Re: Batch job elapsed time baseline and alerts

2022-02-16 Thread Tim Hare
With "several hundreds if not thousands jobs running at any give time"  you 
must be using an automated job scheduler of some sort.  Does your scheduler 
maintain 'average run time' in its database?  Does the scheduler itself, allow 
notification if that average time is exceeded?

If not - you can use MXG,   or other means, to calculate statistics about run 
time.  If you have to get notification in real time,  you're going to need to 
code some stuff in exits.  

One approach (I haven't coded this so bear it in mind):  

Store the average time somewhere (MXG, wherever).  For each job put that time 
into a comment card in the JCL.  Use a fixed, easy to parse format.

In exit IEFUJV,  parse that comment card to make the average run time into a 
binary, add store it into a storage area you GETMAIN for each job (make sure to 
store the pointer into the user area for the job provided by the SMF user exit 
interface).  Mark a flag in that area as 'no msg issued'.

In exit IEFUJI,  get the current time, add the average run time to it, and 
store the result in your job 'control block'

In IEFU83  (shouldn't need IEFU84/85 for regular batch jobs, I wouldn't think?) 
 get the current time, and compare it to what you stored.   If  it is larger 
than what you stored,  issue a message via WTO and mark the flag as 'message 
issued'.  This is to prevent issuing the message more than once for the job.  
IEFU83 gets called a lot since it is called for every SMF record created for a 
job so make sure your routine is coded efficiently.

This is off the top of my head.  I used IEFU83 to provide the ability to notify 
as soon as you exceeded what you expected;  if you don't need to be that 
granular use IEFACTRT for step end, or IEFUSI at step initiation, and check 
between steps.  The 'hard part' is getting the information into the system with 
the job.

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Re: report writer alternatives

2021-07-14 Thread Tim Hare
Is this for users, "power users", or programmer/developers?  For some of those 
groups,  SyncSort (not sure of the new names yet) or DFSORT provide pretty good 
reporting capabilities and great performance.

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Re: DFSORT and SMF date selection

2021-06-14 Thread Tim Hare
Thank you, I think this is a better solution for me right now.

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Re: DFSORT and SMF date selection

2021-06-14 Thread Tim Hare
I am not using IFASMFDP I am doing other things in the DFSORT application.  I'm 
trying not to do all of the I/O to select the records with IFASMFDP, then read 
the selected records a second time into DFSORT to process them.

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Re: DFSORT and SMF date selection

2021-06-14 Thread Tim Hare
Thanks for the solution.  I am wondering, though:  since I am not interested in 
dates in the 20th century,  could I use COND=(12,3,Y2U,GE,&DATE3P-7) ?  The 
rightmost 3 bytes of the SMF date would seem to satisfy Y2U and as long as my 
offset of -7 doesn't take me to a previous century I should be OK, right?

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DFSORT and SMF date selection

2021-06-14 Thread Tim Hare
The brain  is just not working today I guess.  I want to use DFSORT to select 
some SMF records for a week;  I'm getting myself confused in the DFSORT 
application programming guide

Do I want to use 




or have I missed something entirely.   The point is to have the job be 
scheduled weekly,  after our last SMF dump at midnight and subsequent 
accumulation of SMF records so today's date minus 7 gives us yesterday and the 
6 days previous.  I'm just not sure of the right way to do this with SMF dates 
which are right now x'0121165F'

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ldapsrch/ldapsearch and netrc

2021-05-19 Thread Tim Hare
I have been unsuccessful so far in finding out the answer to this in the IBM 
documentation on the LDAP client utilities.  Maybe my search-fu is lacking 
today,  but here's the question:  

When running the ldapsrch utility in z/OS  (IKJEFT01 in batch or in TSO)  can a 
NETRC file be used instead of the -D and -w parameters?

If anyone on the list knows, please reply.

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Re: TWS replacements

2021-01-29 Thread Tim Hare
ASG Workload Scheduler (formerly Beta42, formerly from Pecan)  has "agents" for 
Windows and *nix and z/OS;  I would assume their Zeke schedule would have those 
capabilities too.   The shop I retired from used the z/OS agents to coordinate 
scheduling of data gathering for MXG and chargeback so the 'Admin LPAR' would 
kick off the MXG and chargeback jobs only after the jobs on each LPAR that 
created the daily SMF datasets had run.   Also tested using the Windows agent 
to kick off executing commands on a Windows server and that worked but was 
never implemented in production.  If I recall the source was not shipped for 
the agents so probably the *nix one was compiled for x86 as well as the Windows 
one, but never needed to test that .

Our schedulers like Beta42 better than Zeke when they tested it and found CA-7 
too complex, but our schedulers were mostly upgraded data entry folks, they 
were extremely focused on 'easy to understand' and not so much on 'great 

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Re: Starting a started task from a started task

2021-01-29 Thread Tim Hare
this _may_ work:

Include a dummy dataset with DISP=OLD in the JCL for both started tasks.  Start 
them one after the other in the order you want them to run or if you have an 
automated operations tool,  start them a second apart or more - whatever you 
are comfortable with. The DISP=OLD will cause an enqueue and prevent the second 
one from starting until the other one finishes.  Depending upon your shop's 
parameters the operators may or may not see a message about the second started 
task waiting for dataset.

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Re: Inspecting and extracting from /OS transportable files on other platforms?

2021-01-29 Thread Tim Hare
The best tool to transform XML is XSLT.  It's a little funky to learn, because 
it's a "functional programming language"  but it's designed for XML.  I used it 
this way

] >


The stylesheet does all the work.  You'll find information about XSLT around 
the 'net. I don't claim to be good at it, I hack away until I get what I need. 
Note that the contents of &myfile do not _have_ to be XML, I have used this to 
transform calendar text files into XML and played with extracting info from 
COBOL source.  Also note: I have not done this with the XML you're talking 

I don't remember (Semi-retired) if z/OS contains a 'batch' XML processor;  the 
one I have on my PC at home was XT, written in Java.

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Re: Using PCOMM with SSL ?

2020-11-18 Thread Tim Hare
If you can export the cert in z/OS then you ought to be able to use one of the 
RACF certificate displays to determine who signed it.

I _think_ you can export this in Base64 format, move it to Windows as text, and 
import it into the Windows certificate store.

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Re: Finding JES2 node name

2020-11-18 Thread Tim Hare
I guess I'm asking if IEFSSREQ is somehow better than AMASYMBF for retrieving 
the node value.

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Re: Finding JES2 node name

2020-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
The code is not just to _find_ the node, but we want to use the node name for 
other purposes in this program. So SDSF isn't going to help here.

As for other methods of using IEFSSREQ and/or control block chain chaining why 
are they better than the ASASYMBM/F program interface?

