Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread Julian Elischer

On 8/1/14, 3:39 PM, krad wrote:

I always found natting in ipfw rather awkward and harder than in pf.
Looking at the man page it doesnt seem to have changed. I should probably
give it another go though as it has been about 10 years now
since ipfw now has a 'nat' keyword you might say that is has changed 
in that 10 years.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread John-Mark Gurney
Cy Schubert wrote this message on Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 09:18 -0700:
> In message  om>
> , Adrian Chadd writes:
> > On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> > > that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
> > > way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
> > > should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> > > reaching out.
> > 
> > Then do the port and maintain it.
> > 
> > The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
> > people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded
> > somehow.
> Funding is the issue. Sure, some of us maintain software because a personal 
> need however without funding one has to fit maintaining software into 
> whatever time is left. For those of us who do this without funding you 
> manage to squeeze in an hour here or there.

Then write a proposal and submit it to the Foundation..  If you don't
ask for funding, it rarely shows up...

  John-Mark Gurney  Voice: +1 415 225 5579

 "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread Paul Kraus
On Aug 1, 2014, at 8:46, Mark Felder  wrote:

> I personally use pf for many reasons, spamd included. I don't think anyone 
> out there is interested in forking spamd to play ball with ipfw so we would 
> also be alienating these users who can't just change packet filters. Is there 
> even an equivalent to pfsync for ipfw? I didn't think so, but I could be 
> wrong... 
> In the world of firewalls pf has been put on a quite a pedestal. OpenBSD 
> pushed it hard and it marketed it well; people found it both powerful and 
> easy to use which created a cult following and lots of word of mouth 
> advertising. I find it hard to agree with removing pf from FreeBSD because of 
> the existing userbase. If there was an experimental label on it I would find 
> its removal easier to swallow.

I have remained silent on this for two reasons:

1. I am a consumer of FreeBSD. I am a sysadmin, I am NOT a coder and *I* would 
not want any code that *I* wrote in the kernel of an OS that I was running. I 
know my limitations. So I could not contribute to the development of pf in 

2. Where I use packet filters on a host, and that is not very much, I tend to 
use ipfilter because in those case my needs are simple. For heavy duty (read: 
gateway) filtering I use commercial firewalls like the Checkpoint 600 series. 
So the inclusion or exclusion of pf has no direct effect on me.

Having said all that, the reason I use FreeBSD over other open source OSes 
right now is that it is, in my opinion, the most “grown up” option. I have 
never seen Linux as an Enterprise tier OS due to a number of basic design 
decisions made by Linus and those around him. Illumos is very good, but fairly 
narrow in both it’s hardware support and feature set. I never took a long hard 
look at the other BSDs as FreeBSD was recommended by a friend and I liked what 
I found, ESPECIALLY the documentation in the Handbook.

I have read a lot of arguments on both sides of the pf in FreeBSD debate over 
the past weeks. Realistically I think what it comes down to is whether there is 
someone, a person, an individual with the necessary skill set and drive and 
desire (and that can be motivated by funding) to take ownership of it and run 
with it. If there is not, then I think pf in FreeBSD dies. No matter how many 
people want it to continue, no matter if it is best for FreeBSD for it to 
continue. Without someone to take ownership of it, then even if it continues it 
will not be top quality, and having something in FreeBSD that is not top 
quality would be a mistake (IMHO).

Paul Kraus

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread Ian Smith
In freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 530, Issue 5, Message: 1
On Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:02:22 +1000 Da Rock 
 > On 07/29/14 20:35, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
 > > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:30:59PM -0400, Mike. wrote:
 > > M> |> imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a
 > > M> single
 > > M> |> feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD
 > > M> version
 > > M> |> of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
 > > M> |> FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer
 > > M> be
 > > M> |> ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
 > > M> |> isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.
 > > M> |>
 > > M> |> Was it worth it?
 > > M> |
 > > M> |Yes.  This happened *three times* in BSD land now.  How much more
 > > M> |proof does it take to make that clear?
 > > M> |[snip]
 > > M>
 > > M> In this instance, more proof would consist of pf development not
 > > M> wallowing in inactivity.
 > > M>
 > > M> imo, tactical changes were implemented in pf without the strategic
 > > M> negative consequences affecting the decision process guiding the
 > > M> implementation of those tactical features.And that's backwards.
 > > M> Strategies direct tactics, not vice versa.
 > >
 > > I would strongly disagree with you. I would claim that directions
 > > I've put in pf in 2012 are strategically correct, while previous
 > > life of pf in FreeBSD was not.
 > >
 > > History: pf appeared in FreeBSD in 2004 in 5.3-RELEASE. It was already
 > > outdated. It isn't possible otherwise. While Max spent time on porting
 > > some stable version, the OpenBSD moved forward. It was later updated
 > > again by Max, and again right after update it was outdated. I mean
 > > that people who a) believe that OpenBSD pf is the one true b) eager
 > > for bleeding edge version, these people simply cannot be satisfied.
 > > A porter needs to take latest stable version from OpenBSD and spend
 > > some time working on it. So, pf in FreeBSD was always "outdated",
 > > even before my SMP work on it.
 > > Further history: in 2012 Ermal updates pf and 9.0-RELEASE is shipped.
 > > In 2004 we've got 10 years of diverging developement between FreeBSD
 > > and OpenBSD. In 2012 it was 18 years. Porting got harder. The pf in
 > > 9.x is again outdated and introduces a number of bugs that were not
 > > present in 8.x (regressions). Most regressions didn't came from OpenBSD,
 > > but were artifacts of porting. Also, the number of #ifdefs in code
 > > became so unbearable that no one would want to go through code
 > > fixing bugs.
 > >
 > > In 2012 for me it was obvious that following this route is strategically
 > > incorrect. You are never "up to date". You need more efforts to port
 > > pf, and you yield in a port of worse and worse quality over time.
 > >
 > > So, in 2012 I put a lot of efforts to not only bring pf out of a
 > > single mutex, but also make it more native to FreeBSD. You can
 > > read this through commit logs.
 > >
 > > The net result is that we got our own pf, that can be maintained
 > > further. Unfortunately, still no person is seen on horizon who can
 > > take maintainership.
 > That explains it rather well. Thank you for the enlightenment on this.

Indeed.  This potted history covers a lot of ground, and work, to most 
of which I've been largely oblivious.  I've used ipfw since '98; it well 
suited my assembler background and perhaps overly orthogonal tendencies, 
and I found dummynet hugely useful for herding small networks of unruly 
cats, so I've felt no need to explore pf, nor ipfilter.

 > Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about 
 > pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of 
 > maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to 
 > having our own pf?

Quoting Gleb's response from a later message:

 > Is there any disadvantage keeping it? It is a plugin. It is optional
 > and loadable. I removed most additions to the network stack that live
 > outside netpfil/pf.
 > Some people like it and use it.
 > It is also the only tool to configure ALTQ now.

I think each of those is sufficient reason for existence, as long as 
there's ongoing people - at least a few - who care enough about it.  
Maybe it needs to become 'fpf' and be happy to complete its forking?

I can't imagine pf or ipfilter people deciding to work on ipfw.  For one 
thing, ipfw has quite a few people working on aspects, development is 
conservatively ongoing, with no discernable shortage of volunteers.

For another, I feel that there are distinct philosophical differences at 
the level of rule definition languages.  From my little reading, pf uses 
more high-level symbolic language, where ipfw is relentlessly linear and 
closer to bare metal.  Different people will be attracted to, and will 
be able to work most efficiently with, such different approaches.

I've no idea how pf works at the kernel

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread Mark Felder
July 31 2014 2:41 AM, "Darren Pilgrim" wrote:

>> No. I believe pf should be removed from FreeBSD and efforts refocused
>> on keeping ipfw up to date and feature complete. It makes more sense to
>> look at what pf, ipf, nbtables, etc. are all doing as a source of ideas
>> for what we can do with ipfw. A decade ago, there was justification for
>> adding pf: at the time, ipfw lacked some major features.
>> Ipfw has since caught up. I see no remaining value in having more than
>> one packet filter in the base. Ipfw is more mature and less broken, so
>> we should keep it and ditch the rest in the name of survival efficiency.

pf is not simply replaceable in many environments. For example, people use it 
specifically for its integration with the spamd greylisting daemon. I think 
it's reasonable to assume they did so because the whole spam filtering stack 
performs better on FreeBSD than on OpenBSD. This was just recently mentioned on 

Why was the pf ioctl needed buffer reduced in FreeBSD 10? I'm not able to load 
my full spamd blacklist anymore. @freebsd #spamd #pf

I personally use pf for many reasons, spamd included. I don't think anyone out 
there is interested in forking spamd to play ball with ipfw so we would also be 
alienating these users who can't just change packet filters. Is there even an 
equivalent to pfsync for ipfw? I didn't think so, but I could be wrong... 

In the world of firewalls pf has been put on a quite a pedestal. OpenBSD pushed 
it hard and it marketed it well; people found it both powerful and easy to use 
which created a cult following and lots of word of mouth advertising. I find it 
hard to agree with removing pf from FreeBSD because of the existing userbase. 
If there was an experimental label on it I would find its removal easier to 

I think it's worth pointing out that nobody really wanted to maintain an 
incompatible fork of ZFS indefinitely either; it would be a monumental if not 
suicidal task. And who wants to deal with the bad PR about FreeBSD being years 
behind Illumos features or, *gasp*, even letting a native Linux implementation 
one-up us? People found a way to collaborate, OpenZFS movement was founded, and 
this is a mostly solved problem, OS nuances aside. I can appreciate that people 
seem to care more about their data than their packet filters and FreeBSD ZFS 
certainly moves a lot of servers and appliances furthering the userbase whether 
or not they're using FreeBSD or TrueOS or some other derivative. Let's continue 
to give people another reason to put FreeBSD in their datacenters. Let's try to 
compete in the firewall/packet filter space too.

On a side note I'd also like to point out that FreeBSD has been advertising pf 
by listing it first in the handbook:

I'm sure there's a subliminal message being sent there, intentional or not.

I don't want to see FreeBSD lose mindshare from its absence in a time where 
FreeBSD uptake seems to be rising thanks in part to bad decisions in the 
GNU/Linux camp. This feels like a solvable problem if funding and enthusiasm is 
put behind it. OpenBSD really sounds willing to collaborate if not just because 
they're tired of seeing neglected forks of one of their prized babies: FreeBSD, 
NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD, OSX, iOS...
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread 2802717842
Date:2014??8??1??(??) 3:39
To:"Gleb Smirnoff";
Subject:Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

I always found natting in ipfw rather awkward and harder than in pf.
Looking at the man page it doesnt seem to have changed. I should probably
give it another go though as it has been about 10 years now

On 31 July 2014 14:41, Gleb Smirnoff  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:02:22PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
> D> Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about
> D> pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of
> D> maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to
> D> having our own pf?
> Is there any disadvantage keeping it? It is a plugin. It is optional
> and loadable. I removed most additions to the network stack that live
> outside netpfil/pf.
> Some people like it and use it.
> It is also the only tool to configure ALTQ now.
> --
> Totus tuus, Glebius.
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread 2802717842
Date:2014??8??1??(??) 3:39
To:"Gleb Smirnoff";
Subject:Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

I always found natting in ipfw rather awkward and harder than in pf.
Looking at the man page it doesnt seem to have changed. I should probably
give it another go though as it has been about 10 years now

On 31 July 2014 14:41, Gleb Smirnoff  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:02:22PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
> D> Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about
> D> pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of
> D> maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to
> D> having our own pf?
> Is there any disadvantage keeping it? It is a plugin. It is optional
> and loadable. I removed most additions to the network stack that live
> outside netpfil/pf.
> Some people like it and use it.
> It is also the only tool to configure ALTQ now.
> --
> Totus tuus, Glebius.
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-08-01 Thread krad
I always found natting in ipfw rather awkward and harder than in pf.
Looking at the man page it doesnt seem to have changed. I should probably
give it another go though as it has been about 10 years now

On 31 July 2014 14:41, Gleb Smirnoff  wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:02:22PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
> D> Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about
> D> pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of
> D> maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to
> D> having our own pf?
> Is there any disadvantage keeping it? It is a plugin. It is optional
> and loadable. I removed most additions to the network stack that live
> outside netpfil/pf.
> Some people like it and use it.
> It is also the only tool to configure ALTQ now.
> --
> Totus tuus, Glebius.
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-31 Thread Gleb Smirnoff
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:02:22PM +1000, Da Rock wrote:
D> Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about 
D> pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of 
D> maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to 
D> having our own pf?

Is there any disadvantage keeping it? It is a plugin. It is optional
and loadable. I removed most additions to the network stack that live
outside netpfil/pf.

Some people like it and use it.

It is also the only tool to configure ALTQ now.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-31 Thread Da Rock

On 07/29/14 20:35, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:30:59PM -0400, Mike. wrote:
M> |> imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a
M> single
M> |> feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD
M> version
M> |> of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
M> |> FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer
M> be
M> |> ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
M> |> isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.
M> |>
M> |> Was it worth it?
M> |
M> |Yes.  This happened *three times* in BSD land now.  How much more
M> |proof does it take to make that clear?
M> |[snip]
M> In this instance, more proof would consist of pf development not
M> wallowing in inactivity.
M> imo, tactical changes were implemented in pf without the strategic
M> negative consequences affecting the decision process guiding the
M> implementation of those tactical features.And that's backwards.
M> Strategies direct tactics, not vice versa.

I would strongly disagree with you. I would claim that directions
I've put in pf in 2012 are strategically correct, while previous
life of pf in FreeBSD was not.

History: pf appeared in FreeBSD in 2004 in 5.3-RELEASE. It was already
outdated. It isn't possible otherwise. While Max spent time on porting
some stable version, the OpenBSD moved forward. It was later updated
again by Max, and again right after update it was outdated. I mean
that people who a) believe that OpenBSD pf is the one true b) eager
for bleeding edge version, these people simply cannot be satisfied.
A porter needs to take latest stable version from OpenBSD and spend
some time working on it. So, pf in FreeBSD was always "outdated",
even before my SMP work on it.
Further history: in 2012 Ermal updates pf and 9.0-RELEASE is shipped.
In 2004 we've got 10 years of diverging developement between FreeBSD
and OpenBSD. In 2012 it was 18 years. Porting got harder. The pf in
9.x is again outdated and introduces a number of bugs that were not
present in 8.x (regressions). Most regressions didn't came from OpenBSD,
but were artifacts of porting. Also, the number of #ifdefs in code
became so unbearable that no one would want to go through code
fixing bugs.

