Jetty 9.3 connector

2015-07-28 Thread Tal Liron
Please help me test it! Especially exciting is support for HTTP/2.

Available here:


Two new beta products for Restlet

2014-01-17 Thread Tal Liron
After many dev releases, I'm happy to announce the betas for two new products 
of interest to Restlet users.

Both of these products require JVM 6+, but also make use of the new Nashorn 
engine when run on JVM 8.


This is a package/bootstrapping manager for the JVM. It comes with skeletons 
for many platforms and frameworks, among them Restlet. Using the Restlet 
skeleton, you can quickly and easily install Restlet and its extensions into a 
container, and write simple JavaScript code to bootstrap your component, 
connectors, virtual hosts, and applications.

Easy-to-install and easy-to-use Sincerity plugins include support for 
high-performance logging (based on Log4j 2.0), and Tanuki service wrapper. No 
need to keep reinventing wheels for every new Restlet project! With Sincerity, 
you can thus focus on writing your Restlet resources instead of assembling a 

Sincerity will download/upgrade packages from any Maven-type repository, but 
additionally supports very useful extended features. Three Crickets now 
maintains a free online repository with Sincerity-empowered packages.


This is a complete re-imagining of the web page and web API platform since 
version 1.1. As before, it comes with state-of-the-art scalability features 
(integrated caching, clustering), but now features vastly easier configuration 
and deployment, and a simplified and enriched API. The documentation is 
especially comprehensive and friendly.

Prudence 2.0 was is designed on top of Sincerity, indeed as an extension of the 
Restlet skeleton mentioned above. (Sincerity was, in fact, was originally 
designed for deploying Prudence, but has proved generally effective.)

Prudence lets you write RESTful resources and web pages in JavaScript, Python, 
Ruby, PHP, Lua, Groovy or Clojure.


RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-12-27 Thread Tal Liron
Great! I agree with this new direction.

Well, for now I will implement your requested feature.

 Hi Tal,
 In RF 3.0, we should really give more precise control regarding extensions


RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-26 Thread Tal Liron
Actually, it's a feature I would like to see with *all* Restlet extensions: it 
would be nice for users to be able select which extensions they want to use, 
rather than configure it solely via the classpath.

Possibly with Java properties? I can imagine every extension class having an 
enabled property. 

 Thanks Tal, this looks great. We might want to add parameters to
 disable/enable the client/server connector from the extension as a second
 step to allow mixing of several connector extensions.
 I've added a note about this to the matching ticket:


RE: Re: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-22 Thread Tal Liron
I went ahead and also added a Jetty 9 client connector:

Note that if you add the Jar to your classpath, both the server and client 
connectors will be activated.


RE: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-09 Thread Tal Liron
Binaries and API documentation are now available via the GitHub project site.



RE: Re: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-08 Thread Tal Liron
Excellent. If anyone has comments, here is the GitHub issue:

 That's fine Tal, whatever works best for you. Merging by hand won't be a
 big issue anyway.
 You might want to enter an issue in RF repo to let people discover this
 support and let us communicate over it.
 Best regards,


RE: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-07 Thread Tal Liron
So, I went ahead and created a Jetty 9 extension for Restlet 2.2:

It's not much tested (especially SSL), but it does work! There are also 2 
helper parameters that I still haven't found how to duplicate on Jetty 9, so 
they are just be ignored. Actually, I would prefer a more major refactor, 
because Jetty 9 is different enough that it would demand a different set of 

Jetty 9 is a major overhaul of the API: it was naïve of me to think it could 
just be a drop-in replacement. :)

Obviously, you need at least JVM 7 to use Jetty 9.

As I said, would prefer to contribute this to Restlet, but the JVM 7 
requirement makes it awkward.


RE: Re: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-07 Thread Tal Liron
Thanks, Jerome.

I picked the Apache License 2.0, and am hosting it as a separate project. I'm 
assigning joint copyright on it to Restlet S.A.S, per the contributor 
agreement, so you are free to merge it should you ever wish to do so:

Rather than a branch, it's its own tiny repository. I know you've made many 
efforts to make things easier for contributers, but alas it's still too 
cumbersome for me. The Restlet repository is enormous and unwieldy, and in fact 
I haven't been able to build it at all. It's just too much effort over no clear 
gain to be part of the incubator at this point. Maven builds, especially, 
make it trivial to use the Restlet binaries without having to be part of the 
git tree. Just treat the project as an incubator if you like!

 I suggest that you create a new
 /restlet-framework-java/master/incubator/org.restlet.ext.jetty9 extension
 by copying then adapting the o.r.e.jetty extension.
 You can always have you own branch in GitHub and then merge it back when
 master becomes ready for RF 3.0 (Java 7), but from a licensing point of
 view you can't offer all the available open source licenses and would need
 to pick one (I suggest Apache license).
 Best regards,


Jetty 9?

2013-11-06 Thread Tal Liron
Can Restlet 2.2 work use Jetty 9 as its connector?


RE: Jetty 9?

2013-11-06 Thread Tal Liron
The answer, unfortunately, is no: Restlet uses AJP to connect to Jetty, which 
is unfortunate because it's not a recommended protocol, and has been dropped in 
Jetty 9.

Would it be possible to change the Jetty connector so that it would work with 
either Jetty 8 or 9? It's very unfortunate that Restlet is always behind on the 
latest releases of Jetty,


RE: Re: Jetty 9?

2013-11-06 Thread Tal Liron
The API has indeed subtly changed, so that throwing in the Jars will not work. 
And though Restlet doesn't use AJP to communicate with Jetty, it does try to 
initialize AJP support, and those classes no longer exist in Jetty 9, thus 
another kind of failure. Bottom line, it won't work.

Jerome, Jetty 9 is an important feature for me, but I understand that it would 
be difficult to include this support in the Restlet main code base, because it 
would indeed require JVM 7 to compile. What is your opinion about me forking 
and hosting a jetty9 extension separately from the Restlet tree? I would be 
happy to keep the same multiple licenses. And eventually, when Restlet becomes 
ready for JVM 7, it could be merged into the main tree.

Another idea is to create yet another repository within Restlet for contrib 
extensions from the community. They could be included in the Restlet 
distribution, each with its own documentation and possible quirks, clearly 
demarcated from the core extensions.


 Restlet integration with Jetty (the org.restlet.ext.jetty extension) isn't
 based on AJP but on core Jetty APIs, enable support of HTTP/HTTPS and AJP.
 I haven't tried but dropping new Jetty JARs might just do it, but likely
 they have changed their internal API here and there and some patches will
 be required. Anyone want to have a look?
 The main issue I see for Jetty 9 in RF 2.2 is their requirement on Java
 7... It seems like the official support should come instead in RF 3.0.
 2013/11/6 Bryan Hunt bhunt at mac dot com
  You can always use the servlet extension with Jetty.
  On Nov 06, 2013, at 08:45 AM, Tal Liron tal dot liron at threecrickets dot 
  The answer, unfortunately, is no: Restlet uses AJP to connect to Jetty,
  which is unfortunate because it's not a recommended protocol, and has been
  dropped in Jetty 9.
  Would it be possible to change the Jetty connector so that it would work
  with either Jetty 8 or 9? It's very unfortunate that Restlet is always
  behind on the latest releases of Jetty,


Restlet 2.2

2013-10-11 Thread Tal Liron
Any idea or plan on when 2.2 will be released?


VirtualHost configuration

2013-02-07 Thread Tal Liron
I use virtual hosts a lot, but I almost always use setResourcePort so 
that applications can work on different ports. I'm wondering:

1) What is setServerPort for?
2) What is setHostPort for?

Setting either of these seems to make no different in routing incoming 

The JavaDocs for VirtualHost are very lean, and could definitely use 
some more detail!


RE: ZipException with Restet 2.1 RC6

2012-09-13 Thread Tal Liron
The DEFLATE issues:

The decoding/encoding issue is trickier, and may require some discussion:

I'm copy-pasting my suggested solution here, in case the mailing list would 
like to chime in with ideas:

For chunking, it is necessary for the channel to decode the entity and 
re-encode the separate chunks. However, a much more optimal situation would be 
for this extra decoding/re-encoding not to occur.

I can think of two possible solutions:

1. If Restlet knows that it will have to re-encode the entity, it should set 
the preferred Encoding to null for downstream, while storing a flag (request 
attribute?) telling it to encode on the way back. This way a ServerResource 
would know to provide an un-encoded entity and let ReadableChunkingChannel 
handle all the encoding. The advantage of this solution is that it's entirely 
transparent and would work for existing code. Unfortunately, if the 
ServerResource supports caching of any kind, it would not be able to cache 
encoded chunked representations.

2. It may be possible for ServerResource to detect that chunking is happening, 
in which case there may be a way to create a special kind of Representation 
(ChunkedRepresentation?) that encodes each chunks separately. The advantage of 
this solution is in the ability for caching optimization: the ServerResource 
would be able to cache ChunkedRepresentations according to chunk size and avoid 
unnecessary encoding.

Ideally, Restlet would support both! However, I imagine that option #1 would be 
best as the default mode, with an API allowing a ServerResource to handle 
chunking via option #2.


I should note that as Prudence developer, I would strongly suggest that option 
#2 exist. Prudence does aggressive caching, and separately caches entities in 
all encoded variations, guaranteeing that encoding only ever happens once for 
cached entities. Unfortunately, option #1 would break this optimization and 
introduce encoding. (It's much worst at the moment, because Restlet will decode 
and re-encode.)


RE: ZipException with Restet 2.1 RC6

2012-09-11 Thread Tal Liron
OK, I now understand what is causing these exception and would like to suggest 
a solution in Restlet.

The issue is in Restlet's ReadableChunkingChannel. In order to chunk an 
existing representation, it needs to first decode it if it's encoded. In the 
case of Encoding.DEFLATE, it would thus use an InflaterInputStream instance.

Unfortunately, there are two incompatible versions of the DEFLATE algorithm. 
The default in the JVM is to use wrap mode, but you can explicitly set 
nowrap mode like so:

new InflaterInputStream(stream, new Inflater(true))

Even more unfortunately, certain versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer only 
support the nowrap mode. So, you absolutely *must* set the nowrap flag if 
you want to support IE when generating your own encoded Restlet representations.

So, what can Restlet do about this?

There can be two Encoding constants, one for each supported mode. The usual 
DEFLATE, and perhaps DEFLATE_NOWRAP. In terms of outgoing HTTP headers, they 
should be identical, but the Restlet stack should be able to maintain the 
correct version of algorithm throughout, for example in 
ReadableChunkingChannel. (It must also re-encode the chunk in the correct 
version of the algorithm.)

A simpler solution may be to simply use nowrap always in Restlet. I've done 
this in my pre-2.1 Restlet applications in order to support IE properly. But, 
there are advantages to allowing developers some control over this.

A related side question: Is there be a way to avoid the decoding-re-encoding 
done by ReadableChunkingChannel? Specifically, is there a way to send the 
representation already chunked from the ServerResource?


 I'm getting these exceptions occasionally on a few specific resources, not 
 sure yet how to reproduce. Has anyone else seen them and have any information?


RE: ZipException with Restet 2.1 RC6

2012-09-11 Thread Tal Liron
I'll just quickly point out there is *another* bug here.

Because Restlet's EncodeRepresentation class does not use nowrap encoding, 
DEFLATE encoding will be broken for certain versions of Internet Explorer.

This bug may well very have existed in Restlet for a long time.



ZipException with Restet 2.1 RC6

2012-08-28 Thread Tal Liron
I'm getting these exceptions occasionally on a few specific resources, not sure 
yet how to reproduce. Has anyone else seen them and have any information?

I'm getting them both the internal connector and with Jetty.

Stack trace example:

2012-08-28 22:23:19,233: WARN  [org.restlet.Component.InternalRouter.Server] 
Unable to read the entity incorrect header check
at org.restlet.engine.connector.OutboundWay.onFill(
at org.restlet.engine.connector.Way.processIoBuffer(
at org.restlet.engine.connector.Way.onSelected(
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(


RE: Restlet Framework 2.1 RC6 and 2.0.15 released

2012-08-24 Thread Tal Liron
I've been experimenting with 2.1 for a while with a few big Restlet 

I want to point out that 2.1-RC6 is the first version of Restlet (including all 
the 2.0 line!) in which I could use Directory over the internal connector 
without any response hangs. Hooray, it may be possible to finally remove my 
dependency on Jetty! (In 2.0, I used Grizzly for a comparable workaround.)

I know I should have opened a bug on this in the past, but it's just been so 
persistent for so many versions, and there was a simple enough workaround. 
Nevertheless, I would sometimes remove Jetty just to see how the internal 
connector was behaving... and it looks good.

Good job, bug reporters and bug fixers!



RE: Restlet 2.1 to use jetty 8?

2012-07-22 Thread Tal Liron
I was about to do this myself, but thanks very much. :) :)

Why not have 2.1 use Jetty 8?

Related: I recommend updating the Jackson plugin to use the 2.0 line. The API 
is the same, but there is a namespace change. If you update it, it would allow 
users to upgrade the jar without problems. Otherwise, they will be stuck in 1.0.

 Hi Tal,
 Good news, I updated the 2.1 branch today with Jetty 7.6.5 version and
 2.2/master with Jetty 8.1.5 !


RE: Restlet 2.1 to use jetty 8?

2012-07-15 Thread Tal Liron
To add information from my testing:

Restlet 2.1rc5 seems to work fine with Jetty 7.5.4, so I imagine it would be 
trivial to update Jetty to that.

However, it does not work with Jetty 7.6 nor Jetty 8. There are likely API 
updates necessary.

I hope Restlet 2.1 can be released with support for the latest Jetty version.


 Restlet 2.1rc5 ships with Jetty 7.4, but the Jetty 7 line is already at 7.6.4.
 Will this be updated for the final release?
 Also, will it be possible to use the Jetty 8 line, which supports the servlet 
 3 API?


Patched Restlet in Nexus?

2012-03-20 Thread Tal Liron
Would anybody on the list happen to know the story behind the patched version 
of Restlet 1.1.6 that's included in Nexus 2.0.2? It is marked version 

From what I can tell, they were trying to solve a problem with the Apache HTTP 
Client extension (they patched that library, too).

Are there missing features them from upgrading to Restlet 2.0/2.1?


RE: Re: Re: Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2011-12-31 Thread Tal Liron

You make a lot of sense.

I agree with you that Jetty's solution is complicated, but I was 1) hoping we 
could do it more straightforwardly in Restlet (possibly a naive hope), and 2) a 
graph (and other) solutions would have their own complexity. There's really no 
simple way out of this. That said, the graph approach is programatically more 
comprehensible, and also more idiomatic to Java, than simulating continuations.

(I'd also add that functional languages would make this problem much more 
comprehensible, but I'm afraid that Tim would bite my head off, so I won't...)

I was also thinking of the problem in a far more local sense -- a single thread 
committing -- rather than the more complex scenarios you've listed, of 
chunked responses, which I imagine would be extremely useful in the new 
streaming applications to which Restlet is being applied, with Noelios' 
terrific new partnerships.

So, yes, I'm fully in agreement with the graph approach, it is comprehensive 
and can potentially address all needs. So, it'll be ready next week? ;)

Happy new year!


RE: Re: Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2011-12-24 Thread Tal Liron
I see.

Well, how about this:

Perhaps setAutoCommit(false) might be the wrong approach. If anybody else along 
the chain tries to commit, it should fail somehow. How, then, would 
response.commit() know when it's time to really, truly commit?

My idea is to make a commitment to commit (ha!) via a kind of token, which 
would identify the committer. The flow would be something like this:

Object token = response.deferCommit();
From now on, the response has a flag telling it that commitment is deferred, 
and it will fail on all commit() calls, unless the token is provided.
Later, on some other thread:
The above will actually commit, because the token was provided.

Hopefully my test code can be turned into a unit test for whatever solution is 
found (though reliable unit tests for race conditions are notoriously hard to 
get right).

