Occasional stuck keys on devanagari keyboard

2009-04-07 Thread Bryan Berry
I have about 40 XO's out of 2000 so far that occasionally show "stuck
keys" in the corners of the keyboard, particularly the frame, fn, and
right arrow key. The keys seem to stick occasionally but not
consistently. For instance, w/ 5 XO's yesterday the keys were stuck on
the first boot. On the second boot the problem  went away. Today, I
powered on the same XO's and the keys were stuck on the first boot. The
problem went away on the second boot.

We have firmware Q2E33

Can anyone shed some insight on this problem?

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Martin Dengler
On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 05:17:09PM +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> >  Why don't the SoaS/~cjb distributions contain the latest rawhide packages ?
> Because rawhide is a daily moving development target.

Aren't you both right?  The builds contain the latest rawhide packages
as of the image creation date, right?  Thus if it's no longer the
instant the image was created, rawhide packages may have been updated.

> > [mikus]
> Peter


Description: PGP signature
Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Kevin Sonney
Given everything discussed so far, is it worth considering an F11-OLPC
branch, with the intent of merging with F12?

-- Kevin Sonney
-- ke...@sonney.com

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep
moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and
curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
–Walt Disney

I check email a couple times daily; to reach me sooner, click here:
Devel mailing list

Re: Random notes on making Gecko's canvas go fast on XO...

2009-04-07 Thread Mihai Sucan
Le Tue, 07 Apr 2009 14:15:36 +0300, Martin Langhoff
 a écrit:

> Over the last few weeks there's been growing interest in using the
> support for HTML5's Canvas present in Browse.xo. A very quick test
> felt fairly slow, but Alex and his colleagues are interested in
> studying, profiling and working towards a solution.
> So here's some notes I've collected for them -- it's not my area of
> expertise anyway, so it'd be great to hear from others.
> Cairo and 565 surfaces. The XO display doesn't use 8-bits per RBG
> channel (aka 888). Instead, it downsamples colours to 565 (is that
> still true?). If the whole stack is using 565, then we avoid costly
> downsampling, and generally hit the fast paths...
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2007-April/002247.html
> Thread about X / Cairo optimisation
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/devel/2008-December/022042.html
> Profiling tools
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Performance_tuning
> Something to play with - a simple Canvas and SVG benchmark
> http://www.borismus.com/canvas-vs-svg-performance/

Hello Martin!

This is great stuff. I am really confident some serious performance gains  
will be made in regards to Canvas on desktops and mobile  
devices/laptops/netbooks. As Peter pointed out, Mozilla is doing lots of  
work for Fennec, work which impact the overall performance of the Gecko  

Since my last email I got to work on an important part of PaintWeb for  
GSOC 2009: keyboard shortcuts support.

If you look closely into the current code of PaintWeb, there's a method  
named ev_keypress_prepare which is marked with a TODO label, needing lots  
of improvements and testing.

Now I have worked on a new method to help with cross-browser compatibility  
for keyboard events in Web browsers. I have integrated the new code into  
libmacrame and I'll reuse it into PaintWeb (note that I will not use the  
entire lib, just this part). I have done lots of testing and now it works  
in Opera, Firefox, Safari, Konqueror and MSIE.

You can see the code at:

The KeyboardEvent.getKey() method will be part of the new code in  
PaintWeb, after code reorganization.

Best regards,

Mihai Sucan
Devel mailing list

Education Humor! Get a new perspective...

2009-04-07 Thread Caryl Bigenho

Some of you who are working on this wonderful education project may never have 
experienced the joy of actually being in a classroom...as a teacher.  This was 
sent to me by a retired teacher friend.  I have no doubt that somewhere, at 
some time every one of these things happened...perhaps more than once.  This is 
why when developing software for children the mantra should be "expect the 
unexpected".  Enjoy!

 Kids Are Quick 
TEACHER:   Maria, go to the map and find  North America  . 
MARIA: Here it is. 
TEACHER:   Correct. Now class, who discovered  America  ? 
CLASS: Maria. 

TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? 
JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. 

TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' 
TEACHER:  No, that's wrong 
GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. 
(I Love this kid)

TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? 
TEACHER:  What are you talking about? 
DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. 

TEACHER:  Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't 
have ten years ago. 
WINNIE:   Me! 

TEACHER:  Glen, why do you always get so dirty? 
GLEN:   Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. 

TEACHER:Millie, give me a sentence starting with '  I.  ' 
MILLIE:   I is.. 
TEACHER:No, Millie. Always say, 'I am.' 
MILLIE:   All right...  'I am the ninth letter of the 

TEACHER:   George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry 
tree, but also admitted it.  Now, Louie, do you know why his father 
didn't punish him? 
LOUIS:  Because George still had the axe in his hand.

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating? 
SIMON:No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook. 

TEACHER:Clyde  , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as 
your brother's. Did you copy his? 
CLYDE :   No, sir. It's the same dog. 

 TEACHER:  Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when 
people are no longer interested? 
HAROLD:   A teacher 

Devel mailing list

Re: [support-gang] Education Humor! Get a new perspective...

2009-04-07 Thread Henry Edward Hardy

Kids' Ideas About Love

Kids, aged 5 to 10, were asked questions about what they thought of love and
marriage. Here's what they said.

