Re: M-TH: Chechnya - the revolutionary answer

1999-11-09 Thread Chris Burford
Chris: >> The way it achieves a pure and in practice entirely abstract political >> position is too subtle for Dave to summarise in English here? Dave: >Up yours too Burford Ah, the answer has arrived. In English. But what has this to do with the oppression of the Chechens by Yeltsin's g

M-TH: Chechnya - the revolutionary answer

1999-11-09 Thread Chris Burford
ay whether he thinks progressive forces should press the west to impose economic sanctions on Yeltsin's Russian to make it disgorge Chechnya just as Habibie's Indonesia was forced to disgorge East Timor? Or do I know the answer: Unclean! unclean! You cannot build a world centre for rev

Re: M-TH: Re: Whither the discussion

1999-11-08 Thread Chris Burford
to impose sanctions on Russia as it did on Indonesia to make it disgorge East Timor? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Republic (and preamble) defeated...

1999-11-07 Thread Chris Burford
the defeat of the referendum in part a reaction of people with English as a mother tongue, against the arrival of significant numbers of people of Asian descent? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Neocommunists in Czech Republic

1999-11-02 Thread Chris Burford
possibility of a new alliance in Europe as a whole. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Marxists Internet Archive

1999-11-01 Thread Chris Burford
redirect your links to: > >The Marxists Internet Archive at: What is your comment on http:csf.Colorado.EDU/psn/marx/ as I thought the Colorado site had taken over from marx-org and has their search engine. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Soundings

1999-11-01 Thread Chris Burford
At 06:56 01/11/99 -0800, you wrote: >>>Found the URL for Soundings for Chris Burford. It's on the Lawrence & Wishart site, the old CPGB party publishers. Haven't found the neat Gramsci graphic background yet! <<< Ah finally I see his eyes glowing greyly ove

Re: M-TH: Re: British left and intelligence agencies thread

1999-10-31 Thread Chris Burford
At 22:11 31/10/99 -0800, Michael Pugliese wrote: > Chris Burford writes:>I think there is also reasonable >circumstantial evidence that the present > >New Labour cabinet was significantly influenced by Marxism Today in the >>1980's. Under Martin Jacqu

Re: M-TH: The influence of intelligence services on the British left

1999-10-31 Thread Chris Burford
so Books site, the book was published in '97 acccording to h (Ya >I know its an evil chain!!!) esp Chris Burford or James Heartfield?If so >can they give a precis? > Michael Pugliese >http://www.knowledge.c

Re: M-TH: Virtual Capitalism

1999-10-30 Thread Chris Burford
>>Any initial impression what the hidden assumptions are which favour >>capitalism? >> >>Chris Burford >> >>London > >Hi Chris, > >The model replicates how mainstream thought sees capitalism- in the model we >can tinker at the edges by alte

Re: M-TH: CPGB archives

1999-10-30 Thread Chris Burford
ting your question about old CPGB archives to Democratic Left, no longer a party, but the legal successor to the CPGB, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Virtual Capitalism

1999-10-28 Thread Chris Burford
eg the only key >variables: > > >Russell Forgive me if I do not get lost in the Chancellor's rooms. Any initial impression what the hidden assumptions are which favour capitalism? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Fw: A new regular feature in LM magazine

1999-10-28 Thread Chris Burford
Could the World Social etc avoid announcing itself entirely in capital letters. Nothing personal, but I keep on thinking hariette is coming back. Illogical I know because that name is not in CAPITAL LETTERS. Something discrete like LM might be a compromise. WSM? Chris --- from li

Re: M-TH: Up Against the Wall, Althusser

1999-10-25 Thread Chris Burford
y >that had become a bulwark of capitalist stability. > > >-- >Jim heartfield Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Keynes - Lenin

1999-10-24 Thread Chris Burford
have a market economy. Keynes was also interested in technical management. It is not an ideological obscenity to discuss technical management of finance. It is entering a crucial but mystified arena of class struggle. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Althusser's imprisonment

1999-10-24 Thread Chris Burford
Do you know of Althusser's book, "The Future Lasts Forever" (The New Press New York 1993) I picked it up second hand because I thought I ought to be able to read his account of the death of Hélène, but it looked a big read to be able to have an informed opinion, and I have not got into it. In a

M-TH: Althusser's imprisonment

1999-10-23 Thread Chris Burford
At 10:26 23/10/99 -0400, you wrote: > >On Sat, 23 Oct 1999 12:51:23 +0100 Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >writes: >>At 01:46 23/10/99 PDT, Macdonald wrote: > >> >> >>>How many times have I wondered if it really possible to forge links >>with

Re: M-TH: UN moves into Sierra Leone

1999-10-23 Thread Chris Burford
At 17:15 23/10/99 +0100, you wrote: >In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris >Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes > >>I cannot see any major financial gain for global imperialism from this >>intervention except for status as peacemakers. And that is in the hands of

Re: M-TH: UN moves into Sierra Leone

1999-10-23 Thread Chris Burford
and reduce my quality as a revolutionary by making everything a matter of >pure intellect, of pure mathematical calculation? > ---Antonio Gramsci, 1926. - Or has it not made him the warmest of the marxists and one of the most relevant for winning back hegemony among working people today

Re: M-TH: Ukraine - Keynes - Lenin

1999-10-22 Thread Chris Burford
on of capital relative to the total productive social labour of the society, otherwise there would be crises. That is why control of finance capital is crucial now for the project of world wide socialism, even if we can and must compromise about industrial capital. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Ukraine - Keynes - Lenin

1999-10-20 Thread Chris Burford
At 10:18 20/10/99 +0100, Lew wrote: >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris >Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes > >>Certainly there are grave disadvantages to most solutions but one of the >>things the Ukraine could learn from Lenin is how he borrowed Keynes'

Re: M-TH: Ukraine coming to its senses ?

1999-10-19 Thread Chris Burford
estore socialism with a dictatorship of the proletariat.< Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Chechnya

1999-10-15 Thread Chris Burford
er term it may have some effect in exerting US and western hegemonism over the world. It is in the interests of the the people of Chechnya but it is also in the interests of western imperialism. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-14 Thread Chris Burford
racy, or was not free of some repression of others, itself. [But, no Jim, I would not accept the extrapolation to Serbia now - for other reasons.] Could George, Jim, or another give the reference to the Lenin article by date. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-14 Thread Chris Burford
nt and left the question of enlarging the franchise until after self rule was re-established for the Boer Republics. What hypocrisy. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Notes on Development Theory ms.

1999-10-13 Thread Chris Burford
o describes the limits to it. He then asks: > You are a professional economist, what do you think? Well, Jerry? No you are not expected to read the whole article, but to demonstrate you can make a pertinent and constructive criticism of an aspect that merits attention. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Tories and taxes

1999-10-10 Thread Chris Burford
At 21:18 09/10/99 -0400, you wrote: > >On Sat, 09 Oct 1999 22:45:04 +0100 Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>A tax on land, ideally full ground rent, would be the most progressive of >>all. It would fall on the landed bourgeoisie, it would promote >>eco

Re: M-TH: Tories and taxes

1999-10-09 Thread Chris Burford
one wing of the bourgeoisie, without promoting the other wings to come to its rescue. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: SV: M-TH: East Timor and the Western Left

1999-10-05 Thread Chris Burford
he preparation for revolution in the head of Trotsky may "demand" that certain things happen "simultaneously". But in real life who could ensure that things really would simultaneously, apart from in the head of Trotskyists? Presumably, Bob, you think the only revol

M-TH: Re: Chinese anniversary - stages

1999-10-02 Thread Chris Burford
ears of the revolution it was moving far into the agenda of the socialist revolution before the economic conditions were laid for it. This then turned into a leap into forms of communism that were a direct extension of peasant communism. If anything Mao telescoped the stages too quickly. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: China's anniversary

1999-09-30 Thread Chris Burford
-socialist. Undoubtedly there are be strong views on this question. I hope by emphasising the issues of what questions we ask, and how we answer them, any debate about this important anniversary would be in line with the moderators wishes for this list and can be engaged and constructive. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Louis on Columbia

1999-09-28 Thread Chris Burford
inside his coat. Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: [PEN-L:11711] Re: Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-28 Thread Chris Burford
elatively stable coalition can be built of this nature we need to consider in the light of evidence from within Indonesia. Chris Burford London. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Thaxis web site

1999-09-22 Thread Chris Burford
At 11:08 21/09/99 GMT, you wrote: > > >Hi Rob, > >Are we getting new subscribers via the web site? I've tried to make sure >that it gets picked up by the search engines but there's a lot of competing >sites out there! > >BTW: Anyone got any tips on getting it better? What would Thaxians like to

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-15 Thread Chris Burford
At 14:02 16/09/99 +1000, Rob wrote: >And, anyway, if East Timor is still a viable entity, it was NEVER going to >be meaningfully independent. Neoliberal hegemony was ALWAYS its fate for >the foreseeable future. Agreed. Ironically autonomy rather than independence is the only outcome that is

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-15 Thread Chris Burford
isie. But the more blunders the latter makes the more it will arouse the opposition of millions. One outcome of this could be Indonesia joining Malaysia is a strongly anti-IMF world stance. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-14 Thread Chris Burford
ning as much as it can, usually quietly and secretly, is itself a compromise. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: SFacts/East Timor 99/09/12

1999-09-13 Thread Chris Burford
by next Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, because the death rates for the children of East Timor are rising even if the militia have stopped the massacres? >Liberate East Timor, and Indonesia, through >workingclass revolution! What proportion of the Indonesian population is working cl

M-TH: Statement of the Communist Workers Group New Zealand on East Timor

1999-09-13 Thread Chris Burford
general democratic campaign in a a broad united front of forces for bourgeois democratic rights for all peoples of the Indonesian archipelago. This actually restricts the opportunities to minimise the violence and maximise the opportunities for democratic advance. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: World War III (was: superexploitation)

1999-09-11 Thread Chris Burford
as a Leninist theory that world war is inevitable? The implications are we should revive the peace movement, on a new basis, not that we should prepare for intensified class struggle in the imperialist countries. It would make the turn in 1935 to the strategy of the international united front even more important. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: superexploitation

1999-09-09 Thread Chris Burford
oss the world, this means that third world workers are much more exploited. In relation to this they are "super" exploited in that the price of their labour falls much below the subsistence for the reproduction of the average labour power of the world. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Lamarck revisited?

1999-09-06 Thread Chris Burford
Nature 2nd September Transgenerational induction of defences in animals and plants ANURAG A. AGRAWAL, CHRISTIAN LAFORSCH & RALPH TOLLRIAN Predators are potent agents of natural selection in biological communities. Experimental studies have shown that the introduction of predators can cause r

M-TH: Super exploitation and relative monopoly

1999-09-05 Thread Chris Burford
chanical marxists. Our heads and hearts can once again be in harmony. Mechanical marxism has a lot to answer for. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Trotsky on Hitler

1999-08-31 Thread Chris Burford
ghly. >What a clever lad Trotsky could be. Does it explain why the USA should have kept out of the war against nazi Germany, as the main US Trotskyist organisation argued, and as Louis Proyect faithfully argues today? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Bonapartist critique of actual socialism

1999-08-19 Thread Chris Burford
t that the working class interacts in complex ways with one another through the market. If they accuse the "Stalinist", or whatever, socialism that emerged of being bureaucrat Bonapartist, the logic of the argument leads to the alternative of market socialism. Chris Burford London

Re: M-TH: Re: From another list:

1999-08-19 Thread Chris Burford
entral management of investment funds. Although it could entail more democratic relationships between managers and front line workers in individual enterprises. Sounds rather like market socialism. Unfortunately I will be away for just over a week. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: From another list:

1999-08-18 Thread Chris Burford
t;. BTW are people aware that these are no longer available from but from Colorado, as Doug has explained on his own list: http://csf.Colorado.EDU/psn/marx/ 8th para of the last, seventh, section of the work. Now for a good read. Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: From another list:

1999-08-17 Thread Chris Burford
bell, does it? Could you give the reference please? Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: From another list:

1999-08-17 Thread Chris Burford
ctory process, but whatever problems occurred in the struggle to build socialism in the Soviet Union, having managers was not one of them. I would rather stick to this point than to get into detailed discussion about whether Chomsky was or was not more correct than these two critics on various aspects

Re: M-TH: Re: dialectical materialism/activist materialism

1999-08-15 Thread Chris Burford
er or not these elements of a research and educational program will in fact result in solutions to long-standing problems of biology. Dialectical philosophers have thus far only explained science. The problem, however, is to change it." Not weak, particularly when you bear in mind their many allusions to spheres of interest other than those of the professional biologist. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: dialectical materialism

1999-08-05 Thread Chris Burford
en our best working tool and our sharpest weapon, was, remarkably enough, discovered not only by us but also, independently of us and even of Hegel, by a German worker, Joseph Dietzgen." End of 5th paragraph, Section IV Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: dialectical materialism

1999-08-04 Thread Chris Burford
st Party, is a truly scientific world outlook, for it is based on considering things as they are, without arbitrary, preconceived assumptions (idealist fantasies); it insists that our conception of things must be based on actual investigation and experience, and must be constantly tested and re-tested in the light of practice and further experience. Indeed 'dialectical materialism' means: understanding things just as they are ('materialism'), in their actual interconnection and movement ('dialectics')." Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: dialectical materialism

1999-08-04 Thread Chris Burford
ransforming itself into quality. Further discussion on dialectical materialism is useless. It is only worth clarifying the lines of demarcation across which both sides have difficulty recognising or respecting the other. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: dialectical materialism

1999-08-04 Thread Chris Burford
he Soviet academy is the preferable term) in the Introduction to the >contribution to the critique of Political Economy. Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: test! Please ignore!

1999-08-02 Thread Chris Burford
At 15:44 02/08/99 +0200, you wrote: > test! Please ignore! Bob This came out in very tiny letters. I think you must be using Windows 98 and posting in html format. Chris Burford - Ursprungligt meddelande -Från: > GeorgePennefatherTill: [EMAIL PRO

M-TH: accumulation, and finite purchasing power

1999-07-27 Thread Chris Burford
dialectically see the unity between these two aspects as well as the struggle, this leaves an endless unresolved argument, however technical, between the relative importance of different aspects of the same process. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Living Marxism and New Essays

1999-07-25 Thread Chris Burford
have found a way a satisfactory way of keeping their organisation going, they may not have to do so very loudly. But this thread may already have drifted far from Mattick's Living Marxism and New Essays 1934-1943. Maybe only Jim H knows. Chris Burford London. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Living Marxism and New Essays

1999-07-24 Thread Chris Burford
At 10:24 24/07/99 +0100, you wrote: >In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris >Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes >> >>Did "Living Marxism" take its title from Mattick's essay? > >Yes, it took it's title from Mattick's publication Living

Re: M-TH: Living Marxism and New Essays

1999-07-24 Thread Chris Burford
nd of science? Perhaps the traditional view was not very dialectical. Perhaps it also privileged consciousness, whereas marxism has an implicit theory of partial consciousness. Distaste though different groups may feel for each other, is the argument not about the same objective politi

M-TH: Mattick versus Keynes

1999-07-24 Thread Chris Burford
h Marx, who saw that the actual world of capitalism was at once at once a production and a circulation process. If the production of surplus-value is adequate to ensure an accelerated capital expansion there is little reason to assume that capitalism will falter in its sphere of circulatio

M-TH: Living Marxism and New Essays

1999-07-24 Thread Chris Burford
arious left-wing journals in Europe and the Americas; major publications include `Marx and Keynes' 1969 and posthumous `Marxism: last refuge of the bourgeoisie?' 1982 Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-22 Thread Chris Burford
rgeois rule! Including the upholding of the right to secession. And since racism is a form of national oppression, the theme is if anything of even greater importance in the later stages of capitalism, than when Luxemburg flew lower than a chicken. Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Kurds in retreat?