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Re: Finding JES2 node name

2020-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
The program is already in Assembler  - so I'm guessing I would use the AMASYMBM 
or AMASYMBF service to resolve SYSNODE

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Re: Microsoft using IBM was Re: IBM splitting into two companies

2020-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
The Mono project ran .NET stuff on Linux, and I have seen it running on z/Linux

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Finding JES2 node name

2020-11-17 Thread Tim Hare
I have some code that follows a control block chain to the HCCT to get the JES2 
node name, but that requires going to key zero (or so the source says, it's 
been years ).  Is there a way to retrieve the JES2 node name in a  program 
running in batch, without being APF-authorized? We'd like to remove the need 
for this program to be in an APF-authorized library.

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Re: z/OS use of "legacy" programming languages

2020-07-22 Thread Tim Hare
I know there's still a VS FORTRAN compiler on a machine I work on - is it still 
supported, or does it just "work".  Haven't seen updates for it in forever;  we 
are running down what was compiled with it that may still be running. All the 
important stuff moved to a FORTRAN supplied by another vendor that runs on PCs 
or other platforms; what's left would be dumb little utility-type programs that 
some user is loathe to turn loose of (and those users can probably tell you how 
they used to punch the input cards for the program. )

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Re: Possible new function for DFSORT?

2020-07-22 Thread Tim Hare
I could try to do that but I was hoping to use just the tools I have.  The 
nslookup command on z/OS (TSO and "TSO in batch"  returns more than one line, 
which means writing a Rexx exec to parse it into something to match to the 
output of the other stuff

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Possible new function for DFSORT?

2020-07-22 Thread Tim Hare
I don't think this function exists,  and I'm thinking about writing up a SHARE 
requirement for it (which I guess these days becomes an RFE but I'm a member of 
SHARE so I think I'll go that way).   I thought I'd ask whether it would be 
used enough to justify going through that process.

What I'm thinking about is a function (well, two)  to take a binary IP address 
and do DNS lookup, retrieving the host/domain name. At the shop where I'm 
currently working,  many logs don't do the lookup when logging, to save some 
overhead.Yet, it's always nice, when creating a report such as 'who is 
connecting to us the most',  to be able to assign a name rather than an IP 
address;   if the lookup can be done _after_ the data is summarized it would be 
a lot more efficient.  Hence the thinking about making this a function for SORT.

I think this would involve two functions - one for IPV4 and one for IPV6.   We 
might also like two formats similar to DT1 and the like, for formatting IPV4 
and IPV6 binaries into strings. Although I think that can be managed now by 
handling individual parts of the binary and interspersing separator characters 
"manually" it would be much cleaner if it were handled like date/time fields 

Do you think this capability would be used enough to make it an RFE?

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Re: CL/ / Supersession

2020-07-07 Thread Tim Hare
The password might be sent in the clear -  but that is an SNA  SLU (the TN3270 
LU for the terminal session)  to PLU (CL/Supersession) session and as such 
would require looking into methods for encrypting SNA sessions in the Comm 
Server manuals.  I'm pretty sure it's not flowing over IP if TN3270 and 
Supersession are on the same system.  If you're going between systems it might 
be Enterprise Extender?  Which flows over IP and I'd guess Communication Server 
manuals would tell you how to encrypt that as well.
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ISPF 3.4 DSLIST questions

2020-07-07 Thread Tim Hare
I have some questions about the ISPF 3.4 utility.

1. Why does 'Referred' show on the "total" display for datasets,  but if you 
print the dataset list, you don't get it?

2. Are there ways to extend what is displayed?  For one example:  I would like 
to have  column for 'Your Access' that would show me what RACF says my access 
is,  rather than having to do LD DA(/) ALL GEN on a line, and "suffer" through 
the TSO command output  (as I've rarely worked with ACF2 and never with Top 
Secret I don't know if such a request  can be done for 'generic security 

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Re: dfdss equivalent to fdr map

2020-06-20 Thread Tim Hare
Question: does it really matter with a volume that's a virtual thing 
implemented on a RAID array?

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Re: CL/ / Supersession

2020-06-20 Thread Tim Hare
TN3270 supports secure sockets.  Just make your TN3270 terminals "auto logon" 
to CL/Supersession and you're good.

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Re: IDCAMS not freeing file

2020-05-12 Thread Tim Hare

1. Is this the same VSAM file shared between the two partitions?
2. Is the VSAM file referenced in JCL anywhere, or just in the commands in 

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Re: tape drice or tape cart???

2020-05-06 Thread Tim Hare
However you are specifying a device, or your task is selecting the device,  the 
device is either already allocated to something else, or it is boxed and has no 
I/O paths.I'm not a big VM guy,  but is it possible you have a device 
defined to multiple guests,  and you have it online to more than one, without 
some sort of device sharing synchronization software to make sure only one is 
using it at a time?

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Re: Mainframe user ID length

2020-05-06 Thread Tim Hare
As many have stated you are limited to 8 upper case characters, 7 if you still 
use UADS;  however if the MQ user is off-platform, perhaps one of the various 
tools for mapping other IDs to a RACF ID could be used?  These are all part of 
RACF (not sure about ACF2 or Top Secret) but as I see it they boil down to 
authenticating using some non-RACF method,  then taking that ID and mapping it 
to a RACF ID, which would be the ID used in the ACEE (and probably other 
places), but the user wouldn't necessarily need to know it.

There are probably people on this list far more expert in those than I am,  
having never had to  implement one of them, but I know they exist.

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Re: DB2 / DFSort question

2020-04-17 Thread Tim Hare
I was not aware that the UNLOAD utility invoked DFSORT,  I figured DSNTIAUL 
did.  I was wondering it that was as efficient as invoking an SQL query in E15, 
 but with the other responses I think it's probably not worth coding another 
one to find out. 

As for creating the symbols - I can probably find ways to do that from the DDL 
created by DSNTIAUL. 

Thanks for all the responses!

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DB2 / DFSort question

2020-04-16 Thread Tim Hare
Before I start chiseling a piece of stone into a wheel :-)   -  I've been 
thinking about ICETOOL and DB2.  Is there already in existence something that 
would provide a SELECT (similar to what is used in DSNTIAUL or DSNTIAD)  to 
select DB2 data as an E15 exit for DFSORT?  

My ideal would be (Maybe I should write an RFE)
In ICETOOL the ability to code SQLSEL FROM(SQL) USING()




It would be nice if this could execute before SYMNAMES is read, so the SELECT 
handler could create symbols for all of the columns in the result set.

Maybe it is just as efficient to use DSNTIAUL with ORDER BY ?

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Re: LOGR Offload Dataset deletion problem

2020-01-30 Thread Tim Hare
Maybe it's because you have  start date in the DATE parameter? In the 
documentation at there are specific rules about ignoring the start date when 

There are these statements (those not applying to DELETE have been skipped to 
make this post shorter)

3. ARCHIVE and DELETE options: When you specify the ARCHIVE or DELETE option in 
LSNAME, pay attention to these items:

   - The start date and time of the IFASMFDL is always the start date and time 
of the log stream. The start time that is specified by the START parameter is 
ignored. The start date that is specified by DATE or RELATIVEDATE parameter 
will also be ignored.

