Re: [FairfieldLife] Bush's 'shadow sympathizers' may haunt Obama

2008-12-22 Thread Richard Williams
"President-elect Barack Obama has promised to dial back some of the more egregious abuses of privacy rights and executive power instituted over the last eight years, but worries are emerging that President Bush's byzantine power-grabbing schemes may simply be too dense for Obama to fully pene

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread Richard Williams
Patrick wrote: > I've come to temper my attachment to the > notion that TM is the Only Way. > According to the Marshy, in his lecture at Jones Hall in Houston, "it is NOT the 'TM' technique that causes the enlightend state" (Promise For the Family of Man); that state is an already existing

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually Invincible America & the Worl

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Turq qrotw: > It's like stepping back into a time > machine and going back to the 70s. > Or, like stepping into the 'Bardo' state? LOL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Turq wrote: > I remember this side of Maharishi well, > and saw it clearly when several of his > "favorites" grew up and realized that > they no longer needed him as a "Daddy" > figure in their lives... > Maybe so, and it took you what, over 24 years to leave your two "Daddie" figures, the Mar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > In most other yogic traditions mantras > for the general public are either Shiva > or Shanti mantras because they are > considered "safe" to give anyone. Giving > "goddess" mantras is not considered safe > for just anyone. That may explain the > problems that I would say at

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Proof to Judy I'm not a homophobe

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
> "What did you think all those saddles and < boots were about?" :-) > Riding horses and walking? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > Besides Om Nama Shivaya can be translated > (though somewhat too literal) "I bow down > to Mahesh." > There's on small problem here - 'Om Namah Shivaya' isn't a genuine 'bija' mantra - it's just a common Sanskrit phrase. So, you might as well just say to yourself 'I bow down to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Did George 'Do It' on purpose?...

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > The CEO of the USA being incompetent... > Yeah, George W. Bush has an MBA and knows how to land a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier and was the governor of a large state the size of most countries. How can that compare to a lawyer who wrote *two* memoirs and was a 'communt

Re: [FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > There are really no rules to this... > Top posting is the way to go. That way, the reader doesn't have to scroll down to read 'Me too!' at the bottom. It's almost always better to 'snip' - that way, you can read just the pertinent reply. It's much more effective. Yahoo! Grou

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Shakti and Shiva Mantras'

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
Robert wrote: > I learned from someone in Arizona... > Very impressive, Robert. I had to go all the way to downtown Los Angeles to get this knowledge!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Did George 'Do It' on purpose?...

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
> > Yeah, George W. Bush has an MBA and knows how > > to land a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier > > Curtis wrote: > The fact that you think he landed that plane > explains a lot about your Bush loyalty despite > the mountains of evidence that he has been on > of our worst presidents ever. > W

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Shakti and Shiva Mantras'

2009-01-04 Thread Richard Williams
> > Very impressive, Robert. I had to go > > all the way to downtown Los Angeles > > to get this knowledge! > > Robert wrote: > Never been there, so I wouldn't know, > what you mean by downtown L.A. > Marshy was at 433 Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles in 1964. I had to drive all the way from Laurel Cany

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Did George 'Do It' on purpose?...

2009-01-05 Thread Richard Williams
main wrote: > It's January, yet dispatches from Texas > indicate that heat stroke occurs widely > in the population for twelve months of > the year there. > Sounds to me like you've got a very strong prejudice against anyone who lives in Texas, and it shows. The temperature in Lubbock is now 24

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-05 Thread Richard Williams
Turq wrote: > But what makes it funniest is > that Vaj and I have said many > times that neither of us is > any kind of formal Buddhist. > But in fact, Fred Lenz founded his very own religion called 'American Buddhism'; but it remains to be seen if you were a leader in that cult, like you claim

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM-Shiva

2009-01-05 Thread Richard Williams
> > ...there are no mantras used in TM practice > > - we use only non-semantic tantric 'bija' > > mantras. > > Bhairitu wrote: > What about the advanced techniques? > You get only one 'bija' mantra with TM - in the advanced techniques, just words or phrases, no more bijas. For example, 'namah'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2009-01-07 Thread Richard Williams
Alex wrote: > > I checked the logs, and you did delete two > > posts, but that still leaves you at 51. > > shemp wrote: > If one could get under the wire by deleting > the overage, we all should have been informed > of this loophole. > > Cut his balls off. > What? You mean you can delete the ove