 My understanding of Jerome's e-mail of 2010-Aug-30 (has it really been that
 long?) is that it's not sufficient to unwind the stack, whether by
 exception or by testing response state. The main problem is arranging for
 the calls to afterHandle  to occur in a different thread. These are
 calls that would have been executed on a committed response as part of the
 normal stack unwind.
 While it *might *be a reasonable implementation choice to use an exception
 internally, it's not a real exception that can be allowed to propagate
 arbitrarily, because it's OK, not exceptional, for the original thread to
 return without a committed response.
 This is a tough problem.


RE: Re: Re: Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2011-12-24 Thread Tal Liron
I would have two answers:

1) Isn't that the price to pay for asynchronicity, and the desire of the user? 
The whole point is to implicate a different set of threads into communication 
with the client. Of course, hybrid thread-pool-plus-event-driven servers come 
to mind, which queue up event responses but handle them on a single thread 
pool. There are advantages to that, but it didn't seem to be the design goal 
for Restlet.

2) It could be handled by the application's TaskService. Still, I would imagine 
that the user would not always want that. How about this:

response.commit(token) commit in the current thread, and...

response.commitLater(token) commit in the TaskService.

 But doesn't that still leave the problem of arranging for all the
 afterHandle calls to happen in the thread that does that commit? That's
 what scares me.


RE: Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2011-12-23 Thread Tal Liron

What about my idea of throwing a special exception, something like 
ResponseCommitDeferredException? Exceptions are an easy and natural way in 
the JVM to unwind a call stack. The exception would go up to the lowest 
possible level, where it explicitly caught and set to wait. Nothing along the 
way would have to know any specific about it.

 Hi Tim, 
 Yes, this is a good summary of the API refactoring intent. Actually it would
 be a bit simpler as the stack would only contain Restlet instances part of
 the processing chain, not lower level Java methods. 
 Another key aspect is that a call to Restlet#handle() would not take care
 itself of invoking the next Restlet in the chain otherwise the stack
 wouldn’t be properly populated. Maybe the next Restlet should be the result
 of the call to Restlet#handle()…. “handle the call at your level and then
 return the control to the caller by indicating the next Restlet if any, and
 let the caller invoke this next Restlet after updating the Restlet stack”.
 Best regards,
 De : tpeierls at gmail dot com [mailto:tpeierls at gmail dot com] De la part 
 de Tim
 Envoyé : jeudi 22 décembre 2011 19:01
 À : discuss at restlet dot tigris dot org
 Objet : Re: Re: Status of Asynchronous Support
 Jerome said earlier in this conversation:
 The only way I see to solve this issue for now (2.1) would be to maintain a
 custom Restlet call stack containing the list of Filters that intercepted
 the inbound call and make sure that their afterHandle() method is invoked by
 the asynchronous response thread.
 Trying to flesh this out in my head: So the same logic that calls
 beforeHandle would push the corresponding afterHandle call onto a stack
 associated with the response; setting committed false would prevent the
 normal afterHandle machinery from executing, and the commit() machinery
 would be given access to the stack so it could pop those afterHandles and
 call them?
 Afaict, this isn't in yet, so I think it would be safer to say that asynch
 I/O is still in preview mode for 2.1. Am I being too pessimistic?
 On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Tal Liron tal dot liron at threecrickets 
 dot com
 I have created the simplest example I could to prove my point, and hopefully
 to help find a solution to this important problem:
 The current code works as expected -- but only because AsyncResource.delay
 is non-zero. If you set the value to zero, then the Restlet chain will do
 its work before the AsyncResource commits, and then the resource will not
 return the entity.
 No exceptions get thrown -- the code is thread safe -- but it still shows
 that it's impossible to reliably handle async responses.
 I hope other people can take a look and let me know if I missed something
  Jerome, even though setCommitted(false) gets called, there still the usual
  processing of handle() in the entire restlet chain (the Finder, delegating
  to the UniformResource, etc.). Within these routines, the return values
  various callbacks are handled. Stuff that happens there on the response
  override work being done in another thread. The response is thread safe,
  it's still not the intended result.
  I don't have a test case right now, but it would be easy to produce:
  call setCommitted(false) in a ServerResource annotated @Get
  and immediately move processing to a thread, where commit() is eventually
  called. The worker handler thread would overlap with the work done in the
  regular Restlet handling thread and you would get weird statuses and
  response entities.
  The reason I suggest an exception (and I share Tim's unease with it) is
  it's a way to stop the handling chain in the regular thread, so that only
  the new handler thread would have free reign on the response. But it
  have to be an exception. Another solution would be for ServerResource,
  UniformResource and Finder to be refactored specifically to handle the
  committed=false case. I worry, though, that future work or custom
  implementations would not handle the case properly.
  On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Jerome Louvel jerome dot louvel at
 noelios dot comwrote:
Hi Tal and Tim,
   There is a way to signal an asynchronous response on a per-call basis,
   calling Response#setCommitted(false).
   Then, if you call Response#commit() before the initial request thread
   reaches back the connector, this should work fine as well. I’m not sure
   how it could get ‘corrupted’. Do you have a precise scenario?
   Note that the NIO version of the asynchronous internal connector has

RE: Restlet with Apache HTTP Client does not deal well with followingRedirects

2011-12-21 Thread Tal Liron
Has this issue ever been resolved? Should I open a bug for it?

 Sigh, it's been a long two days.
 The bottom line is that if you use Client or ClientResource over the 
 Apache HTTP Client, you better not use followingRedirect=true, or else 
 you'll get hanging threads due to connections not being returned to the 
 Apache Client's connection pool.
 The issue is that Restlet (2.0.7) executes an additional GET request for 
 the redirect, but does not release the representation for the first GET 
 that contains the redirect response.
 You can reproduce this easily by trying more than 10 GET requests to; (which will redirect you to; and return an entity). After 10 requests, your 
 Restlet Client class will hang. :/
 I hope this gets fixed and can be merged into the 2.0 branch! My 
 deployments are not yet ready to shift to 2.1. In the meantime, use my 
 simple (if annoying) workaround: setFollowingRedirect(false). You will 
 have to handle redirects via your own logic.
 (After a few wild goose chases, I now know far, far more than I ever 
 wanted to know about the internals of the Apache HTTP Client. Its 
 architecture is actually similar to Restlet's in many ways!)
 And ... you're welcome.


Asynchronous support in 2.1

2011-10-01 Thread Tal Liron
html style=direction: ltr;

meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; 
  p { margin-bottom: 0cm; margin-top: 0pt; } /style
  body style=direction: ltr;
bidimailui-detected-decoding-type=latin-charset bgcolor=#FF
pI would like to resurrect a very old thread, from more than a
  year ago:/p
pa class=moz-txt-link-freetext 
pLooking at the state of Restlet 2.1, I can't seem to find a
  solution to the old problem, which implies asynchronous support is
  still broken./p
pTo rehash the problem:/p
pEven if I set autoCommitting to false, parts of the Restlet
  framework upstream will modify the Response (there is nothing to
  stop them, since they have no idea about autoCommit downstream).
  Their actions can easily interfere with my own comitter code,
  which may be trying to modify the response at the same time. So,
  the commit as a whole ends up being non-atomic and prone to race
pMy suggestion back then was to throw a special exception class
  that would force upstream Restlets to avoid any kind of messing
  with the response. We don't like adding more exceptions, but in
  this case there is an obvious advantage of using the exception
  unrolling feature of the JVM to elegantly send messages upstream.
  (Another solution would be to set a special flag in the response,
  but this would require all upstream restlets to explicitly check
  for this flag.)br
pSo, I'm wondering what's the status of this now! This is a
  feature I've been wanting to see in Restlet for years. The
  potential is there (the concurrency stuff is well handled), but
  there is still this missing piece of the


RE: Prudence 1.1.1 released

2011-08-22 Thread Tal Liron
I apologize, Jerome. I thought it would be interesting for Restlet users to see 
how Prudence was progressing. There is not a lot of traffic on the mailing list 
these days, so I thought some news would be nice! I will refrain from posting 
about minor releases.



Prudence 1.1.1 released

2011-08-21 Thread Tal Liron
This is a maintenance release that mostly involves upgrading a few dependencies 
and improving various pain points in the distributions (many of those are 
thanks to enthusiastic feedback from Beth Marston). It should now be easier 
than ever before to hit the ground rolling with Prudence.

This release does not fix any major bug and it is not necessary to upgrade if 
none of the issues listed below affects you. Ubuntu repository users will be 
upgraded automatically.

There is also a revised download page that will hopefully reduce the chance 
of confusion for new users:

Note that the Savory JavaScript flavor is now recommended for beginners. (The 
Kitchen Sink edition is a poor choice for beginners, due to the requirement of 
also having to install Quercus.)

Revision 1064:

* Distribution: archives now preserve executable permission in Unix-like 
systems (including OS X) (issue #9)
* Distribution: archives now include a root directory (issue #10)
* Distribution: an informative readme.txt is now included, with instructions on 
installation and troubleshooting (issue #11)
* Distribution: make sure all text files are in Windows-friendly format (CR-LF 
line ending)
* Distribution: cleaner packaging of jQuery, now also including the license
* Stickstick: fixed for newer versions of WebKit browsers (Safari, Chrome) via 
upgrading jQuery
* Dependency bumps: Restlet 2.0.9, H2 1.3.156, MongoDB Driver 2.6.5, Hazelcast, JRuby 1.6.3, Groovy 1.8.1, jQuery 1.6.2, jQuery UI 1.8.16


RE: Re: Prudence 1.1 and the Savory Framework for MongoDB

2011-07-03 Thread Tal Liron
It's a standard Subversion repo on Google Code, so I think it should work with 

(I've been considering switching to Mercurial, but I think Subversion serves 
the most important needs for now.)

I'm not married to MongoDB, but we are having a sordid love affair. :) The 
NoSQL database are all quite different from each other in terms of features and 
performance characteristics, and I strongly believe Mongo offers the best 
choices for most web developers. Savory very much embraces MongoDB and uses 
many of its atomic update features to the max.

This does not mean that it's impossible to adapt many of the features for other 
databases. In many cases, all you need to do is extend a class and provide your 
own implementation.

It can also make sense to mix MongoDB with other databases.

There's been a lot of interest in integrating Savory with neo4j. We'll see how 
things progress!


Prudence 1.1 and the Savory Framework for MongoDB

2011-06-30 Thread Tal Liron
 of Prudence and MongoDB can take your backend 
very, very far. And Savory makes it even tastier.

Our web development framework tastes better than yours.

Tal Liron,
Three Crickets LLC


RE: Prudence 1.1 and the Savory Framework for MongoDB

2011-06-30 Thread Tal Liron
If you live in Chicago, come to the July 6 2011 MongoDB meetup, where I will be 
presenting Savory, and showing some wild Ext JS and Sencha Touch tricks:


RE: Re: Different deployment schemes for the same Restlet-based Application

2011-05-25 Thread Tal Liron

This is the $1,000,000 question, quite literally. I happen to think that 
deployment -- a term often considered by engineers only at the very end of 
their project -- is more likely close to 50% of their work effort. I've never 
seen any real-life project for real people (other than some open source library 
released to a few geeks) that doesn't have serious and expensive deployment 

Though Tim is apologizing for his elaborate answer, if anything it's too 
simplistic: this is an enormous challenge that can't be solved in a simple 

If you wait for Jerome's Restlet book, it will offer you quite a bit of advice 
on deployment! From what I read in the early version, it's not a small chapter, 
and it still only scraped the surface.

JEE is one way to go: there are big, complicated products out there (JBoss) 
that implement deployment standards in complex ways that have proven themselves 
in many enterprises. People also seem to like adding Maven, OSGi and other 
technologies in their deployments, trying to integrate development with 
deployment. Perhaps a developer's pipe dream? I'm a consultant who has left the 
enterprise behind, and see a lot of my clients are trying to move away from 
this old, heavy term and think in more agile ways.

I love Restlet and can't think of a better way to develop internet/intranet 
applications right now, in any language and on any platform. Which is why I 
decided to develop a container for Restlet applications that is based on 
Restlet and not JEE, and is more oriented towards agile than the enterprise:

It started pretty much like Tim: I was rolling my own until I realized that I 
can't keep rolling my own for every new client without exhausting myself, and 
that other people could benefit and help me in my work.

Viva open source!



Restlet with Apache HTTP Client does not deal well with followingRedirects

2011-05-17 Thread Tal Liron
Sigh, it's been a long two days.

The bottom line is that if you use Client or ClientResource over the 
Apache HTTP Client, you better not use followingRedirect=true, or else 
you'll get hanging threads due to connections not being returned to the 
Apache Client's connection pool.

The issue is that Restlet (2.0.7) executes an additional GET request for 
the redirect, but does not release the representation for the first GET 
that contains the redirect response.

You can reproduce this easily by trying more than 10 GET requests to; (which will redirect you to; and return an entity). After 10 requests, your 
Restlet Client class will hang. :/

I hope this gets fixed and can be merged into the 2.0 branch! My 
deployments are not yet ready to shift to 2.1. In the meantime, use my 
simple (if annoying) workaround: setFollowingRedirect(false). You will 
have to handle redirects via your own logic.

(After a few wild goose chases, I now know far, far more than I ever 
wanted to know about the internals of the Apache HTTP Client. Its 
architecture is actually similar to Restlet's in many ways!)

And ... you're welcome.



Re: Setting the keystore password for SSL

2011-03-31 Thread Tal Liron
I can confirm that this is also true for Restlet 2.0.6. The blog 
announcement indicated that Jetty was upgraded, but I guess this 
happened only in the 2.1 branch. Jetty 7.3 does not work in Restlet 2.0.


On 03/18/2011 03:09 PM, John Karp wrote:
 I found the problem. Apparently restlet-jse-2.0.5 does not work with 
 jetty-7.3.1. I had to downgrade jetty to version 7.2.2, and then SSL worked.

 Should I file a bug?




Re: Examples of Tanuki wrapper usage with a Restlet application

2011-03-31 Thread Tal Liron
You can check out the daemon support page for Prudence (which is based 
on Restlet):

Prudence comes with working configuration files for Tanuki's Wrapper and 
for YAJSW. It comes with Apache Commons Daemon ready to run, with a 
rather sophisticated bash and Windows script.


On 03/31/2011 01:53 PM, Fabian Mandelbaum wrote:

 I'd like to know if there's some examples (and where are them, of
 course) on using Tanuki's wrapper to 'control' (startup, shutdown) a
 Restlet application.

 I'm currently using a 'main' class which sets my Application instance,
 starts needed services, and starts the Application, together with a
 shutdown hook to shut itself down when:
 1) the user hits Ctrl+C on the console where my app is running; or
 2) a POST is gotten on /system/control/shutdown

 and am having problems with dangling Java processes left around and
 not really 'clean' shutdown.

 I'm using the Jetty server connector.

 Any ideas/help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Re: Launching TipTheWeb, a new service built on Restlet

2011-03-28 Thread Tal Liron
This looks terrific, Dave! Congratulations -- it's always a great 
feeling to finally get a big project out the door.

I am especially interested in how you used OSGi for deployment. I'm 
still torn about the costs vs. the benefits. The idea seems great in 
theory, but it seems to me to have arrived too late in the JVM scene, 
and too many libraries are difficult to integrate. Even Restlet has a 
ways to go -- it would be great if individual applications could become 
OSGi bundles, but it's not entirely clear what the best architecture 
would be. If you write a nice blog post about it, I will tip you. ;)

Kudos on embracing MongoDB. I have my own announcement regarding MongoDB 
and Restlet coming soon...


On 03/28/2011 03:13 PM, David Fogel wrote:

 Hello All-

 We've been using Restlet for the last few years in developing our
 recently-launched consumer Web service called TipTheWeb, and I thought
 that people on this list might be interested in hearing about it. is a new service that lets you directly support your
 favorite web content by tipping it- for instance, you might like a
 blog post and tip it 25 cents. The goal is to make possible what we
 call community-supported Web publishing, where we can all
 participate in building a better Internet by supporting the publishers
 that create great stuff, whether it's writing, photographs, videos,
 open-source software, or almost anything else published online that is
 free to access.

 Here's the site:

 And here's our recent blog post announcing our recent release:

 We use Restlet as the core of our HTTP infrastructure, both for more
 standard JSON web service type resources as well as our human-facing
 web site and application (for which we built a thin framework on top
 of Restlet).  We develop and deploy all our code within an OSGi
 runtime, which, among other things, gives us the ability to break up
 our software into modules and hot-deploy new code without taking down
 the main java process. So we have a pretty non-traditional technology
 stack (which I describe in slightly more detail here ), and which I'd be happy to discuss
 further on this list.

 Using Restlet has worked out pretty well for us, and we'd like to
 thank Jerome, Thierry, and all the other contributors and helpful
 folks us this list for Restlet and it's supportive community.  And I'd
 like to point out that supporting open-source software like Restlet is
 a major goal of TipTheWeb, so consider using our new service to tip !

 Dave Fogel
 TipTheWeb Foundation



Re: Deploying restlets on a commercial hosting service?

2011-03-24 Thread Tal Liron
There are no real limitations. Using Apache as a reverse proxy in front 
of Restlet should work just fine, actually better than having Restlet 
answer internet requests directly.

Restlet does tend to be stricter about HTTP header formats than most 
HTTP servers. Things that Apache's mod_php would handle happily may not 
be OK with Restlet. But this is a good thing: the internet is a wild 
place full of bizarre robots, spiders from Mars, and other junk that 
will start hitting your server almost as soon as you open it to the world...

The bottom line is that Restlet is recommended for commercial, 
internet-public sites.


On 03/24/2011 09:52 AM, Robert P Futrelle wrote:

 I work in Java for servers and clients. They all work fine on my local 
 machine (most of the time   ;-).

 Is anyone familiar with the issues (limitations?) that could arise in 
 attempting to create a java restlet server and then deploying it/them 
 on a commercial hosting site?

 They all have Apache available, but I'm not familiar enough with web 
 software architecture to know what can be put behind Apache.
  - Bob Futrelle
Northeastern University

 View this message in context: Deploying restlets on a commercial 
 hosting service?
 Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


'Invalid tag format detected' with Apache HTTP Client

2011-01-30 Thread Tal Liron
Hmm, I'm having some more issues with the Apache HTTP client. This is a 
URL that works fine with other HTTP clients.

Restlet 2.0.4 SE.

Here's the relevant stack trace. Any ideas?

2011-01-31 03:45:49,553: WARN  [org.restlet.Component.Client] Invalid 
tag format detected: m1SbCDHPwgmhtnASxZWgcA
2011-01-31 03:45:49,554: INFO  [org.restlet.Component.Client] Error 
while handling an HTTP client call
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 22
 at org.restlet.engine.util.Base64.decode(
 at org.restlet.engine.util.Base64.decode(
 at org.restlet.Client.handle(
 at org.restlet.routing.Filter.doHandle(
 at org.restlet.routing.Filter.handle(
 at org.restlet.routing.Router.doHandle(
 at org.restlet.routing.Router.handle(


'hostname in certificate didn't match' with Apache HTTP client

2011-01-29 Thread Tal Liron
I'm getting a lot of these exceptions when accessing perfectly happy 
internet sites, such as Yahoo! and LiveJournal.

It seems that various people on the net have problems with similar 
problems with Apache HTTP Client on Android, but in this case I'm using 
Restlet 2.0 JSE. Any ideas or suggestions for workarounds?

Here is a relevant stack trace:

2011-01-30 00:54:08,358: WARN  [org.restlet.Component.Client] An error 
occurred during the communication with the remote HTTP server. hostname in certificate didn't match: !=
 at org.restlet.Client.handle(


Re: Inefficient parsing of date header clientresource 2.0.3

2011-01-24 Thread Tal Liron
SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe -- you have no choice but to 1) 
re-create it per request, or 2) use thread-locals.


On 01/24/2011 09:05 AM, Chris Davis wrote:

 I have been profiling my android app that uses android restlet client 
 I can see from the profile (image attached see the cornflower blue 
 section on the right hand side of the restlet thread) and subsequent 
 tracing that when DateUtils is used to parse the date header it 
 creates a new SimpleDateFormat object that then has to load all the 
 timezone names from android. This loading takes considerable time and 
 uses a lot of memory and as far as I can tell is done each time a 
 client resource is handled.

 At first I thought that the client should cache the dateformat object 
 but that too would hold onto memory (unless it held a weak reference?)
 but I also see from DateUtils that if the format is RFC 3339 then an 
 InternetDateFormat parser is used which I'm guessing wont need to load 
 the timezone names as the timezone is specified in hours

 So I am wondering that if I can configure my server resources to 
 return the date header in a format that required less processing? We 
 are using restlet 1.1.9 (I know we need to upgrade, we will get around 
 to it eventually) on the server side can I force it to use RFC 3339?

 kind regards


Prudence 1.0 officially released

2011-01-23 Thread Tal Liron
After 4 months of release candidates, we are happy to announce that 
Prudence is production-worthy. We've been using it very successfully 
with numerous in-house projects and for several clients.

Prudence provides Restlet developers with a complete, Restlet-centric 
deployment container, as an alternative to deploying via JEE containers 
such as Tomcat. As a container, Prudence also allows JSP-like scriptlet 
programming, albeit based on Restlet and with many sophisticated caching 
features. For more information on using Prudence as a container:

Moreover, Prudence can provide Restlet programmers with an alternative 
programming environment, based on one of six JVM languages: Python, 
Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript, PHP or Groovy. Use the full power of Restlet 
without writing a single line of Java code! This is useful not only for 
quick prototyping of REST resources, but also works very well for 
full-blown products.

For example, we've had unprecedented success working and deploying with 
the LEMP stack: Linux, Ext-JS, MongoDB, and Prudence for JavaScript. 
Using JavaScript on the server, client and database allows us to stay 
within the same coding paradigm throughout the RESTful project and 
encourages cooperation within our development teams. We've never been 
able to complete projects which such speed before, while having complete 
confidence in the products' ability to scale and grow.

I'd like to personally thank Jerome, Thierry and everyone who assisted 
on the Restlet mailing list during development! It's been a wonderful 

And now, it's time to think of Prudence 1.1...


Tal Liron and Three Crickets


Re: mongodb inside jse restlets...

2011-01-20 Thread Tal Liron
I have been developing regularly using Restlet (via Prudence for 
JavaScript) and MongoDB for a while, and strongly recommend it.

Check out the MongoVision project as an example. The server-side code is 
ridiculously simple:

(For web development, the combination of JavaScript on the server, 
client and database is a magic bullet! Note that Prudence can also use 
MongoDB as its cache backend.)

MongoDB also has a RESTful layer, which means you would be able to 
access it via Restlet's ClientResource. Though, I'd say you're better 
off using the standard Java driver. (Even though it, too, could be better.)

Otherwise, there are no problems storing the Mongo instance in the 
Context. That's its natural place. (I sometimes store it in the 
Component's context if I need it shared between a few Restlet Applications.)


On 01/20/2011 08:37 PM, darrylwest wrote:

 hi all,

 I am interested in your thoughts on implementing mongodb inside a standard
 jse restlet app.  My current implementation uses a context attribute to
 store the reference to the mongo connection pool but was interested in any
 other ideas.

 my implementation uses restlets 2.0.4 and is slated to replace our current
 tomcat/mysql implementation that supports about 2000 concurrent users (500
 tx/second) on a small cluster.  my initial mongo tests have been great, and
 the restlets project looks promising, but I would feel much more comfortable
 with feedback from larger implementations.




Re: Restlet + Clojure = Prudence: Talk in Chicago, December 15th

2011-01-10 Thread Tal Liron
This talk has been postponed to next Wednesday, Jan 19th. If you're in the
Chicago area and are interested in using Restlet with Clojure, join us!

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Tal Liron

 In case you're interested, I'll be giving a talk on December 15th
 (Wednesday) at 6pm, at ThoughtWorks (200 E. Randolph).

 The Clojure edition is Prudence's most exciting: the combination of
 Prudence's high-concurrency Restlet container and Clojure's persistent data
 structure promises very robust, scalable web applications.
 If you've never used a Lisp before, don't be too intimidated: the Clojure
 meetup crowd always includes a mix of old hands and parentheses noobs.

 (defn signature [salutation]
   (sign salutation Sincerely 'Tal))


Re: Restlet + Clojure = Prudence: Talk in Chicago, December 15th

2011-01-10 Thread Tal Liron
Chicago is the Paris of the Midwest. :)

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Tal,

 unfortunately, we won't be there as we are quite busy busy in France. Hope
 you will enjoy this meeting!! :)

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 This talk has been postponed to next Wednesday, Jan 19th. If you're in the
 Chicago area and are interested in using Restlet with Clojure, join us!

 On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Tal Liron

 In case you're interested, I'll be giving a talk on December 15th
 (Wednesday) at 6pm, at ThoughtWorks (200 E. Randolph).

 The Clojure edition is Prudence's most exciting: the combination of
 Prudence's high-concurrency Restlet container and Clojure's persistent data
 structure promises very robust, scalable web applications.
 If you've never used a Lisp before, don't be too intimidated: the Clojure
 meetup crowd always includes a mix of old hands and parentheses noobs.

 (defn signature [salutation]
   (sign salutation Sincerely 'Tal))


Re: response.release() versus response.exhaust() in 2.0

2011-01-02 Thread Tal Liron
So, what do you think about this pseudo-code to demonstrate the use of
ClientResource? (My experience has shown this to hang applications...)

function getText(url) {
  var resource = new ClientResource(url)
  var representation = resource.get()
  if (representation) {
var text;
try {
  text = representation.getText()
finally {
return text

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Jerome Louvel jerome.lou...@noelios.comwrote:

 After further investigation of the source code, I rediscovered the main
 intent behind the Representation#release() method which is to provide a
 callback from the connectors to the representation that can be called when
 it has been fully written out, therefore allowing the release of associated
 resources such as database connections.

 Representations provided by the connectors themselves apparently don't rely
 on this method to be called as long as the content is fully read or
 exhausted, but it shouldn't hurt to call it systematically.

 I've revised the wiki page again as well as the Representation#release()
 Javadocs to further clarify those points.

 Best regards,



Re: response.release() versus response.exhaust() in 2.0

2010-12-31 Thread Tal Liron
I am a still unclear as to the best practice.

In the example you give on the wiki, you call stop() on the resource, 
and there is no try/catch, but you do not mention whether using stop() 
is a good idea.

In relation to the last paragraph -- my experience has shown that 
exhaust() is not good enough (Restlet 2.0.x, Apache HTTP Client), and 
still leads to hanging threads. Even calling release() on the 
representation is not good enough. I found that the only way to avoid 
hangs is a complete release() of the *response*, and I found this out 
only through  searching in the mailing list. While this does avoid 
hanging my application, it seems like this is not recommended. Can you 


On 12/31/2010 03:39 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've updated the wiki to clarify this best practice, see the last section:

 The Javadocs have also been previously clarified before, saying that 
 release() should rarely be called:

 I've clarified this even further in SVN (2.0 and trunk) by adding this 
   * Note that calling this method will likely prevent the reuse of the
   * underlying persistent connection and therefore should only be called 
   * exhausting the content with {...@link #exhaust()} is too costly or 
   * further calls from the client are not welcome.

 Hope this clarifies. We can update the wiki/javadocs further based on your 
 experienced. If one connector such as Apache HTTP Client 4 doesn't work 
 consistently with this description, we can try to fix it.

 Best regards,
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~ http://www.restlet.o​rg
 Noelios Technologies ~

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Rickard Öberg []
 Envoyé : vendredi 31 décembre 2010 03:18
 À :
 Objet : Re: response.release() versus response.exhaust() in 2.0

 On 2010-12-31 05.55, Tal Liron wrote:
 pool.) It's probably best to employ a try-finally paradigm, where the
 try clause contains as little code as possible, and the finally clause
 releases the response. See the example below.

 var fixture
 var resource =
 try {
  fixture = resource.get().text

 finally {
 So this, combined with Jerome's reply:
 1) release() has the effect of closing the underlying TCP
  socket, preventing persistent connection reuse. So it can't be
  recommended to systematically call it.
 basically means that we can't have persistent connection reuse on the client. 
 Correct or not?





Re: response.release() versus response.exhaust() in 2.0

2010-12-30 Thread Tal Liron
I took me a while to debug this problem, and I agree it could be made
clearer. Here's what I wrote in the Prudence documentation, and would be
happy if anyone could correct me if I'm wrong:

Important: The semantics of ClientResource require you to explicitly release
the response as soon as you're done using it, which will in turn release the
thread used to stream the response to you. (Though these threads might
eventually be reclaimed by a built-in garbage collection mechanism, leaving
them hanging could lead to starvation, such that further uses of
document.external will block until threads return to the pool.) It's
probably best to employ a try-finally paradigm, where the try clause
contains as little code as possible, and the finally clause releases the
response. See the example below.

var fixture
var resource = document.external('file:///myfiles/fixture.json',
try {
fixture = resource.get().text
finally {

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:48 AM, David Fogel wrote:

 Like Rickard, we also have started to call release() in a finally
 block for client and clientresource code, since it seemed, according
 to previous posts, that that was a necessary best practice, especially
 when using the Httpclient4 extension, where we'd seen situations where
 threads weren't getting released properly.  So, it'd be great to see
 an official client-code best practice example that includes calls to
 exhaust() and release().


 On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Rickard Öberg
  On 2010-12-30 07.34, Jerome Louvel wrote:
  Hi Marc,
  I don't know if you still experiment issues with this, but here are a
 couple of clarifications:
  1) release() has the effect of closing the underlying TCP socket,
 preventing persistent connection reuse. So it can't be recommended to
 systematically call it.
  2) exhaust() does ensure a proper consumption of the entity and enable
 reuse of the connection. If you don't systematically consume the entity via
 other means (actually reading it), then calling exhaust() is the way to go.
  Is there any difference between best practices of how a client vs a
  server should handle this? Right now we have our clients do
  response.release() in a finally block. Does your response imply that
  this messes up persistent connections from the clients point of view?



Re: Proper handling of / at the end of the requested URI

2010-12-09 Thread Tal Liron
Like David, I also recommend requiring trailing slashes for *everything*. In
fact, I'm annoyed that the URI spec lets you get away without using them...
it's a recipe for so much confusion, especially in relative paths
(HTML/CSS). This is a vestige from the days in which filesystems were mapped
directly to URI-space, and you had files and directories in it.

The method I use is a bit different -- I simply add Redirectors directly to
the Router for all the URIs without the trailing slash. Pseudocode example:

router.attach(workspaces/{w}/, workspacesClass);
router.attach(workspaces/{w}, new Redirector(context, workspaces/{w}/);

It could be possible to write a utility method that goes over the RouteList
and does this for you.


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:10 PM, David Fogel wrote:

 Hi Fabián-

 In our development, we did a lot of thinking about how we wanted to
 structure our URL-space, especially regarding directory paths and
 the issue of optional slashes, and how to best implement these things
 in Restlet.  What we came up with might be too much work to do by hand
 (we've built a thin framework on top of Restlet, which includes this
 optional-slash support), but here's how we do it:

 In general, we prefer directory-like paths to always end in /.  We
 also prefer most HTML pages served to a browser to have a url that
 ends in / as well, for a variety of reasons (including making
 relative resources work consistently).

 However, since our app is a web app with human users, we make sure to
 support optional / for any URL that a user is likely to type by

 When we attach resources to our Router, we do so through custom
 methods that allow us to specify whether we want to support an
 optional slash on the pattern.  If so, we actually attach _two_
 resources:  the first is the original target resource, which we attach
 to the specified pattern like normal.  The second is a singleton
 instance of a Restlet we wrote which we call OptionSlashRedirect,
 which we attach to a path which is the original path plus-or-minus the
 slash.  Our OptionalSlashRedirect restlet responds to any request by
 sending a permanent redirect to the other path.  Here is the code to
 our OptionalSlashRedirect:

protected static class OptionalSlashRedirect extends Restlet {
public OptionalSlashRedirect(Context context) {
public OptionalSlashRedirect() {}
public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
super.handle(request, response);

Method m = request.getMethod();
if (m.equals(Method.GET) || m.equals(Method.HEAD)) {

Reference ref =
String path = ref.getPath();
if (path.endsWith(/))
path = path.substring(0,
 path.length() - 1);
path = path + /;


} else {


 So, in your case I think you should consider making the official
 directory paths end in a /, and then using a technique like this to
 make sure it's effectively optional for human users.  An alternative
 would be to attach the same resource twice (or some other template
 pattern / regex way of achieving the same thing).  In general though,
 we think that a resource should generally only have one canonical
 path, and so serving it out at two similar paths is less desirable.

