[FairfieldLife] Re: US Bombs Own Vehicles and Weapons

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This is such an absurd turn of events.  Why did the Iraqi army give up so 
easily against ISIS?  IMO, the Iraqi army was infiltrated with sympathizers of 
ISIS.  The officers of the army were probably paid off by ISIS to run away with 
their subordinates and leave the American vehicles and equipment to the 

 Maybe they were just scared?

 Maybe the US should put self-destruct devices in their next bunch of free 
gifts to the middle east..


 It appears that the Iraqi army does not want to fight and are willing to be 
subjugated by the militants.  In the end, they are willing to let the 
Christians and other minorities to be killed as sacrifices to the militant 

 U.S. Airstrikes Destroy Millions Of Dollars In U.S.-Made Arms In Iraq 

 U.S. Airstrikes Destroy Millions Of Dollars In U.S 
 By Missy Ryan WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (Reuters) - The grainy black-and-white 
footage shows a military vehicle, a small dark mass in the crosshairs of a U.S. 

 View on www.huffingtonpos... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] US Bombs Own Vehicles and Weapons

2014-08-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This is such an absurd turn of events.  Why did the Iraqi army give up so 
easily against ISIS?  IMO, the Iraqi army was infiltrated with sympathizers of 
ISIS.  The officers of the army were probably paid off by ISIS to run away with 
their subordinates and leave the American vehicles and equipment to the 

 It appears that the Iraqi army does not want to fight and are willing to be 
subjugated by the militants.  In the end, they are willing to let the 
Christians and other minorities to be killed as sacrifices to the militant 

 U.S. Airstrikes Destroy Millions Of Dollars In U.S.-Made Arms In Iraq 

 U.S. Airstrikes Destroy Millions Of Dollars In U.S 
 By Missy Ryan WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (Reuters) - The grainy black-and-white 
footage shows a military vehicle, a small dark mass in the crosshairs of a U.S. 
 View on www.huffingtonpos... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Vedic eye-patch wearers take note...

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

 Don't go pirating those Bollywood classics!

 We the goondas - Bangalore Mirror 

 We the goondas - Bangalore Mirror 
 You can now be arrested in Karnataka even before you commit an offence under 
the IT Act. You could be in jail under the Goonda Act even if not guilty under 
the ...
 View on www.bangaloremirro... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] We Are Spirits in the Material World

2014-08-26 Thread Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Another favorite of mine from the *Ghost in the Machine* album, 1981.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
IN fact, Triguna's  son took my pulse a few months after *I* had Hepatitus (got 
it from MY son who got it at daycare) and commented I had "heat in my liver 

 By the way, pulse diagnosis is part of the Maharish School curriculum. All the 
students practice it every day.

 And I believe it is taught in as part of the pre-med curriculum at MUM, but 
not sure.


 Interesting thing I just found out. Prodence Farrow, Mia Farrow's sister, has 
a PhD in Sanskrit from Berkley, and her PhD thesis was doing a translation and 
analysis of the 5 or 6 main Ayurvedic texts on pulse diagnosis. It's for sale 
through Amazon.com under her married name, Prudence Bruns:

 Nadivijnana: The Crest-Jewel of Ayurveda: A Translation of Six Central Texts 
and an Examination of the Sources, Influence and Development of Indian 
 Nadivijnana: The Crest-Jewel of Ayurveda: A Translation ... 
 Nadivijnana: The Crest-Jewel of Ayurveda: A Translation of Six Central Texts 
and an Examination of the Sources, Influence and Development of Indian P...
 View on www.amazon... 
 Preview by Yahoo 




 NOT quite what we heard from Maharishi, some of it.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'm not hearing anyone talk much about pulse diagnosis these days. That was 
Dr. Triguna's thing. 

 I recall getting a pulse diagnosis from him in India.  I thought he called it 
pretty well.

 He said my mind was a little jumpy, or something along those lines.

 I would think pulse diagnosis could be tested scientifically.

 Say someone had a liver problem. That should be evident in a pulse diagnosis.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "For the record" a lot of alternative medicine is very science based.  Only 
the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university 
research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative 
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to catch on and 
learning that the centuries old concepts of the metabolic causes of medicine 
that East Indians and Chinese use have some validity.  Just like one size shoe 
won't fit us all neither does just one medical approach to a problem.
 On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bi

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
its Nabby's fantasy, talk to him

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan  The Dawn of a New Age

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

and what he wrote originally was and is fantasy - in his next post he says 
Marshy sent the man - none of that happened - its Nabby fantasy

It still could be because of the unrest and general feeling of danger just 
outside the hotel that Maharishi was sensing, it probably had nothing 
whatsoever to so with foreseeing that there was going to be a fire. Seriously, 
you extrapolated waaayyy too much from this small event.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The
Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its spiritual Darshan  The Dawn of a New 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Michael, many people recognize that it's possible to have an intuition about an 
event coming in the near future. Heck, even animals such as horses can sense 
when an earthquake or fire is about to occur! I simply thought you shared this 
pretty universal observation.

Personally, I think you all should get your stories straight before 
conjecturing on any cognizing going on. I'm not sure where you all are getting 
that John or Maharishi cognized anything
just that perhaps because of the unrest and craziness that was going on in the 
street was alarming and so, through logic, figured maybe they should get out 
since perhaps other buildings were being set on fire or looted. Anyone?

This is what was written originally, where is there anything about seeing into 
the future?

Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 5:21
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan  The Dawn of a New Age

"I don’t remember whether anyone died it in, but it was serious. People were 
clinging to balconies and had to be rescued with fire truck ladders."
Some non-meditators were hurt in the fire. Forgot his name, but Maharishis 
smallish, friendly Canadian secretary rushed into the hotel 20 minutes before 
the fire started, ran through the corridors on all floors and ordered everyone 
out immediately. All meditators got out unhurt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 27-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-26 Thread Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 9:13 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] <
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Looks like FFL has a new graffiti artist!
> Just another reason to watch more TV and less FFL as far as bawee's
> concerned, no doubt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 8/26/2014 8:51 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Re "You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going 
to get."

That's necessarily true by definition but isn't it a little vacuous?

If you can give up striving, you'll be in an enlightened state. But 
striving, like craving, is very difficult to overcome. The very moment 
you desire to be enlightened, you are off the program.
You should not have any thought about gaining a state of enlightenment. 
All you need to do is sit and be aware. That's what real meditation is - 
just sitting and being aware of being aware. There's no goal, no steps 
on The Way - there is just the sitting without the striving.

There is a striving to stay alive, a striving for material things, and a 
striving to stay competitive; there is even a very subtle 'greed for 
views' that must be overcome. Because if you desire to be enlightened 
and you strive for it, you will be creating a desire or craving.

Desire for what will not be attained ends in frustration which is a form 
of suffering. How to avoid suffering? You must adopt the 'Middle Way'. 
And what is the Middle Way? The Middle Way is the avoidance of extremes. 
How to avoid extremes? Do not extremely avoid extremes.


Re "When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any 
more stress.":

Hmm. But isn't here a difference between
1) saying to yourself that nothing I do is going to make a blind bit 
of difference and carrying on as everyone else does (wine, women and 
song, or whatever floats your boat) and
2) following a spiritual path - meditation, say - which only makes 
sense if you think the practice chosen will make *some* difference, 
however little, to your life?

And re Dan's (following MMY): "Material possessions are not a means of 
bondage. ":

They sure are! What we think we own actually owns us. All the 
(pitifully few) possessions I have surrounding me right now are also 
what help define me as a person (my learned role play in this life). 
We all need certain basic essentials - and yes, what we regard as 
basic has expanded over the centuries - but beyond that point 
accumulating possessions is like decorating your prison cell. It makes 
you feel more at home (and so apathetic) but the point is to break 
down the prison walls and escape!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can
fulfill those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that
counts too but doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more 
than one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going 
to get leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible 
to to stop desiring, and at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to 
want to stop desiring more than one is going to stop desiring, 
relative to wanting to stop wanting.

According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of 
desirelessness, they merely indicate desire's universality, the 
subtlety with which it operates, the reason why it is commonly 
misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation to bring it into 
manageable operation.

Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are 
emotively imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent 
desiring more than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired 
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will 
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire for 
more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional, deeper 
desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to stop 
desiring more stopping than will be attained.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to 
get. When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any 
more stress. Any time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is 
wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is actually very simple 
when you think about it.

According to Bahm, /"He who finally gives up trying to solve the 
problem of frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires 
and frustrations for what they are, finds the problem solved."/


On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
punditster@...  [FairfieldLife]" 

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are 
meditating* you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires 
no longer impinge on your consciousness and you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 27-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 7:52 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> On 08/26/2014 05:15 PM, FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com
> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>> 164 danfriedman2002
> Looks like FFL has a new graffiti artist!
= __o
= (*) % (*)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Where We Went and Why We Went There [1 Attachment]

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 7:10 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

Richard, this is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world...

When we lived in Austin we used to go to Barton Springs Pool every 
weekend - it was only a few blocks away from where we lived. The water 
is very cold from a natural spring but it's great to dive in when the 
temperature outside is 100 degrees.

Hamilton's Pool:

A beautiful swimming hole nestled in the Hill Country, Hamilton Pool 
lies about 20 miles west of Austin off Highway 71 just past /Radiance, 
the TM Ideal Village/. This natural swimming pool, formed by a collapsed 
grotto is supplied by a 60-foot waterfall. The rock formation serves as 
a unique backdrop to the cool, blue-green water, which flows down a 
magical tree-lined creek, to the Perdenales River.

/Hamilton's Pool, Hays County/


On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:22 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

We went to this place so we could swim in a swimming pool.


/Barton Springs Pool, Austin/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 7:08 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, for me the answer lies in being at peace energetically, in 
the body. No mood making. No trying to think a certain way, or feel a 
certain way. Peace in the energy field means that desire does not 
arise. Or if it does, one is at peace with it.

Too avid seeking for enlightenment embodies a very subtle greed which 
must be rooted out by more subtle efforts. But, you must not pursue the 
uprooting greedily, but by means of a still more subtle way. You need to 
realize that you are not going to get any more enlightenment than you 
are going to get. And, while metaphysical pursuits may be interesting to 
a certain degree, not one single concept is going to help anyone cross 
over to the other side.

According to my philosophy professor, "The problem of stopping the 
striving is sufficiently difficult, complex, and attention-demanding 
that anyone who pursues it seriously will have little time left over for 
indulging unhappily in metaphysical pursuits." -  A.J. Bahm



On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:13 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can 
fulfill those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that 
counts too but doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more 
than one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going 
to get leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible 
to to stop desiring, and at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to 
want to stop desiring more than one is going to stop desiring, 
relative to wanting to stop wanting.

According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of 
desirelessness, they merely indicate desire's universality, the 
subtlety with which it operates, the reason why it is commonly 
misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation to bring it into 
manageable operation.

Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are 
emotively imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent 
desiring more than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired 
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will 
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire for 
more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional, deeper 
desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to stop 
desiring more stopping than will be attained.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to 
get. When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any 
more stress. Any time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is 
wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is actually very simple 
when you think about it.

According to Bahm, /"He who finally gives up trying to solve the 
problem of frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires 
and frustrations for what they are, finds the problem solved."/


On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com  [FairfieldLife]" 

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are 
meditating* you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires 
no longer impinge on your consciousness and you are happy to remain 
just where you are. True, one could say the same thing about being 
asleep, but Indian philosophers have often taken the deep sleep 
state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = fulfillment of 

In /Tibetan Dream Yoga/, maintaining full consciousness while in the 
dream state is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described 
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as /'Rigpa Awareness'./ Lucid dreaming is 
secondary to the experience of '/Diamond Light'/. Rigpa Awareness is 
very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, which helps the individual 
understand the unreality of waking consciousness as phenomena. 
Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in TM.

