Re: [LAAMN] GOOD READnot: Agenda Prevails over Truth by Paul Craig Roberts

2012-12-28 Thread scotpeden
I wouldn't call that a good read, I'd call it an agonizing painful read, rubbing my face into the reality we're in. It is like watching a train wreck in motion, and being barely aware your on that train, and doing nothing to save yourself or others, instead your screaming, LOOK AT THE TRAIN

[LAAMN] What caputulation? Obama has advocated for cuts to social security.

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
Has Obama been an advocate for cuts and reform of social security all along? Jane Hamsher of Fire Dog Lake says yes, and documents what our collective campaign amnesia has filtered out from memory. - Gary It's amazing when you vote for the lesser of the evils, that you actually get evil, as in,

[LAAMN] Corporate America in charge of US Foriegn Policy?

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
I note what spurred Mr Boyle's studies, was the fact that his life was on the line. At least he was paying attention that his life was on the line, most people missed that fact even after their kids came home in a box, if they came home at all. Is that what it takes to get each of us,

[LAAMN] Backstory: Wealth trumps Health, Why SS/Medicare must be cut, and the Military left untouched]

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
Shared with permission. Scott -- [ Backstory: Wealth trumps Health ] Why SS/Medicare must be cut, and Military spending left untouched The number employed by America's War Industry has risen to a staggering proportion of

[LAAMN] ICH quotes

2012-12-25 Thread scotpeden
We kind o' thought Christ went agin war an' pillage - James Russell Lowell If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day -

[LAAMN] Obama Moves Toward Deal to Slash Social Programs

2012-12-25 Thread scotpeden
Social Security HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUDGET, it is what YOU AND I PAY INTO, it's funding does NOT come out of the Budget!!! Obama keeps offering it up for cuts? Whose going to get our money then? They certainly aren't lowering our payments into the program! SS IS NOT BUDGET MONEY, but

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: Christmas Eve, 2012

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
Many good articles here today. The Republican Party is in shambles, but if we want progressive actions out of Obama, now is the time we must lean on him like the Republicans do consistently, he only does what those who lean on him hard want, so act now before he finishes cashing in on his

[LAAMN] Six Rules for Criticizing Obama Over Social Security Cuts

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
I wonder if someone might be able to write some Satire, to compliment this reasonable well known list of rules. Scott -- Six Rules for Criticizing Obama Over Social Security Cuts These are confusing times for liberals.

[LAAMN] Fracking: Pennsylvania Gags Physicians

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
Here is a stark example of unlimited corporate power. They can censor speech. - Gary Fracking: Pennsylvania Gags Physicians By Walter M. Brasch (This is Part 1 of a continuing series on Fracking. Part 1 looked at a state gag order on physicians; Part 2 reveals how health and environmental impact

[LAAMN] EIA's crappy forecasting BUT IT IS PROFITABLE!!!

2012-12-23 Thread scotpeden
Americans wealth is based on the ability to have petroleum products. Nothing moves without it as they own nearly all energy patents too. A very informative article regarding whose setting oil prices AND fabricated supply demand estimates to the government. Who'd a figured the estimate would

[LAAMN] Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control by Niall Bradley *The massacre of 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school last Friday was one more in a long line of atrocious mass murders committed in the USA. By now,

[LAAMN] Radioactive zippers and silverware? Tell DOE: No Way]

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
web banner 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477; [ ]; [ ] *Nuclear Weapons Waste in Your Silverware, Pants Zipper, Baby Toys? ACT NOW to Prevent Radioactive Metal being Added to Everyday Recycling

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
Understand that all battles are waged on an unconscious level before they are begun on the conscious one, and this battle is no different. The power structure wishes us to believe that the only options available are those which they present to us, we know this is simply not true. - Teresa Stover

Re: [LAAMN] Democrats push for ban of assault over Sandy Hook, but stay silent on nuclear power after Fukushima

2012-12-21 Thread scotpeden
Yup, the hypocrisy of the psychopaths. They will say ANYTHING to get YOU AND I to co-opt into mass suffering and murder of anyone not benefiting their bottom line. This is how you make money from blood and death. One potential disaster is profitable for several international types of

[LAAMN] GOP Neo Cons, who needs them?

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
Seriously... SS is what we paid into it, if it never got another dollar in it still has (or had, assuming it has already been robbed as reports from the last dozen years suggest) enough cash to operate another 20 years... It is NOT an ENTITLEMENT, it is our Federal Savings program, which you

[LAAMN] Explaining the Pure Cruelty of Obama's Gimmick, Chained CPI in Simple Language

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden By Thom Hartmann Explaining the Pure Cruelty of Obama's Gimmick, Chained CPI in Simple Language If Obama goes along with a “chained CPI,” he will be the first President in the history of the Dem

[LAAMN] [Fwd: DDM 122012-Can We Please Stop Pretending Obama is Capitulating on Social Security? | FDL Action]

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
Anyone who voted for Obama or defended him for the swing States in 2012, is insane. This is the type of thing he has done ever since he got in office, even greater heights then what he ACTUALLY DID as A US Senator. Anyone who bills him as a NECESSARY lesser of the evils, as in I had no choice,

[LAAMN] The list of Democrats who signed letter opposing Social Security cuts

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
Under long standing Federal law, Social Security IS NOT PART OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET AND CANNOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE FEDERAL DEFICIT. More about that in the 4 paragraphs of this letter. Now ask yourself, will your Democratic President respect that, much less your Congressperson or Senator? Obama's

[LAAMN] How to Quickly Prove a Libertarian Wrong

2012-12-19 Thread scotpeden
This might be more aptly named, how to prove a Capitalist wrong, and did you get kissed by your Corporate betters after the deal was done? Lots of good facts in this article, and some things that came to my mind. More then 1 in 8 people in the USA live at a poverty level. Unless you never leave

[LAAMN] Photo-sharing site says it now has the right to sell your photos

2012-12-18 Thread scotpeden
Instagram and it's new owners, Facebook, own what ever you send to their servers. You have till Jan 16th to close your account, or work for them for free, as in you give up the copyright to your intellectual property. Scott

[LAAMN] Psychiatric Drugs Involved in Nearly All Recent Mass-Shootings

2012-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Let's not look at the elephant in the room . . . . . . psychiatric drugs. At about the 10 minute mark in this video, the speaker said that in the '60s, there were fewer gun laws than there is now and a lot less violence. I haven't been able to find any statistics on this, but I don't recall this

[LAAMN] The Senseless Killing of Children Others

2012-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Today's phrase: trickle down immorality CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan 2004–2012 Total US strikes: 354 Obama strikes: 302 Total reported killed: 2,597-3,398 Civilians reported killed: 473-889 Children reported killed: 176 Total

Re: [LAAMN] Don't Be Afraid, Mr. President -- You Can Take on the Gun Lobby

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
ANYTHING, that Obama got behind that we think would be Good For Us, WILL BE INCREDIBLY BAD. Name ONE THING that wasn't twisted to support the Police State Corporate Stated perpetual Warfare state. Just one thing of any consequence, just one. The MOST effective Evil doesn't hold your and my

[LAAMN] Quote from ICH

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
We are a growing group of concerned citizens who refuse to accept the propaganda that is pumped out each day by our government and presented to us as news by a compliant mainstream media. Sometime we need real courage to face the days news and it often breaks our heart to witness acts of war

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH 2

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word. - Martin Luther King, Jr. This

[LAAMN] *Not* A Torture Apologist; Zero Dark Thirty - the movie

2012-12-14 Thread scotpeden
(this reminds me of how we've become the ''Good Americans'', of the Good Germans of Hitlers Germany.) Scott ** Kathryn Bigelow: *Not* A Torture Apologist Two of *Zero Dark Thirty*'s actors address the controversy: I

[LAAMN] under the rug and absolved

2012-12-14 Thread scotpeden
...beaten, sodomized, shackled and hooded Will you proudly tell your kids it's the American way ? Over 100 deaths in custody at Bagram and Guantanamo. Not a single person held accountable. All men are created equal. No cruel or unusual punishments What a bunch of hypocrites. And then we wonder

