2013-12-19 Thread Hussein Amin
Speaking to Radio France International this evening, Former VP Riak Machar
now more boisterous. Says Salva Kiir must go. Tells army units to get
rid of Salva Kiir from heading the country.

Seems it ain't over yet in South Sudan.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2014-01-24 Thread Hussein Amin

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2014-01-27 Thread Hussein Amin
My take on the recent acts of xenophobia against Ugandans in India.


Xenophobia against Ugandans in

*Historically, Uganda has had a long undercurrent of strained relations
with the Asian community*

I have been following with serious concern the story that appeared in The
New Vision newspaper of Jan.20 under the title: “Four Ugandan Women
Assaulted in India”.

The incident first came to my attention on Jan.17 when it was reported in
an Indian newspaper that a senior Indian minister led a xenophobic group of
Indians to ransack houses of Africans living in India and attack the four
Ugandan ladies who happened to be travelling in a taxi.

Obviously, this has led to an uproar on social media by Ugandans at home
and abroad plus other Africans who have been angrily discussing the
ill-treatment meted out at them by Indians.

Recently, a Digital Television provider almost got a serious backlash when
it posted a job announcement that it was looking to hire a Sales/Business
Development manager specifically of Indian origin.

Ugandans who saw this job announcement were outraged and rightly called it
racist with many starting to point fingers at the so-called investors who
bring upon the citizens repeated humiliating discourtesies.

The company that I will not mention in order to help keep the peace quickly
withdrew the announcement and we are lucky that the incident did not go any

Historically, Uganda has had a long undercurrent of strained relations with
the Asian community. With the most notable event being the deportation of
Asians decreed on August 4, 1972.

In his speech explaining the reasons for the deportation, my father, former
President Idi Amin Dada said;

The Asians have businesses in Uganda and all the money they make is kept
in British Banks. The act of making money in Uganda and banking it in
Britain is like milking the cow that you do not feed.

Many Asians have denounced their Ugandan citizenship in preference for the
British nationality. He urged them to return to their Ugandan citizenship
within 90 days and directed that all those who would not comply with this
announcement would be deported to their country of nationality.

This announcement was obviously a drastic attempt to handle an economic and
citizenship problem that Uganda had inherited from the British colonialists.

However because of its drastic deadline nature, the geo-politics of the
time and the way it affected the thousands of Asians from Uganda, it was
understandably met by an international outcry.

However, faced with the choice that Idi Amin had given them, the deported
Asians preferred to be British rather than Ugandan.

On the other hand Ugandans were happy with the event because after
political independence from the United Kingdom, the country was now
achieving some level of economic independence.

Not achieving economic independence for the citizens of South Africa after
uprooting Apartheid is something that many scholars and prominent
Pan-Africanists today have noted as the late former president Nelson
Mandela’s biggest failure.

The point I would like to make here is that we are all quietly aware of the
sometimes strained relations between native and Asian Ugandans ever since
Asians were initially enabled by the colonial master’s governance
strategies to exclusively take-over the Ugandan economy and purposely
classifying all Ugandan citizens as the work force.

When events as the one we see today occur, the first thing I always hear
native Ugandans say is I wish someone like Amin could come and chase them

That should be a telling sign of where a crisis is looming if not addressed
adequately by community leaders because it would be a sad turn of events to
see Ugandans turn violent in groups that attack Asians.

I have previously written that it would be easier for Asian community
leaders to simply say we are aware of some of these frictions between our
communities and we are doing everything we can to see that our members are
respectful in their work relations.

And in the incident that happened last week, it is commendable that the
Indian government and police refused to be part of the illegal actions of
the mob led by one of their ministers against Africans.

In regards to fostering good relations, I would like to hereby apologise on
behalf of the Amin family for 

[WestNileNet] Gov't Sorry For War Crimes: Thanks! But Now Prosecute The Confessing Criminals.

2014-02-03 Thread Hussein Amin

Glad To Bombard Political Enemies With Creative Insults.
 After reading Museveni's
the Monitor and the Red Pepper newspapers on Sunday 2nd February 2014, I am
left astonished to see that for the first time, he has discussed the
history of the NRA without blaming his predecessors.

But we are indeed all aware that the National Resistance Army was a rebel
group created to fight against the results of the 1981 elections where then
President Apollo Milton Obote had been declared victorious.

Grumpy Kaguta then went to the Bush and formed the National Resistance Army
immediately after that victory, approximately two years after Idi Amin had
already left Uganda.

The NRA's Ten Point Program was a complaints list of what was going on in
1981 that he allegedly wanted to fight.

Yet it was during that time that the true lust for power of the so-called
liberators of 1979 came to the surface after initially pretending to be
fighting to save Uganda.

While explaining that phenomena during a speech in 1981, President Milton
Obote famously said Paulo Muwanga wants to be president, Yusuf Lule wants
to be president, Museveni wants to be president, everyone wants to be
president... and the crowd went up in a big laugh. He forgot to add
Milton Obote also wants to be president.

But surely that wasn't a laughing matter because the internal power
struggles of the so-called liberators were to cause havoc in Uganda for
more than a decade starting effectively from the 1979 war.

According to an Obote insider now in exile,approximately 1 million Ugandans
lost their lives during this time and the skeletons of victims of those
conflicts were on display to show the despicable violence that happened
particularly in the Luweero triangle area between 1981 and 1986.
Makubaga, 22, view his relatives  among the piles of skulls
When I first saw these skulls on television, I asked whether anything was
being done against those responsible. A deafening silence was usually the
response I received as if I was naive to ask the question.

But weren't these human bones supposed to be criminal evidence in a court
of law then be given a proper burial?

It's incredible that a fully functioning government would simply ignore an
obvious case of war crimes and crimes against humanity to this day without

And everyone seems to be oblivious of the necessity to find those
responsible...including the Uganda Human rights commission, foreign
partners and local activists.

Yet they have all come out to demand justice in the context of another
conflict in Uganda, that of the Lords Resistance Army.

current Minister of justice, Major General Kahinda Otafiire, is himself on
record for claiming that during the bush war that brought the current
government to power, he and his group would commit atrocities while dressed
in UPC T-shirts so that the people would blame the Uganda Peoples Congress
government of Milton Obote.

They would then run back to the bush, change into their rebel uniform and
come back to the same village as liberators.

He made the remarks while attending the burial of UPC member Adonia
Tiberondwa in 2004 after a dispute had arisen concerning what colors to
cover the coffin. Government had wanted the Uganda flag but the party
members settled for the UPC party flag. That's how the subject of what
clothes an individual was wearing would turn into a memorable confession.

This same tactic of clothes changing is said to have been used by
Museveni's soldiers in the war against Joseph Kony's LRA in Northern
Uganda. The army goes in looking like rebels, commits atrocities, then
leaves LRA to shoulder the blame. Some incriminating
datahttp://t.co/G6cPnbfvJX has
started to be made public. It is true that whiule driving along the Karuma
road in Northern Uganda. It would be difficult to differentiate between
rebels and the army. They all had the same rag tag look.

But returning to the important issue of finding solutions to the crimes,
can't we for example, start court proceedings with the self-confessed war

Museveni has recently
offered a blood settlement for the NRA's part in the atrocities of
Uganda. Something that surprised many while others have praised.

But why would anyone want to bypass the judiciary when solving crimes?

The courts are actually supposed to investigate the crimes, determine any
culprit, punish them accordingly and compensate victims as already
prescribed in the laws of Uganda.


[WestNileNet] Hanging On To South Sudan...Militarily!

2014-02-04 Thread Hussein Amin
 and in the country where the fighting
is actually happening.
Posted by Hussein Amin  https://plus.google.com/116379628448565476605at 1:19
Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2014-02-27 Thread Hussein Amin
In terms of slander, shit has hit the fan.

While Museveni is in Congo for COMESA Summit, sadly South Africans are
saying a young man had gay love with him.


BREAKING NEWS: Gay Lover 'OUTS' Ugandan President - The Bill Is Just A


Cape Town - In just a day following the passing of the controversial
anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda, a young man has come forward claiming to
be president Yoweri Museveni's gay lover.

The 28 year old male model from Sea Point, Cape Town, has passed a series
of lie-detector tests with flying colors, this after a Ugandan law agency
in South Africa painted him as an attention seeking lier who wants to
ruin, discredit and compromise the dignity and credibility of their

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the young man claims to have met the
Ugandan president one summer evening in Cape Town, where he was working as
a waiter.

I was part of the hospitality team hosting presidential delegates at the
Cape Town International Convention Centre after the official opening of the
national parliament held earlier that day. Myself, and two more waiters
were serving a table where Yoweri and other dignitaries were seated for the
evening, the young man said.

He claims that after serving desserts, president Yoweri Museveni
complimented him on his impeccable waiting skills and said his upcoming
hotel business could do with a waiter like him.

He gave me his business card and insisted that I should send him my CV
before he leaves for Uganda, which I promptly forwarded the following
morning. Hardly an hour post emailing him my CV, I received a call from him
requesting to meet me at the OneOnly hotel to discuss my job prospects at

We met at Vista bar which is situated inside the hotel, but we decided to
go seat on the patio. After a few drinks, he told me that he could see that
I'm gay, and that he liked me. To date, my job prospects were never
discussed, the young man elaborated.

After one too many drinks, the sexy male model claims that they decided to
move the meeting to president Yoweri Museveni's hotel suite as the sea
breeze was getting a tad too cold. Upon their arrival, the horny president
couldn't keep his hands to himself, and the two shared a night of passion.

The young man claims that that was the beginning of a bling life, as the
Ugandan president would often bankroll him and frequently fly down to Cape
Town to have sex with him and shower him with expensive gifts.

Shockingly, the young man was able to backup his allegations with hard-core
proof; from president Yoweri Museveni's business cards, to private email
communication between the two and bank statements showing EFT payments, all
confirmed to be valid by a South African forensic unit.

Jetline Auto Dealers have also confirmed the purchase of a black BMW Z4 by
one Yoweri Museveni, fitting the exact description of a sleek convertible
the young man is currently driving.

I am very disheartened to learn that he passed a bill that could see
people like him being jailed for life, grossly discriminated against and
even murdered for being who they are. I don't understand why he did it, but
can only assume that he's using it as a cover-up to hide who he truly is.

Most prominent politicians and business people use the same cheap tactics.
They get married and have kids as an umbrella, while having young boys as
side-dishes. But Yoweri has crossed the line.

This is such a low blow to me as his lover, and to the African gay
community at large. He's not taking my calls and is ignoring my SMS'es and

If he's ok with seeing gay people rot in jail for choosing who they love,
then the police should start with him, lamented the teary gay model.

Uganda's new anti-homosexuality law punishes gay sex with up to life in
jail. The bill originally proposed the death penalty for aggravated
homosexuality, defined as repeated gay sex between consenting adults and
acts involving a minor, a disabled person or where one partner is infected
with HIV. First-time offenders also face life in jail.

The new law also creates the offenses of conspiracy to commit
homosexuality as well as aiding and abetting homosexuality, both of
which are punishable with a seven-year jail term. Those convicted of
promoting homosexuality face similar punishment.

John Kerry, US Secretary of State, stated that the signing of the anti-gay
bill by the Ugandan president marked a tragic day for Uganda and for all
who care about the cause of human rights. He warned that Washington could
strongly consider cutting aid to the government of this East African nation.

The Red Pepper tabloid published the names and pictures of alleged
homosexuals in a front-page story under the headline: EXPOSED!
A prominent Ugandan gay activist, David Kato, was killed after that list
came out, and 


2014-03-13 Thread Hussein Amin
The new patriotism bill is in the drafting stage and from what I
understand, it is intended to make patriotism compulsory.

Based on what I have read, citizens will have to get involved in;

- Protecting public resources (roads, bridges...etc).

- Fighting corruption

- Defending the country

- And guarding against treason.

Obviously these are commendable acts from any citizen in any country, and
Ugandans will therefore have the legal framework that gets them more
involved in management of local and national expenditure for the love of
their country.

Thereby providing better grounds for citizen responsibility.

I agree with anyone who diagnoses the problems of Uganda as being grounded
in impunity.

People commit crimes but for one reason or another, aren't held accountable
for their actions.

This has been going on since before independence.

For example, the colonial master has up to now gotten away with some of the
most heinous crimes against indegenous peoples who didn't accept their
authority or who simply wanted self determination on economic fruits.

Yet imperialism led Europe to fight and kill millions of people around the
world in order to forcefully grab resources and control territories
belonging to natives.

I hear that Caribbean countries have now gotten together to make claims
against slavery.

Without it, the West probably wouldn't be as developped as they are.

Africans should support the Carribeans cause as it was our manpower, our
peoples and our continent that suffered most from this despicable abuse.

At this point, our patriotism should also include Pan-Africanism.

But getting back to Uganda, the truth is that the legal framework to punish
the corrupt and the treasonous is there.

So why need a law on patriotism?

Patriotism is said to come from the heart and therefore can't be forced.

Other people have love for their country but have lost faith in the

Most are waiting for the day their country does something good for them.
Probably something they can feel in their pockets.

But that entails government to be creative and initiate social services
that reduce the burden of expenditure from the poor and thereby enables the
masses to save and then invest productively elsewhere.

But if I decide to spare some time for patriotism, then I expect the
government to be supportive of my efforts.

Let us be clear that these efforts could actually be aimed at the
government itself since that is where public resources are managed and
where corruption could be hiding.

What the Patriotism Bill also needs is to make patriotic whistle blowers
heroes rather than turning them into fugitives.

It is common anywhere in the world for the corrupt to attack those who

So many people find it easier to simply take a bite at the stolen cake and
keep the secret rather than risk their individual peace by reporting theft.

Isn't this already happening?

Yes, there are many more questions to answer including those who ask what
is Hon.Minister Frank Tumwebaze personnally gaining from initiating such a

Others question how the bill can be enforced yet many other laws are simply
ignored the moment they are past.

Who are we defending our country from since regional integration is the
order of the day?

Naturally, Museveni might be interested in the part that forces Ugandans to
fight treason.

If remaining president is his utmost goal, then that enables him to
continuously enjoy (entebbe ewoma).

Some also say that the Honourable Minister, just like Hon. Anite recently,
is trying his turn at massaging Museveni the right way for his own
political ascendance.

Personally I would have liked priority to be focused on the pending
anti-corruption bill and maybe the review of electoral laws as well.

Reason being that they are crucially required in terms of fostering Good
Governance and also, they are time bound.

Haven't we wasted too much time on Homosexuals of recent?

But those who are genuinely involved in patriotism now have a reason to

They have a law that will most likely force everyone to be actively on
their side.

If I report a case of corruption, it could turn out that the person I
correctly reported it to becomes unpatriotic if he/she doesn't do anything
about it.

Unpatriotic is now something more to add to the charge sheet with its own
set of fines, jail time and other inconveniences.

The law could include retrieving state honours, thereby ensuring that we
aren't for example awarding Nalubaale medals to anyone found to be

Basically let's hope that the punishments are comprehensive in scope and
deterring enough.

We also realize that there is this new trend of seeing those who bring up
such bills become victims of the very laws.

But on a serious note, is this a good legal development or what?

Hussein J. Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

[WestNileNet] Alert: Impersonator

2014-05-10 Thread Hussein Amin
The person in the email below, namely Majid Alemi Junior, is an imposter
masquerading as a son of Idi Amin.

He is actually a former Uganda Army officer currently living in Vancouver,

He has conned many innocent, u.muslims into sending him their hard earned
money through his organization (http://ugandan-community.blogspot.ca)
purpotedly to help my family and also fund development projects in Koboko.

Canadian authorities have been notified.

Whoever deals with him on issues relating to Idi Amin's family, does so at
his/her own risk.
On May 10, 2014 2:38 PM, mfalemi mfal...@telus.net wrote:

 To Ugandan at heart  I request UAH to use this email: address:
 alemijuniorma...@yahoo.com  instead thanks. my regards to all. majid
 alemi junior.  http://ugandan-community.blogspot.ca

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Atuhairwe 007aro...@gmail.com
 To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, May 9, 2014 1:23:15 AM
 Subject: Re: {UAH} Request!!Dan Kidega

 An MP's account hacked! That;s dangerous. Lost of classified info at
 stake. That's how Okwangali mostly gleans info

 On 5/8/14, 'dan kidega' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community
 ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com wrote:

  Am sorry for not informing you about my trip,I came down to Istanbul
  with my family to visit a resort but unfortunately i got mugged all cash
  credit card were stolen off me.
  Luckily for me i still have my passport with me,Wondering if i can get a
  loan from you but what ever you can afford will go a long way in getting
  out here promise to refund you back your money as soon as i get back home
  Please do get back to me immediately to let you know the easiest way to
  the fund to us.
  I await your swift response



 UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
 responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
 group, send email to:  ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
 Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.

WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [WestNileNet] Alert: Impersonator

2014-05-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Dear Patrick.

You tell me that please LEAVE Majid alone.If MAJID impersonates to be SON
of Field Marshal AMIN DADA R.I.P there is absolutely NO problem.

Are you OK Patrick?

Publicly encouraging criminals and their activity is a crime

I urge you to forever refrain from such statements.

You wouldn't take it lightly if some idiot was impersonating you or your
father for monetary gain.
On May 13, 2014 9:46 AM, Dimba Tabani Patrick ptab...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Hussein Amin please LEAVE Majid alone.If MAJID impersonates to be SON of
 Field Marshal AMIN DADA R.I.P there is absolutely NO problem.The real
 problem is RESETLED UGANDANS from Westnile who have communication network
 such as KOBOKONET ,KOBOKO COMMUNITY just to mention afew .The owners DONOT
 want opposition to whatever they write  or say.Majid Alemi has outsmarted
 fellow resettled Ugandans by having warm amicable linkages.Let us be
 realistic and try to accumulate HARD CURRENCY abroad ,then remit it to
 discussing ALEM plus MUSEVENI as well as SALVA KIRR
   On Saturday, May 10, 2014 3:32 PM, Hussein Amin husseinjur...@gmail.com
  The person in the email below, namely Majid Alemi Junior, is an imposter
 masquerading as a son of Idi Amin.
 He is actually a former Uganda Army officer currently living in Vancouver,
 He has conned many innocent, u.muslims into sending him their hard earned
 money through his organization (http://ugandan-community.blogspot.ca/)
 purpotedly to help my family and also fund development projects in Koboko.
 Canadian authorities have been notified.
 Whoever deals with him on issues relating to Idi Amin's family, does so at
 his/her own risk.
 On May 10, 2014 2:38 PM, mfalemi mfal...@telus.net wrote:

 To Ugandan at heart  I request UAH to use this email: address:
 alemijuniorma...@yahoo.com  instead thanks. my regards to all. majid
 alemi junior.  http://ugandan-community.blogspot.ca/

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Atuhairwe 007aro...@gmail.com
 To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, May 9, 2014 1:23:15 AM
 Subject: Re: {UAH} Request!!Dan Kidega

 An MP's account hacked! That;s dangerous. Lost of classified info at
 stake. That's how Okwangali mostly gleans info

 On 5/8/14, 'dan kidega' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community
 ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com wrote:

  Am sorry for not informing you about my trip,I came down to Istanbul
  with my family to visit a resort but unfortunately i got mugged all cash
  credit card were stolen off me.
  Luckily for me i still have my passport with me,Wondering if i can get a
  loan from you but what ever you can afford will go a long way in getting
  out here promise to refund you back your money as soon as i get back home
  Please do get back to me immediately to let you know the easiest way to
  the fund to us.
  I await your swift response



 UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
 responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
 group, send email to:
 mailto:ugandans-at-heart%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com or Abbey
 Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.

