[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

> find_next_free_port() erronously returned 5557 in 2.4.1 despite
> finding 5556 being available

Obvious low-risk workaround for 2.4.1: Start looking for the port for
client-spawn server from 5557, so in most cases it will get 5557 like it used


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

> This is one reason why changing anything in this area scares
> me, especially just before a release.

Yes. The question is whether we consider this current problem a reggression
from 2.4.1?
The bug itself certainly isn't, but the fact that find_next_free_port()
erronously returned 5557 in 2.4.1 despite finding 5556 being available made
this much less likely to happen.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21557] [Patch] GTK2 - Map canvas resizing to bigger, but less than tile size results in visual glitches

2014-02-02 Thread Daniel Tisza
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21557 (project freeciv):

I agree, there are two parts to this issue:

1) Prevent glitches when map canvas resized to larger
2) Reduce resizing the map canvas during the game

The patch #19893 is a quick fix only to 1).

Also, I have noticed this only with GTK2 client, but the fix had to change
common client code. Has anyone seen this with other than GTK2 clients?


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[Freeciv-Dev] Fullmoon build results

2014-02-02 Thread fullmoon
This is build report automatically generated by Fullmoon Ilmarinen (

Fullmoon operated by Marko Lindqvist  This build is from 

Component "svn", Host "build.cazfi.net", Phase "Source update(1)": FAILED

Freeciv-dev mailing list

[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

> can't reproduce on Linux
No surprise -- I think this stuff tends to be horribly OS-dependent.

This is one reason why changing anything in this area scares me, especially
just before a release.

Another similar source of fun is whether listening on a given port on IPv6
also exclusively binds on IPv4. We had lots of fun with this around bug
#15559. (In that case at least it was also configurable, with different Linux
distros choosing different defaults at different times; and *BSDs were
different again.)

A conversation with a friend makes me wonder whether our use of SO_REUSEADDR
might be implicated. This article

(which I've only skimmed so far) looks interesting. (But this could be a
complete red herring.)

>> Quitting the client then killed the manually started server 
>> (unsurprisingly). 
> How that? The server should wait for (re)connects, and does 
> so here. 
I think client_kill_server() is called, which sends "/quit" to what it thinks
is its spawned server. Since the client always ends up with "hack" access to a
server on the same machine (indeed, this can't be disabled: bug #20556) this
succeeds. (Or at least I'm guessing that's what happened, hence my lack of


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21585] All settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.

2014-02-02 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21585 (project freeciv):

no. its a special case.



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21585] All settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21585 (project freeciv):

I've noticed this too, for a while.
I assume that it's because autosettlers work to make things better for cities
(they only work terrain in city radii, I think), so in the absence of any
cities they have nothing to do.

I don't consider this a 2.4.2 blocker.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4392] Hidden resources which can be revealed by tech advances

2014-02-02 Thread Edgaras Šeputis
Follow-up Comment #6, patch #4392 (project freeciv):

Strategic resources would be awesome. From what I understand (and that is
quite little at least at the moment) about freeciv, it would seem that all
resource should be implemented using extras/flags, effects and requirements.
And I do not think that having "time dependent" showing is good. I would
imagine something like visibility effect/description: 

type = "Resource_Visible"
value = +50
reqs =
   { "type", "name", "range", "survives"
 "Tech", "Combustion", "Player", 1
 "Terrain", "Desert", "Local", 0

Survives tag could be used to make some interesting effects, though it
probably can cause undesirable effects too. On the other hand all of this
would probably interact very badly with map trading.  My understanding would
be that resource would be just a flag on terrain (also having any ammount of
possibel resources per terrain would be cool) and all qualities of that
resource would be expressed using effects. That way you could even have
changing value of resource depending on development of your civ. Maybe at the
start oil is worth only a little bit, but as you progress it becomes more
important and thus provide more bennefits (well besides of allowing more
advanced units and improvements). Maybe later you go all nuclear and oil
looses importance, and instead uranium is all what matters.

