Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! 
[1 Attachment]
   [Attachment(s) from 
anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] included below] What might lie at the bottom of 
Barry's barrel? Barry just m  Barry's classification.

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.


 I think we ought to allow the Post Count to determine the "bottom of the 
barrel." So far this week, the person who claims to be enlightened has 
demonstrated the highest degree of obsession, making 31 posts in one day, MOST 
of them about a person he claims is beneath notice and beneath contempt (moi). 
I leave you to puzzle out whether that sounds enlightened to you or just 


 Similarly, Share seems to have done little else but Obsess On Barry, as have 
Richard and Ann and Steve. Just another Saturday at Fairfield Life. 


 Since all of these people have gone out of their way in the past and the 
present to comment about how LOW Barry is, and yet they choose to focus almost 
all of their writings on him anyway, I think we have to assume that they are 
the LOWEST in terms of intelligence. What you focus on, you become...and all 
that... :-)

 On another level, it should be obvious by now that none of them is able to 
think of anything to post EXCEPT ragging on Barry. I have become the catalyst 
that allows them to pretend that they actually have something to say. Seems to 
me they should be thanking me for providing them a much-needed "writing 
prompt."  :-)

 You have come in just under the wire on what I predicted. The only thing 
lacking is the actual made up post count on how many times your name was 
mentioned. However, you did comment on the "Post Count" in general so we'll 
chalk that up as batting 1000, you little darling you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-23 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sorry, turq, but I was experiencing Irony Overwhelm upon reading your demand 
that John apologize to you. And then again when you said you believed something 
that someone told you. Just like I had done! I think I'm recuperated now, MAYBE.

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! 
[1 Attachment]
    [Attachment(s) from [FairfieldLife] included below] 
What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just m  Barry's 
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

I think we ought to allow the Post Count to determine the "bottom of the 
barrel." So far this week, the person who claims to be enlightened has 
demonstrated the highest degree of obsession, making 31 posts in one day, MOST 
of them about a person he claims is beneath notice and beneath contempt (moi). 
I leave you to puzzle out whether that sounds enlightened to you or just 

Similarly, Share seems to have done little else but Obsess On Barry, as have 
Richard and Ann and Steve. Just another Saturday at Fairfield Life. 

Since all of these people have gone out of their way in the past and the 
present to comment about how LOW Barry is, and yet they choose to focus almost 
all of their writings on him anyway, I think we have to assume that they are 
the LOWEST in terms of intelligence. What you focus on, you become...and all 
that... :-)
On another level, it should be obvious by now that none of them is able to 
think of anything to post EXCEPT ragging on Barry. I have become the catalyst 
that allows them to pretend that they actually have something to say. Seems to 
me they should be thanking me for providing them a much-needed "writing 
prompt."  :-)

 #yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386 -- #yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2865791386 
#yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2865791386 
#yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp #yiv2865791386hd 
0;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp #yiv2865791386ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp .yiv2865791386ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp .yiv2865791386ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386ygrp-mkp .yiv2865791386ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2865791386ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2865791386 
#yiv2865791386ygrp-sponsor #yiv2865791386ygrp-lc #yiv2865791386hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2865791386ygrp-sponsor #yiv2865791386ygrp-lc .yiv2865791386ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2865791386 
 #yiv2865791386activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2865791386 
#yiv2865791386activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2865791386 #yiv2865791386activity span 
.yiv2865791386underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2865791386 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2865791386 .yiv2865791386attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 .yiv2865791386attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2865791386 .yiv2865791386attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv2865791386 .yiv2865791386attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv2865791386 .yiv2865791386bold 
.yiv2865791386bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 dd.yiv2865791386last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2865791386 dd.yiv2865791386last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2865791386 
dd.yiv2865791386last p span.yiv2865791386yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv2865791386 div.yiv2865791386attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2865791386 div.yiv2865791386attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv2865791386 div.yiv2865791386file-title a, #yiv2865791386 
div.yiv2865791386file-title a:active, #yiv2865791386 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He is available - Its a language difference, Steve. When Barry refers to 
"mountain climbing", the rest of us oughta know, he refers to carrying that 
beer-belly up three flights of stairs. To him, that's an expedition...Sorta 
like when you or I would go out to buy a book or something, Barry travels 
through portals of time and space. Similarly, what looks like him walking his 
dog, is actually a sacred convo between Master (the dog), and Barry (the other 
dog). Once you learn Barry-speak, its a breeze! 
---In,  wrote :

 He just walked into it.  The thing he was berating you about, he just walked 
into it.  Admitting he made "horrible" error, of taking something someone said 
at face value. 

 He may conveniently be on his "mountain climbing" expedition and conveniently 
can't respond.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Steve, turq wasn't the only one who went silent with that image of me 
undressing him! Talk about thought stopper!
 Anyway, for posterity, here's what I had written:
 dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first sentence! 
Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!

 MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...

 In his first sentence, turq had written that, on that ill-fated one and only 
*date*, he believed someone when she told him that the Chicken Soup series 
began in FF. Guess I'm not the only "gullible idiot" in the Funny Farm Lounge 

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Share, Barry's gone silent on this one, and I cants sez that I blame him.

 To his credit.  To his credit, however, if it were Judy, and she were caught 
in such a trap of her own makings, we could be in for a two to three week spin 
of why she didn't just hoist herself on her own petard.

 Maybe Barry has enough dignity to remain silent and appear stupid, (which he 
is, in this instance), than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

 I'm not looking but if that's the case, for God's sake and all of the rest of 
us, get him dressed!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am just curious, as your thoughts really don't address anything, do you smoke 
a lot of weed??

---In,  wrote :

 I am reattaching that image of the barrel with the TM thought bubbles. 
Maharishi said, concerning a 'bad' thought that 'they are rotten to the core'. 
That could give one pause as to the ultimate origin of rottenness. Also if one 
reacts to a 'bad' thought someone expresses, from where does the 'bad' arise, 
with the person who expresses the thought, or the person who interprets the 

 Think of ISIS (or ISIL), a group of people who seem utterly in the thrall of 
certain thought forms. They seem to think what they are doing is good, while in 
the West we tend to think of them as deranged and horrifying, so who is right? 
If we do not like those thoughts they have, we can label them as dangerous to 
our way of life and attempt to destroy the containers of those thoughts as a 
practical measure without considering their ultimate character as good or bad, 
much in the way chemotherapy can destroy cancer, which is a naturally occurring 
process that brings ill health to the body. All individual beings die from one 
thing or another as a result of the flow of natural processes. Good health and 
ill health are equally a part of nature. Naturally we want good health for the 
body, but nature ultimately never complies with that wish.

 Ultimately all thoughts spring from processes occurring naturally, and if one 
conceptualises the world as emerging from being according to natural law, the 
rottenness of thoughts that we encounter have a more overreaching source than 
an individual body. So if we do not like something, certainly there is 
something out there beyond our individual body that we react to, but the 
reaction springs wholly from within our body, so as our thoughts measure the 
world that our mind interprets.

 From the Tao Te Ching:

 When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises
When it knows good as good, evil arises
Thus being and non-being produce each other
Difficult and easy bring about each other
Long and short reveal each other
High and low support each other
Music and voice harmonize each other
Front and back follow each other
Therefore the sages:
Manage the work of detached actions
Conduct the teaching of no words
They work with myriad things but do not control
They create but do not possess
They act but do not presume
They succeed but do not dwell on success
It is because they do not dwell on success
That it never goes away


---In,  wrote :

 "What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel?"

 Obviously, he does, and calls it home. I have *another* name for it. :-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just made an offer that 
would, if accepted by John, would put Jim up one notch on the ladder of 
intelligence, per Barry's classification. 

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is in a race with himself, to the bottom of the barrel. And look, he's 
winning! LOL

---In,  wrote :

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Hey Barry,

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  


 THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  


 No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 


 If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-23 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here is an apt re-run, from yesterday: 

 Dream on. Nobody is planning to do anything, with you, or to you. Such a 
Walter Mitty type, aren't you? You live in your little room, watching TV, and 
build empty fantasies about how interested we are in you.  

 Nothing could be further from the truth, Barry. You get attention, by being an 
asshole. No one gives a damn about you, otherwise. Get used to it. We'll still 
be posting here when you are dead, with no one giving you a second thought. 

 The really creepy bit, as Edg, Emily, Steve, Judy, Sal, Richard, Nabby, Share, 
Dr. Pete, Rick, Alex, Bhairitu, Ann, Bob, Robin, Rory, and many, many others 
have already noted, is that you know you are broken, you know you aren't 
enlightened, you know your social skills are anti-social, you know all this 
doesn't help one bit, and yet you just can't help yourself. 

 You are One Sick Monkey, dude. Perhaps reliving the glory days with Freddie 
will, run along and fantasize some more - you are SO good at it! :-) 
:-) :-)



---In,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! 
[1 Attachment]
   [Attachment(s) from 
anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] included below] What might lie at the bottom of 
Barry's barrel? Barry just m  Barry's classification.

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.


 I think we ought to allow the Post Count to determine the "bottom of the 
barrel." So far this week, the person who claims to be enlightened has 
demonstrated the highest degree of obsession, making 31 posts in one day, MOST 
of them about a person he claims is beneath notice and beneath contempt (moi). 
I leave you to puzzle out whether that sounds enlightened to you or just 


 Similarly, Share seems to have done little else but Obsess On Barry, as have 
Richard and Ann and Steve. Just another Saturday at Fairfield Life. 


 Since all of these people have gone out of their way in the past and the 
present to comment about how LOW Barry is, and yet they choose to focus almost 
all of their writings on him anyway, I think we have to assume that they are 
the LOWEST in terms of intelligence. What you focus on, you become...and all 
that... :-)

 On another level, it should be obvious by now that none of them is able to 
think of anything to post EXCEPT ragging on Barry. I have become the catalyst 
that allows them to pretend that they actually have something to say. Seems to 
me they should be thanking me for providing them a much-needed "writing 
prompt."  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! 
[1 Attachment]
    [Attachment(s) from [FairfieldLife] included below] 
What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just m  Barry's 
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

I think we ought to allow the Post Count to determine the "bottom of the 
barrel." So far this week, the person who claims to be enlightened has 
demonstrated the highest degree of obsession, making 31 posts in one day, MOST 
of them about a person he claims is beneath notice and beneath contempt (moi). 
I leave you to puzzle out whether that sounds enlightened to you or just 

Similarly, Share seems to have done little else but Obsess On Barry, as have 
Richard and Ann and Steve. Just another Saturday at Fairfield Life. 

Since all of these people have gone out of their way in the past and the 
present to comment about how LOW Barry is, and yet they choose to focus almost 
all of their writings on him anyway, I think we have to assume that they are 
the LOWEST in terms of intelligence. What you focus on, you become...and all 
that... :-)
On another level, it should be obvious by now that none of them is able to 
think of anything to post EXCEPT ragging on Barry. I have become the catalyst 
that allows them to pretend that they actually have something to say. Seems to 
me they should be thanking me for providing them a much-needed "writing 
prompt."  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He just walked into it.  The thing he was berating you about, he just walked 
into it.  Admitting he made "horrible" error, of taking something someone said 
at face value. 

 He may conveniently be on his "mountain climbing" expedition and conveniently 
can't respond.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Steve, turq wasn't the only one who went silent with that image of me 
undressing him! Talk about thought stopper!
 Anyway, for posterity, here's what I had written:
 dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first sentence! 
Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!

 MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...

 In his first sentence, turq had written that, on that ill-fated one and only 
*date*, he believed someone when she told him that the Chicken Soup series 
began in FF. Guess I'm not the only "gullible idiot" in the Funny Farm Lounge 

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Share, Barry's gone silent on this one, and I cants sez that I blame him.

 To his credit.  To his credit, however, if it were Judy, and she were caught 
in such a trap of her own makings, we could be in for a two to three week spin 
of why she didn't just hoist herself on her own petard.

 Maybe Barry has enough dignity to remain silent and appear stupid, (which he 
is, in this instance), than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

 I'm not looking but if that's the case, for God's sake and all of the rest of 
us, get him dressed!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! [1 Attachment]

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I am reattaching that image of the barrel with the TM thought bubbles. 
Maharishi said, concerning a 'bad' thought that 'they are rotten to the core'. 
That could give one pause as to the ultimate origin of rottenness. Also if one 
reacts to a 'bad' thought someone expresses, from where does the 'bad' arise, 
with the person who expresses the thought, or the person who interprets the 

 Think of ISIS (or ISIL), a group of people who seem utterly in the thrall of 
certain thought forms. They seem to think what they are doing is good, while in 
the West we tend to think of them as deranged and horrifying, so who is right? 
If we do not like those thoughts they have, we can label them as dangerous to 
our way of life and attempt to destroy the containers of those thoughts as a 
practical measure without considering their ultimate character as good or bad, 
much in the way chemotherapy can destroy cancer, which is a naturally occurring 
process that brings ill health to the body. All individual beings die from one 
thing or another as a result of the flow of natural processes. Good health and 
ill health are equally a part of nature. Naturally we want good health for the 
body, but nature ultimately never complies with that wish.

 Ultimately all thoughts spring from processes occurring naturally, and if one 
conceptualises the world as emerging from being according to natural law, the 
rottenness of thoughts that we encounter have a more overreaching source than 
an individual body. So if we do not like something, certainly there is 
something out there beyond our individual body that we react to, but the 
reaction springs wholly from within our body, so as our thoughts measure the 
world that our mind interprets.

 From the Tao Te Ching:

 When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises
When it knows good as good, evil arises
Thus being and non-being produce each other
Difficult and easy bring about each other
Long and short reveal each other
High and low support each other
Music and voice harmonize each other
Front and back follow each other
Therefore the sages:
Manage the work of detached actions
Conduct the teaching of no words
They work with myriad things but do not control
They create but do not possess
They act but do not presume
They succeed but do not dwell on success
It is because they do not dwell on success
That it never goes away


---In,  wrote :

 "What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel?"

 Obviously, he does, and calls it home. I have *another* name for it. :-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just made an offer that 
would, if accepted by John, would put Jim up one notch on the ladder of 
intelligence, per Barry's classification. 