Re: [FairfieldLife] OM

2009-01-07 Thread Richard Williams
> Like many mantras, this one begins with > "Om". Om has no meaning, and its origins > are lost in the mists of time... > Probably the first mention of the esoteric syllabe 'Om' is found in the Mandukhya Upanishad (circa 800 AD), where it is said by Gaudapada to be a meditation symbol. http://en

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM-Shiva

2009-01-07 Thread Richard Williams
> Longer mantras (e.g. the Great Compansion > Mantra of Kwan Yin, the Surangama Sutra > mantra,...etc) ime, are more suitable for > chanting... > In Buddhist practice, some longer mantras are called 'dharanis', but you don't really need to memorize long dharanis or sutras - a short tantric 'b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: OM

2009-01-07 Thread Richard Williams
> > Is the syllable 'Om' mentioned in the Rig > > Veda, the Brahma Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, or > > in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras? > > BillyG wrote: > "All this is OM, that hum, which is the first > silent sound, first silent wave that starts > from that silent ocean of unmanifested life." > MMY > A

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
> > There is always the click button. > > Curtis wrote: > No, really? OMG, there IS a click > button! This is gunna save me sooo > much time! > Very impressive, Curtis! This thread is sooo interesting. So this is what passes for dialog on FFL. LOL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
> > > Arhata > > > Curtis wrote: > > Gesundheit! > > Sal wrote: > LOL! > [Click!]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
yifuxero wrote: > Venice Beach, the Rose Cafe, circa early > 70's; the place where I first about Swami > Muktananda. > So, you saw the flyer?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
yifuxero wrote: > --Sorry - first "learned" about Muktananda. > What did you learn about the Muktananda? > The Mahareeshee uses the term "God"; but > Willytex says people can't use that term. > Lakshmanjoo uses it. >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moral Reasoning for the unreasoning

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
mainstream wrote: > You ' reject completely ' that he is the > best judge of his subjective experiences ? > Whom do you suggest would ? > Barry Wright?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
> > Telling me I'm not wanted here is fine. > > No need to say 'scoot'! It's not exactly > > the way the Mararishi would respond. > > shemp wrote: > Uh, I wouldn't be too sure of that... > Maybe that's where Curtis learned the 'scoot' mantra, but I always thought Curtis learned the 'hop' from the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: I have asked the moderators to ban you if you don't stop spamming the group

2009-01-08 Thread Richard Williams
shemp wrote: > I've always argued that for those that are > bothered by what they consider "spam" or > your or my type of posting that it is easy > enough to, first, switch to the option of > only seeing the message list on the Yahoo! > page instead of receiving individual emails > for each p

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhoja's comment on YS II 55

2009-01-09 Thread Richard Williams
cardemaister wrote: > > Attempt at an extremely free "translation" : > > > > So, this yoga gets its seeds from yama, niyama > > (and stuff: aadhibhiH), sprouts with aasana and > > praaNaayaama, blossoms in pratyaahaara and > > shall bear fruit with dhyaana, dhaaraNaa and samaadhi?? > > Paul wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhoja's comment on YS II 55

2009-01-10 Thread Richard Williams
> > So, this yoga gets its seeds from yama, niyama > > (and stuff: aadhibhiH), sprouts with aasana and > > praaNaayaama, blossoms in pratyaahaara and > > shall bear fruit with dhyaana, dhaaraNaa and > > samaadhi?? > > > > (Why does he have the last three an.gas in a > > "wrong" order??) > > Bill


2009-01-10 Thread Richard Williams
> All I see is your cutting and pasting > some quotes and a Web site that even > Willytex's Web site would beat in any > contest. > America's Peace Keepers and Brain Wave Coherence Generators!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's Interpretation of the Rig Veda

