Re: Serveur mysql ou php hors jeu

2012-06-24 Thread zuthos

Bzzz a écrit :

 Non, non, voir +bas (niark, niark niark:)

G... m'apprendra a pas me relire. :-D

 Ben l'interpénétartatnio n'est pas bonne: as-tu _viré_ memcached_?

Voila, viré memcached et re-installé php5
Toi est rentré dans l'ordre.


Quand je mourrai, je voudrais faire comme mon père : partir calmement
pendant mon sommeil. Pas en criant de terreur comme ses passagers..

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Re: Freeze regulier

2012-06-24 Thread Christian Ottié

On 12/06/2012 17:04, Christian wrote:

On 12/06/2012 09:35, wrote:



J'ai un pc neuf composé de:
Intel I7 3770
8Go Kingston (j'ai plus la ref)

La machine est extrement stable sous windows, mais sous WHEEZY 
(testing) elle se plante a n'importe quel moment.

L'ecran se freeze et obliger de rebooter.
upgrade de WHEEZY fait, upgrade du bios de la carte mere aussi, 
veille desactivé, gestion des ventilateurs desactivé, et ça 
freeze toujours n'importe quand.

ça peut planter au bout de 5minutes comme de 10h mais souvent plus 
proches des 5minutes :( des logiciels ouverts ou sans rien avoir touché.




Même problème 


i7 3770K + Asus P8H77-V + 8 Go Kingston, BIOS upgradé.
Memtest, montée en charge, température,  OK.
Mais tjrs des plantages aléatoires, l'image reste à l'écran mais plus 
de clavier/souris/accès réseau, en général pendant une interaction 
avec souris/écran

Il semble que le problème soit connu et certains l'on résolu par un 
passage au noyau 3.3 ou 3.4



J'ai installé un kernel 3.4 il y a une dizaine de jours, et plus de 
freeze depuis.

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Re: Serveur de secours

2012-06-24 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:04:29AM +0200,
 Steven D wrote 
 a message of 174 lines which said:

 Ta démarche me semble la bonne.

Je trouve aussi.

 Il faudras juste attendre un temps de propagations dns, d'environ 24
 heures maximum suivant les FAIs.

Euh, non, désolé, mais c'est n'importe quoi, cette phrase.

Sinon, en parlant du DNS, outre l'excellente suggestion de 
Daniel Caillibaud sur le serveur de messagerie, je suggère aussi
d'abaisser les TTL avant de commencer la migration :

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Re: Synchro fichier entre 2 serveurs pseudo temps réel

2012-06-24 Thread Grégory Bulot
Bonjour, Bonsoir, 

Le Sat, 23 Jun 2012 09:50:43 +0200, Gabriel Moreau, vous avez écrit :

Je fais le test sur un /vz (c'est du openvz)
assez rapidement j'ai du (en mode dry-run) 28:No space left on device

Pourtant la machine de destination à 20G d'espace supplémentaire
Dans /etc/lsyncd.conf.xml j'ai ajouté :
 exclude-from filename=/etc/lsyncd.excludefile/
  option text=-x / !-- one filesystem --
source path=/vz/
target path=

et /etc/lsyncd.excludefile comporte :

J'ai raté quoi à votre avis ?
Grégory BULOT

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Plantage Libreoffice 3.5

2012-06-24 Thread Frédéric ZULIAN


Un petit upgrade sur ma testing  et mon eepc samsung.
me donne  un passage de libreoffice 3.4 à la 3.5.

Malheureusement libreoffice plante au démarrage :

The application cannot be started.
LibreOffice user installation could not be processed due to missing
rights. Please make sure that you have sufficient access rights for the
following location and restart LibreOffice:

J'ai bien les droits suffisants (0755)  avec le groupe et l'utilisateur
mais cela ne fonctionne pas.

Une idée ?


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Re: Plantage Libreoffice 3.5

2012-06-24 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Sunday 24 June 2012 17:43:49 Frédéric ZULIAN wrote:
 Un petit upgrade sur ma testing  et mon eepc samsung.
 me donne  un passage de libreoffice 3.4 à la 3.5.
 Malheureusement libreoffice plante au démarrage :
 The application cannot be started.
 LibreOffice user installation could not be processed due to missing
 rights. Please make sure that you have sufficient access rights for the
 following location and restart LibreOffice:
 J'ai bien les droits suffisants (0755)  avec le groupe et l'utilisateur
 mais cela ne fonctionne pas.
 Une idée ?

Renomer /home/fred/.config/libreoffice/3 en qqelchose d'autre ou essayer avec 
nouvel utilisateur?

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Re: Plantage Libreoffice 3.5

2012-06-24 Thread Mourad Jaber

On 24/06/2012 17:43, Frédéric ZULIAN wrote:


Un petit upgrade sur ma testing  et mon eepc samsung.
me donne  un passage de libreoffice 3.4 à la 3.5.

Malheureusement libreoffice plante au démarrage :

The application cannot be started.
LibreOffice user installation could not be processed due to missing

rights. Please make sure that you have sufficientaccess rights for the
following location and restart LibreOffice:


J'ai bien les droits suffisants (0755)  avec le groupe et l'utilisateur
mais cela ne fonctionne pas.

Une idée ?
oui, supprimer le répertoire libreoffice/3, j'ai résolu pas mal de problèmes avec cette 
méthode !




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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-24 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 22/06/12 15:23, Camaleón escribió:

El Fri, 22 Jun 2012 13:45:31 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 21/06/12 15:56, Camaleón escribió:

En resumen:

En resumen, que ni poniendo eso se arregla :(


Pues entonces tienes un problema distinto.

:O... seguido de :(

¿Has probado a eliminar wine por completo y volver a instalarlo?

Considerando que esa actualización borró todas las librerías de Wine de 
la versión 1.2...

Luego hice como un millar de veces aptitude purge wine wine64 y otro 
millar de veces lo que decían esas instrucciones y nada, el mensaje es 
ese que te (os) enseñé en anteriores correos...

Como han estado tocando ese paquete hace poco (y para más inri, usando
el sistema de ese del multiarch para comilarlo) quizá te haya pillado la
actualización en medio de algún cambio y se te haya quedado a medio

He leído cosas del multiarch. Me dije «vaya, qué interesante». Ahora, si 
te soy sincero, me digo «Agh». :(

¿Pero sabes qué es lo que no me gusta de todo esto? Ríete, pero tocar 
demasiado los archivos de configuración, lo del dpkg ese que ponía en 
ese enlace que mostraste (y que puse) no sé a ciencia cierta qué efectos 
adversos puede tener... en fin...



Saludos, Camaleón.

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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-24 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 22/06/12 20:32, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 22 de junio de 2012 14:41, SM Baby Siabef  escribió:

El 22/06/12 14:01, Francisco Rafael Del Roio escribió:

El 22/06/12 08:48, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 21/06/12 19:47, Javier Silva escribió:

El día 21 de junio de 2012 13:15, SM Baby Siabef  escribió:

Buenas a todos.

¿Os ha pasado hoy al actualizar que Wine ha dejado de funcionar?

Yo tengo una debian testing, con Wine en los repositorios de testing
funcionando hasta hoy.

Una actualización hoy lo ha actualizado a 1.4.1-1 (me parece), ha
Wine64 pero ha borrado todas las librerías de Wine del ordenador (es
libwine y derivadas).

en principio el paquete no te obligaba a instalarlo, quedaba marcado
para no instalar (al menos con synaptic). Una vez que has forzado la
instalación del paquete, deberías haberte fijado en que el resto de
libwine-* estaban en una versión diferente al paquete principal de
wine 1.4 frente a 1.2.3.

Aptitude me obligaba a instalarlo. Siempre hago aptitude update
aptitude upgrade y para realizar la actualización, no me fijé que uno
de los paquetes que quería borrar es todo libwine en favor de wine64 y
wine 1.4... así que...

Para poder seguir ejecutando programas con wine, puedes utilizar
PlayOnLinux, el cual te permite elegir la versión de wine que desees,
en función del programa a ejecutar, e incluso puede mantener 'unidades
virtuales' separadas por programas.

Hmmm... no es necesario en mi caso, no es tan grave... a corto plazo.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

P.S.: Espero que no utilices wine para ejecutar GIMP.

Lo uso para Internet Explorer, es que Iceweasel no me transmite
confianza :P

Jajaj... confío mucho más en un sistema GNU/Linux.

No, lo uso para un programa muy concreto que no tiene alternativa

Quizás te podamos ayudar con una alternativa: pasa el pograma.

Se trata de Sevilla de JBF Software, un programa para tener controlado una
competición de ajedrez y poner los resultados, actualizándose así la
clasificación, etc...

El enlace es éste:

Pero vamos, en su día busqué alternativas y no encontré ninguna. Es posible
que se me escapase algo o que realmente no las haya tan completa y
profesional como ese programa.

Hola de nuevo,
me he descargado el programa y lo he ejecutado con la versión de wine
1.4.1 que puedes encontrar con Playonlinux. se hace la instalación sin
problemas y arranca de manera correcta sin dar errores. Una vez en
funcionamiento indica que al no estar registrado tiene unos límites y
blabla, pero funciona.

Te aconsejo que instales playonlinux:

apt-get install playonlinux

No me gusta instalar programas nuevos... pero bueno, vale, probaré...

Yo lo hago con aptitude. Me gustan los «viejos rockeros» ;)

Vas al menú 'Herramientas/Gestionar versiones de Wine' y seleccionas
la 1.4.1 para empezar,

Eeeh... yo he seleccionado la última. ¿Pasa algo? :S No sé... ¿esto es 
independiente o qué? No entiendo si instalándolo desde aquí luego va a 
tener efectos adversos al arrancar... bueno, si los tiene, te debo un 
sicario :P

 que parece ser es la que acabe por defecto en

Wheezy (habida cuenta de su inminente congelación).

Sí, se va a congelar prontito... pero, ¿qué tiene que ver el Wine por 
defecto que va a tener Wheezy del que se puede instalar por aquí? :S

 Luego te accedes a

instalar un nuevo programa y seleccionas el instalador que hayas

A ver, a ver...


No soporto Playonlinux o no sé qué le pasa, que yo no me entiendo con 
él. Le doy a instalar y me empieza a hablar de discos virtuales. Bueno, 
yo le doy a siguiente, siguiente... me dice que seleccione el 
instalador, lo selecciono...

Y ahí se quedó. Que le de a siguiente cuando el proceso de instalación 
haya acabado...

Deja que siga probando


El instalador es que no aparece por ninguna parte. ¿Tiene que estar en 
algún directorio?

Deja que siga probando


He conseguido hacerlo funcionar, pero vamos, por una auténtica 
casualidad. No está claro nada en el programa este... en fin. Menudo 
quebradero de cabeza me he llevado :S

Como «solución temporal» al problema de no poder usar el programa, de 
momento, podría valerme. Muchas gracias, Javi. Ya no te debo un 
sicario... de momento. Hasta que arranque mi ordenador de nuevo :P

Lo he probado con la versión Sevilla 14.5.3.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva

Un saludo, Javi, y muchas gracias por las molestias y por la solución.

No sé qué hacer... ya veré.

¿A alguno de vosotros le ha sucedido lo mismo? ¿Podríais probar a
ver si os
llega a funcionar?

Un saludo.

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Re: Debian muy personalizado

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Jun 2012 21:31:40 -0400, Polo Oyarzún escribió:

 Me dispongo a instalar Debian en una máquina obsoleta a la que Xfce le
 queda grande y pesado. 

Puedes intentarlo con un gestor de ventanas que apenas consumen recursos.

 Para ello pienso irme paquete por paquete desde el sistema base en

Bien, pero tendrás que decidir qué entorno gráfico usar ¿o no quieres 
usar ninguno? :-?

 Topo en que no sé los nombres de los paquetes de software que necesitaré
 para que el sistema me pueda reconocer automáticamente los pendrives por
 usb y los cds.

De eso se encarga en gestor de ventanas o el entorno de escritorio, pero 
tienes algunos paquetes asépticos que te pueden servir como usbmount, 
ivman, autofs5 o pmount. Supongo que todos ellos dependen de udev (o hal, 
que ya no se usa).



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Re: Recuperar aplicaciones instaladas [Era: Error al manejar particiones]

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Jun 2012 21:27:29 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

¿Por qué abres un hilo nuevo? Menudo follón...

 Ya habiendo avanzado este punto, probé casi todas las aplicaciones que
 tiene el Hiren's Boot CD, y ninguna cumplía la condición requerida:
 restaurar el GRUB. 

No claro, eso tienes que hacerlo desde Debian o desde una LiveCD como 
Rescatux o SGD. Además, creo que dije cómo hacerlo y te hice alguna 
sugerencia adicional sobre esto en el otro hilo...

 Sin embargo, al aplicar la guía de [1] me daba ciertos errores que no me
 acuerdo ahora, pero no me permitía avanzar más allá del primer paso.

¿Qué guía? ¿Qué paso? ¿Qué errores? :-?