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is in a race with himself, to the bottom of the barrel. And look, he's 
winning! LOL

---In,  wrote :

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Hey Barry,

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  


 THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  


 No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 


 If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Steve, turq wasn't the only one who went silent with that image of me 
undressing him! Talk about thought stopper!Anyway, for posterity, here's what I 
had written:dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first 
sentence! Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!
MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...
In his first sentence, turq had written that, on that ill-fated one and only 
*date*, he believed someone when she told him that the Chicken Soup series 
began in FF. Guess I'm not the only "gullible idiot" in the Funny Farm Lounge 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Share, Barry's gone silent on this one, and I cants sez that I blame him.
To his credit.  To his credit, however, if it were Judy, and she were caught in 
such a trap of her own makings, we could be in for a two to three week spin of 
why she didn't just hoist herself on her own petard.
Maybe Barry has enough dignity to remain silent and appear stupid, (which he 
is, in this instance), than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Share, that is brilliant!
Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.
I'm not looking but if that's the case, for God's sake and all of the rest of 
us, get him dressed!

  #yiv3945129919 #yiv3945129919 -- #yiv3945129919ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3945129919 
#yiv3945129919ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3945129919 
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#yiv3945129919ygrp-sponsor #yiv3945129919ygrp-lc .yiv3945129919ad 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Share, Barry's gone silent on this one, and I cants sez that I blame him. 

 To his credit.  To his credit, however, if it were Judy, and she were caught 
in such a trap of her own makings, we could be in for a two to three week spin 
of why she didn't just hoist herself on her own petard.

 Maybe Barry has enough dignity to remain silent and appear stupid, (which he 
is, in this instance), than to open his mouth and remove all doubt.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

 I'm not looking but if that's the case, for God's sake and all of the rest of 
us, get him dressed!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

 I'm not looking but if that's the case, for God's sake and all of the rest of 
us, get him dressed!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel?"

 Obviously, he does, and calls it home. I have *another* name for it. :-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just made an offer that 
would, if accepted by John, would put Jim up one notch on the ladder of 
intelligence, per Barry's classification. 

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is in a race with himself, to the bottom of the barrel. And look, he's 
winning! LOL

---In,  wrote :

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Hey Barry,

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  


 THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  


 No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 


 If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!! [1 Attachment]

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
What might lie at the bottom of Barry's barrel? Barry just made an offer that 
would, if accepted by John, would put Jim up one notch on the ladder of 
intelligence, per Barry's classification. 

 Disclaimer: This post is not meant to impune the intelligence of anyone, 
whether they be highly intelligent or highly unintelligent. After all, only the 
enlightened are aware of the nature of the intelligence of the universe, how it 
works, and what has it, and where it is actually located.

---In,  wrote :

 Barry is in a race with himself, to the bottom of the barrel. And look, he's 
winning! LOL

---In,  wrote :

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Hey Barry,

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  


 THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  


 No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 


 If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry knows nothing about Tantra, yet Tantra knows *everything* about Barry. 
:-) :-) :-)

---In,  wrote :

 Are you still upset by being exposed for knowing nothing about Tantra ?

---In,  wrote :

 Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff 
is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 


 You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?

 Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)

 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Hey, Barry

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpret them differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're 
attacking me, merely that they see things a different way, from another point 
of view." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry is in a race with himself, to the bottom of the barrel. And look, he's 
winning! LOL

---In,  wrote :

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   Hey Barry,

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  


 THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  


 No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 


 If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

    Hey Barry,
Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  

THAT is what's put a bug up your ass? My Subject line for this thread?  

No problemo. I didn't mean to start a dick-size contest between you and Jimbo. 

If you are offended at being considered less dumb than Jim Flanegin, I retract 
the statement. You can be the dumbest.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey Barry, 

 Speaking of lying, you've started this thread with a lie dude.  As I mentioned 
earlier, I have never stated anything resembling to the words that you quoted 
that supposedly came from me.

 This is another indication of the kind of character that you are.  Do you 
really expect us to believe your story that your guru, Rama Lenz, actually 
levitated and performed other miraculous feats?

 It's now very apparent that you're telling us lies to attract attention to 
yourself.  Your act is getting old around here.  

 Have another shot of rum dude.  Maybe Shiva will appear on your computer 

---In,  wrote :

 Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

---In,  wrote :

 dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first sentence! 
Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!

 MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 I only repeated what I was told by Marci Shimoff that one and only time I met 
her, that the Chicken Soup of the Whatever books started in Fairfield. 


 That *could* possibly be wrong, of course, since YOU have established that 
she's willing to lie about other things, such as being "the best-selling female 
author of non-fiction of all time." 

 But you did it again. 


 You dodged and weaved and did anything but admit the obvious -- that you 
passed along a lie, AND, when called on it, have consistently refused to admit 
that it was a lie.

 What IS it about people like you and terrified of admitting that 
you fucked up?


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong after 
you do, LOL! 

 PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff 
is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 


 You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?

 Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [Fairf

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Share, that is brilliant! 

 Barry probably won't get it, but you just undressed him.

---In,  wrote :

 dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first sentence! 
Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!

 MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 I only repeated what I was told by Marci Shimoff that one and only time I met 
her, that the Chicken Soup of the Whatever books started in Fairfield. 