Love and Marriage:

* "If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't want
to do it. It takes too long." -- Glenn, age 7

* "Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." -- John,
age 9

* "I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the
rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." -- Manuel, age 8

* "No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do with
how you smell. That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular." -- Mae, age

* "Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty
good too." -- Greg, age 8

* "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." -- Tom,
age 5

* "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets
them interested enough to go for a second date." -- Mike, 10

* "I'm in favor of love as long as it doesn't happen when Dinosaurs is on
television." -- Jill, age 6

* "One of the people has freckles, and so he finds somebody else who has
freckles too." -- Andrew, age 6

* "My mother says to look for a man who is kind. That's what I'll do. I'll
find somebody who's kinda tall and handsome." -- Carolyn, age 8

* "It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I don't
need that kind of trouble." -- Kenny, age 7

* "One of you should know how to write a check. Because, even if you have
tons of love, there is still going to be a lot of bills." -- Ava, age 8

* "When somebody's been dating for a while, the boy might propose to the
girl. He says to her, 'I'll take you for a whole life, or at least until we
have kids and get divorced.'" -- Anita, 9

* "I'm not rushing into being in love. I'm finding fourth grade hard
enough." -- Regina, age 10

* "Most men are brainless, so you might have to try more than once to find a
live one." -- Angie, age 10

* "A man and a woman promise to go through sickness and illness and diseases
together." -- Marlon, age 10

* "[Being] single is better . . . for the simple reason that I wouldn't want
to change no diapers. Of course, if I did get married, I'd figure something
out. I'd just phone my mother and have her come over for some coffee and
diaper-changing." -- Kirsten, age 10

* "Love is foolish...but I still might try it sometime." -- Floyd, age 9

* "Love will find you, even if you are trying to hide from it. I been trying
to hide from it since I was five, but the girls keep finding me." -- Dave,
age 8


* "When a person gets kissed for the first time, they fall down, and they
don't get up for at least an hour." -- Wendy, age 8

* "You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a
big ring and her own VCR, 'cause she'll want to have videos of the wedding."
-- Jim, age 10

* "Never kiss in front of other people. It's a big embarrassing thing if
anybody sees you. But if nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with
a handsome boy, but just for a few hours." -- Kally, age 9

* "You learn [how to kiss] right on the spot when the gooshy feelings get
the best of you." -- Doug, age 7

* "If it's your mother, you can kiss her anytime. But if it's a new person,
you have to ask permission." -- Roger, age 6

* "It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber all over you. That's
why I stopped doing it." -- Tammy, age 10

* "I know one reason kissing was created. It makes you feel warm all over,
and they didn't always have electric heat or fireplaces or even stoves in
their houses." -- Gina, age 8

* "The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with
that." -- Curt, age 7

* "The rules goes like this: if you kiss someone, then you should marry her
and have kids with her. It's the right thing to do." -- Howard, age 8

* (on seeing a couple kissing) "He is trying to steal her chewing gum!" --
Boy, age 6


* "If you want to be loved by somebody who isn't already in your family, it
doesn't hurt to be beautiful." -- Anita, age 8

* "Beauty is skin deep. But how rich you are can last a long time." --
Christine, age 9

* "It isn't always how you look. Look at me. I'm handsome like anything, and
I haven't got anybody to marry me yet." -- Brian, age 7

How People In Love Act:

* "Lovers will just be staring at each other and their food will get cold.
Other people care more about the food." -- Brad, age 8

* "They act mooshy. Like puppy dogs, except puppy dogs don't wag their tails
nearly as much." -- Arnold, age 10

* "All of a sudden, the people get movies fever so they can sit together in
the dark." -- Sherm, age 8

* "Romantic adults usually are all dressed up, so if they are just wearing
jeans it might mean they used to go out or they just broke up." -- Sarah,
age 9

* "It's love if they order one of those desserts that are on fire. They like
to order those because it's just like how their hearts are -- on fire.

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Chris Ball

   > So is that trying to get them into 2.6.30?

Yes, that would be ideal.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi Chris,

>   > It's pretty trivial to disable Rainbow, whereas it's not trivial to
>   > get maintainers of half a dozen packages to adopt patches that let
>   > them deal with Rainbow.
> Yes, we aren't using rainbow in the F11 builds.
>   > Some of the initscript changes related to the bizarre idea of
>   > running the "anti-theft" process as pid 1 so it couldn't be killed
>   > by root.
> Or this.
>   > But now, it appears that F11 won't be able to suspend on OLPC,
>   > which makes it almost useless for laptop use (as opposed to
>   > developer use when the laptop is sitting on a desk with permanent
>   > AC power).
> Sure, but you can install a different kernel on your F11 image, such as
> OLPC's custom kernel (this has already been tested working), or just
> the minimum set of patches to the F11 kernel that add suspend/resume
> support, as Scott Douglass and Martin Dengler have been looking at
> recently.
> I hope we can get some power management patches (even if they're basic
> patches rather than everything we have) upstream and back for F12.  We
> started the F11 project with the knowledge that we wouldn't be able to
> get much of what we need upstream and back in time for its release.

So is that trying to get them into 2.6.30?

