Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to. 

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.
 . They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would vote for them, 
so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the Constitution 
and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme Court. They want 
that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like Europe and 
Australia. They use them as the standard.
  Hillary wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to 
anything if she ever openly advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?


 Heh, heh. I think guns are a bit silly, really. At what point do we say enough 
is enough in terms of firepower or the kind of lethal weapon one can carry? If 
guns were not invented at the time the Constitution was written what do you 
think the weapon of choice/availability might have been? Sticks? Slingshots? 
Bow and Arrow? I mean, it is only because guns were the state of the art at the 
time in terms weaponry that it was included at all. That was the technology at 
the time and if we were to take it literally we would all be carrying around 
muskets, a keg of powder and some balls in a leather pouch. Check this out:

 Given that most muskets and rifles of that era fired .70 calibre balls (any 
cartridge above .50 is banned in the U.S. today), cavalry officers hacked heads 
and limbs off  of opponents with eight pound sabers, and cannons pulverized 
whole columns of men with grapeshot and exploding shells, I think most of our 
founding fathers would be shocked by the precision and focus of modern weapons. 
I'm not sure how a scabbard constitutes a weapon, but never mind.

The most advanced weapon at that time would probably have been either the 
Kentucky long rifle, capable of firing two or three .60 balls per minute out to 
an accurate range of 300 yards, or the 6-pound field gun, which could fire a 
variety of projectiles 1500 yards, usually one shot every two minutes.


 Interesting concept, n'est-ce pas?
 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Better run out and get yourself some (more?) guns, Mike, before they try to 
take them all away. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 Judy, you're just digging deeper and deeper. Of course neither she nor Obama 
can disarm the citizenry. It would take an amendment of the constitution or 
reinterpretation of the existing one. Not a chance under the current court. 
Incrementalism is the tactic of the left.  As you said, nudge after nudge.One 
more liberal judge can begin to change that interpretation, two or three more 
could seal the deal. Hillary could have that opportunity. And who knows what 
the Senate could look like from one election to another.Can you honestly say 
that you don't think Hillary would want to restrict gun rights to that of 
something like Europe or Australia or worse, as her legacy? She would be 
worshiped by the liberal elite.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   Bull, Mike. Malicious falsehoods have always infuriated me. You know that 
perfectly well from having seen me go after Barry for his lies time after time, 
defending others as well as myself.

 Nobody should "laugh off" the drek the NRA is accusing Hillary of planning, 
because there are just too many stupid and gullible people who will believe it. 
The NRA tried the same thing with Obama, but it seems like he's just not going 
to get around to disarming the citizenry. Of course, that was never his 
intention, and it's not Hillary's intention either.

 Hillary can nominate anybody she wants to the Supreme Court, even people who 
want to "revise" the Second Amendment, if she can find any. What she won't be 
able to do is get them confirmed. (You are aware Supreme Court nominees have to 
be confirmed by the Senate, right?) Nobody who's suspected of wanting to disarm 
Americans via reinterpreting the Second Amendment has the slightest chance of 
Senate confirmation. And that includes many if not most Democratic senators.

 The president doesn't have carte blanche to pack the Supreme Ccourt. The 
Constitution mandates a balance of powers. The most the president can do, by 
very carefully picking nominees that can be confirmed, is nudge the Court a 
little bit in a liberal direction.

---In,  wrote :

 Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
 You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the 

---In,  wrote :

 C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...

 She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 

 It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?
 Are you still convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the 
security of her Server?
  C'mon Judy.

 You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread vox_9

 "Mr. Trump may not be quite up on some key issues, but at least he’s not under 
investigation by the FBI for espionage and corruption."

 Me, The Observer, and The Donald 
 Me, The Observer, and The Donald Since last 
autumn I’ve been writing about national security for The Observer, the New 
York-based newspaper. It’s been a lot of fun and you can see all of my column...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Bull, Mike. Malicious falsehoods have always infuriated me. You know that 
perfectly well from having seen me go after Barry for his lies time after time, 
defending others as well as myself. 

 Nobody should "laugh off" the drek the NRA is accusing Hillary of planning, 
because there are just too many stupid and gullible people who will believe it. 
The NRA tried the same thing with Obama, but it seems like he's just not going 
to get around to disarming the citizenry. Of course, that was never his 
intention, and it's not Hillary's intention either.

 Hillary can nominate anybody she wants to the Supreme Court, even people who 
want to "revise" the Second Amendment, if she can find any. What she won't be 
able to do is get them confirmed. (You are aware Supreme Court nominees have to 
be confirmed by the Senate, right?) Nobody who's suspected of wanting to disarm 
Americans via reinterpreting the Second Amendment has the slightest chance of 
Senate confirmation. And that includes many if not most Democratic senators.

 The president doesn't have carte blanche to pack the Supreme Ccourt. The 
Constitution mandates a balance of powers. The most the president can do, by 
very carefully picking nominees that can be confirmed, is nudge the Court a 
little bit in a liberal direction.

