[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
Ha. Funny scenario discovered on the Internet. You've heard of the movie
"Snakes On A Plane?" Well, this is "FFL It's All About Me Behavior On A
Plane."  :-)



Doesn't Diane remind you of anyone, how she wants the world to revolve
around her and work the way *she* wants it to work?  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap
> being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on
> meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
> what the worst part is?
> She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
> only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the
> who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the
> discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
> *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
> Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy
> thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
> crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
> truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend
> But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
> Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
> done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
> the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
> hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the

[FairfieldLife] Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
The publisher of a controversial and much-criticized study suggesting 
genetically modified corn caused tumors in rats has withdrawn the paper after a 
year-long investigation found it did not meet scientific standards.


[FairfieldLife] Patanjali,Vyasa & Shankara on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of sanyama.
 YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
 : deša = locus, place, spot
 : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
 : chitta = individual consciousness
 : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
 Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or “Holding” is the placement of 
 Vyasa sez: 
 Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A PURELY 
MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light in the head, 
the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such locations; and to 
external objects.
 Shankara sez:
 Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one place means binding 
it there and it is the mind that is to be bound. 
 The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle all the 
vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is called the circle 
of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the light in the head. The door 
of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is radiant, and so it is called a light. 
To the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and to other such locations, and 
to external objects, such as the moon. To these the mind is bound.
 The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without being 
dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process. It functions simply 
as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or viksepa.
 YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
tatra  = therein or “in regard to”
pratyaya  = idea, notion
eka = one   
  tânatâ = extension, stretching 
  (here one-directionality) 

  dhyâna = meditative absorption
 Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Patanjali,Vyasa & Shank ara on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread wgm4u
Maharishi doesn't teach concentration (dharana), Kriya Yoga does! In Kriya,  
it's the concentration that LEADS to a state called meditation (dhyana).

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of sanyama.
 YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
 : deša = locus, place, spot
 : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
 : chitta = individual consciousness
 : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
 Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or “Holding” is the placement of 
 Vyasa sez: 
 Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A PURELY 
MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light in the head, 
the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such locations; and to 
external objects.
 Shankara sez:
 Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one place means binding 
it there and it is the mind that is to be bound. 
 The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle all the 
vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is called the circle 
of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the light in the head. The door 
of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is radiant, and so it is called a light. 
To the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and to other such locations, and 
to external objects, such as the moon. To these the mind is bound.
 The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without being 
dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process. It functions simply 
as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or viksepa.
 YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
tatra  = therein or “in regard to”
pratyaya  = idea, notion
eka = one   
  tânatâ = extension, stretching 
  (here one-directionality) 

  dhyâna = meditative absorption
 Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Patanjali,Vyasa & Shank ara on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:
> Maharishi doesn't teach concentration (dharana), Kriya Yoga does! In
Kriya,  it's the concentration that LEADS to a state called meditation

I would say instead that concentration is ONE method that leads to the
meditative state. There are many.

TMers are taught to regard "concentration" as almost a dirty word, and a
dirtier concept. Their loss, which one tends to see the effects of in
their spaced-out-ed-ness. IMO both concentration and letting-go
("effortlessness") have a role in the practice of meditation.
Interestingly, I have found the best results through the alternation of
them, often in the same session. Focus, then letting go. Rinse and
repeat. Strong, deep, clear meditations as the result, with FAR less
just sitting there lost in thoughts and thinking one is "meditating."

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@ wrote:
>  Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of
>  YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
>  : deša = locus, place, spot
>  : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
>  : chitta = individual consciousness
>  : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
>  Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or
“Holding” is the placement of consciousness)
>  Vyasa sez:
>  Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A
PURELY MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light
in the head, the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such
locations; and to external objects.
>  Shankara sez:
>  Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one
place means binding it there and it is the mind that is to be bound.
>  The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle
all the vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is
called the circle of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the
light in the head. The door of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is
radiant, and so it is called a light. To the tip of the nose, the tip of
the tongue, and to other such locations, and to external objects, such
as the moon. To these the mind is bound.
>  The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without
being dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process.
It functions simply as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or
>  YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
> tatra  = therein or “in regard to”
> pratyaya  = idea, notion
> eka = one
>   tânatâ = extension, stretching
>   (here one-directionality)
>   dhyâna = meditative absorption
>  Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> Ha. Funny scenario discovered on the Internet. You've heard of the
> "Snakes On A Plane?" Well, this is "FFL It's All About Me Behavior On
> Plane."  :-)

> Doesn't Diane remind you of anyone, how she wants the world to revolve
> around her and work the way *she* wants it to work?  :-)

This minor Twitter-war has now gone viral, and it's interesting to see
different people's reactions to it. By far the majority (close to 80% on
the sites I've seen it on) side with Elon. That said, many of them feel
that he went over the top in his interactions with
beyond-cluelessly-out-of-it Diane. I tend to agree on both fronts --
that he was justified in trying to wake her up to how ridiculously and
discourteously she was acting, and that he chose a possibly
inappropriate way to do so.

And yet, speaking as one who has resorted to such tactics myself,
sometimes they seem necessary. The self-centered solipsist is SO lost in
his or her head, and SO overshadowed by his or her own petty concerns
that there is no ROOM in their awareness for other people, and how their
actions may be affecting these others. Once one has tried more subtle
methods, and failed, sometimes the ONLY thing that can get to such
people is to reveal to them *exactly* how laughable and petty and
inconsiderate they're acting by getting as many people as possible to
laugh at them. The one thing most solipsists cannot abide is being
laughed at, and it's often the one thing -- and only thing -- that can
get them to STFU.

Clearly this didn't work on Diane, and chances are it never will. From
her point of view, lost in her own self-importance, she'll view the fact
that now tens of thousands of people are laughing at her as a HUGE
affront, as UNFAIR, and above all, as UNDESERVED. All of these people
laughing at her are WRONG, damnit, and only *she* is RIGHT, damnit! My
bet is that Diane didn't learn a damned thing from the incident itself,
won't learn a damned thing from how she is regarded (as a selfish loon)
by tens of thousands of people, and will probably act the SAME way on
the plane home. This would not surprise me in the least, because of
course I've seen the same thing on FFL.

What does surprise me a little, however, are the few who seem to view
*Diane* as their hero in this scenario. They see nothing whatsoever
wrong with her histrionics and her out-of-control anger over a situation
*that she could not possibly affect in any way* by bitching and melting
down in public and becoming angry and making everyone around her
miserable. Her "supporters" seem to "side with her" because that's the
way they live THEIR lives. The world revolves around them, just as Diane
feels that the world centers around her.

Someday I hope that this 20% and Diane find themselves on the same plane
together, and can make *each other* miserable with their histrionics.
They won't learn from THAT, either, but at least they'll have a taste of
what their behavior *feels like* to those forced to experience it.

Similarly, wouldn't it be interesting to be a fly on the wall (over
video, so we didn't have to be subjected to the low-vibeness of it all)
when several "Diane's" from FFL were strapped into a plane together,
with *none* of their regular "enemies" anywhere around. My bet is that
it would take less than 15 minutes before they were at each others'
throats, and blaming *each other* for the things they usually blame on
people not in their clique. With any luck, someone could overhear the
resulting cat fight, capture it all verbatim, and broadcast it to the
world via Twitter. Maybe then they'd realize how ridiculous they are.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
When caught in a fib, deny everything, blame others, and be bitter. 
Then, take a break from working with clients in your home office and do 
a little editing on a chat room. In fact, one of the most faddish 
hobbies these days is Twitter, but you'll never see an extra dot between 
tweets when they  are limited to forty characters! LoL!

On 11/29/2013 7:03 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

I don't "follow" it because it's a fad. I don't "follow" it at all, 
actually; I very rarely use it. But it really isn't "stupid"--if you 
think about how it would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an 
echo of, say, your mother: "You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now." It can be 
an effective way of emphasizing something.

Me, I don't think "standards of good writing" on a Web forum (i.e., 
highly informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be 
nonstandard in more formal writing if it adds something--flavor, 
humor, irony, surprise. It can be creative and entertaining if well used.

Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word 
effect more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have 
upset you. Double standards, perhaps?

Feste huffed:

> Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you 
have to follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense. At. All. It's. Stupid.  I 
thought you were the sort of person who liked to uphold standards of 
good, effective writing, but alas, it appears that I am mistaken. I. 
Am. Sad. About. That.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Feste tries again:*

> Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

*Uh, no.*

> I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

*LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of your
blood pressure. It's not going anywhere.*

> It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and 
trying to claim victory.

*Actually I don't "claim victory." The folks throwing the punches
and missing (or smacking themselves in the face) are losers
without any assistance from me. But I'm glad you're enjoying the

> As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my girlfriend.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

Maybe I should rephrase what I posted:

I've never seen anyone add extra dots to a sentence on a Twitter post, 
on a blog, or on a discussion group, UNTIL NOW. And I've NEVER seen a 
professional editor post such a silly and mean non-sentence to a client. 
Not to mention Judy's silly prefixed attributions fixation. Thanks for 
the tip, Judy - I guess I should get out and read more. LoL!

*Judy /threatened/ to post another echo:*

Next time I see it used, I'll  save the link for you.


On 11/29/2013 7:11 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Richard bluffs:

> Feste is correct - it's not standard web practice - I'm no newbie 
and I've never seen anything like this. On a
> blog, a discussion group, or on Twitter or Facebook. It's almost 
bizarre and even more bizarre for Judy to

> then try and make you feel like it's all your fault.



Next time I see it used, I'll save the link for you.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. (But HINT: Read 
the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. Oh, and "Pedro" was not Vaj; he was a crazy 
fundamentalist Christian who infested alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever 
denied I'm a partisan liberal Democrat.)


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely never 
admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. She's been 
doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.
 In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a Gallup 
Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed my statement, I 
went back three times to check the results of the poll. In desperation, Judy's 
last statement was something to the effect that I was was a "molusk" for 
posting a link to a poll that proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go 
 At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a debate 
that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. Never mind the 
facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical style of argument Judy 
uses to demean her debating opponent. What's interesting about this exchange is 
that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through Judy's posing as a political pundit and even 
posted a note that proved Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!
 That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, except for 
calling me a "troll" and a "liar", and became an ECHO, trying to get everyone 
else to shun me - because I had dared to dispute her political view. Go figure.
 Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always admit when 
I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual graphic is no longer 
online, but you can get the jist of the conversation below.
 Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and ad 
hominem. In this case, I became a "molusk" and "slime" in a political debate. 
Now that's classy!
 From the Usenet archives:
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST
 http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq
 I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is.  What's the next
 step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
 three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST
 http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq
 I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
If it was "standard practice", you'd probably have seen it posted here 
on FFL after ten years and thousands of postings. And, anyone would be 
able to cite such practice, even without a doing a good search. It sure 
sounds like a Judy fib to me, and even she never once in ten years used 
extra dots in her posts, so if true, Judy does not follow standard 
posting practice. Go figure.

On 11/29/2013 7:33 PM, feste37 wrote:

Are you still insisting that "it's pretty much standard practice these 
days for bloggers and commenters when they want to say something 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

I don't "follow" it because it's a fad. I don't "follow" it at all, 
actually; I very rarely use it. But it really isn't "stupid"--if you 
think about how it would sound if you said it aloud, you may hear an 
echo of, say, your mother: "You. Get. In. Here. Right. Now." It can be 
an effective way of emphasizing something.

Me, I don't think "standards of good writing" on a Web forum (i.e., 
highly informal, conversational) necessarily exclude what would be 
nonstandard in more formal writing if it adds something--flavor, 
humor, irony, surprise. It can be creative and entertaining if well used.

Given your reaction, I'll most likely use the period-after-every-word 
effect more often. It's fun to see your stuffy freakout.

I believe Barry has used it a few times, but that didn't seem to have 
upset you. Double standards, perhaps?

Feste huffed:

> Goodness me, just because it's a fad on the Web doesn't mean you have to 
follow it. It. Makes. No. Sense.
At. All. It's. Stupid. I thought you were the sort of person who
liked to uphold standards of good, effective writing, but alas, it
appears that I am mistaken. I. Am. Sad. About. That.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Feste tries again:*

> Standard practice? You have got to be kidding.

