Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Share Long
Richard, sorry I haven't replied. I've been out of town today. A friend and I 
went to see Saving Mr. Banks. Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson were wonderful. 

On Friday, January 3, 2014 1:18 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 1/3/2014 10:25 AM, Share Long wrote:

> Nor did she see Jesus ascend into heaven 40 days later.
You are really bringing up some important issues, Share. We don't have a 
Bible in the house so I'm depending Judy, and on my local Monsignor - he 
can read Greek - and Dad, who is in his third year reading the Bible 
from start to finish at his Bible Class every Sunday. Apparently Mary 
wasn't invited over to the house in Bethany that day, or maybe she was 
locked out by the men. The other guys probably didn't want a woman 
around the house so she didn't even try to get in. According to what 
I've read, Mary went back to Magdala.

> It sounds like she saw him standing around looking like a
> gardner. Go figure!
He just appeared to be a gardener - the key word here is *appeared*. 
Gnostics believe that the human body and the whole world is just an 
appearance, like a phantom or an apparition. Jesus even BEFORE the 
crucifixion, was able to walk on water, so I'm sure he also knew a thing 
or two about a garden. Someone that has been dead and miraculously comes 
back to life, and can walk through walls of solid rock,  could certainly 
make himself look like a gardener - or anything else.

So, Jesus could have presented himself as a gardener, but in order to 
prove that he was not a mere ghost, Jesus spoke to Mary from his human 
body and voice and then he flew up in the air to sit with his Father. 
I'm am quite certain that Mary saw Jesus disappear in the clouds. When 
Jesus returned to earth to meet the apostles he came flying back down as 
the Christ. It's not complicated.

"Mary sees two angels and then Jesus, whom she does not recognize. Jesus 
tells her to tell the disciples that he is ascending to the Father, and 
Mary tells the disciples she has seen the Lord."

Acts 1:3: "And when he had said these things, as they were looking, he 
was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."

Resurrection of Jesus:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 1:01 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 >  However she never said anything about seeing him
 > floating away,
Mary told the other apostles exactly what Jesus instructed her to tell 
them. The only thing that was important at that moment was for Mary to 
tell the other guys that Jesus had risen from the dead and that he would 
meet them in Galilee. The other guys probably would not have believed 
Mary if she told them Jesus had disappeared up in the clouds.

That's the way Jesus goes up to heaven, just like when he was talking to 
Mary at the tomb garden when he vanished int the clouds up in the sky.

 > why would he have to fly up to heaven, couldn't he just
 > disappear and reappear in Heaven?
Jesus didn't actually "fly" up to heaven on his own - he was "taken 
up"there by his Father. But, Jesus could have flown up there - angles 
fly around all the time - it brings a bubbling-bliss.

Acts 1:3: "And when he had said these things, as they were looking, he 
was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 10:50 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 > Back in Santa Fe I had a gardener named Jesus, and I saw
 > him standing around quite often.
What else would a gardener in Santa Fe be doing, since there's hardly 
any gardening to be don in the high desert. Go figure.

 > Does that make me a New Testament prophet?
You've been standing around for years all over France, does that make 
you a Cathar or Gnostic expert?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 10:25 AM, Share Long wrote:

 > Nor did she see Jesus ascend into heaven 40 days later.
You are really bringing up some important issues, Share. We don't have a 
Bible in the house so I'm depending Judy, and on my local Monsignor - he 
can read Greek - and Dad, who is in his third year reading the Bible 
from start to finish at his Bible Class every Sunday. Apparently Mary 
wasn't invited over to the house in Bethany that day, or maybe she was  
locked out by the men. The other guys probably didn't want a woman 
around the house so she didn't even try to get in. According to what 
I've read, Mary went back to Magdala.

 > It sounds like she saw him standing around looking like a
 > gardner. Go figure!
He just appeared to be a gardener - the key word here is *appeared*. 
Gnostics believe that the human body and the whole world is just an 
appearance, like a phantom or an apparition. Jesus even BEFORE the 
crucifixion, was able to walk on water, so I'm sure he also knew a thing 
or two about a garden. Someone that has been dead and miraculously comes 
back to life, and can walk through walls of solid rock,  could certainly 
make himself look like a gardener - or anything else.

So, Jesus could have presented himself as a gardener, but in order to 
prove that he was not a mere ghost, Jesus spoke to Mary from his human 
body and voice and then he flew up in the air to sit with his Father. 
I'm am quite certain that Mary saw Jesus disappear in the clouds. When 
Jesus returned to earth to meet the apostles he came flying back down as 
the Christ. It's not complicated.

"Mary sees two angels and then Jesus, whom she does not recognize. Jesus 
tells her to tell the disciples that he is ascending to the Father, and 
Mary tells the disciples she has seen the Lord."

Acts 1:3: "And when he had said these things, as they were looking, he 
was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."

Resurrection of Jesus:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Mike Dixon
A lot of people still haven't caught on to what he was doing. I guess we'll all 
just have to wait and see.

From: "" 
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2014 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

For me, the question of Jesus' resurrection is rather like the resurrection of 
Sherlock Holmes. But if in fact he did exists as a person, I would say he 
experienced enlightenment, taught others, and then died, perhaps not so nicely. 
Some of his followers caught on to what he was doing, but most of them didn't.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Mike Dixon
Now you are assuming. If Mary M were a good little disciple,she would have run 
immediately and done what Jesus told her to do, and she did. However she never 
said anything about seeing him floating away, BTW, why would he have to fly up 
to heaven, couldn't he just disappear and reappear in Heaven? Flying all that 
way sounds like a bummer. Besides the whole of Jerusalem could have seen him 
flying up. He could have dropped water balloons on Caiaphas' house or even on 

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2014 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

On 1/3/2014 10:25 AM, Share Long wrote:

> Mary M did not see the actual moment that Jesus returned to life,
> the resurrection.
There actually two parts to the resurrection of Jesus. The first part is 
rising the physical body from the dead. Probably only some angels saw 
that who were inside the tomb. But, the second phase of the resurrection 
is the spiritual resurrection, when Jesus flew up to sit with his Father 
in heaven. I'm pretty sure Mary saw him fly up and disappear - it would 
be hard to miss something supernatural like that, right in the middle of 
a conversation with the risen Lord.

John 20:17: "Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet returned to the 
Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my 
Father and your Father, to My God and your God."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread anartaxius
For me, the question of Jesus' resurrection is rather like the resurrection of 
Sherlock Holmes. But if in fact he did exists as a person, I would say he 
experienced enlightenment, taught others, and then died, perhaps not so nicely. 
Some of his followers caught on to what he was doing, but most of them didn't.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 10:25 AM, Share Long wrote:

 > Mary M did not see the actual moment that Jesus returned to life,
 > the resurrection.
There actually two parts to the resurrection of Jesus. The first part is 
rising the physical body from the dead. Probably only some angels saw 
that who were inside the tomb. But, the second phase of the resurrection 
is the spiritual resurrection, when Jesus flew up to sit with his Father 
in heaven. I'm pretty sure Mary saw him fly up and disappear - it would 
be hard to miss something supernatural like that, right in the middle of 
a conversation with the risen Lord.

John 20:17: "Do not hold on to Me, for I have not yet returned to the 
Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my 
Father and your Father, to My God and your God."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Mike Dixon
Good one!

From: TurquoiseB 
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2014 8:50 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

--- In, Share Long wrote:
> This was pretty funny, Richard but I still think Mary M did not see the 
> actual moment that Jesus returned to life, the resurrection. Nor did she see 
> Jesus ascend into heaven 40 days later. It sounds like she saw him standing 
> around looking like a gardner. Go figure!

Back in Santa Fe I had a gardener named Jesus, and I saw him standing around 
quite often. Does that make me a New Testament prophet?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Share Long
This was pretty funny, Richard but I still think Mary M did not see the actual 
moment that Jesus returned to life, the resurrection. Nor did she see Jesus 
ascend into heaven 40 days later. It sounds like she saw him standing around 
looking like a gardner. Go figure!

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:24 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 1/2/2014 6:41 AM, Share Long wrote:

> But now thinking about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH
> the stone on top of his crypt.
So, let's review what we know:

They killed Jesus. Mary put him in Joseph's tomb. Some guys put a big 
heavy stone blocking the entrance to the crypt. Later, after a few days, 
they rolled away the stone and somebody inside was missing. So, how did 
Jesus get out of the tomb when it was blocked by the big heavy rock? He 
rose from the dead and he flew up out there into the sky - he was the 
Christ. Then Jesus camedown to talk to Mary.

Are we agreed so far?

> And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the 
Not only that, but if Jesus had risen all wrapped in tape, people would 
have thought he was a zombie - the walking dead. So, Jesus flew off to 
get some clothes on - a nice robe and some sandals to wear. He probably 
washed up a little bit too. Then he flew back down to see his 
girlfriend, Mary, in front of the tomb over by the garden. At first Mary 
didn't recognize Jesus because he looked like the gardener. But, then 
Jesus called her out name and she realized that Jesus was the Christ. 
After telling her what to do he flew up into the sky to get out of there 
as fast as he could - who want's to hang around a killing place?

> ...if he was already in a bullock cart, why was he still hitchhiking
> across the desert?! Was he hoping for a better ride? Maybe a camel
> or a Roman chariot?
It's much more efficient to fly around instead of walking or hitching a 
ride in a cart. When you have to use public transportation you often 
have to bow and scrape.

. As for saving the world, maybe at that point after resurrection,
> he thought he'd make a career change. I mean, what with the
> crucifixion and all!
Yeah, wouldn't you want to fly out of there as soon as you could - who 
wants to wait around on the corner for a bus?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 8:41 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 > Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.
Only a poseur or a caviler would deny the scriptures right in front of 
their face, and no child who is old enough to think for himself or 
herself thinks that God Almighty lives in a local heaven down on the 
earth where people bow and scrape. Even a child knows that Christ and 
the angels can fly. Only a hypocrite would then proclaim a "heaven on 
earth" and "yogic flying" while at the same time, making fun of another 
faith. This is just outrageous!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Mike Dixon
OY VEY! Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2014 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

On 1/3/2014 12:11 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

> Okay, I'm corrected on the second point. Thanks.
So, let's review what we know:

Mary dated Jesus for a number of years. They killed Jesus and hung him 
on a tree. Mary buried Jesus in Joe's tomb. Jesus was raised from the 
dead; he ascended up in the sky to his Father; Mary saw the risen 
Christ, she spoke with him first - she was the one who told everyone 
else about the Ascended Master. Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to 
Damascus, up in the sky in a blinding light. Jesus appeared to many of 
his followers and he hovered supernaturally up above a whole crowd of 
500 people.