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson

>  > Whichever way you go, strong leadership, patience, and many hands are
>  > required to fight through the problems.  If the community cares enough and
>  > develops the necessary leadership, the project moves forward.  But it's
>  > never easy.
>  >
>  > It is my hope that people continue to use the tracking bug here, and
>  > align bugs to it, and use it to assess fitness of the current release:
>  >
>  > 
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=461806&hide_resolved=1
> of course.  but the whole thing feels a lot like telling someone
> that their local dealership has closed, and they should write to
> the car's manufacturer for information about oil changes.  the
> scale of the solution doesn't match the needs of the problem.
> (the analogy is shaky, i agree.)

I agree with you here to a degree, but also by getting the Fedora
community involved you also get 1000s of extra bug testers, coders,
and community which I think in time will have much more of a positive
effect than negative. Unfortunately in the short term while everything
gets moved upstream and settles out there will be some pain.

> but as an example -- if bugs filed against the XO will be
> summarily closed by the developers because "it's not our problem,
> file it upstream", the larger OLPC community will be ill-served.

They won't be summarily closed if they are related to Fedora, but if
its the other application that is broken its very standard. I had
Microsoft do exactly the same at work the other day when it was proven
that it was a vendors AV causing the problem. Of course this will also
depend on the package maintainer and how responsive the reporter is.
For things like 3rd party stuff it might be worthwhile
using/recommending some of the recognised fedora repos for mp3 stuff
etc. I'm not sure how that would need to be handled from a legal

> users of the XO are not typical open-source enthusiasts, and
> they're not the audience that current linux distributions are
> used to targeting.  the XO isn't a general purpose laptop, and
> was never intended to be.  it's better considered a "device",
> with special needs, and as such i think it will be under-served
> by the new generic release and support scheme.  while i agree
> that the current plan is probably the best we can come up with, i
> remain frustrated.

Also most XO users will probably unlikely to go and get software
that's not distributed through a supported stream such as a school
server or fedora repos. While the current situation isn't ideal but it
was my understanding that alot of the support was being moved to
country based teams which would then liaise with upstream
OLPC/sugarlabs/fedora so it might well work ok as that gets

> thanks.  and sorry for the non-technical venting...  believe me,
> the real target of my rant is not the folks like you two who are
> continuing the mission.

Its not an issue. We're all hear for the same reason and probably all
frustrated for various reason. I came in at the very end of the 8.2.0
dev cycle. With the changes I've some how got a lot more involved than
I originally planned I started getting involved with small Fedora
devices because I wanted to help with a spin for Netbooks that's
sort of been replaced with this :-)

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Chris Ball
Hi John,

   > It's pretty trivial to disable Rainbow, whereas it's not trivial to
   > get maintainers of half a dozen packages to adopt patches that let
   > them deal with Rainbow.

Yes, we aren't using rainbow in the F11 builds.

   > Some of the initscript changes related to the bizarre idea of
   > running the "anti-theft" process as pid 1 so it couldn't be killed
   > by root.

Or this.

   > But now, it appears that F11 won't be able to suspend on OLPC,
   > which makes it almost useless for laptop use (as opposed to
   > developer use when the laptop is sitting on a desk with permanent
   > AC power).

Sure, but you can install a different kernel on your F11 image, such as
OLPC's custom kernel (this has already been tested working), or just
the minimum set of patches to the F11 kernel that add suspend/resume
support, as Scott Douglass and Martin Dengler have been looking at

I hope we can get some power management patches (even if they're basic
patches rather than everything we have) upstream and back for F12.  We
started the F11 project with the knowledge that we wouldn't be able to
get much of what we need upstream and back in time for its release.


- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread pgf
john wrote:
 > It looks like perhaps the kernel changes have slipped right through
 > the F11 schedule.  Is it seriously likely that the F11 kernel

for the record, this was a conscious decision.  everyone knew there
wouldn't be time to get XO-specific changes upstream, and back to
fedora, before F11.  as you say, it was the cost of going broke.

the challenge is now to get those changes upstream in time for F12.

 > maintainers would adopt a pile of OLPC patches that aren't in the
 > upstream kernel, between the Beta and the Final F11 releases?  Had
 > these changes been adopted (by Fedora or by the Linux kernel) early in
 > the release cycle, they could've been well tested to make sure they
 > don't introduce any problems into non-OLPC hardware.  But now, it
 > appears that F11 won't be able to suspend on OLPC, which makes it
 > almost useless for laptop use (as opposed to developer use when the
 > laptop is sitting on a desk with permanent AC power).  Such is the

i think the plan is to make an OLPC-patched kernel available for
the distribution creators.


 > price of firing all of your kernel developers.
 > Even the bug report that tracks the kernel power management changes
 > has fallen into disarray (the Fedora "Bug Zapper" zapped it in November
 > and nobody has bothered to fix it since):
 >   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=465284
 >  John
 > ___
 > Fedora-olpc-list mailing list
 > fedora-olpc-l...@redhat.com
 > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-olpc-list

 paul fox, p...@laptop.org
Devel mailing list

[Server-devel] jabber.sugarlabs.org is working

2009-04-07 Thread Dave Bauer
I got jabber.sugarlabs.org alias for schoolserver.solutiongrove.com working!

I had to assign the hostname in the ejabberd-xs.cfg and add the shared
roster group in the web UI for the virtual host for jabber.sugarlabs.org.

Thanks everyone who helped out!
Dave Bauer
Server-devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread John Gilmore
> The main and probably most major issues outstanding are the
> kernel/boot process - so
> kernel/initscripts/olpcrd/initscripts/upstart/rainbow collection of
> stuff of which I have no real idea about. Updates?

It's pretty trivial to disable Rainbow, whereas it's not trivial to
get maintainers of half a dozen packages to adopt patches that let
them deal with Rainbow.  So if you want F11 to work on OLPC, disabling
Rainbow's UID fiddling in the version of Sugar that ships in F11 is
the obvious short-term cure.

Some of the initscript changes related to the bizarre idea of running
the "anti-theft" process as pid 1 so it couldn't be killed by root.
This required changing "init" so it didn't run as pid 1.  This is
trivial to fix by running the anti-theft process (which is a no-op
loop on most OLPCs anyway, and should in a sane world merely exit) on
some other pid, and running init where it belongs.

It looks like perhaps the kernel changes have slipped right through
the F11 schedule.  Is it seriously likely that the F11 kernel
maintainers would adopt a pile of OLPC patches that aren't in the
upstream kernel, between the Beta and the Final F11 releases?  Had
these changes been adopted (by Fedora or by the Linux kernel) early in
the release cycle, they could've been well tested to make sure they
don't introduce any problems into non-OLPC hardware.  But now, it
appears that F11 won't be able to suspend on OLPC, which makes it
almost useless for laptop use (as opposed to developer use when the
laptop is sitting on a desk with permanent AC power).  Such is the
price of firing all of your kernel developers.

Even the bug report that tracks the kernel power management changes
has fallen into disarray (the Fedora "Bug Zapper" zapped it in November
and nobody has bothered to fix it since):


Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Greg Dekoenigsberg

On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, p...@laptop.org wrote:

> peter, and greg --
> greg wrote:
> > Whichever way you go, strong leadership, patience, and many hands are
> > required to fight through the problems.  If the community cares enough and
> > develops the necessary leadership, the project moves forward.  But it's
> > never easy.
> >
> > It is my hope that people continue to use the tracking bug here, and
> > align bugs to it, and use it to assess fitness of the current release:
> >
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=461806&hide_resolved=1
> of course.  but the whole thing feels a lot like telling someone that 
> their local dealership has closed, and they should write to the car's 
> manufacturer for information about oil changes.  the scale of the 
> solution doesn't match the needs of the problem. (the analogy is shaky, 
> i agree.)
> but as an example -- if bugs filed against the XO will be summarily 
> closed by the developers because "it's not our problem, file it 
> upstream", the larger OLPC community will be ill-served.

s/larger OLPC community/larger open source community/

Because, of course, this is not a problem experienced only by OLPC.  This 
painful problem is central to every distro provider.  The answer is a 
comprehensive ecosystem-wide mechanism for distributed defect tracking, 
and we are years away from that solution, I suspect.

> users of the XO are not typical open-source enthusiasts, and they're not 
> the audience that current linux distributions are used to targeting. 
> the XO isn't a general purpose laptop, and was never intended to be. 
> it's better considered a "device", with special needs, and as such i 
> think it will be under-served by the new generic release and support 
> scheme.  while i agree that the current plan is probably the best we can 
> come up with, i remain frustrated.

Yeah, me too.  The hope continues to be that we can stabilize and maintain 
the base, and then focus on the deltas that set the device apart.  But 
it's a hard problem, made harder by a lack of resources.

> thanks.  and sorry for the non-technical venting...  believe me,
> the real target of my rant is not the folks like you two who are
> continuing the mission.

I know, dude.  It's okay.  If you have any suggestions, believe me, I'm 
happy to hear them.  :)


Got an XO that you're not using?  Loan it to a needy developer!
   [[ http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Exchange_Registry ]]

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread pgf
peter, and greg --

greg wrote:
 > Whichever way you go, strong leadership, patience, and many hands are 
 > required to fight through the problems.  If the community cares enough and 
 > develops the necessary leadership, the project moves forward.  But it's 
 > never easy.
 > It is my hope that people continue to use the tracking bug here, and 
 > align bugs to it, and use it to assess fitness of the current release:
 > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=461806&hide_resolved=1

of course.  but the whole thing feels a lot like telling someone
that their local dealership has closed, and they should write to
the car's manufacturer for information about oil changes.  the
scale of the solution doesn't match the needs of the problem. 
(the analogy is shaky, i agree.)

but as an example -- if bugs filed against the XO will be
summarily closed by the developers because "it's not our problem,
file it upstream", the larger OLPC community will be ill-served.

users of the XO are not typical open-source enthusiasts, and
they're not the audience that current linux distributions are
used to targeting.  the XO isn't a general purpose laptop, and
was never intended to be.  it's better considered a "device",
with special needs, and as such i think it will be under-served
by the new generic release and support scheme.  while i agree
that the current plan is probably the best we can come up with, i
remain frustrated.

thanks.  and sorry for the non-technical venting...  believe me,
the real target of my rant is not the folks like you two who are
continuing the mission.

 paul fox, p...@laptop.org
Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
>  > >  II. - What for me is an inhibitor is the bugzilla section "tell us how 
> to
>  > > reproduce the problem".  I have no desire whatsoever to try to describe 
> how
>  > > to obtain the Fluendo mp3 codec for an XO, nor how to follow its
>  > > instructions for seeing if it works.  I have even less desire to describe
>  > > where I obtained a static-linked Mplayer, nor how I have set up my XO for
>  > > playing movies.  [Both the mp3 codec and the Mplayer application work 
> fine
>  > > in 8.2.1.]  What good would it do for me to enter a bugzilla report?  A
>  > > dozen people would ask me for more information, and for more "try this 
> and
>  > > try that".  I have better things to do with my time.
>  >
>  > Well, firstly if they're statically compiled applications that aren't
>  > shipped in Fedora there's no point filing bugs in Fedora about them as
>  > they aren't supported.
> but surely the APIs that they use _are_ supported, no?


