Re: [Audyssey] Help with Silver Sword

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Zachary.
Let me give you the developer of Silversword email so you can let him 
know how the game can be improve for the blind.

His name is Mario and the support email address is
You can also join the forum on the Silversword website which is
Once you have gotten a reply about how he will fix the issue please let 
all of us know on the list.


Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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[Audyssey] game query

2011-12-13 Thread joseph weakland
does any body know how to contact the developers of the game battle zone? if so 
how would i do that? arethere any other games of this developer?
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[Audyssey] Wednesday's Out of Sight events

2011-12-13 Thread Charles Rivard
Here are the events scheduled for Wednesday, December 14th:

>From the Pulpit
7:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Lee from WV
Location: House of Our Lord
Come listen to a live service, which will include, worship, music, preaching, 
and special singing. 

8:00 PM eastern
Hosted by Roger.
Location: Game Zone
Roll the dice and take your chances! Try to snag as many points as
possible but you better know when to quit otherwise, you'll lose it all
and Zilch out! Drop by for some fun and excitement because you never know
who will win until the final dice roll! No software to download and it
only takes a few minutes to get the hang of the game. Polished Zilch
players and new folk are most welcome!

Have a fabulous day! 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
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Re: [Audyssey] De Steno releases windows game.

2011-12-13 Thread Valiant8086

The big thing I like better about IE9 over 8 is that it handles 
downloading a lot better. Starting a download is simpler and you don't 
have those annoying things where you have to tell it that yes you want 
to download the file, then reload the page and hit the download link 
again just to get it to start the download. You just hit enter on the 
link, then either hit ctrl+j after you hear the notification bar sound 
to go to the download manager where you can choose what to do with the 
download or you could just press alt+s to save or alt+r to run. Like 
when Jeremy releases a new version of swamp I just press enter on the 
link in the email. IE9 opens and asks me in the information bar, rather 
than in a pop up dialogue like we're used to, what I want to do. I know 
of that because of the information bar sound, so I just hit alt+s. If I 
want to watch what the download is doing, I can hit ctrl+j to open up 
the download manager similar to Firefox. I can arrow up and down the 
list of downloads, and when I land on one that's in progress, for some 
computers jaws actually will read it every now and then when the numbers 
change, and for others it won't. I haven't figured out what makes the 
difference but when it does it, it reminds me of Voiceover's interaction 
with the download manager of Saphari on the mac. So anyway when the 
download finished, I should be aware of that if I hear the sound that 
indicates as much, even if I went off reading emails or something 
instead of watching the numbers. So I can go to the start menu and type 
dow, short for downloads of course, into the search box and arrow down 
till I hear downloads. I hit enter there and that opens my user 
account's downloads folder and, because I have set the sort order to 
date modified rather than by name, do to the fact that I also have it 
set to descending sort order, the just downloaded file is at the top of 
the list, the first item I land on. Now I really like how easy that is.

I tried chrome, but I can't find a way to turn off the loading of 
pictures. So far it looks to me like it's actually pretty darn 
simplified and non configurable. I must be missing something. I went to 
options but there's nothing like that in there, nor a way to make it 
play sounds for page loads and other events like we're used to IE doing. 
I turn off images because since I can't see them there's absolutely no 
point what so ever in waiting those extra seconds for them to load. 
Turning them off results in very noticeable improvements as far as page 
load time goes. I do miss the status bar though. I managed to turn it 
on, on my Umid MBook SE, but I don't remember how I did it. Besides, 
even when on, I don't think it shows the same information as it did in 
IE8, you know, waiding for page... etc.

You know, even though I did mention downloading a game here, I know 
we're off topic. But you have to admit, when this list gets one of it's 
frequent off topic threads going, it's usually something good. Really 
though, it's a pretty in the air question, since there are plenty of 
games that are played in, and that might be affected by the differences 
of browsers. Also, regarding the recent discussion of Jim's hardware, 
that's definitely on topic since gaming is of course affected by what 
kind of hardware you try to run it on.

Speaking of which, my Umid MBook SE turned out to be very amusing as far 
as a gaming computer goes. At first, it was nasty trying to play swamp 
until some people on here pointed out that maybe I had graphics mode 
turned on. I did, even though I can't see at all, no idea how it got 
turned on. So I turned it off and it worked fine after that. Well sort 
of. The touch pad is in the lid, just to the right of the screen. You 
operate it with your thumb, unless you really want to stick your pointer 
finger out and swipe at it that is. But it's a touch pad, not a 
trackball or even one of those little rubbery things you slide your 
finger on like a lot of linovo computers have that people are so happy 
with because they hate the way touch pads always jump all over the place 
when they're not trying to use them. Touch pads generally use heat to 
figure out where you're touching them, and I don't think the one on the 
Umid MBook SE is an exception. The problem is, your thumb takes up the 
whole thing. This means it has a hard time perceiving movements of your 
thumb since it can't really sense heat moving around on it given of 
course as I said your finger's heat takes up the whole thing anyway. The 
best way to get it to move around is to kind of swipe at it without 
actually touching it, about a millimeter away or so. It's funny because 
if you try touching it, sliding right, then lift your thumb and move 
back to the left, press your thumb down on it and swipe right again, 
trying to turn to the right, you actually turn left or just kind of 
dance around and don't get very far. There are two buttons on the left 
side of t

[Audyssey] Help with Silver Sword

2011-12-13 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi All,
I was wondering about this supposedly accessible Silver Sword RPG? I've read 
the manual, and am able to move around, and create characters and such. The 
issue I seem to be having is one of mapping. I'm very confused: am I supposed 
to be able to tell where I am or where I'm going somehow? I could count steps 
or the like, but that seems rather inefficient. I'm not sure this game 
qualifies as "accessible" in my book, just because I feel there's a substantial 
part of it I'm missing.
Any input from Michael or anyone else with more info would be appreciated.
Best and thanks,
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[Audyssey] Swamp: brainstorming ideas for expansion and player limiting.

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
The following are some concepts I've been playing with as additions to the


Skills.  I don't know what future things are tied in to the current
experience system, but an alternative to an overall level would be to
subdivide experience by spending it on skills.  Begin with an initial award
for a new character, and gain experience as normal, except that dependent
upon the weapon you are using, the experience is added to the pile for the
given skill, rather than as an overall level.  Skills might include medic,
(small award for healing yourself, larger for healing others) pistols,
rifles, shotguns and heavy weapons.  When grenades come into play, then
grenadier could also be a skill.  


Skill benefits might include more healing per kit for the medic skill and
accuracy boosts for the weapon skills, not so that a miss becomes a hit, but
so that each hit becomes more damaging.  What might be a graze only doing
small damage would become a more damaging strike.


To balance this, death should cost experience points equal to a third of
each skill category.  Weapons at the zone should have level minima as they
do now, but specific to their skill category.  As levels will advance more
slowly with the points being divided up, the minima should be lower than
they are now for some of the heavier weapons.


Finally, when a character begins play for the first time, he/she should be
issued a weapon to match his skill specialization.  After death, go back to
the pistol, but give the newbie characters a little boost.


The advantages I see to this wad of modifications are that they would
support character differentiation with mechanical rewards/limitations.  In
turn, this could encourage some very different playing styles and
specializations, which would come into play when group missions are
available.  It would then become a good idea to have a sniper, a couple
soldier types and a medic on your expedition.  Each could fulfill particular
roles, to the benefit of the mission.  Alternately, it creates an
interesting choice say for the pistol specialist who is confronting a
situation where a rifle might be more useful.  Does he stick with his weapon
of greatest skill, trading range for accuracy, or does he pick up the rifle
and go at it?


To support these ideas, we'd need at least a couple more pistols and
submachine guns, of which there are currently only one of each.  Add in, say
an Uzi, tougher to break than the MP5 (they are legendary for being able to
fire under extremely bad conditions) and maybe a Gloch or something with a
bigger magazine, and a Desert Eagle with six shots but more stopping power.
This would add some ammo types to the game as well, 9MM and .44 I believe.


Inventory.  Players should have ready weapons and carried weapons.  Given
the nature of looting, it would be over complicated to limit the absolute
number of weapons carried, but each character should choose two ready
weapons which can be readily swapped.  If they want to go to one of the
carried but unready weapons, impose a delay in switching, and the formerly
ready weapon becomes unready.


Example: Mad Dog Riley is armed to the teeth.  Given his specialties, he
choose the Benelli and the MP5 as his ready weapons.  After a firefight in
the church, he emerges, low on health to find himself confronted by a dozen
or more of the undead blocking his path to safety.  Well crap, thinks he,
I'm almost out of .45 rounds, and the Benelli is nice for stopping power,
but I'm going to get overrun.  Does he stick with what he has ready, or does
he take the extra time to unlimber the M60 for crowd control purposes.


I'm also suggesting that the safe zone storage be finite and change based on
donations/withdrawals.  So if no one has been donating .45 ammo, you're out
of luck if you need it for your MP5.  To balance this, we should be able to
pick up more than one of a given weapon type, or else there would never be
weapons available for purchase from the Zone.


The best games are about forcing players to make choices, each of which is
high stakes.  These points become the places around which the story of the
game revolves.  This is the idea that is behind every suggestion I make for
advances in the game.  As it stands right now, I have to royally screw up to
die, even fresh from having done so and being out of ammunition.  I have
praised Jeremy for creating a game that rewards caution and patience.  I'm
looking forward to the missions to provide incentives to throw caution to
the wind and dare the odds.  I'd like to see every decision made have impact
on the character's future.


Chris Bartlett


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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread stootle
What game are you folks playing and where can i get it?
On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:06:47 -0700 "Richard Sherman" 
> Hi,
> The bridge isn't that bad. many times, there are a few people who 
> gang up, 
> snipe the bridge, and clear it out. it takes some time for a group 
> to form 
> there again. Just listen for this and cross when they say it is 
> fairly 
> clear.
> HTH.
> Shermanator
> - Original Message - 
> From: "john" 
> Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 6:23 AM
> Part of the loot thing (in my opinion) is that at many times,
> there are so many zombies near the bridge, people can't get
> across to claim the loot there. They snatch up the loot on the
> west side, but nobody makes it to the east side, so when loot
> generates over there, it stays there.
> ---
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57 Year Old Mom Looks 27
Mom Reveals $3 Wrinkle Trick Angering Doctors...

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Re: [Audyssey] Zero Sight

2011-12-13 Thread Shard Workshop
It should run, but we still have to make specific tests. The system
requirements on the website are not definitive.

2011/12/10 william lomas 

> how good will this run on a netbook though i guess as said, not good
> really?
> On Dec 9, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Hayden Presley wrote:
> > Hi,Yes;
> > There's a certain pleasure in taking off manually rather than just having
> > to taxi and getup into the air.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Hayden
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: []
> On
> > Behalf Of Jorge Gonçalves
> > Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 5:01 AM
> > To: Gamers Discussion list
> > Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Zero Sight
> >
> > Hello.
> > I am really amazed with the sounds and concepts of your game.
> > Really really loved it.
> > It's been a longtime I was waiting for something like this.
> > Keep up the great work.
> > Cheers,
> > Jorge Gonçalves
> >
> > Skype: joport3
> > Twitter:
> > Webpage:
> >
> > On 12/9/2011 10:00 AM, Shard Workshop wrote:
> >> Hello Hayden, I'm Lorenzo Bellincampi, founder of Shard Workshop. Don't
> >> worry, having a desktop is not a strict requirement. If for some reason
> > you
> >> don't have a keypad (netbook, some laptopt etc) there are two
> alternative
> >> keys for giving and taking power from the engines.
> >>
> >> 2011/12/8 william lomas
> >>
> >>> wonder when this is out i guess just started development though?
> >>> also it mentions pressing the plus key what about I wonder, those who
> do
> >>> not have a desktop?
> >>>
> >>> On Dec 8, 2011, at 3:33 AM, Hayden Presley wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi,
>  I'm a little confused on that point myself; there seemed to be direct
>  altitude control in the game, although that might just be the demo.
>  Best Regards,
>  Hayden
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ---
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> >>> please send E-mail to
> >>>
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> >>
> >>
> >
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> > -
> > No virus found in this message.
> > Checked by AVG -
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> >
> >
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[Audyssey] SilverSword manual

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Folks,
While attachments are not allowed, I pasted the SilverSword help document 

Silversword Manual


Contents  1
Introduction  4
Credits 5
About the mechanics 6
Starting the game 6
General interaction 6
The party roster 7
The Ruin Camp 8
Create a character  8
ST = Strength9
DX = Dexterity9
CN = Constitution9
IQ = Intelligence9
LK = Luck 9
HP = Hit Points 9
SP = Spell Points 9
AC = Armour class  10
THAC0 = To Hit AC0 Chance  10
Creating your party  11
Managing your party 11
Discard a character  11
Rename a character 11
Change the order  11
Spells  11
Conjurer Spells  14
Level 1  14
Level 2  14
Level 3  15
Level 4  15
Level 5  15
Level 6  16
Level 7  16
Magician Spells 17 
Level 1  17
Level 2  17
Level 3  18
Level 4  18
Level 5  18
Level 6  19
Level 7  19
Sorcerer Spells  20
Level 1  20
Level 2  20
Level 3  21
Level 4  21
Level 5  21
Level 6  22
Level 7  22
Wizard Spells  23
Level 1  23
Level 2  23
Level 3  23
Level 4  24
Level 5  24
Level 6  24
Level 7  25
Archmage Spells 26
Level 1  26
Level 2  26
Level 3  26
Level 4  26
Level 5  27
Level 6  27
Level 7  27
Bard Songs 28
Tune of Illumination  28
Song of Life  28
Traveller's ditty  28
Paladin Prayers 29
Blessing of Sodar  29
Shield of Sodar 29
Grace of Sodar  29
Sodar's Recall  29
The Races and Classes of Tarnak  30
The Races  30
Humans  30
Dwarves  30
Elves  30
Hobbits 31
Gnomes  31
High-Men 31 
Barbarians 31
The Classes  33
Warrior  33
Paladin 33
Rogue 33
Bard 33
Hunter  33
Monk  34
Conjurer  34
Magician  34
Sorcerer 34
Wizard  34
Archmage  34
Items 35
AC  35
Dmg  35
SV  35
toHit  35
Charges  35
Stackables  35
Runes 36
Travelling around 36
Day and Night 36
Doors 36
Chests 37
Chest Mini Game 37
Combat 37
How Combat starts  38
Attack  38
Defend  38
Reload  39
Use Item  39
Cast a spell 39
Hide in shadows 39
Change equipment  39
How combat is evaluated 40
Silversword Lite Version  41

Around Christmas 2010 I decided to program Silversword. I always wanted
to make my own role-playing game and the lack of Bard's Tale-like stuff on
the iDevices finally got me to this. Now - at the end of 2011 - with only a
few weeks left until the release of the full version, and half a year after 

release of the lite version, I am very satisfied with the result.

Before giving credits I want you to know that you can buy the Silversword
Compendium as an In-App-Purchase from within the game. Why is that?

I put a lot of effort into creating the skills, spells, classes, races and 

game mechanics. You can play the game without the Compendium, but
you have to do some research to find out how everything works. If you
want to know everything, and want to have detailed information about the
mechanics, I ask you to honour my work that I put into the Compendium
and to buy it.


My special thanks go to:

Frank Klueppel, for creating wonderful graphics, maps, and background
stories. Hopefully he will publish his Roleplaying Game RISE someday.

Kristina Giepen, for drawing all characters and creatures. Without her, the
game would probably have a different look.

Chris Gerbracht, for giving me feedback, stories and things to think about.

Further thanks go to:

Ben Schuettler and Lars Heidieker, for helping me out with those nasty
Objective-C problems.

And very hearty thanks go to:

All you Silversword Lite players who provided me with valuable feedback
throughout the months!

The Game is dedicated to Jens Jochimsthal, who teased me for 20 years
with the idea of Silversword - and to Alicia Kernenbach, where my heart

Mario J. Gaida

November 2011

About the mechanics

Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons &
Dragons. You control a group (your "party") of up to seven members. The
first four slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when
facing enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row,
they have to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to
participate in combat.

Starting the game

After having installed and started the game, you are taken to the Ruin

In the Ruin Camp, you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure.