---In,  wrote :

 Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
 You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the 

---In,  wrote :

 C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...

 She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 

 It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?
 Are you still convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the 
security of her Server?
  C'mon Judy.

 You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're cover

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread vox_9
"And this points to why the anti-Trump protesters are such monumental morons. 
Every time they live down to our expectations, they stoke the coal in the Trump 
Train’s furnace."

---In,  wrote :

 I believe that goes: Hayam Dukam Anagatam. Avoid the danger before it comes.

 From: vox_9 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   Avoid the danger that lies ahead.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Judy, you're just digging deeper and deeper. Of course neither she nor Obama 
can disarm the citizenry. It would take an amendment of the constitution or 
reinterpretation of the existing one. Not a chance under the current court. 
Incrementalism is the tactic of the left.  As you said, nudge after nudge.One 
more liberal judge can begin to change that interpretation, two or three more 
could seal the deal. Hillary could have that opportunity. And who knows what 
the Senate could look like from one election to another.Can you honestly say 
that you don't think Hillary would want to restrict gun rights to that of 
something like Europe or Australia or worse, as her legacy? She would be 
worshiped by the liberal elite.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    Bull, Mike. Malicious falsehoods have always infuriated me. You know that 
perfectly well from having seen me go after Barry for his lies time after time, 
defending others as well as myself.
Nobody should "laugh off" the drek the NRA is accusing Hillary of planning, 
because there are just too many stupid and gullible people who will believe it. 
The NRA tried the same thing with Obama, but it seems like he's just not going 
to get around to disarming the citizenry. Of course, that was never his 
intention, and it's not Hillary's intention either.
Hillary can nominate anybody she wants to the Supreme Court, even people who 
want to "revise" the Second Amendment, if she can find any. What she won't be 
able to do is get them confirmed. (You are aware Supreme Court nominees have to 
be confirmed by the Senate, right?) Nobody who's suspected of wanting to disarm 
Americans via reinterpreting the Second Amendment has the slightest chance of 
Senate confirmation. And that includes many if not most Democratic senators.
The president doesn't have carte blanche to pack the Supreme Ccourt. The 
Constitution mandates a balance of powers. The most the president can do, by 
very carefully picking nominees that can be confirmed, is nudge the Court a 
little bit in a liberal direction.

---In,  wrote :

Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the worst.

---In,  wrote :

C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...
She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 
It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?Are you still 
convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the security of her 
Server? C'mon Judy.
You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.
What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late.&qu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Bull, Mike. Malicious falsehoods have always infuriated me. You know that 
perfectly well from having seen me go after Barry for his lies time after time, 
defending others as well as myself. 

 Nobody should "laugh off" the drek the NRA is accusing Hillary of planning, 
because there are just too many stupid and gullible people who will believe it. 
The NRA tried the same thing with Obama, but it seems like he's just not going 
to get around to disarming the citizenry. Of course, that was never his 
intention, and it's not Hillary's intention either.

 Hillary can nominate anybody she wants to the Supreme Court, even people who 
want to "revise" the Second Amendment, if she can find any. What she won't be 
able to do is get them confirmed. (You are aware Supreme Court nominees have to 
be confirmed by the Senate, right?) Nobody who's suspected of wanting to disarm 
Americans via reinterpreting the Second Amendment has the slightest chance of 
Senate confirmation. And that includes many if not most Democratic senators.

 The president doesn't have carte blanche to pack the Supreme Ccourt. The 
Constitution mandates a balance of powers. The most the president can do, by 
very carefully picking nominees that can be confirmed, is nudge the Court a 
little bit in a liberal direction.

---In,  wrote :

 Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
 You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the 

---In,  wrote :

 C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...

 She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 

 It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?
 Are you still convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the 
security of her Server?
  C'mon Judy.

 You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.
 . They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would vote for them, 
so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the Cons

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
BTW, had McConnell consented to Senate hearings for Obama's nominee, the 
Republican party would be completely abandoned by it's electorate. They would 
never hold a majority again, at least in our life time. McConnell had no other 

  From: Mike Dixon 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 2:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
LOL Ollie , you've got some things right. Others, you're off base. The last 
Republican won election, giving them the Senate and the House was supposed to 
guarantee stopping the Obama agenda, including Obamacare.  But it didn't. The 
Republican congress has given Obama just about everything that he has asked for 
without any resistance. This has angered the electorate that put them in office 
because they promised to stop his agenda. The excuse was, well... we also need 
the White House as well as the Congress and resisting Obama will only anger 
independents. Congress holds the purse strings. They don't have to fund 
anything Obama does, but they do. The only thing the Senate has stopped, is his 
nomination for a Supreme Court appointment. And they are using the *Biden* rule 
and what Chuck Schumer advocated when Bush may have had another possible 
nomination a year or so before the election. So what McConnell has done is with 
precedent set by Democrats.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    The Republican leadership blew it Big Time with their obstructionist 
stance, demonstrated by not even considering a Supreme Court nominee from "the 
Black President", and, "We'll just wait for the election, nearly a year away".
Ha. It blew up in their faces like a cartoon firecracker. Made them look like a 
bunch of out of touch, overpaid dupes. Also helped usher in Trump, as he 
positions himself as Mr. Change, and these off-base attempts at pushing a 
radical right-wing and racist agenda in the Congress have sent their rating 
plummeting. Even the Koch brothers have drastically cut back on funding the 
politicians they have purchased.
This was a serious miscalculation from the Republican power elite, and they 
know it. As for the 'ideological' argument, sure, that exists, but Mitch and 
his pillowcase buddies show their hand by the radical extent to which they take 
their attempts to block the President, as evidenced by this latest circus over 
*the current Supreme Court vacancy*, willing to let it languish, holding up the 
most important judicial decisions made for this country, over some melanin. Wow.
---In,  wrote :

Oh c'mon Ollie, Everyone knows the Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux 
Klan, Jim Crow and segregation. They were the party of William Fulbright, 
Robert Byrd, Al Gore sr., George Wallace, Lester Maddox etc. Most people don't 
know that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights legislation than 
Democrats, that it would not have passed without those Republican votes 
Lincoln, who freed the slaves and gave them full citizenship, was a Republican, 
not a Democrat. President Eisenhower , who was a Republican, sent in federal 
troops to integrate Little Rock schools. 
C'mon Ollie, you know McConnell and the Republican party opposes Obama 
ideologically, not racially.

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the 

---In,  wrote :

C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...
She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 
It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?Are you still 
convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the security of her 
Server? C'mon Judy.
You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.
What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."
Disgusting and shameful.

---In,  wrote :

Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.. They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would 
vote for them, so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the 
Constitution and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme 
Court. They want that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like 
Europe and Australia. They use them as the standard. Hillary wouldn't stand a 
snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to anything if she ever openly 
advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.

---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Harry Reid could take testosterone injections, might help.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    Wayne junior could start by maybe bench pressing 20 pounds in his mom's 
basement, and going for a daily walk. Given his current condition, the recoil 
on anything larger than a starter pistol would knock him over...

---In,  wrote :

Yeah, Wayne needs to be a real  rough n  tough guy like Harry Reid!

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Exactly - Just like sissy boy playing all growed up, Wayne Robert LaPierre 
Junior, head of the NRA, would like us to do. Rugged fellow that one, with skin 
that hasn't seen natural daylight for years, coke bottle glasses, and a 
desperate need to be seen as, "a real man". I am actually pro-2nd amendment, 
but it is taken to ridiculous extremes, beyond any rational need or use of a 
firearm, by masculine-challenged lobbyists for the arms manufacturers and 
dealers, like Wayne Junior. Such greed and fear-based awareness. This country 
has to grow some real cojones, instead of parading around like a bunch of 12 
year olds playing tough guy, weapons extruding from every orifice.
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
Maybe there should be a 28th amendment that states everyone has the right to 
carry bombs. That way we can ensure we won't be killed by the next suicide 
bomber wandering our streets.

---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302 -- #yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5282538302 
#yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5282538302 
#yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp #yiv5282538302hd 
0;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp #yiv5282538302ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp .yiv5282538302ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp .yiv5282538302ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302ygrp-mkp .yiv5282538302ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv5282538302ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5282538302 
#yiv5282538302ygrp-sponsor #yiv5282538302ygrp-lc #yiv5282538302hd {margin:10px 
#yiv5282538302ygrp-sponsor #yiv5282538302ygrp-lc .yiv5282538302ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5282538302 
 #yiv5282538302activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv5282538302 
#yiv5282538302activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv5282538302 #yiv5282538302activity span 
.yiv5282538302underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5282538

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
LOL Ollie , you've got some things right. Others, you're off base. The last 
Republican won election, giving them the Senate and the House was supposed to 
guarantee stopping the Obama agenda, including Obamacare.  But it didn't. The 
Republican congress has given Obama just about everything that he has asked for 
without any resistance. This has angered the electorate that put them in office 
because they promised to stop his agenda. The excuse was, well... we also need 
the White House as well as the Congress and resisting Obama will only anger 
independents. Congress holds the purse strings. They don't have to fund 
anything Obama does, but they do. The only thing the Senate has stopped, is his 
nomination for a Supreme Court appointment. And they are using the *Biden* rule 
and what Chuck Schumer advocated when Bush may have had another possible 
nomination a year or so before the election. So what McConnell has done is with 
precedent set by Democrats.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    The Republican leadership blew it Big Time with their obstructionist 
stance, demonstrated by not even considering a Supreme Court nominee from "the 
Black President", and, "We'll just wait for the election, nearly a year away".
Ha. It blew up in their faces like a cartoon firecracker. Made them look like a 
bunch of out of touch, overpaid dupes. Also helped usher in Trump, as he 
positions himself as Mr. Change, and these off-base attempts at pushing a 
radical right-wing and racist agenda in the Congress have sent their rating 
plummeting. Even the Koch brothers have drastically cut back on funding the 
politicians they have purchased.
This was a serious miscalculation from the Republican power elite, and they 
know it. As for the 'ideological' argument, sure, that exists, but Mitch and 
his pillowcase buddies show their hand by the radical extent to which they take 
their attempts to block the President, as evidenced by this latest circus over 
*the current Supreme Court vacancy*, willing to let it languish, holding up the 
most important judicial decisions made for this country, over some melanin. Wow.
---In,  wrote :

