[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Wed 25-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater
109 posts for Ricky Retardo. Well done! He is responsible for 1/5 of all posts 
this week so far.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 12/28/13 00:00:00
 519 messages as of (UTC) 12/24/13 23:55:06
 89 Richard J. Williams 
 62 authfriend
 47 Share Long 
 41 awoelflebater
 34 Bhairitu 
 31 dhamiltony2k5
 26 emilymaenot
 24 doctordumbass
 21 s3raphita
 21 TurquoiseB 
 20 Richard Williams 
 18 wgm4u 
 16 bobpriced
 11 feste37 
 10 jr_esq
 9 cardemaister
 7 yifuxero
 7 emptybill
 5 nablusoss1008 
 5 Mike Dixon 
 4 j_alexander_stanley
 3 wleed3 
 2 Michael Jackson 
 1 ysoy10li
 1 waspaligap 
 1 steve.sundur
 1 sharelong60
 1 martyboi
 1 anartaxius
 Posters: 29
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread doctordumbass
Right on! Props, bro. Nothing like growing up in the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
Re "So if we're all subjects in a clandestine military psyops experiment, I say 
"Good job!" to the experimenters. You helped to give me a remarkably fine 


 Well, we've not heard from Barry for a few hours now. I had assumed he was 
using a Tor Browser when he posted to FFL like the rest of us. Looks like he 
dropped his guard. He's probably had the full Bourne treatment by now - the 
agent crashing though the glass door of his Paris apartment. Unless Barry has 
the martial skills of Matt Damon or a glamorous sidekick like Franka Potente 
he's toast.

 Pity. He sounded like a nice guy. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
Back in the sixties Timothy Leary and Ralph Metzner did a road show in which 
they included readings from their "Psychedelic Experience" (a dubious co-opt of 
the Tibetan Book of the Dead). The event was filmed but only the soundtrack is 
now available (an amusing period piece). 
 I'd love to see the movie but LSD was made illegal just a month after the film 
was finished and so the distributors lost their nerve and it was never released 
to the public. 
 I met Ralph Metzner on a recent visit to London and asked him if the film 
footage had been destroyed. He said it's still around but isn't worth releasing 
now as a full feature but he added that there are plans to release a 
documentary about the tour which would include footage from that original 
movie. Could be a gas!

[FairfieldLife] A happy Yuletide to all FFLifers

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Go for a calm, relaxing, four-minute cross-country ski break

2013-12-24 Thread steve.sundur
Well I just trounced my son and daughter in Ms. Packman, so that was satisfying.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Wed 25-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Loo-Cee! 'Got some 'splainin' to do!


 Hee, hee. Just don't encourage him Doc. He already talks too much.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Wed 25-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-24 Thread doctordumbass
Loo-Cee! 'Got some 'splainin' to do!

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 25-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/28/13 00:00:00
519 messages as of (UTC) 12/24/13 23:55:06

 89 Richard J. Williams 
 62 authfriend
 47 Share Long 
 41 awoelflebater
 34 Bhairitu 
 31 dhamiltony2k5
 26 emilymaenot
 24 doctordumbass
 21 s3raphita
 21 TurquoiseB 
 20 Richard Williams 
 18 wgm4u 
 16 bobpriced
 11 feste37 
 10 jr_esq
  9 cardemaister
  7 yifuxero
  7 emptybill
  5 nablusoss1008 
  5 Mike Dixon 
  4 j_alexander_stanley
  3 wleed3 
  2 Michael Jackson 
  1 ysoy10li
  1 waspaligap 
  1 steve.sundur
  1 sharelong60
  1 martyboi
  1 anartaxius
Posters: 29
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
Around May or June 1967


 I'd like to have been there. Were the audience sober and responding with 
intelligent questions or were they under the influence of acid (as far as you 
could tell)?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu

Around May or June 1967.

On 12/24/2013 03:26 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re"Funny thing, he never mentioned LSD once":

Was that after LSD was made illegal (October 24, 1968) I wonder?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
Re "Funny thing, he never mentioned LSD once":


 Was that after LSD was made illegal (October 24, 1968) I wonder?

[FairfieldLife] Tracking Santa Claus with NORAD

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita

 For children who can't wait for Father Christmas to arrive, the North American 
Aerospace Defense Command provides a real-time check on his progress around the 
globe on Christmas Eve.http://tinyurl.com/pefjeys http://tinyurl.com/pefjeys

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu
A non-musical act my 1960's rock band opened for was Timothy Leary.  
He rushed on stage before we had a chance to get off so we just sat on 
stage listening to him. Funny thing, he never mentioned LSD once and 
just talked about enlightenment and what techniques people used 
throughout history to open the door of perception.

On 12/24/2013 03:11 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re"While I went to Haight-Ashbury and become a peace-activist hippie ":

Yep. They got to you alright. Someone whispered in your ear the 
trigger expression "Orange Sunshine" and the post-hypnotic suggestion 
kicked in. MK-Ultra were early users of LSD of course.

Re "I recently *stumbled* upon a group of people who all went to my 
high school":

Your naivety is touching. The meeting was pre-arranged to look 

That was your de-briefing session. They were just checking to make 
sure you were still harmless and unsuspecting.

Stay safe ;-)

[FairfieldLife] The Power of Silence: Unplugging for the Holidays

2013-12-24 Thread nablusoss1008

 Jeanne Ball http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeanne-ball Writer for the David 
Lynch Foundation and teacher of Transcendental Meditation

 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/users/becomeFan.php?of=hp_blogger_Jeanne Ball 





 The Power of Silence: Unplugging for the Holidays Posted: 12/23/2013 12:33 pm 


 Meditation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/transcendental-meditation/, 
Meditation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/meditation/, Yoga 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/yoga/, Brain Science 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/brain/, Holidays 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/holidays/, Physics 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/physics/, Stress 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/stress/, Women 
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/women/, Healthy Living News 



 Get Healthy Living Newsletters: Subscribe 



 As women, many of us are the heart of holiday preparations, making sure 
everyone is fed, comfortable and entertained. We give, give, give, often to the 
point of exhaustion. 
 Yet, could our silence also be a gift? Not that we stop speaking or giving 
orders (although that may be a gift to some). Rather, what about taking time 
for inner silence through meditation or yoga? Such practices are emerging as 
essential tools for balance and sanity, especially during the hectic holiday 
 Giving depends on the fullness of our inner being. Without presence of mind 
and emotional availability, we can't give much to anyone. Taking time for 
meditation -- to access our deeper, inner self -- can be the most precious of 
 Transcendence empowers us
 When speaking with women professionals, moms, students -- women of all ages -- 
at Transcendental Meditation gatherings, I hear reports of how their 
twice-daily meditation allows them to feel less overwhelmed, less consumed by 
out-of-town guests coming to visit, and able to transcend much of the drama 
surrounding the holidays.
 Meditation can be a tool to transcend, to get beyond the to-do list, to 
refresh the mind and emotions by accessing the wellsprings of our energy and 
creativity deep within. A few minutes of effective meditation can balance many 
hours of demanding activity. 
 Scientific studies on the TM technique have shown that within minutes, deep 
transcendence can calm the sympathetic nervous system1, reduce cortisol 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9226731, lower blood pressure 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18311126, give your heart a rest 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11595248, dissolve emotional tension and 
stress http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3216051/.2 
 After meditation we have more happiness, clarity and patience. We have more to 
 Consciousness: an underlying field of silence
 Could it be that when we withdraw from the commotion and find a quiet place to 
meditate, we're not just escaping? Whether people notice or not, when you 
meditate, you're giving out a silent strength. The heightened brain wave 
coherence3 that neuroscientists associate with TM practice is not confined to 
the meditator's brain, just as the imperceptible aura of harmony that radiates 
from the meditative state is not confined to the meditator's inner world. The 
transcending process spreads ripples of harmony and coherence through the 
collective consciousness of our family, community and world. Numerous 
peer-reviewed scientific studies have measured this effect, showing that large 
groups of people practicing the TM technique together leads to a drop in crime, 
violence and terrorism 
 How is that possible? Pioneering quantum physicists, such as John Hagelin, 
tell us that underlying all matter -- beneath all the diverse happenings of our 
household, workplace and community -- is a silent field of energy, intelligence 
and order http://www.mum.edu/pdf_msvs/v01/hagelin.pdf -- a field that is one 
with the deepest, most silent level of our own consciousness. Diving into that 
"least excited" field through meditation enlivens harmony in the atmosphere, 
touches those we love, spreads to our pets and neighbors, to folks near and 
far, and helps diffuse chaos, conflict and negativity. Taking time to meditate 
is a gift that nourishes our home and family from that most basic level of life 
-- the powerful but unseen "unified field" -- allowing everything to flow along 
more smoothly and sweetly. 
 Dynamic silence
 Awakened silence is not a dead, dull, disinterested state of mind, it's a 
dynamic field of pure potentiality. It gives us the sensitivity we need to be 
understanding and nonjudgm

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
Re "While I went to Haight-Ashbury and become a peace-activist hippie ":  
 Yep. They got to you alright. Someone whispered in your ear the trigger 
expression "Orange Sunshine" and the post-hypnotic suggestion kicked in. 
MK-Ultra were early users of LSD of course.  

 Re "I recently *stumbled* upon a group of people who all went to my high 
 Your naivety is touching. The meeting was pre-arranged to look accidental. 
 That was your de-briefing session. They were just checking to make sure you 
were still harmless and unsuspecting.

