[Marxism] Russian Folk Art

2014-07-22 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Here is an amazing bit of “folk art” I just captured on Facebook. What’s
amazing about it is that it turns all the impossible contortions that
Russian state and mainstream media, and segments of Russian social media
have been going through, over the past week, to befuddle the Russian public
as to who might have shot down Flight MH17 (as described here, for example,
by the indispensable Peter Pomerantsev) on their head, attributing them
instead to US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki. In the past couple
months, Psaki has been elevated by the “pro-Russian” crowd (meaning the
same state/”grassroots” media synergy behind the contortionist act) into a
Great Satan figure, emblematic of American stupidity and ignorance.

Read the rest here:

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[Marxism] Thoughts on Palestine and Syria

2014-07-22 Thread Anas via Marxism
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I have read Binh's recent article 
 on the relation between Palestine and Syria and saw a statistic from FP that 
more than 700 people have been killed in Syria between Thursday and Friday 

Even facts like how Assad has substantially displaced more Palestinians than 
Israel has this year tend to be interpreted as apologetic for Israel. 

Fortunately, I had found this amazing line that seemed to really convey why the 
Palestinian struggle is famous in a recent article by Adam shatz.. This 
explanation can't be easily characterized as whitewashing Israel:

"Do you know why we are so famous?" Mahmoud Darwish asks the Israeli writer 
Helit Yeshurun inPalestine as Metaphor. "It's because you are our enemy. The 
interest in the Palestinian question flows from the interest in the Jewish 
question…. It's you they're interested in, not me!… So we have the misfortune 
of having an enemy, Israel, with so many sympathizers in the world, and we have 
the good fortune that our enemy is Israel, since Jews are the center of the 
world. You have given us our defeat, our weakness, our renown." As Darwish 
suggests, this concern for the Palestinians is not a matter of anti-Semitism, 
as Israel supporters claim, so much as it is a reflection of self-absorption: 
the Palestinians are important to the West because, through their oppression by 
Israeli Jews, they have become characters in a Western narrative."

(I encourage you to read the full article. We should have more writers on the 
region like Adam Shatz, and less of Chris Hedges and Robert Fisk (and plenty 
others in zmag, counterpunch) who view the Middle East as a geopolitical entity 
that revolves around America.)

I'm afraid by the time the Syrian question becomes popular, all Syrians would 
be dead already. And it will stay unpopular for as long as the players involved 
aren't Israeli Jews or Westerners* as Mahmoud Darwich, in the usual Palestinian 
acerbic wit, demonstrates. 


*As western jihadists going to fight in Syria garner more discussion in western 
papers of record and media than the victims of the war  

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[Marxism] Palestine

2014-07-22 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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A few interesting pieces on Redline:

PFLP on Shuja’iya massacre:

Tony Greenstein on Israel, Palestine, the one-state solution and the issue
of Israeli-Jewish nationhood:

Israel, Palestinian liberation and the Oslo Accords:

NZ activist interviews Palestinian veteran revolutionary icon Leila Khaled:

Is there a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

For a campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle:

Palestinian liberation and the PFLP today – interview with PFLP

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[Marxism] Fwd: In Moscow « LRB blog

2014-07-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In Moscow
Peter Pomerantsev 22 July 2014

‘When the news came in about the plane going down I couldn’t tell 
whether it was real. There have been so many fake pieces of news in the 
Russian media this week you can no longer tell what’s true and what 
isn’t,’ B said, as we sat in a Moscow café the weekend after Malaysia 
Airlines flight MH17 had been blown out of the sky over Donbass. ‘Just 
this week there was a story about Ukrainian soldiers crucifying a 
Donbass child. Then there was a story about how the White House 
instructed the Ukrainians to depopulate Donbass so that the US can get 
control of its shale gas. And since the crash, there have been stories 
about Americans trying to down Putin’s plane but getting the Malaysian 
one by accident, or the plane being filled with corpses before it took 
off to fake the tragedy, or the US blowing up the plane to pull Putin 
into a war in Ukraine to distract from their economic problems.’

You can spot the cultural influences: the crucified child is from Game 
of Thrones, the plane with corpses is from Lost. The borders between 
fact and fiction are not just blurred: they’re irrelevant. When the 
deputy minister of communications, Alexei Volin, himself а former 
journalist and occasional scriptwriter, was asked if the crucifixion 
story was true, he said that it passed journalistic standards – and 
anyway what really mattered were ratings.

