Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 1, Issue 8

2005-02-13 Thread Skf95111
Yes, I saw the message but haven't had a chance to refer to any of my manuals to see what I can find out about that. Sally in San Jose

Re: OT: negative with blood in urine

2005-02-13 Thread Skf95111
Jill... If Melange is still able to pass urine and is not straining and in much pain, then his bladder is not yet completely clogged, so he should be able to manage until Monday. If he were not able to urinate at all and straining and in a lot of pain and distress, I would consider that an em

Re: OT: negative with blood in urine

2005-02-13 Thread Skf95111
Dear Jill: Here is what Dr. Martin Goldstein, a holistic vet, has to say about FLUTD, or cystitis/feline lower urinary tract disease, in general, and with regards to a male cat, specifically. Because the bladder is merely a container for urine, the problems it develops are usually not its own,

Re: OT-Simba is missing

2005-02-13 Thread Skf95111
Dear Faye: I do hope Simba will reappear soon. If not, you might want to consider consulting with an animal communicator. They can usually tell you if your kitty is still in his/her body and while a cat cannot give you an address or exact location where to find them, they can usually let the

Re: Ginger's Miracle

2005-02-14 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: So glad to hear that Ginger is improving! I have Dr. Goldstein's book and find it invaluable. I wish I could send a copy of it to everyone on the list. I sent a letter to Dr. Goldstein asking for some feedback about further info and ideas for treating FeLV+ kittys and am hoping he

Re: Immuno-Regulin

2005-02-14 Thread Skf95111
Dear Michelle: I had found and printed out an article about Immuno-regulin when I first joined the list in May '03 after my first FeLV+ kitten was diagnosed with non-regenative anemia. I remember that it was not a supportive treatment, but only indicated for a cat who presented serious sympto

Re: Ginger's Miracle

2005-02-14 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: Do you buy it from a distributor in your area at the marked up retail price, or do you get it from a vet supply? I used to get mine from KV Vet Supply. You can order it directly from the company on your own and I think all you need to do is give them my distributor name/number (Sa

Re: Great Source - Only Natural Pet!

2005-02-17 Thread Skf95111
Dear Patti: Thanks for the info. I will have to check it out. It's good to know they have a naturopathic vet available to answer questions and to do consults at an affordable rate. I have Dr. Pitcairn's book and have relied on it for a wealth of info for a number of years, so it is nice to k

Re: For Hideyo -- Your loss of Suzi

2005-02-17 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: I can't really add anything to what Nina said and said so well. I am a bit surprised, however, to hear that the vet sent her home with you so soon after the surgery. Didn't you say she had only been awake for 100-15 min.?? I volunteer with an organization that does Spay/Neuter ev

Re: Natural Hydrocortisone

2005-02-17 Thread Skf95111
Dear Patti: If you haven't read Dr. Martin Goldstein's book, The Nature of Animal Healing , I recommend it highly. He has much to say about the overuse of many drugs (especially steroids), and the negative effects they can have long term on immune function. While steroids may seem like a "magi

Re: Ginger's mom

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: Whether or not Ginger's mom is FeLV+, if you are able to trap her and get her spayed, that is imperative. The fact Ginger is positive would make one suspicious and if her mom IS positive and that is why all or most of her kittens are not surviving, the continued stress of breeding

Re: For Hideyo -- Your loss of Suzi

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: I did not mean to imply that you were wrong to want to pick Suzi up as soon as possible. When I am taking a cat to a regular vet (as opposed to being there, in person, and volunteering at one of our S/N events) I also want to bring my furkids home as soon as possible so I can mo

Re: OT: Charlie (FIV+ in MA) needs help and a home

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Michelle... I do hope someone comes forward to give Charlie a loving home and the special care he needs. Bless you (and Gray!) for being there to care for Charlie and try to help him find a better situation. Have a good visit and be sure to give your horse a carrot and a hug for me. I hope h

Re: So Worried and Irritated (Cherie)

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Cherie: You need to keep in mind that with antibiotics, one size doesn't fit all. Different antibiotics are indicated for different types of infections, depending on whether you are dealing with gram-negative or gram-posoitive bacteria, and some abx seem to be more indicated for infectio

Re: So Worried and Irritated

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kathy: Can't think of what kind of injection would be given in the throat as even most IV injections are given in a leg vein as a first choice. I've had vets draw blood from the juglar vein in the neck on occasion, but it is my understanding that Vit.B injections are given subQ, so that i

Re: San Fran & feral champion

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Hi Kerry... I can't remember if I ever sent you a message after Levi passed away. That was a crazy weekend for me and then we were having so many problems with the list and I was enduring my own kind of AOHell. When I couldn't log on, an outsourced consultant told me my AOL software was damag

Re: So Worried and Irritated (Cherie)

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Cherie: If that is what your vet prescribes, I am sure he/she has reasons for choosing that particular abx. It is an effective one and good for a wide range of applications as well as being and safer than some others. My mom is a licensed wildlife rehabber and primarily involved with in

Re: San Fran & feral champion

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: We are only able to treat the feral cats while we have them under anesthesia, which is why we end up doing so much to them at one time, even though that is a lot of stress for a cat to handle all at once -- surgery, vaccination, defleaing, worming, etc. It is unlikely these cats w

Re: So Worried and Irritated (More ?s)

2005-02-18 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kathy: If you are concerned, it is never a stupid question. There is nothing you can catch from Killian in the way of a virus that is related to her being FeLV+ or having a URI or something like that. Things like fleas and other external parasites can certainly take up residence on human

Re: So Worried and Irritated (More ?s)

2005-02-19 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kathy: I know it seems drastic when the vet uses the vein in the neck. I will never forget when I took my first FeLV+ kitten (didn't know yet she was positive) to the vet when she suddenly presented symptoms. They had to stick Purrsia three times in the neck before they could get a blood

Re: Pred Question - Tonya

2005-02-19 Thread Skf95111
I think she meant "sulphur." Sally in San Jose

Re: Dont know what to do

2005-02-19 Thread Skf95111
Dear Crystal: I don't know how near Albany is to South Salem, NY but that is where Dr. Martin Goldstein has his practice. He is a holistic vet and has written a book, The Nature of Animal Healing, that I recommend highly. His phone no. is : (914) 533-6066. There is a Source Guide in the back

Re: OT: Skin Problem

2005-02-20 Thread Skf95111
Dear Cherie: I would want to get a definitive diagnosis from a vet before I gave a kitten something as potentially toxic as Fulvicin. Did the foster mom have this kitten seen by a vet and did they do a flourescence test to confirm ringworm? Or is she just guessing and winging it? While what

Re: OT: Skin Problem

2005-02-20 Thread Skf95111
Dear Cherie: While Fulvicin is not horrendously toxic, any kind of chemical we put on our pets can be potentially harmful, especially to young kittens and pups. I had a cat once that crashed from a spot-on flea product and went into in toxic shock, yet many cats tolerate such products quite we

Cat with liver problem needs feeding tube

2005-02-20 Thread Skf95111
Hey listmembers... I'm also on the Holisticat list and a member of that list has sent two e-mails about a friend's cat who is in very serious condition with liver problems including hepatic lipidosis. She is asking for advice about what kind of feeding tube would be best, among other things.

Fwd: [Holisticat] Re: friend's cat who is sick

2005-02-20 Thread Skf95111
Message no. 1 Sally in San Jose --- Begin Message --- A friend's cat is sick. These are the tests results. Does anyone have any ideas how and what she can do for her cat. The cat won't eat and is bringing up. She just picked it up at the vet's and brought it home. I believe the vet mentioned

Fwd: [Holisticat] My friend's cat - more info

2005-02-20 Thread Skf95111
Message no. 2 Sally in San Jose --- Begin Message --- Here is more info on my friend's cat who is ill. Does anyone have any ideas?? "Technically this is mainly Saturday night's update...But nonetheless... They ran blood work again, and her electrolytes were down. So they went with a different

Re: Hills food question...

2005-02-21 Thread Skf95111
Dear Chris: If you are having weight problems, keep in mind that cats in nature are true carnivores and do not consume carbs in any quantity, yet all dry cat food, even the best brands are grain-based to a greater or lesser extent, with the best ones having more meat and less grain than the c

Re: when is FelV contagious?

2005-02-21 Thread Skf95111
Dear Susan: According to Dr. Pitcairn, in his book Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, there are six stages of infection for FeLV. He indicates that cats are not actively shedding the virus and infectious to other cats until they have reached stage five or six. Stage five is the point at which

Re: Tip is Gone

2005-02-23 Thread Skf95111
Dear Shiela: I am so very sorry to hear that you lost your Tipper, tragically, before he could come back to you. I, too, know how heartbreaking it is to find a beloved furkid who has gone missing and come to a tragic end. I know it is too late, now, for anything to bring Tipper back to you,

Re: Tip is Gone

2005-02-24 Thread Skf95111
Dear Shiela: I don't know of a book specifically about dealing with the afterlife of critters, but the books I've read about AC and mentioned to you do touch on it, in different ways, and I know that it is possible to communicate with a kitty's spirit after it has crossed over. I will skim th

Re: off-topic/should I worry about kitty making a noise when she breathes?

2005-02-24 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: Unless your kitty is struggling to breathe, or is congested and seems distressed about it, I would not be terribly worried. You are right to want to get it checked out to find out WHY, but some cats do sort of snore. I have one indoor diva, a longhair who may be part Persian...he

Re: Felv+ but white blood cell count normal

2005-02-25 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kathy: What it probably means is that whatever else was going on with your cat at the time he/she was diagnosed as FeLV, something was causing an elevation in the WBC, probably some sort of opportunistic infection due to the immunosuppression as I am not aware that the FeLV virus, by itse

Re: What to do?

2005-02-25 Thread Skf95111
Dear Carrie: My heart goes out to you for caring what happens to these unfortunate, homeless cats. It is the irresponsibility of others that creates such problems for those of us like yourself who care enough to try and help. Just because some of the cats have runny eyes and/or noses does not

Re: Felv+ but white blood cell count normal...and beyond

2005-02-26 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kathy: All stable, nonsymptomatic FeLV+ cats can be assumed to be infected with the FeLV-A subgroup that causes immunosupression but not much else. As such they are at increased risk due to whatever pathogens may be in the environment or carried by other cats. The optimum situation for a

Re: What to do?

2005-02-26 Thread Skf95111
Dear Carrie: My rescue work is mostly with TNR and ferals, but when I do trap kittens who are young enough to readily socialize, or an older cat that was obviously someone's pet at one time and is friendly, then I will test for FIV/FeLV in addition to S/N and try to place the healthy, friendly

Re: how to best sterilize a kitty condo?

2005-02-26 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: Wow...that is a good question. How about a steam cleaner, like they use on car engines? That certainly ought to be hot enough to kill anything. And maybe when it is dry you can dust it with some boric acid powder (which is non-toxic...add water and it makes eye wash) to kill any

Re: Loki Advice: fleas, throwing up

2005-02-26 Thread Skf95111
Dear Steve: I would guess it was a hairball problem, then, and hopefully if Loki has been able t cough it up, finally, he will go back to eating normally. Most of my kittys manage to cough up hairballs when they need to without a lot of extraneous vomiting, but I do have one cat, not a longhai

Re: off-topic: looking for suggestions re dying dog

2005-02-27 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: It is not unusual for an animal that is near death to seek isolation in a quiet spot. A dying animal should not be fed, only offered water and vegetable juices. Some will welcome the presence of their loving guardians, but they should be protected from too much noise and lots of ac

Re: New FeLV+ Cat, transfusion yesterday. Please see blood results.

2005-02-28 Thread Skf95111
Dear Melbeach: You are right in assuming that the blood transfusion will only give Brissle a temporary reprieve from the severe anemia. An HCT of 9 and below is considered within the parameters of "non-regenerative" anemia, i.e. not enough red blood cells are being produced to make up for t

Re: how to best sterilize a kitty condo?

2005-02-28 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: The steam cleaner is only practical if you happen to have one or know someone who does. I suppose you could rent one, but then that would add to the cost and defeat the purpose of getting a used cat tree. Perhaps some do-it-yourself car washes might have one. It is a way to get s

Re: OT:Fwd: Veterinary Secrets, Issue #007 -- Treat Your Pet At Home!