2009-01-13 Thread Richard Williams
> > Yeah, sad that the 'world master of Indian music' > > was so impressed by the money that he recorded > > a series of sixteen albums for meditation for > > the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. > > Vaj wrote: > It's what I've heard from respected people from > Indian scholars to members of the Shankarach

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Rigged Trials at Gitmo: Air Force Major David Frakt

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Williams
> > Apparently 61 of those freed from Club Gitmo > > are back on the battlefield. > > main wrote: > .or more likely, trying to survive, driving > a cab. > Maybe they are are training to be suicide bombers using cabs - I wouldn't be surprised. "Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said th

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hudson plane-ditch video

2009-01-18 Thread Richard Williams
Bharat2 wrote: > Sorry for the digression but then that seems to be > the style of FFL posting anyway. :-D > On Saturday night when you don't have a date? :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Compassionate Conservatism

2009-01-18 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote > Democrats put forth programs that help the public... > You forgot the largest Dem 'pay-out' in the history of the planet: Social Security and Medicare. So, I wonder how much the total pay-out from Social Security and Medicare will be from 1936 to 2036 - maybe not as much as the

Re: [FairfieldLife] 8 years of Bush in 8 minutes -- Keith Olbermann

2009-01-18 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > Here in the US the latest debate between liberals > is whether Congress should go after the crimes of > the Bush administration or not... > What would they be charged with - keeping the country safe for nearly eight years? So much for wanting to 'reaching out' across the aisle

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Liberals, lay off Palin

2008-09-06 Thread Richard Williams
> > Houston we have a big F'n problem here. > > Judy wrote: > If we spend all our energy deconstructing Sarah > while neglecting to do the same for McCain, > those who are moved to protest our treatment of > her by voting for the Republican ticket won't have > been given any reason *not* to. >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread Richard Williams
Curtis wrote: > Anyone who declines to pay a fee will be > subject to Richard humping your leg. > Curtis, I already told you I'm not gay, so just forget it!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John McCain doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Richard Williams
> > Chime in boyz. > > Judy wrote: > We may need to be careful about this one. According to > a story in the Boston Globe back in 2000, the injuries > McCain suffered as a POW make it impossible for him to > use a keyboard. This was well before the question of his > not kn

[FairfieldLife] Curtis doesn't khow to send an e-mail

2008-09-13 Thread Richard Williams
> Two words, speech recognitions software.  > Sal wrote: > > That is really funny. > > So, apparently Curtis, who faults McCain for not using email, can't spell and can't count. And I doubt if Curtis has ever used any 'speech recognition software'.   I'm convinced, from what I've read, that Obama

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Revealing NYT Report on How Palin Governs

2008-09-14 Thread Richard Williams
Judy wrote: > Somebody please put Barry out of his terminally > clueless misery. > Waxed AND busted, big time! Unedited transcript of Gibson-Palin interview: By Marl Levin A transcript of the unedited interview of Sarah Palin by Charles Gibson clearly

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is raunchydog really Sarah Palin?

2008-09-28 Thread Richard Williams
"Love will swallow you, eat you up completely until there is no `you,' only love." Tina Fey said this? --- On Sun, 9/28/08, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > From: gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Is raunchydog really Sarah Palin? > To: FairfieldLife@y

Re: [FairfieldLife] Casino Nation -- NYT: McCain's Gambling Problem

2008-09-28 Thread Richard Williams
TurquoiseB wrote: > Change the world. > So, Obama voted *against* military funding for U.S. troops to fight and win the war.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is raunchydog really Sarah Palin?

2008-09-28 Thread Richard Williams
> > Is raunchydog really Sarah Palin? > > boo_lives wrote: > I think if either obama or barry were to > say something against pedophiles torturing > young animals, then judy would find a way > to argue against it - "well um, they actually > say little not young ...etc. etc. > Non sequitur.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Casino Nation -- NYT: McCain's Gambling Problem

2008-09-28 Thread Richard Williams
Bhairitu wrote: > > And just what "war" is that, Willy? > > Apparently you don't even know which war we are fighting. According to Obama and Biden, we need to send over 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan to win the war over there. But without funding for the U.S. military, how will we win the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama and Rezko