Then Jesus Christ ascended back up to his Father's place up in the sky, 
to sit down at His right hand in heaven.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/3/2014 12:11 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 > Okay, I'm corrected on the second point. Thanks.
So, let's review what we know:

Mary dated Jesus for a number of years. They killed Jesus and hung him 
on a tree. Mary buried Jesus in Joe's tomb. Jesus was raised from the 
dead; he ascended up in the sky to his Father; Mary saw the risen 
Christ, she spoke with him first - she was the one who told everyone 
else about the Ascended Master. Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to 
Damascus, up in the sky in a blinding light. Jesus appeared to many of 
his followers and he hovered supernaturally up above a whole crowd of 
500 people.

Then Jesus Christ ascended back up to his Father's place up in the sky, 
to sit down at His right hand in heaven.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-03 Thread wgm4u
In Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda reported that he witnessed the 
resurrection of the PHYSICAL body of Swami Yukteswar,  his Master.

---In,  wrote:

 On 1/2/2014 3:46 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as 
 you know.
 Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. It says so in the Bible. 
 Mary saw Jesus dead and she saw Jesus come back to life. She was the 
 first to see the resurrection. In the Bible.
 "Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 5:35 PM, wrote:

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual
 > resurrection, as you know.
Mary Magdalene saw the Resurrection - she saw Jesus ascend to the 
Father. She saw it, according to the Bible.

"Mary sees two angels and then Jesus, whom she does not recognize. Jesus 
tells her to tell the disciples that he is ascending to the Father, and 
Mary tells the disciples she has seen the Lord."

Resurrection of Jesus:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard Williams
> But did Mary watch the dead body of Jesus for three
> days solid and then become enlivened before her living
> eyes? Nope. Did she see the stone from the door being
> removed? Nope.
According to the Bible, Jesus' body was raised from the dead but his soul
did not get raised until he was outside the tomb. So, Mary goes to the tomb
and she sees that it is empty, but only later does she see Jesus ascending
to the Father - she sees the Resurrection.

But, I'll have to concede this one point- you seem to know more than any
pastor, theologian, or historian - in fact you probably know more about the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ than anyone on the entire planet! Go figure.

[image: Inline image 1]

Rafael - ressureicaocristo

"Mary sees two angels and then Jesus, whom she does not recognize. Jesus
tells her to tell the disciples that he is ascending to the Father, and
Mary tells the disciples she has seen the Lord."

Resurrection of Jesus:

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Duveyoung  wrote:

> But did Mary watch the dead body of Jesus for three days solid and
> then become enlivened before her living eyes? Nope. Did she see the stone
> from the door being removed? Nope.
> Stinks of a magic trick, eh?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon
Jesus could have been using a very powerful flashlight to get his attention. 
Kind of like a cop dose at night. Hey you! Freeze!

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

On 1/2/2014 3:47 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

> He didn't actually see Jesus but a brilliant light that blinded him 
for days.
Jesus Christ appeared to be a brilliant light up in the sky - Paul saw 
it and he spoke to the Christ. Where else do you think light comes from, 
if not up in the sky? From a fire fly?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Duveyoung
But did Mary watch the dead body of Jesus for three days solid and then become 
enlivened before her living eyes? Nope. Did she see the stone from the door 
being removed? Nope.

Stinks of a magic trick, eh?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know. 
 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you 
 > know.

 Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. It says so in the Bible. 
 Mary saw Jesus dead and she saw Jesus come back to life. She was the 
 first to see the resurrection. In the Bible.
 "Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 3:47 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 > He didn't actually see Jesus but a brilliant light that blinded him 
for days.
Jesus Christ appeared to be a brilliant light up in the sky - Paul saw 
it and he spoke to the Christ. Where else do you think light comes from, 
if not up in the sky? From a fire fly?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 3:46 PM, wrote:

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as 
you know.
Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. It says so in the Bible. 
Mary saw Jesus dead and she saw Jesus come back to life. She was the 
first to see the resurrection. In the Bible.

"Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon
I tend to have more sweat under my feet... but then I am a water sign.

From: Richard Williams 
To: Richard J. Williams  
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

> Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small  
> space of air beneath his feat*? 
Have you ever tried to walk around in the hot desert in your bare feet? A 
little cushion could go a long way. But there is always a small amount of air 
under anyone's feet, although it may be a tiny layer of air. There is air in 
everything. But, in fact Christ kept a small layer of air under his feet as a 
springboard, so he take off without having to hop on a mattress of foam. It's 
obvious.You're not even making any sense, Mike.

> Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk but 
> actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can 
> create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, 
> you could at least walk with your feet on the ground.
Now why on earth would the Christ want to bow and scrape on the ground? Are you 
thinking that when the Christ wants to take off and fly, that he would run and 
skip with his feet on the ground and flap his arms like an albatross? Go figure.
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote: 
>Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
>beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to 
>walk but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can 
>create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could 
>at least walk with your feet on the ground.
>From: Richard J. Williams To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:14 AM 
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row
>On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:> One account of some of the first 
>people to see Christ after> resurrection said that they were walking towards 
>Galilee and> someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be> Jesus. 
>So, I guess He did do some walking.>Sure, the Christ could appear to be 
>walking if he wanted to. According to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could 
>appear to be doing lots of things. The key word here is "appeared" to be 
>walking. Every Gnostic knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it 
>might have appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must 
>have been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air under 
>his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program - it's like a 
>spring board for launching.Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow 
>and scrape to get off the ground?> I guess she was on his level, the ground, 
>not in the air> because she was instructed not to cling
 to him. unless of> course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.>Of 
course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your girlfriend when 
you flew in to see her? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon

From: Richard Williams 
To: Richard J. Williams  
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

> Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small  
> space of air beneath his feat*? 
Have you ever tried to walk around in the hot desert in your bare feet? A 
little cushion could go a long way. But there is always a small amount of air 
under anyone's feet, although it may be a tiny layer of air. There is air in 
everything. But, in fact Christ kept a small layer of air under his feet as a 
springboard, so he take off without having to hop on a mattress of foam. It's 
obvious.You're not even making any sense, Mike.

> Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk but 
> actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can 
> create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, 
> you could at least walk with your feet on the ground.
Now why on earth would the Christ want to bow and scrape on the ground? Are you 
thinking that when the Christ wants to take off and fly, that he would run and 
skip with his feet on the ground and flap his arms like an albatross? Go figure.
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote: 
>Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
>beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to 
>walk but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can 
>create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could 
>at least walk with your feet on the ground.
>From: Richard J. Williams To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:14 AM 
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row
>On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:> One account of some of the first 
>people to see Christ after> resurrection said that they were walking towards 
>Galilee and> someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be> Jesus. 
>So, I guess He did do some walking.>Sure, the Christ could appear to be 
>walking if he wanted to. According to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could 
>appear to be doing lots of things. The key word here is "appeared" to be 
>walking. Every Gnostic knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it 
>might have appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must 
>have been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air under 
>his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program - it's like a 
>spring board for launching.Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow 
>and scrape to get off the ground?> I guess she was on his level, the ground, 
>not in the air> because she was instructed not to cling
 to him. unless of> course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.>Of 
course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your girlfriend when 
you flew in to see her? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon
My Corinthians doesn't say anything about Jesus appearing to the five hundred 
in the air, just that five hundred followers saw him at once (New Living 
Translation).  But that shouldn't be too difficult since he spoke to five 
thousand on the side of a mountain when he fed them all with two fish and five 
loaves of bread at the sermon on the mount.< As for Saul's conversion.Acts9:3 
tells us that while on the road to Damascus a brilliant light from heaven 
suddenly beamed down on him blinding him and Saul heard a voice asking "why are 
you persecuting me?" Saul asked "who are you sir?"  The voice replied "I am 
Jesus..." Saul later became known as Paul. He didn't actually see Jesus but a 
brilliant light that blinded him for days.

From: Richard Williams 
To: Richard J. Williams  
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

> Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the 
> air" above the 500 eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says 
> Christ appeared to them.
Where do you think the 500 people saw the risen Lord - under ground? Of course 
the risen Christ was up in the sky - how else do you think 500 people would 
have been able seen him all at one time? You're not even making any sense. 
Apparently you haven't received the Good News, or even Something Good is 
Happening. Go figure.

According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen above five 
hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. Paul himself on the road to 
Damascus saw the risen Lord up in the sky - in the clouds above.

La conversion de Saint Paul

"After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the 
greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, 
he was seen of James; then of all the apostles." (Corinthians 1:6 - King James 

"Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas 
and stayed with him fifteen days. I saw none of the other apostles—only James, 
the Lord's brother. I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no 
lie." - (Galatians 1:18-20 - King James Version). 

"This account meets all the demands of historical reliability that could 
possibly be made of such a text," whilst A. M. Hunter said, "The passage 
therefore preserves uniquely early and verifiable testimony. It meets every 
reasonable demand of historical reliability."