 Hope this helps,
 -Dave Fogel

 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 12:54 PM, Fabian Mandelbaum wrote:
  Hello there, sorry if this has been asked a zillion times (kindly
  point me to the relevant answers if so) already.
  Whenever a WebDAV request is performed, I don't know why (maybe it's
  somewhere in the DAV specs, and I didn't read/understand that part),
  the client seems to 'climb up' the requested URI, making some requests
  (mostly OPTIONS, but I remember seeing some PROPFIND too...) on those
  partial URIs too, for example:
  Dec 9, 2010 2:31:29 PM org.restlet.engine.log.LogFilter afterHandle
  INFO: 2010-12-0914:31:29127.0.0.1   9000OPTIONS
 /workspaces/W1/content  -   200 0   035
 http://localhost:9000   gvfs/1.6.1  -
  Dec 9, 2010 2:31:29 PM org.restlet.engine.log.LogFilter afterHandle
  INFO: 2010-12-0914:31:29127.0.0.1   9000PROPFIND
  /workspaces/W1/content  -   207-124 186
 http://localhost:9000   gvfs/1.6.1  

Re: RIAP cannot handle binary streams

2010-12-07 Thread Tal Liron

I sometimes think I'm the only Restlet user who pushes RIAP to these
extremes... :)

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Tal Liron

 I have an representation that writes binary data. It works fine in HTTP,
 but in RIAP I get this exception when I try to exhaust the stream (Restlet
 2.0.2): Timeout while reading from the queue-based input

 Is this a bug, or am I doing something unsupported?



Restlet + Clojure = Prudence: Talk in Chicago, December 15th

2010-12-02 Thread Tal Liron
In case you're interested, I'll be giving a talk on December 15th
(Wednesday) at 6pm, at ThoughtWorks (200 E. Randolph).

The Clojure edition is Prudence's most exciting: the combination of
Prudence's high-concurrency Restlet container and Clojure's persistent data
structure promises very robust, scalable web applications.

If you've never used a Lisp before, don't be too intimidated: the Clojure
meetup crowd always includes a mix of old hands and parentheses noobs.

(defn signature [salutation]
  (sign salutation Sincerely 'Tal))


Re: Child URI's

2010-11-30 Thread Tal Liron
This is a useful discussion! I think newcomers to REST, especially those 
trained in RPC thinking, find the URI space paradigm to baffling. 
Unlike pros like us who swim gracefully in its waters. :)

 That's a good point. Per-resource docs won't scale, or at least not 
 without some tool to extract those docs into a single or hyperlinked 
 document. Maybe javadoc would be up to it, but that sounds 
 complicated. I'm still feeling my way here.
I've given up on JavaDoc entirely for such uses. Java is 
object-oriented, a paradigm that does not cleanly map to a 
resource-oriented URI space except in naive examples. (I actually find 
OO to be a tired paradigm in general.)

A wiki is too free in form, though -- I wonder if someone knows of a 
tool better suited to documenting a URI space?

 I also tend to use class inheritance a lot in Restlet... so, it
 ends up that the code is pretty scattered. (In my Prudence apps,
 there's always a routing.* file with everything concentrated there.)

 What does your routing.* file look like? Is it Java source? Free-form 
It is bootstrapping code in one of six languages: routing.js,, routing.rb, routing,gv., routing.php or routing.clj. The 
point of the file is to map URIs to the code that would handle them 
(resources, pages, generic handlers, etc.). It is really standard 
Restlet routing, with a wee bit of sugar for common use cases.
 I'm still wondering if there's a clean way to do this in pure Java 
 taking advantage of dependency injection. (I use Guice, but the 
 following applies to any JSR-330-compliant DI.)
I like this line of thinking. In fact, I've hit limitations of Restlet's 
Template class a few times, and wonder if it can be rewritten to allow 
for application-specific casting and parsing of templates. Perhaps an 
overridable TemplatingService that would allow not only injection of 
{variables} but also hierarchical building of URIs.

(By the way, URI hierarchies are significant in the HTTP 1.1 spec (see 
PUT and DELETE), and are perhaps the only REST concept not addressed by 



Re: Child URI's

2010-11-30 Thread Tal Liron
 I can't find any mention of this in the HTTP/1.1 spec under PUT and 
 DELETE. What am I missing?

Hm, I remembered that the requirement for both was that the parent URI 
exist. For example, that you can't PUT to /items/box/ unless /items/ 
exists. But, a quick look at the spec now and I can't find this 
requirement. I might have picked this up from one of the many (wrong) 
interpretations of HTTP out there.

HTTP is a complex protocol! I'm glad Restlet exists. :)



Re: Child URI's

2010-11-27 Thread Tal Liron
Ah, I assumed the Restlet client would be using them, but I guess it 
does make sense that certain server resources could share these constants.

My personal style in documentation has always been to have a wiki page 
with a description of the URI space, organized by hierarchy, with notes 
for representation structures and HTTP verb support where appropriate. 
The thing about documenting them at the resource level in Restlet is 
that routing can be pretty complex, and one ServerResource class can 
also server various URI patterns. I also tend to use class inheritance a 
lot in Restlet... so, it ends up that the code is pretty scattered. (In 
my Prudence apps, there's always a routing.* file with everything 
concentrated there.)


On 11/27/2010 09:11 AM, Tim Peierls wrote:
 Regarding the need to document URIs/APIs for humans rather than 
 automatically exposing them to machine clients, I totally agree.

 I think you misunderstood me, though. I was only advocating the use of 
 String constants, Templates, etc. as a way to avoid having two places 
 on the *server side* that need updating when the URI structure changes 
 -- during development, say. I'm the kind of person who might change 
 the router.attach(...) code without changing the corresponding code to 
 generate hyperlinks in my representations, and not detect my mistake 
 right away. This way I cut down on the risk of that.

 I hadn't thought of this at all as a way of documenting/exposing the 
 URI structure to clients. I've been assuming that *if* I ever wanted 
 to do something like that, I would just inherit from WadlApplication 
 (as a first cut). But now that you mention it :-) I suppose the first 
 place I would go to write up the URI space / API in prose would be the 
 resource classes -- I could more or less read the API right out of there.


 On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Tal Liron wrote:

 Nice write up!

 But one problem I see in this is that it's a bit like IDL and the like
 in SOAP and other RPC protocols. You end up having to share some
 kind of
 interface descriptor (or load/interpret it at runtime) between the
 server and the client. REST requires a well-documented URI space, as
 well as well-documented representation structures, but
 documentation !=
 IDL. A human looking up an API signature and making sure he's
 the spec makes much more sense to me than having arbitrary clients
 arbitrarily talking to arbitrary servers via arbitrary protocols.
 :) At
 best, IDL-like mechanisms provide some type safety. Although, even
 they only provide runtime safety and can't help you during compile- or
 link- time.

 The bottom line is that you always need to document your URI (and API)
 space well, whether you share such specs between client server or not.
 Which, to me means that I'd rather not spend too much time
 creating spec
 sharing mechanisms. I'd rather spend more time making sure my
 documentation is concise, so that other programmers (or me!) will
 understand the URI space in the future.

 (For what it's worth, if you work a lot of dynamic languages with
 dynamic and duck types, you get used to not having any compile-time
 signature safety, and always rely on documentation anyway.)

 Tangent: I would add that it's good practice to always think of
 URIs as
 ending in trailing slashes. If you decide on using relative URIs, it
 makes your URI space more consistent:


 (I'm also a fan of the plural vs. singular noun form URI space)


 On 11/26/2010 02:06 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:
  I'm interested in hearing other answers to this, too, but the first
  thing that occurs to me about your example is that the recipient of
  this representation would probably find an absolute URI more useful
  than a relative one. So at the very least you'd want something
 like this:
  String userProjects = /user/ + user.getId() + /projects;
  Reference userProjectsRef =  new Reference(getRootRef(),
  jr.put(projects, userProjectsRef.getTargetRef().toString());
  Furthermore, you can use a Template to regularize the
 construction of
  the userProjects string:
  // Static fields of the user resource class.
  public static final String USER_PROJECTS_PATH =
  private static final Template userProjectsTemplate = new
  When building the representation, you provide values to this
  MapString, String userValues = new HashMapString, String();
  userValues.put(id, abc123);
  String userProjects = userProjectsTemplate.format(userValues

Re: Child URI's

2010-11-26 Thread Tal Liron
Nice write up!

But one problem I see in this is that it's a bit like IDL and the like 
in SOAP and other RPC protocols. You end up having to share some kind of 
interface descriptor (or load/interpret it at runtime) between the 
server and the client. REST requires a well-documented URI space, as 
well as well-documented representation structures, but documentation != 
IDL. A human looking up an API signature and making sure he's following 
the spec makes much more sense to me than having arbitrary clients 
arbitrarily talking to arbitrary servers via arbitrary protocols. :) At 
best, IDL-like mechanisms provide some type safety. Although, even then, 
they only provide runtime safety and can't help you during compile- or 
link- time.

The bottom line is that you always need to document your URI (and API) 
space well, whether you share such specs between client server or not. 
Which, to me means that I'd rather not spend too much time creating spec 
sharing mechanisms. I'd rather spend more time making sure my 
documentation is concise, so that other programmers (or me!) will 
understand the URI space in the future.

(For what it's worth, if you work a lot of dynamic languages with 
dynamic and duck types, you get used to not having any compile-time 
signature safety, and always rely on documentation anyway.)

Tangent: I would add that it's good practice to always think of URIs as 
ending in trailing slashes. If you decide on using relative URIs, it 
makes your URI space more consistent:


(I'm also a fan of the plural vs. singular noun form URI space)


On 11/26/2010 02:06 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:
 I'm interested in hearing other answers to this, too, but the first 
 thing that occurs to me about your example is that the recipient of 
 this representation would probably find an absolute URI more useful 
 than a relative one. So at the very least you'd want something like this:
 String userProjects = /user/ + user.getId() + /projects;
 Reference userProjectsRef =  new Reference(getRootRef(), 
 jr.put(projects, userProjectsRef.getTargetRef().toString());

 Furthermore, you can use a Template to regularize the construction of 
 the userProjects string:

 // Static fields of the user resource class.
 public static final String USER_PROJECTS_PATH = /user/{id}/projects;
 private static final Template userProjectsTemplate = new 

 When building the representation, you provide values to this template.
 MapString, String userValues = new HashMapString, String();
 userValues.put(id, abc123);
 String userProjects = userProjectsTemplate.format(userValues);
 // ... as above ...

 And you can make this even simpler if you write a resolver for your 
 user resource class.

 class UserResolver extends ResolverString {
 UserResolver(User user) { this.user = user; }
 // Crude implementation - could do better using reflection.
 public String resolve(String name) {
 if (name.equals(id))  return user.getId();
 // ... other possibilities ...
 throw new RuntimeException(can't resolve name for user:  
 + name);
 private final User user;

 Then instead of creating a Map from the names in the template to 
 string values, you can provide a resolver instance.

 Resolver userResolver = new UserResolver(user);
 String userProjects = userProjectsTemplate.format(userResolver);

 Finally, to avoid replicating the knowledge of an application's URI 
 structure between the resource classes and the application class, you 
 can change the routing in the application to refer to the strings used 
 to construct the templates. In other words, instead of this line in 
 your Application's createInboundRoot() method:

 router.attach(/user/{id}/projects, UserResource.class);

 you can say this:

 import static com.example.myapp.UserServerResource.USER_PROJECTS_PATH;
 router.attach(USER_PROJECTS_PATH, UserResource.class);

 This way if the routing changes, you only have to update the ..._PATH 

 Thanks for asking the question -- I learned a lot writing up my answer!


 On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Marty La Jeunesse wrote:

 I've a User object with a name and a List of Project objects. When
 I represent with, for example, a JsonRepresentation, I do

jr.put(lastName, user.getLastName());
jr.put(projects, user/+user.getId()+/projects);
return jr;

 The 'projects uri construction seems a little naive.

 Any suggestions?


RIAP cannot handle binary streams

2010-11-21 Thread Tal Liron
I have an representation that writes binary data. It works fine in HTTP, 
but in RIAP I get this exception when I try to exhaust the stream 
(Restlet 2.0.2): Timeout while reading from the queue-based input 

Is this a bug, or am I doing something unsupported?



Re: Adding sessions to a REST(let) application

2010-11-19 Thread Tal Liron
There's nothing in REST for or against sessions -- that's not its 
domain. Your higher level app can definitely have sessions.

I do not recommend renewing your cookie for every request to keep the 
session from expiring. Instead, have your cookie store a session ID, and 
maintain a session table on your server (via a memory DB or persistent, 
as you prefer). You can update the session expiration per hit you get on 
resources within the session. This is standard practice for web 
applications: even if they are not overtly RESTful, then need to use 
HTTP. :)

Where this can affect REST is your URI space: sessions end up being 
resources. For example, you might allow a superuser access to a resource 
which lets them list all open sessions, and then perhaps query session 
data (GET) and logging out sessions (DELETE).

It's quite rare for me to write a RESTful service that does not have 
some kind of sessions.


On 11/19/2010 10:53 AM, Fabian Mandelbaum wrote:

 Hello there,

 We're currently facing a dillema with our REST application. Since we
 sell accounts for this application, we'd need a way to limit the
 concurrent number of users using an account. It happens that we sell
 one account and have many users use the authentication credentials of
 that account.

 Now, REST principles state that the server must not store any
 application state (for example, user sessions), so this seems to
 contradict our (commercially-motivated, agreed) needs.

 We thought about having the client send a cookie (I'm cookie-ignorant)
 with each request, and have the resources check that cookie, which
 would 'expire' after a given ammount of time, or when the user
 explicitly states so (there's a Logout button on our UI, which just
 works on IE and FF for now, using a REST-based logout technique:
 basically it sends bogus authentication credentials invalidating the
 browser's cached ones). Cookies seem to be accepted as a RESTful way
 of exchanging such state information.

 This of course, posses another issue, how does the user renew the
 cookie when the session is nearing expiration? Is this handled
 automatically? As I've mentionned above, I'm cookie-ignorant, forgive
 me if I ask nonsense.

 How did you solve this issue on your REST(let) applications? Any
 examples I can take a look at?

 Thanks in advance for your answers.


Re: BufferOverflowException when response size exceeds 8192 bytes

2010-11-17 Thread Tal Liron
Would this bug affect the 2.0 branch at all?

On 11/17/2010 05:33 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Tom,

 thanks a lot for your help, the fix is available in the svn repository.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau



Re: Data loss between HTTP client and restlet server, errors writing to non-blocking channel

2010-11-15 Thread Tal Liron
My problem ended up being Grizzly (version 1.9.21).

Switching to Jetty made the problem disappear, at least for the past 24 
hours. Will keep you posted.

I don't know if the issue is Grizzly itself or the Restlet connector, 
but this is a production system I can't play around with and test. Also, 
now that the Grizzly connector is being deprecated for Restlet 2.1, it 
seems wise for all of us to move away from Grizzly.


On 11/15/2010 08:12 AM, Carles Barrobés wrote:

 Ok, problem solved. It was not a server issue after all, sorry for the noise.

 (It was due to creating multipart requests with HttpClient, where the file
 to upload was not yet completely written to disk.)


Re: newbie question

2010-11-07 Thread Tal Liron
Absolutely, and it works great!

Though I do recommend using the Apache HTTP client connector for good 
performance and secure connection support. There are a few library 
dependencies to get it to work, so make sure you get them.


On 11/07/2010 01:19 PM, deuce4 wrote:

 I am wondering of the capabilities of the client side of Restlet.  There are
 a lot of data cloud libraries out there, like AWS Simple DB, and soon, the
 Google Big Query, which are RESTful.