2008-10-05 Thread Richard Williams
"The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the FBI is looking into whether or not former Obama pal Tony Rezko -- convicted in June of attempted extortion, mail and wire fraud, and aiding and abetting bribery -- paid for all or part of $90,000 worth work on the Northwest Side Chicago home of Gov. Rod

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's more scary? Joe Biden

2008-10-05 Thread Richard Williams
What's scary are lawyers and politicians like Joe Biden who lie all the time, not what people's religious beliefs are. As Judy pointed out, people believe in all kinds of things. Gov Sarah Palin said as much in the debate - why is it that insiders in Congress like Joe Biden vote for the war one d

[FairfieldLife] Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll

2008-10-19 Thread Richard Williams
> > Colin Powell Endorses Obama > > Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Obama 47.8% McCain 45.1% __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Next Laptop

2008-10-26 Thread Richard Williams
Alex Stanley wrote: > I figured I'd just use Apple's bluetooth keyboard and mouse > to control the Macbook from the couch. I don't have an iPhone > or iPod Touch, and I probably won't in the future. > That's the ticket - control your TV set from the couch! That's the ticket_

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Next Laptop

2008-10-26 Thread Richard Williams
Vaj wrote: > If you have an Apple TV and/or are streaming audio to > your stereo... > You wouldn't seriously stream MP3 music files to your home stereo, would you? What Alex needs is a control center like the Yamaha - that way, he could listen to real stereo, if not Dolby 7.1, from his TV tuner an

Re: [FairfieldLife] "Lights in the sky" in Texas fuel UFO frenzy

2008-10-26 Thread Richard Williams
TurquoiseB > However, more recent news reports say that the lights > were, in fact, caused by local Texas crazy Richard > Williams lighting his farts again... > They should be thanking me for using methane to save on electricty, to light up the sky at night. Hey Barry, I already t

Re: [FairfieldLife] FCOL, Sarah, read the Constitution!!!

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
Well, I think Gov Sarah Palin pretty much summed up the duties of the Vice President when she said that the Vice President becomes the President when the sitting President is no longer able to serve. But it's a fact that it's a violation of Gov. Sarah Palin's rights under the U,S, Constitution wh

Re: [FairfieldLife] Notice the right wing losers here are each going bonkers

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
John wrote: > Notice the right wing losers here are each going bonkers > > As the chickens come home ... > Obama? This is outrageous. And John is calling others going 'bonkers'? As the chickens come home ... They never really looked in the mirror and faced what they saw. And now at the last

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FCOL, Sarah, read the Constitution!!!

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
> Vice President was "in charge" of the US Senate. > As designated by the Constitution of the United States, the vice president also serves as the President of the Senate, and may break tie votes in that chamber.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY taught *The Supreme Doctrine* for modernity!

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
> > Swami Lachsmanjoo was a great friend of the > > Marshy's, as the photo cited proves beyond a > > doubt. Jerry Jarvis said about this photo that > > the Swami was ecstatic when the TTC course > > visited his ashram. > > > > boo wrote: > There

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FCOL, Sarah, read the Constitution!!!

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
> I'm going to miss Sarah after this. > Are you going somewhere - I was wondering when you were going to get out of the trailer park. But from what I've read, Gov. Palin is going to be around a lot getting ready for the next election. You should be getting ready too, and get some smarts about al

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ego and mouth

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
> Ego and mouth > TEHRAN, Iran — Three weeks ago, a hard-line cleric close to Iran's president gloated publicly that the world financial crisis was God's punishment on the United States. The laughter, however, was short-lived. Read more: 'Iran feels economic pain as oil prices fall' By Ali Ak

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What do Rashid Khalidid and Sirhan Sirhan have in common?

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
Turq wrote: > I want as leader of my country someone who is > unafraid to sit down at a table with ANYONE, and > talk things over with them. > Yeah, that's the ticket - sit down with Osama bin Laden and 'talk things over'. Then you would be guilty by association! You're not even making any sense, T

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What do Rashid Khalidid and Sirhan Sirhan have in common?