 Analizando con la herramienta Gparted, me mostraba el disco ¡VACÍO!
 ¡IMAGINENSE ESO! Y una privativa llamada Acronis Disk Director sí me
 las muestra, pero igual no puedo hacer mucho. 

Pero vamos a ver... ¿puedes iniciar Debian? ¿Has probado con alguna 
LiveCD o con SuperGrubDisk/Rescatux? :-?

 Así que me toca reinstalar todo desde el inicio, 

Será porque quieres porque vaya trabajo te espera por delante :-)

 pero antes de emprender tal actividad quisiera que me indicaran cómo
 puedo restaurar los programas que instalé en Debian si no tengo acceso
 al mismo.

Tienes acceso, es más, no deberías instalar desde cero, pero tienes que 
seguir las indicaciones que te decimos y si tienes alguna duda, pregunta, 
en lugar de abrir un hilo nuevo :-)

Para acceder a los datos de Debian: inicia desde cualquier LiveCD
Para recuperar GRUB o iniciar Debian: usa SGD o Rescatux



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Re: Resolución monitor

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:18:45 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:

 Cordial saludo,

(ese html...)

 Resulta que no puedo cambiar la configuración de la resolución del
 monitor, he intentado lo siguiente y no funciona.

¿Versión de Debian? ¿Tarjeta gráfica? ¿Driver en uso? ¿Algún dato?

 1) xrandr solo me aparecen dos resoluciones posibles y ninguna es la
 deseada, adicionalmente al ejecutar el programa me dice xrandr: Failed
 to get size of gamma for output default

Cuando no te aparece la resolución tienes que añadirla:

 2) # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, al el comando no hace nada

Creo que había otro comando, espera que lo busco... 

dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
 3)# Xorg -configure, al ejecutar el comando me dice Fatal server error:
 Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer
 running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

Esto tendrás que ejecutarlo desde una tty, previa parada del servicio del 
entorno gráfico.



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Re: Roto wine en Testing

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:44:57 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 El 22/06/12 15:23, Camaleón escribió:

 En resumen, que ni poniendo eso se arregla :(


 Pues entonces tienes un problema distinto.
 :O... seguido de :(

Claro, es que el problema del informe versa sobre la instalación del 
paquete wine en un sistema de 64 bits que como no hay paquete nativo 
compilado para 64 bits hay que usar el de 32 bits por medio de la famosa 
opción del multiarch.

Si instalando wine como indican y no te sirve (tendrás que decir por qué 
o qué has hecho exactamente y con qué resultado), entonces tu problema es 
otro :-)

 ¿Has probado a eliminar wine por completo y volver a instalarlo?
 Considerando que esa actualización borró todas las librerías de Wine de
 la versión 1.2...
 Luego hice como un millar de veces aptitude purge wine wine64 y otro
 millar de veces lo que decían esas instrucciones y nada, el mensaje es
 ese que te (os) enseñé en anteriores correos...

Vuelve con ello, hace poco que han estado tocando los paquetes de wine y 
es posible que te haya pillado la tormenta de por medio. Actualiza los 
repos e intenta de nuevo lo que sea que quieras probar: actualizar, 
purgar... y pon el resultado de los comandos que ejecutes.

 Como han estado tocando ese paquete hace poco (y para más inri,
 usando el sistema de ese del multiarch para comilarlo) quizá te haya
 pillado la actualización en medio de algún cambio y se te haya quedado
 a medio camino.
 He leído cosas del multiarch. Me dije «vaya, qué interesante». Ahora, si
 te soy sincero, me digo «Agh». :(


Sí, yo también soy un tanto escéptica sobre esto. Creo que es más una 
mejora enfocada a los empaquetadores que a los usuarios pero bueno, ya 



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[SOLUCIONADO] Re: Roto wine en Testing [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-06-24 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 24/06/12 12:50, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:44:57 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 22/06/12 15:23, Camaleón escribió:

En resumen, que ni poniendo eso se arregla :(


Pues entonces tienes un problema distinto.

:O... seguido de :(

Claro, es que el problema del informe versa sobre la instalación del
paquete wine en un sistema de 64 bits que como no hay paquete nativo
compilado para 64 bits hay que usar el de 32 bits por medio de la famosa
opción del multiarch.

Si instalando wine como indican y no te sirve (tendrás que decir por qué
o qué has hecho exactamente y con qué resultado), entonces tu problema es
otro :-)

¿Has probado a eliminar wine por completo y volver a instalarlo?

Considerando que esa actualización borró todas las librerías de Wine de
la versión 1.2...

Luego hice como un millar de veces aptitude purge wine wine64 y otro
millar de veces lo que decían esas instrucciones y nada, el mensaje es
ese que te (os) enseñé en anteriores correos...

Vuelve con ello, hace poco que han estado tocando los paquetes de wine y
es posible que te haya pillado la tormenta de por medio. Actualiza los
repos e intenta de nuevo lo que sea que quieras probar: actualizar,
purgar... y pon el resultado de los comandos que ejecutes.

Venga, OK. Vuelvo a probar...

... (inserta publicidad aquí)...

Parece que ahora funcionó (y eso que probé ayer y nada).

Ahora, poniendo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [que no sé qué quiere 
significar ésto y qué problemas/inconvenientes puede generar en un 
futuro. Instala el libc6 de i386, ¿generará esto algún conflicto con el 
de amd64? Y no he probado si funcionaba antes de poner esta línea... 
estoy intrigadísimo con qué quiere significar y qué efectos puede 

Y luego poniendo aptitude install wine:i386... funciona.

No sé ahora bien esto del multiarch y de tener instaladas algunas 
librerías de i386 que están también en amd64 si generarán algún tipo de 
conflicto... espero que no, la «gracia» del multiarch reside 
principalmente en este tipo de cuestiones

Ahora, no sé si instalar (por si acaso) el wine64-bin, por si en un 
futuro lo ponen y... la verdad, no sé, bah, no he dicho nada, esto del 
Multiarch me está generando múltiples errores y confusiones en la 
arquitectura de mi cerebro (de ahí su nombre :P )

Como han estado tocando ese paquete hace poco (y para más inri,
usando el sistema de ese del multiarch para comilarlo) quizá te haya
pillado la actualización en medio de algún cambio y se te haya quedado
a medio camino.

He leído cosas del multiarch. Me dije «vaya, qué interesante». Ahora, si
te soy sincero, me digo «Agh». :(


Sí, yo también soy un tanto escéptica sobre esto. Creo que es más una
mejora enfocada a los empaquetadores que a los usuarios pero bueno, ya

En fin...

Por cierto, cosilla, Camaleón, Off-topic dentro del topic.

root@tornado-02:/home/miles# deborphan

Estos paquetes en principio se pueden desinstalar sin ningún tipo de 
inconvenientes... ¿me equivoco?


Saludos y gracias :)

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Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
Sabeis a que se debe este mensaje que me impide actualizar el sistema:

E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
«APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:57:28 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Sabeis a que se debe este mensaje que me impide actualizar el sistema:
 E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
 Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
 «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

Es como si tuvieras el paquete sin configurar :-?

Supongo que estás en wheezy... prueba con apt-get update  apt-get -V 
dist-upgrade a ver si te pone algo más. No instales/actualices nada 
(supongo que no te dejará, pero por si acaso...), pon el resultado del 
comando por aquí.



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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:57:28 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Sabeis a que se debe este mensaje que me impide actualizar el sistema:

 E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
 Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
 «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

 Es como si tuvieras el paquete sin configurar :-?

 Supongo que estás en wheezy... prueba con apt-get update  apt-get -V
 dist-upgrade a ver si te pone algo más. No instales/actualices nada
 (supongo que no te dejará, pero por si acaso...), pon el resultado del
 comando por aquí.



Me sale esto:

Obj wheezy-proposed-updates/non-free amd64 Packages
Descargados 154 kB en 8seg. (18,5 kB/s)
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
apt para amd64 compilado en Apr 15 2011 07:35:31
Uso: apt-get [opciones] orden
 apt-get [opciones] install|remove paq1 [paq2 ...]
 apt-get [opciones] source paq1 [paq2 ...]

apt-get es una sencilla interfaz de línea de órdenes para descargar e
instalar paquetes. Las órdenes más utilizadas son update e install.

   update - Descarga nuevas listas de paquetes
   upgrade - Realiza una actualización
   install - Instala nuevos paquetes (paquete es libc6 y no libc6.deb)
   remove - Elimina paquetes
   purge  - Elimina y purga paquetes
   source - Descarga archivos fuente
   build-dep - Configura las dependencias de construcción para paquetes fuente
   dist-upgrade - Actualiza la distribución, vea apt-get(8)
   dselect-upgrade - Sigue las selecciones de dselect
   clean - Elimina los archivos descargados
   autoclean - Elimina los archivos descargados antiguos
   check - Verifica que no haya dependencias incumplidas
   markauto - Marca los paquetes indicados como instalados de forma automática
   unmarkauto - Marca los paquetes indicados como instalado de forma manual

  -h  Este texto de ayuda.
  -q  Salida registrable - sin indicador de progreso
  -qq Sin salida, excepto si hay errores
  -d  Sólo descarga - NO instala o desempaqueta los archivos
  -s  No actúa. Realiza una simulación
  -y  Asume Sí para todas las consultas
  -f  Intenta continuar si la comprobación de integridad falla
  -m  Intenta continuar si los archivos no son localizables
  -u  Muestra también una lista de paquetes actualizados
  -b  Construye el paquete fuente después de obtenerlo
  -V  Muesta números de versión detallados
  -c=? Lee este archivo de configuración
  -o=? Establece una opción de configuración arbitraria, p. ej.
   -o dir::cache=/tmp
Consulte las páginas del manual de apt-get(8), sources.list(5) y apt.conf(5)
para más información y opciones.
   Este APT tiene poderes de Super Vaca.

root@maclinux:/home/tavi/sun-java6# dist-upgrade

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: [SOLUCIONADO] Re: Roto wine en Testing [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:37:07 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

 El 24/06/12 12:50, Camaleón escribió:


 Vuelve con ello, hace poco que han estado tocando los paquetes de wine
 y es posible que te haya pillado la tormenta de por medio. Actualiza
 los repos e intenta de nuevo lo que sea que quieras probar: actualizar,
 purgar... y pon el resultado de los comandos que ejecutes.
 Venga, OK. Vuelvo a probar...
 ... (inserta publicidad aquí)...
 Parece que ahora funcionó (y eso que probé ayer y nada).

Aum... pues entonces es que los cambios te pillarían en medio de la 
actualización, de ahí el follón. 

 Ahora, poniendo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [que no sé qué quiere
 significar ésto y qué problemas/inconvenientes puede generar en un
 futuro. Instala el libc6 de i386, ¿generará esto algún conflicto con el
 de amd64? Y no he probado si funcionaba antes de poner esta línea...
 estoy intrigadísimo con qué quiere significar y qué efectos puede

Hay una página en la wiki que lo explica:

Pero vaya, básicamente lo que permite es instalar paquetes compilados 
para cualquier arquitectura en tu equipo (en este caso de wine, un 
paquete compilado para 32 bits lo instalas en un sistema de 64 bits), lo 
mismo que se podía hacer hasta ahora pero de cara al empaquetador supongo 
que ahorra trabajo al compilar y enlazar las bibliotecas utilizando este 

La implementación actual tiene algunas limitaciones:

(...) The existing proposals allow for the co-installation of libraries 
and headers for different architectures, but not (yet) binaries. So you 
can have either the i386 version of a binary, or the amd64 version, but 
not both (using conventional /bin paths). All the dependencies will be 
installed and available for the corresponding binary. 

 Y luego poniendo aptitude install wine:i386... funciona.

Qué bien :-)

 No sé ahora bien esto del multiarch y de tener instaladas algunas
 librerías de i386 que están también en amd64 si generarán algún tipo de
 conflicto... espero que no, la «gracia» del multiarch reside
 principalmente en este tipo de cuestiones

Prepárate para lo peor :-P
 Ahora, no sé si instalar (por si acaso) el wine64-bin, por si en un
 futuro lo ponen y... la verdad, no sé, bah, no he dicho nada, esto del
 Multiarch me está generando múltiples errores y confusiones en la
 arquitectura de mi cerebro (de ahí su nombre :P )

El paquete wine64-bin es un paquete de pega, no contiene chicha pero 
aún así deberías tenerlo instalado en un sistema de 64 bits.

Lo que no entiendo es por qué no hay paquete de wine compilado de forma 
nativa para 64 bits ¿siempre ha sido así? :-?

 He leído cosas del multiarch. Me dije «vaya, qué interesante». Ahora,
 si te soy sincero, me digo «Agh». :(


 Sí, yo también soy un tanto escéptica sobre esto. Creo que es más una
 mejora enfocada a los empaquetadores que a los usuarios pero bueno, ya
 En fin...
 Por cierto, cosilla, Camaleón, Off-topic dentro del topic.
 root@tornado-02:/home/miles# deborphan 
 Estos paquetes en principio se pueden desinstalar sin ningún tipo de
 inconvenientes... ¿me equivoco?

