Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-14 Thread Angus MacLeod

LoisTed Macdonald wrote:

> Tapadh leat airson nam molaidhean agad. Tha cabhag orm an co\imhnaidh.
> Feumaidh mi mo litrichean fhein leughadh !


Is tric a bhios an aon chòmhairle freagarrach dhomhsa cuideachd...
Is often that will-be the one advice suitable to-me also..
That advice is often suitable for me too.

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-06 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo Aoghnais,

Sgri\obh thu: (you wrote)

>Am faod mi rudan beaga a mholadh dhuit, Eideird?
>May I suggest some small things, Edward?
>"Is toil leatha a bhith.."
>'Sann direach coltach ri leanaban a tha i.
>The simple statement would be "Tha i coltach ri leanaban", and when you 
>change it around to emphasize something, the basic structure remains the same.

Tapadh leat airson nam molaidhean agad. Tha cabhag orm an co\imhnaidh. 
Feumaidh mi mo litrichean fhein leughadh !

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm always in a hurry. I should read my own 
letters !

Sla\n leat


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-06 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo a Sheonag,

Gu meal thu do naidheachd! Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi a' faicinn 'Miss
>Molly' uaireigin.
>Congratulations to you! I hope to be seeing Miss Molly sometime.

An urrain dhut stad ann am Belleville nuair a bhios thu a' dol a Ceap 
Breatuinn ? 'S toil le Miss Molly a bhith a' faicinn aoighean.

Can you stop in Belleville when you will be going to Cape Breton? Miss 
Molly likes to see visitors.

Aoghnais - Bidh mi a' dol gu Ceap Breatainn anns an Lu\nasdal.Am bi thu
>aig Cholaisde Na Ga\idhlig? Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi 'gad fhaicinn! Bi
>mi ann bho 27 Lu\nasdal gu 1 1 Sultuine.
>Angus - I will be going to Cape Breton in August, Will you be at the
>Gaelic College? I hope to see you! I will be there from 27 August to 1

Feumaidh tu  tadhail air an Fheis an Eilein ann an Ceap B.

You'll have to visit the Christmas Island Festival when you're there in 
C.B. The last day is August 25; details in the latest Am Braighe, or you 
can contact them at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Christmas Island is 
within easy reach of Baddeck and St. Anne.

Sla\n leat


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-05 Thread Angus MacLeod

Janice Chan wrote:

> Aoghnais - Bidh mi a' dol gu Ceap Breatainn anns an Lu\nasdal.Am bi thu
> aig Cholaisde Na Ga\idhlig? Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi 'gad fhaicinn! Bi
> mi ann bho 27 Lu\nasdal gu 1 1 Sultuine.
> Angus - I will be going to Cape Breton in August, Will you be at the
> Gaelic College? I hope to see you! I will be there from 27 August to 1
> September.

A Sheònag,

Bithidh, mur am fàs iad ann an ciall gu leòir airson 's gun tilg iad amoch mi!

Will-be, if-not (?) will-grow they in sense enough for-the-sake-of  and that
will-throw they out me!
(I really don't know about this word-for word translationseems off-base to

I will, unless they become sensible enough to throw me out!

Is math leam gum bi thu a' tighinn, gu h-àraid ré seachdainn a' chursa taomaidh,
agus bithidh mi a coimhead amoch air do shon.

Is good with-me that will-be you coming, especially during week of-course
immersion, and will-be I looking out for your sake.

I'm glad you're coming, especially during the immersion week, and I'll be
looking for you.

A bheil duine sam bith eile a' tighinn ach Seònag agus Kira agus Cliff? (Cha do
dhio-chuimnich mi gu robh sibhse a' tighinn cuideachd, a chàirdean!)

Is person any other coming but Janice and Kira and Cliff? (Did not I forget that
were you coming also, friends!)

Is anyone else coming except for Janice, Kira, and Cliff? (I didn't forget that
you were coming too, friends!)

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-05 Thread Angus MacLeod


LoisTed Macdonald wrote:
Cheannich sinn, mo bhean Lois 's mi, cuilean beag
da\  mhios  seo chaidh.
'S e West Highland Terrier (Westie) a th'innte agus tha i ceithir miosan
dh'aois. Is ise Miss Molly agus tha i a' co\rdadh  ruinn gla\n.

My wife Lois and I bought a little puppy two months ago. She's a West
Highland Terrier (Westie) and she's four months old. She's Miss Molly
we are enjoying her very much.

'S math sin! 'S toil leam gu mòr coin agus cuileanan gu h-àraid.
Bha cù mòr againn, "German Shepherd" agus "Golden Lab" air
an cuir am measg. Tha sinn a smaointinn gum faigh sinn cuilean eile an
ceann cuid bheag de mhiosan.

Is good that! Is liking with-me greatly dogs and puppies especially.
Was dog big at-us, GS and GL on their putting together. Are we thinking
that will-get we puppy other the end portion small of months.