 Stay safe ;-)

[FairfieldLife] How the hippies saved physics?

2013-12-24 Thread cardemaister

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and breakfast 
nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me.

What I am not fantasizing about is that you have no one to "share" that with.

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this. 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?



[FairfieldLife] A little Christmas tale

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu
My family is a musical bunch so for Christmas Eve we sing some Christmas 
songs.  Since not everyone knows the words my nephew's wife decided to 
compile the lyrics and put them into a book to give the family.  When we 
were singing "The 12 Days of Christmas" she and my nephew suddenly burst 
out laughing.  When I asked them why she said she had left out the 6th 
day of Christmas.

My brow furled a bit and I said, "how did that happen?  I sent you a 
link to a web site with almost all the lyrics to Christmas songs? All 
you had to do was cut and paste."

She replied, "I did but I typed them in again because I wanted to change 
the font."

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
You support Richard, who has more fantasies about me and Ann and others than I 
can count. What's up with that, Share? Why don't you correct his fantasies too? 
And Barry's? Not to mention your own fantasies about us. Who's living in a 
fantasy world? Seems kinda inconsistent, don't you think? Like, hypocritical?

 << Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and 
breakfast nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me. >>


 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this. 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
My first Christmas present! Thank you, Richard. And for you this chant that 
Snatam Kuar sang in FF in honor of Maharishi after his passing. It's very 
beautiful and her voice is so pure.

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:36 PM, Richard J. Williams 
"vaya usted a saber" - go figure in Spanish.

On 12/24/2013 2:28 PM, Share Long wrote:

>Ok, but all I want for Christmas is to know how to say "go figure" in Spanish 
>On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:19 PM, Richard J. Williams 
> wrote:
>Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of Spanish. Go 
>On 12/24/2013 10:36 AM, Share Long
>>Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive, 
>>meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep up the good work! 
>>I think you're beginning to have a positive influence on her.
>>Feliz Navidad!
>>On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 
>> wrote:
>>On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
>>anywhere near being a mother.
You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!
>>Jose Feliciano
  - Feliz

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and breakfast 
nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me.

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this.
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
But, Judy didn't seem to understand "feliz navidad" that Share posted. 
Go figure.

On 12/24/2013 3:05 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

se para entre las estaciones, quedese adentro.*

<< Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of 
Spanish. Go figure. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this. 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?

Nope, no similarity at all. Share and Judy aren't even members of the same 
species. One resembles the spineless, brainless jelly fish and one doesn't.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Best Christmas Carol

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 For the last (and best) 15 minutes of the magnificent British film of 
Dickens's Christmas Carol starring Alastair Sim (1951), start the video at 
about 1 hour, 11 minutes: from the last moments of Scrooge's nightmare, in 
which the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his own grave, to the 
transformed, redeemed Scrooge, philanthropist and "second father" to Tiny Tim.

 The scene Christmas morning in which he scares his housekeeper (the brilliant 
Kathleen Harrison) half to death with his ecstatic antics at the realization 
that he has another chance at life is one of the most joyous and thrilling in 
film, IMHO.

 Then watch for the brief, wordless scene at about 1:20 between Scrooge and his 
nephew's maid as he screws up his courage to join the ongoing Christmas party 
and end the estrangement with his family. Check out the looks he and the maid 
exchange just before he opens the door. Only the Brits can handle that level of 
subtlety and delicacy. One of my very most favorite movie moments.

 Of course the entire film is very much worth watching. Bhairitu should 
especially enjoy the earlier part, in which capitalism is demonized. ;-) But 
for uplift, the last quarter-hour just can't be beat.


 My husband I watch this every year. It is a tradition. It is the best version. 
I love the black and white.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office 
near a beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
LA VIA DEL TREN SUBTERRANEO ES PELIGROSA. No salga afuera. Si el tren se para 
entre las estaciones, quedese adentro.

 << Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of Spanish. Go 
figure. >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Right. Just as I described. And from then on, Robin was Barry's devoted 
disciple, wasn't he? That's how we know he was serious.


 And here are links to Robin's full post (at the bottom of 301020) and the rest 
of the exchange that I've already posted:



 Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he quoted 
from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called a fib? "I am 
sorry, Judy, but Saul was sincere in his persecution of those Christians too; 
but after Christ struck him down, he just could no longer play the part. And I 
feel the same way about Barry and his gang. Besides, it was getting hard to be 
"Just parroting Judy". I am surprised though, Judy, you would reveal this 
information about my prior association with you before I started posting at 
FFL. But I will take this as your need to express your hurt that I should turn 
on you like this. Still, I think it was imprudent of you to do this. But the 
damage is done, and we must live with it."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
Eric Clapton - I Shot the Sheriff

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Share Long  wrote:

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrnZSLwfzVs
>   On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:07 PM, Richard J. Williams <
> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   Go ahead, just shoot me!
> On 12/24/2013 1:05 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Seraphita wrote this, not Richard.
> <<< > It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all
> FFLifers is not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled)
> schools abroad. Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project
> MKUltra, the CIA operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of
> humans?
>  *Now you've done it, Richard. Now they're going to have to either kill
> you or mindwipe you. :-) >>>*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

"vaya usted a saber" - go figure in Spanish.

On 12/24/2013 2:28 PM, Share Long wrote:
Ok, but all I want for Christmas is to know how to say "go figure" in 
Spanish (-:

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:19 PM, Richard J. Williams 
Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of Spanish. 
Go figure.

On 12/24/2013 10:36 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the 
positive, meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep 
up the good work! I think you're beginning to have a positive 
influence on her.

Feliz Navidad!

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com 
Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you 
get anywhere near being a mother.

You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!

Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/22/2013 9:33 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Fuck you very much, Share.

On 12/24/2013 10:45 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

This is the kind of sneaky, hypocritical meanness I'm talking about 
that's so destructive. It's much healthier, not to mention more 
honest, to put your resentment right out there. Pretending to love the 
people you hate will have a terrible effect on any child you might have.

Are you familar with the Dickens character Uriah Heep?

<< Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the 
positive, meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep 
up the good work! I think you're beginning to have a positive 
influence on her.

Feliz Navidad! >>

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 

On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfriend@...  wrote:

Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before
you get anywhere near being a mother.

You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!

Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Ok, but all I want for Christmas is to know how to say "go figure" in Spanish 

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:19 PM, Richard J. Williams 
Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of Spanish. Go figure.

On 12/24/2013 10:36 AM, Share Long wrote:

>Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive, 
>meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep up the good work! I 
>think you're beginning to have a positive influence on her.
>Feliz Navidad!
>On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 
> wrote:
>On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
>Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
>anywhere near being a mother.
You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!
>Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 10:38 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he 
quoted from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called 
a fib?
"I am sorry, Judy, but Saul was sincere in his persecution of those 
Christians too; but after Christ struck him down, he just could no 
longer play the part. And I feel the same way about Barry and his gang. 
Besides, it was getting hard to be "Just parroting Judy". I am surprised 
though, Judy, you would reveal this information about my prior 
association with you before I started posting at FFL. But I will take 
this as your need to express your hurt that I should turn on you like 
this. Still, I think it was imprudent of you to do this. But the damage 
is done, and we must live with it."


[FairfieldLife] Best Christmas Carol

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
For the last (and best) 15 minutes of the magnificent British film of Dickens's 
Christmas Carol starring Alastair Sim (1951), start the video at about 1 hour, 
11 minutes: from the last moments of Scrooge's nightmare, in which the Ghost of 
Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his own grave, to the transformed, redeemed 
Scrooge, philanthropist and "second father" to Tiny Tim.

 The scene Christmas morning in which he scares his housekeeper (the brilliant 
Kathleen Harrison) half to death with his ecstatic antics at the realization 
that he has another chance at life is one of the most joyous and thrilling in 
film, IMHO.

 Then watch for the brief, wordless scene at about 1:20 between Scrooge and his 
nephew's maid as he screws up his courage to join the ongoing Christmas party 
and end the estrangement with his family. Check out the looks he and the maid 
exchange just before he opens the door. Only the Brits can handle that level of 
subtlety and delicacy. One of my very most favorite movie moments.

 Of course the entire film is very much worth watching. Bhairitu should 
especially enjoy the earlier part, in which capitalism is demonized. ;-) But 
for uplift, the last quarter-hour just can't be beat.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:07 PM, Richard J. Williams 
Go ahead, just shoot me!

On 12/24/2013 1:05 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

>Seraphita wrote this, not Richard.
><<< > It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is 
>not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. 
>Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
>experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans? 
>Now you've done it, Richard. Now they're going to have to either kill you or 
>mindwipe you. :-) >>>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Apparently Judy doesn't speak or understand a single word of Spanish. Go 

On 12/24/2013 10:36 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the 
positive, meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep 
up the good work! I think you're beginning to have a positive 
influence on her.

Feliz Navidad!

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com 
Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you 
get anywhere near being a mother.

You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!

Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
The sacred center of the universe of Arabia is termed 'Omphali' by 
Arabs, from the prakrit mantra 'Om' and 'phal', meaning the 'Omphalos' 
of the Great Goddess.

Omphalo, the female 'generative' organ, i.e., the vulva of Mother 
Nature, the direct counterpart to the phallus of the Great Sky God, 
Omphalus, that is, the Phalus, maha Linga, the upright generative organ 
of man. Thus the Axis Mundi and Mother Goddess as the sacred ridge pole 
set into a splayed base of the physical universe, divine, worthy of 
worship, a black stone from heaven, a sign of connection to the Most 
High - Hecate, the inventor of human sex and procreation.