The nation must be kept hooked. As a plot turn the Malaysia Airlines 
crash is useful. Except that it’s real. Which is inconvenient. As the 
whole Donbass war is inconvenient. Putin would much rather have a film 
about a war to sell his audience. In the early 1990s reports about 
atrocities (sometimes fabricated by PR companies) were used to persuade 
Americans to go to war over Kuwait: here the reports are the end goal. A 
war set up to have a movie about a war. The cameras of the tabloid 
channel Life News are called to military action before action has taken 
place. Though in such cases reality can intervene too. On 29 June rebel 
leaders sent a cortège of Russian journalists to film Ukrainian troops 
surrendering: the rebel leaders had even provided extras to impersonate 
soldiers’ mothers for the ‘news’ piece. But when the Ukrainains saw the 
coach they opened fire, killing a Russian cameraman. ‘The Russian TV 
people killed in the Donbass are buried as heroes,’ Anna Kachkayeva, an 
academic and television critic, remarked. ‘While the Russians who fight 
there with guns are buried secretly. The TV people are the real troops.’

I met Mark Galeotti, an NYU professor who has been teaching in Moscow, 
in a Pain Quotidien inside a business centre. ‘The Soviet Union used to 
reinvent reality too but they still kept to a single version of the 
truth. Pravda would telegraph the party line so everyone knew what to 
say,’ he told me. Now, instead of a single truth, the TV spits out 
contradictory conspiracy theories. The effect is to leave the viewer so 
confused and he is demoralised that he gives up on trying to find a 
‘real’ version. This is effective in keeping people both paranoid and 
passive, but it means, Galeotti said, that ‘everyone has to improvise 
their own version of the truth.’

I heard different improvisations during a week in Moscow. There were 
those who were calm and succinct, like the man who said that Google was 
curated by the CIA and that WikiLeaks was a CIA operation to spark the 
Arab Spring, and how Russia needs to create a sovereign internet to 
defend itself (the man just happens to design and market internet filter 
programs). But there were also hour-long emotional monologues, with no 
logical connections between the sentences, which just repeated the words 
‘them’ and ‘us’ over and over, intimating but never quite clarifying who 
was behind some great anti-Russian plot.

The younger generation, a teacher told me, were the worst: those who had 
Soviet experience were aware of the TV fibs, but not the 20-year-olds. 
When I worked in Russian TV during the Noughties I could see how the TV 
was breeding conspiracy theories, breaking down critical language year 
after year, making pseudo-logical constructions a normal form of speech, 
cultivating the ideal Putin citizen. ‘The point isn’t whether or not 
they really believe it or not,’ Galeotti said when I asked him how many 
of his students he thought actually believed the new line (or lines). 
‘The point is they feel intimidated enough to repeat it.’

Journalists who haven’t been shut down are shrivelled or co-opted, 
reporting on ‘different versions’ of the Malaysia Airlines crash and 
skating over the evidence against the Russian-sponsored, Russian-led and 

[Marxism] Fwd: Watch: 9 Jewish activists arrested after occupying Friends of the Israel Defense Forces office | Mondoweiss

2014-07-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Russian Military Intelligence poor record for truth telling

2014-07-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/22/14 5:39 PM, h0ost via Marxism wrote:

Can you name a contemporary state that has good "truth telling" record,
so we can compare it to the Russians?  The U.S.?

The truth is that they are mirror images of each other. When Russians 
shot down a Korean airliner, there were clear signs that the plane had 
been testing Soviet air defenses. But both countries pushed CYA excuses 
for weeks afterwards. In this instance, however Occam's Razor applies. 
Given what we know, it seems incontrovertible that a separatist missile 
brought the plane down. If I had been Putin or his pit bulldog in 
Donetsk, I would have given a speech regretting the loss of life but put 
the blame on NATO, the EU, Samantha Power, George Soros, Nicholas 
Kristof, the Illuminati, and the Unrepentant Marxist blog for creating 
the conditions that made such a tragic incident possible.

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Re: [Marxism] Russian Military Intelligence poor record for truth telling

2014-07-22 Thread h0ost via Marxism
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On 07/22/2014 03:28 PM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Russian military intelligence has often been cited recently for proof
> that somebody else has been behind a grand conspiracy to shoot down
> flight MH17 and blame it on the Russians, but they have a poor> truth telling.

