Re: [Vo]:Latest report from Celani

2013-04-03 Thread Susanna Gipp
 Don't rely too much on Celani and his crew English. It looks even worse
that Rossi's slang.
 P.S. Sometimes he's hard to understand in Italian too :)

2013/4/3 Jed Rothwell

 The good folks at MFPM suggested that Celani's December presentation
 probably refers to the MFPM work described here:

 And here:

 And more recently, here:

 They say Mathier will post a video tour and description of it in the next
 few days as an update.

 I sense that Celani may be reading more into these results than the MFMP
 people are. There may be an enthusiasm gap. That's just me. Judge for

 - Jed

[Vo]:Future Energy campaigs at MIT and Stanford

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Perhaps some LENR-knowledgeable people could show up and toss a monkey
wrench or two.

e=ff83945204 id=07917ffeb3e=ff83945204




[Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are dipole-like
structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation.

Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one.




[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]



Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by adjusting the way it is


[GO to website to see picture]

All spin directions (represented by the spheres) collapse on one or the
opposite direction depending on the measured photon polarization.


NOTE THE WORDING, .collapse on ONE OR THE OPPOSITE direction (green
areas).  WHAT is being detected are the two extremes of the oscillation
where it has to slow down and reverse direction. and thus, the oscillation
spends the vast majority of its time at these two extremes, and is where we
are most likely to OBSERVE it.


This suggests that an observer can influence the collapse of superposition
just by adjusting the orientation of his photon-polarization measurement


Yes, by adjusting the phase of the photon, which can be accomplished by
adjusting the distance between photon source and target, or target and
photon detector, will also result in similar results. 




Quarks' spins dictate their location in the proton


In a proton, quarks with spin pointed in the up direction (red and blue)
tend to gather in the left half of the proton as seen by the incoming
electron, whereas down-spinning quarks (green) tended to gather in the right
half of the proton.


[GO to website to see picture]



LHC team observes first instance of D-mesons oscillating between matter and


Put simply, antimatter is identical to matter except that it exists with an
opposite electrical charge. In this new research, the team was studying
mesons-a group that along with other particles are made up of quarks. Mesons
are made up of just two quarks, one matter, the other antimatter. Research
over the years has led to theories that the quarks that exist as part of
mesons, can oscillate between matter and antimatter. More recently, three
(K-mesons and two types of B-mesons) out of the four known types of mesons
had been shown to do just that, leaving just the D-meson. Now, with this new
effort, researches at the LHC say their experiments have shown such
oscillations exist for them as well. And so strong are the results that the
team has given them a five sigma level of certainty.




Ephemeral vacuum particles induce speed-of-light fluctuations


Vacuum is one of the most intriguing concepts in physics. When observed at
the quantum level, vacuum is not empty. It is filled with continuously
appearing and disappearing particle pairs such as electron-positron or
quark-antiquark pairs. These ephemeral particles are real particles, but
their lifetimes are extremely short.



proposing for years.


X-ray laser pulses in two colors


This combination of undulators and chicane provides nearly full control of
the color separation, as well as of the time delay between colors, said



phase is critical.


Researchers discover a way to avoid decoherence in a quantum system


the researchers fired single photons at atoms and then studied the results
using a detector. When the photons struck the atoms, they were deflected, a
process called scattering. In so doing, they discovered that if the photon
struck an atom whose spin was not aligned in the same direction as its path,
than the photon and atom became entangled-where two particles behave as if
one, even at a distance. If the photon and atom's spin were aligned,
however, entanglement did not occur.




Re: [Vo]:Logic and Synthesis paper published.

2013-04-03 Thread Peter Gluck
Best definition of intelligence is  the art of not confounding
mixing the points of view. The Bard's eating habits, sexuality
or flatulence do not subtract from or add to his Genius. This
includes his proverbial aversion for pommes frites or the
passion for savarines.
He remains uniquely unique.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Axil Axil wrote:

 William Shakespeare: Study sheds light on Bard as food hoarder
 The Bard had his own problems.


 On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 The mind of man is a dark and murky place. Its mysteries have been under
 development for over ten million years; one layer of complexity piled on
 another, from the most basic and animalistic to the most human and
 altruistic. As humanity struggled to overcome its animal nature shaped by
 the wilderness from which we have sprung to the exalted pinnacles of
 civilization where we aspire to be.

 But in that long march of time over the endless eons, none of the old
 mechanisms of mind have ever been replaced; they have only supplanted by
 evolution with the more modern machinery of thinking.

 The bottom line, we cannot fight our human nature; we can only learn to
 live with it.

 A strategy for problem solving that is not consistent with our nature is
 destined to be ineffective as a tool in meeting its ultimate goals.

 In the quest to understand ourselves, just how do our minds work: the
 conscious, subconscious, and unconscious? And what is the difference
 between them?

 The concept of three levels of mind has been around for some time now.
 Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian psychologist was probably the first to
 study the dichotomy of mind and popularized that study into mainstream
 society as we know it today.

 Freud has bequeathed to us a useful model of the mind, which he separated
 into three tiers or sections – the conscious mind or ego, the preconscious,
 and the unconscious mind.

 One way to illustrate the concept of the three minds is by using a
 triangle. If you imagine at the very tip of the triangle is your conscious
 mind. It occupies only a small portion of space at the top, a bit like an
 iceberg where only a fraction of it is showing above the water. It probably
 represents about 10% of your brain capacity. This mental capability is
 newly developed and untried in the march of our evolution where
 communication of our thoughts requires some organization and logic to be
 transferred onward to others.

 Below this is a slightly larger section that Freud called the
 preconscious, or what some refer to as the subconscious. It is much larger
 than the conscious mind and accounts for around 50-60% of our brain
 capabilities. This mental process keeps our ancestors alive in their fight
 to struggle out of the wilds of our first habitats and is usually devoid of
 logic and science but the preserve of intuition and feeling.

 The section below this is the unconscious mind. It occupies the whole
 width of the base of the triangle and fills out the other 30-40% of the
 triangle. It is vast and deep and largely inaccessible to conscious
 thought, a bit like the dark depths of the ocean were the basest emotions

 Your conscious mind is what most people associate with who you are,
 because that is where most people live day to day. It is the thin veneer of
 our being. It is the outer edifice of our existence that we expose to the
 world.  But it’s by no means where all the action takes place.

 Your conscious mind is a bit like the captain of a ship standing on the
 bridge giving out orders. In reality it’s the crew in the engine room below
 deck (the subconscious and the deeper unconscious) that carry out the
 orders. The captain may be in charge of the ship and give the orders but
 it’s the crew that actually guides the ship that does the dirty work, all
 according to what training they had been given over the years to best do so.

 Our conscious mind communicates to the outside world and the inner self
 through speech, pictures, writing, physical movement, and thought.

 The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is in charge of our recent
 memories, and is in continuous contact with the resources of the
 unconscious mind.

 The unconscious mind is the storehouse of all memories and past
 experiences, both those that have been repressed through trauma and those
 that have simply been consciously forgotten and are no longer important to
 us. It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and
 behaviors are formed.

 The unconscious constantly communicates with the conscious mind via our
 subconscious, and is what provides us with the meaning to all our
 interactions with the world, as filtered through our beliefs and habits. It
 communicates through feelings, emotions, imagination, sensations, and

 It is where optimism is born and the kind of hope 

RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

2013-04-03 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Well said Jack..  even if your vocabulary is different your thoughts are clear 
.[snip] This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant' leg 
of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.[/snip] 
It also confuses the syntax since time and space are exchanging metrics in the 
same manner as the Twin paradox only it is we outside the Casimir containment 
that appear to be nearly stationary in time relative to the negative vacuum 
pressure being experienced by the hydrogen protons... even normal spontaneous 
emissions pile up and then become phase shifted as they follow the slowing 
downward well into our normal space-time here in the macro world.. a micro 
warp/hill instead of the macro gravity wells we normally consider relativistic 
in our macro reality. I think the MAHG may have exploited another aspect of 
this containment effect where the energy was used to disassociate H2 as an 
interim step in rectifying the virtual energy into our plane.

From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan []
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:42 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

*Let's Light this Candle*

Nuclear Physics couldn't touch the LENR concept because this is Zero-Point
Transdimensional Physics. The 'hydrogen' does 'fuse' so they'll just have
to go back to school when Transdimensional Physic 101 makes it to
MIT's curriculum.

