Re: lyx svg file handling

2007-07-24 Thread Angus Leeming

Neal Becker wrote:

Nils Becker wrote:

Hi all,

thanks for the hints so far. Nothing worked yet. I checked: when I do
not define any converters, lyx calls "convert". This gives the same
pixel graphics I get when I define only the svg->pdf2 converter. The
.lyx/lyxrc.defaults file contains no svg file format definitions. If I
include my converter settings in that file, nothing changes. lyx fails
to appreciate the existence of a direct path svg->pdf for use with

inkscape 0.45, lyx 1.4.4

Any further suggestions?

Run LyX from the command line as
$ lyx -dbg graphics

That will send output to stdout detailing, amongst other things, the 
python (LyX 1.5.x) or shell (LyX <= 1.4.x) script that LyX creates to 
handle the conversion for it.


Re: lyx svg file handling

2007-07-24 Thread Angus Leeming

Neal Becker wrote:

Nils Becker wrote:

Hi all,

thanks for the hints so far. Nothing worked yet. I checked: when I do
not define any converters, lyx calls "convert". This gives the same
pixel graphics I get when I define only the svg->pdf2 converter. The
.lyx/lyxrc.defaults file contains no svg file format definitions. If I
include my converter settings in that file, nothing changes. lyx fails
to appreciate the existence of a direct path svg->pdf for use with

inkscape 0.45, lyx 1.4.4

Any further suggestions?

Run LyX from the command line as
$ lyx -dbg graphics

That will send output to stdout detailing, amongst other things, the 
python (LyX 1.5.x) or shell (LyX <= 1.4.x) script that LyX creates to 
handle the conversion for it.


Re: CJK seems to be partially working in 1.5.0

2007-03-30 Thread Angus Leeming
Marc Flerackers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> However I can only render my document 
> manually by exporting to latex and running latex and bibtex, as lyx 
> seems to crash on an exception when pressing the render button:

Hi, Marc.

Could you repost this to the lyx-devel list. Given that you're running inside
the debugger, it'd be good if you good ascertain the path that boost::filesystem
is complaining about.

> This crash doesn't happen when rendering documents without Japanese. 
> Another CJK issue is that while I can type Japanese, I don't see the IME 
> popup and I don't see what I am typing. Only when pressing enter, the 
> text is inserted and visualized.


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-18 Thread Angus Leeming
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Having said that, I think that what the LyX documentation mainly needs is 
> an editor - someone to guide/decide what should go into the documentation. 
> As far as I know there is no editor today (please correct me if I'm 
> wrong!)

No, you're right. The last editor was Mike Ressler and the last time that he 
was actively involved was in the middle of 2002...

I don't think the editing job is a big one. In fact, a good editor would get 
the developers to do much of his work for him ;-) Cajoling, begging and 
threatening are all important parts of the job description as, of course, is 
being able to write coherently ;-)

If the editor(s) would also take up the job of maintaining the wiki, that 
would be even more valuable IMO.


Re: PortableLyX?

2006-06-01 Thread Angus Leeming
Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Now, having experienced the latest version of LyX,
>> I've tested 1.4.1 on a USB stick. All good, if there
>> wouldn't be the aspell dilemma! As LyX is compiled 
>> against libaspell.a and expects to find aspell
>> dictionaries and data files in a predefined location
>> portability has been lost.

> AFAIK, the problem is not within LyX but in Aspell. Indeed Aspell 
> dictionaries are not relocatable (under Windows); this means that they 
> must be installed in the same path where they have been compiled. One 
> needs to investigate Aspell source code as to know if this could be fixed.

I must be setting some sort of record in late replies here ;-)

Actually, Abdel, the fault is all LyX's. Aspell is perfectly configurable, but
LyX doesn't have any code to push its buttons.

A long time ago, I wrote this:

Somewhat more recently, I seem to remember expounding further on this subject
but I can't find the post in the archives. Insufficient searching skills ;-)

If you read the aspell docs, you'll find that aspell can be controlled
programmatically through the library's API; you can most definitely tell the
library where to find its data files.

Perhaps this will inspire someone who's frustrated by the current C:/Aspell
limitation to dig deeper...


Re: sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-11 Thread Angus Leeming
Micha feigin wrote:

> Either tex understands escape sequences (which includes escaping spaces)
> or it has a method of defining what a string is, including the spaces
> which is different on windows and linux, or it has different spaces for
> string delimiting and path spaces under linux.

Guys, I'm amazed that this thread has gone on as long as it has. I'm going
to pop my head in at the door one final time and will then leave you to
play on your own again.

The fundamental problem here is that TeX has no support for spaces in file
names itself. The problem can be worked around, and is, in higher level
macro packages such as LaTeX's \includegraphics command. At the moment,
BibTeX has no such work around.

Our solution, in LyX, has been to copy the .bib file over to the temporary
directory, mangling its name in the process to something BibTeX-friendly.
We (I) chose not to do so with the .bst file because this file is
conceptually part of the LaTeX distribution. It's used in identical
fashion to all the .sty, .cls files that LaTeX (and hence TeX) use to
typeset your document. It's proper location, therefore, is in a TeX
directory hierarchy.

I have stated publicly that I think that the current solution is correct
and will not change it. Anyway, I've now retired from LyX development so
my opinions are perhaps moot. Georg Baum has stated publicly in this
thread that he is inclined to copy the .bst file over into the temporary
directory too. If someone (Georg in this case) wants to do the work then
who am I to stop him?

In order to remind Georg about this problem in the future, I'd suggest that
you file a bug on bugzilla and be done with it ;-)


LyX 1.3.7pre6 available

2006-01-04 Thread Angus Leeming

Dear all,

I've just uploaded LyX 1.3.7pre6 to the wiki. Grab it from

Improvements over LyX 1.3.7pre5:
* Many changes to qt-mt3.dll.
* Update of Danish, Hungarian and Spanish translations.
* Add a Polish Translation to the Windows Installer.
* Speed up the searching for math fonts.
* Small bug fix to the sciword bindings.

As ever, the changes to qt-mt3.dll may or may not make the thing more 
stable ;-) Caveat emptor.

No doubt Uwe will be packaging this up in his super installer as time allows.


Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
>> Right. And since I install at C:\Program Files\LyX and the bloody thing
>> works for me, I'm going to put on my grumpy old man hat and say it's a
>> "user error" to try and use a .bst file in a path with spaces.

> And to think, just last night it was a party hat.

The mood swings of old age and new parenthood, huh?


Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Michael Gerz wrote:

> Bo Peng wrote:
>>>The mistake is making C:\Program files the default for LyX and
>>I totally agree. I think it is a good idea to install Lyx to c:\lyx by
> No, the directory must be configurable. On my (German) machine, the
> appropriate directory is "C:\Programme". There is nothing worse than
> programs that ignore basic Windows guidelines.
>>This will save us from some troubles, but not all. Most windows users
>>save their files under "...\My Documents" or "... and
>>Settings\Desktop" and will still suffer from this problem. It is quite
>>tricky to move these folders to something like D:\Documents.
> Indeed. We cannot assume that all Windows users have administrator
> privileges (in fact they shouldn't). Being unable to use "\My Documents"
> is like forbidding a *nix user to use $HOME (guess what he will tell you
> :-)).
> In other words: We have to support spaces in paths to the maximum extent.

Right. And since I install at C:\Program Files\LyX and the bloody thing
works for me, I'm going to put on my grumpy old man hat and say it's a
"user error" to try and use a .bst file in a path with spaces.

Signing off this thread now...


Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Bo Peng wrote:

>> _TeX_ cannot handle spaces. I suppose that you do not really
>> know the difference of TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, pdfLaTeX, bibTeX, MiKTeX
> I do not. My understanding is that miktex is another implementation of
> latex standard ( if there is such a standard). If miktex aims at
> windows platform, I assume that it will do something for the path with
> spaces problem.

Free software isn't built on assumptions, it's built on contributions. If
you're sufficiently irritated by this to want to do something about it,
then I'm sure that the MikTeX people will be more than happy to help you
help them.

Or, perhaps, this thread might help:

Jean-Marc contacted the real TeX gurus on the tex-k mailing list to ask for
some advice. You can find the full thread in the tex-k archives here:


Re: 100% CPU usage for LyX 1.3.5 and questions on LyX 1.4

2006-01-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Jose Capco wrote:

> Dear List,
> First off.. a happy new year!
> I don't look much at this mailing list, I filtered it
> so I could only view at specific topics, so I do not
> know if this has been discussed before. Since the
> release of 1.3.6, I wasn't able to upgrade due to
> issues with Win98 and I kept working with 1.3.5.
> Problem with 1.3.5 is that only opening a document can
> bring 100% CPU usage (although, I think with the
> cygwin port.. it was a bit better), this is very
> uncommon for a program that's supposed to be
> typesetting, no? (I would say, ideally LyX is supposed
> to use less CPU than MS-Word or even Openoffice).

Right. But not if you're somehow triggering an obnoxious bug...

Anyway, rather than try and debug the problem in LyX 1.3.5 which isn't
anything to do with us, perhaps you'll try out LyX 1.3.7pre5
( which is now known to run
reasonably well on Win98.

A (small) word of warning: the Installer runs a shell script "configure"
and some users have reported that this is failing. If you launch LyX and
find a pop up about "unable to find texclass.lst" or somesuch, then open
up an MSYS terminal window, go to the C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx
directory (or whereever you installed LyX) and type
  sh configure

> But what of 1.3.6, has there been a major improvement
> of that (even though I am doomed not to use it until
> its win98 installable)? And what of 1.4.. will there
> be a Win98 friendly port? I hope LyX development
> groups have some nice presents for us for 2006 :D

Let us know if it works for you...

Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> Bo
> The Miktex installation doc recommends installing Miktex into paths
> and/or directories without spaces. LyX has a history of problems
> with paths having spaces some passed on from Miktex.
> 13 July 2005
> Axel Rasche reported that spaces in the file path caused BibTeX to fail.
> The adopted solution copies the BibTeX data base to the temp directory,
> mangling its name in the process into something that's both recognizable
> to the user and useable by BibTeX. Note that this fix hasn't yet made it
> into the official sources.

??? Yes it has. It's in the cvs repositories and will be part of future LyX
1.3.7/1.4.0 releases.


Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2006-01-01 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Bo Peng wrote:
>>>If you View->LaTeX info->BibTeX styles, can you see the .bst file?

>> No. The .bst file is under the same directory as the .lyx file. I use
>> 'browse' in the bib tex dialog to use it. Under linux, this is enough.

> I can reproduce the problem (Win XP, LyX 1.3.7pre5) if the .bst file is
> in a directory with spaces in the path, but not if it's in a space-free
> location (e.g., C:\Temp).  When there are spaces in the path, this is
> what I find in the temp directory:

> 1.  The .tex file contains what I think is a correctly constructed path
> to the .bst file (e.g., \bibliographystyle{\string"C:/Documents and
> Settings/my_id/Desktop/mybstfile\string"}).

A. Don't do that. BibTeX and "spaces in paths" don't live well
together. In fact they don't live together at all.

We jump through a lot of hoops to ensure that your BibTeX data base will
continue to work if it lives in a path with spaces. I don't see any reason
at all to add a heap of fragile code to cover the .bst file too.

In my view this one get's filed under WONTFIX.

> My best guess, and it's just a guess, is that bibtex's being handed a
> path with spaces and choking on them.


Re: Windows port of 1.3.6 fails to process pstricks code

2005-12-30 Thread Angus Leeming
Abel Fernández Fernández wrote:

> Jeremy Daily escribió:
>> LyX users:
>> I've run into a small problem. I've started a manuscript full of
>> pstricks code on the unofficial windows port (version 1.3.3). Since I
>> was delighted to see an official LyX port for windows, I tried version
>> 1.3.6. This version however is giving me problems...
>> If I pull up any of the help documents and view them, everything works
>> flawless.
>> If I have any pstricks code in a document, the processing stalls
>> during the execution of the script with the following
>> error window:
>>Cannot convert file
>>Error while executing
>>python "C:/Program Files/LyX/Resources/lyx/scripts
>> I've tried commenting out different sections of the
>> script but had no success. I'm hoping the group has some pointers for
>> me. By the way, the documents with pstricks code work just fine on a
>> Fedora Core 3 machine with version 1.3.6.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeremy
> I have the same error, anyone know the solution??

Yup. There is a buffer overrun in the dt2dv code that is available from
CTAN. If you grab dv2dt.exe [24kB] and dt2dv.exe [50kB] from then all will be well.

Alternatively, just upgrade to LyX 1.3.7pre5, available at


Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller

2005-12-22 Thread Angus Leeming
Bo Peng wrote:

>> I just published the version 0.6 of the LyX installer for Windows.
> Just tried the complete version of the installer on a fresh winXP VM:
> installation goes fine and everything works as expected. Thank you for
> the great work!
> I think this installer is ready to go public or even become official.
> Would you add the link to lyx/wiki, for example,

No, not to that page. Not unless you use the LyX 1.3.6 executable. Feel
free to add it to the 1.3.7pre page.

> It will be good if you can upload 
> the installers to .

Not until 1.3.7 is released please.


Re: TeX version is 3.141592. pi?

2005-12-22 Thread Angus Leeming
John E. Harbold wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone noticed that the current
> version of TeX is 3.141592. I'm having
> adversed reaction to this because I
> can't access the aastex macros.  Has TeX
> been hacked yet?

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. If you're asking is the above TeX
version number expected, then yes, it's expected. Knuth it would be funny
(and probably reasonable) to indicate improvements in TeX by arriving at
the exact answer asymptotically.

That's mathematicians for you.


Re: changing preferences-paths in lyx 1.3.6 (windows) doesn't work

2005-12-21 Thread Angus Leeming
Robert Neumann wrote:

> hello,
> I tried to change  the preferences  for the temp directory and the
> backup directory in preferences-paths. When I restart it, all changes are
> gone. What might be the reason??
> thanks
> Robert

Are your saved paths in
  C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Application Data\LyX\preferences


Re: LyX 1.3.7pre5 some more progress in diagnosis

2005-12-17 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> Addendum: I find that C:\Msys\1.0\bin or C:\texmf\miktex\bin
> or C:\Python23 will work individually; but combinations like
> Msys and Python, Msys and texmf, or Python and texmf, will
> fail to run the configure script, requiring sh.exe configure.
> I have installed to C:\LyX

Given your continued interest in this, together with the fact that you can
reproduce the problem (I cannot and, anyway, I've retired ;-)), perhaps
you might like to play with the installer yourself? You'll find the NSIS
scripts in the
sub directory of the LyX 1.3.x sources. Or, alternatively, you can grab a
slightly modified (for your benefit) set from (200kB)
which will unzip to


The main logic of the script is in lyx_installer.nsi which contains a line 
   !define PRODUCT_SOURCEDIR "C:\Program Files\LyX"

If you want to try and build the installer yourself (so that you can add
commentary/debug info to the thing) you should
  * edit this line to point to your installed LyX files
  * install NSIS (
  * copy lyx_configure.dll to
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\lyx_configure.dll
  * build the package as
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis lyx_installer.nsi

The NSIS pages come with extensive documentation and Uwe is now extremely
fluent in the NSIS scripting language; I'm sure that he'll be able to
advise you further.

Personally, I'd start by adding lots of comments to
  * the sources of the script
  * C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx\configure
  * lyx_configure.C --- although this also will require you to
  rebuild the lyx_configure.dll .dll
to help diagnose what's going wrong.

Take a deep breathe (IMO the NSIS language is horrible in the extreme) and
Good luck!

Re: Writing in Japanese?

2005-12-16 Thread Angus Leeming
Stacia Hartleben wrote:

> Can you use the current LyX program to write in Japanese? I heard
> something about a CJK version but I was wondering if there was any
> easy way to change the encoding in the window and turn it into unicode
> or something.

Nope, not yet. The Big Plan (TM) for the next development series after LyX
1.4 is released is to use unicode internally. I'd expect that LyX-CJK
would be merged with the official LyX at that point, much as the official
LyX eventually swallowed up (and improved upon) the LyX/Win port.

So, for now, you'll have to use LyX-CJK.

Re: How to verify links on wiki.lyx? (Was: ...)

2005-12-14 Thread Angus Leeming

> On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Todd Denniston wrote:
>> Oh, and it would be a good idea for someone to make sure all the links
>> work correctly now...
> Does anyone know of a tool which would be useful to traverse a web site
> and check which links doesn't work?  (In this case we are primarily
> interested in links starting with '').


Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-14 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> No, he did not. I'll get back to that. I appreciate your calm response.


> This is what Angus initially said to me:
> "The installer searches the Registry in various ways in order to find the
> whereabouts of sh.exe, gswinc.exe, python.exe, etc. It's blindingly
> obvious that it should first ascertain whether these things are already
> in the PATH. Never mind ;-)"

Just in case you think I'm being rude in your direction, I'm not. The
"blindingly obvious" bit was aimed at myself.

> SH: I did not say that the LyX installer could not search the PATH.
> I said that this didn't contribute any information that couldn't be
> acquired by other means. Since the PATH can contain duplicated
> and non-existent entities it can't confirm reports from other means.

I can't parse this. The PATH doesn't confirm or deny anything. My PATH here
on a linux machine is
meaning that "execvp" ("spawnvp" on Windows) will look only in these 5
directories when searching for the external application:

   // Here, argv[0] is the name of the binary, typically
   // defined in a converter without an absolute path name. 
#if defined (_WIN32)
   pid_t const cpid = spawnvp(_P_NOWAIT, argv[0], &*argv.begin());
#else // POSIX
   pid_t const cpid = ::fork();
   if (cpid == 0) {
   execvp(argv[0], &*argv.begin());

> I've just installed LyX without LyX or any helper applications in
> the Windows PATH environment variable. And it works. So can
> you tell me why it is "blindingly obvious" that LyX should first
> ascertain that these things are already in the PATH?

Whether you like it or not, these apps can be found in LyX's copy of
the PATH, either from the global PATH or from the \path_prefix variable.

> It is not that I disagree with his explanation; it is that his
> explanation is not consistent with his initial claim, nor does it support
> that claim.

Well, I've done my best. I'm giving up now.

> I find that perplexing and a nice troubleshooting challenge.



Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-13 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
>> The installer searches the Registry in various ways in order to find the
>> whereabouts of sh.exe, gswinc.exe, python.exe, etc. It's blindingly
>> obvious that it should first ascertain whether these things are already
>> in the PATH. Never mind ;-)

By which I meant that I should have done so yet didn't ;-)

> I wish I were smarter so that it would be blindingly obvious to me too.
> I envision four(5) scenarios:

Think of both the registry and the PATH environment variable as simply
*hints* of where to find a given executable. The LyX installer uses the
registry to generate the \path_prefix string which, in turn, is used by a
lyx.exe process to modify its local copy of the PATH environment variable.

Note that the lyx.exe process hasn't looked for any other .exe binary at
this point.

When it comes to do so, it will look for (say) python.exe only in those
directories that are components of its own copy of the PATH environment

So, it doesn't really matter if your registry or your "global" PATH (as
visible from, say, cmd.exe as "echo %PATH%") contain ancient cruft so long
as the local PATH environment variable used by the lyx.exe process
contains the directory that actually holds python.exe. That's the beauty
of the \path_prefix for you; you, the user, have total control.

> (5.) I've had programs like flpsed and preview that have substituted
> for gsview and they aren't written to the registry or PATH. I did put
> them as file format viewers. If I had put either one in the PATH,
> the LyX installer would not have know to use them in place of
> gsview if I did not have that on the hard drive. This last point (5)
> is quite minor, I just added it to explain my AI remark.

You're getting things a little confused again I fear. The PATH tells LyX
*where* to look for something, not *what* to look for.

There is very little hard coding of the names of individual external
binaries within the LyX.exe binary. Obvious examples that are hard coded
are "sh.exe" and "python.exe" which are used to run *scripts* that *can*
by tuned by you if you wish. Examples would be "" and
"" or "lyx2lyx". 

LyX knows of all other external processes through its "converters" and
"viewers" which are defined in "lyxrc.defaults" and which can be tuned by
you (the tuning will be stored in your personal "preferences" file. 

Typical entries might be:
   \viewer pdf2 "acroread"
which says use acroread to view files in pdf2 format. Here "pdf2" is
defined as the result of a conversion process. In this case:
   \converter latex pdf2 "pdflatex $$i" "latex"

Similarly, to take your own particular example, "gsview" could reasonably
be defined as a viewer of "ps" format files, again where "ps" format files
are generated by a conversion process. Here
   \converter dvi ps "dvips -o $$o $$i" ""

Note that the conversion commands defined here do not tell LyX *where* to
look for a given executable. They tell LyX only *what* to look for. The
\path_prefix concept is the other half of the puzzle.

> Perhaps there are some benefits to using the PATH in addition
> to checking the registry, but they do not appear to me to be
> overwhelmingly obvious, sufficient to glaringly refute the inability
> to provide/add confirming evidence to the registry report that I've
> mentioned above.

LyX doesn't use the registry at all. LyX uses only the PATH environment
variable. That's not likely to change any time soon, although there *are*
plans to rewrite the LyX/Resources/lyx/configure script as a python script
(currently it's a Bourne shell script) that is capable of searching the
Registry. Ie, functionality currently in the Windows Installer and
therefore available only when you *install* LyX will be moved into the
configure script so that it's available when you *reconfigure* LyX.

> I think checking for the existence of the relevant executable on
> the hard drive with the registry, provides a lot more confirming
> evidence than the PATH, which purposely or accidentally may
> not have been written to during a LyX helper program installation.
> Though of course it would have a time trade-off.

Nonsense. Even Microsoft think that the registry was ultimately an error.
Moreover, the PATH concept works in a platform independent way on Windows,
Unix and Mac whereas the registry does not. 

> Quoting that poem -- I'm beginning to suspect you have Scot ancestry,

I do, but not on the side where the Angus comes from.


Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-13 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> On my computer, the contents of \path_prefix are a subset of the
> Windows PATH environment variable because I've manually added
> them. Checking the contents of PATH and comparing it to LyX's
> \path_prefix to determine accuracy seems awfully smart, like AI.

The installer searches the Registry in various ways in order to find the
whereabouts of sh.exe, gswinc.exe, python.exe, etc. It's blindingly
obvious that it should first ascertain whether these things are already in
the PATH. Never mind ;-)

>> Within LyX we prepend the contents of \path_prefix to the global PATH,
>> creating an augmented PATH for this process and all of its children
>> (spawned processes).
> By global PATH, do you mean Windows PATH is global and
> \path_prefix is local? Or that there is a LyX global path variable?

Think of an operating system as a tree of processes. Let's say that LyX is
launched from a cmd.exe terminal. This terminal is the parent to the
spawned LyX process. A *copy* of all environment variables visible to
cmd.exe is made available to the LyX process. This LyX process can modify
these environment variables as it sees fit, but won't alter the
environment variables (or their contents) that are visible to the parent,
cmd.exe process. Should the LyX process spawn its own child processes
(launching gswinc.exe, for example), then these child processes have
access to a *copy* of the environment variables available to LyX *at the
moment that the child was spawned*.

Thus, we use the lyxrc.defaults \path_prefix string to modify the local
copy of the PATH environment variable available to the LyX process.

> This is where I became confused.

Makes sense now?

> Enrico: Yes, I noticed it. Anyway, I always edit the configure script
> after
 installation to trim \path_prefix because I already have everything
 needed in my path.
> SH: Isn't he referring to his Windows PATH environment variable?

Yes. He means he's tweaked this from the Start menu. Any process that's
subsequently spawned will have access to a copy of the WindowsOS process'
environment variables.
> If you can trim some items of the \path_prefix content because
> "everything needed" is already in the Windows PATH, why can't
> you trim all the items in \path_prefix if you have all of the contents
> of \path_prefix already included in your Windows PATH variable?

You can. If LyX can find gswinc.exe already there's no need for
\path_prefix to tell it where gswinc.exe is.
> I questioned his statement because I thought LyX relied on its own
> \path_prefix and was independent of the Windows PATH for operation
> of LyX function, not that LyX is independent of an OS, or a key part of
> it. What does "... I already have everything needed in my path" mean?

Is this question now answered?

>> What I propose to do is to add some text to the final screen of the
>> Installer:
[snip text...]

> This looks good. By tune automatically, do you mean if the user has
> exercised the option to choose an alternate installation directory?

That's exactly what I mean.

> The best laid plans of mice and men...,
> Stephen

The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

Still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!


Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-13 Thread Angus Leeming
Enrico Forestieri wrote:

> Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Formally, that's the PATH environment variable. To be honest, I don't
>> think that I check the contents of this variable when generating the
>> contents of \path_prefix. Clearly I should have
> Angus, you did a wonderful job. I saw people which started using lyx on
> windows only because now it was easily installable.
> However, I always wondered why in your installer you did not simply check
> for the existence of a command in the path before asking to install a
> package, instead of always relying on the registry.
> I suppose this is a limitation of that NSIS thing...

I don't think I can blame NSIS although I'd rather have my teeth pulled out
than use their scripting language.

I was probably behaving like a rabbit in front of an oncoming car when I
wrote the LyX installer; the blazing headlights (aka the registry) were so
new and frightening that I forgot about everything else. Result? Squashed


Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-13 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: "Enrico Forestieri"
>  Sent: Monday,
> December 12, 2005 5:17 PM Subject: Re: There's Something About
> Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]
>>> because I think it is very likely that if you examine your 1.3.7pre5
>>> configure file you'll see that the Path preview section is inflated
>>> by a ~two hundred characters.
>> Yes, I noticed it. Anyway, I always edit the configure script after
>> installation to trim \path_prefix because I already have everything
>> needed in my path.
> You mean your Windows path? I keep learning. I knew that
> LyX would work with Path prefix alone, without any Lyx helper
> programs in the Windows path, but I didn't know that one could
> trim the path_prefix because it was already handled in the
> Windows path.

Formally, that's the PATH environment variable. To be honest, I don't think
that I check the contents of this variable when generating the contents of
\path_prefix. Clearly I should have ;-)

Within LyX we prepend the contents of \path_prefix to the global PATH,
creating an augmented PATH for this process and all of its children
(spawned processes).

>> Why not simply get an archive (zip, tar, whatever) of the 1.3.7pre5 LyX
>> directory and unpack it over a 1.3.6 installation? Thereafter, one could
>> simply edit the configure script to adjust \path_prefix, run "sh
>> configure"
>> and be done.

> Well, maybe that would work, I wonder what Angus thinks? Since
> I am only a computer technician rather than a developer, I can't
> fully grasp all the ramifications of this approach; I always test,
> test...

That's essentially what the Installer does. There's no magic to it.

So, yes, it'll work.

What I propose to do is to add some text to the final screen of the

We know that sometimes this Installer fails to run the command
   sh configure
from the
   C:/Program Files/LyX/Resources/lyx
(I'll tune this automatically ;-)
directory. As a result various data files used by LyX are not generated and
lyx.exe will fail to run successfully.

If you find that the files lyxrc.defaults and textclass.lst in the above
directory do not exist or have zero size, then you should open up an MSYS
or CMD terminal and run the above command from the above directory.

One final note: you'll find a '\path_prefix' entry in lyxrc.defaults. It's
contents are prepended to the PATH environment variable visible to lyx.exe
and it's used to find the various binaries used by LyX (sh.exe,
gswinc.exe, python.exe, etc). It's been reported that sometimes the
Installer generates multiple redundant instances of individual entries in
'\path_prefix'. Feel free to edit manually.

Feel free to act as editor ;-)

Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-12 Thread Angus Leeming
Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Angus, what about a configure.bat script?

Y'know, sometimes the simplest ideas are the best ;-)

However, don't we need admin privileges to generate files in C:\Program
Files\LyX\Resources\lyx ?


Re: There's Something About Textclass.lst [WinXP, installing into]

2005-12-12 Thread Angus Leeming
Tariq Kamal wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm a relatively new user to LyX (installed it a couple of months ago
> in my laptop, and I've barely scratched the surface of its
> functionality). As it was, I figured that installing LyX into my work
> system would be a good idea. So I downloaded the
> LyXWin137preComplete-0-51.exe package for installation on my work PC
> (which runs Windows XP), and figured that it would not take more than
> half an hour to install, tops.
> In retrospect, using the 1.37 release might have been a mistake. The
> first attempt, I ended up getting this message:
> "LyX wasn't able to find any layout description!
> Check the contents of the file "textclass.lst"
> Sorry, has to exit :-("
> Right. So I checked textclass.lst, and this is what I saw:
> ## This file declares layouts and their associated definition files.
> ## It has been automatically generated by configure
> ## Use "Options/Reconfigure" if you need to update it after a
> ## configuration change. Run ./configure manually to update the
> ## system wide version of this file.
> That's it. Nothing else. The other LST file, packages.lst, is at 0
> bytes. I'm guessing that this isn't the normal state of affairs.
> This situation has persisted, even after I did the following things:

>From an MSYS terminal window (maybe even a cmd.exe one for all I know):

cd "C:/Program Files/LyX/Resources/lyx"
/sh.exe configure

That will generate the missing files.


Re: Prerelease of LyX 1.3.7_5 for Windows

2005-12-09 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:

> The installation fails, saying it can't run the configure script.

You *did* uninstall LyX 1.3.6 before trying to install the new version?

Anyway, you can always fix the breakage by hand by typing

  cd "C:/Program Files/LyX/Resources/lyx"
  sh.exe configure

In an MSYS terminal. Probably also in a cmd.exe terminal too.

Lets take this over to lyx-devel.


Re: WinInstaller 0.51

2005-12-08 Thread Angus Leeming
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
>>> The file in question is a Python script that is processed by python.exe
>>> on the fly. No compilation necessary.

>> Ok sorry for my ignorance of how to use the diff.

No need to apologise. Thanks for testing it out.

>> I have now made the changes and it does indeed solve the problem.
>> Instant Preview now works with the installation at C:\Program Files\Lyx
>> (the default)



Re: Forget Windows

2005-12-08 Thread Angus Leeming
Helge Hafting wrote:
>>| $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-frontend=qt --with-gnu-ld
>>| --with-qt-includes=/usr/include/qt3 --disable-debug
>>| --disable-concept-checks --enable-optimization=-O2

>>You should use '--disable-stdlib-debug' as well. that is a real time
>>consumer, nice when developing but not else.

> So --disable-stdlib-debug is not implied by --disable-debug?

You'd imagine so, but no.

All --enable-debug does is add '-g ' to CFLAGS and to CXXFLAGS whilst
--enable-stdlib-debug adds the preprocessor commands

#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG 1

to config.h. Boy, do these two have a big effect on performance! Without
them, LyX is literally an order of magnitude faster. At least, it is for
me ;-)


Re: WinInstaller 0.51

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
> Stephen Harris wrote:
>> If this is a problem with Ghostscript, rather than paths with spaces, or
>> LyX, why did "gswin32.exe" work? Was Ghostscript
>> used to create

> Hmmm good point. Wherever Lyx is the temp directory still has paths with
> spaces and so still has spaces in its path.
> Maybe it is something to do with the path to GS having spaces in this
> case but we have stumbled across another problem with GS which is not
> related.
> I honestly couldnt say.

Me neither. However, there *is* a problem with the script
when the path to the executable contains spaces. Perhaps you could see if
the attached patch fixes things?

AngusIndex: lib/scripts/
RCS file: /usr/local/lyx/cvsroot/lyx-devel/lib/scripts/Attic/,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -p -r1.1.2.7
--- lib/scripts/	16 Jun 2005 13:15:11 -
+++ lib/scripts/	8 Dec 2005 00:24:45 -
@@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ def find_exe(candidates, path):
 full_path = os.path.join(directory, prog)
 if os.access(full_path, os.X_OK):
-return full_path
+# The thing is in the PATH already (or we wouldn't
+# have found it). Return just the basename to avoid
+# problems when the path to the executable contains
+# spaces.
+return os.path.basename(full_path)
 return None

Re: [announce] fifth release of the LyXWinInstaller

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
On Wednesday 07 December 2005 22:05, Stephen Harris wrote:
> > Stephen, just to clear up any confusion: LyX/Win doesn't use aspell.exe
> > at all. It is linked statically against libaspell.a

> Now I am confused. I have a Aspell053Setup.exe and a en dictionary
> .exe. I thought these were required by LyX? There is no libaspell* on
> this #1 computer. Did it come with LyX?

LyX/Win doesn't use aspell.exe at all. It is linked statically against 

That is, when I compile LyX, I bundle the contents of libaspell.a on my 
machine into lyx.exe. That's part of the reason why Aspell must be installed 
at C:\Aspell on *your* machine because, whilst the library and all its 
functions are parcelled up inside of lyx.exe, so are the hard-coded paths to 
the external resource files that this library needs to actually operate 
successfully. Things like the dictionary, for example.

It *is* possible to overcome this C:\Aspell requirement with the current 
lyx.exe, but it's not straightforward. You need to define an environment 
variable that informs Aspell where to find its resource files. Google on 
'aspell "environment variable"' for the hairy details.

Longer term, we (the LyX devels) should aim to do this (define the location of 
Aspell resource files) programmatically by passing the path to these resource 
files to some Aspell function that we can call from the main lyx routines. 
(Presumably, this path would be stored in your preferences file.)

Once we achieve this "passing the path" solution we can probably investigate 
whether we need to link lyx.exe statically with libaspell or whether we can 
use an aspell.dll that lives separately to lyx.exe and which can, therefore, 
be upgraded on your machine independently to any lyx.exe upgrade.

As for your question, "did I need to compile Aspell?", I think that the answer 
is "no". I *think that you just need the contents of C:\Aspell\data and C:
\Aspell\dict which, on my machine, contain:

ASCII.dat   cp1256.dat  iso8859-13.dat  iso8859-5.dat  koi8-r.dat
cp1250.dat  cp1257.dat  iso8859-14.dat  iso8859-6.dat  koi8-u.dat
cp1251.dat  cp1258.dat  iso8859-15.dat  iso8859-7.dat  spell
cp1252.dat  dvorak.kbd  iso8859-1.dat   iso8859-8.dat  split.kbd
cp1253.dat  en.dat  iso8859-2.dat   iso8859-9.dat  standard.kbd
cp1254.dat  en_phonet.dat   iso8859-3.dat   ispell viscii.dat
cp1255.dat  iso8859-10.dat  iso8859-4.dat   koi8-f.dat

american-w-accents.alias  en_CA-only.rws en.multi
british.alias en_CA-w-accents.multi  en-only.rws
british-w-accents.alias   en_GB.multien_US.multi
canadian.aliasen_GB-only.rws en_US-only.rws
canadian-w-accents.alias  en_GB-w-accents.multi  en_US-w-accents.multi

Are things clearer now?

If they are, and if you discover that what I've written is actually correct, 
perhaps you might like to shove the contents of this mail onto the wiki to 
help head off any future confusions.


Re: [announce] fifth release of the LyXWinInstaller

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> * Latest Version: GNU Aspell 0.60.4 (Released October, 2005)

> I belong to the Aspell mailing list and heard about .60 awhile ago.
> There was a reference to contacting someone for a .exe copy rather
> than general repository availability. So I downloaded it and built
> with Win XP and Cygwin. Also the dictionary, which addresses
> some of Bo's concerns in the README, is partially quoted below.

Stephen, just to clear up any confusion: LyX/Win doesn't use aspell.exe at
all. It is linked statically against libaspell.a


Re: WinInstaller 0.51

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
Geoffrey Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Another message I do seem to get is this-
>   Consider installing the PyWin extension modules if you're
>   irritated by windows appearing briefly
> I am not sure whether this is important

This is a message produced by the preview generation script itself which uses
some external Windows (as opposed to Console) apps to perform one or more steps
in the conversion chain. Windows apps have a window. This window may appear on
screen briefly whilst the conversion is being performed, which may annoy you a

There's a work around that makes use of the PyWin Python modules. Hence the


Re: LyX wiki has been upgraded

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Seriously speaking though, you're approaching the limit of what's 
> currently feasible now. I don't think this can be enabled, pmwiki isn't 
> "recursive" enough.

Greedy ol' me, huh? ;-)

> A third solution is to simply not use footnote markup.. If you only have 
> one or two footnotes, you could simply use a normal link like this.
>   Bla bla bla'^[[{$Name}#note1 -> 1]]^' bla bla
>   :Note 1 [[#anchor1]]: Bla bla bla bla

I went with this one in the end. Not very pretty, but seems to do the job.


Re: LyX wiki has been upgraded

2005-12-07 Thread Angus Leeming
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Also in "Note for users of Windows 98", how do I make the footnote?
>> Indeed, is there a clean and elegant way to make a footnote
>> spanning several paragraphs?

> I've enabled footnotes now, see
> for an illustration/example.

Thanks, Christian. One more request ;-)

My footnote on would ideally
have the markup:

blah blah blah
: : some quote
blah blah blah

However, the ": :" quoting markup appears to be disabled inside
of footnotes. Could you enable it?


Re: LyX wiki has been upgraded

2005-12-06 Thread Angus Leeming
Angus Leeming wrote:

>> Hi
>> This is a warning^H^H^H^H^H^H^H blurb that I just finally upgraded the
>> wiki to the new wiki engine. I've eventually realised that I'm unable to
>> guarantee a perfectly smooth transition, so instead I'll just plunge in
>> and deal with any problems as they occur and get the thing over with...
> Hi, Christian.
> See, for example,
> what should we do with all those "approve sites" hyperlinks?

Also in "Note for users of Windows 98", how do I make the footnote? Indeed,
is there a clean and elegant way to make a footnote spanning several


Re: LyX wiki has been upgraded

2005-12-06 Thread Angus Leeming

> Hi
> This is a warning^H^H^H^H^H^H^H blurb that I just finally upgraded the
> wiki to the new wiki engine. I've eventually realised that I'm unable to
> guarantee a perfectly smooth transition, so instead I'll just plunge in
> and deal with any problems as they occur and get the thing over with...

Hi, Christian.

See, for example,
what should we do with all those "approve sites" hyperlinks?


Re: increase size of figure and table captions

2005-12-05 Thread Angus Leeming
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> _/ On Mon 05 Dec 2005 03:41:04 GMT, [Matthew.Kelly] wrote : \_
>> Hi all,
>> I apologise that this is a trivial question that would probably be
>> answered with just a little digging.
>> One of the examiners of my thesis decided that the figure and table
>> captions were too small, so I was wondering what the best way of
>> making them bigger. Currently they are the same font size as the
>> text. If there is no easy way I will just spend the same time making
>> up a reason that this is the appropriate size for captions.
>> Matthew
> Hi,
> Captions  should usually be smaller than standard text and most 
> templates enforce this. Yet, anyone who makes a big fuss over it is most
> likely dis- tracted by unimportant detail. Either way, the naive
> solution:
> * Highlight the caption text
> * Go to the Layout menu item
> * Open the "Character..." window
> * Change size to "Small" or "Smaller"
> * Press Apply/OK
> If  you built your document in a way whereby captions can be
> distinguished
> from  text (perhaps a float caption), then you can modify the style
> appro-
> priately  in the Preamble. LaTeX is not a strong skill of mine, so I
> can't
> give  you  a snippet of code. This rids you from the need to  change 
> many captions repeatedly with the risk of forgetting to change a few.
> Hope it helps,

A better way would be to redefine the caption environment. Herbert Voß's
tips and tricks pages at (available as
a link from too...) have all sorts of mind blowing magic.

In this particular case, I've used the following in my preamble in the

%% Set the captions to be italic
   \begin{center}\figurename\ \thefigure :\ #1\end{center}\upshape}

Adjust to suit.


Re: lyxwin136-small-04 and instant preview

2005-12-02 Thread Angus Leeming
Micha Feigin wrote:
> I think this should be possible somehow. takes as a
> second argument a scale factor. I also seem to remember a menu entry or
> settings file option that controls the scale factor but I can't seem to
> find it now.

Add a line
  \preview_scale_factor 1.8
  C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\LyX\preferences
to exactly double the existing size.


Re: change tracking

2005-12-02 Thread Angus Leeming
David M Hunter wrote:
> Angus, as a windows newbie I have managed to create a new windows Lyx
> with the tracking changes.

Well now, that's an amazing accomplishment. I'm truly impressed.

> Compilation was very lengthy


> and I used the  
> MinWG platform and method you outlined in your notes.

That's Minimal Gnu for Windows (MinGW) together with Minimal SYStem (MSYS).
Together MinGW/MSYS.

> Not familiar with making "builds" I have not made a "package" but
> created a new Lyx executable based on the stable 1.3.6 source code.

Is that BRANCH_1_3_X of the lyx-devel repository? If not, you really should
use this. Lots and lots of tiresome little bugs have been squashed.

If you're interested in the packaging, read the README, same directory
which details the steps I take to go on and package it all up. You'll be
especially interested in the script which, despite its
name, doesn't package anything but indulges in a few tricks to create a
truly useful (working) system on Windows. It transpires that "paths with
spaces" are a real pain in the LaTeX world and we must jump through a few
hoops to make things less unpleasant. That's

> I am stuck on a problem with dvipost. Dvipost is necessary to create a
> final printable document. I don't know how to compile it without errors
> on the MinGW system and I'm also foggy about where it should reside
> should I succeed in compiling it.

Compilation problems: see the bottom of this mail.

Where to put the resulting executable? MiKTeX's binaries appear to live in
Don't put the thing there because Main is for official MiKTeX stuff.
However, there's also a C:\MiKTeX\Local directory tree for your own,
unofficial additions. So

I'm not sure if you need to explicitly add this directory to your PATH for
MikTeX to find executables therein.

FWIW, here's my own personal MSYS .bashrc file (as seen from my linux box)
which tunes my MSYS environment. You could also adjust the PATH from the
Start menu.

$ cat /mnt/windowsJ/MSYS/home/angus/.bashrc
#! /bin/sh

alias ls="ls --color -F"
alias rm="rm -i"

PATH=$HOME/bin:/j/emacs-21.3/bin:$PATH; export PATH

> A few questions:
> Should I try to learn and follow your method for creating a package (is
> it the same as the windows installer package?) and in doing so would it
> solve all my problems, including the dvipost one? I ask these questions
> because things take a long time to compile.

Running will take a few seconds and its well worth doing.
Creating the Windows Installer is a useful exercise if you're going to
make this stuff available to others. You'll need to install NSIS, compile
lyx_configure.C and put the resulting lyx_configure.dll in
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\
Thereafter, building the installer is as simple as
  C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis lyx_installer.nsi

> Thanks for your time. Again, at the risk of being tiresome, I wish to
> point out that I am doing this work to try bring windows users (I am not
> a windows user) to Lyx, Linux and opensource software.

You don't need to justify yourself ;-)

You'll notice I haven't answered the dvipost questions. Mail me privately
with more info about your problems.


Re: lyxwininstall 0.4 doesn't detect my M iktex settings

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
>> Have a look at development/Win32/packaging/ to see what
>> needs to be done to build LyX using the MinGW/MSYS environment. In
>> truth, I haven't used this with 1.4 for ages because I tend to use the
>> MSVS.Net 2003 compiler (there's a .sln file in development/Win32).
>> However, it certainly used to work. (You might want to add
>> "--disable-stdlib-debug" to the options passed to the LyX configure
>> script; it speeds up LyX's execution by an order of magnitude.)

> Thank you. I have MS C++ visual?, 

Try clicking on the lyx.sln file from an explorer window then. You may need
to tweak the location of the Qt header files etc but your compilation will
be an order of magnitude faster than with g++.

> but have only used 
> Cygwin and Msys. I'm actually going to try this. Do
> you happen to know the syntax for the config --frontend qt

It's in that script as

../configure --without-x --with-included-gettext
--with-extra-prefix='${LYX_ASPELL_DIR}' --with-frontend=qt

although if you're planning on building LyX 1.4 I'd add the
--disable-stdlib-debug flag to that if I were you.


Re: lyxwin136-small-04 and instant preview

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> instant preview still does not work.
>> What is missing ?

> You need to have Python, dvips and Ghostscript installed and on your
> system command path.  Do you have all of them?  (Incidentally, Angus
> recommends the Win32all extensions for Python as well.  See

> Do you have netpbm installed?  At one time instant preview required
> pnmcrop, which is part of netpbm.  The current preview script lists it
> as optional, so I don't think it's the source of your immediate problem,
> but who knows?

Most importantly, you need the preview.sty latex package...


Re: lyxwininstall 0.4 doesn't detect my M iktex settings

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> I am not sure of the command line for the frontend for Windows.
> It is supposed to use Qt but I don't know if Qt3 is used for
> Windows and all I saw in the cvs was Qt2.

That's just a directory name thing. CVS isn't very smart when it comes to
renaming things or adding directories.

I build LyX against the QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH branch of the qtwin project.
Grab it with the cvs command:

  $ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/qtwin \

  $ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/qtwin \
checkout -r QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH qt-3

Have a look at development/Win32/packaging/ to see what
needs to be done to build LyX using the MinGW/MSYS environment. In truth,
I haven't used this with 1.4 for ages because I tend to use the MSVS.Net
2003 compiler (there's a .sln file in development/Win32). However, it
certainly used to work. (You might want to add "--disable-stdlib-debug" to
the options passed to the LyX configure script; it speeds up LyX's
execution by an order of magnitude.)


Re: lyxwininstall 0.4 doesn't detect my M iktex settings

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming
YOUNES Abdelrazak wrote:

> Hello,
> My Miktex install is very complete so I don't want to download the full
> package. The path to latex.exe is in the system wide path
> (D:\program\texmf\miktex\bin), is there anything I could do to tell the
> installer it's there? Maybe adding a registry key or something?

You should be able to add the path directly in the installer...

Ultimately, you'll find that LyX generates a file
  C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx\lyxrc.defaults
containing a '\path_prefix' entry. Mine is

\path_prefix "J:\MSYS\bin;C:\Python24;C:\MiKTeX\Main\miktex\bin;C
\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin;c:\program files\Ghostscript 8.33\gs8.33\bin;C:\Program

LyX uses this to modify the PATH environment variable that enables it to
find these various executables. You can always adjust this variable,
either by editing the file manually or by using the Edit->Preferences
dialog. This latter approach will create a user-level file
  C:\Documents and Settings\Angus\Application Data\LyX\preferences
that contains differences bwtween your preferences and the contents of

Does any of that make sense/help?

> Thanks in advance,
> Abdel.
> OT: Is there a chance that a package with lyx 1.4 is done ? I am very
> much interested in the XML DocBook capability.

No 1.4 is a work in progress, although it's making great progress at the


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Hä? "Run" a program is not just starting it. If I run LyX I want to be
> able to get a result.

Your definition of "result" is different to mine then. I want to write a
paper on my laptop. I don't need to see the thing typeset.

> This is the reason why I build the new installer! 

No, everything works for *you* already. There's no need to build a new
installer for that. You are building a new installer because you want
other people to benefit from your work. You think that you can create
something which improves on what exists currently.

That's laudable, but in my opinion you should aim to create something that
is uniformly better than the existing tool. Not better in some places and
worse in others.

>>> And what if other installers will
>>> need admin privileges too in future releases?

>> That's their problem. It's not something you should be concerned about.

> No it is my problem because my installer uses them! Angus, with all
> respect, have you ever tested my installer or looked in its code?

No and yes, in that order.

Look, with all due respect that's not the point. The point I'm trying to
get across is that your vision isn't the only one and, indeed, isn't
better or worse than, say, mine. However, if you create a flexible tool
then we all benefit. There's nothing conceptually difficult about an
installer that can do more if it has administrator privileges, nor does
such a beast have to result in much more work for you. It boils down to:

   if (is_admin)
 print "can't install image magick without admin rights"


Re: lyx can not find any description of the environment :/

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming


i looked briefly at the code in cvs and the weird thing is that if i rename
the textclass.lst file it looks like i should get a "check that the file is
installed correctly" error instead of the "check the content" one that i'm

where in hell could it be looking at?!

Assuming that you installed LyX at C:\Program Files\LyX, it's looking for 
textclass.lst in the LyX system directory:

  C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx\
or in the per-user support directory. In my case, here:
  C:\Documents and Settings\Angus\Application Data\LyX

If your textclass.lst exists in any other place, then that textclass.lst is 
part of a previous, unofficial and unsupported port of LyX to Windows, 
either by Ruurd Reitsma or by Claus Hentschel.


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

It's not the installer's business to enforce such policies.
The current installer runs without admin priviliges; so should yours.

I tried it but there were too many problems to cover all specialities of 
the third-party programs. If the user has admin privileges I can assure 
that it works on every Win2k and WinXP-installation.
And also when the user uses your installer he needs admin privileges to 
install for example the latest Perl.

* LyX 1.4 won't need Perl.
* I see heaps of complaints to the Python devs about Python 2.4 requiring 
admin priviliges. Python 2.3 and below don't.

* MSYS doesn't need admin priviliges.
* You say ImageMagick does, but ImageMagick isn't *required* to run LyX.
* There are certainly latex distributions out there that don't require 
admin priviliges. Again, you don't *need* latex installed to run LyX.

It's perfectly reasonable to tell your user that some parts of the 
installation procedure need admin rights, for reasons outside of your 
control. If the installer is run by a non-admin then restrict what gets 
installed or enable the installer to upgrade itself to admin priviliges for 
those bits (presumably requires a password dialog).

And what if other installers will

need admin privileges too in future releases?

That's their problem. It's not something you should be concerned about.


Re: Label font -- wrong encoding (+ ERT encoding)

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming

Andrei Popov wrote:

However,  I'm  at  a  loss  -- lyx-xforms appears to be fixable, while
lyx-qt  apparently  not.  How is it possible, if they're both based on
the same code?

A. The penny drops. (I start to understand.)

We rely on the frontend toolkits to supply us with the fonts we ask for. 
XForms does as we ask, but Qt occassionally lies to us. I'm hazy about the 
details but there are comments to this effect in qfont_loader.C:

You might like to drop either John Levon (who wrote this code) or Kuba Ober 
(who has used Cyrillic fonts with success in the past) a line.

  levon () movementarian ! org
  kuba () mareimbrium ! org


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-29 Thread Angus Leeming

Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Angus Leeming wrote:

You can modify the registry without admin priviliges as HKCU rather than

There are reasons that not every user is allowed to install programs. If 
you don't have admin privileges your employer knows in most cases why.

I'm afraid we're going to just have to disagree fundamentally once again, 
Uwe. It's not the installer's business to enforce such policies. The 
current installer runs without admin priviliges; so should yours.

But anyway, HKLM is needed to get all third-party programs running and 
to work together. You also need it to be able to modify or completely 
remove programs via Windows Installed Applications list.

Lots and lots of stuff can be installed by a local user. It's more effort 
on the part of the installer writer, that's all.


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming
Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> and before anything else (ex specifying directory), it says that i
>> need administrator privileges.

> Yes it requires admin privileges. This is described in the Readme-files
> and on the startpage of the installer.
> Admin privileges are necessary to assure that all thirdparty programs
> (ImageMagick etc.) can be installed and that the registry can be
> modified.

You can modify the registry without admin priviliges as HKCU rather than

If you're going to all this effort you should try and make the thing smart
too ;-) In fact, isn't that what I do already?


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming
> i just tried again running
> before anything else (ex specifying directory), it says that i need
> administrator privileges.

Not my installer. Bug reports to Uwe Stöhr please.

>> another annoying thing is the dialog boxes used by winlyx to
>> > open/save files. it's old school drive:\dir and my work laptop
>> > has that weird setup for network syncing where my home directory
>> > is a network dir (\\server\...) synced locally as My Documents.
>> > since the widget doesnt recognize shortcut links i have no way to
>> > access my home directory.
>> We use whatever the Qt toolkit gives us here I'm
>> afraid.<\shrug>
>> You might try which fixes a
>> bunch of bugs in LyX 1.3.6. I've no idea whether that'd cure this
>> particular problem.
> thx for the tip, i'll try it and complain to some qt mailing list if
> appropriate ;)

It isn't. Qt/Win Free is a fork of Trolltech's GPL-licenced Qt3/Unix
that has been hacked by volunteers to run on Windows. It's nothing to
do with Trolltech. The people to complain to are


Re: lyx on windows (and printing notes)

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming

> argh!! LyXWinInstaller requires admin privileges :/

No it doesn't. I regularly install at
   J:\Program Files\LyX
without problems. Installing to
   C:\Program Files
on WinXP certainly *does* require admin privileges.

> i managed to install it using the LyX 1.3.6 installer after
> installing minsys and python 2.3 (2.4 requires admin privileges :/)

Not our problsm then...

> i'll try to install miktex and gs tomorrow. once i've installed
> them, i can simply add the directories in the preferences and
> reconfigure?

What directories?

> another annoying thing is the dialog boxes used by winlyx to
> open/save files. it's old school drive:\dir and my work laptop has
> that weird setup for network syncing where my home directory is a
> network dir (\\server\...) synced locally as My Documents. since the
> widget doesnt recognize shortcut links i have no way to access my
> home directory.

We use whatever the Qt toolkit gives us here I'm

You might try which fixes a
bunch of bugs in LyX 1.3.6. I've no idea whether that'd cure this
particular problem.

> concerning printing notes (previous message), i'll try to see if
> it's possible to create a new flagged environment like in latex...
> do i just use ERT or is there an nicer way to do it?

I think that the best you can do is either to add stuff like:

your note contents.

to your LyX document, or to derive a new document class from
article.layout and to add a Comment environment that wraps your note
with the latex magic.


Re: orientation of .eps figures

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming
Herbert Voss wrote:

> Richard Sherman wrote:
>> Thanks for this, but it didn't do the trick. I changed the 
>> preferences
>> as you suggested, reconfigured, quit and restarted LyX,  but I'm
>> still getting rotated figures.
> try
> ps2pdf -dPrePress=/None $$i

Also note that if you're running LyX on Windows, you should use '#'
instead of '=':


Re: Re[2]: Label font -- wrong encoding (+ ERT encoding)

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming
Andrei Popov wrote:
>> I  suspect  that  this  problem  comes  down  to  a question of
>> what encoding  is  seen  by  the GUI toolkit (ru_RU.cp1251 I
>> suppose) 

> The  locale  is  ru_RU.cp1251,  and the keyboard layouts work via
> XKB, which, yes, allows to input in cp1251.

>> and  what  encoding  is  used  by  the  LyX document (depends on
>> the language settings in the Layout->>Document dialog.)

> Of  course,  the  doc  language  is  also  set to Russian 
> (encoding to cp1251),  and  in  the  encodings file in my
> ~/.lyx I have also mapped Russian  to  cp1251, otherwise it
> wouldn't work

Then you've exhausted my limited knowledge on the subject. Sorry. You
might search the archives for "Kuba Ober". He's got things to work
with Cyrillic encodings in the past I believe.

> (by the way, the value of  this  file  is not 
> mentioned in the documentation anywhere, and it should, imho :)

>>> 1.  Do labels account as popups, and should the above settings
>>> have worked in principle? If not, how can I explicitly set the
>>> font used for labels?

>> You can't. I think that we don't do anything very clever when
>> taking the content from the LyX screen and passing it to the GUI
>> library that displays the string in a dialog.

> So I take it it's a LyX problem, not a toolkit-related one,
> and LyX is just  programmed this way, then?

Sort of. The problem is really that the frontend toolkits (at least Qt
and Gtk) are unicode-aware and LyX's core isn't yet. If it were then
all these encoding problems would just dissapear. Lars' big plan for
the 1.5 series is a unicoded LyX.
> Still, is it possible that the GTK frontend will be without this
> flaw?

If someone were to write the clever code for the Gtk frontend,
then yes. Otherwise, it'll behave exactly like the other frontends in
this regard.<\shrug>

(All this presumes that I know what I'm talking about of course ;-))

>> Qt uses the external qconfig tool to control such things in a
> ^^^
>> consistent way for all Qt apps.
> qtconfig, probably?

Right. Probably.

>> I  don't  think it's much consolation, but I think that we've
>> always had problems mixing encodings like this.

> Well, thanks for the explanation, this problem is a bit annoying,
> but it's definitely not enough to put me away from LyX/LaTeX =))

> What  really _is_ annoying, is that I have a similar problem with
> ERT. This  time,  I  not  only see latin1-garbage in rectangular
> boxes that represent ERTs with Russian in it, I also can't see
> Russian when I try _inputting_  it  into  the box. It shows again
> as latin1. So I have to type blind and hope for the best.

Sorry, I don't understand. You input ERT on the LyX screen, no?
Oh, you mean in the preamble? (Layout->Documents dialog)

> Angus, maybe it's possible to set the font for ERT, again,
> explicitly?

> Or, would it be possible to easily patch LyX so that an encoding of
> my choice could be specified and hardcoded into labels and ERTs??

The best way to fix a problem is to fix it yourself. You're definitely
more of an expert in these things than I am. (Typically English: I
speak English badly and anything else not at all.)

> I'm no programmer at all, but if it's a matter of replacing
> "some_encoding" with "my_encoding" in some *.h file, I'd giev it a
> try, at least for the sake of ERTs.

Unfortunately, encoding stuff tends to be quite difficult to get


Re: Label font -- wrong encoding

2005-11-28 Thread Angus Leeming
Andrei Popov wrote:

> Hello All.
> I'm writing a document in Russian using LyX and have
> the following problem: My labels that contain Russian
> characters are shown not with cp1251 like they're supposed
> to, but with iso-8859-1 (aka latin1). This is both
> with QT and Xforms frontends.

Hi, Andrei.

I suspect that this problem comes down to a question of what encoding
is seen by the GUI toolkit (ru_RU.cp1251 I suppose) and what encoding
is used by the LyX document (depends on the language settings in the
Layout->Document dialog.)

I suspect that we're not very clever at changing the string in one
8bit encoding to another 8bit encoding.

> The wrong encoding is shown in the rectangular box
> that represents a label and can be opened to edit the
> label.
> The dvi/pdf files output fine, it's just an annoying
> aesthetic issue.
> Now, with lyx-qt I can set the screen fonts only, which
> is clearly not what I want. With xforms, we have some
> additional options, like Menu Font and Popup Font,
> and even Encoding for them. I set them all to valid
> fonts that contain the cp1251 encoding, and set the
> Encoding field to "cp1251" or "microsoft-cp1251" --
> and all to no avail. The labels are still shown wrong.
> Questions:
> 1. Do labels account as popups, and should the above
> settings have worked in principle? If not, how can
> I explicitly set the font used for labels?

You can't. I think that we don't do anything very clever when taking
the content from the LyX screen and passing it to the GUI library
that displays the string in a dialog.

> 2. I noticed that xforms settings like "Menu/Popup
> Font" and "Encoding" go into my .lyxrc, which is used
> by both qt and xforms frontends. Why doesn't lyx-qt
> have the same font and encoding options as lyx-xforms?
> is it smarter in any way? Is lyx-qt actually _using_
> these additional settings?

No, it's not. These things are used only by the xforms frontend. Qt
uses the external qconfig tool to control such things in a consistent
way for all Qt apps.

> Thanks in advance for any pointers.
> PS: I think anyone who's using any encoding other than
> pure iso-8859-1 can try and input some his/her
> native-language-specific-chars 
> in labels, and see if the label now shows garbage.
> I mean, it doesn't matter if it's Russian, Belarusian,
> Polish, Ukrainian or Hungarian or any other eastern
> European language.

I don't think it's much consolation, but I think that we've always had
problems mixing encodings like this.

> WBR, Andrei Popov

Re: Help Math on screen Symbols are shown incorrect

2005-11-27 Thread Angus Leeming

Alexander Gahr wrote:
Please i ask this question now a second time, because nobody replayed  
to my first mail.
Everything seemed to work fine but after installing a new latex  
package, everytime i write a

math symbol they all appear wrong.

If i try to write a Sum Sign with \sum there appears a blue P par  example.

In the final PDF everything is right again.

Please help i can't write formulas in LYx anymore.


Mailing list archives are an amazing resource...

Try Item 6:
  Re: Math fonts and Ubuntu  lyx-users Rex Dieter


Re: Lyx and language depended characters / A Unicode Problem?

2005-11-27 Thread Angus Leeming

. wrote:

can you give me a hint, how can I make that X-windows send the key-events
in latin-charset to lyx? (And not in utf-8 like now)

Start LyX as
$ LANG=de_DE lyx

LyX 1.4 will do the necessary magic for you.

I have the latest lyx-version I can find: 1.3.6. Also the website ( 
says that the actuell version is 1.3.6. 

But I tried your suggestion with the version 1.3.6 and it failed :-( I still 
get that garbage if I press any non english-sign button...

- Do you really mention Lyx 1.4 or just a small mistake during writing?

No, I really mentioned it. I meant the comment to mean that the problem is 
fixed somewhat in the current development version of LyX and will be part 
of LyX 1.4 when it is released.

Sorry for the confusion,

- Has anybody out there other suggestions?? (I am still with hope...)
Ciao, Henning

Re: printing with notes

2005-11-27 Thread Angus Leeming


notes seem like a nice feature but can you print them?

Note in LyX 1.3.x. You will be able to in LyX 1.4. See


Re: bug: bizarre thing happened after editing prefs.

2005-11-27 Thread Angus Leeming

Martin A. Hansen wrote:

I edited prefs to alter print->latex->papersize to a4.

then I saved the prefs - and now look what my _english_ document looks like!

Try resetting the screen fonts (also from the preferences document.) First 
however, have a look at the $HOME/.lyx/preferences file. It should be 
obvious what's gone wrong. (That's C:\Documents and 
Settings\Martin\Application Data\LyX\preferences on Windows.)


Re: Lyx and language depended characters / A Unicode Problem?

2005-11-27 Thread Angus Leeming

. wrote:

Thanks for the first answers,

Correct, but this shouldn't be necessary as lyx usually have no problems
with ö or most of the other latin non-ascii characters.
[..]  Lyx works with various latin encodings such as
iso8859-1, unicode support is planned for version 1.5.

can you give me a hint, how can I make that X-windows send the key-events in 
latin-charset to lyx? (And not in utf-8 like now)

Start LyX as
$ LANG=de_DE lyx

LyX 1.4 will do the necessary magic for you.


Re: change tracking

2005-11-25 Thread Angus Leeming

David M Hunter wrote:


Yesterday I applied the tracking changes patch to my Lyx on my Linux box 
and the tracking works ok with a few caveats.

However I work with a colleague who uses word to write documents and he 
might be convinced to use lyx if tracking were implemented.

Is it possible to apply the tracking change to the windows lyx version 
(he uses windows) or will it be necessary to wait for version 1.4?

Sure. The source for linux and for Windows is identical, so if the patch 
can be applied on linux it can also be applied on Windows. Building takes a 
while but the scripts in development/Win32/packaging should automate the 


for how I go about packaging LyX 1.3.x on Windows.


Re: Quality of figures

2005-11-24 Thread Angus Leeming
Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> i am totally in love with inkscape, which is the coolest application next
> to lyx. inkscape needs to be mentioned in the wiki and in the lyx docs
> (which endorses xfig - and xfig is crap compared to inkscape!).

Oh, xfig is good for some things. Eg, gnuplot graphs can be exported to
xfig and tweaked so that the text is typeset by LaTeX.

On the subject of the wiki, feel free...


Re: Quality of figures

2005-11-24 Thread Angus Leeming
Bonhôte, André wrote:
> I have a PNG which I have converted to .eps using Photoshop (Mac). I
> set it as background image using eso-pic and graphicx. Now,
> everything looks fine, seen from far. But zooming in, the background
> image looks like a badly compressed jpeg, like 60% quality. I have
> tested several things:
> 1 - changing the postscript driver in Layout=>Document=>Packages
> 2 - inserting an eps as normal graphic (Insert=>Graphics...)
> 3 - inserting the original PNG with Insert=>Graphics...
> Every time the same result. I am sure there's a way to increase the
> quality. The text quality is excellent.

Why are you surprised? PNG is a bitmap format, so of course things look
pixelated if you zoom in. The only real way to solve your problem is to
create a vector graphics image. There are some really intuitive svg
editors out there...


Re: Am I shut out because of my windows flavour??

2005-11-22 Thread Angus Leeming
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> On Tue 22 Nov 2005 00:30:59 GMT, [Brian Lunergan] wrote:
>> Evening all:
>> I have been reading the material on LyX136 and I've got a concern over
>> one of the listed bugs. It suggests Win98 and Lyx don't get along. I use
>> Win98se on an 800mhz AMD machine, and do my downloading through a 56k
>> dialup connection. Am I shut out from using LyX, or have I misread the
>> notes?

>> It seems puzzling when MiKTeX and some of the other required software do
>> give the impression that they get along with Win98 just fine.

>> Any thoughts or opinions??

> For  several  years I have been using LyX ~1.3.4 on a Windows  98 
> (Second Edition)  laptop with 32MB of RAM and a 400mhz AMD processor.
> Neither LyX nor MikTeX have ever given me a hard time. Compilation time
> was decent and LyX was rather stable and responsive.

Hi, Brian. Hi, Roy.

It's true that we have had some problems with LyX 1.3.6 on Win98, because I
introduced the use of a couple of system functions that exist only on
later versions of Windows. With the help of Luis Rivera, things now appear
to work reasonably well on Win98 also. See

If you hold off for a day or so, I'll upload the latest and greatest
version which I compiled on Sunday.

LyX's support for Win98 is now limited only by Qt/WinFree's support for
Win98. (Earlier, unofficial releases of LyX use an official,
non-commercial release of the Qt toolkit from Trolltech which we are
unable to use for various reasons.) Luis reports that everything is
working perfectly for him but, as always, your mileage may vary.

> If  you  experience trouble with installation of version 1.3.6, I 
> suggest you fall back to older versions. It is more or less guaranteed
> to work. I should point out that I was using the unsupported Windows
> port of LyX (was the  author's  name Klaus?).

If you were using the Cygwin port, it was Claus Hentschel. If you were
using the native Windows port, it was Ruurd Reitsma. Both ports have now
been folded into the official release 1.3.6.

> I installed it on other Windows machines and all was successful.
> Hope it helps,
> Roy


Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-21 Thread Angus Leeming
Jose' Matos wrote:

> On Monday 21 November 2005 17:26, Helge Hafting wrote:
>> Sure, people insist on ascii/unicode email with no formatting.
>> I can write justified email in html, but html is usually very
>> unpopular on open-source lists due to all the people using
>> non-html capable mailreaders.
>   That is not the point and most of the people use capable html readers.
>   Even most of the text based programs are html capable. I can found
>   several of the reasons here:

I think that the *real* point is that this is a religious issue. If you
write to an email list asking for help yet use html then you are likely to
be ignored by those who have taken the religious position that html email
is evil. Since this religion is followed by a very large percentage of
Open Source developers, you're removing many of those best able to answer
your question from your pool of answerers. It sort of defeats your purpose
for writing in the first place --- to ask for help.

The most coherent reason I've found to justify this religion is that html
email totally screws up many mail archiving softwares. Maybe that's a
reason to improve these softwares, but that doesn't really help us now.
Not posting html is today's solution.

Having said that, who said that religions need to be coherent?


Re: LyX function for German hard S?

2005-11-21 Thread Angus Leeming
Stefano Franchi wrote:

>> However, in the main LyX window, we need to interpret each and every
>> key press and so must generate the std::string from these key presses.
>> We can't leave things to Qt. Our own, home grown key handling code is
>> less sophisticated than Qt's, but crucially for us, we have total
>> control over it to do lots of other stuff.

> That makes sense. Now I know why the behavior is different

An Italian living in New Zealand and spelling in American. What is the
Commonwealth coming to ;-)

> ---I suppose there must be something wrong with my setup, then, if the
> compose key works in QT but doesn't in LyX. Will wait for the next
> release and hope for the best, but thanks for the explanation.

There's also some strange nonsense about an interaction between our key
handling and some far eastern multibyte input method that is compiled into
some Qt distributions. Hazy about the details; ask José ;-)


Re: LyX function for German hard S?

2005-11-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Stefano Franchi wrote:
> I still don't understand why
> I can get ß in the minibuffer (with, on my Mac, option-s) and not in
> the main window,  but I can live in blissful ignorance for now.

Because we leave it to the Qt toolkit to interpret your key presses when in
the minibuffer and then deal with the result of those key presses (some
character in an internal Qt encoding. Let's call that encoding "unicode").
Thereafter, we translate this unicode-encoded character into one encoded
in the local 8 bit encoding that you use in the main, LyX window. The code
looks something like:

QString const data_from_minibuffer = ...;
std::string const data_in_local_8_bit_encoding =

where fromqstr() is a function that performs the magical transformation.
The LyX core deals with this std::strings, not with QString objects.

However, in the main LyX window, we need to interpret each and every key
press and so must generate the std::string from these key presses. We
can't leave things to Qt. Our own, home grown key handling code is less
sophisticated than Qt's, but crucially for us, we have total control over
it to do lots of other stuff.


Re: LyX function for German hard S?

2005-11-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Stefano Franchi wrote:

> My keyboard is acting strangely again, and I need to use the minibuffer
> to input accented characters and similia. But I can't remember the
> function needed to input the German hard-S. Can anyone help? Thanks.
> Stefano

Hi, Stefano.

The latex command is \ss{}, no? There's no native support for this in LyX.
Our German developers have always been happy enough with a functioning
keyboard or compose key (Compose-s-s here gives ß).


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-12 Thread Angus Leeming
Andre Poenitz wrote:
> GUII had its time when it came to separating kernel and GUI, and when
> there were enough people actually working on LyX. Nowadays it's more
> of a hindrance than a help and I'd really appreciate a move to select
> a single prefered toolkit.

Hear hear!


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-09 Thread Angus Leeming
Helge Hafting wrote:
> Still, I really liked the way lyx 1.3 starts in less than a second. 
> Lyx 1.4 needs 5 seconds to start, even with no document and
> debugging turned off.

You are probably compiling with g++'s debug iterators. Try recompiling
having configured with --disable-stdlib-debug and things should be an
order of magnitude faster.


Re: use lyxserver to set branch active

2005-11-09 Thread Angus Leeming
Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) wrote:
> I have a and .lyxpipe.out but how can I now set a branch
> to active from the unix command prompt? Are there any examples on
> how to do this?
> If not, is it possible to use an external file to "use" to set the
> status of the branches in an opened lyxdocument.

I don't think you can "fine tune" stuff like this. I had a pipe dream
(bad pun) to have an EXPORT_INSET lfun or somesuch that would post
the same info that is posted to the dialog when it's displayed, only
this info would go to the lyxserver. You'd then be able to madify as
you see fit and post it back with an APPLY_INSET lfun. It's still a
great idea, but it's implementation is up to (a collective) you.


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-09 Thread Angus Leeming
Gour wrote:
> I pulled from the cvs yesterday and it does not compile.
> What is preferred method to report things: dev-list or bugzilla?

Bugzilla, but discuss it first on lyx-devel. It's probably something
trivial on your side.

> (I had negative experience with bugzilla reporting a dead-keys bug
> which was not confirmed almost one year, and dev-list has too much
> traffic for occasional reporting.)

Use the gmane news interface then. You can read and post from


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Angus Leeming
William F. Adams wrote:
>> For those interested in such stats, the whole LyX source tree
>> (neglecting non-Qt frontend code) comprises 970 files and 170,000
>> lines of code. The thing is *big* and doesn't need to get any bigger.
> I thought that the whole point to GUI-Independence was that it would be
> possible to plug-in other front-ends w/o negatively impacting the
> back-end code?

Right. It is. But who's going to write and maintain the 27000 lines of
frontend code for the frontend of your choice?

>> Most modern toolkits have unicode support. So what? The Qt frontend
>> has native unicode support and works today.
> Not on Mac OS X in any way I can fathom.

Sorry, I meant that the Qt *toolkit* has unicode support. LyX itself uses
plain ol' char to store single-byte characters. That's slated to change in
the 1.5 development series.

> I'll try to resubscribe and see if I can help out. Short version is
> it'd be ideal if there were a cross-platform version of XeTeX
> ( available now to make use of

The first thing to do will of course be to see if a unicode LyX can get a
unicode-aware latex to run happily with unicode data. In the real world of
course, we'll have to interact with latex-es that know as much about
unicode as my granny.


Re: Re[2]: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Angus Leeming

> Dear All,
> Ingar>> As a translator I have to say that the number of toolkits
> Ingar>> increase the amount of work for the translators as well.
> Ingar>> Different toolsets have different ways to specify shortcuts and
> Ingar>> each have to be translated manually.
> JML> Note we could make an effort to change this: use the &shortcut
> JML> notation everywhere and avoid gratuitous differences between
> JML> frontends.
> Is it possible to create a translation code internally, to handle the
> differences in GUIs?
> I have (almost) finshed the translation of Qt strings. It would be
> useful, If I could reuse all of them, without doublecating thoose
> strings.
> Now, I have to copy/paste, change shortcut, verify, etc.
> We could make it simplier, by making a string convertion for every GUI.

It doesn't actually make anybody's life easier because the different
frontends do actually have subtly different dialogs and messages.

If you want to support only Qt, then do so. I'm firmly of the opinion that
we should ditch XForms and force the Gtk frontend to be "self sufficient".
If it survives, great, but let's not invest too much of our own time on
Angus (slightly millitant, largely retired and probably irrelevant :-))

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Angus Leeming
William F. Adams wrote:
>> I think we'd all like to see improved core functionality in future
>> releases. The last three or four years have seen increased
>> prettiness and stability and *much* nicer code but little real
>> increase in what LyX can actually do. Now that we have something
>> that's at least reasonably modern looking, let's turn the thing
>> into the world beater we always hoped it would be.

> While I sympathize here, doing a Cocoa / GNUstep front-end really
> provides a lot of nice capabilities ``for free'' 

You have a strange definition of ``for free'', William. There are 295
files in the Qt frontend totalling some 27,000 lines of code. And
that's neglecting the .ui files that define the dialog structure.

For those interested in such stats, the whole LyX source tree
(neglecting non-Qt frontend code) comprises 970 files and 170,000
lines of code. The thing is *big* and doesn't need to get any bigger.

> In particular, it'd jump-start native UTF-8 support.

Most modern toolkits have unicode support. So what? The Qt frontend
has native unicode support and works today.

Swiching the LyX internals over to unicode is the "big plan" for a 1.5
release. The fun will come in getting unicode to fit seemlessly with
LaTeX. You're something of a LaTeX expert, no? I'm sure you could
point out some of the problems. (To the lyx-devel list please.)


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> Yes, I looked at fltk and it is intended to be cross-platform.
> I've also seen some great screenshots and fltk was used for
> (and a variation is used for making special effects in movies)
> porting flpsed using Minsys rather than Cygwin on Windows.
> The result was as good as the original on Linux. I know very
> little about the other approaches, so I'm not comparing to GTK+

Yes, fltk is a very nice little toolkit. In fact, it's the successor
to the XForms library that we do use in one of our frontends.

However, before any eager soul jumps on this frontend bandwagon, I'd
like to introduce a note of caution and suggest that you really,
really shouldn't create yet another frontend to LyX. Time is limited,
there are only so many of us and another frontend would just be more
to maintain for no real benefit.

I think we'd all like to see improved core functionality in future
releases. The last three or four years have seen increased prettiness
and stability and *much* nicer code but little real increase in what
LyX can actually do. Now that we have something that's at least
reasonably modern looking, let's turn the thing into the world beater
we always hoped it would be.


Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Angus Leeming
John Coppens wrote:
>> | I'd also like to see more focus (especially) on GTK+.
>> The only way to make that happen is to get someone to do it, or do
>> it yourself. There is not really much developer attention on gtk.
> I subscribed to this list to get LyX info for Linux, not Windoze.
> Lately, way too much of this list has been dedicated to the latter.

Frankly, I don't think that's true. Looking back over the mail list
archive as far as 22 Oct, I see the list of messages below. (Sorted
alphabetically.) Most all of 'em are probelms that aren't specific to
Windows, even if there's a Windows in the title.

> Why not split the list and have m$-related discussions separately?

Because we are all one big LyX community :)

> I'd have a go at the GTK+ version, in which I am also interested,
> but I'll surely need a hand, as I am not an ace programmer. Can
> someone indicate what has to be done?

I think that the definitive answer can best be provided by John Spray
(jcs116 AT york DOT ac DOT uk). Off the top of my head, there are
still a bunch of dialogs that needed to be written and the main
screen is very fragile in the presence of accented letters.


Algorithm [7]
Beamer Compile Error
Can't see my layout environments [3]
Changing the parameters of "minipage"
Chapter with numbering but without word "chapter" - more quest [2]
Chapter* titel problem
Choice of fonts in LaTeX [3]
Creating DocBook stuff using LyX [2]
Custom layout and psmatrix from pstricks, 1.4.0pre2 [4]
Custom titlepage [5]
DPI [4]
Emacs keybindings on Windows? [2]
Faulty Latex generated by LyX ? [4]
Figure and table side by side [6]
Finding the Reason xdvi Output Disappeared [7]
Forcing LyX to retypeset included files? [4]
Forget Windows [15]
Grammar [3]
Grammar check? [3]
Graphics: jpicedt [2]
Help on article(IEEEtran) document class
Horizontal Rule [4]
How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx? [3]
How to set latex path on windows? [2]
Installing a layout [2]
Is this possible in lyx? [8]
Is this possible with lyx? [8]
Left \cases [5]
Less spacing in figure captions [4]
LyX and xypic [5]
LyX displaying problem. [2]
Lyx Figure Placement [4]
Lyx on Windows and layout error [3]
MLA style for lyx [2]
Making a LyX environment with arguments [2]
Missing def'n for \implies causes latex problem... [3]
Missing latex classes are causing bugs
Modifying the koma-letter2 lyx template [3]
Need some trouble shootingideas [2]
Newbie question: newline before \and in author environment [5]
No line break after paragraph heading [5]
Pagination problem [5]
Please confirm your message [2]
Preamble code from the layout file gets "double linespacing" [2]
Putting Other Stuff On The Title Page
Some gohst haunting my Lyx
Some wishes [2]
Symbols for a figure key - adding a new font [15]
TeXLive 2005, LyX and Windows xp [8]
Unwanted new paragraph after change to embedded math [2]
Upcoming LyX versions [2]
Updating dvi [6]
User-defined macros outside of math mode [2]
Using Curly Brackets in Text [3]
Using lyx and multibib [3]
Where can I see what lyx is doing in the background when [5]
Windows Lyx-1.3.6: Font problems in headings [4]
[announce] beta release of new LyXWin installer
\columnsep with multicol [3]
\usepackage[dvips]{geometry}: How? [3]
accented words in lyx 1.3.6 and suse 9.3 [4]
add index with its page number to table of contents [3]
all footnotes at end of book [3]
centre a graphic [3]
converter for pdf [3]
data sources [7]
do we have something like #ifdef from C in LyX? [7]
figures blank in pdf in lyx1.3.6 + OSX
itemize/enumerate in theorem environment possible in LyX ? [2]
lyx keyboard shortcuts [3]
lyx-1.4 cvs assertion crash when resetting "wrong" language
lyx-gtk compilation error [4]
mtabular environment in LyX [6]
multiinclude with beamer [3]
period after author in reference list [5]
textclass.lst [6]
unusual contents found?!?!
updating postscript file, but not eepic picture [3]
using natbib with sort&compress [4]
where did my citations go? [2]

Re: TeXLive 2005, LyX and Windows xp

2005-11-07 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
>> Stephen Harris wrote:
>>> Next I installed winlyx 1.3.6 made by Angus. It was necessary
>>> to change from default of Miktex to C:\TexLive2005\bin\win32
>> Stephen, can you find out if TeXlive has an entry in the registry so
>> that the Windows installer can check for its existence?

> I think the default install directory is C:\TexLive2005, I don't remember
> any choice for changing the directory which is called "TLroot"
> Don't know if this will help but I saw TLroot associated with the entry
> for C:\TexLive2005 in
> My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Controlset001
> \Control\Session Manager\Environment
> (also TEXMFTEMP , TEXMFCNF, but nothing latex.exe specific)

Thanks, Stephen. I'll send Uwe a link to your mail.


Re: TeXLive 2005, LyX and Windows xp

2005-11-07 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> Next I installed winlyx 1.3.6 made by Angus. It was necessary
> to change from default of Miktex to C:\TexLive2005\bin\win32

Stephen, can you find out if TeXlive has an entry in the registry so that
the Windows installer can check for its existence?


Re: Left \cases

2005-11-06 Thread Angus Leeming
Hannan Sadar wrote:
> I read it, thanks but this is TeX solution. Is there also a LyX short
> cut?

> On 11/6/05, Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hannan Sadar wrote:
>> > Is there a command that do the same like \cases but to the other side?


Re: Lyx on Windows and layout error

2005-11-06 Thread Angus Leeming
Banibrata Dutta wrote:

> Hi,
>  I am Lyx newbie, but I am posting this query after a google search
> (failed).
> When I start a new document ("New from Template"), with all templates
> (layouts) I tried, I get the same warning, i.e. the TeX class is missing.
> For e.g. on selecting "docbook_article.lyx", I got the following:
> "Textclass error : The document uses a missing TeX class "docbook". Lyx
> will not be able to produce output. "
>  Is there some additional installation that I need to do. I think I had
> meticulously followed all steps mentioned in the Lyx on Windows Wiki.
>  thanks & regards,
> bd

Hi, Banibrata.

You are suffering from a common misconception: LyX does nothing to the
underlying LaTeX or Docbook distributions that are used to actually
typeset your document. That's what your error message means; LyX has
enough information in its own docbook.layout file to typeset your document
on-screen. In order to do more you need to set up docbook on your machine.

Searching on the wiki for "docbook" pulls up these links in the LyX Users'


Re: Left \cases

2005-11-06 Thread Angus Leeming
Hannan Sadar wrote:
> Is there a command that do the same like \cases but to the other side?


Re: Upcoming LyX versions

2005-10-31 Thread Angus Leeming
Steve Litt wrote:
> I seem to remember that an upcoming LyX version will have a
> different native format. What will that native format be? Will it
> still be a front end to LaTeX, or will it go in a different
> direction?

LyX will always be a frontend to LaTeX. However, now and in the
future, it's also a frontend to DocBook, sgmlbook, ...

The LyX file format is "sort of LaTeX" with "extra bits". It's a mess,
albeit one that we can parse more reliably now than in the past. In
the future we'd like to use XML for the file format so that we can
throw away large chunks of homemade code and use something off the
shelf. That won't impact LyX's ability to be a frontend to LaTeX

> Also, when will we have character styles?

LyX 1.4 has character styles. See

prerelease 2 of LyX 1.4 has recently been announced. However, it's
still got lots of little bugs. Nonetheless we'd all like LyX 1.4 out


Re: User-defined macros outside of math mode

2005-10-31 Thread Angus Leeming
Rex Eastbourne wrote:

> The math macros are great. I'm wondering if I can similarly define
> macros with arguments outside of math mode. When I TeX I often
> define macros with or without arguments. Are these possible?

Sorry, no. You could cheat though and define a math macro to insert,
say, $\text{foo bar}$

> Alternatively, can one define templates of text to insert with a
> keyboard command?

You can bind a keyboard shortcut to most anything. There's lots of
stuff on the wiki about this. Search for "LFUN"

Re: Emacs keybindings on Windows?

2005-10-31 Thread Angus Leeming
Rex Eastbourne wrote:

> Are Emacs keybindings included in the Windows version? I looked but
> couldn't find them. If not, is there anywhere I could get them?
> Thanks for the great program! I knew there had to be a better way
> than conventional TeX.

The emacs.bind file should be at
  C:\Program Files\LyX\Resources\lyx\bind\emacs.bind

You should be able to use it by specifying "emacs" (without the
quotes) in the "Bind file" widget of the "Look and Feel->User
interface" pane of the Edit->Preferences dialog.


Re: Windows Lyx-1.3.6: Font problems in headings

2005-10-26 Thread Angus Leeming
YOUNES Abdelrazak / M3SYSTEM wrote:

> Hello,
> I've tried to google for that but no success, maybe someone could
> help me here :-).
> I have some font problems with either dvi, ps, or pdf generated by
> lyx. With Yap (dvi) there is an error message (see below) and the
> font for chapters and sections (first level) are replaced by a
> default font. With GSView, the headings just disappears in (but not
> in the table of contents).
> With Pdf, Acrobat just replace the font with helvetica and Foxit
> will not show the heading.
> I have multiple document class but the results are with same.
> Thanks in advance for any hint,

You should try the MikTeX users list...

I believe I've seen similar in the past after I upgraded my MikTeX
distribution; basically you need to regenerate some database files
within MikTeX. Is therenot some menu item on the MikTeX package
manager "Rebuild databases" or somesuch?

The MikTeX archives/list will have the definitive answer.

Re: textclass.lst

2005-10-26 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> From: "Angus Leeming"
>>> I decided to test LyX 1.3.7pre2 (25 October 2005, 6.6MB) (for
>>> Windows XP) and so uninstalled LyX 1.3.6
>>> and there was an error message during the install that the
>>> configure script failed to finish. I also had the "start LyX"
>>> box ticked. So after ok'ing the configure script error message
>>> LyX tried to start but failed with:
>>> couldn't find textclass.lst sorry has to exit.
>> Hi, Stephen. Could you give me a detailed prescription on how to
>> reproduce this?

> Yes, I will do it again.

Stephen, you're a star!

I'll try and reproduce this myself this evening.


Re: How to set latex path on windows?

2005-10-26 Thread Angus Leeming
Scott Otterson wrote:

> Lyx 1.3.6 has worked well on my WinXP machine until today, when I
> loaded a copy of my resume and got the error message:
> 'Textclass error
> The document uses a missing Tex class "cv".  Lyx will not be able to
> produce output.'
> I've got a couple of cv.* things installed:
> c:/ProgsNoSpace/lyx/Resources/lyx/tex/cv.cls

This won't be found by LaTeX.

> c:/ProgsNoSpace/texmf/tex/latex/cv/CV.sty

This will, but it's in upper case, no?

> What should I set so that lyx can find them?

That depends entirely on your LaTeX distribution. TeTeX has a
"texhash" tool that you use to generate a "ls-R" file containing an
index of all files in the distribution. MikTeX has an "update files"
button or somesuch on its package manager.

The general idea is that you don't mess with the "official" tree at
all, but create a local tree for your own stuff. Thus, I put the
"cv.cls" file at something like (don't have the Windows box in front
of me ATM):

C:\Program Files\MikTeX\

and then told MikTeX's package manager about the "local" tree.


Re: textclass.lst

2005-10-26 Thread Angus Leeming
Stephen Harris wrote:
> I decided to test LyX 1.3.7pre2 (25 October 2005, 6.6MB) (for
> Windows XP) and so uninstalled LyX 1.3.6
> and there was an error message during the install that the
> configure script failed to finish. I also had the "start LyX"
> box ticked. So after ok'ing the configure script error message
> LyX tried to start but failed with:
> couldn't find textclass.lst sorry has to exit.

Hi, Stephen. Could you give me a detailed prescription on how to
reproduce this?


Re: LyX and xypic

2005-10-25 Thread Angus Leeming

H. Peter Gumm wrote:

is there anyone working with LyX and xypic.

If memory serves me right, André added some preliminary commutative diagram 
support at some sage. Certainly, mathed contains math_xyarrowinset.{C,h} 
and  math_xymatrixinset.{C,h}.

Is there any support, or are there any workarounds
to see commutative diagrams in their full glory within LyX.
BTW: I need to work in the native Windows-version of LyX

Perhaps you might have a look at LyX's InstantPreview feature 
( which displays the content of math 
insets as bitmap images generated by running the snippet of LaTeX through 
the latex compiler. It's still a little kludgy in places but basically 
should work well enough if you install preview.sty from your MiKTeX package 
manager. The script is written in Python so you'll also need Python 
installed. But, I guess you do already... The script simply calls latex, 
dvips gs and optionally, one or two of the netpbm utilities; have a look at 
scripts/ in the LyX support directory.


Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-21 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul wrote:

> Angus Leeming wrote:
>> explains that the PDF standard defines 14 fonts as "standard". A
>> standard-conforming reader will be able to display glyphs in these
>> fonts even if they are not embedded in the document.
> OK so does that mean those fonts (Times, Helvetica, Courier and
> variants) are built into the reader, or that it just expects them to
> be available? For example on Windows machines they generally have
> Times New Roman and Arial TrueType fonts rather than Times and
> Helvetica.

The experts are to be found at the usenet newsgroup comp.text.pdf


Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-21 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul wrote:
> What I need to be sure is that users on different machines running
> Windows or Mac, with different fonts installed, will still be able
> to read the PDF document. For example, if they don't have Times or
> New Century Schoolbook installed, will they still be able to view
> them? Does it matter whether they have the TrueType or Type 1
> version of it?
explains that the PDF standard defines 14 fonts as "standard". A
standard-conforming reader will be able to display glyphs in these
fonts even if they are not embedded in the document.


Re: Clever quotes

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Mike Meyer wrote:
>>> Is there a command-line tool that does this using some heuristics to
>>> cover most areas that could be problematic?

>> sed. tr, too, but sed would work. Something like s/"[A-Z,a-z]?/``?/g.
>> I didn't look at my sed book, but that reads, "substitute two single
>> backqotes when there's a plain double quote followed by a single
>> character; do this globally." You want to test that it's not a period,
>> but a letter. 

> You want 's/"\([A-Za-z]\)/``\1/g'.

Generally speaking, I'm a sed fan but it's not the right tool for the job
here if the quote can go over multiple lines. It's also hard (not
impossible) to keep track of whether you're inside or outside of the
quote; matters if you're using different replacements for the left and
right sides.


Re: Clever quotes

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul wrote:

> Suppose I have some text that has a lot of quoted speech in it, but it's
> supplied using standard (") straight single and double quotes.
> Is there some pre-processing tool that will try to convert them to
> proper curly quotes suitable for LaTeX (``) and ('')?
> I know it can't be done perfectly and will need manual tweaking, but
> there must be something to do most of the work.
> All I can think of is to use some word processor that has a "clever
> quotes" function (e.g. MS Word) and then use something like wvLatex to
> export that to LaTeX format. Or do a search and replace.
> Is there a command-line tool that does this using some heuristics to
> cover most areas that could be problematic?

sed, perl, python or any other scripting language would do it for you.
Here's something in python:

$ cat trial.txt
The newspaper reported "he said 'The quick brown
fox jumped over
the lazy dog' 500 times in a row and then dropped down dead".

$ python trial.txt
The newspaper reported ``he said `The quick brown
fox jumped over
the lazy dog' 500 times in a row and then dropped down dead''.


#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys

def usage(prog_name):
return "Usage: %s 'input text file'\n" % prog_name

def warning(message):
sys.stderr.write(message + '\n')

def error(message):
sys.stderr.write(message + '\n')

def manipulate(filename):
doubleq = '"'
singleq = "'"
inside_double = 0
inside_single = 0

double_latex_lq = '``'
double_latex_rq = "''"
single_latex_lq = '`'
single_latex_rq = "'"

output = []
for line in open(filename, 'r').readlines():
for c in line:
if c == doubleq:
if not inside_double:
inside_double = 1
inside_double = 0
elif c == singleq:
if not inside_single:
inside_single = 1
inside_single = 0

return ''.join(output)

warning('Unable to read %s' % filename)
return None

def main(argv):
if len(argv) != 2:

input_file = argv[1]
manipulated_text = manipulate(input_file)

if manipulated_text != None:
print manipulated_text,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Re: Lyx command line question: summarized

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> | The problem is that "for" splits the returned list of files using
> | whitespace...
> find foo -name \*.gif -print -exec convert {} `basename {}`.png \;
> then (ha!)

Thanks. I've just learnt something.

Don't you have to quote the args passed to convert? Bet you still do.

Ain't scripting fun ;)


Re: Lyx command line question

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Paul Smith wrote:
>> I don't agree. Read, and
>> then get a decent email program (or news client, if you read the list
>> via gmane). For example, I press L in kmail when I want to answer to the
>> list.
> I ignored all those details (discussed at the site above). It seems
> that it is wiser the way the mailing list is currently organized.
> Since I have a GMail account exclusively dedicated to mailing lists
> and considering that I do not want to keep the archives of my mailing
> lists on my computer, I use webmail, which does not have,
> unfortunately, the feature "reply to the list".

Sounds like you should use a news reader and point it at


Re: Lyx command line question: summarized

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> Angus Leeming writes:
> | find foo -name '*.gif' | while read file
> | do
> | pngfile=`basename "$file" .gif`.png
> | convert "$file" "pngfile"
> | done

> Hmm... I thought thiw was usually written as a for-loop.
> for file in `find foo -name \*.gif` ; do
> pngfile=`basename "$file" .gif`.png
> convert "$file" "$pngfile"
> done

Won't work when the returned files have spaces in their names. Try out my
prescription in the mail you're replying to :)

The problem is that "for" splits the returned list of files using

Perhaps the bigger problem is that you can overrun the internal array size
used by "for" to store the list of returned list of files.

google on "useless use of cat" or just go here: and read the "dangerous
backticks" section.

> (and you forgot a '$')

Right :) (And restricted the search to the foo directory rather than the
original .)


RE: Lyx command line question: summarized

2005-10-19 Thread Angus Leeming
Mike Meyer wrote:
>> 2) run, before you run pdflatex, something like
>> for FILE in `find . -name '*\.gif'`; do convert $FILE `echo $FILE |
>> sed 's/\(.*\.\)gif/\1png/'`; done
> basename is safer:
> for file in $(find . -name *.gif)
> do
> convert $file $(basename $file .gif).png
> done

Hi, Mike. Hi, Maarten.

One step forward (basename) but one step backward too :P

You need to quote the *.gif in the find expression:
for file in $(find . -name '*.gif')
or the shell will perform a glob expansion to those files ending with
".gif" in the current directory.

One additional improvement: in general, you should always quote $file
or nasty things will happen when the file name contains spaces.

Unfortunately, the script above is fundamentally unable to handle
files with spaces. To illustrate:

$ mkdir foo
$ touch 'foo/bar bar.gif'
$ touch 'foo/baz baz.gif'
$ for file in $(find foo -name '*.gif')
echo "$file"


$ find foo -name '*.gif' | while read file
echo "$file"

foo/bar bar.gif
foo/baz baz.gif

The second version doesn't suffer from buffer overflow problems

In conclusion, I'd recommend that you use

find foo -name '*.gif' | while read file
pngfile=`basename "$file" .gif`.png
convert "$file" "pngfile"

(The command `...` is synonymous with $(...).)

Ain't scripting a can of worms? :)

Re: Lyx command line question

2005-10-18 Thread Angus Leeming
Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) wrote:

> I try to use lyx from the command line.
> In lyx 1.4pre2 preview pdflatex goes fine.
> On the commandline I get:
> $ lyx --export latex myfile.lyx
>   ... lot of messages but OK
> $ pdflatex myfile.tex
>  ... goes fine except for an gif image. I can  the latex
>  question
> about an image not being found and the image is not there in the
> resulting pdf.
> Anyone an idea on what to do to get the image?
> Thanks,
> met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,
> Maarten Sanders

Does pdflatex not understand .gif? Ah well.

Can you produce the document when you fire up the LyX GUI? Ie, is this
a "command line" versus "gui" problem or is it one in which you have
simply not defined the conversion process from gif -> png ?

Do you have ImageMagick's convert utility installed?


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