In 2012 for me it was obvious that following this route is strategically
incorrect. You are never "up to date". You need more efforts to port
pf, and you yield in a port of worse and worse quality over time.

So, in 2012 I put a lot of efforts to not only bring pf out of a
single mutex, but also make it more native to FreeBSD. You can
read this through commit logs.

The net result is that we got our own pf, that can be maintained
further. Unfortunately, still no person is seen on horizon who can
take maintainership.

That explains it rather well. Thank you for the enlightenment on this.

Without diminishing your efforts so far, what do you think about 
pitching all efforts into IPFW to combine effort and reduce overhead of 
maintaining separate firewalls in the core? Is there an advantage to 
having our own pf?

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-31 Thread Darren Reed
On 30/07/2014 2:54 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> ...
> I would hope that is not the case. While NAT66 is "well known" and has been
> a topic of discussion for years, NPT66 is relatively new. It does share
> many concepts with NAT66 (and, most likely implementations also share
> code), but does not require any state, making it vastly less complex and no
> longer breaks point to point networking. The names look similar, which may
> result in unfortunate confusion, but NPT66 may be the bast solution to a
> real problem and it does not create the issues of NAT66.

NPT66 is a subset of NAT66.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-31 Thread Darren Pilgrim

On 7/29/2014 3:18 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:


On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 09:36:06PM -0700, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
D> Never mistake silence for consent.
D> The vast majority of people don't know pf is outdated and broken on
D> FreeBSD because they don't know what they're missing and likely aren't
D> using IPv6 yet.  The moment you turn on IPv6 and restart a validating
D> unbound, you run full-speed into pf's broken behaviour.  Make an
D> EDNS0-enabled query for a signed zone and you'll get a fragmented UDP
D> packet that will never make it through unless you tell pf to allow all
D> fragments unconditionally.  They'll simply think something is wrong with
D> unbound, turn off EDNS0 and/or validation, hurt peformance and/or
D> security in the process, and never realize their firewall is doing
D> literally the worst possible thing it could do.
D> All because over half a decade ago some folks got all butthurt over a
D> config file format change.

Do I understand you right, that you propose a tens thousands lines of
untrivial code bulk update in order to fix a particular bug, that can be
nailed down separately?

No.  I believe pf should be removed from FreeBSD and efforts refocused 
on keeping ipfw up to date and feature complete.  It makes more sense to 
look at what pf, ipf, nbtables, etc. are all doing as a source of ideas 
for what we can do with ipfw.  A decade ago, there was justification for 
adding pf: at the time, ipfw lacked some major features.

Ipfw has since caught up.  I see no remaining value in having more than 
one packet filter in the base.  Ipfw is more mature and less broken, so 
we should keep it and ditch the rest in the name of survival efficiency.

Do you also say that breaking configuration
files for a large number of people is okay if the update is expected
to fix a bug unrelated to configuration?

Yes.  Loss of configuration file backward compatibility is a fact of 
progress.  Here are some examples of places where FreeBSD broke backward 
compatibility of a configuration file:

- rc.conf (with every major version change)
- resolv.conf
- kernels
- make.conf vs. src.conf
- the ports collection
- pkg vs. pkgng
- pkgng changes within pkgng 1.x

On top of that, we also have whole chunks of the OS where compatibility 
was broken (e.g., the toolchain, switch to unbound, etc.).

For me sounds like hunting a sparrow with a cannon.

The whole thing, to me, was an example of lobbyist politics: a vocal 
minority had the resources and access to stop progress.  Now we are all 
suffering for their ignorance and arrogance.

If anything, we should rename pf to tppf (short for "Tea Party Packet 

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Adrian Chadd
On 29 July 2014 09:54, Kevin Oberman  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Mark Martinec > wrote:
>> me wrote:
>>> we are talking about NAT64 (IPv6-only datacenter's path to a legacy
>>> world),
>>> and NPT66 (prefix transalation). I doubt anyone had a traditional NAT in
>>> mind.
>> Kevin Oberman wrote:
>>> No, all of the messages in the thread are specific about NAT66, not NPT66.
>>> NPT66 may have real value. I hate it, but it may well be better than
>>> alternatives. [...]
>> Cy Schubert wrote:
>>> That I don't disagree with, IPv6 NAT makes no logical sense. Having said
>>> that I've received emails asking about NAT66 specifically. It is on
>>> people's minds.
>> My impression is that often the term NAT66 is used indiscriminately,
>> even when NPT66 (static prefix translation) is meant.
>>   Mark
> I would hope that is not the case. While NAT66 is "well known" and has been
> a topic of discussion for years, NPT66 is relatively new. It does share
> many concepts with NAT66 (and, most likely implementations also share
> code), but does not require any state, making it vastly less complex and no
> longer breaks point to point networking. The names look similar, which may
> result in unfortunate confusion, but NPT66 may be the bast solution to a
> real problem and it does not create the issues of NAT66.

Course it will. All those bad protocols that embed IP addresses in
them to connect to.

Or wait, is everything written these days mindful of NAT/NPT and tries
desperately to work around it? Hm...

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 7:48 AM, Mark Martinec  wrote:

> me wrote:
>> we are talking about NAT64 (IPv6-only datacenter's path to a legacy
>> world),
>> and NPT66 (prefix transalation). I doubt anyone had a traditional NAT in
>> mind.
> Kevin Oberman wrote:
>> No, all of the messages in the thread are specific about NAT66, not NPT66.
>> NPT66 may have real value. I hate it, but it may well be better than
>> alternatives. [...]
> Cy Schubert wrote:
>> That I don't disagree with, IPv6 NAT makes no logical sense. Having said
>> that I've received emails asking about NAT66 specifically. It is on
>> people's minds.
> My impression is that often the term NAT66 is used indiscriminately,
> even when NPT66 (static prefix translation) is meant.
>   Mark
I would hope that is not the case. While NAT66 is "well known" and has been
a topic of discussion for years, NPT66 is relatively new. It does share
many concepts with NAT66 (and, most likely implementations also share
code), but does not require any state, making it vastly less complex and no
longer breaks point to point networking. The names look similar, which may
result in unfortunate confusion, but NPT66 may be the bast solution to a
real problem and it does not create the issues of NAT66.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Mark Martinec

me wrote:
we are talking about NAT64 (IPv6-only datacenter's path to a legacy 
and NPT66 (prefix transalation). I doubt anyone had a traditional NAT 
in mind.

Kevin Oberman wrote:
No, all of the messages in the thread are specific about NAT66, not 

NPT66 may have real value. I hate it, but it may well be better than
alternatives. [...]

Cy Schubert wrote:
That I don't disagree with, IPv6 NAT makes no logical sense. Having 

that I've received emails asking about NAT66 specifically. It is on
people's minds.

My impression is that often the term NAT66 is used indiscriminately,
even when NPT66 (static prefix translation) is meant.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Cy Schubert
In message 
, Kevin Oberman writes:
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Darren Reed  wrote:
> > On 27/07/2014 4:43 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > In message <>, Darren Reed writes:
> > >> On 24/07/2014 1:42 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.
> >  That'=
> > > s our=20
> > > #1 wish list item for the cluster.
> > >>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a
> > >>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf
> > doesn't
> > >>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect
> > ipfilter
> > >>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
> > >> ipfiler 5 handles fragments for ipv6.
> > > Switching gears and leaving the discussion of ipv6 fragments to mention
> > > nat66. A lot of people have been talking about nat66. I could be wrong
> > but
> > > I don't think it can handle nat66. I need to do some testing to verify
> > > this. I remember reading on sourceforge that it was on your todo list. It
> > > doesn't look like it was checked off as being completed.
> >
> > IPFilter 5 does IPv6 NAT.
> >
> > With the import of 5.1.2, map, rdr and rewrite rules will all work with
> > IPv6 addresses.
> >
> > NAT66 is a specific implementation of IPv6 NAT behaviour.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Darren
> >
> And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence of your
> choosing) on sight!

That I don't disagree with, IPv6 NAT makes no logical sense. Having said 
that I've received emails asking about NAT66 specifically. It is on 
people's minds.

> NAT on IPv6 serves no useful purpose at all. It only serves to complicate
> things and make clueless security officers happy. It adds zero security. It
> is a great example of people who assume that NAT is a security feature in
> IPv4 (it's not) so it should also be in IPv6.

Agreed. People think NAT is a security feature (and those same people tout 
the "security" of reverse proxies too). It's a checkbox item.

> The problem is that this meme is so pervasive that even when people
> understand that it is bad, they still insist on it because there will be an
> unchecked box on the security checklist for "All systems not pubic servers
> are in RFC1918 space? -- YES   NO". The checklist item should be (usually)
> "All systems behind a stateful firewall with an appropriate rule set? --
> YES  NO" as it is a stateful firewall (which is mandatory for NAT that
> provides all of the security.

Exactly! That's pretty much what people who know better are saying.

> I say "usually" because the major research lab where I worked ran without a
> firewall (and probably still does) and little, if any, NAT. It was tested
> regularly by red teams hired by the feds and they never were able to
> penetrate anything due to a very aggressive IDS/IPS system, but most people
> and companies should NOT go this route. I have IPv6 at home (Comcast) and
> my router runs a stateful firewall with a rule set functionally the same as
> that used for IPv4 and that provides the protection needed.

Not part of this discussion: I think you need both. Firewalls and IPS with 

OTOH using NAT as a means of securing a network is illogical. I worked at 
one place where they would NAT already NATted packets, themselves having 
previously been processed by previous NAT, all for the sake of "security" 
only terribly broke the network to the point there were issues to numerous 
to discuss in a quick reply here.

> So putting support for NAT66 or any IPv6 NAT into a firewall is just making
> things worse. Please don't do it!

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Gleb Smirnoff
  Yet another top reply to everyone.

  If anyone is interested in maintaining our FreeBSD version of pf
and taking strategically right (my opinion!) steps in its life, here
is a short TODO list:

1) Make Peter and FreeBSD cluster happy. Work on the IPv6 fragments
handling. IMHO, the right way would be understanding the problem
in its depth and writing code yourself taking ideas or code snippets
from OpenBSD. Do not try blindly to replay all their commits over our tree.

2) Do massive API/ABI cleanup. I had started the process, but did
less than 10% of it. We need to stop sharing structures between
pf internals and ioctls. All kernel structures should live in pfvar.h,
and all API in pf.h. The userland utilities should forget pfvar.h.
This is huge task. No performance benefit, no new shiny features.
But this is strategically correct, if we want a good support of pf
in stable branches. Right now we can't merge any feature back due
to breaking ABI. Even fixing bugs usually would require ABI breakage.
Also, after completing the cleanup and header split further development
would become easier.

3) Right now the hot point of contention is the pf_rules_rwlock. It
is reader-vs-reader contention on the cache line. Eliminating it
would bring a good performance gain on SMP. This would probably
require an RCU-like management of rules. Fortunately, the rules
in pf a changed in "one commit", unlike in ipfw rule by rule.

4) Convert all counters in pf to counter(9). That would be next
point of contention once 3) is done.

*) Cherry pick any feature you need from OpenBSD. This requires
understanding code. Replaying commits won't work.

P.S. I'm sorry for saying what should be done without doing that
myself. I've spent quite a lot of time on pf, I was promised funding
for that and later deceived. Real life changes like new job, children,
etc. shifted my focus away from pf and I simply can't dedicate the
amount of time to pf that I used before.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Gleb Smirnoff
  Replying to the top of the thread, but the text is actually
reply to those people in the thread, who eager for import of
new pf from OpenBSD.

  So, I claim that there is a vast and silent majority of people
who simply use pf and do not want the hassle with broken pf.conf.
I also claim that there is number of people who utilize pf at
larger installations and they were very glad to see pf to scale
on multiple CPUs and at least not to freeze the entire traffic for
seconds during expiry run.
  And you claim that there is another large number of people, who
want to run newest pf from OpenBSD on FreeBSD, and they do not
care about syntax change problems.
  Unfortunately, we cannot compare our large numbers. Well, you
can tell that your number is at least four times bigger than mine,
but you will not provide details on how can we check that. :)

  What can we do in this situation?

  Thanks to the pfil(9) framework, we can have as much firewalls
as we want. You can import new pf keeping the current version
intact. There could be some minor problems on decision how to
manage two different pfctls, and other utilities, but these are

  Let me restate. The FreeBSD version of pf IS NOT on your way
of putting OpenBSD version of pf to FreeBSD. What IS your main
obstacle in this task is the porting process itself. Try it.
Fork FreeBSD in git, mercurial, or simply checkout subversion
working directory, then:

# cd sys/netpfil
# mkdir openbsd-pf
# cd openbsd-pf

And start working. When you got a buildable and working version[*],
post call for testing email to current@ and pf@. After several
rounds of testing you will end up with something working. And
if we see that the demand for second pf in FreeBSD is real,
and you are willing to take maintainership of it, you will be
welcome as committer and second pf will be welcome to the tree[**].

Any takers?


[*] Spoiler: usually by that time both FreeBSD tree and pf
taken from OpenBSD would diverge and you would need to sync up :)

[**] This is my personal opinion, not an official project statement,
neither a core team member statement. I expect that there would be
resistance against yet-another-packet-filter, that you would need
to deal with. But if you got a working code, and you got a userbase
of the code, then you have chances to overcome the resistance. And
please don't start bikeshedding right now with no code at hand.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Gleb Smirnoff
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:30:59PM -0400, Mike. wrote:
M> |> imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a
M> single
M> |> feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD
M> version
M> |> of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
M> |> FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer
M> be
M> |> ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
M> |> isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.
M> |> 
M> |> Was it worth it?
M> |
M> |Yes.  This happened *three times* in BSD land now.  How much more
M> |proof does it take to make that clear?
M> |[snip]
M> In this instance, more proof would consist of pf development not
M> wallowing in inactivity.
M> imo, tactical changes were implemented in pf without the strategic
M> negative consequences affecting the decision process guiding the
M> implementation of those tactical features.And that's backwards.
M> Strategies direct tactics, not vice versa.

I would strongly disagree with you. I would claim that directions
I've put in pf in 2012 are strategically correct, while previous
life of pf in FreeBSD was not.