On 12/24/2013 10:46 AM, Share Long wrote:

mohammad being a tantric. Really?!

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 2:27 PM, Bhairitu 
Muhammad was a tantric who invented Islam as a solution to the 
upheaval that the war lords in the area were causing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

Go ahead, just shoot me!

On 12/24/2013 1:05 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Seraphita wrote this, not Richard.

<<< > It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all
FFLifers is not TM but that we've all been to American
(Army-controlled) schools abroad. Were we all unwittingly selected
as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation experimenting in the
behavioral engineering of humans?

*/Now you've done it, Richard. Now they're going to have to either
kill you or mindwipe you. :-) >>>/*


[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Rock Hits of the Past

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

"Takin' Care Of Business"  - Bachman-Turner Overdrive (45rpm)

Turn up the stereo radio real loud - straight ahead rock and roll, pure,
rough, and tough! Guitar Magazine, "Takin' Care of Business" rated at
number 10 in top 100 most covered songs of all time.

"Bachman–Turner Overdrive is a Canadian rock group from Winnipeg, Manitoba,
that had a series of hit albums and singles in the 1970s, selling over 7
million albums in that decade alone."

Read more:


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> [image: Inline image 1]
> In a Gadda Da Vida - Iron Butterfly
> http://youtu.be/ZCkHanF4v1w
> Iron Butterfly formed in San Diego, California; a classic rock band song,
> ranked 24th greatest hard rock song of all time by VH1. One of best drum
> solos in rock history. This song takes up the whole of side two. Vinyl
> album still in my record collection - mint condition - purchased at Tower
> records in Hollywood in 1968.
> Doug Ingle - organ, lead vocals
> Erik Brann - guitars, backing vocals
> Lee Dorman - bass guitar, backing vocals
> Ron Bushy - drums, percussion
> "The band's seminal 1968 album In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is among the world's 40
> best-selling albums, selling more than 30 million copies. Iron Butterfly is
> also notable for being the very first group to receive an RIAA platinum
> award."
> Read more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Butterfly
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> "In 1972, we’re running around in Winnebago’s touring and we were driving
>> them ourselves before we’d really taken off. I know for a fact that we
>> drove down the highway that goes right by China Grove."
>> Doobie Brothers:
>> http://youtu.be/_hnPlSQWcxE
>> China Grove, Texas
>> Population 1,179
>> Interview:
>> http://texaspublicradio.tumblr.com/post/19738945943/
>> On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another (12" Extended Mix) Vinyl
>>> http://youtu.be/wu9DKYQrGBI
>>> The Fixx are an English New Wave band formed in London in 1979. They hit
>>> number 4 on Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S. with One Thing Leads to Another
>>> from the album Reach the Beach, in 1983.
>>> Read more:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Thing_Leads_to_Another

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Rock Hits of the Past

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

In a Gadda Da Vida - Iron Butterfly

Iron Butterfly formed in San Diego, California; a classic rock band song,
ranked 24th greatest hard rock song of all time by VH1. One of best drum
solos in rock history. This song takes up the whole of side two. Vinyl
album still in my record collection - mint condition - purchased at Tower
records in Hollywood in 1968.

Doug Ingle - organ, lead vocals
Erik Brann - guitars, backing vocals
Lee Dorman - bass guitar, backing vocals
Ron Bushy - drums, percussion

"The band's seminal 1968 album In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is among the world's 40
best-selling albums, selling more than 30 million copies. Iron Butterfly is
also notable for being the very first group to receive an RIAA platinum

Read more:


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> [image: Inline image 1]
> "In 1972, we’re running around in Winnebago’s touring and we were driving
> them ourselves before we’d really taken off. I know for a fact that we
> drove down the highway that goes right by China Grove."
> Doobie Brothers:
> http://youtu.be/_hnPlSQWcxE
> China Grove, Texas
> Population 1,179
> Interview:
> http://texaspublicradio.tumblr.com/post/19738945943/
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Richard Williams 
> wrote:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another (12" Extended Mix) Vinyl
>> http://youtu.be/wu9DKYQrGBI
>> The Fixx are an English New Wave band formed in London in 1979. They hit
>> number 4 on Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S. with One Thing Leads to Another
>> from the album Reach the Beach, in 1983.
>> Read more:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Thing_Leads_to_Another

[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Seraphita wrote this, not Richard.
 <<< > It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is 
not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. 
Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans? 

 Now you've done it, Richard. Now they're going to have to either kill you or 
mindwipe you. :-) >>>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Rock Hits of the Past

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

"In 1972, we’re running around in Winnebago’s touring and we were driving
them ourselves before we’d really taken off. I know for a fact that we
drove down the highway that goes right by China Grove."

Doobie Brothers:

China Grove, Texas
Population 1,179


On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> [image: Inline image 1]
> The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another (12" Extended Mix) Vinyl
> http://youtu.be/wu9DKYQrGBI
> The Fixx are an English New Wave band formed in London in 1979. They hit
> number 4 on Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S. with One Thing Leads to Another
> from the album Reach the Beach, in 1983.
> Read more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Thing_Leads_to_Another

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For all romantics out there

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight?

The first time I heard Elvis was in 1953 in Abilene, Texas when I was about
four years old. My mother took me to the Paramount theater and let me sit
up front with her - she was about eighteen at the time. Later, when I was
fifteen I started buying his records including this one I bought in 1960.
Me and my first girlfriend used to listen to these Elvis songs all the time
after school. At one time, I owned about a dozen Elvis albums on vinyl,
since all sold. Now, I have a 2-CD set - The Essential Elvis Presley, RCA

This song, one of my favorites, is a very romantic song - a real

Read more:

Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley
by Peter Guralnick
Little, Brown and Company, 1995

Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley
by Peter Guralnick
Little, Brown and Company, 1999

Music by Lou Handman and lyrics by Roy Turk. It was written in 1926, and
first published in 1927.


"Are you lonesome tonight,
do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart?
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare?
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?
Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

I wonder if you're lonesome tonight
You know someone said that the world's a stage
And each must play a part.
Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart.
Act one was when we met, I loved you at first glance
You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue
Then came act two, you seemed to change and you acted strange
And why I'll never know.

Honey, you lied when you said you loved me
And I had no cause to doubt you.
But I'd rather go on hearing your lies
Than go on living without you.
Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there
With emptiness all around
And if you won't come back to me
Then make them bring the curtain down.

Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?"

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 8:15 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard Williams wrote:
> >
> > Very romantic dancing song!
> Speaking of romantic songs, here's one that has a cool story behind it.
> Back when I used to live in L.A., there was a bar out in North Malibu that
> I used to go to often to listen to a band called Billy and the Beaters.
> They were without question the most FUN band in L.A. to see and dance to, a
> modern version of the old Ray Charles band, with a horn section and great
> players. And Billy himself was just the best -- great guy, great voice,
> great songwriter, and fun.
> Anyway, he and his band were known around L.A., but their only album was
> long out of print and they were just gettin' by on club dates, and then a
> TV producer caught their act, loved it, and decided that one of Billy's
> songs would be perfect as the soundtrack behind key romantic moments
> between Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan on the TV show "Family Ties."
> The song, and the album it was on, had been out of print for several
> years. But after the broadcast of the show fans were clamoring for it so
> much that Rhino Records acquired the rights and released a "Best of Billy
> and the Beaters" album, and the song itself ("At This Moment") shot to #1
> on the national charts and stayed there for 15 weeks.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH4odHVfF5E

[FairfieldLife] Great Rock Hits of the Past

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another (12" Extended Mix) Vinyl

The Fixx are an English New Wave band formed in London in 1979. They hit
number 4 on Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S. with One Thing Leads to Another
from the album Reach the Beach, in 1983.

Read more:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu

On 12/24/2013 07:53 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers 
is not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) 
schools abroad. Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project 
MKUltra, the CIA operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering 
of humans?

Just who the hell is Rick Archer?

Did search for him on Google did you?  Ya woulda got a full page of 
results most of our Rick. Try this page from his site. Hilarious picture!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Parable of the Mustard Seed

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Same to you, wgm, and maybe GC and UC in 2014 (-:

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 11:18 AM, wgm4u  wrote:
 "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and 
sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is 
grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of 
the air come and lodge in its branches." Matthew 13:31
The kingdom of heaven lies within each individual as a spark of the flame, 
almighty God, whose nature is pure bliss consciousness (Sat-Chit-Ananda). Whan 
a man or woman set to cultivate this seed, it grows, first as Self Realization, 
then expands to God Realization (or the realization of the one God IN creation) 
and finally to Infinity or Brahman, Unity. 
This unfoldment supports all of nature and many come to rest in it's 'branches' 
like the birds of the field. The drop becomes the Ocean, Aham Brahmasmi, Tat 
tvam asi, and many other sayings. There never was anything other than the 
Ocean, all else was a maya or an illusion, or what MMY called 'Mithya', a 
May the birth of this Cosmic Consciousness be born in you this Christmas 
Season. Merry Christmas to one and all;  ho, ho, ho.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bringing Christmas to Life

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
yep, another reason to love the Internet, high tech and the world we're living 
in! thanks again noozguru and happy holidaze (-:

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 11:07 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Before I began using iClone to make my 3D animations I used Poser 3D. 
Well this morning this little news item caught my eye which had to be a 
PR coupe for that company:

Poser 3D is also known for it's anatomically correct human models. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Parable of the Mustard Seed

2013-12-24 Thread wgm4u
 "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and 
sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is 
grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of 
the air come and lodge in its branches." Matthew 13:31
 The kingdom of heaven lies within each individual as a spark of the flame, 
almighty God, whose nature is pure bliss consciousness (Sat-Chit-Ananda). Whan 
a man or woman set to cultivate this seed, it grows, first as Self Realization, 
then expands to God Realization (or the realization of the one God IN creation) 
and finally to Infinity or Brahman, Unity. 
 This unfoldment supports all of nature and many come to rest in it's 
'branches' like the birds of the field. The drop becomes the Ocean, Aham 
Brahmasmi, Tat tvam asi, and many other sayings. There never was anything other 
than the Ocean, all else was a maya or an illusion, or what MMY called 
'Mithya', a seeming.
 May the birth of this Cosmic Consciousness be born in you this Christmas 
Season. Merry Christmas to one and all;  ho, ho, ho.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Timestacks

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
You gotta love the Internet, dontcha? And the world we're living in too! 
thanks, turq...