1 Corinthians 15:
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:32 AM,  wrote: 
>> Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard,
>>> when you add something you made up out of your own head that
>>> isn't in the Bible at all, it would be good if you'd say so.
>><< Let's get this on record, Ms Stein -it was YOU that cited the Bible in 
>>defense of your outrageous and false claims about the Resurrection and the 
>>Ascension. >>
>Which "outrageous and false claims" were these? Please be specific.
><< You need to get your ducks in a row. And maybe take a Sunday Bible Class at 
>a church somewhere. Did you ever consider taking a history course at a 
>community college? Apparently you don't even have a pastor! Go figure. 
>>>Actually, as you know, it's not necessary to take Bible classes or history 
>courses or to have a pastor to know what's in the Bible. 
><< According to Paul, the Christ hovered up in the air above 500 
>eye-witnesses. Haven't you even read Pauls letter to the Corinthians? >>
>Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the air" above the 500 
>eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says Christ appeared to them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend

 Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know.
 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you 
 > know.
You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. She saw 
 Jesus die and then she saw him rise from the dead. She was the first one 
 to see the resurrection. She was there, she saw it, she was the one 
 chosen by Jesus to witness the resurrection. Mary. The first one. I know 
 she saw it - she said so in the Bible.
 "As Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were running from the empty tomb 
 to inform the disciples that he is alive, Jesus tells the women to 
 instruct the disciples to go to Galilee ahead of him to greet him" 
 (Matthew 28:10).
 "Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 3:16 PM, wrote:

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as 
you know.
You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. She saw 
Jesus die and then she saw him rise from the dead. She was the first one 
to see the resurrection. She was there, she saw it, she was the one 
chosen by Jesus to witness the resurrection. Mary. The first one. I know 
she saw it - she said so in the Bible.

"As Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were running from the empty tomb 
to inform the disciples that he is alive, Jesus tells the women to 
instruct the disciples to go to Galilee ahead of him to greet him" 
(Matthew 28:10).

"Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 3:13 PM, wrote:

 > Ordinary human beings speak to 500 or many more people
 > all the time without being up in the sky.
So, you're thinking that Jesus appeared to the 500 behind a podium, 
bowing and scrapping like an ordinary human being? In that case, why do 
you have so many Bibles around your house? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 3:00 PM, wrote:

 > Paul doesn't say anything about the risen Christ "floating
 > in the sky" when he appeared to the 500 brethren.
So, where do you think the Christ appeared to the 500, under a rock? In 
order for 500 people to see Christ all at the same time, he would have 
to be up in the air. You are not even making any sense anymore. Don't 
you know anything about flying?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
> Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know.

 You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. She was the 
first. It say so in the Bible - Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the 
resurrection of Christ. Can't you read?

 No, as you know, nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual 



 Resurrection of Christ by Noel Coypel, 1700, using a hovering depiction of 

 "The Resurrection of Jesus is the Christian belief that Jesus Christ 
miraculously returned to life on the Sunday following the Friday on which he 
was executed by crucifixion."

 "Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after 

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:33 AM, mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
   Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you 

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection,
 > as you know.You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene was a witness to the 
 > resurrection - she 
 was the first to realize that Jesus had risen from the tomb and that 
 Jesus was the Christ. Mary was there, the first, she saw it with her own 
 eyes, she experienced it in her heart, and then she told the apostles 
 what had happened to Jesus - that he was raised from the dead and that 
 he had flown out of the tomb up into the air and then he flew off to 
 appear before the others. That's what I think. Most Christian agree with 
 me - nobody agrees with your outrageous and false claims. NOBODY. 
 Everyone on this list thinks you are lying about the Bible. EVERYONE. 
 You can't even read any Greek!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
> Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the air" above the 500 
> eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says Christ appeared to them.
Where do you think the 500 people saw the risen Lord - under ground? Of course 
the risen Christ was up in the sky - how else do you think 500 people would 
have been able seen him all at one time?

 You'll have to ask Paul about that, I'm afraid. Certainly big crowds saw him 
all at one time before the Resurrection. Ordinary human beings speak to 500 or 
many more people all the time without being up in the sky.

 You're not even making any sense. Apparently you haven't received the Good 
News, or even Something Good is Happening. Go figure.


 I'm not a believer, that's correct. One doesn't have to be a believer to know 
what the Bible says.


 According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen above five 
hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. Paul himself on the road to 
Damascus saw the risen Lord up in the sky - in the clouds above.

 No, as you know, Paul doesn't say Christ was floating in the sky when he 
appeared to the 500 brethren; nor does Paul say he saw the risen Lord up in the 
sky in the clouds above at Damascus.

 It's fine to imagine such things as long as you know that's what you're doing 
and don't claim they're in the Bible.




 La conversion de Saint Paul

 "After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the 
greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, 
he was seen of James; then of all the apostles." (Corinthians 1:6 - King James 

 "Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas 
and stayed with him fifteen days. I saw none of the other apostles—only James, 
the Lord's brother. I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no 
lie." - (Galatians 1:18-20 - King James Version). 

 "This account meets all the demands of historical reliability that could 
possibly be made of such a text," whilst A. M. Hunter said, "The passage 
therefore preserves uniquely early and verifiable testimony. It meets every 
reasonable demand of historical reliability."

 1 Corinthians 15:

 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:32 AM, mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
   > Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard,
 > when you add something you made up out of your own head that
 > isn't in the Bible at all, it would be good if you'd say so.
 << Let's get this on record, Ms Stein -it was YOU that cited the Bible in 
 defense of your outrageous and false claims about the Resurrection and 
 the Ascension. >>

 Which "outrageous and false claims" were these? Please be specific.

 << You need to get your ducks in a row. And maybe take a 
 Sunday Bible Class at a church somewhere. Did you ever consider taking a 
 history course at a community college? Apparently you don't even have a 
 pastor! Go figure. >>

Actually, as you know, it's not necessary to take Bible classes or history 
courses or to have a pastor to know what's in the Bible. 

<< According to Paul, the Christ hovered up in the air above 500 
 eye-witnesses. Haven't you even read Pauls letter to the Corinthians? >>


 Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the air" above the 500 
eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says Christ appeared to them.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re. Get your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 9:04 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 > I think we should all take bets on who gets the last word in on this one!
How much would you be willing to wager? Judy and Bob have their 
"macros", but even then, I think I could beat them, even with one hand 
tied behind my back. I have been known to be persistent with certain 
phrases. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 8:56 AM, wrote:

 > > Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow and scrape
 > > to get off the ground?
 > >
 > You mean like the "Yogic Flyers"?
Well yeah, I had Judy in mind - bow and scrape to bun-hop.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard Williams
> Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small
> space of air beneath his feat*?
Have you ever tried to walk around in the hot desert in your bare feet? A
little cushion could go a long way. But there is always a small amount of
air under anyone's feet, although it may be a tiny layer of air. There is
air in everything. But, in fact Christ kept a small layer of air under his
feet as a springboard, so he take off without having to hop on a mattress
of foam. It's obvious.You're not even making any sense, Mike.

> Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk but
> actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can
> create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death,
> you could at least walk with your feet on the ground.
Now why on earth would the Christ want to bow and scrape on the ground? Are
you thinking that when the Christ wants to take off and fly, that he would
run and skip with his feet on the ground and flap his arms like an
albatross? Go figure.

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

> Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air
> beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to
> walk but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you
> can create the world, including being able to raise yourself from death,
> you could at least walk with your feet on the ground.
>   *From:* Richard J. Williams 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:14 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row
>   On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > One account of some of the first people to see Christ after
> > resurrection said that they were walking towards Galilee and
> > someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be
> > Jesus. So, I guess He did do some walking.
> >
> Sure, the Christ could appear to be walking if he wanted to. According
> to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could appear to be doing lots of
> things. The key word here is "appeared" to be walking. Every Gnostic
> knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it might have
> appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must have
> been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air
> under his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program -
> it's like a spring board for launching.
> Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow and scrape to get off
> the ground?
> > I guess she was on his level, the ground, not in the air
> > because she was instructed not to cling to him. unless of
> > course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.
> >
> Of course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your
> girlfriend when you flew in to see her? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
I have several Bibles in my house, including one on my Kindle. None of them 
says anything about Jesus being "up in the air" after his resurrection (until 
the Ascension 40 days later).
 > the Bible doesn't say anything about Jesus being "up in the air"
 > after his resurrection (until the Ascension 40 days later).
 << Do you even have a Bible in your house? Everyone knows about Christ 
 being in the clouds in hundreds of depictions in religious art. >>

 That would be religious art, not the Bible. Some depict the Ascension as 
taking place immediately after the Resurrection, with Jesus floating in the sky 
above the open, empty tomb; others do not. That's called "artistic license." 
Obviously the Resurrection appears much more dramatic the first way, but it's 
not biblical.

 << According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen 

 above five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. >>

 No, as you know, Paul doesn't say anything about the risen Christ "floating in 
the sky" when he appeared to the 500 brethren. And as far as Paul's conversion 
is concerned, that clearly took place after the Ascension, so Christ could well 
have been "floating in the air" when he spoke to Paul.
 "The Conversion of Paul the Apostle, was, according to the New 
 Testament, an event that took place in the life of Paul the Apostle 
 which led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a 
 follower of Jesus. It is normally dated by researchers to AD 33–36. "As 
 he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed 
 around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice..." - Acts 9:3–9.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard Williams
> Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection,
> as you know.
You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. She was the
first. It say so in the Bible - Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the
resurrection of Christ. Can't you read?

[image: Inline image 1]

Resurrection of Christ by Noel Coypel, 1700, using a hovering depiction of

"The Resurrection of Jesus is the Christian belief that Jesus Christ
miraculously returned to life on the Sunday following the Friday on which
he was executed by crucifixion."

"Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:33 AM,  wrote:

> *Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you
> know.*
> *> Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, > as
> you know.You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene was a witness to the resurrection
> - she *
> was the first to realize that Jesus had risen from the tomb and that
> Jesus was the Christ. Mary was there, the first, she saw it with her own
> eyes, she experienced it in her heart, and then she told the apostles
> what had happened to Jesus - that he was raised from the dead and that
> he had flown out of the tomb up into the air and then he flew off to
> appear before the others. That's what I think. Most Christian agree with
> me - nobody agrees with your outrageous and false claims. NOBODY.
> Everyone on this list thinks you are lying about the Bible. EVERYONE.
> You can't even read any Greek!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard Williams
> Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the
> air" above the 500 eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says
> Christ appeared to them.
Where do you think the 500 people saw the risen Lord - under ground? Of
course the risen Christ was up in the sky - how else do you think 500
people would have been able seen him all at one time? You're not even
making any sense. Apparently you haven't received the Good News, or even
Something Good is Happening. Go figure.

According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen above
five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. Paul himself on the
road to Damascus saw the risen Lord up in the sky - in the clouds above.

[image: Inline image 1]

La conversion de Saint Paul

"After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom
the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles." (Corinthians
1:6 - King James Version).

"Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with
Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days. I saw none of the other
apostles—only James, the Lord's brother. I assure you before God that what
I am writing you is no lie." - (Galatians 1:18-20 - King James Version).

"This account meets all the demands of historical reliability that could
possibly be made of such a text," whilst A. M. Hunter said, "The passage
therefore preserves uniquely early and verifiable testimony. It meets every
reasonable demand of historical reliability."

1 Corinthians 15:

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:32 AM,  wrote:

> > Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard,
> > when you add something you made up out of your own head that
> > isn't in the Bible at all, it would be good if you'd say so.
> >
> << Let's get this on record, Ms Stein -it was YOU that cited the Bible in
> defense of your outrageous and false claims about the Resurrection and
> the Ascension. >>
> Which "outrageous and false claims" were these? Please be specific.
> << You need to get your ducks in a row. And maybe take a
> Sunday Bible Class at a church somewhere. Did you ever consider taking a
> history course at a community college? Apparently you don't even have a
> pastor! Go figure. >>
> Actually, as you know, it's not necessary to take Bible classes or history
> courses or to have a pastor to know what's in the Bible.
> << According to Paul, the Christ hovered up in the air above 500
> eye-witnesses. Haven't you even read Pauls letter to the Corinthians? >>
> Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the air" above the
> 500 eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says Christ appeared to them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 8:21 AM, wrote:

 > the Bible doesn't say anything about Jesus being "up in the air"
 > after his resurrection (until the Ascension 40 days later).
Do you even have a Bible in your house? Everyone knows about Christ 
being in the clouds in hundreds of depictions in religious art. 
According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen 
above five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky.

"The Conversion of Paul the Apostle, was, according to the New 
Testament, an event that took place in the life of Paul the Apostle 
which led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a 
follower of Jesus. It is normally dated by researchers to AD 33–36. "As 
he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed 
around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice..." - Acts 9:3–9.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon
Actually, I think we're all pushing each others buttons and my sides are aching 
right now LOL!

From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 10:09 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row


---In,  wrote: 
<< Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk 
but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can create 
the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could at 
least walk with your feet on the ground.
>>Mike, you're makin' me laugh. I love your posts, keep 'em comin'. And Happy 
>>New Year. >>
>>Trouble is, he's making sense, so he isn't going to get anywhere with Richard.
>>Thanks Auth, that made me laugh too. BTW, you have a good friend in that bOb 
>>fellow. He certainly appears to be able to more than hold his own with the 
>>riffle raffle around here and to keep his head above the flotsam and jetsam 
>>currently streaming. I think he might be a keeper. My vote: he can stay part 
>>of the Club for 2014, maybe if Honorary but we'll have to bring that up with 
>>the board.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
<< Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk 
but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can create 
the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could at 
least walk with your feet on the ground.


 Mike, you're makin' me laugh. I love your posts, keep 'em comin'. And Happy 
New Year. >>

 Trouble is, he's making sense, so he isn't going to get anywhere with Richard.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk 
but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can create 
the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could at 
least walk with your feet on the ground.


 Mike, you're makin' me laugh. I love your posts, keep 'em comin'. And Happy 
New Year.

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

   On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

> One account of some of the first people to see Christ after
> resurrection said that they were walking towards Galilee and
> someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be
> Jesus. So, I guess He did do some walking.
Sure, the Christ could appear to be walking if he wanted to. According 
to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could appear to be doing lots of 
things. The key word here is "appeared" to be walking. Every Gnostic 
knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it might have 
appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must have 
been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air 
under his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program - 
it's like a spring board for launching.

Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow and scrape to get off 
the ground?

> I guess she was on his level, the ground, not in the air
> because she was instructed not to cling to him. unless of
> course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.
Of course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your 
girlfriend when you flew in to see her? Go figure.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 On 1/1/2014 4:52 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection,
 > as you know.
 You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene was a witness to the resurrection - she 
 was the first to realize that Jesus had risen from the tomb and that 
 Jesus was the Christ. Mary was there, the first, she saw it with her own 
 eyes, she experienced it in her heart, and then she told the apostles 
 what had happened to Jesus - that he was raised from the dead and that 
 he had flown out of the tomb up into the air and then he flew off to 
 appear before the others. That's what I think. Most Christian agree with 
 me - nobody agrees with your outrageous and false claims. NOBODY. 
 Everyone on this list thinks you are lying about the Bible. EVERYONE. 
 You can't even read any Greek!

 Important Message to the other readers at FFL:
 Richard is desperately needing some approval here. He won't stop until Barry 
and Share and Steve and whoever else feels he's a war hero (falling on his 
grenade and all that. Can't have been a live grenade seeing as there is sound 
still issuing from his mouth) give him more accolades, applause and another 
medal. So please, gather 'round and praise this man so we can all go home and 
get a good night's sleep and go onto something more interesting like what 
product you all use to de-flea your cats.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Share Long
I agree, Judy, it is an imaginative composition. What I especially like is that 
the artist seems to be playing with perspective. BUT from the point of view of 
the human body, rather than a line of columns or some other architectural 
structure. Also, I like that by costume he places the three guards in another 
era. Thanks for suggesting I look more closely.

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 10:15 AM, "" 
Look more closely. The painting shows him in the process of emerging from the 
tomb right through the stone lid fully clothed (or draped), while the guards 
are snoring away.

This is my favorite painting of the Resurrection, both because Christ looks 
kind of beat up and even a little diffident--more "Hi, Dad, it's me" than 
triumphant; and because the artist is having us on a bit: it all seems rather 
mundane and unexciting until you notice where Christ's left leg is, with the 
lid still firmly on the tomb.

Also, it's a wonderfully executed, very imaginative composition.

<< Ok, Richard and Judy, based on this painting, I wonder if Jesus rose THROUGH 
the stone, but nekkid. Three beings were there on the outside. They helped him 
move the stone so he could retrieve his garments. Then the three men fell 
asleep, they were so tired from moving that rock! What do you all think? >>

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:46 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
<< Richard, I haven't really thought about it much til now! But now thinking 
about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH the stone on top of his crypt. 
And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the stone! >>

Hans Multscher, 1437

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
Look more closely. The painting shows him in the process of emerging from the 
tomb right through the stone lid fully clothed (or draped), while the guards 
are snoring away.

 This is my favorite painting of the Resurrection, both because Christ looks 
kind of beat up and even a little diffident--more "Hi, Dad, it's me" than 
triumphant; and because the artist is having us on a bit: it all seems rather 
mundane and unexciting until you notice where Christ's left leg is, with the 
lid still firmly on the tomb.

 Also, it's a wonderfully executed, very imaginative composition.

 << Ok, Richard and Judy, based on this painting, I wonder if Jesus rose 
THROUGH the stone, but nekkid. Three beings were there on the outside. They 
helped him move the stone so he could retrieve his garments. Then the three men 
fell asleep, they were so tired from moving that rock! What do you all think? >>

 On Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:46 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   << Richard, I haven't really thought about it much til now! But now thinking 
about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH the stone on top of his crypt. 
And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the stone! >>




 Hans Multscher, 1437




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re. Get your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Share Long
dear Mike, Happy New Year to you and your critters! Now could you please define 
*last word?!*

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 9:04 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
I think we should all take bets on who gets the last word in on this one! LOL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Share Long
Ok, Richard and Judy, based on this painting, I wonder if Jesus rose THROUGH 
the stone, but nekkid. Three beings were there on the outside. They helped him 
move the stone so he could retrieve his garments. Then the three men fell 
asleep, they were so tired from moving that rock! What do you all think?

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 7:46 AM, "" 
<< Richard, I haven't really thought about it much til now! But now thinking 
about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH the stone on top of his crypt. 
And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the stone! >>

Hans Multscher, 1437

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Mike Dixon
Is there some reason why there would have to be some *small space of air 
beneath his feat*? Would it not be possible for Him to walk, not appear to walk 
but actually make contact with the earth? I would think that if you can create 
the world, including being able to raise yourself from death, you could at 
least walk with your feet on the ground.

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:14 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

> One account of some of the first people to see Christ after
> resurrection said that they were walking towards Galilee and
> someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be
> Jesus. So, I guess He did do some walking.
Sure, the Christ could appear to be walking if he wanted to. According 
to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could appear to be doing lots of 
things. The key word here is "appeared" to be walking. Every Gnostic 
knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it might have 
appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must have 
been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air 
under his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program - 
it's like a spring board for launching.

Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow and scrape to get off 
the ground?

> I guess she was on his level, the ground, not in the air
> because she was instructed not to cling to him. unless of
> course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.
Of course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your 
girlfriend when you flew in to see her? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know.

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection,
 > as you know.You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene was a witness to the 
 > resurrection - she 
 was the first to realize that Jesus had risen from the tomb and that 
 Jesus was the Christ. Mary was there, the first, she saw it with her own 
 eyes, she experienced it in her heart, and then she told the apostles 
 what had happened to Jesus - that he was raised from the dead and that 
 he had flown out of the tomb up into the air and then he flew off to 
 appear before the others. That's what I think. Most Christian agree with 
 me - nobody agrees with your outrageous and false claims. NOBODY. 
 Everyone on this list thinks you are lying about the Bible. EVERYONE. 
 You can't even read any Greek!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
> Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard,
 > when you add something you made up out of your own head that
 > isn't in the Bible at all, it would be good if you'd say so.
 << Let's get this on record, Ms Stein -it was YOU that cited the Bible in 
 defense of your outrageous and false claims about the Resurrection and 
 the Ascension. >>

 Which "outrageous and false claims" were these? Please be specific.

 << You need to get your ducks in a row. And maybe take a 
 Sunday Bible Class at a church somewhere. Did you ever consider taking a 
 history course at a community college? Apparently you don't even have a 
 pastor! Go figure. >>
Actually, as you know, it's not necessary to take Bible classes or history 
courses or to have a pastor to know what's in the Bible.