 WestNileNet mailing list

 WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

 The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
 attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

 WestNileNet mailing list

 WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

 The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including
 attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [WestNileNet] [kobokoandfriendscommunity] Re: WALELE WALELE WALELE

2014-05-26 Thread Hussein Amin
Hi Margaret,

I was already rejoicing that you had come back to tell some of us what it
meant. I initially thought it was an e-alarm you were sounding in the
middle of my night. I realize I'm going to have to ask someone in Arua Park
tomorrow morning.


On May 27, 2014 2:01 AM, Margaret Akulia
kobokoandfriendscommun...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I meant what WALELE WALELE WALELE means.


 On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Margaret Akulia akul...@gmail.comwrote:

 Ask a Kakwa speaker what that means.

 Museveni Lectures Koboko Youth on Commercial Agriculture



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WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[WestNileNet] Amama Vs Museveni: A Duel To The Death?

2014-06-22 Thread Hussein Amin
The perceived calm of the Prime Minister and President Museveni in regards
to the Mbabazi saga is only cosmetic...and temporary.
The looming reality is a dead-end ahead.
Those with experience and who have cared to analyze the options know it
already. The formation of the next cabinet will make it clear to those who
have any doubts.
With the Kyankwanzi resolution in full swing, we have the main
ideological counter measure to any brewing competition within NRM.
It now allows all sorts of initiatives, including underhand
measures, to take place countrywide.
For the main two actors, jumping out isn't a topic for discussion. Fighting
back with political rhetoric is futile (PM was on TV the other day talking
quite tough). Trying to contain the matter internally is also impractical
as trust is now extinct. It even seems that back-stabbing and undermining
competition is clearly the order of the day.
Basically, we now have a duel like in the good old cowboy movies, where we
wait to see who can draw fastest between the two.
There aren't many options at hand. You either flee or confront the other
Duels end with blood.
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[WestNileNet] Amin was a what??? Confidential Document.

2014-07-03 Thread Hussein Amin
Dear All,

Attached is Mugabe when he saw Museveni naked.
On Jul 2, 2014 5:07 PM, Hannah Ogwapiti hannahogwap...@googlemail.com

 The most funny part he speaks this in the presence of Amin´s son who is
 one of his ministers or something. Did M7 really learn communication
 skills?How do you address people Using words like Idiot??When people start
 drawing comparisons between you and a person you call an Idiot then you are
 one as well.Now I know why they say that if a fish is top rot it begins
 from the head.

 Amin was more productive in his short reign than him in 28 years.Uganda
 during Amin was far much better than uganda now during his regime. U only
 have to drive along Salama Road Makindye to Munyonyo, better still after
 6pm, to experience HELL on earth aka Uganda under the delusional guidance n
 vision of Museveni.

 The IDIOT Amin left Us with the only international airport we have to date
  Entebbe International Airport. - he also created the Uganda Railways
 Corporation (URC) after the 1977 dissolution of East African Railways 
 harbors Corporation, which had begun after world war.

 Early 1970, according to National Housing Statistics, NHCC built flats,
 marionettes and bungalows in top class residential areas of Bugolobi (872).
 Bukoto White (130), Bukoto Brown (180), Kololo (80), Nakasero (44),
 Wandegeya inter alia (136). Middle to low housing estates were built in
 Luwafu (51) and Mulago. Idi Amin had plans of having apartment blocks like
 those in Bugolobi in places like; Kawempe, Mutundwe  Kansanga.

 Amin hosted the Organization of African Union (OAU): No one seriously
 believed the Organization of African Union (OAU) heads of state would come
 to Uganda so soon if ever.

 Credit goes to President Idi Amin Dada for the Creation of Uganda’s first
 and only national flag carrier, the Uganda Airlines Corporation. He rescued
 ‘The Flying Crane’ out of the wreckage of the East African Airways, and the
 Crane proudly traversed the international skies and landed at the world’s
 airports to the admiration and envy of many. All this was for the purpose
 of ensuring availability of air transport for Ugandans, visitors and air
 cargo at affordable charges.

 Amin saw to it that Uganda Airlines started to the Middle East and
 Nairobi. Uganda Airlines flew to Nairobi, Rome, Frankfurt, London, Dubai -

 Amin the Idiot built more hospitals, roads, airports, schools etc in such
 a short time than M7.

 The man he calls an idiot never sold his country to himself like the idiot

 One day some one will cal him an idiot, but how will muhoozi feel!!? Oh, i
 just called him so. Kanve wano tebansiiba.


 On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 12:50 PM, ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH)
 Community ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com wrote:

 Amin was a dictatorial idiot. Of course, we know that!! We can partly
 attribute his behaviour to lack of education. But what can we say about
 Museveni who is better educated?

 For God's sake, do these so-called men of God (religious leaders) have
 self respect, to go and listen to this tripe? Are there no real men of
 character, among these religious leaders, who can stand up during such
 nonsensical talk, and walk out? Sitting around to feed the dictator's sense
 of self-worthness and empty grandeur as a leader is just putting another
 nail in the Uganda coffin. Museveni is treating these
 people like kidergarten kids with no much knowledge of what Amin did, and
 what Museveni is doing.


 -Original Message-
 From: Hannah Ogwapiti hannahogwap...@googlemail.com
 To: ugandans-at-heart ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
 CC: Jonny Rubin jnnyru...@yahoo.co.uk
 Sent: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 11:20
 Subject: Re: {UAH} Amin was an idiot, says President Museveni

  Bobby Musoke,
 Have you ever heard of the saying that 'there is sometimes sense in some
 nonsense'? That is the only way i can understand president Museveni's
 statements on Amin and Obote. Amin was a dictator  but he did a lot for
 Uganda more than Museveni. So, who is an idiot plus?

 Please mark the following sayings as there are related to everything
 Museveni in Uganda:

 1. Money can't buy happiness, but its more comfortable to cry in a BMW
 than on a bicycle.

 2. Forgive your enemy, but remember that bastard's name .

 3. Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is
 in trouble again.

 4. Many people are alive only because its illegal or difficult to shoot
 them .

 5. Alcohol doesn't solve any problem,but neither does juice .

 6. Smoking kills, but if you don't smoke, doesn't mean you'll never

  Sometimes there is some SENSE in NONSENSE.

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Bobby Musoke bobbymus...@gmail.com

  Over to you Mr Hussein Amin.

  Amin was an idiot, says President Museveni

[WestNileNet] Beware! Those Fighting The Anti-Homosexuality Law In Court Are Likely To Win.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
I have been pondering at the reasons for what the western media is calling
a sudden backtracking by the government of Uganda on the
Anti-homosexuality law recently. As far as I am concerned, the law is still
law until it is scrapped or withdrawn for further review like the
miniskirt bill recently, isn't it?

Obviously, pressure from western donors comes to mind when we look at the
reasons for clarifying the misunderstanding as government put it.

As western countries withdraw crucial support to Uganda's public service,
particularly the health sector, government is the first to fill the pinch.

Many civil servants' salaries depend directly from donations.

Citizens generally might not feel any difference for services we haven't
tangibly seen or felt in our pockets and stomachs.

But at a more fundamental level, there is something going on behind the
scenes that could be more worrying: The legal action taken against the
Anti-homosexuality law.

The court action that comprises amongst others, the prominent
journalist/businessman Andrew Mwenda and the Presidential Advisor Fox Odoi.

While many might think that the effort of this group is futile because the
Anti-gay law seemingly has overwhelming public support in Uganda, we should
be alert to the fact that cases in court take their own different course
based on other parameters: The Constitution, Human Rights and the laws of
the land.

The judges will have to consider whether any citizen has the right to free
choice of sexuality.

In my view, those that have taken the matter to court are most likely to

They have alot of international experience that they can tap into from
precedences in the west where the matter of decriminalizing homosexuality
has seen tough battles in court already.

The result has been the flooring of Anti-homosexuality laws in court.

With the inexperience of having ever dealt with such cases, I doubt that
the Attorney General is equipped with any experimental capacity to win.

On behalf of the people who dont want to see homosexuality become an open
practice in this country, I would urge the govermment to be more visionary
on this matter.

Imagine what happens when the bill is defeated in court. It is almost
guaranteed that the supporters of homosexuality will go for the jugular:
Same-sex marriage rights. And they will do this under the same principles
of human rights.

Is our legal framework ready for this? Has the Attorney General advised
government on the courses of action available and their chances of success.

Government must be pragmatic and see beyond emotions and religious

Judges can't rule on a matter based on the writings of the Coran or the
teachings of the Gospel.

They have to stick to what the laws written by parliament advise. These
laws include the Constitution which already guarantees freedom of
expression and human rights. The very ingredients that defeated
criminalizing homosexuality in the west.

The government of Uganda has now ushered in the era of long legal battles
on homosexuality.

The same that we have been passively hearing about taking place in the
west. In the US, individual states accept same-sex marriage, only for
another judge to cancel it by a stay of execution pending other cases, and
then a federal judge would strike down the state judges decision, and now
we have the federal state recognizing all same-sex marriages even when they
aren't yet recognized at the local state level.

So are we ready for that fight as well?

Because that is the most likely course of events if the case against the
anti-homosexuality law is defeated in court.

In fact the defeat would be more immediate in our system where one court
decides what is valid for the whole country.

As it stands, the issue ahead after they fight the anti-homosexuality law,
is same-sex marriage.

And the country (politicians, legislators and civil society) needs to
prepare for that without engaging in religious quotes because those wont
count for the judges in court.

Their are solutions and strategies that legal and political minds should
already have in the safe.

The problem with same sex marriage is that if we get to a stage where the
courts force govermment to approve it under the principles of human rights,
then we would be opening a pandora box for all sorts of madness and love
fallacies to be approved and certified by the state.

I just read a story where an Australian is celebrating her one year
anniversary of marrying a french bridge (Daily Mail 11/7/2014

There was another story last year of a priest officiating at a marriage
between an American woman and a roller coaster (

Obviously something is wrong in their legislation. Because how will the

[WestNileNet] Sadly, Amin Outgrew Ugandan Politics Long Ago.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
During the second Congo war where the late Kabila father fought Rwanda and
Uganda, the Congolese president contacted Idi Amin for help.

With just two phone calls  Amin got him over 6000 fully equipped fighters
with an assortment of light and heavy weapons, uniforms, vehicles,

These fighters were stationed in the Ituri region of Eastern Congo and that
is where they encountered the Rwanda Patriotic Front soldiers of President
Paul Kagame.

To cut a long story short, this group of soldiers sent by Amin fought
bravely against the Rwandese who were considered the toughest army fighting
in Congo. Remember that they had defeated the UPDF (their supposed allies)
twice in Kisangani, eastern Congo, at around that time.

The RPF was however overrun by the Amin boys and in one incident, 800 RPF
soldiers were caught.

What happened to these soldiers is a matter too graphic to discuss because
war is terrible.

But Mr. Kagame himself is aware of that battle where more than 1000
Rwandese died.

Now if Idi Amin had any interest of being president of Uganda again, he
could have just deployed soldiers to fight the Uganda government.

Wasn't it just two calls that got him 6000 fully equipped fighters?

To understand Amin, one has to look at the heart of the man. He wasn't a
thief. He was never corrupt. He fought for the simple citizen, every

He fought for the black African and even the African American who was still
heavily discriminitated against at the time in the US.

He stood against Israeli oppression of the palestinians like we see
continuing today.

Amin is the only African who actually fought in the Gholan heights for two
weeks until Israel and Syria signed a peace deal then he returned secretely
to Uganda.

He fought imperialism as he called it then. I call it supremacism.

He fought Apartheid in South Africa, and fought Rodhesian white rule.

They say he was xenophobic when he deported the Asians who had taken over
the entire economy of the country. Ugandans largely beg to differ.

Hatred is a very bad thing. It fuelled the souls, thoughts and actions of
those who dedicated their lives against Amin.

Mere Hatred.

Yet let's face it. They will never equal the stature of Idi Amin
particularly on the African continent where he was a revered pan-africanist.

The younger generation may be fooled by the overwhelming bad press from
western media, but those who remember can stand and tell their honest story.

But looking forward, we should end this competition of machismo by those
who try to appear tougher than Amin in order to rule.

The democratic country that we should be aiming at is one where a civilian
is peacefully elected president. He then serves his two terms and hands
over power to another peacefully elected civilian.

That is the real political benchmark Uganda has to acheive.

That is the democracy I want to see.
WestNileNet mailing list

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2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Recently, while discussing with some journalist friends, we ended up
focusing on the blame game that has become a constant in Ugandan politics.

We were talking about how in the aftermath of the Luwero Parliamentary
by-elections 2014, blame was poured on Idi Amin for the districts current
lack of government services.

I wondered how anyone in their right mind could concocte such obvious
misjudgemeny in 2014, 35 years since Amin left the country.

The true word up for mention is the incompetence.

Many intellectuals possess a superiority complex, and they have for the
last 40 years been shouting themselves hoarse about Amin.

These men and women have chosen to invent a ficticious political
parochialism involving Amin as long as it suits their agenda of either
grabbing power or hanging on to it.

Many individuals in Uganda and the region talk about the learned elite
simply unable to accept a semi-literate person reaching heights they never
even dreamt of attaining themselves. Thereby their subsequent, persisting
negative utterances.

Obviously this haters group of elitist politicians and scholars wouldn't
accept any mention of Amin's positive achievements, particularly that of an
uncorrupt leader struggling for the people and enjoying pan-africanist
applause as he did back then when he fought for Ugandans and Africans
against neo-colonialism and against apartheid in Southern Africa.

It is surprising that there is a total disconnect between the Amin that
ordinary Ugandans talk about, and the Amin that the media/elite talk about.

How come?

Is the media censuring popular opinion on Idi Amin?

Obviously something is amiss.

The excuse that I have heard being brought up by some editors when faced
with an Amin issue, is that they don't want to hurt the feelings of those
who might have suffered during the 70's.

But that isn't the job of the media. When their is a story, it should be
either balanced or remain unpublished.

Headlines such as Killed by Amin for confronting him is a total fallacy
of journalism when there is no substantiation.

People, mainly opportunists, use such self-seeking tactics to appear brave.

Scaring others by lying that they encountered a lion and single-handedly
fought it.

Then the whole village fears the crook.

But Amin has never been convicted of any crime, and he was never asked to
narrate his side of the story.

So how can a news article on Amin be without his say included? That is
unacceptable journalism.

When one-sided stories on anything get printed by the media, that isn't

It's Politics?

Yet family members and former government officials are all over Uganda and
able to say their opinion.

As I said recently, article 28 of the Ugandan constitution says everyone is
innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

So how come the media is allowed to break editorial standards, journalistic
principles and the constitution of Uganda all in the same stride when it
comes to reporting about Idi Amin?

The media takes more seriously the verbosity of a suspected underpants
thief/government spokesperson.

That is a telling sign of the poor quality of our ethics, politics,
judicial system and media professionalism.

But to explain the political tactics that have been employed for the last
35 years, the formula is quite simple.

Say that everything bad was by Idi Amin, and you cover for your failures
and your hitherto glaring ignorance.

That is the single biggest success of any government since 1979 when Amin
left the country: Blaming Amin.

That is how in todays Uganda, old, outdated politicians have managed to
remain under the spotlight longer than all Miss Ugandas combined.

But if someone dares to praise Field Marshal Idi Amin on a particular
point, these elite turn into beasts right infront of your very eyes, with
anger and venom oozing from the nostrils and all pores.

You think I'm exaggerating? Try it once and see the metamorphosis happen
before your very eyes.

The period 1980-1990's (after Amin) saw a million Ugandans dead. It stood
as the East African record until the Rwanda genocide equaled it in 1994.
Was that Amin?

The amusing part is that the perpetrators on both sides prefer the
diversionaries of... you guessed it... Blaming Amin. And sometimes they do
it together.

Didn't Mwalimu Nyerere withdraw his troops from Uganda in total nausea and
disgust at the chaos, criminality, ethnic killings and torture by these
very people he helped?

But you find that til today, for some particular individuals, there is
literally no public speech without at some point the mention of Idi Amin.

Even for crimes committed by them when he had already left.

Ok then! Since the blame game is a serious policy, let me help.

The never-ending, exponentially rising wave of continuous corruption
scandals, that have paralyzed the civil service and seen disgusted
international donors withdraw aid as billions upon billions of public funds
are literally pillaged from the coffers of the 

[WestNileNet] Maybe Obote Is The Idiot. That Makes M7 A Moron.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Letter To The Editor.

I am writing on behalf of the family of our late father Al-Hajji Idi Amin
Dada to request our right to respond similarly to the recent insulting
article that you allowed to be published in the Daily Monitor under the
unbecoming Front Page Headline Amin Was An Idiot.

The Presidents language was uncalled for and we would like to protest such
treatment by the media in regards to Idi Amin.

In all honesty, the idiot maybe Obote.

When he was overthrown the first time, one could say there is a problem
with Amin. But when it happens for a second time, then surely Obote is the

However, I recently saw Museveni dancing at Obote's son Akena's wedding, So
I am still puzzled.

Museveni could have already surpassed the level of idiot and imbecile,
and is now at moron.

The occasion at which the president was said to have made his utterances
was a meeting with the inter-religious council where leaders from all
faiths were present.

How can Priests, Sheikhs and Imams attend mass officiated by a confirmed
pagan who tore down all the churches and mosques in the army. Since then no
soldier has been able to practice his or her faith in any barracks.

Imagine if Amin had touched a single cathedral or mosque.

At least Amin authorized all soldiers to practice their faith in army

So how do you describe todays pan-africanist practicing a cult that aims
at creating for himself the coveted post where all should worship only him
and declare him sole candidate as God of Uganda?

President Museveni is a moron (Musenzi in swahili).

Best Regards

Hussein J. Lumumba Amin.
WestNileNet mailing list

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2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
For decades none has mentioned the identities of the hostage takers and
what happened to them.

But the European lady who hijacked the plane along with the palestinians
was an Israeli secret agent (MOSSAD).

Her mission had been to infiltrate Yasser Arafats PLO headquarters and
training camps in Tunisia.

She was to relay her findings and any intel to Israel from where commandos
would launch an attack.

The Entebbe raid was supposed to have happened in Tunisia.

That mission failed because the plane was unexpectedly diverted to Entebbe

As said here earlier, Israel staged the whole incident.

This lady actually left with the Israelis out of Entebbe during the rescue.

Not before doing most of the killing of her palestinian colleagues
herself, literally shooting them from behind as they fought oncoming
Israeli soldiers.

She had led them into this debacle that MOSSAD had conspicuously created
using these genuine arab hijackers.

Uganda was neutral. Amin had made a goodwill offer to facilitate a
peaceful, negotiated solution.

The Ugandan soldier who fired the shot that killed Benjamin Netanyahu's
brother the commander of the Israelis, was given hero status for saving the
countries honour.

Because of our neutral status, Ugandan soldiers were not on combat alert on
this matter.

Their role here was like guarding an international football match between
Israel and Palestine being played in Namboole. Lol
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[WestNileNet] WHAT IS A MORON?

2014-08-11 Thread Hussein Amin

It just dawned on me that most wanainchi don't know what a MORON is.

So could someone help explain and maybe also tell us its equivalent in

Thank You.
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Amin: 11 Years Memorial Prayers

2014-08-14 Thread Hussein Amin
This Saturday 16th August will be exactlly 11 years since Al Hajji Idi Amin
Dada passed away in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

We his family would first like to express our appreciation to the Royal
family and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their unwavering

Especially His Majesty the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques King Abdallah
Bin Abdul Aziz, and the Kings before him including our fathers personal
friend the late King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, also the late King Khaled bin
Abdul Aziz and lastly the late King Fahad bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.

All steadfast in the Kingdom's decision to grant our late father the best
welcome and stay in Saudi Arabia.