Not to be picky, but we haven't seen much data from NATO or the U.S. to
counteract the radar data presented by the Russian military yesterday.
There are rumors that the U.S. will present counter-data tomorrow.

Can you name a contemporary state that has good "truth telling" record,
so we can compare it to the Russians?  The U.S.?

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[Marxism] Russian Military Intelligence poor record for truth telling

2014-07-22 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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Russian military intelligence has often been cited recently for proof
that somebody else has been behind a grand conspiracy to shoot down
flight MH17 and blame it on the Russians, but they have a poor record of
truth telling.

In this 30 June 2011 blog post Did Qaddafi Bomb Peaceful Protesters?

I caught them in an earlier lie. Briefly, RT and other pro-Qaddafi
sources were using Russian military intelligence reports to contradict
reports that Qaddafi was using his Migs to attack protesters. "The
Russian military, monitoring the unrest via satellite from the very
beginning, says nothing of the sort was going on on the ground."  Then
Saif Qaddafi told Amonpour that they were only bombing ammo dumps not
protesters! Oops.

Clay Claiborne, Owner
Cosmos Engineering Co. 
116 Rose Ave, Ste. 9
Venice Beach, CA 90291

(323) 219-6507 cell

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 at 18:23, DW via Marxism wrote:

>  The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
> much. I think the correct analogy here would be the Ted Offensive, which
> was a lost by the NLF but proceeded the ultimate victory about 8 years
> later.
   Let me quote from a recent short note by Fidel Castro "An unheard of 
provocation" on the US-war drive against Russia and the Israeli terror in Gaza: 

> At the same time, coinciding with the Malaysian aircraft crime,
> Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the nuclear
> state, ordered his army to invade the Gaza Strip, where, over the
> last several days, hundreds of Palestinians have died, many of them
> children. The President of the United States supported the action,
> describing the repugnant act as legitimate defense.
> Obama does not support David against Goliath, but rather Goliath
> against David. As is known, young men and women from the Israeli
> people, well prepared for productive work, are being exposed to a
> death without honor, without glory. I am not aware of the
> Palestinian?s military strategy, but I know that a combatant
> prepared to die can defend even the ruins of a building, as long as
> he has his rifle, as the heroic defenders of Stalingrad demonstrated.

  The Israel government wants the Arabs in the Gaza strip to suffer the fate of 
the uprising in the Jewish Ghetto in German-occupied Warsaw, but it might well 
be that they rather encounter what the German army suffered at Stalingrad. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] New on RedWedge: Ash River, Gentrification, Palestine

2014-07-22 Thread Adam Turl via Marxism
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In the new online edition of Red Wedge:

*“Rendering the River of Ash”*

Trish Kale interviews eco-artist Marissa Angel


*“Détroit, très Brooklyn!”*

Ryan Harte on gentrification and art from New York to Detroit


*“Performing Artists Stand for Palestine”*

A coalition of Palestinian performing art groups condemn the attack on Gaza


*“Don’t Go Hungry for My Dark Skin”*

A poem Octavio Quintanilla’s new book, “If I Go Missing”


*“Fighting (For) the Right to Party”*

John Halle on how we view classical music


and more…

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread Sheldon Ranz via Marxism
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Certainly from Israeli sources, but Hamas would not observe such a gag
order.  Couldn't Hamas launch such an attack and get someone from Al
Jazeera to report that?

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Mike Sola via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> As I understand it, the Israeli military has a gag order on reporting any
> attacks on military installations in Israel. Thus one would not know
> whether or not Hamas has attacked them.
> On 7/22/2014 12:23 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:
>> ==
>> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> ==
>> Dennis writes:
>> "Would you also say that the Vietnamese claim of victory in 1975 after
>> suffering 4 million dead, widespread birth defects from Agent Orange,
>> unexploded bombs killing people to this day, and widespread destruction
>> leaving their nation an economic basket case unable to serve as a positive
>> model for other former colonial nations were also guilty of
>> "wishful-thinking"? Was their victory merely Pyrrhic as Chomsky has
>> suggested?"
>> Terrible analogy, Dennis. The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
>> much. I think the correct analogy here would be the Ted Offensive, which
>> was a lost by the NLF but proceeded the ultimate victory about 8 years
>> later. And we can discuss the Tet Offensive in this light perhaps later
>> since one can make the argument that though the offensive was totally
>> smashed, the costs to the U.S. and their S. Vietnamese puppets was
>> something they *may* of never recovered from, but in Vietnam and
>> domestically, in the U.S.
>> I don't see this as the same or as so analogous to the Ted Offensive. At
>> least not yet. Comparisons with Lebanon are apt though. But here you had
>> an
>> abject *military* defeat for the IDF. They achieved none of their goals
>> though, as expressed in Israel, the Katyusha rockets *did* stop being
>> lobbed into Israel. Why the Hezbollah not once aimed those rockets at
>> Israeli military fortifications goes the stupid politics of these
>> resistance organizations which we can also discuss. [IDF forces are
>> concentrated and bunched up formation in known assembly points right
>> outside Gaza, *without Iron Dome protection*!!!].
>> And Dennis, you are correct, the situation of Palestinians is completely
>> fucked in terms of choices in strategy and tactics given the military and
>> geographic reality of both Gaza and the West Bank. No doubt about it.
>> But to 'claim' victory might be good for the Gaza street (which makes
>> sense
>> *there*), while Israel STILL occupies parts of the Strip  and continued
>> *unabated* is simply not a victory. When Israel withdraws, after the
>> destruction of whole sections of the Stip and the murder of perhaps
>> thousands, then 'victory' can be discussed. Until then it *disorients*
>> those fighting in solidarity with Gaza specifically and for Palestine in
>> general. I will not circulate such poorly proclamatory crap as that
>> article
>> in question.
>> David
>> (also fighting for over 40 years against Zionism).
>> Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
>> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/mikesola%
>> 40gmail.com
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/sranz18%
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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread Mike Sola via Marxism

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As I understand it, the Israeli military has a gag order on reporting any attacks on military 
installations in Israel. Thus one would not know whether or not Hamas has attacked them.

On 7/22/2014 12:23 PM, DW via Marxism wrote:

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Dennis writes:

"Would you also say that the Vietnamese claim of victory in 1975 after
suffering 4 million dead, widespread birth defects from Agent Orange,
unexploded bombs killing people to this day, and widespread destruction
leaving their nation an economic basket case unable to serve as a positive
model for other former colonial nations were also guilty of
"wishful-thinking"? Was their victory merely Pyrrhic as Chomsky has

Terrible analogy, Dennis. The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
much. I think the correct analogy here would be the Ted Offensive, which
was a lost by the NLF but proceeded the ultimate victory about 8 years
later. And we can discuss the Tet Offensive in this light perhaps later
since one can make the argument that though the offensive was totally
smashed, the costs to the U.S. and their S. Vietnamese puppets was
something they *may* of never recovered from, but in Vietnam and
domestically, in the U.S.

I don't see this as the same or as so analogous to the Ted Offensive. At
least not yet. Comparisons with Lebanon are apt though. But here you had an
abject *military* defeat for the IDF. They achieved none of their goals
though, as expressed in Israel, the Katyusha rockets *did* stop being
lobbed into Israel. Why the Hezbollah not once aimed those rockets at
Israeli military fortifications goes the stupid politics of these
resistance organizations which we can also discuss. [IDF forces are
concentrated and bunched up formation in known assembly points right
outside Gaza, *without Iron Dome protection*!!!].

And Dennis, you are correct, the situation of Palestinians is completely
fucked in terms of choices in strategy and tactics given the military and
geographic reality of both Gaza and the West Bank. No doubt about it.

But to 'claim' victory might be good for the Gaza street (which makes sense
*there*), while Israel STILL occupies parts of the Strip  and continued
*unabated* is simply not a victory. When Israel withdraws, after the
destruction of whole sections of the Stip and the murder of perhaps
thousands, then 'victory' can be discussed. Until then it *disorients*
those fighting in solidarity with Gaza specifically and for Palestine in
general. I will not circulate such poorly proclamatory crap as that article
in question.

(also fighting for over 40 years against Zionism).

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread DW via Marxism
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Dennis writes:

"Would you also say that the Vietnamese claim of victory in 1975 after
suffering 4 million dead, widespread birth defects from Agent Orange,
unexploded bombs killing people to this day, and widespread destruction
leaving their nation an economic basket case unable to serve as a positive
model for other former colonial nations were also guilty of
"wishful-thinking"? Was their victory merely Pyrrhic as Chomsky has

Terrible analogy, Dennis. The Vietnamese *won*. The Palestinians? Not so
much. I think the correct analogy here would be the Ted Offensive, which
was a lost by the NLF but proceeded the ultimate victory about 8 years
later. And we can discuss the Tet Offensive in this light perhaps later
since one can make the argument that though the offensive was totally
smashed, the costs to the U.S. and their S. Vietnamese puppets was
something they *may* of never recovered from, but in Vietnam and
domestically, in the U.S.

I don't see this as the same or as so analogous to the Ted Offensive. At
least not yet. Comparisons with Lebanon are apt though. But here you had an
abject *military* defeat for the IDF. They achieved none of their goals
though, as expressed in Israel, the Katyusha rockets *did* stop being
lobbed into Israel. Why the Hezbollah not once aimed those rockets at
Israeli military fortifications goes the stupid politics of these
resistance organizations which we can also discuss. [IDF forces are
concentrated and bunched up formation in known assembly points right
outside Gaza, *without Iron Dome protection*!!!].

And Dennis, you are correct, the situation of Palestinians is completely
fucked in terms of choices in strategy and tactics given the military and
geographic reality of both Gaza and the West Bank. No doubt about it.

But to 'claim' victory might be good for the Gaza street (which makes sense
*there*), while Israel STILL occupies parts of the Strip  and continued
*unabated* is simply not a victory. When Israel withdraws, after the
destruction of whole sections of the Stip and the murder of perhaps
thousands, then 'victory' can be discussed. Until then it *disorients*
those fighting in solidarity with Gaza specifically and for Palestine in
general. I will not circulate such poorly proclamatory crap as that article
in question.

(also fighting for over 40 years against Zionism).

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon,

2014-07-22 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Would you also say that the Vietnamese claim of victory in 1975 after
suffering 4 million dead, widespread birth defects from Agent Orange,
unexploded bombs killing people to this day, and widespread destruction
leaving their nation an economic basket case unable to serve as a positive
model for other former colonial nations were also guilty of
"wishful-thinking"? Was their victory merely Pyrrhic as Chomsky has

The fight against Israel is, unfortunately a long process - made longer by
the derailment of The Arab Spring - because of their military superiority
over the combined Arab world. The Palestinians don't have a military weapon
to force the apartheid regime to the negotiating table. Neither do they
have the social weapon of a powerful and strategically-placed working class
that can bring the regime to its knees, as in apartheid South Africa. It's
an achingly slow political process involving what the Israelis correctly
call "de-legitimization" - increasing worldwide revulsion with their
policies and thus their diplomatic isolation. Because of the crucial nature
of US military, economic, and diplomatic support, we here in the US carry
the extra heavy burden of making the case against Israel in the face of
total mainstream sycophancy and the $$$ of The Lobby.

After what the bastards did in Lebanon in 2006, dropping over one million
cluster bombs as they were about to start a ceasefire, the slaughter of
1300 Gazans in late 2008/early 2009, and now today, it's natural to ask -
"how much more of this shit is necessary before masses of Americans wake up
and demand a change in policy." I've been fighting battles against Zionist
crimes for over four decades and it's frustrating as hell, but viewed with
the long-term perspective, even small steps forward - "victories" - bring
us closer to the final goal.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:05 AM, DW via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> I don't like articles like this. It give a false sense of 'victory' based
> on a totally faulty, wishful-thinking analysis.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon,

2014-07-22 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Totally agree with David.

On Facebook I've been sharing reports on number of IOF soldiers killed;
mention of supposedly improved Resistance training and weaponry; and
Resistance operations.

It APPEARS that Hamas et al. are not melting away to fight another day as
they did in past wars. But it also appears that they are as of yet either
unable or unwilling to exact significant casualties on the IOF.

This gets to broader strategic questions. How large are the Resistance
forces? They certainly are not militias based in workplaces or
neighborhoods, but rather a combined conventional/guerrilla force run by a
bourgeois national liberation party in a colonial country. What does that
say about the involvement of Palestinians in the battles?

Then there's the question of the Resistance missiles, rockets and mortars:
how they're used and to what political end.

Finally there's the question of Resistance "supporters" such as Hezbollah,
Syria and Iran, whose support is limited to training and material aid, and
certainly has nothing to do with a strategy to mobilize the Arab and
Iranian masses. And of course at the moment all three are involved in
genocidal attacks on the Syrian component of those masses.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:05 AM, DW via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> I don't like articles like this. It give a false sense of 'victory' based
> on a totally faulty, wishful-thinking analysis.
> The author writes
>   "Israel has so far admitted to 25 dead soldiers in just four days of
> ground operations. That’s a higher daily casualty rate than it suffered in
> Lebanon.
>   "Had Netanyahu known that would be the price, he would not likely have
> launched this foolish and criminal slaughter in Gaza."
> This betrays a lack of understanding of Zionist gov't politics and the
> reasons and...price...these gov'ts will pay to achieve what ever goal they
> think is the target.
> The target is, in fact, to punish the people of Gaza for tolerating Hamas.
> It has nothing to do with wiping out Hamas, though that is for public,
> mostly western, consumption. This is prat of the continual program to
> suppress and "Bantustand" the whole of the Palestinian nation.
> In fact "25 dead soldiers" is irrelevant to local Israeli politics except
> to the degree that they are paraded as martyrs. Yes, Israel uses the
> 'martyr' tactic as well.
> To measure this as a success or failure based on the criteria laid out in
> this article does one any good...least of the people of Gaza under Israeli
> assault.
> David
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> Set your options at:
> http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/acpollack2%40gmail.com

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Re: [Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon,

2014-07-22 Thread DW via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I don't like articles like this. It give a false sense of 'victory' based
on a totally faulty, wishful-thinking analysis.

The author writes

  "Israel has so far admitted to 25 dead soldiers in just four days of
ground operations. That’s a higher daily casualty rate than it suffered in

  "Had Netanyahu known that would be the price, he would not likely have
launched this foolish and criminal slaughter in Gaza."

This betrays a lack of understanding of Zionist gov't politics and the
reasons and...price...these gov'ts will pay to achieve what ever goal they
think is the target.

The target is, in fact, to punish the people of Gaza for tolerating Hamas.
It has nothing to do with wiping out Hamas, though that is for public,
mostly western, consumption. This is prat of the continual program to
suppress and "Bantustand" the whole of the Palestinian nation.

In fact "25 dead soldiers" is irrelevant to local Israeli politics except
to the degree that they are paraded as martyrs. Yes, Israel uses the
'martyr' tactic as well.

To measure this as a success or failure based on the criteria laid out in
this article does one any good...least of the people of Gaza under Israeli


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[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » Venezuela: Stalin vs. Trotsky?

2014-07-22 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Frederico Fuentes


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[Marxism] Israel is being defeated in Gaza as it was in Lebanon

2014-07-22 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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"Israel could have had “security” by sticking to the November 2012
ceasefire agreement it signed, which includes the requirement to lift the


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[Marxism] Austria: Tens of Thousands march in Solidarity with Palestine

2014-07-22 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Austria: Tens of Thousands march in Solidarity with Palestine

Report with Pictures and Videos of the RKOB (Austrian section of the
RCIT) on the demonstration in Vienna on 20.7.2014, www.rkob.net and

On 20 July Vienna saw the biggest mass demonstration for Palestine in
Austria’s history. Between 20 and 30.000 people marched through the
streets of Vienna and expressed their outrage about Israel’s war
crimes in Gaza. Most participants were Turkish migrants but many came
also from the Palestinian, Egyptian, Syrian, Bosnian and Albanian



Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG

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[Marxism] Gazan socialist: ‘We will never surrender, but we need your support’

2014-07-22 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Thousands of people in Sydney joined many demonstrations around the world
in support of Palestine on July 20, staging an angry demonstration starting
at Town Hall.

After the protest, the Socialist Alliance
 hosted a meeting in the nearby Hotel
Sweeney’s to discuss the situation in Gaza and how to build the campaign
against Israeli terror.Another rally
 is scheduled for
July 27 at 1pm at Sydney’s Town Hall (other cities are also holding more
demonstrations against Israel’s attacks).

The post-rally meeting heard from Shamikh Badra, an activist from the
left-wing Palestinian People’s Party in Gaza who is studying in Australia,
and Vivienne Porzsolt from Jews Against the Occupation. The article below
is based on Badra’s speech.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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[Marxism] The Shipping Forecast

2014-07-22 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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While Manifesta 10′s “public” program sets all that is left of progressive
humanity (i.e., the contemporary art world) on fire with its overly
provocative metallic Xmas trees, actual public and political life
stubbornly and unattractively creaks on in the city that progress and
progressive humanity have forgotten, Saint Petersburg, former capital of
All the Russias.

Read the rest here:

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