Oh c'mon Ollie, Everyone knows the Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux 
Klan, Jim Crow and segregation. They were the party of William Fulbright, 
Robert Byrd, Al Gore sr., George Wallace, Lester Maddox etc. Most people don't 
know that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights legislation than 
Democrats, that it would not have passed without those Republican votes 
Lincoln, who freed the slaves and gave them full citizenship, was a Republican, 
not a Democrat. President Eisenhower , who was a Republican, sent in federal 
troops to integrate Little Rock schools. 
C'mon Ollie, you know McConnell and the Republican party opposes Obama 
ideologically, not racially.

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv4906096820 #yiv4906096820 -- #yiv4906096820ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the worst. 

---In,  wrote :

 C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...

 She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 

 It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?
 Are you still convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the 
security of her Server?
  C'mon Judy.

 You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.
 . They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would vote for them, 
so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the Constitution 
and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme Court. They want 
that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like Europe and 
Australia. They use them as the standard.
  Hillary wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to 
anything if she ever openly advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Wayne junior could start by maybe bench pressing 20 pounds in his mom's 
basement, and going for a daily walk. Given his current condition, the recoil 
on anything larger than a starter pistol would knock him over...
---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Wayne needs to be a real  rough n  tough guy like Harry Reid!

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Exactly - Just like sissy boy playing all growed up, Wayne Robert LaPierre 
Junior, head of the NRA, would like us to do. Rugged fellow that one, with skin 
that hasn't seen natural daylight for years, coke bottle glasses, and a 
desperate need to be seen as, "a real man". I am actually pro-2nd amendment, 
but it is taken to ridiculous extremes, beyond any rational need or use of a 
firearm, by masculine-challenged lobbyists for the arms manufacturers and 
dealers, like Wayne Junior. Such greed and fear-based awareness. This country 
has to grow some real cojones, instead of parading around like a bunch of 12 
year olds playing tough guy, weapons extruding from every orifice.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.

 Maybe there should be a 28th amendment that states everyone has the right to 
carry bombs. That way we can ensure we won't be killed by the next suicide 
bomber wandering our streets.
---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Republican leadership blew it Big Time with their obstructionist stance, 
demonstrated by not even considering a Supreme Court nominee from "the Black 
President", and, "We'll just wait for the election, nearly a year away".

 Ha. It blew up in their faces like a cartoon firecracker. Made them look like 
a bunch of out of touch, overpaid dupes. Also helped usher in Trump, as he 
positions himself as Mr. Change, and these off-base attempts at pushing a 
radical right-wing and racist agenda in the Congress have sent their rating 
plummeting. Even the Koch brothers have drastically cut back on funding the 
politicians they have purchased.

 This was a serious miscalculation from the Republican power elite, and they 
know it. As for the 'ideological' argument, sure, that exists, but Mitch and 
his pillowcase buddies show their hand by the radical extent to which they take 
their attempts to block the President, as evidenced by this latest circus over 
*the current Supreme Court vacancy*, willing to let it languish, holding up the 
most important judicial decisions made for this country, over some melanin. Wow.
---In,  wrote :

 Oh c'mon Ollie, Everyone knows the Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux 
Klan, Jim Crow and segregation. They were the party of William Fulbright, 
Robert Byrd, Al Gore sr., George Wallace, Lester Maddox etc. Most people don't 
know that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights legislation than 
Democrats, that it would not have passed without those Republican votes 

 Lincoln, who freed the slaves and gave them full citizenship, was a 
Republican, not a Democrat. President Eisenhower , who was a Republican, sent 
in federal troops to integrate Little Rock schools. 

 C'mon Ollie, you know McConnell and the Republican party opposes Obama 
ideologically, not racially.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...
She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 
It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?Are you still 
convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the security of her 
Server? C'mon Judy.
You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.
What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."
Disgusting and shameful.

---In,  wrote :

Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.. They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would 
vote for them, so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the 
Constitution and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme 
Court. They want that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like 
Europe and Australia. They use them as the standard. Hillary wouldn't stand a 
snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to anything if she ever openly 
advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?
  From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.

---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv8800363158 #yiv8800363158 -- #yiv8800363158ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8800363158 
#yiv8800363158ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8800363158 
#yiv8800363158ygrp-mkp #yiv8800363158hd 
0;}#yiv8800363158 #yiv8800363158ygrp-mkp #yiv8800363158ads 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to. 

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In,  wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.
 . They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would vote for them, 
so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the Constitution 
and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme Court. They want 
that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like Europe and 
Australia. They use them as the standard.
  Hillary wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to 
anything if she ever openly advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.



 ---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh c'mon Ollie, Everyone knows the Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux 
Klan, Jim Crow and segregation. They were the party of William Fulbright, 
Robert Byrd, Al Gore sr., George Wallace, Lester Maddox etc. Most people don't 
know that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights legislation than 
Democrats, that it would not have passed without those Republican votes 
Lincoln, who freed the slaves and gave them full citizenship, was a Republican, 
not a Democrat. President Eisenhower , who was a Republican, sent in federal 
troops to integrate Little Rock schools. 
C'mon Ollie, you know McConnell and the Republican party opposes Obama 
ideologically, not racially.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500 -- #yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9627720500 
#yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9627720500 
#yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp #yiv9627720500hd 
0;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp #yiv9627720500ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp .yiv9627720500ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp .yiv9627720500ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500ygrp-mkp .yiv9627720500ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9627720500ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9627720500 
#yiv9627720500ygrp-sponsor #yiv9627720500ygrp-lc #yiv9627720500hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9627720500ygrp-sponsor #yiv9627720500ygrp-lc .yiv9627720500ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9627720500 
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{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9627720500 #yiv9627720500activity span 
.yiv9627720500underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9627720500 
0;width:400px;}#yiv9627720500 .yiv9627720500attach div a 
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4px;}#yiv9627720500 .yiv9627720500bold 
.yiv9627720500bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9627720500 dd.yiv9627720500last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9627720500 dd.yiv9627720500last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9627720500 
dd.yiv9627720500last p span.yiv9627720500yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv9627720500 div.yiv9627720500a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, Wayne needs to be a real  rough n  tough guy like Harry Reid!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    Exactly - Just like sissy boy playing all growed up, Wayne Robert LaPierre 
Junior, head of the NRA, would like us to do. Rugged fellow that one, with skin 
that hasn't seen natural daylight for years, coke bottle glasses, and a 
desperate need to be seen as, "a real man". I am actually pro-2nd amendment, 
but it is taken to ridiculous extremes, beyond any rational need or use of a 
firearm, by masculine-challenged lobbyists for the arms manufacturers and 
dealers, like Wayne Junior. Such greed and fear-based awareness. This country 
has to grow some real cojones, instead of parading around like a bunch of 12 
year olds playing tough guy, weapons extruding from every orifice.
---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
Maybe there should be a 28th amendment that states everyone has the right to 
carry bombs. That way we can ensure we won't be killed by the next suicide 
bomber wandering our streets.

---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966 -- #yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9098581966 
#yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9098581966 
#yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp #yiv9098581966hd 
0;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp #yiv9098581966ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp .yiv9098581966ad 
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{margin:0;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966ygrp-mkp .yiv9098581966ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9098581966ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9098581966 
#yiv9098581966ygrp-sponsor #yiv9098581966ygrp-lc #yiv9098581966hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9098581966ygrp-sponsor #yiv9098581966ygrp-lc .yiv9098581966ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9098581966 
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#yiv9098581966activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9098581966 #yiv9098581966activity span 
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{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv9098581966 .yiv9098581966attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9098581966 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv9098581966 .yiv9098581966bold 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.. They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would 
vote for them, so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the 
Constitution and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme 
Court. They want that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like 
Europe and Australia. They use them as the standard. Hillary wouldn't stand a 
snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to anything if she ever openly 
advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.

---In,  wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


  #yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704 -- #yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv6974230704 
#yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv6974230704 
#yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp #yiv6974230704hd 
0;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp #yiv6974230704ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp .yiv6974230704ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp .yiv6974230704ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704ygrp-mkp .yiv6974230704ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv6974230704ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv6974230704 
#yiv6974230704ygrp-sponsor #yiv6974230704ygrp-lc #yiv6974230704hd {margin:10px 
#yiv6974230704ygrp-sponsor #yiv6974230704ygrp-lc .yiv6974230704ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv6974230704 #yiv6974230704activity span 
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0;width:400px;}#yiv6974230704 .yiv6974230704attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv6974230704 .yiv6974230704attach img 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
I believe that goes: Hayam Dukam Anagatam. Avoid the danger before it comes.

  From: vox_9 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    Avoid the danger that lies ahead.
|||| ||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

   ---In,  wrote :

Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
|  |
|  | |  | Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A German teen claims that 
most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
| View on|   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

    #yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810 -- #yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3358279810 
#yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3358279810 
#yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp #yiv3358279810hd 
0;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp #yiv3358279810ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp .yiv3358279810ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp .yiv3358279810ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-mkp .yiv3358279810ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3358279810ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3358279810 
#yiv3358279810ygrp-sponsor #yiv3358279810ygrp-lc #yiv3358279810hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3358279810ygrp-sponsor #yiv3358279810ygrp-lc .yiv3358279810ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810activity span 
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p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv3358279810 dd.yiv3358279810last p 
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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv3358279810 div.yiv3358279810photo-title a, 
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div#yiv3358279810ygrp-mlmsg #yiv3358279810ygrp-msg p a 
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{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv3358279810 o {font-size:0;}#yiv3358279810 
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{margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv3358279810 #yiv3358279810ygrp-mlmsg 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Exactly - Just like sissy boy playing all growed up, Wayne Robert LaPierre 
Junior, head of the NRA, would like us to do. Rugged fellow that one, with skin 
that hasn't seen natural daylight for years, coke bottle glasses, and a 
desperate need to be seen as, "a real man". I am actually pro-2nd amendment, 
but it is taken to ridiculous extremes, beyond any rational need or use of a 
firearm, by masculine-challenged lobbyists for the arms manufacturers and 
dealers, like Wayne Junior. Such greed and fear-based awareness. This country 
has to grow some real cojones, instead of parading around like a bunch of 12 
year olds playing tough guy, weapons extruding from every orifice.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.

 Maybe there should be a 28th amendment that states everyone has the right to 
carry bombs. That way we can ensure we won't be killed by the next suicide 
bomber wandering our streets.
---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda. 



 ---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread vox_9
Avoid the danger that lies ahead.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 
 ---In,  wrote :

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.

 Maybe there should be a 28th amendment that states everyone has the right to 
carry bombs. That way we can ensure we won't be killed by the next suicide 
bomber wandering our streets.
---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 All I can say, Mike, is I'm glad you only have one vote. It'll take more than 
that to wreck America.

 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread vox_9
Tack down the Trump supporters!

 STILL SHOTS=> Black Muslim Chases, Tackles White Trump Supporter After San 
Jose Rally - Then Brags on Twitter
 STILL SHOTS=> Black Muslim Chases, Tackles Whi...
 A poster on Twitter who identifies as a Black Muslim man claims to have been 
the person seen on news ...
 View on www.thegatewaypund...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one. 
---In,  wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs 
||||   Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs  A German teen 
claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men 
have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

     #yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661 -- #yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2795311661 
#yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2795311661 
#yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp #yiv2795311661hd 
0;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp #yiv2795311661ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp .yiv2795311661ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp .yiv2795311661ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661ygrp-mkp .yiv2795311661ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2795311661ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2795311661 
#yiv2795311661ygrp-sponsor #yiv2795311661ygrp-lc #yiv2795311661hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2795311661ygrp-sponsor #yiv2795311661ygrp-lc .yiv2795311661ad 
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{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2795311661 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2795311661 #yiv2795311661activity span 
.yiv2795311661underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2795311661 
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{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv2795311661 .yiv2795311661attach label a 
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4px;}#yiv2795311661 .yiv2795311661bold 
.yiv2795311661bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2795311661 dd.yiv2795311661last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2795311661 dd.yiv2795311661last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv2795311661 
dd.yiv2795311661last p span.yiv2795311661yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv2795311661 div.yiv2795311661attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2795311661 div.yiv2795311661attach-table 
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div.yiv2795311661file-title a:active, #yiv2795311661 
div.yiv2795311661file-title a:hover, #yiv2795311661 div.yiv2795311661file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2795311661 div.yiv2795311661photo-title a, 
#yiv2795311661 div.yiv2795311661photo-title a:active, #yiv2795311661 
div.yiv2795311661photo-title a:hover, #yiv2795311661 
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div#yiv2795311661ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2795311661ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv2795311661green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv2795311661 .yiv2795311661MsoNormal 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs 
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs A 
German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-04 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Oh no Ann, this is *diversity*.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 11:06 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

---In,  wrote :

Completely agree.
People will see the violence of the anti-free speech mob and will think "This 
is what Obama's America has come to. We need Trump to restore civility." Ironic 
Wrong. Anyone with half a brain in their skull know these "protesters" were 
nothing of the sort. No party affiliation, no sense of furthering anyone's 
political agenda. These were trouble-makers taking the opportunity to raise 
some shit, bang some heads together and generally create a disturbance. No one 
is fooled by this display. They represent nobody except a bunch of rabble 
rousers with nothing better to do on a Thursday night.

---In,  wrote :

What it does is, piss-off people in *fly-over*country that probably wouldn't 
otherwise care to vote or show Trump any support. Mexicans waving Mexican flags 
and attacking citizens going to hear a political speaker in their own country 
will rile up a lot of people. They just cut their own throats.