type = "Prod_Boost_Pct"
value = +50
reqs =
   { "type", "name", "range"
 "Tech", "Combustion", "Player"
 "Terrain", "Desert", "Local"

The point about resources dissalowing certain improvements is very unclear to
me. I do not think that there are any limitations on improvements based on
resources, it seems that that is fully defined by terrain. Of course this is
for version I'm laying 2.4.1.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4470] Target-specific city "production boost" effect

2014-02-02 Thread Edgaras Šeputis
Follow-up Comment #1, patch #4470 (project freeciv):

For buy cost there could be another effect, something like:

type = "Buy_Discount_Pct"
value = +50
reqs =
   { "type", "name", "range"
 "Improvement", "Aqueduct", "Local"
 "Extra", "River", "Adjacent"

Would allow variation of by costs independent of production boost, though it's
aditional effect but that gives some flexibility.

I see no reason why this should affect bribe/incite costs in any way.

For sell price depending on conditions (which is up to the ruleset) there
could probably be exploitable situations. Though I think that previously
mentioned Buy discount could be applied inverted to give less money for
improvements "built this way"; though realistically I we can't assume that
conditions upon selling have not changed and thus various peculiar and
exploitable situations can arise (and trucking such things seems highly
impractical). Also from realistic perspective it seems that what would matter
for properties value would be it's functionality not how cheap it was to build
(i.e. if someone screws up contract and overruns costs building something it
does not really make end result any more valuable).

As for caravans I would think that discount should apply, if help arives to
the work site, and it is more suited for said work its only natural that help
would be able to do more job with same resources. (think building haging
gardens in a middle of a desert and in a middle of a jungle).

As for fractional boost, it's a good idea and I see no problem of loosing that
production in such cases. It is already the case for worked tiles. I.e. rail
gives 50% prod bonus, and some (or all if normal output is 1) of it is lost
for production output in uneven numbers. Also, if caravan/disband output is
boosed even in such normaly lost cases it can be usefull, as you could gain
some advantage that way.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21585] All settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.

2014-02-02 Thread Christian Knoke
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21585 (project freeciv):

Starting a default game and set all settler and workers on auto make them idle
on one (same) place.

screenshot attached

chris@leo:~$ freeciv-gtk2 -v
Encodings: Data=UTF-8, Local=UTF-8, Internal=UTF-8
Freeciv Version 2.4.1+ (modified r24334) gui-gtk-2.0
manually started server

(file #19944)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: lazy.jpg   Size:40 KB


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21585] All settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.

2014-02-02 Thread Christian Knoke

 Summary: All settlers/workers on autosettler do nothing.
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: chrisk
Submitted on: So 02 Feb 2014 17:39:14 CET
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: GNU/Linux
 Planned Release: 2.4.2




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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Christian Knoke
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

I think this _has_ to do with #21547.

> I guess the problem is that Freeciv assumes it's not possible for two
processes to listen on and simultaneously, or
> (Can I just note that I hate interface binding semantics.) 

didn't know that and can't reproduce on Linux. 2 servers, at 127... and
192..., is possible, but 1 server on 0... blocks all.

> Quitting the client then killed the manually started server

How that? The server should wait for (re)connects, and does so here.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

> How fast one after another the programs were started?
The manually started server had been running for some time (maybe minutes?) so
I doubt it's a straightforward port claiming race.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18517] unable to drag items in Target Worklist to reorder.

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #21, bug #18517 (project freeciv):

Just to be sure, I tried this in cproc's r24327 test build

(pre-2.4.2) and it was fine. (Probably already released ones are fine too, I
didn't test.)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18440] "IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP ( failed" on Windows

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #18440 (project freeciv):

(On starting a standalone server, this is.)


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18440] "IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP ( failed" on Windows

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #18440 (project freeciv):

Just tried both cproc's r24327 test build
cazfi's S2_4 r24328 crosser build (with win32stack-0.12).

cproc's build did not show the issue but cazfi's did show it:

1: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP ( failed: An unknown, invalid, or unsupported
option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call.