Pues... nunca he usado deborphan no sé cómo va. Se supone que enumera 
los paquetes de los que ningún otro paquete depende pero cuando se trata 
de borrar cosas hay que andarse con ojo y comprobar hasta 100 veces que 
efectivamente lo que dice deborphan es cierto :-P



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Re: [SOLUCIONADO] Re: Roto wine en Testing [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-06-24 Thread SM Baby Siabef

El 24/06/12 14:40, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:37:07 +0200, SM Baby Siabef escribió:

El 24/06/12 12:50, Camaleón escribió:


Vuelve con ello, hace poco que han estado tocando los paquetes de wine
y es posible que te haya pillado la tormenta de por medio. Actualiza
los repos e intenta de nuevo lo que sea que quieras probar: actualizar,
purgar... y pon el resultado de los comandos que ejecutes.

Venga, OK. Vuelvo a probar...

... (inserta publicidad aquí)...

Parece que ahora funcionó (y eso que probé ayer y nada).

Aum... pues entonces es que los cambios te pillarían en medio de la
actualización, de ahí el follón.

Ahora, poniendo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [que no sé qué quiere
significar ésto y qué problemas/inconvenientes puede generar en un
futuro. Instala el libc6 de i386, ¿generará esto algún conflicto con el
de amd64? Y no he probado si funcionaba antes de poner esta línea...
estoy intrigadísimo con qué quiere significar y qué efectos puede

Hay una página en la wiki que lo explica:

Pero vaya, básicamente lo que permite es instalar paquetes compilados
para cualquier arquitectura en tu equipo (en este caso de wine, un
paquete compilado para 32 bits lo instalas en un sistema de 64 bits), lo
mismo que se podía hacer hasta ahora pero de cara al empaquetador supongo
que ahorra trabajo al compilar y enlazar las bibliotecas utilizando este

La implementación actual tiene algunas limitaciones:

(...) The existing proposals allow for the co-installation of libraries
and headers for different architectures, but not (yet) binaries. So you
can have either the i386 version of a binary, or the amd64 version, but
not both (using conventional /bin paths). All the dependencies will be
installed and available for the corresponding binary.

Y luego poniendo aptitude install wine:i386... funciona.

Qué bien :-)

No sé ahora bien esto del multiarch y de tener instaladas algunas
librerías de i386 que están también en amd64 si generarán algún tipo de
conflicto... espero que no, la «gracia» del multiarch reside
principalmente en este tipo de cuestiones

Prepárate para lo peor :-P

Qué ánimos me das xD Voy preparando el búnker :P

Ahora, no sé si instalar (por si acaso) el wine64-bin, por si en un
futuro lo ponen y... la verdad, no sé, bah, no he dicho nada, esto del
Multiarch me está generando múltiples errores y confusiones en la
arquitectura de mi cerebro (de ahí su nombre :P )

El paquete wine64-bin es un paquete de pega, no contiene chicha pero
aún así deberías tenerlo instalado en un sistema de 64 bits.

Lo que no entiendo es por qué no hay paquete de wine compilado de forma
nativa para 64 bits ¿siempre ha sido así? :-?

Yo he tenido Wine instalado desde que volvió a Testing (estuvo un tiempo 
desaparecido pero porque no había mantenedores del paquete y ahora se 
están poniendo las pilas con marchas forzadas) y no necesité de estas 
hierbas raras... así que supongo que antes sí, ahora no...

He leído cosas del multiarch. Me dije «vaya, qué interesante». Ahora,
si te soy sincero, me digo «Agh». :(


Sí, yo también soy un tanto escéptica sobre esto. Creo que es más una
mejora enfocada a los empaquetadores que a los usuarios pero bueno, ya

En fin...

Por cierto, cosilla, Camaleón, Off-topic dentro del topic.

root@tornado-02:/home/miles# deborphan

Estos paquetes en principio se pueden desinstalar sin ningún tipo de
inconvenientes... ¿me equivoco?

Pues... nunca he usado deborphan no sé cómo va. Se supone que enumera
los paquetes de los que ningún otro paquete depende pero cuando se trata
de borrar cosas hay que andarse con ojo y comprobar hasta 100 veces que
efectivamente lo que dice deborphan es cierto :-P



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Avahi desconecta conexión inalámbrica con firmware-ralink

2012-06-24 Thread Pablo Rodríguez Fernández
Buenas tardes,

He observado un problema con el uso de avahi y de la conexión
inalámbrica utilizando el firmware-ralink (en concreto, el driver
rt73usb): cuando avahi-daemon está activo antes de hacer la asociación
con una red inalámbrica, esta se produce, pero acto seguido hace
desaparecer el dispositivo inalámbrico (usb), por lo que tengo que
volverlo a conectar para que el sistema lo detecte. Sin embargo, cuando
hago la asociación sin avahi-daemon activo, funciona, aunque
posteriormente vuelva a activar avahi.

Creo que esto se puede calificar como un bug, pero dado que el problema
está relacionado con ambos paquetes, desconozco en cual de ellos debería
informar sobre el bug; siguiendo las recomendaciones , os envío este mensaje para que me
ayudéis a decidir a quién debo informar, y de paso, ver si estoy
cometiendo algún tipo de error.

Dispongo de los logs de syslog cuando realizo ambas cosas. Además, el
dispositivo usb es un ECOM EW125TGUSB y lsusb lo muestra así:

 Bus 002 Device 114: ID 07b8:b21d AboCom Systems Inc RT2573

Un saludo,

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Re: [OT] Re: [NOTA] Celebración del centenario del natalicio de Alan Turing, recordado y documentado en Google

2012-06-24 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El día 23 de junio de 2012 13:37, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:37:44 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Alan Turing, homenajeado con un doodle que invita a pensar (más),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osbcad=b

 El Doodle de Google es divertido pero creo que al final estaba pulsando
 las teclas al azar para sacar la secuencia correcta :-P

 Volviendo al homenaje de Turing. Creo que encarna perfectamente la
 tragedia intrínseca de eso que llaman ser humano: dar tanto a la
 humanidad y recibir tan poco.

 Afortunadamente, las ideas y los conceptos son completamente ajenos a la
 estupidez humana.

Guau, Me gusto eso.
estoy totalmente de acuerdo



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Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 14:28:32 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

 E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
 Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
 «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

 Es como si tuvieras el paquete sin configurar :-?

 Supongo que estás en wheezy... prueba con apt-get update  apt-get -V
 dist-upgrade a ver si te pone algo más. No instales/actualices nada
 (supongo que no te dejará, pero por si acaso...), pon el resultado del
 comando por aquí.

 Me sale esto:


Este APT tiene poderes de Super Vaca.


Ji, ji.. :-)

¿Qu'ha pasao? Ah, ya, que has copiado/pegado y se ha cortado el comando:

apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade

Ahora ya puedes copipegapastear lo de arriba con tranquilidad :-P



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Re: Avahi desconecta conexión inalámbrica con firmware-ralink

2012-06-24 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 24/06/12 10:26, Pablo Rodríguez Fernández escribió:

Buenas tardes,

He observado un problema con el uso de avahi y de la conexión
inalámbrica utilizando el firmware-ralink (en concreto, el driver
rt73usb): cuando avahi-daemon está activo antes de hacer la asociación
con una red inalámbrica, esta se produce, pero acto seguido hace
desaparecer el dispositivo inalámbrico (usb), por lo que tengo que
volverlo a conectar para que el sistema lo detecte. Sin embargo, cuando
hago la asociación sin avahi-daemon activo, funciona, aunque
posteriormente vuelva a activar avahi.

Asegurate de tener la última versión de avahi.

Creo que esto se puede calificar como un bug, pero dado que el problema
está relacionado con ambos paquetes, desconozco en cual de ellos debería
informar sobre el bug; siguiendo las recomendaciones , os envío este mensaje para que me
ayudéis a decidir a quién debo informar, y de paso, ver si estoy
cometiendo algún tipo de error.
Dispongo de los logs de syslog cuando realizo ambas cosas. Además, el
dispositivo usb es un ECOM EW125TGUSB y lsusb lo muestra así:

Bus 002 Device 114: ID 07b8:b21d AboCom Systems Inc RT2573

Un saludo,

Hola pablo.

Te recomiendo (si usas testing) que actualices a la última versión de 
avahi, como te lo digo arriba.

Lo recomendable, para informar un bug es usar el paquete reportbug, que 
te ayudará a notificar el bug adecuadamente, y lo entregará a los 


Dios es la salida a cualquier problema que puedas tener en este mundo.

attachment: francipvb.vcf

Re: Avahi desconecta conexión inalámbrica con firmware-ralink

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 15:26:07 +0200, Pablo Rodríguez Fernández escribió:

 He observado un problema con el uso de avahi y de la conexión
 inalámbrica utilizando el firmware-ralink (en concreto, el driver
 rt73usb): cuando avahi-daemon está activo antes de hacer la asociación
 con una red inalámbrica, esta se produce, pero acto seguido hace
 desaparecer el dispositivo inalámbrico (usb), 

¿Y cómo sabes (o qué te hace pensar) que avahi es quien hace desaparecer 
el dispositivo? :-?

 por lo que tengo que volverlo a conectar para que el sistema lo
 detecte. Sin embargo, cuando hago la asociación sin avahi-daemon
 activo, funciona, aunque posteriormente vuelva a activar avahi.

Caray, vaya rareza :-?

 Creo que esto se puede calificar como un bug, pero dado que el problema
 está relacionado con ambos paquetes, desconozco en cual de ellos debería
 informar sobre el bug; siguiendo las recomendaciones , os envío este mensaje para que me
 ayudéis a decidir a quién debo informar, y de paso, ver si estoy
 cometiendo algún tipo de error.

Mira a ver si en /var/log/syslog o en el dmes aparece algún mensaje que 
te pueda dar alguna pista sobre el culpable.

 Dispongo de los logs de syslog cuando realizo ambas cosas. 

Ah, bien... ¿Y qué te cuentan? Manda, manda... (o sube, sube a :-)

 Además, el dispositivo usb es un ECOM EW125TGUSB y lsusb lo muestra así:
 Bus 002 Device 114: ID 07b8:b21d AboCom Systems Inc RT2573

No dices qué versión de Debian tienes (¿squeeze, testing?), si estás con 
squeeze podrías intentar actualizar el paquete firmware-ralink (hay una 
versión superior disponible en backports) a ver si notas alguna 



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Re: Debian muy personalizado

2012-06-24 Thread Evgeny M. Zubok
Polo Oyarzún writes:

 Estimados: Me dispongo a instalar Debian en una máquina obsoleta a la
 que Xfce le queda grande y pesado.

Si aún no lo has probado, puedes instalar LXDE. Lo contiene un gestor de
ficheros PCmanFM que, si mal no recuerdo, puede reconocer dispositivos
automáticamente. No puedo darte más detalles porque no lo uso.

 Para ello pienso irme paquete por paquete desde el sistema base en
 adelante.  Topo en que no sé los nombres de los paquetes de software
 que necesitaré para que el sistema me pueda reconocer automáticamente
 los pendrives por usb y los cds.  Muy agradecido por vuestra

Yo personalmente uso IceWM como gestor de ventanas y autofs5 para montar
y desmontar automáticamente los dispositivos de memoria USB.

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Tooltip de la barra de favoritos ilegible en gnome-shell

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón

Una cosa tonta... tras las últimas actualizaciones de wheezy, me he dado 
cuenta de que el tooltip que aparece sobre los iconos de la barra de 
favoritos en gnome-shell indicando la aplicación sobre la que está el 
cursor, está en negro, ergo no se lee un pimiento morrón :-)

Estoy con el tema predeterminado (adwaita) y sólo he modificado un par de 
cosas en los archivos globales de configuración: en gnome-shell.css los 
tipos de letra y su tamaño y en nautilus (no recuerdo exactamente el 
archivo que modifiqué) el color de los textos de los iconos del 
escritorio pero no sé si alguno de estos cambios han podido influir en 
que los tooltip se vean ahora en negro.

¿Alguien más con el mismo problema?



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Re: Resolución monitor

2012-06-24 Thread danilo gonzalez
El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:18:45 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:

 Cordial saludo,

Muchas gracias por la ayuda, probé sistematicamente cada una de las
recomendaciones y estos fueron los resultados

 ¿Versión de Debian? ¿Tarjeta gráfica? ¿Driver en uso? ¿Algún dato?
Aqui adiciono la información.
Debian 6.05, 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics
Controller, controlador i915, tengo un monitor VGA conectado a una
salida DVI-I con un adaptador

Al hacer todo el procedimiento, se genera un error cuando adiciono el  newmode

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

 2) # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, al el comando no hace nada

 Creo que había otro comando, espera que lo busco...

 dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

No hace nada tampoco

 3)# Xorg -configure, al ejecutar el comando me dice Fatal server error:
 Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer
 running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

 Esto tendrás que ejecutarlo desde una tty, previa parada del servicio del
 entorno gráfico.

lo probé desde modo de recuperación y no hace nada

Danilo González Forero
Licenciado En Química
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

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Re: Resolución monitor

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 12:04:23 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:

 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

 ¿Versión de Debian? ¿Tarjeta gráfica? ¿Driver en uso? ¿Algún dato?

 Aqui adiciono la información.
 Debian 6.05, 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics
 Controller, controlador i915, tengo un monitor VGA conectado a una
 salida DVI-I con un adaptador

O sea, que tienes una gráfica Intel, así que cargarás el drivel intel, 
supongo... pues no deberías tener muchos problemas con este chipset :-?

Sube el archivo completo /var/log/Xorg.0.log a
 Al hacer todo el procedimiento, se genera un error cuando adiciono el 
 xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

Eh, eso no vale, tienes que poner todos los comandos que introduces y lo 
que te devuelven cada uno de ellos :-)

 2) # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, al el comando no hace nada

 Creo que había otro comando, espera que lo busco...

 dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
 No hace nada tampoco

Pues vaya :-(

 3)# Xorg -configure, al ejecutar el comando me dice Fatal server
 error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no
 longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

 Esto tendrás que ejecutarlo desde una tty, previa parada del servicio
 del entorno gráfico.
 lo probé desde modo de recuperación y no hace nada

Bueno, lo que hace ese comando es crear un archivo bajo /root, 
para que lo puedas usar a modo de plantilla. Mira a ver si te lo ha creado y
en caso afirmativo lo puedes cargar/probar con:

Xorg -config -retro



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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 14:28:32 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

 E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
 Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
 «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

 Es como si tuvieras el paquete sin configurar :-?

 Supongo que estás en wheezy... prueba con apt-get update  apt-get -V
 dist-upgrade a ver si te pone algo más. No instales/actualices nada
 (supongo que no te dejará, pero por si acaso...), pon el resultado del
 comando por aquí.

 Me sale esto:


Este APT tiene poderes de Super Vaca.


 Ji, ji.. :-)

 ¿Qu'ha pasao? Ah, ya, que has copiado/pegado y se ha cortado el comando:

 apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade

 Ahora ya puedes copipegapastear lo de arriba con tranquilidad :-P


 Esto es lo último que me sale después de una gran cantidad de cambios

xserver-xorg-video-rendition (4.2.3-3 = 4.2.4-3)
   xserver-xorg-video-s3 (0.6.3-2 = 0.6.3-4+b3)
   xserver-xorg-video-s3virge (1.10.4-2 = 1.10.4-5)
   xserver-xorg-video-savage (2.3.1-2 = 2.3.4-1)
   xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion (1.7.3-2 = 1.7.6-1)
   xserver-xorg-video-sis (0.10.3-1 = 0.10.4-1)
   xserver-xorg-video-sisusb (0.9.3-2 = 0.9.4-3)
   xserver-xorg-video-tdfx (1.4.3-2 = 1.4.4-1)
   xserver-xorg-video-trident (1.3.3-2 = 1.3.5-1)
   xserver-xorg-video-tseng (1.2.3-2+squeeze1 = 1.2.4-3)
   xserver-xorg-video-vesa (2.3.0-3 = 2.3.1-1+b1)
   xserver-xorg-video-vmware (11.0.1-2 = 12.0.2-1+b1)
   xserver-xorg-video-voodoo (1.2.3-2 = 1.2.4-2+b3)
   xz-utils (5.0.0-2 = 5.1.1alpha+20110809-3)
   yelp (2.30.1+webkit-1 = 3.4.2-1)
   zenity (2.30.0-1 = 3.4.0-2)
   zlib1g (1.2.7.dfsg-11+b1 = 1.2.7.dfsg-13)
578 actualizados, 588 se instalarán, 61 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
Se necesita descargar 9700 kB/1022 MB de archivos.
Se utilizarán 568 MB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación.
¿Desea continuar [S/n]?

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El 24/06/12, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:
 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 14:28:32 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

 E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
 Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
 «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

 Es como si tuvieras el paquete sin configurar :-?

 Supongo que estás en wheezy... prueba con apt-get update  apt-get -V
 dist-upgrade a ver si te pone algo más. No instales/actualices nada
 (supongo que no te dejará, pero por si acaso...), pon el resultado del
 comando por aquí.

 Me sale esto:


Este APT tiene poderes de Super Vaca.


 Ji, ji.. :-)

 ¿Qu'ha pasao? Ah, ya, que has copiado/pegado y se ha cortado el comando:

 apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade

 Ahora ya puedes copipegapastear lo de arriba con tranquilidad :-P


  Esto es lo último que me sale después de una gran cantidad de cambios

 xserver-xorg-video-rendition (4.2.3-3 = 4.2.4-3)
xserver-xorg-video-s3 (0.6.3-2 = 0.6.3-4+b3)
xserver-xorg-video-s3virge (1.10.4-2 = 1.10.4-5)
xserver-xorg-video-savage (2.3.1-2 = 2.3.4-1)
xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion (1.7.3-2 = 1.7.6-1)
xserver-xorg-video-sis (0.10.3-1 = 0.10.4-1)
xserver-xorg-video-sisusb (0.9.3-2 = 0.9.4-3)
xserver-xorg-video-tdfx (1.4.3-2 = 1.4.4-1)
xserver-xorg-video-trident (1.3.3-2 = 1.3.5-1)
xserver-xorg-video-tseng (1.2.3-2+squeeze1 = 1.2.4-3)
xserver-xorg-video-vesa (2.3.0-3 = 2.3.1-1+b1)
xserver-xorg-video-vmware (11.0.1-2 = 12.0.2-1+b1)
xserver-xorg-video-voodoo (1.2.3-2 = 1.2.4-2+b3)
xz-utils (5.0.0-2 = 5.1.1alpha+20110809-3)
yelp (2.30.1+webkit-1 = 3.4.2-1)
zenity (2.30.0-1 = 3.4.0-2)
zlib1g (1.2.7.dfsg-11+b1 = 1.2.7.dfsg-13)
 578 actualizados, 588 se instalarán, 61 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
 Se necesita descargar 9700 kB/1022 MB de archivos.
 Se utilizarán 568 MB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta
 ¿Desea continuar [S/n]?

Si de digo que si me arroja este mensaje de error:
Des:4 wheezy/main perl amd64
5.14.2-12 [4408 kB]
Des:5 wheezy/main perl-base amd64
5.14.2-12 [1517 kB]
Descargados 9700 kB en 17seg. (542 kB/s)
E: No se pudo realizar la configuración inmediata de «default-jre».
Consulte la página de manual con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo
«APT::Immediate-Configure» para más información. (2)

Un saludo
Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 19:44:31 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El 24/06/12, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:
 El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

 ¿Qu'ha pasao? Ah, ya, que has copiado/pegado y se ha cortado el

 apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade

 Ahora ya puedes copipegapastear lo de arriba con tranquilidad :-P

  Esto es lo último que me sale después de una gran cantidad de cambios

xserver-xorg-video-tseng (1.2.3-2+squeeze1 = 1.2.4-3)
zenity (2.30.0-1 = 3.4.0-2)

 578 actualizados, 588 se instalarán, 61 para eliminar y 0 no
 actualizados. Se necesita descargar 9700 kB/1022 MB de archivos. Se
 utilizarán 568 MB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta
 ¿Desea continuar [S/n]?

Para, para... que aquí hay algo raro ¿aún tienes paquetes de squeeze? 

A ver Octavio, pon tu archivo sources.list a ver qué dice.

 Si de digo que si me arroja este mensaje de error: .../...

¿Pero cómo se te ocurre decirle que sí, alma cándida? ¡Que es medio giga 
de datos! :-O

 Des:4 wheezy/main perl amd64 5.14.2-12
 [4408 kB]
 Des:5 wheezy/main perl-base amd64
 5.14.2-12 [1517 kB]

Y ahí pone wheezy...

 Descargados 9700 kB en 17seg. (542 kB/s) E: No se pudo realizar la
 configuración inmediata de «default-jre». Consulte la página de manual
 con «man 5 apt.conf» bajo «APT::Immediate-Configure» para más
 información. (2) root@maclinux:~#

Antes de nada, el sources.list.

Después, aunque el manual avisa de que es peligroso, puedes intentar
lo que sugiere el mensaje:

apt-get -f install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0

A ver si se logra corregir el error.



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Re: Resolución monitor

2012-06-24 Thread danilo gonzalez
El 24 de junio de 2012 12:14, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sun, 24 Jun 2012 12:04:23 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:

  El 24/06/12, Camaleón escribió:

  ¿Versión de Debian? ¿Tarjeta gráfica? ¿Driver en uso? ¿Algún dato?

  Aqui adiciono la información.
  Debian 6.05, 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics
  Controller, controlador i915, tengo un monitor VGA conectado a una
  salida DVI-I con un adaptador

 O sea, que tienes una gráfica Intel, así que cargarás el drivel intel,
 supongo... pues no deberías tener muchos problemas con este chipset :-?

 aqui esta /var/log/Xorg.0.log completo


 Eh, eso no vale, tienes que poner todos los comandos que introduces y lo
 que te devuelven cada uno de ellos :-)

1) cvt 1280 800 60
al ejecutar ese comando me genera la siguiente linea

1280x800 59.81 Hz (CVT 1.02MA) hsync: 49.70 kHz; pclk: 83.50 MHz
Modeline 1280x800_60.00   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803 809 831
-hsync +vsync

de esa linea uso el Modeline

2)xrandr --newmode 1280x800_60.00   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803
809 831 -hsync +vsync

al ejecutarlo me genera el error

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

  2) # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, al el comando no hace nada
  Creo que había otro comando, espera que lo busco...
  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
  No hace nada tampoco

 Pues vaya :-(

  3)# Xorg -configure, al ejecutar el comando me dice Fatal server
  error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no
  longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.
  Esto tendrás que ejecutarlo desde una tty, previa parada del servicio
  del entorno gráfico.
  lo probé desde modo de recuperación y no hace nada

 Bueno, lo que hace ese comando es crear un archivo bajo
 para que lo puedas usar a modo de plantilla. Mira a ver si te lo ha creado
 en caso afirmativo lo puedes cargar/probar con:

 Xorg -config -retro

 no se genera el archivo en /root :(


Danilo González Forero
Licenciado En Química
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
Estos son lo que tengo, creo que son los normales ¿no es así?

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Wheezy_ - Official Snapshot amd64 DVD Bin$
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 _Squeeze_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 2012$

## Debian Main Repos
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

## Debian Update Repos
deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-proposed-updates main contrib non-f$
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-proposed-updates main contrib n$

## Multimedia
deb wheezy main non-free
deb-src wheezy main

Creo que voy a hacer lo que me indicas. No me importa experimentar

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Error con Synaptic al actualizar

2012-06-24 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
2012/6/24, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
 Estos son lo que tengo, creo que son los normales ¿no es así?

 #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Wheezy_ - Official Snapshot amd64 DVD
 #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 _Squeeze_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1

 ## Debian Main Repos
 deb wheezy main contrib non-free
 deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

 ## Debian Update Repos
 deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
 deb wheezy-proposed-updates main contrib
 deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
 deb-src wheezy-proposed-updates main
 contrib n$

 ## Multimedia
 deb wheezy main non-free
 deb-src wheezy main

 Creo que voy a hacer lo que me indicas. No me importa experimentar

No me sale nada con la instrucción que me indicaste:

root@maclinux:~# apt-get -f install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 582 no actualizados.

¿Tengo que poner algo más? supongo que si, porque hice copia y pegar:
Recorta y pega la moda desde Eva  :-)

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Alterar permissões de arquivos e diretorios

2012-06-24 Thread Adonai Silveira Canez
Pessoal, eu to com um problema, eu tenho um diretório que
possui inúmeros arquivos e subdiretórios, e eu preciso alterar as
permissões dos arquivo para o valor 644 e dos diretórios para 755 mas não
consegui fazer essa alteração de forma simples, alguém tem uma dica??

Para os arquivo em php eu consegui fazer isso, mas eu não sei as extensões
de todos os arquivos que estão nesse diretório, por isso dessa forma não
resolve o problema.

find . -name *.php -exec chmod 644 {} \;


Re: Alterar permissões de arquivos e diretorios

2012-06-24 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
Em Sun, 24 Jun 2012 21:25:59 -0300
Adonai Silveira Canez escreveu:

 find . -name *.php -exec chmod 644 {} \;


find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Description: PGP signature

Res: Alterar permissões de arquivos e diretorios

2012-06-24 Thread jmhenrique

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

f de file, d de directory, e assim por diante. Man find. 


Enviado pelo meu aparelho BlackBerry® da Vivo

-Original Message-
From: Adonai Silveira Canez
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 21:25:59 
Subject:  Alterar permissões de arquivos e diretorios

Pessoal, eu to com um problema, eu tenho um diretório que
possui inúmeros arquivos e subdiretórios, e eu preciso alterar as
permissões dos arquivo para o valor 644 e dos diretórios para 755 mas não
consegui fazer essa alteração de forma simples, alguém tem uma dica??

Para os arquivo em php eu consegui fazer isso, mas eu não sei as extensões
de todos os arquivos que estão nesse diretório, por isso dessa forma não
resolve o problema.

find . -name *.php -exec chmod 644 {} \;


Re: E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

2012-06-24 Thread Dom

On 24/06/12 06:01, lina wrote:

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:39 PM,  wrote:


I don't know how to fix the following problem,

It's fixed after changing the source.list to my former mirror.


Best regards,

W: Failed to fetch
Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
ones used instead.
E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

Thanks ahead for the suggestions,

I think that when your /var filled up, you were left with some partly 
downloaded files in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial and apt is trying to use 

I assume you've freed up a lot of space under /var now. Can you delete 
all the files uder that directory and try to update again? It is safe, 
as the files will be downloaded again.

This leaves the question of why did /var fill up? Have you got a lot of 
old deb files under /var/cache/apt/archives? These can be safely got rid 
of with apt-get clean (unless you are keeping them for a reason). Also, 
apt-get autoclean will prevent them being left in there after an 


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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf

The computer age is missing stuff like a sacrificial anode. For
non-computer hardware there are several tricks to maintain it without
maintaining it, e.g. a sacrificial anode. I wish there would be a
solution for computer hardware and software too. Don't mention backups!
FWIW, when I was young we used hemp to seal water pipe connections, to
climb a tree or monkey bars and still the whammy bar of my guitar might
be fixed with some pickings. Today everything is lost in non-reliable
plastic and computers even reach the quality of plastics. :(

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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 08:05 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 The computer age is missing stuff like a sacrificial anode. For
 non-computer hardware there are several tricks to maintain it without
 maintaining it, e.g. a sacrificial anode. I wish there would be a
 solution for computer hardware and software too. Don't mention backups!
 FWIW, when I was young we used hemp to seal water pipe connections, to
 climb a tree or monkey bars and still the whammy bar of my guitar might
 be fixed with some pickings. Today everything is lost in non-reliable
 plastic and computers even reach the quality of plastics. :(
^ don't :D

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Re: accented characters in text console

2012-06-24 Thread Howard Eisenberger
On 2012-06-21, Chris Davies wrote:


 Notice that even though I chose the 105 key (Intl) keyboard, I do not
 have an XKBVARIANT even though Compose is enabled and works. Mind you,
 I've never really understood what the XKBVARIANT=intl is intended to
 do for US and UK keyboards, as I use a Compose key to get my non-UK

On a PC here Ctrl+. works as Compose with

I get Dead keys with
(I don't use this)



Howard E.

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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Chris Knadle
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 01:39:06, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 I usually have at least one Suse, one Debian, one Ubuntu and one Arch
 installed, just to get one Linux, that fit to my most important needs.

That sounds like it could occasionally be confusing... but also interesting. 

I've been meaning to try Arch, simply because it's one of the distros that I 
haven't yet tried.

 Usually that are Debian or Ubuntu and not Suse or Arch. Perhaps I should
 replace Suse with Fedora, anyway, it's hard to keep track with all
 distros I'm using.

Fedora is interesting in that they use SELinux by default, but I don't 
personally like their plans for mandating reboots for certain updates for 
Fedora 18.  That's too much like Windows for my liking.  I prefer Debian's 
restart of services after libc6 upgrades, without requiring a reboot.

 AFAIK on Arch only systemd is important today, I didn't switch, OTOH I
 often nag regarding to consolekit.

Many distributions have switched to using systemd by default -- a few of the 
holdouts are Ubuntu (which uses upstart), Debian (still using sysv-rc init 
scripts, but now with dependency-based bootup), and Gentoo which is using 

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Chris Knadle
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 01:28:28, lina wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Chris Knadle 
  On Saturday, June 23, 2012 23:49:54, lina wrote:
  Kinda of funny,
  Dselect reported me that my /var has saturated.  Indeed, 100%.
  My question is that how to set to let me know earlier when the var
  reached 98%.  Kinda of dangerous huh?
  This is a common problem.  If this is a box you're running KDE on I'd
  suggest the freespacenotifier package.  If this is a server (or doesn't
  run KDE) then
 It runs with xfce4.
  I'd suggest configuring the box such that you'll get email output from
  cron, and then make a cronjob that outputs text only when the free space
  left on filesystems reaches the desired warning threshold.
 I started to initiate a script,
 $ while [ df -h | grep /dev/sda11  | awk '{print $5}'  90% ]; do
 sleep 1000 ; done mail
 bash: [: missing `]'
 bash: 90%: No such file or directory
 not work.
 Can someone recommend some build-in script which integrate the cron,
 so I can take it as template and learn from it. I don't know which one
 is the best fit, which also autorun everytime after reboot.

This evening I came up with the following quick script, freespacewarn,
which I placed in my home directory under ~/bin :


df -h | fgrep -v -e Filesystem | while read FS SIZE USED AVAIL PCNT_USE 
   export PCNT_USE
   PCNT=$(echo $PCNT_USE | tr -d '%')
   if [ $PCNT -gt 90 ]; then
  echo Warning: filesystem at $MOUNTEDAT nearly full.
  echo   Filesystem $FS, Size $SIZE, $USED used, $AVAIL avail, $PCNT_USE 
used, mounted at $MOUNTEDAT

Then I made a user crontab entry via 'crontab -e' to run this once a day
at 7am:

0 7 * * * /home/cknadle/bin/freespacewarn

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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Re: Was and is: Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Mika Suomalainen
23.06.2012 23:21, Ralf Mardorf kirjoitti:
 On Sat, 2012-06-23 at 22:19 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   Sorry, censored chimed in, I'm curious if editing the
   subject, will keep the spam away
  It does!
 No it doesn't :(, there just is a little bit more delay.

Don't mention him if you want to keep him away.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.

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Re: Was and is: Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Mika Suomalainen
24.06.2012 10:11, Mika Suomalainen kirjoitti:
 23.06.2012 23:21, Ralf Mardorf kirjoitti:
  On Sat, 2012-06-23 at 22:19 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Sorry, censored chimed in, I'm curious if editing the
subject, will keep the spam away
   It does!
  No it doesn't :(, there just is a little bit more delay.
 Don't mention him if you want to keep him away.

Edit: that doesn't work.

PS. Sorry for return receipt asking. I am on computer, which I haven't
used in a long time so some Icedove settings are weird.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.

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4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 OT for Lina's issue, but she mentioned /var.

 Will /var soon or later be changed for most distros, inculding Debian?

 As of filesystem-2012.6-2 the folders /var/run and /var/lock will be
 replaced by symlinks to /run and /run/lock, respectively. -

Debian started the transition to /run a year ago. AFAIK it won't
affect the size of /var much since the files and directories moved
to /run are small.

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Re: A qualified Yes - was [Re: Is the a 'contrarian' Debian install available?]

2012-06-24 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Richard Owlett wrote:
 Joe wrote:

 There are various references on the Net to 'Debian From
 Scratch' but
 they seem to refer to installing Debian using various
 methods rather
 than actually compiling it from source. I think
 (c)debootstrap has
 already been mentioned in this context.

 debootstrap had not been mentioned that I recall.
 It will save me from reinventing wheel.

 Unfortunately it won't.
 In my quick scan of the documentation I misread the first sentence of . It states:
 debootstrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into a
 subdirectory of another, *_already installed system_* . [EMPHASIS added]

The already installed system can be a Live one.

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Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Bartek Krawczyk
On Saturday, 23 June 2012, green wrote:
 virtualbox for a full GUI or kvm for full functionality via CLI

VirtualBox can also be run in CLI.

Bartek Krawczyk
network and system administrator

Re: A qualified Yes - was [Re: Is the a 'contrarian' Debian install available?]

2012-06-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 23 iun 12, 21:22:38, Richard Owlett wrote:
 debootstrap had not been mentioned that I recall.
 It will save me from reinventing wheel.
 Unfortunately it won't.
 In my quick scan of the documentation I misread the first sentence
 of . It states:
 debootstrap is a tool which will install a Debian base system into
 a subdirectory of another, *_already installed system_* . [EMPHASIS

Well, how else would you expect to run debootstrap if not from within 
some running system?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: fonts used by evince

2012-06-24 Thread Brian
On Sat 23 Jun 2012 at 08:54:47 +, Camaleón wrote:

 I'm using the Symbol TrueType font that came by default along with 
 Windows XP¹, I can send you the file if you want to play with it.

Thank you for the offer. I managed to get it from elsewhere.

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Re: E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

2012-06-24 Thread Brian
On Sun 24 Jun 2012 at 13:01:37 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:39 PM, lina wrote:
  I don't know how to fix the following problem,
 It's fixed after changing the source.list to my former mirror.

Switching backwards and forwards between mirrors may be avoided by using

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Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Richard Hector
On 24/06/12 20:21, Bartek Krawczyk wrote:
 On Saturday, 23 June 2012, green wrote:
 virtualbox for a full GUI or kvm for full functionality via CLI
 VirtualBox can also be run in CLI.

... And you can also get a GUI (via a VNC viewer) with KVM :-)


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Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Curt
On 2012-06-24, lina wrote:

 Dselect reported me that my /var has saturated.  Indeed, 100%.  

 My question is that how to set to let me know earlier when the var
 reached 98%.  Kinda of dangerous huh? 

My question would be why is /var being saturated in the first place.

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Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread lina
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Curt wrote:
 On 2012-06-24, lina wrote:

 Dselect reported me that my /var has saturated.  Indeed, 100%.

 My question is that how to set to let me know earlier when the var
 reached 98%.  Kinda of dangerous huh?

 My question would be why is /var being saturated in the first place.

Ha ... I didn't realize I should have used aptitude autoclean before.
Lots of .deb ball there.

Dom guessed exactly right on another thread.


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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 02:33 -0400, Chris Knadle wrote:
 Fedora is interesting in that they use SELinux by default, but I don't 
 personally like their plans for mandating reboots for certain updates for 
 Fedora 18.  That's too much like Windows for my liking.  I prefer Debian's 
 restart of services after libc6 upgrades, without requiring a reboot.

For my needs is
interesting, because it's not just another audio distro, but one of the
few famous audio distros.

If a reboot is really annoying IMO does also belong to the usage.

It doesn't matter when I have to reboot my DAW, I suspect it does
matter, if a server needs to be restarted or even a desktop Linux with
tons of services running.

- Ralf

PS: Using different distros comes with a side effect. I don't have much
knowledge about Linux, I only have knowledge about Linux regarding to my
needs. This is a big handicap, since there isn't a straight line between
my needs and what I don't need.

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Re: E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

2012-06-24 Thread lina
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Dom wrote:
 On 24/06/12 06:01, lina wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:39 PM,  wrote:


 I don't know how to fix the following problem,

 It's fixed after changing the source.list to my former mirror.


 Best regards,

 W: Failed to fetch

 Hash Sum mismatch
 E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
 ones used instead.
 E: Couldn't rebuild package cache

 Thanks ahead for the suggestions,

 I think that when your /var filled up, you were left with some partly
 downloaded files in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial and apt is trying to use

 I assume you've freed up a lot of space under /var now. Can you delete all
 the files uder that directory and try to update again? It is safe, as the
 files will be downloaded again.

 This leaves the question of why did /var fill up? Have you got a lot of old
 deb files under /var/cache/apt/archives? These can be safely got rid of with
 apt-get clean (unless you are keeping them for a reason). Also, apt-get
 autoclean will prevent them being left in there after an upgrade/install.

You are right, I have cleared the .deb,

I guess I'd better set the cron to do the autoclean also.

Thanks all,


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Re: OT: /var on another distro, was: Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Chris Knadle wrote:

 Fedora is interesting in that they use SELinux by default, but I don't
 personally like their plans for mandating reboots for certain updates for
 Fedora 18.  That's too much like Windows for my liking.  I prefer Debian's
 restart of services after libc6 upgrades, without requiring a reboot.

The way Fedora will handle it is nothing at all like Windows.  I'm not
sure where you got that idea.  First off, you have to use PackageKit
to see the new behavior, and you have to use PackageKit in a local
desktop session.  The behavior of a yum update is unchanged.
Furthermore, it doesn't require a reboot at all.  Fedora will download
and *queue* the update and install it during the reboot cycle.
There's no reboot required because the update is never installed
until you *do* reboot.

This behavior cleans up what you see in Debian already, when Update
Manager installs an update and then notifies you that you need to
reboot after it's installed.  It's cleaned up in that Debian (and
prior versions of Fedora) install the update, *then* tell you reboot
(and only, as will happen in Fedora, when using the GUI updater in a
local desktop session).  In the future, Fedora won't install the
update if a reboot is required *until* you reboot.

The Windows behavior is what Debian and Fedora both do today --
install the update first then tell you to reboot after the fact.