   - If you specify the DELETE option, everything in the specified log stream 
is removed, from the start of the log stream up until the end date that is 
specified by the DATE or RELATIVEDATE parameter and the end time that is 
specified by the END parameter. The OUTDD statements are not permitted when the 
DELETE option is used. 

   - When using the DELETE and ARCHIVE options, you must ensure that only one 
instance of the IFASMFDL program is running at a time for a given log stream. 
Running multiple instances of the dump program against the same log stream 
leads to unexpected results.

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2020-01-08 Thread Tim Hare
Do any of you run FOCUS for Mainframe from IBI?   If so, do you also license 
their FOCLOG feature to record information about what programs (called 
focexecs) have run and what resources they used? 

[Without that log, it's pretty opaque - you can see in SMF that FOCUS was run 
as a batch program, but not which of its "programs" has been invoked.   The 
usual SMF statistics for a batch job are there, but you can't tie it back to a 
FOCUS program name. ]

If you used FOCLOG, how did it work for you?  It writes to an MVS dataset (I 
believe with DISP=MOD) rather than recording via SMF.   IF we were to use it, I 
foresee issues like B37 abends on the log dataset,   or having to manage many 
GDG generations every day,  and the requirement to allow _everyone_ to update 
it because this is a product that can be used to create ad-hoc reports.

I'd like to hear of any experiences anyone has had with this component.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Clist dataset

2019-11-02 Thread Tim Hare
We submit a batch job with two steps:  first step IEFBR14 with the dataset name 
allocated DISP=OLD, second step IDCAMS to do ALTER dsname NEWNAME(newdsname). 
The job ENQs on the dataset name so new TSO allocations for it fail, and the 
job waits until all TSO users using it have freed it or logged off.  Once it 
has the dataset it finishes very quickly.  

I think we tried having some 'dummy' DD in the IDCAMS step with the dataset 
name and DISP=OLD (eliminating the IEFBR14) but I can't remember if that worked 
or not

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Re: SMF for cataloged procedures and INCLUDEs. WAS Re: "Trapping" messages written to JESYSMSG?

2019-08-09 Thread Tim Hare
I don't check this list regularly but I think you slightly misunderstood.  I'm 
not looking for who is using what procedure _library_.   I'm looking for the 
use of individual members.   RACF doesn't (unless it happened in a recent 
release and I missed it) allow us to audit individual members of a library.

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SMF for cataloged procedures and INCLUDEs. WAS Re: "Trapping" messages written to JESYSMSG?

2019-07-03 Thread Tim Hare
As mentioned before, I've created a SHARE requirement and an RFE to have the 
system record the information from the IFC001I (cataloged procedure was 
expanded from... msg) and IFC002I (INCLUDE was expanded from... msg) message in 
an SMF record.If this would be important or useful to your shop,  you 
should vote this up.  I know we've wanted to find a way for years to determine 
what cataloged procedures are in use, and eliminate the ones no one uses from 
the non-IBM libraries.   This will also help determine if someone is using 
JCLLIB to run their own version of a procedure.

Here's the RFE link:

Here's a link to the SHARE discussion page but please not it might move.  I put 
it in JES in the RFE system and the SHARE requirements system, and IBM moved it 
to BCP in the RFE system.

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Re: Tape Mount delay notification

2019-07-02 Thread Tim Hare
Can you, if you automate the message, in that automation code issue something 
that gets invoked after on a timer basis?  If so you can issue a message 'n' 
minutes after the mount message.   I know AF/Oper from IBM/Candle has that 
capability but I don't know much about OPS/MVS.

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Re: Personal Communications Printer Session

2019-07-02 Thread Tim Hare
I don't know of a list to discuss PComm  but if these printers support IP 
printing (either direct socket or LPD protocol) - and most do these days - you 
can define the IP address or host/domain name in something like VPS or 
Infoprint and eliminate the need for the 3270 printer emulation session 

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Re: Volume compare utility

2019-06-25 Thread Tim Hare
I don't think we had the number of volumes Skip has, but we did several 
migrations using short-term leases of FDRPAS and they all went extremely well;  
the great thing about FDRPAS is that you don't need to do most of it during 
"down time".

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Re: How to grant access to CONSPROF - Conclusion

2019-06-08 Thread Tim Hare
If this is running in batch, can you make the ID have PROTECTED status, as long 
as the ID is  propagated from something that submits the job?

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Re: "Trapping" messages written to JESYSMSG?

2019-06-08 Thread Tim Hare
I have created a SHARE requirement for this (which I think was submitted to 
RFE) _and_ an RFE ( 133491 ) to write IEFC001I and IEFC002I information to SMF. 
 If voting is still open and this information is important to your shop, please 
vote.   My suggested solution was to make any solution available to all JES 
systems that are currently GA.

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Re: How to Identify PROC name in SMF

2019-05-28 Thread Tim Hare
Not the simplest, but

Write an IEFUJV exit.  When you find EXEC on a statement, and you cannot find 
PGM= on that statement, you have a proc.  Write a simple SMF record with a user 
record type (128 -> 255) .

Post process with SORT to summarize usage counts.  

This won't pick up JCLLIB, etc.  but even with JCLLIB there's no easy way to 
tell which proc came from a JCLLIB and which from a proc in the JES 
concatenation;   you might need to get into JES2 exits or source to look at 

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Re: FTPLOGGING not working

2019-05-28 Thread Tim Hare
If you do find out what they did to resolve it, would you please post it here 
for the education of all?

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Re: "Trapping" messages written to JESYSMSG?

2019-05-28 Thread Tim Hare
Is there an exit that can "see" these messages? Maybe an MPF exit?  If so, you 
could always write an exit to echo the messages to some routing code that 
doesn't go to the console,  process it with automation, and hopefully prevent 
it from going to your operlog or syslog.

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Re: Concatenating VB and FB ?

2019-05-12 Thread Tim Hare
I believe concatenation now uses the largest blksize, not the first one.   Not 
sure about LRECL

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Re: ind$file - omvs copy equivalent

2019-05-12 Thread Tim Hare
I don't understand why the OP wants to receive it to USS and then copy it to an 
MVS dataset when they could run FTP under TSO and receive the XMI file directly?

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Re: SMS ACS Routine Decompiler

2019-05-12 Thread Tim Hare
I would have assumed that "SELECT WHEN" would be processed into different 
things internally than "IF/THEN/ELSE",  but your evidence would imply 
otherwise... it implies that "SELECT WHEN" is perhaps pre-processed into 
"IF/THEN/ELSE" statements before "compiling".  Either that, or someone tried to 
write one themselves and it wasn't very good 

I wonder if IBM has such a tool?  If they do, perhaps your client can convince 
IBM of the need to help them out?  I know we got some APF rebuilt by IBM one 
time, after libraries were lost.

