Re: some vim syntax fixes for multi-lined commands

2012-11-14 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Alexey Radkov wrote:

Hi Charles.

Thank you!

You're welcome!

2012/11/14 Charles Campbell


BTW, I prefer direct email contact for patches rather than via the
mailing list.

Ok, sure. But i did not know whom i should address with that.
At the top of the syntax files the Maintainers (usually) include their 
email address.  Mine is there, although one has to manually remove the 
NOSPAM embedded therein.

Charles Campbell

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Re: vim.vim organization

2012-10-31 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Kartik Agaram wrote:

I notice many keywords in runtime/syntax/vim.vim are split across
multiple lines. For example, I assume all the lines beginning with
syn keyword vimCommand could logically be assumed to be a single
(very long) command. Is that accurate?

If this is correct, I'm curious if there's some pattern to how they
are organized. It seems each line is in alphabetical order. But
there's a's in each line. Is there some way to decide which line each
keyword goes to?

Or am I just over-thinking things? :)

You're likely looking at the automatically generated keyword lists; 
vimCommands are generated automatically.  The keywords are sorted in the 
usual ascending alphabetical order with 100 keywords per line.

C Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.3.633

2012-08-20 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.3.633
Problem:Selection remains displayed as selected after selecting another
Solution:   Call xterm_update() before select(). (Andrew Pimlott)
Files:  src/os_unix.c


Patch #633 appears to be missing from ...

Chip Campbell

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Re: Does it still make sense to have per-file/-type maintainers? [Was: Re: Added support for spell checking in runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim]

2012-05-18 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Ben Fritz wrote:

On Thursday, May 17, 2012 1:07:52 PM UTC-5, Thilo Six wrote:

To me absolutely yes. Obviously we will need to discuss and decide some more
details/workflows but i think the consensus is broad enough to start getting it
Are you fine with using vim-dev as our mailinglist for all runtime related


One person I'd like to see buy into the idea is Dr. Chip, who has been silent so far on 
the team maintenance issue. He maintains some of the most complicated plugin 
files in the runtime.

Chip, have you been following this thread?



I've been on vacation this week, attending my daughter's graduation from 
Emory University.

I have several concerns about this proposal:

* vim.vim : there's a large block of code that I generate automatically 
in syntax/vim.vim.  Any changes made in that block of code, which is 
marked in the syntax file, will be wiped out whenever I make an update 

* sh.vim : by default it supports borne shell; most (including myself) 
use either Korn/Posix or Bash.  In my experience there's been a lot of 
narrowmindedness on this; folks use bash and complain that its not 
supporting bash by default, and those using Korn/Posix complain that its 
not supporting Korn/Posix by default.  I've left it at Borne to 
encourage people to make a choice.  There is a potential issue with 
maintainers imposing their view about the default.

* tex.vim : I am trying to keep out package support.  There are 
thousands if not tens of thousands of packages supporting various 
optional features in LaTeX; it is impractical to expect vim's 
syntax/tex.vim to support them all (and they may not even co-exist 
properly).  syntax/tex.vim is already quite large enough without lots of 
package support.  I've encouraged users to write 
after/syntax/tex/pkgname.vim files to support their packages, and to 
post them on  I can foresee that we'll have maintainers 
imposing their package support into syntax/tex.vim, which is a potential 
problem of this approach.

Well, I need to get some gas for my lawnmower.

See you!
Chip Campbell

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Re: [MPF] runtimefiles cpo+=l save

2012-02-08 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Thilo Six wrote:



,[ :h syn-pattern   ]-
Syntax patterns are always interpreted like the 'magic' option is set,
no matter what the actual value of 'magic' is.  And the patterns are
interpreted like the 'l' flag is not included in 'cpoptions'.  This
was done to make syntax files portable and independent of 'compatible'
and 'magic' settings.

-- snip  --


  :put = \abc\tdef\
  :set cpo+=l
  :syn match Test /c[\t]d/
  :hi link Test StatusLine
   I can see highlighted text
  E486: Pattern not found: c[\t]d


-- snip  --

,[  src/syntax.c  ]---

 /* Make 'cpoptions' empty, to avoid the 'l' flag */
 cpo_save = p_cpo;
 p_cpo = (char_u *);
 ci-sp_prog = vim_regcomp(ci-sp_pattern, RE_MAGIC);
 p_cpo = cpo_save;


Bram i do not speak any C but to me it seems that something like this should be
doable without great afford to cover all runtime files, too.
IIRC when we have discussed this topic here last year it had been suggested to
use a function to fix it once for all. Can't something like this be used to a
broader scope, too?

The exceptions for syntax files are (without having tested) likely to 
apply to the user's syntax files, too ($HOME/.vim/syntax, etc).
Applying this exception to plugins would, for consistency, also apply to 
user-written plugins, and so vim would not behave in the manner to which 
some users are accustomed.  Also, making such a change might break 
user-written, personal plugins.

What I'd like to see is something akin to

  (optional plugin author state modifications (settings) here)

The problem here is when a plugin does something (like return, exit on 
error, etc) and doesn't do the vimstatepop().  Thus, vimstatepush() and 
vimstatepop() could be done automatically by vim (instead of explicitly 
by plugin authors).

And, while I'm at it: I'd like beval to be a local rather than global.

Chip Campbell

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Re: cpo-=l full list

2011-12-27 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Thilo Six wrote:

Taylor Hedberg wrote the following on 25.12.2011 05:20

Hello Charles,


Charles E Campbell Jr, Sat 2011-12-24 @ 22:11:31-0500:

If I may repeat myself, what advantage does
   set cpo-=a cpo-=A
have over
   set cpo-=aA

 From `:help :set-=`:

When the option is a list of flags, {value} must be
exactly as they appear in the option.  Remove flags
one by one to avoid problems.

Removing the flags individually is guaranteed to work regardless of the
order and position in which the flags appear in the option string. This
is not true if you remove them in combination.

Thank you Taylor that i exactly what i thought of.

Charles here is a example:
:set cpo?
:set cpo-=aA

so far so good. Now lets have a crazy user shuffling things around:
:set cpo?
cpoptions=ABFacespretty much default, just different order
:set cpo-=aA
:set cpo?
:set cpo-=a
:set cpo-=A
:set cpo?

OK, I'll include the change.

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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Re: cpo-=l full list

2011-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Thilo Six wrote:

just an status update.


~/build/vim/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim  2011-12-10
s:cpo-=aA:cpo-=a cpo-=A:

If I may repeat myself, what advantage does
  set cpo-=a cpo-=A
have over
  set cpo-=aA

Chip Campbell

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Re: manpageview rating dive

2011-09-01 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011, Charles Campbell wrote:


Charles Campbell wrote:


I recently checked my plugins' ratings:

08/09/11 script  677/279/10776: Manpageview.vim
08/31/11 script -133/1094/10866: Manpageview.vim

This seems like an odd thing -- is this preparation for a general
bombing of plugins' ratings?

I should explain this a bit more.  The rating for Manpageview on
August 9, 2011 was 677, with 279 people having rated it, and 10776
having downloaded it.
On August 31, 2011, the rating was -133, 1094 people having rated it,
and 10866 having downloaded it.

It is odd that Manpageview received -810 in karma when there were only
90 additional downloaders over that time period.  Did irc have a
anti-Chip attack?  Is someone testing a bot to destroy  multiple
plugins' ratings?

Can't find it currently, but someone mentioned in the not-so-distant
past that some search engine(s) grabbed the down-vote URL when crawling  In this case, googling: inurl:unfulfilling

(where 'unfulfilling' is the 'rating' value for a down-vote) comes up
with exactly one result for me:

ManPageView - Viewer for manpages, gnu info, perldoc, and php …

With the link: (...'s to prevent clicking)


And I may have accidentally just downvoted it myself, by hovering over
the result (which pops up a preview).

Seems like the ratings should only use $_POST (PHP var), but they appear
to be using $_GET, too.

Nice bit of sleuthing!  So perhaps the large downvoting is due to bots 
such as google, yahoo, bing, etc., and I suppose Manpageview can expect 
a continuing more-of-the-same.

Bram: any chance that this situation can be fixed?


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Re: a problem with syntax highlighting in regexp.c

2011-07-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Ben Schmidt wrote:

I extracted a couple of lines from regexp.c (143,144): (vim 7.3.244)

#define BRANCH 3 /* node Match this alternative, or the
* next... */

and put them in a file junk.c. Then

vim -u NONE -N --noplugin junk.c
:syn on

shows the comment-ending pair of characters, */, in error highlighting.

No problem for me with Vim 7.3.219 and an updated syntax/c.vim which
hasn't made it into the official runtimes yet.

FYI: I found this due to my looking at line 2045, (2044,2045)

No problems around that area for me either.

So, if it's a bug, it's a new one!
Well, a strange situation (its doing the same thing on my home computer, 
too, which is 7.3.244, although I'm about to update it)

Chip Campbell

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Re: Syntax highlighting unreasonable lags

2011-05-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Дмитрий Франк wrote:


I very like Vim, thank you, but there's one thing in Vim that i really 

I often use rather old notebook with processor Pentium M 1.6 GHz, and 
when i use Vim on it, i can't normally edit files *.vim and *.php : 
syntax highlighting for these filetypes is VERY SLOW.

And i'm sure that 1.6 GHz is pretty enough for syntax highlighting. 
Some IDEs and just editors i tested works fine: SlickEdit, UltraEdit, 
PHP Expert Editor.

I tested Vim both on Windows and Linux: lags the same. And other 
editors works fine.
And this is Vim! Vim was always positioned as extremely fast editor, 
when compared with IDEs. But there's fact: IDE works fast, Vim is 
slow, on the same hardware.

I believe that Vim handles syntax highlighting not in the best 
possible manner. I have to turn syntax off while editing *.vim and 
*.php files on this machine, and i very don't like this.

I have two questions:
1) Do you have plans to improve syntax highlight handling, to make it 
2) Is there maybe simplified syntax files for *.vim and/or *.php 
files? Or any other way to solve this trouble without turning syntax off?

You could try simplifying the syntax files yourself. The slowest 
portion of syntax highlighting involves syn match ... and syn region 
...; ie. regular expression handling. To speed things up:

a) copy a system version of the syntax file you're interested in to your 
home directory; ie. to $HOME/.vim/syntax or something like that.
b) Remove all lines from your personal copy that have syn match ... 
and syn region in them, leaving only syn keyword .. lines to do the 
syntax highlighting.

Although this operation will not produce the same highlighting as the 
unaltered files, and won't support syntax-based folding, I would expect 
it to produce faster syntax highlighting.

As an easier item: look into :help syn-sync . Perhaps you can reduce 

Syntax highlighting is known to be slow for loong lines. Try 
breaking any long lines up a bit (ie. those 100 characters in the line, 
as a rough criterion).

BTW, your 1.6GHz machine should be fine with syntax highlighting as-is. 
Is it still too slow if you...

vim -u NONE somefile.vim
:set nocp
:syn on

I'm wondering if your slowdown is due to something other than just 
syntax highlighting. This method of startup is barebones; no plugins, no 
.vimrc, pretty much just syntax highlighting.

Chip Campbell

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Re: [bug][w32][netrw] doesn't autochange to the current working dir in netrw buffer

2011-04-12 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Yue Wu wrote:

How to reproduce:

:e c:/

then enter any subdirectory in netrw buffer withenter, then :pwd print
current working directory, vim still says c:/ it is.

gvim is got from vim offical site, OS is windows 2000.



