Re: [DX-CHAT] Kosovo

2006-07-25 Thread John Warren
Tom N4TJ wrote: It has just been reported in the media that reps of Kosovo met with Serbian officials today for the first time and FORMALLY MADE NOTICE OF A PLAN TO DECLARE INDEPENDENCE. Yes but Apparently the Serbs replied "Like !"BBC News doesn't think independence is imminen

RE: [DX-CHAT] Why the new DXCC rule

2006-07-29 Thread John Warren
Ron W3WN wrote: The unintentional side effect was the creation of several new entities by creation of an IARU society -- Ducie for one comes to mind, which followed from the creation of the Pitcairn Is IARU society. Consider that at least one of these IARU groups was created solely to in turn c

Re: [DX-CHAT] KH8SI news

2006-08-02 Thread John Warren
From Bernie W3UR: . The below email is from Kan, who is back in Japan. So how did Kan get off Swain's Island and back to Japan? Guess the boat made a special R/T to Pago Pago for him, while the other guys stayed there. John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems http://

[DX-CHAT] Yaesu FT-2000

2006-10-05 Thread John Warren
Has anyone had a chance yet to get some serious use of the new Yaesu FT-2000, especially with one or more MTU preselectors installed? For me, the key question with any new rig is whether the receiver performance is SIGNIFICANTLY better than its predecessor, or its competitors. A new rig will

Re: [DX-CHAT] After-effects

2006-10-13 Thread John Warren
Gerry VE6LB wrote: I've been active since 1956 and don't recall where Canada ever "prevented" US sub band expansion. I don't believe we had the ability to do that then or now. "Prevented", as used by Jim N4JA, may be just a slight over-statement. I would substitute "lobbied strongly and


2006-10-17 Thread John Warren
Mark K2AU wrote: A friend on mine worked ZS8MI back in April, 2004. He is having a problem getting a QSL. Does anyone have any information that might be helpful in getting this card? Perhaps via Chris ZS6EZ. He seems to know most of the guys who go to ZS8. I'd suggest an e-mail to Chris fi

[DX-CHAT] More on Kosovo

2007-02-01 Thread John Warren
The compromise "independence-lite" solution between Serbia and Kosovo, which will be proposed by the UN tomorrow, supposedly includes a UN seat for Kosovo. If that is the case, and the proposal is accepted by both parties, Kosovo would in due course become a new DXCC Entity. John, NT5C. Subsc

[DX-CHAT] Remote Controlled DXCCs

2007-02-05 Thread John Warren
The DXCC rules are very generous to people in large Entities - for instance the USA and Asiatic Russia. Scores can be accumulated from locations which are thousands of miles apart within each Entity. While power relay (repeater) devices are ruled out (Rule I.6), remote operating points are not


2007-03-14 Thread John Warren
I really don't understand the anti-ARRL attitude which is quite common in the DXing and contesting community. And it can be quite bitter, as we've just seen in the 7O1YGF discussion on another reflector. Now I'll agree that the ARRL is not perfect, in fact far from it. Many years ago, I decid

[DX-CHAT] US Postal Service

2007-03-21 Thread John Warren
I've said this before, but it looks like it's time to say it again. I'm reasonably familiar with postal services in Europe. I'll take USPS over those any day of the week thank you very much. The USPS may not be perfect, but snafus are rare, and it's VERY good - probably the best in the world.


2007-04-24 Thread John Warren
I agree with Boris, T93Y. It looks like there's some sort of misunderstanding here. Surely a cross-mode QSO is good only for Mixed DXCC, not for Phone or CW DXCC for either party. John, NT5C. -Original Message- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Charles Harpole Sent: Tue 24-Apr-0


2007-05-02 Thread John Warren
Larry K4WLS wrote: If you wanted a "Give Away Extra", now you got it !!! ENJOY all the Lids, CB'ers, and QRM you invited in !! I got BS-7H back in '95 with a H.B. Vertical and 90W. Just for fun, bet I can do it again. Larry, There's no reason to believe that the BS7H QRM is due to the new


2007-05-21 Thread John Warren
Dan N3OX wrote: Please read ZS6EZ does NOT Manage all ZS8s. Good advice. Chris ZS6EZ closely monitors most operations on ZS8, and his web page will answer 99% of the questions about QSLing those. Before you bother him directly, be SURE your question is in th