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Concatenating VB and FB ?

2019-05-12 Thread Tim Hare
I seem to be finding different answers on this.

A vendor used to ship some files as PDSes with RECFM=FB and LRECL=80 (BLKSIZE 
23440).   User-customized members at this shop were put in a different PDS, 
with the same attributes, and concatenated in cataloged procedures,  ahead of 
the vendor's libraries.  Pretty standard practice I'm sure most are familiar 

Suddenly, because (I'm told) of a merging of code bases at the vendor, their 
PDSes are now RECFM=VB and LRECL=2044 (BLKSIZE 27998) !   My instincts tell me 
this isn't going to work well, but with changes in concatenation of libraries 
over the course of my career I'm not sure.Here's what I think:  because of 
the "new" rule where the largest BLKSIZE sets the buffer size, we'll be OK for 
reading the blocks (23440 fits into 27998)  but  when we try to read a member 
from the VB library, the RDWs are going to mess things up.   

I have tried searching for the answer,  but haven't, apparently, found the 
right source yet.

What say you all?

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Re: ASG Workload Scheduler?

2019-05-03 Thread Tim Hare
"the big diversion"?

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ASG Workload Scheduler?

2019-05-03 Thread Tim Hare
I'm curious about how many here run ASG's Workload Scheduler, which was 
Beta-42, and before that was created by Pecan.  The shop I'm working for still 
runs it and is still happy with it for years though they've asked me at times 
to do some specialized reporting about tasks and schedules (which I manage to 
do with SORT for the most part) that aren't part of the product.  

Just looking to see if there are others to SHARE stuff with.

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Re: Concatenation and UNIT=(,n)

2019-05-03 Thread Tim Hare
Figuring that this is 'working as designed',  I have started a SHARE 
requirement, where discussion could take place.  My suggested improvment is 
that for multi-unit, multi-volume datasets (and I realize this probably mostly 
applies to tape) a consolidated list of volumes for the concatenated datasets 
be constructed, and the mounts happen from that list.

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Concatenation and UNIT=(,n)

2019-04-30 Thread Tim Hare
For a number of years I've let the catalog and/or SMS supply the unit,  but 
I've supplied unit count (ex: UNIT=(,3) )  to overlap I/O and mount processing. 
  I even use it with virtual tape systems that have physical tape backup - 
because it can allow a recall of a virtual volume to be done while I/O is 
processing.  But I never noticed until know that if you concatenate two DDs 
like this:

// UNIT=(,2),  
// DSN=dataset.two

and ''  only has one volume,  the system will issue a mount for that 
volume, and then one for volume 'PRIVAT',  it won't mount the first or only 
volume of the second dataset.   Is this behavior something that can be modified 
with some obscure JCL or system setting, or is this a candidate for an RFE?   
I'm making the assumption that physical tape hasn't reached the point where it 
isn't used anywhere, of course.

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Re: SMS Compression measurment?

2019-04-29 Thread Tim Hare
Not worried about the efficiency of compression.  The issue is showing to 
someone the CPU saved by using zEDC instead of SMS compression.  IBM's zBNA 
tool estimates it, and we may just use that, but I was hoping someone had a way 
to measure the CPU used just for SMS compression in a job, without having to 
run it twice.

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Re: TCPIP IP address for current LPAR

2019-04-29 Thread Tim Hare
These may be dumb questions but:  

1) I'm assuming you connected to the remote application first?  Else how could 
it connect without the IP address somehow?
2) Why isn't the remote application content with the host/domain name (since IP 
addresses _can_ change)?
3) Why isn't the remote application using DNS (via nslookup or other means) to 
get the IP address?

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Re: Processing Partition organization type record

2019-04-29 Thread Tim Hare
You can do this with ISPF in batch, and Rexx.   I've used this when I had to 
change the one thing in hundreds of PDS members.  Of course you have to balance 
your development and debugging time versus just doing repetitive edits via 

To invoke ISPF in batch.  Note BDISPMAX very large to prevent failures from 
exceeding an ISPF message limit

//SYSEXEC  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.exec.library.with.the.exec   
//ISPPROF  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.ISPF.profile.library   
 CMD(%Rexx_exec dataset_name  variable_value)

This is the Rexx I used with some changes to protect the innocent..

/* REXX */
/* This is the exec named Rexx_exec in the batch job */ 

/* This exec will invoke ISPF EDIT with a macro for each member */ 
/* of a PDS 
PARSE ARG DSN  variable 
/* variable comes in at invocation, must VPUT to use it in the edit macro.  If 
you don't need to pass a variable you can eliminate this */ 
   /* sets the DATAID for the PDS passed in 
DSN */ 
   /* OPEN FOR INPUT */ 
/* BUILD MEMBER  LIST  unless an error  

   LMRC = RC

   IF LMRC = 0  THEN

   "ISPEXEC EDIT DATAID("DATA1") MEMBER("MEMBER") MACRO(edit_macro_name)"   
/* edit the member  using edit macro */
   EDITRC = RC  
/* return code from edit
   /* CLOSE DATASET related to DATAID */
 /*  Free the DATAID  */

Skeleton of the edit macro

variable = "'"||variable||"'"   
   /* had to add single quotes for 
some reason */

/*  may not be 
needed   */ 
IF MEMBER = ' '   

Re: long alias names question

2019-04-29 Thread Tim Hare
These are all good questions - in this instance I don't know the internals of 
the product that might be creating these long names.   It's a 'developer 
studio' type of product which runs on Windows and communicates to a started 
task from the same vendor which can also run on other platforms such as a 
Windows service or a Unix process (I think it's a daemon but haven't researched 
this product running on *nix).  So, predictably the developers are grousing 
about the 8-character limit.

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Re: SMS Compression measurment?

2019-04-29 Thread Tim Hare
Yes, I've looked at Scott Barry's presentation.  It tells me a lot of good info 
about zEDC measurements,  and it does document compression information in type 
14/15 but it appears as though IBM didn't provide any measurement of CPU used 
by SMS compression.  I guess the fallback is to try to run the same job twice, 
once with compressed output and once without compression (and also read each 
back in).

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SMS Compression measurment?

2019-04-22 Thread Tim Hare
I can't remember if I posted this before, but it's come up again so I'm asking.

Is there any way, short of running a job with SMS turning compression, and 
running it a different time with compression off, to measure the CPU time used 
by SMS compression for a dataset? I know I can get zEDC CPU savings estimates 
from zBNA and I'm pursuing that path too, but it seems to me it's something 
that ought to be reported;  especially since recent versions of z/OS have zEDC 
measurements reported to SMF.