*Uh, no.*

> I have never seen it before. I. Think. It. Is. Very. Bad. Writing.

*LOL. Better learn to appreciate Web-speak for the sake of
your blood pressure. It's not going anywhere.*

> It's quite fun watching you being a punching bag for everyone else and
lamely trying to claim victory.

*Actually I don't "claim victory." The folks throwing the
punches and missing (or smacking themselves in the face) are
losers without any assistance from me. But I'm glad you're
enjoying the spectacle.*

> As for the testosterone pills, I don't need them. Just ask my 


[FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
Richard for the template.

* Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.

* Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
LIE of the basest sort.


[ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

There IS an echo in here - I thought so.

But, did anyone notice how Judy skirted the issue of the name-calling in 
order to win the political debate? Now that's some real obsfucation!

P.S. I stand corrected on the Vaj attribution, but the actual poster, 
Pedro, was my own debating opponent on alt.a.m.t, so that makes it all 
the more interesting. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and "Pedro" 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a "molusk" for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. 
Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that proved 
Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a "troll" and a "liar", and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a "molusk" and "slime" in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is. What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Are you insane? That I've been on a "crusade" against dishonesty here for 
years, and that you are a sadistic liar, is not even in dispute. I don't need 
anybody to "come to my defense" concerning facts known to all. Nor does it make 
any sense for the shlub who addressed two--count 'em, two--"SHUT THE FUCK UP" 
posts to poor dear Share to complain about anybody else's "unkindness."

 But it was extraordinarily stupid of you to attack Emily, of all people, 
probably the sanest and most reasonable person on FFL. Also distinctly 
foolhardy to claim I've been lying about the periods-between-every-word thing 
when you know it's true and that I can (and will) prove it. Trivial, but so 

 Go wy back and SIDDOWN. 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Missing posts!

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Oh, lord, I've done that too. Just one more feature of this infuriatingly 
incompetently designed and executed interface.
Salyavin wrote:

 Looks like loads of my posts disappeared this week. Also looks like it was my 
fault for pressing the reply button twice instead of the send button when I'm 
done. LOL, Well, they are both big and purple-someone should do something about 

 Sorry to deprive you of my fascinating (ahem) insights...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Share Long
Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
Richard for the template.

* Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.

* Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
LIE of the basest sort.


[ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Salyavin wrote:

 > But children aren't free to make decisions like that and have to rely on us 
 > to do the hard thinking for them, 
 > perhaps they might prefer going to school or maybe even not having their 
 > lives ruled by superstitious 
 > weirdo's?

 Again, in this particular case, the parents initially consented to the 
chemotherapy for their daughter, but it made her miserably sick, and she begged 
them to let her quit. It must have been an agonizing decision, and it doesn't 
seem to have had anything to do with being superstitious.

 I would just hope they made the likely consequences clear to her.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-30 Thread salyavin808
Yeah, I was just talking generally. None of this stuff's easy, can't imagine 
being in this situation to be honest.

  "Again, in this particular case, the parents initially consented to the 
chemotherapy for their daughter, but it made her miserably sick, and she begged 
them to let her quit. It must have been an agonizing decision, and it doesn't 
seem to have had anything to do with being superstitious.

 I would just hope they made the likely consequences clear to her."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Salyavin wrote:

 > But children aren't free to make decisions like that and have to rely on us 
 > to do the hard thinking for them, 
 > perhaps they might prefer going to school or maybe even not having their 
 > lives ruled by superstitious 
 > weirdo's?
 Again, in this particular case, the parents initially consented to the 
chemotherapy for their daughter, but it made her miserably sick, and she begged 
them to let her quit. It must have been an agonizing decision, and it doesn't 
seem to have had anything to do with being superstitious.

 I would just hope they made the likely consequences clear to her.

[FairfieldLife] Verb tenses in Hebrew!

2013-11-30 Thread cardemaister

 I Am that I Am From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 For other uses, see I Am What I Am (disambiguation) 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_What_I_Am_(disambiguation) and I Am 
(disambiguation) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_(disambiguation).
 "Hayah" redirects here. For the village in Iran, see Hayyeh 
 I Am that I Am (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, ʾehyeh ʾašer ʾehyeh [ʔehˈje ʔaˈʃer 
ʔehˈje] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_for_Hebrew) is a common English 
translation (JPS 
among others) of the response God http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God used in the 
Hebrew Bible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_Bible when Moses 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses asked for his name (Exodus 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Exodus 3:14). It is one of the most famous 
verses in the Torah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torah. Hayah means "existed" 
or "was" in Hebrew; "ehyeh" is the first person singular imperfect form and is 
usually translated in English Bibles as "I will be" (or "I shall be"), for 
example, at Exodus 3:12.Ehyeh asher ehyeh literally translates as "I Will Be 
What I Will Be", with attendant theological and mystical implications in Jewish 
tradition. However, in most English Bibles, this phrase is rendered as I am 
that I am." Verb tenses in Hebrew Hebrew denote action, not time: the perfect 
tense denotes completed action, and the imperfect denotes incomplete action. 
Thus, the imperfect tense can be translated as present or future and this can 
cause problems in translation. The difficulty is that for the Hebrew mind, even 
something completed can be in the future: "For example I can say 'my father 
taught me about life' which is written in the past tense. While my father 
taught me many years ago, we see this as past tense and in the Hebrew mind it 
is a completed action. But, in the Hebrew mind this completed action exists in 
the past, present and future. I still learn from my father today by remembering 
all that he taught me and I will continue to learn from him even after he is 
dead."[incorrect template use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Ce]

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-30 Thread feste37
Good morning, Em, My perception of the situation is that Share may respond to 
attacks but does not, for the most part, initiate them. She is more sinned 
against than sinning. I don't blame someone if they choose sometimes to hit 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dear Feste, this is an example of a letter, you as a good friend, should have 
addressed to Share, IMHO. Switch out the name "Share" for Judy or Ann, and 
you've got a letter to deliver to your friend Share.  Stated gently with loving 
kindness and concern for her well-being as a human being, of course.  

 All you said about her vile post to Ann was something like (and I 
paraphrase)"I didn't particularly care for it, but she's a friend of mine 
and I am loyal to my friends."  Really?  I gave Ravi a bigger ration of shit 
than that and he gave me one as well.  And, I've only met him once.  

 Personally, I depend on my friends that I know in the flesh to tell me the 
truth and I do the same with them, and we respect and love and trust each other 
enough to do it and work on owning our own shit. 

 Blind loyalty is a waste of time. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You are as responsible as anyone else for creating an atmosphere of "mutual 
disrespect." Do you behave like this in your real, day-to-day life? Is that how 
you talk to people? I don't think so. The real dishonesty, the real lie, comes 
from you. I think you are dishonest with yourself. I suspect that the truth, as 
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, is that you enjoy being mean. You enjoy 
hitting out at other people. My guess is that doing so assuages some of the 
anger that you feel and gives you some kind of safety valve that you find 
satisfying. You concoct this fake issue of dishonesty and pretend to yourself 
that you are the virtuous one, standing up for what is right. Unfortunately, 
the reality is that you are a person in the grip of some very deep-rooted 
obsessions that make you very difficult and unpleasant to deal with. Your 
behavior toward Share is a disgrace. It amounts to harassment, and I don't 
think this forum should put up with it. You wouldn't be able to do it on 
Facebook, yet you think you can do it here. You should either change your 
behavior or unsubscribe. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So you think lying is fine too?

 As I've said before, most folks here are honest. But there are still several 
Bad Apples (fortunately some of the worst ones have left) who have no 
inhibitions about lying--in particular, about other FFL members they don't 
like--and I think that is terribly destructive. It's the essence of unkindness. 
And it's hardly a matter of "old grudges" when it continues to this day.

 I have never been on a Web forum where lying was so complacently tolerated. 
But it breeds mutual disrespect and lowers standards of civility generally. I 
would be willing to bet that if there were less tolerance for lying, there 
would be a lot less unkindness overall.

 As I've said many times before, life is tough enough when everyone is doing 
their absolute damndest to be as honest as they possibly can. There's no excuse 
for making it tougher.

 IMHO, of course.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I think people are pretty honest here. The only person who obsesses about 
lying is you. Your question to Buck is of course just a way of sidestepping the 
issue of "perpetual unkindness." I can see why you would want to do that, since 
you are the principal purveyor of it. You need to let go of all these old 
grudges and obsessions. They are negative attachments that do not serve you 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How about the lying? You never mention the lying, Buck. Does that mean you 
think it's OK to lie? 
Buck huffed:

 You can't even hardly invite any civilized person to visit here to FFL with 
what perpetual unkindness has taken over here on this yahoo-group. It is simply 
appalling that this culture of low meanness and unkindness has got going here. 
It is no good to have in our house, But I fear most now for the very life of 
this entire list if this culture of unkindness is not checked.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater
Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.

 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
 Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
 example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have do

Re: [FairfieldLife] Patanjali,Vyasa & Shankara on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
The legendary Vyasa is often confused by Vaishnavas with Badarayana, the 
compiler of the Vedanta Sutras. But, no one seriously believes that 
Vyasa (Krishna Dvaipayana) split up all the Vedas into four; scribed the 
eighteen Puranas; and authored the Mahabharata AND wrote a commentary on 
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, way back in 3000 BC. Obviously there were more 
than one Vyasa!

And, almost everyone knows that there's no "mind" or "place" to bind 
anything to in the first place. All this has to do with simple semantics 
and interpretation - not with actual practice. Anyone who has attempted 
a concentration on their navel and then tried TM, will tell you that 
MMY's technique of effortless transcending is far superior to base 
concentration on the tip of your nose.

Patanjali is just a re-statement of Buddhist yoga principles, and 
everyone knows that Vaysa was not a yogi, or even a real historical 
person. That Vyasa wrote a commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is 
impossible. So, who did write the commentary on Yoga Sutras and did 
Shankara compose a commentary on Vyasa?

The Yoga Sutras by Patanjali are generally attributed by scholars to be 
written either 200 BC or even later. Scholars such as S.N. Dasgupta, 
claim this is the same Patanjali who authored the Mahabhasya, a treatise 
on Sanskrit grammar. Go figure.

'Yoga-As Philosophy and Religion'
By Surendranath Dasgupta
Kennikat Press, 1924

On 11/30/2013 6:27 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of sanyama.

*YS 3.1**/deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ/*

: /deša /= locus, place, spot

: /bandha/ = bind, fasten, cohere

: /chitta/ = individual consciousness

: /dhâranâ/ = holding, focusing

*/Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place/***(or “/Holding” is the 
placement of consciousness/)

*Vyasa sez: *

Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, */AS A 
PURELY MENTAL PROCESS/,* to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the 
light in the head, the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and 
other such locations; and to external objects.

*Shankara sez:*

Dhâranâ is binding the mind to /one/ place. Binding to one place means 
binding it there and it is the mind that is to be bound.

The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, /binding to the navel circle/ 
all the vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is 
called the circle of the navel. On the form of the /heart lotus, the 
light in the head/. The door of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is 
radiant, and so it is called a light. To /the tip of the nose, the tip 
of the tongue, and to other such locations, and to external objects,/ 
such as the moon. To these the mind is bound.

*The mental process (vritti) of the mind*, held in those places 
without being dispersed, is called dhâranâ, */as a purely mental 
process/*. It functions simply as the *IDEA* of that place without any 
disturbance or viksepa.

*YS 3.2 /tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam/*

tatra = therein or “in regard to”

pratyaya = idea, notion

eka = one

tânatâ = extension, stretching

 (here one-directionality)

dhyâna = meditative absorption

*/Continuity of the mind there is meditation./*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Now this really funny - FFL as 'Snakes on a Plane". One thing is NOT in 
dispute: that Judy is mean and sometimes downright nasty and often 
resorts to using an echo in a debate as a way of avoiding the issue at 
hand. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 3:55 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Ha. Funny scenario discovered on the Internet. You've heard of the 
movie "Snakes On A Plane?" Well, this is "FFL It's All About Me 
Behavior On A Plane."  :-)


Doesn't Diane remind you of anyone, how she wants the world to revolve 
around her and work the way *she* wants it to work?  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
> being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
> meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
> what the worst part is?
> She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
> only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
> who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
> discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
> *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
> Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
> thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
> crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
> truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
> But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
> Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
> done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
> the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
> hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Missing posts!

