Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CC: Canadian hemp farmers on trial in Nicaragua!

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

Jolly Roger wrote:

>>One problem confuses the issue for all involved.  For the position of
manager, the investors chose to hire an historic figure, Oscar Danilo
Blandon (sp?).  Blandon is a central character in the C.I.A. drug running
scandal that was so well exposed by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News
and in his recent book Dark Alliance.  Blandon was one of the founders of
the Contra party and remains well connected with the power structure in
Nicaragua. But to finance the contra armies in the Reagan 1980's, Bland
imported tons of cocaine into America.  He served almost two years in a
federal prison.  Blandon holds an MBA, is bilingual and became quite
excited by the potential of what hemp can do for his country.  He proved a
natural choice for project manager.   But the tide turned. <<

So what's really going on here?  Who are these Canadian investors?  Could
they possibly be those same investors who owned George Bush's corporations
when he went into business?  Is hemp in competition with the oil industry?


More info:

>>Hemp opponents maintain the crop is a loser both economically and
politically. White House drug czar Barry McCaffrey says that the push to
grow hemp is "a subterfuge" for efforts to legalize marijuana and that hemp
is unlikely to be a profitable crop anyway.

"Legalizing hemp sends the wrong message about marijuana," says David Des
Roches, an aide to McCaffrey who specializes in hemp. "These poor farmers
are being conned by the marijuana legalization groups. If hemp were a viable
crop, we'd have a harder time putting forward our agenda. Thankfully, it's

The critics note that world hemp production has fallen from 1 million acres
in 1960 to 250,000 acres today. The traditional big growers - China,
Romania, Hungary - have always relied on cheap labor for a profitable crop
while the new Western European farmers depend on government subsidies worth
$222 an acre in 1998.


Hemp-based newsprint could be produced at half the cost of inferior
wood-based newsprint. Superior hemp fabric could easily compete with cotton.
And scientists had just begun to explore the medical uses of marijuana. In
1937, hemp was a rapidly growing industry with virtually unlimited
potential, which, according to conservative estimates, would currently
generate $500 billion per year -- if it had not been criminalized by a group
of elite industrialists with very different plans for industry in the 20th
The criminalization of marijuana in 1937 presented some difficulties in
World War II, when the Japanese seized the Philippines, the source of
America's cordage at the time. (The Philippines were seized forty years
earlier by the United States during the Spanish-American War, a war which
Hearst worked very hard to help initiate -- but that's another story.) Hemp
was temporarily re-introduced in 1942 to fill the hemp gap, and films such
as the USDA's Hemp for Victory encouraged patriotic American farmers to make
good use of cannabis. George Bush, whose War on Drugs would send untold
American citizens to prison, was actually saved by hemp during World War II:
the webbing of the parachute he used after bailing out of his burning
airplane over the Pacific was made from -- that's right -- hemp.
The global elite use numerous tactics in their struggle for one-world
economic hegemony, and one of the main pressure points is the oil industry.
If you can control a nation's fuel supply, you can exert tremendous
influence over that nation's affairs. You can make it do your bidding.

The fossil fuel leg of the globalist pyramid would be yanked out by
widespread use of biomass fuel, of which hemp is probably the best source.
Hemp would also dislodge certain pharmaceutical monopolies, who charge
exorbitant prices for drugs which cost pennies to produce and whose effects
can be readily replicated by cannabis-derived drugs.

Ah, but what about the timeless argument that "You people are just using all
that as an excuse to smoke pot"? No doubt, the prime motivator for some
marijuana decriminalization activists is that they simply enjoy smoking it.
Evidence in this article provides plenty of other compelling reasons to
support legalization, but the argument can still be made. Well, what of it?

According to the federal Bureau of Mortality Statistics and the National
Institute of Drug Abuse, tobacco kills 340,000 to 425,000 per year.
Alcohol -- NOT including 50 percent of all highway deaths and 65 percent of
all murders -- kills more than 150,000 Americans per year. Even aspirin
takes out between 180 and 1,000 people per year.

According to these same figures, marijuana kills not one person per year.
Zero. Zilch. Nada. So pick your poison!

In light of the vast economic potential of hemp, does it really matter that
some Ame

[CTRL] Great Heroin Coup

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Kruger, Henrik. The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence, and
International Fascism. Boston: South End Press, 1980. 240 pages. (Originally
published in Denmark as "Smukke Serge og Heroinen" in 1976.)
Henrik Kruger spent five years as a correspondent in Bangkok, Santiago, and
Washington for the Copenhagen daily "Politiken," and has written or
co-authored eight books. His work on what is today called "narcoterrorism"
began more than ten years before the term was used in the U.S., and without
the anti-Soviet baggage that became obligatory under the sponsorship of
Reagan-era think tanks. Unfortunately this book is one of a kind and is
invariably ignored by today's mainstream writers.
The Great Heroin Coup raises awkward questions. The first half of the book
concerns French intelligence, the OAS, the Corsican Mafia and the CIA, the
Ben Barka affair, and the story of Christian David; the second half examines
the CIA and Mafia in the Golden Triangle, Cuban exiles in Florida, the
Nixon-Vesco connection, and the CIA's infiltration of the DEA in Latin
America. The conclusion is not essential to the rich detail and dense
footnoting throughout the book, but here it is: Nixon's war against the
Turkey-Marseilles heroin allowed Trafficante's marketing "coup" using heroin
from Southeast Asia, and for Kruger it appears that there may have been
passive collusion in high places.
ISBN 0-89608-031-5
Messick, Hank. Of Grass and Snow: The Secret Criminal Elite. Englewood
Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979. 190 pages.
This book is Messick's attempt to expose the new elements behind the drug
trade: blacks and Cubans, South Americans, and the counterculture. He
describes the trade in marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, and the efforts of
U.S. federal and local authorities to curb the supply. Richard Nixon's war
on drugs -- which involved Lucien Conein and 14 ex-CIA agents assigned to
him, all operating through the DEA -- is discussed in one chapter. Rumors
that this was some sort of assassination squad are still circulating today.
Hank Messick's many books on organized crime are widely respected. In 1965
he was hired by the Miami Herald for a series on Meyer Lansky, and his first
book, The Silent Syndicate (1967), reported on crime and gambling in
Kentucky and Ohio. Messick makes a distinction between the syndicate and the
Mafia. The former is international and multicultural, and often includes the
latter as a subset. But beginning with the Joseph Valachi hearings in 1963
and J. Edgar Hoover's "La Cosa Nostra" hype, the Mafia got all the attention
while Lansky was left alone. Messick was the first to hint at the reason for
this: Hoover had been compromised by Lansky, as Anthony Summers recently
confirmed in "Official and Confidential" (1993). This debate is significant
today for assassination theorists, because most "Mafia did it" authors still
give Lansky a mere footnote or two at best.
ISBN 0-13-630558-X

Anderson, Scott and Anderson, John Lee. Inside the League. New York: Dodd,
Mead & Co., 1986. 322 pages.
The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as a public
relations arm for Taiwan and South Korea. WACL didn't attract much notice in
the U.S. until John Singlaub's United States Council for World Freedom, the
American branch of WACL, was launched in 1981 with a loan from Taiwan and
soon began raising money for the contras.
Singlaub and his supporters also operated through a network of similar
groups: Western Goals, Council for the Defense of Freedom, American Security
Council, Council for Inter-American Security, and the Conservative Caucus.
But WACL is particularly known for its international conferences that
attract "American congressmen and senators, archbishops, members of
Parliament, bank presidents, and scientists. There, they have been in the
company of Nazi collaborators, Japanese war criminals, Latin death squad
leaders, disciples of Moon's Unification Church, and fugitive Italian

There's even a CIA connection. Ray Cline, station chief in Taiwan from
1958-1962 and later deputy director for intelligence, attended conferences
in 1980, 1983, and 1984. The authors believe that covert U.S. funding played
a role in the establishment of WACL, and note that Cline was in a position
to be helpful when preparatory meetings were held in 1958.
ISBN 0-396-08517-2

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always su

Re: [CTRL] A New [Old] Heroin Conspiracy

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 Table of Contents.


CHAPTER 4: Dana Beal

As Dhoruba said a few months later just before he embraced Nelson Mandela at
125th Street in Harlem, every movement needs a "symbol" to inspire it. The
final unintended side effect of all those trials, all that political
agitation by Dhoruba's supporte rs, was that a single television image did
escape from NewYork, even into the jail where Dana was sitting in Madison,
Wisconsin: Black Panthers had tried to drive heroin out of Harlem with guns.

Dana was born in the same hospital in Ravenna, Ohio, where the dying
students were later taken from Kent State. He counts among his formative
experiences shaking hands with Jack Kennedy when he campaigned in East
Lansing in 1960, and hitch-hiking in August '63, at 16, to Washington, D.C.,
in order to be near the foot of the Lincoln Memorial for the "I have a
dream" speech. Two months later he organized his first demonstration of
2,000 people, in Lansing, when the Klan blew up four little Bla ck girls in
a church on Birmingham Sunday.

The next year he did a brief stint in a state mental hospital because of his
mercurial temper. Because he told shrinks he thought he was destined for
something important, they said he was crazy. But that kept him from being
drafted in January '65, a m onth with the highest proportion of casualties
in Viet Nam. He also became a lifelong critic of thorazine and prolyxin. He
escaped, got a job in New York, saved his money, and legalized his status in
late 1965.

On Christmas Day, 1966, after studying epistemology and metaphysics, he
tried LSD for the first time. His reaction: Kant was right, it's all
phenomena. But after the first few times (including one session with a
friendly psychologist who helped him plumb distressing episodes of his early
childhood), he found that more and more of the acid had a speed base such as
ritalin to gettwice as many hits out of a gram--thereby demonstrating the
flaws of an underground market. People were no longer getting a genuine LSD
effect. Reinforced by speed, the ego-structures wouldn't let go.

Because of the furious controversy surrounding CIA sponsorship or
involvement in psychedelics, speculation was rife that all this was
deliberate--part of a program to keep the psychedelic revolution under
control. When Dana got real LSD again, he had a vision:

"I flashed that all of us in the psychedelic movement were like voluntary
guinea pigs in some kind of CIA experiment that had gotten out of control.
The White Light was flashing across us like searchlights on a World War I
no-man's land. All around me, we were taking casualties. But some of us
would make it to the other side; and someone would bring back something

He decided the first battle should be for the least threatening, most
popular drug: marijuana. Inspired by a VOICE article on the Dutch Provos, he
started the New York Provos with two friends, and called a smoke-in for
Tompkins Square Park. The smoke-ins got bigger and bigger, and after a judge
ruled a roll-your-own cigarette seen from a distance wasn't grounds for
arrest, the Feds moved in an informer who wheedled Dana's personal acid
stash out of him. When he was busted in late August of 1967, 3,000 people
marched from a Fugs concert, across Fourteenth Street, to the federal
holding pen on West Street. It was Dana's first fifteen minutes of fame.

In October the Provos gave out four pounds of pot at the "Levitation of the
Pentagon." Then in December, the Provo Free Store on First Street was
raided, and Dana was charged with a pot sale he didn't do. Convinced he
couldn't get fair treatment, he fl ed to Mexico, then Canada, where he had
to watch Chicago '68 on television.

One day, sitting in a Vancouver community center, he read an ESQUIRE article
on the early psychedelic movement by Tim Leary and Allen Ginsburg. What
stuck in his mind, for years, was a passage about using psychedelics to cure
heroin addiction. (Of course, LSD doesn't stop withdrawal symptoms. If every
junkie could kick with five dollars worth of acid, they'd do just that every
time they wanted to cut back on their habits and start over. Ginsberg was
thinking of it more as a substitute; he writes Leary that Burroughs said
that it would only make withdrawals worse.) [See p. 37].

In April of '69, Dana filtered back into the United States on a Canadian ID,
where he came to rest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Unable to stay away from
organizing for long, he became involved with the White Panthers, and , in a
psychedelic manifesto (" Right on, Culture Freaks"), expanded on William
Burrough's insight that all forms of social control resemble addiction
because the same "backbrain" reflex component involved in addiction
underlies everyday work routi

[CTRL] Hemp vs. Petrochemical Industry

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


During my research in June1996, I was reading a book titled, 'Hemp -
Lifeline to the Future', by Chris Conrad, and I was overwhelmed by the sheer
number of commercial and industrial applications of hemp. These applications
included textiles, paper, valuable Medicines, food for humans and animals,
fuel, and an untapped resource of biomass energy. We have a planet with
dwindling, limited resources, and we are still gouging out mines and bores
for energy supplies which are killing us. Car fumes daily poison the air for
Billions of people in cities each day. The EPA found that up to half of all
toxic related cancer deaths are from automobile emissions. A different fuel,
such as octane boosting, naturally anti-freezing "ethanol", reduces carbon
dioxide emissions by 30%, can be produced from a hemp crop. People with hemp
crops would have growing oil wells. Sounds fantastic doesn't it.

It doesn't sound good for everybody though. Think of the money that a
petrochemical company could stand to lose, if we stopped using all of their
synthetic products, and thoughtfully replaced them with natural hemp

The first disaster occurred in the United States of America, on the 2nd
August, 1937, where a tax act was passed on hemp production. This law made
the commercial and industrial applications of hemp virtually impossible.
This required citizens to pay $1000 tax on each pound of hemp purchased.
This tax act was no ordinary event. It was a masterminded scheme developed
to protect certain industries from what would have been an early death. Four
individuals have been credited in a number of resources as key conspirators
against hemp. Each of the four had a significant vested interest in the
demise of hemp, and it's commercial applications.

Harry Jacob Anslinger, headed the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from the
1930's to the 1960's, and played a key role in destroying the name and real
potential of hemp. Anslinger created his own brand of "Reefer Madness"
propaganda, which played off the fears of the uneducated American
population. Making casual links between Heroin and Marijuana use, between
those 'filthy dope smoking Mexicans' and excessive violent behavior and
crime, Anslinger was able to generate a snowball of paranoia. Once the ball
was rolling, he was soon granted more manpower and more money, allowing him
to cause more damage.

Andrew Mellon, Harry Jacob Anslinger's uncle, owned Gulf Oil, which made him
the richest man in the U.S. Mellon owned large areas of woodlands which were
being transformed into wood pulp to make paper for the Randolf Hearst
newspaper chain. Mellon lost some of his valuable woodland to Poncho Villa,
a Mexican General. This could explain some of the anti-Mexican sentiments
arising in Hearst's headlines and articles. Mexicans, African Americans, and
Asians were popular scapegoats for white America's miseries, such as
unemployment, violence, crime, and narcotic trade.

Lammant Du Pont, owner of a the large petrochemical company DU PONT, the
inventors of the synthetic fabric "nylon", would have had considerable
difficulty trying to compete with hemp's superior quality and strength
fabric, it's potential for fuel and energy resources, and many other
applications which would have been front line competitors with Du Pont's
synthetic products.

Anslinger, Mellon, Hearst and Du Pont achieved the ultimate American dream
by aiding in eliminating the opposition, allowing vested interests to be
realized in the form of a high profit margin for all involved. Such
attitudes are still reflected in contempory politics, by politicians like
Bill Clinton. Whose attitudes are vastly different to earlier American
Presidents, like George Washington, who made it law that everyone must grow
hemp. George understood the value of hemp, he knew hemp-cloth would keep
people warm throughout the cold winter, its seeds were nutritious, and it's
medicine was effective, and it's economical status valuable.

Matt Gardiner / Hemp Conspiracy images / Curriculum Vitae

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subs

[CTRL] Who Killed Diana?

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


IX - The Marwan Mystery

There is a whole other level of theory which is personally most attractive
to me but does not necessarily directly include the Super-Establishment or
any security services. It creates an entirely rather different scenario. But
each scenario would be intricately linked. I hope I have established the
simple fact that the British Old Guard had wholly disapproved of both
al-Fayed and Diana. Even if they were not directly responsible for an
assassination, it would have been remarkably convenient to them to dispose
of the Princess before she did what they considered to be further serious
damage to British interests. It is an earnest, if grim, contention of mine
that, had they have been aware of an assassination plot against either the
Fayed family or Diana, it would have been in the interests of the Old Guard
to turn a blind eye. It is therefore important to establish that the tragedy
may not have been against the Princess in particular, but could well have
been against the Fayeds themselves.

When, at 17, Dodi first came to live in London his father gave him for his
birthday his own mini-moke - and his first bodyguard. In later life, before
the royal romance, he was never seen without at least two minders. This used
to amuse people at, say, Tramps - the fashionable London night-club -
because one man would always be close to Dodi while the other prowled around
looking for threats of any kind. A table for six at the Ivy - one of his
favourite London watering holes - would always have to be accompanied by at
least two more seats for his minders. When the wars, first between al-Fayed
and Tiny Rowland over the House of Fraser, and then during al-Fayed’s
celebrated public fight with the Tory government, were at their height, Dodi
may increase his personal bodyguard to four or even six. Other friends also
noted that if he lost sight of his table at any time, he would discard all
the drinks and order fresh ones. He was terrified that someone may have
spiked his drink. This was the same in Hollywood where friends would joke
about it with him. As an excuse, he would sometimes say, "my father is
involved with some very dangerous things," and once he referred to a
mysterious "kidnap attempt in Egypt when I was young." The Broccoli family
(of James Bond film fame) - close friends for years - put it down to his
"James Bond make-believe fantasies." But now, no one is so sure.

There is strong evidence to suggest that all the Fayed’s lived in a constant
state of paranoia. Mohamed himself still lives in a series of fortresses,
guarded by a private army of professional minders. Paranoia or not, both
al-Fayed and his son certainly believed there was a constant threat to their
lives. In early 1998 it was alleged by a former top Harrods security man
that all the ‘phones in the store were bugged and anything of sensitivity
was reported back to the boss. It is the same at the Ritz. This is a
positive sign of latent paranoia.

While trawling the net for leads I suddenly came across an item which looked
very familiar. And as I read through it I realised I was the original
author. I remember the story well, but had forgotten (the article was five
years old) that it had a very heavy al-Fayed connection. Enough anyway in
this narrative to diverge somewhat. I had written the article while
Scallywag was still confined to Camden in North London which, as hundreds of
thousands of tourists know, has a huge and cosmopolitan open-air market each
weekend. One section is called The Stables and was once used to house horses
overnight which during the day had pulled the barges along the Regent’s
Canal. The Stables had a chequered history and had changed hands several
times. Camden council had virtually given it away to a collection of artists
and craftsmen to set up workshops. By the nineties the whole market had
taken off and the real estate had become almost priceless. The entire area
around the market and canal had become vastly fashionable and such things as
old railway sheds and canal warehouses were being converted into flats at
astronomical profits. At Scallywag we set out to find out who was making all
the money. We established that The Stables had been ultimately bought by -
to us - a mystery Egyptian called Ashraf Marwan.

Virtually nothing was known about him at the time. There were a couple of
innocuous cuttings in newspaper libraries, but no real information. We did a
check at Companies House on the finance company behind the deals called
Cabra. (Companies House is the official register of any British limited
company and any such company is obliged under the law to lodge all their
official papers and accounts there). We discovered a fascinating web of
dodgy companies run by "faces" which put their names to it, but were not the
power behind the throne. Marwan - in hundreds of sheets of financial
detail - got a single cursory mention and his add

[CTRL] Who Killed Diana? [2]

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


X - "Le Cercle"

One very positive connection which supports the theory that Marwan and his
cronies were not just tolerated but actively encouraged by the
Super-Establishment, is that they were at one stage (and almost certainly
still are) king-pins of what the establishment first called the "Safari
Club". This was an extraordinary but loose organisation which, because of
its strong anti-Communist intentions, was heavily backed by the entire
Western right wing. The Safari Club actually existed as an extraordinary and
very exclusive Afro-French club in Paris. It had a ground floor restaurant
and bar, but there was a proper club underneath which was very exclusive. By
chance in London I met a man who, when he was a student, had worked there as
a bus boy. The club itself no longer exists, but then it was decked out
exotically with such things as elephant feet as stools. The whole place
resembled a safari tent and people met by the flickering light of kerosene
lamps. My friend worked mainly in the restaurant above, but also sometimes
acted as a relief in the club itself. He said: "It was entirely eccentric in
a sinister sort of way. I knew for sure that it was ultra-right wing, and it
was always heavily conspiratorial. I was told never to recognise any of the
patrons and they would literally huddle and talk in whispers. They always
stopped talking if I was in earshot. It was an eerie place but at the time I
needed the money. I didn’t really know the significance of it all until much
later when I read that Chirac had had it closed down. I didn’t really
actually recognise anyone, but some of them looked familiar and they were

This clandestine but highly active international group in turn led to an
offspring loosely called "Le Cercle" or the Pinay Circle, which became
altogether more organised and dangerous. This was the group that the
Baroness had emphasised I should look into if I wanted to get positive clues
as to an assassination, and the more I did, the more convinced I became that
they might be implicated in some way. These people would not have smiled at
Diana’s pacifist activities

The original "Safari Club" was set up by the French ultra right-winger,
Count Alexander de Maranches, who was the Director of the French Service for
External Documentation and Espionage (SDECE) during the seventies. A group
which the socialist Francois Mitterand described when he took power in
France in 1981, as "a haven of fascist hysterics and military retainers
inimical in their right to govern." A year later he abolished the SDECE and
replaced it with the Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE).
Under the Director, Pierre Marion, the entire French security system was
re-directed towards Industrial Espionage which wholly supported the Group
Bull, a "state-owned company which sits at the very heart of France’s
formidable military-industrial complex" (Mark Shernik). Bull, went into a
curious alliance with Honeywell, the US computer firm, with full DGSE
backing. Honeywell was the largest manufacturer of landmines. It was this
group who was to supply landmines to both sides in Bosnia.

In the seventies, when all this was being formulated under the auspices of
the Safari Club, Marwan and co. were most active. The club had originated as
a consortium formed between the secret police forces of the Shah of Iran
(SAVAK), Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Anwar Sadat of Egypt (The Marwan
connection), and the Saudi Intelligence Service headed by Kamal Adham (later
of BCCI fame). It was expressly formed to support regimes that were actively
anti-Communist and to try and put down regimes that were not. In this second
category it arranged coup d’etats in Central Africa, Congo, Nigeria and
Mali. Because of its nature, the group was heavily into the supply of arms.
When billion dollar contracts for arms are floating about, the Establishment
is amazingly tolerant and it was during this time that Marwan became a very
rich young man.

"Le Cercle" eventually spread its tentacles throughout the Western World,
but it started in France, as a cogent force, during the Premiership of
Antoine Pinay in 1951. Pinay attended the notorious Bilderberg meeting in
Ossterbeek, Holland in May 1954. Here he identified others of his extreme
political ilk and with the active co-operation of Jean Violet of the then
SDECE and Otto von Hapsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, he formed the
club. By the sixties their covert membership was truly astonishing. The
"inner circle" included, among many others, Nicholas Elliot, a department
head at MI6; William Colby, former controversial director of the CIA;
Colonel Botta, of Swiss Military Intelligence; Stefano Della Chiaie, a
leading member of the Italian Secret Service; Giullo Andreotti, former
Italian Prime Minister and member of P2, who, it was later proved, gave the
Italian Mafia presidential protection; General Antonio de Spinola, l

[CTRL] Coup D'Etat in America

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Coup D'Etat in America Database

An interesting excerpt from the site:

[E. HOWARD] HUNT'S CIA assignment in 1953 was the overthrow of
President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala - Project PB SUCCESS. HUNT worked
closely with DAVID PHILLIPS on this operation.

DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on October 31, 1922 - a
spook who was born on Halloween. He attended Texas Christian University and
worked as an actor until World War II intervened. PHILLIPS served as a nose
gunner in the Army Air Corps. He was shot down over Austria, but returned to
the Allied lines after twice escaping from German prison camps. In 1948
PHILLIPS married an airline stewardess and, with a $200 a month option on a
play he had written that was never produced, he and his bride decided to go
to Chile to live cheaply. In Chile he purchased Latin America's oldest
English-language newspaper, The South Pacific Mail. Because of this he was
approached by the CIA and asked to pose as Chief of Station in Santiago,
Chile, so that the CIA could observe the extent of KGB surveillance.
PHILLIPS told The Washington Post: "I was to be a 'dangle.' Word was to be
leaked out in Chile that I was chief of American intelligence there. Sure
enough, a KGB agent soon began to cultivate me. I was at the time being paid
$50 a month for my services. When that Soviet showed up it occurred to me I
should be getting more." [Washington Post 7.2.75] PHILLIPS career with the
CIA began in Chile on February 1, 1951 when he took a job as a contract
agent at $600 per month with a term that ended February 28, 1951. He again
entered on duty on January 25, 1952 and was paid $6,000 per year with a term
that ended on August 31, 1953. On March 4, 1954 PHILLIPS entered on duty as
a Contract Employee at $7200 per year. On August 1, 1954 his pay was
increased to $8360 per year with a term ending March 31, 1955. At this time
PHILLIPS was HUNT'S Deputy Chief for Propaganda and he left Chile to become,
according to Who's Who, "a lecturer on Latin America."

Jacobo Arbenz, a professional Army officer, was the son of a Swiss
father who migrated to Guatemala. In 1944 Jacobo Arbenz took part in a
military coup against General Jorge Ubico. Dissatisfied with a successor of
Jorge Ubico, Jacobo Arbenz participated in another coup and became a member
of the subsequently installed Junta. Jacobo Arbenz was made the ranking
officer in the Guatemalan Army in 1949, after his chief rival was ambushed
and assassinated. The chauffeur of Jacobo Arbenz, and later his secretary,
was credited with the murder. Jacobo Arbenz ran for President in 1950.
During the election campaign his main rival, General Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes, went into hiding under threat of arrest.

Five days before Jacobo Arbenz was elected President through massive vote
fraud in November 1950, Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas headed an unsuccessful
revolt against him. Carlos Castillo-Armas was badly wounded and thrown into
prison. Jacobo Arbenz took office in March 1951. The following summer Carlos
Castillo-Armas tunneled his way out of prison and left the country.
President Arbenz declared a partial state of siege in 1951, allegedly to
control the dispatches of unfriendly foreign correspondents. Arbenz also
tried to institute land reforms; the United Fruit Company, the country's
biggest employer, was outraged when he expropriated 225,000 acres of its
property. The profits of United Fruit began to drop when labor unions
demanded $2.50 a day for each worker, instead of $1.36. [Business Week
4.30.55] During the early 1950's, United Fruit was a symbol of American
economic imperialism. The term "Banana Republic" had its roots in the
domination by United Fruit of Central and South American governments.

Jacobo Arbenz turned frequently to the Communists to maintain his power. By
1954 they were running Guatemala. President Eisenhower, Vice President NIXON
and the other National Security Council members called for the overthrow of
Jacobo Arbenz. In the Spring of 1954, the USSR began covertly supplying the
Guatemalan regime with arms, hidden aboard a Swedish freighter, in unmarked
boxes. When the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles,
received news of this shipment, the fate of Jacobo Arbenz was sealed.

In his autobiography, Undercover, HUNT recalled that he recommended
the ouster of Jacobo Arbenz shortly after he was elected, but his superiors
at the CIA refused to act until Arbenz threatened the profits of United
Fruit. Then, according to HUNT, the lawyer who represented United Fruit,
Ernest Cuneo, pressured the CIA leadership into taking action against

PHILLIPS described the chain of command in the Arbenz operation as follows:
the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles; then Director
/Plans Richa

Re: [CTRL] A New [Old] Heroin Conspiracy

1999-01-09 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Subject: Gabriel Nahas
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 94 9:12:14 CDT

> >If anybody has any *facts* about Nahas as his reported retractions of
> >findings and his fall from grace with Colombia Univ. I'd like to hear the
> >details.
> I think Jack Herer's book has some citations to retractions made by Nahas.
> If it wasn't Jack's book, then it was Chris Conrad's book, "Lifeline to
> Future."

Neither one has specific references to newspapers or anything.  They state
that Columbia University held a press conference in 1976 distancing
themselves from Nahas' research, and that Nahas made retractions of
_some_ of his studies at a press conference in 1983, after much
professional ridicule.  I wish one of them had thought to include a
newspaper reference or a specific date.  It may be in the latest
edition of Emperor; I've got a 1991 copy.

They also talk about Nahas' associations in the UN with Kurt Waldheim
and Lyndon Larouche, his control over all UN-sponsered cannibis research
for a period in the early seventies, and a professional scandal in 1971
when he published a report of a marijuana fatality in Belgium.  Larouche
and Nahas both worked at the OSS, which later became the CIA.  And,
get this, Nahas is trained as an anesthesiologist!

This guy's serious bad news, and he has no credibility within the
medical community whatsoever.

References for studies repudiating Nahas' claims:
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 4/30/1973, pg.631:
highly critical review of book on cannabis by Nahas

Disproval of immune-system damage claims:
Science, vol.186, 1974, pp.740-741 "Normal Skin Test Responses in Chronic
Marihuana Users", M.J. Silverstein & P.J. Lessin

Somebody needs to hook Chris Conrad up to the net.  I'm sure he's got this
kind of info ready at-hand.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Steven C. Anderson MN Grassroots Party Secretary

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Ongoing Rockefeller vs. Rothschild War?]

1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Jerry Harp replied:

>> Who controls the Washington
>>  Post, and whom are they allied with?
>The Graham family and Warren Buffet are the principal shareholders.  They
>right in with the ruling elite as does the content of the newspaper,
>and no doubt the radio and TV stations owned by the WP Company.

Historically speaking:

Eugene Meyer, then owner of the Washington Post, invested $50,000 for
himself and another unspecified amount for his son-in-law, Phil Graham in
George Bush’s first corporation, Zapata.   George admitted in his
autobiography that he had met Meyer previously because "Brown Brothers,
Harriman and Company managed a lot of his accounts."1 What his ghost-written
autobiography failed to reveal, however, was that the other major investor
who bought his stock was an investment trust known as British Assets Trust,
whose managers tie in with the same people backing Eugene Meyer’s purchase
of the Washington Post in 1933.  The same group was also the primary
investor in the United Fruit Co. organized in 1898 and thereafter involved
in covert activities in Central America, as was Zapata years later.  In
fact, there was an attempt by Zapata to take over United Fruit in 1969.

Eugene Meyer’s family came from Alsace-Lorraine during the 1848 revolution
which did away with the Habsburg King.  Meyer’s father was a cousin of the
Lazard brothers who established their first bank in San Francisco during the
gold rush fever.2 Going first to New Orleans in 1848, they relocated to
California when the Gold Rush began.3  At first they established a dry goods
store which soon took on the role of bank.   Alexandre Weill,  a cousin of
the Lazards as well as Eugene Meyer,  came from Alsace-Lorraine to be their
bookkeeper.   Within four years they became involved in foreign gold
exchange and opened an office in Paris.   Meyer’s mother was a Lazard
relative.  Eugene, Jr. spent two years in Paris after college graduation in
1895 where he was in close contact with an uncle, Zadoc Kahn, who had close
ties to the French Rothschilds.  He then went to New York,  where he worked
briefly in the Lazard office.  He soon quit to set up his own investment
bank and acquire a seat on the New York Stock Exchange.  By the time Eugene
Meyer (Jr.) invested in George Bush’s  enterprise, he had owned the
Washington Post for more than 20 years, turning it over to Phil Graham in
1946 when Eugene was appointed to be the first  chairman of the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund.
During World War I, the "Bank of England forced Lazard to sell the London
bank to British interests [emphasis added]."3 The "British interests"
nominally owning "Lazard Brothers", as it is called in the U.K., were the
family of Sir Weetman Pearson (later Lord and then Viscount) Cowdray.
According to author Cary Reich, the London office was a "franchise
operation" of Lazard Freres New York and Paris run, respectively, by Andre
Meyer and Pierre David-Weill.  Fifty percent (50%) of the ordinary shares of
Lazard Brothers & Co., Ltd. and 80% of preferred shares were owned by
Pearson PLC, as of 1985, which also held 16.2% of the U.S. Lazard Freres &
Co. capital and 9.9% of the profits.  Pearson also controlled 10% of the
French company’s partnership interest in the limited partnership.  In 1981
the chairman of Lazard was Ian Fraser. The Pearson empire—set up as a
foundation when Viscount Cowdray died--also includes 100% ownership of
London's Financial Times and a 50% interest in the Economist.5
Graham’s purchase in 1960 of Averell Harriman’s 12% interest in Newsweek and
the controlling interest from the Vincent Astor Foundation, financed by a
loan from Prudential, occurred only a few short years after his investment
in George Bush’s oil company.  It tells us a great deal about who not only
controls the Washington Post, but also who controls George Bush.
1 George Bush, Looking Forward (Bantam Books, 1987), p. 65. According to
Carol Felsenthal in her book Power, Privilege and the Post:  The Katherine
Graham Story (New York:  G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1993), Eugene Meyer "helped
create Anaconda Copper, which supplied the Allies with wire for their
communications network, helped establish dye-manufacturing facilities that
would later become National Aniline & Chemical, and formed a company to
supply the U.S. Navy with blue dye for its uniforms."[p. 28]  This firm was
merged with three other companies to create the Allied Chemical Corporation
during World War I, during the time that Meyer also headed the
nonferrous-metals division of the War Industries Board and served as a
director of the War Finance Corporation. [p. 34]  He was managing director
of the WFC until it was disbanded in 1925.  Then in 1929, after the stock
market crash, Meyer’s appointment to the Federal Reserve Board was confirmed
after an "acrimonious" hearing.  Beginning in 1932 he organized and became
the first head of the Reconstruction Finance Corpor


1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Pearl Gladstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 10:58 PM

>This perplexing phrase bizzarrely appeared today for the second time.
>I'll tell you about the first time later.
>Its use was in the House Judiciary hearing on the possible impeachment
>of Bill Clinton. It was said by one Thomas Sullivan, former US
>Attorney,  in response to a question by Rep Robert Wexler D-Fla. It was
>something about the oral sex thing. Both Wexler  and Sullivan were
>speaking in  defense of Clinton.
>Sullivan got quite excited over a  question, and said that the oral sex
>thing was a question as to who was performing on whom, which was , he
>said, a he said, she said matter. Then, out of his agitated excitement,
>came this closing shot, and I quote "It's who shot John"
>Nobody winked, although I found that to be a horrendous term to use on
>any occasion, much less in the context of oral sex.
>Only a youngish woman sitting behind Sullivan with shoulder length dark
>blonde hair, wearing glasses and a salmon suit laughed in a raucous way.
>Now, pardon me, but I fail to see anything funny about Who shot John. I
>find  that the use of this term is odd beyond the likelihood of idle
>The last time, and indeed only other time,  I heard this similar phrase
>was in a Bush-Clinton Debate in 92. I forget the context, but an annoyed
>George Bush suddenly said What does it matter who shot John? I was
>aghast. Nobody else in the media picked up on it. Nor did Clinton. I
>called various newspapers and TV stations the next day, and all
>professed not to have noticed it. One media person said it must be a
>term like Who shot Cock Robin, a sort of Mother Goose rhyme.
>No!I don't think so folks. I offer another, much more serious
>hypothesis, and send it out for public consideration. What does it
>matter who shot John  is something that is a sort of  joke in certain
>covert centers where they are proud of their handiwork, and this phrase
>has become part of a private vernacular.
>I noted the proponderance of spooks on both sides at the Clinton thing,
>just like Watergate. Maybe Thomas Sullivan just felt a little too
>comfortable and thought he was in some more sheltered office somewhere
>where the term "who shot John" is a joke passed around as a proud
>achievement. Ditto George Bush.
>Just a thought and observation. By the way, the lady in the salmon suit
>shook hands with Richard Davis as she got up to leave. Davis was on the
>the testifying panel and had served on the Watergate committee, and one
>of his expressed functions was to urge a cooling off period so Nixon
>would not be indicted before a Ford pardon. Nice and neat, eh?
>What does it matter who shot John? (George Bush)1992
>It's who shot John (Thomas Sullivan) 1998
>How many "ordinary" Americans use this phrase
>What does it matter who shot John, or Martin, or Robert, when the power
>entity can get away with it, then use the term in moments of loose
>abandon, or in private places of celebration and pride?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Project Cabal

1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bosco324 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 3:47 PM
Subject: Project Cabal

>The conspiracy research group "Project Cabal" is reuniting and we are
>for more talented researchers to get involved. Nothing special required,
>the drive to dig deep into darkness :D
>Go to this site and click on "Communication Center"
>Conspiracy Theorist
>Paranormal Investigator
>Leader of alt.conspiracy.beyondweird
>X-Ville's local researcher

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: The Starr Trap - Anthony Lewis Column

1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: The Starr Trap - Anthony Lewis Column

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (UltraZ) wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 00:10:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >BOSTON -- At 1 P.M. on Friday, Jan. 16, Monica Lewinsky arrived at the
>> >Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City to meet Linda Tripp.  What happened then
>> >well known.  But its significance -- its crucial significance -- is not
>> >generally understood.  Ms. Lewinsky was confronted by F.B.I. agents and
>> >Kenneth Starr's assistant prosecutors.  She immediately told them, as
>> >testified later, that "I wasn't speaking to them without my attorney."
>> >attorney was Francis D. Carter.  When she was subpoenaed by Paula
>> >lawyers, she told him that she had not had "sexual relations" with
>> >Clinton; Mr. Carter prepared, and she signed, an affidavit to that
>> >
>> >Mr. Starr's agents did everything they could, short of physical force,
>> >keep Ms. Lewinsky from calling Frank Carter.  They told her that he was
>> >civil rather than a criminal lawyer "so he really couldn't help me."
>> >was a lie; Mr. Carter is a highly regarded criminal lawyer who for six
>> >headed Washington's public defender service.)  They gave her the number
>> >another lawyer and suggested she call him.
>> >
>> >They told her she had signed a false affidavit and could go to prison
for 27
>> >years.  They offered to give her immunity if she would "cooperate" --
>> >there would be no deal if Mr. Carter were called in.  (A Federal
>> >forbids immunity negotiations in the absence of a suspect's lawyer.)
>> >
>> >Why were Mr. Starr's deputies so anxious that Ms. Lewinsky not telephone
>> >Carter?  On that Friday afternoon Mr. Carter had not yet filed Ms.
>> >affidavit. Until it was filed, it could be changed -- without legal
>> >consequences.  Federal law makes it a crime only to file a false
affidavit in
>> >a civil case.  You can swear one, keep it, then change it or tear it up
>> >without violating the law.
>> >
>> >Mr. Starr knew about the affidavit from Linda Tripp's last taped
>> >with Ms. Lewinsky, and knew from Paula Jones's lawyers that it might not
>> >have been filed.  That is why his deputies worked so hard to keep Ms.
>> >from calling Frank Carter.  If he knew what was happening, they
realized, he
>> >would not file it.  And they wanted a crime.  They wanted perjury to be
>> >committed: by Ms. Lewinsky so they would have leverage over her, and by
>> >President when he was deposed in the Jones case the next day.
>> >
>> >If Ms. Lewinsky had called that afternoon, Mr. Carter told me, the
>> >"would not have been sent."  But there was no call.  At the end of the
>> >business day it was sent to the court in Little Rock by Federal Express.
>> >Under the rules, that was a filing.  Mr. Carter had shown the affidavit
>> >the Jones lawyers and to Robert Bennett, President Clinton's lawyer.  If
>> >had not filed it, he said "I would have told them."  So Mr. Bennett
>> >have known of Mr. Starr's interest in Monica Lewinsky.  The President's
>> >deposition on Saturday would have taken another course or been canceled.
>> >the history of the last 10 months would have been very different.
>> >
>> >(Did the President or Ms. Lewinsky in fact commit perjury when they
>> >they had not had "sexual relations"?  Perjury, a complicated legal
>> >requires among other things proof of deliberate falsehood.  In a
>> >with Linda Tripp unrelated to any threat of prosecution, Ms. Lewinsky
>> >said emphatically that "having sex" meant "having intercourse" -- not
>> >sex.)
>> >
>> >The right to a lawyer is fundamental in our constitutional system.  A
>> >accused of crime, the Supreme Court said in the Scottsboro Case in 1932,
>> >"requires the guiding hand of counsel at every step."  Without it, the
>> >innocent person may be overborne by what she does not understand.
>> >officers occasionally break the rules.  It is another matter when
>> >prosecutors, who are officers of the court, overbear a young woman to
>> >her from calling her lawyer.  The Starr deputies who were there on Jan.
16 --
>> >Michael Emmick, Jackie Bennett Jr. and Bruce Udolf -- should surely face
>> >questions by the appropriate legal authorities on their fitness to
>> >law.  And Mr. Starr condoned what they did.###
>> >
>> Your narra