2007-08-27 Thread John Warren
Does anyone have an e-mail address for Brian, ZD9BCB ? I'm familiar with his operation at the upper end of 20M SSB around 1700Z, but that's not a good place to discuss a possible low-band sked. But I suspect any internet link on Gough Island is probably via Inmarsat, so very expensive for any p


2007-09-06 Thread John Warren
Does anyone know if Andy, ZD9BV, is still on that very expensive internet link (Inmarsat I think?), or has the situation for personal e-mails improved at all? TIA, John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX related items only

[DX-CHAT] Re: Real DX

2007-10-04 Thread John Warren
John AE5B wrote: Fifty years ago this week, a fourteen year old shortwave listener tuned his ancient Hallicrafters S40B to 20.005 Megacycles and was able to hear a weak, scratchy beeb-beeb-bee from Sputnik I. What is DX? To a 14 year old kid that was REAL DX. To those of you that have been aro

[DX-CHAT] Re: E7

2007-10-29 Thread John Warren
Lou KE1F wrote: I just worked E7/DK6XZ, what country is he from? New prefix being "phased in" to replace T9. 73, John, NT5C Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX related items only, This is the DX-CHAT reflector s


2007-10-31 Thread John Warren
Let me attempt the lonely and dangerous task of defending Herik FR5DX/FR0FLO! Back around 1990 I had just started chasing low-band SSB DX. I worked Herik as FR0FLO on both 40SSB and 75SSB, and obviously needed his card for both new band-countries and band-zones. Knowing his reputation, I decid


2007-10-31 Thread John Warren
Ron KA2BZS wrote: It's a sad commentary to say one has to "Bribe" to get a qsl.. This op used to rack up big scores in contests with hoards calling for the new country, band, or whatever with little or NO chance of ever receiving a card in return for their qsl. Many sent direct with proper pos

[DX-CHAT] Culture Change on DX Cluster?

2007-11-01 Thread John Warren
I think I detect the start of a culture change on the DX cluster. You may not care about it, or - more likely - you'll deplore it, but I think it's happening anyway, and probably can't be reversed. It's self-spotting. In most contests it's illegal, but not at other times, and for many less exp

[DX-CHAT] CQ Magazine Editorial

2007-11-25 Thread John Warren
Interesting editorial by Rich W2VU on P8 of December CQ Magazine. Topic is Regulation-by-Bandwidth, and the (alleged) way the ARRL Board is using IARU Region II to make a fast end run around U.S. amateurs and the FCC after their first approach drew little support. I find Rich's argument persu

[DX-CHAT] Re: CQ Magazine Editorial

2007-11-26 Thread John Warren
I haven't gotten my CQ for December and lots of the guys don't take it. Would you mind giving us all a summary and your thoughts on both sides of the discussion? That's a tough assignment Bryan. It's a complicated subject, and it took W2VU a full page of fine print to present the arguments. W

[DX-CHAT] Re: Making a List & Checking It Twice...

2007-12-22 Thread John Warren
Ron W3WN wrote: Only question is... which set of cards to send? ... would you send in for a single mode (which one?) or a single band (which one?)? Ron, Unless you want to spend your whole life on the radio (and we both know people who do), you need first to pick a limited set of objective

[DX-CHAT] OX3KQ e-mail Address

2008-01-09 Thread John Warren
I've been trying to e-mail Jesper, OX3KQ. The address I found for him doesn't work : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Does anyone have an address that does work (or might work)? Please reply privately. Thanks in advance, John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems

[DX-CHAT] Re: Concern (Kosova)

2008-03-05 Thread John Warren
nt status of Kosovo or that the ITU would assign a prefix right away, which would cause the "trigger event" and get them status as a new entity. If that is the case, well, this time, the risk didn't pay off. Exactly. I haven't talked to Bernie W3UR about it, but I'd be

[DX-CHAT] Evils of SSB

2008-03-14 Thread John Warren
Begin forwarded message:From: Skip Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: March 14, 2008 9:22:14 AM CDTTo: John Warren NT5C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [Fwd: Evils of SSB] From: Skip Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: March 14, 2008 8:14:17 AM CDTSubject: Evils of SSBI knew there was a r


2008-03-17 Thread John Warren
On Mar 17, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Elmar NL13289 wroteHow many of you do reply on a QSL card from a SWL? Every now and then, discussions are started on this reflector about good and bad manners when operating. Pile-ups are a great example of mis behaviour by quite a few hams. Those "amateurs" need to st

[DX-CHAT] Re: Kosova

2008-03-22 Thread John Warren
On Mar 22, 2008, at 9:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: China, Russia, ARRL against. Free world in favor. Whose the patsies guys. David W1GDQ David, That really is an unfair slap at ARRL, which is neither FOR nor AGAINST Kosova. Very wisely, ARRL set up specific non-amateur criteria whic

[DX-CHAT] Re: Are CW ops getting older?

