Default fonts

2010-05-12 Thread Andrew Parsloe
Having recently discovered just how much clearer the Latin Modern fonts 
are in Acrobat Reader compared with the Computer Modern fonts, and for 
that matter how much crisper they are when printed, is there any reason 
for LyX defaulting to Computer Modern rather than Latin Modern? I know 
it is a simple matter to change them from the Document/Settings/Fonts 
screen but given the much crisper look of Latin Modern surely that 
should be the default font family in LyX?

Andrew Parsloe

Re: Thanks, \protect and enhancements

2010-10-28 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 29/10/2010 3:24 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:

On 10/28/2010 04:27 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

The only hiccup was when a nomenclature entry or footnote was in a
section heading. In that case, after a certain amount of trial and
error, I found that preceding the footnote with \protect solved the
problem (which is a problem with the footnpag package) and again using
\protect as in
solved the nomenclature entry problem. When I look through the
manuals, \protect gets about two mentions in the whole lot. It seems a
useful command to know when things that have otherwise been working
well start misbehaving.

This may count as a bug, but there are known issues about putting
footnotes into section headings in LaTeX. I wonder if you might submit a
bug report about it.

Working with these different packages makes me look forward to the day
(1) when biblatex is properly incorporated into LyX;

This was hoped for 2.0, but the two of us who were going to do it had
too much else to do. We'd certainly welcome help.

(2) and the marginnote package too;
(3) and I wonder if footnotes could not be handled in a similar way to
Document > Settings > Numbering & TOC with a slide giving page by page
renewal of footnote numbers at the extreme left position, and no
renewal of footnote numbering for the extreme right position (one
sequence for the whole document), with section renewal and chapter
renewal positions in-between?

I think we have part of this: The Outline will display all the
footnotes, if you change the combo box at the top.

Resetting of footnote numbers is handled by the document class, as far
as output goes, but can of course be customized via LaTeX commands like
\addtoreset. Within LyX, this should be customizable via layout, using
the Within command for the footnote counter.


I put in a (low priority) bug report about the nomenclature.

Andrew Parsloe

Use AMS math package (semi-)automatically

2010-11-21 Thread Andrew Parsloe
In Document>Settings>Math Options, checking the 'Use AMS math package 
automatically' option doesn't mean exactly that. I use LyX for 
constructing diagrams with PSTricks and enter the code in ERT (LyX's 
PostScript View and Update buttons are excellent for this). I wanted to 
label an angle with pi/4 and entered


but got an undefined control sequence message for my troubles, despite 
the AMS math package option being checked. When I added


manually in the document preamble, all was well.

When I enter the same expression in LyX's math editor, the AMS math 
package does load automatically. The code in both cases looks identical 
in the View Source window.

A bug? Confusing at least.

(LyX 1.6.8; ponderous Windows Vista)

Andrew Parsloe

Font size in footnotes and marginal notes.

2011-04-25 Thread Andrew Parsloe
This is a very minor matter, evident in the screen display but not the 
pdf. The font size in a footnote or margin note after emphasizing, 
bolding, or small-capping (nouning) reverts to normalsize rather than 

Click the margin note button. Write ``First part.'' Then click the 
emphasis button. Write ``Emphasis.'' Click it again to turn off 
emphasis. Now write ``Second part.''. On my system, on screen, ``First 
part.'' is footnotesized but ``Emphasis. Second part.'' is normalsized. 
The note in the pdf however is all footnotesized, so the discrepancy in 
the screen display has no practical consequences for a printout. This 
doesn't necessarily show up in the first footnote or margin note but 
does in the second or later ones. (It may be necessary to zoom to 150% 
for this to be obvious.)

I've noted this in LyX 1.6.9 and LyX 2.0 rc2, both on Windows Vista.

Andrew Parsloe

Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

Dear LyX developers & users,

Now that LyX 2.0 is about to be launched perhaps it is a good time to 
mention the missing element in the 'LyX office suite'. At present LyX 
provides the wordprocessor & mathematics editor, beamer (presumably) 
covers the slide show/presentation side of things, and I understand from 
keeping an eye on the developers' list that biblatex is being worked on. 
Biblatex is more than just a bibliography engine -- it lends itself to 
handling more general databases, which is how I've used it (a large 
database of people). Thus the obvious missing element from the 'LyX 
office suite' is a spreadsheet facility. At present one can't even sum a 
column of figures in a table.

I've recently discovered the latex spreadtab package which provides 
limited but useful spreadsheet facilities. It is being actively 
developed. The spreadtab manual shows a good range of applications, and 
I've created a timesheet with this package in which you enter date, 
start & end times and spreadtab then calculates time worked, the total 
hours worked over all entries, and the daily hours worked, and compiles 
to a nice pdf.

Even now, LyX's table button and toolbar is helpful for building a 
spreadtab table. Having tried both, I found it much easier to do this in 
LyX than in a text editor. In a LyX table one has the ability to insert 
or delete rows or columns and not have to fuss over all those ampersands 
and keeping them in sync with the formatting header if you want to add 
or delete columns, which is messy if there are wide formulas in some 
columns and not others. When the table has been filled with spreadtab 
commands and data, open the source view window in LyX, copy the table 
code, and paste it into an ERT inset. Insert line breaks, find & replace 
items like '\textbackslash' with '\', '\{' with '{', '\}' with '}', 
'\tabularnewline' with '\\' and adjust the table header if there are 
hidden columns.

At present, inserting an empty (say)  2 by 3 table in LyX & viewing the 
source code shows:

 &  & \tabularnewline
 &  & \tabularnewline

The spreadtab package with the same latticework of lines requires:

 &  & \\
 &  & \\

In my ignorance, these don't look too different. It would be nice to 
have a button on the table toolbar which would convert the former into 
the latter, and even better if it would do the find-&-replaces referred 
to earlier, or something equivalent.

The spreadtab manual describes its mode of working: first it reads the 
body of the table, then it computes the formulas in the cells, then it 
rebuilds the table replacing formulas with calculated values. The final 
result is a latex table which only then gets compiled as such.

The current lack of even a basic 'active' table in LyX, where you can 
sum a column of figures for instance, seems an obvious missing element 
in the LyXian scheme of things. Spreadtab could fill that gap.

Andrew Parsloe

Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 4/05/2011 9:18 p.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Andrew Parsloe  wrote:

The current lack of even a basic 'active' table in LyX, where you can sum a
column of figures for instance,

This is not accurate. In 2.0 you can:
File>  Import>  Table (CSV)
File>  Import>  xls
File>  Import>  Gnumeric
Insert>  File>  External>  Gnumeric (supports Excel, OOo, Gnumeric)

The Gnumeric external material allows you to have and maintain a
spreadsheet in Excel, OOo, Gnumeric. This means that whatever
modifications you introduce in the spreadsheet file, they will be
visible upon the next compilation of your LyX document. Pretty nifty,
actually. :)

A more advanced way to do something similar is to use R via the Sweave
module. But this is not for the faint hearted.


Yes, but it would be nice to be able to sum a table in LyX without 
having to fire up Gnumeric or Excel or whatever. (To take matters to 
extremes, you could even fire up an external wordprocessor and create a 
pdf or latex document and import into LyX, but we don't. LyX is so much 
better and more fun to work in.)


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 4/05/2011 9:59 p.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Andrew Parsloe  wrote:

Yes, but it would be nice to be able to sum a table in LyX without having to
fire up Gnumeric or Excel or whatever.

It sure would.

(To take matters to extremes, you
could even fire up an external wordprocessor and create a pdf or latex
document and import into LyX, but we don't. LyX is so much better and more
fun to work in.)

I understand your concern, but adding true spreadsheet capabilities to
LyX would be a massive undertaking, and something to which some
developers would object. LyX is by design a very flexible beast that
allows you to interact with a huge (and growing) number of external
tools: LaTeX, DocBook, BibTeX, R, Maxima, etc., etc.

As far as I'm concerned, LyX does provide spreadsheet capabilities via
the Gnumeric external material. It allows you to create and maintain
your tables in a mature spreadsheet tool (something that LyX would
never provide natively), and _dynamically_ import the results into
your LyX documents. Personally I couldn't ask for more. (Think of it
as graphics creation: you do not create them in LyX; you use some
external tool to either create a final PDF and import into LyX, or to
dynamically manage via external material).


Actually I do create graphics in LyX (using PSTricks in a LyX document 
that consists entirely of one sometimes big ERT inset). But I take your 
point. For a computer with limited memory (1 GB seemed big when I bought 
it), where there's a lot of disk activity with multiple programs 
running, being able to work in LyX alone would be helpful.


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/05/2011 12:32 p.m., Charlie wrote:

If a vote is being taken on this feature request.

I would rather that it doesn't happen, so please put me down as a "no".

Please don't do it.

There are plenty of spreadsheet programs and if you haven't completed
your work in the program you use, why would you place it into a LyX
document and edit it anyway? LyX is great as is.

Thank you,

I think I have confused people, perhaps because I used the phrase 'LyX 
office suite' (but in quotes -- it was meant with a certain 
tongue-in-cheek quality) and mentioned the word spreadsheet.

I meant something more on these lines: you have a table in LyX with a 
few columns of figures; you want the totals of the columns, perhaps a 
grand total. The numbers aren't at this point fixed. New data may arise 
as you work on your document. Yes you could open a spreadsheet program 
but it's just two or three columns and there's a certain overkill about 

Alternatively, you can put \usepackage{spreadtab} in your preamble and, 
as things are at present, open an ERT inset, write 
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, construct the table with the 
figures, ampersands, newline markers \\, spreadtab's sum() command, and 
finish with \end{spreadtab}. It's now there in your document easily 
accessible for any adjusted figures to be entered. This is what I do 
now. LyX doesn't do any calculating.

But it is easier to enter figures and text into a table in LyX proper 
rather than ERT. My request was for a button on the table toolbar that 
would change LyX's \begin{tablular}{|c|c|c|} into 
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, and \end{tabular} into 
\end{spreadtab}, and a few 'tidying up' operations like replacing 
\tabularnewline with \\. Again, no request that LyX acquire calculating 
abilities. Rather, the ability to replace one environment, tabular, with 
another, spreadtab. The calculational abilities are in spreadtab and, as 
far as LyX is concerned, are a side-effect of the environment change. 
LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to 
see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/05/2011 7:39 p.m., Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2011-05-05, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

I think I have confused people, perhaps because I used the phrase 'LyX
office suite' (but in quotes -- it was meant with a certain
tongue-in-cheek quality) and mentioned the word spreadsheet.


My request was for a button on the table toolbar that
would change LyX's \begin{tablular}{|c|c|c|} into
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, and \end{tabular} into
\end{spreadtab}, and a few 'tidying up' operations like replacing
\tabularnewline with \\. Again, no request that LyX acquire calculating
abilities. Rather, the ability to replace one environment, tabular, with
another, spreadtab. The calculational abilities are in spreadtab and, as
far as LyX is concerned, are a side-effect of the environment change.

Maybe, if you had used the phrase: "Add LyX support for the 'spreadtab' LaTeX
package", there would not have been such an uproar.

Yes, a lesson learnt.


LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to
see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.

But I am pretty sure that, when this support is implemented, there will
be requests that LyX displays the calculated values ;-)

Anyway, I support this enhancement request.


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/05/2011 7:49 p.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Guenter Milde  wrote:

LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to
see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.

But I am pretty sure that, when this support is implemented, there will
be requests that LyX displays the calculated values ;-)

Couldn't this be done in a way similar to Instant Preview for math?

Instant preview had crossed my mind as a complicating factor. However I 
have lived happily using PSTricks with LyX without instant preview. And 
I presume that 'code creep' would be because the feature was being used 
and in response to a need resulting from that use.


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 6/05/2011 10:26 a.m., Julien Rioux wrote:

On 05/05/2011 12:22 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 5/05/2011 12:32 p.m., Charlie wrote:

If a vote is being taken on this feature request.

I would rather that it doesn't happen, so please put me down as a "no".

Please don't do it.

There are plenty of spreadsheet programs and if you haven't completed
your work in the program you use, why would you place it into a LyX
document and edit it anyway? LyX is great as is.

Thank you,

I think I have confused people, perhaps because I used the phrase 'LyX
office suite' (but in quotes -- it was meant with a certain
tongue-in-cheek quality) and mentioned the word spreadsheet.

I meant something more on these lines: you have a table in LyX with a
few columns of figures; you want the totals of the columns, perhaps a
grand total. The numbers aren't at this point fixed. New data may arise
as you work on your document. Yes you could open a spreadsheet program
but it's just two or three columns and there's a certain overkill about

Alternatively, you can put \usepackage{spreadtab} in your preamble and,
as things are at present, open an ERT inset, write
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, construct the table with the
figures, ampersands, newline markers \\, spreadtab's sum() command, and
finish with \end{spreadtab}. It's now there in your document easily
accessible for any adjusted figures to be entered. This is what I do
now. LyX doesn't do any calculating.

But it is easier to enter figures and text into a table in LyX proper
rather than ERT. My request was for a button on the table toolbar that
would change LyX's \begin{tablular}{|c|c|c|} into
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, and \end{tabular} into
\end{spreadtab}, and a few 'tidying up' operations like replacing
\tabularnewline with \\. Again, no request that LyX acquire calculating
abilities. Rather, the ability to replace one environment, tabular, with
another, spreadtab. The calculational abilities are in spreadtab and, as
far as LyX is concerned, are a side-effect of the environment change.
LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to
see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.


Being able to customize the output of a tabular like this is in my
opinion a valid request and more general than just this particular case
(spreadtab, which I did not know). There are a number of latex
environment which use tab alignment &. All of them would benefit from
the nice interface that LyX provides. I can think of tikz \matrix{}, or
customizing a table using the booktabs package, for example.

The proper way to implement this is not obvious, but extending the
layout syntax would be the most flexible, with the specifics about
spreadtab in a spreadtab.module file.

My current practice is to open a table in LyX, leave the top left cell 
blank then label the remaining cells of the top row a, b, c, ... and the 
remaining cells of the first column 1, 2, 3 ... I fill in the table with 
text and figures but ensure that any spreadtab commands involving the 
backslash (e.g. \STcopy) or curly brackets (e.g. :={}) are entered in 
ERT -- it just means doing ctrl-L before entering these elements. The 
labelling of the first row & column make cell references easy. When 
finished I delete the first row & column, copy the code from the source 
view window and paste it into an ERT inset (outside the table of 
course). One still needs to insert line breaks, change \tabularnewline 
to \\, and the \begin and \end statements but that's all.

On a slightly different point, spreadtab itself isn't fussy about 
whether it works with the tabular environment or others. The examples in 
the spreadtab manual are mainly for tabular, but other environments used 
are matrix, array and tabularx.


Regular expression documentation

2011-05-08 Thread Andrew Parsloe
As the ability to search for regular expressions is one of the `big' new 
features of LyX 2.0, I think there should be a more expansive treatment 
of them than the brief section in the User's Guide.