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:19 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
How you'd see sunsets, if you weren't so stuck in time.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers
is not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools
abroad. Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the
CIA operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans?

Now you've done it, Richard. Now they're going to have to either kill
you or mindwipe you. :-)

I, for one, feel nothing but gratitude to the US Air Force. They paid my
father's salary, and thus for his family and our needs. They transferred
him to Morocco for two years, coincidentally two of the most formative
years of my life (ages 14-16). They got me *out* of the United States,
and able to see and feel what life was like in other places. And in the
end my "inside knowledge" of what kind of cannon fodder the military was
looking for kept me *out* of the military when I applied that knowledge
in reverse at my draft physical. :-)

I think I've mentioned before that I recebtly stumbled upon a group of
people who all went to my high school *in Morocco*, during the years
that I went there. It's just a trip. I haven't seen any of these people
in over 50 years. Some of them -- raised military brats -- went into the
military themselves. Others like myself went...uh...other directions.
But we all still get along, and truth be told we're more alike than we
are different.

While I went to Haight-Ashbury and become a peace-activist hippie
protesting in the streets, my best friend from that period went into the
service, spent time in rice paddies, and ended up being a career *spook*
fercrissakes. He was a spy on the frontlines of the Cold War for much of
his life.

We get along now exactly the way we did then. Go figure.

Since we've gotten back in touch we've had no political, cultural, or
moral disagreements, and neither of us seems to be terribly jealous of
the other's life. Except that he still rides a Harley. I admit being a
little jealous of that. :-)

So if we're all subjects in a clandestine military psyops experiment, I
say "Good job!" to the experimenters. You helped to give me a remarkably
fine life.

[FairfieldLife] Bringing Christmas to Life

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu
Before I began using iClone to make my 3D animations I used Poser 3D.  
Well this morning this little news item caught my eye which had to be a 
PR coupe for that company:

Poser 3D is also known for it's anatomically correct human models. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Ha! In 1955, in the MD suburbs of DC, I turned 7, my Dad married my step Mom 
and we all had to deal with Hurricane Hazel!

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:52 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Don't leave Barry out of this - his did his time too, and probably a lot more. 

On 12/24/2013 9:53 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

>It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is not 
>TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. Were 
>we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
>experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans?
>Just who the hell is Rick Archer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-24 Thread Bhairitu
That's what my tantric guru said.  He also said the Haag has Shiva 
lingams in it which would make Islam Shaivite.  The rest of the story is 
from an Islamic produced documentary I watched once.

On 12/24/2013 08:46 AM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, I'm catching up on replying to posts and so finally ask you 
about mohammad being a tantric. Really?!

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 2:27 PM, Bhairitu 
Muhammad was a tantric who invented Islam as a solution to the 
upheaval that the war lords in the area were causing.  I know an 
Indian woman who was born into a Muslim family but when asked about 
Islam couldn't tell you anything about it because they didn't actually 
practice it.  She was more into yoga and Indian philosophy.

On 12/22/2013 10:45 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com 
The Quran is a dispiriting book. It's chock-full of passages in which 
Mohammed scoffs at those who didn't pay heed to Allah's past 
warnings, like the destruction of Sodom. When well-meaning people 
suggest to him that those stories might just be, well, stories - 
legends, myths - they are roundly condemned and promised an eternity 
of hell-fire. The amount of superstitious claptrap is worrying 
enough; but the sheer number of passages condemning all unbelievers 
to eternal punishments - and the cruel self-satisfaction with which 
those curses are pronounced - is chilling.

(I've read the book twice in two different translations.)

Stick to the Gospels or theGita. Or Sufi poetry - a true poet isn't a 
religious fanatic.

[FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This is the kind of sneaky, hypocritical meanness I'm talking about that's so 
destructive. It's much healthier, not to mention more honest, to put your 
resentment right out there. Pretending to love the people you hate will have a 
terrible effect on any child you might have.

 Are you familar with the Dickens character Uriah Heep?

 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this.

 Now let's see if she or anyone else who insists on supporting her faux good 
nature can condemn me for saying this when they say far worse things about you.


 << Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive, 
meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep up the good work! I 
think you're beginning to have a positive influence on her.
Feliz Navidad! >>

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
anywhere near being a mother. You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. 
Feliz Navidad!
 Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad 
 http://youtu.be/xMtuVP8Mj4o http://youtu.be/xMtuVP8Mj4o




Re: [FairfieldLife] An FFL alumnus goes viral

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
This was fun, turq. I admit I cheated. I went back and watched again so I could 
see when he did the last change! Very cool!

On Friday, December 20, 2013 2:41 PM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
This is really fun. I was scanning the Huffington Post main page just now, 
trying to avoid the obvious trollbait, when I suddenly noticed a photo of 
someone I know. Both from before FFL, during our TM daze and shortly 
afterwards, and here at Fairfield Life. Joe might not think of this as one of 
his best moments, but then again, being a fan of perceiving What Is instead of 
What Seems To Be, he probably loves it. 

The gag at the end is mind-boggling, and if it doesn't convince you that your 
certainty about the things you see is illusory, nothing will. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
noozguru, I'm catching up on replying to posts and so finally ask you about 
mohammad being a tantric. Really?! 

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 2:27 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Muhammad was a tantric who invented Islam as a solution to the upheaval that 
the war lords in the area were causing.  I know an Indian woman who was born 
into a Muslim family but when asked about Islam couldn't tell you anything 
about it because they didn't actually practice it.  She was more into yoga and 
Indian philosophy.

On 12/22/2013 10:45 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

>The Quran is a dispiriting book. It's chock-full of passages in which Mohammed 
>scoffs at those who didn't pay heed to Allah's past warnings, like the 
>destruction of Sodom. When well-meaning people suggest to him that those 
>stories might just be, well, stories - legends, myths - they are roundly 
>condemned and promised an eternity of hell-fire. The amount of superstitious 
>claptrap is worrying enough; but the sheer number of passages condemning all 
>unbelievers to eternal punishments - and the cruel self-satisfaction with 
>which those curses are pronounced - is chilling.
>(I've read the book twice in two different translations.)
>Stick to the Gospels or theGita. Or Sufi poetry - a true poet isn't a 
>religious fanatic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
This is the kind of sneaky, hypocritical meanness I'm talking about that's so 
destructive. It's much healthier, not to mention more honest, to put your 
resentment right out there. Pretending to love the people you hate will have a 
terrible effect on any child you might have.

 Are you familar with the Dickens character Uriah Heep?


 << Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive, 
meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep up the good work! I 
think you're beginning to have a positive influence on her.
Feliz Navidad! >>

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
anywhere near being a mother. You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. 
Feliz Navidad!
 Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad 
 http://youtu.be/xMtuVP8Mj4o http://youtu.be/xMtuVP8Mj4o



Re: [FairfieldLife] Big Pharma's Phony Study

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Obbajee, happy holidaze and a 2014 full of love and laughter and fun (-:

On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 3:07 PM, obbajeeba  
Not much, Share. Leading a very boring and dull life lately. So lonely. - NOT!
Been a very busy and happy girl. As if the big Jyotish map in the sky came and 
dropped fairy dust on me and allowed for a surprise meeting of a very nice 
person I was not expecting in this life. I mean, something happened and well, a 
lesson to know that when any of us are not having things go our way, that 
suddenly things can change to become better day by day. 

I will let you know when it goes bad. hahahahaa

How about you? and you? and of course, you?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
<< Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry. At some point you are going to have to face 
reality, Judy. The first step in this direction would to stop the fibbing. 
Then, and only then will you ever persuade anyone on this forum that you are 
the only one with integrity.
 "In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
the characters I have interacted with.
 It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more closely and 
without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the start when Barry 
appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my posts, I have concluded 
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just about Judy; but right about 
even myself..."
 http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/topics/300960 >>
 Do you suppose Richard is so far gone he didn't notice that what he quoted 
from Robin's post confirmed what I had just said that he called a fib?

 Poor fellow.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is not 
TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. Were 
we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans?

 The American School in London had nothing to do with the army. It was just an 
independent institution. Here is a little about its history:

 http://www.asl.org/page.cfm?p=1373 http://www.asl.org/page.cfm?p=1373


 Just who the hell is Rick Archer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Richard, Judy's still focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive, 
meaning ignoring the part about loving the child. But keep up the good work! I 
think you're beginning to have a positive influence on her.
Feliz Navidad!