[CTRL] Fw: Abe Hirschfeld taken into custody

1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Toni Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 1:33 PM
Subject: Abe Hirschfeld taken into custody

>Abe Hirschfeld taken into custody under sealed indictment
>The Associated Press 12/10/98 8:00 AM Eastern
>NEW YORK (AP) -- Abe Hirschfeld, the wealthy gadfly who offered Paula
>Jones $1 million to settle her sexual harassment suit against President
>Clinton, is in police custody for allegedly hiring a hit man to kill a
>business partner, according to published reports.
>The 79-year-old real estate developer was arrested at 11:40 p.m.
>Wednesday night at his home on Manhattan's tony Fifth Avenue, said
>police spokesman Lt. Dennis Cirillo.
>Cirillo said Hirschfeld was being held under a sealed indictment handed
>down by a Manhattan grand jury.
>Hirschfeld is already under state indictment for tax fraud and has been
>sued by his own daughter.
>The latest indictment focuses on allegations that he tried two years ago
>to arrange the contract killing of real estate mogul Stanley Stahl over
>a business deal that went sour, according to published reports.
>But Hirschfeld apparently backed out of the deal after the intermediary
>he was using to set up the killing was roughed up.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: "60 Minutes" Hewitt to Personally Apologize for Airing Fake Story

1998-12-10 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 3:07 PM
Subject: "60 Minutes" Hewitt to Personally Apologize for Airing Fake Story

>`60 Minutes' to apologize for airing material from faked documentary
>12/10/98 02:10:30 PM
>By DAVID BAUDER AP Television Writer
>NEW YORK (AP) -- ``60 Minutes'' will deliver an unusual on-air apology
>Sunday for airing a story about heroin smuggling that a British panel
>has determined was a fake.
>The CBS report was based on ``The Connection,'' a British documentary
>that said Colombia's Cali drug cartel had opened a new heroin smuggling
>route to London. It aired on ``60 Minutes'' on June 1, 1997.
>After the film's authenticity was challenged, an independent panel of
>lawyers and TV producers investigated and determined that producers had
>faked locations and paid actors to portray drug couriers.
>Don Hewitt, executive producer of ``60 Minutes,'' will read the apology
>at the end of Sunday's show. It will be the first time Hewitt has
>appeared in front of cameras on the program he has produced since 1968.
>``We, you and television viewers in 14 other countries were taken. To
>make amends, we felt obligated to lay it all out in detail and ask you
>to please accept our apology,'' Hewitt's statement reads.
>The newsmagazine showed a film clip purporting to show a courier eluding
>authorities by swallowing fingers of a latex glove filled with heroin.
>But investigators found there was no evidence the person was carrying
>heroin ``rather than sugar, flour or mints.''
>The ``60 Minutes'' report was narrated by Steve Kroft. Upon getting the
>documentary, ``60 Minutes'' interviewed documentary producer Marc de
>Beaufort and was satisfied he had a good reputation, Hewitt said. De
>Beaufort has blamed a researcher for the ``alleged fakery'' and said he
>didn't believe the panel's conclusions.
>CBS also checked with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and was told that
>swallowing rubber containers filled with heroin was a smuggling
>technique used by the Cali cartel, Hewitt said.
>``I think we did our job pretty good in checking it and taking it to the
>Drug Enforcement Agency,'' he said. ``Can you always be 100 percent sure
>when you do a story based on somebody else's reporting from the
>The episode will make ``60 Minutes'' reluctant to rely on stories
>largely reported by others, he said.
>No ``60 Minutes'' employee will be disciplined for a role in airing the
>story, he said.
>Carlton Communications, which made ``The Connection'' for the British
>network Independent Television, has said it will return the eight awards
>won by the documentary. The company also promised to refund the money
>paid by broadcasters for the rights to show it.
>The documentary was aired at least twice in the United States on the
>Cinemax network, and portions were provided free to ``60 Minutes.''
>Cinemax also plans an on-air apology at some point, said Quentin
>Schaffer, spokesman for HBO Productions, which owns Cinemax.
>The incident adds to the media's rough year. In July, CNN apologized and
>retracted a story alleging the U.S. military used nerve gas on Vietnam
>War defectors. ``60 Minutes'' also learned this summer that it and other
>media outlets were snookered by a convicted killer from Massachusetts
>who had won release from prison partly on false claims that he served in
>AP-CS-12-10-98 1506EST

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: The 'bad Graham' knows good timing

1998-12-11 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 8:14 PM
Subject: The 'bad Graham' knows good timing

>DECEMBER 10, 1998 19:59:21 UTC
>On the eve of the Judiciary Committee's impeachment vote, the WASHINGTON
>POST hits member Rep. Bob Barr [R-GA] in Friday editions, a prerelease
>obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.
>"A spokesman for [Barr] acknowledged Thursday that he was a keynote
>earlier this year at a meeting of the Council of Conservative Citizens,
>organization promoting views that interracial marriage amounts to white
>genocide and that Abraham Lincoln was elected by socialists and
>writes the paper's Thomas Edsall.
>Edsall quotes from the internet Web site of the Council of Conservative
>Citizens, noting the site "is dominated by material portraying the
>race' as under seige."
>"A council columnist described only as 'H. Millard' writes: 'Take 10
>of milk to represent all humans on earth. 9 of them will be chocolate
>only one white. Now mix all those bottles together and you have gotten
>of that troublesome bottle of white milk. There too is the way to get
>rid of
>the world of whites. Convince them to mix their few genes with the genes
>the many. Genocide via the bedroom chamber is as long lasting as
>via war."
>"Barr spoke at the organization's semi-annual convention on June 6 in
>Charleston, S.C," reports the WASHINGTON POST.
>"His presence was cited by Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who
>testified against the impeachment of President Clinton at a hearing of
>House Judiciary Committee."
>X X X X X

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt--Sleezeball

1999-01-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

I've never looked at Hustler magazine, and I didn't see the movie with Woody
Harrelson about Flynt.  All I know about Larry Flynt comes from the book,
Project Seek:  Onassis, Kennedy and the Gemstone Thesis, by Gerald A.
Carroll, published by Bridger House Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 2208, Carson
City, NV 89702 (1-800-729-4131), copyright 1994.



CHAPTER 1 -- The Skeleton Key: Part I

The Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files was pieced together by an unnamed
individual who claims to have accessed much of Gemstone Files author Bruce
Roberts' work. Despite its second-hand nature, and despite its enormous
complexity, the Skeleton Key does present claims and circumstances which can
be independently traced and corroborated, and indeed many researchers have
done just that in books and articles which have appeared long after the
Skeleton Key was circulated.
  The Key also contains plenty of names -- many of which were simply deleted
when the Key ran in the February, 1979, edition of Hustler magazine. Had it
not been for Hustler publisher Larry Flynt's almost crazed dedication to
revealing all that he and his magazine could relating to the assassination
of John F. Kennedy, this later record would carry little meaning. For,
despite Flynt's devil-may-care attitude, he and his editors still watered
down the Skeleton Key tremendously. We won't make the same mistake. The Key
appears here, for the first time, in
annotated form, so that readers can see how the published Hustler version
stacks up to the original. It also will go far in explaining why Flynt sat
on this story for over three years before finally going to press with it;
the fact that someone tried to shoot him to death might have had something
to do with the delay as well.
  Flynt offered a reward of $1 million to "anyone who can solve" the
"conspiracy" surrounding the Kennedy assassination. The reward was offered
in January of 1978, just over 15
years after the November 22, 1963, killing of the President. Two months
later, on March 5, Flynt was shot by an unknown assailant, who had pulled up
in a car right after Flynt and his attorney left a Lawrenceville, GA,
courtroom where the publisher was on trial for obscenity charges. The
shooting left Flynt paralyzed from the waist down.
   The shooting was blamed on overzealous, right-wing Christians who were
reportedly enraged at Flynt's lengthy history of "smut" publishing. However,
the timing of the shooting soon after his pronouncement of the $I million
JFK conspiracy reward leaves some doubt as to the assassin's true motives.
   Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the first public disclosure
of the Skeleton Key, the facts as presented certainly provide some valuable
material from which a coherent investigation of these facts can be
conducted. Hustler might not have published the entire Key script as
circulated at that time, but it did print the most critical passages --
those connecting Aristotle Onassis with the assassinations of JFK, RFK and
the Watergate scandal. Further, the editors at Hustler also added some
information that was not in the original Skeleton Key. This information,
including astounding facts on the organized-crime background of Gerald
Ford's real father, lends further credibility to whatever passages in the
Gemstone Files that could be construed as Bruce Roberts' private fantasies.
   Biographical information on Roberts himself is sprinkled throughout the
original Key. However, Hustler deleted much of this material. We decided to
include the missing fragments
pertaining to Roberts, and even uncovered a few more on our own --just to
show that Roberts was who he claimed to be, and that he was indeed author of
the Gemstone thesis (see Chapter 8)·
   It is easy to see why the mainstream media in the United States and
around the world failed to pick up on Hustler's lead in reporting any
connection between the Kennedy assassinations and Onassis. A magazine which
so blatantly exploits women and that contains such outrageous fiction and
other sordid con tent can hardly be credible enough to carry a story of this
magnitude with any seriousness. The cover art on the story showed the
"Kennedy boys" and Onassis, among others, dressed in pinstripe,
gangster-style suits. The whole package was difficult to take seriously, and
it wasn't.
   But that was before the real Skeleton Key started showing up again on
college campuses and among certain individual who could finally compare the
original with the sanitized Hustler version. For the first time anywhere, we
will produce hybrid copy of the Key which will vividly show the original Key
alongside the Hustler version. Readers can then decide for themselves what
has transpired -- and what motivated Flynt's editors to do what they did.
   Now what of Bruce Roberts himself? Here is how Hustler magazine described
the author of the "article" entitled 'The Gemstone File":
   "The author of this article is deceased. How he d

[CTRL] Fw: John Elrod Article

1999-01-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Robert Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 14, 1999 2:20 PM
Subject: John Elrod Article

>This is an interesting article from the Memphis Commercial Appeal, about
>John Elrod.
>As you read the article, notice that the Sheriff's office specifically
>stated that, "Elrod was sober" when he came to them, and that they were
>impressed enough with him to tell the FBI that he he had "information of
>In fact, the local Sheriff was impressed enough with Elrod to bypass the
>local FBI office and write directly to Hoover.
>Unfortunately, the FBI took a somewhat different attitude about Elrod's
>story. They falsely claimed in their report, that Elrod wasn't even in the
>Dallas jail on 11/22/63, and they tried to create the impression that
>Elrod never mentioned Oswald's name, only referring to an "unnamed
>Of course, the Sheriff's report, as well as a recently discovered internal
>FBI memo confirmed that they were fully aware that Elrod was talking about
>Memphis Commercial Appeal (Nov. 10, 1997)
>By Bartholomew Sullivan
>On Aug. 11, 1964, just after midnight, a troubled man stumbled
>into the Shelby County Sheriff's Department in downtown
>Memphis, carrying a sawed-off shotgun. He had a story to tell
>about Lee Harvey Oswald.
>John Franklin Elrod gave his story to a sergeant on duty, A. C.
>Gilless. Thirty-three years later, Gilless, now sheriff, can't
>recall the incident but says that, under the circumstances,
>he's surprised he can't remember.
>"1964? Lord have mercy. That's 33 years ago," he said.
>What Elrod told Gilless and then the FBI could go far in
>debunking the official explanation of Oswald's televised murder
>two days after President John F. Kennedy was killed, according
>to a new book on the case, Oswald Talked: The New Evidence in
>the Kennedy Assassination.
>Among the revelations: Oswald knew his own killer, Jack Ruby.
>According to the book and documents now available from the
>National Archives and Records Administration in Washington,
>Elrod was Oswald's Dallas cellmate between the time the accused
>assassin was arrested and the time Oswald was shot to death by
>strip-club owner Ruby while being taken down to the garage of
>the Dallas County jail.
>The book indicates Oswald was probably an FBI informant who'd
>infiltrated a Cuban exile group that was buying stolen guns in
>Texas. According to Elrod, Oswald said Ruby was part of the
>gunrunning ring, as was another man paraded before the jail
>cell bars for Oswald to identify, authors Mary and Ray
>LaFontaine say in their book.
>A Dallas police report released to The Commercial Appeal under
>the Freedom of Information Act says Elrod was arrested Nov. 22,
>1963 - the day Kennedy was killed - at 2:45 p.m. "on railroad
>tracks a few minutes after a radio call was dispatched that [a]
>man was walking along railroad carrying a rifle. This man was
>not carrying a rifle at time of arrest." He was charged with
>"Inv. murder and Co. Vag.," apparently investigation of murder
>and violation of the county vagrancy law.
>He was released days later and left town. What he heard Oswald
>say in jail about Ruby and the gunrunners is the subject of the
>book that stars Gilless in a cameo role.
>Gilless's original reaction to hearing of his involvement in
>the controversy was to say the Elrod incident never occurred.
>"None of it's true," he said in a telephone interview Oct. 16.
>"I've heard from several people who read that book and asked me
>about it but I can assure you none of that happened."
>But shown the documents from the National Archives last week,
>Gilless acknowledged his signature on an urgent letter to J.
>Edgar Hoover, then the FBI director.
>"Apparently I had some contact with him (Elrod) because I wrote
>this letter and signed it," he said. "But in those days I
>processed many, many people through this jail."
>Gilless's letter to Hoover was itself unusual, Gilless says.
>"I wrote that letter apparently directly to Hoover, and I don't
>know why I did that, rather than call the local office. I don't
>know why I don't remember that."
>Gilless's letter to Hoover reads in part: "This subject walked
>into our office at approximately 12:30 a.m. this date and
>stated he had information concerning the murder of Lee Oswalt
>(sic). He had with him a travel bag which contained a sawed-off
>shot gun. The local office of the FBI has been informed of this
>subject and stated they would conduct an investigation. Please
>wire reply collect. Yours truly, Alton C. Gilless Jr."
>Hoover did reply, in a memo dated Aug. 12 and corrected by a
>different typewriter to read Aug. 13. The director wrote simply
>that Elrod had a rap sheet with the FBI but was not wanted.
>The FBI's local office a

[CTRL] New Session of Linda Tripp Depo

1999-01-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Thursday, January 14, 1999 7:58 PM
Subject: New Session of Linda Tripp Depo at JW Online Now

January 14, 1999
CONTACT: Judicial Watch
(202) 646-5172

Latest Tripp Filegate Deposition Transcript on Judicial Watch Internet Site


The latest deposition transcript from Linda Tripp's sworn testimony in the
$90 million Filegate civil lawsuit brought against the Clinton White House
by Judicial Watch on behalf of those former Reagan and Bush staffers and
others whose FBI files were illegally obtained and misused by the Clinton
White House.

"Ms. Tripp once again has much to say on Filegate and related issues," noted
Larry Klayman, Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel. "She testified
that Ken Starr and his staff never questioned her substantively on Filegate
and other important matters. One thing is for sure, Judicial Watch will
follow up on her important testimony. And so should Congress."

Ms. Tripp's deposition testimony, taken yesterday, includes information
about Mrs. Clinton's involvement in the firings of the Travel Office, Ms.
Tripp's interaction with Independent Counsel Starr on Filegate, and more
confirmation of illegal misuse of FBI files by the Clinton White House.

Ms. Tripp's deposition is scheduled to continue on January 22, 1999 at 10:00

# # #

Judicial Watch, P.O. Box 4, Washington, DC 20026. Tel:1-888-JW-ETHIC,
Fax: (202) 646-5199.
Contributions are tax-deductible. © 1997, 1998 Judicial Watch. All Rights



Allan J. Favish

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Tripp Depo Excerpt

1999-01-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Thursday, January 14, 1999 9:25 PM
Subject: Tripp Depo Excerpt

Excerpt from Linda Tripp Deposition, Jan. 13, 1999, session; found at

   1 right here.
   2   THE WITNESS:  What page?
   3   BY MR. GAFFNEY:
   4  QLet's see, page 361.  Starting on
   5 line 14, do you see that Mr. Klayman asked
   6 you the question, is it your belief that
   7 Foster and Kennedy took orders from Hillary
   8 Clinton, do you believe that?  I objected.
   9 Then you answer yes; do you see that?
  10  AYes.
  11  QCan you recall any specific orders
  12 that Mrs. Clinton gave to Mr. Foster or
  13 Mr. Kennedy?
  14  AWell, the question was is it your
  15 belief.
  16  QI understand that, I understand
  17 it's your belief.
  18  ASo I'm telling you that to this
  19 day, it is my belief that specifically Vince
  20 Foster and Bill Kennedy worked for
  21 Mrs. Clinton.  Was it on a wiring diagram so
  22 indicating, no, it was not.
   1  QI understand your testimony.  My
   2 question is whether you recall any specific
   3 orders that Mrs. Clinton gave either of those
   4 two individuals?
   5  AI remember an order having to do
   6 with the firing of the Travel Office from
   7 Mrs. Clinton to Mr. Foster, yes.
   8  QWhat was that order?
   9  AIn handwriting on a memo in
  10 Mrs. Clinton's hand signed HRC, which said,
  11 we need our people out, out underlined -- we
  12 need these people out, out underlined, we
  13 need our people in, in underlined, HRC.
  14   That was on a memo and it is
  15 something that I discussed with Phil Larson,
  16 actually, during the time that he, contacted
  17 me when he was working on a House Committee
  18 looking into the Travel Office.
  19  QOther than that instance, are you
  20 aware of any other?
  21  AI can only tell you what I observed
  22 with Craig Livingstone, Bill Kennedy and
   1 Vince Foster and I reiterate that --
   2  QYou've testified to that?
   3  AI'm sorry?
   4  QIs that what you testified to?
   5   MR. KLAYMAN:  Objection.  Let her
   6 answer.
   7   BY MR. GAFFNEY:
   8  QYou can answer.
   9  AWell, you can tell me if I have
  10 already.  I believe I have stated in the past
  11 that it was my belief that these individuals
  12 had a direct line of communication with
  13 Mrs. Clinton and did not seem to have that
  14 same interaction with the immediate office.
  15   Our office certainly did.  I'm
  16 speaking of these three individuals
  17 specifically.



Allan J. Favish

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Friday, January 15, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: PJ lied under oath?

Ah, facts, how nice. Pity this sort doesn't make the soundbytes. :-)

>From Time at:,2960,13676,00.html

A New Clinton Alibi
Book says Paula's timeline was way off

One thing that should be clear four years after Paula Jones filed her
case against President Clinton is when the incident allegedly
happened. But James Retter, in his new book Anatomy of a Scandal, has
reconstructed the events of May 8, 1991, and writes that contrary to
what Jones has said in sworn statements, it's extremely unlikely that
she met Clinton around 2:30 p.m., after he gave a speech. Retter
interviewed hotel personnel, conference organizers and others and
found that Clinton gave his speech at 8 a.m., was gone from the hotel
by 9:30 a.m. and apparently did not return. The schedule of the
conference and Clinton's own schedule--including a luncheon at the
Governor's mansion for European industrialists--support this
timetable. But if Retter's right, why didn't Clinton bring this up? A
source says the decision was made to save the bombshell for trial.
Lawyers for Jones, who is hoping the dismissal of her case will be
reversed by a federal appellate court, could not be reached for

We need an "Ordinary Citizens' Bill of Rights"!
Organizing against impeachment: --
The Eight Classic Moral Principles:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Out of curiosity, just how old are you?  You talk just like the teenagers my
daughter hangs out with.  If you want any credibility, you really need to
clean up your mouth.  It wouldn't hurt to dust off your brain a bit as well.


-Original Message-
From: Brown, Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 15, 1999 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

> -Caveat Lector-
>You're such a freak. I bet if you stared me down face to face you wouldn't
>be half as bold as you are over e-mail. What gives you the power to
>determine if I'm a neonazi or not? Because I have an opinon that differs
>from yours? I think that makes you more of a nazi than I ever will be. And
>know you're a total pussy because the last time I challenged you on this
>list, you backed down like a whipped dog! Keep your facile and juvenile
>opinions to yourself, unless you're enough of a man to back them up.
>> --
>> From: Gerald Harp[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Reply To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
>> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 1999 5:06 PM
>> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> In a message dated 1/14/99 10:59:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> >
>> >  Larry Flynt is a mushmouthed cripple
>> The neonazis just can't help themselves.
>> ==
>> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>> propagandic
>> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>> matters
>> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>> outright
>> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>> effects
>> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>> readers;
>> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>> nazi's need not apply.
>> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>> Archives Available at:
>> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
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>> Om
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Carlene M. Wojahn wrote:
>> Someone correct me if I'm wrong.  Isn't the only thing Clinton admitted
>> lying about the fact that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky?
>Ahhh...but he hasn't admitted see they didn't have sexual
>relations...he wasn't having any with her, she was having relations with

The point so many people seem to be missing is that this whole scandal
started with a lawsuit brought by a woman whose credibility is severely in
question, at a time when the law was not even clear whether a civil lawsuit
could be brought against a sitting president.  Clearly, lawyers--including
friends and associates of Kenneth Starr--approached Ms. Jones with offers to
take her case and somehow come up with money for her living expenses in
order to argue the position that a president can be sued during his term.

Suppose for a moment that she lied about what happened.  Suppose also that
the lawyers were acting on behalf of politically motivated individuals who
hate Clinton for political reasons only--because his policies hurt their
pocketbooks, for example.  Suppose these same people knew Monica's
proclivities and Bill's weakness and set up a scenario for him to fall into,
while at the same time pushing the Jones case through the court so that
depositions could be taken.  Then they monitored Monica's reports through
agents Tripp and Goldberg, making sure any available evidence (like the
dress) is preserved.

I believe this scenario--given the connections between Ted and Barbara
Olson, Kenneth Starr, the Rutherford Foundation and Richard Mellon
Scaife--is much more credible than the "common sense" allegations Starr
presented to Congress, without any real evidence, such as any small-town
prosecutor in Texas would have to have in order to convict anybody for
anything.  If the real evidence he had, and the way he got it were revealed,
and were subject to cross-examination in a real court, the judge would
dismiss the case without presenting it to the jury.



The Truth, the Whole Truth . . .

By David LePlunom

What is the truth? Is it a reasonable goal of the court that every statement
made in a court of law should be true? This doesn't appear reasonable or an
effective means to achieve a rule of law.
For example, what is the truth as it related to the testimony of Paula

Paula Jones clearly lied under oath in her complaint and in her deposition.
Judge Wright described Paula Jones'  testimony regarding tangible job
damages as vague, contradictory and contrary in some cases to state
employment records in her April 1 order dismissing the case. This  was a
very accurate description of the testimony of Paula Jones. It is emphasized
that this was the legal basis for which Monica Lewinsky was permitted to be
subpoenaed as a witness.

We have taken the testimony from the actual deposition transcripts and the
complaints to emphasize points where probable perjury was commited. This
will not effect the  sanctimonious in the press who will continue to
emphasize President Clinton's lie under oath. We have to remember that the
Starnographers are incapable of  being influenced by truth. No matter what
the testimony showed, the Starry  Eyed were just going to emphasize
everything Paula Jones' attorneys were stating and ignore the truth about
how weak her case was. By the way for the McCollum, Barr and Sennsenbrenner
groupies, there are quite a few I don't  recall statements here.

In this article by the way, I have emphasized points in her complaint or
deposition contradicted at another point in testimony by either Paula Jones
or state employment records. I have not cited excerpts from other
depositions that would imply she is not telling the truth. I have also
emphasized situations where I believe it is clear Paula is not telling the

The following are the points that clearly indicate that Paula's testimony
was far from the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:

1) Paula Jones claimed in her sworn complaint that she did not receive merit
raises in retribution for refusing to accede to Governor Clinton's alleged
advances. However, the records of the state indicated she did receive
several of these raises. Let us examine her testimony in this area to see if
it was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:

Q. All right. And on March 11th, 1992, you received a merit increase?
A. Um-huh.

Q. Didn't you?

A. Probably. That's what everybody else received too.

Q. And on -­

A. Cost-of-living-raise.

Q. And on July ­ no. I said merit increase.

A. Oh, I don't what that is.

Q. You know there's a difference between a merit increase and a
cost-of-living increase, you know that?

A. No.

Q. You don't know that you got both cost-of-living increases and merit
increases when you worked at AIDC?

A. I don't know if I did or not.

Comment on Point 1: She really seems to feign igno

[CTRL] Reno finds no wrongdoing by Gore aide

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

[01/14] Reno finds no wrongdoing by former top Gore aide
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General Janet Reno said Thursday that no
further investigation was required of criminal allegations involving Peter
Knight, a former top aide to Vice President Al Gore.

Refusing to move toward an independent counsel probe, Reno ended a 30-day
review into whether Knight, who managed the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign,
helped another Gore friend get favorable terms on a government lease and
lied about it.

The allegations involving Knight, who is expected to play a key role in
Gore's 2000 presidential bid, were sent to the Justice Department by a
congressional committee last month.

Reno said in a statement that she concluded that she does not possess
``specific and credible information'' that Knight, who is covered by the
independent counsel law, ``may have violated federal criminal law.''

She said there was ``no basis'' to begin a preliminary investigation into
the allegations.

The House Commerce Committee alleged that Knight helped Tennessee
businessman and real estate developer Franklin Haney get the favorable terms
on the lease and that in return Haney contributed $280,000 to the Democrats.

The committee also alleged that Knight, a former chief of staff to Gore,
lied to it about a $1 million fee Haney paid him.

Reno twice late last year refused to seek an independent counsel to
investigate Gore on campaign-related questions.

In December, Reno decided against an independent counsel to investigate
President Clinton and Gore over political ads financed by the Democratic
Party during the 1996 election.

In late November, Reno decided not to seek an independent counsel to
investigate whether Gore lied to FBI agents about telephone fund-raising
calls from his office during the 1996 presidential election campaign.

Haney faces charges brought by a Justice Department task force investigating
campaign finance abuses that he made nearly $80,000 in illegal contributions
to Clinton's reelection effort and to two other candidates from Tennessee.

The House Commerce Committee investigated financial and political ties
between Haney and top Democratic officials, including Knight, over the lease
of the Portals building in Washington, D.C. It is scheduled to become the
Federal Communications Commission's new headquarters.

The panel questioned whether $1 million payments to Knight and former
Tennessee senator Jim Sasser were illegal contingency fees and whether they
used their political influence to gain a government lease.

Last Updated: 01/14/99 19:28 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cargill and Continental Grain merger

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

[01/14] Cargill antitrust issues complicated, Iowa State economist says

WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Cargill Inc.'s acquisition of the grain
business of Continental Grain Co. would give it control over 36 percent of
ship loading capacity in the Louisiana and Texas Gulf, up from 26 percent
currently, according to a new study by a team of university economists.
But the complicated dynamics of the U.S. grain export market make it
difficult to evaluate the deal's impact on competition and prices in some
areas, they said.

Cargill, based in Minnetonka, Minn., is the largest privately held U.S.
company and the world's largest private agribusiness company. It's the No. 1
U.S. grain exporter and one of the world's largest food processors.
Cargill's other operations include petroleum and financial futures trading.

Continental Grain, headquartered in New York City, is the second largest
U.S. grain exporter. After selling that business, Continental Grain plans to
change its name to ContiGroup Companies and will be involved in such diverse
enterprises as financial services, meat processing, flour milling, and
natural gas trading.

A "white paper" analysis of the proposed Cargill/Continental deal was put
together by economists at Iowa State University, Oklahoma State University
and North Dakota State University.

The paper outlined general U.S. grain market conditions and did not reach
any conclusions on the benefits or drawbacks of the acquisition. The
economists interviewed experts at the U.S. Agriculture Department, the
Chicago Board of Trade, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Cargill
for data.

"We prepared this as a white paper so that others can have the facts and
things they ought to think about to have an informed debate," said Marvin
Hayenga, an ISU economist and lead author.

Several farm groups and Democratic senators have criticized the acquisition,
claiming the combination of the top two U.S. grain exporters could decrease
competition. Sen. Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican who heads the Senate
Agriculture Committee, has scheduled a hearing later this month on
concentration in the farm sector.

Big change in Louisiana/Gulf

The Cargill acquisition would result in relatively little additional market
concentration in overall U.S. storage and acquisition of grain by farmers,
or at most river barge terminals, he said. But specific terminals could see
big increases, Hayenga said.

Cargill, which aims to finalize the deal by the end of the first quarter,
contends the acquisition will help it become more competitive and efficient
in moving U.S. farmers' grain to market.

One of the biggest increases in concentration under the deal would be in the
combined Louisiana and Texas Gulf port area, where Cargill would grow to 36
percent of market share, the study said.

"The advantages of low-cost barge transportation may make the Louisiana Gulf
ports more attractive destinations than the Texas Gulf for export grain from
many parts of the upper Midwest," the study said. But it added that the Gulf
ports also are competitive with each other and "probably" with East Coast
and Great Lakes ports for export business.

The Texas Gulf ports also compete with the Pacific Northwest ports for some
grain shipments from the western farm belt that is headed to Asia, the study

"Thus, the shares by leading firms in a local or regional area may not be a
good indicator of their potential impact on competition and prices in those
areas," the study said.

Cargill, ADM would control Illinois River

Along the northern Illinois River -- a key delivery area for futures
contracts -- the deal would give Cargill 27 percent of the terminal storage,
the study found.

That would be second only to Archer Daniels Midland Co. [ADM], which now
controls 49 percent of facilities north of Pekin, Ill.

"Cargill's acquisition might not appear problematic in this area if ADM was
not so large," the study said. "However, the combination of these two large
players and their share of volume traded, not just storage capacity, in the
futures market delivery area may prompt closer examination by the Justice

The Chicago Board of Trade may need to expand its wheat and corn delivery
areas to eliminate any appearance of the risk of manipulation of deliveries,
handling costs or futures prices, the study said.

"Excess capacity by smaller elevator competitors, other processors, feed
companies, etc., and ease of entry might ease concerns about excess market
power in this regional market," the report said.

The study also said there were many competitors to buy grain from farmers in
most areas. "The acquisition probably will make little difference in local
competition for farmers' grain," it said.

Last Updated: 01/14/99 21:52 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters s

Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

So, how old are you?

-Original Message-
From: Brown, Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 15, 1999 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

> -Caveat Lector-
>Hey lady,
>  If I were you, I'd stop worrying about my age and start showing some
>concern for your mental status. Are you such a dolt that you actually think
>that what I wrote contains any profanity whatsoever? What are you stuck in
>the 50s? No wonder your daughter is hanging out with a bunch of teenage
>hoods. She probably got fed up with your Susie Homemaker, suburban
>house-drone, grey, colorless and BLAND way of thinking. At least she can
>have some fun during the day. You have GOT to be the stupidest woman to
>get on a computer!  And you have the gall to attack my intelligence. I
>composed a lucid argument about Larry Flynt and Jerry the Cowardly Dogboy
>called ME a neonazi! So I fire off a reply defending myself and you attack
>ME? What are you, insane? Someone calls me a nazi and you think I'm the one
>who has to dust my brain off. You're sick, you know that? You're a sick
>person who has no clue how to relate to people. Perhaps you should dust off
>your brain and your dated mentality. Don't try to mix it up with me, lady.
>You have no idea what you're even talking about! Just stay inside your
>and watch reruns of Donna Reed.
>> --
>> From: Linda Minor[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Reply To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
>> Sent: Friday, January 15, 1999 12:51 PM
>> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> Jeremy,
>> Out of curiosity, just how old are you?  You talk just like the teenagers
>> my
>> daughter hangs out with.  If you want any credibility, you really need to
>> clean up your mouth.  It wouldn't hurt to dust off your brain a bit as
>> well.
>> Linda
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Brown, Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Friday, January 15, 1999 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?
>> > -Caveat Lector-
>> >
>> >Jerry,
>> >
>> >You're such a freak. I bet if you stared me down face to face you
>> wouldn't
>> >be half as bold as you are over e-mail. What gives you the power to
>> >determine if I'm a neonazi or not? Because I have an opinon that differs
>> >from yours? I think that makes you more of a nazi than I ever will be.
>> And
>> I
>> >know you're a total pussy because the last time I challenged you on this
>> >list, you backed down like a whipped dog! Keep your facile and juvenile
>> >opinions to yourself, unless you're enough of a man to back them up.
>> >
>> >JB
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> --
>> >> From: Gerald Harp[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >> Reply To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
>> >> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 1999 5:06 PM
>> >> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?
>> >>
>> >>  -Caveat Lector-
>> >>
>> >> In a message dated 1/14/99 10:59:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >  Larry Flynt is a mushmouthed cripple
>> >>
>> >> The neonazis just can't help themselves.
>> >>
>> >> ==
>> >> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>> >> propagandic
>> >> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>> >> matters
>> >> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>> >> outright
>> >> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>> >> effects
>> >> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
>> >> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>> >> readers;
>> >> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial
>> and
>> >> nazi's need not apply.
>> >>
>> >> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>> &

[CTRL] Seized Property

1999-01-15 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Court Kills Suit on Seized Property
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP)--Police don't have to tell people how to get back their
property when it is seized under a search warrant, the Supreme Court ruled

People can find that out on their own from public sources, the court said.
The justices unanimously threw out a California couple's lawsuit over the
difficulty they had recovering cash taken by police during a search of their

Writing for the court, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said that when police
seize property under a search warrant, due process requires them to give
notice that the property was taken. Otherwise, the property's owner might
not know who took it, he said.

But Kennedy added, ``Once the property owner is informed that his property
has been seized, he can turn to ... public sources to learn about the
remedial procedures'' for recovering the property later.

``The city need not take other steps to inform him of his options,'' Kennedy

In other matters:

_Most of the justices appeared skeptical as a lawyer for California urged
them during an oral argument to let the state pay lower welfare benefits to
newcomers than are provided to longtime state residents.

_The court made it easier to sue hospitals for ``dumping'' patients who need
emergency care onto other facilities. The court unanimously revived a
Kentucky woman's lawsuit and said such claims do not have to show a hospital
had an improper motive in transferring a patient.

In the police search case, Lawrence and Clara Perkins' home was searched by
police in West Covina, Calif., in May 1993. The couple had rented a room to
a man linked to a shooting death elsewhere in the town.

Among the items seized from the house was $2,469 in cash belonging to the

No one was at home when the house was searched, but police left a note
saying they conducted the search under a court warrant. The note included a
list of the items seized and contained a phone number to obtain further

Lawrence Perkins called the number and was told he needed a court order to
get the money returned. Later, he was told there was nothing at the
municipal courthouse under his name and that he needed a case number or
search warrant number. No city employee told him how to find those numbers.

The Perkinses sued the city in 1993, saying the search violated their
constitutional rights. The city returned the cash in mid-1994.

A federal judge ruled for the city, but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals said the city violated Perkins' constitutional rights by giving
inadequate notice on how to recover the cash.

The Supreme Court said the appeals court was wrong.

To uphold the 9th Circuit court's ruling, ``we would be required to find
that due process requires notice that not one state or the federal
government has seen fit to require,'' Kennedy wrote.

His opinion was joined by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices
John Paul Stevens, Sandra Day O'Connor, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
and Stephen G. Breyer.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for himself and Justice Antonin Scalia,
agreed with the result.

Patrick Smith, the Los Angeles lawyer who represented the Perkinses, called
the decision disappointing. He said he now hopes all cities, including West
Covina, ``will start giving such notice, not because it's constitutionally
required but because it's the right thing to do.''

AP-NY-01-13-99 1732EST

Copyright 1999, The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP
Online news report may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without
the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-16 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Assuming, arguendo, that your imaginary scenario is true, it proves nothing
other than Clinton is lacking in self-control and easily manipulated.  The
rest is entertaining, but clearly irrelevant.


On the contrary.  It indicates a well-orchestrated cabal planned a coup
d'etat.  The people who planned it are of the same ilk as those who killed
John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King.  But they found they can
only murder so many important political figures without making people
suspicious.  (Who would have ever thought 35 years later people like some of
us on this list are still determined to find out who did it.)  So the next
best option is to destroy the credibility and reputation of the individual.
If you don't believe such conspiracies exist, why do you subscribe to this


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Joint Chief of Staff

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: roundtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 8:57 PM
Subject: CFR Joint Chief of Staff Chairmen

Council on Foreign Relations Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Joint Chiefs of Staff were created in 1949. Since then there have been
14 Chairmen. At least seven of Chairmen were members of the Council on
Foreign Relations. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, The  Art
and Science of Psychological Operations, states,

"As the principal military advisors to the president, the Joint Chiefs of
Staff are directly concerned with Psychological Operations (PSYOPs).  They
serve as the immediate military staff of the Secretary of Defense.  They
are in the chain of command that runs from the president to the  Secretary
of Defense, through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the  commanders of
unified and specified commands. The chain of command  to the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) also runs from the Secretary  of Defense through
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Staff is organized  into directorates
concerned with:

Personnel (J-1)
Operations (J-3)
Logistics (J-4)
Plans and Policy (J-5)
Communications-Electronics (J-6)

The intelligence function for the Joint Chiefs of Staff is undertaken by
the  Defense Intelligence Agency. All of these directorates have varying
degrees of interest in PSYOP. In addition to the directorates, the
activities of the various special assistants occasionally involve PSYOP. It
is the director, J-3 (Operations), however, who has the responsibility in
all matter pertaining to the psychological aspects of military operations.
His principal staff assistant for PSYOP is the deputy director for
operations (counterinsurgency and special activities) or DOCSA.  DOCSA is
supported." (Vol. I pgs 99-100)

A list of Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicating Council on
Foreign Relations membership follows:


Shelton, Henry H. General, US Army. Appointed 14th Chairman, Joint  Chiefs
of Staff in 1997. Formerly: Commander-in-Chief, US Special  Operations
Command; Lieutenant General, US Army. Commander, XVIII  Airborne Corps.
Commander, Joint Task Force 180, multinational force,  during Haiti 94
intervention; redeployed to CONUS with JTF 180 staff on  25 Oct 94

(1993 - 1997)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Shalikashvili, John  M. General, US
Army. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 1 Oct 1993 - Sep  1997


Jeremiah, David E. Admiral, US Navy. Served as acting CJCS, 1-24  October

(1989 - 1993)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Powell, Colin L. General, US  Army.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 1 Oct 1989 - 30 Sep 1993.