Same Windows 7 install as before. This time I can confirm it was not connected
to a network.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20058] "Invalid string conversion from UTF-8 to CP1252" with Turkish leader name

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #20058 (project freeciv):

> Turks, leader "İsmail Enver"
Just tried this with both cproc's r24327 test build
cazfi's r24328 crosser build, and neither showed any funny messages in the
chat window (and the text display looked OK).

Close as probably fixed by some Gtk upgrade?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21475] Text background problems with gtk2-2.24.22

2014-02-02 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21475 (project freeciv):

> But this is presumably unsurprising as the Gtk2 DLL there is
> 2.24.20.

Yes, for crosser-0.12 release I downgradet gtk2 to 2.24.20 for this very


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21475] Text background problems with gtk2-2.24.22

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21475 (project freeciv):

FWIW, didn't see this with cazfi's r24328 crosser build (win32stack-0.12).

But this is presumably unsurprising as the Gtk2 DLL there is 2.24.20.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Marko Lindqvist
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21583 (project freeciv):

How fast one after another the programs were started? I just wonder if this
could be race-situation that the manually started server had not yet reserved
the port by the time client checks if it's available.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21547] Client hangs when spawning server (crosser build)

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #10, bug #21547 (project freeciv):

FWIW, tested cproc's r24327 build and cazfi's r24328 crosser build on Windows
7 32-bit and they seem OK in this regard (although I stumbled on another
entertaining behaviour: bug #21583).


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21088] Repeated "Start New Game" leads to client crash in libcairo-2.dll

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #21088 (project freeciv):

 Planned Release:   2.4.1,2.5.0,2.6.0 =>


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21088] Repeated "Start New Game" leads to client crash in libcairo-2.dll

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21088 (project freeciv):

Bug #21170 might be another instance of this?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21170] 2.4.0 GTK server crash on load game & cancel

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21170 (project freeciv):

This could just be an instance of bug #21088? I was able to reproduce that
symptom in <10x cycles of Load Game / Cancel, so maybe the original reporter
just got unlucky.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21088] Repeated "Start New Game" leads to client crash in libcairo-2.dll

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #21088 (project freeciv):

Still happening with a pre-2.4.2 test build

(Also I tried a crosser build from cazfi: win32stack-0.12 and
freeciv-win32-2.4.1+-r24328. It died after <10x iterations but with a
different error which might be completely unrelated:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name: freeciv-gtk2.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:
  Fault Module Name:libglib-2.0-0.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   529f937b
  Exception Code:   4015
  Exception Offset: 00039b1d
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:2057
  Additional Information 1: b3a0
  Additional Information 2: b3a069593fe40cd1680d542d78140d10
  Additional Information 3: 9e07
  Additional Information 4: 9e07fb65b82cf3e57a84d19353cf8fca



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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21583] Client can connect to manually started server rather than its own spawned one

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins

 Summary: Client can connect to manually started server rather
than its own spawned one
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: jtn
Submitted on: Sun Feb  2 14:56:08 2014
Category: None
Severity: 3 - Normal
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: S2_4 r24327
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Microsoft Windows
 Planned Release: 



Observed while verifying fix for bug #21547 with cproc's S2_4 r24327 Windows
test build

I had a freeciv-server.exe running (port 5556, started from start menu),
started a freeciv-gtk2.exe, and accidentally chose "new game" rather than
"connect to network game".

To my surprise, it connected to my manually-started server rather than one of
its own.

Didn't seem 100% reproducible but I got it to happen twice in a few tries.
Details from the second time:

There were two freeciv-server.exe processes, unsurprisingly.

netstat -a -b -o showed:

  TCP0.0.0.0:5556   Teacup:0   LISTENING   3504
  TCP127.0.0.1:5556 Teacup:0   LISTENING   3140
  TCP127.0.0.1:5556 Teacup:49176   ESTABLISHED 3504
  TCP127.0.0.1:49176Teacup:5556ESTABLISHED 2180

PID 3504 is presumably my standalone server and 3140 the spawned one.

I guess the problem is that Freeciv assumes it's not possible for two
processes to listen on and simultaneously, or
(Can I just note that I hate interface binding semantics.)

Quitting the client then killed the manually started server (unsurprisingly).

After quitting the manual server, the spawned server hung around
(unsurprisingly), but it didn't obviously cause trouble (a new client-spawned
server used 5557).
(This might have been behind my lack of reproducibility, I didn't check again
after I realised this was happening.)

(Windows 7 32-bit. Machine not connected to any "real" network, if it makes a

Dunno if this is 2.4.2 blocker -- case of manual server and local game
simultaneously is quite niche, and messing around with this might break
something else.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #19452] Crash after build Apollo Program

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #4, bug #19452 (project freeciv):

> This feels like it could be related to bug #18532 (which has 
> more diagnosis).
That bug is now fixed.

I suspect this is the same problem, but I haven't tried the reproduction case
here, so not claiming as fixed just yet.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #18532] Cannot gracefully /end a game on a big map

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #18532 (project freeciv):

  Status:   Confirmed => Fixed  
 Assigned to:None => jtn
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 
 Planned Release: => 2.4.2,2.5.0,2.6.0  


Follow-up Comment #10:

> Reproduced on Windows 7 32-bit with 2.4.0-RC1 and a size 80 map, 
> revealmap=start, then "/endgame" on the server (client on same 
> machine). Clients ends up displaying only a couple of rows of 
> tiles around the north pole.
I confirm this reproduction case is now fixed on Windows using cproc's r24327
test build

Hence, claiming this as fixed.

Works with new server and old (2.4.1) client too (as expected).

I don't know offhand if it's the server or client that needs to be running on
Windows to trigger this (in my tests, both were on Windows).


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4460] civ2civ3 ruleset update to v6

2014-02-02 Thread David Fernandez
Follow-up Comment #8, patch #4460 (project freeciv):

Thank you cazfi.
I uploaded a .zip here instead of a diff patch because I wanted to know the
opinion of the developers about the changes, and as you have explained, to
know the best procedure to include them in the trunk.
My next planned step was to make the diff patch against the trunk, but I'm
glad you already did it.
From now on, I'll introduce new changes to the ruleset by sending little diff
patches compared to TRUNK.

The removal of "UnrestrictedInfra" flag from the River was on purpose.
Actually, in previous versions I disabled the mov bonus in river because I did
not like to see units moving faster in enemy territory along rivers than
moving by roads/railroads.
I like that restrictedInfra rule affect them all in the same way: the idea is
that rivers represent boats being used to move faster, same than rails
represent trains used to move the troops.

I forgot to list a couple of changes to text names: I renamed swordmen back to
legion, and renamed aqueducts to "Aqueduct, River" and "Aqueduct, Lake" for
aesthetical reasons. I'm not sure if such changes to names can be introduced
in the branch S2_5 or not.

I'll verify your patches now.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #16914] In game helpful pop-up window

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #16914 (project freeciv):

  Status:None => Works For Me   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #2:

Closing, as we already have the tutorial scenario.


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #20058] "Invalid string conversion from UTF-8 to CP1252" with Turkish leader name

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #20058 (project freeciv):

> I've grabbed a copy, don't know when I'll try it.
I never did, apparently, and I don't seem to have kept the file cazfi

Is there still an experiment that can usefully be done here?


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4461] More flexibility in tileset darkness specification

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #3, patch #4461 (project freeciv):

This currently has hard target of 2.5.0, as S2_5/trunk currently have
regression wrt S2_4 (due to bug #21312 only being reverted on S2_4).


