RE: \int and esint package

2010-04-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Dear lyx'ers, I've noticed lyx 1.6.5 automatically adds
>the package esint to the preamble whenever the symbol \int
>is invoked. Is this really necessary? AFAIK, \int is
>included in the standard fonts, but esint is not included
>by default in most latex installations. 

You can turn this off in Document->Settings->Math Options, "Use esint
package automatically".


RE: Enumeration nested in Definition/Proposition...

2010-04-15 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Note the lack absence of the "Pretext" please. Lyx
>(on Mac OS Snow Leopard) doesn't let me generate
>the second one, without "Pretext". Is there an option
>or a workaround that I can't find on myself?

Usually the trick is to add a protected space in stead of "Pretext", so
Ctrl+Space for instance.


RE: Cannot convert latex code to a lyx document.

2010-04-14 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>So, to summarize. I can get tex2lyx to work and lyx to
>call it from windows when working on a local drive but
>not a network drive. 

This is

If you cannot open a command prompt and cd into the specified directory,
File-Import does not work from LyX.


RE: springer LNCS: \proof is already defined

2010-04-01 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Just to be more concrete, here's the log attached and the error part:
> (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/amscls/amsthm.sty
>Package: amsthm 2004/08/06 v2.20

Did you load the Theorem(AMS) module. If so, please unload it.


RE: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (alpha 1)

2010-04-01 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Thanks Micha, that fixes it for me.
>I'd love if it would mark the lack of capitalization beginning a
sentence as an error, but no biggie.
>I think I'm going to try to use 2.0 fulltime.
>Since it seems that it's not backwards compatible, are there any
>I should take? i.e. never open a 1.6.4 file on it?

It should be backwards compatible, because you can always save your file
in the 1.6.x file format.

Just be warned that there might be serious bugs in 2.0.0 from time to

For now, we do not advice to use it for serious work.


RE: Language selection in Lyx 1.6.x

2010-03-16 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>The lyx support webpages states that one should use Edit -> Text Style
>Language. However, the option Language doesn't exist under Edit -> Text
>Style in Lyx 1.6.5. I tried to find such language options in some other
>menus but went nuts trying. I could just ignore the blue underlines but
>seeing them makes me so agressive ...  

Try Edit -> Text Style -> Customized... And set the language to reset.

Which support page says you have to use Edit->Text Style->Language ?
(Then we can change it).


RE: Repeated crashes in lyx 1.6.5 and 1.6.6SVN

2010-03-12 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> But  it should have been fixed in branch 2 days ago, if I read 
> the log correctly. And I downloaded the source yesterday 
> night (3/11).  
No, it has only been fixed in trunk, not yet in branch. 

With a text editor, you can change the source yourself (but only if it
is trivial to backport the code).


RE: Repeated crashes in lyx 1.6.5 and 1.6.6SVN

2010-03-12 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I have been  experiencing a lot of crashes in the last couple of weeks.

Did you upgrade qt to 4.6 ?


RE: LyX 2 over Mac OS X Snow Leopard make error

2010-03-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>/opt/local/bin/msgmerge: `ar.po': No such file or directory
>someone (Manveru) said :
>Someone puts language file in makefiles but miss committing
>the file on repository?

That's not true.

Does ar.po exist on your system ? Does msgmerge exist ? What happens if
you run the command manually ?


RE: lyx 1.6.5 will not open lyx 2 docs

2010-03-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Now I cannot open that document in 1.6.5 - I just get an error message
>about lyx2lyx failure: "the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it"
>The option to export to lyx-1.6.5 does nothing that I can discern (is
it supposed to work?)

Yes, it works. 

There should be a .lyx16 file next to the original .lyx file, which can
be opened by LyX 1.6.5.


RE: [help] Lyx with miktex 2.8 on Windows XP FR, Layout said not available but recognized in the config!

2010-02-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hi All,
>I think it's really a Lyx bug in fact.
>It says that article, book,... are not available but in the
>LaTeXConfig.lyx these layouts are well recognized!
>See attached file..., 

In what directory path did you install LyX ?


RE: Mystified by \selectlanguage [modified]

2010-02-25 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>How does the "british" language enter my document - the default is
>probably just "English" on my system. Even my \documentclass
>command (on latex export) shows the british option!

Document->Settings->Language is set to English (UK) ?


RE: Is this a bug?? \underbar{\alpha} crashes...

2010-02-25 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Am I missing something

I guess you should use \underline instead of \underbar (which is used
when pressing Ctrl+U).


RE: What are custom insets?

2010-02-25 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> I see the Insert->Custom insets> in LyX but the submenu is always
> Why is this so? What are custom insets and how are they meant to be
>(if they can be created)?

>From the User Guide sec. A.4.8: "Custom Insets: The section Flex insets
and InsetLayout of the Customization manual explains how custom insets
are defined."


RE: Lyx 2.0

2010-02-24 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>When is Lyx 2 coming out?

We don't know yet.


RE: Pre-reform Russian characters in LyX

2010-02-24 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>The problem arouse when I needed to insert some obsolete Russian
>characters that were used before the 20th century. Namely, the letters
>yat (, fita
>( or izhitsa
>( if I insert them to LyX via
Character Map,
>LyX refuses to produce a pdf, complaining that it can't recognize these
>characters. Is there any way to solve this problem?

One possible solution is the following:

1. Try to locate the unicodesymbols file (it's in the LyX's lib/resource
directory, but I'm not sure where this is on Ubuntu).

2. Add a line line

0x0462 "\\textcyr{\\char176}" "textcyr" "" # CYRILLIC HISTORIC SMALL

to this file after the line:

0x045f "\\textcyr{\\char182}" "textcyr" "" # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER

3. In LyX:

Insert->Special Character->Symbols, Category=Cyrillic.

At the end of the list of symbols shown, there will be a square. This is
your Yat character. If you insert this character in your document it
will be outputted correctly as the yat (although it will look like a
square in LyX).

Alternatively, you can enter in the command buffer: "unicode-insert
0462" and probably it will work too when using the Character Map.