Read more:

'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998

Re: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 6:54 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Michael, that bliss is an isness. It is not a thereness as in, you are 
already there. Everything is useless and nothing is useless. You are 
that bliss, mantra is that bliss. Bliss alone is. Even the questions 
are bliss. In fact they make the bubbles of bliss rise up into 
laughter. In my experience...

It is obvious that different people may not see the same object as it 
is, but may perceive different objects when confronted by the same 
stimulus source. We fail to take into account the /constructed character 
of knowing/. The term constructed character of knowing may be used to 
name the synthesizing process that goes on in the brain before 
experiences are produced. The various nervous impulses do not appear in 
consciousness to be knowingly assembled or constructed into an object.


On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:48 PM, "Michael Jackson 
mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]"  

So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss 
becomes all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you 
are that, and that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are 
that too? I mean, what do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there 
is no place to go, you're already there. I mean what the...?

Re: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 You can still kill people, if need be, like getting rid of guys like ISIS. 
Remember Arjuna, he had it from a head Honcho to go ahead and do just that. You 
will have no choice. Nice experience. Tomorrow maybe there will be a different 
kind of experience. Whatever it is, there will be awareness of it because the 
awareness cannot be separated from it. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This was my experience this evening - it wasn't a hypothetical.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?
   So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss becomes 
all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you are that, and 
that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are that too? I mean, what 
do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there is no place to go, you're 
already there. I mean what the...?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 27-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-26 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 08/26/2014 05:15 PM, FFL PostCount ffl.postcount@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:
 > 164 danfriedman2002 
 Looks like FFL has a new graffiti artist!

 Just another reason to watch more TV and less FFL as far as bawee's concerned, 
no doubt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 6:45 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss 
becomes all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you 
are that, and that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are 
that too? I mean, what do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there 
is no place to go, you're already there. I mean what the...?

If consciousness is a series of impulses, why do we seem to be conscious 
continuously? In order to be conscious of the period between moments of 
consciousness we would have to be conscious when we are not conscious. 
Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Back By Popular Demand

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

Re: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This was my experience this evening - it wasn't a hypothetical.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss becomes 
all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you are that, and 
that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are that too? I mean, what 
do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there is no place to go, you're 
already there. I mean what the...?

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Re "You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get." 
 That's necessarily true by definition but isn't it a little vacuous?

 Re "When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more 

 Hmm. But isn't there a difference between 
 1) saying to yourself that nothing I do is going to make a blind bit of 
difference and carrying on as everyone else does (wine, women and song, or 
whatever else floats your boat), and 
 2) following a spiritual path - meditation, say - which only makes sense if 
you think the practice chosen will make *some* difference, however little, to 
your life?


 And re Dan's (following MMY): "Material possessions are not a means of 
bondage. ": 

 They sure are! What we think we own actually owns us. All the (pitifully few) 
possessions I have surrounding me right now are also what help define me as a 
person (my learned role play in this life). We all need certain basic 
essentials - and yes, what we regard as basic has expanded over the centuries - 
but beyond that point accumulating possessions is like decorating your prison 
cell. It makes you feel more at home (and so apathetic) but the point is to 
break down the prison walls and escape! 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

 It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more than one 
is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going to get leads to 
frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible to to stop desiring, and 
at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one 
is going to stop desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 
 According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of desirelessness, they 
merely indicate desire's universality, the subtlety with which it operates, the 
reason why it is commonly misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation 
to bring it into manageable operation.
 Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are emotively 
imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent desiring more than will 
be attained is itself unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires 
to stop 'desiring more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire 
also becomes a desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this 
additional, deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to 
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.
 You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get. 
When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more stress. Any 
time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is wanting less stress. The 
answer to this riddle is actually very simple when you think about it. 
 According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem of 
frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and frustrations 
for what they are, finds the problem solved."

 On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 




[FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Re "You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get." 
 That's necessarily true by definition but isn't it a little vacuous?

 Re "When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more 

 Hmm. But isn't here a difference between 
 1) saying to yourself that nothing I do is going to make a blind bit of 
difference and carrying on as everyone else does (wine, women and song, or 
whatever floats your boat) and 
 2) following a spiritual path - meditation, say - which only makes sense if 
you think the practice chosen will make *some* difference, however little, to 
your life?


 And re Dan's (following MMY): "Material possessions are not a means of 
bondage. ": 

 They sure are! What we think we own actually owns us. All the (pitifully few) 
possessions I have surrounding me right now are also what help define me as a 
person (my learned role play in this life). We all need certain basic 
essentials - and yes, what we regard as basic has expanded over the centuries - 
but beyond that point accumulating possessions is like decorating your prison 
cell. It makes you feel more at home (and so apathetic) but the point is to 
break down the prison walls and escape! 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

 It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more than one 
is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going to get leads to 
frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible to to stop desiring, and 
at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one 
is going to stop desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 
 According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of desirelessness, they 
merely indicate desire's universality, the subtlety with which it operates, the 
reason why it is commonly misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation 
to bring it into manageable operation.
 Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are emotively 
imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent desiring more than will 
be attained is itself unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires 
to stop 'desiring more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire 
also becomes a desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this 
additional, deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to 
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.
 You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get. 
When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more stress. Any 
time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is wanting less stress. The 
answer to this riddle is actually very simple when you think about it. 
 According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem of 
frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and frustrations 
for what they are, finds the problem solved."

 On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 




Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A TM'er)

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

I had forgotten the "leave the room the governors need to have a meeting" deal 
- that happened to me too.  

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A TM'er)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Thanks Sal and in fact it was the elitism I watched building in the Movement 
after the advent of the TM Siddhi Programme, especially after there came to be 
lots of Governors coming off the 6 month courses that directly inspired that 
bit of writing. 
Oddly enough I didn't really see the elitism catch on till after Marshy 
revealed what they were doing on the 6 month courses. Then the Governors could 
be properly arrogant around the plebeian non-siddhis initiators and
us meditators were relegated to the status of worms. 
Worms, LOL. Bet you didn't see that coming when you started on the highest path!
It used to really fucking annoy me when I had to leave the room during meetings 
because the "governors" wanted to talk, like they had some big secrets we mere 
mortals couldn't understand! I was working there for crissakes, how can you 
have a management structure so inefficient? No wonder we failed, but that's 
probably not the only reason I suspect...
=They all wanted me to do TTC for some reason, glad I resisted but I doubt they 
would've accepted me, I thought SCI was a crock and that's probably not the 
best start 

 From: salyavin808 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday,
August 18, 2014 2:23 PMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Michael, it's simply that I don't know any TM govs who live this way. 
The bit about mixed marriages was inspired, proper funny. I've met siddha's who 
don't like mixing with mere meditators and think they are wasting their lives. 
I can't imagine what the rarified heights of governorship must do to a flabby 
So I couldn't even think of your piece as satire. Maybe revisionist history?
I saw it more as a send up of how TM wanted to be rather than how it ended up.
On Monday, August 18, 2014 11:37 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
God damn! Something is bad wrong with you if that's your take away on this! 
Can't wait to see what you think of Part 2 and 3.

 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A TM'er)

This reminds me that what was totally courageous and creative and compassionate 
about what Maharishi did, is that he took steps to bring a rich spiritual life 
to householders. Gratitude...  

On Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:02 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

A Day in the Life (of
a TM'er)
Governor wakes up, but in fact he has not been asleep having
witnessed his sleep all night long and we all know that witnessing sleep is the
acid test of conscious awareness.

He gets up, stretches and doesn't look at his wife or touch
her since it is the first day of her "resting time."

Governor goes to the bathroom, feeling total bliss in his
body and preforms his morning ablutions. He sits on the toilet and lets fly. 
he takes his Maharishi Ayurveda™ triphala every night one hour before bed with
warm water he is always ayurvedically regular.

He gets up, performs his oil massage and goes downstairs to
make himself a cup of dosha specific tea. Normally the little woman would have
made it already, but today being the first day of her "resting cycle"
it would sully the vibrations of the tea for her to touch it or even think of it
so Governor does it herself.

He sits thinking blissful thoughts, watching the squirrels
and birds talk to each other. At a certain point he opens the window so he can 
what they are saying, he having received the sutra for understanding the
language of animals. No matter what they say, the sounds create waves of bliss
in Governor's awareness.

"Can I come down yet, honey? I'm hungry." Comes the
plaintive wail from his missus.

"Nooo, you know I am not supposed to see you or touch
you before noon today. What would the vaidyas think?" Governor says with
some irritation (but of course it couldn't have been real irritation, not from
such a sattvic fellow. It must have just appeared as irritation for his wife to
work out some of her karma with.)  "Just
wait a bit. I'm almost finished."

Missus maintains a respectful silence and waits her turn in
the kitchen. He could fix her something to eat, but focusing on her in her
condition might sully his own vibrations, and of course one's state of
awareness is the most important thing.

Governor gets up and goes out on the east facing deck. It is
such a nice morning, mild and sattvic that Governor

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

That kind of diagnosis is generally done by feeling the subdosha pulses.

On 08/26/2014 06:24 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm not hearing anyone talk much about pulse diagnosis these days. 
That was Dr. Triguna's thing.

I recall getting a pulse diagnosis from him in India.  I thought he 
called it pretty well.

He said my mind was a little jumpy, or something along those lines.

I would think pulse diagnosis could be tested scientifically.

Say someone had a liver problem. That should be evident in a pulse 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

"For the record" a lot of alternative medicine *is* very science 
based.  Only the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a 
lot of university research out there that hasn't yet been implemented 
by the conservative mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're 
beginning to catch on and learning that the centuries old concepts of 
the metabolic causes of medicine that East Indians and Chinese use 
have some validity.  Just like one size shoe won't fit us all neither 
does just one medical approach to a problem.

On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense,
was invented by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is
basically a quacks take on regular medicine, although at the time
the term came into use, regular medicine was still pretty
primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'.
Here is an interesting site that deals with various conflicts
found between alternative therapies (which I usually call the
alternative to medicine) and modern medical practice.
Science-Based Medicine 


Science-Based Medicine 
Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies in the
relationship between science and medicine

View on www.sciencebasedm... 

Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 wrote :

I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all
for a number of reasons. First, it's been done to death here
before, so the whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been
there, done that, don't need to do it again vibe to it. Second,
possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers
exhibit. I never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of
that stuff, and have managed to remain remarkably healthy
*anyway*, never having to "go there" and put any attention on my
health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on?

Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the
health care industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma,
but most are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine
or chiropractic or some alternative practice or some mainstream
specialty like cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I don't
think any of them would disagree with the comments one of them
put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in
their panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about

Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more
attention to their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they
don't. They want a "quick cure." And they want it whether it
comes from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic sugar pill or a
Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers --
whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because
people go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure
me, cure me!" They're not willing to do the work every day that
keeps them healthy in the first place, so they expect someone
else to do it for them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I'm not hearing anyone talk much about pulse diagnosis these days. That was Dr. 
Triguna's thing. 

 I recall getting a pulse diagnosis from him in India.  I thought he called it 
pretty well.

 He said my mind was a little jumpy, or something along those lines.

 I would think pulse diagnosis could be tested scientifically.