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Oh, lord, I've done that too. Just one more feature of this infuriatingly 
incompetently designed and executed interface.
Salyavin wrote:

 Looks like loads of my posts disappeared this week. Also looks like it was my 
fault for pressing the reply button twice instead of the send button when I'm 
done. LOL, Well, they are both big and purple-someone should do something about 

 Sorry to deprive you of my fascinating (ahem) insights...

 Actually, I love your insights. I am sorry we have been deprived of those 
missing ones...


[FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 There IS an echo in here - I thought so. 
 But, did anyone notice how Judy skirted the issue of the name-calling in order 
to win the political debate? Now that's some real obsfucation!
 P.S. I stand corrected on the Vaj attribution, but the actual poster, Pedro, 
was my own debating opponent on alt.a.m.t, so that makes it all the more 
interesting. LoL!
 On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. (But HINT: Read 
the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. Oh, and "Pedro" was not Vaj; he was a crazy 
fundamentalist Christian who infested alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever 
denied I'm a partisan liberal Democrat.)
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely never 
admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. She's been 
doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.
 In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a Gallup 
Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed my statement, I 
went back three times to check the results of the poll. In desperation, Judy's 
last statement was something to the effect that I was was a "molusk" for 
posting a link to a poll that proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go 
 At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a debate 
that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate.

 I am not sure you were trying to be humorous here but this statement has 
proven to be a wonderful moment of morning comic relief - the mere idea that 
having been called a "molusk" (sic) could be categorized as "slander". Thank 
you for that.

  Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical style of 
argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's interesting about 
this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through Judy's posing as a 
political pundit and even posted a note that proved Judy's overt partisanship. 
 That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, except for 
calling me a "troll" and a "liar", and became an ECHO, trying to get everyone 
else to shun me - because I had dared to dispute her political view. Go figure.
 Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always admit when 
I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual graphic is no longer 
online, but you can get the jist of the conversation below.
 Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and ad 
hominem. In this case, I became a "molusk" and "slime" in a political debate. 
Now that's classy!
 From the Usenet archives:
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST
 http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq
 I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is.  What's the next
 step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
 three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.
 From: Judy Stein 
 Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST
 http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq http://tinyurl.com/oruvtdq
 I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Yeah, but even the Cathars were not pure dualists, believing in The Lie 
- most Gnostics, in the final analysis, believe there is more Truth than 
Lies in the universe. But, it sure looks like Judy believes there are 
more Lies than Truths. LoL!

Who said Judy didn't mix up her professional life with her personal 
life, what with all these incessant corrections posted to FFL? But, can 
you imagine Judy emailing a client that they were lying and that the 
were a "scumbucket"? I can, but it would be a stretch.

Her remarks have all the earmarks of a person working and viewing two 
windows open at the same time, on a large computer monitor with a 'ding' 
set to go off when a new message is posted to FFL. And, nobody could 
probably get away with posting so many nasties on a company computer on 
company time unless they were self-employed. LoL!

Speaking of lies, Judy even disputes that she's posting from a home 
office. Go figure.

On 11/30/2013 8:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
Richard for the template.

* Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.

* Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
LIE of the basest sort.


[ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When there are no 
sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker members start using 
dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does here. The more people who feel 
safe being dishonest, the more a mythical, false story about the group and its 
members and interactions takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as 
they say, is written by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate 
history need to ensure the liars don't win.

 Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's description 
of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases that Share flatly 
denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds like," which she 
specifically mentions below):



 Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad side well 
before this.

 Share lied:

 > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such 
 > and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it 
 > sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such 
 > and such. She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see 
 > inside my head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and 
 > feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating like that. It was 
 > like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

> I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
> fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with 
> everyone.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

Deny everything; blame others; and be bitter.

On 11/30/2013 8:25 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Are you /insane/? That I've been on a "crusade" against dishonesty 
here for years, and that you are a sadistic liar, is not even in 
dispute. I don't need anybody to "come to my defense" concerning facts 
known to all. Nor does it make any sense for the shlub who addressed 
two--count 'em, two--"SHUT THE FUCK UP" posts to poor dear Share to 
complain about anybody else's "unkindness."*


*But it was extraordinarily stupid of you to attack Emily, of all 
people, probably the sanest and most reasonable person on FFL. Also 
distinctly foolhardy to claim I've been lying about the 
periods-between-every-word thing when you know it's true and that I 
can (and will) prove it. Trivial, but so representative.*


*Go /wy/ back and SIDDOWN.*


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
what the worst part is?

She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
*her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?

Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.

Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Missing posts!

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
It looks like from the Post Count that you've posted ten messages so far 
this week. You might try switching over to the Google Chrome and Google 
Mail  - that way, you can see all the message you sent, or not - forget 
using the Yahoo site, it's almost worthless.

On 11/30/2013 1:35 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Looks like loads of my posts disappeared this week. Also looks like it 
was my fault for pressing the reply button twice instead of the send 
button when I'm done. LOL, Well, they are both big and purple-someone 
should do something about that

Sorry to deprive you of my fascinating (ahem) insights...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

They don't call her "Judge Judy" for no reason, Share. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 8:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did 
such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my 
opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me 
if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and 
such as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what 
I had been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone 
communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I 
didn't even know how to respond.

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not 
change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to 
fight with everyone.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB 

Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
Richard for the template.

* Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.

* Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
LIE of the basest sort.


[ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Me neither. It's been haunting me.
Salyavin wrote:
 Yeah, I was just talking generally. None of this stuff's easy, can't imagine 
being in this situation to be honest.

  "Again, in this particular case, the parents initially consented to the 
chemotherapy for their daughter, but it made her miserably sick, and she begged 
them to let her quit. It must have been an agonizing decision, and it doesn't 
seem to have had anything to do with being superstitious.

 I would just hope they made the likely consequences clear to her."

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Salyavin wrote:

 > But children aren't free to make decisions like that and have to rely on us 
 > to do the hard thinking for them, 
 > perhaps they might prefer going to school or maybe even not having their 
 > lives ruled by superstitious 
 > weirdo's?
 Again, in this particular case, the parents initially consented to the 
chemotherapy for their daughter, but it made her miserably sick, and she begged 
them to let her quit. It must have been an agonizing decision, and it doesn't 
seem to have had anything to do with being superstitious.

 I would just hope they made the likely consequences clear to her.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Gee, seems like in all that time I never managed to get Barry to understand 
that lying is about deliberately misrepresenting facts, because here he is 
still pretending it's all about opinion. 

 (Thing is, there have been times when it would have been giving Barry the 
benefit of the doubt to say he was lying, since his claims were so outlandishly 
off base that one would have to conclude he was psychotic if he actually 
believed them.)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
 Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
 example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
 other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
 because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
 LIE of the basest sort.
 [ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
 written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
 saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
 Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's already way past caring, Ann. The lines have been drawn on this 
forum years ago.

And, while Barry is no admirer of mine, Barry at least wants to make the 
group interesting to read. There's probably no one on this list that has 
done more, over a longer period of time, to make this an interesting 
place to want to be.

And, it's not all about Judy - credit where credit is due.

On the other hand, Judy wants people to get into shunning, and that's 
just not going to happen. There's no excuse for promoting shunning on a 
public forum, but there are lots of fibs that are really funny - almost 
everyone does it. I mean, if you can't post funny fibs about your 
debating opponents and their guru, then where is the fun?

This is not a truth serum site - as long as you don't cuss, just about 
anything goes, including posting fibs.

On 11/30/2013 8:59 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some 
dangerous territory for yourself as an individual and as a human 
being. Be careful that you do not use the mistaken and erroneous 
notions of your faux friend Barry and your well-intentioned but 
not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into this head space 
of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that is 
characterized by what is real or what is true.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did 
such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my 
opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me 
if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and 
such as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what 
I had been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone 
communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I 
didn't even know how to respond.

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not 
change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to 
fight with everyone.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but 

[FairfieldLife] "Everyone hates GoldieBlox"

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
"First Everyone Loved GoldieBlox. Now Everyone Hates GoldieBlox. What Gives?" 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Missing posts!

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
The best thing to do is get out of posting from the Yahoo site and get 
out of posting using Yahoo Mail. You might try Mozilla Thunderbird - it 
males an excellent news reader. I'm now a big fan of Google Chrome and 
the Chrome browser and Google Mail. It works for me. Yahoo Groups sucks, 
big time these days and I'm not even sure I like Yahoo at all anymore. 
Google Groups makes Yahoo Groups look like an idiot designed it. Go figure.

On 11/30/2013 9:19 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Oh, lord, I've done that too. Just one more feature of this 
infuriatingly incompetently designed and executed interface.*

Salyavin wrote:
Looks like loads of my posts disappeared this week. Also looks like it 
was my fault for pressing the reply button twice instead of the send 
button when I'm done. LOL, Well, they are both big and purple-someone 
should do something about that

Sorry to deprive you of my fascinating (ahem) insights...

Actually, I love your insights. Iam sorry we have been deprived of 
those missing ones...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Patanjali,Vyasa & Shank ar a on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread wgm4u
More then likely Patanjali taught a form of concentration (Dharana) leading to 
meditation (Dhyana) and culminating in Samadhi, this is true Samyama. MMY, and 
more than likely Guru Dev taught  a form of 'japa meditation' which also has a 
noble tradition. 
 With japa one falls asleep and can experience 'conscious sleep' and can 
glimpse pure consciousness. With dharana or concentration one *does not* fall 
asleep but maintains conscious *control* all the way up to Samadhi and the body 
'does not fall' but remains taut or erect in the meditation posture. Though 
more difficult, IMO, it is the superior technique because it is controlled by 
your own will and can be done at will over time. 
 Both techniques are laudable and bring one to Samadhi over time. Swami 
Yogananda teaches Kriya concentration using the life force (prana) to 
interiorize the awareness and awaken the serpent fire which lifts the 
consciousness to the Sahasrara (thousand petaled lotus) in the brain
 MMY never taught the full 8 limbs of Yoga as recommended by Patanjali.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
wgm4u wrote:
 > Maharishi doesn't teach concentration (dharana), Kriya Yoga does! In
 Kriya, it's the concentration that LEADS to a state called meditation
 I would say instead that concentration is ONE method that leads to the
 meditative state. There are many.
 TMers are taught to regard "concentration" as almost a dirty word, and a
 dirtier concept. Their loss, which one tends to see the effects of in
 their spaced-out-ed-ness. IMO both concentration and letting-go
 ("effortlessness") have a role in the practice of meditation.
 Interestingly, I have found the best results through the alternation of
 them, often in the same session. Focus, then letting go. Rinse and
 repeat. Strong, deep, clear meditations as the result, with FAR less
 just sitting there lost in thoughts and thinking one is "meditating."
 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > emptybill@ wrote:
 > Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of
 > YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
 > : deša = locus, place, spot
 > : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
 > : chitta = individual consciousness
 > : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
 > Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or
 “Holding” is the placement of consciousness)
 > Vyasa sez:
 > Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A
 PURELY MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light
 in the head, the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such
 locations; and to external objects.
 > Shankara sez:
 > Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one
 place means binding it there and it is the mind that is to be bound.
 > The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle
 all the vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is
 called the circle of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the
 light in the head. The door of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is
 radiant, and so it is called a light. To the tip of the nose, the tip of
 the tongue, and to other such locations, and to external objects, such
 as the moon. To these the mind is bound.
 > The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without
 being dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process.
 It functions simply as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or
 > YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
 > tatra = therein or “in regard to”
 > pratyaya = idea, notion
 > eka = one
 > tânatâ = extension, stretching
 > (here one-directionality)
 > dhyâna = meditative absorption
 > Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Thanks for the funny reply, Ann - but you did a pretty good job of 
dodging the issue yourself. LoL!

But, if you have read the exchange, you will now have realized that I 
didn't make anything up. So, it looks like Judy told a fib about me 
making all this stuff up. The "echo" messenger got hoisted on her on 
petard. Go figure.

On 11/30/2013 9:20 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

There IS an echo in here - I thought so.

But, did anyone notice how Judy skirted the issue of the name-calling 
in order to win the political debate? Now that's some real obsfucation!

P.S. I stand corrected on the Vaj attribution, but the actual poster, 
Pedro, was my own debating opponent on alt.a.m.t, so that makes it all 
the more interesting. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, authfriend@...  wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and "Pedro" 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a "molusk" for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate.

I am not sure you were trying to be humorous here but this statement 
has proven to be a wonderful moment of morning comic relief - the 
mere idea that having been called a "molusk" (sic) could be 
categorized as "slander". Thank you for that.

 Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that 
proved Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a "troll" and a "liar", and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a "molusk" and "slime" in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is.  What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Patanjali,Vyasa & Shank ar a on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread Share Long
But wgm, many times Maharishi explained how transcending during TM satisfied 
all 8 limbs of yoga!

I've heard through the grapevine that in a recent Batgap interview Igor was 
explaining how important it is to get prana from food.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:02 AM, wgm4u  wrote:
More then likely Patanjali taught a form of concentration (Dharana) leading to 
meditation (Dhyana) and culminating in Samadhi, this is true Samyama. MMY, and 
more than likely Guru Dev taught  a form of 'japa meditation' which also has a 
noble tradition. 
With japa one falls asleep and can experience 'conscious sleep' and can glimpse 
pure consciousness. With dharana or concentration one *does not* fall asleep 
but maintains conscious *control* all the way up to Samadhi and the body 'does 
not fall' but remains taut or erect in the meditation posture. Though more 
difficult, IMO, it is the superior technique because it is controlled by your 
own will and can be done at will over time. 
Both techniques are laudable and bring one to Samadhi over time. Swami 
Yogananda teaches Kriya concentration using the life force (prana) to 
interiorize the awareness and awaken the serpent fire which lifts the 
consciousness to the Sahasrara (thousand petaled lotus) in the brain
MMY never taught the full 8 limbs of Yoga as recommended by Patanjali.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wgm4u  wrote:

>> Maharishi doesn't teach concentration (dharana), Kriya Yoga does! In
>Kriya,  it's the concentration that LEADS to a state called meditation

I would say instead that concentration is ONE method that leads to the
meditative state. There are many.

TMers are taught to regard "concentration" as almost a dirty word, and a
dirtier concept. Their loss, which one tends to see the effects of in
their spaced-out-ed-ness. IMO both concentration and letting-go
("effortlessness") have a role in the practice of meditation.
Interestingly, I have found the best results through the alternation of
them, often in the same session. Focus, then letting go. Rinse and
repeat. Strong, deep, clear meditations as the result, with FAR less
just sitting there lost in thoughts and thinking one is "meditating."

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@ wrote:
>>  Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjaliâs definition of

>>  YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
>>  : deša = locus, place, spot
>>  : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
>>  : chitta = individual consciousness
>>  : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
>>  Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or
>âHoldingâ is the placement of consciousness)

>>  Vyasa sez:
>>  Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A
>PURELY MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light
in the head, the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such
locations; and to external objects.

>>  Shankara sez:
>>  Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one
>place means binding it there and it is the mind that is to be bound.

>>  The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle
>all the vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is
called the circle of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the
light in the head. The door of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is
radiant, and so it is called a light. To the tip of the nose, the tip of
the tongue, and to other such locations, and to external objects, such
as the moon. To these the mind is bound.

>>  The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without
>being dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process.
It functions simply as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or

>>  YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
>> tatra  = therein or âin regard toâ
>> pratyaya  = idea, notion
>> eka = one
>>   tânatâ = extension, stretching
>>   (here one-directionality)
>>   dhyâna = meditative absorption
>>  Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Hopefully Rick as father of the list will be back soon to really clean this FFL 
community place up throwing a few more people off FFL. A bunch of FF meditators 
are out of town right now for Thanksgiving elsewhere.  

 This morning I just got a call from an old meditator from Fairfield leaving a 
recording on my message machine who is over in Detroit visiting Ammachi there. 
Obviously the phone was being held up to hear the singing at the end of the 
bhava. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCJB4gRp_jU 

 If Rick is not off gathering interviews of more illumined folks for Batgap.com 
then he'll proly be home in a day or so too after Thanksgiving elsewhere too.  
He certainly has work cut out for him to piece together here as he gets back.
 -Buck always at home in the Dome

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 It's already way past caring, Ann. The lines have been drawn on this forum 
years ago. 
 And, while Barry is no admirer of mine, Barry at least wants to make the group 
interesting to read. There's probably no one on this list that has done more, 
over a longer period of time, to make this an interesting place to want to be. 
 And, it's not all about Judy - credit where credit is due. 
 On the other hand, Judy wants people to get into shunning, and that's just not 
going to happen. There's no excuse for promoting shunning on a public forum, 
but there are lots of fibs that are really funny - almost everyone does it. I 
mean, if you can't post funny fibs about your debating opponents and their 
guru, then where is the fun? 
 This is not a truth serum site - as long as you don't cuss, just about 
anything goes, including posting fibs.
 On 11/30/2013 8:59 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 
 I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.
 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:
   Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread sharelong60
Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see happen? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When there are no 
sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker members start using 
dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does here. The more people who feel 
safe being dishonest, the more a mythical, false story about the group and its 
members and interactions takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as 
they say, is written by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate 
history need to ensure the liars don't win.

 Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's description 
of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases that Share flatly 
denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds like," which she 
specifically mentions below):



 Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad side well 
before this.

 Share lied:

 > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such 
 > and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it 
 > sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such 
 > and such. She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see 
 > inside my head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and 
 > feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating like that. It was 
 > like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

> I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
> fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with 
> everyone.



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread sharelong60
Thanks, Ann, I trust most of the posters here and or enjoy their posts. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true.

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.

 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see

How do you feel -- personally, emotionally, and morally -- about
waterboarding?   :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote:
>  See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When
there are no sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker
members start using dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does
here. The more people who feel safe being dishonest, the more a
mythical, false story about the group and its members and interactions
takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as they say, is written
by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate history need
to ensure the liars don't win.
>  Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's
description of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases
that Share flatly denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds
like," which she specifically mentions below):
>  Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad
side well before this.
>  Share lied:
>  > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I
did such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my
opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me
if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and such
as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what I had
been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating
like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even
know how to respond.
> > I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not
change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to
fight with everyone.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Share Long
turq, I'm agin it on all levels. And I don't think Ms. Stein really knows what 
she hopes to accomplish by all this harassing and name calling. 

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:31 AM, TurquoiseB  
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see

How do you feel -- personally, emotionally, and morally -- about
waterboarding?   :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote:
>  See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When
there are no sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker
members start using dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does
here. The more people who feel safe being dishonest, the more a
mythical, false story about the group and its members and interactions
takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as they say, is written
by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate history need
to ensure the liars don't win.
>  Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's
description of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases
that Share flatly denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds
like," which she specifically mentions below):
>  Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad
side well before this.
>  Share lied:
>  > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I
did such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my
opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me
if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and such
as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what I had
been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating
like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even
know how to respond.
> > I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not
change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to
fight with everyone.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 It's already way past caring, Ann. The lines have been drawn on this forum 
years ago. 

 I am not sure of which "caring" you are speaking about Richard but I think 
there is a lot of caring going on here every day. I am not necessarily talking 
about the "caring" that is characterized by gentleness and softness but 
everyone here cares about something when posting here at FFL whether it is 
getting their viewpoint across, correcting erroneous assumptions or having the 
desire to back someone else up. I think to "care" is to somehow value or to be 
attached to.
 And, while Barry is no admirer of mine, Barry at least wants to make the group 
interesting to read. There's probably no one on this list that has done more, 
over a longer period of time, to make this an interesting place to want to be. 

 I agree that Barry can interject some varied subjects and some of these are 
worth reading and exploring as they often include links to other sites and 
feeds. Often he uses these to turn things back onto those participating here at 
FFL and more often he uses these things as a springboard to toot his own horn 
all of which is fine. However, his negativity and delight in perpetuating 
dissension and nurturing old grudges can be really tiresome so that pretty much 
tips the scales for me. However, Barry is not the focus for me in my daily life 
and so I can easily leave him on the computer screen.
 And, it's not all about Judy - credit where credit is due. 
 On the other hand, Judy wants people to get into shunning, and that's just not 
going to happen.

 This is not a statement that resonates with me Richard and I think you need to 
look beyond your own frustration with your history with her to realize this is 
not true. I find that Judy has her own opinions and reactions to what she reads 
here and I think she has an adverse reaction to the twisting of facts and the 
manipulation of things. Others have a greater tolerance of these things so they 
find it annoying when she points them out or addresses them. That is my 
perception anyway. Because I am similar to her in my dislike for these same 
actions or characteristics I rather see her presence here as courageous and 

  There's no excuse for promoting shunning on a public forum, but there are 
lots of fibs that are really funny - almost everyone does it. I mean, if you 
can't post funny fibs about your debating opponents and their guru, then where 
is the fun? 

 No one is promoting "shunning. However we can all figure out that no one can 
really convince another of anything. We all seem to have our ideas and our ways 
of living our lives that you or me or Judy or anyone else can't budge or alter 
and you know this and I know this.
 This is not a truth serum site - as long as you don't cuss, just about 
anything goes, including posting fibs.
 On 11/30/2013 8:59 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 
 I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.
 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB  
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:
   Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGH

[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> turq, I'm agin it on all levels. And I don't think Ms. Stein really
knows what she hopes to accomplish by all this harassing and name

The "payoff" for her is attention. She's never had the intelligence,
creativity, or humanity to gain it from any means other than getting
people to argue with her, so she continues to use the methods that have
worked for her in the past.

If she had interesting things going on in her mundane life, she'd write
about them. If she had interesting things going on in her spiritual
life, she'd write about them. If she had anything to *contribute*, she'd
be contributing.

Instead, she picks "enemies" and stalks them.

Go figure. I sure hope the attention she feels she gets from this is
worth it. Seems to me it would have been SO much easier just to be

> On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:31 AM, TurquoiseB turquoiseb@...
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see
> happen?
> How do you feel -- personally, emotionally, and morally -- about
> waterboarding?   :-)
> > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote:
> >
> >  See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When
> there are no sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the
> members start using dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does
> here. The more people who feel safe being dishonest, the more a
> mythical, false story about the group and its members and interactions
> takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as they say, is
> by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate history
> to ensure the liars don't win.
> >
> >  Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's
> description of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases
> that Share flatly denies it contained--including, ironically, "it
> like," which she specifically mentions below):
> >
> >
> 319521
> >
> >  Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad
> side well before this.
> >
> >
> >  Share lied:
> >
> >  > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I
> did such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my
> opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me
> if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and
> as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what I had
> been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone
> like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even
> know how to respond.
> >
> > > I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not
> change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to
> fight with everyone.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Missing posts!

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
I replied twice to Lawson's post on TM research.  Neither showed up (the 
second was just a repost a day later of the same).  I might suspect that 
because Lawson had a lot of links in the post it might have gotten 
trapped somewhere in the Yahooverse.  I read of posts on various sites 
including Groups support about delayed posts.  Fingers were all pointing 
different directions.

I suspect Groups has a lot of "kid" programming in it and very difficult 
to repair.  AT&T's mail support forum had post but they're so stupid 
about  their  forum  that you have to be logged in to just read posts.  
Someone at that company doesn't know you SAVE money by making forums 
open for reading.  I had no intention of posting on it but wanted to 
read the thread.

On 11/29/2013 11:35 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

Looks like loads of my posts disappeared this week. Also looks like it 
was my fault for pressing the reply button twice instead of the send 
button when I'm done. LOL, Well, they are both big and purple-someone 
should do something about that

Sorry to deprive you of my fascinating (ahem) insights...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu

On 11/29/2013 10:41 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
what the worst part is?

She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
*her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?

Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.

Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

You mean like this :-D

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
On other forums I've been on, dishonest posts were criticized and the dishonest 
posters taken severely to task by the rest of the group. (On moderated forums, 
repeat offenders were warned once or twice, then thrown off the forum if the 
bad behavior continued. I don't recommend that for FFL; I think strong 
community disapproval would greatly reduce the dishonesty quotient. I mention 
banning only to point out that many folks consider dishonesty to be utterly 

 Is that clear enough for you? This is a supposedly spiritually oriented forum. 
It seems to me that if spirituality is about anything, it's about being 
truthful. If honesty isn't held as a value, what can it possibly mean to be 

 I note that you have not commented on the exposure of the dishonesty in your 
recent post quoted below. Should I assume this means you think it was perfectly 
OK to describe it knowingly inaccurately?