(1985 - 1989)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Crowe, William J.,  Jr. Admiral, US
Navy. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 1 Oct 1985 - 30  Sep 1989.

(1982 - 1985)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Vessey, John W., Jr. General, US  Army.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 18 Jun 1982 - 30 Sep 1985.

(1978 - 1982)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Jones, David C. General, US Air  Force.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 21 Jun 1978 - 18 Jun 1982.

(1974 - 1978)

Brown, George S. General, US Air Force. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of  Staff: 1
Jul 1974 - 20 Jun 1978.


Moorer, Thomas H. Admiral, US Navy. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 3  Jul
1970 - 30 Jun 1974.

(1964 - 1970)

Wheeler, Earle G. General, US Army. Chief of Staff of the Army: 1 Oct  1962
- 2 Jul 1964. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff: 3 Jul 1964 - 2 Jul  1970.

(1962 -1964)

Council on Foreign Relations Member Taylor, Maxwell D. General, US  Army.
Chief of Staff of the Army: 30 Jun 1955 - 30 Jun 1959. Chairman,  Joint
Chiefs of Staff: 1 Oct 1962 - 3 Jul 1964.


Council on Foreign Relations Member Lemnitzer, Lyman L. General, US  Army.
Chief of Staff of the Army: 1 Jul 1959 - 30 Sep 1960. Chairman,  Joint
Chiefs of Staff: 1 Oct 1960 - 30 Sep 1962.

(1957 - 1960)

Twining, Nathan F. General, US Air Force. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of  Staff:
15 Aug 1957 - 30 Sep 1960.

(1953 - 1957)

Radford, Arthur W. Admiral, US Navy. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff:  15
Aug 1953 - 14 Aug 1957..


Bradley, Omar Nelson U.S. Army officer (born Feb. 12, 1893, Clark,  Mo.,
U.S.--died April 8, 1981, New York, N.Y.) who commanded the  highly
effective 12th Army Group, which helped ensure the Allied victory  over
Germany during World War II. General of the Army, US Army.  Chief of Staff
of the Army: 7 Feb 1948 - 15 Aug 1949. He later served as  first chairman
of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (1949-53).



(this article is posted on the RoundTable website at: )

Title-50 War and National Defense § 783 states - "It shall be unlawful for
any person knowingly to combine, conspire, or agree with any other  person
to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the

Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Barb Witt wrote:
>Since you seem very convinced, and recite your story as if factual, it
>would be helpful to me if you could provide at least one or two specific
>details, eg, who are the members of this cabal, how do they choose their
>victims, are they all the victims of this group "important political
>figures," what is the agenda of this group, etc.  Sorry, it just seems
>improbable to me that it would take a well-orchestrated cabal, major
>planning, and an entire caste of characters flawlessly executing
>pre-planned movements to get Clinton to drop his pants, or lie, etc.
If you're truly interested in learning how this cabal operates, try reading
the following article.  It may interest you to know that Theodore Olson is
married to the Barbara Olson who has been appearing on the talk-show
circuit, especially Larry King Live.



 This article appeared in the March 13, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence

Secret Operation vs. Clinton Is Run by Olson-Starr Salon
by Edward Spannaus
Dramatic new information developed by EIR on the role of Washington lawyer
Theodore B. Olson as the power behind independent counsel Kenneth Starr,
suggests that President Clinton is the target of an illegal, rogue
intelligence operation being carried out under the putative authority of the
1981 Presidential Executive Order 12333.

There are close parallels between the operation being run against Clinton,
and that carried out against Lyndon LaRouche by some of the same circles, in
the 1980s. The railroad against LaRouche was conducted as a covert foreign
intelligence operation under the provisions of E.O. 12333--which permitted
the "privatization" of intelligence operations. Key to the ensuing
prosecution and judicial frame-up of LaRouche was a "softening up" process
of defamation conducted through news media assets of George Bush's "secret

This propaganda campaign was coordinated through a series of secret "Get
LaRouche" meetings at the New York apartment of Wall Street spook/financier
John Train--in what has become known as the "Train salon"--which included
representatives of government intelligence and law enforcement agencies,
plus news media representatives, including the Wall Street Journal. The
"Train salon" was a project of the "Public Diplomacy" effort run out of the
National Security Council, under the direction of George Bush's national
security adviser Donald Gregg, and Gregg's associate, longtime CIA
propaganda specialist Walter Raymond. According to evidence obtained by the
Congressional committees investigating Iran-Contra, the initial financing
for the Public Diplomacy program came from two intelligence-linked sources:
Richard Mellon Scaife's foundations, and the Smith-Richardson Foundation.

As we shall see, the same sort of "public-private" operation is now being
conducted against President Clinton, by circles around Theodore Olson.

In the LaRouche case, the "foreign counterintelligence" hook for the
investigation was the allegation--circulated by Henry Kissinger and circles
in the FBI--that LaRouche was a Soviet agent of influence, or a Soviet
disinformation agent. It is likely that, in the case of Clinton, the pretext
is the charge, circulating widely among circles within the FBI and private
right-wing networks, that Clinton is guilty of treason for allowing secret
intelligence to flow to China, in exchange for campaign contributions.

The Olson salon
The "Get Clinton" salon meets regularly at the home of former Justice
Department official Olson, a longtime close friend and associate of Kenneth
Starr, and of Olson's wife Barbara, chief counsel for Rep. Dan Burton's
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee. Burton's committee has been
noisily conducting investigations of the "Chinagate" allegations around
Democratic Party campaign fundraising, and of other alleged Clinton
administration transgressions.

The gatherings include: Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr, Federal appeals
court judge Laurence Silberman, former judge Robert Bork, Supreme Court
associate justice Clarence Thomas, Wall Street Journal editor Robert
Bartley, American Spectator editor Emmett Tyrrell, and many others.

A glimpse into the Olson salon can be found in the July 1997 Esquire
magazine, in an article by David Brock, titled "Confessions of a Right-Wing
Hit Man." Brock was the author of the Scaife-financed "Troopergate" article
in the January 1994 American Spectator--on whose board Ted Olson sits. Brock
described how he had been a guest at the wedding of Ted and Barbara Olson in
the summer of 1996, where "the entire anti-Clinton establishment" was on
hand, including Starr, former Bush White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray, and
the Wall Street Journal's Bartley. Brock says that Barbara Olson then
dis-invited him from another party at her home a few weeks later--after word
had leaked out that Brock's n

Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


The Assault on the Presidency

by Edward Spannaus and Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.


April 1991: Linda Tripp goes to work for the Bush White House as a political
appointee, following a series of civil service jobs in the Department of

November-December 1992: At the recommendation of senior Bush administration
people, the Clinton transition team hires Linda Tripp as an administrative

January-March 1993: After working initially for Presidential aide Bruce
Lindsey, Tripp is assigned to the Office of Legal Counsel, working for
Bernard Nussbaum and sometimes for Vincent Foster.

Winter 1993: Tony Snow, a conservative columnist on the payroll of Rupert
Murdoch's Fox TV, introduces New York City literary agent Lucianne Goldberg
to Linda Tripp, as Goldberg is seeking contracts for anti-Clinton books.

Feb. 11, 1994: Paula Jones holds a press conference, claiming she had been
accosted by Governor Clinton.

March-April 1994: The Sunday Telegraph's Washington bureau chief, Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, holds a series of meetings with Paula Jones and her
lawyers, pressing her to file a lawsuit against the President.

April 1994: Tripp is transferred from her White House job to a position at
the Pentagon. Clinton loyalists have already become suspicious that Tripp
has been a ``mole'' for Republican Get Clinton forces. Tripp lies to
colleagues at the Pentagon that she was expelled from the White House
because she ``knew too much about Whitewater.''

May 5, 1994: Paula Jones files her lawsuit against Bill Clinton. She
receives extensive financial support from conservative and evangelical legal
foundations, most of them funded by Richard Mellon Scaife.

Summer 1994: Kenneth Starr is preparing a pro bono legal brief for women's
groups supporting Paula Jones. He is simultaneously doing work for the
Landmark Legal Foundation, one of the groups bankrolled by Mellon Scaife.

Aug. 5, 1994: Starr is named to replace Robert Fiske as Whitewater
independent counsel. The three-judge selection panel is headed by Appellate
Court Judge David Sentelle.

Summer 1995: Monica Lewinsky becomes an unpaid intern in the White House.
She is later given a paid job there, answering correspondence.

July-August 1995: Tripp testifies before the Senate Whitewater committee
about events surrounding the death of Vincent Foster.

April 17, 1996: Lewinsky is transferred to the Pentagon.

Autumn 1996: Lewinsky meets Tripp.

November 1996: Starr begins questioning Arkansas state troopers about
Clinton's extramarital affairs, although there is no clear mandate for this
line of investigation.

Spring 1997:Newsweek's Michael Isakoff first meets Linda Tripp, while
Isakoff is working on the Paula Jones case. Lucianne Goldberg attends some
of the Tripp-Isakoff meetings.

August 1997: Tripp speaks to Newsweek about an alleged sexual encounter
between President Clinton and Kathleen Willey.

Aug. 11, 1997: President Clinton's personal attorney, Robert Bennett,
attacks Tripp's credibility after the Willey story breaks in the news, and
Willey denies the Tripp allegations.

Late August 1997: Linda Tripp begins taping phone conversations with Monica

October 1997: Tripp and Isakoff meet with Lucianne Goldberg, in Joshua
Goldberg's Washington apartment. Tripp plays several of the Lewinsky tapes
for Goldberg.

Autumn 1997: The Rutherford Institute, which is now representing Paula
Jones, reportedly receives three anonymous phone calls from a woman,
alerting them to a Lewinsky-Clinton ``affair.'' Earlier, an anonymous call,
also from a woman, had reportedly tipped off the Rutherford lawyers about
Katherine Willey.

Dec. 17, 1997: Lewinsky and Tripp are subpoenaed by Jones's lawyers, to be
depositioned for the upcoming civil suit against the President.

Dec. 26, 1997: Lewinsky leaves her job at the Pentagon.

Jan. 7, 1998: Lewinsky signs an affidavit denying that she had had an affair
with President Clinton.

Jan. 10-12, 1998: Sometime during this 72-hour period, Linda Tripp brings
her tapes to Kenneth Starr.

Jan. 13, 1998: Tripp meets Lewinsky at Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City,
Virginia; Tripp is wearing a wire, with FBI agents in hiding. At this point,
Starr still has no jurisdiction to probe the Lewinsky matter.

Jan. 15, 1998: Starr meets Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and requests
expansion of his investigative authority.

Jan. 16, 1998: Reno applies to the three-judge panel for expansion of
Starr's investigation. The request is immediately approved.

Jan. 16, 1998: Starr interviews Hillary Clinton under oath at the White

Jan. 16, 1998: Tripp meets Lewinsky at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel; FBI agents
grab Lewinsky and bring her up to a hotel suite, where they try to compel
her to take immunity--without a lawyer present--and then attempt to entrap
Vernon Jordan and President Clinton'

Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


The British Oligarchy Moves To Oust President Clinton

by Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.

The British monarchy, in league with elements of a vast Anglophile apparatus
inside the United States, is running a high-risk, high-stakes assault
against President Bill Clinton and, more broadly, the institution of the
U.S. Presidency, in the midst of the gravest financial and monetary crisis
of the twentieth century. The so-called Monica Lewinsky sex scandal is but
the latest and most vile episode in a British-led ``Get Clinton'' campaign
that was set in motion even before the President was sworn into office in
January 1993--long before the American public ever heard of Whitewater or
Paula Jones.
The fact that the latest chapter of the frame-up campaign occurred on the
eve of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with President
Clinton, and as the Clinton administration was battling City of London,
continental European, and Wall Street bankers over how to deal with a
systemic world financial meltdown, currently centered in Asia, suggests the
real motives behind the latest ``bimbo eruption'' against the President.

It has been standard British monarchy fare, for example the ``Profumo
Affair'' in 1962-63, to accomplish strategic political objectives via
seemingly ``apolitical'' sex scandals. In that instance, the British
establishment used a sex scandal, with KGB complications, involving British
Defense Minister John Profumo, to bring down the Harold Macmillan government
and usher into power a thoroughly ``New Age'' Labourite, Harold Wilson. The
Wilson government immediately proceeded to launch a strategic assault upon
the Bretton Woods System, which led, in 1971, to President Nixon's
disastrous withdrawal of the dollar from the gold-pegged,
fixed-exchange-rate system. Those British-orchestrated events, during
1968-71, set the world on the course of financial and economic disaster,
which is now in its end-game phase.

In the present instance, the Hollinger Corp., the media cartel that grew out
of World War II British intelligence operations aimed at the United States,
dispatched, in 1993, under journalist cover, a self-admitted MI6 stringer,
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, to stir up a seemingly endless string of sex and
murder scandals, all aimed against the President. Evans-Pritchard has
bragged, in the pages of the Telegraph newspapers, that he personally
induced Paula Jones to launch her legal suit against President Clinton. The
suit has been bankrolled, from day one, through various right-wing and
Christian fundamentalist fronts, all financed by Richard Mellon Scaife, the
scion of the rabidly Anglophile Mellon family.

Rupert Murdoch, another ``crown jewel'' of the House of Windsor, has thrown
his own media empire, including the London Times, the New York Post, and the
U.S. network Fox TV, into the ``Get Clinton'' propaganda frenzy. The
editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, the Moonie Washington Times, and
the Hollinger-led American Spectator, have all been part of what the White
House appropriately dubbed ``the media food chain.'' In turn, these
ostensibly mainstream media outlets have worked in tandem with a large
number of even more unsavory newsletters--such as convicted fraudster Nick
Guarino's Wall Street Underground, Lord William Rees-Mogg's Strategic
Investment newsletter, and British plagiarist Dr. John Coleman's World In
Review--to spread the poison among gullible Main Street populists, through a
never-ending stream of junk-mail promotionals.

Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr, formerly President George
Bush's Solicitor General, is another creature of the Mellon Scaife
apparatus. Before he was appointed to the Whitewater grand inquisitor post,
the wildly Anglophilic Starr (he has photographs of Margaret Thatcher in all
his offices, according to the London Guardian) was involved in pro bono
legal work on the Paula Jones suit against the President. Starr has already
been provided with a lucrative post-Whitewater job at Pepperdine University
in California, a school heavily endowed by Mellon Scaife.

Even at the lowest gutter level, the assault on the President involves
people with long-standing Anglophile intelligence pedigrees--and worse.
Linda Tripp, the Bush administration mole who was the central player in two
attempted ``sex scandal'' attacks against President Clinton, has a
background that includes participation in several classified military
intelligence units, including the elite counter-terror Delta Force. From the
moment the Clinton administration came to Washington, Tripp surrounded
herself with hard-core enemies of President Clinton, such as retired FBI
agent Gary Aldrich, who wrote a book-length fabrication about his two-year
stint at the Clinton White House. Tripp had also established what she
described to her lawyer as a ``comfort zone

Re: [CTRL] PJ lied under oath?

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Bush Gang Suspected In New Assault on the Presidency

by Edward Spannaus and Jeffrey Steinberg
Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.

In the midst of the worst global financial crisis in modern history, the
United States Presidency has come under renewed, vicious attack from a
combination of British and nominally ``American'' Bush-League circles. This
latest attack, which one White House official long ago appropriately dubbed
``bimbo eruptions,'' centered around a Bush ``mole'' who was, unfortunately,
allowed to operate inside the Clinton administration, and who now enjoys
high-level security clearances in her post at the Pentagon.
Linda Tripp, the central player in the renewed assault against President
Clinton--staged around a purported sex scandal involving a young White House
intern, Monica Lewinsky--was a Bush administration employee from 1990, until
Bush left office in January 1993. At the urging of senior Bush
administration officials, including Transportation Secretary Sam Skinner,
Tripp was retained by the Clinton-Gore transition team in a clerical
position, and later assigned to work at the Office of the White House
General Counsel, under Bernard Nussbaum and his deputy, Vincent Foster. All
the while, she was operating as part of a treasonous Bush-League ``fifth
column'' within the Executive branch.

While the ``Get Clinton'' media have attempted to portray Tripp as
``apolitical,'' she was, in fact, an ally, from the Bush administration
period on, of then-FBI agent Gary Aldrich, who, in 1996, wrote a libellous
book against President Clinton, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the
Clinton White House, which also revolved around bogus claims of White House
sexual misconduct (see EIR, July 26, 1966, p.|72.) Aldrich was another
Bush-League mole inside the Clinton White House. His embarrassingly
fantasy-ridden book has been trumpetted by the London-based Hollinger
Corporation, the leading British Crown media cartel; by its subsidiary,
American Spectator magazine; and by ``Get Clinton'' money-bags Richard
Mellon Scaife.

Tripp emerged in 1995 as an asset of Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth
Starr, testifying before the Whitewater grand jury and later before a
Congressional hearing on the death of Vincent Foster. When Lloyd Cutler
replaced Nussbaum as White House General Counsel, Tripp, who by then had
been widely identified as an unabashed political enemy of President Clinton,
was reassigned to the Pentagon, where she eventually got an $80,000-a-year
job, which also involved her getting top-level security clearances. Tripp
claimed, to anyone who would listen, that she had been transferred from the
White House because she ``knew too much about Whitewater,'' a patent lie.

Commenting on the role of Tripp as the linchpin in the latest Clintongate
assault, Lyndon LaRouche called on Jan. 22 for Tripp's security clearances
to be immediately revoked, pending the outcome of a thorough probe of her
role in the sordid affair. ``She obviously needs her security clearances
immediately pulled, given her role in what has all the earmarks of an
illegal attack against the President, ostensibly on behalf of partisan
Republican forces. I would certainly hope that there is no one in the
Pentagon who would countenance such an obvious assault against a vital
American institution, the Presidency. I would expect such treachery from the
editorial page writers at the Wall Street Journal, but not from our

An earlier "eruption"
In the summer of 1997, Tripp surfaced again as part of an effort to hit
President Clinton with a ``Profumo''-style sex scandal, telling Newsweek
that the President had sexually harassed a White House aide, Kathleen
Willey. Willey denied, under oath, that Tripp's allegations were true. This
prompted President Clinton's attorney, Robert Bennett, belatedly, in August
1997, to denounce Tripp as a liar.
While working at the Pentagon, in late 1996, Tripp had already begun to
cultivate a close relationship with a former White House junior staff aide,
22-year-old Monica Lewinsky, who had been recently transferred to the
Defense Department. It is unclear how the two women came to meet, but in
short order, Tripp began to exert a significant amount of control over the
younger woman. Tripp should be forced, under oath, to detail the
circumstance under which she met and befriended Lewinsky.

Tripp soon betrayed Lewinsky's confidence by surreptitiously--and, probably,
illegally--taping telephone conversations with Lewinsky.

By December 1997, Tripp and Lewinsky had both, mysteriously, been subpoenaed
to give depositions to attorneys for Paula Jones, in her civil lawsuit
against the President--a lawsuit instigated by British intelligence op

Re: [CTRL] Dear Congressman Hyde

1999-01-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

My Heart's in Dixie wrote:
>Dear Representative Hyde, I made my son, William, either write you a
>letter or an essay as a punishment for lying.
>Part of his defense for his lying was that the president lied. He's
>still having difficulty understanding why the
>president can lie and not be punished.



Dear Representative Hyde:
Is omitting to tell the truth the same as lying?  Have you told the whole
truth about your own background, and, no, I don't mean sexual exploits.  I
mean important things, like the following:

But Tatum's story takes us even further along the dark road of power, greed
and corruption. During l986, he had left Honduras and set up a
money-laundering business in Watertown, New York State, close to the home
base of the Army's 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum. The location was
chosen with care. With access to Fort Drum's telephone lines for secure
communications, he was assigned a Cherokee-140 fixed-wing aircraft,5 used to
ship personnel and supplies across the Canadian border under radar cover.
His tenure with these companies lasted from 1986 through to 1990. This was a
pure Pegasus operation.
It was at Watertown that Tatum was provided with a civilian cover in the
form of three construction companies: American National Home Builders,
American Constructors and American Homes.

Funding was provided by Henry Hyde, an Illinois Republican politician and
well known as the CIA's "black money" man. Hyde provided a US$250,000 line
of credit with Key Bank, Watertown. Although Tatum was listed as the
president in all three companies, in reality all were under the control of
Ben Whittaker, a lawyer from Rochester, New York. Whittaker, Tatum says, is
closely associated with Tony Wilson of the Wilson family who owned Xerox
Corporation. They are extremely wealthy and "friends of the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers". In addition, he was also closely associated with South
Eastern US Investment Group (SEUS) - an investment bank in Savannah,
Georgia - from 1985 through to 1989.

Another proprietary he was involved with was Irving Place Development, a
service organisation of Irving Bank and Trust Company. Cocaine proceeds were
laundered through these companies by an ingenious use of construction loans.
In response to a question asking why the "drug-related money" was placed in
"Arkansas, Colorado and Ohio", Tatum simply explains that he doesn't know
why, adding that "It was being done before I got there. I assume banking
laws and whether or not Bush had people in his pocket in these areas." He
does explain that the primary figure involved in the laundry exercise in
Arkansas was "Jack Stephens". Jackson Stephens, owner of Worthen Bank &
Trust Company, is closely aligned with President Bill Clinton. Tatum states
that "...Clinton received the cash and divided it up between Stephens and
[Dan] Lasater to clean it up. Stephens' company [Worthen Bank] was used as
the guarantor, providing 'warehouse' lines of credit."
Developing this theme in more detail, Tatum explains that the Enterprise was
receiving drugs in exchange for the guns they supplied to the Contras. The
raw product in the form of coca leaves was supplied by the Colombians and
pressed into large cube-shaped bales and then shipped to Nicaragua and
Honduras.6 All the "product" was pre-sold and the delivery into the US
This eventually resulted in the sale proceeds being pre-paid to Panama,
under Noriega's control. Some of this money was washed through banks and
other companies operating in Panama and elsewhere. The rest was sent to
Arkansas, Ohio and Colorado. Thereafter, the dirty money was filtered via
construction loans with permanent "takeouts" "arranged by banks and
mortgage- lenders". These, in turn, were later sold to Fannie Mae's and
Freddie Mac's - negotiable US Federal Mortgage Securities that are traded
globally on a daily basis. Each laundry "cycle" lasted from six months to a
year. The result was dirty money transformed into good, clean, US currency.
This system wasn't arbitrary or accidental. One initial "test-bed" was a
small residential mortgage lender named Carl I. Brown (CIB) in Kansas.
Others were larger, and still others became national. All were ultimately
destined to be purchased by a bank (proprietary) from Japan within a
specific time-frame, 1996, as part of ongoing Pegasus plans. Eric Brown, the
son of the founder of CIB, was heavily involved in these activities. Three
additional companies were involved, to Tatum's knowledge: US Homes, Pulte
Homes and Richmond Homes. All became very successful, providing "the
American dream - as VP Bush put it in a meeting in 1987".

Tatum has gone into considerable additional detail regarding the role of
Pegasus as he knew it. He believes Pegasus was established during the
Eisenhower years as a secret group inside the CIA to spy on that agency on
behalf of the President

[CTRL] Fw: Clinton is irrelevant. Trial is not.

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: DSharp673 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 2:02 PM
Subject: Clinton is irrelevant. Trial is not.

>As far as I’m concerned, President Clinton’s fate is irrelevant, but a
>full-scale impeachment trial is badly needed.  America is at a crossroads.
>must now decide if honesty matters, if ethics matters, if truth matters, if
>justice matters.
>The United States government spends billions of dollars each year training
>citizens to lie.  Skilled lying techniques are required if you want to work
>the CIA, FBI, NSA and other U.S. spy agencies.  It has been written that
>and deception are the CIA’s stock-in-trade."  Clearly President Clinton is
>only a shameless liar, but he is apparently a skilled, trained liar.  The
>question is: Do we want skilled trained liars as our presidents?  If not,
>must also ask: Why do we spend billions training CIA types to lie?
>A trial is needed not only to determine if President Clinton lied,
>perjury, obstructed justice, whatever; it is needed to sort out what our
>really stands for.  By defending Clinton, Democrats give the impression
>they have no sense of morality, ethics or honor.  On the other hand,
>Republicans are quick to lecture Clinton for a pattern of lies and
>but Republicans collectively support agencies like the CIA, FBI, NSA;
>than Democrats.  And as I stated previously, these agencies train people to
>It is clear that many politicians of both parties feel that lying is
>under certain circumstances.  For Democrats, lying about sex is acceptable.
>For Republicans, lying about sex is just as serious as anything else.  But
>neither party—particularly Republicans—believes lying in matters of
>security is wrong.  Neither party—particularly Republicans—believes
>people to lie is wrong, so long as those people are U.S. spies.  It has
>suggested that President Clinton was groomed for his presidency by the CIA.
>(Reference "Partners in Power" by Roger Morris.)  Therefore it is
reasonable to
>presume that the CIA provided Clinton with extensive training about the art
>That puts us in a conundrum.  At what point are lies and deception
>unacceptable?  Is it okay for CIA employees, but bad for presidents?  What
if a
>CIA employee becomes president?  Would it be fair to expect a CIA-trained
>to suddenly become another "Honest Abe?"  Unfortunately, people don’t
>that easily.
>It’s time to do some soul searching.  I can think of no better forum to
>with the national epidemic of lying than a full-scale impeachment trial.
>Mendacity permeates every crack and crevice of our republic like termites
>slowly destroying the foundation of a once solid family dwelling.  In my
>opinion, the national cult of mendacity began with the assassination of
>President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 and has festered ever since.
>Ironically President Clinton claims that Kennedy is one of is American
>One has to wonder, is Clinton sincere or is this more political
>We desperately need public debates on many troubling topics during the
>impeachment trial.  Here are but a few examples things to discuss:
>1.  Why did Clinton attack Iraq on the eve of the House impeachment vote?
>2.  Why is no one discussing Patrick Knowlton’s addendum to Ken Starr’s
>Whitewater report?  (Patrick Knowlton was a witness in the Vince Foster
>and is suing the government, charging that Ken Starr and the FBI harassed
>because his testimony indicated that Foster may have been murdered.  A
>judge panel forced Starr to attach Knowlton’s addendum to the Starr Report.
>Not one single newspaper has reported this.)
>3.  What are Monica Lewinsky’s ties to Israel?  Was she working on behalf
>Israel when she seduced President Clinton?
>4.  Investigate Roger Morris’ suggestion that a young Bill Clinton was
>recruited by the CIA to participate in Operation Chaos where he worked as
>informant, monitoring the activities of anti-Vietnam organizers for student
>rallies abroad and reporting his findings back to the CIA.  In exchange, he
>would have been given a draft deferment along with political opportunities.
>5. Why did the BATF really attack the Branch Davidians in 1993?  Initially
>claimed they were afraid the Davidians were about to commit mass-suicide
>Jim Jones’ cult group in Jonestown.  Later, after the Davidians allegedly
>committed suicide by setting themselves on fire while being attacked by the
>using military tanks, Attorney General Janet Reno stated, "We had no idea
>were suicidal."
>6. Why has seismographic evidence been ignored in the Oklahoma City
>Two seismographs recorded the blast and indicated there were two separate
>events.  This has been hushed up by the news media.  Why?
>7. Why have 

[CTRL] Fw: L.B.J.; What did he know and when did he know it?

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Martin Shackelford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: L.B.J.; What did he know and when did he know it?

>Tonight, I watched the video "LBJ: A Closer Look," which is an
>interesting collection of interviews and documentation on the crimes of
>LBJ and his circle. There is a very little bit of the Loy Factor video
>interview, bits of an interview with Billie Sol Estes, interviews with
>Madeleine Brown, etc., as well as some rare footage and photos. There is
>mention that Bell Helicopter (Michael Paine's employer) was in financial
>trouble until Viet Nam War contracts turned its fortunes around. It is a
>bit too quick to accept the "Mac Wallace fingerprint in the TSBD" claim,
>and relies too often on references to evidence which the viewer isn't
>actually shown, including some that (it turns out later in the tape) the
>video's makers haven't actually had access to. The video is sometimes
>careless with checkable facts, as in its treatment of the death of
>Dorothy Kilgallen (which it describes as happening only days, rather
>than years, after her interview with Ruby).
>  Another falsehood, and a very disturbing one, is the statement
>that the FBI sought exemption from the 1992 JFK Records Act, and
>President Clinton granted it. First of all, Clinton had no authority to
>grant blanket exemptions from the Act. Secondly, the FBI released a
>large volume of records under the Act. Thirdly, when the FBI at one
>point DID attempt to get President Clinton to overturn a decision of the
>Assassination Records Review Board, he refused, and sent them back to
>negotiate a solution with the Board.
> This is a very interesting video, but one which needs to be
>approached with considerable caution.
>Martin Shackelford
>"You're going to find that many of the truths we
>  cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
>   -Obi-Wan Kenobi
>"You must unlearn what you have learned."  --Yoda

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: MLK probe: documents not fake

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: ramon mcguire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 3:25 AM
Subject: MLK probe: documents not fake

>Atlanta Journal-Constitution
>  For former FBI agent Donald Wilson, there is some sense of vindication.
>  In March, Wilson came forward with two documents he said he retrieved
>from James Earl Ray's car in Atlanta in April 1968 but had kept hidden for
>30 years. At the time, an FBI spokesman called the documents a "total
>  However, scientific examination of the documents since then suggests
>that they could be legitimate, according to federal authorities.
>  While that characterization falls short of confirming the documents'
>validity, Wilson said he believed that was "a very positive development."
>  "It's encouraging," said Dexter Scott King. "I hope this will lead to
>  Attorney General Janet Reno ordered a limited probe in August into two
>aspects of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis
>on April 4, 1968: Wilson's documents and a public statement by former
>restaurant owner Loyd Jowers that a mobster paid him $100,000 to hire a
>hit man. Reno approved the investigation at the urging of Coretta Scott
>King and her four children.
>  "The investigation is well under way," said Justice Department spokesman
>Myron Marlin, who declined to give a timetable for when the probe might be
>  Jowers' attorney, Lewis Garrison, said his client wants to receive
>immunity before talking with Justice Department investigators.
>  "They're calling and writing pretty regularly," Garrison said of the
>federal investigators. "But he's still a little fearful."
>  Jowers, 72 and in ill health, used to own a restaurant on the ground
>floor of the building from which authorities say Ray fired the fatal shot
>from a second-floor bathroom window. Jowers has told the Kings that the
>shot came from a brushy area behind the restaurant and that the shooter
>handed him the rifle moments after the assassination. Jowers claims to
>have hidden the rifle and then given it to an unnamed conspirator the next
>  Ray, who died in April from liver disease, claimed he was set up by a
>smuggler he only knew as Raul. Ray had pleaded guilty in 1969 in exchange
>for a 99-year sentence but recanted within days and tried unsuccessfully
>to obtain a trial. The King family supported his efforts.
>  The Kings point to Wilson's documents as significant because both have
>the name "Raul"  written on them.
>   "That speaks for itself," Wilson said. "It doesn't extricate Ray from
>the arena of responsibility, but it gives credibility to the existence of
>this mystery man Raul."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Fw: Why Was This Congressman Reduced to Tears Over Secret Clinton Rape Evidence?

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 11:30 PM
Subject: Why Was This Congressman Reduced to Tears Over Secret Clinton Rape

>Sunday, January 17, 8:29 AM
>Inside Cover
>Congressman Reduced to Tears Over Secret Clinton Rape Evidence
>Arizona Rep. Matt Salmon told the Arizona Republic it left him
>"nauseated". Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays told the New York Times it was
>"horrific". Those are just two of the on the record reactions from House
>members who have viewed the evidence now being kept under lock and key
>in D.C.'s Gerald Ford Building -- about a rape allegedly committed in
>1978 by then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton.
>Now Inside Cover has learned that the secret House material on the
>alleged rape of Jane Doe #5, a.k.a. Juanita Broaddrick, is so powerful
>and convincing that it actually reduced another House member -- a man --
>to tears.
>Thursday night, on CNBC’s "Hardball," host Chris Matthews alluded to an
>unnamed Representative who Matthews said was brought to tears as he
>reviewed the Broaddrick material.
>Reached by Inside Cover Friday on Sean Hannity's WABC radio show,
>Matthews revealed that, "the word is it was (Rep.) Mike Castle. Check it
>out." Inside Cover will do just that, though Castle's office was closed
>at press time.
>Matthews own assessment of the Juanita Broaddrick rape charge against
>Clinton? "I think it's believable. I think it's very credible. I know a
>reporter for the Washington Post who I've known for 20 years and she
>told me that she interviewed this woman and found her highly, in fact,
>totally credible." Matthews added, "Clinton sounds like a vampire."
>While the White House gleefully watches as Larry Flynt and James
>Carville blackmail GOP Senate trial managers with insider dirt,
>Republicans remain reluctant to release the bombshell Broaddrick
>material. Matthews said Henry Hyde has decided not to introduce any
>evidence substantiating Broaddrick's charge at trial.
>The "Hardball" host has reported in the past that Broaddrick's story was
>the last straw for more than a few pro-censure Republicans, who promptly
>reversed course and voted for impeachment. With two impeachment articles
>passing by a margin of five votes or less, Mr. Clinton might not be
>standing trial today but for the secret rape evidence against him.
>Perhaps Americans will learn the closely guarded details of what brought
>Rep. Castle to tears and Mr. Clinton to impeachment -- after the
>President is acquitted by the Senate.
>Friday January 15, 8:58 AM

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Howard Zinn

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 10:49:58 -0600
From: Neil Sapper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Posted by Ray Stephens)

Friends, I was drawn into a cocktail conversation yesterday evening
about "the trial." As with all of the talking head shows on TV, I
listened to the usual litany about sex and non-impeachable offenses and
I made an ineffectual response. I still do not know where I come down on
this matter. However, sitting in my In Box here at home was a piece by
the New Left historian Howard Zinn, but I hadn't digested it and I was
unable to cite it as a rejoinder to the cocktail party expert on
impeachment. Further, last week, the venerable Gus Seligmann offered one
interpretation of the effort to convict and remove William Jefferson
Clinton as President of the United States on both H-Texas and H-Survey.
Unfortunately, I do not know the provenance of the Zinn statements.
Possibly they are the stuff of urban legend on the 'Net (Kurt Vonnegut's
"commencement speech"), but Zinn's observations (I think) are another
view of the Clinton presidential legacy. If a listmember can offer a
source or a correction to the attribution to Howard Zinn, that would be
a good thing. In the meantime, here is another take on President Clinton
that I have not seen elsewhere.

Neil Sapper
Amarillo College


Ten Real Reasons to Impeach Clinton
by Howard Zinn

We all seem to have lost our sense of proportion. Why are the political
leaders of the United States and the major media talking of impeaching
Bill Clinton for lies about sex, surely not the most important sins of
his administration?

If Clinton is to be impeached, why do it for frivolous reasons? I can
think of at least ten reasons to impeach him, for acts far more serious
than his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky or his lies to Kenneth Starr. I
am speaking of matters of life and death for large numbers of people.

1. Clinton approved, very early in his first administration, an armed
attack on the compound of a religious sect in Waco, Texas, under
circumstances which clearly did not warrant losing patience with
negotiations and choosing a military solution. As a result of the
attack, eighty-one people died, including men, women, and children.

2. Also in that first year in office, in June of 1993, he sent bombers
over Baghdad, claiming it was in response to a planned assassination of
former President George Bush, visiting the Middle East. The "evidence"
came from the notoriously corrupt Kuwaiti police. The U.S. claimed to be
aiming at "Intelligence Headquarters", but the bombs fell on a suburban
neighborhood in Baghdad. At least six people were killed, including a
prominent Iraqi artist and her husband.

3. While land mines strewn around the world continue to kill or cripple
thousands of people each year, and although fifteen retired generals
endorsed an immediate ban on all antipersonnel mines, the Clinton
Administration refused to go along with a Canadian proposal for such a

4. In Somalia, in June of 1993, with the country in a civil war, and
people desperate for food, Clinton ordered a military operation to
capture a popular Somali leader, General Adid. The result was a thousand
Somali casualties, soldiers and civilians, and a number of American
Rangers. On June 15, according to the Associated Press, a U.S.
helicopter fired a missile into a residential area of Mogadishu,
wounding 12 Somalis.  Ambassador to Somalia Robert Oakley later said the
military operation was "an unfortunate policy decision".

5. The Clinton Administration continued the embargoes on Cuba and Iraq,
causing widespread misery in Cuba for lack of food and medicine, and
hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq according to U.N. statistics.
When Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked if the goal of
putting pressure on Saddam Hussein was worth the lives of large numbers
of Iraqi children, she responded: "we think it is worth it."

6. Claiming that he was introducing "welfare reform", President Clinton in
the summer of 1996 signed a law to end the federal government's
guarantee, created under the New Deal, of financial help to poor
families with dependent children. The Los Angeles Times reported: "As
... families battle a new five-year limit on cash
experts anticipate a resurgence of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted

7. The Clinton Administration continued to spend $250 billion a year for
the military, putting into jeopardy the lives and health of large
numbers of Americans. Clinton was willing to spend two billion dollars
each for the "stealth bomber" (the total cost would be 42 billion
dollars) while putting perhaps a million people in jeopardy by taking
away their federal benefits.

8. With millions of people either homeless or living under desperate
conditions and needing low-cost housing, the President in 1996 signed
the "Crime Bill", which allocated eight billion dollars to build new

9. Early in his first 

Re: [CTRL] Living in corporate America.

1999-01-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

>>Barb Witt wrote:

>>> Two pertinent articles (The Global Hand and Technology Hoax), from the
>>> April 21, 1997 edition of Forbes:
>>> Barb
>>Yeah right Barb. Forbes Magazine. The " Capitaist tool." That's a good
>>source for pointing out the disasters of the global econmy.
>However, if you're going to critique something, it is commonly expected
>that you at least peruse the material and then mention specifics>

This is from the posted site:
"Capital emigrated, too. British money, instead of staying at home, built
railroads in the U.S. and Argentina, tea gardens in India, and literally
created Hong Kong and Calcutta. In a single year, 1871, London absorbed over
$100 million of American securities; by 1893 foreigners had sent $3 billion
to the U.S.