Does this work ?


RE: Shortcut to Insert -> Note -> Comment

2010-02-16 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hi everybody, anyone knows the LFUN name of the "insert comment"
>function accessed via Insert -> Note -> Comment.

Open Help->LyX Functions and search for "Comment".


RE: switching between two open lyx files

2010-02-08 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Is there a way to switch between two open lyx files, without using the

Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + PgUp, Ctrl + Shift + F6.. Pick your choice.

If this does not work, type in the command buffer
(View->Toolbars->Command Buffer) "buffer-previous" and see what appears
in the statusbar as the shortcut.


RE: inserting child file verbatim causes SIGSEGV in epel version (1.6.4) of LyX

2010-02-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> If not then I guess I'll have to figure out how to get my RH BZ
> working again so I can bug Rex into updating those of us on epel. :|

I don't know any of the words you're using here :S.. Epel ? Rex ? RH BZ

>### back trace
>#0  0x07afcf23 in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/
>#1  0x07b022e2 in ?? () from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/
>#2  0x07b02707 in QFileDialog::setFilters ()
>   from /usr/lib/qt4/lib/
>#3  0x085c896e in LyXFileDialog (this=0xbf8d15e0, tit...@0xbf8d164c,
>pa...@0xbf8d166c, filte...@0xbf8d1730, b...@0x988dc30,
>at LyXFileDialog.cpp:52

At a first glance, it looks like it crashes in Qt. Any possibility to
upgrade from 4.2.1 to a newer version (4.6 has already the light) ?


RE: "View - OpenDocument" command produces empty output - help!

2010-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>>> Yes, dvi and pdf work fine for me. But I want OpenDocument because 
>>> I'm sending the file to another person and want him to be able to
edit the file. 
>> I k now, but don't send your answer SEVEN times ?!? 
>> Vincent
 > The 1st email you could have received came to you only,while I wanted
it come 
> to the lists. Then, my answer came to two lists (developers and users)
three times 
> because that server was slow to display them at the mailing lists'
archives - I thought 
> it failed to receive them and made further attempts. I am sorry for
this. I'll try to wait 
> longer before making conclusions. 
> I am a LyX user and still would appreciate any help on my problem. 
Please refrain from sending a request for help to both the devel as the
user-list. First, this is not a specific issue for developers, second
all developers will probably read both lists anyway and will receive
your mails twice.
If you really want help for your problem, please try to compose a proper
message. By describing what Splash.lyx is and mentioning that you first
run LyX, I got the impression that you really are a first time user who
didn't know how to get proper output out of LyX.
Concerning your problem: Did you try to run oolatex in the command
prompt ? I get the following error:
   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
   Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: xtpipes
which is also reported here:
but MikTeX denied the responsibility of the problem. So, if you have
MikTeX 2.8 you'll probably have the same problem. If this is not a
MikTeX problem, it is certainly not a LyX problem. 
Maybe someone knows a work-around ?


RE: "View - OpenDocument" command produces empty output - help!

2010-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>[examples/splash.lyx] is the document which automatically opens when
>runs LyX first time after installation. The problem is that the "View -
>OpenDocument" command produces empty output for me. Please help!

Don't use OpenDocument. Use dvi or pdf to preview.


RE: Editing equations as latex rather than graphically.

2010-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>This way, you can convert an equation to the source text
>(which might be desirable for copying as well).
>The other way round is already implemented: Mark a valid
>math expression (like \sin(x)) and press Ctrl-M.

If you select the math contents and paste it in text, you'll see the
LaTeX code. 

I once made something to convert it to LaTeX and back, but the math
editor is that well that I doubted it would be very useful.


RE: TikZ in LyX

2010-01-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>>>Hello to all,
>>>5. I still get errors when compiling:
>>>A few of them are like 'Missing } or \cr' inserted.
>>>The others go like 'Package error: No shape named base is known'. 
>>>Sometimes, it says 'M' instead of 'shape'.
>>>What can i do to solve these problems? 
>>Can you send us your file, then we can have a look at what is wrong ?
>I enclosed the lyx file.
>The code I used can be found on the link I sent in the first email

If you paste the code into LyX, you should use "Edit->Paste
Special->Plain Text". If you do that, the newlines are preserved. In the
document you have now, there are some % characters disabling code.

See the attached.



Description: tikz.lyx

RE: TikZ in LyX

2010-01-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hello to all,
>5. I still get errors when compiling:
>A few of them are like 'Missing } or \cr' inserted.
>The others go like 'Package error: No shape named base
>is known'. Sometimes, it says 'M' instead of 'shape'.
>What can i do to solve these problems? 

Can you send us your file, then we can have a look at what is wrong ?


RE: I surely do wish I could use aspell directly on a *.lyx file...

2010-01-06 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> The spellchecking is already in a floating pane.
> (for 9 months now)
>>I do not have time to try modifying code myself.
> We don't have time either.
>This is in trunk as I understand... any plan to merge
>into 1.6.x line?



RE: I surely do wish I could use aspell directly on a *.lyx file...

2010-01-06 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>I suggested many months ago that spell checking should
>be available not in dialog window, but in floating pane
>on probably right side. But there was no response about

The spellchecking is already in a floating pane.

(for 9 months now)

>I do not have time to try modifying code myself.

We don't have time either.


RE: Re: invisible dialog box text - OSX 10.6.2 Lyx 1.6.5

2009-12-31 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
Sebastian Rockel  writes:

> I had this once with the same configuration. Since I figured out that 
> Lyx version 1.6.5 is not recommended for OSX 10.6 (right at the 
> download page).

I am not sure whether that's the correct info. There were problems with
LyX 1.6.4(.0) and OSX 10.6, but LyX 1.6.5 should work with 10.6 (as well

Anyone knows why the download page still says "(prior to 10.6)" ?


RE: Keybindings: Buffer-view pdf for XeLaTex.