 Say someone had a liver problem. That should be evident in a pulse diagnosis.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "For the record" a lot of alternative medicine is very science based.  Only 
the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university 
research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative 
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to catch on and 
learning that the centuries old concepts of the metabolic causes of medicine 
that East Indians and Chinese use have some validity.  Just like one size shoe 
won't fit us all neither does just one medical approach to a problem.
 On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  





Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 27-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
On 08/26/2014 05:15 PM, FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
> 164 danfriedman2002 
Looks like FFL has a new graffiti artist!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Well, 250,000 is just under 1% of the entire country of Peru, so if they're 
really interested in Maharishi Effect stuff, it would be on a national level. 
Unless those students were spread throughout the entire country, it would be an 
ok study, as far as I am concerned (assuming that it happens, and that they 
actually are going to analyze what results, etc). 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, Initiators.  Like regular folks as meditators turned in to transcending 
meditation teachers.  That was done before and it worked for a while at a time 
pretty well in the early/mid-1970's.  It could be done again.  It is being done 
with some good effect in the David Lynch side of TM.   "You read that 
correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM teachers."
 A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

 If it's a test will they be publishing the criterion to be measured 
beforehand? It seems to me that this might be a good test of what happens to a 
society if you teach loads of kids to meditate, but not a good test of any 
supernatural powers like the ME.

 The problem is that the subjects will be living amongst the people that will 
ultimately be measured on how they behave. This a very poor control. 250,000 is 
a lot of people to suddenly have some sort of transformational experience, it 
seems highly likely that any effect they get off TM will affect their parents 
and beyond. Even if it's just enthusiasm or them absorbing the general values 
of the TMO (but hopefully not its leaders) you won't ever be able to say that 
what is happening in society is because of increased "coherence" due to 
exposure to some sort of unknown field effect and not just a happier atmosphere 
at home.

 It wouldn't get past James Randi at any rate, which is a shame because his 
million dollar prize would pay for a lot of Girish's legal fees. The only way 
you'll prove the ME - without coming up with an explanation of how it might 
possibly work - is by having a large group of people in a troubled country 
without anyone else knowing about it. That's the only way you'll be sure that 
you aren't just measuring some sort of happy upward trend like when a country's 
national team wins a football match or something. 

 Marshy said that individual people are the units of world peace and I agree 
but it isn't how the ME is supposed to work and that's what we are interested 
in but at least we'll get an idea of how large scale meditation works - if 
indeed it does.

 Unless of course, the Marshy effect is so overwhelmingly obvious that the 
world sits up and takes note and we all live happily ever after and Nabby's 
highly trained Space Teachers aren't even needed! I remain optimistic but not 
holding my breath.

 Just a heads up.

 If you get any other info do post it here.



 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
As I pointed out and you ave comveniently forgot, a single Yoga retreat center 
has about 1 suicide every two years, and about 1-2% per year are mentally 
incapacitated for up to a month after the retreat, in a center that has 
accommodations for 96 people, including staff. 


 With 40,000 TM teachers who went through training, the above stats would 
translate into 200 suicides while on TTC and up to 800 people who were 

 Are you REALLY claiming this?





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

 TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have 
to constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we 
experience is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 


 Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

 If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you asking me about this, I would have to say 
if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP. 


 So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

 Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote : This does 
bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all of 
Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
 One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's natural tendency 
is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows that in fact the 
human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the human tendency to 
go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering and so forth is an 
 Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of people, put 
them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming. Then let 
loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to argue and 
fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around them? Or the 
 Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it 
is major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad. 
 Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered bad.
 But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
 If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
 It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
 There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not a popular 
notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble creatures 
who have just temporarily lost their way. Human history suggests otherwise. 
 That being said, I doubt that the so-called transcendent contains the ultimate 
"field" of charm for the human mind. As so many spiritual aspirants can attest, 
one can have these charming experiences sometimes for years and the good old 
human mind drifts away again in favor of something a bit less picturesque. 
 Now of course we have stories about people (generally men) who got in that 
exalted state and remained there for the rest of their lives on earth. But that 
doesn't mean we have a field of ultimate charm the mind is aching to always go 
towards. If that were the case once we reach that field one should naturally 
stay there forever. The experiences of meditators show that obviously is not 
true. We go to what intrigues us most even if it is morbid or macabre, not some 
imaginary field of charm.
 And so what?  It again proves the point, that people will go to what they find 
most interesting.  You may make a value judgement, that what they find most 
interesting is not a good thing, but that is only your bias.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dan, for more on this, see SBeing, ArtL pg 238

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:32 PM, danfriedman2002  

Rich and richer,

Your are right (and Rich again).

This one's for Share, because I never, ever think I disagree with what is Right:

"Material possessions don't 
bind us. What they do is liberate us from the pangs of unfulfilled 
desires. Our desire is to get this and this and this, and then if we 
don't get, we feel miserable. Whatever we have, that is a solace to us 
in that misery. Material possessions are not a means of bondage. If 
anything they are a source of solace in our weakness. They do not bind 
us. If anything, they are a source of solace, contentment, happiness, 
joy, peace. 

"Possessions will always be a means of joyfulness. It is the 
non-possessions that bind us in the craving to get them. Do you see the 
point? It is something that we don't possess, that non-possession binds 
us in the craving to possess it. Possessions are not a bondage. They are
 a means of joy, happiness.

"What is bondage? Lack of awareness of the Unbounded. That means: ignorance, 
ignorance of our unbounded nature, ignorance that the Self within is 
unbounded, eternal, infinite, absolute, bliss. Lack of knowledge about 
this is ignorance, and this ignorance is a bondage to us. Material 
possessions are never a bondage. They are a means of happiness."

 - Maharishi
~"Growth of Consciousness" 

~Humboldt State University,  USA~​August 1970~

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 8/26/2014 5:37 PM, danfriedman2002

>>Dearest Share and Richard,
>>Desire is good.
>>Desire for Enlightenment.
>>No regrets, hear?
>Dan, you are a fast reader - better to let this one sink in slowly:
>Because the desire to prevent
desiring more than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire
for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional,
deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained. You  are only
going to get as much enlightenment as you are going to get.
>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>>Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once
heard from a
friend that we can fulfill those less than
desires in dream state. And that counts too
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.
>>It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be
enlightened more
than one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than
one is going
to get leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It
impossible to to stop desiring, and at a more subtle
level, it is
fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one is
going to stop
desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 
>>According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical
difficulties do
not invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a
state of
desirelessness, they merely indicate desire's
universality, the
subtlety with which it operates, the reason why it is
misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation to
bring it
into manageable operation.
>>Base desire also works subtly, not merely because
desires are
emotively imprecise, but especially because the desire
to prevent
desiring more than will be attained is itself
unconsciously desired
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring
more than will
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also
becomes a desire
for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this
deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper
desire to
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.
>>You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you
are going
to get. When you realize this, you will be free and
there won't be
any more stress. Any time there is stress there is
wanting - even if
it is wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is
very simple when you think about it. 
>>According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying
to solve the
problem of frustration, thereby becoming willing to
accept his
desires and frustrations for what they are, finds the
Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM,
"'Richard J.
Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
8:59 PM, s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>>Re"I have
never met a
single TM'er who
honestly say they
fulfilled all
. . ., and yet . . .
Isn't it the case
that *when
you are meditating*
you often
enter a state in
which your
quotidian desires no
impinge on your
and you are happy to
just where you are.
True, one
could say the same
thing about
being asleep, but
philosophers have
often taken
the deep sleep state
as a

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 27-Aug-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-08-26 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/23/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 08/30/14 00:00:00
684 messages as of (UTC) 08/27/14 00:10:53

164 danfriedman2002 
 94 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 94 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 51 salyavin808 
 49 steve.sundur
 42 Share Long sharelong60
 31 Bhairitu noozguru
 25 awoelflebater
 17 nablusoss1008 
 15 jr_esq
 14 fleetwood_macncheese
 13 dhamiltony2k5
 11 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 10 s3raphita
 10 j_alexander_stanley
  8 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
  8 LEnglish5
  5 jedi_spock
  5 anartaxius
  5 Duveyoung 
  4 cardemaister
  3 srijau
  2 Dick Mays dickmays
  1 noozguru
  1 emptybill
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 Toby Walker tobywaka
Posters: 27
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Where We Went and Why We Went There

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, this is one of my favorite places in the whole wide world...

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:22 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

We went to this place so we could swim in a swimming pool.

Barton Springs Pool, Austin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, for me the answer lies in being at peace energetically, in the body. 
No mood making. No trying to think a certain way, or feel a certain way. Peace 
in the energy field means that desire does not arise. Or if it does, one is at 
peace with it. 

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:13 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
>those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
>doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.
It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more
than one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going
to get leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is
impossible to to stop desiring, and at a more subtle level, it is
fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one is going to stop
desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 

According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do
not invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of
desirelessness, they merely indicate desire's universality, the
subtlety with which it operates, the reason why it is commonly
misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation to bring it
into manageable operation.

Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are
emotively imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent
desiring more than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire
for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional,
deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going
to get. When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be
any more stress. Any time there is stress there is wanting - even if
it is wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is actually
very simple when you think about it. 

According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem of 
frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and frustrations 
for what they are, finds the problem solved."

>On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
>pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:
>On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had fulfilled 
>>all desires":
>>And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are 
>>meditating* you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer 
>>impinge on your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. 
>>True, one could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian 
>>philosophers have often taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for 
>>enlightenment. No desires = fulfillment of desires.
>In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
>is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
>Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience 
>of 'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in 
>TM, which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking 
>consciousness as phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa 
>Awareness as in TM. 
>Read more:
>'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
>by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
>Snow Lion, 1998 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

Sex and Rocks & roll

I know that you Know Everything. That's the biggest thing i know, which is 
smaller than, well, you know.

I WILL HAVE FUN tonight, as to that other 'good' thing, well, you know

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dan, as to how do I know these things...I leave no stone unturned (-:
 Big meeting tonight. Have fun AND be good!

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 4:52 PM, danfriedman2002 

   Share, you are so intuitive!

I used to live in Boulder. I used to climb bolders, yes, when I was boldrer. 
How do you know these things?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 But has FFL really become boulder?!


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:43 PM, danfriedman2002 


 FFL Rocks

i've discoverred the Text Font Button, so you might want to turn down your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum 


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   Hard to believe this is real

 The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia The massive gypsum crystals 
found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to behold. Go inside the 
spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they formed.

 View on www.discoverychannel... 
 Preview by Yahoo







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 11:15 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] 

"For the record" a lot of alternative medicine *is* very science 
based.  Only the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a 
lot of university research out there that hasn't yet been implemented 
by the conservative mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're 
beginning to catch on and learning that the centuries old concepts of 
the metabolic causes of medicine that East Indians and Chinese use 
have some validity.  Just like one size shoe won't fit us all neither 
does just one medical approach to a problem.

One of my favorite recipes:


1. Whole grain organic brown rice.
2. Spring or filtered water.


In a stainless steel pot with a copper clad bottom, add 1 cup of washed 
rice and 2 cups of water. Cover. Bring to a boil. Cook on low flame 
until done. Optional: Serve in a bowl. Season to taste with San-J Shoyu 
or Tamari. Set a timer /if needed/ or meditate for twenty minutes.

*Important notes on eating:



On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was 
invented by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically 
a quacks take on regular medicine, although at the time the term came 
into use, regular medicine was still pretty primitive, and probably 
not very effective. Today the term 'evidence-based medicine' is used, 
or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an interesting site that deals 
with various conflicts found between alternative therapies (which I 
usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine 


Science-Based Medicine 
Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies in the 
relationship between science and medicine

View on www.sciencebasedm... 

Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a 
number of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the 
whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't 
need to do it again vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed 
from the TMO early, I never got infected with that uber-hypochondria 
that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got into fad diets or 
mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have managed to remain 
remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and put any 
attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on?

Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the 
health care industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but 
most are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or 
chiropractic or some alternative practice or some mainstream 
specialty like cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I don't think 
any of them would disagree with the comments one of them put on the 
T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their panties 
over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it).

Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more 
attention to their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they 
don't. They want a "quick cure." And they want it whether it comes 
from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic 
or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers -- whoever they are -- 
get pushed into the savior role because people go to them demanding 
the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're not willing 
to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first place, 
so they expect someone else to do it for them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dan, as to how do I know these things...I leave no stone unturned (-:
Big meeting tonight. Have fun AND be good!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 4:52 PM, danfriedman2002  

Share, you are so intuitive!

I used to live in Boulder. I used to climb bolders, yes, when I was boldrer. 
How do you know these things?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

But has FFL really become boulder?!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:43 PM, danfriedman2002  


FFL Rocks

i've discoverred the Text Font Button, so you might want to turn down your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum (-:

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Hard to believe this is real

The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia
The massive
gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to
behold. Go inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they 
View on www.discoverychannel... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Michael, that bliss is an isness. It is not a thereness as in, you are already 
there. Everything is useless and nothing is useless. You are that bliss, mantra 
is that bliss. Bliss alone is. Even the questions are bliss. In fact they make 
the bubbles of bliss rise up into laughter. In my experience...

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:48 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss becomes 
all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you are that, and 
that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are that too? I mean, what 
do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there is no place to go, you're 
already there. I mean what the...?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 But Rich, Whole Paycheck will kill ya. Better off with Health Nuts (if the 
name fits, I wear it) or farmstands.

But...Whole Paycheck is easy to shoplift.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most neglected aspects of modern 
medicine. Just to be on the safe side, we try to eat only organic foods and try 
to avoid all packaged food. It just makes common sense. Today we went to this 
place to get some bulk grains and organic vegetables:
 Whole Foods, San Antonio
 On 8/26/2014 6:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 
   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  





[FairfieldLife] So What Do You do?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
So what do you do when you decide to meditate and suddenly the bliss becomes 
all there is. I mean the kind of bliss where you know that you are that, and 
that's all you are and everybody even your enemies are that too? I mean, what 
do you do with that? Mantra is useless - there is no place to go, you're 
already there. I mean what the...?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cities of the Future, was Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 8/26/2014 3:04 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear. 

 >Fukkn New York City!
 In the future, most of the people will live in cities, not on arable land 
which will be reserved for food cultivation. Cities of the future will built 
up, not spread out all over, so transportaion will be a lot more convenient 
with much shorter travel times. "The goal of Arcosanti is to explore the 
concept of arcology, which combines architecture and ecology."
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcosanti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcosanti
 SimCity: Cities of the Future:
  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and travel in 
the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 
issue---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The main purpose 
of this web site is to present information about the emergence of Maitreya, the 
World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unrest in the Middle East.
 This kabala more likely wants to maintain the price of oil at a high level so 
that they can sell more oil to the industrial

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Rich and richer,

Your are right (and Rich again).

This one's for Share, because I never, ever think I disagree with what is Right:

 "Material possessions don't bind us. What they do is liberate us from the 
pangs of unfulfilled desires. Our desire is to get this and this and this, and 
then if we don't get, we feel miserable. Whatever we have, that is a solace to 
us in that misery. Material possessions are not a means of bondage. If anything 
they are a source of solace in our weakness. They do not bind us. If anything, 
they are a source of solace, contentment, happiness, joy, peace. 
"Possessions will always be a means of joyfulness. It is the non-possessions 
that bind us in the craving to get them. Do you see the point? It is something 
that we don't possess, that non-possession binds us in the craving to possess 
it. Possessions are not a bondage. They are a means of joy, happiness.

"What is bondage? Lack of awareness of the Unbounded. That means: ignorance, 
ignorance of our unbounded nature, ignorance that the Self within is unbounded, 
eternal, infinite, absolute, bliss. Lack of knowledge about this is ignorance, 
and this ignorance is a bondage to us. Material possessions are never a 
bondage. They are a means of happiness."
 - Maharishi ~"Growth of Consciousness" 

 ~Humboldt State University,  USA~​ August 1970~


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 8/26/2014 5:37 PM, danfriedman2002 wrote:


 Dearest Share and Richard,
 Desire is good.
 Desire for Enlightenment.
 No regrets, hear?

 Dan, you are a fast reader - better to let this one sink in slowly:
 Because the desire to prevent desiring more than will be attained is itself 
unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring 
more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a 
desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional, deeper 
desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to stop desiring more 
stopping than will be attained. You  are only going to get as much 
enlightenment as you are going to get.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

 It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more than one 
is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going to get leads to 
frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible to to stop desiring, and 
at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one 
is going to stop desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 
 According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of desirelessness, they 
merely indicate desire's universality, the subtlety with which it operates, the 
reason why it is commonly misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation 
to bring it into manageable operation.
 Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are emotively 
imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent desiring more than will 
be attained is itself unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires 
to stop 'desiring more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire 
also becomes a desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this 
additional, deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to 
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.
 You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get. 
When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more stress. Any 
time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is wanting less stress. The 
answer to this riddle is actually very simple when you think about it. 
 According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem of 
frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and frustrations 
for what they are, finds the problem solved."

 On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken t

Re: [FairfieldLife] The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 5:04 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a 
number of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the 
whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't 
need to do it again vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from 
the TMO early, I never got infected with that uber-hypochondria that 
so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got into fad diets or 
mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have managed to remain 
remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and put any 
attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on?

Well, I hope this isn't an example of your science writing! As a science 
writer you should know that some types of diabetes is partly inherited. 
According to my research, a lack of exercise is believed to cause 7% of 
cases. There is no known preventive measure for type 1 diabetes. 
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, for which there is no known 
cure. Prevention and treatment involves a healthy diet, physical 
exercise, not using tobacco, and being a normal body weight. So, we eat 
right tokeep fit and go to the YMCA every day to get some exercise. 
/Your health is your greatest wealth./

"Hypochondriasis or hypochondria (sometimes referred to as health phobia 
or health anxiety) refers to excessive preoccupancy or worry about 
having a serious illness."


Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the 
health care industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but 
most are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or 
chiropractic or some alternative practice or some mainstream specialty 
like cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I don't think any of 
them would disagree with the comments one of them put on the T-shirt 
below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their panties over the 
mention of chiropractic, but that's about it).

Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more 
attention to their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they 
don't. They want a "quick cure." And they want it whether it comes 
from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic 
or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers -- whoever they are -- 
get pushed into the savior role because people go to them demanding 
the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're not willing 
to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first place, 
so they expect someone else to do it for them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 8/26/2014 5:37 PM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Dearest Share and Richard,

Desire is good.

Desire for Enlightenment.

No regrets, hear?

Dan, you are a fast reader - better to let this one sink in slowly:

Because the desire to prevent desiring more than will be attained is 
itself unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 
'desiring more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire 
also becomes a desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this 
additional, deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper 
desire to stop desiring more stopping than will be attained. You  are 
only going to get as much enlightenment as you are going to get.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can
fulfill those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that
counts too but doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more 
than one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going 
to get leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible 
to to stop desiring, and at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to 
want to stop desiring more than one is going to stop desiring, 
relative to wanting to stop wanting.

According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of 
desirelessness, they merely indicate desire's universality, the 
subtlety with which it operates, the reason why it is commonly 
misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation to bring it into 
manageable operation.

Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are 
emotively imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent 
desiring more than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired 
too much.  For whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will 
be attained', this additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire for 
more stopping than will be attained. Thus this additional, deeper 
desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to stop 
desiring more stopping than will be attained.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to 
get. When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any 
more stress. Any time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is 
wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is actually very simple 
when you think about it.

According to Bahm, /"He who finally gives up trying to solve the 
problem of frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires 
and frustrations for what they are, finds the problem solved."/


On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
punditster@...  [FairfieldLife]" 

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are 
meditating* you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires 
no longer impinge on your consciousness and you are happy to remain 
just where you are. True, one could say the same thing about being 
asleep, but Indian philosophers have often taken the deep sleep state 
as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = fulfillment of desires.

In /Tibetan Dream Yoga/, maintaining full consciousness while in the 
dream state is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described 
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as /'Rigpa Awareness'./ Lucid dreaming is 
secondary to the experience of '/Diamond Light'/. Rigpa Awareness is 
very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, which helps the individual 
understand the unreality of waking consciousness as phenomena. 
Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in TM.

Read more:

'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Nude Cabaret

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 4:28 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
I always loved Jackson Browne. I used to see him perform at the 
Troubadour in L.A. on "open mic" night back in the 60s, painfully shy 
and almost ashamed of his own voice, preferring other singers' cover 
versions of his songs to his own...

That probably would have been "Hoot Night" at Doug Weston's Troubadour, 
a great place back then to hear new talent perform; a good place to go 
if you were looking for someone, chances are you'd find them there. I 
first discovered the Troubadour when I was working for Doug Sahm who was 
played there for a week.

We had just come out from Texas after Sahm's record became a hit. We 
first met Jackson Browne in spring of 1967 when he was briefly a member 
of the "Gentle Soul" band, which include Rick Stanley, Sandy Konikoff, 
Riley “Wyldflower” Cummings and Pamela Poland.

Take It Easy:

We lived in a house off Sunset Blvd which had been rented for the band 
by Terry Melcher. Jackson Browne had a sister Roberta "Berbie" Browne 
that I once dated. "The Gentle Soul" made the charts with two singles, 
"Tell Me Love," written by Rick and "She's a Flying Thing that Sings" by 
one-time member of "The Gentle Soul," Jackson Browne.

Rick Stanley now lives out by Iowa City in Van Buren County - famous in 
TM circles for putting the "Holy Tradition" to modern music. In 1972 he 
released /"Something Good is Happening"/ and /"Song of Life"/ featuring 
Paul Horn on flute. Rick has performed at MUM on numerous occasions.

"Holy Tradition" by Rick Stanley from MUM Guru Purnima

At that time Browne lived over in Echo Park and later I met up with him 
in Laurel Canyon where he was a frequent visitor because he was being 
managed by Lookout Management. We had a lot in common because we were 
both military-brats. That neighborhood was a home for many of singers 
and songwriters around that time.

My apartment was across the street from Mark Volman of The Turtles and 
up from Frank Zappa's place. Cass Elliot had a place on Lookout Mountain 
Rd near where I was living "in a scene rapidly filling with priapic 
young men bursting with talent and ego, Elliot's home was a neutral 
ground where they could share food, dope, songs, and something 
approaching real friendship."

Other singer song writers also came out from Texas around that time: 
Stephen Stills, Don Henley and Mike Nesmith. The latter had won the 
talent contest in San Antonio when we were both studying art and drama 
at San Antonio College. He later inherited $25 million from his mother 
who had invented an office product called "Liquid Paper".

Rick Stanley:


There is a great moment in the recent documentary on The Eagles in 
which Don Henley speaks of living above Jackson's basement room back 
in their mutual just-getting-started-in-the-music-business days and 
being awakened by him every morning by the sound of him sitting at the 
piano going over and over and over and over the same verse of a new 
song, trying to make it perfect. Sometimes it would take months.

Leonard Cohen is the same way. It can take him *years* to finish a 
song to the point that he feels it's "finished," and that he can 
record it. It's a real trip to surf the Net and find old, 
still-in-process versions of one of his songs, years before we in the 
general public first heard it. The changes are not drastic -- a word 
will be changed here, a phrase here, the rhyme made more precise here. 
But *every* change makes the song better, and thus is a significant 
step in the creation of a perfect song.

So I really have high hopes for these two upcoming albums. Jackson's 
new album (his first since 2008) will be released on his 65th 
birthday, the same age that saner non-poets retire. Leonard Cohen will 
be 80 when his new album comes out. Bruce Cockburn is my age, and 
hasn't had a new album in a while because 1) he's a new father at our 
shared age, and 2) he's been working for the last few years on his 
autobiography "Rumours Of Glory," which is now finished and about to 
be released. Hopefully now he'll be able to swing his attention back 
to writing songs.