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21557] [Patch] GTK2 - Map canvas resizing to bigger, but less than tile size results in visual glitches

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #21557 (project freeciv):

You can get similar glitches with width with some tilesets as you switch
between unit stacks of <=3 and >3 units, as the "more units" arrow comes and
goes, causing the left column to get wider (I've been noticing this with
amplio2hexbig). When it gets narrower you see a similar glitch to file

We should fix the redraw glitches when this happens (I haven't thought if this
patch is the best way to do it), but we should also reduce it happening in the
first place -- having the map jump around is very annoying. That should
probably be a separate ticket (if it's not already).


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21572] Please support using M-1, M-2, etc. to switch tabs

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #21572 (project freeciv):

Category:  client => client-gtk-2.0 


Follow-up Comment #1:

You can already use the F-keys to switch tabs (F1 = main view, F6 = science
etc). Is that not sufficient?

I'm inclined not to eat more keystrokes than necessary as we might want them
for in-game stuff in future. (I already have my eye on plain 0..9, for patch


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4470] Target-specific city "production boost" effect

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins

 Summary: Target-specific city "production boost" effect
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: jtn
Submitted on: Sun Feb  2 11:43:51 2014
Category: None
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 



Idea that came out of a conversation on IRC:

Having actual build cost of units and cities vary depending on effects would I
think be hard, but it could be simulated by having an effect that multiplies
up production when a city is building a specific thing.

So, for example, in civ2civ3 Aqueducts cost 60 without lake/river, 20 with
(among other differences). With this effect, we'd set a base cost of 60 and do
something like:

type = "Production_Boost"
value = 3
reqs =
   { "type", "name", "range"
 "Improvement", "Aqueduct", "Local"
 "Extra", "River", "Adjacent"

Building still costs 60 shields, but if you have a production surplus of
1/turn it only takes 20 turns because that turns into 3 shields/turn

(This is just an example, and isn't sufficient to get rid of the requirement
for multiple buildings in real civ2civ3, although it's a step on the way.)

Compared to changing the actual cost this has the advantage that it's clear
what happens if the requirement goes away partway through building.

Things that need thinking about include at least:
* buy cost (unchanged, I think, as if you discount it based on current
presence of requirement, you can get a big discount if you only have that
requirement briefly)
* unit bribe cost (unchanged, I think)
* building sell price (simplest would be unchanged, but can this be
* contribution of caravans to boosted wonders (undiscounted, I assume)

Anything else?

Also, we may want this expressed as a percentage rather than integer
multiplier to allow more modest bonuses ("build Granary 25% faster" kind of
thing). However, that raises the question of how to deal with fractional
production points (if a city only has 1/turn surplus, the naive implementation
loses all of a 25% bonus). So that might want to wait until a future


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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch #4469] Reset curl handle between uses

2014-02-02 Thread Marko Lindqvist

 Summary: Reset curl handle between uses
 Project: Freeciv
Submitted by: cazfi
Submitted on: Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:07:24 PM EET
Category: general
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: Ready For Test
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
 Planned Release: 2.4.3, 2.5.0, 2.6.0



As we don't reset curl handle between uses, some options set by earlier call
may stay in effect when they are assumed to be in default state. I'm not aware
of any cases where we would be using curl with different options set between
calls, but that's pure luck rather than design.
Attached patch adds call to curl_easy_reset() when existing handle is being


File Attachments:

Date: Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:07:24 PM EET  Name: ResetCurlHandle.patch  Size: 2kB 
 By: cazfi


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21038] Can't enter text with some CJK input methods => replace gtk+ DLLs with version >2.24.10

2014-02-02 Thread Jacob Nevins
Update of bug #21038 (project freeciv):

 Summary: Can't enter text with CJK input methods => replace
gtk+ DLLs with version >2.24.10 => Can't enter text with some CJK input
methods => replace gtk+ DLLs with version >2.24.10


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[Freeciv-Dev] [bug #21038] Can't enter text with CJK input methods => replace gtk+ DLLs with version >2.24.10

2014-02-02 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #21038 (project freeciv):

I just downloaded Freeciv-2.4.1-win32-gtk2-setup.exe and tested the Korean
IME. It works fine. I can type Korean in the chatline.


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