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Re: 100% [Waiting for headers]

2012-06-24 Thread Chris Knadle
On Sunday, June 24, 2012 05:52:16, lina wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Curt wrote:
  On 2012-06-24, lina wrote:
  Dselect reported me that my /var has saturated.  Indeed, 100%.
  My question is that how to set to let me know earlier when the var
  reached 98%.  Kinda of dangerous huh?
  My question would be why is /var being saturated in the first place.
 Ha ... I didn't realize I should have used aptitude autoclean before.
 Lots of .deb ball there.
 Dom guessed exactly right on another thread.

For those running Debian Stable boxes /var/cache/apt/archives/ only slowly 
grows because upgrades are rare, so it generally takes several years for /var 
to fill up, and this issue generally goes unnoticed.

However for those who run Debian Unstable, /var ends up filling up much, much 
faster because instead of upgrades happening every two years, they happen 
every single day, so /var tends to fill up in about ONE year.  (Or at least 
that's what my experience was.)  Because of this I got into the habit of 
running 'apt-get clean' after all package installs and upgrades, and there 
turns out to be a downside to doing that.

It's convenient to be able to downgrade a newly broken package to a previous 
version that's in the package cache.  In aptitude this can be done by 
highlighting a package and then pressing the 'v' key to show available 
verisons of the package -- you can then press '+' on the previous version (if 
there's a previous version still in the cache) and downgrade the package.  
These options are only available if 'apt-get clean' has NOT been run, though 
-- otherwise only the latest installed version is available.

So as a result it's best to run 'apt-get clean' occasionally rather than 
constantly.  :-P  On Debian Stable where packages generally don't break it's 
probably safe -- yet ironically it's on Debian Unstable where packages 
occasionally do break is where one would want to clean out the package cache 
most often.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 10:19:11 -0700, T Elcor wrote:

 I'm looking into running Windows XP as guest on a Debian Wheezy box. The
 hardware is fairly recent (should support virtualization) and Windows XP
 will be used only occasionally, not a production environment, so the
 goal is to have an easy virtualization setup that minimally impacts the
 host OS (Debian).
 Any ideas? Thanks

VirtualBox is usually a good option. Easy to get, easy to install and 
easy to use.



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Re: The Debian Linux Kernel Handbook within a deb

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:23:43 -0700, Regid Ichira wrote:

 Many (most?) packages with extensive documentation offer a deb so that
 the documentation will be available locally. Am I right that there is no
 deb offering the Debian Linux Kernel Handbook?  Is it reasonable to file
 a wishlist bug for that matter?

Well, there is a package:





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Re: Wheezy: Virtualization package recommendations

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 10:51 +, Camaleón wrote:
 VirtualBox is usually a good option. Easy to get, easy to install and 
 easy to use.

+1 Install it and use it, no reading is needed. OTOH hardware such as
e.g. USB can become an issue. I experienced timing issues with USB, even
with some Oracle special extensions.

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Re: The Debian Linux Kernel Handbook within a deb

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 11:03 +, Camaleón wrote:

Apologize, I've written 1.0.13, but indeed for Wheezy it's 1.0.12.

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Re: Hardware problems -- was [Re: Is the a 'contrarian' Debian install available?]

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:03:17 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 10:13:31 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:


 As I write I was doing another test install. It appeared to proceed
 normally up until I was instructed to remove the CD. Seems to have
 crashed with a bunch of error message.

 Error messages are very important :-)


 Test procedure notes

I think the errors below are for a different install other than the 
netiso, right? Okay...


 4. A _appeared_ to go 'normal'. Instructed to remove CD so system could
 reboot. Hung with a long list
  of what were apparently error messages

Any snapshot of those? As I said, the kind of the errors you get is 
important. It can be from harmless (CD media read-seek errors) to serious 
(packages not being properly installed or a hardware problem...).


 9. Debian  LXDE install


 LOL  -  seems to work ;/

 next day ;)
 12. Attempted to boot the LXDE just installed in rescue mode - it hung
 apparently waiting for the built in touch pad.  Powered off

Mmm... right after the install, it's better that you login into the 
system and proceed with a full update (if you are in stable), there can 
be many bugs or problems that could have been solved afterwards. This, of 
course, does not apply for a testing system due to its rolling update 
nature but yet it is better that you first login as usual into the 
recently installed OS and setup a basic configuration.

 13. Attempted boot same LXDE but in normal mode. 

Good :-)

 It hung. 

At what point? What was printed in the screen?

 But 3 lines up I noticed instruction to hit Cntl-D to proceed.
 I did. It did ;] 

Ctrl+D will give yu the busybox/maintenance console, you can run some 
basic command and check for the existance of files, review the logs... 
you can do some work from here.

 14. Repeated  Step 3. This time it failed at the same point but without
 displaying any messages.

Nothing in your monitor? :-?

 15. Powered off and rebooted. Appeared normal accepting user password.
 However it rejected root's password when attempting to access Root
 Terminal under Accessories sub-menu. Other installs seem to act

If you configured sudo, you will be asked for the user password instead 
root's one.

 I've seen root's password being rejected before. It was what prompted me
 to remove Windows Vista Home edition and follow the steps just listed.


I wonder what kind of odd relation do you see in having a problem with 
your root's password and Windows Vista :-?

For the root password issue you can run more tests, for instance, opening 
a terminal and su -, to see what happens.

 CONCLUSION: I've some flaky hardware. 

Mmm... I'm not that sure, at least for the kind of the problems you have 
described it does not lead to me to think of a hardware problem (at least 
not exclusively) , there's not enough information to prove that point.

 After warranty period, used computers are definitely caveat emptor.
 With 4 Linuxes now installed, I still have only one SWAP partition -
 proves at least one problem was operator error ;!

Warranty is a delusion, I never bother about it anymore and prefer to 
always buy for good, well designed, well manufactured, well engineered 
hardware components :-)



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Laptop wake-up issue

2012-06-24 Thread Nathan D'elboux

Hi all,

I have recently built Debian 6 squeeze on my Toshiba Satellite P200 laptop, 
Everything runs great on it except the sleep or hibernate function

I have setup the power options so that when the lid is shut it goes to sleep, 
when i open up the lid i can see the screen and HDD's spin up but the screen 
remains black. Its backlit but off,i cant get a logon screen to enter my 

I have to hold the power and cycle and start again. A little annoying if i'm 
trying to work on something and need to come back later. Doesnt really work.

Anyone troubleshooted an issue like this before? Where can i start? Wanting to 
try anything o fix it. 

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks ;)

Re: Not getting mailing list response in my inbox

2012-06-24 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 03:52:10PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 00:20:46 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 03:32:27PM +0530, Harshad Joshi wrote:
  Hello to admins and mailing list managers...
  I am not able to receive responses posted to my topics i mailed to the
  list..Can someone help to sort out this issue? Is it gmail that is
  preventing mails from getting in? #help
  This is a famous Gmail feature.
 I think you mean this:
 Not receiving email from groups
 What Gmail's webmail filters is _your own_ replies but not the other user 
 replies to your posts; that would be too much insane... even for 
 Google ;-P


What is the chance of these replies to be in Google's spam box?

I do not know about this rule.  At least once they put one message to
spam box, the whole thread seems to ge there.  ... That was my vague
feeling ...


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Re: Not getting mailing list response in my inbox

2012-06-24 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 05:06:03PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 00:20:46 +0900
 Osamu Aoki wrote:
 Hello Osamu,
 Then Gmail do not put looped mail into your inbox.
 AIUI, OP is bemoaning lack of _responses_ to queries, not the failure by
 gmail to return own messages.
---end quoted text---

Perhaps. In any event the responses and the OP will be in the All Mail
label/mailbox. It's a feature, surprised this is the only time the OP
noticed it. :)

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Re: Unmet dependencies installing eclipse from testing on a stable system

2012-06-24 Thread Vilius Panevėžys
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:47:00 +0100
Lisi wrote:

 Is the package you want available in Squeeze backports?

Unfortunately, no. [1]

In another thread of this list I've seen someone suggesting
that /etc/apt/apt.conf has been deprecated, so I've tried creating a
file in /etc/apt/atp.conf.d with the default release setting
(effectively moving /etc/apt/apt.conf that I had
to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/local) to no avail. I've also verified (ls -lu)
that /etc/apt/apt.conf is touched during an upgrade.

So, even though, this particular case isn't a problem (I can easily
install upstream package as Camaleón has suggested), I would appreciate
any help and hints on what mistake(s) I've made and how to safely
maintain a mixed stable/testing system.


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Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1


I'm using the deprecated Debian Lenny with a 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem
kernel on an Asus P5K/EPU motherboard with a 4-cores config. I'm
having, already for a long time, slowness issues.

It looks like when a task is `too demanding,' everything freezes until
this task is completed (that would not be a problem if it was done
quickly, but this is however not the case).

Take for example On the entry page, scrolling say 3
or 4 times the mouse wheel results in such a behaviour:

1) scrolling a little bit in the page,
2) waiting 2 or 3 (!) seconds, then scrolling the rest.

That is, scrolling is slow and freezes for 2-3 s after having scrolled
a little bit. Then, it scrolls until where it had to stop.

My HDD is not full, and I've already cleared all my temporary
internet files. This behaviour also happens sometimes with other applications,
but this is mostly the case with on Mozilla Firefox 11.0.

Thanks for any help.
- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

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Re: Laptop wake-up issue

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 21:45:06 +1000, Nathan D'elboux wrote:

 Hi all,

Hi Nathan.

Please, don't send html formatted posts to this mailing list, it's 
preferable to use plain text instead, thanks :-)

 I have recently built Debian 6 squeeze on my Toshiba Satellite P200
 laptop, Everything runs great on it except the sleep or hibernate

Sleep and hibernate are two different things calling a different set of 
routines so, is that both fail, sleep that fails or hibernate?
 I have setup the power options so that when the lid is shut it goes to
 sleep, when i open up the lid i can see the screen and HDD's spin up but
 the screen remains black. Its backlit but off,i cant get a logon screen
 to enter my password.

Are you sure is sleep the called function?
 I have to hold the power and cycle and start again. A little annoying if
 i'm trying to work on something and need to come back later. Doesnt
 really work.

Okay, I would start by reading these articles:

Then, for debugging purposes, manually call the suspend or hibernate 
scripts, from command line, to see what happens (man pm-action).

Also, there uses to be a log file at /var/log/pm-suspend.log which 
registers most of the problems when sending the computer to sleep/
hibernate and also when you want to restore it. Take a look at it.



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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Firefox or Iceweasel? However, even if sometimes other apps cause this
too, the cause might be Firefox. With 'firefox -P' you could use a new
instance of Firefox, to test if it does behave like your default.
Perhaps there are messages, if you run Firefox by a terminal emulation.
Firefox is my favorite web browser, but it can cause issues other
browsers don't cause.

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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Gary Dale

On 24/06/12 11:05 AM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

Hash: SHA1


I'm using the deprecated Debian Lenny with a 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem
kernel on an Asus P5K/EPU motherboard with a 4-cores config. I'm
having, already for a long time, slowness issues.

It looks like when a task is `too demanding,' everything freezes until
this task is completed (that would not be a problem if it was done
quickly, but this is however not the case).

Take for example On the entry page, scrolling say 3
or 4 times the mouse wheel results in such a behaviour:

1) scrolling a little bit in the page,
2) waiting 2 or 3 (!) seconds, then scrolling the rest.

That is, scrolling is slow and freezes for 2-3 s after having scrolled
a little bit. Then, it scrolls until where it had to stop.

My HDD is not full, and I've already cleared all my temporary
internet files. This behaviour also happens sometimes with other applications,
but this is mostly the case with on Mozilla Firefox 11.0.

Thanks for any help.
- -- 
Merciadri Luca

- -- 

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8

Have you considered moving to a more recent release? Lenny is ancient by 
today's standards.

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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 17:19 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Firefox or Iceweasel? However, even if sometimes other apps cause this
 too, the cause might be Firefox. With 'firefox -P' you could use a new
 instance of Firefox, to test if it does behave like your default.
  Oops, no, it's another profile, sorry for my broken English,
anyway, test it.
 Perhaps there are messages, if you run Firefox by a terminal emulation.
 Firefox is my favorite web browser, but it can cause issues other
 browsers don't cause.

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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:05:37 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

Hi there... Nice to read you again! :-)

 I'm using the deprecated Debian Lenny with a 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem kernel
 on an Asus P5K/EPU motherboard with a 4-cores config. I'm having,
 already for a long time, slowness issues.

How about your ram?
 It looks like when a task is `too demanding,' everything freezes until
 this task is completed (that would not be a problem if it was done
 quickly, but this is however not the case).

When that happens, run top and look for the CPU and MEM columns.

 Take for example On the entry page, scrolling say 3 or
 4 times the mouse wheel results in such a behaviour:
 1) scrolling a little bit in the page, 
 2) waiting 2 or 3 (!) seconds, then scrolling the rest.
 That is, scrolling is slow and freezes for 2-3 s after having scrolled a
 little bit. Then, it scrolls until where it had to stop.
 My HDD is not full, and I've already cleared all my temporary internet
 files. This behaviour also happens sometimes with other applications,
 but this is mostly the case with on Mozilla Firefox 11.0.