[LAAMN] Friends don't let friends buy SodaStream

2012-12-12 Thread scotpeden Dear Supporter, One of the season�s most popular gift items this year is a do-it- yourself soda machine made by SodaStream which carbonates water at home. But don�t do it! People who care about human rights should

[LAAMN] Syria Civil War Origins

2012-12-11 Thread scotpeden   Road Map Drawn Up by Syrian Traitors to Serve Imperialists, Gulf Monarchies Noureddine Merdaci, Truthout: In

Re: [LAAMN] Syria Civil War Origins

2012-12-11 Thread scotpeden
Yes, that is so true. Yet, we have Western nations with their paid fighters and black Ops working to get the UN aka the USA in to take over and install a puppet who will work for us. The same old agitate and regime chance with a puppet who is quite often, even more brutal then those we replaced.

Re: [LAAMN] A Case of Just Looking Stupid? The Not-So-Bright Bulbs at the White House and Pentagon | NationofChange

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Long Live Al Qaeda! We (the USA) will send them Money, munitions, advanced technology AND something to fight when ever Military Industrial Corporate Profits ARE IN DANGER Since the Russians no longer want to play the lucrative Arms race having been bankrupt by it once already In exchange

[LAAMN] ICH: U.S. Militarism Threatening World War III

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

[LAAMN] the interests of a tyrant..........

2012-12-09 Thread scotpeden
The Egyptian rulers have screwed up, they forgot to ensure the people were tasked with things to do daily, like work. For a country that is so well off to have so many unemployed and educated people and no McDonalds to work at, it is a real screw up, but the leaders of our illustrious nation are

[LAAMN] Space warfare and the future of US global power]

2012-12-07 Thread scotpeden
The history alone on this, is rather informative. The creation of the US Spy networks and their morphing from spying on those that resisted our invasions, to spying on Americans who resisted our invasion culture, to creating the necessity for invasions... and how often their data is wrong... at

Re: [LAAMN] BREAKING: Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake in Japan

2012-12-07 Thread scotpeden
But Romi, Kept does not hold onto radiation. It flushes it out. Kelp Forests are the standard that is being used in Korea and the west coast of the USA by independent researchers when they check how much fall out we get. Korea insists it checks all outbound shipments for radioactivity. Japan has

Re: [LAAMN] Tom Englehardt summarizes the Obama record

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden
Crap. How can I even think that things are worse then I thought. Not that I think they are doing more and doing worse things then I thought, but, that they are doing it with such impunity, with basically no out cry from the people of this nation as a whole, that all of the news Corporate Big

[LAAMN] 10 new GE crops from Monsanto Co.

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden Website | Send to a Friend |

[LAAMN] Presstitute Alert, Quotes from ICH

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden
The term propaganda rings melodramatic and exaggerated, but a press that-whether from fear, careerism, or conviction-uncritically recites false government claims and reports them as fact, or treats elected officials with a reverence reserved for royalty, cannot be accurately described as engaged

[LAAMN] Tom Englehardt summarizes the Obama record

2012-12-05 Thread scotpeden
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Washington Straitjacket by Tom Engelhardt December 4, 2012. The Barack Obama Story (Updated) How a Community Organizer and Constitutional Law Professor Became a Robot President By Tom Engelhardt President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 4 December, 2012

2012-12-04 Thread scotpeden
*INCITING MORE COUNTRIES TO WAR WITH US THIS MORNING * ** *Iran claims to have captured another US drone aircraft, State television networks /Al-Alam/ and /Press TV/ showed footage of what they said was the ScanEagle drone

[LAAMN] Cartoon du Jour

2012-12-04 Thread scotpeden
-- Wicked cartoons by America's Most Wanted Political Cartoonist. Enjoy! If the cartoon doesn't load automatically, please visit the following URL to manually load the cartoon:

[LAAMN] Reality of the Lesser Evil... Is This Child Dead Enough for You?