2009-12-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>>> I have tried to add a key-binding to the compiling-function (hope 
>>> this is the right word...I mean to complile my text to a pdf). I
>>> added the key-command in the preferences ("buffer-viev pdf
>>> When I enter the keybinding I get an error-message, in german:
>> You should have defined a File Format "PDF (xelatex)" with a certain 
>> short name like "pdf4" (as in If you 
>> also have defined a suitable converter, you should be able to preview

>> the file with the command "buffer-preview pdf4".
>i have defined the format, and in fact the name is pdf4, to which
>i linked the key-binding "buffer-viev pdf4". As converter I use
>"xelatex $$i" - is this okay/suitable?

I don't know.

>BTW: It is no problem to choose view>pdf4, this works fine...

If view->pdf4 works fine, I can't think of anything that may cause
"buffer-view pdf4" to fail.

PS. You can see the command in the statusbar of running View->pdf4.


RE: Keybindings: Buffer-view pdf for XeLaTex.

2009-12-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>I have tried to add a key-binding to the compiling-function
>(hope this is the right word...I mean to complile my text to
>a pdf). I have added the key-command in the preferences
>("buffer-viev pdf XeLateX"). When I enter the keybinding
>I get an error-message, in german:

You should have defined a File Format "PDF (xelatex)" with a certain
short name like "pdf4" (as in If you
also have defined a suitable converter, you should be able to preview
the file with the command "buffer-preview pdf4".


RE: Cutting and pasting in tables

2009-12-17 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Second, when I use any sort of font formatting inside
>a table, say underlining or italics, and then move the
>cursor to another cell in the table, LyX assumes that
>the formatting for the text in next cell will be the
>same as the last formatting I used. 

I think this is fixed in

>Even hitting Cmd+e before typing in the next cell
>doesn't change the formatting back to normal. The
>only way to return formatting to normal is to select
>the newly typed text and then toggle Cmd+e.

I've no idea what Cmd+e is supposed to do.

>Oh, sorry--forgot to mention that this "sticky
>formatting" persists even when cutting and pasting
>or copying objects between cells. As in, select an
>italicized letter, cut it, paste it to another cell,
>and then try to type in a different cell--the text
>will be in italics. This doesn't happen outside of

As far as I can see, this also happens outside tables.



RE: eLyXer status update

2009-12-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> Thanks for a fantastic tool! I use it to generate my book's output 
>> (see
>> here:
>Little off topic, but your URL does not work with www. prefix...

It works with the www prefix, but it is the skeptics that should read
sceptics. (ok enough advertisements now ;-))


RE: How to import into lyx.

2009-11-29 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I have been using lyx to creation documentation.
>Now, I would like to include a section which is
>generated programatically. I see that latex has
>the /input{file} construct, but I do not find an
>equivalent in lyx.

Try Insert->File->Child document... And select "Input" as the "Include


RE: XeLaTeX in LyX 1.7/2.0

2009-11-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> >I wonder if the file format used in trunk (or rather the lyx2lyx 
>> >converter that deals with it) is still unable to revert back to 
>> >previous versions' file formats.
>> What do you mean by unable to revert back ? LyX trunk uses a new file

>> format (of course) and the older LyXes don't know about the new 
>> fileformat.
>> Did you try File->Export->LyX 1.6.x ?
>I did---at the time---and it did not work as advertised.
>So there was no way I could  stop using Lyx 2.0 at a later

If it doesn't work, that's a serious bug and we would like to hear it so
we can fix it. At all times, trunk should be able to export to the older


RE: XeLaTeX in LyX 1.7/2.0

2009-11-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> >I wonder if the file format used in trunk (or rather the lyx2lyx 
>> >converter that deals with it) is still unable to revert back to 
>> >previous versions' file formats.
>> What do you mean by unable to revert back ? LyX trunk uses a new file

>> format (of course) and the older LyXes don't know about the new 
>> fileformat.
>> Did you try File->Export->LyX 1.6.x ? 
>> Vincent
>Hi Vince,
>I was aware that newer versions of LyX use a different file
>format.  I meant only that you have to manually export the
>document to an older version of LyX.  The lyx2lyx script is
>not capable of doing so on its own.

No, that's because you'll have to tell the lyx2lyx script that you want
the 1.6.x file format. It would be wrong to save the documents in 1.6.x
format by default (losing new features on the road).


RE: XeLaTeX in LyX 1.7/2.0

2009-11-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I wonder if the file format used in trunk (or rather
>the lyx2lyx converter that deals with it) is still
>unable to revert back to previous versions' file formats. 

What do you mean by unable to revert back ? LyX trunk uses a new file
format (of course) and the older LyXes don't know about the new

Did you try File->Export->LyX 1.6.x ? 


RE: greek characters in index?

2009-11-19 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>For example, the document source initially contains
>$\Delta$x which displays as upper case delta followed
>by x. If I select the displayed delta and x and click
>on Lyx'x "Insert index entry" button, the document source
>changes to \index{\Deltax}$\Delta$x but when I try to
>generate an index I get an "undefined control sequence"
>error message.
>If I manually change the document source to
>\index{$\Delta$x}$\Delta$x there is no error message,
>and the index looks OK. Is this a legitimate way to
>proceed? If yes, does "Insert index entry" do this
>automatically in a more recent version of LyX than
>the one I'm using (which is 1.5.6)? Is there a better
>way to do this?

You can just copy the math into the index and it will generate the
correct LaTeX.

I think you've found a bug. Can you report it to ?


RE: command syntax

2009-11-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I am trying to define shortcuts in lyx, and the only
>command i know is "math-insert ...". What are the other
>possibilities? How can i for example combine two commands,
>like "math-insert \{\]" and then go backward one character,
>Thank you very much

Have a look at the "Help->LyX Functions" document dat you can find in
the Help menu. 

If you want to combine commands, search for "command-sequence". For
example you can do: 

"command-sequence cut; ert-insert; self-insert ; paste; self-insert {};


RE: Select all part/chapter/section

2009-10-30 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> In a long document, is there any way to select a whole part, chapter 
>> or section without having to drag the cursor through it?
>Not yet. But please open an enhancement request at 
>so that such a feature can be implemented.