We therefore kindly request all Mosques to spare a simple minute of dua at
THIS FRIDAY's Juma prayers.

And we call upon all citizens, military or civilians, students and the
unemployed, men and women alike, to take this opportunity to pray for a
better Uganda.

From God We Are, And To Him We Will All Return - Islamic quote


Hussein J. L. Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2014-08-21 Thread Hussein Amin
A man who did everything he could for Africans, but still the African Union
stood by and watched him die from the comfort of their offices.

(Translated by Pearl FM)

For 40 years, or was it longer, I can’t remember, I did all I could to
give people houses, hospitals, schools, and when they were hungry, I gave
them food, I even made Benghazi into farmland from the desert, I stood up
to attacks from that cowboy Reagan, when he killed my adopted orphaned
daughter, he was trying to kill me, instead he killed that poor innocent
child, then I helped my brothers and sisters from Africa with money for the
African Union, did all I could to help people understand the concept of
real democracy, where people’s committees ran our country, but that was
never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits
and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted
more, and they told Americans and other visitors, they needed “democracy”
and freedom”, never realizing it was a cut throat system, where the
biggest dog eats the rest, [b]but they were enchanted with those words,
never realizing that in America, there was no free medicine, no free
hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when
people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup, no, no matter what I
did, it was never enough for some, but for others, they knew I was the son
of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and Muslim leader we’ve had since
Salah’ a’ Deen, when he claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed
Libya, for my people, it was his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my
people free from colonial domination—from thieves who would steal from us—
now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little
African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our
country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free
education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery,
called “capitalism,” but all of us in the Third World know what that means,
it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people
suffer, so, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if
Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path, the path that has made our
country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to
help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the
Libyan Jammohouriyah, I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to
save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then
so be it. let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to
crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood
up to the West and its colonialist ambitions, and that I stood with my
African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers, as a beacon of light,
when others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a
tent, I never forgot my youth in Sirte, I did not spend our national
treasury foolishly, and like Salah’a’deen, our great Muslim leader, who
rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself… [/b]in the West,
some have called me “mad,” “crazy,” but they know the truth but continue to
lie, they know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial
grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and
that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free, may Allah almighty
help us to remain faithful and free!
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[WestNileNet] Daily Monitor: Amin, More Than We'll Ever Know.

2014-08-21 Thread Hussein Amin


There was more to Idi Amin than
the world will ever know

By Hussein Amin

Posted  Saturday, August 16  2014 at  01:00

When Idi Amin Dada was ousted as president of Uganda in April 1979 and
ended up in exile in
Saudi Arabia, a veil was pulled down on one of the most photographed and
talked about leader of the time, no matter that he was not always
portrayed in the best light.

Al Hajji Idi Amin was the most popular African in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Idi Amins retirement was about enjoying his new found freedom in Saudi
Arabia, away from the official President of Uganda life with its
responsibilities of running a country.

He visited ancient Islamic sights in Saudi Arabia and prayed five times a
day. He liked going to the open air market or walking amongst the crowd of
people at popular shopping malls where he would stop at a café for his
favorite turkish coffee.

Swimming was his preferred exercise and he would be at the beach literally
every afternoon.

He was regularly invited to dinners, iftars and meetings with Arab
businessmen, diplomats and politicians from all over the Middle East.

He would talk to them about Uganda, it's economic potential and resources.

He met alot of Africans as well; Students, pilgrims and businessmen.

It was a sight of pure glee when young Africans saw him passing by.

He preferred praying at the Grand Mosque of Mecca but would regularly make
the 800 kilometres to the prophets Mosque in Medina.

He was a regular at the neighbourhood Mosque and contributed with other
faithful neighbours to it's reconstruction.

He liked Ugandan food and would have it sent over. But was also a fan of
fastfood from KFC, Pizza Hut, Mc Donalds as well as Kobsa, the Saudi
national food with seasoned rice and camel meat.

He however constantly kept himself up-to-date about Uganda and world

And he did this by continuously following news and debates on radio, tv and
all major economic and political international newspapers and magazines on
a daily basis. Plus talking to Ugandans themselves in the country and

He continued educating himself, reading and getting informed throughout his

I remember the BBC once shocked to hear someone speaking perfect english.

So stunned was the fellow that he wondered if it was truly Idi Amin on the
other side of the line.

To those who cared to listen, he used to say: it is better to be
under-estimated in life.

That's probably how he blind-sided the incredibly huge number of opponents
he had for eight years (the time he ruled Uganda).

Some of whom actually still think he was stupid.

Sorry folks! He wasn't!?!

Besides some close family members, few people know that Amin was regularly
immersed in reading with his huge round reading spectacles.

When he passed away on 16th August 2003, it was of course a sad day for us
and many people around the African continent.

Scores of people came home to pay their last respects. This included the
Saudi government that was represented by the then Crown Prince Sultan bin
Abdul Aziz on behalf of The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah
bin Abdul Aziz who was away at the time on official duty.

Others included senior military officers, Ambassadors, his business friends
and even some two Uganda embassy officials whom we welcomed.

In Saudi Arabia, Idi Amin received a burial befitting his status as a
former head of state.

Amin managed those eight years as President of Uganda mainly because of his
sharpness of mind, alertness to security issues, his ability to grasp
complex concepts rapidly and his tenacity to ensure that he got things
done, particularly in terms of services to Ugandans, even if it meant to
move mountains.

And as we all know, he did this while the Ugandan economy was being quashed
by an international embargo and constant sabotage regardless of the impact
on the Ugandan population.

It was literally extraordinary to make any headway with that amount of
opposition abroad and the limited resources at his disposal, compared to
all the international aid, World bank loans and Chinese grants that are
available today for Uganda.

If Idi Amin had half the Western and regional goodwill that Uganda has
today, this country would have been far more advanced than what we see.

The current government is also further reduced in its effectiveness by the
overwhelming and ubiquitous issue of corruption.

Yes, Amin had crucial support from the Arab world but also immense
popularity at home and with Africans all over the continent.

The Tanzanian people themselves didn't have any beef with him. He met
frequently with their pilgrims in Saudi.

Wasn't it a road block of TPDF (Tanzanian Peoples Defence Forces) soldiers
that let Amin through on the night of 12-13th April 1979 as he left Kampala
after the capital city had fallen the previous day?

If it wasn`t

[WestNileNet] Conrad Nkutu Lied!

2014-08-28 Thread Hussein Amin

Below is the email I sent to Daily Monitor about Mr. Conrad Nkutu's article
about my work stint at Monitor.

I am bringing this matter because it is being used by some disgruntled
political opportunists.

Though Conrad is spot-on in regards to my professional competencies, he was
actually engaged in alot of self agrandizing.

Conrad Nkutu was job hunting at Tullow Oil at the time and might have been
using the article as self-advertizing/promotion.

He was appointed Corporate Affairs manager Tullow Uganda a few weeks later
after the article.

Though I did see Mr. Nkutu to personally give my condolences for the loss
of his father as he says in his story, his narration of events is from a
nollywood movie (most likely skills obtained from producing The Hostel
series on NTV Uganda).

But more importantly, I subsequently embarked on finding out what exactly
happened to his late father.

I got the very intelligence operatives who were protecting Mr. Shaban Nkutu
at his house in Jinja following directives from my father (Amin had
actually set Mr. Nkutu free from jail).

Well the facts of his death are simply incredible.

I didn't share this development with Conrad.

Primary reason being I was waiting to meet him personally and also discuss
his employment story over a cup of tea.

But just for the record, I pasted a letter I wrote to Charles Onyango Obbo
explaining exactly how Mr. Shaban Nkutu actually died and was buried.

I pasted it on my blog.

But below is my unpublished response to Daily Monitor after the Nollywood
article of Conrad.

Dear Former Colleagues,

I am quite shocked by you opinion article Employing Amins Son (

After a replay reading, It is clear that the writer could have been engaged
in dramatically and narcisistically portraying his own good nature and
inflating his greatness.

To write of fictional events that purpotedly happened in his office where I
was collapsing and abandoning my professional responsibilities is a stingy
and poignant hallucination.

Kindly ask Mr Peter Kabba and Martha (HR) if anything like what has been
written ever took place.

The first time I went to Mr. Nkutu's office was alone to give my heartfelt
apologies and condolences as a human being to a fellow colleague.

It took less than 20 seconds, I was out.

The only other time was when I was leaving Monitor to work with the UN and
Mr. Nkutu was trying to see if there was any way I could stay on with KFM
where I was working as a Production Consultant.

Obviously the UN was a good opportunity for my career.

But Martha who was at this meeting, tried to negotiate an increase in my
wages so as to keep me with the company.

When I told them what I would be earning in Peace-Keeping, they let me go.

I had promised to return at the end of my 6 months contract.

Mr. Nkutu was glad with that.

So I didn't just vanish as Nkutu writes. Instead, they had tried to have me
stay at Monitor but couldn't compete with the UN offer...obviously!?!

It turned out the UN extended my contract for 6 years because of
outstanding abilities in technical, supervisory skills in substantive areas
of Public Information in a post-conflict field mission. I was subsequently
even transferred to Darfur as UN technical support for African Union forces
and was one of the pioneers instrumental in establishing the Communications
and Public Information Department for UNAMID at its inception.

I am happy though to see some recognition of my high professional standards.

Thank you for publishing.


So the moral of the story is that when writing anything about Amin, people
are ALWAYS upto some personal agenda.

And those who think Amin was stupid, I can assure you he was sharper than
me and you combined.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin.
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2014-08-31 Thread Hussein Amin
I had a heated discussion with some forumists on Ugandans At Heart forum.

Suddenly some idiot mentioned my mother Kay Amin (RIP) who as we all know
was brutally murdered in 1974.

The problem is, those who committed the murder want to also blame it on

Something that I cannot allow.

So I would first like to share here my informative response to someone who
insensitively decided to tarnish my late mothers name yet she suffered a
most horrendeous end in the hands of anti-Amin death squads.

Here is the brief response I made:

'Kay Amin was taken from her flat near Kisseka market by four men in a

They murdered her and even her unborn child.

My father Idi Amin was informed of the death while at his office at
Parliament building.

And if you want to have a chat with the munyankole secretary who brought
him the message, she is still around. We call her Mama Asha!?!

I would trust her info rather than a Henry Kyemba who wrote a malicious
book about it so as to cover his tracks for having stolen 7 million US
dollars of Ugandan taxpayers money that was intended for medecines and
equipment in the health sector.

How many expectant mothers and sick Ugandans died because of Kyemba's
theft, that you have all conveniently ignored to calculate?

Kay Amin Rest In Peace!''
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2014-09-05 Thread Hussein Amin
In all the principles of justice advocated for by intellectuals, leaders,
journalists and judges of the highest courts, the one applied to Idi Amin
is instead that of “guilty even though no court can prove it”.

Full Article Here:

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] British Doshonesty On Asian Issue (Reposted)

2014-09-05 Thread Hussein Amin
East Africa's entire economy was handed to forcefully exiled Asians brought
here by an authoritarian colonial Britain in a despicable policy that then
deliberately confined Africans as slaves in their own country.

Full editorial here:

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Letter: But What Did Amin Do To You?

2014-09-05 Thread Hussein Amin
Letter To The Editor (23/08/2014)

Dear Editor,

I have a question for some haters.

What did Idi Amin do to you? Yes, YOU personally! What did Amin do to you?

If he did nothing wrong to you, yet you abuse him the way you do, I hereby
ask God to punish you accordingly in this life and the hereafter starting

Do you realize that every time I speak good of Amin, you immediately
transform into the ugliest venom-spitting reptile, churning out expletives
and insults boiling in the hateful arrogance that drools from your cursed

You become a combination of the fangs of a vampire and the heartless rib
cage of a psychopath spitting the snakes of your own dark soul.

Did Amin even know of your humble existence?

The surprising part is that when I ask what harm exactly did Idi Amin ever
do to you, I get a blank face!?!

Hussein J. L. Amin
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[WestNileNet] Muzungu Disappearance 1977: A Despicable Scam!?!

2014-09-12 Thread Hussein Amin

After the Robert Scanlon story was published online, I called his daughter
Cherie Scanlon at her home in UK, to discuss the disappearance of her
father, a British-born Ugandan who vanished from Kampala in 1977.

I asked her some critical questions crucial to determining the
 circumstances then and now.

I can't discuss our conversation here, but what is clear is that the matter
has been twisted into a crime by Amin even when all those involved have not
the slightest evidence to suggest that Robert Scanlon is dead or anyone
committed a crime.

Even the British government itself hasn't the slightest indication that
Amin, or anyone for that matter, did anything wrong.

Sadly, this issue only gains attention because it has somehow been unfairly
pegged on the one person they think they can get away with saying anything

Just like the British journalists who forged news reports about Amin and
his government to UK newspapers while they were actually engaged in
debaucherie and lewd behaviour in Kampala, Robert Scanlons disappearance
is currently another vicious, ruthless scam that also hurts his own family

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Confession Times: How Briton Faked Stories About Amin!?!

2014-09-12 Thread Hussein Amin
Ian G. Cutler literally invented stories about Amin.

My time In Uganda: Over a period of several years, both before and
during the regime of Idi Amin, I had some kind of devious business
relationship with the government and made several business trips out

Planning one of those trips, I saw the opportunity to have all my
expenses paid for by the News of the World and persuaded Michael
Parker (of the Gay YMCA story) and Gerry Brown, to help me get

We sold the story on a simple brief to “expose the horrors of living
under Amin”. We used the airport at Nairobi, Kenya.

This involved us in a 300 mile drive. We would often break our journey
in a Kenyan town called Kisumu. As soon as we got to Kampala we used
to set ourselves up in the only five star hotel that was still open
for business.

On the first of these trips I took Parker with me. We went direct to
the hotel bar, where, over copious amounts of whatever spirits were
served in the country, we created a scene of gruesome carnage, As the
booze went down, Parker wrote: 'The sky is clouded with vultures as
unburied bodies pile up in the streets of the beleaguered capital'.

The next morning we decided to go and find a ‘dead body’, and actually
went out for the first time into Kampala’s surprisingly civilized
streets, where we eventually happened upon a drunk. He was laying
prostrate on the pavement so I exposed a whole roll of film - omitting
the bit where the drunk suddenly recovered and lurched off to the
nearest bar.

This was’ the drunk’ referred to in 'Vultures of Uganda' story -
supposedly a dying man!
Rupert laughed at this picture.

Apart from that, we rarely left the confine of the hotel, and only
came back to London when our expenses were being questioned. For once
the News of the World didn’t believe us.

Upon our return we went off on a boozy bout with our old mate Craig
McKenzie, to whom we confided all. Naturally we ended up in our
favourite brothel, the Cabaret Club.

There, presumably in his cups, McKenzie agreed to try and persuade his
brother, then riding high as editor of the Sun, to run the story. On
Craig’s assurance that the story held up, Kelvin did so and we two
conmen walked away with handsome cheques.

On my next trip I took Gerry Runcible Brown to do the ‘real’ story.
Adjective-laden artistic license, we decided, was just not enough. We
would have to find some convincing horror stories. And, of course, so
we did.

Gerry was a quite remarkable man. For a start, his drinking capacity
was such that he completely humbles lightweight dipsomaniacs like
Scallywag. He has been known, while ‘on the job’, to consume up to two
or even three bottles of scotch a session while concocting his
expenses for a seemingly
ever-tolerant ‘Screws’ hierarchy.

Even more incredible was his capacity to get his end away with
whatever p. was available, even while surrounded by the sordid
evidence of the empty bottles of his wretched debauchery. But there is
something even more unimaginable and inconceivable, even preposterous,
about the Runcible Super-loo which very, very nearly defies all
rational and sagacious thinking. It is that, despite overwhelming
evidence of his life-long depravity, he was actually taken seriously
by his peers.

Gerry-can has written and published a book called “EXPOSED -
Sensational True Story of Fleet Street Reporter” in which he not only
pontificates about the glories of exposure journalism (with shining
white armour gallivanting valiantly as the Great Crusader against
universal sleaze) but tried to set himself up as the authentic
mouthpiece of the exposure genre.

Indeed, so well-established as a spokesman of “freedom of speech” has
he become that he was lauded in the Guardian by the editor-in-chief,
Peter Preston no less, for his tenacious belief that if others are at
it, it is up to Galahads like himself to tell the world about it.

But there was no one to tell the world about Gerald Runcible Brown or
about just what he actually got up to when he took his trousers down,
until now,

So here I am, a veteran snatch-man, ex-con, s... athlete (I have
scr.. a thousand women in my sordid life) and self-confessed
manipulator of the front page. I am here to re-write the Gerry-can

Take for example, our different accounts of our trip to Uganda
together. I had been there several times before. This particular visit
occurred just after Idi Amin had been ousted by the Tanzanian army.
According to Gerry's book, ‘Exposed’, Gerry-can, at the time a
fearless freelance who wanted to put the world to rights, decided to
go Uganda and took along “my photographer”.

The fact is that I pay-rolled the whole trip to nearly a thousand
pounds. I took him and picked up all the tabs. In fact at the time
Gerry had a warrant out for his arrest. He had fled from Florida where
he had been working for the notorious National Enquirer. It was,
although the book skilfully doesn’t mention it, just a little bit of a

[WestNileNet] If Janan Luwum Isn't A Saint, Neither Is Mwalimu Nyerere!

2014-09-12 Thread Hussein Amin
Based on what I have heard, the independent forensic investigation into
what caused the death of Janan Luwum was supposed to involve an exhumation
of his body so as to be clear about what actually killed him? That would
have been followed by a grand reburial at Namirembe Cathedral.

The World Council of Churches, the ones conducting the independent probe,
was alledgedly prepared to do the forensics and as we all know, their
investigation would have led to Sainthood for Janan Luwum.

Central to the process of awarding Sainthood is how and why he died.

The other obviously bigger part of the WCC probe looks at how Janan Luwum
led his entire life while alive.

Officially denying Janan Luwum sainthood in the 80's meant that, though he
appeared religious, his activities weren't!?!

I personally understand the WCC position. I stood in front of the weapons
displayed at Namirembe Cathedral grounds next to the blue truck painted
with a Pepsi sign.

The book Sowing The Mustard Seed expounds on the details of that
operation and even gives names of those who were driving the trucks.

So before even exhuming the body for investigative forensics and possible
reburial at Namirembe Cathedral, the Sainthood process came to a brutal
end...possibly forever!?!

Sadly, Janan Luwum himeself had crossed the Church's red line.

Many people ask me about that event but the above is exactly what I tell

The only other official investigation on record besides the one conducted
independently by international investigators from the Church, is the
official Uganda government statement.

The rules and regulations for Sainthood are so stringent and sadly, so time
consuming that even Pope John Paul II is awaitng his.

But the investigation that disqualified Janan Luwum might also be the very
one that disqualifies the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere for whom calls have
been made to grant him sainthood as well.

Based on records including Sowing The Mustard Seed, Mwalimu Julius
Nyerere was the main facilitator of the subversive activities that led to
the seized weapons that had themselves led to Janan Luwums disqualification
from sainthood.

So if Janan Luwum couldn't be a saint, isn't it irrational for Nyerere to
be one?

Because from the Churches perspective, Janan Luwum literally isn't, wasn't
and will never be a Saint.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Another Amin Book?: The Guardian Angel

2014-09-12 Thread Hussein Amin
Book Review: While not an apologist for Idi Amin, Arnold Bisase (the
author) explains
the Ugandan rebels that were at work in Tanzania in the 1970s, vying for
power and at the same time engaged in rivalry with each other and using the
method of sabotage and assassination of prominent Ugandans so as to try and
discredit Idi Amin. The book adds its voice to the growing number of
sources who are increasingly questioning the claims that Amin caused any
deaths of thousands during his eight-year rule and the
view now confirmed that exiled groups in Kenya and Tanzania staged the
prominent abductions and did the killings.
The author was with the Ugandan exiles.