TeXworks is installed with MikTeX these days and has what looks to be an 
excellent section in its manual (Appendix B) on regular expressions -- 
tables of them with introductory and explanatory comment. It looks more 
helpful to me than the Wikipedia article referenced in the User's Guide. 
The appendix begins, `As TEXworks is built on Qt4, the available regular 
expressions—which are often referred to as regexp—are a subset of those 
found in Qt4' so presumably these will be the same as are used in LyX. 
Since TeXworks is distributed under the Gnu GPL version 2, perhaps it 
would be possible to `borrow/share' the appendix and insert it into the 
Additonal Features (?) manual (with due acknowledgement)?


spreadtab module

2011-05-22 Thread Andrew Parsloe
es are calculated on clicking
#the View or Update buttons and appear in the pdf or other output file,
#not in LyX.
#Version 1.0. Assumes version 0.3c of spreadtab.sty
#Author: Andrew Parsloe 
#The author & maintainer of spreadtab.sty is
#Christian Tellechea 

Format 35

%substitute \tabularnewline for \\ in the spreadtab definition:



Style sLTable
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName sLTable
  OptionalArgs  1
  TopSep 0.5
  AlignPossibleBlock, Left, Right, Center


Style sLTablehcol
  LatexName sLTablehcol


InsetLayout Flex:sLCalculate
  LatexType Command
  LatexName sLdocalc
\def\sLdocalc#1{\mbox{\kern -1.2em%

\kern -.6em}%

InsetLayout Flex:sLNumberFormat
  LatexType Command
  LatexName sLdoNF

Description: Binary data

Pasting from pdf

2011-05-26 Thread Andrew Parsloe
When I copy text from a pdf to the clipboard and paste into Word 95, 
Open Office or Abiword, the pasted text retains underlining, bolding and 
emphasis (italics). When I paste into LyX these are lost. It would be a 
real enhancement if LyX were to retain these styles. Is there a deep 
reason for LyX's failure here (or the even deeper reason of lack of an 
interested developer)?

At present, I have some journals to edit. The publisher sent them to me 
as pdf documents. I find I can copy a pdf and paste into Abiword, then 
save from Abiword as a Latex document, open that in Notepad++, 
find-&-replace all the extra spacing commands, and finally import that 
document into LyX. I get there in the end, but it's a roundabout process.


Re: Pasting from pdf

2011-05-26 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 26/05/2011 10:26 p.m., Julio Rojas wrote:

Just what does bold-italic-numbered-size 14-roman actually mean in
the specific context in which it occurs; in one document it might be
a procedural rendition of a section head but in another the same
author might intend it to be emphasis (rendered simply as bold).

This is the exact question one should answer before asking why what
Andrew wants is not the best path to follow. Obviously, Andrew's
documents follow some layout specifically designed for some journal, so
for him this answer is straighforward. Nonetheless, for Lyx it doesn't
matter, as it will be impossible to get this information from the PDF.

BTW, Andrew, how did you manage to copy from a PDF and pasting on
Abiword keeping the format? I was curious, so I tried with a simple PDF,
but it only pasted plain text.

Julio Rojas 

I'm working in Windows, so it was Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C in the pdf, then Ctrl-V 
in Abiword. Voila! Text with underlining, bold and italics (emphasis) 

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Trevor Jenkins>> wrote:

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Julio Rojas>> wrote:

Making some text as Bold-Italic-Numbered-Size 14-Roman can be
done in Lyx, but it is much better to say that such text is in a
Section environment, because when changes on the document style
are made, you only have to make them once, and not throughout
the document, at every instance of said format. Finger painting,
what you need, is not the way to go in Lyx/Latex. It should be
avoided like the plague.

I hope you see the need for this approach. Regards.

Many years ago (a couple of decades at least) there was a paper
presented at a SigDoc conference, I think it was, on some initial
attempts to infer structural markup from procedural. This project
must have been sometime in the late 1980s (certainly post 1986 and
the ISO's publication of ISO 8879 SGML) and the early 1990s. I place
it in that time frame because of SGML being an International
Standard and the governmental procurement processes that mandate the
use of standards over ad hoc solutions, which procedural markup is,
and system suppliers not wishing to lose business because they could
deal with the new published standard. At this moment I can't lay my
hands on my copy of those proceedings but I do recall that the
procedural editor being used was WPS-PLUS.

Although I was never involved in that project it did appear to be a
sensible way to convert from old-fashioned procedural to modern
structural markup. I jotted down some OPS-5-like rules in an attempt
to create an expert system that would ease this conversion. And in
moments of craziness return to them adding more and more special
cases to cover how people use procedural stuff. I also got stuck on
the input phase of dealing with the multiplicity of formats being
spewed out by Microsoft Word let alone all the other proprietary
word processing and DTP formats that exist.

Some one else tried a similar project that converted groff/troff
files from a limited set of ms/mm/etc macros to a more structural
form. It may also have included some TeX conversion too. This would
also have been in the early 1990s. I thought it was Eric Raymond but
there's nothing on his web site about it now. My memory is that the
person abandoned the task quite quickly because of the complexity of
the task. Just what does bold-italic-numbered-size 14-roman actually
mean in the specific context in which it occurs; in one document it
might be a procedural rendition of a section head but in another the
same author might intend it to be emphasis (rendered simply as bold).

However, there is a solution to the original poster's request.
Include all the original markup from the pasted in document under a
TeX escape. It won't be pretty and as with the work-arounds already
being used will require manual intervention to convert to LaTeX's
pseudo structural markup scheme.

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

These have been interesting responses. I was unaware of the complexity 
of the issue. In fact I'm not after minutely detailed reproduction of 
the original character style -- fingerpainting -- but was hoping that 
emphasised text in the original might be preserved as emphasised text 
after pasting, the same for bolding, as it is in Word, Abiword, Open 
Office, irrespective of what happens to the font, text size and so on.


Re: Pasting from pdf

2011-05-27 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 26/05/2011 11:21 p.m., Trevor Jenkins wrote:

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Julio Rojas>> wrote:

BTW, Andrew, how did you manage to copy from a PDF and pasting on
Abiword keeping the format? I was curious, so I tried with a simple
PDF, but it only pasted plain text.

I tried something similar. Had a LyX-generated PDF file open, copied the
content and pasted it into an document. The pasted
version had some of the PDF markup with it, font size mostly but not
much more. This was under Mac OS X with Abode Reader.

Regards, Trevor.

<>< Re: deemed!

I did some experiments -- created a Lyx document and emphasised a few 
words here and there, then created a pdf. In the pdf, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C 
then in Abiword or my dear old Word 95 Ctrl-V. No italics. That's 
strange. So I went back to LyX and played about a bit. The critical 
thing seems to be to choose a definite non-default font. If, for 
instance, I choose Latin Modern and go through the same procedure, then 
the paste into Word or Abiword retains the emphasis. Reverting to the 
default font, or Computer Modern, and the emphasis is not pasted.


Underline import failure

2011-06-13 Thread Andrew Parsloe
Create a LyX document which uses underline and export as Latex. Now 
import the Latex document. The underline is not 'swallowed' by LyX and 
shown as underline, but remains in ERT. Also, the document doesn't 
compile. However, if another word is now underlined, then the document 
does compile, and the earlier word which caused the problem is correctly 
underlined in the pdf.

LyX 2.0, Windows Vista.


Copying a table column crashes LyX

2011-06-19 Thread Andrew Parsloe
I created a table and made some settings then, in the right-click menu 
chose More... > Copy Column and Lyx crashed with the message

LyX has caught an exception ...
Exception: iconv problem in iconv_codecvt_facet initialization

To reproduce, just create a table and try to copy a column using the 
context menu (or Alt-M C C).

LyX 2.0 Windows Vista


Re: Copying a table column crashes LyX

2011-06-20 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 20/06/2011 8:18 p.m., Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

Il 20/06/2011 01:28, Andrew Parsloe ha scritto:

I created a table and made some settings then, in the right-click menu
chose More... > Copy Column and Lyx crashed with the message

LyX has caught an exception ...
Exception: iconv problem in iconv_codecvt_facet initialization

To reproduce, just create a table and try to copy a column using the
context menu (or Alt-M C C).

LyX 2.0 Windows Vista

I cannot reproduce this problem on Linux (2.0.0 and trunk versions).
Can you detail please what was the size of the table you were playing
with, what special settings did you apply, and whether you were copying
the first, middle or last column ?



I get the crash for any table. For instance I've opened a new article 
class document, gone to the insert table button and inserted an empty 2 
by 2 table, made no further settings, placed the cursor in the top left 
cell and clicked on Copy Column. I get the Exception message. Actually a 
bit more experimenting shows that if the cursor is in the *last* column 
of a table, Lyx crashes directly without the Exception message.

I can copy a column without problems by selecting it and Ctrl-C.


Re: Copying a table column crashes LyX

2011-06-20 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 21/06/2011 11:17 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:

On 06/20/2011 06:58 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 20/06/2011 8:18 p.m., Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

Il 20/06/2011 01:28, Andrew Parsloe ha scritto:

I created a table and made some settings then, in the right-click menu
chose More...>  Copy Column and Lyx crashed with the message

LyX has caught an exception ...
Exception: iconv problem in iconv_codecvt_facet initialization

To reproduce, just create a table and try to copy a column using the
context menu (or Alt-M C C).

LyX 2.0 Windows Vista

I cannot reproduce this problem on Linux (2.0.0 and trunk versions).
Can you detail please what was the size of the table you were playing
with, what special settings did you apply, and whether you were copying
the first, middle or last column ?



I get the crash for any table. For instance I've opened a new article
class document, gone to the insert table button and inserted an empty
2 by 2 table, made no further settings, placed the cursor in the top
left cell and clicked on Copy Column. I get the Exception message.
Actually a bit more experimenting shows that if the cursor is in the
*last* column of a table, Lyx crashes directly without the Exception

No problem here, either, I'm afraid. This being on Fedora 14 with Qt 4.7.2.

The iconv bit is strange What's the document language?


English. As a matter of interest I changed the language (to English 
(UK), English (USA) & finally Albanian). Doing so & clicking Apply gave 
initially a cursor in the shape of a capital L followed by a full stop, 
but when I clicked in the document, the cursor reverted to a single 
vertical line. In all cases the Copy Column still gave the Exception 
message with the new language setting.



2011-07-03 Thread Andrew Parsloe
I've just gone to put a footnote in a letter I'm writing and went and 
clicked on the icon labelled \foo. That's the first time I've mistaken 
\foo for footnote but perhaps \bah or some other three letters would be 
better? That made me wonder how people are getting on with the new icon 
set of LyX 2.0.

My middle-sixties eyes have had problems with two other groupings of icons:

(1) The open-save-print group: in each case there's a white 
square/rectangle above a darker square/rectangle. In the old (classic) 
icon set, the icons for open and print are on the diagonal. Could that 
be done here to make a clearer distinction?

(2) The emphasis-noun-apply last group: in each case the major part of 
the icon is the letter A with a smaller distinguishing part. Perhaps 
that should be reversed -- the distinguishing part enlarged and the A 

Andrew Parsloe


2011-07-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

Thank you Diego for the original press release on the web site!


Re: LyX & differential *operator*

2019-01-08 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/01/2019 3:28 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

I use LyX 2.3.1 under Windows 10.

I'm trying to create an "operator" for the infinitesimal d. Thus, instead of writing $dx$ 
-- which leads to "d" in italic font, I go to Document/Settings... and the LaTeX Preamble 


Next, in the document, I write $\diff x$, i.e., I type: \diff + space + x when in math 
mode. The result is that "d" is typeset in roman font, which is what I want.

HOWEVER, the spacing between the roman d and the x is a little bit too large to 
be pretty.

OK -- I have tried to insert a negative space (\! + space) in the document, and 
that helps. However, now the spacing is a little bit too small...

* Question: is there a slightly smaller negative spacing?

Also: how can I insert the negative space into the operator definition? Doing:

\DeclareMathOperator{\diff}{\! d}

doesn't work.


For your interest, I recently uploaded version 3 of my diffcoeff package 
to CTAN. This provides a command \diff for writing differential 
coefficients (derivatives) with multiple options for tweaking the 
display, and a command \dl for writing differentials with an option for 
inserting a specified amount of space before the differential -- 
something you might want to do in an integral for instance to separate 
the integrand from the dx.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: No console output on Windows 7

2019-03-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 15/03/2019 10:45 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 14/03/2019 à 21:40, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :

Le 14/03/2019 à 21:32, Paul A. Rubin a écrit :
As far as I know, the current Windows port of LyX does not generate 
console output to the command prompt. If you start LyX from a 
command prompt with debugging output turned on (for instance, "path>\lyx.exe -dbg any"), and if the LyX GUI opens, you can see what 
would have been console output via View > Messages. Starting LyX 
with commands that do not open the GUI (such as -help, as Kornel 
points out) will thwart this.

This is definitely a bad idea. I remember seeing discussion about 
special windows console behavior, but I have no idea how it really 

I tried on my own windows 10 build and it just worked. Either there is 
a problem with windows 7, or the distributed build are different.


With the 2.3.2-2 win installer provided by Riki on my windows 10 
machine, the -dbg any option starts LyX but -help doesn't.


Re: Quicker build

2019-04-21 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 22/04/2019 5:53 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 10:09:34AM +0200, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-04-20 19:21, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 03:51:11PM +0200, Daniel wrote:


My manuscript takes very long to fully compile, a couple of minutes. I have
already tried to only compile parts of it but there was not much difference.

Since LaTeX is running several rounds in order to get all the references and
such right, is there a way to get LyX to run less rounds?

You can define your own converter. See Help > Customization.


  Thanks! It's a bit sparse on information what I would have to set there to
achieve what I am after though. Any ideas welcome.

It's been a long time since I've made a custom converter, so I don't
know off-hand.

Does it do what you want if you remove "latex=pdflatex" in the converter
flag for the converter LaTeX (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex)? (if you use
something other than pdfLaTeX, adapt accordingly).


My usual method of reducing compile time while working on a master-child 
document is,  in the master document, to put the include statements for 
the child documents  into branches and to activate/deactivate these as 
desired. Of course the table of contents is truncated and references are 
reduced to (??) but it does speed things up if you want to check on the 
appearance of the part you are working on.


Re: Win 7 and LyX and MikTeX

2019-04-26 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 25/04/2019 6:45 AM, Baris Erkus wrote:


Is anybody using LyX+MikTeX+Win 7 without any problems?

I have a computer where I can only install Win 7 and wondering if it
will cause any problems.



I have a computer with this combination installed and I much prefer it 
to my current computer with LyX+MiKTeX+Win 10. Unfortunately the Win 7 
machine showed signs of aging but I used it without problems for many years.


Re: About the Save popup window.......

2019-05-10 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 11/05/2019 11:31 AM, Charlie wrote:

Hello LyX Users,

Using LyX Version 2.3.2 - Debian Buster [testing] and FVWM

So this might be a feature that has yet to be included again, or not,
so just curious.

When using LyX previously when "Crtl + S"  or "Ctrl + Shift + S" to
save a file was invoked. It supplied, on the toolbar across the top of
the window that popped up, a small box that said "Template".

That doesn't appear any more. I am unable to find how I might place it
back by looking through "Preferences". Cannot identify what I must
enable to return it to that place.

So thought I may get a hint here. Maybe it has been removed forever. To
know that would also be helpful. Allowing me to cease looking for it
whenever a new thought in the attempt to find it occurs.

