Re: [Felvtalk] News about Ginger

2012-02-07 Thread Wendy
I have just signed up for felv talk and truly appreciate finding this group!  
After fostering three kittens, our family decided to adopt them when we 
received the results that all three were positive for feline leukemia.  We kept 
all three and have one cat still with us who will turn five years old in May.  
I tell you this to let you know that I have been where you are with Ginger both situations, our kitties had severe anemia.  The first time, I 
know that I let our little one suffer too long due to my difficulty letting her 
go.  The second time, I knew when it was time to euthanize and was able to say 
a peaceful and gentle goodbye.  I listened closely when our vet presented the 
"options."  As Marcia said, it's a fine line to walk because you want to do all 
that you can do for your baby but you do not want to see him suffer.  I will 
keep you and Ginger in my good thoughts and am so sorry about the situation.

--- On Tue, 2/7/12, Marcia Baronda  wrote:

From: Marcia Baronda 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] News about Ginger
To: "" 
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 1:30 PM

I just have to be totally honest here so that you and Ginger don't go through 
what my little Fletch went through. I didn't make it to the vet on time. Fletch 
died in his crate while I was racing to get him there to stop his suffering. He 
died a horrible death, and I will never ever forget it. Now, none of us can see 
your kitty, or what kind of shape it is in, but please, don't wait to long. 
It's a hard decision because there IS hope for Felv cats. It's a fine line to 
walk. And I think it's very hard, anymore, to find a vet who will actually tell 
you to euthanize. My thoughts are with you. I'm so sorry you and Ginger have to 
go through this.


Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 2010. 

On Feb 7, 2012, at 5:39 AM, wrote:

> My vet ordered Interferon and Cyproheptadine. The vet suspects leukemia is 
> already in  kitty's bone marrow. Ginger kitty refuses to eat his food but 
> tried to eat his cat litter last night. What should I do? Euthanasia? I can't 
> see my darling suffer like this! Marinda 
> Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] Dublin woke up from surgery blind

2012-02-15 Thread Wendy
Anne,I am so sorry to hear the news about Dublin and we will all hope that with 
time, he will regain sight.  I can only say to you that he has the very best 
Mom to help him through this!  He will adapt to his new circumstances with 
time.  He will also take in all your love and know that he is in such good 
hands...Jasper and I send hugs to you both!Wendy

--- On Wed, 2/15/12, Jannes Taylor  wrote:

From: Jannes Taylor 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Dublin woke up from surgery blind
To: "" 
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 12:43 PM

 I rescued a blind and deaf 10 year old cat that was left out in an open field 
to die a little over two weeks ago. I hope your cat regains his sight but if he 
doesn't, please don't panic. He will learn to adjust in time. I am so sorry! 
Search the internet. There is a lot of info on there regarding blind cats. 


From: Beth 
To: ""  
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Dublin woke up from surgery blind

Sometimes the sight comes back. We had a non-FeLV cat at the shelter that went 
bling after surgery & she slowly regained her sight after a couple weeks.


 Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!


From: Anne Myles 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Dublin woke up from surgery blind

I am devastated -- my FeLV boy Dublin had major dental surgery yesterday to 
remove the rest of his teeth due to severe stomatitis and feline resorptive 
lesions (his third dental surgery in six months).  He came through OK it 
seemed, and his bloodwork turned out to be very promising (his mild anemia 
around December had reversed with his hematocrit in the middle of the normal 
range).  But something seemed off with agitation and his eyes and the vet 
realized that Dublin seems to be blind.  He did all the ocular tests they do 
and nothing physiologically can be found wrong -- no detached retina, no bleed, 
no evidence of hypoxia, etc.  But only his left eye is even minimally reactive 
to light.  The vet believes the blindness to be related to the FeLV, although 
I'm still totally confused about the suddenness of this all.

Dublin has always had something weird about his eyes -- the pupils stay mostly 
 and while they constrict a little it's definitely not like a normal cat.  I 
wondered if he had an eye problem and could see well even before I adopted him 
and learned he was FeLV+.  But he seemed to see fine.

While Dublin is physically stable he is apparently extremely agitated and the 
vet wants to keep him at the hospital until he settles down and begins to 
adapt.  He was with him until 10:30 last night and says that Dubbie has 
scarcely been out of a tech's arms since.  (He is the most loving, 
people-oriented cat, and is not stressed just from being at the vet -- it's 
almost a joke how much he likes it there.)  I am crazy with distress and also 
with anxiety about bringing him home (have another cat, pretty rowdy, and a 
dog), though everyone says blind cats can do well.

I'd appreciate any encouragement -- or in particular any insight into a 


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-Inline Attachment Follows-

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[Felvtalk] Seizure activity in my FeLV cat

2012-10-18 Thread Wendy
Do any of you have experience with seizure activity in your felv kitties?  My 
five and one half year old felv cat has had multiple episodes of what the vet 
believes are small, focal seizures.  They begin with ear twitching, which 
increases until he becomes extremely frightened, he appears to be trying to 
close his eyes and he runs and hides.  Ear mites/fleas have been ruled out.  He 
has vomited on several occasions prior to the episode beginning.  He is healthy 
in all other respects.  Do you have suggestions for management?  This boy is my 
"sole survivor" of three felv babies we had from six weeks of age.  I love him 
dearly and want to do my very best for him.  Thank you for any suggestions or 
comments you can give me.  I very much appreciate this group as a resource!___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] I Hate PETA

2009-12-07 Thread wendy

I am so sorry about Butterball and Smoky Jo.  And God, I hate PETA too, for so 
many reasons, this one above all  They are a bunch of kooks.  They are way 
over the top, and it would be really nice if we could exterminate anyone in 
PETA who is not in perfect health.  Maybe then they would finally get the 

I can't imagine how you feel, and if I were in your shoes, I'm not sure I would 
be sane enough for a while to make any rational decisions because I would be so 
angry, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.  Nothing angers me more than 
innocent animals being harmed.

Again, I'm so sorry...
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

From: Sharyl 
Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 1:51:08 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] I Hate PETA

Thnksgiving Day I finally trapped Smoky Jo in the dumpster colony I feed.  Then 
Sunday I trapped Butterball.  A new group is organizing here on the Eastern 
Shore to help with low cost speutering of ferals.  Wed. the PETA SNIPS van came 
to speuter pets ($45) and ferals (#25).  I took Smokey Jo and Butterball.  My 
other low cost speutering place had fallen through and the only other option is 
$200 per cat at the animal hospital.    

I knew PETA sucks but had no idea how bad.  The release form I signed said they 
could kill any animal testing positive for FeLV or FIV.  I explained to the vet 
I would sanctuary them if they tested positive in my garage/cat enclosure.  She 
checked with her supervisor and told me no exceptions.  I should have left then 
but both of mine seemed healthy.  When I went to pick them up I found out they 
had killed both Smoky Jo and Butterball!! I am devastated.

PETA has a real problem with feral cats. The only way they'll let their van 
spay/neuter ferals is if all who test positive for FeLV or FIV are killed.  
PETA's way of exterminating ferals I guess.

Smoky Jo tested positive for FeLV and Butterball for FIV. What really burns me 
is the SNAP test used is not 100% for FeLV. Don't know about FIV.  But FIV is 
generally spread by deep bites.  Once Butterball was fixed he wouldn't be 
fighting anymore.  Just PETA's way of 'thinning the herd' I guess.  Then they 
kept my money.

Needless to say I won't be going back unless I find a way around the PETA 
policy. The Spay the Shore guy is going to try and find a vet to pre-test any 
future ferals I trap. Then if they are positive for either I'll have to find 
some other way to have them fixed.

I'm broken hearted. Those two kitties trusted me to do right by them. Neither 
was ill. And now they are gone. It rained all the way home. Almost like the 
heavens were crying with me for them. 

Please consider what PETA stands for before donating any money to them.


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Re: [Felvtalk] PETA's e-mail address

2009-12-07 Thread wendy
With that line of thinking, I guess PETA also believes that people with AIDS or 
inoperable/untreatable cancer should also be put out of their misery too...

Ridiculous!  I am p_ssed right now!
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

From: Diane Rosenfeldt 
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 9:13:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] PETA's e-mail address

Aren't they vehemently opposed to any "pet ownership" at all? But I simply
don't get why they would consider this treatment "ethical" -- nor how they
can justify killing animals by saying they're saving them from "future"
suffering that might never happen -- and in Sharyl's case, would NOT have
happened. These people need slapping down. 

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Laurieskatz
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] PETA's e-mail address

What was their reason for this/ did they give one? 
Unconscionable act.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of MaryChristine
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] PETA's e-mail address

well, actually, as some folks have hinted at, they are just as bad about
household cats as they are about ferals.

these folks are NOT friends to animals--anyone have links to the VA case
where they were taking adoptables from shelters, supposedly to adopt them
out, then euthing them in the back of their van--and leaving the bodies in
shopping mall dumpsters? i think the only thing they ended up convicted of
was possession of drugs without a license or something similar, as animals
are just property, after all, with no intrinsic value.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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Re: [Felvtalk] gassy cat

2009-12-13 Thread wendy
Stop feeding him Mexican food...LOLOLOL!
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

From: "" 
Sent: Sat, December 12, 2009 7:43:21 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] gassy cat

Harley is sleeping in my arm as i write, passing gas big time.  he has done 
this before and you can smell it all the way across the room.  any suggestions 
as to why?  is he eating too fast?  gets same food as Dee, Hill's kitten 
healthy development.  Lord have mercy, i love him, but!  dorlis

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Re: [Felvtalk] Vit C therapy Sally Snyder Jewell

2009-12-23 Thread wendy

I am a huge believer in Vit C, not only for animals, but humans as well.  This 
week I have been fighting off a cold since Friday, and popping 1000 mg of Vit C 
every 1-4 hours, on and off.  Had I not been popping the Vit C, I know from 
past experience I'd already have been to the doc.  My friend's family owns an 
alternative treatment center here in the town where I live, and they do Vit C 
IV therapy on their patients.  I also believe in the value of L-lysine as an 
anti-viral, although we've had some very interesting conversations here 
debating that fact.

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

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Re: [Felvtalk] Bridget is dead

2010-03-26 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about your Bridget. I hope that you realize that you did 
not kill her. Your guilt is normal, but not founded. She was lucky to have you 
loving and caring so well for her. 

Again, I'm very sorry you lost her. I pray for healing and comfort for you.
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

From: LauraM 
Sent: Wed, March 17, 2010 3:45:50 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bridget is dead

Bridget is dead. I had her spayed today and apparently she died very quickly 
under anesthesia. She was my baby. I would have done anything for her and now 
she's dead. It has been a miserable few weeks with Frosty Paws and then Baby 
Girl but this has broken my heart. She was doing so well. Could it have been 
the LTCI? I have to know whether I'm responsible for killing her. Please, if 
anyone knows whether the LTCI could have had something to do with it, maybe 
made her more sensitive to being put under, please let me know, I have to know 
whether I killed my cat.
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Re: [Felvtalk] some comfort

2010-03-26 Thread wendy all I can say. That brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you for sharing.

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

From: LauraM 
Sent: Wed, March 24, 2010 9:10:38 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] some comfort

I think I mentioned a few days ago that I would be speaking with an animal 
communicator about Bridget. That happened tonight. I do feel better. I'd been 
so upset about my decision to have her spayed in spite of my apprehension, but 
he said he felt she had a weak immune system, perhaps liver problems, and the 
body she had wouldn't have lasted long. He said the vet did give her too much 
anesthesia - it was the standard amount for a cat her size, but it was just too 
much for her because she had some underlying problems. 
It was interesting. He said she'd been part of a litter with other cats who 
looked very much like her (very true) and who had the same problem (her brother 
died in September). He did say that he didn't see Chutney or the other cats 
around her, even though he knew that I had had other cats who had passed.
This is where it gets strange. He said, "She's showing me a whole lot of other 
cats and says you just got two more cats." (yes, the FeLV+ cat from Smyrna and 
one from work who tested positive for FIV so I just kept him.) These cats came 
just a few days ago. He said, be prepared, she says more cats will be coming. 
He wanted to know if I worked in rescue, and I do work at a shelter. I asked 
him if she said anything about other animals, and he said she was talking about 
a medium sized, very noisy black dog (she kept saying "I heard the dog") who 
hadn't been around for very long (I just got that dog back in early January). 
That's a dog who would always jump up at her when I let the dogs into the 
house, and she's the noisiest damn dog ever. And he said she kept mentioning a 
farm and some other sort of animal, but he wasn't sure what. I don't have farm 
animals but I do have a ton of turtles who spend winters in the garage with the 
positive cats & summers
outdoors. That might be what he was referring to.
I asked him whether she liked where she was buried. He said, "She says it's a 
memorial garden with flowers and a big oak tree, and she's with others." Very 
true! And the strangest thing: I wondered if she was still around, and he said, 
"You have a very big, comfortable bed with a very soft burgundy or wine colored 
throw on it, and that's where she is." And yes - it's a thick, double fleece 
wine colored big blanket, and it's always on the bed, and the cats and the dogs 
love it as much as I do.
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[Felvtalk] Warning: Evo bought by Proctor and Gamble!

2010-07-28 Thread wendy
As of June 1st, Proctor and Gamble bought Natura Foods, which manufactures 
Innova, Innova Evo, and California Natural, among other foods for pets.  I just 
wanted to let all of you know so that you could pass it on if any of you belong 
to other pet owner list serve groups.  Some people will have a real problem 
this, since P&G has been associated with animal testing.  The link below states 
that the ingredients will not change (by the president of Natura), however I 
find this VERY hard to believe.  We'll see what happens over time. 


Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Best online price for L-Lysine?

2010-12-05 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

Where do you order your L-lysine from (for those of you who order it online) 
about how much are you paying for it?  I can't find in my archives any websites 
to order from, so thought I would just ask.

Thank you!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Best online price for L-Lysine?

2010-12-05 Thread wendy
Thank you so much for the sources!  :) Wendy
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: Sharyl 
Sent: Sun, December 5, 2010 4:18:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Best online price for L-Lysine?

I buy the L-lysine powder to avoid additives.  I get 1 lb containers from 

No idea if there is a cheaper source for the pure powder.

--- On Sun, 12/5/10, Sally Davis  wrote:

> From: Sally Davis 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Best online price for L-Lysine?
> To:
> Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 3:50 PM
> I got mine at Puritan's Pride when
> they have the buy one get three free.
> Which I belive is going on right now. I get my vitamins
> there too for me.
> Sally Davis
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Sally(me), Eric (not a cat),Junior(angel), Tiny(angel)
> Fluffy(soul mate
> angel), Lionel(angel),Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty,
> Little
> Black(MIA), Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog
> (newest) Silver, and
> Spike
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


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Re: [Felvtalk] Spanky is an angel

2011-01-02 Thread wendy

I have not read the FeLV site emails in months, but had time to read Spanky's 
whole story today.  I just saw this email come up, right after reading your 
story, and I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.  I was wow'ed while reading by 
your perseverance and love for Spanky.  I'm dealing with EGC with my cat 
Smookie, and the posts made regarding Spanky will help me with researching a 
better treatment.  Thank you.  All your posts will be helpful to other furbaby 
owners who are fighting this disease, so thank you for taking the time to write 
them.  Again, I'm so sorry about your Spanky.  Sending prayers for peace and 
comfort for you.

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: S Z 
Sent: Sun, January 2, 2011 12:11:54 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Spanky is an angel

Hello everyone:

We haven't posted much on this list for awhile since Spanky was diagnosed
with cranial mediastinal lymphoma. It is with a broken heart that I am
posting to say that Spanky lost his battle with FELV and lymphoma on New
Year's eve day.  He had a seizure earlier in the week after taking an
appetite stimulant and things went downhill this past week and his
phosphorous was so low the vet said they had never seen a cat with  low phos
like this, and he developed severe non-regenerative anemia.  His type of
lymphoma was fast growing and he wasn't able to have a chemo treatment for
weeks either.

Thank you so much to everyone on this list, your kitties, your angels for
all the help and support and love you've shown to us. You were an absolutely
wonderful support network.  Without this group we wouldn't have tried the
LCTI imulan, interferon or the many supplements we learned about like
Transfer factor etc.

I wish all of you the best in 2011 and beyond and will purray your furbabies
stay as healthy as they possibly can.
We send purrayers and healing thoughts to all of you.
Thanks again
Stacy and Angel Spanky
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Re: [Felvtalk] Tweeze is gone.

2011-02-05 Thread wendy

Thank you for sharing the video of your beautiful Tweezer with us.  He was just 
gorgeous!  And so, so lucky to have you loving him.  Prayers for peace and 
comfort for you.

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: Frank & Sue Koren 
To: FeLV talk 
Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:05:46 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Tweeze is gone.

Tweezer lost his battle with this horrible disease this afternoon.  He had
an aggressive lymphoma so there was no hope that he would get better or that
he could even be made more comfortable.  He crashed at the beginning of this
week and was having spasms that were making it very difficult for him to
eat, drink or even to stand.  He has been very unhappy and scared all week

When I took Tweezer in he was extremely malnourished and had worms, ear
mites, goopy eyes and an upper respiratory infection.  As his health
improved he became such a happy cat!  He was so happy to be alive, he always
wanted to play and be loved.  This is a you-tube link to a video I took of
him a few months ago.  He would come to me and ask me to come and play with
him and then lead me to the toys.

Rest in peace my darling Tweezer.  My heart is breaking but at least there
is no feline leukemia where you are now.

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[Felvtalk] Sub Q fluids

2011-02-13 Thread wendy
Does anyone know how long the bags can be used?  Do they expire and if so, 
how long?

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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[Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses

2011-02-27 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

I am going to undertake a project in the next month or so, and build an outdoor 
cat house with an attached cat enclosure.  I priced cat enclosures (Suncatcher 
Enclosures...$2000!!!) and most that I've found online are too expensive.  I 
build something, but would really like everyone's input on building this type 
fenced structure or on building a cat house.  I am looking at constructing a 
wood shed, with windows, on a concrete (sealed) foundation.  I'm not afraid of 
hard work, but not sure where to start.

Any thoughts?  Resources I can look at that are affordable?
Thank you!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses

2011-02-27 Thread wendy
It's for cats to actually live in, and have inside/outside access (with heating 
and cooling), much like they do at Best Friends.  Can you recommend the kit 
companies you used?  

