[FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.
>  When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible
way, it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.
>  Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.
>  You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay
away from here.
>  Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make,
but on balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.
>  Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two
big facets of your personality.

Exactly what I've always thought. One face ugly and obviously mean, the
other face ugly and trying to hide it behind a fake smile.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
It's pretty strange that you would have to ask, Share. But since you seem 

 The best possible outcome would be for you to take responsibility for having 
said something incredibly insensitive and then apologize to the rest of us for 
having tried to wiggle out of it before. You could also tell your knee-jerk 
defenders like Steve that they're wrong to try to exonerate you, especially by 
vilifying others for their purportedly "nefarious" understanding of what you 
actually said.

 I have virtually no hope of that ever happening, but boy, if it did it would 
sure change my notions of how reality works.
 << Judy, what are you hoping to accomplish by bringing this up? What is the 
result you want? >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:58 PM, Share Long  wrote:
   If Judy really thinks so badly of me, then why does she continue to 
communicate with me?! It makes no sense and leads me to believe that she has 
another motive. Very strange.

Anyway, Steve, how's the skiing? Are the villages looking beautiful?

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:46 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
And your interpretation is...? (Didn't you see my question?)
 Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken 

 << There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are about 
Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about Barry - in 
fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. Now that's being 
distraught! >>
 On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>
 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Judy, what are you hoping to accomplish by bringing this up? What is the 
result you want? 

 Sharon, have you ever been raped or raped? Has your mother, your sister? If 
they had been how would you like someone describing the rapists as "frisky"? 
It's that simple. 

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:58 PM, Share Long  wrote:
   If Judy really thinks so badly of me, then why does she continue to 
communicate with me?! It makes no sense and leads me to believe that she has 
another motive. Very strange.

Anyway, Steve, how's the skiing? Are the villages looking beautiful?

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:46 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.







Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 No, Share, I don't keep track or "rank" them. But I don't think I've ever 
laughed so hard or so long at the abject cluelessness of one of your posts. 
(This was just your clueless posts, BTW, not anyone else's. Yours are in a 
class by themselves. And this one almost rises to the level of the last one. 
Keep 'em coming, OK?)

 Oh, she will. She can't do anything but.
 << Judy, your previous post indicates that you are keeping track of posts you 
think are clueless and you're ranking them! I admit it makes me wonder about 
your mental situation. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:19 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I don't know whether anyone's keeping track, Share. Would it make you 
anxious if they were? After all, you'd only be competing with yourself.

 << Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me! >>


 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

 << from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation. In its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean 
another, and also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

 "Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of 
one party that hearing shall hear and shall not understand, and another party 
that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more and of 
the outsiders' incomprehension." 
 -- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 
 Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 
 Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) intended 
to attack folly, stupidity or vice. It can employ a number of types of humor, 
including sarcasm, irony and wit. >> 
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. 
 Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
 a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an 
author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
 b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
 2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: 
The trial was a parody of justice.
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 If Judy really thinks so badly of me, then why does she continue to 
communicate with me?! It makes no sense and leads me to believe that she has 
another motive. Very strange.

 I'll tell you what's strange and that's your segue into this next paragraph. 
Can anyone say "psychotic'?

Anyway, Steve, how's the skiing? Are the villages looking beautiful?

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:46 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Oh, here you go, Share. Xeno just gave you a freebie. Make the most of it, OK?
 << Perhaps this is one of those cases of irony we have missed here, and 
therefore, we should be deadly serious about what Richard says. Irony is best 
used in small doses, Robin's use of irony was quite extensive, and basically 
used as a tool for manipulation. >>

 She can't, Xeno didn't leave enough white spaces for her to give her eyes a 
rest. But I'll do it for her, ok dokey Sharon?

 Sharon might gasp:

 "Ewww Xeno, really? Well, you know I was PR'ed by him once and now, to think 
he is using irony on me in large doses - WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? Please help me 
Xeno. I feel so exposed, so ransacked, so violated. I need Ricky and Steve and 
Festivus and I need them right now. Help me boys. I am desperate, my pitta is 
positively vitiated, I am done for.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Perhaps this is one of those cases of irony we have missed here, and 
therefore, we should be deadly serious about what Richard says. Irony is best 
used in small doses, Robin's use of irony was quite extensive, and basically 
used as a tool for manipulation.

 Yes, yes. Deadly serious. OK, I am serious now. No smiling, no laughing. I am 
ready. Now what?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 11:46 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 People who have been caught in falsehoods, as I pointed out not long ago, have 
a tendency to misuse the term "lie" in the hope of making the person who caught 
them look as bad as they do. You do this, Barry does this, Richard does this. 
It's malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest. This is false; it's malicious 
and cowardly and deeply dishonest. You have been caught, and you have a 
tendency to misuse the term "lie" and "parody" in the hope of making us look as 
bad as you do. You do this all the time - it's your MO. What you're really 
objecting to is that you simply don't like what others say.
 You lie every time you call someone else a liar. That's just your own defense 
mechanism at work and now it's just not working anymore. You can only shout 
"fire" in a crowded theater a few times before you get found out. You are just 
posing as a lie detector - in truth you don't really know anyone's intent on an 
internet forum. Unless you are a mind reader that can perform at a great 
 Oh stop trying to garner accolades from Bawwy and Sharon, Retardo. This is 
becoming so transparent and tedious. I am sorry you do not have a life outside 
of FFL but it isn't my fault. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 1:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, Barry!
 You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd add to 
your work. :-)
 The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of view, 
is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both of them 
are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could kiss 
Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. It looks 
like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear Leader. It's 
sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing global warming. They 
want posting limits, but not on themselves - just look how many useless 
postings they've spent just on this one topic alone, in self-justification. 
 It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, just 
built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is surprising is 
that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb that they fall for 
the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you just pull back the string 
and then watch them spin. 
 It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't even 
realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure.
 Did that monkey hurt you as it was clawing its way out of your ass, Retardo?



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 If their conversation was, as Judy and Robin claim, a "spoof", then both Judy 
and Robin stand self-condemned. Most readers here take these messages at face 
value, as being true. If Judy and Robin are spoofing us, then they stand as two 
of the biggest FFL fibbers of all time. All true spoofs are false, even if 
effective. If it was not a spoof, it stands on it's own as a condemnation of Ms 

 Only fools can be fooled in the way you have. Get a grip and take 
responsibility for your disability when it comes to recognizing farce when you 
see it. Judy and Robin were having a great time. Just because you got sucked 
into believing it was serious, that is your problem and remains your problem 
and now I know you are challenged in all sorts of ways. The more you post, and 
you are posting plenty, the more disabled you appear. So keep 'em comin' 
because you're only looking stupider by the minute.
 Either way, it lesson in the amount of deception a person can stoop to in 
order to deceive - it's trickery. If it was a spoof, that makes Robin look like 
the trickster he really is and has been for a long time. Gullible students may 
have fallen for his tricks in the past, but Robin may have hoisted himself on 
his own petard with this post. Go figure.

 You go figure. You seem to have lots to figure out. It is easy to blame others 
for your own cluelessness but it doesn't take away from the fact that you're an 
idiot. Now, have you got any more monkeys that are trying to claw their way out 
of their ass?
 On 12/26/2013 11:38 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:authfriend@... 
 << You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed Judy to the 
wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is a parody, then a monkey 
is flying out of my butt. Go figure.
 I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a parody. Go 
figure. I even have it documented in a private email. Go figure some more. >>
 Whoops, watch out for the monkeys flying out of Richard's butt! They're 
pelting him with poo, but they're laughing so hard at him that their aim is a 
bit off. You don't want to get in the line of fire.
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. We were pretty 
pleased with ourselves, I must confess.
 Yes, it was one of the first times that he really had a good chuckle with me 
about this conversation between you two. He thought it was bloody hilarious and 
I don't really think he imagined for a moment that anyone would take it 
seriously. However, he didn't care what anyone believed, I don't think, he just 
was having far too much fun with you on this one. I don't think he realized how 
"irony challenged" many people are at FFL or even how they would be willing to, 
at any opportunity, use the seeming ambiguity of whether or not it was irony, 
to some silly advantage to "win" an argument.

Re: [FairfieldLife] When Barry Met Richard

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 You've wasted another post on me, Bob - I hardly ever click on a YouTube link 
if the poster can't spend the time posting a comment to go with it. What 
exactly, are you trying to say? I'm sure it is interesting coming from you, but 
I have bad eyes these days.

 His posts aren't for you Ricky, they're for those who can and do appreciate 
them. You just stick with the photos of shacks and keep preening and strutting 
for Sharon, okay?
 On 12/26/2013 12:48 PM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:punditster@... 
 Apparently Bob learned nothing from Robin, not even how to form a break 
between paragraphs. Get back to us Bob, after you take a few computer lessons 
at a community college. Thanks for the post, but I don't have time to reformat 
for easier reading. Go figure.
 On 12/26/2013 11:52 AM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 Now that Richard has admitted he does not have a wife named Rita; let's review 
what we know about Barry and Richard, and what they have in common - to 
determine if their new found passion for each other has the legs needed to go 
the distance: first, they both believe their PCs' are desirable substitutes for 
companions with heartbeats - your basic blow up doll with a microprocessor; 
second, they both believe vanity publishing is a viable business model - 
although one could be forgiven for thinking Barry might be hiding from Richard 
some disappointing page visitor stats - new lovers do that sort of thing; 
third, both appear to have a keen desire to be taken seriously as writers, 
teachers, and intellectuals and seem to believe that HUFFPUFF and WIKIPEDIA 
foot notes have replaced libraries - if they adopt (Richard appears to be 
beyond child bearing years) would they name the child HUFFPEDIA or WIKIPUFF; 
fourth, they both believe there is a huge market of lurkers waiting in the FFL 
wings for more of their prodigious output; fifth, both are military brats from 
Texas that believe Share is not a brat - its rumored Share is planning to 
rename herself with the FFL handle: Barry's and Richard's wind-up toy (don't 
call her a blow up doll, she obviously has no microprocessor); sixth, they're 
both obsessed with Judy and appear hooked on the regular humiliation she 
subjects them to - as if playing so far out of above their pay grade 
compensates for the exchanges making them look *almost intelligent* (not to be 
confused with "almost famous*, which they seemed to have nailed); seventh, they 
both appear to be obsessed by all things Robin - a neutral observer might 
wonder if they're not envious of Ann because they missed the chance to join the 
WTS ( I'm impressed that Richard claims he recently read everything Robin ever 
wrote; I just hope Barry doesn't, in a moment of cruelty - when he's had a few 
- tell Richard about Robin's wish that his WTS era writings meet with a 
bonfire); eighth, they both appear to have gotten the wrong mantra and have 
limited knowledge of Eastern thought (and macros); finally, they both appear 
lonesome - which is how they met over the internet - Barry in a cafe, Richard 
in a laundry room: with so many Shared interests how could anyone doubt that 
nuptials for these two are meant to be, and just around the corner; I think in 
their declining years these two have what it takes to make a union that will 
inspire the poets: of course, there will be a few bumps on the road; for 
example, how will Richard cope the first time Barry heads out for a cafe rap - 
just as Richard has prepared a 6 course gourmet meal (Richard will no doubt be 
captivating enough for Barry, but habits die hard), I imagine Richard coming 
off the rails and Barry digging in his heels and refusing to say when he'll be 
back. We can also only pray that Richard will get to safety when Barry starts 
practicing his martial arts in front of his old laptop when Judy posts a 
particularly devastating post. And, I know what you're thinking: "who will do 
the laundry'; frankly, in love much remains a mystery, but I think with our 
well wishes these two have a shot; lets take the high road, because, once he 
has a spouse we won't be hearing as much from RR.  And with our best wishes, 
here are some moves for Mr. Wright (being so conservative, we'll assume that 
Richard will be taking Barry's last name; I know he would not like to be 
referred to as the "wind-up toy") to practice while he's doing the laundry, and 
keeping supper warm:
 Go figure! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Judy, your previous post indicates that you are keeping track of posts you 
think are clueless and you're ranking them! I admit it makes me wonder about 
your mental situation. 