You need to manually edit your preferences file in your user lyx 
directory and add the line

\use_native_filedialog false

At least this has the required effect on windows. This isn't available 
under Tools > Preferences (at present).


Re: split view doesn't update display

2019-06-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 6/06/2019 11:33 AM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 6/5/19 7:21 PM, Joel VanderWerf wrote:

One more observation: when I type in the left pane, the right pane 
updates correctly (presuming it is scrolled to the same region).

Yes, same here.


The issues in this thread may be related to the fix for which is to be in LyX 


Forward & reverse search

2019-06-25 Thread Andrew Parsloe
Since buying a new computer, which meant moving from windows 7 to 
windows 10, I've been having trouble with the reverse part (pdf to lyx) 
of forward and reverse search. I use SumatraPDF. I finally took the 
trouble to consult the wiki. Both forward and reverse search now work 
like a charm, including with a split view window in LyX. So thank you to 
whoever is responsible for the instructions on the wiki.


Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/07/2019 11:21 AM, Brian Davis wrote:

How is it possible to have 3 working versions of LyX/MikTex on three 
different computers (all Windows) and have them all break within a 
couple of weeks without doing anything (except allowing Windows Updates)?

I have been receiving errors after latest windows updates on 3 
different machines all were running successfully LyX and MikTex and 
stopped working out of the blue with the following type errors:

The process latex icon bottom right just spins for minutes then:

LyX: Stop command?

The command pdflatex "test.txt" has not completed.

Do you want to stop it?

Stop it Let it run

If Let it run:

Does not matter which it will still fail either way.

LyX: LaTeX failed:

The external program


finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the cause of the 
external program's error (check the logs)

And right about now I certainly wish LyX would make the error text 
boxes where the text can be copied an pasted into an email sigh.

I currently upgraded to latest Lyx and MikTex and performed the 
typical LyX -> Reconfigure and restart Lyx only to still find 
Unavailable: Article (Standard Class) and still above errors as though 
LyX cannot find MikTex even though Tools->TeX Information finds .cls 
files in the MikTex 2.9 directory in Program Files (x86)


LyX Version 2.3.3

(Monday, June 10, 2019)

Library directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.3\Resources\

User directory: ~\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3\

Qt Version (run-time): 5.11.3

Qt Version (compile-time): 5.11.3

Anyone else experience this?
It is super-awesome!

I'm running LyX 2.3.3  with MiKTeX 2.9 on windows 10 without problems. 
However, after a MiKTeX update a week (or two? -- memory fades) ago I 
had a problem compiling documents which previously compiled 
successfully. There was a pdflatex error, the little circling busy sign 
continuing endlessly. The problem was the absence of the LaTeX3 package 
l3backend which is a new package required for the working of expl3.sty 
which LyX requires. Check whether you have l3backend installed.


Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-12 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 13/07/2019 7:36 AM, Brian Davis wrote:

@Andrew Parsloe

I tried installing I3backend and "Reconfigure" / Restart Lyx and no dice.

I also checked for article.cls and MikTeX states Itxbase is installed 
but LyX states it is still unavailable.

Any other packages? that you may have also installed?


l3backend was the only missing package I was aware of. There are various 
MiKTeX log files available. You need to dig deep to find them. On my 
system they're at


See which ones are getting added to when you try to run LyX (sort them 
by date/time).


Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-13 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 14/07/2019 5:57 AM, Brian Davis wrote:

Performing operation scorched earth (a play by play):

Zip Lyx user dir stuff in AppData
Uninstall MikTeX
Laugh at MikTex Uninstall
Delete cruft MikTeX leaves behind in C:\Program Files (x86)
Uninstall LyX with check box to remove all user data

Reboot machine.

Install MikTex basic-miktex-2.9.7100-x64.exe
Select Letter
Select Auto install dependencies
Click through

Install LyX LyX-233-Installer-1.exe
Click through
Wait for MikTex LyX to check and download any packages.
Watch paint dry
Count the popcorn on the ceiling
Contemplate the meaning of life
Could we detect life on exoplanets by looking near atmosphere for 
space junk... h?  One persons junk is another persons treasure.

LyX/MikTex still spinning.
Could coronal mass ejections (CME) (millions of tons of matter) be 
redirected towards earth or moon using magneto hydrodynamics and a 
series of satellites  to create the largest 3D Universal (as in solar 
system)  Printer in the universe? Possibly even separate the matter 
stream for various matter types?   Say space mining on steroids?  Hmm 
lets submit that question to GSFC public portal done.

Hey LyX is done installing
Check Launch LyX

Open my test.lyx
Check for document creation using eyes icon to generate pdf.
Check Document -> Settings
Document Class reads: Unavailable: Article (Standard Class)

Wait... what ... How can it generate a pdf if the cls file cannot be 
found by LyX.

At least now it is generating the pdf file, but how?
What da h#!!?
I even switched the document class to another unavailable Article 
class the one with Extra Font Sizes and received an error about not 
being able to compile the document t yada... yada ...yada and IT STILL 

Do I need to post a YouTube vid on this bizarro experience?

I am thoroughly confused.

When you reinstalled LyX did you retain your preferences? If so, then 
try renaming the file


to (say)


and then start LyX. This will create a pristine LyX2.3 folder and 
subdirectories. See if that cures the article.cls problem. I've had 
occasions when something has gone wrong in my preferences file and this 
has done the trick. If it does solve the problem, then copy back the 
subdirectories one by one from LyX2.3old to the new LyX2.3 and start LyX 
after each copy to see when the problem re-emerges.


Re: How to set editor for external edit of preamble

2019-08-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 15/08/2019 1:28 PM, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-14 20:23, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/14/19 7:35 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Me three :-)-O


On 14/08/2019 07:15, Daniel wrote:


I just discovered the new feature to edit the preamble externally.
However, I couldn't find where to set the editor for this of any
documentation about it.  On MacOS it opens XCode which asks me to
install additional application or Quit.  This renders the function
pretty useless for me.  I have set a different application as default
for TeX files but LyX seems ignore this.  How can I make LyX open my
favorite editor?


Tools > Preferences > File Formats > LaTeX (plain) > Editor.


Thanks. So, I take it, there is no documentation of this.

Next, question: how do I set a Custom editor then? I tried 
"/Applications/" but nothing happens though "open 
/Applications/" in the terminal works just fine.


Following Paul's response, I chose Custom and entered notepad++ (my 
preferred text editor) in the adjacent window. I've included C:\Program 
Files\Notepad++ (preceded and followed by semicolons) in the path string 
at Tools > Settings > Paths. It works (at least in windows).


Re: Index "see..." Cross-reference Broken in User Guide

2019-12-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/12/2019 2:55 am, Joel Kulesza wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:07 AM Axel Dessecker > wrote:

Am Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019, 23:53:24 CET schrieb Joel Kulesza:

> Has anyone else observed that the "See..." cross-references in
the User
> Guide index fail to render?
> For example, using LyX 2.3.3 the "GIF|see{Image Formats}" in
Section 4.4.1
> of the User Guide does not make an entry for GIF or anything
> that something else should be seen.

I cannot confirm your observation. I have the user guide in German
and the
cross-reference command for GIF you are mentioning correctly
creates a list
entry for “Grafikformate” (image formats). This is LyX 2.3.3 and


Thank you for testing.  Weird.  I cannot see it (see attached with no 
"GIF" entry int he index).  I've tried on various flavors of macOS 
with TeXLive 2017, 2018, and 2019. All fail. I also tried on RHEL7, 
with LyX 2.3.2 and TeXLive 2018, and it also fails.

I'm glad to know it works, at least for someone.  I'll continue 
digging, but I'd be happy to know if anyone else sees GIF in the index 
pointing to Image Formats, or not.

Thank you,

Like Axel, I get the "GIF see Image formats" entry produced in the 
index. This is LyX 2.3.3, the English User's Guide, on a Windows 10 
machine. Under "Images" there is a subheading "Formats 71".


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Index "see..." Cross-reference Broken in User Guide

2019-12-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/12/2019 12:36 pm, Joel Kulesza wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 4:01 PM Andrew Parsloe <>> wrote:

On 12/12/2019 2:55 am, Joel Kulesza wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:07 AM Axel Dessecker>> wrote:

Am Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019, 23:53:24 CET schrieb Joel

> Has anyone else observed that the "See..." cross-references
in the User
> Guide index fail to render?
> For example, using LyX 2.3.3 the "GIF|see{Image Formats}"
in Section 4.4.1
> of the User Guide does not make an entry for GIF or
anything indicating
> that something else should be seen.

I cannot confirm your observation. I have the user guide in
German and the
cross-reference command for GIF you are mentioning correctly
creates a list
entry for “Grafikformate” (image formats). This is LyX 2.3.3
and Linux


Thank you for testing.  Weird.  I cannot see it (see attached
with no "GIF" entry int he index). I've tried on various flavors
of macOS with TeXLive 2017, 2018, and 2019.  All fail. I also
tried on RHEL7, with LyX 2.3.2 and TeXLive 2018, and it also fails.

I'm glad to know it works, at least for someone.  I'll continue
digging, but I'd be happy to know if anyone else sees GIF in the
index pointing to Image Formats, or not.

Thank you,

Like Axel, I get the "GIF see Image formats" entry produced in the
index. This is LyX 2.3.3, the English User's Guide, on a Windows
10 machine. Under "Images" there is a subheading "Formats  71".



To confirm: you see an entry for "GIF" in the index?

My understanding from Section 6.6.3 of the User Guide is that it 
should exist and point to Image Formats as a cross reference.  
However, I do not see that and I believe Axel indicated that he didn't 
look for the GIF entry.

The cross-referencing entry for GIF that I'm missing (and want to have 
in my own document).


Yes, I copied the "GIF see Image formats" entry from the index of a 
just-compiled User's Guide. It's there, along with similar entries for 
JPG, SVG, PNG and EPS. In case it's relevant the index has numerous 
other see references, e.g., "Bindings see Key Bindings", "Formulas see 
Math", "Glossary see Nomenclature", "Ligatures see Typography", and as a 
subheading under "LYX", "Reconfigure see Reconfiguration of LYX".


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Index "see..." Cross-reference Broken in User Guide

2019-12-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/12/2019 1:14 pm, Joel Kulesza wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 4:59 PM Andrew Parsloe <>> wrote:

On 12/12/2019 12:36 pm, Joel Kulesza wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 4:01 PM Andrew Parsloe>> wrote:

On 12/12/2019 2:55 am, Joel Kulesza wrote:

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:07 AM Axel Dessecker>> wrote:

Am Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019, 23:53:24 CET schrieb
Joel Kulesza:

> Has anyone else observed that the "See..."
cross-references in the User
> Guide index fail to render?
> For example, using LyX 2.3.3 the "GIF|see{Image
Formats}" in Section 4.4.1
> of the User Guide does not make an entry for GIF or
anything indicating
> that something else should be seen.

I cannot confirm your observation. I have the user guide
in German and the
cross-reference command for GIF you are mentioning
correctly creates a list
entry for “Grafikformate” (image formats). This is LyX
2.3.3 and Linux


Thank you for testing.  Weird.  I cannot see it (see
attached with no "GIF" entry int he index).  I've tried on
various flavors of macOS with TeXLive 2017, 2018, and 2019. 
All fail. I also tried on RHEL7, with LyX 2.3.2 and TeXLive
2018, and it also fails.

I'm glad to know it works, at least for someone.  I'll
continue digging, but I'd be happy to know if anyone else
sees GIF in the index pointing to Image Formats, or not.

Thank you,

Like Axel, I get the "GIF see Image formats" entry produced
in the index. This is LyX 2.3.3, the English User's Guide, on
a Windows 10 machine. Under "Images" there is a subheading
"Formats  71".



To confirm: you see an entry for "GIF" in the index?

My understanding from Section 6.6.3 of the User Guide is that it
should exist and point to Image Formats as a cross reference. 
However, I do not see that and I believe Axel indicated that he
didn't look for the GIF entry.

The cross-referencing entry for GIF that I'm missing (and want to
have in my own document).


Yes, I copied the "GIF see Image formats" entry from the index of
a just-compiled User's Guide. It's there, along with similar
entries for JPG, SVG, PNG and EPS. In case it's relevant the index
has numerous other see references, e.g., "Bindings see Key
Bindings", "Formulas see Math", "Glossary see Nomenclature",
"Ligatures see Typography", and as a subheading under "LYX",
"Reconfigure see Reconfiguration of LYX".


Darn, OK, thanks.  I'll hunt around some more to see if I can provoke 
it into appearing.  A question: are you using MikTeX or TeXLive?


MiKTeX 2.9 64 bit.

In the Code Preview pane I see, e.g., \index{GIF|see{Image formats}}.

In Document settings, I see

Document class is KOMA-Script book with custom class options:


Indexes is default. (Presumably MakeIndex?) and in the preamble I see

% macro for italic page numbers in the index



lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.3.x: how to insert externally generated code for table?

2020-03-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/03/2020 5:10 am, Bernt Lie wrote:

I’m running a program which generates LaTeX code for a table.


  * How can I insert this table into LyX?
  * I want the table to have the same type of preview as Tables I set
up manually inside of LyX
  * I want the table to be a floating table.
  * Such tables may be large, so I may want to make it multi-page, and
possibly rotate it.


\begin{tabular}{rrr} \hline\hline \textbf{Temperature [K]} & 
\textbf{Pressure [bar]} & \textbf{Specific volume liq [m3/kg.1e3]} \\ 
\texttt{Float64} & \texttt{Float64} & \texttt{Float64} \\\hline 273.15 
& 0.00611 & 1.0 \\ 275.0 & 0.00697 & 1.0 \\ 280.0 & 0.0099 & 1.0 \\ 
285.0 & 0.01387 & 1.0 \\ 290.0 & 0.01917 & 1.001 \\\hline\hline 

Can I insert the table within LyX? Or do I have to insert the table in 
a LyX document and insert the code via an ASCII editor?

Thanks for suggestions!



One way is to put an ert inset inside a preview inset inside a table 
float and paste the table code into the ert inset. Move the cursor 
outside the float and wait while preview does its thing. I did just that 
and attach the result.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Instant previews not showing

2020-04-15 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 15/04/2020 8:21 pm, Daniel wrote:


Is there a way to see why instant previews fail to generate?

I have a document that compiles fine but the instant previews in it 
don't. In other documents the previews just work fine. So, there must 
be a particular problem with this one (which is a child of a master 


Look at the log in the temporary directory? Because I often stretch what 
preview was designed for, I get this kind of problem every now and again 
and the preview log is nearly always helpful. (It's usually in 
lyx_tmpbuf0 although with a child document that may not be the case.) 
Previews are featured near the end of the log. The latex error message 
usually allows the particular preview causing the problem to be identified.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Custom layout inset without arguments

2020-04-18 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 19/04/2020 6:36 am, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 4/18/20 9:49 AM, Gaston Gloesener wrote:

InsetLayout "Flex:projectNameInset"

  LabelString “My Project Name"

  LatexType Command

  LaTexName projectName

  LyxType "custom"

  Decoration Classic


    \newcommand*{\projectName}{ My Project Name }



The problem with this InsetLayout is that LyX always displays a red 
parameter input box after the insert of the inset and this is quite 
annoying in this use case as such insets will be quite common in the 
document. Is there any method for removing this as this macro does 
not require any arguments. I tried to set LatexType to None with no 
success and did not identify any other potential solution. Also 
google did not show me any potential solutions for this.