The first step I'd do is updating Firefox to 13.0.1 (it works like a 
charm in my lenny). But you can also run more tests, like disabling your 
add-ons and plugins (mainly flash player) and check for any improvement 
once you have turn all them off.

Also, ensure you have the latest flash player plugin version installed, 



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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:22:58 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 24/06/12 11:05 AM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 I'm using the deprecated Debian Lenny with a 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem kernel
 on an Asus P5K/EPU motherboard with a 4-cores config. I'm having,
 already for a long time, slowness issues.


 Have you considered moving to a more recent release? Lenny is ancient by
 today's standards.

But ancient does not have to mean slow nor problematic per se. I'm 
also using lenny and runs fast  furious in my quad-core system with 8 
GiB of ram ;-)

An update is planned once wheezy is out.



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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 15:33 +, Camaleón wrote:
 But you can also run more tests, like disabling your 
 add-ons and plugins

E.g. by using another profile, running 'firefox -P' by a terminal
emulation. Keep your default profile and test what happens with a
virginal Firefox, so you can keep everything you like for your default
and track down the issue, by e.g. adding one add-on after the other.

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Re: unstable web browsers

2012-06-24 Thread john gennard

On 12/06/12 16:45, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 12 iun 12, 11:57:13, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

If you still can't get it to work send the file to me directly and I'll
quote the relevant parts (or upload it all to the paste).

John sent it to me directly, but I can't spot anything wrong so I
uploaded it to the paste:

Kind regards,

I have still not been able to get rid of this problem, and think I should
try to reconfigure Xorg. As I understand, the commandline as changed
between Debian 5.0 and 6.05 - could some please let me know the
correct reconfigure instruction for 6.05.

I have eliminated problems with the mouse. Also, I've used a small partition
on the drive and installed Win XP and this works perfectly thus eliminating
problems with the graphic card.


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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hash: SHA256

Hello Merciadri,

Merciadri Luca wrote:
 1) scrolling a little bit in the page,
 2) waiting 2 or 3 (!) seconds, then scrolling the rest.
 That is, scrolling is slow and freezes for 2-3 s after having scrolled
 a little bit. Then, it scrolls until where it had to stop.

How much memory and swap do you have (free -m)? Which desktop
environment do you run? Are there other processes (check with (h)top,
maybe ps).

Best regards,

- -- 
They're unfriendly, which is fortunate, really.  They'd be difficult to like.
-- Avon  telnet 4242
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:40:50 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 15:33 +, Camaleón wrote:
 But you can also run more tests, like disabling your add-ons and
 E.g. by using another profile, 


No, I wanted he tries first with his current profile to discard a problem 
between YouTube and outdated applications (browser and plugins/addons). 

Moving to and empty Firefox profile should go in a later stage if none of 
the above makes a noticeable difference because regardless the nature of 
the problem, running updated versions of Firefox and flash player is 
nowadays a must for security reasons.



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Re: Not getting mailing list response in my inbox

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 21:58:17 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 03:52:10PM +, Camaleón wrote:

  I am not able to receive responses posted to my topics i mailed to
  the list..Can someone help to sort out this issue? Is it gmail that
  is preventing mails from getting in? #help
  This is a famous Gmail feature.
 I think you mean this:
 Not receiving email from groups
 What Gmail's webmail filters is _your own_ replies but not the other
 user replies to your posts; that would be too much insane... even for
 Google ;-P
 What is the chance of these replies to be in Google's spam box?

Yes, that's something the OP could check. Although is not usual seeing 
Gmail spam filters marking posts coming from this mailing list as spam, 
it can indeed happen and this will be an easy check.

 I do not know about this rule.  At least once they put one message to
 spam box, the whole thread seems to ge there.  ... That was my vague
 feeling ...

Yup, Gmail's IMAP implementation (that I still don't fully understand how 
it goes but Mutt seems happy with it and if Mutt is happy I'm happy too) 
does this kind of annoying things :-)



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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 15:58 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:40:50 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2012-06-24 at 15:33 +, Camaleón wrote:
  But you can also run more tests, like disabling your add-ons and
  E.g. by using another profile, 
 No, I wanted he tries first with his current profile to discard a problem 
 between YouTube and outdated applications (browser and plugins/addons). 
 Moving to and empty Firefox profile should go in a later stage if none of 
 the above makes a noticeable difference because regardless the nature of 
 the problem, running updated versions of Firefox and flash player is 
 nowadays a must for security reasons.

Ok :), I guess it doesn't matter how to start, but I might be mistaken.
At least I agree regarding to Gnash or FlashPlayer, when YouTube is in

Hello OP, do you use Gnash or FlashPlayer? I suspect you already use
FlashPlayer ... however, get latest version of the proprietary
FlashPlayer. I suspect that less people on this list like FlashPlayer,
but the web is based on it and we hardly can abandon it, it's a PITA.

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Re: Kdevelop-php and debugging

2012-06-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 09:45:50 +0100, Alan Chandler wrote:

 Anyone out there using kdevelop with php and xdebug.


 But for a starters - its suggesting I need various kdevelop plugings,
 but the links he gives don't work, and if you try and look in the same
 place for later releases of kdevelop, the specific plugins are not

Not the kind of answer you're expecting, I know, but given the 
development status of the plugin, have you considered asking at 
kdevelop-devel mailing list directly for any news on this?

There was a similar question posted there back in August 2011:

Using XDebug in KDevelop ffpr PHP debugging



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Re: unstable web browsers

2012-06-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 24 iun 12, 16:49:43, john gennard wrote:
 I have eliminated problems with the mouse. Also, I've used a small partition
 on the drive and installed Win XP and this works perfectly thus eliminating
 problems with the graphic card.

Would it be feasible for you to try the kernel and Xorg from backports?

Kind regards,
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Debian 5.0: Capturing audio from a web page?

2012-06-24 Thread Randy Kramer
I'm (still) using Debian 5.0 (Lenny, iirc).  

I want to capture some audio from a web page.

Is there an application typically installed in Debian 5.0 that will help me do 
that.  (krec does not seem to work--maybe Debian is using ALSA rather than 

OTOH, I started to try to use ffmpeg, but the instructions I was following say 
I need a version of ffmpeg compiled with ALSA support, and the version of 
ffmpeg that is installed does not have ALSA support.

Can somebody point me in the right (simple) direction?

Even answering (or telling me how to answer) some simple questions, like:
   * is my system using aRts or ALSA?
   * is my system using gstreamer or pulseaudio?
   * is there a precompiled (binary) version of ffmpeg for Debian 5.0 with 
ALSA support compiled in?
   * ???

Randy Kramer

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Re: The Debian Linux Kernel Handbook within a deb

2012-06-24 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 04:23:43PM -0700, Regid Ichira wrote:
   Many (most?) packages with extensive documentation offer a deb
 so that the documentation will be available locally.  
 Am I right that there is no deb offering the Debian Linux Kernel Handbook?  
 Is it reasonable to file a wishlist bug for that matter?

By all means, yes.


all tony, all the time!

Description: Digital signature

iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?

2012-06-24 Thread Eike Lantzsch
Hi y'all:

Following the recent discussion of slowness:
How do I get Iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?
I had no problem apt-get[ing] it for Sid but on Wheezy I'm stuck with 

I got this:
deb experimental main contrib non-free

apt-get install -t experimental iceweasel
only tells me that I already got the newest version of Iceweasel.

I concluded that I get 10.0.5 as release but the recent discussion seemed to 
imply that 13.0.1 is the release-version for Sid as well as for Wheezy.
That left me headscratching ...

Thanks and regards, 

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Re: iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?

2012-06-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 24 iun 12, 13:45:14, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 I got this:
 deb experimental main contrib non-free
 apt-get install -t experimental iceweasel
 only tells me that I already got the newest version of Iceweasel.

What does 'apt-cache policy iceweasel' say?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?

2012-06-24 Thread Eike Lantzsch
On Sunday 24 June 2012 13:55:24 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 24 iun 12, 13:45:14, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
  I got this:
  deb experimental main contrib non-free
  apt-get install -t experimental iceweasel
  only tells me that I already got the newest version of Iceweasel.
 What does 'apt-cache policy iceweasel' say?
 Kind regards,

apt-cache policy iceweasel
  Installed: 10.0.5esr-1
  Candidate: 10.0.5esr-1
  Package pin: 13.0.1-1
  Version table:
 13.0.1-1 700
600 experimental/main i386 Packages
600 experimental/main i386 Packages
 *** 10.0.5esr-1 700
   1000 wheezy/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I think I got the pinning wrong


Package: wine
Pin: release l=WineHQ APT Repository
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
Pin-Priority: 1000

Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=squeeze
Pin-Priority: 800

#Package: *
#Pin: release a=testing
#Pin-Priority: 700

Package: iceweasel
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 700

Package:  *
Pin: release a=experimental
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: *
Pin: release a=sid
Pin-Priority: 500

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 400

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=lenny
Pin-Priority: 200

Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 610

Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 620

Thank you for your concern

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Re: iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?

2012-06-24 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 24 iun 12, 14:20:47, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
 apt-cache policy iceweasel
   Installed: 10.0.5esr-1
   Candidate: 10.0.5esr-1
   Package pin: 13.0.1-1
   Version table:
  13.0.1-1 700
 600 experimental/main i386 Packages
 600 experimental/main i386 Packages

This looks like you have two sources for experimental, get rid of one.

  *** 10.0.5esr-1 700
1000 wheezy/main i386 Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 I think I got the pinning wrong

The values have specific meaning, it's not enough to have just some 
value bigger than the other one.

 Package: wine
 Pin: release l=WineHQ APT Repository
 Pin-Priority: 1000
 Package: *
 Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
 Pin-Priority: 1000

A pin bigger than 990 and smaller or equal to 1000 has a special 
meaning, see 'man apt_preferences'. Try downgrading this to 990.
 Package: *
 Pin: origin
 Pin-Priority: 900
 Package: *
 Pin: release o=Debian,a=squeeze
 Pin-Priority: 800
 #Package: *
 #Pin: release a=testing
 #Pin-Priority: 700
 Package: iceweasel
 Pin: release a=experimental
 Pin-Priority: 700
 Package:  *
 Pin: release a=experimental
 Pin-Priority: 600
 Package: *
 Pin: release a=sid
 Pin-Priority: 500
 Package: *
 Pin: release a=unstable
 Pin-Priority: 400

Here you have two pins for the same archive (sid is unstable and will 
not change)

 Package: *
 Pin: release o=Debian,a=lenny
 Pin-Priority: 200

Do you need lenny?

 Package: *
 Pin: origin
 Pin-Priority: 610
 Package: *
 Pin: origin
 Pin-Priority: 620

Generally I advocate much simpler pinning, especially if you are not 
familiar with it.

If you would explain what exactly you are trying to achieve (i.e. which 
release do you want to use in general, for which packages do you need 
exceptions and why, etc.) then we might suggest something much simpler 
and more maintainable. Don't forget to also post all your sources. 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Gary Dale writes:

 Have you considered moving to a more recent release?
 Lenny is ancient by today's standards.
I know, but apart from the firefox problem, my installation is quite
stable and I don't want to move now.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

When I was born, I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a
 half. (Gracie Allen)
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Ralf Mardorf writes:

 Firefox or Iceweasel?
Firefox 13.0.1.
 However, even if sometimes other apps cause this
 too, the cause might be Firefox. With 'firefox -P' you could use a new
 instance of Firefox, to test if it does behave like your default.
 Perhaps there are messages, if you run Firefox by a terminal emulation.
 Firefox is my favorite web browser, but it can cause issues other
 browsers don't cause.
I just tested firefox -P but that does not help. In terminal, I'm
having no message when launching firefox and surfing on

Even with a brand new installation, that is, no .mozilla directory, no
add-on, no extension, nothing, the problem already appears. Why?

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

We tend to be perfect. That’s why when we make mistakes we are hard
  on ourselves.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:05:37 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Hi there... Nice to read you again! :-)

 I'm using the deprecated Debian Lenny with a 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem kernel
 on an Asus P5K/EPU motherboard with a 4-cores config. I'm having,
 already for a long time, slowness issues.

 How about your ram?
I have 4.0 GiB and I'm using a max of 1500 MiB with firefox and
youtube, so there's really no problem over there, unfortunately.

 It looks like when a task is `too demanding,' everything freezes until
 this task is completed (that would not be a problem if it was done
 quickly, but this is however not the case).

 When that happens, run top and look for the CPU and MEM columns.

 Take for example On the entry page, scrolling say 3 or
 4 times the mouse wheel results in such a behaviour:
 1) scrolling a little bit in the page, 
 2) waiting 2 or 3 (!) seconds, then scrolling the rest.
 That is, scrolling is slow and freezes for 2-3 s after having scrolled a
 little bit. Then, it scrolls until where it had to stop.
 My HDD is not full, and I've already cleared all my temporary internet
 files. This behaviour also happens sometimes with other applications,
 but this is mostly the case with on Mozilla Firefox 11.0.