No need for an enhancement request. The feature is already implemented in trunk.


RE: a footnote in a footnote

2009-10-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I tried \footnotemark and \footnotetext, that doesn't work.
>Is there a LyX or LaTeX solution to that problem? I'm pretty
>sure my old friend will be sorry not to be able to switch to
>LyX, which doesn't let you have footnotes in footnotes...

Is this what you mean ?


Description: footnotes.lyx

RE: Re: [bug report] Lyx 1.6.4 crashes while editing formula

2009-10-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Falk Sticken wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have found a bug in LyX 1.6.4 on Linux (openSUSE 11.1) which is not

>> reported in the bug tracker. When I start editing an inline math 
>> formula (ALT+M M) and type "\mathc"
>> "al" 
>> LyX crashes.
>> A backtrace follows below.
>> bye,
>> Falk
>But both look to me like incarnations of this bug,
>fixed 8 hours ago:

It seems more like bug to me.


RE: The behaviour of menus

2009-10-22 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> When I open a drop-down menu -e. g., when choosing the
> language of a paragraph from the drop-down list of
> possibilities- even if I navigate to my preferred option
> using the cursor keys, ...

Can you more precisely describe what drop-down menu you mean ? The only way I 
know to select the language is in the text style dialog, but that works fine.


RE: lyx make error on ubuntu feisty 7.04

2009-09-23 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hello, I want to install lyx- from source but i get
>an error during make. configure before was successfull. I
>want to install lyx in a non-standard directory. further i
>have the newest qt version installed from source in a non-
>standard directory.
>what can i do now?

In file included from SignalSlotPrivate.cpp:15:
SignalSlotPrivate_moc.cpp:14:2: error: #error "This file was generated
using the moc from 4.2.3. It"
SignalSlotPrivate_moc.cpp:15:2: error: #error "cannot be used with the
include files from this version of Qt."
SignalSlotPrivate_moc.cpp:16:2: error: #error "(The moc has changed too

The files that are named *_moc.cpp are deprecated. They are now called
moc_*. So, it seems that you have compiled LyX some while ago using

I think that if you remove the *_moc.cpp files, it will compile.


RE: lyx crashes - std::bad_alloc

2009-09-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>It is the figures causing the problem.  I've put the files to a
>different directory so lyx thinks they are missing, and I can now
>work without this problem.  My figures are png, there are 12 at
>present, they are all about 0.5 Mb.
>I have set the scaling, usually 30-40% so my figures fit the
>lyx window.

Scaling caused a problem, but that was supposed to be "work-around" in
1.6.4 and it only happened with 50,25,20,10,5,2,1% IIRC.


RE: Figure key

2009-09-09 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Do you guys have opinions regarding which is the best place
>to add explanations to a figure? A longish list of things
>such as "the pointed line means blah, and the blue square
>stands for blah"...
>The "figure" box in the float is too small for that 

How can it be too small ? I can put a work by Shakespeare in it.

>-and everything you put in there appears in the figure index.

Then you should try "Insert->Short Title" in the caption of the float. Only the 
text within this "opt" inset will be put in the figure index. In this way, you 
can have a brief description in the figure index (list).

>I could do it in the main text, but I'd rather make sure that
>it is just beside the float.

So, I would put everything you need to understand the figure in the caption. 
Any explanation, reasoning, conclusions, remarks, details etc. in the main text.



RE: How to enable display of all equations

2009-09-08 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>   I find LyX not displaying any of my numbered
>formulas till the cursor enters that region. Could
>someone help me figure out how to turn this display
>on? I must have made some mistake with preferences
>or settings.

Close and reload document ?



RE: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-09-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> So is it useful if I try to compile Lyx on my own on
> 10.6? Or would this end up in the same crashing behaviour?

I think it is useful, but I think you'll see the same crashing

>There are some changes/workarounds to do in the source
>code first, right?

The first thing you might try is to adapt the following code:


pid_t ForkedProcess::fork() {
#if !defined (HAVE_FORK)
return -1;
pid_t pid = ::fork();
if (pid == 0)
IAmAChild = true;
return pid;

If you undefine HAVE_FORK (or just always return -1), you can see
whether (all) crashes disappear. If so, we have at least a workaround. 

Everything should still work, but you might be interrupted in your
typing when LyX saves the autosave file using the same thread.


RE: [Fwd: Re: \...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx]

2009-09-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>As I explained in my previous email, that this piece
>of code is inserted by Lyx itself. I tried adding
>\makeletter before this piece of code, the problem
>remains the smae. Is there a way to restrict Lyx from
>inserting this piece of code?

No, there isn't. 

Can you send the whole LaTeX code of a minimal example ?


RE: [Fwd: Re: \...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx]

2009-09-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Can some help me in solving a Lyx problem described
>in the forwarded email?

It seems you're missing a \makeatletter before this piece of code. Did
you add this yourself in the preamble ?

>Tariq Abdullah


RE: Re: Setting paragraph style in fullscreen mode

2009-09-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
 Alt-P 1/2/3/4 for Chapter/Section/Subsection/Paragraph
 Alt-P S for Standard

>>> Exactly what I needed! Thanks!
>> Also,
>> "Alt-P " should popup the combo box too (even in full-screen).
>In branch?

Yes, also in branch. The things I changed in trunk were only necessary
in case the toolbar was turned off (before LyX was started) and thus was
never initialized.

When you hide the toolbar or when you switch to fullscreen, the combo
box still appears.



RE: Re: Setting paragraph style in fullscreen mode

2009-09-03 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> Try:
>> Alt-P 1/2/3/4 for Chapter/Section/Subsection/Paragraph
>> Alt-P S for Standard
>> Abdel.
>Exactly what I needed! Thanks!


"Alt-P " should popup the combo box too (even in full-screen).


RE: \...@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%.............inserted automatically by Lyx

2009-09-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Lyx inserts the following tex code when using the subfig package.
>The code prompts Lyx to generate an error and I can't create the 
>DVI-->PDF file from Lyx.
>Does anybody know how to solve this error OR how to
>restrict Lyx to not insert this piece of tex code?