 That *could* possibly be wrong, of course, since YOU have established that 
she's willing to lie about other things, such as being "the best-selling female 
author of non-fiction of all time." 

 But you did it again. 


 You dodged and weaved and did anything but admit the obvious -- that you 
passed along a lie, AND, when called on it, have consistently refused to admit 
that it was a lie.

 What IS it about people like you and terrified of admitting that 
you fucked up?


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong after 
you do, LOL! 

 PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff 
is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 


 You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?

 Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
dear *dear * turq, hopefully you see the irony of your first sentence! 
Otherwise we are doomed doomed doomed!
MAYBE when you admit you were wrong about CS series, I will admit my total 
wrongness. MAYBE...
  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    I only repeated what I was told by Marci Shimoff that one and only time I 
met her, that the Chicken Soup of the Whatever books started in Fairfield. 

That *could* possibly be wrong, of course, since YOU have established that 
she's willing to lie about other things, such as being "the best-selling female 
author of non-fiction of all time." 
But you did it again. 

You dodged and weaved and did anything but admit the obvious -- that you passed 
along a lie, AND, when called on it, have consistently refused to admit that it 
was a lie.
What IS it about people like you and terrified of admitting that you 
fucked up?

 From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong 
after you do, LOL! 
PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci 
Shimoff is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 

You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?
Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)

 From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish 
chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and 
then encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread nablusoss1008
Are you still upset by being exposed for knowing nothing about Tantra ?

---In,  wrote :

 Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff 
is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 


 You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?

 Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)

 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Hey, Barry

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpret them differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're 
attacking me, merely that they see things a different way, from another point 
of view." - TurquoiseB

 Buck is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey John, 

 My advice: tell Barry you will apologize just as soon as he produces the 
"dozens of TM Teachers" who will back up his claim that we were trained to "bad 
mouth other forms of meditation".

 Ask him about this BAL (big ass lie)

---In,  wrote :

 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Hey, Barry

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpret them differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're 
attacking me, merely that they see things a different way, from another point 
of view." - TurquoiseB

 Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on this forum, except YOU. :-) 
:-) :-) 

 The question (for you) is, WHY?
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Fine. If that's how low your standards are, then *you* can be envious of him. 
 Since I've met canines who were more enlightened than Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks.  :-)  :-)  :-)
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Enlightenment
   I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts. I can relate 
to what he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I only repeated what I was told by Marci Shimoff that one and only time I met 
her, that the Chicken Soup of the Whatever books started in Fairfield. 

That *could* possibly be wrong, of course, since YOU have established that 
she's willing to lie about other things, such as being "the best-selling female 
author of non-fiction of all time." 
But you did it again. 

You dodged and weaved and did anything but admit the obvious -- that you passed 
along a lie, AND, when called on it, have consistently refused to admit that it 
was a lie.
What IS it about people like you and terrified of admitting that you 
fucked up?
  From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong 
after you do, LOL! 
PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci 
Shimoff is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 

You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?
Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)

 From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish 
chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and 
then encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

     From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The *same* as bolding the word. Always cracks me up when Barry lies like no one 
else on here, but then tries to bust others, for their lack of integrity. I 
wonder if slime ooozes from his pores?

---In,  wrote :

 turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong after 
you do, LOL! 

 PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff 
is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 


 You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?

 Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)


 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Hey, Barry

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do wi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
turq, nay I am not upset. I am DEVASTATED! BUT... I'll admit being wrong after 
you do, LOL! 
PS what does it mean when peeps put * around words? Very sexy (-:
  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci 
Shimoff is the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 

You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?
Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)

 From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish 
chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and 
then encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


     From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 

So, the bottom line is that being in anenlightened state is a subjective state 
that defies any materialproof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to mewhat Barry meant when he posted this message below, because nowI'm 
getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.

"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experienceshad anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, Imight interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn'tmean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpretthem differently. That they do so doesn't mean that 
they'reattacking me, merely that they see things a different way, fromanother 
point of view." - TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else o

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Are you *still* upset about having been caught lying about how Marci Shimoff is 
the "best-selling female author of non-fiction of all time?" 

You DO know that you never admitted being wrong about that, right?
Do "liars flock together?" Is that why you're trying to suck up to JohnR?   :-)
  From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish 
chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and 
then encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 

So, the bottom line is that being in anenlightened state is a subjective state 
that defies any materialproof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to mewhat Barry meant when he posted this message below, because nowI'm 
getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.

"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experienceshad anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, Imight interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn'tmean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpretthem differently. That they do so doesn't mean that 
they'reattacking me, merely that they see things a different way, fromanother 
point of view." - TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on thisforum, except YOU. :-) :-) 

The question (for you) is, WHY?, wrote :

Fine. If that's how low yourstandards are, then *you* can be envious ofhim. 