After some research and looking up in files provided with LyX I seem 
to understand that basically insets are always expected to have some 
type of conments and the use I make of it here is more a work-a-round 
than a solution. At least I was unable to locate an inset where no 
content was excpected.

So the question remains:

  * Is there a way to prevent LyX from asking for some content (red box)
  * If not, is there another solutioin than the one used here to
achieve the same goals and avoid that input box ?
  * would it be possible to add an attribute to InsetLayout to
disable the contents box in the doc text in a future version ?
(like NoContent)

This is bug #4066: There's at 
least some intention to try to figure it out before 2.4.0. For now, 
the workaround you mention is the only one available.


But you can eliminate the red box from showing by closing the inset 
(click on the inset label to toggle open/closed).

Alternatively, there is a hybrid Latex/LyX solution, that avoids going 
to the menu to insert custom insets and uses keyboard shortcuts instead.

1. Ensure instant preview is On (Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > 

2. Assign a keyboard shortcut to preview-insert (Tools > Preferences > 
Editing > Shortcuts > Cursor, Mouse and Editing Functions). Now that 
printing directly from LyX is no longer supported the shortcut Ctrl+P is 

3. Enter in the preamble (Document > Settings > Latex Preamble)

\newcommand*{\projectName}{ My Project Name }

and click OK.

To enter the project name in the document,

4. insert a preview inset (Ctrl+P)

5. insert an ert inset (Ctrl+L) inside the preview inset. On a QWERTY 
keyboard, the P and L  keys are diagonal neighbours so steps 4 & 5 
involve holding the ctrl key down and tapping P and L in quick succession.

6. enter \projectName in the ert inset

7. move the cursor outside the insets. The preview does its magic and 
the project name is shown.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Custom layout inset without arguments

2020-04-20 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 21/04/2020 8:47 am, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 4/19/20 2:23 PM, Gaston Gloesener wrote:

Riki wrote:

>This is bug #4066: There's at 
least some intention to try to figure it out before 2.4.0. For now, 
the workaround you mention is the only one available.



Thank you for this pointer. I am a bit scared by this bug report 
having 13 years and last update being 12 months ago, but let’s stay 
positive it will happen 😊

I filed the report, too, and have always meant to do something about 
it. Really, that bug is more general, since the idea was for it to be 
possible to declare various options, as well, so the command could in 
effect have arguments (the way the label command does, e.g.).

Andrew wrote:

>But you can eliminate the red box from showing by closing the inset 
(click on the inset label to toggle open/closed).

Thanks for this workaround. I did actually notice this shortly after 
sending my email and must admit that it is already a big progress 
that I can at least get rid of the annoying  red box.

Would it be enough here if we could just have a "no text box" option? 
This would basically be a form of Decoration.


For appearance in LyX this would be helpful, but if the associated latex 
command has an empty argument  attached that might be confusing, for 
example if using the latex command in an ert inset where you will need 
to remember that it is not just the command that is required but also a 
following empty argument (otherwise the next token in the ert inset is 
going to be gobbled).


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Installing new class. cls files

2020-07-27 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 28/07/2020 11:55 am, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 28 Jul 2020, Mike Reeks wrote:

Can anyone help me out here? I’m trying to install a class file for ASME
journals using Miktex console.


Last time I used windoze was 1997 and NT4. I know nothing about it.


From the MiKTeX console Welcome! window, choose whether you want to 
install the package in administrator mode or not. (I prefer to do things 
in Admin mode, but I'm the only person using my machine.) Choose the 
Packages option from the left-hand column of the console window. In the 
filter window type asme and click the filter icon. I find two packages 
listed, asmeconf, and asmejour. If you select either and click on the 
info icon, you will see that it includes a class file. Select the 
relevant one (or both). Click the + icon, click OK on the dialogue that 
then shows, and wait while MiKTeX installs the package. Installation is 
complete when the Cancel button changes to Close. The console window 
will then think for a moment before displaying a list of all packages 
available. If you search for  asmejour or asmeconf you will find it now 
displays today's date in the Installed on column.

Whether LyX can use it "intelligently" is another matter. In LyX look 
under Help > LaTeX Configuration > Additional document classes to see 
some additional classes. ASME is not included but looking at the example 
documents for some of the ones that are included may be helpful. On my 
computer the examples can be found in C:\Program Files (x86) > LyX 2.3 > 
Resources > examples.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: New windows installers (2.3.6, both 32 and 64 bit) do not start installation

2020-12-09 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 10/12/2020 2:50 pm, Lorenzo wrote:

Yu Jin  escribió:

Am Mi., 9. Dez. 2020 um 00:12 Uhr schrieb Lorenzo 

Dear all,

New windows installers (2.3.6, both 32 and 64 bit) do not start
installation on my system; in fact they not even request admin
permission to start; simply nothing happens when I double click the
installer. Also nothing happens if I try to execute both of them as

BTW I have not had any issue with versions or older with Miktex

My system is Windows 10 64 bit.

Thank you very much in advance,

Best Regards,

Did you check in the task manager if the process (in the details tab) 

up in there?

Uninstalled and tried back to install:
LyX-236-Installer-1-x32 ==> Nothing happens. The process/program is 
not shown under "Details" tab at the Task Manager
LyX-236-Installer-1-x64 ==> Program is shown under "Details", admin 
permit is requested and installation starts (and finishes successfully)

Not sure if uninstallation of was related to success of 2.3.6 
x64 installation. Additionally I have tried to install the 2.4.0dev 
versions with same results as LyX-236-Installer-1-x32 (Nothing 
happens. The process/program is not shown under "Details" at the Task 


Just to provide another data point, I had no problem installing 2.3.6 
32-bit over the that was there. I too use MiKTeX and 64-bit 
windows 10. In an absent-minded way I have sometimes been confused in 
the past right at the start of installation by the admin-permit request 
being out of sight in the task bar at the bottom of the screen which I 
have on an auto-hide setting.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Markdown to Lyx

2020-12-09 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 10/12/2020 4:15 pm, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

Hello All,
I am trying to find a way to directly import markdown documents in Lyx.

I have created a Markdown file type and a filter Markdown->Latex using a pandoc 
command for the conversion:
  pandoc -f markdown_mmd -t latex   -o $$o $$I
But Lyx does not include this type in the import menu.
What am I missing?
How can I do this?
Is this possible?

Thank you for your help!


Have you created a Markdown file format in LyX,

Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats

ensuring the Document format checkbox is set? The name you use for the 
format will then appear in the lists showing in the From format: and To 
format: slots in the

Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Converters

dialogue. There are a number of Converter Definitions already from 
different formats to LyX format.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 14/01/2021 10:11 pm, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 14-Jan-21 6:06 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 1/13/21 4:18 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 13-Jan-21 7:51 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
We are pleased to announce the release of the first alpha for LyX 

You can find source tarballs and binaries for Windows and OSX here:

See this page

for a description of new features and updates. As you will note, there
are quite a few of those.

As always with alpha software, this is released only for testing
purposes. While some of the developers have been using this 
version, and

we believe it is fairly stable, there are likely to be some unpleasant
surprises. That said, we would greatly appreciate testing, 
especially on

Windows, where we have few developers.

Should you run into a problem, please report it on our bug tracker:

(You may need to register, if you haven't already.) If you have
questions or comments, or aren't sure if what you have found is a bug,
please email the developer's list at

When I tried to open my LyX file with 2.4.0a1 64 bits, it
gives the error "Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype." [snip] I
attached a MWE that I created in LyX, with empty contents but
with Theorems (AMS, numbered by type) module added. So it gives the
error once and the file opens.

This opens fine for me, with no error. Have you made any local
modifications to that module? (I.e., do you have your own modified copy
in your user directory?)

Eugene, can you reproduce?


PS Note that 2.3.6 is out.

Nope, I have not done modifications to the module.

I've installed 2.4.0 alpha 1 on windows 10. When I try to add the 
Standard Theorems (Numbered by type) module to a new document I too get 
the message: Error reading module theorems-bytype.  I looked at the 
module and commented out the line


and it loaded without problem. is not in 
the LyX 2.4/Resources/layouts directory, which I presume is the problem.

(In the module there is also the line


Is that last backslash supposed to be there?)



lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 15/01/2021 10:30 am, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 14/01/2021 10:11 pm, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 14-Jan-21 6:06 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 1/13/21 4:18 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 13-Jan-21 7:51 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
We are pleased to announce the release of the first alpha for LyX 

You can find source tarballs and binaries for Windows and OSX here:

See this page

for a description of new features and updates. As you will note, 

are quite a few of those.

As always with alpha software, this is released only for testing
purposes. While some of the developers have been using this 
version, and
we believe it is fairly stable, there are likely to be some 
surprises. That said, we would greatly appreciate testing, 
especially on

Windows, where we have few developers.

Should you run into a problem, please report it on our bug tracker:

(You may need to register, if you haven't already.) If you have
questions or comments, or aren't sure if what you have found is a 

please email the developer's list at

When I tried to open my LyX file with 2.4.0a1 64 bits, it
gives the error "Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype." [snip] I
attached a MWE that I created in LyX, with empty contents but
with Theorems (AMS, numbered by type) module added. So it gives the
error once and the file opens.

This opens fine for me, with no error. Have you made any local
modifications to that module? (I.e., do you have your own modified copy
in your user directory?)

Eugene, can you reproduce?


PS Note that 2.3.6 is out.

Nope, I have not done modifications to the module.

I've installed 2.4.0 alpha 1 on windows 10. When I try to add the 
Standard Theorems (Numbered by type) module to a new document I too 
get the message: Error reading module theorems-bytype.  I looked at 
the module and commented out the line


and it loaded without problem. is not in 
the LyX 2.4/Resources/layouts directory, which I presume is the problem.

(In the module there is also the line


Is that last backslash supposed to be there?)


Please ignore. Time zones got in the way and the matter has been dealt with.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: L3-Programming-Layer????

2021-02-15 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 16/02/2021 5:10 pm, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

Le 16 févr. 2021 à 11:07, Richard Kimberly Heck > a écrit :

On 2/15/21 10:55 PM, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

Dear Lyxers,

I have recently observed that I see the message 
(L3-Programming-Layer) followed by a date (2021-02-06) in the status 
bar when I compile a document.

Do you have any idea about its meaning and origin?

That is the LaTeX version you have telling you that it is the latest and


Ah, Thank you Richard!
I have recently updated to MacTex 2020 and this change came with it 

Happy to use the greatest version! :-)


Prof. Murat Yildizoglu

More specifically: L3 (usually lowercase l3) refers to the LaTeX3 
project which has created a suite of macros organized into a programming 
language expl3 that is systematic in a way that TeX and LaTeX2e are not 
(although in the end the functions/statements in expl3 resolve 
themselves into TeX commands). See the documentation in the l3kernel 
package, particularly interface3.pdf. Increasing numbers of packages are 
being created using expl3. I've managed to write a couple, one 
stretching to many thousands of lines of code, whereas I struggle to 
cobble  5 lines of (La)TeX together. I presume the message in LyX means 
it is using expl3.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Pasting latex in a lyx file

2021-04-07 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 8/04/2021 3:14 am, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 4/7/21 10:14 AM, Mario D wrote:

Hi all,

sometime I need to paste some latex code inside a lyx file.
When I do this, I lose all the formatting and, in particular,  I lose 
all new lines: this means that what I end up with in my red box in 
lyx is a complete mess which requires a lot of editing.

This is quite annoying: am I missing something which results in this 

Thank you

Have you tried Edit > Paste Special > Paste from LaTeX? Note that this 
is used to paste directly into the LyX document, /not/ into an ERT box 


I usually just use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste text (including lines of LaTeX) 
that preserves new lines. It works in an ERT box. (I wasn't aware of the 
Paste from LateX option.  In fact, there's quite a bit here that has 
changed since I last carefully looked at what was offered by the 
different menus.)


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Command to put string in both the LyX authoring environment and the finished PDF?

2021-06-21 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 21/06/2021 9:39 am, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I have a local layout, based on Book-extsizes, for my new book. I have
no idea what the book's title will be yet, and I sure nuff don't want
to have to search all instances of that title and replace them every
time I get a better idea for the title.

S, what I want to do is put something in my local layout to
articulate the title, both in the LyX authoring environment and in the
compiled PDF, showing the title in a specific appearance. I tried to do
it as a character style, as follows:


% ### Character style for book title within body text
Current Title As Of Today}}%

CharStyle CharTitleInBody
Series  Bold
Color   Red
Series  Bold
Color   Red
LatexName   chartitlebodytextL
LatexType   Command
LabelString "My Current Title As Of Today"

If I apply the character style CharTitleInBody to an empty string in
LyX, the exact right thing happens in the PDF, but in the LyX
authoring environment the title appears under the character style inset
and also under the following text, which is very disturbing if you're
trying to copy-edit your book in the LyX environment.

Does anybody know what I can do to make the text appear inline, instead
of underneath, within the LyX authoring environment?



Steve, does adding

Decoration  minimalistic

after CharStyle CharTitleInBody help? Or

Decoration  classic

if you prefer? Your current style uses the CharStyle default decoration  
called conglomerate.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Problems related to custom AMS theorem module

2021-07-24 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 24/07/2021 9:00 am, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 7/23/21 4:14 PM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:

Is there a way to instruct Lyx to write certain auxiliary files into 
the local directory, instead of in /tmp/lyx_tmpdirxxx?

Is it LyX or LaTeX (pdflatex?) that writes the auxiliary files? I 
suspect the latter, in which case I'm pretty sure the answer to your 
question is no. You could create a custom export format and tell LyX 
to invoke a shell script (written by you) that would run whatever 
LaTeX commands were needed and then copy the selected files to the 
local directory (which I believe you can convince LyX to pass as an 
argument to the script). That's complicated enough that you might be 
better off just writing a script that copies the target files to the 
local directory and run it manually after compiling documents.

I haven't followed this thread with any attention so may well have 
missed the point, but I wonder if LyX's copier mechanism is what you 
want? I'm thinking of the script that comes with LyX (in 
Resources/scripts). For example, to copy the *.aux files back to your 
document directory from the temp directory,  in Tools>Preferences>File 
Handling>File Formats select the format PDF (pdflatex) and in the Copier 
slot put

python -tt $$s/scripts/ -e pdf,aux -d $$i $$o

then click OK. Now when you export to pdf by the pdflatex route, not 
only will you get the pdf in your document directory but also any aux 

If you want to look at the aux files without the burden of compiling to 
pdf, a good trick is to export to Plain text, which is quick even for 
large complex documents, and in the Copier slot under Plain text to enter

python -tt $$s/scripts/ -e aux -d $$i $$o

Notice that only files with the extension aux are to be copied back. 
That means the plain text file resulting from the export, which you are 
unlikely to be interested in, stays in the temp directory and doesn't 
clutter your document directory, but the aux files do get copied back to 


lyx-users mailing list

Re: shortcut for going to edge of ERT frame?

2021-08-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/08/2021 7:12 am, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/8/21 2:01 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
Is there any way to program a key so that if you are typing within an 
ERT frame, it takes the cursor to the last (or first) character in 
that frame?

Also useful would be a way to exit the frame — landing at at the 
first non-ERT character to the left or right of the frame.

You can bind keys to the functions "inset-begin" (positions the cursor 
before the first character in the inset) and "inset-end" (positions 
the cursor after the last character in the inset). In both cases, the 
cursor remains within the inset.

To exit the inset, you can use "command-sequence inset-end; 


But there's a catch with using inset-end or inset-begin like this to 
move out of the inset. If the cursor is at the end of the inset already 
then "command-sequence inset-end; char-forward;" will take you to the 
end of an enclosing inset if there is one, or to the end of your 
document if there is not, which can be disconcerting if all you want to 
do is position the cursor immediately after the inset.

command-sequence line-begin; inset-end; char-right;

takes care of the case when the cursor is already at the end of the 
inset (but still produces the big jump to the end of the document if the 
inset is empty).


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX's temp directory

2022-07-27 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 27/07/2022 10:27 pm, tush via lyx-users wrote:
When I export a lyx file to pdf, the tex output files (.aux, .lof, 
.synctex etc. as well as the pdf) are all located not in the project’s 
directory but in 
on my macOS.

1. What is the reason that LyX developers decided to put those files 
there and not in the “intuitive” place - the project’s root directory?

2. And how can I change it to export the files to the project’s directory?

This answer: that one can 
achieve that by changing the preferences, but is there another way to 
do it? A less, “techy” way?

I'm working on a windows system and have no idea how things are arranged 
on a mac, but this works on windows.

LyX has a copying mechanism for getting files out of the temporary 
directory and into the document directory when a document is exported. 
To copy back the log file for instance, go to Tools > Preferences > File 
Handling > File Formats and find PDF (pdflatex), if you are exporting 
with pdflatex, in the list of formats. (If its LuaTex, choose PDF 
(LuaTeX).) In the Copier slot of the dialogue insert the following line 
of code:

python -tt $$s/scripts/ -e log,pdf -d $$i $$o is a python script that is supplied with LyX. The -e log,pdf 
-d part of the line tells that on export to pdf to copy any 
files with the extensions .log or .pdf from the temporary directory 
where LyX does its work back to the document directory – the -d option 
(which became available with LyX 2.3.0). If you wanted to also copy the 
aux file, just add that to the list: aux,log,pdf.

The "documentation" that comes with is found in the opening 
comments of the script itself which can be found in the scripts 
subdirectory of the Resources directory of the LyX directory.

Also check "Copiers" in the Customization manual.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Sumatra and LyX, Foreword search is not active

2022-08-08 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/08/2022 10:30 am, tush via lyx-users wrote:
I am trying to see if LyX foreword search (through synctex) works on 
my windows 10.

I have LyX 2.3.6 installed on windows 10.

I have set up LyX so that Sumatra opens when compiling pdfs.

I ticked a V in Document Settings->Formats->synchronize with output" 
and I have a synctex.gz file in the 

But when I try to do "Navigate->Foreword search", the button is gray 
and inactive.

Does anyone have an idea why? Have I forgotten something?

Have you tried right clicking? On my windows 10 system ( I also use 
Sumatra) Forward Search is the second item of the second block in the 
context menu. And to get back from the pdf to LyX just double click in 
the pdf at the appropriate place.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX -> word.doc via Libreoffice -> smashwords "paragraph marks"

2015-09-23 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 24/09/2015 3:36 a.m., Joe wrote:
Of course I doubt this would work so good if I was writing something 
that needed tables, or other constructs that wouldn't make it through 
smashwords so called meat-grinder. But I'm writing fiction. So this 
will work for me, until I find a better way. If anyone knows of a 
better way to get the resulting word.doc, formatted to the exacting 
standards described in the smashwords style guide. And still look like 
the output LyX thought I meant when I composed with LyX. So that it 
could keep me from fat fingering extra spaces, and all the other 
formatting mistakes that would creep in to my work, if I tried to 
compose with a mere word processor. Then please give me a clue. Cause 
this repeatable kludge is a real PITA! Thank you! 

Have you considered exporting to rich text format and opening the 
resulting rtf document in LibreOffice? I'm on windows, but I've found 
the program latex2rtf does a pretty good job of handling even quite 
complicated LyX objects (like tables, simple equations, footnotes). For 
straightforward text (section headings, paragraphs, emphasised text 
etc.) it could save you a *lot* of effort. The main problem for me was 
setting the thing up. You need to ensure the rich text format is defined 
in Tools > Preferences > File Handling > File Formats and then set up a 
converter from latex to rtf. In my windows set up this is

c:/PROGRA~2/latex2rtf/latex2rt.exe -P c:progra~2/latex2rtf/cfg $$i

In linux, the paths will obviously be different. The critical part was 
the -P option which points latex2rtf to its cfg file.


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Re: LyX -> word.doc via Libreoffice -> smashwords "paragraph marks"

2015-09-23 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 24/09/2015 3:08 p.m., Joe wrote:

It would appear that on Sep 24, Andrew Parsloe did say:

Have you considered exporting to rich text format and opening the resulting
rtf document in LibreOffice? I'm on windows, but I've found the program
latex2rtf does a pretty good job of handling even quite complicated LyX
objects (like tables, simple equations, footnotes). For straightforward text
(section headings, paragraphs, emphasised text etc.) it could save you a *lot*
of effort.

Actually no, I hadn't considered that. Probably because I didn't know how.
And if I needed tables, footnotes etc... I'd be all over that like white on
rice. Might try it anyway. Though I doubt it would save me as much effort
as you think. Because the smashwords meatgrinder is very picky about how
things are formatted. And leaving the tables and stuff out of it, almost all
formatting needs to be defined in paragraph styles. Any direct formatting,
aside from toggling italics, boldface, and underlining, that isn't done
with a paragraph style will cause errors.

The particular point about exporting to rtf is that it spares you all 
those one line paragraphs. A paragraph in LyX is a paragraph in rtf. It 
isn't exported to a sequence of one-line paragraphs. I should have 
emphasised that.


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Re: How can I preview pdf in adobe reader or other editor instead of Yap using lyx

2015-10-08 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/10/2015 3:56 a.m., yan song wrote:
I recently installed lyx on a new computer. And it seems that I can't 
preview the pdf in adobe reader or sumatra. The yap software is 
invoked to preview the pdf. I tried to add the adobe path, change the 
preview to AcroRD32 or Summatra. I even re-installed lyx. Nothing 
works so far. This is really bothering me since I need to adjust the 
look of the paper. With yap, I can't really see how the paper looks 
like now.

Yan Song

Department of Economics, McGill University

Cell phone: 514-5496070
Personal Website: 
When trying to use Sumatra did you use the name SumatraPDF? And if 
you're using Windows, you may have to specify the path (under 
Tools>Preferences>Paths>PATH prefix), e.g.

C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\


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LyX 2.2 alpha1

2015-11-23 Thread Andrew Parsloe
Has anyone else on windows tried LyX 2.2alpha1? And if so, do the icons 
display correctly. The Classic icons display on my system (Windows 7) 
but not the Default or Oxygen sets.


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Re: what exactly is the "latex protocol" of a lyx document

2016-04-02 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 3/04/2016 6:12 a.m., Michael Berger wrote:

Hi all,
please, will somebody be so kind as to explain to me what the "Latex 
protocol of a Lyx document" is. Is it the tex-code of my Lyx document 
when opened in an editor, e. eg. in Kile?

Michael Berger

I wonder if "Latex preamble" is meant?


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Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 6/04/2016 8:55 a.m., Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Thanks, that works. I see I can use the command-sequence to combine
the commands. So, now it works.
I'm interested to know whether this really does work. In the past when 
I've tried to use command-sequence with export or save operations it has 
run into problems with threaded code -- an export or save is not 
completed before the next command in the sequence is initiated.


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Re: Issue with Spreadtab module

2016-05-29 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 29/05/2016 11:50 p.m., Ron Stone wrote:


One of the documented features of the spreadtab module is the ability to save 
calculated values (see section 1.6 of the SpreadtabWithLyx.pdf)

The method described is not working either in LyX 2.1 or 2.2. The instructions say 
to insert > Short Title before the table, but it does not exist in these 
versions, and the source file of the instructions (SpreadtabWithLyx.lyx) throws an 
error on section 1.6 when building:

.\label{If-we-wish} It is tempting to put this
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Does anyone know if there is currently a way to save cell results for reuse 
outside the table? This is important for the situation I’m working with.


I'm the author of this module Ron. I was alerted to this failure just a 
week ago by another frustrated user. I'm in the process of updating the 
module and documentation. In the meantime you can do the following. Open 
spreadtab.module in a text editor. Scan down until you come to the line

InsetLayout Flex:sLSaveCell

In the definition of sLSaveCell, scan down to the line PassThru  0. 
Change the 0 to 1 so it reads  PassThru  1. Save and close the module. 
(The 0 can have got there only through some kind of brain fade on my 
part. The 1 is essential if a backslash, as occurs in \Balance, is to be 
interpreted correctly. Alternatively, it's possible I intended \Balance 
to be entered in an ERT inset but forgot to document the fact.)

The other complication is the changed handling of LaTeX arguments in 
styles and insets in LyX from (was it?) 2.1.4. Because of this change, 
some areas of the documentation are no longer accurate. To save the 
contents of a cell you need to put the sLSaveCell inset into the 
Required argument inset that should be visible in the example tables 
when you click the cursor in them, and can also be inserted from the 
Insert menu (located in the area of that rather long menu where Short 
Title lurks) when the cursor is in an sLTable environment.

Finally, when using saved results later in a document, you need to be 
aware of the limitations of instant preview, which doesn't know about 
values calculated in earlier previews, except when the document is first 
opened, so you may want to save, close and re-open the document to see a 
saved value used later. (The pdf is unaffected by this limitation.)

Having not heard a peep about the spreadtab module for years (hence its 
neglect), it's disconcerting but cheering to find two people, within 10 
days, have actually had a look at it.


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Re: Refresh child document preview

2016-06-16 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/06/2016 3:09 a.m., Guillaume Munch wrote:

Le 16/06/2016 15:21, Kiuhnm a écrit :


I put a child document (TikZ file) inside a "preview box" and I can see
the image inline. The problem is that if I change the child document,
the preview is not updated. Restarting LyX (2.2.0) or reinserting the
child document solves the problem, but that's very tedious. Is there a
more convenient way?

For now, change zoom? (e.g. Ctrl+Mouse wheel)
I've recently discovered this trick, but prefer to do it in a more 
systematic way. I've created a command sequence shortcut:

command-sequence buffer-zoom-in; buffer-zoom-out

and associated it with a shortcut key (Tools > Preferences > Editing > 
Shortcuts). In fact I've used Alt+Z for no particular reason. This 
leaves your screen font at exactly the same size as before but gets all 
the previews refreshed.


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Re: ~

2016-08-23 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 23/08/2016 9:49 p.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

I often run into the problem of copying/pasting among 3-4 (or
whatever) different symbols/groups of symbols. Is there a way to
*name* these copies, and pasting them back with reference to the
name? (OK... I realize that this is akin to the "fragment" system I
have asked about before...).

-Bernt Lie

Have you tried Edit > Paste Recent?


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Re: Recommended PDF viewer?

2016-10-24 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 25/10/2016 1:54 p.m., Cris Fuhrman wrote:

On Friday, 21 October 2016, Wierdl Máté>> wrote:

So then what is the recommended PDF previewer for LyX on Windows 10

I use Sumatra PDF. LyX can be configured for it with synctex for forward
and backward search. That feature
is a huge help with the non WYSIWYG aspect of TeX.

The instructions on the wiki are admirably clear. Having followed them, 
I find, with LyX 2.2.2 and SumatraPDF v.3.1.2 64 bit, that the checkbox 
Synchronize with output in  Document>Settings>Output seems to have no 
effect, one way or the other. Forward and inverse search work 
irrespective of whether it is set or not.


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Re: Miktex package management inadequate, want to transition to TexLive.

2016-10-29 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 29/10/2016 7:35 p.m., CarLaTeX wrote:

2016-10-29 8:09 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson>>:

I wonder if Windows users see this problem in MikTeX regularly. I'm a
Linux user, but I try to help the Windows students around here.


Paul E. Johnson
Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis

To write to me directly, please address me at pauljohn at

I'm using LyX (various version, now 2.2.2) with MiKTeX (2.9) on Windows
(10) since April 2015 with no problems.
Today the site is down but you should only have to wait few hours.


Yesterday, like others, I couldn't update MiKTeX. This morning (8.20 
a.m. New Zealand time) everything proceeded smoothly.


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Re: how to itemize exercises?

2016-10-30 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 30/10/2016 4:04 p.m., subaochen wrote:

hi all,

I want to use Theorems module to itemize excercises, please refer to
attachment for a test file.

But when preview with pdf file, the exercises are not itemized, just the
first exercise have the prefix number, I don't know what I'm missing.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,
Baochen Su

With the cursor placed after "exercise 1", try Edit>Start New 
Environment (shortcut Alt+P Return). Repeat as necessary.


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Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

2016-11-16 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/11/2016 6:02 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:

On 11/16/2016 04:03 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

*From:*Richard Heck []
*Sent:* tirsdag 15. november 2016 19.04
*To:* Bernt Lie ; LyX Users 
*Subject:* Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

On 11/15/2016 09:43 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

I use LyX 2.2.1 (currently) on Windows 10.

I have a rather long document (some 600 pages, with 9 chapters +
several appendices), and want to number Exercises, Problems,
Examples, Theorems, etc. **independently** and numbered **by the
chapter** (or appendix) they appear in. Thus, exercises in chapter
6 should be numbered Exercise 6.1, Exercise 6.2, etc., while
examples in chapter 6 should be numbered Example 6.1, Example 6.2,

Currently, this doesn’t work. My set-up is:

·Document class: Book (Standard Class)

·Modules: Theorems (AMS, Numbered by Type)

What else do I need to set?

I assume the problem is that you are not getting the "numbered by
chapter" bit? If so, then maybe the easiest thing to do is use the
internal LaTeX command \@addtoreset in the preamble, thus:
Now the theorem counter gets reset whenever the chapter counter is reset.

You'll need to do the same thing for any other counters you are using,
and see the file for the names of the various

See also:




Thanks for quick reply. I’ve tested it (inserting
“\@addtoreset{theorem}{chapter}” in the preamble), but now get the
following error messages:

OK. Let me try to be a little bit more precise. Currently, the
counters count independently. In other words, Definition 1, Definition
2, Theorem 1, Definition 3, Theorem 2, Example 1, etc.

However, they (i) do not contain a chapter counter, and (ii) they do
(obviously) not reset the chapter counter in each chapter.

See the attached. Sorry, I got the names of the counters wrong. (I mixed
up the LyX counters and the LaTeX ones.) The LaTeX names are the same as
the names of the environments as they are declared in the preamble, e.g.:
So the counter is "lem" for Lemmas.


Perhaps I've misunderstood, but it seems to me what is wanted is the 
module Theorems (Numbered by Type within Chapters) that comes with LyX. 
This allows one to number by type within chapters each of theorems, 
corollaries, lemmas, propositions, conjectures, facts, definitions, 
examples, problems, exercises, remarks and claims.


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Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

2016-11-17 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/11/2016 9:43 p.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

-Original Message-

From: [] On Behalf
Of Andrew Parsloe

   Perhaps I've misunderstood, but it seems to me what is wanted is the
module Theorems (Numbered by

   Type within Chapters) that comes with LyX.

   This allows one to number by type within chapters each of theorems,
corollaries, lemmas, propositions,

   conjectures, facts, definitions, examples, problems, exercises,
remarks and claims.



Thanks Andrew. Yes, that's what I also thought, but this has no
effect... Choosing


seems to give the same result. I don’t understand why. (Is it because
the first selection says AMS, Numbered by Type, and the second one
doesn’t mention AMS?)

Anyway, depending on which choice I make first, not all choices are
available. Example: with the latter of these choices (both Theorems
(AMS, ...) and Theorems (Numbered by Type...)...

·if I try to select Theorems (AMS, ...) first, option “Delete” is not

·so I have to delete the second option first, and then after that, I can
delete “Theorems (AMS, ...)”.

Likewise, module “Theorems (Numbered by Type within Chapters)” – which
is really what I want – can only be added if I **first** add “Theorems
(AMS, Numbered by Type)”... and then it doesn’t give the expected effect.

Ideally, this is how I’d like it to work, without having to “hack” in
the preamble...




LyX doesn't supply all the modules necessary to use AMS environments 
numbered by type within chapters. I ran into this problem some weeks ago 
but found I could create or adjust the necessary modules using the 
supplied ones as models. I've attached the new/adjusted ones to this 
email. Place them in the layouts folder of your personal LyX directory. 
Then you will need to reconfigure LyX so it knows of them.

There are dependencies among the modules which is why some can't be 
added or deleted without others.


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# Original Author : David L. Johnson 
# Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes 
# modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN 
# Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin 
# Modularized Jan 08 by Richard Heck 
# Hacked June '09 by Paul Rubin  to use separate counters
# Chapter dependence added Oct '16 by Andrew Parsloe 

# The environments defined are :
# - Theorem
# - Corollary
# - Lemma
# - Proposition
# - Conjecture
# - Fact
# - Definition
# - Example
# - Problem
# - Exercise
# - Solution
# - Remark
# - Claim
# - Case (by inclusion)

# We need separate counters for each theorem-like style.
Format 60
Counter theorem
Counter corollary
Counter lemma
Counter proposition
Counter conjecture
Counter fact
Counter definition
Counter example
Counter problem
Counter exercise
Counter solution
Counter remark
Counter claim

OutlinerName thm "Definitions & Theorems"

Style Theorem
Category  Reasoning
LatexType Environment
LatexName thm
NextNoIndent  1
ResetArgs 1
AddToToc  thm
IsTocCaption  1
Argument 1
LabelString"Additional Theorem Text"
Tooltip"Additional text appended to the theorem header"
IsTocCaption  1
LabelSep  xx
ParIndent MMM
ParSkip   0.4
ItemSep   0.2
BottomSep 0.7
Align Block
AlignPossible Left
LabelType Static
LabelCounter  theorem
LabelString   "Theorem \thechapter.\thetheorem."
  Shape   Italic
  Shape   Up
  Series  Bold
Requires  amsthm

Style Corollary
CopyStyle Theorem
LatexName cor
LabelString   "Corollary \thechapter.\thecorollary."

Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

2016-11-17 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 18/11/2016 5:43 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:

On 11/17/2016 04:42 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

LyX doesn't supply all the modules necessary to use AMS environments
numbered by type within chapters. I ran into this problem some weeks
ago but found I could create or adjust the necessary modules using the
supplied ones as models. I've attached the new/adjusted ones to this
email. Place them in the layouts folder of your personal LyX
directory. Then you will need to reconfigure LyX so it knows of them.

There are dependencies among the modules which is why some can't be
added or deleted without others.

Thanks for these. I've committed them, but I guess I should first have
asked for a GPL declaration, so I can add you to the credits. Can you
just send a short email to lyx-devel saying something like: I hereby
agree to license my contributions to LyX under the General Public
License, version 2 or any later version?


OK, I'll do that, although my contribution was largely mechanical. I 
gather from comments in the modules that the "real work" was done by 
Paul Rubin building on earlier work by you.


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Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

2016-11-17 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/11/2016 10:56 p.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Andrew Parsloe
Sent: torsdag 17. november 2016 10.43
Subject: Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

On 17/11/2016 9:43 p.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

-Original Message-

From: [] On
Behalf Of Andrew Parsloe

Perhaps I've misunderstood, but it seems to me what is wanted is
the module Theorems (Numbered by

Type within Chapters) that comes with LyX.

This allows one to number by type within chapters each of theorems,
corollaries, lemmas, propositions,

conjectures, facts, definitions, examples, problems, exercises,
remarks and claims.



Thanks Andrew. Yes, that's what I also thought, but this has no
effect... Choosing


seems to give the same result. I don’t understand why. (Is it because
the first selection says AMS, Numbered by Type, and the second one
doesn’t mention AMS?)

Anyway, depending on which choice I make first, not all choices are
available. Example: with the latter of these choices (both Theorems
(AMS, ...) and Theorems (Numbered by Type...)...

·if I try to select Theorems (AMS, ...) first, option “Delete” is not

·so I have to delete the second option first, and then after that, I
can delete “Theorems (AMS, ...)”.

Likewise, module “Theorems (Numbered by Type within Chapters)” – which
is really what I want – can only be added if I **first** add “Theorems
(AMS, Numbered by Type)”... and then it doesn’t give the expected effect.

Ideally, this is how I’d like it to work, without having to “hack” in
the preamble...




 LyX doesn't supply all the modules necessary to use AMS environments 
numbered by type within
 chapters. I ran into this problem some weeks ago but found I could create 
or adjust the necessary
 modules using the supplied ones as models. I've attached the new/adjusted 
ones to this email. Place
 them in the layouts folder of your personal LyX directory.
 Then you will need to reconfigure LyX so it knows of them.

 There are dependencies among the modules which is why some can't be added 
or deleted without
Thanks, Andrew...

* I will probably be able to figure out what the "layouts folder of your personal 
LyX directory" is. I *assume* that what I have to do, is simply save the attached 
files in this folder. (Explorer... using %appdata%, I found folder layouts under LyX2.2.)

* "Then you will need to reconfigure LyX so it knows of them". Here, I'm lost 
as to what this means. Does this simply mean: go into Document Settings of LyX, and add 
the new modules in the Modules part? Or something entirely different?


OK, I see others have intervened while I've been asleep but for 
completeness I'll answer anyway.

"layouts folder of your personal LyX directory": On my windows 7 
machine, the folder is C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.2\layouts. 
(On your machine obviously the "Andrew" will be different but the folder 
you've discovered sounds like the right one.) Save the files to this folder.

Reconfiguring LyX: Open LyX. Under Tools > Reconfigure click 
Reconfigure. A lot of activity will show in the status bar at the bottom 
of the LyX window, LyX may even seem to freeze for some seconds, and 
then a message box should pop up telling you to close then restart LyX. 
When you do and go to Documents > Settings > Modules the new modules 
should be present in the list.


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Re: LyX 2.2.2 & reconfigure -- MikTeX problems?

2017-01-06 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 7/01/2017 7:43 a.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

*From: *Wolfgang Engelmann 
*Sent: *Friday, January 6, 2017 18:47
*To: * 
*Subject: *Re: LyX 2.2.2 & reconfigure -- MikTeX problems?

On 06.01.2017 11:33, Bernt Lie wrote:


I recently installed LyX 2.2.2 on my brand new Dell workstation, and
use Windows 10 Pro (it was set up with Win 10 Enterprise when I
installed LyX 2.2.2, but I have just "downgraded" it to Pro to have
faster updates...)

When I installed LyX 2.2.2, there was some message (error message?)
related to MikTeX. I just installed Andrew Parsloe's files for
numbering theorems etc. after chapter number, and then try to
reconfigure LyX.

This is what happens:

 1. First, the following message pops up:

 2. When I click OK, the response is as follows:

Does this mean that I have a problem? Should I un-install and
re-install LyX? Should I re-install v. 2.2.2 (wasn’t there some
problems with 2.2.2?), or install v. 2.2.1?




and open lyx again. That should do it.


Thanks, Wolfgang. I’ve done this several times, but the MikTeX error
message persists…


You may be missing the package miktex-jpeg-bin-2.9. Run the MiKTeX 
package manager as administrator and check down the list of files. If 
you have the package it will show a date when it was installed (in the 
fifth column). If you haven't got the package there will be a blank 
there, in which case highlight the entry then click the + button in the 
upper left (below File) in the package manager dialogue and (provided 
you are online) the package will be installed.


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Re: LyX 2.2.2 & reconfigure -- MikTeX problems?

2017-01-06 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 7/01/2017 12:42 p.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

You may be missing the package miktex-jpeg-bin-2.9. Run the MiKTeX

package manager as administrator and check down the list of files. If

you have the package it will show a date when it was installed (in the

fifth column). If you haven't got the package there will be a blank

there, in which case highlight the entry then click the + button in the

upper left (below File) in the package manager dialogue and (provided

you are online) the package will be installed.



Thanks, Andrew: where do I find the MikTeX packet manager?


This may be different on Windows 10 but on Windows 7 you go to the Start 
button, choose All Programs, scroll to MiKTeK 2.9, open the folder, then 
Maintenance (Admin). This contains the package manager, settings and 
update. (I've created shortcuts to all three since I use them often.)


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Re: Fwd: Re: Required packages

2017-01-07 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 8/01/2017 4:24 a.m., Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 07.01.2017 um 10:06 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:

I recently needed to re-install MiKTeX. I chose the basic package to
make the download manageable, but it installs nothing like all the
packages that LyX uses. For additional packages I was guided by the
packages listed under Help > LaTeX Configuration, and then by the
packages listed in the yellow notes at the start of some of the LyX
docs. However this is still inadequate for compiling the LyX docs.

The problem was a bug in MiKTeX's installer: It did not work unless one
added something to the proxy field. To fix this, open the program

MiKTeX update (admin)

There click on the button "Connection settings" and use the option to
use a proxy. As address just type in "test". (Port is 8080) and press OK.
Now continue the updating.

Afterwards MiKTeX should be in shape again. Now you can log in ad Admin
in Windows, open LyX and reconfigure LyX. Now all necessary packages to
compile all LyX documentation files should be installed.

If this fails, please report back.

regards Uwe

p.s. for further MiKTeX updates you could remove the dummy proxy "test"
and do it without any proxy.

Thank you Uwe. I had read about the need for the proxy business and 
found that it worked. I work offline most of the time and my point in 
the original post was really about what packages are needed to compile 
the LyX docs. LyX's own list at Help > LaTeX Configuration and the 
yellow notes at the start of some of the LyX docs still leave out quite 
a number of packages needed for the docs to compile.


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Re: Numbering of Theorems, etc.

2017-02-13 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/02/2017 9:16 a.m., Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 9/02/2017 5:01 a.m., Bernt Lie wrote:

I have now created a new account, and almost finished setting up the
computer. HOWEVER, the AMS environments received from Andrew Parsloe
doesn’t work properly (they used to work on my old account…). Here is
the error message I get when I open my file which utilizes the number of
theorems by chapter and type:

This is what I have done:

1.I saved the files from Andrew of November 17, 2016, in the %appdata%
under LyX2.2/templates

Any clues as to what may be wrong?


The files should go in your LyX2.2/layouts folder Bernt. Shift them
there and then reconfigure.


The lists have been down. Did you get this reply Bernt and did it work?


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Re: lyx to latex

2017-03-20 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 20/03/2017 2:22 p.m., John White wrote:

Apparently. At least I don't see it in lyx 2.2.2.

We are required occasionally by a court to submit proposed orders in
microsoft word. These are on pleading paper. Easy to prepare the order
in lyx but in exporting it to microsoft it loses the line numbers.
Libreoffice and openoffice do a better job, but when exporting from
either libreoffice or openoffice to .doc, the line numbers are also lost.

I can't recall if I had this problem when we could export directly from
lyx to rtf, but I don't think so.


On Monday, March 20, 2017 1:12:03 AM PDT Patrick Dupre wrote:

 > Hello,


 > If I remember correctly, I was able to convert directly a lyx file to a

 > rtf file in the past. Did this option disappear ?


 > Thank.



 > Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:

 > Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |

 > Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale | |

 > Tel. (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12 | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44

 > 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France


I'm on windows, so the detail will be different, but I can export 
directly from LyX 2.2.2 to rtf. I had to set up the converter myself, 
using latex2rtf. In Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Converters I 
have a converter from LaTeX (plain) to Rich Text Format (so LyX exports 
first to LaTeX then from LaTeX to rtf) and in the Converter slot I have

c:/progra~2/latex2rtf/latex2rt.exe -P c:progra~2/latex2rtf/cfg $$i

latex2rtf is installed at "C:/Program Files (x86)/latex2rtf". The 
"c:/progra~2" is the windows way of coping with the spaces in 
"C:/Program Files (x86)".

(The export works; latex2rtf has got better over the years.)


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Re: Help improve LyX's defaults by sharing your preferences

2017-06-03 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 2/06/2017 8:07 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

Preferences in particular that I'm curious about are:

  screen zoom
  continuous spellcheck
  math preview

Please state your OS with the categories of Windows, Mac, or Linux. This
is important because it is possible to have different default
preferences on different platforms.

Attached is my preferences file.


Attached are the relevant entries of my preferences on a 64 bit windows 
7 machine. No spellchecking, maths preview on. The screen zoom has 
increased from 100 when I discovered LyX about 12 years ago to 130 now. 
Aging eyes -- but I see others using even higher zoom levels.


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# LyX 2.3.0alpha1-1 generated this file. If you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save.

Format 21

# The time interval between auto-saves in seconds.
\autosave 60
\index_command "makeindex -c -q -s"
\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary "european"
\user_name "Andrew"
\preview on


\icon_set "classic"
\screen_zoom 130
\cursor_width 2
\screen_font_sizes 5 7 8 9 10 12 14.4 17.26 20.74 24.88
\fullscreen_statusbar false
\forward_search_pdf "SumatraPDF -reuse-instance \"$$o\" -forward-search \"$$t\" 

\document_path "D:\Documents"
\template_path "C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.2\templates"
\plaintext_linelen 70
\backupdir_path "E:\Lymbo"




\format "lyx" "lyx" "LyX" "" "notepad++" "" "document" "application/x-lyx"


\converter "pdflatex" "pdf2" "pdflatex  -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 
$$i" "latex=pdflatex"
\converter "dvi" "ps" "dvips -E -o $$o $$i" ""
\converter "latex" "rtf" "c:/PROGRA~2/latex2rtf/latex2rt.exe -P 
c:progra~2/latex2rtf/cfg $$i" ""
\converter "rtf" "latex" "\"C:\\Program Files 
(x86)\\rtf2latex2e\\rtf2latex2e.exe\" -n -P \"C:\\Program Files 
(x86)\\rtf2latex2e\\pref\" $$i" ""

Re: Help improve LyX's defaults by sharing your preferences

2017-06-06 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 7/06/2017 8:26 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Tue, Jun 06, 2017 at 08:02:26PM +, Steve Burnham wrote:

I hope it's not too late to contribute my preferences file.

It is not, thank you!