See if  :he netrw_keepdir  helps.  (the default behavior follows that of 
the 6.x explorer)

Chip Campbell

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Re: [bug][w32][netrw] doesn't autochange to the current working dir in netrw buffer

2011-04-12 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Yue Wu wrote:

Thanks, that's it. I think it should be on by default for convenience,
what do you think?

I do, too, and that option is used in my own .vimrc.   While developing 
netrw's browser capability, that's how I had it.  However, I caught 
grief about it from those wedded to 6.x's explorer's behavior.  So, at 
least there's an option for it!

Chip Campbell

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Re: [patch] match does not Conceal items

2011-04-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Christian Brabandt wrote:

Hi Bram!

On So, 10 Apr 2011, Bram Moolenaar wrote:


Can you explain what the effect is?

Basically, I wanted to create a plugin that uses concealing for
something like vertical folding.

Perhaps you could look into foldcol.vim and see if that does what you 
want:  It 
uses syntax rather than match, with the limitations thereof.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Color Support for :! and :Shell system command execution

2011-03-22 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Will Gray (graywh) wrote:

On Mar 22, 1:27 pm, Charles

Perhaps the AnsiEsc plugin which colorizes text according to ansi escape
sequences does what you want; you can get the plugin from:  (stable)

He's asking about GVim's built-in dumb terminal, not a buffer.

He should be able to redirect the output to a buffer.

Chip Campbell

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Re: editing DCL

2010-12-17 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Samuel Ferencik wrote:


DCL is a scripting language for OpenVMS, whose lines of code must all 
start with a $.

Here is a code excerpt (from

|||$   on warning then goto nopriv
$   set on
$   set process/privilege=(sysnam,sysprv)

$   write sys$output Required privs: SYSNAM, SYSPRV
$   status = 36
$   goto exit
$   set process/privilege=(nosysnam,nosysprv)

$   exit status + (0 * f$verify (old_verify))

Is there any clever way that the following features could work with 
this kind of code?

1) dap (delete a paragraph): this currently deletes the whole source 
file - because there are no empty lines between paragraphs (an empty 
line must contain at least the $)

2)  (indent a line): this indents the leading $ as well as the rest 
of the line; instead, the dollar should stay in column 1, and only the 
rest of the line should be indented

3) J (join lines); gqq (format the line): if multiple lines become one 
line, or vice versa, the dollars are not removed/inserted as they 
should be

What I have come up with so far is using 'comments':
:set comments=:$
This at least puts the $ sign on each new line.
I suppose you could have a pair of maps; one of which removes all the 
leading $s, and the other would put them back:

map F4 :%s/^\$//e
map s-F4 :%s/^/$/e

Furthermore, you could automate this if you're confident enough in their 

au BufRead  * if ft =~ dcl | :%s/^\$//e|endif
au  BufWrite * if ft =~ dcl|:s/^/$/e|endif

You might wish to put these into a .vim/ftplugin/dcl.vim file (I'd have 
to guess at the actual OpenVMS directory, perhaps 
[wherever.vimfiles.ftplugin]dcl.vim ?).

Of course, these are untested.

Chip Campbell

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Re: saveas - loads ft plugin - changes dir - wrong filename problem

2010-11-15 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

frabjous wrote:

Hi all,

I'm here to report what looks like a bug to me. Hopefully I'm not
wasting your time.

Here are the conditions.

1. Edit a blank file with no ft set (and hence no filetype plugins

2. Attempt to save the file with an extension which causes a filetype
plugin to be loaded. (It seems to help if the filename chosen has
slashes in it for directories.)

3. The plugin in question must be one that changes the active
directory (through a command like `lcd %:p:r` or `set autochdir`).

4. Then rather than saving the file with the filename specified in
step 2, it saves the file under a seemingly random name, often using
what appears to be a line of code from the plugin as if it were the
filename (though not the same line as mentioned in line 3).

Anyway, I've recorded an animated .gif of the apparent bug in action,
which you can view here:

You can see the file is being saved with a very strange filename, and
not all the one specified.

I'm using 7.3 on Arch Linux (x86_64).
I tried creating an empty file via :enew, saving it to /tmp/junk.tex, 
and that went as one would expect it should.  I think that you need to 
track down which ftplugin is giving you problems.  Given that you have 
what appears to be a line of text from it, perhaps you could do a search 
for that text and locate where that text came from -- perhaps that 
ftplugin is the one causing problems.  Disable it (mv whatever.vim 
whatever.vvim) and try it out.   If it the process still results in 
problems, then try disabling more ftplugins until you find your culprit.

Alternatively, t may well be an unfortunate interaction with settings 
you may have, so try using

 vim -u NONE -N
 :set nocp
 :filetype plugin on
 :w /tmp/junk.tex

and see if that creates your unwanted filename.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.3.050

2010-11-05 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.3.050
Problem:The link script is clumsy.
Solution:   Use the --as-needed linker option if available. (Kirill A.
Files:  src/Makefile, src/auto/configure, src/,
src/, src/

On a Centos 5.2 system at work, patches 48-50 compiled and linked just 
fine.  However, on my home computer with Fedora Core 11, its failing: $LINK_AS_NEEDED set to 'yes': invoking linker directly.
 gcc   -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--as-needed -o vim objects/buffer.o 
objects/blowfish.o objects/charset.o objects/diff.o objects/digraph.o 
objects/edit.o objects/eval.o objects/ex_cmds.o objects/ex_cmds2.o 
objects/ex_docmd.o objects/ex_eval.o objects/ex_getln.o objects/fileio.o 
objects/fold.o objects/getchar.o objects/hardcopy.o objects/hashtab.o  
objects/if_cscope.o objects/if_xcmdsrv.o objects/main.o objects/mark.o 
objects/memfile.o objects/memline.o objects/menu.o objects/message.o 
objects/misc1.o objects/misc2.o objects/move.o objects/mbyte.o 
objects/normal.o objects/ops.o objects/option.o objects/os_unix.o 
objects/pathdef.o objects/popupmnu.o objects/quickfix.o objects/regexp.o 
objects/screen.o objects/search.o objects/sha256.o objects/spell.o 
objects/syntax.o  objects/tag.o objects/term.o objects/ui.o 
objects/undo.o objects/window.o objects/gui.o objects/gui_gtk.o 
objects/gui_gtk_x11.o objects/pty.o objects/gui_gtk_f.o 
objects/gui_beval.oobjects/if_python.o objects/py_config.o  
objects/netbeans.o  objects/version.o   -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 
-latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 
-lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 
-lglib-2.0   -lSM -lICE -lXpm -lXt -lX11 -lXdmcp -lSM -lICE -lm 
-lncurses -lelf -lnsl  -lselinux  -lacl -lattr -lgpm 
-L/usr/lib64/python2.6/config -lpython2.6 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm 
-Xlinker -export-dynamic
objects/term.o: In function `set_termname':

/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1696: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1699: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1702: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1705: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1708: undefined reference to `tgetflag'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1731: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1733: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1740: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1743: undefined reference to `BC'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1744: undefined reference to `UP'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:1747: undefined reference to `PC'
objects/term.o: In function `tgetent_error':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2158: undefined reference to `tgetent'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2168: undefined reference to `tgetent'
objects/term.o: In function `vim_tgetstr':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2195: undefined reference to `tgetstr'
objects/term.o: In function `getlinecol':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2219: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2221: undefined reference to `tgetnum'
objects/term.o: In function `out_str':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2662: undefined reference to `tputs'
objects/term.o: In function `term_windgoto':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2682: undefined reference to `tgoto'
objects/term.o: In function `term_cursor_right':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2689: undefined reference to `tgoto'
objects/term.o: In function `term_append_lines':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2696: undefined reference to `tgoto'
objects/term.o: In function `term_delete_lines':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2703: undefined reference to `tgoto'
objects/term.o: In function `term_set_winpos':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2717: undefined reference to `tgoto'
objects/term.o:/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:2725: more undefined 
references to `tgoto' follow

objects/term.o: In function `clear_termcodes':
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:3563: undefined reference to `BC'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:3564: undefined reference to `UP'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:3565: undefined reference to `PC'
/home/cec/.SW/VIM/vim73/src/term.c:3566: undefined reference to `ospeed'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Linking failed
gmake: *** [vim] Error 1

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.3.024

2010-10-13 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.3.024
Problem:Named signs do not use a negative number as intended.
Solution:   Fix the numbering of named signs. (Xavier de Gaye)
Files:  src/ex_cmds.c


This patch is causing vanishing signs syndrome.  Here's a test procedure:

When in .../vim73/src,
./vim -g -N -u NONE -S tst.vim

where  tst.vim is:

e! main.c
sign define TestSign icon=../pixmaps/tb_close.xpm
sign place 1234 line=169 name=TestSign file=main.c

With vim 7.3.1-23, the tb_close.xpm icon shows up on line 169 of main.c .
With vim 7.3.1-24, a plain block is placed there instead.

Chip Campbell

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Re: sort bug?

2010-10-13 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bee wrote:

sort bug?

vim 7.3.27 Linux
vim 7.3.21 Mac 10.4.11

Select the lines between the rules (including the blank lines) and
','sort n

xxx yyy: 0
xxx yyy: 1
xxx yyy: 2
xxx yyy: 3
xxx yyy: 4

xxx yyy: 5
xxx yyy: 6
xxx yyy: 7
xxx yyy: 8
xxx yyy: 9


The result is:

xxx yyy: 0

xxx yyy: 1
xxx yyy: 2
xxx yyy: 3
xxx yyy: 4
xxx yyy: 5
xxx yyy: 6
xxx yyy: 7
xxx yyy: 8
xxx yyy: 9

I would expect this and it is what I get when using the shell:
','!sort -n


xxx yyy: 0
xxx yyy: 1
xxx yyy: 2
xxx yyy: 3
xxx yyy: 4
xxx yyy: 5
xxx yyy: 6
xxx yyy: 7
xxx yyy: 8
xxx yyy: 9

I tried your example and was unable to duplicate the problem.  Have you 
tried putting this in a file, say sort.test:

vim -u NONE -N sort.test

I tried that, and I tried using V and selecting all the lines, and each 
time I got the I would expect this... result.

Chip Campbell

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Re: make -f make_cyg.mak with vim 7.3

2010-08-28 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Christian J. Robinson wrote:

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

gcc: The -mno_cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw targeted 

on the first file it tries to compile (blowfish.o), and, sad to say, 
no gvim.exe .

I had to edit Make_cyg.mak to use gcc-3 instead of just gcc, plus add 
-L/lib/w32api to EXTRA_LIBS.  I mentioned this on this list during the 
7.3 development, and Bram added this to the commentary at the top of 

I had to tweak GvimExt/Make_ming.mak more extensively, which is called 
by Make_cyg.mak.

As far as I can tell, Cygwin doesn't come with MinGW.  It has some 
MinGW stuff, but I can't find an actual MinGW compiler.
Thank you, Christian!  I'd given up and gotten the pre-built Windows 
version from that Bram had built.  I confess that I didn't 
even know about gcc-3.

Chip Campbell

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make -f make_cyg.mak with vim 7.3

2010-08-27 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr


I usually build vim myself with cygwin + make -f make_cyg.mak .  
However, I'm getting a message

gcc: The -mno_cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw targeted 

on the first file it tries to compile (blowfish.o), and, sad to say, no 
gvim.exe .

Chip Campbell

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Re: make -f make_cyg.mak with vim 7.3

2010-08-27 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:


I usually build vim myself with cygwin + make -f make_cyg.mak .  
However, I'm getting a message

gcc: The -mno_cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw targeted 

on the first file it tries to compile (blowfish.o), and, sad to say, 
no gvim.exe .
I read in make_cyg.mak a suggestion to try make_ming.mak, so here's my 

errors about no definition for _MAX_PATH.  I added  _MAX_PATH=1024 to 

Next problem: conflicting types for gettimeofday (main.c:3326 vs 
time.h:74).  Interim solution: #if  0 ... #endif around gettimeofday 
in main.c  .  Of course, I don't know yet if it'll link.