SinceI've met canines who were more enlightenedthan Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)
  From:"dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Um, don't hold your breath, Share. :-)

---In,  wrote :

 dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
 Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 


 Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?

 Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?

 Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?

 If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:

 1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,

 2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 


 3. You're just a dick, or

 4. All of the above.

 The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!


, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 


 --In,  wrote :

 Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?


 I'll wait for your apology...   :-)



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   Hey, Barry

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpret them differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're 
attacking me, merely that they see things a different way, from another point 
of view." - TurquoiseB

 Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on this forum, except YOU. :-) 
:-) :-) 

 The question (for you) is, WHY?
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Fine. If that's how low your standards are, then *you* can be envious of him. 
 Since I've met canines who were more enlightened than Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks.  :-)  :-)  :-)
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: mailto:Fair

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
dear John, please do NOT apologize to turq until he apologizes to me for 
calling me a liar after HE lied about the Chicken Soup series starting in FF. 
thank you, Share

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish 
chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and 
then encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 

So, the bottom line is that being in anenlightened state is a subjective state 
that defies any materialproof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to mewhat Barry meant when he posted this message below, because nowI'm 
getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.

"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experienceshad anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, Imight interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn'tmean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpretthem differently. That they do so doesn't mean that 
they'reattacking me, merely that they see things a different way, fromanother 
point of view." - TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on thisforum, except YOU. :-) :-) 

The question (for you) is, WHY?, wrote :

Fine. If that's how low yourstandards are, then *you* can be envious ofhim. 

SinceI've met canines who were more enlightenedthan Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)
  From:"dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment

 I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts.  I can relate 
to what he is talking about by experience.  He is very clear and accurate in 
his writings.  You seem threatened by his writing.  -Buck
IS ENLIGHTENEDsomehow wants you to believethat I am *envious* of him forbeing 
enlightened., wrote :

That'spretty funny, Share.
I imagine theexchange went something likethis.
Barry's FFLSecre

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-22 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/22/2014 1:52 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your 
Jyotish chart that is preventing you from apologizing to me for 
calling me a liar, and then encouraging others to "pile on" and also 
call me one?


It has already been established that you fib a lot - you told a whopper 
about witnessing Rama levitate for REAL. It would probably be a good 
thing for you to just keep your big lie hole shut about anyone lying or 
being dumb.

*/Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a 
noted atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), 
doncha think you should admit having said it?/*

*/Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you 
claimed it wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, 
doncha think you owe me an apology?/*

*/Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on 
to your lie might be in order?/*

*/If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that 
you're failing to 'fess up and apologize because:/*

*/1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel 
like it,/*

*/2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the 
stars" for why you can't act with integrity,

*/3. You're just a dick, or/*
*/4. All of the above./*
*/The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)/*

*From:* "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than 
JohnR !!!

which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about 
Stephen Hawking:


*--In,  wrote :

*Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak 
and walk?*

*/I'll wait for your apology...   :-)/*

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than 
JohnR !!!

Hey, Barry

You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one 
you quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps 
you can learn something from Dubya, as shown here:

Frank Caliendo bush collection 

image <>

Frank Caliendo bush collection 

lol. please rate and comment.

View on <>

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and
his choice of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance:

So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a
subjective state that defies any material proof. Having said that,
someone, anyone, please explain to me what Barry meant when he
posted this message below, because now I'm getting confused and
you don't want to confuse the willytex.

/"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences
had anything to do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might
interpret the experiences in my own way, but that doesn't mean
that anyone else hearing them can't, and won't, interpret them
differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're attacking
me, merely that they see things a different way, from another
point of view." - /TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on this forum,
except YOU. :-) :-) :-)

The question (for you) is, WHY?

<mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*/Fine. If that's how low your standards are, then *you* can be
envious of him.
*/Since I've met canines who were more enlightened than Jim
Flanegin, I'll pass, thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)/*

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-21 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Just checking, John. Is there something weird going on with your Jyotish chart 
that is preventing you from apologizing to me for calling me a liar, and then 
encouraging others to "pile on" and also call me one? 

Now that I've proved that you *were* dumb enough to suggest that a noted 
atheist was "angry at God" (a God he doesn't believe exists), doncha think you 
should admit having said it?
Now that I've also proved that *YOU* were the person lying when you claimed it 
wasn't true and that I was lying about you having said it, doncha think you owe 
me an apology?
Also, doncha think a word or two admonishing the others who piled on to your 
lie might be in order?
If not, and you choose to remain silent, should we assume that you're failing 
to 'fess up and apologize because:
1. You believe in God, and that allows you to lie any time you feel like it,
2. You believe in Jyotish, so you can make up some "excuse from the stars" for 
why you can't act with integrity, 

3. You're just a dick, or
4. All of the above.
The lurking reporters and I await your response...  :-)
  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 9:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 

So, the bottom line is that being in anenlightened state is a subjective state 
that defies any materialproof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to mewhat Barry meant when he posted this message below, because nowI'm 
getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.