Thanks Natalie!
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: Natalie 
Sent: Sun, February 27, 2011 10:32:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses

Is this for cats to actually live in or to be able to go outside from a
We have built our own and also used kits from CA.  We have 4 outdoor
enclosures attached to our house, cat doors, for cats to use as they like.
We shut down in very cold weather because the cat doors aren't that good.
Will be back in CT tomorrow - shutting down computer until then.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:54 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses

Hey guys,

I am going to undertake a project in the next month or so, and build an
cat house with an attached cat enclosure.  I priced cat enclosures
Enclosures...$2000!!!) and most that I've found online are too expensive.  I
build something, but would really like everyone's input on building this
type of 
fenced structure or on building a cat house.  I am looking at constructing a

wood shed, with windows, on a concrete (sealed) foundation.  I'm not afraid
hard work, but not sure where to start.

Any thoughts?  Resources I can look at that are affordable?
Thank you!

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Re: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses -answer 2 :o)

2011-02-28 Thread wendy
Great! Thank you! The first site has great pics! :) Wendy
 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: dana giordano 
Sent: Sun, February 27, 2011 11:10:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses -answer 2 :o)

Sorry! Didn't read that post properly. For full on cat enclosures, these
sites may work better for companies and ideas:


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:57 PM, dana giordano wrote:

> The above pretty much compliles all of the affordable ways to make or buy
> cat shelters. I've heard feral villa is very good.
> And btw - if you are making your own, your SPCA should have straw for free
> and your home depot/ lowes will probably give you hard foam insulation for
> free if it's damanged and most of the stock people will find you one.
> They also may sponsor it - you have to write a proposal to the manager and
> give them a week or two to respond. Ask at the desk.
> Also, don't get a clear bin, they are hard to cut, they crack - others are
> easier. Find one that's easy to cut. It may take a little experimenting. :)
> Hope that helps!
> Dana
> <>
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 12:11 PM, wendy  wrote:
>> It's for cats to actually live in, and have inside/outside access (with
>> heating
>> and cooling), much like they do at Best Friends.  Can you recommend the
>> kit
>> companies you used?
>> Thanks Natalie!
>> :)
>> Wendy
>>  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
>> change the
>> world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade
>> ~~~
>> From: Natalie 
>> To:
>> Sent: Sun, February 27, 2011 10:32:12 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses
>> Is this for cats to actually live in or to be able to go outside from a
>> house?
>> We have built our own and also used kits from CA.  We have 4 outdoor
>> enclosures attached to our house, cat doors, for cats to use as they like.
>> We shut down in very cold weather because the cat doors aren't that good.
>> Will be back in CT tomorrow - shutting down computer until then.
>> Natalie
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of wendy
>> Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:54 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Advice Needed on Outside Cat Houses
>> Hey guys,
>> I am going to undertake a project in the next month or so, and build an
>> outdoor
>> cat house with an attached cat enclosure.  I priced cat enclosures
>> (Suncatcher
>> Enclosures...$2000!!!) and most that I've found online are too expensive.
>>  I
>> can
>> build something, but would really like everyone's input on building this
>> type of
>> fenced structure or on building a cat house.  I am looking at constructing
>> a
>> wood shed, with windows, on a concrete (sealed) foundation.  I'm not
>> afraid
>> of
>> hard work, but not sure where to start.
>> Any thoughts?  Resources I can look at that are affordable?
>> Thank you!
>> Wendy
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
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Re: [Felvtalk] Buddy left for the Rainbow Bridge today.

2011-03-07 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Buddy.  Prayers for peace for you.


 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: dana giordano 
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 11:59:08 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Buddy left for the Rainbow Bridge today.

HI All, please add my boy Buddy to the list. He was 10 years old, both Felv
and Fiv positive.

He passed earlier today about a half hour after a seizure. He had no prior
seizure activity I was aware of, in fact I thought he was in great condition
and would be around for a couple more years. He went completely limp after
the seizure and at first I actually thought he was dead. But a little breath
showed on the mirror in front of his nose, and then I hoped he would come
round in at least some fashionbut it didn't happen, he was barely
breathing, I couldn't tell if he was conscious or not the whole time - and
then just as we got to the vets, he stopped. There was nothing they could
do. I am really grateful I was home (my worst fear was he would be alone)
and able to be with him when he passed and I really hope he was aware he was
not alone, and I was trying to help him.

He was absolutely an awesome friend, such a patient cat, surprisingly sweet
and playful for an old, very tough ex-TomCat. He was finally getting plump
and really loving scratchies and pets. A total joy for me to see inside,
safe and happy. I knew him the last three years - after feeding him for two,
last winter is the year I caught him and insisted he stay inside.  We worked
really hard to get to a very good place and it was worth it.  He worked the
hardest; he still was willing to trust me.

I am really sad. I miss my friend in my house. His room feels incredibly
empty and even though he wasn't allowed out of his room, I feel the absence
of his physical and spiritual presence everywhere. I am getting him cremated
(in his cozy soft bed he loved, if they will allow it) so he will be back,
sort of, but this is the first time I have had one of my cats in someone
else's care when out of my house. I never leave them alone in a strange
place. I know it's weird but it's creeping me out thinking of him alone,
even if he is curled in his beloved bed, at the doctors office. I didn't
like leaving him there. :(

All, if you can, give your kitties a kiss, a hug and a treat today to thank
them for still being around. I know I am!


Dana and her 6 other furbabies (Callie, Hobbie, Greyling, Fuzzy, Magical
Forest Creature and Honeybunny Pouf) .
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Husband has passed away..... :(

2011-04-10 Thread wendy

I am so deeply sorry for your loss.  You must be one strong woman.  Praying for 
peace and comfort for you.  I can't imagine...

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

From: "" 
Sent: Sat, April 2, 2011 10:27:12 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Husband has passed away. :(

Thank you all for your kind words and love in this difficult time for me. 
It is hard on me since we have been together for many years. 
He had a genuine love for animals and supported me in everything I did in 
My husband passed away 4:30 in the morning on Thursday. He died peacefully in 
his sleep. I know he is longer in pain and sick is healthy again. 

He will be greeted by others that have went to the Rainbow Bridge especially by 
my Taz as he loved him too.

Sultan, WA. 98294
Terrie Mohr-Forker
Non-Profit national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
Copyright © 1999-2010 All rights reserved.

> From: "" 
> To:
> Sent: Mon, March 28, 2011 8:09:59 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Time to step down from rescuing for a time being.
> Hi all,I'm taking some time off from rescue due to my husband's 
> illness. He
> has
> liver failure and is not a candidate for a transplant. He has been
> hospitalized 2 times this month and once last month he was placed 
> into a
> skill
> nursing facility since the 18th of February after the first trip to 
> the
> hospital.
> He is in the end final stage of his disease his liver has stopped 
> working.
> Can die at any given time. He is being given all the pain meds he 
> wants for
> comfort so he will most likely fall asleep an never wake up again.
> I want to make myself available at all times for him.
> He is only 64 years old... I know to some of you that may sound old 
> but it
> isn't
> really.
> Hospice has been part of this as well to help me cope with all of 
> this.
> Hospice
> is available to me 24 hours a day.
> Sincerely,
> Terrie
> Sultan, WA. 98294
> Terrie Mohr-Forker
> Non-Profit national rescue
> Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
> Copyright C 1999-2010 All rights reserved.
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list


2005-10-25 Thread wendy

Is your kitty eating today?


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: Emilio and Frito

2005-10-25 Thread wendy

Blessings to you for helping these animals in need
out.  I often chastise myself because many times it
seems I am more compassionate for these cats than I am
for my own human race.  But the love is there, and the
only thing we can do to feel right is go with it,
which is what you have been doing.  I understand about
the acquisition of cats.  They are social animals.  I
started out with two, and then along came a stray, who
I found a home for, but not before she had a litter. 
I found homes for two of her kittens, but the third,
Cricket, I couldn't.  Fell in love with him and that
made three.  Then my parents moved to Florida and left
their 3 cats with me until they found a home.  Well
they found a home all right, but the HO doesn't allow
animals outside the home, and my mom is allergic.  So
now I'm up to six.  The day my husband and I moved
into our home, a seventh stray showed up.  Then my
sister decided to get a divorce and not take care of
her son or their 3 cats, so now I have ten cats and a
ten year old.  LOL.  The city has a limit of three, so
I pray that none of our neighbors find that out.  Four
live inside and the rest outside, and the neighbors
have been wonderful about the cats it seems.  Although
I am sure we are known as the cat people.  My husband
isn't too happy about it, but what can I do?  My goal
is to become debt free and buy some land and get a
barn like one of the other ladies on this site so I
have a place for these cats to go.  In the meantime...

I wouldn't be able to euthanize Emilio and Frito
either, so don't feel bad.  There is an organization
called Best Friends. They are
located in Utah, but they have a lot of sister
organizations all over the country that they partner
with.  I support them financially because I believe in
what they are doing.  Once I called them because my
ailing grandmother was feeding all these cats and they
kept multiplying because they were feral and she
couldn't catch them to have them fixed.  BF called an
organization in Greensboro, N.C., where my grandma
lives and they came out and caught all the cats, fixed
them, and brought them back.  There were probably 8
cats.  BF is awesome.  The main thing they are known
for is their sanctuary in Utah, which takes care of
hundreds of animals that are "unadoptable".  People
take their vacations there to volunteer.  It's really
neat.  Anyway, maybe they can help you.  And maybe you
will have luck with the Best Little Cat House in the
next month or so.  Also, there are some people who
take in only FeLV cats, so maybe an ad in the
newspaper asking for help???

>From what I have studied about FeLV, and from what my
vet gave me to read, the transmission of FeLV is
either through bite wounds, birth, close casual
contact (grooming), and shared dishes or litter pans. 
So hopefully, play fighting through a door won't
qualify, but you can't be too sure.  Probably the
reason your vet hasn't been too reassuring or the
info. you get is contradictory is that the vet
professionals and researchers still don't know much
about FeLV.  They are at a loss as well, although
strides have been made in the past ten years in
medical research and is ongoing.  

There may come a time when you may have make the
decision to stop feeding any strays that come along,
and they will move on to the next house they think
they may be able to get food from.  I know that sounds
horrible, but at some point, you may have to draw the
line, whether it be 5 cats, 10, or 20.  If you don't,
you might end up on TV like these people who have 50
cats in their small apartment and the health
department and animal control are busting their door
down.  ;P

Have a great day Chrissy, and take care-
God Bless You for your efforts-

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Encouragement for Julie and Mandy

2005-10-25 Thread wendy

I am so sorry you and Mandy are going through this
right now.  My heart goes out to you both.  I told
myself that I would not allow Cricket to suffer, so
when the time comes that he is visibly suffering and
not taking any enjoyment from life, I will take him. 
I know the time will come for us as well.  As long as
Mandy wants you to hold her and stroke her, I believe
she is able to enjoy herself and feel good.  I hope
that you will somehow feel peaceful when the time
comes to make that decision and you are the only
person, and the best, who should be making that
decision.  I will pray for peace and courage for you
and Mandy.


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


2005-10-26 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

Well, this morning was a tough one.  I took Cricket in
to another vet because I wasn't totally comfortable
with the one I took him to on Monday.  He sedated
Cricket and took his blood, etc.  His initial count
(before labs come back) of rbc came to 13, which he
said is pretty bad.  He said he is deathly anemic.  He
also tested positive for FeLV, which I pretty much
already knew, but was hoping the diagnosis two years
ago was wrong.  I felt like an idiot bursting into
tears in front of this person I had never met before. 
He recommended staying on the Prednisone (Cricket
seemed much more energetic this morning and ate more,
so I am hopeful).  He also tested his reticulocytes
(sp?), which are what he needs to make red blood
cells, and said that he has 1%, which if he had had
none, then there would be no hope.  So I am trying to
remain hopeful.  The vet said to keep him on the
steroids and check back in two weeks, plus when his
labs come back today or tomorrow, we'll know more and
the prognosis may change.  This vet is an older
gentleman, and does not believe in ImmunoRegulin use. 
But I have heard too many stories on the net, some
from articles from vets which I have verified, and I
can't sit back and watch to see if Cricket makes it on
his own or not without doing everything I can to help
him.  So I ordered the ImmunoRegulin online and have
no idea how to administer it.  Does anyone here have
any idea on how to do this, where to administer it,
and how much?  Or is this something that has to be put
in a vein (which I won't do).  I am wondering how in
the world to approach the vet.  "Hey Doc, I know you
are trying to help my cat, but I just feel you aren't
doing everything possible, so I went ahead and bought
these drugs online.  Can you administer them for me
please?"  Doesn't sound quite right, you know?  Any
thoughts or info. is greatly appreciated!!!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: My Beautiful Mandy

2005-10-27 Thread wendy

What do you say to someone who's heart is broken? 
This may sound a little odd, but I remember this poem
from when I tried out for drill team in high school
and didn't make it.  I know you are no longer a child,
but you are a child of God.  


Lord, you have taught me to accept defeat 
To taste the bitter when I sought the sweet 
Knowing the longest night brings hopeful dawn, 
I gather up the pieces and go on. 

Now, let your Spirit tell me how to treat 
A child whose dreams lie broken at her feet; 
How to share the hard-earned wisdom and the calm, 
The confidence, to be her sore heart's balm? 

She's tender, Lord, Her hurts hurt more than mine. 
She's young, and thinks the sun will never shine. 
Just yesterday, she laughed, and walked in clover... 
Teach her tomorrow is for starting over. 
-- Author: Helene Lewis Coffer 

Julie, I hope you find some comfort from the words
that everyone has written.  It's wonderful that you
were able to be with Mandy when she passed; I know she
wasn't as scared because you were there.  That is my
one wish for Cricket if he doesn't make it.  I don't
want him to be alone.  

You will get through this Julie.

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

Cricket isn't feral, but he sure does act like it
sometimes.  He gets crazy if anyone tries to do
anything to him at the vet.  Since he was so anemic,
it was less stressful on him to sedate him.  I did
find a vet who will administer the ImmunoRegulin that
I bought as soon as it gets here.  I just don't know
what dosage to give him.  The vet said he would look
up the dosage, but I am a little weary about vets
anyway, and like to find the information out before I
do things so I'm not caught off guard or know if
something doesn't sound right.  I hope we have enough
time.  Cricket's labs came back with a hemocrit of 7%,
which is pretty bad, and he didn't look so well this
morning.  So I am just trying to get through the day
at work so I can get home to him.  I wish it were
Friday.  The vet didn't sound very encouraging after
looking at his labs. He also had one eye dilated this
morning so I don't know what in the world that means. 
I just hope if he goes that I am home with him.  Has
anyone had a cat die of anemia at home while you were
there?  Is it painful?  I don't want to take him to
the vet if I don't have to because he hates going to
the vet.  Thanks.

Hanging on to hope-

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Here's where to go to see the SC kitty pix!

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
I loved the pictures; they are all beautiful cats!  I
hope you have great luck in adopting them out to
loving and compassionate homes.

> -- 
> ___
> Search for businesses by name, location, or phone
> number.  -Lycos Yellow Pages

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: Wendy/ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank you so much Kerry; I can't seem to get enough
information right now.  And I'm feeling pretty
desperate and tired, but probably not more so than
Cricket.  I appreciate and look forward to receiving
the "package".  Maybe something in there will be
lifesaving for him, or give him more time to live
healthily and happily.  Thanks for the hugs.  :( Wendy

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: for Wendy: ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank Kerry-I printed the info. off and will take it
to the vet's tomorrow.  I pray that Cricket is better
today and will be responsive to the IR.  God bless
you.  Wendy

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: My Beautiful Mandy and Julie

2005-10-27 Thread wendy

I'm glad you found this site.  It has been a God-send
for me in the past week while my cat Cricket is sick. 
Cricket is doing much like your Jazzy; lying in our
bedroom in a corner behind a plant.  I think they may
be twins the way you describe Jazzy: fighting the
pills, purring softly, disinterested in food/water. 
I'm not ready to let Cricket go yet and since he has
been up and down for the past ten+ days, I am still
holding out hope.  I know you've probably read the
posts on ImmunoRegulin.  I will let you know asap how
Cricket fares with the injections.  His hemocrit is
horribly low.  The post before mine about seeing a
specialist might help you put your mind at ease.  At
least you'll know exactly what your treatment options
are for Jazzy.  I'm weighing a blood transfusion right
now, but it's so expensive and may only prolong his
life a little.  It's horrible when someone you love
wastes away in front of your eyes.  Cricket has been a
source of my laughter for the past 4 and a half years.
 He is a unique cat.  He likes riding in the car and
getting into the shower with me.  Maybe he thinks he's
a dog.  lol.  I understand your heartache and am
sending prayers and peace to Jazzy and you.  


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Wendy/ImmunoRegulin/Cricket

2005-10-27 Thread wendy
Thank you for your prayers Nina.  And the info.  I am
not sure how Cricket will respond to the needle
tomorrow, but if it's more effective than subQ, I'd
rather go that route.  I promised Cricket after his
last harrowing visit to the vet two years ago that I
would never leave him again and I won't.  He almost
died then; if I wouldn't have taken him home and cared
for him round the clock like I did he would probably
have been gone in another half day.  I know he would
rather be at home.  I would never forgive myself if he
passed away while at the vets without me there.  I had
a hard time with the guilt two years ago, although I
had no idea that he wasn't being cared for properly.


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"Wednesday" and leaving cats at the vet

2005-10-31 Thread wendy
What a beautiful poem Laura!  I loved it.  For the
record, I never leave my cats at the vet, unless I'm
having them spayed/neutered or unless there is
ABSOLUTELY no other way around it.  Otherwise, I am
right there with them.  That way, if the vet decides
to make a decision, I am right there.  Learned this
the hard way.  Thanks for the tip-I will keep that in
mind in the future.

Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page!

Update on Cricket

2005-10-31 Thread wendy
Well, it has been a roller coaster of a weekend for
me.  My poor husband probably thinks I have gone
bonkers.  I called in sick (in tears) to work Thursday
evening (for Friday) because I thought I was going to
have to take Cricket to be PTS if he started having
difficulty breathing due to low rbc's.  Friday morning
I woke up late, having gotten some MUCH needed rest,
and Cricket seemed the same.  He didn't seem to be in
pain or having trouble breathing, so I didn't take him
to the vet.  I had taken him the evening before to get
the IV shot of ImmunoRegulin, that had just come in
the mail, thank goodness.  Saturday, I expected him to
be worse, but he wasn't.  Sunday, he seemed to be a
little stronger and alert and had gained weight from
what I could tell on the scales.  The vet called me
this morning to tell me he had read Cricket's labs (he
was out of town) and that he has a responsive anemia,
which we were under the impression that it was
non-responsive.  Non responsive is bad; not much
chance for survival.  Responsive is different.  So
that basically means Cricket has hope.  I am taking
him tomorrow for another shot of ImmunoRegulin.  I
called Dr. Mike Lies, the guy who wrote the article
titled "Volume of Opinion Warrants Merit" posted on
the website.  He just called me
back today to verify that he had indeed written the
article in 1989, and that he still uses ImmunoRegulin.
 He actually uses EqStim, which is the same thing, and
what I ordered for Cricket on  They
use it for horses, but lower dosages can be used for
cats.  He said he would do .5ml twice a week for two
weeks and see how Cricket does, and keep him on the
Prednisolone.  Both vets agreed that a transfusion
would do no good as he is trying to make his own rbc's
and his body might actually fight against the new
rbc's from the transfusion.  So it's just a waiting
game now.  I am so thankful I have all of you to vent
to, if you want to call it venting.  Some might call
it whining.  Others, expressing myself.  One thing is
for sure, I feel ten times better now that Cricket has
some hope and I am pulling myself out of the dumps, as
I hope he is too.  This weekend, he spent several
hours each day out in the sun enjoying himself. 
Normally when I let him out, he tries to explore other
homes, and I have to round him up.  But he just lies
there and watches right now.  Hopefully, he will soon
have the energy to do a little exploring.  I never
thought I would be happy about that, but I look
forward to it.  I hope this story/information gives
some of you hope who may be in the same situation. 
Thanks again for your prayers and support.  Wendy and

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Leuk Positive Kitty - Urgent (Rochester, NY)

2005-10-31 Thread wendy
Amy,  I'm all the way in Texas and don't know anyone
in NY.  Try contacting Best Friends (
and see if they have a contact.  Good luck.  Wendy

--- Amy Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I had sent this e-mail out last week regarding a
> leuk
> positive kitty.  I haven't followed up because I
> didn't hear back from my vet or the rescuer.  She
> just
> called last night and is still looking for a home
> for
> this kitty.  She can't keep her and the kitten is
> confined to a porch where she can no longer stay as
> it
> gets cold.  Can anybody help this little girl?  The
> rescuer tells me she is a total sweetheart and just
> precious and wants to come in and mix with her other
> cats so badly.  She just doesn't want to mix the
> leuk
> pos with her healthy cats and I can understand that.
> Everybody has a different opinion on that.  Anyways,
> please see the description below from my previous
> e-mail.  Obviously, she is a bit older now, probably
> 12 weeks or so.
> My vet just called me to tell me about a kitten that
> just tested positive for leukemia.  The owner
> (rescuer) can house her temporarily but needs to
> find
> her a home as soon as possible.  They are thinking
> she
> is about 10 weeks old.  She is mostly grey with some
> orange spots.  She has had her distemper shot and
> has
> been dewormed and flea treated.  She has not been
> spayed yet and is too young for her rabies shot.  Is
> there anybody that could give this little sweetie a
> home?  I am willing to make arrangements for
> transportation.  We just don't want to see this
> little
> one euthanized.
> Amy Wilkins 
> Woof Wagon
> __ 
> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: I'm Back!!! Sorry so long.......

2006-04-27 Thread wendy
Hey Terri,

I am so sorry to hear that you lost your beloved Sam,
and that all this could have been avoided.  I can't
believe they messed your home up like they did.  What
a royal pain!!!  I am glad to hear that things are
getting back to normal.  I hope you are able to get
your cattery up soon Terri.  Take care of yourself!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> Wanted to let you know I'm back after 6-7 weeks
> of hell. From Feb. 28th 
> through the current time.
> My home and rescue was being relocated on some
> property with about 3 acres.
> I owned a very nice huge manufactured home with
> additions and covered decks 
> that were damaged by the mobile home movers in
> transit. They are being sued of 
> course. We have a contractor coming on the 25th of
> April to start repairing 
> all the damages. The damages are unbelievable but at
> least we are able to live 
> in the home. You name it it is damaged. My home sat
> until the latter part of 
> March, wasn't ready until the first week of April to
> live in. When it was 
> supposed to be moved 1st of March. 
> Yes, I'm a little pissed putting it mildly.
> At least we have water and heat.
> Due to the stress of my Siamese being in boarding I
> lost one that broke my 
> heart. All were Vet checked prior and were in
> perfect health. 
> They had been in boarding since the 27th of Feb.
> I hold the mobile home movers responsible for this.
> My home was supposed to 
> be moved on the 1st of March which didn't happen. So
> the kitties were in 
> boarding over 18 days until we lost my "Sam" then we
> yanked them all out and took 
> them to the motel we were staying out. I could tell
> I was going to lose a few 
> more if I didn't do so. Yes, we did sneak them all
> in the room. Told 
> housekeeping we do our own cleaning and such. We
> paid an extra $150 for a deposit to have 
> them. They knew we had Siameses but didn't know how
> many.
> A few of you know what I have been going through. It
> has been hell for my 
> husband and myself. Things are starting to get
> better but my heart still aches 
> for the loss of my Sam. I am glad to say I was able
> to bring him home to bury 
> him on our new property. Thank god it was raining
> that day because while I was 
> burying him I was crying my eyeballs out. He didn't
> have to die but I knew in 
> my heart that it was stress and anxiety that got
> him. 
> The amazing thing was on our way to see the cats
> before taking them to the 
> room there was a beautiful rainbow that afternoon.
> My husband commented 
> afterwards that it was Sam passing and going to the
> bridge.
> So reality is I'm back and hope to get my cattery
> built when the funds become 
> available.
> P.S.
> My mailing address and phone number is the same for
> the rescue.
> Terrie Mohr
> Owner/Driver
> Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
> Group!
> Adopt a Homeless Pet!

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Re: CLS question for Belinda

2006-04-27 Thread wendy

I'm sorry to hear about little Snoopy.  Take care of


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Belinda,
>   I just wondered if my dog could be added to the
> CLS..I lost Snoopy on Thursday, April 20.  He grew
> up with Buster and Lil Rascal..He would have been 11
> on May 7. He suffered a stroke last Sat a week
> ago...I still have his sisters Buffy and Muffy..I
> raised the 3 on the bottle as their mom passed away
> 45 min after their birth..This was so
> warning signs...and after just losing my 2 kitties,
> well, you all know how it is...
>   Just wondered if he could be added since he was
> their friend..
>   Thank you so much, 
>   Kerry, Bandy and Inky
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones
> from your PC and save big.

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Michelle and Lucy

2006-04-27 Thread wendy
Hi Michelle,

How is Lucy doing today?  I hope she is better.  I had
surgery on my feet a few days ago, so I have been out
of the loop and am trying to catch up on my emails.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> For the past two days, Lucy has had liquid diarrhea,
> and now she is not  
> eating at all and is acting less energetic than
> normal-- not chasing her laser  
> toy, which she normally runs all around chasing
> obsessively, only playing with  
> string a little.  She has had IBD since October, and
> was doing really well  on 
> a raw diet and 1.25 mg of prednisone every 3 days.
> This came on suddenly  
> yesterday.  Apparently Gray left out a bowl of olive
> oil that he was  dipping 
> bread in, and when he went to put it away a few
> hours later noticed that  a lot 
> of it was gone. Lucy does like olive oil-- I gave it
> to her once when she  was 
> constipated, just a teaspoon full, and she licked it
> up.  So I am  hoping that 
> the way she is feeling right now, and the diarrhea,
> is just from her  eating 
> too much olive oil, and that it will get better
> soon.  I am not sure  she has 
> every stopped eating before though. I put her back
> on 10 mg/day of  
> prednisone, and force-fed her some turkey baby food.
>  She also licked up a  little 
> turkey baby food on her own, but not much.  This
> morning there was  foamy yellow 
> puke with blades of grass in about 4 or 5 spots in
> the house, so  maybe she 
> started getting nauseous from the oil yesterday
> afternoon, ate the  grass, threw 
> up during the night, and now has an upset stomach. I
> am hoping that  is all it 
> is.  But she is positive, so I always fear lymphoma.
>   Salmonella is also a 
> possibility, I guess, since she eats raw turkey, but
> it is  apparently pretty 
> rare for cats to get that.  Gray said he is pretty
> sure  that a lot of the olive 
> oil was missing, and there is nothing else that
> could  have happened to it, 
> as Patches can not jump on the counter.
> I have a vet appointment scheduled for tomorrow
> morning. Do you think I  
> should take her? Do you think that drinking a bunch
> of oil two days ago could  
> make her still feel sick two days later and not want
> to eat? I guess that the  
> fact that she already had IBD and could not even eat
> normal cat food without  
> getting sick might make her respond worse to
> drinking oil than a normal cat  
> would. I can not handle losing another cat right
> now.  Not that I can ever  
> really handle it, I guess.  
> Any thoughts, advice, prayers, or good energy you
> can spare would be  
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Michelle

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2006-04-27 Thread wendy
I am happy to hear that Hannibal is doing so well. 
I've been out of commission for a while, so I didn't
know he was feeling so badly.  Please keep us posted
on his progress.  Congratulations!


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Hi, everyone, I wanted to thank you all for all your
> prayers for
> Hannibal - I picked him last night at the vet and
> brought him home and
> took him back to the vet this morning again for more
> IV (planned
> already) - Kim (who is so good to my kitties and is
> a vet tech there)
> was feeding him every hour with syringe while he was
> there all day
> yesterday.
> When I took him back this morning, he seemed more
> alert at the vet, Kim
> thought - there was a kitty who was meowing very
> loud and Hannibal was
> interested in finding out what's going on.  Also,
> Kim just called me and
> let me know that this morning, Hannibal ate on his
> own! (baby food
> and AD food), which is almost a miracle to me as he
> has not eaten
> significant amount of solid food for the past few
> weeks!  Also, he
> is now sitting more front of the cage as opposed to
> hiding in the back!
> It made me cry --- I think Hannibal is feeling
> better!  I just wanted to
> let you know because I thought he was so close to
> crossing and the only
> reason I did not give up was because Jasmine (AC)
> told me that he is not
> ready to give up and we decided to continue to
> fight!
> Please continue to pray for my little miracle boy 
> that he will continue
> to get better!
> Thank you!
> Hideyo

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2006-04-27 Thread wendy
Hi Marylyn,

I don't know what happened as I did not receive your
post regarding Kitty.  I don't know what it said, but
judging from what others are writing to you, it looks
like you have lost your beloved Kitty.  I am so sorry.
 I hope that Kitty did not suffer before she crossed
the bridge.  I know you were there for her and I think
you're a wonderful kitty mom.  Please let me know if
there's anything you need or if you just need to talk.

Take care,

--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you.  Maybe others can benefit from the things
> I learned caring for her.  They are small things but
> often overlooked.  They were very helpful with her. 
>  If
> you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
> will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>  St. Francis
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: catatonya 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:55 PM
>   Subject: kitty
>   I'm so sorry for your loss Maralyn.
>   tonya
>   Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kitty just left this world.  We went thru a
> period where she did not eat but that improved. 
> Here are some things I learned:
> Raise the food and water dishes so they are
> easier to reach.  Have you ever tried to swallow
> with your head hanging down?  
> I used Nutri-Cal to get her to eat a few bites. 
> Like people, it is difficult to get the first bites
> down after a fast.  
> I ground ham up with a little water and gave
> that to her on my fingers.  The salt helped settle
> her stomach (I think).
> I also got the baby, liquid, no flavoring
> version of gas-x.  It seemed to sooth her throat and
> belly.  
> Whipped cream also helped  sometimes. 
> When Ebony was leaving this world several years
> ago, I asked the vet to prescribe valium to enhance
> his appetite.  I also used tuna and salmon with both
> cats.  
> Keep in touch with your AC.   
> Blessings to you and to Hannibal.
> If you have men who will exclude any of God's
> creatures
> from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
> will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>  St. Francis
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:39 AM
>   Subject: Please pray for my baby, Hannibal 
>   Hi, everyone, I am writing to all of you to
> ask for prayers for my CRF baby Hannibal.  He sort
> of stopped eating since last Friday (he also has
> green color discharge from nose and can't smell)
> well.  I took him to the vet last week and his PCV
> was actually up to 23.  But he lost about 2 lb or so
> since the previous month.  I have been giving fluid
> twice day 200 ml to see if he can get out of this
> crisis (I don't know - is this what's called
> "crash"?
>   But this morning, I took him to the vet to get
> him in IV and dex (sugar thing) to see if we can get
> though it.  I know he wants to eat because he tries
> but he can't may be from nausea or maybe from not
> being able to smell.
>   I talked to Jasmine, my AC who talked to
> Hannibal - and he is not ready to give up and so I
> am fighting with him.
>   Please please provide any insight from your
> experience which may help Hannibal - he has been on
> injectable pepc AC and raglan for the past two days
> or so.  And, please please pray for my baby!
>   Hideyo

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Re: OT - need info from Dallas area folks

2006-04-27 Thread wendy
Hi Susan,

Eric can call Boutique Pet Shop, which is in the White
Rock area.  They don't do spay/neuters, but I know
they can refer him to someone trustworthy in the area.
 Other than that, I don't know where to send him in
that particular area.  I am east of Dallas.


--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got the strangest call yesterday - I am in Little
> Rock and I had a call from someone who I finally
> realized was in Dallas - he'd been given my cell
> phone number as a contact for a low cost neuter -
> which our rescue group here does.  He said that
> Petco, I think gave it to him - which is totally
> weird.  
>   The man has a stray cat that he wants to give
> away.  It is FIV+and unaltered.  I told him the
> kitty definitely had to be neutered before he had
> any chance of finding it a home.  All I knew to
> suggest was to call the Dallas ASPCA - whose shelter
> I've driven past in Dallas.   He doesn't want to
> drive all the way across town and back twice a day. 
> He said he lives out toward White Rock Lake.
>   Does anyone in the area have any suggestions that
> I could give him.  His name is Eric; email is
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and his phone number
> is 214-395-4834.  Thanks.

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Re: JuneAmy

2006-05-03 Thread wendy

I haven't been online much in the past couple of weeks
because I had surgery, but I wanted to tell you that I
am sorry you lost your beloved JuneAmy, and I hope
that all the wonderful memories you have of her will
comfort you while you are grieving her loss.


--- Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am so very sorry too, Pam. My heart goes out to
> you. I am glad that at least JuneAmy knew what it
> was to be loved and truly cared for. Kerry M/
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Pam Norman 
>   To: Felv 
>   Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 1:52 PM
>   Subject: JuneAmy 
>   I have to believe that when our little ones cross
> the Rainbow Bridge & reach the other side, the sick
> have left their suffering behind, the crippled can
> run & play, the deaf can hear, & the blind can see.
>   Today JuneAmy can see.
>   Pam
>   Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it is
> too dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster
> approaches, then why would you leave your PETS
> behind?  Never ever ever leave them behind!  Have
> enough crates for all & take them with you!  They
> are your family!

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Smookie, feline herpes, and a corneal ulcer

2006-05-03 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

Well, Smookie, the kitty I adopted last month had to
go to the vet a couple of weeks ago because I thought
she had jabbed her eye on something or one of my other
cats had attacked her.  But the vet said that she had
a corneal ulcer, and now he thinks that the other eye
that she already lost was not due to an accident, but
to feline herpes and a severely ulcerated cornea. 
Since she was a stray, and the eye was so bad, they
didn't know what had happened, and so they just
removed the eye.  But now he thinks it's feline
herpes, which I know nothing about.  I read Rachel's
post on conjunctivitis, and will pick up some L-lysine
as soon as possible.  Is this a tasteless powder that
I can sneak into wet food?  The doctor gave me two
sets of eye drops, one that is an antibiotic, and one
that I believe he said was sulphur.  I don't have it
here at work to see the label.  So far, they aren't
working so great, and Smookie is a real pain in the
butt to give them to.  She thinks she is a jackrabbit,
and kicks my boobs to death if I don't wrap her up in
a towel, which hasn't always been available since I've
been down after foot surgery.  Any advice other than
the L-lysine?  Anyone have experience with corneal
ulcers or feline herpes, good or bad?  I don't want
her to lose her only eye to this virus.  What is the
average life span of a kitty with feline herpes?  Can
they live a long life with this virus?


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Cricket and heart murmur

2006-05-03 Thread wendy

My Cricket had a heart murmur when he was ill with
anemia as well.  Other than the anemia, I don't think
that there were any other health problems going on
when the heart murmur was diagnosed (other than
dehydration/lack of food).  Is your Cricket anemic?  I
don't think that doctors freak out on heart murmurs. 
Apparently, a lot of kitties have them in conjunction
with other health problems, and can live a long time
with them.  My Julie has hyperthyroidism and also has
a heart murmur, which I am told will most likely go
away when we get her thyroid meds regulated.  You
might check for that, but it sounds like your Cricket
might be too young to have that, although it has
happened in younger cats.  Hope this helps and keep us


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Foo Fighting Kitties

2006-05-03 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I am sad to hear that I'm not the only one having
trouble with kitties behaving in a uncivil feline way.
 I put Pepper and LuLu, my two original kitties, in
our small 6x6 room, with their kitty tree, litter
boxes, and food and water with the intention of
re-training them to use the litter box while we tiled
the house.  So far, that has worked out great, except
when I let them out last week to reintroduce
themselves to the house, while I was laid up on the
couch after having surgery on both feet, LuLu attacks
kitten Smookie in my bedroom.  I jump up (ouch!), grab
the nearest thing with a handle (a cheap sponge mop),
and "run" down the hallway with these clod-hopper
post-surgical shoes on (OMG, OW, OMG, OW, OW...)  All
the while, these cats are screaming.  I take a swat at
what I thought was LuLu under the bed attacking
Smookie, only to find that I had accidentally whacked
Smookie (thank goodness it wasn't hard!)  I take
another swat at LuLu, while yelling for her to get out
of here, as I was very angry with her, and
accidentally hit the cheap glass cover on my
nightstand, and glass goes flying everywhere, ALL OVER
THE BEDROOM!!!  I picked up glass all day.  I was so
mad, because here's this poor kitty, who doesn't seem
to have a mean bone in her body, and just wants to
play, sleep, eat, and be loved on, and has already
lost one eye to a stress-related virus, who's getting
picked on by my beloved LuLu.  So now I am keeping
LuLu and Pepper (who can be just as mean to Smookie)
in that 6x6 room, which is supposed to be the bathroom
for all the kitties in the house.  It SUCKS!  I am
going to try reintroducing them when I can get around
better, but for now, life is not how I imagined it
would be after we adopted Smookie.  Poor baby...


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Jen: Smookie, feline herpes, and a corneal ulcer

2006-05-04 Thread wendy
Thanks Jen-I will try that when I get home from work
tonight.  Hopefully it will work a lot better!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Wendy, if she's able to kick you in the boobs, you
> aren't restraining her right. The
> BEST way to restrain a cat (on your own, with no
> tools or gimmicks) is to put the cat
> on the floor, preferably a SMOOTH floor, so their
> claws can't get any traction
> (bathrooms work well, even IN the bathtub if you
> have full house carpeting). Straddle
> the cat, facing the same direction, then go down on
> your knees OVER the cat. The cat
> will be between your legs, it's back near your
> crotch, it's tail will be going out
> behind you, near your feet, it's head will be in
> front of your knees. Put your feet
> close together, to block the "rear escape" route,
> then hold kitty's head or neck
> scruff, and SIT down on her. Don't literally put all
> your weight on her, but you want
> to form a wedge, a TIGHT one, on her with your
> crotch, legs, feet, and hands. She
> should be trapped now. If she moves, sit down more
> and squeeze your legs together
> tighter, keep your feet crossed if you have to, to
> form a tight wedge (a few
> threatening curse words usually work well in this
> step, LOL). Since you are
> approaching with the medicine from the front, most
> cats will react by trying to back
> out of this hold, so you have to keep your legs,
> feet, and butt all tight together.
> You should be able to grab her by the neck scruff
> (the skin) and pull her back and
> push her down if she tries to run forward out of the
> hold (front claws will be
> clawing uselessly in the air to the front, just
> avoid them, aim the drops/meds
> BETWEEN swats, timing is everything). Use one hand
> to wrangle kitty, use the other
> for giving the meds. Make sure you have the
> bottles/tubes, etc OPEN before you begin,
> because you'll only have one free hand to use for
> the medicine application. This
> method will work for all but the most feral and
> vicious cats.
> Jenn
> Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
> Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured
> when someone wrapped wire around
> his neck to strangle him,
> Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring
> Tangle to Vermont to find him a
> good home!
> DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for
> construction), a digital camera (for
> pictures), and more towels!
> -- 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.2/329 -
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Becca: Foo Fighting Kitties

2006-05-04 Thread wendy
LOL...I don't know why I do this to myself.  I know
one thing: I'm not starting any new projects (that I
can control) until well into the summer.  My husband
and I both need a rest!!!


--- Becca DuBose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy,
> It sounds like you don't have enough on your plate
> right now.  Is there something else you can squeeze
> in?
> ;)
> Becca
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi guys,
> I am sad to hear that I'm not the only one having
> trouble with kitties behaving in a uncivil feline
> way.
>  I put Pepper and LuLu, my two original kitties, in
> our small 6x6 room, with their kitty tree, litter
> boxes, and food and water with the intention of
> re-training them to use the litter box while we
> tiled
> the house.  So far, that has worked out great,
> except
> when I let them out last week to reintroduce
> themselves to the house, while I was laid up on the
> couch after having surgery on both feet, LuLu
> attacks
> kitten Smookie in my bedroom.  I jump up (ouch!),
> grab
> the nearest thing with a handle (a cheap sponge
> mop),
> and "run" down the hallway with these clod-hopper
> post-surgical shoes on (OMG, OW, OMG, OW, OW...) 
> All
> the while, these cats are screaming.  I take a swat
> at
> what I thought was LuLu under the bed attacking
> Smookie, only to find that I had accidentally
> whacked
> Smookie (thank goodness it wasn't hard!)  I take
> another swat at LuLu, while yelling for her to get
> out
> of here, as I was very angry with her, and
> accidentally hit the cheap glass cover on my
> nightstand, and glass goes flying everywhere, ALL
> THE BEDROOM!!!  I picked up glass all day.  I was so
> mad, because here's this poor kitty, who doesn't
> seem
> to have a mean bone in her body, and just wants to
> play, sleep, eat, and be loved on, and has already
> lost one eye to a stress-related virus, who's
> getting
> picked on by my beloved LuLu.  So now I am keeping
> LuLu and Pepper (who can be just as mean to Smookie)
> in that 6x6 room, which is supposed to be the
> bathroom
> for all the kitties in the house.  It SUCKS!  I am
> going to try reintroducing them when I can get
> around
> better, but for now, life is not how I imagined it
> would be after we adopted Smookie.  Poor baby...
> :)
> Wendy  

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Re: Some good news--and thanks to Nina & Hideyo!!

2006-05-04 Thread wendy

Praises that you got the family leave approved (yea!)
and I'll continue to pray for your dad, you, your
kitties, and your family.  Also, awesome that Mickey
tested negative!  I am happy for you.  


--- Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's some good news. 
> But first, the background for those who don't know
> it: of the feral colony of 5 kittens (Caramel, Levi,
> Flavia, Snoball and Mickey) and I adult cat (Momcat)
> I took in in December 2003, 4 of the kittens
> ---Caramel, Levi, Flavia & Snoball--tested positive
> in Feb 2004 and all 5 kittens tested positive in
> July 2004. Momcat tested negative both times. 
> All were quarantined in my 2nd bedroom, away from my
> 3 existing negative cats. The 4 kitties that tested
> pos twice succumbed between November 2004 and July
> 2005. That left 1 pos, Mickey, and 1 neg, Momcat,
> both of whom I continued to quarantine. They were
> buddies and it would have been cruel to separate
> them, particularly as Momcat appeared immune to
> FeLV. 
> My dream has been that Mickey would revert to neg,
> and I could then integrate them both in my
> household. Hope springs eternal as they say-- I
> dreamed of that before, and it didn't come to pass. 
> Nonetheless for about 10 months, I dreamedand
> procrastinated over re-testing them for a variety of
> reasons, not least fear of Mickey testing pos again.
> Today I trapped Mickey, had him re-tested,
> and..he's NEGATIVE!!!
> Because I'm anal, I'm going to trap Momcat next
> weekend and have her tested. I fully expect her to
> have remained negative. But, if by some horrible
> twist of fate she is not (because she caught it from
> the pos kitties before they passed away) I plan
> at lastto vaccinate my negs and integrate
> them all anyway. There is a much better vaccination
> available now, and my vet has the special equipment
> to do it.
> This is such wonderful news on so many levels, not
> least because it demonstrates -- again---that FeLV
> is simply not as contagious as most people believe.
> Mickey lived with his siblings all his life, tested
> pos once, but has thrown it off. And Momcat, who
> also lived with them all, never got it in the first
> place. (And neither of them has ever been FeLV
> vaccinated!)
> It's also something I'm going to highlight in the
> letter to Paula F in my lobbying for the new Chicago
> PAWS shelter to have an FeLV annex. I had intended
> the letter to be (finally) mailed on Friday. But I'm
> glad that it wasn't!
> I now want to thank Nina for coming to my rescue
> when I called her at 11pm last night (1am my time)
> in a panic because Mickey walked into the trap way
> before I expected him to. How could I reasonably
> expect him to stay there all night? What was I going
> to do about his bodily needs?? Nina reassured me a)
> that she has had to do that too on occasion (so I
> stopped feeling like a monster) and b) advised me to
> elevate the trap and layer the floor with paper.
> Sure enough, everything fell through the wire mesh
> on to the paper so Mickey was not in the discomfort
> in which he would otherwise have been and he
> survived the night.
> And I have Hideyo to thank for the success of the
> next stage--I was gearing up for a chase & catch
> battle in transferring Mickey from the cage to a
> carrier to take to the vet (I don't have a car; so
> carrier is easier for standing in street hailing
> cab). But Hideyo has a great technique that she
> shared---uncover the cage the cat is in, and cover
> (or provide dark-colored) carrier you want to
> transfer the cat to. The principle being that they
> will always prefer the dark option. (Correct me if
> I'm wrong about the principle Hideyo) Sure
> enough--my little feral Mickey WALKED from the cage
> straight in to the carrier. No battle necessary!!
> So, today is a happy day at no 603, to say the
> least.
> Also, last but not least, I want to say, I'm sorry I
> continue to only post sporadically. I pray for all
> your sick kitties and send healing vibes. And my
> heart goes out to all those that have crossed the
> bridge. 
> I hope that I will be in a position to post more
> regualarly when I get back from UK mid-June. (I go
> there mid May.) (I had a month's FMLA approved
> yesterday, to be with my dad, who has Stage 3
> cancer.)  I *really* miss being part of the everyday
> list. This group is just the best EVER.
> love and hugs to all of you and your furballs.Kerry

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Kerry and Bandy

2006-05-04 Thread wendy

How is Bandy today?  I am sorry to hear that his eyes
are having trouble.  Did you take him to that
specialist in Carrollton?  Smookie is having trouble
too.  Please keep us posted on what the vet says and
I'll keep Bandy in my prayers.


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I took Bandy to an eye specialist in Dallas on
> his sight has just been getting worse in
> the last week or so...They changed his meds and
> increased them to 4x a day..also put him on
> zithromax for 5 days...he goes back in 2 weeks for a
> re-check..The doctor did say that we might get some
> of his vision back, but I don't think he was really
> that hopeful...I can get him to play with his
> string, but I don't know if he sees the shadow or
> what...I am just glad he will do that...I am going
> to keep everything the same for him so he won't have
> any trouble finding anything...
>   Michelle, if you see this let me know if you have
> any more info on the anterior uveitis..the doctor
> did say, that he might have posterior, too...He said
> there was so much inflammation in there, he couldn't
> really tell...
>   Please pray for Bandy everyone...
>   Kerry and Bandy
> -
> Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone
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Re: appropriate calorie in take for a kitty

2006-05-05 Thread wendy

Prayers coming your way for Bailey.  I hope the vet
can figure out quickly what is going on.  Please keep
us posted.


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Bailey is not doing well today, he seems to to
> really be nauseated 
> and even threw up on his second feeding right when I
> started.  I waited 
> a while and did manage to feed him, but on his third
> feeding I think he 
> had a convulsion or a seizure.  I was sitting on the
> couch feeding, he 
> was in his bed and all of a sudden he started
> flopping around in there, 
> it was so quick, I barely saw what happened.  It
> looked like he was 
> contorting and had no control, kind of arching his
> back.  It only lasted 
> maybe 5 seconds so I'm not sure what happened, but
> it was definitely 
> something he didn't have control over.  Now he is
> breathing a bit fast, 
> not too bad, I have an appointment tomorrow morning.
>  I'm just worried 
> he aspirated some food.
> I just called my vet and she is coming in early to
> see him.  I am not 
> feeding him anymore tonight.  We could sure use some
> prayers.  Thanks 
> all ...
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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To Noelle

2006-05-05 Thread wendy
Hi Noelle,

Nice to meet you; welcome to our humble group.  My
name is Wendy.  I am sorry to hear that you have lost
your beloved Cleo.  Most of us here have lost our
loved ones to FeLV as well, and many of us stay,
including me, even though we don't have anymore FeLV+
kitties because of the wonderful support and
information we got here while tending to our furkids,
and want to help others as we were helped.  I lost my
Cricket in November; he also received the FeLV in
utero from his mom.  This list was a God-send for me. 

FeLV is not an immediate death sentence, and many
kitties here live happy, healthy lives until the virus
kicks in.  I believe Bailey here is our poster child,
and although is having trouble at the moment, he is I
believe 16 years old, if not older.  Whatever you do,
don't allow the vet to talk you into euthanizing her. 
If they try to, you will be better off finding a vet
who supports caring for FeLV kitties.  The main thing
in caring preventatively for FeLV kitties is to keep
their immune system boosted and keep them stress-free.
 I am going to send you directly an email with an
attachment (we can't send attachments through the
group).  The attachment is a manual that was put
together from posts from all the wonderful members
here.  There is a lot of great info. in it.  

Please keep us posted on what your vet says, and if
you need anything, just ask.  Sorry I didn't get to
you yesterday, but things were really hectic at work!
Dallas, Tx

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To Belinda regarding the feeding tube

2006-05-05 Thread wendy

Please let me know what the vet says about Bailey's
feeding tube.  The night Cricket died, which was the
same day the feeding tube was inserted, he had some of
the symptoms (the arching of the back, stiffness,
breathing difficulty) you said Bailey is having, and I
am wondering if the feeding tube wasn't done correctly
or if something went wrong with it.  I didn't want to
say anything to you earlier because I didn't want to
scare you, but now that you mentioned Bailey's
breathing is better, and you think it might be the
tube, I am starting to wonder about Cricket's tube.  I
never pondered that he could have died from a problem

Thank you,

--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We will all be anxious to hear how the vet visit
> goes.
> Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Thank you
> Susan, we are going to the vets shortly. His
> breathing 
> seems OK now so I'm hoping it is the tube causing
> all the problems.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re:Was appropriate calorie in take for a kitty - Now Bailey's Diagnosis

2006-05-05 Thread wendy

I am glad to hear that it wasn't a problem with
Bailey's feeding tube, but it sounds like you have
your hands full with what it might be.  I am praying
Bailey's surgery goes well and that he comes out of it
feeling good.  Please keep us posted.

Praying for peace for you and Bailey,

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Re: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-07 Thread wendy

Bless you for taking such loving care of Bailey all
his years.  You are such a sweet and loving guardian
and my heart breaks to know you've lost you're beloved
Bailey.  We all adore you for everything you have done
for Bailey.  If you need anything at all, please ask.


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bailey left us at 6:20 this evening.  He
> took a bad turn for the 
> worse late last night and when I took him in this
> morning for his 
> surgery it was evident he wasn't in good enough
> shape.  We gave him 
> fluids for a couple hours because he was dehydrated,
> his blood pressure 
> was 60 and his temperature went from 103 yesterday
> to 98 today, his 
> blood work was normal except his platelet count was
> low so he wasn't 
> clotting and suregery was out of the question unless
> we could get his 
> platelet count up.  After two hours of fluids and a
> blood transfusion 
> his platelets came up but his temperature was now
> 94, 96 puts kitties at 
> risk for heart failure and she couldn't even get a
> blood pressure.
> My vet said we have 3 options, we could continue the
> fluids and support 
> and see if things changed and if they did he could
> have the surgery 
> tomorrow.
> Go ahead with the surgery and get in and out as
> quickly as possible or 
> she could euthanise him.
> I asked her what she honestly thought of his
> condition, she said she 
> though he was leaving on his own, I agreed.  We
> talked, I asked her what 
> to expect if he was going to die and she told me
> what the likely 
> scenarios would be, she gave me a syringe of pain
> meds incase it got 
> really bad for him, it would basically knock him out
> so he wouldn't 
> suffer and pass on his own, she had a dinner
> engagement but told me to 
> call if she was needed.  I had told Bailey it was
> his decision to stay 
> or go, and told him to do what was best for him.  I
> brought him home on 
> the fluids to keep supporting him and if he did turn
> for the better we 
> would consider the surgery later.  His breathing got
> worse just taking 
> him to the car so I knew in my heart we didn't have
> long.
> We had about an hour, he was home with us and we
> were with him when he 
> left.  He is whole now and FeLV free for the first
> time.  We were so 
> lucky to have him for 11 years, his birthday was
> Monday.  I will miss 
> his bouncy, happy personality.  He was so special
> and I learned so much 
> thanks to him.  He was our only positive and the one
> that was 
> responsible for my learning everything I have about
> FeLV+, he has helped 
> me save many positives and for that I thank him.  I
> miss my little 
> Baidely boys so much already ... take care all. 
> Give your special guys 
> and extra special hug for Bailey.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re: Henry and Omar

2006-05-08 Thread wendy

I am sorry to hear about Henry and Omar.  What you do
is so important.  What would they have done without
your love before they left this Earth?  


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I assume that Sid's uses the same petfinder listing
> site, and the cats with the special needs green
> heart are the ones at Sid's and the ones without are
> at Crash's, right?
> The thing I noticed right off is that there are SO
> SO SO many declawed cats at your rescue! Your area
> must have a very knife happy vet to have the
> majority of rescue cats in that area all come in
> declawed! Is there a good explanation as to why you
> get so many digitally mutilated guys? Just seems
> kinda bizarre...
> I think out of all the special needs guys, I think
> Toby is the most handsome, he's got that classic
> fluffy orange kitty look to him that I just fall
> for. Reminds me a bit of Moogie, in a way, though
> he's definitely a big muscular guy, and not the tiny
> pee-wee she was. I have a stray that visits my yard
> occasionally for a free meal and some love that
> looks similar too (I call him Beautiful), but Mythic
> HATES him, and so I don't think he comes around very
> often because Mythic is a scary cat when he's aiming
> to fight for his territory. Maybe Mythic's just
> jealous cause I don't call him beautiful, but hey I
> call Mythic a sexy hunk of black kitty, so you'd
> think he could forgive me calling other cats
> beautiful, LOL!
> All my happy cats have silly names:
> Doobie is my "Doobie-buddy-doober-man!
> Buddy-doo-buddy-doo-buddy-do! Doobie-doobie-doo!"
> Tigger is "TiggA-wallpapA-shred-Ar!" (yes, you
> should see the wallpaper here, it's quite beyond
> repair, looks like something wild got loose in the
> place and was trying to claw it's way out through
> all the walls)
> Bones is "Evil-little-dev-O!" (behind those sweet
> crossed little eyes and cute little ears is a
> lurking beast seeking it's next victim)
> Miranda and Pinky are still too shy to enjoy all the
> fuss, so I don't make a big deal of them, just talk
> quietly when they decide it's safe enough to come
> out and see me. Pinky worries me, when I pick him
> up, or get him excited, he begins to cough kinda
> like a hairball cough/hack/wheeze, but he only does
> it when excited. I think he has either Asthma, or
> congestive heart failure, or possibly heartworms, if
> cats get the same cough as dogs, cause it sounds
> like late stage heartworm coughing in dogs. He's got
> to go see a vet soon, I think... if I pet him
> gently, and reassure him, OR if I pat (beat, really,
> but not enough to hurt, just enough to be too hard
> to be called patting) him rather hard on the sides
> and middle back below the lungs (think of the way
> parents of kids with Cystic Fibrosis have to beat
> their kid's chest to break up the secretions) while
> he is having one of his "fits" he seems to get over
> it sooner. Not sure why the patting helps, other
> than maybe it's just so darned distracting that he
> forgets he's freaking out over something and his
> heart/respiration rate reduces. I think it warrants
> a heartworm test, a good stethoscope exam, and
> possibly a heart ultrasound. I can't pick him up
> without throwing him into one of these
> coughing/hacking/wheezing fits (he's not real fond
> of being held or picked up, and freaks out a bit).
> Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name)
> Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
> Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured
> when someone wrapped wire around his neck to
> strangle him,
> Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring
> Tangle to Vermont to find him a good home!
> DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for
> construction), a digital camera (for pictures), and
> more towels! > No virus found in this outgoing
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.5/333 -
> Release Date: 5/5/2006

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Re: Tonya

2006-05-08 Thread wendy!  We haven't tiled hardly anything since I
had surgery two weeks ago.  My husband's back went
out, so now we're really in trouble!!!

--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy. You have FINISHED tiling your
> house????
>   tonya
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   LOL...I don't know why I do this to myself. I know
> one thing: I'm not starting any new projects (that I
> can control) until well into the summer. My husband
> and I both need a rest!!!
> :)
> Wendy
> --- Becca DuBose wrote:
> > Wendy,
> > 
> > It sounds like you don't have enough on your plate
> > right now. Is there something else you can squeeze
> > in?
> > 
> > ;)
> > 
> > Becca
> > 
> > 
> > wendy wrote: Hi guys,
> > 
> > I am sad to hear that I'm not the only one having
> > trouble with kitties behaving in a uncivil feline
> > way.
> > I put Pepper and LuLu, my two original kitties, in
> > our small 6x6 room, with their kitty tree, litter
> > boxes, and food and water with the intention of
> > re-training them to use the litter box while we
> > tiled
> > the house. So far, that has worked out great,
> > except
> > when I let them out last week to reintroduce
> > themselves to the house, while I was laid up on
> the
> > couch after having surgery on both feet, LuLu
> > attacks
> > kitten Smookie in my bedroom. I jump up (ouch!),
> > grab
> > the nearest thing with a handle (a cheap sponge
> > mop),
> > and "run" down the hallway with these clod-hopper
> > post-surgical shoes on (OMG, OW, OMG, OW, OW...) 
> > All
> > the while, these cats are screaming. I take a swat
> > at
> > what I thought was LuLu under the bed attacking
> > Smookie, only to find that I had accidentally
> > whacked
> > Smookie (thank goodness it wasn't hard!) I take
> > another swat at LuLu, while yelling for her to get
> > out
> > of here, as I was very angry with her, and
> > accidentally hit the cheap glass cover on my
> > nightstand, and glass goes flying everywhere, ALL
> > OVER
> > THE BEDROOM!!! I picked up glass all day. I was so
> > mad, because here's this poor kitty, who doesn't
> > seem
> > to have a mean bone in her body, and just wants to
> > play, sleep, eat, and be loved on, and has already
> > lost one eye to a stress-related virus, who's
> > getting
> > picked on by my beloved LuLu. So now I am keeping
> > LuLu and Pepper (who can be just as mean to
> Smookie)
> > in that 6x6 room, which is supposed to be the
> > bathroom
> > for all the kitties in the house. It SUCKS! I am
> > going to try reintroducing them when I can get
> > around
> > better, but for now, life is not how I imagined it
> > would be after we adopted Smookie. Poor baby...
> > 
> > :)
> > Wendy 
> > 
> __
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Re: is vitamin C out?

2006-05-09 Thread wendy
I don't agree with your vet.  Even though I do not
personally use vitamin C with my kitties, I have read
a lot of good information on it's use.  Also, I don't
think it can hurt.  Dosage information would be
important to know to make sure it's given correctly,
but I know in humans you cannot over-dose on it
because it's a water soluble vitamin.  Not sure about
in kitties.


--- Lance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The last time I went by my vet's to pick up Ember's
> interferon, I  
> dropped off some info I printed from Dr. Belfield's
> site regarding  
> Mega C and FeLV. As you all know, Dr. Belfield says
> that he has  
> reversed a number of FeLV cases using his own
> vitamin C mixture, Mega C.
> Today, my mom took her kitten, Callie, in for
> booster shots. The vet  
> mentioned to my mom that he would not condone the
> use of vitamin C,  
> saying that he had tried it in the office for
> various things and not  
> found any success with it. This is the same vet who
> put Ember on  
> interferon as soon as she tested positive. He also
> referred us to a  
> homeopathic vet, and is looking into getting feline
> interferon for  
> us. In other words, he's not the standard PTS vet,
> or the "just take  
> care of her and bring her back in six months" vet.
> He is willing to  
> try things, to be proactive and to recommend the
> homeopathic vet for  
> treatments outside of his experience.
> This leads me to wonder why, if Mega C works fairly
> well, it hasn't  
> caught on in the treatment of FeLV? Despite a lack
> of scientific  
> study, it would seem that a number of anecdotal
> successes would lead  
> to vitamin C or Mega C being the de facto standard
> for treating and  
> possibly curing an FeLV+ cat. Your thoughts?
> Lance

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VERY Important if you give L-lysine to your kitties

2006-05-10 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I just read in two different places so far that if you
are giving cats L-lysine that is originally intended
for humans, make sure it does not contain propylene
glycol.  Propylene glycol can cause reactions in the
blood.  Here's one link:


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Re: Please add Papoose to CLS

2006-05-10 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear that Papoose had to cross the
bridge.  Thank you for doing the humane thing and
allowing him to go peacefully.  And bless you for
taking in this wonderful baby and loving him, even for
the short time that you did.  You were and will be
blessed because you did.




I put Papoose feluk + to sleep today after he was
running a 106.4 temp for the past 4 days and it wasnt
going down he also was anemic and had a heart mummer
and wasnt getting better.  He lived a wonderful life
of 8 months in our house with our dogs and our other
feluk + cat.  I miss him dearly and am happy he did
not suffer. He was found on the streets of queens as a
tiny little 5 week old kitten and brought to the
shelter I work at.  He came up postive on both test
and I decided to adopt him instead of them putting him
down.  I am just sad that we did not have more time
with him.  Thank you.

Subject: Re: Can we please add this poor baby to the
Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 22:46:25 -0400

I'm not sure if he/she got rescued or killed. I'm not
sure even if the shelter he is at is a humane euth
shelter, MANY of them still use gas chambers, you
know. I hope he was humanely euthed by now... or
rescued and given medical care, one of the two (though
I think euth would be kinder). 
I was hoping to get him/her on the CLS in the part
where we pray for healing and comfort to those that
are still with us.
I did get several people saying they emailed about
him, but did not get a reply yet. I sent a note to the
purrever ranch, they are the ones who first posted the
message, maybe they have more contact info than was in
the post.

Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name) 
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: 
Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured
when someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle
Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring
Tangle to Vermont to find him a good home!
DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for
construction), a digital camera (for pictures), and
more towels! 

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Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.5/334 -
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Re: Kerry and Bandy

2006-05-10 Thread wendy
Hey Kerry,

I have not been to that clinic but a vet told me about
it when I brought Smookie in regarding her eye.  We're
still fighting the ulcer.  I take her in today to get
looked at by another vet and if he can't get that
white spot to go away, we'll be visiting the clinic in
a week or so.  I'm so glad to hear that Bandy can see
some and hopefully that will continue to improve.  I
hate ringworm.  It's a nasty fungus!!!  I hope you get
good news Thursday.  Keep me posted!


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OT: Jen's invention

2006-05-10 Thread wendy


What do you think a cat would do if they wandered into
the box right as those BB's started popping to the
roof of the box?!  Or kitty gets caught in the douche

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> There's a good wheat based scoopable too, called
> SWheat Scoop. Never tried it, but have heard good
> reviews from others (and I believe the clumps are
> flushable too). I like the idea of corn or wheat
> based litters, we KNOW those are relatively safe, I
> mean, they are ingredients in many cheaper cat
> foods! When they successfully make a GOOD absorbent
> rice litter I'll be first in line!
> LOL, I ran out of litter once, but had a big box of
> cream of wheat breakfast cereal... but it didn't
> absorb much. I think rolled oats might work though..
> anyone got an old bag of quaker oats that's rotting
> in the pantry, for the sake of science?
> In the past, when I was really poor (this was years
> ago, mind you) I just went out into the yard and dug
> up some dirt to put in the litterbox. Sandy soil is
> MUCH preferable to good dirt, at least it doesn't
> turn into mud clods.
> I'm still trying to figure out my endless litter
> self-cleaning litterbox. Uses aquarium or pea gravel
> over a small 1/4 grid rabbit wire base over a
> dropped "waste" receptacle with built in plumbing so
> it actually all flushes away, pee goes right through
> it, then it self rinses it after the cat leaves the
> box with a non-toxic white vinegar "douche" (you
> know the floral scented vinegar kind) that is heated
> and sprays down over the "litter" from above. But
> the poo is an issue I'm still trying to figure out
> (solid poo anyways, diarrhea would just rinse away
> like pee). I would need to rake it somehow. Then I
> got the idea of using stainless steel BB type
> pellets instead of gravel. Make it a covered box,
> with a high powered electromagnet in the cover.
> After the cat leaves the box, the douche cycle comes
> on, then after that finishes, the electromagnet
> kicks on, and WHAM, all the BBs instantly pop up to
> the roof of the box, then the base uses a robotic
> arm to swing the rabbit wire base down, and the poop
> is dumped into the bottom "waste" receptacle. The
> robotic arm whacks it a few times on a brace built
> in for that purpose, to get any turds that are
> clinging to fall off the rabbit wire. Then it swings
> back up, locks back in place, the magnet shuts off,
> the litter BBs fall back down, the whole system
> flushes using the built in toilet-like plumbing that
> clears the waste receptacle, and it's ready for the
> next user.
> LOLOLOL!! OK, so I have too much time on my
> hands...
> Phaewryn (was Jenn, changed name)
> Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
> Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured
> when someone wrapped wire around his neck to
> strangle him,
> Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring
> Tangle to Vermont to find him a good home!
> DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for
> construction), a digital camera (for pictures), and
> more towels! > No virus found in this outgoing
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.5/334 -
> Release Date: 5/8/2006

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Re: VERY Important if you give L-lysine to your kitties

2006-05-10 Thread wendy
L-lysine boosts the immune system.  Yes, it is
recommended for FeLV+ kitties.


--- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is L-lysine recommended for FELV cats?  What does it
> do to help them?  This is a new one for me...  
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi guys,
> I just read in two different places so far that if
> you
> are giving cats L-lysine that is originally intended
> for humans, make sure it does not contain propylene
> glycol. Propylene glycol can cause reactions in the
> blood. Here's one link:
> :)
> Wendy
> __
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> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for
> ridiculously low rates.

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Re: Way Off Subject of Cats....sorry!

2006-05-10 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's marriage.
I have no advice to offer in the way of attorneys. 
The fact that you and your husband are there for her
will make a world of difference in her being able to
handle this.  Will she come live with you?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> I apologize for being way off the topic of
> kitties.
> I really don't know on how to go about this. I need
> a Divorce lawyer in 
> Colorado Springs or Denver area CO. 
> Do any of you know of one in either places.
> My daughter called me her husband said he wanted a
> divorce out of the blue. 
> That he didn't want to be tied down anymore and
> wanted his freedom.
> As you know he is military they are stationed at Ft.
> Carson, CO. He has done 
> 2 tours so far to Iraq and getting ready to leave
> again soon.
> He told her this is what he wanted then 2 days later
> had papers served on 
> her. He did not use an attorney he use the advise of
> some paralegals.
> There were no signs of a troubled marriage.
> My husband and I are in total shock over this. It is
> real and it is happening.
> Julie's husband Charles has made her life total hell
> in the last week. He is 
> trying to strip her of everything in the marrage.
> When she isn't home he comes 
> in takes whatever he wants of value. She isn't home
> because she has Drs. 
> appointments and errands to do.
> She is a homemaker, taking care of the household
> with my grandbaby. (2 yrs 
> old)
> She has no income. 
> My husband and I are trying what we can do but it
> makes it hard when we are 
> in WA. state.
> We need to find one of the baddest attorneys for her
> that won't cost an 
> arm/leg.
> Can you help me locating a good attorney down there
> for her?
> Sorry for being way off the subject!
> Terrie Mohr-Forker
> Owner/Driver
> Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
> Group!
> Adopt a Homeless Pet!

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Re: Way Off Subject of Cats....sorry!

2006-05-10 Thread wendy
I'll keep your daughter, her husband, and your
granddaughter in my prayers.  I hope everything turns
out for the best Terri.  


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yes, she and the baby are welcomed to stay for
> however long it takes for her 
> to get on her feet.
> In a message dated 5/10/2006 10:18:03 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time, 
> Terri,
> I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's
> marriage.
> I have no advice to offer in the way of attorneys. 
> The fact that you and your husband are there for her
> will make a world of difference in her being able to
> handle this.  Will she come live with you?
> :)
> Wendy
> Terrie Mohr-Forker
> Owner/Driver
> Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
> Group!
> Adopt a Homeless Pet!

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Re: What can I do?

2006-05-11 Thread wendy
Hi Virginia,

I am sorry to hear that your cat has tested FeLV+, but
glad you found us.  This is a great group, and you
won't be sorry you sought us out for information.  I
don't have any FeLV+ kitties anymore after I lost my
beloved Cricket in November, but I stay around to
offer help to those who need it, just as I was offered
great information and support when I really needed it.

As far as the other kitties go in your house, we have
mixed views here.  Some mix their positives and
negatives, and some don't.  The ones who do believe
their kitties have already been exposed to the FeLV
and were not susceptible to it if they don't test
negative.  Some also believe that separating those who
are close will do worse damage as stress tends to kick
this virus into gear if it's in "remission".  After I
found out that Cricket had FeLV, I did not separate
him from my others, as they'd already lived together
for two years.  He lived another two years before
passing, and my others have never developed the virus.
 I would not, however, foster anymore cats in your
home in the future, especially kittens, as they are
very susceptible to contracting the virus with their
yet-to-be-strengthened immune systems.  You should
probably test those in your home to see what you're
dealing with, and then retest after a period of time
(someone else here will have a better idea of how long
before retesting).  You can vaccinate if they are
FeLV-, which is probably a good idea, but the
vaccination does not always have a very high success
rate.  The two most important things for a FeLV+ kitty
is to keep them stress free and keep their immune
system boosted with a good diet (corn/grain free) and
supplements (like L-lysine).  I have a manual I can
forward you with a lot of great information.  It was
composed of posts from all the very knowledgeable
people here.  Just let me know if you need it.  I have
to forward it directly to your email versus to the
group email because the site doesn't allow

Hope this helps,
Dallas, Tx

--- Ntigat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After a year, a female cat that I foster on my home
> that was in the first test FELV -, I
> retested again and the result was FELV +. I repeat
> the test because I
> notice that in the clinic that I made the first
> test, some of the
> results was FALSE NEGATIVE. They use a kit that
> never produces FELV +
> My question is: what can I do with the rest of the
> cats of my home?
> Retest them? If one of the cat is FELV– can I
> vaccinate him? What
> about the FELV +? I can't separate them because I
> have not space to do that.
> Thanks in advance,
> Virginia
> -
> LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
> Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por
> minuto.

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Re: What can I do?

2006-05-11 Thread wendy
I meant "The ones who do believe their kitties have
already been exposed to the FeLV and were not
susceptible to it if they don't test POSITIVE."  Oops.

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Virginia,
> I am sorry to hear that your cat has tested FeLV+,
> but
> glad you found us.  This is a great group, and you
> won't be sorry you sought us out for information.  I
> don't have any FeLV+ kitties anymore after I lost my
> beloved Cricket in November, but I stay around to
> offer help to those who need it, just as I was
> offered
> great information and support when I really needed
> it.
> As far as the other kitties go in your house, we
> have
> mixed views here.  Some mix their positives and
> negatives, and some don't.  The ones who do believe
> their kitties have already been exposed to the FeLV
> and were not susceptible to it if they don't test
> negative.  Some also believe that separating those
> who
> are close will do worse damage as stress tends to
> kick
> this virus into gear if it's in "remission".  After
> I
> found out that Cricket had FeLV, I did not separate
> him from my others, as they'd already lived together
> for two years.  He lived another two years before
> passing, and my others have never developed the
> virus.
>  I would not, however, foster anymore cats in your
> home in the future, especially kittens, as they are
> very susceptible to contracting the virus with their
> yet-to-be-strengthened immune systems.  You should
> probably test those in your home to see what you're
> dealing with, and then retest after a period of time
> (someone else here will have a better idea of how
> long
> before retesting).  You can vaccinate if they are
> FeLV-, which is probably a good idea, but the
> vaccination does not always have a very high success
> rate.  The two most important things for a FeLV+
> kitty
> is to keep them stress free and keep their immune
> system boosted with a good diet (corn/grain free)
> and
> supplements (like L-lysine).  I have a manual I can
> forward you with a lot of great information.  It was
> composed of posts from all the very knowledgeable
> people here.  Just let me know if you need it.  I
> have
> to forward it directly to your email versus to the
> group email because the site doesn't allow
> attachments.
> Hope this helps,
> :)
> Wendy
> Dallas, Tx
> --- Ntigat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After a year, a female cat that I foster on my
> home
> > that was in the first test FELV -, I
> > retested again and the result was FELV +. I repeat
> > the test because I
> > notice that in the clinic that I made the first
> > test, some of the
> > results was FALSE NEGATIVE. They use a kit that
> > never produces FELV +
> > 
> > My question is: what can I do with the rest of the
> > cats of my home?
> > Retest them? If one of the cat is FELV– can I
> > vaccinate him? What
> > about the FELV +? I can't separate them because I
> > have not space to do that.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Virginia
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -
> > 
> > LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
> > Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por
> > minuto.
> >
> __
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> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

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Re: Interesting Reading

2006-05-11 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

I hope things are going well for you and that you're
feeling ok.  Thanks for the information.  I think it's
very interesting too.


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Here is some interesting reading I thought:
> paragraph I found 
> particularly interesting is:
> I knew from experience that the kitten was depleted
> of vitamins B and C. 
> C is crucial for neutralizing free radicals created
> by the kitten's own 
> immune response. Cats make their own vitamin C (ever
> see a cat eat an 
> orange?), but their reserves are depleted under
> stress. It's absolutely 
> cricital to counteract free radicals, as they can do
> in the liver and 
> kidneys. B-vitamins are essential for immunity;
> without them, the entire 
> immune system will collapse. *In addition, research
> from Purdue 
> University shows that vitamin B6 can inhibit FeLV in
> the test tube.*
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re: Interesting Reading

2006-05-11 Thread wendy
Hey Belinda,

What a soothing thought...that Bailey is right there
with you.  Ever since we got Smookie, who favors
Cricket SO much in many different ways, I have felt
that Cricket is right there with Smookie and my heart
doesn't ache like it did.  It's very strange.  Just
yesterday I took Smookie to my regular vet, who hadn't
seen her yet, and Jenna in the front office remarked
out of the blue how much like Cricket that Smookie
looked.  I hope that you continually feel Bailey's
presence because I know it helps.  Take care of


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Things are going as well as they can.  We got
> Bailey's ashes back 
> yesterday, Mike made a nice oak box with a spot for
> Bailey's photo on 
> the front.  I also got a pawprint impression and I
> have some fur from 
> the last time I was cutting mats off of him.  I'm
> going to put his 
> favorite toy in with him (he loved those electrical
> outlet covers).  The 
> other kitties seem to be handling it OK, in fact
> after Mike brought 
> Bailey home yesterday and put him up on the shelf
> with Buddie, Teenye 
> and Synder several of them looked up there as if
> they were looking at 
> something.  Yesterday Joey was in my lap laying
> across my shoulder while 
> I was sitting on the couch and he kept looking
> behind my head like 
> someone was there, KC likes to lay there but he
> wasn't then, I kept 
> talking to him and finally he focused on me for a
> second then looked 
> behind me again.  Maybe Bailey was visiting us.   :)
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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FeLV+ Kitten needs home in Dallas area

2006-05-11 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

My vet called me yesterday and wanted to know if I
knew anyone who wants an FeLV+ kitten (tested twice
now).  The kitten's name is Ballerina.  She is 8
months old, not spayed, but the owner said they were
willing to do that first or contribute money towards
the spay if it meant adopting her out.  She is
short-haired, white, with orange and gray splotches. 
She belongs to a little girl, who named her, and the
mom said Ballerina is very sweet.  They have two other
cats that are 8 years old and negative (tested twice
now six weeks apart) and they don't want to risk them
contracting FeLV.  She said she'd rather the kitten
have a good home than go to a shelter.  She also said
she'd be happy to send photos via email.  The lady I
spoke with was very nice, and I'm sure this kitten has
been taken very good care of.  Ballerina is currently
asymptomatic.  Let me know if you or someone you know
may be interested in giving this kitten a loving home.


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RE: OT: heartbroken

2006-05-11 Thread wendy

I hope you are able to catch the mama kitty quickly. 
Good luck!


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Hi, everyone, I wanted to share a couple of new
> things -
> I rescued three baby cats yesterday who were living
> under the crawl
> space of the abandoned house, which is now bought
> and be ready to be
> renovated.. the new owner was planning to get rid of
> the kittens along
> with all the kitties who live under the crawl space
> and I offered to
> take them.  The babies were actually under the hole
> under the crawl
> space which only the size of my entire hand and
> thought I and Kathy (my
> rescue friend) were never going to be able to get
> them out... but
> finally using a little fish net to get one by one
> out - they were only 6
> weeks old, one calico, one tabby and one turtleshell
> (?) and they are
> all so cute.
> The one sad thing is that their mama came to look
> for the babies while
> we were under the crawl space, she was so worried
> about us doing
> something to the babies.. one time, I thought we
> should just leave and
> have the mama take care of the babies and I worry
> that later on, she
> might take babies some other crawl space near there
> (there a few,
> unfortunately), and people might close the crawl
> space without knowing
> that they were there.. the mama came back several
> times (while we were
> there as we were there for about 5 hours).. I felt
> very bad for mama but
> I decided to take the babies from her..
> I tried to trap the mama kitty last night but I
> couldn't - there are
> several kitties there.. I trapped one who looked
> like mama.. but she
> must be from mama's previous litter - she is less
> than a year old..
> Anyway, I wanted to ask you to pray that I will be
> able to catch mama
> soon (I probably could, if I don't mind catching all
> other kitties who
> live there.. but I don't know where I could put them
> now as I am running
> out of crate) --- and the mama will stay safe and
> she will not be
> worrying too much about their babies. I am
> heartbroken for the mama -I
> feel very badly for taking the babies from their
> mama...I know that this
> is probably the right thing.. but I still cannot not
> think about the
> mama...

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Re: PAWS and the FeLV room

2006-05-12 Thread wendy

What fantastic news!  Another major step in helping
educate the public on FeLV and it's valuable

Thanks for the hard work!

--- Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Belinda, Rebecca, Marylyn, Wendy,
> MaryChristine, Janine, Terri, Gloria,
> Becca, Karen and everyone --
> I heard some great news last night when I (finally)
> met up with the PAWS
> clinic director, Rochelle, to talk about my foster
> Pookie's mishandled
> euthanization by Family Pet.
> During the course of our conversation she began
> talking about the new PAWS
> shelter opening in Chicago next year, and so I asked
> *her* if an FeLV area
> was planned. (I had not said much to her about the
> phone call I had from her
> boss, PAWS' owner, Paula Fasseas, apart from the
> fact that I felt that it
> was a good conversation and didn't just seem like a
> token PR gesture.)
> I fully expected her to say no, or, we don't know
> yet, we're still working
> on it. But she said an unequivocal "Yes"! She also
> said that PAWS will be
> committing to paying medical bills for all FeLV cats
> they adopt out so as to
> encourage adoptions of FeLV cats.
> I tell you, it was hard to stop myself from bursting
> into tears.
> If this is true--and I won't really believe it till
> I see it--then this is
> fantastic news and I can hardly believe it. As you
> know (and for benefit of
> new listmembers) I had heard from 2 authoritative
> sources--one a PAWS
> adoption counsellor and the other the director of
> the Tree House
> shelter--that PAWS was not going to have an FeLV
> room. I intended to write
> the owner to try and get her to change her mind. So
> when she called me,
> about Pookie, and I got a rare chance to speak to
> her directly, she said (as
> if it was a whole new idea) well, we do have 2 spare
> rooms, so one of these
> could be an FeLV room...
> And now it seems to be actually happening!
> She will have all your testimonials by now...I hope
> they are used in the
> "education" program. Either way, I believe they
> helped tip the decision in
> the right direction.
> Will keep you posted on any further developments
> when I get back to Chicago
> mid-June.
> Thanks to you all for your input! hugs, Kerry

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Re: FeLV+ Kitten needs home in Dallas area

2006-05-12 Thread wendy
Hey Tonya,

The guardian I spoke with said they they were together
for two months before the test.  I did your point to
her when I first spoke with her, but her other concern
is her young daughter, who they bought the kitten for.
 She said she does not want her daughter to have to go
through getting attached to and then losing the
kitten, which I completely understand.  At eight
months, it's up in the air what will happen to
Ballerina.  The virus could do it's thing, or she
could "conceal" it for a long time, you know? 
Hopefully, she'll find a good home for Ballerina.


--- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How long has Ballerina been with the other cats?  If
> any time at all and she has retested all of them I
> think it 99.9 percent sure that 2 vaccinated 8 year
> old cats are NOT going to catch leukemia..
> :(
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi guys,
> My vet called me yesterday and wanted to know if I
> knew anyone who wants an FeLV+ kitten (tested twice
> now). The kitten's name is Ballerina. She is 8
> months old, not spayed, but the owner said they were
> willing to do that first or contribute money towards
> the spay if it meant adopting her out. She is
> short-haired, white, with orange and gray splotches.
> She belongs to a little girl, who named her, and the
> mom said Ballerina is very sweet. They have two
> other
> cats that are 8 years old and negative (tested twice
> now six weeks apart) and they don't want to risk
> them
> contracting FeLV. She said she'd rather the kitten
> have a good home than go to a shelter. She also said
> she'd be happy to send photos via email. The lady I
> spoke with was very nice, and I'm sure this kitten
> has
> been taken very good care of. Ballerina is currently
> asymptomatic. Let me know if you or someone you know
> may be interested in giving this kitten a loving
> home.
> :)
> Wendy
> __
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> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

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Re: OT: My Sign from Bailey

2006-05-12 Thread wendy
Wow Belinda!  What an incredible sign!!!  I am happy
for you!  You're going to be looking at the sky all
the time


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I'm alittle speechless at the moment ... I
> sometimes turn the news 
> on sometimes I don't, this morning something told me
> to turn it on.  I 
> had sent a photo of my KC to use on the pet paws
> section they use on the 
> weather forecast.  They told me they would email and
> let me know when it 
> would be used if they use it, so I don't watch the
> news every morning.
> Just now on the weather forecast they showed a photo
> of the beach, it 
> was overcast and cloudy but in the clouds there was
> a VERY clear section 
> on the right that looked exactly like the outline of
> a cats face and 
> even more looks exactly like a photo I have of
> Bailey (a close up I took 
> several years ago), same tilt of his head, same
> white mark on the right 
> side of his face that made him look like he was
> always smiling.  And the 
> weather forecaster remarked doesn't that look like a
> cats face, that's 
> when I could clearly see it.  I'm going to try and
> find out when the 
> person that sent it in took it.
> It looked like the photo in the link below, mostly
> just the face part 
> ... it gave me chills!
> I thanked Bailey for giving me a sign like I asked
> him.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re: Prayers for Allie

2006-05-12 Thread wendy

Don't give up hope!  This virus is as unpredictable as
it is heartbreaking, and your kitty could turn around
in no time at all.  It's ok to prepare for the worst,
but don't expect it.  I will definitely keep Allie in
my prayers.  Just love her as much as you can, spoil
her rotten, and also, take pictures so if she does
cross the bridge, you will have visible memories of
her to hold on to in the tough times.  Keep your chin
up and stay positive for Allie!


--- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Allie was back at the vet today with 105 fever- came
> down to 102.5 with Metacam (kitty NSAID) and sq
> fluids.  I did get the vet to show me how to give
> the sq fluids, so I can administer them now if she
> stops eating and drinking and looks dehydrated, or
> if her temp goes up (I've been monitoring her temp
> daily).  They were also thinking of giving me some
> Metacam to administer at home, but decided to hold
> off on that.  This is her 3rd temp spike in 2 weeks.
>  The vet was prepping me for the fact that at some
> point Allie's body is not going to be able to
> tolerate these temps anymore and is not going to
> fight them off even with treatments because the
> fevers are causing such a stress on her system.  Of
> course we don't know if that will be a week or a
> month, but it looks like it may be sooner than I
> thought.  It's so hard because 2 days ago she was
> totally back to herself- eating great, playing, and
> she even sleep with us!  I guess the calm before the
> storm...  Keep her in your
>  thoughts.  I don't want her to suffer, but I'm not
> ready to say good-bye yet either!  I'm still hoping
> she can beat these fevers, but that's not looking
> realistic anymore and I don't want to torture her...
> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls
> to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Re: Prayers for Allie

2006-05-12 Thread wendy

Equistim is the same thing as ImmunoRegulin; Equistim
is the generic.  If your vet can't get it, you can
order it online and have it shipped fast for about $50
including shipping (it might be less; I can't
remember).  I ordered Cricket's through Revival Animal


--- cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please don't give up hope on Allie.  Smokey's fevers
> got as high as 107.  Ask your vet about the
> equistim. 
> So far it really has helped Smokey to not get
> anymore
> fevers.  I was having to take him to the vet every 2
> to 3 days for a fever.  Now I just give him the
> equistim injections at home.
> Cindy
> --- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Allie was back at the vet today with 105 fever-
> came
> > down to 102.5 with Metacam (kitty NSAID) and sq
> > fluids.  I did get the vet to show me how to give
> > the sq fluids, so I can administer them now if she
> > stops eating and drinking and looks dehydrated, or
> > if her temp goes up (I've been monitoring her temp
> > daily).  They were also thinking of giving me some
> > Metacam to administer at home, but decided to hold
> > off on that.  This is her 3rd temp spike in 2
> weeks.
> >  The vet was prepping me for the fact that at some
> > point Allie's body is not going to be able to
> > tolerate these temps anymore and is not going to
> > fight them off even with treatments because the
> > fevers are causing such a stress on her system. 
> Of
> > course we don't know if that will be a week or a
> > month, but it looks like it may be sooner than I
> > thought.  It's so hard because 2 days ago she was
> > totally back to herself- eating great, playing,
> and
> > she even sleep with us!  I guess the calm before
> the
> > storm...  Keep her in your
> >  thoughts.  I don't want her to suffer, but I'm
> not
> > ready to say good-bye yet either!  I'm still
> hoping
> > she can beat these fevers, but that's not looking
> > realistic anymore and I don't want to torture
> her...
> > 
> > -
> > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone
> Calls
> > to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

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Answer to Nina's philosophy question

2006-05-12 Thread wendy
Everything does happen for a reason!  And many times,
it's apparent when you look back on the thread of your
life and how it was woven.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Fantastic news!!  Hooray for you and a special thank
> you to Pookie!  Way 
> to make a difference Kerry!!  I can't believe
> they're even going to pay 
> medical bills for people who adopt them.  Keep us
> informed, thank you 
> Kerry!  So, does everything happen for a reason, or
> are we just 
> determined to pull something good out of bad??  You
> haven't answered 
> that question, but you've certainly made my day!
> Nina
> Kerry MacKenzie wrote:
> >Dear Belinda, Rebecca, Marylyn, Wendy,
> MaryChristine, Janine, Terri, Gloria,
> >Becca, Karen and everyone --
> >I heard some great news last night when I (finally)
> met up with the PAWS
> >clinic director, Rochelle, to talk about my foster
> Pookie's mishandled
> >euthanization by Family Pet.
> >During the course of our conversation she began
> talking about the new PAWS
> >shelter opening in Chicago next year, and so I
> asked *her* if an FeLV area
> >was planned. (I had not said much to her about the
> phone call I had from her
> >boss, PAWS' owner, Paula Fasseas, apart from the
> fact that I felt that it
> >was a good conversation and didn't just seem like a
> token PR gesture.)
> >
> >I fully expected her to say no, or, we don't know
> yet, we're still working
> >on it. But she said an unequivocal "Yes"! She also
> said that PAWS will be
> >committing to paying medical bills for all FeLV
> cats they adopt out so as to
> >encourage adoptions of FeLV cats.
> >I tell you, it was hard to stop myself from
> bursting into tears.
> >If this is true--and I won't really believe it till
> I see it--then this is
> >fantastic news and I can hardly believe it. As you
> know (and for benefit of
> >new listmembers) I had heard from 2 authoritative
> sources--one a PAWS
> >adoption counsellor and the other the director of
> the Tree House
> >shelter--that PAWS was not going to have an FeLV
> room. I intended to write
> >the owner to try and get her to change her mind. So
> when she called me,
> >about Pookie, and I got a rare chance to speak to
> her directly, she said (as
> >if it was a whole new idea) well, we do have 2
> spare rooms, so one of these
> >could be an FeLV room...
> >And now it seems to be actually happening!
> >She will have all your testimonials by now...I hope
> they are used in the
> >"education" program. Either way, I believe they
> helped tip the decision in
> >the right direction.
> >Will keep you posted on any further developments
> when I get back to Chicago
> >mid-June.
> >Thanks to you all for your input! hugs, Kerry
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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Re: Immunoregulin for Chelsea

2006-05-12 Thread wendy

Congratulations on Chelsea's improvement!!! How
exciting!  I hope she is relishing feeling better
again.  Bless you for doing all you can to help heal
her.  She knows how much she is loved.  Please keep us
posted on her progress and I'm going to write down her
specific treatment and add it to the kitty care



>I wanted to thank everyone for the advise given
> last month regarding 12 
> month-old felv+ Chelsea who was suffering from
> severe anemia.  She began 
> responding to treatment fairly quickly and had
> noticeably improved within 
> the first 2 weeks.  Chelsea has now received 6
> injections of immunoregulin 
> and has regained her normal energy level and has
> pink gums again.   I took 
> your advise to heart and put her on Droxy and folic
> acid in addition to the 
> Pet Tinic, Feline Immune Support and Interferon that
> she had been receiving. 
>   She's scheduled for 3 more injections of
> Immunoregulin to complete the 
> recommended course of treatment.  When she gets her
> last injection, I'll get 
> blood work done again to determine her current
> hematocrit level.  You may 
> remember that it was extremely low - 9.6% when she
> last had blood drawn on 
> April 15th.
>   I don't know if Chelsea's turn around will be
> permanent, but she has had a 
> very good month and I'm hopeful that she'll have
> many more to come.
>   Thanks again,  Deanne

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Re: Mixing FeLv & non FeLv

2006-05-15 Thread wendy
I would not mix kittens with an FeLV+ cat or kitten,
as their immune systems are not fully developed and
are more susceptible to contracting the virus.  Adult
cats I feel are most likely ok to exposure, although I
wouldn't bet my life on it.


--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know that finally mixing FIV & non FIV kitties is
> FINALLY being accepted but I am wondering as to what
> you all here think about mixing FeLv & non FeLv
> kitties.  My daughter adopted a kitten years ago
> that was not tested for FeLv until she was about 3
> months old. When she was tested, it was positive.
> They already had another cat & the two had been
> together since little Juniper arrived, so
> essentially 3 months. Jonas was tested & he was
> negative. I believe he was given the vaccine then.
> Juniper has since gone to the bridge & Jonas is
> still healthy & non FeLv.
> I know that there are many folks who do mix but I
> would like to hear the feelings about it here. 
> Pam
> Hurricane Katrina's terrible message:  if it is too
> dangerous for YOU to stay behind as a disaster
> approaches, then why would you leave your PETS
> behind?  Never ever ever leave them behind!  Have
> enough crates for all & take them with you!  They
> are your family!

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Re: Bandy's eye appt.

2006-05-15 Thread wendy

So glad to hear about Bandy's improved eyesight! 


--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>   Just wanted to update you all on Bandy's eye
> appointment last Thursday..We finally have some good
> news..and the doctor was even shocked...His eyes
> have improved..So for the moment, he can see
> some..He isn't running into things or being as
> cautious as he was 2 wks ago...His eyes aren't
> cloudy right now either...So we are on a maintenance
> dose of the prednisolone acetate and atropine...He
> gets the pred drops twice daily and atropine once
> daily now...we do a re-check if all is well in July
> otherwise I am to call if there is any change
> between now and then...He will have to remain on the
> drops the rest of his life though and the dosage
> adjusted according to how he responds...He said the
> fibrin clots were gone, but he has some scarring on
> the retina due to all of this...It is just part of
> his disease or I guess that is the cause of it..They
> did a toxo test, but it was negative..I think he was
> checked for this last August, too. Anyway, I am
> happy that he can see some...He is
>  now climbing on things again..but he can't judge
> distance too well...I watched him yesterday, and he
> was very cautious about getting down...I guess he
> will learn how to deal with all of this...I am
> thinking about getting some pads to put on the floor
> near where he climbs so he won't hurt himself
> again...He likes to climb so I don't want to take
> that away from him...
>   Anyway, head butts to all and hope your kitties
> are doing good today..
>   Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal
> and Snoopy
> -
> Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone
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Re: Bella's Visit with a New Vet

2006-05-15 Thread wendy

I'm so glad you took Bella to another vet and it
sounds like you found a great one.  I wonder if we
have a holistic veterinarian here in Dallas?  

I'm glad Bella got such a great prognosis and I hope
that she will fight this virus off soon!  Please keep
us posted on her progress and most especially, we all
celebrate when one who's tested positive eventually
tests negative, so let us know that for sure!  


--- Ashleigh Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I took Bella to see a holistic veterinarian today to
> discuss FeLV treatments.  I liked him immediately,
> and he was very knowledgable about the importance of
> a good diet.  (Every other vet. I've ever been to
> hawks corn-based foods in their office as the best
> choice, but this guy has analyzed ingredients in
> other foods and recommends those to his customers,
> and he's not making a profit on them either.)
>   He examined Bella thoroughly, and she's the
> picture of health except for the slightly positive
> FeLV test last weekend.  Since she's so healthy
> right now, he thinks she has a good chance of
> fighting off the virus herself.  (He said 1/3 of the
> cats do this, and most of them are fed things like
> Meow Mix.  Bella is at an advantage since I've fed
> her California Naturals since kittenhood.)  
>   He thinks we should try to keep her as healthy as
> possible so that she can fight this virus.  He was
> already familiar with Dr. Belfield's work and has
> tremendous respect for him.  He told me that people
> thought Belfield was nuts a long time ago, but that
> Belfield's beliefs long ago are now being proven to
> be true.  He advised me to get the Mega C powder, to
> add a good B complex vitamin (and he likes
> Belfield's), and to use an Omega fatty acid
> supplement.  (I bought one in his office.)  He also
> mentioned that antioxidants couldn't hurt either. 
> He also said that vitamin D is crucial to having a
> good immune system (as are the other vitamins
> mentioned).  Currently, we keep my daughter's blinds
> pulled up during the day, and Bella loves to lie in
> the sunlight.  He says that that is very healthy.
>   He wasn't very gung-ho on interferon and said he's
> not convinced that it helps.  He says that it is
> human-made and that its use, in his opinion, is not
> totally risk-free.  He said that it could possibly
> make things worse.  (He did say that he would be
> happy to get it for me if I still wanted it, but he
> also told me that if Bella were his cat, he would
> not.)  He felt like it was safest to let her
> well-nourished body work against the virus.  That's
> what we're going to do for now, since she is
> extremely healthy--much more so than typical cats,
> according to him (mainly due to her good diet).
>   I just ordered Dr. Belfield's Mega C and Vitamin B
> complex and am eagerly awaiting its arrival.  I'll
> keep everyone posted on her progress.
>   ~Ashleigh
>   P.S.  Cat foods that he really likes are Nutro
> Natural Choice Lamb & Rice (NOT Max), Dick Van
> Patten's Natural Balance, I.V.D., California
> Naturals, and Felidae.  He said that he's seen
> animals who were totally unresponsive to traditional
> treatments do a complete 180 when they are put on a
> good diet.
> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls
> to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Re: OT:frustrated w "throw away Pets"

2006-05-15 Thread wendy
Hi Karen,

Would you consider moving out into the country, where
no one can tell you what the heck to do with your
animals or how many to have?  There are often places
out in the country to rent, or better yet, rent or buy
some land and put a trailer on it until you can build.
 I know it sounds crazy, but so does giving up your
babies.  We've had this discussion here about how
cities have limits on pets, and some of us have had
real problems with it.  My city's limit is 4 animals,
but no more than 3 of any one type.  Well, we have 5
cats that live in our garage/outside and four cats
that live inside, and then two dogs.  So far we have
been lucky.  I don't think most people in the city
know about the limit as they don't publish it.  Or
maybe they do, but enjoy not having any mice around
the neighborhood.  lol.  But my husband and I are
working financially to be able to afford a place out
in the country.  He wants lots of dogs and I want to
be able to help out stray kitties, and neither of us
wants to answer to any homeowner's association or city
gov't.  I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you're
having.  Don't give up though.  Things always change. 
And you have your little furballs to cheer you up in
the meantime!


--- clarissa- Floyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


hi everyone,

i dont post much but try to read all the emails. moste
i either dont understand the heath issues your dealing
with as we havent gone through much yet or sit and
wish there was something i could do to help.  i keep
thinking about asking rachel if another body looking
through the garage would help find those kittens. she
isnt too far away for me to drive out for a day. i
havent been able to find a soulution for my issues yet
and i guess taking some kind of action might help me
not to get depressed over my own crap.  

ive run into a situation that drives home part of why
theres so many animals  for those of you who do

when i first found this group and decided to keep the
8 kittens we had left, i was engaged and looking for a
house to purchase in another area w the finance. i
thought it was safe to adopt a pet or as it turned out
.. 8 .  since then my 18 yearold daughter has left
(hassent graduated yet) and refuses contact w me, the
fiance and i have broken up and im going to have to
rent. finding a place in the new area that will allow
pets is starting to seem imposible. prospective
landlords sugest i get rid of the cats. even the ppl i
know in the area think i should get rid of the cats.
no one has any sugestion on who would take them other
than the pound as if its a "cure all" solution. some
of the ppl i know even sugested putting them down
since a pound would anyway. 

this whole idea of "throw away pets" frustrates me. 
the common thought that someone else will take care of
an animal they toss on the street or that the animals
can survive on their own is ludicras. 

i figured ya'll would understand my frustration
especially when even the ppl that know me dont get it.
the fiance cant even take his cat with him as he works
out of town 2-3 days at a time but he will help with
food costs and some of the future vet bills if i keep
Salem for him. i still have a couple of months to
continue looking before i have to move and im trying
to stay posative. i just know that trying to find
homes for "the herd" would be next to imposible as
well as break our hearts. its not a solution im
willing to consider yet and hope i dont end up having
thank you all for being patient with me and letting me


PS: i find the group such as inspiration. your all
amazing with everything you do to help these cats no
matter where any of them are. 

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To Elizabeth

2006-05-15 Thread wendy
Hi Elizabeth,

I'm sorry that you had to find our site, but glad you
did.  The people here are so knowledgeable and
supportive.  If you have any questions, please don't
hesitate to ask.  We're here to help.  

I can send you a manual on caring for your kitty if
you'd like.  It's made up of posts from members of
this group and has a lot of good info.  I'll have to
send it directly because we can't post attachments;
just let me know.  

As far as diet goes, my kitties all eat dry and canned
Innova Evo.  After a lot of research, it seems to be
the best stuff on the market.  It has no grains/corn,
which kitties' bodies don't utilize.  It's mostly
proteins and some veggies, which means their bodies
use most of the ingredients and they eliminate less.  

I'm with Nina on making sure that whoever adopted
those 12 kittens knows about your kitty's FeLV+
status.  That is how my Cricket got FeLV; in-vitro. 
His mother had it.  Although you might want to be
careful.  I adopted out two of Cricket's siblings to a
girl in my apartment complex and after a month or so,
I asked about the kittens and she said she had to give
them up to a shelter.  I got the sinking feeling that
she was lying, and now that I know that Cricket and
his mom were FeLV+ (I didn't know that 5 years ago
when he was a kitten), I assume she had them tested
and they were probably pts, I'm sad to say.  They were
so cute!  So be careful.  If you do contact the
owner's, give them an out so that they don't

Even though your kitty is anemic, it doesn't mean she
won't turn around.  It also doesn't mean it's her
time.  You'll know when it is, or when it's getting
close.  Don't get me wrong.  Anemia is serious, but it
can be treated.  Do you know what kind of anemia she
has?  Regenerative or non-regenerative?  Also, many
people here have used Epogen to stimulate red blood
cell production.  It has had very good results. 
Please check into it.  I don't know much about
Acemannan.  Can you fill us in on it?  What exactly
does it do?  I will add it into the manual.  I don't
think it's in there.  Also, you might consider adding
L-lysine (without propylene glycol) and Vitamin C
(Mega-C or something like that) to her diet to boost
her immune system.  The two biggest factors in success
with this virus is keeping kitty stress free and
boosting the immune system, which includes a great

The good and bad news is that this virus is
unpredictable.  So what looks like a bad situation
could turn around completely with the right care.  Or
it might not.  But we have to try.  Don't give up

Your other cats have probably all been exposed, and
may or may not have contracted the virus.  If they
were adults when they were exposed to the FeLV+ kitty,
then chances are really good they will remain
negative, even with continued exposure to the kitty. 
It's not 100% though.  A lot still isn't known about
contracting FeLV.  

I hope this info. helps.  Just ask if you have any
questions at all, and let me know if you want me to
forward you the maual.

Dallas, TX

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Re: Update on Allie

2006-05-15 Thread wendy
Dear Jen,

I am so, so sorry to hear how Allie is doing.  She
doesn't sound like she's having much quality of life,
and you are right to listen to what she is telling
you.  It's so hard, so heartwrenching watching our
beloved furbabies decline and nothing we do to help is
actually helping.  I forgot that she is FIV as well,
and from what I understand with FIV, once it kicks in,
it's incredibly hard to turn around.  She may be
dealing with the FIV instead of the FeLV.  I will pray
that Allie either crosses the bridge tonight or makes
a miracle of a comeback.  I am sorry Jen.  I know your
heart is aching right now.  Just know we're here for
you if you need anything.  I'll keep you guys in my


--- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I honestly never understood what you all meant by
> you will know when it is time, but it's true, our
> cats do have a way of telling us (this is the first
> sick cat I have ever cared for, so this is a totally
> new experience for me all around...).  Allie has
> rapidly been declining over the past few days
> despite treatments.  Her temp just keeps climbing
> (it's now up to 107.1 this am) and she has
> completely stopped eating and drinking.  She growls
> every time I try to give her any kind of medication
> or treatment.  I truly believe that this is her way
> of telling me she does not want anymore.  Allie has
> never liked vets, needles, or even oral meds, so I
> know that taking daily antibotics and frequent
> injections and sq fluids has probably been very
> rough on her.  I also feel that at this point she is
> suffering and I do not want that for her.  I think
> she's trying to tell me it's her time- she's tired
> and she just can't fight anymore.  Unfortunately I
> think we found the FELV and FIV
>  relatively end stage and with both viruses, her
> body is just very run down.  Right now she has no
> spunk- just lies around in one spot all day hiding -
> barely even has the energy to purr.  That is not my
> Allie cat!  It is killing me to see her suffer and I
> am now content that I understand what she is trying
> to tell me.  So, unfortunately, I have to make the
> hardest decision that any pet mommy and cat lover
> has to make.  I am going to spend tonight with my
> baby girl and if God does not take her on His own, I
> am going to help her cross the bridge tomorrow.  I
> have never had to make such a difficult decision in
> my life and I bless you and feel the pain of each
> and every one of you that have had to make this same
> decision before.  However, I know it is the right
> thing to do.  I have told her that it's OK to go, I
> just want her to be happy and not suffer anymore,
> and ever since I told her that she has been purring
> more and not hiding as much- it's as if she's at
> peace now. 
>  That's helping me know that I am making the right
> decision.  Please remember my little one tonight and
> tomorrow afternoon at 4pm when I say good-bye.  She
> has lived a long (10 yrs) good and happy life.  She
> deserves only to be happy.  Thank you for
> everything.  I don't know what I would have done
> without all of you.
>   Jen and Allie
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones
> from your PC and save big.

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To Jen-P.S.

2006-05-15 Thread wendy
P.S. Jen-make sure you have at least one good pic of
Allie; take some tonight if you are able.  And also,
if you are able to, be there with her when she
crosses.  It's horrible but at the same time, will be
an honor and a blessing to both of you, if that makes
any sense.  Take care Jen and give little Allie hugs
from all of us.


--- TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> thank you for being able to listen to her, and hear
> her. they DO tell
> us. helping them cross the bridge when it's their
> time is definitely
> one of the most difficult things we ever do, yet
> it's also often the
> last gift we can offer them in exchange for all the
> love and joy they
> have given us.
> will hold you both in my heart.
> MC
> On 5/15/06, Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > I honestly never understood what you all meant by
> you will know when it is
> > time, but it's true, our cats do have a way of
> telling us (this is the first
> > sick cat I have ever cared for, so this is a
> totally new experience for me
> > all around...).  Allie has rapidly been declining
> over the past few days
> > despite treatments.  Her temp just keeps climbing
> (it's now up to 107.1 this
> > am) and she has completely stopped eating and
> drinking.  She growls every
> > time I try to give her any kind of medication or
> treatment.  I truly believe
> > that this is her way of telling me she does not
> want anymore.  Allie has
> > never liked vets, needles, or even oral meds, so I
> know that taking daily
> > antibotics and frequent injections and sq fluids
> has probably been very
> > rough on her.  I also feel that at this point she
> is suffering and I do not
> > want that for her.  I think she's trying to tell
> me it's her time- she's
> > tired and she just can't fight anymore. 
> Unfortunately I think we found the
> > FELV and FIV relatively end stage and with both
> viruses, her body is just
> > very run down.  Right now she has no spunk- just
> lies around in one spot all
> > day hiding - barely even has the energy to purr. 
> That is not my Allie cat!
> > It is killing me to see her suffer and I am now
> content that I understand
> > what she is trying to tell me.  So, unfortunately,
> I have to make the
> > hardest decision that any pet mommy and cat lover
> has to make.  I am going
> > to spend tonight with my baby girl and if God does
> not take her on His own,
> > I am going to help her cross the bridge tomorrow. 
> I have never had to make
> > such a difficult decision in my life and I bless
> you and feel the pain of
> > each and every one of you that have had to make
> this same decision before.
> > However, I know it is the right thing to do.  I
> have told her that it's OK
> > to go, I just want her to be happy and not suffer
> anymore, and ever since I
> > told her that she has been purring more and not
> hiding as much- it's as if
> > she's at peace now.  That's helping me know that I
> am making the right
> > decision.  Please remember my little one tonight
> and tomorrow afternoon at
> > 4pm when I say good-bye.  She has lived a long (10
> yrs) good and happy life.
> >  She deserves only to be happy.  Thank you for
> everything.  I don't know
> > what I would have done without all of you.
> >
> > Jen and Allie
> >
> >
> > 
> > New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular
> phones from your PC and save
> > big.
> >
> >
> -- 
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

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Re: Allie has said good-bye

2006-05-17 Thread wendy
Dear Jen,

I am so sorry to hear that you've lost Allie.  Bless
you for having mercy on her and the courage to help
her cross the bridge.  I know she was elated to be
able to spend time outside before she crossed.  What a
beautiful gift you gave her.  More beautiful though is
the love and compassion you showed her while she was
with you.  I am crying for you knowing that your heart
is broken right now, but happy that Allie is whole
again and in no pain.  What a wonderful husband you
have to reminisce with you over Allie.  I hope that
your sweet memories of Allie will keep your heart warm
while you grieve and that Allie leaves you a sign soon
that she's ok and loves you as much as ever.


--- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First of all, thank you all for all your prayers and
> good wishes.  You are an amazing group of people and
> Allie and I are blessed to have had you in our
> lives.  
>   As you know from my last post, we made the
> decision to help Allie cross the bridge on Monday
> because she had declined so much over the weekend. 
> And I really think she was trying to tell me no more
> (she hates vets, needles, pills, etc- always has). 
> It was probably also hard for her to be indoors as
> she was always an outdoor cat and loved everything
> about being outside.  (She was quite the hunter as
> well!)
>   So, I cherished Monday night and stayed up half
> the night with her (for as long as she would sit and
> cuddle with me).  We sat in the big chair in the den
> together and watched Milo and Otis (a movie about an
> orange cat and a dog- Allie was an orange cat with
> white belly and paws).  When Allie decided she had
> had enough she jumped off my lap and almost fell
> over!  One of her back legs was hardly working- it
> broke my heart!  It almost looked neuro- and I
> definitely knew I was making the right decision at
> that point.  Allie was a very active cat- loved to
> run around outside and hunt- she was never meant to
> be incapacitated.  (The vet told me later that the
> leg could have been any number of things- a blood
> clot, menningitis, etc.- with having both FELV and
> FIV you just never know)
>   I carried Allie upstairs and placed her on the bed
> where she slept the rest of the night with me. 
> Yesterday (Tuesday), her back leg still wasn't
> working right and she was still sluggish.  She
> didn't want to cuddle and hid behind the couch most
> of the day.  We spent her last hour outside together
> walking around the yard and going to all her
> favorite spots.  She sat on her favorite outdoor
> chair for a while feeling the sunshine and breeze
> (and even a few raindrops!)  I'm so glad she was
> able to spend that time outside.  I told her over
> and over again Monday and Tuesday how much I love
> her and what a good kitty she is.  I told her I want
> her to be happy and not suffer anymore.  
>   My husband and I brought Allie to the vet together
> for our final good-bye.  The vet was wonderful and
> explained everything (since this is the first time
> we have had to do this it made a big difference to
> know what was going to happen ahead of time).  I
> asked the vet to give Allie a sedative first since
> she doesn't respond well to IV's, so she got a
> sedative and went to sleep.  Then at 4:30pm on
> Tuesday 5/16/06 Allie went to sleep forever with me
> and my husband by her side.  We stayed with her for
> a while and I took a lock of her fur.  She looked so
> peaceful and I know she is in a better place now.  
>   I know this was the right thing to do- she was
> really suffering over the past few days, but it is
> still so hard.  I miss her so much!  I have not been
> able to bring myself to put away all the cat stuff
> yet.  Last night my husband and I went through old
> pictures of Allie and relived our favorite Allie
> moments- there were so many!  
>   So now it's one day at a time and one foot in
> front of the other.  I know I will continue to cry a
> lot and continue to miss her terribly.  But I know
> my baby girl is somewhere now where there is no more
> suffering and she can run around and chase mice,
> squirrels, birds, and rabbits all day long.  
>   Thanks for listening!  
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones
> from your PC and save big.

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Re: my first sign from Allie

2006-05-18 Thread wendy
That's great Jen.  How sweet that she is thinking of
you and letting you know she's ok so soon!


--- Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, Allie has already shown me her presence and
> that she is watching over me.  When doing laundry
> today I was emptying out my husband's pants pockets
> as always and found a tiny scrap of paper.  I sent
> it aside to throw away along with everything else. 
> When I looked at it again a few hours later I
> noticed it was shaped like a cat's head and was
> orange!!!  I asked my husband about it- where he got
> it, why it was in his pocket, etc., and he had no
> memory of it.  I couldn't help but think Allie sent
> me that tiny scrap of paper to let me know she's OK
> and that's she with me. 
> -
> Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone
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Re: Demetri

2006-05-19 Thread wendy
Hi Sherry,

Prayers going out for your beloved furbabies.  I am
glad you got good news before you left to go camping. 
Now you won't worry about Demetri.  Also, enjoy this
trip.  You need it, and you CERTAINLY deserve it!