>  > But if your going to have an attitude of its a
>  > waste of your time, I won't waste my time trying to get them to work
>  > for you.
> if mikus is having these problems, children with laptops will
> too.  i'm sorry to hear someone who has done a _lot_ of very
> patient bug reporting and testing (and documentation, i believe)
> being dismissed like this.

I'm not dismissing him. I'm quite prepared to help him if he'll
provide the information. I'm someone who has done a _lot_ of very
patient bug testing and trying to get all the OLPC changes to Fedora
upstream so that we have the best release possible.

As for children having these problems, most children will use the
built in video player (totem, not sure of the sugar application), and
then from there there will be local support teams and it will then
move upstream (I believe). I doubt they will be reporting the bugs
direct to the olpc-devel mailing lists.

> "no point in filing bugs"?  let's all pack it in and go home.
> send the bug reports straight to nicholas.

By no point filing bugs I meant that 80% of fedora package maintainers
will close the bug straight up because its not a package in Fedora and
will ask a bug to be filed with the upstream. Those that don't close
the bug will expect details and ask questions which mikus clearly
stated he couldn't be bothered providing. There's not a lot that can
be done unless he at least states what application it is. He original
stated "'sound' and 'moving pictures'", how am I or anyone else
suppose to work out what that means without asking for details such as
the application, what version/build it is and if its not in Fedora
where he got it from. Even Microsoft don't support 3rd party
applications. That's why Fedora refuses to ship binary drivers for
graphics chips and binary applications, it causes alot of
problems. go and search the ubuntu forums or google about video
driver problems.

> that being said, as a developer, i understand that a bug report
> with missing background information is difficult to deal with.
> mikus -- even attaching the static mplayer binary to the bug
> report, with an explanation that it used to work on 8.2, and now
> it doesn't, would be better than nothing.

its not difficult, its impossible.

>  > >> What do you mean by 'moving
>  > >> pictures', do you mean recording video or playing video?
>  > >
>  > > I don't try to record video - so I have no idea if it works or not (see 
> what
>  > > I mean about being asked questions which I don't know how to answer?).  
> The
>  > > 'Record' activity does not show me a picture of what the XO camera is
>  > > supposed to be seeing.  The 'watch&listen' activity gives me neither 
> 'sound'
>  > > nor 'moving pictures'.  [IIRC, it can close prematurely.]  Mplayer runs, 
> but
>  > > gives me neither 'sound' nor anything except a blank screen.
>  >
>  > I can check the record activity but as mentioned before issues with
>  > mplayer and mp3 codecs will need  to be reported to where ever you get
>  > them from.
> as mikus said, his applications all worked before.  this is a
> regression, plain an simple, *with respect to the previous XO releases*.
> now, to the extent that fedora doesn't really care about any
> specific piece of hardware, especially one which wasn't running
> fedora when these things last worked, then i suppose it's
> appropriate to ignore the issues.

Yes, it may well be a regression but if he's using rpms or binary
tarballs compiled against older versions of Fedora that could be the
issue. It could be as simple as directing him to a repository that
contains the best version of mplayer to use on F11 but he's provided
nothing. I'm trying to help but I'm not god, I'm one person and if the
person that wants help isn't prepared to do some legwork why should I.
I do this in my free time and I due to the lack of people on the
project I could spend every spare second of waking time on it and
still not have every done.

> i think this, and the fact that no one is sure what's

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Greg Dekoenigsberg

On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, p...@laptop.org wrote:

> as mikus said, his applications all worked before.  this is a 
> regression, plain an simple, *with respect to the previous XO releases*. 
> now, to the extent that fedora doesn't really care about any specific 
> piece of hardware, especially one which wasn't running fedora when these 
> things last worked, then i suppose it's appropriate to ignore the 
> issues.
> i think this, and the fact that no one is sure what's broken in the 
> current fedora-on-XO releases, points to huge holes in the OLPC plan of 
> record for ongoing support of this product.  unless some energetic 
> entity is willing to own the actual XO distribution(s), and be 
> responsible for maintaining a bug list, and issuing even minimal release 
> notes, i fear for the project. (or, rather, i fear that the project will 
> be running 8.2 until the laptops die.  which wouldn't be the worst 
> possible outcome, i suppose...  :-/ )

This is what happens when the 95% of the developers working on the project 
get canned.  The unenviable choice becomes:

* Get a community to work from an 8.2 branch that will become more and 
more outdated over time; or

* Get a community to work from a moving target that has a greater chance 
of supporting new features once they're integrated, but is inherently less 
stable for large chunks of the development cycle.

Whichever way you go, strong leadership, patience, and many hands are 
required to fight through the problems.  If the community cares enough and 
develops the necessary leadership, the project moves forward.  But it's 
never easy.