2008-06-30 Thread John Warren
On Jun 30, 2008, , David G3XYP wrote: I recently made a few QSO's during the All Asia CW test, the exchange in the AA Test is RS(T) and Age for OM's. Having checked my contacts I found the average age was 49.1!! I wonder if anyone else checked their contacts this way. It will be interesting

[DX-CHAT] Reunion Island, and all that.

2008-11-17 Thread John Warren
France is divided into about 100 "Departments" (the first two digits of that 5 digit number). All French overseas territories, such as Reunion Island, are included in that system. By directing your QSL to France, it will get expeditiously to Paris, then be treated as French INTERNAL mail

[DX-CHAT] Re: Honor Roll, etc.

2009-01-07 Thread John Warren
On Jan 7, 2009, at 4:58 AM, DAVE WHITE wrote: "However, make the honor roll with 150 watts and a dipole.. " Or do so from Northern Europe where signals are many dB down and openings are always shorter in than in Southern Europe. Also we have to break through the wall of Italians and th

[DX-CHAT] The Original Ponzi Scheme

2009-05-05 Thread John Warren
I learned something fascinating from the New York Times on-line today. Before he developed the financial fraud which made his name infamous, Charles Ponzi tried to make a bundle by speculating in the predecessors of IRCs : "Born in Italy in 1882, he arrived in 1903 and made his way to Mon


2009-08-13 Thread John Warren
On Aug 13, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Zack Widup W9SZ wrote: My understanding was that they had some documentation but it was thought that their license or OK to operate was issued by a regional authority - sort of like the state of Illinois issuing me a license instead of the FCC. That was more

[DX-CHAT] Re: Tristan da Cunha

2009-08-30 Thread John Warren
On Aug 30, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Jack K4WSB wrote: Nice article in the Parade magazine today Dawn Repetto in the first picture is the XYL of their most active ham, Andy ZD9BV. Perhaps one of the later pics is Andy? - I don't know. John, NT5C.

[DX-CHAT] Re: IRCs agn...

2009-10-09 Thread John Warren
I continue to be amazed at the effort which some DXers make trying to understand and use IRCs. I would never even contemplate buying or using one. Just the good old green stamps for me. Every once in a while I re-stock with $2 bills from my bank (plus some extra $1s for DL). Seem to work

[DX-CHAT] Re: Long Path DXCC?

2011-07-11 Thread John Warren
On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:05 PM, Don K1VSK wrote: For all those looking for a challenges to DX these days, I thought I'd ask if I am the only one who tried Long Path DXCC? It was more difficult that i had thought but turns out the simple concept of setting this goal made DX'ing a lot more in

[DX-CHAT] Re: DXpedition calling practices

2011-07-26 Thread John Warren
On Jul 26, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Zack W9SZ wrote: There have been operations especially from the Pacific that completely ignored propagation. They'd have paths to USA and JA at the same time on the low bands. ,, they would continue to work almost exclusively JA's during the time they had

[DX-CHAT] Re: Looking back at your first logs

2011-08-13 Thread John Warren
On Aug 13, 2011, at 11:18 AM, wrote: For whatever reason I looked back at my first log last night. I was WN4PXP. And what do I find ? An entry on August 3 1964 at 3:36 pm (before I understood GMT.) 3:36 3:40 August 3 21.104 KP6AZ Jim Palmyra 579 339. A few years later I worked a few

[DX-CHAT] Looking Back : VT1

2011-08-14 Thread John Warren
By the way, in answer to my question yesterday, VT1 was the first post-WWII prefix for Kuwait. The Brits initially administered Kuwait from India, so they assigned it a prefix out of the Indian block. Shortly thereafter, it was transferred to British military government, and got a prefix


2011-08-23 Thread John Warren
John W5RQ and myself are busy on a minor detective search. Does anyone have the name (and perhaps the UK callsign and QTH) from an MP4KAC Kuwait QSL card around 1951 ? Thanks in advance, John, NT5C. --- To unsubscribe or subscri


2011-08-26 Thread John Warren
Thanks everyone for all the MP4KAC input! John W5RQ and myself were trying to track down a "pen pal" from the 1951-era of our youth, and we had reason to think it might be MP4KAC. It wasn't. The gentleman we're looking for is Doug Taylor. Perhaps his callsign was VT1AC (Kuwait being adm

[DX-CHAT] Re: What ever happened to FR5DX?