Next problem: netbeans.c:204 storage size of 'server' isn't known .  
There are more errors, too; attempting disabling netbeans.

Next problem: xxd still uses Make_cyg.mak, which in turn complains 
about -mno_cygwin.

Next problem: lots of undefined references.

Here's my list of undefined references: (attempted to build gvim.exe)

gobj/os_win32.o:os_win32.c:(.text+0x43c): undefined reference to `_wcsicmp'
gobj/os_win32.o:os_win32.c:(.text+0x617): undefined reference to `__wfopen'
gobj/os_win32.o:os_win32.c:(.text+0x6b5): undefined reference to `__wopen'
gobj/os_mswin.o:os_mswin.c:(.text+0x913): undefined reference to 

gobj/os_mswin.o:os_mswin.c:(.text+0x20af): undefined reference to `__wstat'
gobj/os_mswin.o:os_mswin.c:(.text+0x2178): undefined reference to `__wchdir'
gobj/os_mswin.o:os_mswin.c:(.text+0x2b83): undefined reference to 
gobj/if_cscope.o:if_cscope.c:(.text+0x1e37): undefined reference to 
gobj/if_cscope.o:if_cscope.c:(.text+0x1e7c): undefined reference to 

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [gvim.exe] Error 1

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Re: Multiple conceals collapse to single character

2010-07-22 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Charles Campbell wrote:


I tried the following trick:

syn match texGreek '\\alpha\' contained conceal cchar=á nextgroup=texGreek2
syn match texGreek2 '\\alpha\' contained conceal cchar=á nextgroup=texGreek

So $\alpha\alpha$ has the first \alpha as texGreek, and the second one 
as texGreek2 . Unfortunately, although the syntax highlighting treated 
the two differently, the conceal code still merges the two, using only 
the one á instead of what I'd hoped (áá).

Makes sense.  We can get the ID of the syntax item, and use a change in
that as a signal to display the conceal character.
I have implemented that, please try it out and let us know.
If this doesn't work as intended, we should roll it back.

Soon we can't make incompatible changes, thus please let's figure out
how this should work very soon!


Hello, Bram!

I've attached a modified syntax/tex.vim which makes a start at 
supporting Greek, subscripts, and superscripts.  Its not complete:

* I haven't supported a^{b*c} for example; I'll have to try making 
regions for superscripts and for subscripts.  Probably I can do 
something about this.
* Some symbols just aren't available via utf-8; for example, Euler's 
equation:  e^{i \pi} = -1   ; there's no superscripted or subscripted 
Greek available.  (AFAIK)
* Subscripts are even more restrictive in utf-8; there's a good set of 
superscripted a-zA-W (missing the q and Q, though), but for scripts, 
only aeiou and 0-9 are available (again, AFAIK).
* I haven't begun accent support; I think utf-8 does a very good job of 
supporting accented characters, and  that's next on my  expanding list 
of things to do for syntax/tex.vim

This trick doubles the amount of syntax rules, of course, so IMHO its 
not ideal, but its working!  Thank you for the modification.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Unsubscrible vim_dev

2010-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

John Beckett wrote:

Simson Liu wrote:

I have subscrible the list with new gmail box. But I can't
unsubscrible the list with my current work mail box. I have
sent the the empty mail message
many times, but have no any effect.

So other managers don't have to look, I have done the unsubscribe.

But what if he didn't want to unsubscribe, but wanted to unscribble?  :)

Chip Campbell

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Re: mail from new wiki pages

2010-03-22 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

John Beckett wrote:

John Beckett wrote:

You can actually watch pages before they are created,
however, that's a bit exotic, so I would recommend creating
each relevant Script:xxx page then watching it.

On second thoughts, it should be pretty easy to watch the pages
that are NOT yet created, if you want that option.

In your watchlist, click the link: Edit raw watchlist

I believe you could just add lines like the following:

and then you would be notified if those pages are ever created
or edited.
Thank you, John!  I've done the watchlist thing -- as of now, no pages 
have been created by anyone, so I did need this ability.  Pretty neat.

Chip Campbell

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reply to this email with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

Re: copy a map (in order to restore it later)

2009-09-29 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
 I need to be able to create an imap for Tab when my plugin is
 toggled on, and unmap it when it is toggled off. What I would prefer
 is to restore the previous map of Tab rather than simply unmap it,
 but there is no straight-forward way to capture the existing map such
 that it can be restored later...[snip]

You could see if cecutil's SaveUserMaps() and RestoreUserMaps() 
functions that I wrote will help you.  In particular:


will save normal mode mappings for tabs (if any); the first one for 
ordinary normal-mode  maps, and the second one will append 
buffer-qualified maps for tab.  A  RestoreUserMaps(hkd) will then 
restore those maps (again, if any).  You can get a copy from my 
website: .

The hkd is a suffix used to differentiate save-map groups (ie. in 
script space, there's a s:restoreusermaps_hkd variable used).

Chip Campbell

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Re: BUG: Vimball: Extra \ in folder names with space under Windows in .VimballRecord

2009-09-28 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

KF Leong wrote:
 I am testing to use Vimball to package a plugin and when trying the
 RmVimball command, the installed plugin files are not removed.

 Looking through the .VimballRecord file, the delete() entries added
 extra backslash (\) to the folder names, thus making the delete()
 command to not delete the file.

I'll look into it!
Chip Campbell

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Re: scim_bridge_client_imcontext_set_cursor_location -- an annoying error message

2009-06-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
 On 10/06/09 21:31, Charles Campbell wrote:

 In running a not too trivial script I've written, I keep getting
 messages of the following sort (even when the script is quiescent, ie.
 after its opened its 8 windows):
   (Centos 5.2/Linux/gtk)

 CALC/ xorn? An IOException occurred at
 scim_bridge_client_imcontext_set_cursor_location ()
 An IOException occurred at

 I don't remember ever having seen those messages on my system, but scim 
 is one possible XIM; it has settings for a lot of languages (including 
 English (American)!). Are you sure your Input Method settings are 
 correct? Or at least that they won't cause you trouble if you aren't 
 aware that an IM is running? You may want to check the settings by 
 clicking right, then SCIM setup, on the keyboard-like icon in the 
 system tray (or at least that's what it looks like to me on my KDE3 

 In Vim, you may want to

   :setlocal imi=0 ims=-1

 in any window where you want neither IM nor keymap handling at the moment.

I'll definitely do that.  I probably next-to-never use deliberately scim 
(mostly its ctrl-space to
toggle back to normal because of a typo).  Hopefully I won't see those 
messages again!

As far as having the correct settings, I'm afraid that I have no idea -- 
they're whatever the defaults
happen to be.  That keyboard icon doesn't look very keyboard-ish on my 
screen, but it did bring
up the SCIM setup you mentioned.

Thank you, Tony!
Chip Campbell

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building vim with perl support

2009-05-31 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr


I recently got a 64-bit computer; it has perl supported. However, the 
configure script doesn't appear to be picking up on the location of the 
header files: (there were about 100 error messages)


I then modified vim's Makefile to use 
-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/CORE in GUI_INC_LOC; 
this cleaned up many compiler errors, but I'm now getting

error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘off64_t’
error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before 
error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before 
error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before 
error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘off64_t’

Simply including /usr/include/sys/types.h doesn't fix this (that file is 
where the typedef for off64_t is). I've tried various other things, but 
still end up with the same set of error messages.

Any suggestions?

Chip Campbell

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getting dropped from the mailing list

2009-04-26 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.


This is the second time I've stopped receiving emails from vim_dev (its 
happened to me once on vim_use) this past week, unless there's actually 
been no activity on this group for two days.  The last time I 
unsubscribed (successfully) from both vim_use and vim_dev and then 
re-subscribed.  That re-activated the email.  Is anyone else having 
these problems, and is there a better solution than unsubscribing and 

Chip Campbell

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Re: Concel and Ownsyntax patch FINALLY updated...

2009-03-18 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

John Beckett wrote:
 Vince Negri wrote:
 The page on google groups needs a small update to fix the
 reference to 7.0.35.

 Good point, but please tell me exactly what text would be appropriate.
 It currently reads:

 Status: works, but only in Vim 6.4.10 and 7.0.35

 Will we just mention the most recent patch? How about:

 Status: works, patch based on Vim 7.2.141

 I'm hoping Yakov will update the wiki tip in due course:
Yakov said something in that tip about AnsiEsc that needs correcting -- 
AnsiEsc handles ansi escape sequences with conceal if your vim supports 
it; it uses Ignore highlighting otherwise.  Should I correct it or let 
Yakov do it?

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.2.121

2009-02-21 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Patch 7.2.121
 Problem:In gvim !grep a *.c spews out a lot of text that can't be
  stopped with CTRL-C.
 Solution:   When looping to read and show text, do check for typed characters
  every two seconds.
 Files:  src/os_unix.c


Patches 1-120 are available via ftp from 
(pub/vim/patches/7.2/...), but 121 is missing.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Create vimballs from the command-line

2009-02-11 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Gary Johnson wrote:
 On 2009-02-12, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

 And then there are people like me who can un- .zip files if they have 
 to, but prefer to gunzip them (un- .gz), which is the Unix standard (as 
 opposed to the Microsoft Megabucks LoseDough standard). And note that if 
 the right tools are present (gunzip in the $PATH), a compressed vimball 
 (*.vba.gz) will (if I'm not mistaken) be handled by Vim just as easily 
 as an ordinary one.

 Yes, it will, except that when you open the gzipped file with

 vim someplugin.vba.gz

 the original file is automatically gunzipped and replaced by the
 gunzipped version, e.g., somefile.vba.  I wish the vimball plugin
 wouldn't do that.  If I'm going to keep the archive around for a
 while, I'd rather keep it in its gzipped form.  Besides, I should be
 able to use vim to just look at a file without modifying it.
The reason why it does that: one can't source a buffer, and one can't 
source a compressed file.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Create vimballs from the command-line

2009-02-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Matt Wozniski wrote:
 But let's not forget that they have significant disadvantages, too...
 Vimballs made with new versions of the plugin don't work on older

There's been one problem with that -- 7.0 vimball doesn't handle the later
vimball versions.  7.1 and has been compatible; newer vimballs have largely
fixed small problems, not introduced incompatibilities.

Vimball was done by request, consequently it didn't have much feedback 
it went into 7.0.
   Considering that those writing and distributing scripts are
 much more likely to be at the bleeding edge than the users who
 download those scripts, they're quite likely to wind up distributing
 something that many of their users can't use.  It's also not possible
 to include binary files in a vimball, or fines with different
 encodings, or even files with different line endings.

I think that I could get vimball to handle binary files, which would 
mean that zip
files could be embedded.  However, most plugins don't need binary files 
(those with
icons for signs would be an exception).
 IMHO, this makes them significantly less useful than zip files, since
 we could add those 3 nice features (automatic :helptags, extracted to
 first writable directory, uninstallable) to zip files without having
 to tolerate the disadvantages that vimball doesn't seem to be able to
 overcome...  Really, it seems that depending on an unzip program being
 on the computer is far better than implementing our own
 barely-featured interface-unstable
 self-extracting-archive-that-wants-to-be-a-zipfile.  I think that an
 effort to nicely encapsulate the platform differences and such of
 handling zipfiles, or possibly even one day writing a vimscript
 unzipper, would be a better use of our resources than continuing to
 maintain vimball.
And putting these vim-specific features into zip files would be real 
popular with
the rest of the zip community, I'm sure.  At the very least, it'd be 
bloat for most
such users.   Then some other applications would want to chime in with 
their own
application specific features.