2012-12-03 Thread scotpeden
The Reality of the Lesser Evil Is This Child Dead Enough for You? by CHRIS FLOYD To all those now hailing the re-election of Barack Obama as a triumph of decent, humane, liberal values over the oozing-postule perfidy of

[LAAMN] Cartoon

2012-12-03 Thread scotpeden
How does a political Party differ from a Religion? *** Each certainly seems to have its zealots. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Inspiring quote!

2012-12-02 Thread scotpeden
The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive.' The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don't want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won't take measure of their own strength, for

[LAAMN] Hypocrisy in action

2012-11-30 Thread scotpeden
The Democratic and Neo Con Daddy Warbucks, Feinstein and Cheney. Scott -- * Senator Feinstein's War Profiteering * by Joshua Frank February 28, 2006 It happens all the time. If

[LAAMN] Walmart, the largest Welfare reciepient in the USA.

2012-11-28 Thread scotpeden
We get what we pay for. Even those of us that do not shop there, pay for Walmarts yearly 2.6 BILLION in profits, Socialized to the Communities they are in, payed for by the whole community even the non shoppers, while in the Capitalist Economic plan, they keep all the profits. Please see the

[LAAMN] In Post-Fukushima Japan, Civil Society Turns up Heat on Officials

2012-11-28 Thread scotpeden
More important life threatening information, for the whole world, that you'll never hear on Main Stream Media... People who are in the streets AND after their government, and it isn't even a US puppet Dictator, but it is US Nuclear Mafia Corporate supported Parties Members who are finding


2012-11-24 Thread scotpeden
Ah yes, these were the Christians I grew up with, (in the article) if you weren't of their particular extremists sect, the Bible did not apply to you, if you were not of the pure racial line they were of (a Scots race of some extreme Episcopalian sect) you were what the bible told them is, a non

[LAAMN] Driving In Russia

2012-11-23 Thread scotpeden
This should be shown to everyone who votes on anything that has to do with Government deregulation. Get them pesky safety regulations out of the way of the corporations right to make a profit, as well as things like inspections of mechanics shops (got a spare tire anyone?). Scott Subject: Fwd:

[LAAMN] nightmare

2012-11-23 Thread scotpeden
Bill O'Reilly's Nightmare I think this kills two stones with one bird. Scott [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [LAAMN] THE STORY OF THANKSGIVING, Thanking Indigenous People for the Food We Eat

2012-11-22 Thread scotpeden
Property RIGHTS turns Stewardship of the land, into Ownership of the land, and removes all responsibility for maintaining the longevity/productivity of the land. And we have what we have reaped, Global Warming is but a symptom of our portable wealth economic structure. A Day of thanks for what

[LAAMN] Black Friday

2012-11-22 Thread scotpeden
Original Message Subject: [Landis-list] Black Friday From:James C. Landis Date:Thu, 22 November, 2012 8:58 am To:

[LAAMN] 2012--a year of victories. Let's win more in 2013.

2012-11-20 Thread scotpeden
Graphics are removed by my mail system, please take a look at their web site too. It isn't often we get Progress in this direction, it's often a battle to only limit damages. Scott web banner 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477;

[LAAMN] What would you do with 6 billion dollars

2012-11-19 Thread scotpeden The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Immediately following Election Day, the rhetoric flowing from our elected officials in Washington was all about the 'fiscal cliff.' Unfortunately they were not referring to the costs of this election. According to the Center for

[LAAMN] [Fwd: [libertyundergroundtalk] Now that the election is over?]

2012-11-18 Thread scotpeden
Darned good thing this isn't a Republican President, the Democrats who support Obama would have a shit fit over it, and my inbox would be jammed with the demands for war crimes trials, impeachment, removal of a Nobel Peace Prize and that we, the only good people in the USA, do something about it.