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:29 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
anywhere near being a mother.
You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!

Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 That was a pretty good post of mine, but I have no idea at all of whether the 
stuff between you and Robin was serious or not. That was just my reaction at 
that moment to a few posts. I do recall others in which Robin disparaged you in 
strong terms. Whether he meant it or not, only he can say. I can't. Also, I did 
not read all the posts. You have a real problem, auth. For me and most other 
people, this forum is an ephemeral thing, like conversation. It's not an 
academic journal or a reference book. I think you are the only one here who 
obsessively combs the archives trying to prove other people wrong. It is a most 
peculiar trait of yours. And of course it is always YOU who has the integrity 
and OTHERS who lack it. Do you think there might be something wrong with that 
picture? Of course you don't, because you lack self-awareness, good judgment, 
and a sense of fairness. You also are a warped individual who gets pleasure 
from being nasty. Have you ever wondered why so many people on this forum 
dislike you? No, of course you haven't, for the reasons noted above. 

And please also tell your silly little sidekick Ann that I am not reading her 
messages, so she is wasting her time writing them. Tell her to go shake her 


 Aww Festivus, I was just telling you to have a most wonderful Christmas and 
new year and may every wish you ever had and still have come true for you you 
dear, dear friendly, warm friend.


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had 
quoted from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 10:16 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you 
get anywhere near being a mother.

You are the gift that just keeps on giving, Judy. Feliz Navidad!

Jose Feliciano - Feliz Navidad

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 10:00 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry.
At some point you are going to have to face reality, Judy. The first 
step in this direction would to stop the fibbing. Then, and only then 
will you ever persuade anyone on this forum that you are the only one 
with integrity.

"In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history 
there and the characters I have interacted with.

It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more 
closely and without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the 
start when Barry appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my 
posts, I have concluded that essentially Barry is right. Right not just 
about Judy; but right about even myself..."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi and "OM"......

2013-12-24 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, it is way more than a place holder.   It is that vibration of what will 
does embody a soul ray of the Unified Field in the body-mind complex of the 
humankind.   It is the charge of a mahamantra. OMG, Om my God.   Brahmananda 
Saraswati, Maharishi's teacher had a lot to say  about it. Read his discourses 
on the subject.  Om-ayim-Shrim-Hrim-saraswati-namah... Would not be the same 
without it. Would be heartless instead and just in-the-head spirituality 
without it. 

Punditster Das wrote:

 On 12/23/2013 6:25 PM, ysoy10li@... mailto:ysoy10li@... wrote:
 > So what was M.'s beef with Om.?
 Traditionally in India, women do not chant or meditate on the OM 
 syllable - it's usually reserved for renunciates. The OM syllable is not 
 really a bija mantra, except by courtesy only, as it were, according to 
 Swami Ageananda Bharati. MMY only recommends householder bija mantras 
 for meditation. In TM you only get one single bija mantra - the mantra 
 of your istadevata. For example, OM isn't included in the maha-mantra of 
 the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition founded by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.
 And, hardly anybody on the planet meditates on just the OM syllable 
 anyway - that's something a dilettante would do after reading about it 
 in a popular book, rather than a serious seeker studying under a 
 qualified teacher. OM is really just a place holder symbol for the 
 actual bija mantra given at initiation. OM is more like a salutation 
 such as "Hail!"used at the beginning of a prayer or mystic chant, like 
 in the Vedas.
 noun: dilettante; plural noun: dilettantes; plural noun: dilettanti
 1. a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, 
 without real commitment or knowledge.
 "a dilettante approach to science"
 synonyms: dabbler, amateur, nonprofessional, nonspecialist, layman, 
 Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Let's hope you've rejected your own destructive behavior before you get 
anywhere near being a mother.

 << turq, maybe I'm in prep to be a mom next lifetime! As in love the child, 
reject the destructive behavior, deal with it in a firm but loving way. All 
grist for the learning mill. >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
Don't leave Barry out of this - his did his time too, and probably a lot 
more. LoL!

On 12/24/2013 9:53 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers 
is not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) 
schools abroad. Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project 
MKUltra, the CIA operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering 
of humans?

Just who the hell is Rick Archer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > And of course it is always YOU who has the integrity and OTHERS who 
lack it

> >
On 12/24/2013 9:50 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Bullshit. You knew very well it wasn't serious.
It's ALWAYS Judy that has the integrity, even when it's plain as day 
that Robin didn't think so.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Seraphita wrote:

 << It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is 
not TM but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. 
Were we all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans? >>

 LOL. It does sound that way, doesn't it?

 << Just who the hell is Rick Archer? >>

 Srsly? He's the "owner" of FFL--it's his group, he started it back in 2001 
(shortly before 9/11, as it happens).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahamantra, by Krishna Das

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
Krishna Das - Radhe Shyam

One Track Heart Official Trailer

[image: Inline image 1]

"Layering traditional Hindu kirtan with instantly accessible melodies and
modern instrumentation, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.”

Krishna Das Live
Friday January 20th, 2012
Austin, Texas

He Lived as a Sadhu; He Died as a Sadhu:

In 1957 Charan Das, originally an American, lived as
a sadhu in India for over twenty years. Cheerful and
without cares, he roamed the country for part of the
year, going from one holy place to the other, visiting
with brother-sadhus. He died a few years ago.


"I can't tell you how surprised and entertained I was
to read Anne Cushman's piece in Wanderlust about Charan
Das, the sadhu from Texas.

I too had several encounters with Charan Das over the
course of several years. I met him for the first time
in Delhi in early 1990 -- he was a friend of the man
I was then seeing, and he kept a supply of his books
in my friend's room while he was off wandering. Every
once in a while, he would turn up in Delhi and visit
my friend (and his books)."

Read the whole article:

The Sadhu From Texas:

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> Richard, I'm looking at a sweet picture of Neem Karola on my desk. Krishna
> Das has been to FF twice, said civic center had best acoustics ever. This
> morning I've already listened to his Hanuman Chalisa, good for Tuesdays.
> His voice resonates and his stories of Neem are wonderful.
>   On Monday, December 23, 2013 11:24 PM, Richard Williams <
> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I am glad to hear that you are listening to the great bhajans sung by my
> old pal Krishna Das. He is indeed an amazing artist.
> Speaking of Das, you might recall from one of my previous post that
> several of us became students of Neem Karoli Baba in the late sixties. My
> old pal Bhagavan Das and I visited the Baba shortly after we departed
> Rishikesh. Later, Bhagavan Das introduced Richard Alpert to the Baba, and
> Alpert became Ram Das, who wrote "Be Here Now."
> Jeffrey Miller became Surya Das about this time. Another pal of mine from
> Texas, Charan Das, also has many interesting observations concerning the
> Baba. If you are interested in learning more about the type of Bhajan
> chanting in this tradition you might consider reading the book by Bhagavan
> Das called "It's Here Now. Are You?" in which Bhagavan Das (Michael Riggs)
> relates some amazing experiencies on his journeys in India. Surya Das has
> several books in print and you can read about Charan Das, the 'Sadhu from
> Texas' by Anne Cushman, at Salon.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Krishna Das - Pilgrim Heart - Live Kirtan
> http://youtu.be/xRDaMkDMWII
> "The book is an intriguing portrait of what it was like to be right in the
> middle of it. The real gurus, the fake gurus, the zealous devotees, the
> drugs, the sex, the confusion.
> In India he studied with several famous teachers and when he gets back to
> America, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts (who was apparently a notorious drunk!)
> and Ram Dass, among others are constantly floating in and out of his life.
> It is also an interesting to see how he dealt with his unwanted fame..."
> 'It's Here Now (Are You?)'
> By Bhagavan Das
> Broadway, 1998
> Amazon reviews:
> http://tinyurl.com/3q3puzo
> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 8:55 PM,  wrote:
>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzTGSITIckw

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
<< That was a pretty good post of mine, but I have no idea at all of whether 
the stuff between you and Robin was serious or not. That was just my reaction 
at that moment to a few posts. >>

 Yes, it was a pretty good post. Let's just put it up again, shall we? The 
links below are to the exchange he's referring to:



 Gosh, golly. This is serious stuff. It is shaping up as a Shakespearean play, 
a clash of "mighty opposites." The next scene should be good. The audience must 
already be pondering the mysterious revelation below that authfriend has been 
working with MZ for 17 YEARS behind the scenes to discredit Barry. Can it be 
so? Really? And who, we absolutely must know, are the equally mysterious 
"masters" that MZ serves? And what about the capitalized "Others" for whom 
authfriend declares she is working? Who on earth might they be?

And I thought all this time that FFL was just an Internet chat forum. Now I see 
it is a cloak-and-dagger tale of mighty forces, shifting alliances, outrageous 
betrayals, and turbulent passions. Perhaps there is a playwright behind all 
this, who is actually plotting a way for the reviled poster from Holland to 
regain lost ground and reign supreme, his enemies confounded and at his mercy. 
Will he choose magnanimity or revenge? We shall find out.




 Remember, folks, the whole point of the exchange was Robin's purported 
defection from me to Barry. Robin's subject heading was "Revelation and 
Conversion," and he styled his "conversion" as similar to that of St. Paul on 
the road to Damascus. Dunno about anybody else, but I have a whole lot of 
trouble imagining that Feste took that seriously. He may lack integrity, but he 
isn't stupid.