It might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows,
but you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

You play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

Cross-hair Panel

Cast Spell

Use Item

Play Song

Show Map+Log



Spell Effects

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]"). We will call it "Link" from now

You can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair 

which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the upper
right side of your scree

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread dark
i know windows 7 has an xp mode, but from the problems I've seen posted by 
many people this is by no means universally compatible.

, and if I wanted to play wii games I'd buy a wii, however while I could 
stil play Snes or nes games through Wii virtual console, I could not do the 
same thing in later windows, which is my point.

However this is my last message on this topic sinse I think we have said all 
that is really sayable here, and ultimately whatever we think microsoft will 
do their own sweet thing anyhow, and we'll need to cope as usual.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Kenny" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,
Before you make that argument, you should probably do a bit of
research. Windows 7 includes Windows XP mode, which is a licensed,
virtual copy of Windows XP. This should solve any problems with
software compatibility that might exist between the two operating

To answer your second point, that's great that you have a SNES and can
play older games. However, I've never seen you post any messages to
the list accusing Nintendo of not caring about their customers because
you can't play GameCube or Wii games with your SNES.

On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:

Hi Alex.

But if microsoft care so much about customers, why don't they have any
options to extend backwards compatibility of products? for instance a
licenced microsoft virtual machine?

Frankly, the reason they had to extend xp support is simply because vista
was buggy as heck for several years and thus new xp machines were being
bought as late as 2010. If microsoft had dropped support for what the
majority of users use, people would go over to mac or other os and they'd
lose sales.

I don't really understand this business about "technology moves move with

I repeat, I have my snes, which is now close to 20 years old. I keep it
because I like the games on it.

The fact that something is "new technology" has no real applicability to
myself or probably to several other people as well if it doesn't actually
let us do the things we want.

A computer is afterall just a tool.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Kenny" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,

Again, I really think you're misrepresenting Microsoft here. Microsoft
actually spends a huge amount of resources supporting older products.
For example, one of the reasons Windows Vista was delayed as much as
it was is because MS temporarily stopped its development in order to
fix major security problems with Windows XP. If MS really behaved as
you described, they would have just released Vista two years early and
dropped XP. Instead, they've actually extended XP's support to 2014,
ecause they understand that it's very popular. Of course, by then, XP
will be 13 years old. Imagine running Windows 98 today. It wouldn't be
a very pleasant experience. Technology moves on, and we need to at
some point move along with it.

If that's a problem, there are a few DOS operating systems that have
been in development for several decades. Since unlike Windows, DOS
operating systems are very simple, you shouldn't have too many bugs to
worry about...

I'm exaggerating here of course, but if that's the attitude most
people had, we'd still be using teletype machines and command prompts.

On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:

Agreed William, this is just what I mean.

As far as I've ever found out microsoft is frankly just concerned with
bank balance and don't give a dam about their customers accept as a

And lets not get on to their production methods, what they pay the 

who actually assemmble! pc parts or the like.

The only reason I use windows is for convenience sinse most things run 

it, which is I suspect why ninety percent of people do, not necessarily
because I actually like microsoft at all.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: "Willem Venter" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi dark.
Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain or
lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was based
on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to so
they could sell them a new set of development tools. The basic
programming syntax stayed the same, but they changed the developement
libraries to not be the same as those used with vb6. They did improve
the software with, but vb6 wasn't making them enough money to
justify fixing the security wholes and bugs for vb6.

Assisting developers or users of code to run a 10 year old program
does not gain them much sales, so they will invest the development
time somewhere else. This is also part of what d

Re: [Audyssey] a bit more soul calibur info

2011-12-13 Thread Connor Moser
just to ask. what is soul calibur. is it axesable? is it for the pc? is it 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:23 AM
Subject: Gamers Digest, Vol 70, Issue 125

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Today's Topics:

  1.  a bit more soul calibur info (Clement Chou)
  2. Re:  plans for an updated Lone Wolf (Thomas Ward)
  3. Re:  plans for an updated Lone Wolf (Thomas Ward)
  4. Re:  plans for an updated Lone Wolf (Thomas Ward)
  5. Re:  plans for an updated Lone Wolf (Dallas O'Brien)
  6. Re:  plans for an updated Lone Wolf (Dallas O'Brien)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 21:41:57 -0800
From: "Clement Chou" 
To: , "Gamers Discussion list"

Subject: [Audyssey] a bit more soul calibur info
Message-ID: <6E713B7FC438444F881C90CBEE2F8CD2@setbc>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

No vids this time, just some facts that some people may not have about the 
gameplay system. The three biggest things to point out are probably, the 
just guard, brave edge, and critical edge. Just guard is basically a perry 
maneuver. When you tap the guard button and let it go, you'll have a few 
frames during which if an opponent hits you with an attack, you will 
automatically perry their attack and will be able to punish them while 
they're recoverying. Brave edge is basically a powered up version of a 
normal move. If you compare the SF games with this, the SF games have 
special and ex-specials. In SC, you don't really have special moves... 
instead you have a series of normal attacks that can be increased in power 
and have certain properties. A critical edge is the SC equivalent to a 
super move. The command for the critical edge is the same for everyone, 
but unlike 2d games you can't just throw them out and hope they connect... 
you have to combo into them. Because if you perform one and miss, you're 
in big, big trouble. Aside from these three things, the rest of the 
gameplay is more or less the same, just without the critical finisher, and 
the speed is faster. Hope this little snippet was somewhat informative!


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 00:45:20 -0500
From: Thomas Ward 
To: Gamers Discussion list 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


Well, that's where Ebay and places like that come in handy. I've seen
old Pentium 133 computers with Windows 95 on them for like $15. You
could purchase the computer or find someone on there selling Windows
95 separately on the cheep and install it in a virtual machine. That's
really the only solution for hanging on to software that is that old.


On 12/12/11, Michael Gauler  wrote:

But what do you do about the classic games?
Surely, there are still many people in the world who want to use the old
But running an outdated operating system like Windows 95 or older on 
PCs isn't an option when the os doesn't get along with your hardware due 

a lack of drivers...
And you might want to use a virtual machine, but then is the question 

to get that old operating system you need legally.
Good if you still have installation media, but what if not?

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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 00:56:46 -0500
From: Thomas Ward 
To: Gamers Discussion list 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Michael,

That is true. Technically the DirectX end user license forbids
installing the components separately out side of the official
Microsoft installer, and of course dx7vb.dll and dx8vb.dll do not ship
with newer DirectX runtime distributions. From a legal standpoint its
a lose-lose situation.

However, several people like Jim Kitchen, GMA, etc install those
libraries anyway, and I don't see it as a very big crime.  No one has
ever been asked to remove it from their installers and Microsoft
hasn't given anyone grief over it

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Bryan Peterson
That would be because he's probably not much interested in Game Cube or Wii 

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Kenny" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,
Before you make that argument, you should probably do a bit of
research. Windows 7 includes Windows XP mode, which is a licensed,
virtual copy of Windows XP. This should solve any problems with
software compatibility that might exist between the two operating

To answer your second point, that's great that you have a SNES and can
play older games. However, I've never seen you post any messages to
the list accusing Nintendo of not caring about their customers because
you can't play GameCube or Wii games with your SNES.

On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:

Hi Alex.

But if microsoft care so much about customers, why don't they have any
options to extend backwards compatibility of products? for instance a
licenced microsoft virtual machine?

Frankly, the reason they had to extend xp support is simply because vista
was buggy as heck for several years and thus new xp machines were being
bought as late as 2010. If microsoft had dropped support for what the
majority of users use, people would go over to mac or other os and they'd
lose sales.

I don't really understand this business about "technology moves move with

I repeat, I have my snes, which is now close to 20 years old. I keep it
because I like the games on it.

The fact that something is "new technology" has no real applicability to
myself or probably to several other people as well if it doesn't actually
let us do the things we want.

A computer is afterall just a tool.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Kenny" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Dark,

Again, I really think you're misrepresenting Microsoft here. Microsoft
actually spends a huge amount of resources supporting older products.
For example, one of the reasons Windows Vista was delayed as much as
it was is because MS temporarily stopped its development in order to
fix major security problems with Windows XP. If MS really behaved as
you described, they would have just released Vista two years early and
dropped XP. Instead, they've actually extended XP's support to 2014,
ecause they understand that it's very popular. Of course, by then, XP
will be 13 years old. Imagine running Windows 98 today. It wouldn't be
a very pleasant experience. Technology moves on, and we need to at
some point move along with it.

If that's a problem, there are a few DOS operating systems that have
been in development for several decades. Since unlike Windows, DOS
operating systems are very simple, you shouldn't have too many bugs to
worry about...

I'm exaggerating here of course, but if that's the attitude most
people had, we'd still be using teletype machines and command prompts.

On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:

Agreed William, this is just what I mean.

As far as I've ever found out microsoft is frankly just concerned with
bank balance and don't give a dam about their customers accept as a

And lets not get on to their production methods, what they pay the 

who actually assemmble! pc parts or the like.

The only reason I use windows is for convenience sinse most things run 

it, which is I suspect why ninety percent of people do, not necessarily
because I actually like microsoft at all.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: "Willem Venter" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

Hi dark.
Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain or
lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was based
on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to so
they could sell them a new set of development tools. The basic
programming syntax stayed the same, but they changed the developement
libraries to not be the same as those used with vb6. They did improve
the software with, but vb6 wasn't making them enough money to
justify fixing the security wholes and bugs for vb6.

Assisting developers or users of code to run a 10 year old program
does not gain them much sales, so they will invest the development
time somewhere else. This is also part of what drives the changes to
the user interfaces. They tell their customers "see it looks
different, so it is new" where as most of the code is reused over
windows versions.

I agree with those who said that for innovation to happen we need
change, but change does not always indicate something better.

On 12/12/11, Dallas O'Brien  wrote:

actually, the better codes, = better gaming possibilities. so yes, it
makes a different.

On 12/12/2011 23:13, dark wr

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Alex Kenny
Hi Dark,

That's true, but that's mainly because the majority of situations in
which backward-compatibility outside the slow-moving blindness market
is enterprises. Most home users who buy a new computer use word
processors, web browsers, email clients, and games. To elaborate on
the games since this is a gaming list *grins*, most games now are
either online or written in a modern programming language, so
backward-compatibility with VB or other old technologies isn't a huge
issue in the consumer market.

On 12/12/11, john  wrote:
> Problem with xp mode is that it only works on win7 pro or
> ultimate, no home premium users, which is most of what (at least
> as far as I know) is being sold in computer shops, using Best BUy
> Buy as my basis.
> - Original Message -
> From: Alex Kenny  To: Gamers Discussion list  Date sent: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:31:44 -0330
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf
> Hi Dark,
> Before you make that argument, you should probably do a bit of
> research. Windows 7 includes Windows XP mode, which is a
> licensed,
> virtual copy of Windows XP. This should solve any problems with
> software compatibility that might exist between the two operating
> systems.
> To answer your second point, that's great that you have a SNES
> and can
> play older games. However, I've never seen you post any messages
> to
> the list accusing Nintendo of not caring about their customers
> because
> you can't play GameCube or Wii games with your SNES.
> On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:
>  Hi Alex.
>  But if microsoft care so much about customers, why don't they
> have any
>  options to extend backwards compatibility of products? for
> instance a
>  licenced microsoft virtual machine?
>  Frankly, the reason they had to extend xp support is simply
> because vista
>  was buggy as heck for several years and thus new xp machines
> were being
>  bought as late as 2010. If microsoft had dropped support for
> what the
>  majority of users use, people would go over to mac or other os
> and they'd
>  lose sales.
>  I don't really understand this business about "technology moves
> move with
>  it"
>  I repeat, I have my snes, which is now close to 20 years old. I
> keep it
>  because I like the games on it.
>  The fact that something is "new technology" has no real
> applicability to
>  myself or probably to several other people as well if it doesn't
> actually
>  let us do the things we want.
>  A computer is afterall just a tool.
>  Beware the grue!
>  Dark.
>  - Original Message -
>  From: "Alex Kenny"   To: "Gamers Discussion list"   Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:27 PM
>  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf
>  Hi Dark,
>  Again, I really think you're misrepresenting Microsoft here.
> Microsoft
>  actually spends a huge amount of resources supporting older
> products.
>  For example, one of the reasons Windows Vista was delayed as
> much as
>  it was is because MS temporarily stopped its development in
> order to
>  fix major security problems with Windows XP. If MS really
> behaved as
>  you described, they would have just released Vista two years
> early and
>  dropped XP. Instead, they've actually extended XP's support to
> 2014,
>  ecause they understand that it's very popular. Of course, by
> then, XP
>  will be 13 years old. Imagine running Windows 98 today. It
> wouldn't be
>  a very pleasant experience. Technology moves on, and we need to
> at
>  some point move along with it.
>  If that's a problem, there are a few DOS operating systems that
> have
>  been in development for several decades. Since unlike Windows,
>  operating systems are very simple, you shouldn't have too many
> bugs to
>  worry about...
>  I'm exaggerating here of course, but if that's the attitude most
>  people had, we'd still be using teletype machines and command
> prompts.
>  On 12/12/11, dark  wrote:
>  Agreed William, this is just what I mean.
>  As far as I've ever found out microsoft is frankly just
> concerned with
>  their
>  bank balance and don't give a dam about their customers accept
> as a
>  statistic.
>  And lets not get on to their production methods, what they pay
> the people
>  who actually assemmble! pc parts or the like.
>  The only reason I use windows is for convenience sinse most
> things run on
>  it, which is I suspect why ninety percent of people do, not
> necessarily
>  because I actually like microsoft at all.
>  Beware the grue!
>  Dark.
>  - Original Message -
>  From: "Willem Venter"   To: "Gamers Discussion list"   Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 1:40 PM
>  Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf
>  Hi dark.
>  Microsoft only invests development time where they stand to gain
> or
>  lose money. For the most part, even dropping support for vb was
> based
>  on the fact that they were forcing developers to switch to
> so
>  they could sell them a new set of developme

Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from SilverSword-rpg.comisaccessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Clement Chou
A dropbox or sendspace link would be appreciated... I'm interested and wnat 
to know how it works. Also, I want to know how accessible this is.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Hartley" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from 
SilverSword-rpg.comisaccessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

Hi Phil,

Sure thing.  In fact, I have just saved it as a text file.  If I remember
correctly, aren't attachments banned from this list?  I didn't want to go
ahead and send the attachment, and have it banned and cause bandwidth
problems for the mods.  I will send it directly to you.  Then, if anyone
else wants a copy, I can upload it to sendspace or something if 

are restricted on this list.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:20 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from
isaccessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

Hi Jeremy,
I downloaded the manual again and it is still a graphic PDF that I can't
Can you save it as an RTF or TXT version?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Hartley" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:10 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is
accessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

Hi Phil and all,

I downloaded the silver sword manual from the site
the downloads section.  I am using the latest version of acrobat reader.
Not sure which version of acrobat reader you have, but it comes up
fine with links and headings for each section.  In fact, I didn't even
to change the reading order.

Wonder if Mario already updated the pdf just in the last three hours?  If
so, wow, that is quick work.

By the way, the Game Mechanics you posted from your OCR copy were just as
says in the pdf.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR
package to convert it to readable text.
I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on,
but there may be scanning errors:
About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it 

to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons

you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The first four
slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when facing
enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, they 

to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to participate in

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are
to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. 

might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows,
you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the

right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by
touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by simply
touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the  lower
half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a character,
see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell Effects
area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are summoned by
your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by
itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the

the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the
current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The 

condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the
PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!

Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is accessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, I have just converted the manuel into a text document.
This means that all screen readers will be able to read it without any trouble.
I will post it here in a minute.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

Gamers mailing list __
If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list,
please send E-mail to

Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from isaccessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Hartley
Hi Phil,

Sure thing.  In fact, I have just saved it as a text file.  If I remember
correctly, aren't attachments banned from this list?  I didn't want to go
ahead and send the attachment, and have it banned and cause bandwidth
problems for the mods.  I will send it directly to you.  Then, if anyone
else wants a copy, I can upload it to sendspace or something if attachments
are restricted on this list.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:20 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from
isaccessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

Hi Jeremy,
I downloaded the manual again and it is still a graphic PDF that I can't 
Can you save it as an RTF or TXT version?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Hartley" 
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:10 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is 
accessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

> Hi Phil and all,
> I downloaded the silver sword manual from the site 
> under
> the downloads section.  I am using the latest version of acrobat reader.
> Not sure which version of acrobat reader you have, but it comes up 
> perfectly
> fine with links and headings for each section.  In fact, I didn't even 
> have
> to change the reading order.
> Wonder if Mario already updated the pdf just in the last three hours?  If
> so, wow, that is quick work.
> By the way, the Game Mechanics you posted from your OCR copy were just as 
> it
> says in the pdf.
> Jeremy
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:46 PM
> To: Gamers Discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question
> Hi Michael,
> I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR
> package to convert it to readable text.
> I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
> Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on,
> but there may be scanning errors:
> About the mechanics
> Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries
> to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons 
> Dragons.
> you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The first four
> slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when facing
> enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, they have
> to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to participate in
> combat.
> Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are 
> taken
> to the Ruin Camp.
> In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It
> might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, 
> but
> you can of course create your own characters.
> General interaction
> you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.
> 4- Cross-hair panel
> 4- Cast Spell
> 4- Use Item
> 4- play Song
> Spell Effects
> 4- Show Map
> +mob Settings
> A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is
> marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now 
> on.
> you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its
> upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair
> panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the 
> upper
> right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by
> touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by simply
> touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the  lower
> half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a character,
> see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell Effects
> area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are summoned by
> your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by
> itself -just touch the entry and confirm.
> The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party
> members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the 
> name,
> the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the
> current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The actual
> condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the 
> following:
> PSNDyour character is poisoned.
> NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
> POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
> INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
> STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
> STONyour character has turned in to stone.
> DEAD guess what?
> The

Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread David Chittenden

The blindness community attacked Windows XP just as much because it was not 
Windows 9X, and Windows was attacked just as much because it was not Dos.

The truth is, people like to bitch when things change, and they take it 
personally. The world is out to get them.

In other words, they like to whine a lot. For blind people who have been 
trained to use a computer by rote rather than learning how to explore and 
figure out a system, this is only worse. The fact is, times, technology, 
everything changes; and it is not comfortable for those who learned an earlier 
way of doing things. People who never learned the old habits, on the other 
hand, do not need to unlearn their old habits and just learn it. They complain 
as well, though. Just spend some time with kids at school to see what I am 
talking about.

The fact is, change is the only constant in the universe. It is the thing we 
can count on. As far as I am concerned, this is a very good thing. It keeps 
things from becoming stagnent..

David Chittenden, MSc, DRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 14/12/2011, at 13:13, Hayden Presley  wrote:

> D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, when
> they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
> made XP? Possibly, it was an update?
> Best Regards,
> Hayden
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
> To: Gamers Discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
> Lone Wolf
> besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free 
> operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of 
> code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because 
> they had time to sort a lot of things out.
> dallas
> On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
>> Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right 
>> in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And 
>> was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing 
>> I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out 
>> with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to 
>> market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable 
>> product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and 
>> reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the 
>> task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of 
>> time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility 
>> they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the 
>> customers.
>> ---
>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
>> updated Lone Wolf
>>> Hi Charles and all,
>>> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
>>> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
>>> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
>>> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
>>> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
>>> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
>>> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
>>> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
>>> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
>>> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
>>> Cheers!
>>> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
 Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
 particular:  I
 buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I 
 have to
 buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it 
 can't be
 loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
 and I
 need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
 down the
 road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
 new PC to
 be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
 OS. Two
 years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
 one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
 Microsoft, I
 have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
 the new
 technology.  This! is! crap!
 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to

Re: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is accessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Jeremy,
I downloaded the manual again and it is still a graphic PDF that I can't 

Can you save it as an RTF or TXT version?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Hartley" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:10 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is 
accessible.Was: RE: Silversword question

Hi Phil and all,

I downloaded the silver sword manual from the site 

the downloads section.  I am using the latest version of acrobat reader.
Not sure which version of acrobat reader you have, but it comes up 
fine with links and headings for each section.  In fact, I didn't even 

to change the reading order.

Wonder if Mario already updated the pdf just in the last three hours?  If
so, wow, that is quick work.

By the way, the Game Mechanics you posted from your OCR copy were just as 

says in the pdf.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR
package to convert it to readable text.
I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on,
but there may be scanning errors:
About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons 

you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The first four
slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when facing
enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, they have
to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to participate in

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are 

to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It
might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, 

you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now 

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the 

right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by
touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by simply
touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the  lower
half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a character,
see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell Effects
area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are summoned by
your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by
itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the 

the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the
current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The actual
condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the 

PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Allison Mervis

Hi Mike.
I'm not sure what the button to the left of cast spell is. However, the 
way I generally find out info about unlabeled buttons is just to double 
tap them and see what happens. Generally, you're not going to break 
anything by doing that. As for visuals, I'm not sure if there are any as 
I'm also totally blind. The game was initially designed for sighted 
people though, so I imagine there would be pictures or artwork of some sort.

On 12/13/2011 5:11 PM, michael barnes wrote:

Hey, Allison.
Do you know what the button left of the cast spell button is?
And when you are walking around does it show visual?

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[Audyssey] SilverSword PDF from is accessible. Was: RE: Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Hartley
Hi Phil and all,

I downloaded the silver sword manual from the site under
the downloads section.  I am using the latest version of acrobat reader.
Not sure which version of acrobat reader you have, but it comes up perfectly
fine with links and headings for each section.  In fact, I didn't even have
to change the reading order.

Wonder if Mario already updated the pdf just in the last three hours?  If
so, wow, that is quick work.

By the way, the Game Mechanics you posted from your OCR copy were just as it
says in the pdf.


-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Phil Vlasak
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:46 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR 
package to convert it to readable text.
I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on, 
but there may be scanning errors:
About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries 
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons Dragons.

you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The first four 
slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when facing 
enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, they have 
to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to participate in 

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are taken 
to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It 
might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, but 
you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is 
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now on.

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its 
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair 
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the upper

right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by 
touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by simply 
touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the  lower 
half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a character, 
see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell Effects 
area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are summoned by 
your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by 
itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party 
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the name,

the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the 
current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The actual 
condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the following:
PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

I just had a great thought!
On the silversword website there is a forum that you can join.
One of the forum topic is features you would like to see added to the game.
It would be a great thing if all of us who like the game to get on the 
forum so the developer and other blind gamers who are not on the list 
can read our ideas for the game.

I am already a member of the forum.
So please come and join me to make the game more accessible for all of us.
The more that Mario see that blind gamers besides me is playing the 
game it will show the importance of accessibility for Silversword.

Here is the web address for the Silversword.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
You're right about Vista, but 7 was a mature product on release.

Chris Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in 
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was 
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I would 
like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a new OS 
time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market before the 
bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that has thoroughly 
been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and I know it 
would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it would sure do a lot

to regain the credibility they once had, and it would also be more readily 
received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

> Hi Charles and all,
> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
> Cheers!
> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
>> Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
>> buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
>> to
>> buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 
>> be
>> loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
>> need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down 
>> the
>> road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC

>> to
>> be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
>> Two
>> years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
>> another
>> one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, 
>> I
>> have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the 
>> new
>> technology.  This! is! crap!
>> ---
>> Gamers mailing list __
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>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
>> list,
>> please send E-mail to
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
> list,
> please send E-mail to

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
The command prompt worked well enough for everyone too, except that it
didn't really.  The ribbons certainly have been controversial, but MS had a
reason to believe it would be more convenient for the vast majority of their
user base.  Remember, companies don't design for edge cases, and we my
friend are an edge case to a company that does the volume of sales that
Microsoft does.  It's the trade-off, you don't pay the blindness tax that
you do with specialized companies, but you have to roll with what they
provide to a much greater extent.  The willingness of IOS and Android
application developers to put access into their apps is a welcome exception
to this phenomenon.

So, if you want software designed with access in mind, then use HJPad or
Guide or something like that, and no disrespect to you or those who use such
programs, I've taught them when I thought it was warranted.  But if you want
access to the larger computer world, you're going to have to meet it part
way at least, and the bigger the company you buy software from, the farther
you're going to have to go.  Don't like the ribbons, I believe there is a
work-around that puts the menus back in, at least for Office 2007.  But
please, many of the rest of us have experienced the ongoing advances in
computer and related technologies to be a boon for our access to services
and information, so try to understand why we find your viewpoint puzzling at
best and frustratingly indicative of a problem in our community that holds
back innovation in our own software designs.

Christopher Bartlett

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:41 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated
Lone Wolf

One of the points is that they don't need another new interface unless they 
replace the darned ribbon interface with something that everyone, on an 
equal basis, can use.  The pulldown menu interface worked for everyone, and 
it should have been left alone.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Hayden Presley" 
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated 
Lone Wolf

> HI,
> Wait...wait...go back. You are suggesting Microsoft make available the
> ribbon interface and menubarsat the same time? All right: that's all well
> and good. But what if they develop a third interface. Thenyou just tack 
> that
> onto the list of interfaces, right? Then a fourth? And a fifth? We keep
> complaining that Windows is getting more and more bloated, but what about
> this kind of thing?
> Best Regards,
> Hayden
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Michael Gauler
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:01 AM
> To: Gamers Discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated
> Lone Wolf
> Hi Thomas,
> I personally are also not against new technologies or new features in 
> future
> Windows operating systems or other programs.
> But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
> If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often good for
> all users and not because security might be better.
> But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force design
> changes.
> I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
> I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on which
> screen reader can best handle it.
> I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
> But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface and
> removed the old interface instead of having them both in the product for
> every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
> I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow skins or
> skin packs?
> The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user created
> content.
> Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had several
> sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office pre 2007 and 
> when
> the new products came out they also had problems adapting and getting to
> figure out the new interface and they could see and use the mouse properly
> compared to us blind people.
> And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
> It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
> But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included in an
> operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during first
> installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use a blank 
> one).
> For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even if it
> became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a few old

Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Michael,
There is a manual.pdf in the download section of

- Original Message - 
From: "michael barnes" 

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

Hey, Phil.
Can you send me the manuel that you have found for Silversword?
I can convert graphic text to screen reader readable text with System 


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Checked by AVG -
Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4079 - Release Date: 12/13/11

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

the SilverSword role playing game is for the iPhone or iPad.

I need to OCR the rest of the PDF manual.
It is about 50 pages.


- Original Message - 
From: "shaun everiss" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

hmmm this looks cool phill, is this ios or pc.
How would one interact with mouse or keyboard.
At 09:46 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR 
package to convert it to readable text.

I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on, 
but there may be scanning errors:

About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries 
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons 
Dragons. you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The 
first four slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when 
facing enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, 
they have to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to 
participate in combat.

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are 
taken to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It 
might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, 
but you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is 
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now 

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its 
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair 
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the 
upper right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair 
panel by touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by 
simply touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the 
lower half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a 
character, see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell 
Effects area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are 
summoned by your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it 
fades by itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party 
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the 
name, the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, 
the current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The 
actual condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the 

PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 10.0.1415 / Virus Database: 2102/4079 - Release Date: 12/13/11

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Bryan Peterson

It's IOS. I may give it a try one of these days.
They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
- Original Message - 
From: "shaun everiss" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

hmmm this looks cool phill, is this ios or pc.
How would one interact with mouse or keyboard.
At 09:46 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR 
package to convert it to readable text.

I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on, 
but there may be scanning errors:

About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries 
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons 
Dragons. you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The 
first four slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when 
facing enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, 
they have to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to 
participate in combat.

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are 
taken to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It 
might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, 
but you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is 
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now 

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its 
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair 
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the 
upper right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair 
panel by touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by 
simply touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the 
lower half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a 
character, see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell 
Effects area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are 
summoned by your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it 
fades by itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party 
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the 
name, the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, 
the current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The 
actual condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the 

PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

If those of you that are playing the game please send Mario a email to 
suggest things to make the game more accessible for the blind.


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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Phil.
Can you send me the manuel that you have found for Silversword?
I can convert graphic text to screen reader readable text with System Access.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
John, I'm not sure if you're being funny here, or if that's a serious
comment.  But riffing on it for a moment, there really isn't much in the way
of luck in this game.  There are skills, direct physical skills aiming, and
tactical skills, knowing where I am, evaluating the risks of current
opposition v. my position and weapons load, and situational awareness,
maintaining enough awareness to know when it's time to fight, which targets
to select and when to run like hell.  These are all skills that anyone can
develop, at least in this format.

That being the case, I find it strange when people complain the game is too
hard, excepting actual limitations like hearing problems that I understand
to place a genuine disadvantage on the player.

Chris Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

hmmm this looks cool phill, is this ios or pc.
How would one interact with mouse or keyboard.
At 09:46 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an 
OCR package to convert it to readable text.

I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a 
OCR on, but there may be scanning errors:

About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it 
tries to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from 
Dungeons Dragons. you control a group (your "party') of up to seven 
members. The first four slots are melee slots, meaning that this is 
the front line when facing enemies. The last three slots are the 
members in the second row, they have to use ranged weapons, special 
items or magic spells to participate in combat.

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you 
are taken to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your 
adventure. It might happen that your party is already filled with 
some brave fellows, but you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) 
is marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now on.

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on 
its upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the 
cross-hair panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair 
symbol on the upper right side of your screen. Change the position 
of the cross-hair panel by touching and dragging the symbol. you go 
into character view by simply touching a character new in your party 
roster, which fills up the  lower half of your screen. To change 
order or to rename or discard a character, see the section "Managing 
your party". By touching the Spell Effects area,you can get an 
overview of active spell effects that are summoned by your party 
members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by itself 
-just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your 
party members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown 
are the name, the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the 
current hit points, the current spell points, and the class shortcut 
of each character. The actual condition may be either your full hit 
point value, or one of the following:

PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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Re: [Audyssey] Moderator Let's Get Back on Topic

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

wandered when this was going to come up, but it was good to air the topic.
As a closing to this I must congradulate the community at large for 
having a good debate without another war starting.
Its not allways happened but more often than not, we have started 
fighting and that has never gone well.
Having to respond to things coming thick and fast was a chalenge, 
email became its own game for a well so thanks all for a good chat.

At 09:14 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hello everyone,

Ok, it is time to get the list back on topic. I initially allowed the
technology debate to continue as long as I have as I felt it would be
helpful or instructive for gamers to here all sides of the issue.
Especially, since upgrading from XP to Windows 7 and Windows 8 may
have an effect on the future of accessible gaming. However, after
having just read a bunch of e-mails where the same points of view were
being repeted over and over again in a circular and unending argument
without resolution its just time to agree to disagree and get back to

Bottom line, weather you agree or disagree with where Microsoft is
going with their Windows OS here isn't the proper place to debate the
point. If you really want to be heard, to have a voice in what
Microsoft does, then you have to pay to become a MSDN subscriber, sign
up for Microsoft's Windows beta testing program, and speak directly to
the Microsoft developers who are in a position to make changes in the
next Windows OS. If you simply don't care to do that or have no desire
to upgrade then don't. We do not need to have a long winded discussion
on the issue, because right or wrong, good or bad, for better or
worse, we have no control over the companies that produce our
computers, write the software, and set market trends. Complaining
about it serves no purpose that I can see. So let's give it a rest,
and get back on topic.

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Michael,
I found a Silversword_help.pdf file but it is graphic and needs an OCR 
package to convert it to readable text.

I wrote to Mario and maybe he will put out a RTF or TXT version.
Here is the section about the interface of the game that I used a OCR on, 
but there may be scanning errors:

About the mechanics
Silversword is a game in the genre of The Bards Tale. This means, it tries 
to simulate a roleplaying session like you might know from Dungeons Dragons. 
you control a group (your "party') of up to seven members. The first four 
slots are melee slots, meaning that this is the front line when facing 
enemies. The last three slots are the members in the second row, they have 
to use ranged weapons, special items or magic spells to participate in 

Starting the game After having installed and started the game,you are taken 
to the Ruin Camp.

In the Ruin Camp,you can find new heroes to join you on your adventure. It 
might happen that your party is already filled with some brave fellows, but 
you can of course create your own characters.