 The first step I'd do is updating Firefox to 13.0.1 (it works like a 
 charm in my lenny). But you can also run more tests, like disabling your 
 add-ons and plugins (mainly flash player) and check for any improvement 
 once you have turn all them off.

 Also, ensure you have the latest flash player plugin version installed, 
Well, as I said before I just reinstalled the firefox, last version,
clean install, having removed .mozilla/* stuff, etc., and I'm still
having these issues (no add-on, as I said). Flash is up-to-date.

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

It is better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees.
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Merciadri Luca
Hash: SHA1


I have about 6 GiB of swap, and 0 is used. With other apps running,

$ free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  4053   2002   2050  0340832
- -/+ buffers/cache:829   3223
Swap: 5938  0   5938

I'm running Gnome, so there should not be any concern about this.

$ top

top - 21:59:14 up  6:27,  5 users,  load average: 1.17, 0.95, 0.81
Tasks: 194 total,   2 running, 192 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 23.0%us,  2.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 74.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.1%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   4150284k total,  2055016k used,  2095268k free,   349040k buffers
Swap:  6080560k total,0k used,  6080560k free,   852368k cached

 3751 root  20   0 79832  45m  12m R   94  1.1  48:38.35 Xorg   
15799 merciadr  20   0  313m  84m  27m S   19  2.1   1:33.43 firefox-bin
 3092 root  20   0 18436 1040  780 S5  0.0   4:13.50 cpufreqd   
16021 merciadr  20   0 45756  17m  13m S5  0.4   0:35.04 gnome-system-mo
 4634 nut   20   0  2212  780  496 S1  0.0   0:05.04 usbhid-ups 
16256 merciadr  20   0  2524 1184  876 R1  0.0   0:00.02 top
 4067 merciadr  20   0 34536  15m  11m S0  0.4   0:48.50 kded   
1 root  20   0  2104  688  588 S0  0.0   0:01.48 init   
2 root  15  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd   
3 root  RT  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.16 migration/0
4 root  15  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.74 ksoftirqd/0
5 root  RT  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.02 watchdog/0 
6 root  RT  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.04 migration/1
7 root  15  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.88 ksoftirqd/1
8 root  RT  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.00 watchdog/1 
9 root  RT  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.08 migration/2
   10 root  15  -5 000 S0  0.0   0:00.68

Note that I often hear the fan going mad, e.g. when simply launching
the system monitor. Every time I launch the system monitor, it takes
sth. like 5 seconds before displaying graphs. And, during these
seconds, everything is frozen: playing music stops, for example, and
then continues 5 seconds later (5 seconds later in the sound too).

- -- 
Merciadri Luca
- -- 

If all else fails, try the obvious.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8


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[SOLVED - partly] Re: iceweasel 13.0.1 for Wheezy?

2012-06-24 Thread Eike Lantzsch
Thank you Andrei! You are very kind.

SOLVED as far as Iceweasel is concerned.
partly because I'm still struggling with understanding of pinning.

On Sunday 24 June 2012 15:36:15 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 24 iun 12, 14:20:47, Eike Lantzsch wrote:
  apt-cache policy iceweasel
Installed: 10.0.5esr-1
Candidate: 10.0.5esr-1
Package pin: 13.0.1-1
Package: wine

Version table:
   13.0.1-1 700
  600 experimental/main i386
  Packages 600 experimental/main
  i386 Packages
 This looks like you have two sources for experimental, get rid of one.
I did now.
   *** 10.0.5esr-1 700
 1000 wheezy/main i386 Packages
  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  I think I got the pinning wrong
I think I got the understanding wrong too.
 The values have specific meaning, it's not enough to have just some
 value bigger than the other one.
I started reading up on it.
  Package: wine
  Pin: release l=WineHQ APT Repository
  Pin-Priority: 1000
  Package: *
  Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing
  Pin-Priority: 1000
 A pin bigger than 990 and smaller or equal to 1000 has a special
 meaning, see 'man apt_preferences'. Try downgrading this to 990.
OK, I did that - see file contents below
  Package: *
  Pin: origin
  Pin-Priority: 900
  Package: *
  Pin: release o=Debian,a=squeeze
  Pin-Priority: 800
  #Package: *
  #Pin: release a=testing
  #Pin-Priority: 700
  Package: iceweasel
  Pin: release a=experimental
  Pin-Priority: 700
  Package:  *
  Pin: release a=experimental
  Pin-Priority: 600
  Package: *
  Pin: release a=sid
  Pin-Priority: 500
  Package: *
  Pin: release a=unstable
  Pin-Priority: 400
 Here you have two pins for the same archive (sid is unstable and will
 not change)
Outch! I knew it, I knew it!
  Package: *
  Pin: release o=Debian,a=lenny
  Pin-Priority: 200
 Do you need lenny?
  Package: *
  Pin: origin
  Pin-Priority: 610
  Package: *
  Pin: origin
  Pin-Priority: 620
 Generally I advocate much simpler pinning, especially if you are not
 familiar with it.
I agree
 If you would explain what exactly you are trying to achieve (i.e. which
 release do you want to use in general, for which packages do you need
 exceptions and why, etc.) then we might suggest something much simpler
 and more maintainable. Don't forget to also post all your sources.
Yep. See below, please.
 Kind regards,

What I want:
Stay with Wheezy when it's become Stable. At least for a while.
Get my packages mainly from Debian official.
Get from multimedia what I cannot get from Debian official.
Stay tuned with Skype
Stay tuned with Firefox (Iceweasel)
Get Google-maps

What I did after reading your counsel:
Delete cruft from sources.list and preferences
aptitude -t experimental install iceweasel

What happened:
Iceweasel 13.0.1 was installed.
Me: happy, hooray!

After making the changes
apt-cache policy iceweasel
looks like this and I managed to install Iceweasel 13.0.1

  Installed: 13.0.1-1
  Candidate: 13.0.1-1
  Package pin: 13.0.1-1
  Version table:
 *** 13.0.1-1 700
  1 experimental/main i386 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 10.0.5esr-1 700
990 wheezy/main i386 Packages

My /etc/apt/sources.list is now:

# want to stay on Wheezy after it becomes stable ... at least for awhile
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main contrib
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib

# skype official site
deb stable non-free
#deb testing non-free

#tovid (not using tovid at the present since devede 3.22.0 is working fine)
#deb testing contrib
#deb-src testing contrib

# proxy (gave that up some time ago)
# deb testing main contrib non-free

# kernel (no need)
# deb trunk main

## Google software repository:
## reminder: (wget -q -O - https://dl- | sudo apt-key add - )
## or (gpg --keyserver --recv A040830F7FAC5991  \
gpg --export  --armor A040830F7FAC5991 | sudo apt-key add - )
## Quoted cause of index failure (who was mentioning this??)
deb testing non-free

## Opera webbrowser:
#deb testing non-free
# Couldn't 

DHCP + DNS questions

2012-06-24 Thread Soare Catalin
Hello everyone,

I've setup a dhcp+dns server on a small box where I've installed
debian wheezy. It is for home use, as I happen to have a retarded
router from my ISP which is unable to hold reservations.

I've installed both isc-dhcp-server ( 4.2.2) and bind9 (9.8.1), and
they both work fine for all clients I connect to them, except for one
small detail: the dhcp server seems unable to add dns entries. (With
other words, everyone gets an IP and internet, but I'm unable to get
things to work internally, don't know who has what IP).

This is my first setup of this kind on GNU Linux, so I'm sure I made
mistakes on almost every step, so please bare with me on this.
I have attached the config files, again, they only work separately
(clients get IP, and DNS is getting resolved for clients, but I cannot
ping a for example). I have to mention that I've
rewritten them many times upon trying and retrying different guides I
found on the internet :(. The current config still works tho, for
clients who don't need local DNS.

My /var/log/syslog file, upon adding a new device to the network says:

Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: uid lease for client
14:7d:c5:01:df:8c is duplicate on
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: temporary name server failure
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from
14:7d:c5:01:df:8c via eth0
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: DHCPACK on to
14:7d:c5:01:df:8c via eth0
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: Unable to add forward map from to not found
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file.
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: Wrote 0 new dynamic host decls to leases file.
Jun 24 23:59:25 debSRV dhcpd: Wrote 9 leases to leases file.

Does anyone know what this means and/or how to solve it?

Thank you in advance,

Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re (5): Dying Iceweasel.

2012-06-24 Thread peasthope
Date:   Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:38:23 + (UTC)
 That they stick to the default browser (e.g., Epiphany)?

I just reread 
and .  The first is sub-titled 
Intuitive GNOME web browser.  Without your advice I would refrain from 
attempting to use it in LXDE.  Neither page addresses the questions of why 
use this browser? or which browser for me?. helps but 
something specific to Debian is needed.

Also I read .  It gives links but no 
comparisons.  Appears that the page could have a discussion or feature 
matrix to help with choice.  If anyone knows of such a document, please 
give the link.

 ... I'm not an aptitude user, I always go with apt-get, ...

FWIIW you've suggested another possibility for operating 
Linux from Oberon.  Interesting.

Two or three years back someone advised me to get with it 
and use aptitude.  Everyone has favourite tools.  Certainly 
the interface of aptitude is good in the sense of user 
oriented and task oriented.

TTFN,... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at 

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problem with 2 monitors and full screen games in wine

2012-06-24 Thread Markus


i am running Wheezy with 2 monitors connected to a Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX.
Twin-View is configured via nvidia-settings. And i am quit happy with 
that setup.
But...If i run a game within wine in full screen the right monitor turns 
off and the game
is displayed full screen on my left monitor. That's what i far 
everything works

as expected.

But after closing the game the right monitor turns on again and all
program windows (iceweasel, pidgin...), previously placed on that 
monitor have been
pushed on the left monitor. That is, it seems as if twin-view is being 
turned off and

on during starting and exiting a full screen game with wine.

My xorg.conf has the following meta-modes set:

Section Device
Identifier 9800GTX
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BusID  PCI:2:0:0
Option TwinView
Option MetaModes  1280x1024,1280x1024; 1280x1024; 
1024x768,1024x768; 1024x768; 800x600,800x600; 800x600; 640x480,640x480; 

Option TwinViewOrientation  RightOf
Option SecondMonitorHorizSync   UseEdidFreqs
Option SecondMonitorVertRefresh UseEdidFreqs

And last i want to point out that i didn't experience the former 
described problem with native

linux games like Xonotic.

So I hope you guys have some ideas or hints on what is going on there 
and what I can do to get rid of that little annoying issue.

Thanks a lot

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Re: Slowness problem

2012-06-24 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hello Merciadri,

Merciadri Luca wrote:
 $ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:  4053   2002   2050  0340832
 - -/+ buffers/cache:829   3223
 Swap: 5938  0   5938

Looks good.

  3751 root  20   0 79832  45m  12m R   94  1.1  48:38.35 Xorg 
 15799 merciadr  20   0  313m  84m  27m S   19  2.1   1:33.43 firefox-bin  

X really shouldn’t take that much CPU time. What’s the output of

$ glxinfo
$ xrandr

and which graphics card do you use? (Ideally, attach /var/log/Xorg.0.log) :)

Best regards,


The heart is not a logical organ.
-- Dr. Janet Wallace, The Deadly Years, stardate 3479.4  telnet 4242

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Changing pass-phrase on dm-crypt'ed disks

2012-06-24 Thread Nick Boyce
I recently set up a Debian Squeeze system, using the installer's option to 
encrypt the hard disk. It's working very well  :-)

Good practice dictates that I should change the pass-phrase for this disk from 
time to time, but my research ([1],[2]) suggests this is is not 
straightforward because of the scheme used by the installer.

The installer uses 'dm-crypt' to encrypt the drive, rather than the full LUKS 
system - and 'dm-crypt' generates the encryption key directly from the pass-
phrase, rather than storing the encryption key in an on-volume header 
protected by the pass-phrase.  Therefore, changing the pass-phrase requires 
all data to be decrypted and re-encrypted - a slow and cumbersome process.

This must be done either in situ (which is dangerous) or using a second  
filesystem (which is expensive on disk space).

Just to put my mind at rest (...), can anyone here confirm my understanding:  
the passphrase on a Debian-6.0 installer-encrypted disk volume can't currently 
be changed unless you unload all the data, re-create the volume with a new 
pass-phrase, and reload the data ?


  (FAQ section)

Q: What if I want to change my passphrase?
A: At the moment you'll need to reencrypt your device because the passphrase 
is directly tied to the key  If you want to reencrypt your filesystem 
you'll have to recreate a new one and move your files.

  (question 6.11)

Q: What does the on-disk structure of dm-crypt look like? 
A: There is none. dm-crypt takes a block device and gives encrypted access to 
each of its blocks with a key derived from the passphrase given ... If you 
want to change the password, you basically have to create a second encrypted 
device with the new passphrase and copy your data over

Thanks in advance,
Nick Boyce
Never FDISK after midnight

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