"National boundaries did not disappear; bloody wars were yet to be fought
over them. But for the first time in history people, money and goods were
able to flow across them quite freely.

"It was as if a giant global hand—kind of like Adam Smith's "invisible hand"
gone international—rearranged the world economy. As Jeffrey Williamson, an
economics professor at Harvard, says of this period, 1860-1913: "Capital and
labor flowed across national boundaries in unprecedented quantity, and
commodity trade boomed."

"The results, in terms of global well-being, were fabulous. Railroad and
steamship technology had made transportation much cheaper"

My question is where did the foreign capital come from?  Who were the
investors who bought the railroad stocks and bonds in America?  What were
their expectations concerning interest and dividends?  What happened when
the bonds defaulted?

I submit much of the capital came from illegal trade--piracy, vice, slavery
and opium.  That's who founded Forbes.  The Forbes, Perkins and Russell
families founded Skull and Bones at Yale primarily, IMHO, to keep their
trade secrets and to recruit people to carry on the operations throughout
the world who would take an oath of secrecy.  That's why I tend to discount
much of what Forbes magazine publishes.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Living in corporate America.

1999-01-19 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Barb Witt wrote:
>Linda, you give your reasons for questioning the character of Forbes,
>and Russell families (ironic, aren't you the Clinton supporter), but I
>the relevancy.  I wonder:
>(1)  How is the historical origin of Forbes money relevant to whether or
>not the assertions of the authors of the subject articles is true?;
>(2)  Do you disagree with the premises stated by the authors?;
>(3)  If so, which ones, and why?;
>(4)  What is inherently evil about *trade secrets*?;
>(5)  What person who took an oath of secrecy spilled the beans to you?



(1)  The owners of a magazine will not allow ideas to be expressed in their
magazine if those ideas will undercut their own livelihood.  I believe that
the drug trade is not only the "historical origin" of these families, but
that it persists to this day.  That is the main focus of some of us who have
been on this list for the longest time.  And we don't talk idly; we actually
research our theories because we want to know the truth.  I do support
Clinton most of the time.  I've been a Democrat all my life, and I believe
in equal opportunity.  I am against a society based on exclusion and
perpetuation and preservation of elites.  I am a suspicious person--one who
spends every waking hour of every day trying to figure out what is really
going on--reading between the lines.

Through reading and researching, I have begun to question, not only who is
behind the Clinton attacks, but who set Nixon up.  If you've read SILENT
COUP, by Colodny, you know there is evidence to indicate That the burglary
was botched in an attempt to bring Nixon down.  And there is a question
about the Hinckley attempt to kill Reagan shortly after he took office, as
well as the suspicious circumstances surrounding the downed plane Hausenflus
was on that led to the discovery of Iran-Contra.

I am tired of someone trying to remove our elected presidents of whatever
party by covert operations. I can't say that Forbes is behind these
attempted coups, but I have found that the persons involved in that magazine
have been associated with activities which I find to be highly questionable
up to the present day.  I have separate research available which I have
posted previously, which I could dig up if requested.

(2)  I'm not sure what the authors' premises were.  I had the impression
that they were glorifying the role of foreign capital in this country, in
addition to capital investment that historically in this country came from
primarily New York and Boston.  If you read about the investment in
railroads in the early 19th century, what you find is that a great many of
the bonds were marketed in Europe by various investment bankers.  Yet some
of the railroads were also financed by Bostonians.  How did they make the
money to invest in these projects?  Once they made the investments, how were
the investments protected?  Have you read BITTER FRUIT, by Stephen
Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer?

(4)  Are trade secrets inherently evil?  Secrecy is inherently evil.  I
believe in openness.  I believe every qualified person should have the same
opportunity to participate in trade.  I do not believe that people who earn
their money through slavery and drug trafficking should be able to wash
their profits through legitimate business by using the guise of "venture
capital" investments and thereby gain control of strategic industrial
development.  That's what I believe has been done.  The proof is hard to
come by because the evil is hidden.  But I'll spend the rest of my life
trying to uncover the truth.
(5) Nobody spilled the beans to me, personally.  People who talk don't live
long it seems.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hasenfus Coup

1999-01-20 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Chapters in the Recent History of Arkansas

by Alexander Cockburn

By the mid-1980s, Arkansas was a crucial link in the contra war against
Nicaragua being masterminded from Washington. One scheme for maintaining a
cover-up for Oliver North's network was, it appears, played out in the
Governor's mansion occupied by Bill Clinton.

Among the occupants of that same mansion was Buddy Young, a man then, as
now, in charge of Clinton's security. According to court documents filed by
Terry Reed, a former C.l.A. asset involved in North's contra supply effort,
Young was a pivotal figure in a case designed to land Reed in prison not
long after Reed had walked out of an arms-for-drugs operation in
Guadalajara, Mexico, where he had been working with C.I.A. man Felix

Arkansas's role in the contra war and in an arms-for-drugs supply network
goes back to the early 1980s and the airport at Mena, Arkansas, discussed in
this column two weeks ago. A federal investigation aided by the Arkansas
State Police established that Barry Seal, a drug dealer working for the
Medellin cartel as well as with the C.I.A. and the D.E.A., had his planes
retrofitted at Mena for drug drops, trained pilots there and laundered his
profits partly through financial institutions in Arkansas. Seal, at this
time was in close contact with North, who acknowledged the relationship in
his memoir. These were the years in which North was constructing his covert
supply lines for the contras.

Among those recruited by North was--so the man has subsequently asserted in
court papers--Terry Reed, formerly with Air America in Thailand. Reed says
he was working for North by 1983. North put Reed in touch with Seal and by
1984, Reed had established a base at Nella, ten miles north of Mena in the
Ouachita National Forest. There Nicaraguan contras and other recruits from
Latin America were trained in resupply missions, night landings, precision
paradrops and similar maneuvers. Reed, familiar with the commercial affairs
of Mena, asserts that large sums of drug money were being laundered through
leading Arkansas bond brokers, a pattern of investment also being considered
by a federal investigator just as his researches were abruptly terminated.

One of Reed's contacts in North's network was William Cooper, another Air
America veteran then working for Southern Air Transport. Cooper was at the
controls of the C-123, once owned by Seal, that was shot down by a
Sandinista soldier on October 5,1986, thus--since it was loaded with arms
and documentation linking the crew to a chain stretching back to the office
of Vice President George Bush--helping to fuel the Iran/contra scandal then
bursting upon the world. That plane had been serviced at Mena. Cooper died
in the crash.

His crewman, Eugene Hasenfus, survived.

Back in 1985, Cooper had suggested to Reed that he go to Mexico and set up
an operation expanding the supply network. Reed agreed, traveled to Veracruz
for discussions with Felix Rodriguez and, in July of 1986, set up a front
company, Machinery International, in Guadalajara.

Three months later Cooper was dead and Hasenfus was being paraded by the
Sandinistas before the Managua press corps. Reed says that Machinery
International's business, "trans- shipping items" in "support of our foreign
policies," was put on hold until January 1987, this at a time when the
cover-up was pressing forward in Washington. Seven months later, Reed says,
he became aware that drugs were part of the shuttle passing through
Machinery International's premises in Guadalajara and that he himself
presented a likely candidate as fall guy if things came unglued.

Reed says he confronted Rodriguez and told him he was quitting. By early
September 1987 he had returned to the United States. A month later Buddy
Young was activating--from Bill Clinton's mansion--a sequence of events
designed to land the potentially troublesome Reed in prison.

The instrument at hand was a plane owned by Reed.

On March 24, 1983, Reed's plane had been stolen from a repair shop in
Joplin, Missouri (Reed's home state). Prior to this, Reed says, Oliver North
had asked him to contribute this same plane to Project Donation, a scheme by
which individuals would allow their fully insured planes and boats to
"disappear" for the sake of counterrevolution in Nicaragua. Reed claims he
had refused. At all events, the plane was removed while Reed was out of
town. Reed duly reported the theft to his insurance company and received
compensation. He says that in 1985 North's people contacted him in Mena,
told him that his plane was being returned after having been in Central
America for two years and asked that he not report its return because they
might need to "borrow" it again. Reed consented. He left the plane at his
hangar in the North Little Rock Airport

[CTRL] More Tobacco Lawsuits

1999-01-20 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


[01/20] Clinton announces plans to sue tobacco companies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Justice Department is planning a lawsuit against
tobacco companies to recover the costs to the federal government of
smoking-related illnesses, President Clinton said Tuesday night.

``Taxpayers shouldn't pay for the cost of lung cancer, emphysema and other
smoking-related illnesses. The tobacco companies should,'' Clinton said in a
surprise announcement in his State of the Union speech.

Clinton did not specify how much money the Justice Department would seek
from tobacco companies, but he said smoking had cost taxpayers ``hundreds of
millions of dollars'' as ill smokers sought treatment under Medicare and
other programs.

``So tonight I announce that the Justice Department is preparing a
litigation plan to take the tobacco companies to court,'' Clinton said. He
said the funds recovered would be used to bolster the Medicare program.

The federal government began considering a suit against tobacco companies
after the collapse last June of a $516 billion anti-smoking bill in the

The nation's biggest tobacco companies agreed Nov. 23 to pay 46 states $206
billion and submit to advertising and marketing restrictions in a broad deal
that was the largest settlement of civil suits in history.

The Justice Department said it was creating a task force to study the best
legal grounds for a lawsuit.

An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the
Justice Department was still evaluating the amount of damages to be sought,
the time when a lawsuit would be filed and other litigation issues.

Another administration official said the Justice Department was likely to
seek a settlement that could run into the billions of dollars.

``It's more important that this be done right than it be done quickly. We
will bring litigation when we are fully prepared to do so, and we are not at
this point going to set any type of time frame on it,'' the first official

``The tobacco industry's potential liability for government-provided health
care is of an unprecedented size and nature.''

Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin said Attorney General Janet Reno
had decided to proceed with the plans after determining there were ``viable
grounds for recovery.''

Asked about the ramifications of taking on the powerful tobacco industry
before the 2000 presidential election, Marlin said: ``This is a decision
based on the law. ... We will make our decisions based on what the law and
the facts provide.''

The tobacco industry cried foul.

``It's a political move. It's a political gesture,'' industry spokesman
Scott Williams said. ``The Justice Department has looked at this repeatedly
in the past and has not acted on it.''

He said it was ironic that the Clinton White House had complained that the
impeachment process was political but that the president used the State of
the Union speech ``to try to score political points against the tobacco

``It's disappointing because people have been working hard to try to bring
resolution to these issues over the last two years and have sought the White
House's support in that effort, only to have them ridicule the industry,''
Williams said.

The Treasury Department has estimated smoking costs the economy about $130
billion a year, including $60 billion in medical bills.

Some $20 billion in health costs are borne by the federal Medicare program
and the state-federal Medicaid program, the department estimates.

A Justice Department fact sheet said the department's litigation effort
would not seek funds collected by the states through their settlement.

It suggested the federal government could seek more than the states got.
``The amount of money paid out by the federal government under various
programs is even larger than that paid out by the states through the
Medicaid program,'' the fact sheet said.

In another assault on the tobacco industry, Clinton was described by aides
to be proposing a 55-cent-per-pack increase in the federal cigarette tax to
raise $8 billion over five years to offset the health care costs of smoking.

The American Wholesale Marketers Association (AWMA) denounced the proposed
increase in the cigarette tax, saying it ''could have devastating
implications on small businesses.''

The tax increase is expected to be contained in Clinton's proposed budget
for the next fiscal year, to be submitted to Congress Feb. 1.

Cigarette manufacturers raised prices by about 45 cents a pack after their
$206 billion settlement.

Last Updated: 01/20/99 00:53 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
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[CTRL] Bananas

1999-01-20 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


[01/19] EU seeks last-ditch reprieve from U.S. sanctions
BRUSSELS, Jan 19 (Reuters) - European Union diplomats said they will try on
Wednesday to make a last ditch effort to head off a half-billion dollars in
sanctions threatened by the U.S. in the latest round in a trade war over
Washington intends next Monday to seek World Trade Organization (WTO)
authorization to slap punitive 100 percent duties on a wide range of EU
imports on the grounds that the 15-nation bloc has persistently failed to
bring its banana import regime into line with WTO rules.

If the request for sanctions is made, authorization is sure to follow, since
it would take a unanimous WTO decision to reject it.

The sanctions -- on goods ranging from cashmere sweaters to pork -- could
cost EU exporters about $520 million a year, according to U.S. calculations.

EU sources told Reuters the bloc appeared to have only limited options for
preventing the sanctions.

It could refuse to let next Monday's WTO meeting go ahead, but that would
mean stalling other business that was in its own interest.

It could appeal to the Geneva-based WTO to rule that the sanctions were
excessive and should be reduced to a more reasonable level.

Or it could ask the WTO to set up a disputes settlement panel to rule
whether Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act -- which allows the U.S. to invoke
unilateral sanctions in a trade row -- was legitimate under global free
trade rules, the officials said.

But a U.S. official in Brussels said nothing short of a negotiated EU-U.S.
settlement to the dispute could stave off sanctions.

"It's in the hands of the EU," the U.S. official said, "if they can see
their way clear to negotiating with the U.S. in good faith and good form."

She rejected the EU's argument that the best way to end the bitter row was
for the WTO, as an independent arbiter whose ruling would be binding, to
judge whether the latest version of the banana regime complied with free
trade rules.

The EU and Ecuador requested the creation of such a panel last week to
examine the newest import arrangements, which took effect on January 1.

But the U.S. official said there was no guarantee the EU would genuinely
respect a WTO ruling against it.

"There's nothing to stop the EU changing a comma and saying the regime is
now in compliance with the WTO ruling, and putting us back where we started
all over again," she said.

Last Updated: 01/19/99 19:17 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

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Copyright © 1994-1998 FindLaw Inc.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Privatizing the National Security State (1/2)

1999-01-20 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

DasGoat wrote:
First there was WACKENHUT.
Then there's GUARDSMARK -- whose founder is a friend of Bronfman active in
Zionist circles, whose corporate attorney is the Rose Law Firm, and which
has a policy of seeking out as its corporate administrators ex-FBI, Secret
Service etc. agents ... one of whom was apparently central in the OKBomb
cover-up ...

Subject: John Doe Times, Vol.V, No.3:
Profiles In Coverup: Weldon Kennedy

Vol. V, Number 3
22 March 1997

About Ira Lipman:


by Mike Zielinski

Propelled by public panic over crime, the private security industry is one
of the fastest growing enterprises in the U.S., spending more money and
employing more guards than public police forces around the country. In 1990
alone, $52 billion was spent on private security, compared to $30 billion on
police. More than 10,000 private security companies employ some 1.5 million
guards, nearly triple the 554,000 state and local police officers.

And the industry which generates billions in profits is growing rapidly. One
congressional advocate of increased regulation says national labor
statistics indicate that more jobs will be created in the private security
field than any other categories over the next decade. Industry executives
estimate that the number of private guards will surge to 2 million by the
year 2000.

Amidst heightened public fears in the wake of the Oklahoma bombing, fresh
threats by the UNABOMBER, and recurring references by the press and
politicians to the menace of foreign terrorists, the industry is poised for
boom times. With the 1996 presidential election looming large, both major
political parties are sure to issue more strident calls for stepped-up
policing, both public and private.

The era of dual law enforcement is already here, with a vengeance. Private
guards are popping up everywhere, patrolling shopping malls, workplaces,
apartment buildings and neighborhoods. The phenomenal growth of massive
private shopping malls, and the steady shrinkage of public shopping streets,
means the public is more likely to encounter private security than public
police on a daily basis. The business community already pays for security in
malls, stores, offices, banks, and highly congested public places such as
New York City's Grand Central Station. And as federal funding recedes, many
municipalities are looking to cut costs further by hiring rent-a-cops to
work ambulance services and parking enforcement, as well as to watch over
crime scenes and transport prisoners who increasingly face incarceration in
corporate-run prisons. California, always the harbinger of disturbing new
trends in American culture, goes beyond putting private guards on the
street. Wealthy residents of Los Angeles hire their guards complete with
squad cars. The City Council has 50 applications pending to barricade public
streets to facilitate the work of these private security cruisers.
Privatization extends to the federal government, which is increasingly
handing over security functions to corporations which employ and underpay a
non-unionized workforce. In 1971, there were 5,000 federal police providing
security at government buildings. Today there are 409, with private contract
guards making up the difference. Government-busters in Congress support
these privatization moves, overriding objections from the American
Federation of Government Employees. The union is pushing for federal workers
to have a say in all decisions that affect the workplace, particularly when
it comes to a question as vital as providing physical security.

As rent-a-cops supplant functions once performed by police, the private
security industry is creating a separate and unequal system under which the
rich protect their privileges and guard their wealth from perceived
barbarians at the gate. Many of the affluent now live in enclaves, gated
communities, where private security forces control entrances, screen
visitors and hired help, and patrol the grounds. These heavily-armed private
guards are accountable not to the public, but to the well-manicured hand
that feeds them. Meanwhile, it is left to public police forces to maintain a
coercive order within deteriorating inner cities.

 This private security business bonanza is fueled by demagogic politicians
and reinforced with violent imagery and fear-mongering rhetoric from talk
radio, the tabloid press, and sensationalist television shows such as Hard
Copy. It is taking place even as government surveys indicate that crime
levels have been more or less constant over the past 20 years. In fact, the
FBI reported at the end of 1994 that overall cr

[CTRL] Dale Bumpers' Statement

1999-01-22 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

[01/21] Text-Dale Bumpers impeachment trial statment
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The following is a portion of former Sen. Dale
Bumpers' statement at the Senate impeachment trial in defense of President
Bill Clinton.

Mr. Chief Justice, distinguished House managers from the House of
Representatives, colleagues, I have seen the look of disappointment on many
faces because I know a lot of people thought you were rid of me once and for

And I've taken a lot of ribbing this afternoon, but I have seriously
negotiated with some people, particularly on this side by an offer to walk
out and not deliver this speech in exchange for a few votes.

I understand three have it under active consideration.

It is a great joy to see you, and it is especially pleasant to see an
audience which represents about the size of the cumulative audience I had
over a period of 24 years.

I came here today for a lot of reasons. One was that I was promised a
40-foot cord -- and I've been shorted 28 feet. Chris Dodd said that he
didn't want me in his lap, and I assume that he arranged for the cord to be

I want to especially thank some of you for your kind comments in the press
when it received some publicity that I would be here to close the debate on
behalf of the White House counsel and the president. I was a little dismayed
by Sen. Bennett's remark. He said, ``Yes, Sen. Bumpers is a great speaker,
but I never -- he was never persuasive with me because I never agreed with
him.'' I thought he could have done better than that.

You can take some comfort, colleagues, in the fact that I'm not being paid.

And when I'm finished you will probably think the White House got their
money's worth.

I have told audiences that over 24 years that I went home almost every
weekend and returned usually about dusk on Sunday evening. And you know the
plane ride into National Airport when you can see the magnificent Washington
Monument and this building from the window of the airplane. And I've told
these students at the university in a small, liberal arts school at home,
Hendricks, after 24 years of that, literally hundreds of times, I never
failed to get goosebumps. Same thing is true about this chamber.

I can still remember as though it were yesterday the awe I felt when I first
stepped into this magnificent chamber so full of history. So beautiful.

And last Tuesday as I returned after only a short three-week absence, I
still felt that same sense of awe that I did the first time I walked in this

Colleagues, I come here with some sense of reluctance.

The president and I have been close friends for 25 years. We've fought so
many battles back home together in our beloved Arkansas, we tried mightily
all of my years as governor and his, and all of my years in the Senate when
he was governor, to raise the living standards in the Delta area of
Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana where poverty is unspeakable, with some
measure of success -- not nearly enough. We tried to provide health care for
the lesser among us, for those who are well-off enough they can't get on
welfare, but not making enough to buy health insurance.

We have fought, above everything else, to improve the educational standards
for a state that, for so many years, was at the bottom of the list or near
the bottom of the list of income, and we have stood side-by-side to save
beautiful, pristine areas in our state from environmental degradation.

We even crashed a twin-engine Beach Bonanza trying to get to the Gillette
coon supper, a political event that one misses at his own risk.

And we crashed this plane on a snowy evening on a rural airport, off the
runway, sailing out across the snow, jumped out, jumped out and ran away
unscathed, to the dismay of every budding politician in Arkansas.

The president and I have been together hundreds of times -- at parades,
dedications, political events, social events. And in all of those years, and
all those hundreds of times we've been together, both in public and in
private, I have never one time seen the president conduct himself in a way
that did not reflect the highest credit on him, his family, his state, and
his beloved nation.

The reason I came here today with some reluctance -- please don't
misconstrue that. It has nothing to do with my feelings about the president,
as I've already said.

But it's because we are from the same state and we are long friends and I
know that that necessarily diminishes to some extent the effectiveness of my

So if Bill Clinton the man, Bill Clinton the friend were the issue here, I'm
quite sure I would not be doing this. But it is the weight of history on all
of us and it is my reverence for that great document, you heard me rail
about it for 24 years, that we call our Constitution, the most sacred
document to me next to the holy Bible.

These proceedings go right to the heart of our Constitution where it deals
with impeachment, the part that provides the gravest p

[CTRL] Fw: NCC Washington Update, Vol 4, #47, December 9, 1998

1998-12-11 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: H-Texas Editor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 1998 11:35 PM
Subject: NCC Washington Update, Vol 4, #47, December 9, 1998

>(Posted by Ray Stephens)
>NCC Washington Update, vol. 4, #47, December 9, 1998
>   by Page Putnam Miller, Director of the National Coordinating
>  Committee for the Promotion of History <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>1.  Trial Underway To Establish Value of the
>   Nixon Tapes and Materials
>2.  NHPRC Commissioners Recommends 26 Grants
>   Totaling $2.6 million
>3.  Head of Interagency Declassification Appeals Panel
>Urges New Ways To Access National Security
>1.  Trial Underway To Establish Value of the Nixon Tapes and Materials
>--On December 2, U. S. District Judge John Garrett Penn opened the
>trial in the case of William Griffin and John Taylor v. The U.S. of
>America (Case No. 80-3227), in which the representatives of the Nixon
>Estate are seeking "just compensation" from the United Stated for the
>Nixon tapes and materials.  Nixon brought this suit in 1980 claiming
>that he deserved compensation for his presidential materials, which
>include 17,000 hours of dictaphone, telephone, and tape recordings and
>44 million pieces of paper.  Acting in accordance with the Presidential
>Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, the government took these
>materials in 1974 and placed them under the custody of the National A
>Judge Penn ruled in the U.S. District Court for the District of
>Columbia in 1991 that Nixon deserved no compensation.  The Nixon Estate
>appealed the decision.  In 1992 the Appeals Court overturned that
>decision and said that the government owed compensation to Nixon for
>the seized material. The Appeals Court sent the case back to the lower
>court to determine the damages that are due to the Nixon Estate.  Thus
>this trial, which has no jury, is to determine the appropriate monetary
>value of the materials. The Judge encouraged the Nixon Estate and the
>U.S. Government to reach a settlement and to avoid a trial;  but after
>years of negotiations, the parties failed to reach an agreement.
>On the first day of the trial both sides laid out their key arguments.
>The Nixon Estate is seeking compensation of $213 million, which they
>claim is the "fair market value" in 1974 dollars with compounded
>interest for 24 years.  Stan Mortenson, the lawyer for the Nixon
>Estate, said that Nixon had brought the case reluctantly because he had
>been denied his dream of having a Presidential Library, like those of
>other Presidents.  Mortenson reviewed the expert testimony of document
>collectors and appraisers who placed extremely high values on documents
>such as Nixon's handwritten resignation speech, comparing the value of
>the documents to the Gutenberg Bible, the Declaration of Independence,
>and the Winston Churchill papers. Mortenson focused considerable
>attention on various ways in which he claimed that the National
>Archives had commercially exploited the Nixon material, such as
>charging for making copies of documents and photographs. Mortenson
>quoted from historians Stephen Ambrose and Joan Hoff, who had provided
>expert reports as to the extraordinary historical significance of these
>records and to their value for research.  Furthermore, he stressed that
>the Nixon Estate was not seeking a "windfall" for it had been
>determined by the family that the money from the case would go for
>legal expenses and for running the private Nixon Birthplace Museum and
>Library in Yorba Linda, California.
>Neil H. Koslowe, the Justice Department attorney, stressed that the
>documents had been created by public officials, at public expense, on
>public equipment for the public's benefit and that the Nixon Estate
>should receive no compensation.  He described Nixon's desire to keep
>his papers together as an integral research collection, stressing that
>Nixon had never envisioned selling the documents piece meal for the top
>dollar.  The government's case also focused on establishing the value
>of the records in 1974 .  Koslowe noted that in 1974 many of the
>records were still classified or had not been reviewed for privacy
>concerns and thus could not be sold, that much of the material was not
>well organized and lacked adequate finding aids, and that the federal
>government had since 1974 spent considerable sums to preserve, store,
>and describe the materials. Quoting various letters and documents,
>Koslowe emphasized that in 1974 Nixon stated his intention to destroy
>the tapes.  At later dates Nixon entered into faile d negotiations with
>various universities and with the National Archives concerning his
>desire to establish a central research repository for his papers.
>Koslowe pointed out that neither plan involved the piece meal selling
>of the documents.
>The question of the monetary value of a comprehensive collection

[CTRL] Fw: Hatch would set bad precedent, imo

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 3:20 PM
Subject: Hatch would set bad precedent, imo

>Saturday, January 23, 1999
>Key Senator to Move to End Clinton's Trial
> Impeach: Byrd's plan would call for vote to dismiss charges. GOP's
>Hatch hints that time may be right to halt proceedings.
>By RICHARD A. SERRANO and EDWIN CHEN, Times Staff Writers
> In another potential blow to the prosecution effort, the
>Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled his own
>plan for ending the case quickly. Sen. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah said
>that, with any vote to remove Clinton unlikely to get the required
>two-thirds majority, the trial should adjourn after a small number of
>witnesses are deposed and the House impeachment vote of Clinton should
>be cited by the Senate as the "highest form of censure for these
>despicable acts."
>The problem with this 'citing' is that it would invite the House in
>the future to send up non-convictable impeachments as censure. This is
>not a good precedent. A bill of impeachment is an official thing that
>ties up the government till it is resolved. This should not be
>We need an "Ordinary Citizens' Bill of Rights"!
>Organizing against impeachment:
> --
>The Eight Classic Moral Principles:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Clinton Mystery Theater, #35 "Death Files an Extension"

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Clinton Mystery Theatre #35 --Death Files an Extension
Author: TheKnep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1996/04/27
Forum: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater

Clinton Mystery Theater,  #35  "Death Files an Extension" ,
by Tom Knepper

--a White House Fantasy Production

It was a Friday evening in the city that knows how to keep its
secrets--Little Rock, Arkansas. I'm Russell Welch, IRS Special Agent. I
was just relaxing in my apartrment at Quapaw Towers with a tall
chocolate milk (shaken, not stirred), when my radio dispatch unit
shattered the silence. It was a call from headquarters. They had a
report of a 8829 in progress on Walnut St. (a taxpayer preparing to
improperly claim an office in home deduction). "I'm on my way, boss, "I
replied. "1040, I mean, 10-4. Special Agent Welch, signing off."

Protecting honest citizens from tax cheats and scofflaws is what I do. I
carry a badge.

Before I left, I reminded myself to stop in at my friend Gary's
apartment on the way back to make sure my surveillance camera was fully
operational. I have been surveilling the apartment across the hall from
Gary's place for several weeks now, ever since a tall blonde moved in, a
woman whose name I ascertained to be Gennifer. Due to the parade of men
through her apartment day and night, I highly suspect that she has self-
employment income that she is not claiming. All I need is more evidence
to make my case.

Strangely enough, one of the customers that frequent Gennifer's place of
business bears a striking resemblance to our fine governor, Bill
Clinton. I know it could not be Bill; he is an upstanding citizen, and a
man of high moral character. He even sings in the church choir at Big
Baptist. It must be a coincidence, or some kind of doppleganger effect.
I've seen stranger things in this business.

Well, I made my call, and sure enough caught a scoundrel preparing to
fleece the public by taking a deduction to which he was not entitled.
"See you in tax court you slimeball," I shouted as I made a quick exit
from the perp's townhouse. My last glimpse of him, with mouth hanging
open and fear in his eyes, reminded me of why I find this job so

Preoccupied with thoughts of what a perfect world this would be if
everyone paid their taxes, I failed to notice the man skulking behind
the door as I entered Gary's apartment at Quapaw Tower. Before I could
blink he had coldcocked me, bringing me out of my reverie, and sending
me into a deep, dark abyss. I was blacked out for just a minute, and
when I came to, the punk was leaning over me.

"Give me the tape, Welch, or you'll be taking a one-way trip to that
great IRS filing center in the sky. There are no exemptions where you'll
be going, and no filing of amended returns. But you will have lots of
time to pay!"

Not knowing just how dangerous the thug was, I decided to test his
intentions. "What tape," I exclaimed innocently.

Five minutes later I woke up for the second time. This time I could hear
Gary screaming in the background as a very large gorilla appeared to be
dancing the Watusi on his jaw.

"Don't get coy with me flatfoot," my thug sneered. "You're dealing with
the Republican National Committee here, not some two-bit criminal
enterprise. I know youse got a tape showing Bill Clinton entering that
broad's place, and we want it. Now."

"I think you are mistaken about it being Bill Clinton, ...but," I
quickly added as he raised his brass knuckles again. "The tape is in
that cabinet over there." I could see further resistance was futile. I
hate the sight of blood, especially my own.

Another figure I could not make out clearly went to the cabinet and
retreived the tape. "Youse want I should let this bum go now, Mr. North,
" said the thug towering over me.

"No way," said the shadowy figure with the gap in his front teeth. "What
do you think we are, bleeding heart liberals? Work him over good. You
should have been more cooperative, Russ. We Right-Wingers don't have
time to waste trying to extract information from every Tom, Dick, and
Harry that wants to be a hero."

"Meet me in the field ops headquarters when you're finished Rocky. I'm
going to take this tape down to the National Enquirer and see what they
will bid.  Guido, here's a couple of C notes. I'll call you again when I
need some more skulls cracked," said the shadowy Mr. North.

Mercifully, I blacked out again after three or four more slugs from the
big guy. He sure could hit hard.

And that's my story. After a long stint in the hospital, I was back at
my job catching tax cheats, but my heart was not in it. I tried to
interest the police in what had happened, but I could tell Republican
dollars had already beat me to it. The cops just sneered at me and threw
me out. "Audit this," one of them yelled as he picked me up and threw me
in the dumpster behind the precinct house.  I could tell the fix was in
all over the state, thanks to payoffs from the Hard Right's corporate

The only ones who wo

[CTRL] Bipartisan "Lynch Mob" Preparing Senate Trial

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


by Edward Spannaus
Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, January, 1999.

President Clinton is now faced with a bipartisan lynch
mob in the United States Senate, where the only difference
between the Republicans and most Democrats is that the
Republicans would prefer a longer, drawn-out lynching, and
Tom Daschle and the Senate Democrats want a cleaner,
quicker lynching. The President is the odd man out in this
arrangement, with almost no consultation going on between
the White House and the Senate Democrats led by Daschle.
Apparently Daschle is too busy crawling under the KKK
sheets with Trent Lott, to bother talking to the
President's own defense team.

Therefore, the only option the White House has at
this moment, is take the rope that the Senate is preparing
for the President's neck, and to use that very same rope
to hoist the Senate on their own scaffold--by demanding
a full trial in which the entire ``Get Clinton'' cabal is
put on trial, with Kenneth Starr and Richard Mellon Scaife
as the defendants-in-chief.

There are many reports and rumors circulating
around Washington to the effect that Starr either has
already obtained sealed indictments of the President and
others, or that he is preparing to indict the President
and probably the First Lady as soon as Clinton leaves

The threat of prosecution is the blackmail threat
being used by Senate Republicans--with the complicity of
Daschle and other Democrats--to force the President into
accepting a censure ``plea bargain.'' The way this is being
conducted by Daschle and the Republicans reminds us of
the way most public defenders work out plea bargains for
their indigent clients: The lawyer first works out the
deal with the prosecutor, and then tells the defendant,
``This is the best you can do; you better take the deal.''

The only good sign, is that President Clinton appears
to have rejected any deal which would leave him vulnerable
to prosecution, and which would force him to run up huge
legal bills defending himself for years after he leaves

Under the arrangement voted up by the Senate on
Jan. 8, the threat of prosecution is looming in the
background. After three days of presentations each by the
House managers, and then by the President's lawyers, and
two days of questioning, ``dispositive'' motions, such as a
motion to dismiss the Articles of Impeachment, will be
considered. It is at that point that the ``censure'' deal
will be posed--admit to wrongdoing, accept censure, and
the trial will be stopped.

Any ``censure'' acceptable to the bipartisan lynch mob
in the Senate would have to contain an admission of
perjury by the President. But all indications are that
Clinton will never make such admission--because he does
not believe he committed perjury, and because it would
leave him vulnerable to prosecution by independent counsel
Starr the minute he leaves office. And if anyone thinks
that any such ``deal'' will bring the campaign to topple
President Clinton to an end, he simply hasn't been paying
attention to what has been going on for the past five

  - Back-stabbing Democrats -

While one would not be surprised that White Citizens
Council-sympathizer Trent Lott would be in the forefront
of the Senate lynch mob, the most treacherous role is
being play by the Democratic leadership, who pretend to be
supporting the President, while delivering him up to his

Prior to the opening of Congress, Daschle was
running around asserting that ``we already know the facts,''
and that therefore no trial with witnesses is needed. The
``facts'' to which Daschle refers, are Kenneth Starr's
``facts''--concocted during Starr's prosecutorial holy war
which has been riddled with prosecutorial misconduct,
abuse, and violations of constitutional rights.

Then, as the 106th Congress convened on Jan. 6,
Daschle came out of the Democratic caucus meeting and
declared that ``there is universal opposition to
witnesses.'' Daschle has spent most of his time huddled
with Lott and the Republican leadership, working out a
``bipartisan'' trial procedure which scoffs at the U.S.
Constitution's guarantees of due process.

The role which would be played by Senate Democrats
was signalled during appearances on the Sunday talk shows
on Jan. 3.  Three Democratic Senators appearing on
NBC's ``Meet the Press'' on Sunday, Jan. 3, already made it
very clear that President Clinton has almost as much to
fear from his ``friends'' as from his avowed enemies in the

Much of the discussion revolved around the plan
submitted by Senators Slade Gorton (R-Wa.), and Joseph
Lieberman (D-Conn.) for a quick ``mini-trial'' which would
then pave the way for a censure vote. This proposal was
supported by Senators Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Robert
Torricelli (D-N.J.) who were appearing on the show a

[CTRL] Is Al Gore a Traitor?

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Excerpted from
EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   1999/01/22

>Some time around those tumultuous days in mid to late
August, Al Gore travelled up to Wall Street. He had a breakfast
meeting with a dozen or so of the biggest pirate on Wall St.
People like George Soros, who is a household name in many parts
of the name for his criminality; David E. Shaw, head of a smaller
hedge fund, but engaged in the same kinds of piracy. (D.E. Shaw
was heavily exposed in the Russian GKO market, and they had
borrowed billions of dollars from Bank of America in order to go
into these highly leveraged bets.) You had Maurice Greenberg of
American International Group, one of the biggest insurance
cartels in the world, very close to City of London finance. (A
year ago, two years ago, he bailed out Lloyds of London when
Lloyds was on the verge of going under.)
You had people from J.P. Morgan, and Citibank, and all of
the other players, who would come together a month or so later,
to bail out Long-Term Capital Management, another medium-sized
hedge funds, but whose investments threatened to blow out the
whole financial system.
So, Gore was earmarked as the guy to interceded in the
Russian situation, and make sure that the interests of the
bankers were defended at all costs, even if it violated U.S.
national security and foreign policy interests, and even if it
meant the further impoverishment, and throwing of Russia into an
even graver crisis.
So, we know that Gore was up on Wall St, meeting with these
people. We also know that during this time frame, money was
pouring into Al Gore's pocket, and here is where Article 2,
Section 4 of the Constitution specifies bribery in the carrying
out of official duty, as an impeachable offense. We know that on
July 27 $40,000 went into the account of FRIENDS OF AL GORE,
INC., which is vice-president Gore's pre-presidential campaign
policy action committee. The $40,000 came from David E. Shaw, and
other top executives of the D.E. Shaw hedge fund, and the funds
were basically the maximum amount allowed under law to go into
that account. There may be other deals, quid pro quos, on the
future that will come out with further investigation. But, for
now, we've got a concrete instance of a $40,000 cash transfer,
and then follow what Gore did with his hands and feet after that.
During this same timeframe, as the Russian events went from
an economic crisis into a political crisis, we had President
Clinton pinned down, in effect, with preparation for his
deposition, his grand jury appearance, before Kenneth Starr,
which took place on the 17th of August. Which was the same day
that the Russian Prime Minister Kiriyenko announced that he was
instituting this 90-day freeze on commercial bank payments to
foreign creditors, and demanding that a renegotiation, a total
restructuring, in effect a partial default on the GKOS, had to be
negotiated with the domestic and foreign holders.
So, President Clinton was basically pinned down for several
critical days as the situation was playing out. It happened that
on the 20th of August of 1998, President Clinton went from
Washington, having completed the deposition, right to his
vacation on Martha's Vineyard. Vice-President Gore was already on
vacation in Hawaii. Now, during that criticl period, the
following events happened:
Four days after the announcement by Kiriyenko that Russia
was in this unsalvagable debt crisis, President Boris Yeltsin
abruptly fired Kiriyenko, and there was a question of who would
be appointd as the permanent Prime Minister replacement. The
entire government was fired.
Now, at that point, he appointed Chernomyridin, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, as the acting prime minister. We know that
Vice-President Gore made a series of phone calls the day that
this decision was being made

PAPERT: From Hawaii, I understand.

STEINBERG: From Hawaii, on vacation, he jumped into the fire.
He called up Chernomyrdin at least three times on that
Sunday. We know that he spoke to Kiriyenko; we know he spoke to
Yeltsin. He did all of these things without once consulting with
President Clinton, and from we know from highly reliable sources
in Washington, that when he did this, President Clinton became
furious that Gore had presumed the authority to act on behalf of
the administration, behind the President's back.

Now, we know that there was a highly corrupt agreement, a
mutual back-scratching arrangement, between Gore and
Chernomyrdin. We don't know all of the details, but we know one
crucial element of it. In 1995 the Central Intelligence Agency
provided the White House with a very detailed dossier on
Chernomyrdin, demonstrating that he was one of {the} most corrupt
officials in Moscow. The estimate of the CIA was that
Chernomyrdin had stolen personally $5 billion, and siphoned it
off into his own private accounts. A large part of that involved
bribes that he accepted from foreign businessmen, who wanted to

[CTRL] "Small Secret Clique of Lawyers"

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

>From the NY Times:


WASHINGTON -- This time last year, Hillary Rodham Clinton described, in a
famous appearance on the NBC News program "Today," how a "vast right-wing
conspiracy" was trying to destroy her husband's Presidency.