<< According to Paul, the Christ hovered up in the air above 500 
 eye-witnesses. Haven't you even read Pauls letter to the Corinthians? >>

 Paul doesn't say anything about Christ "hovering up in the air" above the 500 
eyewitnesses, as you know. He just says Christ appeared to them.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 4:52 PM, wrote:

 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection,
 > as you know.
You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene was a witness to the resurrection - she 
was the first to realize that Jesus had risen from the tomb and that 
Jesus was the Christ. Mary was there, the first, she saw it with her own 
eyes, she experienced it in her heart, and then she told the apostles 
what had happened to Jesus - that he was raised from the dead and that 
he had flown out of the tomb up into the air and then he flew off to 
appear before the others. That's what I think. Most Christian agree with 
me - nobody agrees with your outrageous and false claims. NOBODY. 
Everyone on this list thinks you are lying about the Bible. EVERYONE. 
You can't even read any Greek!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 4:38 PM, wrote:

 > Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard,
 > when you add something you made up out of your own head that
 > isn't in the Bible at all, it would be good if you'd say so.
Let's get this on record, Ms Stein -it was YOU that cited the Bible in 
defense of your outrageous and false claims about the Resurrection and 
the Ascension. You need to get your ducks in a row. And maybe take a 
Sunday Bible Class at a church somewhere. Did you ever consider taking a 
history course at a community college? Apparently you don't even have a 
pastor! Go figure.

According to Paul, the Christ hovered up in the air above 500 
eye-witnesses. Haven't you even read Pauls letter to the Corinthians?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
Never a "fundie" in terms of anything but Maharishi's teaching on the nature 
and mechanics of consciousness. And I don't believe I ever said anything about 
"flying around the room with arms flailing." That would have been odd indeed 
since I repeatedly pointed out that nothing except hopping had been 

 Finally, for folks who haven't been reading my exchange with Richard, I've 
never said "Christian saints or angels" couldn't fly; all I've said is that the 
Bible doesn't say anything about Jesus being "up in the air" after his 
resurrection (until the Ascension 40 days later).

 Richard knows all this; he's trolling and lying.

 << Judy is what used to be called a TMer "fundie" on Google Groups. For 

 years over there she defended MMY's Yogic Flying program. I can cite 
 hundreds of messages posted by Judy discussing the foam slab, the 
 grunting, the hopping, lift off, hovering, and the flying around the 
 room with arms flailing. But when it comes to discussing Christian 
 saints or angels flying, she is in complete denial. Go figure. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 5:44 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

 > One account of some of the first people to see Christ after
 > resurrection said that they were walking towards Galilee and
 > someone joined them on their walk and it turned out to be
 > Jesus. So, I guess He did do some walking.
Sure, the Christ could appear to be walking if he wanted to. According 
to early Gnostic writings, Jesus could appear to be doing lots of 
things. The key word here is "appeared" to be walking. Every Gnostic 
knows that Jesus' body was an apparition body. So, it might have 
appeared that Jesus was walking, even moon-walking, but there must have 
been a small space of air beneath his feet. This small space of air 
under his feet is like a foam mattress in the Yogic Flying program - 
it's like a spring board for launching.

Were you thinking that Jesus had to grunt, and bow and scrape to get off 
the ground?

 > I guess she was on his level, the ground, not in the air
 >   because she was instructed not to cling to him. unless of
 > course she was hovering as well when she first saw Him.
Of course Jesus was on Mary's level - would you hover ABOVE your 
girlfriend when you flew in to see her? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 6:10 PM, wrote:

 > continually show an extreme amount of intolerance, 
 > (if that's a word), and narrow mindedness.
Judy is what used to be called a TMer "fundie" on Google Groups. For 
years over there she defended MMY's Yogic Flying program. I can cite 
hundreds of messages posted by Judy discussing the foam slab, the 
grunting, the hopping, lift off, hovering, and the flying around the 
room with arms flailing. But when it comes to discussing Christian 
saints or angels flying, she is in complete denial. Go figure.

 > But in your mind, it's called "The Truth", so, no worries.
Judy doesn't believe the Bible scriptures; Judy doesn't believe in the 
Yoga scriptures. Judy believes in Judy - whatever she says is the truth; 
not some first person accounts written by conservative Christians or 
conservative Hindus. And, certainly she does not believe a guy from 
Texas. I mean, what would a guy from Texas named Williams know about the 
Bible or the resurrection?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/1/2014 7:32 PM, Share Long wrote:

> Richard kept saying that the spirit of Jesus rose from
> his body but the scripture says the tomb was empty. No body.
For Christians, Jesus rose up from the dead in body AND soul. That's why 
there was an empty tomb.

According to Mary, "I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, ‘Lord, 
I saw you today in a vision.’" He answered and said to me: “Blessed are 
you, that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, 
there is the treasure." I said to him, "So now, Lord, does a person who 
sees a vision see it  the soul  through the spirit?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread authfriend
<< Richard, I haven't really thought about it much til now! But now thinking 
about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH the stone on top of his crypt. 
And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the stone! >>




 Hans Multscher, 1437

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 8:18 PM, wrote:

 > I just noticed that Judy is anxious, as always, to stretch
 > some tiny point into a prolonged disagreement.
So, let's sum up what we know, Steve:

Judy does not believe the Bible as history. She does not believe that 
angels, spirits, and Jesus could fly or hover. But, Judy does believe 
that she herself could someday levitate. Apparently she has already 
reached the hopping stage and is well one her way to hovering and then 
on to flying. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 9:43 PM, wrote:

 > As Paul's letters are generally considered to have been
 > written before the Gospels, he was likely referring to
 > various prophesies in the Jewish scriptures that 'foretell'
 > the Messiah
Paul's fifteenth chapter of the First Epistle to the Corinthians is 
based on events that were told to Paul by way of the apostles in 
Jerusalem. Paul talked to James and Peter and they told him about the 
resurrection. Later, Jesus told Paul all about the resurrection himself. 
The first eleven verses are the earliest account of the Resurrection 
appearances of Jesus in the New Testament. In Christianity believers in 
the resurrection will themselves be resurrected from the dead and will 
rise up into spiritual bodies at the Last Judgement.

Paul - 1 Corinthians: 15:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/2/2014 6:41 AM, Share Long wrote:

 > But now thinking about it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH
 > the stone on top of his crypt.
So, let's review what we know:

They killed Jesus. Mary put him in Joseph's tomb. Some guys put a big 
heavy stone blocking the entrance to the crypt. Later, after a few days, 
they rolled away the stone and somebody inside was missing. So, how did 
Jesus get out of the tomb when it was blocked by the big heavy rock? He 
rose from the dead and he flew up out there into the sky - he was the 
Christ. Then Jesus camedown to talk to Mary.

Are we agreed so far?

 > And that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the 
Not only that, but if Jesus had risen all wrapped in tape, people would 
have thought he was a zombie - the walking dead. So, Jesus flew off to 
get some clothes on - a nice robe and some sandals to wear. He probably 
washed up a little bit too. Then he flew back down to see his 
girlfriend, Mary, in front of the tomb over by the garden. At first Mary 
didn't recognize Jesus because he looked like the gardener. But, then 
Jesus called her out name and she realized that Jesus was the Christ. 
After telling her what to do he flew up into the sky to get out of there 
as fast as he could - who want's to hang around a killing place?

 > ...if he was already in a bullock cart, why was he still hitchhiking
 > across the desert?! Was he hoping for a better ride? Maybe a camel
 > or a Roman chariot?
It's much more efficient to fly around instead of walking or hitching a 
ride in a cart. When you have to use public transportation you often 
have to bow and scrape.

. As for saving the world, maybe at that point after resurrection,
 > he thought he'd make a career change. I mean, what with the
 > crucifixion and all!
Yeah, wouldn't you want to fly out of there as soon as you could - who 
wants to wait around on the corner for a bus?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
 > No surprise, Share. You simply aren't big enough or
 > brave enough to admit your pal has been dishonest,
 > despite all the evidence.
Everyone knows that you don't believe in the Bible as history.

So, I don't know what your problem is - everyone knows that  Jesus as 
the Christ could fly up into the air. Paul said that Jesus appeared to 
hover in the sky above 500 people. Jesus Christ could walk on water! You 
don't seem to have learned anything in the past thirty years. The first 
phase of lying is to be able to hover. Even some magicians can fly - 
Simon Magus flew up into the air - it says so in the Bible. So, we know 
of at least one fellow before Jesus could levitate.

Birds fly; angels can fly; MMY said even you could fly. But first, 
you're going to have to leave behind all your preconceived notions about 
being a Siddha. Apparently you've got a long way to go before lift off. 
Go figure.

So, maybe you're mistaken - there could be other witnesses to the 
resurrection that you don't even know about. For example, TMer angels 
could have been inside the tomb, who have flew into the tomb, unseen by 
the likes of you. If you're relying on the Biblical and scriptural 
testimony of others, who may have been in error in the themselves in the 
past, then your present sources of information could also be in error. 
You could be wrong. Heaven forbid!

You are not even making any sense. You are acting just like a poser. You 
have added NOTHING to this conversation except to try and prove that 
Luke didn't mention Mary Magdalene by name. It has already been 
established by the other apostles that Mary was the first to see the 
risen Christ. So, obviously Luke was mistaken. Are you calling Luke, the 
author of a Christian Gospel, a liar?

What exactly is your point?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Share Long
Richard, I haven't really thought about it much til now! But now thinking about 
it, maybe Jesus rose body and soul THROUGH the stone on top of his crypt. And 
that's why he was nekkid. The cloth couldn't make it through the stone!

but but but...if he was already in a bullock cart, why was he still hitchhiking 
across the desert?! Was he hoping for a better ride? Maybe a camel or a Roman 

As for saving the world, maybe at that point after resurrection, he thought 
he'd make a career change. I mean, what with the crucifixion and all!

On Thursday, January 2, 2014 6:33 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 1/1/2014 4:29 PM, Share Long wrote:

> Richard, I always thought that Jesus rose from the
> dead body and spirit.
According to what I've read, Jesus was raised from the dead - the key 
word here is "risen" - he rose up from the dead inside the tomb - in 
body AND spirit - he left the tomb by flying out and then he hovered in 
front of Mary Magdalene so she could see him. Then, he flew up into the 
sky to go meet the apostles in Galilee. That's what I think.