General interaction

you play the game by touching the elements on the screen.

4- Cross-hair panel

4- Cast Spell

4- Use Item

4- play Song

Spell Effects

4- Show Map
+mob Settings

A touchable area in the text output (upper right side of the screen) is 
marked by brackets (e.g. "[ Touch me ]). We will call it "Link" from now on.

you can move by touching the view (upper left side of the screen) on its 
upper half, or at its sides. But it is more elegant to use the cross-hair 
panel, which you can activate by touching the cross-hair symbol on the upper 
right side of your screen. Change the position of the cross-hair panel by 
touching and dragging the symbol. you go into character view by simply 
touching a character new in your party roster, which fills up the  lower 
half of your screen. To change order or to rename or discard a character, 
see the section "Managing your party". By touching the Spell Effects 
area,you can get an overview of active spell effects that are summoned by 
your party members. It is possible to end an effect before it fades by 
itself -just touch the entry and confirm.

The party roster The lower half of the screen is reserved for your party 
members. you can form a party of up to seven characters. Shown are the name, 
the armour class (AC), the actual condition, the current hit points, the 
current spell points, and the class shortcut of each character. The actual 
condition may be either your full hit point value, or one of the following:

PSNDyour character is poisoned.
NUTS your character is insane, he may attack your party.
POSS  your character is haunted by evil spirits. Dangerous!
INC?  your  character is  incapacitated and can't act in combat.
STUN your  character is paralyzed, AC counts only 50%!
STONyour character has turned in to stone.
DEAD guess what?

The Ruin Camp
In the Ruin Camp you have the following options: [
Create a character] [
Acid a character] [
Remove a character] [
Delete a character]

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Well I guess everyone wants to change.
Not strictly to ms but my aunt works in a clothing company, 
everything was working, then they changed systems, and suffered and 
now just like ms they are getting the reputation of being unstable 
with staff not being happy, like some consumers with ms.
We don't know which way it will go and that is probably more annoying 
than the issues themselves.

At 07:41 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:
One of the points is that they don't need another new interface 
unless they replace the darned ribbon interface with something that 
everyone, on an equal basis, can use.  The pulldown menu interface 
worked for everyone, and it should have been left alone.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Hayden Presley" 
To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for 
anupdated Lone Wolf

Wait...wait...go back. You are suggesting Microsoft make available the
ribbon interface and menubarsat the same time? All right: that's all well
and good. But what if they develop a third interface. Thenyou just tack that
onto the list of interfaces, right? Then a fourth? And a fifth? We keep
complaining that Windows is getting more and more bloated, but what about
this kind of thing?
Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Michael Gauler
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features in future

Windows operating systems or other programs.
But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often good for
all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force design
I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on which
screen reader can best handle it.
I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface and
removed the old interface instead of having them both in the product for
every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow skins or
skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user created
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had several
sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office pre 2007 and when

the new products came out they also had problems adapting and getting to
figure out the new interface and they could see and use the mouse properly
compared to us blind people.
And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included in an
operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during first
installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use a blank one).
For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even if it
became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a few older
Windows versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
Same here, though the extra inaccessability of stuff combined with 
all of the system self monitering and self repairing makes the 
admin's life quite simple.
Even with xp its simple, I remember having to baby sit systems when 
it was in the 9x days.

At 06:35 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0700, you wrote:
AllI care about with a new OS is that it works more often than not 
and that I can play the games I enjoy.

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Hayden,

Lol! You've got a good point there. Plus I'll add a comment to yours.
People here are talking about how rock solid stable XP is, how good it
is, but do they have a short term memory or something?

Back in 2001 when I first got XP the OS was extremely unstable. It
chrashed constantly, and everyone back then was calling XP a piece of
crap. It wasn't until service pack 1 came out before it became widely
considered to be safe to use, and it didn't really become extremely
stable until service pack 2 came along. Now, we are into the third
service pack, and of course its stable and reliable now. That's 10
years of updates, bug fixes, and changes to make it that way. So I
think the gripe here is actually more to do with paid upgrades than
free ones.

I don't remember this community pitching a fit when Microsoft released
service packs 1, 2, or 3 for XP when they came out. I'm sure most
people thought updating was a good idea. Now, if we come around to the
idea of paying for Windows 7 its an absolute, "no way Jose. Upgrading
is bad." Maybe the real problem here is not upgrading, but the cost of
investing in the upgrade?


On 12/13/11, Hayden Presley  wrote:

D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, when
they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

I aggree tom.
Unfortunately with the vista issue and the fact ms has loads of 
security issues with its earlier oses and some other things I can't 
remember as well as their suing nature, people are not likely to 
forget their crappyness even if they are trying.

When Avg stuffed v9 access I switched to ms security.
I have no desire to go back.
I lost most of the control in what the program did but got interfated 
updates into the os, and almost no false alarms.
The ability not to ever have to touch the program unless it gave me 
an alert and instant access.
And ms is not all that bad to be honest, they just have a bit of a 
reputation of making good software then breaking it totally.

At 07:35 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:
If I have to wait for 10 years to make an upgrade that I, as well as 
everyone else, can use, that is for the most part bug free, that is 
stable and reliable, and that has feature worth the upgrade, that 
would be far more preferable than being given a buggy new OS every 2 
years that has to gradually be molded into what it should have been 
in the first place. Products that work as they should say a lot for 
the company that produces them, and products that don't speak just 
as loudly for the company that produces them, whether it be a PC, an 
OS, or a game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Dallas O'Brien" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years 
for a new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others 
are? because, think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are 
still finding bugs with it!


On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I 
right in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked 
out?  And was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came 
out?  One thing I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on 
continually coming out with a new OS time and time again, is that 
they quit rushing them to market before the bugs are worked out, 
and give us a solid stable product that has thoroughly been tested 
and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and 
I know it would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it 
would sure do a lot to regain the credibility they once had, and 
it would also be more readily received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular: I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 
years down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 
the new PC to

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to 
handle the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
I know I'm not a moderator, but...

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:37 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
updatedLone Wolf

Yeah its more stable, I have hardly had a crash on my brother's system.
This morning after upgrading supernova did not want to start and I 
had to restart a couple times to get it working again.
Explorer also likes to crash especially if I  shove large files from 
drive to drive, and I have to restart it, that does not always take 
things down, sometimes ie likes to crash to.
At 08:13 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi ?Dallas,
>Good point. I almost forgot about that, but the way they now handle
>system processes does make the OS more stable and reliable than prior
>versions. The new task manager is a lot more effective when you can
>stop and restart Explorer without rebooting the system or it taking
>the entire system with it is great.I'd never go back to XP, because
>there are really things like that which makes upgrading worthwhile.
>On 12/13/11, Dallas O'Brien  wrote:
> > ahaha. yeah. and thats why i love 7. because they have devided
> > processes, so even if one thing gos, the hole system don't go with it.
> > unlike xp.
> > and an interesting point for you. in 8, they have added a function to
> > the task manager. and that is, if you highlight the explorer.exe, you
> > can for restart it. better way of doing things, instead of using a
> > command prompt to kill it off, and reboot it.
> > dallas
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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

Yeah its more stable, I have hardly had a crash on my brother's system.
This morning after upgrading supernova did not want to start and I 
had to restart a couple times to get it working again.
Explorer also likes to crash especially if I  shove large files from 
drive to drive, and I have to restart it, that does not always take 
things down, sometimes ie likes to crash to.

At 08:13 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi ?Dallas,

Good point. I almost forgot about that, but the way they now handle
system processes does make the OS more stable and reliable than prior
versions. The new task manager is a lot more effective when you can
stop and restart Explorer without rebooting the system or it taking
the entire system with it is great.I'd never go back to XP, because
there are really things like that which makes upgrading worthwhile.


On 12/13/11, Dallas O'Brien  wrote:
> ahaha. yeah. and thats why i love 7. because they have devided
> processes, so even if one thing gos, the hole system don't go with it.
> unlike xp.
> and an interesting point for you. in 8, they have added a function to
> the task manager. and that is, if you highlight the explorer.exe, you
> can for restart it. better way of doing things, instead of using a
> command prompt to kill it off, and reboot it.
> dallas

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss
Well when I switch to 7 I plan to get classic shell, since that looks 
like it will be the best way to get best of both worlds.
Now all I need is a sound recorder that is like the one in xp but 
better, audacity is ok but another free something would rock.

sound recorder in win7 is a bit busy in my opinion.
At 08:04 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0500, you wrote:

Hi Charles,

Yes, in some respects Vista is better than XP in certain areas like
security, better graphics technology, support for blue ray movies,
etc. However, there is no arguing that Microsoft rushed the release of
Vista, the initial release was unstable, and it cost Microsoft a lot
of respect and credibility. Microsoft had to release Windows 7 quickly
to address a number of issues in Vista to hopefully regain the trust
and support of their user base. That said, I think Microsoft has
learned from their mistakes because Windows 7 is far more stable than
Vista, runs much better on the same hardware, and is the operating
system Microsoft should have released instead of Vista. Plus as I've
said I've had some experience with the new Windows 8 development beta
and it seems to be very rock solid stable for a beta. So while
Microsoft did make a catastrophic mistake with Vista its not likely
one they are going to make again any time soon.

You are certainly right in saying Microsoft should be more careful to
test their new software for stability and reliability, and I think
they are now doing that with Windows 7 and Windows 8 respectfully.
When Vista was released companies like Del, HP, Compaq, ran two
different lines of PCS one with Vista and one with Windows XP.
Marketing serveys clearly showed that the systems running Windows XP
out sold those with Vista on them. Too make matters worse Del and some
other manufacturers actually began shipping PCs preloaded with Linux
on them which further cut into Microsoft's Vista market. Apple's sales
of Mac OS X nearly doubled between 2007 and 2008. It couldn't have
been more clear to Microsoft that Vista was a complete failure. Do you
honestly expect them to repete that mistake again?

I for one don't think so. I've seen Windows 7 and Windows 8 first-hand
and both are huge improvements over Windows Vista. They both are also
better than XP in a number of areas as well.

For example, Microsoft SAPI 5.4--which comes with Windows 7---has some
improvements over SAPI 5.1. Improved speech recognition, Microsoft
Anna is better than Sam, support for real time ssml tagging for
realistic speech output, etc.

The ability to pin applications to the taskbar for quick reference. As
Valiant mentioned if an application like Internet Explorer is pinned
to the taskbar you can press a keyboard combo like Windows+1 from
anywhere in Windows and immediately jump to that window without having
to alt+tab through every open window on the desktop.

Windows Explorer now has improved backup features such as the ability
to burn data cds, music cds, data dvds, and convert unencrypted movie
files to video dvds. This saves the Windows 7 user the cost of having
to purchase Roxio DVD Creator, Nero Burning Rom, etc. You only need
something like Nero for advanced cd and dvd creation tasks.

Microsoft's DirectX 11 API is a huge leap forward in 3d graphics for
games and other applications. XAudio2 has a number of key advantages
over DirectSound including true 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound support,
the ability to submix sounds in real time, better handling of custom
DSP effects, etc. XInput allows you to share game devices between your
XBox 360 and your Windows 7 PC.

In terms of hardware Windows 7 supports more ram and hard drive space
than Windows XP. If memory serves me correctly Windows XP was only
designed to support up to 4 GB of ram where the 64-bit version of
Windows 7 can support up to 128 GB of ram. While it sounds like that
much ram is unecessary the fact of the matter is that high definition
video such as realistic 3d graphics rendering and blue ray video
technology is upping the hardware requirements on memory and file size
every day. It probably won't be that long before games and home movies
needs 50 GB of ram to run the way we are going with realistic graphics
and video technology. Already most Play Station and XBox games ship on
a blue ray dvd because they are 20 to 25 GB in size. Most of that size
is do to high definition video clips, 3d graphics, and high definition
audio files.

Moral of the story is the more we lean torwards high definition
multimedia the more CPU power and memory it takes to run it. Something
like 128 GB of memory sounds rediculous now, but looking ahead I can
clearly see a day when software developers will need it to meet the
needs of high definition multimedia tomorrow. Therefore what Microsoft
is doing with Windows 7 is looking ahead at what is needed to support
this or that higher end multimedia and meet those demands in a newer
flashier OS, and its not simply a case of just upgrade XP because that
doesn't necessarily work w

Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread shaun everiss

we almost need skinable oses, office, etc like winamp.
Then we can install what we want.
So windows should start with a bare bones interface then once we have 
sound, etc we can actually load the interface ourselves.
I myself would like an event with ambient sound that plays one sound 
constantly, and have each key on the keyboard make a sound, enter 
make a sound, menus, etc as well as the other things when you open 
programs, etc, maybe have programs make their own sound.
Then I could run my system like a trek ship or something, I am not 
sure how distracting it could be though but still.

At 07:03 p.m. 13/12/2011 -0600, you wrote:

Wait...wait...go back. You are suggesting Microsoft make available the
ribbon interface and menubarsat the same time? All right: that's all well
and good. But what if they develop a third interface. Thenyou just tack that
onto the list of interfaces, right? Then a fourth? And a fifth? We keep
complaining that Windows is getting more and more bloated, but what about
this kind of thing?
Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Michael Gauler
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features in future

Windows operating systems or other programs.
But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often good for
all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force design
I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on which
screen reader can best handle it.
I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface and
removed the old interface instead of having them both in the product for
every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow skins or
skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user created
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had several
sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office pre 2007 and when

the new products came out they also had problems adapting and getting to
figure out the new interface and they could see and use the mouse properly
compared to us blind people.
And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included in an
operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during first
installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use a blank one).
For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even if it
became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a few older
Windows versions.

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[Audyssey] Moderator Let's Get Back on Topic

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello everyone,

Ok, it is time to get the list back on topic. I initially allowed the
technology debate to continue as long as I have as I felt it would be
helpful or instructive for gamers to here all sides of the issue.
Especially, since upgrading from XP to Windows 7 and Windows 8 may
have an effect on the future of accessible gaming. However, after
having just read a bunch of e-mails where the same points of view were
being repeted over and over again in a circular and unending argument
without resolution its just time to agree to disagree and get back to

Bottom line, weather you agree or disagree with where Microsoft is
going with their Windows OS here isn't the proper place to debate the
point. If you really want to be heard, to have a voice in what
Microsoft does, then you have to pay to become a MSDN subscriber, sign
up for Microsoft's Windows beta testing program, and speak directly to
the Microsoft developers who are in a position to make changes in the
next Windows OS. If you simply don't care to do that or have no desire
to upgrade then don't. We do not need to have a long winded discussion
on the issue, because right or wrong, good or bad, for better or
worse, we have no control over the companies that produce our
computers, write the software, and set market trends. Complaining
about it serves no purpose that I can see. So let's give it a rest,
and get back on topic.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble

That is right! No one here is twisting your arm to upgrade nor do they care!

At 08:37 PM 12/13/2011, you wrote:

Obviously you have not had to buy said Operating Systems, so I don't
understand why you are still griping. To be honest I'm tired of you pressing
the same point over and over again. Let me put it this way: you don't want
to upgrade, don't do it.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:35 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

If I have to wait for 10 years to make an upgrade that I, as well as
everyone else, can use, that is for the most part bug free, that is stable
and reliable, and that has feature worth the upgrade, that would be far more

preferable than being given a buggy new OS every 2 years that has to
gradually be molded into what it should have been in the first place.
Products that work as they should say a lot for the company that produces
them, and products that don't speak just as loudly for the company that
produces them, whether it be a PC, an OS, or a game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message -
From: "Dallas O'Brien" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

> yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years for a
> new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others are? because,

> think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are still finding bugs with
> it!
> dallas
> On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
>> Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in

>> that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was
>> Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I
>> would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a
>> new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market
>> before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that
>> has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather
>> than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be
>> massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of time and effort,
>> but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility they once had, and
>> it would also be more readily received by the customers.
>> ---
>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward"
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
>> updated Lone Wolf
>>> Hi Charles and all,
>>> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
>>> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
>>> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
>>> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
>>> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
>>> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
>>> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
>>> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
>>> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
>>> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
>>> Cheers!
>>> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
 Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:
 buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have

 buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't

 loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and

 need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years
 down the
 road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new
 PC to
 be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
 years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
 one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to
 Microsoft, I
 have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle
 the new
 technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble

How about preaching that to FREEDOM SCIENTIFIC!

At 08:35 PM 12/13/2011, you wrote:
If I have to wait for 10 years to make an upgrade that I, as well as 
everyone else, can use, that is for the most part bug free, that is 
stable and reliable, and that has feature worth the upgrade, that 
would be far more preferable than being given a buggy new OS every 2 
years that has to gradually be molded into what it should have been 
in the first place. Products that work as they should say a lot for 
the company that produces them, and products that don't speak just 
as loudly for the company that produces them, whether it be a PC, an 
OS, or a game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Dallas O'Brien" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years 
for a new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others 
are? because, think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are 
still finding bugs with it!


On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I 
right in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked 
out?  And was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came 
out?  One thing I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on 
continually coming out with a new OS time and time again, is that 
they quit rushing them to market before the bugs are worked out, 
and give us a solid stable product that has thoroughly been tested 
and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and 
I know it would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it 
would sure do a lot to regain the credibility they once had, and 
it would also be more readily received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular: I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 
years down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 
the new PC to

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to 
handle the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
Think they really learned? Anyone remember win me? XP was the fix for 
that mess, but XP pro was the best for long running.

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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Charles Rivard
One of the points is that they don't need another new interface unless they 
replace the darned ribbon interface with something that everyone, on an 
equal basis, can use.  The pulldown menu interface worked for everyone, and 
it should have been left alone.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Hayden Presley" 

To: "'Gamers Discussion list'" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdated 
Lone Wolf

Wait...wait...go back. You are suggesting Microsoft make available the
ribbon interface and menubarsat the same time? All right: that's all well
and good. But what if they develop a third interface. Thenyou just tack 

onto the list of interfaces, right? Then a fourth? And a fifth? We keep
complaining that Windows is getting more and more bloated, but what about
this kind of thing?
Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Michael Gauler
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features in 

Windows operating systems or other programs.
But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often good for
all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force design
I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on which
screen reader can best handle it.
I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface and
removed the old interface instead of having them both in the product for
every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow skins or
skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user created
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had several
sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office pre 2007 and 

the new products came out they also had problems adapting and getting to
figure out the new interface and they could see and use the mouse properly
compared to us blind people.
And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included in an
operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during first
installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use a blank 

For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even if it
became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a few older
Windows versions.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
Obviously you have not had to buy said Operating Systems, so I don't
understand why you are still griping. To be honest I'm tired of you pressing
the same point over and over again. Let me put it this way: you don't want
to upgrade, don't do it.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:35 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

If I have to wait for 10 years to make an upgrade that I, as well as 
everyone else, can use, that is for the most part bug free, that is stable 
and reliable, and that has feature worth the upgrade, that would be far more

preferable than being given a buggy new OS every 2 years that has to 
gradually be molded into what it should have been in the first place. 
Products that work as they should say a lot for the company that produces 
them, and products that don't speak just as loudly for the company that 
produces them, whether it be a PC, an OS, or a game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dallas O'Brien" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

> yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years for a 
> new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others are? because,

> think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are still finding bugs with 
> it!
> dallas
> On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
>> Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in

>> that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was 
>> Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I 
>> would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a 
>> new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market 
>> before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that 
>> has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather 
>> than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be 
>> massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of time and effort, 
>> but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility they once had, and 
>> it would also be more readily received by the customers.
>> ---
>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
>> updated Lone Wolf
>>> Hi Charles and all,
>>> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
>>> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
>>> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
>>> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
>>> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
>>> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
>>> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
>>> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
>>> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
>>> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
>>> Cheers!
>>> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
 Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular: 
 buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have

 buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't

 loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and

 need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
 down the
 road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new 
 PC to
 be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
 years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
 one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
 Microsoft, I
 have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
 the new
 technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Bryan Peterson
AllI care about with a new OS is that it works more often than not and that 
I can play the games I enjoy.

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

Hi Hayden,

Lol! You've got a good point there. Plus I'll add a comment to yours.
People here are talking about how rock solid stable XP is, how good it
is, but do they have a short term memory or something?

Back in 2001 when I first got XP the OS was extremely unstable. It
chrashed constantly, and everyone back then was calling XP a piece of
crap. It wasn't until service pack 1 came out before it became widely
considered to be safe to use, and it didn't really become extremely
stable until service pack 2 came along. Now, we are into the third
service pack, and of course its stable and reliable now. That's 10
years of updates, bug fixes, and changes to make it that way. So I
think the gripe here is actually more to do with paid upgrades than
free ones.

I don't remember this community pitching a fit when Microsoft released
service packs 1, 2, or 3 for XP when they came out. I'm sure most
people thought updating was a good idea. Now, if we come around to the
idea of paying for Windows 7 its an absolute, "no way Jose. Upgrading
is bad." Maybe the real problem here is not upgrading, but the cost of
investing in the upgrade?


On 12/13/11, Hayden Presley  wrote:

D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, 

they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Charles Rivard
If I have to wait for 10 years to make an upgrade that I, as well as 
everyone else, can use, that is for the most part bug free, that is stable 
and reliable, and that has feature worth the upgrade, that would be far more 
preferable than being given a buggy new OS every 2 years that has to 
gradually be molded into what it should have been in the first place. 
Products that work as they should say a lot for the company that produces 
them, and products that don't speak just as loudly for the company that 
produces them, whether it be a PC, an OS, or a game.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dallas O'Brien" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years for a 
new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others are? because, 
think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are still finding bugs with 


On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in 
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was 
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I 
would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a 
new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market 
before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that 
has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather 
than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be 
massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of time and effort, 
but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility they once had, and 
it would also be more readily received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular: 
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and 
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new 
PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Hayden,

Lol! You've got a good point there. Plus I'll add a comment to yours.
People here are talking about how rock solid stable XP is, how good it
is, but do they have a short term memory or something?

Back in 2001 when I first got XP the OS was extremely unstable. It
chrashed constantly, and everyone back then was calling XP a piece of
crap. It wasn't until service pack 1 came out before it became widely
considered to be safe to use, and it didn't really become extremely
stable until service pack 2 came along. Now, we are into the third
service pack, and of course its stable and reliable now. That's 10
years of updates, bug fixes, and changes to make it that way. So I
think the gripe here is actually more to do with paid upgrades than
free ones.

I don't remember this community pitching a fit when Microsoft released
service packs 1, 2, or 3 for XP when they came out. I'm sure most
people thought updating was a good idea. Now, if we come around to the
idea of paying for Windows 7 its an absolute, "no way Jose. Upgrading
is bad." Maybe the real problem here is not upgrading, but the cost of
investing in the upgrade?


On 12/13/11, Hayden Presley  wrote:
> HI,
> D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, when
> they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
> made XP? Possibly, it was an update?
> Best Regards,
> Hayden

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
Christopher, I'm hoping that the missions will bring about the much needed 
challenges our more experienced players are seeking.

> True Darren, but a good game enforces
> choices, each of which is significant.
> No choice should be inconsequential and no situation should
> occur that is
> not affected by a choice.  I don't know about others,
> but I've now reached
> the point where death is rare unless I royally screw up or
> intentionally
> play a bit madly, and I'd like more challenge that the game
> presents, rather
> than artificial constraints I place on myself.
>     Chris Bartlett

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
me either. i kept xp around for a bit, but eventually, i have changed 
over to 7 and above only now. on all three windows laptops i have.


On 14/12/2011 11:13, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi ?Dallas,

Good point. I almost forgot about that, but the way they now handle
system processes does make the OS more stable and reliable than prior
versions. The new task manager is a lot more effective when you can
stop and restart Explorer without rebooting the system or it taking
the entire system with it is great.I'd never go back to XP, because
there are really things like that which makes upgrading worthwhile.


On 12/13/11, Dallas O'Brien  wrote:

ahaha. yeah. and thats why i love 7. because they have devided
processes, so even if one thing gos, the hole system don't go with it.
unlike xp.
and an interesting point for you. in 8, they have added a function to
the task manager. and that is, if you highlight the explorer.exe, you
can for restart it. better way of doing things, instead of using a
command prompt to kill it off, and reboot it.

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi ?Dallas,

Good point. I almost forgot about that, but the way they now handle
system processes does make the OS more stable and reliable than prior
versions. The new task manager is a lot more effective when you can
stop and restart Explorer without rebooting the system or it taking
the entire system with it is great.I'd never go back to XP, because
there are really things like that which makes upgrading worthwhile.


On 12/13/11, Dallas O'Brien  wrote:
> ahaha. yeah. and thats why i love 7. because they have devided
> processes, so even if one thing gos, the hole system don't go with it.
> unlike xp.
> and an interesting point for you. in 8, they have added a function to
> the task manager. and that is, if you highlight the explorer.exe, you
> can for restart it. better way of doing things, instead of using a
> command prompt to kill it off, and reboot it.
> dallas

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Allison.
Do you know what the button left of the cast spell button is?
And when you are walking around does it show visual?

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Yes, in some respects Vista is better than XP in certain areas like
security, better graphics technology, support for blue ray movies,
etc. However, there is no arguing that Microsoft rushed the release of
Vista, the initial release was unstable, and it cost Microsoft a lot
of respect and credibility. Microsoft had to release Windows 7 quickly
to address a number of issues in Vista to hopefully regain the trust
and support of their user base. That said, I think Microsoft has
learned from their mistakes because Windows 7 is far more stable than
Vista, runs much better on the same hardware, and is the operating
system Microsoft should have released instead of Vista. Plus as I've
said I've had some experience with the new Windows 8 development beta
and it seems to be very rock solid stable for a beta. So while
Microsoft did make a catastrophic mistake with Vista its not likely
one they are going to make again any time soon.

You are certainly right in saying Microsoft should be more careful to
test their new software for stability and reliability, and I think
they are now doing that with Windows 7 and Windows 8 respectfully.
When Vista was released companies like Del, HP, Compaq, ran two
different lines of PCS one with Vista and one with Windows XP.
Marketing serveys clearly showed that the systems running Windows XP
out sold those with Vista on them. Too make matters worse Del and some
other manufacturers actually began shipping PCs preloaded with Linux
on them which further cut into Microsoft's Vista market. Apple's sales
of Mac OS X nearly doubled between 2007 and 2008. It couldn't have
been more clear to Microsoft that Vista was a complete failure. Do you
honestly expect them to repete that mistake again?

I for one don't think so. I've seen Windows 7 and Windows 8 first-hand
and both are huge improvements over Windows Vista. They both are also
better than XP in a number of areas as well.

For example, Microsoft SAPI 5.4--which comes with Windows 7---has some
improvements over SAPI 5.1. Improved speech recognition, Microsoft
Anna is better than Sam, support for real time ssml tagging for
realistic speech output, etc.

The ability to pin applications to the taskbar for quick reference. As
Valiant mentioned if an application like Internet Explorer is pinned
to the taskbar you can press a keyboard combo like Windows+1 from
anywhere in Windows and immediately jump to that window without having
to alt+tab through every open window on the desktop.

Windows Explorer now has improved backup features such as the ability
to burn data cds, music cds, data dvds, and convert unencrypted movie
files to video dvds. This saves the Windows 7 user the cost of having
to purchase Roxio DVD Creator, Nero Burning Rom, etc. You only need
something like Nero for advanced cd and dvd creation tasks.

Microsoft's DirectX 11 API is a huge leap forward in 3d graphics for
games and other applications. XAudio2 has a number of key advantages
over DirectSound including true 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound support,
the ability to submix sounds in real time, better handling of custom
DSP effects, etc. XInput allows you to share game devices between your
XBox 360 and your Windows 7 PC.

In terms of hardware Windows 7 supports more ram and hard drive space
than Windows XP. If memory serves me correctly Windows XP was only
designed to support up to 4 GB of ram where the 64-bit version of
Windows 7 can support up to 128 GB of ram. While it sounds like that
much ram is unecessary the fact of the matter is that high definition
video such as realistic 3d graphics rendering and blue ray video
technology is upping the hardware requirements on memory and file size
every day. It probably won't be that long before games and home movies
needs 50 GB of ram to run the way we are going with realistic graphics
and video technology. Already most Play Station and XBox games ship on
a blue ray dvd because they are 20 to 25 GB in size. Most of that size
is do to high definition video clips, 3d graphics, and high definition
audio files.

Moral of the story is the more we lean torwards high definition
multimedia the more CPU power and memory it takes to run it. Something
like 128 GB of memory sounds rediculous now, but looking ahead I can
clearly see a day when software developers will need it to meet the
needs of high definition multimedia tomorrow. Therefore what Microsoft
is doing with Windows 7 is looking ahead at what is needed to support
this or that higher end multimedia and meet those demands in a newer
flashier OS, and its not simply a case of just upgrade XP because that
doesn't necessarily work when an entire API or technology has to be
rewritten from scratch to meet the demands of newer technologies
coming down the line. Plus Microsoft probably has reached the peak
number of sales for XP so aren't likely to make anything off of
rewriting what needs to be done to XP to upgrade it to meet current
marketing demands and release  A free service pa

Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
Wait...wait...go back. You are suggesting Microsoft make available the
ribbon interface and menubarsat the same time? All right: that's all well
and good. But what if they develop a third interface. Thenyou just tack that
onto the list of interfaces, right? Then a fourth? And a fifth? We keep
complaining that Windows is getting more and more bloated, but what about
this kind of thing?
Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Michael Gauler
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 10:01 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Hi Thomas,
I personally are also not against new technologies or new features in future

Windows operating systems or other programs.
But I'd like to adress a few points as well.
If a company wants to improove their software, then this is often good for 
all users and not because security might be better.
But what I often don't get is why people think it is time to force design 
I know of the ribbon interface of MS Office products and such.
I don't have used them (Office 2007 or 2010) thus I won't comment on which 
screen reader can best handle it.
I also know that every major upgrade brings new features as well.
But what I don't get is why MS did come up with the new interface and 
removed the old interface instead of having them both in the product for 
every person sighted or not to choose the design of their product.
I mean, why do programs like Winamp or Windows Media Player allow skins or 
skin packs?
The players ship with a standard interface, but are open for user created 
Besides I had a sighted teacher who personally told me that he had several 
sighted friends and colleagues who were users of MS Office pre 2007 and when

the new products came out they also had problems adapting and getting to 
figure out the new interface and they could see and use the mouse properly 
compared to us blind people.
And about screen readers like Voice Over or Narrator.
It would be good if thoose could be improoved.
But what I still don't get is why any assistive technology included in an 
operating system (windows mostly) cannot be used to aid during first 
installation (when you format your hard drive or when you use a blank one).
For years there was nothing short of a sighted person to help even if it 
became a bit easier with unattended installations of XP and a few older 
Windows versions. 

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
ahaha. yeah. and thats why i love 7. because they have devided 
processes, so even if one thing gos, the hole system don't go with it. 
unlike xp.
and an interesting point for you. in 8, they have added a function to 
the task manager. and that is, if you highlight the explorer.exe, you 
can for restart it. better way of doing things, instead of using a 
command prompt to kill it off, and reboot it.


On 14/12/2011 10:51, john wrote:
I don't know about this, windows seven was preety darn stable when I 
got it in 2009. It took some serious messing around to get the thing 
to get even remotely unstable, we're talking kill off explorer here.

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Rivard" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I 

like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a new OS
time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market before the
bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that has 

been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and I 
know it
would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it would sure do 
a lot
to regain the credibility they once had, and it would also be more 

received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Ward" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
not beeing funny, but most games of this kind can take a while to get 
good at. you die a lot to start with. thats how it is. that makes you 
better. you don't generally go out and buy a game from a shop, come 
home, and be able to do everything and survive everything in the first 
hour. sometimes, it can take weeks to get the hang of it! i agree, we 
don't want things to hard, but we do have to have some dificulty there, 
otherwise it becomes boring. anyways, its a work in progress, so plenty 
of time to make it better.
and another thing, i agree, sometimes games aren't perfectly real. but 
it does make things cool. but, as has been said, this is a game. and not 
all games are totally real. and there could even be a reason why it was 
done that way past that. and as i said, its the only one thats out of 
joint with the ammo. the rest are dead on.


On 14/12/2011 10:51, john wrote:
Very well said. Something else I'd like to point out, while people are 
talking about more things to make the game tougher, what about the new 
players we're trying to draw in?

- Original Message -
From: "Johnny Tai" not used to it. And that's against logs, unmoving logs, so now we're 

up against not just zombies, but in some case, very big and scary things,
like a tyrant, and you just get close to it and swing that axe as if it
So, while a game need a certain ground in logic and realism, it's 

to stretch reality too far in a purely unreal game.

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Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events

2011-12-13 Thread James Howard
have to say, I've been happy with alter sense I started playing again,
its come a long way from what it used to be.
Its honestly a game I enjoy playing a few hours a day.
you can find me on there as Kanon.

On 12/13/11, john  wrote:
> Thank you so much for that link! I personally find the boards
> rather confusing, so that was a big help. I'm going to type out
> my idea on my notetaker now, and send it as soon as I get back.
> Once again, you rule!
>  - Original Message -
> From: Dennis Towne  To: Gamers Discussion list  Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:24:48 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events
> John,
> Sometimes I don't know how to manage it either :)
> It's probably easiest to check the in-game boards, you can either
> 'board set 8' and then read shadowfax's post, or here's a direct
> link
> to it on the web:
> 1
> Dennis Towne
> Alter Aeon MUD
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 11:54 AM, john 
> wrote:
>  All hale Dentin! How you manage to do all this and make a new
> class and keep
>  up with life I have absolutely no idea. Keep it up!
>  As far as the object creation contest goes, can you explain this
> a little
>  more, or should I just check the boards when I get back home?
>  - Original Message -
>  From: Dennis Towne   To: Gamers Discussion list   Date sent: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:15:01 -0500
>  Subject: [Audyssey] Alter Aeon year end events
>  Everyone,
>  We'd like to welcome you all to the year-end celebration at
> Alter Aeon!
>  Starting on the 21st of December and going through new years
> eve, we
>  plan to have a number of things going on:
>  - The release of a new low level area near Indira
>  As part of our ongoing efforts to give level 8-12 players more
> quests
>  and areas to explore, we'll be opening a brand new area north of
> the
>  Old Indira Forest on the island of Kordan.
>  - A major update to the troll caves on Archais
>  Originally created over 15 years ago, the troll caves were
> recently
>  taken offline and given a major makeover. 쟙e'll be officially
> opening
>  the updated area, which should now be suitable for levels 24-30.
>  - The release of a new high level stone giant area west of
> Finspang
>  This area, created by the original builder of the Undead City of
>  Jo'Kerin, shows a different side of stone giants. 쟅f you're
> only
>  familiar with the giants that reside in the Ash Mountains,
> you'll be
>  surprised.
>  - An object creation contest, open to everyone (this is
> currently
>  running and submissions will close on Dec 23rd)
>  - Daily gifts will be given out to everyone who logs in!
>  - Several different minor contests and activities similar to the
>  famous Halloween Pumpkin Cannon
>  We'll also be running sales on various credit purchases in game
> if
>  you're into that sort of thing.
>  I'll mail out a more detailed schedule closer to the 21st. 쟙e
> hope to
>  see you there!
>  Dennis Towne
>  Alter Aeon MUD
>  ---
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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john
I get 15-20 seconds from power button to jaws being loaded on my 
laptop for win7. If win8 is that fast, it might be worth looking 
into the beta, even with the ribbons.

- Original Message -
From: Dallas O'Brien Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updatedLone Wolf

its much the same. and you can turn off the metro interface. that 

back the 7 start menu.
and yes, keyboard stuff is exactly the same. its not that 
different. the
touch interface is beeing pushed because a lot of people these 
don't use pc's or laptops. they use tablets. so windows 8 is 
that hard. but its not the end all and be all of the new windows 
to come.
still feels mostly the same, except faster. win 7 boots from 0 
power to
desktop in about 70 seconds on most systems, bit faster on 
others. win 8
boots to desktop from 0 power in about 15 seconds on my netbook, 

about 8 seconds on my notebook

On 14/12/2011 10:41, Hayden Presley wrote:
What exactly is new? All I really saw was the new touchscreen
the keyboard still accessible? And if so, what would someone 
using it be

able to nitice different? Besides, of course,the ribbons.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On

Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:18 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updated

Lone Wolf

lol. yep. exactly.
and just cause its an update, don't make it bad! i am playing 
windows 8 at the moment, and although, yes, there are some 
things i

don't like, on the hole, its a major major improvement!
updating is the way to go. upwards and onwards!

On 14/12/2011 10:13, Hayden Presley wrote:
D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating 
is bad,

they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I 
wonder how MS

made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On

Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 

Lone Wolf

besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a 
bug free
operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of 
lines of
code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. 

they had time to sort a lot of things out.

On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I 
in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  
was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One 
I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming 
with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing 
them to
market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid 
product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable 
reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know 
task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous 
amount of
time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the 

they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward"
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 

updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows 
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced 
a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware 
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same 
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the 
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your 
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge 
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments 
like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two 

or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard   wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If 

have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, 

can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new 

and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 

down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 

new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more 

OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years 


Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread john
I don't know about this, windows seven was preety darn stable 
when I got it in 2009. It took some serious messing around to get 
the thing to get even remotely unstable, we're talking kill off 
explorer here.

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Rivard" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updatedLone Wolf

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I 
right in
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  
And was
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One 
thing I would
like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with 
a new OS
time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market 
before the
bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that has 
been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and 
I know it
would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it would 
sure do a lot
to regain the credibility they once had, and it would also be 
more readily

received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Ward" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
an updated

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows 
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced 
a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware 
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same 
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the 
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your 
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge 
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments 
like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two 

or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If 
I have

buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, 
it can't

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new 
OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 
years down

road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought 
the new PC

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more 
demanding OS.

years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years 

one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 

have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to 
handle the

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread john
Very well said. Something else I'd like to point out, while 
people are talking about more things to make the game tougher, 
what about the new players we're trying to draw in?

- Original Message -
From: "Johnny Tai" I always figure it's strange people talk about reality in games 
such as
this- you're wondering around, shooting dead people with heavy 
weapons you'd never encounter in your RL life- unless you're real 

there's no "reality" in it lol.
Even the axe, for example, is not realistic- any of you who 
chopped woods
before would know how tough it is to swing an axe- especially 
when you're
not used to it. And that's against logs, unmoving logs, so now 
we're going
up against not just zombies, but in some case, very big and scary 
like a tyrant, and you just get close to it and swing that axe as 
if it

So, while a game need a certain ground in logic and realism, it's 

to stretch reality too far in a purely unreal game.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread john
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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
its much the same. and you can turn off the metro interface. that brings 
back the 7 start menu.
and yes, keyboard stuff is exactly the same. its not that different. the 
touch interface is beeing pushed because a lot of people these days 
don't use pc's or laptops. they use tablets. so windows 8 is pushing 
that hard. but its not the end all and be all of the new windows to come.
still feels mostly the same, except faster. win 7 boots from 0 power to 
desktop in about 70 seconds on most systems, bit faster on others. win 8 
boots to desktop from 0 power in about 15 seconds on my netbook, and 
about 8 seconds on my notebook


On 14/12/2011 10:41, Hayden Presley wrote:

What exactly is new? All I really saw was the new touchscreen
the keyboard still accessible? And if so, what would someone using it be
able to nitice different? Besides, of course,the ribbons.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:18 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

lol. yep. exactly.
and just cause its an update, don't make it bad! i am playing with
windows 8 at the moment, and although, yes, there are some things i
don't like, on the hole, its a major major improvement!
updating is the way to go. upwards and onwards!

On 14/12/2011 10:13, Hayden Presley wrote:

D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad,


they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an


Lone Wolf

besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free
operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of
code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because
they had time to sort a lot of things out.

On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right
in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And
was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing
I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out
with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to
market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable
product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and
reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the
task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of
time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility
they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward"

To: "Gamers Discussion list"
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard   wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I
have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it
can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS,
and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years
down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the
new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding
OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle
the new
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] swamp suggestion: more weapons - or weapon upgrades

2011-12-13 Thread lenron brown
that is some grate ideas

On 12/12/11, Johnny Tai  wrote:
> What if, say you use a pistol at lev1, I assume this is a beretta, say at
> lev3, you can upgrade to a Ceska Scorpion- or some form of machine pistol,
> and at lev7, up grade to a magnum- alot of damage but can't use silencer.
> Something like that?
> Also thinking we need a knife- maybe a bit lesser damaging than axe but can
> hit faster?
> Also, it'd be nice to be able to upgrade an mp5 or assault rifle with sound
> suppressor, or bayonet for the rifles.
> ---
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> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
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> please send E-mail to

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Jeremy Kaldobsky
The axe bug is another one I intend to fix, but just haven't had the time yet.

When it comes to finding duplicate guns, this was specifically designed as an 
incentive to adventure out with less than an armful of guns.  If you had 1 of 
every gun, you have absolutely no chance to find another gun which would donate 
in to a good amount of reputation.  If however you donate half of your guns 
then you have a chance of finding new versions of those guns that will be worth 
a lot.

If you have a favorite gun that you want a backup of, you can always buy a 
second one at the Safe Zone.  That should work in case it is broken by a zombie.

> Ok, the first thing I speak on is
> the  axe bug. I don't know how this
> works, but if you switch from the axe to something that
> needs
> reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you
> reload that
> thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how
> you lose
> your axe.
> Now for something different. Many who know the characters
> Slade and
> Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people
> that death, as
> a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly
> hold to
> that, and I only point out how much it means to me now,
> because I
> think that you should regain your starting supply of
> equipment each
> time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight
> rounds in your
> pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really
> isn't
> much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you
> get on
> death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate
> stuff and
> go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will,
> and there's
> technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting
> with a
> little something will prevent the ease of just dying again
> that many
> experience on death.
> Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was
> configured to allow
> only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made
> sense, as
> you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into
> ammo. Now,
> with the exception of the pistol, which seems so
> rediculously common
> that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and
> everyone gets one
> no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their
> respective
> ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an
> assault
> rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go,
> in the safe
> zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you
> won't get it.
> Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but
> honestly
> you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I
> suggest
> therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to
> pick up
> seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that
> if your
> primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In
> fact, hitting
> the number key a number of times might switch to that
> weapon, so say
> you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to
> scattershot,
> you could hit the three key three times and get to your
> scattershot
> weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup
> might be
> nice.
> Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone
> should be fully
> loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of
> the m60 or
> minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but
> it's really
> worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the
> guns you find
> in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if
> nothing else.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
What exactly is new? All I really saw was the new touchscreen
the keyboard still accessible? And if so, what would someone using it be
able to nitice different? Besides, of course,the ribbons.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:18 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

lol. yep. exactly.
and just cause its an update, don't make it bad! i am playing with 
windows 8 at the moment, and although, yes, there are some things i 
don't like, on the hole, its a major major improvement!
updating is the way to go. upwards and onwards!

On 14/12/2011 10:13, Hayden Presley wrote:
> D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad,
> they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
> made XP? Possibly, it was an update?
> Best Regards,
> Hayden
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
> To: Gamers Discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
> Lone Wolf
> besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free
> operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of
> code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because
> they had time to sort a lot of things out.
> dallas
> On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
>> Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right
>> in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And
>> was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing
>> I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out
>> with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to
>> market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable
>> product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and
>> reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the
>> task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of
>> time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility
>> they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the
>> customers.
>> ---
>> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward"
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list"
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
>> updated Lone Wolf
>>> Hi Charles and all,
>>> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
>>> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
>>> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
>>> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
>>> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
>>> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
>>> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
>>> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
>>> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
>>> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
>>> Cheers!
>>> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
 Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in
 particular:  I
 buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I
 have to
 buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it
 can't be
 loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS,
 and I
 need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years
 down the
 road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the
 new PC to
 be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding
 OS. Two
 years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
 one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to
 Microsoft, I
 have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle
 the new
 technology.  This! is! crap!

 Gamers mailing list __
 If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
 You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
 All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of
 the list,
 please send E-mail

Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien

lol. yep. exactly.
and just cause its an update, don't make it bad! i am playing with 
windows 8 at the moment, and although, yes, there are some things i 
don't like, on the hole, its a major major improvement!

updating is the way to go. upwards and onwards!

On 14/12/2011 10:13, Hayden Presley wrote:

D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, when
they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free
operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of
code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because
they had time to sort a lot of things out.

On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right
in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And
was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing
I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out
with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to
market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable
product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and
reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the
task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of
time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility
they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward"

To: "Gamers Discussion list"
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I
have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it
can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS,
and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years
down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the
new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding
OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle
the new
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Ryan Strunk
I just want to throw out there that I love the fact that missions are
instanced. Awesome foresight!

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jeremy Kaldobsky
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:24 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player tracking
features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot steps.  These
few changes will really make a huge difference when it comes to working as a
group I think.  I'm also planning to add the ability to give people items,
though the reason is actually centered more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to
have brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can buy
more gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an option.
The one that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and your team
are sent to a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply crates which
are desperately needed by the people at the Safe zone.  While at the
warehouse you are totally separate from the normal map so there is no safe
zone, plus you don't have weapon or ammo loot anywhere.  Everything your
team will use must be brought with you when you enter the mission.  In the
course of defending the warehouse from invading zombies, which shatter
windows and break down doors to enter from more locations, it is very
possible that some of your team will get low on ammo or lose a gun they
desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will mean the difference
between  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.  

> I'm going to point this out, not
> because I think anyone's dumb, but
> because I think people may not have had these experiences:
> It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played several 
> MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help, there are two 
> strategies people take to help you. Either they give you the very best 
> they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of gaming, or 
> they help you get what's at your level, either because you broke or 
> lost what you had or because they know of something right near what 
> you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a bit.
> I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure you could 
> make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to master their 
> skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of your heart, 
> choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin the 
> thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a guarantee.
> Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it could be used 
> for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you consider people 
> out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty, running out of 
> medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others with medkits, 
> and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a healer, would 
> need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but I think 
> that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even greater.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
D it seems to me this community has a double standard. Updating is bad, when
they decide it is. But I hear everyone prasing XP. Hmmm...I wonder how MS
made XP? Possibly, it was an update?

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:09 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free 
operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of 
code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because 
they had time to sort a lot of things out.

On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
> Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right 
> in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And 
> was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing 
> I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out 
> with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to 
> market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable 
> product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and 
> reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the 
> task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of 
> time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility 
> they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the 
> customers.
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
> updated Lone Wolf
>> Hi Charles and all,
>> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
>> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
>> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
>> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
>> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
>> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
>> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
>> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
>> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
>> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
>> Cheers!
>> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
>>> Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
>>> particular:  I
>>> buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I 
>>> have to
>>> buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it 
>>> can't be
>>> loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
>>> and I
>>> need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
>>> down the
>>> road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
>>> new PC to
>>> be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
>>> OS. Two
>>> years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
>>> another
>>> one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
>>> Microsoft, I
>>> have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
>>> the new
>>> technology.  This! is! crap!
>>> ---
>>> Gamers mailing list __
>>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
>>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of 
>>> the list,
>>> please send E-mail to
>> ---
>> Gamers mailing list __
>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
>> list,
>> please send E-mail to
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> http://www.mail-archive.c

Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
besides, as complex a system windows is, they will never have a bug free 
operating system. thats not possible, with the pure amount of lines of 
code. so no, that won't ever happen. and yes, 7 is more stable. because 
they had time to sort a lot of things out.


On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right 
in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And 
was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing 
I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out 
with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to 
market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable 
product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and 
reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the 
task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of 
time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility 
they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I 
have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it 
can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
yes, but at the same time, are you willing to wait 10 or more years for 
a new system to come out, just so you can use the stuff others are? 
because, think about it. xp is 10 years old. and they are still finding 
bugs with it!


On 14/12/2011 09:53, Charles Rivard wrote:
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right 
in that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And 
was Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing 
I would like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out 
with a new OS time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to 
market before the bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable 
product that has thoroughly been tested and proven to be stable and 
reliable, rather than a junky troublesome buggy product.  I know the 
task would be massive, and I know it would take an enormous amount of 
time and effort, but it would sure do a lot to regain the credibility 
they once had, and it would also be more readily received by the 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updated Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I 
have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it 
can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years 
down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding 
OS. Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to 
Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle 
the new

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] more SC vids!

2011-12-13 Thread Clement Chou
I do agree there. Like I said... I still think the Announcer tries too hard 
at times to sound excited. lol
- Original Message - 
From: "dan cook" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] more SC vids!

this sounds fantastic, the announcer too sounds a lot better than in SC4. 

On 12/13/11, Tom Randall  wrote:
Hey thanks for these, had not found them myself yet.  I agree this is 

be great cannot wait for this one to come out.

Game on.


On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Clement Chou wrote:

Dang it, Namco needs to put up a demo. Sounds are awesome, music is 

amazing, and the gameplay looks great from what I've read and heard! Two
videos, almost 20 minutes of footage! Enjoy... discussion welcome as
always. I just love, and I mean love, this audio. I think the sword
slashes themselves could be slightly better, but I like the ones they 

now. Jst me being picky. Haha
Hilde vs. Viola:
Lexia vs. Zwei:
Lexia is the daughter of Xianghua from the previous games, and her name 

pronounced "lee shia." At least, if my guess is correct.
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Re: [Audyssey] a bit more soul calibur info

2011-12-13 Thread Clement Chou
Sorry, I neglected to say that everything I've mentioned is about SC 5, and 
nothing relating to 4.
- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Randall" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] a bit more soul calibur info

Indeed this is good information.  I am assuming that this stuff applies 
only to SC4 and perhaps SC5?

Game on.


On Dec 12, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Clement Chou wrote:

No vids this time, just some facts that some people may not have about 
the gameplay system. The three biggest things to point out are probably, 
the just guard, brave edge, and critical edge. Just guard is basically a 
perry maneuver. When you tap the guard button and let it go, you'll have 
a few frames during which if an opponent hits you with an attack, you 
will automatically perry their attack and will be able to punish them 
while they're recoverying. Brave edge is basically a powered up version 
of a normal move. If you compare the SF games with this, the SF games 
have special and ex-specials. In SC, you don't really have special 
moves... instead you have a series of normal attacks that can be 
increased in power and have certain properties. A critical edge is the SC 
equivalent to a super move. The command for the critical edge is the same 
for everyone, but unlike 2d games you can't just throw them out and hope 
they connect... you have to combo into them. Because if you perform one 
and miss, you're in big, big trouble. Aside from these three things, the 
rest of the gameplay is more or less the same, just without the critical 
finisher, and the speed is faster. Hope this little snippet was somewhat 

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread Allison Mervis
If memory serves me correctly, one of those unlabeled buttons will allow 
you to email the pdf file to yourself as an attachment. If you have 
email set up on your iOS device, you can open the attachment and read it 
in iBooks.

On 12/13/2011 1:26 PM, michael barnes wrote:

Hey, Sara.
The only help that I can give is to please contact the developer and 
tell him about the accessibility issue you are having so he can fix that.

Here is his email
His name is Mario.
If you see anything else that needs some accessibility fixes let him 


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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
HI Charles,
Would you explain the bugs in Windows 7? True Vista was awful, but 7 has
made up for a lot of that in speed and reliability.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Charles Rivard
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated
Lone Wolf

Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in 
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was 
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I would 
like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a new OS 
time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market before the 
bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that has thoroughly 
been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and I know it 
would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it would sure do a lot

to regain the credibility they once had, and it would also be more readily 
received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

> Hi Charles and all,
> If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
> came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
> of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
> in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
> requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
> hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
> every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
> guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
> because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
> or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.
> Cheers!
> On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
>> Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
>> buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
>> to
>> buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 
>> be
>> loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
>> need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down 
>> the
>> road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC

>> to
>> be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
>> Two
>> years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
>> another
>> one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, 
>> I
>> have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the 
>> new
>> technology.  This! is! crap!
>> ---
>> Gamers mailing list __
>> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to
>> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
>> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
>> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
>> list,
>> please send E-mail to
> ---
> Gamers mailing list __
> If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to 
> You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at
> All messages are archived and can be searched and read at
> If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
> list,
> please send E-mail to

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Charles Rivard
Was Vista better than XP?  Is Windows 7 better than Vista?  Am I right in 
that Windows 7 came out to be Vista with the bugs worked out?  And was 
Microsoft already working on Windows 8 when 7 came out?  One thing I would 
like to see, if Microsoft insists on continually coming out with a new OS 
time and time again, is that they quit rushing them to market before the 
bugs are worked out, and give us a solid stable product that has thoroughly 
been tested and proven to be stable and reliable, rather than a junky 
troublesome buggy product.  I know the task would be massive, and I know it 
would take an enormous amount of time and effort, but it would sure do a lot 
to regain the credibility they once had, and it would also be more readily 
received by the customers.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: "Thomas Ward" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated 
Lone Wolf

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have 
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't 

loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down 
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC 
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS. 
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, 
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, 
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the 

technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Yes, but your point isn't valid. The fact of the matter is that
security issues, demands for newer technology, new features, etc
drives the need for newer and presumably better operating systems. You
can't always expect the existing hardware to meet the demands of
tomorrows operating systems.

For example, let's go back to the Dos days. An IBM 286 with an 8 MHZ
Processor and 1 MB of ran was perfectly fine for MS Dos. However, if
you wanted to add a graphical user interface like Windows 3.1 you
really needed an IBM 386 with a 50 MHZ processor and 4 MB of ram to
run Windows 3.1 decently. Just as a machine built for Dos in the early
90's wasn't sutable for Windows 3.1 a machine built in 2001 isn't
suitable for Windows 7 which was released 10 years later. Sitting hear
bitching, moaning, and pitching a fit over it won't change the fact
that the more advanced the software the more advanced the hardware has
to be. What's so difficult to understand about that?

I don't know if this is because I work in the ITT field, have a degree
in computer science, but what seems crystal clear to me doesn't seem
to make sense to you. What you are suggesting is an impossibility from
a technology perspective and comparing your computer to your car,
television set, etc is nothing more than comparing apples and oranges
because both operate on different technical principles that dictate
how fast or slow the technology is upgraded or needs to be replaced.

For example, you could purchase a 57 Chevy and provided you kept the
car in working order it would work more or less just as well today as
it did when it was driven off the lot. However, just because you can
keep it running that doesn't mean it isn't obsolete. There are a
number of technical changes between 1957 and 2011 that might make
owning a new car a more practical solution.

First, there is the issue of higher fuel costs. A 1957 Chevy was
designed in an era when gas was very cheap and therefore waists gas
needlessly. A car built in 2011 can easily get 40 to 50 miles a
gallon, and many now split between electric and gas power allowing you
to really save money on how much you spend on fuel.

Second, is all the luxury features that have become a common feature
in new cars like power seats, power windows, cd players, mp3 players,
and several other features we now think of as common place. While not
strictly necessary they are nice to have, and you won't get by
sticking to your old 57 Chevy.

Finally, the cost of maintaining your old car. The older the car the
more difficult it will become to keep it running.  Autopart
manufacturers can not and will not continue producing old parts
forever because the demand for them have dropped. As a result even if
they keep a line going for classic cars they do so in limited supply,
and this drives the cost of the parts way up. Resulting in you having
to pay the manufacturer the cost of keeping that special line running
when a new car would cost you less in the long term.

All the same cars are designed to last the owner 10 to 20 years if
they keep it in good condition. Computers have never and were never
designed to be long term items. The average life span of a PC today is
five years max, and that's generally the maximum length of technical
support you can get from a computer manufacturer like Del, HP,
Toshiba, etc. After that you are on your own. If your PC breaks down
and you want to fix it your safest bet is to check Ebay or some
reseller for older parts to fix it. As with the car analogy after the
initial run of computer parts runs out it becomes more difficult and
more expensive to keep that older computer running. Its actually
cheaper to throw your old computer in the trash and buy a brand new
one from Wal-Mart than it is to higher a computer tech to repair your
old one. This isn't Microsoft's fault, but the fault of the entire
computer industry as a whole.

I fully realize why you don't like this, but it is how things are. The
truth is we now live in a throw away society where its less expensive
to buy new microwaves, computers, television sets, DVD players, etc
than it is to have them fixed. If you can buy a brand new blue ray
player for $120 and it costs you $99 just to have a repairman look at
your broken DVD player it makes sense just to pay the extra $20 and
get a new DVD player with blue ray technology. I agree the situation
is both sad and disgusting, but bitching, moaning, and pitching a fit
about it won't change the fact that this is how things are now days.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
> My point is that the main purpose of a computer is not to run the operating
> system, and we should not keep having to upgrade to keep up with modern
> technology in the form of a new operating system.  Do you have to keep
> buying new cars because the engine requires it?  There was a lot of flak
> when we had to buy new television sets in the United States because analog
> signals were being phased out and repl

Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Hayden Presley
HI,A con
Verter? Are you  kidding? That would be impossible. For one thing, tins are
done totally differently in different languages.
Take, for example, something like VB6 vs. a c-style language. Generally
speaking, a C-style language has a main function that executes, and then the
program terminates, so you end up making a oop to keep things from shutting
down and just run your checks over and over again. VB6 is an event driven
planguage, so the program is always idol and waiting for some kind of event,
which is done through subproceedures. So Shaun, you have obviously not done
a lot of looking as far as programming languages are concerned.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of john
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:54 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] plans for an updated Lone Wolf

All I can say to that is, do you write any code? Even being a
beginning programmer, I can tell you that succh a program is 
almost if not entirely impossible to right, just due to the 
massive amount of subtle differences between programming 
 - Original Message -
From: shaun everiss  wrote:
 actually, the better codes, = better gaming possibilities. so 
yes, it
 makes a different.

 On 12/12/2011 23:13, dark wrote:
 Frankly dallas where games are concerned, I couldn't give a 
 how good the newer codes are.

 As I said, I don't really care about how powerful or anything 
else a
 system is, I care about what I can do with it.

 That's why i stil have a snes, sinse I can play all the game i 
 like on it, despite it being no where near up to the standard of
 todays games' consoles.

 As I said, I just would like microsoft to acknolidge this, 
 with a compatibility pack option that could be downloaded for 
 who needed it.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Johnny Tai
I always figure it's strange people talk about reality in games such as 
this- you're wondering around, shooting dead people with heavy military 
weapons you'd never encounter in your RL life- unless you're real lucky, 
there's no "reality" in it lol.
Even the axe, for example, is not realistic- any of you who chopped woods 
before would know how tough it is to swing an axe- especially when you're 
not used to it. And that's against logs, unmoving logs, so now we're going 
up against not just zombies, but in some case, very big and scary things, 
like a tyrant, and you just get close to it and swing that axe as if it 
So, while a game need a certain ground in logic and realism, it's pointless 
to stretch reality too far in a purely unreal game. 

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien If you want to leave the list,
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien

true. but its werth tossing out there to see what people think.

On 14/12/2011 08:40, Kai wrote:

I think this is one of those realism vs. playability concerns.

Jeremy initially implemented health-based movement modifiers, and 
while that's great for realism, it wasn't very good for practicality 
and playability's sake; it basically meant you were doomed to die once 
you were injurred.

I think introducing these weight limitations would make the game too 
cumbersome in some regards. True it's not realistic, but it definitely 
makes the game a lot more enjoyable and playable.


- Original Message - From: "Dallas O'Brien" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at 
some point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as 
at the moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did 
that, i would need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a 
tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my 
pistol, and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make 
it very hard to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this 
hole thing of carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the 
safehouse for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and 
buy cost the same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting 
rifle might get you 200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to 
pay something like 220 or something.
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if 
you make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could 
have? ... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player 
tracking features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot 
steps.  These few changes will really make a huge difference when it 
comes to working as a group I think.  I'm also planning to add the 
ability to give people items, though the reason is actually centered 
more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will 
need to have brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular 
map you can buy more gear or find loot, but in many of the instances 
this is not an option.  The one that's currently being coded is a 
fine example.  You and your team are sent to a warehouse to collect 
a certain number of supply crates which are desperately needed by 
the people at the Safe zone. While at the warehouse you are totally 
separate from the normal map so there is no safe zone, plus you 
don't have weapon or ammo loot anywhere. Everything your team will 
use must be brought with you when you enter the mission.  In the 
course of defending the warehouse from invading zombies, which 
shatter windows and break down doors to enter from more locations, 
it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo or 
lose a gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment 
will mean the difference between

  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
and even when they do change hardware requirement, its usually for the 
better, not worse. as has been said, 7 uses little more then xp, and 8 
uses less then 7!


On 14/12/2011 08:28, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:

Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down the
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC to
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.  Two
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the new
technology.  This! is! crap!

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
ahah yeah. something like that. and the m60 is basicly a gpmg, if you 
know what that is. so again, even a strong man struggles to carry that, 
and 200 rouns for it.


On 14/12/2011 07:52, Johnny Tai wrote:
I believe a real minigun alone- the portable one, weighs about 90 LBs 
all on its lonesome heh- alot of weight even for a strong man.

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Re: [Audyssey] more SC vids!

2011-12-13 Thread dan cook
this sounds fantastic, the announcer too sounds a lot better than in SC4. :D

On 12/13/11, Tom Randall  wrote:
> Hey thanks for these, had not found them myself yet.  I agree this is gonna
> be great cannot wait for this one to come out.
> Game on.
> Tom
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Clement Chou wrote:
>> Dang it, Namco needs to put up a demo. Sounds are awesome, music is above
>> amazing, and the gameplay looks great from what I've read and heard! Two
>> videos, almost 20 minutes of footage! Enjoy... discussion welcome as
>> always. I just love, and I mean love, this audio. I think the sword
>> slashes themselves could be slightly better, but I like the ones they have
>> now. Jst me being picky. Haha
>> Hilde vs. Viola:
>> Lexia vs. Zwei:
>> Lexia is the daughter of Xianghua from the previous games, and her name is
>> pronounced "lee shia." At least, if my guess is correct.
>> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
yes, and you will tend to find, most games out there try to keep things 
as real as possible. thats why i bring it up.


On 14/12/2011 07:24, Darren Duff wrote:

But we aren't talking about real life, or a simulation! We are talking about
a game.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

but then, as it is, your able to carry all of the kinds of weapons. so in
actual fact, in real life, you wouldn't be able to move, cause you couldn't
possibly carry around an m60, a volcan, sniper, hunting, and all the others.
not possible. so as it is, i think you have enough weapons.

On 14/12/2011 02:10, Dakotah Rickard wrote:

Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this
works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs
reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that
thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose
your axe.

Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and
Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as
a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to
that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I
think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each
time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your
pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't
much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on
death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and
go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's
technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a
little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many
experience on death.

Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow
only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as
you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now,
with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common
that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one
no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective
ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault
rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe
zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly
you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest
therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up
seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your
primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting
the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say
you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot,
you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot
weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be

Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully
loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or
minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really
worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find
in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread dan cook
i think i'll do the same, as i think the game looks brilliant, however
i have no idea what i'm supposed to do.

On 12/13/11, michael barnes  wrote:
> Hey, Sara.
> The only help that I can give is to please contact the developer and
> tell him about the accessibility issue you are having so he can fix that.
> Here is his email
> His name is Mario.
> If you see anything else that needs some accessibility fixes let him know.
> Thanks!
> --
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Kai

I think this is one of those realism vs. playability concerns.

Jeremy initially implemented health-based movement modifiers, and while 
that's great for realism, it wasn't very good for practicality and 
playability's sake; it basically meant you were doomed to die once you were 

I think introducing these weight limitations would make the game too 
cumbersome in some regards. True it's not realistic, but it definitely makes 
the game a lot more enjoyable and playable.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dallas O'Brien" 

To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at some 
point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as at the 
moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did that, i would 
need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my pistol, 
and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make it very hard 
to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this hole thing of 
carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the safehouse 
for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and buy cost the 
same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting rifle might get you 
200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to pay something like 220 or 
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if you 
make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could have? 
... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player 
tracking features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot 
steps.  These few changes will really make a huge difference when it 
comes to working as a group I think.  I'm also planning to add the 
ability to give people items, though the reason is actually centered more 
around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to 
have brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can 
buy more gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an 
option.  The one that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and 
your team are sent to a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply 
crates which are desperately needed by the people at the Safe zone. 
While at the warehouse you are totally separate from the normal map so 
there is no safe zone, plus you don't have weapon or ammo loot anywhere. 
Everything your team will use must be brought with you when you enter the 
mission.  In the course of defending the warehouse from invading zombies, 
which shatter windows and break down doors to enter from more locations, 
it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo or lose a 
gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will mean 
the difference between

  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread Christopher Bartlett
Isn't that kind of like playing the Eagles Best of my Love at a wedding?
One wife to rule them all. . .

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:50 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an updated Lone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles and all,

If you want to make that argument consider this. When Windows Vista
came out Windows XP was already six years old, and it introduced a lot
of new graphics technology that wasn't possible on the hardware specs
in 2001. Both Windows 7 and Windows 8 use the exact same hardware
requirements as Windows Vista, and actually run better on the same
hardware specs. So your argument of having to replace your hardware
every time Microsoft upgrades doesn't hold water.  I really urge you
guys to research your facts before making baseless arguments like this
because Microsoft does not change system requirements every two years
or for every Windows upgrade like you suggest.


On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
> Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
> buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have to
> buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't be
> loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
> need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down the
> road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC to
> be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.  Two
> years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later, another
> one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft, I
> have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the new
> technology.  This! is! crap!
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread darren harris
Lol now you didn't say I do in his voice now did you? lol!

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of dark
Sent: 13 December 2011 21:50
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

Well Darren, it's been a while sinse I read them myself, which is why I'm 
currently rereading them at the moment.

I've finished the hobbit and am just at the start of return of the king, and

will read the Silmarillion afterwards, so my mind is rather on middle earth 
anyway :D.

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Trouble
Well how is this for quality. Most of the paid virus stuff is hardly 
accessible and feed back to help make it is non existent, and at 
least MSE don't state a system file is a virus like those others do.
Some times when something is free. That don't mean is junk. I have 
seen more junk cost a lot and still be junk.

At 12:11 PM 12/13/2011, you wrote:

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower 
quality product just because of accessibility

From: "john" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. 
Not only is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and 
far less entrucive than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, 
AVG, and Mcafee.

- Original Message -
From: "enes" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more
useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped
accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine
i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of accessibility

From: "Alex Kenny"  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in particular:  I
buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, and I
need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the new PC
be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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"If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
"Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work's begun.
Think big, and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you fall behind,
Think that you can, and you will;
It's all in the state of mind.
"If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself
before You can ever win a prize.
Life's battle doesn't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can."

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[Audyssey] Interface or difficulty

2011-12-13 Thread dark
I've just finished Mega man x 2 for the Snes (though I played it on the mega 
man x collection for my gamecube).

this was the first ever mega man game I played and the one that got me into the 
series. my skills were a litle rusty, and even with most of the hidden items in 
the game i stil! had trouble with several bosses, indeed I spent half an hour 
just! on the final battles against Sigma's various forms. 

One interesting thought occurred to me though. 

in the Mega man x series, a gameplay addition were sub tanks. These are 
refillable stores of energy you keep in your inventory. Rather than being 
medkits, they are literally like an extra fuel tank. When you collect energy 
refill items from monsters and your already at full energy, that energy goes 
into your subtank until it is ful,  indeed there are a maximum of four to 
collect, and once ful will refill your energy back up when you use them from 
your inventory screen.

The kicker however is these subtanks (unlike the similar energy tanks in the 
Metroid series)are not used automatically. If your energy gets to zero you will 
die no matter how many ful subtanks you have left.

Thus, throughout those boss fights you need to keep track of your energy 
carefully, and judge when is best to use them. 

This is a contributing factor to the difficulty of the game. Certainly if 
Capcom had wanted the subtanks to automatically kick in when your initial 
energy ran out, as is the case in metroid, they'd have made the game that way, 
however as anyone who has played any of the mega man games will know, keeping 
track of your resources and weaponry is as much part of the game as the 

What occurred to me however, was that if this was done in an audio game, the 
first comment we would get is "why aren't they used automatically?" and yet, 
people stil wish for complex and difficult games, with different weapons and 
amo to keep track of and the like. 

My point is, when thinking about mechanics in games, the easy or most 
convenient way may not always be the one that is most fun. 

this might be true of saving, auto item management and various other mechanics.

Beware the grue! 

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Johnny Tai
I believe a real minigun alone- the portable one, weighs about 90 LBs all on 
its lonesome heh- alot of weight even for a strong man. 

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Re: [Audyssey] time of conflict info

2011-12-13 Thread dark
Well Darren, it's been a while sinse I read them myself, which is why I'm 
currently rereading them at the moment.

I've finished the hobbit and am just at the start of return of the king, and 
will read the Silmarillion afterwards, so my mind is rather on middle earth 
anyway :D.

I freely admit though I'm a bit of a tolkien obsessive, I even have a copy 
of The Ring completely with engraving in the black speech of Mordor that I 
wear,  and no, this isn't one of the merchandizing ones made for the 
films, it's actually a wedding ring we got specially engraved several years 
before the first Peter Jaxon film.

it was our birthday! pressent! my precious! :D.

Beware the Grue!

- O 

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Re: [Audyssey] Silversword question

2011-12-13 Thread michael barnes

Hey, Sara.
The only help that I can give is to please contact the developer and 
tell him about the accessibility issue you are having so he can fix that.

Here is his email
His name is Mario.
If you see anything else that needs some accessibility fixes let him know.

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

2011-12-13 Thread Darren Duff
But we aren't talking about real life, or a simulation! We are talking about
a game. 

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Dallas O'Brien
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: a couple of suggestions and reports

but then, as it is, your able to carry all of the kinds of weapons. so in
actual fact, in real life, you wouldn't be able to move, cause you couldn't
possibly carry around an m60, a volcan, sniper, hunting, and all the others.
not possible. so as it is, i think you have enough weapons.

On 14/12/2011 02:10, Dakotah Rickard wrote:
> Ok, the first thing I speak on is the  axe bug. I don't know how this 
> works, but if you switch from the axe to something that needs 
> reloading very quickly, say in the heat of battle, and you reload that 
> thing, the axe becomes one ammo for that thing. That's how you lose 
> your axe.
> Now for something different. Many who know the characters Slade and 
> Liberty will know how hard I try to impress upon people that death, as 
> a part of the game, should involve risk and loss. I firmly hold to 
> that, and I only point out how much it means to me now, because I 
> think that you should regain your starting supply of equipment each 
> time you die. When you start, you get a pistol, eight rounds in your 
> pistol, and a field kit with one medkit loaded. This really isn't 
> much, but it's better than the pistol with eight rounds you get on 
> death. Yeah, people could cheat a little harder and donate stuff and 
> go die again, but if people are going to cheat, they will, and there's 
> technically nothing to do about it in this case. Starting with a 
> little something will prevent the ease of just dying again that many 
> experience on death.
> Now for the next topic. it once was that Swamp was configured to allow 
> only one weapon of a type to be carried. Before, that made sense, as 
> you only ever needed one weapon, and others would turn into ammo. Now, 
> with the exception of the pistol, which seems so rediculously common 
> that it's worth ten reputation points to donate and everyone gets one 
> no matter what, all the weapons are worth more than their respective 
> ammo. Imagine you get a hunting rifle, or even better an assault 
> rifle. Those are worth a pretty penny, as such things go, in the safe 
> zone. Now, if you should stumble across another one, you won't get it.
> Instead, you get 40 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Useful, true, but honestly 
> you'd get that anyway, as you find guns fully loaded. I suggest 
> therefore that not only is it good for rep to be able to pick up 
> seconds or thirds and beyond in a type of weapon, but that if your 
> primary breaks, you have a secondary to fall back on. In fact, hitting 
> the number key a number of times might switch to that weapon, so say 
> you have three shotguns, all loaded but the third set to scattershot, 
> you could hit the three key three times and get to your scattershot 
> weapon. Yeah, donating is great, too, but having a backup might be 
> nice.
> Fally, I suggest that guns you buy from the safe zone should be fully 
> loaded, like the ones you find in the field. In the case of the m60 or 
> minigun, this is a pretty hefty chunk of ammo and rep, but it's really 
> worth it. Either guns in the SZ should be loaded or the guns you find 
> in the field shouldn't be, just for parallel's sake if nothing else.
> Signed:
> Dakotah Rickard
> ---
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Re: [Audyssey] my beef about Microsoft - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Trouble,

Yeah the only really good thing about dos text games was that the text got 
spoken automatically by every single dos screen reader.  Of course now people 
like Jeremy are coding directly to the API of all of the windows screen 
readers.  I never figured out how to do that, so only code to the sapi5 speech 
engine.  But it sure made all the difference in the world when windows gave me 
DirectX so that my games could asynchronously play wave files, multiple wave 
files, pan the wave files and adjust the volume and frequency of the wave 
files.  So yes, probably most of the change is good, some is not so much 
though.  At least in my opinion.  But I do still like to do allot of things the 
old fashion way.  Like I have made a short cut icon on the desk top for the 
programs that I run all the time.  One of those short cuts is just to the 
command prompt.  I spend allot of time at the command prompt.  And I have 
written many batch files for doing things like changing to folders that I go 
into all the time.  And batch files for listing folders in the old dos 8, 3, 
size and date format.  And the same format but by size or date.  And then my 
command prompt beeps to let me know when it is done so that I can start looking 
at the listing bottom up with the review cursor.  You know just like I used to 
on a dos computer.  Batch files are great for making backups as well.  I just 
find allot of things are still easier or quicker to do at the command prompt 
than they are in the windows interface.



The command prompt is our friend.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Zero Sight release date annouced!

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien

nice one! looking forward to beeing in the air!

On 14/12/2011 03:16, Mario wrote:

Go here and listen!

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Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for anupdatedLone Wolf

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
uh, where did you get the idea its worse? in fact, it actually beets a 
lot of them when it comes to that. which is kinda surprising. but there 
you go.


On 14/12/2011 03:11, enes wrote:

i'm not talking about accessibility
i'm talking about quality
so i'll be switching from a higher quality product to a lower quality 
product just because of accessibility

From: "john" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:54 PM
To: "Gamers Discussion list" 
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for 
anupdatedLone Wolf

If your saying that MSE is inaccessable, that's not at all true. Not 
only is it totally accessable, but it's much much faster and far less 
entrucive than anything else I've scene, said being MSE, AVG, and 

- Original Message -
From: "enes" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 
updatedLone Wolf

about new technology
first microsoft is putting in ribbons to make the operating system more
useful for sited people
that's fine
but why not add an option to switch to the old style menus
I mean, whats rong with menus
more companies getting unaccessible
I used avira antivir 9.0 a vary powerful free antivirus, avira dropped
accessibility in 10.0
and in 12.0 its even worse
so i'm still using 9.0 and if they drop the virus defenition and engine
i'll have to switch to microsoft security essentials probably
not that I wantto but there isn't much available in terms of 

From: "Alex Kenny" Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new technology? Balogna! - Re: plans for an 

Lone Wolf

Hi Charles,

While this has een brue in the past, Windows 7 used fewer system
resources than did Vista, and Windows 8 will use even fewer, as it is
being designed to run on tablets and even phones as well as PC's.

No one is saying you must upgrade to new technology. However, as
previously mentioned, Microsoft does go to great efforts to support
their older technology, much more than companies like Apple or Google,
so we're actually doing a lot better in terms fo Windows XP and VB
support than we would if these products were in the hands of other
tech companies. If you want to stick with old tech, fine. If you want
to use older tech, that's fine. But it's not really fair to make
baseless accusations when it's no longer being supported.

To bring this back on topic, new technology such as XAudio2 and XNA
will allow the creation of better accessible games. Games will
continue getting more complex, and it will eventually get to the point
where an old  XP machine with an old Pentium and 256 MB of RAM just
isn't going to be able to handle a multi-channel, 3D audio
environment, and people will need to upgrade if they want to enjoy
these games.

On 12/12/11, Charles Rivard  wrote:
Another thing about new technology--Microsoft's Windows in 
particular:  I

buy a computer to do tasks, not to run the operating system.  If I have
buy a new PC because my old one doesn't have enough CPU power, it can't
loaded with enough RAM, the hardware isn't supported by the new OS, 
and I

need to move along with technology, I will do so.  However, 2 years down
road, before the bugs have been worked out of this OS I bought the 
new PC

be able to operate, Microsoft comes out with a new, more demanding OS.
years later, another one that is more demanding.  Two years later,
one that is more demanding.  Before I know it, thanks only to Microsoft,
have another obsolete computer.  I need to buy another one to handle the
technology.  This! is! crap!

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"If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
"Full many a race is lost
Ere even a race i

Re: [Audyssey] Swamp: spawning and loot questions.

2011-12-13 Thread Dallas O'Brien
nice! and this sounds very good. might i also point out, it may, at some 
point, be a good idea to bring in the idea of wait capasity? as at the 
moment, i could bring in every weapon i can? and if i did that, i would 
need to be attached to a trailer, and dragged behind a tank?  ahahah
so, for example, you would have to decide, ok, i want my axe, my pistol, 
and an mp5, pluss the ammo to go with it. and this would make it very 
hard to, as your ammo supply would be limited to. not this hole thing of 
carrying 2000 rounds. that, would way loads!
so you would have to pick and choose what to take out in the field. 
perhaps, this is where having a locker or something back at the 
safehouse for your char would come in. or perhaps make selling and buy 
cost the same, or close to. so for example, selling a hunting rifle 
might get you 200 rep, and to buy it back, you might have to pay 
something like 220 or something.
just trying to come up with ways  to make it more realistic. and this 
would make you decide on what you want to carry out with you. and if you 
make a mistake and can't take down the enamy as well as you could have? 
... well, you know better for next time.


On 14/12/2011 02:24, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:

I agree.  I'm currently in the middle of adding a new set of player tracking 
features, and fixing the bug that is messing up player foot steps.  These few 
changes will really make a huge difference when it comes to working as a group 
I think.  I'm also planning to add the ability to give people items, though the 
reason is actually centered more around instance missions.

When entering an instance mission with a team of people, you will need to have 
brought along any supplies you'll need.  In the regular map you can buy more 
gear or find loot, but in many of the instances this is not an option.  The one 
that's currently being coded is a fine example.  You and your team are sent to 
a warehouse to collect a certain number of supply crates which are desperately 
needed by the people at the Safe zone.  While at the warehouse you are totally 
separate from the normal map so there is no safe zone, plus you don't have 
weapon or ammo loot anywhere.  Everything your team will use must be brought 
with you when you enter the mission.  In the course of defending the warehouse 
from invading zombies, which shatter windows and break down doors to enter from 
more locations, it is very possible that some of your team will get low on ammo 
or lose a gun they desperately needed.  The ability to share equipment will 
mean the difference between
  victory and your entire team dying because the plan fell apart.

I'm going to point this out, not
because I think anyone's dumb, but
because I think people may not have had these experiences:
It's not as off-topic as it seems. I play and have played
MUD's. Typically, if you're a beginner and you get help,
there are two
strategies people take to help you. Either they give you
the very best
they can get their hands on, which spoils the experience of
gaming, or
they help you get what's at your level, either because you
broke or
lost what you had or because they know of something right
near what
you have, in skill level, but that will help you out a

I'm tying this back in now. If you can give in swamp, sure
you could
make ten newbies really strong, but why? They do need to
master their
skills, but if they die, and you out of the kindness of
your heart,
choose to reequip them, it won't hurt anyone. It won't ruin
thought of death being risky, as a gift is a gift, not a

Frankly though, the idea of giving in Swamp, though it
could be used
for this purpose, is much more of a good idea when you
consider people
out in the field running out of ammo on bridge duty,
running out of
medkits in a dangerous place. Yeah, you can heal others
with medkits,
and the problem of tracking players, which plagues a
healer, would
need to be fixed anyway if you're to give people stuff, but
I think
that giving people stuff is a way to make Swamp even

Dakotah Rickard

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