No wonder that the 'hot fusion' ludites have TOKO-MACS which repeat insanely 
the same
processes fruitlessly; which is the definition of Insanity; getting the same 
failing results.
They who then deleted Eugene Mallove. . . indeed are maniacs.  They
should watch 'A Beautiful Mind' a few more times until they 'get-it.'

Grant Money aka Large Dollars. . . ruthless competition for $ and prestige. . . 
what a waste.

Electrolytic-Catalytic fusion is a Zero-Point ingress plasma function.

Zero-Point energy aka plasma-breach ingress 'plasma' is the fusing agent.

The 'coil' around the paladium cathode needs to be a full tesla coil in design 
the fuel cell. . . to expedite the process the coil/paladium cathode need to be
Tesla quick-interval 'fired' to get the make-n-break field collapse tesla coil
boost which is in fact the most basic form of creating an incipient 
Zero-Point Gyro-Toroidal field.  The 'light' coil which 
just needed to get 'beefed-up.'

I try again to explain the transdimensional process which could be said to be
Stimulated Atomic Particle Mobius-Teleportation-Loop Fusion which is
a Transdimensional micro-singularity Plasma-Breach Phenomenon
within a Gyro-Toroidal induction field.

I said that beauty of the electolytic process is in that the nuclei of the 
protons are dialating-micro-singularities.  And the two dialated hydrogen nuclei
are compacting in the Paladium field induced gyro-toroidal field via the coil
which becomes a small incipient zero-point plasma breach. . .  . . . each 
is simultaneously it's own micro-plasma breach ( now dialated by the 
electro-induction energy).

The gross effect is that ingress-plasma creates a fusion-input level because
it has an effect, especially within casimir containment(which is a 
transdimensional mobius
looping transtemporal effect also).  The reaction actually has More-Time to
involve greater fusion  ingress plasma yields than it 'seems' is transpiring
to our relatively 'shorter' observation-reaction times on our side of the
Mobius gate figure-eighting into Parallel AexoSpectrum  back; Fused!

The sum total is that the two 'now-made-heavy tritium-hydrogens by ingress
nucleus-eye plasma' merge-fuse as they egress and mobius loop back
in what we could call a 'Casimir-Mobius' Transdimensional-Transtemporal
loop.  This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant'
leg of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.

Trandimensional Physics 'is' WSFM/Weird Science  Frickin Magic and
the Conventional Hot-Nuclear Physicists will just have to 'Suck-it-up.'

This process both fusion-yields and 'drags' back into space-time normal ingress 
which I have called Parallel-AexoSpace-Plasma which defines
the exoponential heat multiplication.

Re: [Vo]:Question for Swedish vorticians

2013-04-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Okay, here is what Mats Lewan says about Arnold:

I’ve been in contact with this person, Leif Arnold, a couple of times. I
don’t think he’s associated with University of Gothenburg – there’s no such
person there, neither at Chalmers Institute of Technology in Gothenburg. He
seems to be working alone.

Arnold says he found a series of transmutation effects by coincidence,
working with some kind of energy reactor. I sent an email to Vortex earlier
– at that point he had another version of the website. Now he says he’s
pulled away all hypotheses and theoretic content and focuses on

He might be willing to do some kind of demonstration, provided it will be
attended by scientists. He says that he would prefer not to do experiments
involving entanglement though – I get the impression he considers them


Re: [Vo]:Latest report from Celani

2013-04-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Susanna Gipp wrote:

  Don't rely too much on Celani and his crew English. It looks even worse
 that Rossi's slang.

I wouldn't say it is that bad! I have edited many of his papers. Anyway,
this looks like he had help from an English native speaker:

In the framework of those studies aimed to analyze anomalous effects
(thermal and/or nuclear) due to the interaction among some specific
materials (pure and/or alloys) and H2 (or D2), we focused, since 2011, on a
specific alloy called Constantan (Cu55-Ni44-Mn1). We selected such material
using our own considerations and intuitions and because, according to a
scientific paper [1], it has the largest energy value for dissociation of
H2 to 2H, i.e. about 3eV. Among others B. Ahern suggested that Ni-Cu-H can
be used for heat generation. . . .

That's perfectly understandable.

It is a draft of his ICCF18 abstract.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Jones Beene

Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or not.

RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
explain lack of gammas. 

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
adjusting the way it is measured

[GO to website to see picture]

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

2013-04-03 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT 
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:03:24 +

Well said Jack..  even if your vocabulary is different your thoughts are clear 
.[snip] This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant' leg 
of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.[/snip] 
It also confuses the syntax since time and space are exchanging metrics in the 
same manner as the Twin paradox only it is we outside the Casimir containment 
that appear to be nearly stationary in time relative to the negative vacuum 
pressure being experienced by the hydrogen protons… even normal spontaneous 
emissions pile up and then become phase shifted as they follow the slowing 
downward well into our normal space-time here in the macro world.. a micro 
warp/hill instead of the macro gravity wells we normally consider relativistic 
in our macro reality. I think the MAHG may have exploited another aspect of 
this containment effect where the energy was used to disassociate H2 as an 
interim step in rectifying the virtual energy into our plane.

From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:42 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

*Let's Light this Candle*
Nuclear Physics couldn't touch the LENR concept because this is Zero-Point
Transdimensional Physics. The 'hydrogen' does 'fuse' so they'll just have
to go back to school when Transdimensional Physic 101 makes it to
MIT's curriculum.
No wonder that the 'hot fusion' ludites have TOKO-MACS which repeat insanely 
the same
processes fruitlessly; which is the definition of Insanity; getting the same 
failing results.
They who then deleted Eugene Mallove. . . indeed are maniacs.  They
should watch 'A Beautiful Mind' a few more times until they 'get-it.'
Grant Money aka Large Dollars. . . ruthless competition for $ and prestige. . . 
what a waste.
Electrolytic-Catalytic fusion is a Zero-Point ingress plasma function.  
Zero-Point energy aka plasma-breach ingress 'plasma' is the fusing agent.
The 'coil' around the paladium cathode needs to be a full tesla coil in design 
the fuel cell. . . to expedite the process the coil/paladium cathode need to be
Tesla quick-interval 'fired' to get the make-n-break field collapse tesla coil
boost which is in fact the most basic form of creating an incipient 
Zero-Point Gyro-Toroidal field.  The 'light' coil which 
just needed to get 'beefed-up.'
I try again to explain the transdimensional process which could be said to be
Stimulated Atomic Particle Mobius-Teleportation-Loop Fusion which is
a Transdimensional micro-singularity Plasma-Breach Phenomenon
within a Gyro-Toroidal induction field.
I said that beauty of the electolytic process is in that the nuclei of the 
protons are dialating-micro-singularities.  And the two dialated hydrogen nuclei
are compacting in the Paladium field induced gyro-toroidal field via the coil 
which becomes a small incipient zero-point plasma breach. . .  . . . each 
is simultaneously it's own micro-plasma breach ( now dialated by the 
electro-induction energy).
The gross effect is that ingress-plasma creates a fusion-input level because
it has an effect, especially within casimir containment(which is a 
transdimensional mobius
looping transtemporal effect also).  The reaction actually has More-Time to
involve greater fusion  ingress plasma yields than it 'seems' is transpiring
to our relatively 'shorter' observation-reaction times on our side of the
Mobius gate figure-eighting into Parallel AexoSpectrum  back; Fused!
The sum total is that the two 'now-made-heavy tritium-hydrogens by ingress 
nucleus-eye plasma' merge-fuse as they egress and mobius loop back
in what we could call a 'Casimir-Mobius' Transdimensional-Transtemporal
loop.  This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant'
leg of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.
Trandimensional Physics 'is' WSFM/Weird Science  Frickin Magic and
the Conventional Hot-Nuclear Physicists will just have to 'Suck-it-up.'
This process both fusion-yields and 'drags' back into space-time normal ingress 
which I have called Parallel-AexoSpace-Plasma which defines
the exoponential heat multiplication.

RE: [Vo]:Question for Swedish vorticians

2013-04-03 Thread Jones Beene

The most compelling thing about this presentation of Leif Arnold - other
than the alchemist's holy-grail of creating gold (both as metaphor and in
reality) is the one chart on platinum. It is probably his hero result.