2005-03-01 Thread Skf95111
Dear Cherie: Thanks for forwarding this message. I was already aware of much of what it had to say, especially with regards to the need to take a moire holistic approach with to medicine and much less dependance on allopathic drugs and treatments. It reiterated what I have long believed about

Re: Off topic - rescuing feral

2005-03-02 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: You really have yourself a can of worms there, don't you? I have a friend here in San Jose who is faced with a similar problem of feral cats proliferating around the company she works for...fortunately a pack of marauding dogs is not also part of the problem. Because of your fea

Re: Feral cat book

2005-03-02 Thread Skf95111
Hey Nina... I don't call my rescue efforts Fantastic, Friendly, Formerly Feral Felines for no reason. I hope I can borrow the book after you get through reading it! Thanks for mentioning it Hideyo. Sally in San Jose

Re: OT: Animal Communication Chat on friday

2005-03-02 Thread Skf95111
Dear Mary Christine: Yes, I do know Marta. She's genuine. She lives in the Sacramento area, I believe, and has a book that came out not too long ago, but I don't remember the title offhand. A friend of mine went to one of her seminars and got the book and Marta autographed it for her. Mart

Re: Feral cat the Lottery

2005-03-03 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: I hear you loud and clear. If I ever had any "extra" dollars to spend, it sure would be nice to do more than just dream about winning the lottery. When I think about all the good things I could do to help improve the lot of critters in this world...Oh, wouldn't it be loverly? A

Re: Please Help! Anakin is very sick

2005-03-08 Thread Skf95111
Dear Anita: If Anakin is severely anemic and you know he is FeLV+, did your vet do anything to determine the cause of his anemia? You said the vet mentioned his bone marrow is not producing RBC...did they do a test to determine that or is that just the vet's guesstimate? It is quite likely h

Re: New To List

2005-03-08 Thread Skf95111
Dear Sally: Did the cats test positive on both an ELISA and an IFA test? If they were just tested with the ELISA (the in-house snap test), this test is much more sensitive to the antigen produced by the replicating virus so it can be an indication of an infection which may only be transitory a

Re: Additional information for those interested in Virbagen Feline Omega Inte...

2005-03-09 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kyle: Seroconversion means that the cat has cleared the virus and is no longer infected with it. That is the best possible news for a cat that was FeLV+. Sally in San Jose

Re: Liver shake

2005-03-09 Thread Skf95111
Dear Anita: Tthe kelp or spirulina are for micronutrient and trace minerals; the iodine in kelp can also stimulate the adrenals and it adds a slightly salty taste. If you don't have a health food store in your area, you should be able to find spriulina in the supplements for humans section of a

Re: Feline Interferon

2005-03-09 Thread Skf95111
Dear Michelle: How thoughtful of you to share some of your VO with Kyle. Is it helping? Stockpiling the stuff is a good strategy, would that I could afford to do so. For now it is all I can do just to afford the immune-boosting supplements. Now if I could win that pie in the sky lottery (but

Re: Feline Interferon

2005-03-10 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kyle: A vet who isn't on the same page with you is a tough one. There is the option of finding another vet who will be more cooperative but I can understand your not wanting to seem ungrateful for the fact he cared enough to use his own cat as the blood donor for Brissle. I would definit

Re: Anakin is gone

2005-03-10 Thread Skf95111
Dear Anita: I am so sorry to hear that it was Anakin's time to leave you. From the time he showed up on your doorstep, you did everything possible to give him a chance. He knew what it was to have a home, to be loved and to have someone who was willing to give him the chance to get well if t

Re: Tiger - CLS

2005-03-11 Thread Skf95111
Dear Shiela: You never know...Tiger may have missed Tippper and since he was getting up there in years (his kidneys could have been going downhill for some time...they will keep functioning even when 70-80% compromised) and he may have decided to go be with Tipper and look out for him like a lo

Re: Interesting Lab finding

2005-03-11 Thread Skf95111
Dear Hideyo: Since the ELISA is very sensitive in detecting the antigen from replicating virus (100 times moreso than the IFA) it is highly unlikely to get a truely false negative, which would mean the test failed to detect antigen that was actually present. A falsely negative result on an ELI

Re: Feline Interferon

2005-03-12 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kyle: Good to hear you are making progress with your vet. It sounds like he/she is a least receptive to new ideas and is willing to learn. I dunno what to suggest about the concurrent use of the VO and Immunogregulin...I don't know enough about what the action either drug is supposed to

Re: anyone have any room or any suggestions?

2005-03-12 Thread Skf95111
First of all I would ask if Mustache's FeLV status has been confirmed with an IFA test which would indicate whether or not he is l ikely to remain persistently viremic. Secondly, I would adavise the person who is caring for Mustache NOT to give him any vaccinations...this will only be an assaul

Re: [kittycityrescue] 2 Feline Leuk + cats - looking for long term foster

2005-03-15 Thread Skf95111
Dear Tad: No, the FeLV vaccine will not cause cats to test positive on an ELISA...both the ELISA and IFA test for presence of antigen from replicating virus, with the former test being 100 times more sensitive than the latter so it will detect very early stages of infection which may be transi

Re: interferon

2005-03-16 Thread Skf95111
When I got the intereron alpha for my first FeLV+ kitty, I was told not to give it with food, that it needs to be absorbed by the mucous membranes in the mouth rather than taken into the GI tract where stomach acid will break it down. If you can't give it to a cat by syringe (such as with a fer

Re: Imperfection of Vets

2005-03-16 Thread Skf95111
Dear Gloria: You are being too kind when you say that some vets are just more imperfect than others, or is this meant as a sarcastic understatement? I am still suffering a year later due to that Vet-from-Hell who forced me into allowing her to euthanize a geriatric kitty of mine I had taken for

Re: TeeCee, for Stephanie

2005-04-09 Thread Skf95111
Dear Stephanie: Cats who are FeLV+ should not be given any vaccines, as this represents a significant stress to the immune system for even a healthy cat, and a cat who has a compromised immune system cannot respond normally as is expected. It is possible for the stress of vaccination (or othe

Re: Hunters

2005-04-13 Thread Skf95111
I was absolutely astounded by what Tamara had to say about the case of the woman being shot by an idiot of a hunter at a bus top and the hunter was not held accountable because of the color of the woman's clothing. I do not remember ever reading about that case and can't believe the hunter was

Re: Bad Shelters/Rescue Orgs (Was Wisconsin cat hunting)

2005-04-13 Thread Skf95111
What Kerry and Tamara had to say about disreputable vet clinics or rescue orgs they have come in contact with was appalling. I can't believe that some major group like PETA or the National Humane Society who have significant funding and legal staff would not be interested in such cases. I do

Re: o/t bad people

2005-04-13 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: Go for it! By any chance was your vet tech friend able to get the names/addresses or phone nos. for some of the clients whose animals were abused? If there are several, a class action suit might be an optioin. Did your vet tech friend contact the State Veterinary Medical Board??

Re: Hunters

2005-04-13 Thread Skf95111
I can't imagine what the legal reasoning would be that a jury could use to acquit. First time or not, we all know that guns are meant to kill...this guy was, after all out to kill a deer, right? So if this idiot was proven to be the one who fired the gun, and it could be established the bullet

Re: o/t blockage question

2005-04-19 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kerry: I remember reading in one of my vet books that sometimes, in extreme cases, a male kitty needs to have his plumbing surgically restructured to make the urethral opening bigger if he becomes repeatedly blocked and neither dietary modification nor any other type of therapy seems to b

Re: Brissle crashing again, bloodwork looks grim.

2005-04-24 Thread Skf95111
Dear Kyle: So sorry to hear that Brissle is crashing again. Please don't beat yourself up what-iffing. At this point, what she has been eating and whether or not she got Pet Tinic or some other supplements on a daily basis is a minor consideration. Once an FeLV+ kitty "crashes" and has develo

Re: Help! Vaccine Reaction?

2005-04-27 Thread Skf95111
Dear Sharon: My most sincere condolences for the loss of your mom. Even though we are able to talk to our human loved ones and express all that we feel a need to share while they are still here with us in corporeal form (unlike with our furkids), it still leaves emptiness and emotional pain w

Re: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

2005-04-27 Thread Skf95111
I always ask a vet WHY they choose a particular medication for one of my furkids and I get better responses from some than others. I also look up medication in the Merck manual or an online source to find out what is in it (if I don't already know) and what it is recommended for. One vet I us

Re: Carolina to Vet or Not?