It is my hope that people continue to use the tracking bug here, and 
align bugs to it, and use it to assess fitness of the current release:


It may not be the perfect tool, but it's the best we have.


Got an XO that you're not using?  Loan it to a needy developer!
   [[ http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Exchange_Registry ]]

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread pgf
peter wrote:
 > >  II. - What for me is an inhibitor is the bugzilla section "tell us how to
 > > reproduce the problem".  I have no desire whatsoever to try to describe how
 > > to obtain the Fluendo mp3 codec for an XO, nor how to follow its
 > > instructions for seeing if it works.  I have even less desire to describe
 > > where I obtained a static-linked Mplayer, nor how I have set up my XO for
 > > playing movies.  [Both the mp3 codec and the Mplayer application work fine
 > > in 8.2.1.]  What good would it do for me to enter a bugzilla report?  A
 > > dozen people would ask me for more information, and for more "try this and
 > > try that".  I have better things to do with my time.
 > Well, firstly if they're statically compiled applications that aren't
 > shipped in Fedora there's no point filing bugs in Fedora about them as
 > they aren't supported.

but surely the APIs that they use _are_ supported, no?

 > But if your going to have an attitude of its a
 > waste of your time, I won't waste my time trying to get them to work
 > for you.

if mikus is having these problems, children with laptops will
too.  i'm sorry to hear someone who has done a _lot_ of very
patient bug reporting and testing (and documentation, i believe)
being dismissed like this.

"no point in filing bugs"?  let's all pack it in and go home. 
send the bug reports straight to nicholas.

that being said, as a developer, i understand that a bug report
with missing background information is difficult to deal with. 
mikus -- even attaching the static mplayer binary to the bug
report, with an explanation that it used to work on 8.2, and now
it doesn't, would be better than nothing.

 > >> What do you mean by 'moving
 > >> pictures', do you mean recording video or playing video?
 > >
 > > I don't try to record video - so I have no idea if it works or not (see 
 > > what
 > > I mean about being asked questions which I don't know how to answer?).  The
 > > 'Record' activity does not show me a picture of what the XO camera is
 > > supposed to be seeing.  The 'watch&listen' activity gives me neither 
 > > 'sound'
 > > nor 'moving pictures'.  [IIRC, it can close prematurely.]  Mplayer runs, 
 > > but
 > > gives me neither 'sound' nor anything except a blank screen.
 > I can check the record activity but as mentioned before issues with
 > mplayer and mp3 codecs will need  to be reported to where ever you get
 > them from.

as mikus said, his applications all worked before.  this is a
regression, plain an simple, *with respect to the previous XO releases*.
now, to the extent that fedora doesn't really care about any
specific piece of hardware, especially one which wasn't running
fedora when these things last worked, then i suppose it's
appropriate to ignore the issues.

i think this, and the fact that no one is sure what's broken in
the current fedora-on-XO releases, points to huge holes in the
OLPC plan of record for ongoing support of this product.  unless
some energetic entity is willing to own the actual XO
distribution(s), and be responsible for maintaining a bug list,
and issuing even minimal release notes, i fear for the project. 
(or, rather, i fear that the project will be running 8.2 until
the laptops die.  which wouldn't be the worst possible outcome, i
suppose...  :-/ )

 paul fox, p...@laptop.org
Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
>> Are there bugzilla reports for these?
>  I. - I haven't figured out how to do an exhaustive search on bugzilla.
>  'OLPC' picks up some; 'XO' picks up some; '461806' picks up some.  But let
> me emphasize once again - bugzilla appears to be aimed at the problems of
> developers (and isn't optimal for users).

You don't need to do an exhaustive search on bugzilla. You just need
to search against the component that's causing issues. eg totem media
player. Generally most components will have < 10 bugs so its easy to
see if its an issue for the component.

>  II. - What for me is an inhibitor is the bugzilla section "tell us how to
> reproduce the problem".  I have no desire whatsoever to try to describe how
> to obtain the Fluendo mp3 codec for an XO, nor how to follow its
> instructions for seeing if it works.  I have even less desire to describe
> where I obtained a static-linked Mplayer, nor how I have set up my XO for
> playing movies.  [Both the mp3 codec and the Mplayer application work fine
> in 8.2.1.]  What good would it do for me to enter a bugzilla report?  A
> dozen people would ask me for more information, and for more "try this and
> try that".  I have better things to do with my time.

Well, firstly if they're statically compiled applications that aren't
shipped in Fedora there's no point filing bugs in Fedora about them as
they aren't supported. But if your going to have an attitude of its a
waste of your time, I won't waste my time trying to get them to work
for you.

>> What do you mean by 'moving
>> pictures', do you mean recording video or playing video?
> I don't try to record video - so I have no idea if it works or not (see what
> I mean about being asked questions which I don't know how to answer?).  The
> 'Record' activity does not show me a picture of what the XO camera is
> supposed to be seeing.  The 'watch&listen' activity gives me neither 'sound'
> nor 'moving pictures'.  [IIRC, it can close prematurely.]  Mplayer runs, but
> gives me neither 'sound' nor anything except a blank screen.

I can check the record activity but as mentioned before issues with
mplayer and mp3 codecs will need  to be reported to where ever you get
them from.

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
 >> If we are talking about 9.1.0, it would be nice if 'sound' and
 >> 'moving pictures' worked in F-11 on the XO. Currently they don't.
 > Are there bugzilla reports for these?

