Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well rather than continuing with the usual 8th doctor audios guide, stewart has taken time out to post some snarkitude about the upcoming trailer, which actually is both hilarious last tango on Scaro? and also wonderfully pointing out the usual moffat annoyingness sinse yet again! we have a mysterious woman of pointless mystery, who I will be willing to bet money on is yet another overly sarccastic smugs/xually predatory Moffat female character who doesnt let the doctor be right and stomps all over continuity because you know, Moffat is thy god! Oooh dear, I think Ive picked up some of Stewart Hardys snarkasm, well anyway See it here


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewarts 8th doctor moanings here . Again Im not sure if people are reading these or not but Im a verbose sort of fellow and youtubes comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.Ive never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, Id argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. Ive seen cryticisms of the 8th doctors characterization here and how hes so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy I love you! moment doesnt! work, particularly sinse The Doctors comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and shes now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, douchenozzle is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isnt really something used in Britain, Id myself default to git or something like that, douche to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like bif or bosh or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someones nose, its just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! its got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a doctor who and invasion of the insect people type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as Criz, having him literally murder his wife whos being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked Crez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesnt do much for the arc or for introducing Criz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and Criz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadnt distinguished Crizs voice really didnt help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because its once again a case of oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot! definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didnt feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of the religions bore any vague resemblance to any real faiths at all (really if you were going to do this it shouldve been in the real universe). We get some of the hints at Criz church and the Doctors banter with the Kroka actually starts to make sense, indeed

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewarts 8th doctor moanings here . Again Im not sure if people are reading these or not but Im a verbose sort of fellow and youtubes comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.Ive never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, Id argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. Ive seen cryticisms of the 8th doctors characterization here and how hes so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy I love you! moment doesnt! work, particularly sinse The Doctors comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and shes now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, douchenozzle is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isnt really something used in Britain, Id myself default to git or something like that, douche to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like bif or bosh or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someones nose, its just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! its got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a doctor who and invasion of the insect people type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as Criz, having him literally murder his wife whos being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked Crez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesnt do much for the arc or for introducing Criz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and Criz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadnt distinguished Crizs voice really didnt help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because its once again a case of oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot! definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didnt feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of the religions bore any vague resemblance to any real faiths at all (really if you were going to do this it shouldve been in the real universe). We get some of the hints at Criz church and the Doctors banter with the Kroka actually starts to make sense, indeed

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill confess Im not sure whos reading these but Ill comment anyway sinse I like Doctor Who and I know some people here like Big finish. Part 2 of Stewarts guide to the eighth doctor audios is up and is here I personally was amused by invaders from mars, though most of that was probably as much down to the acting as the script, not to mention the hilarious mock 1930s radio drama cliffhangers, probably one of Mark Gatis better comedy offerings especially as compared to things like robot of sherwood. Chimes of midnight and seasons of fear are both completely awsome! While I take his point on into the darkness being a bit meh, at the same time it has some of the just plane nastiest horror moments ever! including eyeballs torn out, so I definitely give credit for actually being scary albeit I didnt like how it all
  came down to a big poof at the end. Living legend was genuinely funny, if nothing else just to see Charley pretend to be an awsome time lady and scare the pants off some commically innept aliens, (plus I love the doctors ploy of persuading them that humans are infected with world cup fever). Solitare I dont remember too clearly sinse its been quite some time sinse I heard the companion chronicles. I do recall enjoying itat the time, but generally being a fan of surreal Dr. who I always like the celestial toy maker on principle.Time of the Daleks I really dont like, though not for the reasons Stewart mentions, sinse to me even though it has the hole mirrors and clocks time travel thing of evil of the Daleks, it just had none of that storys chalm. It was a pretty confusing mess to be honest, indeed like several Dalek stories it had too much wanting to be clever timy wimy and too little actual daleks being daleks. Indeed the tie in sc
 ene with seasons of fear where you see a dalek killed by the roman legion I find annoys me both times sine it just makes me wish I was listening to that much better story instead .Neverland was awsome, a lot to wrap heads around but was all in all great, particularly rassilon and the ideas around the rogue timelords,  after all who cant love a thing called the oobleeet of infinity! . My only issue in Neverland is why the hell the never people nd rogue timelords were conveniently distroyed at the climax sinse they were such great adversaries they shouldve kept around for the special.As for Zagreus, I know its the story that people love to hate on but like Stewart I really enjoyed it. I liked the surreal landscapes, I liked the timelor
 ds motivation, sinse the idea of both rassilon playing humanoid imperialism with making all species resemble the timelords and fixing the continuity of time with the eye of harmony, and of rassilon punting a species that would out evolve the timelords into a divergent universe was a really nice one. and I liked the resolution to the plot, albeit I thought things dragged seriously around episode three when they got to the black tower on gallifrey. I didnt personally find Zagreus hard to follow, sinse the important elements are pretty much spelt out albeit I do think the amount of exposition here rather hurts and the main villain idea of the peace really isnt dealt with very well either,  well the main villain besides rassilon, who once again gets so much points for having such an awsome audio presence,  rather different from the distorted whacky sample of poor old John Pertwee which was indeed very horrible, .As to the hystrionics, on the one hand yes, the Doctor and Charley have some really! cringe worthy dialogue hear, Your dumping me! is I believe what stewart meant by the worst line in Doctor who. On the other hand I like the idea of the Doctors first romance being decidedly unsuccessful. Sometimes love doesnt work out well for all concerned especially when one partner has just got his mind free of anti time, this however is something that was calmed down much more in the next story, Scherzo, (which Stewart really ought to learn to pronounce properly). In general I dont see why Zagreus gets all the hate and I do agree with stewart its a severely flawed story, certainly not bfs best but far from its worst, Id myself give Zagreus probably a 5 out of ten, and not because its an average story, just because it does many, many awsome things but just as many ve
 ry crap things as well which for me all sort of canceled each other out. I would however far rather have something like that than the moffats usual blend of ultra safe mush any day, so once again I agree with stewart here, and to anyone whos actually heard the 8th doctor season Id recommend Zagreus, albeit for anyone who isnt up on their Doctor who law regarding the Timelords it could indeed be pretty impenitrable,  quite different from most of bfs offerings.Ill be interested to see what stewart says about the divergent universe arc and Criz, sinse once again I find that I disagree with many people given that I

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

well there is another reason for threadcromancy here. Namely that stewart hardy has started something he threated to do recently, his reviews of all bfs 8th doctor audios from storm warning to Dark eyes, check out the first one Here I agree with him for the most part, indeed I also found I enjoyed stones of Venis far more second time through, although I have to give Sword of Orion credit for setting up the background for the bf cyberman series, even though I did find the story itself rather draggy second time around and sinse the hole nasty cybermen thing was done so much better elsewhere (spareparts, Realtime, the reaping or the harvest to name but a few), Imho sword of Orion was actually the worst of the first 8th doctor season.The only disagreement I have is related to minuette in Hell, sinse while I can see its got its problems, to m
 ee there was far more synister than cartoony about it, what with charley nearly forced into being basically a prostitute, and the 8th doctor locked up in a cell with a man who says hes the doctor and seems to have all the doctors memories, pretty dam dark stuff which I definitely approve of. Marcosius the demon is also absolutely hilarious! and manages to still be extremely creepy doing it, anyone who bursts into charleys bedroom singing in a deep bace voice Charley is my darling, my darling my darling! then promises not to kill her too quickly, its amazing! I also have to say Im always amused by the fact that American Whovians constantly and loudly complain about both the accents and the sterriotypes in the story. That is fare given the villain is a telivangilist with political aspirations whos a demon summoner, and the rest of the us cast are his beauty obsessed assistant, a supposedly heroic girl with psychic powers (wh
 o is also amazingly flat), and a Seniter who pretty much is a carbon copy of the rich texon from the Simpsons. However, off though these aspects are, these are no worse than most of the jolly fine bloody what what old bean attempts at English characters in %80 of Us produced stuff, so I do have to smile when Americans complain so much,  dish it out but cant take it eh? .Of course, bad writing and acting is a bad thing generaly, and Id still not say Minuette in Hell is among Bfs best, though for Marcosius (who is absolutely awsome), and how dark some of the story gets Id still say theres enough in there to make it okay over all, indeed I did think it was better than Sword of Orion, (certainly more fun).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

This particular threadcromancy is due to the fact that Stewart Hardy aka He who moans has done another one, which can be Found here , and is something that (as Stewart himself said), lots of people want, a beginners guide to big finish, aka where to start to get into the bf audios. I personally was pleased that he included several of what are some of my favourites, live 34, I Davros and Protect and survive as well as the ones youd expect like Spare parts, Chimes of midnight and Jubilee, (which everyone loves, though quite justifyably sinse they all are rather good).I disagree with him however about the two Frobisher storiess, Holy Terror and the Maltese penguin sinse I didnt personally rate either or regard them as representative of Doctor who being as film noire penguin sounds like a character created from mad libs and hes hardly representative either of the sort of n
 ormal things Doctor Who does or imho that interesting (quirky doesnt equal interesting). Myself Id personally suggest phantasmagoria (bfs second ever release no less), Fires of Vulcan or The eighth doctor story The cannibalists. Really great examples of Doctor who doing the sort of things Doctor who does particularly well (and if you want traumatic Horror the cannibalists has to be one of the nastiest things Ive ever heard).Though on the other hand the one Doctor is an awsome comedy outing that really shouldnt be missed, and just proves how fantastic old sixy is. As a starter Id even recommend the semi recent trilogy The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart, which are sort of Doctor who does Starwars, but as they have no extra characters just doctors 5, 6 and 7 all doing their thing in the same sector of space theyre a great example of the sort of story telling Doctor Who does, and one of th
 e occasions when imho Bf have pulled off epic successfully in recent times (something they continually try to do with every trilogy it seems but only manage about half of the time).I have to listen to the companion chronicles again sinse it has been a while sinse Ive heard the Sara Kingdom audios, though I did like her appearence in The Five Companions. As to Deadline, well again Ive only heard it the once and didnt especially rate it at the time, sinse I just felt it was a rather undistinguished story about the end of life of a not particularly nice man, and being so! out of the window Id never recommend it to someone new who Doctor Who or Big finish, indeed good though several of them are, Id not recommend any of the Doctor who Unbound series simply because if your not too familiar with The Doctors adventures, in their style or even events you likely wouldnt get them specifically, especially sinse some are so far off the wall they

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Very odd about the downloads and cd sales, sinse I have digital versions of all of galifrey and bernice summerfield that I bought later. I usually get my subscriptions on preorder so there isnt a problem with that, and usually the extra september release comes as a bonus. With respect to Susan, I do know Russel T davies was consciously trying to make a new start with the series so didnt want to alienate new fans with elving too much into the original, which is why he kept returning classic series monsters and enemies like The MAster to one per series. In The Doctors daughter the Doctor does mention eing a father before, which was like the hint alluding to Davros in the Episode Dalek, so maybe if Russel hadnt left we might have seen Susan at some point the same way we ran into Sarah Jane, As I said she wouldve been great for the 50th aniversary. With respect to the Valyard, well the audio Trial of the valyard actually hi
 nts at a slightly different origin story, that during the final encarnation Timelords would all go a little loopy and that the Doctor in one alternative future did so and wanted to extend his life, thus created a clone of himself who was sent back in time and bought up on galifrey in the Black nurseries, hidden houses of galifrey where the Timelords held their mistakes. Actually thinking about it the idea that the 13th encarnation of a timelord goes a bit wrong fits quite nicely with the eleventh doctor being such a schizo idiot . Moffat did mention the Valyard at one stage during all that incomprehensible business with the Doctors tomb, but things were so nonsensical there really isnt a correct answer,  still the Valyard still fits with my ten official doctors theory . With respect To the Ice warriors, well Moffat has kept up the tradition of one classic series monster per series so it was only a matter of time before the ice warriors made a comeback, though I didnt particularly feel their return was that enspiring really. The question of the events of Key 2 time vs Lords of the red planet is actually one Ive wondered about myself rather seriously. at the end of lords, the 2nd Doctor does hint that the ice warriors might have evolved naturally, which is perhaps what happened later, though how they went from warriors initially to the peaceful society seen in key 2 time and then back to being ice warriors I dont know, particularly sinse in key 2 time MArs has a full and rich atmosphere which the destruction of the black hole ripped away, while in Lords its implied the atmosphere was bleeding off the planet hence why the ice warriors were created to survive afterwards. It
 9;s a contradiction that really needs an answer and I hope bf address it at some point.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I have finally sat down and watched Last christmas,  appropriately enough the special for last christmas. needless to say spoilage ahoy. Its odd, much like death in heaven my chief feeling is meh. I didnt hate it as much as he who moans, but neither was there really anything at all that excited my emotions or my terror or even my ire. I personally didnt mind the dreams within dreams explanation for the surreal events, though to be honest I really wish itd been a little more surreal to work things out, sinse really just having father christmas appear is just having father christmas, it doesnt do a lot. id have given them lots of credit if they went utterly off the rails with completely totally off the wall landscapes, running into daleks in Scrooges counting house or cyber convertedd elves or whatever, and then! pulled the dream explanation, as it was, base under siege, sleepers, dream crabs and santa all felt a littl
 e too flat to me, or maybe it was just the acting. indeedto be honest once wed had the dream crab explanationthings seemed very draggy, just having danny doing his usual speech (and honestly for that to be Claras perfect world Danny still felt like he had the emotions of a cyberman), things just seemed to drag out and the dreams within dreams explanation was just far too belaboured to be really interesting. I didnt mind the jarring cuts between horror and humour, but I do wish things had felt far less like nobody was really trying that hard, or that the emotional reactions came through, sinse hay Clara looking creepily at a blackboard where messages about her death are appearing is okay, but she just didnt seem all that bothered. Maybe this was timing, maybe it was just lack of energy Im not sure. I also didnt exactly feel the dream crabs were a credible threat sinse like pretty much every Moffat bad guy they had no teeth at all. Being told
 ! they kill and suck out peoples brains just doesnt convey it when the worse weve seen is someone with a crab on their head, indeed the comparison to the alien face huggers is laughable given that having a face hugger around your face means a chest burster in the near future, while having a dream crab on the noggin just seems to mean you sit there, heck we didnt even get to know that people had supposedly died.Its interesting how similar some ideas here were to the audio minds eye, but where minds eye has damn scary plants that absorb people (complete with descriptions of people completely grown into buy plants), and the dream landscapes it generates are so jarring theyre wrong, like Perri in what seems to be a runaway episode of a bad american soap, the dreams here were all a bit too under welming, even the final one of an aged clara. It had the usual one liners and the Doctors grump off with Santa, and clara was smug, and it 
 had a left field christmas landmark sequence, and of course the Clara/doctor plot was so swept under the rug it was minimal, (and dont even start on logical inconsistancies like how the hell four random people got dream crabs on the head or what supposedly happened to the idea of a dream crab invasion of earth). I think probably the most forgettable christmas special sinse the snowman one, and I can barely remember what happened in that one, like Ill barely remember this episode tomorrow. A far cry from the days of the christmas invasion or the runaway bride.If Doctor who, a program about an eccentric alien traveling through time in an old 1960s police phone box travelling anywhere in time and space is this! flat, it speaks something sad for the worlds capacity for imagination, then again most things in the entertainment world seem to be going flat these days so I suppose the Moff is just following the general trend.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

This why I asked about the Company of Friends.I mean there are four stories in that Audio.And one character is Bernice Summerfield, another is Mary Shelly, and the two other ones should be a book companion and the other female should be a comic character.But I wonder how the other three stories from Company of friends are to be seen and sorted into the Eighth Doctors continuity, if most of the books are not part of the Audio continuity.And since it was at least up to now not announced that any Eighth Doctor books were made into Audio Dramas, it cant be said that Big Finish is (currently) working on bringing some elements from that continuity into main Audio Who.On the other Hand, the plot with a living tardis newer and better than the time Lords have around Zagreus, could be interesting to see in Audio stories.I thought that the end of the Iris Wildthyme series was due to the creator of the character wanting to write more short Stor
 y collections with her for Obverse Books.But I dont know if any new books were published since the Audio Show was canceled and if any new books are out, if they continue where the Audios ended or not.I am also not sure if any works from Obverse books can be bought as an ebook.I know that Big Finish for example only sells the latest five Bernice Summerfield books as ebooks but not the Squires Crystal, which you would Need to get how she got her child.Books and Audio stories for a while were directly linked.You had an Audio Story, then a book, then the next Audio in a row if you get what I mean.I also wonder if we will get some more stories from the beginning of the Eighth Doctors life like his travels with Mary Shelly.We had only two Major starting Points, Storm Warning up to ist ultimate conclusion.Then there is a gap until Blood of the Daleks up to the end of Dark Eyes 4.I have everything from Blood of the Dal
 eks to Dark Eyes 3 and I will get Dark Eyes 4.And I plan on getting Gallifrey and Iris Wildthyme in the future.I have two other question about Audio stories.1. Did you listen to Daleks Among Us?I read some crazy things about that Story in some other Doctor Who Forum.Some People think that this Story suggests that Ace was killed on the planet Azimuth when the Doctor visited it for the first time.Do you think that this might be actually true, since time travel stories dont have to be always in the right order?2. What is this Business with Prisoners of Fate and the Doctors first Tardis?Nowhere in the current TV Show was ever clearly stated why the Doctor left Gallifrey and why he stole the Tardis he travels with, nor if he once had his own Tardis and if he had another before, we he had to leave it behind.Do you know anything more about this?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I get what you mean with the Doctors past.But on the other Hand, without his past being explained, we have for example no true knowledge of what happened to Susan during or after the time war, since the Audio stories to my knowledge specifically dont tell us if she is a time Lady or not.We even dont know if she is actually related to the doctor or if she only sees him as her Family because he took her in before the Show started.There are some Versions of her origin in the books, but it is not clear which Version is Primary timeline Content and which is not.And since new Who doesnt tell us anything about Susan, we probably dont have any answers.We also dont have all the Information abouzt what Jenny is, since she was artificially created.But the question would be if she is fully time Lord, or only half.If the latter was true and such things as half time Lords were to exist, the end of Donnas time wi
 th the Doctor could have been resolved better than to do a total deletion of her memories of the Doctor at Journeys end.There is one other Thing I wonder though.With the really huge number of Audio titles Big Finish have released so far, how is anyone supposed to get them all?Listening to them will take a lot of time.But to get them all also requires lots of Money, regardless of whether you get them in small Groups or in larger Groups.I know that some People started their Who collections when Big Finish started selling These stories, but not everyone was there at the beginning.So it seems that you can only pick at pieces regardless of whether you use some of their subscriptions or buy individual titles.And some things are still not available as Downloads, which means that some things are only sold on CD.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well with regards to the continuity shift, I dont think its that strict sinse as you said, Bf did reference commic and novel characters like Izzy and Fitz in company of friends, and indeed Frobisher with the sixth doctor. Its more when people ask so is the master the rathbone master? or was galifrey destroyed three times that the alternative universe theory is put forward with the Bf version of those events held as the one in the primary universe, though as I said I think things will be made more officially stable as time goes on. i confess the tie ins to the books is why Ive never got through all the burnice stuff, I just find it simply annoying to stick on an audio and literally have previously on burnice summer field with the audio being a literal continuation of a story started in a novel. I never really cared for the compassion as a living tardis idea, sinse it just seemed again to come out of no where. When t
 he Doctor first meets Compassion shes a normal girl from the 21st century who has been captured by faction paradox and is working as their agent, then for her to be some sort of metamorphing living humanoid tardis is just again craziness (I sort of wonder between that and the craziness with Fits being the head of faction paradox if the Doctor actually has! any normal companions who are not part of fp anymore). The idea of living tardises, or humanoid tardises certainly isnt beyond the bounds of possibility, and has come up in Zagreus as you said, not to mention unregenerate, Remember Foth, and several other stories, its just the way the compassion plot seemed to e executed that again seemed to be the problem, with a decent script editer it might work out.I personally always got the idea that the Doctors meeting with lucy in Blood of the Daleks was pretty soon after Charley left him in The Girl who never was, simply because of how pissed off he i
 s at the start of that story. Much like Dark eyes continues streight on after To the Death, it just seems correct to the Doctors character that he has just seen one of his companions who he cares for deeply and has had a huge amount of adventures with marooned on a devastated earth, (still more if he has just realized he must leave her behind to be found by his sixth self), and a bolshy lass from Blackpool is dumped on him! Actually, Im thinking of listening to 8th Doctor and Lucy stuff again as well, sinse one of my favourite reviews is a big Lucy miller fan. I was never too keen on her myself, she had some great back story and some nice moments but she always felt basically like Rose or Donna with a Lancashire accent, however Jo ford regards her as one of his favourite companions along with Evelyn smithe (who I agree is awsome), so I wonder if I ought to appraise her again!As far as your questions about iris, Im not sure why 
 Paul Magres through a hissy fit and didnt want to continue the series, but wanting to publish his own books would be a selfish enough reason to make sense sinse Magres, for all hes had some awsome writing moments does have something of an ego. With Daleks among us, I have no idea where this notion about ace having died on the planet comes from, indeed thats the first Ive heard of it. As I remember its set on the planet Asimov, and the idea is that about 50 years previously the 7th Doctor and Ace foiled a dalek invasion, and theres a huge statue of ace in the square (indeed the title refers to the fact that the society is now paranoid about Daleks), but I never remember any suggestions that Ace was dead, just that she wasnt traveling with the 7th Doctor at that point sinse he was travelling with Elizabeth Cline. Ill know more fully later sinse Im on a re listen through all the monthly audios and Ill get b
 ack to Daleks among us eventually, though Ive still got another 20 or so stories to go to get to that point I believe. With Prisoners of fate, again Ive not got to that one for a relisten yet (Ive just started witch from the well), however if I remember rightly the tardis just states she was the first TArdis the Doctor had on Galifrey before he left. It certainly doesnt contradict anything, sinse as shown in The Beginning from the companion chronicles, the Doctor and Susan are chased into the Tardis cradels where they literaly hide in an obsolete tardis, also I get the strong impression that the Doctor wasnt particularly connected to that Tardis anyway. While we still dont know fully why the Doctor left galifrey (and to be honest again I prefer that to be a mystery), it certainly didnt cause any major hassles that I noticed although I personally would prefer it if the Doctors past on Galifrey stayed unknown rather th
 an just turning into a hat for writers to pull coincidences out of (I didnt like seeing the young Doctor in Listen much either, though that was infinitely worse sinse it was yet more clara is god syndrome and the less said about the galifreyan army

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Some things are not available as downloads? not that Ive heard, given the amount of people downloading, heck even special subscriber bonuses such as the four doctors or the Davros mission are now available to buy online. I will say I got lucky with the bf stuff, sinse a friend was kind enough to send me a lot of the stories back in 2007, and after then it was easy enough to subscribe and stay uptodate. I will say while I love what Bf do, Im not sure of the prices they charge over all considering that I got the entirety of buffy the vampire slayer, all 7 seasons for £40, and bf are selling single, two hour episodes for £15 each, though preiorders and subscriptions can help somewhat with that. I dont agree we need the Doctors past explained. It has been confirmed that Susan is a timelord (I checked this), in to the death, ((the idea being Alex picked up more from his father than his mother genetically), and that is enough for me at least as far as things go. I was actually impressed with how the beginning confirmed that Susan was a timelord, but left the question of who the doctor is and why he and susan had to flee galifrey nicely open, just indicating that they left in a great hurry chased by guards with stasers. I would however like to know what happened to Susan later on, especially as far as the Time war goes, indeed I agree with he who moans that the Doctor visiting Susan on an earth recovered from Dalek devastation and talking to her about the costs of the war wouldve been a far better conclusion to Day of the Doctor than that stupid retcon,  and hay the audiencecan surely keep up with the idea of her being the Doctors daughter as well as it being an awsome 50th aniversery moment too.Maybe its time Bf did a susan forman spinoff, telling what happens to her after the end of To the death? .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