It should be worth reading!

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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Re: [WestNileNet] {UAH} Press Communiqué: Amnesty International...

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
I am still waiting for Amnesty International to respond to the above queries!

On 8/31/14, Hussein Amin husseinjur...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Colleagues.

 I sent the email below to Amnesty International asking critical questions
 about information that they have turned into possibly the most distorted
 history of any country.

 We as a nation haven't been afforded any answers to these questions yet.

 So the Amnesty International silence in regards to my questions isn't only
 deafening, it is hypocrite.

 It would be appropriate that the Ugandan media in particular, take on this
 challenge. And if successful, publish impartially the simple answers to the
 Ugandan people for the sake of setting the record straight.

 My letter was as follows:


 I am interested in the alledged atrocities committed in Uganda.

 - The Idi Amin regime (1971-79)
 - The post-Amin era from 1979-1986.

 From the preliminary information I have, Amnesty International is the
 organization that conducted research on Uganda to document atrocities.

 I would therefore be grateful if you could make available a response to the

 - Number of deaths during the Amin regime.
 - Who counted?
 - When?
 - How? (Methodoly)
 - Accuracy?
 - What is the evidence of the deaths?
 - Did you make requests for information or were you instead contacted with
 data? (this is important to weigh the impartiality of the information)
 - Who inside Uganda did Amnesty International contact to obtain the
 - Finally, what methods were used to determine the accuracy of the
 information that was published?

 I would be glad to talk to a knowledgable person within the organization to
 discuss the above.

 Kind regards,

 Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin.
 Kampala, Uganda

 UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are
 responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this
 group, send email to:  ugandans-at-heart+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com or
 Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwe...@gmail.com.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Erinayo Oryema: A Death Still Disputed!?!

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
The reburial ceremony surely must bring back tears that had long
dried. But we now all find ourselves recalling the late Former
Minister/IGP Erinayo Oryema, his life and his death on 17th February
There have been many versions about what happened on that fateful day.
Books have been written and royalties pocketed by many individuals who
sadly placed themselves as authorities on events that happened in
Uganda back in 1977.
I am sure that many Ugandans today would also have wanted to hear what
Field Marshal Idi Amin had to say.
Unfortunately that opportunity has passed.
But until that fateful last meeting at Nile Mansions, Ministers Oboth
Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryema were free persons.
The late Archbishop Janan Luwum had been the main suspect until then.
Had Luwum not mentioned the two ministers as his co-conspirators
during that meeting, they would have gone back free men as they had
But Janan Luwum pointed at them and he did so as all invited foreign
diplomats watched.
What I can confirm is two things.
First, because the persons involved were senior figures in Uganda, my
fathers last orders before leaving Nile Mansions was that they be
taken to their individual homes and that they be brought back the next
day for another meeting with him. Under no circumstances were they to
be thrown in jail like common criminals because of their status.
The other issue is that Amin dashed to the State Research Bureau and
quarreled with the officers that had been responsible for taking the
three individuals home. He did that the moment he heard that the three
personalities were dead. Their argument took place in the open parking
lot of the building. I watched from the fence as the officers tried to
explain themselves to Idi Amin.
He was clearly angry at them and kept on asking if they knew what
trouble this meant for him and his government. He then abruptly left
the SRB premises.
I have asked myself many questions about that day. This reburial
ceremony puts the topic back on the table.
Questions about how the three individuals died will never cease as
they continue to generate debate today.
The subsequent governments after Amin have also never conducted an
autopsy to clear fact from fiction.
If Janan Luwum, Oboth Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryema had died by bullet
shots to the head as is being rumoured, that would have easily been
verifiable by forensic experts and would have brought some closure
earlier to relatives.
As for the weapons found at Namirembe Cathedral (the underlying matter
that brought about the whole incident), I personally viewed them as
they were on display on the front lawn. They lay next to a blue truck
with a Pepsi sign from which they had been offloaded.
In the book Sowing The Mustard Seed, President Museveni discusses
the operation from the instigators perspective. If I recall correctly,
the persons who actually drove the trucks are mentioned in the book.
But the ceremony that the country is now holding for the late Erinayo
Oryema is more about professional recognition. Whatever happened the
day he perished is another matter yet to be fully established.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Daily Monitor Rubbish: That How Amin Killed Ben Kiwanuka.

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
I read with shock the Daily Monitor article titled How Amin killed
Benedict Kiwanuka written by Mugabe Faustin.
It made me realize that the history of Uganda in regards to the late
Chief Justice is solely based on one Daniel Mulemezi's version. I
asked myself what happened to impartiality in establishing justice and
truth since it is clearly obvious that his story is completely
First, it is quite unusual for such an important police investigation
to be conducted by one individual. The standing procedure usually
involves the matter being discussed with senior officers before the
investigation is sanctioned. They would then assign the task to a
designated detective officer with a team. But according to the
inquiries findings, it seems we have one allegded officer going around
on his own.
Secondly, their appears to be no effort to cross examine witness
Mulemezi or to require that he substantiates his claims. Shouldn't at
least another third party corroborate Mulemezi's story?
I would have expected Mr. Mulemezi's official police investigation
reports to be tabled at the commission of inquiry as a minimum
evidence proving if he indeed conducted any investigation at all or if
he was a policeman as he claims. How does anyone know if he is telling
the truth.
Establishing the truth requires a robust process. But the story makes
the inquiry look like we may have been dealing with a Kangaroo court.
It is on record that Amin had ordered Ben Kiwanuka's release from jail
after the 1971 takeover and appointed him Chief Justice. It is also
known that when the Chief Justice disappeared, Amin clearly stated
that the Ugandans in exile had most likely orchestrated an abduction.
How is Mulemezi's story more credible than Amin?
The Obote group in Tanzania was able to discredit Amin through
killings and disappearances that were meticulously planned in Tanzania
then. Some of whom are in the NRA government that established the
inquiry on Benedict Kiwanuka's death.
The book The Guardian Angel by Arnold Bisase discusses the rebels
subversive activities that involved targeting senior government
personalities for assassination. It also portrays the infighting and
greed for power amongst the exiles.
So excuse me if I find Mr. Mulemezi's story insufficient in
substance/clout to be presented to Ugandans as the official historical
account about the disappearance of the late Chief Justice Benedict
Kiwanuka. May His Soul Rest In Peace!
The article, especially Daniel Mulemezi's story, could easily be
comparable to hot wolokoso served to the nation. Especially if the
matter is scrutinized under strict, fair conventional judicial

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin

(You can read the Monitor story in this link below and judge for
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[WestNileNet] Archbishop Janan Luwum: Where Is Moses Okello???

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
After that last public meeting that saw Archbishop Janan Luwum
indicate that Oboth Ofumbi and Erinayo Oryem were his co-conspirators
in the coup plot, one Moses Okello is the person who then led them to
his vehicle and took them from the venue.
What did Moses Okello do with them? Where is he? Anyone knows?
Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Billie O'kadameri: A Clip For Your Amin Movie.

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
First, I wonder why the O disappeared from your name of late. Isn't
it supposed to be Okadameri?!?

A clip for your Amin movie:

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] AGAIN: African Students Mobbed In India

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
African students attacked by Indians in a Delhi railway station. In
this day and age, such nonsense is still happening!?!


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Israels Licence To Kill: The Nazi Holocaust!?!

2014-10-07 Thread Hussein Amin
OpEd: Israels Licence To Kill: The Nazi Holocaust!?!

As I perused through Uganda's history, I found some interesting
documentation about the Israeli hostage rescue in Entebbe, Uganda on
4th of July, 1974.
A daring operation that ended with 5 Israelis dead.
Most notable casualty? Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, the senior officer on
the ground during the rescue operation.
The hostages had been brought to Uganda by Palestinian hijackers who
had commandeered an Air France plane.
But I did get a surprising glimpse at the elation and welcome that
Israelis gave their troops as they brought home the now freed
The late Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, who is also the elder brother to
current Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, is regarded as a
hero in Israel. To them, he embodies a courage and determination that
many Israelis complain has since disappeared in their army.
They say he gave them victory over evil!?! Having grown watching the
Middle East conflict continuously unfold like most people, I ask
myself, how will the conflict ever be resolved if the lines have been
drawn in such terms and on both sides?
Palestinians will disagree with being called evil and increasing
numbers of nations around the world today look differently at Israel.
They seem determined to possess Palestinian land through their
settlement policy regardless of the suffering generated, and therefore
the desperate acts of retaliation like the Entebbe hijacking, isn't
The growing intensity of the conflict as thousands upon thousands of
Palestinian children die miserably from Israeli guns, missiles and
Many suggest that Israel has been able to continue acts of barbarism
with impunity because the west is reluctant to act. European
countries are paralyzed by a political sympathy that finds it roots in
Nazism during World War II when Jews where exterminated under Hitlers
Final Solution.
Western sympathy for those events is now Israels unwritten license to kill.
Another possible factor is that many Christians consider themselves
inferior to Jews.
Do Christians regard Jews as closer to deity than themselves? Many do
and will cite the scriptures to confirm their inferiority to the
chosen ones.
The Christian subconscious therefore finds it difficult to reprimand a
Jew even when he is clearly in the wrong. Israelis though, might be
inclined to take advantage of the situation by pushing the limits that
might have already been surpassed in earnest today.
Because they now need to engage international public opinion more
robustly through a heavy media presence.
They also lobby US Congressmen and scholars in world capitals in order
to deflect blame and explain the overwhelming force they use when
Israel wages war.
If that's what is required for Israel to continue destruction, hasn't
Israel therefore abused the sympathy capital afforded to them by the
west for suffering under the Nazis?
Honestly, their explanations for the death and destruction they cause
sound increasingly disingenuous. Particularly with the large numbers
of civilian casualties and the grim pictures of unarmed women and kids
blown to pieces by American bestowed high-tech weapons.
The growing xenophobia against non-Jews inside Israel has also reached
alarming levels with persecuted African asylum seekers bearing the
brunt of unjust deportations, Arab-Israelis seeing their freedoms
curtailed and Ethiopian Jews treated as third class citizens after
Eastern European Jews, and Western European Jews who reign supreme in
These last Jewish immigrants (the Ethiopians) are reportedly highly
discriminated against by white European Jews who even segregate their
habitat inside Israel by sending them to populate all new settlements.
It used to be Russian Jews and those from Eastern Europe during the
cold war days.
But today Ethiopians are the human shields for the Western Jews
enjoying the capital Tel- Aviv and the other big cities?
Yet we keep getting news about Ethiopians being subjected to
sterilization without their knowledge so that their ethnicity is in
check compared to the desired predominantly white Israel that European
Jews want to maintain.
White Jewish supremacists who literally hold all political, social,
economic and military cards, have literally enshrined their racial
dominance in the Israeli Constitution by making it a government duty
to maintain the countries Jewishness.
This means officials decide who can or cannot be in Israel based on an
unclear criteria.
Any individual not Jewish enough can summarily be refused entry.
But surprisingly Europeans will always have the doors open in Israel.
Not because of their religion or country, but possibly because they
just look like white Jews.
So for the supreme Jew, everyone is either a human stepping stone for
white Jewishness or expelled like the African refugees/migrants, or
dead like the Arabs Israel kills.

The writer is an Independent Politician from Uganda.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda

[WestNileNet] The Hague: I Wish...

2014-10-13 Thread Hussein Amin
How I wish I could go on Idi Amins behalf to The Hague, Netherlands.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Emergency Marburg/Ebola Toll Free number (Uganda)

2014-10-13 Thread Hussein Amin
By The Observer

Report any suspected Marburg/Ebola cases by text message (SMS) to 8200.
Service is completely FREE.
Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] As Uhuru Kenyatta Finally Faces The ICC.

2014-10-13 Thread Hussein Amin
As we watch President Uhuru Kenyatta walk into the ICC courtroom
today, I recall writing an editorial exactly a year and ten days ago
explaining how Uhuru seems to have been intentionally dodging the
International Criminal Court. He said then that he was busy fighting
terrorism: Westgate.
For the record, Uhuru announced his candidacy for the 2013 Kenyan
Presidency right after he was indicted for the 2007 election violence.
Leaving many to conclude that as a suspect, him running for the
presidency was actually him running from arrest.
So what was all the African Union hullabaloo about sitting African
Presidents being banned from attending ICC court cases in The Hague?

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Happy Independence!

2014-10-13 Thread Hussein Amin
On this day 9th October 1962, Uganda got its independance from Britain.
Remember! They didn't just give it to us. People demanded it.
And to this day we still struggle to be self-reliant both politically
and economically.
Happy Independence Day!

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2014-12-06 Thread Hussein Amin
We have seen one group getting rid of another, only for it to turn
out to be worse than the group it displaced.” – President Museveni in
1986 discussing the so-called Liberators, whom he was part of, that
fought Idi Amin. This was during his Fundamental change speech.

Indeed the liberators led by Apollo Milton Obote, brought bloodshed
and tyranny resulting in 1 million deaths and total economic chaos for
a whole decade after Idi Amin.

A British researcher specializing on Uganda said If you thought
Uganda under Idi Amin was bad, what came after was total chaos and
breakdown of the country. From institutions and infrastructure to the
entire economy and social fabric. Looting, extra-judicial arrests and
killings were the order of the day.

So are these criminals worth hero status after all the suffering they
caused Ugandans?

Why are they being awarded glorifying honors today?

Their medals should be cancelled for they totally dishonor the 1
million Ugandans who were killed, raped, tortured and jailed under
appalling conditions by Obote  co, whose acts of gruesome murders
after Amin had left, seem to be ideologically protected today from
criminal justice.
Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
Is this where Major Kakooza Mutale learnt the lessons he would later
utilize in the Kalangala Action Plan?

In 1980, Roland Kakooza Mutale would bear witness to horrific events
in Makindye.
There was the beating to death of one Dr. Kununka, who was lashed and
thrown into a water tank. Another man, brought to Makindye in May
1980, bled to death in front of the two. They were asked to bury him
and in the process a commander thirsty for the blood of the two ex-
journalists asked to shoot them
himself. They escaped apparently
because this man asked for a
silenced pistol, which did not
come in time. However one Magala, was shot dead to Kakooza’s right in
a line-up. Seven others died that day and Kakooza, struck with an iron
bar survived in a comatose state. As the dead were loaded onto a
Landrover, they were
stabbed to ensure they were
indeed deceased.  Mrs. Kakooza
later went to find the remains and
check if her husband was amongst
them. He wasn’t.
Many horrible things happened according to the two. Kakooza said a
man’s pelvis was set on fire with paraffin. He died in agony.

Roland Kakooza Mutale. Witness

“Throughout my period in
Makindye they used to bring in
people and kill them at night.
When you leave the quarter-guard
you go towards the sick bay, just
beside there was a grave. If you try
to dig there is a mass grave. I saw
this, I participated in burying in
darkness. There was also an
underground cell, which was dark.
Everyday you would hear wails and
crying, a man crying for some time
then the crying would cease, then
you would see bodies removed
from the place. Certain moments
intensified the killings. The eve of Obote’s coming back spelt death
because people were arrested and brought as anti-UPC or anti-Obote and
they were killed.
At that time, an Acholi soldier took his bayonet and I was sitting
down then, he tried to pierce this
bayonet into my heart. Now in
response I put up my hand. So if I
took off my shirt here; there is a
big scar where the bayonet
stopped. I put up my hand to save
my heart when the man cut. And
the man licked the bayonet. He
just licked it imagine. These were the kind of people keeping us”

Kakooza next turned to the notorious bus (cream in color with a red
band) which plied the suburbs of Kampala and rounded up people, many
of them to be killed in the murder centres.
The bus was known by Luganda
names of “Mpaawo atalikaaba”
meaning “ None will escape
weeping”, “Nsanga Bisibe”,- “ I find
packages (tied up)”- and “Sekiriba
kya ttaka”- “Skin of soil’, meaning
soil surrounds a body in it, that all
shall wear this last skin. The names of this bus’ drivers were
Sambuna, Bukenya and Nkambwe
(who called himself Sina Makosa).
Kalooza said that one of the bus’ most notorious trips was when people
were killed in Natete at the police station in May 1980.
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[WestNileNet] CORRUPT TO THE CORE: Wolf Insists On Looking After Your Sheep.

2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
Remember the OPM scandal? Yes the Prime Ministers office where
billlions of funds simply vanished from state coffers to find their
way into mysterious bank accounts.

Since then what has happened?

1 - Geodfrey Kazinda, the accountant, is in jail.
2 - The Permanent Secretary (incidentally called Pius) has been transferred.
3 - The former Prime Minister is out and about on holiday.
4 - And the President (who protected Pius) is still the same.

Note that those in the highest positions and who definitely are liable
for administrative oversight and political responsibility, are walking
scot-free. With at least two of them still having their hands in the
money jar.

Now one of them, Pius, is attempting to whitewash himself with a book
that mudslings his junior Godfrey, the accountant.
Thereby conveniently obscuring the fact that he was responsible for
approving his juniors acts.

Basically the wolf is clinging on to looking after your sheep.


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
There are moments when those
who sign-off the deaths of others
in the name of the state are
Such was the testimony of Francis
It was a death-bed testimony. The
witness, apprehended on the
suspicion he was a rebel, died
soon after his evidence was
recorded. He told of his time at
Nile Mansions, now Serena Hotel
and sighting of the then de-facto
head of state affairs, Paulo

Witness: Francis M.

“They came to my room..I was not
allowed to dress up. Instead my
pants were removed and I
remained naked. I was then
badly tortured including being
burnt with cigarettes. When we
were still at the scene of my arrest,
I heard my arresters arguing in
Swahili and in English the Vice
President Muwanga had directed
that I be taken to Kampala. I was
naked up to Makindye. I was still
At Nile Mansions and in between
consciousness and
unconsciousness I found a young
brown man dressed in a doctor’s
gown. He had a stethoscope in his
pockets. His hands were tied and
he was leaning on the wall.
The soldiers were telling the
doctor that he should admit he
was a gureilla- the doctor refused.
They brought a stool. The doctor
was forced to put his chin on the
stool and they brought pliers to
press his lower jaw. His jaw was
broken but he still denied that he
was a guerilla.
When he said no, a hammer was
brought and his head was knocked
and he died instantly. The body
was removed.
The place of the murder was next
to Vice President Muwanga’s
room. I knew it because I was next
taken there. But before a small
brown woman was brought and
she was tortured instead of me.
This was a relief to me. She was in
a petticoat and pants, but no bra.
She was brought into the room.
Her name was Rose. They asked
her whether she was a guerilla, she
denied. Then a pair of scissors
was brought and her breast cut.
But she still refused to admit.
Then a metal chair was brought
then a charcoal stove was put
underneath. It was being fanned
electronically. She still refused.
Then a bed was brought and she
was laid on it. Then an iron bar
was brought and pushed into her
private parts. She was quiet
throughout these tortures. She
died and the body was put away,
and they turned to me.
At the time when the tortures were
going on Muwanga opened the
door and peeped into the
room when the girl was being
tortured. I had known Muwanga
well. He is one of my relatives, we
are from the same clan of Nyonyi
I was taken back to Makindye
and put in a group known as
guerillas. We were eleven. Our
group was B.2- that was the
number four room. There were
dead bodies, and those dying. We
found 10 bodies in the room. The
live ones were living like
skeletons. It is a frightening place.
Faeces were on the floor. The toilet
filled up, we had no water. So
newcomers provided their urine
for us to drink.
On 28 September, 1982, Sunday
at 2 pm I was released from
Makindye and taken to Luzira. 36
of us were put in a bus to go to
Luzira. 24 died on the way. I acquired a pair of trousers from one dead person.