 Share wondered:
 > Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see happen? 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When there are no 
sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker members start using 
dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does here. The more people who feel 
safe being dishonest, the more a mythical, false story about the group and its 
members and interactions takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as 
they say, is written by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate 
history need to ensure the liars don't win.

 Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's description 
of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases that Share flatly 
denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds like," which she 
specifically mentions below):



 Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad side well 
before this.

 Share lied:

 > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such 
 > and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it 
 > sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such 
 > and such. She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see 
 > inside my head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and 
 > feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating like that. It was 
 > like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

> I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
> fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with 
> everyone.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu

Wouldn't put it past Monsanto to pay to have it discredited.

Apparently glyphosate which is used in RoundUp is also used to sprayed 
on fruits and vegetables to shorten ripening time.  This chemical has 
been linked to "leaky gut syndrome" and also has the effect of shutting 
off "feeling full" when one has eaten.

Time to "roundup" the Monsanto execs and try them for mass murder.

On 11/30/2013 03:09 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

The publisher of a controversial and much-criticized study suggesting 
genetically modified corn caused tumors in rats has withdrawn the 
paper after a year-long investigation found it did not meet scientific 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
Some people on FFL forget it's just a chat group.  People express 
opinions and not dissertations.  I suspect in some families of academics 
heads were patted if the children did exhaustive research before 
discussing anything. Patting on the head too much might have resulted in 
some brain damage.  That's the "well actually" syndrome that you and I 
observe with some obnoxious techies.

On 11/30/2013 06:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.

* Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.

* Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
it despite my corrections, they're LYING.

* Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.

* Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and

* Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!

* Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
agree with me, of course.

* Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
Richard for the template.

* Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.

* Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
LIE of the basest sort.


[ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Bhairitu speculated:
 > Wouldn't put it past Monsanto to pay to have it discredited.

 Don't think even Monsanto could arrange all this:

 "At the time of its original publication, hundreds of scientists across the 
world questioned Seralini's research, which said rats fed Monsanto's GM corn 
had suffered tumors and multiple organ failure.

"The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a statement in November 2012 
saying the study by Seralini, who was based at France's University of Caen, had 
serious defects in design and methodology and did not meet acceptable 
scientific standards."

"Within weeks of its appearance in the peer-reviewed journal, more than 700 
scientists had signed an online petition calling on Seralini to release all the 
data from his research."


 > Apparently glyphosate which is used in RoundUp is also used to sprayed on 
 > fruits and vegetables to 
 > shorten ripening time.  This chemical has been linked to "leaky gut 
 > syndrome" and also has the effect of 
 > shutting off "feeling full" when one has eaten.

> Time to "roundup" the Monsanto execs and try them for mass murder.

 I'm for that. (Many years ago I worked for an advertising agency on the 
Roundup account. At the time nobody knew anything--or at least were saying 
anything I ever heard--about the evils of Monsanto and its products. But I've 
always felt guilty about my part, however small, in promoting it.) 
 On 11/30/2013 03:09 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 The publisher of a controversial and much-criticized study suggesting 
genetically modified corn caused tumors in rats has withdrawn the paper after a 
year-long investigation found it did not meet scientific standards.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Bhairitu wrote:
 > Some people on FFL forget it's just a chat group.  People express opinions 
 > and not 
 > dissertations.

 Some people also lie about all kinds of things, including other participants.

 > I suspect in some families of academics heads were patted if the children 
 > did exhaustive research before 
 > discussing anything.

 Funny, not in my family.



 Patting on the head too much might have resulted in some brain damage.  That's 
the "well actually" syndrome that you and I observe with some obnoxious techies.



[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
Yet another thoroughly and deliberately dishonest post from Barry, as anyone 
who has followed my posts over the years knows.

 I have plenty of interesting things going on in my "mundane" and spiritual 
lives. They are not, however, things that I would want to write about on this 
forum, for various reasons, including some that should be obvious.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Share Long wrote:
 > turq, I'm agin it on all levels. And I don't think Ms. Stein really
 knows what she hopes to accomplish by all this harassing and name
 The "payoff" for her is attention. She's never had the intelligence,
 creativity, or humanity to gain it from any means other than getting
 people to argue with her, so she continues to use the methods that have
 worked for her in the past.
 If she had interesting things going on in her mundane life, she'd write
 about them. If she had interesting things going on in her spiritual
 life, she'd write about them. If she had anything to *contribute*, she'd
 be contributing.
 Instead, she picks "enemies" and stalks them.
 Go figure. I sure hope the attention she feels she gets from this is
 worth it. Seems to me it would have been SO much easier just to be
 > On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:31 AM, TurquoiseB turquoiseb@...
 > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > wrote:
 > >
 > > Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see
 > happen?
 > How do you feel -- personally, emotionally, and morally -- about
 > waterboarding? :-)
 > > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > > authfriend@ wrote:
 > >
 > > See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When
 > there are no sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the
 > members start using dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does
 > here. The more people who feel safe being dishonest, the more a
 > mythical, false story about the group and its members and interactions
 > takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as they say, is
 > by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate history
 > to ensure the liars don't win.
 > >
 > > Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's
 > description of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases
 > that Share flatly denies it contained--including, ironically, "it
 > like," which she specifically mentions below):
 > >
 > >
 > 319521
 > >
 > > Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad
 > side well before this.
 > >
 > >
 > > Share lied:
 > >
 > > > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I
 > did such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my
 > opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me
 > if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and
 > as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what I had
 > been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone
 > like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even
 > know how to respond.
 > >
 > > > I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not
 > change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to
 > fight with everyone.
 > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Some people on FFL forget it's just a chat group.

That should be the mantra of Fairfield Life:


The TM "advanced technique" version would be:






[FairfieldLife] RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread doctordumbass
Barry, You have probably spent more time analyzing, responding to, and just 
plain day-dreaming, about Judy, than I have about my wife, and we live under 
the same roof. Scary shit, though I will definitely leave it to you, as I'd 
rather spend my time in Reality - no offense.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
 Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
 example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
 other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
 because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
 LIE of the basest sort.
 [ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
 written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
 saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
 Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

[FairfieldLife] Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread jr_esq
This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
Dear Feste, good morning to you too.  Did your girlfriend stay over?  Wait, 
that's kind of personal, I don't really want to know...just joshin' you.  I 
totally understand how you would come to the conclusion you have about 
Sharester - she is what I call an "uber passive aggressive" type.  Her 
initiates plenty towards Judy; hence my begging her to leave Judy alone and 
come after me when she's feeling like expressing some of her anger 
inappropriately.  It *is* my turn, after all.  She's too scared though.  She 
knows I'll ask her how she's feeling and that will upset her thought process.  
Smile. She's not the kind of woman to act on her own and she's not clear when 
it comes to me who her backup is.  No matter, the offer stands. I don't blame 
someone either for choosing to hit back...but gratuitous sucker punches and 
back stabs are a cowardly way to do it, imho.  Have a good day.  Post some 
opera maybe?  Sincerely, Em

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Good morning, Em, My perception of the situation is that Share may respond to 
attacks but does not, for the most part, initiate them. She is more sinned 
against than sinning. I don't blame someone if they choose sometimes to hit 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dear Feste, this is an example of a letter, you as a good friend, should have 
addressed to Share, IMHO. Switch out the name "Share" for Judy or Ann, and 
you've got a letter to deliver to your friend Share.  Stated gently with loving 
kindness and concern for her well-being as a human being, of course.  

 All you said about her vile post to Ann was something like (and I 
paraphrase)"I didn't particularly care for it, but she's a friend of mine 
and I am loyal to my friends."  Really?  I gave Ravi a bigger ration of shit 
than that and he gave me one as well.  And, I've only met him once.  

 Personally, I depend on my friends that I know in the flesh to tell me the 
truth and I do the same with them, and we respect and love and trust each other 
enough to do it and work on owning our own shit. 

 Blind loyalty is a waste of time. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You are as responsible as anyone else for creating an atmosphere of "mutual 
disrespect." Do you behave like this in your real, day-to-day life? Is that how 
you talk to people? I don't think so. The real dishonesty, the real lie, comes 
from you. I think you are dishonest with yourself. I suspect that the truth, as 
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, is that you enjoy being mean. You enjoy 
hitting out at other people. My guess is that doing so assuages some of the 
anger that you feel and gives you some kind of safety valve that you find 
satisfying. You concoct this fake issue of dishonesty and pretend to yourself 
that you are the virtuous one, standing up for what is right. Unfortunately, 
the reality is that you are a person in the grip of some very deep-rooted 
obsessions that make you very difficult and unpleasant to deal with. Your 
behavior toward Share is a disgrace. It amounts to harassment, and I don't 
think this forum should put up with it. You wouldn't be able to do it on 
Facebook, yet you think you can do it here. You should either change your 
behavior or unsubscribe. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So you think lying is fine too?

 As I've said before, most folks here are honest. But there are still several 
Bad Apples (fortunately some of the worst ones have left) who have no 
inhibitions about lying--in particular, about other FFL members they don't 
like--and I think that is terribly destructive. It's the essence of unkindness. 
And it's hardly a matter of "old grudges" when it continues to this day.

 I have never been on a Web forum where lying was so complacently tolerated. 
But it breeds mutual disrespect and lowers standards of civility generally. I 
would be willing to bet that if there were less tolerance for lying, there 
would be a lot less unkindness overall.

 As I've said many times before, life is tough enough when everyone is doing 
their absolute damndest to be as honest as they possibly can. There's no excuse 
for making it tougher.

 IMHO, of course.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I think people are pretty honest here. The only person who obsesses about 
lying is you. Your question to Buck is of course just a way of sidestepping the 
issue of "perpetual unkindness." I can see why you would want to do that, since 
you are the principal purveyor of it. You need to let go of all these old 
grudges and obsessions. They are negative attachments that do not serve you 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How about the lying? You never mention the lying, Buck. Does that mean you 
think it's OK to lie? 
Buck huffed:

 You can't even hardly invite any civilized person to visit here to FFL with 
what perpetual unkindness has taken over here on thi

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread steve.sundur
 Now that was pretty funny.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
> Some people on FFL forget it's just a chat group. 

 That should be the mantra of Fairfield Life:


 The TM "advanced technique" version would be:





[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
That would be *she* initiates plentyalthough I kinda like "Her. Initiates. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dear Feste, good morning to you too.  Did your girlfriend stay over?  Wait, 
that's kind of personal, I don't really want to know...just joshin' you.  I 
totally understand how you would come to the conclusion you have about 
Sharester - she is what I call an "uber passive aggressive" type.  Her 
initiates plenty towards Judy; hence my begging her to leave Judy alone and 
come after me when she's feeling like expressing some of her anger 
inappropriately.  It *is* my turn, after all.  She's too scared though.  She 
knows I'll ask her how she's feeling and that will upset her thought process.  
Smile. She's not the kind of woman to act on her own and she's not clear when 
it comes to me who her backup is.  No matter, the offer stands. I don't blame 
someone either for choosing to hit back...but gratuitous sucker punches and 
back stabs are a cowardly way to do it, imho.  Have a good day.  Post some 
opera maybe?  Sincerely, Em

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Good morning, Em, My perception of the situation is that Share may respond to 
attacks but does not, for the most part, initiate them. She is more sinned 
against than sinning. I don't blame someone if they choose sometimes to hit 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dear Feste, this is an example of a letter, you as a good friend, should have 
addressed to Share, IMHO. Switch out the name "Share" for Judy or Ann, and 
you've got a letter to deliver to your friend Share.  Stated gently with loving 
kindness and concern for her well-being as a human being, of course.  

 All you said about her vile post to Ann was something like (and I 
paraphrase)"I didn't particularly care for it, but she's a friend of mine 
and I am loyal to my friends."  Really?  I gave Ravi a bigger ration of shit 
than that and he gave me one as well.  And, I've only met him once.  

 Personally, I depend on my friends that I know in the flesh to tell me the 
truth and I do the same with them, and we respect and love and trust each other 
enough to do it and work on owning our own shit. 