And hopefully all three of these guys' songs will be as good as the 
ones they wrote in their youth. Physical athletes can't hope to 
compete at the same levels once they get old and hoary, but mental 
athletes still have a shot at it. I really hope that all three of 
these poets/songwriters manage to surpass even their own previous 
works, setting the bar higher not only for themselves, but for the 
rest of us as well, because after all we're gettin' a bit old and 
hoary ourselves, and could use the inspiration.

*From:* "anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroup

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 OK. Then I take it all back, no hard feelings for All's well that ends well.

The day is turning out perfect, don't you think?

Forgive and forget, that's my motto.

Grace bro'

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I have no idea how this message got here - I wrote it some time ago and don't 
remeber sending it. I sure didn't send it today!

 From: danfriedman2002 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level


These are very personal questions and I have seen Steve being very generous 
with you. I am not.

You are just wrong in your understanding of TM. You write: "TM doesn't quiet 
the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have to constantly 
thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience is not 
exactly mood making, but some of it is."

It is not mood making precisely because the technique does allow the mind to 
settle down on its own.

From here on in your post you describe everyone's motives, but your own. 
Projecting your motives on to Steve just does not work. Steve is normal.

And because you think spelling is so improtant to you, please reread this 
"I would have to say if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would 
be teaching it because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP."

Get a life. Get life. Live. do something. Anything. Stop whining. Grow up. Hope 
this helps.

We are all One, just different,
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

 TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have 
to constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we 
experience is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 


 Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

 If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you asking me about this, I would have to say 
if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP. 


 So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

 Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote : This does 
bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all of 
Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
 One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's natural tendency 
is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows that in fact the 
human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the human tendency to 
go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering and so forth is an 
 Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of people, put 
them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming. Then let 
loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to argue and 
fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around them? Or the 
 Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it 
is major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad. 
 Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered bad.
 But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
 If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
 It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
 There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not a popular 
notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble creatures 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 Dearest Share and Richard,

Desire is good.

Desire for Enlightenment.

No regrets, hear?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

 It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more than one 
is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going to get leads to 
frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible to to stop desiring, and 
at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to want to stop desiring more than one 
is going to stop desiring, relative to wanting to stop wanting. 
 According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of desirelessness, they 
merely indicate desire's universality, the subtlety with which it operates, the 
reason why it is commonly misunderstood, and the need for a special meditation 
to bring it into manageable operation.
 Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are emotively 
imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent desiring more than will 
be attained is itself unconsciously desired too much.  For whenever one desires 
to stop 'desiring more than will be attained', this additional, deeper desire 
also becomes a desire for more stopping than will be attained. Thus this 
additional, deeper desire requires its own additional, still deeper desire to 
stop desiring more stopping than will be attained.
 You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to get. 
When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more stress. Any 
time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is wanting less stress. The 
answer to this riddle is actually very simple when you think about it. 
 According to Bahm, "He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem of 
frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and frustrations 
for what they are, finds the problem solved."

 On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@... [FairfieldLife]"  
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Why don't you look in the mirror when you give out your fine advice - no body 
in this neck of the woods cares what you think of me - and get out of that 
Phoenix sun, its giving you pitta problems.

 From: danfriedman2002 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level



These are very personal questions and I have seen Steve being very generous 
with you. I am not.

You are just wrong in your understanding of TM. You write: "TM doesn't quiet 
the mind - 
we do that as we release the normal link we have to constantly thinking 
thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience is not 
exactly mood making, but some of it is."

It is not mood making precisely because the technique does allow the mind to 
settle down on its own.

>From here on in your post you describe everyone's motives, but your own. 
>Projecting your motives on to Steve just does not work. Steve is normal.

And because you think spelling is so improtant to you, please reread this 
"I would have to say if you 
reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP."

Get a life. Get life. Live. do something. Anything. Stop whining. Grow up. Hope 
this helps.

We are all One, just different,
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have to 
constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience 
is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 

Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you
asking me about this, I would have to say if you reaaal think TM is 
so groovy, you would be teaching it because it is so valuable to others and you 
would be doing TMSP. 

So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
does bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all
of Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's
natural tendency is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows
that in fact the human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the
human tendency to go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering
and so forth is an aberration. 
Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of
people, put them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming.
Then let loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to
argue and fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around
them? Or the stress?
Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it is 
major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad.  
Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered
But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not
a popular notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble
creatures who have just temporarily lost their way. Human history suggests
That being said, I doubt that the so-called transcendent contains
the u

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I have no idea how this message got here - I wrote it some time ago and don't 
remeber sending it. I sure didn't send it today!

 From: danfriedman2002 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level



These are very personal questions and I have seen Steve being very generous 
with you. I am not.

You are just wrong in your understanding of TM. You write: "TM doesn't quiet 
the mind - 
we do that as we release the normal link we have to constantly thinking 
thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience is not 
exactly mood making, but some of it is."

It is not mood making precisely because the technique does allow the mind to 
settle down on its own.

>From here on in your post you describe everyone's motives, but your own. 
>Projecting your motives on to Steve just does not work. Steve is normal.

And because you think spelling is so improtant to you, please reread this 
"I would have to say if you 
reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP."

Get a life. Get life. Live. do something. Anything. Stop whining. Grow up. Hope 
this helps.

We are all One, just different,
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have to 
constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience 
is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 

Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you
asking me about this, I would have to say if you reaaal think TM is 
so groovy, you would be teaching it because it is so valuable to others and you 
would be doing TMSP. 

So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
does bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all
of Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's
natural tendency is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows
that in fact the human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the
human tendency to go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering
and so forth is an aberration. 
Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of
people, put them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming.
Then let loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to
argue and fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around
them? Or the stress?
Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it is 
major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad.  
Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered
But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not
a popular notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble
creatures who have just temporarily lost their way. Human history suggests
That being said, I doubt that the so-called transcendent contains
the ultimate "field" of charm for the human mind. As so many
spiritual aspir

[FairfieldLife] Where We Went and Why We Went There

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

We went to this place so we could swim in a swimming pool.

/Barton Springs Pool, Austin/

[FairfieldLife] Desire, was What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 8/26/2014 9:38 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can 
fulfill those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that 
counts too but doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

It is obviously counter-productive to desire to be enlightened more than 
one is going to be enlightened. Desiring more than one is going to get 
leads to frustration, lamentation, and grief. It is impossible to to 
stop desiring, and at a more subtle level, it is fruitless to want to 
stop desiring more than one is going to stop desiring, relative to 
wanting to stop wanting.

According to Professor A.J. Bahm, these practical difficulties do not 
invalidate the principle of wanting to attain a state of desirelessness, 
they merely indicate desire's universality, the subtlety with which it 
operates, the reason why it is commonly misunderstood, and the need for 
a special meditation to bring it into manageable operation.

Base desire also works subtly, not merely because desires are emotively 
imprecise, but especially because the desire to prevent desiring more 
than will be attained is itself unconsciously desired too much.  For 
whenever one desires to stop 'desiring more than will be attained', this 
additional, deeper desire also becomes a desire for more stopping than 
will be attained. Thus this additional, deeper desire requires its own 
additional, still deeper desire to stop desiring more stopping than will 
be attained.

You are not going to get any more enlightenment than you are going to 
get. When you realize this, you will be free and there won't be any more 
stress. Any time there is stress there is wanting - even if it is 
wanting less stress. The answer to this riddle is actually very simple 
when you think about it.

According to Bahm, /"He who finally gives up trying to solve the problem 
of frustration, thereby becoming willing to accept his desires and 
frustrations for what they are, finds the problem solved."/


On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are 
meditating* you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires 
no longer impinge on your consciousness and you are happy to remain 
just where you are. True, one could say the same thing about being 
asleep, but Indian philosophers have often taken the deep sleep state 
as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = fulfillment of desires.

In /Tibetan Dream Yoga/, maintaining full consciousness while in the 
dream state is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described 
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as /'Rigpa Awareness'./ Lucid dreaming is 
secondary to the experience of '/Diamond Light'/. Rigpa Awareness is 
very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, which helps the individual 
understand the unreality of waking consciousness as phenomena. 
Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in TM.

Read more:

'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002


These are very personal questions and I have seen Steve being very generous 
with you. I am not.

You are just wrong in your understanding of TM. You write: "TM doesn't quiet 
the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have to constantly 
thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience is not 
exactly mood making, but some of it is."

It is not mood making precisely because the technique does allow the mind to 
settle down on its own.

From here on in your post you describe everyone's motives, but your own. 
Projecting your motives on to Steve just does not work. Steve is normal.

And because you think spelling is so improtant to you, please reread this 
"I would have to say if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would 
be teaching it because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP."

Get a life. Get life. Live. do something. Anything. Stop whining. Grow up. Hope 
this helps.

We are all One, just different,
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

 TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have 
to constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we 
experience is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 


 Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

 If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you asking me about this, I would have to say 
if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP. 


 So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

 Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote : This does 
bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all of 
Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
 One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's natural tendency 
is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows that in fact the 
human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the human tendency to 
go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering and so forth is an 
 Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of people, put 
them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming. Then let 
loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to argue and 
fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around them? Or the 
 Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it 
is major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad. 
 Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered bad.
 But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
 If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
 It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
 There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not a popular 
notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble creatures 
who have just temporarily lost their way. Human history suggests otherwise. 
 That being said, I doubt that the so-called transcendent contains the ultimate 
"field" of charm for the human mind. As so many spiritual aspirants can attest, 
one can have these charming experiences sometimes for years and the good old 
human mind drifts away again in favor of something a bit less picturesque. 
 Now of course we have stories about people (generally men) who got in that 
exalted state and remained there for the rest of their lives on earth. But that 
doesn't mean we have a field of ultimate charm the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Share, you are so intuitive!

I used to live in Boulder. I used to climb bolders, yes, when I was boldrer. 
How do you know these things?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 But has FFL really become boulder?!


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:43 PM, danfriedman2002 


 FFL Rocks

i've discoverred the Text Font Button, so you might want to turn down your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum 


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   Hard to believe this is real

 The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia 
http://www.discoverychannel.com.au/images/the-cave-of-crystals/ The massive 
gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to behold. Go 
inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they formed.

 View on www.discoverychannel... 
 Preview by Yahoo





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I would have to say that you began your reading of my points with your own 
bias, which was to invalidate everything I said.

TM doesn't quiet the mind - we do that as we release the normal link we have to 
constantly thinking thoughts - the mantra is a convenience. What we experience 
is not exactly mood making, but some of it is. 

Bottom line, the negative effects associated with TM are not seen in other 
meditations. Why some are affected and others not, I don't know. But the 
unstressing deal which is NOT good is very real and the basket cases and 
suicides and attempted suicides are a testament to that.

If someone were to ask me about meditation I would direct them just about 
anywhere other than TM. As far as you asking me about this, I would have to say 
if you reaaal think TM is so groovy, you would be teaching it 
because it is so valuable to others and you would be doing TMSP. 

So how about coming clean and telling us why you don't do TMSP and why you 
don't teach? It has to be more than just you need a job that pays. I have known 
TM teachers who work full time and teach on the side because they believe in TM 
so much. 

Do you contribute to the yagya programs and any of the other "causes" the 
Movement asks for money for all the time? Just how committed to TM are you?

 From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of 
ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
does bring up a lot of things. In all honesty I agreed with and bought into all
of Marshy's blabber. But I don't any longer. 
One of the things I disagree with is the idea that the mind's
natural tendency is to go to greater fields of charm. Life experience shows
that in fact the human mind does just the opposite. The TM belief is that the
human tendency to go toward greater fields of stress, pain, agony, suffering
and so forth is an aberration. 
Prove it. Human experience suggests otherwise. Take a bunch of
people, put them in a nice place like Yosemite, or the Snake River in Wyoming.
Then let loose a bear on one side of the group. Or let three guys start to
argue and fight. What will the entire group focus on. The beauty all around
them? Or the stress?
Michael, there is one precondition we have to agree on, and I don't think it is 
major.  That is, that in the earthly experience, there is both good and bad.  
Forget about karma, just that people will sometimes act in way that is 
generally considered bad.
But inspite of this people will still act always act in a way that they feel 
will bring them greater happiness, greater knowledge, greater power.  The 
results will not always be positive, but that is how people will act.
If someone likes hamburgers and not pizza, then they are not going to go to 
restaurant that serves pizza.  People will select a movie based on what they 
think will bring them greater enjoyment.
It is very basic, but maybe you disagree with it.
There are a million examples one can think of. I realize it is not
a popular notion. People would rather believe that humans are really very noble
creatures who have just temporarily lost their way. Human history suggests
That being said, I doubt that the so-called transcendent contains
the ultimate "field" of charm for the human mind. As so many
spiritual aspirants can attest, one can have these charming experiences
sometimes for years and the good old human mind drifts away again in favor of
something a bit less picturesque. 
Now of course we have stories about people (generally men) who got
in that exalted state and remained there for the rest of their lives on earth. 
that doesn't mean we have a field of ultimate charm the mind is aching to
always go towards. If that were the case once we reach that field one should
naturally stay there forever. The experiences of meditators show that obviously
is not true. We go to what intrigues us most even if it is morbid or macabre,
not some imaginary field of charm.
And so what?  It again proves the point, that people will go to what they find 
most interesting.  You may make a value judgement, that what they find most 
interesting is not a good thing, but that is only your bias.  
As to the TM technique and your statements about it, there are
those here on FFL who believe TM is the best meditation. Marshy always said it
was in both overt and subtle ways. 
Interesting that you would ask me about the culture around it. The
Movement likes to pretend the TM technique stands head and shoulders above all
other techniques and that it is almost like a mechanical act with no spiritual
or religious aspects to it at all.
And so what if anyone says it is the "best" technique.  It is a technique for 
quieting the mind, not unlike other techniques which prod

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
But has FFL really become boulder?!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:43 PM, danfriedman2002  


FFL Rocks

i've discoverred the Text Font Button, so you might want to turn down your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum (-:

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Hard to believe this is real

The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia
The massive gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to
behold. Go inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they 
View on www.discoverychannel... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

there's a silent "shit" between the words 'get' and 'than'.

I didn't want to go down that "slipeery slope" of potty talk.

so don't tell mike...

...dixon, that is

I wonder what these other buttons do?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

You know there's other ways to get than buying it.

Steal this Post!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You shouldn't be spending beyond  your means.  And if you have no job that may 
well be no spending.  If you have a new job at it pays only around minimum wage 
your spending will be severely constricted.  Welcome to the New World Order.
 They want you in debt to control you.
 On 08/26/2014 01:54 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 What the government is trying to do is stimulate spending.  That's why they're 
keeping the interest rates on CDs very low.  When the people spend, then the 
economy gets better.  Also, the businesses can borrow money for expansion with 
low interest rates.

 But the banks now have a new scheme by selling annuities with higher interests 
than what the CDs are paying.  It's very enticing at first glance.  But on 
second thought this could be dangerous to the economy since these annuities are 
not backed by the government, the banks, or even the insurance/investment 
companies that are selling them.  So, in essence, it's just a piece a paper in 
exchange for using your hard earned money.

 I'm thinking this could be the next mortgage derivatives fiasco that nearly 
toppled the US economy in 2008.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep saying "the 
recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the depression is here." 
 But they'll say that more jobs have been created but not say that they're all 
low paying jobs.  There are a lot of people with even advanced degrees who can 
no longer find work.
 Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare with 
their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some help there.  
The better solution would have been Single Payer which would be Medicare for 
everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's dreamworld or a nation of whores 
(you have to sell something to survive, usually you soul).  So we couldn't just 
shove the health insurance companies and their robber baron schemes aside and 
have Single Payer.  Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would have 
just expanded their market for supplemental policies they shove at Medicare 
 What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to the 
company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software management job 
everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could have cared less about 
the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a hiring manager I learned that 
those benefits actually don't come free.
 On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 noozy baby,

As The World's Foremost Authority, I must opine, chime and refine.

Your paragraph #1 understates the situation a tad: The US is producing paper 
money and propaganda. A little credit, please (get it?  a little credit please).

Your paragraph #2 needs revision: Sentence Number 4 (or 5, whose counting) 
should read: "But the great USA is A Country of Schemers and Flammers*"

I'm O.K. with Paragraph #3, so you needn't make changes there.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep saying "the 
recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the depression is here." 
 But they'll say that more jobs have been created but not say that they're all 
low paying jobs.  There are a lot of people with even advanced degrees who can 
no longer find work.
 Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare with 
their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some help there.  
The better solution would have been Single Payer which would be Medicare for 
everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's dreamworld or a nation of whores 
(you have to sell something to survive, usually you soul).  So we couldn't just 
shove the health insurance companies and their robber baron schemes aside and 
have Single Payer.  Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would have 
just expanded their market for supplemental policies they shove at Medicare 
 What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to the 
company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software management job 
everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could have cared less about 
the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a hiring manager I learned that 
those benefits actually don't come free.
 On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
You shouldn't be spending beyond  your means.  And if you have no job 
that may well be no spending.  If you have a new job at it pays only 
around minimum wage your spending will be severely constricted.  Welcome 
to the New World Order.

They want you in debt to control you.

On 08/26/2014 01:54 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:


What the government is trying to do is stimulate spending.  That's why 
they're keeping the interest rates on CDs very low.  When the people 
spend, then the economy gets better.  Also, the businesses can borrow 
money for expansion with low interest rates.

But the banks now have a new scheme by selling annuities with higher 
interests than what the CDs are paying.  It's very enticing at first 
glance.  But on second thought this could be dangerous to the economy 
since these annuities are not backed by the government, the banks, or 
even the insurance/investment companies that are selling them.  So, in 
essence, it's just a piece a paper in exchange for using your hard 
earned money.

I'm thinking this could be the next mortgage derivatives fiasco that 
nearly toppled the US economy in 2008.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep 
saying "the recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the 
depression is here."  But they'll say that more jobs have been created 
but *not* say that they're all low paying jobs.  There are a lot of 
people with even advanced degrees who can no longer find work.

Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare 
with their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some 
help there.  The better solution would have been Single Payer which 
would be Medicare for everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's 
dreamworld or a nation of whores (you have to sell something to 
survive, usually you soul).  So we couldn't just shove the health 
insurance companies and their robber baron schemes aside and have 
Single Payer. Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would 
have just expanded their market for supplemental policies they shove 
at Medicare recipients.

What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to 
the company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software 
management job everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could 
have cared less about the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a 
hiring manager I learned that those benefits actually don't come free.

On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 wrote :


Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the 
slums and making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens 
tickled me. Sort of the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've 
lived under the Tories for too long...

[FairfieldLife] Quiet Time Change Lives

2014-08-26 Thread nablusoss1008
“The Quiet Time Program is the most powerful, effective program I’ve come 
across in my 40 years as a public school educator. It is nourishing these 
children and providing them an immensely valuable tool for life. It is saving 
lives.” —James S. Dierke, Executive Vice President, American Federation of 
School Administrators Transforming education, changing the lives of at-risk 
youth The success of the Quiet Time program has generated a demand that far 
exceeds our available resources. Right now, there are literally hundreds of 
schools with tens of thousands of underserved students who are waiting to learn 
to meditate. Your generous support will help to continue and expand the Quiet 
Time program in the U.S. and around the world.
 Schools - David Lynch Foundation 
 Schools - David Lynch Foundation 
http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/schools.html Our Foundation was established 
to ensure that any child in America who wants to learn and practice the 
Transcendental Meditation program can do so. The TM...
 View on www.davidlynchfound... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
As an expert on everything, I feel I must offer my sage opinion.

Your Paragraph #1 is false
Your Paragr#2 is true; especially the parts about "banks now have a new scheme" 
and "it's just a piece a paper in exchange for using your hard earned money."
Your paragragh #3 is neither true nor false. While it is true that "this could 
be the next mortgage derivatives fiasco", it is false "that nearly toppled the 
US economy in 2008."

US of A economy's dead. Rumors of its resuscitation have been greatly 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 What the government is trying to do is stimulate spending.  That's why they're 
keeping the interest rates on CDs very low.  When the people spend, then the 
economy gets better.  Also, the businesses can borrow money for expansion with 
low interest rates.

 But the banks now have a new scheme by selling annuities with higher interests 
than what the CDs are paying.  It's very enticing at first glance.  But on 
second thought this could be dangerous to the economy since these annuities are 
not backed by the government, the banks, or even the insurance/investment 
companies that are selling them.  So, in essence, it's just a piece a paper in 
exchange for using your hard earned money.

 I'm thinking this could be the next mortgage derivatives fiasco that nearly 
toppled the US economy in 2008.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep saying "the 
recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the depression is here." 
 But they'll say that more jobs have been created but not say that they're all 
low paying jobs.  There are a lot of people with even advanced degrees who can 
no longer find work.
 Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare with 
their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some help there.  
The better solution would have been Single Payer which would be Medicare for 
everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's dreamworld or a nation of whores 
(you have to sell something to survive, usually you soul).  So we couldn't just 
shove the health insurance companies and their robber baron schemes aside and 
have Single Payer.  Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would have 
just expanded their market for supplemental policies they shove at Medicare 
 What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to the 
company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software management job 
everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could have cared less about 
the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a hiring manager I learned that 
those benefits actually don't come free.
 On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru meets God...

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

The source of all genius is Don't Bend The Hose - Movie 
 Don't Bend The Hose - Movie http://www.irwincorey.org/hose.html   Video :: 
Don't Bend the Hose 
 View on www.irwincorey.org http://www.irwincorey.org/hose.html 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 What the government is trying to do is stimulate spending.  That's why they're 
keeping the interest rates on CDs very low.  When the people spend, then the 
economy gets better.  Also, the businesses can borrow money for expansion with 
low interest rates.

 But the banks now have a new scheme by selling annuities with higher interests 
than what the CDs are paying.  It's very enticing at first glance.  But on 
second thought this could be dangerous to the economy since these annuities are 
not backed by the government, the banks, or even the insurance/investment 
companies that are selling them.  So, in essence, it's just a piece a paper in 
exchange for using your hard earned money.

 I'm thinking this could be the next mortgage derivatives fiasco that nearly 
toppled the US economy in 2008.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep saying "the 
recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the depression is here." 
 But they'll say that more jobs have been created but not say that they're all 
low paying jobs.  There are a lot of people with even advanced degrees who can 
no longer find work.
 Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare with 
their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some help there.  
The better solution would have been Single Payer which would be Medicare for 
everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's dreamworld or a nation of whores 
(you have to sell something to survive, usually you soul).  So we couldn't just 
shove the health insurance companies and their robber baron schemes aside and 
have Single Payer.  Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would have 
just expanded their market for supplemental policies they shove at Medicare 
 What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to the 
company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software management job 
everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could have cared less about 
the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a hiring manager I learned that 
those benefits actually don't come free.
 On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :

 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Burning Man Time

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 wet t-shirt contests

rock on (get it?)

rock on

(got it now?)

that last question was written in large font to save eyestrain
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It's off to a wet start this year since they got some rain yesterday. 
 Yes, indeed when I went on my morning walk yesterday I felt a drop or 
 two from the dark clouds heading to the festival up in the hills.
 For those who are new to FFL a few years back we watched the live video 
 streams from the festival which will probably be available again this year.
 http://www.burningman.com/ http://www.burningman.com/
 Party on!

[FairfieldLife] Guru meets God...

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 FFL Rocks

i've discoverred the Text Font Button, so you might want to turn down your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum 


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   Hard to believe this is real

 The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia 
http://www.discoverychannel.com.au/images/the-cave-of-crystals/ The massive 
gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to behold. Go 
inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they formed.

 View on www.discoverychannel... 
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Burning Man Time

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 It's like TED

(i meant the movie)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here's the live stream:
 http://www.ustream.tv/burningman http://www.ustream.tv/burningman
 On 08/26/2014 01:16 PM, Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   It's off to a wet start this year since they got some rain yesterday. 
 Yes, indeed when I went on my morning walk yesterday I felt a drop or 
 two from the dark clouds heading to the festival up in the hills.
 For those who are new to FFL a few years back we watched the live video 
 streams from the festival which will probably be available again this year.
 http://www.burningman.com/ http://www.burningman.com/
 Party on!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Very cool, thanks for posting MJ. FFL is becoming quite the geological forum (-:

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:12 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Hard to believe this is real

The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia
The massive gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to 
behold. Go inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they 
View on www.discoverychannel... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 You are both like brothers to me. Everyone ---you are my brother.

bet you never expected to have to support a long-lost brother in his old age, 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You must be Richard's cousin.
 On 08/26/2014 10:17 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Nothing mechanical about 'em. I use a Random Word Generator mining my 
extensive comic book collection. Genius, huh!P.S. My Guiding Light has, and 
will always be (not a word to the girls!), Dr Irwin Corey, Phhd
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-) 
 I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my Android phone 
using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did the other morning when 
the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up and fire up my Linux box.
 Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.
 On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.
 Marco Bot
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  When many 
of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, Card, Nabby etc. 
land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  Nobody posting out of Hawaii, 
Australia or Japan at the moment not to mention India.
 On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew I 
could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!
 Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

i got entropy beat

it's easy

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Guru

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

[FairfieldLife] Cave of Crystals

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hard to believe this is real

The Cave Of Crystals | Discovery Channel Australia
The massive gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Naica mine are spectacular to 
behold. Go inside the spectacular "Cave of Crystals" and find out how they 
View on www.discoverychannel... Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Burning Man Time

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here's the live stream:

 This all looks seriously cool! I'd love to go and take my camera, I haven't 
been to a festy sinceGlastonbury about 25 years ago! 

 Can't imagine what that's like now, you have to pay £150 to see the Rolling 
Stones or some rapper I've never heard of. No thanks, I used to go for the 
alternative lifestyle tents and theatre anyway. Some great times but this looks 
like a step beyond!
 http://www.ustream.tv/burningman http://www.ustream.tv/burningman
 On 08/26/2014 01:16 PM, Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   It's off to a wet start this year since they got some rain yesterday. 
 Yes, indeed when I went on my morning walk yesterday I felt a drop or 
 two from the dark clouds heading to the festival up in the hills.
 For those who are new to FFL a few years back we watched the live video 
 streams from the festival which will probably be available again this year.
 http://www.burningman.com/ http://www.burningman.com/
 Party on!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 We got it...on both counts.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 

 The pink dungarees line was a joke too BTW...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Burning Man Time

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

Here's the live stream:


On 08/26/2014 01:16 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife] 

It's off to a wet start this year since they got some rain yesterday.
Yes, indeed when I went on my morning walk yesterday I felt a drop or
two from the dark clouds heading to the festival up in the hills.


For those who are new to FFL a few years back we watched the live video
streams from the festival which will probably be available again this 


Party on!

[FairfieldLife] Burning Man Time

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
It's off to a wet start this year since they got some rain yesterday.  
Yes, indeed when I went on my morning walk yesterday I felt a drop or 
two from the dark clouds heading to the festival up in the hills.


For those who are new to FFL a few years back we watched the live video 
streams from the festival which will probably be available again this year.


Party on!

Re: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dang! Somebody should have averted the danger before it arose.

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Now how can that be what with all the North Sea Oil out there?

I watched part of the Scottish Independence Debate last night - interesting, 
didn't think I would hear so much talk about nuclear weapons on Scottish soil.

You probably know more about it than I do. My big worry is that if they leave 
we'll be stuck with the Tories for ever because their vote always goes to the 
left and it's a big lot of seats in Parliament to lose.

Everyone else's big worries are having to move our nuclear submarine bases in 4 
years and losing the north sea oil revenue. The oil has been going down for 
years and the nuclear move will probably bankrupt us. If we lose the nukes we 
lose the UK's seat at the G7, so no more influence on world affairs for us. 
These can be seen as good things but it seems like an awful lot of time and 
money gets wasted so the Scot's can get rid of English laws.

Mind you it will probably bankrupt them too because we share a national 
passport office and tax collection etc, just setting up their own 
infrastructure like that will cost a fortune and they really can't keep the 
pound in case we have to bail them out.

But they do want to keep the Queen as a head of state, I say we send them all 
up there permanently! Serve em right!

I'm starting to think the whole thing would have been easier if we'd given them 
a bit more self rule like they wanted in the first place. Who is going to pay 
for it all? We're financially fucked but probably no more than the US really. 

May you live in interesting times!

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

So can we join, huh? 

UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report
  UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
If Britain were to leave the European Union and join the United States, it 
would be the poorest of all US states based on GDP per capita, figures un...  
View on rt.comPreview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
The US is bankrupt but our officials and media lie to us and keep saying 
"the recession is over".  What they don't say following is "the 
depression is here."  But they'll say that more jobs have been created 
but *not* say that they're all low paying jobs.  There are a lot of 
people with even advanced degrees who can no longer find work.

Then you have the health insurance debacle.  Folks who had healthcare 
with their company didn't want it though those who didn't needed some 
help there.  The better solution would have been Single Payer which 
would be Medicare for everyone.  But the great USA is a capitalist's 
dreamworld or a nation of whores (you have to sell something to survive, 
usually you soul).  So we couldn't just shove the health insurance 
companies and their robber baron schemes aside and have Single Payer.  
Not that it would have hurt those companies, it would have just expanded 
their market for supplemental policies they shove at Medicare recipients.

What the corporations liked was keeping their wage slaves tethered to 
the company for the benefits.  I recall when I got my software 
management job everyone asked about the benefits not the pay.  I could 
have cared less about the benefits as the pay was good.  And being a 
hiring manager I learned that those benefits actually don't come free.

On 08/26/2014 12:01 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the 
slums and making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens 
tickled me. Sort of the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've 
lived under the Tories for too long...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 

 The pink dungarees line was a joke too BTW...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff R

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I think the property got somewhat cut up and sold in lots - I am sure this 
isn't the entire complex the Kaplans funded. In addition there were some 
Governors and Siddhas who banded together and sort of started their own land 
development on land next to the official place cuz they didn't want to be under 
the Movement's thumb, but they wanted to have folks to fly with and so on. But 
this says renovation so it may be a part of the original place. 


 I nearly went to live there, I was just moving in with the TMO in the UK when 
they opened the place and all the purusha at my academy emigrated! I had a 
whole wing of the mansion to myself. No servants though

 I remember the happiness didn't last very long though - another victory for 
nature support and group coherence!

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E
 Gosh, this place has a chequered history, I thought it was knocked down to 
build a golf course, what happened? Are the Kaplans back in town?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Renovation Update:
 Peace Palace Renovation Update 
 Peace Palace Renovation Update 
http://www.icontact-archive.com/0M2xWGruG5mb9I4PxO9ScHBJfM8Gj01k?w=2   Close to 
Achieving the Goal!   Dear Friends,  

 View on www.icontact-archive... 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

 It was a joke John, for some reason the idea of just turning out the slums and 
making them all homeless so we can have some nice gardens tickled me. Sort of 
the culmination of capitalism really. Maybe I've lived under the Tories for too 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldL

Re: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now how can that be what with all the North Sea Oil out there?

 I watched part of the Scottish Independence Debate last night - interesting, 
didn't think I would hear so much talk about nuclear weapons on Scottish soil.


 You probably know more about it than I do. My big worry is that if they leave 
we'll be stuck with the Tories for ever because their vote always goes to the 
left and it's a big lot of seats in Parliament to lose.

 Everyone else's big worries are having to move our nuclear submarine bases in 
4 years and losing the north sea oil revenue. The oil has been going down for 
years and the nuclear move will probably bankrupt us. If we lose the nukes we 
lose the UK's seat at the G7, so no more influence on world affairs for us. 
These can be seen as good things but it seems like an awful lot of time and 
money gets wasted so the Scot's can get rid of English laws.

 Mind you it will probably bankrupt them too because we share a national 
passport office and tax collection etc, just setting up their own 
infrastructure like that will cost a fortune and they really can't keep the 
pound in case we have to bail them out.

 But they do want to keep the Queen as a head of state, I say we send them all 
up there permanently! Serve em right!

 I'm starting to think the whole thing would have been easier if we'd given 
them a bit more self rule like they wanted in the first place. Who is going to 
pay for it all? We're financially fucked but probably no more than the US 

 May you live in interesting times!

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?
   So can we join, huh? 


 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/ If Britain were to leave the 
European Union and join the United States, it would be the poorest of all US 
states based on GDP per capita, figures un...

 View on rt.com http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Remember him?

2014-08-26 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


~ ~ eh-raw toong-ke-law

Re: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Now how can that be what with all the North Sea Oil out there?

I watched part of the Scottish Independence Debate last night - interesting, 
didn't think I would hear so much talk about nuclear weapons on Scottish soil.

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:08 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

So can we join, huh? 

UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report
   UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report  
If Britain were to leave the European Union and join the United States, it 
would be the poorest of all US states based on GDP per capita, figures un...  
View on rt.com Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Mississippi is all for it!  

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:30 AM, danfriedman2002 


Reclaim your N American colonies. Take back what's rightly yours. The French 
won't fuck with you this time

God Bless The Queens

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

So can we join, huh? 

UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report
  UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
If Britain were to leave the European Union and join the United States, it 
would be the poorest of all US states based on GDP per capita, figures un...  
View on rt.comPreview by Yahoo   

[FairfieldLife] Ha ha! The Truth Will Out

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
If you scroll down you will see the 2 TM sites listed under - Hindu Meditation 
- good laugh on them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I think the property got somewhat cut up and sold in lots - I am sure this 
isn't the entire complex the Kaplans funded. In addition there were some 
Governors and Siddhas who banded together and sort of started their own land 
development on land next to the official place cuz they didn't want to be under 
the Movement's thumb, but they wanted to have folks to fly with and so on. But 
this says renovation so it may be a part of the original place. 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:01 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: B  O  O  N  E M  A  H  A  R  I  S  H  I P  
E  A  C  E P  A  L  A  C  E

Gosh, this place has a chequered history, I thought it was knocked down to 
build a golf course, what happened? Are the Kaplans back in town?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Renovation Update:
Peace Palace Renovation Update
  Peace Palace Renovation Update 
  Close to Achieving the Goal!   Dear Friends,    
View on www.icontact-archive...  Preview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

You must be Richard's cousin.

On 08/26/2014 10:17 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
Nothing mechanical about 'em. I use a Random Word Generator mining my 
extensive comic book collection. Genius, huh!P.S. My Guiding Light 
has, and will always be (not a word to the girls!), Dr Irwin Corey, Phhd

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-)

I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my 
Android phone using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did 
the other morning when the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up 
and fire up my Linux box.

Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.

On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.

Marco Bot

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 wrote :

There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  
When many of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, 
Card, Nabby etc. land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  
Nobody posting out of Hawaii, Australia or Japan at the moment not to 
mention India.

On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I 
knew I could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!

Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. 

Hilarious! If you had posted that on some social media site it would-a gone 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh

The history of a child abuse scandal
In November 2010, five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for 
offences against underage girls. Yet the council and police have remained under 
View on www.bbc.com Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Because that would probably violate some city codes or federal laws.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of

[FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Now Sal,

Be Nice

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Suc cessfu l, Transcendental Meditation

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002


Good Morning!
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 you are officially brain dead or just a willful crazy person - how can we hold 
the TMO to such a high standard? Are you for real? We have merely asked why 
they don't measure up to their own high standards you goof ball.


 From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2014 12:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Successfu l, Transcendental 
   Good for you - keep up the TM. As for your cult addiction, please see a 
therapist. Note to you and the other wankers: The TMO is not perfect. Why you 
all hold that organization to such a high standard, looks like a cult addict's 
withdrawal symptoms, to me, and others, on here. 

 It hurts to have become such spiritual zombies, I am sure, but you aren't 
getting anywhere, trying to convince the rest of us, that we are as screwed up 
as you, and the other two, are. Cult addiction is serious business, and you 
won't be able to cure that addiction by externalizing it. Barry has been trying 
that technique for twenty years, and look how far it has gotten him. Best of 
luck, though. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hey Barry, MJ and Sally, can any of you hold a candle to any of these people, 
all practicing the technique of TM, that sends each of you into an apoplectic 
fit? Didn't think so...

 Gosh Jim, is this what TM has done for you? This reads like a first graders 
playground taunt. I actually feel sorry for you.

 The thing is, I'm quite happy in my skin and don't feel the need to aspire to 
being a billionaire or live in a fancy house in New York and I don't need a 
Ferrari penis extension - I'm happy on me bike. So sorry to disappoint you 
there. But I know where you get this craziness about aspirational wealth from, 
I used to work at the TMO's secret mansion in  London where they would try to 
woo the "great and good" - as defined by them having lots of money obviously. 

 I helped out at a few banquets where a couple of Euro royals, a Greek 
restaurant owner and a few city spivs were gushed and fawned over by the 
grovelling governors of the TMO, and all for a tawdry bit of cash. You'd have 
been jerking off over these people I'm sure, I found the whole thing utterly 
shallow and depressing, what sort of spiritual movement is this? I wondered. A 
completely shite one, I concluded.

 Here's a couple of things I think will depress you even further than your 
obvious need for aspirational living ought to:

 1, I do TM twice a day.

 2, I notice you aren't on the list, or anywhere near it. What gives Jimbo? 
Wouldn't they travel to the trailer park for the interview?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental Meditation 

 For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental... 
 TM enthusiasts include billionaire hedge funder Dan Loeb, chef Mario Batali, 
social dragonfly Arianna Huffington, Cy Young Award-winner Barry Zito, and ...

 View on observer.com 
 Preview by Yahoo





[FairfieldLife] Re: UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

 Reclaim your N American colonies. Take back what's rightly yours. The French 
won't fuck with you this time

God Bless The Queens

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So can we join, huh? 


 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/ If Britain were to leave the 
European Union and join the United States, it would be the poorest of all US 
states based on GDP per capita, figures un...

 View on rt.com http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I follow the sage prescriptions of Dr Irwin Corey.

He was able to developed a phonograph needle from a peanut but, regrettably, 
the 8-Track Tape caught him unaware.

He recycled his brilliant invention in to, what is today known, as The Nut Cure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 According to Eddie Murphy, George Washington Carver almost developed a 
phonograph needle from a peanut, instead got peanut butter.

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:40 AM, danfriedman2002 

   Who's the "peanut gallery" you are referring to? Are they promoting Peanut 
Cures. My esteemed colleague...
 George Washington Carver

 Before he invented the 300 uses for peanut butter, peanuts had to be 
discovered. His inventions of the many different crops gave people different 
kinds of food and created new markets for farmers. "Who Invented Peanut 
Butter?- George Washington Carver."

Dan, your supported in Peanut Butter Cores (Spread It On!)
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "For the record" a lot of alternative medicine is very science based.  Only 
the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university 
research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative 
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to catch on and 
learning that the centuries old concepts of the metabolic causes of medicine 
that East Indians and Chinese use have some validity.  Just like one size shoe 
won't fit us all neither does just one medical approach to a problem.
 On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  








Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I have hatched a plot that will Completely Solve Mankind's Problems*
I have noticed that after Labor Day 90% of the "cottages" in The Hampton go 
dark (I'm there at night, too). My Big Plan is to have and AirBnBHomeless 
Program. I list the 'available empties' and use Crowdsourcing to get me paid. 
Homeless people live free.

Good and Good!

P.S. The filthy, filthy richies refer to their McMansions as 'cottages'. Isn't 
it just so fkng CUTESY!

Screw the Rich! (except yours truly)

see y'all in EH
Marco Revolutionary

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

but the girls on the bike remains.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unre

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Nothing mechanical about 'em. I use a Random Word Generator mining my extensive 
comic book collection. Genius, huh!P.S. My Guiding Light has, and will always 
be (not a word to the girls!), Dr Irwin Corey, Phhd

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-) 
 I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my Android phone 
using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did the other morning when 
the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up and fire up my Linux box.
 Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.
 On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.
 Marco Bot
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  When many 
of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, Card, Nabby etc. 
land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  Nobody posting out of Hawaii, 
Australia or Japan at the moment not to mention India.
 On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew I 
could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!
 Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Successfu l, Transcendental Meditation

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
you are officially brain dead or just a willful crazy person - how can we hold 
the TMO to such a high standard? Are you for real? We have merely asked why 
they don't measure up to their own high standards you goof ball.

 From: "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2014 12:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Successfu l, Transcendental  

Good for you - keep up the TM. As for your cult addiction, please see a 
therapist. Note to you and the other wankers: The TMO is not perfect. Why you 
all hold that organization to such a high standard, looks like a cult addict's 
withdrawal symptoms, to me, and others, on here. 

It hurts to have become such spiritual zombies, I am sure, but you aren't 
getting anywhere, trying to convince the rest of us, that we are as screwed up 
as you, and the other two, are. Cult addiction is serious business, and you 
won't be able to cure that addiction by externalizing it. Barry has been trying 
that technique for twenty years, and look how far it has gotten him. Best of 
luck, though.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Hey Barry, MJ and Sally, can any of you hold a candle to any of these people, 
all practicing the technique of TM, that sends each of you into an apoplectic 
fit? Didn't think so...

Gosh Jim, is this what TM has done for you? This reads like a first graders 
playground taunt. I actually feel sorry for you.

The thing is, I'm quite happy in my skin and don't feel the need to aspire to 
being a billionaire or live in a fancy house in New York and I don't need a 
Ferrari penis extension - I'm happy on me bike. So sorry to disappoint you 
there. But I know where you get this craziness about aspirational wealth from, 
I used to work at the TMO's secret mansion in  London where they would try to 
woo the "great and good" - as defined by them having lots of money obviously. 

I helped out at a few banquets where a couple of Euro royals, a Greek 
restaurant owner and a few city spivs were gushed and fawned over by the 
grovelling governors of the TMO, and all for a tawdry bit of cash. You'd have 
been jerking off over these people I'm sure, I found the whole thing utterly 
shallow and depressing, what sort of spiritual movement is this? I wondered. A 
completely shite one, I concluded.

Here's a couple of things I think will depress you even further than your 
obvious need for aspirational living ought to:

1, I do TM twice a day.

2, I notice you aren't on the list, or anywhere near it. What gives Jimbo? 
Wouldn't they travel to the trailer park for the interview?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental Meditation

For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental...
enthusiasts include billionaire hedge funder Dan Loeb, chef Mario Batali, 
social dragonfly Arianna Huffington, Cy Young Award-winner Barry Zito, and ...  
View on observer.com Preview by

[FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

 So can we join, huh? 


 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/ If Britain were to leave the 
European Union and join the United States, it would be the poorest of all US 
states based on GDP per capita, figures un...
 View on rt.com http://rt.com/uk/182856-britain-poorer-us-state/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
According to Eddie Murphy, George Washington Carver almost developed a 
phonograph needle from a peanut, instead got peanut butter. 

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:40 AM, danfriedman2002  

Who's the "peanut gallery" you are referring to? Are they promoting Peanut 
Cures. My esteemed colleague...
George Washington Carver
Before he invented the 300 uses for peanut butter, peanuts had to be 
discovered. His inventions of the many different crops gave people 
different kinds of food and created new markets for farmers. "Who 
Invented Peanut Butter?- George Washington Carver."
Dan, your supported in Peanut Butter Cores (Spread It On!)
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

"For the record" a lot of alternative
medicine is very science based.  Only the peanut gallery
seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university research out
there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to
catch on and learning that the centuries old concepts of the
metabolic causes of medicine that East Indians and Chinese use
have some validity.  Just like one size shoe won't fit us all
neither does just one medical approach to a problem.

On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]

term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory
sense, was invented by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is 
basically a quacks take on regular
medicine, although at the time the term came into use,
regular medicine was still pretty primitive, and
probably not very effective. Today the term
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based
medicine'. Here is an interesting site that deals with
various conflicts found between alternative therapies
(which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and
modern medical practice. Science-Based
>>   Science-Based
Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies
in the relationship between science and
>>View on www.sciencebasedm...  Preview by Yahoo  
>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
>>I've been
staying out of the Alternative Therapies
free-for-all for a number of reasons. First,
it's been done to death here before, so the
whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been
there, done that, don't need to do it again
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed
from the TMO early, I never got infected with
that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got into 
fad diets or
mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and
have managed to remain remarkably healthy
*anyway*, never having to "go there" and put
any attention on my health. I've been lucky
enough to be healthy and stay healthy...what
was there to focus on or obsess on? 
>>Third, I
currently write articles for all sorts of
people in the health care industry. A few of
them probably work for Big Pharma, but most
are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
practice or some mainstream specialty like
cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I
don't think any of them would disagree with
the comments one of them put on the T-shirt
below (some MDs might get a
bit of a hitch in their panties over the
mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
>>Most of them
would LOVE it if their patients would just pay
more attention to their diets and to getting
enough exercise. But they don't. They want a
"quick cure." And they want it whether it
comes from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic
sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or
an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers --
whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior
role because people go to them demanding the
"quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!"
They're not willing to do the work every day
that keeps them healthy in the first place, so
they expect someone else to do it for them.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
Gosh, this place has a chequered history, I thought it was knocked down to 
build a golf course, what happened? Are the Kaplans back in town?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Renovation Update:
 Peace Palace Renovation Update 
 Peace Palace Renovation Update 
http://www.icontact-archive.com/0M2xWGruG5mb9I4PxO9ScHBJfM8Gj01k?w=2   Close to 
Achieving the Goal!   Dear Friends,  

 View on www.icontact-archive... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... 
http://www.share-international.org/magazine/old_issues/2014/2014-07.htm The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6 http://tinyurl.com/q5pax6
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unrest in the Middle East.
 This kabala more likely wants to maintain the price of oil at a high 

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-)

I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my Android 
phone using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did the other 
morning when the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up and fire up my 
Linux box.

Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.

On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.

Marco Bot

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  
When many of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, 
Card, Nabby etc. land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  
Nobody posting out of Hawaii, Australia or Japan at the moment not to 
mention India.

On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew 
I could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!

Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 That was funny.  What were you wearing at the time?

 Just my pink dungarees and a Tom Robinson T-shirt, why do you ask?






---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

 Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

 We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

 If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

 On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh

 The history of a child abuse scandal 
http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28934963 In November 2010, 
five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences 
against underage girls. Yet the council and police have remained under ...

 View on www.bbc.com http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28934963
 Preview by Yahoo


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