As it turns out, some of the most serious damage to Bill Clinton's
came not from his high-profile political enemies but from a small secret
clique of lawyers in their 30's who share a deep antipathy toward the
President, according to nearly two dozen interviews and recently filed court

While cloaking their roles, the lawyers were deeply involved -- to an extent
not previously known -- for nearly five years in the Paula Jones sexual
misconduct lawsuit. They then helped push the case into the criminal arena
into the office of the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr.

The group's leader was Jerome M. Marcus, a 39-year-old associate at the
Philadelphia law firm of Berger & Montague, whose partners are major
contributors to the Democratic Party.

Although Ms. Jones never met him or knew he had worked on her behalf, Marcus
drafted legal documents and was involved in many of the important strategic
decisions in her lawsuit, according to billing records and interviews with
other lawyers who worked on the case. As much as any of Ms. Jones's
of record, Marcus helped keep Ms. Jones's case alive in the courts.

Marcus recruited others to assist his efforts, including several friends
the University of Chicago Law School. One of those who was approached, Paul
Rosenzweig, briefly considered doing work for Ms. Jones in 1994, according
billing records and interviews, but decided not to. In November 1997,
Rosenzweig joined Starr's office, where he and Marcus had several telephone
conversations about the Jones case.

It was Rosenzweig who fielded a "heads-up" phone call from Marcus on Jan. 8,
1998, that first tipped off Starr's office about Monica S. Lewinsky and
R. Tripp. The tip was not mentioned in the 445-page Starr report, even
the information revived a moribund Whitewater investigation that would not
have produced, it now seems, an impeachment referral to Congress.

Marcus did make his views known publicly last month when he wrote an
impassioned commentary in The Washington Times urging the impeachment of
Clinton. "The cancer is deadly," Marcus wrote. "It, and its cause, must be
removed." He identified himself in the newspaper simply as "a lawyer in

In his long efforts to promote Ms. Jones's lawsuit, and in helping Mrs.
find her way to Starr, Marcus found other allies, including another Chicago
law classmate, Richard W. Porter. Porter had worked as an aide to former
President Dan Quayle and was a partner of Starr's at the law firm of
& Ellis, based in Chicago.

George T. Conway 3d, a New York lawyer educated at Yale, shared Marcus's low
view of President Clinton. When the Jones case led to Ms. Lewinsky, Marcus
Conway searched for a new lawyer for Mrs. Tripp. Marcus and Porter helped
arrange for Mrs. Tripp to take her explosive allegations to Starr.

Their efforts are only now coming into focus, as a few of their associates
have begun to discuss their activities and their names appear repeatedly in
the final legal bills submitted by the original Jones legal team. Messrs.
Marcus, Porter and Conway did not respond to numerous requests for comment.

In their arguments before the Senate this week, the President's lawyers said
that there was collusion between Starr's office, Mrs. Tripp and the lawyers
for Ms. Jones in the weeks leading up to the President's deposition last
January. If witnesses are called in the Senate impeachment trial, the
President's lawyers may explore the issue further, several Clinton legal
advisers said.

Charles G. Bakaly 3d, the spokesman for Starr, denied there was collusion
between the independent counsel's office and the Jones team, including
"There was absolutely no conspiracy between the Jones lawyers and our
Bakaly said. "Judge Starr has testified to the circumstances as to how this
matter came to our attention, and the actions that we took thereafter."

Clinton said in his grand jury testimony in August that his political
"just thought they would take a wrecking ball to me and see if they could do
some damage." That wrecking ball was wielded by Marcus and his colleagues,
managed to drive Paula Corbin Jones's allegation of sexual misconduct into
courtroom and beyond.

Three Classmates at Chicago Law School

arcus, Porter and Rosenzweig were classmates at the University of Chicago
School, graduating in 1986. Conway met the others through the Jones case.
of the lawyers were also involved with the Federalist Society, a legal group
that includes conservative and libertarian luminaries like Starr, Robert H.
Bork and Richard Epstein, a University of Chicago law professor.

[CTRL] Fw: "The Ox Is in the Ditch"

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Larry Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 10:48 AM
Subject: "The Ox Is in the Ditch"

>Senator Hollings must be a Baptist.  That's a Baptist expression for
>an excuse to work on Sunday against the biblical admonition, "Six days
>shalt thou do all thy labor and on the seventh, thou shalt rest."
>But there's one thing you can say about Fritz Hollings (D. SC).  He's
>a better judge of who the Scribes are.  This morning Tim Russert, who
>probably never read anything as deep or challenging as the
>Constitution, tried to induce a large group of Senators to sign off on
>the punishment thing, the "corruption of our children" thing, and the
>new evidence in the Senate thing, and Hollings would have none of it.
>Both Hollings and Harkin---and many other Senators who won't muster
>the courage to say it---know that the Senate now has exclusive
>jurisdiction in the impeachment hearings and that Judge Norma
>Johnson's intervention ordering Monica Lewinsky to "chat" with House
>Managers is clearly unconstitutional.  It would be salutary for this
>issue to be litigated and the Managers sat down and lectured a little
>about their rash trespasses on Senate lands before Americans get the
>wrong idea about separation of powers.
>But how can that be done?  Perhaps Justice Rehnquist should run over
>to the Supreme Court and hear the controversy with the other eight
>Justices.  They have already ruled in Judge Nixon's case that the
>courts have no jurisdiction once an impeachment has reached the
>Senate.  The Senate can subpoena Lewinsky and other witnesses on
>simple majority votes. The Senate also has power to punish for
>contempt.  That's how it should be done.
>And now that Plato Cacheris is back advising Monica, he'd do well to
>coach her not to talk so freely, or maybe not at all, since that
>diabolical camp of prosecutors just loves to turn those perjury
>All this other talk about bringing up cant issues in the Senate like
>Delay's quarter-century-old rape allegation or charges of sexual
>harassment---it just won't fly.  There are just two questions in the
>Senate:  perjury and obstruction, and even the Republican Senators
>admit they don't have the votes to convict.
>That's the ox in the ditch, and the sooner he's pulled out so the
>country can get back to honest business, the better.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: "We're hoping to do two at once ... one bigger one and one smaller one"

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 7:25 AM
Subject: "We're hoping to do two at once ... one bigger one and one smaller

>New York Daily News
>January 24, 1999
>Hustler Chief's Ready to Roll
>Daily News Staff Writer
>If all goes according to plan, smutmeister and self-styled Washington
>sex detective Larry Flynt will soon serve up a double helping of
>Hustler-style political news when he exposes the illicit sexual
>escapades of two more of President Clinton's Republican critics.
>"We're hoping to do two at once," said Hustler executive editor Allan
>MacDonell. "One bigger one and one smaller one. Smaller but louder."
>In fact, not much has gone as planned for Flynt and his team of
>investigators in attempting to orchestrate a series of exposés intended
>to embarrass the GOP and impede the impeachment process.
>First, in December, House Speaker-designate Robert Livingston stole
>Flynt's thunder by outing himself as a multiple adulterer. Then, two
>weeks ago, Flynt's widely trumpeted revelations about Rep. Bob Barr
>(R-Ga.) — including charges that abortion foe Barr did not discourage
>his second wife from ending a pregnancy in 1983 — generated about as
>much heat as a routine Barr denunciation of Clinton.
>Aside from Livingston's decision to resign from the House — a decision
>Flynt actually disagreed with — the skin-mag maestro's fat checkbook and
>gleeful disregard for the rules so far have generated a lot more
>publicity than actual news.
>Flynt has contributed two unforgettable scenes to the seemingly endless
>impeachment movie that has been running in America's head for the last
>year. One is the comically repulsive image of Livingston having phone
>sex. The other is the bleak, sad vision of Barr driving his second wife
>to an Atlanta abortion clinic — three years before their divorce and
>nine years before Bill Clinton was first elected President.
>But the chief product of the pornographer's controversial campaign has
>been talk about the pornographer's controversial campaign.
>"This created an opportunity for Larry Flynt to be on the lips of
>everyone in Washington," said former Clinton adviser James Carville, who
>has denied Republican charges that he is Flynt's link to the White
>House. Carville described Flynt's campaign as the "logical and
>inevitable result of the right wing and the mainstream media's obsession
>with sex."
>"Adultery and sex are gonna be with us for the foreseeable future in
>American politics," Carville said. "And it's not Larry Flynt's fault. He
>is not the disease; he is the symptom. I know everybody is worried about
>Larry Flynt paying somebody $100,000, but what about the $70 million we
>spent investigating the President?"
>Flynt is anxious to come up with some genuine sizzle in the wake of the
>Barr fizzle.
>"Yes, there is pressure," MacDonell said.
>But while the boss has proclaimed that his investigations of at least
>eight more right-wing conservative Republicans could leave the GOP "in
>shambles," his No. 2 man tells a different story.
>"We don't really think it's going to have any influence on how the
>senators vote," said MacDonell said. "But we just want to give the
>public insight into who it is that's doing this convicting [sic]."
>Unlike his counterparts in mainstream media, MacDonell — who has
>overseen the handling of thousands of tips generated by a full-page ad
>Flynt ran in the Washington Post last October — isn't interested in the
>political implications of his work.
>"I look at the Republicans and the Democrats as being like the Crips and
>the Bloods," he said. "They're the same people, and yet they are killing
>each other."
>With the clock ticking on the Senate impeachment trial, Flynt and his
>team, which includes journalist-for-hire Dan Moldea, are running out of
>time to deliver the dirty goods he has been promising for so long.
>A nasty bout with double pneumonia that's left him incommunicado since
>the Barr outing hasn't helped matters. Neither has a messy obscenity
>case pending against Flynt in Cincinnati that he literally dared
>officials to bring against him.
>In a classic example of colliding crusades, Flynt's scheme for raising
>hell in Ohio seem to have bollixed his plans for raising hell in
>"Why don't they just charge me with obscenity, and we'll go to trial?"
>Flynt asked last January on Court TV.
>The challenge was the culmination of a year-long campaign by Flynt to
>reintroduce Hustler magazine in Cincinnati, where he was convicted in
>1977 of peddling obscenity and engaging in organized crime.
>Twenty years later, he flew into town and handed out free copies of
>Hustler, creating a mob scene in a local park.
>Flynt was indicted last spring on 15 co


1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 This article appeared in the March 20, 1998 issue of Executive Intelligence

How the KKK got into the U.S. Justice Department
by Anton Chaitkin
April 4, 1998 marks an extraordinary double anniversary, one that highlights
the still-ongoing struggle between two irreconcilable traditions in American
life. One is a tradition of the American ideal at its best: the tradition of
the Lincoln revolution, as it was carried forward in the twentieth century,
by America's greatest civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The other tradition is that of British-sponsored anti-American treason,
personified by the Confederate General, Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite
Mason, and Ku Klux Klan founder, Albert Pike. The Pike legacy still exists
today, under various guises: the FBI of the J. Edgar Hoover tradition, which
is engaged in a racist campaign of frame-ups against African-American
elected officials all across America; and the radical jacobinism of Black
Nationalism, which came to the fore as the result of Dr. King's
assassination, and which parades today under the banner of a "rainbow

Nobody can fully appreciate the still-unfolding struggle over the American
ideal, without knowing the essentials of the struggle between the two,
contending forces represented by Martin Luther King and Albert Pike.

It is, therefore, no small irony that April 4, 1998 marks the 30th
anniversary of the assassination of Dr. King, and also the 100th anniversary
of the U.S. Congress's treacherous passage of a bill authorizing the
erection of a statue, on Federal government property in Washington, D.C., of
the traitor Albert Pike.

King and the Lincoln tradition
President Abraham Lincoln's policies were responsible for making the United
States into the world's greatest industrial power. He reversed the "free
trade" doctrines by which the London-allied opponents of the American
Revolution had expanded slavery, to the detriment of American industrial
power. He introduced high tariffs to foster steel mills, government
financing of railroad construction, free land and education to create
independent, scientific farmers.

Martin Luther King was firmly rooted in this tradition. He pointed out, for
example, how the advance of human rights depends on technological and
economic progress:

"Many of the problems that we are confronting in the South today grow out of
the futile attempt of the white South to maintain a system of human values
that came into being under a feudalistic plantation system and which cannot
survive in a day of democratic egalitarianism.

"First, if the South is to grow economically it must continue to
industrialize. We see signs [then, in the early 1960s] of this vigorous
industrialization, with a concomitant urbanization, throughout every
southern state. Day after day, the South is receiving new
multimillion-dollar industries. With the growth of industry the folkways of
white supremacy will gradually pass away.

"This growth of industry will also increase the purchasing power of the
Negro, and this augmented purchasing power will result in improved medical
care, greater educational opportunities, and more adequate housing. Each of
these developments will result in a further weakening of segregation."[1]

King taught that this progress does not occur automatically, but only with
the strongest economic intervention of representative government. He
demanded that the nationalist, activist-government strategy which made
America powerful, now be applied to lifting blacks out of poverty:

"At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land,
through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres
of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant that it was willing to
undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor.

"But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with
government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided
county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they
provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms.

"Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars
in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the
black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps."[2]

By contrast, "when the Negro migrated [northward, following the abolition of
slavery], he was left to his own resources . . . herded into ghettos, left
in unemployment, or subjected to gross exploitation within a context of
searing discrimination."[3]

What King taught, corresponds to what most Americans knew very well 100
years ago.

Pike: creation of the `indigenous' KKK
Patriotic nationalists continued Lincoln's economic program after the
President's 1865 murder. Post-Civil War Reconstruction regimes in several
Southern states, led by freed black slaves and allied whit

[CTRL] Colonel House

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

I have just finished reading Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. 3, chapter 4, which
you recently posted.  I am intrigued by the next to last paragraph thereof
which states:

"Apart from the profits to be made from banking during the war, fortunes
were made in many other ways.  One way to accumulate wealth was to run the
Union blockade against the Confederacy.  British Freemason Thomas W. House,
whose parents were Jewish, and whose father was an agent for the Rothschild
bank in England, (63) made his fortune smuggling arms by ship from Britain,
through the Union blockade, to Texas.  After the war, House returned to
England and gave his son, Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), an
anti-American, pro-Marxist education at Bath.  While in England, Edward
House joined English Freemasonry.  Years later Edward House returned to
Texas to tend his father's cotton plantations.  There he received the 33rd
degree.  Althrough born in America, and returning later in life to reap the
benefits of America's fertile land, "Colonel" house (a title he gave
himself) despised the United States as an enemy land, and retained a fierce
loyalty to Great Britain. (64)"


All accounts I've read indicated Edward House was taken to Bath, England
during the Civil War, but only remained there about 6 months, then returned
to Texas for awhile.  He was sent to boarding school in Virginia.  Instead
of being Jewish, his family was Dutch.

Could you look up these footnotes and let me know what the author cited as
his source?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: SECRETS OF THE COX REPORT: Chinese Espionage and American Betrayal

1999-01-23 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Ether Zone Online

SECRETS OF THE COX REPORT: Chinese Espionage and American Betrayal

By Robert Stowe England

WASHINGTON-- A top secret report of the findings of an extensive
six-month Congressional investigation concludes that transfers of
sensitive U.S. technology to China during and before the Clinton
Administration have harmed U.S. national security.

It also found that China has made a systematic effort since at least the
1970s to gain advanced U.S. nuclear weapons and other critical military
technology. And that effort is still underway.

A nine-member panel headed by Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.) gave only
a few general teaser revelations from its report at a press conference
December 30. The report is undergoing a review by U.S. intelligence
agencies to determine which portions can be made public.

The whole matter barely produced a whimper of reaction the day before
New Year's Eve -- despite the gravity of its unanimous bipartisan
conclusions announced that day.

Since then, however, the report's still-secret contents have begun to
leak. This has provoked charges that the Clinton Administration has
betrayed U.S. national security and the American people in its misguided
China polices.

The Cox Report itself has also come under attack for its veil of secrecy
and its failure to insist on prosecution of individuals responsible for
harming U.S. security. It has also been blasted by China for its
reported conclusions that China engaged in espionage and harmed U.S.
national security.

The weighty five-volume, 700-page Cox Report was the work of a House of
Representatives panel with the unwieldy title of Select Committee on
U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the
People's Republic of China.

"The Cox Report is a growing thunder that will have major impact in
Washington," predicts Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), a leading critic
of Clinton Administration policies that have allowed technology
transfers to China.

Rohrabacher told The Washington Weekly the Cox Report will show that the
Clinton Administration has betrayed U.S. security with its policy of
trade concessions to China -- policies championed by President Clinton,
who sharply criticized former President Bush during his 1992 election
campaign for failing to hold China accountable for its human rights

"This deserves the highest outrage by the citizenry. People they trusted
have betrayed their interests in a big way." Rohrabacher says.

"What really is emerging is a picture based on intelligence information
that should be clear to decision makers that Communist China considers
us an enemy and wants to do us harm. Yet, this Administration has done
everything to befriend this regime and treat it like an ally. That
strategy . . . puts us in harm's way," Rohrabacher says.

Rohrabacher compares the "wishful thinking" of the Clinton
Administration toward China to that of the West toward Hitler and Stalin
during the period preceding World War II, when those countries were
arming themselves and leaders in the West tried to
appease them.

China, like Germany and Russia , is a "militarist dictatorship" that
poses "great danger" to the U.S., Rohrabacher says. Yet, the U.S. seems
inappropriately intent on placating it with favors, he says. "This is
lunacy," he adds.

Rohrabacher also accuses two U.S. aerospace firms -- Loral Space &
Communications Ltd. and Hughes Electronics Corp. -- of breaking the law
and compromising U.S. national security. Loral and Hughes helped China
overcome problems with their missiles that helped them successfully
launch American commercial satellites under official waivers from

Rohrabacher first excoriated the Clinton Administration's China policies
on the floor of the House a year ago after he learned that aerospace
workers in his district were, he claimed, upgrading Chinese missiles to
make them capable of targeting American cities in the West with nuclear

Loral and Hughes both deny breaking any laws or causing harm to U.S.
national security.

Rohrabacher is concerned that much of the report will remain secret. "If
the Chinese have the information -- and we know they know what we now
know -- the only people being left out of the loop are the American
people," he says.

Rohrabacher wants all relevant information made public so the American
people can fully know how national security was harmed and who was
responsible for that harm.

Former Senator Malcolm Wallop (R-Wyo.), who served as ranking minority
member on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence until he retired
from Congress in 1994, is convinced by circumstantial evidence that the
Clinton Administration exchanged
campaign contributions for satellite missile technology transfers by
Loral and Hughes.

"I have little doubt this was sort of campaign-donation related," he
says. The Clinton Administration exemptions that allowed techno

[CTRL] EIR vs. Al Gore

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   1999/01/22
Forums:   alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich, alt.activism,
alt.politics.british, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.current-events.russia,
alt.current-events.bosnia, talk.politics.mideast, talk.politics.china

Please note this is a rough transcript -- I am sending it out without
proofreading because of its urgency.

 EIR Talks
 January 20, 1999
 Interviewer: Tony Papert

 "EIR Talks" can now be heard on the Internet. Tune in on
the EIR website, On Sundays, "EIR Talks"
airs on shortwave, on WWCR, at 5 PM Eastern, at frequency 5.065
megahertz. On Saturdays, "EIR Talks" airs on satellite at 5 PM
Eastern, on G-7, Transponder 14, 91 Degrees West. For further
details call Frank Bell, 703-777-9451, ext. 252.

PAPERT: Welcome to EIR Talks. It's Wednesday, January 20, 1999.
My name is Tony Papert, and with us in the studio today is
Jeffrey Steinberg, EIR's Counterintelligence editor.
 Jeff, on two previous shows, we've spoken about the terrible
danger to the United States if President Clinton should be
convicted, and now Vice-President Al Gore become President. But I
know that more recently, since those shows, EIR intelligence has
accumulated hard evidence which actually closes the circle, and
makes the case indisputable, to say the least.

STEINBERG: Well, the fact is that, as we've been saying for many
years, the now-impeachment process playing out before the United
States Senate against President Clinton, has been from the outset
a foreign intelligence-directed assault on the U.S. Presidency,
which has no basis in law whatsoever. In other words, in the case
of President Clinton, there are no impeachable offenses, and in
fact, to the extent that any kind of "high crimes and
misdemeanors" were committed by anyone, those crimes were
committed by the people who have been working round the clock
since the day Bill Clinton was sworn into office, to destroy his
 The reasons for that have everything to do with the vital
national security and foreign policy interests of the United
States, and nothing to do with Paula Jones, or Monica Lewinksy,
or any of that. In fact, the people involved in the assault on
the presidency, today, currently, were involved in that attack,
launched the attack, long before anybody had ever heard of Paula
Jones or Monica Lewinsky.
 I think it's instructive that, finally, yesterday, at the
opening session of the President's defense -- the three days of
early arguments presenting the defense of President Clinton --
his attorney Charles Ruff pointed to the fact that, even in last
week's Republican House Manager's presentation before the Senate,
they lied. They misrepresented the evidence. In effect, they
committed fraud upon the court, and they were caught red-handed
doing that, and some of the details of those lies -- the conflict
between what the managers said in the Senate last week, and
what's even contained in the book of evidence, the eye-witness
reports, the depositions and all of that -- shows that they were
using the same exact kinds of abusive methods that were the
reason why the McDade-Murtha bill was introduced, and segments of
it passed, by the House of Representatives after dramatic debate.
 So, now you've got the phenomenon of these zealot House
Republicans, having gone in and in effect, committed the very
prosecutorial abuses and crimes that the House debated in very
important and responsible terms, last August.
 Now, that having been said, again, about the nature of the
assault on the President, we have a very different situation now
with respect to Vice-President Al Gore.
 In the case of Al Gore, we have now assembled at least the
preliminary book of evidence, that Gore was guilty of committing
the precise impeachable offenses that the Framers of our
Constitution {did} consider when they talked about, in Article 2,
Section 4 of the Constitution, treason, briberty, and other
crimes and misdemeanours. Even the President's most fanatical,
insane, psychotic enemies acknowledge that all of the alleged
"crimes" that President Clinton committed, had to do with
personal indiscretions, his private life, his marital life,
things like that, and it's been quite a stretch, even for the
prosecutors in Starr's office and then the House Managers, to
make the link between those private indiscretions and anything
related to the Constitutional duties of the President.
 In Gore's case, it's exactly the opposite. What we have is
an open and shut case of Al Gore working, using his authority as
Vice-President, behind the back of President Clinton, to act in
the interests of certain private Wall St and other international
financiers, to bail {them} out at the direct expense to U.S.
foreign policy, and particularly, relations between the United
States and Russia, at a very, very critical moment.
 Let me go through the fact of the case, because I think it
really is necessar

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

 Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I was thinking about these guys (all men) during the proceedings and got to
>wondering about them almost all being from the South / Midwest (except for
>the guys from Utah and California) ... what does THIS mean?

Is there any way to check the Masonic status of someone?  Since Bill Clinton
was a Mason, from the South, I have been wondering whether this whole thing
is not a trial being conducted by the Southern Jurisdiction of Freemasonry.
Possibly that's an explanation for the stripes on Rehnquist's robe as well.
For example, neither James A. Baker's grandfather (always referred to as
"Captain" Baker), nor E.M. House (Colonel) was ever in the military and
there was no explanation for their military titles.  I'd love to check this
out if I knew how it could be done.


>>From Wash Post

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


AL GORE AND THE NUCLEAR DANGER (was EIR Talks Interview 01/06/98)
Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   1999/01/08
Forums:   alt.politics.usa.newt-gingrich, alt.activism,
alt.politics.british, alt.politics.democrats.d, alt.current-events.russia,
alt.current-events.bosnia, talk.politics.mideast, talk.politics.china

EIR TALKS, JAN. 6, 1999


{The following is the full text of Debbie Freeman's speech at the
Baltimore meeting Jan. 5, which text will be edited down to be
the guts of both EIR Talks and the LaRouche Connection this

 DEBRA FREEMAN: I'm glad so many people came out tonight,
because we really do have a tremendous task. And what I really
want to make absolutely clear to people in no uncertain terms
tonight, is that completely contrary to what you hear on TV, to
what you hear on the news, the bottom line is that at this very
moment, there is an ongoing, British-style parliamentary coup
d'etat going on in the United States.
 Anyone who told you that ``the worst was over'' when the
impeachment fight moved from the House of Representatives to the
United States Senate, is a liar. Anyone who told you, that when
this fight moved to the United States Senate, that ``calmer heads
would prevail,'' {is a liar.} And at this moment, this nation is
in greater danger than it has been at any moment since the
Declaration of Independence. And I will explain exactly why that
 But what I also want to make clear to you, is that the fight
against the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, while it is
an absolutely crucial fight, {while it's a fight that we can not
afford to lose,} it is also the case that it is only one battle
in a much broader war. And the fact is, that if we're going to
win that battle, you must understand the terms of the larger war.
Otherwise, we won't win this battle.
 Now, just a couple of facts, so that you understand the
setting in which all of this takes place. First and foremost, the
larger war against our nation, and against the people of this
nation, has been triggered by what is without question the worst
financial crisis that this nation has ever faced.
 Number two, something that you will not read about in the
press, but which I hope to make clear to you tonight, is that if
President Clinton was to be removed from office, and Al Gore were
to come in, the danger that you would face, would not only be a
danger that would be caused by the financial crisis. But the fact
of the matter is, that if Al Gore becomes president of the United
States, then nuclear war is not only possible, it is likely. And
if you doubt that, then simply look at the policies that Al Gore
has defined as his policies.
 First of all, Al Gore was engaged in a series of
behind-the-scenes manipulations that stopped the President of the
United States from attending the recent Asian summit meetings
that took place in Malaysia. I think everybody remembers that.
The backdrop for that, was what? It was the threat of a war with
 Al Gore was the single greatest promoter of a strike against
Iraq. At the last minute, that war was called off, and President
Clinton did ultimately travel to Asia. But at the crucial
meetings that took place, the man who represented the United
States was Al Gore. And if people think back -- and, you know,
that was just Thanksgiving time. It seems like it was years ago.
But at that time, Al Gore travelled to Malaysia, made a vicious,
nasty speech that undid five years of work that Clinton did as
President of the United States, in terms of forging relations
with other countries. And Al Gore put himself at the helm of the
IMF steamroller that is crushing the nations of Asia and Eastern
 At the same time, although the immediacy of a conflict with
Iraq was avoided then, a short time later, again, while President
Clinton was out of the country on a trip to Israel that everyone
{except Al Gore} advised him against making, the plot was hatched
for the bombing of Iraq.
 Now, I don't care what you think about Saddam Hussein. I
don't think very much of him myself. But the bombing of Iraq, was
a set-up for President Clinton.
 First of all, he was misled as to the terms of that bombing.
President Clinton was informed while he was on his way back from
Israel, that Saddam Hussein had violated all agreements, and that
``every nation in the world,'' was in agreement that there had to
be a military strike.
 {Well, in fact, there was not one nation in the world that
agreed with us, with the sole exception of Great Britain.}
President Clinton was told that the Russians agreed. The Russians
did {not} agree, and they promptly recalled their ambassador. The
President was told that the Chinese agreed. The Chinese did not
agree, and the Chinese head of state issued a scathing attack on
the United States.
 The President was told that all the nations

[CTRL] (

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

I didn't know this was online!


Secret Societies, Drug
Smuggling, & Espionage
In U.S. History
Everything you always wanted to know about
Skull and Bones but were afraid to ask.


Three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling
and secret societies -- intertwine into one.

Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and
served with the British East India Company, eventually becoming governor of
Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He amassed a great fortune from trade
and returned to England in 1699. Yale became known as quite a
philanthropist; upon receiving a request from the Collegiate School in
Connecticut, he sent a donation and a gift of books. After subsequent
bequests, Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in 1718.
A statue of Nathan Hale stands on Old Campus at Yale University. There is a
copy of that statue in front of the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
Yet another stands in front of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts
(where George H.W. Bush ('48) went to prep school and joined a secret
society at age twelve). Nathan Hale, along with three other Yale graduates,
was a member of the "Culper Ring," one of America's first intelligence
operations. Established by George Washington, it was successful throughout
the Revolutionary War.

Nathan was the only operative to be ferreted out by the
British, and after speaking his famous regrets, he was hanged in 1776. Ever
since the founding of the Republic, the relationship between Yale and the
"Intelligence Community" has been unique. In 1823, Samuel Russell
established Russell and Company for the purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey
and smuggling it to China. Russell and Company bought out the Perkins
(Boston) syndicate in 1830 and moved the primary center of American opium
smuggling to Connecticut. Many of the great American and European fortunes
were built on the "China"(opium) trade. One of Russell and Company's Chief
of Operations in Canton was Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin
Roosevelt. Other Russell partners included John Cleve Green (who financed
Princeton), Abiel Low (who financed construction of Columbia), Joseph
Coolidge and the Perkins, Sturgis and Forbes families. (Coolidge's son
organized the United Fruit company, and his grandson, Archibald C. Coolidge,
was a co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.) William Huntington
Russell ('33), Samuel's cousin, studied in Germany from 1831-32. Germany was
a hotbed of new ideas. The "scientific method" was being applied to all
forms of human endeavor.

Prussia, which blamed the defeat of its forces by
Napoleon in 1806 on soldiers only thinking about themselves in the stress of
battle, took the principles set forth by John Locke and Jean Rosseau and
created a new educational system. Johan Fitche, in his Address to the German
People, declared that the children would be taken over by the State and told
what to think and how to think it. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel took over
Fitche's chair at the University Of Berlin in 1817, and was a professor
there until his death in 1831. Hegel was the culmination of the German
idealistic philosophy school of Immanuel Kant. To Hegel, our world is a
world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only
become free by worship and obedience to the state. Hegel called the state
the "march of God in the world" and the "final end". This final end, Hegel
said, "has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be
a member of the state." Both fascism and communism have their philosophical
roots in Hegellianism. Hegellian philosophy was very much in vogue during
William Russell's time in Germany. When Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he
formed a senior society with Alphonso Taft ('33).

According to information acquired from a break-in to the
"tomb" (the Skull and Bones meeting hall) in 1876, "Bones is a chapter of a
corps in a German University General Russell, its founder, was in
Germany before his Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading
member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority
to found a chapter here." So class valedictorian William H. Russell, along
with fourteen others, became the founding members of "The Order of Scull and
Bones," later changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones". The secretive Order
of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. Fifteen juniors are "tapped" each
year by the seniors to be initiated into next year's group. Each initiate is
given $15,000 and a grandfather clock. Far from being a campus fun-house,
the group is geared more toward the success of its members in 

[CTRL] Col. House--Texas Years

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: Col. House in Texas
The most interesting part of the excerpts are:
1.  House's close connection with T.J. Coolidge, Jr. of Old Colony Trust of
Boston--a member of the Coolidge family involved in the opium trade.
2.  Connection with B.F. Yoakum, the railroad builder who consolidated lines
for the Santa Fe Railroad.  Yoakum, who had begun his career working for Jay
Gould of the International and Great Northern Railroad, also was a big
investor in Houston Natural Gas founded by J.H. Kirby, which became Enron.
Excerpts from COLONEL HOUSE: THE TEXAS YEARS, 1858-1912
by Rupert Norval Richardson
Abilene Printing & Stationery, 1964

E.M. House's sister Mary was the eldest of the House children.  She was
married to R.J. Caldwell and made her home in Comal County.  They were
neighbors of A.J. Hunter, whose daughter Loulie became Edward's wife.  They
married in August of 1881 and travelled in Europe for a year.  While they
were there, their first child was born-in Naples.
On their return, Edward took on the job of appraising the lands owned by his
father's estate.  They owned 97 sections in the Houston and Great Northern
Survey (a section is one square mile, comprised of 640 acres) in LaSalle
County, close to the Rio Grande, southwest of San Antonio.  The land was
arranged in checkerboard fashion and difficult to be used.  Another large
landowning family in the survey were A.J. and J.J. Dull, Pennsylvania
capitalists.  Edward worked out a consolidation of lands, ending up with
64,000 contiguous acres (a gain of almost 2,000 acres).  The Dull brothers
also became partners in the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande
Railroad with Richard King, Mifflin Kenedy, Uriah Lott, and  B.F. Yoakum,
who worked for the International and Great Northern Railroad controlled by
Jay Gould.  Yoakum's father was president of Cumberland Presbyterian
"Some of the choicest lands that were to come to E.M. House in the division
[with his brothers and sister]  were cotton plantations in Central Texas,
not far from Austin, a fact that may have changed the whole course of his
life."  He relocated to Austin from Houston in 1885, and this move placed
him near his farms, as well as at the state capital, "where he would soon
begin a unique career in politics and statecraft."

Mostly the lands were leased, and sometimes parts sold off.  "E.M. House
looked after most land transactions and T.W. House handled the notes.  The
partnership did business through local land agencies, at Mason, for
instance, through the firm of Holmes and Bierschwale...Homes and Bierschwale
evidently regarded the House brothers as choice clients

Edward House, besides developing and selling his inherited lands, also
bought and sold other land.  He did a great deal of business with T.F.
Pinckney, "an ex-Confederate who had ridden with [Bedford] Forrest, spent
some years as an employee in the General Land Office and had a knowledge of
Texas lands and the Texas land system that was unsurpassed.  In the 1880's
one could still purchase land directly from the state, provided one had
certificates authorizing the purchase; but the state lands were in the main,
in western Texas, isolated, semi-arid, and of little value.  Experienced
land men could, however, discover 'vacancies' occasionally in the better
lands of central Texas or the timber lands of eastern counties.  These
'vacancies' were parcels of land, generally relatively small, that had never
been severed from the state, lying adjacent to or within grants of various
sizes made at different times.  Pinckney was adept at locating these
'vacancies' and his intimate acquaintance with the state's lands enabled him
to make purchases of various sorts to an advantage.  Pinckney and House were
partners for some years, and House would generally advance the capital that
was needed while Pinckney looked after the locating, surveying, and securing
of patents.

*** House was becoming acquainted with the men at the top in Austin.  He
knew Governors John Ireland and Lawrence Sullivan Ross, and he became
intimately acquainted with James Stephen Hogg, attorney general (1887-1891),
and governor (1891-1895).  With Hogg he soon developed a friendship strong
and unique.  They were together a great deal in their homes as well as in
their offices, and after 1895 were neighbors for several years.  Their
families often went together on outings or short vacations, and their
children played together.  Governor Hogg's daughter, Ima, was about the age
of Mona, elder of House's two daughters.  The younger was Janet.  Mona House
married Randolph Tucker of Boston; Janet married Gordon Auchincloss of New

The platform that Hogg ran on in 1892 "stated opposition to the national
banking system and proposed a state banking system, favored a graduated
income tax law, demanded a stock and bond law, a law to regulate the issue
of securities by counties and cities, and opposed the further operation of

Re: [CTRL] Bakers' Dozen

1999-01-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>It means that we're still fighting the US Civil War a.k.a. the war
>of southern secession.  It means we're engaged in a cultural civil
>war, with the managers representing the feudal religious dogmatics
>of the Old Order.  It means that Clinton, dixiecrat scum though he
>is, at least doesn't represent the neanderthal race/gender/faith
>reactionaries personified by those 13.  It means... whatever...


Confederates Running Senate Impeachment Coup

by Edward Spannaus
Printed in the American Almanac, January, 1999.

When Chief Justice William Rehnquist takes an oath to ``do impartial
justice'' as he presides over the Senate impeachment trial of President
Clinton, he will have an immediate conflict of interest--since this
impeachment is the culmination of a process that Rehnquist himself set into
motion over six years ago. It was Rehnquist who personally and irregularly
appointed the judge who in turn made the highly-irregular appointment of
Kenneth Starr in 1994 as the Whitewater independent counsel.

The process by which Starr came to be appointed demonstrates further how the
coup d'etat now being run against President Clinton and the United States
Constitution has its treasonous roots deep in the old Confederacy.

The special three-judge panel which appoints independent counsels under the
so-called ``Ethics in Government Act'' is directly appointed by the Chief
Justice. The panel is supposed to be composed of senior, often retired
Federal judges, so observers were quite surprised when, in 1992, Rehnquist
picked a relatively-inexperienced federal appeals court judge from North
Carolina to head the panel. David Sentelle had only been appointed a Federal
district judge in North Carolina seven years earlier, in 1985. In February
1987, Sentelle was nominated to sit on the federal appeals court for the
District of Columbia circuit--a nomination which gave rise to a violent
controversy over Sentelle's membership in a segregated Masonic lodge.

In fact, the 1987 confirmation hearings for Sentelle were the only instance
in modern times that the question of a Federal judge's membership in a
Masonic organization became an issue. At his hearing before the Senate
Judiciary Committee, Sentelle admitted under questioning by Sen. Patrick
Leahy (D-Vt.) that he belonged to Masonic lodges of the Southern
Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, in North Carolina, that had no blacks or
women as members. Leahy pointed out that white Masonry does not accept black
members, nor does it recognize black Masonry.

The Sentelle nomination did not get to the Senate floor for seven months
because of holds placed on it by other Senators.

Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sentelle's patron and sponsor, is
himself a 33rd degree Mason, and he declared that he was ``aghast'' that a
question of Sentelle's membership in a Masonic lodge had even become a
matter of discussion, let alone an issue. Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), then
the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that he was
``astounded'' that the question was raised, and he acknowledged that he also
was a 33rd degree Mason.

(The story of how Rehnquist's own nomination to be Chief Justice was rammed
through the Southern-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee a year earlier, is
told in the accompanying article.)

Scottish Rite Treason
The Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite was always a traitorous
conspiracy against the United States, formed by Tory British sympathizers
after the American War of Independence. The Southern Jurisdiction was the
core of the Confederate treason which sought to split the United States on
behalf of Great Britain, and it gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan in the period
immediately following the Civil War. Its Grand Commander from 1859 to 1891,
Albert Pike, was a founder of the Klan and served as its Chief Judicial
Officer. It was Pike, whose statue still blasphemes Judiciary Square in
Washington, D.C., who declared, ``I took my obligation to white men, not to
negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall
leave it.''
Despite this, Sentelle was confirmed as an appeals court judge, and this
enabled Rehnquist, five years later, to hand-pick Sentelle to head the
``Special Division for Apppointing Independent Counsels.''

If Rehnquist's appointment of Sentelle was a surprise, it was nothing like
that shock that greeted the sudden appointment of Kenneth Starr by Sentelle
and the Special Division in August 1994. Attorney General Janet Reno had
applied to the Special Division to reappoint Robert Fiske, the Whitewater
independent counsel whom she had appointed under Justice Department
regulations in January 1994, during the period when the Ethics in Government
Act had expired. But instead of reappointing Fiske, who was a seni

Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

1999-01-25 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

You're right.  I guess I'm what you would call a "Clintonite," and I don't
trust him.  But then, I don't trust anybody anymore.


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Clinton to be trusted ?

> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 99-01-25 00:35:24 EST, you write:
><< Just ask yourself one simple question, do you trust America in the
> hands of President Clinton ? >>
>Only the Red Chinese, Russians, and other communist countries that support
>UN can trust Clinton because those are the people he works for, not
>of the US.  Oh! I forgot, I'm sure the CFR, Tri-lateral commission,
>Bildeburgs, etc.  support him and trust him along with Rockefeller.  I
>that even the Clintonites could really trust him.
>Bob Stokes
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
>To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
>To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Brazil Interest Rates--35.5%

1999-01-27 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

By Joelle Diderich

BRASILIA, (Reuters) - Brazil raised interest rates Wednesday to halt a rapid
weakening of its currency, but overseas investors appeared to have
momentarily lost interest in the crisis gripping Latin America's biggest

Amid growing dollar flight and a renewed slide in its fragile currency, the
Central Bank set interest rates at 35.5 percent in money markets, up from
32.5 percent on Tuesday.

Economists said the rate increase was aimed at encouraging investors to keep
money in the fixed-income market and prevent a further wave of dollar
outflows, which totaled a revised $339 million Tuesday.

But the move failed to appease nervous foreign exchange markets and the real
resumed its slide, closing at a new low of 1.91 to the dollar, down 36.6
percent since the government first relaxed its stiff foreign exchange policy
on Jan. 13.

Dollar outflows remained high, with a net $400 million seen fleeing local
foreign exchange markets Wednesday.

``Honestly, we don't have any sense of direction,'' said a foreign exchange
analyst in Rio de Janeiro. ``I'm not making new predictions after my
stabilization theory of 1.7 reals to the dollar became outdated quite some
time ago.''

The rate hike also stoked fears that Brazil might default on its mountain of
domestic debt, with economists pointing out that the Central Bank decision
only added to the already astronomic cost of servicing debt.

``We're in a vicious cycle,'' said the Rio analyst. ``The government wants
to contain capital flight with higher interest rates, but that just makes it
tough for the government, especially when people are still worried whether
Brazil can still pay its debts.''

Overseas investors took a calmer view of events, with credit rating agency
Standard & Poor's saying Brazil was unlikely to restructure its local
currency debt as this would inflict too much damage on its banking system.

The decision to float the real forced the closure on Wednesday of a small
Brazilian investment bank, but analysts said the sector was generally
well-prepared for the abrupt devaluation.

European markets rose modestly as fears that Brazil might be heading for an
economic abyss eased, giving way to a sense of fatigue at the prospect of a
drawn-out period of turmoil.

``There are still plenty of trip wires, but it's not a lost cause. It's not
a Russia -- it's more like Mexico,'' said Nick Douch, emerging market
currency strategist at Barclays Capital in London. He noted it took nine or
10 months for currency markets to settle down after Mexico's 1994 peso

In the United States, the ongoing saga of President Bill Clinton's
impeachment trial eclipsed Brazil's woes after the Senate rejected a motion
to dismiss the case and agreed to hear witnesses including Monica Lewinsky.

Two weeks into its most severe financial crisis in years, Brazil is striving
to steady its currency as a first step to bringing back sorely-needed
foreign capital and soften a recession expected to drag down the world's
eighth-largest economy this year.

But the country faces a tough dilemma. While high interest rates stabilize
the currency, they aggravate recession fears and increase the nation's
mounting 320 billion real ($172 billion) domestic debt, which many analysts
think could force an unpopular restructuring later this year.

Even with slightly higher rates, Brazil continues to watch dollars leave the
country at between $200-550 million per day. More than $8 billion has been
pulled out of foreign exchange markets in January alone.

Salomon Smith Barney joined the list of banks painting a gloomy picture for
Brazil. It revised its forecast for Brazilian gross domestic product to a
six percent contraction in 1999, compared with its earlier estimate of a
three percent decline.

But the government received a small boost to its efforts to implement a
sweeping fiscal austerity plan when Congress approved a streamlined version
of its 1999 federal budget Wednesday including 8.7 billion reals in spending

U.S. officials, reflecting concerns that the crisis in Brazil could drag
down the whole of Latin America and hit U.S. exports, said the country had
to continue on a sustained path of economic reform.

``The key is for Brazil to continue on a consistent basis on a sound policy
path,'' said Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. White House officials said
Clinton would meet with economic advisers soon to discuss the crisis.

Officials from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continued their
fact-finding missions in Brazil, paving the way for talks involving
higher-level officials on the fate of a $41.5 billion IMF-sponsored
international rescue package which Brazil received last year.

IMF First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer canceled a planned
testimony to a U.S. Senate subcommittee on Wednesday, saying he was too busy
dealing with the Brazilian crisis.

Last Updated: 01/27/99 18:01 EST

Copyright © 1

[CTRL] France vs. "offshore" banking

1999-01-27 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


[01/27] France seek sanctions on hot money havens
PARIS, Jan 27 (Reuters) - French Finance Minister Dominique Strauss-Kahn
said on Wednesday he had proposed an international plan against
money-laundering including the option of cutting financial links with
renegade offshore tax havens.

Strauss-Kahn said he had submitted his plan to the Financial Action Task
Force, a forum coordinating efforts by 26 countries on money laundering
under instructions from a summit of the Group of Seven in 1998.

Under this plan, banks and other offshore financial firms would have to
report all suspect transactions or face a freeze on their offshore business.
``The final step -- if it proved necessary and we believe it could be
avoided -- would be the atomic bomb in the operation,'' he told a news

``Financial relations would simply be severed -- partially or entirely --
between financial institutions of these countries and those based in
offshore centres which fail to comply with the transparency recommendations
put to them,'' he said.

``These is a step-by-step process that would be followed and we can
obviously hope that there would be no need to resort to the ultimate
sanction,'' he said.

Strauss-Kahn said he had sent the proposals a few weeks ago to the
international task force, whose members include most of the 29 countries in
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a
grouping of mainly industrialised nations.

Agreement on France's plan would mark an significant advance in the
regulation of ``offshore centres, which everyone knows are at least in part
directly linked to money laundering and financial delinquancy,'' he said.

The minister avoided naming names, but the proposals would put pressure on
several countries including Britain, with links to offshore centres
including the nearby Channel Islands and the more far-flung Cayman Islands,
or the Dutch Antilles.

He said the Financial Action Task Force had already produced a sort of condu
ct code for offshore financial institutions and that the first step would be
to ensure these were respected.

If pressure to comply failed, the next step would be to make it obligatory
for offshore institutions to report all doubtful transactions to an
international agency called TRACFIN.

This body had received 648 reports of dubious transactions in 1993 and that
the number of annual tip-offs had now mounted to around 1,200, which
illustrated the scale of the problem.

The ultimate sanction of severed financial ties would only kick in where
these other steps failed to bear fruit, he said.

Strauss-Kahn unveiled the proposals at a news conference with Justice
Minister Elizabeth Guigou on France's attempts to combat corruption in
business and the laundering of ``hot money'' generated by organised crime.

Guigou also presented draft legislation which would allow France to ratify
an OECD convention against payment of bribes and commissions to public
officials when firms compete for business contracts.

The pact signed in 1997 by the 29 members of the Paris-based Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development is due to go into force at the end
of this year, as long as a sufficient number ratify in time.

Last Updated: 01/27/99 14:43 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Copyright © 1994-1998 FindLaw Inc.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Blumenthal vs. Drudge

1999-01-28 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


6805 6th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20012,



6805 6th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20012,




No. 901
1811 North Whitley Avenue
Hollywood, California 90028,



2200 AOL Way
Dulles, Virginia 20166,


Civil Action No. __

On numerous occasions prior to August 10, 1997, defendant Drudge published
information in the Drudge Report which had been provided to defendant Drudge
by persons opposed to President William J. Clinton and the Clinton
Administration, which information was false.
Prior to August 10, 1997, defendant AOL knew that, or acted with reckless
disregard whether, on numerous occasions prior to August 10, 1997, defendant
Drudge had published information in the Drudge Report which had been
provided to defendant Drudge by persons opposed to President William J.
Clinton and the Clinton Administration, which information was false.
On those occasions prior to August 10, 1997, when defendant Drudge published
false information which had been provided to defendant Drudge by persons
opposed to President William J. Clinton and the Clinton Administration,
defendant Drudge acted with knowledge that the information defendant Drudge
so published was false, or in reckless disregard whether it was false.
Prior to August 10, 1997, defendant AOL knew that, or acted with reckless
disregard whether, on those occasions prior to August 10, 1997, when
defendant Drudge published false information which had been provided to
defendant Drudge by persons opposed to President William J. Clinton and the
Clinton Administration, defendant Drudge acted with knowledge that the
information defendant Drudge so published was false, or in reckless
disregard whether it was false.
Plaintiff Sidney Blumenthal, as Assistant to the President, occupies one of
the highest positions in the White House, and has responsibilities for
policy issues and political matters.
Defendant Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether,
the allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, in the Drudge Report as alleged in this Complaint would cause
plaintiff Sidney Blumenthal to resign from his position as Assistant to
President William J. Clinton.
Defendant AOL knew that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, defendant
Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, the
allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, in the Drudge Report as alleged in this Complaint would cause
plaintiff Sidney Blumenthal to resign from his position as Assistant to
President William J. Clinton.
Defendant Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether,
the allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, in the Drudge Report as alleged in this Complaint would hinder
plaintiff Sidney Blumenthal in the performance of his duties as Assistant to
President William J. Clinton.
Defendant AOL knew that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, defendant
Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, the
allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, in the Drudge Report as alleged in this Complaint would hinder
plaintiff Sidney Blumenthal in the performance of his duties as Assistant to
President William J. Clinton.

Plaintiff Jacqueline Jordan Blumenthal, as the Director of The President’s
Commission On White House Fellowships, occupies an important position within
the Administration of President William J. Clinton.
In her position, plaintiff Jacqueline Jordan Blumenthal must work closely
with the members of The President’s Commission On White House Fellowships.
The members of the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships include
business, political, and educational leaders from all walks of life and from
all political parties.
Defendant Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether,
the allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, as alleged in this Complaint would cause plaintiff Jacqueline
Jordan Blumenthal to resign from her position as Director of The President’s
Commission On White House Fellowships.
Defendant AOL knew that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, defendant
Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether, the
allegations published by defendant Drudge and defendant AOL, jointly and
severally, as alleged in this Complaint would cause plaintiff Jacqueline
Jordan Blumenthal to resign from her position as Director of The President’s
Commission On White House Fellowships.
Defendant Drudge intended that, or acted with reckless disregard whether,
the allegations published by defendant Drudge as alleged in this Complaint
would hinder plaintiff Jacqueline Jordan Blumentha

[CTRL] Sidney Blumenthal testmiony

1999-01-28 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Excerpts from grand jury testimony of White House aide Sidney Blumenthal

Q: ... what we want to know initially is everything you remember about ... a
30-minute meeting with the president within a week after the Jan. 21
Washington Post story, which broke in the legitimate press the Lewinsky
story. ...

... BLUMENTHAL: ... I was in my office and the president asked me to come to
the Oval Office. ... So I went up to the Oval Office ... I had spoken to the
First Lady that day in the afternoon about the story that had broke in the
morning and I related to the president my conversation ...

The First Lady said that she was distressed that the president was being
attacked, in her view, for political motives, for his ministry of a troubled
person. She said that the president ministers to troubled people all the
time, that he has ministered to — and he does so out of religious conviction
and personal temperament. She said to me on that occasion, ``If you knew his
mother, you would understand it.''

As a matter of fact, I did know his mother and once spent a whole day with
her in Arkansas as a reporter, and I do understand it. She was a very
open-hearted person. ... And I told him my opinion ... that I understand
that you feel this way, but —

Q: Feel what way?

BLUMENTHAL: That you want to minister to troubled people, that you feel
compassionate, but that part of the problem with troubled people is that
they're very troubled and you were able to do this before and I know you've
done this since with many people — and I know of these incidents, I know
of — and they're not done for publicity at all.

I know of a woman in Arkansas who claims he saved her from suicide by
helping her out. I said, ``However, you're president and these troubled
people can just get you in incredible messes and you just — I know you don't
want to, but you have to cut yourself off from them.''

And he said, ``It's very difficult for me to do that, given how I am. I want
to help people.''

I said that he really shouldn't — ``You really need to not do that at this
point, that you can't get near anybody who is even remotely crazy. You're
president.'' ...

He said Dick Morris had called him that day and he said that Dick had told
him that Nixon — he had read the newspaper and he said, ``You know, Nixon
could have survived Watergate if he had gone on television and given an
address and said everything he had done wrong and got it all out in the

And I said to the president, ``What have you done wrong?'' And he said,
``Nothing. I haven't done anything wrong.'' I said, ``Well, then, that's one
of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.'' ...

And it was at that point that he gave his account of what had happened to me
and he said ... ``Monica Lewinsky came at me and made a sexual demand on
me.'' He rebuffed her. He said, ``I've gone down that road before, I've
caused pain for a lot of people, and I'm not going to do that again.''

She threatened him. She said that she would tell people they'd had an
affair, that she was known as the stalker among her peers, and that she
hated it and if she had an affair or said she had an affair then she
wouldn't be the stalker anymore.

And I repeated to the president that he really needed never to be near
people who were troubled like this... And I said, ``You need to find some
sure footing here, some solid ground.''

And he said, ``I feel like a character in a novel. I feel like somebody who
is surrounded by an oppressive force that is creating a lie about me and I
can't get the truth out. I feel like the character in the novel `Darkness at

And I said to him, I said, ``When this happened with Monica Lewinsky, were
you alone?'' He said, ``Well, I was within eyesight or earshot of someone.''

I said, ``You know, there are press reports that you made phone calls to her
and that there's voice mail. Did you make phone calls to her?''

He said that he remembered calling her when Betty Currie's brother died and
that he left a message on her voice machine that Betty's brother had died
and he said she was close to Betty and had been very kind to Betty. ...

Q: Is that everything that you remember about that conversation with the


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Blumenthal and Michael Ledeen [1/2]

1999-01-28 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "conspiracy theory research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Blumenthal and Michael Ledeen
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 21:39:58 -0600
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The deposition of Michael Ledeen
Deposition notes
The deposition of Barbara Jeanne Ledeen



Civil Action
No. 97-01968 (PLF)
SERVE: Corporation Services Company

Pursuant to Notice, the deposition of MICHAEL LEDEEN was taken on Thursday,
July 30th, 1998, commencing at 10:06 a.m., at the law offices of Williams &
Connolly, 725 12th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., before Richard D. Baker,
Jr., a Notary Public.

Reported by: Richard D. Baker, Jr.

William Alden McDaniel, Jr., Esquire
Jo Bennett Marsh, Esquire
on behalf of the Plaintiffs

Thomas J. Mikula, Esquire
Michael K. Isenman, Esquire
on behalf of Defendant America Online

Manuel S. Klausner, Esquire
on behalf of Defendant Drudge

Michael Ledeen

By Mr. McDaniel

1 - Subpoena and Notice
2 - Objections of Michael Ledeen to Plaintiffs' Third-Party Subpoena
3 - (Retained by counsel)
4 - Newspaper article
5 - Document entitled Presswatch
6 - Drudge Report retraction

MICHAEL LEDEEN, called for examination, having been duly sworn to tell the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, testified as follows:
(Exhibits 1 through 3 premarked.) EXAMINATION BY MR. McDANIEL:

Q:  State your name, please.

A:  Michael Ledeen.

Q:  How old are you, Mr. Ledeen?

A:  I am 56, almost 57.

Q:  What's your date of birth?

A:  August 1st, 1941.

Q:  And your home address?

A:  deleted.

Q:  And your business address?

A:  deleted.

Q:  What position do you occupy there?

A:  I'm resident scholar.

Q:  Would you summarize your educational attainments for me, sir, after high

A:  I have an undergraduate degree from Pamona College and a master's and
doctorate from the University of Wisconsin.

Q:  In what subjects were your master's and doctorate?

A:  History and philosophy.

Q:  What year did you obtain your doctorate degree?

A:  1969 I think.

Q:  Have you ever testified before in a deposition?

A:  Yes, I have.

Q:  On how many occasions?

A:  I don't recall but I was deposed several times during the Iran-Contra.

Q:  Apart from Iran-Contra have you ever testified at any depositions?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever testified in a court of law?

A:  I don't believe so.

Q:  You're represented by counsel here today; is that correct?

A:  Yes.

Q:  Mr. Mikula?

A:  Yes.

Q:  And are you paying Mr. Mikula's fees personally?

A:  Yes.

Q:  How much is he charging you an hour?

A:  We haven't, we haven't discussed that in detail.

Q:  Have you discussed whether you would pay him at all?

A:  I have not discussed it with him. I've discussed it with Mr. Woolsey.

Q:  What have you discussed about fees with Mr. Woolsey?

A:  That he will charge me a fee and I will pay it.

Q:  But you haven't discussed what that fee is?

A:  Correct.

Q:  Mr. Ledeen, since you have been deposed before, you understand how these
matters work I take it. I'll ask you a series of questions. If you need to
have them clarified, please let me know and I'll try to do that for you. If
you wish to take a break at any time, let me know that and we'll be glad to
accommodate you.

A:  Thank you.

Q:  How many times were you deposed in matters relating to the Iran-Contra

A:  I don't recall the exact number. Several times.

Q:  More than ten?

A:  Could be.

Q:  Did you testify in front of a grand jury in connection with the
Iran-Contra matter?

A:  Yes.

Q:  Did you at any time in connection with the Iran-Contra matter assert
your constitutional right not to testify?

A:  No.

Q:  Were you -- did you ever enter into any type of immunity relating to
your testimony in the Iran-Contra matter?

A:  No.

Q:  How many times did you testify before the grand jury?

A:  Just once I believe.

Q:  And you also gave deposition testimony. Was it the deposition testimony
in civil cases?

A:  I'm not sure how to answer that, Mr. McDaniel. I gave several
depositions to the independent counsel and I gave several depositions to
congressional committees.

Q:  Did you give any depositions in cases that were pending in federal or
state court?

A:  No.

Q:  So your testimony in

[CTRL] Blumenthal and Michael Ledeen [2/2]

1999-01-28 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


A:  No, I don't think I have.

Q:  Have you ever discussed this lawsuit with Mr. Brock?

A:  No.

MR. KLAUSNER: I can't hear you, you're facing the other way. Could you have
the reporter read that back, please? (The reporter read the record as

MR. McDANIEL: Did you get that, Mr. Klausner? Can we go on now?

MR. KLAUSNER: I think it's an impertinent comment. The answer is I obviously
got it.

MR. McDANIEL: I don't care whether you think it's impertinent or not. I'm
asking whether we can go on now.

MR. KLAUSNER: You may gone on.

MR. McDANIEL: Thank you. I don't know why you get all worked up. I just
asked you if we can continue.

MR. KLAUSNER: That's fine. I'm not worked up. That's fine, thanks.

Q:  Did you ever discuss the allegation about Mr. Blumenthal with Laura

A:  No.

Q:  How about this lawsuit, did you ever discuss that with Ms. Ingraham?

A:  Yes, I may have mentioned the fact of our being subpoenaed to Laura

Q:  Do you recall when you did that?

A:  I don't.

Q:  Other than the fact of being subpoenaed, did you have any further
discussions with her on the topic of the lawsuit or the allegations?

A:  No, I don't think so.

Q:  How about with a person named Ann Coulter, do you know Ann Coulter?

A:  I know Ann Coulter but I've had no discussions with her about this.

Q:  Or about the lawsuit?

A:  Or about the lawsuit.

Q:  Have you ever been at any kind of meeting or gathering of people
associated with The American Spectator where the allegations about Mr.
Blumenthal have been discussed?

A:  No.

Q:  Had you ever been at any such meeting like I just defined where this
lawsuit was discussed other than the dinner party you just described for us?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the allegations about Mr. Blumenthal with Tucker

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed this lawsuit with Tucker Carlson?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the allegations regarding Sidney Blumenthal with
Richard Carlson?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed this lawsuit with Richard Carlson?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the allegation involving Mr. Blumenthal with
Grover Norquist?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed this lawsuit with Mr. Norquist?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the allegations involving Mr. Blumenthal with
Andrew Ferguson?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the lawsuit with Mr. Ferguson?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the allegations regarding Sidney Blumenthal with
Fred Barnes?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the lawsuit with Mr. Barnes?

A:  No.

Q:  Did you discuss your subpoena with Mr. Barnes?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed the wife beating allegations about Sidney
Blumenthal with a man named Plszenski?

A:  No.

Q:  Have you ever discussed this lawsuit with that person?

A:  I don't remember. I may have, I may have mentioned it to him. I may have
mentioned the fact of the subpoena to him.

Q:  Would you spell his last name so the reporter has it?

A:  You can look it up, Mr. McDaniel.

Q:  That was a trick question, Mr. Ledeen.

A:  Yes, I know.

Q:  Have you ever had any discussions about the wife beating allegations
involving Sidney Blumenthal with David Henderson?

A:  Who is David Henderson?

Q:  If you don't know who it is, then you probably don't believe you had any
such discussions, right?

A:  I don't believe I have.

Q:  Okay.

MR. McDANIEL: Let's take a break for a minute and I'll check my notes and
see if there's anything further I want to ask. (Recess from 12:04 to 12:10

MR. McDANIEL: Back on the record.

MR. MIKULA: Before we get started I'd like to state for the record that
under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Mr. Ledeen wants the right to review
his testimony and preserves that right.

Q:  Mr. Ledeen, have you ever spoken to Mr. Klausner here before?

A:  Yes.

Q:  When was that?

A:  I think I've spoken to Mr. Klausner twice as I can recall.

Q:  When was the first time?

A:  The first time was a couple of months ago.

Q:  Did he call you?

A:  He did.

Q:  And was it just the two of you on the phone call?

A:  I think so.

Q:  What did Mr. Klausner tell you and what did you tell him?

A:  I don't remember much of it, Mr. McDaniel. It was basically about Mr.
Klausner was telling me that he represented Mr. Drudge and that he was
involved in this case and that he might want to talk to me at some point.

Q:  Did he tell you why he thought he would want to talk to you?

A:  No.

Q:  Did you tell Mr. Klausner I don't have any knowledge about this case?

A:  I did.

Q:  Did you tell him there's no reason to talk to me?

A:  I said that we didn't know anything about the story.

Q:  What did Mr. Klausner say?

A:  He said that was fine.

Q:  Did he leave you with the impression that he was going to come and talk
to you anyway?

A:  I didn't have an impression one way or the other.

Q:  Did you make notes of this conversation?

A:  No.

Q:  How long did it last?


[CTRL] Fw: NCC Washington Update, vol 3, #3, January 28, 1999

1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: H-Texas Editor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 10:12 PM
Subject: NCC Washington Update, vol 3, #3, January 28, 1999

>(Posted by Ray Stephens)
>NCC Washington Update, vol 5, #3, January 28, 1999
>   by Page Putnam Miller, Director of the National Coordinating
>  Committee for the Promotion of History <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>1.  Hearings on Distance Learning
>2.  House Historical Office
>3.  Government Secrecy Reform Act Reintroduced
>4.  Update on Department of Education FIPSE Grants
>5.  Implementation of Kyl Amendment To
>Protect Sensitive Atomic Weapons Information
>6.  Adverse Implications for Africans for Educational
>Testing Service's New Policies
>1.  Hearings on Distance Learning -- On January 26 and 27 the Copyright
>Office held hearings in Washington and heard from over 20 witnesses who
>spoke on the copyright issues involved in promoting on-line
>instruction. Witnesses addressed a wide range of issues such as the
>advantages of developing guidelines, the difficulties in getting
>permissions to use copyrighted material, the need for one-stop shopping
>for acquiring permissions, the need for flexibility in statutory
>language to accommodate the rapidly changing technologies, the pros and
>cons of licensing, security issues, and the appropriate portions of
>works that may be used without acquiring permissions.  In general the
>publisher community testified that the current law was working well and
>with the increasing use of licensing they saw no need for any new
>provisions to the law.  On the other hand, some in the education and
>library communities advocated changes to the law, specifically to
>section 110 by expanding some of the practices allowed by educational
>James Neal of Johns Hopkins University Library who spoke on behalf of 5
>library associations stressed that licensing is not a replacement for
>the copyright law's balancing of rights.  He stated: "Unless federal
>copyright policy explicitly provides for a modern distance learning
>limitation in keeping with educational needs and technological
>opportunities, users negotiating licenses will find that the current
>law leaves them more subject to terms and pricing on a "take it or
>leave it" basis.  Laura Gasaway of the University of North Carolina Law
>Library spoke on behalf of the Association of American Universities and
>other educational associations and urged that Section 110(2) be changed
>to enable the display and performance of copyrighted works at remote
>locations at times selected by students.
>The Copyright Office, which will be holding hearings on February 10 in
>Los Angeles and in Chicago on February 12, plans to place all written
>testimony, comments, and responses on its Website at
>2.  House Historical Office-- On January 6 the House of Representatives
>recodified and passed a revised version of its standing rules.  The
>revision, which involved reducing the standing rules from 52 to 28,
>retained the provision for the "Office of the Historian."  In 1994 when
>the Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives, one of
>Speaker Newt Gingrich's (R-GA) first acts was to dismiss the House
>Historian, who had been selected by a bipartisan search committee and
>had served ably for many years.  For most of the past 4 years, the
>position of House Historian has remained vacant.  The recently adopted
>Rule 2, which deals with the Duties of Officers and Members," states
>under item 7 that "there is established an Office of the Historian of
>the House of Representatives."  This is an encouraging development and
>may open the way for the House once again to have a historian.
>3.  Government Secrecy Reform Act Reintroduced -- On January 19
>Senators Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), Jesse Helms (R-NC), Trent Lott
>(R-MS), Tom Daschle (D-SD), Fred Thompson (R-TN), Susan Collins (R-ME),
>and Charles Schumer (D-NY) introduced S. 22, the Government Secrecy
>Reform Act.  This bill is similar to S. 712 which was introduced by
>Moynihan in the last Congress and builds on the work of the Commission
>on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy.  The legislation calls
>for all but the most sensitive information to be declassified after 25
>years, establishes an appeals process, creates a national office for
>declassification within the National Archives, and sets a standard that
>requires disclosure unless the harm to national security would
>reasonably b e expected to outweigh the public interest in disclosure.
>4.  Update on Department of Education FIPSE grants -- In early January
>the Department of Education announced that it was canceling its annual
>competition for the grants for the Fund for the Improvement of
>Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) despite the fact that it had received
>1,700 proposals.  The cancellation evolved from 

[CTRL] CIA-DRUGS] ALERT - Proof That Blacks Were Targeted For CIA Cocaine

1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Blacks Were Targeted for CIA Cocaine

It Can Be Proven


Michael C. Ruppert -

January 28, 1999

((c) 1999 From The Wilderness Publications and Michael C. Ruppert at All Rights Reserved. Permission to reprint for educational
purposes only to paid subscribers of From The Wilderness with direct
sourcing as indicated in the Master Copyright. Any reprint for resale will
be vigorously prosecuted.)

For a long time, many people have believed that African-Americans were
targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency to receive the cocaine which
decimated black communities in the 1980s. It was, until now, widely accepted
that the case could not be proven because of two fallacious straw obstacles
to that proof. Both lie smack dab in the misuse of the word "crack" and that
is why, in my lectures, I have strenuously objected to the term "CIA crack".
First, it cannot and probably never will be established that CIA had
anything to do with the first creation of crack cocaine. Chemically, that
problem could have been solved as a test question for anyone with a BS in
chemistry. The answer: add water and baking soda to cocaine hydrochloride
powder and cook on a stove. A study of the literature (including articles I
wrote 14 years ago for The U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence), as
opposed to, for example, that pertaining to LSD, shows no CIA involvement
whatever in the genesis of crack cocaine. Also, there has never been any
evidence provided that CIA facilitated the transport or sale of crack
itself. What is beyond doubt is that CIA was directly responsible for the
importation of tons of powdered cocaine into the U.S. and the protected
delivery of that cocaine into the inner cities.
Another obstacle has been the fact that CIA imported so much cocaine that,
even if every black man, woman and child in the country had been using it,
they could not have used all of what CIA brought in. Ricky Ross, the
celebrated dealer of Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, sold approximately four tons
of cocaine during his roughly five years in business. Yet one CIA ring, that
of Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Rafael Caro-Quintero, was moving four
tons a month. And that was only a fraction of the total CIA operation.
Leaving the unsupportable arguments aside, is there a supportable case that
CIA directly intended for African-Americans to receive the cocaine which it
knew would be turned into crack cocaine and which it knew would prove so
addictive as to destroy entire communities? The answer is absolutely, yes.
And the key to proving that CIA intended for blacks to receive the drugs
which virtually destroyed their communities lies in the twofold approach, of
proving that they brought the drugs in and interfered with law enforcement -
AND that, by virtue of CIA's relationships with the academic and medical
communities, they knew exactly what the end result would be. Knowing that,
we then have a mountain of proof, especially since the release of volume II
of the CIA's Inspector General's Report (10/98) that the CIA specifically
intended and achieved a desired result.
For anyone not familiar with the ways in which CIA studies and manipulates
emerging social and political trends I cannot encourage strongly enough a
reading of The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty, Col., USAF (ret.).
This article is a start, a beginning on the painful work that needs to be
done to build a class-action lawsuit. Such a suit, by necessity, will have
to include room for all the whites, Asians and Latinos who also fell prey to
cocaine addiction. But this article should convince any reader that the
argument is solid - and winnable. I thank Gary Webb and Orange County Weekly
reporter Nick Schou for giving me the missing pieces I had waited nineteen
years to find.

- The Dark Alliance by Gary Webb, Seven Stories Press, 1998 (referenced as:
- The Straight Dope by Nick Schou, The Orange County Weekly, May 30 - June
5, 1997 (referenced as Schou).
-  Between The Rock and a Hard Place by Michael C. Ruppert, The LA WEEKLY,
March 8-14, 1985 (referenced as Ruppert 1).
- Rock Cocaine Hits L.A. by Michael C. Ruppert, The U.S. Journal of Drug and
Alcohol Dependence, February, 1985 (referenced as Ruppert 2).
- U.S. Drug Experts Cancel S.A. Trip, by Michael C. Ruppert, The U.S.
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, November, 1984 (referenced as
Ruppert 3).
- Thy Will Be Done, The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and
Evangelism in the Age of Oil. - Gerard Colby, Harper Collins, 1995
(Referenced as Colby).
- The Secret Team (3rd Edition), L. Fletcher Prouty  (1973, 1992, 1997).
This book has been erased even from the Library of Congress. To my knowledge
it is available only on the Internet at
(referenced as Prouty).


As a budding LAPD narcotics investigator I was selected in 1976 to attend a

Re: [CTRL] This is the dawning of the New Age New world Orde

1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


>   Before the introduction of Hegellian(state dominated) education in
>the USA at the beginning of this century
>98% of whites had full literacy. The local school and the home
>school at the time dominated education.
>after the state took over education literacy fell to 91%. This was
>maintained until the whole language/ progressive method was
>introduced, this fell to 86%. (the definition of full literacy used
>was understanding the instructions of medicines)
>Among Blacks in the USA in the 30's the figure was 80%. This after
>immense amounts of money spent has fallen in the 90's to about 56%.
>   In a recent test on Science and technology among 22 western
>orientated countries the usa came third from bottom just ahead of
>cyprus(SA came last but that is a different story). This survey >ignored
the top performing far eastern countries of Singapore, Korea, >Japan,
HongKong). I beleive the USA came out tops in self esteem.
>Prof Steve Pinker in his book How the mind works professor of
>Psychology at MIT severely criticises the OBE(constructivist)
>methodology. He in effect say that it works against how the mind
>   Most of the top schools in the USA do not run a (full) OBE method.

Lord Rees-Mogg:
British Lord Repeats The Policy --
Only Educate the Top 5 Percent

by Nancy Spannaus
Printed in The New Federalist, 1995.

Jan. 10 (EIRNS) -- When Lyndon LaRouche and his associates attack Outcome
Based Education (OBE) and school privatization as a deliberate oligarchical
policy of ``dumbing down'' the population, some may think we are
exaggerating. They should take a look at an article by British Lord William
Rees-Mogg in the Times of London from Jan. 5. Under the title ``It's the
elite who matter,'' Rees-Mogg argues that ``in future Britain must
concentrate on educating the top 5%, on whose success we shall all depend.''
The British Lord couches his argument in terms of making his own rust-bucket
economy ``competitive,'' but the underlying philosophy toward all people
comes shining through in his ``projections.'' First, there is the assumption
that we are entering the post-industrial ``Information Age,'' where mass
production will be unnecessary.

According to Rees-Mogg, ``In some ways, Britain is better placed to compete
in the information age than it was in the mass production age which is
closing. The information age will be driven by communications and services,
including financial services The next century--like the 19th--will
probably be the age of the professions, with an emphasis on rare skills, and
Britain is still a professional and relatively elitist country. What has
been considered our cultural backwardness may prove an advantage, as a
different cultural time-lag has been to Japan The next century will be
the age of tax havens.''

The second assumption is that this new era requires dropping the policy of
mass education. We quote:

``There are fascinating implications here for education policy, and they are
highly unfashionable. The 20th-century view has been that the economics of
mass production required mass education, perceived as the universal
provision of modest educational skills. The 21st century will require
greater emphasis on the higher skills of the ablest students. The factory
system provided repetitive jobs at high wages; the information system will
require very high skills in non-repetitive work. In international
competition, perhaps 5% of the population will produce 80% of the national
income, and the employment of the 95% will depend on the success of the

If all this sounds like Newt Gingrich to you, you are on the ball. Gingrich
and his ilk get their ideas from the likes of Lord Rees-Mogg.

The Nature of Man
Rees-Mogg is right about one thing: The idea of the ``Information Age''
based on financial speculation and manipulation goes along with the idea of
eliminating mass education. Such a society, as the thinktanks of the
anti-American and anti-republican Conservative Revolution argue ad nauseam,
cannot afford to provide what they consider the luxury of universal
But both the idea of the Information Age and that of educating only the
elite rely on an even more basic oligarchical assumption--the axiom that the
bulk of mankind must be treated as beasts, not as individuals created with
the divine spark of reason by their Creator. The oligarchical axiom attempts
to rule out the requirement of nurturing, through social and political
institutions, the creative reason required to produce scientific and
technological progress for the future of all mankind.

The British ruling elite, for whom Rees-Mogg speaks, have a long history of
such a policy of menticide, which lawfully leads as well to genocide. In a
1992 book titled ``The Intellectuals and t

[CTRL] Fund-raisers with impeached Clinton

1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

[01/28] Democrats plan fund-raisers with impeached Clinton
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats, anxious to cash-in on public
discontent with the Republican-driven impeachment of President Clinton, plan
to hold a series of fund-raisers with Clinton this year as part of their
quest to win back control of Congress.

``You would think that they would at least wait until the Senate trial is
over,'' Assistant Senate Republican Leader Don Nickles of Oklahoma said in
an interview Thursday.

Sen. Robert Torricelli, a New Jersey Democrat, responded: ''Are Republicans
going to put a hold on their fund-raising? No. Neither are we.''

The fund-raisers with Clinton are being planned by the Democratic committees
in charge of helping party members get elected to the House and the Senate.

Members of the committees last week initially disclosed preliminary plans
for the events, saying the first one is set for Feb. 25 in San Francisco.

Torricelli, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said
Thursday there will be eight others, but added that the sites and dates have
not yet been selected.

The goal of the so-called ``Majority 2000'' fund-raisers is to raise $10
million and put the money toward the Democrats' drive to win back the House
and Senate next year, the Democrats said.

The funds would be split between Torricelli's panel and the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee, chaired by Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode

Kennedy, asked if he has any uneasiness about featuring an impeached
president at Democratic fund-raisers, said, ``With his poll numbers? Not at

In public opinion polls, Clinton has enjoyed a job approval rating of about
60 percent or more since his relationship with former White House intern
Monica Lewinsky was revealed a year ago. A Gallup survey of 645 people,
conducted Wednesday, put the president's approval rating at 69 percent, with
a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Despite the president's popularity, Sen. John Ashcroft, a Missouri
Republican, charged that the presidential fund-raisers amount to ``jury
tampering'' since members of the Senate are now seeking to determine the
president's fate.

Torricelli rejected such a characterization, saying, ``Bill Clinton remains
the president of the United States and the leader of the Democratic party
until the Senate decides differently.''

It is unclear when the Senate will complete its trial of Clinton, which is
now in its third week. There seems to be no chance the Senate will get the
needed 67 votes to convict and remove Clinton from office.

Republicans control the Senate, 55-45. They also hold a narrow majority in
the House, 222-211, with one independent and one vacancy.

Torricelli said Thursday that the idea for the fund-raisers were conceived
last year, while Clinton was under fire for his affair with Lewinsky but
before he was impeached by the House in December on charges of perjury and
obstruction of justice.

Polls consistently have shown public unhappiness with Republicans' handling
of the case against the Democratic president.

The Gallup survey Wednesday found 57 percent disapprove of how Senate
Republicans have dealt with the impeachment proceedings, compared to 54
percent on Jan. 8-10.

Asked if he had a problem using impeachment as a fund-raising tool, Sen. Bob
Kerrey, a Nebraska Democrat, replied: ``Nope.''

``Republicans had a chance to get back to the business of the country --
Social Security, education,'' Kerrey said. ``But they decided their agenda
is impeachment.

``They knew in December that they didn't have the 67 votes to convict, but
have persisted with this anyway,'' Kerrey said.

Unlike many of his Republican colleagues, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
declined to criticize Democrats for using the impeached president as a
fund-raising draw.

``The president, whether a Democrat or a Republican, is always a top
fund-raiser,'' McConnell said. ``We do it and they do it.''

McConnell said despite polls showing discontent with Republicans, he expects
his party to retain control of the House and Senate in 2000.

``By the time the elections come up, all this will be ancient history,''
McConnell said.

``He's dreaming,'' said Kerrey. ``The people will remember.''

Last Updated: 01/28/99 16:58 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor eff

[CTRL] Gun manufacturers sued by cities

1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


[01/27] Two more cities sue gun makers, more cases expected
NEW YORK, Jan 27 (Reuters) - The number of municipalities suing the gun
industry rose to four on Wednesday with Miami and Bridgeport, Conn., joining
the fray and the head of a national mayors' task force predicting many more
suits are on the way.

While the number of such cases is expected to rise, the nation's mayors are
not planning a coordinated effort to file one large suit, said Philadelphia
Mayor Edward Rendell, who heads the U.S. Conference of Mayors' gun violence
task force.

However, he did not rule out the possibility that several cities might file
their individual suits at about the same time.

``There may be a lot of cities filing in the spring, but there will be
different lawsuits individually tailored to the laws and problems, facts and
circumstances of each jurisdiction,'' he said at the U.S. Conference of
Mayors winter conference in Washington on Wednesday.

Rendell said it was possible that gun manufacturers and cities might reach a
joint court-ordered settlement but he predicted it was unlikely.

``I don't want to hold out false hope. We have seen nothing but stalling and
fast talking and the usual rationale that guns don't kill people, people
kill people,'' he said.

Rendell said the cities were looking for improved safety features on guns
and changes in the way guns are sold. ``We are not looking for money
damages. We are not looking to put the gun manufacturers out of business.''

The suits filed by Miami, technically by the Miami-Dade County government,
and the city of Bridgeport follow those previously filed by Chicago and New
Orleans. Some mayors have predicted that as many as 40 or 50 suits will be
filed by the end of this summer.

``We will not allow the gun industry to escape accountability any longer,''
Miami-Dade County Mayor Alex Penelas said at a new conference on the
courthouse steps. ``They have killed our children by the dozens.''

The civil lawsuit named 25 gun makers and distributors as defendants, along
with three firearms industry associations.
It did not specify a dollar amount, but seeks reimbursement for ``hundreds
of millions of dollars'' in police, paramedic and hospital expenses stemming
from gunfire.

The suit, filed in Florida Circuit Court in Miami, charges that gun makers
failed to equip their products with trigger locks, load indicators and other
devices to make them safer.

Miami-Dade County is Florida's largest county, with 2.1 million residents
and has logged 763 gunfire deaths in the past two years. The county
encompasses more than two dozen cities, including Miami, Miami Beach,
Hialeah and Coral Gables.

The gun litigation pattern by municipalities follows that launched by state
attorneys general against the tobacco industry. In fact, many of the private
law firms involved in that battle are now helping the municipalities sue the
gun industry.

John Coale, a Washington, D.C., plaintiffs' lawyer active in class-action
suits against the tobacco industry, is also helping a number of cities.
Coale told Reuters that he expects Atlanta, Cincinnati and Newark, N.J.,
will be among the next municipalities to file.

In November, the tobacco industry reached a $206 billion agreement with 46
states to repay them for money they spent under the Medicaid programme on
smoking-related illnesses.

These growing efforts by cities comes at the same time that an unprecedented
trial against the gun industry reaches its final stages in Brooklyn federal

The suit, brought by a group of victims' families, is based on an unusual
``negligent marketing'' theory that gun makers can be held liable for
violence because they make too many firearms.

Gun wholesalers had also been named as defendants, but on Tuesday the judge
in the case dismissed them from the lawsuit, leaving manufacturers and
importers as defendants. The case is expected to go to the jury next week.

Plaintiffs' lawyers argued that gun manufacturers take advantage of the weak
gun control laws in southern states and produce more guns than the
legitimate market needs -- and those weapons end up in the hands of
criminals in the northeastern states that have stricter laws.

Last Updated: 01/27/99 20:48 EST

Copyright 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. 


1999-01-29 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


[01/29] Canadian regulators assailed for laxity on suspect firm
TORONTO, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Canadian securities regulators are under fire
after the downfall of YBM Magnex, a U.S. magnet manufacturer once cloaked in
respectability but now accused of being a front for international money
YBM won a listing in the prestigious Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite
Index on Canada's largest bourse and a nearly C$1 billion market
capitalization before its foundations started crumbling last spring after
U.S. authorities raided its Pennsylvania headquarters.

That's when YBM's alleged links to the Russian mob started to emerge, but it
may be months before all the convoluted facts of that involvement come out.

Last month, however, many serious allegations emerged in a forensic
accounting report ordered by investors. YBM's board in December admitted
that it expected the company to be indicted and that "there is good reason
to believe that U.S. authorities will be able to marshal substantial,
credible evidence of criminal wrongdoing."

The more immediate question is how a firm connected with the underworld
could dupe regulators and attract investment from major mutual and pension

"I think that's one of the central questions in this case. I don't know how
the warning signs that people have mentioned in the newspaper didn't stop it
from getting as far as it did," said a lawyer connected to one of the many
class action suits filed in connection with YBM.

The Ontario Securities Commission, Canada's largest securities regulator, is
attracting critical glances for just that reason.

"You know the hardest thing for anybody to discover in looking at something
is fraud. It's hard because the very people that you're depending on for
data are the ones that are (supplying the information)," OSC Executive
Director Charlie Macfarlane told Reuters.

The Newtown, Pennsylvania-based company -- now in receivership -- its
executives, directors and its auditors have all been hit with U.S. and
Canadian class action suits. The directors included former Ontario premier
David Peterson and Owen Mitchell of brokerage First Marathon Inc.

Documents trace the links between YBM and Russian mobster Semion
Mogilevitch, whose organization is involved with everything from
prostitution, to drugs, to murder.

What is now emerging is that the OSC knew as far back as November of 1997
that there were serious doubts about the company but the regulator still
rubber-stamped a C$53 million stock offering.

In fact, YBM itself disclosed to the Alberta and Toronto stock exchanges
before it was listed that there had been a British probe into its
predecessor company, Arigon Co. Ltd., and its ties to Russian mob boss

The Toronto Stock Exchange declined to comment on YBM.

Those close to the case said, off the record, that they do not believe any
of the parties connected with YBM -- securities regulators, stock exchanges,
directors, auditors, underwriters -- did enough due diligence on the

A press report this week alleged that the OSC knew about an investigation by
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police into the company's affairs.

Macfarlane said the RCMP denied that there was any probe going on at the
time but he did concede that there were enough worrying allegations about
YBM when it filed for its share issue that the OSC took the rare step of
asking for a re-audit of 1996 results by a recognized accounting firm.

"What came out of that was restated sales figures. But what came out of it
was an absolutely clean audit. No flags raised by the auditor. Even though
they restated them, the audit was clean," Macfarlane said.

The watchdog qualified the company's share issue in November, apparently
reassured by the clean bill of health from well-regarded accounting firm
Deloitte & Touche.

"I don't know exactly what (the commission) knew but based on what I did
know, I believe they had enough information by November 1997 (to not qualify
the issue)," said a source close to the case. "Clearly there was a big
Deloitte issue and a big Deloitte problem. Secondly, I happen to personally
believe there was an OSC issue."

He said that while the RCMP may have been playing with the definition of
"investigation", according to his information, the Mounties were looking at
YBM's affairs by November 1997.

The RCMP would neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation,
then or now.

A number of high-profile fraud cases in recent months, including the
dramatic case of well-known theater producer Livent Inc's Garth Drabinsky,
have tapped the commission's resources. The thinly stretched OSC has
launched a hiring blitz to boost its staff by 50 percent to 315.

The airing of its corporate dirty laundry has also placed Canada under a
critical international spotlight.

The class action suits focus on the auditors, particularly Deloitte &
Touche, which was told by the OSC to investigate with a fine tooth c

[CTRL] Fw: CFR Secretaries of State

1999-01-30 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: roundtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 9:18 AM
Subject: CFR Secretaries of State

Council on Foreign Relations Secretaries of State

According to "The  Art and Science of Psychological Operations, Department
of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1",

"Although the president has the overall responsibility for the
foreign policy of the United States, the secretary of state is his
principal foreign policy advisor and has responsibility for the execution
of foreign policy in accordance with approved policy. The secretary of
state also has full authority and responsibility for the overall direction,
coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the US
Government overseas...
In providing overall foreign policy guidance, the State Department
also coordinates and supervises US resources in the conduct of propaganda
and political warfare. The US information agency conducts mass
communications and provides policy guidance on the conduct of Psychological
Operations (PSYOPs) in accordance with the basic foreign policy guidance it
receives from the State Department...
Five assistant secretaries direct the activities of the geographic
bureaus. For the countries within his geographical area, each assistant
secretary has the primary responsibility to keep the secretary of state
informed of important developments, to advise the secretary in formulation
of US policies, to guide the operations of the US diplomatic
establishments, and to direct, coordinated and supervise interdepartmental
and interagency matters
Each assistant secretary is aided by country directors within his
bureau who are responsible for the overall guidance and interdepartmental
coordination with respect to their assigned countries. Country directors
are the single focal point in Washington serving the needs of the US
ambassadors. They work closely with "country teams" in US missions abroad
to insure that all elements of a mission in a given country jointly pursue
US foreign Policy Directives...PSYOP matters are handled between the
regional or country directors or desk officers and the various embassies."1

On 20 June 1951, Harry Truman created  a Governmental agency called the
Psychological Strategy Board, to coordinate Psychological operations. The
Psychological Strategy Board was composed of, the (1) Undersecretary of
State, (2) the Deputy Secretary of Defense, (3) Director of Central
Intelligence (4) a representative of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (5) an
appropriate representative or head of any department or agency of the
Government determined by the Board.  On Thursday 26 July 1951, President
Truman would tell the press that the Psychological Strategy Board was a
part of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Council on Foreign Relations evolved from a secret society founded by
Cecil Rhodes. The organizational plan provided for an inner circle called
"The Society of the Elect." The inner circle planned psycho-political
operations. Key parts in the operation were played by members of a larger
outer circle, "The Association of Helpers." By withholding the nature of
the operation from "The Association of Helpers," Secret Society members
could deny participating in the operation, and Rhodes Secret Society
sponsorship of the operation could be kept secret.

Operations planned and executed to conceal the identity of  the sponsor are
called covert operations. They differ from clandestine operations in that
emphasis is placed on concealment of identity of sponsor rather than on
concealment of the operation. The Council on Foreign Relations, Royal
Institute of International Affairs, and their branch organizations in other
nations operate in the same manner to this day.

Council on Foreign Relations member Gordon Gray proposed the Psychological
Strategy Board. Council on Foreign Relations member, Henry Kissinger, paid
political consultant to the Rockefeller family, was Gray's consultant. Gray
and Kissinger sat on the Psychological Strategy Board. The Psychological
Strategy board was intimately related to the National Security Council.
Many National Security Council members were also members of the
Psychological Strategy Board and the Council on Foreign Relations. The
Psychological Strategy Board was like the Rhodes's Secret Society inner
circle "The Society of the Elect."

The Psychological Strategy Board coordinated well planned psycho-political
operations scripted by Council on Foreign Relations members in the State
Department. The group contributed to the psycho-political operation by
maintaining close relations with key policy-making groups, attending
meetings of the National Security Council, and keeping in close touch with
members of the President's cabinet. Group members would influence key
individuals to act to achieve the desired outcome of the planned military,
economic , and diplomatic action . Group members would mon


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 4:56 PM

>01/29/99 06:09 UTC -- Independent counsel Kenneth Starr has concluded
>that he has the constitutional authority to seek a grand jury indictment
>of President Clinton before he leaves the White House, says a new report
>set for publication on Sunday.
>"Starr and his prosecutors have actively considered whether to ask a
>grand jury here to indict Clinton," the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to
>report in a Page One, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
>TIMES investigator Don Van Natta Jr. pushes details: "Starr and his
>prosecutors have had no communications with the House managers or the
>White House about the possibility of including the president's future
>criminal jeopardy in negotiations over a censure of the president."
>Van Natta quotes "associates" of Starr throughout his story.
>These associates emphasized that Starr had not decided whether, or when,
>but "neither the outcome of the Senate trial nor the public's wishes
>expressed in opinion polls would affect his decision.
>X X X X X

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: PI says Landow hired him re: Clinton victim Willey

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: FightBack2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 9:25 PM
Subject: PI says Landow hired him re: Clinton victim Willey

> Private Investigator Says Landow Employed Him in Willey Matter
>Washinton Post
>Saturday, January 30, 1999; Page A10 By Susan Schmidt
>Democratic Party fund-raiser Nathan Landow hired a private investigator for
>project involving Kathleen E. Willey, the former White House volunteer who
>testified that President Clinton groped her, the private eye said
>Independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has been investigating Willey's claims
>that Landow and others tried to influence or intimidate her to chill her
>testimony about Clinton when she was a witness in the Paula Jones case.
>Jarrett Stern, a private investigator, told ABC News in an interview
>last night that he was hired for an unspecified project by Landow, a
>Maryland developer who has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for
>Clinton-Gore campaigns. Stern's lawyer, Edouard Bouquet of Bethesda, told
>network his client felt uneasy about what he was asked to do and called
>using an alias, to warn her someone was out to do her harm.
>"I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do
>he wasn't comfortable with," Bouquet said of Stern. The lawyer declined to
>more specific.
>Landow flatly denied he engaged any private investigator to look into
>life or background. "Absolutely not," Landow said. "There is no evidence,
>allegation, no proof on me." Landow's lawyer, Joe Caldwell, said he could
>comment on Stern's claims because of Starr's ongoing criminal
>but Caldwell added, "There is absolutely no issue here."
>Landow refused to testify before Starr's grand jury last summer, citing his
>Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. He has denied any
>and said he invoked the right on the advice of lawyers when prosecutors
>to give him immunity in exchange for his testimony about his dealings with
>Willey. He has described her as a social friend he met through his
>who also worked as a White House volunteer.
>Stern declined to detail what he had been asked to do in connection with
>Willey, but he told ABC that he "wholeheartedly" believes that Willey was
>approached with a menacing message by a stranger jogging near her Richmond
>two days before her Jones case testimony. Willey has said the man inquired
>about her children by name, about her missing cat and about whether she'd
>gotten the tires on her car repaired after they were mysteriously
vandalized by
>someone who drove masses of nails into all four of them. "Don't you get the
>message?" she has said the man asked.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton-

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gary Cruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 11:35 PM
Subject: The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton-

>The New York Observer
>1/29/99 by Philip Weiss
>The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton
>by Philip Weiss
>Like all addictions, impeachment has 12 steps toward
>emotional clarity. These were mine:
>1. Is Hillary Depressed? Hillary Rodham Clinton is scheduled
>to speak to the National Abortion and Reproductive
>Rights Action League on the 26th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
>It is at the same time that the question-and-answer phase of
>the impeachment trial is to begin in the Senate, and I
>choose Hillary.
>The First Lady wears a gray suit and is obviously
>depressed. She may as well be speaking to a funeral. Her
>voice is a monotone. She does not move her body at all for
>more than 30 minutes, merely moves her head in a practiced
>manner from one side of the audience to another. Dip to the
>lectern to get a line of text. Look up left. Look right.
>Open eyes to make some sort of connection. Dip back to
>Her text is laced with bitterness about men. She speaks with
>anger of visiting pregnant girls who have been abandoned by
>the fathers, of the stories these young lied-to women told
>her about their men—"with a straight face," she says
>cuttingly. If only boys and men would think about what they
>are doing before they had sex, Hillary says, then goes on to
>denounce the preoccupation with "sexual prowess" in the
>media and among sports figures. The speech seems somewhat
>The 2,000 people in the audience, mostly women, absorb the
>depth of her feeling. The applause is subdued. No one calls
>out for her to run for Senate.
>2. Z-z-z-z-z-z-z. Later, as I enter the Senate periodical
>gallery, the guard at the door takes my elbow. "Do me a
>favor, wake that guy up." He points at a tall reporter in
>the second row. Not relishing the assignment, I say, "Is he
>asleep?" A second guard comes over to confer. "I don’t think
>he’s sleeping, I just saw his jaw move."
>I sit next to the reporter, who is in fact sound asleep, and
>pretend not to notice him as I watch the President’s
>private lawyer, David Kendall, speak, soporifically, on the
>floor. The guard must come down and, squeezing in
>front of a row of people to get to us, rouse the man. The
>reporter denies that he was asleep. They argue and the
>guard retreats. The reporter spends the next half-hour
>trying to win the argument retroactively by maintaining his
>sleepy posture even as he mocks attentiveness.
>3. Oedipus at the Senate. Rumpled, cerebral, white-haired
>Senator Carl Levin of Michigan reminds me of my father,
>and I get into an argument with him during a little press
>conference he gives outside the Senate floor.
>He says that the House managers have misrepresented Vernon
>Jordan’s motives for finding a job for Monica
>Lewinsky. He has uncovered a fact that contradicts one of
>their points.
>I break in. "Let’s say you’re right. They got this point
>wrong. Still, what is a reasonable person supposed to
>conclude, that this was routine? How often have you called
>the chairman of General Motors?"
>My Oedipal outburst frightens old Senator Levin. He raises
>his hand and becomes flustered, then goes on, ignoring me.
>Under his arm are stacks of photocopies of the critical
>documents. Pathetically, he hands them out to the reporters.
>It is simply obvious that Vernon Jordan was putting out
>supreme effort for Monica Lewinsky. Ronald Perelman
>testified that in Mr. Jordan’s 12 years on Revlon Inc.’s
>board, he only called him once on behalf of a job
>candidate: a "terrific young girl," Monica Lewinsky. Mr.
>Jordan’s call to Mr. Perelman came immediately after a
>five-minute conversation with Ms. Lewinsky, who called him
>from the residence of her mother’s then-fiancé in
>New York, at about the time that she was filing her false
>affidavit in the Paula Jones case.
>After talking to Ron Perelman, Vernon Jordan called Monica
>Lewinsky back to tell her he had made the call. The
>next day, when she got the job, she called him and spent
>seven minutes on the phone with him, celebrating her
>success, then an hour later he called her and they had a
>three-minute conversation in which he says he urged her
>to accept that $40,000 was good pay.
>It is one of the great wastes of this process: critical
>minds like Charles Schumer’s and Carl Levin’s turned by the
>Clinton defense into bales of hay.
>4. Going Mad With Lindsey Graham. I walk out of the Capitol
>with Lindsey Graham, the Republican House manager. A small
>man from a rural district of South Carolina who wears Brooks
>Brothers ties, he is the Frank Capra figure in the drama,
>soulful, emotional, sincere. People swarm around him, even
>Democrats, to urge him on or to fence with him.


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bob Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 2:12 AM

>We received an unexpected call from CIA pilot TOSH PLUMLEE this evening. He
>informed me that he had sent me an email regarding what had just happened
>him. He informed me that he had just been set up by a Federal Agent and
>the Mob had sent a Miami Cuban hitman to kill him. Plumlee told me that he
>had lost a part of his thumb in a knife fight with the hitman.
>Plumlee said that they were trying to take him out over his knowledge of
>missing CIA decoding devices known as EARLICON devices. Plumlee said these
>devices were flown by the 82nd Airbonre - 101st Division - into Honduras
>that the equipment disappeared in Panama.
>Plumlee said that Pablo Escobar ended up with the equipment and was able to
>track the DEA in their efforts to bust Escobar in the 80s. Plumlee said
>is the reason that Escobar was hunted down and killed.
>The complete text of Plumlee's UNEDITED e-mail can be seen at:
>Under the menu link "DOCUMENTS"
>Dr. Truth

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Salonmagazine on Blumenthal

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


- - - - - - - - - -

But the managers clearly have a political as well as legal agenda in calling
Blumenthal. Deposing him lets them delve into Blumenthal's alleged role as
the White House's leaker in chief of salacious gossip. Over the course of
the last year Blumenthal has become the bête noire of conservatives who
believe him responsible for almost every negative story that has surfaced
about Republicans, from Henry Hyde's youthful indiscretions to a range of
other reported sexual hi-jinks by GOP congressmembers. This makes Blumenthal
an attractive witness for two reasons. Grilling him is red meat for
conservatives, whatever he says. And it also lets them pry into what they
can find out about other White House dirty tricks. If he testifies about
other White House shenanigans, they reason, the momentum of the trial could
change dramatically. And if he refuses to testify about certain issues, the
tenor of the proceedings could instantly become deeply polarized as they try
to compel his testimony.

There's only one problem. Despite Blumenthal's reputation as a consummate
White House leaker and peddler of stories to the press, he's actually clean
on most of the charges that conservatives have charged him with. According
to one reporter who's covered the Lewinsky scandal, "If they hope to
castigate Sid for polluting the political discourse by outing Henry Hyde,
Dan Burton, Bob Livingston, etc., they will look dumb. Sid is clean on these
matters." While William Kristol of the right-wing Weekly Standard boasted of
"outing" Blumenthal as the source of the Hyde story -- which first appeared,
for the record, in Salon -- journalists who tracked the story, including
those at Salon, have all cleared Blumenthal. A feature in the
December/January Brill's Content, "Who's Vicious Now?" concluded that while
many of Blumenthal's detractors "are thrilled at the chance -- legitimate or
not -- to watch him squirm," none of the charges of spreading sexual stories
about Republicans had any merit.

Certainly Blumenthal is known for faxing friendly reporters his take on
current events. And he is no doubt a partisan street fighter. "Sid believes
in the right-wing conspiracy," says the same Washington reporter, "and he
can do what the first lady cannot -- which is do battle with the right." He
was the source of published reports that the president considered Monica
Lewinsky a "stalker" -- but he admitted as much in his grand jury testimony.
It's not clear what more the House managers hope to gain.

Moreover, admirers and enemies alike agree that whatever one can say about
him, Blumenthal is brilliant. And despite a reputation for arrogance and a
hot temper -- displayed in a September press conference when he blasted
reports that he was the source of anti-Republican smears -- those who know
him agree that he can be cool and affable when it counts. And it will never
count more than during a deposition in a trial that could remove his boss,
friend and sponsor, President Clinton.

Even with Wednesday's vote to call witnesses, Democrats may still get
essentially what they want -- a rapid end to the trial, with witnesses
deposed behind closed doors. That may explain the lack of a dramatic
response from Senate Democrats after today's session, and Sen. Tom Daschle's
relatively accommodating statements about negotiating procedures for the
deposition of witnesses. For all the talk about how senators are notoriously
independent operators, the Senate Republican caucus has actually
demonstrated a remarkable degree of party discipline -- fending off erosions
of support on both the right and the left. And they've managed to fashion a
pared-down witness list, with private depositions only, and yet not have the
House managers revolt.

But the moment of truth is still yet to come. Until now, for House
Republicans, impeachment has meant not only never having to say you're
sorry, but also never having to say it's over. At every stage that the
crisis has seemed to trend toward its inevitable denouement, House
Republicans have insisted on taking it to the next level. And the
conservative activist core of the party has always threatened to crucify
those who tried to shut it down. When Republican senators try to end the
trial after the three witnesses are privately deposed, they are sure to face
demands for more from the managers. At that point, they'd finally have to
say it's over, and send "blue collar" Henry Hyde to shuffle off into that
great good night, as he promised. Whether they'll be able to finally do that
remains an open question.
SALON | Jan. 28, 1999

Joshua Micah Marshall, associate editor of the American Prospect, is
covering the impeachment trial for Salon.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters

[CTRL] Starr--protective order

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Friday January 29 12:26 PM ET

Some Starr Files To Be Kept Secret
By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - A federal judge today ordered some material kept
secret in a case stemming from Kenneth Starr's investigation of President
Clinton after a prosecutor expressed concern that disclosure would ``tip off
targets'' in the ongoing probe.

U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton said lawyers for Julie Hiatt Steele, who
is accused of obstruction and making a false statement in Starr's
investigation, must not disseminate material they receive from Starr's
office in preparing for trial. The material includes FBI interviews with

Ms. Steele was a witness in Starr's investigation of a suspected cover-up of
an alleged unwanted sexual advance by Clinton on former White House
volunteer Kathleen Willey.

Steele lawyers Nancy Luque and Dan Marino said Starr's request for a court
order to restrict use of the material was highly unusual.

Eight news organizations including The Associated Press asked Hilton to deny
Starr's request for a protective order that will keep the material off the
public record.

Records turned over to Ms. Steele's lawyers before the trial should not be
used for ``fund-raising purposes, ... on the Geraldo show or on the Larry
King show or to tip off targets of other pending investigations,''
prosecutor Jay Apperson argued.

Hilton said Starr's prosecutors have an ``ongoing investigation'' and ``they
are entitled'' to not have material divulged. He directed the prosecutors to
identify what they consider to be sensitive information that must be kept
confidential as it is turned over to Ms. Steele's lawyers.

Hilton's order means that portions of court motions by Ms. Steele's lawyers
which ordinarily would be filed on the public record before trial now will
be filed in secret with the judge.

Asked outside court what prosecutors are trying to keep confidential, Luque
replied ``the truth.'' She declined to elaborate.

The indictment accuses Ms. Steele of filing a false affidavit in Paula
Jones' sexual harassment suit against Clinton, lying to two grand juries and
attempting to influence the testimony of other witnesses.

Ms. Steele in the affidavit denied that Mrs. Willey told her about the
president's alleged sexual advance and asserted that Mrs. Willey asked Ms.
Steele to lie to a Newsweek magazine reporter about it.

Copyright © 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of
The Associated Press.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: House investigators fear retaliation (transcript: Drudge Show/1-30-99)

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bill Nalty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 8:49 AM
Subject: House investigators fear retaliation (transcript: Drudge

>January 30, 1999
>Guests: Dick Morris, Nat Hentoff
>Drudge: Stay right there I want to ask you something. More here with
>Dick Morris.
>Also up next the latest on Jane Doe #5 and the TV interview. Very few
>have seen as of this weekend. Stay tuned on DRUDGE. ...
>Matt Drudge back here FOX NEWS, hot night in the city even though
>it is late January. I have learned that Juanita Broaddrick-Jane Doe #5
>in the Paula Jones case has recently been questioned by representatives
>of the Judiciary Committee.
>Broaddrick has now confirmed to her local Arkansas newspaper that
>she indeed did give an interview to NBC News hot shot Lisa Myers
>last week, an extensive, on camera interview.
>A week ago I first reported that this interview had gone down. In
>March of '98 NBC did air allegations that then Attorney General
>Bill Clinton sexually assaulted this woman in a Little Rock hotel.
>The report cited documents in the Paula Jones case claiming Clinton
>bribed and intimidated Broaddrick into remaining silent and it is the
>bribery I have learned that is still of interest to investigators. The
>question of Broaddrick and NBC hit the White House this week:
>Joe, the only part of the media where the general public has a
>real chance to participate, talk radio and the Internet, there is a
>widespread report that NBC is suppressing Lisa Myers interview
>with Jane Doe #5.
>Did anyone from the White House ask NBC anything about this Joe?
>Lockhart: No, and I would ask you to put it to NBC.
>Drudge: Well I have learned tonight that a skirmish has developed
>inside of NBC on the final edit of this interview just what will be left
>on the cutting room floor appears to be a question at this hour.
>Broaddrick's local paper the TIMES RECORD of Arkansas reports
>that since giving this interview in Arkansas last week Broaddrick has
>been spending time in her rural Crawford County home behind an
>electrified fense. Dick Morris, what is everyone so afraid of?
>Morris: I have an invisible sense from my dog, since she is kind
>of like that she wears a collar and_.  No, I get ah_. Hah-hah.
>Drudge: What is the fear factor surrounding this case? <--HERE
>Morris: When I was called by the House_, ah Judiciary Committee
>just last weekend to testify or to meet with them I met with 3
>investigators of the committee. They asked me not to use their
>names and I won't but they were each 50 years of age or over,
>they weren't kids. They had decades of experience working for
>the IRS, the FBI, and all kinds of other investitgative organizations;
>they told me that they were physically afraid of retaliation. They
>asked me if I would testify_
>Drudge:  The ones questioning you were afraid?!
>Morris: Exactly, they asked me if I would testify and I said yea.
>And they said aren't you afraid of retaliation? And I said what are
>they going to expose, my sex life? You know we have done all
>that. And I said it might take them the trouble, mock[?] the sin
>since. And they said no, no. I mean don't you know the list of
>the 25 people who have died in mysterious circumstances in
>connection with this investigation?
>And I said are you guys out of your minds?  And they said no, no.
>And one of them said I guarantee you that each of us will have an
>IRS audit when this is over, he said I'm saving my receipts I know
>that I am going to have an audit.  And I said, how does that work?
>And he said well the head of the IRS and Hillary are very good
>Drudge:  Ohhh_.  So let me get this straight those even questioning
>people at this point are afraid.
>Morris: And we are not talking here about some right wing nuts, or
>some people who are really paranoid. We are talking about guys who
>have spent 20 or 30 years as top level investitgators for the IRS and
>the FBI who have retired and are now on leave and brought back by
>the Judiciary Committee and they specifically asked me not to
>mention their names on the air.
>Drudge: Well we won't.
>Morris.  No, but can you imagine that?
>Drudge: Well in this town in 1999 I can imagine it; let's roll some
>audio.  Webb Hubble this week,  bad news the court reinstated his
>Starr indictment_
>Morris:  His is minor, it is Susan's that is the problem.
>Drudge. The wife?
>Morris: _She could get him to quawk.  He'll take endless
>punishment but she won't.
>Drudge: Let's roll the tape of these 2 talking_, I think he
>was in jail at the time.
>[ ... ]
>Hentoff interview:
>[ ... ]
>Drudge here on  FOX NEWS, we will see you again next week.
>ENDS [__Saturday January 30, 1999  6pmPT via the Internet__]$


[CTRL] Fw: IS BILL CLINTON A RAPIST???? (new evidence) (u)

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Walt Horning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 8:57 AM
Subject: IS BILL CLINTON A RAPIST (new evidence) (u)

>Here are some details of the allegations of sexual assault and rape by
>Bill Clinton of nine women. Sources: NBC, ABC, Wash Post, AP,
>FreeRepublic, Drudge, "Partners in Power" (Roger Morris)
>NBC national news on Saturday, March 28, 1998:
>"The explosive new allegation tonight is that President Clinton
>sexually assaulted a woman 20 years ago in Arkansas. It involves an
>alleged encounter at this Little Rock hotel in the late 1970s, between
>then Attorney General Bill Clinton and campaign worker, Juanita
>Broaddrick. In court documents today, Jones' lawyers claim Clinton
>quote 'forcibly raped and sexually assaulted' Broaddrick, then quote
>"bribed and intimidated her" to remain silent. Sources say that
>Broaddrick, now 54, recently denied under oath that such an assault
>occurred. But Jones' lawyers claim she had told their investigator she
>had suffered a quote 'horrible thing' at the hand of Clinton, and did
>not want to relive it. And NBC NEWS has talked to FOUR people from
>Arkansas who say Broaddrick told them of such an assault years ago.
>Today's charge is largely based on a letter from this man, Philip
>Yoakum, a friend and business associate of the alleged victim. In a
>letter to Broaddrick, written in 1992, Yoakum, a Republican writes, I
>was particularly distraught when you told me of your brutal rape by
>Bill Clinton, how he bit your lip until you gave into his forcing sex
>upon you.' In an interview with NBC NEWS, Yoakum said Broaddrick told
>him that Clinton invited himself to her hotel room, allegedly to
>discuss her nursing home business.
>Reporter: She told you in 1981 that Bill Clinton assaulted her?
>Mr. PHILLIP YOAKUM (Arkansas Businessman): Mm-hm. Yes, 1981 is when
>she told me.
>Reporter: Did you believe her at the time?
>Mr. YOAKUM: I believed her.
>MYERS: Yoakum admits he is no fan of the president and that he
>unsuccessfully tried to get Broaddrick to tell her story when Clinton
>first ran for president.
>Mr. YOAKUM: And she says, Who would believe me, little old Juanita
>from Van Buren?'
>MYERS: There was another woman at that hotel that day, a nurse and
>friend of Broaddrick who says she iced her friend's face after the
>assault. In a telephone interview with NBC News, this woman, who
>admits she dislikes Clinton, said Broaddrick was distraught, her lips
>were swollen at least double in size. She told me they had intercourse
>against her will.' Again a White House spokesman dismissed the charge
>as outrageous, false, and the work of the president's long-time
>political opponents.' The White House also noted that Broaddrick
>herself already denied the allegation under oath. Tonight, Broaddrick
>had no comment.
>(ABC, AP, Drudge and Wash Post some or all of the above.)
>After Broaddrick reported this did not happen in an avidavit in the
>Jones case, Drudge reported on Dec 27, 1998 that Ken Starr gave her
>full immunity from prosecution for filing the false avidavit, at which
>time she told Ken Starr about the incident, and broke down in tears
>over it.
>So, there is Broaddrick's own testimony, plus that of FOUR witnesses,
>one of whom personally put the ice pack on her swollen lip.
> click on ABC report. NBC pulled
>their hyperlink.
> (Broaddrick is
>mentioned only)
> (some details)
> (little details)
>FLASH: NBC news crew filmed Broaddrick at her home, just a week or so
>agon and its reported that she feared what would happen, now that she
>reported to NBC the truth about the rape.
>(2) JANE DONE #?-- RAPE --
>"A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was
>accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when
>she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her.
>Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all
>quiet for the sake of her own hard won career and that of her
>husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980
>Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. ‘If you ever
>approach her,' he told the governor, 'I'll kill you.' Not even seeing
>fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly
>promised never to bother her again." [page 238, "Partners in
>Power” (Roger Morris)]
>There were two witnesses to what happened to Willey: Linda Tripp
>and a Ms Steele. Ms Steele reported the story to Newsw


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Updated 30-01-99

Freemasonry is.. Corruption is. Injustice is.  Freemasonry.
I,  Maurice Kellett, of,  16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear, DH5
0HT, England, hereby declare that the statements contained in the
documentation indexed below are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Christopher the Whitehall Masonic Civil Servant told the late Stephen
Knight, author of " The Brotherhood", "Get your man involved in something
legal - it need not be serious - and then you have him". The full account of
Stephen's meeting with Christopher is included in chapter sixteen of his
book. I stepped into the trap of believing that British justice could not be
as corrupt as some had alleged. How wrong I was.
Masonic injustice has been instrumental in the destruction of my thirty year
marriage. My wife and family were the best things in my life.  I am now
determined that those who have assisted this situation will be called to
account for their actions. I understand that moves are now in progress to
declare me bankrupt because I have not paid the £16,000 Order of costs in
the Civil litigation. That Order was made by the former Recorder Mr.
Fryer-Spedding. In the below index listing, Affidavits 1 and 2 detail some
of his acts. Am I to abide by the judgment and Order for costs when a man
can stoop this low to ruin a man? Am I not only to be subject of Masonic
injustice, but to concede an Order that I must pay for it? Justice is the
basic foundation of any democracy. Without it democracy is called into
Those in high places of authority who continue to ignore the facts that I
have supplied to them can only be regarded as accessories after the fact.
They are not above the law.
Within the British House of Commons, there exists a Masonic Lodge for
Members of Parliament and the Press Gallery. Therefore it is shown that
Freemasonry  has an influence within government and I would suggest that it
is substantial. Member of Parliament Chris Mullin's Secret Societies
Declaration Bill, which he placed before Parliament a few years ago failed
to become law. His Bill, had it became law, would have helped to protect the
British public from the influence of  all Secret Societies. Then Prime
Minister John Major, said that he would try to make time for another reading
of the Bill. That has never happened. Perhaps it's not happened because
there are so many Masonic Members of Parliament who don't want it to happen?
Where any Society maintains such secrecy as that of Freemasonry, the reasons
for it must be given all due consideration. I have done this. I think it is
very clear to me now, more especially after what has been done to me, why
they exercise such secrecy.
Page 2. Background History.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-



My name is Maurice. I have been a victim of Freemasonry for more than twelve
years now. Below are brief details of some of the things carried out against
me under the name of alleged justice. Though I had not read Stephen Knights
book "The Brotherhood", chapter sixteen of it, which I recently read, aptly
describes most of the acts that have, and continue to be carried out against
me by a corrupt British judicial system.

I started investigating Freemasonry about twelve years ago after I had been
battered and then stuck by a car that was deliberately driven at me. The
matter was heard in Houghton-le-Spring Magistrates Court. Afterwards the man
who carried out that viscous act against me walked free from the court. His
very good social acquaintance, Mr. William Moseley, one of the many Mason
Magistrates, had sat on the bench when the matter went before the court.
Later he alleged that he had stood down. The remaining magistrate on the
bench that day was required by law to be a Stipendiary Magistrate. He was
not so qualified. My approach to Houghton-le-Spring Magistrates Court Clerk,
Mr Bavidge, brought his long awaited reply that the remaining magistrate had
gone on holiday so that it was not possible for him to verify whether or not
that magistrate had the necessary qualification to act alone. It is known
that Mr. Bavidge would not have needed to contact the magistrate concerned
to obtain that information. I referred the matter to 10 Downing Street who
passed it on to The Lord Chancellors Department. The letter of reply which I
received said that as it was considered the information which I was seeking
could be considered as being for mischievous purposes, it would not be given
to me. The matter was thus effectively covered up first by the Clerk to the
Justices and then The Lord Chancellors Department.

For these reasons I started to investigate Freemasonry in my local area. The
man who carried out the assault on me was a supplier of materials for
Masonic social functions and he too may well have been a Mason.

Around ten years ago I reported to my former Member of Parliament, Roland
Boyes, that Sunderland Civic Centre was a hot bed of Freemasonry. The reply
from him was, "if you have tangled with Freemasons you have bitten off more
than you can chew". He refused to assist me. When Mr C. Mullin MP also found
out that same fact nearly five years later it made headlines in the local
Press. I contacted Mr Mullin and remained in contact with him for some
years. Mr Mullin promised to resurrect his failed Secret Societies
Declaration Bill in the British Parliament. Despite nearly some five years
since his Bill failed, there have been no further moves to bring it back
before the British Parliament again.

I think it is necessary to give brief background details of the situation
leading up to what was to become the extensive use of corruption by judges
and solicitors clearly hell bent on bringing about my downfall. I was about
to step into the trap so clearly mentioned in chapter sixteen of the late
Stephen Knights book " The Brotherhood". "Get your man involved in something
legal-it need not be serious-and you have him.", Christopher the Whitehall
Masonic Civil Servant told Stephen. Christopher told the truth and I was to
learn that the hard way. It was in December of nineteen ninety eight before
I was to read that chapter so I had little prior awareness as to what was
about to be carried out against me by some of the Masonic scum of the earth.

In 1987 we got new and additional neighbours, Miss Shirley Carr, and Mr.
Thomas McCabe. McCabe had received compensation for a mining injury and it
was understood it had been used to purchase the fourteen acre site at the
rear of our home. They sited a large caravan on it next to our premises and
commenced to reside in it. There was no means of rubbish or sewerage
disposal, and combined with the waste from the many animals they brought
with them, our garden area started to be overrun by rodents. They purchased
the house next door in August of nineteen eighty eight. That was the start
of other problems for us. Carr's free ranging poultry, around one hundred of
them, and straying dogs which numbered five in all roamed the area. I was
attacked by her dogs while I stood in our garden. Carr's horses also caused
us problems. My wife was trampled by one of them after it had escaped. Her
injury lasted many weeks. Other of Carr's acts included the lighting of
large fires when my wife had her washing hanging out. The matter of the
establishment of Carr's smallholding was later to become an issue with
Sunderland Planning Authority and its corrupt members. The "closing of
Masonic ranks" against me, as warned by police Inspector Scott, was about to
take place.