> I mean, wasn't the tomb empty?!
The tomb was found to be empty because Jesus had flown out of there 
through the solid rock. Were you thinking that Jesus rolled back the 
stone and walked out naked and and then he hitch hiked a ride across the 
desert in a bullock cart? Does that sound like something a risen Christ 
would do in order to save the world - walk around naked and bow and 
scrape in front of all the people in the fish market?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 4:29 PM, Share Long wrote:

 > Richard, I always thought that Jesus rose from the
 > dead body and spirit.
According to what I've read, Jesus was raised from the dead - the key 
word here is "risen" - he rose up from the dead inside the tomb - in 
body AND spirit - he left the tomb by flying out and then he hovered in 
front of Mary Magdalene so she could see him. Then, he flew up into the 
sky to go meet the apostles in Galilee. That's what I think.

 > I mean, wasn't the tomb empty?!
The tomb was found to be empty because Jesus had flown out of there 
through the solid rock. Were you thinking that Jesus rolled back the 
stone and walked out naked and and then he hitch hiked a ride across the 
desert in a bullock cart? Does that sound like something a risen Christ 
would do in order to save the world - walk around naked and bow and 
scrape in front of all the people in the fish market?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
I'm really sorry about that Judy.  You'll just have to forgive me, por favor

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Stevie, do you have any idea how often you get it wrong when you try to 
 Hi Share,

 Second attempt at this message.  I did not follow the conversation with 
Richard and may have missed some nuances.  But when someone is condescending, 
you don't usually miss that.  That's what I was commenting on of course.  I 
just noticed that Judy is anxious, as always, to stretch some tiny point into a 
prolonged disagreement.  Her legacy, I suppose.  Recorded for posterity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread steve.sundur
Hi Share,

 Second attempt at this message.  I did not follow the conversation with 
Richard and may have missed some nuances.  But when someone is condescending, 
you don't usually miss that.  That's what I was commenting on of course.  I 
just noticed that Judy is anxious, as always, to stretch some tiny point into a 
prolonged disagreement.  Her legacy, I suppose.  Recorded for posterity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
And yet more awesome from Share. No matter how low you set your expectations of 
her, she always outdoes them.
 << Hi Steve and thanks for clarifying. Richard kept saying that the spirit of 
Jesus rose from his body but the scripture says the tomb was empty. No body. 
That's what I was pointing out to Richard, rhetorically. How Judy twisted that 
into something to criticize is HER brand of awesome imho. >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Share Long
Hi Steve and thanks for clarifying. Richard kept saying that the spirit of 
Jesus rose from his body but the scripture says the tomb was empty. No body. 
That's what I was pointing out to Richard, rhetorically. How Judy twisted that 
into something to criticize is HER brand of awesome imho.

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 5:27 PM, "" 
Somehow, not all my comment made it.

I had added, that some of us communicate in a more gentle way, and others in a 
more direct, even harsh manner.  It may depend on which part of our personality 
is more developed.  Not necessarily making a judgment here, just saying that by 
giving people a leeway in how we interpret their comments, might make for a 
more friendly dialog.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 On 1/1/2014 4:10 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 > "raised on the third day" only makes sense in reference
 > to a physical event doesn't it?
 Raised from the dead means raised to a spirit - a spiritual 
 resurrection. But, many Christians believe that the body of Jesus was 
 restored AND his soul was returned to life, in which case, Jesus would 
 have risen from the dead and would have been hovering naked in front of 
 Mary Magdalene, who was the first to realize that Jesus had risen.
 So, that's why he told her not to touch him, because it would be 
 improper for a woman to touch a naked man in public. Then Jesus flew 
 away into the sky, because he was naked, in order to get some clothing 
 and to meet the apostles in Galilee. Spirits are able to fly any where 
 they want to and are able to hover in mid-air as long as they want to.

 See Barry, no one is serious here except you about how serious they all are.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
> Does anyone involved in this current discussion consider the Bible to be 
> history? 

<< You mean history as opposed to your opinion? >>

<<< Apparently Judy has been doing most of the Bible referencing in this 
 thread. As far as I can tell, Judy cites no historians to back up any of 
 her claims. Go figure. >>

 Maybe I would if I considered the Bible to be history. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Mike Dixon
One account of some of the first people to see Christ after resurrection said 
that they were walking towards Galilee and someone joined them on their walk 
and it turned out to be Jesus. So, I guess He did do some walking. There's also 
teleportation! But to throw cold water on this whole discussion, it was John, 
Peter and James that first saw Jesus hover in the air over a mountain with 
Moses and Elijah at His side during the Transfiguration which was 
pre-crucifixion. One account in the Gospel of John says that when Mary M. first 
saw Jesus at the tomb, after resurrection, she didn't recognize him at first, 
thought he was a gardener, then Jesus spoke to her "Mary!" She turned to him 
and exclaimed "Teacher!" "Don't cling to me." Jesus said. "for I haven't yet 
ascended to the Father but go find my brothers and tell them...
I guess she was on his level, the ground, not in the air  because she was 
instructed not to cling to him. unless of course she was hovering as well when 
she first saw Him.

From: Richard J. Williams 
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

On 1/1/2014 2:28 PM, Share Long wrote:

> Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if
> Mary M was the first to see the risen Christ.
"She stayed with him at the cross after the male disciples (except John 
the Beloved) had fled. She was at his burial, and she is the only person 
that all four Gospels say was first to realize that Jesus had risen and 
to testify to that central teaching of faith."

> Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms
> of the resurrection does not mean hovering.
Jesus, after the resurrection, hovered in the air and then he flew off 
to meet the apostles in Galilee. The first stage of flying is to hover, 
then fly. That way, if you are the Christ spirit you don't have to walk 
with the crowd and bow and scrape. It's a long walk up to Galilee. If 
you were to rise from the dead as the Christ, would you walk a mile just 
to meet a bunch of guys that deserted you in your hour of need?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 4:15 PM, Share Long wrote:> Judy I did NOT confirm that the 
hovering was something
 > Richard made up!
According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen 
above five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. Spirits 
and angels can fly and hover, so it makes sense that the Christ could 
fly and hover.  The first phase of flying is to hover. How do you think 
that Christ rose up to heaven - in a hot-air baloon?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 4:10 PM, wrote:

 > "raised on the third day" only makes sense in reference
 > to a physical event doesn't it?
Raised from the dead means raised to a spirit - a spiritual 
resurrection. But, many Christians believe that the body of Jesus was 
restored AND his soul was returned to life, in which case, Jesus would 
have risen from the dead and would have been hovering naked in front of 
Mary Magdalene, who was the first to realize that Jesus had risen.

So, that's why he told her not to touch him, because it would be 
improper for a woman to touch a naked man in public. Then Jesus flew 
away into the sky, because he was naked, in order to get some clothing 
and to meet the apostles in Galilee. Spirits are able to fly any where 
they want to and are able to hover in mid-air as long as they want to.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 3:35 PM, wrote:

 > Does anyone involved in this current discussion
 > consider the Bible to be history?
You mean history as opposed to your opinion?

Apparently Judy has been doing most of the Bible referencing in this 
thread. As far as I can tell, Judy cites no historians to back up any of 
her claims. Go figure.

"The Gospel of Mary was written sometime during the time of Christ. 
"Scholars do not always agree which of the Marys in the New Testament is 
the central character of the Gospel of Mary. Arguments in favor of Mary 
Magdalene are based on her status as a known follower of Jesus, the 
tradition of being the first witness of his resurrection, and her 
appearance in other early Christian writings. She is mentioned as 
accompanying Jesus on his journeys (Luke 8:2) and is listed in the 
Gospel of Matthew as being present at his crucifixion (Matthew 27:56). 
In the Gospel of John, she is recorded as the first witness of Jesus' 
resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later manuscripts)."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 3:23 PM, wrote:
 > Historians and Biblical scholars seem mostly in
 > agreement that Mark is the earliest of the Gospels
 > (though some of the letters of Paul are earlier).
According to Paul, in Acts 9:3–9, after the resurrection the risen 
Christ was seen above five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the 
sky. "As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven 
flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice..."

"The Conversion of Paul the Apostle, was, according to the New 
Testament, an event that took place in the life of Paul the Apostle 
which led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a 
follower of Jesus. It is normally dated by researchers to AD 33–36."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/1/2014 2:40 PM, wrote:

> So Richard was wrong about Luke (until he changed "see"
> to "realize" and pretended that's what he'd been saying
> all along).
"She was at his burial, and she is the only person that all four Gospels 
say was first to realize that Jesus had risen and to testify to that 
central teaching of faith."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 2:28 PM, Share Long wrote:

 > Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if
 > Mary M was the first to see the risen Christ.
"She stayed with him at the cross after the male disciples (except John 
the Beloved) had fled. She was at his burial, and she is the only person 
that all four Gospels say was first to realize that Jesus had risen and 
to testify to that central teaching of faith."

 > Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms
 > of the resurrection does not mean hovering.
Jesus, after the resurrection, hovered in the air and then he flew off 
to meet the apostles in Galilee. The first stage of flying is to hover, 
then fly. That way, if you are the Christ spirit you don't have to walk 
with the crowd and bow and scrape. It's a long walk up to Galilee. If 
you were to rise from the dead as the Christ, would you walk a mile just 
to meet a bunch of guys that deserted you in your hour of need?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Steve, this post from Share is an example of why I think she's "awesome." Who 
else do you know who would ask "Wasn't the tomb empty?!" unless they had almost 
no acquaintance with Christianity and had never read the Bible?
 << Richard, I always thought that Jesus rose from the dead body and spirit. I 
mean, wasn't the tomb empty?! >>

 On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 4:19 PM, Richard J. Williams  
   On 1/1/2014 1:19 PM, authfriend@... wrote:
 > It was "established" a very long time ago.
 So, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ after 
 the resurrection. And, I think Jesus rose from the dead and flew into 
 the air so Mary could see him first. Later, Jesus as the risen Christ 
 flew up to Galillee to meet the apostles; and then after that he flew 
 down to the road to Damascus. Then forty days later the risen Christ 
 ascended into heaven. Spirits can fly anywhere they want to any time. 
 That's what I think.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 1:51 PM, wrote:

 > Sorry, but that isn't a quote from that Wikipedia
 > page, as you know
"She stayed with him at the cross after the male disciples (except John 
the Beloved) had fled. She was at his burial, and she is the only person 
that all four Gospels say was first to realize that Jesus had risen and 
to testify to that central teaching of faith."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know.
 > As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ,
 > not to the resurrection itself. Nobody saw that.
 Mary Magdalene was at the Jesus' crucifixion, a witness to his ministry, 
 and she was at the resurrection. She saw them all with her own eyes. 
 Then she told the others. She was the first to see it - the 
 resurrection. First. That's what I think.
 Mary heard the risen Jesus call out her name and she knew it was the 
 Christ. After telling her what to do, he flew up into the sky and went 
 to meet the apostles. How do you think he got to Galilee - on a bullock 
 For Christians, the belief that Jesus miraculously returned to life 
 after the crucifixion is the central tenet of the faith - the Nicene Creed.
 Work cited:
 'The Nicene Creed'
 First Council of Constantinople, 381 AD
 New Short History of the Catholic Church
 by Norman Tanner
 Burns & Oates, 2011
 p. 33

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 1:20 PM, wrote:

 > As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ,
 > not to the resurrection itself. Nobody saw that.
Mary Magdalene was at the Jesus' crucifixion, a witness to his ministry, 
and she was at the resurrection. She saw them all with her own eyes. 
Then she told the others. She was the first to see it - the 
resurrection. First. That's what I think.