If you look closely at the subscriptions Big Finish offers, then you might see that there might be a Problem, because you get 12 or 6 Releases.But usually there are two Releases in September.And if you buy a subscription starting with any January release, you wont get to the December release of that particular year.But such a Thing is rather expensive, even if you can Keep up if you started two or three years ago, if you want older titles, then it might take a while to get them.In fact, the first Bernice Summerfield series that being the first Eleven seasons should be only on CD.Gallifrey seasons 1 to 3 are also not available via download.Only the later seasons are.About Susan:I wonder why both Producers for new Who did not really talk about her.I also still wonder when and how the Valeyard Comes to be and if the time war means that he will exist or that he was erased.I also wonder why New who had only one Story
  with an Ice Warrior, since they had more stories in the classic series plus the Audios.I also wonder how the two Audio stories Lords of the Red Planet and the key to time part 1 work, since as far as I know there are two different origin stories for the Ice Warriors in them.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Yep, Moffat really did! stuff all Russel T davies plot up those cracks in time, that is actually not a joke, one reason why we dont get mentionnns of torchwood, the destruction of parliamentt, earth invaded by Daleks etc, heck even the masters previous appearence was only a throwaway line of dialogue with no consquence (not really the way to talk about a timeline that potentially destroyed most of humanity). I actually find it ironic that Moffat at the moment is treating classic who as this set of sound bights, that writing I chesterton on screen, or having a metabelis christal will keep the fans happy, and yet he seems to be doing just the same with the Russel T davies era as well, having no consequences beyond the odd line of dialogue. indeed, the only species from Russel Who I can think of that Davies actually used (other than the Daleks and cybermen which are a central part of who anyway), were things from episodes he himself wrote, i
 e, the weeping angels and the clockwork robots from girl in the fireplace. Even the Ood only showed up in an episode by Niel Gayman. Regarding the time war, the impression i always got from the Doctors hints about the fall of arcadia and the nightmare child was that it was that it started with conventional battles, but then things escalated beyond the levels of reality, indeed the tenth doctor confirms this in End of time, talking of people going back in time to rewrite the consequences of battles then rewrite the rewrites, then rewrite the capability to go back etc, etc. The Moment I always personally imagined (and still imagine in my moffatless verse), was something amazingly destructive that hada transtemporal effect, rather like a bigger, badder and infinitely more destructive version of the Dalek time destructor seen in the Daleks master plan, a weapon that could accellerate time across an entire planet and cause it to become a wasteland devoid of life
 , like aging people to death in seconds. I always imagined the moment was something like that, but on a much larger scale, heck perhaps it was the moment that caused the timelock on the war, giving erevocable consequences, not just a big planet bomb that mmm, caused the daleks to destroy each other with friendly fire, silly, silly moffat! .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That reminds me.If the seventh and eighth Doctor books are not in the same continuity than most of the Big Finish Audios, how and when did Romana II leave E-Space?I mean, there was a seventh Doctor book where Berniece Summerfield and the seventh Doctor came back to the planet in E-Space where the fourth Doctor destroyed that master Vampire.The book was a Sequel to that Story.And since we are talking about it, how can from a Story Point of view Big finish use Bernice if the travels with the seventh doctor never happened in Audio verse?About the new Who:That is why I wondered why the Doctor was so sure that he was the only time Lord left (before he met the master).And even if the time war was time locked, previous visits of other time Lords should not be erased.If for example the current doctor traveled to a planet where he was never before and met a previous incarnation of the master there, this would still have to happen.I mea
 n, the Moment did not erase everything which was already part of the web of time.And even if that is ignored, I cant think that all time Lords where on Gallifrey when the Moment might have been used to destroy Gallifrey.Then the Doctor would have been not truly the last time Lord.You could have other time Lords leaving the Primary universe before the destruction, you theoretically had E-Space to hide, or you could have done what the Master did, turning himself into something not time Lord and running to the end of the universe.And regardless of how it would have been actor whise, I really cant think that the ethernals and the Guardians would allow that the war totally destroyed the universe.And when the tenth Doctor and Rassilon had their finale, there should have been other powers like the Guardians ready to stop the time Lords returning, except the Events of End of Time were a fixed Point in time.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

With respect to continuity, fitting stuff together isnt as bad as you would think, sinse most of the people who wrote 7th and 8th doctor storylines that contributed to the ongoing plots with faction paradox etc are also writers for Big Finish. Personally I actually think having a consistant editer like Nick brigs overseeing where the storylines will go will only improve the effects of transitioning stuff from the novels into the bf continuity. Plus of course, as you said a lot of novels are stand alone anyway and thus dont really need to be concerned with what happened when, hence why there are the Short trips collections. Equally, Doctor who has always been a series that has room for more adventures between stories, its only when you start referencing more major events like that hole crazy business of the timelord war with faction paradox and the 8th Doctor carrying galifrey in his brain that things get complicated, indeed as Ive said before I dont p
 ersonally find the 8th doctor novels at least so much of a loss given how nonsensical the plot was and how sinse Paum Mcgan hadnt made his audio appearence at that stage his characterization was utterly off anyway. Id put Brax as the Doctors brother along the same lines, that idea just seems loopy to me, although the origins of the Sisters of Carn are quite adequately explained in Zagreus and some of the 8th Doctor audios with Lucy, being a powerful race who monkied with others dna for sport, so no need for more explanations there, indeed that hole business about the Timelords not having a female principle or whatever always again seemed really left field to me (after all how could you claime a race that spawned such awsome ladies as The Rani, Inquisitor Darkel and President Romana didnt have a female principle).The actual reason for the split in the first place was that when Big Finish started, they wanted the Doctor who they had to be recognizable, w
 hich is why you got the Gefry Beavers master instead of the bazle rathbone version from the novels etc. As writers of the novels came into Bf they introduced elements of their own works, which is why you got the combined Bernice audio and novel series (indeed at one point Bf had rights to Bernice but not to any other characters from that range). i suspect things will sort themselves out though, given as I said that lots of the same people are involved, heck Marys story has already been shown how it fits with the 8th Doctor, what with stories like The Silver Tirk having the 8th Doctor and Mary Shelly traveling together (albeit I never really found her a strong character).As far as the Tv series goes, well plot wise things werent too bad or inconsistant with the classic series up until the Moff took over, however after that continuity with anything (even the tv series itself), went pretty much out the window.As to the Doctor encountering po
 ssible other escaped timelords, possibly the Rani, Romana or Brax, while its a great idea, sadly it probably wont happen with the moff in charge of tv and likely nobody else producing tie in books willing to step on toes in such a way, which is a shame sinse as I said it wouldve been an awsome plot. I did wonder about the timelord Biodata Brax had in Galifrey as well, which again suggests The Moment had to be something a little more awsome than a bomb that blows up planets.With respect to Audiogo, well basically Audiogo was a division of Bbc publishing which existed specifically to publish things like readings of classic octor who novelizations. it was sort of the Bbcs use of the Classic series, and to be brutally honest a way to cash in on both the success of the new tv series, and of big finish. I dont actually believe Audiogo went bust so much as the Bbc decided administratively, it was easier to publish bbc audio books based on classic
  who themselves directly, after all they already as I said published audio readings of books based on new who (albiet often abridged which is pretty scummy).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About Big Finish and the books:But isnt that messed up picking at pieces of a bigger continuity if only some books are made into Audio stories?I mean some of the upcoming novels are stand alone fourth doctor stories.But the seventh doctor books had plotlines e.g. The Other, the ancient Gallifrey, the, the origin of the sisters of Karn, the curse on the time Lords and more.And for the Eighth Doctor books it would have been Faction Paradox and some other Major Events.Regardless of whether we like a certain writer or book, they are one continuity.And going out and picking at pieces is not a good Tribute to them and their authors.And while we are at it, how does The Company of Friends fit into Eighth Doctor Audio Canon, especially the Marys Story with the two eighth doctors and the other two characters (not Bernice Summerfield)?About the modern Who:I know that Timing of Releases might be a factor for 
 some things.But if (in theory) the Doctor was not the last time Lord, why did he only meet the Master?Surely Romana, The Rani or even Braxiatel could have found a way to escape the war.And what I wonder is if and/or how Braxiatel got some knowledge of coming Events so he could steal the biodata Archive.I wonder if Romana still has her copy, or was it only usable once in Gallifrey 6?And wasnt there not at least one hint in the Virgin books that Braxiatel might be the Doctors brother?I dont get why the books, Audio Dramas and the TV Show are not more connected regardless of who is in Charge of the TV series.I also wonder why the New series books are a series of unconnected books compared to the seventh Doctor and eighth Doctor books.And this was why I wondered about the Problem with Big Finish doing current Who Audios.I mean, AudioGo did not make new Content.They only made book readings of existing books and
  some Audio only Content.But why something like Destiny of the Doctor was not made sooner, I also dont get because that was a combination of Big Finish and AudioGo.Now I remembered something important about the time war I forgot.What do you think happened to Iris Wildthyme and the Obverse during or after the war?I wonder what a in-Story Explanation of her Absence from the New Who era could be.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well with respect to Romana and the novels, I suspect this is why Bf have started doing dramatizations of the novels, to bring those important elements into the continuity and so get a clear idea of most events, for example we already have the special telling how the 7th Doctor meets Bernice summerfield. As to the moment, this is why it has to be something a little more major than just making gallifrey vanish. We already know the time war changed many elements in the over all timeline, and given what Zagreus says about Rassilon using the eye of harmony to anchor the web of time so that the timelords were the dominant species, even just the destruction of the eye would have a major effect. I actually wonder if the purpose of the moment was to make the mutual destruction of the Daleks and Timelords a fixed point in time. AFter all, The Doctor does confirm in end of time that he was just as much out to stop the timelords at that point. If the Timelords destru
 ction was fixed, then logically neither the Doctor nor any previous timelords couldve gone back and changed their own past without falling foul of the blinovich limitation affect. With respect to The Doctor saying he was the last of the timelords, well he believed! himself to be the last but was already proved wrong by The MAster, ditto when the 9th Doctor said the lone Dalek he met in Vanstattens vault was the last Dalek. I do wonder, given that the master escaped The Moments affects by making himself human if the Moment did indee do something racially weerd to the Timelords on a genetic or species wide level, indeed that would seem sort of fitting thematically with Genesis of the Daleks, trial of a timelord and all the other occasions that The Doctor has been accused of Genocide, that he must eventually wipe out the entire Dalek race plus the Timelords as well. I actually think The Doctor meeting another colony of survived Timelords wou
 ldve been a much better series 5 plot over all, sinse the question of what status they had now they were no longer a galactic power, whether they still sought to unmake the universe and what relation the Doctor had to them couldve been really quite interesting.Regarding higher powers, Russel T Davies confirmed that The Eternals left the Universe by their own means and returned to Eternity before the war started to avoid its fallout. While it is conceivable that the guardians might have stopped things, at the same time the Guardians really only have power to affect what each other does, particularly sinse the Guardians as seen in The Chaos pool trilogy are portrayed much less emphatically as good and evil but rather order and chaos and what relationship the time war might have to that Im not sure. I do agree with he Who Moans though, much as I enjoyed various aspects of Russels who The Doctor as space jesus and
  the Time lords as this surrigate order of Gods wasnt one of them, and that is something which just got a hell of a lot worse under Moffat, hell under Moffat the Doctor rarely solves problems at all Just shouts at them and says I am the Doctor until they go away :d.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

It is really unknown how this current plot with the missing Gallifrey might turn out.If the Doctor in the TV Show would at some Point find it, the question would be of who and what he finds there.Would Rassilon be there, or not.I mean, the precise Timing of the war Scenes in End of Time and Day of the Doctor were a bit out of order, since the escape atempt by Rassilon and the fall should been seen by all combatants before the Doctors removed Gallifrey.If we however would accept Day of the Doctor, then the Moment was never unleashed and this would mean that the Dalek fleet over Gallifrey would be destroyed and all other Events of the war might still be time locked.But it would be interesting to know how the master after the fall in End of Time did get back into the Primary universe as a woman and how she did tell the Doctor a Location where Gallifrey should have been, but the Doctor didnt find it.I dont get why the Faction Paradox pl
 ot is that bad.There was a war in which Gallifrey was blown up.But more than one time Lord was spared the destruction, since only Gallifrey was taken, nothing more, meaning everyone off-world was not destroyed.For a while the Eighth Doctor had a hidden room in the tardis and he had Memory Problems.When found by another old time Lord, the Statement with the three ninth Doctors came to be and they figured out that the Doctor couldnt remember things because he had the data of the Matrix in his head.The series ended with the idea that if he could restore the Matrix, he could return the time Lords, since the Matrix had past and possible future Versions stored in ist data.This sounds a bit like Brax and his stolen biodata Archive.If that plot was to be included into the continuity, the Matrix could restore time Lords from ist Memory.I mean, the biodata Archive in Gallifrey 6 was used to reset all time Lords to e
 rase the Dogma Virus.In effect they and their memories were restored to a Point of time before the infection.I think that if the Eighth Doctor books were not canceled, we would have seen this series end in a similar Fashion than the Dogma Virus Problem was solved in Gallifrey 6.And we all know that a tardis is sentient at least, if not fully alive.A fully living tardis explored in the books might be the next step.Compassion was supposed to be a type 102 tardis, while in the Zagreus storyline and the episodes before it, the time Lords had type 90 Units with time Torpedos at least.But the question with the Situation of Iris Wildthyme in General and in the time war is unknown, and the last series of stories from Big Finish were supposed to end with a cliffhanger as far as I know.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, its like a mystery story saying And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf its just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didnt get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesnt look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldnt stop the daleks, and its ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you dont need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, its the same reason Sauron isnt ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if well see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed its possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe its a hint on where things are going. Regarding the license, remember that audio go was bbcs publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isnt going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didnt particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O), happen after this we knows he doesnt die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didnt protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charleys boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctors first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didnt protect Charley with its usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley while Charley leaves with the Viyrans. When they meet again on earth, Charley uses the Viyran mind wipe technology (and the Doctors concent

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Trying not to laugh at the irony of Moffat trying to shove all the previous plot up a crack, something he would be better off doing with his current plots.I dont think we need to see the entire time war, though having the occasional glimpse may be interesting. I agree the idea of a war that twists and warps the timelines is more appealing to me than a conventional conflict, of course its something that would be very difficult to portray since we really cant imagine how such a conflict would work, its just beyond our frame of reference. Im sure there may be conventional battles in places, especially those which are time locked simply in order to either disable the time lock or to deny a strategic position to the opposition, but that just couldnt be the sum total of the conflict.The only way I can imagine the time war ending in remotely the fashion that it did is with the use of the moment, Galifrae would be destroyed butI can&
 #039;t think of any other way to so severely cripple the Daleks and prevent them from immediately taking the galaxy for themselves.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, its like a mystery story saying And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf its just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didnt get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesnt look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldnt stop the daleks, and its ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you dont need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, its the same reason Sauron isnt ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if well see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed its possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe its a hint on where things are going. Regarding the license, remember that audio go was bbcs publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isnt going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didnt particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O), happen after this we knows he doesnt die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didnt protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charleys boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctors first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didnt protect Charley with its usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley while Charley leaves with the Viyrans. When they meet again on earth, Charley uses the Viyran mind wipe technology (and the Doctors concent

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the problem with the huge battle is surely the Daleks would have bases somewhere? Where do they produce new Daleks, ships, supplies for both, and the resources to make all of those possible? Militarily speaking it is utterly implausible that an attacker could be annihilated in that way without leaving something behind, and with Galifrae gone who is left to mop up the remaining daleks before they can become a threat to the rest of the universe? Even a single Dalek supply base would likely be enough to rebuild the Daleks enough to threaten the galaxy without the time lords there to stand in their way, much less if there was a factory producing dalek travel units or even a dalek shipyard. Even assuming the daleks were throwing everything they had at Galifrae the support structure for their forces would still have to exist.In the real world the support structure is usually taken over or dismantled by the victors but all that was left was the Doctor and I dontn see ev
 en him being able to wage such a campaign against the daleks alone, remember that even a single dalek has always been portrayed as a substantial threat in and of itself.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive not seen the christmas special yet due to unexpected things coming up on tuesday and my mum going to hospital for an opperation on Wednesday, but I agree on false exits. When Rory was removed from history and supposedly died in the silurian episode of season 5 I thought oh this is finally getting interesting then of course that got ran into the ground. New who generally has a real problem with characters exiting, which has just got worse under the moff. As for cancellation, to be honest I actually wish the Bbc had done what they were thinking of doing and canceled the series after time of the Doctor. Far better to go out on a high with the most popular doctor of Modern times confronting his own people and melancholy about his death than drag things on forever. If the series was canceled tomorrow I wouldnt be sorry, indeed as Ive said before I no longer consider any of the moff doctors canon, and hay, if t
 he series was! canceled maybe big finish could pick up the license,  now that would! be awsome. Oh, and for the record Bf does! exit characters, albeit I do rather wish theyd exited Hex in Gods and monsters rather than dragging him back for another trilogy to give him a happy ening (though the 7thDoctor as match maker was amusing), and its quite nice that though maggy Stables sadly died, the awsome Evelyn smythe got her propper exit moment from the Tardiss bringing her travels to a satisfying conclusion. While a couple of assistants have been a tad short changed, notably Erimem and Criz, who really shouldve stuck around for longer, and a couple of others go on slightly too long, notably Charley pollard and the 8th Doctor, (though when she meets up with sixy things are different again), Bf really does! handle their companions far better than the tv series, then again Bf could blow their noses better than anyone w
 orking under the Moff, may he be exterminated!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive not seen the christmas special yet due to unexpected things coming up on tuesday and my mum going to hospital for an opperation on Wednesday, but I agree on false exits. When Rory was removed from history and supposedly died in the silurian episode of season 5 I thought oh this is finally getting interesting then of course that got ran into the ground. New who generally has a real problem with characters exiting, which has just got worse under the moff. As for cancellation, to be honest I actually wish the Bbc had done what they were thinking of doing and canceled the series after time of the Doctor. Far better to go out on a high with the most popular doctor of Modern times confronting his own people and melancholy about his death than drag things on forever. If the series was canceled tomorrow I wouldnt be sorry, indeed as Ive said before I no longer consider any of the moff doctors canon, and hay, if t
 he series was! canceled maybe big finish could pick up the license,  now that would! be awsome. Oh, and for the record Bf does! exit characters, albeit I do rather wish theyd exited Hex in Gods and monsters rather than dragging him back for another trilogy to give him a happy ening (though the 7thDoctor as match maker was amusing), and its quite nice that though maggy Stables sadly died, the awsome Evelyn smythe got her propper exit moment from the Tardiss bringing her travels to a satisfying conclusion. While a couple of assistants have been a tad short changed, notably Erimem and Criz, who really shouldve stuck around for longer, and a couple of others go on slightly too long, notably Charley pollard and the 8th Doctor, (though when she meets up with sixy things are different again), Bf really does! handle their companions far better than the tv series, then again Bf could blow their noses better than anyone w
 orking under his moffasty!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

