB reserved heap area used only by Java itself?

No. All Java objects and their associated data are stored within the
heap. Unless you are writing JNI code, then everything you are effecting
is happening in the heap. Static variables and references (which are the
same thing, depending on how you see things) are not special in any way
when it comes to memory use.

It's the JVM itself which is allocating memory outside that heap.
Memory, for instance, to help manage the heap itself. And all the
threads you've got running. And the garbage collector.


total memory = heap memory + non-heap memory

Using JVM options, you can really only effect the heap memory size, the
PermGen space, and the size of thread stacks. Basically, there is going
to be some extra memory needed for non-heap stuff. Especially on
Windows, I've seen reports of non-heap memory piling up quite a bit.

Something else to note: Windows' Task Manager is a terrible tool for
memory profiling, even without regard to Java's GC/heap issues. WTM just
shows you a single number for "memory" and doesn't explain anything.
Many DLLs loaded into a process's memory space are, in fact, shared with
many other processes. For instance, win32.dll (or whatever it's called
these days) gets mapped-into practically every process that runs under
Microsoft Windows. The memory used by that DLL is proably counted
against that process in WTM, when a lot of it is really being shared by
all processes. Yes, there is a lot of process-private (and
thread-private) data, but the fact that WTM shows you only a single
number for "memory" means that you're not getting the whole story.

Hmm... I'm looking at SysInternals (yes, they've been bought but I pine
for Mark Russinovich's freedom) Process Explorer and it looks like WTM
might be giving you the "private working set" which is essentially the
memory that only that process is using. For instance, WTM reports that
firefox.exe right now is using ~575MiB. (The column explicitly says
"private working set" if I expand it enough).

Process Explorer reports:
Virtual Memory
  Private Bytes:  ~ 762MiB
  Peak Private Bytes: ~ 880MiB
  Virtual Size:   ~1108MiB

Physical Memory:
  Working Set:~ 599MiB
WS Private:   ~ 575MiB
WS Shareable: ~  23MiB
WS Shared:~  10MiB
  Peak Working Set:   ~ 835MiB

WTM has gotten a lot better since the last time I checked: you can
choose which columns to view and it has an array of memory-related data
you can display.

So, maybe WTM is giving you a decent measure of what memory is actually
being used by that process, specifically.

Anyhow, you have to realize that virtual machines are complex beasts and
that there's more going on that your own code running inside that VM.

Other than the surprising realization that a 512MiB heap yields a 600MiB
process, is there a particular problem with the difference, here?

- -chris
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Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-26 Thread Hüsnü Þentürk
As far as I know, heap memory is used by objects. On the other hand, our 
application has static variables and references to the objects residing in heap 
area. Does it mean, static variables and references of our application are 
stored outside of reserved 512MB area? Or, the memory outside of 512MB reserved 
heap area used only by Java itself?


From: Peter Crowther 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 5:43:22 PM
Subject: Re: tomcat memory usage

2010/1/26 Hüsnü Þentürk 

> Hi,
> In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined
> jvm parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is
> using 600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512
> MB.
> Can you explain me, the reason of this stuation.
> You are setting the memory that Java uses to store heap objects.  That is
not the only memory Java uses.  Other uses include:
- The JVM code itself;
- Native code stacks per-thread;
- Native objects such as sockets and threads;
- Any loaded DLLs.

You have no direct way of controlling the size of any of these.  If you want
to reduce Java's memory usage, you can reduce its heap space after
monitoring what the process' overheads are.

- Peter


Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-26 Thread Peter Crowther
2010/1/26 Hüsnü Þentürk 

> Hi,
> In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined
> jvm parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is
> using 600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512
> MB.
> Can you explain me, the reason of this stuation.
> You are setting the memory that Java uses to store heap objects.  That is
not the only memory Java uses.  Other uses include:
- The JVM code itself;
- Native code stacks per-thread;
- Native objects such as sockets and threads;
- Any loaded DLLs.

You have no direct way of controlling the size of any of these.  If you want
to reduce Java's memory usage, you can reduce its heap space after
monitoring what the process' overheads are.

- Peter

Re: tomcat memory usage

2010-01-26 Thread Pid

On 26/01/2010 15:12, Hüsnü Þentürk wrote:

In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined jvm 
parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is using 
600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512 MB.

Can you explain me, the reason of this stuation.

Assuming they're actually working, those settings only govern the size 
of the heap.  The JVM uses memory for things that are not part of the heap.