Mary heard the risen Jesus call out her name and she knew it was the 
Christ. After telling her what to do, he flew up into the sky and went 
to meet the apostles. How do you think he got to Galilee - on a bullock 

For Christians, the belief that Jesus miraculously returned to life 
after the crucifixion is the central tenet of the faith - the Nicene Creed.

Work cited:

'The Nicene Creed'
First Council of Constantinople, 381 AD
New Short History of the Catholic Church
by Norman Tanner
Burns & Oates, 2011
p. 33

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Next time you're talking about what the Bible says, Richard, when you add 
something you made up out of your own head that isn't in the Bible at all, it 
would be good if you'd say so.

 Actually, the descriptions in the Gospel accounts don't say anything about the 
risen Christ being "up in the air" when human beings saw him. In John, for 
example, he's standing in the garden next to the tomb, where Mary sees him and 
mistakes him for the gardener. She probably wouldn't have made that mistake if 
he'd been "up in the air."
 > It was "established" a very long time ago.
 So, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ after 
 the resurrection. And, I think Jesus rose from the dead and flew into 
 the air so Mary could see him first. Later, Jesus as the risen Christ 
 flew up to Galillee to meet the apostles; and then after that he flew 
 down to the road to Damascus. Then forty days later the risen Christ 
 ascended into heaven. Spirits can fly anywhere they want to any time. 
 That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
<< Judy I did NOT confirm that the hovering was something Richard made up! For 
all I know, he really thought that. Or maybe he just misspoke. I don't think he 
lied or trolled. >>


 No surprise, Share. You simply aren't big enough or brave enough to admit your 
pal has been dishonest, despite all the evidence.

 << All in all, I definitely think that this exchange has been the creation of 
several people, not just Richard. >>


 You mean, there was more than one person leaving all those posts!? Really!?


 On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 2:40 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Yes, maybe the angels watched, but we were really talking about human 
beings. And I've never disputed that Mary Magdalene was the first human to see 
the risen Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and John--but not Luke. So Richard 
was wrong about Luke (until he changed "see" to "realize" and pretended that's 
what he'd been saying all along). And again, there was never a disagreement 
about Mary M. having been first to see the risen Christ according to the other 
three Gospels, so Richard wasn't "right" about that if you're implying that 
means I was wrong.

 I guess it's too much to expect that you would acknowledge that this whole 
fuss has been a matter of Richard's trolling and lying. But thanks at least for 
confirming that the risen Christ "hovering" was something Richard made up.

 << Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if Mary M was the first to 
see the risen Christ. Maybe the angel at His tomb was the first to see Him. 


 Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms of the resurrection does not 
mean hovering. And I think Richard is right in that Mary M was the first human 
to see the risen Christ. >>

 On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ, not to the resurrection 
itself. Nobody saw that.
  << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
 resurrection >>
 > Neither was anybody else.
 In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
 witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Share Long
Richard, I always thought that Jesus rose from the dead body and spirit. I 
mean, wasn't the tomb empty?!

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 4:19 PM, Richard J. Williams 
On 1/1/2014 1:19 PM, wrote:

> It was "established" a very long time ago.
So, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ after 
the resurrection. And, I think Jesus rose from the dead and flew into 
the air so Mary could see him first. Later, Jesus as the risen Christ 
flew up to Galillee to meet the apostles; and then after that he flew 
down to the road to Damascus. Then forty days later the risen Christ 
ascended  into heaven. Spirits can fly anywhere they want to any time. 
That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 1:19 PM, wrote:

 > It was "established" a very long time ago.
So, Mary Magdalene was the first person to see the risen Christ after 
the resurrection. And, I think Jesus rose from the dead and flew into 
the air so Mary could see him first. Later, Jesus as the risen Christ 
flew up to Galillee to meet the apostles; and then after that he flew 
down to the road to Damascus. Then forty days later the risen Christ 
ascended  into heaven. Spirits can fly anywhere they want to any time. 
That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Share Long
Judy I did NOT confirm that the hovering was something Richard made up! For all 
I know, he really thought that. Or maybe he just misspoke. I don't think he 
lied or trolled. All in all, I definitely think that this exchange has been the 
creation of several people, not just Richard. 

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 2:40 PM, "" 
Yes, maybe the angels watched, but we were really talking about human beings. 
And I've never disputed that Mary Magdalene was the first human to see the 
risen Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and John--but not Luke. So Richard was 
wrong about Luke (until he changed "see" to "realize" and pretended that's what 
he'd been saying all along). And again, there was never a disagreement about 
Mary M. having been first to see the risen Christ according to the other three 
Gospels, so Richard wasn't "right" about that if you're implying that means I 
was wrong.

I guess it's too much to expect that you would acknowledge that this whole fuss 
has been a matter of Richard's trolling and lying. But thanks at least for 
confirming that the risen Christ "hovering" was something Richard made up.

<< Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if Mary M was the first to 
see the risen Christ. Maybe the angel at His tomb was the first to see Him. 

Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms of the resurrection does not 
mean hovering. And I think Richard is right in that Mary M was the first human 
to see the risen Christ. >>

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ, not to the resurrection 
itself. Nobody saw that.

 << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
>>resurrection >>
>> Neither was anybody else.
>>In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
>witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Does anyone involved in this current discussion consider the Bible to be 

 I find it interesting that religious writings are considered history because 
they contain historical references. But they were written for an entirely 
different purpose.

 As a case in point there are four known earliest more or less complete 
manuscripts of the Christian Bible. Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus, both mid 
4th century; Codex Alexandrinus (late 4th century, and Codex Ephraemi 
Rescriptus (early 5th century). The ending of Mark 16:9-20 does not exist in 
the two earliest manuscripts, and early Church fathers do not mention them.

 Mark 16:9-20 does appear in the two later codicies. But there are three 
different versions of thisadded ending in other manuscripts. One is shorter 
than the now accepted ending, one is the currently accepted ending, and one is 
a more extended version of the currently accepted ending.

 Note that not only does Mark in its earliest known version not have the 
resurrection, it also does not have Jesus' miraculous birth either. So Mark 
ends like this:

 'Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They 
said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.'

 The short version added in later on is:

 'Then they quickly reported all these instructions to those around Peter. 
After this, Jesus himself also sent out through them from east to west the 
sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen.'

 This kind of textual corruption also is found in, for example, the Lord's 
Prayer where 'For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever 
and ever. Amen.' which does not appear in any of these early manuscripts shows 
up a couple of centuries later.

 There is also the synoptic problem. Historians and Biblical scholars seem 
mostly in agreement that Mark is the earliest of the Gospels (though some of 
the letters of Paul are earlier). That sections of Mark are copied verbatim or 
almost verbatim in Matthew and Luke means these are not independent accounts. 
There is also another source for Matthew and Luke called 'Q' which contains the 
sayings of Jesus, and Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1 (early half of the 3rd century) and 
the Gospel of Thomas also contain sayings of Jesus. The  date of the Gospel of 
Thomas is in dispute, one group of scholars argue for somewhere between 50 and 
100 CE and others for some time in the 2nd century. These writings are more 
Gnostic in inclination, but also seem to have an slant that is more in line 
with what Maharishi teaches.

 If you look at the way the TM movement revises and changes texts today, you 
can imagine that in that period of early Christianity, about which most 
information is really lost, how different segments of the growing community of 
Christians would copy, preserve and sometimes enhance what came before them. 
There are glaring contradictions between different versions of the tale, which 
indicates we do not have the original story. 

 Religions tend to be based on faith (which is pretending to know things that 
one does not actually know, in other words, belief without any factual 
evidence) and have a message that spreads those empirically deficient thoughts 
to others.

 It is even possible that Jesus never existed as an historical person, though a 
very definite personality seems to come through the fog of history. There are 
no contemporary references to him, except for a short passage in the history of 
Flavius Josephus which is universally regarded as an interpolation by scholars 
(and even the Catholic Church) due to its being unconnected to the material 
that surrounds it, and in a different style. There is no evidence of just about 
everyone who lived in the first century

 Some of the letters of Paul (about half of them), considered the earliest 
Christian writings, interestingly speaks of Jesus, of Christ, as a spiritual 
force rather than as a person, that is, as something that could be experienced 
rather than merely believed, but this is looking at his writings from a more 
gnostic point of view, the gnostic viewpoint being the main competition to what 
now survives as Christianity. The other half of the letters of Paul are in 
dispute that he was the author. The authors of the Gospels are also unknown, 
but attributions of course are now tightly affixed to each one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread anartaxius
I find it interesting that religious writings are considered history because 
they contain historical references. But they were written for an entirely 
different purpose.

 As a case in point there are four known earliest more or less complete 
manuscripts of the Christian Bible. Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus, both mid 
4th century; Codex Alexandrinus (late 4th century, and Codex Ephraemi 
Rescriptus (early 5th century). The ending of Mark 16:9-20 does not exist in 
the two earliest manuscripts, and early Church fathers do not mention them.