The one
default I am surprised by is the screen zoom/font size. I set my zoom to
200%. It's just far too small by default. I'm not that old either (31) and
do have good vision.

Taking a quick look at what we have so far:

linux/subaochen:\screen_zoom 215
linux/john:\screen_zoom 135
linux/rich:\screen_zoom 115
linux/charlie.txt:\screen_zoom 126
linux/guillaume:\screen_zoom 170
windows/andrew:\screen_zoom 130
windows/steve:\screen_zoom 200
windows/cris:\screen_zoom 200
windows/john:\screen_zoom 130

The average of the above values is 158.

The default is 150. I'm not convinced there's enough evidence to change
the default.


In windows the default is 120. (I renamed my personal LyX2.3 folder so 
that LyX had to create a fresh one. This is the value that results.) In 
fact I'm trying 150 (having previously used 130). It's certainly easier 
on my aging eyes.


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Re: Issues using lyx

2017-06-18 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 19/06/2017 6:36 a.m., Cris Fuhrman wrote:

I use LyX a lot with Windows 10, and have had some spontaneous crashes
that are hard to reproduce in small documents. They have happened when
selecting large parts of a document (the selection scrolling beyond the
current window is expanded super fast downward, across many parts of a
document including figures, appendix, and then... boom!).
Inline image 1

I just tried this in LyX 2.3.3 on one of my big exam files, and it's
still a problem. I tend to NOT use the emergency file, and I've learned
NOT to do big mouse selections (I select only with shift and arrow
keys). This may not be William's problem, but could be related to it.

This sounds like #10324 -- exactly the same error message. It seems to 
be more general than my initial report. I am on Windows 7 (so it's not a 
Windows 10 issue) and could raise the error back to LyX 2.1.5 (comment 9 
of #10324).


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Re: Help improve LyX's defaults by sharing your preferences

2017-07-25 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 26/07/2017 10:11 a.m., Uwe Stöhr wrote:

El 25.07.2017 a las 20:49, Scott Kostyshak escribió:

In windows the default is 120.

Yes, because that fits for the most Windows versions I had access to to
test. You can change it easily:

- either use Ctrl + Mouse wheel for the current LyX session
- or change the value in the LyX preferences in the section
  Look&feel -> Screen Fonts.

(I renamed my personal LyX2.3 folder so that

LyX had to create a fresh one.

This is my comment (AP).


So that LyX would create a new folder with default settings (in order to 
see what the default windows zoom is), as you note below. But my own 
preference settings were still available in the renamed folder.


If you want to delete all your personal settings, just close LyX, delete
this folder and then restart LyX. LyX will recreate the folder with
default settings.

regards Uwe

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Re: Have you tested 2.3.0beta1?

2017-09-06 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 6/09/2017 11:25 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

I have not seen many bugs that have been reported regarding 2.3.0beta1.
I would like to know whether this means that 2.3.0beta1 can be
considered stable, which is what I believe, or whether it is just that
not many people have tested it and that is why there have not been many
bug reports.

If you've tested, it would be useful if you just respond with e.g. "yes
I briefly tested and didn't find any issues".

If you're interested in testing, please back up all of your files.

One useful way to test is to compile your current .lyx files. If you get
a LaTeX error where with a previous .lyx file you did not, then that
could be a bug.



My documents are compiling without problem with beta1. However, I 
haven't been using LyX intensively just at the moment.


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Re: Invoking spreadtab.sty [UPDATE]

2017-12-22 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 23/12/2017 10:44 a.m., Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 22 Dec 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Having put \usepackage{spreadtab} in the preamble, I assume that I put
the ERT \begin{spreadtab} just above the table and the ERT 
immediately following the table (similar to use of the \multicol 

 Is this correct?

  Apparently not; but I may well be wrong.

  Expanding my request for help with spreadtab, how do I enter 
formulae in a

cell (e.g., c2*e2) or relative references (using backets to define the
relative cell positions)?

  The spreadtab docs describe doing this in LaTeX and I'd appreciate
pointers on using this package in LyX.


Rich, some years ago I developed a module so that spreadtab could be 
used in LyX and if instant preview  was on it allowed a kind of 
lightweight interactive spreadsheeting. I used it for keeping a 
timesheet when I was freelancing as an indexer. There's a link to a 
dropbox folder, holding a zipped archive of the module and explanatory 
document, on the wiki: item 1.5 at 
The module provides a command for turning a table built in LyX into a 
spreadtab table. There are a couple of other helper commands defined too.

It is some time since I last looked at this -- the dropbox link is to a 
LyX 2.1 document -- so my knowledge is a bit rusty but I imagine it 
would come back. Possibly the examples in the document would give you 
all the help you need.


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Re: Small poll - download speed of LyX installers

2018-02-17 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/02/2018 5:20 a.m., Pavel Sanda wrote:

Hello lyx users,

it has been brought to our(=developers) attention that downloading speed of lyx
installers might become too slow on various places over the globe. The size of
installers was steadily growing past years and 220 MB might indeed pose problem
in case users end up with connections speeds about ~10kbs...

That's why this small poll - we would be intersted to know how bad the situation
generally is -- especially outside of Europe.

If you have one minute of spare time could you download this file
and report:

1. time to download (/ download speed)
2. country (and/or domain) where you download from
3. whether you download from home/academic network/large company...
(you don't have to report more details than it feels comfortable...)

Both good and bad answers matter, we want to know whether this is sporadic
or widespread problem.

In case your download of the link above is more than couple seconds, it would
be useful if you also reported whether some of the mirror servers listed at which are closer to your geographical
location perform better.

Thanks for your time,
Home computer in Dunedin, southern New Zealand. Linked to fibre network 
by ethernet cable rather than wifi. Windows 7. I've simply read the 
download speeds from Firefox. They fluctuate around the figure I've 
given (apart from UCSD which was rock steady).  850 kB/s (morning); 800 kB/s (evening)
UCSD  1.4 MB/s
Greece  780 kB/s
Poland  650 kB/s
SA  540 kB/s
Italy  couldn't connect


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Re: 回复:help, tex braces

2018-02-22 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 23/02/2018 8:01 a.m., dongcheng wrote:
Just lyx. when saved .lyx file is opened, multiple braces inserted as 
tex code in math mode  become single one in lyx editor

在2018年02月23日 02:22,Scott Kostyshak 
On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 01:31:35PM +, dongcheng wrote:
> 如何关闭 "打开文件时, 自动去除多余 tex 大括号" 的功能
> tex code:
> Do not remove the braces , no {{ }} -> {} ,  When the file is
> The use of the package ''esdiff'' is affected.

Is this a problem for importing .tex or do you mean just if you
double braces in LyX, they are converted to single braces?

I ran into this problem some years ago. Guillaume pointed out that this 
is ticket #9348 ("Curly brackets are removed on opening when they should 


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Re: Windows users: can you test the 2.3.0 installer?

2018-02-27 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 28/02/2018 11:12 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

Dear Windows users,

We received a report that the Windows installer lead to an error, so I
would like to get some more testing before we announce the release.

Can you test the installer for 2.3.0?

If you test, which installer did you test: the "bundle" or the

Did you get a popup from the MiKTeX package manger during the
installation process? If you just close that popup, does everything
continue as normal?

Do you get any other errors? After you install it, are you able to open
Help > User Guide and compile it without error?


I had no problems with the installation (windows 7, installer rather 
than bundle). I always install offline to avoid possible hassles with 
the interaction with MiKTeX, which I keep up to date independently.


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Re: LyX 2.2.3 -- MikTeX going berserk?

2018-03-24 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 25/03/2018 7:44 a.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 03/24/2018 12:58 PM, Bernt Lie wrote:

I'm working in LyX 2.2.3 on 64bit Win10.

Suddenly, a window pops up and asks me (Yes/No) whether I want to allow MikTeX 
make some change on my computer.

No matter what I answer, nothing appears to happen, and the message keeps 
popping up every minute or so...

What's going on?

Maybe someone here will know, but I would suggest you ask the folks at

It is possible that MikTeX wants to upgrade some package or other.
Apparently, it does
this sometimes. Possibly, there is some background image conversion of
something that
is triggering it. It seems to be possible to turn this off somehow in
MikTeX configuration,
so you might try that.


I have had this kind of experience when trying to view/compile a 
document for which I'm missing a package. The LaTeX log  in that case 
should tell you what's missing.


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Re: Feedback on dialog for Windows installer (round 2)

2018-04-01 Thread Andrew Parsloe

Dear Scott,

MiKTeX 2.9 has been available since 2010 and the *only* version 
available since 2014; see Hence the message 
in your proposed dialogue

    LyX requires MiKTeX 2.9 or later. Your version is X.X.
    Choose "Continue" to automatically update MiKTeX now,
    or "Cancel" to stop the LyX installation. If you do not
    understand this message, you should choose "Continue".

                                    Cancel      Continue

doesn't make much sense (to me). It is the package repository number 
that is critical, currently at 6664 at time of writing (see under Package Repository) but I don't know what that 
was at the time the update problem arose and in any case it is likely to 
be confusing to an average user.

I think it would be better to use a date: "LyX requires MiKTeX 2.9 
updated later than /mm/dd" (and that format of date to avoid 
ambiguity around dd/mm/ versus mm/dd/). Presumably the date can 
be found from Uwe's announcements to lyx-devel.


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Re: Feedback on dialog for Windows installer (round 2)

2018-04-02 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 3/04/2018 11:31 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

I propose to change the first part to something like:
   Your MiKTeX installation must be updated in order for LyX 2.3.0 to
   work. Choose "Continue" to ...

Then, we will give a link to a Wiki page, as discussed before.

This will allow us to keep the main dialog clear, but at the same time
provide extra details for the power users.

What do you think about that approach? If you and others disagree, I'm
fine with specifying the version number required, and in that case I
agree with you that specifying the dates instead of the repository
number is a good idea.


I like the proposed wording.


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Re: LyX 2.3.0 and tables with footnotes

2018-04-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 4/04/2018 6:15 p.m., Niklas Huldén wrote:

On 03.04.2018 20:58, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 04/03/2018 12:38 PM, Niklas Huldén wrote:

Den 03-04-2018 kl. 18:51, skrev Paul A. Rubin:

On 04/03/2018 10:55 AM, Niklas Huldén wrote:

Hello all!

I am testing LyX 2.3.0 on windows 10 with MikTex 2.9. I have some 
old tables with footnotes inside them which used to line up fine 
with the table using the "minipage trick" putting the table in a 
minipage (whitout the caption).
In LyX 2.3.0 this results in the footnote becoming an ordinary 
footnote, which makes it hard to keep tables and footnotes on the 
same page. But I understand this is a feature now. Is there any 
way to "emulate" the old behavior? I include a MWF and two 

Thanks and all the best!
You could add \renewcommand{\tablefootnote}{\footnote} to the 
document preamble. (If you do this a lot, you might want to cobble 
together a module for it.)


Thank you Paul! This works fine and takes me out of immediate danger 
zone. I guess a module would be a good idea in the long run.

A somewhat linked issue is that I get an error message if I use the 
rotate package in a LyX file that uses tablefootnotes: "Package 
tablefootnote Error: Package rotating loaded after tablefootnote."

Hard to find a place to load rotate before the tablefootnote though.

Many thanks again!



I've attached a module. Try putting it in your local layouts folder 
(~/.lyx/layouts on most Linux systems), then reconfigure LyX, add it 
to your document (and do /not/ add the \renewcommand line in the 
preamble), then see if you get the desired results (including using 
the rotate package).



Thank you Paul! I placed the module in (windows 10) 
"c:\Users\myselfwhatever\AppData\Local\LyX 2.3\Resources\layouts\ and 
reconfigured but could not find any module in restarted LyX. This 
might have something to do with my Windows configuration.

I then placed it in "c:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 
2.3\Resources\layouts\" as administrator, reconfigured and now it is 
available in document settings/modules. Everything works including 
getting rid of the rotating error message :)

I will try it in my Mac tonight.

All the best!

On Windows 7 the module should go to "C:\Users\name>\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3\layouts\".  I would expect this to be the 
same on Windows 10. The "c:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 
2.3\Resources\layouts\" location should be left for layouts and modules 
of the official LyX distribution. When LyX 2.3.1 comes out and you 
upgrade, this folder will be overwritten and Paul's module will be lost 
(unless it gets incorporated into the official LyX distro.).


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Re: Show shortcuts in menus

2018-04-12 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/04/2018 6:12 a.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 04/11/2018 01:37 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 04/11/2018 11:23 AM, Sasson Technoligies wrote:

hi all,

I'm using LyX Version 2.2.3 Windows 10.
From some reason the keyboard shortcuts are not shown in the 
different menus.
and i can see in screenshots and tutorial of other users that they 
did appear in the menus.
i couldn't find any option in the preferences to show shortcuts in 
the menus

and couldn't find any answer in the archive nor in the wiki docs.
hope you can help me with that
(it's grueling to google every shortcut)

Display of shortcuts in the menus is hit and miss at best. In LyX 
2.3.0 (on Linux), I get shortcuts for most of the entries in the Edit 
menu but only one in the Insert menu.

I'm not sure many of the Insert entries have shortcuts (other than the 
menu accellerators themselves).

That said, if you're missing shortcuts for entries where other people 
see them, that's a bug.

It'd be nice to know if other Windows users see them.


They are certainly present on a windows 7 machine running LyX 2.3.0 
(e.g. File menu, New  Ctrl+N, Open  Ctrl+O, etc.).


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Re: LyX tries to open an additional "$$o" file in SumatraPDF

2018-08-02 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 3/08/2018 1:38 a.m., Daniel wrote:

I am using LyX with SumatraPDF. Following

I use

SumatraPDF -reuse-instance "$$o" -forward-search "$$t" $$n

However, LyX tries to open an additional "$$o" file in SumatraPDF. Any 
idea what is going on?


I have the same setting (under Tools>Preferences>Output>General) and 
forward and reverse search work as they should. This is on  Windows 7. 
The Sumatra version is 3.1.2 64-bit, with LyX Version 2.3.0 (Wednesday, 
27 June 2018) Built from git commit hash 4db6f4e1. (I don't think this 
is Riki's latest installer but one (or two?) before that.)


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Re: LyX 2.3.0 - display of int

2018-08-29 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 30/08/2018 4:00 a.m., Pavel Sanda wrote:

M.B. Schiekel wrote:

I agree with your bet, Pavel :-)
In my last email with my suggested workaraound I wrote:

I compiled LyX-2.3.0 on an openSUSE-Leap-15.0 system with QT-4.8.7
. And hey, all integrals are displayed right :-) So this
integral-display-bug will be most likely in the LyX-2.3.0
interaction with Qt-5.9.4.

Now for LyX-users of openSUSE-Leap-15.0 with KDE-Plasma-5.12.5 and
Qt-5.9.4 this is an unpleasant news, because Leap-15.0 and KDE-Plasma
is meant to be stable and to get a long-term-support. And not every
LyXer likes to search all needed devl-libs and to compile LyX.
If there is open interest of the LyX-community I can offer my
LyX-2_3_0.rpm on an openSUSE-Leap-15.0 system with QT-4.8.7 .