 Yes, I would have to question this as well, Sharon. I mean, out of all of the 
clueless, stupid, insipid, inane, helpless-little-girl posts that you write 
here how she can rank them is beyond me. I have to side with you on this one.

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:19 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I don't know whether anyone's keeping track, Share. Would it make you 
anxious if they were? After all, you'd only be competing with yourself.

 << Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me! >>


 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

 << from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation. In its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean 
another, and also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

 "Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of 
one party that hearing shall hear and shall not understand, and another party 
that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more and of 
the outsiders' incomprehension." 
 -- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 
 Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 
 Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) intended 
to attack folly, stupidity or vice. It can employ a number of types of humor, 
including sarcasm, irony and wit. >> 
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. 
 Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
 a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an 
author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
 b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
 2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: 
The trial was a parody of justice.
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody









[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 27-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater
One Hundred and Eighty Five.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 12/28/13 00:00:00
 805 messages as of (UTC) 12/27/13 00:07:23
 158 Richard J. Williams 
 128 authfriend
 79 Share Long 
 64 awoelflebater
 46 dhamiltony2k5
 44 Bhairitu 
 32 TurquoiseB 
 28 s3raphita
 28 doctordumbass
 27 Richard Williams 
 26 emilymaenot
 19 wgm4u 
 18 bobpriced
 16 jr_esq
 13 feste37 
 11 cardemaister
 9 Mike Dixon 
 8 emptybill
 7 yifuxero
 7 nablusoss1008 
 6 j_alexander_stanley
 5 steve.sundur
 5 WLeed3
 4 anartaxius
 3 wleed3 
 2 sharelong60
 2 obbajeeba 
 2 Michael Jackson 
 1 ysoy10li
 1 waspaligap 
 1 punditster
 1 martyboi
 1 chriskistar
 1 azgrey 
 1 Rick Archer 
 1 Peter St.John 
 Posters: 36
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, what are you hoping to accomplish by bringing this up? What is the result 
you want? 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:58 PM, Share Long  
If Judy really thinks so badly of me, then why does she continue to communicate 
with me?! It makes no sense and leads me to believe that she has another 
motive. Very strange.

Anyway, Steve, how's the skiing? Are the villages looking beautiful?

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:46 PM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 
Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, it's 
pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

"Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.

Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected him:

"Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."

She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).

She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a "joke."

I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

The NPR story is here:


I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

(I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

Steve wrote:

Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment.  
And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

Nobody claimed you were a writer. Writers, write - ankle-biters, bite.

On 12/26/2013 1:44 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Oooopsie! Never claimed to be a writer.*

> It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

*/I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer 
would settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather 
than try to write something -- anything -- herself? /*

> On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual
> > immaturity". It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to
be on
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too
stupid or
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read,
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking
> >> grip, people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are 
about Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about 
Barry - in fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. 
Now that's being distraught!

On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)

*/<< The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological 
point of view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does 
Ann. But then, both of them are so clueless that they climbed all over 
themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the 
brightest candles on the cake. >>

Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him 
up at every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen 
Barry so distraught by a single poster.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Art of Multi-Dimensional Living

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
A Tribute to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
by Edward Tarabilda

Maharishi is a disciple of the now deceased, former Shankaracharya of 
North India, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. This great swami was a Surya 
Yogin, and one of the characteristics of a Surya Yogin is that he 
teaches in a manner which causes different disciples to draw different 
conclusions about the nature of his teaching.

Maharishi came to the west during the sixties and immediately gained 
public attention largely because the Beatles started attending his 
meditation courses. His immediate challenge was to address the need of 
the people living a fast paced existence but with little knowledge of 
how to cope with the stress of this life-style -- people that were more 
interested in a good night's sleep rather than enlightenment. He also 
had to face misunderstandings about the nature of meditation, its 
practice and its relationship to daily existence.

He sought to meet these challenges by teaching a simple, natural, 
effortless form of meditation suitable for busy householders. He called 
it Transcendental Meditation (TM) and its practice quickly spread 
throughout the U.S. and the world. He called the theoretical aspect of 
his teaching "The Science of Creative Intelligence" and founded two 
universities, one in Fairfield, Iowa and one in Lucerne, Switzerland, to 
promote this knowledge as well as its applied, meditative aspect.

His first setback occurred when he instituted an advanced meditation 
program which included the practice and performance of "siddhis", 
techniques which he claimed would bring supernormal abilities including 
physical levitation. In fact, for a period of four or five years, the 
erroneous impression was left with the public that his students were 
actually levitating. This bizarre publicity and the strange ideas which 
accompanied it turned off many people. The credibility of Maharishi's 
movement, which had been established through its emphasis on scientific 
research and educational reform, was largely lost; the popularity of 
"TM" began to wane.

There was also the factor of the high costs of learning "TM" and all the 
advanced techniques which followed it. Many complained that such a 
policy violated the age-old idea that spiritual techniques should be 
given out at no or, at least, a low cost. The movement representatives 
countered by saying that all the money was being used to subsidize 
individuals throughout the world who could not otherwise afford to learn 

In the late seventies, Maharishi began to speak of a one percent 
phenomena: getting one percent of the world's population to practice 
"TM" as a means of solving world problems. He then decided that this was 
not feasible and instead, asked the growing number of " TM Siddhas" 
throughout the world to do their "program" ("TM" plus the "Siddhis") 
together in large groups as a means of accomplishing the same effect. 
This was carried out in a number of places throughout the world 
including Washington, D.C. Scientific research was conducted on these 
gatherings to determine their effects on local, national and global 
problems. The results seemed to indicate that such group processes did, 
in fact, bring positive changes, although some challenged these results 
arguing that the researchers were hardly free from bias. However, most 
deep thinking individuals had no reason to doubt the creative genius of 
the Yogi who had thought of and promoted this strategy in the first place.

In recent years I have been forced to distance myself both from 
Maharishi’s unique approach to spiritual development and from many of 
his uses of the applied Vedic disciplines. This is despite the fact that 
Maharishi was my first teacher in the realm of meditation and eastern 
studies. This has been necessary for a number of reasons:

To bring out the richness of my own cognitions and to demonstrate how 
they differ from Maharishi’s.
To distinguish my teaching from an exclusively eastern approach to 
spiritual development.
To warn people of the potential abuses of Vedic Science as presently 
To provide people with a more multi-dimensional approach to spirituality 
when they are sufficiently mature to benefit from it.

At the same time I have come to realize that Maharishi has provided an 
invaluable service to humanity in bringing forms of knowledge that 
provide the world with fresh alternatives to solving the severe present 
day problems and crises that now face us.

He has done this in virtually every major field of living and in regards 
to every system of knowledge. He has helped promote alternative 
approaches to healthcare and stress-management that allow for greater 
self-sufficiency. He has reminded us of the need to pay attention to how 
we locate and build our homes. He has sought to restore the 
meaningfulness of ritual and celebration in our daily lives. He has 
restored ancient forms of Vedic music for relieving stress and promoting 
wholeness. H

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-26 Thread Richard Williams
Chuck Berry

[image: Inline image 1]

Johnny B-Goode

You Can't Catch Me - 1956

Maybellene - 1955

Rock and Roll Music - Toronto, Canada - 1969


"Berry was among the first musicians to be inducted into the Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame on its opening in 1986, with the comment that he laid the
groundwork for not only a rock and roll sound but a rock and roll stance.
Berry is included in several Rolling Stone "Greatest of All Time" lists,
including being ranked fifth on their 2004 list of the 100 Greatest Artists
of All Time. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock
and Roll included three of Chuck Berry's songs: "Johnny B. Goode,"
"Maybellene," and "Rock and Roll Music."

Read more:


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> On 12/13/2013 09:37 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Almost as interesting as playing the same bill with the Airplane at a
> couple of concerts and hanging out with them. ;-)
>  What was your band called?
> "Magic Fern".  You've never heard of them unless you saw the movie
> "Strange Wilderness" with Steve Zahn and produced by Adam Sadler's company
> where our 1967 single of "Maggie" is heard on the soundtrack.  We were a
> regional band who opened for a lot of acts in the Seattle area and made one
> foray to play California Hall in San Francisco during the "Summer of Love"
> opening for the Youngbloods.  We opened for the Airplane in Portland and
> Vancouver BC.  The Byrds were also on the bill in Portland. Roger McGuinn
> had a cassette of the Sargent Pepper album the Beatles had given him
> pre-release so we sat around listening to it with Grace Slick and Marty
> Balin.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-26 Thread s3raphita
And here's a British skinhead band, Sham 69, really belting it out. I saw this 
band a lot back in the seventies. I don't think they ever got noticed in the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
If Judy really thinks so badly of me, then why does she continue to communicate 
with me?! It makes no sense and leads me to believe that she has another 
motive. Very strange.

Anyway, Steve, how's the skiing? Are the villages looking beautiful?

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:46 PM, "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 
Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, it's 
pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

"Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.

Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected him:

"Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."

She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).

She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a "joke."

I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

The NPR story is here:


I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

(I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

Steve wrote:

Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment.  
And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-26 Thread s3raphita
Re "The band consisted of Dave Edmunds (vocals, guitar) and Nick Lowe":


 Now we're talking. Loved those two. 
 "I Knew the Bride", "I Hear You Knocking" and "Girls Talk" were some of my 
favourites. If you like English (OK, Edmunds is Welsh) pub rock you should like 
Dr Feelgood from the same period . . .


 . . . and Wreckless Eric:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
Sure Judy, I wouldn't expect you to interpret it in any other way.  

 When there is an opportunity to frame something in the worst possible way, 
it's pretty much guaranteed that you will be first in line.

 Or I should say, those with whom you have a vendetta.

 You may not realize it,,but this is a major reason why people stay away from 

 Of course, I think there are many positive contributions you make, but on 
balance, I think it tends to stay pretty ugly.

 Maybe those two pictures in the photo section do actually capture two big 
facets of your personality.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Classical Masterpieces

2013-12-26 Thread Richard Williams
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

[image: Inline image 1]

1812 Overture - Leningrad Phil. Itzhak Perlman

"Peterr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was a Russian composer whose works included
symphonies, concertos, operas, ballets, chamber music, and a choral setting
of the Russian Orthodox Divine Liturgy. Some of these are among the most
popular theatrical music in the classical repertoire. Tchaikovsky wrote
many works which are popular with the classical music public, including his
Romeo and Juliet, the 1812 Overture, his three ballets, The Nutcracker,
Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and Marche Slave."