This line is added to guard against a user that has manually included
the caption package in the preamble.

What's the error then ? It shouldn't give an error.


RE: nomenclature and table of contents, wrong level

2009-09-01 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Evan Mason 
>> I have inserted nomenclature into my toc using the FAQ advice (
>> ).  I am using book-KOMA.  I 
>> have an appendix, and the nomencalture and bibliography are at the 
>> back of the appendix.
>> In the toc, the bibliography comes out fine, but the nomenclature 
>> comes out in the toc as a section of the last chapter of the 
>> appendix.  How can I prevent this?
>> Many thanks, Evan
>Please, if anybody can help with this I'd be very grateful.
>I have a thesis deadline soon and I am trying to iron out
>these last few details...

Hi Evan, 

I guess you added this to your preamble:


This is probably meant for articles. Try instead to use:


Then, then the Nomenclature will be at the same level as the other



RE: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-08-31 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I am currently testing Lyx 1.6.4 under Snow Leopard,
>the official release. After about 5 minutes, a pop up
>window appeared reporting that Lyx crashed. My console
>report looks alot like the one in the bug report (link

Thanks for the info and confirmation of bug 6160. It will be difficult
to fix this as, I guess, we don't have a developer using Snow Leopard.
So, if you have any hints, please let us know.



RE: Will Lyx run on Mac OS X 10.6?

2009-08-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I ordered the new Mac OS Snowleopard this week and I wonder
>if any of the Lyx-(Mac)-Developers has already tested Lyx
>under a Developer- Version of Snowleopard?
>Will the Lyx-Binary run on Snowleopard?
>Anyway, I'll test it and post it here.

We are a bit short on Mac developers, so I doubt that you'll get an
authorative answer. 

But, the good news is that I've heard of someone running LyX on
Snowleopard, the bad news is that I heard this by means of a bug report:

So, it'll be interesting whether this crash actually has to do something
with Snowleopard or not.


RE: LyX indexing anomaly

2009-08-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hi all,
>My copy of LyX 1.6.3 errors out on indexing because when
>LyX exports to LaTeX, it outputs normal range type indexing
>entries (the ones ending in a pipe symbol and a parenthese)
>with something like this:
>It should have looked like this:


In case you didn't notice this mail (devel-list), I will repeat it here.

What's your Tools->Preferences->Output->LaTeX->Tex Encoding option ?

If this doesn't read T1, put it in there and I think this problem will
go away

At least, I can reproduce it also when setting the document language to
greek. Then this 'trick' with '|)' doesn't work any longer. That's a bug


RE: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.6.4 is released

2009-08-24 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I would really like to use this version because of
>more stability.

Yes, sorry for that.

>Currently I use Lyx 1.6.3 to write my thesis.
>Thereby I am very careful and would like to know if
>it might result in any problem if I change my current
>version of Lyx?

No. (at least it shouldn't). The file format doesn't change between minor 
versions, so your file won't be converted in any sense. A backup can never hurt 
of course.


RE: HUGE fomulae

2009-08-24 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> When I've written a math formula, whether it be inserted into the
>> text or as a numbered equation, the text size becomes huge with the 
>> formula usually disappearing off the end of the screen.  If you then 
>> reselect the formula, as if to edit it, it then shrinks back to
>> size.  I am doing something obviously wrong?
>Looks like a problem with instant preview - but I don't know
>how to fix that. Take a look at "Tools->Preferences->Screen Fonts",
>see if there are any strange sizes or zoom factors.

Or, look at Tools->Preferences->Graphics and set Instant Preview to Off.

Or, have a look at your preferences file in the LyX dir in your user
directory and look for some magic entry saying something about the size
of previews: '\\preview_scale_factor'. If it's there and it's not 0.9,
start wondering how it got there.


RE: Cases environment

2009-08-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>I think it was because I had imported a latex document
>to Lyx, and it wasn't ticked. It seems to be ticked by
>default on new documents.

>I guess I should file it as a bug? If we don't want to
>tick it for imported options, then it ought to raise a
>warning at the point where it would have included it... ?

No need to report a bug. It has already been changed:



RE: Re: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-08-12 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Perhaps this "automagic" behavior is dependent on the windowmanager?

Then you'd really have to try the Windows windowmanager :)


RE: Go Away Drawer

2009-08-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>In LyX 1.6.3, how cam I make the Table of Contents drawer go away?  

By pressing the small 'x' ?

>Also, after I set the window size and position for
>one file, LyX 1.5.6 would open all subsequent files
>in that window, but 1.6.3 opens some subsequent files
>(those it hasn't seen before) in a small window which
>I then have to resize. Any way to fix this?

You're probably on a Mac then, you can turn off the fact that we open a
new view for each document by checking:

Tools->Preferences->Look & Feel->Open Document in Tabs.

A new view is opened with a default size. Maybe it's a good idea to
resize a new view to the size of the view that has last been resized.



RE: problems opening a lyx 1.5.6 file with lyx 1.6.3

2009-08-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I'm trying to open a report I wrote with Lyx 1.5.6 in
>1.6.3 and am getting LOTS of different errors. 

We really need some more information and, preferably, a minimal example
or else the document itself.


RE: How does LyX render symbols?

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>In math mode, when I select the menu item for the
>greek alpha character, or when I type \alpha within
>the inline equation box and then press TAB, how does
>lyx render this to the character?

You should be somewhat clearer what you mean with 'render'.

The general story is that each keypress will fire a LFUN_SELF_INSERT.
This will be handled by InsetMathNest::dispatch() and dispatch will call
InsetMathNest::interpretChar(). When you have typed '\alpha' and you
press space, interpretChar() will call cur.macroModeClose() which will
'finish' the macro. Cursor::macroModeClose() then creates a new Inset
with the line:

MathAtom atom = createInsetMath(name);

and this is inserted into the formula by 


Is this what you wanted to know ? Are you implementing something useful

P.S. This sounds like it is more appropriate at the developers' list.