It would be interesting to see in which version exactly the rendering breaks.
I have Qt 5.7.1 (debian stable) and rendering looks OK.
In other words you might get advantages of Qt 5, just use 5.7 instead
of 5.9... If on the other hand you see your problems even with, say 5.7.1,
than it's not generic Qt problem, but something suse-related.

Is someone else around running lyx on Qt>5.7 on different OS than on suse?
What are current windows versions use?

My 2.3.0 (not quite Riki's final version) uses Qt 5.10.1. Integrals 
display correctly.


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Re: Workaround for: WARNING: updating LaTeX or LyX under Windows will currently break LaTeX installation

2018-09-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/09/2018 9:45 p.m., Uwe Stöhr wrote:
As of today the update servers are working again. However, one needs a 
workaround because the buggy DLL of MiKTeX prevents the updates from 
being applied.

it seems that the bug affects all users of Windows 7 while Win 10 is 
not affected. For the affected users there is a workaround but you 
need admin permissions and some knowledge:

- open a Windows console as admin (type in "cmd" in the Windows Start 
field, and right-click on it to run it with admin privileges)

- execute these 2 commands subsequently:
initexmf --admin --update-fndb
initexmf --admin --mklinks --force
- close the Windows console
- now start the MiKTeX console
- choose there to restart with admin privileges
- check for updates and if there are any apply them

From my point of view I see no other option than to provide a new LyX 
for Windows installer that repairs broken system by executing these 
commands in the background after LyX was installed. This way users 
with problems can just run the Win installer again and get a working 
LyX back in a minute without the need to know about console commands etc.

@developers: Maybe now you see that the Win installer must do more and 
forcing a MiKTeX update is necessary as you can see in this case. We 
cannot say "not our fault". Yes, LyX is not to blame but what matters 
is if users can use LyX. In my case I wanted to write an urgent letter 
with LyX but could not use it and had to use LibreOffice instead.

regards Uwe
I'm on windows 7 and MiKTeX 2.9.  MiKTeX update failed about a week ago 
and I couldn't compile to pdf, nor did instant preview work. The 
following day I tried updating again, and everything worked as it 
should, and as it has done since (including 11 packages updated just a 
few minutes ago). MiKTeX updates from which 
seems a bit odd for someone in New Zealand but MiKTeX selected this 
itself with no help from me. (I think using the "random package on the 
internet" option in the console.) I've now also, after the update, 
compiled a complicated master-child document to pdf, so everything is 
working as it ought.


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Re: Dead lyx

2018-09-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 14/09/2018 8:38 p.m., Kornel Benko wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 13. September 2018 19:00:39 CEST schrieb Scott Kostyshak 

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 11:15:03PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:

OK, but we are still missing the requested log-file (as suggested by Scott).

He sent it to me privately. I won't repost it here, since perhaps there
is something that he does not want to share. I will share part of it
that I don't think has any private information, and that has suggestions
for the problem.

No problem here:

checking for the pdflatex program...
+checking for "pdflatex"...  yes
checking for XeTeX...
+checking for "xelatex"...  yes
checking for LuaTeX...
+checking for "lualatex"...  yes
checking for LuaTeX (DVI)...
+checking for "dvilualatex"...  yes


checking for a PDF previewer...


So that would mean that he _can_ compile but cannot preview.
This is neither lyx nor texlive. Installing e.g. package 'okular' should help.


In his opening post Ehud mentioned TeXworks: "Now Latex works fine 
(through Texworks) but Lyx does not". In windows systems using MiKTeX, a 
version of TeXworks is provided which has its own pdf viewer which LyX 
can find if, under Tools > Preferences > File Formats for PDF 
(pdflatex), Custom is entered beside Viewer and TeXworks in the 
neighbouring slot. The first time viewing a document it takes ages to 
display the pdf since TeXworks needs to load, but after that it works 
fine. Presumably in Lubuntu and with TeXLive something similar is possible?


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Re: Dead lyx

2018-09-14 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 15/09/2018 2:26 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 09:17:53PM +1200, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

In his opening post Ehud mentioned TeXworks: "Now Latex works fine (through
Texworks) but Lyx does not". In windows systems using MiKTeX, a version of
TeXworks is provided which has its own pdf viewer which LyX can find if,
under Tools > Preferences > File Formats for PDF (pdflatex), Custom is
entered beside Viewer and TeXworks in the neighbouring slot.

Interesting and good to know. Thanks, Andrew. Do you find the PDF viewer
better than others?
No. It's a "toy" pdf viewer -- you can't print from it for instance (at 
least the version supplied with MiKTeX). I still use Sumatra as my main 
pdf viewer (and reluctantly turn to Adobe reader for printing odd and 
even pages separately for two-sided printing).


The first time
viewing a document it takes ages to display the pdf since TeXworks needs to
load, but after that it works fine.

I see. That's unfortunate.


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.3.1 Released

2018-09-16 Thread Andrew Parsloe
My thanks to the dwindling number of active LyX developers for 2.3.1 
and, as a windows user, particularly Riki.

On 17/09/2018 3:40 a.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

- Use native file dialogs on all platforms by default. It is now
   possible to switch to LyX custom dialogs (which have extra shortcuts
   to relevant directories) by setting the preference
   \use_native_filedialog true

 I am intrigued by this entry in the announcement, which leaves me 
confused. I wanted to test it but where does one find this preference? 
Tools > Preferences > ??


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.3.1 Released

2018-09-16 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 17/09/2018 3:49 p.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 09/16/2018 06:09 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

My thanks to the dwindling number of active LyX developers for 2.3.1
and, as a windows user, particularly Riki.

On 17/09/2018 3:40 a.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

- Use native file dialogs on all platforms by default. It is now
    possible to switch to LyX custom dialogs (which have extra shortcuts
    to relevant directories) by setting the preference
    \use_native_filedialog true

  I am intrigued by this entry in the announcement, which leaves me
confused. I wanted to test it but where does one find this preference?
Tools > Preferences > ??

I do not think there is UI for it (yet). You have to put it manually
into the preferences file.


OK, thanks. But surely what was intended in the announcement was

\use_native_filedialog false

On my windows 7 system, using "false" here gives a dialogue I haven't seen before. File > 
Open for instance now provides a button for Examples which isn't there when "true" is used, and 
similarly File > New from Template now has a Templates button.


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Re: Problem with spreadtab module and LyX 2.3.1

2018-11-03 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 4/11/2018 2:15 a.m., Graeme wrote:
The spreadtab module is extremely useful, as it provides a wrapper 
around a conventional table environment, to enable some 
spreadsheet-like capabilities within the table (using the LaTeX 
package spreadtab).

It can be downloaded from

When creating a long(multipage) table within the sLTable environment 
provided by the spreadtab module, there is one small difference 
between the plain LaTeX code produced by LyX 2.3.0 and 2.3.1.

Specifically, LyX 2.3.0 exports the lines:
while LyX 2.3.1 exports the lines

In practice I think the LyX 2.3.1 version is correct, but it exposes a 
bug in spreadtab module version 1.4, which cannot handle the optional 
[c] argument following \begin{longtable}.

Thus LyX 2.3.0 can successfully generate a PDF file, while LyX 2.3.1 
fails with a LaTeX error. This applies to LyX under both Windows 10 
with MikTeX, and Linux Mint with TeXLive 2017.

An example LyX file is attached, along with the PDF file generated 
successfully from it using File/Export/PDF(ps2pdf) with LyX 2.3.0.

Unfortunately, I am not sure how to fix the bug in the spreadtab 
module, so help on this would be welcome.


I'm the author of the module. I'll have a look. Thanks.


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Re: Problem with spreadtab module and LyX 2.3.1

2018-11-05 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 4/11/2018 2:15 a.m., Graeme wrote:
The spreadtab module is extremely useful, as it provides a wrapper 
around a conventional table environment, to enable some 
spreadsheet-like capabilities within the table (using the LaTeX 
package spreadtab).

It can be downloaded from

When creating a long(multipage) table within the sLTable environment 
provided by the spreadtab module, there is one small difference 
between the plain LaTeX code produced by LyX 2.3.0 and 2.3.1.

Specifically, LyX 2.3.0 exports the lines:
while LyX 2.3.1 exports the lines

In practice I think the LyX 2.3.1 version is correct, but it exposes a 
bug in spreadtab module version 1.4, which cannot handle the optional 
[c] argument following \begin{longtable}.

Thus LyX 2.3.0 can successfully generate a PDF file, while LyX 2.3.1 
fails with a LaTeX error. This applies to LyX under both Windows 10 
with MikTeX, and Linux Mint with TeXLive 2017.

An example LyX file is attached, along with the PDF file generated 
successfully from it using File/Export/PDF(ps2pdf) with LyX 2.3.0.

Unfortunately, I am not sure how to fix the bug in the spreadtab 
module, so help on this would be welcome.

I've attached the new module which works with longtables now, and also 
"normal" tables -- the tabular environment with or without the optional 
vertical alignment  argument. The documentation also needs updating. 
When that's done I'll make a zip file of both module and documentation 
and make them available from the wiki as before.

The spreadtab documentation nowhere mentions longtables. I suspect the 
author of that package  would be suprised to find someone contemplating 
using it for tables big enough to break across pages. He writes "... the 
3 stages [of pdf compilation] described above take time, and above all, 
fp is slow in its calculations. The spreadtab environment leads to much 

compilation than with a classical table."

(But then, perhaps he would think that that is just the sort of thing a 
LyX user would do. He is scathing of LyX, and of people who use LyX. To 
add to my sins, I wrote to him in English. Thrice a sinner.)


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# DescriptionBegin
# Adds commands which give LyX tables spreadsheet capabilities
# (minimum example: adding a column of figures). Tables are
# built in LyX using its table toolbar facilities. Instant
# preview allows the calculated values to be viewed in LyX. 
# DescriptionEnd
# spreadtab.module v.2.0 2018-11-05
# Assumes at least version 0.4a of spreadtab.sty and 
# will fail with 0.3 and earlier versions. Also assumes
# LyX 2.2.x or later. 
# Author: Andrew Parsloe
Format 60


% for LyX, instead of \\

% default text cell marker is @ but ` is neater

% to avoid 18 places of decimals

% pattern-matching macros to turn LyX tables into spreadtab tables
% #1=save cell, #2=new col format
% opt arg: #4=environment, #5=[,  #6=remainder
% none:#4=environment, #5=col. format #6=remainder




Style sLTable
  Category  Tables
  LatexType   Command
  LatexName   sLTable
LabelString   "New column formatting"
LabelString  "Cell contents"
Mandatory 1
  Align   Center
InsetLayout Flex:sLSaveCell
  LyXType  custom
  LatexType   Command
  LatexName   sLSaveCell
  ContentAsLabel  1
Color  phantomtext
  Multipar  0
  PassThru  1

InsetLayout Flex:sLRetrieve
  LyXType  custom

Re: Cross-reference Styling Inquiry

2018-11-08 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 9/11/2018 7:00 AM, Joel Kulesza wrote:


As I'm writing a paper, I have a mix of Ref:... and EqRef:... cross 
references.  I also, unfortunately, sometimes manage to break them and 
achieve BROKEN:... cross references.

Has anyone identified a way to color the associated boxes/buttons 
differently based on their status (Ref, EqRef, BROKEN, etc.)?  By 
default, they are all gray and it can be easy to overlook the 
miscategorization of an EqRef style to a typical Ref and vice versa.  
It can also be hard to quickly see or incidentally notice BROKEN cross 

What I'd like to see is something like Ref (light blue), EqRef (light 
green), BROKEN (light red).  Has anyone identified a way to do this?  
Is this an enhancement request that I should enter?

Thank you,

This doesn't answer your question, but the Outliner, Labels and 
References, with the Sort checkbox set is an easy way to find BROKEN 
refs. They cluster in a block near the top. Clicking on any one, jumps 
straight to the ref in the document.

Looking at all the different AMS environments suggests it would be too 
much for LyX to provide a different colour for each kind of ref, but 
being able to customize the label colour would be good. (I can find in the LyX Resources/layouts directory but nothing that 
sets the appearance of ref labels.)


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Re: [RFC] Acknowledgment theorem type

2023-02-01 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 2/02/2023 4:13 am, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Dear all,

As you might know, LyX features a theorem type "Acknowledgment" via the
"AMS extended" theorems modules. This is a question for people using

The issue appeared on the developers list that none of us is actually
sure about the function of this theorem type. This is a problem with
regard to translation into other languages, as "acknowledgment" can
mean different things, among them

(a) expressing gratefulness (credits, as in the "Acknowledgment"
section of books or articles),
(b) expressing respect ("In acknowledgment of his special merits he was
appointed as honorary conductor of the orchestra"),
(c) the act or fact of accepting the truth or recognizing the existence
of something ("acknowledgment of a mistake"),
(d) a confirmation ("I have received no acknowledgment")

Depending on the meaning, the term needs to be translated differently
to some languages. Currently, it is translated in the same way than the
Acknowledgment sections in articles (meaning [a]), and we have serious
doubts whether this is appropriate.

If you use or are familiar with the Acknowledgment theorem type: what
are its general purposes, or how do you use it?

My reading of amsthdoc.pdf, Section 4.1, is that Acknowledgment in the 
context of theorem styles is to be understood in sense (a). In 
amsthdoc.pdf it is grouped with things like Remark, Notation, Conclusion 
-- a typesetting style rather than a special kind of mathematical object.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Any Windows users test Beta 5 yet?

2023-09-11 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 12/09/2023 9:01 am, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

2.4.0 Beta 5 was recently released (available here:

Have any Windows users tested it yet? If so, has it gone smoothly?

Also, can you remind me: the beta 5 installs in parallel to your 2.3.x
release right? So you can still use 2.3.x after installing it? Which one
is default? For example, if you double-click to open a .lyx file, does
it open with 2.3.x or with the newly installed Beta 5?

I'm going to meet with a friend who I might be able to convince to test
Beta 5, but I wanted to be able to let him know of any known issues, or
anything to look out for.


I've just installed beta 5 on windows 10. It runs in parallel to 2.3.x. 
The document I was working on in beta 3 opens and everything seems to be 
OK except for the desktop icon which is featureless (lacks the LyX). 
beta 5 is the default, even when clicking on old 2.3.x files.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: how to add this shortcut?

2024-05-04 Thread Andrew Parsloe

On 5/05/2024 9:52 am, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 5/4/24 15:03, matan guedj wrote:
I want to add a shortcut that will open a preview environment and 
inside it opens an ert environment and "insert-preview insert-ert" 
and "\insert-preview \insert-ert" aren't working, so I don't know if 
it's a syntax error or something more fundamental here.

You need to use the command-sequence LFUN to do this. It just tells 
LyX that you are going to give a series of commands. Otehrwise, it 
interprets everything as one command. So something like:

command-sequence insert-preview; insert-ert


Riki, I believe this is called a "thinko". It should be:

 command-sequence preview-insert; ert-insert

I've considered a shortcut for this sequence but prefer to insert the 
insets separately using  Ctrl+P to insert the preview inset and the LyX 
supplied Ctrl+L to  insert an ert inset. That way I can select text or a 
table and simply tap Ctrl+P to wrap it in a preview inset and see (after 
a pause) the result. If I want an ert inset inside a preview inset then 
I hold down the Ctrl key and tap P then L (which are diagonally adjacent 
on my keyboard).


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