Server version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
Server built:   May 14 2009 01:13:50
Server number:
OS Name:Windows 2003
OS Version: 5.2
Architecture:   x86
JVM Version:1.5.0_04-b05
JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.


Husnu Senturk

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tomcat memory usage

2010-01-26 Thread Hüsnü Þentürk
In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined jvm 
parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is using 
600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512 MB. 

Can you explain me, the reason of this stuation.

Server version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
Server built:   May 14 2009 01:13:50
Server number:
OS Name:    Windows 2003
OS Version: 5.2
Architecture:   x86
JVM Version:    1.5.0_04-b05
JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.


Husnu Senturk


Re: pump up memory usage

2009-08-21 Thread Ronald Klop

Very well,

I just tried to inspire someone on how to 'pump up memory usage'. It wasn't 
about the details.

In fact: one line of code doesn't compile without a class and method 
declaration. So you could have mailed me a java-for-beginners manual. :-)



Op woensdag, 19 augustus 2009 22:49 schreef Christopher Schultz 

Hash: SHA1


On 8/19/2009 5:32 AM, Ronald Klop wrote:
> byte[] b = new byte[100];

Java limits arrays to 2147483648 elements, so the above shouldn't even
compile (and it doesn't for me).

Section 2.15.4 of the JLS says:

A component of an array is accessed using an array access expression.
Arrays may be indexed by int values; short, byte, or char values may
also be used as they are subjected to unary numeric promotion (§2.6.10)
and become int values.

Integer.MAX_VALUE is 2147483647 so the largest array you can allocate
will actually have 2147483647 elements (and not 2147483648).

- -chris
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Re: pump up memory usage

2009-08-19 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


On 8/19/2009 5:32 AM, Ronald Klop wrote:
> byte[] b = new byte[100];

Java limits arrays to 2147483648 elements, so the above shouldn't even
compile (and it doesn't for me).

Section 2.15.4 of the JLS says:

A component of an array is accessed using an array access expression.
Arrays may be indexed by int values; short, byte, or char values may
also be used as they are subjected to unary numeric promotion (§2.6.10)
and become int values.

Integer.MAX_VALUE is 2147483647 so the largest array you can allocate
will actually have 2147483647 elements (and not 2147483648).

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: pump up memory usage

2009-08-19 Thread Ronald Klop

byte[] b = new byte[100];

Op woensdag, 19 augustus 2009 10:51 schreef "Thomas G. Lau" 

Dear Tomcat Users,

how could I pump up memory usage on tomcat? we want to test if tomcat having 
any problem when changed environment from 32 bit 2GB limitation to 64bit larger 
 memory limitation mode. Thanks.

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pump up memory usage

2009-08-19 Thread Thomas G. Lau

Dear Tomcat Users,

how could I pump up memory usage on tomcat? we want to test if tomcat 
having any problem when changed environment from 32 bit 2GB limitation 
to 64bit larger  memory limitation mode. Thanks.

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Re: Auto Session Creation and memory usage

2008-07-24 Thread Markus Schönhaber
Jacob Rhoden wrote:

> I am working on creating some more scalable tomcat applications. I have
> addedd a SessionListener and it seems that hitting a jsp page triggers a
> session to be created.
> If there are 1000 users and only 10 are signed in, I dont think 1000
> sessions need to be created yes. How do I turn off auto session 
> creation, or is this impossible.
> (Google has not been my friend in this regard, do people not think about
> this sort of thing?)

I'd consider it very likely that people actually do think about this
sort of thing. And that they set session="false" in the JSP page
directive if they don't want a session to be created.


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Auto Session Creation and memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread Jacob Rhoden

Hi Guys,

I am working on creating some more scalable tomcat applications. I have
addedd a SessionListener and it seems that hitting a jsp page triggers a
session to be created.

If there are 1000 users and only 10 are signed in, I dont think 1000
sessions need to be created yes. How do I turn off auto session 
creation, or is this impossible.

(Google has not been my friend in this regard, do people not think about
this sort of thing?)


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Re: Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23

2008-07-04 Thread karthikn


java on UNIX by default  starts in 32 bit mode

to run java  in 64 bit mode , java -d64 is specified

so for TOMCAT on 

HOW TO  for JAVA_HOME  in 64 bit ?

with regards

Mark Thomas wrote:

karthikn wrote:


Please need this Information

Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23 on  32 / 64 bit Java Version ?



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Re: Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23

2008-07-04 Thread Mark Thomas

karthikn wrote:


Please need this Information

Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23 on  32 / 64 bit Java Version ?



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Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23

2008-07-04 Thread karthikn


Please need this Information

Memory Usage Differ for same TOMCAT5.5.23 on  32 / 64 bit Java Version ?

with regards

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RE: Memory usage in Tomcat 6

2008-06-17 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Billy Ng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Memory usage in Tomcat 6
> Changing the -Xmsm and -Xmxm in the tomcatw.exe

That's tomcat6w.exe, not tomcatw.exe.

> If you still have problem, there must be some huge
> objects created from time to time.

It can also be PermGen space (classes) that is full, rather than the normal 
heap.  Other resource exhaustion (e.g., file handles) can also cause OOMEs on 

> You need to use tool like figure it out.

Yes, a profiler - or even JConsole - is very useful here.

 - Chuck

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Re: Memory usage in Tomcat 6

2008-06-17 Thread Billy Ng
9 out of 10 are the heap size problem.  Changing the -Xmsm and -Xmxm 
in the tomcatw.exe if you are using Windows.  On the 32-bit Windows, you can 
only allocate 1.2 GB max.  If you still have problem, check all the static 
vars to see any objects are growing forever.  If you still have problem, 
there must be some huge objects created from time to time.  You need to use 
tool like figure it out.

Billy Ng

- Original Message - 
From: "Tuan Quan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 9:11 AM
Subject: Memory usage in Tomcat 6

Hi all, how do I adjust Memory allocation Tomcat 6, running as service in 
Windows? I ran into "out of memory" error.

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RE: Memory usage in Tomcat 6

2008-06-16 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Tuan Quan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Memory usage in Tomcat 6
> Hi all, how do I adjust Memory allocation Tomcat 6, running
> as service in Windows?

Use the tomcat6w.exe program in Tomcat's bin directory.

Read the FAQ for memory usage information:

JConsole (part of the HotSpot JVM SDK) is a good tool for monitoring memory 
usage on the fly.

 - Chuck

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Memory usage in Tomcat 6

2008-06-16 Thread Tuan Quan
Hi all, how do I adjust Memory allocation Tomcat 6, running as service in 
Windows? I ran into "out of memory" error.

Re: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-13 Thread tootbatoot

thanks Chris - the reason we are tied to j2sdk 1.4.2_12 is because it is
recommended by the the packaged webapp - we are customiznig it and we have
experienced major minor version issues when we try to deploy our customized
code with the packaged webapp.

in short

package s/w is done using j2sdk1.4.2_12 
our custom layer ontop of it has to stick to that


Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> tootbatoot,
> tootbatoot wrote:
> | Hi Thanks. the two applications run on their own and don't share jvm
> so I can
> | use different versions - but the webapp I have deployed in tomcat server
> | requires it to be either on 5.0.28 or 5.5.17 (but using j2sdk1.4.2_12)
> - - we
> | are using 5.0.28.
> Okay. That doesn't seem to be a problem.
> | thanks for clarifying the behavior of memory - do you see any
> performance
> | gains if I switch to 5.5.17 from 5.0.28.
> My understanding is that TC 5.5 has a better architecture, which I
> assume means that certain performance characteristics will be better,
> but the #1 reason to move from TC 5.0 to TC 5.5 is that TC 5.0 is no
> longer supported. Not even security patches. You should upgrade so that
> you will be running a version of TC supported by the developers /and/
> the community.
> | the only problem I have on my end
> | i that I have to use plugin for 5.5.17 for backward compatibility to
> | j2sdk1.4.2_12.
> That's not a problem. The compatibility package was developed just for
> that reason. again... why are you bound to a 1.4 JVM?
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> MlwAoKf1sUEZmjLKuJA8OMAO6Ic6d3HY
> =F75G
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Re: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hash: SHA1


tootbatoot wrote:
| Hi Thanks. the two applications run on their own and don't share jvm
so I can
| use different versions - but the webapp I have deployed in tomcat server
| requires it to be either on 5.0.28 or 5.5.17 (but using j2sdk1.4.2_12)
- - we
| are using 5.0.28.

Okay. That doesn't seem to be a problem.

| thanks for clarifying the behavior of memory - do you see any performance
| gains if I switch to 5.5.17 from 5.0.28.

My understanding is that TC 5.5 has a better architecture, which I
assume means that certain performance characteristics will be better,
but the #1 reason to move from TC 5.0 to TC 5.5 is that TC 5.0 is no
longer supported. Not even security patches. You should upgrade so that
you will be running a version of TC supported by the developers /and/
the community.

| the only problem I have on my end
| i that I have to use plugin for 5.5.17 for backward compatibility to
| j2sdk1.4.2_12.

That's not a problem. The compatibility package was developed just for
that reason. again... why are you bound to a 1.4 JVM?

- -chris
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Re: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-13 Thread tootbatoot

Hi Thanks. the two applications run on their own and don't share jvm so I can
use different versions - but the webapp I have deployed in tomcat server
requires it to be either on 5.0.28 or 5.5.17 (but using j2sdk1.4.2_12) - we
are using 5.0.28.

thanks for clarifying the behavior of memory - do you see any performance
gains if I switch to 5.5.17 from 5.0.28 . the only problem I have on my end
i that I have to use plugin for 5.5.17 for backward compatibility to


Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> tootbatoot wrote:
> | The reason we have to stick to using this version is that it is
> recommended
> | by another application that tomcat is acting as a client to.
> Do you mean that your (Tomcat-hosted) application is connecting to a
> 3rd-party application? If they are not running in the same JVM, there
> should be no reason that different JVM versions cannot be used. The
> 3rd-party can use whatever they want (1.4?) while you run a newer version.
> | From your posts - I understand that the memory usage might show going
> up all
> | the time - and it will still be ok because it is showing the heap size
> of
> | jvm.
> Yes. The JVM generally does not request memory from the OS and then give
> it back, later. The JVM's memory usage for the Java heap (from the OS's
> perspective) will only increase.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> H9sAnRCXFHnikaIHkCb+Epj3FRj3q00M
> =w52N
> -
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Re: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hash: SHA1

tootbatoot wrote:
| The reason we have to stick to using this version is that it is
| by another application that tomcat is acting as a client to.

Do you mean that your (Tomcat-hosted) application is connecting to a
3rd-party application? If they are not running in the same JVM, there
should be no reason that different JVM versions cannot be used. The
3rd-party can use whatever they want (1.4?) while you run a newer version.

| From your posts - I understand that the memory usage might show going
up all
| the time - and it will still be ok because it is showing the heap size of
| jvm.

Yes. The JVM generally does not request memory from the OS and then give
it back, later. The JVM's memory usage for the Java heap (from the OS's
perspective) will only increase.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread tootbatoot


The reason we have to stick to using this version is that it is recommended
by another application that tomcat is acting as a client to.

>From your posts - I understand that the memory usage might show going up all
the time - and it will still be ok because it is showing the heap size of

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: tootbatoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection
>> jdk1.4.2_12
> I'd strongly recommend upgrading to a newer JVM.  1.6 especially is
> noticeably faster than 1.4 and includes better heap management.  You
> should upgrade Tomcat as well, for the similar reasons.
>> I am checking the numbers from task manager console and
>> not sure whether these are virtual or real ones?
> While you have the Processes tab displayed, click on the View menu, then
> Select Columns.  Pick whatever you want to look at.  The memory entries
> that don't say virtual are refer to real memory usage.
>  - Chuck
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RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection
> I'd strongly recommend upgrading to a newer JVM.  1.6
> especially is noticeably faster than 1.4 and includes better
> heap management.  You should upgrade Tomcat as well, for the
> similar reasons.

If you upgrade, you'll also have much better tools available (e.g., JConsole) 
to monitor the JVM and Tomcat.

 - Chuck

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RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: tootbatoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection
> jdk1.4.2_12

I'd strongly recommend upgrading to a newer JVM.  1.6 especially is noticeably 
faster than 1.4 and includes better heap management.  You should upgrade Tomcat 
as well, for the similar reasons.

> I am checking the numbers from task manager console and
> not sure whether these are virtual or real ones?

While you have the Processes tab displayed, click on the View menu, then Select 
Columns.  Pick whatever you want to look at.  The memory entries that don't say 
virtual are refer to real memory usage.

 - Chuck

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RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread tootbatoot

Thanks. Sorry for not including the environment info - here it is:
OS: Windows server 2003 SP1
I am checking the numbers from task manager console and not sure whether
these are virtual or real ones? how to find this, thanks.

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: tootbatoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Subject: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection
>> When I put load on it via my webapp - I can see the memory
>> allocated to the process going up (in task manager) but
>> when I kill the session of the webapp (i.e. remove the load)
>> it does not come down. Should not the tomcat process release
>> memory when there is no load ?
> In a word, no.  On most JVMs, once the virtual memory for the heap is
> allocated due to peak load, it stays allocated.  However, you didn't tell
> us if you're looking at real or virtual memory numbers; the real memory
> can fluctuate simply because the OS chooses to page some of it out.
> You also didn't bother to tell us the JDK and OS you're using (likely some
> form of Windows), and your're running on an unsupported version of Tomcat.
>  - Chuck
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> -
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RE: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: tootbatoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection
> When I put load on it via my webapp - I can see the memory
> allocated to the process going up (in task manager) but
> when I kill the session of the webapp (i.e. remove the load)
> it does not come down. Should not the tomcat process release
> memory when there is no load ?

In a word, no.  On most JVMs, once the virtual memory for the heap is allocated 
due to peak load, it stays allocated.  However, you didn't tell us if you're 
looking at real or virtual memory numbers; the real memory can fluctuate simply 
because the OS chooses to page some of it out.

You also didn't bother to tell us the JDK and OS you're using (likely some form 
of Windows), and your're running on an unsupported version of Tomcat.

 - Chuck

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Tomcat 5.0.28 memory usage - garbage collection

2008-06-12 Thread tootbatoot

Hi Guys - Can you please help me understand behavior of 5.0.28 tomcat. When I
put load on it via my webapp - I can see the memory allocated to the process
going up (in task manager) but when I kill the session of the webapp (i.e.
remove the load) it does not come down.
Should not the tomcat process release memory when there is no load ?
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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Liang Xiao Zhu wrote:
| I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the
| memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a
| Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory
| usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

I don't believe the JVM has access to this information directly. You'd
have to write your own native code to interrogate the operating system
for this information. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this
already exists somewhere.

Note that this would not be a Tomcat-specific library -- it would be
applicable in any Java program, not just a web application.

To offer a solution idea that would on the other hand be very specific 
and non-portable, but maybe usable if this is for one server and you do 
not find anything more elegant :
It must be possible in a servlet to execute a system-level command, grab 
its output and filter it to get what you want to know.
I could tell you how to do this under Apache and perl, but unfortunately 
I don't know under Tomcat and Java.  But I am sure that someone on this 
list can give us a tip.

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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread Liang Xiao Zhu

Thanks for your answer!!!

Christopher Schultz escribió:

Hash: SHA1


Liang Xiao Zhu wrote:
| I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the
| memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a
| Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory
| usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

I don't believe the JVM has access to this information directly. You'd
have to write your own native code to interrogate the operating system
for this information. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this
already exists somewhere.

Note that this would not be a Tomcat-specific library -- it would be
applicable in any Java program, not just a web application.

- -chris
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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread Liang Xiao Zhu

Can anyone help me?

Liang Xiao Zhu escribió:


I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of 
the memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a 
Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory 
usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hash: SHA1


André Warnier wrote:
| Is there some kind of general source of information, or registry or
| repository, where one could find [...] a list of already-developed
add-on modules for Tomcat?

Not really. Most of the Tomcat-specific stuff actually comes with
Tomcat. Outside of that, there are tons of tools out there that are
built for generic (servlet-spec-conforming) web applications.

A good example is url-rewrite ( which is
often mentioned on this list. It is by no means Tomcat-specific, so it
doesn't really belong on a "Tomcat Add-Ons" page. Rather, it belongs on
a "useful web application libraries" page. I can think of about 100
libraries myself that could go on that list, and there are surely
thousands more. Google is a better list keeper than anyone here would be.

| I can consult the list of add-ons at

Yes, but these are modules supplied by Apache directly. Anything that is
Tomcat-related actually comes with Tomcat (except for mod_jk, which is
easily findable on the website as well).

| when I want to know the same for perl modules, I go to
| What about Tomcat ?

Tomcat just doesn't have that kind of community infrastructure. Are you
volunteering? ;)

- -chris

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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread Christopher Schultz

Hash: SHA1


Liang Xiao Zhu wrote:
| I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the
| memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a
| Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory
| usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

I don't believe the JVM has access to this information directly. You'd
have to write your own native code to interrogate the operating system
for this information. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this
already exists somewhere.

Note that this would not be a Tomcat-specific library -- it would be
applicable in any Java program, not just a web application.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread André Warnier


May I take the opportunity and ride on the question below, to ask :
Is there some kind of general source of information, or registry or 
repository, where one could find the answer to the question below, but 
also get a list of already-developed add-on modules for Tomcat ?
I mean, when I need to find out if there already exists an add-on to 
Apache for authentication via a post-gothic chocolate cookie server, I 
can consult the list of add-ons at; and when I want to 
know the same for perl modules, I go to

What about Tomcat ?