Liberated Uganda - testimonies.

More soon.
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2014-12-15 Thread Hussein Amin
President Museveni is fighting the so-called ICC racism  selective
prosecution again.
Indeed the ICC should do its job with war criminals even in Western
capitals. But I still stand by what I said in June 2013 (see Daily
Monitor link below). If the International Criminal Court is racist,
that racism is at least protecting the African people. Have a read:


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2014-12-15 Thread Hussein Amin
One of the most well documented massacres in West Nile was the
infamous Ombachi Catholic Mission slaughter. The mission compound also
doubled as an ICRC safe haven hosting thousands of displaced
civilians. In June 1981, the UNLA attacked the mission, allegedly
searching for insurgents and, in a frenzy of indiscriminate shooting,
killed scores and injured several of those sheltering in the compound.
The ICRC gave this incident wide publicity and was subsequently
expelled form Uganda (Pirouet, 1988; MRG, 1989:10). Following the
massacre at Ombachi, the genocidal policy of Obote’s regime in West
Nile was summed up by the Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff, Oyite Ojok,
who in communicating the official UNLA response to the survivors is
reported to have been dismayed at the large number of people still
living, and further stated that he intended to clear the region and
leave it as a game reserve, a statement that was to spark off an
exodus of refugees to neighboring Sudan and Zaire (now Democratic
Republic of Congo).
Ojok reportedly remarked that he could only smile upon seeing a dead
Lugbara, and not a live one (Refugee Law Project, 2004:6). Within a
short time, approximately 500,000 residents of West Nile (about 80% of
the population of the region) had fled into exile. According to the
Minority Rights Group, up to 30,000 people may have been killed by the
government forces (MRG, 1989:10). A missionary working in the area was
to note that, We thank God that Zaire and Sudan were so near
otherwise the slaughter might have been greater than it was (Uganda
Church Association Newsletter, 1981:7).

Extract: State-Inspired Genocidal
Persecution in Uganda, 1980-85
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[WestNileNet] Thank World Bank/IMF For Uganda's Democracy.

2014-12-15 Thread Hussein Amin
Thank World Bank/IMF For Uganda's Democracy.

Posted: Today 1:00 am

Summary: Democracy? That's the latest Sheep Skin 2.0 that best hides
dictatorship, cronyism, outright theft and Kaguta's clinging to power.


Uganda's democracy is a World Bank/IMF product. A pillar demand on the
same level as their insistance in a free market economy and
privatization, all included in their Structural Adjustment Program
(SAP) originally handed as instructions to Obote in the early 1980's.

After resisting it for 10 years (1986 to 1996), a military dictator
Museveni finally bowed to Western order to begrudgingly abandon his
initial, outdated socialist dogma's and ideologies, create a liberal
constitution (1995) and the first elections during his rule (1996).

An NRM economic or political ideology never existed once they were in
power and had mismanaged and ruined all state assets including
cooperatives and parastatals.

That is when the only option for getting any new substantial funds
came with the World Bank/IMF (just as it is now with oil).

These two institutions had then been insisting on something that
clearly wasnt a socialist Museveni's idea: Capitalism.

Somehow, the opportunism in him has tried to credit himself with the
advent of a free market economy and privatization. But surely he
recalls when expat advisors were relentlessly bombarding him with
their capitalist advice in vain.

Including American cowboy Ronald Reagan who unreservedly spoke his
mind on Ugandan governance/economic matters during Museveni's first
visit to the US in October 1987.

Pan-Africanism? Only in utterance. Otherwise we wouldn't have
plundered Congo and killed their president.

Nor would we have sought to control Kagame's Rwanda after the genocide.

Mr. Kagame only survived because of the tightest security and army
command structure.

Democracy? That has become the latest Sheep Skin 2.0 that best hides
dictatorship, cronyism, outright theft and Kaguta's clinging to power.
Ask Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Gen. Sejusa or Amama Mbabazi.

So if you want to recognize anyone for ushering in elections, thank
the World bank/IMF. Without them, you would today be under the real
military dictator/Commander in Thief Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is
hiding under Democracy.

The writer is an independent politician.
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2014-12-15 Thread Hussein Amin
Extrajudicial Killings  Horrific Barbarity By An Acholi Military.

Lucy N. [Witness]
“ I was married to Anthony Hannington Nsereko of Masaka. He was killed
by liberation soldiers during the 1979 war and left me with eight
Then in 1982, Obote soldiers murdered five of my children who ranged
from 8 to 19 years old. One day these Acholi soldiers came, and one
child who was out playing tried to escape. They stopped him and
started shouting at us as bandits and shooting at people around. My
son Nalumuso was the first victim, then Rebecca and others in
When they shot the fourth child I begged them to kill me before
killing the other one.
I was holding my grand daughter, Nalumuso’s four months old daughter,
her mother had been abducted previously at Kalasa and she has never
returned home since.
In the meantime, I started pleading with the Acholi soldiers for
mercy. They instead stabbed the baby on the cheek. Her name is Susan
Tebukasa. Up to now her ear emits pus because of that.
Before removing her from my lap another soldier stabbed me in the
chest using the bayonet on his gun. Then they killed my fifth child.
After that we heard gunshots and then I fell unconscious.
I was removed by some people and when I recovered I was somewhere
where they had taken me.
I asked about my children but they would tell me they are out to fetch
water. Until I realized they were dead”.

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2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin

Photo: Mugabe and other AU delegates sleeping during deliberations.

Summary: I actually felt sorry for the minimally-equipped AU foot
soldiers on peace-keeping missions who had to face mortal dangers
against daring rebels, while the politicians dined and wined without
making any single diplomatic break-through in peace negociations for
years on behalf of African populations in conflict zones.


I did a stint as UN support staff to the African Union during the
establishment of the AU-UN Hybrid Mission in Darfur. I was amazed at
African Union's relaxed administrative processes when I arrived.

The AU's organic composition, from HQ to field operations, oozes
mostly the unprofessionalism, cronyism and the who cares attitude to
procedures and accountability that we find in many African nations
public services.

Only the monthly salaries in US Dollars seemed to matter to many staff.

Honestly, on Darfur, the UN who are even better paid, seemed more
concerned than the African Union people I found.

Imagine work at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where
diplomatic staff are posted there as political favors back in their
respective countries rather than their professional abilities.

If only they had determination like say the European Union or Gulf
Cooperation Council who tackle issues that affect business, education
and health of their people, I would be optimistic about our continents

I actually felt sorry for the minimally-equipped AU foot soldiers on
peace-keeping missions who had to face mortal dangers against daring
rebels, while the politicians dined and wined without making any
single diplomatic break-through in peace negociations for years on
behalf of the populations in conflict zones.

Insteas, like recently, President Museveni raises the issue of the
international criminal court.

His first target is to call an AU summit to discuss boycotting the
ICC. Something that had already failed miraculously last year.

The sad point here is that the AU is being used only when there are
issues that affect a few persons in leadership.

Because when it comes to the issue of migrants dangerously crossing
the mediteranean sea and dying while trying to get to Europe, there is
no summit.

They failed to organize even a singe minute of silence for the victims
of Lampedusa. Something that the Italian people on the island actually
did on behalf of the continent.

The AU has failed to intervene in Libya to save sub-saharan Africans
from persecution that continues since Gadhafi was assassinated.

The problems surrounding African.labourers being exploited in Europe
and in the gulf countries is never discussed.

The institution can't take a firm stand on internal governance issues
with member countries.

Personally, I have never heard of them holding a high level
anti-corruption summit.

When will they produce guidelines and minimum standards for democracy
and elections amongst member nations in a way that whoever doesn't
abide is sent to the isolation corner, while serious efforts are made
for the culprit to abide by the rules for our continents sake.

I guess what I am trying to say is that the African Union needs to
start serving the African people rather than remain sensitive only to
the leaders problems.

And this can only be when African Union starts serving the African
people and defending Africa's interests.

They cam do that if we Africans snd our civil society organizations
start continuously demanding accountability about what they are doing
for the African people.

The United Nations and donor countries need to open up about the
amounts involved in their cooperation with the institution and what
results are their to show.

My advice to those friendly countries (China, Western donors and also
Russia who is a major supplier in military hardware) is that as they
try to work with the AU they should first focus on making it a
meaningful organization.

And for that, they should be aware of how the institution is used for
individual interests as opposed to how it is supposed to function as a
global cooperation institution as well a defender of African

If development funding for individual countries could be done within
the framework of the African Union, then it definitely would give the
AU more leverage within nations economic affairs while making the
institution subject to yet unparalelled scrutiny on its decisions

That way, the AU will have a meaningful, respectable and productive
role to play as a key oversight tool for Africa.

Many things can then easily come together; including integrated
economies, education systems, health services, interlinkinh
infrastructure development plus peace  security.

Only then can we talk of Africans starying to genuinely take interest
in solving Africa's problems.

The writer, Mr. Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin is an independent politician.


2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin

Posted: Today 2:05 am

Summary: Police is supposed to guarantee Ugandans right to peacefully
protest. They are even supposed to protect protesters.


It is rare to see any public protests these days. Reason being they
have been mostly disallowed under the Public Order Management Law.

A new law where protesters need to obtain prior authorization from an
already biaised Uganda Police Force that unsurprisingly denies all
opposition requests for fear of an irreversible uprising.

While the right to protest is guaranteed by law, police contend that
they have the duty to see that protests do not degenerate into
violence and vandalism.

Hence why they have to approve/disapprove any public rallies after a
written notice has been submitted days in advance and a security
assessment conducted.

This makes it all look professional without political undertones, right?

The reality is that when government, including the police, want to
have a procession in the central business district, they simply go

But opposition rallies are always disallowed.

Yet police is supposed to guarantee Ugandans right to peacefully
protest. They are even supposed to protect protesters.

In the US recently, squad cars and police vans full of officers are
seen slowly following processions as announcements are made over a
police loudspeaker, informing protesters that police are there for
their protection and that their right to demonstrate is being

They also warn that any vandalism or violence would lead to a citation
or arrest.

It is possible to assume that maybe Uganda Police isn't well trained
on how to handle protests the right way.

Indeed all such events tend to culminate in live gun fire, teargas,
water canons and some dead or injured.

But we surely can recall the Walk-To-Work protests when opposition
politicians were picked up by police as they walked peacefully to

Besides Retired Col. Kizza Besigye who attracted a huge crowd, all
other politicians had been walking easily to their work places.

Retired Major-General Mugisha Muntu made it peacefully to town,
walking from his residence in the upmarket Kololo suburb without much
ado except a few journalists.

We saw Hon. Beatrice Anywar in jeans and sports shoes being picked by
police as she walked alone along Entebbe road.

But what shows that police commanders aren't to blame was the
successful walk by Olara Otunnu.

He was actually properly escorted by police upto his office at Uganda house.

This last example alone shows that the police actually knows what they
are supposed to do during protests.

But Lo and behold! The officer in charge got reprimanded for that.

Then we saw poor Museveni appear on TV news ordering that protesters
should be either confined at home or arrested immediately they come
out of their premises.

That's why I say police aren't always to blame.

Because from that day on started the now common house arrest technique
at opposition leaders houses whenever there is a planned protest.

That has led to interesting cat and mouse games as opposition members
such as Kizza Besigye, Ingrid Turinawe and Ken Lukyamuzi display
covert operations skills that allowed them to outmanoeuvre police
guards and head to town.

So as we talk about police militarization and their increased
involvement in partisan politics, the source of their errors is clear.

They are under direct Museveni orders that they are obliged to follow
or face the grave consequences.

In their strife to survive, police has resorted to primarily getting
involved in actions that display their loyalty to the regime rather
than follow their job descriptions that require them to serve Uganda.

That is the case for Ministers, Resident District Commissioners and
Councillors as well.

Institution building is the first bitter casualty here, followed by
freedom of expression.

Only what pleases Museveni is allowed to be?

How backward has this country gone? He used to make an effort to
display some tolerance back in the late 1990's.

So is this the onset of senility?
Is Museveni mentally back in the 1980's bush wars while physically in
2014 Uganda?

When the voices of reason can't speak, and an emerging, young
opportunistic leadership replaces them, the future is increasingly
guaranteed to contain serious political upheavals and conflict.

That is what is happening with government cadres increasingly from a
younger generation that strives to impress with unfettered loyalty
rather than work outstandingly for the country.

People will always be concerned about their income, promotions, future
and that of their families.

But what cronyism does is turn this basic human need into a support
structure for a clinging Museveni rather than one that builds a

A personality cult becomes more visible by the day and idolatry makes
its way into government functions and operations.

That is why we see cadres kneeling and praising an 

[WestNileNet] (1985) DR. OBOTE: SLIM (AIDS) IS TYPHOID

2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin

February 1985: A select investigative team travels to Rakai district
after getting reports of an unusually high number of cases suffering
from a mysterious incurable disease. Locals have named the sickness
slim because of how patients lost weight. They also suffer from
diarhea, vomiting, skin infections and hair loss. After conducting
their investigation, the Obote team concludes that ‘Slim’ (HIV/AIDS)
is just typhoid.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Idi Amin’s History: Can Africans shape Africa’s Narrative?

2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
Idi Amin’s History: Can Africans
shape Africa’s Narrative?

December 15, 2014 By IdaHorner

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Speak to African immigrants and most have a few anecdotes to share
from conversations on their travels.
These conversations provide an insight into the narrative that has
been constructed about the continent. As an African immigrant, you
soon discover that, even someone that has never visited a single
African country, treats such narrative as gospel truth. This induces
all manner of emotions in us including anger, frustration, surprise
etc and can lead to heated discussions in an effort to set the record
Imagine this if you will, an English girl I used to work with said to
me, “all African children are orphans, aren’t they?
My immediate response was, and where did you hear that?
“From my English language teacher” she said.
I asked her how old she was,
“I am  23″
I told her, that her teacher was mistaken, that whilst they are
orphans in African countries, not all children on the continent are
I was able to set the record straight in this instance.
But what if you can’t set the record straight, because you do not have
the facts?
My immigrant story and one that is guaranteed to continue for as long
as I continue to live outside of Uganda, goes something like this
- “Where do you come from?”
- From Uganda
Then I almost always get one or both of these responses:
“Aids” or “Idi Amin”.

This is usually followed by long discussions about Amin’s regime. I am
often left frustrated because my own recollection of that regime is
patchy. I was a child during Amin’s Uganda and the adults at time
didn’t talk about their experience and even today, some will not
discuss what it was like.
A week ago, I was drawn to this comment by Minna Salami’.

Hussein Amin, the son of late
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, is
not the most objective of
persons to complain of his
father’s obituary in The
Guardian. But reading that he
has just done that, I am
thinking of the metaphoric
similarity between writing
about Africa and about Idi
Amin, which merely
encourages rudimentary
debate. If you read the
obituary that was published
in 2003, words such as
‘savage’, ‘barbaric’ and
‘animal magnetism’ jump at
you. The caricature portrayal
of Amin as a buffoon-type, in
the obituary and generally, is
so unjournalistic that it actually
detracts from the bitter truths
of his regime and from
providing a diligent analysis
for posterity. It would be
useful if the son’s request
sparks a discussion about
the quality of journalism
and/or ruthless politics
rather than yet another round
of smug ridicule. As Chinua
Achebe said, “writing which
uses emotive words and
other forms of trickery to
induce hypnotic stupor in
their reader has much more
at stake than stylistic felicity.”

I was intrigued by Minna’s comment and headed over to The Guardian to
read Amin’s obituary. I could not challenge, Hussein Amin,
Minna nor The Guardian’s  points of views as I have gaps in my own recollection.
I for instance, have a memory dating back to that time. In my mind’s
eye, I was at a boarding school in a town called Lugazi in central
Uganda and this boarding school was surrounded by a woodland. I recall
hearing gunshots emanating out of that woodland, the sort you would
hear at a firing range.
Could it be that this was the location of the mass murders Amin is
said to have committed?
Could I have imagined the incident?
I have sought the answer to this last question for several years now
and I am no where near to resolving it. I have spoken to my mother and
my older sister about it and they say it is quite possible that this
woodland was indeed a location for some of the killings but they
cannot confirm it either. This is because most of what transpired
during Amin’s Uganda is still unknown and to date some people have no
idea what became of their relatives. People just say it is Amin.
Unable to come up with a response to Hussein Amin’s challenge to The
Guardian,  I sought the views of fellow bloggers here and this is what
they had to say

Andrew Maina
I think its a little cheeky on
The Guardian’s part not to
give a bit more details on the
15 areas of the obituary that
were challenged, and on
Hussein Amin’s part to ask
for the changes for what
appears to be his own
political reputation.

Yes, I couldn’t tell if they were
being dismissive and it was
another attempt to control
the narrative of history or if it
was just a guy who couldn’t
face the reality of his fathers
legacy…or if it was just a case
where he can face the reality
of his fathers legacy but still
wants accuracy as he
disputes the numbers killed –
killing 80k instead of 300k –
he was not saying my father
didn’t kill anybody, he was
saying get the count straight.
I think his son should simply
write an autobiography if he
wants people to pay attention
to these disputes or an op-Ed
in the form of an open letter
to the guardian in a different
online source.

Jimmy Kainja
First of all, I

[WestNileNet] Constitution Amendments Proposals: When is the Deadline?

2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
It was reported that December 20th was the deadline for proposals on
next years Constitutional review. This was after it was extended from
their last deadline, December 5th.

I've just come from the Uganda Law Reform Commission at Workers House.

They say they know nothing about the 20th December extension.

They closed reception on 5th.

Hon. Min. Maj Gen. (Ret) Kahinda Otafiire, What is going on?

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] Memories of Childhood The Fun of Overtaking.

2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
Living with the background of having been part of the first family for
eight straight years is not an easy feat.
Of course we grew up in quite a
comfortable home environment.
But though some would imagine that we lived a life of luxury and
plenty, we were quite humble compared to what we know of many first
families on our African continent.
We kept in touch with our African lifestyle and actually lived and
played like other kids especially at boarding school.
Our education was mainly in local
schools, where we learned to make
toys with boxes and participated in
school competitions with schoolmates.
While at Lake Victoria primary
school in Entebbe, I remember hiding from the driver sent to pick us
from school so that I could walk home with friends.
After separating with my friends near the Entebbe golf course, I would
branch off alone towards home and enter state house through a secret
entrance that only I knew about. Only to find pandemonium as staff
thought one of Mzee's children was lost.
Once when at a different school
Kabale Preparatory School, Mzee mentioned during a live radio
broadcast that even his children should be punished with “kiboko”
(caning) if they do wrong at school, just like other children were
Hearing him say that live on a transistor radio that we had been
allowed to bring to school was a hair-raising stunner that my primary
teacher Miss Kigorogoro heeded with delight.
From then on I became suspicious of her but just had to live with the
situation while at school.
It was only when it was time to share the goodies brought from home
and kept by the school
management that one could notice that we had abit more biscuits,
cornflakes, soft drinks and other cookies.
A few other families also brought some great stuff from Nairobi where
they would have spent their holidays.
As for us, supplies were purchased
by one Mugarura, a huge man with
thick strong arms who was
responsible for all the foods and
beverages supplies in the state lodges.
We loved his office because right
behind it was the ever full-to-
capacity store with all sorts of eats
and drinks.
The problem was that he sat in his
office with the keys to the store
constantly in sight on his desk.
Though once in a while he would
give in to our pleas and offer us
some nice goodies when it wasn't
time for tea or breakfast, we
sometimes felt we had to attempt
secret incursions while he went to
follow-up on other chores and
forgot the stores door open.
On those days, we would first wait
quietly in one of the corners until
he would return to his desk, finish
whatever he was doing and
unknowingly lock us inside before
going off to other duties.
Then all of a sudden it would feel like heaven!
We would start walking around the
lanes like one does in a supermarket, picking, tasting and exploring
whatever we liked and spitting out whatever was bitter or disgusting
to our taste.
That would continue for hours, only to be woken up by an unsuspecting
staff who would first get the shock of his life on finding one or two
kids laying still on the floor inside the supermarket. We would be
sleeping with full stomachs.
Departure for holidays was also
one of those times when we were
obviously catered for differently from other kids.
Children would be eagerly waiting
next to their luggage for their parents to arrive and take them home.
Suddenly a guarded convoy of five
or six vehicles would appear
around the corner and drive straight to the waiting area where
everyone stood looking out for their parents.
It is then that we would suddenly
switch from ordinary Ugandan kid.
The security guards would carry our luggage to the vehicles while we
hurried to get a good place in whatever vehicle we thought was capable
of winning the race home”.
There was usually choice between
Mercedes Benz, Peugeot and Range
The last vehicle in the convoy was
always a military Land Rover with
telecommunications antennas
swagging in the air at every corner.
Sometimes we got the surprise of a
helicopter sent to take us back home from boarding school.
To-date, I suspect this was when
they forgot about our holidays and
would hurriedly scramble the fastest form of transport that could get
there in time.
However, we viewed the helicopter
as the ultimate experience as we
would enjoy “overtaking” from the
We could see the vehicles moving
the way ants follow each other as
we flew overhead in the vibration
of the helicopter. What a delight!
Even when we went by road, the
convoy sped past all our good friends one after the other until we
reached at another state lodge half way down the road where we would
stop for lunch.
William, a short man hailing from
Fort Portal and who to-date has
remained a family friend, was the
care taker and he would cook one
of the huge chicken that roamed
freely in the back of the compound.
So enormous they were that there
was a thud at every step they would
take when we chased them around.
After filling our stomachs with the


2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
Extract: State-Inspired Genocidal Persecution in Uganda, 1980-85.