 Blind loyalty is a waste of time. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You are as responsible as anyone else for creating an atmosphere of "mutual 
disrespect." Do you behave like this in your real, day-to-day life? Is that how 
you talk to people? I don't think so. The real dishonesty, the real lie, comes 
from you. I think you are dishonest with yourself. I suspect that the truth, as 
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, is that you enjoy being mean. You enjoy 
hitting out at other people. My guess is that doing so assuages some of the 
anger that you feel and gives you some kind of safety valve that you find 
satisfying. You concoct this fake issue of dishonesty and pretend to yourself 
that you are the virtuous one, standing up for what is right. Unfortunately, 
the reality is that you are a person in the grip of some very deep-rooted 
obsessions that make you very difficult and unpleasant to deal with. Your 
behavior toward Share is a disgrace. It amounts to harassment, and I don't 
think this forum should put up with it. You wouldn't be able to do it on 
Facebook, yet you think you can do it here. You should either change your 
behavior or unsubscribe. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So you think lying is fine too?

 As I've said before, most folks here are honest. But there are still several 
Bad Apples (fortunately some of the worst ones have left) who have no 
inhibitions about lying--in particular, about other FFL members they don't 
like--and I think that is terribly destructive. It's the essence of unkindness. 
And it's hardly a matter of "old grudges" when it continues to this day.

 I have never been on a Web forum where lying was so complacently tolerated. 
But it breeds mutual disrespect and lowers standards of civility generally. I 
would be willing to bet that if there were less tolerance for lying, there 
would be a lot less unkindness overall.

 As I've said many times before, life is tough enough when everyone is doing 
their absolute damndest to be as honest as they possibly can. There's no excuse 
for making it tougher.

 IMHO, of course.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I think people are pretty honest here. The only person who obsesses about 
lying is you. Your question to Buck is of course just a way of sidestepping the 
issue of "perpetual unkindness." I can see why you would want to do that, since 
you are the principal purveyor of it. You need to let go of all these old 
grudges and obsessions. They are negative attachments that do not serve you 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 How about the lying? You never mention the lying, Buck. Does that mean you 
think it's OK to lie? 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
It's interesting, I put up that "Barry's Fantasy Image of Judy" photo years ago 
to make a little fun of him, but he apparently took it quite seriously and 
almost immediately became obsessed with the image, reposting it over and over 
and even fantasizing it as a crop circle. By this time, it seems to have taken 
over his brain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, You have probably spent more time analyzing, responding to, and just 
plain day-dreaming, about Judy, than I have about my wife, and we live under 
the same roof. Scary shit, though I will definitely leave it to you, as I'd 
rather spend my time in Reality - no offense.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
 Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
 example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
 other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
 because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
 LIE of the basest sort.
 [ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
 written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
 saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
 Truth she claims to care so much about. ]

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread anartaxius
There are certain people here who understand that deception goes to the heart 
of existence. In Indian traditions, we have a couple of examples. The main one 

 The world is illusion, only Brahman is real, the world is Brahman. That is, 
everything is a lie through and through, and at the same time, truth.

 And from the Mahabharata:

 After King Drupada and King Virata were slain by Drona, Bhima, and 
Dhristadyumna fought him on the fifteenth day. Because Drona was very powerful 
and inconquerable having the irresistible brahmadanda, Krishna hinted to 
Yudhisthira that Drona would give up his arms if his son Ashwathama was dead. 
Bhima proceeded to kill an elephant named Ashwathama, and loudly proclaimed 
that Ashwathama was dead. Drona approached Yudhisthira to seek the truth of his 
son's death. Yudhisthira proclaimed 'Ashwathama Hatahath, naro va Kunjaro va', 
implying Ashwathama had died but he was nor sure whether it was a Drona's son 
or an elephant, The latter part of his proclamation (Naro va Kunjaro va) were 
drowned out by sound of the conch blown by Krishna intentionally (a different 
version of the story is that Yudhisthira pronounced the last words so feebly 
that Drona could not hear the word elephant). Prior to this incident, the 
chariot of Yudhisthira, proclaimed as Dharma raja (King of righteousness), 
hovered a few inches off the ground. After the event, the chariot landed on the 
ground as he lied.

 Goody goody spiritual types or crusaders try to ignore this and claim that 
this deception somehow does not spring from the eternal, which creates a 
logically unbalanced and delusionary version of existence by denying parity 
among the pairs of opposites such as good and evil; truth and falsehood. The 
peace that passes understanding is not a matter of good and evil or truth and 
lies, it is experiencing how these divergent characteristics are related within 
the entire range of experience.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Just address them by their true pronoun descriptor ... it. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread authfriend
I just adore that piece. Everyone should read it at least once a year. Thanks 
for providing this year's read, Emily.

 I would so like to have had Mr. Church's babies. (And look at his picture! 
That is a miraculous mustache.)



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread jr_esq
Some people would probably take that as an offense since "it" applies to an 
inanimate being or something impersonal.  But I do have a problem with 
addressing one person as "they".  Some people may find this as rude and a 
violation of good etiquette.

 Nonetheless, there are some languages in the world where the pronouns are 
genderless as part of their accepted grammatical rules. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just address them by their true pronoun descriptor ... it. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Patanjali,Vyasa & Shank ara on Dhâranâ & Dhyâna

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
 The key here seems to be recognition. Recognizing that "I have been lost in 
thoughts", (note the post tense) occurs after the "spontaneous" returning of 
attention to the present moment of cognizance. This recognition is not, in 
itself, an act of choice but is in essence a remembrance impelled by the 
previous decision to retain a particular thought (whether mantra or sutra). 
“Remembrance” in this particular context, means the consequent recollection of 
a previous thought as the result of a prior intention.
 Patanjali address “remembering” directly in sutra 11 of the first chapter:
 YS 1.11 remembering is the non-stealing away of the experienced object. The 
"stealer" can be just another thought. 

 Someone might claim that different meditation techniques target fundamentally 
different types of human cognizance. However, such a proposal is an 
unsupportable claim. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
wgm4u wrote:
 > Maharishi doesn't teach concentration (dharana), Kriya Yoga does! In
 Kriya, it's the concentration that LEADS to a state called meditation
 I would say instead that concentration is ONE method that leads to the
 meditative state. There are many.
 TMers are taught to regard "concentration" as almost a dirty word, and a
 dirtier concept. Their loss, which one tends to see the effects of in
 their spaced-out-ed-ness. IMO both concentration and letting-go
 ("effortlessness") have a role in the practice of meditation.
 Interestingly, I have found the best results through the alternation of
 them, often in the same session. Focus, then letting go. Rinse and
 repeat. Strong, deep, clear meditations as the result, with FAR less
 just sitting there lost in thoughts and thinking one is "meditating."
 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > emptybill@ wrote:
 > Here is proof that MMY adhered to Patanjali’s definition of
 > YS 3.1 deša-bandhaš-cittasya-dhâranâ
 > : deša = locus, place, spot
 > : bandha = bind, fasten, cohere
 > : chitta = individual consciousness
 > : dhâranâ = holding, focusing
 > Dhâranâ is binding the mind to a place (or
 “Holding” is the placement of consciousness)
 > Vyasa sez:
 > Dharana is binding the mind to a place. It is binding the mind, AS A
 PURELY MENTAL PROCESS, to the navel circle, the heart lotus, the light
 in the head, the tip of the nose, the tip of the tongue, and other such
 locations; and to external objects.
 > Shankara sez:
 > Dhâranâ is binding the mind to one place. Binding to one
 place means binding it there and it is the mind that is to be bound.
 > The commentator (Vyasa) gives details, binding to the navel circle
 all the vital currents meet there in the form of a circle, so it is
 called the circle of the navel. On the form of the heart lotus, the
 light in the head. The door of the nadi nerve-channel of the head is
 radiant, and so it is called a light. To the tip of the nose, the tip of
 the tongue, and to other such locations, and to external objects, such
 as the moon. To these the mind is bound.
 > The mental process (vritti) of the mind, held in those places without
 being dispersed, is called dhâranâ, as a purely mental process.
 It functions simply as the IDEA of that place without any disturbance or
 > YS 3.2 tatra pratyaya-ekatânatâ dhyânam
 > tatra = therein or “in regard to”
 > pratyaya = idea, notion
 > eka = one
 > tânatâ = extension, stretching
 > (here one-directionality)
 > dhyâna = meditative absorption
 > Continuity of the mind there is meditation.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread feste37
It's standard practice on the Web. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 00000000, right

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams

*Judy /fibbed/:*
*> This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up...
*The key word in your message is "ALL" - so this message you sent is a 
lie. I did not make ALL of this up, most of it is in the archives. Judy 
posted a fib - now she owns it. Apologize or you will be warned about 
posting fibs to this discussion group.

On 11/30/2013 8:02 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. 
(But HINT: Read the exchange on alt.m.t at the URL. **Oh, and "Pedro" 
was not Vaj; he was a crazy fundamentalist Christian who infested 
alt.m.t for a while. Nor have I ever denied I'm a partisan liberal 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

There is one thing you will never see from Judy - she will absolutely 
never admit that she was in error or that she is a partisan politico. 
She's been doing this for fifteen years on internet discussion groups.

In one hilarious exchange, years ago on Usenet, I posted a link to a 
Gallup Poll showing the Bush job approval rating. After Judy disputed 
my statement, I went back three times to check the results of the 
poll. In desperation, Judy's last statement was something to the 
effect that I was was a "molusk" for posting a link to a poll that 
proved the opposite of what I was saying. Go figure.

At that point, I realized that this lady was so invested in winning a 
debate that she would stoop to outright slander in order win a debate. 
Never mind the facts of the poll, I'm just pointing out the typical 
style of argument Judy uses to demean her debating opponent. What's 
interesting about this exchange is that Pedro (Vaj) saw right through 
Judy's posing as a political pundit and even posted a note that proved 
Judy's overt partisanship. LoL!

That's about the time Judy stopped commenting on any of my posts, 
except for calling me a "troll" and a "liar", and became an ECHO, 
trying to get everyone else to shun me - because I had dared to 
dispute her political view. Go figure.

Look, I'm not stupid and I can read the newspaper and I'll always 
admit when I'm dead wrong about the political facts. The actual 
graphic is no longer online, but you can get the jist of the 
conversation below.

Judy's last resort when she is losing a debate is to post an echo and 
ad hominem. In this case, I became a "molusk" and "slime" in a 
political debate. Now that's classy!

From the Usenet archives:

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 12:46:42 PST

I take it back, a mollusk is smarter than he is. What's the next
step down the evolutionary ladder from a mollusk?  No, make it
three or four steps down.  Not quite to slime mold, but close.

From: Judy Stein
Subject: Re: OT: Bush Approval 49%
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2004-06-16 20:28:53 PST

I'm wrong again, he *has* made it to slime mold.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] Master Masons

2013-11-30 Thread Richard Williams
How many Master Masons does it take to set a flagpole upright?