  #yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474 -- #yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp #yiv4807690474hd 
0;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp #yiv4807690474ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp .yiv4807690474ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp .yiv4807690474ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474ygrp-mkp .yiv4807690474ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4807690474ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474ygrp-sponsor #yiv4807690474ygrp-lc #yiv4807690474hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4807690474ygrp-sponsor #yiv4807690474ygrp-lc .yiv4807690474ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv4807690474 
 #yiv4807690474activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4807690474 #yiv4807690474activity span 
.yiv4807690474underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4807690474 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474bold 
.yiv4807690474bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 dd.yiv4807690474last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4807690474 dd.yiv4807690474last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4807690474 
dd.yiv4807690474last p span.yiv4807690474yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474file-title a, #yiv4807690474 
div.yiv4807690474file-title a:active, #yiv4807690474 
div.yiv4807690474file-title a:hover, #yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474photo-title a, 
#yiv4807690474 div.yiv4807690474photo-title a:active, #yiv4807690474 
div.yiv4807690474photo-title a:hover, #yiv4807690474 
div.yiv4807690474photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4807690474 
div#yiv4807690474ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4807690474ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv4807690474green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv4807690474 .yiv4807690474MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv4807690474 o {font-size:0;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv4807690474 
#yiv4807690474photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv4807690474photos div label 

[FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Completely agree. 

 People will see the violence of the anti-free speech mob and will think "This 
is what Obama's America has come to. We need Trump to restore civility." Ironic 

 Wrong. Anyone with half a brain in their skull know these "protesters" were 
nothing of the sort. No party affiliation, no sense of furthering anyone's 
political agenda. These were trouble-makers taking the opportunity to raise 
some shit, bang some heads together and generally create a disturbance. No one 
is fooled by this display. They represent nobody except a bunch of rabble 
rousers with nothing better to do on a Thursday night.




---In,  wrote :

 What it does is, piss-off people in *fly-over*country that probably wouldn't 
otherwise care to vote or show Trump any support. Mexicans waving Mexican flags 
and attacking citizens going to hear a political speaker in their own country 
will rile up a lot of people. They just cut their own throats.



[FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Completely agree. 

 People will see the violence of the anti-free speech mob and will think "This 
is what Obama's America has come to. We need Trump to restore civility." Ironic 




---In,  wrote :

 What it does is, piss-off people in *fly-over*country that probably wouldn't 
otherwise care to vote or show Trump any support. Mexicans waving Mexican flags 
and attacking citizens going to hear a political speaker in their own country 
will rile up a lot of people. They just cut their own throats.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
No , the video is pure leftist propaganda. Taking what he says out of context 
and you know that. It was intended to fool the *low information* voter.
Protesting Trump doesn't give a person license to attack people that are there 
to listen to him.The video that you provided was pure sleaze and the protesters 
outside attacking people that went to listen to Trump were slime.  I'm so glad 
that they were waving their Mexican flags. Where are the suicide bombers when 
you need one?
Yes, attending a Trump rally *in* the venue, in order to disrupt is sleaze. 
This is what the left calls *free speech*, shutting down other peoples right to 
speak and that is what Trump was referring to in the video overlaying his words 
over Civil Rights protesters.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

---In,  wrote :

Absolute Nazi esque propaganda, only worthy of the extreme left. Those were 
videos of the civil rights movement, overlaid  with Trump's voice speaking 
about people rudely interrupting another person's free speech,trying to shut it 
No "extreme left" here Mike. This is Trump speaking. He is addressing those 
undesirables who dare make their voice or just their presence known at one of 
his "Nazi-esque propaganda" rallies. You can go back and watch or listen to him 
addressing the crowds, inciting them to handle these people roughly or to take 
their coats and throw them out into the cold. The guy is power drunk and very, 
very vicious.
 That is the exact context of what Trump was talking about. Individuals came to 
his rally, trying to shut down his free speech in a venue that he had paid for, 
for others wanting to hear him.
No, many of these people were simply there to either hold a sign or in one case 
it was a Muslim woman who said nothing and was verbally abused just for 
 The big difference is Trump defending his guaranteed right to free speech 
while the protestors try to shut his free speech down.
Not so much. Many just want to be able to voice their concern or their 
viewpoint, not "shut his free speech down", which in many cases is hate speech, 
 They had their opportunity to protest him across the street in their own 
gathering that nobody was trying to stop. Trying to associate his comments in a 
completely different context is absolute sleaze and anybody not involved knows 
What? Attending a Trump rally when not a Trump supporter is "absolute sleaze"? 
Give me a break.

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 8:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

---In,  wrote :

|  |  |


|   | 
Anti-White protesters assault female Trump supporter with eggs in San Jose ...
Anti-White protester assault female Trump supporter with eggs in front of San 
Jose 02/06/2016 |  |




No, this isn't why but some of those protesters were ugly yesterday, for sure. 
Trump will not be elected because as violent as these people are here, he is as 
violent or worse. Watch this, Mike:

  #yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335 -- #yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4469336335 
#yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4469336335 
#yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp #yiv4469336335hd 
0;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp #yiv4469336335ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp .yiv4469336335ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp .yiv4469336335ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335ygrp-mkp .yiv4469336335ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4469336335ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4469336335 
#yiv4469336335ygrp-sponsor #yiv4469336335ygrp-lc #yiv4469336335hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4469336335ygrp-sponsor #yiv4469336335ygrp-lc .yiv4469336335ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv4469336335 
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#yiv4469336335activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4469336335 #yiv4469336335activity span 
span {col

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Absolute Nazi esque propaganda, only worthy of the extreme left. Those were 
videos of the civil rights movement, overlaid  with Trump's voice speaking 
about people rudely interrupting another person's free speech,trying to shut it 

 No "extreme left" here Mike. This is Trump speaking. He is addressing those 
undesirables who dare make their voice or just their presence known at one of 
his "Nazi-esque propaganda" rallies. You can go back and watch or listen to him 
addressing the crowds, inciting them to handle these people roughly or to take 
their coats and throw them out into the cold. The guy is power drunk and very, 
very vicious.

  That is the exact context of what Trump was talking about. Individuals came 
to his rally, trying to shut down his free speech in a venue that he had paid 
for, for others wanting to hear him.

 No, many of these people were simply there to either hold a sign or in one 
case it was a Muslim woman who said nothing and was verbally abused just for 

  The big difference is Trump defending his guaranteed right to free speech 
while the protestors try to shut his free speech down.

 Not so much. Many just want to be able to voice their concern or their 
viewpoint, not "shut his free speech down", which in many cases is hate speech, 

  They had their opportunity to protest him across the street in their own 
gathering that nobody was trying to stop. Trying to associate his comments in a 
completely different context is absolute sleaze and anybody not involved knows 

 What? Attending a Trump rally when not a Trump supporter is "absolute sleaze"? 
Give me a break.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 8:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected


---In,  wrote : 


 Anti-White protesters assault female Trump supporter with eggs in San Jose ... 
Anti-White protester assault female Trump supporter with eggs in front of San 
Jose 02/06/2016


 No, this isn't why but some of those protesters were ugly yesterday, for sure. 
Trump will not be elected because as violent as these people are here, he is as 
violent or worse. Watch this, Mike:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Absolute Nazi esque propaganda, only worthy of the extreme left. Those were 
videos of the civil rights movement, overlaid  with Trump's voice speaking 
about people rudely interrupting another person's free speech,trying to shut it 
down. That is the exact context of what Trump was talking about. Individuals 
came to his rally, trying to shut down his free speech in a venue that he had 
paid for, for others wanting to hear him. The big difference is Trump defending 
his guaranteed right to free speech while the protestors try to shut his free 
speech down. They had their opportunity to protest him across the street in 
their own gathering that nobody was trying to stop. Trying to associate his 
comments in a completely different context is absolute sleaze and anybody not 
involved knows it.

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 8:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

---In,  wrote :

|  |  |


|   | 
Anti-White protesters assault female Trump supporter with eggs in San Jose ...
Anti-White protester assault female Trump supporter with eggs in front of San 
Jose 02/06/2016 |  |




No, this isn't why but some of those protesters were ugly yesterday, for sure. 
Trump will not be elected because as violent as these people are here, he is as 
violent or worse. Watch this, Mike: 
 #yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709 -- #yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5365106709 
#yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5365106709 
#yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp #yiv5365106709hd 
0;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp #yiv5365106709ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp .yiv5365106709ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp .yiv5365106709ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709ygrp-mkp .yiv5365106709ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv5365106709ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5365106709 
#yiv5365106709ygrp-sponsor #yiv5365106709ygrp-lc #yiv5365106709hd {margin:10px 
#yiv5365106709ygrp-sponsor #yiv5365106709ygrp-lc .yiv5365106709ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5365106709 
 #yiv5365106709activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv5365106709 
#yiv5365106709activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv5365106709 #yiv5365106709activity span 
.yiv5365106709underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5365106709 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv5365106709 .yiv5365106709attach label 
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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv5365106709 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv5365106709 .yiv5365106709bold 
.yiv5365106709bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5365106709 dd.yiv5365106709last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv5365106709 dd.yiv5365106709last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv5365106709 
dd.yiv5365106709last p span.yiv5365106709yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv5365106709 div.yiv5365106709attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv5365106709 div.yiv5365106709attach-table 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

2016-06-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote : 


 Anti-White protesters assault female Trump supporter with eggs in San Jose ... 
Anti-White protester assault female Trump supporter with eggs in front of San 
Jose 02/06/2016


 No, this isn't why but some of those protesters were ugly yesterday, for sure. 
Trump will not be elected because as violent as these people are here, he is as 
violent or worse. Watch this, Mike: