Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to include the \thanks in the author field but get a 
couple of errors related to extra brackets. Attached is a sample lyx 
file. Please let me know what the best way to do this would be..

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language american
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Test Title
\layout Author

Author1, Author2
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard
\layout Standard

thanks{Author1 details}%
\layout Standard

thanks{Author2 details}

\layout Abstract

\layout Section

\layout Standard


Re: Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Works great! Thanks Bennett.
The attached file works for me. (Note the changed placement of the 
\thanks{...} -- one after each author -- and the \and in ERT between 

[Let's try again with the attachment!]

Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to include the \thanks in the author field but get a 
couple of errors related to extra brackets. Attached is a sample lyx 
file. Please let me know what the best way to do this would be..

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language american
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Test Title
\layout Author

Author1, Author2
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard
\layout Standard

thanks{Author1 details}%
\layout Standard

thanks{Author2 details}

\layout Abstract

\layout Section

\layout Standard


Re: Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Works great! Thanks Bennett.
The attached file works for me. (Note the changed placement of the 
\thanks{...} -- one after each author -- and the \and in ERT between 

[Let's try again with the attachment!]

Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to include the \thanks in the author field but get a 
couple of errors related to extra brackets. Attached is a sample lyx 
file. Please let me know what the best way to do this would be..

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
\language american
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

Test Title
\layout Author

Author1, Author2
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard
\layout Standard

thanks{Author1 details}%
\layout Standard

thanks{Author2 details}

\layout Abstract

\layout Section

\layout Standard


Re: Problem with \thanks in Author field

2004-08-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Works great! Thanks Bennett.
The attached file works for me. (Note the changed placement of the 
"\thanks{...}" -- one after each author -- and the "\and" in ERT between 

[Let's try again with the attachment!]

Problem with figure spanning two columns

2004-08-10 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a figure float in which I've checked the option to span 
columns (this is a two-column paper in the article class).. the 
placement is set to default placement. For some reason, on the page 
preceding the figure, the paragraphs have an extra lineskip between 
them... any ideas on how I can get rid of these extra lines? If I 
uncheck the span columns option, the spacing between the paragraphs 
is fine. The figure doesn't fit in one column width so I need to use 
the span columns option...


Problem with figure spanning two columns

2004-08-10 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a figure float in which I've checked the option to span 
columns (this is a two-column paper in the article class).. the 
placement is set to default placement. For some reason, on the page 
preceding the figure, the paragraphs have an extra lineskip between 
them... any ideas on how I can get rid of these extra lines? If I 
uncheck the span columns option, the spacing between the paragraphs 
is fine. The figure doesn't fit in one column width so I need to use 
the span columns option...


Problem with figure spanning two columns

2004-08-10 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I have a figure float in which I've checked the option to span 
columns (this is a two-column paper in the article class).. the 
placement is set to default placement. For some reason, on the page 
preceding the figure, the paragraphs have an extra lineskip between 
them... any ideas on how I can get rid of these extra lines? If I 
uncheck the span columns option, the spacing between the paragraphs 
is fine. The figure doesn't fit in one column width so I need to use 
the span columns option...


Re: change References to other

2004-07-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Angus Leeming wrote:
This one I do know ;-)
Add this to your preamble:
%% Print the References title in uppercase
%% To get this to work we _have_ to load babel first.
It's in Herbert's tips 'n' tricks...

Hi... in what case(s) might the above not work? I'm trying this but 
it does not change References to REFERENCES. There's a .sty file 
that I'm using (provided by the conference) and that redefines 
\refname to REFERENCES using \renewcommand.. I tried commenting this 
line out but still no luck... any ideas on what might be going wrong?


Re: change References to other

2004-07-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Angus Leeming wrote:
This one I do know ;-)
Add this to your preamble:
%% Print the References title in uppercase
%% To get this to work we _have_ to load babel first.
It's in Herbert's tips 'n' tricks...

Hi... in what case(s) might the above not work? I'm trying this but 
it does not change References to REFERENCES. There's a .sty file 
that I'm using (provided by the conference) and that redefines 
\refname to REFERENCES using \renewcommand.. I tried commenting this 
line out but still no luck... any ideas on what might be going wrong?


Re: change "References" to other

2004-07-16 Thread Nirmal Govind
Angus Leeming wrote:
This one I do know ;-)
Add this to your preamble:
%% Print the References title in uppercase
%% To get this to work we _have_ to load babel first.
It's in Herbert's tips 'n' tricks...

Hi... in what case(s) might the above not work? I'm trying this but 
it does not change References to REFERENCES. There's a .sty file 
that I'm using (provided by the conference) and that redefines 
\refname to REFERENCES using \renewcommand.. I tried commenting this 
line out but still no luck... any ideas on what might be going wrong?


Re: adding new tex classes

2004-07-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
When I opened lyx again, beamer does not appear in the Doc class choices 
although it does appear in the Tex configuration.
You need to have a LyX .layout file corresponding to the class 
you're installing.. the .layout file needs to go in your 
.lyx/layouts/ folder. Luckily enough, the beamer class author does 
provide the LyX .layout file along with the tarball.. check in the 
lyx (or maybe LyX, can't remember) folder.. put that in the folder 
mentioned above and you should see it in the dropdown menu (I don't 
think you need to run LyX's reconfigure for this but if it doesn't 
appear, then do try running reconfigure)...


Re: adding new tex classes

2004-07-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
When I opened lyx again, beamer does not appear in the Doc class choices 
although it does appear in the Tex configuration.
You need to have a LyX .layout file corresponding to the class 
you're installing.. the .layout file needs to go in your 
.lyx/layouts/ folder. Luckily enough, the beamer class author does 
provide the LyX .layout file along with the tarball.. check in the 
lyx (or maybe LyX, can't remember) folder.. put that in the folder 
mentioned above and you should see it in the dropdown menu (I don't 
think you need to run LyX's reconfigure for this but if it doesn't 
appear, then do try running reconfigure)...


Re: adding new tex classes

2004-07-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
When I opened lyx again, beamer does not appear in the Doc class choices 
although it does appear in the Tex configuration.
You need to have a LyX .layout file corresponding to the class 
you're installing.. the .layout file needs to go in your 
.lyx/layouts/ folder. Luckily enough, the beamer class author does 
provide the LyX .layout file along with the tarball.. check in the 
lyx (or maybe LyX, can't remember) folder.. put that in the folder 
mentioned above and you should see it in the dropdown menu (I don't 
think you need to run LyX's reconfigure for this but if it doesn't 
appear, then do try running reconfigure)...


Re: Math numbering won't

2004-07-10 Thread Nirmal Govind

  I've used both M-m-n and Edit-Math-Numbering. Makes no difference.
Are these inline eqns or displayed eqns?

Re: Math numbering won't

2004-07-10 Thread Nirmal Govind

  I've used both M-m-n and Edit-Math-Numbering. Makes no difference.
Are these inline eqns or displayed eqns?

Re: Math numbering won't

2004-07-10 Thread Nirmal Govind

  I've used both M-m-n and Edit->Math->Numbering. Makes no difference.
Are these inline eqns or displayed eqns?

Re: Bibdesk and LyX

2004-07-04 Thread Nirmal Govind
I belive pybliographer needs to be compiled on OS X.. bibdesk seems 
fine in terms of functionality.. jabref works out of the box on OS X 
and also has the push to LyX feature (I don't know how useful this 
feature is since adding citations from within LyX is just as easy). 
Hope this helps.

Varun Reddy wrote:
Is there any reference material on how to use Bibdesk with Lyx? Also,
are there alternate programs that can be used to insert references in
a thesis.

Re: Bibdesk and LyX

2004-07-04 Thread Nirmal Govind
I belive pybliographer needs to be compiled on OS X.. bibdesk seems 
fine in terms of functionality.. jabref works out of the box on OS X 
and also has the push to LyX feature (I don't know how useful this 
feature is since adding citations from within LyX is just as easy). 
Hope this helps.

Varun Reddy wrote:
Is there any reference material on how to use Bibdesk with Lyx? Also,
are there alternate programs that can be used to insert references in
a thesis.

Re: Bibdesk and LyX

2004-07-04 Thread Nirmal Govind
I belive pybliographer needs to be compiled on OS X.. bibdesk seems 
fine in terms of functionality.. jabref works out of the box on OS X 
and also has the push to LyX feature (I don't know how useful this 
feature is since adding citations from within LyX is just as easy). 
Hope this helps.

Varun Reddy wrote:
Is there any reference material on how to use Bibdesk with Lyx? Also,
are there alternate programs that can be used to insert references in
a thesis.

Re: Lyx does not run BibTeX

2004-06-28 Thread Nirmal Govind
I found a similar problem describes twice in the mail-archive, but there has 
been no answer.
I seem to recall having the same problem some time back.. I can't 
remember what the solution was but try deleting all the auxiliary 
files that LyX/LaTeX generates like .bbl, .blg, .aux, .dvi/ps/pdf, 
.tex and then try exporting/viewing from Lyx.. that may help..


Re: Lyx does not run BibTeX

2004-06-28 Thread Nirmal Govind
I found a similar problem describes twice in the mail-archive, but there has 
been no answer.
I seem to recall having the same problem some time back.. I can't 
remember what the solution was but try deleting all the auxiliary 
files that LyX/LaTeX generates like .bbl, .blg, .aux, .dvi/ps/pdf, 
.tex and then try exporting/viewing from Lyx.. that may help..


Re: Lyx does not run BibTeX

2004-06-28 Thread Nirmal Govind
I found a similar problem describes twice in the mail-archive, but there has 
been no answer.
I seem to recall having the same problem some time back.. I can't 
remember what the solution was but try deleting all the auxiliary 
files that LyX/LaTeX generates like .bbl, .blg, .aux, .dvi/ps/pdf, 
.tex and then try exporting/viewing from Lyx.. that may help..


missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to open a LyX document that was created using the cv 
layout, on LyX/Mac 1.3.4 on OS X.. I get the error message that the 
textclass is missing. I see that cv.cls exists in 
/Applications/ and 
cv.layout exists in 
... but when I do a reconfigure in LyX from the shell, this is what 
I see:

+checking for document class cv [cv]... no
Any ideas why this is so and potential solutions?

Re: missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks folks for all the help.. I guess I never ran into this 
problem in Linux... I put the cls file in my local texmf folder 
(which is in /Users/myhomedirectory/ since it's easier when I do a 
backup to have all my files in one place) and everything's fine now..


missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to open a LyX document that was created using the cv 
layout, on LyX/Mac 1.3.4 on OS X.. I get the error message that the 
textclass is missing. I see that cv.cls exists in 
/Applications/ and 
cv.layout exists in 
... but when I do a reconfigure in LyX from the shell, this is what 
I see:

+checking for document class cv [cv]... no
Any ideas why this is so and potential solutions?

Re: missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks folks for all the help.. I guess I never ran into this 
problem in Linux... I put the cls file in my local texmf folder 
(which is in /Users/myhomedirectory/ since it's easier when I do a 
backup to have all my files in one place) and everything's fine now..


missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to open a LyX document that was created using the cv 
layout, on LyX/Mac 1.3.4 on OS X.. I get the error message that the 
textclass is missing. I see that cv.cls exists in 
/Applications/ and 
cv.layout exists in 
... but when I do a reconfigure in LyX from the shell, this is what 
I see:

+checking for document class cv [cv]... no
Any ideas why this is so and potential solutions?

Re: missing textclass cv?

2004-06-26 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks folks for all the help.. I guess I never ran into this 
problem in Linux... I put the cls file in my local texmf folder 
(which is in /Users/myhomedirectory/ since it's easier when I do a 
backup to have all my files in one place) and everything's fine now..


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
I won't pretend to give you a real solution, but I've had no problems using
Gerben Wierda's distribution of teTeX and related tools, rather than fink's.
You might try that instead:
Hi Bennett.. I tried your alternative solution and installed GW's 
teTeX... still the same problem (same error message) with conversion 
to PDF via ps2pdf, however, dvipdfm can now convert to pdf even with 
the lmodern fonts.. so that's a big improvement and solves my 
problem.. I'm still puzzled by the error from ps2pdf though..


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
I won't pretend to give you a real solution, but I've had no problems using
Gerben Wierda's distribution of teTeX and related tools, rather than fink's.
You might try that instead:
Hi Bennett.. I tried your alternative solution and installed GW's 
teTeX... still the same problem (same error message) with conversion 
to PDF via ps2pdf, however, dvipdfm can now convert to pdf even with 
the lmodern fonts.. so that's a big improvement and solves my 
problem.. I'm still puzzled by the error from ps2pdf though..


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
I won't pretend to give you a real solution, but I've had no problems using
Gerben Wierda's distribution of teTeX and related tools, rather than fink's.
You might try that instead: .
Hi Bennett.. I tried your alternative solution and installed GW's 
teTeX... still the same problem (same error message) with conversion 
to PDF via ps2pdf, however, dvipdfm can now convert to pdf even with 
the lmodern fonts.. so that's a big improvement and solves my 
problem.. I'm still puzzled by the error from ps2pdf though..


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
You may want to use pdflatex or dvipdfm to circumvent the problem.
Thanks Paul.. I tried dvipdfm but that had the same problem... error 
while trying to convert from dvi to pdf.. the error from dvipdfm is:

[1kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+437/600 
--dpi 1037 cork-lmbx12
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for cork-lmbx12.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
cork-lmbx12: Can't locate a Type 1, TTF, PK, or virtual font file

So I removed the use of lmodern (Latin modern fonts) and dvipdfm now 
works.. but I'd like to use lmodern if possible... anyone have any 
suggestions on this?

pdflatex doesn't work since epstopdf has trouble converting my eps 
images to pdf.. in fact, I don't remember this working well on linux 
either (pdflatex with eps images).. probably cos my eps images were 
created using Adobe Illustrator and that gives rise to some 
difficulties I believe.


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
You may want to use pdflatex or dvipdfm to circumvent the problem.
Thanks Paul.. I tried dvipdfm but that had the same problem... error 
while trying to convert from dvi to pdf.. the error from dvipdfm is:

[1kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+437/600 
--dpi 1037 cork-lmbx12
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for cork-lmbx12.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
cork-lmbx12: Can't locate a Type 1, TTF, PK, or virtual font file

So I removed the use of lmodern (Latin modern fonts) and dvipdfm now 
works.. but I'd like to use lmodern if possible... anyone have any 
suggestions on this?

pdflatex doesn't work since epstopdf has trouble converting my eps 
images to pdf.. in fact, I don't remember this working well on linux 
either (pdflatex with eps images).. probably cos my eps images were 
created using Adobe Illustrator and that gives rise to some 
difficulties I believe.


Re: Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
You may want to use pdflatex or dvipdfm to circumvent the problem.
Thanks Paul.. I tried dvipdfm but that had the same problem... error 
while trying to convert from dvi to pdf.. the error from dvipdfm is:

[1kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+437/600 
--dpi 1037 cork-lmbx12
mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for cork-lmbx12.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
cork-lmbx12: Can't locate a Type 1, TTF, PK, or virtual font file

So I removed the use of lmodern (Latin modern fonts) and dvipdfm now 
works.. but I'd like to use lmodern if possible... anyone have any 
suggestions on this?

pdflatex doesn't work since epstopdf has trouble converting my eps 
images to pdf.. in fact, I don't remember this working well on linux 
either (pdflatex with eps images).. probably cos my eps images were 
created using Adobe Illustrator and that gives rise to some 
difficulties I believe.


Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to generate a PDF file from a LyX document that I 
had written under Linux.. I'm now trying to use LyX 1.3.4 under OS X 
 to convert this to PDF. I'm using the tetex and ghostscript 
installations from fink. Looks like the postscript generation goes 
fine but I get an error from ps2pdf when it tries to convert the ps 
file to pdf. I tried running ps2pdf manually from a terminal and 
here's what I get:

 ps2pdf RobustDesignEstimation.pdf
Error: /undefined in Level27
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1 
3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1 
 3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
 --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1046/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:1/20(G)-- 
--dict:79/200(L)--   --dict:217/300(L)--   --dict:43/200(L)-- 
--dict:48/68(L)--   --dict:38/60(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Current file position is 4174327
AFPL Ghostscript 8.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

Any ideas on what the problem might be? This file used to run 
perfectly fine under Linux.. so is this some incompatibility issue 
with the ghostscript under OS X/fink?


Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to generate a PDF file from a LyX document that I 
had written under Linux.. I'm now trying to use LyX 1.3.4 under OS X 
 to convert this to PDF. I'm using the tetex and ghostscript 
installations from fink. Looks like the postscript generation goes 
fine but I get an error from ps2pdf when it tries to convert the ps 
file to pdf. I tried running ps2pdf manually from a terminal and 
here's what I get:

 ps2pdf RobustDesignEstimation.pdf
Error: /undefined in Level27
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1 
3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1 
 3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
 --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1046/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:1/20(G)-- 
--dict:79/200(L)--   --dict:217/300(L)--   --dict:43/200(L)-- 
--dict:48/68(L)--   --dict:38/60(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Current file position is 4174327
AFPL Ghostscript 8.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

Any ideas on what the problem might be? This file used to run 
perfectly fine under Linux.. so is this some incompatibility issue 
with the ghostscript under OS X/fink?


Trouble with converting from ps to pdf in OS X

2004-06-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I'm trying to generate a PDF file from a LyX document that I 
had written under Linux.. I'm now trying to use LyX 1.3.4 under OS X 
 to convert this to PDF. I'm using the tetex and ghostscript 
installations from fink. Looks like the postscript generation goes 
fine but I get an error from ps2pdf when it tries to convert the ps 
file to pdf. I tried running ps2pdf manually from a terminal and 
here's what I get:

> ps2pdf RobustDesignEstimation.pdf
Error: /undefined in Level27
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1 
3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1 
 3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval-- 
 --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval-- 
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1046/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:1/20(G)-- 
--dict:79/200(L)--   --dict:217/300(L)--   --dict:43/200(L)-- 
--dict:48/68(L)--   --dict:38/60(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 2
Current file position is 4174327
AFPL Ghostscript 8.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

Any ideas on what the problem might be? This file used to run 
perfectly fine under Linux.. so is this some incompatibility issue 
with the ghostscript under OS X/fink?


Re: LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-17 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks for the responses, folks. Please see my replies inline below...
3: Make sure that the two files and 
exist in the .../share/lyx/doc folder.  They were missing from my last 
download of Ruurd's port.
These do not exist it seems.. What should he do?
4: Someone reported on the list that Edit-Reconfigure fails if LyX and 
the user's home directory are on different drives.
this is also true.. so I'll forward him Jim's post with the link to 
the new configure.bat ..

I believe his path is also missing Ghostscript so I suspect that 
this is the culprit... will report back once he tries out these 


Re: LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-17 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks for the responses, folks. Please see my replies inline below...
3: Make sure that the two files and 
exist in the .../share/lyx/doc folder.  They were missing from my last 
download of Ruurd's port.
These do not exist it seems.. What should he do?
4: Someone reported on the list that Edit-Reconfigure fails if LyX and 
the user's home directory are on different drives.
this is also true.. so I'll forward him Jim's post with the link to 
the new configure.bat ..

I believe his path is also missing Ghostscript so I suspect that 
this is the culprit... will report back once he tries out these 


Re: LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-17 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks for the responses, folks. Please see my replies inline below...
3: Make sure that the two files and 
exist in the .../share/lyx/doc folder.  They were missing from my last 
download of Ruurd's port.
These do not exist it seems.. What should he do?
4: Someone reported on the list that Edit->Reconfigure fails if LyX and 
the user's home directory are on different drives.
this is also true.. so I'll forward him Jim's post with the link to 
the new configure.bat ..

I believe his path is also missing Ghostscript so I suspect that 
this is the culprit... will report back once he tries out these 


LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-09 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I was trying to help a friend install Ruurd's win32 version on 
windows. Everything seemed to have gone fine but the configure 
script doesn't seem to be able to find the converters for latex to 
dvi, latex to pdf, ps to pdf etc. We installed MikTeX just before 
installing LyX and I verified that these converters were present. So 
right now the View menu is empty, and so is the export menu in LyX. 
Any ideas on what might be wrong and what I need to do? I don't have 
much experience w/ LyX on Windows so would appreciate any help... 
incidentally, I installed this version on my Windows machine a few 
weeks back and everything went fine. I followed the exact same 
procedure this time too.. only difference I can think of is that 
this friend's machine had some previous version of MikTeX installed, 
which we deleted before installing the latest version...


LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-09 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I was trying to help a friend install Ruurd's win32 version on 
windows. Everything seemed to have gone fine but the configure 
script doesn't seem to be able to find the converters for latex to 
dvi, latex to pdf, ps to pdf etc. We installed MikTeX just before 
installing LyX and I verified that these converters were present. So 
right now the View menu is empty, and so is the export menu in LyX. 
Any ideas on what might be wrong and what I need to do? I don't have 
much experience w/ LyX on Windows so would appreciate any help... 
incidentally, I installed this version on my Windows machine a few 
weeks back and everything went fine. I followed the exact same 
procedure this time too.. only difference I can think of is that 
this friend's machine had some previous version of MikTeX installed, 
which we deleted before installing the latest version...


LyX Win32 installation problem

2004-06-09 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. I was trying to help a friend install Ruurd's win32 version on 
windows. Everything seemed to have gone fine but the configure 
script doesn't seem to be able to find the converters for latex to 
dvi, latex to pdf, ps to pdf etc. We installed MikTeX just before 
installing LyX and I verified that these converters were present. So 
right now the View menu is empty, and so is the export menu in LyX. 
Any ideas on what might be wrong and what I need to do? I don't have 
much experience w/ LyX on Windows so would appreciate any help... 
incidentally, I installed this version on my Windows machine a few 
weeks back and everything went fine. I followed the exact same 
procedure this time too.. only difference I can think of is that 
this friend's machine had some previous version of MikTeX installed, 
which we deleted before installing the latest version...


Re: compiling lyx-1.3.4 under cygwin

2004-04-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
I suspect that the following site may be of help :

Also check a thread started by Sivan Toledo on lyx-devel.


Philip A. Viton wrote:

 I'm attempting to compile 1.3.4 under cygwin. The configure 
command goes
 off without a hitch  --- no warnings at the end. But when I run 
 it appears to hang (in the sense that it stays there forever, ie 

Re: compiling lyx-1.3.4 under cygwin

2004-04-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
I suspect that the following site may be of help :

Also check a thread started by Sivan Toledo on lyx-devel.


Philip A. Viton wrote:

 I'm attempting to compile 1.3.4 under cygwin. The configure 
command goes
 off without a hitch  --- no warnings at the end. But when I run 
 it appears to hang (in the sense that it stays there forever, ie 

Re: compiling lyx-1.3.4 under cygwin

2004-04-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
I suspect that the following site may be of help :

Also check a thread started by Sivan Toledo on lyx-devel.


Philip A. Viton wrote:
> I'm attempting to compile 1.3.4 under cygwin. The configure 
command goes
> off without a hitch  --- no warnings at the end. But when I run 
> it appears to hang (in the sense that it stays there forever, ie 

Re: include problem

2004-04-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
...and that worked perfectly.   So...I also tried saving that file and
including it at the top of the body.lyx file, but again got several
errors regarding missing or improper use of the curly brackets.
Does your body.lyx file compile? If yes, then can you please post 
the errors that you get when you include front.lyx, thanks.lyx and 
body.lyx in a master file? It would be weird if a file that includes 
front.lyx and thanks.lyx compiles, body.lyx on its own compiles, but 
a file that includes all three does not compile..


Re: include problem

2004-04-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
...and that worked perfectly.   So...I also tried saving that file and
including it at the top of the body.lyx file, but again got several
errors regarding missing or improper use of the curly brackets.
Does your body.lyx file compile? If yes, then can you please post 
the errors that you get when you include front.lyx, thanks.lyx and 
body.lyx in a master file? It would be weird if a file that includes 
front.lyx and thanks.lyx compiles, body.lyx on its own compiles, but 
a file that includes all three does not compile..


Re: include problem

2004-04-11 Thread Nirmal Govind
...and that worked perfectly.   So...I also tried saving that file and
including it at the top of the body.lyx file, but again got several
errors regarding missing or improper use of the curly brackets.
Does your body.lyx file compile? If yes, then can you please post 
the errors that you get when you include front.lyx, thanks.lyx and 
body.lyx in a master file? It would be weird if a file that includes 
front.lyx and thanks.lyx compiles, body.lyx on its own compiles, but 
a file that includes all three does not compile..


Re: Navigating dvi output

2004-04-08 Thread Nirmal Govind
mechanism that permits me to go directly to a specific page. Is this
Guess you're using xdvi. Try kdvi, it gives you a list of the page 
numbers on the left sidebar, so you can click on the page you want..


Re: Navigating dvi output

2004-04-08 Thread Nirmal Govind
mechanism that permits me to go directly to a specific page. Is this
Guess you're using xdvi. Try kdvi, it gives you a list of the page 
numbers on the left sidebar, so you can click on the page you want..


Re: Navigating dvi output

2004-04-08 Thread Nirmal Govind
mechanism that permits me to go directly to a specific page. Is this
Guess you're using xdvi. Try kdvi, it gives you a list of the page 
numbers on the left sidebar, so you can click on the page you want..


extra line after a flushleft

2004-03-31 Thread Nirmal Govind

When I start a new paragraph after a paragraph in which the last 
portion was left justified, I get an extra line between the two 
paragraphs. For example, I have the following:

***begin example***

   Start of para1 is here, this line is indented... blah blah 
blah.. this is derived below:

Displayed Equation goes here,

where x = 1, y = 2 etc.. - This portion of this paragraph is left 

   Start of para2 is here. Now, the first line of this para is 
indented but there is an extra line above the first line of this para.

***end example***

I hope the problem is clear... is there a solution to this? Please 
let me know.


extra line after a flushleft

2004-03-31 Thread Nirmal Govind

When I start a new paragraph after a paragraph in which the last 
portion was left justified, I get an extra line between the two 
paragraphs. For example, I have the following:

***begin example***

   Start of para1 is here, this line is indented... blah blah 
blah.. this is derived below:

Displayed Equation goes here,

where x = 1, y = 2 etc.. - This portion of this paragraph is left 

   Start of para2 is here. Now, the first line of this para is 
indented but there is an extra line above the first line of this para.

***end example***

I hope the problem is clear... is there a solution to this? Please 
let me know.


extra line after a flushleft

2004-03-31 Thread Nirmal Govind

When I start a new paragraph after a paragraph in which the last 
portion was left justified, I get an extra line between the two 
paragraphs. For example, I have the following:

***begin example***

   Start of para1 is here, this line is indented... blah blah 
blah.. this is derived below:

Displayed Equation goes here,

where x = 1, y = 2 etc.. <- This portion of this paragraph is left 

   Start of para2 is here. Now, the first line of this para is 
indented but there is an extra line above the first line of this para.

***end example***

I hope the problem is clear... is there a solution to this? Please 
let me know.


Re: Strange printing/viewing problem

2004-03-23 Thread Nirmal Govind
  Did I do something improper here? Is there a more efficient way to produce
a pdf of a designated portion of the .lyx document?
I usually use pdfnup to do this... it's as easy as 'pdfnup --pages 
xx-yy filename.pdf', where xx and yy are the starting and ending 
page nos. respectively..  check it out.


Re: Strange printing/viewing problem

2004-03-23 Thread Nirmal Govind
  Did I do something improper here? Is there a more efficient way to produce
a pdf of a designated portion of the .lyx document?
I usually use pdfnup to do this... it's as easy as 'pdfnup --pages 
xx-yy filename.pdf', where xx and yy are the starting and ending 
page nos. respectively..  check it out.


Re: Strange printing/viewing problem

2004-03-23 Thread Nirmal Govind
  Did I do something improper here? Is there a more efficient way to produce
a pdf of a designated portion of the .lyx document?
I usually use pdfnup to do this... it's as easy as 'pdfnup --pages 
xx-yy filename.pdf', where xx and yy are the starting and ending 
page nos. respectively..  check it out.


Re: re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-03-15 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi folks... could someone please let me know if it is possible to do 
what is described below? I'm in the middle of a thesis submission 
and would greatly appreciate any help on this

Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called Appendices.lyx, 
which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a chapter in the book. Now 
I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) heading to move up on the 
page.. the default inserts a good quarter page space before the heading 
on the top... I looked thru book.cls and made some attempts at 
redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but none of them worked.. what would 
be the proper way to do this? Note that I only need the chapter headings 
in this one file to be redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go 
right before this Include file in the main lyx file...


Re: re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-03-15 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi folks... could someone please let me know if it is possible to do 
what is described below? I'm in the middle of a thesis submission 
and would greatly appreciate any help on this

Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called Appendices.lyx, 
which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a chapter in the book. Now 
I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) heading to move up on the 
page.. the default inserts a good quarter page space before the heading 
on the top... I looked thru book.cls and made some attempts at 
redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but none of them worked.. what would 
be the proper way to do this? Note that I only need the chapter headings 
in this one file to be redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go 
right before this Include file in the main lyx file...


Re: re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-03-15 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi folks... could someone please let me know if it is possible to do 
what is described below? I'm in the middle of a thesis submission 
and would greatly appreciate any help on this

Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called Appendices.lyx, 
which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a chapter in the book. Now 
I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) heading to move up on the 
page.. the default inserts a good quarter page space before the heading 
on the top... I looked thru book.cls and made some attempts at 
redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but none of them worked.. what would 
be the proper way to do this? Note that I only need the chapter headings 
in this one file to be redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go 
right before this "Include file" in the main lyx file...


re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-02-25 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called 
Appendices.lyx, which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a 
chapter in the book. Now I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) 
heading to move up on the page.. the default inserts a good quarter 
page space before the heading on the top... I looked thru book.cls 
and made some attempts at redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
none of them worked.. what would be the proper way to do this? Note 
that I only need the chapter headings in this one file to be 
redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go right before this 
Include file in the main lyx file...


re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-02-25 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called 
Appendices.lyx, which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a 
chapter in the book. Now I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) 
heading to move up on the page.. the default inserts a good quarter 
page space before the heading on the top... I looked thru book.cls 
and made some attempts at redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
none of them worked.. what would be the proper way to do this? Note 
that I only need the chapter headings in this one file to be 
redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go right before this 
Include file in the main lyx file...


re-defining chapter heading spacing

2004-02-25 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi... I have a bunch of appendices in a lyx file called 
Appendices.lyx, which uses the book class. Each Appendix is a 
chapter in the book. Now I'm trying to get the Appendix (Chapter) 
heading to move up on the page.. the default inserts a good quarter 
page space before the heading on the top... I looked thru book.cls 
and made some attempts at redefining [EMAIL PROTECTED] but 
none of them worked.. what would be the proper way to do this? Note 
that I only need the chapter headings in this one file to be 
redefined so I'm looking for some ERT that can go right before this 
"Include file" in the main lyx file...


Re: manual covers?

2004-02-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi Jane,

Glad to see that you got the patch to work..

 First off, many thanks for all your help with changebars, especially
 Nirmal Govind and Johnathan Burchill. With your help (and help on 

Actually, John Levon and Johnathan deserve the thanks... John is the 
LyX developer who wrote the change-tracking code. So thank you 
(again) John! :-)

Qn: Did you have to modify the patch in any way or did it compile 
fine with the 1.3.3 code?


Re: manual covers?

2004-02-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi Jane,

Glad to see that you got the patch to work..

 First off, many thanks for all your help with changebars, especially
 Nirmal Govind and Johnathan Burchill. With your help (and help on 

Actually, John Levon and Johnathan deserve the thanks... John is the 
LyX developer who wrote the change-tracking code. So thank you 
(again) John! :-)

Qn: Did you have to modify the patch in any way or did it compile 
fine with the 1.3.3 code?


Re: manual covers?

2004-02-24 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi Jane,

Glad to see that you got the patch to work..

> First off, many thanks for all your help with changebars, especially
> Nirmal Govind and Johnathan Burchill. With your help (and help on 

Actually, John Levon and Johnathan deserve the thanks... John is the 
LyX developer who wrote the change-tracking code. So thank you 
(again) John! :-)

Qn: Did you have to modify the patch in any way or did it compile 
fine with the 1.3.3 code?


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with g, m and d as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, -2 and -1 are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with g, m and d as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, -2 and -1 are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with g, m and d as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, -2 and -1 are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with g, m and d as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, -2 and -1 are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with "g", "m" and "d" as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, "-2" and "-1" are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: Math mode with Lyx Aqua

2004-02-22 Thread Nirmal Govind
2- Also, letters in math mode are shown in italics. How does one avoid 
this? For example, I want to type g m-2 d-1, with "g", "m" and "d" as 
normal text not in italics (and, of course, "-2" and "-1" are 
Don't know the answer to 1. since I'm on Linux.. but for 2., you 
need to either hit Ctrl-M while in math mode, or type \textrm 
(again, in math mode), and you'll see a small blue box appear into 
which you type in the text that should appear in regular font. You 
can exit this mode by hitting the right arrow and you'll be back in 
regular math mode.


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Paul Smith wrote:
I did try this but the dependency failure switched from qt =2.2.1 to 
qt=3.1.0. I also have a dependency problem with coreutils.

Andrew, I think Nirmal has already repaired it in his new rpm LyX file, 
according to his last post.
I think the problem is that he's missing Qt3? What does 'rpm -q 
qt3-common' and 'rpm -q libqt3' produce? Also try 'rpm -q coreutils' 
 if these packages are not found, then just grab the rpm from or so..

Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
A. L. Meyers wrote:
Hi!  Please excuse me for asking a dumb question.  Perhaps I have
missed something.  Would someone please post the complete URL leading
to the incoming directory?

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.

Sorry.. I meant

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Paul Smith wrote:
I did try this but the dependency failure switched from qt =2.2.1 to 
qt=3.1.0. I also have a dependency problem with coreutils.

Andrew, I think Nirmal has already repaired it in his new rpm LyX file, 
according to his last post.
I think the problem is that he's missing Qt3? What does 'rpm -q 
qt3-common' and 'rpm -q libqt3' produce? Also try 'rpm -q coreutils' 
 if these packages are not found, then just grab the rpm from or so..

Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
A. L. Meyers wrote:
Hi!  Please excuse me for asking a dumb question.  Perhaps I have
missed something.  Would someone please post the complete URL leading
to the incoming directory?

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.

Sorry.. I meant

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Paul Smith wrote:
I did try this but the dependency failure switched from qt >=2.2.1 to 
qt>=3.1.0. I also have a dependency problem with coreutils.

Andrew, I think Nirmal has already repaired it in his new rpm LyX file, 
according to his last post.
I think the problem is that he's missing Qt3? What does 'rpm -q 
qt3-common' and 'rpm -q libqt3' produce? Also try 'rpm -q coreutils' 
 if these packages are not found, then just grab the rpm from or so..

Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
A. L. Meyers wrote:
Hi!  Please excuse me for asking a dumb question.  Perhaps I have
missed something.  Would someone please post the complete URL leading
to the "incoming" directory?

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-21 Thread Nirmal Govind
Btw, the rpm on my site is now the same as the one in pub/incoming.

Sorry.. I meant

Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Nirmal, I think the problem is the lyx.spec has a dependency on qt,
while mandrake provides qt3. I think that you could/should replce in
lyx.spec the line
%define frontdep qt = 2.2.1
with something like
%define frontdep qt3 = 3.1.0
Thanks JMarc.. I made the change above and uploaded the new rpm to .. can you please trasnfer it to My apologies to those who've had to do the --nodeps... 
hopefully it should be OK now..


Re: math-macro in preamble?

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks Andre' and Jean-Pierre.. should I file an enhancement request 
on bugzilla?

I like the wrapper idea.. will use this for now..


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm--compile on mandrake, 64bit AMD

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
The moc binary is in the /usr/lib/qt3 tree, but the qt libraries are in
/usr/lib64. I can create a symbolic link (and that is my inclination)  
You may want to check the help for the configure script.. there's an 
option to specify the qt libraries directory separately..

from the qt3/lib director to select (*.a) or to all in the real location,
but prefer not to mess with library structures I don't fully grok.
I would think that a symbolic link from /usr/lib/qt3/lib to 
/usr/lib64 wouldn't hurt (since it's symbolic)...


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Nirmal, I think the problem is the lyx.spec has a dependency on qt,
while mandrake provides qt3. I think that you could/should replce in
lyx.spec the line
%define frontdep qt = 2.2.1
with something like
%define frontdep qt3 = 3.1.0
Thanks JMarc.. I made the change above and uploaded the new rpm to .. can you please trasnfer it to My apologies to those who've had to do the --nodeps... 
hopefully it should be OK now..


Re: math-macro in preamble?

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks Andre' and Jean-Pierre.. should I file an enhancement request 
on bugzilla?

I like the wrapper idea.. will use this for now..


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm--compile on mandrake, 64bit AMD

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
The moc binary is in the /usr/lib/qt3 tree, but the qt libraries are in
/usr/lib64. I can create a symbolic link (and that is my inclination)  
You may want to check the help for the configure script.. there's an 
option to specify the qt libraries directory separately..

from the qt3/lib director to select (*.a) or to all in the real location,
but prefer not to mess with library structures I don't fully grok.
I would think that a symbolic link from /usr/lib/qt3/lib to 
/usr/lib64 wouldn't hurt (since it's symbolic)...


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Nirmal, I think the problem is the lyx.spec has a dependency on "qt",
while mandrake provides "qt3". I think that you could/should replce in
lyx.spec the line
%define frontdep qt >= 2.2.1
with something like
%define frontdep qt3 >= 3.1.0
Thanks JMarc.. I made the change above and uploaded the new rpm to .. can you please trasnfer it to My apologies to those who've had to do the --nodeps... 
hopefully it should be OK now..


Re: math-macro in preamble?

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
Thanks Andre' and Jean-Pierre.. should I file an enhancement request 
on bugzilla?

I like the wrapper idea.. will use this for now..


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm--compile on mandrake, 64bit AMD

2004-02-20 Thread Nirmal Govind
The moc binary is in the /usr/lib/qt3 tree, but the qt libraries are in
/usr/lib64. I can create a symbolic link (and that is my inclination)  
You may want to check the help for the configure script.. there's an 
option to specify the qt libraries directory separately..

from the qt3/lib director to select (*.a) or to all in the real location,
but prefer not to mess with library structures I don't fully grok.
I would think that a symbolic link from /usr/lib/qt3/lib to 
/usr/lib64 wouldn't hurt (since it's symbolic)...


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Can any kind soul put up a lyx-1.3.4 rpm on their site
-- I can't wait to install.
I don't know what distro you're using but the rpm I built for 
Mandrake 9.2 is at


math-macro in preamble?

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. is there a way to include math-macros anywhere else other than 
in the main part of the lyx file? Maybe in the preamble or so? I'm 
trying to have a global math-macros file that can be included in all 
my lyx files so that I only need to update one macros file.. I tried 
putting all the math-macros in a lyx file (MathMacros.lyx) and then 
did an Include File in the main lyx document that I'm editing. 
Problem is that if I open this lyx document alone (with no lyx files 
that use math-macros currently open), then the macros will not 
convert to what they're supposed to look like.. they'll show up in 
ERT... is there a workaround to this? (I'm currently making sure 
that I open MathMacros.lyx before I open any of the other files.. 
hope there's some neater way of doing this).


Re: compiling on mandrake - opteron

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib64

fails to find the moc binary, which is in /usr/lib/qt3/bin. The search 
seems to go through the /usr/lib64 directory tree and I can't find a 
configure was given /usr/lib64 so it searched there... you should 
probably change it to --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Can any kind soul put up a lyx-1.3.4 rpm on their site
-- I can't wait to install.
I don't know what distro you're using but the rpm I built for 
Mandrake 9.2 is at


math-macro in preamble?

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Hi.. is there a way to include math-macros anywhere else other than 
in the main part of the lyx file? Maybe in the preamble or so? I'm 
trying to have a global math-macros file that can be included in all 
my lyx files so that I only need to update one macros file.. I tried 
putting all the math-macros in a lyx file (MathMacros.lyx) and then 
did an Include File in the main lyx document that I'm editing. 
Problem is that if I open this lyx document alone (with no lyx files 
that use math-macros currently open), then the macros will not 
convert to what they're supposed to look like.. they'll show up in 
ERT... is there a workaround to this? (I'm currently making sure 
that I open MathMacros.lyx before I open any of the other files.. 
hope there's some neater way of doing this).


Re: compiling on mandrake - opteron

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib64

fails to find the moc binary, which is in /usr/lib/qt3/bin. The search 
seems to go through the /usr/lib64 directory tree and I can't find a 
configure was given /usr/lib64 so it searched there... you should 
probably change it to --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3


Re: lyx-1.3.4 rpm

2004-02-19 Thread Nirmal Govind
Can any kind soul put up a lyx-1.3.4 rpm on their site
-- I can't wait to install.
I don't know what distro you're using but the rpm I built for 
Mandrake 9.2 is at


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