What I did not get was why the current era especially series 7 of Doctor Who did Play with the question of who the Doctor actually is and never giving any answer to the Thing.I mean if everyone in the universe feared the question Doctor Who?, I would have liked to see the answer.For the plot with the time war:While some hints existed in Big Finish stories that Leela escaped and lived past the war, they were obviously not confirmed on Screen.If you accept that the Doctors saved Gallifrey and put it into another universe, couldnt this make a Story about redemption?Dark, if this was properly done, wouldnt it be so bad for you?And what good was the pre eleventh Doctor era with names of things from the war?How can you know if a being named nightmare child is worse than the evil of the Daleks if you have neither seen what it did in the war, nor has the Doctor, Rassilon or the master specifically told the View
 er what the war did to the universe.On the other Hand, what is the Problem with the space battle in Day of the Doctor?Didnt they say that all forbidden weapons were already used up?And didnt the time Lords in End of Time state that they were at the very edge of the war and the time lock?And if the battle over Gallifrey went on for hours or days, both sides would have worn down their enemies fleets and super weapons.I still dont get why the BBC did not make war stories either in the main Show, as a spinoff movie or series or in form of more than the one book we have...About Big Finish:Since the BBC only has the main book series which is mostly a stand alone Story collection, I still dont get what the original Problem was.AudioGo made audiobooks of existing printed neww series books.And they made the New Series Audio exclusive stories.But if my Information is correct, both are more reading
 s than full cast Audio Dramas...This brings up the question why Big Finish simply cant buy the rights to new Who as Audio, or why the BBC seems to be unwilling to sell the license for it.Especially since AudioGo is supposed to be now longer in Business I dont get what the Problem is.On the other Hand, the BBC Eighth Doctor books and the Big Finish early eighth Doctor stories were also running around the same time and it was ok, since Big Finish made their own storyline totally separated from the books.About Charley pollard:While her travels with the eighth and later the sixth Doctor were nice, I still have some questions about this.I recall the Eighth Doctor thought that Charley died.But he later figured out that the woman he thought to be an old Charley was not her and that she still would exist somewhere.This brings up why he never found out what happened.Moreover the Doctor had often Problems with other People in 
 his mind.I wonder why his Memory of the true Story of Mila and Charley got restored to him (Eighth Doctor!).And then there is the question of who or what the Viyrans are and why supposedly no one knows their origin.And since the Dalek time Controller wanted and got more than one Virus, the Story should be told with the Doctor in it.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well like He Who Moans said, at this point the sheer number of false exits makes it feel like Moffat is just trolling us. When Clara finally goes I think a lot of people will simply say about bloody time thus robbing any potential impact they could squeeze out of the event, I already feel like that now so imagine how bad itll be after another series of her.Thats all assuming they dont end up in a death spiral leading to new Who getting canned which could happen if Moffat doesnt watch his step. The Who brand has a hell of a lot of good will but even that wont last forever.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Not much of a spoiler there Cx2 sinse Claras return for series 9 has been confirmed. I rather agree with Jo ford who called her the impossibly smug and self satisfie girl and personaly the only good thing I could say about Clara is that she isnt amy. Id agree I preferd the very vanilla Doctor cheer leader version of Clara who was with the eleventh Doctor to the smug, bitchy teacher from hell version who was with the twelth, but thats sort of like saying I prefer to eat cardboard as opposed to ground glass (sorry but series 8 clara really got up my nose, even if not quite as much as Amy pond).Its actually amazing just how good even the worst audios are in comparison to the series. I will doubtless have a good rant or two on the christmas special later today.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ive one major complaint about the christmas special, spoiler warning ahead...Aaarrrgh, I thought we got rid of the bloody woman then yet again shes right back there as if nothing happened, bouncing in and out of the series like some kind of demented space hopper. Im sorry but Clara just needs to piss off already at this point, shes had so many occasions where it looked like she was going to leave then nothing happens Im just getting really irritated.My initial impressions of Clara with Matt Smith were positive, though bear in mind she did follow Pond, and I found her strong in the first episode personally though this may just be my tastes but ever since then shes just really got on my nerves.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Appologies for the threadcromancy, but Stewart has done a He who moans review of the christmas special which can be found here Ive not actually seen it yet sinse we recorded it on christmas day, though Ill be watching it tomorrow with my dad while my mum is at work. I have however been listening to the audios, and by god theyre good! Im amazed that audios which get really bad reviews from people like Jo ford, still tend to be really well plotted in comparison to the Moffs usual brand of awfulness, indeed while I can think of a couple of less good stories, Dark husband, (though it had its funny moments), Cobwebs, Into the dark, Lirkers at sunlights edge, none are really that bad. I recently also heard the Graceless series which seems to have dropped off the map, or at least they finished it and have never ref
 erd to it again. While I did feel it was a bit torchwood in parts, ie, oooh look this is morally ambiguous and has strange relationships involving a man and two girls I did like the way that Zara and Aby (or Amy), came across as totally alien and a bit wrong in what they did, even when trying to do the right thing. The grace themselves were also a great idea being a totally morally ambiguous entity who just played with the universe for the sake of restoring balance (the fact they were voiced by David warner didnt hurt either). Ive not seen many series pull off the ultimate power thing, but Graceless did it quite well, for all I wish some of the plots like the one about Zaras daughter joy got a bit better resolution than they did. Also, I really didnt get where the doctor was if indeed the two tracers were risking destroying the entirety of time and space, indeed Abby suggests trying to find him and Zara just says oh why bo
 ther! Itd actually have been better if there was some reason given for his absense like the two tracers had by mistake removed Gallifrey from existance. Still, a nice series even if a bit short. I also have a nasty suspicion Ill end up not liking the christmas special, but well see.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I havent seen the Christmas Episode.But what I read was not that good about it.I mean, series 8 ended with many questions especially the Location of Gallifrey, since the Doctor didnt find it.It is not explained in the next Episode why the planet was not found and whether the new master did deliberately tell a false Location or if she really thought she had the right Location.Lets hope that the upcoming Audio stories will give more answers to other questions.I still wonder how Gallifrey: Intervention Earth will be featuring the new Romana since we havent seen or heard her regenerating and her future self from Gallifrey 6 is supposed to be a Matrix projection.And then there is Dark Eyes 4 with the Master, the Eminence and the Dalek Time Controller.I wonder how that will go down.Allthough I seriously wonder how These Events are placed chronologically.The Problem is that Dark Eyes 1 had a male president an
 d Narvin in Dark Eyes 3 is there talking with the Doctor but you dont get any clues to whether he has already done what ended Gallifrey 6 and potentially caused the time war or not.I also would like to know how the time Controller still exists if Events from Dark Eyes 1 were erased and his rescue by the now removed time Lord also never happened.And while we are talking about Audio stories, does anyone know what Big Finish did with Prisoners of Fate and the Doctors first Tardis?Why was The beginning not linked to that storyline?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The chronology of the Events before the war seem a bit strange.In Gallifrey 6 Romana II is still president of the Primary timeline.The Trailer for Intervention Earth however suggests that she regenerated between the Gallifrey and Intervention Earth.About Ace:She is and was on Gallifrey after leaving the Doctor.That is fact, since the Doctor said so in Unit Dominion.And the newest Bernice Summerfield Story showed Ace with Bernice and the seventh Doctor after she already had been on Gallifrey for some time.I wonder how Bernice actually fits into the Audio continuity if her travels with the seventh Doctor (starting with Love and War) actually never happened in the Audio universe since the Virgin books are supposed to be in their own continuity.Regarding Dark Eyes and the timeline:True that the president might have been erased during the time shift at the end of Dark Eyes 1.But isnt it true that Gallifrey 6 suggests t
 hat Narvin ordered the Events of Genesis of the Daleks and that his Action immidiately started the war?If so, how come that it is also suggested that the Dark Eyes series seem to be placed after Gallifrey 6 (with no Romana)?And I also wonder if the Eighth Doctor actually knows that Narvin caused his trip to the creation of the Daleks in the past?I also wonder how the Dalek time Controller can exist since he was supposed to fall into a singularity in the final Episode of season four of the Eighth Doctor series.If he himself ordered the previous incarnation of the time Lord who would rescue him killed, he could never have been rescued.And we know that the time Controller remembers the old timeline from Dark Eyes 1 and was still present in the rewritten timeline of Dark Eyes 2.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Your correct on unit dominion, I know Ace ends up on galifrey, itd just be nice to see the point when she actually leaves the 7th Doctor perminantly, perhaps with an idea of where she ends up eventually.About the benny stuff, I suspect its precisely because the virgin books have been discounted that bf are now recording some of the novels like love and war, though to be honest as Ive said previously because the audios are so wrapped up with the novels I could never get into the Bernice summerfield stuff, one minute shes an archaeologistt working for a galactic university, then shes suddenly on the braxiatel collection doing something vaguely shifty,, and somehow she has a time ring that takes her anywhere though this gets forgotten about, and her husband is from modern day earth accept that shes made to have an affair and get pregnant or something with someone else, then the collection is attacked by somebody or other and suddenly she
 ;s fighting daleks. Yes, I could lookup all the synopses and information but it just annoys me to have an audio series that is so disconnected and cant tell a coherent story, hence I rather gave up with those around series 7. While Narvin sending the 4th Doctor to Scaro to erase the Daleks was sort of the first shot in the time war (or second after the Daleks invaded the axis and tried to distroy galifrey across reality), any war has phases of escalation, indeed its sinse been suggested that the architrix incident when the daleks first invade Galifrey in the appocalypse element ties into the time war just as an example of escalating timelord/dalek hostility.I get the impression from Narvin now back working for the cia in Dark eyes that dark eyes is quite a while after Galifrey 6,  for a start Galifrey must be fairly well rebuilt to start ventures seen in the first darkeyes or to start manipulating the eminance. Thus, I suspect Galifrey interventio
 n will go some way to bridging this gap, and might also show Romana laying down the reigns of power and the male president seen in Dark eyes taking over,  assuming that timeline wasnt entirely erased. Ditto with the Dalek time controller, I suspect there is more to learn on that one particularly with how in Dark eyes the timelords future projections of the universe show it ruled by the eminance (a major shift will have to occur for the time war to happen). I suspect the Dalek time controller has similar abilities for remembering and navigating negated timelines as the Doctor, especially sinse it appears even some eleventh doctor novels. Personally to be honest I hope the bf audios actually get to the real time war and just show things implode into a chaotic mess as the 10th octor said in the end of time. nothing that anyone could describe of the time war could equal our imagination on the subject, a war that transcends reality and completely changes the
  destiny of the universe from the fate of earth to the way the universe itself ends, its a pretty huge deal and I dislike the idea of it all just tying back to essentially a big space battle, (and the less said about the Moffs ridiculous retcon the better).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About the christmas episode Ill see tomorrow, though to be honest as I said earlier in this topic the lost galifrey thing made no sense to me sinse it was supposed to be in that dimentional pocket thing seen in time of the Doctor,  after all if it wasnt what was the huge war about and where did the doctor supposedly get his regenerations from. Im looking forward to the next galifrey and darkeyes myself. i think though that the male president of dark eyes 1 was erased at the end of that story given the reset. Dark eyes is definitely set after galifrey 6 because in Dark eyes the time war is beginning hence the timelords use of the eminance against the Daleks. I also believe Romana was not president during the time war either, indeed its possible that the intervention earth special might explain where Romana was sinse at the moment Im not sure if we know what she was doing during the time war, indeed it is possible that her regeneration happen
 ed before or during the war itself, certainly the Tardis data core wiki lists the president from Dark eyes as after Romana, and I dont believe she was president at the end of galifrey series 6.As to a third encarnation, I still believe itll be the same Tray we saw in the matrix projection, simply because the Matrix has her biodata so probably would be able to accurately predict her next regeneration, also more practically, brigs has already got an actress lined up for the part whod be willing to come back . It would be a real stunner if Bf actually went to the lengths of having Romana killed and regenerate, just the same way itd be a real hit if they showed how Ace left the 7th Doctor, and now that the novels are officially not in the same continuity they could easily do so though whether they will or not I dont know.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Stewart has done his usual moan on Death in Heaven Find it here He has some rather interesting things to say about the prominance of the villains and the fact that the emotions werent there, however I disagree with him that being emotionally and interlectually flat isnt a reason to hate the finale. If Doctor Who isnt engaging on an emotional, interlectual or stylistic level then its not doing anything, which for a series about an alien who travels through all time and space really is death!I also personally never was! in the Moffat camp, I thought things started slipping right from the first Eleventh Doctor Episode onwards.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well as to the Eighth doctor adventures, Im not actually that bothered to be honest sinse it sounds like, as with a lot of the novels outside the main bbc range the plots all got a bit screwy! Ive read the synopses, and it struck me the novel range really lost out from not having the presence of a main producer of the series to be a steadying hand. Its the same problem with a lot of fanfics, they need their excesses taken in by an over all range, indeed this is likely what went wrong with moffat, rather than being the guiding hand to other authors he let his own crazy ideas run rampent. That is probably why those particular plotlines got shunted to another universe. As regards the three 9th doctors, One is Ecleston, one is the Shorca doctor, and one is the spoof encarnation from the commic relief special curse of fatal death, however sinse Fatal death was definitely a spoof and involved the doctor regenerating goodness knows how many times, I don
 39;t see how that can be actually true. it is rather funny though, you can see it Here on Youtube Regarding the Time War, yep, I was hoping for more answers with the Mat Smith era too, though whether we get them in Bf I dont know. I just got Dark eyes three yesterday, Ive not heard it yt but I do plan to, in particular I want to see what happense with the eminance plotline, though Im probably going to have to go back to Tardis Data core and look up what happened with the first two series just to bring myself back up to speed. I like the eminance as a concept, I just wish theyd got a better voice, sinse its such a theatrical villain especially for something that should sound completely and utterly alien. As to whether bf have done regenerations, I can think of a couple, like the timelord in circula time and Andred in Gallifrey chronicles, but none of the
  Doctor though they have done in the Doctor Who unbound audios,  although those definitely are! alternate universes as that was the point of the series.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well as to the Eighth doctor adventures, Im not actually that bothered to be honest sinse it sounds like, as with a lot of the novels outside the main bbc range the plots all got a bit screwy! Ive read the synopses, and it struck me the novel range really lost out from not having the presence of a main producer of the series to be a steadying hand. Its the same problem with a lot of fanfics, they need their excesses taken in by an over all range, indeed this is likely what went wrong with moffat, rather than being the guiding hand to other authors he let his own crazy ideas run rampent. That is probably why those particular plotlines got shunted to another universe. As regards the three 9th doctors, One is Ecleston, one is the Shorca doctor, and one is the spoof encarnation from the commic relief special curse of fatal death, however sinse Fatal death was definitely a spoof and involved the doctor regenerating goodness knows how many times, I don
 39;t see how that can be actually true. it is rather funny though, you can see it Here on Youtube Regarding the Time War, yep, I was hoping for more answers with the Mat Smith era too, though whether we get them in Bf I dont know. I just got Dark eyes three yesterday, Ive not heard it yt but I do plan to, in particular I want to see what happense with the eminance plotline, though Im probably going to have to go back to Tardis Data core and look up what happened with the first two series just to bring myself back up to speed. I like the eminance as a concept, I just wish theyd got a better voice, sinse its such a theatrical villain especially for something that should sound completely and utterly alien. As to whether bf have done regenerations, I can think of a couple, like the timelord in circula time and Andred in Gallifrey chronicles, but none of the
  Doctor though they have done in the Doctor Who unbound audios,  although those definitely are! alternate universes as that was the point of the series.With what happened to Romana, well maybe the next galifrey series will suggest as much, however we do know where Leela ended up. Remember the Companion chronicles where she said she left galifrey and ended up held captive by the Zedni? Before becoming a time vampire, a being outside time and then being reborn into the back of the mind of a little girl as her imaginary friend.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About the president in Dark Eyes:At the end of Dark Eyes 1 the timelines are altered due to the Dalek time controllers orders to kill a certain time Lord.So, we dont know if this male unnamed president is still there after the changes brought by the shifting timelines.I read a summary of the series 8 finale and I wondered what this Episode was supposed to be.If some writer wants to have a female master, thats ok.But could someone of them at least have found a good explanations to how exactly the master got into the Primary universe since I thought that he was dragged into the falling Gallifrey with Rassilon in The End of Time.So it would have been nice to see how and when he got out and how he became a woman.Moreover, if she came from Gallifrey, she should have known where it is so that the Doctor could have found it.Ever since I saw the 50th anniversary Episode the day of the Doctor, I hop
 ed that if they were going to bring a happy ending to the time Lords, we would see the Doctor looking for them and maybe finding them.In my opinion, this entire series 8 should have been the usual settling in to this new Regeneration and after all post Regeneration Problems were solved, it should have been the search for the time Lords...And while we were talking about other classic elements, I wonder why no writer of new Who wanted to bring back the two Guardians...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well asking the Moff for explanations is rather like asking a Dalek to do high kicks, a cyberman to get in touch with its feelings or a Silurian to go for a hair cut, ie, so against their nature it boarders on the impossible! So female master back,as the eleventh Doctor might say cos the master is cool! .In fairness with Galifreys location, I thought it was that Missy was just yanking the Doctors chain, rather than she didnt know, though again that is a plot that is weerd. After Day of the Doctor, I did at least expect the next series being taken up with finding Galifrey as you said, however the eleventh Doctor found it through that weerd dimentional crack that all of those random other races were trying to besiege or something in the very very very horrible Time of the Doctor, accept that apparently now, no he didnt and 
 he doesnt know where it is,  so, mmm, what was the point of that hole huge war thing and the Doctors magic regeneration? And where did he get those new regenerations from in a very throw away line if the Time lords werent behind that crack?Suffice it to say, Moffat must die!I will have to check the events of Dark eyes, sinse I thought the president only existed in the possible altered future, not in the real timeline where romana was president, indeed I believe the Engines of war shows Romana as president during the Time war and then explains how Rassilon got back from the Divergent Universe to take over from her. As to the guardians, Im actually slightly relieved that New Who hasnt picked up on them, sinse we all know Moffat would arse them up really badly. I loved how they appeared in the recent key 2 time stories, especially with them being depicted as not good and evil but order and chaos and having sort of a friendly rivalr
 y. While I thought The Chaos pool was a bit over the top in terms of Princess Astra being a segment to the key and the hole business with The Grace, the two guardians really were! awsome, and I hope we see them again, actually having a story which reacquainted Turlough and the Dark Guaridan, especially with his new rather informal attitude would be a good direction. One thing i was discussing with a friend of mine yesterday, was that why does the Doctor never arrive at fixed points in time on alien planets? We know he cant alter earths history because weve been told about fixed points in time and manifestly from our perspective it is history, but itd be great if he arrived on some alien planet during a war or a plague or similar and actually found the same thing, that he couldnt act due to that planets history being fixed. It might also be a nice dilemma for one of his companions for once being in a position of not knowing the outcome but h
 aving to watch bad stuff happen as a fixed point in time, and could be a good way of a companion getting an idea of what the Doctors perspective on these types of things is.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I can tell you what I got from End of Time, Day and Time of the Doctor:I am not sure if that is correct though.Night of the Doctor:the war has already started and the eighth Doctor doesnt want to fight until the Point where gets a controlled Regeneration into the War Doctor.At some Point, the known Events happen, lost emperor, running master and such.At some Point, Rassilon leads and wants to end the war his own way.Then the War Doctor steals the Moment and wants to use it.Up to the Transition between the tenth and eleventh Doctor, we and all other races in the universe think that Daleks and time Lords are totally destroyed and also erased from the past.In Day of the Doctor, the War Doctor activates the Moment and it sends him into his personal future to see what would happen to him if he actually kills his People.He mets his tenth and eleventh self and they depart after stopping another Alien Invasion of eart
 h.Now the tenth and eleventh Doctor go back to the last day which is supposedly impossible due to the war being time locked.The Doctors alter history to prevent the destruction of Gallifrey and send it into a pocket universe.But the later incarnations of the Doctor cant remember that.When the tenth Doctor faces Rassilon on earth in end of Time, he destroys the Bridge with a gun causing Gallifrey to fall back into the war where he thinks that it gets blown up.But not only falls Rassilon, but the Master gets dragged with him...In Time of the Doctor, a strange Signal is sent which strangely all races of the universe fear (since no one is supposed to know that the time Lords still exist).So they attack the planet on which the Signal is located.The Doctor Comes to the planet and he figures out that the Signal is the question Doctor Who?.The last crack (Explosion of the tardis in series five finale) is on
  that planet and through that the message Comes into the Primary universe.The doctor fights off all enemies and gets old since he is apparently in his 13th incarnation, because the war doctor Counts and the creation of the other human tenth doctor also Counts as a (stopped and moved) Regeneration.His companion contacts the time Lords and tells them that they dont Need him to answer them with his real Name and she asks them to help.Then shortly before the Doctor dies, energy is sent through the crack which restores the Doctor and later Forces a new Regeneration.But the crack was expended and no one knows where Gallifrey actually is...Now, Missy had to come from somewhere.My opinion is that she must have come from Gallifrey.I cant believe that if she came from it, she couldnt lead the Doctor to ist new Position as seen in the series 8 finale.But if she was deliberately misleading the Doctor, we would have to ask for wh
 at purpose.But if she knew where the planet was supposed to be, then we would ask ourselves why it was not at this Position in time.But I wonder how she got into the universe since all cracks were sealed up and the master was dragged into the time lock with Rassilon in End of Time.At least thats what I thought happened there in this Scene...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

To be honest all of this stuff just seems rather pointless to me, and never mind cracks in time there are so many plot holes that its a wonder the universe doesnt explode! For example the really simple one, if the destruction of galifrey caused the tenth and eleventh Doctors to go back in time to prevent it being destroyed, dont you have a classic temporal loop? Its just like Rose in Fathers day, she goes back in time and saves her father, meaning her father isnt dead which negates the reason for going back in time. And it cant be that nobody knew galifrey wasnt still around sinse if all those races were supposed to be declaring war on that crack or whatever, obviously everybody did! know it was still around in a pocket dimention.Also, how come the Doctor doesnt know where galifrey is now when he said it was in a pocket dimention and the timelords magically gave the Doctor new regenerations? has someone moved it?And while were on the subject, if it was possible for the doctors to magically and instantly save galifrey, didnt any of the other timelords think of this? And this is aside from the pure story telling dramatic potential. All the business of the ninth doctor refusing to wipe out the humans and daleks together, or the tenth Doctor trying to make out to the Master that they were the only timelords left, or Dalek KArn going insane through travelling into the time war to retrieve Davrros. well all of that was pretty pointless wasnt it if h look, Galifrey wasnt destroyed! One thing I did like about the time war is just how much it shook the universe up and changed the character of The Doctor himself. The Doctor wasnt just a fugitive timelord with a mostly disdainful humour about his own people, he is now the last of his kind, the relic of a dead civilization, in a universe that was so harsh that even a people with as much power as The t
 ime lords were not immune to destruction. It also lends a lot of credence both to the Doctors battles with the Daleks going right back to the first few stories, and to the way the Timelords were shown as a society, a stratified and rigid group set in their traditions and their thinking and political schemes. Now proved to be unable to cope with the very changes and time they propose to be lords of. For all of these reasons, I personally disregard that idiotic retcon of the time war, and indeed the rest of the Moffats stupid plots, he should be shot into a black hole!I will read Engines of War because Ive heard it is a good story, but I still as I said prefer the time war as this mysterious event, and prefer to imagine that the Doctor in the Time War was Mcgan.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