  I do recall others in which Robin disparaged you in strong terms. Whether he 
meant it or not, only he can say. I can't. Also, I did not read all the posts. 
You have a real problem, auth. For me and most other people, this forum is an 
ephemeral thing, like conversation. It's not an academic journal or a reference 
book. I think you are the only one here who obsessively combs the archives 
trying to prove other people wrong. It is a most peculiar trait of yours. And 
of course it is always YOU who has the integrity and OTHERS who lack it. Do you 
think there might be something wrong with that picture? Of course you don't, 
because you lack self-awareness, good judgment, and a sense of fairness. You 
also are a warped individual who gets pleasure from being nasty. Have you ever 
wondered why so many people on this forum dislike you? No, of course you 
haven't, for the reasons noted above. 

And please also tell your silly little sidekick Ann that I am not reading her 
messages, so she is wasting her time writing them. Tell her to go shake her 



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had 
quoted from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

[FairfieldLife] RE: Merry Crimble from the Beatles, 1963

2013-12-24 Thread s3raphita
It's starting to sound as though the common link joining all FFLifers is not TM 
but that we've all been to American (Army-controlled) schools abroad. Were we 
all unwittingly selected as part of Project MKUltra, the CIA operation 
experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans?

 Just who the hell is Rick Archer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Feste squirmed:
 << That was a pretty good post of mine, but I have no idea at all of whether 
the stuff between you and Robin was serious or not. >>

 Bullshit. You knew very well it wasn't serious. You'd never have written like 
that if you'd thought it was; more to the point, you couldn't have read enough 
of it to write that post without having realized we were kidding around.

 << That was just my reaction at that moment to a few posts. I do recall others 
in which Robin disparaged you in strong terms. Whether he meant it or not, only 
he can say. I can't. >>

 I can say. He didn't mean it. It was a game we played. We enjoyed it, and so 
did others. And you made more comments than just the post I quoted making it 
clear you understood what was going on.

 << Also, I did not read all the posts. You have a real problem, auth. For me 
and most other people, this forum is an ephemeral thing, like conversation. 
It's not an academic journal or a reference book. I think you are the only one 
here who obsessively combs the archives trying to prove other people wrong. >>

 A conversation is no fun if some of the participants attack others with 
falsehoods and attempted deceptions. Apparently you enjoy that kind of thing. I 
don't, and others don't either.

 << It is a most peculiar trait of yours. And of course it is always YOU who 
has the integrity and OTHERS who lack it. Do you think there might be something 
wrong with that picture? >>

 Er, I have no reason to go after folks who have integrity. Do you think there 
might be something wrong with your logic?

 << Of course you don't, because you lack self-awareness, good judgment, and a 
sense of fairness. You also are a warped individual who gets pleasure from 
being nasty. >>

 Translation: Feste doesn't like it when his lack of integrity gets exposed.

 << Have you ever wondered why so many people on this forum dislike you? No, of 
course you haven't, for the reasons noted above. >>


 Actually I don't "wonder" because I know exactly why some here don't like me. 
The truth-teller is never popular with corrupt individuals.
<< And please also tell your silly little sidekick Ann that I am not reading 
her messages, so she is wasting her time writing them. Tell her to go shake her 
ears >>.


 Fight your own battles, coward. She has you nailed.

 See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had 
quoted from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
turq, maybe I'm in prep to be a mom next lifetime! As in love the child, reject 
the destructive behavior, deal with it in a firm but loving way. All grist for 
the learning mill. Anyway, Happy Holidays. Do you all do Christmas, etc. for 

On Monday, December 23, 2013 11:39 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Richard, I'm pretty sure this is a specialty of the MGC. If they think of you 
> as the enemy, they ignore what's good about you and focus on your mistakes or 
> flaws which of course we all have. 

Trying my best to speak generically, Share, I think you'll find that this is a 
quality shared by Mean Girls everywhere, not just on this forum. If I were to 
pass along the occult view of the 'dynamic' in place in such interactions, it 
would go sorta like this. 

Mean Girls (of any type, or sex) feed on Attention. They are hooked on it in 
the same way that smack addicts are hooked on heroin. And when they see someone 
getting more Attention than they are (or, let's face it on this forum, any 
Attention at all), they get pissed off at those who are attracting the 
Attention because it's "Ours, damnit." If one could auto-color posts according 
to psychosis, the posts from Mean Girls would consistently be green, for 
jealousy.  :-)

So anyway, these wannabe occultists see someone else getting the Attention that 
they seek, so they Can't Have That. They have to combat that somehow. The most 
common tactic -- Stage One, as it were -- is to try to attack the person who is 
getting more attention directly, *to make them feel bad, and lose their 
self-confidence*. This first psychic attack is intended to weaken them. 

If it doesn't work, they move on to Stage Two, which involves trying to make 
the other people in the immediate environment see the person who they're paying 
attention to as flawed or broken, as 'less than themselves.' This is the Stage 
in which the Mean Girls usually pull out all the stops. They'll say anything 
they can think of about the person they're trying to demonize, because the 
Whole Purpose is *to* demonize them. Since they *obviously* can't compete on 
equal ground and gain a similar measure of Attention, they attempt to discredit 
the ones who are getting more Attention than they are, in the hopes that it 
will shift back to them.

So *naturally* such people focus on what they perceive as your mistakes or 
faults. *Their* whole act is about pretending that they don't have any. So if 
you do, *you* are not worth paying Attention to, and they are. 

Yeah, right. 

This is such an old, tired act on the Internet that it amazes me that people 
still fall for it. But they do. 

Bottom line from my POV is that *if* people do, and *if* they write you off 
because of what a few Mean Girls say about you, they really aren't worth having 
in your sphere of influence, are they?

> Actually I just realized something: it's probably healthier to have them as 
> enemies than as friends!

You should look into the works of Carlos Castaneda. He may have been a 
charlatan, but a case can be made that everyone else people cite on this forum 
as an authority is, too. :-) Charlatans or not, they occasionally said things 
one can learn from. 

In Carlos' case, the pieces of his philosophy you might wanna look into have to 
do with his characterization of the Petty Tyrant. They're pretty much "required 
reading" if one wants to survive on the Internet. 

In the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as
the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence,
their effort to eradicate it.

One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order
to face the unknown with it. The action of rechanneling that energy
is impeccability.

The most effective strategy for rechanneling that energy consists of
six elements that interplay with one another. Five of them are called
the attributes of warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance,
timing, andwill . They pertain to the world of the
warrior who is fighting to lose self-importance. The sixth element,
which is perhaps the most important of all, pertains to the outside
world and is called the petty tyrant.

A petty tyrant is a tormentor. Someone who either holds the power of
life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to

Petty tyrants teach us detachment. The ingredients of the new seers'
strategy shows how efficient and clever is the device of using a
petty tyrant. The strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it
also prepares warriors for the final realization that impeccability
is the only thing that counts in the path of knowledge.

- Carlos Castaneda, "The Fire From Within"

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 9:12 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

Yessiree, Richard really picked up on the truth here.

It was just embarrassing!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

Look who is the top poster now. LoL!

On 12/24/2013 9:15 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
It didn't take long for this thread to go down the sewer. Go figure. 
Now the top poster is talking about "Duck Dynasty" on a spiritual 
forum. What's next, photos of chain restaurants and dilapidated Texas 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

1. Duck Dynasty is the #1 reality (unscripted) television show in 
cable history. It debuted last season to almost 12 million viewers. 
Twelve million. Want to hear something fun? On Monday night this week, 
MSNBC had about 600,000 viewers...

'Ten Things to Consider about the Business of Duck Dynasty'

On 12/24/2013 8:11 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

Watched three or four episodes last night, it's hilarious! If you've 
never watched it, it might take a few episodes to really enjoy it but 
the characters grow on you.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 8:54 PM, Richard J. Williams 

On 12/23/2013 9:51 PM, s3raphita@...  wrote:
Yeah. But wouldn't you rather be dirt poor than have one of those 
hideous beards? 
No, I'll take the beard, part of the $400 million and any of the 
wives, long before I'd want to be dirt poor.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/24/2013 7:38 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up

Let's just say Robin was less than impressed...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread feste37
That was a pretty good post of mine, but I have no idea at all of whether the 
stuff between you and Robin was serious or not. That was just my reaction at 
that moment to a few posts. I do recall others in which Robin disparaged you in 
strong terms. Whether he meant it or not, only he can say. I can't. Also, I did 
not read all the posts. You have a real problem, auth. For me and most other 
people, this forum is an ephemeral thing, like conversation. It's not an 
academic journal or a reference book. I think you are the only one here who 
obsessively combs the archives trying to prove other people wrong. It is a most 
peculiar trait of yours. And of course it is always YOU who has the integrity 
and OTHERS who lack it. Do you think there might be something wrong with that 
picture? Of course you don't, because you lack self-awareness, good judgment, 
and a sense of fairness. You also are a warped individual who gets pleasure 
from being nasty. Have you ever wondered why so many people on this forum 
dislike you? No, of course you haven't, for the reasons noted above. 

And please also tell your silly little sidekick Ann that I am not reading her 
messages, so she is wasting her time writing them. Tell her to go shake her 



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had 
quoted from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahamantra, by Krishna Das

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Happy Holidays, Doc and best of luck to you too! Have fun RVing (-:

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:00 AM, "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
Share said, "This morning I've already listened to his Hanuman Chalisa, good 
for Tuesdays."

I thought so...uh, in this country, as you know, we have a lot of what we call, 
"fine print" - exclusions, for almost anything. KD knows full and well that the 
Hanuman Chalisa (with spoons played by Willie Nelson), is always good for 
Tuesdays -- **EXCEPT* for the *fourth* Tuesday, in December. Good Christ, very 
careless of him. Perhaps the disclaimer fell off the CD. 

PS Some have had good results reversing the effects of this spiritual error, by 
playing the aforementioned song backwards, in their heads...Anyway, best of 
luck, and Happy Holidays!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahamantra, by Krishna Das

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
PS to Doc, I'm so tempted to guide Stu to FFL!

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:00 AM, "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
Share said, "This morning I've already listened to his Hanuman Chalisa, good 
for Tuesdays."

I thought so...uh, in this country, as you know, we have a lot of what we call, 
"fine print" - exclusions, for almost anything. KD knows full and well that the 
Hanuman Chalisa (with spoons played by Willie Nelson), is always good for 
Tuesdays -- **EXCEPT* for the *fourth* Tuesday, in December. Good Christ, very 
careless of him. Perhaps the disclaimer fell off the CD. 

PS Some have had good results reversing the effects of this spiritual error, by 
playing the aforementioned song backwards, in their heads...Anyway, best of 
luck, and Happy Holidays!

[FairfieldLife] Timestacks

2013-12-24 Thread TurquoiseB
How you'd see sunsets, if you weren't so stuck in time.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Black Hats and White Hats

2013-12-24 Thread Richard Williams
This hack has all the earmarks of an inside job:

"Target confirmed on Monday that the company is partnering with Secret
Service to investigate the breach, and said its point-of-sale terminals in
U.S. stores were infected by malware, or malicious software. Target said it
was restricted in the amount of information about the investigation it
could share."

'Target Discusses Breach With State Attorneys'

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Richard J. Williams

>  Addressing the important issues!
> According to what I've read, the NSA doesn't even know how many documents
> were collected and purloined by Edward Snowden. But, one does wonder how an
> organization of thousands of spies wouldn't be able to spot another spy
> among their own. Apparently Snowden was a genius among geniuses. That, in
> itself should have been a red flag. Go figure.
> In a book I recently read, one of the prosecutors at trial told the
> presiding judge that Kevin Mitnick, The Dark Side Hacker, at one time the
> most wanted hackers by the FBI, could hack into a phone connection at NORAD
> and with a series of whistles, cause a ballistic missile to be launched. Go
> figure.
> Next, they will be telling us that there's a hidden camera inside every
> Mr. Coffee pot. You better check every ball point pen in the house for cams
> and voice actuated listening devices, while you're at it. LoL!
> "Among the more eye-opening claims made by NSA is that it detected what
> CBS terms the “BIOS Plot” – an attempt by China to launch malicious code in
> the guise of a firmware update that would have targeted computers
> apparently linked to the US financial system, rendering them pieces of
> junk."
> Read more:
> 'NSA goes on 60 Minutes: the definitive facts behind CBS's flawed report'
> The Guardian:
> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/16/nsa-surveillance-60-minutes-cbs-facts
> On 12/13/2013 6:47 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
>  The Darkside Hacker
>  Kevin Mitnick, known as the Darkside Hacker, was at one time the
> most-wanted computer criminal in the United States. Law enforcement
> officials convinced a judge that he had the ability to "start a nuclear war
> by whistling into a pay phone." One state attorney told the judge that
> Mitnick could somehow dial into the NORAD modem via a payphone from prison
> and communicate with the modem by whistling to launch nuclear missiles.
>  According to Douglas, Mitnick managed to hack into some of the country's
> most powerful — and seemingly impenetrable agencies such as the DMV, SSA,
> and the FBI, and large companies, including PacBell, Motorola, Nokia, and
> DEC. Using "social engineering" and conning employees into giving him
> private information and maneuvering through layers of security. Using
> hacker techniques and social engineering Mitnick gained access to data that
> no one else could.
>  The 2012 graphic novel Wizzywig by Ed Piskor is a close allusion to the
> story of Mitnick, with the main character's name replaced with Kevin
> Phenicle. The novel parallels the entire story of Mitnick under the
> codename "Boingthump", from his early days of phone phreaking.
>  Think your information and your computer is secure? You can yourself a
> lot of trouble by just sending your IP address and password to Kevin
> Mitnick at 2245 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 411, Henderson, NV. LoL!
>  Work cited:
>  'Hacker Culture'
> by Thomas Douglas
> University of Minnesota Press
> pp. xxiv
>  See More:
>  'Hackers'
> Directed by Iain Softley
> Starring Jonny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie, Renoly Santiago, Matthew
> Lillard, Lorraine Bracco and Fisher Stevens.
>  [image: Inline image 1]
>  Read more:
>  'The Hacker Manifesto'
> http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=7&id=3&mode=txt
>  'Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution'
> by Steven Levy
>  'The Art of Deception'
> by Kevin Mitnick
>  'The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers,
> Intruders & Deceivers'
> by Kevin Mitnick
>  'Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker'
> by Kevin Mitnick
> Foreword by Steve Wozniak
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> Massive Hacker Attack!
>>  According to SpiderLabs, "...'123456’ was the most widely used password
>> and ‘password’, ‘123,’ and ‘11’ were also among the top entries. Three
>> of the most used passwords are 'password', 'sex' and 'god', not
>> particularly in that order. Admins love to use 'god' as their password- it
>> gives them a feeling of power.
>>  So, let's review some password protocols:
>>  1. Do not use the same password for all your online activities.
>> 2. Use a seven word combination of letters, numbers, and symbols for your
>> password with at least one letter in caps.
>> 3. Do NOT write down your password down on a Post

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater

 It didn't take long for this thread to go down the sewer. Go figure. Now the 
top poster is talking about "Duck Dynasty" on a spiritual forum. What's next, 
photos of chain restaurants and dilapidated Texas shacks?

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 1.  Duck Dynasty is the #1 reality (unscripted) television show in cable 
history. It debuted last season to almost 12 million viewers. Twelve million. 
Want to hear something fun? On Monday night this week, MSNBC had about 600,000 
 'Ten Things to Consider about the Business of Duck Dynasty'
 On 12/24/2013 8:11 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   Watched three or four episodes last night, it's hilarious! If you've never 
watched it, it might take a few episodes to really enjoy it but the characters 
grow on you.
 On Monday, December 23, 2013 8:54 PM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 On 12/23/2013 9:51 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Yeah. But wouldn't you rather be dirt poor than have one of those hideous 
beards?  No, I'll take the beard, part of the $400 million and any of the 
wives, long before I'd want to be dirt poor.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 No, let's say this (if I can stop laughing long enough to hit the macro key):

 This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except 
Xeno and, obviously, Richard) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed 
refutation, let me know.

 He's lying about me, Robin, Raunchy, Ann, and Bob.

 And allow me to quote my "attack" on Robin:
 > Yeah, I'll certainly give her that: she's smart. Knows a lot.

 > She makes me more careful than I otherwise would be if she

 > weren't around. I am sure she is a very nice girl.


 Trying to recruit me, are you, Zebra Boy? Think I was born

 yesterday? Think I fell off a turnip truck? Well, I'm not

 so green as I am grassy-looking, so back off, buster.


 Oh no, Judy, this is very serious stuff here. I can see the animosity just 
bursting off the page, surely you can recognize it to. It is at about the third 
sentence that you can feel Robin unable to continue posting here due to such 
outrage directed his way. And at about sentence number four he is realizing 
that your intellectual capacity is so far beneath his that he will never return 
to FFL to experience the ongoing vacuousness of it all. Yessiree, Richard 
really picked up on the truth here. I wonder if, when he watches Duck Dynasty, 
he figures these people are really Shakespearian actors on loan from The Old 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/23/2013 8:04 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Robin was never serious on this forum about "attacking" or denigrating or 
questioning Judy. Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's 
attack stance, calling Robin "Zebra Boy" in a really talking down to him with 
childish comments like "Back of Buster". That's Judy's typical attack mode. Go 
 And, Robin was obviously unhappy about getting outed and his real name 
revealed by the other mean girl, Raunchydog. You three, with some help from 
Barry, Vaj, and Bob tried your best to get rid of Robin, the first fully 
enlightened TMer. After reading all of Robin's messages I get the feeling that 
Robin thinks you are all idiots. You guys don't even deserve someone of Robin's 
intellectual caliber on this forum. Gawd! It was just embarrassing!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahamantra, by Krishna Das

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Share said, "This morning I've already listened to his Hanuman Chalisa, good 
for Tuesdays."

I thought so...uh, in this country, as you know, we have a lot of what we call, 
"fine print" - exclusions, for almost anything. KD knows full and well that the 
Hanuman Chalisa (with spoons played by Willie Nelson), is always good for 
Tuesdays -- **EXCEPT* for the *fourth* Tuesday, in December. Good Christ, very 
careless of him. Perhaps the disclaimer fell off the CD. 

PS Some have had good results reversing the effects of this spiritual error, by 
playing the aforementioned song backwards, in their heads...Anyway, best of 
luck, and Happy Holidays!

 Careful Doc, she might take you seriously and God only knows what harm she 
might come to playing that backwards in her, um, head. On the other hand maybe 
it could only "improve" things in there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams
1.  Duck Dynasty is the #1 reality (unscripted) television show in cable 
history. It debuted last season to almost 12 million viewers. Twelve 
million. Want to hear something fun? On Monday night this week, MSNBC 
had about 600,000 viewers...