Thanks in advance,

Liang Xiao Zhu wrote:


I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the 
memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a 
Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory 
usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

Thanks in advance

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Jconsole or JMXPROXY monitoring memory usage of the system

2008-06-11 Thread Liang Xiao Zhu


I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the 
memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a 
Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory 
usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

Thanks in advance

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RE: Setting Tomcat memory usage

2008-04-25 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Chris Richmond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Setting Tomcat memory usage
> set JAVA_OPTS = -Xms512m -Xmx512m

Take out the spaces around the equals sign.  Windows interprets the
above as a setting for "JAVA_OPTS " (note the trailing space) rather
than "JAVA_OPTS", so it will be ignored by the scripts.

 - Chuck

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Setting Tomcat memory usage

2008-04-25 Thread Chris Richmond
Hello all,


I read the documentation on the Tomcat6 site and I have attempted to modify
the max jvm memory settings when tomcat starts up by modifying Catalina.bat,
but it *appears* to have no effect.


Here is a summary of the situation and what I have done.


I am using Tomcat6 stable release, WinXP, java 1.6

I am running tomcat from zip distribution and not from an installed windows
service.  I am using the startup/shutdown .bat files to start/stop my tomcat

I have run some test code in a simple web service inside of tomcat to
determine the max memory settings for the JVM that tomcat is using.


Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();

return rt.maxMemory();


the value that gets returned : 66650112

I shutdown tomcat, and modified Catalina.bat with the following in the
JAVA_OPTS section(I included the surrounding remarks for context)


rem   JAVA_OPTS   (Optional) Java runtime options used when the "start",

rem   "stop", or "run" command is executed

set JAVA_OPTS = -Xms512m -Xmx512m


I then restarted tomcat, ran my service call above and it still returns the
same value for maxmemory from within my tomcat webservice.


>From reading the Tomcat Docs/ FAQ, and Googling I think that I am setting
what I need to set(Catalina.bat), but it seems to have no effect.


What resource am I not taking advantage of with this information, or what am
I missing to set the max memory usage in the JVM when Tomcat starts up?


Thank you for your time in reading this,



RE: Adjust max memory usage in Tomcat

2008-04-18 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Alexander Diedler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Adjust max memory usage in Tomcat
> How Can I adjust the maximum memory usage for Tomcat process?

1) Learn how to use Java.

2) Read the Tomcat FAQ.

3) Search the archives.

4) Tell us what Tomcat version.

5) Tell us what JVM version.

6) Tell us the platform you're running on.

7) Tell us how you're running Tomcat (as a service or via scripts).

 - Chuck

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Adjust max memory usage in Tomcat

2008-04-18 Thread Alexander Diedler

How Can I adjust the maximum memory usage for Tomcat process?



Alexander Diedler


RE: memory usage of specific webapp with jmx

2008-04-09 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> Subject: memory usage of specific webapp with jmx
> I hope that I can also see the size of the web application
> without writing Java code.

Nope, and probably not even by writing Java code.

> I think so because web application classes are loaded with
> WebClassLoader so the WebClassLoader can count memory size
> per application.

No, because the predominant use of memory is objects allocated on the
Java heap, which is shared by everything running in that JVM, regardless
of what loaded it.

You can remove all applications other than the one of interest, put a
load on it with whatever testing tools you use, and watch the effect on
the heap.  You could also use a profiler to see where objects are being
created, and try to tie that back to specific applications.

 - Chuck

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memory usage of specific webapp with jmx

2008-04-09 Thread sed . nivo

Can I see the memory usage of the web application  deployed in Tomcat with JMX.
By now I can connect to Tomcat with jconsole and see the summary memory size.
I hope that I can also see the size of the web application without
writing Java code.
I think so because web application classes are loaded with
WebClassLoader so the WebClassLoader
can count memory size per application.

Best regards,

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RE: memory usage increases on application stop

2008-01-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: memory usage increases on application stop
> Note that the PermSize is taken from the heap, 
> so it should be lower than max heap size.

Not true in a HotSpot JVM; the heap and PermGen settings are
independent.  The virtual space for the heap and PermGen is allocated in
one chunk, using the total of the sizes.

 - Chuck

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Re: memory usage increases on application stop

2008-01-11 Thread David Delbecq
En l'instant précis du 11/01/08 09:34, Morten Matras s'exprimait en ces 


I've deployed an application on a Tomcat 6.0 (current release). The
application is a Hibernate / Stripes application.

Almost no memory is allocated due to the deployed application.


-Xmx64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
According to memory below, those settings are not take into account, or 
you wouldn't go over about 70M total space (java heap space of 64M max + 
jvm code of a few megs). Note that the PermSize is taken from the heap, 
so it should be lower than max heap size.

Tomcat without application uses: 27,5M (real memory) and 349M (virtual
Tomcat with application uses: 133M (real memory) and 367M (Virtual memory)

Now if I stop this application (using the manager) the memory profile

Tomcat with stopped application: 128M (real memory) and 679M (virtual

So stopping the application increases the virtual memory usage from 367 to
679 m and stays there!
The increase is probably due to specific code your application executes 
when it is stopped. It seems to do memory intesive things there :) You 
have to be aware a JVM memory never decrease in terms of system memory 
size. It can only grow up to the -Xmx size. (See sun's jvm docs for 
details). To get an idea of what memory size is really available for 
your jvm, you must check the values inside the jvm (use the system 
class, or a easy to use tool like lambda probe).

If, even after a GC, memory is not release inside the java heap, then go 
check for memory leaks in your webapp.

Undeploying a stopped application doesn't change the numbers.

Why does stopping (or undeploying) a webapplication cause a dramatic
increase in memory usage?

My guesses:
 - Some ressources are not freed? (database connections)
 - Some hibernate related stuff are trapped in a circular relation circle?
 - Tomcat punishes me for stopping something it really liked :-)


-- (a belgian developer's logs)

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RE: memory usage

2008-01-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Jordi Prats [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: memory usage
> There's any way to identify witch application and witch class 
> is getting to many memory?

Read the FAQ:

> How can I get some statistics about tomcat's memory usage?

The same way you would with any other Java program - JConsole is a good
starting point, but you'll likely need a profiler.

 - Chuck

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memory usage

2008-01-11 Thread Jordi Prats

I'm getting out of memory errors on tomcat:

Mar 27, 2007 5:21:46 AM 

SEVERE: Exception invoking periodic operation:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Mar 27, 2007 5:21:52 AM unknown unknown
SEVERE: Error finishing response
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Mar 27, 2007 5:21:51 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet bitstream threw exception
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

There's any way to identify witch application and witch class is getting 
to many memory? I think that some application creates a immense array by 
never delete any data.

How can I get some statistics about tomcat's memory usage?

Many thanks!


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memory usage increases on application stop

2008-01-11 Thread Morten Matras

I've deployed an application on a Tomcat 6.0 (current release). The
application is a Hibernate / Stripes application.

Almost no memory is allocated due to the deployed application.


-Xmx64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

Tomcat without application uses: 27,5M (real memory) and 349M (virtual
Tomcat with application uses: 133M (real memory) and 367M (Virtual memory)

Now if I stop this application (using the manager) the memory profile

Tomcat with stopped application: 128M (real memory) and 679M (virtual

So stopping the application increases the virtual memory usage from 367 to
679 m and stays there!

Undeploying a stopped application doesn't change the numbers.

Why does stopping (or undeploying) a webapplication cause a dramatic
increase in memory usage?

My guesses:
 - Some ressources are not freed? (database connections)
 - Some hibernate related stuff are trapped in a circular relation circle?
 - Tomcat punishes me for stopping something it really liked :-)

  Morten Matras
  GAMP Media og Blob Communication ApS
  Svendsagervej 42
  5240 Odense NØ
  Tlf: 61711103

  T: 76 654321

RE: Memory usage problem

2007-12-19 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christoph Sperle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: RE: Memory usage problem
> Do you have a hint to restrict/reduce the overall process 
> memory tomcat uses.

1) Eliminate unnecessary items in server.xml (e.g., unused connectors).

2) Reduce the number of threads configured for each connector.

3) Don't deploy any unnecessary webapps (eats up file descriptors).

4) Package webapp classes into as few jars as possible (more file

5) Insure the applications aren't opening files or starting auxiliary
threads unnecessarily.

Don't know how much any of the above will help, since the impact is very
dependent on the particular OS you're using and how efficient it is at
conserving resources.

 - Chuck

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RE: Memory usage problem

2007-12-19 Thread Christoph Sperle
Thank you Chuck, you are right.

But for me, that remains a big problem (and I read about it many times
in VPS forums too): How to restrict the process size of tomcat?

If I stop tomcat and measure the free memory (on a VPS that's not easy
at all, see

Used memory = 86m

After I started tomcat (with my single webapp and heap restricted to

Used memory = 365m

That's 280m -> more as four times of the heap size restriction! I never
saw this behavior at any other java program.

Do you have a hint to restrict/reduce the overall process memory tomcat


-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007 15:42
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Memory usage problem

> From: Christoph Sperle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Memory usage problem
> As you can see, tomcat uses 138m, even though, it was start 
> up with 64m restriction (-Xmx64m).

You're confusing heap size (-Xmx) with total process space.  The total
process space includes many other things besides the JVM heap, such as
code banks, stacks, internal JVM structures, OS-related structures, etc.
Even so, 138M is pretty tiny, these days.

 - Chuck

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RE: Memory usage problem

2007-12-19 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christoph Sperle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Memory usage problem
> As you can see, tomcat uses 138m, even though, it was start 
> up with 64m restriction (-Xmx64m).

You're confusing heap size (-Xmx) with total process space.  The total
process space includes many other things besides the JVM heap, such as
code banks, stacks, internal JVM structures, OS-related structures, etc.
Even so, 138M is pretty tiny, these days.

 - Chuck

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Memory usage problem

2007-12-19 Thread Christoph Sperle
Hello all

I run tomcat on a virtual private server with very limited resources.
Therefore I want tomcat to run with very restrictive memory usage. I
tried hard to get this done, but with no success. Tomcat uses as much
memory as it wants to use, regardless of the specified startup settings.

OS: Ubuntu Server 6.10

Tomcat: 5.0.30

tomcat5 26107 0.7 3.5 341488 141492 ? Sl 08:18 3:01
/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -server -Xms48m
-Xmx64m ...

26107 tomcat5   17   0  333m 138m  16m S0  3.5   3:02.97 java

As you can see, tomcat uses 138m, even though, it was start up with 64m
restriction (-Xmx64m).

What's wrong here?

Kind regards
Christoph Sperle

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Re: Diagnosing Tomcat memory usage

2007-10-10 Thread Filip Hanik - Dev Lists

plug in a profiler,
I use, you can get memory stats, like the ones you wish 
for, live.

other profilers will do the job as well

Andrew Hole wrote:

I've an java application running under tomcat and in the last week
memory usage increase 50%, from 200M to 400M. I want to know exactly
why this happens. Some suggestion?

Thanks a lot

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Re: Diagnosing Tomcat memory usage

2007-10-10 Thread Dan Armbrust
Actually, you have no idea how much your code actually increased it.
You just think it increased 50%, because that is what the OS sees.

If you were using 190 MB of memory before, the JVM may have left your
system usage at 200 MB.

Then, when your app bumps the memory up to 201 MB, the JVM needs to
get more memory from the system.  So it typically doubles what it
currently has allocated.  Thats why you jumped from 200 to 400.

So, while your usage may have only gone up by a few MB, due to a
higher concurrent load, whatever, it looks like it doubled, because
that is how the JVM behaves.  And the JVM will never release that
memory back to the system - it will stay at 400 MB until the next time
you restart it.

If you have a leak, and a few weeks from now, you use up all of the
400 MB, the next jump will probably be 800 MB.

If you want to find out how much memory you are actually using, you
need to look inside the VM, with a tool like "jstat" (part of java).

On 10/10/07, Andrew Hole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've an java application running under tomcat and in the last week
> memory usage increase 50%, from 200M to 400M. I want to know exactly
> why this happens. Some suggestion?
> Thanks a lot
> -
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Re: Diagnosing Tomcat memory usage

2007-10-10 Thread Lyallex
Try Lambda Probe as recommended by other contributors to this list.

I'm no expert with this tool but it's straightforward to install and I
think it may help you out a bit. The System Information/Memory
Utilization thing is particularly fascinating although I don't fully
understandthe output yet.

I also used the JProbe profiller some time ago to profile a running
instance of Weblogic, it had a fantastic real time heap analysis tool
that shows you exactly what's happening at runtime ... 2 million
String objects, where the heck did they come from ? It's not free
though as far as I know.

It might help

On 10/10/07, Andrew Hole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've an java application running under tomcat and in the last week
> memory usage increase 50%, from 200M to 400M. I want to know exactly
> why this happens. Some suggestion?
> Thanks a lot
> -
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Diagnosing Tomcat memory usage

2007-10-10 Thread Andrew Hole
I've an java application running under tomcat and in the last week
memory usage increase 50%, from 200M to 400M. I want to know exactly
why this happens. Some suggestion?

Thanks a lot

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Re: Memory usage with multiple instances of tomcat

2007-08-08 Thread Peter Sparkes
Thank you Chuck and Chris for your help and advice. I will definitely be 
reading your refs Chris


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