RE: Pilcrows / Paragraph marks / Nonprinting characters

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>>> E voila,
>>> Vincent
>Wow, you guys are incredible!  Mere hours after my feature request!
>It looks beautiful, and I look forward to trying it out.
>Vincent--should I wait for a patch from you before I go
>through the trouble of recompiling?

Why is that a trouble ?

I'll need to find some spare time to finish the patch -- i.e. to make it
perfect. So, if you can live with an almost perfect solution, go ahead.

>Thanks so much!


RE: Change display equation to ams align

2009-08-06 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>If I typed in an equation as display, and the
>decide I'd like to turn it to ams align (multiline),
>how can I do this without loosing everything I already typed?
>Selecting the equation, then insert/math/ams align is
>exactly the way to destroy your work.

Don't select the equation then :).

If your cursor is in the equation, then Insert->Math->AMS Align converts
your equation type. Better is to use Edit->Math->Change Formula


RE: Re: AW: Yap: Inverse dvi search

2009-08-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> Would this be a possible solution ? At least it would be a pretty 
> simple solution.

>Isn't this the same problem that has to be solved?

Yes, I thought so too.

I just wanted to be sure that I didn't oversee any problems with that

Solving this problem is fairly simple (I've done it in the past).


RE: Re: AW: Yap: Inverse dvi search

2009-08-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> A very simple approach is to just use command-line parameters. If we 
>> can manage to make LyX a single instance application (I mean that if 
>> you try to start LyX when it's already running it will open the 
>> existance LyX instance and open a possibly specified LyX file in the 
>> same instance), then we can also just call "LyX.exe %f -goto-row %l".
>I just checked that - with my really limited knowledge. But, folks, I
do try.
>- "LyX.exe %f -goto-row %l": console windows popping up says
>that it does not like it.

Sorry, I was just thinking aloud whether I could possibly implement it
like this... But I didn't yet ;-)


RE: Re: AW: Yap: Inverse dvi search

2009-08-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Maybe other native means could be used, but I am a *nix fellow
>and don't know Windows well enough to judge.

A very simple approach is to just use command-line parameters. If we can
manage to make LyX a single instance application (I mean that if you try
to start LyX when it's already running it will open the existance LyX
instance and open a possibly specified LyX file in the same instance),
then we can also just call "LyX.exe %f -goto-row %l".

Would this be a possible solution ? At least it would be a pretty simple


RE: Re: AW: Yap: Inverse dvi search

2009-08-04 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Jannick Asmus writes:
>> Is there any chance that this feature is included in the Windows 
>> installers in the future?
>You can always hope that someone contributes the necessary code.


Do you have an idea how to do this ? I've some experience with DDE, but
I'm not sure whether that's what we want.


RE: Lyx 1.6.3 Can I ditch the pointNclick list of open files below the toolbars???

2009-07-31 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> Is there any way to get them off my screen???

Tools->Preferences->Look & Feel->Open Document in Tabs


RE: Changing the font size in the captions

2009-07-30 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Is it possible to change the size of the font used in
>all the captions of images and tables in the document?


RE: Tip: How to type degree symbol in Windows using the numeric key pad

2009-07-30 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>In order to type the degree symbol, press and hold
>down the Alt key while on the numeric key pad typing
>0176.  (The '0' is needed.)

Why not 

$^\circ$, or 


I like the output of these commands better than the Alt+0176 symbol.

See also:


RE: Drag and Drop

2009-07-29 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Maybe a stupid question:
>But I realized that I can select/mark a sentence
>with the mouse, but I cannot drag this selected
>sentence around in Lyx, e.g. placing it in the
>paragraph above. Everytime I try this the sentence
>is deselected.
>As I don't remember well: Is this behaviour expected
>in Lyx or is it a bug?

Let's call it a missing feature.

Personally, I'd prefer to cut&paste anyway.


RE: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>That's a whole lot simpler and less risky than tampering
>with my Qt4 version. Later, when I upgrade to Ubuntu K,
>qt4 will be upgraded for me.

To cite myself:

"The best thing that I can think of in your case is
that you have run into bug #5957: If you scale down
an image with an odd number of rows to 50% (on screen),
Qt4.5.0 would crash."


Well, yesterday we found out that this bug is back in
Qt4.5.2, so I withdraw my advice to update Qt.. (for
now), but LyX 1.6.4 has a work-around for this.


RE: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> While I have your attention, I am still at a loss why I can't get a 
>> response from the lyx ftp server.
>I don't use windows, but installing the latest Qt from:
>might help

How ?


RE: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I'm just in the process of setting up my new computer with
>Windows XP.  I installed the latest MikTex and LyX, opened
>my first file which I created in version 1.6.0, scrolled down,
>and it crashed in exactly the way you describe.  Three eps
>figures were causing me problems, and it turns out that they
>had all been scaled to 50%.  All three were the same size at
>1009x756 pixels, in landscape orientation.vScaling to 49 or
>51 % does not cause the crash.  I can email you one of the
>files if you like.

We know the problem, and we know we can't do anything about it
ourselves. We have now made a work-around so that the bug won't appear
in LyX 1.6.4. 

>As an aside, every time I save the preferences, the
>maximized LyX window shrinks to the previously unmaximized
>size, but the border remains unsizable.  I have to click
>restore and then maximize to get back to using the full screen.

That's also a known problem, which we can't solve yet.

>While I have your attention, I am still at a loss why
>I can't get a response from the lyx ftp server.  If any
>of you have any ideas to offer in response to my query
>several days ago I would greatly appreciate it!

I've no problems accessing it (which is of no help to you).



RE: strange bug: two tabs opened when starting LyX

2009-07-24 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Every time I start LyX, two tabs are opened.
>*Tab 1* doesn't do anything when you press it. Its name
>is LyX 1.6.3-1.
>*Tab 2 *is the LyX program tab. Its name is first file
>I'm working on at the moment.

What's the contents of your session file ? And especially, what entries
are there in the [last opened files] section ?

Maybe the problem is solved by deleting this session file.


RE: Re: Continuous spelling checker

2009-07-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> Ah you guys makes fun when I am off for holidays? Bad boys!

And the worst is: the one that was having fun, is gone for holiday too .


RE: Crash on opening directories

2009-07-20 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I've built LyX 1.6.3 under Red Hat Enterprise 5.3, with
>Qt 4.5 (a slightly older version than the most recent
>one, which I couldn't get to work). Each time I try to
>open a directory to open or save a document, LyX crashes
>with the following message:

>(:7300): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkEntry - did not receive
>focus-out-event. If you connect a handler to this signal, it
>must return FALSE so the entry gets the event as well

I know nothing about Gtk+LyX, but does this reflect your problem:



RE: Windows: Graphics preview doesn't work using Lyxlauncher.exe

2009-07-17 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Apologies if this has been said before, but I have
>only ever been able to get graphics preview to work
>if I start LyX by running lyx.exe. If I use the
>default LyXlauncher.exe, I can't preview .eps,
>.pdf (although .png works).

> Is this a known issue?

Yes, it is known:


RE: aling some headline

2009-07-15 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>\renewcommand\refname{\centering References}

Sorry, that doesn't work for book.



RE: aling some headline

2009-07-15 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I need to align References' name and TOC' name at the
>center of document, how can i do this? I am using book
>class as a basic template. The Lyx version is 1.6.2

Put in your preamble:

\renewcommand\refname{\centering References}

Make sure that the option "add to toc" in your bibliography is turned



RE: RPG Manual with Lyx?

2009-07-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

> >  I'm very open to hear good ideas, ..
>  Very nice to know :)
> What maybe someone is misunderstanding is I'm not asking for help 
> on how to create an RPG manual, I created some of them already 
> with Scribus and the result is more than interesting. 
Good, otherwise I'd have said not to use LyX :).
> When you have a goal to reach things can be seen in a much clearer
> If you are interested I can write down some sketches of what is needed

> when someone is designing this kind of document, with already created 
> examples, and what could be implemented in Lyx to achieve that goal. 
> So that we could analyze everything step by step and see if there's a
> to implement this or that feature from Latex to Lyx.  
The easiest would be to write a module of such a feature. This doesn't
need any adjustments to LyX and you can share it with others. 

> If we go trough this adventure I'm sure at the end Lyx's gonna have
> more potential than now with not so many added features! I mean,
> we can optimize the needed features for this kind of work. A single
> thing can be used to achieve many different results. 
I just want to warn you that maybe not everything you want is easy to
accomplish. You can easily be frustrated by all LaTeX code that is
needed. Besides, there are infinite number of features to be added to
LyX, but there won't be support from developers for all. If you can
really indicate a few features that would be useful for a larger
community which do not deviate too much from "LyX's philosophy", we
might end up with a better LyX.

RE: Continuous spelling checker

2009-07-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Dear Developers / Abdel,
>Can I do anything to add it to the current LyX 1.6.3, windows OS.

Get the latest svn and compile :).


RE: RPG Manual with Lyx?

2009-07-13 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> >
>> There is a package called 'wallpaper' that may do this very well with

>> a little bit of ERT.
>Thank you very much for your suggestion. Of course I
>can use it but the question is: isn't it better to
>integrate it in Lyx so that people can use wallpapers
>normally? In any case, I'll do it with ERT for now.

We have an option to specify the page background color now, why not
adding a wallpaper option indeed ? I'll propose this to the other
developers. Let's see what happens ;-).

> I don't know how you want to design your RPG manual. But if you have 
> complex and very graphically oriented pages, scribus is a better tool.

I don't know scribus, but maybe it's a powerful combination to be able
to use scribus for the graphics part of your document and use LyX for
the text.

>The interesting thing for me is pushing Lyx to the limit, see if it
>can do this work, see if it will make the whole process of writing a 
>manual such a pain that using Scribus would be better instead :)

It's nice to push LyX to the limit. I can think of a special editor in
LyX to design header-styles, chapter-styles etc. etc., but it will take
some time before this can be done within LyX. For now, one has to code

I'm very open to hear good ideas, .. 



RE: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
Yes, it is the image omtenta_trig.jpg that has an uneven number of lines
(1123) and is scaled down 50% (changing either of the two will work
around the problem).
This is a bug in Qt 4.5 (which you probably have because of Ubuntu9.04).
Please upgrade Qt to 4.5.2 (I'm not sure about 4.5.1, I think it was
There have been threads about this on this list.

From: Marcus Broberg [] 
Sent: donderdag 9 juli 2009 16:37
To: rgheck
Subject: Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009/7/9 rgheck 

Marcus Broberg wrote:

I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a
document lyx exits. Is
this a know issue?


It probably has something specific to do with some document you
are using. If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with
instructions for causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.

You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been
reported, or even better fixed.


I add a copy of the file. The file is i swedish and english, but that
shouldnt matter


RE: Re: view latex source - noob prob?

2009-06-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>> since this morning i have a problem with lyx, I can't handle.
>> I use Lyx in Linux Debian testing.
>> I've always been able to view the latex source code below the window.
>> "view source" is acitvated, but there's nothing to see. Never. In any
>> section of the text.
>> The buttons to view the entire code or to refresh automatically are
>> gray, deaktivated and i can't change them.

>> Seems to be a bug in my brain or something like this...

>No, its a bug in LyX. Happened to me after I disabled both auto-update and
>full view with the next start of LyX.

>> Someone got an idea?

>find ~/.config/LyX/LyX-1.6.2.conf
>and change the lines with view-source to look like:
This is fixed in 1.6.3.
It is easier to turn on the view source window again by entering the following 
command in the command buffer twice: "buffer-toggle-read-only". (And make sure 
you check one of the two checkboxes after that, before closing all open 
documents or opening a read-only document).

RE: Shortened Citations in Lyx-Editor

2009-06-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Small stuff:
>when having citations to more than one source, the citations
>inside the Lyx interface get shortened, for example (Natbib)
>(e.g. Hanneson, 1992; West and Macnae, 199...
>instead of the full citation:
>(e.g. Hanneson, 1992; West and Macnae, 1991, p.31)
>I would like to see the entire citation without always compiling
>(or clicking on it). 

You even get a tooltip by just holding your mouse over a citation (at
least in 1.6.3).

>Is this behaviour editable somewhere?




RE: LyX crashes in Ubuntu 9.04

2009-06-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Hi! I have the following Problem:
>LyX 1.6.2 crashes regularily while i scroll down in a bigger document.
>This only happens if showing graphics is enabled. How can I solve this
>Thank you very much!

There is a bug in qt4.5.0 that might crash LyX when you try to scale down a 
figure on screen to 50% and the figure has an odd number of lines.

Please upgrade to qt4.5.1, or change the 50% into e.g. 51%.

see also:


RE: Lyx Print-out?

2009-05-25 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>Hey all,
>I am using lyx to write my thesis. Everything is ok except
>one problem.
>When I see the pdf output, the width of the text on the
>page is too narrow. The PDF text covers only about 50% of
>the width of the page. Because of this, my thesis is
>elongated to many pages than it will actually be.

>But, this is not the case in latex or when you convert
>word to pdf.

This depends on the document class you use. With the same document
class, this should be the same as in latex.

>So, what is the solution for this problem. Is there some
>setting that can increase the length of text per line so
>that the text covers most of the page?

You could either choose a different document class (in
"Document->Settings...->Document Class"), or you may  adjust the Page
Format (in "Document->Settings...->Page Layout") or you might want to
choose other Page Margins (in "Document->Settings...->Page Margins).


RE: Navigation menu -> list of tables includes comment tables

2009-05-25 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I use Lyx 1.5.2 on Fedora. I have noted that in the
>Navigation menu -> list of tables Lyx lists also tables
>which are in the "note" (commentary) environment and
>therefore are not seen in the LaTeX output. For the
>counts in Lyx (e.g. Table 3) it counts these tables
>too. The same is right for figures.
>Is that a bug (maybe already cleaned in newer versions)
>or is there a good reason for that, which I am not able
>to see?

Yes, this was a bug and it is indeed fixed in newer versions of LyX
(1.6.3 will be released quite soon).


RE: QT and Lyx 1.6.2

2009-04-29 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>Description: LyX 1.6.2 doesn't work with Qt 4.4.3,
>but it works with Qt 4.5. 
>It doesn't matter if Qt is installed from KDEmod or from Extra.
>When I try to run LyX 1.6.2 with Qt 4.4.3 I get this message:
>lyx: symbol lookup error: lyx: undefined symbol:

This sounds like LyX has been compiled against Qt4.5.


RE: blue underline of pasted text

2009-04-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>When I paste text from one document to another, I get blue
>underlines.  I do not have change tracking turned on. Does
>anyone know how to disable this underlining?

Yes, then the language setting of this text is different as the default
language of the document.

Select the text and choose the textstyle-dialog and reset the language.


RE: references and coding

2009-04-28 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> Bibtex can only handle 7-bit correctly. Bibtex8 handles 8-bit.
>> Neither can deal with multibyte characters (although apparently only
>> bibtex8 complains about such files, bibtex just passes it silently 
>> [which is bad]).

Can't we make LyX giving a warning when it detects multi-byte characters in a 
bibtex file ? This often leads to questions.

(Especially since we have the "do not show again"-type of alerts).


RE: some doubts

2009-04-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>i need that the of  theorem, lemma etc appears is spanish when
>i export the file to pdf. On Lyx editor they appear in spanish,
>but when i want to watch by view pdf they appear in english.
>any advice?

Richard already told you to search on the list. The answer has been
given on this list three days ago. Please have a look at that.


RE: some doubts

2009-04-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
> any advice?

Please use a more descriptive subject. Other than "A question", "A
simple question" or "some doubts".


RE: import lyx (1.6.1) file

2009-04-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>> >How do I import a lyx (1.6.1) file, in order to append it to an 
>> >existing one (also 1.6.1) in which I am currently working. I
>> >to have it in the 1.5 series, but now under File>import.
>> Insert->File->LyX Document..
>> Vincent
>Thanks, Vincent,
>But I still did not catch it. I am in Lyx file1 at the end. I would
>like to add the content of Lyx file2. If I follow your advice
>Insert->File->LyX Document it does not give me a selection possibility
>(for file2) but inserts something I might have had in the buffer. 

It should have inserted the contents of file2. (Did you save file2
before doing this ?)

>No luck either, if I select the content of file2 first (bearbeiten > 
>select all) and use your proposal.
>I am doing something stupid, I guess. 

If you have both files open you can always select everything and use
copy and paste to paste it in the other document. 



RE: import lyx (1.6.1) file

2009-04-27 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>How do I import a lyx (1.6.1) file, in order to append it to an
>existing one (also 1.6.1) in which I am currently working. I
>remember to have it in the 1.5 series, but now under File>import.

Insert->File->LyX Document..


RE: LyX 1.6.2 -- svn on Windows

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW

>> Enter the following command in the command buffer 
>> (View->Toolbars->Command Buffer):
>> vc-command DS "." "TortoiseProc /command:commit /path:$$p"
>btw one can look into "Additional features" manual, where is the
documentation :)

And then you will find out that the 'S flag' does not exist... (yet)



RE: Re: Can I please have an example of conditional ERT in LyX

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I use ifthenelse in my exams. That way I can have one
>version of the exam without solutions, and one with
>solution, without having to have two documents. If
>you want, I can send you one of my exams.

This is the typical example for using branches.

(Document->Settings->Branches and Insert->Branch).


RE: LyX 1.6.2 -- svn on Windows

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>I'm assuming I need a command line client for svn to execute... 


>is there a way to make Tortoise SVN handle this...


Enter the following command in the command buffer
(View->Toolbars->Command Buffer):

vc-command DS "." "TortoiseProc /command:commit /path:$$p"


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