2008-11-01 Thread Richard Williams
> > Me, I want as leader of my country someone who is > > unafraid to sit down at a table with ANYONE, and > > talk things over with them. I want that leader to > > actually *listen* as the other person speaks, and > > try to figure out where he's coming from. And I > > want that leader to wei

Re: [FairfieldLife] You need a hominem for an ad hominem

2008-11-08 Thread Richard Williams
Curtis wrote: > Rattle off a few African countries and their > struggles like Darfur as Shemp claims she is > wy up on being a messianic cannibalist > and all. > So, you're saying that the people in Darfur are messianic cannibalists and that Sarah Palin knows all about them. Do you have an

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
> > She could give up eating the pies for a week or > > so and just follow the rules set up by the three > > moderators and one informant > >  Gullible Fool wrote: > One moderator. > You mean Judy isn't a moderator?   > There should be a two-day moratorium on the pie > abstinence. We can't ask an

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
Nelson wrote: > In the context of cosmic significance, how big a > deal is an extra post or two. > Because it's a FFL rule and all the others get banned for a week, but not Judy? She just ignores the rule and keeps on posting and nobody cares. It wouldn't be so bad except Judy took the time to the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
> > > nobody seems to object when Judy calls > > > other people liars without the slightest evidence > > > Judy wrote: > Above is evidence that Willytex is a liar. > Stop the lying, Judy, you know perfectly well that nobody objected to you calling me a liar for no good reason and without posting

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
Curtis wrote: > So chill out Richard. Get your panties out of your crack if that is > what makes you so irritable, and go about posting something other > people want to read. > So, Judy posts over the limit, sneaks back in a calls me a liar, for no good reason, without even posting any evidence,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
Curtis wrote: > And just as you accused Judy, you are calling > me a liar with no evidence. > "You pretended it was about McCain and his campaign. That was dishonest." FairfieldLife/message/196642

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
> > > And just as you accused Judy, you are calling > > > me a liar with no evidence. > > > > > "You pretended it was about McCain and his > > campaign. That was dishonest." > > Curtis wrote: > No, I responded to what she had quoted without the > context of the whole post where Turq's final

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is an enlightenmentaholic?

2008-11-24 Thread Richard Williams
TurquoiseB wrote: > Vaj, I, and several others here have been part of > groups that DID have effective means at their dis- > posal for dealing with issues that come up along > the spiritual path... > Well, I guess so.   The Three Village Herald reports that 33-year-old Lacey Brinn, who was found a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is an enlightenmentaholic?

2008-11-24 Thread Richard Williams
Vaj wrote: > I recently was invited to attend a weekend > basic training in meditation with a close, > life-long friend in the Shambhala tradition... > "The notorious case involving Trungpa ... was given all sorts of high explanations by his followers, none of whom got the correct one: Trungp

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: September is National Yoga Month

2013-09-02 Thread Richard Williams
From: "" To: Sent: Monday, September 2, 2013 9:28 AM Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: September is National Yoga Month   > Richard, do you look at your own posts on the Web site? > Don't have Neo yet, old format not working, just using th

[FairfieldLife] Prairie Dog

2013-10-09 Thread Richard Williams

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prairie Dog

2013-10-09 Thread Richard Williams
3 at 1:55 PM, Richard Williams wrote: > > > PrairieDog2.jpg<> > > > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Religion for dogs

2013-10-10 Thread Richard Williams
Prairies Dog State Park, Kansas prairie_dog2.jpg On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 9:12 AM, iranitea wrote: > ** > > > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Doobies

2013-10-10 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1] On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, wrote: > ** > > [Attachment(s) <#14185943c1ff78e3_TopText> from punditster@gmail.comincluded > below] > > "In 1972, we’re running around in Winnebago’s touring and we were driving > them

[FairfieldLife] Places to Live That Suck

2013-10-10 Thread Richard Williams
Being a military brat, I've lived in some great places, and some places that sucked. One time I got stuck for a year in Valdosta, Georgia; another time I got stuck up in Lubbock, Texas. So, when we recently visited this place it reminded me of one of the towns I've lived in that sucked - back when

[FairfieldLife] Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-11 Thread Richard Williams
Years ago I was very impressed with the home designs of Buckminiter Fuller. I once visited Colorado to see solar, self sufficient homes. There's a nice house in San Antonio designed by the famous architect O'neil Ford: [image: Inline image 1] http://www.m

