Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-07 Thread Sally Flood
Thanks, Heather and Jann, for loving and caring for Hobbs and making his short 
life a happy one.  He was a lucky little kitty to have you two!

The Other Sally

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am very sad to let everyone know 
that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon at 12:48 p.m.
 His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
 We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.
 Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers
 (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out 
unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she might have 
more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for 
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & 
Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would either still be out 
there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put down due to testing 
positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
 I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.
 I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.
 I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.
 In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-07 Thread dede hicken
What a beautiful tribute to you all.  May Hobbs rest in peace.  I know he loves 
you all, and thanks you for a chance at life.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17

--- On Tue, 5/6/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 10:04 PM
> I'm so sorry, Heather.
>   tonya
> Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed
> away Sunday afternoon at 12:48 p.m.
>   His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around
> to replenish suppliesbut when she got home he was
> clearly declining.   She felt he was suffering and made the
> decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was
> obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried
> to keep him warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever he
> wanted or could.   She took a sleeping bag in her spare room
> & slept with him Saturday night, and spent Sunday
> morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and
> consoling him.
>   We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but
> he ended up passing on his own...which we are grateful for,
> though she fears she allowed him to suffer.   I think had
> we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would be
> wondering if he might have had more time.
>   Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep
> Jann and his sister Sissy in your prayers, they were
> "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
> Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for
> giving Hobbs & Sissy the chance to live the life of
> love that all kitties deserve, regardless of what is in
> their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the
> same building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new
> office on the other side of campus.   I was very nervous
> about this decision and kept telling everyone I wished that
> I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I
> had 2 injured feral cats colonies in the first two weeks,
> and also was approached by a new coworker regarding an
> injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She
> had an eye & ear injury and my heart immediately told
> me I had to help her; we did not know she was a nursing
> Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that
> they'd caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of
> hers
>  (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was
> put back out unspayed, I will never know unless it was
> because they thought she might have more kittens.   When I
> trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for
> FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama,
> Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from
> God I'd sought, as they would either still be out there
> reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put down due
> to testing positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped
> them.
>   I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2
> ladies had already found 2 of them, I had to give them the
> news of the Mom' testing status.  Both of their kittens
> were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy
> and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for
> Leukemia a month later, confirmed by retesting twice.
>   I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been
> through, and knowing that much of it--including this litter
> of kittens with leukemia, could have been prevented had she
> been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their
> chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I
> didn't even have room for another negative cat.   It is
> Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and Sissy the
> chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know
> they could not have had a more loving home.   I am very
> grateful for Jann, and know she is hurting badly right now.
>   I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support,
> advice and prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I
> first took them to Jann's as kittens she said she felt
> an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His
> illness and loss has been very hard for her and she has
> been very appreciative of the support.   Thank you all for
> giving these special kitties love for the time that they
> have here, it means everything in the world for them.
>   In Loving Memory of Hobbs,
>   Heather


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008 Question for Beth Noren

2008-05-07 Thread MaryChristine
am cracking up reading the description of his antics around the
house--stealing the greens from the birds, indeed! (maybe he wants CORN? an
inside joke, sorry.)