[image: Inline image 1]

Re: [FairfieldLife] What I Did Today

2013-11-30 Thread Richard Williams
Today we went to this place:

[image: Inline image 1]

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Today I went to this place:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> Yesterday we also went to Whole Foods and had a nice salad. They have got
>> to have the very best salad bar in the whole town!
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Share Long wrote:
>>> Richard, yesterday I went to Coldwater Creek in Annapolis Town Center. I
>>> got my Mom a tunic length blouse for her birthday. It's a beautiful paisley
>>> print in black on white. But it's a little too small so we'll take it back
>>> today after lunch. I'm taking her and my sister to Brio's for lunch, also
>>> in Annapolis Town Center. People are calling my Mom this morning to wish
>>> her Happy Birthday. She's 83 and still zips around pretty well. Actually
>>> her foot can be a little heavy on the pedal but I just close my eyes LOL!
>>>   On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:47 PM, Richard Williams <
>>> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Today we went back to this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> My Whole Foods has lots of dried fruit and nuts:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Share Long wrote:
>>>  Soon, Richard, I'll be going to the Whole Foods in Annapolis. They
>>> have TWO kinds of quinoa concoctions at the salad bar. How many different
>>> kinds of quinoa salad does your Whole Foods have?
>>> PS I LOVE these photos of the different places you visit or drive by!
>>>   On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:25 PM, Richard Williams <
>>> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Tonight we went to this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> Today I drove by this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Richard Williams >> > wrote:
>>> This morning I went to this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> On  the way home from the store I visited this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> There;s a rock and roll running marathon here today and there having a
>>> Formula Grand Prix race up in Austin.
>>> But, I went to this place today:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> Today I went by this place. What are those people all lined up for,
>>> waiting for days?
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Richard Williams 
>>> wrote:
>>> Later today I drove past this place:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>>   There's an app for this:
>>> https://twitter.com/
>>> I'm sure everyone on FFL will sign up for your tweets.
>>> On 11/15/2013 12:07 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>>> Alright, I'm back on the discussion board; sorry for the delay but I had
>>> to go here::
>>>  [image: Inline image 1]

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-30 Thread dhamiltony2k5
I fear for the way the Settle grant now opens us up to ridicule in paying 
people to 'hop'. The Grant is too much about ridicule now in the community. For 
the larger reason of positively sustaining the dome meditation numbers it is 
just time now to phase transition the grant out. It was an honorable thing the 
Settles did in supporting the American Assembly but it has gotten twisted now. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  But it is proly time to just stop with the Howard Settle grant program. In 
effect it is being counter-productive to the Dome numbers for all the bad 
feeling it creates now in the larger meditating community, except of course to 
the benefit of a few tru-believers being paid to 'hop' for the longer rounds..
 In context it actually could probably be better for the Dome numbers if they'd 
just phase transition the Settle grant program out. Could be a really good gift 
in public relations if they should take whatever Howard Settle grant money 
amount is in for one final month and go back to paying all the old Settle grant 
people attending a gift pro-rated based on their Dome meditation attendance for 
that month. Would be a acknowledgment and nice thank you for the years of 
dedication that quite a few performed on the Assembly. And then do away with 
paying people to 'hop'. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yes, old bones, that is a communal rub that really hurts some morale 
(feelings) of some old dedicated meditators that had come here to be in a big 
group meditation. That before were people having number one great experiences 
who were being subsidized to be in the Domes with the original Settle grant 
program are dropped from the grant program for other people who can perform 
'hopping' and keep that performance up. The Settle granting as it is now is not 
necessarily all good in effect on the Dome numbers. From interviewing folks 
around it could be argued that paying for 'hopping' is actually 
counter-productive to the overall numbers. Could proly be better to just skip 
the grant program and go back to having people meditating the program out 
according to their experience. -Buck 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I'm too old to bounce very high and if after program James Beddinger or some 
other jack ass gave me some crap about my hopping I would go to jail for 
kicking his ass.
 > wrote:

  I look forward to the group meditating.
 It's a fabulous place
 to meditate for the field effect that is there. You should
 come back
 some time and within join the group meditating.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 It doesn't
 bother you that people are being taken to task for not
 hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program
 was SUPPOSED to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What
 happened to that? If indeed this is taking place inside and
 out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental
 basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes,
 and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
 doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
 people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
 then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
 fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past
 statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
 continually being re-buried by practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13, 

 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for
 Other people who before
 were there for having great and powerful meditation in the
 Domes may see
 it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance
 money, as another corruption of money. People see it
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a
 little more
 disciplined sitting up in meditation now and attending to
 technique and adding to the gr

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
And to keep you in the right frame of mind, one can never hear this too often 
during the holiday season.  Can you believe "he" wrote this in 24 days!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Rather than an insightful insult, consider "it" an epiphanym. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Some people would probably take that as an offense since "it" applies to an 
inanimate being or something impersonal.  But I do have a problem with 
addressing one person as "they".  Some people may find this as rude and a 
violation of good etiquette.

 Nonetheless, there are some languages in the world where the pronouns are 
genderless as part of their accepted grammatical rules. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just address them by their true pronoun descriptor ... it. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 



[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 Bless you Em, for positing this. I loved it and have never seen it before. It 
certainly speaks to much of what I am thinking about these days and what much 
of this forum could be about. http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...

[FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Perhaps you'd be happier discussing your prayer practice here ...

 http://forums.catholic.com/ http://forums.catholic.com/







---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...


[FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Better yet, go here to learn why you should never do Transcendental Meditation. 
You'll see why how lucky you were to be saved from this danger.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Perhaps you'd be happier discussing your prayer practice here ...

 http://forums.catholic.com/ http://forums.catholic.com/







 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...



Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Stein's Definition Of What Constitutes A LIE

2013-11-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Keep up the good work, Share. If you're lucky, Judy will start ignoring 
you like she ignores me. It may take a few years, but it worked for me. 
Now all I get is an echo. LoL!

On 11/30/2013 10:34 AM, Share Long wrote:
turq, I'm agin it on all levels. And I don't think Ms. Stein really 
knows what she hopes to accomplish by all this harassing and name 

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 10:31 AM, TurquoiseB 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> Judy, what's the action step? What is it that you'd like to see

How do you feel -- personally, emotionally, and morally -- about
waterboarding? :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote:
> See, this is what happens when a group tolerates dishonesty. When
there are no sanctions against it, not even disapproval, even the weaker
members start using dishonesty to justify themselves, as Share does
here. The more people who feel safe being dishonest, the more a
mythical, false story about the group and its members and interactions
takes shape and displaces the real one. History, as they say, is written
by the winners, so those who care about having an accurate history need
to ensure the liars don't win.
> Here's the post in question; decide for yourselves whether Share's
description of it below is truthful (note the many qualifying phrases
that Share flatly denies it contained--including, ironically, "it sounds
like," which she specifically mentions below):
> Plus which, as I've pointed out before, Share had gotten on my bad
side well before this.
> Share lied:
> > Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I
did such and such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my
opinion or it sounds like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me
if I was doing such and such. She just declared that I did such and such
as if she could see inside my head and know, without error, what I had
been thinking and feeling. I had never experienced someone communicating
like that. It was like a foreign language and as such, I didn't even
know how to respond.
> > I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not
change. In fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to
fight with everyone.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emilymaenot
"Listen and attend with the ear of your heart."

 Saint Benedict 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Perhaps you'd be happier discussing your prayer practice here ...

 http://forums.catholic.com/ http://forums.catholic.com/







 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...


RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-30 Thread dhamiltony2k5
There's usually about 300 attenders in the men's Dome and about that or less 
than that in the women's Dome, some people hold up out in Vedic City, and about 
650 pundits meditating out where they are. Hence synched together in places 
separately it's over a thousand and more on good days. Evidently there are only 
about 50 people on the Howard Settle grant program between the two Domes. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 I fear for the way the Settle grant now opens us up to ridicule in paying 
people to 'hop'. The Grant is too much about ridicule now in the community. For 
the larger reason of positively sustaining the dome meditation numbers it is 
just time now to phase transition the grant out. It was an honorable thing the 
Settles did in supporting the American Assembly but it has gotten twisted now. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  But it is proly time to just stop with the Howard Settle grant program. In 
effect it is being counter-productive to the Dome numbers for all the bad 
feeling it creates now in the larger meditating community, except of course to 
the benefit of a few tru-believers being paid to 'hop' for the longer rounds..
 In context it actually could probably be better for the Dome numbers if they'd 
just phase transition the Settle grant program out. Could be a really good gift 
in public relations if they should take whatever Howard Settle grant money 
amount is in for one final month and go back to paying all the old Settle grant 
people attending a gift pro-rated based on their Dome meditation attendance for 
that month. Would be a acknowledgment and nice thank you for the years of 
dedication that quite a few performed on the Assembly. And then do away with 
paying people to 'hop'. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yes, old bones, that is a communal rub that really hurts some morale 
(feelings) of some old dedicated meditators that had come here to be in a big 
group meditation. That before were people having number one great experiences 
who were being subsidized to be in the Domes with the original Settle grant 
program are dropped from the grant program for other people who can perform 
'hopping' and keep that performance up. The Settle granting as it is now is not 
necessarily all good in effect on the Dome numbers. From interviewing folks 
around it could be argued that paying for 'hopping' is actually 
counter-productive to the overall numbers. Could proly be better to just skip 
the grant program and go back to having people meditating the program out 
according to their experience. -Buck 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I'm too old to bounce very high and if after program James Beddinger or some 
other jack ass gave me some crap about my hopping I would go to jail for 
kicking his ass.
 > wrote:

  I look forward to the group meditating.
 It's a fabulous place
 to meditate for the field effect that is there. You should
 come back
 some time and within join the group meditating.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 It doesn't
 bother you that people are being taken to task for not
 hopping high enough??? THe entire TM and TM Sidhi program
 was SUPPOSED to be practiced naturally with NO STRAIN? What
 happened to that? If indeed this is taking place inside and
 out of the Domes, the TMO is going against the fundamental
 basics of proper practice of the TM and TM Sidhi programes,
 and to paraphrase the Old Goat himself, if you aren't
 doing TM the way its taught, you aren't doing TM.
 If these monitor Nazis are introducing fear into
 people's awareness between programs ABOUT program itself
 then they are defeating the very Marsy Effect you are so
 fond of praising and worshiping. I have to agree with past
 statements made by Barry - the Movement is dead and it is
 continually being re-buried by practices like this.
 On Sun, 11/24/13, 

 Overseers. Well yes, and what is the
 problem(?). It's about
 pay for performance. If you are being paid to meditate
 then all the more certainly your employers should get some
 disciplined work (meditation) from you. It is called
 contract. This criteria calls for overseers for
 is for the few
 folks who are still funded to be regularly attending the
 meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying
 prescribed for
 on the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number
 people in
 the larger group meditation only a few remain now on the
 money grant.
 They got standards to keep up if they are getting money
 Other meditators who were dropped from the grant program
 when it
 collapsed before for lack of money may well think these
 others are
 selling their souls to have to '

[FairfieldLife] RE: Poor Judy Stein

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
A heart with only a single ear can only hear half of what it listening to - 
whether in this world or the next.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 "Listen and attend with the ear of your heart."

 Saint Benedict 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Perhaps you'd be happier discussing your prayer practice here ...

 http://forums.catholic.com/ http://forums.catholic.com/







 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just keep praying "Santa, Santa come swiftly to my aid". 

No doubt if you also pray "Holy Mother of Santa pray for me both now and in my 
hour of need" you'll also see a miracle.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Look what I found on the Catholic Answers website!  The answer to the age-old 
question, "Is there a Santa Claus?"  You have probably seen this, but I am 
submitting it for review anyhow and letting you know I am putting my faith in 
Santa to protect me from the Great Demon, as of today.  

 http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/ 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If Ellen Degenerate is your authoritative source for what constitutes 
"meditation", then you'd off be better consulting Catholic Answers for another 
way to be thoughtless. After all, a blank mind is the demon's playground and, 
of course, the Great Demon has a bulls-eye on your third-eye. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry, you stooge.  How do you know I never learned to meditate? You would be 
wrong on that count.  I never learned TM, is what I've said.  I am contributing 
to your "discussion" here by posting this link by Ellen Degeneres on 
meditation. While deep in meditation designing a pair of sunglasses for her 
third eye (or something like that) she monologues..."the teacher hits the 
gong and then I jump and I almost yell "Oh My God,", but because I'm smart I 
yell Ohhhm." 


 That was kind of a weak and limp shot below the belt, you stating that the 
only reason I'm here is for the opportunity to be mean to others. You can do 
better than that.  Try again?   

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Here she is having a total meltdown becuz no one believes her crap about
 being a crusader against dishonesty and even Feste is calling her on her
 meanness and nails her in a lie about punctuation on blogs and y'know
 what the worst part is?
 She can't get anyone to come to her defense the way they used to. The
 only person who is willing to "stand up for" Judy any more is the woman
 who never learned to meditate, has nothing to contribute to the ongoing
 discussions here, and who only posts to this forum because it gives
 *her* an opportunity to be mean to people. Birds of a feather, eh?
 Personally I find it all pretty heartening. A few months ago if Judy had
 thrown a hissy fit like this and tried to pose as some kind of noble
 crusader against untruth (because, of course, only SHE "knows" the
 truth), she could have gotten a few people to "pile on" and defend her.
 But even *they* distance themselves from her these days.
 Not that that'll stop her, of course. Judy will do what she's always
 done, and possibly even louder. But at least now she'll be standing in
 the street screaming like an insane bag lady *all by herself*, and
 hopefully no one but other crazies will be taken in by the screaming...