2005-04-28 Thread Skf95111
Dear Sharon: Don't panic. This could just be a reaction to something Carolina ate, or it could just be a further vaccine-related reaction. What vaccine was she given? Is Carolina running a temp? If there are any health food stores in your area, you could try getting some Thuja, dissolve a p

Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

2005-05-07 Thread Skf95111
Dear Tonya: Cats are MUCH more adept at picking up our thoughts and energy than we are...they don't have to study and relearn telepathic communication as we do. They are able to receive our thoughts and are sponges for our emotions, especially of the negative sort. So, if you are going to tak

Re: cat sick

2005-05-15 Thread Skf95111
Dear Sue: It is always cause for serious concern when an FeLV+ cat becomes symptomatic for ANY reason, but the diarrhea and vomiting could be something as simple as something she ate that did not agree with her GI tract...remember that diarrhea and vomiting are the body's way of getting irrit

Re: emergency advice on starved cat needed

2005-05-26 Thread Skf95111
Dear Jenn: Do you have a dripbag of LRS and are you able to give her subQ fluids? If not, then use Pedialyte (fluid w/electrolytes for babies, the non-flavored sort) available at most supermarkets and give her fluids orally with a syringe, a little (5-10 ml) at a time every hour or so. Give he

Re: AC willing to monitor list - James

2005-05-31 Thread Skf95111
On behalf of all the FeLV+ furkids who may be trying to "say" something, but whose humans are on a different wavelength and wondering, I think it would be a purrfectly pawsome idea!!! Sally in San Jose

Re: Question...for Shiela

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Shiela: Can understand your dilemma. Will Bubba allow you to comb him for fleas?? If so, use one of the fine-toothed metal flea combs (the plastic ones don't work as well) and a bowl of water with a bit of dish detergent to rinse the fleas from the comb...the surfacants in the detergent

Re: question bout kittens...for MC

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Mary Christine: You surely get my vote for cat-mom this year! I would not worry too much about the liklihood of a healthy mom cat becoming postive from exposure to nursing a positive kitten, but her other kittens might be at some risk. You say the kittens are it known how t

Re: Veterinary Questions...for Stephanie

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Stephanie: If you e-mail the info to me, I can pass it on to Dr. Dana Gleason the vet who started our local Spay/Neuter project for ferals...I've found her to be very helpful with my own questions about drugs and dosages in that she realizes we who do rescue ferals are not able to take th

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Terrie: Bless you for making Ling's final months of life ones in which he was able to know love and receive the care he needed. There is a limit to what we can do, however, and when that time comes, sometimes the kindest thing we can do is help them across. Even if his previous guardian

Re: Drugs given to TeeCee

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Stephanie: I am not usually able to get pics on my old and ailing computer, and don't know how accurately one could tell from a photo as to size of syringe, etc. Do the syringes have no markings on them as to how many cc are in them?? It seems odd for a syringe not to have a scale printed

Re: Need advice - kittens...for Susan

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Susan: The fact the kittens tested a "faint positive" (an ELISA, right?) is probably an indication of exposure and some virus present (both the ELISA and IFA detect anitgen from replicating virus) but may still be an earlier stage of infection so there is a chance with good diet and immune

Re: HELP...for Michelle L.

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Michelle L.: Haven't been onlist for a while due to computer problems and just getting to (trying to, anyhow) a ton of (900+) e-messages. Have you considered having Bramble evaluated by an accupuncturist to see if that might help mediate or clarify his neurological problems?? I don't have

Re: Bones & Bramble...for Michelle L.

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Michelle L.: You are so lucky to live where you can get the VO (feline-specific interferon) it as expensive in England as it is here? I am curious as to why you would want to obtain interferon-alpha (human type) when you can get the VO? I did not find the I-a to be of any benefit f

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 3...for Michelle L.

2005-07-06 Thread Skf95111
Dear Michelle L.: There is no point (and much risk) in vaccinating an immune-compromised cat who is FIV+ or FeLV+. Vaccinations are an assault of sorts to the immune system and can be detrimental to even a cat with a normal immune system. There is much good info about the risks of vaccines o