'Ten Things to Consider about the Business of Duck Dynasty'

On 12/24/2013 8:11 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
Watched three or four episodes last night, it's hilarious! If you've 
never watched it, it might take a few episodes to really enjoy it but 
the characters grow on you.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 8:54 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/23/2013 9:51 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com 
Yeah. But wouldn't you rather be dirt poor than have one of those 
hideous beards? 
No, I'll take the beard, part of the $400 million and any of the 
wives, long before I'd want to be dirt poor.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:


 Feste whines:

 And kindly stop impugning my integrity.

 Only you can do that, buddy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's attack stance...
I think it's more accurate to say that Robin was never impressed with *anyone* 
on this forum. In the end it came down to him throwing a tantrum and declaring 
that the *only* person he was interested in conversing with was Curtis, and 
*only* if Curtis 'played by Robin's rules' and agreed to talk about the 
'faults' that Robin saw in him .

Well, Curtis laughed his ass off at that tactic, not even bothering to respond. 
So Robin took his football and went home. What I don't get is the ones here who 
still try to 'protect his memory' as if he wasn't blowing THEM off at the same 

Bottom line was that he didn't think Judy was worth sticking around to talk 
with, he didn't think Ann was worth sticking around to talk with, he didn't 
think Share was worth sticking around to talk with, he didn't think ANYONE here 
was worth sticking around to talk with. He farted in FFL's general direction 
and blew EVERYBODY off. 

THAT is what he thought of your towering intellects and THAT is how much he 
'cared about any of you. Stop pretending otherwise.  





Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahamantra, by Krishna Das

2013-12-24 Thread doctordumbass
Share said, "This morning I've already listened to his Hanuman Chalisa, good 
for Tuesdays."

I thought so...uh, in this country, as you know, we have a lot of what we call, 
"fine print" - exclusions, for almost anything. KD knows full and well that the 
Hanuman Chalisa (with spoons played by Willie Nelson), is always good for 
Tuesdays -- **EXCEPT* for the *fourth* Tuesday, in December. Good Christ, very 
careless of him. Perhaps the disclaimer fell off the CD. 

PS Some have had good results reversing the effects of this spiritual error, by 
playing the aforementioned song backwards, in their heads...Anyway, best of 
luck, and Happy Holidays!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/23/2013 8:04 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Robin was never serious on this forum about "attacking" or denigrating or 
questioning Judy. Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's 
attack stance, calling Robin "Zebra Boy" in a really talking down to him with 
childish comments like "Back of Buster". That's Judy's typical attack mode. Go 
 And, Robin was obviously unhappy about getting outed and his real name 
revealed by the other mean girl, Raunchydog. You three, with some help from 
Barry, Vaj, and Bob tried your best to get rid of Robin, the first fully 
enlightened TMer. After reading all of Robin's messages I get the feeling that 
Robin thinks you are all idiots. You guys don't even deserve someone of Robin's 
intellectual caliber on this forum. Gawd! It was just embarrassing!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
See this post of mine (the one I told you to go back to that Richard had quoted 
from) for the embarrassing quote from your post:



 And I'll stop impugning your integrity when you start showing some.
 Feste blustered:

 << I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Tue 24-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-24 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/23/2013 10:13 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 I already tol' ya Bucko, this is human nature. I already told you, Canuck, 
your nature is to ankle-bite.
 Unlike you, and even though I am American, your references to my country of 
residence simply don't or couldn't bother me. However, I would appreciate it if 
you would stop referring to me as an "ankle biter"; I am more like a Great 
White and they don't usually just nibble ankles... You, on the other hand, are 
making me the equivalent of deaf with all your out-of-control blathering. Now, 
you better go stem that flow of blood, it looks like I just chomped off your 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
Hard to believe, but Barry knows even less than Richard what he's talking about 
where Robin is concerned.

 And of course he's also lying. Robin didn't declare that Curtis was the only 
person he was interested in talking with, nor did Curtis "laugh his ass off" at 
Robin. Rather, after Robin left he was so infuriated by Robin's parting shots 
he went on a rampage of really despicable lies about his interactions with 

 Curtis finally decided he had to leave FFL after I challenged him on those 
lies and others he came up with, documenting his falsehoods. Good riddance 

 And here's a little inside info: Robin decided he wasn't coming back because 
he couldn't abide the corruption of several people here, most especially Curtis 
and Barry and Share. He wasn't blowing any of his friends off.
 << > Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's attack stance...
I think it's more accurate to say that Robin was never impressed with *anyone* 
on this forum. In the end it came down to him throwing a tantrum and declaring 
that the *only* person he was interested in conversing with was Curtis, and 
*only* if Curtis 'played by Robin's rules' and agreed to talk about the 
'faults' that Robin saw in him .

Well, Curtis laughed his ass off at that tactic, not even bothering to respond. 
So Robin took his football and went home. What I don't get is the ones here who 
still try to 'protect his memory' as if he wasn't blowing THEM off at the same 

Bottom line was that he didn't think Judy was worth sticking around to talk 
with, he didn't think Ann was worth sticking around to talk with, he didn't 
think Share was worth sticking around to talk with, he didn't think ANYONE here 
was worth sticking around to talk with. He farted in FFL's general direction 
and blew EVERYBODY off. 

THAT is what he thought of your towering intellects and THAT is how much he 
'cared about any of you. Stop pretending otherwise.  >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2013-12-24 Thread Mike Dixon
Watched three or four episodes last night, it's hilarious! If you've never 
watched it, it might take a few episodes to really enjoy it but the characters 
grow on you.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 8:54 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/23/2013 9:51 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:
Yeah. But wouldn't you rather be dirt poor than have one of those hideous 
No, I'll take the beard, part of the $400 million and any of the wives, long 
before I'd want to be dirt poor.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread feste37
I have no idea what you are talking about, auth. What post of mine did you 
quote? And kindly stop impugning my integrity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's attack

I think it's more accurate to say that Robin was never impressed with
*anyone* on this forum. In the end it came down to him throwing a
tantrum and declaring that the *only* person he was interested in
conversing with was Curtis, and *only* if Curtis 'played by Robin's
rules' and agreed to talk about the 'faults' that Robin saw in him .

Well, Curtis laughed his ass off at that tactic, not even bothering to
respond. So Robin took his football and went home. What I don't get is
the ones here who still try to 'protect his memory' as if he wasn't
blowing THEM off at the same time.

Bottom line was that he didn't think Judy was worth sticking around to
talk with, he didn't think Ann was worth sticking around to talk with,
he didn't think Share was worth sticking around to talk with, he didn't
think ANYONE here was worth sticking around to talk with. He farted in
FFL's general direction and blew EVERYBODY off.

THAT is what he thought of your towering intellects and THAT is how much
he 'cared about any of you. Stop pretending otherwise.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread authfriend
No, let's say this (if I can stop laughing long enough to hit the macro key):

 This is all trolling and lying, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here (except 
Xeno and, obviously, Richard) takes Richard seriously enough to want a detailed 
refutation, let me know.

 He's lying about me, Robin, Raunchy, Ann, and Bob.

 And allow me to quote my "attack" on Robin:
 > Yeah, I'll certainly give her that: she's smart. Knows a lot.

 > She makes me more careful than I otherwise would be if she

 > weren't around. I am sure she is a very nice girl.


 Trying to recruit me, are you, Zebra Boy? Think I was born

 yesterday? Think I fell off a turnip truck? Well, I'm not

 so green as I am grassy-looking, so back off, buster.


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/23/2013 8:04 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Robin was never serious on this forum about "attacking" or denigrating or 
questioning Judy. Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's 
attack stance, calling Robin "Zebra Boy" in a really talking down to him with 
childish comments like "Back of Buster". That's Judy's typical attack mode. Go 
 And, Robin was obviously unhappy about getting outed and his real name 
revealed by the other mean girl, Raunchydog. You three, with some help from 
Barry, Vaj, and Bob tried your best to get rid of Robin, the first fully 
enlightened TMer. After reading all of Robin's messages I get the feeling that 
Robin thinks you are all idiots. You guys don't even deserve someone of Robin's 
intellectual caliber on this forum. Gawd! It was just embarrassing!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/23/2013 8:04 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Robin was never serious on this forum about "attacking" or denigrating 
or questioning Judy. 
Let's just say Robin was less than impressed with Judy's attack stance, 
calling Robin "Zebra Boy" in a really talking down to him with childish 
comments like "Back of Buster". That's Judy's typical attack mode. Go 

And, Robin was obviously unhappy about getting outed and his real name 
revealed by the other mean girl, Raunchydog. You three, with some help 
from Barry, Vaj, and Bob tried your best to get rid of Robin, the first 
fully enlightened TMer. After reading all of Robin's messages I get the 
feeling that Robin thinks you are all idiots. You guys don't even 
deserve someone of Robin's intellectual caliber on this forum. Gawd! It 
was just embarrassing!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Go for a calm, relaxing, four-minute cross-country ski break

2013-12-24 Thread Share Long
Safe travels, Steve and then happy trails, of the ski variety!

On Monday, December 23, 2013 10:50 PM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 
Thanks Barry, I needed that.   Heading out to Colo tomorrow early.  By default 
I am the ski partner for my daughter as the boys snow board, and the wife 
doesn't ski anymore.  

That brought back memories of yesteryear when I had a little more stamina and 
therefore courage.

Right now, I'm worried that my prarabdha karma making getting a little thin. (-:

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