If you want to look at the eighth Doctor, then you should look into the Eighth Doctor books.In the books compared to the TV movie, he is not half human or something (I havent actually seen the movie to comment on that).But in the books you also have a sort of time war, but obviously not against the Daleks but against Faction Paradox.At ist end Gallifrey is also destroyed and the Doctors Tardis is damaged so that he is stranded in the 9th century on earth and has to actually stay on earth until he reaches the present time around the year 2000 or so.Later (in the last eighth Doctor book) it is revealed that before Gallifrey was destroyed but that the Doctor downloaded a copy of the entire Matrix into his head which caused him to Forget other things and up to that last book he isnt actually the last time Lord.Four or five others are still there and one of them breaks the blocks on the Doctor so that he can remember.And since he ha
 s (in theory) Access to the data of the time Lords he can restore them.Unfortunately the Eighth Doctor books end with a cliffhanger and another Invasion atempt of earth.Moreover, Mr. Davis stated several times that his last time war was to be placed after the second war in heaven (Name for the faction paradox conflict).This might have changed now since we saw Night of the Doctor which gave a Regeneration Scene for the eighth Doctor which did not exist inthe Davis era.It did not exist in the books, because the range was conveniently ended with the Launch of the 2005 TV series and the Big Finish Audios at that time were no where near a Point of a Regeneration Scene for the Eighth Doctor.I liked the Davis era, like you.But after four seasons (at which Point it was not yet known that Math Smith would follow), I had hoped that with all the hints, there would have been explanations, since we saw Rassilon and the Master.I ha
 d hoped that after the tenth Doctors Regeneration the fate of Romana and Leela would have been explained, since some Companion Chronicles of Big Finish implied that she actually somehow escaped the time war.And since it was never (on Screen) stated if Susan was a time Lord or not, the question of if the Doctor was the last of his Kind could have been adressed differently.What is also interesting is that in the Gallifrey Chronicles it is supposedly stated that in the future of the (then eighth Doctor) there would be three ninth doctors possibly in the same Primary timeline and not only the possibility of three possible ninth doctors.Some People in the Big Finish Forums think that the Shalka Doctor from Scream of the Shalka would be a (possibly the Primary) ninth doctor if there never was a time war...Maybe the book referenced that when the three ninth doctors were mentioned...Back to the president of
  Gallifrey:In Dark Eyes 1 there is a male president, allthough with no Name.He is there up to the Point where the Dalek Time Controller orders the Extermination of Straxus thereby preventing the creation of Kotris.This erases Kotris from existence and causes the timelines to shift and alter.Unfortunately, there is no president seen in Dark Eyes 2.I also doubt that we will see one in Dark Eyes 3 which will come out this month.I hope that Big finish will at least bring an origin Story for the Viyrans, since they apeared in several titles now.I wonder, does anyone know if Big Finish did ever make an actual Regeneration Scene for any time Lord, or was it only mentioned that someone would Need to Regenerate or that someone was unable to do so?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Dark:I listened to Dark Eyes 1 again and I found something interesting I probably overlooked.There is a male president of Gallifrey in it, which brings up the question where the Story is placed in the Story and how this relates to Gallifrey 6 and the beginning of the time war.And while we are talking Doctor who continuity, I wonder if there is a good reason why only the Maser showed up during the tenth Doctor era and why for example nothing was said about the Rani and what her role might have been in the war.Moreover there still would be the matter of Susan, since I think that the seventh Doctor books originally implied that the Doctor would go into the very ancient past of Gallifrey and become The Other, the third founding member of the time Lords along Rassilon and Omega.And somewhere in that Story or in another there supposedly was also some Kind of origin Story for susan.I always wondered why the tenth Ddoctor never mentioned Su
 san when asked about his own Family.Even if Susan isnt his blood granddaughter, he should have considered her as such.I also wonder if Jenny (his artificial daugther) will Show up again in the Show and is River now gone completely with the start of the next Doctor?I forgot to ask, is there a place where really all Doctor Who books are listed?I looked in Wikipedia and the Doctor who wiki.I found Engines of War, but I had to search by title, since this book is considered stand alone and not a numbered part of the New series range.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well that moaning fellow Stewart has now done review for both Forest of the night here, and Dark water here. I didnt really rate his comments on forest of the night sinse he spent most of his time commenting on how it was a william blake reference and how he personally didnt gget it but some people did (I wish he wouldnt bang the my opinion drumb quite so much). Actually he woffled on about that aspect ofthe episode he didnt discuss the awfulness of the plot, which surprised me. I noticed the blake reference and the fairy tale reference but really going heres a reference isnt a substitute for a good story, and if the idiotic writer had been doing her/his job properly it wouldn
 ;t have mattered whether people got the clever Blake reference or not. On the other hand I like Stuarts thoughts on Dark water and mostly agree, although I myself dont see any problem with Doctor Who being shocking (remember the evil troll dolls of Spearhead from space?). I also disagree with Stuarat about characters,sinse even after Dark water I dont find Danny or Clara interesting,  annoying but not interesting! Im looking forward to what he has to say on death in heaven sinse while I agree the afterlife stuff in dark water was interesting, I get the impression Stuart is saving his bile for next review .@lord raven, funny you mention the dark eyes president, I hadnt noticed that I will have to check. Regarding the Rani, well to be honest she was never really a popular character, though judging by the trailer on the en
 d of Masters of Earth (a really fantastic story that I have only just finished hearing in fact), she will be back! I wouldnt assume she was doing anything special in the war however, not until we hear otherwise. After all last we saw of her she was stuck in the tardis heading back through time with a T rex I believe! As to the 7th Doctor and Susan, well that was the part of the Cartmal master plan. As I remember it wasnt that the 7th doctor was going to go back to Galifreys past, but that the other, the third adviser to rassilon threw himself into the genetic loom which created new timelords, and was reconstituted as The Doctor. Similarly, Susan was the last of the pre rassilon royal line I think, however to be honest both of those plots just occur in very obscure 7th doctor Na novels and as those are officially now set in another universe well need to see if the official continuity in Big Finish picks those ideas up. With Susan at least, 
 Im happier with her identity remaining a mystery, just like the identity of The Doctors original wife and child. With the tenth Doctor not mentioning Susan, this was more due to Davies trying not to overload fans with continuity, although the references to Jenny were as close as he wished to come, and lets be honest, the mentions of Susan by the cdoctor even in the audios are infrequent. The Doctor who reference guide found here, used to be the best place for lists of literally everything Who, novels, audios, commics short stories whatever, all with synopses (and often rather detailed ones at that). The problem is updates have been pretty infrequent for a while now, so the site is probably only complete up to 2011, stilll itll tell you all about the Cartmal master plan and the crazy world of the new adventure novels (check Lungbarro).I dont particularly care if River is gone or not myself, s
 inse other than her first appearence is Silence in the Library I just found her really irritating and quite vile. Also, I fully agree with Stuart that basically Missy was River playing another role. As I said earlier, an absolutely brick, hard as nales female master who just was! a female master wouldve been great,but Missy really just feels like a recycling of Moffats usual female character, aka river, aka amy, aka Liz from the beast below, aka that woman with the eye patch who lead the silents or the church or whatever, aka most appearences of Clara, Madam depompador, (though that one as the first and probably as a relatively accurate idea of what a french high class courtisan was like is possibly a bit more excusable).So, River back? meh. Apparently moffat has talked about axing the series, and while I would prefer to Axe Moffat (and I dont just mean fire him as producer), I actually wouldnt mind at this point, sinse Im getting a little sick o
 f the thing pretending to be doctor who not being doctor who, and seeing such a potentially great Doctor as Capaldy treated like an Idiot, plus of course, maybe then Big Finish could get the legal rights. Apparently the Bbc talked about finishing Doctor Who after Tenant and Russel left, sinse Tenant was so! popular and so well liked they thought they couldnt top that. In a way, Id actually rather they had.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Cx2, I take your point on To the death and the Monks motivations, though from a storytelling perspectiv I dont think there was exactly time to cover anything more complex with the Monk. The Impression I got was that the Monk was A moral rather than immoral and was making things up as he went along with regards to the artworks etc. We do know hes worked with the Daleks before and knows better than to cross them, so was probably trying to extracate himself and Tamsin from the situation as easily as possible while grabbing what opportunity presented along the way. The shear death count and drama though is astounding, and Im actually willing to forgive Lucy Miller being such an annoying person for her exit moment. You can also see why the eighth Doctor at the end of To the death is! someone I could imagine using the moment to destroy the timelords and daleks together. Regarding transgender timelords, its an interesting question, howeve
 r to be honest pretty much all of the mainstream timelords weve seen whether lords or ladies have been largely the same socially anyway. In the story Thicker than water which I just finished listening to again the 6th Doctor had the wonderful comment Half the timelords are corrupt and the other half are fossels which pretty much somes up their society nicely . I therefore suspect that in such a stratified society where gender counted for far less, especially if gender was mutable between regenerations anyway, the question of transgender timelords just didnt come up, though it could be an interesting direction for a fellow renigade timelord like The doctor, albeit one Id hate to see in the grubby mits of Moffat. @Lord Raven, yes, season 6 of Galifrey is indeed the start of the time war, and the plot with the eminance and daleks in Dark 
 eyes is intended as opening scenes. Ive heard Bf are planning a galifrey season 7, so that might give hints to what Leela and Romana are up to regarding the Time war (or at least its early stages), even if, unfortunately as Cx2 said, The time war itself cant be done by Bf. There is actually a book set with John Hurts war doctor, called engines of war (Im waiting for the audio version), which is supposed to be the history of the time war, though to be honest I preferd it when the time war was a mystery, just this conflict fort across different dimentions in inconceivable ways, and the little hints we got from the tenth doctor, (I love his speech in the end of time when he lists all the bad things from the time war), is just so atmospheric. Its like Steven kings dark tower, better left unexplained, which is another reason I prefer myself to forget about everything after The End of time, and still maintain there are only ten 
 encarnations of The Doctor.From a meta writing perspective, there was a good reason for the time war before the 9th Doctor, and I give davies full credit for the concept. By 1989, Doctor who had a huuge! lot of continuity, about future earth, about the timelords, about the history of various races. Indeed right before its cancelation David Cartmal was actually trying to suggest some dark history for the 7th doctor because he felt there just wasnt the mystery of the timelords or the Doctors identity that had existed before The Deadly Assassin. The Time war was a lovely way of solving this, as well as giving Ecleston some really good character drama and making for a very dark universe. why is the end of earth shown in the second episode of the new series different from that shown in Arc of infinity? Because the Time war buggered up the timelines! It was a great way for Russel to both eat his cake, ie, create new plot, and h
 ave it, ie, have old enemies like The Daleks and old friends like Unit and Sarah Jane, not to mention The Master return in some capacity. Why is the Master no longer infected with the cheater virus from Survival, or using his tracanite body, or some crazy worm creaturein the heart of the Tardis? (the tv movie), because the Timelords bought him back to fight in the Time War, (another fact that the Eminance dark eyes audios have picked up on with the Mcqueen master).It was a rather clever idea, both in terms of drama and in terms of continuity, unfortunately the Moffat had to *t all over it when he got his grubby paws on the series and turn the entire plot into a ridiculously incoherent mess, substituting convoluted for clever. That is why Lord Raven Im not going to try and answer any of your eleventh Doctor questions, sinse I dont think there are! answers, or at least not ones other than Because his Moffasty wanted it so Regarding paralell
  universes, remember that in Doctor Who there is a big difference between another universe and an alternate reality. E space, like The Divergent universe of the audios is a literally different universe on its own time continuum, (though unlike The Divergent universe E space does have time, it just has

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I still dont get what the Problem is.I mean, Big Finish somehow has the rights to classic Who.But no other Company has rights to new Who except the BBC of course.So why Big Finish cant legally optain the rights for new Who I dont understand.@Dark, the next Gallifrey release is supposedly about Omega and whatever he does to the history of earth...And while we are at it, What is with the info that the new Romana is in this release?I thought that the new Romana in Gallifrey 6 was a Matrix projection of a possible future Romana.So how could this new incarnation president in whatever time the new Episode/season will be placed?I think we didnt see or hear another Regeneration Scene for her, or did I miss something here?And I am sure that this Version is not Romana III, because thats a Eighth Doctor book Version...While we are talking about Audio plots, do you think that the Axis is still there afte
 r the war?And while we are at potentially messed timelines, was the Problem with multiple Versions of the same incarnation of Irving Braxiatel (the one in the Bernice Summerfield series and the one from Gallifrey 4 and following that the five Bernice Summerfield boxsets and the Legion plot ever properly explained or solved?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Regarding the legal issue, though the continuity is the same, legally classic who and new who are two different things, its a very odd position. I agree Bf with the rights to new who concepts and doctors would be awsome (we know Tenant would come back for them, having worked with Bf before, and its possible other new who characters would too), it likely wont happen while the Bbc still has rights to the new series, even Destiny of the Doctor was a collaborative effort between the now defunked audio go (at one time the bbcs audio publisher), and Big Finish.As to the next Galifrey well see. I discount the Romana Iii from the eighth doctor novels sinse as I said, they are now officially another universe. Having Tray however would be easy, sinse while she was a matrix projection, there is no reason the real! third regeneration for Romana couldnt show up. After all, sinse the Matrix holds the Biodata for all timelords, its reasonabl
 e to assume that a matrix projection of the third regeneration of Romana would be an accurate one. I suspect Tray will turn up returning from Romanas future, sinse I doubt Bf would have Romana Ii die and regenerate in the seriess as it would displease a lot of fans, though at the same time itd be nice if they did. Tray, as a sort of very casual manipulative timelord I could actually imagine as the version of Romana from the Time War, sinse again, like The eighth Doctor as he appearrs in Dark eyes you could imagine that character working in a war setting and both Dark Eyes and Galifrey have moved into showing the early rumblings of the war as I said.I dont know about any of the Bernece Summerfield questions sinse I confess that is one range I just havent had the heart to plough through. I do own them all, including the five new box sets, however I just find the reliance of the early sets on the novels, indeed going as far as literally having audi
 os serve as the second parts to Bernece Summerfield Novels with previously on bernece Summerfield really irritating. I am told the box sets are worth it when you get there and even fill in all the random stuff about the novels, like all that business about Bernece getting pregnant with a crystal or whatever, but Ive not nurved myself to get through them all (I got to about season 5 and gave up). I also confess I never really saw the appeal of Bernece as a character either, though likely that is a symtom of the same thing sinse its a bit hard to be concerned about Bernece being manipulated by Braxiatel or having marital spats with her two husbands when I have no idea what her history with these characters is (I could go and look it up on tardis datacore or similar but it just doesnt have the emotional impact).I likelyt will nurve myself again and run through th full whack at some point, but its probably the only part of the Dr. Who aud
 ios that Im slightly reluctant about.Regarding the Axis, one interesting thing that did occur to me is with the Timelords no longer able to regulate all those aborted timelines, I wonder if someone like Jara tow from Axis of Insanity or something similarly distructive broke out, explaining all those ideas of why the Time war was so chaotic. It might also explain why the Axis wasnt used to save Galifrey or any bits of Timelord Technology, sinse if it became unhinged itd probably be a far more dangerous place, so could no longer provide a haven the way it did when Galifrey was hit by the dogma virus.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

What I also didnt get is why the BBC didnt move better from one era to the next.I mean, during the ninth and tenth Doctors time we had all sorts of hints about the war and the darker universe.But if People watched new series Who they surely would have wanted answers to the live of the late seventh Doctor through the Eighth Doctor.I mean, if you purely go by canonical on Screen apearance, you never saw the parting of the seventh Doctor and Ace.You also had only the Who movie which was the starting Point of the eighth Doctor.If you were not a book Reader after the movie in 1996, you had nothing until the Night of the Doctor and if you still go by on Screen apearance, the history of the Eighth Doctor is rather empty.However you can say the same to the ninth Doctor, since that one TV season is rather short for a Doctor and you could rightly ask how soon after the end of the war did he met Rose?What was before Rose?Ok, now tha
 t the Big Finish Audio stories are slowly going to the later days of the eighth Doctor, we are coming closer to the end of his time and the opening conflicts in the time war.But at some Point the BBC established the war Doctor in their Story ideas and I wonder why this is another Doctor with only limited on Screen apearances.I also dont get why the BBC up to now didnt make their own spinoff book, Show, or Audio dealing with the new series beginnings, e.g. the war if they were unwilling to give the rights to Big Finish for some reason.And what I also didnt get is why going by on Screen apearances again, we have no info about what happened to Jack and the members of Torchwood left after four seasons, and what happened to Sarah Jane and her Team, even if Sarahs actress died, this is no proper inn-Story Explanation.I also didnt get why the eleventh or the new current Doctor never met Donnas grandfather or Martha Jones aga
 in, since they didnt die at the end of the tenth Doctors era.I dont get why there was that big reset between series four and five regardless of the cracks as a plot device.It feels like the cut and replace between Star Trek Nemesis and the two Abrams movies...


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Unfortunately, a lot of the answers to these questions are more to do with the behind the scenes history of the series than anything anyone planned. Jonathon Powel canceled Doctor Who in 1989 quite unexpectedly, indeed a 27th season was originally going to happen and several of the scripts were planned (the ones that later showed up as Lost stories). had the Cartmal Master plan gone ahead the 7th Doctor and Ace wouldve likely parted company, indeed apparently one idea was to have Ace eventually join the academy on Galifrey and be genetically altered into a Time Lord, (why the 7th Doctor was putting her through various tests). I personally like that idea as a final destination for Ace, sinse hay itd give the timelords a good boot up the arse, and maybe its something Big Finish, as now the official cannon for the 7th Doctor might do in the future (some of the hints in Signs and Wonders actually suggested as much). As with Romanas regeneration, I personally ho
 pe they do, especially now Ace and Hex have finished. Anyhow, with Doctor Who cancelled, the Bbc didnt particularly give a dam about the series and sold the rights to the book series first to Virgin publishing (hence the Virgin new adventures). Philip Segal, a British chap living in the states had been angling for an American who series for a good while, and after the series was canceled the bbc again just dropped him the go ahead. Unfortunately Segal ended up with that dreadest of dread networks, Fox! Im not sure how much of the horribleness of the 1996 Telemovie is down to fox, and how much is down to Segal, but generally it was a very very bad idea, (casting Paul Mcgan was about the only good thing they did).They wanted some sort of link to draw in fans of the old series, so they started with the 7th Doctors regeneration, however they then proceeded to balls up continuity horribly, renaming the camelian circuit to a cloaking device, relocatin
 g the eye of harmony to the Doctors Tardis rather than Galifrey, having The Masters crazy worm undead possession powers and lets not forget the Doctor being half human, indeed its interesting that the book series sinse then and even occasionally the Bf audios have had to really screw around with the Whoniverse to fit this sort of continuity shenanigans in, for example having Evelyns retinal scan made the basis of Galifreyan security in The appocalypse element explaining why a human could open the Eye of Harmony (though how exactly someone does! open a stable black hole I dont know).Sinse the plans for the Fox series were ridiculous,  the half human Doctor and his brother the master travelling the universe together looking for their father, its actually a slightly good thing that Fox gave them the usual treatment they give to all sf series. Doctor Who then fell into a black hole for a good few years, The novels tried to carry on w
 ith the 8th Doctor (though as I said perhaps not in the best way), though in 1999 Big Finish got the rights to start producing the audios, and did an amazing job especially regenerating Paul Mcgan. When Ecleston started in the new series in 2005, Davies actually admits that he learnt better from the Tv Movies mistakes, and didnt include a regeneration scene for the 9th Doctor. There are several hints that this is very early in the 9th Doctors regeneration (for example he checks his face in a mirror in Rose and comments on it), and of course the implication is that he regenerated during the time war. I actually get the impression, as I said above that Russel T Davies wanted the time war to be mysterious and awsome, and rather beyond imagination, which to bbe honest from a dramatic perspective I much prefer. The 9th Doctors short time on the show is entirely due to Ecleston throwing a hissy fit. I actually wonder if the rather tacked on ecleston regener
 ation in parting of the ways was due to a later decision being tacked on to the script, heck originally for the 50th aniversary they wanted Ecleston back but he refused to go sinse he didnt want to be type cast as doctor who (for gods sake, type cast as Doctor who, the man is an idiot! thats like saying I dont want to be type cast as James Bond). On the plus side, that did give us the awsome tenth doctor.Torchwood, and Sarah jane were both quite successful spinoffs, and I believe had Russel continued as show runner after series 4, we wouldve seen more connection between them and Doctor who, including what happened to the cast (a memorial for Liz sladen, say by having Maria and co from the Sj Adventures turn up and explain Sarah the characters death to match Liz Sladens wouldve been rather nice). In Miracle day which was produced at the same time as Season 5 there were still harks back to Doctor Who.
  A fifth series of Torchwood would be rather nice, though I doubt it will happen so long as Jon Barroman is busy with his music tours and other jobs, and unless russel fancies

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Unfortunately, a lot of the answers to these questions are more to do with the behind the scenes history of the series than anything anyone planned. Jonathon Powel canceled Doctor Who in 1989 quite unexpectedly, indeed a 27th season was originally going to happen and several of the scripts were planned (the ones that later showed up as Lost stories). had the Cartmal Master plan gone ahead the 7th Doctor and Ace wouldve likely parted company, indeed apparently one idea was to have Ace eventually join the academy on Galifrey and be genetically altered into a Time Lord, (why the 7th Doctor was putting her through various tests). I personally like that idea as a final destination for Ace, sinse hay itd give the timelords a good boot up the arse, and maybe its something Big Finish, as now the official cannon for the 7th Doctor might do in the future (some of the hints in Signs and Wonders actually suggested as much). As with Romanas regeneration, I personally ho
 pe they do, especially now Ace and Hex have finished. Anyhow, with Doctor Who cancelled, the Bbc didnt particularly give a dam about the series and sold the rights to the book series first to Virgin publishing (hence the Virgin new adventures). Philip Segal, a British chap living in the states had been angling for an American who series for a good while, and after the series was canceled the bbc again just dropped him the go ahead. Unfortunately Segal ended up with that dreadest of dread networks, Fox! Im not sure how much of the horribleness of the 1996 Telemovie is down to fox, and how much is down to Segal, but generally it was a very very bad idea, (casting Paul Mcgan was about the only good thing they did).They wanted some sort of link to draw in fans of the old series, so they started with the 7th Doctors regeneration, however they then proceeded to balls up continuity horribly, renaming the camelian circuit to a cloaking device, relocatin
 g the eye of harmony to the Doctors Tardis rather than Galifrey, having The Masters crazy worm undead possession powers and lets not forget the Doctor being half human, indeed its interesting that the book series sinse then and even occasionally the Bf audios have had to really screw around with the Whoniverse to fit this sort of continuity shenanigans in, for example having Evelyns retinal scan made the basis of Galifreyan security in The appocalypse element explaining why a human could open the Eye of Harmony (though how exactly someone does! open a stable black hole I dont know).Sinse the plans for the Fox series were ridiculous,  the half human Doctor and his brother the master travelling the universe together looking for their father, its actually a slightly good thing that Fox gave them the usual treatment they give to all good sf series. Doctor Who then fell into a black hole for a good few years, The novels tried to carry
  on with the 8th Doctor (though as I said perhaps not in the best way), though in 1999 Big Finish got the rights to start producing the audios, and did an amazing job especially bringing back Paul Mcgan. When Ecleston started in the new series in 2005, Davies actually admits that he learnt better from the Tv Movies mistakes, and didnt include a regeneration scene for the 9th Doctor. There are several hints that this is very early in the 9th Doctors regeneration (for example he checks his face in a mirror in Rose and comments on it), and of course the implication is that he regenerated during the time war. I actually get the impression, as I said above that Russel T Davies wanted the time war to be mysterious and awsome, and rather beyond imagination, which to bbe honest from a dramatic perspective I much prefer. The 9th Doctors short time on the show is entirely due to Ecleston throwing a hissy fit. I actually wonder if the rather tacked on ecle
 ston regeneration in parting of the ways was due to a later decision being tacked on to the script, heck originally for the 50th aniversary they wanted Ecleston back but he refused to go sinse he didnt want to be type cast as doctor who (for gods sake, type cast as Doctor who, the man is an idiot! thats like saying I dont want to be type cast as James Bond). On the plus side, that did give us the awsome tenth doctor.Torchwood, and Sarah jane were both quite successful spinoffs, and I believe had Russel continued as show runner after series 4, we wouldve seen more connection between them and Doctor who, including what happened to the cast (a memorial for Liz sladen, say by having Maria and co from the Sj Adventures turn up and explain Sarah the characters death to match Liz Sladens wouldve been rather nice). In Miracle day which was produced at the same time as Season 5 there were still harks back to
  Doctor Who. A fifth series of Torchwood would be rather nice, though I doubt it will happen so long as Jon Barroman is busy with his music tours and other jobs, and unless russel

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Unfortunately, a lot of the answers to these questions are more to do with the behind the scenes history of the series than anything anyone planned. Jonathon Powel canceled Doctor Who in 1989 quite unexpectedly, indeed a 27th season was originally going to happen and several of the scripts were planned (the ones that later showed up as Lost stories). had the Cartmal Master plan gone ahead the 7th Doctor and Ace wouldve likely parted company, indeed apparently one idea was to have Ace eventually join the academy on Galifrey and be genetically altered into a Time Lord, (why the 7th Doctor was putting her through various tests). I personally like that idea as a final destination for Ace, sinse hay itd give the timelords a good boot up the arse, and maybe its something Big Finish, as now the official cannon for the 7th Doctor might do in the future (some of the hints in Signs and Wonders actually suggested as much). As with Romanas regeneration, I personally ho
 pe they do, especially now Ace and Hex have finished. Anyhow, with Doctor Who cancelled, the Bbc didnt particularly give a dam about the series and sold the rights to the book series first to Virgin publishing (hence the Virgin new adventures). Philip Segal, a British chap living in the states had been angling for an American who series for a good while, and after the series was canceled the bbc again just dropped him the go ahead. Unfortunately Segal ended up with that dreadest of dread networks, Fox! Im not sure how much of the horribleness of the 1996 Telemovie is down to fox, and how much is down to Segal, but generally it was a very very bad idea, (casting Paul Mcgan was about the only good thing they did).They wanted some sort of link to draw in fans of the old series, so they started with the 7th Doctors regeneration, however they then proceeded to balls up continuity horribly, renaming the camelian circuit to a cloaking device, relocatin
 g the eye of harmony to the Doctors Tardis rather than Galifrey, having The Masters crazy worm undead possession powers and lets not forget the Doctor being half human, indeed its interesting that the book series sinse then and even occasionally the Bf audios have had to really screw around with the Whoniverse to fit this sort of continuity shenanigans in, for example having Evelyns retinal scan made the basis of Galifreyan security in The appocalypse element explaining why a human could open the Eye of Harmony (though how exactly someone does! open a stable black hole I dont know).Sinse the plans for the Fox series were ridiculous,  the half human Doctor and his brother the master travelling the universe together looking for their father, its actually a slightly good thing that Fox gave them the usual treatment they give to all good sf series. Doctor Who then fell into a black hole for a good few years, The novels tried to carry
  on with the 8th Doctor (though as I said perhaps not in the best way), though in 1999 Big Finish got the rights to start producing the audios, and did an amazing job especially bringing back Paul Mcgan. When Ecleston started in the new series in 2005, Davies actually admits that he learnt better from the Tv Movies mistakes, and didnt include a regeneration scene for the 9th Doctor. There are several hints that this is very early in the 9th Doctors regeneration (for example he checks his face in a mirror in Rose and comments on it), and of course the implication is that he regenerated during the time war. I actually get the impression, as I said above that Russel T Davies wanted the time war to be mysterious and awsome, and rather beyond imagination, which to bbe honest from a dramatic perspective I much prefer. The 9th Doctors short time on the show is entirely due to Ecleston throwing a hissy fit. I actually wonder if the rather tacked on ecle
 ston regeneration in parting of the ways was due to a later decision being added to the script later, heck originally for the 50th aniversary they wanted Ecleston back but he refused to go sinse he didnt want to be type cast as doctor who (for gods sake, type cast as Doctor who, the man is an idiot! thats like saying I dont want to be type cast as James Bond). On the plus side, that did give us the awsome tenth doctor.Torchwood, and Sarah jane were both quite successful spinoffs, and I believe had Russel continued as show runner after series 4, we wouldve seen more connection between them and Doctor who, including what happened to the cast (a memorial for Liz sladen, say by having Maria and co from the Sj Adventures turn up and explain Sarah the characters death to match Liz Sladens wouldve been rather nice). In Miracle day which was produced at the same time as Season 5 there were still harks back 
 to Doctor Who. A fifth series of Torchwood would be rather nice, though I doubt it will happen so long as Jon Barroman is busy with his music tours and other jobs, and unless russel