Any process that converts another metal to platinum (unless that process
mimics the heat of a supernova) must NOT show a natural isotope ratio, and
this one is not natural. That does not prove that it happens - but it also
does not fall prey to the most obvious disproof - that the result is
self-delusion due to a natural source.

entanglement experiments as dangerous ... hmmm... that sounds like
norgone :-)


From: Jed Rothwell 

Okay, here is what Mats Lewan says about Arnold:

I've been in contact with this person, Leif Arnold, a couple
of times. I don't think he's associated with University of Gothenburg -
there's no such person there, neither at Chalmers Institute of Technology in
Gothenburg. He seems to be working alone.

Arnold says he found a series of transmutation effects by
coincidence, working with some kind of energy reactor. I sent an email to
Vortex earlier - at that point he had another version of the website. Now he
says he's pulled away all hypotheses and theoretic content and focuses on

He might be willing to do some kind of demonstration,
provided it will be attended by scientists. He says that he would prefer not
to do experiments involving entanglement though - I get the impression he
considers them dangerous.

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread David Roberson

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume that 
the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the reactions 
is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence 
that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a 
manner that is very different from that occurring within a plasma.  The system 
difference is evident and I have not seem papers describing known fusion events 
recorded within a metal matrix where gammas are emitted at the expected levels.

I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is 
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known to 
result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of 
gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is 
different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion 
might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we 
obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the mechanism.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or not.

RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
explain lack of gammas. 

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
adjusting the way it is measured

[GO to website to see picture]


RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Jones Beene

From: David Roberson 


In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.

I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume
that the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the
reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding it


Then you will get a kick out of the story from Krivit. LOL - April 2nd. He
was a day late and a dollar short on this one, but Larsen's attempt to
answer questions about why deadly gamma radiation is not emitted in LENR is
juvenile at best. The proponents of this BS should be ashamed.




[Vo]:Electrolysis'iself'SpookyAction Transdim MobiLoop function

2013-04-03 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
Key: trandimensional 'virtual' mobius-loop 'teleportation,' has been staring in 
the eye 'forever.'  And it 
is just one of the many misdefined 'givens' that we've inherited the we never 
have had
the 'need' to investigate further. . . that is until somebody saw 'cold fusion' 
at an Electrolysis electrode sight. . . and the 'mystery' unfolded.
*Simple observations:
Electrolysis:  ?At which electrode does the water molecule divide into H2  O2 
not ions?
?Put one electrode at the end of 100 mile long fresh-water lake and the other 
polarity electrode
at the other end; but the respective H2  O2 'bubbles' appear 'instantantly' @ 
each electrode.
?Are we to believe that the 'electrolysis-separation' happens at either 
one-electrode or the other,
and/or in the centre-pathway between them in the middle of the lake . . . and 
then do those respective bubbles travel 'through the water' @ Light-Speed or 
1/2 Light-Speed of electro-motive current through space-time normal?
*This notion has never been observed nor definitively demonstrated/proven; but 
rather just 'hazily' assumed; kind've.
?If not then; do the H2 /or O2 molecules migrate 'down' the DC-power source 
wire to their respective
appropriate electrodes then?
*Methinks 'none of the above.
*Methinks that Electrolysis 'is' naturally the estabablishment of a 
Transdimensional Mobius-Loop/SpookyAction
pathway between our electrode. And thus is H2HE aexoplasma fusion a natural 
spontaneous process
needing just a modest 'boost' in the Electrolytic-input-charge to stimulate.
This has been 'occurring' to some degree all along. But since we didn't 
anticipate it, because its causal
Transdimensional-Physic agency was totally unknown to us, we then just ignored 
the anomolous 
'excess' energy.  We probably routinely simply chalked it up to the 
excepted-but-unexplained electricians
phenomenon called the mysterious 'transit voltage.'  This is also a 
'Transdimensional Tesla-Coil plasma-
breach ingress aexo-plasma marginal function; but more on this some other time. 
*The transdimensional mobius-loop SpookyAction process which is actually 
prosaic, natural, and common
all around us in chemical  nuclear reactions and is 'actually' what is 
happening in 'at least' most
of what we classically refer to as 'ion-flow.'
Eugene Mallove called the 'cold fusion' process 'Electrolytic-Catalytic Cold 
Fusion' and he 'nailed it perfect'
which is one of the main reasons that he is 'not' with us in the body at this 
The Transdimensional mobius-loop SpookyAction process is the operant causel 
pathway of H2
entering the Hyper-Grav/Hyper-Electrolytic AexoPlasma  field-loop which fuses 
the H2 into HE.
The Electrolytic pathway already established by the H2OH2  O2 process, with a 
simple 'boost'
to the Gyro-Toroidal EM field at the Pladium-Cathode Transdim-Osmiotic 
'membrane' threshold,
is all that is necessary to Quantum-Jump the Electrolytic-Mobius-Loop pathway 
into a full blown
cold fusion function.  It's been under our noses all along.
The concommitant ingress of 'Hi-Octane' aexoplasma also accounts for the 
'alchemical-like' fusion
eg. 'spontaneous generation' of different 'metal-atoms' of our periodic-table 
as a bi-product of
this process.
In the 'cold fusion' arena; this is THE MALLOVE EFFECT.  And in the macro 

Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

2013-04-03 Thread ChemE Stewart

I need your disconnected toroidal brain to look at the Joplin, MO tornadic
double rainbow with a dark band and imagine it is a toroid that is pulling
a vacuum on the surrounding gas, condensing water vapor, bending light and
creating electromagnetic disturbances around it and I think you will see
the Lion.

I have other videos on my blog


On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan wrote:


 From: javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 To: javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT
 Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:03:24 +

  Well said Jack..  even if your vocabulary is different your thoughts are
 clear .[snip] This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
 back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant'
 leg of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so
 crazy.[/snip] It also confuses the syntax since time and space are
 exchanging metrics in the same manner as the Twin paradox only it is we
 outside the Casimir containment that appear to be nearly stationary in time
 relative to the negative vacuum pressure being experienced by the hydrogen
 protons… even normal spontaneous emissions pile up and then become phase
 shifted as they follow the slowing downward well into our normal space-time
 here in the macro world.. a micro warp/hill instead of the macro gravity
 wells we normally consider relativistic in our macro reality. I think the
 MAHG may have exploited another aspect of this containment effect where the
 energy was used to disassociate H2 as an interim step in rectifying the
 virtual energy into our plane.



 *From:* Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:42 AM
 *Subject:* EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT

 *Let's Light this Candle*

 Nuclear Physics couldn't touch the LENR concept because this is Zero-Point
 Transdimensional Physics. The 'hydrogen' does 'fuse' so they'll just have
 to go back to school when Transdimensional Physic 101 makes it to
 MIT's curriculum.

 No wonder that the 'hot fusion' ludites have TOKO-MACS which repeat
 insanely the same
 processes fruitlessly; which is the definition of Insanity; getting the
 same failing results.
 They who then deleted Eugene Mallove. . . indeed are maniacs.  They
 should watch 'A Beautiful Mind' a few more times until they 'get-it.'

 Grant Money aka Large Dollars. . . ruthless competition for $ and
 prestige. . . sad,
 what a waste.

 Electrolytic-Catalytic fusion is a Zero-Point ingress plasma function.

 Zero-Point energy aka plasma-breach ingress 'plasma' is the fusing agent.

 The 'coil' around the paladium cathode needs to be a full tesla coil in
 design within
 the fuel cell. . . to expedite the process the coil/paladium cathode need
 to be
 Tesla quick-interval 'fired' to get the make-n-break field collapse tesla
 boost which is in fact the most basic form of creating an incipient
 Zero-Point Gyro-Toroidal field.  The 'light' coil which
 just needed to get 'beefed-up.'

 I try again to explain the transdimensional process which could be said to
 Stimulated Atomic Particle Mobius-Teleportation-Loop Fusion which is
 a Transdimensional micro-singularity Plasma-Breach Phenomenon
 within a Gyro-Toroidal induction field.

 I said that beauty of the electolytic process is in that the nuclei of the
 protons are dialating-micro-singularities.  And the two dialated hydrogen
 are compacting in the Paladium field induced gyro-toroidal field via the
 which becomes a small incipient zero-point plasma breach. . .  . . . each
 is simultaneously it's own micro-plasma breach ( now dialated by the
 electro-induction energy).

 The gross effect is that ingress-plasma creates a fusion-input level
 it has an effect, especially within casimir containment(which is a
 transdimensional mobius
 looping transtemporal effect also).  The reaction actually has More-Time to
 involve greater fusion  ingress plasma yields than it 'seems' is transpir

RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Gammas that never happened  might be hidden by relativistic effects.. how 
much Gamma radiation would the near C paradox twin see? Or more appropriately 
how much radiation would a twin standing on an event horizon see? What does 
time dilation do the radiation? The large displacement of an equivalent 
acceleration gravity well or the near luminal speeds of a spacecraft are needed 
to compress spacetime in a Haisch- Rueda type theory [car accelerating into 
rainfall].. the suppression afforded by the Casimir geometry subtracts from 
said Haisch-Rueda rainfall analogy making a much quicker cheaper way to create 
a difference in what Puthoff calls vacuum pressure[rainfall], [ether] is 
the same Pythagorean relationship between time and space without the energy 
requirements but in a negative direction. The Pythagorean elationship also 
brings into argument the radiation path since the the spatial -temporal axis 
perceived by the relativistic protons are out of phase with the spatial- 
temporal  axis we are experiencing here in the macro [unsupressed] world 
outside the NAE. Would the radiation propagate out away from a reaction forever 
trapped in that inertial frame shunted past us along what we perceive as the 
temporal axis or does the radiation experience a lorentzian translation as the 
compression mitigates with distance from the confinement?

From: David Roberson []
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 11:07 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear

engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack

of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume that 
the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the reactions 
is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence 
that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a 
manner that is very different from that occurring within a plasma.  The system 
difference is evident and I have not seem papers describing known fusion events 
recorded within a metal matrix where gammas are emitted at the expected levels.

I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is 
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known to 
result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of 
gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is 
different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion 
might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we 
obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the mechanism.

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong

force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L

proponents or not.

RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds

via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another

(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The

net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the

rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if

and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF

as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...

thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as

quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling

like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately

explain lack of gammas.

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear

engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack

of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


   From: MarkI-ZeroPoint

   The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are

dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...

   Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...




   [darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]


   Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by

adjusting the way it is 

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Jones Beene


From: David Roberson . 


I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known to
result in fusion


Note the date on this:



[Vo]:'New Energy and Fuel' recent posting on LENR

2013-04-03 Thread pagnucco
A Nuclear Reactor in Every Room

Covers Hg-isotopes in CFLs + Ed Storms interview (video)

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
Jones said:

“In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.”

It has been observed that Gamma radiation occurs sometimes in a LENR
reaction and under other conditions, it does not; gamma energy transfer is
conditional in a LENR reaction.

A condition in the LENR reaction affects the formation of gammas. Gamma
formation or lack of it is not central to the cause of the LENR reaction,
it is accidental to it.
When Gamma radiation appears, the NAE is destroyed and the LENR reaction
stops. When no Gammas are produced, the NAE is preserved as active.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Jones Beene wrote:


 Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

 Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has
 force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
 proponents or not.

 RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
 via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
 (two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
 net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
 rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

 Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
 and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

 ... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
 as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
 thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
 quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
 like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
 explain lack of gammas.

 In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
 engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
 of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


 From: MarkI-ZeroPoint

 The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
 dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
 Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
 [darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

 Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
 adjusting the way it is measured

 [GO to website to see picture]

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint

Dave stated:

. and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms
surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take place
in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very
different from that occurring within a plasma.


When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within
the NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve
as energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of
energy that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller
packets amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators. 


This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago where
the scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to near 0K.
they could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still, while the
other would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and thus, [my
conclusion] the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which causes the
entire atom to 'shake'. What was interesting is that they could do something
(don't remember what) that would cause that quantum of heat to xfer from the
shaking atom to the still one and, you guessed it, the one that was still
was now shaking and the former holder of the quantum of heat was now still.


Back to Dave's statement.

Does the gamma get emitted, but then immediately absorbed by the
'Collective' oscillations, or is it a direct xfer of quanta of energy as
explained above?  In either case, whatever the exact conditions that are
required, it would seem that those conditions result in BOTH new low-energy
nuclear processes AND an energy sink which (almost entirely) favors coupling
into lattice vibrations instead of emission of energetic particles.





From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.

I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume
that the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the
reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking for
evidence that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a cold
fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that occurring within a
plasma.  The system difference is evident and I have not seem papers
describing known fusion events recorded within a metal matrix where gammas
are emitted at the expected levels. 


I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known to
result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of
gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is
different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion
might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we
obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the



-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)
Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or not.
RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).
Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.
... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
explain lack of gammas. 
In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
   From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 
   The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...

RE: EXTERNAL-Yup: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

2013-04-03 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
Oh yea:  You've pretty well 'nailed' the phenomenon is my take.~^)
That THRIVE DVD presentation of Foster Gamble's graphic'd well
the pervasive structure of the gyro-toroidal TORUS field. And it particularly
showed a Tornado as the dynamic-core of the greater TORUS field.
And yes it is an electro-magnetic and gyro-centrific-gravionic phenomenon
(like 'everything' is) and would have to behave in exactly the way that
you have correctly surmised.
Spooky with the 'Lion' and that someone said you would see signs in the heavens
and in the earth beneath.
This is an auspicious morning for the Vortex community to be 'nailing' the 
to practical design application for electrolytic/catalytic cold-fusion to the 
'wall of
scientific orthodoxy. And which is also a 'set in stone' proof of 
Transdimensional Physics.
Speaking of Transdimensional Aexo-'Torsion' currents: Our timeline just 
upon this morning marked by this 'signpost' in the sky!
Or maybe the relative 'hyper-gravity signifcance' of this morning's events 
a 'whole-cluster' of parallel-adjacent 'time-lines' . . . I think this 'second' 
alternative is more likely.
But technically this would be a shift/split from the path-continuiim(s) that 
would have otherwise maintained
if this morning's transdimensional 'compressed/data-discovery' nexus 'not' 
occurred.  And
this is made 'graphic-in-the-sky' by this 'synchronus-parallel' wild phenomenon 
in the sky over Joplin-MO. . . or not. . .~^)
@ any-rate:  Wednesday,  April 3rd-2013 may very well be a day to mark on our 
calenders; to say,
We were paying attention on that fatefull day!~^)  Cheers-Jack 

Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 11:34:52 -0400
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT 


I need your disconnected toroidal brain to look at the Joplin, MO tornadic 
double rainbow with a dark band and imagine it is a toroid that is pulling a 
vacuum on the surrounding gas, condensing water vapor, bending light and 
creating electromagnetic disturbances around it and I think you will see the 

I have other videos on my blog


On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan wrote:


Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT 
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:03:24 +

Well said Jack..  even if your vocabulary is different your thoughts are clear 
.[snip] This reaction loops out of  back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant' leg 
of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.[/snip] 
It also confuses the syntax since time and space are exchanging metrics in the 
same manner as the Twin paradox only it is we outside the Casimir containment 
that appear to be nearly stationary in time relative to the negative vacuum 
pressure being experienced by the hydrogen protons… even normal spontaneous 
emissions pile up and then become phase shifted as they follow the slowing 
downward well into our normal space-time here in the macro world.. a micro 
warp/hill instead of the macro gravity wells we normally consider relativistic 
in our macro reality. I think the MAHG may have exploited another aspect of 
this containment effect where the energy was used to disassociate H2 as an 
interim step in rectifying the virtual energy into our plane.

From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:42 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

*Let's Light this Candle*
Nuclear Physics couldn't touch the LENR concept because this is Zero-Point
Transdimensional Physics. The 'hydrogen' does 'fuse' so they'll just have
to go back to school when Transdimensional Physic 101 makes it to
MIT's curriculum.
No wonder that the 'hot fusion' ludites have TOKO-MACS which repeat insanely 
the same
processes fruitlessly; which is the definition of Insanity; getting the same 
failing results.
They who then deleted Eugene Mallove. . . indeed are maniacs.  They
should watch 'A Beautiful Mind' a few more times until they 'get-it.'
Grant Money aka Large Dollars. . . ruthless competition for $ and prestige. . . 
what a waste.
Electrolytic-Catalytic fusion is a Zero-Point ingress plasma function.  
Zero-Point energy aka plasma-breach ingress 'plasma' is the fusing agent.
The 'coil' around the paladium cathode needs to be a full tesla coil in design 
the fuel cell. . . to expedite the process the coil/paladium cathode need to be
Tesla quick-interval 'fired' to get the make-n-break field collapse tesla coil

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
I don't think you're seeing the significance of my posting... I guess I
didn't do a good job of expressing my point.