McCabe deserted Carr after she had slandered him to ourselves and other
people in the neighbourhood. That served her purpose very nicely as it

[CTRL] [CIA-Drugs] Colby, the FLIR tape

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Michael Novick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:54:44 -0800
>From: Jon Roland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary

>In response to a message I forwarded from Ian Goddard, in which he cited
>an article from _American Freedom_ magazine, Vol. 1, No. 7, October,
>1996, consisting of a report by Gordon Novel of an interview with former
>CIA Director William Colby, and in which Goddard recalls Novel to have
>claimed to have received the FLIR footage that appeared in the Academy
>Award nominated documentary _Waco: the Rules of Engagement_ from Colby,
>who is also supposed to have said that President Clinton was "behind"
>the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, I received an email message
>from Michael McNulty, a producer of the Waco documentary, asking me to
>call him to get some corrections on that initial report. I called him
>January 29, 1999. The following is extracted from my telephone
>conversation with McNulty:
>In late 1993 the Davidian defense team received a copy of the FLIR
>footage from the FBI through discovery, but they were unable to play it
>in their machines. McNulty says he got the tape several months later,
>about April, 1994, after the Davidians had been convicted and while they
>were awaiting sentencing. The defense team had been unable to play the
>tape because it was in a super VHS format that was unlabeled. McNulty
>says the lack of a label was at least unprofessional, and at worst an
>attempt at obfuscation. McNulty provided a lengthy analysis of the tape
>in June, 1994, and returned the tape, after making a dub of it with the
>permission of the defense team, onto a digital D2 format. The defense
>team sent McNulty's analysis to the U.S. prosecutor, although McNulty's
>analysis did not identify the flashes as automatic firearms fire.
>It was about 18 months after McNulty got the tape that former CIA
>Director William Colby contacted Gordon Novel, who said that Colby sent
>two men to show Novel a high-quality, probably 1st-generation copy, of
>the FLIR footage, who pointed out to Novel what to look for on the tape
>and where to find it. However, they did not leave a copy of the tape
>with Novel at that time. What they pointed out were the signatures of
>automatic gunfire by assaulting troops directed at the only exits of the
>buildings, which the Davidians would have had to use to escape the fire.
>At that point McNulty had the only copy of the tape, a 3rd-generation
>digital D2 copy, other than the one retained by the Davidian defense
>lawyer he had obtained it from, and he refused to release it to anyone.
>He had already become friends with Gordon Novel, who had begun working
>as an investigator for the firm of Ramsey Clark, who had become one of
>several law firms representing the Davidians in their civil case.
>Novel told McNulty what Colby's men had told him, and McNulty then took
>his tape and the information delivered from Colby through Novel and
>sought an expert in interpreting FLIR footage who was not associated
>with the government in a way that the expert would not have wanted to
>work with McNulty. He found one in Dr. Edward Allard, who appears in the
>documentary with his analysis.
>In the meantime, Novel got himself in trouble and was put in jail in
>Ohio, and was interviewed by Don Weideman for a series of articles. It
>was during these interviews that Novel revealed he had a copy, probably
>a 3rd- or 4th-generation copy, of the FLIR footage.
>McNulty's 3rd-generation copy is the FLIR footage that was used in the
>documentary. Another dub was made of the 2nd-generation copy the defense
>attorney had, and it was that copy which was later passed on to the firm
>of Caddell and Chapman, and from them to the firm of former Attorney
>General Ramsey Clark. Novel got his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy from Jim
>Brannen, one of the civil litigation attorneys.
>Impatient with the delay in getting the footage to the public through
>the documentary, Novel took his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy of the FLIR
>footage to CBS Sixty Minutes, who sought their own expert analyst in
>the firm Infraspections, and that analyst confirmed Allard's analysis of
>the flashes as automatic weapons fire. Later, CBS Sixty Minutes
>personnel went to members of Congress on the committee investigating the
>incident, and misrepresented the results of their expert's analysis to
>those congressmen, saying the analyst found no sign of gunfire. They did
>not provide a copy of the tape or the analysis of their expert to those
>congressmen, who obtained the short segments they viewed during the
>hearings from Paul Gray and James Quintiari, federal arson investigators
>on the government team.
>That incident, and others, will be coming out in a new documentary
>McNulty is producing called _Waco: A New Revelation_, due out in late
>February or early March, 1999. In 1998, attorney David Hardy, al


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Clark Wilkins wrote:

> Please excuse my interruption.
> I feel I probably know as much about Ferenc Nagy and Permindex as
> anyone
> on this site.
> Nagy has been identified here as a Nazi, a Hungarian, and a former
> premier.  He was all of those things.  By 1957 he was trying to free
> Hungary from Soviet oppression and probably for the purpose of placing
> it
> under his own oppression.  In doing so, he sought aid from the US
> State
> Dept (arms) and the Italian royal family which had supported him in
> his
> days as a Nazi.  Nagy envisioned smuggling arms into Europe via "trade
> marts".  He did not then know that Shaw already operated a Trade Mart.
> With State Dept knowledge (and probably at the suggestion of CD
> Jackson)
> Nagy called on Shaw and formed Permindex.
> The CIA denies Permindex was a front company of theirs but they do
> admit
> to keeping a file on Permindex.
> Supporting the CIA's claim, the company was predominately foreign
> owned.
> Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
> Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
> board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the
> Italian
> royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board
> in
> the exact same numbers.
> Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
> reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
> Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this
> group.
> Tracking Permindex's bank financing leads back, in part, to the US
> and was almost certainly done with CIA knowledge and approval.  The
> knew Nagy well.  Still, there is no indication that the CIA was
> providing
> any leadership role in Permindex.  It simply did not interfere with
> it's
> existence.  Instead, the evidence indicates that the officers,
> directors,
> and stockholders looked to British intelligence for leadership.  The
> US
> and Britain have formed coalitions  in the past (WWI, WWII, Korea, and
> Iraq) and Permindex appears to have been an Italian, American, and
> British coalition organized and led by the British (for purposes I
> won't
> go into here).
>  As for the claim that Permindex was kicked out of Switzerland, it
> was not.  Permindex moved out of Switzerland because "someone else"
> was
> kicked out of Switzerland who they were working very closely with and
> they needed to maintain that relationship.  That's how that story got
> started.  It's really not that far off base anyway.
>  I have no idea if DeGaulle ever publicly accused Permindex of
> trying
> to kill him.  I doubt it.  DeGaulle was provided a report by French
> intelligence which identified Permindex as trying to assassinate him
> on
> behalf of Israel.  There is some misinformation and many false
> conclusions in this report (It's about as accurate as the President's
> Commission on Pornography).  It's purpose was more political than
> accurate.  By way of comparison, it was a French SDECE agent that
> wrote
> "Farewell, America".  So you can get idea of the work.  Anyway,
> Charles
> DeGaulle did not believe any reports issued to him at the time by the
> SDECE so I doubt if he took it seriously.
>  Did Permindex get involved in assassination?  I would say yes.
> Did
> that include JFK's assassination?  As a corporate effort I can state
> with
> 100% certainty that Permindex was not involved.  Some Permindex
> connections to Dallas do exist, however, which deserve attention but I
> don't think Clay Shaw is amongst them.
>  That's my 2 bits worth.
>  Hope it helps.
> .Clark

British intelligence for leadership you say?
Yet at least two company officers were ex OSS.
Bloomfield who was president I think and Shaw.
Knowing Shaw's history makes it unlikely that
he was one of these unaware directors you are
referring to.
It has been said on this group recently that the
major funding came from Canada. I forget his
name but it was said to be the then head of
This poster is an anti Zionist Hollocaust
Revisionist also tho and was grinding his own
axe at the same time.
I refer to B. Flat of course.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Availa

[CTRL] Fw: Clay Shaw on the Soviet Trade War 1958

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Leo Sgouros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk,alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: Clay Shaw on the Soviet Trade War 1958

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
><792kij$hg7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>New Orleans Times-Picayune July 5, 1958 P30
>>Red Trade War Methods Noted
>>   The trade war on the West begun by the Soviets indicates that
>>they have reached an economy with a tolerable level of consumer
>>goods, Clay Shaw, managing director of the International Trade
>>Mart, said Thursday [3rd] at a meeting of the Executives Club
>>at the Roosevelt Hotel.
>>   The Russians control production like we control our Army, Shaw
>>said, adding that production can be used by the Russinas to either
>>reward or punish other nations by overproduction or sharing the
>>   Recently, he said, the Russians have "played hob" with the
>>world's aluminum market by cutting down sharply on their prices.
>>They see no need for making profit and will sell at a loss solely
>>to gain economoc control of other nations.
>>   The answer to this trade war is a closer integration of the
>>economies of the Free Western World to make our own productions
>>more stable, Shaw concluded.
>>New Orleans Times Picayune August 3, 1958 P5
>>Architect Due to Study Mart
>>Noted Designer Arrives in City Monday
>>   [brief quotation:]
>>   "Our project [new ITM building] will be a symbol in stone and
>>steel," said [William] Zetzmann [ITM president]. "It will mean
>>that New Orleans has enlisted for the duration in the economic war
>>Russia has declared upon the west."
>>[end of articles]
>>Jerry Shinley
>>---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
>>   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
>thank you for posting that.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: Shaw and the NAZI's

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Jim Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 3:49 AM
Subject: Shaw and the NAZI's

>On 30 Jan 1999 20:28:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clark Wilkins) wrote:
>>Please excuse my interruption.
>No excuses necessary!  Thanks for the post.
>>I feel I probably know as much about Ferenc Nagy and Permindex as anyone
>>on this site.
>>Nagy has been identified here as a Nazi, a Hungarian, and a former
>>premier.  He was all of those things.  By 1957 he was trying to free
>>Hungary from Soviet oppression and probably for the purpose of placing it
>>under his own oppression.  In doing so, he sought aid from the US State
>>Dept (arms) and the Italian royal family which had supported him in his
>>days as a Nazi.  Nagy envisioned smuggling arms into Europe via "trade
>>marts".  He did not then know that Shaw already operated a Trade Mart.
>>With State Dept knowledge (and probably at the suggestion of CD Jackson)
>>Nagy called on Shaw and formed Permindex.
>Nagy announced plans to organize Permindex in Basel, Switzerland on
>U.S. State Dept/Basel Consulate memos on Permindex started just a few days
>later.  For details on why Nagy's public statements concerning financing of
>trade center/hotel/office complex should have immediately attracted U.S.
>interest, see below.
>>The CIA denies Permindex was a front company of theirs but they do admit
>>to keeping a file on Permindex.
>>Supporting the CIA's claim, the company was predominately foreign owned.
>>Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
>>Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
>>board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the Italian
>>royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board in
>>the exact same numbers.
>>Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
>>reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
>>Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this group.
>What evidence is there that Shaw was unaware of the operations of the
>he co-directed?  He had three completely different highways leading to the
>truth: one through Permindex/CMC channels, the second through USG contacts,
>the last through Canadian and European press reports.
>>Tracking Permindex's bank financing leads back, in part, to the US
>>and was almost certainly done with CIA knowledge and approval.  The CIA
>>knew Nagy well.  Still, there is no indication that the CIA was providing
>>any leadership role in Permindex.  It simply did not interfere with it's
>>existence.  Instead, the evidence indicates that the officers, directors,
>>and stockholders looked to British intelligence for leadership.  The US
>>and Britain have formed coalitions  in the past (WWI, WWII, Korea, and
>>Iraq) and Permindex appears to have been an Italian, American, and
>>British coalition organized and led by the British (for purposes I won't
>>go into here).
>> As for the claim that Permindex was kicked out of Switzerland, it
>>was not.  Permindex moved out of Switzerland because "someone else" was
>>kicked out of Switzerland who they were working very closely with and
>>they needed to maintain that relationship.  That's how that story got
>>started.  It's really not that far off base anyway.
>Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which shared directors with Permindex, was
>out of Italy because of reports of its true activities in the Italian
>the leftist _Paesa Sera_ newspaper and the conservative _De La Sera_.  CMC
>Permindex were closely related.
>> I have no idea if DeGaulle ever publicly accused Permindex of trying
>>to kill him.  I doubt it.  DeGaulle was provided a report by French SDECE
>>intelligence which identified Permindex as trying to assassinate him on
>>behalf of Israel.  There is some misinformation and many false
>>conclusions in this report (It's about as accurate as the President's
>>Commission on Pornography).  It's purpose was more political than
>>accurate.  By way of comparison, it was a French SDECE agent that wrote
>>"Farewell, America".  So you can get idea of the work.  Anyway, Charles
>>DeGaulle did not believe any reports issued to him at the time by the
>>SDECE so I doubt if he took it seriously.
>On the other hand, assuming for a moment that French intel got it right,
>whole idea must have seemed absurd to a Wold War II veteran like DeGaulle,
>had seen the liberation efforts of his nation led by the United States.
>> Did Permindex get involved in assassination?  I would say yes.  Did
>>that include JFK's assassination?  As a corporate effort I can state with
>>100% certainty that Permindex was not involved.  Some Permindex
>>connections to Dallas do exist, however, which deserve attention but I
>>don't think Clay Shaw is amongst them.
>Thanks very much for

[CTRL] Clay Shaw and French Intelligence

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Clark Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Clay Shaw and the Gestapo
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 3:20 PM

>>Supporting the CIA's claim, the company [Permindex] was predominately
foreign owned.

>>Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
>>Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
>>board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the Italian

>>royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board
>>the exact same numbers.
>>Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
>>reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
>>Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this group.

>What evidence is there that Shaw was unaware of the operations of the
>he co-directed?

No evidence.  In fact it is easier to demonstrate that he was aware than
it is to demonstrate he was "unaware".  Yet I don't have evidence he
participated in the company's "shady" operations.  I admit it's a fine
line, but Shaw is a collector of economic information (Such as when
Shinley posted his 1958 speech on Soviet aluminum prices) versus a
plotter of gov't intrigue.

  He had three completely different highways leading to the
>truth: one through Permindex/CMC channels, the second through USG
>the last through Canadian and European press reports.

>Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which shared directors with Permindex, was
booted out of Italy because of reports of its true activities in the Italian
press: the leftist _Paesa Sera_ newspaper and the conservative _De La Sera_.
CMC and Permindex were closely related.<

They were more than just closely related.  CMC bought Permindex in 1961.
CMC was caught funding activities directed against the Communist Party
(CP) in Italy, something a foreign company is not allowed to do.
CIA records show that the CIA was funding actions against the CP in Italy
at the very time CMC was caught.

>Thanks very much for this post.
>Following is additional information from _Destiny Betrayed_ by James
>DiEugenio_.  This material is excerpted with the permission of the

>The origins of Permindex and the CMC lie in Switzerland in
>1956. On December 28, Ferenc Nagy, former premier of
>Hungary, announced his intent to form a "permanent indus-
>trial exhibition" named Permindex, in Basel.3

This follows the unsuccessful Nov/Dec 1956 Hungarian revolution in which
the Hungarians, after listening to CIA Radio Free Europe broadscasts,
threw the Soviets out - only to have them return with tanks.  It got real
ugly after that.

>After his announcement in December 1956, Nagy outlined
>a large, three-part construction project to include a trade
>center, a hotel, and an office center.6  He was unwilling to
>reveal the people and firms involved in financing the project,
>and denied any American backing. But he dropped the name
>of J. Henry Schroder, a New York banker. Schroder denied
>having anything to do with the enterprise.7 Nagy then men-
>tioned Hans Seligman, a Swiss banker.8 This generated some
>controversy, not only because Seligman's bank was not a
>major house, but also because he had been accused by both
>the U.S. and the U.K. of cooperating with fascists during
>World War II.9 Things got worse when it was discovered that
>George Mantello was also involved.10 Mantello's real name
>was George Mandel. His name brought about attacks in the
>Swiss papers against Permindex, its organizers, and the
>Swiss government. The Arbeiter-Zeitung accused Mandel of
>being a gold profiteer during the war and of working the
>Jewish refugee racket. He had done both while holding Sal-
>vadoran citizenship and acting as secretary at the El Salvador
>Consulate in Geneva. Mandel was a naturalized Swiss citizen
>of Eastern European origin, who had aided Nagy in his flight
>from Hungary and helped him get established in America."11

This is the Hungarian Fascist connection to Permindex I mentioned in my

>At this point, two things happened. In April of 1957, two
>local officials interested in getting Permindex approved went
>to New Orleans to visit the International Trade Mart.

They were not "local".  One of the two men was Ferenc Nagy.  Nagy had
gone to see CD Jackson (Who oversaw the CIA's Radio Free Europe for
Eisenhower) to complain about the lack of CIA and US support to back the
Hungarian revolution.  It was after seeing Jackson that Nagy went to New
Orleans where he met with Clay Shaw.

12 By the
>next year, the directors of Permindex decided to move their
>company to Italy. The same people were involved: Nagy,
>Mandel, and Seligman, with one addition, Clay Shaw.13 Shaw
>later became associated with CMC, which had been formed
>in 1961 by reputed former OSS operative Major Louis
>Bloomfield.14  Curiously, CMC also moved to Rome, t

[CTRL] Bloodless Coup

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-



Sunday, January 24, 1999

"I do believe that this is a battle," the first lady said. "Look at the very
people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. The
great story here for anybody willing to find it, write about it and explain
it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my
husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have
kind of caught on to it and explained it, but it has not yet been fully
revealed to the American public. And actually, you know, in a bizarre sort
of way, this may do it." -- Hillary Clinton on NBC's Today, Jan 27, 1998
The Christian Far right is behind this move for impeachment. The Christian
Far Right has captured control of the Republican Party. The so-called
Republican "moderates" who say Clinton hasn't confessed enough for them are
full of shit. The 81 questions that philanderer Henry Hyde sent the
president are 81 variations of "When did you stop beating your wife?" Like
Kenneth Starr (Inspector Shithound), these mean-spirited idiots are out to
get the President as an act of vengeance at any cost to the nation. What the
neo fascist Christian Far Right is really trying to do is impose its
puritanical morality on the rest of the nation. --Al Aronowitz
Sen. Ted Stevens R-AK (202) 224-3004 (907) 271-5915
Sen. John McCain R-AZ (202) 224-2235 (602) 952-2410
Sen. Joseph Lieberman D-CT (202) 224-4041 (860) 549-8463
Sen. Olympia J. Snowe R-ME (202) 224-5344 (207) 874-0883
Sen. Susan M. Collins R-ME (202) 224-2523 (207) 945-0417
Sen. Spencer Abraham R-MI (202) 224-4822 (616) 975-1112
Sen. Bob Kerrey D-NE (202) 224-6551 (402) 391-3411
Sen. Richard H. Bryan D-NV (202) 224-6244 (702) 686-5770
Sen. Ron Wyden D-OR (202) 224-5244 (503) 326-7525
Sen. Arlen Specter R-PA (202) 224-4254 (215) 597-7200
Sen. John H. Chafee R-RI (202) 224-2921 (401) 453-5294
Sen. John W. Warner R-VA (202) 224-2023 (804) 771-2579
Sen. Charles S. Robb D-VA (202) 224-4024 (804) 771-2221
Sen. James M. Jeffords R-VT (202) 224-5141 (802) 223-5273
Sen. Slade Gorton R-WA (202) 224-3441 (425) 451-0103
Sen. Russell Feingold D-WI (202) 224-5323 (414) 276-7282
CALL 1-877-TO-MOVEON (1-877-866-6836)to be connected to your own Senators
for FREE

I have not been able to unearth evidence of a conspiracy in the impeachment
of President Clinton. I have neither the resources or the power to do so.
However, if there was a conspiracy, all of the players in Zippergate had a
background in the intelligence community and were capable of carrying out a
bloodless coup. The impeachment of the President of the United States was
caused by a group of intelligence community professionals who worked
together under the auspices of billionaire DICK SCAIFE. LINDA TRIPP must
have been aware of the Scaife organization when she was White House, Special
Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Media Affairs from 1991 to
1992. In this position she was able to examine and interact with the media
outlets in Washington. Having had a background in counter-insurgency, she,
naturally, gravitated toward those financed by SCAIFE, since Scaife was
behind much of the far right's operations. SCAIFE was connected to LUCIANNE
GOLDBERG. LINDA TRIPP claims conservative commentator Tony Snow turned her
on to GOLDBERG. Snow, who once worked for the Moonies, verified this. The
Moonies were financed by Japanese war criminals. It was no accident that
LUCIANNE GOLDBERG worked with ALFRED REGNERY, a man with isolationist and
pro-Nazi forebearers. Regnery was friends with KEN STARR, and RICHARD
SCAIFE, who had worked in the CIA for decades and runs his own version of
the Agency whose purpose is to bring down President Clinton. This researcher
detects the hand of a rightwing invisible government attempting to overthrow
a democratically elected President, in a bloodless coup.

In the mid-1970's I worked with Congressman Henry Gonzalez, of San Antonio,
Texas, in an investigation of the Kennedy assassination. I compiled a data
base on Coup D'Etats and political assassinations. I compared the names of
individuals involved in the Clinton-Lewinsky affair against this data base
and against a master index of intelligence books indexes known as Public
Information Research, and I detected a correlation.

According to the Washington Post:

Tripp's discussions with agent Goldberg about a book began in the summer of
1996 after a furor over publication of Gary W. Aldrich's "Unlimited Access:
an FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House." Full of assertions about drug
use, rampant theft, open gay/lesbian sex and late night disappearances by
the president, it was assailed harshly and repeatedly by the White House,
but rose to the best-seller lists nonetheless.

In her grand jury testimony

[CTRL] Hearings--CIA and Cocaine??

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What about House Hearings on CIA and Cocaine??
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 2:11 PM

The House hearings on the CIA and links to contra cocaine traffickers
as reflected in the Hitz Report was scheduled for January, and
postponed till February. So they will fall right in the midst of the
impeachment trial - will they be covered by the media who have not
even reported on the Hitz Report? Is this a real worry to both Dem and
Repub leaders since the Iran-Contra shinanigans implicated leaders in
both parties?

Maybe this is what Clinton is holding over the Senate...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Lawyers Unconstitutional Control of the Nation

1998-12-12 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


•Lawyers are amoral by definition and necessity, and as such should not be
making the rules for the rest of society to live by.

I contend that we can do without 95% of the minutia many laws have evolved
into largely because lawyers write them. Again we have courts to resort to
when necessary.
I have full confidence in my fellow (non-lawyer) citizens to maintain a
that will meet our needs as well (or better) as our current one had up until
the last 30 years or so, about when the legal profession proliferated
uncontrollably and the ENTITY that is the legal profession began tweaking
system to protect itself via legislation.

I find it helpful to think of the legal community as a Living Organism (An
organism's highest duty is to survive) where the individual cells go about
doing their own thing and are not (necessarily) aware of the survival
of the Organism or how it manipulates its environment for its own purpose.
do they see their contribution to that manipulation or how it may damage
others outside their environment.

Incidentally, the "Organism Theory" (OT as I call it) works well to explain
bureaucracies and other seemingly senseless or contradictory ENTITIES. I
always got bogged down trying to make sense of them until I came up with the
OT. I was focusing on the individual parts and missing "The Big Picture".


I don't particularly care for lawyers myself, even though I happen to be
one, as are some of my very good friends.  I find this statement to be
totally asinine.  Amoral by whose definition?  It's not lawyers per se who
are to blame for "making the rules for the rest of society to live by" (as
though lawyers are not themselves a part of that society); it's the belief
of the public that legislation is the answer to everything.  There was a
time when a person could learn the law simply by working as an apprentice to
a practicing attorney to find out how to research judicial precedents and
making a cogent argument before a judge and jury about equity and fairness,
coupled with legal consistency.  Not so any more.  Law no longer consists of
well-reasoned opinions based on the study of jurisprudence and justice.
Everything is statutory (intricately detailed) or even more detailed in the
form of administrative regulations.  No lawyer can keep up with all the
changes in the law.  A person who wants to fight for justice finds himself
trapped in a quagmire of meaningless verbiage.

The problem is greater than the fact that laws are written and interpreted
by men and women trained to speak and write in a particular style.  The real
problem is the microcosm mentality which overlooks the Big Picture, the
historical perspective.  That problem is endemic in every facet of American
life today.  In Texas the State Bar this year increased the mandatory
continuing legal education requirement for ethics from one to three hours a
year.  That means we have to attend seminars analyzing the code of
professional ethics, which are silly rules passed to control how lawyers
deal with their clients.  The reason this seems necessary to the powers that
be is that most people don't know the difference between right and wrong;
they don't have the vaguest idea about honesty, truth or fairness.  So
somebody decided to write rules that set up a standard of behavior.  The
more rules there are, the easier it is to selectively enforce them against
enemies of those in power.

Without that system of detailed statutory law, this contrived impeachment
would not be taking place.  The inquiry is not about morality, perjury,
obstruction of "justice" or anything else other than raw power politics and
gamesmanship.  It is selective manipulation of rules of conduct to advance a
particular agenda.  If this inquiry was really concerned with justice, we'd
be hearing about what went on at Mena.  But then that would bring up the
CIA's role in the crack-cocaine trafficking which was so easily swept under
the rug in San Jose.  Even with Lawrence Walsh's Iran-Contra report
detailing the crimes of the Reagan-Bush cabinet, there was the Big Pardon,
and then everyone forgot all about what really happened and who did what.
The acts of those men were traitorous, and they were all let off.  Those
guys weren't lawyers; they were engineers, businessmen, and most of all
securities peddlers.  The word "attorney" simply means a person who acts on
behalf of someone else; an agent.  The biggest problem with lawyers is that
they believe in the adversary process--that they represent the person who
pays them to the best of their ability.  Do you seriously think your
proposal would keep the vested interests, who don't want their interests
divested, from finding someone else to protect them?

What's ironic about your entire article is that you're trying to do exactly
what you're ranting against--writing insipid legislation that doesn't really
address the evil but just further complicates t

Re: [CTRL] OEN 12/12/98

1998-12-12 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

J. Orlin Grabbe
Saturday, December 12, 1998 11:01 AM
Subject: [CTRL] OEN 12/12/98
>Dolly Kyle Browning Sworn Declaration Presented to
>the House Judiciary Committee on 12/11/98
>Declaration Of Dolly Kyle Browning
>For Submission to the United States House of Representatives
>Committee on the Judiciary
>In the Impeachment Proceedings of
>William Jefferson Clinton
>I, Dolly Kyle Browning, being duly sworn, hereby depose and say:

>2. I am an attorney and have been licensed to practice law in the State
>of Texas since 1977. I am a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, an honor
>limited to one-third of ONE PERCENT of Texas lawyers. I am submitting
>this Declaration and supporting exhibits to the U.S. House of
>Representatives Committee on the Judiciary because I could not live with
>my conscience if I did not.


Clinton's 'Pretty Girl' tells of 33-year Affair

The Times of London November 15 1997 Not Credited

November 15 1997 UNITED STATES

Mrs Browning met the future President at high school.

Clinton's 'Pretty Girl' tells of 33-year affair.

HE CALLED her My Pretty Girl, but she knew him as plain Billy Clinton: the
man with whom Dolly Kyle Browning claims she maintained an affair for three
decades - a relationship which ended only when he became President of the
United States.

For years Mrs Browning, 49, has kept her silence. Even when the Clinton
campaign threatened to destroy her if she co-operated with a tabloid
magazine in 1992, she protected his privacy. But now she has completed a
fictional account of their partnership and, as President Clinton faces the
embarrassment of the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit, a trial for which
Mrs Browning has been subpoenaed to testify, she has finally agreed to talk
for the first time about 33 years in Mr Clinton's thrall.

It is an extraordinary and often sad story which began on a golf course in
Arkansas when she was 11 and ended at the thirtieth reunion of their high
school class in Hot Springs three years ago.

During an interview at the Dallas home she shares with her third husband,
Mrs Browning described an affair that devastated her life; a sometimes
sexual and emotional relationship that she still finds hard to discuss.

While she is clearly an addictive personality and openly admits to more than
a decade in therapy to resolve her sexual addiction, Mrs Browning said her
unrequited love for Mr Clinton should have ended where it began, in the
classroom at Hot Springs. "I would say that his being President of the
United States is absolutely irrelevant," she said. "Being in love with
someone who is not emotionally available is unhealthy and ultimately

"And it can be romanticised and it can be rationalised but once it was clear
that the relationship was not going to go properly towards marriage, then it
should have been over."

The two apparently were immediately attracted to each other but never had
any sexual contact at school. It was only afterwards, when she was at the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock and then moved to Dallas that they
would spend countless hours together, sometimes talking into the night,
taking long drives and occasionally arranging clandestine meetings in

As she tells it, they corresponded regularly and, whenever she returned to
Arkansas to stay with her mother or sister, Mr Clinton would call and they
would meet. She was invited to parties with friends and, when he became the
state Governor, functions at the mansion, most often when Hillary Clinton
was away.

A competent musician - she played the organ in her local church from an
early age - Mrs Browning wrote two dozen love songs for the nascent
politician. "There would be times when it would be sexual and there would be
many more times when it was not. It wasn't a relationship where every time
we got together we went to bed," she said. "We had this attraction and I
have to think it was mutual. We talked a lot, we corresponded with each
other. And Billy would use me as a sounding board a lot about his political

Mrs Browning, a Southern girl to the roots of her blonde hair, described the
Hot Springs of their childhood as a hotbed of adultery. Only faithful
couples warranted conversation. It was a den of gambling and insider
dealing, an early influence that many of his critics believe has been
reflected throughout Mr Clinton's career, whether in the Whitewater fiasco
or the raising of irregular funds for his re-election last year.

As their affair progressed, Mrs Browning saw two marriages fall apart. By
1986 she was sleeping with multiple partners and decided to enter therapy
for her sexual addiction. It was there that counsellors recommended she
write down her feelings about the relationship, sentiments that appeared
recently as fiction in Purposes of the Heart, her first novel.

Publishers in New York looked at the manuscript and said that Mrs Browning

[CTRL] From Eugenics to Assassination--part 1

1999-07-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Subject: British Psychiatry & Eugenics/Assassination From:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sale) Date: 1996/12/28 Message-Id:
<5a3cug$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Organization: Uknown Newsgroups:

British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination

by Anton Chaitkin

A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by
the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with
the Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other
British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies. The project became
famous in the 1970s under a CIA code name, ``MK-Ultra.'' Its notoriety for
brainwashing by drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and other tortures caused
many books to be written about the project, and the U.S. Senate conducted
hearings which exposed many of its abusive features. President Gerald Ford
appointed a commission headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, to
correct the CIA's misconduct. There was a widespread anti-establishment view
at the time, that here was the fox appointed to guard the hen house. The
intelligence agencies offered a public rationale for the project: the need
to counteract and compete with the mind-control capabilities of the
communists. This was largely based on the fact that U.S. personnel held
prisoner by the enemy in the Korean War had signed false confessions of
crimes, and some had defected to North Korea, the apparent result of
brainwashing. {The Manchurian Candidate,} a 1959 book which was made into a
popular movie in 1962, reflected this rationale. It told the story of a
communist plot to use a U.S. soldier brainwashed in Manchuria as a
zombie-assassin, to kill the leading U.S. presidential candidate. A central
theme of MK-Ultra was to attempt to control the human mind in a similar way.
Threatened and accomplished assassination of political leaders has become
increasingly frequent in public life since the 1960s. Just since the 1992
election campaign, for example, President Bill Clinton has been the target
of at least 15 assassination threats. Many of these would-be killers, and
many of the assassins of past years, had been in destructive psychiatric
programs, or were members of psychiatrically manipulated cults. The present
threats are the more meaningful, in the context of the British-led
Whitewater scandal directed against the presidency. It is long past time for
a thorough public inquiry into the assassination epidemic, whereby its
relationship to the official project to {create assassins} would be fully
explored. A great obstacle to clear thinking in this area has been the
assumption that the U.S. government would not sponsor programs for the
murder of American leaders. This logical assumption misses the point, that
the overall project, including ``MK-Ultra,'' has been foreign-sponsored and
anti-American in its purposes. We shall outline here the British background
of this deeply criminal enterprise, with its roots in the political and
psychiatric movement called eugenics.

- 1909-13: the buildup to World War I -

John D. Rockefeller created the family-run {{Rockefeller Foundation,}} in
parallel with the birth of the British-inspired Federal Reserve, the
Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In
1909-13 and subsequent years, Rockefeller transferred blocs of the
family-owned Standard Oil Co. worth more than $300 million to the account of
the foundation under its trustees who were family members, and their
employees. Thus was established a global instrument for radical social
change, using American money and British strategy. John D. Rockefeller had
begun his oil business in the 1860s with British capital. The family's
relationship to the British Empire a half-century later was centered in the
person of John D. 's brother {{William Rockefeller,}} the president of
Standard Oil of New York (later Mobil) and the founder of National City Bank
(later Citibank). In 1911, brother William employed, in a private capacity
through his elite social club, a high-ranking British secret intelligence
service officer named Claude Dansey. As the United States prepared to ally
itself in World War I with its old enemy Britain, Dansey personally
reorganized the U.S. Army intelligence service into an adjunct of the
British secret service. Dansey's loyal U.S. follower, {{Gen. Marlborough
Churchill}} (a distant relative of Britain's Winston Churchill) soon became
director of U.S. military intelligence. After World War I, General Churchill
headed up the ``Black Chamber,'' a New York-based espionage group serving
the State Department, the U.S. Army, and private New York financiers loyal
to Great Britain. This same General Churchill would soon launch a medical
research organization, the Macy Foundation, for the Rockefellers and British

- 1920s: the pre-Hitler era in Germany -

The Rockefeller Foundation poured money into

[CTRL] From Eugenics to Assassination--part 2

1999-07-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Subject: British Psychiatry & Eugenics/Assassination From:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sale) Date: 1996/12/28 Message-Id:
<5a3cug$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Organization: Uknown Newsgroups:

British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination

by Anton Chaitkin

Part 2


1.  ``The Rockefeller Foundation and German Biomedical Sciences, 1920-1940:
Educational Philanthropy to International Science Policy'' by Paul Weindling
in the book {Science, Politics and the Public Good: Essays in Honour of
Margaret Gowing,} London, Macmillan Press, 1988.

1950s: MK-Ultra

The outrages perpetrated by Ewen Cameron became the most notorious aspect of
the postwar Anglo-American mind-control program. Cameron had trained at the
Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, under eugenicist Sir David Henderson, and
founded the Canadian branch of his friend John R. Rees's World Federation
for Mental Health. In the various member countries and subdivisions, these
channels of British intelligence operations are known as the national,
provincial, or state {{Mental Health Associations.} } Cameron was also
elected president of the Canadian, American, and world psychiatric
associations. He became famous after the CIA was sued by some survivors of
his work--because the CIA had financed the tortures. Cameron would drug his
victims to sleep for weeks on end, waking them daily only to administer
violent electric shocks to the brain. He used the British Page-Russell
electroconvulsive method, an initial one-second shock, then five to nine
additional shocks, administered while the patient was in seizure. But he
increased the normal voltage and the number of sequences from one to two or
three times per day. Patients lost all or part of their memories, and some
lost the ability to control their bodily functions and to speak. At least
one patient was reduced almost to a vegetable; then Cameron had the
coginitve centers of her brain surgically cut apart, while keeping her
alive. Some subjects were deposited permanently in institutions for the
hopelessly insane. For the CIA, Cameron tested the South American poison
called curare, which kills a victim while simulating natural heart failure.
But Cameron claims to have used it only in non-lethal doses to further
immobilize his subjects while they were kept in sensory deprivation tortures
for as long as 65 days. Then they would be given lysergic acid diethylamide
(LSD) for ``programmable'' hallucinations. When the subject was sufficiently
devastated, Cameron and his assistant, a veteran of the British Royal
Signals Corps, would begin ``Psychic Driving'': Through a loudspeaker hidden
under the pillow, or through unremovable earphones, they would play a tape
over and over again to burn certain phrases into what was left of the
victim's memory. The CIA was found to have financed these horrors, as well
as ghastly experiments in other locations, using a front called the Society
for the Study of Human Ecology. (The society gave a grant for a study of the
effects of circumcision on young Turkish boys, the grantees to be in
Istanbul, studying five to seven year olds and their problems with their
genitals. It is claimed that this was intended to give a cover to the CIA
front as a real academic organization.)

- The question of sponsorship -

But the authorship of this enterprise cannot reasonably be assigned to the
CIA, per se. Even before we review other agencies' direct involvement, we
must understand that the CIA chief during MK-Ultra, Allen Dulles, was
thoroughly attached to British Empire geopolitical aims. Introduced to
British spies by his uncle Robert Lansing, Woodrow Wilson's secretary of
state, Dulles had had a strong personal identification since childhood with
the British Secret Intelligence Service. The Dulles family's upper
class-status in America began when ancestor William Dulles arrived in South
Carolina from India. With a fortune made in India by providing financial and
security services for the British East India Company army, he bought a slave
plantation which the family held through the American Civil War. The
family's mental life was always that of the British Empire and its American
colonial subordinates. Allen Dulles's main corporate activity was as a
director of the J. Henry Schroder banking company in London, a prime
instrument in Montagu Norman's nazification of Germany. As partners in the
Sullivan and Cromwell firm, Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles
represented the Rockefeller-Harriman- Warburg combination, I.G. Farben, and
virtully every other Nazi corporate organization that danced on London's
marionette strings. It was disclosed that for MK-Ultra, particularly for the
experimental use and distribution of LSD, the CIA operated through another
front, the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. But the geometry of the ``front''
really worked the other way around. The Macy Foundation represented t

Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr. I've figured it out!!!!!

1999-07-17 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Do you mean Montauk?  The Nazi haven and underground tunnels used for time

-Original Message-
From: YnrChyldzWyld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] JFK Jr. I've figured it out!

> -Caveat Lector-
>On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Tenorlove wrote:
>>Here's the scenario:
>>3 years ago, TWA Flight 800 went down off the coast of Martha's
>You're a couple of hundred miles off...
>It went down well west of Martha's Vineyard, at approximately the
>midpoint and south of Long Island...
>The graphics they're showing on the local southern CT and NYC news
>indicate that they think JFK Jr's plane went down at approximately the
>midpoint of Long Island, but off the North Shore, in the Mattituck
>area...if that's the case, the plane would be in Long Island Sound, not
>the Atlantic...
>June ;-)
>  Kite
>So many things you want to see
>And as you ask I'll set you free
>But as you fly
>You'll touch the sky
>And touch the heart
>Within me
>  Fly away.
>-- Bob Childs
>revcoal AT connix DOT com
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: New York Italians & Texas Oil Men & Gideon & The Looking Glass

1999-07-18 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

What does this mean?

Linda Minor

>>If we remember correctly, his father's death was a combo intelligence
machine, Italian and texas oil man deal. If the currency flip or technology
transfer we are coming into after the next election is as big as I believe
it is, particularly if the plan is to cold turkey the US and flip it to the
legal model is underway, making sure there are no next generation seeds out
there beyond machine control is a sound investment if you look at the world
from the old world model. Most of the guys controlling these days are pretty
old world.<<

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 5:22 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: New York Italians & Texas Oil Men & Gideon & The
Looking Glass


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] From the Newshawk: JFK, JR. Disappearance and Missing Radar Images

1999-07-19 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

For a discussion of the Camerons, see the Peter Moon books about Duncan
Cameron (Montauk)
as well as psychiatrist Ewen Cameron of MKUltra fame.

Linda Minor

>>There is also an angle here of power struggles between varying families,
bloodlines and factions thereof. Of course JFK Jr.'s bloodline is
well-known. Indications are the Kennedys are in fact related to the
Camerons--a family which has shown up repeatedly in secret society/
brotherhood circles tied to world power elements.<<

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 9:58 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [RuMills] From the Newshawk: JFK, JR. Disappearance and
Missing Radar Images


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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