[LAAMN] Go Back To Sleep America

2012-11-16 Thread scotpeden
By Jill Dalton Go back to sleep America.  The election is over.  The “lesser of two evils” or as Glen Ford so aptly labeled him the “more effective evil” has won and all is well with the world. You cast your faux fear vote for your faux president who was actually selected and

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 16 November, 2012

2012-11-16 Thread scotpeden
*THE ETERNAL ATTACK ON THE PEOPLE OF GAZA * ** *Glenn Greenwald has it this morning that the Israeli attacks on Palestine appear to be coordinated with the Obama regime so that they occur just following the

Re: [LAAMN] GP RELEASE Green Party: The US must press Israel not to resume war on Gaza

2012-11-16 Thread scotpeden
I know this will sound weird to those that see Israel and the USA as separate entities, nations isn't quite the right word, BUT. Ever since Israel's inception we've (We=Government of the USA) have given them Millions of dollars a year and now in the last few decades BILLIONS of dollars A YEAR

[LAAMN] Value of goods greater then value or your labor

2012-11-15 Thread scotpeden
As I learned in the Security Business many years ago, the value of human life was zilch, the value of property was paramount. Body guards guard people, all other security institutions are there to protect property. Then I was having a conversation with some other people about the portable wealth

[LAAMN] Stop Monsanto Co's new GE seeds

2012-11-13 Thread scotpeden
From: Pesticide Action Network North America [] Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:12 AM To: Subject: Stop Monsanto Co's new GE seeds Website |

Re: [LAAMN] The Petreus Resignation

2012-11-12 Thread scotpeden
Indefinite detention, torture, assassination of any and or all peoples. NO SWEAT! But in puritanical USA, have sex with someone not your wife? End of career for anyone in our elite system! (not so for the 99%). Wow, you should be able to talk to people outside of the Island Nation USA, and

[LAAMN] Romney and his funders going for the WIN!

2012-11-12 Thread scotpeden Author and activist Naomi Klein. (photo: Shameless Disaster Capitalism By Naomi Klein, The Nation 12 November 12

[LAAMN] Comprehensive List Of GMO Products

2012-11-11 Thread scotpeden
To make any of the links in the article work you will have to go to their web site. Be healthy, and wise, Scott Comprehensive List Of GMO Products Posted on October 2, 2012 by Gillian Govt Slaves | October 2 2012 Though

Re: [LAAMN] Willard Romney, Cutting Off The Help for Good - Esquire

2012-11-09 Thread scotpeden
Mike Hersh, So, the person you were hired to work for in this last campaign, are they still paying you 3 days after the election is over, and if so, to do what? Some people want an accounting of what their donated money goes for, and spending the last of is supporting people who aren't achieving

[LAAMN] Did Monsanto Trick California Voters?

2012-11-08 Thread scotpeden
Do you really believe the pesticide and junk food companies would spend $46 MILLION trying to save you money? (is the Pope Catholic?) I note, if you have enough money you can lie like crazy and break the law and cite US Government and University backing, but if the organic industry had said the

[LAAMN] I'm a winner

2012-11-07 Thread scotpeden
Is a song about a bar room brawler that has a plate in his head, missing teeth, a glass eye, all bones have been broken, bullet fragments, etc Did you vote for Obama and get this? Or did you vote against Romney, and Get this?

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 7 November, 2012

2012-11-07 Thread scotpeden
And the Corporate party wins again! Scott -- *SURPRISE: RULING FORCES OF GREED WIN! * ** *In accepting the victory /LUV News/ predicted a year ago, based on how he served the wealthy and corporations in order to arrive at

[LAAMN] Election Day

2012-11-06 Thread scotpeden
Big Brother once again offers you the Little Blue Pill, or the Little Red pill. You have freedom of choice! Even if you can never go back. Scott -- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [LAAMN] President's Obama's Record

2012-11-05 Thread scotpeden
Half truths. cherry picked facts with only partial data to represent a different scenario then is happening. These people musta learned their trade at Auschwitz, 'which form of death do you find most appealing???' Here is the rest of the WHAT WAS DONE IN YOUR NAME. With Links! Links whose data

[LAAMN] Today is the birthday of Eugene V. Debs

2012-11-05 Thread scotpeden
And tomorrow is sElection Day in the USA. Debs ran for President several times, even when imprisoned for being an anti war protestor. Yes, those are the laws being brought back into use now. * Today is the birthday of Eugene V. Debs: I'd rather vote for something I want and not get it

[LAAMN] Who is the worst civil liberties president in US history? by Glenn Greenwald]

2012-11-02 Thread scotpeden
I find it interesting, the insistence of the lack of logical thought applied by the Damage Control Democrats, with their statements that the Republicans are more evil, the phrase I've heard since the Kennedy Nixon Election of 1960, while the most progressive 'acting' President we've had was

[LAAMN] Cause of Hurricane Sandy - Lakoff

2012-11-02 Thread scotpeden
There's 10 times the profit in cleaning up after disasters, then there is in the times of the best economic prosperity. Those who already have the most bank on this. Some people think global warming is an accident, due to willful ignorance, but Damage Control/Repair/Salvage/Insurance companies

Re: [LAAMN] Spiritual' People in a Perfectly Crazy World

2012-11-01 Thread scotpeden
Wonderful. Pierre has it in it's simplicity, I'm surprised Einstein understood what he wrote, and of course Rumi show us that even 800 years ago,we've been doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, and the Dali Lama notes it is time to change be be proactive. I guess

Re: [LAAMN] What’s stronger than Hurricane Sandy?

2012-10-30 Thread scotpeden
Why don't we hear about it? Our Materialistic Corporate Media and Corporate Body Politic, won't see any profit from it. The media has us well educated to the damage so we know we must work harder to pay for the damage, or at least don't scream when we are given the bill and as a result our

[LAAMN] American Extremists

2012-10-30 Thread scotpeden Answers, the age old question, Who Would Jesus Bomb (tm) as well as 'define Dictatorship'. Scott --   If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't

RE: [LAAMN] What is wrong with voting for the lesser evil?

2012-10-28 Thread scotpeden
On the amounts of cuts. Your happy with the destruction of the social infrastructure that 100 years ago took a good protion of society to be in the streets and threatening the hold the Corporate parties had on our lives, and jsut assume waht you've paid into out of your earnings, must now be cut

[LAAMN] ramblings, from Balfour to early Corporate warfare

2012-10-26 Thread scotpeden
A friend and I have been chatting, we got started on this again after I sent him a lot of quotes, and he's known to be one of those people who thinks, instead of just nodding his head and saying, that is a nice quote I'm posting his comments on top, mine follow. *** From one of your ICH

[LAAMN] What is wrong with voting for the lesser evil?

2012-10-26 Thread scotpeden
It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it. Eugene V. Debs Read more at The pressure Debs and the Socialist Movement put on the Democrats and Republicans

[LAAMN] LUV News Sun 21 Oct 2012

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
If you know about a 'Kill List' that is used by the CIA, and that our Drone Bomber Program is the most used tool to carry it out, then you might be more informed then some of the Representatives we have in Congress or a Chairperson of the DNC, well informed though you may be, you might only see

[LAAMN] Debate has started

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
Preliminaries to the debate have started Wonderful to watch, 4 people really different with lots of opposing ideas, rather than the two corporate twins Jack Here is a comparison where all of the candidates stand on the

Re: [LAAMN] How Romney's Parts Ended Up in China - Greg Palast

2012-10-23 Thread scotpeden
One vulture, and another enabler. Either one missing, and the US Tax payers would have had BILLIONS less in debt, thousands less jobs shipped over seas, thousands less people who lost their homes and health insurance. But it took a tag team to make this happen. Neither one could have sent that

[LAAMN] Accomplices to Murder

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden Excellent new piece from Arthur Silber: If you vote for Obama or Romney, do so proudly. I want you to say: I vote for Obama/Romney proudly. I am proud to be a knowing accomplice to their murders, including the murders of innocent human beings. Say that, and

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he live! s under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable... - H.L. Mencken

[LAAMN] First race card mud slinging Presidentail campaign]

2012-10-22 Thread scotpeden
Though this bloggers refers to the position as electing the Commander in Chief, I still find many of his documented other facts, correct. The electoral system in 1787 removed our individual votes from electing a President. First race card played in 1787, as well as immigration phobia. I also

[LAAMN] Lesser of Evil voting accomplishments.