The episodes of genocidal killing in Uganda in the period under
examination, namely from 1980-85, came to an end when the Obote regime
fell apart under the strains of its own internal contradictions.
Whether that brought to an end the structural vulnerability of Uganda
to future episodes of genocidal violence is a different question. The
answer is not optimistic.
The passing of Milton Obote’s second reign, and in its wake, the
routing of the Okellos by the NRA, was viewed by many as a watershed
in Ugandan politics; heralding the first decisive shift of political
pre-eminence from the elites of the north of the country to those of
the south. The years that have followed the NRA’s victory, though
marked by a relative upswing of fortunes for the better part of the
country, have also been characterized by an explosion of armed
rebellion, as Ugandans increasingly perceived Yoweri Museveni’s
exploits almost as a re-branding of insurgency as an enterprise, if
not elevating it to the level of an institution. No less than fifteen
rebel groups and movements have since emerged 18 , the
longest-surviving being the exclusively Acholi Lord’s Resistance Army
(LRA) which, with its enigmatic leader Joseph Kony, has dragged the
country into what may probably be the most brutal, if purposeless,
episode of insurrection Africa may yet see. It may not be far- fetched
to suppose that, in the fullness of time, the dire effects of the
rebellion in central northern Uganda might call for the kind of
examination that is the subject of this paper, albeit for a different
era and principal culprit, Apollo Milton Obote.

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2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
Obote's UNLA troops set out to massacre the local populace by locking
them in their huts and setting them on fire.

This, in addition to looting any movable articles, destroying food
stores and desecrating places of worship and burial grounds.

Some of the soldiers reportedly arranged for their relatives to come
along from Acholi and Lango to assist with the looting, especially of

The end of each cycle of the massacre was marked by
victory parades accompanied by music from Acholi flutes.

A common scene following the orgies of violence was that of jubilant
Acholis clad in belts festooned with the genitals of
innocent civilians.

Extract: State-Inspired Genocidal
Persecution in Uganda, 1980-85
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2014-12-28 Thread Hussein Amin
If anyone calls you a liberator it should be a Ugandan insult.

Just look at the mess!!!

Rarely broadcast documentary by Canada's CBC in 1985. Featuring:

- Olara Otunnu as Foreign Minister.

- Andrew Kayiira joining the Okello's.


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] UGANDA LOVES IDI AMIN: As Media Sings Outdated British Rhetoric.

2015-02-03 Thread Hussein Amin
The history of Uganda is so distorted by the foreign media.

The falsehood in our media (particularly todays Monitor) that Amin
organized a genocide in Uganda is exactly that, a falsehood.

He never fought the Acholi and Langi for a single day.

The people he fought were Obote loyalists whom the army had overthrown
following a mutiny in Lubiri barracks on 23rd January 1971.

The mutineering soldiers feared for their lives as Obote had set in motion
a purge of all non Luo's in the army. That would then be followed by a
purge in the police and the entire civil service.

Remember that Obote had left orders for Amins head on a silver tray before
leaving for CHOGM in Singapore (1971).

Little did he know that he would only see Uganda 9 years later after Amin.

Idi Amin was under house arrest at the time of the military uprising, and
only came into the picture to restore order in all military barracks'.

Something that he did by first visiting the mutineering soldiers on 24th
January the following day after their first revolt.

Those events, corroborated by several officers, show that they actually
forced him to be the head of a military council.

He hadn't planned any attacks with them.

Amin himself confirmed this to Africa Report in 1975 during the OAU summit
in Uganda when he told their British reporter that I was forced to be

The revolt only exposed the fact that loyalism to Obote was mainly by some
Acholi and Lango.

From my modest research I found no single shred of historical evidence that
Amin appointed himself president.

Where is their evidence?

When I say that Amin only fought Obote loyalists, the most glaring evidence
is that many Luo's served in the army, police and civil service until 1979
when Amin left.

Records at the Ministry of public service and Defence can attest to that.

I can also confirm that the cooks and servants at State House between 1971
to 1979 were all Luo's.

The Chief Cook was one Odiambo and the Head Servant called Odero. First
class British trained caterers. But Luos.

Amin never targeted anyone because of their tribe.

So if the media says Amin committed genocide against the Acholi's, how then
does anyone explain those who remained serving under Amin until 1979.

How do they explain Amin eating food cooked by Luo's every day until 1979?

Actually police and civil service remained predominantly Luo until recent
incremental restructuring under the NRM.

Does anyone remember in the late 90's President Museveni complaining about
Obote loyalists in the police and civil service? Calling them saboteurs of
government programs before forming the Sebutinde commission of inquiry into
the Police Force?

This was followed by appointing the now Army commander Gen. Katumba Wamala
as Inspector General of Police.

There is a worrying trend of our media depending on foreign news outlets to
tell the contemporary history of our country, yet we Ugandans were there
seeing the reality for ourselves.

This creates a disconnect between what our media says is history and what
the people know are lies.

A quick poll on social media will show you that Amin is a Ugandan hero,
often referred to as the most patriotic Ugandan.

But our mainstream media seems to be perpetuating the same foreign agenda
as if we were still in Britains Anti-Amin days.

Yet the average grassroot Ugandan, the people our media is supposed to
communicate to and hear from, speak so favorably about Idi Amin.

His legacy has managed to survive decades of meticulous censorship at home
and abroad.

But Ugandans have been adamant in communicating it whether informally or
directly including on social media these days.

What our news papers fail to appreciate in regards to Idi Amin is very
simple; Times have changed.

Ugandans are more aware of the efforts he made to modernize the country. We
also know the beauty of our cities and the well maintained roads,
telecommunications and other infrastructure he built.

How he did his best to put the economy of Uganda in the hands of Ugandans
who until then were exploited and harrassed by expatriates.

In contrast, we also know how all government assets were completely
mismanaged, looted, destroyed and sold AFTER Amin.

We also know that it was those calling themselves liberators, who
committed those criminal acts.

Who can hide from Ugandans the constant wars since 1979, plus the hundreds
of thousands of skeletons littering the countryside following their misrule
and infighting?

And most importantly which media is able to analyze that what they called
liberation, was merely a vehicle for a handful of exile leaders to get to
Uganda then selfishly grab power for themselves and their fragmented clicks
having used the Tanzanians as fools.

A simple assessment can show that there was no genuine patriotism or
concern for Ugandans in the so-called liberation.

What they did to the country after Amin, clearly proves it.

In fact, I recently argued that the word liberator is an insult to


2015-02-10 Thread Hussein Amin
I wrote about how my father became President of Uganda, then a debate
ensued about who was telling the truth.

The widespread rubbish has been about how a power hungry and greedy Idi
Amin brutally grabbed power in a military coup and appointed
himself president. Lol.

I endeavoured to explain what Amin himself said about events that day.

I went even further to crosscheck his information
with the very officers who broke free from Obote and initiated the coup.

But because I am Amin's son, my assertions were viewed as possibly biaised.

Then all of a sudden this turns up!

Sir Peter Allen, Former Senior Judicial Officer in Uganda who served here
from 1955 to 1987,
actually wrote the following:
In 1971, while President Obote was in Singapore attending the Commonwealth
Heads of
Government conference, a group of soldiers, led
by Sergeant-Major Aswa, announced on the radio that they had overthrown the
This was because they were dissatisfied with Obote, who was extremely
left-wing (Obote called it Scientific Socialism) which made life very
miserable. They then asked Amin to take over as President, which he did.

What Sir Peter Allen doesn't say here, is that it was by force and at gun

So who with their scientific socialism bullshit still says Idi Amin
instigated a military
coup and appointed himself?
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2015-02-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Letter to the Editor.

Dear Editor,

According to press reports, Olara Otunnu the UPC boss has been summoned to
appear on March 17th 2015 without fail before Buganda Road court magistrate
Joan Aciro for the hearing of a case where he attacked president Museveni’s
regime saying that it was full of political assassinations.

Otunnu is said to have made the statements on 16th January 2013 at Uganda

However this very same Otunnu, during Amin, also once leaked a message to
the international community that a student leader Olara Otunnu has been
butchered to death and savagely killed by a brutal Amin.

An African American friend Mr. Cyril Boynes, who had been working in Uganda
and knew Otunnu, told me that he was so disheartened when he met Olara
Otunnu alive in Queens, New York city where Otunnu had alledgedly written
the message himself.

But if true that the UPC cadre was already killed by Amin, then for him to
be alive today means Otunnu has already achieved what Jesus is yet to
fulfil: A return from the dead.

Maybe Otunnu is going to walk on water next, who knows!?!

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.
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2015-02-18 Thread Hussein Amin
I've been observing our ambulances today. Vehicles that are manufactured
and procured to deliver a specific basic health service. This means that if
there isn't an emergency, ambulances should be waiting for one, right?
With the prevailing poor health situation in our country, they should have
plenty of work. Yet all emergency vehicles I've seen today are circulating
with what appears to be healthy, able-bodied officials with no emergency
needs. Somebody better do something because according to press reports,
these very people then tell real patients that there is no fuel.
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[WestNileNet] Luwum Story - New Vision

2015-02-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture 1: (1977) Idi Amin walking with Janan Luwum. By this time, Luwum
was already plotting to kill Idi Amin.

Picture 2: (1980) Journalist Dan Wooding pointing at non-existent
crocodiles at Karuma bridge.

Dear Editor.

I found it amazing when I read the New Vision story (Luwum Murder: What
Witnesses Said, published February 12th) about the late Archbishop Janan
Luwum (RIP).
It appears that the story was based on the Commission of Inquiry instituted
by the government in 1987.
The first witness in the report is one Daniel Mulemezi, purportedly a
police officer who claims to have been privy to events. In another article
from the Daily Monitor (How Amin killed Ben Kiwanuka), the same Daniel
Mulemezi claims to have also saw what happened there as well.
To me, Mr. Mulemezi seemed to be everywhere to so as to expediate the
process and satisfy a kangaroo court but provides no shred of evidence, nor
any police investigation report, no mention of colleagues, nor meetings
with superiors who sanctioned/supervized his investigations. Something very
unlikely in any police force especially for major cases.
In his testimony he appears as some lone element just telling stories to
satisfy the government of the day.
I also say Kangaroo court because this commission of inquiry actually
failed to include crimes committed by the geurilla NRA who according to a
confession by a Col. Kahinda Otafiire in 1994, was involved in possible war
crimes against civilian populations. Actions that they would then make sure
were blamed on the UPC government by wearing UPC T-shirts during their
attacks on villages.
Such atrocities are surprisingly not included in the commissions report yet
they were committed in the time frame covered by the commission, and Mr.
Kahinda Otafiire was and still is part of the goverment that set up that
commission of inquiry. Why then isn't such testimony included in the
commissions proceedings? Was their a deliberate effort to blame others
while sweeping their own dirt under the rag?
A kangaroo court is one set up to satisfy political ends. And more
importantly, it helps to validate false claims made against political foes.
After the Amin regime, the survival formula for all was: Blame Amin and
survive, or praise him and die at the hands of wakombozi.
So every Ugandan prepared a horrendous story in case they needed to use it.
Many European journalists have fallen prey to this, including Dan Wooding
whose picture shows  him standing on Karuma bridge pointing at non-existent
crocodiles that Amin had alledgedly thrown his foes at. Some Ugandan took
the journalist there and the mzungu swallowed the story evrn without seeing
a crocodile.
Those of us who have always used that bridge on our way to and from West
Nile, know that there have never been crocodiles in that place. The simple
reason is that the waters are so tremendously rough that nothing can live
in those waters. It is so dangerous that even a sport like rafting is
impossible. Nobody has ever seen any crocodiles at Karuma. Period.
So this survival formula explains Mustafa Adrisi's testimony in the
inquiry. He was a detainee possibly seeking a way out of his predicament
when he faced the inquiry. Following his damning testimonies, he has lived
freely with the goverment until his recent death where he was even accorded
a State funeral. We are talking about Idi Amins Vice President here. There
was no way that could happen if he had stuck to the official narrative of
the government he had previously served.
The late Mustapha Adrisi says that the guns Janan Luwum was found with were
brought from Amins State Research armoury. But those who have read the book
Sowing the mustard seed, have heard Museveni talk about the subversive
operation he organized at the time from Tanzania with the help of a
reluctant Nyerere. Museveni actually mentions by name the people who drove
the very vehicles that were carrying the weapons. He explains that the plan
was to have guns inside the country ready to start a popular uprising.
So to say that the Archbishop was an innocent lamb is either wishful
thinking, a cover up, or selective amnesia at work. Because Luwum was part
of a real plan to topple the government.
The Archbishop knelt down in front of the whole diplomatic community at
Nile Mansions and confessed to the plot. Incredibly, he is the one who
actually pointed at Erinayo Oryema and Oboth Ofumbi (RIP) as his
That is first hand testimony from soldiers who were present, and some still
As for the actual death of Janan Luwum, the commission of inquiry seems to
say that he was killed in two different places.
At first the report says the Archbishops death occured at Makindye Military
Police barracks where he was alledgedly taken. Then the same report changes
the story towards the end and says he was also killed at State Research
Bureau, Nakasero.
Which one is it?
I have discussed my own research findings surrounding the death of Janan
Luwum. It tells a 


2015-01-29 Thread Hussein Amin
Because there is so much yet to achieve, so much yet to correct, so much
yet to improve, and so much yet to create, our nations best President is
yet to be.
But who?
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[WestNileNet] France Attacks: The Assange Pragmatism.

2015-01-12 Thread Hussein Amin
Currently, French security  state has tried to present the killers as
super villains.

The reality is the Charlie Hebdo killers were bumbling Keystone terrorists,
no-hopers, who crashed their car, left their ID, co-ordinated over the
phone and swiftly died.

To lose nearly two dozen people to them is unforgivable.

That double digits were killed is no mark of super powers.

In Australia’s Port Arthur massacre, a man with the IQ of 66, literally an
idiot, shot 58 people over the course of several hours because he was armed
with an AR-10 semi-automatic and his victims were not.

The tragedy in Paris is another example where targeted, rather than mass
surveillance, was needed. - Assange, Wikileaks Founder.
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2015-03-17 Thread Hussein Amin

The press reports that Sundays ministerial reshuffle saw a new person
heading the Finance Ministry. So as we say goodbye to Mrs. Maria Kiwanuka,
we know she won't be presenting the Budget briefcase to the press cameras
on Budget day this year.
When she was first appointed as Finance Minister in May 2011, she presented
the National Budget just a few days later. She was reading what she
obviously hadn't prepared herself: Emphasizing on economic policies that
she had no clue about yet. That was the low point of Mrs. Kiwanuka in my
eyes. But to her credit, she did later streamline government accounts
withdrawal procedures and civil service salaries processes amongst her
other achievements.
But let me first attempt to analyze what is really in that Budget day
Ugandans! Do you Remember the 90's when citizens would sit every Sunday in
Local Council meetings and decide on community matters including their
needs like security, sanitation, social activities and development
priorities? You witnessed those meetings some 15 or 20 years ago now.
One good important aspect about it was that a people-based budget could
then be drafted and consolidated starting from the LC 1 level upwards. The
National Planning Authority receives these local budgets and uses them to
prepare a National Budget for the Finance Ministry. That's what the
briefcase is ultimately supposed to contain on Budget day.
I know! It's boring to me too but someone has to look critically at these
things so as not to be hoodwinked all the time.
My worries are the following: When was the last time you sat in your
community meeting and decided on its needs?
And since most people can't remember, then who is deciding what is drafted
in the National Budget?
Article 10 of the constitution says The State shall take all necessary
steps to involve the people in the formulation and implementation of
development plans and programmes which affect them.
In essence, that is what the LC community meetings were about. The
foundation without which a transparent, citizenry-based national budget is
virtually impossible.
So given that every year we still see a Finance Minister with a brief case,
yet you didn't have your say in what should be included in it, maybe we
have a State with paranormal abilities that has been inquiring from you
using some telepathy.
That moment when the minister lifts up the briefcase for the cameras? That
could be your budgetary approval to the leather case also containing
someones lunch.
When I say lunch, it's not sweet potatoes and a mangoe that I'm talking
about. This budgetary process also lines up the billions of shillings that
will later disappear that financial year through corruption.

Hussein Amin.
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2015-03-19 Thread Hussein Amin

Picture: Henry Kyemba addressing the press recently. Surprisingly the
thief is now working at Uganda's Judicial Service Commission. Probably a
reward for writing his book against Amin.

After fleeing Uganda with 7 million US Dollars taxpayers money meant for
health programs, former Amin Cabinet Minister Henry Kyemba then wrote a
fictitious novel about Amin.

The book contains many dialogues about events in the 70's.

For example a dialogue between Janan Luwum and his wife in their bedroom,
with one asking questions and the other replying.

If the book is real, was Henry Kyemba taking notes from under their marital
bed or what?


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[WestNileNet] Senegal Reduces Presidential Term From 7 to 5 Years!

2015-03-19 Thread Hussein Amin
Senegalese President Macky Sall announced on Tuesday that he intends to
reduce presidential terms by two years vía a referendum. From their current
7 year presidency to a 5 year term.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this a first on the planet?
Sure is a first on the African continent.
So why isn't this big news?
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2015-04-01 Thread Hussein Amin

Amnesty International (AI) is the human rights group that said Amin had
killed 500,000 Ugandans. When I inquired about how they came to this
incredible conclusion, I was surprised to learn that they simply
collaborated with the anti-Amin coalition overseas. It was shocking to me
that they never verified nor demanded any evidence for mostly alarmist
Amnesty International actually never even set foot in Uganda during that
entire material time (1971 to 1979).
It is abit like the retired Ugandan Judge, Prof. George Kanyeihamba who
last Sunday discussed in the Daily Monitor newspaper the education system
in Uganda during Amin's presidency. The good judge almost claimed that Amin
issued degrees to people who weren't qualified. Professor Kanyeihamba
sounds like THE expert, right? Unfortunately he wasn't even around the
entire time. When I then wrote to him, he failed to name just one school
that collapsed during that same period.
Idi Amin brought discpline to the civil service. It was largely
As I listened to BBC World news the other day, I discovered in horror that
Amnesty International is today collaborating with a murky UK group called
CAGE, who offer support to terrorists from Syria and Iraq, and sanctuary to
deadly former Guantanamo bay inmates.
When a so-called human rights monitoring group doesn't actually monitor nor
verify abuse, it starts looking like a financial scam targeting human
rights philanthropists. Amnesty International seems to then table as facts
any malicious propaganda that suits the scam. That way they have their
genuinely concerned donors sleep soundly in the false belief of having
obtained the desired noble return on investment.
But then the same human rights monitoring group is also found to be
collaborating with ISIS sympathisers and terrorists under the CAGE
association. At the very minimum, their is cause for alarm about the groups
very existence and operations that therefore need to be thoroughly reviewed.
How righteous is Amnesty International if they clearly don't do their job
properly, and the little they do is today found to be covertly wallowing
that close to terrorists from a so-called Caliphate where the most
vicious live beheadings (and sickening cage inferno's incidentally) are

Written by Hussein Lumumba Amin.
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2015-04-01 Thread Hussein Amin

Picture: Amin with celebrated Kenyan journalist Mohamed Amin in Saudi

As his son, the one thing I regret is that Amin never got to organize
general elections. He never explained why he didn't deliver on that
promise. However the nation was under constant armed attack and sabotage
attempts from the very beginning by Obote and his loyalists who all
seemingly just wanted the chair, plus the west who facilitated them
covertly to make the country ungovernable.
It's quite amazing how one overthrown dictator (Obote) was claiming to be
legitimate over Amin who was actually forced at gunpoint to become
president by the military officers who carried out the 1971 coup. By 1979
when Tanzania invaded the country, the world feigned ignorance that Obote
had himself priorly overthrown the real legitimate President Muteesa who
was installed at independence in 1962 and assassinated while in exile in
London by Obote.
So they brought Obote back in 1980 and then staged fake elections for him
to win.
However, if during his presidency Amin had managed to organize polls that
were truly free and fair by all standards, he would have emerged victorious
hands down if he participated. For the simple reason that he was by far the
most charismatic East African at the time. Any challenger would have
literally been dwarfed.
His pro-African credentials alone put him way beyond any other citizen.

Written by Hussein J. L. Amin
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2015-04-01 Thread Hussein Amin
(Picture: Daily Mail UK reporter smiles for the camera during a tour with

Idi Amin met journalists quite regularly and actually made an extra effort
for them. Many would be taken around the countryside and have a great time
in Uganda. They could be found completely drunk at Kampala's poshest bars
in the evening. Or eating and laughing whole heartedly at the best
restaurants. They slept at the International hotel, the Grand Imperial, or
the victorian Speke Hotel.
However, once Western journalists returned to Europe, they would literally
stab him in the back.
The reports that most of the British journalists would write, were in total
contrast to the Amin they met or the Uganda they toured. Once home, they'd
indulge in the most malicious and unprofessional news writing. Particularly
editing out whatever didn't fit the bad image they needed to tag on him.
I had a nice interview once with a British journalist Jean McFarlane. We
discussed Amin, our family and Uganda. It was all recorded on tape. But
once I saw the finished documentary, I understood straight away what my
father went through and what these good people did to him through the
media. Jean had told me something else initially, but what she then
produced as a story left me in total disbelief. Everything important that I
had endeavoured to explain for a whole hour by her own asking, was
summarily deleted.
Basically, what you all see in the media about Idi Amin is the best example
of a successfully coordinated meticulous effort in character assassination
by smiling, yet dangerous white supremacism.

Written by Hussein J. L. Amin
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2015-04-01 Thread Hussein Amin

Picture: The much sought CONQUEROR T-Shirt made by Cyril, an Amin fan.

I've been requested by readers to discuss the people during his tenure. So
I found this hard example from 1972.

Former president Milton Obote, his loyalists and Fronasa rebels attacked
the country.

Of the 330 fighters and nine lorries which had started off for Mbarara
town that morning, only 46 men and three lorries returned. Amin displayed a
huge pile of those who died. In reality they were mobbed by civilians. -
That's Yoweri Kaguta Museveni speaking in his book Sowing the Mustard

The people defended the Amin government even as he had a mandate to fight
back any rebel attacks.

In the two major fights during Amin's presidency, first we have the 1971
coup that brought him to power, then this 1972 rebel attack that is
actually the last big incident during his presidency.

How the numbers got from these 300 rebels to a surprising 500,000 without
any single other major incident after, is just incredible.

As I told the BBC recently, many who were initially announced as killed by
Amin, actually came back in 1979 fighting alongside Tanzanian troops to
depose him.

But nobody mentioned that discrepancy.

A serious research can show that 98% of what is written about Idi Amin is
the figment of disgruntled, tribal Obote loyalists, themselves puppets of
begrudged imperial colonialists who just couldn't accept a black person to
be carried by white people.

As I said some time back during a discussion, that picture on the T-shirt
really hurt.

The imperialists then used Milton Obote and some Ugandan opportunists to
regain the country for their now commonly known exploitation of Africa.

Something they definitely couldn't do with Amin in Uganda.

Their scam, intended to clear for themselves the way, was then falsely
branded as Liberation.


Asking old Ugandan citizens who were alive from independence til today, it
is confirmed that the WORST times for ordinary Ugandans in the country's
modern history is the Obote II regime (1980-85) after Amin had left.

That is followed inseparably by the Okello-Lutwa government (1985-86).

Both were extremely tribal based gangs and we can still find countless
skeletons of civilians killed by Obote still scattered all over the
countryside. The Luweero triangle story is common only to Ugandans.

But how such facts aren't in any international historic narrative is even
suspicious. As if they cling on tagging anything and everything on Amin.

The Yusuf Lule/Paulo Muwanga days come third (1979-1981). This is mainly
because they had been working together with the people mentioned above.


In 1994 I returned to visit Uganda for the first time since 1979 when we
left with my father.

There was hardly any electricity. I discovered something called
load-shedding/power rationing in 1994 Uganda. This could never have existed
with Amin.
I could hear gunshots at night every night. Everything was second-hand
(never had I seen that before either in any other country I had travelled),
the few taxi's I saw at the international airport were all in dangerous
mechanical condition, and a general pathetic state of the countries
facilities, towns, roads, buildings, infrastructure and economy, with
nothing maintained nor anything new built since those previously
established by Amin.

It was just clearly deplorabe in comparison to the well maintained cities I
recall before we left.

I asked myself how could they even say anything about Amin if this is how
they destroyed the country?

The HIV/AIDS scourge was also contributing heavily to national grimness at
the time.

Uganda became the Worlds HIV Champion in all categories including in
spreading the virus, but also somehow in the diseases management.

(Amin first suspected a foreign plot that had missed its target. AIDS broke
out in Uganda just a couple of years after he had gone into exile)

Notice that overall, these are times where the liberators are looting the
country and fighting amongst themselves for state power mostly on clearly
sectarian grounds.

It quickly becomes outright civil war from 1979 to around 1996 where
Northern Uganda is still a fully fledged military operations zone with
Joseph Kony's LRA, another sectarian war.

How such chaos is called  liberation is a morbid linguistic contradiction
with the words meaning.

Obviously, to those Ugandans who struggled on a daily basis to survive
through those difficult 80's, it was anything but liberty.

Many people silently wished that Amin could come back.

The peoples suffering seemed to increase with every other new government (5
in 5 years).

But simply expressing a positive opinion for Amin literally cost many
Ugandans their lives those days.

So for years, people were terrified to publicly show their approval for 


2015-03-23 Thread Hussein Amin
What If It Was Museveni?

As young Ugandans mourn the untimely death of their beloved musician AK47
(RIP), someone asked: What if it was Museveni?

Normally that shouldn't be a problem.

State procedures are supposedly in place with the Vice President replacing
him temporarily until elections are held.

That's basically the organized way.

But the worrying issue in this country today is that historical backdoor
political alliances, with Museveni at the helm, are the ones that drive any
State activity rather than the professionals hired to do so in government.

These alliances are increasingly contending with a new generation eager to
take their place, still next to Museveni.

As a rule to them, the State is Museveni, and Museveni is the state.

The rest of the country is then increasingly towed along the same ideology.

But after Museveni, it is everyone for themselves, or with whoever can help
one move upwards on the success ladder.

So we better know already how to cope with unexpected behaviour if/when
Museveni dies.

I wouldn't be surprised If some so-called historical came out asking the
eager young new-comers: Where were you when we were fighting in the bush
in 1986?

What do poor Ugandans reply if the bush becomes the institution that

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2015-02-27 Thread Hussein Amin
I didn't register for a National ID.

Have I committed any crime?

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
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2015-03-01 Thread Hussein Amin

I'm trying to do something for my late father, and more importantly, to
help revive Pan-Africanism and Black consciousness here.
I need a simple graphic design of this picture.
Something cool that I can then put on T-shirts, cups or plates.
Problem is I'm not that good at design software.
Just a simplified version of the picture would do, but with only two
1 - It should be clear that white men are carrying a black man (include the
white man with the umbrella).
2 - The Uganda flag colors on the side (Its black, yellow and red, twice.
And a crested crane bird in the middle).
Please help! Then post your design back to me so that we get to see it.
We have to reverse the historical image of “native” porters carrying white
If you want to make your own T-shirts for yourself and your friends from
this, feel free as well. It's a Pan-African thing!!!
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2015-03-01 Thread Hussein Amin
The Ugandan press reports that the Public Private Partnership Bill 2014 has
for the second time been sent back to Parliament for amendment. The main
contention appears to be a clause where parliament will be mandated to
approve all Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
To put it bluntly, a PPP is a business deal between government and
individuals who front their privately owned companies for projects.
But the bill is now caught in turbulence caused by two conflicting
1 - Fighting Corruption: The main reason why parliament wants oversight on
PPP approvals.
2 - Attracting Investors: The executive claims to want to ease foreign
investment thereby requesting for the removal of hurdles (parliamentary
oversight) on PPP's in the bill.

While both sides appear to have a noble cause, governments endemic
corruption record is well known.
Under the privatization program, it was alledged that government companies
were sold to serving officials who then cut deals and obtained contracts
with government (basically themselves).
To put our ethical standards in their right perspective, remember the
recent case where Hon. Minister Sam Kuteesa couldn't get his current UN job
as General Assembly President until he first resigned as ENHAS director.
The UN is a client to his ENHAS company so he would have been vending his
service to himself using the UN where he works. This situation would have
been outrageously scandalous for the United Nations had it been discovered
later that he owned the company.
Uganda's ethics standards are obviously below what is acceptable because
such conflict of interest by our senior officials is politically approved
here. The same gentleman has been a serving Foreign Minister for years and
the government he serves has deals with his company.
When it was said that the entire Diary Corporation of Uganda was sold for
one dollar in the late 90's, it is too easy for citizens to imagine some
government official attempting to sell the company to him/herself on the
From that perspective, the privatization policy appears as a scam by a
state click to defraud the nation rather than a substantial project by
patriots to build the country.
I have previously argued that Uganda's current economic model can be termed
as Theft-Based Development. Its basic rule is that if officials can eat
from a project (get kickbacks), then that project will see the light of
day. The official will also then invest the eaten proceeds in mansions,
private land, businesses and/or latest 4WD vehicles. Therefore the
so-called development we see.
But before unscrupulous individuals took charge in the 80's, there had
never been a single government company that collapsed. That is a verifiable
So if todays government already disqualified itself previously from
business at the time they lainched privatization, (actially admitting that
they were incapable) how come they aré interested again in business just a
decade later and aré now even insisting that the watchman (parliamentary
vetting) be removed?
This U-turn that I have written about, could confirm widely held suspicions
that privatization was just an excuse for looting the state with a certain
groups self enrichment as the main goal and their servants picking the
crumbs while the nation gets nothing.
Sadly, isn't opportunism rearing its ugly head here? Because only a person
with ill intentions removes the States safeguards.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
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[WestNileNet] Repost: Amin Vs British Dishonesty On Asians Question.

2015-02-23 Thread Hussein Amin
Idi Amin vs British Dishonesty On Asians In Africa.

Picture: Amin talking to journalists at the now Sheraton swimming pool. He
had jokingly dived in the water with his night pyjamas.


By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Posted Wednesday at 01:00

I was amazed to read news reports about Britain socially fighting with
itself on the issue of Asians in the UK.
There were furious comments against a former Ugandan Asian lady, Yasmine
Alibhai who had written about state-inspired oppression of Asians by
British police, with the tacit approval of prominent UK politicians.
Suddenly, there were also attempts by some British, including apparent
Asian hangers-on, to white-wash Britain of xenophobia and racism by blaming
the whole matter on Idi Amin.
One Will Black, actually an Asian who has changed his name to appear more
British than though wrote a seemingly desparate editorial piece
explaining how holy the UK was and that Idi Amin must be the problem. As he
says this, he is probably being called a banana by the beer guzzling white
fraternity at the pub (a banana being an Asian who tries to speak English
better than the Queens subjects).
Britain and its Asians, while socially fighting themselves in 2014, still
refuse to acknowledge the political realities and shortcomings (both
historical and contemporary).
But first, let’s face it. Native Britons can be understood for feeling
overwhelmed by foreign cultures taking an increasingly larger portion of
their physical, social and economic environment. Every culture is
fundamentally protective of its roots.
However, Ms Alhibai-Brown defending her rights and freedoms from harassment
by police and the state is a message that says: “Hey! We are British now.
Suck it up.”
Many Asians from Uganda were British as they left, right? They abandoned
their dual nationality after being given the choice by Amin.
By the way, Amin called himself ‘Conqueror of the British Empire’ exactly
because he chased specifically the British from Uganda. And it is after
that expulsion that it became clear to what extent Britain had still owned
the Ugandan economy through a proxy: Asians with British passports.
In today’s UK, the issue of Asians is an easy excuse for writers to brush
under the rug their dislike for British Asians by discussing the 1972
But what is less understood by British natives, especially the many who
quietly dislike foreigners, is that their feelings towards Asians are
similar to what East Africans felt before and after independence in regard
to them taking over everything” as some Brits angrily say today.
And that is why I question the lack of historical narrative on the genuine
African concerns post-independence.
It seems Britain conveniently refuses to face the mirror to see themselves
acting like little despots as they forced tough labour and stringent
economic conditions on native Ugandans in the colonial and post-colonial
era. Thereby leading to social tensions that culminated in the deportation
of Asians in a justified act of economic empowerment for Ugandans.
British historical records have shown that East Africa’s entire economy was
handed to the Asian community by colonial
Britain in a despicable policy that deliberately confined the African
native to remaining a third class citizen in his/her own country (with the
white British colonialist at the political top, followed by the Asians on
the economy, then the Africans as the workforce).
Having initially been exiled to Africa by Her Majesty's government in
slave-like conditions, it would have been
appropriate for Britain to return the Asian economic migrants home after
their work in building the railway line or whatever other construction
purpose they were brought to Africa for.
In all fairness, wasn’t it for Britain to either offer them sanctuary or
return them to their true ancestral homes?
Plus why disallow Africans to be part of their economy and politics except
as casual labourers.
From 1962, and after all three East African countries had become
independent, there was
immense pressure from the native peoples to correct this economic and
social imbalance. The sometimes harsh treatment Africans suffered at the
hands of
many Asian employers fueled the resulting social tensions. In one of her
columns in UK’s Independent newspaper, Ms Alibhai, while recounting her
childhood in Uganda, admitted that she, her family, and Ugandan Asians,
constantly expressed hostility and contempt for black Ugandans whose
country they were living in. Is it some sort of Karma that she and others
are all silently facing that very situation from Britain?
But to put the Ugandan perspective in its proper historical context, all
this was happening even before Idi Amin.
He wasn’t there in 1969 when East African leaders first decided on the
expulsion. A decision that only came after Britain refused to discuss and
resolve the matter through political dialogue.
Todate the thousands who were 


2015-02-23 Thread Hussein Amin

Fellow citizens,

Please bear with me on this.

An Obote remnant complained today that I'm trying to clean Amins name. As
if it is a crime. Why not I asked?

There is a saying in Kampala: Kibaluma (it hurts them). The men act as if
I enjoyed their wives. And some of the few women are complaining as if I
took the condoms that the bodaboda cyclist needed for romping them. Now the
guy has refused live goods and zoomed off in high speed while hooting.

People have made a living tarnishing OUR family's name for decades.

If THEY also repent publicly, then I wouldn't have to say anything.

And if I am lying about them, then expose me as well.

Instead, these fools now try slander on me.

So let me expose even more.

My brother Moses Amin was said to have been eaten by Amin.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Henry Kyemba brought that comedy in his
book State Of Blood that is filled with self -agrandizing lies from
beginning to end, yet he was just actually fooling the British to get a
refugee visa.

By then his real status was a mere thief. He had run with 7 million US
Dollars from Amin's Ministry of Health.

Funds meant to buy medecine and medical equipment for poor Ugandans.

Today mbu he is the expert on Amin, with his Hitler moustache.

From thief to serving at todays Judicial Service Commission. Cry Uganda!

But I'll post a recent picture of Moses Amin for Ugandans soon.

One that you would be able to compare with the kid in the picture here.
That's Moses in the 1970's.

Maybe I ask him to record a video so that he also asks which cheap drugs
the so-called liberators have been smoking?

But before I do that, I beg to be excused for the language I'm about to use

Those who claim they saw us being served anything other than the exquisite
food cooked by State House caterers, first kiss your own holes behind.
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[WestNileNet] Memory Lane 2012: IWPR Womens Rights Program...

2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
(Picture: IWPR Consultant Hussein Amin, right, conducts a video
presentation during the special training workshop for CRN journalists. The
Institute for War  Peace Reporting, based in The Hague, is focused
primarily on Transitional Justice.)

A training and mentoring course for broadcast journalists has paved the way
for IWPR’s new programmes covering women’s rights.

The weekly programmes are produced in partnership with the Catholic Radio
Network (CRN).

The content is gathered and recorded by IWPR and CRN’s team of journalists.

The goal of the project is to provide women with a platform to access
independent news about the rule of law and women’s rights, and to stimulate
debate through local media.

The training programme was held at the Association for Media Development.

The programme is a 15-minute weekly radio magazine featuring news,
interviews and analysis, with an emphasis on women’s rights and will air on
CRN stations.

The new project, IWPR’s first, has been welcomed by station managers at
IWPR’s local partner, CRN.

“We are looking forward to producing programmes that will contribute to
improving the condition of women, particularly by making themselves and the
general public more aware of women's rights,” Sister Elena Balatti,
director of CRN Radio said.

A second phase of the training programme will be held in the coming weeks.

The training workshop has taught reporters the basic skills of
broadcasting, investigative journalism, including research, interviewing
and production techniques.

The course also covered a variety of presentation formats, so that
participants will be able to reach out to their audiences and interact with
them on complex issues via news bulletins, special reports, radio
documentaries, public debates and phone-in talk shows.

The journalists trained by IWPR welcomed the chance to acquire new skills.

“The best item in the training was learning a method to plan the radio
programmes, especially
who to interview,” said James Pakwan, a senior editor who will work
alongside the reporters as they produce the programmes.

The intensive training schedule also included specialist tuition on human
rights issues, with a particular focus on the role of the media in
reporting rights and justice issues in the region.

Reporters learned how to research and provide in-depth coverage on issues
such as sexual violence, local judicial mechanisms and women

The programmes provide an opportunity for listeners to become better
informed about crucial issues and contribute their own views on them as

The Christian Radio Network of stations will broadcast the programme in
local languages.