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Re: Rexx not processing email formatting

2019-04-22 Thread Tim Hare
If those quotation marks are part of the output of the Rexx routine, that's the 
issue.  E-mail program would not treat those lines as the commands they purport 
to be, because the lines don't begin with a recognizable command they begin 
with a string that consists of the double quote PLUS the command.

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Re: DASD-only logging

2019-04-22 Thread Tim Hare
Skip - we run IEAMDBLG to offload OPERLOG to sequential datasets, named with 
the date, once a day.  You could offload your three systems to temporary 
sequential datasets and combine them via SORT (DF/ or Sync) into something 
sorted by date and time.  One caveat - even if you use HCFORMAT(CENTURY) the 
IEE042I SYSTEM LOG DATA SET INITIALIZED messages seem to have 2-digit years so 
I'd recommend omitting them .

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long alias names question

2019-04-22 Thread Tim Hare
Is there a way to use long alias names in PDSE for members that are not program 
objects?  I've seen symbolic links to a PDSE (or am I seeing one for each 
member?);  we're asking if we do that to share a _data_ PDSE with tools that 
only understand directories, can we create names longer than 8 bytes ?

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Re: Another IBM tape not for z/OS

2019-01-21 Thread Tim Hare
I moved a lot of tape datasets to SMS managed disk, also, but one group of 
application people fought the idea of using unique, catalog-able names for 
their datasets.  Pure laziness - they didn't want to go through the work of 
making the changes and testing.   They did eventually have to do it though - 
AFTER a scheduler/operator looked up the dataset name in CA-1 and put the 
_wrong_ set of volume numbers into the production JCL for job involving 
mailouts for jury duty.The ensuing brouhaha over citizens getting jury 
notices two months in a row caused inquiries from levels of management they 
hadn't heard from in years!

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Re: Exit Calls or Using

2019-01-21 Thread Tim Hare
Let us not forget one of the fun cases:  exit code which exists, but because of 
external circumstances, is ineffective:  for example account number checking 
when the idea of chargeback has been dropped and the check now allows anyone to 
use any code, or an exit which uses RACF to check on something and the profile 
has been changed so that UACC allows everyone to pass.   So your exit is 
invoked, MAY not be needed, but requires further work to check.

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Re: zos program to supply web based client

2019-01-21 Thread Tim Hare
I haven't seen the Apache web server mentioned for some reason.  I haven't used 
Apache but on the previous Domino-based web server you could write a Rexx CGI 
(Common Gateway Interface, not Computer Generated Images) program  that could 
be invoked via URL and retrieve whatever you want.   When I fooled with it I 
chose to return XML but you can return whatever the client program needs I am 
sure.  I don't know if Apache still support CGI  but it definitely supports 
_some_ way to invoke an application program via the web.   The Apache server is 
"free" with z/OS, too, I believe. 

Disclaimer:  I am retired and consult part-time, so if some z/OS 2.3 thing has 
changed circumstances I might not be completely up to date. Hopefully to be 
remedied at a future SHARE someday.

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Re: How to capture LOGS of system running tasks (was Job submit using REXX )

2018-05-17 Thread Tim Hare
I am not sure why you want to capture this with Rexx, but I will second the 
idea of using the SPIN= keyword to spin off log entries on a regular interval. 

If you just want to capture to disk, you can use one of the products mentioned, 
or if you don't have such a product,  you can create an external writer STC 
(external writer comes with z/OS) to capture that output class. 

If you are looking for particular messages in the log of the task or job, a 
better tool is to use an automated operations tool, many of which can invoke 
Rexx when trapping a specific message.

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Re: Allocating an SMS managed dataset in TSO with space in bytes

2018-05-17 Thread Tim Hare
This is, actually, a request for records - I was using the 1-byte average 
record size because I thought the original poster wanted to allocate in 
megabytes.  If you want to request records and you know the LRECL or the 
average LRECL,  use AVGREC=U/K/M,  and SPACE=(avgLRECL,(pri,sec))  where 'pri' 
and 'sec' are in records (AVGREC=U), thousands of records (AVGREC=K), or 
millions of records (AVGREC=M).

My only problem with this was convincing application programmers to use it. I 
used it all the time, but still found application programmers trying to 
calculate efficient block sizes (they did, eventually, see the BLKSIZE=0 light) 
and use various 'space calculators' to come up with a number of cylinders.   I 
proposed, but never got to do, a 'what you don't know about zOS' class to touch 
on some of these things.

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Re: CICS and DB2

2018-05-16 Thread Tim Hare
I believe there is a DB2 JDBC driver.  How, exactly, you get it installed and 
running under CICS should be documented by IBM.

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Re: Allocating an SMS managed dataset in TSO with space in bytes

2018-05-16 Thread Tim Hare
AVGREC=M,SPACE=(1,(1,1)) allocates one MB with a 1MB secondary extension in 

AVGREC(M) AVBLOCK(1) SPACE(1,1) will do the same thing in TSO.

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2018-05-16 Thread Tim Hare
I'm catching up late here, but in connection with the original poster's 
statement, couldn't the health check "go hunting" and report the offenders?

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IEE042I in OPERLOG - why no century?

2018-04-06 Thread Tim Hare
First let me state we are copying the hardcopy log to disk in two ways:  

1.  External writer proc, SLOGWTR,  which writes to a GDG
2. OPLOGCPY job which copies from system Logger OPERLOG to disk 

I haven't convinced others to rely on OPERLOG yet :-(. 

In any case, I have a small issue.  Wonder if it is "working as designed",   or 
a bug (but it's been going on for years so probably not)?

We copy OPERLOG to disk, there is one message that does not have a 4-digit 
year. - IEE042I (see below)
2018096 00:00:00.10 STC01917 0290  W L  
2018096 00:00:00.10 STC01917 0090  AFTRAP   *** AFOPER SLOGWTR SLOGWTRX: S S
2018096 00:00:00.10 STC01917 0290  S SLOGWTR.L  
2018096 00:00:00.10  0281  IEF196I IEF237I JES2 ALLOCATED TO SYSLOG4
2018096 00:00:00.11  0281  IEF196I IEF285I   +MASTER+.SYSLOG.STC0190
2018096 00:00:00.10 STC3 0090  IEF453I PPSJOB01 - JOB FAILED - JCL ERROR
2018096 00:00:00.11  0281  IEE043I A SYSTEM LOG DATA SET HAS BEEN QU
2018096 00:00:00.11 STC3 0090  $HASP395 PPSJOB01 ENDED  

HCFORMAT is not coded in PARMLIB so defaults to the 2-digit year for SYSLOG.   
Nothing in the manual that I could find about HCFORMAT for OPERLOG (I always 
assumed OPERLOG was 4-digits always, until noticing this anomaly). 

Has anyone else run into this? Is HCFORMAT(CENTURY) the only solution?