one of the most amazing things about FeLVs is that, especially with the
young ones who aren't meant to be here long, they seem to KNOW that they
have to express all their cuteness, and all their sweetness, and all their
brattiness into a shorter period--and as much as i've cried when young one
had to go home, i've known that those little ones have enjoyed every minute
of their lives.. 3 months, 6 months, 3 years, 12 years--just love them.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Beth Noren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Heather,
> Of the 5 kittens, one was positive right away, and one turned positive
> several weeks later.
> We lost the first one to FIP, which I partially blame on vaccinating too
> soon and too short a regimen of antibiotics.  She was vaccinated a couple of
> days after the antibiotics were stopped, they were still in her system
> then and were masking the fact that she hadn't really kicked her URI.  Her
> immune system just got tired, and she came down with FIP.  She was a very
> sick little runt when we found her, so she may not have made it even without
> our mistakes.  When one of her brothers came down with a high fever, we had
> him retested and he came up positive.  He got prednisolone for 1 or 2 days
> and was put on Clavamox.  The fever came back within a week, one
> prednisolone tablet was all it took to break the fever.  After all I had
> been through with the first one, there was no way I was letting him off the
> antibiotic.  He was on Clavamox as a preventative for *months*.  Everyone
> says that it will kill the good bacteria along with the bad, and that may be
> true for some cats, but he never had a problem.  He has always been my best
> and most enthusiastic eater, no diarrhea or anything.  I think that the
> antibiotics allowed his body to concentrate on its fight with the
> virus instead of wasting its energy on any bacteria.  Just my layman's
> guess.  I think that the typical 10 day antibiotic prescription is way too
> short.  Then again, he was much healthier than his sister when I found them,
> so maybe he has stayed well *despite* my meddling.  Anyway, I was kinda
> flying under my vet's radar getting Clavamox refills, finally I took him in
> to have his mouth checked 'cause he wouldn't eat his crunchy treats (it was
> fine) and she said that she couldn't in good conscience see any reason to
> continue prescribing meds to such a healthy looking cat.  He's solid muscle
> from playing all day long.  The only supplement I use with him is L-Lysine
> powder in his wet food.  Food brands have changed a few times, but for a
> lot of their lives they have been on California Natural chicken and rice
> dry.  Current wet food is Pet's Promise chicken from Petco.  I avoid fish
> flavors because they can have a flame retardant chemical in them (from
> pollution).  Once in awhile they get a plate of wet baby greens or romaine
> lettuce, otherwise they try to steal it from our birds.  That's it.  Oh,
> and I waited longer to have him neutered (7 months).  He is healthier
> than his three remaining siblings (all negative, but two have food allergies
> and one broke her femur).  I know that the odds are long on making 3 years,
> but I have hope, and I try to concentrate on the joy of his company right
> here and now.  Even when he's hell-bent on stealing used Q-tips from the
> bathroom trash.  :o)
> Sending good thoughts for Sissy,
> Beth
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Beth (Noren)-
> >
> > For your two surviving 2 year old FELV kitties, are there supplements
> > you've used or anything in particular you attribute to them doing so well?
> >
> > Thank you all for your condolences and thoughts, I sent Jann a link to
> > the archives so that she would know that many thoughts are with her, with
> > wishes of peace and love for Hobbs.
> >
> > Heather
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-07 Thread TatorBunz
I'm so sorry to hear about Hobbs as I have been following this from  the 
I send many hugs and headbutts to the family that cared and loved  this kitty.
At least he had some happiness with the family in which was better  than he 
had before.
Thanks for giving him a fighting chance and most importantly  showing him 
Your in my thoughts and prayers!
_ ( 

_ ( 

Terrie  Mohr-Forker

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-07 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Heather, 
I was so sorry to hear of Hobbs passing..Please know that you and Hobbs family are in my thoughts and prayers.  

  Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008 Question for Beth Noren

2008-05-06 Thread Beth Noren
Hi Heather,
Of the 5 kittens, one was positive right away, and one turned positive
several weeks later.
We lost the first one to FIP, which I partially blame on vaccinating too
soon and too short a regimen of antibiotics.  She was vaccinated a couple of
days after the antibiotics were stopped, they were still in her system
then and were masking the fact that she hadn't really kicked her URI.  Her
immune system just got tired, and she came down with FIP.  She was a very
sick little runt when we found her, so she may not have made it even without
our mistakes.  When one of her brothers came down with a high fever, we had
him retested and he came up positive.  He got prednisolone for 1 or 2 days
and was put on Clavamox.  The fever came back within a week, one
prednisolone tablet was all it took to break the fever.  After all I had
been through with the first one, there was no way I was letting him off the
antibiotic.  He was on Clavamox as a preventative for *months*.  Everyone
says that it will kill the good bacteria along with the bad, and that may be
true for some cats, but he never had a problem.  He has always been my best
and most enthusiastic eater, no diarrhea or anything.  I think that the
antibiotics allowed his body to concentrate on its fight with the
virus instead of wasting its energy on any bacteria.  Just my layman's
guess.  I think that the typical 10 day antibiotic prescription is way too
short.  Then again, he was much healthier than his sister when I found them,
so maybe he has stayed well *despite* my meddling.  Anyway, I was kinda
flying under my vet's radar getting Clavamox refills, finally I took him in
to have his mouth checked 'cause he wouldn't eat his crunchy treats (it was
fine) and she said that she couldn't in good conscience see any reason to
continue prescribing meds to such a healthy looking cat.  He's solid muscle
from playing all day long.  The only supplement I use with him is L-Lysine
powder in his wet food.  Food brands have changed a few times, but for a
lot of their lives they have been on California Natural chicken and rice
dry.  Current wet food is Pet's Promise chicken from Petco.  I avoid fish
flavors because they can have a flame retardant chemical in them (from
pollution).  Once in awhile they get a plate of wet baby greens or romaine
lettuce, otherwise they try to steal it from our birds.  That's it.  Oh,
and I waited longer to have him neutered (7 months).  He is healthier
than his three remaining siblings (all negative, but two have food allergies
and one broke her femur).  I know that the odds are long on making 3 years,
but I have hope, and I try to concentrate on the joy of his company right
here and now.  Even when he's hell-bent on stealing used Q-tips from the
bathroom trash.  :o)