"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experienceshad anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, Imight interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn'tmean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpretthem differently. That they do so doesn't mean that 
they'reattacking me, merely that they see things a different way, fromanother 
point of view." - TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on thisforum, except YOU. :-) :-) 

The question (for you) is, WHY?, wrote :

Fine. If that's how low yourstandards are, then *you* can be envious ofhim. 

SinceI've met canines who were more enlightenedthan Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)
  From:"dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment

 I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts.  I can relate 
to what he is talking about by experience.  He is very clear and accurate in 
his writings.  You seem threatened by his writing.  -Buck
IS ENLIGHTENEDsomehow wants you to believethat I am *envious* of him forbeing 
enlightened., wrote :

That'spretty funny, Share.
I imagine theexchange went something likethis.
Barry's FFLSecretary: Sir, I think youshould see this.
BW: What is it!Can't you see I'm busyupdating my list of things Idon't like, 
people I findstupid, and, of course,things I can berate"believers" about.
BS: But sir, Ithink..
BW: Okay, what isit already!
BS: Sir, it 's fromFlannegan.  he says, sir,that, .that, you'reenvious of 
BW: What! Whydidn't you tell me thisbe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-21 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/21/2014 2:53 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about 
Stephen Hawking:


*--In,  wrote :

*Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak 
and walk?*

*/I'll wait for your apology... :-)/*

We are still waiting for your explanation:

/"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had 
anything to do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret 
the experiences in my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else 
hearing them can't, and won't, interpret them differently. That they do 
so doesn't mean that they're attacking me, merely that they see things a 
different way, from another point of view." - /TurquoiseB

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than 
JohnR !!!

Hey, Barry

You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one 
you quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps 
you can learn something from Dubya, as shown here:

Frank Caliendo bush collection 

image <>

Frank Caliendo bush collection 

lol. please rate and comment.

View on <>

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and
his choice of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance:

So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a
subjective state that defies any material proof. Having said that,
someone, anyone, please explain to me what Barry meant when he
posted this message below, because now I'm getting confused and
you don't want to confuse the willytex.

/"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences
had anything to do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might
interpret the experiences in my own way, but that doesn't mean
that anyone else hearing them can't, and won't, interpret them
differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're attacking
me, merely that they see things a different way, from another
point of view." - /TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on this forum,
except YOU. :-) :-) :-)

The question (for you) is, WHY?

<mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*/Fine. If that's how low your standards are, then *you* can be
envious of him.
*/Since I've met canines who were more enlightened than Jim
Flanegin, I'll pass, thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)/*

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]"

*Sent:* Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Enlightenment

**I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts.  I can 
relate to what he is talking about by experience.  He is very clear and 
accurate in his writings.  You seem threatened by his writing.  -Buck**
*/turquoiseb writes: The person WHO CANNOT PRODUCE A *SINGLE
believe that I am *envious* of him for being enlightened./*

<mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote :

That's pretty funny, Share.

I imagine the exchange went something like this.

Barry's FFL Secretary: Sir, I think you should see this.

BW: What is it! Can't you see I'm busy updating my list of things
I don't like, people I find stupid, and, of course, things I can
berate "believers" about.

BS: But sir, I think..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-21 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

, which contains the following, in an exchange with Salyavin about Stephen 

--In,  wrote :

Do you think he's angry at God because he lost his ability to speak and walk?

I'll wait for your apology...   :-)

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:00 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
    Hey, Barry
You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:
Frank Caliendo bush collection 
||||   Frank Caliendo bush collection  lol. please rate 
and comment.||
|  View on |Preview by Yahoo|


---In,  wrote :

On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM,fleetwood_macncheese wrote:


  Dear Turq's secretary, please forward thefollowing response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), toour common acquaintance: 

So, the bottom line is that being in anenlightened state is a subjective state 
that defies any materialproof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to mewhat Barry meant when he posted this message below, because nowI'm 
getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.

"I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experienceshad anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, Imight interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn'tmean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpretthem differently. That they do so doesn't mean that 
they'reattacking me, merely that they see things a different way, fromanother 
point of view." - TurquoiseB


Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on thisforum, except YOU. :-) :-) 

The question (for you) is, WHY?, wrote :

Fine. If that's how low yourstandards are, then *you* can be envious ofhim. 

SinceI've met canines who were more enlightenedthan Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks. :-)  :-)  :-)
  From:"dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent:Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
Subject:[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment

 I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts.  I can relate 
to what he is talking about by experience.  He is very clear and accurate in 
his writings.  You seem threatened by his writing.  -Buck
IS ENLIGHTENEDsomehow wants you to believethat I am *envious* of him forbeing 
enlightened., wrote :

That'spretty funny, Share.
I imagine theexchange went something likethis.
Barry's FFLSecretary: Sir, I think youshould see this.
BW: What is it!Can't you see I'm busyupdating my list of things Idon't like, 
people I findstupid, and, of course,things I can berate"believers" about.
BS: But sir, Ithink..
BW: Okay, what isit already!
BS: Sir, it 's fromFlannegan.  he says, sir,that, .that, you'reenvious of 
BW: What! Whydidn't you tell me thisbefore!  What am I payingyou for?  Let me 
exit out ofthis list, page 4 andaddress this. And keep meinformed of any 
otherdevelopments along theselines.  I have a reputationto uphold!
BS: Yes sir.,wrote :

dear FFLPerson who has becometurq'ssecretary...REALLY?!