2011-12-02 Thread John Warren
On Dec 2, 2011, at 6:21 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote: I worked FR5DX, and, prior to that, FR0FLO a total of four times between 1983 and 1994. Like Les, I worked FR0FLO many times in the early 1980's. No matter if it was IRCs or $$$, mailing "via France" and multiple mailings, I received QSLs f

Re: [DX-CHAT] Confused

2002-06-21 Thread John Warren
Ron WN3VAW wrote: >In the specific case of P5/4L4FN, his QSL Manager's web site (at >least as of the last time I looked) specifically requested that >people NOT work Ed for all of the band/mode slots, but try and let >as many work him (once each) for an all-time new one. Now, I don't >know i

[DX-CHAT] Freebanding: KP5

2002-12-03 Thread John Warren
Another illegal freeband DXpedition was to KP5 Desecheo Island. They were part of the "Sugar-Delta Group" (whatever that means), with the callsign 299SD0. Their website blatantly points out how the location was hidden from the authorities, and how th

[DX-CHAT] CB and Freebanding

2002-12-04 Thread John Warren
There's an important distinction between CB and Freebanding. In the USA, and many other countries, there is a 100% legal Citizens Band. The frequencies, power limit, etc., are all defined, and although not everyone stays within those limits, many do. Numerous hams, including some quite well-kno

Re: [DX-CHAT] Freebanding 11 Meters

2002-12-05 Thread John Warren
Title: Re: Freebanding 11 Meters Dan KB3ETL wrote: >Anyway, I am disappointed to read so many emails degrading CB and freebanding. A lot of amateur radio operators >and I said a lot not all hams came into amateur radio through CB and freebanding. Come on now, some of you >think back to many year

Re: [DX-CHAT] Be Careful What You Wish For

2002-12-17 Thread John Warren
James N6DHZ wrote: Everyone keeps saying these operations/operators are illegal. If the licensing authority of the host country does not deem it illegal then it would seem to be that the operation is legal. I belive this was the case in Chesterfield... Several of the earlier posts, a week or t

Re: [DX-CHAT] Sunrise/Sunset Times

2003-03-15 Thread John Warren
Charlie W0YG wrote: One neat program that I am looking for was a sunrise/sunset table for anywhere in the world, any day/month of the year. I'm sure that's on-line somewhere, and also accessible via DX cluster, but I use a treasured, dog-eared copy of The ARRL Operating Manual, 3rd edition (1987

Re: [DX-CHAT] E44/4Z5MK and TX0AT

2003-06-11 Thread John Warren
Jack K4WSB wrote: Surprise, surprise, surprise! # 329 in the bag! Or is it? No chatter this morning on the validity of this operation. Anyone on the reflector have some insider information. No insider information Jack, but I'd be very surprised if the E44 counted. He stated on the air that he had

Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted vs Expunged

2003-06-16 Thread John Warren
Dean K7NO wrote: When I started DXing- (here comes the "when I was a kid, I had to walk 10 miles through 10 feet of snow to go to school." Nostalgia BS)- no one was even close to top 'o the roll. Now, it can be accomplished in a few years. Heck, there were countries on the list that we were N

RE: [DX-CHAT] The UN and DXCC Listings

2003-06-19 Thread John Warren
AND, to carry it one step further, if I'm not mistaken, in the Diplomatic world, any Embassy, no matter where, is considered "the soil" of the country represented by that particular Embassy.therefore... (well you get my drift). 73, Tony, W4FOA See DXCC Rule II.4.a.i PS: How is it that thes

[DX-CHAT] 40M Expansion

2003-07-04 Thread John Warren
I'll bet I'm not the only person thinking about how best to use the 40M changes that will occur six years from now. Here's a suggestion to get the ball rolling - but no doubt there are angles I haven't thought of. 40M is a wonderful DX band, with outstanding propagation matched only by 20M, an

Re: [DX-CHAT] What is DX?

2003-07-10 Thread John Warren
Steve N3SL wrote: My basic difficulty is with the concept of an unattainable goal - and I don't mean unattainable only by me. I'm to the point of needing only VU4, and there's nothing to suggest there's a snowball's chance for that to be active. I must respectfully disagree with that thinking.