 Can RESTlet be used as a general purpose Rest client?  I have not seen any
 information on hooking up Restlet to Amazon Web Services,  so I wonder why
 it hasn't been documented/implemented.

 For example, to hook up AWS to GAE requires a big workaround.  Could RESTlet
 (in client mode) be used in a GAE servlet to access data in Amazon Simple


Re: Using a REST layer for UI and services

2010-10-20 Thread Tal Liron
I'll only say that without caching somewhere along the line, making any 
kind of front-facing UIs with Restlet is going to be painful. When this 
comes (Restlet 2.1?), the proper Restlety route for this may suggest 
itself. fetchCalendar may cache, but does wrapIfHtml cache?

Though, I do like the basic approach -- I did something similar and 
simpler with my pure-Java Restlet applications that speak to Ext-JS 
REST-aware widgets. I just had to return JSON, but very specific JSON.

I think you can improve your own idea by automatically handling etags or 
modification dates in wrapIfHtml, perhaps storing a timestamp in the 
calendar data itself. If you can't cache, at least conditionalize the HTTP.


On 10/20/2010 07:58 AM, Tim Peierls wrote:

 I went ahead and did this as I outlined (see quoted message below), 
 for Freemarker and Jackson only, no Atom. there were several issues 
 along the way.

 I had to replace the built-in ConverterHelpers that come with the 
 Restlet extensions with my own subclasses of those ConverterHelpers. 
 (The JacksonConverter is fine, except I needed to provide a custom 
 ObjectMapper to use materialized beans) That meant running through 
 the list of registered converters looking for one of the right type 
 and removing it, then adding my own.

 I have to return different objects depending on whether the client is 
 expecting HTML or JSON. For JSON, I just return the plain domain 
 object. For HTML, I wrap the domain object with a dynamic proxy that 
 adds support for a special interface that names a Freemarker template 
 -- this interface is detected by my custom FreemarkerConverter and 
 used to produce the TemplateRepresentation by combining the template 
 with the domain object data model.

 Since I have to use that wrapping logic in every resource 
 implementation that supports HTML representations, I bundled it into a 
 method, wrapIfHtml, of a common superclass that extends 
 ServerResource. Now my @Get method can look like this:

 // Request URI is something like /calendar/{calendar} -- 
 fetchCalendar does the heavy lifting.
 @Get(html|json) public Calendar getCalendar() {
 String id = (String) getRequest().getAttributes().get(calendar);
 Calendar calendar = fetchCalendar(id); // throws 404 
 ResourceException if id not found
 return wrapIfHtml(calendar, Calendar.class, Calendar.html);

 You might think I could just wrap _always_, even for JSON, but it 
 turns out that the Jackson materialized bean logic doesn't work on 
 dynamic proxies. I want to use the materialized bean stuff because it 
 saves me having to write and expose implementations for my domain 

 But two of my questions remain: Is there (or will there soon be) a 
 better way? (Tal, aren't you going to mention Prudence? ;-))  Am I 
 going against the Restlet grain?


 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:

 On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Good news, is that we are planning to simplify this binding in
 version 2.1 but associating the template files with
 representation beans based on the bean qualified class name.
 The converter service would allow the developer to indicate
 where the template lives, for example in the classpath next to
 the bean class or in a separate directory.

 That sounds great. I'm impatient, though, and I want to implement
 my own version of this in 2.0.x, with some additional design

 I want to write resource interfaces like this:

 public interface CalendarResource {
 @Get(html|atom|json) Calendar getCalendar();
 @Post(form|atom|json:html|atom|json) Event addEvent(Event

 where Calendar is a domain-level interface with some associated
 mechanisms for converting a Calendar instance into a
 (Freemarker) TemplateRepresentation (looking up the template file
 based on the class name, as Jerome describes), Feed,
 or JacksonRepresentation; and Event is a domain-level interface
 with some associated mechanisms for converting from a Form, Entry,
 or JacksonRepresentation to an Event instance and from an Event
 instance to a TemplateRepresentation, Entry, or JacksonRepresentation.

 I want to implement CalendarResource on the server side with:

 public class CalendarServerResource extends ServerResource
 implements CalendarResource {
 public Calendar getCalendar() {
 Calendar calendar = lookupCalendar(getRequest()); //
 actual domain logic in here
 return calendar;

 public Event addEvent(Event event) {
 Calendar calendar = lookupCalendar(getRequest());
 Event event = addNewEventToCalendar(calendar, event); //
 actual domain logic 

Re: Best way to deal with bot attacks and vulnerability searches using Restlet for a public webs site.

2010-09-24 Thread Tal Liron
Exactly. You would still want two layers for everyday production 
applications, even if you have just one Restlet node.

Upgrading your app, for example -- you have Varnish show a under 
maintenance screen while you swap out your Restlet nodes.

Perhaps it looks appealing to have both layers in the JVM. Couldn't your 
your load balancer be written in Java? Perlbal is written in Perl, after 
all. Wouldn't a Java house want everything in Java?

Well, fact is, for simple products like load balancers, that aim for 
maximum scalability, the JVM isn't quite there yet. Perhaps Java 7's NIO 
would be better. Using Perl directly over Linux async IO is far more 
efficient. Likewise, a caching tool like Varnish is a masterpiece of 
efficient use of direct memory paging under Linux. No way you could do 
the same with the JVM.

By the way -- I don't necessarily recomend using Varnish, Squid, Pound, 
etc. I see upstream caching as a patchy solution from a previous LAMP 
era. Modern applications, especially on the JVM, should be able to 
handle caching on their own, and do it smartly. But, it's good to know 
that there are products there in case you need them. Since Restlet lets 
you so easily set the HTTP caching headers, Varnish, upstream, would 
know exactly what to do with your representations.

I address this in more depth in my article about scaling:

My current favorite deployment is Perlbal+Prudence (which is Restlet 
over Grizzly). I find Perlbal deliciously minimal and reliable: all it 
does is forward to my application nodes, and handle SSL for me. This 
minimalism forces the application developers to be smart, and not rely 
on any upstream features that would compartmentalize your deployment and 
add dependencies to your application.

(Restlet/Grizzly can do SSL, but there are some thorny issues with 
persistent connections that are easily avoided by just handling it at 
the front.)


On 09/24/2010 10:53 AM, jrb wrote:
 A 2 layer architecture for a public service is useful for a bunch of
 reasons- load balancing, service availability during upgrades,
 security, separation of concerns (e.g. segregate apps by workload,
 offload gzip encoding, ssl endpoint, local static asset caching).

 Now, I haven't tried this with restlet yet, but it looks to me like
 restlet could be used on both layers.

 That said, there is a point at which *running* a public service
 requires its own expertise to manage the endpoint, and typically
 people focused on that use those tools- HAProxy, nginx, apache, etc.
 And they tend to think of a jvm as opaque and hard to manage. Try
 telling an ops person that they have to tune GC on their load balancer
 and they'll probably quit.

 But I definitely see the appeal of having a restlet uberjar, packaging
 jetty and spring and a bunch of other connectors, to serve as a kind
 of universal REST server that could do load balancing, reverse proxy,
 template rendering, or whatever- expose a REST interface to a database
 or to other proprietary back end services- all by just swapping in and
 out spring bean configuration. There are still some areas of weakness-
 I think e.g. the slowloris DoS attack is not defensible from a JVM.
 But as a devops tool, it seems like it has potential.

 On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Tim  wrote:
 I share David's frustration. One of the things that attracted me to Restlet
 in the first place was the hope that I could throw away all the other
 processes and do everything in the JVM. Why couldn't I put whatever
 throttling/defensive logic (that I would otherwise have to put in a separate
 process) right into the Restlet Component? Is a Restlet Component inherently
 vulnerable as Tal puts it, or is it just that no one has provided the
 right defensive Restlet Filter so far?

 On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 2:24 AM, David  wrote:
 Hi Tal, William-

 Thanks for your feedback!

 Regarding putting the JVM behind Apache or some other proxy: well,
 we're likely to have to use a load-balancer soon, but aside from that,
 I find it frustrating to put something in front of the JVM- shouldn't
 java web servers be considered just as robust and fast as ones written
 in C or something else?  It's not like java web servers are
 inefficient CGI scripts or something, yet everyone is always saying to
 stick things in front of them.  I'm not suggesting this is wrong, just
 that it's frustrating :-)

 Wouldn't it be nice if products like Jetty, Simple, etc had
 appropriate built-in features to combat various misuse?  It seems like
 if they're serious about being web servers, they should consider these
 features to be important.

 Anyhow, I'll probably try to block a few things at the Simple or
 Restlet Filter level, just to make myself feel better...

 Dave Fogel



Re: Best way to deal with bot attacks and vulnerability searches using Restlet for a public webs site.

2010-09-22 Thread Tal Liron
The Internet is a wild place. :) You will get hits from all kinds of bots,
from search engines to trackers of various sorts to spies to malicious
attacks. The Internet also has a long memory. Years from now, you will still
get hits for pages that have been removed from your application today.
You'll need to be constantly tending your application to make sure you're
dealing with these efficiently. At the very least, make sure to keep your
robots.txt and sitemap.xml up to date, and also use log analysis to make
sure you understand the traffic.

Is your JVM facing your Internet connection? I would recommend having some
proxy in front of it, whether it's Apache, or a load balancer like Perlbal,
or a balancer/cache like Varnish. They can filter a lot of problems before
they hit your vulnerable Restlet application. Restlet/Grizzly does very well
with high saturation from my experience, but you really want a mature
front-facing product to make sure you're not vulnerable to DoS and other

I swear by Perlbal, myself. Especially if you're on EC2, you want the
potential, at least, to spin up new Restlet instances behind the balancer,
for redundancy if not for scalability.

Perlbal's documentation is ... non existent. Here's a sample configuration
I've been using for a while on production systems:


On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 2:46 PM, David Fogel wrote:

 Hi All-

 We've been developing our new web site/service using Restlet, and
 we're getting very close to a full launch.  In the process, we've been
 deploying parts of our site on publicly-accessible servers (mostly
 Amazon EC2 instances).  In addition to the small amount of traffic
 we're generating ourselves, we're seeing a fairly large amount of
 noise requests, which mostly seem to be robots looking for
 vulnerabilities in common systems like PHP and apache.  Below are some
 examples of resources being requested.

 These requests usually result in a 404, although some have resulted in
 30x redirects, and some have caused errors / stack traces due to
 malformed HTTP requests.  In particular, restlet threw a
 NullPointerException in response to a request that must have had a
 malformed tag or conditional request headers:

 WARN Exception or error caught in resource

 Anyhow, obviously this is just part of the reality of the internet,
 but we're wondering how other Restlet folks deal with this.  In
 general we would like to avoid devoting CPU or other resources
 (including log file space) on this crap.  Ideally we would like to
 find a solution that not only reduces our resource utilization, but
 perhaps increases the attacker's cost in some manner, so they are more
 likely to move on and leave our servers alone.   Also, we're trying to
 get a better grip on any potential Restlet issues that could be
 triggered by this stuff that would be disproportionately costly.  On
 the one hand, it seems unlikely to us any of these attacks will be
 specifically written to look for Restlet (or Jetty, or Simple)
 vulnerabilities.  On the other hand, based on looking at the
 discussion archive, it doesn't seem like there's been very much
 attention given to dealing with these attacks on a Restlet-based web

 Any ideas/suggestions/thoughts?

 Dave Fogel

 (Here are the examples I mentioned:)

 INFO GET /HTTP/1.1 = 404
 INFO GET /install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /cart/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /zencart/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /zen-cart/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /zen/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /shop/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /butik/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /zcart/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /shop2/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /catalog/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /boutique/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /cart/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET /store/install.txt = 404
 INFO GET / = 404
 INFO Couldn't find the mandatory Host HTTP header.
 INFO GET /robots.txt = 404
 INFO GET / = 301
 INFO GET / = 404
 INFO GET /scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /admin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /admin/pma/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /admin/phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /db/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /dbadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /myadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /mysql/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /mysqladmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /typo3/phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /phpadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /phpMyAdmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /phpmyadmin1/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /phpmyadmin2/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /pma/scripts/setup.php = 404
 INFO GET /web/phpMyAdmin/scripts/setup.php = 404

Re: Prudence 1.0 RC1

2010-09-14 Thread Tal Liron
Thanks, Vincent!

I agree that Groovy is a great choice for a more Java-centric Restlet
project. I always have fun working with Groovy. (Though my personal favorite
flavor of Prudence is Clojure...)

Your suggestions for documentation are interesting, because they are so
different from what my approach was. :) I was thinking that someone with a
large Java/Restlet application would not look to rewrite things with
Prudence, but instead look to Prudence, perhaps, as a container to replace
JEE. I'm thinking, though, that you are right and it's worth looking at two
new aspects: 1) migrating parts of an existing Java/Restlet app to Prudence,
specifically component/application/routing configuration, and 2) hybrid
mixes of made-in-Java Restlet resources with Prudence resource and pages.
I've actually done both of these things with my production applications.

I've actually never tried to use the Velocity/Freemarker Restlet extensions
as a view layer, so I'm not even sure how migrating the code would work!
But, Velocity is very naturally and easily supported in Prudence, and it
even comes with example code that shows you how to share state between your
Velocity template and your other code.


On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 3:44 AM, Vincent Nonnenmacher wrote:

 On 12/09/10 02:39, Tal Liron wrote:
  I'm very happy to announce the first public release candidate of
  Prudence, an open source web development platform based on Restlet 2.0.
  Prudence comes with a comprehensive 100-page manual, a complete example
  application and an extensive online reference. It's been in development
  for more than a year and has undergone a lot of testing in live
  production environments.

 Great work !
 I  tried it over this weekend and it sound like I could migrate back from
 an external ruby/sinatra for the UI computation part to prudence.

 Especialy the fact that with groovy support its far more easier
 to do some Restlet Ressource inner integration on the view
 side with very powerfull routings.

  If you've depended on JEE containers such as Tomcat or JBoss to deploy
  your Restlet apps, you might be happy to replace them with Prudence.
  Prudence acts as a Restlet-centric container,
 The documentation is very nice and the tutorial a breeze to play with ;-)

 Perhaps one area to document would be for Reslet developers
 showing them how they can enrich there own routing/mapping of ressources
 to view delivery with prudence with a scripting level layer of their

 I feel it could solve some of my problems but with contrained time it
 scary to adopt on a latter stage something that taken from the outside
 look like an 'other radical choice for a latter projet', when there is
 small steps to follow to convert let say a freemaker/velocity view kind
 of mapping
 to a Prudence app.

  From that some parrallel side by side description on how to
 do things by hands with Restlet and doing the same with prudence would
 you some converts ;-)



Re: Using a REST layer for UI and services

2010-09-14 Thread Tal Liron

This is handled in Prudence using capturing:

Note that the capturing API, like all other Restlet sugar, is available in
the tiny standalone Prudence jar.


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Vincent Nonnenmacher wrote:

 On 10/09/10 09:15, Marc Portier wrote:
  you might want to give a try
  it has restlet and all its goodies underneath, but adds
 - a java and rest-service-wiring (based on spring and then some)
 - some templating, routing, and client-side ajax/js support (including
  a form-model) that helps out in this webservice to UI transition
  we're wrapping up a 0.4 release in the near future
 Hi mark,

 I admit I have looked at Kauri but some time ago and lack of documentation
 (and time to try) make me not considering it.

 I see that you have made lots of improvements on the doc side
 the mavenization is also nice, I will give it a try, thanks for the
 update ;-)



Prudence 1.0 RC1

2010-09-11 Thread Tal Liron
I'm very happy to announce the first public release candidate of 
Prudence, an open source web development platform based on Restlet 2.0.

Prudence comes with a comprehensive 100-page manual, a complete example 
application and an extensive online reference. It's been in development 
for more than a year and has undergone a lot of testing in live 
production environments.