  I. - I haven't figured out how to do an exhaustive search on 
bugzilla.  'OLPC' picks up some; 'XO' picks up some; '461806' picks 
up some.  But let me emphasize once again - bugzilla appears to be 
aimed at the problems of developers (and isn't optimal for users).

  II. - What for me is an inhibitor is the bugzilla section "tell us 
how to reproduce the problem".  I have no desire whatsoever to try 
to describe how to obtain the Fluendo mp3 codec for an XO, nor how 
to follow its instructions for seeing if it works.  I have even less 
desire to describe where I obtained a static-linked Mplayer, nor how 
I have set up my XO for playing movies.  [Both the mp3 codec and the 
Mplayer application work fine in 8.2.1.]  What good would it do for 
me to enter a bugzilla report?  A dozen people would ask me for more 
information, and for more "try this and try that".  I have better 
things to do with my time.

 > What do you mean by 'moving
 > pictures', do you mean recording video or playing video?

I don't try to record video - so I have no idea if it works or not 
(see what I mean about being asked questions which I don't know how 
to answer?).  The 'Record' activity does not show me a picture of 
what the XO camera is supposed to be seeing.  The 'watch&listen' 
activity gives me neither 'sound' nor 'moving pictures'.  [IIRC, it 
can close prematurely.]  Mplayer runs, but gives me neither 'sound' 
nor anything except a blank screen.

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
>> >  Why don't the SoaS/~cjb distributions contain the latest rawhide packages 
>> > ?
>> Because rawhide is a daily moving development target.
> Aren't you both right?  The builds contain the latest rawhide packages
> as of the image creation date, right?  Thus if it's no longer the
> instant the image was created, rawhide packages may have been updated.

Yes. that is correct. The image is built from the current rawhide at
the time of build. But if the image was based on rawhide from a couple
of days ago (or the F-11 beta) it wouldn't be surprising that there
was 210 package updates.

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
>  My biggest current question is:  When on my XO I enter 'yum check-update'
> (using either the latest SoaS2 .iso or the latest ~cjb/rawhide-xo .img), it
> tells me that there are more than 220 packages at the rawhide repositories
> that are at a more recent version level than those provided by the system on
> my XO.
>  Why don't the SoaS/~cjb distributions contain the latest rawhide packages ?

Because rawhide is a daily moving development target. If there's a
large update (like when rawhide was blocked for the creation of
F11-Beta) there could 100s of updates in a day. See the daily rawhide
report on the fedora-devel list for a general overview.

>> The main and probably most major issues outstanding are the
>> kernel/boot process - so
>> kernel/initscripts/olpcrd/initscripts/upstart/rainbow collection of
>> stuff of which I have no real idea about. Updates?
>> The remaining issues are mostly either package deps or getting them
>> into Fedora.
>  If we are talking about 9.1.0, it would be nice if 'sound' and 'moving
> pictures' worked in F-11 on the XO.  Currently they don't.

Are there bugzilla reports for these? What do you mean by 'moving
pictures', do you mean recording video or playing video?

>  I agree that 'suspend' (or even power-off on 'shutdown') would improve the
> usability of F-11 on the XO.

I believe this is being worked on.

Devel mailing list

Re: move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
> I thought now that we're getting closer to the Fedora 11 freeze it
> would be a good time for everyone to where they're at as we move
> towards F-11/9.1.0/olpc-next.

   My biggest current question is:  When on my XO I enter 'yum 
check-update' (using either the latest SoaS2 .iso or the latest 
~cjb/rawhide-xo .img), it tells me that there are more than 220 
packages at the rawhide repositories that are at a more recent 
version level than those provided by the system on my XO.

   Why don't the SoaS/~cjb distributions contain the latest rawhide 
packages ?

> The main and probably most major issues outstanding are the
> kernel/boot process - so
> kernel/initscripts/olpcrd/initscripts/upstart/rainbow collection of
> stuff of which I have no real idea about. Updates?
> The remaining issues are mostly either package deps or getting them
> into Fedora.

   If we are talking about 9.1.0, it would be nice if 'sound' and 
'moving pictures' worked in F-11 on the XO.  Currently they don't.

   I agree that 'suspend' (or even power-off on 'shutdown') would 
improve the usability of F-11 on the XO.


Devel mailing list

Re: Random notes on making Gecko's canvas go fast on XO...

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
> Over the last few weeks there's been growing interest in using the
> support for HTML5's Canvas present in Browse.xo. A very quick test
> felt fairly slow, but Alex and his colleagues are interested in
> studying, profiling and working towards a solution.
> So here's some notes I've collected for them -- it's not my area of
> expertise anyway, so it'd be great to hear from others.
> Cairo and 565 surfaces. The XO display doesn't use 8-bits per RBG
> channel (aka 888). Instead, it downsamples colours to 565 (is that
> still true?). If the whole stack is using 565, then we avoid costly
> downsampling, and generally hit the fast paths...
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/sugar/2007-April/002247.html

You might want to look at what mozilla is doing with fennec, their
mobile browser, in regards to speed. Their weekly meeting notes [1]
cover quite a few bits performance stuff for small devices. They have
a bug open for 565 perf stuff [2]. But if you look back through the
meeting notes there's a number of bugs that would help perf on small
machine for everything from sqllite to rendering etc... there are some
incomplete notes here [3]


[1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Notes
[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485426
[3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Performance
Devel mailing list

Re: Random notes on making Gecko's canvas go fast on XO...

2009-04-07 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Martin Langhoff
> Over the last few weeks there's been growing interest in using the

One more interesting link - some benchmarking shows radical
differences betwen fast paths vs slow and meandering paths on firefox
(and comparison w other browsers).


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Devel mailing list

Random notes on making Gecko's canvas go fast on XO...

2009-04-07 Thread Martin Langhoff
Over the last few weeks there's been growing interest in using the
support for HTML5's Canvas present in Browse.xo. A very quick test
felt fairly slow, but Alex and his colleagues are interested in
studying, profiling and working towards a solution.

So here's some notes I've collected for them -- it's not my area of
expertise anyway, so it'd be great to hear from others.

Cairo and 565 surfaces. The XO display doesn't use 8-bits per RBG
channel (aka 888). Instead, it downsamples colours to 565 (is that
still true?). If the whole stack is using 565, then we avoid costly
downsampling, and generally hit the fast paths...

Thread about X / Cairo optimisation

Profiling tools

Something to play with - a simple Canvas and SVG benchmark


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Devel mailing list

move to rawhide update

2009-04-07 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi All,

I thought now that we're getting closer to the Fedora 11 freeze it
would be a good time for everyone to where they're at as we move
towards F-11/9.1.0/olpc-next.

I've been keeping the wiki page up to date as I go along and filling
in more details as I find out about them. The fixed list is slowly
growing shorter. If there are updates that aren't on the list at the
moment please add them, or reply with details so I can add it.

There is also a tracking page for issues with rawhide on w.l.o. It
would be nice if as issues are added the appropriate track/BZ number
is added to it so its easy to find out the current status of them.

The main and probably most major issues outstanding are the
kernel/boot process - so
kernel/initscripts/olpcrd/initscripts/upstart/rainbow collection of
stuff of which I have no real idea about. Updates?

The remaining issues are mostly either package deps or getting them into Fedora.

There's a couple of reviews of which I've had no response from the
submitter. These are 2 fonts packages (and I'm not sure of the state
of the other 2 'orphaned' ones but they're not listed as such in the
packageDB) as sugar-record.

olpcsound should disappear as soon as csound is updated to > 5.08 and
I've done most of the ground work on this (RHBZ 493107)

pygtk support for numpy finally landed in trunk this morning
awaiting the date for a release and will then organise to get it into
Fedora and dependant packages updated from numeric to numpy if they
support it.

The final few things are the likes of abiword (which will have most
issues fixed for the next major release) and stuff which needs people
to submit review requests.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] soas2-20090403 testing

2009-04-07 Thread Martin Langhoff
You are posting to server-devel,so I assume you've got a XS configured

 - On the laptops
- are they associated to the right AP?
- did they get a dhcp lease that comes from the XS?
- are they using telepathy-gabble or telepathy-salut
(olpc-netstatus or its moral equivalent on SoaS should report it, you
want _gabble_ to be in use for collab via XS)
- did you register the laptops?

 - On the XS
- does /home/idmgr/list_registrations list the correct regs?
- ejabberdctl (the cli utility) can tell you what users are connected
- in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd-xs.conf - change the logging setting
to debug, then the log will show the XML being exchanged

 - Are you using Gadget? You got to tell us these things, can't help
you debug without explicit information ;-)



On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Dave Bauer  wrote:
> Collaboration works with write and maze, chat.
> I have a strange precense problem.
> Two laptops next to each other, both running soas2-20090403 off usb.
> Can see each other in neighbordhood view.
> Laptop A can see activities shared by Laptop B in neighborhood view.
> Laptop B cannot see the activiteis shared in neighordhood view. WHen laptop
> A shares an activity, the icon moves in the neighbordhood on B but no
> activity icon appears even if I invite explicitly.
> ANy ideas?
> --
> Dave Bauer
> d...@solutiongrove.com
> http://www.solutiongrove.com
> ___
> Server-devel mailing list
> server-de...@lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel

 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Server-devel mailing list

Re: GPS on XO

2009-04-07 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
> I can't figure out how to get 45F9-9E44 out of that.  Maybe it's a hash of a
> long string.

I have *not* explored all the ins and outs of removable device 
identification.  I have, however, cussed at them long enough to 
develop some "rules of thumb":

  -  The '45F9-9E44' is an 'UUID' (you might Google for an 
explanation).  The UUID appears to be assigned (written as part of a 
specific-format record on a specific hidden track) when the thing it 
applies to (normally a partition) is _formatted_.  I believe the 
8-hex-character version gets fashioned when something like a DOS 
partition is created (e.g., by the factory that produces an USB 
stick), whereas the 32-hex-character version gets fashioned when 
something like a Linux filesystem is created.

  -  The Linux CLI command 'ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid' will list the 
storage devices seen by the operating system as having UUIDs.
[I find this command invaluable in clarifying which device got 
'automounted' where onto "placeholder" directory '/media/'.]  The 
advantage of this command is that it lists the devices seen, even if 
those devices have not been "mounted".

  -  A shorthand CLI command to see the filesystems (including VFAT) 
"known" to the operating system is 'df'.  [A more convoluted list 
gets produced by the CLI command 'mount'.]


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