That's good! I really like dogs and especially puppies. We had a big
dog, a GS and GL mix. We're thinking we'll get another puppy in a few months.
Feumaidh mi ag e\irigh tra\th 'sa mhadainn a'nis
a chionn 's gu bheil i ag
iarraidh dol a-mach. 'S toil i a bhith a' cagnadh rudan sam bith. 'Sann
direach coltach ri leanaban a th'innte.
'Sann, gu dearbha fhéin!* Cha chreid mi nach ann spòrsach
a tha i!Is indeed self! Don't believe I isn't playful that she is!
Indeed! I'm sure she's playful!
* The "fhéin" simply intensifies the saying.

Am faod mi rudan beaga a mholadh dhuit, Eideird?
May I suggest some small things, Edward?

"Is toil leatha a bhith.."

'Sann direach coltach ri leanaban a tha i.

The simple statement would be "Tha i coltach ri leanaban", and when
you change it around to emphasize something, the basic structure remains
the same.

Slàn leibh, Eideird, agus bithidh spòrs gu leòir
agaibh ré na miosan 's a tighinn!
Health with-you Edward, and will-be fun enough at-you during the months
and soming!
.and you'll have lots of fun in
the coming months!

Le meas,

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-04 Thread Janice Chan

Hallo Eideird!

Gu meal thu do naidheachd! Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi a' faicinn 'Miss
Molly' uaireigin.

Congratulations to you! I hope to be seeing Miss Molly sometime.

'S toil leam coin uabhasach math. Chaid mi gu 'Highlands of Durham
Games' agus chunnaic mi mo\ran con Albannach.

I like dogs an awful lot. I went to the Highlands of Durham Games and
saw many Scottish dogs. 

Aoghnais - Bidh mi a' dol gu Ceap Breatainn anns an Lu\nasdal.Am bi thu
aig Cholaisde Na Ga\idhlig? Tha mi an dochas gum bi mi 'gad fhaicinn! Bi
mi ann bho 27 Lu\nasdal gu 1 1 Sultuine.

Angus - I will be going to Cape Breton in August, Will you be at the
Gaelic College? I hope to see you! I will be there from 27 August to 1

Le dùrachd


LoisTed Macdonald wrote:
> Hallo Aoghnais, a Sheonag, a Leslie agus a h-uile duine,
> Cha do sgrio\bh mi o chionn fhada, agus tha mi duilich. Chan eil leisgeul
> agam, agus 's toil leam na litrichean bho eile leughadh.
> I haven't written for a long time, and I'm sorry. I don't have any excuse,
> and I enjoy reading the letters of others.
> Cheannich sinn, mo bhean Lois 's mi, cuilean beag da\  mhios  seo chaidh.
> 'S e West Highland Terrier (Westie) a th'innte agus tha i ceithir miosan a
> dh'aois. Is ise Miss Molly agus tha i a' co\rdadh  ruinn gla\n.
> My wife Lois and I bought a little puppy two months ago. She's a West
> Highland Terrier (Westie) and she's four months old. She's Miss Molly and
> we are enjoying her very much.
> Feumaidh mi ag e\irigh tra\th 'sa mhadainn a'nis a chionn 's gu bheil i ag
> iarraidh dol a-mach. 'S toil i a bhith a' cagnadh rudan sam bith. 'Sann
> direach coltach ri leanaban a th'innte.
> I have to get up early in the morning now because she wants to go out. She
> likes to chew all sorts of things. It's just like a baby she is.
> Sla\n leibh,
> Eideard
> The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

"Tìr gun chànan, tìr gun anam."
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

[gaidhlig-gu-leor] Cu\ u\r againn

2000-08-03 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

Hallo Aoghnais, a Sheonag, a Leslie agus a h-uile duine,

Cha do sgrio\bh mi o chionn fhada, agus tha mi duilich. Chan eil leisgeul 
agam, agus 's toil leam na litrichean bho eile leughadh.

I haven't written for a long time, and I'm sorry. I don't have any excuse, 
and I enjoy reading the letters of others.

Cheannich sinn, mo bhean Lois 's mi, cuilean beag da\  mhios  seo chaidh. 
'S e West Highland Terrier (Westie) a th'innte agus tha i ceithir miosan a 
dh'aois. Is ise Miss Molly agus tha i a' co\rdadh  ruinn gla\n.

My wife Lois and I bought a little puppy two months ago. She's a West 
Highland Terrier (Westie) and she's four months old. She's Miss Molly and 
we are enjoying her very much.

Feumaidh mi ag e\irigh tra\th 'sa mhadainn a'nis a chionn 's gu bheil i ag 
iarraidh dol a-mach. 'S toil i a bhith a' cagnadh rudan sam bith. 'Sann 
direach coltach ri leanaban a th'innte.

I have to get up early in the morning now because she wants to go out. She 
likes to chew all sorts of things. It's just like a baby she is.

Sla\n leibh,


The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -