Re: [Gimp-developer] Help with gimp directory structure

2004-10-27 Thread Øyvind Kolås
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 22:18:08 -0400, Jean-Sebastien Senecal
> Øyvind Kolås wrote:
> >On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 14:13:54 +0200, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>Jean-Sebastien Senecal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>I'm working on an open-source software for real-time mix-medias,
> >>>similar to Puredata. We've started using part of the Gimp code for
> >>>image processing. For now, I was able to move the composition
> >>>functions in paint-funcs. However, since the functions are not
> >>>documented, I find it often difficult to know what this or this is
> >>>doing. Plus, I don't understand well how the files are organized.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>You are trying to reuse the part of the GIMP code that we would like
> >>to get rid of the sooner the better. The basic image manipulation
> >>routines date back to the early days of GIMP development and haven't
> >>seen the refactoring that all other parts of the code have gone
> >>through. I would not suggest to use this code at all. You should
> >>consider to use GEGL instead. But then, GEGL is probably not at the
> >>point yet where it would fulfill your needs.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >gggl ( ) might be a starting point, since
> >gggl aims to
> >be API compatible with a future GEGL. If you are going to use such functionality
> >from a higher level programming language a future migration should be easy.
> >
> >At the moment I've been mainly focusing on high quality, rather than high speed
> >and thus implemented most of the image processing only for floating
> >point buffers.
> >The system is designed to allow for optimizations in the form of
> >adding 8bit/16bit versions of operations alongside the floating point
> >versions.
> >
> >My intention is to port my abstractions on top of gggl to GEGL, and thus my
> >tool chain from gggl to GEGL, after that porting the operations is one
> >of my priorities.
> >
> >Depending on how urgent your needs are,. if you have some time to
> >spend helping out with GEGL development in the near future, that would
> >also be greatly appreciated.

> Actually, part of the software we are currently developping is pretty
> similar to gggl. However, what we fear is that :
> 1) gggl as well as GEGL are not implemented with real-time processing in
> mind

I have been successfully using gggl in interactive displays, at the
moment I focus more strongly on being correct than being fast, adding
8bit support; in addition to floating point, to the needed/most used
operations is all that would be needed for software optimizing. It
might also be feasible to hardware accelerate some operations.

> 2) none of them tries to integrate audio

Work has started on integrating audio in gggl, my initial approach
works for non real time rendering,. (dropping video frames is
acceptable, dropping audio fragments is not). Thus audio and video
needs to be separated, the simplest robust way to implement
synchronized playback is to have audio and video in separate threads
syncing the video thread to the audio time.

Having them in separate threads would be easiest by splitting
audio/video handling.

>> What we're really looking for, and would like to contribute to in the
> near future if such a project takes place, would be a library that
> generalizes the concept of graphical flow to both audio and video (and,
> maybe, other inputs like signals from sensors or even chains of words)
> and that tries to integrate very efficient processing algorithms for at
> least the basic effects (like image compositions). I haven't heard of
> such a project for now.

Another project you maybe haven't heard about that can be interesting
to look at is:

Although the intentions of those projects somewhat differ from the
things you plan to do.

/pippin | Øyvind Kolås

Software patents hinder progress | 
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Gimp-developer mailing list

RE: [Gimp-developer] first impressions of GIMP 2.0

2004-10-27 Thread Austin Donnelly
[Adding a layer mask]
> >> Huh? Go to the Layers menu, choose "Add Layer Mask". Also available
> >> from the right-click menu in the Layers dialog.
> > I couldnt actually access this - it was greyed out completely.
> You can't add a layer mask to a layer that doesn't have an alpha
> channel.

Hmm - perhaps the best interface here would be to always have the "Add Layer
Mask" menu option available, but if there's no alpha channel then popup a
dialog saying something like "Adding a layer mask requires the image to have
an alpha channel.  Would you like me to add one? Yes: / No" (default yes,
tickbox (unchecked) for "don't ask me again").

This is similar in spirit to the file export dialogs that automatically
convert your image into something the file save plugin can handle (ie
flatten etc).  It's the DWIM (Do What I Mean) school of UI design, where you
try and guess what the user is actually trying to do :)


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] first impressions of GIMP 2.0

2004-10-27 Thread Sven Neumann

"Austin Donnelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hmm - perhaps the best interface here would be to always have the
> "Add Layer Mask" menu option available, but if there's no alpha
> channel then popup a dialog saying something like "Adding a layer
> mask requires the image to have an alpha channel.  Would you like me
> to add one? Yes: / No" (default yes, tickbox (unchecked) for "don't
> ask me again").

Sure, that' what should be done and I remember that we agreed that
graying out menus is a bad idea. Now we just need someone to actually
do it.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: OT Re: [Gimp-developer] my comments and sudden disappearance

2004-10-27 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 04:13, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> Michael Schumacher wrote:
> > miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> >> This is completely ridiculous, especially random threats of lawsuits
> >> for typos.
> >
> > Both of you, continue this discussion off-list, please!
> > And please note that participants of a mailing lists and the mailing
> > list itself are different things. Thanks.
> My point is exactly the same as yours - I was receiving unpleasant and
> unsolicited mail off-list, and wished to draw such abuse of the list to
> the attention of the list manager. I do not want to keep receiving abuse
> off-list, and the best way to put this to an end, and to make such abuse
> of list addresses cease, was to make such practises known on-list.

Hi Ms. Clinton!

Listen, I read Grant's E-mail and it is not unpleasant or unsolicited mail. He 
was just politely remarking on your web-sites. It is considered a common 
practice in the Internet to visit homepages of people one encounters and then 
remark to them about them in private. Nothing wrong's here. It's considered 
part of the Internet socializing.

You are making a fuss out of nothing. And as for J. Grant - I don't understand 
why he needs to press charges here.


Shlomi Fish

> However, I consider the matter dropped. If Jonathon wishes to rant on,
> let him do so at his discretion.
> Given his behaviour, though, it has left a sour taste in my mouth about
> contributing to GNU projects at all, if this is the kind of response I
> get - unsolicited criticism of projects irrelevant to the subject at
> hand. If all non-programmer non-exclusive-GNU-users get this kind of
> treatment when they try to help port to a professional standard, and
> bug-test that standard - which is what we are aiming at - then GNU
> projects will get nowhere.
> mC~



Knuth is not God! It took him two days to build the Roman Empire.
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] first impressions of GIMP 2.0

2004-10-27 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 23:35, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> That sounds promising - I'll look forward to it.
> Again - this is a problem for designers - GIMP requires a lot of reading
> of documentation to find out how the hell you're supposed to do
> something (especially applying layer masks!). Designers don't like
> reading docs - in fact, a lot of us are dyslexic (myself included) -
> dyslexia is a common trait among artists, writers, dancers and
> musicians. If you're interested in the science, it lives in the temporal
> lobe of the brain alongside the artistic capabilities.
> Artists prefer to use the right hand side of the brain, to work
> intuitively. This is why 1.2 in particular was so difficult to work with
> - it was obviously written by coders using the left hand side of the
> brain. 2.0 is a marked improvement as far as intuitivety goes.

The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.

(Bruce Ediger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)

Intuitive for you may mean closer to how Photoshop operate. However, people 
who start their graphics careers with GIMP will get used to it, and will find 
it more intuitive. Then, they'll have difficulty using Photoshop. (that's 
what happened to me and others I know). "Intuitivity" is not really 
"intuitivity" if it means Photoshop-like.


Shlomi Fish


Knuth is not God! It took him two days to build the Roman Empire.
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread miriam clinton (iriXx)
OK. I'm unsubscribing.
If people want comments from an artist, thats fine.
If people want to be rude, thats different.
This particular artist respects her right to explore and extend the 
possibilities of web art, under the Freedom which those of you who I 
suspect are primarily US citizens would know that the  Constitution 
respects. I design and develop, pushing forward boundaries under my own 
artistic freedom, and without unsolicited comments disrespecting private 
email addresses. If you have something to say, say it on-list, is my 
principle - don't go behind people's backs, and dont disrupt community 
development by such petty matters.

I came here to give an artist's perspective - and thats what I am, an 

I don't give a monkey's whether my site conforms to w3c standards - its 
a personal site, and it pushes the boundaries of web art. Perhaps the 
W3C committee will then come to recognise my standards - that is how the 
progression of art and music has always worked. Theory came later.

I don't wish to give a lame representation of myself as a professional 
designer by conforming to a rigid set of standards which would lead me 
to have no clients on my book whatsoever - by developing art, I attract 
customers. By coming to this list, I hoped to develop our tools so that 
we could attract designers, who could then help develop our GNU tools 
and even Internet protocols to support accessibility within an artistic, 
attractive and, on occasion, a commercially presentable framework. I 
don't see this yet in the tools we have, and thats why I want to 
contribute from an artists perspective. But all I've received since I 
arrived was attack - particularly from a lurker on this list who decided 
to pick on someone privately about an entirely irrelevant matter.

I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the 
GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female, 
name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never 
get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was 

I'm leaving now, as I dont call this development - I call it 
You could have had the opportunity to have an artist's commentary and 
some assistance in developing a professional standard tool - you'll have 
to wait for someone else to come along now. Someone who will put up with 
unsolicited, unwarranted and rude, sly, behind the back of the list, abuse.

Cc'ed to RMS, who will be very disappointed in the behaviour of this 
list, as he invited me to help give an artists perspective of the GIMP 
by joining GIMP-devel in the first place. (The background to this story, 
for your information, was an unsolicited criticism of my websites in 
private email, an abuse of the email features of this list).

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread Jakub Friedl, adresa do konferenci
> email addresses. If you have something to say, say it on-list, is my
> principle - don't go behind people's backs, and dont disrupt community

the principle is to stay on topic when sending messages to the list.
commenting on your personal site is not this lists topic.

> I don't give a monkey's whether my site conforms to w3c standards - its
> a personal site, and it pushes the boundaries of web art. Perhaps the
> W3C committee will then come to recognise my standards - that is how the
> progression of art and music has always worked. Theory came later.

you probably should pay more attentions to standards - if you are
interested in free software. because free software browsers denpends
on standards heavily. making sites non compliant to standards can make
them inaccessible to people using free software (an other  non free
software too). however i do not know if your site is this case. i
didnt check it enough. however Jonathans comment about your site was
very polite and friendly and i do not get why you are so angry about
it. you have the right to do your site in whatever way you choose, its
visitors have the right to comment about it.

and to cite from your own site: "Please feel free to get in contact
with me should you have any comments or issues which you would like to
> arrived was attack - particularly from a lurker on this list who decided
> to pick on someone privately about an entirely irrelevant matter.

he didnt attack you at all
> I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the
> GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female,
> name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never
> get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was
> linux-audio-dev.

there are many more girls in the GNU community and there are no problems.

> You could have had the opportunity to have an artist's commentary and
> some assistance in developing a professional standard tool - you'll have

there are more graphics professionals on the list. it doesnt mean your
comments are not needed. just do not get angry when there is no reason
for it.

> for your information, was an unsolicited criticism of my websites in
> private email, an abuse of the email features of this list).

the only abuse is this offtopic conversation without any real reason.
people be please more tolerant to each other.

Jakub Friedl
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: OT Re: [Gimp-developer] my comments and sudden disappearance

2004-10-27 Thread Sven Neumann

"miriam clinton (iriXx)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My point is exactly the same as yours - I was receiving unpleasant and
> unsolicited mail off-list, and wished to draw such abuse of the list
> to the attention of the list manager. I do not want to keep receiving
> abuse off-list, and the best way to put this to an end, and to make
> such abuse of list addresses cease, was to make such practises known
> on-list.

The only abuse that has happened here was when you forwarded a private
conversation to the mailing list. This is considered very impolite and
doing so repeatedly may get you kicked from the list.

> Given his behaviour, though, it has left a sour taste in my mouth
> about contributing to GNU projects at all, if this is the kind of
> response I get - unsolicited criticism of projects irrelevant to the
> subject at hand.

Please keep this from the mailing list. You received, in private
email, some (in my opinion very polite) criticsm about your personal
web pages. That does clearly not belong here at all.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread Karine Proot
miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
If you have something to say, say it on-list, is my principle - don't 
go behind people's backs, and dont disrupt community development by 
such petty matters.
I'm afraid you should have applied this to your first off-topic post.
I don't wish to give a lame representation of myself as a professional 
designer by conforming to a rigid set of standards which would lead me 
to have no clients on my book whatsoever - by developing art, I 
attract customers.
So that's where the first misunderstanding comes from.
W3C standards have nothing to do with visual prensentation. You can have 
the visual part of your website stay exactly the same as it is now, but 
also comply with standards.
Of course ignoring standards can be your choice, that will just mean 
that many people may not see your website correctly (mainly people who 
like to use open-source software the more they can).

I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the 
GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, 
female, name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and 
I never get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, 
was linux-audio-dev.
Don't ever suggest that without any data to back you up, that is exactly 
the way to make people think "women over-exaggerate things, don't take 
them seriously". I can't tell anything about your linux-audio-dev 
experience, but don't make it sound dubious by this kind of suggestion. 
With the e-mails that were revealed it is plain obvious that you 
feminity had absolutely nothing to do with the matter.

Cc'ed to RMS, who will be very disappointed in the behaviour of this 
list, as he invited me to help give an artists perspective of the GIMP 
by joining GIMP-devel in the first place. (The background to this 
story, for your information, was an unsolicited criticism of my 
websites in private email, an abuse of the email features of this list).
Don't post with private e-mails if you don't want to be contacted this way.
Don't promote your work in your public e-mails if you don't want 
'unknown people' to look at it and give a feedback.

You came here to criticize the Gimp (which means give feedback on your 
experience with it), and you were hoping to help it improve this way. 
Sad you didn't see it the same way when criticism was made to your 
artistic work.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread Carol Spears
On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 03:21:29AM -0700, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the 
> GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female, 
> name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never 
> get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was 
> linux-audio-dev.
i highly recommend subscribing to the new chix list, although it was set
up to help females begin with linux without the fear of some of the rude
answers you can get from seasoned and busy developers -- and you
received some very nice email from some of the very important developers

it is always good, in any environment -- one you are being paid in and
one you are volunteering in (it makes no difference) to see who is in
charge and actually doing the work. then pay careful attention to their

i dont want to lose any savvy women from the community.  there is
somewhat of a pact, however, to use free software from the ground up.
this is very difficult as well.  the purists, like richard, stop before
the pixels draw into the pictures your screen displays, because
technically speaking, the X Server is not free.  if you are going to
"copyleft" something, and your page does not work in copyleft browsers,
you are not helping.  not a critism, a fact.

the new chix list can be found at: they can help you learn how to run free
software.  in that non-rude environment, please remember that there are
several people on that list (like this one) who have been in "the design
world" and "published authors" and writing computer software for a very
very long time.  show the respect that you would like to receive.

you need to at least try to use free software first.  please start over
some and come back when you figure this free software stuff out.  it is
cool and fun, and i bet that you will start to be successful in many
more things than just getting your computer to work in a copyleft sort
of way.

also, please consider that richard was flirting.  it is free software so
people contribute for different reasons other than financial.  please
maintain that relationship with richard.  no one here wants to write to
him anymore also 


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread miriam clinton (iriXx)
Carol Spears wrote:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2004 at 03:21:29AM -0700, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:

I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the 
GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female, 
name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never 
get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was 


i highly recommend subscribing to the new chix list, although it was set
up to help females begin with linux without the fear of some of the rude
answers you can get from seasoned and busy developers -- and you
received some very nice email from some of the very important developers

it is always good, in any environment -- one you are being paid in and
one you are volunteering in (it makes no difference) to see who is in
charge and actually doing the work. then pay careful attention to their
i dont want to lose any savvy women from the community.  there is
somewhat of a pact, however, to use free software from the ground up.
this is very difficult as well.  the purists, like richard, stop before
the pixels draw into the pictures your screen displays, because
technically speaking, the X Server is not free.  if you are going to
"copyleft" something, and your page does not work in copyleft browsers,
you are not helping.  not a critism, a fact.
the new chix list can be found at: they can help you learn how to run free
software.  in that non-rude environment, please remember that there are
several people on that list (like this one) who have been in "the design
world" and "published authors" and writing computer software for a very
very long time.  show the respect that you would like to receive.

once in linuxchix. i left. its full of feminists who hate men.
nuff sed.
i stay subbed to the techtalk section, it was the only sane bit - 
interestingly, the only bit with men contributing.

sorry, you're teaching granny to suck eggs - i did this three years ago.
i'm no n00b.
over and out.
99% of aliens prefer Earth
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Right, thats it. I'm off.

2004-10-27 Thread miriam clinton (iriXx)
i think you mis-read his series of deliberately mis-contexted letters - 
and i think we should stop cc'ing this rubbish now to RMS.

I made my point, I'm out of here.
Jakub Friedl, adresa do konferenci wrote:
email addresses. If you have something to say, say it on-list, is my
principle - don't go behind people's backs, and dont disrupt community

the principle is to stay on topic when sending messages to the list.
commenting on your personal site is not this lists topic.

I don't give a monkey's whether my site conforms to w3c standards - its
a personal site, and it pushes the boundaries of web art. Perhaps the
W3C committee will then come to recognise my standards - that is how the
progression of art and music has always worked. Theory came later.

you probably should pay more attentions to standards - if you are
interested in free software. because free software browsers denpends
on standards heavily. making sites non compliant to standards can make
them inaccessible to people using free software (an other  non free
software too). however i do not know if your site is this case. i
didnt check it enough. however Jonathans comment about your site was
very polite and friendly and i do not get why you are so angry about
it. you have the right to do your site in whatever way you choose, its
visitors have the right to comment about it.
and to cite from your own site: "Please feel free to get in contact
with me should you have any comments or issues which you would like to

arrived was attack - particularly from a lurker on this list who decided
to pick on someone privately about an entirely irrelevant matter.

he didnt attack you at all

I'd suggest, very strongly, as this has happened to me before in the
GNU/Linux community, that this happened because I used my real, female,
name. When I use my alias, iriXx, people assume I'm male, and I never
get these problems. The list where this happened, by the way, was

there are many more girls in the GNU community and there are no problems.

You could have had the opportunity to have an artist's commentary and
some assistance in developing a professional standard tool - you'll have

there are more graphics professionals on the list. it doesnt mean your
comments are not needed. just do not get angry when there is no reason
for it.

for your information, was an unsolicited criticism of my websites in
private email, an abuse of the email features of this list).

the only abuse is this offtopic conversation without any real reason.
people be please more tolerant to each other.
Jakub Friedl

99% of aliens prefer Earth
Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] open thumbnail and raw files

2004-10-27 Thread Joseph Heled

The gimp Open Image dialog contains preview thumbnail. To generate them, gimp 
calls the plugin to generate them. Now, for raw digital camera files (.nef, .crw 
...) this is a very expensive operation - and obviously one would love to use 
the prepared/pre-stored thumbnail which exists in the file.

From what I could see, there is no way I (the plugin author) can detect if the 
call is for a thumbnail or not.

Can someone tell me if I am right or wrong?
If wrong - how do I do it?
If right, is there a chance this can be changed?
Thanks, Joseph
Gimp-developer mailing list