Topics to be explored in upcoming episodes include widows’ rights, early
marriage and the value of girl education.

The discussions during training also focused on the legal complications
arising from the different interpretations between customary law and common
law systems, and their effects on women’s rights in the region.

“Our training helped to build a picture of the situation facing women,
especially to focus on areas where their rights are not yet fully
recognised,” Jina Awin, a reporter said.

Other participants were enthusiastic about the objectives of the programmes
that will be aired through CRN’s network.

“To be aware that a problem [concerning women’s rights] is there is not the
end of the task,” Pakwan said. “The radio programme should give clues as to
who can address [women’s rights issues] or possibly how to solve them.”

Story by Simon Jennings - IWPR Africa Editor.

(Editors Note: This project is funded by the European Union.)

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[WestNileNet] Amin's Economic Record.

2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Amin's Economic Record.

Picture: Another T-Shirt sample I received today. Amin being carried by
British residents.

Guys! Can you name one State company, government parastatal, cooperative
union, bank, hospital, road, market or school that collapsed during the
Amin days?
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[WestNileNet] Check This!!!

2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
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2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
I follow the Middle East Peace issue quite regularly and yesterday Benyamin
Netanyahu reached another level of absurd.
Ever since he became Prime Minister, he says he wants to see peace talks
move forward with the two-state solution. But at the same time his actions
have been to undermine the very talks he claims to support: He builds extra
illegal settlements on Palestinian land every year. He wages war on the
occupied territories thereby killing any chances of peace when he destroys
everything he possibly can.
Sincerely, could you come to talks with a person who is still destroying
your house, or will you prefer that he first stop if he is serious about
Netanyahu's long tested strategy to suffocate the talks? Build illegal
settlements by force on Palestinian land. They then get frustrated and
refuse peace talks themselves.
But World opinion now has proof that it is Benyamin who has been delaying
to settle the peace. Yesterday he finally declared openly that if voted
(elections are today), he will block creation of a Palestinian State.
Basically he will stop peace.
In my opinion, Benjamín Netanyahu is the most malicious leader the world
has had to deal with on the Israeli/Palestinian issue.
He has now proved it himself that he has been a peace liar for the last two
decades. He clearly doesn't ever want peace in the Middle East.
As Israel votes today, won't the outcome show if the Israelí people also
want peace or continued conflict?
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[WestNileNet] Forex Rates: A Comparison.

2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Todays Foreign Exchange rate says 1USD=3045 Uganda Shillings.
Incredibly, for the entire 8 years during Amins days in Uganda, One US
Dollar was only Seven Uganda Shillings (yes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Shillings).
That's how strong Uganda's currency was.
When they say nasty things about Uganda's economy in the 70's, they are
creepy liars.
For those who weren't there, it is simply impossible to have an exchange
rate that strong if there is a weak economy.
These numbers alone show that the illiterate Amin did far better in
national macro-economics than todays PHD holders.
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[WestNileNet] Uganda First Or Last?

2015-03-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Uganda First Or Last?

They've said it time and time again: Unity is strength.
We put aside the issues that separate us, then we unite to achieve a bigger
common goal.
Everyone takes a specific responsibility or task that they focus on and are
accountable for.
But when we partake in personal opportunism, we invite the same plague that
has always delayed or destroyed progress whenever it was presented at our
For some, it is all about their own ambitions to get somewhere up there.
Please step aside because you are blocking the way for a whole society, a
whole country.
Most don't have specific solutions to table before the people. Many more
focus solely on themselves anyway.
Yet the country is a patient in an emergency room. It needs to be attended
to by devoted specialists. The countries endemic problems have seen poverty
stagnating on us and other serious infections emerging within society:
Corruption, immorality, early pregnancies, serious crime, loss of trust,
selfishness, greed, unemployment, disease and ignorance.
And all this has a cost to personal and national resources, our economic
How many people get to leadership before we realize that they haven't a
single mission for our communities or our nation?
Why can't we then let those who have good tidings for the country lead us.
Why don't we have real patriots come and implement the progress we all want.
For that to happen, we first have to abandon the polarized politics.
Because our deep divisions within the current politics are destroying us.
We need unity for our country, it's vast wealth, it's children and it's
future generations.
All our leaders, regardless of political affiliations, should actually be
united behind the motto: Uganda First.
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[WestNileNet] The Economics Around The Current Shilling Debacle.

2015-03-23 Thread Hussein Amin
The Economics Around The Current Shilling Debacle.

Media commentators like the Andrew Mwenda's aren't telling Ugandans the
complete truth when they say that a devalued shilling is good for us
because it means cheaper exports and therefore more Ugandan exports. As if
it is even that automatic.

If a European buyer imports two flowers from Uganda because he has his two
buyers in Europe, no matter how low your price, he will still buy only two

He would actually be wasting his money if he bought more flowers sply
necause the price is low yet.he doesn't have the clients to sell them to.

Some of our analysts in the media are discussing hand-picked theory without
carefully studying the broader macro-economics picture.

There are 3 elements that affect economies when currencies loose value:
- Our debts in US dollars,
- Our non-dollar exports,
- And inflation.

When the shilling falls, all borrowers in USD like the state and some
businesses, will immediately come under more pressure in repaying US dollar

We will need more local currency than before in order to pay our already
huge international debt. A significant extra economic burden.

Secondly, they say exporters will benefit from a weak shilling as our
products will be cheaper to international buyers.

Yes, many export companies trade in dollars, but not all.

A large percent of Ugandan exports goes to the Eurozone, whose currency is
also depreciating against the dollar.

Our exports to the EU might actually be more expensive for our European
clients than usual.

Thirdly, our economy is still import based at approximately 600 million US
Dollars monthly while the exports are at only 200 million US dollars. A big
deficit of 400 million US Dollars.

This means that we will now have an even bigger shilling cost for our
monthly imports.

Therefore businesses will increase prices of imported products since they
need more shillings to buy dollars for imports.
Inflation therefore ensues.

So any expected benefits to Uganda might not actually exist. Instead GDP
might stagnate or show negative overall.

In summary, a falling shilling adds to our economies’ debt burden and also
makes our non-US exports even more expensive.

But crucially, if our currency depreciates, and inflation rises as
explained above, it is our economy that is actually collapsing.

The problem if prices rise uncontrollably, is that the market will start
informally adopting the dollar since it is stable and available everywhere.

The worst case scenario when such situations happen, is that Ugandans will
find themselves paying their boda-boda fare, house rent, katogo, flat
screen TV, chicken and possibly airtime, in US dollars instead of a useless
depreciating shilling.

We are still fairly safe from that at the moment, but ask Congo how a
depreciating currency and a rampaging inflation led them to trade
everything in US dollars.

So we have to be ready to peg the Uganda shilling to the dollar or the Euro.

This gives our currency stability and provides the strongest guarantee for
predictable economic growth.
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[WestNileNet] Dear Tullow Oil. Whats Up?

2015-04-25 Thread Hussein Amin
Letter To The Editor

Dear Tullow Oil (Ug) Company.

We Ugandans put alot of hope in the oil resources that you have been
entrusted with exploring and exploiting on our behalf. With oil we see
development possibilities beyond what we had ever imagined for our country.
Yet we hear rumours about the product already being hurriedly sold at
night. Meanwhile you have become suspiciously quiet these days.
Where are your public accountability credentials?


Hussein Amin
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[WestNileNet] As Capt. Mike Mukula Steps Down In 2016...

2015-05-12 Thread Hussein Amin
My good friend Flight Captain  MP for Soroti Municipality, the Hon. George
Michael Mukula has decided to quit politics.
This is a big surprise and a sad moment at the same time.
The NRM Vice Chairperson has been the most charismatic leader coming from
the Teso sub-region in recent times. Also the most recognizable and talked
about politician because of his taste for smartness but also his ability to
debate pertinently on national matters whether in the media or on the floor
of parliament.
He has friends from across the political spectrum and is respected by the
business community as well.
We have been friends from when I first helped to set up his Community Radio
station Voice of Teso.
It was also a great adventure campaigning for him in 2011 when he regained
his seat after loosing it in 2006.
As he steps down from the next elections I am sure he will remain a
reference in Eastern Uganda politics.
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2015-05-12 Thread Hussein Amin

(Hint: Picture below)

Patient X appears to have;

1 - Arthritis thrombosis with possible ligament tear and erosion of
cartilage in the left knee.

2 - Abnormal elevation of the left backhand indicating metacarpal fracture
of at least two fingers. This has significantly reduced the left hand

3 - Greyish eyes indicating advanced cataract in both eyes. Requires
surgery to restore some vision.

4 - Urinal incontinence previously reported but not directly observed by
this study.


- He has increasing pain walking, climbing stairs or even descending a
steep hill.

- He can't fully utilize his left forearm and fingers.

- He can't see beyond 50 meters. Objects beyond that distance appear foggy
due to the grey/white cataract fluids in the eye retina).

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[WestNileNet] Undelivered Service Delivery: Or Corruption At Left-Overs Level?

2015-05-12 Thread Hussein Amin
Undelivered Service Delivery: Or Strategic Corruption Now At Left-Overs

The Independent Magazine recently wrote that as some government
departments wallow in debt, others are unable to spend the money allocated
to them.

They cited the Auditor Generals latest report saying it showed that up to
Shs217 billion could not be absorbed by government projects and Shs 9.4
billion was returned to the consolidated fund.

The affected sectors included Roads, Agro-processing, Household Income
Improvement, Health, and Education.

Remember that the government ministries returning unused cash actually
budgeted for this money in the first place, purportedly for projects
implementation and services.

Because this is becoming an increasingly regular habit every financial
year, I am starting to wonder if this isn't cash that the corrupt were
plotting to steal but failed? Maybe because the money was put in a well lit
spot where the one who touches it could be caught red-handed?
It is surely absurd for government funds to be returned unused, yet the
country alledgedly lacks money for doctors salaries and other crucial
Or does some astute big fish intentionally organize this funds return so as
to feast quietly on the unmonitored national budget left-overs?
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2015-05-16 Thread Hussein Amin

8,589 Uganda government employees have not been accounted for, but remain
on the payroll. - Auditor's Report.
These civil servants are paid 54 billion shillings per year yet they do not
exist...but we still pay them?
And you'll find that the culprits behind these scams really believe that
they are now sharp... for managing to focus all their Pan-African
brains on theft  plunder. Aren't Ugandans wallowing in poverty and failed
government health services?
If so then the greedy animals need a tyre around their neck!?!
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[WestNileNet] Burundi Chaos!

2015-05-16 Thread Hussein Amin
Why for example, can't our parliament pass a bill to assist the people of
Burundi with a two-bedroomed house on Lake Victoria for Mr. Nkurunziza?
Aren't we supposed to be peace-loving Pan-African brothers?
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[WestNileNet] Meanwhile at Rwanda Defense Forces...

2015-05-16 Thread Hussein Amin
2nd Lt. Chantal Mucyo Karerangabo  Meron Mutesi Rugazora (pictured) have
become the first qualified female pilots to deploy with UNMISS, the UN
Mission that I worked with for 5 years.

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[WestNileNet] South Sudan: Talk Peace or Talk Peace?

2015-05-18 Thread Hussein Amin
The South Sudan peace process is painfully crawling towards a half-hearted
solution. Talks were scheduled for today 17th May.
This time, there is supposed to be identification of persons who actually
obstruct all atempts to resolve the conflict. With suggestions for targeted
international sanctions against any such culprits.
Let truth be told, there is widespread, chronic sectarian animosity between
both sides. One only has to hear the vengeful comments from supporters to
understand how far down the mouth of the volcano they are still going to
have to fetch their peace.
But should that deter those whose role it ease to lead their young nation
to stability? Surely not!
The Transitional Government of National Unity is THE best start.
Frankly, what other arrangement is all inclusive? It is the quickest way
back to a normal life for the South Sudanese people who want to study,
work, build or trade. Such people simply need an environment where
development and reconstruction are the nations priority. South Sudan could
still go further backwards at any moment. Indeed fighting has been reported
in Malakal.
There are individuals who need war to profit financially or simply to
become politically relevant. And when under attack, people are entitled to
self-defense. But the journey towards peace starts with concrete steps
forward. Silencing the guns and walking away from inflamatory rhetoric. The
way forward is surely about getting everyone back to work.
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[WestNileNet] Cancelling Redundant Affirmative Action Is Affirmative Action.

2015-05-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Canceling Redundant Affirmative Action Is Affirmative Action.

The Observer newspaper has reported about a proposal by the Uganda Law
Society cancelling the affirmative action for parliamentary representation
enjoyed by special interest groups since 1996 when the current Constitution
was promulgated.
Last year, civil society organizations and citizens were called upon to
write proposals for amendments of the Constitution. I actually proposed 27
amendments (picture).
The special interest groups are the army, the youth, the disabled and women.
Affirmative action was intended to guarantee that these groups concerns are
constantly taken into account in the national debate.
However, affirmative action is by nature limited in time.
Yet the recent recommendation by the Uganda Law Society that it is time to
scrap army and women representation in parliament has been received with
shock from these two interest groups.
The question that the people should be asking is what have these groups
brought to the table in the 20 years that they have been allowed
parliamentary access?
About the army being in parliament, if a proper democratic political system
is in place together with a professional army, then the military is
supposed to be focused on doing the job it is trained for: Protecting
Uganda's borders plus it's citizens lives and property. Simple!
Does your askari (guard) decide on how you run your household affairs? It's
not his job.
You summon him to the living room when there is a security breach to
As for women representatives, it seems that they have themselves refused to
progress to the equal status with men.
Even those that have been women MP since the measure was introduced 20
years ago, still fear to compete directly with men for the standard MP
seat. Why?
Are prominent women now the ones going against gender activism?
In other job sectors, women are fighting the real fight and getting the few
jobs without the favours that women parliamentarians enjoy.
It seems activism is actually reduced compared to when women were first
given free MP seats.
Didn't we constantly here big feminist voices like Miria Matembe and
Cecilia Ogwal? (In fact wasn't Mrs. Ogwal the only person from Obote's UPC
party that I could support?)
People were mesmerized by these womens pertinent views.
Compare that to the other women MP's today. We hardly hear strong opinions
fom them.
Performance data published in the media repeatedly shows that they aren't
proficient. Poor contribution to debates if any at all. Being in parliament
has become a way for earning increased salaries, yet the rural woman has
hardly benefitted from this significant 20-year national gesture towards
People complain that Women MP's are focusing solely on party politicking,
soe-candidacies, allowances and cat fights. The tabloids are awash with sex
scandals, extramarital affairs and broken marriages.
It's time for women politicians to get back into the fight for women
emancipation and girl education.
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2015-05-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Africa doesn't make anything from Western aid when this same money makes us
loose billions more.
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[WestNileNet] Consider It Amin's Etofaali. Happy 60'th Birthday Kabaka Mutebi

2015-04-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: Amin (right) and a young Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II (second
from left) 1972.

The newly completed Buganda Kingdom building was constructed by Amin almost
entirely before he left the country.
We however would like to congratulate the Buganda Kingdom for the
completion  what a befitting gift as we celebrate a Happy 60th Birthday to
Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II.
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2015-04-17 Thread Hussein Amin

Picture: Idi Amin checks a bazooka rocket launcher.

During the Anti-Apartheid struggle, Idi Amin made the first ever suggestion
for an African Military Force. His idea was for each African country to
contribute 1000 men and military equipment to the contingent.
The African Forces first mission he suggested, was to liberate Southern
Africa from Apartheid and persisting colonialists.
All the freedom fighters from Southern Africa including Zimbabwe, Namibia
and Mozambique, were already regular visitors to Uganda where Amin gave
them sanctuary, training camps and any assistance he could.
Robert Mugabe, Joshua Nkomo and many Anti-Apartheid freedom fighters were
respected guests in Uganda. Several were even accorded Ugandan
Amin's Pan-Africanist struggle, particularly for the liberation of Southern
Africa, is a most unmentioned chapter of his political activism. It is
mainly because he fully embraced pro-African ideology against imperialism
that he became the most vilified and maliciously ridiculed African
president by a supposedly professional, unbiased, colonialist news media.
To-date that negative image has been perpetuated through an even more
venomous modern western media.
Only Nelson Mandela upon his release in 1994, insisted on mentioning Amins
efforts and assistance in the fight against Apartheid. It is unbelievable
to hear young South Africans join in ridiculing Amin yet he worked
tirelessly for their freedom back then. Today they have done the once
unimaginable thing: Attack fellow Africans living in South Africa.
Idi Amin had actually offered to command the African Force himself upto
Cape Town to fight off Apartheid.
His appeal wasn't heeded to by his fellow African leaders.
Had the continent genuinely united militarily as well as politically,
Africa would have controlled all its land and therefore all its mineral
resources so as to empower itself economically for better trade and
investment terms that first benefit the African continent and it's people.

Written by Hussein J. L. Amin
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[WestNileNet] Getting ready for Uganda 2016 Elections.

2015-04-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Are You ready? Lets go?
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[WestNileNet] Go Hang? What Service To The Public Is That?

2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin
Go Hang? What Service To The Public Is That?

What is this increasingly abusive verbosity by so called Public Relations
professionals? When the Media Center tells the clergy to Go hang! as
mentioned in the Daily Monitor last week, or some worse utterance from
other state Press Officers, doesn't this warrant disciplinary action?  I
thought we had an appraisal system that checks civil servants performance
and conduct in service delivery.
Aren't grave pronouncements such as this one, to Ugandan citizens whom the
official is serving, supposed to be reprimanded?
An organization like PRAU (Public Relations Association of Uganda) also
needs to defend the profession when standards of public decency by it's
members have literally gone to the dogs.
Actually apologies and punitive administrative measures prescribed by the
code of conduct for public servants are called for here.
Sincerely, what added value are insults to service delivery?
No where else have I heard professionals utter that much trash per PR mouth
per annum than in Uganda's civil service.
In stark contrast to these officials, the police and the military
spokespersons are the most diplomatic yet they handle the same, and even
more sensitive national security topics. Most government officials are
diplomatic and have thereby been more effective in serious public
communications in the media, parliament or with citizens generally.
So isn't it that substandard persons are constantly abusing citizens they
are supposed to serve? Thereby increasing unnecessary social antagonisms?
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2015-04-09 Thread Hussein Amin

Restoring or lifting Uganda's Presidential term limits ISN'T about Museveni
or any other individual. It's SQUARELY about Uganda and its hardworking

What does the country actually need?

Surely MORE guarantees of peace and security for OUR own prosperity that we
actually work hard for ourselves. Can there ever be enough assurances of

But that's EXACTLY what term limits are: A long term extra peace insurance
for Ugandans.

A tested principle that guarantees a swiftly and unquestionable handover
from one elected civilian to another, and therefore creating the culture of
handing over governance peacefully after a specified time.

Those are the arguments for term limits when they were first written in the
1995 constitution by the Constituent Assembly.

Do we need to table them again?

It also puts a seal on the incumbency advantage which is an undisputed

People can change but a wise law protects the peace.

More importantly, term limits are a tool allowing our country to achieve an
important milestone: Peaceful handover/transfer of power is the last big
hurdle in Uganda's democratization process.

This so that the people never have to suffer with any future thugs fighting
for state power.

Time limits exist in any activity: football, office hours, planting season,
playing time for children and retirement for the old. Our very lives are
limited in time.

It is legacies that continue far in the future. And ensuring presidential
term limits are written in the constitution is such a legacy.

Chaos is surely coming within the next ten years if we aren't careful about
this matter.

Has Uganda EVER crossed the peaceful democratic handover
hurdle/bottleneck yet?

So what are our so-called educated politicians waiting for to complete the
democracy they claim they ushered in Uganda?

Written by Hussein J. L. Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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