[DX-CHAT] Need 40M Info

2003-07-11 Thread John Warren
I'm trying to better understand the current amateur uses of the 7100-7150 range. I know it's Novice/Tech-Plus CW territory. But presumably that's declining, as the Novice license falls into disuse, and those folks can now easily upgrade to General, and get on 7025+. I think it has (or had?) an

Re: [DX-CHAT] Yemen - and the Implications

2003-09-02 Thread John Warren
Larry K4WLS wrote: I many times think the "glitter" has in many ways been replaced by the "gutter". Of course, Ham Radio represents a good cross-section of the American population. So, there you go !! H. I guess I'm the one of the few optimists left in this hobby. Amateur radio does indeed fa

Re: [DX-CHAT] Yemen and DXCC

2003-09-02 Thread John Warren
Gary N5PHT wrote: Well, for what it is worth here is my thoughts. I am sitting at 325 and of the 10 I have left, several (3 or 4) have "no likely chance" of operations. Why keep them on the list? If a country does not allow activity from an entity I would like to see them go off the 'active'

Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL Postage

2003-09-20 Thread John Warren
Steve N4JQQ wrote: "J," I feel your pain. However, to be fair about it, postage was more affordable years ago even if you figure in inflation, etc. The bigger our government got and the more powerful the postal unions got, the higher the costs. Bashing "big government", the unions, and the USPO


2003-10-02 Thread John Warren
Tom N4KG wrote: According to the Spot Database on DX Summit, there are NO spots for 3C0V on the following dates and times. Basically, they seem to all be asleep between 0030 - 0100 and 0600 - 0700Z which will limit low band openings to the central and western USA. Hopefully they will provide som


2003-10-13 Thread John Warren
Steve K8WK wrote: Anybody else having trouble accessing oh2aq web spots URL today? Yes. But try the Japanese equivalent at 73, John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [DX-CHAT] oh2aq gone agn?

2003-10-19 Thread John Warren
I think oh2aq web cluster is inaccessible here in se part of USA agn...anybody else? 73/dx steve, k8wk Gone here in Texas too Steve. Try as an alternative. 73, John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX re

Re: [DX-CHAT] Outstanding QSL's

2003-10-24 Thread John Warren
Steve G3OAG wrote: I wonder if anyone has received QSLs from: XW1IC. Yes, via Champ's home call E21EIC. Sent 2 green stamps and airmail SAE. GL! John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX related items only, [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: [DX-CHAT] AY1ZA???

2004-02-03 Thread John Warren
Steve K8WK wrote: Any info abt ay1za? Is Henry wkg there or just there for radio? Any heard or wkd on cw? There seem to be long periods of time when he is not heard from...wx...other news? Maybe it's too early...73/dx Steve, I Worked Henry AY1ZA on 7050/7217 at 0730Z this morning. He had an

[DX-CHAT] QSLing - IRCs (and mint stamps) vs $

2004-02-12 Thread John Warren
Walter W2WJO wrote: I think this the most definitive answer we'll ever get on the topic or IRC stamping - I wrote the Universal Postal Union, UPU, the organization that makes them, and below is their answer. Now I have to bring a dozen back to my local post office to prove I was right and to h

Re: [DX-CHAT] YIs in ARRL/SSB Contest?

2004-03-03 Thread John Warren
Mal N7MAL wrote on DX-News: Yeh Right, it's not like they don't have anything else to do. They are there on vacation. Let's start thinking of them as soldiers, who are dying everyday, not your play toys. I'm baffled Mal. Nobody MADE those good folks request amateur radio licenses. Presumably they

Re: [DX-CHAT] The French

2004-06-06 Thread John Warren
Steve N4JQQ wrote: I agree, in spite of the fact that the French did everything in their power to hinder the invasion and anything else the British and the US came up with. Interesting that they haven't changed a bit. Steve, That is a spectacular inaccuracy. How well do you know the French? Thro

Re: [DX-CHAT] Query abt DX splits

2004-10-18 Thread John Warren
Charly K4VUD wrote: A question for all What does the DX community think about a rare DX station transmitting Phone outside the American Phone sub-band and listening up into the American sub-band ? Standard Operating Procedure on 40M SSB. Advantages: 1. Forces some freq. police and jammers to

Re: [DX-CHAT] Query abt DX splits

2004-10-18 Thread John Warren
Peter W2IRT wrote: The *really* interesting thing is what's going to happen on 40 metres in a few years from now. Will there be a common SSB DX frequency on 40 when everybody outside region 2 gets 7100 to 7200? The broadcasters are leaving in 2009, and a few countries have the new 100 kHz alrea

Re: [DX-CHAT] The Two BS7H operations

2004-11-13 Thread John Warren
I believed they approved the 95 operation. Rod WC7N Yep. '94 was not accepted, '95 was approved. I don't recall what changed. Still the same little piece of very damp rock! John, NT5C. Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems To post a message, DX related items only

Re: [DX-CHAT] No EU pilot for KH8SI ?