[FairfieldLife] Shamans and Don Juan Matus

2013-10-11 Thread Richard Williams
They don't call Native Americans "Indians" for nothing, since they all came from Asia in the first place. Go figure. According to what I've read, a recent study of a 40,000 year old skeleton from China "showed that early modern humans present in the Beijing area 40,000 y ago were related to the a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-11 Thread Richard Williams
es; some off the grid; some just eco friendly. I > love this idea of building in harmony with the surrounding land. > > > > > On Friday, October 11, 2013 10:40 AM, Richard Williams < >> wrote: > > Years ago I was very impressed with the home desig

Re: [FairfieldLife] Public Transportation

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Around here, there's one thing you can do if you have a car - you can get out of town! LoL! If there is one thing that keeps me in the U.S., other than the freedom, is to be able to go anywhere I want to, anytime I want to, and be there with the least effort. It's all a matter of placement and po

Re: [FairfieldLife] Public Transportation

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Last week I rode downtown on one of these: [image: Inline image 1] On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Share Long wrote: > ** > > > About 50 years ago, I traveled from Frostburg, MD in the mountains to DC > Union Station. Lots of trees at the beginning. Lots of govt buildings at > the end. But U

Re: [FairfieldLife] Public Transportation

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
But I like your car > too. > > > On Saturday, October 12, 2013 1:56 PM, Richard Williams < >> wrote: > > Last week I rode downtown on one of these: > > [image: Inline image 1] > > > On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Share Long wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
; > > > > ---In, wrote: > > dear Richard, well may your entire home be a Zone of Tranquility (-: > thanks for another lovely photo. > > > On Friday, October 11, 2013 2:45 PM, Richard Williams > wrote: > > We are thinking about a mo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cutting the Cable Tip

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Got the Hulu Plus, the Chromecaster, and the Roku - and I've got me an antenna at the Shack- $40.00. Now I can pull in some free UHF and VHF HD to watch on my TV. It's a powered antenna with a gain control and a green LED light. Highly rated by Consumer Reports. According to what I've read, a Terk

[FairfieldLife] A Case of the Uglies

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Rita and I are thinking about getting rid of our old furniture and getting some new stuff, even though I already told her the rent's too damn high. When I was a single guy back in 1970, I had a bean bag chair to sit in and a foam slab to lie on. Go figure. Now I know a guy that used to teach at a

[FairfieldLife] All About Sadhus and Yogis

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Concerning the twelve marks of a sadhu: hand applied, by every yogi, it would be a cause of concern if any marks were to appear to be 'perfectly applied' by using a mirror. Those marks are applied during the sanctified bathing, and must never be applied with using a mirror, nor even by looking at o

[FairfieldLife] The Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Allahabad, January 10, 2001 The brass band gave a standing ovation to the triumphant entry of Vasudevanand Saraswati. The Shankarcharya sat on high gold-coloured "throne" with four of his men standing beside him as flag-bearers on the Triveni Sangam Marg. The "throne" was being carried on a tracto

[FairfieldLife] Our Spiritual Tradition

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
Our Mantra Yoga tradition begins with the Lord Narayana, the first meditator, who thought the first thought and set in motion this science of sound vibration. The thought sounds or mantras were cognized in ancient India by the rishis, that is, the seers of the science of sound, the first psychic pi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Public Transportation

2013-10-12 Thread Richard Williams
f and no GPS, all at my request > (-: > Hmmm, in the movies, such limos have well stocked refrigerators... > > > On Saturday, October 12, 2013 2:17 PM, Richard Williams < >> wrote: > > Do you take the bike or ride in the car to get to the d

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Our Spiritual Tradition

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Williams
Everyone knows that the Adi Shankaracharya was an exponent of the Kevala Advaita philosophy; Ramanuja of the Visishtadvaita; Madhvacharya of the Dvaita; Vallabhacharya of the Suddhadvaita; and Nimbarkacharya of the Dvaitadvaita. Be that as it may, it might be useful if we review the terms sampraday