History: pf appeared in FreeBSD in 2004 in 5.3-RELEASE. It was already
outdated. It isn't possible otherwise. While Max spent time on porting
some stable version, the OpenBSD moved forward. It was later updated
again by Max, and again right after update it was outdated. I mean
that people who a) believe that OpenBSD pf is the one true b) eager
for bleeding edge version, these people simply cannot be satisfied.
A porter needs to take latest stable version from OpenBSD and spend
some time working on it. So, pf in FreeBSD was always "outdated",
even before my SMP work on it.
Further history: in 2012 Ermal updates pf and 9.0-RELEASE is shipped.
In 2004 we've got 10 years of diverging developement between FreeBSD
and OpenBSD. In 2012 it was 18 years. Porting got harder. The pf in
9.x is again outdated and introduces a number of bugs that were not
present in 8.x (regressions). Most regressions didn't came from OpenBSD,
but were artifacts of porting. Also, the number of #ifdefs in code
became so unbearable that no one would want to go through code
fixing bugs.

In 2012 for me it was obvious that following this route is strategically
incorrect. You are never "up to date". You need more efforts to port
pf, and you yield in a port of worse and worse quality over time.

So, in 2012 I put a lot of efforts to not only bring pf out of a
single mutex, but also make it more native to FreeBSD. You can
read this through commit logs.

The net result is that we got our own pf, that can be maintained
further. Unfortunately, still no person is seen on horizon who can
take maintainership.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Gleb Smirnoff

On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 09:36:06PM -0700, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
D> Never mistake silence for consent.
D> The vast majority of people don't know pf is outdated and broken on 
D> FreeBSD because they don't know what they're missing and likely aren't 
D> using IPv6 yet.  The moment you turn on IPv6 and restart a validating 
D> unbound, you run full-speed into pf's broken behaviour.  Make an 
D> EDNS0-enabled query for a signed zone and you'll get a fragmented UDP 
D> packet that will never make it through unless you tell pf to allow all 
D> fragments unconditionally.  They'll simply think something is wrong with 
D> unbound, turn off EDNS0 and/or validation, hurt peformance and/or 
D> security in the process, and never realize their firewall is doing 
D> literally the worst possible thing it could do.
D> All because over half a decade ago some folks got all butthurt over a 
D> config file format change.

Do I understand you right, that you propose a tens thousands lines of
untrivial code bulk update in order to fix a particular bug, that can be
nailed down separately? Do you also say that breaking configuration
files for a large number of people is okay if the update is expected
to fix a bug unrelated to configuration?

For me sounds like hunting a sparrow with a cannon.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Darren Reed
On 29/07/2014 8:07 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence
> of your choosing) on sight!

For the most part, I agree with you but the problem is "checkbox"
comparisons. That IPv6 shouldn't be NAT'd is why I didn't implement
it for such a long time.

However given the problem that EIDs pose for privacy, I'm of the
opinion that maybe NAT66 does have a place but not in the way that
the NAT66 RFC prescribes.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-29 Thread Willem Jan Withagen

On 2014-07-29 0:07, Kevin Oberman wrote:

And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence of your
choosing) on sight!

NAT on IPv6 serves no useful purpose at all. It only serves to complicate
things and make clueless security officers happy. It adds zero security. It
is a great example of people who assume that NAT is a security feature in
IPv4 (it's not) so it should also be in IPv6.

> So putting support for NAT66 or any IPv6 NAT into a firewall is just 
> making things worse. Please don't do it!

Well said

I'm actually rather relieved that natd can/should go away.

Stops giving me migraines with all those special protocl cases that 
don't like to be natted.. Which of course started as early as FTP.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-28 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Mark Martinec  wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Darren Reed  wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> IPFilter 5 does IPv6 NAT.
>>> With the import of 5.1.2, map, rdr and rewrite rules will all work with
>>> IPv6 addresses.
>>> NAT66 is a specific implementation of IPv6 NAT behaviour.
> 2014-07-29 00:07 Kevin Oberman wrote:
>> And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence of
>> your
>> choosing) on sight!
>> NAT on IPv6 serves no useful purpose at all. It only serves to complicate
>> things and make clueless security officers happy. It adds zero security.
>> It
>> is a great example of people who assume that NAT is a security feature in
>> IPv4 (it's not) so it should also be in IPv6.
>> The problem is that this meme is so pervasive that even when people
>> understand that it is bad, they still insist on it because there will be
>> an
>> unchecked box on the security checklist for "All systems not pubic servers
>> are in RFC1918 space? -- YES   NO". The checklist item should be (usually)
>> "All systems behind a stateful firewall with an appropriate rule set? --
>> YES  NO" as it is a stateful firewall (which is mandatory for NAT that
>> provides all of the security.
>> I say "usually" because the major research lab where I worked ran without
>> a
>> firewall (and probably still does) and little, if any, NAT. It was tested
>> regularly by red teams hired by the feds and they never were able to
>> penetrate anything due to a very aggressive IDS/IPS system, but most
>> people
>> and companies should NOT go this route. I have IPv6 at home (Comcast) and
>> my router runs a stateful firewall with a rule set functionally the same
>> as
>> that used for IPv4 and that provides the protection needed.
>> So putting support for NAT66 or any IPv6 NAT into a firewall is just
>> making
>> things worse. Please don't do it!
>> --
>> R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
>> E-mail:
> You are missing the point, we are talking about NAT64 (IPv6-only
> datacenter's
> path to a legacy world), and NPT66 (prefix transalation). I doubt anyone
> had
> a traditional NAT in mind.
> Consider a small site with uplinks to two service providers: it can use ULA
> internally and translate prefix on each uplink.
> Please see these short blogs:
> - To ULA or not to ULA, That’s the Question
> - I Say ULA, You Hear NAT
> - PA, PI or ULA IPv6 Address Space? It depends
> - Source IPv6 Address Selection Saves the Day
> selection-saves-day.html
> Mark


No, all of the messages in the thread are specific about NAT66, not NPT66.
NPT66 may have real value. I hate it, but it may well be better than
alternatives. It addresses an issue I have had with many of the IPv6
purists. I do think some of the arguments for it are over-stated. Getting a
/48 is trivial, but getting it routed is not, so there is a real issue, but
it remains unclear how bit the issue really is. For most users,
multi-homing is fine, but not for servers. But smaller companies often farm
out their servers, so it's not an issue for them.

The one really significant issue I accept as real is the expansion of the
routing tables. While the IPv6 table is still fairly small (~17k) , it is
growing and has the potential to exceed the size of the IPv4 table (>500K)
which continues to grow due to deaggregation. For those not dealing with
backbone BGP, the issues include handling large numbers of prefixes and the
stability of routing tables (both RIBs and FIBs) with all of the churn
Since I have retired, I have not been involved in IPv6 implementation or
technical discussion, but I started dealing with it back in the 1990s and,
until I retired in 2011 I had the first computer (a DEC Alpha) that had an
ARIN assigned IPv6 address sitting under my desk, (No, it
was no longer in use.)

I also opposed ULA. While I understood the arguments in its favor, I have
still do not agree with them. I think ULA is simply a bad idea, but it is
there and we will have to deal with it... forever.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-28 Thread Mark Martinec
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Darren Reed  

IPFilter 5 does IPv6 NAT.

With the import of 5.1.2, map, rdr and rewrite rules will all work 

IPv6 addresses.

NAT66 is a specific implementation of IPv6 NAT behaviour.

2014-07-29 00:07 Kevin Oberman wrote:
And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence of 

choosing) on sight!

NAT on IPv6 serves no useful purpose at all. It only serves to 
things and make clueless security officers happy. It adds zero 
security. It
is a great example of people who assume that NAT is a security feature 

IPv4 (it's not) so it should also be in IPv6.

The problem is that this meme is so pervasive that even when people
understand that it is bad, they still insist on it because there will 
be an
unchecked box on the security checklist for "All systems not pubic 
are in RFC1918 space? -- YES   NO". The checklist item should be 
"All systems behind a stateful firewall with an appropriate rule set? 

YES  NO" as it is a stateful firewall (which is mandatory for NAT that
provides all of the security.

I say "usually" because the major research lab where I worked ran 
without a
firewall (and probably still does) and little, if any, NAT. It was 

regularly by red teams hired by the feds and they never were able to
penetrate anything due to a very aggressive IDS/IPS system, but most 
and companies should NOT go this route. I have IPv6 at home (Comcast) 
my router runs a stateful firewall with a rule set functionally the 
same as

that used for IPv4 and that provides the protection needed.

So putting support for NAT66 or any IPv6 NAT into a firewall is just 

things worse. Please don't do it!
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired

You are missing the point, we are talking about NAT64 (IPv6-only 
path to a legacy world), and NPT66 (prefix transalation). I doubt anyone 

a traditional NAT in mind.

Consider a small site with uplinks to two service providers: it can use 

internally and translate prefix on each uplink.

Please see these short blogs:

- To ULA or not to ULA, That’s the Question

- I Say ULA, You Hear NAT

- PA, PI or ULA IPv6 Address Space? It depends

- Source IPv6 Address Selection Saves the Day

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-28 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Darren Reed  wrote:

> On 27/07/2014 4:43 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <>, Darren Reed writes:
> >> On 24/07/2014 1:42 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.
>  That'=
> > s our=20
> > #1 wish list item for the cluster.
> >>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a
> >>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf
> doesn't
> >>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect
> ipfilter
> >>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
> >> ipfiler 5 handles fragments for ipv6.
> > Switching gears and leaving the discussion of ipv6 fragments to mention
> > nat66. A lot of people have been talking about nat66. I could be wrong
> but
> > I don't think it can handle nat66. I need to do some testing to verify
> > this. I remember reading on sourceforge that it was on your todo list. It
> > doesn't look like it was checked off as being completed.
> IPFilter 5 does IPv6 NAT.
> With the import of 5.1.2, map, rdr and rewrite rules will all work with
> IPv6 addresses.
> NAT66 is a specific implementation of IPv6 NAT behaviour.
> Cheers,
> Darren

And all IPv6 NAT is evil and should be cast into (demonic residence of your
choosing) on sight!

NAT on IPv6 serves no useful purpose at all. It only serves to complicate
things and make clueless security officers happy. It adds zero security. It
is a great example of people who assume that NAT is a security feature in
IPv4 (it's not) so it should also be in IPv6.

The problem is that this meme is so pervasive that even when people
understand that it is bad, they still insist on it because there will be an
unchecked box on the security checklist for "All systems not pubic servers
are in RFC1918 space? -- YES   NO". The checklist item should be (usually)
"All systems behind a stateful firewall with an appropriate rule set? --
YES  NO" as it is a stateful firewall (which is mandatory for NAT that
provides all of the security.

I say "usually" because the major research lab where I worked ran without a
firewall (and probably still does) and little, if any, NAT. It was tested
regularly by red teams hired by the feds and they never were able to
penetrate anything due to a very aggressive IDS/IPS system, but most people
and companies should NOT go this route. I have IPv6 at home (Comcast) and
my router runs a stateful firewall with a rule set functionally the same as
that used for IPv4 and that provides the protection needed.

So putting support for NAT66 or any IPv6 NAT into a firewall is just making
things worse. Please don't do it!
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-28 Thread Darren Reed
On 27/07/2014 4:43 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> In message <>, Darren Reed writes:
>> On 24/07/2014 1:42 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.  That'=
> s our=20
> #1 wish list item for the cluster.
>>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
>>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
>>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
>>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
>> ipfiler 5 handles fragments for ipv6.
> Switching gears and leaving the discussion of ipv6 fragments to mention 
> nat66. A lot of people have been talking about nat66. I could be wrong but 
> I don't think it can handle nat66. I need to do some testing to verify 
> this. I remember reading on sourceforge that it was on your todo list. It 
> doesn't look like it was checked off as being completed.

IPFilter 5 does IPv6 NAT.

With the import of 5.1.2, map, rdr and rewrite rules will all work with
IPv6 addresses.

NAT66 is a specific implementation of IPv6 NAT behaviour.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-26 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <>, Darren Reed writes:
> On 24/07/2014 1:42 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> >>>
> >>> But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.  That'=
> >>> s our=20
> >>> #1 wish list item for the cluster.
> > Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
> > little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
> > support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
> > doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
> ipfiler 5 handles fragments for ipv6.

Switching gears and leaving the discussion of ipv6 fragments to mention 
nat66. A lot of people have been talking about nat66. I could be wrong but 
I don't think it can handle nat66. I need to do some testing to verify 
this. I remember reading on sourceforge that it was on your todo list. It 
doesn't look like it was checked off as being completed.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-26 Thread Adrian Chadd
The flow in both directions has to include:

* better locking / parallelism
* virtualised forwarding support (ie, vimage)

If he's happy to include some stubs for that, then sure. I think both
dfbsd and freebsd can use the same pf.


On 26 July 2014 08:27, Mark Felder  wrote:
> We've already heard of Henning offering to help port a new pf but the olive 
> branch has been extended even further. He responded to some comments of mine 
> on twitter:
> @HenningBrauer: @rhymebyter @feldpos I offered help/advice to whomever 
> seriously attempts to update pf in @dragonflybsd AND @freebsd.
> @HenningBrauer: @feldpos it takes someone in freebsd/netbsd/dragonfly to 
> update their ancient pf versions, then code can flow bidirectional
> Technical hurdles aside, that sounds like the beginning of an OpenPf to me...
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-26 Thread Mark Felder
We've already heard of Henning offering to help port a new pf but the olive 
branch has been extended even further. He responded to some comments of mine on 

@HenningBrauer: @rhymebyter @feldpos I offered help/advice to whomever 
seriously attempts to update pf in @dragonflybsd AND @freebsd.

@HenningBrauer: @feldpos it takes someone in freebsd/netbsd/dragonfly to update 
their ancient pf versions, then code can flow bidirectional

Technical hurdles aside, that sounds like the beginning of an OpenPf to me...
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-26 Thread Darren Reed
On 24/07/2014 1:42 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
>>> But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.  That'=
>>> s our=20
>>> #1 wish list item for the cluster.
> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.

ipfiler 5 handles fragments for ipv6.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-25 Thread Cy Schubert
Sorry for the late reply. It's a busy time right now.

In message <>, Fbsd8 writes:
> Cy Schubert wrote:
> >> On 20.07.2014 18:15, Maxim Khitrov wrote:
> >>> In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> >>> SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> >>> follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> >>> reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> >>> upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> >>> Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> >>> improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> >>> developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> >>> process easier.
> >> Even if you just drop current PF from FreeBSD, there is nobody, who want
> >> to port new PF from OpenBSD. And this is not easy task, as you may
> >> think. Gleb has worked on rewriting PF more than half year. So, return
> >> back all improvements after import will be hard enough and, again,
> >> nobody want to do it. :)
> > 
> > One way or another something needs to be done and agreed it would be a lot 
> > of work. Our options are,
> > 
> > a) Import OpenBSD pf thereby throwing away our current investment in pf. 
> > All our work to get it up to snuff with our IP stack, SMP, and VIMAGE would
> > be all for naught. We do get a new pf though. Won't be a quality port 
> > though. Personally, not my #1 option.
> > 
> > b) Merge updates from OpenBSD pf to our pf. Once again a lot of work but we
> > do save the work we put into our pf. Once again a lot of work. We'd be 
> > introducing incompatibility.
> > 
> > c) Do nothing. It goes without saying that pf would suffer rot and 
> > eventually we would need to do something.
> > 
> > d) Yank pf from tree. An option but probably not a great one. We do have 
> > two other packet filters in the kernel (ipfw and ipfilter) however they are
> > different beasts with different capabilities. I think the reason we have 
> > the packet filters we do have is for the capabilities they bring to the 
> > table. I for one have run more than one in the same kernel because each has
> > different capabilities.
> > 
> > e) We could add capability to pf on a piecemeal basis. Option (b) but as 
> > time permits. Remember, people have jobs and commitments. Funding would 
> > help address this.
> > 
> > f) Finally, how does NetBSD's npf compare to OpenBSD's pf? Is it more 
> > compatible with our IP stack? Could this be an option?
> > 
> > Anything we do should work with VIMAGE and be able to handle nat66 as well.
> > 
> > 
> Hello Cy;
> Finally a voice I recognize. If I remember correctly you stepped up to 
> the plate earlier this year and did for ipfilter the same kind of things

Last autumn.

> this thread is talking about for pf. IE; apply upstream maintenance and 
> convert to FreeBSD standards. I think your work was a BSD fork of 
> Darrow's ipfilter which from this point on all upstream maintenance must 
> be hand merged into the BSD fork. I am a long time ipfilter user and 

Actually we did not fork ipfilter. It's simply included into our tree, with 
a few modifications.

> thank you for your dedication and work ethics getting the updated 
> ipfilter into 10.0 and 9.3 so quickly.

You're welcome. I too am a long time ipfilter user (Solaris and FreeBSD).

> So as someone who has been there and done that already you have unique 
> experience to really know the size of the task in hours to accomplish a 
> pf upgrade. Could you list the tasks and hours it took you to perform 
> the ipfilter upgrade so readers can have a real insight into what they 
> are asking for?

The experience is not unique. Every developer pretty much follows the same 
process when importing code into the tree. As for tasks, the ipfilter 
import was relatively simple compared to some others. Remember, ipfilter 
was designed to be run on any of the BSDs, SunOS, Solaris, and HP/UX, IRIX, 
and Tru64 UNIX. That made upgrading from 4.1.28 to 5.1.2 simpler than pf 
which is written only for OpenBSD and its stack.

> I agree with your option "e" above, but I would re-word it this way.
> Using the pf fork we already have in place, hand merge upstream 
> differences in piecemeal chunks as time permits. The openbsd new syntax 
> being the first chunk, closely followed by VIMAGE awareness.

Personally I would choose option "e" because of $JOB and $FAMILY 

Adding the new OpenBSD syntax may be more difficult than we might think. 
The new syntax may be related to a new internal structure of pf. If the new 
pf is a rewrite (ipfilter 5.1.2 was a rewrite of large chunks of code), 
then you have no option but to do a wholesale import and retrofit our mods 
back into it, if they would even fit at all.

I think the first task for anyone taking this on would be to familiarize 
oneself with the current pf code

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-24 Thread Peter Wemm
On Wednesday 23 July 2014 20:59:19 Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2014, at 20:41 , Allan Jude  wrote:
> > On 2014-07-23 16:38, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> >> On 23 Jul 2014, at 15:42 , Cy Schubert  wrote:
> >>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a
> >>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf
> >>> doesn't
> >>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter
> >>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
> >> 
> >> our pf does support IPv6 prefix rewriting quite nicely and has for years.
> > 
> > Bjoern: What IPv6 stuff does our pf not do well?
> I think the most pressing, as Peter said, is fragment handling, though a
> good fraction of major content providers seems to do mss clamping to a min
> IPv6 mtu on IPv6 and drop fragments at the edge (not much different to
> IPv4, which makes you wonder?).Whoever is clever will think of how many
> different queueing and fragment handling implementations we need in the
> kernel, and how often we have to do it on an end node that might also run a
> firewall,  pick one we have, turn it into a library thing, apply it to all
> places, and then add the latest IETF suggestions on top of it.


There is code in the openbsd cvs history where they added it while the 
internal APIs looked similar enough to ours.  It's simpler than ipv4 
reassembly - taking advantage of things like overlapping fragments not being 

I'm almost desperate enough to take a shot at it myself, but mbufs and I do 
not get along.  Nobody wants code I've touched to be in the tree if mbufs are 

The initial commits.. first the supporting changes:

(refactor code for reuse)

(add ipv6 defrag/refrag)

Then they added the code to defragment/refragment:
(pf_test6 defrag/refrag)

The catch is that they fixed a lot of edge cases so one needs to follow the 
history forward a bit to make sure it it's covered.  The other problem is our 
codebase is even older than when this was added so some looking at older 
commits is required.

In the time since the feature was added, they have refactored it a few times 
and merged the two code paths for ipv4 and ipv6.  It bears no resemblance to 
what we have in our tree.

The killer reason why this is a problem that needs to be solved.. IPv6 + 
DNSSEC exercises this code a lot.

Performance isn't a factor - it's basic functionality that's at stake.

Peter Wemm -;;; KI6FJV
UTF-8: for when a ' or ... just won\342\200\231t do\342\200\246

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-24 Thread Mark Felder

> On Jul 24, 2014, at 13:43, Mark Felder  wrote:
> Upstream pf from OpenBSD has removed this feature entirely and (I believe) 
> reworked their scrubbing, but I don't know the details. I can confirm that 
> when reassemble tcp existed on OpenBSD it never broke traffic for me.

I'm wrong; reassemble tcp still exists upstream. I must be thinking of 
something else that has since been removed but exists in our version. Oh well.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-24 Thread Mark Felder

> On Jul 23, 2014, at 15:59, Bjoern A. Zeeb  
> wrote:
> There was (is?) another case that in certain situations with certain pf 
> options IPv6/ULP packets would not pass or get corrupted.  I think no one who 
> experienced it never tracked it down to the code but I am sure there are PRs 
> for this;  best bet is that not all header sizes are equal and length/offsets 
> into IPv6 packets are different to IPv4, especially when you scrub.

scrub reassemble tcp breaks all ipv6 tcp traffic since FreeBSD 9.0. Well, not 
entirely "breaks" but things seem to be going at a rate of a poor dialup 
connection. This is similar to what I've experienced with pf + tso on Xen. 
Related? Possibly! I'd hazard a guess the reassembling of tcp on IPv6 is 
breaking checksums?

Upstream pf from OpenBSD has removed this feature entirely and (I believe) 
reworked their scrubbing, but I don't know the details. I can confirm that when 
reassemble tcp existed on OpenBSD it never broke traffic for me.

Synproxy and IPv6 was also broken last I knew. I can't remember the symptoms, 
but it was probably "nothing works". I recall synproxy has always been one of 
those "you're gonna shoot your eye out kid" features, but some people have used 
it successfully.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Fbsd8

Cy Schubert wrote:

In message <>, "Andrey V. Elsukov" writes:

This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On 20.07.2014 18:15, Maxim Khitrov wrote:

In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
process easier.

Even if you just drop current PF from FreeBSD, there is nobody, who want
to port new PF from OpenBSD. And this is not easy task, as you may
think. Gleb has worked on rewriting PF more than half year. So, return
back all improvements after import will be hard enough and, again,
nobody want to do it. :)

One way or another something needs to be done and agreed it would be a lot 
of work. Our options are,

a) Import OpenBSD pf thereby throwing away our current investment in pf. 
All our work to get it up to snuff with our IP stack, SMP, and VIMAGE would 
be all for naught. We do get a new pf though. Won't be a quality port 
though. Personally, not my #1 option.

b) Merge updates from OpenBSD pf to our pf. Once again a lot of work but we 
do save the work we put into our pf. Once again a lot of work. We'd be 
introducing incompatibility.

c) Do nothing. It goes without saying that pf would suffer rot and 
eventually we would need to do something.

d) Yank pf from tree. An option but probably not a great one. We do have 
two other packet filters in the kernel (ipfw and ipfilter) however they are 
different beasts with different capabilities. I think the reason we have 
the packet filters we do have is for the capabilities they bring to the 
table. I for one have run more than one in the same kernel because each has 
different capabilities.

e) We could add capability to pf on a piecemeal basis. Option (b) but as 
time permits. Remember, people have jobs and commitments. Funding would 
help address this.

f) Finally, how does NetBSD's npf compare to OpenBSD's pf? Is it more 
compatible with our IP stack? Could this be an option?

Anything we do should work with VIMAGE and be able to handle nat66 as well.

Hello Cy;
Finally a voice I recognize. If I remember correctly you stepped up to 
the plate earlier this year and did for ipfilter the same kind of things
this thread is talking about for pf. IE; apply upstream maintenance and 
convert to FreeBSD standards. I think your work was a BSD fork of 
Darrow's ipfilter which from this point on all upstream maintenance must 
be hand merged into the BSD fork. I am a long time ipfilter user and 
thank you for your dedication and work ethics getting the updated 
ipfilter into 10.0 and 9.3 so quickly.

So as someone who has been there and done that already you have unique 
experience to really know the size of the task in hours to accomplish a 
pf upgrade. Could you list the tasks and hours it took you to perform 
the ipfilter upgrade so readers can have a real insight into what they 
are asking for?

I agree with your option "e" above, but I would re-word it this way.
Using the pf fork we already have in place, hand merge upstream 
differences in piecemeal chunks as time permits. The openbsd new syntax 
being the first chunk, closely followed by VIMAGE awareness.

When it comes to someone volunteering to do the work, many of us would 
step up, but the fact is only a very very few people have the coding and 
kernel knowledge to even consider doing this.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb

On 23 Jul 2014, at 20:41 , Allan Jude  wrote:

> On 2014-07-23 16:38, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> On 23 Jul 2014, at 15:42 , Cy Schubert  wrote:
>>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
>>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
>>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
>>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
>> our pf does support IPv6 prefix rewriting quite nicely and has for years.
> Bjoern: What IPv6 stuff does our pf not do well?

I think the most pressing, as Peter said, is fragment handling, though a good 
fraction of major content providers seems to do mss clamping to a min IPv6 mtu 
on IPv6 and drop fragments at the edge (not much different to IPv4, which makes 
you wonder?).Whoever is clever will think of how many different queueing 
and fragment handling implementations we need in the kernel, and how often we 
have to do it on an end node that might also run a firewall,  pick one we have, 
turn it into a library thing, apply it to all places, and then add the latest 
IETF suggestions on top of it.

There was (is?) another case that in certain situations with certain pf options 
IPv6/ULP packets would not pass or get corrupted.  I think no one who 
experienced it never tracked it down to the code but I am sure there are PRs 
for this;  best bet is that not all header sizes are equal and length/offsets 
into IPv6 packets are different to IPv4, especially when you scrub.

Apart from that my knowledge of pf is diminishing.

Bjoern A. Zeeb "Come on. Learn, goddamn it.", WarGames, 1983

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Allan Jude
On 2014-07-23 16:38, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2014, at 15:42 , Cy Schubert  wrote:
>> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
>> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
>> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
>> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.
> our pf does support IPv6 prefix rewriting quite nicely and has for years.
> — 
> Bjoern A. Zeeb "Come on. Learn, goddamn it.", WarGames, 1983
> ___
> mailing list
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Bjoern: What IPv6 stuff does our pf not do well?

Allan Jude

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 23 Jul 2014, at 15:42 , Cy Schubert  wrote:

> Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
> little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
> support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
> doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.

our pf does support IPv6 prefix rewriting quite nicely and has for years.

Bjoern A. Zeeb "Come on. Learn, goddamn it.", WarGames, 1983

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Cy Schubert
In message , Daniel 
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014, Lars Engels wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
> >> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
> >> pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
> >> which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
> >> platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
> >> mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supporte
> d
> >> linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i gues
> s
> >> thats just an unrealistic dream
> >
> > And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
> > No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
> >
> No one with authority has yet said that "If an updated pf were available,
>   would be welcomed". Rather they have said "An updated pf would not be
> suitable, as it would be incompatible with existing configuration files".
> If the latter is indeed the case, there is little incentive for anyone
> to go to the effort of porting the newer pf. After all, the reward for
> the work is chiefly in glory, and if there is to be no glory, the work
> is unlikely to be done.

I disagree. One does not do this for the glory. One does this because the 
nail hurts enough to do something about it.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <>, "Andrey V. Elsukov" writes:
> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
> --EITUmaAVUtsHLdssNwHpA0G0W8jTQ9d3L
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> On 20.07.2014 18:15, Maxim Khitrov wrote:
> > In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> > SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> > follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> > reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> > upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> > Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> > improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> > developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> > process easier.
> Even if you just drop current PF from FreeBSD, there is nobody, who want
> to port new PF from OpenBSD. And this is not easy task, as you may
> think. Gleb has worked on rewriting PF more than half year. So, return
> back all improvements after import will be hard enough and, again,
> nobody want to do it. :)

One way or another something needs to be done and agreed it would be a lot 
of work. Our options are,

a) Import OpenBSD pf thereby throwing away our current investment in pf. 
All our work to get it up to snuff with our IP stack, SMP, and VIMAGE would 
be all for naught. We do get a new pf though. Won't be a quality port 
though. Personally, not my #1 option.

b) Merge updates from OpenBSD pf to our pf. Once again a lot of work but we 
do save the work we put into our pf. Once again a lot of work. We'd be 
introducing incompatibility.

c) Do nothing. It goes without saying that pf would suffer rot and 
eventually we would need to do something.

d) Yank pf from tree. An option but probably not a great one. We do have 
two other packet filters in the kernel (ipfw and ipfilter) however they are 
different beasts with different capabilities. I think the reason we have 
the packet filters we do have is for the capabilities they bring to the 
table. I for one have run more than one in the same kernel because each has 
different capabilities.

e) We could add capability to pf on a piecemeal basis. Option (b) but as 
time permits. Remember, people have jobs and commitments. Funding would 
help address this.

f) Finally, how does NetBSD's npf compare to OpenBSD's pf? Is it more 
compatible with our IP stack? Could this be an option?

Anything we do should work with VIMAGE and be able to handle nat66 as well.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Cy Schubert
In message <>, Peter Wemm writes:
> On Saturday 19 July 2014 13:06:52 Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 03:22:18PM -0400, Allan Jude wrote:
> > > On 2014-07-18 15:07, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > > > On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> > > >> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however tha=
> ts not
> > > >> the
> > > >> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new =
> either.
> > > >> We
> > > >> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of tha=
> t is
> > > >> reaching out.
> > > >=20
> > > > Then do the port and maintain it.
> > > >=20
> > > > The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a la=
> ck of
> > > > people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are fu=
> nded
> > > > somehow.
> > > >=20
> > > > So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.
> > > >=20
> > > >=20
> > > >=20
> > > > -a
> > > > ___
> > > > mailing list
> > > >
> > > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to
> > > > ""
> > >=20
> > > At vBSDCon Bapt@ volunteered to port the newer pf back to FreeBSD, =
> after
> > > spending some hours driving with Henning.
> >=20
> > I tried and broke pf for month and my changes have been reverted, thi=
> s is
> > not as simple as it looks like, our code as diverge a lot in some par=
> t and
> > we do support things that openbsd does not (vimage). Sync features re=
> quires
> > us to be very careful, my priorities went elsewhere since that time, =
> so now
> > I will probably only focus on bringing features I care about, and not=
>  the
> > entirely new pf.
> >=20
> > So no do not count me as volunteer to maintain pf, I ll probably do s=
> ome
> > work but not a full sync.
> If anyone is looking for a really useful chunk to work on, please go ba=
> ck over=20
> the pf history in openbsd and find where they added ipv6 fragment suppo=
> rt.  It=20
> was fairly well contained and didn't appear to be a big deal to port.  =
> They=20
> did do something with mbuf tags that I'm suspicious of though.
> IPv6 fragments are the biggest pain point we have on the cl=
> uster -=20
> yes, we use pf and IPv6 extensively, but dns with ipv6 involved is real=
> ly=20
> painful without fragment support.
> We sort-of work around it by using dedicated IPv6 address that has noth=
> ing but=20
> the dns resolver clients and allow  ipv6 fragments to it.  Its not idea=
> l but=20
> it gets over the worst problems.
> The other thing we had to do for usability is stop state tracking for u=
> dp dns=20
> =2D the sheer update rate was causing collisions and state drops / resets=
>  of=20
> other connections to the point of being really hard to use.
> Those two tweaks - stopping heavy dns use from thrashing the state tabl=
> es, and=20
> having a safe place to send fragments makes it quite usable for freebsd=
> .org.
> But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.  That'=
> s our=20
> #1 wish list item for the cluster.

Taking this discussion slightly sideways but touching on this thread a 
little, each of our packet filters will need nat66 support too. Pf doesn't 
support it for sure. I've been told that ipfw may and I suspect ipfilter 
doesn't as it was on Darren's todo list from 2009.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Cy Schubert
In message 
, Adrian Chadd writes:
> On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> > that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
> > way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
> > should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> > reaching out.
> Then do the port and maintain it.
> The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
> people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded
> somehow.

Funding is the issue. Sure, some of us maintain software because a personal 
need however without funding one has to fit maintaining software into 
whatever time is left. For those of us who do this without funding you 
manage to squeeze in an hour here or there.

> So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.

Many hands make light work.

Cy Schubert 
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:

The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-23 Thread Darren Reed
On 21/07/2014 5:14 AM, Eric Masson wrote:
> krad  writes:
> Hi,
>> I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been mentioned
>> in this thread.
> It would be nice but as it's been written in this thread, Open & Free
> internals are quite different beasts, goals are different on both
> platforms, so I doubt OpenPF will exist in the future.
>> It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well,
>> so the world could be rid of iptables.
> Linux world will get rid of iptables one of these days, nftables
> inclusion in mainline is a clear signal.

And the design behind nftables is similar to that of NetBSD's npf.


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RE: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread bycn82
i thought the nat in ipfw is as elegant as in iptables :)
but it is good to know that because different opinion actually is a chance to 
and why not share with us why the ipfw nat is cumbersome or how to be not 

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Allan Jude
> Sent: 22 July, 2014 7:13
> To:
> Subject: Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?
> On 2014-07-21 09:57, bycn82 wrote:
> > There is no doubt that PF is a really good firewall, But we should
> noticed that there is an ipfw which is originally from FreeBSD while PF
> is from OpenBSD.
> >
> > If there is a requirement that PF can meet but ipfw cannot, then I
> think it is better to improve the ipfw. But if you just like the PF
> style, then I think choose OpenBSD is the better solution. Actually
> OpenBSD is another really good operating system.
> >
> > Like myself, I like CentOS and ipfw, so no choice :)
> >
> >
> The only thing I've really found lacking in IPFW is the NAT
> implementation. Specifically, when trying to do port-forwarding. All of
> the rules have to go in the single 'ipfw nat' rule, and it makes it
> cumbersome to manage.
> --
> Allan Jude

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NPF (was Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?)

2014-07-21 Thread Pedro Giffuni
FWIW, and while I still wonder why we need three packet filters …

There is yet another firewall implementation in NetBSD:

It seems to be more portable, it is thought with SMP-friendliness in mind and 
according to a EuroBSDCon talk ports for FreeBSD and Illumos were being 

Good to have more options … I think.


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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread Allan Jude
On 2014-07-21 09:57, bycn82 wrote:
> There is no doubt that PF is a really good firewall, But we should noticed 
> that there is an ipfw which is originally from FreeBSD while PF is from 
> OpenBSD.
> If there is a requirement that PF can meet but ipfw cannot, then I think it 
> is better to improve the ipfw. But if you just like the PF style, then I 
> think choose OpenBSD is the better solution. Actually OpenBSD is another 
> really good operating system. 
> Like myself, I like CentOS and ipfw, so no choice :)

The only thing I've really found lacking in IPFW is the NAT
implementation. Specifically, when trying to do port-forwarding. All of
the rules have to go in the single 'ipfw nat' rule, and it makes it
cumbersome to manage.

Allan Jude

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread Franco Fichtner
Hi Julian,

On 21 Jul 2014, at 05:15, Julian Elischer  wrote:

> Most people I talk to just use ipfw and couldn't care whether pf lives or 
> dies.  They have simple requirements and almost any filter would suffice.  I 
> haven't found anything I'd want to use pf for that ipfw doesn't allow me to 
> do. There are things pf does that ipfw doesn't... I just never want them..

this is quite insightful.  The gist of this discussion and the apparent
lack of upgrades to pf(4) seem to indicate that:

(a) other packet filters do the required jobs equally or better
or performance doesn't matter at all.

(b) for more progressive setups and requirements, FreeBSD servers
may as well be complemented with commercial firewalls, hand-rolled
or non-FreeBSD solutions

Is that somewhat accurate, or is there more to the story?

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RE: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread bycn82
There is no doubt that PF is a really good firewall, But we should noticed that 
there is an ipfw which is originally from FreeBSD while PF is from OpenBSD.

If there is a requirement that PF can meet but ipfw cannot, then I think it is 
better to improve the ipfw. But if you just like the PF style, then I think 
choose OpenBSD is the better solution. Actually OpenBSD is another really good 
operating system. 

Like myself, I like CentOS and ipfw, so no choice :)

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>] On Behalf Of Andreas Nilsson
> Sent: 21 July, 2014 19:46
> To:
> Cc: Maxim Khitrov; Current FreeBSD; Mailinglists FreeBSD
> Subject: Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:56 AM,  wrote:
> > > > > Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in
> > freebsd,
> > > > > like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.
> > > >
> > > > I use MD5 auth for BGP sessions every day (and have been doing so
> > > > for several releases). One could definitely wish for better
> > > > integration - having to specify MD5 key both in /etc/ipsec.conf
> > > > and in the Quagga bgpd config is not nice. But it works.
> > > >
> > > As far as I know you can only send out correctly authed stuff but
> > > not validate incoming. Has that changed?
> >
> > Have a look at tcp_signature_verify(), called from tcp_input.c. Added
> > in r221023, see
> >
> >
> >
> > Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
> >
> > --
> >
> > Revision 221023 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
> > Modified Mon Apr 25 17:13:40 2011 UTC (3 years, 2 months ago) by
> > attilio File length: 106717 byte(s) Diff to previous 220560 Add the
> > possibility to verify MD5 hash of incoming TCP packets.
> > As long as this is a costy function, even when compiled in (along with
> > the option TCP_SIGNATURE), it can be disabled via the
> > net.inet.tcp.signature_verify_input sysctl.
> >
> > Sponsored by:   Sandvine Incorporated
> > Reviewed by:emaste, bz
> > MFC after:  2 weeks
> >
> > I stand corrected. Excellent news ( for me, that is) :)
> Best regards
> Andeas
> ___
> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-current-

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread Andreas Nilsson
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:56 AM,  wrote:

> > > > Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in
> freebsd,
> > > > like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.
> > >
> > > I use MD5 auth for BGP sessions every day (and have been doing so for
> > > several releases). One could definitely wish for better integration -
> > > having to specify MD5 key both in /etc/ipsec.conf and in the Quagga
> > > bgpd config is not nice. But it works.
> > >
> > As far as I know you can only send out correctly authed stuff but not
> > validate incoming. Has that changed?
> Have a look at tcp_signature_verify(), called from tcp_input.c. Added
> in r221023, see
> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
> --
> Revision 221023 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
> Modified Mon Apr 25 17:13:40 2011 UTC (3 years, 2 months ago) by attilio
> File length: 106717 byte(s)
> Diff to previous 220560
> Add the possibility to verify MD5 hash of incoming TCP packets.
> As long as this is a costy function, even when compiled in (along with
> the option TCP_SIGNATURE), it can be disabled via the
> net.inet.tcp.signature_verify_input sysctl.
> Sponsored by:   Sandvine Incorporated
> Reviewed by:emaste, bz
> MFC after:  2 weeks
> I stand corrected. Excellent news ( for me, that is) :)

Best regards
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-21 Thread Andrey V. Elsukov
On 20.07.2014 18:15, Maxim Khitrov wrote:
> In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> process easier.

Even if you just drop current PF from FreeBSD, there is nobody, who want
to port new PF from OpenBSD. And this is not easy task, as you may
think. Gleb has worked on rewriting PF more than half year. So, return
back all improvements after import will be hard enough and, again,
nobody want to do it. :)

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread sthaug
> > > Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
> > > like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.
> >
> > I use MD5 auth for BGP sessions every day (and have been doing so for
> > several releases). One could definitely wish for better integration -
> > having to specify MD5 key both in /etc/ipsec.conf and in the Quagga
> > bgpd config is not nice. But it works.
> >
> As far as I know you can only send out correctly authed stuff but not
> validate incoming. Has that changed?

Have a look at tcp_signature_verify(), called from tcp_input.c. Added
in r221023, see

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,


Revision 221023 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs] 
Modified Mon Apr 25 17:13:40 2011 UTC (3 years, 2 months ago) by attilio 
File length: 106717 byte(s) 
Diff to previous 220560
Add the possibility to verify MD5 hash of incoming TCP packets.
As long as this is a costy function, even when compiled in (along with
the option TCP_SIGNATURE), it can be disabled via the
net.inet.tcp.signature_verify_input sysctl.

Sponsored by:   Sandvine Incorporated
Reviewed by:emaste, bz
MFC after:  2 weeks

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread sthaug
> Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
> like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.

I use MD5 auth for BGP sessions every day (and have been doing so for
several releases). One could definitely wish for better integration -
having to specify MD5 key both in /etc/ipsec.conf and in the Quagga
bgpd config is not nice. But it works.

MPLS would be nice - but is not a high priority. That's what I use
Juniper and Cisco routers for. For MPLS to be of any use I'd also need
a working IS-IS implementation, and I believe Quagga isn't quite there

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 7:41 AM,  wrote:

> > Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
> > like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.
> I use MD5 auth for BGP sessions every day (and have been doing so for
> several releases). One could definitely wish for better integration -
> having to specify MD5 key both in /etc/ipsec.conf and in the Quagga
> bgpd config is not nice. But it works.
As far as I know you can only send out correctly authed stuff but not
validate incoming. Has that changed?


> MPLS would be nice - but is not a high priority. That's what I use
> Juniper and Cisco routers for. For MPLS to be of any use I'd also need
> a working IS-IS implementation, and I believe Quagga isn't quite there
> yet.
> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson
On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Julian Elischer  wrote:

> On 7/21/14, 7:27 AM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Alexander Kabaev 
>> wrote:
>>  On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:15:36 -0400
>>> Maxim Khitrov  wrote:
>>>  On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels 

> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
>> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two
>> versions of pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It
>> confuses people, which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide
>> an conquer for other platforms. I really like the idea of the
>> openpf version, that has been mentioned in this thread. It would
>> be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well, so
>> the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess thats just an
>> unrealistic dream
> And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the
> work. No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
 Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
 updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
 Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
 work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
 is the first step in the process.

 In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
 SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
 follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
 reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
 upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
 Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
 improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
 developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
 process easier.

>>> I am one person whose opinion Gleb got completely right - I could not
>>> care less about new syntax nor about how close or how far are we from
>>> OpenBSD, as long as pf works for my purposes and it does. This far
>>> into the thread and somebody has yet to provide a comprehensive list of
>>> the benefits that we allegedly miss, or to come up with the real
>>> benchmark result to substantiate the performance claims.
>>> Focusing on disproving anything Gleb might be believing in on the
>>> matter, while an interesting undertaking, does nothing to give you new
>>> pf you supposedly want. Doing the work and bringing it all the way to
>>> will completeness for commit - does.
>>> It was stated repeatedly by multiple people that FreeBSD's network
>>> stack is way too different from OpenBSD, we support features
>>> OpenBSD doesn't and vice versa, vimage is a good example, which throws a
>>> giant wrench into the plan of following OpenBSD 'as closely as
>>> possible', even as the expense of throwing away all of the SMP work
>>> done in pf to date.
>>>  I like vimage, don't get me wrong, but it also seems to have lost
>> traction.
>> If vimage is the only thing holding a pf import back there ought to be
>> some
>> discussion about which is a priority.
> As one involved with Vimage, I get feedback all the time that lets me know
> it's in really heavy use in some pretty interesting commercial situations.
>  It HAS lst some traction in terms of added work, but that's because it's
> solid enough for people to use.
> In the situations where it's being used, it's a game changer and rhe
> conversation goes something like:
> "hey vimage and pf don't work together.. guess that makes the firewall
> decision easy.. use ipfw"
> Good to know!

>> Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
>> like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.
>> /A
>> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Julian Elischer

On 7/21/14, 7:27 AM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Alexander Kabaev  wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:15:36 -0400
Maxim Khitrov  wrote:

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels 

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:

all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two
versions of pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It
confuses people, which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide
an conquer for other platforms. I really like the idea of the
openpf version, that has been mentioned in this thread. It would
be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well, so
the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess thats just an
unrealistic dream

And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the
work. No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
is the first step in the process.

In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
process easier.

I am one person whose opinion Gleb got completely right - I could not
care less about new syntax nor about how close or how far are we from
OpenBSD, as long as pf works for my purposes and it does. This far
into the thread and somebody has yet to provide a comprehensive list of
the benefits that we allegedly miss, or to come up with the real
benchmark result to substantiate the performance claims.

Focusing on disproving anything Gleb might be believing in on the
matter, while an interesting undertaking, does nothing to give you new
pf you supposedly want. Doing the work and bringing it all the way to
will completeness for commit - does.

It was stated repeatedly by multiple people that FreeBSD's network
stack is way too different from OpenBSD, we support features
OpenBSD doesn't and vice versa, vimage is a good example, which throws a
giant wrench into the plan of following OpenBSD 'as closely as
possible', even as the expense of throwing away all of the SMP work
done in pf to date.

I like vimage, don't get me wrong, but it also seems to have lost traction.
If vimage is the only thing holding a pf import back there ought to be some
discussion about which is a priority.
As one involved with Vimage, I get feedback all the time that lets me 
know it's in really heavy use in some pretty interesting commercial 
situations.  It HAS lst some traction in terms of added work, but 
that's because it's solid enough for people to use.
In the situations where it's being used, it's a game changer and rhe 
conversation goes something like:

"hey vimage and pf don't work together.. guess that makes the firewall 
decision easy.. use ipfw"

Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Julian Elischer

On 7/20/14, 12:36 PM, Darren Pilgrim wrote:

The vast majority of people don't know pf is outdated and broken on 
FreeBSD because they don't know what they're missing and likely 
aren't using IPv6 yet.

Most people I talk to just use ipfw and couldn't care whether pf lives 
or dies.  They have simple requirements and almost any filter would 
suffice.  I haven't found anything I'd want to use pf for that ipfw 
doesn't allow me to do. There are things pf does that ipfw doesn't... 
I just never want them..

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Daniel Feenberg

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

Franco Fichtner said he's interested in doing it. He probably
needs funding.

No one with authority has yet said that "If an updated pf were available,
  would be welcomed".

Which person or group would you view as "authority" in this case ?

I am not privy to the inner workings of the project, but surely a
decision of this importance would come to the attention of the
core team, who are listed at:

A port of OpenBSD PF may be quite impractical or undesirable- I have no 
idea. However, if all potential contributions are viewed as criticism to 
be refuted, it will damage the ability of the project to attract 
contributors. Rather than telling a potential contributor that their 
efforts will never be included in the official distribution it would be 
more supportive of the project to say that a port of PF would be welcome 
as a port, but might have difficulty displacing current offering. That 
doesn't promise anything, but encourages involvement, if indeed 
involvement is desired.

Daniel Feenberg

-- 171 3101372 6 years to go !

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Alexander Kabaev  wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:15:36 -0400
> Maxim Khitrov  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels 
> > wrote:
> > > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
> > >> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two
> > >> versions of pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It
> > >> confuses people, which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide
> > >> an conquer for other platforms. I really like the idea of the
> > >> openpf version, that has been mentioned in this thread. It would
> > >> be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well, so
> > >> the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess thats just an
> > >> unrealistic dream
> > >
> > > And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the
> > > work. No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
> >
> > Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
> > updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
> > Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
> > work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
> > is the first step in the process.
> >
> > In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> > SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> > follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> > reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> > upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> > Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> > improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> > developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> > process easier.
> I am one person whose opinion Gleb got completely right - I could not
> care less about new syntax nor about how close or how far are we from
> OpenBSD, as long as pf works for my purposes and it does. This far
> into the thread and somebody has yet to provide a comprehensive list of
> the benefits that we allegedly miss, or to come up with the real
> benchmark result to substantiate the performance claims.
> Focusing on disproving anything Gleb might be believing in on the
> matter, while an interesting undertaking, does nothing to give you new
> pf you supposedly want. Doing the work and bringing it all the way to
> will completeness for commit - does.

> It was stated repeatedly by multiple people that FreeBSD's network
> stack is way too different from OpenBSD, we support features
> OpenBSD doesn't and vice versa, vimage is a good example, which throws a
> giant wrench into the plan of following OpenBSD 'as closely as
> possible', even as the expense of throwing away all of the SMP work
> done in pf to date.
I like vimage, don't get me wrong, but it also seems to have lost traction.
If vimage is the only thing holding a pf import back there ought to be some
discussion about which is a priority.

Also, the openbsd stack has some essential features missing in freebsd,
like mpls and md5 auth for bgp sessions.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Adrian Chadd
Noone needs to say "you can do X." You can just fork freebsd in
whatever form you want, update to the latest github and work to
eventually get it included. Or you could treat it as an entirely
external-from-system plugin module that you compile up - the packet
filter hooks API lets you do this relatively nicely nowdays.

There's multiple ways to do this. No-one needs to ask permission.
Someone just has to do it.

So if you want to do it, say so, and please feel free to canvas for
donations / funding / whatever you need to keep up whatever you need
to get it done. You don't need permission. Don't worry about how to
get it into the tree when you're done. Just do it.


On 20 July 2014 15:26, Daniel Feenberg  wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
>> Hi!
 And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
 No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
>> Franco Fichtner said he's interested in doing it. He probably
>> needs funding.
>>> No one with authority has yet said that "If an updated pf were available,
>>>   would be welcomed".
>> Which person or group would you view as "authority" in this case ?
> I am not privy to the inner workings of the project, but surely a
> decision of this importance would come to the attention of the
> core team, who are listed at:
> A port of OpenBSD PF may be quite impractical or undesirable- I have no
> idea. However, if all potential contributions are viewed as criticism to be
> refuted, it will damage the ability of the project to attract contributors.
> Rather than telling a potential contributor that their efforts will never be
> included in the official distribution it would be more supportive of the
> project to say that a port of PF would be welcome as a port, but might have
> difficulty displacing current offering. That doesn't promise anything, but
> encourages involvement, if indeed involvement is desired.
> Daniel Feenberg
>> --
>> 171 3101372 6 years to
>> go !
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Stephen Hurd
krad wrote:
> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two
> versions of pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It
> confuses people, which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an
> conquer for other platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf
> version, that has been mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome
> if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well, so the world could
> be rid of iptables. However i guess thats just an unrealistic dream

No, the point was that matching OpenBSDs pf syntax for the sake of the
Google results isn't a valid reason to change it.  I'm not saying there
aren't any valid reasons, just that useless search results isn't one of

As for my opinion of the rule format changing, I'm fine with it as long
as it happens on a major version release (ie: 11.0) and is documented. 
If I want to use the old pf, I'll use an old FreeBSD.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> > And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
> > No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

Franco Fichtner said he's interested in doing it. He probably
needs funding.

> No one with authority has yet said that "If an updated pf were available,
>   would be welcomed".

Which person or group would you view as "authority" in this case ?

-- 171 3101372 6 years to go !
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg

On Jul 20, 2014, at 11:35 AM, Daniel Feenberg  wrote:

> Rather they have said "An updated pf would not be
> suitable, as it would be incompatible with existing configuration files".

A major FreeBSD version increment is allowed to break that level of backwards 
compatibility.  Nothing prevents this from being incorporated into 11.x.

The only real concern would be removing existing core functionality as part of 
the update.  For that you want to provide at least one major release cycle for 
people up migrate.  Comparing pf on my current OpenBSD machines vs. the FreeBSD 
10.x pf, that doesn't seem to be an issue.


Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Daniel Feenberg

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014, Lars Engels wrote:

On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:

all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported
linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess
thats just an unrealistic dream

And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

No one with authority has yet said that "If an updated pf were available,
 would be welcomed". Rather they have said "An updated pf would not be
suitable, as it would be incompatible with existing configuration files".
If the latter is indeed the case, there is little incentive for anyone
to go to the effort of porting the newer pf. After all, the reward for
the work is chiefly in glory, and if there is to be no glory, the work
is unlikely to be done.

I do not have a horse in this race.

Daniel Feenberg
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Eric Masson
krad  writes:


> I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been mentioned
> in this thread.

It would be nice but as it's been written in this thread, Open & Free
internals are quite different beasts, goals are different on both
platforms, so I doubt OpenPF will exist in the future.

> It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well,
> so the world could be rid of iptables.

Linux world will get rid of iptables one of these days, nftables
inclusion in mainline is a clear signal.

I don't really like linux firewalling engines but projects like OpenWRT
and Luci hide the command line hell in most cases, so I'm slowly
retiring FreeBSD/pf handcrafted appliances in favor of OpenWRT boxes.

Éric Masson

 Bonjour je sais qu il existe un prog pour faire des cartes bancaires
 puis je l avoir par mail pas pour en fabriquer mais par curiosite
 merci a tous
 -+- LM In GNU : La cléf pour fabriquer un neuneu enfin dévoilée -+-
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Alexander Kabaev
On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:15:36 -0400
Maxim Khitrov  wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels 
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
> >> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two
> >> versions of pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It
> >> confuses people, which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide
> >> an conquer for other platforms. I really like the idea of the
> >> openpf version, that has been mentioned in this thread. It would
> >> be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well, so
> >> the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess thats just an
> >> unrealistic dream
> >
> > And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the
> > work. No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
> Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
> updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
> Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
> work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
> is the first step in the process.
> In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> process easier.

I am one person whose opinion Gleb got completely right - I could not
care less about new syntax nor about how close or how far are we from
OpenBSD, as long as pf works for my purposes and it does. This far
into the thread and somebody has yet to provide a comprehensive list of
the benefits that we allegedly miss, or to come up with the real
benchmark result to substantiate the performance claims.

Focusing on disproving anything Gleb might be believing in on the
matter, while an interesting undertaking, does nothing to give you new
pf you supposedly want. Doing the work and bringing it all the way to
will completeness for commit - does. 

It was stated repeatedly by multiple people that FreeBSD's network
stack is way too different from OpenBSD, we support features
OpenBSD doesn't and vice versa, vimage is a good example, which throws a
giant wrench into the plan of following OpenBSD 'as closely as
possible', even as the expense of throwing away all of the SMP work
done in pf to date.

Alexander Kabaev

Description: PGP signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Mike.
On 7/20/2014 at 5:38 PM Franco Fichtner wrote:

|On 20 Jul 2014, at 15:39, Mike.  wrote:
|> imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a
|> feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD
|> of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
|> FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer
|> ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
|> isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.
|> Was it worth it?
|Yes.  This happened *three times* in BSD land now.  How much more
|proof does it take to make that clear?

In this instance, more proof would consist of pf development not
wallowing in inactivity.

imo, tactical changes were implemented in pf without the strategic
negative consequences affecting the decision process guiding the
implementation of those tactical features.And that's backwards.
Strategies direct tactics, not vice versa.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Franco Fichtner
On 20 Jul 2014, at 15:39, Mike.  wrote:

> imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a single
> feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD version
> of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
> FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer be
> ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
> isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.
> Was it worth it?

Yes.  This happened *three times* in BSD land now.  How much more
proof does it take to make that clear?

FWIW, I'm still volunteering, but I think the direction this
discussion is going is that there is no clear direction, which makes
this a tad less effective than it could be.  ;)

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Mike.
On 7/19/2014 at 9:36 PM Darren Pilgrim wrote:

|On 7/18/2014 6:51 AM, Franco Fichtner wrote:
| [snip]
|All because over half a decade ago some folks got all butthurt over
|config file format change.

I'm juggling two formats for specifying NIC configurations in
rc.conf, one on a 8.4 server and another on some 10.0 servers.  I've
also been through pf.conf syntax changes in the past, and I expect to
be subject to pf.con syntax changes in the future.   Did I have to do
some extra work to accomodate those changes?  Yes.  Was it worth the
effort?  Absolutely.

Not only am I handling the handling of two NIC configuration syntaxes
OK, I look forward to when I can bring the 8.4 server up to 10.x for,
among other things, imo the better syntax of the networking
configuration in 10.x.

imho, the root problem here is that an effort to implement a single
feature improvement (multi-threading) has caused the FreeBSD version
of pf to apparently reach a near-unmaintainable position in the
FreeBSD community because improvements from OpenBSD can no longer be
ported over easily.   FreeBSD's pf has been put in a virtual
isolation chamber due to the multi-threaded enhancement.

Was it worth it?

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 10:15:36AM -0400, Maxim Khitrov wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
> >> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
> >> pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
> >> which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
> >> platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
> >> mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported
> >> linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess
> >> thats just an unrealistic dream
> >
> > And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
> > No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.
> Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
> updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
> Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
> work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
> is the first step in the process.
> In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
> SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
> follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
> reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
> upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
> Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
> improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
> developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
> process easier.

smp is not the only change we did, if you forget about it you will also get into
other co plication to sync from openbsd


Description: PGP signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Maxim Khitrov
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Lars Engels  wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
>> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
>> pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
>> which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
>> platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
>> mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported
>> linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess
>> thats just an unrealistic dream
> And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
> No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

Gleb believes that the majority of FreeBSD users don't want the
updated syntax, among other changes, from the more recent pf versions.
Developers who share his opinion are not going to volunteer to do the
work. This discussion is about showing this belief to be wrong, which
is the first step in the process.

In my opinion, the way forward is to forget (at least temporarily) the
SMP changes, bring pf in sync with OpenBSD, put a policy in place to
follow their releases as closely as possible, and then try to
reintroduce all the SMP work. I think the latter has to be done
upstream, otherwise it'll always be a story of diverging codebases.
Furthermore, if FreeBSD developers were willing to spend some time
improving pf performance on OpenBSD, then Henning and other OpenBSD
developers might be more receptive to changes that make the porting
process easier.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread Lars Engels
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 12:18:54PM +0100, krad wrote:
> all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
> pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
> which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
> platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
> mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported
> linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess
> thats just an unrealistic dream

And you don't seem to get the point that _someone_ has to do the work.
No one has stepped up so far, so nothing is going to change.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-20 Thread krad
all of that is true, but you are missing the point. Having two versions of
pf on the bsd's at the user level, is a bad thing. It confuses people,
which puts them off. Its a classic case of divide an conquer for other
platforms. I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been
mentioned in this thread. It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported
linux thing as well, so the world could be rid of iptables. However i guess
thats just an unrealistic dream

On 19 July 2014 09:32, Stephen Hurd  wrote:

> krad wrote:
> > that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not
> the
> > way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either.
> We
> > should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> > reaching out.
> One of FreeBSD's historic strengths has been the handbook and generally
> good quality documentation.  There is no way that the FreeBSD project
> can ensure that all Google results for everyone in the world are FreeBSD
> related "good" documentation, but it can ensure that the documentation
> included with FreeBSD is accurate and usable, and it can ensure that the
> FreeBSD documentation is available via the internet.
> Aside from blindly following whatever generates the most Google results
> (an obviously broken solution), what exactly can the FreeBSD project do
> to ensure that when someone "Googles" a problem they will end up with a
> correct FreeBSD solution?
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Adrian Chadd
On 19 July 2014 21:36, Darren Pilgrim  wrote:
> On 7/18/2014 6:51 AM, Franco Fichtner wrote:
>>> c) We never got the new syntax from OpenBSD 4.7's pf - at the time a long
>>> discussion on the pf-mailing list flamed the new syntax saying it would
>>> cause FreeBSD administrators too much headache. Today on the list it seems
>>> everyone wants it - so would we rather stay on a dead branch than keep up
>>> with the main stream?
>> I'd say many people are comfortable with an old state of pf (silent
>> majority), but that shouldn't keep us from catching up with newer
>> features (and of course bugfixes).
> Never mistake silence for consent.
> The vast majority of people don't know pf is outdated and broken on FreeBSD
> because they don't know what they're missing and likely aren't using IPv6
> yet.  The moment you turn on IPv6 and restart a validating unbound, you run
> full-speed into pf's broken behaviour.  Make an EDNS0-enabled query for a
> signed zone and you'll get a fragmented UDP packet that will never make it
> through unless you tell pf to allow all fragments unconditionally.  They'll
> simply think something is wrong with unbound, turn off EDNS0 and/or
> validation, hurt peformance and/or security in the process, and never
> realize their firewall is doing literally the worst possible thing it could
> do.
> All because over half a decade ago some folks got all butthurt over a config
> file format change.

if someone wants to port the up to date pf and can fix whatever
performance / parallelism issues creep up, then go for it.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Darren Pilgrim

On 7/18/2014 6:51 AM, Franco Fichtner wrote:

c) We never got the new syntax from OpenBSD 4.7's pf - at the time a long 
discussion on the pf-mailing list flamed the new syntax saying it would cause 
FreeBSD administrators too much headache. Today on the list it seems everyone 
wants it - so would we rather stay on a dead branch than keep up with the main 

I'd say many people are comfortable with an old state of pf (silent
majority), but that shouldn't keep us from catching up with newer
features (and of course bugfixes).

Never mistake silence for consent.

The vast majority of people don't know pf is outdated and broken on 
FreeBSD because they don't know what they're missing and likely aren't 
using IPv6 yet.  The moment you turn on IPv6 and restart a validating 
unbound, you run full-speed into pf's broken behaviour.  Make an 
EDNS0-enabled query for a signed zone and you'll get a fragmented UDP 
packet that will never make it through unless you tell pf to allow all 
fragments unconditionally.  They'll simply think something is wrong with 
unbound, turn off EDNS0 and/or validation, hurt peformance and/or 
security in the process, and never realize their firewall is doing 
literally the worst possible thing it could do.

All because over half a decade ago some folks got all butthurt over a 
config file format change.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Peter Wemm
On Saturday 19 July 2014 13:06:52 Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 03:22:18PM -0400, Allan Jude wrote:
> > On 2014-07-18 15:07, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > > On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> > >> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not
> > >> the
> > >> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either.
> > >> We
> > >> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> > >> reaching out.
> > > 
> > > Then do the port and maintain it.
> > > 
> > > The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
> > > people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded
> > > somehow.
> > > 
> > > So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -a
> > > ___
> > > mailing list
> > >
> > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to
> > > ""
> > 
> > At vBSDCon Bapt@ volunteered to port the newer pf back to FreeBSD, after
> > spending some hours driving with Henning.
> I tried and broke pf for month and my changes have been reverted, this is
> not as simple as it looks like, our code as diverge a lot in some part and
> we do support things that openbsd does not (vimage). Sync features requires
> us to be very careful, my priorities went elsewhere since that time, so now
> I will probably only focus on bringing features I care about, and not the
> entirely new pf.
> So no do not count me as volunteer to maintain pf, I ll probably do some
> work but not a full sync.

If anyone is looking for a really useful chunk to work on, please go back over 
the pf history in openbsd and find where they added ipv6 fragment support.  It 
was fairly well contained and didn't appear to be a big deal to port.  They 
did do something with mbuf tags that I'm suspicious of though.

IPv6 fragments are the biggest pain point we have on the cluster - 
yes, we use pf and IPv6 extensively, but dns with ipv6 involved is really 
painful without fragment support.

We sort-of work around it by using dedicated IPv6 address that has nothing but 
the dns resolver clients and allow  ipv6 fragments to it.  Its not ideal but 
it gets over the worst problems.

The other thing we had to do for usability is stop state tracking for udp dns 
- the sheer update rate was causing collisions and state drops / resets of 
other connections to the point of being really hard to use.

Those two tweaks - stopping heavy dns use from thrashing the state tables, and 
having a safe place to send fragments makes it quite usable for

But, lack of ipv6 fragment processing still causes ongoing pain.  That's our 
#1 wish list item for the cluster.

Peter Wemm -;;; KI6FJV
UTF-8: for when a ' or ... just won\342\200\231t do\342\200\246

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Kevin Oberman
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Mark Felder  wrote:

> On Jul 19, 2014, at 3:35, Andreas Nilsson  wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Darren Pilgrim <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> On 7/18/2014 4:06 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
> >>
> >>> K> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
> >>> K> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?
> >>>
> >>> Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
> >>> would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
> >>> and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I would much rather have a slower pf that actually supports modern
> >> networking than a faster one I can't use due to showstopper flaws and
> >> missing features.
> >>
> >
> > So would I. Not that we use pf, but anyway.
> >
> >>
> >> There is currently no viable firewall module for FreeBSD if you want to
> do
> >> things like route IPv6.
> >
> >
> > Isn't that possible with ipfw?
> >
> > Perhaps the pf guys in OpenBSD could be convinced to start openpf and
> have
> > porting layer as in openzfs.
> >
> I do not know ipfw IPv6 limitations, but the Wikipedia article says:
> * IPv6 support (with several limitations)
> Choice is nice, but I would like to see the project promote one firewall
> to users. My coworkers long ago jumped ship from ipfw to pf and I know
> regret that decision due to the IPv6 bugs. At this point it's too hard to
> migrate all the servers off of pf.
> ___
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I believe that this is obsolete, at least with 10.

It certainly used to be the case in older versions. I suspect the improved
ipfw is now in 9.3 and perhaps even 8.4, but I can't swear to it. I do know
that the 10.0 version broke several of my firewall rules which would have
made back-porting to older versions unacceptable but I believe that this is
no longer the case. Some IPv6 specific keywords had been eliminated, but I
think that they are all back in place, now. No longer required, but there
for compatibility.

The last feature I am aware of that lacked ipv6 support was tables. If any
more exist, they are subtle and I have not hit hem to this point.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Mark Felder

On Jul 19, 2014, at 3:35, Andreas Nilsson  wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Darren Pilgrim <
>> wrote:
>> On 7/18/2014 4:06 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
>>> K> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
>>> K> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?
>>> Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
>>> would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
>>> and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.
>> I would much rather have a slower pf that actually supports modern
>> networking than a faster one I can't use due to showstopper flaws and
>> missing features.
> So would I. Not that we use pf, but anyway.
>> There is currently no viable firewall module for FreeBSD if you want to do
>> things like route IPv6.
> Isn't that possible with ipfw?
> Perhaps the pf guys in OpenBSD could be convinced to start openpf and have
> porting layer as in openzfs.

I do not know ipfw IPv6 limitations, but the Wikipedia article says:

* IPv6 support (with several limitations)

Choice is nice, but I would like to see the project promote one firewall to 
users. My coworkers long ago jumped ship from ipfw to pf and I know regret that 
decision due to the IPv6 bugs. At this point it's too hard to migrate all the 
servers off of pf.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Baptiste Daroussin
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 03:22:18PM -0400, Allan Jude wrote:
> On 2014-07-18 15:07, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> >> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
> >> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
> >> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> >> reaching out.
> > 
> > Then do the port and maintain it.
> > 
> > The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
> > people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded
> > somehow.
> > 
> > So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -a
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
> > 
> At vBSDCon Bapt@ volunteered to port the newer pf back to FreeBSD, after
> spending some hours driving with Henning.

I tried and broke pf for month and my changes have been reverted, this is not as
simple as it looks like, our code as diverge a lot in some part and we do
support things that openbsd does not (vimage). Sync features requires us to
be very careful, my priorities went elsewhere since that time, so now I will
probably only focus on bringing features I care about, and not the entirely new 

So no do not count me as volunteer to maintain pf, I ll probably do some work
but not a full sync.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Andreas Nilsson
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Darren Pilgrim <> wrote:

> On 7/18/2014 4:06 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
>> K> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
>> K> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?
>> Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
>> would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
>> and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.
> I would much rather have a slower pf that actually supports modern
> networking than a faster one I can't use due to showstopper flaws and
> missing features.

So would I. Not that we use pf, but anyway.

> There is currently no viable firewall module for FreeBSD if you want to do
> things like route IPv6.

Isn't that possible with ipfw?

Perhaps the pf guys in OpenBSD could be convinced to start openpf and have
porting layer as in openzfs.

Best regards
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-19 Thread Stephen Hurd
krad wrote:
> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> reaching out.

One of FreeBSD's historic strengths has been the handbook and generally
good quality documentation.  There is no way that the FreeBSD project
can ensure that all Google results for everyone in the world are FreeBSD
related "good" documentation, but it can ensure that the documentation
included with FreeBSD is accurate and usable, and it can ensure that the
FreeBSD documentation is available via the internet.

Aside from blindly following whatever generates the most Google results
(an obviously broken solution), what exactly can the FreeBSD project do
to ensure that when someone "Googles" a problem they will end up with a
correct FreeBSD solution?
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Darren Pilgrim

On 7/18/2014 4:06 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

K> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
K> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?

Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.

I would much rather have a slower pf that actually supports modern 
networking than a faster one I can't use due to showstopper flaws and 
missing features.

There is currently no viable firewall module for FreeBSD if you want to 
do things like route IPv6.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Allan Jude
On 2014-07-18 15:07, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
>> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
>> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
>> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
>> reaching out.
> Then do the port and maintain it.
> The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
> people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded
> somehow.
> So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.
> -a
> ___
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At vBSDCon Bapt@ volunteered to port the newer pf back to FreeBSD, after
spending some hours driving with Henning. I say at EuroBSDCon this year,
we get him drunk again, and get him saying he'll do it on video this
time, then we'll be all set.

Allan Jude

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Adrian Chadd
On 18 July 2014 07:34, krad  wrote:
> that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
> way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
> should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
> reaching out.

Then do the port and maintain it.

The problem isn't the desire to keep things up to date, it's a lack of
people who want that _and_ are willing/able to do it _and_ are funded

So, please step up! We'll all love you for it.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Matt Bettinger
Back in the day we didn't have Google to ask the oracle for cut and paste
answers.   If the man page is accurate that should be good enough.
On Jul 18, 2014 8:26 AM, "krad"  wrote:

> this is also another important point. If you go onto google and search on
> how to do this and that under pf, you get a mix of freebsd, and openbsd
> stuff coming up. I havent analysed it but i think the majority of the stuff
> is openbsd related. THerefore I find some nice solution to my problem, only
> to find out a bit later I cant use it because its not supported under
> freebsd. This is anoying, but more importantly confuses new sysadmins and
> puts them off adopting pf and possibly a bsd at all.
> On 18 July 2014 14:12, Gerrit Kühn  wrote:
> > On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:06:45 +0400 Gleb Smirnoff 
> > wrote about Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one
> ?:
> >
> > GS> The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are
> > GS> vocal on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of
> common
> > GS> FreeBSD users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading
> pf
> > GS> mailing list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large
> > GS> population of users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen
> > GS> happy.
> >
> > I have thought about this for some time now, and I think I do not agree.
> I
> > do remember quite well when OpenBSD changed from ipf to pf, and I had to
> > come up with new rules files. Yes, this is a burden for people
> maintaining
> > these systems, but if the thing is well documented and comes with
> benefits
> > (like staying in sync with other developers, allowing new features etc.)
> I
> > doubt that many people will really be minding this.
> >
> >
> > cu
> >   Gerrit
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> >"
> >
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread krad
that is true and I have not problem using man pages, however thats not the
way most of the world work and search engines arent exactly new either. We
should be trying to engage more people not less, and part of that is
reaching out.

On 18 July 2014 15:10, Matt Bettinger  wrote:

> Back in the day we didn't have Google to ask the oracle for cut and paste
> answers.   If the man page is accurate that should be good enough.
> On Jul 18, 2014 8:26 AM, "krad"  wrote:
>> this is also another important point. If you go onto google and search on
>> how to do this and that under pf, you get a mix of freebsd, and openbsd
>> stuff coming up. I havent analysed it but i think the majority of the
>> stuff
>> is openbsd related. THerefore I find some nice solution to my problem,
>> only
>> to find out a bit later I cant use it because its not supported under
>> freebsd. This is anoying, but more importantly confuses new sysadmins and
>> puts them off adopting pf and possibly a bsd at all.
>> On 18 July 2014 14:12, Gerrit Kühn  wrote:
>> > On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:06:45 +0400 Gleb Smirnoff 
>> > wrote about Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one
>> ?:
>> >
>> > GS> The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are
>> > GS> vocal on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of
>> common
>> > GS> FreeBSD users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading
>> pf
>> > GS> mailing list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large
>> > GS> population of users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen
>> > GS> happy.
>> >
>> > I have thought about this for some time now, and I think I do not
>> agree. I
>> > do remember quite well when OpenBSD changed from ipf to pf, and I had to
>> > come up with new rules files. Yes, this is a burden for people
>> maintaining
>> > these systems, but if the thing is well documented and comes with
>> benefits
>> > (like staying in sync with other developers, allowing new features
>> etc.) I
>> > doubt that many people will really be minding this.
>> >
>> >
>> > cu
>> >   Gerrit
>> > ___
>> > mailing list
>> >
>> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
>> >"
>> >
>> ___
>> mailing list
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread krad
this is also another important point. If you go onto google and search on
how to do this and that under pf, you get a mix of freebsd, and openbsd
stuff coming up. I havent analysed it but i think the majority of the stuff
is openbsd related. THerefore I find some nice solution to my problem, only
to find out a bit later I cant use it because its not supported under
freebsd. This is anoying, but more importantly confuses new sysadmins and
puts them off adopting pf and possibly a bsd at all.

On 18 July 2014 14:12, Gerrit Kühn  wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:06:45 +0400 Gleb Smirnoff 
> wrote about Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?:
> GS> The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are
> GS> vocal on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of common
> GS> FreeBSD users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading pf
> GS> mailing list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large
> GS> population of users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen
> GS> happy.
> I have thought about this for some time now, and I think I do not agree. I
> do remember quite well when OpenBSD changed from ipf to pf, and I had to
> come up with new rules files. Yes, this is a burden for people maintaining
> these systems, but if the thing is well documented and comes with benefits
> (like staying in sync with other developers, allowing new features etc.) I
> doubt that many people will really be minding this.
> cu
>   Gerrit
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Franco Fichtner
Hi Kristian,

On 17 Jul 2014, at 01:12, Kristian K. Nielsen  wrote:

> a) First of all - are any actively developing pf in FreeBSD?

not directly related to FreeBSD, but I was planning to bring
DragonFly's pf to a new feature state.  We've had a little bit
of discussion over the recent DF SMP fixes on an OpenBSD mailing
list, but the outcome was a tad disappointing to say the least.

> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?

Yes and no.  :) I still stand by my claim that SMP is the fork
on the road for pf development; having three major BSDs tackling
the work in some way or another (NetBSD chose npf, but that's a
different story).

We should merge newer features for sure, but we have to establish
that the forking of pf was an inevitable process and that the
custom SMP bits are not going away and need to be maintained

> c) We never got the new syntax from OpenBSD 4.7's pf - at the time a long 
> discussion on the pf-mailing list flamed the new syntax saying it would cause 
> FreeBSD administrators too much headache. Today on the list it seems everyone 
> wants it - so would we rather stay on a dead branch than keep up with the 
> main stream?

I'd say many people are comfortable with an old state of pf (silent
majority), but that shouldn't keep us from catching up with newer
features (and of course bugfixes).

> d) Anyone working on bringing FreeBSD up to pf 5.6? - seem dead on the 
> pf-list.

Not exactly, but I have a strong interest in this happening and
am able to help.  :)

> e) OpenBSD is retiring ALTQ entirely - any thoughts on that?

The reasoning is sound.  I think the direction is good, although
one probably can't rip out ALTQ just like that in FreeBSD.

> f) IPv6 support?- it seem to be more and more challenged in the current 
> version of pf in FreeBSD and I am (as well as others) introducing more and 
> more IPv6 in networks.
> E.x. Bugs #179392, #172648, #130381, #127920 and more seriously #124933, 
> which is the bug on not handling IPv6 fragments which have been open since 
> 2008 and where the workaround is necessity to leave an completely open hole 
> in your firewall ruleset to allow all fragments. According to comment in the 
> bug, this have been long gone in OpenBSD.

Needs to be taken care of.  Getting more and more important.  ;)

> g) Performance, can we live with pf-performance that compared to OpenBSD is 
> slower by a factor of 3 or 4, even after the multi-core support in FreeBSD 10?
> (Henning Brauer noted that in this talk at 
> (at 33:18 and 36:53)) 
> - credit/Jim Thompson

A factor 3 or 4 times is the proverbial "it's one louder".  SMP
scaling can reach more performance im the long run, and pf can
still be tweaked to increase "atomic" performance, although the
physical algorithm limits are a lot more finite than with SMP.

> h) Bringing back patches from pfSense?

Those patches are not available anymore since pfSense changed the
visibility of the pfsense-tools.git.  I would welcome to see those
patches trickle back under a standard BSD license for review and
inclusion when viable.

But first of all, we need those patches back.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Eric Masson
Gleb Smirnoff  writes:


> Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
> would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
> and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.

Seems this is the Next Big Thing ™ that will hit OpenBSD/pf according to
last conferences slides.

Don't know enough about FreeBSD or OpenBSD internals to see if a
straight port could be possible.

Éric Masson

  AP disait à Grand Neuneu :
 blagues GNU en signature...
 Le contraire m'aurait étonné.
 -+- AP in  : Le neuneu par l'exemple -+-
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Gleb Smirnoff

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 01:31:04PM +, Mark Felder wrote:
M> > On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 01:12:09AM +0200, Kristian K. Nielsen wrote:
M> > K> a) First of all - are any actively developing pf in FreeBSD?
M> > 
M> > No one right now.
M> > 
M> How do we fix this? Can the FreeBSD Foundation step in and provide funding? 
Our most popular firewall doesn't play well with IPv6 in a time when everyone 
is pushing IPv6. This is not exactly a good situation to be in.

I can't speak for FreeBSD Foundation, but I suppose, that they can.

However, first you need to find a developer, then fund him.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Mark Felder
July 18 2014 6:07 AM, "Gleb Smirnoff"  wrote: 

> Kristian,
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 01:12:09AM +0200, Kristian K. Nielsen wrote:
> K> a) First of all - are any actively developing pf in FreeBSD?
> No one right now.

How do we fix this? Can the FreeBSD Foundation step in and provide funding? Our 
most popular firewall doesn't play well with IPv6 in a time when everyone is 
pushing IPv6. This is not exactly a good situation to be in.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Gerrit Kühn
On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:06:45 +0400 Gleb Smirnoff 
wrote about Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?:

GS> The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are
GS> vocal on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of common
GS> FreeBSD users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading pf
GS> mailing list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large
GS> population of users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen
GS> happy.

I have thought about this for some time now, and I think I do not agree. I
do remember quite well when OpenBSD changed from ipf to pf, and I had to
come up with new rules files. Yes, this is a burden for people maintaining
these systems, but if the thing is well documented and comes with benefits
(like staying in sync with other developers, allowing new features etc.) I
doubt that many people will really be minding this.

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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Miroslav Lachman

Gleb Smirnoff wrote, On 07/18/2014 13:06:


The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are vocal
on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of common FreeBSD
users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading pf mailing
list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large population of
users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen happy.

I don't agree on this part. Almost every bigger project / application 
needs to make some uncompatible changes over time. Apache, MySQL, PHP, 
GNOME, KDE... or FreeBSD itself with recent changes from pkg_* to 
pkg(ng). Backward compatibility cannot be maintained infinitely if new 
features should be added. I don't see the reason why PF should be exception.
And I am writing this as one who really don't need any new PF features, 
but I am fine with syntax change in newer FreeBSD major version.
There were bigger problem with pf.conf in the past - freebsd-update 
deleted it and machine was unprotected after reboot. So properly 
announced syntax change and tutorial to conversions is not problem for 
me and I hope for some others too.

Miroslav Lachman
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread krad
I would like to see an updated version of pf. I realize its a big job to
port it though

On 17 July 2014 00:12, Kristian K. Nielsen  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been encouraged by people on the pf-mailinglist to move this
> discussion to the current mailinglist since this may be an area in the OS
> where FreeBSD need to focus on next.
> First of all I am a happy user of the pf-firewall module and have been for
> years and think it is really great - the trouble is that lately (since
> 2008) its getting a bit dusty.
> The last few years it seem that pf in FreeBSD got a long way away from pf
> in OpenBSD where it originated
> - also looking at the ipfilter (ipf) and ipfw - they both to me do not
> seem to be as complete as pf.
> So I am curious if any on the mailing could elaborate about what the
> future of pf in FreeBSD is or should be.
> a) First of all - are any actively developing pf in FreeBSD?
> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?
> c) We never got the new syntax from OpenBSD 4.7's pf - at the time a long
> discussion on the pf-mailing list flamed the new syntax saying it would
> cause FreeBSD administrators too much headache. Today on the list it seems
> everyone wants it - so would we rather stay on a dead branch than keep up
> with the main stream?
> d) Anyone working on bringing FreeBSD up to pf 5.6? - seem dead on the
> pf-list.
> e) OpenBSD is retiring ALTQ entirely - any thoughts on that?
> f) IPv6 support?- it seem to be more and more challenged in the current
> version of pf in FreeBSD and I am (as well as others) introducing more and
> more IPv6 in networks.
> E.x. Bugs #179392, #172648, #130381, #127920 and more seriously #124933,
> which is the bug on not handling IPv6 fragments which have been open since
> 2008 and where the workaround is necessity to leave an completely open hole
> in your firewall ruleset to allow all fragments. According to comment in
> the bug, this have been long gone in OpenBSD.
> g) Performance, can we live with pf-performance that compared to OpenBSD
> is slower by a factor of 3 or 4, even after the multi-core support in
> FreeBSD 10?
> (Henning Brauer noted that in this talk at
> yagosti/ruBSD/talks/1488/ (at 33:18 and 36:53)) - credit/Jim Thompson
> h) Bringing back patches from pfSense?
> And my most important question:
> * Should this or could this be a project for the foundation to either do a
> summer project or funded project to bring this part of the OS up to date?
> Hope to heard from you all,
> Best regards,
> Kristian Kræmmer Nielsen,
> Odense, Denmark
> ___
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-18 Thread Gleb Smirnoff

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 01:12:09AM +0200, Kristian K. Nielsen wrote:
K> a) First of all - are any actively developing pf in FreeBSD?

No one right now.

K> b) We are a major release away from OpenBSD (5.6 coming soon) - is
K> following OpenBSD's pf the past? - should it be?

Following OpenBSD on features would be cool, but no bulk imports
would be made again. Bulk imports produce bad quality of port,
and also pf in OpenBSD has no multi thread support.

K> c) We never got the new syntax from OpenBSD 4.7's pf - at the time a 
K> long discussion on the pf-mailing list flamed the new syntax saying it 
K> would cause FreeBSD administrators too much headache. Today on the list 
K> it seems everyone wants it - so would we rather stay on a dead branch 
K> than keep up with the main stream?

The pf mailing list is about a dozen of active people. Yes, they are vocal
on the new syntax. But there also exist a large number of common FreeBSD
users who simply use pf w/o caring about syntax and reading pf mailing
list. If we destroy the syntax compatibility a very large population of
users would be hurt, for the sake of making a dozen happy.

K> d) Anyone working on bringing FreeBSD up to pf 5.6? - seem dead on the 
K> pf-list.

See b).

K> e) OpenBSD is retiring ALTQ entirely - any thoughts on that?

We have plan on retiring the interface queues entirely. So, interfaces
would have only a transmit method. However, we could make it pluggable:
a altq_transmit is plugged in place of standard transmit. This will
keep ALTQ in system, but w/o any affect on the rest of the stack.
Very much like the pfil(9) interface cleansed up the network stack
from ipfw/ipfilter hooks.

This needs developer power, however.

K> f) IPv6 support?- it seem to be more and more challenged in the current 
K> version of pf in FreeBSD and I am (as well as others) introducing more 
K> and more IPv6 in networks.
K> E.x. Bugs #179392, #172648, #130381, #127920 and more seriously #124933, 
K> which is the bug on not handling IPv6 fragments which have been open 
K> since 2008 and where the workaround is necessity to leave an completely 
K> open hole in your firewall ruleset to allow all fragments. According to 
K> comment in the bug, this have been long gone in OpenBSD.

Yes. This hurts a lot of people and needs manpower to be solved.

K> g) Performance, can we live with pf-performance that compared to OpenBSD 
K> is slower by a factor of 3 or 4, even after the multi-core support in 
K> FreeBSD 10?
K> (Henning Brauer noted that in this talk at 
K> (at 33:18 and 
K> 36:53)) - credit/Jim Thompson

I was there. Henning Brauer impudently called "a lies" a fact that was
carefully measured and provided with enough details (CPU, NIC, testing
technique, configuration), so that anyone can reproduce and check that [1].
In next 10 seconds Henning Brauer claimed that on a single core OpenBSD
is faster by a factor of 3 or 4, providing absolutely no test data.

Impudently crying "Lies!" achieving approving laughter from the
audience is a politian way of discussion. Uncorroborated claims,
where predictions vary by 33%, is also politian tool. Henning definitely
could made a carreer.

Scientific way of discussion is making an experiment, publishing
results and experiment details, so that anyone can reproduce.

P.S. Not speaking about who cares about single core performance today?

K> h) Bringing back patches from pfSense?

Possible if they are useful and license permits. Again, manpower required.

K> And my most important question:
K> * Should this or could this be a project for the foundation to either do 
K> a summer project or funded project to bring this part of the OS up to date?

First, we need a person, then we need funding. In late 2012, when I finished
the pf-smp project, I was seeking for funding to continue. Couple negotiations
failed. Now I lost the momentum on pf and switched to other tasks, so I am
not available.

[1] I mean the testing made by Olivier Cochard Labbé.
More details in mailing list archives, or you can request from Olivier.

Totus tuus, Glebius.
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Re: Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

2014-07-16 Thread Kurt Jaeger

> * Should this or could this be a project for the foundation to either do 
> a summer project or funded project to bring this part of the OS up to date?

My 2 cents: Yes, this should be tackled by a dedicated project, even
better if funded by the foundation.

-- 171 3101372 6 years to go !
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