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Re: How to speed up IFASMFDP SMF Dump process

2018-03-14 Thread Tim Hare
Let me add to my post - if you read abut SMF CI Size in member ACHAP03 of the 
MXG  source/documentation library, you will see a very good discussion of the 
trade-off between DASD space and CISIZE in MANx datasets.  Apparently SMF 
doesn't do VBS in the MANx datasets in the same way "regular" VBS is done, and 
can waste space because of how it does it.  The ANALSMF program includes what 
they call an "SMF Simulator" that attempts to help you find the optimum CISIZE 
for the SMF records you produce.

There are also a lot of other SMF tips in ACHAP03 that are worth reading.  If 
you don't have MXG perhaps you could contact Dr. Merrill and ask if he would 
share that information as a separate document or if he has done a SHARE 
presentation about it.

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Re: How to speed up IFASMFDP SMF Dump process

2018-03-14 Thread Tim Hare
Do you have MXG?  They have a program, ANALSMF, which will analyze your current 
SMF.  In general, what I've done and which seemed to help:

Set MANx CISIZE to half track (26624).  

In your IFASMFDP JCL to dump a full MANx dataset (we use IEFU29 to issue a 
start for SMFDUMP JCL to dump one whenever it is full, your method may vary),  
use this for the input, so &SMFDS represents the MANx dataset name.

 //   DSN=&SMFDS 

60 buffers = 2 cylinders if you are using half track CI sizes.

On the output sequential datasets on disk we use 
RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32760,BLKSIZE=0  and let the system choose the blocking. The 
last time we did this we had SMS turn on compression for these so it shows 
BLKSIZE=32760 but I believe if you don't use compression the system will choose 
half-track blocking.  Keep in mind that compression uses CPU time unless you 
have zEDC.

The important part: we use BUFNO=60 to match the input.  We never tested 
whether output needed to be larger than input, or not.

If you have huge amounts of data you might consider using striping for the 
output if it is going to disk;  I don't know how much it will help elapsed time 
for the dump but it will help the elapsed time of  whatever uses the data.  I 
tested it once but we didn't implement it.

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Re: Data sets incorrectly cataloged to HSM MIGRAT2

2018-03-14 Thread Tim Hare
I hate to ask at this point in time and the answer is probably 'No'  -  but 
were there datasets migrated by FDR/ABR perhaps? HSM would have no record of 
them yet they would be in the catalog as migrated.

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Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Delete dataset catch-22

2018-02-20 Thread Tim Hare
According to the message the IGGCL0FM-2 shows the DADSM Scratch status code.  
According to DFSMS DFP Diagnosis, this status code could mean:

2 (X'02')
One of the following conditions occurred:
- The data set could not be scratched because the console operator or TSO/E 
terminal operator did not specify the correct
password in the two attempts allowed.
- The user tried to scratch a VSAM data space or a catalogued VSAM data set.
- The user tried to scratch the VTOC index data set.
- An SMS validation failure occurred.
- Verification of the last referenced date failed.

The first one sounds the most likely (to me).  I seem to remember there is a 
utility somewhere to turn off the 'password protected' but it might in fact be 
AMASPZAP to the DSCB.  I'll have to do a deep dive to see if I can find where 
we did that.

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Measurement discussion

2018-02-20 Thread Tim Hare
I created an SHARE requirement (if you're a member you can find it at this 
link: ) about this, but I'd love 
to hear some discussion so I'm posting here too.  My idea is that when IBM 
offers some new "outboard" capability such as zEDC, they need to provide SPE 
PTFs to add measurement of the "old way" so we can use data to decide whether 
to order, and of course pay for, the new feature.  For example, in the zEDC 
case it would have been nice to have a measurement of the CPU time used for SMS 
compression.   If you haven't voted on the requirement, please do so, but 
whether you do or you don't I'd like to hear opinions and ideas.

A second part of the "outboard" measurement issue occurs to me and it isn't 
_just_ hardware related.   While we have a huge amount of information in the 
SMF type 30 records,  CPU use is still scattered among many records.  For 
example, anyone who uses DB2 at their shop knows that the DB2 CPU time is part 
of the CPU time recorded in the SMF type 30 - but how _much_ of the CPU time is 
due to DB2? The record doesn't tell us.   I think it's time for IBM to think 
about some sort of CPU measurement recording "architecture"  - maybe a section 
of type 30, maybe a new SMF record - that gathers in one place the CPU 
measurements of all 'subsystems' used by a job/transaction/enclave  where 
'subsystem' can be a software piece _or_ a hardware piece. Record the CPU time 
for use GP, zIIP, crypto engine, zEDC engine, IDAA card,  in-DB2 time, time in 
CICS code, time in IMS DL/1 processing, whatever.  I'm no expert and I know 
there are going to be nuances (what if my job uses zEDC _and_ my in-DB2 time 
uses zEDC? for one thought) - but we have a lot of nuances now, too.  Again, 
opinions and ideas are what I'm looking for.

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Re: Managing Archival Tape DSN for $AVRS

2018-02-20 Thread Tim Hare
When I last worked on this, we used CA-1's catalog retention (RETPD=99 if I 
recall)  for the GDGs, but because of the 255-entry GDG limit we had to do some 
'merge jobs' to combine various archive "tapes" (ours were redirected to disk 
by Tape Mount Management)  so we could have a year or two retention.   Catalog 
retention for GDGs means that when the GDG entry "rolls off" the tape should 
expire during your next CA-1 cycle.

I don't know what level of z/OS you are on but at z/OS 2.2 the ability to set 
the GDGEXTENDED parameter to YES (default is NO) in IGGCATxx  means you can go 
to 999.

What, specifically, are you trying to do with $AVRS?

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2018-02-09 Thread Tim Hare
Has anyone documented the JOBGROUP  interaction with existing schedulers?
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Re: DFSORT for HTTP logs - RECFM and BLKSiZE?

2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
These are on z/OS in Unix Systems Services, the logs for the IMWHTTPD web 
server.  I tried without DCB but I believe some DCB must be supplied , as 
someone said the access method will deal with the Unix-to-record stuff.  I 
thought my LRECL was 290, but things did not work until I increased it.  It is 
working now.

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Re: DFSORT for HTTP logs - RECFM and BLKSiZE?

2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
Maybe I had LRECL too small?  LRECL=512,BLKSIZE=32760 worked

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Re: DFSORT for HTTP logs - RECFM and BLKSiZE?

2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
I tried this, and ended with S001-1 abend

//  PATH='/usr/lpp/internet/server_root/logs/httpd-log.Jan052018',
//  RECFM=VB,LRECL=290,BLKSIZE=27998  
//SYSINDD  *  
  SORT FIELDS=(46,200,CH,A) 
  SUM FIELDS=(249,4,BI) 
  OUTREC BUILD=(1,4,46,200,X,249,4,BI,M10,LENGTH=9) 

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Re: DFSORT for HTTP logs - RECFM and BLKSiZE?