Read more:


On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Johann Strauss II
> [image: Inline image 1]
> The Blue Danube Waltz - Vienna Philharmonic - Vals del Danubio Azul
> http://youtu.be/_CTYymbbEL4
> Tales from the Vienna Woods - Brazil Orquestra Filarmônica, Belo Horizonte
> http://youtu.be/MaOVp8FfGRo
> "Johann Strauss II was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly
> dance music and operettas. He composed over 400 waltzes, polkas,
> quadrilles, and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas
> and a ballet. In his lifetime, he was known as "The Waltz King", and was
> largely then responsible for the popularity of the waltz in Vienna during
> the 19th century. Some of Johann Strauss's most famous works include The
> Blue Danube, and Tales from the Vienna Woods."
> Read more:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Strauss_II
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> Richard Wagner
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Rienzi Overture (Full) - The Symphony Orchestra of the LISZT School of
>> Music, Weimar
>> http://youtu.be/URIwWtwn6qA
>> "Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, theater director,
>> polemicist, and conductor who is primarily known for his operas. Wagner
>> revolutionized opera through his concept of the Gesamtkunstwerk ("total
>> work of art"), by which he sought to synthesis the poetic, visual, musical
>> and dramatic arts, with music subsidiary to drama, and which was announced
>> in a series of essays between 1849 and 1852. Wagner realized these ideas
>> most fully in the first half of the four-opera cycle Der Ring des
>> Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung)."
>> Read more:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Wagner
>> A note on Wagner:
>> Apparently Wagner wore pink underwear, climbed trees, and liked to stand
>> on his head. To match his pink pink underwear he often wore satin breeches,
>> a pink eiderdown-padded house robe and pink slippers with the rose
>> bouquets. In spite of this, some people think he wrote some nice music. Go
>> figure.
>> As a young college student I listened to several of his operas (works) in
>> two courses of music appreciation. I attended this course twice so that I
>> could get the perspective from two different professors of music. We would
>> sit here for hours listening to the arias,which were translated,probably
>> because nobody in the class could understand all those complicated German
>> words.
>> You can always tell a genuine Wagner opera because they last for hours on
>> end when performed on the stage. One critic at the time wrote about a
>> Wagner opera:
>> "Of all the clumsy,lumbering, boggling, baboon-blooded stuff I ever saw
>> on a human stage; of all the affected, sapless, soul-less, beginingless,
>> endless, topless, bottomless, topsy-turviest doggerel of sound I ever
>> endured the deadliness of,that eternity of nothing was the deadliest."
>> Work cited:
>> 'Lives of the Musical Greats'
>> by Victor Borge
>> Doubleday-Tarcher, 1971
>> p. 119
>> On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> Igor Stravinsky
>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>> The Firebird - Gergiev · Vienna Philarmonic
>>> http://youtu.be/RZkIAVGlfWk
>>> Petrushka - Boston Symphony Orchestra
>>> http://youtu.be/ZZIEKCN-rIU
>>> The Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du printemps) - Leonard Bernstein
>>> http://youtu.be/5Kyso5VmZ6g
>>> "Igor Stravinsky is considered to be one of the most important and
>>> influential composers of the 20th century. Stravinsky's compositional
>>> career was notable for its stylistic diversity. He first achieved
>>> international fame with three ballets commissioned by the impresario Sergei
>>> Diaghilev and first performed in Paris by Diaghilev's Ballets Russes: The
>>> Firebird (1910), Petrushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913). Stravinsky
>>> was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the
>>> century."
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Stravinsky
>>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Richard Williams >> > wrote:
 [image: Inline image 1]

 Aram Khachaturian - Sabre Dance, Seiji Ozawa

 "Sabre Dance" is a movement in the final 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Right, the context was Share's preference for punjabis over saris:

 "Plus they are practical, meaning one could still flee or er apply one's knee 
to a feller's nether regions if he got too frisky.  So punjabis I'm guessing 
are great for setting boundaries if one is about to experience PhysR rather 
than PsyR or EmoR.  I'm just sayin." (That's a reference, BTW, to her having 
accused Robin of "psychological rape," another very ugly story involving 
Share.) IOW, "got too frisky" here refers to attempted rape.


 Curtis was confused, thinking she was referring to Fairfield. She corrected 

 "Oh, I meant the women in India.  From recent news reports there seems to be a 
lot of hyper frisky fellers there."


 She was referring to an NPR story Buck had linked to about the terrible 
problems India was having with rape (including murderous rape--one of the 
recent victims was 4 years old).


 She later claimed calling the Indian rapists "frisky fellers" had been a 

 I kid you not, folks. This is what Steve is trying to defend her from.

 The NPR story is here:



 I can give you links to any of the posts I quoted.

 (I can also refer you to one of the very ugliest posts I've ever seen on FFL. 
It's from Curtis, also attempting to defend Share, and it's truly sickening. 
Only someone with a disturbed mind could have written it.)

 Steve wrote:

 Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment. 
 And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.

 Why don't you tell us what your interpretation was, Steve? I've given you the 
context; go to it.

 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-26 Thread Richard Williams

[image: Inline image 1]

Pet You And Hold You

Teacher Teacher - Live TV 1980

Heart - Billy Bremner

"Rockpile was a British rock and roll group of the late 1970s and early
1980s, noted for their strong rockabilly and power pop influences, and as a
foundational influence on new wave. The band consisted of Dave Edmunds
(vocals, guitar), Nick Lowe (vocals, bass guitar), Billy Bremner (vocals,
guitar) and Terry Williams (drums)."


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> On 12/13/2013 09:37 AM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Almost as interesting as playing the same bill with the Airplane at a
> couple of concerts and hanging out with them. ;-)
>  What was your band called?
> "Magic Fern".  You've never heard of them unless you saw the movie
> "Strange Wilderness" with Steve Zahn and produced by Adam Sadler's company
> where our 1967 single of "Maggie" is heard on the soundtrack.  We were a
> regional band who opened for a lot of acts in the Seattle area and made one
> foray to play California Hall in San Francisco during the "Summer of Love"
> opening for the Youngbloods.  We opened for the Airplane in Portland and
> Vancouver BC.  The Byrds were also on the bill in Portland. Roger McGuinn
> had a cassette of the Sargent Pepper album the Beatles had given him
> pre-release so we sat around listening to it with Grace Slick and Marty
> Balin.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
Exactly Share.  Most everyone knew the context in which you made your comment.  
And only those with the most nefarious intent would choose to interpret it in 
the way they do.
 Quite a shame that people choose to do that.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 27-Dec-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-12-26 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/28/13 00:00:00
805 messages as of (UTC) 12/27/13 00:07:23

158 Richard J. Williams 
128 authfriend
 79 Share Long 
 64 awoelflebater
 46 dhamiltony2k5
 44 Bhairitu 
 32 TurquoiseB 
 28 s3raphita
 28 doctordumbass
 27 Richard Williams 
 26 emilymaenot
 19 wgm4u 
 18 bobpriced
 16 jr_esq
 13 feste37 
 11 cardemaister
  9 Mike Dixon 
  8 emptybill
  7 yifuxero
  7 nablusoss1008 
  6 j_alexander_stanley
  5 steve.sundur
  5 WLeed3
  4 anartaxius
  3 wleed3 
  2 sharelong60
  2 obbajeeba 
  2 Michael Jackson 
  1 ysoy10li
  1 waspaligap 
  1 punditster
  1 martyboi
  1 chriskistar
  1 azgrey 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Peter St.John 
Posters: 36
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Oh, here you go, Share. Xeno just gave you a freebie. Make the most of it, OK?
 << Perhaps this is one of those cases of irony we have missed here, and 
therefore, we should be deadly serious about what Richard says. Irony is best 
used in small doses, Robin's use of irony was quite extensive, and basically 
used as a tool for manipulation. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.

 << > Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, Barry!
 You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd add to 
your work. :-)
 The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of view, 
is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both of them 
are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could kiss 
Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. It looks 
like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear Leader. It's 
sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing global warming. They 
want posting limits, but not on themselves - just look how many useless 
postings they've spent just on this one topic alone, in self-justification. 
 It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, just 
built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is surprising is 
that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb that they fall for 
the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you just pull back the string 
and then watch them spin. 
 It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't even 
realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread anartaxius
Perhaps this is one of those cases of irony we have missed here, and therefore, 
we should be deadly serious about what Richard says. Irony is best used in 
small doses, Robin's use of irony was quite extensive, and basically used as a 
tool for manipulation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 1:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, 

*/You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd 
add to your work. :-)

The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But 
then, both of them are so clueless that they climbed all over 
themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the 
brightest candles on the cake. /*
It looks like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear 
Leader. It's sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing 
global warming. They want posting limits, but not on themselves - just 
look how many useless postings they've spent just on this one topic 
alone, in self-justification.

It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, 
just built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is 
surprising is that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb 
that they fall for the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you 
just pull back the string and then watch them spin.

It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't 
even realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.



 << If their conversation was, as Judy and Robin claim, a "spoof", then both 
Judy and Robin stand self-condemned. Most readers here take these messages at 
face value, as being true. If Judy and Robin are spoofing us, then they stand 
as two of the biggest FFL fibbers of all time. All true spoofs are false, even 
if effective. If it was not a spoof, it stands on it's own as a condemnation of 
Ms Stein. 
 Either way, it's lesson in the amount of deception a person can stoop to in 
order to deceive - it's trickery. If it was a spoof, that makes Robin look like 
the trickster he really is and has been for a long time. Gullible students may 
have fallen for his tricks in the past, but Robin may have hoisted himself on 
his own petard with this post. Go figure. >>
 On 12/26/2013 11:38 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:authfriend@... 
 << You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed Judy to the 
wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is a parody, then a monkey 
is flying out of my butt. Go figure.
 I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a parody. Go 
figure. I even have it documented in a private email. Go figure some more. >>
 Whoops, watch out for the monkeys flying out of Richard's butt! They're 
pelting him with poo, but they're laughing so hard at him that their aim is a 
bit off. You don't want to get in the line of fire.
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. We were pretty 
pleased with ourselves, I must confess.
 Yes, it was one of the first times that he really had a good chuckle with me 
about this conversation between you two. He thought it was bloody hilarious and 
I don't really think he imagined for a moment that anyone would take it 
seriously. However, he didn't care what anyone believed, I don't think, he just 
was having far too much fun with you on this one. I don't think he realized how 
"irony challenged" many people are at FFL or even how they would be willing to, 
at any opportunity, use the seeming ambiguity of whether or not it was irony, 
to some silly advantage to "win" an argument.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
If their conversation was, as Judy and Robin claim, a "spoof", then both 
Judy and Robin stand self-condemned. Most readers here take these 
messages at face value, as being true. If Judy and Robin are spoofing 
us, then they stand as two of the biggest FFL fibbers of all time. All 
true spoofs are false, even if effective. If it was not a spoof, it 
stands on it's own as a condemnation of Ms Stein.

Either way, it's lesson in the amount of deception a person can stoop to 
in order to deceive - it's trickery. If it was a spoof, that makes Robin 
look like the trickster he really is and has been for a long time. 
Gullible students may have fallen for his tricks in the past, but Robin 
may have hoisted himself on his own petard with this post. Go figure.

On 12/26/2013 11:38 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

<< You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed
Judy to the wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is
a parody, then a monkey is flying out of my butt. Go figure.

I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a 
parody. Go figure. I even have it documented in a private email. Go 
figure some more. >>

Whoops, watch out for the monkeys flying out of Richard's butt! 
They're pelting him with poo, but they're laughing so hard at him that 
their aim is a bit off. You don't want to get in the line of fire.

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. We were 
pretty pleased with ourselves, I must confess.

*Yes, it was one of the first times that he really had a good chuckle 
with me about this conversation between you two. He thought it was 
bloody hilarious and I don't really think he imagined for a moment 
that anyone would take it seriously. However, he didn't care what 
anyone believed, I don't think, he just was having far too much fun 
with you on this one. I don't think he realized how "irony challenged" 
many people are at FFL or even how they would be willing to, at any 
opportunity, use the seeming ambiguity of whether or not it was irony, 
to some silly advantage to "win" an argument.*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.