2012-10-21 Thread scotpeden
Another argument against lesser-evil voting: Term after presidential term, the lesser of two evils lowers the quality of life for everyone and keeps nudging the decline of the American Republic. The hole to dig out of becomes deeper, and successive presidents—each one the lesser of two evils—are

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 20 Oct 2012

2012-10-20 Thread scotpeden
Don't miss the feature article: Drawing Conclusions: The Editorial Cartoon Of course my web mail makes all graphics, attachments, sorry. You can get your own intact copies here:

Re: [LAAMN] Obama and the Lesser Evil Argument

2012-10-19 Thread scotpeden
Why, pray tell, would someone vote for the opposite of what they believe in? Look at this chart Take this test, and you can compare your beliefs/values, with those who are running. Now, vote for someone that


2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Mike Hersch, You know that this is one of three groups you post to which we share, that removes all graphics sent to the group. Why not send a link to the original? I've replied on all of them to you several times about this. Maybe these are post only groups for you and you don't read any

[LAAMN] Debates? American-Style Fascism

2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden

[LAAMN] Define 'Lesser'

2012-10-18 Thread scotpeden
Photo credit: Mickey Z. Mickey Z. -- World News Trust Oct. 18, 2012 The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. - Karl Marx Whenever I'd give a talk during 2008, I'd open up by presenting

[LAAMN] this should raise a few eyebrows

2012-10-17 Thread scotpeden
from Guardian by Rory Carroll Film's advance publicity says: 'We the people demand an independent investigation into the tragic events of 9/11' Hollywood is to court controversy with a film that will challenge

[LAAMN] Quotes

2012-10-16 Thread scotpeden
Please note, the first quote is barely pre GW Bush 9/11 Patriot Act date, it is a Bill Clinton era. Einstein, for those that can't figure it out, is WW I to WW II era, and Jefferson is 1800 or so. So what part of this weren't you taught in school, and are bound to repeat until your very last

[LAAMN] simply a racket.

2012-10-12 Thread scotpeden
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. -- Major General Smedley Darling Butler -

[LAAMN] Voting agasint your own best interest

2012-10-12 Thread scotpeden
Better known as, THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY. Most American voters do this. This is where the candidate's sit, regarding Authority, liberty, and who really owns what. Read the Home page. Then take the test If you

[LAAMN] QUOTES, to think on, better yet, to act on.

2012-10-11 Thread scotpeden
The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a 'gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ... May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties. - W.E.B. DuBois The feudal

[LAAMN] Progressives in America - No Place at the Inn FDL

2012-10-09 Thread scotpeden
(My mail program removes the graphics, please read at the URL if you can. Scott) lace-at-the-inn/ ace-at-the-inn/

[LAAMN] Hate Citizens United? Share this RIGHT NOW:

2012-10-09 Thread scotpeden
For those of you on the West Coast. Please pass on to your other groups.   The only government that is legal, or should be, is the one that listens to all the people and operates in a just manner to serve the needs of the people. ~ Big Tree and Frank Fools Crow 1955 - Forwarded Message

[LAAMN] Oct 19-21 -- LA Conference re: Amending the Constitution

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
The group page will remove all graphics and information in them. Send me a mail and I'll forward the original to you if you want one. Scott -- * * * Are you ready to join us for Move to Amend So-Cal? October 19-21 in Los

Re: [LAAMN] How the Right Packed the Court

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
I have some comments on this subject, that I feel are very pertinent. I note, that the Right always gets their selections into the Supreme Court. Those billed as the Left, always fail, or the one they get in is a Mighty Righty, IN ACTION, too. I only started paying attention to what was done,

[LAAMN] Hope, Anger, and Courage: NYPD Arrests Veterans For Honoring the Dead

2012-10-08 Thread scotpeden
Here's a longer article with more photos and videos of the antiwar protest in NYC yesterday. -- Hope, Anger, and

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