2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
it appears to be 'V' but I don't see where I could get BLKSIZE from

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Re: Release calendar format

2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
If you need to publish calendar information for others to use, I suggest using 
your PC/Mac calendar tool and publishing the calendar in .ics format 
(icalendar, RFC 5545).  In Outlook you can publish to a WebDAV server or export 
to a file (or share via e-mail).Put that file on your web server, and send 
people the URL to the file.  In most calendar programs (including on phones!) 
you can subscribe to a 'Internet calendar' (Outlook's term).   When you've 
subscribed, your application periodically downloads a new copy of the file.  

I use Outlook.  We create an icalendar file using some SAS code for some 
things,  and store it on our mainframe web server,  and Outlook subscribes to 
it (for what you're doing, the mainframe might be optional).  Outlook downloads 
a new copy every time it checks the mail.  These files are pretty much text 
only so download cost is small.  The Internet calendar appears as a separate 
calendar in Outlook, I can choose to view it as a separate tab, or in 'overlay 
mode' where Outlook shows me a combined view.

The main advantage of doing it this way is that you don't have to format 
anything - you have a calendar UI right there in Outlook. You can choose to 
look at a week at a time, a month, or whatever your calendar UI supports.  You 
can search the calendar too.

I guess my main point is, don't do a lot of work inventing a calendar format, 
when the "unformatted" data can be viewed in so many ways by existing tools

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2018-01-16 Thread Tim Hare
I want to do some simple reporting on my HTTP logs (httpd-log.MMMdd).   I'm 
coding PARSE= to get the information I want, and I think I understand that 
part, but when I run my job SORT complains about RECFM, LRECL, or BLKSIZE.  
Viewing the logs, it looks like the record length is 290 (that's what ISPF view 
tells me)  but where do I determine RECFM and BLKSIZE?  How do I code the JCL 
for these beside the PATH= and PATHOPTS=  values?

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Re: VSAM Performance - CPU reduction

2018-01-14 Thread Tim Hare
Unless things have changed, a 26K CI size is better than 32K because two CIs 
fit on a track.   If I'm understanding this application it:

1. reads everything from the first file
2. for each record in the first file, it attempts to do a random read to find a 
match in the second file
3. IF it finds a match in the second file, then it might need to read one or 
more _other_ records in the second file - positioned by some value in the 
record that matched?

Seems to me you want a 26K CI size and at last BUFND=60 on the first file, to 
maximize sequential read of that file. Going too large on BUFND might be a 
waste, since your processing of the records in each CI are limited by what 
you're doing in the second file.

You definitely want a large BUFNI= for the second file because you don't want 
to do I/O for the key values.  I'm not sure how much a large BUFND buys you - 
it depends how the related records (the ones you are going to retrieve 
depending on program logic) are stored and how many of them you need to read.  
As someone else said, reading too many of them will cost you.

Are the related records read using some alternate key?  If so you might want a 
third 'file' that also reads that file, with index buffers for that alternate 

One other thing - are these updated a lot? If updates are infrequent, or if 
performance can stand it,  reduce the free space in the VSAM files, so that 
you're not reading in a lot of "empty" space in the CIs.

These are just suggestions, of course, without know a lot about your data.

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Re: Preliminary query about mainframe "environmentals"

2017-11-13 Thread Tim Hare
I think it'd be interesting.  It's been a while since I had access (now retired 
/ consulting) but the HMC allowed you to pull up something (a spreadsheet if I 
recall) of kWH by some interval, so you could (probably only on z13 and above) 
have some real data.  I don't know if they ever externalized it to SMF - I 
thought I submitted a requirement for that at one time, but maybe I just 
drafted it and forgot to add it.

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Re: Restful Call

2017-11-13 Thread Tim Hare
z/OS 2.2 has a set of callable routines that provide HTTP client capabilities.  
I saw a presentation at SHARE San Antonio.  I think it is part of the 'web 
enablement toolkit' - see this link

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SCRT and ISVs?

2017-11-13 Thread Tim Hare
Forgive me if I posted this before...  If so, life intervened and I don't 

Is there a list documenting which ISVs participate in Subcapacity Reporting and 
which will supply an ISVLIB file for such use?
I know CA Common Services will, if you set the option, produce type 89 records 
but I haven't yet found where they produce ISVLIB (but I'm searching today, 
just adding this here for additional information).

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Re: CA1 to RMM conversion

2017-10-25 Thread Tim Hare
I can vouch for 'modern CA1' - I went through merging tape databases for 
several LPARs into one shared tape database, then after that was able to do 
maintenance taks without outage.

re: BSAM vs. VSAM vs. whatever.It would be nice  if products which used 
"databases" used a standard API (such as SQL)  and we could use whatever 
database we had already licensed for the underlying storage of the information. 
I mention SQL because it is extremely common, ODBC would be another choice  - 
as long as it is _standard_ .  Tools would then not have to include 'database 
management'  (although I realize that's a 'sunk cost for CA1) - saving some 
development cost for vendors and customers could manage the databases with 
familiar tools.

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Re: Sort Question

2017-10-10 Thread Tim Hare
I know I am late to this, but I see no BLOCK CONTAINS 0 RECORDS in the COBOL.  
I'm not totally current on COBOL releases, but 
A) is that still required to use block size from the JCL
B) is it even relevant in this instance - COBOL will use the block size value 
of the dataset that's input, yes?

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Re: TRTCH=NOCOMP and SMS Compression

2017-06-25 Thread Tim Hare
I think I  want to set up a data class without compression, and assign certain 
data sets to it.   I was _hoping_ that I could override the SMS compression via 
TRTCH=NOCOMP so that I could show people the difference in CPU time with and 
without SMS compression. 

I will go ahead and create the non-compression data class and an ACS routine to 
assign "test" datasets to it.

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Re: EREP Symptom and/or Software Records

2017-06-17 Thread Tim Hare
It's been a few years (retired / consulting now) since I had the duty of 
looking at EREP records but as with what many others have said, it's about what 
seems "normal" in your environment, although I've had instances of 0C4 that was 
occuring regularly, though handled by the piece of software in question without 
killing anything. 

As for searching for APARs, you used to be able to copy those symptom strings 
into the search field such as:


and it was a pretty reliable way to zero in on something.  I don't know if 
IBM's support site search still works that way, but if it does it saves quite a 
lot of time.

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TRTCH=NOCOMP and SMS Compression

2017-06-17 Thread Tim Hare
We have a job which creates "tape" files in TMM (Tape Mount Management) via SMS 
redirection.   The data class assigned to the output dataset has SMS tailored 
compression turned on.   I would like to see how much that compression is 
costing in CPU time by running the job without compression.  Will TRTCH=NOCOMP 
override the data class setting, or do I need to create a special data class 
with no compression just for this test?