2005-02-26 Thread John Warren
Ron WN3VAW wrote: I wouldn't hold my breath on this one (unless Swain's is on a separate tectonic plate from Tutula and they're drifting apart from each other real quick), but WFWL. Here's the direct quote from K1ZZ's "White Paper" on behalf of the ARRL: "Contacts with KH8SI operating from

Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O1YGF and P5/4L4FN

2005-03-05 Thread John Warren
Ron WN3VAW wrote: As I remember, a previous 7O operation (7O1A, I think it was?) had permission from "local" authorities in the area they operated from, but NOT from the central government. This was the situation with 7O1YGF. But, as I recall, the central government objected (after the fact) to

[DX-CHAT] Cluster Self-spotting

2005-03-11 Thread John Warren
There's been a lot of analysis on the Contest Reflector about self-spotting (or "friend-spotting", or "club-spotting", or whatever). I'm not going to get into that argument, but I'd like to broaden the question outside contests. Is self-spotting ALWAYS bad? My personal view: Usually yes. But n

Re: [DX-CHAT] Best Antenna - Surrounded area-?

2005-03-13 Thread John Warren
Title: Re: Best Antenna - Surrounded area-? Sara VU3RSB wrote: My name is OM Sara, VU3RSB from India. Member of recent VU4/Tsunami operations in Andaman Islands. After the expedition curious about DxingUnfortunately recently city developments took my place in bad shape and things are change

Re: [DX-CHAT] Dayton Feedback

2005-05-24 Thread John Warren
Ron WN3VAW wrote: And it is unfortunate that the contest & antenna forums were moved. I usually stick my head in for at least some, if not all, of the antenna forum, but that wasn't possible this year since I had no way of getting from HARA to the CP (at least not with my ride). I for one hope

Re: [DX-CHAT] FCC proposes to drop morse code requirement......

2005-07-21 Thread John Warren
Ernie VK3FM wrote: To all my 'W' friends who believe this latest FCC proposal is 'the end of civilisation as we know it', 'the last roll of the dice', 'the final straw', etc, can I suggest you grit your teeth , think FORWARD, and enjoy the hobby you so obviously love, and EMAIL ME directly in tw


2005-09-02 Thread John Warren
Bill W5EC wrote: Sorry to hear of the passing of Dick Bird, G4ZU. My first decent beam, around 1963, was a homemade G4ZU Minibeam I made from aluminum pieces salvaged from a government scrap yard. I used it for at least 10 years. It was great! He will be missed. Wow! Does this bring back memor


2005-11-15 Thread John Warren
David VK3EW wrote: For me even more so, l will never forget the thrill of "screaming the house down" when we worked for my last zone on 80 SSB in my goal for 5BWAZ, this card will always be treasured in the pile.!! Almost exactly the same here David. JT1BG was my next-to-last 5BWAZ zone, bu


2005-11-30 Thread John Warren
Title: Re: QSLing JT1CO Ed K2MP wrote: Two major QSL lookup sights, one sez "...Mongolia..." other sez "... Mongolia via Japan"    Any experience on what works ?  Tnx   Strongly recommend "Mongolia, via Japan".  Otherwise standard USPO routing is via Russia, where it will disappear. 73 and GL,

Re: [DX-CHAT] Why use IRCs?

2005-12-26 Thread John Warren
Barry W2UP wrote: Just wondering why anyone in the US still uses IRCs. In most countries, a greenstamp covers it. Secondary market IRCs are ~$1.30 and they expire and can't be recirculated forever like the old ones. Countries where postage is more than $1 typically require more than 1 IRC

Re: [DX-CHAT] 30 Meter SSB QSO

2006-01-26 Thread John Warren
Mike W2LO wrote: .but are there any administrations worldwide that permit SSB on 30? Absolutely. Many I believe. Our FCC is in the minority of communications authorities which legally control where amateurs can transmit each mode. In many countries it's a matter of custom and self-polic