[FairfieldLife] Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-11-30 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-11-30 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day. 
 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

[FairfieldLife] Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.

Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the "Congregation for 
the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to repent his Hindoo errors. Repent 
now and profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 

Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-11-30 Thread anartaxius
The reason you cannot see this Buck is your vision is too narrow to see why the 
world does not go the way you would like it to go. To put it in distorted 
anthropomorphic terms, the unified field 'runs' the universe in the way it 
'wants' at every moment and at every place, and to observe this all one has to 
do is observe what is happening. Meditation, eventually, if grace arrives, will 
show the mechanics of this.

 As for science, farmers are practical but few are scientists. Being a 
scientist requires skills that go against the grain of belief and acceptance, 
and not everyone is adept at doing this as it works against long standing human 

 Now look at how you are contradicting what you advocate. Meditation of the TM 
sort does not involve compulsion. If you force meditation in any way, it will 
tend to fail to achieve its stated result. How can you force someone to do what 
cannot be forced? Those who reject your call are not necessarily antisocial, 
they are against tyranny, they want freedom. You may be a great farmer, but you 
are not yet a scientist, and I think you might make an outstanding prison 
guard, were you to change profession.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

 Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day.

 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
Folks move on, Buck.  Maybe they wanted something more than TM offered.  
The community is hip and far less expensive than living in a hip one on 
the east or west coast so that is why many probably have continued to 
live there plus they probably also have friends and businesses here.

On 11/30/2013 01:57 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and not go to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life 
to meditate in the Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost 
opportunity in a lifetime.*

*-Buck *

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 01-Dec-13 00:15:04 UTC

2013-11-30 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/30/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/07/13 00:00:00
117 messages as of (UTC) 11/30/13 23:04:33

 22 Richard J. Williams 
 21 authfriend
 11 emptybill
  8 feste37 
  8 emilymaenot
  8 TurquoiseB 
  7 dhamiltony2k5
  5 awoelflebater
  5 Bhairitu 
  3 salyavin808 
  3 Share Long 
  2 wgm4u 
  2 steve.sundur
  2 sharelong60
  2 jr_esq
  2 doctordumbass
  2 anartaxius
  2 Richard Williams 
  1 s3raphita
  1 cardemaister
Posters: 20
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
Huh?  Why would I do that?  I would just say this pope gets it.  
Capitalism is too chaotic and unfair in a world of 7 billion people.  
Things need to change.

On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.

Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the 
"Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to 
repent his Hindoo errors. Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You 
didn't make that!".

Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread Mike Dixon
Sounds like the Pope needs to study Luke 19-, The story of ten servants.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 4:31 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Huh?  Why would I do that?  I would just say this pope gets it.  Capitalism is 
too chaotic and unfair in a world of 7 billion people.  Things need to change.

On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
>Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.
>Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and
  the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" will
  require him to repent his Hindoo errors. Repent now and
  profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 
>Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God
  but are the God-damned.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Groups in Meditation Evidently is a Solution.

2013-11-30 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The reason you cannot see this Buck is your vision is too narrow to see why 
the world does not go the way you would like it to go. To put it in distorted 
anthropomorphic terms, the unified field 'runs' the universe in the way it 
'wants' at every moment and at every place, and to observe this all one has to 
do is observe what is happening. Meditation, eventually, if grace arrives, will 
show the mechanics of this.

 As for science, farmers are practical but few are scientists. Being a 
scientist requires skills that go against the grain of belief and acceptance, 
and not everyone is adept at doing this as it works against long standing human 

 Now look at how you are contradicting what you advocate. Meditation of the TM 
sort does not involve compulsion. If you force meditation in any way, it will 
tend to fail to achieve its stated result. How can you force someone to do what 
cannot be forced? Those who reject your call are not necessarily antisocial, 
they are against tyranny, they want freedom. You may be a great farmer, but you 
are not yet a scientist, and I think you might make an outstanding prison 
guard, were you to change profession.

 This post was interesting Xeno, I enjoyed reading it, especially that last 
sentence. I'd have to agree that I wouldn't want Buck in any great position of 
authority or power. In his misguided zeal it could prove terrifying. I just 
don't know how an Iowa farmer got so fanatical. Maybe it's the endless fields 
of soybeans and corn. That used to drive me a bit bonkers as I rode along the 
dirt and gravel roads out there with nary a tree in sight.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

 Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day.

 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu

Good reason to discard religion as useless and elitist.

On 11/30/2013 05:10 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Sounds like the Pope needs to study Luke 19-, The story of ten servants.

On Saturday, November 30, 2013 4:31 PM, Bhairitu 
Huh? Why would I do that?  I would just say this pope gets it.  
Capitalism is too chaotic and unfair in a world of 7 billion people.  
Things need to change.

On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com 

Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.

Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the 
"Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to 
repent his Hindoo errors. Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You 
didn't make that!".

Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict 
themselves.  They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving 
Evening and saying that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In 
fact much of the dialectic on Infowars is for the "we" people.  They 
like to point to the BBC documentary "Century of the Self" which is 
about how the "me" society was created and how destructive it has been.  
And you can't have much of a revolution with a bunch of "me" people.

They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap goods 
how much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane Sandy rather 
disproved that.

That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves.

On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.

Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the 
"Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to 
repent his Hindoo errors. Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You 
didn't make that!".

Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to make you a 
socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict themselves.  
They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving Evening and saying 
that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic 
on Infowars is for the "we" people.  They like to point to the BBC documentary 
"Century of the Self" which is about how the "me" society was created and how 
destructive it has been.  And you can't have much of a revolution with a bunch 
of "me" people.
 They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap goods how 
much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane Sandy rather disproved 
 That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves. 
 On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.
 Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the "Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to repent his Hindoo errors. 
Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 
 Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread s3raphita
The Pope said “some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which 
assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably 
succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This 
opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and 
naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power.

 So is the Pope now an expert on economics (the dismal science)? "Trickle-down" 
theories could be wrong - but they could be right. It is surely possible to be 
a pious Christian and either support or oppose socialism. When popes claim that 
one or the other side is right they get dangerously close to claiming that 
supporters of the side they oppose are not true Christians - and so not saved.

 Jesus would be turning in His grave - if He hadn't risen.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to make you a 
socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop. 


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict themselves.  
They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving Evening and saying 
that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic 
on Infowars is for the "we" people.  They like to point to the BBC documentary 
"Century of the Self" which is about how the "me" society was created and how 
destructive it has been.  And you can't have much of a revolution with a bunch 
of "me" people.
 They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap goods how 
much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane Sandy rather disproved 
 That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves. 
 On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.
 Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the "Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to repent his Hindoo errors. 
Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 
 Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread Bhairitu
We've all seen the wonders of "trickle down economics."  It's why the 
rich call us "peons."

On 11/30/2013 06:00 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

The Pope said “some people continue to defend trickle-down theories 
which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will 
inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness 
in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the 
facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those 
wielding economic power.

So is the Pope now an expert on economics (the dismal science)? 
"Trickle-down" theories could be wrong - but they could be right. It 
is surely possible to be a pious Christian and either support or 
oppose socialism. When popes claim that one or the other side is right 
they get dangerously close to claiming that supporters of the side 
they oppose are not true Christians - and so not saved.

Jesus would be turning in His grave - if He hadn't risen.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to 
make you a socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict
themselves.  They were talking about the riots at stores
Thanksgiving Evening and saying that "individualism" would prevent
that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic on Infowars is for
the "we" people.  They like to point to the BBC documentary
"Century of the Self" which is about how the "me" society was
created and how destructive it has been. And you can't have much
of a revolution with a bunch of "me" people.

They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap
goods how much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane
Sandy rather disproved that.

That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves.

On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptybill@... 

Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be

Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the
"Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to
repent his Hindoo errors. Repent now and profess the truth! ...
"You didn't make that!".

Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are
the God-damned.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread emptybill
We already know about trickle-down socialism and trickle-down salvation - how 
about trickle-down transcendence? 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 We've all seen the wonders of "trickle down economics."  It's why the rich 
call us "peons."
 On 11/30/2013 06:00 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
   The Pope said “some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which 
assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably 
succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This 
opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and 
naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power.
 So is the Pope now an expert on economics (the dismal science)? "Trickle-down" 
theories could be wrong - but they could be right. It is surely possible to be 
a pious Christian and either support or oppose socialism. When popes claim that 
one or the other side is right they get dangerously close to claiming that 
supporters of the side they oppose are not true Christians - and so not saved.
 Jesus would be turning in His grave - if He hadn't risen.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to make you a 
socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop. 
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict themselves.  
They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving Evening and saying 
that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic 
on Infowars is for the "we" people.  They like to point to the BBC documentary 
"Century of the Self" which is about how the "me" society was created and how 
destructive it has been.  And you can't have much of a revolution with a bunch 
of "me" people.
 They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap goods how 
much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane Sandy rather disproved 
 That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves. 
 On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.
 Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the "Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to repent his Hindoo errors. 
Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 
 Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Jesuit Trained Pope Trashes Capitalism in Call for Worldwide Socialism

2013-11-30 Thread s3raphita
We've all seen the wonders of "trickle down economics."  It's why the rich call 
us "peons."

 Yes, I'm an eat-the-rich type myself. But what's that got to do with Religion? 
Salvation? Enlightenment? 

 Religion is more important than economics. It transcends economics. You'd have 
thought a pope would understand the importance of hierarchies.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 We've all seen the wonders of "trickle down economics."  It's why the rich 
call us "peons."
 On 11/30/2013 06:00 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
   The Pope said “some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which 
assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably 
succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This 
opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and 
naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power.
 So is the Pope now an expert on economics (the dismal science)? "Trickle-down" 
theories could be wrong - but they could be right. It is surely possible to be 
a pious Christian and either support or oppose socialism. When popes claim that 
one or the other side is right they get dangerously close to claiming that 
supporters of the side they oppose are not true Christians - and so not saved.
 Jesus would be turning in His grave - if He hadn't risen.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 Email HIM. Offer to evangelize the Tantrika-s. Maybe he'll offer to make you a 
socialist proselyte and then, if you are successful, a bishop. 
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 BTW, those folks over on Infowars have a tendency to contradict themselves.  
They were talking about the riots at stores Thanksgiving Evening and saying 
that "individualism" would prevent that.  WRONG.  In fact much of the dialectic 
on Infowars is for the "we" people.  They like to point to the BBC documentary 
"Century of the Self" which is about how the "me" society was created and how 
destructive it has been.  And you can't have much of a revolution with a bunch 
of "me" people.
 They also thought that if the crowd would be this bad over cheap goods how 
much worse would they be fighting over food?  Hurricane Sandy rather disproved 
 That crowd is often a group out of sync with themselves. 
 On 11/30/2013 02:50 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   Who could imagine ... Bhari2 and EmilyMaybeNot should now be satisfied.
 Trouble is Bhari2 is a Tantrika. So the "Holy Father" and the "Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the Faith" will require him to repent his Hindoo errors. 
Repent now and profess the truth! ... "You didn't make that!". 
 Convert now to the true faith. Admit that you are not God but are the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Personal Gender Pronouns

2013-11-30 Thread s3raphita
It's not a *personal* gender pronoun but "they" has distinguished precedent as 
a singular pronoun.  It grates a little bit but if even Shakespeare and Jane 
Austen used it I can feel relaxed about following suit.

 And "they" is definitely preferable to "he or she" and "him and her" both of 
which kill natural rhythm in English. And that ghastly 1970s attempt to foist 
"s/he" on us has mercifully fallen by the wayside.

 Rather than a *personal* gender pronoun why not just use someone's name?


 As a bonus here's how to end a sentence with five prepositions:
 Mother, what did you bring that book that I don't like to be read to out of up 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Rather than an insightful insult, consider "it" an epiphanym. 


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Some people would probably take that as an offense since "it" applies to an 
inanimate being or something impersonal.  But I do have a problem with 
addressing one person as "they".  Some people may find this as rude and a 
violation of good etiquette.

 Nonetheless, there are some languages in the world where the pronouns are 
genderless as part of their accepted grammatical rules. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just address them by their true pronoun descriptor ... it. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This new practice is catching on in a SF Bay Area college for women--and a few 
others in the country.  Will the English language be changed? 




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