  From: "TurquoiseBee 
Sent:Thursday,November 20,2014 6:59 AM
Subject:[FairfieldLife]There IS someoneon FFL dumberthan JohnR !!!

 I have to thank the person who just forwarded a quotefrom Jimbo 
TheFauxEnlightened tome, cuzotherwise Iwouldn't haveseen it andlaughed 
thishard. Thequote was:
       "Goodexample isBarry's nakedand raw envyof myenlightenedstate."
I really LOVE this, because it actually tops JohnR'sludicrous 
andclueless,"Atheists arereally angryat God" quote.That one waslaughablebecause 
hemanaged toconvincehimself thatpeople whodon't believein a God are"really" 
angryat the beingthey don'tbelieveexists. Ifoolishlythought thatnothing 
could*possibly* bemore stupidthan that. 

But now comes Jimbo's quote, putting JohnR's in theshade.  :-)
ISENLIGHTENEDsomehow wantsyou to believethat I am*envious* ofhim for 

Did these people spend their time in meditation snif

[FairfieldLife] Re: There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!

2014-11-20 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hey, Barry 

 You're completely clueless.  I've never said anything close to the one you 
quoted in this thread.  You're living in delusion, dude.  Perhaps you can learn 
something from Dubya, as shown here:

 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
 Frank Caliendo bush collection 
lol. please rate and comment.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 On 11/20/2014 9:17 AM, fleetwood_macncheese wrote:
   Dear Turq's secretary, please forward the following response (and his choice 
of puppy chow), to our common acquaintance: 

 So, the bottom line is that being in an enlightened state is a subjective 
state that defies any material proof. Having said that, someone, anyone, please 
explain to me what Barry meant when he posted this message below, because now 
I'm getting confused and you don't want to confuse the willytex.
 "I cannot expect anyone else to believe that these experiences had anything to 
do with enlightenment. And I don't. Also, I might interpret the experiences in 
my own way, but that doesn't mean that anyone else hearing them can't, and 
won't, interpret them differently. That they do so doesn't mean that they're 
attacking me, merely that they see things a different way, from another point 
of view." - TurquoiseB

 Buck is not envious of me, nor is anyone else on this forum, except YOU. :-) 
:-) :-) 

 The question (for you) is, WHY?
 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Fine. If that's how low your standards are, then *you* can be envious of him. 
 Since I've met canines who were more enlightened than Jim Flanegin, I'll pass, 
thanks.  :-)  :-)  :-)
 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 3:01 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Enlightenment
   I know he is enlightened because of his first person accounts. I can relate 
to what he is talking about by experience. He is very clear and accurate in his 
writings. You seem threatened by his writing. -Buck
 turquoiseb writes: The person WHO CANNOT PRODUCE A *SINGLE PERSON* WHO 
BELIEVES HE IS ENLIGHTENED somehow wants you to believe that I am *envious* of 
him for being enlightened.
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 That's pretty funny, Share. 
 I imagine the exchange went something like this.
 Barry's FFL Secretary: Sir, I think you should see this.
 BW: What is it! Can't you see I'm busy updating my list of things I don't 
like, people I find stupid, and, of course, things I can berate "believers" 
 BS: But sir, I think..
 BW: Okay, what is it already!
 BS: Sir, it 's from Flannegan.  he says, sir, that, .that, you're envious 
of his enlightenment.
 BW: What! Why didn't you tell me this before!  What am I paying you for?  Let 
me exit out of this list, page 4 and address this. And keep me informed of any 
other developments along these lines.  I have a reputation to uphold!
 BS: Yes sir.

 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 dear FFL Person who has become turq's secretary...REALLY?!
 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]"
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] There IS someone on FFL dumber than JohnR !!!
   I have to thank the person who just forwarded a quote from Jimbo The Faux 
Enlightened to me, cuz otherwise I wouldn't have seen it and laughed this hard. 
The quote was:
"Good example is Barry's naked and raw envy of my enlightened 
 I really LOVE this, because it actually tops JohnR's ludicrous and clueless, 
"Atheists are really angry at God" quote. That one was laughable because he 
managed to convince himself that people who don't believe in a God are "really" 
angry at the being they don't believe exists. I foolishly thought that nothing 
could *possibly* be more stupid than that. 
 But now comes Jimbo's quote, putting JohnR's in the shade.  :-)
somehow wants you to believe that I am *envious* of him for being enlightened. 
 Did these people spend their time in meditation