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Unfortunately, a lot of the answers to these questions are more to do with the behind the scenes history of the series than anything anyone planned. Jonathon Powel canceled Doctor Who in 1989 quite unexpectedly, indeed a 27th season was originally going to happen and several of the scripts were planned (the ones that later showed up as Lost stories). had the Cartmal Master plan gone ahead the 7th Doctor and Ace wouldve likely parted company, indeed apparently one idea was to have Ace eventually join the academy on Galifrey and be genetically altered into a Time Lord, (why the 7th Doctor was putting her through various tests). I personally like that idea as a final destination for Ace, sinse hay itd give the timelords a good boot up the arse, and maybe its something Big Finish, as now the official cannon for the 7th Doctor might do in the future (some of the hints in Signs and Wonders actually suggested as much). As with Romanas regeneration, I personally ho
 pe they do, especially now Ace and Hex have finished. Anyhow, with Doctor Who cancelled, the Bbc didnt particularly give a dam about the series and sold the rights to the book series first to Virgin publishing (hence the Virgin new adventures). Philip Segal, a British chap living in the states had been angling for an American who series for a good while, and after the series was canceled the bbc again just dropped him the go ahead. Unfortunately Segal ended up with that dreadest of dread networks, Fox! Im not sure how much of the horribleness of the 1996 Telemovie is down to fox, and how much is down to Segal, but generally it was a very very bad idea, (casting Paul Mcgan was about the only good thing they did).They wanted some sort of link to draw in fans of the old series, so they started with the 7th Doctors regeneration, however they then proceeded to balls up continuity horribly, renaming the camelian circuit to a cloaking device, relocatin
 g the eye of harmony to the Doctors Tardis rather than Galifrey, having The Masters crazy worm undead possession powers and lets not forget the Doctor being half human, indeed its interesting that the book series sinse then and even occasionally the Bf audios have had to really screw around with the Whoniverse to fit this sort of continuity shenanigans in, for example having Evelyns retinal scan made the basis of Galifreyan security in The appocalypse element explaining why a human could open the Eye of Harmony (though how exactly someone does! open a stable black hole I dont know).Sinse the plans for the Fox series were ridiculous,  the half human Doctor and his brother the master travelling the universe together looking for their father, its actually a slightly good thing that Fox gave them the usual treatment they give to all good sf series. Doctor Who then fell into a black hole for a good few years, The novels tried to carry
  on with the 8th Doctor (though as I said perhaps not in the best way), though in 1999 Big Finish got the rights to start producing the audios, and did an amazing job especially bringing back Paul Mcgan. When Ecleston started in the new series in 2005, Davies actually admits that he learnt better from the Tv Movies mistakes, and didnt include a regeneration scene for the 9th Doctor. There are several hints that this is very early in the 9th Doctors regeneration (for example he checks his face in a mirror in Rose and comments on it), and of course the implication is that he regenerated during the time war. I actually get the impression, as I said above that Russel T Davies wanted the time war to be mysterious and awsome, and rather beyond imagination, which to bbe honest from a dramatic perspective I much prefer. The 9th Doctors short time on the show is entirely due to Ecleston throwing a hissy fit. I actually wonder if the rather tacked on ecle
 ston regeneration in parting of the ways was due to a later decision being added to the script later, heck originally for the 50th aniversary they wanted Ecleston back but he refused to go sinse he didnt want to be type cast as doctor who (for gods sake, type cast as Doctor who, the man is an idiot! thats like saying I dont want to be type cast as James Bond). On the plus side, that did give us the awsome tenth doctor.Torchwood, and Sarah jane were both quite successful spinoffs, and I believe had Russel continued as show runner after series 4, we wouldve seen more connection between them and Doctor who, including what happened to the cast (a memorial for Liz sladen, say by having Maria and co from the Sj Adventures turn up and explain Sarah the characters death to match Liz Sladens wouldve been rather nice). In Miracle day which was produced at the same time as Season 5 there were still harks back 
 to Doctor Who. A fifth series of Torchwood would be rather nice, though I doubt it will happen so long as Jon Barroman is busy with his music tours and other jobs, and unless russel

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well oddly enough, Lesbians seem more accepted on Tv than gay men, particularly lesbians just being two normal female characters who like each other, though just put this down to the usual unrecognized sexism against anyone male. Interestingly enough, Jo ford in his cryticisms of Startrek Tng actually does note that for all their vaunted acceptance, where are the gay or by men, and why only weerd alien lesbians?I wasnt to be honest thinking timelord Gender switching in lesbian terms (though we all know Moffat would do that with the character sinse the man does have certain obsessions especially with women), I was just thinking as you said in character terms. Id have loved to see a sort of hard as nails female master rather like the White Witch from the Bbc narnia series, ie, just a rock hard lady with the charisma of Christopher Lee as apposed to the usual flirty and gobby moffat female. There are of course other possibilities,  the Meddling monk turn
 ing into the annoying nun? . Btw, speaking of the Meddling monk, how did you rate to the death now there was a good finale.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

It was certainly interesting. The contrast between the Doctors efforts to help others and the Monks determination to help himself was very clear by the end, though I may have preferred it if the Monk had believed in some twisted logic that he had been doing what was right rather than just looting a planet he believed about to be destroyed to sell its artifacts later. The idea of a dalek time controller was quite a decent one as was the idea of a plague planet that just flew around infecting the galaxy, though why they specifically chose Earth for this purpose Im not sure.And people actually died! The timing of the radio run has been very interesting given it coincided with the new TV series and the comparison is very, very stark. In fact Id almost have wished the new TV series hadnt happened in some ways and had instead been made as a radio series by Big Finish, they certainly couldnt have made it any worse.I agree regarding the fe
 male master, she would have been interesting as a just flat out hardcase. There really is too much flirting in new Who for its own good, at least since Mophat got his paws on it.I also agree regarding the unspoken sexism against men, in fact I suspect a lot of it is from men themselves insisting on a very rigid definition of masculinity. I actually find John Barrowman in interviews quite masculine without all that macho nonsense, in part explaining my admiration for him. Well that and he has a wonderfully dirty sense of humour similar to mine. I will admit there are many cases where women are over sexualised yet at the same time I feel theres also the fact that men can be under sexualised, its strange that sexualised women so often are made such by showing skin yet sexualised men often dont show skin at all or if they do its invariably focussed on pecs.Now heres a strange thought that just occurred to me, what if a transgender timelord reg
 enerated into the opposite gender? Would a male to female transgender timelord become a female to male transgender lady? Would they simply appreciate being moved into a body which better fits their gender identity? Or would the personality shift that accompanies regeneration wipe away the whole transgender business altogether?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I havent watched all Doctor Who episodes of the new series.While I can understand that a fresh start with the ninth doctor might have been a good move since the Show was originally canceled years ago and all that.But what I didnt get was why lots of things were never answered inside the Show.I mean if we looked only at the ninth and tenth doctor eras and we believed that the doctor ended the time war and only the Doctor and the Master got out somehow, then I would have liked to see a Story which could have told us if and how Leela might have seen the war and if she lived after it or not.Then when the first new cybermen Story with the alternate earth came and the doctor stated that travel between realities was impossible, then I knew one question no one bothered to answer.Theoretically one universe should still be accessible: E-Space.What I also dont get is why now one is properly talking about the time war and why no media is showing it be that´books, Audio Dramas or movies or regular episodes.I didnt get the entire silence Thing.How were they supposed to know that the War Doctor didnt destroy the time Lords when he himself had forgotten and no other race, not even that one Dalek who broke the time lock first could see beyond the apparent destruction?And what the hell was the purpose of the sige of that planet where the leventh Doctor should have died?How did all races suddenly know that the time Lords were knocking at the door of the universe and why the hell did they think to prevent their return at all cost if supposedly their existence was deleted from all minds?If so, no one could have remembered that it was dangerous to bring the time Lords back.This however doesnt take into account if the time Lords if brought back, were still the Monsters seen in end of time or if they were reformed after years outside the universe...What do you think of all this and do you think the Dalek/Eminence plot of the Dark Eyes series are some Kind of quasi-Prequels to the time war?Is the Dalek time controler Aware of the war yet to come (from the Eighth Doctor stories Point of view)?And does anyone have any idea why Big Finish is still not allowed to go into the new series era?I mean apart from the main TV Show we only have the New Series Adventures books, but as far as I know, they are stand alone stories not like the Eighth Doctor or the Seventh Doctor books.And since there are only the new Series audiobook and the Audio exclusive stories, I dont get why Big Finish or anyone else cant be allowed to go further than the eighth Doctor.Moreover, Gallifrey series 6 implies that Narvin ordered the things seen in Genesis of the Daleks to which the Daleks might respond with the first shoots of the time war being fired...I hate this hinting and teasing.Why cant there be definite answers.And finally, isnt the entire current series 8 a bit strange?I mean, if the Doctor did preserve the time Lords, shouldnt the plot of the season have been him searching for them?And even if he found a female master, how did she get into the Primary universe?The master was last seen in end of time, right?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Bear in mind that Big Finish can only do what the BBC permits in their license, and that from a legal standpoint classic who and new who are two different properties. Ive no idea why they worked it like that but thats how they did it.As another example of strangeness some Lord of the Rings merchandise is licensed specifically from the movies so theyre only allowed to create things that exist in the movies and not things which exist in the books and were either cut from the movies or are in books not adapted into movies. For example Games Workshops Lord of the Rings miniatures have been released in such a way as to not release a miniature for an individual or creature which has not appeared in a released movie, and their miniatures may only be based on the way these people or creatures appear in the movies regardless of how the books describe them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I know we have multiple reply syndrome on this thread, but sinse Ive just watched the finale of dark water/death in heaven, I wanted to offer some detailed thoughts (anyone who has seen it feel free to chime in). The He Who mones podcast earlier has still not done anymore reviews sinse flatline, and even Jo Ford and his blog has only got up to Mummy on the orient express, (though hes also been doing this months audios from Big finish), either way I do like discussing these things so here we go. Needless to say, if youve not watched the two episodes of finale, here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilage! Danny Pink getting hit by a car was a nice way to start off and for Clara and The Doctor to have the should he be bought back conversation, even though Ive never really got this relationship at all sinse the two of them never at any time seemed to share chemistry or even be enjoying each others company that much. H
 owever, then Clara tries to force the Doctor to go back and change history in a really horrible sequence of manipulation which turns out to be The Doctor seeing how far shed go. Upon learning that Clara would go to the lengths of attempting to destroy his Tardis the Doctor responds with oh okay tthen, lets go and try necromancy!  Im not sure if the Doctor is just a pushover for all his supposed dark Scotish stubbornness, or whether he has just forgotten that , people you know, die and has decided he is god, albeit a rather ineffective second fiddle god to miss Clara, goddess of pushing him around. I did rather like the corporate afterlife idea, very being human, and the idea of dead bodies still feeling is geuinely scary. The easthetic for the nethersphere, the skeletons in tanks and the dysen sphere (sorry about mangled spellings), mixed with all the vibes of a care home was really a nice idea, and I wish itd had more time devoted 
 to it rather than Moffat playing his usual stupid flirting game with missy and the Doctor once again. The big reveal of the Cybermen wasnt actually that big if you remember the cybermen theme music from age of steel (really Murry gold should be consulted), though I disliked how quickly the cybermen just popped up here sinse the Afterlife was far more interesting. Plus, why would the cybermen need the minds of dying people? Even just waving a mention of the matrix of galifrey here didnt work.In the past, the cybermen have proved quite capable of pinching dead boddies from grave yards, sending them to the cyber chop shop and doing a full convertion, so why the hell the hole dying mind afterlife thing? really it reminded me of the film The Matrix, an amazingly illaborate mental landscape for a physical process that probably was entirely unnecessary, and dont even ask why the hell the cybermen from alternative earth are hear (really ever sinse their appearence i
 n the first moffat episode with their huge space empire Im totally uncertain what happened to the cybermen alternate earth origin at all, they just seem to pop up when needed. The no emotions bit with Danny i could vaguely bye into, sinse about all we know about Danny is that hes a soldier that has killed people in action and its reasonable this bothers him, though all the lying to Clara over the phone seemed amazingly superfluous to requirements.Missy as The Mistress aka female master I did actually rather like. timelord regenerations switching gender is something that has been speculated, and theres really no reason not to, and while Missy was yet again the standard moffat over s/xual, smart mouthed quipping hyper nutcase were used to from any Moffat character with two x chromosomes, at least for an evil character that sort of attitude works, indeed its remarkable how little evil and good female characters seem to differ under Moff
 at. Clara again seemed not too bothered about Danny other than all the fibbing on the phone and the i love you stick, which while nice in principle probably wouldve worked a bit better if Id actually cared about those two characters connection a little more than I did. So then we get to the second episode, death in heaven. My first problem with this episode is one of pacing, sinse the main plot seemed to get really incoherent while there seemed to be bags of time on the clara and danny cyber romance which I just didnt get the connection of at all, quite different from any of the Russel relationships. For a start, I wasnt sure from various lines whether the corporate death company was supposed to have been getting every soul in human history, or whether its been just the hyper rich and being investigated by unit, or whether it was just the few cybermen that went and exploded, or how the mind transfer thing related to the 
 condition of the boddies in the afterlife, the skeletons in tanks, the fear of crimation etc. Heck, one moment the nethersphere seemed to be inside saint Pauls, at another it was some sort

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I know we have multiple reply syndrome on this thread, but sinse Ive just watched the finale of dark water/death in heaven, I wanted to offer some detailed thoughts (anyone who has seen it feel free to chime in). The He Who mones podcast earlier has still not done anymore reviews sinse flatline, and even Jo Ford and his blog has only got up to Mummy on the orient express, (though hes also been doing this months audios from Big finish), either way I do like discussing these things so here we go. Needless to say, if youve not watched the two episodes of finale, here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilage! Danny Pink getting hit by a car was a nice way to start off and for Clara and The Doctor to have the should he be bought back conversation, even though Ive never really got this relationship at all sinse the two of them never at any time seemed to share chemistry or even be enjoying each others company that much. H
 owever, then Clara tries to force the Doctor to go back and change history in a really horrible sequence of manipulation which turns out to be The Doctor seeing how far shed go. Upon learning that Clara would go to the lengths of attempting to destroy his Tardis the Doctor responds with oh okay tthen, lets go and try necromancy!  Im not sure if the Doctor is just a pushover for all his supposed dark Scotish stubbornness, or whether he has just forgotten that , people you know, die and has decided he is god, albeit a rather ineffective second fiddle god to miss Clara, goddess of pushing him around. I did rather like the corporate afterlife idea, very being human, and the idea of dead bodies still feeling is geuinely scary. The easthetic for the nethersphere, the skeletons in tanks and the dysen sphere (sorry about mangled spellings), mixed with all the vibes of a care home was really a nice idea, and I wish itd had more time devoted 
 to it rather than Moffat playing his usual stupid flirting game with missy and the Doctor once again. The big reveal of the Cybermen wasnt actually that big if you remember the cybermen theme music from age of steel (really Murry gold should be consulted), though I disliked how quickly the cybermen just popped up here sinse the Afterlife was far more interesting. Plus, why would the cybermen need the minds of dying people? Even just waving a mention of the matrix of galifrey here didnt work.In the past, the cybermen have proved quite capable of pinching dead boddies from grave yards, sending them to the cyber chop shop and doing a full convertion, so why the hell the hole dying mind afterlife thing? really it reminded me of the film The Matrix, an amazingly illaborate mental landscape for a physical process that probably was entirely unnecessary, and dont even ask why the hell the cybermen from alternative earth are hear (really ever sinse their appearence i
 n the first moffat episode with their huge space empire Im totally uncertain what happened to the cybermen alternate earth origin at all, they just seem to pop up when needed. The no emotions bit with Danny i could vaguely bye into, sinse about all we know about Danny is that hes a soldier that has killed people in action and its reasonable this bothers him, though all the lying to Clara over the phone seemed amazingly superfluous to requirements.Missy as The Mistress aka female master I did actually rather like. timelord regenerations switching gender is something that has been speculated, and theres really no reason not to, and while Missy was yet again the standard moffat over s/xual, smart mouthed quipping hyper nutcase were used to from any Moffat character with two x chromosomes, at least for an evil character that sort of attitude works, indeed its remarkable how little evil and good female characters seem to differ under Moff
 at. Clara again seemed not too bothered about Danny other than all the fibbing on the phone and the i love you stick, which while nice in principle probably wouldve worked a bit better if Id actually cared about those two characters connection a little more than I did. So then we get to the second episode, death in heaven. My first problem with this episode is one of pacing, sinse the main plot seemed to get really incoherent while there seemed to be bags of time on the clara and danny cyber romance which I just didnt get the connection of at all, quite different from any of the Russel relationships. For a start, I wasnt sure from various lines whether the corporate death company was supposed to have been getting every soul in human history, or whether its been just the hyper rich and being investigated by unit, or whether it was just the few cybermen that went and exploded, or how the mind transfer thing related to the 
 condition of the boddies in the afterlife, the skeletons in tanks, the fear of crimation etc. Heck, one moment the nethersphere seemed to be inside saint Pauls, at another it was some sort

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I know we have multiple reply syndrome on this thread, but sinse Ive just watched the finale of dark water/death in heaven, I wanted to offer some detailed thoughts (anyone who has seen it feel free to chime in). The He Who mones podcast mentioned earlier has still not done anymore reviews sinse flatline, and even Jo Ford and his blog has only got up to Mummy on the orient express, (though hes also been doing this months audios from Big finish), either way I do like discussing these things so here we go. Needless to say, if youve not watched the two episodes of finale, here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilage! Danny Pink getting hit by a car was a nice way to start off and for Clara and The Doctor to have the should he be bought back conversation, even though Ive never really got this relationship at all sinse the two of them never at any time seemed to share chemistry or even be enjoying each others company th
 at much. However, then Clara tries to force the Doctor to go back and change history in a really horrible sequence of manipulation which turns out to be The Doctor seeing how far shed go. Upon learning that Clara would go to the lengths of attempting to destroy his Tardis the Doctor responds with oh okay tthen, lets go and try necromancy!  Im not sure if the Doctor is just a pushover for all his supposed dark Scotish stubbornness, or whether he has just forgotten that , people you know, die and has decided he is god, albeit a rather ineffective second fiddle god to miss Clara, goddess of pushing him around. I did rather like the corporate afterlife idea, very being human, and the idea of dead bodies still feeling is geuinely scary. The easthetic for the nethersphere, the skeletons in tanks and the dysen sphere (sorry about mangled spellings), mixed with all the vibes of a care home was really a nice idea, and I wish itd had more tim
 e devoted to it rather than Moffat playing his usual stupid flirting game with missy and the Doctor once again. The big reveal of the Cybermen wasnt actually that big if you remember the cybermen theme music from age of steel (really Murry gold should be consulted), though I disliked how quickly the cybermen just popped up here sinse the Afterlife was far more interesting. Plus, why would the cybermen need the minds of dying people? Even just waving a mention of the matrix of galifrey here didnt work.In the past, the cybermen have proved quite capable of pinching dead boddies from grave yards, sending them to the cyber chop shop and doing a full convertion, so why the hell the hole dying mind afterlife thing? really it reminded me of the film The Matrix, an amazingly illaborate mental landscape for a physical process that probably was entirely unnecessary, and dont even ask why the hell the cybermen from alternative earth are hear (really ever sinse their ap
 pearence in the first moffat episode with their huge space empire Im totally uncertain what happened to the cybermen alternate earth origin at all, they just seem to pop up when needed. The no emotions bit with Danny i could vaguely bye into, sinse about all we know about Danny is that hes a soldier that has killed people in action and its reasonable this bothers him, though all the lying to Clara over the phone seemed amazingly superfluous to requirements.Missy as The Mistress aka female master I did actually rather like. timelord regenerations switching gender is something that has been speculated, and theres really no reason not to, and while Missy was yet again the standard moffat over s/xual, smart mouthed quipping hyper nutcase were used to from any Moffat character with two x chromosomes, at least for an evil character that sort of attitude works, indeed its remarkable how little evil and good female characters seem to differ 
 under Moffat. Clara again seemed not too bothered about Danny other than all the fibbing on the phone and the i love you stick, which while nice in principle probably wouldve worked a bit better if Id actually cared about those two characters connection a little more than I did. So then we get to the second episode, death in heaven. My first problem with this episode is one of pacing, sinse the main plot seemed to get really incoherent while there seemed to be bags of time on the clara and danny cyber romance which I just didnt get the connection of at all, quite different from any of the Russel relationships. For a start, I wasnt sure from various lines whether the corporate death company was supposed to have been getting every soul in human history, or whether its been just the hyper rich and being investigated by unit, or whether it was just the few cybermen that went and exploded, or how the mind transfer thing relat
 ed to the condition of the boddies in the afterlife, the skeletons in tanks, the fear of crimation etc. Heck, one moment the nethersphere seemed to be inside saint Pauls, at another it was some

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I know we have multiple reply syndrome on this thread, but sinse Ive just watched the finale of dark water/death in heaven, I wanted to offer some detailed thoughts (anyone who has seen it feel free to chime in). The He Who mones podcast mentioned earlier has still not done anymore reviews sinse flatline, and even Jo Ford and his blog has only got up to Mummy on the orient express, (though hes also been doing this months audios from Big finish), either way I do like discussing these things so here we go. Needless to say, if youve not watched the two episodes of finale, here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilage! Danny Pink getting hit by a car was a nice way to start off and for Clara and The Doctor to have the should he be bought back conversation, even though Ive never really got this relationship at all sinse the two of them never at any time seemed to share chemistry or even be enjoying each others company th
 at much. However, then Clara tries to force the Doctor to go back and change history in a really horrible sequence of manipulation which turns out to be The Doctor seeing how far shed go. Upon learning that Clara would go to the lengths of attempting to destroy his Tardis the Doctor responds with oh okay tthen, lets go and try and gate crash the afterlife!  Im not sure if the Doctor is just a pushover for all his supposed dark Scotish stubbornness, or whether he has just forgotten that , people you know, die and has decided he is god, albeit a rather ineffective second fiddle god to miss Clara, goddess of pushing him around. I did rather like the corporate afterlife idea, very being human, and the idea of dead bodies still feeling is geuinely scary. The easthetic for the nethersphere, the skeletons in tanks and the dysen sphere (sorry about mangled spellings), mixed with all the vibes of a care home was really a nice idea, and I wish it

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I know we have multiple reply syndrome on this thread, but sinse Ive just watched the finale of dark water/death in heaven, I wanted to offer some detailed thoughts (anyone who has seen it feel free to chime in). The He Who mones podcast mentioned earlier has still not done anymore reviews sinse flatline, and even Jo Ford and his blog has only got up to Mummy on the orient express, (though hes also been doing this months audios from Big finish), either way I do like discussing these things so here we go. Needless to say, if youve not watched the two episodes of finale, here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilage! Danny Pink getting hit by a car was a nice way to start off and for Clara and The Doctor to have the should he be bought back conversation, even though Ive never really got this relationship at all sinse the two of them never at any time seemed to share chemistry or even be enjoying each others company th
 at much. However, then Clara tries to force the Doctor to go back and change history in a really horrible sequence of manipulation which turns out to be The Doctor seeing how far shed go. Upon learning that Clara would go to the lengths of attempting to destroy his Tardis the Doctor responds with oh okay tthen, lets go and try and gate crash the afterlife!  Im not sure if the Doctor is just a pushover for all his supposed dark Scotish stubbornness, or whether he has just forgotten that , people you know, die and has decided he is god, albeit a rather ineffective second fiddle god to miss Clara, goddess of pushing him around. I did rather like the corporate afterlife idea, very being human, and the idea of dead bodies still feeling is geuinely scary. The easthetic for the nethersphere, the skeletons in tanks and the dysen sphere (sorry about mangled spellings), mixed with all the vibes of a care home was really a nice idea, and I wish it