 Mark 16:9-20 does appear in the two later codicies. But there are three 
different versions of thisadded ending in other manuscripts. One is shorter 
than the now accepted ending, one is the currently accepted ending, and one is 
a more extended version of the currently accepted ending.

 Note that not only does Mark in its earliest known version not have the 
resurrection, it also does not have Jesus' miraculous birth either. So Mark 
ends like this:

 'Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They 
said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.'

 The short version added in later on is:

 'Then they quickly reported all these instructions to those around Peter. 
After this, Jesus himself also sent out through them from east to west the 
sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen.'

 This kind of textual corruption also is found in, for example, the Lord's 
Prayer where 'For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever 
and ever. Amen.' which does not appear in any of these early manuscripts shows 
up a couple of centuries later.

 There is also the synoptic problem. Historians and Biblical scholars seem 
mostly in agreement that Mark is the earliest of the Gospels (though some of 
the letters of Paul are earlier). That sections of Mark are copied verbatim or 
almost verbatim in Matthew and Luke means these are not independent accounts. 
There is also another source for Matthew and Luke called 'Q' which contains the 
sayings of Jesus, and Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1 (early half of the 3rd century) and 
the Gospel of Thomas also contain sayings of Jesus. The  date of the Gospel of 
Thomas is in dispute, one group of scholars argue for somewhere between 50 and 
100 CE and others for some time in the 2nd century. These writings are more 
Gnostic in inclination, but also seem to have an slant that is more in line 
with what Maharishi teaches.

 If you look at the way the TM movement revises and changes texts today, you 
can imagine that in that period of early Christianity, about which most 
information is really lost, how different segments of the growing community of 
Christians would copy, preserve and sometimes enhance what came before them. 
There are glaring contradictions between different versions of the tale, which 
indicates we do not have the original story. 

 Religions tend to be based on faith (which is pretending to know things that 
one does not actually know, in other words, belief without any factual 
evidence) and have a message that spreads those empirically deficient thoughts 
to others.

 It is even possible that Jesus never existed as an historical person, though a 
very definite personality seems to come through the fog of history. There are 
no contemporary references to him, except for a short passage in the history of 
Flavius Josephus which is universally regarded as an interpolation by scholars 
(and even the Catholic Church) due to its being unconnected to the material 
that surrounds it, and in a different style. There is no evidence of just about 
everyone who lived in the first century

 Some of the letters of Paul (about half of them), considered the earliest 
Christian writings, interestingly speaks of Jesus, of Christ, as a spiritual 
force rather than as a person, that is, as something that could be experienced 
rather than merely believed, but this is looking at his writings from a more 
gnostic point of view, the gnostic viewpoint being the main competition to what 
now survives as Christianity. The other half of the letters of Paul are in 
dispute that he was the author. The authors of the Gospels are also unknown, 
but attributions of course are now tightly affixed to each one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
Yes, maybe the angels watched, but we were really talking about human beings. 
And I've never disputed that Mary Magdalene was the first human to see the 
risen Christ according to Matthew, Mark, and John--but not Luke. So Richard was 
wrong about Luke (until he changed "see" to "realize" and pretended that's what 
he'd been saying all along). And again, there was never a disagreement about 
Mary M. having been first to see the risen Christ according to the other three 
Gospels, so Richard wasn't "right" about that if you're implying that means I 
was wrong.

 I guess it's too much to expect that you would acknowledge that this whole 
fuss has been a matter of Richard's trolling and lying. But thanks at least for 
confirming that the risen Christ "hovering" was something Richard made up.

 << Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if Mary M was the first to 
see the risen Christ. Maybe the angel at His tomb was the first to see Him. 


 Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms of the resurrection does not 
mean hovering. And I think Richard is right in that Mary M was the first human 
to see the risen Christ. >>

 On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ, not to the resurrection 
itself. Nobody saw that.
  << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
 resurrection >>
 > Neither was anybody else.
 In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
 witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Share Long
Having read the gospel excerpts, I even wonder if Mary M was the first to see 
the risen Christ. Maybe the angel at His tomb was the first to see Him. 

Anyway, I think you are right that risen in terms of the resurrection does not 
mean hovering. And I think Richard is right in that Mary M was the first human 
to see the risen Christ.

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM, "" 
As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ, not to the resurrection 
itself. Nobody saw that.

 << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
>resurrection >>

> Neither was anybody else.
>In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
<< Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Christ. "All the four 
 gospels agree on this: Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, Luke 24:10, and John 20:1." 
 Source: >>

 Sorry, but that isn't a quote from that Wikipedia page, as you know. And all 
four Gospels, as you know, do NOT agree that Mary M. was first to see the risen 
Christ, just Matthew, Mark, and John.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
As you know, she was a witness to the risen Christ, not to the resurrection 
itself. Nobody saw that.
  << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
 resurrection >>
 > Neither was anybody else.
 In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
 witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
As you know, it was never in question that this is what Matthew, Mark, and John 
report. No "established, finally" in this discussion. It was "established" a 
very long time ago.
 << > As you know, it was never in question that this is what Matthew, Mark,
 > and John report (although Mark and John do not include James's mother;
 > it's only Mary M. who sees him). No "finally established" about it in
 > this discussion.
 Let me rephrase what I previously posted: Mary Magdalene was the first 
 person to see the risen Christ. So, it has been established, finally. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:49 AM, wrote:

 > But I'd be willing to bet quite a substantial sum of money that
 > Share will still not acknowledge that Richard has been trolling
 > and lying throughout the discussion.
How much would you be willing to wager? You being a non-believer, your 
wager won't mean much anyway. In my case, my ancestor, Roger Williams, 
established the Baptist church in America, at Plymouth Plantation. So 
I'd say i would be knowing more about Christianity than yourself. And, I 
come from a long family of Baptists - my uncle was a pastor and I spent 
years discussing the Bible with him. You on the other hand are the 
daughter of a liberal who probably never set a foot inside a Christian 
church. Go figure.

According to what I've been told, in Christianity believers in the 
resurrection will themselves be resurrected from the dead and will rise 
up into spiritual bodies at the Last Judgement. In the fifteenth chapter 
of the First Epistle to the Corinthians (Corinthians: 15) is based on 
events that were told to Paul by way of the apostles when he was in 
Jerusalem, only two years after the resurrection.

"The first eleven verses are the earliest account of the Resurrection 
appearances of Jesus in the New Testament. For Christians who believe in 
the resurection are saved. "

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:46 AM, wrote:

 > this isn't about "opinion," but about fact: What does the Bible 
actually say?
The important question is what did Mary see and what did he say to the 
Apostles?  The Bible doesn't say exactly what Mary said, but according 
to the Gospel of Mary what she saw was the spirit of Jesus in a vision, 
now the Christ, whose soul had risen from the dead.

According to Mary: "I saw the Lord in a vision and I said to him, ‘Lord, 
I saw you today in a vision.’" He answered and said to me: “Blessed are 
you, that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the mind is, 
there is the treasure."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:42 AM, wrote:

 > << what you should have put in red was that Luke wasn't at the 
resurrection >>

 > Neither was anybody else.
In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene " recorded as the first 
witness of Jesus' resurrection (John 20:14–16); (Mark 16:9 later 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:34 AM, wrote:

 > As you know, it was never in question that this is what Matthew, Mark,
 > and John report (although Mark and John do not include James's mother;
 > it's only Mary M. who sees him). No "finally established" about it in
 > this discussion.
Let me rephrase what I previously posted: Mary Magdalene was the first 
person to see the risen Christ. So, it has been established, finally.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:20 AM, Share Long wrote:
 > I admit to very much enjoying the semantics of it all.
According to Paul, after the resurrection the risen Christ was seen 
above five hundred brethren all at once, floating in the sky. "The 
Conversion of Paul the Apostle, was, according to the New Testament, an 
event that took place in the life of Paul the Apostle which led him to 
cease persecuting early Christians and to become a follower of Jesus. It 
is normally dated by researchers to AD 33–36."

"As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven 
flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice..." - Acts 
9:3–9 (NIV)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:14 AM, wrote:

 >  think you're taking it all too seriously. No one else
 > here is, except maybe Ricky.
Apparently Judy has learned nothing from her years as a TMer Siddha. 
Everyone knows that the soul or the spirit can transcend the gross body 
and lift up and fly or hover above the ground. A Siddha can become light 
as cotton fiber, as light as a feather and float up into the air at will 
and wave arms and hands and do all sorts of things. That's just what 
siddhas do.

Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Christ. "All the four 
gospels agree on this: Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, Luke 24:10, and John 20:1."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 11:12 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 > I guess it's just what some people think of as "fun," but
 > personally I can find zero interest in any of this
Now this is funny - a guy that claims to have read over 200 books on the 
Cathars isn't interested in the Cathar legend of Mary Magdalene. So much 
for our expert on the Cathars. Go figure.

Lagudedoc was also home to the Knights Templers in Europe. It's 
interesting that Bernard of Clairvaux, the founder of the Templers Rule, 
was devoted to the Magdalene and to the Black Madonna. Bernard commended 
the knights to the 'obedience of Bethany', the castle of Mary and 
Martha. Bernard is also noted as the founder of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
at Notre Dame (Our Lady), i.e., Magdalene. The Templers oath was to 'God 
and Our Lady', not to the Virgin, but to the Magdalene. The Templers 
were preoccupied with the idea of the feminine mystery!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/1/2014 10:46 AM, wrote:

 > Except for Luke, of course. In Luke, the risen Jesus appears first
 > to two of the disciples (men) on the road to Emmaus.
Apparently Luke was a non-believer in Mary's message. Luke 24:9-11 says: 
"When (the women) came back from the tomb, they told all these things to 
the Eleven and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary 
the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the 
apostles. But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed 
to them like nonsense". That three of the Gospels portray Mary Magdalene 
as the first to see Jesus post-death, is generally considered to be of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Get Your Ducks in a Row

2014-01-01 Thread authfriend
But I'd be willing to bet quite a substantial sum of money that Share will 
still not acknowledge that Richard has been trolling and lying throughout the 
discussion. Right, Share? Sorta like you refuse to acknowledge your falsehoods 
about my September 2012 post.
 << turq, I admit to very much enjoying the semantics of it all. >>

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