Re: Greek letter bold problem

2022-12-22 Thread Baris Erkus

On 21-Dec-22 12:48 PM, ZHOU SHUAI wrote:


I am using the Elsevier template to write the paper, but I have found 
that it doesn't work when I bold the Greek letters 
($\mathbf{\sigma}$). Did you have any solution for this problem?


Please read the post:

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Best reference manger

2022-03-24 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 25-Mar-22 6:50 AM, Lou via lyx-users wrote:

Is jabref the best way to find and cite bibliography references in 
Lyx? Is there a better, easier way?


That is the easiest and powerful way handling bibtex and biblatex 
citations to my experience. There are other tools of course, such as you 
editing the text files by yourself.

LyX uses .bib files, and does not need JabRef. JabRef is just handling 
the text-based bib files. Maybe you are confused?

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 4:48 PM, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 11:08, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 10:42, Baris Erkus via lyx-users wrote:

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under 
the LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About 
LyX window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.

There is no such (or similar) file on Windows 10 in my user directory...

Okay, after adding a word to the personal dictionary *and* closing 
LyX, there is the file in the user directory!

Everybody calm down. Just a false alarm... Ha ha ha : )

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 1:08 PM, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 10:42, Baris Erkus via lyx-users wrote:

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under the 
LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About LyX 
window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.

There is no such (or similar) file on Windows 10 in my user directory...

Funny. The folder that I have is :


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under the 
LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About LyX 
window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: How would LyX perform?

2021-12-27 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 27-Dec-21 1:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users wrote:
Ich habe nur mal ein bisschen hineingelesen und sehe keinen Grund, 
mich näher damit zu befassen:

* Es wird nur die Leistung bei kurzen Texten ### only short texts - 
tex strong in larger papers ### verglichen.

Die Stärken von TeX liegen aber bei umfangreichen Arbeiten.
Man hätte z.B. die Aufgabe stellen können, Änderungen in einer 
Dissertation vorzunehmen: Abschnitte verschieben, systematische 
Änderungen der Formatierung, Register erstellen...
Wenn man die Expertise im Umgang mit einem Programm nicht nur in 
Stunden gemessen hätte, sondern auch den sinnvollen Einsatz der 
Möglichkeiten, hätten sich evtl. auch noch andere Gruppierungen 
ergeben – auch erfahrene Word-Benutzer verwenden z.B. selten 
konsequent Stilvorlagen.
### style importance### Zeichenstile für Hervorhebungen (wie sie z.B. 
in InDesign üblich sin d und in TeX als Makros) gibt es gar nicht...
Es ist aber sehr leicht, Aufgaben zu konstruieren, die das eine oder 
andere System bevorzugen. Bei TeX kommt es auch noch auf den Editor an 
und wie mensch ihn auszunutzen weiß.

* Das Paper ist schon von 2014. ### old paper!  Lualatex ###
Seitdem haben sich wohl auch die meisten LaTeX-Benutzer an LuaTeX mit 
Unicode und OpenType gewöhnt, so dass viele Codierungsprobleme 
entfallen (die hier allerdings keine große Rolle gespielt haben dürften).

* Es wäre interessant gewesen, auch LibreOffice und ConTeXt 
einzubeziehen. Vielleicht auch noch Layoutprogramme wie InDesign, 
Affinity Publisher, Scribus...
(Ist LibreOffice bei umfangreichen Arbeiten immer noch stabiler als 


%95 of Peer-reviewed scientific papers are junk or misleading in this 
case. On the other hand, there would not be the 5%, if there is no 95%.

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LyX-LaTeX to Web

2021-12-22 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users
I wonder if LyX or any other LaTeX based tool can be used to generate 
web site of a book as in the following example:

Any direction would be appreciated.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Forest beyond basics

2021-12-20 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 19-Dec-21 8:20 PM, Maria Gouskova via lyx-users wrote:

Dear LyX users,

(Actually, I suspect this is a question for Jürgen S., but on the off 
chance that someone else knows the answer...)

I need to produce a diagram with the structure shown here. It was 
produced using the obsolete xyling package (see the attached 
xyling_test files):

All the nodes will have a lot of linguist-specific bells and whistles, 
like IPA fonts and small caps and other stuff. XYling has not been 
updated in 15 years; I barely got the doc to compile. So, xyling is no 
good for what I need.

In the process of trying to work out how to make that tree happen in 
forest, the package that LyX's linguistics module directly supports, I 
concluded that I will need to use the "draw" functionality. But I 
can't work out how to make the \draw commands work inside the tree 
insets. I tried to follow an example from the forest manual (number 
(21) on p. 9 of this,, 
and realized that there is no obvious way to pass options in the 
\begin{forest}  ... \end{forest} space beyond those that pertain to 
nodes (i.e., appear inside the [ ] brackets). The options just get 
ignored, or else prevent the PDF from being compiled.

Things I've tried:

1) Declaring forest overtly in the preamble and passing the whole 
\begin{forest} ...\end{forest} block as ERT. That throws errors.

2) Using the native LyX forest support, and passing options as ERT 
inside the Tree inset. I noticed in the code preview pane that the 
\draw backslash is replaced with \textbackslash. I tried replacing the 
$s$ stuff with ERT, too. The code pane preview looks correct, but the 
file does not compile, throwing a bunch of errors along the lines of 
"Package pgfkeys Error:", etc. (I assume people can reproduce these...)

Oh, also, I tried the example from the manual in TeXMaker to verify it 
wasn't some oddity of my TeX installation, and it compiled okay 
(except for the "background tree" option). It looked a lot more like 
what's in the manual than anything LyX produced (attached).

So, yeah, I have a workaround in case it can't work--I could produce 
the doc in LyX, then export to TeX and finish the lattice thing there. 
I was just hoping there was an easier way.

Linux Mint 19.1
texlive ~2017



I think you should do this in TikZ. You would not regret.

Attached is a simple setup for you get started. Compile the LaTeX file 
Fig01.tex and get the PDF of your figure first. Then, you can insert the 
PDF into your LyX file. If you want to change your figure, just compile 
the file again and LyX will do the job automatically for you.

My recommendation is: do not insert your code for figures (whether TikZ 
or not) into LyX as ERT box. Compile them separately and generate the 
figure PDF first. Then, insert the figure PDF into LyX. This will help 
you find errors and change the figures more easily without compiling 
whole LyX file. Also, it would be easier for LyX to compile the document.


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Description: Adobe PDF document



\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]

  (0,0) node (a) {a}
  (1,0) node (b) {b}
  (0,-1) node (c) {c}
  (1,-1) node (d) {d};
\node (e) at (1,-2) {e};
\node (f) at (1,-3) {f};
\draw (a) -- (c);
\draw (a.south) -- (d.north);
\draw (c.north) -- (b.south);
\draw (b) -- (d);
\draw (d) -- (e);
\draw (e) -- (f);


\usepackage{titling, graphicx}

lyx-users mailing list

Re: To force german sorting in Makeindex

2021-09-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 10-Sep-21 1:13 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:
If I choose the index processor "Makeindex" explicitly, I don't get a 
subject index.
If I choose "Standard" as the index processor instead (but also uses 
Makeindex according to the LYX user manual), I get a subject index. 
However, this is sorted in English.

See attached examples.
To force a German sorting, I would have to specify the -g option.
But where can I do that?
If I enter it as RET code in the text, I get the request that the 
instruction should be made in the preamble.

If I write in the preamble
I get the error message:



You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed.

If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

Can you please help me with this?

Dear Andreas,

I am not an expert of makeindex,  but according to this 
post, it is a luck that makeindex works for German. Couple of 
suggestions here:

-g option is entered at Tools-> Preferences -> Output -> Latex -> Index 
Generation -> Options

At preamble use ( I am not sure if this is done automatically by LyX):



Note that because I have Windows, I do not have the Linux font; 
therefore I selected the default fonts and unchecked the  "Use non-Tex 
fonts" option.

For indices use the commands given here 
. For examples use \"a 
instead of  ä. To enter \"a, you need to open a TeX code inset (done by 
ctrl-L in Windows)

And finally, read the manual of makeindex, where how you can sort things 
manually is explained (page 4). See attached.

Some of the above suggestions worked for me. See attached image.

Since this package is quite old, it requires some research to make it work.

Good Luck!


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: To force german sorting in Makeindex

2021-09-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 10-Sep-21 1:13 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:
If I choose the index processor "Makeindex" explicitly, I don't get a 
subject index.
If I choose "Standard" as the index processor instead (but also uses 
Makeindex according to the LYX user manual), I get a subject index. 
However, this is sorted in English.

See attached examples.
To force a German sorting, I would have to specify the -g option.
But where can I do that?
If I enter it as RET code in the text, I get the request that the 
instruction should be made in the preamble.

If I write in the preamble
I get the error message:



You're in trouble here. Try typing  to proceed.

If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

Can you please help me with this?

Dear Andread, Is attached what you want? BE

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Re: Why don't I get an answer?

2021-09-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Sep-21 9:29 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:

Dear LYX community,
I've sent you some inquiries in the past two weeks, but haven't 
received a response.
I beg you to answer my question(s) in a solution-oriented manner - as 
most time in the past.
For example, I gratefully remember Jürgen's (Spitzmüller) quick and 
uncomplicated interventions!
However, if my last problems I have raised are unsolvable, please let 
me know. Then at least I know my way around. But staying in the dark 
is very "uncomfortable" ...
Or if I'm getting on your nerves with my inquiries, please tell me who 
I could turn to instead.

Thanks very much!

Dear Andreas,

Unfortunately, people may not have knowledge or experience on the type 
of problem you are facing. And of course, people may be too busy to look 
at all questions as in my case.



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Simple keyboard shortcut

2021-07-24 Thread Baris Erkus
Could someone explain *step-by-step* how to add a shortcut to insert 
italic "i.e." when I press Ctrl+i+e?

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX says Tex Gyra Schola is not installed, but I installed it

2021-06-20 Thread Baris Erkus

On 18-Jun-21 9:35 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Hi, Steve,
if you have solved the font questions for your book, could you kindly 
give a summary for those who might like to try it?



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lyx-users mailing list

Re: 3D graphics for LYX

2021-03-27 Thread Baris Erkus

On 26-Mar-21 5:06 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:
With which tool is it possible to produce professional 3D graphics in 
the context of LYX? Can a software such as tikzpicture be used for 
this? And if so, how?

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Hello, what exactly your aim is? Do you want to see the 3D graphics in 
Lyx and move around the image within LyX: AFAIK this is not possible 
with LyX as Lyx converts all the images to png for viewing.

If you are asking about inserting a 3D image/model into a PDF, this is 
smtg else. Tikz is not strong with 3D models and rendering. Currently 
the most approachable tool for this is Asymptode

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Using Lyx with git (instead of RCS)

2021-03-04 Thread Baris Erkus

On 03-Mar-21 6:02 PM, Robert Neumann wrote:

does anybody have experience using LyX with git?
My observations with 2.3.3 on a mac 10.13
- I have to add a lyx file manually using the terminal and "git add“ otherwise 
I get an error message
- If the file is moved to a subdirectory, it is not working anymore, so it 
seems to work only, if the file is not moved in a subdirectory

(-is there a way to have the version-control-menue showed permanently, I have 
to activate it manualle everytime

I would recommend using Sourcetree for Mac, instead of LyX built-in 

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: version control with RCS with LyX 2.3.3 on a mac with nextcloud-folders

2021-03-02 Thread Baris Erkus

On 02-Mar-21 2:49 PM, Robert Neumann wrote:

I am using Lyx 2.3.3 on a Mac with OS 10.13 and a Nextcloud-folder
I installed RCS, and as long as I use it, the version controll works fine. As 
soon as I acces the file from another Computer it does not work properly 
anymore. I get this message:

Bei der Ausführung des Befehls /while executing
'co -p1.1 "Rundbrief_3_2021.lyx" > 
 ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.  / there was an error

and when I try to check in the changes:

Bei der Ausführung des Befehls / while executing
'ci -q -u -m"(keine Protokollmeldung)“ „test.lyx"' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. 
/ there was an error

So this seems to my, that the version control accesses some tmp-file which – of 
course – is not available on the other computer. I am not sure, if it might be 
a good idea, to change the tmp-path to the nextcloud. Especially since the 
local paths are different.

RCS does not work on two different computers AFAIK.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-16 Thread Baris Erkus

On 16-Jan-21 9:18 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 16/01/2021 à 14:49, Baris Erkus a écrit :

On 14-Jan-21 10:11 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
One thing I observed, maybe nothing big, the screen fonts are quite 
large compared to 2.3.x, even if the screen fonts zoom ratio is %225 
in both versions. See attached (above is 2.4, below is 2.3).

Do you have a HiDPI setup?



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lyx-users mailing list

Re: picture environment

2021-01-16 Thread Baris Erkus

On 15-Jan-21 9:21 PM, Joe Babb wrote:
I am trying to use Lyx to document some math and electronics and I 
need to place a block diagram into my document.  I can draw the 
diagram in a separate program and insert the jpg into Lyx, but what 
I'd rather do is draw it directly in Lyx and be able to place Greek 
characters in each box.
I used to use Latex years ago and have the fourth edition of Guide to 
Latex which talks about the picture environment. But I find no picture 
environment in Lyx.  I read on the Internet about typing an M-x 
somewhere to get to insert commands directly but can't get that to 
work.  I keep wanting to work in the code preview pane to insert Latex 
code directly but can't.  Is it possible at all in Lyx to to a block 


Normally, you can insert any LaTeX code (including picture environment) 
using Ctrl-L  or Insert -> TeX Code. This is called "ERT" in LyX AFAIK.

Since you want to write your code for graphics, I would recommend 
Tikz/pgf for general sketches, instead of the old-school picture 
environment. Of course, Some other WYSIWYG tools maybe more faster to 
generate some specific graphics (e.g. the type of diagrams you want in 
your document) without LaTeX coding, but I find Tikz quite powerful to 
invest in.

CTAN says "PGF is a macro package for creating graphics. It is platform- 
and format-independent and works together with the most important TEX 
backend drivers, including pdfTEX and dvips. It comes with a 
user-friendly syntax layer called TikZ"

So, inclusion of LaTeX  math is straightforward in Tikz, while other 
tools may need some tricks to get full benefits of LaTeX. Tikz has some 
many packages, maybe one of them is good for your diagrams. Please look 
at the Pgf/Tikz manual.

One recommendation here tough: Do not write your graphics code in LyX. 
Generate it outside with regular LaTeX, and save your image as PDF. 
Then, include the PDF into the LyX as figure. The issue with including 
the graphics code in LyX is that, compilation times will get longer, and 
it would be difficult to find the errors in your code as you have more 
graphics and you have more text. Moreover, you will find out that the 
ERT coding environment is not very user friendly as your figure gets 
complicated, as it was not intended to develop code in there. I have 
done this before, and I have found myself testing the code with LaTeX 
outside LyX to find the errors. Therefore, LaTeX editors are better for 
this purpose (e.g. TeXmaker, TeXstudio, even Notepad++).

If you want to give a try, I have attached two files: one for the 
figure  and the other one is for the settings. Compile sample.tex with 
latex and you have your figure as PDF, ready to insert into LyX.

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\usepackage{titling, graphicx}




\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
\draw [line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (1.5,1.5) -- (1.5,0);
\draw [line width=2pt, line cap=round] (1.5,1.5) -- (3.0,1.5) -- (3.0,0);
\filldraw [fill=white, line width=1.25pt] (0, 0) circle[radius=1.5pt];
\filldraw [fill=white, line width=1.25pt] (1.5, 0) circle[radius=1.5pt];


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-Jan-21 9:53 PM, Yu Jin wrote:
Am Mi., 13. Jan. 2021 um 22:18 Uhr schrieb Baris Erkus>>:

On 13-Jan-21 7:51 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> We are pleased to announce the release of the first alpha for
LyX 2.4.0.
> You can find source tarballs and binaries for Windows and OSX here:
> See this page
> for a description of new features and updates. As you will note,
> are quite a few of those.
> As always with alpha software, this is released only for testing
> purposes. While some of the developers have been using this
version, and
> we believe it is fairly stable, there are likely to be some
> surprises. That said, we would greatly appreciate testing,
especially on
> Windows, where we have few developers.
> Should you run into a problem, please report it on our bug tracker:
> (You may need to register, if you haven't already.) If you have
> questions or comments, or aren't sure if what you have found is
a bug,
> please email the developer's list at
When I tried to open my LyX file with 2.4.0a1 64 bits, it
the error "Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype."

Because I have mother document with many child files, it constantly
gives this error, so I have to kill the program. I attached a MWE
that I
created in LyX, with empty contents but with Theorems (AMS,
numbered by type) module added. So it gives the error once and the
opens. Then if I go o document properties and it shows the module
activated. Anyhow, this was not the case for 2.4.0 development
that I have installed couple of weeks ago; it was working just fine.

I have windows 10, 64 bit, and the very latest version of MikTeX

Also, how to we active the dark mode in Windows :) ? Anybody knows?

Dark mode is not available for LyX on Windows, Qt does not support it 
there. I have searched on the web on how to deal with it and found 
some workaround here and there but nothing official and it did seem 
like a lot of work. Maybe one day some LyX dev will feel like doing 
it, but for now consider it not existent. You can make one thing dark 
though, the work area, but menus, toolbars and messages pane and other 
stuff you can show on the bottom can not be made dark.


😭   (if you see this as a text, it is a crying-heavily version of 
smiley face)

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Documentation Help

2021-01-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Jan-21 11:36 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 1/13/21 2:27 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 13-Jan-21 8:22 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

Hi, everyone,

We hope to release LyX 2.4.0 in the next couple months. Before then,
there is some work that needs to be done on the documentation. If you've
always wanted to contribute to LyX but haven't because you don't know
how to code, then this is your chance!

The main task that needs doing is to copy the changes made in the
English documentation over into the Spanish, French, German, and
Japanese manuals, so that the translators can do translate it. You do
NOT have to speak one of these languages to do this (though that might
be helpful). It really is just a matter of going through the English
manual, finding the new or changed material (which is marked with
change-tracking), and pasting it into the other manuals. It's rote work,
but important work nonetheless.

Longer-term, we could also use someone to act as documentation manager
during the 2.5 development cycle and to do this kind of work along the
way. If you'd be interested in that job, please do let us know.


Count me in.

Thanks, Baris. We have someone doing Spanish. You want to choose a

See here

for some other details. Please feel free to ask whatever questions you
may have.


I can do whichever language is available. Where can I get the English 
manual for 2.4.x? Is it the one that comes with the install? Does it 
have tracking marks(I did not install it on this PC, so I cannot check 
it right now)? Please let me know how to proceed.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-Jan-21 6:06 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 1/13/21 4:18 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 13-Jan-21 7:51 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

We are pleased to announce the release of the first alpha for LyX 2.4.0.
You can find source tarballs and binaries for Windows and OSX here:

See this page

for a description of new features and updates. As you will note, there
are quite a few of those.

As always with alpha software, this is released only for testing
purposes. While some of the developers have been using this version, and
we believe it is fairly stable, there are likely to be some unpleasant
surprises. That said, we would greatly appreciate testing, especially on
Windows, where we have few developers.

Should you run into a problem, please report it on our bug tracker:

(You may need to register, if you haven't already.) If you have
questions or comments, or aren't sure if what you have found is a bug,
please email the developer's list at

When I tried to open my LyX file with 2.4.0a1 64 bits, it
gives the error "Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype." [snip] I
attached a MWE that I created in LyX, with empty contents but
with Theorems (AMS, numbered by type) module added. So it gives the
error once and the file opens.

This opens fine for me, with no error. Have you made any local
modifications to that module? (I.e., do you have your own modified copy
in your user directory?)

Eugene, can you reproduce?


PS Note that 2.3.6 is out.

Nope, I have not done modifications to the module.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0 Alpha 1

2021-01-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Jan-21 7:51 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

We are pleased to announce the release of the first alpha for LyX 2.4.0.
You can find source tarballs and binaries for Windows and OSX here:

See this page

for a description of new features and updates. As you will note, there
are quite a few of those.

As always with alpha software, this is released only for testing
purposes. While some of the developers have been using this version, and
we believe it is fairly stable, there are likely to be some unpleasant
surprises. That said, we would greatly appreciate testing, especially on
Windows, where we have few developers.

Should you run into a problem, please report it on our bug tracker:

(You may need to register, if you haven't already.) If you have
questions or comments, or aren't sure if what you have found is a bug,
please email the developer's list at

When I tried to open my LyX file with 2.4.0a1 64 bits, it gives 
the error "Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype."

Because I have mother document with many child files, it constantly 
gives this error, so I have to kill the program. I attached a MWE that I 
created in LyX, with empty contents but with Theorems (AMS, 
numbered by type) module added. So it gives the error once and the file 
opens. Then if I go o document properties and it shows the module 
activated. Anyhow, this was not the case for 2.4.0 development version 
that I have installed couple of weeks ago; it was working just fine.

I have windows 10, 64 bit, and the very latest version of MikTeX installed.

Also, how to we active the dark mode in Windows :) ? Anybody knows?

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Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Documentation Help

2021-01-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Jan-21 8:22 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

Hi, everyone,

We hope to release LyX 2.4.0 in the next couple months. Before then,
there is some work that needs to be done on the documentation. If you've
always wanted to contribute to LyX but haven't because you don't know
how to code, then this is your chance!

The main task that needs doing is to copy the changes made in the
English documentation over into the Spanish, French, German, and
Japanese manuals, so that the translators can do translate it. You do
NOT have to speak one of these languages to do this (though that might
be helpful). It really is just a matter of going through the English
manual, finding the new or changed material (which is marked with
change-tracking), and pasting it into the other manuals. It's rote work,
but important work nonetheless.

Longer-term, we could also use someone to act as documentation manager
during the 2.5 development cycle and to do this kind of work along the
way. If you'd be interested in that job, please do let us know.


Count me in.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to avoid RCS and use git always?

2020-12-18 Thread Baris Erkus

On 17-Dec-20 2:15 PM, Matěj Cepl wrote:


I am trying to persuade my wife to start using VCS for her
documents, and avoid pressing her to use command line for it. I
thought that just by running git init in the directory her
documents are stored, LyX would understand that I want to use git
exclusively, but it still suggests RCS. I have to git add and git
commit the document to make LyX understand my preferences.

Is there somewhere some option which would switch off RCS for her



RCS can be depreciated from LyX , as it is too outdated and does not 
work on cloud drives?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to make an A4 presentation with Beamer?

2020-12-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Dec-20 3:42 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Sun, 13 Dec 2020 14:54:37 +0300
Baris Erkus  wrote:

On 13-Dec-20 2:52 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I live in the US, so all my computer's defaults are set to the US,
including paper size. I have a customer in Europe for whom I need to
make a presentation, using Beamer (alone, not with LyX), printable
on A4 paper.

I've tried various combinations and variants of the following :

\special{papersize 29.7cm, 21cm}
\hsize 29.7cm
\vsize 21.0cm
\usepackage[a4paper, total={29.5cm, 20.8cm}]{geometry}
\geometry{letterpaper, landscape, total={11.5in, 8in}}

Some forced the latex program to abort with error, some caused only
a tiny rendering of the slide on a big A4 paper, some caused the
printing to be portrait, when I could print landscape it printed
upside down, what a mess.

Does anyone have a way to use Beamer (not LyX/Beamer) to create a
PDF that can print correctly on a European printer?



Steve Litt
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

Could you please send a MWE, so that we can have a look at it?

That's a good idea, Baris, and I already sent the MWE files to you. In
case anyone else wants to take a crack at it, I'm attaching four MWE

mwe.beamer is the MWE source

mwe.pdf is my attempt at A4. It's upside down, and the print is way
smaller than it's supposed to be.

kk is the shellscript that compiles mwe.beamer into mwe.pdf.

All 3 files go in a single directory, and assuming you have the same
texlive packages I have, it should compile to the same result mine did.

What I want is a PDF, printable on A4, that has the right sized print
and is right side up instead of upside down.



Steve Litt
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

AFAIK, Beamer class does not provide slides with A4 or Letter 
dimensions. The default size of slides are smaller than Letter sized 
papers, but when you open them for presentation using a PDF viewer, the 
PDF viewer shows the slides using the whole screen/projector area so you 
do not see any issue with the size. When you print them, the printer 
enlarges it to fit to the page margin, so probably you will not have an 
issue with that either. So the problem is not whether you use 
Letter-sized or A4-sized paper. It is simply Beamer does not provide 
slides with those dimensions. This is what I know, but forums such as 
Stack Exchange will have more correct information on this.

What I do generally is I leave the PDF file as it is, and it is 
generally good enough to see on the screen as PDF viewers will enlarge 
it as necessary. When printing, you can tell the PDF viewer to fit to 
the margins of an A4 or A3 or Letter size paper.

Alternatively, you can print the slides to A4 size with a PDF tool such 
as PDF X-change.

This is not a LyX- problem so, I am not sure if the audience of this 
list has expertise on this matter.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to make an A4 presentation with Beamer?

2020-12-13 Thread Baris Erkus

On 13-Dec-20 2:52 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I live in the US, so all my computer's defaults are set to the US,
including paper size. I have a customer in Europe for whom I need to
make a presentation, using Beamer (alone, not with LyX), printable on A4

I've tried various combinations and variants of the following :

\special{papersize 29.7cm, 21cm}
\hsize 29.7cm
\vsize 21.0cm
\usepackage[a4paper, total={29.5cm, 20.8cm}]{geometry}
\geometry{letterpaper, landscape, total={11.5in, 8in}}

Some forced the latex program to abort with error, some caused only a
tiny rendering of the slide on a big A4 paper, some caused the printing
to be portrait, when I could print landscape it printed upside down,
what a mess.

Does anyone have a way to use Beamer (not LyX/Beamer) to create a PDF
that can print correctly on a European printer?



Steve Litt
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

Could you please send a MWE, so that we can have a look at it?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Spellcheck

2020-11-15 Thread Baris Erkus

On 15-Nov-20 10:57 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 14.11.20 um 23:47 schrieb Charlie:

Wolfgang Engelmann informed me regarding: Re: Spellcheck on
Sat, 14 Nov 2020 14:56:43 +0100

Am 14.11.20 um 14:26 schrieb Baris Erkus:

On 14-Nov-20 3:19 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 14.11.20 um 09:38 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I haven't found a more detailed description for spellchecking in
the help files of LyX.

In the User Guide 6.14 Spell Checking
It says:
With Linux one needs to install the packages for the desired
language. The number of these packages vary depending on the
Linux distribution, but in most cases these are aspell-xx,
hunspell-xx, myspell-xx, etc., where xx is the language code.

In my LyX Version
(Thursday, June 25, 2020)
Library directory: /usr/share/lyx/
User directory: ~/.lyx/
Qt Version (run-time): 5.14.2
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.14.2
(and I am using Debian Bullseye)

there is only enchant as the spellchecker engine listed.
It is in ./.config/enchant
but there is no hunspell, e.g.
It is mentioned to get it from
 > Where do I place it (and other spellcheckers)
 > And how do I get a personal spellchecker invoked?

Thanks for pointers

I found this
and it states that enchant calls other spellcheckers.

So my remaining question is
how do I get a personal spellchecker


You can tell LyX to record the words that will be recognized as
correct by "Add to personal dictionary" . These are saved as text
files in the personal folder with a name e.g. pwl_english.dict.

Thanks, Baris.
I see, by clicking ADD I get the personal spellchecker and can save
to it. But how do I find this one?
Mind you, I am under Linux (Debian)

If you want to use a new dictionary with .dic and .aff files,
rather than the default dictionary files, you should place those
files to \resources\dicts\ folder of LyX.

lyx-users mailing list

Replied thus:


Debian Bullseye

~/.config/enchant might be what you want.


East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators Inc..

de_DE.dic  de_DE.exc  de.dic  de.exc  en_GB.dic  en_GB.exc en_US.dic 

wolfgang@Fuji:~/.config$ cat en_GB.dic
cat: en_GB.dic: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden



Am I missing smtg here? You need to be in the "/.config/enchant/" 
folder, not "/.config" folder.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Spellcheck

2020-11-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-Nov-20 4:56 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 14.11.20 um 14:26 schrieb Baris Erkus:

On 14-Nov-20 3:19 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 14.11.20 um 09:38 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I haven't found a more detailed description for spellchecking in 
the help files of LyX.

In the User Guide 6.14 Spell Checking
It says:
With Linux one needs to install the packages for the desired 
language. The number of these packages vary depending on the Linux 
distribution, but in most cases these are aspell-xx, hunspell-xx, 
myspell-xx, etc., where xx is the language code.

In my LyX Version
(Thursday, June 25, 2020)
Library directory: /usr/share/lyx/
User directory: ~/.lyx/
Qt Version (run-time): 5.14.2
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.14.2
(and I am using Debian Bullseye)

there is only enchant as the spellchecker engine listed.
It is in ./.config/enchant
but there is no hunspell, e.g.
It is mentioned to get it from
 > Where do I place it (and other spellcheckers)
 > And how do I get a personal spellchecker invoked?

Thanks for pointers

I found this
and it states that enchant calls other spellcheckers.

So my remaining question is
how do I get a personal spellchecker


You can tell LyX to record the words that will be recognized as 
correct by "Add to personal dictionary" . These are saved as text 
files in the personal folder with a name e.g. pwl_english.dict.

Thanks, Baris.
I see, by clicking ADD I get the personal spellchecker and can save to 

But how do I find this one?
Mind you, I am under Linux (Debian)

Does "But how do I find this one?"  mean, you want to find the the 
".dict" text file that includes the added words and its location?

Under windows,  the file is located in the user directory, which is 
usually located at:


Under Linux, I believe it is also in the folder where all the user and 
LyX settings are kept. But  Maybe others can help?

Maybe you can do a quick "where" under Linux to find the file?

Hope I got your question correctly.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Spellcheck

2020-11-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-Nov-20 3:19 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 14.11.20 um 09:38 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I haven't found a more detailed description for spellchecking in the 
help files of LyX.

In the User Guide 6.14 Spell Checking
It says:
With Linux one needs to install the packages for the desired 
language. The number of these packages vary depending on the Linux 
distribution, but in most cases these are aspell-xx, hunspell-xx, 
myspell-xx, etc., where xx is the language code.

In my LyX Version
(Thursday, June 25, 2020)
Library directory: /usr/share/lyx/
User directory: ~/.lyx/
Qt Version (run-time): 5.14.2
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.14.2
(and I am using Debian Bullseye)

there is only enchant as the spellchecker engine listed.
It is in ./.config/enchant
but there is no hunspell, e.g.
It is mentioned to get it from
 > Where do I place it (and other spellcheckers)
 > And how do I get a personal spellchecker invoked?

Thanks for pointers

I found this
and it states that enchant calls other spellcheckers.

So my remaining question is
how do I get a personal spellchecker


You can tell LyX to record the words that will be recognized as correct 
by "Add to personal dictionary" . These are saved as text files in the 
personal folder with a name e.g. pwl_english.dict.

If you want to use a new dictionary with .dic and .aff files, rather 
than the default dictionary files, you should place those files to 
\resources\dicts\ folder of LyX.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX acting differently between computers

2020-11-02 Thread Baris Erkus

On 03-Nov-20 12:39 AM, David Chan wrote:

On 28-Oct-20 12:01 AM, David Chan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that LyX was acting differently between computers
and am
> trying to figure out the source of this issue.
> One computer cannot compile a file that uses biblatex with
the apa
> bibliography style, while the other two computers can. Also,
the first
> computer compiles lines slightly differently so that a paper
> to 110 pages, while on the other two computers, the paper
compiles to
> 109 pages.
> The first computer initially had an older version of LyX, 2.3.0
> (February 24, 2018), but when I updated it to the newest
version, LyX
> (June 25, 2020), the problem persists. I also found the
> version that matches the other computers in the archive, LyX
> and the problem persists with this as well.
> When I checked the preferences on LyX on each of the
computers, the
> first one differs by not having `pdflatex` as an option under
> Preferences > File Handling > File Formats > Default Output
> whereas this option exists on the other computers. I am
unable to find
> the `pdflatex` option on the first computer regardless of
the version
> of LyX.
> The next thing that I did was to reinstall MikTeX on the first
> computer. This did not seem to resolve the problem, although
it seems
> to have caused errors in compilation ("undefined control
> "Missing number, treated as zero", and "Missing glyphs!").
> Can someone please help me troubleshoot this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave
First, I would recommend you sending a MWE for each of the
problem you
have listed. Users of the list can try these MWEs on their
computers and
tell you if there is a problem with the LyX file or LyX.

Second, missing "pdflatex" option under LyX may be a sign of
MikTeX system and trailing faulty LyX configuration. I am
guessing you
are using Windows. You should install the latest updates of
MikTeX and
update everything for both user and admin mode.

I would also recommend testing your MikTeX setup with a MWE of
LaTeX file.

You can also re-configure your LyX and see possible errors.


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Thanks so much for your reply!

The suggestion to do MWEs is really great. I’ve never done this
before, but it makes a lot of sense. I’m attaching two .lyx MWEs
and a related .. For each MWE, I also attach two PDF files: PDF
files with the suffix |-1| correspond to the error produced on the
first computer, and PDF files with the suffix |-0| correspond to
the correct output produced on the other computers.

  * |mwe1.lyx| is what happens when I switch from BibTeX to
biblatex in the Settings > Bibliography page.
  * |mwe2.lyx| is what happens when I further specify the apa
bibliography style within biblatex in the Settings >
Bibliography page.

In a way, the fact that I do not have pdflatex as an option in the
first computer under Preferences > File Handling > File Formats >
Default Output Formats, while I have that specified in the other
computers, is a clue that does not even depend on the .lyx document.

FYI, all computers are Macs, and they all are using macOS Catalina

Apologies for stating MiKTeX on my last post, as that was
misleading. In fact, I’ve been using MacTeX. I updated MacTeX,
reconfigured LyX, and confirmed that the path in Tools > TeX
Information points to |/usr/local/texlive/2020/|. Weirdly, the
update actually caused more errors, as I mentioned above. Is there
a way to figure out which packages are causing the problem?

Thanks again,

Hi all,

I have an update on this, which has clarified the root of the problem 
but in some ways is still mysterious.

I’ve discovered that that |pdflatex| indeed does exist on the 
previously problematic computer under |Document > View (Other 
Formats)|. If I compile the files using |pdflatex| from this dropdown 
menu, everything turns out fine for the MWEs. It turns out that LuaTeX 
is problematic on all of my computers, regardless of the MacTeX 
version that I’m using. In other words, I need to use |pdflatex| 
rather than LuaTeX to handle |biblatex| properly.

The weird thing is that |pdflatex| can be set as the default output 
format in |Preferences > File Handling > File Formats| in all of my 

Re: Testing Release of 2.4.0 Development Branch

2020-10-30 Thread Baris Erkus

On 30-Oct-20 1:09 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

Hi, everyone,

We are beginning the process of moving towards the next major release of
LyX, which will be 2.4.0. Toward that end, we have prepared a 'testing'
release. Please note that this is very much for testing. We do not
necessarily recommend that anyone use it for daily work, although some
of us do. (Be aware that you may have to deal with some bugs and that
files edited with 2.4.x cannot be opened in 2.3.x without being exported
to that format.)

Both source code and binaries for Windows and OSX can be found here:

Binaries for various Linux distros may or may not be available from
their associated repositories. (But, if you are on Linux, you should not
have too much trouble compiling the source. If you need help, just ask.)

We will greatly appreciate any reports on how well these packages work!
You can post comments either to lyx-users or to lyx-devel.


Would it be possible to set it up seperately, while keeping the current 
stable LyX Particularly Windows.

I know I have several installations of LyX on my PC and I did not have 
any issue using them all. Will this be the case for the test release?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX acting differently between computers

2020-10-28 Thread Baris Erkus

On 28-Oct-20 12:01 AM, David Chan wrote:

Hi all,

I noticed that LyX was acting differently between computers and am 
trying to figure out the source of this issue.

One computer cannot compile a file that uses biblatex with the apa 
bibliography style, while the other two computers can. Also, the first 
computer compiles lines slightly differently so that a paper compiles 
to 110 pages, while on the other two computers, the paper compiles to 
109 pages.

The first computer initially had an older version of LyX, 2.3.0 
(February 24, 2018), but when I updated it to the newest version, LyX (June 25, 2020), the problem persists. I also found the 
version that matches the other computers in the archive, LyX 2.3.1-1, 
and the problem persists with this as well.

When I checked the preferences on LyX on each of the computers, the 
first one differs by not having `pdflatex` as an option under 
Preferences > File Handling > File Formats > Default Output Formats, 
whereas this option exists on the other computers. I am unable to find 
the `pdflatex` option on the first computer regardless of the version 
of LyX.

The next thing that I did was to reinstall MikTeX on the first 
computer. This did not seem to resolve the problem, although it seems 
to have caused errors in compilation ("undefined control sequence", 
"Missing number, treated as zero", and "Missing glyphs!").

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance,

First, I would recommend you sending a MWE for each of the problem you 
have listed. Users of the list can try these MWEs on their computers and 
tell you if there is a problem with the LyX file or LyX.

Second, missing "pdflatex" option under LyX may be a sign of faulty 
MikTeX system and trailing faulty LyX configuration. I am guessing you 
are using Windows. You should install the latest updates of MikTeX and 
update everything for both user and admin mode.

I would also recommend testing your MikTeX setup with a MWE of LaTeX file.

You can also re-configure your LyX and see possible errors.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Fw: Re: Problems with LyX

2020-10-12 Thread Baris Erkus

On 12-Oct-20 1:52 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

It ist not a MWE, and compiles here on a Mac with LyX without any error 

Never mind that I am not sure I understand what "After converting I get errors" 



BTW, I also did not have any issue while compiling. But LyX is giving 
some warnings like these:

14:07:56.532: Previewing ...

14:07:56.549: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)

14:07:56.575: pdflatex "Farbrahmen.tex"LaTeXFonts.cpp (528): 
LaTeXFonts::getLaTeXFont: font 'mathpazo' not found!

LaTeXFonts.cpp (528): LaTeXFonts::getLaTeXFont: font 'mathpazo' not found!

LaTeXFonts.cpp (528): LaTeXFonts::getLaTeXFont: font 'mathpazo' not found!

...[So many of the same error message, I erased them for clarity]

LaTeXFonts.cpp (528): LaTeXFonts::getLaTeXFont: font 'mathpazo' not found!

14:07:57.760: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (MiKTeX 20.7)

14:07:57.761: entering extended mode

14:07:57.761: (Farbrahmen.tex

14:07:57.762: LaTeX2e <2020-10-01>

14:07:57.763: L3 programming layer <2020-09-24> xparse <2020-03-03>

14:08:06.894: pdflatex: major issue: User/administrator updates are 
out-of-sync. [do not mind this message]

14:08:07.466: pdflatex "Farbrahmen.tex"

14:08:07.784: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (MiKTeX 20.7)

14:08:07.785: entering extended mode

14:08:07.786: (Farbrahmen.tex

14:08:07.787: LaTeX2e <2020-10-01>

14:08:07.830: L3 programming layer <2020-09-24> xparse <2020-03-03>

14:08:14.287: pdflatex: major issue: User/administrator updates are 

14:08:14.317: Successful preview of format: PDF (pdflatex)

I have compiled the tex file with LaTeX directly  and no issues at all. 
So probably this is something related to LyX. Do you have similar messages?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Problems with LyX

2020-10-11 Thread Baris Erkus

On 11-Oct-20 10:50 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 09-Oct-20 8:02 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:
I want to include boxes for mathematical examples in my book. To do 
this, I chose the so called 'colored boxes', divided them into an 
upper part (for the mathematical example) and a lower part (for its 
solution), was able to underlay both parts with different colors (for 
making it pretty), choose a pretty thin boxrule and finally managed 
to make the box breakable. I can even place the text for footnotes 
inside the box outside the box. Unfortunately, two strange things 
happen in this process:

 1. I put 2 footnotes in the box. Outside the box, however, both
footnote texts are quoted with the same No. 2. A footnote text
with No. 1 does not even exist.

You are using \footnotemark and \footnotetext. I tried this with basic 
LaTeX and both footnotes have 2. Obviously and apparently , these two 
commands cannot follow the numbers. Probably \footnotetext has to 
follow \footnotemark.

Try this in LaTeX and you will see all the footnote numbers are 3.



    Testing footnotes. I'm writing something here to test 
\footnotemark several features. Testing the second \footnotemark and 
third \footnotemark.

    \footnotetext{First footnote}
    \footnotetext{Second footnote}
    \footnotetext{Third footnote}


But if you try this one, everything works fine:



    Testing footnotes. I'm writing something here to test 
\footnotemark several features.

    \footnotetext{First footnote}

    Testing the second \footnotemark
    \footnotetext{Second footnote}

    and third \footnotemark.
    \footnotetext{Third footnote}


So, this has nothing to do with LyX. Why don't you use \footnote 
instead of \footnotemark and \footnotetext?

 1. I made the entire text in the collor box long enough, so there
MUST be arise a page break. This puts the first footnote on the
first page and the second on the second page of the box. Now the
two footnote texts should be shown on the corresponding pages.
But they won't, both are shown on the second page.

I am guessing that tcolorbox does not have an automatic page break as 
you would expect. I recommend you look at the manuals of tcolorbox and 
stackexchange pages such as this one 

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

You can also have a look at this one 

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Problems with LyX

2020-10-11 Thread Baris Erkus

On 09-Oct-20 8:02 PM, Andreas Plihal wrote:
I want to include boxes for mathematical examples in my book. To do 
this, I chose the so called 'colored boxes', divided them into an 
upper part (for the mathematical example) and a lower part (for its 
solution), was able to underlay both parts with different colors (for 
making it pretty), choose a pretty thin boxrule and finally managed to 
make the box breakable. I can even place the text for footnotes inside 
the box outside the box. Unfortunately, two strange things happen in 
this process:

 1. I put 2 footnotes in the box. Outside the box, however, both
footnote texts are quoted with the same No. 2. A footnote text
with No. 1 does not even exist.

You are using \footnotemark and \footnotetext. I tried this with basic 
LaTeX and both footnotes have 2. Obviously and apparently , these two 
commands cannot follow the numbers. Probably \footnotetext has to follow 

Try this in LaTeX and you will see all the footnote numbers are 3.



    Testing footnotes. I'm writing something here to test \footnotemark 
several features. Testing the second \footnotemark and third \footnotemark.

    \footnotetext{First footnote}
    \footnotetext{Second footnote}
    \footnotetext{Third footnote}


But if you try this one, everything works fine:



    Testing footnotes. I'm writing something here to test \footnotemark 
several features.

    \footnotetext{First footnote}

    Testing the second \footnotemark
    \footnotetext{Second footnote}

    and third \footnotemark.
    \footnotetext{Third footnote}


So, this has nothing to do with LyX. Why don't you use \footnote instead 
of \footnotemark and \footnotetext?

 1. I made the entire text in the collor box long enough, so there
MUST be arise a page break. This puts the first footnote on the
first page and the second on the second page of the box. Now the
two footnote texts should be shown on the corresponding pages. But
they won't, both are shown on the second page.

I am guessing that tcolorbox does not have an automatic page break as 
you would expect. I recommend you look at the manuals of tcolorbox and 
stackexchange pages such as this one 

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Installing new class. cls files

2020-07-27 Thread Baris Erkus

On 28.07.2020 02:55, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 28 Jul 2020, Mike Reeks wrote:

Can anyone help me out here? I’m trying to install a class file for ASME
journals using Miktex console.


Last time I used windoze was 1997 and NT4. I know nothing about it.


This is straightforward.

Create a local folder:

c:\localtexmf\tex\latex   (it can be any other drive e.g d:\, depending 
on your computer)

Place your class file into this folder.

Or you can create another folder under the "latex" folder and place your 
files in there if you have many files, e.g:


Then, go to settings of MikTeX - Directories. Add the "d:\localtexmf" 
folder to the MikTeX path list.

Then go to Tasks and Refresh file name DB, Refresh font map files and, 
Update package database.

If you are using LyX, go to Tools - Reconfigure. Restart LyX and see 
your class file is installed.

Before using LyX, I highly recommend to test MikTeX using a regular 
LaTeX editor

Good luck!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX Relesed

2020-07-01 Thread Baris Erkus

Dear LyX Developers,

I would like to thank you all for your efforts on this wonderful piece 
of software.

I also would like to remind you my old request of adding a payment 
method other than PayPal, as PayPal is not available in all countries.

Best Regards,

Baris Erkus

On 1.07.2020 00:39, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

Public release of LyX version

This is an emergency release to fix bug number 11889, which reverses
marks in some cases when hyperref is enabled.

You can download LyX from

The original announcement follows.


We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.3.5. This is the fifth
maintenance release in the 2.3.x series. We encourage all users to
upgrade to this version.

LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based
on the structure of your documents and not simply their appearance. It is
released under a Free and Open Source Software license.

LyX 2.3.5 is the result of on-going efforts to make our stable version more
reliable and more stable. Most of the changes are incremental, but quite a
few important bugs have now been fixed.

One important change is that Inkscape 1.0 is now supported: It will be
and configured automatically. Users of previous versions have recently
configuration failures when Inkscape 1.0 is installed, leading to an
(and all but unusable) installation of LyX. This should also be fixed.

If you think you have found a bug in LyX 2.3.5, please open a bug report at If you're not sure whether it
really is a bug, you can e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel and ask.

If you have trouble using LyX or have a question, consult the documentation
that comes with LyX (under the Help or Apple menu) and the LyX wiki, which
is at If you can't find the answer there, e-mail the
LyX users' list (lyx-users, where you will find an
active community of people who are ready to help.

We hope you enjoy using LyX 2.3.5.

The LyX team.

What's new

** Updates:


- Add layout file for revtex 4.2.


- Keep citation style when all selected citations are deleted (bug 11748).

- Add shortcut for Insert > Separated  Above.


- Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Dutsch, German, Interlingua, Italian,
   and Slovak user interface localization.


- Provide the option to code sign the LyX application on Mac.

** Bug fixes:


- Fix crash with non-encodable glyph in nomcenlature inset (bug 11584).

- Fix crash with non-encodable glyph in class options (bug 11865).

- Support for Inkscape 1.0 (new command line syntax) (bug 11742).

- Fix problems with non-ASCII characters in file path with recent LaTeX
   (bug 11146).

- Fix problems with recent LaTeX when \input@path contains tilde and space
   (bug 11699).

- Fix output with class-provided geometry package (bug 11724).

- Fix erroneous space in output caused by changebar module (bug 11473).

- Correctly strike out deleted text after deleted display math (bug 11716).

- Fix loading of amsmath in beamer article classes (bug 11768).

- Prevent polyglossia options from being output to PDF TOC (bug 11813).

- Use real typographic quotation marks in PDF TOC (with pdflatex).

- Fix problems with apostrophe in path on Windows (bug 9368).

- Don't open a new instance just because no files are given (bug 11635).

- Fix tablefootnote loading order (bug 11841).

- Fix reloading of changed include inset (bug 11842).

- Don't output \maketitle twice with branches (bug 11787).

- Output \PassOptionsToPackage before any package is loaded (bug 11862).


- Avoid crash in some cases where a dialog is shown during operation
   (bug 11763).

- Fix crash with nested insets when spaces are removed automatically
(bug 11777).

- Fix a crash reported on lyx users.
   There was an uninitialized buffer member of MathData in LFUN dispatch.

- Fix backspace deletion of selected items with change tracking (bug 11630).

- Fix display glitch where the change tracking cue blinks with the cursor
   (bug 11684).

- Consider shorthand in biblatex cite display (bug 11696).

- Properly resize columns of child document table widget.

- Fix problem with validation of InsetLayout.

- Fix over-hasty resetting of dialog in Child Documents settings (bug

- Fix problems when pasting ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (bug 11790).

- Remove newlines from LFUNs entered in the shortcut dialog.

- Add copy, paste, etc, to math context menu (but 11799).

- Avoid bleeding of inset background outside of inset (bug 11786).

- Disallow adding columns with gathered environment as this is not
   supported (bug

Re: bibentry and LyX?

2020-03-17 Thread Baris Erkus

On 17-Mar-20 9:11 PM, Bernd wrote:

Dear lyx-users,

I want to use bibentry:





But it says it misses biblatex (which is not true because it comes 
preloaded in LyX).

However, I noticed that it is possible to do the same via 

Can someone confirm that this is now the only possibility?

While I have your attention, I want to suppress the URL part of the 
reference. Is this possible at all?

Kind regards,


biblatex is not part of LyX; it is part of the LaTeX system you are 
using. LyX only provides the user interface/tools to activate and call 
biblatex. So you have to make sure your LaTeX system has the biblatex.

URL part can be suppressed with some biblatex option that can be stated 
in LyX. AFAIK, for URLs you should use 'url=false'

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lyx-users mailing list

Issue with dv2dt.exe and msvcr100.dll

2020-02-10 Thread Baris Erkus
I have been encountering the attached error when LyX starts for some of 
the fresh installs of 64 bit of Windows 10, Enterprise Ed..

This error occurs if instant preview is on, where, I believe, dv2dt.exe 
is rendering the math equations and such.

I found the problem happens to be related to the msvcr100.dll file. For 
some installs of the Windows, this file is an older version that goes 
back to 2002. Some fresh installs of Windows 10 have the useful version 
though. Maybe some of the programs overwrites an older version of this 
file, I wouldn't know.

There are various versions of 64 bit msvcr100.dll on the net. I do not 
know which versions work, but the one that I found working is version 
10.9.40219.325 dated 11-Jun-11 2:58AM.  I overwrite the file under the 
C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder with the working version.

(FI: I have almost all versions of MS VC++ Redistributable installed, 
which apparently does not install a recent version of this dll.)

One can also try to use the msvcr100.dll file that comes with the 
dvitools at

I think I got mine from an older version of dvitools; I did not try the 
newer versions.

I do not think this is a bug, but maybe something to look at by 

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.3.4 is Released

2020-02-01 Thread Baris Erkus
On 31-Jan-20 10:46 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> Public release of LyX version 2.3.4
> ===
> We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.3.4. This is the fourth
> maintenance release in the 2.3.x series.

We, LyX users, would like to thank to all LyX developers for this new 
release. We know it is hard work and we will continue to test and report 
bugs as find it.

Best regards,


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: export to png

2020-01-20 Thread Baris Erkus

On 20-Jan-20 12:16 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:

On 20-Jan-20 12:14 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Lyx shows the option export to PNG, but it does not seem to be working
At least the command line does not show up.
Do I need to install an additional package?

Patrick, you may need to install the "convert" tool from ImageMagick. You
can search the list; I have posted how to that to the list.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: export to png

2020-01-20 Thread Baris Erkus

On 20-Jan-20 12:14 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,
> Lyx shows the option export to PNG, but it does not seem to be working
> At least the command line does not show up.
> Do I need to install an additional package?
Patrick, you may need to install the "covert" tool from ImageMagick. You 
can search the list; I have posted how to that to the list.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Latex conversion to lyx

2019-12-19 Thread Baris Erkus

On 19-Dec-19 12:04 AM, Mike Reeks wrote:
Grateful for your help. I am using lyx 2.2. I have used lyx to  produce pdf 
document and the corresponding  latex  file.  I need to be able to generate the 
pdf file from the latex file I have created using lyx.  Unfortuanely in 
importing the latex file into lyx I get an error message  ‘an error occurred 
when running tex2lyx -f ‘. I have absolutely no dea what to do.
Best regards
Mike Reeks

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

I highly recommend to come up with an MWE from your original LyX file. That 
will help you identify the error, if you move in a step-by-step manner...

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Wrap contents in all cells in a column [mwe]

2019-12-11 Thread Baris Erkus
On 11-Dec-19 7:18 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> Thank you. I'll diff the files and learn how to avoid this issue in the
>> future.
> Ah, yes! It was the rotation that should not have been there. 
> Apparently I
> was insufficiently caffinated yesterday afternoon.
> Thanks,
> Rich

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Converter ADD

2019-12-11 Thread Baris Erkus
On 11-Dec-19 1:17 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I try to set the Converter EPS>PNG in Tools>Preferences>FileHandling

clicked From format EPS To format PNG (or PDF...)

but the box Add and Modify at the right are both grayed out > I can't add the 

I have ImageMagick installed (6.9.10-23 QT16) and lyx 2.3.3 with Texlive full 
and the recommended additional software for LyX.

What is wrong?

It should be greyed out if you have not modified it and if you have the 
converter defined. Add is for the new converter. Modify should be available 
after you modify converter.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Wrap contents in all cells in a column

2019-12-10 Thread Baris Erkus

On 10-Dec-19 7:36 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Dec 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> I've a table with 5 columns and 84 rows (multipgag/long table). The 
>> second
>> column holds site descriptions which can be wordy so the table 
>> extends well
>> past the right margin of the paper when compiled.
> Second question:
> When I compile the document this long table appears is landscape 
> orientation
> rather than in portrait orientation with the text vertical on the page. I
> don't find where this is controlled and would like to have the table
> presented in portrait orientation with the description column taking
> multiple lines as necessary.
The rotation setting under the Tabular Settings should not be selected.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Wrap contents in all cells in a column

2019-12-10 Thread Baris Erkus

On 10-Dec-19 7:28 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I've a table with 5 columns and 84 rows (multipgag/long table). The 
> second
> column holds site descriptions which can be wordy so the table extends 
> well
> past the right margin of the paper when compiled.
> The Tables chapter of the embedded objects document, subsection
> 2.8.1, says setting the column width allows the text to wrap when
> ctrl-shift-Enter is pressed.
> Do I need to do this for each row in the table or is there a way to 
> have all
> rows in that column wrap long text?
AFAIK, if you set the width of the column, it will do wrap as you write. 
You can use CTRL+Enter for new line.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Error: ! Package babel Error: You haven't defined the language french yet.

2019-12-08 Thread Baris Erkus

On 08-Dec-19 8:07 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Hello,
> The attached file gives an error.
> Why?
> I use lyx 2.3.3 on fedora30
> Any idea?
> Thank.
> ===
>   Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
>   Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
>   9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
>   Tel: +33 (0)380395988
> ===
Worked on my Win10+MikTeX+LyX2.3.3

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: pdf graphic in lyx file > converting error

2019-11-28 Thread Baris Erkus
On 28-Nov-19 11:09 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 27.11.19 um 20:04 schrieb Baris Erkus:
On 27-Nov-19 9:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I try to insert a pdf graphic in a float of a book document, but get error 
converting in a loadable format. What do I have to set in the tools>file 
handling>converters to make it work, respectively, in which help file and where 
there do I find infos? Its an older file (2016) which used to work. Has 
something changed in the meantime?


Does this problem occur when you open the file and when LyX tries to show the 
PDF or when you compile the file (e.g with pdflatex)? I am trying to understand 
if this is a LyX issue or latex issue.

There were questions about PDF is not converted correctly for LyX preview in 
the list, which is related to PDF to PNG conversion, and I had the following 
recommendation for such problems. I do not know if this is your problem but 
worth to remind this:

Default LyX will show the PDFs with lower quality on the screen, when scaled. 
To solve this problem you need to tell to increase the resolution of the 
preview image as follows:

  *   Make sure the convert utility of ImageMagick is installed and the utility 
"convert" is made available to path.
  *   Start LyX and do not open a file.
  *   Go to "Preferences" under the "Tools" menu.
  *   Go to "Converters" under the "File Handling" section.
  *   Select "PDF(graphics)" from "From Format:" and "PNG" from "To Format:"
  *   To "Converter:" write : convert -density *** -trim -quality 100 -sharpen 
0x1.0 $$i $$o, where *** can be 200 to start with. You may try other values 
based on the results.
  *   Click "Add" button.
  *   Click "Apply" button.
  *   Click "Save" button.
  *   Select "Reconfigure" under "Tools" menu.
  *   Restart LyX.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Thanks, Barris.

I do have Version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 with convert.

Did you mean to put this in the extra flag line? >

  *   To "Converter:" write : convert -density *** -trim -quality 100 -sharpen 
0x1.0 $$i $$o, where *** can be 200 to start with. You may try other values 
based on the results.

  *   Click "Save" button.

There was no save button, I clicked ok

I opened my document. Now instead of

error converting in a loadable format.

I get

error loading file into memory

What I plan to do now is to try it with Debian buster on my notebook. I am 
currently on Linux Mint Tina using my PC.


This is the final setting of PDF (graphics) -> PNG converter on my LyX (I may 
be wrong with the save button):


Some suggestions:

  *   I guess the convert utility works fine on your computer but maybe a 
double check by running it on the command line.
  *   Clear the PNG cache folder. On Windows, this folder is under the users 

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: pdf graphic in lyx file > converting error

2019-11-27 Thread Baris Erkus
On 27-Nov-19 9:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I try to insert a pdf graphic in a float of a book document, but get error 
converting in a loadable format. What do I have to set in the tools>file 
handling>converters to make it work, respectively, in which help file and where 
there do I find infos? Its an older file (2016) which used to work. Has 
something changed in the meantime?


Does this problem occur when you open the file and when LyX tries to show the 
PDF or when you compile the file (e.g with pdflatex)? I am trying to understand 
if this is a LyX issue or latex issue.

There were questions about PDF is not converted correctly for LyX preview in 
the list, which is related to PDF to PNG conversion, and I had the following 
recommendation for such problems. I do not know if this is your problem but 
worth to remind this:

Default LyX will show the PDFs with lower quality on the screen, when scaled. 
To solve this problem you need to tell to increase the resolution of the 
preview image as follows:

  *   Make sure the convert utility of ImageMagick is installed and the utility 
"convert" is made available to path.
  *   Start LyX and do not open a file.
  *   Go to "Preferences" under the "Tools" menu.
  *   Go to "Converters" under the "File Handling" section.
  *   Select "PDF(graphics)" from "From Format:" and "PNG" from "To Format:"
  *   To "Converter:" write : convert -density *** -trim -quality 100 -sharpen 
0x1.0 $$i $$o, where *** can be 200 to start with. You may try other values 
based on the results.
  *   Click "Add" button.
  *   Click "Apply" button.
  *   Click "Save" button.
  *   Select "Reconfigure" under "Tools" menu.
  *   Restart LyX.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Some issues with the latest update of MikTeX

2019-11-09 Thread Baris Erkus
On 09-Nov-19 1:33 PM, Kees Zeelenberg (kzStats) wrote:
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: lyx-users  Namens Baris Erkus
> Verzonden: donderdag 7 november 2019 09:10
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Some issues with the latest update of MikTeX
>> LyX reported that iftex.sty was missing. I checked MikTeX and indeed iftex 
>> package was somehow not loaded in the package list, > which is awkward since 
>> I have installed "all" MikTeX packages and everything is expected to be 
>> there. It does not make sense
>>   MikTeX remove some standard packages during a MikTeX update.
>> ...
>> Please do not install the latest MikTeX update till you make sure it is safe 
>> to do so.
> On my machine (Windows 10, x64, LyX 2.3.3, MikTeX installed as administrator 
> in C:\Program Files) everything still works fine after updating the MikTeX 
> packages. The location of the iftex package has been changed: it is now in 
> tex\generic instead of tex\latex; the latex\iftex folder is now indeed empty, 
> but the generic\iftex folder is full. I did not have to reconfigure LyX, 
> iftex.sty is still found when included in the preamble.
> Perhaps somehow the MikTeX file name database was not refreshed?
That explains it. As you have sad, probably something happened to MikTex 
and could not properly address the correct location of the iftex pacakge.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Some issues with the latest update of MikTeX

2019-11-07 Thread Baris Erkus
On 07-Nov-19 11:10 AM, Baris Erkus wrote:
> I would like to report that there are some issues with the latest MikTeX
> update that was published just couple of days ago.
> I became aware of the issue when I wanted to compile a two page document
> that was compiling just fine before updating my MikTeX installation.
> LyX reported that iftex.sty was missing. I checked MikTeX and indeed
> iftex package was somehow not loaded in the package list, which is
> awkward since I have installed "all" MikTeX packages and everything is
> expected to be there. It does not make sense MikTeX remove some standard
> packages during a MikTeX update.
> Anyhow I installed the missing package (iftex) using MikTeX package
> manager. There were also other packages that appeared not to be
> installed; I also installed all of them to have the complete package in
> the MikTeX system.
> I re-run the LyX file, and LyX gave same error. Then, I found out that
> the iftex folder is actually empty although it appears as installed in
> the MikTeX package list.
> I manually downloaded the package from CTAN and copied to the proper
> latex/iftex folder. I reconfigured LyX and the error is gone. However,
> this time, if I wanted to reun the sample LyX file, LyX still tries to
> start MikTeX and tries to search for iftex package and gives error.
> Maybe I should clear the cache or temp folder or smtg.
> As a conclusion, there appears to be some issues with the latest update
> of MikTeX, at least for my case. This is also effecting LyX. LyX is
> getting confused with the reconfigure and cannot configure it properly.
> Please do not install the latest MikTeX update till you make sure it is
> safe to do so.
I ahve solved the LyX-iftex problem. I updated package database and 
refresh file names from within MikTeX and now LyX is working fine.

Anyhow maybe it is just related to my case, but good to have some heads-up.

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lyx-users mailing list

Some issues with the latest update of MikTeX

2019-11-07 Thread Baris Erkus
I would like to report that there are some issues with the latest MikTeX 
update that was published just couple of days ago.

I became aware of the issue when I wanted to compile a two page document 
that was compiling just fine before updating my MikTeX installation.

LyX reported that iftex.sty was missing. I checked MikTeX and indeed 
iftex package was somehow not loaded in the package list, which is 
awkward since I have installed "all" MikTeX packages and everything is 
expected to be there. It does not make sense MikTeX remove some standard 
packages during a MikTeX update.

Anyhow I installed the missing package (iftex) using MikTeX package 
manager. There were also other packages that appeared not to be 
installed; I also installed all of them to have the complete package in 
the MikTeX system.

I re-run the LyX file, and LyX gave same error. Then, I found out that 
the iftex folder is actually empty although it appears as installed in 
the MikTeX package list.

I manually downloaded the package from CTAN and copied to the proper 
latex/iftex folder. I reconfigured LyX and the error is gone. However, 
this time, if I wanted to reun the sample LyX file, LyX still tries to 
start MikTeX and tries to search for iftex package and gives error. 
Maybe I should clear the cache or temp folder or smtg.

As a conclusion, there appears to be some issues with the latest update 
of MikTeX, at least for my case. This is also effecting LyX. LyX is 
getting confused with the reconfigure and cannot configure it properly. 
Please do not install the latest MikTeX update till you make sure it is 
safe to do so.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: bibtex formatting

2019-10-31 Thread Baris Erkus
On 31-Oct-19 7:52 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I have a reference titled, Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET) and it's
> entered in kbibtex with the abbreviation writte this way: ({WET}). 
> But, when
> entered in a LyX document the bibliography shows the abbreviation as 
> (wet).
> I thought the braces specified 'keep the text exactly as written' so I 
> must
> have not correctly formatted this string. Please show me how it should be
> done.
> TIA,
> Rich

How  does it appear on the generated PDF file?

LyX has its own formatting of references, which is most of the time NOT 
same as the bibtex format you are using.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Lyx for Windows

2019-10-30 Thread Baris Erkus
On 28-Oct-19 10:30 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Does John's advice to use identical versions of LyX mean to use 2.3.3 
> (which I use) also under Windows? I did not find this version for MikTeX.
This question is not clear. MikTeX and LyX are two seperate packages. 
The latest version of LyX is compatible with the latest version of 
MikTeX as I have tried it just yesterday on a fresh PC.

If you are asking if two LyX versions should be same or not, I think, if 
you are using versions of 2.3.x, it should not be a problem, as I have 
tried this with some of my students and we did not have an issue.

In my opinion, even if one of the LyX has version of LyX 2.2.x, and the 
other is 2.3.x, it should not be a problem as long as both LyX programs 
are setup and running properly. However, there maybe certain features in 
versions 2.3.x that may not be available in 2.2.x, which may create some 
warnings when opening in v 2.2.x. Maybe you should ask this as a 
separate question to the list, if you are using an older version o LyX.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Lyx for Windows

2019-10-27 Thread Baris Erkus
On 27-Oct-19 3:18 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I have a colleague with whom I would like to write a book chapter. I am under 
Linux, he uses Windows. Is the following advice sufficient or should I mention 
more points?

Lyx for windows

1- Installing TeXLive for Windows over Internet
use Custom install
and follow the proposal below the Texlive 2018 figure
Click install texlive

2- Download Current stable version 2.3.0 using standard installer 
LyX-230-Installer-005.exe (58 MB)

Open lyx and load the Photobiology-4th-Edition.lyx file which I will send you.

  *   I would recommend using Git / GitHub to both of you if you are going to 
work on one document. GitHub gives free private repos to researchers for 
non-profit work.
  *   For Windows, Microsoft did major updates to Windows and some versions of 
Windows cause issues. There are workarounds tough.
  *   I would recommend to consider MikTex as an alternative to TeXLive.
  *   I would recommend to install both MikTex and LyX for all users. Also I 
would recommend MikTeX to install packages on the fly without asking.
  *   I would recommend to install imagemagick with convert tool and define a 
converter from PDF to PNG with  convert -density 200 -trim -quality 100 
-sharpen 0x1.0 $$i $$o
  *   I suggest to use Sumatra PDF for PDF viewer and PDF XChange for PDF 
markup, edit and cropping.
  *   Dictionary files downloaded from the LyX installer may be corrupted. 
Hunspell dictionary files can be downloaded and place in the resources/dict 
folder manually.
  *   May need to edit the LyX file occasionally.  I suggest to use Notepad++ 
for that purpose.

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lyx-users mailing list

Re: More obvious feedback when a reconfigure is in process

2019-10-27 Thread Baris Erkus
On 27-Oct-19 1:07 AM, Cris Fuhrman wrote:
> Hello,
> While trying some various installs of MiKTeX recently, I had to 
> reconfigure LyX several times. At one point, I was trying to change 
> the settings and the menu wasn't working. Finally I realized that the 
> reconfigure was still running, and that I had just been duped by the 
> fact that the only feedback is on a status line at the bottom of the 
> window (which wasn't changing because the step the reconfigure on was 
> one that takes more than 10 seconds on my machine sometimes (fonts?)).
> Anyway, I wondered why there isn't an progress-bar type dialog or 
> something with more feedback when doing a reconfigure? It can take as 
> long as a minute on one of my machines.
> Cheers,
> C. Fuhrman
On Windows with MikTeX, reconfiguring can take about 10 minutes 
especially if LyX asks MikTeX to install some packages.

LyX Message Pane shows the configuration status, however it is not 
turned on automatically. Maybe you can request from the developers a 
feature that shows the messages pane during the configuration.

Progress-bar may not be meaningful here as different TeX systems and 
different package status may result very different type of configuration 
times, which may not be possible to estimate.

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lyx-users mailing list

RE: List transfer

2019-10-03 Thread Baris Erkus
Many Thanks and Good Luck…..

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From:  on behalf of Wierdl 
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019 1:14:31 PM
To: ; 

Subject: List transfer

Guys, the LyX mailing lists will be transferred to its new location at Ohio 
State from Univ of Memphis.  Please stop sending messages to the lists since 
they may get lost.  I'll leave the server running at Uof Memphis for four more 
hours so that already sent messages clear out.  Then the sever will be shut 
down, and you'll get a message when it's up at its new location---this should 
happen today unless something goes wrong. .

The list addresses won't change.

It's been my pleasure to administer the LyX lists for over a decade.



Re: LyX 2.3.3 and default application

2019-08-16 Thread Baris Erkus
On 16-Aug-19 10:13 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:


I run LyX 2.3.3 on Windows 10 64 bit, latest version.

When I double-click on lyx files, LyX opens. But when I check the help system 
for version number, it shows LyX v. 2.3.1-1. And I thought I had uninstalled 
LyX 2.3.1-1 and switched to LyX 2.3.3...

I have tried to change the file association in Windows Settings, but it looks 
like I can only choose apps from Windows Store there.


· How can I fix this problem, so that when I double-click on files 
saved in LyX 2.3.3, and I later double-click on these file, they open in LyX 


right click -> Open with -> Choose Another App -> Check "Always use this app to 
open .lyx files" --> More Aps --> (at the bottom) Choose another app from PC -> 
Select the correct version of LyX.

should assign *.lyx files to the LyX version you want.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Configuration of LyXHTML

2019-08-12 Thread Baris Erkus
On 12-Aug-19 10:47 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 8/12/19 3:28 AM, Baris Erkus wrote:
>> I was wondering something
>> special to bibliography. Is there a tool that can dynamically generate
>> the bibliography from a given biblatex .bib database? I know now that I
>> can generate my LyX file and convert to HTML, which will have the
>> bibliography in it, but it would be only static text.
> I think I'm missing something: LaTeX does this, right? There are also
> things like aux2bib. What sort of use do you have in mind?
> Riki
Sorry, my question was not complete: I was asking about a tool available 
withing or integrated into HTML.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Configuration of LyXHTML

2019-08-12 Thread Baris Erkus
On 12-Aug-19 4:48 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 14:42:40 -0300
> Rudi Gaelzer  wrote:
>> I have just tested LyXHTML with a complex document (lots of childs,
>> cross- references, listings, etc) and found that the result is fairly
>> good. However, all the files that were generated were stored in the
>> same directory as the sources.
>> Is there a way to configure LyXHTML to change the following:
>> 1. Write the files in another directory.
>> 2. Color of the items in TOC.  They are black by default.  Can I
>> change the color?
>> 3. Using the "Fancy Colored Boxes" module.  I inserted a Custom Color
>> Box in the master document and the configuration of said custom box
>> was rendered at the top of the xhtlm page.  That configuration should
>> not have been printed. 4. Also using the "Custom Header/Footerlines"
>> module.  The field titles: "Left Header:", "Right Footer:", etc, were
>> also included in the xhtml.  They should be invisible.
>> Any tips?
> My best tip for rendering HTML or ePub would be to use something
> besides LyX.
> Lately, I've been writing a book in Asciidoctor. Once I scaffolded it
> with a few shellscripts, it converted to *clean* and *styleful*
> (X)HTML5: Much higher quality than anything I remember from LyX
> converters like LyXHTML. Via Pandoc I've also gotten it to write to
> PDF via LaTeX, although the look and quality of the PDF isn't yet good
> enough that I'd sell the PDF version of this book.
> The array of things Asciidoctor can do is breathtaking, and I'll be
> happy to help anyone wanting to get into Asciidoctor.
> SteveT


This is a comment that I have interest in. I was wondering something 
special to bibliography. Is there a tool that can dynamically generate 
the bibliography from a given biblatex .bib database? I know now that I 
can generate my LyX file and convert to HTML, which will have the 
bibliography in it, but it would be only static text.

I know this is out of the scope of LyX. Hope the members do not mind for 
this small fling.


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Bug in LyX regarding page format and hyperref

2019-07-29 Thread Baris Erkus
On 27-Jul-19 9:32 AM, Marius Shekow wrote:
> Hi again,
> I forgot to mention that you also need to set custom page margins. An
> example file is attached.
> Best regards!
> Am 26.07.2019 um 20:14 schrieb Marius Shekow:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed that the recent Lyx versions (2.3.x) generate a PDF that
>> is of "US Letter" size, even though I've explicitly set up A4 in the
>> document settings (Page Layout -> Format). This happens once I enable
>> Hyperref support in the document settings.
>> As suggested in
>> it seems that adding "a4paper" as custom option to the documentclass
>> seems to work. This is extreme expert knowledge that you should not
>> expect your users to have. When a normal/novice user sets up A4, then
>> the generated PDF should be A4 (and the same goes for any other page
>> format).
>> Is this something that you could fix?
>> Best regards!
>> Marius
Hello Marius,

As you may be aware of that LyX serves as a front-end for the LaTeX 
system. When you select a paper size in LyX, LyX -probably- simply adds 
that paper size as an option to the document class in the generated tex 

On the other hand, LaTeX is a sophisticated typesetting system, where 
many packages and classes are used. Sometimes, some of these packages 
and classes have conflicts and associated rules. When you try to use 
some specific packages for a given class, you may not be allowed to 
change some settings.

As far as I observe, LyX developers are trying to identify these 
conflicts and implement LyX-based solutions for some of them. However, 
it is not always possible to follow every single one of these 
conflicts/rules since there are so many of these packages and classes. 
Further, LaTeX packages are being updated constantly and may result a 
conflict after an update, which makes it very difficult to track them.

To put this in another way, if you are not using LyX, but using 
conventional text-based LaTeX typesetting, you will probably encounter 
these issues as well. If this issue is a well-known issue, LyX 
developers might have provided a solution in LyX. However, it is not 
always possible for LyX to have a solution. In this case, you are 
supposed to identify the issue and provide a solution by yourself, which 
we LyX-used do all the time.

Best Regards,


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Biblatex or bibtex

2019-07-23 Thread Baris Erkus
On 20-Jul-19 4:41 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I used bibtex so far but thought to switch to biblatex, since I 
> assumed it would handle diacritics better. However, I am unexperienced 
> and e.g. don't know how to get in the bibliography the surname, a 
> comma, and only the first character of the prename with a ., example: 
> Biblatex gives me in the setting (were and how do I change it??)
> Leis, Jeffrey M. and Siebeck, Ulrike and Dixson, Danielle L.
> I would, however, like to have it as
> Leis, J. M. and Siebeck, U. and Dixson, D. L.
> Do I have to do this in the reference manager?
> could somebody recommend information on biblatex? Or should I stay 
> with bitex and battle the diacritics?
> Wolfgang
If you are not currently working on a very urgent document, I think 
biblatex is worth to learn. I believe biblatex will replace bibtex. The 
manual of biblatex is great but some google'ing and stackexchanging 
really helps...

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: e journal references in Jabref

2019-07-17 Thread Baris Erkus
On 17-Jul-19 4:46 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I use jabref for LyX, biblatex. I have a larger number of e-journals 
> as references. How can I change the entry type for all of them at once 
> and what exactly is the entry type? Electronic? And how do I cite 
> pages such as R322-R324 or III-V? This was all found by a quality 
> check in Jabref, and perhaps it can be done there as a bulck? Also, 
> how do I shift the contents of all Journal to Journaltitle, which is 
> recommended for biblatex?
> Sorry for the off-topic, but I thought there are others in this group 
> who can answer some of it.
> Wolfgang
Have your tried to edit your bib files with a text editor and make 
necessary changes through find and replace?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-17 Thread Baris Erkus
On 17-Jul-19 3:00 PM, Kees Zeelenberg wrote:
> Op 14-07-19 om 19:20 schreef Richard Kimberly Heck:
>> On 7/14/19 12:26 PM, Brian Davis wrote:
>> without more information. But contrary to what someone said here, MikTeX
>> has an annoying habit of updating itself in the background and breaking
>> things. We've seen it time and time again. The list archives are full of
>> such problems.
> I have been using MikTeX for over 15 years (with LyX for over 10 
> years), and have never experienced such an automatic update that some 
> have ascribed to it. To make sure, I have checked on the MikTeX issue 
> tracker, with the following outcome. A user can configure MikTeX to 
> install on the fly LaTeX-packages that are required by his/her 
> document. But MikTeX does never update automatically its executables 
> or packages that have previously been installed; this has to be done 
> manually through the MikTeX console. 
> (
> In the past LyX was available in a bundle with MikTeX. During install, 
> the LyX-installer did update MikTeX; so it was not MikTeX, but the 
> LyX-installer that did the update, and caused problems.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-16 Thread Baris Erkus

On 16-Jul-19 8:29 PM, Brian Davis wrote:
Win 10 Enterprise box this morning still requires admin mode to generate pdf.  
So at least there is stable insanity there.
stable insanity: this one of the best quotes ever. I hope you problems are 
solved before it get to unstable+chaotic insanity... Good Luck!

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Is latest Windows 10 (1809 prior to 1903-not installed) Update breaking Lyx 2.33 and MikTex?

2019-07-13 Thread Baris Erkus
On 13-Jul-19 8:57 PM, Brian Davis wrote:
> Performing operation scorched earth (a play by play):
> Zip Lyx user dir stuff in AppData
> Uninstall MikTeX
> Laugh at MikTex Uninstall
> Delete cruft MikTeX leaves behind in C:\Program Files (x86)
> Uninstall LyX with check box to remove all user data
> Reboot machine.
> Install MikTex basic-miktex-2.9.7100-x64.exe
> Select Letter
> Select Auto install dependencies
> Click through
> Install LyX LyX-233-Installer-1.exe
> Click through
> Wait for MikTex LyX to check and download any packages.
> Watch paint dry
> Count the popcorn on the ceiling
> Contemplate the meaning of life
> Could we detect life on exoplanets by looking near atmosphere for 
> space junk... h?  One persons junk is another persons treasure.
> LyX/MikTex still spinning.
> Could coronal mass ejections (CME) (millions of tons of matter) be 
> redirected towards earth or moon using magneto hydrodynamics and a 
> series of satellites  to create the largest 3D Universal (as in solar 
> system)  Printer in the universe? Possibly even separate the matter 
> stream for various matter types?   Say space mining on steroids?  Hmm 
> lets submit that question to GSFC public portal done.
> Hey LyX is done installing
> Finally
> Check Launch LyX
> Open my test.lyx
> Check for document creation using eyes icon to generate pdf.
> Works
> Check Document -> Settings
> Document Class reads: Unavailable: Article (Standard Class)
> Wait... what ... How can it generate a pdf if the cls file cannot be 
> found by LyX.
> At least now it is generating the pdf file, but how?
> What da h#!!?
> I even switched the document class to another unavailable Article 
> class the one with Extra Font Sizes and received an error about not 
> being able to compile the document t yada... yada ...yada and IT STILL 
> COMPILES AND GENERATES A PDF... What is going on?
> Do I need to post a YouTube vid on this bizarro experience?
> I am thoroughly confused.
Hello, I am following your post and would like to help. I am swamped with a 
paper now, are you in hurry for your thesis?
Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: "lyxminus" appearing in math mode (windows 10)

2019-07-01 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-Jun-19 4:44 AM, Kyle Stevens wrote:

I tried asking this question on stackexchange and was more or less told to ask 
lyx support.

My issue is that in math mode symbols that used to be “normal” are now 
appearing weird such as all greek letters are now bold and he “-“ symbol 
appears as “lyxminus”. I have found that other people have had this problem and 
fixes have been offered, however these were all for linux or some system called 
mint, whereas I’m using the most recent version on windows 10.

I am of the understanding that this is some kind of font issue, however I’m at 
a loss at how to address it. I have attached a screenshot and a lyx file as an 
example of my problem.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

I have minus as normal on my Windows and LyX 2.3.3

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.3.3

2019-06-27 Thread Baris Erkus
On 25-Jun-19 9:20 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> Public release of LyX version 2.3.3
> ===
> We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.3.3. This is the third
> maintenance release in the 2.3.x series.


I would like to thank to the developers for the wonderful program!

I have installed on the latest versions of Win10 and MikTeX and it works 
perfectly! If I have issues, I will post here.



Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Floating .jpg images issues

2019-06-13 Thread Baris Erkus
On 13-Jun-19 7:49 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Running lyx-2.3.2 on Slackware-14.2.
> There are many .jpg images for this document. Using Insert -> Float ->
> Figure I I insert the figures, clip them to the boundary, and set 
> width to
> 75% text width (for landscape orientation) and height to 50% text height
> (for portrait orientation).
> When I look at the dvips preview figure 1 displays properly, but the
> following figures overlay figure 1; screenshot attached.
> When I compile the document with pdflatex no images display on the 
> page and
> the virtual terminal displays a long list of errors, e.g,,
> Syntax Error (156): Unknown operator 'pagesize'
> Syntax Error (157): Unknown operator 'width'
> Syntax Error (168): Unknown operator 'pt'
> Syntax Error (169): Unknown operator 'height'
> Syntax Error (171): Unknown operator 'pt'
> Syntax Error (196): Unknown operator 'epdf'
> Syntax Error (198): Unknown operator 'pagebox'
> Syntax Error (200): Unknown operator 'cropbox'
> Syntax Error (203): Unknown operator 'bbox'
> Syntax Error (213): Unknown operator 'clip'
> Syntax Error (220): Unknown operator 'width'
> Syntax Error (262): Unknown operator 'pt'
> Syntax Error (156): Unknown operator 'pagesize'
> Syntax Error (157): Unknown operator 'width'
> Syntax Error (168): Unknown operator 'pt'
> Syntax Error (169): Unknown operator 'height'
> Syntax Error (171): Unknown operator 'pt'
> Syntax Error (196): Unknown operator 'epdf'
> Syntax Error (198): Unknown operator 'pagebox'
> I've inserted .jpg and .png figures in other documents and have not 
> before
> encountered these issues. I don't know where to start looking for the 
> source
> and need a pointer or two.
> TIA,
> Rich

Could you please post a MWE?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: PDF and EPS vector images preview's quality is extremely bad within LyX

2019-05-14 Thread Baris Erkus

On 14-May-19 7:46 PM, Andrey wrote:


When I insert any graphical PDF files in the document, LyX preview (the 
program's editing window) shows them rasterized and in an extremely bad 
resolution. In the 'pdflatex' PDF output everything is ok, the quality is as in 
the original images.

I discovered that when I insert PDFs LyX converts them to .eps with 'pdftops'. 
I checked outside LyX and it works without any problems or decrease in quality. 
When I insert those independently converted .eps files (good-quality ones) into 
a LyX document I get the same results as with original PDFs - rasterized and 
bad resolution.

I found some advice to set up EPS->PNG conversion with 'convert' utility from 
ImageMagick because presumably LyX uses it to preview EPS images. After I 
solved 'convert-im6.q16: not authorized' problem (which somehow didn't affect 
LyX, only the command line) I indeed found out that the default conversion line 
convert in.pdf out.png gives a very low resolution PNG file. So I tried convert 
-density 300 in.pdf out.png fron the command line and it produces good quality 
images. Then I inserted convert -density 300 $$i $$o into the LyX EPS->PNG 
conversion line. And that changed absolutely nothing in the LyX preview output, 
same low quality. Now I don't know what to do. It seems this converter doesn't 
actually work in the program's window.

Could somebody help?

LyX 2.3.2, Ubuntu 18.04.2, XFCE 4.12


convert -density 200 -trim -quality 100 -sharpen 0x1.0 $$i $$o

you can try different numbers for 200

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Re: One more thing about LyX compile speed

2019-04-26 Thread Baris Erkus
On 25-Apr-19 2:55 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> My 377 page "Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist", compiled from a shellscript that starts by adding
> customization material and ends by displaying the finished PDF, takes
> 18 seconds on my 16GB RAM, AMD A6-6400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD
> Graphics, dual core at 3.9Ghz.
> This document consists of one LyX file. I've always used one LyX file
> and never a master/children document setup. The reasons I never went
> master/children are:
> 1. At the >500 page docs I do, a single file compiles well and presents
> no problems with viewing or editing.
> 2. I don't split books between authors.
> 3. During the many years I've been on this list, I've seen a heck of a
> lot of people posting strange problems with master/children document
> setups.
> I don't know whether compiling single file would be significantly
> faster, significantly slower, or for practical purposes equal to
> master/children. But I imagine it would take about 1/2 hour to find
> out, simply by copying the master to a different filename, and then
> replacing each child reference with that child's LyX text.
> Doing it this way leaves the original master/children version
> untouched, so if there's no difference it can continue to be used. If
> the one-file method is significantly faster, a regression test and a
> few renames enable the one-file method to be used into the future, with
> the master/children as a backup.
> SteveT

I wonder the content of the document. Do you have many equations, 
figures, cross-references, citations etc? Do you turn the instant 
preview on?

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Win 7 and LyX and MikTeX

2019-04-24 Thread Baris Erkus

Is anybody using LyX+MikTeX+Win 7 without any problems?

I have a computer where I can only install Win 7 and wondering if it 
will cause any problems.



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Re: Version control system

2019-04-11 Thread Baris Erkus
On 11-Apr-19 12:06 PM, Иван Горюнов wrote:


I have a trouble using VCS.

When I try to register document in VCS I get the following message:


I tried solution in this article:

I have installed RCS, but it did not make any changes.

Then I tried to use git, like it is described:

"Using git

If you want to use git, then it is straight forward. Just install git and 
create a repo in the folder of the LyX document. LyX will then will detect that 
git repo and you will be able to check in and check out the document. You even 
can use your cloud storage with git without having to check in the last change 
in you work PC."

Also no changes, still the same error (git client works ok, but I wanted some 
built-in solutinon for LyX).

I performed TeXLive installation described in this article:

Best regards,
Ivan Goryunov


You are either making a small mistake or it does not work due to some bug in 
RCS.  Git is totally independent from RCS and is a seperate VCS. If you are 
using Git, you do not need to use RCS.

In fact, Git is more powerful and bug-free than RCS, so I would highly 
recommend to use Git along with a GUI such as Sourcetree instead of RCS (you 
can use built-in Git toolbar but that does not track files -e.g. figures- other 
than the LyX file). AFAIK, RCS is not actively maintained/developed anymore, it 
is outdated and has some bugs. I have spent too much time on RCS, and it did 
not prove to be useful for my case at all. So in my opinion: dump RCS and 
invest into Git.


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: .eps figures not shown in the pdf file

2019-04-10 Thread Baris Erkus
On 10-Apr-19 10:51 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> On 10.04.19 09:07, Baris Erkus wrote:
>> On 10-Apr-19 9:56 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>>> What do I have to do if eps figures are not shown in the pdf file? I
>>> had before never problems with it.
>>> Wolfgang
>> Are you using pdflatex or latex+dvipdf? ASAIK, eps figures cannot be
>> interpreted by pdflatex. For eps, you should use latex+dvi2pdf. Can this
>> be the problem?
> I use -as I have done before- pdflatex. I checked under 
> tools>preferences>file handling>converters that EPS>PDF (graphics) and 
> EPS>PNG is set.
> Your latex+dvi2pdf is not shown in my file export, only DVI(luaTeX), 
> and this gives errors for missing conversions. By the way, I am using 
> Koma scrpt book style.
> Wolfgang
I did not use eps with pdflatex. Apparently, LyX converts EPS to PDF 
using epstopdf tool and EPS to PNG using magick (imagemagick) tool when 
using pdflatex, without user intervention. Maybe you can look at those 
tools on your pc and see if they are working fine.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: .eps figures not shown in the pdf file

2019-04-10 Thread Baris Erkus
On 10-Apr-19 9:56 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> What do I have to do if eps figures are not shown in the pdf file? I 
> had before never problems with it.
> Wolfgang
Are you using pdflatex or latex+dvipdf? ASAIK, eps figures cannot be 
interpreted by pdflatex. For eps, you should use latex+dvi2pdf. Can this 
be the problem?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Lyx template froma tex template

2019-04-09 Thread Baris Erkus
On 07-Apr-19 8:08 PM, Jose Luis Varona Santana wrote:
Hi, my name is José Luis Varona Santana. I'm writing my master's thesis on lyx 
but my University has a tex template. How could i made a lyx template from the 
.tex one?
Thanks' before all
Lic. José Luis Varona Santana

Hi Jose,

A good starting point for this is:

Referring this page: If you are a beginner, a simple layout file in the form of

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[acmsiggraph]{ACM SigGraph}

# Read the definitions from article.layout
Input article.layout

will suffice. You will be putting many information into preamble and in the 
main file using ERT. You will do several try-and-errors to make it work, but if 
you are careful, this should be at most one days of work for beginners (this is 
my experience). Please note that class-specific styles, environments and 
commands will not be immediately available under LyX menus and options. 
However, they will work in the preamble and in the main file by ERT.

Also, Section 5.3 of the Customization document under LyX help has both on 
introductory and advanced information on layouts. If you have time, placing the 
class-specific styles, environments and other commands into the LyX menus 
should not be that difficult. Look at some layout files that come with LyX and 
try-and-error with Section 5.3.7 and other sections of the Customization file.

Good Luck.


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Re: Counters of custom list environment

2019-04-03 Thread Baris Erkus
On 03-Apr-19 5:34 PM, Daniel wrote:
> On 03/04/2019 13:35, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> I have noticed same, but it bothered me for about 27 seconds and I am
>> now used to it.
> With Jean-Marc's comment, there is no need to get used to it any more. 
> Though I admire your ability to adapt. :)
> Daniel
Well, what I meant was exactly this solution.  You can place these 
options in the preamble to be valid for whole document, or you can place 
it in the Enumerate Options of LyX to be valid only for that particular 
list. I use both. LyX does not have a tool that set these for you.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Are you going to offer new versions of LyXWinInsaller?

2019-04-03 Thread Baris Erkus
On 04-Apr-19 2:53 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 4/3/19 5:52 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
>> Am 02.04.2019 um 03:02 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck:
 You see why I insist that proper Windows support is only possible if
 whole process, compilation, installer building and testing the
 installation is run on different Win systems.
>>> No, I don't see why it matters whether we compile LyX on Windows or on
>>> Linux, and nothing you said seems to address that.
>> I just gave you two examples why only installing LyX on a Windows PC
>> could unveil problems:
> You said I have to *compile* LyX on Windows. Of course I *install* LyX
> under Windows to test it.
> As I also said, it is my intention to release 'testing' versions which,
> presumably, will be installed by people on different systems. I'm hoping
> to get to this fairly soon. Problems that turn up that way will be fixed.
> I agree, of course, that it would be better if the person responsible
> for the Windows installer was a Windows user. But, at the moment, we
> don't have anyone who is (i) willing to take that on and (ii) willing to
> abide by decisions of the LyX team.
> Riki

The new approach in software engineering is conduct agile DevOps cycles, 
which results frequent releases of the software. This may be problematic 
for programs like LyX, which depends on many other open-source sofware 
(e.g. Python, MikTeX, ImageMagic, etc.. ). One solution to this problem 
may be implementing agile DevOps cycles for LyX itself. There are tools 
like Jenkins that can be used for automated testing and release. Maybe, 
LyX team can invest to such technologies to be able to be synced with 
the surrounding software.

B. Erkus

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: LyX installation problems on Windows 10.

2019-04-03 Thread Baris Erkus
On 03-Apr-19 3:23 AM, 장지웅(수학과) wrote:
Dear LyX users,

Hi, my name is Jiwoong, and I am trying to install LyX, which is a typewriter 
program for LaTeX, but I'm having trouble doing it.

Really I tried tons of way to do this, but the error message is the same:

LyX: No textclass is found

LyX will only have minimal functionality because no textclasses have been 
found. You can either try to reconfigure LyX normally, try to reconfigure 
without checking your LaTeX installation, or continue.

(Press the button) Reconfigure (or) Without LaTeX (or) Continue

I posted the same question on the tex.stackexchange, and the below is the link:

Inspite of thankful comments, I cannot figure why the same problem happens, and 
I now became to ask a question to LyX users.

Best regards,
Jiwoong Jang

Have you tried:


B. Erkus

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Re: Counters of custom list environment

2019-04-02 Thread Baris Erkus
On 02-Apr-19 1:45 PM, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> In the attached document the list structure in the work area is shown as
> i. MyEnumerate
> (a) Enumerate
> but the output is actually
> i. MyEnumerate
> 1. Enumerate
> I seem unable to figure out how to tell LyX that my custom enumerate 
> (as set in the Local Layout and Preamble) is different from the 
> standard one and hence the counting should restart when changing 
> environments.
> I thought LyX would figure out what I want by seeing that the 
> LatexName or LabelCounter differs from the standard enumerate 
> environment but that does not do the trick.
> Is there an additional setting I miss, or is it a shortcoming of LyX?
> Best,
> Daniel

AFAIK:{You need to use ERT in the "Enumarate Opitons" of LyX, and tell 
LaTeX to restart or resume numbering by yourself. Otherwise LyX does not 
have a direct option to do that.}


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Are you going to offer new versions of LyXWinInsaller?

2019-04-01 Thread Baris Erkus
On 01-Apr-19 9:25 PM, Joel Kulesza wrote:

I'm interested in learning more about this and want to be sure I'm following 
from the state-of-the-art.

Thank you,


I have tried to do this on my 64 bit Win10 once, with cmake, Qt5 and etc., but 
was not successful.

I would be really interested in how this is done on different environments. If 
this is documented somewhere, I can try it on my PC.


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Trouble exporting multi-part documents

2019-04-01 Thread Baris Erkus
On 01-Apr-19 9:58 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
I have a dissertation template for students at my University. There is a main 
thesis document and then the separate chapters are in subdirectories. 

Currently, in version, 
 it appears to work for everybody to use LyX to edit either the main document 
or the individual chapters.

However, I have students who want to use the dissertation template as raw 
LaTexX files, rather than within LyX.  Here I run into a bad problem.

In my 20190201 version, the people who want to edit the exported LaTeX file in 
raw LaTeX could not compile the document.  There's an error about commands in 
the chapter heading that are only allowed in the document preamble.  From that 
error message, I tracked back to changes I made and I understand what is going 

If I start with the master document and do Export to LaTeX (pdflatex), the 
individual chapter .tex files are created.  They are not free-standing 
documents. At the top, there was no preamble. It starts in line 1 with the 
chapter name

\chapter{Elementary Regression}

and also the includegraphics lines have full project paths:


Those chapters could not be compiled individually.

I thought I'd get around this problem by using LyX to individually exporting 
each separate chapter as a tex document. I did not realize that caused an 
entirely different export than I got by starting with the master document in 
LyX and doing export LaTeX(pdflatex).

My individually exported chapter files allows the users to edit the individual 
.tex chapters, but when they try to compile the master document, they get 
errors caused by the fact that the individual chapters have their own preambles 
AND the graphics paths are incorrect.

Because I individually exported the .tex files within the Chapter directories, 
then the master document level Export to LaTeX does not replace the existing 
chapters.  Thus I am allowed to zip up the directory and have a master document 
that does not compile because the child documents have preambles in them.

Now that I understand the problem, I wonder if other people have noticed this 
and if they have suggestions for a fix?

I wondered if perhaps we might have the necessary preamble created as a 
separate file in each chapter with some if/then magic in each chapter preamble 
to specify whether or not the master file is in control.

Some fix about the figure paths is necessary as well, I don't have a guess 
about that.


Paul E. Johnson
Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis

To write to me directly, please address me at pauljohn at


I have recently developed a LyX template of our university graduate thesis from 
the LaTeX template ( I have checked the 
zip file you gave the link, and I can tell that the structure of the LyX files 
is very similar to what I did. I have encountered similar problems. We can find 
(or develop) solutions or procedures for these problems.

Including a LyX file within a master LyX file is different than including a 
LaTeX file within a master LaTeX file. Because in LyX, you can specify which 
preamble is to be used through the document settings. For LaTeX, there is no 
such thing, as it is a lower-level process of management/compilation, where the 
user has to handle everything.

As you have mentioned, when you export a LyX file to a LaTeX file, LyX always 
puts a preamble, which is smtg that you you may not want if the resulting LaTeX 
file is to be included in a master LaTeX file. The exporter may have an option 
to ignore the preamble. If you want to implement it, you may need to go the 
executable of the exporter and search through the command-line help using a 
help flag (--help, --? or smtg like that). On the other hand, you may still 
want to have a working preamble to be able to compile the individual LaTeX file 
to see the result immediately, before inserting it back to the LyX file. The 
problem with that is thesis class file may have a complicated structure, where 
you should have all major parts together, otherwise, an individual child file 
will not compile. So, in this case, it may be a good idea to compile it as a 
complete thesis, but to include the interested chapter only, which will make 
the compilation faster.

So the problem to me is very specific and isolated. In my case, what I did, I 
developed a unique procedure and tested it for each of this type of student 
request. Then asked the students to follow that unique procedure. In your case, 
we need to define clearly what exactly the students want to do. According to 
you mail, what I understood is this: The students want to be able to work on 
the child LyX files, by modifying the LaTeX code

Re: Personal dictionary

2019-03-22 Thread Baris Erkus
On 22-Dec-18 8:36 PM, Daniel wrote:

Does someone know where the personal dictionary entries are saved under Windows 
(10, Hunspell)?


Personal dictionaries are at:


personal dictionaries are named as: pwl_**lang_name**.dict

You need to add a word to your dictionary for this file to appear. Otwerwise, 
it is not there by default.

This is the personal directory for windows, therefore it has other setting 
files as well.

LyX About window under Help shows the location of this folder:


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Change the Location of Personal *Dictionaries*

2019-03-15 Thread Baris Erkus

I thought that I have sent this message, but it does seem it went through.

Is there way to change the location of personal dictionary files (e.g. 
pwl_english.dict)? The default location for windows is:


I am guessing that there is a setting file, a text file, that configures this 
location, as many settings of LyX are specified some setting file.



I found this post:

But still, LyX determines the location of personal dictionaries, as shown 
above, not Hunspell, isn't it?

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Lyx sluggish on Windows 10

2019-03-10 Thread Baris Erkus

On 10-Mar-19 9:00 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> This being Windows, I suppose we should also not rule out an exorcism. :-)
> Paul
+1 and some sorcery

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

LabelString and Language Question

2019-03-08 Thread Baris Erkus

Is there a way to tell LyX not to translate the LabelString (in layout 
item) to the language of the file if it is a LyX keyword?

I would like to define a LabelString as "ABSTRACT:", but appearantly it 
is a LyX keyword and it converts it to ÖZET:, the Turkish of word 
-abstract-, when the file's language is Turkish.

Of Course if I set LabelString to "ABSTRACT: " (with the space added at 
the end), it leaves does not do the conversion. This solves my problem, 
but I still would like to know...

Any clue?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: A Question about LyX layout files (with a MWE)

2019-03-07 Thread Baris Erkus
On 07-Mar-19 11:20 AM, Baris Erkus wrote:


I would like to write a LyX layout file for a LaTeX class file that I wrote. My 
LaTeX class uses standard "article" class. The problem is my custom 
environments are not converted to the corresponding LaTeX code by LyX. Below is 
a MWE:

My Class file (myclassBE.cls) is as follows:

\ProvidesClass{myclassBE, article}[2019/03/01 Test LaTeX Class]

\LoadClass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\newenvironment{keywords}{{\bfseries KEYWORDS:} }{\vspace{1em}}

As can be seen, I have defined a custom environment: keywords. I have installed 
this file to my LaTeX system (Win10, MikTeX) successfully and tested with a 
very simple LaTeX file.

My layout file (myclassBE.layout) is:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[myclassBE]{My Test Class BE}
#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}

Format 66

# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

Style KeywordsBE
Category  FrontMatter
LabelString   "KEYWORDS: "
LabelType Static
LatexType Enviroment
LatexName keywords
  Series  Bold
  Color   green

LyX recognizes the new layout and the new "KeywordsBE" environment successfully:


But it does not generate the LaTeX code for the keywords environment:

% Preview source code

%% LyX 2.3.1-1 created this file. For more info, see

%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.






Keyword1, Keyword2


Which should have used the following:

Keyword1, Keyword2

What am I missing?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Answering my own question:

Missing "n" in the "LatexType Enviroment". Should have been  Environment. Also 
class definition should have been: ProvidesClass{myclassBE}.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

A Question about LyX layout files (with a MWE)

2019-03-07 Thread Baris Erkus

I would like to write a LyX layout file for a LaTeX class file that I wrote. My 
LaTeX class uses standard "article" class. The problem is my custom 
environments are not converted to the corresponding LaTeX code by LyX. Below is 
a MWE:

My Class file (myclassBE.cls) is as follows:

\ProvidesClass{myclassBE, article}[2019/03/01 Test LaTeX Class]

\LoadClass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\newenvironment{keywords}{{\bfseries KEYWORDS:} }{\vspace{1em}}

As can be seen, I have defined a custom environment: keywords. I have installed 
this file to my LaTeX system (Win10, MikTeX) successfully and tested with a 
very simple LaTeX file.

My layout file (myclassBE.layout) is:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[myclassBE]{My Test Class BE}
#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}

Format 66

# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

Style KeywordsBE
Category  FrontMatter
LabelString   "KEYWORDS: "
LabelType Static
LatexType Enviroment
LatexName keywords
  Series  Bold
  Color   green

LyX recognizes the new layout and the new "KeywordsBE" environment successfully:


But it does not generate the LaTeX code for the keywords environment:

% Preview source code

%% LyX 2.3.1-1 created this file. For more info, see

%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.






Keyword1, Keyword2


Which should have used the following:

Keyword1, Keyword2

What am I missing?


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Description: test-myclassBE.lyx
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this  
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[myclassBE]{My Test Class BE}
#  \DeclareCategory{Articles}

Format 66

# Input general definitions
Input article.layout

Style KeywordsBE
Category  FrontMatter
LabelString   "KEYWORDS: "
LabelType Static
LatexType Enviroment
LatexName keywords
  Series  Bold
  Color   green
End%% LyX 2.3.1-1 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
Keyword1, Keyword2
\ProvidesClass{myclassBE, article}[2019/03/01 Test LaTeX Class]

\LoadClass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\newenvironment{keywords}{{\bfseries KEYWORDS:} }{\vspace{1em}}

Re: Leaving math mode immediately

2019-02-13 Thread Baris Erkus
On 13-Feb-19 11:29 AM, wrote:

First, I have been using LyX for quite a few years, and would like to take this 
opportunity to thank everybody who is involved in this great project.

Now for my question. Is there a way to leave math mode (inline/displayed 
formulas) "immediately"? One can use the Esc or Space keys, but several presses 
may be required to have the cursor leave the formula completely. I'm looking 
for a way to do it in one hit. If this is not currently implemented, I think it 
could be a very useful addition to LyX.

Using LyX 2.3.2.

Thanks in advance,

One way I found very useful, which does not do exactly what you want, is to use 
backspace to erase the LaTeX code entered. You need to move the cursor current 
position tough. Then, you can re-enter the new code.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: Leaving math mode immediately

2019-02-13 Thread Baris Erkus
On 13-Feb-19 11:29 AM, wrote:

First, I have been using LyX for quite a few years, and would like to take this 
opportunity to thank everybody who is involved in this great project.

Now for my question. Is there a way to leave math mode (inline/displayed 
formulas) "immediately"? One can use the Esc or Space keys, but several presses 
may be required to have the cursor leave the formula completely. I'm looking 
for a way to do it in one hit. If this is not currently implemented, I think it 
could be a very useful addition to LyX.

Using LyX 2.3.2.

Thanks in advance,

Please see lyx ticket:

This was the ticket I opened, may be you meant this:


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: How to force tex2lyx to read unicode (from within Lyx)?

2019-02-13 Thread Baris Erkus
On 11-Feb-19 4:16 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2018 at 11:45:14AM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 11/2/18 5:52 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:
>>> On 11/2/2018 1:33 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am trying to import the a .tex  file into LyX (using file->import).
>>>> The file has Turkish characters and I believe it is using UTF8 encoding.
>>>> When I import it, it does not show Turkish characters properly. I
>>>> attached the file for your play-around.
>>>> When I import the file on the command line with the UTF8 option tex2lyx
>>>> -e UTF8 ch1.tex, the LyX file looks just fine except one or two characters.
>>>> So is there a way to tell to tex2lyx to use UTF8 encoding from within
>>>> LyX? This issue is occured when I import a tex file that has
>>>> \input{ch1.tex} in it. So, maybe LyX has and option to force tex2lyx to
>>>> read in UTF8 for all imports?
>>>> I found exactly same question on this post, but the answers seem to be
>>>> unrelated:
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Baris
>>> Found the answer:
>> Well, that's *an* answer: You can set up a custom "utf8" import, if you
>> want. As JMarc said, though, tex2lyx should detect the encoding. Can you
>> file a bug report about this so it doesn't get lost?
> For archival purposes, note that a bug report was created here:
> Scott

Noted with thanks. BE.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: biblatex usepackage location in the preamble

2019-01-30 Thread Baris Erkus
On 29-Jan-19 1:18 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Great. You could also file a ticket at the biblatex tracker to make people 
aware of your effort. This might help attracting other:


I will keep list posted.



Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: biblatex usepackage location in the preamble

2019-01-29 Thread Baris Erkus
On 29-Jan-19 12:15 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Mo., 28. Jan. 2019 um 19:51 Uhr schrieb Baris Erkus>>:
Thanks Jürgen. This one I understand. However, this requirement does not call 
for loading babel+biblatex right before the \begin{document}; they can still be 
placed right after other packages loaded after \documentclass. The examples on 
BibLaTeX, I sqw SE or other web pages loads BibLaTeX in the block after 
\documentclass, but late.

The loading order of packages is tricky. Some packages need to be loaded after 
the user preamble, and babel needs to be loaded after that, and biblatex after 
babel. Just because this works in your case in the different order does not 
mean it works generally.
Exactly. However, I am not sure if they have to be placed right before the 

The only way around that would be a second user preamble:

It does compiling, but the replacement did not work.

I think, the \AtBeginDocument{...}  macro places the contents right after the 
\begin{document}, but not in the preamble.

No, it is part of the preamble:

I couldn't confirm this. See for example this SE 
 Anyhow, this may be an issue related to the macro as you have said.


Try instead:

This worked! This is what I need.
Adding a new localization is quite straightforward and not too much work. If 
you feel like contributing that, it would be a good way to "give back" to the 

Actually, I have spent couple of hours working on a Turkish lbx file yesterday. 
Indeed, it does not look complicated. Still it requires attention from people 
with expertise in Turkish publishing rules.

I will start a GitHub project on this, and see if I can get help ldx. I will 
fix the parts that I need in the mean time.

Thanks for the help!


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Re: biblatex usepackage location in the preamble

2019-01-29 Thread Baris Erkus
On 29-Jan-19 9:14 AM, Daniel wrote:
> If I read the documentations for \AtBeginDocument correctly, it places 
> the macro just before \begin{document}. Is your .tex test file working 
> as expected when you move your macro manually to whatever position you 
> think it should be moved? If not then the problem might be the macro 
> rather than LyX.
> Daniel
The macro works fine if I place it to the required location manually (I 
have sent the LaTeX file in the first e-mail for the record).
The loading sequence of the packages should be like the following 
according the BibLaTeX, which works as expected:

**Misc Packages**
\usepackage[style=authoryear, maxcitenames=2]{biblatex}

   references = {{Kaynaklar}},
   and = {ve},
   andothers ={ve diğerleri},
 End Macro 


Unfortunately, LyX does not do this format as you have mentioned and 
wrapping with macro to place at the beginning of the document does not work.


Re: biblatex usepackage location in the preamble

2019-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus
On 28-Jan-19 7:46 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Mo., 28. Jan. 2019 um 16:40 Uhr schrieb Baris Erkus>>:

I observed that if biblatex is selected for the bibliography style, the 
\usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} is placed right before the \begin{document}, 
but not after the \documentclass, where usually packages are called.

Yes, because biblatex must be loaded after babel (or polyglossia), and this, in 
turn, must be loaded late.
Thanks Jürgen. This one I understand. However, this requirement does not call 
for loading babel+biblatex right before the \begin{document}; they can still be 
placed right after other packages loaded after \documentclass. The examples on 
BibLaTeX, I sqw SE or other web pages loads BibLaTeX in the block after 
\documentclass, but late.

If I want to place some code in the preamble that requires the biblatex 
package, then these codes appear before the \usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} 
line, and they do not work.

For example I wanted to replace "et al.", "and", "Bibliography (title)" with 
their Turkish counterparts by simply placing the following code to the preamble:

  references = {{Kaynaklar}},
  and = {ve},
  andothers ={ve diğerleri},

but it does not work.

You need to embrace such definitions in \AtBeginDocument{...}. See


 It does compiling, but the replacement did not work.

I think, the \AtBeginDocument{...}  macro places the contents right after the 
\begin{document}, but not in the preamble. However, the 
\DefineBibliographyStrings{...} and similar BibLaTeX commands are placed in the 
preamble according to Section 3.9 of BibLaTeX manual. Maybe this is the reason 
it does not do the replacement (?).

I have also tried to compile a LaTeX file where I place this block to the 
beginning of the document right after \begin{document} and it gives error that 
this has to be placed in the preamble (no LyX involved).

I further tested the case on LaTeX again, where the above block wrapped with 
\AtBeginDocument{...} in the preamble, but before loading biblatex; it 
compiles, but it does not do the replacement (no LyX involved).

So, is there a workaround for this in LyX, am I missing smtg?

(TBH, this was not my original problem. I was trying to use BibLaTeX for a 
Turkish document, only to find out BibLaTeX does not have Turkish support yet 
:< )


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:
%% LyX 2.3.2-2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

  references = {{Kaynaklar}},
  and = {ve},
  andothers ={ve diğerleri},




Testing \parencite{Nagarajaiah1991} Testing \parencite{AtikAbrahamson2010}



Description: newfile1-biblatex-2.lyx

biblatex usepackage location in the preamble

2019-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus

I observed that if biblatex is selected for the bibliography style, the 
\usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} is placed right before the \begin{document}, 
but not after the \documentclass, where usually packages are called.

If I want to place some code in the preamble that requires the biblatex 
package, then these codes appear before the \usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} 
line, and they do not work.

For example I wanted to replace "et al.", "and", "Bibliography (title)" with 
their Turkish counterparts by simply placing the following code to the preamble:

  references = {{Kaynaklar}},
  and = {ve},
  andothers ={ve diğerleri},

but it does not work.

I exported the LyX file into a (PDF)LaTeX file and moved the 
\usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} line after the \documentclass and before the 
new definitions, which works fine.

Is this how it's intended to be or, \usepackage[*options*]{biblatex} line 
should be placed along with the other package definitions right after the 
\documentclass ? I can make the similar observation for the babel package, BTW.

Attached is a MWE and its LaTeX preview, its export to LaTeX file, and the 
corrected LaTeX file along with the sample bib file.



Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:
%% LyX 2.3.2-2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
  references = {{Kaynaklar}},
  and = {ve},
  andothers ={ve diğerleri},


Testing \parencite{Nagarajaiah1991} Testing \parencite{AtikAbrahamson2010}


%% LyX 2.3.2-2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
  references = {{Kaynaklar}},
  and = {ve},
  andothers ={ve diğerleri},


Testing \parencite{Nagarajaiah1991} Testing \parencite{AtikAbrahamson2010}


  author  = {Linda Al Atik and Norman Abrahamson},
  title   = {An Improved Method for Nonstationary Spectral Matching},
  journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
  year= {2010},
  volume  = {26},
  number  = {3},
  pages   = {601-617},

  author  = {Satish Nagarajaiah and Andrei M. Reinhorn and Michalakis C. 
  title   = {Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of 3D Base Isolated Structures},
  journal = {Journal of Structural Engineering},
  year= {1991},
  volume  = {117},
  number  = {7},
  pages   = {2035-2054},

Description: newfile1-biblatex.lyx

Re: more infos at the window bottom

2019-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus
On 28-Jan-19 11:49 AM, paolo m. wrote:
> Is it possible to get info about paragraph type, at the bottom frame of the
> lyx window?
> Currently only character type is displayed.
> thank you
> paolo m.
Do you mean paragraphs type as shown at the upper left corner? Because, 
paragraph does not have type like characters.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Equations - Preview Issue

2019-01-01 Thread Baris Erkus
d 1
\use_package undertilde 1
\cite_engine basic
\cite_engine_type default
\biblio_style plain
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\justification true
\use_refstyle 0
\use_minted 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\is_math_indent 0
\math_numbering_side default
\quotes_style english
\dynamic_quotes 0
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_inset Formula $F_{\text{y}}$

This does not render.

\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_inset Formula $K_{\text{e}}$


\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_inset Formula $K_{\text{s}}=\alpha_{\text{s}}K_{\text{e}}$


\begin_layout Itemize
\begin_inset Formula $F_{\text{c}},\delta_{\text{c}}$

\begin_inset Formula $(F_{c})$


\begin_layout Itemize
This is not OK:

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula 



\begin_layout Itemize
This is OK:
\begin_inset Formula 



\begin_layout Itemize

\family roman
\series medium
\shape up
\size normal
\emph off
\bar no
\strikeout off
\xout off
\uuline off
\uwave off
\noun off
\color none
\begin_inset Formula 

\family default
\series default
\shape default
\size default
\emph default
\bar default
\strikeout default
\xout default
\uuline default
\uwave default
\noun default
\color inherit

%\ProvidesClass{itutez}[15/02/2011 BE]
\ProvidesClass{itutezLyX}[31/11/2018 Baris Erkus]


\DeclareOption{titlepage}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Title page always generated. 
Option ignored.}}
\DeclareOption{notitlepage}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'notitlepage' not 
available for thesis.}}
\DeclareOption{twoside}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'twoside' not available 
for thesis.}}
\DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'twocolumn' not 
available for thesis.}}
\DeclareOption{landscape}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'landscape' not 
available for thesis.}}
\DeclareOption{legalpaper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'legalpaper' not 
available for thesis.}}
\DeclareOption{a4paper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'a4paper' not available 
for this class.}}
\DeclareOption{a5paper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'a5paper' not available 
for this class.}}
\DeclareOption{executivepaper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'executivepaper' 
not available.}}
\DeclareOption{b5paper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'b5paper' not available 
for this class.}}
\DeclareOption{letterpaper}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'letterpaper' 
superfluous. Ignored.}}
\DeclareOption{onecolumn}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'onecolumn' 
superfluous. Ignored.}}
\DeclareOption{oneside}{\ClassWarning{itutezLyX}{Option 'oneside' superfluous. 

\DeclareOption{onluarkali}{ \PassOptionsToClass{twoside}{report} 



Re: Luatex not previewing A4-landscape

2018-12-26 Thread Baris Erkus
On 12/26/2018 5:30 PM, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Le mercredi 26 décembre 2018 à 12:53 +, Baris Erkus a écrit :

On 26-Dec-18 3:33 PM, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Le mercredi 26 décembre 2018 à 13:21 +0200, Dr Eberhard Lisse a écrit :

Would you perhaps have a Minimal Working Example so others can test

Ie remove EVERYTHING not related/producing the error and post the
resulting files.


On 2018-12-24 12:42 , Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

Dear list members,

While updating a PC under Debian, Lyx went from version 2.1.2 to 2.2.2
(and even 2.3.1 from Backports).

I'm having an issue with some documents which need to be compiled
under Luatex.

They use landscape, A4, 2-column page setup and the issue is: whenever
I try to specify custom margins, my preview reverts to portrait, US
letter format.  I checked that in the previewer, under document
properties.  This happens regardless of the document contents.

TIA for any insight about that - best regards,

I'd rather not clutter the list with unnecessary files: my "minimal
example" would be an empty file!

Here are the steps to reproduce:
[LyX 2.2.2 or 2.3.1 - TeXlive 2016]
- (new) empty document
- document > parameters: A4 - landscape
- margins: just uncheck "implicit margin" (no need to fill the rest)
- preview other formats - LuaTeX

The PDF output comes out with US letter - portrait format.

BR - Daniel

Did it for LyX 2.3.2 + MikTeX + Win10.

Attached are

  * a MWE
  * PDF generated by LuaTeX with A4 setting
  * PDF generated by LuaTeX with Letter setting

Seems like it LyX 2.3.2 setting is working fine in Windows and MikTeX
for both A4 and letter.

p.s. I used "showframe" package to show the boundaries.

Now here is something funny: your example did work here indeed.

After some hair scratching, I decided that the only difference with mine
was the showframe package.

So I suppressed it, and I was instantly back to US letter, portrait
format! Have you tested your example without the showframe package?

I suppressed the showframe package. Set the page size to A4. Export to PDF 
through LuaTeX. Paper size of the resulting PDF is still A4.

See also attached image of MikTeX setting  for default page size. There may be 
a similar setting of your TeX system or as you have mentioned, there may be 
Lua-specific setting that should be passed from LyX to to the Lua compiler. 
Only after you identify such setting, it may be specified in the "File 
Handling" section of LyX preferences.. Again, this is only a "guess".


Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

Description: NoShowFrame-A4.pdf

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