If you've depended on JEE containers such as Tomcat or JBoss to deploy 
your Restlet apps, you might be happy to replace them with Prudence. 
Prudence acts as a Restlet-centric container, fully supporting advanced 
Restlet features such as virtual hosts and routing, while also providing 
you with a live administration application, pre-configured just works 
logging, configuration files for daemons/services, debugging 
information, and deployment by zip file (just like WAR files in JEE). 
Furthermore, much of the Prudence documentation could be helpful to 
newcomers to Restlet.

See the special page for Restlet users:

Beyond functioning as a mere container, Prudence provides a JSP-like 
view environment, with what might be the most sophisticated caching 
system you've seen in a web platform, and allows easy prototyping of 
your Restlet resources and filters. You can do all of this in your 
choice of six dynamic languages: Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Clojure 
and Groovy. Velocity and Succinct templating is also included.

Enjoy! And please join the Prudence community:

Special thanks go to Noelios, and especially Jérôme, for cultivating 
such a vibrant community around Restlet. It's a solid foundation.

-Tal Liron


Re: Using a REST layer for UI and services

2010-09-10 Thread Tal Liron
Kauri is impressive!

Also check out Prudence. If all goes well, we will have a 1.0 release 
candidate this weekend. :)

On 09/10/2010 02:15 AM, Marc Portier wrote:
 you might want to give a try

 it has restlet and all its goodies underneath, but adds
- a java and rest-service-wiring (based on spring and then some)
- some templating, routing, and client-side ajax/js support (including
 a form-model) that helps out in this webservice to UI transition

 we're wrapping up a 0.4 release in the near future


 On 09/06/2010 01:26 PM, wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have a web app who is divided into a web services and a ui front end.
 Actually the ui is made from servlets who call a business services layers 
 and my web services use the same business layer.
 But I wonder if it is a way to write a set of REST services for replacing 
 the old web services and using these REST for the ui too.
 Does someone have some usefull tips or experience about that ?





Re: Restlet Framework 2.0.1released

2010-09-09 Thread Tal Liron
Just a quick note on changed behavior I noticed in 2.0.1 --

If you throw a ResourceException that has a cause, the cause is now sent 
to the status service for processing into a new status. If you don't 
have explicit support for this, you'll likely get a 500 error, thus 
overriding whatever status you set in the ResourceException (say, 404). 
I'm not sure if this a regression or intended new behavior... but it did 
break a few of my applications.


On 09/08/2010 12:30 PM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
 Hello all,

 The version 2.0.1 of the Restlet framework has been released and can 
 be downloaded at this uri:
 The list of bugs fixed and changes is available here:

 We would like to thank all the people who contributed to this release.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau


Re: Best way to get automatic JavaScript minification in Restlet

2010-08-31 Thread Tal Liron
I agree that this is important! It's also quite a challenge to do 
caching right. In particular, you want to make sure that you are 
providing enough transparency to developers, choosing the right cache 
key per circumstance, etc. Most server frameworks that do dare to 
integrate caching do a poor job at it.

 From my experience, I would suggest to set a more cautious roadmap: 
perhaps a certain set of caching features for 2.1, with an eye towards 
more sophistication in a future version of Restlet.

I would prefer that instead of configurable automation, we allow for a 
way for users to programatically cache, and just make sure that Restlet 
stays out of the way. I'll give an example: I've recently implemented 
caching of compressed (gzipped) output. I did not want to use the 
EncoderRepresentation, because it would encode per request. To 
accomplish my goal, I had to create a new kind of representation 
(ByteArrayRepresentation) that would allow the compressed data to pass 
through Restlet. It works great, but it's all a bit awkward, because I'm 
dealing with multiple representation classes. And so, I'm wondering if 
anyone has an idea for a representation API that would let me and other 
devs do the caching while maintaining more coherence.

One thought --

A RepresentationIdentifier class, sitting between RepresentationInfo and 
Representation. What it adds to RepesentationInfo is some metadata about 
caching: cache keys, groups, partitions, backends, etc. I would then be 
able to return a RepresentationIdentifier from a @get method instead of 
a full-blown Representation, which would cause the CachingService to 
replace it with a real Representation, perhaps by calling another 
callback in my resource. If the cache entry is somehow invalid, a 
different route would have to happen to force my @get to generate a full 
Representation. I see the whole process working a little bit like 
negotiation (with getInfo and get).


On 08/31/2010 05:35 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi all,

 This is a great use case that could be nicely solved by a combination 
 of the TunnelService indeed, to define an encoding preference via a 
 “min” extension, associated to an Encoding.JAVASCRIPT_MINIFICATION. 
 This would update the Request#clientInfo#acceptedEncodings property.

 Then, the upcoming EncoderService could automatically wrap the 
 response entity to minify if needed the JavaScript representations, 
 using the EncoderFilter. To facilite the support of new encodings, we 
 should support pluggable EncodingHelper that would allow new 
 extensions to be discovered (YCompressor, JSMin, Zip, etc). I’ve added 
 notes to this RFE:

 “Add EncoderService (similar to DecoderService)”

 Regarding caching, I think this should be treated as an orthogonal 
 aspect across the board, based on response entities’ caching 
 properties. The CachingService would have a pluggable storages, 
 ideally the most requested entities should stay in memory while the 
 less requested ones could land in a static directory, all configurable 
 of course.

 “Add caching support”

 “Add caching support to Filter according to incoming Tag”

 All those features look really important to me at this point, so I’ve 
 targeted them for 2.1 M1 and 2.1 M2.

 Best regards,
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~ http://www.restlet.o ​rg
 Noelios Technologies ~

 *De :* Thierry Boileau []
 *Envoyé :* vendredi 27 août 2010 16:21
 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Best way to get automatic JavaScript minification in Restlet

 Hello Tim,

 I'm sorry for my very late answer.
 You can also wrap the response's representation into a custom one that 
 aims at applying the minification process. You can have a look at the 
 Encoder filter, especially in the encode method which uses an 

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 Perfect, thanks!


 On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Tal Liron

 I've handled it differently for Prudence: I create static
 unified/minifed files on-the-fly to be served via a Directory. If you
 request all.min.js, all .js files in that directory are unified (in
 alphabetical order) and minifed. The filter can detect if any of the
 source files has been updated, and the interval between such tests can
 be configured.

 This seems to me the best way to go because the case for serving
 files has already been optimized. (Other static web servers/CDNs can
 easily be used instead of Restlet's Directory.)

 See the code in JavaScriptUnifyMinifyFilter (LGPL):

Re: concept of REST and HTTP itself

2010-08-13 Thread Tal Liron
Here's an article I wrote as an introduction to REST:


On 08/13/2010 12:47 AM, sic wrote:
 I hope to understand not the restlet but the concept of REST itself, sorry
 for that.

 What's the meaning of the REST compared with HTTP using commonly all around
 the world?

 Easily, we can already access any data via HTTP web browser and get data
 from them.

 through the HTTP protocol, it is already possible to take some resources
 from somewhere, which is the new main architecture of REST, so irony.

 Even though I try to read some documents and toturial related to the REST
 and consider them deeply, It's so hard for me to find out the meaning of the

 Can anyone give me some advice for that whatever you know?



Re: Best way to get automatic JavaScript minification in Restlet

2010-07-28 Thread Tal Liron
I've handled it differently for Prudence: I create static 
unified/minifed files on-the-fly to be served via a Directory. If you 
request all.min.js, all .js files in that directory are unified (in 
alphabetical order) and minifed. The filter can detect if any of the 
source files has been updated, and the interval between such tests can 
be configured.

This seems to me the best way to go because the case for serving static 
files has already been optimized. (Other static web servers/CDNs can 
easily be used instead of Restlet's Directory.)

See the code in JavaScriptUnifyMinifyFilter (LGPL):

There's also a similar class for CSS.

(There might be an issue with method and concurrent file locking on 
certain operating systems -- haven't done a lot of testing yet, but I'm 
sure that case would be easy to fix.)


On 07/28/2010 05:27 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:
 I wrote a Restlet Filter to minify application/x-javascript resources 
 in afterHandle (using JSMin now, but I'll probably switch to YUI 

 But is that all I can do with it? It feels as though this should be 
 plugged into the TunnelService, with ways to take requests for 
 foo.min.js, say, and return a minified foo.js, with caching and all 
 those goodies, yet still return plain, unminified foo.js when it's 

 Feels like this must have been done already, but I can't find 
 anything. Pointers? Advice?



Missing root reference

2010-07-22 Thread Tal Liron
I've noticed that Request.getRootRef() returns null in Restlet 2.0.0.

I haven't been able to find out what triggers this, but will try to dig 



Re: Missing root reference

2010-07-22 Thread Tal Liron
I've managed to trace this -- the effect is specific to the RIAP 
protocol. Could this be intentional or is it a bug?

On 07/22/2010 02:10 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
  I've noticed that Request.getRootRef() returns null in Restlet 2.0.0.

 I haven't been able to find out what triggers this, but will try to 
 dig more...



Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2010-07-13 Thread Tal Liron
Jerome, even though setCommitted(false) gets called, there still the usual
processing of handle() in the entire restlet chain (the Finder, delegating
to the UniformResource, etc.). Within these routines, the return values from
various callbacks are handled. Stuff that happens there on the response can
override work being done in another thread. The response is thread safe, but
it's still not the intended result.

I don't have a test case right now, but it would be easy to produce: simply
call setCommitted(false) in a ServerResource annotated @Get implementation,
and immediately move processing to a thread, where commit() is eventually
called. The worker handler thread would overlap with the work done in the
regular Restlet handling thread and you would get weird statuses and
response entities.

The reason I suggest an exception (and I share Tim's unease with it) is that
it's a way to stop the handling chain in the regular thread, so that only
the new handler thread would have free reign on the response. But it doesn't
have to be an exception. Another solution would be for ServerResource,
UniformResource and Finder to be refactored specifically to handle the
committed=false case. I worry, though, that future work or custom
implementations would not handle the case properly.


On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Jerome Louvel jerome.lou...@noelios.comwrote:

  Hi Tal and Tim,

 There is a way to signal an asynchronous response on a per-call basis,
 calling Response#setCommitted(false).

 Then, if you call Response#commit() before the initial request thread
 reaches back the connector, this should work fine as well. I’m not sure yet
 how it could get ‘corrupted’. Do you have a precise scenario?

 Note that the NIO version of the asynchronous internal connector has been
 moved to version 2.1. This feature should indeed be considered as preview
 feature for 2.0.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~

 *De :* [] *De la part de* Tim
 *Envoyé :* vendredi 18 juin 2010 13:51

 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

 I never saw a response to this, but it does seem like a problem.

 I don't love the idea of a special exception used purely to handle control
 flow, but I can't think of anything better off-hand.


 On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Tal Liron

 Hi Jerome,

  2. There is a TaskService associated to your application that you could
  leverage. It separates threads usage from tasks to process (such as
  committing responses).

 I've tried this, but there is a concurrency problem with this pattern in
 ServerResource --

 If I set autoCommiting to false during a ServerResource.get() and put my
 task on a separate thread pool, then my own task might try to update the
 response at the same time as the upper parts of the call stack
 (Finder.handle(), for example) also try to update the response according
 to my return value from get(). Both threads might be doing it at the
 same time, and the response ends up corrupted (no concurrency
 exceptions, but it's mismatched status/entity, for example).

 What would be the correct way to defer a response from within a

 My thought is that there should be a way to return from get() while
 signaling to the rest of the call stack that I am handling the response.
 A null won't work, because it internally signifies an unavailable
 entity. Perhaps a new kind of ResourceException?




Re: RFC - Restlet edition for JavaScript

2010-07-13 Thread Tal Liron
Great stuff, Eric. I will experiment with this. I would love for Prudence to
have a matching client-side API.

By the way, take a look at Ext-JS -- recent versions have really well
thought-out RESTful widgets. You'll need to have your Restlet resources
aware of the Ext-JS requirements, but this is so easy to do that I haven't
even bothered with boilerplate code.


On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Eric Ferraiuolo eferraiu...@gmail.comwrote:

 This sounds like an interesting project. Currently the Ajax support in the
 JavaScript libraries lack a full-fledged REST model/support; although they
 are very simple to use in the basic use-cases.

 I work with YUI 3 and we use Restlet in our server-side stack. YUI 3 has a static class/object to make Ajax requests; the features of this utility
 module weren't up to par with what I wanted, and I wanted to make complex
 client-server interactions easier for me. I decided to wrap with my
 REST Resource class, Y.Resource, to make a more RESTful client API for me to
 communicate with the server.

 REST Resource YUI 3 Module:

 Code on GitHub:

 This is definitely not anything close to a full-fledged Restlet JavaScript
 client, but the features I added to YUI 3's Ajax support were inspired by


 On Jul 8, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi all,

 Following a recent customer project experience involving GXT + GWT +
 Restlet/GWT + Restlet/JEE and discussions about the interest of scripting
 languages as opposed to a statically type language with Jean-Paul Figer [1],
 I reconsidered an idea initially suggested by Yuri de Wit [2] to add a pure
 JavaScript edition of Restlet.

 Due to the emergence of HTML 5 on all sorts of browser platforms (mobile),
 the improvement of JavaScript engines such as Chrome V8 and the overall
 convergence with REST and Restlet/Java on the server-side, it seems like a
 good time to push for a more RESTful JavaScript client API, reusing the
 Restlet API semantics in pure JavaScript. Eclipse 3.6 also improved its
 support for JavaScript developments

 Of course, we already have the GWT edition of Restlet which provides a nice
 solution, but there seems to be room for a more hypermedia driven/document
 oriented solution, combining AJAX and UI libraries such as jQuery, Ext JS,
 YUI to name a few popular ones. I’ve collected my thoughts on this wiki page
 and look forward to reading your ideas and experiences.

 “JavaScript edition”

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel

 [1] REST paper in French:
 [2] “Add JavaScript client”:
 [3] AJAX Tools Framework:

 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~


Re: RFC - Restlet edition for JavaScript

2010-07-08 Thread Tal Liron
This is good news!

Until this is available, I would like to suggest trying out Prudence for
JavaScript. It's not intended as a Restlet edition, but instead a RESTful
platform, which happens to be fueled by the real Restlet (JSE edition) for
Java, via the Rhino JavaScript engine. It thus will always be based on the
JVM, and not other JavaScript engines. As exciting as those are, Prudence is
committed to the JVM. Other than this major difference in intent with
Jerome's spec, Prudence already supports many of the features on the RFE,
including a very powerful caching backend that can plug into memcached,
Hazelcast and relational databases.

Prudence is also meant as a pure Restlet container for regular Java
Restlet applications, for those who would rather not use Tomcat or J2EE
containers. It allows easy deploy-by-zip similarly to using WAR files. I
will posting more about this use case soon, because I feel there's a real
need for this among Restlet developers who are not necessarily interested in
JavaScript or other dynamic languages.

I've been successfully developing and deploying applications in-house with
Prudence for a year now (with a version that was too rough for me to make it
public without embarrassment). JavaScript is my personal favorite Prudence
flavor! (Well, I love Clojure a lot, too, but find JavaScript more
immediately useful for my work. Other available flavors: PHP, Python, Ruby
and Groovy, all fully supported.)

In the JavaScript context, I'm working on creating a natural Rhino-based API
for MongoDB, which already makes heavy use of JavaScript internally.

Not a lot of code there, but works great. The combination of Prudence,
JavaScript, MongoDB and Ext-JS is especially delicious. It's been a piece of
cake to connect Ext-JS grids to MongoDB documents via Prudence REST
resources. Yum!

The Prudence 1.0 release candidate will be available in the coming weeks --
the main challenge right now is finishing up the extensive documentation.
The API and feature-set are otherwise already locked. Hopefully the 1.0
release will match Restlet 2.0's schedule.

It's a different kind of beast than what a JavaScript edition of Restlet
would be, but could be a useful playground for those of you who want to try
out some ideas.


(Tim, thank you for your work on Java Concurrency in Practice. It's been a
valuable handbook in working on Scripturian, Prudence's underlying execution

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Tim Peierls wrote:

 This is great news! Thanks, Jerome.