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind
> words,Jen e-mailed be this morning and told me he
> was fine that they just over reacted,which is
> good.This way they can get on top of what is
> starting with my sweetie. :) Thanks so much for
> everything.
> Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Demetri is not losing his battle.  He has won it. 
> He has someone who loves him and cares for him and
> prays for him.  That is a win.  
>   Bless you for caring about him.  I know how hard
> it is to watch one have such problems.  You and
> Demetri  have my prayers.  They do help. 
> If you have men who will exclude any of God's
> creatures
> from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
> will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>  St. Francis
> - Original Message - 
>   From: Sherry DeHaan 
>   To: Felvtalk 
>   Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:35 PM
>   Subject: Demetri
>   Yes it's me again,needing prayers for my sweet
> Demetri AGAIN! I don't know how bad he is but he is
> at the clinic again.I believe he has the bad
> snoogies again,which hits him hard.He has felv and
> fiv.I will worry about him all weekend .I am going
> out of town till Monday camping and stopped in to
> see my babies and he was not there.I was about in
> tears,cause evertime he gets sick I am so worried.I
> give him all the love I can cause I know these
> diseases will take him way before his time. It is
> going to tear me to pieces when he loses his
> battle.So I am just asking for some of your
> wonderful prayers for him.Please forgive me for all
> the asking for prayers so much,but I believe they
> help.THank you so much
>   Sherry
> -
>   Be a chatter box. Enjoy free PC-to-PC calls with
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
> -
> New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones
> from your PC and save big.

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Re: The Photo Of Bailey I Was Talking About (my sign)

2006-05-19 Thread wendy
Wow!  That is really cool!  I laughed when I first
opened it because I thought that was the actual
picture, and I didn't get it, but then I realized you
had inserted Bailey's pic right next to the clouds so
we could see the similarity, and then laughed again at
myself for being a 'blonde'.  I think that's a cool


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sent this to the list but it had to be approved
> because of the size 
> so I just went ahead and put it online.  Here is the
> link, I still get 
> chills looking at it:
>  >>>>
>Not sure if this will come through if not I'll
> post it on the 
> internet, it is the photo I saw on TV that was my
> sign from Bailey.  I 
> inserted the photo of him that it looks like for
> comparison.  If you 
> look just at his face, you'll see what I mean, the
> two eyes, the white 
> spot on the right side of his face, under his eye
> ...  <<<<
> PS.  I wrote and thanked the person who took it for
> sending it to me.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re: The Photo Of Bailey I Was Talking About (my sign)

2006-05-19 Thread wendy
I've decided that's a genetic thing.  My aunt and I
both have it too.  It's called ODD-Opposite Direction
Disorder.  LOL.  When someone says 'go right', I say
'my right or your right'?  lol.

--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wendy,
>I must have been having a "blonde moment" when I
> wrote my original 
> message, I wrote on the right instead of on the
> left, never get that 
> straight!  I get laughed at all the time when I have
> to tell someone 
> right or left, always have to put my arms up to
> figure it out:)
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

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Re: Good Report

2006-05-22 Thread wendy

I am so happy that MK has gotten such a good report. 
Gaining back her weight is a great sign and so is the
correction of her eyelids!  I hope she continues to


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Last week on Tuesday, MK (mama kitty) was diagnosed
> with FeVL+.   She was 
> very anemic and had lost 14% of her body weight (1
> and 1/4th lbs).   Her 3rd 
> eyelids spanned about 1/2 of her eyes.
> That Friday, we began treatment with Acemannan and
> also a course of Ammoxi  
> drops and Pet Tinic.  (MK thinks that Pet Tinic is
> evil but that is another  
> story).  The first thing I noticed the day of her
> first shot was that her  
> appetite increased.
> Today we got a good report from the vet.  She's
> gained 1/4th lbs in  one week 
> - up to 8lbs and her 3rd eyelid is just barely
> showing sometimes in one  eye.
> I don't know if these positive indicators are due to
> the Acemannan, the  
> antibiotic, the iron...or simply the unpredictable
> nature of the disease - but  
> we'll take any and all improvement we can manage.
> MK is too traumatized by Pet Tinic (she takes liquid
> antibiotics  beautifully 
> though) we've stopped that and now every Friday
> when we go for  a shot 
> of Acemannan, we get a vitamin B12 shot as well. 
> We've stopped the  
> antibiotics for now (she took them a week and a
> half) to see how she  does..and if she 
> shows any lethargy or signs that she doesn't feel
> well, we'll  start back.
> She's perkier - more energetic...tail straight up in
> the air ready to butt  
> her head under your hand or claim you as her
> property.
> One day at a time.  I'm grateful this is a good day.

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Re: For Niki--: nutrition info

2006-05-22 Thread wendy

Licking things that are not edible is a symptom called
'Pica' and is indicative of anemia.  Lethargy is also
a symptom of anemia.  Make sure your vet does a blood
count.  Please keep us posted.


--- Nicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> MessageHello all,
> I know that it has been some time since I wrote
> anything although I have been keeping up to date by
> reading the postings each day.  I want to say that
> all of you who have lost fur babies since the last
> time I wrote you are always in my prayers and
> thoughts.  I do have a reason for writing this
> though and I hope it is nothing to get overly
> concerned about but I just do not know and hope
> someone can help me.  My furkid Ziggy is now a
> little over a year old and just in the past week or
> so he has begun licking my hardwood floors, my walls
> (both cement basement and those in rooms) in
> addition to licking the marble threshold b/w my bath
> and hallway.  He also seems to be sleeping a lot
> more and not as playful at all.  I have been keeping
> an eye on his litter box and everything was fine up
> until about an hour ago when he used it and I saw he
> has diarrhea (I had cleaned it right before he used
> it).  Are these significant symptoms of some aspect
> of this disease that I should be paranoid about? (I
> am paranoid already and have lost sleep the past two
> days anyway).  I do have a vet appt tom at 5:30 for
> him but am not sure what to do in the meantime. 
> Does anyone have any advice?  Thank you so much and
> I do hope that this is not something to be extremely
> concerned about but for some reason I do not have a
> good feeling... 
> Niki
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: MacKenzie, Kerry
> N.<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   To:
>   Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:40 AM
>   Subject: For Niki--: nutrition info
>   Hi Niki
>   No need to apologize---ask as many Qs as you need
> to, and whenever they come to mind. We're all here
> to help you/each other!
>   I had a chance to look at Frazier's book on
> feeding kittens, and she says that once weaned (as
> Ziggy is) a kitten "can eat the same food formula
> you feed any healthy cat." She also says that "this
> is definitely the time for an extra mineral vitamin
> supplement. Kittens need more of every nutrient to
> help their bodies manufacture strong muscles and
> bones."
>   In her FELV section, where she gives detailed
> recommendations for diet, including giving Vita Min
> Mix, there is nothing in it about not giving to
> kittens. So I think it's safe to say Ziggy will
> benefit from it.
>   Also, here's what she says about the possible
> outcomes after a negative cat comes into contact
> with a positive cat:
>   The negative, but exposed cat may:
>   ~~not become affected in any way;
>   ~~become infected (positive), develop immunity,
> and revert again to being negative;
>   ~~become positive, but not become ill and remain
> positive--thus becoming a new carrier of the virus;
>   ~~become positive and develop lymphosarcoma,
> leukemia, or other cancer; or
>   ~~become positive and be ill from the virus
> infection, much like flu; and then recover and
> remain positive or become negative.
>   In my experience, your vet is exceptional in his
> attitude to FeLV cats--that's wonderful. Wish there
> were more like him.
>   hope that helps, and big hugs to Ziggy!
>   Kerry
>   -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Nicholena Rushton
>   Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 8:39 PM
>   To:
>   Subject: Re: nutrition info
>   I have another question to ask - I apologize for
> asking so many questions but I just can not think of
> all of them at one time!  Since Ziggy tested pos for
> FeLV at such a young age would it be "safe" to
> assume he was born with it and is going to have it
> for the rest of his life?  I know two of his
> littermates have tested pos also but not sure about
> the third one (he was the only male and the others
> were all female).  I have to say that I am amazed by
> other members talking about their vets telling them
> to euthanize a FeLV pos cat.  I now feel blessed to
> have my vet as he poo-poo'd the idea of euthanasia
> right from the start (I was the one who had to bring
> it up when I got the test results - I was extremely
> nieve then and to think it was only one week ago!). 
> Although I am wondering if anyone has any idea if
> there is a vet who c

Re: Pekoe is gone .....

2006-05-23 Thread wendy

Please accept my sympathies that you have lost your
beloved Pekoe.  You did all you could for him, and he
knows this and loves you dearly for it.  I hope that
his sweet memories will comfort you as you grieve for


--- Marlene Chornie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Group,
> It is with great sadness that I must tell you
> that we had to let Pekoe go to the Bridge this
> morning (May 23rd).  It was a difficult decision
> that we struggled with this past weekend, but was
> the kindest act of love that we could do for him.  I
> will post more later in a few days when I feel up to
> it.  We're also remembering our precious Digby at
> this time, since it was one year ago tomorrow (May
> 24th) that we had to let him go.  
> Marlene
> Angels Pekoe & Digby

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Re: Anemia

2006-05-23 Thread wendy

When my Cricket was first diagnosed with anemia, I
felt the same way you did.  This ominous feeling just
ate away at me the whole time he was ill.  It was
horrible.  But luckily, Ziggy is moderately anemic. 
Cricket was severely anemic.  You have some time and
might be able to turn him around with the right
information and some help from above.  First, ask your
vet if he will consider Epogen, which has worked for
many kitties.  It stimulates the body into making red
blood cells.  Prednisone and ImmunoRegulin are also
right on track in helping to treat anemia.  Interferon
may also help, but definitely ask him about the
Epogen.  I would call the vet and ask what his exact
numbers are and let us know so we can better help
Ziggy.  You need to know if he has regenerative or
non-regenerative anemia.  Take care of yourself Niki. 
If you get too stressed out, Ziggy will pick up on it,
and it will stress him out more, which will not help
him recover.  Get some sleep even if you have to drink
some wine or take a sleep aid to get there.  Eat to
keep your strength up.  If you aren't rested or taken
care of, your mind won't be in good enough shape to
make good decisions for Ziggy.  Don't be afraid to ask
for help or come her to vent or with questions.  We
have all been in the same position and know how
devastated you feel.  I hope this helps a little.  Do
you have the kitty manual that we send out?


--- Nicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all:
> I am not sure if my previous post went out correctly
> but if it did I have an update on Ziggy and really
> need some help on what to do.  Went to the vet
> yesterday who ran Ziggy's blood work which showed
> him to be "moderately" anemic.  Vet immediately gave
> him a shot of immon regulin (I believe) and then
> gave me predisone and and antibiotic along with a
> liquid appetite stimulant.  What his exact numbers
> were I am not sure as I was devastated by what the
> vet said.  Ziggy is still eating but is lethargic at
> times and shows no interest in playing with any of
> his toys.  Additionally, he licks the interior walls
> of my house intermittently and the marble threshold
> b/w my hall and bath.   I know I am in a daily fight
> for his life but I just can not seem to stop
> thinking that he is losing his battle.  My vet has
> also ordered Interferon for me so that I can start a
> regime of that.  I don't know what else to do and I
> do not know if there is any advice anyone can give
> me to try and ease my fears.  I have lost sleep over
> this for the past four nights (three when I didn't
> know what was going on and now tonight).  Will
> someone PLEASE help me?  Thanks
> Niki

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Re: speaking of special needs.....update

2006-05-23 Thread wendy

Glad to hear that little Ozzy is doing so fantastic. 
Congratulations!  And don't fret about the black
cat...some people love them.  I have three!  Good


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My little broken pelvis kitty goes for his check up
> (Ozzy) next week.
> He jumps on the bed and chases all the dogs like he
> was never injured.  
> Sleeps on my pillow and purrs like a 350 Chevy. 
> Now to get a black cat adopted..sigh...
> thanks to all who gave advice on his very hard
> stools. 
> Karen

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Re: new & needing help

2006-05-23 Thread wendy
Absolutely, these kittens, IF they are positive, as
it's not always 100% that the kittens will pick up the
FeLV from mom in-utero or via grooming, may be able to
"throw off" the virus after time.  The two key
elements in caring for FeLV kitties is to keep them
stress-free and to provide them with a good diet,
which should include supplements such as L-lysine and
Vitamin C.  If all your other cats are adults, it's
very hard for them to contract FeLV from the kittens
unless they groom them.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm new, so here goes.  I rescued 4 kittens born in
> my back yard by a stray who tested positive.  Now I
> guess I have 4 kittens in my possession who are also
> positive.  Is there any chance these kittens could
> end up negative after a few months?  Can they
> sometimes fend off this infection in some way?  I
> have 8 cats already, and trying to keep 4 kittens
> separated from them is almost impossible.  I thought
> you had one member who was from the Ky area(which I
> am, also).
> I would love to hear from her regarding any possible
> sanctuaries, or great-souled people who might
> consider adding positives to their home.  Does
> anyone ever have any luck finding adopters?  I'm
> heartsick and soo desperate.
> Please help.

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Re: New to group/ Conflicting information

2006-05-24 Thread wendy
Your vet is probably right.  It's unusual for adult
cats to contract FeLV, unless bitten and body fluids
are exchanged.  So unless Angel is bitten between now
and three months, most likely she will still be
negative.  Waiting three months to retest is fine-
some people do it earlier.  Good luck caring for this
little one.  Bless you for taking her in.  


--- Christie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, I a mom to 28! That's right, 21 Kitty Kids, 2
> Canine Kids, 3 Caprine Kids (goats), 1 Bunny Kid and
> one "Human" Skin Teenager!
>   Three weeks ago, I found a the 28th. A Sweet
> little kitty, now named Angel dragging herself to a
> house on road. Her back half his paralyzed. 
>   I made a page for her and her story so far at:
>   First I want to say that my heart goes out to all
> of you , fighting for the lives of your furkids. I
> have three FIV+ kitties and most of my kitties have
> FRV but neither of them has made my babies as sick
> as Felv is known too. 
>   The reason I came to this site is because I have
> never been told, though it does make sense to, to
> restest my kitties , after getting a negetive
> result, In case they were recently exposed. 
>   Now, Angel needs to be confined she is infested
> with lice and I am having a heck of a time getting
> her cleaned up but once I do, I don't know if I
> should introduce her to my other kitties. 
>   The people on a board for handicapped pets said to
> wait a month, The vet said three months and  when I
> googled it I got any where between 6 weeks and 6 -12
>   Is there some place where I get the actual
> suggested time by those who really know. Like I have
> Diabetes so I always check the ADA. Is there an
> official organization where I can find out the
> truth
>   The vet did say and I didn't ask why that
> "considering her age, if she tests negative now, I
> would bet she is negative in 3 months". Why would
> that be 
>   She is an old girl. She only has 2 teeth left and
> her xrays showed bone decalcification. 
>   Any information on this would be so appreciated! I
> also hope that know one find this post
> disrespectful, I have the deepest respect for each
> and every one of you, fighting, instead of throwing
> in the towel. 
>   Blessings, Christie and Angel
>   Don't tell God how big your mountain is
>   Tell your mountain how big YOUR God is!
>   Siggie By:
>   ~Terry's Treasure~

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To Niki

2006-05-26 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your beloved
Ziggy.  I happened so suddenly, and I'm sorry you
didn't have more time with him to say goodbye.  He
loves you and knows you did all you could for him
while he was ill, and that means the world to him. 
Sometimes there are just things that are beyond our
realm of understanding; things we cannot comprehend. 
Our furkids, who are only lent to us for a short time
anyway, have important jobs to do when they leave us
and sometimes we have to let them go earlier than we
hoped to.  But Ziggy is not only pain free, but he is
probably preparing right now for a very important job
and that's why he was taken so soon.  Again, I am so
sorry that you've lost him, but know he's right there
by your side, still loving you, even though you cannot
see him.  I truly believe that.  If you need anything
or just need to vent/cry, please feel free to email


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How is Ember today?

2006-06-02 Thread wendy
Hi Lance,
I haven't been on my email most of this week and I
just read about Ember.  It does sound like a reaction
to the Advantage.  Although I've never had a problem
using it on my furbabies, each and every kitty is
different.  Please update us on how she is doing
today.  I hope she's back to her bouncy normal self!


--- Lance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you for your prayers for Ember. I really
> appreciate that others  
> are pulling for her. She drank some water several
> times, and I  
> actually got her to play some before she went to the
> vet. While  
> there's no way for the vet to really know why this
> happened to Ember,  
> she thinks it could have been due to the Advantage,
> which I will  
> never use again on any animal of mine. Ember did not
> have a fever,  
> which is good. She was given an injection, which I
> think might have  
> been Centrine, and we were given several Centrine
> tablets for later  
> use. One must be given in the morning, then we'll
> figure out if she  
> needs anymore of them from there. She also doesn't
> get food for a  
> bit, and the dry food is out of the picture for a
> bit longer than the  
> canned. Ember seems to be acting much closer to
> normal. I'm still  
> watchful and concerned, and I will be until all's
> clear.
> Lance

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To Sherry

2006-06-02 Thread wendy
Hi Sherry,

Just checking in to see how you are doing.  How was
your camping trip a few weeks ago?  How are all your
babies doing at the shelter?  I hope well.


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Re: Mowgli

2006-06-02 Thread wendy

I am sorry to hear about Mowgli, as well as all the
other CLS babies you've lost this past month. 
Strength going out to you.


--- Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mowgli sends you very warm thoughts and lots of
> love.
>  If
> you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
> from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will
> have men who 
> will deal likewise with their fellow man.
>  St. Francis
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Sherry DeHaan 
>   To: Felvtalk 
>   Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:40 PM
>   Subject: Mowgli
>   Could we add sweet little Mowgli to the CLS,we
> lost him this morning.Mini is still fighting and
> Lorelie is feeling a bit better as is Rupert.Thanks
> for all the prayers
>   Sherry
>   Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make
> PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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Re: To Sherry

2006-06-02 Thread wendy

Glad to hear you had a good time, but sad to hear
about your babies, as I know you were.  You are such a
trooper.  You and those kitties.  My husband and I
went on WW last fall and it is a great program!  Tried
and true.  Take care of yourself and keep us posted on
the furbabies.


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wendy thanks for asking,the camping trip was
> ok.It was a bit cold.I ate way too much junk,and I
> am a Weight Watcher Lifetimer and I sure was glad to
> be back on track when I got home. :) We lost Lola
> when I was camping and now Mowgli.And still needing
> prayers for Mini and Hiliary is at the clinic again.
> Hope you are doing well.
>   Sherry
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi Sherry,
> Just checking in to see how you are doing. How was
> your camping trip a few weeks ago? How are all your
> babies doing at the shelter? I hope well.
> :)
> Wendy
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
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> -
> Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make
> PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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