Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-17 Thread Sven Neumann

On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 07:46 +0100, Alex Pounds wrote:

> And yet, the Google Summer of Code was quite successful for the Gimp,
> wasn't it?

It depends on how you look at it. Yes, we had some contributions. But
only very few of this has been committed to trunk by now. And out of the
two projects that were merged to trunk, only one has been developed
further and can stay in for the 2.4 release. The other project has
stayed unmaintained ever since the SoC ended. We will have to back it
out for the 2.4 release and it is not clear if it will ever be finished
so that it can be added back.

This may be our fault. But perhaps it shows the danger of bounties. The
motivation ends when the bounty is paid. And it demotivates others to
work on the project for free.

I think what would bring GIMP along most would be to have a small group
of paid developers who can work full-time on GIMP. These people would
not only implement new features but also devote much of their time
helping other contributors and overseeing the bug-tracker and
mailing-lists. It would also help a lot to have someone paid to work
full-time on the website and the documentation. 


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-16 Thread Alex Pounds
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 08:29:52AM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> We have money that we could use to sponsor development but so far the
> consensus seems to be that it is not a good idea to use the money as
> bounties.

And yet, the Google Summer of Code was quite successful for the Gimp,
wasn't it? That's essentially a bounty. As we were not included in the SoC
this year perhaps we could look at doing something similar ourselves. 

Just a thought, 

Alex Pounds (Creature)  .~.
   // \\
"Variables won't; Constants aren't"   /(   )\
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-16 Thread Sven Neumann

On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 10:46 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The best solution would seem to be pulling in more donations so that  
> certain things can get finished. The way SOC targets specific projects to  
> help things move along.

Whenever this was brought up before there didn't seem to be much
interest for it. We have money that we could use to sponsor development
but so far the consensus seems to be that it is not a good idea to use
the money as bounties.

I am pretty sure that we could easily raise more donations but as long
as we don't know what to use that money for, that doesn't seem to make
much sense.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-16 Thread Valerie VK

> That's why we need a Gimp PRO, Inkscape PRO, Scribus PRO - someone, a
> Firm / Govern / Foundation /  Linux Distro / Billionaire ...or a
> mixture of them must hire core developers of all 3 projects - put them
> into a big WEB / DTP Core Linux project
> and manage development and releases.

If I remember correctly, there had been a "bounty" type system on things
such as GEGL since forever (several years, I believe). Yet even that
failed to motivate developers.

Also, if you want a program that works closely with the industry, well...
there's Cinepaint.

That said, the idea of forming an alliance with other open source programs
could be a nice idea. It might be a bit complicated in that there are many
separate open source programs around... but having a single main website
linking to each project, and vice versa, to let more people become aware
of complimentary programs to Gimp, could be helpful.

Personally, it's a pity I don't know how to program yet. I guess I'll have
to try to learn one day. But I've been giving a lot of thoughts to user
interfaces in general these days.

One of the main things people complain about Gimp is its user interface.
The way I see it, the problem is Not that it's different from Photoshop,
but that Like Photoshop, it's a tool-centric interface and not a
task-centric or even function-centric interface.

Let me explain: years ago I remember a relative buying Photoshop for his
Mac. Back then, I looked at him weird and warned him that he would never
know how to use it. That turned out true: he's attempted to figure it out,
and has never touched it since. Now he uses a program that shipped along
with his digital camera. It does:
- red eye removal
- cropping
- resizing
- color adjustment
- and that's about it. Everything is present as little buttons or the
likes at the top.

And whenever he shows digital photos to friends, he keeps saying how great
that program is. 

Why? The answer is the task-centric approach. The program does one thing:
help users do a quick fix of photos as easily as possible. That's it. You
can't do anything professional about it, but it answers 90% of the needs
of 90% of casual users in the easiest-to-use way.

Similarly, I remember seeing this drawing program online... it has: a
canvas, a color selector, a few paintbrushes in one small corner. That's

Such task-centric interfaces are by far the most intuitive and
user-friendly. But obviously, they have very limited options.

Both Gimp and Photoshop, by contrast, are tool-centric approach.
Basically, it goes like this: give users a bunch of tools. Put as many
options on those tools as you can think of. Let users figure out what they
want to do with those tools.

Tool-centric approaches are by far the most powerful. Unfortunately...
they're not very intuitive. The users see a multitude of tools and a dozen
options... and don't know what to do with barely any of them. This is true
of Photoshop as well. Photoshop just benefits from incredible
documentation and training support. But examples such as the person I've
mentioned show that no, it is Not an intuitive program either.

Here's an example of where the two approaches would diverge: suppose a
person wants to paint something. 
- in a task-centric interface, he'd be handed a few brushes entitled
"Pencil, charcoal, watercolor." 
- in Gimp, he'd be handed the brush tool, and told "There are lots of
modes you can chose from: multiply, divide, grain extract, grain merge,
etc, etc." At this point, the person would start looking a bit lost.

The weird thing is that tool-centric interfaces can actually accomplish
much of the things the task-centric interface can (and much more). Take
the paintbrush tool, for example, select an appropriate brush shape,
modify the transparency and spacing, even add jitter, and suddenly you
have "watercolor, oil, pointillism." Not exactly on Procreate Painter
level, but close enough for the user to finally go "Ooooh!"

So I personally think that the future of Gimp is actually to make the
interface as configurable as possible, then make all the settings savable
and sharable. Then let people perhaps other than developers make up ideal
settings for each type of task, maybe include a short tutorial for each (I
should mention that I really like the tutorials included in Inkscape. I'd
never have figured out how to use it if not for those). The best
interfaces of each category should be included in each release. Users can
go find other ones though, and can experiment with the normal setting once
they're used to whichever one they like to use (thus making the learning
curve less steep).

So when a new user opens Gimp, he can choose the "Gimp-quick photo adjust"
interface, and suddenly the interface changes to only show layers, masks,
color adjustment tools, red eye removal, some commonly used filters such
as Unsharp mask and blur etc. He choses the "Gimp-paint" setting and he
has layers, color selectors, and a list of brushes that says "wa

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-16 Thread gg
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:30:13 +0200, SorinN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's why we need a Gimp PRO, Inkscape PRO, Scribus PRO - someone, a
> Firm / Govern / Foundation /  Linux Distro / Billionaire ...or a
> mixture of them must hire core developers of all 3 projects - put them
> into a big WEB / DTP Core Linux project

> ...finally helping Linux to grow faster, helping
> world to be free.

Sadly no-one gives money away for no reason. So nearly always there are  
strings attached, they dictate the way things move for their own ends and  
developers loose control of thier work.

Also developers need thier own reasons for working if it's for free. These  
motivations , which will obviously vary according to the individual, are  
likely to be very different to the kind of heirarchical, profit driven  
structure you are suggesting.

The best solution would seem to be pulling in more donations so that  
certain things can get finished. The way SOC targets specific projects to  
help things move along.

It's strange that gimp does not attract some more serious sponsoring in  
view of the maturity of the project. Maybe potencial sponsors have looked  
at the mailing list archives and asked themselves "do we want to work with  
these people"?

Maybe many who would have worked for free have also been turned away.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/16/07, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

> The closest thing, I guess, is that f-spot is being developed by a paid
> employee.

Well, the closest thing would be MrB directly financed by Angulo
Solido for fixing bugs and improving Scribus. F-Spot is a work that
Larry does in his rare spare time, mostly (feel free to prove me

Then, again, I don't understand what is meant with that 2D core.

GEGL? Inkscape might be using it anyway thanks to one of this year's
SoC projects and chances are that Scribus will be using it too in a

Cairo? Inkscape is already moving to it, Scribus already uses it
optionally and GIMP ebventually will be there.

lib2geom? Pretty much the same thing.

We've already seen on GEGL's example how badly direct sponsoring may
affect development. We should be careful with our wishes ;-)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-15 Thread Tor Lillqvist
SorinN writes:
 > That's why we need a Gimp PRO, Inkscape PRO, Scribus PRO - someone, a
 > Firm / Govern / Foundation /  Linux Distro / Billionaire ...or a
 > mixture of them must hire core developers of all 3 projects - put them
 > into a big WEB / DTP Core Linux project and manage development and
 > releases.

If they saw any money making potential in it, they presumably would?

None of the commercial Linux companies which one would assume have
very skilled market analysts etc that can do research to find out what
is worth doing has seen much business in funding work on GIMP or
Inkscape to the extent of actually hiring developers so far. The
closest thing, I guess, is that f-spot is being developed by a paid
employee. Plus, has lots of paid developers, and it
includes some rudimentary graphic capabilities. This should tell you
something. Not sure what;)

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-15 Thread SorinN
That's why we need a Gimp PRO, Inkscape PRO, Scribus PRO - someone, a
Firm / Govern / Foundation /  Linux Distro / Billionaire ...or a
mixture of them must hire core developers of all 3 projects - put them
into a big WEB / DTP Core Linux project
and manage development and releases.

This will bring us - a single, unified 2D HQ rendering / printing
core. Same advanced vector tools and similar vector manipulation
methods on all 3 applications ( which need to work as a unit ) . Same
live effects for vectors and rasters >> imagine how easy you can move
Objects, Layers, Groups between applications just using drag-and-drop.
Finally, the same HQ quality for print, the same PDF export engine.

As separate projects - on Open Source World - this process can take
long time from now. Manny years.

So, for all 3 teams  we need -> 1. to accept Ideea ( to work on the
same core for something PRO and new );  2. to find or to found a crazy
legal creature that can fund all development,  3. a good market policy
-> Joe, if U make free plugins with our toolkit - U don't need to pay
for tools - for commercial plugins U have to pay for toolkit /
libraries, etc. 4. At this step - If all OK - we all are OK >> that
mean : Free and PRO versions, free and paid plug-ins / add-ons, free
source, a nice toolkit with the best libs for developers, time (paid
time) for developers - a continuous, sane, development / future for
Open Source Suite, a good way to turn to Linux a bunch of programmers,
a good way to prepare the future -> giving  best tools and practices
for IT Universities, ...finally helping Linux to grow faster, helping
world to be free.

A bit strange maybe all that I'm saying here but... so quick (
movement on this direction ), so good. From 2008 MS will leave XP. All
new computers will sell Vista. Before the big moment a lot of users /
enterprises will search around for solutions. THAT  will be for Linux
The Day. If Linux will loose momentum, ...hmm, the progress will be

but ..keeping a happy note ( as always ) for the final >  let the
GEGL be with us ;)


P.S. Sorry Engel for my response - U ask for something and I told you
crazy things.

well - go on and don't give up with this crazy - because sooner or
later will be real.
and you won't miss the dance.

> On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 19:19:06 +0200, Hal V. Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Saturday 14 April 2007 08:04, Chris Puttick wrote:
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> Forgive me if I have missed this information, but can someone give an
> >> estimate for the release of 2.4? We are trying to move to open source
> >> throughout the organisation, but the graphics team are solidly stuck to
> >> Adobe Photoshop and Gimp 2.4 seems the most likely candidate to replace
> >> it.
> >> Unless the list thinks that 2.4 would not be a candidate to replace
> >> Photoshop?
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help.
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> Chris
> >
> Release dates don't really exist for Gimp. I asked this same question last
> September and got the same polite silence.
> Due to the nature of Gimp development the new release happens when the
> work is done, rather than setting a target date and trying to get it out
> of the door on time. Development cycles tend to be rather long in general
> so you should probably follow Hal's comments and determine what you need
> and what can or can't be done with Gimp.
> One key thing to bear in mind when doing this is that Gimp does not aim to
> be a free clone of Photoshop. Some things are done differently and while
> the basic tasks are often similar the feature sets are different and
> things are often done differently. There are some things you can do with
> PS that you can't do with Gimp and vice versa.
> As he said you really need one of your graphics team to determine any
> important tasks that you cant manage to do with gimp and ask. It may
> simply be that you have not discovered how to do the task or it may add
> impetus to finish a feature in development.
> HTH.
> gg
> > Chris,
> >
> > There is not nearly enough information in your post to answer that
> > question.
> > It depends entirely on the requirements of your graphics team.  For
> > example,
> > if they work only with 8 bit/channel images then gimp 2.4 might be a good
> > candidate to replace Photoshop.  But if they work with 16 bit/channel
> > images
> > then it is not.  But there are lots of other things that need to be
> > considered and your note does not have any information on any if these
> > variables.
> >
> > I would think that the best thing to do would be to find someone on your
> > graphics team who is open minded enough to not get hung up on the
> > differences
> > in the UI who will actually evaluate the available functionality and
> > give an
> > assessment of what things your shop requires and how close current GIMP
> > development is to meeting your needs.  However it might be difficult to
> > find
> > so

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-15 Thread gg
On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 19:19:06 +0200, Hal V. Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> On Saturday 14 April 2007 08:04, Chris Puttick wrote:
>> Hi
>> Forgive me if I have missed this information, but can someone give an
>> estimate for the release of 2.4? We are trying to move to open source
>> throughout the organisation, but the graphics team are solidly stuck to
>> Adobe Photoshop and Gimp 2.4 seems the most likely candidate to replace  
>> it.
>> Unless the list thinks that 2.4 would not be a candidate to replace
>> Photoshop?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Regards
>> Chris

Release dates don't really exist for Gimp. I asked this same question last  
September and got the same polite silence.

Due to the nature of Gimp development the new release happens when the  
work is done, rather than setting a target date and trying to get it out  
of the door on time. Development cycles tend to be rather long in general  
so you should probably follow Hal's comments and determine what you need  
and what can or can't be done with Gimp.

One key thing to bear in mind when doing this is that Gimp does not aim to  
be a free clone of Photoshop. Some things are done differently and while  
the basic tasks are often similar the feature sets are different and  
things are often done differently. There are some things you can do with  
PS that you can't do with Gimp and vice versa.

As he said you really need one of your graphics team to determine any  
important tasks that you cant manage to do with gimp and ask. It may  
simply be that you have not discovered how to do the task or it may add  
impetus to finish a feature in development.


> Chris,
> There is not nearly enough information in your post to answer that  
> question.
> It depends entirely on the requirements of your graphics team.  For  
> example,
> if they work only with 8 bit/channel images then gimp 2.4 might be a good
> candidate to replace Photoshop.  But if they work with 16 bit/channel  
> images
> then it is not.  But there are lots of other things that need to be
> considered and your note does not have any information on any if these
> variables.
> I would think that the best thing to do would be to find someone on your
> graphics team who is open minded enough to not get hung up on the  
> differences
> in the UI who will actually evaluate the available functionality and  
> give an
> assessment of what things your shop requires and how close current GIMP
> development is to meeting your needs.  However it might be difficult to  
> find
> someone who will be able to look past the UI differences.  If at that  
> point
> you find that there are features that your graphics team uses and NEEDS  
> that
> are missing from GIMP 2.3.x (and presumably 2.4 since the feature set is
> close to being frozen) then you could follow up with the GIMP developers  
> to
> make sure those things end up in the next version.  You might even  
> consider
> having your organization sponsor (IE. fund) some of that work to ensure  
> that
> the next release meets your needs.
> Also keep in mind that there are other open source tools for doing  
> graphics
> work that might also complement GIMP and provide functionality that your
> graphics team needs.  In other words it might not be GIMP that ends up
> replacing Photoshop but GIMP plus some other tools and you need to  
> consider
> your whole graphics work flow to be able to answer the question of how  
> you
> will go about replacing Photoshop with open source software.
> Also on a side note I see on your web site that there is at least one  
> stitched
> mosaic of photos.  If you are not already using open source tools for  
> this
> work might I suggest you try Hugin, enblend and autopano-SIFT.  In fact  
> this
> suite of tools would have done a significantly better job then what I  
> saw on
> your web site for the image next to "HERITAGE" on your Services page.
> Hal
>> Chris Puttick
>> CIO
>> Oxford Archaeology: Exploring the Human Journey
>> Direct: +44 (0)1865 263 818
>> Switchboard: +44 (0)1865 263 800
>> Mobile: +44 (0)7914 402 907
>> This message has been scanned for viruses by BlackSpider MailControl -
>> ___
>> Gimp-developer mailing list
>> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] 2.4 release date

2007-04-14 Thread Hal V. Engel
On Saturday 14 April 2007 08:04, Chris Puttick wrote:
> Hi
> Forgive me if I have missed this information, but can someone give an
> estimate for the release of 2.4? We are trying to move to open source
> throughout the organisation, but the graphics team are solidly stuck to
> Adobe Photoshop and Gimp 2.4 seems the most likely candidate to replace it.
> Unless the list thinks that 2.4 would not be a candidate to replace
> Photoshop?
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards
> Chris


There is not nearly enough information in your post to answer that question.  
It depends entirely on the requirements of your graphics team.  For example, 
if they work only with 8 bit/channel images then gimp 2.4 might be a good 
candidate to replace Photoshop.  But if they work with 16 bit/channel images 
then it is not.  But there are lots of other things that need to be 
considered and your note does not have any information on any if these 

I would think that the best thing to do would be to find someone on your 
graphics team who is open minded enough to not get hung up on the differences 
in the UI who will actually evaluate the available functionality and give an 
assessment of what things your shop requires and how close current GIMP 
development is to meeting your needs.  However it might be difficult to find 
someone who will be able to look past the UI differences.  If at that point 
you find that there are features that your graphics team uses and NEEDS that 
are missing from GIMP 2.3.x (and presumably 2.4 since the feature set is 
close to being frozen) then you could follow up with the GIMP developers to 
make sure those things end up in the next version.  You might even consider 
having your organization sponsor (IE. fund) some of that work to ensure that 
the next release meets your needs.

Also keep in mind that there are other open source tools for doing graphics 
work that might also complement GIMP and provide functionality that your 
graphics team needs.  In other words it might not be GIMP that ends up 
replacing Photoshop but GIMP plus some other tools and you need to consider 
your whole graphics work flow to be able to answer the question of how you 
will go about replacing Photoshop with open source software. 

Also on a side note I see on your web site that there is at least one stitched 
mosaic of photos.  If you are not already using open source tools for this 
work might I suggest you try Hugin, enblend and autopano-SIFT.  In fact this 
suite of tools would have done a significantly better job then what I saw on 
your web site for the image next to "HERITAGE" on your Services page.


> Chris Puttick
> Oxford Archaeology: Exploring the Human Journey
> Direct: +44 (0)1865 263 818
> Switchboard: +44 (0)1865 263 800
> Mobile: +44 (0)7914 402 907
> This message has been scanned for viruses by BlackSpider MailControl -
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer
Gimp-developer mailing list