It'd be better to have a plugin that acted as a wrapper around zip to 
support the
additional features that vimball provides.  Probably could be a 
modification to the current
zip handling plugin.  The same sort of mods could be done with tar and 
the tar handling
plugin, too.  I'll consider doing it (after taxes and fafsas).


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Re: Race condition during file saving

2009-01-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Nikolai Weibull wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 16:26, Adam Osuchowski wrote:

 Nikolai Weibull wrote:

 I haven't really understood what the problem is (I don't believe that
 there actually is one),

 There is a non-zero time period between open file and write complete
 content. Because vim truncate file while opening (O_TRUNC), another
 process which would like to read it can hit in the moment when file will
 be empty.

 Yeah, so?  That's not a bug.  File systems are, generally, not
 databases with ACID properties.  They don't provide transactions (at
 the level we're discussing).

 but would opening the file exclusively solve the problem?

 Do you mean O_EXCL flag to open syscall? It doesn't protect against
 such a situation. It only guarantee that file doesn't exist prior to
 call open in atomic manner.

 No, I mean both O_EXCL (so that a file hasn't been created in between
 the time the original file has been renamed and the new one opened - a
 case so far not mentioned (or?)) and flock:ing it (but, as I
 understand from the man page, this doesn't seem to be very interesting
If you're talking Unix/Linux/etc -- flock is a cooperative file locking 
mechanism, and processes which ignore it are not impeded.
Look into mandatory file locking (the mand option to mount).  Mandatory 
file locking is kernel enforced, and not even root apparently
can force its way through.

Mandatory file locking by vim would not be practical, as it generally 
requires root access to set up, and only involves files on the 
mandatory-filelocking mounted device.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Race condition during file saving

2009-01-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Nikolai Weibull wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 23:19, Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:

 Nikolai Weibull wrote:

 No, I mean both O_EXCL (so that a file hasn't been created in between
 the time the original file has been renamed and the new one opened - a
 case so far not mentioned (or?)) and flock:ing it (but, as I
 understand from the man page, this doesn't seem to be very interesting

 If you're talking Unix/Linux/etc -- flock is a cooperative file locking
 mechanism, and processes which ignore it are not impeded.

 Just to make sure, did you read the part where I wrote [flock]
 doesn't seem to be very interesting either?

 I just want to know what your intentions were.

 Was it simply to fill in extra information about why I wrote that?

 Or did it seem like I didn't know what I was talking about and you
 wrote this reply to correct me?

 I'm finding that I get a lot of replys, especially at work, where I
 get the feeling that my mail hasn't really been read through.  A
 classic is where you ask someone two questions and you get a reply
 with an answer for the first one.  Or where you answer two questions
 and they restate the second one in their reply.

 Either way, I really don't think we have a problem to fix.  I /want/
 to be able to read what a program is writing to a file, mid-write.
 Generally, when a long process is executing I want to be able to tell
 what's being written.  If you're writing to a file that another
 program critically needs /that's/ your problem.  Not whether you made
 sure to set up some intricate locking mechanism or not.
Nikolai -- you're getting a bit sensitive here -- it was simply to fill 
in extra information..., as you hadn't explained why flock wasn't 
Plus I added the mandatory kernel-enforced locking information.

Likely areas for problems like this concern cooperative editing (ie. 
multiple people editing the same file) and editing log files (or other 
files which are potentially being written to by some other program).  
Vim isn't designed for cooperative editing; I seem to recall it being on 
a wishlist, though.  Editing log files is problematic because they 
generally aren't using mandatory file locking.

Personally, I agree with you that there's not a problem to fix; at most, 
there's new behavior (that wishlist stuff) that someone may want.  To 
avoid the need for cooperative editing, use cvs/git/etc and use separate 
copies and repositories.  Editing log files is likely to remain 
problematic and requires more than just vim to change (unless the 
logging process already uses flock, perhaps I'll look into it sometime).

Chip Campbell

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Re: mac-osx and open

2008-11-09 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Nico Weber wrote:
 Hi Charles,

 On 09.11.2008, at 16:32, Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:

 I was browsing the wiki -- and I noticed the tip Preview current HTML
 in browser on Mac OS X (well, a comment to it does):
  let g:netrw_browsex_viewer = 'open'
 so that the viewer triggered by x in the netrw browser will work  
 on a
 mac.  I'm not a mac user (yet), so for you mac user types:

  Would it be a good idea to use open if has(gui_mac) is true?

 This is probably better discussed on vim_mac, but:

 Yes, it's a good idea to use open, but as far as I understand,  
 that's what's already happening. From the netrw.vim that ships with  
 the latest MacVim snapshot:

elseif has(macunix)  executable(open)
call Decho(exe silent !open .shellescape(fname,1). .redir)
 exe silent !open .shellescape(fname,1). .redir

 If I remember correctly, you added that about a year ago after I sent  
 you a patch. So I guess the wiki is just outdated.

I was thinking that I'd done something -- but searcing for gui_mac 
wasn't finding anything.  I'm guessing that macunix is likely to be 
better, anyway.

Glad not to need to do anything!  and thanks (probably again) for that 

Chip Campbell

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Re: ANNC: Relative Numbering plugin

2008-08-19 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
 On 18/08/08 22:15, Charles Campbell wrote:

 I've issued a new plugin on my website: .  It uses
 the signs capability of huge vim to give relative numbering.  After
 some comment period I expect to release it on  I'd like to
 mention the relative numbering patch in my document -- would someone
 please tell me where that patch is again?

 It's been sent to the vim_dev and vim_use lists as an attachment to a 
 mail titled Re: 'relativenumber' patch updated for Vim 7.2, by Markus 
 Heidelberg, dated 2008-08-11 23:27:07 +0200. (Beware: The same thread 
 has an earlier 7.2 version of the same patch.)
Thank you, Tony -- I found the post  attachment, and I now have a link 
to it in my document.

Chip Campbell

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Re: ANNC: Relative Numbering plugin

2008-08-18 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

sc wrote:
 On Monday 18 August 2008 15:15, Charles Campbell wrote:

 I've issued a new plugin on my website: .  It uses 
 the signs capability of huge vim to give relative numbering.  After 
 some comment period I expect to release it on  I'd like to 
 mention the relative numbering patch in my document -- would someone 
 please tell me where that patch is again?

 And, as you may notice, I think I've now got a way to respond again to 
 messages on the mailing list.

 why is the section labeled Rndm?
Whoops!  Looks like you caught a cutpaste error.  I'll fix it.

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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Re: netrw v126 testing -- need help!

2008-07-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Derek Tattersall wrote:

 On Jul 7, 11:05 pm, Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

 I'm just beginning a semi-automated test suite -- I expect that that
 will help enormously sometime in the misty future.  I'll be going
 through the commands and trying to build the tests, checking netrw as I
 go.  However, for now:

 Please test netrw v126g!  Its available via my website:
 Note that v 126 fails when used with vim 7.1.330.  The error message
 disappeared too quickly for me to capture it.
 Will progression to v 126 cause vim 7.1 to become unusable?
 Bram would like netrw released so he can release vim 7.2b and I'm going
 to be gone for two weeks starting next week (and will be nowhere near
 electricity let alone a computer).  The changes have been to put
 fnameescape()s and shellescape()s in where appropriate -- so you'll need
 vim 7.2a with patches 1-13 (its up to #16 as of this writing).

 I'm planning on releasing netrw to Bram at the end of this week.
v126g (and later) will require vim 7.2a.13 (or later).

v7.1 of vim comes with an earlier version of netrw that works with 
v7.1.  Once a release has been made, that release is no longer modified, 
so vim v7.1 is not going to be unusable -- its as usable now as ever.

It does mean that you can't upgrade v7.1 with plugins that use new 
features, one of which is improved security functions.  The 
shellescape() function, in particular, was itself upgraded in v7.2a's 
patch#13.  Netrw v126g uses that enhancement, hence to use it requires 
the upgraded vim.

Chip Campbell

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netrw v126 testing -- need help!

2008-07-07 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.


I'm just beginning a semi-automated test suite -- I expect that that 
will help enormously sometime in the misty future.  I'll be going 
through the commands and trying to build the tests, checking netrw as I 
go.  However, for now:

Please test netrw v126g!  Its available via my website:

Bram would like netrw released so he can release vim 7.2b and I'm going 
to be gone for two weeks starting next week (and will be nowhere near 
electricity let alone a computer).  The changes have been to put 
fnameescape()s and shellescape()s in where appropriate -- so you'll need 
vim 7.2a with patches 1-13 (its up to #16 as of this writing).

I'm planning on releasing netrw to Bram at the end of this week.

Thank you for helping,
Chip Campbell

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Re: Syntax highlighting through comment hash for sh

2008-06-29 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Pascal Christoph wrote:

Hello you guys-making-the-most-useful-tool-in-VR (of course I am not 
speaking only of myself),

proud to have found a little thing that, be fixed, would improve the 
improved vi even a nearly unsubstantial-tiny bit more:

If you use syntax highlighting, and programm shell scripts, then there 
is a tiny misinterpretation, an issue with the comment-sign  (hash) '#' :

v98 of syntax/sh.vim has had this since mid-March; it may have been 
inserted earlier.

Chip Campbell

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Re: [PATCH] fix $(..) and $((..)) syntax highlighting for /bin/sh

2008-06-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Pádraig Brady wrote:

Currently for /bin/sh scripts, $(command) and $((1+1))
are marked as errors. These constructs are POSIX compliant
and supported by dash and bash at least.

I contend that erroneously warning users away from these valid
constructs is much worse than not flagging them as errors
on the dwindling non POSIX compliant shells.

Read   :help ft-sh-syntax  , in particular lines 2419-2435 .   FYI -- 
bash is not dwindling.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Ben Schmidt wrote:

 Another that could conceivably be useful would be a random number
 function. A low quality PRNG would do just fine. This could be used in
 Vim for editing data files for testing purposes, etc.

Not that I object to a built-in PRNG to vim; however, writing a plugin 
to do it wasn't that difficult.  I've provided Rndm.vim (available at my 
website) and Rndm.vim also accompanies Mines.vim 
( if you're 

Of course, Abs() and Sgn() are even easier...

Chip Campbell

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Mikołaj Machowski wrote:
 Dnia 10-06-2008 o godz. 6:04 Gautam Iyer napisał(a):
 On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 01:55:04PM +1000, John Beckett wrote:

 It would be a pointless waste of development time to do much more with
 floats in Vim, IMHO.
 I *strongly* agree! Apart from the basic operations, the rest can be
 left to vim-perl/python/ruby/etc. Please don't bloat Vim.

 Strongly agree too. Asked for floor/ceil/trunc/round as *strictly* 
 related to floating point operations, introduction of the rest is waste 
 of precious developer time.
And, for variety -- I strongly disagree!

Maintaining floating point functions such as sin(), cos(), etc -- 
well, those are extremely simple function calls to make to library 
functions that compilers already provide, so it wouldn't surprise me if 
they were written-once-never-touched-again functions.  Extra size would 
come from the often dynamically loaded shared libraries -- ie. providing 
such functions would only barely increase the size of vim (although they 
could increase the runtime image size, but only if the functions were 
actually invoked).

Whereas, requiring a vim to include the interfaces to 
python/ruby/pick-your-poison ... well, now you're talking real bloat (as 
in increasing the vim executable size).

Chip Campbell

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
 On 10/06/08 15:09, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
 Whereas, requiring a vim to include the interfaces to
 python/ruby/pick-your-poison ... well, now you're talking real bloat (as
 in increasing the vim executable size).

 Chip Campbell

 Well, like you I think, I believe that vim-script is usually quite 
 enough for most of the things one would want to do with Vim; but I have 
 seen people who apparently cannot think of programming Vim in other than 
 Perl or Python (etc.). As I think you know, for people who think of such 
 interfaces as useless bloat, they can be excluded bodily at 
 compile-time, and compiling Vim is not really difficult. The only bloat 
 then would be in sources which are left out of the executable, either 
 because the modules in question are simply not compiled, or because, in 
 included modules, the instructions in question are in the false branch 
 of some #ifdef; and I believe that such source-only bloat can be 
I agree that vim-script is usually quite enough..., and I understand 
that there are those who prefer Perl/Python/etc.  I probably misstated 
my point, which I intended to be that worrying about the few extra lines 
of source to support sin()/cos()/etc in vim is misplaced -- maintenance 
would be nearly non-existent, the interface code would be tiny, runtime 
image size would likely be affected only if the functions were invoked, 
and that the counter-proposal to just use python involves considerably 
more bytes in the runtime image -- without invoking python.  Plus a lot 
of trouble for anyone who doesn't happen to have python compiled for 
their system or perhaps doesn't know how to compile python support into 
vim (or whichever external program is proposed: perl, ruby, ...).  I 
myself happen to have both python and perl on my linux boxes plus 
generally have perl support compiled into my vim executable, so this 
isn't a difficulty I'd have myself.

Now, the contention that a text editor just shouldn't have 
sin()/cos()/floating-point support; that's a different matter.  
Personally, I think it depends on what an individual wants to do.  For 
example, consider someone who wishes to present coordinates in both 
rectangular and polar forms.  Perhaps someone would like to do some 
fancy textwork and have it justified inside some mathematically defined 
shape (cirles/ellipses) -- maybe even provide a plugin to do such.  I 
know that in the case of circles/ellipses one could likely do something 
with the Bresenham integer-only algorithm (I've provided a 
circle/ellipse drawing tool with DrawIt), but that requires knowledge 
about that type of algorithm.  Perhaps one would like to provide a small 
spreadsheet capability in vim, to crosscheck or spot-check output to a 

Bram has already mentioned ease of doing something with columns of numbers.

However, I'd agree that there shouldn't be any effort devoted to 
supporting special math functions in vim (ie. Bessel functions, 
parabolic cylinder functions, elliptical functions, ...) -- just the 
small interfaces to those functions that come with most compilers (trig, 
log, exponential).

And, as an off-subject item:  I'd really like to have Vince Negri's 
conceal/ownsyntax patch incorporated!  Working with LaTeX would be so 
much better...

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-06-09 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:
 Things works, thanks :)

 Few things I'd like to see explained (fixed, implemented?):

 1. Once a float, always a float. Don't see way to make float other type
of data - string, integer.
At least one can convert floats to strings:

:let x=1.3
:echo type(string(x))

Chip Campbell

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Re: vimscript compiled

2008-05-29 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Milan Vancura wrote:
 #include stdio.h
 #include stdlib.h
 int main()
 system(gvim -c script.vim);
 return 0;

 :- Thank you for lenghtening my life with 10 minutes of laugh!

 It remindes me my favorite IRC citation:

 A: Hi all, I'm playing with datetime functions. Can someone help me, please? 
need a function which converts Mar to 3.
 B: try strlen()

Sounds like a good solution to me! :)


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Re: vimscript compiled

2008-05-22 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

epanda wrote:
 I have done a script but I don't want it to be interpreted.

 Is it possible to convert   [gvim -c script.vim] into

Following provided somewhat facetiously:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
int main()
system(gvim -c script.vim);
return 0;

If you're asking for a vim script compiler, as opposed to vim's internal 
interpreter, there isn't one.  Such a beastie would have to include all 
of vim plus the ability to compile vimscript.  I haven't looked enough 
to figure out if vim's interpreter is even a byte-code interpreter 
(which is sort of in-between a compiler and a plain interpreter).

Chip Campbell

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syntax handling of continuations (a proposal for an extra syntax item) -- request-for-comment

2008-04-17 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr


It always has seemed to me to be a bit of a battle to handle continued 
lines.  So that you know what I mean:

code line\
more code to be treated as one line

code line...
more code to be treated as one line

code line
\ more code to be treated as one line


It would make syntax file writing considerably simpler (and, in the case 
of vim script, there's still problems) if there was a statement such as:

syntax continue \\$

syntax continue ...$

syntax continue ^\s*\\

The idea is that if the continue pattern is encountered, then syntax 
highlighting would proceed as if there was no intervening newline.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Updated floating point patch

2008-04-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Ben Schmidt wrote:
 Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
 Ben Schmidt wrote:
 Ben Schmidt wrote:
 OTOH, with  there is no ambiguity because the various uses of  are 
 strictly separated:
 Actually, there still is ambiguity unless one requires a decimal point or 
 exponent. Without that restriction


 could still mean 123 (or 123.0) concatenated with 456. But with the 


 is invalid. Not sure whether that's desirable. Probably the lesser of two 
 Of course, it needs to be enforced that printf and such functions either 
 omit the 
 ampersand for floats which happen to be integers (probably undesirable) or 
 append a '.0' in this case.

 Would wrapping floats in braces be a better syntax? I don't think this 
 would clash 
 with anything: dictionaries require keys followed by colons which don't 
 occur in 
 floats, and a float is also an invalid variable or function name due to 
 with a digit or sign (+/-) so couldn't be used as part of curly-brace 
 variable or 
 function names. E.g.

 :let myfloat={12.52}
 :let mybig={1234e56}
 :let myintegerfloat={123}

 To me, this is nicer than a leading , and avoids the nasty restriction of 
 a decimal point all the time/ambiguity of decimal point vs. concatenation.
 Actually, to clarify, my proposal is that a set of curly braces is taken to 
 represent a float if and only if it is (1) not preceded by a valid variable 
 character and (2) contains a valid float.

 I.e. floats:



 {dictionary: 'value'}





 I think it works unambiguously and sensibly, though, of course, you can 
 still do 
 dumb things if you try hard enough! But I don't think it breaks anything 
 currently works (even if what currently works is dumb)!
 let x12=3
 echo x{1.2}

 Works quite nicely -- and is ambiguous with respect to floating point 

 No, it isn't ambiguous. By (1) of my definition, this is not to be 
 interpreted as 
 a float. Furthermore, a variable with name 'x1.2' is invalid. A more 
 example would be

 let e=3
 let x132=4
 echo x{1e2}

 but it still isn't ambiguous by my definition.
A variable with the name 'x1.2' is invalid, but: 1.2 currently - 12, 
and x12 is not invalid.  But, as you said, the {} in my example is being 
preceded by a valid variable name character, so my objection is nullified.

Chip Campbell

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Re: GSOC: On-the-fly Code Checking for Vim - Challenges

2008-04-14 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 Birgi Tamersoy wrote:

 Hey everybody,

 Apparently many students (like me) are interested in this project. So,
 I decided to start a new thread where we can talk about the challenges
 in the project and how to solve them. I went over previous posts to
 include all the related ideas in this new thread.

 Thanks for starting this discussion.

 Here are a few initial thoughts about the project:

 I think *speed* is one of the major concerns. Basically, editing speed
 should not be affected at all by the code checker.

 Running a compiler in the background with a temporary copy of the
 code, parsing the error messages and highlighting the related parts is
 one of the intuitive solutions (which is also implemented in Emacs
 Flymake). Although this is a to-the-point solution it will be quite
 slow according to your project size.

 *Incremental compiling* can be used to enhance this method. Rather
 than compiling the whole code every time, the checker can compile only
 the necessary parts. Right now, I don't know if this is supported by
 the majority of the compilers or the interpreters.

 Using a *built-in parser* is solution emphasized by Charles E.
 Campbell Jr in a related post. A parser would be perfect for syntax-
 checking, but I think the code checker should also detect errors like
 a misspelled library name.

 In my opinion the errors and warnings that are highlighted must be 99%
 correct.  It's very annoying if you get an error for something that is
 not wrong, or compiling fails with an error but the error was not
 highlighted.  I don't think that a built-in parser will be able to reach
 this accuracy, except perhaps for some simple languages.

There are yacc grammars available for several languages, including C, 
Matlab, and Lisp.  The advantage of this approach is similar to the 
advantage of the syntax highlighting engine; its not particularly tied 
to any language.  I mostly program in C/Matlab myself, but I know 
there's plenty of other languages and users out there (python, perl, 
sh/csh/ksh/zsh/tcsh/..., java, lisp, scheme, ada, matlab, ... apologies 
to those folks for whom I've missed mentioning their favorites) and 
tying a major feature of vim to one or two languages is probably not 
going to be universally appreciated.  What I was advocating was the 
ability to use LALR grammars (read: yacc/bison) so that vim isn't tied 
to a particular language and, in fact, can be extended to cover future 

The primary disadvantage is that effectively writing a new yacc/bison is 
not a small task.  I have a real thick book about writing a yacc-like 
parser somewhere; if anyone's interested, I could look up its ISBN.  
Probably one could set up pipes to an external yacc or bison and avoid 
that problem, but that introduces the external sort type of problems 
people have had until vimgrep.

If, in fact, a LALR parser is embedded a future GSOC would involve using 
it to do more accurate syntax highlighting.

To support C++ and other object oriented languages would also involve 
symbol table handling.

Sounds like a huge project to me to make it truly generic.  I'm not sure 
I would like it; especially if I got yammered at for incomplete code.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch to try out: floating point

2008-04-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Anoop Thomas Mathew wrote:
 What's your opinion about a project in VIMas an on the fly code checker.

I really think you should consider composing a new email thread instead 
of piggy backing on another email thread; especially one that has 
nothing to do with your topic and already is full of entries.  
Translated: you're missing your target audience.

 i.That is VIM text to a temporary file.
 ii.Compile it with a compiler.(Either use an external compiler ( 
 preferred by Mr. Moolenaar) or to write an independent parser plug-in 
 within VIM)
 iii.Then re-parse the error messages.

 This is my proposed idea for Google Summer of Code 2008.
 Is there any mistake or faults.Please guide me out.
If you want speed, you need to do the syntax checking yourself, which 
probably means a LALR parser (ie. an equivalent of yacc).  If speed is 
of little concern, your approach might work, although o/s's that lack 
decent multi-tasking would make the use of this unpleasant.

When I start coding, I often use a template, so I start off with a valid 
C/C++ program.  However, there are plenty of times that the code is 
in-development, and not ready for compiling.  I think I'd find this 
annoying, but I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised.  I have 
vim-commands that compile and check code; the checking (called  :Chk  
for some reason!) uses Vim's quickfix so I can relatively cleanly handle 
compiler errors/warnings without leaving the editor.  However, there are 
projects that I work with that :Chk doesn't work correctly for (largely 
due to the need for compiler options, special libraries, etc, and the 
knowledge to compile correctly is embedded in a Makefile).  Thus you 
undoubtedly will have some gotchas in coding this that you're not 
currently aware of.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch to try out: floating point

2008-04-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:
 I have been preparing a talk for the upcoming FISL conference in Brazil:

 One of the items I planned to discuss is why Vim has no floating point
 support.  Well, this turned into actually implementing it.

 The main problem with floating point is that the usual notation already
 has a meaning:

   echo 123.456

 That is because . is the concatenation operator, and numbers are
 automatically converted to strings.

 I considered a few alternatives:

   123,456 used for function arguments
   float(123,456)too verbose
   #123.456has a meaning after == and !=
   $123.456confusion with $ENV

 The best I could think of was 123.456.  It's a bit obscure, you need to
 get used to it.  But it works.

echo 123.456e-3

 Feel free to suggest something better, but make sure it doesn't already
 mean something in any context in Vim script.

 Have fun with the patch!

Thank you, Bram!  I've occasionally wishes for some floating point 
support (such as for Mines in computing the winning percentage).  Might 
be able to handle that LargeFile stuff better (I'll have to think about 
that), too.

Chip Campbell

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ANNC: mkvimball

2008-04-01 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr


I've written a small C program, mkvimball, which generates vimballs; use 
it from the .vim/ directory.  You may get a copy of it at: .  Its good 
for use inside shell scripts, for example.

Chip Campbell

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Re: ANNC: mkvimball

2008-04-01 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Fredrik Gustafsson wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 02:24:58PM -0400, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

 I've written a small C program, mkvimball, which generates vimballs; use 
 it from the .vim/ directory.  You may get a copy of it at: .  Its good 
 for use inside shell scripts, for example.

 Chip Campbell

 The link to is
 not working
Sorry 'bout that; I'd uploaded it as .../mkvimball.tar.bz2 .  I've 
changed it to correspond with the index page; ie. its .../mkvimball.tar.gz .

Chip Campbell

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Re: GSoC: Fixing Bugs

2008-03-27 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Christopher Berardi wrote:

Any advice and/or suggestions would be welcomed.

Well, one thing I've always wished for (but never got around to 
implementing), was the ability to set watchpoints in vimscript (ie. it 
would be part of the debugging suite).  Just in case you don't know what 
a watchpoint is: basically, its an expression that's evaluated at the 
end of every line of script.  If it becomes true, then the execution is 
stopped -- just like a breakpoint had been set there.  One should be 
able to continue, etc.

Seems like a nice, not too big, GSoC project to me.  Of course, I 
haven't implemented it, so I don't know how much work is involved.  On 
the other hand, breakpoints are already available, so that should be 

Chip Campbell

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Re: Syntax highlighting problem with vim scripts

2008-03-24 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Dasn wrote:
 On 17/03/08 20:06 +0800, Dasn wrote:
 The last parenthesis is highlighted wrong.

  Language:  Vim 7.1 script
  Last Change:   Jan 24, 2008
  Version:   7.1-76

 $ cat test.vim
 echo printf(%d, 


I'll be looking at your two patches, just wanted to let you know that 
I've received them.  I've put them into my Attn folder...

Chip Campbell

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Re: upgrading vim on linux

2008-03-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

 I seem to have a problem where I want to upgrade my version of gvim
 for linux but am somewhat confused by the site

 there seems to be a vim-7.1.tar.bz2 but I have no idea what a bz2
 file is and the site doesn't explain it (that I can find...).

 so I tried to use vim-6.4-src1.tar.gz and vim-6.4-src2.tar.gz and
 untar'ed them.
 according to the site you need to type make install and everything
 will work (assuming a c compiler and such...) but unfortunately, I
 couldn't find a makefile

 Not sure why this couldn't be setup to be as easy as installing gvim
 for my windows box...
bunzip2 vim-7.1.tar.bz2
tar -xf vim-7.1.tar
cd vim71
make install

Chip Campbell

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Re: upgrading vim on linux

2008-03-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tony Mechelynck wrote:
 This configure step also has advantages: you could say that it has the 
 qualities of its defaults: it allows (almost) common treatment for not 
 only various Linux distributions but also Unix and Unix-like systems 
 which have nothing to do with Linux, such as BeOS, FreeBSD, even 
 Mac-OS-X and VAX/VMS. The differences between all these only 
 approximately similar systems...snip

Hello, Tony!

Good explanation -- but (you knew that was coming!)  vax/vms is pretty 
unlike unix.  It falls into the totally dissimilar category (ie. not 
unix-like).  For example, paths: []filename.ext  ~ 
/this/is/a/path/filename.ext .  The Amiga is another dissimilar o/s, but 
I'd say its more similar to unix that vax/vms is.

Anyway, to continue with Tony's point: the build  compile process is 
sufficiently flexible to handle totally dissimilar-to-unix operating 
systems such as AmigaDos and Vax/Vms.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Porting vim to NetBSD

2008-03-03 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

gnani wrote:
 I read this link and your replies. I'm trying to make vim binary for
 NetBSD-3.0 from CYGWIN_NT-5.0 system. So, i tried cross compiling the
 vim. It was not successful initially. Then I tried with your patches
 for and configure scripts. I get the following error
 messages while configuring.
 checking for strip... strip... configure: error: failed to compile
 test program
 configure: error: cannot compile a simple program, check CC and
   (cross compiling doesn't work)
 This is what my configure parameters and I executed like below.

 ./configure --build=i686-pc-cygwin --host=i386-unknown-netbsdelf3.0 --
 target=i386-unknown-netbsdelf3.0 --with-tlib=ncurses

 but I haven't set any other environment variables like you said

 If you could give me some solution to get my expected binary, it will
 be great helpful?
 Thanks alot in advance.
In reading this thread, it looks like configure is giving you some 
problems.  I haven't delved into it deeply, but it seems to me that what 
configure does you're basically not going to be able to get it to do on 
a separate system.  Configure creates/touches directories xxd/, 
testdir/, po/, objects/, and auto/  under vim71/src (assuming vim71, of 
course).  The only one that it makes files in is vim71/src/auto: 
config.cache  config.h  config.log  config.status*  
configure*  configure.orig* .  So you need to cut configure down to just 
involve doing things like huge/tiny and whether or not to include 
perl/tcl/etc support.  This cut-down configure won't be able to test 
whether, for example, perl is available on your target; you'll have to 
tell it where it is expected to be.

I think you'd be better off thinking about writing a new configure to do 
this and perhaps extracting some pieces of configure rather than 
thinking of it as a modify configure problem.

Chip Campbell

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Re: an idea for plugin development: strict mode

2008-01-24 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tim Pope wrote:

On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 05:11:53PM -0500, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Vim is often quite forgiving of user blunders.  However, for plugin 
development, I'd rather it be more strict.  I have a tendency of trying 
bufnr(.), for example, when I should use bufnr(%).  The strange 
thing is is that it seems to work on occasion (but erratically).  I've 
found other bugs in the past that vim glides over, but that makes it 
difficult to find them.

How about an  errorstop  option:

'errorstop'  'es'   boolean (default: off)
local to window
{not in Vi}

This option makes Vim strict with respect to any errors, warnings, 
etc., when running a script.
Vim will immediately terminate the script with E???.

Are you familiar with the abort qualifier to a function definition?
Documented a bit below :help a:firstline .  It's applies to a function
rather than a window, though I'm not quite sure how the latter makes

With regards to the specific example, bufnr() accepts several kinds of
arguments, including partial buffer names.  So :e .vimrc|echo bufnr('.')
would return that buffer's number, as the filename starts with a dot.

I'd be changing a lot of function definitions, sometimes scattered 
across multiple files, and I don't want to impose that behavior by 
distributing them that way.

I think I'll use Thomas's suggestion and have bufnr(.) be highlighted 
with WarningMsg highlighting (not Error, as its possible to be correct 
in using it as  your example shows).

Chip Campbell

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Re: (possibly known) bug with visual block and searchreplace

2008-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Jürgen Krämer wrote:


James Vega wrote:

On Jan 16, 2008 8:39 AM, Jürgen Krämer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The behaviour you want can be achieved with an additional script by
Dr. Chip. You can download it from the following url

In Vim7 you can also use the \%V operator as described at :help
/\%V.  This will limit the match to only the area selected by the
visual block.

which is a bit awkward to use if you want to make sure that the search
text is completely inside the block, e.g.,

  I. this is |foo |text
  II. this is| foo| text
  III. this i|s fo|o text

with a 4x3 block (marked by lines)


replaces all three occurences of foo.

However, my plugin does handle this case, replacing only the two foos:

   :','B s/foo/bar/

Chip Campbell

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Re: New features to vote on and sponsoring

2008-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Matthew Winn wrote:

Also, it uses the same tabstops over an entire file. An extended idea
is to find some way of specifying different tab widths at different
parts of the same file, but that means a heap of empty cans and worms
all over the place.


You'd probably need to use something like folding's markers (ie. {{{1, 
etc).  Perhaps ( 1,3,10,20 ).  Can't say I'd use it, though, myself, 
but you never know.   That marker suggestion above may conflict with cvs 
conflict marks, so it may not be the best choice.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Exposing line/file/function call stack for debugging

2008-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Matt Wozniski wrote:

On Jan 16, 2008 3:59 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:

Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:

I think it'd be a small thing -- but only Bram knows for sure.

I'd like Decho (from my debugging plugin) to be able to report what
line/file/function it was called from so I can relate Decho output to
where it was generated.  Something like the following would do the trick:

I personally would think that having a function that returns the call stack 
as a
list would be a better interface for this, but agree it could be handy info to
have for plugin writers and for debugging vimscript generally.

This should probably have been a new thread.


function C()
  echo expand(sfile)

function B()
  echo expand(sfile)
  call C()

function A()
  echo expand(sfile)
  call B()

call A()

results in this being printed:

function A
function A..B
function A..B..C

So, you can easily make a function yourself returning the callstack,
something like:

function! CallStack()
  return split(substitute(expand(sfile), '^\S\+\s', '', ''), '\.\.')

If this is intended to address the topic for debugging ... just what 
line in the functions are A, B, and C called from?

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.1.230

2008-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Citizens are not allowed to attend a movie house or theater nor ride in a
public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic.
[real standing law in Indiana, United States of America]

This one I figured I might be able to check on -- I mean, how often 
would garlic show up in the lawbooks?  As opposed to something like 
assault.  Anyway, doing a search at Indiana University's virtual law 
library yielded no hits.

Chip Campbell

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Re: New features to vote on and sponsoring

2008-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

I think it'd be a small thing -- but only Bram knows for sure.

I'd like Decho (from my debugging plugin) to be able to report what 
line/file/function it was called from so I can relate Decho output to 
where it was generated.  Something like the following would do the trick:

v:call_line -- would hold the line number (either the absolute line 
number or like echoerr reports, function-relative) of what called the 
current function
v:call_file -- would hold the name of the file (if absolute line number 
is used for v:call_line)
v:call_function -- would hold the name of the calling function (if 
function-relative line number is used for v:call_line)

I'm afraid that I didn't see anything quite like that available.  Its 
like echoerr, but echoerr only need report where *it* was called.  The 
stuff above would probably necessitate recording what echoerr knows but 
at the point of the call.  I suppose these variable values would need to 
be placed on a stack to maintain validity when function calls a function 
calls a function, and then the deepest one returns.

What'ch'all think?  (my famous line before getting shot down)
Chip Campbell

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Re: When will 7.2 come out?

2008-01-11 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Edward L. Fox wrote:

There are already more than 200 patches.  When will 7.2 come out?  Any plans?


Well, I'm not Bram, but I believe that the todo list still has over 100 
items on it.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch for Unix filename expansion to try out

2008-01-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

A couple of problems were detected when the Unix shell is used to expand
file names containing characters such as a single quote.  This applies
to completion on the command line and glob().

I made a patch that defines a function to echo each file name
separately.  Inspired by a patch that Dasn made, but staying on the safe

The patch for ex_docmd.c changes detecting the end of the file name when
doing command line completion.  This specifically fixes a file name
containing .

Please try it out and let me know if there are any new problems.