Why are the UP-spin quarks on OPPOSITE sides of the nucleus from the
DOWN-spin quarks???
  [ I would propose that both are a dipole-like oscillation, just 180deg
out of phase]

Why do...
 All spin directions collapse on one or the OPPOSITE direction depending on
the measured photon polarization. ??? 
  [this is the quote under one of the pics from the article]

Why, in some nuclear interactions, do two gammas go shooting off in OPPOSITE

Where is the physical model that explains the REASON why these observations
involve OPPOSITEs

Is antimatter everywhere (because it's simply the other HALF of the
oscillation), but our measurement apparatus only detects one half of the
oscillation and sees that as 'matter'?

Why is the magnetic field PERPENDICULAR to the E-field???  It's all


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 7:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or not.

RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
explain lack of gammas. 

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
adjusting the way it is measured

[GO to website to see picture]

attachment: winmail.dat

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Why are the UP-spin quarks on OPPOSITE sides of the nucleus from the
DOWN-spin quarks???

should be:
Why are the UP-spin quarks on OPPOSITE sides of the PROTON from the
DOWN-spin quarks???


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

I don't think you're seeing the significance of my posting... I guess I
didn't do a good job of expressing my point.


Why are the UP-spin quarks on OPPOSITE sides of the nucleus from the
DOWN-spin quarks???
  [ I would propose that both are a dipole-like oscillation, just 180deg
out of phase]

Why do...
 All spin directions collapse on one or the OPPOSITE direction depending on
the measured photon polarization. ??? 
  [this is the quote under one of the pics from the article]

Why, in some nuclear interactions, do two gammas go shooting off in OPPOSITE

Where is the physical model that explains the REASON why these observations
involve OPPOSITEs

Is antimatter everywhere (because it's simply the other HALF of the
oscillation), but our measurement apparatus only detects one half of the
oscillation and sees that as 'matter'?

Why is the magnetic field PERPENDICULAR to the E-field???  It's all


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 7:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or not.

RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
(two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
explain lack of gammas. 

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
[darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
adjusting the way it is measured

[GO to website to see picture]

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread David Roberson


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 12:06 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


From:David Roberson . 


I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded withdeuterium is 
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions thatare known to 
result in fusion
Note thedate on this:


Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
Have you heard about SPASERS yet?

In order to explain the on again and off again nature of gamma radiation in
LENR, the cause of the LENR reaction should include two states, one that
mitigates gamma radiation and another state that can cause LENR and still
produce gamma radiation.

The Spaser (short for surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission
of radiation) may be such a dual mode mechanism. The Spaser is the
nanoplasmonic analogs of lasers: instead of photons, spasers generate
coherent surface plasmons (collective electron oscillations at the surface
of a metal) in a resonant nanoparticle. It is a DIPOLE driven mechanism.

Heralded as ideal sources of coherent optical fields at the nanoscale, in a
lattice of a nanostructure, spasers combined with electronic density waves
on the surface of the nanostructure(nanowire).

A spaser pumped by these electrical currents, rather than by the bulkier
lasers used thus far in Nanoplasmonics. But recent theoretical papers have
argued that electrically driven nanospasers would require unrealistically
high currents. Now, Dabing Li presents a theoretical proposal for a
nanospaser device that is pumped electrically via a nanowire.
This is what happens in LENR+ reactors where nanowires pump spasers to
produce the LENR+ reaction.

The spaser is an EMF reaction that has two modes. One mode produces intense
EMF screening currents but not coherent local fields because the current
pumping is either under or over saturated with significant current loss.

The other mode is when coherent widespread radiation is established and
gamma radiation is spread among many coherent and entangled spacers.

By the way, WL think that spacers are causal in LENR but they just don’t
know how. If they are looking into spasers, maybe so should you.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:18 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint zeropo...@charter.netwrote:

 I don't think you're seeing the significance of my posting... I guess I
 didn't do a good job of expressing my point.


 Why are the UP-spin quarks on OPPOSITE sides of the nucleus from the
 DOWN-spin quarks???
   [ I would propose that both are a dipole-like oscillation, just
 out of phase]

 Why do...
  All spin directions collapse on one or the OPPOSITE direction depending
 the measured photon polarization. ???
   [this is the quote under one of the pics from the article]

 Why, in some nuclear interactions, do two gammas go shooting off in

 Where is the physical model that explains the REASON why these observations
 involve OPPOSITEs

 Is antimatter everywhere (because it's simply the other HALF of the
 oscillation), but our measurement apparatus only detects one half of the
 oscillation and sees that as 'matter'?

 Why is the magnetic field PERPENDICULAR to the E-field???  It's all


 From: Jones Beene []
 Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 7:33 AM
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


 Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

 Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has
 force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
 proponents or not.

 RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
 via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
 (two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
 net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
 rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

 Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
 and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

 ... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in RPF
 as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
 thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
 quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
 like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
 explain lack of gammas.

 In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
 engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
 of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.


 From: MarkI-ZeroPoint

 The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
 dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
 Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
 [darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]

 Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
 adjusting the way it is measured

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread David Roberson

I like the idea of many individual oscillators being able to take the energy if 
that is possible.  Each of these would have to be at a frequency that is far 
lower than is normally emitted if a highly energetic gamma is to be replaced.  
Low frequency oscillators tend to operate a lower speeds by definition and I 
wonder how quickly the normal high frequency photon would be emitted.  Do you 
have any idea as to why the atom would be coaxed into the slower response than 

The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that the 
nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe entangled 
would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if entangled, a very 
large number of resonators would need this coupling to share the load 

I need a better understanding of how a large amount of energy contained within 
an excited nucleus can find alternate paths of escape.  The gammas tend to 
dominate escape from plasmas.  A metal matrix is far different than a plasma 


-Original Message-
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 1:06 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

Dave stated:
“… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding 
it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take place in the compact 
environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that 
occurring within a plasma.”
When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within the 
NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve as 
energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of energy 
that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller packets 
amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators. 
This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago where the 
scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to near 0K… they 
could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still, while the other 
would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and thus, [my conclusion] 
the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which causes the entire atom to 
‘shake’. What was interesting is that they could do something (don’t remember 
what) that would cause that quantum of heat to xfer from the shaking atom to 
the still one and, you guessed it, the one that was still was now shaking and 
the former holder of the quantum of heat was now still.
Back to Dave’s statement…
Does the gamma get emitted, but then immediately absorbed by the ‘Collective’ 
oscillations, or is it a direct xfer of quanta of energy as explained above?  
In either case, whatever the exact conditions that are required, it would seem 
that those conditions result in BOTH new low-energy nuclear processes AND an 
energy sink which (almost entirely) favors coupling into lattice vibrations 
instead of emission of energetic particles.

From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume that 
the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the reactions 
is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence 
that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a 
manner that is very different from that occurring within a plasma.  The system 
difference is evident and I have not seem papers describing known fusion events 
recorded within a metal matrix where gammas are emitted at the expected levels. 


I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is 
subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known to 
result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of 
gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is 
different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion 
might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we 
obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the mechanism.



-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)
Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has strong
force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
proponents or 

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
The transfer of energy to and from the nucleus must be done totally through
EMF. Neutrons are not necessary to penetrate the nucleus, EMF will work
just fine. This EMF full duplex pipeline is how energy goes back and forth
between the nucleus and the lattice.

Unless a coherent EMF connection into the nucleus is established, the gamma
radiation will be emitted from the nucleus in a destructive and incoherent

Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model

Next we move on to the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model. Because there
are millions of these hot-spots where spasers develop covering the combined
surfaces of all the micro-particles, the JCH model is a combination of the
Jaynes–Cummings model and the coupled cavities. The one-dimensional JCH
model consists of a chain of N-coupled single-mode cavities and each cavity
contains two-level atoms.

The tunneling effect comes from the junction between cavities which are an
analogy of the Josephson Effect.

The eigenstates of the JCH Hamiltonian in the two-excitation subspace for
the N-cavity system are examined in current nano research. This research
focuses on the existence of bound states as well as their features. It is
interesting to note that two repulsive bosonic atoms can form a bound pair
in an optical lattice. By analogy, the same will be true for polaritons.