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Re: IEFU8* exit points and RMF type 70

2016-08-22 Thread Tim Hare
Bringing this back up again because I still haven't found the answer yet.  Are 
SMF type 70s written by RMF via branch-entry, requiring me to use IEFU85 exit 
point to examine them, or can I use just IEFU83 or IEFU84 ?

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Re: IPLing z/OS 2.1+ with no NIP console

2016-08-19 Thread Tim Hare
Do these chpids connect to any fiber switches not controlled by you?  I got 
called very early one morning due to a bunch of channel errors. At the data 
center where I worked, fiber switches were not owned by our group.  The 
brainiacs who did own responsibility for the switch decided to take half of one 
down for some sort of change / maintenance and didn't bother to tell anyone who 
had equipment connected to it. 

Needless to say, no mainframer after that wanted to configure tape or DASD 
through those switches.

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Re: Syncsort step running too long

2016-08-19 Thread Tim Hare
Did you determine what the problem was?  

My input would have been to compare Syncsort default parameters in case someone 
forgot to migrate them to the new release.

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Re: Real Userid when specifying USER=

2016-08-19 Thread Tim Hare
SMF type 26 (job purge) has the submitting user ID - but _not_  task 
identification (job name/job id/reader time).  We have for some reason jobs 
submitted by the scheduler which run IEBEDIT to "submit" another job and that 
job in turn "submits" another - all with user ID propagation.  They are all 
submitted under the ID in effect when the scheduler submitted the first job - 
which means we can't easily tell which job did the submission.

 I intended to put a SHARE requirement or RFE in on it, but I don't remember if 
I did it.   I'll check that soon.

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Re: AW: Re: RFE to add new sizes to AVGREC and IDCAMS Define

2016-08-19 Thread Tim Hare
I see and understand some people's desire to directly allocate in KB, MB, GB 
(or, coming soon to an array near you, probably TB, and PB).

What I like about AVGREC is the ability to allocate in _records_,  eliminating 
tedious space calculations when I have a good estimate of the size of a dataset.

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IEFU8* exit points and RMF type 70

2016-08-03 Thread Tim Hare
Someone wants a WTO that shows SMF70LAC  (the 4-hour rolling average of MSUs 
value)  every time the RMF type 70 is written.   IEFU8* is the best exit point 
to do that, as near as I can tell,  however what I don't know is whether type 
70s are written the "normal" way, via branch-entry, or via cross-memory,  
require the record be examined at the respective 83, 84, or 85 exit point.  

At this point, I'd probably write the exit and name it as one of the modules at 
all of the exit points - as long as I do my WTO in a reentrant manner I should 
be OK,  but  I'd still kind of like to know the answer.

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2016-08-01 Thread Tim Hare
IF  the batch job is scheduled, and IF you have an automated operations tool, 
and IF your scheduler has an external command interface, THEN:

What we (in Pecan/Beta42/ASG Workload scheduler) was define a variable (example 
$CICS1), and make a predecessor for the batch job with the value $CICS1 = UP.  
In the automated operations too,  we had two message traps:  one for the HASP 
message indicating CICS1 started, which would set the variable to UP, and one 
for the HASP message indicating CICS1 ended, setting the variable to DOWN.  The 
scheduler would then only start the job when the variable was set to UP.

I believe you can do a similar thing with scheduling environment (SCHENV= on 
the job card), too.

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DFSORT SQZ question

2016-08-01 Thread Tim Hare
I've created an FTP client report in comma-delimited format from SMF 118s (yes, 
I know they should be capturing 119s but they aren't yet, and this isn't about 

To make the IP address readable, I used an edit on each byte of the address and 
the SQZ function to put them back together.  However, to do this I had to do 
the edit on an INREC statement, and then treat the four edited fields as one on 
an OUTFIL statement. Here are the control statements,  sorry for the length but 
it's more readable this way:

INCLUDE COND=(6,1,BI,EQ,118,  
INREC FIELDS=(1,24,   
SORT FIELDS=(25,16,CH,A,41,8,CH,A,49,4,CH,A,53,8,CH,A)
SUM FIELDS=(61,4,BI)  
   HEADER1=(C'IP,Local ID,Command,Remote ID,Count'),

Given that this could have as input millions of records depending upon how long 
you want to summarize,  I'd like to be able to use the 4-byte IP address in the 
sort, and _then_  make it readable.  Is there a way for SQZ to work on a group 
of fields?  I'm envisioning something like this where the grouping of fields in 
parenthesis before the SQZ function means sort does those actions, then applies 
SQZ to the entire result... 

INCLUDE COND=(6,1,BI,EQ,118,  
INREC FIELDS=(1,24,   
SORT FIELDS=(25,4,CH,A,29,8,CH,A,37,4,CH,A,41,8,CH,A)
SUM FIELDS=(49,4,BI)  
   HEADER1=(C'IP,Local ID,Command,Remote ID,Count'),

Seems like it would be a performance improvement for this use case anyway...

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Re: Real purpose of hipersocket

2016-07-21 Thread Tim Hare
I would like to add one other advantage that I took advantage of.  When you 
define your hipersocket network,  you can define a very large MTU size for the 
hipersocket network.  This can eliminate a lot of segmentation/re-assembly 
overhead because the data transmission is broken up into fewer large pieces.  
This really can help elapsed time for  transmission of large things like FTP of 
large files, NJE transmission of large reports, or perhaps DRDA between 
database systems, and I never noticed any downside for smaller things.

As mentioned previously, both networks can co-exist, and you can define the 
routing so that hipersockets are preferred.  I don't have my definitions handy 
but we used VIPAs and so we could reach the zOS image via either of two IP 
addresses.  We used 192.168.x.x addresses for the internal (hipersocket) 
network;  I recommend making the last octet or the last two octets the same as 
those of the OSA IP address, but it's not required.

You can test the difference in speed -  find a large dataset (or create one),  
and FTP it using the OSA network and the other system's non-hipersocket IP 
address,  then FTP the same file using the hipersocket IP address.

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Resource Group Limits as a cost containment method?

2016-07-21 Thread Tim Hare
There's a system where their 4-hour rolling average maximum is always during 
their batch window, when they routinely reach their defined capacity limit,  
which in turn affects what they pay in a chargeback system.

Because of scheduling dumbness (another story) they have several gaps in their 
batch window where nothing runs, giving some leeway for jobs to increase their 
elapsed time - not the usual thing you want to do, but bear with us.

Would it be worth investigating setting a resource group limit for the batch 
service class(es) to hold the total 4HRA down as a cost-saving measure, or are 
resource group limits going to cause more trouble than they are worth?

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Re: RFE for new SMPP support in zOS

2016-05-11 Thread Tim Hare
Thanks for the info... Using a RESTFUL interface is probably the way to go for 
the use cases I had in mined - primarily having an automated operations tool 
send notifications to support personnel.  We used to have a way to do it for 
pagers but never got one built when cell phones became the standard issue for 
on call people.

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