Verhoef sent me a directory structure:

a  b/

a's  b's/

Netrw works for the first a  b, and does so with the new patch.  
However, it does not work for the second set (a's  b's); the glob() 
for it returns the empty string:

...netrw debugging info..
glob(dirname/home/cec/.vim/VIMSCRIPT/TST/NETRW/Verhoef/a's  b's/*)=
...more netrw debugging info

I used ksh under Fedora Core Linux and a vim compiled with the patch.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.1.215

2008-01-10 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.1.215
Problem:It is difficult to figure out what syntax items are nested at a
   certain position.
Solution:   Add the synstack() function.
Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/proto/,

If you'd like to see this patch in operation, you could try hilinks.vim, 
available at:



will turn on highlighting-links-trace on -- and will display the trace 
as you move your cursor about.  Of course, to see synstack() working, 
you do have to have installed the patch! :)

Chip Campbell

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Re: Bug in @{reg} together with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-01-08 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

I have the following mapping:

map g: Esc:set operatorfunc=SIDget_command_mode_rangeCRg@

and have recorded


into register 'a'.

Running @a now does nothing.


(It should run :join from the current line to the end of the current 

It might help folks help you if you included the 
get_command_mode_range() function. 

Chip Campbell

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Re: Patch 7.1.193

2008-01-04 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

The comments in the patch contain non-ASCII characters.  I've seen
before that these may cause trouble.

If you used the path from the e-mail you can first check if it's equal
to what is on the ftp site:

Then check the lines in digraph.c if they match with what's in the
patch.  Perhaps patch itself can't handle characters with the 8th bit


Probably depends on the version of patch.  My Linux (Centos 5) version 
of patch worked to do these patches without fuss.

Chip Campbell

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Re: ftp and rsync errors

2008-01-01 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Kazuo Teramoto wrote:

On Jan 1, 2008 6:10 PM, Tony Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Apparently, the fact that I succeeded to connect to a server where /pub/vim
was a vailable, and even to downloaded all patches till 7.1.180, was a
one-time non-repeatable fluke: I cn't do it again. is working for me, I can cd to pub/vim and get patches...


I can now get in with my linux box, too!

Chip Campbell

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Re: encrypt/decrypt functions for a session

2007-12-03 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Matt Wozniski wrote:

 Fixing that to use a script-local variable would definitely be
a worthwhile change that should be made ASAP, though it still wouldn't
protect you from plaintext passwords being in your core files.

Yes, I've done that for v116g.

While we're at it, what is a reasonable use-case for why someone would
need a getpid() function?  Why would we need to know our PID?

Assuming that I have an encrypt/decrypt function pair, the pid could be 
used as a single-session p/w that would be transparent to the user.  I 
don't see any point in saving a ftp password but requiring the user to 
enter some other password to make the ftp password available.  Such 
things as recording the hundredth of a second that vim/gvim started 
along with the pid would act as an improved session-only password.

Chip Campbell

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Re: encrypt/decrypt functions for a session

2007-12-03 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Matt Wozniski wrote:

On Dec 3, 2007 2:05 PM, Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:

Assuming that I have an encrypt/decrypt function pair, the pid could be
used as a single-session p/w that would be transparent to the user.  I
don't see any point in saving a ftp password but requiring the user to
enter some other password to make the ftp password available.  Such
things as recording the hundredth of a second that vim/gvim started
along with the pid would act as an improved session-only password.

Sure, I understand that you could use it as a key to encrypt the
password, but what I'm really asking is what you gain from that.  Is it
really more secure to have an encrypted string and its decryption key
stored in memory than it is to have an unencrypted string in memory?
Particularly on an open-source project where anyone who wants to can
view your source code?

Where's the part where I said I'd store the session pid in some 
variable?  Something like getpid() would be called during 
encrypt/decrypt, not stored.

Chip Campbell

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Re: encrypt/decrypt functions for a session

2007-11-30 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

thomas wrote:

However, I suspect that there's no way to get vim to feed the
p-r-b-password to the builtin encryption/decryption facilities.

I thought the :X command does little more than setting the key option?
At least from running some (i.e. two) tests, I'd say that you could
also encrypt a file by setting the key option to a password (setlocal
key=foo) before saving.

IIRC the encryption is rather weak though (with vim 7.1).

Not much I can do about the encryption method, but perhaps its better 
than plaintext.  And, the expected use of the process ID is amenable to 
searching, anyway.  I'm now feeling that the procedure is more likely to 

* ask user for password
* place password in its own buffer
* specify encryption for the buffer with set key=... using process pid
* save the buffer

When the user wants to read/write using that password transparently in 
the future

* check if buffer exists
* use the process id and set key on a new buffer, read 
password-containing buffer
* use decrypted password to do file transfer

I'm not at sure that this complicated process is worth the trouble, though:
* the search is limited to potential process IDs, so that's a rather 
limited search space
* a buffer or two is created with the password in the clear, and a file 
is saved with that (encrypted) password.

Chip Campbell

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Re: encrypt/decrypt functions for a session

2007-11-30 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On Nov 29, 2007 12:23 AM, Charles E Campbell Jr


I don't see any way to encrypt/decrypt strings in the vim function
library, but there is a way to encrypt a file buffer.  Netrw tries to
make use of ftp, etc and its associated passwords simpler by retaining
the password in a variable (which is not normally saved).  Thus one
reads a file via ftp, say, provides the password to do so, and writing
is done without requiring another entry of the password.  I thought
about making a temporary password automatically using localtime() at
first invocation of netrw and the process's pid.  Any good way to get
the vim process's pid?  How about under Windows?

On unixes that have /proc, you can get pid of vim examining


...which is a soft link to /proc/ where  is your PID. But the 
difficulty is to do it without starting a different process such as bash, ls, 
etc. (the subprocess would return its own PID, not yours). However, since Dr. 
Chip is the author of the netrw plugin, maybe he can find a way to do it. But 
on Windows it wouldn't work.

The pseudo-random number is one thing; the main problem is the lack of 
functions to encrypt/decrypt an arbitrary string.  I suppose I could try 
to take the pseudo-random-based password, use :X,  and save it to a 
file, and then read that file back in to retrieve the password.  
However, I suspect that there's no way to get vim to feed the 
p-r-b-password to the builtin encryption/decryption facilities.

Chip Campbell

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Re: assign current line under cursor to extern program

2007-11-30 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr



I want to assign the current line under the cursort to an external
program. Example

1 foo
2 bar
3 calvin
4 hobbes

If the cursor is in line 2, want to assign the line 2 bar to a
script, like

If I want to call a external script from vim I type in the command

:! [and hit enter]

Now I want to assign the line in the file to the script via a function
into the .vimrc.

I know how to get the line, but I dont know how to assign it to the
external script. Or better I dont know how to use the variale to
assign the parameter to the script. Basicly I have this in my .vimrc

function Foo(  )
:let start=line( '.' )
:! getline(start) this dont work :(

command Foo call Foo(  )

This returns the errormessage:
/bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/bash: -c: line 0: ` getline( start )'

* the :s aren't needed in your Foo function; you're already in Ex mode.
* some reading is in order; read the help on   exe, filter, system()

Your Foo function got the current line number, then passed
   ! getline(start)

to the shell.  You shell didn't know what to do with getline(start), 
which I'm supposing was intended not for the shell to handle but for 
vim.  Consider

  exe ! '.getline(start).'


  call system( '.getline(start).')

where I'm quoting the entire string received from getline in single quotes.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Bug with )

2007-11-26 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

Ben Schmidt wrote:


[Didn't get any acknowledgement of this; resending. For the to do list 
perhaps, Bram?]

vim -u NONE
iA sentence.Esc)

The cursor is placed beyond end of line despite virtualedit being blank.

I just tried it and saw no problem -- the cursor was atop the . (using 
either vim or gvim, BTW) as expected.

(I'm using FC5 Linux, vim version 7.1 patches 1-162, huge)

Sorry -- I do see the problem.

Chip Campbell

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Re: non-posix compliant shells

2007-11-16 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

gour wrote:

I hit the problem in vim yesterday when I wanted to run fish shell
( within vim and soon got informed that the
problem is

Exactly what is the problem?  Are you trying to use system(), or filters 
(:!), or what?  Please give an example of something you're trying to do 
that the choice of shell impacts.  Vim has a number of options that are 
shell related, perhaps you need to find the right set for fish:

  set shell : name of shell to use for ! and :! commands
  set shq   : shellquote   -- how to quote characters about the cmd 
passed to shell
  set sxq   : shellxquote  -- includes redirection (shellquote excludes 
  set ssl   : shellslash   -- when set, forward slash used to expand 
file names
  set shcf  : shellcmdflag -- flag passed to shell to execute ! and :! 
  set sp: shellpipe-- string used to put output of :make into 
  set srr   : shellredir   -- string used to put output of filter cmd 
into temporary file

As an example of a shell that's certainly not Posix compliant -- note 
that vim works under VMS.  Its paths aren't '/' separated (ex. 
[abc.def.ghi]file.c )

Chip Campbell

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Re: Fixes to syntax/sh.vim: escaped quotes, case statements

2007-10-22 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Please try  
(click on sh.vim.gz).  I've not submitted this version to Bram because 
it needs more checkout for side effects.  I wish the start= and end= 
patterns in regions could contain groups not in the rest of the region; 
you'll notice that the ()  and {} no longer have separate highlighting 
from the rest of the function boundary.

Chip Campbell

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Re: is this a bug or a feature??

2007-10-11 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

denis wrote:


I am seeing a problem where execution of seemingly unrelated commands
causes a problem with resetting 'lines' variable

 here, lines is set to 23
let g:foo = tempname()
call system('touch ' . g:foo)
 here it is reset to the height of my xterm - in this case 50

eh? is this a bug or a feature?

Below please find a minimal .vimrc as well as the output when starting
gvim from an xterm on ubuntu.

Further below is my :version information.

[20:41:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
$ cat .vimrc-test
if has(gui_running)
  set lines=23

echo lines
let g:foo = tempname()
echo g:foo
echo lines
call system('touch ' . g:foo)
echo lines

[20:41:20 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
$ vim -g -u .vimrc-test


Well, I don't see that behavior.   Do you have a .gvimrc file, and 
what's in it?

Chip Campbell

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Re: patch 7.1.120

2007-09-25 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Patch 7.1.120
Problem:Can't properly check memory leaks while running tests.
Solution:   Add an argument to garbagecollect().  Delete functions and
   variables in the test scripts.
Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c,
   src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/test60.vim, src/testdir/,
   src/testdir/, src/testdir/


I don't seem to have or test63.ok for some reason., 
test62.ok,, and test64.ok are there...
Chip Campbell

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Re: patch 7.1.120

2007-09-25 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Charles Campbell wrote:



I don't seem to have or test63.ok for some reason., 
test62.ok,, and test64.ok are there...

test63 was added in patch 7.1.040.


Hmm -- the vim I've got has a --version with the following initial lines:

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled Sep 25 2007 11:17:55)
Included patches: 1-118
Huge version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

I've been including all the patches, so I don't know how #040's test63 
got left out.

Chip Campbell

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Re: how to regenerate runtime/syntax/vim.vim

2007-09-24 Fir de Conversatie Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

ap wrote:

On Sep 21, 2:53 pm, björn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have added new commands to Vim (i.e. to ex_cmds.h) and I would like
them to be properly highlighted when I edit .vim files (e.g. .gvimrc).
 I looked at runtime/syntax/vim.vim and from a comment therein I
gather that this file is automatically generated, so I don't dare to
add my commands manually.  My question is how do I generate this
file?  Or can I just add my new commands directly to it?