 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Jerome Louvel 

  Hi all,

 Following a recent customer project experience involving GXT + GWT +
 Restlet/GWT + Restlet/JEE and discussions about the interest of scripting
 languages as opposed to a statically type language with Jean-Paul Figer [1],
 I reconsidered an idea initially suggested by Yuri de Wit [2] to add a pure
 JavaScript edition of Restlet.

 Due to the emergence of HTML 5 on all sorts of browser platforms (mobile),
 the improvement of JavaScript engines such as Chrome V8 and the overall
 convergence with REST and Restlet/Java on the server-side, it seems like a
 good time to push for a more RESTful JavaScript client API, reusing the
 Restlet API semantics in pure JavaScript. Eclipse 3.6 also improved its
 support for JavaScript developments

 Of course, we already have the GWT edition of Restlet which provides a
 nice solution, but there seems to be room for a more hypermedia
 driven/document oriented solution, combining AJAX and UI libraries such as
 jQuery, Ext JS, YUI to name a few popular ones. I’ve collected my thoughts
 on this wiki page and look forward to reading your ideas and experiences.

 “JavaScript edition”

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel

 [1] REST paper in French:

 [2] “Add JavaScript client”:

 [3] AJAX Tools Framework:

 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~


Re: ClientResource leaves inactive thread

2010-07-02 Thread Tal Liron
As long as you're part of the decision-making process for Restlet, 
then I'm OK with it.

 The caveat is that people don't always understand how to use the 
 configuration parameters of ThreadPoolExecutor. There was an exchange 
 on the concurrency-interest mailing list recently that brought this 
 home to me. For example, it seems that a lot of people think of 
 corePoolSize as minPoolSize, the opposite of maxPoolSize, which is the 
 wrong way to think about it. A conservative default in Restlet is 
 probably better than a user configuration based on a misunderstanding.



Re: Restlet Framework 2.1 roadmap

2010-06-06 Thread Tal Liron
Suitably ambitious!

I'm sure we all have our little issues that we'd like to see prioritized...

Mine is that I would like to see some instrumentation of the servers. My 
specialization is super-scalable systems (the cloud) and this would 
make Restlet very sweet for me:

I also feel that the asynchronous API could use some more thought (as 
well as extending it to all connectors). The threading model has in 
essence been well thought-out and solved, but I found some loopholes in 
its actual integration into the rest of the Restlet structure (I've 
wrote about it to the list). It's still not clear to me if 2.0 will have 
actually usable asynchronous support.


On 06/06/2010 06:45 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

 Hi all,

 Restlet Framework 2.0.0 is now in sight; we are working on the 
 remaining blocking bugs and plan to release it at the end of the month 
 or early in July.

 That means that it’s time for us to plan for the next steps, always a 
 great time! I have summarized our initial ideas on this wiki page:

 We look forward to reading your comments, suggestions and contributions!

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~


Re: Problem using RestletFileUpload for V2. RC3

2010-05-27 Thread Tal Liron
I've created an extension of Form called FormWithFiles for Prudence:


On 05/27/2010 11:22 AM, HT wrote:
 Additionally I have the question.

 For v2 RC3 do i need all *.jars as mentioned on the page

 I have installed following:
 - org.restlet.jar
 - org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar
 - org.restlet.ext.fileupload.jar
 - org.restlet.ext.fileupload
 - commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar
 - commons-io-1.4.jar

 Do I need :
 com.noelios.restlet ?

 On a side note; is there an example of how to parse fields passed from a 
 webform AND also a file attached in the multipart form ?





Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2010-05-22 Thread Tal Liron
Thanks for the detailed response!

Expose server instrumentation

So, I guess only the internal connector will support true asynchronous 
handling now for 2.0.

The comparison charts talk about the internal connector being suitable 
for development. But, what's your opinion about production environments? 
It seems to be much improved since the early days of Restlet.  If 
asynchronicity is a required feature, I do not have another choice for 2.0.

Or, perhaps we should consider asynchronicity as a preview feature in 
2.0, and wait until 2.1 for leveraging it?

I think it was wise of you not to add SSL support. It's definitely a 
pain to write, and there are simple solutions. (I recommend using 
Perlbal as your load balancer, and handling SSL there.) Have you 
considered, though, using code from Grizzly for SSL?


On 05/21/2010 03:53 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:
 Hi Tal,

 1. This is a good point that needs to be explored. The current path we are
 following is to deal with high-load directly inside the internal connector,
 for example to stop accepting new connections at IO level if we are
 overloaded, or giving a priority of responses sending over new requests

 You might prefer to deal with that inside resources, which could make
 perfect sense. We should explore this during the 2.1 development cycle. Feel
 free to enter a RFE in the tracker.

 2. There is a TaskService associated to your application that you could
 leverage. It separates threads usage from tasks to process (such as
 committing responses).

 Your point about instrumentation is valid though, we need to work on that.
 Creating a RFE would be a good step forward.

 3. abort() should now work with other connectors AFAIK (check the changes
 log). Regarding provisional responses and commit(), I think this will have
 to wait for 2.1.

 4. The internal connector is described here:

 We are working on the NIO enhancements to it and hope to have this ready for
 2.0 in order to have a scalable/asynchronous/lightweight connector. It uses
 a configurable thread pool, but HTTPS is not planned for 2.0 at all (too
 much work).

 We also have this page describing the various connectors available:

 This should be improved I guess with addition details/criterias. We did
 cover those details in the Restlet in Action book (early access).

 5. Currently, we call this default connector the internal connector. I'm
 not sure about having a code name for it at this point... I'd prefer people
 to think about it as a natural part of the Restlet engine.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
 Noelios Technologies ~

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Tal Liron []
 Envoyé : jeudi 20 mai 2010 11:00
 À :
 Objet : Status of Asynchronous Support

 Thought I've followed what I could of the progress on asynchronous
 support, I have a few interdependent questions and suggestions.

 1. On the one hand, I really like how simple asynchronicity is handled.
 I can defer my response to later (from another thread). But, Restlet
 provides no tools to help me decide if I should defer or not. What I
 would want to know is -- Am I under load right now, meaning high
 concurrency? Should I yield so that other requests can have a chance to
 get in?

 2. A related question: If I do defer, I do not necessarily want to
 decide on my own when to finish the response. I might want to wait until
 there is a free thread that can take me. It would be great if there were
 1) a callback for this, or 2) a way for me to signal that I'm ready to
 respond, as soon as the server is free. Or, at the very least a way to
 poll the server load.

 (To summarize these two issues: the Restlet server is very opaque right
 now. For truly scalable applications (cloud, cloud, cloud) we need
 realtime information from it so that the application can react dynamically.)

 3. I know that the default connector supports commit/abort, but what
 about Grizzly, Jetty and Netty? If they don't support it yet, is support
 being planned for 2.0? This will strongly affect my deployment strategies.

 4. Assuming only the default connector is asynchronous, could you
 provide more details about it? Until now, frankly, I've ignored it as
 something that just works and isn't fit for production. It seems like
 this connector is very capable by now, but I know nothing about how it's
 implemented. NIO? Thread pools? SSL? I think it would be very good if
 there were a wiki page with an in-depth comparison of the various
 available connectors, what features they provide and implementation
 details -- both of the servers themselves, and of the features the
 Restlet adapters

Re: Status of Asynchronous Support

2010-05-22 Thread Tal Liron
Hi Jerome,

 2. There is a TaskService associated to your application that you could
 leverage. It separates threads usage from tasks to process (such as
 committing responses).

I've tried this, but there is a concurrency problem with this pattern in 
ServerResource --

If I set autoCommiting to false during a ServerResource.get() and put my 
task on a separate thread pool, then my own task might try to update the 
response at the same time as the upper parts of the call stack 
(Finder.handle(), for example) also try to update the response according 
to my return value from get(). Both threads might be doing it at the 
same time, and the response ends up corrupted (no concurrency 
exceptions, but it's mismatched status/entity, for example).

What would be the correct way to defer a response from within a 

My thought is that there should be a way to return from get() while 
signaling to the rest of the call stack that I am handling the response. 
A null won't work, because it internally signifies an unavailable 
entity. Perhaps a new kind of ResourceException? 



Status of Asynchronous Support

2010-05-20 Thread Tal Liron
Thought I've followed what I could of the progress on asynchronous 
support, I have a few interdependent questions and suggestions.

1. On the one hand, I really like how simple asynchronicity is handled. 
I can defer my response to later (from another thread). But, Restlet 
provides no tools to help me decide if I should defer or not. What I 
would want to know is -- Am I under load right now, meaning high 
concurrency? Should I yield so that other requests can have a chance to 
get in?

2. A related question: If I do defer, I do not necessarily want to 
decide on my own when to finish the response. I might want to wait until 
there is a free thread that can take me. It would be great if there were 
1) a callback for this, or 2) a way for me to signal that I'm ready to 
respond, as soon as the server is free. Or, at the very least a way to 
poll the server load.

(To summarize these two issues: the Restlet server is very opaque right 
now. For truly scalable applications (cloud, cloud, cloud) we need 
realtime information from it so that the application can react dynamically.)

3. I know that the default connector supports commit/abort, but what 
about Grizzly, Jetty and Netty? If they don't support it yet, is support 
being planned for 2.0? This will strongly affect my deployment strategies.

4. Assuming only the default connector is asynchronous, could you 
provide more details about it? Until now, frankly, I've ignored it as 
something that just works and isn't fit for production. It seems like 
this connector is very capable by now, but I know nothing about how it's 
implemented. NIO? Thread pools? SSL? I think it would be very good if 
there were a wiki page with an in-depth comparison of the various 
available connectors, what features they provide and implementation 
details -- both of the servers themselves, and of the features the 
Restlet adapters leverages (or not). As it stands, it's hard for a 
deployer to make an informed decision on which connector to use.

(For the record -- I think benchmarks are quite useless for this 
comparison. Performance != scalability, and in any case benchmarks are 
highly contextual. It's very easy to switch connectors in Restlet and 
for people to do their own benchmarks.)

5. Might I suggest giving the default connector a name? It seems to be 
a nice little engine of its own. If we're going to start comparing it to 
the others as a viable alternative, it might be easier to name it. My 
only name suggestion is Thier Engine, short for Thierry, and reminds me 
of tier. :)



Re: uri reorg question

2010-05-10 Thread Tal Liron
I've solved this using something I call a FallbackRouter, which 
internally uses a restlet I call a Fallback. It knows how to test 
different targets in series until it finds one that succeeds. The 
FallbackRouter is smart enough to know when you are attaching multiple 
identical paths, and the Fallback is smart enough to cache successful 
routes (for a defined time) so it won't have to keep trying them.

The code is available in LGPL as part of Prudence:


On 05/10/2010 08:08 AM, Fabian Mandelbaum wrote:
 Hello Peg,

 there is a way you can handle 'arbitrary' paths with a single rule
 match... (that is, to handle the / inside the variable's values),
 someone asked about this on this list not long ago IIRC...

 You are welcomed. Good luck!

 On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:01 AM,  wrote:
 it is true that knowing every directory I could map these ...
 but this is not really possible because web developpers are free to organize
 their web resources

 thanks anyway for your reply
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at



Re: What to do about sessions?

2010-04-22 Thread Tal Liron
It's hard for me to see Comet as RESTful. I would consider it a new 
use of HTTP that demands a new way of thinking. You'd probably want to 
use a lower level API than Restlet, so you can fully leverage 

Have you considered repeat rapid polling instead of using Comet?

On 04/21/2010 05:12 PM, Marc Larue wrote:
 Ok, I realize you are all talking mostly from a B2B perspective. I'm
 developing a realtime comet system for multiplayer games (Ajax, JSON,
 Rupy); so my perspective is a little different.

 Right now I'm trying to figure out how to make my XSS messaging system as
 cheaply scalable as possible; specifically how to transfer users from the
 lobby to a game room on another server and how to build a generic protocol
 for this.

 Comet is hard to build without session state since you communicate on two
 sockets with every client and in my case the session is used to tie these

 Anyhow I have a stateful client, now I just need to figure out the best
 way to synchronize clients and I think you are right; CPU goes before
 bandwidth in my case too.

 Maybe a fullstate monopacket protocol?



 On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Tal Liron wrote:

 REST services are only as chatty as however you define your resources.

 I've seen many REST architectures suffering from a failure of imagination:
 the architects assume that resource has to have a one-to-one mapping with
 database row or other concrete entity, when in fact there is not such
 requirement. Resources should be use-specific, logical to the application,
 not to its underlying implenetation. It's possible to devise resources that
 are logical associations of various complex business logic, and do as much
 as you do with a SOAP request.

 Also, I don't think REST has to be stateless. HTTP headers are used
 specifically for passing state, and cookies are full-blown shared state.

 Why not implement sessions via cookies? Of course, there are potential
 scalability issues with shared state and sessions, but these are general
 problems and not specifically addressed by REST.

 My advice:

 1) Use cookies, they are good, but --
 2) Don't maintain heavy, persistent sessions on the server. Create a
 lightweight scheme that lets you quickly do a secure operation per user.
 3) Think very careful about what you consider a resource, and try to bunch
 as much functionality as you can into one request. This will also help you
 in minimizing the costs of session access.


 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Stephen Groucutt  wrote:

 REST services are definitely chatty, especially when compared to SOAP
 webservices that might perform N operations in one shot.

 To me, the chattiness goes hand-in-hand with the HATEOAS concept, where a
 client picks its way through multiple server resources via links that are
 present in the representations, to perform some task.  Being bad on
 bandwidth seems to me to be an inherent part of the architectural style of

 So, I think this just means that bandwidth has to be a consideration when
 you are deciding what architectural style fits your system's domain.

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Marc  wrote:

 I'm just chiming in to this, so this means with REST you have to send the
 whole state back and fourth between client and server on every
 request/response. So what does REST say about bandwidth, it's not a



 On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hi Matt,

 from what I see, the authenticator just have to check the presence of
 the user principals (set by GAE) in the authenticate(Request, Response):

 You can provide a verifier in order to check that the application knows
 the user identified by the principal name (actually the user's mail) and 
 the clientInfo#user.
 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau





2010-04-22 Thread Tal Liron
A common solution I use is to have my loadbalancer (I like PerlBal) 
handles HTTPS divert HTTP and HTTPS to different ports, for example 80 
for HTTP and 81 for HTTPS. You can run your Restlet component with two 
servers to answer both of these, and then test for which port requests 
are coming through to make decisions based on HTTP vs. HTTPS.


On 04/22/2010 01:09 PM, gonzajg wrote:
 i'd like to know if there's a way to have on the same application running
 HTTPS resources and HTTP.
 My idea is to have a login resource via HTTPS where a session is returned if
 user/password are ok and then check the session in other HTTP resources (so
 the overload of HTTPS is saved)



Re: Re: What to do about sessions?

2010-04-21 Thread Tal Liron
REST services are only as chatty as however you define your resources.

I've seen many REST architectures suffering from a failure of imagination:
the architects assume that resource has to have a one-to-one mapping with
database row or other concrete entity, when in fact there is not such
requirement. Resources should be use-specific, logical to the application,
not to its underlying implenetation. It's possible to devise resources that
are logical associations of various complex business logic, and do as much
as you do with a SOAP request.

Also, I don't think REST has to be stateless. HTTP headers are used
specifically for passing state, and cookies are full-blown shared state.

Why not implement sessions via cookies? Of course, there are potential
scalability issues with shared state and sessions, but these are general
problems and not specifically addressed by REST.

My advice:

1) Use cookies, they are good, but --
2) Don't maintain heavy, persistent sessions on the server. Create a
lightweight scheme that lets you quickly do a secure operation per user.
3) Think very careful about what you consider a resource, and try to bunch
as much functionality as you can into one request. This will also help you
in minimizing the costs of session access.


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Stephen Groucutt wrote:

 REST services are definitely chatty, especially when compared to SOAP
 webservices that might perform N operations in one shot.

 To me, the chattiness goes hand-in-hand with the HATEOAS concept, where a
 client picks its way through multiple server resources via links that are
 present in the representations, to perform some task.  Being bad on
 bandwidth seems to me to be an inherent part of the architectural style of

 So, I think this just means that bandwidth has to be a consideration when
 you are deciding what architectural style fits your system's domain.

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Marc Larue wrote:

 I'm just chiming in to this, so this means with REST you have to send the
 whole state back and fourth between client and server on every
 request/response. So what does REST say about bandwidth, it's not a



 On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Thierry Boileau wrote:

  Hi Matt,
  from what I see, the authenticator just have to check the presence of
 the user principals (set by GAE) in the authenticate(Request, Response):
  You can provide a verifier in order to check that the application knows
 the user identified by the principal name (actually the user's mail) and set
 the clientInfo#user.
  Best regards,
  Thierry Boileau



Re: HTTPS / SSL not working after updating to trunk

2010-03-26 Thread Tal Liron
I've been following this with interest, though haven't had time to 
look at it... Thanks for the excellent debugging, David and Bruno!

On 03/26/2010 09:16 AM, Bruno Harbulot wrote:
 Hi Dave,

 On 25/03/2010 21:47, David Fogel wrote:
 Hi Bruno-

 So, I got Jetty working as the connector, and yes, it does seem to
 work fine with our previously discussed HTTPS configuration.  So that
 can hold us for now, but we do eventually want to use the Simple

 Incidentally, based on recent postings to the simpleframework support
 list, it appears that Niall (the author of Simple) plans to release a
 bug-fix version in the next few days for some problem having to do
 with a potential endless loop writing to a socket.  So I wonder if
 this could be part of the issue...

 I think I've tracked down the problem to be a Simple bug: the output
 buffer used during the TLS handshake is too small to send a big list of
 CA certificates (since Simple always requests a client certificate, it
 sends the list of CAs it's willing to accept within the TLS
 CertificateRequest message: this list is longer with the default trust
 store bundled with the JRE and used when nothing is specified).

 More on this here:

 Best wishes,




Re: Redirect from HTTP to RIAP

2010-03-22 Thread Tal Liron
Just letting you know all seems to work well now! Test revision 6392.

On 03/01/2010 09:48 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
 Hello Tal,

 thanks for your report. There was a bug in the Protocol class which 
 causes the generation of bad responses with the RIAP protocol.
 This should work better now. Let us know if it still fails.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 OK, I managed to build it, and some things work but some don't.

 My example does work. However, I cannot redirect to riap://application/
 URIs. My understanding is that these are not supported by the server
 dispatcher (I'm not sure why -- could it be something to do with
 handling asynchronous requests?). Thing is, I cannot redirect to RIAP at
 all with the client dispatcher, which as far as I know does support all
 RIAP authorities. For example, the following will hang Restlet:

 router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context,
 riap://application/note, Redirector.MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER));

 On 02/22/2010 09:07 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Tal,

 thanks for your report. The fix is available in the svn repository.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 It seems like I cannot use a Redirector to an RIAP URI.

 For example:

 router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context,
 riap://component/myapp/note, Redirector.MODE_SERVER_DISPATCHER));

 Is this intentional? Can anyone think of a simple workaround?

 The use case is to have a different internal URI space, and a different
 one exposed to the world.

 By the way, setting the Redirector in MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER in this
 case causes a JVM failure...





Re: Suspended thread doing Client.put

2010-03-03 Thread Tal Liron
I've been seeing hangs on GET, too. Unfortunately, can't provide debug 
information for this particular project ... I hacked a quick workaround 
to avoid it.

Seems to do with the fixes Thierry made to protocol handling.

On 03/03/2010 03:50 PM, wrote:

 I have the same problem and am running the 2.0m7 version. I can replicate the 
 problem with the sample resource code, using the sample client software, with 
 the resources hosted within a servlet container.

 It appears that the client hangs on the Latch on the GET directly after a PUT 
 on the same resource. Let me know what additional information I can provide.

 Jon Cook



Re: Redirect from HTTP to RIAP

2010-03-01 Thread Tal Liron
Almost there. :)

Restlet's ClientResource works fine.

With Firefox, the request does reach the target resource, but something 
odd is going on with the response. Firefox just hangs waiting for the 
request to close. Also, and this is probably related, rather than 
getting just my string representation, I'm getting what seems to be the 
HTTP headers plus my string in the response in Firefox.

If I do an HTTP redirect instead (need MODE_SERVER_INBOUND), then 
Firefox works fine.


On 03/01/2010 09:48 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
 Hello Tal,

 thanks for your report. There was a bug in the Protocol class which 
 causes the generation of bad responses with the RIAP protocol.
 This should work better now. Let us know if it still fails.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 OK, I managed to build it, and some things work but some don't.

 My example does work. However, I cannot redirect to riap://application/
 URIs. My understanding is that these are not supported by the server
 dispatcher (I'm not sure why -- could it be something to do with
 handling asynchronous requests?). Thing is, I cannot redirect to RIAP at
 all with the client dispatcher, which as far as I know does support all
 RIAP authorities. For example, the following will hang Restlet:

 router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context,
 riap://application/note, Redirector.MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER));

 On 02/22/2010 09:07 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Tal,

 thanks for your report. The fix is available in the svn repository.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 It seems like I cannot use a Redirector to an RIAP URI.

 For example:

 router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context,
 riap://component/myapp/note, Redirector.MODE_SERVER_DISPATCHER));

 Is this intentional? Can anyone think of a simple workaround?

 The use case is to have a different internal URI space, and a different
 one exposed to the world.

 By the way, setting the Redirector in MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER in this
 case causes a JVM failure...





Re: How to write an Universal redirector

2010-02-26 Thread Tal Liron
Hi Thierry --

The documentation for the URI template variables is so deeply hidden 
(Resolver API doc) that I always have trouble finding it. My 
recommendation is to put it somewhere much more obvious, possibly even 
in the first Resource tutorials, and to document it more with 
examples. It's such a powerful feature of Restlet!


On 02/24/2010 02:32 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

 actually, the second parameter in the Redirector constructor is a 
 template using a set of known variables (see [0]).
 You should be able to use the shipped Redirector, as follow (or 
 something similar)
 new Redirector(getContext(),{rr};, 

 Don't forget to declare the client HTTP connector on the component 
 (such redirection is seen as a new client call issued by the 
 Component). This is done in the web.xml file see ([1])


 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 Hello everybody,

 Could please anyone help me to write a universal redirector to match 
 all requests and to redirected them to a remote host?
 Start:   /redirect/RESTfulServices/resources/customers/pkey/2176172632

 GWT Client side:
 ClientResource r = new 

 Server side class TestRestletApplication extends Application (my 
 web.xml was changed to forward all /redirect/* requests to 
 Router router = new Router(getContext());
 router.attach(/RESTfulServices, new MyRedirector(getContext(), null));  
 //-- this is wrong

 and MyRedirector class:
 public class MyRedirector extends Redirector {

  public MyRedirector(Context context, String targetTemplate) {
  // By default, the mode is MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER
  super(context, targetTemplate);

  protected Reference getTargetRef(Request request, Response response) {
  Reference ref = request.getResourceRef();
  //-- here is missing something
  return ref;
 Thank you for helping me.

 View this message in context: How to write an Universal redirector
 Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at


Re: Starting/stopping restlets

2010-02-24 Thread Tal Liron

So, I guess the only way to remove turn off routes/restlets is to detach

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Stephan Koops wrote:

 Hi Tal,

 you could do some initialization and finalization work in your own

 best regards

 Tal Liron schrieb:
  This is a basic attribute of any Restlet, but it seems like nowhere in
  the framework is it used.
  My expectation was that routers, filters, etc., would not pass requests
  on to a stopped target restlet. However, it seems that stopping restlets
  has no effect.
  Is this by design? In which case, what is the purpose of



Re: Redirect from HTTP to RIAP

2010-02-22 Thread Tal Liron

Would love to test and confirm, but Restlet won't build (revision 6159). 
My error:

cannot find symbol
 [javac] symbol  : method getNode(java.lang.String)
 [javac] location: class org.restlet.ext.xml.DomRepresentation
 [javac] Node node = 

On 02/22/2010 09:07 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
 Hello Tal,

 thanks for your report. The fix is available in the svn repository.

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 It seems like I cannot use a Redirector to an RIAP URI.

 For example:

 router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context,
 riap://component/myapp/note, Redirector.MODE_SERVER_DISPATCHER));

 Is this intentional? Can anyone think of a simple workaround?

 The use case is to have a different internal URI space, and a different
 one exposed to the world.

 By the way, setting the Redirector in MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER in this
 case causes a JVM failure...




Redirect from HTTP to RIAP

2010-02-19 Thread Tal Liron
It seems like I cannot use a Redirector to an RIAP URI.

For example:

router.attach(/note/{id}), new Redirector(component.context, 
riap://component/myapp/note, Redirector.MODE_SERVER_DISPATCHER));

Is this intentional? Can anyone think of a simple workaround?

The use case is to have a different internal URI space, and a different 
one exposed to the world.

By the way, setting the Redirector in MODE_CLIENT_DISPATCHER in this 
case causes a JVM failure...



Re: Directory returning 500 instead of 404 for missing files

2010-02-16 Thread Tal Liron

Further digging showed me that what happened was that the behavior of 
catching thrown ResourceExceptions from a ServerResource has changed. 
Now, if the exception has a cause, then the error always becomes 500. 
This was not previously the case... If this is planned behavior, great, 
but just wanted to be sure.

Here is a test case that returns a 500 error:

public class Test
 public static class MyResource extends ServerResource
 public Representation get() throws ResourceException
 throw new ResourceException( Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, 
new IOException( This turns into a 500 error ) );
 // The following works as I expected:
 //throw new ResourceException( Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND );

 public static void main( String arguments[] ) throws Exception
 Component component = new Component();
 component.getServers().add( Protocol.HTTP, 8080 );
 Application application = new Application();
 component.getDefaultHost().attach( application );
 component.getInternalRouter().attach( /myapp, application 
).setMatchingMode( Template.MODE_STARTS_WITH );
 Router router = new Router( application.getContext() );
 application.setInboundRoot( router );
 router.attach( /test/, MyResource.class 
).setMatchingMode( Template.MODE_STARTS_WITH );
 ClientResource client = new ClientResource( 
component.getContext(), riap://component/myapp/test/ );
 // ClientResource client = new ClientResource(
 // http://localhost:8080/test/; );
 System.out.println( GET:  + client.get() );
 catch( ResourceException x )
 System.out.println( x.getStatus() );
 catch( Exception x )
 System.exit( 0 );

On 02/16/2010 01:37 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
 Hello Tal,

 using a ClientResource, I get a ResourceException when the response is 
 not successful, and both the ResourceException and the response's 
 statuses are equals to 404.
 Using a simple Client instance, the status of the response object is 
 set to 404 also. Could you explain a little bit more what happens in 
 your case?


Directory returning 500 instead of 404 for missing files

2010-02-15 Thread Tal Liron
This seems to be true of revision 6132.

Is this intentional, or a regression bug?



Re: Directory returning 500 instead of 404 for missing files

2010-02-15 Thread Tal Liron
It seems to me that what's going on is that thrown ResourceExceptions 
are not getting their Status set to the Response.

On 02/15/2010 05:58 PM, Tal Liron wrote:
 This seems to be true of revision 6132.

 Is this intentional, or a regression bug?



RE: Fallback routing

2009-12-20 Thread Tal Liron
So, nobody provided a better solution, but here's mine, with source code 
straight out of the Prudence project!

I call it a FallbackRouter, an extension of the standard Restlet router, and 
pretty much a drop-in replacement for it in most circumstances. Whenever you 
attach new targets to it, it makes sure to automatically bunch together 
identical routes via a Fallback restlet. The Fallback restlet goes through its 
targets in order, trying to find the first one that can handle the request. It 
thus falls back to the next target for that route.

It also supports simple caching, so that the successful target can be 
remembered per reference, and wasteful re-attempts can be avoided in the (near) 

Detaching targets from the FallbackRouter is also done with sensitivity to 

This have proven very useful in Prudence, where we can allow serving dynamic 
HTML, static web files, and REST resources from the same base URI.

Here is the source code from the current Prudence revision, though if you read 
this email later, always best to check for the freshest revision:


 Here's my requirement:
 I have two restlets to attach to a router, both with the same URI 
 template. What I want is that if the first restlet fails (specifically 
 setting the response status to 404), then the next restlet would be 
 tried. I'm calling this fallback routing.
 So far, the only thing that works well is my own custom restlet that 
 tries these two (or more) restlets in series. But this solution is 
 awkward and also circumvents the router.
 I've tried to create my own custom router with a custom routing mode, 
 but the best this solution can offer is selection of a route. There's no 
 simple way to fallback on the next route in line if the first one 
 fails its handle(). I even thought to use Router's built in retry 
 feature, but this would require runtime changing of the route list, 
 which also seems awkward to me.
 Any better ideas?


Re: MIME Accept Type filter

2009-12-16 Thread Tal Liron
Unfortunately, I can confirm that Andrzej's beforeSend fix is the way to 
go on this one. Been doing it for a while now...

@Thierry: The dataType parameter in .ajax is just for jQuery to handle 
the response. It doesn't actually do anything for jQuery's request.

An additional jQuery quirk to think about when working with Restlet is 
that caching really messes things up with IE. Here's what I add every time:

$(function() {
 if($.browser.msie) {
 // Caching breaks Internet Explorer
 cache: false

Perhaps it's a good idea to set up a Client Quirks page on the Restlet 
wiki? Obviously not Restlet's fault that clients are broken, but we need 

By the way, I had no issues ever with Ext-JS. The Ext-JS Core is 
liberally licensed, and is almost a drop-in replacement for jQuery on 
things like this.


P.S. I really wish the browser JavaScript world would abandon the term 
AJAX. It shows a lack of commitment to what these calls are really 
about -- REST.

On 12/16/2009 07:58 AM, Andrzej Berico wrote:

 1) Our JQuery Ajax call:

   type: 'GET',
   url: myUrl,
   success: onAjaxSuccess,
   error: onAjaxError,
  cache: false,
  beforeSend :

 Will generate Accept header of  */*, application/xml. We want

 2) Our Restlet 1.1.5
 public Restlet createRoot() {
   // Create a router Restlet.
   Router router = new Router(getContext());
   // Attach our routers.
   router.attach(/test, HelloWorldResource.class);
   router.attach(/file/status, FileStatusResource.class);

   return router;

 public FileStatusResource(Context context, Request request, Response
 response) {
   super(context, request, response);
   // Read URI query strings.
   Form form = request.getOriginalRef().getQueryAsForm();
   if (form != null) {
   setUser(form.getFirstValue(user, isIgnoreCase()));
   setAction(form.getFirstValue(action, isIgnoreCase()));
   // Variants that our resource generates.
   getVariants().add(new Variant(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
   getVariants().add(new Variant(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML));

 public Representation represent(Variant variant) throws ResourceException {
   Representation representation = null;
   // Validate request
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(getUser())) {
   log.debug(GET FileStatusResource bad user. );
   representation = representError(variant, new 
   return representation;
   representation = representGet(this,variant);
   return representation;

 public final Representation representGet(CoralReefResource crr, Variant
   throws ResourceException {
   Representation representation = null;

  log.debug(HTTP GET for :  + variant.getMediaType().getName());

 Thierry Boileau wrote:

 Hello Andrzej,

 I wonder if the source cause if your issue is out there.
 Could you tell us how are built your resources? How do you send the
 request using jquery?

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

 Our Restlet resource server APPLICATION_JSON and APPLICATION_XML. A
 client, sets the Accept Type to */*, application/xml. So the Restlet
 negotiates that APPLICATION_JSON should be returned as expected. However,
 want APPLICATION_XML to be served. The problem is that we are unable to
 remove the */* as the first Accept type in JQuery. JQuery seems to tack
 the */* as an Accept Type to every request we send.

 Is there an elegant way in Restlet to filter the */* values, e.g. ALL
 APPLICATION_ALL? We can certainly get the Accept Headers in Restlet and
 re-arrange the Accept list ourselves to override the Restlet
 We are thinking of filtering, after Restlet negotiation, based on the
 User-Agent header for this particular JQuery client, so as not to break
 the Restlet behaviour for other clients (which is what we expect.)




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