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Usual spoiler warnings apply.While the Mistress being a woman now is definitely interesting even if only as a confirmation of the possibility Im a little confused as to why she was Scottish as well as the Doctor, it seemed a little overkill.I also didnt like the whole Claras the doctors BFF part, including the part where she states her undying trust for him, this just didnt feel right since we didnt really have much affection between the two. I also didnt like how Clara knew all about the Doctors family relations, he isnt always secretive about it but he sometimes tends to be a bit cagey about the details so why would he tell Clara and why does she deserve this special treatment as compared to previous companions? It just feels like Mophat is trying to force the idea that the Doctor and Clara are inseperable friends without making them actually like each other. Im also uncertain of the part about the four gr
 anddaughters all missing, unless theres something in the big finish stuff regarding Susan this would just feel like Mophat trampling all over the rest of the WhoNiverse again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Beware! possible spoilers of spoiling again. Yep, I agree on the Clara eternally trusts the Doctor thing being annoying, though to be honest thats almost standard for a new who companion, indeed I think theyve all had speeches about how awsome the Doctor is and how hes their bestfriend/eternal love of the universe etc,  all that is with the possible exception of Donna. The audios have their moments too, though usually they are built on much more development and indeed they dont tend to give such moments to companions whove had as tempestuous and duplicitous relationship with the Doctor as Clara and the twealth doctor seem to have had. For me however, it was the lack of chemistry in the Clara/danny romance that really hurt the finale. It seemed Moffat was trying for a big romantic conclusion like Parting of the ways, but just didnt manage it because I never really got through the series that Clara liked danny that much. H
 er speech about dont say I love you it means nothign again almost seemed like the writers pointing out their own short falls because when Clara said this earlier it just didnt do much for me, not compared to Rose,  heck even when Amy said she loved Rory, or the Doctor it was at least convincing, even if shed switch her affections and start bitching the next second, and when I start comparing Clara favourably to Amy Pond you know! something is wronG. I suppose you could say Clara knows all the Doctors past from that crazy Timy wimy nonsense about Clara being woven through all the Doctors timestream or something, though I have no idea where four grand daughters came from, sinse as far as I know the Doctor has always and only had one and that is Susan. It might be some obscure meta reference to different origin stories or futures for Susan, but if so its a very obscure one that I dont recognize sinse as far as
  I know while there was an origin proposed in one of the novels, it was never followed up on and the audios are rather mysterious on who Susan exactly is, much less who her parents were. Likewise, last we heard Susan was still on 22nd century, post Dalek invasion earth. There is one of the 7th Doctor new adventure novels that had her steal the Masters tardis and then start travelling the time vortex, but firstly those Novels are now officially set in another universe from the universe of the audios and tv stories (which form a mostly continuous cannon), and secondly neither of these possible futures for Susan seas her lost unless something happened in the Time war which were not being told,  accept that now the time war mostly didnt happen either, or at least not the important emtoional consequence of missing Galifrey. As to the Scotish master, I suspect it was to counter the Scotish Doctor, rather the way that Tenant had Jon Sim as the maste
 r who was literally an evil version of the tenth doctor (they even looked and dressed rather alike), however it did seem a bit badly timed sinse if the master was going to be a woman, she/he is already different enough from The Doctor anyway, so why bother with the similarity? When Missy was revealed as having two hearts I actually wondered who she was. when she accused the Doctor of abandoning her I thought she might be the Doctors daughter previously mentioned having regenerated, or maybe even the woman from the end of time who facilitated the Doctors taking out of Rassilon.As to cross gender timelord reincarnation, well maybe this is leading to female doctor in four or five years, actually during the clara is the doctor moment I actually did wonder if that was the point, sinse then at least the Clara show would still be Doctor who . It also does open some very itneresting reappearences,  Romana as a guy? or maybe a male version of the Rani?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Beware! possible spoilers of spoiling again. Yep, I agree on the Clara eternally trusts the Doctor thing being annoying, though to be honest thats almost standard for a new who companion, indeed I think theyve all had speeches about how awsome the Doctor is and how hes their bestfriend/eternal love of the universe etc,  all that is with the possible exception of Donna. The audios have their moments too, though usually they are built on much more development and indeed they dont tend to give such moments to companions whove had as tempestuous and duplicitous relationship with the Doctor as Clara and the twealth doctor seem to have had. For me however, it was the lack of chemistry in the Clara/danny romance that really hurt the finale. It seemed Moffat was trying for a big romantic conclusion like Parting of the ways, but just didnt manage it because I never really got through the series that Clara liked danny that much. H
 er speech about dont say I love you it means nothign again almost seemed like the writers pointing out their own short falls because when Clara said this earlier it just didnt do much for me, not compared to Rose,  heck even when Amy said she loved Rory, or the Doctor it was at least convincing, even if shed switch her affections and start bitching the next second, and when I start comparing Clara favourably to Amy Pond you know! something is wronG. I suppose you could say Clara knows all the Doctors past from that crazy Timy wimy nonsense about Clara being woven through all the Doctors timestream or something, though I have no idea where four grand daughters came from, sinse as far as I know the Doctor has always and only had one and that is Susan. It might be some obscure meta reference to different origin stories or futures for Susan, but if so its a very obscure one that I dont recognize sinse as far as
  I know while there was an origin proposed in one of the novels, it was never followed up on and the audios are rather mysterious on who Susan exactly is, much less who her parents were. Likewise, last we heard Susan was still on 22nd century, post Dalek invasion earth. There is one of the 7th Doctor new adventure novels that had her steal the Masters tardis and then start travelling the time vortex, but firstly those Novels are now officially set in another universe from the universe of the audios and tv stories (which form a mostly continuous cannon), and secondly neither of these possible futures for Susan seas her lost unless something happened in the Time war which were not being told,  accept that now the time war mostly didnt happen either, or at least not the important emtoional consequence of missing Galifrey. As to the Scotish master, I suspect it was to counter the Scotish Doctor, rather the way that Tenant had Jon Sim as the maste
 r who was literally an evil version of the tenth doctor (they even looked and dressed rather alike), however it did seem a bit badly timed sinse if the master was going to be a woman, she/he is already different enough from The Doctor anyway, so why bother with the similarity? When Missy was revealed as having two hearts I actually wondered who she was. when she accused the Doctor of abandoning her I thought she might be the Doctors daughter previously mentioned having regenerated, or maybe even the woman from the end of time who facilitated the Doctors taking out of Rassilon. One weerdly appropriate thing did just occur to me however,  given Moffats standard flirt happy female character profile, isnt the name the mistress worryingly appropriate? .As to cross gender timelord reincarnation, well m
 aybe this is leading to female doctor in four or five years, actually during the clara is the doctor moment I actually did wonder if that was the point, sinse then at least the Clara show would still be Doctor who . It also does open some very itneresting reappearences,  Romana as a guy? or maybe a male version of the Rani?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Id love to see more regeneration gender switching, it has some potential to add diversity and refresh characters while offering some plot opportunities. I trust theyll do better than deep space nine with Daxs little incident which wasnt much more than an excuse to have two women snogging in the end. Seriously, I dont see why theres such a big fuss made out of lesbians, itd be like a butcher trying to sell me as a lifelong vegetarian a massive steak.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The problem Cx2 is that there isnt much after! first contact. I havent seen insurrection for years, and nemesis was hardly a superlative trek film, (I only have a copy because a friend of mine hated it so much he gave it me for nothing) , so usually when I think of tng I think of the tv series. Indeed, to be honest first contact has some nice bits, but I really dislike the way Picard is suddenly an action hero and the fact that the borg seemed so useless that an entire cube is blown up and theyre stoaways on the enterprise for the entire film. The Queen had her moments as a villainess, especially her interactions with data, but I always preferd the Borg as a faceless collective, it was one of the things that made them so scary. The two parter reintroducing the cybermen in New who series 2, though it was rather stretched out and had some issues did have a nice idea on this, sinse when a cyber leader is blown up you see a normal cyberman j
 ust bend down and download the files of the dead leader, turning his jug handles black and making him the new cyber leader. Indeed there the cyber leader was essentially not distinguished from standard cybermen at all, just the central component in a system.I actually think the design of the new cybermen was quite correct, huge, clomping and metallic, and definitely not human, even if they have been sort of reduced to rent a villain status, and the emotional weakness plot has been so over used it seems all you need to do to defeat the cybermen is start crying :d.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive now watched the forest episode, so here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilingness. I really enjoyed the start to this one and the initial idea. A little girl running through a forest in a red coat looking for the Doctor and then telling the Doctor the forest was really London. I was thinking future earth, transport across space or various other fun things, indeed it reminded me strongly of a bit from the impossible planet where Peri finds a ruined underground station in a forest on a planet that turns out to be earth. Also, huge credit for the writer in having a teaser (and something of a first half), that involved the Doctor needing to investigate a situation and not cutting between god knows how many locations one after another to show the supposed travels before the episode.The problem though is the longer this went on the worse it got. While Mave wasnt quite as depressingly wooden as Chloe from Fear her, lost little girl with amazing p
 sychic powers, she wasnt exactly riviting, neither did her powers really get explained much, indeed I wasnt sure whether the golden glowy insect things were her mind, were the trees communicating or what. While were on the subject of Mave, it also seemed a lot of the time the writer didnt know what to do with her. one minute shes chatting to the doctor about the Tardis like an adult in one of the more fun bits (I loved her, well I thought it was supposed to be bigger on the inside), the next shes running off for no reason. Likewise why the heck was she supposed to be running off in terror with the Doctor and Clara following but leaving a trail for them? The plot seemed to be going more and more contrived as time went on, though ill forgive the wild zoo animals for amusement value, however the solar flare just dragged out as if the writer had run out of ideas, indeed I didnt get why The Doctor, someone who has p
 reviously closed off gates to alternative universes, shot down planet destroying missiles and asteroids, piloted spaceships or used the tardis to redirect the energy of black holes was so helpless and fatalistic about the solar flare. I will give the writer credit for the setup of flame proof forest, but really it wouldve been better if the Doctor had! been going to do something about the flare but been prevented. While Clara didnt come across as quite as insufferable as usual (if you dont count danny pink), the Doctor was pretty useless, indeed if you look at the events here pretty much the same thing wouldve played out had the Doctor been completely absent.Now, onto the really! bad bit. What is it with Danny pink? All he seemed to do this episode was run around saying please, think of thee children link hellen loveoy from the Simpsons. I definitely approve of a male character being the one involved with looking after kids, but real
 ly what is wrong with the man! When the Doctor offered at the end of the episode to let him, and the kids, and Clara watch the solar flare and Danny was oh no, stay here yech! In the past The Doctor always hated that sort of closed minded attitude, especially with kids, look at the 9th Doctor with dickins.I actually find this a worrying tendency, to turn around and say look exploring the universe and marveling at things is wrong, just go and indulge in your little domestic family life with your kidsies and your social media its almost the antithesis of what Doctor who always was. And Danny, was it just me or did he come across as the kind of teacher you always really hated, the sort who kept trying to persuade you how cool he was, particularly with how he only seemed to actually interact with two of the kids, depressed girl and anger management boy who went from bully to sympathy so quick I thought he was schizophrenic. Over all no 
 where near as good as Matheson, making the Doctor quite useless and making me dislike Danny pink even more, despite some nice ideas. Btw, was it me, or wre there a huge number of self referencial lines in this episode where the writers were admitting on all their mistakes. You know, standard defenceless little girl, How can they be in love they just shout at each other, Oh hes the doctor, he gets like this before he does something clever, Its a sonic screw driver not a magic wand, Forest overnight doesnt matter, Humans, very good at forgettingThere were probably more of those, but those are what I remember. As one of my favourite reviews of Zombie simpsons put it just because you reference your writing problems in your writing doesnt make the problems go away, though it does provide a laugh.As to the teaser, well well see, to be honest if Cx2 hadnt drawn attent
 ion to it I probably wouldnt make more of it sinse Im too used to the Moffat style look, bad words! type of teasers. Really in terms of arc plot Ive not been impressed with Moffat sinse all his arcs havent worked out. The Neversphere has just sort of sat there looking

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive now watched the forest episode, so here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilingness. I really enjoyed the start to this one and the initial idea. A little girl running through a forest in a red coat looking for the Doctor and then telling the Doctor the forest was really London. I was thinking future earth, transport across space or various other fun things, indeed it reminded me strongly of a bit from the impossible planet where Peri finds a ruined underground station in a forest on a planet that turns out to be earth. Also, huge credit for the writer in having a teaser (and something of a first half), that involved the Doctor needing to investigate a situation and not cutting between god knows how many locations one after another to show the supposed travels before the episode.The problem though is the longer this went on the worse it got. While Mave wasnt quite as depressingly wooden as Chloe from Fear her, lost little girl with amazing p
 sychic powers, she wasnt exactly riviting, neither did her powers really get explained much, indeed I wasnt sure whether the golden glowy insect things were her mind, were the trees communicating or what. While were on the subject of Mave, it also seemed a lot of the time the writer didnt know what to do with her. one minute shes chatting to the doctor about the Tardis like an adult in one of the more fun bits (I loved her, well I thought it was supposed to be bigger on the inside), the next shes running off for no reason. Likewise why the heck was she supposed to be running off in terror with the Doctor and Clara following but leaving a trail for them? The plot seemed to be going more and more contrived as time went on, though ill forgive the wild zoo animals for amusement value. however the fairy tale business had to be made blatant (just in case someone didnt get it), the solar flare just dragged out as if t
 he writer had run out of ideas, indeed I didnt get why The Doctor, someone who has previously closed off gates to alternative universes, shot down planet destroying missiles and asteroids, piloted spaceships or used the tardis to redirect the energy of black holes was so helpless and fatalistic about the solar flare. I will give the writer credit for the setup of flame proof forest, but really it wouldve been better if the Doctor had! been going to do something about the flare but been prevented. While Clara didnt come across as quite as insufferable as usual (if you dont count danny pink), the Doctor was pretty useless, indeed if you look at the events here pretty much the same thing wouldve played out had the Doctor been completely absent.Now, onto the really! bad bit. What is it with Danny pink? All he seemed to do this episode was run around saying please, think of thee children link hellen loveoy from the Simpsons. I defin
 itely approve of a male character being the one involved with looking after kids, but really what is wrong with the man! When the Doctor offered at the end of the episode to let him, and the kids, and Clara watch the solar flare and Danny was oh no, stay here yech! In the past The Doctor always hated that sort of closed minded attitude, especially with kids, look at the 9th Doctor with dickins.I actually find this a worrying tendency, to turn around and say look exploring the universe and marveling at things is wrong, just go and indulge in your little domestic family life with your kidsies and your social media its almost the antithesis of what Doctor who always was. And Danny, was it just me or did he come across as the kind of teacher you always really hated, the sort who kept trying to persuade you how cool he was, particularly with how he only seemed to actually interact with two of the kids, depressed girl and anger management boy wh
 o went from bully to sympathy so quick I thought he was schizophrenic. Over all no where near as good as Matheson, making the Doctor quite useless and making me dislike Danny pink even more, despite some nice ideas. Btw, was it me, or wre there a huge number of self referencial lines in this episode where the writers were admitting on all their mistakes. You know, standard defenceless little girl, How can they be in love they just shout at each other, Oh hes the doctor, he gets like this before he does something clever, Its a sonic screw driver not a magic wand, Forest overnight doesnt matter, Humans, very good at forgettingThere were probably more of those, but those are what I remember. As one of my favourite reviews of Zombie simpsons put it just because you reference your writing problems in your writing doesnt make the problems go away, though it does provide a laugh.
 As to the teaser, well well see, to be honest if Cx2 hadnt drawn attention to it I probably wouldnt make more of it sinse Im too used to the Moffat style look, bad words! type of teasers. Really in terms of arc plot Ive not been impressed with Moffat sinse all his

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive now watched the forest episode, so here come the spoilers of spoilery spoilingness. I really enjoyed the start to this one and the initial idea. A little girl running through a forest in a red coat looking for the Doctor and then telling the Doctor the forest was really London. I was thinking future earth, transport across space or various other fun things, indeed it reminded me strongly of a bit from the impossible planet where Peri finds a ruined underground station in a forest on a planet that turns out to be earth. Also, huge credit for the writer in having a teaser (and something of a first half), that involved the Doctor needing to investigate a situation and not cutting between god knows how many locations one after another to show the supposed travels before the episode.The problem though is the longer this went on the worse it got. While Mave wasnt quite as depressingly wooden as Chloe from Fear her, lost little girl with amazing p
 sychic powers, she wasnt exactly riviting, neither did her powers really get explained much, indeed I wasnt sure whether the golden glowy insect things were her mind, were the trees communicating or what. While were on the subject of Mave, it also seemed a lot of the time the writer didnt know what to do with her. one minute shes chatting to the doctor about the Tardis like an adult in one of the more fun bits (I loved her, well I thought it was supposed to be bigger on the inside), the next shes running off for no reason. Likewise why the heck was she supposed to be running off in terror with the Doctor and Clara following but leaving a trail for them? The plot seemed to be going more and more contrived as time went on, though ill forgive the wild zoo animals for amusement value. however the fairy tale business had to be made blatant (just in case someone didnt get it), the solar flare just dragged out as if t
 he writer had run out of ideas, indeed I didnt get why The Doctor, someone who has previously closed off gates to alternative universes, shot down planet destroying missiles and asteroids, piloted spaceships or used the tardis to redirect the energy of black holes was so helpless and fatalistic about the solar flare. I will give the writer credit for the setup of flame proof forest, but really it wouldve been better if the Doctor had! been going to do something about the flare but been prevented. While Clara didnt come across as quite as insufferable as usual (if you dont count danny pink), the Doctor was pretty useless, indeed if you look at the events here pretty much the same thing wouldve played out had the Doctor been completely absent.Now, onto the really! bad bit. What is it with Danny pink? All he seemed to do this episode was run around saying please, think of thee children link hellen loveoy from the Simpsons. I defin
 itely approve of a male character being the one involved with looking after kids, but really what is wrong with the man! When the Doctor offered at the end of the episode to let him, and the kids, and Clara watch the solar flare and Danny was oh no, stay here yech! In the past The Doctor always hated that sort of closed minded attitude, especially with kids, look at the 9th Doctor with dickins.I actually find this a worrying tendency, to turn around and say look exploring the universe and marveling at things is wrong, just go and indulge in your little domestic family life with your kidsies and your social media its almost the antithesis of what Doctor who always was. And Danny, was it just me or did he come across as the kind of teacher you always really hated, the sort who kept trying to persuade you how cool he was, particularly with how he only seemed to actually interact with two of the kids, depressed girl and anger management boy wh
 o went from bully to sympathy so quick I thought he was boardering on schizophrenic. Over all no where near as good as Matheson, making the Doctor quite useless and making me dislike Danny pink even more, despite some nice ideas. And the less said about the treacle factor the better. I love emotional episodes if done well and there have been points of new who were Ive really been invested and quite affected but I hate being dragged through the syrup just for the sake of it, and this episode was pretty bad for that. Why the hell did they have to run into Maves sister at the end? What happened to you know, bad things happening and people having to cope? This is Doctor Who, not disney, (and even Disney has indulged in dark on occasions, Nemo, Lion King, Bamby etc).Not only does everybody live, all of the time, despite monsters or things that quite literally go bump in the night but arent anything to be scared of, but also any tragedy is redre
 ssable! Now I think about it, this is probably why I hate the treacle, sinse if you want me to be emotional and full of wonder and sadness and happiness,  well give me some actual dark stuff

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill check out Saturdays episode this week, likely tomorrow as has become something a traddition for me and my dad. Jo Ford has interestingly enough now reviewd Mummy on the Orient express on his blog Find it here Interestingly enough he was less keen on the episode, and raises some quite unique questions about explanation and Claras fickleness, indeed he disliked the ending rapup of orient express so much he rated it down. I find Jo ford interesting because unlike Stuart from he Who mones he generally likes things, indeed its quite interesting that he acknolidges all the problems with Moffat era who, but then has episodes he just accepts and quite likes on principle, indeed his higher opinion of The Eleventh hour, Mat Smiths first story almost makes me want to watch it again. Jo Ford actually is a great fan crytic because the
 re is no part of Doctor who he dislikes on principle, and he appreciates different takes on how the series should work from the novels, to the audios and classic and new series, however in that he will assess each episode, audio story or novel individually and give his opinions, summing up both good and bad points and giving an over all idea based on those. I dont always agree with either his conclusions or opinions, for example he disliked The Doctors daughter because he said she came across as flat, where as I felt she had an interesting spark with the Doctor with her being a created soldier who kills and trying to connect with The Tenth doctor on that. He also really liked Lucy Miller from the off in the new 8th Doctor audios, where as I personally didnt warm to her as a character at all and just liked how she was dealt with in the plot. But I appreciate reading Fords opinions, because he argues them well and in an interesting way. He al
 so, being both gay and self consciously camp (which are two different things), has some quite shallow and often rather Captain jack style comments about the looks of various characters, in particular how pretty he finds the male ones, though he reserves these for a specific section of the reviews at the endas a little bit of comedy. Oh, and Id also recommend checking out his startrek reviews, in particular I find it interesting that he has a fairly low opinion of a lot of next gen, and dislikes many of the characters such as Deanna, nosey parker stating the obvious Troi, and Picard the moralizing, though admitedly highly charismatic captain. On the other hand he loves ds9. As I said, I dont always agree, but I find his opinions interesting, well argued and often quite funny.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill check out Saturdays episode this week, likely tomorrow as has become something of a regular thing for me and my dad. Jo Ford has now reviewd Mummy on the Orient express on his blog Find it here Interestingly enough he was less keen on the episode, and raises some quite unique questions about explanation and Claras fickleness, indeed he disliked the ending rapup of orient express so much he rated it down. I find Jo ford interesting because unlike Stuart from he Who mones he generally likes things, indeed its quite interesting that he acknolidges all the problems with Moffat era who, but then has episodes he just accepts and quite likes on principle, indeed his higher opinion of The Eleventh hour, Mat Smiths first story almost makes me want to watch it again. Jo Ford actually is a great fan crytic because there is no part o
 f Doctor who he dislikes on principle, and he appreciates different takes on how the series should work from the novels, to the audios and classic and new series, however in that he will assess each episode, audio story or novel individually and give his opinions, summing up both good and bad points and giving an over all idea based on those. I dont always agree with either his conclusions or opinions, for example he disliked The Doctors daughter because he said she came across as flat, where as I felt she had an interesting spark with the Doctor with her being a created soldier who kills and trying to connect with The Tenth doctor on that. He also really liked Lucy Miller from the off in the new 8th Doctor audios, where as I personally didnt warm to her as a character at all and just liked how she was dealt with in the plot. But I appreciate reading Fords opinions, because he argues them well and in an interesting way. He also, being both 
 gay and self consciously camp (which are two different things), has some quite shallow and often rather Captain jack style comments about the looks of various characters, in particular how pretty he finds the male ones, though he reserves these for a specific section of the reviews at the endas a little bit of comedy. Oh, and Id also recommend checking out his startrek reviews, in particular I find it interesting that he has a fairly low opinion of a lot of next gen, and dislikes many of the characters such as Deanna, nosey parker stating the obvious Troi, and Picard the moralizing, though admitedly highly charismatic captain. On the other hand he loves ds9. As I said, I dont always agree, but I find his opinions interesting, well argued and often quite funny.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill check out Saturdays episode this week, likely tomorrow as has become something of a regular thing for me and my dad. Jo Ford has now reviewd Mummy on the Orient express on his blog Find it here Interestingly enough he was less keen on the episode, and raises some quite unique questions about explanation and Claras fickleness, indeed he disliked the ending rapup of orient express so much he rated it down. I find Jo ford interesting because unlike Stuart from he Who mones he generally likes things, indeed its quite interesting that he acknolidges all the problems with Moffat era who, but then has episodes he just accepts and quite likes despite other issues with the over all format, indeed his higher opinion of The Eleventh hour, Mat Smiths first story almost makes me want to watch it again. Jo Ford actually is a great fan 
 crytic because there is no part of Doctor who he dislikes on principle, and he appreciates different takes on how the series should work from the novels, to the audios and classic and new series, however in that he will assess each episode, audio story or novel individually and give his opinions, summing up both good and bad points and giving an over all rating based on those (hes a reviewer who hands out a range of scores, not just 1 out of 10 or 9 Ill check out Saturdays episode this week, likely tomorrow as has become something a traddition for me and my dad. Jo Ford has interestingly enough now reviewd Mummy on the Orient express on his blog Find it here Interestingly enough he was less keen on the episode, and raises some quite unique questions about explanation and Claras fickleness, indeed he disliked the ending rapup of orient express so m
 uch he rated it down. I find Jo ford interesting because unlike Stuart from he Who mones he generally likes things, indeed its quite interesting that he acknolidges all the problems with Moffat era who, but then has episodes he just accepts and quite likes on principle, indeed his higher opinion of The Eleventh hour, Mat Smiths first story almost makes me want to watch it again. Im not utterly convinced as Ford that the Moffat era problems are so easily ignored myself, indeed this is why I dont own anything beyond the end of the 10th doctors era on dvd and why Id probably not myself rate any of the Moffat era episodes higher than around a 7, but I enjoy fords take on things.Jo Ford actually is a great fan crytic because there is no part of Doctor who he dislikes on principle, and he appreciates different ways the series should work from the novels, to the audios and classic and new series, however within that he will asse
 ss each episode, audio story or novel individually and give his opinions, summing up both good and bad points and giving an over all conclusion and rating out of 10 based on those points. I dont always agree with either his conclusions or opinions, for example he disliked The Doctors daughter because he said she came across as flat, where as I felt she had an interesting spark with the Doctor with her being a created soldier who kills and trying to connect with The Tenth ddespite octor that. He also really liked Lucy Miller from the off in the new 8th Doctor audios, where as I personally didnt warm to her as a character at all and just liked how she was dealt with in the plot. But I appreciate reading , because he argues them well and in an interesting way. He also, being both gay and self consciously camp (which are two different things), has some quite shallow and often rather Captain jack style comments about the looks of various charact
 ers, in particular how pretty he finds the male ones, though he reserves these for a specific section of the reviews at the endas a little bit of comedy. Oh, and Id also recommend checking out his startrek reviews, in particular I find it interesting that he has a fairly low opinion of a lot of next gen, and dislikes many of the characters such as Deanna, nosey parker stating the obvious Troi, and Picard the moralizing, though admitedly highly charismatic captain. On the other hand he loves ds9. As I said, I dont always agree, but I find his opinions interesting, well argued and often quite funny.out of 10 which is always a good thing). I dont always agree with either his conclusions or opinions, for example he disliked The Doctors daughter because he said she came across as flat, where as I felt she had an interesting spark with the Doctor with her being a created soldier who kills and trying to connect with The Tenth doctor o
 n that. He also really liked Lucy Miller from the off in the new 8th Doctor audios, where as I personally didnt warm to her as a character at all and just liked how she was dealt with in the plot. But I appreciate reading Fords opinions, because he argues them well and in an interesting way. He also, being both gay and self consciously camp (which are two different things), has some quite shallow

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill check out saturdays episode later this week, likely tomorrow as has become something of a regular thing for me and my dad. Jo Ford has now reviewd Mummy on the Orient express on his blog Find it here Interestingly enough he was less keen on the episode, and raises some quite unique questions about explanation and Claras fickleness, indeed he disliked the ending rapup of orient express so much he rated it down. I find Jo ford interesting because unlike Stuart from he Who mones he generally likes things, indeed he acknolidges all the problems with Moffat era who, but then has episodes he just accepts and quite likes on principle, indeed his higher opinion of The Eleventh hour, Mat Smiths first story almost makes me want to watch it again. Im not utterly convinced as Ford that the Moffat era problems are so easily ignored myself, i
 ndeed this is why I dont own anything beyond the end of the 10th doctors era on dvd and why Id probably not myself rate any of the Moffat era episodes higher than around a 7-10, but I enjoy fords take on things.Jo Ford actually is a great fan crytic because there is no part of Doctor who he dislikes on principle, and he appreciates different ways the series should work from the novels, to the audios and classic and new series, however within that he will assess each episode, audio story or novel individually and give his opinions, summing up both good and bad points and giving an over all conclusion and rating out of 10 based on those points. I dont always agree with either his conclusions or opinions, for example he disliked The Doctors daughter because he said she came across as flat, where as I felt she had an interesting spark with the tenth Doctor with her being a created soldier who kills and trying to connect with T
 he Doctor despite that. He also really liked Lucy Miller from the start in the new 8th Doctor audios, where as I personally didnt warm to her as a character at all and just liked how she was dealt with in the plot. But I appreciate reading his thoughts, because he argues them well and in an interesting way. He also, being both gay and self consciously camp (which are two different things), has some quite shallow rather Captain jack style comments about the looks of various characters, in particular how pretty he finds the male ones, though he reserves these for a specific section of the reviews at the end as a little bit of comedy. Oh, and Id also recommend checking out his startrek reviews, in particular I find it interesting that he has a fairly low opinion of a lot of next gen, and dislikes many of the characters such as Deanna, nosey parker stating the obvious Troi, and Picard the moralizing, though admitedly highly charismatic captain. On the oth
 er hand he loves ds9. As I said, I dont always agree, but I find his opinions interesting, well argued and often quite funny.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ill have to take a look at his star trek reviews, I personally did find Troi rather irritating through the series though she did loosen up a bit in the films. In fact Id say from First Contact on they all seemed to be much happier in their roles but thats another matter.I admit I was rather offput at first by Lucy Millers accent which I found a little annoying but she seems a decent enough character, she is definitely handled well. R4 extra just hit the episode titled Lucy Miller which was an interesting look at how the characters got on without the Doctor, though Im not really sure what to make of Tamzin. I know when she had a brief tiff with Lucy I was almost wanting to scream at Lucy Tell her the b***ard left you to die but for whatever reason she didnt and Tamzin went off thinking the Monk was a good guy, it remains to be seen just how or why she managed to believe him through all that mess.As for the teaser for nex
 t week, we have another possible exit for Clara but I thought that had happened after Kill the Moon so its not guaranteed. There seems to be some kind of plot twist at work and my immediate reaction is oh god not another River is Amys daughter style moment again. Fingers crossed it wont be too stupid. Im sure youll realise what I mean when you see the teaser at the episode end yourself on Tuesday.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well regarding Jo fords thoughts on Startrek, funnily enough happiness was one of his cryticisms of Tng, namely that everyone gets on far too well,  and not just in the first few seasons infected by Jean Roddenberrys imperial fluffiness. he also liked Ds9 because he feels Next Gen was hippocrytical in trying to be multicultural and then having the Federation impose their morality and Be like a human philosophy on every other culture, which was interesting to read. Im not sure to what extent I agree but I thought he did bring up some good points, particularly about characters,  though I disagree with him on Dr. Bev Crusher being the blandest and worst acted character on the series, but then again Ive always had  well a bit of a crush (ha ha), on her. With respect to Lucy I didnt mind her accent at all, indeed growing up in Nottingham with my parents and often going on visits to places around the North counties (incl
 uding Blackpool and Skegness), Lancashire accents are somethig that sound very natural to me (I can do a pretty fair Stanley Holloway myself). What annoyed me with Lucy is she seemed basically an architype of the new series companion and just to be in the audios to appeal to people who expect the Doctor to travel around with someone like Rose or Donna. Low income, disfunctional family, very gobby, isnt phased by time travel but secretly enjoys it. Fortunately sinse the plotting of the audios is far better than the new series in character terms she both had interesting things to do without being the timie wimie center of the universe, and also had a believable relationship with the Doctor rather than either treating him like an idiot or worshipping the ground he walked on. Indeed, I believe when these were first heired Donna was the current companion of the 10th Doctor and the similarities between Donna and lucy are quite striking,  both catapulted into the Do
 ctors tardis unexpectedly, both starting off antagonistic to the doctor but growing to be friends though not anything more, both with families they generally dont get on with but with one older family member who they are very close to and who is also a friend of the Doctors. Oh yeah, and both having a final story with the Daleks involving all significant characters of the previous series coming together, in a huge alliance including a past close companion of the Doctor from the classic series who is now older and her younger boy assistant, and a previous companion of the Doctor who has gone her separate way after being mixed up with another less than moral time lord rival of the doctors, both even involve having to persuade the Doctor to leave a planet full of squid people and continue travelling :d. Okay, I admit some of those are a bit of a stretch but you get my point :d. As to clara, oh god, I hope not more! reasons why Cl
 ara is the center of all creation and the Doctor is just her little timie wimie shofer, especially if this goes into claras silly relationship with Danny tocan boy Pink, (really can Moffat have a relationship of people who just get on because they like each other and not because theyre actually each others future selves parents bought back in time, FReud would love! him). I laughed when jo Ford called the twist of Amy Ponds daughter actually being her best friend who she grew up with and Amy utterly dismissing all the implications of this not just timie wimie, but perversie wersie :d.Then again you cant say much from new series trailers. A lot of lines and even sets often seem to be in the new series episodes just to show up in the trailers for next time and hook people, and lets face it if Moffat Who has one thing it does know how to do its spill out the ominous and vaguely revelatory words (shame they dont actually reve
 al anything of significance).On the plus side, well Im deliberately not commentning on Tamsin or the Story Lucy Miller sinse the next part is pretty amazing and goes down as one of the best finales in audio who,  possibly even in Doctor who generally.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think the universe is about to implode or something because Im worrying about how much of a spoiler to give about a teaser. The long and the short of it is if the significant line from the teaser is correct then the entire relationship between Clara and the Doctor has been a lie, and what impact this has on Danny Pink Ive no idea.Unless the line was a ploy by someone trying to trick the Doctor, which is very possible, then Clara will have to go poof and disappear. No ifs, no buts.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think the universe is about to implode or something because Im worrying about how much of a spoiler to give about a teaser. The long and the short of it is if the significant line from the teaser is correct then the entire relationship between Clara and the Doctor has been a lie, and what impact this has on Danny Pink Ive no idea.Unless the line was a ploy by someone trying to trick the Doctor, which is very possible, then Clara will have to go poof and disappear. No ifs, no buts.Oh and I meant the TNG actors were happier with their characters. I dont know if it was just me but I noticed a definite shift in acting quality, it felt far more natural from First Contact onward. DS9 was very good though, even though the finale was crap.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hmmm, I always felt the first few series of startrek were more stilted, but I tended to blaime that on the writing more than the acting, indeed I personaly find I critique script negatively and performance more positively in general, although there are exceptions, (like Troi I sound like a vampire, and those dreadful first series firengi).It reminds me of a story i heard that apparently in the original terminator, Reece was supposed to be the super buff hard core body builder type, and the Terminator was supposed to be a very normal average looking human who happened to be a robot under human skin. Arny apparently auditioned for the part of Reese, and,  well can you imagine it: ai, am, reece, Ai, haf, com, from, da, future, to sev, you, Sarah. Ai, Laaav you (sorry if my attempt to write out the Schwarzenegger accent didnt come across).I can just see the director banging his head against the wall going hay, is this guy a robot
 ? Then suddenly deciding to recast the film . Getting back to Doctor who, well it wouldnt surprise me if the Moff pulls another one of his nonsensical twists, just like retconning the time war or changing the Doctors death on trensalore even though the reason the doctor went there in the first place was because he died there and found his grave, or oh look, all that stuff about silence will fall was because of a random splinter group and the silents are suddenly your friends and lets forget about all that last question malarchy. I dont know why people call Moffats plot twists clever, trying to be clever is more accurate, as Stuart said it really is like watching those parody tv programs on Futurama. On the other hand, anything promising clara to stop existing gets good point in my book, hay maybe Moffat will unretcon
  the retcon of the time war :d. Still Ill save my ire for when Ive actually seen it, and I dont just mean the teaser, but the episode. The Moff has failed to deliver on every single one of his over complex ridiculously circuatous plots with more holes than a fishing net made out of Gouder cheese, so hay even if the Teaser had Clara saying Well Doctor Im sorry I used my freddy Kruger claws to pull out that mans tonsils but he did look at me the wrong way, oh and by the way that coat your wearing is actually the skin of people I secretly murdered on our travels - well Id still expect it to turn out to have little or no significance. If youve heard the first series of new 8th doctor audios, youve seen how a propper time and character plot with significance should work, and how one should be resolved. speaking of Lucy Miller, let me know when youve heard the last episode, Id be interes
 ted to know what you think.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Thus why I said the change in TNG acting was from the film First Contact, after the series had ended. That was also I believe the first film directed by Jonathan Frakes who played Riker so that may have helped too.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

And Stuart has done his thing with flatline Find it here Interestingly enough, he agrees with me on the Clara thing, and I found his comments on this being yet another opportunity for the Doctor to learn something where as it shouldve been for Clara interesting. I dont agree with him on similarities between Clara dn Rose, sinse while rose did have moments of high compitance and doing the same thing the Doctor did, firstly she never made the Doctor out to be an idiot while doing it, and secondly she was never quite as perfectly smug and satisfied. I agree with him on the monsters here being a great concept, but I didnt like his comments on monti python logic or the way he tosses around the word escapism which is really one of the most ill defined terms of cryticism out there (indeed Ive had it in mind to
  write an essay on it). Monti python exists for craziness, and while its craziness often played streight as if it had some sort of order, there fundamentally isnt a lot of logic to it. Doctor Whos craziness should be at least internally consistant within the logic of the program. For example, the Doctor moving the tardis with his hand is a wonderful idea, but it stems from the shrunken tardis and the idea that dimentional energy has been leached from it. As I said earlier, it doesnt matter how it works, it just matters that there is an internally consistant explanation as to whySometimes Doctor who (even in the audios), goes a little over this line, but for me Flatline didnt because all the points were basically setup in a consistant way. people vanish on housing estate, clara gets through with psychic paper and looking official (sinse hay, occasionally people just arent that curious), monsters are in 2D, becom
 e 3D and monkey with tardis dimentions, and sinse the tardis is dimentionally transcendental (its in the name), we can accept the consequence of this. This is why as I said earlier I wish the solution the Doctor employed also went along the dimentional route rather than just using a magic force field.Getting back to stuart I do agree with him both this episode and orient express shouldve been earlier in the run, indeed if these two followed deep breath Id be a lot more positive about the series and the twelth doctor.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Oh Im sure Stuart will have a lot to say about Flatline which should be entertaining.One thing thats bugging me this season is the overuse of Claras mobile, though I can excuse it in Flatline since she was at least in Britain in the modern day which I dont think is really a spoiler. Previous occasions where companions used their mobile phone while in the Tardis tended to be sparing but the Moph seems to be going way over the top with it, it feels like Claras on the phone to Danny from random location every five minutes. Oh and the Doctor never realised Clara was lieing about Danny being okay with her travelling with the Doctor again? Shes not that good a liar.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I never noticed the phone thing, but you are right on that one. Then again what do you expect for a companion who so much loves travelling in time and space that she demands the doctor take her home every day so she can go and do her job as a teacher and go on dates with Danny Pink who she,  , loves or something, just possibly not enough to give him the chance to explore time and space. Its odd, in the Russel era I sometimes felt he over did the look how wonderful! it is traveling with the Doctor complete with longs speaches about how fantastic everything was and then interspersing them with the over all crumminess of live on earth,  he really only got the balance right later on. However with Moffat it almost feels the opposite way around, like travelling time and space isnt as important as your day job or supposedly being in a relationship which of course cant possibly happen off earth, indeed for all his timie wimieness, I actuall
 y cant think of an occasion Moffat has had an assistant go through something major off earth that has changed their character or had an impact on their attitude to the world at large, it seems that theyre the same person stepping into the tardis as steps out and all the important development stuff goes on either off screen on earth in some domestic setting,  Rory and Amys devorce and then make up for example, or still worse, just involves the character yelling at the doctor and then storming off, ie, clara! Indeed, it sort of worries me with the way Moffat just has the doctor suddenly arrive with random people who may or may not count as assistants like the egyptian queen and game hunter guy in asylum of the Daleks or the random kids in Nightmare in Silver. Its as though how he meets them and how traveling with the Doctor affected them doesnt matter, theyre just part of the silly adventures in time, as if their real lives and developmen
 t stand still while theyre off with the Doctor and what happens with the doctor is just a dream that doesnt really matter much. The Clara lies thing is very annoying, and extremely confusing sinse your right, Clara is a terrible liar, though then again Moffat does seem to think the Doctor is stupid beside Clara. I also dont really see the point of the hole thing, sinse why the hell would clara lie to danny about travelling with the Doctor when he seems to blatantly know she does, and why the hell would she lie to the doctor that Danny didnt want her to travel with him, when she pretty much told the Doctor what a git he was and it was obvious she! didnt want to travel with him,  at least not until after orient express. this feels so much like the boromir double agent flashback in two towers, where someone on the management staff (possibly moffat), says we need some emotional tention! I know have this happen, sinse lies are awsome! 
 without actually thinking why characters would be lying in this situation or if it made sense for them to do so. If you want to see some plots about lies to do with working with aliens done properly, check out Torchwood, particularly sinse generally all the lying pretty much just digs people into deeper holes and you get to see the walls just comee tumbling down in quite entertaning ways that leave things in a different state afterwards, (especially with Gwen, her husband reese, and jack).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the Moff has apparently beenon record saying that he thinks the assistants are the more interesting characters than the Doctor and the show is about them, so its official, this is! the Clara show. I dont actually mind romance when done well, but its just another element in a story not the focus. Rose and the 9th Doctor never really felt romantic exactly, more sort of progressively close friends particularly with how Rose was needed to stop the 9th doctor being a total scumbag and her relationship with Micky was sort of nicely, or rather direly ordinary and pointless. Rose and the tenth doctor Il forgive sinse it can happen once, and hay if the Doctor is going to fall for anyone the person who showed him life had a point after the Time war and stopped him destroying earth does make sense, plus the two of them actually seemed to get on! Actually thinking about it, that seems to be Moffats main flaw and why he cant right re
 lationships, hes so busy trying to do clever clever timie wimie plots and witty banter that he forgets about people actually liking each other either as friends, still more as romantic partners. He wants to push the epic romance button but when its got no chemistry or even attraction it just seems completely pointless,  quite aside from the fact I cant actually think of a female main character hes ever created who isnt a manipulative self obsessed cow, --- oh yeah, Clara wasnt a cow when she had no personality. As I said the woman kind you decide line from day of the moon was rather telling. The sad thing is Doctor who can do romance dam well, either with guest characters or companions, provided its setup and there is enough time to actually see the relationship, or even with the Doctor provided there is enough time given to the relationship and that there is a reason for the thousand odd year old time lord to ac
 tually be interested not just she looks hot which seems to be Moffats main approach to romance. Danny and Clara has to be the most rushedd unattractive romance in the history of Doctor who sinse honestly do these people seem to like each other? I ahve also been reading Jo Fords reviews who is a little more positive than Stuart and he has some interesting comments on Amy and rory, and the fact that we see all their relationship bits off screen, very different from Rose and her family, indeed the more Moffat I watch the more I remember that Russel, for all his attempts to turn the Doctor into space Jesus and some rather over the top finales did at least have characters you really cared about, and wasnt afraid to have bad stuff happen to them that didnt just get retconed out of existance. When New who started I was pretty much unimpressed, indeed I remember watching the introduction in rose and thinking what the hell? why is 
 the Doctor a git in a leather jacket who barely knows what is going on, and what is all this anxt! end of the world went some way to changing my idea, sinse the doctor got the its your time comment to Cassandra that felt very Doctorish, and we did at least get to explore a really nice location with lots of random aliens, for all I felt the emotion of look how wanderful it was was a bit much. As the series went on I did warm to things more and I genuinely enjoyed the conclusion, so that going into series two I became a Tenant fan for all there were moments of cheese or plot resolutions with an instafix that made me squirm, (i remember being quite appauled at Tenants introduction in the Christmas invasion), and occasions that everything felt too rushed, or that characters were engaging in sappy melodrama. Now however Im finding that even my objection to more of Davies excesses is fading, sinse hay at least the m
 an wrote plots that made sense and characters who you cared about, who genuinely were! in danger.Btw, my dad told me apparently the channel Encore from the 2nd of November is showing all the Doctor whos from Pertwee onwards, so if you want to catch up on Classic who now is the time (I certainly plan to, and to bang some on dvd), though i dont know about audio descriptions. I am of course also carrying on my march through the audios, and am currently on Davros, a story that explores the creator of the Daleks by having him work along side the 6th Doctor for a huge galactic corporation, with terrifying corporate speech and some quite accurate and grim thoughts on economics and how the fat cats behave. its also an awsome story, one of bfs best and one Ive actually heard a couple of times more than the others having listened to it with a friend of mine whos a major Davros fan, though that shant stop me from hearing it again and stil
 l thinking its awsome.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Spoiler alert for FlatlineI agree the Doctor didnt feel incompetent like he has done sometimes, I just felt a little bit like he was sidelined. Aside from some amusing jokes early on the whole Clara pretends to be the doctor thing just seemed kinda meh to me, especially when the Doctor was taken out of the equation for a while. That said it is a long way from the worst this series has seen and like you said if all the episodes were of the standard of orient express or thereabouts Flatline would have been a decent enough episode to mix in, or even if the series was mainly at the standard of Flatline with a few episodes of Orient Express standard mixed in.And yes, Danny Pink is a pudding brain. Ive felt that most of the time to be honest but then I have fondness for neither PE nor maths teachers, especially since my secondary school maths teacher was primarily a PE teacher.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Possible orient express spoilage ahoy!Well I personally never had much against Pe or maths teachers, with Danny though I really dont get this not being in the Tardis thing, and this business of Clara supposedly lying to him about it. With Micky Smith in the first series with the 9th doctor it was pretty obvious why he wasnt travelling with the Doctor and that he didnt particularly want to either, indeed it took Sarah Jane turning up and improving him as a character to change this. With Danny though, apart from the fact he never seems to deserve the way Clara treats him, it just feels like there is no reason he isnt travelling in the tardis, indeed if I were Clara my first suggestion would be that he did! travel with the Doctor to try and sort out his problem with whatever he supposedly did in the army, and dont tell me its all because the Doctor doesnt like soldiers sinse Clara planely thinks the doctor is an idiot most of the time 
 and wouldnt mind overruling him, (and the Doctor Doesnt like soldiers thing is so stupid anyway). I have seen episodes without the Doctor before and they usually work. Turn left, which had no doctor, Blink, which didnt even have the assistant, Love and monsters which most who fans hate but I thought had some nice points which didnt have either the doctor or the assistant. Heck, there is an audio called Death in the famly in which the doctor literally dies and the episode follows Hex and Ace sorting things out and eventually getting the Doctor back, which doesnt feature him at all. The problem with flatline is that that sort of episode only works as a break when were used to the Doctor turning up and saving the day and are wondering about how the assistant will do it. The problem is pre orient express the Doctor was made out to be so inneffective, and Clara so awsome Flatline just didnt have the impact it shoul
 dve done, sinse how is Clara saving the day in the doctors absense so different from Clara saving the day in the face of the Doctors idiocy? I dont think Matheson is doing anything else this season, which is a shame sinse both of his episodes were the best of the twealth doctor thus far, heck if most of the series were the quality of orient epress I might even believe the twelth doctor exists . So well see what next week brings, and Im sure stewart will have some fun comments about Clara on Flatline.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Possible orient express spoilage ahoy!Well I personally never had much against Pe or maths teachers, with Danny though I really dont get this not being in the Tardis thing, and this business of Clara supposedly lying to him about it. With Micky Smith in the first series with the 9th doctor it was pretty obvious why he wasnt travelling with the Doctor and that he didnt particularly want to either, indeed it took Sarah Jane turning up and improving him as a character to change this. With Danny though, apart from the fact he never seems to deserve the way Clara treats him, and that they have about as much mutual respect as two pub brawlers, it just feels like there is no reason he isnt travelling in the tardis, indeed if I were Clara my first suggestion would be that he did! travel with the Doctor to try and sort out his problem with whatever he supposedly did in the army, and dont tell me its all because the Doctor doesnt like soldier
 s sinse Clara planely thinks the doctor is an idiot most of the time and wouldnt mind overruling him, (and the Doctor Doesnt like soldiers thing is so stupid anywaway). I disagree that the orient express change to flatline was a quality shift, it was more a matter of focus. I have seen episodes without the Doctor before and they usually work. Turn left, which had no doctor, Blink, which didnt even have the assistant, Love and monsters which most who fans hate but I thought had some nice points which didnt have either the doctor or the assistant. Heck, there is an audio called Death in the famly in which the doctor literally dies and the episode follows Hex and Ace sorting things out and eventually getting the Doctor back, which doesnt feature him at all. The problem with flatline is that that sort of episode only works as a break when were used to the Doctor turning up and saving the day and are wondering about how 
 the assistant will do it. The problem is pre orient express the Doctor was made out to be so inneffective, and Clara so awsome Flatline just didnt have the impact it shouldve done, sinse how is Clara saving the day in the doctors absense so different from Clara saving the day in the face of the Doctors idiocy? I also think the clara being the Doctor and doing the sort of things the doctor usually does would have worked, well if the Doctor had actually done any of that this season. For example the bit where the doctor was telling Clara to lead the grou besieged by the monstersp, I actually actually think of an occasion this season where the Doctor has done that without little miss perfect over ruling him and showing herself to be far better at everything look at into the Dalek where its made out the doctor cant deal with real humans at all because of this irrational hatred he has with creatures that have caused countrless massacr
 es and attrocities, killed the Doctors own people (among many other races), want to wipe out all other life beside themselves (yeah Clara, The Doctor is a bad, bad man for hating those and clearly not able to lead the military expedition).As I said, with any other pre eleventh doctor and assistant it probably wouldve worked, heck it might have even worked with the dispicable Amy pond, (she might have been a s/xually over active cow, but at least she acknolidged the Doctor was actually compitant), but with Clara, well how is her being effective any different from how she usually is?I dont think Matheson is doing anything else this season, which is a shame sinse both of his episodes were the best of the twealth doctor thus far, heck if most of the series were the quality of orient express I might even believe the twelth doctor exists in the canon . So well see what next week brings, though the trailers showing the kiddy team in the woods werent incouraging, (especially given that now the Doctor is apparently terrible with children without the impossibly smug girl ), and Im sure stewart will have some fun comments about Claras performance on Saturday.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Jameson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That is
  certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which t
 his episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who defe
 ats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neithe
 r did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Jameson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That is
  certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which t
 his episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who defe
 ats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neithe
 r did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ive watched flatline now so here is my verdict. needless to say spoilers spoilers spoilers! I Can see what you mean Cx2 about Flatline being the Clara show, however funnily enough i didnt feel this as much, sinse while the Doctor was in a position of less prominance he was not made to look stupid and ineffective. Actually this reminded me in some ways of Torchwood, where youd have Jack Gwen and co out in the field and either ianto or Toshico back at the Hub providing information and tech support but also definitely part of the action. the dynamic here for the Doctor and Clara actually seemed right sinse though Clara was moderately abrupt, at least she didnt make the Doctor out to be a complete idiot, though I didnt like the fact we were once again back to invincible, never frightened, imposibly smug and self satisfied girl, it took quite a bit of tention out of the episode and made the hole clara plays the doctor thing feel pre
 tty,  well flat, sinse you knew she was going to succeed, it was a million miles from say the point in The Christmas invasion when Rose stands up to the Sickorax and tries to persuade them to leave but is also planely terrified. I did however really like the fact that this time we actually had time spent on the tention, and while I did wish we got some better secondary characters the monsters were certainly some of the most unique concepts Ive seen in the series for a while, and they were adequately explained and demonstrated in one episode, (in some ways a better realized monster than the Mummy last week). Ill give Matheson credit for actually conceiving an interesting monster, delivering enough information in one episode and actually having the monster kill people. Right from the first scene of the monster vanishing its victim, I was waiting for the and look we can get people back with my ultimate gismo and once again everybody lives That i
 s certainly what the Moff or his usual crew wouldve done, and credit to Jamie Matheson for not taking the easy way out and actually having death, even if rather sanitized death. Ill also admit the resolution was good. Right from the first appearence of the graffiti, I knew that Rigsy would wind up defeating the monsters by painting, but the solution of the painting of the false door was genuinely clever. That being said, I dont like the idea that the Doctor is just the guy who appears and vanquishes the monsters with techno babble. Really this is something the new series gets wrong. The doctor is a being from an advanced civilization and has a vast technical knolidge, however sufficiently advanced technology is not a substitute for magic, and if we cannot understand at least the basics of what the Doctor is doing it just looks like he points his finger/sonic screw driver and says Demon begone! The idea that this is what the Doctor is which 
 this episode went into isnt a nice one,  a far cry from the First Doctor working out that the Daleks use static electricity for power and defeating one of them by insulating it with a rubber rain coat. of course Classic who had its techno solutions as well, and not all were successful, but new who seems to do it every day. Id have been far happier if the Doctor for example used a holographic projector to produce a 3D image of a landscape around the creatures, then had Rigsy paint the 3D image into 2D thus converting the creatures back into two dimentions. We dont have to know exactly how! it works, but the solution has to be logical enough for us to accept why it works, otherwise it just feels like a cheap deus ex. All that being said, this was one of the few occasions when one of the new series I am the doctor and I am awsome speaches from Capaldi works! sinse hay, just saying I am the doctor and I am the one who def
 eats the monsters is a lot more effective than Moffats usual the doctor is the storm and the lightning and the begining and the end and the lord of all bad poetic metaphores that we have been subjected to fr! too often, (quite frequently in place of a propper plot solution). As to Danny Pink, well this stuff with Clara lying just seems confusing! If Danny doesnt know shes travelling in the Tardis, then he really is a pudding brain of the first order, though I actually would like to see Clara get shafted just once sinse Im getting a little sick of this clara can do no wrong attitude. I also didnt really get the clara is the Doctor thing either, sinse all she seemed to do was take charge of a group, and then come up with a genuinely clever solution to bring back the real doctor who defeated the monsters with usual techno babble ease, given what she did it sort of didnt make sense, neith
 er did the the doctor is dark! Actually i do wish there was an episode which showed the Doctor doing something really nasty, or at least something which there would be a legitimate reason to object to or an alternative view just

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Beware orient express spoilers! That is true, however there is also something fundamentally wrong about using people as a means and lying to them in order to do that. This is a very Doctorish thing to do, and something that the 7th doctor in particular was famous for, however its still not particularly a good moral way to behave, especially the lying sinse had Mazy died,shed have died believing the Doctor was about to save her. As I saidthough, im quite pleased for character progression that Clara didnt get on her high horse about this one even though this is about the only time in the series when she might have been justified in doing so rather than telling the Doctor off for not liking handsome robin hood, or how bad a person he is for disliking the most evil distructive race in the galaxy, or still worse, telling him what a silly billy he is for being afraid of the dark. Hopefully Claras bitching will be reduced next episode at
  least even though Ive got a nasty suspicion itll be back as soon as the Moff or one of his standard writers gets back in the chair.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Beware orient express spoilers! That is true, however there is also something fundamentally wrong about using people as a means and lying to them in order to do that. This is a very Doctorish thing to do, and something that the 7th doctor in particular was famous for, (indeed his last two big finish stories have both featured something of this), however its still not particularly a good moral way to behave, especially the lying sinse had Mazy died,shed have died believing the Doctor was about to save her. As I saidthough, im quite pleased for character progression that Clara didnt get on her high horse about this one even though this is about the only time in the series when she might have been justified in doing so rather than telling the Doctor off for not liking handsome robin hood, or how bad a person he is for disliking the most evil distructive race in the galaxy, or still worse, telling him what a silly billy he is for being afraid of t
 he dark. Hopefully Claras bitching will be reduced next episode at least even though Ive got a nasty suspicion itll be back as soon as the Moff or one of his standard writers gets back in the chair.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Im going to try and avoid spoilers here but Flatline was a very Clara centric episode. I found it meh but not especially painful, it certainly wasnt up to the orient expresss standard though. Im sure your favourite commentator will go to town with it, being another episode of what you called the Clara Show.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hi,Heres my verdict on this weeks episode, Flatline.It had quite a lot of action, in terms of the pacing, but not like Matt Smiths Eara. It was sort of slow too, I dont really know how to describe it though. I dont really know why, but points of this had similar tone to Papa Sangres second outing, in terms of, at least in my opinion, it was dark enough, but not particularly scary. It was quite a nice change.At points, clara can be quite funny in this episode. Its also got a slightly different dynamic too, in terms of The Doctor. Needless to say I found it rather interesting. Danny makes a couple of appearances too, he sort of fits but at the same time, Im not too sure what to think.The monsters had some quite good sound design, and perhaps thats where I kept thinking about Papa Sangre II, but youll just have to wait and see why. You might not get the connection in which case I will try to explain.<
 br />The music fit the episode quite well too.All in all, Id say its a nice outing for The Doctor and Co.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ill probably watch the episode next Tuesday with my dad as I have been, though I just hope the doctor isnt made out to look like an idiot next to perfect little miss Clara again.What the heck ever happened to the Doctors assistants just being fairly ordinary people who rattled around with the doctor mostly having fun, and who showed any extraodinary abilities they had by actually doing! something, not by repeatedly bitching at the doctor and being at the timei wimie center of the universe! Jo Ford, (find his blog here one other reviewer I read, (who is more positive than Stewart of he who mones though quite entertainingly gay), says that Moffat puts plot convenience before characters, however I dont see this myself sinse his plots just dont seem to mean very much as they dont have the connection to the audience to back them up. Oh yeah, so the
  Doctor is Amys imaginary friend from when she was a child, and River is actually amys ddaughter and also her best child hood friend and also the Doctors wife. The problem though is this just feels like a timie wimie version of those convoluted heritage explanations youd get in Jane Austin and similar 19th century literature where the narrator would tell you in great detail how John introductionford was the son of the younger brother of sir Richard plotworthy who married the vicars wifes third cousin twice removed. You just have no investment in any of these relations so you pretty much switch off until their over, and yet Moffat drags them up and goes look! its clever, look, this person is related and temporally connected to this other person, and see how clever it is! Without actually giving you a reason to care.For me characters are interesting not by who they are related to, but by how they react and what they d
 o. Even before Moffat, New Who did have this bad habbit of making the Doctors companions out to be some sort of super beings who were the center of the universe. I could forgive the Rose Bad wolf thing sinse it was the first (and sinse Ecleston really needed rose to stop him being too dark and to solve the plot of Parting of the ways in a very nice fashion), but then Martha had the loves the Doctor plot and tells stories about humanity across the devastated earth, and Donna had the hole strange thing about absorbing the Doctors Dna, though at least with that one Russel gave a really bitter ending by having her mind wiped and leaving her with none of the character progression that she got with the tenth doctor, which was a nice punch sinse she was effectively killed as a character, even if Davies couldnt quite go as far as literally killing her, (I still regret that Davies had to give rose the happy ever after ending married to a human version of the tenth do
 ctor, sinse I much preferd the tragic separation one). With Clara, For a start she doesnt seem to get on with the doctor beyond fancying the eleventh Doctor and not fancying the twelth, and Moffats big Timie wimie thing seems to be trying to make Clara the center of the entire universe sinse theres that random thing about her meeting all the Doctors and supposedly directing the first Doctor to his tardis, and now meeting him as a little boy. Indeed, the other reviewer I mentioned speculated that Moffat would finish up by having Clara be the Doctors mother and daughter as well as girlfriend so that she does everything! My problem is I just dont really see enough in the character for any of this timie wimie stuff to really impact or have me care about it, indeed most companions I care about were people who just did things travelling with the Doctor and reacted to what was going on, they didnt have to be the past, present and future of the hol
 e universe or any other shenanigans.This occurred to me recently because Big Finishs last story (which I heard last night), was the exit for the 7th Doctors companion Hex, who had a very small bit of Timie wimie but one that made much more sense, sinse the sixth doctor failed to save his mother from a really nasty set of circumstances which greatly upset Evelyn Smythe, who then meets up with Hex later when hes the 7th Doctors companion. That is all, and thats not even the major point of Hex character either, just part of what he does and one of the things he goes through. There is a lovely moment for example where he first meets the Daleks while caring for wounded soldiers and tries to get them to spare the wounded because their none combatants. Of course this fails horribly, but its the fact of what Hex does and just such a lovely seen. Indeed I suspect the fact that rory was supposed to be a nurse was Moffat leaching off the success of He
 x, but where as Rory the nurse thing was just sort of there and not really part of his character, Hex actually tried to look after people who were sick or ill, which is not only a very nice thing to see in a male character (and very realistic for a nurse

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ill probably watch the episode next Tuesday with my dad as I have been, though I just hope the doctor isnt made out to look like an idiot next to perfect little miss Clara again.What the heck ever happened to the Doctors assistants just being fairly ordinary people who rattled around with the doctor mostly having fun, and who showed any extraodinary abilities they had by actually doing! something, not by repeatedly bitching at the doctor and being at the timei wimie center of the universe! Jo Ford, (find his blog here one other reviewer I read, (who is more positive than Stewart of he who mones though quite entertainingly gay), says that Moffat puts plot convenience before characters, however I dont see this myself sinse his plots just dont seem to mean very much as they dont have the connection to the audience to back them up. Oh yeah, so the
  Doctor is Amys imaginary friend from when she was a child, and River is actually amys ddaughter and also her best child hood friend and also the Doctors wife. The problem though is this just feels like a timie wimie version of those convoluted heritage explanations youd get in Jane Austin and similar 19th century literature where the narrator would tell you in great detail how John introductionford was the son of the younger brother of sir Richard plotworthy who married the vicars wifes third cousin twice removed. You just have no investment in any of these relations so you pretty much switch off until their over, and yet Moffat drags them up and goes look! its clever, look, this person is related and temporally connected to this other person, and see how clever it is! Without actually giving you a reason to care.For me characters are interesting not by who they are related to, but by how they react and what they d
 o. Even before Moffat, New Who did have this bad habbit of making the Doctors companions out to be some sort of super beings who were the center of the universe. I could forgive the Rose Bad wolf thing sinse it was the first (and sinse Ecleston really needed rose to stop him being too dark and to solve the plot of Parting of the ways in a very nice fashion), but then Martha had the loves the Doctor plot and tells stories about humanity across the devastated earth, and Donna had the hole strange thing about absorbing the Doctors Dna, though at least with that one Russel gave a really bitter ending by having her mind wiped and leaving her with none of the character progression that she got with the tenth doctor, which was a nice punch sinse she was effectively killed as a character, even if Davies couldnt quite go as far as literally killing her, (I still regret that Davies had to give rose the happy ever after ending married to a human version of the tenth do
 ctor, sinse I much preferd the tragic separation one). With Clara, For a start she doesnt seem to get on with the doctor beyond fancying the eleventh Doctor and not fancying the twelth, and Moffats big Timie wimie thing seems to be trying to make Clara the center of the entire universe sinse theres that random thing about her meeting all the Doctors and supposedly directing the first Doctor to his tardis, and now meeting him as a little boy. Indeed, the other reviewer I mentioned speculated that Moffat would finish up by having Clara be the Doctors mother and daughter as well as girlfriend so that she does everything! My problem is I just dont really see enough in the character for any of this timie wimie stuff to really impact or have me care about it, indeed most companions I care about were people who just did things travelling with the Doctor and reacted to what was going on, they didnt have to be the past, present and future of the hol
 e universe or any other shenanigans.This occurred to me recently because Big Finishs last story (which I heard last night), was the exit for the 7th Doctors companion Hex (short for Thomas Hector scofield), who had a very small bit of Timie wimie but one that made much more sense, sinse the sixth doctor failed to save his mother from a really nasty set of circumstances which greatly upset Evelyn Smythe, who then meets up with Hex later when hes the 7th Doctors companion. That is all, and thats not even the major point of Hex character either, just part of what he does and one of the things he goes through. There is a lovely moment for example where he first meets the Daleks while caring for wounded soldiers and tries to get them to spare the wounded because their none combatants. Of course this fails horribly, but its the fact of what Hex does and just such a lovely seen. Indeed I suspect the fact that rory was supposed to be a nurse was Mo
 ffat leaching off the success of Hex, but where as Rory the nurse thing was just sort of there and not really part of his character, Hex actually tried to look after people who were sick or ill, which is not only a very nice thing to see in a male character

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Ill probably watch the episode next Tuesday with my dad as I have been, though I just hope the doctor isnt made out to look like an idiot next to perfect little miss Clara again.What the heck ever happened to the Doctors assistants just being fairly ordinary people who rattled around with the doctor mostly having fun, and who showed any extraodinary abilities they had by actually doing! something, not by repeatedly bitching at the doctor and being at the timei wimie center of the universe! Jo Ford, (find his blog here one other reviewer I read, (who is more positive than Stewart of he who mones though quite entertainingly gay), says that Moffat puts plot convenience before characters, however I dont see this myself sinse his plots just dont seem to mean very much as they dont have the connection to the audience to back them up. Oh yeah, so the
  Doctor is Amys imaginary friend from when she was a child, and River is actually amys ddaughter and also her best child hood friend and also the Doctors wife. The problem though is this just feels like a timie wimie version of those convoluted heritage explanations youd get in Jane Austin and similar 19th century literature where the narrator would tell you in great detail how John introductionford was the son of the younger brother of sir Richard plotworthy who married the vicars wifes third cousin twice removed. You just have no investment in any of these relations so you pretty much switch off until their over, and yet Moffat drags them up and goes look! its clever, look, this person is related and temporally connected to this other person, and see how clever it is! Without actually giving you a reason to care.For me characters are interesting not by who they are related to, but by how they react and what they d
 o. Even before Moffat, New Who did have this bad habbit of making the Doctors companions out to be some sort of super beings who were the center of the universe. I could forgive the Rose Bad wolf thing sinse it was the first (and sinse Ecleston really needed rose to stop him being too dark and to solve the plot of Parting of the ways in a very nice fashion), but then Martha had the loves the Doctor plot and tells stories about humanity across the devastated earth, and Donna had the hole strange thing about absorbing the Doctors Dna, though at least with that one Russel gave a really bitter ending by having her mind wiped and leaving her with none of the character progression that she got with the tenth doctor, which was a nice punch sinse she was effectively killed as a character, even if Davies couldnt quite go as far as literally killing her, (I still regret that Davies had to give rose the happy ever after ending married to a human version of the tenth do
 ctor, sinse I much preferd the tragic separation one). With Clara, For a start she doesnt seem to get on with the doctor beyond fancying the eleventh Doctor and not fancying the twelth, and Moffats big Timie wimie thing seems to be trying to make Clara the center of the entire universe sinse theres that random thing about her meeting all the Doctors and supposedly directing the first Doctor to his tardis, and now meeting him as a little boy. Indeed, the other reviewer I mentioned speculated that Moffat would finish up by having Clara be the Doctors mother and daughter as well as girlfriend so that she does everything! My problem is I just dont really see enough in the character for any of this timie wimie stuff to really impact or have me care about it, indeed most companions I care about were people who just did things travelling with the Doctor and reacted to what was going on, they didnt have to be the past, present and future of the hol
 e universe or any other shenanigans.This occurred to me recently because Big Finishs last story (which I heard last night), was the exit for the 7th Doctors companion Hex (short for Thomas Hector scofield), a scouse nurse from the 2020s, who had a very small bit of Timie wimie but one that made much more sense, sinse the sixth doctor failed to save his mother from a really nasty set of circumstances which greatly upset Evelyn Smythe, who then meets up with Hex later when hes the 7th Doctors companion. That is all, and thats not even the major point of Hex character either, just part of what he does and one of the things he goes through. There is a lovely moment for example where he first meets the Daleks while caring for wounded soldiers and tries to get them to spare the wounded because their none combatants. Of course this fails horribly, but its the fact of what Hex does and just such a lovely seen. Indeed I suspect the fact that r
 ory was supposed to be a nurse was Moffat leaching off the success of Hex, but where as Rory the nurse thing was just sort of there and not really part of his character, Hex actually tried to look after people who were sick or ill, which is not only a very nice thing

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Stewart has now had a go at Mummy on the orient express and you can Find it here Like me, he agrees its been the best twelth doctor story thus far, and I agree with him on tention and the doctor doing something. I disagree on Clara, sinse the problem with the Clara cryticising the Doctor has been that it seems the Doctor is always! wrong. For me this episode worked not because Clara went through some sort of character arc, but because finally the Doctor actually was right for a change and clara didnt bitch at him, and if the same writer is writing todays episode (which Ill probably watch next week), then we can hope the clara bitching will be down to a minimum and that the Doctor will actually doing something useful about the plot.I also disagree with Stewart about the Guss arc, sinse I am fairly certain that is going to 
 be a plot hook, and hope it is, though if I am wrong and it just gets dropped (as a lot of Moffat plot has been dropped), then fare enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Stewart has now had a go at Mummy on the orient express and you can Find it here Like me, he agrees its been the best twelth doctor story thus far, and I agree with him on tention and the doctor doing something to solve a real mystery. I disagree on Clara, sinse the problem with the dynamic of Clara cryticising the Doctor has been that it seems the Doctor is always! wrong. For me this episode worked not because Clara went through some sort of character arc, but because finally the Doctor actually was right for a change and clara didnt bitch at him, and if the same writer is writing todays episode (which Ill probably watch next week), then we can hope the clara bitching will be down to a minimum and that the Doctor will actually be doing something useful about the plot. I also disagree with Stewart about the Guss arc, sins
 e I am fairly certain that is going to be a plot hook, and hope it is, though if I am wrong and it just gets dropped (as a lot of Moffat plot has been dropped), then fare enough.I found his comparisons to Voyage of the damned interesting, though I enjoyed voyage of the damned myself and regard it as probably the best of the Christmas specials. Likewise, I found Stewarts comments about the score interesting sinse I did think the music was rather over blown but it didnt quite ruin things for me as badly as it seemed to for him, it struck me more as hammer house of horror which fit quite well with the 1920s orient express atmosphere than overblown Harry potter. Also as I said above, I personally didnt like the oooh look its not the orient express in space its just another spaceship aspect, sinse it seemed to just go from a potentially interesting setting to a rather dull one weve seen before. Th
 en again, this is why I like the podcast, not because I agree with everything, but because I find Stewarts observations on things interesting, and often quite funny.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think a lot of that is down to Clara being stuck out of the way so she couldnt interfere with the doctor.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Lol, quite possibly, though at least when the Doctor phoned clara and said well Im going to be a complete bastard because I need to watch this monster kill someone to work out how to dispose of it and your going to help me! Clara didnt have a huge winjing session as I expected, and when they got back together the Doctor was able to show that he really was bothered about saving people and was just doing the best he could at the time and Clara actually believed him rather than throwing another hissy fit. Honestly, Id rather have dull Clara than bitchy Clara sinse at least with flat dull Clara the doctor wasnt made out to be stupid, really orient express is the only episode this series where it actually seems The Doctor has a brain and isnt just being utterly irrational or being told off by Clara like a naughty school boy. I also disagree with stewart on What is the roll of the doctor in Claras life being
  a particularly interesting question,  ever heard of friends? you know, when people are , friendly towards each other and arent flirting or bitching and just get on together and have fun, you know like Donna and the Doctor, Rose and the tenth Doctor (at least for the first half of season 2 before it was clear there was more on Rose end), Rose and the 9th Doctor and , just about every other companion ever! other than the latter part of Charley Pollards run with the 8th Doctor, and the early part of Lucy Millers, sinse she was foisted on him by the time lords. I suppose you could count Romana sinse she was also foisted on the doctor by the time lords, but they did fundamentally get on so that probably doesnt count.Its not even that I dont like companions disagreeing with The Doctor, heck Turlough was out to kill the 5th doctor for several stories, Thomas brooster in the audios literally hijacked the Doctors tard
 is, and I love some of the stuff with Charley and the 8th Doctor or Evelyn and the sixth. it just seems whenever Clara winjes at the Doctor its always made out to be the Doctor who is in the wrong, and Clara who is in the right, and things arent resolved, the Doctor just gets a stern talking to by Miss oswald now Doctor, your in detention so take me home to my boyfriend and no more adventures for you today! give me th that sonic screw driver? you can have it back at the end of episode tomorrow and i hope this teaches you to be a more responsable Timelord because Im very disappointed in you!Hopefully James Matheson (or whatever the guys name is), will continue having the Doctor be properly compitant next time.


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