One line vim syntax/vim.vim suggests, that it is generated by
called 'mkvimvim'. I am shure the author of the syntax file knows
more about this.

mkvimvim is a script which extracts a number of functions, commands, and 
whatnot from the vim documentation and generates about half of 
syntax/vim.vim.  You should place any syntax highlighting additions into 
~/.vim/after/syntax/vim.vim .

Chip Campbell

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Re: utf-8, strlen(), and virtcol()

2007-09-20 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

It all depends on what exactly you want to do. (I haven't read the Align.vim 
docs.) The length of a UTF-8 string can be counted in several nonequivalent 

- number of bytes (Latin a + combining circumflex is three bytes):

- number of codepoints (Latin a + combining circumflex is two codepoints):
   strlen(substitute(string, '.', 'x', 'g'))

- number of spacing codepoints (Latin a + combining circumflex is one spacing 
codepoint; a hard tab is one; wide and narrow CJK are one each; etc.): 
   strlen(substitute(string, '.\Z', 'x', 'g'))

- virtual length (counting, for instance, tabs as anything between 1 and 
'tabstop', wide CJK as 2 rather than 1, Arabic alif as zero when immediately 
preceded by lam, one otherwise, etc.): I guess something like what you're 
doing above will be necessary because of the wide range of things that can 

The first two above are documented at :help strlen(), the third (in 
addition) at :help patterns-composing.

Thank you,  Tony, for that explanation!  I've modified Align so that the 
method used is selectable by the user.  Align v33d available at my 
website ( with 
these changes.

Chip Campbell

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Re: searching through multiple buffers

2007-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

Dnia wtorek 11 wrzesień 2007, Ed S. Peschko napisał:

hey all,

Is there a way of searching through multiple buffers? ie: I'd like a
derivative of '/' to be able to span files, ie: if it doesn't find it in
one file, it goes to the next in the bufferlist, and so on..

Having the ability to autosave if it exits the buffer would be cool

If files are sharing common element in name you can use:

:vimgrep /re/ {namewithwildcards}

For buffers you can also use

:bufdo vimgrep /re/ %

But it has few downsides: matches for all files will be saved into
separated quickfix lists, Vim will remember only last ten lists.

But you could probably write some simple script to save all data in
external error list and later load it.

:help quickfix
:help location-list

Well, I was going to suggest

:let qlist=[]
:bufdo silent vimgrep /pattern/ % | call add(qlist,getqflist())
:call setqflist(qlist)

Unfortunately, the formats for what getqflist() delivers and setqflist() 
takes are different, and beating them into compatiblity is more than I 
want to attempt at the moment.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Proposal: Modes for Vim

2007-08-28 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

krischik wrote:

My proposal (if you have not guessed already) is to merge more
separate  plug ins into modes. What do you think about the idea?

Well, it sounds like a mode is a combination of three plugins (syntax, 
indent, ftplugin), and you want one person to maintain them all for a 
specific language as you did for clearcase.  In the case of some of the 
syntax highlighting plugins I'm maintaining (tex, vim, sh, lisp, csh), 
that would either mean I give up maintaining the syntax highlighting 
plugins I wrote or taking on a bunch of other folk's plugins.  I can't 
say I'm enthusiastic about taking on maintenance for other's plugins (I 
have quite enough maintaining already!).

In addition, syntax highlighting and indenting are quite different, for 
example.  Consequently, becoming a maintainer of a mode would involve 
an a steeper learning curve than becoming a maintainer of one of the pieces.

Perhaps I misunderstand your proposal; if there's to be several people 
maintaining a mode, then that's basically what we have now.  If you're 
talking about the organization of the files (syntax/, indent/, 
ftplugin/vs.   mode/language/[with syntax, indent, ftplugins 
therein] I don't see any real benefit.  Not all languages currently have 
indent or ftplugin portions (syntax highlighting is probably the biggest 
of the three portions), so one can't require modes without a lot of 
additional contributions.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Minor fix to a.vim plugin documentation

2007-08-21 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Michael Henry wrote:

The a.vim (alternate) plugin's[1] documentation file begins with a blank 
line, preventing it from showing up in the local-additions (:help 
local-additions) section of Vim's help system[2].  Simply removing the 
line corrects this minor problem.

Changes to plugins should be addressed to their maintainers (usually 
their authors).  Generally the
authors have placed their email addresses in the script file itself and 
sometimes in the associated help file.

After all, Mike Sharpe may not even read this forum.

Chip Campbell

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Re: f-args and backslashes

2007-08-17 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr
Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

So, a feature request: how about a p-args that breaks the input 
arguments at whitespace (but otherwise leaves the arguments alone).  The 
p is to be vaguely reminescent of: pattern-arguments (as in regular 
expression patterns)?


If anyone's interested, here's a patch that implements p-args.  No 
documentation yet as I'd like to see if Bram likes it first.  Also, I've 
included a small test source to demonstrate (you'll need Decho.vim with 
it, that's at ).

Chip Campbell

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*** old_ex_docmd.c  2007-08-17 11:06:47.0 -0400
--- ex_docmd.c  2007-08-17 11:43:52.0 -0400
*** 5658,5663 
--- 5658,5729 
+  * split and quote args for p-args
+  */
+ static char_u *
+ uc_split_pargs(arg, lenp)
+ char_u *arg;
+ size_t *lenp;
+ {
+ char_u *buf;
+ char_u *p;
+ char_u *q;
+ int len;
+ /* Precalculate length */
+ p = arg;
+ len = 2; /* Initial and final quotes */
+ while (*p)
+ {
+   if (vim_iswhite(*p))
+   {
+   p = skipwhite(p);
+   if (*p == NUL)
+   break;
+   len += 3; /* , */
+   }
+   else
+   {
+   ++len;
+   ++p;
+   }
+ }
+ buf = alloc(len + 1);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ {
+   *lenp = 0;
+   return buf;
+ }
+ p = arg;
+ q = buf;
+ *q++ = '\'';
+ while (*p)
+ {
+   if (vim_iswhite(*p))
+   {
+   p = skipwhite(p);
+   if (*p == NUL)
+   break;
+   *q++ = '\'';
+   *q++ = ',';
+   *q++ = '\'';
+   }
+   else
+   {
+   *q++ = *p++;
+   }
+ }
+ *q++ = '\'';
+ *q = 0;
+ *lenp = len;
+ return buf;
+ }
+ /*
   * Check for a  code in a user command.
   * code points to the ''.  len the length of the  (inclusive).
   * buf is where the result is to be added.
*** 5683,5691 
  enum { ct_ARGS, ct_BANG, ct_COUNT, ct_LINE1, ct_LINE2, ct_REGISTER,
ct_LT, ct_NONE } type = ct_NONE;
! if ((vim_strchr((char_u *)qQfF, *p) != NULL)  p[1] == '-')
!   quote = (*p == 'q' || *p == 'Q') ? 1 : 2;
p += 2;
l -= 2;
--- 5749,5758 
  enum { ct_ARGS, ct_BANG, ct_COUNT, ct_LINE1, ct_LINE2, ct_REGISTER,
ct_LT, ct_NONE } type = ct_NONE;
! if ((vim_strchr((char_u *)pPqQfF, *p) != NULL)  p[1] == '-')
!   quote = (*p == 'q' || *p == 'Q')? 1 :
!   (*p == 'p' || *p == 'P')? 2 : 3;
p += 2;
l -= 2;
*** 5727,5733 
/* When specified there is a single argument don't split it.
 * Works for :Cmd % when % is a b c. */
!   if ((eap-argt  NOSPC)  quote == 2)
quote = 1;
switch (quote)
--- 5794,5800 
/* When specified there is a single argument don't split it.
 * Works for :Cmd % when % is a b c. */
!   if ((eap-argt  NOSPC)  (quote == 2 || quote == 3))
quote = 1;
switch (quote)
*** 5737,5742 
--- 5804,5810 
if (buf != NULL)
STRCPY(buf, eap-arg);
case 1: /* Quote, but don't split */
result = STRLEN(eap-arg) + 2;
for (p = eap-arg; *p; ++p)
*** 5756,5764 
*buf = '';
!   case 2: /* Quote and split (f-args) */
/* This is hard, so only do it once, and cache the result */
if (*split_buf == NULL)
*split_buf = uc_split_args(eap-arg, split_len);
--- 5824,5842 
*buf = '';
+   break;
+   case 2: /* Quote and split (p-args) */
+   /* This is hard, so only do it once, and cache the result */
+   if (*split_buf == NULL)
+   *split_buf = uc_split_pargs(eap-arg, split_len);
+   result = *split_len;
+   if (buf != NULL  result != 0)
+   STRCPY(buf, *split_buf);
!   case 3: /* Quote and split (f-args) */
/* This is hard, so only do it once, and cache the result */
if (*split_buf == NULL)
*split_buf = uc_split_args(eap-arg, split_len);
com! -nargs=* Testf call Testf(f-args)
com! -nargs=* Testp call Testp(p-args)

fun! Testf(...)
  let i= 1
  while i = a:0
   call Decho(Testf a:.i..a:{i}.)
   let i= i + 1
  call Decho(---)

fun! Testp(...)
  let i= 1
  while i = a:0
   call Decho(Testp a:.i..a:{i}.)
   let i= i + 1

Re: f-args and backslashes

2007-08-17 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Charles Campbell wrote:


So, a feature request: how about a p-args that breaks the input 
arguments at whitespace (but otherwise leaves the arguments alone).  The 
p is to be vaguely reminescent of: pattern-arguments (as in regular 
expression patterns)?

I think the last time something changed here was with patch 7.0.214,
that's quite a long time ago.  It was done because the handling of
escaped white space was wrong.

I understand that you don't want to escape white space at all, thus
a\ b would be split in a\ and b.  Why not use q-args and do the
splitting at white space in the invoked function?

I thought about that -- I'd need to duplicate that (script) function in 
several places, though, and figured it might be better in vim source.  
The primary function handling p-args is basically a much shortened 
version of that used for f-args, so it was fairly straightforward.

Chip Campbell

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For more information, visit

there's undojoin -- how about dotjoin?

2007-08-15 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr


I'd like to do

   imap ... = ...=c-o:somethingcr

however, . no longer repeats the small change.   For example:

 imap = =c-o:echo hello!cr

work with the following file contents:


Place cursor on the semicolon with abc; -- insert

Now put the cursor on the semicolon with def; and press . .
All you get is

def 2;

Now, if there was a dotjoin:

imap = =c-o:dotjoinbarecho hello!cr

just might work!

Chip Campbell

You received this message from the vim_dev maillist.
For more information, visit

Re: there's undojoin -- how about dotjoin?

2007-08-15 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Antony Scriven wrote:

Maybe. Could you use something like this as a workaround?

fun! Echo()
   echo 'hello!'
   sleep 1 | just to make the effect visible
   return ''
imap = =c-r=Echo()cr

Hmm -- I definitely have a blind spot with c-r= stuff.  Thanks, Antony 
-- I think it just might!

Chip Campbell

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For more information, visit

Re: patch 7.1.040

2007-07-27 Fir de Conversatie Charles E Campbell Jr

Martin Toft wrote:

Maybe somebody wonders why it avoided my attention when writing and
testing the patch in the firste place.  The reason is that, on my
development machine, the problem only occurs in gvim and only when
debugging information is not compiled in.

I assume you mean compiling with the -g flag.  In my experience having 
the presence of
debugging information compiled in affecting the output of a program 
usually means that
there's a bad pointer somewhere.  May I suggest compiling with efence?  
It'll run slow but
will catch a lot more pointer bugs.

Chip Campbell

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