 < < People who have been caught in falsehoods, as I pointed out not long ago, 
have a tendency to misuse the term "lie" in the hope of making the person who 
caught them look as bad as they do. You do this, Barry does this, Richard does 
this. It's malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest. This is false; it's 
malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest. You have been caught, and you have 
a tendency to misuse the term "lie" and "parody" in the hope of making us look 
as bad as you do. You do this all the time - it's your MO. What you're really 
objecting to is that you simply don't like what others say.
 You lie every time you call someone else a liar. That's just your own defense 
mechanism at work and now it's just not working anymore. You can only shout 
"fire" in a crowded theater a few times before you get found out. You are just 
posing as a lie detector - in truth you don't really know anyone's intent on an 
internet forum. Unless you are a mind reader that can perform at a great 
distance. > > 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 11:46 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*People who have been caught in falsehoods, as I pointed out not long 
ago, have a tendency to misuse the term "lie" in the hope of making 
the person who caught them look as bad as they do. You do this, Barry 
does this, Richard does this. It's malicious and cowardly and deeply 
This is false; it's malicious and cowardly and deeply dishonest. You 
have been caught, and you have a tendency to misuse the term "lie" and 
"parody" in the hope of making us look as bad as you do. You do this all 
the time - it's your MO. What you're really objecting to is that you 
simply don't like what others say.

You lie every time you call someone else a liar. That's just your own 
defense mechanism at work and now it's just not working anymore. You can 
only shout "fire" in a crowded theater a few times before you get found 
out. You are just posing as a lie detector - in truth you don't really 
know anyone's intent on an internet forum. Unless you are a mind reader 
that can perform at a great distance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/26/2013 12:55 PM, obbajeeba wrote:
> Posting limits are for complainers.
Parodies are for posers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] When Barry Met Richard

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
You've wasted another post on me, Bob - I hardly ever click on a YouTube 
link if the poster can't spend the time posting a comment to go with it. 
What exactly, are you trying to say? I'm sure it is interesting coming 
from you, but I have bad eyes these days.

On 12/26/2013 12:48 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

Apparently Bob learned nothing from Robin, not even how to form a 
break between paragraphs. Get back to us Bob, after you take a few 
computer lessons at a community college. Thanks for the post, but I 
don't have time to reformat for easier reading. Go figure.


On 12/26/2013 11:52 AM, bobpriced@...  wrote:

Now that Richard has admitted he does not have a wife named Rita; 
*let's review what we know* about Barry and Richard, and what they 
have in common - to determine if their new found passion for each 
other has the legs needed to go the distance: first, they both 
believe their PCs' are desirable substitutes for companions with 
heartbeats - your basic blow up doll with a microprocessor; second, 
they both believe vanity publishing is a viable business model - 
although one could be forgiven for thinking Barry might be hiding 
from Richard some disappointing page visitor stats - new lovers do 
that sort of thing; third, both appear to have a keen desire to be 
taken seriously as writers, teachers, and intellectuals and seem to 
believe that HUFFPUFF and WIKIPEDIA foot notes have replaced 
libraries - if they adopt (Richard appears to be beyond child bearing 
years) would they name the child HUFFPEDIA or WIKIPUFF; fourth, they 
both believe there is a huge market of lurkers waiting in the FFL 
wings for more of their prodigious output; fifth, both are military 
brats from Texas that believe Share is not a brat - its rumored Share 
is planning to rename herself with the FFL handle: Barry's and 
Richard's wind-up toy (don't call her a blow up doll, she obviously 
has no microprocessor); sixth, they're both obsessed with Judy and 
appear hooked on the regular humiliation she subjects them to - as if 
playing so far out of above their pay grade compensates for the 
exchanges making them look *almost intelligent* (not to be confused 
with "almost famous*, which they seemed to have nailed); seventh, 
they both appear to be obsessed by all things Robin - a neutral 
observer might wonder if they're not envious of Ann because they 
missed the chance to join the WTS ( I'm impressed that Richard claims 
he recently read everything Robin ever wrote; I just hope Barry 
doesn't, in a moment of cruelty - when he's had a few - tell Richard 
about Robin's wish that his WTS era writings meet with a bonfire); 
eighth, they both appear to have gotten the wrong mantra and have 
limited knowledge of Eastern thought (and macros); finally, they both 
appear lonesome - which is how they met over the internet - Barry in 
a cafe, Richard in a laundry room: with so many Shared interests how 
could anyone doubt that nuptials for these two are meant to be, and 
just around the corner; I think in their declining years these two 
have what it takes to make a union that will inspire the poets: of 
course, there will be a few bumps on the road; for example, how will 
Richard cope the first time Barry heads out for a cafe rap - just as 
Richard has prepared a 6 course gourmet meal (Richard will no doubt 
be captivating enough for Barry, but habits die hard), I imagine 
Richard coming off the rails and Barry digging in his heels and 
refusing to say when he'll be back. We can also only pray that 
Richard will get to safety when Barry starts practicing his martial 
arts in front of his old laptop when Judy posts a particularly 
devastating post. And, I know what you're thinking: "who will do the 
laundry'; frankly, in love much remains a mystery, but I think with 
our well wishes these two have a shot; lets take the high road, 
because, once he has a spouse we won't be hearing as much from RR.  
And with our best wishes, here are some moves for Mr. Wright (being 
so conservative, we'll assume that Richard will be taking Barry's 
last name; I know he would not like to be referred to as the "wind-up 
toy") to practice while he's doing the laundry, and keeping supper warm:


Go figure!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
No, Share, I don't keep track or "rank" them. But I don't think I've ever 
laughed so hard or so long at the abject cluelessness of one of your posts. 
(This was just your clueless posts, BTW, not anyone else's. Yours are in a 
class by themselves. And this one almost rises to the level of the last one. 
Keep 'em coming, OK?)
 << Judy, your previous post indicates that you are keeping track of posts you 
think are clueless and you're ranking them! I admit it makes me wonder about 
your mental situation. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:19 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I don't know whether anyone's keeping track, Share. Would it make you 
anxious if they were? After all, you'd only be competing with yourself.

 << Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me! >>


 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

 << from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation. In its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean 
another, and also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

 "Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of 
one party that hearing shall hear and shall not understand, and another party 
that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more and of 
the outsiders' incomprehension." 
 -- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 
 Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 
 Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) intended 
to attack folly, stupidity or vice. It can employ a number of types of humor, 
including sarcasm, irony and wit. >> 
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. 
 Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
 a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an 
author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
 b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
 2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: 
The trial was a parody of justice.
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody









Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu

Perhaps you got sidetracked here on your way to this site:

On 12/26/2013 01:11 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Oh, nonsense, Bhairitu. There's no such rigid distinction as you 
suggest. Sometimes discussions involve debates, sometimes not. There 
have always been debates on FFL.*

Of course FFL is NOT a debate group.  It's a chat group. Maybe that is 
some folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT 
debate groups. Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, your previous post indicates that you are keeping track of posts you 
think are clueless and you're ranking them! I admit it makes me wonder about 
your mental situation. 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:19 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
I don't know whether anyone's keeping track, Share. Would it make you anxious 
if they were? After all, you'd only be competing with yourself.

<< Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me! >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

<< from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation.  In 
its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean another, and 
also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

"Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, 
consisting of one party that hearing shall hear and shall not 
understand, and another party that, when more is meant than meets the 
ear, is aware both of that more and of the outsiders' incomprehension." 
-- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 

Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 

Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) 
intended to attack folly, stupidity or vice.  It can employ a number of 
types of humor, including sarcasm, irony and wit. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... wrote:

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private.
>>Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
>>a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic
style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See
Synonyms at caricature.
>>b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
>>2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a
travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Even weaker. Of course you didn't "realize" it. After all, if it were a 
contest, you might lose.
 << Judy, I didn't realize it was a contest. Go figure! >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:06 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   Pretty weak, Share. Can't you do any better than this?
 << You think this Judy because all of your strategies are your survival 
measures! Good job!

 Of course you think that, Share. You have to think that. I understand. It's a 
survival measure.

 Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and your 
buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  wrote:
   << Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a 
triple slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I 
mean by your double standards. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." 
IMHO, that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>















Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
I don't know whether anyone's keeping track, Share. Would it make you anxious 
if they were? After all, you'd only be competing with yourself.

 << Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me! >>


 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

 << from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation. In its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean 
another, and also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

 "Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of 
one party that hearing shall hear and shall not understand, and another party 
that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more and of 
the outsiders' incomprehension." 
 -- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 
 Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 
 Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) intended 
to attack folly, stupidity or vice. It can employ a number of types of humor, 
including sarcasm, irony and wit. >> 
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. 
 Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
 a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an 
author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
 b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
 2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: 
The trial was a parody of justice.
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody






Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Is someone keeping track?! That seems pretty clueless to me!

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:12 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

<< from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation.  In 
its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean another, and 
also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

"Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, 
consisting of one party that hearing shall hear and shall not 
understand, and another party that, when more is meant than meets the 
ear, is aware both of that more and of the outsiders' incomprehension." 
-- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 

Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 

Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) 
intended to attack folly, stupidity or vice.  It can employ a number of 
types of humor, including sarcasm, irony and wit. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... wrote:

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private.
>Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
>a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic
style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See
Synonyms at caricature.
>b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
>2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a
travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: When Barry Met Richard

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 What is it with the MGC?! First Emily and Bob obsess on my reaction to Ann's 
tree photo. Now Ann wonders about my reaction to Bob's writing! And once before 
she wondered about my reaction to Judy and Bob's exchange about Pinter. If I'm 
such a liar, etc., why would they be at all interested in my opinion of 

 Because Sharon, you have not yet ceased amazing me.

Anyway, as I told RWC a long time ago, I need white space, paragraph breaks, 
whatever you want to call it. My eyeballs need a resting place amongst all 
those words!

 See, that was fascinating and very insightful for me to read. It tells me a 
lot. Thanks. 

 Now, are you clear yet on which Christmas tree corresponds to which year 
because I could send you a chronological record of about 10 years of trees if 
you'd like. I'll make sure to date them and keep them all very organized. Plus, 
I will leave lots of white space between the pictures so you can keep it all 
easy to understand. Just let me know.



 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:40 PM, "awoelflebater@..." 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Apparently Bob learned nothing from Robin, not even how to form a break 
between paragraphs. Get back to us Bob, after you take a few computer lessons 
at a community college. Thanks for the post, but I don't have time to reformat 
for easier reading. Go figure.

 Oh, nobody cares if you read this or not. It has been the highlight, by far, 
of my day. If you ever do get around to giving this a cursory glance Ricky, 
this is the template for readability, humour and intelligence. Three of the 
many attributes you don't seem to possess. Any comments Sharon?

 On 12/26/2013 11:52 AM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 Now that Richard has admitted he does not have a wife named Rita; let's review 
what we know about Barry and Richard, and what they have in common - to 
determine if their new found passion for each other has the legs needed to go 
the distance: first, they both believe their PCs' are desirable substitutes for 
companions with heartbeats - your basic blow up doll with a microprocessor; 
second, they both believe vanity publishing is a viable business model - 
although one could be forgiven for thinking Barry might be hiding from Richard 
some disappointing page visitor stats - new lovers do that sort of thing; 
third, both appear to have a keen desire to be taken seriously as writers, 
teachers, and intellectuals and seem to believe that HUFFPUFF and WIKIPEDIA 
foot notes have replaced libraries - if they adopt (Richard appears to be 
beyond child bearing years) would they name the child HUFFPEDIA or WIKIPUFF; 
fourth, they both believe there is a huge market of lurkers waiting in the FFL 
wings for more of their prodigious output; fifth, both are military brats from 
Texas that believe Share is not a brat - its rumored Share is planning to 
rename herself with the FFL handle: Barry's and Richard's wind-up toy (don't 
call her a blow up doll, she obviously has no microprocessor); sixth, they're 
both obsessed with Judy and appear hooked on the regular humiliation she 
subjects them to - as if playing so far out of above their pay grade 
compensates for the exchanges making them look *almost intelligent* (not to be 
confused with "almost famous*, which they seemed to have nailed); seventh, they 
both appear to be obsessed by all things Robin - a neutral observer might 
wonder if they're not envious of Ann because they missed the chance to join the 
WTS ( I'm impressed that Richard claims he recently read everything Robin ever 
wrote; I just hope Barry doesn't, in a moment of cruelty - when he's had a few 
- tell Richard about Robin's wish that his WTS era writings meet with a 
bonfire); eighth, they both appear to have gotten the wrong mantra and have 
limited knowledge of Eastern thought (and macros); finally, they both appear 
lonesome - which is how they met over the internet - Barry in a cafe, Richard 
in a laundry room: with so many Shared interests how could anyone doubt that 
nuptials for these two are meant to be, and just around the corner; I think in 
their declining years these two have what it takes to make a union that will 
inspire the poets: of course, there will be a few bumps on the road; for 
example, how will Richard cope the first time Barry heads out for a cafe rap - 
just as Richard has prepared a 6 course gourmet meal (Richard will no doubt be 
captivating enough for Barry, but habits die hard), I imagine Richard coming 
off the rails and Barry digging in his heels and refusing to say when he'll be 
back. We can also only pray that Richard will get to safety when Barry starts 
practicing his martial arts in front of his old laptop when Judy posts a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
This is probably the funniest (i.e., most clueless) post Share has ever made.

 << from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation. In its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean 
another, and also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

 "Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of 
one party that hearing shall hear and shall not understand, and another party 
that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more and of 
the outsiders' incomprehension." 
 -- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 
 Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 
 Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) intended 
to attack folly, stupidity or vice. It can employ a number of types of humor, 
including sarcasm, irony and wit. >> 
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private. 
 Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?
 a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an 
author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
 b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
 2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: 
The trial was a parody of justice.
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parody



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, I didn't realize it was a contest. Go figure!

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:06 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
Pretty weak, Share. Can't you do any better than this?

<< You think this Judy because all of your strategies are your survival 
measures! Good job!

Of course you think that, Share. You have to think that. I understand. It's a 
survival measure.

Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and your 
buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  wrote:
<< Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a triple 
slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I mean by 
your double standards. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." IMHO, 
that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 

<< With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
from yahoo answers: Irony is probably one of the great misused words of our 
generation.  In 
its pure form it requires the speaker to say one thing and mean another, and 
also requires at least one person present to believe that the 
speaker means what he says and at least one who knows otherwise. 

"Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, 
consisting of one party that hearing shall hear and shall not 
understand, and another party that, when more is meant than meets the 
ear, is aware both of that more and of the outsiders' incomprehension." 
-- Fowler's Modern English Usage. 

Parody is imitation of the written or spoken words of another for the purpose 
of ridicule. 

Satire is a humorous artistic expression (such as a novel or essay) 
intended to attack folly, stupidity or vice.  It can employ a number of 
types of humor, including sarcasm, irony and wit. 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:48 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private.
Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?


a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic
style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See
Synonyms at caricature.
b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a
travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Pretty weak, Share. Can't you do any better than this?
 << You think this Judy because all of your strategies are your survival 
measures! Good job!

 Of course you think that, Share. You have to think that. I understand. It's a 
survival measure.

 Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and your 
buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  wrote:
   << Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a 
triple slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I 
mean by your double standards. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." 
IMHO, that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>












[FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 He was spoofing Barry and his buddies and their crazed attacks on me, and 
also, yes, partly his own writing style. He did the latter quite a bit, 
actually. Most people knew what he was doing, and it only enhanced his 
credibility. He was a master at ironic self-deprecation. Too bad you missed it; 
it was very entertaining and appealing.

 Judy, he doesn't get it and, I am sorry to say, I don't think he ever will. As 
clear as it is what Robin was doing and liked to do it is beyond RR's ability 
to comprehend. It is exactly why Bob's posts, as funny and intelligent and 
multi-layered as they are, are wasted on him. Ricky's mentality is meant for 
simpler fare - repetition of simple ideas, falsehoods and the need to be the 
center of attention - even if the attention means others are laughing at him.
<< I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a parody. Go 
figure. I even have it documented in a private email So, you are saying that 
Robin "spoofed" himself? Because a parody, strictly speaking, is a work that 
caricatures another work. Robin's post bears no resemblance to Judy's or 
Barry's works on FFL.
 There is something fishy going on here with you two. Why would Robin spoof 
himself and bring into question everything he has written on FFL by posting a 
spoof  of his own writing style? If he did that, nobody would ever believe 
anything he ever wrote here again. 
 "A parody (also called spoof, send-up or lampoon), in current use, is an 
imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize an original work, its 
subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic 
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
You think this Judy because all of your strategies are your survival measures! 
Good job! 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:41 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
Of course you think that, Share. You have to think that. I understand. It's a 
survival measure.

<< Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and 
your buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  wrote:
<< Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a triple 
slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I mean by 
your double standards. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." IMHO, 
that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 

<< With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Much better. It was just really funny that you made that particular typo while 
blustering about how the standard keyboard never changes.
 << Does your keyboard have the "u" key instead of the "w" key next to the "q" 
key? I've used dozens of keyboards in  my time, and none of them were "querty" 

 Oh my Gawd! The Corrector caught me making a typo. This is really a serious 
offense. Who said Judy doesn't mix up her professional work with her personal 
work? QWERTY. Is that better? >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: When Barry Met Richard

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
What is it with the MGC?! First Emily and Bob obsess on my reaction to Ann's 
tree photo. Now Ann wonders about my reaction to Bob's writing! And once before 
she wondered about my reaction to Judy and Bob's exchange about Pinter. If I'm 
such a liar, etc., why would they be at all interested in my opinion of 

Anyway, as I told RWC a long time ago, I need white space, paragraph breaks, 
whatever you want to call it. My eyeballs need a resting place amongst all 
those words!

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:40 PM, "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:
>Apparently Bob learned nothing from Robin, not even how to form a break 
>between paragraphs. Get back to us Bob, after you take a few computer lessons 
>at a community college. Thanks for the post, but I don't have time to reformat 
>for easier reading. Go figure.
>Oh, nobody cares if you read this or not. It has been the highlight, by far, 
>of my day. If you ever do get around to giving this a cursory glance Ricky, 
>this is the template for readability, humour and intelligence. Three of the 
>many attributes you don't seem to possess. Any comments Sharon?
>On 12/26/2013 11:52 AM, bobpriced@... wrote:
>>Now that Richard has admitted he does not have a wife named Rita; let's 
>>review what we know about Barry and Richard, and what they have in common - 
>>to determine if their new found passion for each other has the legs needed to 
>>go the distance: first, they both believe their PCs' are desirable 
>>substitutes for companions with heartbeats - your basic blow up doll with a 
>>microprocessor; second, they both believe vanity publishing is a viable 
>>business model - although one could be forgiven for thinking Barry might be 
>>hiding from Richard some disappointing page visitor stats - new lovers do 
>>that sort of thing; third, both appear to have a keen desire to be taken 
>>seriously as writers, teachers, and intellectuals and seem to believe that 
>>HUFFPUFF and WIKIPEDIA foot notes have replaced libraries - if they adopt 
>>(Richard appears to be beyond child bearing years) would they name the child 
>>HUFFPEDIA or WIKIPUFF; fourth, they both believe there is a huge market of
 lurkers waiting in the FFL wings for more of their prodigious output; fifth, 
both are military brats from Texas that believe Share is not a brat - its 
rumored Share is planning to rename herself with the FFL handle: Barry's and 
Richard's wind-up toy (don't call her a blow up doll, she obviously has no 
microprocessor); sixth, they're both obsessed with Judy and appear hooked on 
the regular humiliation she subjects them to - as if playing so far out of 
above their pay grade compensates for the exchanges making them look *almost 
intelligent* (not to be confused with "almost famous*, which they seemed to 
have nailed); seventh, they both appear to be obsessed by all things Robin - a 
neutral observer might wonder if they're not envious of Ann because they missed 
the chance to join the WTS ( I'm impressed that Richard claims he recently read 
everything Robin ever wrote; I just hope Barry doesn't, in a moment of cruelty 
- when he's had a few - tell Richard
 about Robin's wish that his WTS era writings meet with a bonfire); eighth, 
they both appear to have gotten the wrong mantra and have limited knowledge of 
Eastern thought (and macros); finally, they both appear lonesome - which is how 
they met over the internet - Barry in a cafe, Richard in a laundry room: with 
so many Shared interests how could anyone doubt that nuptials for these two are 
meant to be, and just around the corner; I think in their declining years these 
two have what it takes to make a union that will inspire the poets: of course, 
there will be a few bumps on the road; for example, how will Richard cope the 
first time Barry heads out for a cafe rap - just as Richard has prepared a 6 
course gourmet meal (Richard will no doubt be captivating enough for Barry, but 
habits die hard), I imagine Richard coming off the rails and Barry digging in 
his heels and refusing to say when he'll be back. We can also only pray that 
Richard will get to safety
 when Barry starts practicing his martial arts in front of his old laptop when 
Judy posts a particularly devastating post. And, I know what you're thinking: 
"who will do the laundry'; frankly, in love much remains a mystery, but I think 
with our well wishes these two have a shot; lets take the high road, because, 
once he has a spouse we won't be hearing as much from RR.  And with our best 
wishes, here are some moves for Mr. Wright (being so conservative, we'll assume 
that Richard will be taking Barry's last name; I know he would not like to be 
referred to as the "wind-up toy") to practice while he's doing the laundry, and 
keeping supper warm:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr Collaborate for Meditation in Schools

2013-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Starting working already 3. January, that will unfortunately not be possible. I 
have no idea of RajaRam plans for public teaching but he has held several 
interesting new courses for Purusha. 
 Hope you are having a relaxing holiday Buck !

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
He was spoofing Barry and his buddies and their crazed attacks on me, and also, 
yes, partly his own writing style. He did the latter quite a bit, actually. 
Most people knew what he was doing, and it only enhanced his credibility. He 
was a master at ironic self-deprecation. Too bad you missed it; it was very 
entertaining and appealing.
<< I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a parody. Go 
figure. I even have it documented in a private email So, you are saying that 
Robin "spoofed" himself? Because a parody, strictly speaking, is a work that 
caricatures another work. Robin's post bears no resemblance to Judy's or 
Barry's works on FFL.
 There is something fishy going on here with you two. Why would Robin spoof 
himself and bring into question everything he has written on FFL by posting a 
spoof  of his own writing style? If he did that, nobody would ever believe 
anything he ever wrote here again. 
 "A parody (also called spoof, send-up or lampoon), in current use, is an 
imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize an original work, its 
subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic 
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 11:09 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Does your keyboard have the "u" key instead of the "w" key next to the "q" 
key? I've used dozens of keyboards in  my time, and none of them were "querty" 
 Oh my Gawd! The Corrector caught me making a typo. This is really a serious 
offense. Who said Judy doesn't mix up her professional work with her personal 
work? QWERTY. Is that better?
 There's another one. Or, if you only have a "gawd" in your life that could 
explain everything - or nearly. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 11:14 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Robin and I called that exchange our "irony duel" in private.

Oh, so now it's "irony" instead of a "parody"?


a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of 
an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at 

b. The genre of literature comprising such works.
2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a 
travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Richard, I was joking around. Ann finally posted a photo of this year's tree. 
Emily and Bob did a great job of bringing all that about imho (-:

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:41 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/26/2013 10:58 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Richard, Ann's just upset that I caught her trying to pass off last 
> year's tree photo as this years! Plus I revealed her lie about my 
> living in a 1 BR flat.
It's beginning to look like we've got a pair of serial fibbers on FFL. 
That's pretty bizarre to say the least, that someone would post a photo 
of last year's Christmas tree and lead people to believe it was this 
years Christmas tree. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a triple 
slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I mean by 
your double standards.

 I did no such thing, I was speaking very clearly.
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." 
IMHO, that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>






[FairfieldLife] New Year's Eve Contra/Eclectic Dance @ Morningstar Studio

2013-12-26 Thread chriskistar
Celebrate New Year's Eve., Contra-style! We'll have a contra dance in the 
ballroom at Morning Star Studio... but that's not all! There will be dancing 
also in the Sunset Gallery, AND the beautiful Lounge is open to everyone. The 
$5 door fee covers everything. Here are the details:
  New Year's Eve Contra Dances will be taught and called by the fabulous Davey 
Bar-Shimon from North Carolina. Davey is a very talented caller who got his 
contra chops in Asheville, NC, a famous center of authentic American folk 
dance, music and arts.
 Think HOT contra music! Featuring tunes from well-known contra dance bands, 
such as: Wild Asparagus, the Elftones, Contratopia, Perpetual e-Motion, and Liz 
Knowles (superb fiddler, and member of the talented Celtic music group, Cherish 
the Ladies – who just played this month to a full house here at the Sondheim). 
While we won't have a band - the music for this dance will be recorded - never 
fear! Our November dance called by Davey and featuring selections from the 
above groups hit real peaks of Contra-bliss! New Year's Eve will be over the 
Contra-top! No partner or experience is necessary. 
 In addition to the contra dance in the ballroom, there will be a wide mix of 
GREAT Dance music in Sunset Gallery...Swing, Lindy, Pop, Blues and Latin. You 
will find it impossible to sit down!! But just in case you do, Stardust Lounge 
will be open for socializing. AND to REALLY mix it up, The Fairfield Life 
Drawing Group will be hosting a silk draped model for the evening in the 
Lounge! With Stardust’s piano ready to go and a vocal mic set up, if you’ve got 
rhythm and you're in the mood, you're at the right place at the right time for 
a creative fun filled evening that will enliven your senses and inspire your 
New Year!
 So come on out and share a joyful New Year's Eve with your Fairfield friends 
and family at Morning Star Studio.  Bring your dancing shoes, your drawing 
supplies and your heartfelt New Year’s Intentions. Doors open at 9 pm. $5 at 
the door. 
 Potluck food and drink: You are encouraged to bring desserts, drinks and 
munchies, which will be put out in the Lounge, for all to share. Water will be 
 Please bring a pair of soft soled shoes to dance in, to protect the beautiful 
wood floor of the ballroom. 
 51 1/2 S. Court St. Fairfield, IA. 
 Questions about the New Year's Eve Contra dance: Contact April at 
a.maberry@gmail.com mailto:a.maberry@gmail.com .

[FairfieldLife] RE: Parallel by comparison, two Millenarians.

2013-12-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
That other thread on Transitioning TM Leadership should proly go with this as 



 Buck wrote:

 Bringing Heaven on Earth:
 Fabulous look-back article at one of the larger millenarians of the 20th 
Century. It also reads so parallel to aspects of the history of Maharishi and 
TM. Would make a great thesis. Comparing Mao Tse Tung and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
as two of the 20th Century's larger millenarian revolutionaries. Don't get 
distracted or derailed by the detail but a comparison is quite parallel in many 
elements, even as the present presents itself to either movement, post-Mao 
communist China or communal TM.org after Maharishi. 
 Take a read, it is interesting by comparison: 
 -Buck in the Dome

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 11:09 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Does your keyboard have the "u" key instead of the "w" key next to the 
"q" key? I've used dozens of keyboards in  my time, and none of them 
were "querty" keyboards.

Oh my Gawd! The Corrector caught me making a typo. This is really a 
serious offense. Who said Judy doesn't mix up her professional work with 
her personal work? QWERTY. Is that better?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 10:58 AM, sharelong60@... mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 > Richard, Ann's just upset that I caught her trying to pass off last 
 > year's tree photo as this years! Plus I revealed her lie about my 
 > living in a 1 BR flat.
 It's beginning to look like we've got a pair of serial fibbers on FFL. 
 That's pretty bizarre to say the least, that someone would post a photo 
 of last year's Christmas tree and lead people to believe it was this 
 years Christmas tree. Go figure.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Of course you think that, Share. You have to think that. I understand. It's a 
survival measure.
 << Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and 
your buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  wrote:
   << Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a 
triple slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I 
mean by your double standards. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." 
IMHO, that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>









Re: [FairfieldLife] Feliz Navidad to everyone!

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/26/2013 10:58 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Richard, Ann's just upset that I caught her trying to pass off last 
> year's tree photo as this years! Plus I revealed her lie about my 
> living in a 1 BR flat.
It's beginning to look like we've got a pair of serial fibbers on FFL. 
That's pretty bizarre to say the least, that someone would post a photo 
of last year's Christmas tree and lead people to believe it was this 
years Christmas tree. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: When Barry Met Richard

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Apparently Bob learned nothing from Robin, not even how to form a break 
between paragraphs. Get back to us Bob, after you take a few computer lessons 
at a community college. Thanks for the post, but I don't have time to reformat 
for easier reading. Go figure.

 Oh, nobody cares if you read this or not. It has been the highlight, by far, 
of my day. If you ever do get around to giving this a cursory glance Ricky, 
this is the template for readability, humour and intelligence. Three of the 
many attributes you don't seem to possess. Any comments Sharon?

 On 12/26/2013 11:52 AM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 Now that Richard has admitted he does not have a wife named Rita; let's review 
what we know about Barry and Richard, and what they have in common - to 
determine if their new found passion for each other has the legs needed to go 
the distance: first, they both believe their PCs' are desirable substitutes for 
companions with heartbeats - your basic blow up doll with a microprocessor; 
second, they both believe vanity publishing is a viable business model - 
although one could be forgiven for thinking Barry might be hiding from Richard 
some disappointing page visitor stats - new lovers do that sort of thing; 
third, both appear to have a keen desire to be taken seriously as writers, 
teachers, and intellectuals and seem to believe that HUFFPUFF and WIKIPEDIA 
foot notes have replaced libraries - if they adopt (Richard appears to be 
beyond child bearing years) would they name the child HUFFPEDIA or WIKIPUFF; 
fourth, they both believe there is a huge market of lurkers waiting in the FFL 
wings for more of their prodigious output; fifth, both are military brats from 
Texas that believe Share is not a brat - its rumored Share is planning to 
rename herself with the FFL handle: Barry's and Richard's wind-up toy (don't 
call her a blow up doll, she obviously has no microprocessor); sixth, they're 
both obsessed with Judy and appear hooked on the regular humiliation she 
subjects them to - as if playing so far out of above their pay grade 
compensates for the exchanges making them look *almost intelligent* (not to be 
confused with "almost famous*, which they seemed to have nailed); seventh, they 
both appear to be obsessed by all things Robin - a neutral observer might 
wonder if they're not envious of Ann because they missed the chance to join the 
WTS ( I'm impressed that Richard claims he recently read everything Robin ever 
wrote; I just hope Barry doesn't, in a moment of cruelty - when he's had a few 
- tell Richard about Robin's wish that his WTS era writings meet with a 
bonfire); eighth, they both appear to have gotten the wrong mantra and have 
limited knowledge of Eastern thought (and macros); finally, they both appear 
lonesome - which is how they met over the internet - Barry in a cafe, Richard 
in a laundry room: with so many Shared interests how could anyone doubt that 
nuptials for these two are meant to be, and just around the corner; I think in 
their declining years these two have what it takes to make a union that will 
inspire the poets: of course, there will be a few bumps on the road; for 
example, how will Richard cope the first time Barry heads out for a cafe rap - 
just as Richard has prepared a 6 course gourmet meal (Richard will no doubt be 
captivating enough for Barry, but habits die hard), I imagine Richard coming 
off the rails and Barry digging in his heels and refusing to say when he'll be 
back. We can also only pray that Richard will get to safety when Barry starts 
practicing his martial arts in front of his old laptop when Judy posts a 
particularly devastating post. And, I know what you're thinking: "who will do 
the laundry'; frankly, in love much remains a mystery, but I think with our 
well wishes these two have a shot; lets take the high road, because, once he 
has a spouse we won't be hearing as much from RR.  And with our best wishes, 
here are some moves for Mr. Wright (being so conservative, we'll assume that 
Richard will be taking Barry's last name; I know he would not like to be 
referred to as the "wind-up toy") to practice while he's doing the laundry, and 
keeping supper warm:
 Go figure! 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Barry stopped dialoguing long ago with people who he knew had seen through him. 
He's terribly intimidated by intelligent people.

 << Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up 
at every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Well, his reaction to Bob is pretty priceless as well. Barry won't go near him 
with a ten foot barge pole, and not because he is anything but terribly 
threatened on every level. Barry lacks the wit, the education, the sense of 
humour, the intellect and the life experience to begin to dialogue with Bob 
That's why he doesn't try - at least Barry has that much sense. >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 10:53 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
I have it right from the horse's mouth (Robin's) that this was a 
parody. Go figure. I even have it documented in a private email
So, you are saying that Robin "spoofed" himself? Because a parody, 
strictly speaking, is a work that caricatures another work. Robin's post 
bears no resemblance to Judy's or Barry's works on FFL.

There is something fishy going on here with you two. Why would Robin 
spoof himself and bring into question everything he has written on FFL 
by posting a spoof  of his own writing style? If he did that, nobody 
would ever believe anything he ever wrote here again.


"A parody (also called spoof, send-up or lampoon), in current use, is an 
imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize an original 
work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of 
satiric or ironic imitation."


[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 My question Buck, is what is 'quite fair enforcing a posting limit'? All you 
have to do is make sure nobody posted over a specified limit, and lock them out 
for the specified penalty. It is mechanical, fairness is not involved. From 
your past statements here one can conclude you have more censorious motives in 
wanting to restrict people's posts.

 Richard is providing a lot of interesting posts, even though I have no time 
read most of them. He has taken on a task that few of us have the time or 
stamina to attempt, and doing rather well at it.

 Which is what? What is it that Ricky hopes to actually accomplish other than 
to keep this forum at the level of petty squabbles due to erroneous conjectures 
and faulty conclusions about things? He is no more going to change anything 
here than I am or Barry is or Sharon is. The more one alienates oneself from 
another human being because of insults and repetition, the less influence one 
has on that person. Surely Xeno, you don't actually think whatever Richard 
thinks he's doing (or you or anyone else thinks he's doing) is going to change 
Judy - do you?!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, I think there have been many huge stretches on the part of you and your 
buddies to give nefarious interpretations to what I've written. 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:38 PM, Share Long  
Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a triple 
slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I mean by 
your double standards.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." IMHO, 
that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 

<< With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Barefoot College's Extraordinary Achievements

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Wonderful, inspiring story and movement, Rick, thank you for posting.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:24 PM, Rick Archer  
Inspiring 19-minute TEDTalk by the founder of an extraordinary school in India 
that teaches rural women -- many of them illiterate -- to become solar 
engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It's called 
the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains how it works.
Bunker Roy discusses Barefoot College's mission

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>

 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

 Well, his reaction to Bob is pretty priceless as well. Barry won't go near him 
with a ten foot barge pole, and not because he is anything but terribly 
threatened on every level. Barry lacks the wit, the education, the sense of 
humour, the intellect and the life experience to begin to dialogue with Bob 
That's why he doesn't try - at least Barry has that much sense.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
The point is that it's a huge stretch to claim Ann intended "slurs" on mentally 
challenged people or Hispanics with accents. (And "slurs" on Richard are 
eminently well deserved; he's made many more and far worse slurs on Ann and me.)

 Your trivializing comment about would-be rapists, in contrast, was 
horrendously insensitive women no matter how you look at it. There isn't much 
in the way of contrary opinion among civilized people that rape is a terrible 
The offenses must be equivalent for a double standard about them to exist. That 
wasn't the case here: Ann's was minuscule and contrived by you; yours was 
major. It's hypocritical, IOW, for you to whine about what Ann said when you've 
been guilty of much worse.

 << Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a 
triple slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I 
mean by your double standards. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." 
IMHO, that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>






Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
<< Your questions are dumb imo, Judy because you are asking me about something 
that you yourself do. That is, you have no standards for your buddies and very 
harsh standards for those you don't like. >>

 No, no, Share, you've tried that before with me, and you came up empty, 
remember? In fact, it's one of your fantasies.

 It's OK if you don't want to answer my questions about your double standards. 
I just note that you've declined to do so, which says something about you in 
and of itself.


 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:46 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   If you'll forgive me, Share, I hardly consider your opinion definitive on 
what is dumb and what is not. I understand why you have to avoid the tough 
questions, though. That's your modus operandi. You couldn't survive otherwise.

 << Judy, I answered one of your questions even though imo they're all pretty 
dumb. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   You didn't answer my questions. I guess they must be pretty threatening to 
 << I support Richard because not only are his posts humorous and interesting 
and having good spiritual knowledge, but they are also kind, for the most part. 
He even says that you are probably nice in person. >>

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 4:03 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   You support Richard, who has more fantasies about me and Ann and others than 
I can count. What's up with that, Share? Why don't you correct his fantasies 
too? And Barry's? Not to mention your own fantasies about us. Who's living in a 
fantasy world? Seems kinda inconsistent, don't you think? Like, hypocritical?

 << Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and 
breakfast nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me. >>


 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this. 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?












[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread anartaxius
My question Buck, is what is 'quite fair enforcing a posting limit'? All you 
have to do is make sure nobody posted over a specified limit, and lock them out 
for the specified penalty. It is mechanical, fairness is not involved. From 
your past statements here one can conclude you have more censorious motives in 
wanting to restrict people's posts.

 Richard is providing a lot of interesting posts, even though I have no time 
read most of them. He has taken on a task that few of us have the time or 
stamina to attempt, and doing rather well at it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Oh, nonsense, Bhairitu. There's no such rigid distinction as you suggest. 
Sometimes discussions involve debates, sometimes not. There have always been 
debates on FFL.
 Of course FFL is NOT a debate group.  It's a chat group.  Maybe that is some 
folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT debate groups.  
Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr Collaborate for Meditation in Schools

2013-12-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5


 Are you going to that course in Europe?   Is Tony Nader going to be teaching 
there?  I hope he makes himself more available to the meditating community in 
the New Year.  It would be good.  I would appreciate seeing him and hearing 
more of his discourse directly.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread anartaxius
While I do not think posting will be reimposed, I liked the 50 post limit. But 
I would give Richard an extra 50 per week as a bonus for his accomplishment.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, this is how you don't face reality, the reality that Ann made a triple 
slur. You dig up something that I said months ago. This is also what I mean by 
your double standards.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:05 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." IMHO, 
that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 

<< With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Your questions are dumb imo, Judy because you are asking me about something 
that you yourself do. That is, you have no standards for your buddies and very 
harsh standards for those you don't like. 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:46 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
If you'll forgive me, Share, I hardly consider your opinion definitive on what 
is dumb and what is not. I understand why you have to avoid the tough 
questions, though. That's your modus operandi. You couldn't survive otherwise.

<< Judy, I answered one of your questions even though imo they're all pretty 
dumb. >>

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
You didn't answer my questions. I guess they must be pretty threatening to you.

<< I support Richard because not only are his posts humorous and interesting 
and having good spiritual knowledge, but they are also kind, for the most part. 
He even says that you are probably nice in person. >>

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 4:03 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
You support Richard, who has more fantasies about me and Ann and others than I 
can count. What's up with that, Share? Why don't you correct his fantasies too? 
And Barry's? Not to mention your own fantasies about us. Who's living in a 
fantasy world? Seems kinda inconsistent, don't you think? Like, hypocritical?

<< Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and 
breakfast nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me. >>

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... wrote:

Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this.
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
Of course FFL is NOT a debate group. It's a chat group.  Maybe that is 
some folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT 
debate groups. Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D

On 12/26/2013 11:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this 
forum to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd 
be posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time 
posting snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the 
top poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
the Internet.

On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
grip, people.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that 
doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind 
of mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe 
the onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because 
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement 
of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to 
stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He 
is nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into 
the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it 
wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Barefoot College's Extraordinary Achievements

2013-12-26 Thread Rick Archer

Inspiring 19-minute TEDTalk by the founder of an extraordinary school in
India that teaches rural women -- many of them illiterate -- to become solar
engineers, artisans, dentists and doctors in their own villages. It's called
the Barefoot College, and its founder, Bunker Roy, explains how it works.

Bunker Roy discusses Barefoot College's mission

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Meaningless in this context.
 << Richard is in tune with Maharishi who said that everything is important but 
nothing is serious. >>
 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:27 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to 
be taken seriously.



 << You are mistaken- Robin's post was not a parody; his post was true in all 
respects. Judy is the only person I know of that thinks Robin's post was a 
parody. If what Ann said was accurate, Robin wouldn't have time to post a 
parody to FFL - he has better things to do than parody Judy. 
 The fact is, that Judy can't tell a parody from an opinion. But, Judy already 
knows this. And, apparently Judy can't tell a parody from posting a true 
statement. And why? She's obviously got an ego about a mile wide and growing by 
the hour. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Go figure.
 Nothing Judy posts from now on will be taken seriously - I have now exposed 
her as a mere poser and she is very angry. Judy Stein is a loser, period. 
Finished. Wrap.her.up.and.toss.her.in.the.can. Stick a fork in her - she is 
done on this forum. >>
 On 12/26/2013 10:49 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I did reply to that post, it was a parody--the whole exchange was a 
parody--and the host of monkeys that just flew out of your butt are throwing 
poo at you.
 For the record, for those who may not remember: Robin didn't leave FFL until 
almost three weeks later, and he left because of a brutally cruel post from 
Curtis commenting on Robin's Open Letter about having struck his students.
 Richard knows all this. As he himself has admitted, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.
 You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed Judy to the 
wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is a parody, then a monkey 
is flying out of my butt. Go figure.
 On 12/26/2013 7:04 AM, punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote:
   This is a very shocking message from Robin concerning his departure from the 
discussion group. For the record, I must apologize for the bad behavior of the 
some of informants here on FairfieldLife. It is a sad comment on the state of 
mind of one of the respondents that you mention in this message. I would like 
to take this opportunity to apologize for Ms Stein's bad behavior in attacking 
your integrity, falsely accusing you of posting parody in the place of truth - 
it is a blatant display of bad form and I feel a certain amount of 
embarrassment at her behavior.
 I can't speak for anyone else here but Judy was wrong in her campaign to get 
Barry. Her hateful hostility should be reason for pause, in her case, and to do 
some hard thinking about this matter. I agree there should be a moratorium on 
this whole mean campaign to malign  the integrity of Richard and Barry and 
Curtis - she should cease and she should apologize to the group or leave. 
That's what I think.
 Judy may be an intelligent and well-meaning person; but you and Curtis and 
Barry and Richard have now identified what is wrong with her - and I agree with 
you that Judy is the problem here, and nobody else. You were her last supporter 
and now even you have had admited that Judy is in the wrong in this never 
ending dispute. 
 When the chorus and the entire band rebels against the conductor, it is time 
to revise the entire opera and start all over with not only new leadership, but 
with a change of attitude.
 So, I hope Judy reads this and takes it to heart. It is just sad to see you, 
the Masked Zebra quit the group over the actions of a single respondent, Ms 
Stein.It is sad, very sad, that it has come to this. Again, speaking for 
myself, good luck in all your future endeavors. Stay on the path, beware of the 
full moon.- Richard Williams
 masked zebra wrote:
 In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
the characters I have interacted with.
 It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more closely and 
without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the start when Barry 
appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my posts, I have concluded 
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just about Judy; but right about 
even myself. Barry is arguing from a point of view which I have up until very 
recently been unable to accepteven tolerate. And this was of course because of 
his refusal to take me seriously in what I said in all my posts. For Barry, 
these were tedious, narcissistic, and melodramatic. Well, it turns out he was 
right. At least this is the conclusion I have come to by being brave enough to 
consider that my own defensiveness and touchiness in reacting to his criticism 
of me and my posts was preventing me from having an experience that I needed to 
have: namely, that my own estimate of my posts did not necessarily coincide 
with the truth, with reality.
 Whereas *his* estim

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Five, six, and seven for Feste

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
I seem to recall your referring to would-be Indian rapists as "frisky." IMHO, 
that's about a ten-fer, all in one unbelievably insensitive remark.

 But keep going, Share. I'm sure you're impressing Uncle Feste with your .great 
 << With one nickname, Ricky Retardo, Ann manages to slur mentally challenged 
people; Hispanics who still have an accent; and Richard who, imo, contributes a 
lot of good too FFL. I've seen twofers here before, but this is the first 
threefor I've seen. Wowzie! >>



[FairfieldLife] RE: please UNSUBSCRIBE me

2013-12-26 Thread j_alexander_stanley
Kind of a shame you don't have the time to read even one of those emails to see 
the directions for unsubscribing that are found on each and every one of them. 
Because thanks to the glory that is the Neo interface, I get an error when I 
try to unsubscribe you. So, you're SOL until you can figure it out yourself.


 You're welcome,

Alex, the ever so slightly grumpy moderator who woke up at 4am to a very bad 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 no time for all the mail, folks, please unsubscribe me!


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
If you'll forgive me, Share, I hardly consider your opinion definitive on what 
is dumb and what is not. I understand why you have to avoid the tough 
questions, though. That's your modus operandi. You couldn't survive otherwise.

 << Judy, I answered one of your questions even though imo they're all pretty 
dumb. >>

 On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 PM, "authfriend@..."  
   You didn't answer my questions. I guess they must be pretty threatening to 
 << I support Richard because not only are his posts humorous and interesting 
and having good spiritual knowledge, but they are also kind, for the most part. 
He even says that you are probably nice in person. >>

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 4:03 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   You support Richard, who has more fantasies about me and Ann and others than 
I can count. What's up with that, Share? Why don't you correct his fantasies 
too? And Barry's? Not to mention your own fantasies about us. Who's living in a 
fantasy world? Seems kinda inconsistent, don't you think? Like, hypocritical?

 << Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and 
breakfast nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me. >>


 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this. 
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?









[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Oooopsie! Never claimed to be a writer.
 > It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum 
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be 
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting 
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top 
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

 I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer would 
settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather than try to write 
something -- anything -- herself? 

 > On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
> > immaturity". It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
> >> grip, people.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Greater than Jesus?

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Yep, John, funny old world we're living in...

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:42 AM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  
This guy claims to be the one.  And some people believe him.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer
would settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather than
try to write something -- anything -- herself?

> On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual
> > immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking
> >> grip, people.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
> >>
> >>
> >> However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being
> >> reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and
> >> Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue
> >> moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly
> >> impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that
> >> doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating
> >> posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a
> >> huge hassle.
> >>
> >>
> >> But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either
> >> deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind
> >> mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe
> >> onset of dementia.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because
> >> I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement
> >> of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to
> >> stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He
> >> nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the
> >> basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't
> >> because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: for Emily & Bob, to thank Richard, Share finally replies about Ann's tree photo

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Judy, I answered one of your questions even though imo they're all pretty dumb.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
You didn't answer my questions. I guess they must be pretty threatening to you.

<< I support Richard because not only are his posts humorous and interesting 
and having good spiritual knowledge, but they are also kind, for the most part. 
He even says that you are probably nice in person. >>

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 4:03 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
You support Richard, who has more fantasies about me and Ann and others than I 
can count. What's up with that, Share? Why don't you correct his fantasies too? 
And Barry's? Not to mention your own fantasies about us. Who's living in a 
fantasy world? Seems kinda inconsistent, don't you think? Like, hypocritical?

<< Actually I live in a 2 BR, 1 1/2 bath townhouse with dining room and 
breakfast nook. The rest is also Ann's fantasy about me. >>

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:05 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 12/24/2013 10:51 AM, awoelflebater@... wrote:

Judy, there is a reason Share is living alone as an older woman in a 
one-bedroom flat in the middle of Iowa. And it's not because she chose this.
You mean compared to an even older woman working out of a home office near a 
beach in New Jersey, and not because she chose this?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Richard is in tune with Maharishi who said that everything is important but 
nothing is serious.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:27 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.

<< You are mistaken- Robin's post was not a parody; his post was true in all 
respects. Judy is the only person I know of that thinks Robin's post was a 
parody. If what Ann said was accurate, Robin wouldn't have time to post a 
parody to FFL - he has better things to do than parody Judy. 

The fact is, that Judy can't tell a parody from an opinion. But,
  Judy already knows this. And, apparently Judy can't tell a parody
  from posting a true statement. And why? She's obviously got an ego
  about a mile wide and growing by the hour. Denial is not just a
  river in Egypt. Go figure.

Nothing Judy posts from now on will be taken seriously - I have
  now exposed her as a mere poser and she is very angry. Judy Stein
  is a loser, period. Finished. Wrap.her.up.and.toss.her.in.the.can.
  Stick a fork in her - she is done on this forum. >>

On 12/26/2013 10:49 AM, authfriend@... wrote:
>I did reply to that post, it was a parody--the whole exchange was a 
>parody--and the host of monkeys that just flew out of your butt are throwing 
>poo at you.
>For the record, for those who may not remember: Robin didn't leave FFL until 
>almost three weeks later, and he left because of a brutally cruel post from 
>Curtis commenting on Robin's Open Letter about having struck his students.
>Richard knows all this. As he himself has admitted, nothing he says is to be 
>taken seriously.
>You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed Judy to the 
>wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is a parody, then a monkey 
>is flying out of my butt. Go figure.
>On 12/26/2013 7:04 AM, punditster@... wrote:
>>This is a very shocking message from Robin concerning his departure from the 
>>discussion group. For the record, I must apologize for the bad behavior of 
>>the some of informants here on FairfieldLife. It is a sad comment on the 
>>state of mind of one of the respondents that you mention in this message. I 
>>would like to take this opportunity to apologize for Ms Stein's bad behavior 
>>in attacking your integrity, falsely accusing you of posting parody in the 
>>place of truth - it is a blatant display of bad form and I feel a certain 
>>amount of embarrassment at her behavior.
>>I can't speak for anyone else here but Judy was
  wrong in her campaign to get Barry. Her hateful
  hostility should be reason for pause, in her case,
  and to do some hard thinking about this matter. I
  agree there should be a moratorium on this whole
  mean campaign to malign  the integrity of Richard
  and Barry and Curtis - she should cease and she
  should apologize to the group or leave. That's
  what I think.
>>Judy may be an intelligent and well-meaning
  person; but you and Curtis and Barry and Richard
  have now identified what is wrong with her - and I
  agree with you that Judy is the problem here, and
  nobody else. You were her last supporter and now
  even you have had admited that Judy is in the
  wrong in this never ending dispute. 
>>When the chorus and the entire band rebels against
  the conductor, it is time to revise the entire
  opera and start all over with not only new
  leadership, but with a change of attitude.
>>So, I hope Judy reads this and takes it to heart.
  It is just sad to see you, the Masked Zebra quit
  the group over the actions of a single respondent,
  Ms Stein.It is sad, very sad, that it has come to
  this. Again, speaking for myself, good luck in all
  your future endeavors. Stay on the path, beware of
  the full moon.- Richard Williams
>>masked zebra wrote:
>>In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
>>the characters I have interacted with.
>>It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in
reading Barry more closely and without the
intense bias that has gripped me right from the
start when Barry appeared to make himself immune
to the effects of my posts, I have concluded
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just
about Judy; but right about even myself. Barry
is arguing fr

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum to 
look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be posting 
something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting snarky messages 
all day and into the night. She used to be the top poster, but now I've left 
her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT. >>
 On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual immaturity".  It's 
like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on the Internet. 
 On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... 
   I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to 
just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go 
offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you can 
damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:authfriend@... 
 I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
 However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
 But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.
 I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Revelation and Conversion

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.



 << You are mistaken- Robin's post was not a parody; his post was true in all 
respects. Judy is the only person I know of that thinks Robin's post was a 
parody. If what Ann said was accurate, Robin wouldn't have time to post a 
parody to FFL - he has better things to do than parody Judy. 
 The fact is, that Judy can't tell a parody from an opinion. But, Judy already 
knows this. And, apparently Judy can't tell a parody from posting a true 
statement. And why? She's obviously got an ego about a mile wide and growing by 
the hour. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Go figure.
 Nothing Judy posts from now on will be taken seriously - I have now exposed 
her as a mere poser and she is very angry. Judy Stein is a loser, period. 
Finished. Wrap.her.up.and.toss.her.in.the.can. Stick a fork in her - she is 
done on this forum. >>
 On 12/26/2013 10:49 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I did reply to that post, it was a parody--the whole exchange was a 
parody--and the host of monkeys that just flew out of your butt are throwing 
poo at you.
 For the record, for those who may not remember: Robin didn't leave FFL until 
almost three weeks later, and he left because of a brutally cruel post from 
Curtis commenting on Robin's Open Letter about having struck his students.
 Richard knows all this. As he himself has admitted, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.
 You can pretty much tell how much this post of Robin's nailed Judy to the 
wall, by the lack of a reply by Ms Stein.  If this is a parody, then a monkey 
is flying out of my butt. Go figure.
 On 12/26/2013 7:04 AM, punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote:
   This is a very shocking message from Robin concerning his departure from the 
discussion group. For the record, I must apologize for the bad behavior of the 
some of informants here on FairfieldLife. It is a sad comment on the state of 
mind of one of the respondents that you mention in this message. I would like 
to take this opportunity to apologize for Ms Stein's bad behavior in attacking 
your integrity, falsely accusing you of posting parody in the place of truth - 
it is a blatant display of bad form and I feel a certain amount of 
embarrassment at her behavior.
 I can't speak for anyone else here but Judy was wrong in her campaign to get 
Barry. Her hateful hostility should be reason for pause, in her case, and to do 
some hard thinking about this matter. I agree there should be a moratorium on 
this whole mean campaign to malign  the integrity of Richard and Barry and 
Curtis - she should cease and she should apologize to the group or leave. 
That's what I think.
 Judy may be an intelligent and well-meaning person; but you and Curtis and 
Barry and Richard have now identified what is wrong with her - and I agree with 
you that Judy is the problem here, and nobody else. You were her last supporter 
and now even you have had admited that Judy is in the wrong in this never 
ending dispute. 
 When the chorus and the entire band rebels against the conductor, it is time 
to revise the entire opera and start all over with not only new leadership, but 
with a change of attitude.
 So, I hope Judy reads this and takes it to heart. It is just sad to see you, 
the Masked Zebra quit the group over the actions of a single respondent, Ms 
Stein.It is sad, very sad, that it has come to this. Again, speaking for 
myself, good luck in all your future endeavors. Stay on the path, beware of the 
full moon.- Richard Williams
 masked zebra wrote:
 In withdrawing from FFL I have had time to reflect upon my history there and 
the characters I have interacted with.
 It will perhaps come as a shock to some, but in reading Barry more closely and 
without the intense bias that has gripped me right from the start when Barry 
appeared to make himself immune to the effects of my posts, I have concluded 
that essentially Barry is right. Right not just about Judy; but right about 
even myself. Barry is arguing from a point of view which I have up until very 
recently been unable to accept—even tolerate. And this was of course because of 
his refusal to take me seriously in what I said in all my posts. For Barry, 
these were tedious, narcissistic, and melodramatic. Well, it turns out he was 
right. At least this is the conclusion I have come to by being brave enough to 
consider that my own defensiveness and touchiness in reacting to his criticism 
of me and my posts was preventing me from having an experience that I needed to 
have: namely, that my own estimate of my posts did not necessarily coincide 
with the truth, with reality.
 Whereas *his* estimate of my posts did achieve such correspondence.
 So, as much as I hate to do this, given how much I have invested in this 
anti-Barry project, I have to admit it: Barry is not only correct in his 
assessment o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>

 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Christmas Carols at Mass

2013-12-26 Thread jr_esq
You have just become one of the CEOs, meaning Christmas and Easter Only.

[FairfieldLife] please UNSUBSCRIBE me

2013-12-26 Thread Peter St.John
no time for all the mail, folks, please unsubscribe me!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Thu 26-Dec-13 00:15:11 UTC

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Richard, didn't Maharishi say once that everything is important but nothing is 

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 PM, Richard J. Williams 
When did I ever say otherwise? And, how would you know, since you don't even 
read my messages. Go figure.

On 12/26/2013 10:53 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

>As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to 
>be taken seriously.
>What happened to your "macro"? The difference now is that more and more people 
>are standing up to you and your tyrannical mode of operation. Even Barry is 
>reading my messages these days. Now that's better!
>Your name is now mud all over the internet, thanks to
  Robin's recent post about you. You have been totally
  discredited and now we know who is the real stalker
  and troll and liar is - you are confirming this in
  almost every message you post these days. 
>All you have to do, Ms Stein is STFU about Richard.
  It's that simple.
>On 12/26/2013 8:45 AM, authfriend@... wrote:
>><< > RR at 125. Is this a record yet? And what does it mean? 
>>Not even *close* to a record. Back *before* the posting limits were created, 
>>several people including Judy often made more posts than this a week. >>
>>It's to be expected that Barry would jump on this as an opportunity to stalk 
>>me, and of course to do it with lies.
>>In the first place, as Barry knows, the 125 total of RIchard's posts was as 
>>of Wednesday. By Friday, he'll have gone well above his previous record of 
>>Before posting limits, I rarely made more than 160 posts per week.
>>And as Barry knows, the situation back then was so different that it can't 
>>legitimately be compared to what it is now. I'll get to that when I deal with 
>>the rest of Barry's posts this morning.
>><< But mark my words...the next thing that's going to happen is that the Mean 
>>Girls are going to start calling for Posting Limits again, now that they're 
>>the people being stalked, instead of the stalkers... >>
>>That's not why Ann and I wished a limit could be imposed again. Richard 
>>couldn't stalk his way out of a paper bag, first of all. Second, it's the 
>>outlandish number of all his mostly meaningless posts that's the problem. If 
>>his only posts were those stalking Ann and me, that would be no trouble to 
>>deal with.
>>And BTW, Barry knew when he wrote this that we had already expressed this 
>>wish, although he's pretending here to be predicting it. How pathetic is 
>>that? Especially for the dude who claims he doesn't care what anybody thinks 
>>of him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << The only posts Richard were making were the ones stalking Ann and me You 
need to stop the lying, Ms Stein. For the record, Judy has been stalking me for 
over a decade. The proof is in the archives. I came over here long before Judy, 
to try to get away from her, but here she is, posting the same old snarky 
comments, except now she has a "macro running" in Microsoft Notepad. Go figure. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << Maybe Barry was posting a parody. Judy is easily the target of a parody, as 
Robin demonstrated. Apparently Judy will fall for any parody, even one by Robin 
that looks like the truth. Go figure.
 Everyone knows that Judy was the top poster around here for years - she can't 
resist posting some snarky reply to just about every post submitted. But, when 
someone posts something on topic, she just ignores it. Why? Because she knows 
next to nothing about yoga or meditation, obviously, or even music for that 
 past tense: parodied; past participle: parodied
  1. produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or 
genre). >>


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