Sending good thoughts for Sissy,

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Beth (Noren)-
> For your two surviving 2 year old FELV kitties, are there supplements
> you've used or anything in particular you attribute to them doing so well?
> Thank you all for your condolences and thoughts, I sent Jann a link to the
> archives so that she would know that many thoughts are with her, with wishes
> of peace and love for Hobbs.
> Heather

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-06 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry, Heather.

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon 
at 12:48 p.m.
  His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
  We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.
  Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers
 (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out 
unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she might have 
more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for 
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & 
Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would either still be out 
there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put down due to testing 
positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
  I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.
  I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.
  I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.
  In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008 Question for Beth Noren

2008-05-06 Thread Heather Wienker
Beth (Noren)-

For your two surviving 2 year old FELV kitties, are there supplements you've
used or anything in particular you attribute to them doing so well?

Thank you all for your condolences and thoughts, I sent Jann a link to the
archives so that she would know that many thoughts are with her, with wishes
of peace and love for Hobbs.


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-06 Thread Debi Holmes
  I am so sorry to hear about Hobbs.  But as other people have said at least he 
was in a loving safe place for the time he was here and that counts so much for 
these kitties.  I had 3 kittens that test positive when they were 6-8 wks old.  
Cutie Pie passed in Feb. she was a little over 1 1/2.  I still have her two 
sisters and next month they will be 2 yrs old, and they are both healthy!!!
  Debi H.

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts.
  Hobbs was just over a year old, they were about 6 weeks old when we found 
them mid-April of 2007.
  I am wondering what others' experiences have been with kittens born with 
leukemia, and how long they have lived.
  Thank you all for your prayers for Sissy and Jann as well--they sure need 
them right now.
  Wishing peace to our sweet boy, I am so thankful that he did have the happy 
life & unlimited love that he did.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-06 Thread Beth Noren
Dear Heather,
I am so sorry that Hobb's has passed.  Thank you and Jann for all you have
done for him and his sister Sissy.  I rescued a litter of 5, mom tested
negative on the Elisa, very sick runt tested Felv+ right away (7 wks old),
after a brief rally we lost her to suspected FIP at 12 weeks.  One of her
brothers tested Felv+ a few weeks later, he turned 2 in April and is a
healthy, hyper, head-butting joy.  No problems since the fever that caused
us to retest him.
Hoping that Sissy has a similar strength and graces Jann's life for a long


On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts.
> Hobbs was just over a year old, they were about 6 weeks old when we found
> them mid-April of 2007.
> I am wondering what others' experiences have been with kittens born with
> leukemia, and how long they have lived.
> Thank you all for your prayers for Sissy and Jann as well--they sure need
> them right now.
> Wishing peace to our sweet boy, I am so thankful that he did have the
> happy life & unlimited love that he did.
> Heather

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Heather I am so sorry to hear that Hobbs had to beautiful Maizee Grace 
was born with felv.I found out when she was 8 months old.she only made it to 15 
months.I had her since she was just 5 weeks old.Every case is different.My 
Maizee ended up with lymphoma and had chemo that helped her to be with me for 
that extra 6 months.She taught me so much and I will NEVER for get my baby 
girl. :)
  Please let Hobbs family know that they are in my thoughts and many hugs to 

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts.
  Hobbs was just over a year old, they were about 6 weeks old when we found 
them mid-April of 2007.
  I am wondering what others' experiences have been with kittens born with 
leukemia, and how long they have lived.
  Thank you all for your prayers for Sissy and Jann as well--they sure need 
them right now.
  Wishing peace to our sweet boy, I am so thankful that he did have the happy 
life & unlimited love that he did.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Sharyl
Dearest Heather and Jann,
  I was saddened to read that Hobbs has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  The two of 
you gave him a wonderful year he wouldn't otherwise have had.  We love them, 
care for them, and in the end let them go.  
  You asked how long FeLV+ kittens live.  Each day of life with someone who 
loves them is a blessing.  Rocket and Sissy, my 2 FeLV+ rescues, are now 6 
months old.  Rocket just came thru her spaying with flying colors.  Sissy has 
consistently had swollen lymph glands and signs of URI which we treat with an 
a/b.  They both tested positive from day one.  I don't know how long they will 
have but like you and Jann I love them.  I joined this group to learn all I can 
on effective treatments for them.
  Hugs to your Sissy,
  You all are in our thoughts and prayers
  Sharyl and crew

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon 
at 12:48 p.m.
  His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
  We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.
  Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers
 (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out 
unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she might have 
more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for 
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & 
Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would either still be out 
there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put down due to testing 
positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
  I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.
  I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.
  I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.
  In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Beth Gouldin
I'm so sorry to hear of Hobb's passing.
I have two, one year old FeLV+ cats and my heart breaks a little every time
I hear of the loss of one of these precious babies.

> - Original Message -
> *From:* Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, May 05, 2008 12:47 PM
> *Subject:* Hobbs, May 4, 2008
> I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon
> at 12:48 p.m.
> His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish
> suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he
> was suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he
> was obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him
> warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took
> a sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent
> Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
> We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up
> passing on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed
> him to suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week,
> we would be wondering if he might have had more time.
> Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister
> Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would
> say.  Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs &
> Sissy the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve,
> regardless of what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years
> in the same building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on
> the other side of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept
> telling everyone I wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I
> had 2 injured feral cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was
> approached by a new coworker regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and
> Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & ear injury and my heart immediately told me
> I had to help her; we did not know she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told
> she was declawed, and that they'd caught her 6 months prior along with a
> kitten of hers (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put
> back out unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she
> might have more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was
> positive for FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy,
> Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would
> either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put
> down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
> I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already
> found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.
> Both of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially
> Sissy and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a
> month later, confirmed by retesting twice.
> I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing
> that much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have
> been prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them
> their chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even
> have room for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave
> Hobbs and Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know
> they could not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann,
> and know she is hurting badly right now.
> I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and
> prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as
> kittens she said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me
> this.   His illness and loss has been very hard for her and she has been
> very appreciative of the support.   Thank you all for giving these special
> kitties love for the time that they have here, it means everything in the
> world for them.
> In Loving Memory of Hobbs,
> Heather

Beth Gouldin

God Bless!!!

RE: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Laurie, condolences to your friends as well.  What a hard weekend this
has been.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of laurieskatz
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

I am so sorry. Three friends also lost cats this weekend...
2 Saturday night and one early this morning.
Prayers for all those kitty angels and their grieving

- Original Message - 
From: Heather Wienker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 12:47 PM
Subject: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday
afternoon at 12:48 p.m.
His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to
replenish suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.
She felt he was suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force
feedings as he was obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and
tried to keep him warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever he
wanted or could.   She took a sleeping bag in her spare room & slept
with him Saturday night, and spent Sunday morning in her yard with him
in the sun, petting and consoling him.
We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he
ended up passing on his own...which we are grateful for, though she
fears she allowed him to suffer.   I think had we not tried the
treatments of this last week, we would be wondering if he might have had
more time.
Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and
his sister Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod",
as Jann would say.  Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann
for giving Hobbs & Sissy the chance to live the life of love that all
kitties deserve, regardless of what is in their blood.   We found them
when, after 20 years in the same building on a busy university campus, I
moved to a new office on the other side of campus.   I was very nervous
about this decision and kept telling everyone I wished that I'd get a
"sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral cats colonies in
the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker regarding
an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & ear
injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not
know she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that
they'd caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers (negative),
she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out unspayed, I
will never know unless it was because they thought she might have more
kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs,
Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would
either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been
put down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped
I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies
had already found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom'
testing status.  Both of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear
the FIV.   Initially Sissy and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested
positive for Leukemia a month later, confirmed by retesting twice.
I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and
knowing that much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia,
could have been prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could
not give them their chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10
cats, I didn't even have room for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs'
caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and Sissy the chance for life and love
that they deserved, and I know they could not have had a more loving
home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is hurting badly right
I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and
prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to
Jann's as kittens she said she felt an instant connection, she has
always told me this.   His illness and loss has been very hard for her
and she has been very appreciative of the support.   Thank you all for
giving these special kitties love for the time that they have here, it
means everything in the world for them.
In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
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transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 

Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread laurieskatz
I am so sorry. Three friends also lost cats this weekend...
2 Saturday night and one early this morning.
Prayers for all those kitty angels and their grieving caretakers/guardians.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Heather Wienker 
  Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 12:47 PM
  Subject: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

  I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon at 
12:48 p.m.

  His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.

  We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.

  Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers (negative), she also was 
not injured then.   Why she was put back out unspayed, I will never know unless 
it was because they thought she might have more kittens.   When I trapped her, 
she was not declawed but was positive for FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I 
really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God 
I'd sought, as they would either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, 
or would have been put down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone 
else trapped them.

  I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.

  I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.

  I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.

  In Loving Memory of Hobbs,


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Pat Kachur
My experience with leukemia positive kittens has been that they do not live 
more than two or three months.  Hobbs' much longer life is no doubt due to the 
love and great care by those who touched him after he was rescued.  You should 
all be proud of what you did for him.  My condolences to all who loved him...
  - Original Message - 
  From: Heather Wienker 
  Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 5:04 PM
  Subject: Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

  Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts.

  Hobbs was just over a year old, they were about 6 weeks old when we found 
them mid-April of 2007.

  I am wondering what others' experiences have been with kittens born with 
leukemia, and how long they have lived.

  Thank you all for your prayers for Sissy and Jann as well--they sure need 
them right now.

  Wishing peace to our sweet boy, I am so thankful that he did have the happy 
life & unlimited love that he did.


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Lynne
Heather, I'm so sorry about Hobbs.  You and your friends Jann are remarkable 
people.  I'm so thankful there are people like you on this earth.  I really 
pray for Jann's sake that Sissy's life has a better outcome.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Heather Wienker 
  Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 2:47 PM
  Subject: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

  I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon at 
12:48 p.m.

  His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.

  We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.

  Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers (negative), she also was 
not injured then.   Why she was put back out unspayed, I will never know unless 
it was because they thought she might have more kittens.   When I trapped her, 
she was not declawed but was positive for FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I 
really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God 
I'd sought, as they would either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, 
or would have been put down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone 
else trapped them.

  I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.

  I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.

  I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.

  In Loving Memory of Hobbs,


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Heather Wienker
Thank you everyone, for your kind thoughts.

Hobbs was just over a year old, they were about 6 weeks old when we found
them mid-April of 2007.

I am wondering what others' experiences have been with kittens born with
leukemia, and how long they have lived.

Thank you all for your prayers for Sissy and Jann as well--they sure need
them right now.

Wishing peace to our sweet boy, I am so thankful that he did have the happy
life & unlimited love that he did.


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Gloria Lane
I'm so sorry to hear about sweet baby Hobbs.  He was very fortunate to  
have such loving care during his lifetime, and as he was declining - a  
great blessing.  I'm wondering how old he was.   Sleep soft sweet  


On May 5, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Heather Wienker wrote:

I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday  
afternoon at 12:48 p.m.

His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish  
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She  
felt he was suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force  
feedings as he was obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist  
and tried to keep him warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever  
he wanted or could.   She took a sleeping bag in her spare room &  
slept with him Saturday night, and spent Sunday morning in her yard  
with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.

We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended  
up passing on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears  
she allowed him to suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments  
of this last week, we would be wondering if he might have had more  

Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his  
sister Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod",  
as Jann would say.  Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to  
Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy the chance to live the life of love  
that all kitties deserve, regardless of what is in their blood.   We  
found them when, after 20 years in the same building on a busy  
university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side of  
campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling  
everyone I wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I  
had 2 injured feral cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also  
was approached by a new coworker regarding an injured cat, who was  
Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & ear injury and my heart  
immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know she was a  
nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd  
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers (negative),  
she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out unspayed,  
I will never know unless it was because they thought she might have  
more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was  
positive for FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that  
Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God I'd  
sought, as they would either still be out there reproducing and  
likely ill, or would have been put down due to testing positive for  
Leukemia had someone else trapped them.

I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had  
already found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom'  
testing status.  Both of their kittens were weak double+, but did  
clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they  
retested positive for Leukemia a month later, confirmed by retesting  

I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and  
knowing that much of it--including this litter of kittens with  
leukemia, could have been prevented had she been spayed...there was  
no way I could not give them their chance.   However, being in a  
small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room for another  
negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and  
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know  
they could not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for  
Jann, and know she is hurting badly right now.

I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and  
prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to  
Jann's as kittens she said she felt an instant connection, she has  
always told me this.   His illness and loss has been very hard for  
her and she has been very appreciative of the support.   Thank you  
all for giving these special kitties love for the time that they  
have here, it means everything in the world for them.

In Loving Memory of Hobbs,


Re: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread MaryChristine
aw, i'm so sorry that hobbs had to go on. don't ever forget, or let jann
forget, how important the time you gave him was. short or long, being loved
is ALWAYS better.

he knows that everything that could have been done was--we can't read their
minds, and NO ONE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS. doing the very best we can, with the
information we have at the moment is, after all, the very best we can

fly gently, sweet one.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon
> at 12:48 p.m.
> His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish
> suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he
> was suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he
> was obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him
> warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took
> a sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent
> Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
> We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up
> passing on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed
> him to suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week,
> we would be wondering if he might have had more time.
> Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister
> Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would
> say.  Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs &
> Sissy the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve,
> regardless of what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years
> in the same building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on
> the other side of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept
> telling everyone I wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I
> had 2 injured feral cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was
> approached by a new coworker regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and
> Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & ear injury and my heart immediately told me
> I had to help her; we did not know she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told
> she was declawed, and that they'd caught her 6 months prior along with a
> kitten of hers (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put
> back out unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she
> might have more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was
> positive for FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy,
> Hobbs, Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would
> either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put
> down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
> I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already
> found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.
> Both of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially
> Sissy and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a
> month later, confirmed by retesting twice.
> I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing
> that much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have
> been prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them
> their chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even
> have room for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave
> Hobbs and Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know
> they could not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann,
> and know she is hurting badly right now.
> I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and
> prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as
> kittens she said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me
> this.   His illness and loss has been very hard for her and she has been
> very appreciative of the support.   Thank you all for giving these special
> kitties love for the time that they have here, it means everything in the
> world for them.
> In Loving Memory of Hobbs,
> Heather


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

2008-05-05 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Heather, I am so very sorry to hear of Hobbs' passing.  Blessings to you
and Jann for caring so deeply for him, and thank you for sharing his
story.  Hugs to you all and skritches to Sissy.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Heather
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 1:47 PM
Subject: Hobbs, May 4, 2008

I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday
afternoon at 12:48 p.m.
His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish
suppliesbut when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt
he was suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings
as he was obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to
keep him warm, mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or
could.   She took a sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him
Saturday night, and spent Sunday morning in her yard with him in the
sun, petting and consoling him.
We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up
passing on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she
allowed him to suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this
last week, we would be wondering if he might have had more time.
Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his
sister Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as
Jann would say.  Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for
giving Hobbs & Sissy the chance to live the life of love that all
kitties deserve, regardless of what is in their blood.   We found them
when, after 20 years in the same building on a busy university campus, I
moved to a new office on the other side of campus.   I was very nervous
about this decision and kept telling everyone I wished that I'd get a
"sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral cats colonies in
the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker regarding
an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & ear
injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not
know she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that
they'd caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers (negative),
she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out unspayed, I
will never know unless it was because they thought she might have more
kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs,
Mickey & Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would
either still be out there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been
put down due to testing positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped
I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had
already found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing
status.  Both of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.
Initially Sissy and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for
Leukemia a month later, confirmed by retesting twice.
I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing
that much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could
have been prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not
give them their chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats,
I didn't even have room for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs'
caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and Sissy the chance for life and love
that they deserved, and I know they could not have had a more loving
home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is hurting badly right
I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and
prayers.   Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to
Jann's as kittens she said she felt an instant connection, she has
always told me this.   His illness and loss has been very hard for her
and she has been very appreciative of the support.   Thank you all for
giving these special kitties love for the time that they have here, it
means everything in the world for them.
In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

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