[FairfieldLife] Re: Technology

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Williams
Example of abandoned technology: [image: Inline image 1] On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote: > So, the Obamacare web site isn't working too well - what else is new? > > Sometimes it's hell working in IT - for years I tried to get the > enrollment systems right at a majo

[FairfieldLife] News You Can Use

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Williams
"The squat is one of the best exercises for athletes and the general population. Everyone should be doing some form of squats because they work the whole body, and studies show squatting to increase lower body strength can produce the following benefits..." 'Six Reasons Everyone Should Do Squats'

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-13 Thread Richard Williams
e occult art. The term we have coined, Yaqui Vastu, applies to both Vastu and Fengshui. Example of a Yaqui Vastu dwelling: [image: Inline image 1] On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Richard Williams wrote: > It's all a matter of positioning and placement. > > Geomancy is at least half

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Rent is Too Damn High!

2013-10-14 Thread Richard Williams
Obanmcare was supposed to be Obama's signature legislation. He had plenty of time to get this right, but it's obvious Obama knows nothing about running a business or coding a program. He got Obamacare passed in the middle of the night, before anyone had even read it - not a single Repub voted for O

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-14 Thread Richard Williams
So, it's all about Willytex. Go figure. On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 9:46 AM, TurquoiseB wrote: > ** > > > --- In, wrote: > > > > Centering Prayer is drawn from ancient prayer practices of > > the Christian contemplative heritage, notably the Fathers > > and Mothers of

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-14 Thread Richard Williams
r spaces." *More at HK Associates Inc. Photo: Timmerman Photography.* http://barrio-historico-house<> [image: Inline image 1] On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Richard Williams wrote: > Inside the

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-14 Thread Richard Williams
knew that it meant wind and water. > But I didn't know the other details about that. And I never knew about the > role of fire in geomancy. Very fascinating knowledge. Of course the Zone of > Tranquility reminds me of the brahmanstan in vastu vidya. > > > > On Monday, O

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Rent is Too Damn High!

2013-10-15 Thread Richard Williams
are" you will start opening your mind a little and becoming more > objective. So many who are against it are not fans of Obama so they label > the health plan "Obama" such and such. Next it'll be "Obamawar", > "Obamacrime", Obamapollution" ... &g

[FairfieldLife] Places You Can't Afford to Live

2013-10-15 Thread Richard Williams
An old couple I know down in San Antonio live in the family home that they inherited from his auntie. The guy says he pays about $100 per month in property taxes. Sounds like pretty cheap rent for a 1200 sq ft place on the south side of town. A lot of his property taxes go to local public schools.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: On Ramana, Yoga and Vedanta

2013-10-15 Thread Richard Williams
Swami Bhaktivedanta, a Vedantin, enumerates the five classical states of consciousness which are similar to M: 1. Wakefulness (jagrat) 2. Dream state (svapna) 3. Deep sleep (sushupti) 4. Superconscious state (turiya) 5. Transcendent state (turiyatita) Also see: 'OM Mantra and 7 Levels of Conscio

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yaqui Vastu

2013-10-15 Thread Richard Williams
ry?' eco+historical: On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:39 AM, Richard Williams wrote: > Years ago I was very impressed with the home designs of Buckminiter > Fuller. I once visited Colorado to see so

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Places to Live That Suck

2013-10-15 Thread Richard Williams
Another place to live that sucks is in a food desert. It's all a matter of placement and positioning. You live in a food desert, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, if the closest grocery store is at least one mile away — it's 10 miles in rural areas — and 20 percent of the residents

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ritam

2013-10-16 Thread Richard Williams
Now that's better - I was beginning to think I was dealing with retards on this discussion group. I'm glad to see that at least someone has some real integrity left in them. Keep up the good work - let's really make these TMers look stupid. That religious group up in Iowa needs to be exposed and st

[FairfieldLife] Vastu Living on $75 a Day?

2013-10-17 Thread Richard Williams
So, who wants to pay all that money for a house to live in when you're always busy working to pay for it? It's like you have to pay for a car to get to work so you can pay for the car. The definition of a home is 'a place to put stuff, while you're out buying more stuff'. You can live in your car,

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