 The JCH Hamiltonian also supports two-polariton bound states when the
photon-atom interaction is sufficiently strong.

In the LENR case, the coupling between photons and dipoles are very
strong.  In particular, the two polaritons associated with the bound states
exhibit a strong correlation such that they stay close to each other in
position space. The results discussed have been published in Two-polariton
bound states in the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model.

If you’re up to it, the analytic solution of the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors in the strong coupling regime is also developed in this paper.
The time evolution of such a system is also considered for the cases of
different initial conditions.

Now that we have justified the development of a generalized condition of
Bose-Einstein condensation all over the surfaces of the micro-particles, we
can now roll in Kim’s BEC theory of LENR.

cheers: Axil

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 2:18 PM, David Roberson wrote:


  I like the idea of many individual oscillators being able to take the
 energy if that is possible.  Each of these would have to be at a frequency
 that is far lower than is normally emitted if a highly energetic gamma is
 to be replaced.  Low frequency oscillators tend to operate a lower speeds
 by definition and I wonder how quickly the normal high frequency photon
 would be emitted.  Do you have any idea as to why the atom would be coaxed
 into the slower response than usual?

  The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume
 that the nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.
  Maybe entangled would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And
 if entangled, a very large number of resonators would need this coupling to
 share the load adequately.

  I need a better understanding of how a large amount of energy contained
 within an excited nucleus can find alternate paths of escape.  The gammas
 tend to dominate escape from plasmas.  A metal matrix is far different than
 a plasma cloud.


 -Original Message-
 From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 1:06 pm
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

 Dave stated:
 “… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms
 surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take
 place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is
 very different from that occurring within a plasma.”

 When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within
 the NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve
 as energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of
 energy that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller
 packets amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators.

 This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago where
 the scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to near 0K…
 they could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still, while the
 other would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and thus, [my
 conclusion] the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which causes the
 entire atom to ‘shake’. What was interesting is that they could do
 something (don’t remember what) that would cause that quantum of heat to
 xfer from the shaking atom to the still one and, you guessed it, the one
 that was still was now shaking and the former holder of the quantum of heat
 was now still.

 Back to Dave’s 

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hi Dave,

Realize that I’m only trying to apply a physical, 3-dimentional/geometry, to 
atoms and subatomic particles in a QUALitative way to explain COMMON 
observations that don’t have an explanation in QM or Classical models… I have 
not tried to bring any QUANTitative elements in, which is probably above my 
pay-grade… but think that would be fun and fruitful.  If my model sparks some 
thoughts by those more mathematically talented, that would be great…


In a plasma, the kinetic E of the individual particles is so high that one has 
to look at it as totally UNcorrelated movement; nothing is IN-phase.  A 
veritable free-for-all with things flying around in all directions and random 
collisions …  if enough heat (kinetic E) is present, then collisions occur with 
enough force to result in fusion events.  This is the brute-force fusion 
process that we all are taught, and likely goes on in stars.


Now, if you applied an E-field (and perhaps perpendicular B-field) throughout 
the plasma, then you might be able to get the plasma constituents to align and 
oscillate in sync, AND, if you then fire a particle (neutron or proton) into 
that ‘swarm’ of aligned particles, and perpendicular to its oscillation, fusion 
might be a whole lot easier…


My guess is that it would take an extremely strong E/B field to overcome the 
kinetic energy that has been imparted to the ions/e- that make up the plasma.  
All atoms (or are we talking just electrons?) want to shed any heat quanta so 
they are in perfect balance, but they can’t simply shed it to the vacuum… this 
shedding process MUST  involve some kind of coupling to something else (another 
atom or photon).   The situation just prior to formation of the plasma is that, 
because you’ve added so much energy to each atom, that as soon as one atom 
sheds a quantum of heat, it immediately gets another quantum from a neighbor… 
and all the atoms are so ‘out-of-balance’ due to the multiple quantums of heat 
that each has, that they literally shake themselves apart… voila… plasma.


The articles I referenced in my original posting indicate that not only 
electrons, but quarks (which make up nuclear particles) as well could be 
dipolar oscillations, only the quarks are oscillating orders of magnitude 
smaller distance (thus, much smaller nuclear diameter compared to atomic 

but orders of magnitude higher frequency.  Have you ever played 
ping-pong/table-tennis?  Take a ping-pong ball and drop it on the table, and 
then take your paddle and quickly restrict the balls vertical movement closer 
and closer to the tabletop.  What happens?  The oscillations of the ball speed 


My guess is that if you take the frequency of oscillation of say the H 1s 
electron, and the diameter of the H-atom (i.e., the physical extent of that 
oscillation), over a 1 second span of time, it would be a constant.  That 
constant will be somehow harmonically related to the same constant calculated 
for a quark… much smaller physical distance (diam of nucleus) but much higher 
frequency.   And the speed of light in a vacuum is somehow part of these 
constants.  Could this model be a physical explanation for E=hv???





From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!




I like the idea of many individual oscillators being able to take the energy if 
that is possible.  Each of these would have to be at a frequency that is far 
lower than is normally emitted if a highly energetic gamma is to be replaced.  
Low frequency oscillators tend to operate a lower speeds by definition and I 
wonder how quickly the normal high frequency photon would be emitted.  Do you 
have any idea as to why the atom would be coaxed into the slower response than 


The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that the 
nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe entangled 
would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if entangled, a very 
large number of resonators would need this coupling to share the load 


I need a better understanding of how a large amount of energy contained within 
an excited nucleus can find alternate paths of escape.  The gammas tend to 
dominate escape from plasmas.  A metal matrix is far different than a plasma 



-Original Message-
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
To: vortex-l
Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 1:06 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


Dave stated:

“… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding 
it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take place in the compact 
environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that 
occurring within a plasma.”


When one looks at subatomic 

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
At the root of the Plasmon is the strong coupling between light and matter.
This matter includes electrons and ions in a dipole. The synchronized
vibrations of many dipoles in thermal equilibrium will provide a coherent
and entangled environment for this strong coupling.

It is reasonable to expect that this strong coherent and entangled coupling
can occur between photons, electrons and quarks.
If a resonance condition is properly established, then transformations
between these elements should be expected as happens between matter and

Cheers:   Axil

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:24 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint zeropo...@charter.netwrote:

 Hi Dave,

 Realize that I’m only trying to apply a physical, 3-dimentional/geometry,
 to atoms and subatomic particles in a QUALitative way to explain COMMON
 observations that don’t have an explanation in QM or Classical models… I
 have not tried to bring any QUANTitative elements in, which is probably
 above my pay-grade… but think that would be fun and fruitful.  If my model
 sparks some thoughts by those more mathematically talented, that would be

 ** **

 In a plasma, the kinetic E of the individual particles is so high that one
 has to look at it as totally UNcorrelated movement; nothing is IN-phase.  A
 veritable free-for-all with things flying around in all directions and
 random collisions …  if enough heat (kinetic E) is present, then collisions
 occur with enough force to result in fusion events.  This is the
 brute-force fusion process that we all are taught, and likely goes on in

 ** **

 Now, if you applied an E-field (and perhaps perpendicular B-field)
 throughout the plasma, then you might be able to get the plasma
 constituents to align and oscillate in sync, AND, if you then fire a
 particle (neutron or proton) into that ‘swarm’ of aligned particles, and
 perpendicular to its oscillation, fusion might be a whole lot easier…

 ** **

 My guess is that it would take an extremely strong E/B field to overcome
 the kinetic energy that has been imparted to the ions/e- that make up the
 plasma.  All atoms (or are we talking just electrons?) want to shed any
 heat quanta so they are in perfect balance, but they can’t simply shed it
 to the vacuum… this shedding process MUST  involve some kind of coupling to
 something else (another atom or photon).   The situation just prior to
 formation of the plasma is that, because you’ve added so much energy to
 each atom, that as soon as one atom sheds a quantum of heat, it immediately
 gets another quantum from a neighbor… and all the atoms are so
 ‘out-of-balance’ due to the multiple quantums of heat that each has, that
 they literally shake themselves apart… voila… plasma.

 ** **

 The articles I referenced in my original posting indicate that not only
 electrons, but quarks (which make up nuclear particles) as well could be
 dipolar oscillations, only the quarks are oscillating orders of magnitude
 smaller distance (thus, much smaller nuclear diameter compared to atomic

 but orders of magnitude higher frequency.  Have you ever played
 ping-pong/table-tennis?  Take a ping-pong ball and drop it on the table,
 and then take your paddle and quickly restrict the balls vertical movement
 closer and closer to the tabletop.  What happens?  The oscillations of the
 ball speed up.

 ** **

 My guess is that if you take the frequency of oscillation of say the H 1s
 electron, and the diameter of the H-atom (i.e., the physical extent of that
 oscillation), over a 1 second span of time, it would be a constant.  That
 constant will be somehow harmonically related to the same constant
 calculated for a quark… much smaller physical distance (diam of nucleus)
 but much higher frequency.   And the speed of light in a vacuum is somehow
 part of these constants.  Could this model be a physical explanation for

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* David Roberson []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 03, 2013 11:18 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

 ** **


 ** **

 I like the idea of many individual oscillators being able to take the
 energy if that is possible.  Each of these would have to be at a frequency
 that is far lower than is normally emitted if a highly energetic gamma is
 to be replaced.  Low frequency oscillators tend to operate a lower speeds
 by definition and I wonder how quickly the normal high frequency photon
 would be emitted.  Do you have any idea as to why the atom would be coaxed
 into the slower response than usual?

 ** **

 The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that
 the nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe
 entangled would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if
 entangled, a very large number of resonators would need this coupling to
 share the load 

[Vo]:It's a Plot

2013-04-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Proof that the Universe is a conspiracy:

RE: [Vo]:It's a Plot

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hmmm, sounds like only a fool would buy their argument!
Published April 1st... just a coincidence.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 2:56 PM
Subject: [Vo]:It's a Plot

Proof that the Universe is a conspiracy:

RE: [Vo]:It's a Plot

2013-04-03 Thread Jones Beene
Aside from the date, there is the sim aspect of reality. 

IOW if we are living in a sim, a proposition for which there is evidence -
then IT is a conspiracy of sorts...

-Original Message-
From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 

Hmmm, sounds like only a fool would buy their argument!
Published April 1st... just a coincidence.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 

Proof that the Universe is a conspiracy:

Re: [Vo]:It's a Plot

2013-04-03 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:13 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
 Hmmm, sounds like only a fool would buy their argument!
 Published April 1st... just a coincidence.

And so are these:

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:18 AM, David Roberson wrote:

The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that
 the nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe
 entangled would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if
 entangled, a very large number of resonators would need this coupling to
 share the load adequately.

Dave, while we're taking bets, let me add in mine -- about gammas, my bet
agrees largely with Jones's and yours.  The important detail is that gammas
only occur via secondary reactions.

Here is the rationale. Photons at different energies have corresponding
wavelengths, and the wavelengths determine what the photons are likely to
interact with.  Photons of long wavelength will interact with large bodies
and photons of short wavelength will interact with increasingly smaller
bodies.  A similar thing appears to apply to electrons -- there is an
exciting experiment where they think they're able to start putting together
a 3D map of the internals of the proton (the location of the quarks and
gluons) [1].  They do this with electrons in the GeV range.  I think this
means the de Broglie waves are very narrow, so the electrons can interact
with something as small as a quark in a proton.

For photons in the lattice of a metal, they will interact with different
bodies according to their wavelength (and energy) as well.  Photons in the
eV will interact with outer shell metal lattice electrons and electrons
orbiting hydrogen atoms, and photons in the keV will interact with metal
inner shell electrons.  A photon in the MeV or thereabouts (i.e., a gamma
photon) will interact with nuclei and nucleons.  At high enough energies
you get photodisentigration, where a nucleon is knocked out of a nucleus,
and so forth.

The higher the energy, the smaller the body, going down from outer electron
shells to individual nucleons and, presumably, quarks.  But as the size
decreases, the probability of an interaction will no doubt go down in
corresponding measure, because the size of the targets decreases as well.
 So by the time you get to gammas, they will largely pass through a region
of interest.  For photons of high enough energy, the mean free path
generally goes up, meaning they travel farther and farther through the
material.  Once we're at gammas, I believe a typical metal will be largely
transparent to them.

This is all basic stuff, and any physicists reading this will have
encountered these ideas in the first year of their education.  And I
suspect that is a big reason they don't take LENR seriously -- they expect
nuclear reactions to produce gammas, and common sense says that there can't
be any gammas being produced when you look at what actually happens in the
LENR experiments.  On this point, it makes a lot of sense to me that they
are correct.

If there are no gammas, then (1) there is no fusion, except perhaps a
trivial kind that doesn't really deserve to be called fusion, or (2) there
is real fusion, and there is a modification of the branching ratios or
perhaps entirely new branches.  An example of a new branch would be:

d + d → 4He + M,

where M is a nearby nucleus that shares the energy of the reaction as a
spectator (all of this should be familiar as Ron Maimon's idea).  This
conserves momentum somehow.  Robin has proposed similar scenarios involving
hydrinos, so I take the general idea seriously that branches involving
gammas can be systematically suppressed under the right conditions.  This
would definitely be different than normal fusion.



Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
The higher the energy, the smaller the body, going down from outer electron
shells to individual nucleons and, presumably, quarks.  But as the size
decreases, the probability of an interaction will no doubt go down in
corresponding measure, because the size of the targets decreases as well.
 So by the time you get to gammas, they will largely pass through a region
of interest.  For photons of high enough energy, the mean free path
generally goes up, meaning they travel farther and farther through the
material.  Once we're at gammas, I believe a typical metal will be largely
transparent to them.

This is a false assumption. Nanoplasmoics show strong coupling between
light and electrons at 10 to the minus 8 power of the wavelength of light.

This same ability to couple gammas to electrons external to the nucleus is

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Eric Walker wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:18 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that
 the nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe
 entangled would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if
 entangled, a very large number of resonators would need this coupling to
 share the load adequately.

 Dave, while we're taking bets, let me add in mine -- about gammas, my bet
 agrees largely with Jones's and yours.  The important detail is that gammas
 only occur via secondary reactions.

 Here is the rationale. Photons at different energies have corresponding
 wavelengths, and the wavelengths determine what the photons are likely to
 interact with.  Photons of long wavelength will interact with large bodies
 and photons of short wavelength will interact with increasingly smaller
 bodies.  A similar thing appears to apply to electrons -- there is an
 exciting experiment where they think they're able to start putting together
 a 3D map of the internals of the proton (the location of the quarks and
 gluons) [1].  They do this with electrons in the GeV range.  I think this
 means the de Broglie waves are very narrow, so the electrons can interact
 with something as small as a quark in a proton.

 For photons in the lattice of a metal, they will interact with different
 bodies according to their wavelength (and energy) as well.  Photons in the
 eV will interact with outer shell metal lattice electrons and electrons
 orbiting hydrogen atoms, and photons in the keV will interact with metal
 inner shell electrons.  A photon in the MeV or thereabouts (i.e., a gamma
 photon) will interact with nuclei and nucleons.  At high enough energies
 you get photodisentigration, where a nucleon is knocked out of a nucleus,
 and so forth.

 The higher the energy, the smaller the body, going down from outer
 electron shells to individual nucleons and, presumably, quarks.  But as the
 size decreases, the probability of an interaction will no doubt go down in
 corresponding measure, because the size of the targets decreases as well.
  So by the time you get to gammas, they will largely pass through a region
 of interest.  For photons of high enough energy, the mean free path
 generally goes up, meaning they travel farther and farther through the
 material.  Once we're at gammas, I believe a typical metal will be largely
 transparent to them.

 This is all basic stuff, and any physicists reading this will have
 encountered these ideas in the first year of their education.  And I
 suspect that is a big reason they don't take LENR seriously -- they expect
 nuclear reactions to produce gammas, and common sense says that there can't
 be any gammas being produced when you look at what actually happens in the
 LENR experiments.  On this point, it makes a lot of sense to me that they
 are correct.

 If there are no gammas, then (1) there is no fusion, except perhaps a
 trivial kind that doesn't really deserve to be called fusion, or (2) there
 is real fusion, and there is a modification of the branching ratios or
 perhaps entirely new branches.  An example of a new branch would be:

 d + d → 4He + M,

 where M is a nearby nucleus that shares the energy of the reaction as a
 spectator (all of this should be familiar as Ron Maimon's idea).  This
 conserves momentum somehow.  Robin has proposed similar scenarios involving
 hydrinos, so I take the general idea seriously that branches involving
 gammas can be systematically suppressed under the right conditions.  This
 would definitely be different than normal fusion.



Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

This is a false assumption. Nanoplasmoics show strong coupling between
 light and electrons at 10 to the minus 8 power of the wavelength of light.

Yes -- to clarify my earlier point, photons of large wavelength can also
interact with small bodies, as when you have antenna picking up radio
waves.  But I haven't seen an example of the reverse -- photons of very
small wavelength having a high probability of interacting with large bodies
(or bodies with large wavelengths, I should say).


Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil
The size of the active region of the hot spot is between 500 picometers to
100 picometers. The wavelength of a gamma ray is 10 picometers. There is
not much mismatch between these sizes.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Eric Walker wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 This is a false assumption. Nanoplasmoics show strong coupling between
 light and electrons at 10 to the minus 8 power of the wavelength of light.

 Yes -- to clarify my earlier point, photons of large wavelength can also
 interact with small bodies, as when you have antenna picking up radio
 waves.  But I haven't seen an example of the reverse -- photons of very
 small wavelength having a high probability of interacting with large bodies
 (or bodies with large wavelengths, I should say).


Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Harry Veeder
If a bunch of low energy photons  is equivalent to the energy of 1 high
energy gamma photon, why can't a particular nuclear reaction sometimes
produce a mountain of infrared photons instead one gamma photon? According
to conservation of energy this is possible, so why is it considered


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:06 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint zeropo...@charter.netwrote:

 ** **

 Dave stated:

 “… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms
 surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take
 place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is
 very different from that occurring within a plasma.”

 ** **

 When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within
 the NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve
 as energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of
 energy that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller
 packets amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators. 

 ** **

 This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago where
 the scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to near 0K…
 they could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still, while the
 other would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and thus, [my
 conclusion] the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which causes the
 entire atom to ‘shake’. What was interesting is that they could do
 something (don’t remember what) that would cause that quantum of heat to
 xfer from the shaking atom to the still one and, you guessed it, the one
 that was still was now shaking and the former holder of the quantum of heat
 was now still.

 ** **

 Back to Dave’s statement…

 Does the gamma get emitted, but then immediately absorbed by the
 ‘Collective’ oscillations, or is it a direct xfer of quanta of energy as
 explained above?  In either case, whatever the exact conditions that are
 required, it would seem that those conditions result in BOTH new low-energy
 nuclear processes AND an energy sink which (almost entirely) favors
 coupling into lattice vibrations instead of emission of energetic particles.

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* David Roberson []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:07 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

 ** **

 In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear

 engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack

 of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.

 I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume
 that the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the
 reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking
 for evidence that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a
 cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that occurring
 within a plasma.  The system difference is evident and I have not seem
 papers describing known fusion events recorded within a metal matrix where
 gammas are emitted at the expected levels. 

 ** **

 I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is
 subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known
 to result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of
 gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is
 different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion
 might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we
 obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the

 ** **


 -Original Message-
 From: Jones Beene
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


 ** **

 Some of us only see a duck as a downer (cough, cough)

 ** **

 Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has 

 force interaction written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L

 proponents or not.

 ** **

 RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds

 via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another

 (two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The

 net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the

 rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).

 ** **

 Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if

 and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.

 ** **

 ... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling quark color-change as seen in 

 as the quark-quack reaction ... nothing there but spin, 

RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Hi Eric:


The article you reference 

was also included in my original posting… perhaps you should read the entire 


I for one would be interested in hearing other more knowledgeable people’s 
opinions on the point of my posting, which is that what is lacking in 
modern/mainstream atomic/nuclear physics is a physical model… HOW does one 
explain WHY we see certain *specific* observations like I pointed out in the 
original posting…


LENR is searching for a theoretical model, and it is not going to be found 
‘inside the box’… 


-Mark Iverson


From: Eric Walker [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:18 AM, David Roberson wrote:


The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume that the 
nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.  Maybe entangled 
would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And if entangled, a very 
large number of resonators would need this coupling to share the load 


Dave, while we're taking bets, let me add in mine -- about gammas, my bet 
agrees largely with Jones's and yours.  The important detail is that gammas 
only occur via secondary reactions.








Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Eric Walker
Ha!  Yes, it seems you linked to the article about the quarks far earlier
than I did.  My apologies for not reading your original post more closely.
 I think I saw it during lunch on my iPhone and didn't have time to give it
the attention it deserved.

Yes, chiming in from knowledgeable people would be good too.  :)  It is fun
as an amateur to speculate, but not worth a whole lot in the big scheme of


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:52 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint zeropo...@charter.netwrote:

 Hi Eric:

 ** **

 The article you reference 

 was also included in my original posting… perhaps you should read the
 entire thread?

 ** **

 I for one would be interested in hearing other more knowledgeable people’s
 opinions on the point of my posting, which is that what is lacking in
 modern/mainstream atomic/nuclear physics is a physical model… HOW does one
 explain WHY we see certain **specific** observations like I pointed out
 in the original posting…

 ** **

 LENR is searching for a theoretical model, and it is not going to be found
 ‘inside the box’… 

 ** **

 -Mark Iverson

Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

2013-04-03 Thread Axil Axil

MIT Prof. Peter L. Hagelstein stated in an interview as follows:

So there are no significant amount of neutrons, there's no fast electrons,
there's no gamma rays. There's nothing you might expect if it were a more
normal nuclear reaction process. The basic statement here is that — if it's
real and if it's nuclear... the argument for it being nuclear is that
there's 4He (helium-4) observed in experiments, roughly one 4He for every
24 MeV of energy that's created. So what you need in the way of a
theoretical model, basically a new kind of mechanism that doesn't work like
the old Rutherford reaction picture that nuclear physics is based on. So
that's the basic problem that I've been working on for a great many years.

The big problem is one that has to do with the quantum mechanics issue. The
nuclear energy comes in a big energy quantum, and if it didn't get broken
up, then the big energy quantum would get expressed as energetic particles,
as normally happens in nuclear reactions. So the approach we've taken is
that we've said the only conceivable route for making sense of these
observations at all, is that the big energy quanta have to get sliced and
diced up into a very very large number if much smaller energy quanta. The
much larger number is on the order of several hundred million. In NMR
physics and optical physics, people are familiar with breaking up a large
quantum into perhaps 30 smaller pieces, you could argue that there are some
experiments where you could argue that maybe that numbers as high as 100 or
so. It's unprecedented that you could take an MeV quantum and chop it up
into bite sized pieces that are 10s of meV.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:15 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:

 If a bunch of low energy photons  is equivalent to the energy of 1 high
 energy gamma photon, why can't a particular nuclear reaction sometimes
 produce a mountain of infrared photons instead one gamma photon? According
 to conservation of energy this is possible, so why is it considered


 On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:06 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint zeropo...@charter.netwrote:

 ** **

 Dave stated:

 “… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms
 surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take
 place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is
 very different from that occurring within a plasma.”

 ** **

 When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within
 the NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve
 as energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of
 energy that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller
 packets amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators. 

 ** **

 This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago
 where the scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to
 near 0K… they could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still,
 while the other would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and
 thus, [my conclusion] the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which
 causes the entire atom to ‘shake’. What was interesting is that they could
 do something (don’t remember what) that would cause that quantum of heat to
 xfer from the shaking atom to the still one and, you guessed it, the one
 that was still was now shaking and the former holder of the quantum of heat
 was now still.

 ** **

 Back to Dave’s statement…

 Does the gamma get emitted, but then immediately absorbed by the
 ‘Collective’ oscillations, or is it a direct xfer of quanta of energy as
 explained above?  In either case, whatever the exact conditions that are
 required, it would seem that those conditions result in BOTH new low-energy
 nuclear processes AND an energy sink which (almost entirely) favors
 coupling into lattice vibrations instead of emission of energetic particles.

 ** **


 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* David Roberson []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:07 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

 ** **

 In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear

 engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the 

 of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.

 I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to
 assume that the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from
 the reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been
 looking for evidence that fusion can take place in the compact environment
 of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that occurring
 within a plasma.  The system difference is evident and I have not seem
 papers describing known fusion events recorded within a metal matrix where
 gammas are emitted