1999-07-21 Thread Chris Burford
erall reappraisal of their ability to win the long standing war for Kurdish liberation. Chris Burford London Ocalan Praises End of Rebel Attacks Tuesday July 20, 1999 10:00 pm ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Imprisoned Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan praised a decision by his top commanders t

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-18 Thread Chris Burford
ed together with Brandler and Thalheimer. For a time he was leader of the Communist Opposition, then with a large section of that movement joined the Socialist Workers Party (SAP) which had in the meantime formed as a radical breakaway from the SDP. How good is his reputation, and how reputable is his book

M-TH: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-17 Thread Chris Burford
/luxembur/ [sic] > >Can I ask the origin of "Either Socialism or Barbarism", which is often >used. Is this a work by Luxemburg? A quote? By whom? Date 1919 presumably? > >Chris Burford > >London > > >Thank you, Chris ! > >"Either Socialism or

Re: M-TH: Please, where Rosa Luxemburg X Lenin ?

1999-07-15 Thread Chris Burford
[sic] Can I ask the origin of "Either Socialism or Barbarism", which is often used. Is this a work by Luxemburg? A quote? By whom? Date 1919 presumably? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Odd discussions

1999-07-12 Thread Chris Burford
At 08:40 13/07/99 +1200, Bill wrote: >Odd compared to what? the current subscribers, Rob . lets test the >waters with a discussion of the dialectics of rubber >> Just had a thought- if I add 'fetishism' as well as 'commodity' to the >> keywords I expect we'll attract some rather odd new Thax

Re: M-TH: Re: thaxis homepage

1999-07-12 Thread Chris Burford
>Just had a thought- if I add 'fetishism' as well as 'commodity' to the >keywords I expect we'll attract some rather odd new Thaxians...! > >Russ Yes, and what about "moral depreciation"? Chris --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Russian Workers Victory!

1999-07-10 Thread Chris Burford
inance capital. But as for it being key? Sounds instead like the old argument of capitalism being ripest for revolution at its weakest link. What is the marxist strategy for the heartlands of imperialism? Solidarity with other revolutionary movements is not necessarily more than liberal democratic action. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Cooperative Linux penetrates capitalism

1999-07-03 Thread Chris Burford
future is indeed "social production controlled by social foresight"! Chris Burford London The Internet nurtures Linux July 2, 1999 by Jack McCarthy AUSTIN, Texas (IDG) -- The growth of the Interne

Re: M-TH: Habermas, Zizek, Bordieu, Blackburn, Wood

1999-06-17 Thread Chris Burford
association of world citizens would even >>protect national subjects >>against the arbitrary actions of their own government." True? >>It represents "a >>step >>on the path from the classical international law of nations towards the >>>cosmopolitan law of a world civil "society". Not true? Chris Burford London >>Where's the respect for the 'lifeworld' category in that? Perhaps he sees it as integral theme for the sort of global civil society that could emerge. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Democratic Left: after the war

1999-06-14 Thread Chris Burford
than to sink into revolutionary cynicism. Chris Burford London - The following emergency resolution was passed at Democratic Left's National Conference weekend, 5/6 June

Re: M-TH: Will NATO bomb in future?

1999-06-13 Thread Chris Burford
he Kosovo Albanians would have been more effective and less imperialist in character? That is what we have to work on if we are to restrict the possibilities for NATO to try an imperialist mass bombing solution in future. BTW Rob, Habermas has been alleged to have supported the NATO

M-TH: Will NATO bomb in future?

1999-06-10 Thread Chris Burford
>From an article by Jonathan Eyal, director of studies at the Royal United Services Institute, London, published in the Guardian 5.6.99. Chris Burford London "On paper, Nato's triumph in the Balkans appears complete." "Yet the biggest mistake the alliance can

M-TH: theories of value/value of theories

1999-06-07 Thread Chris Burford
Fine, but if you want to be read, and to convince, edit you riposte down to one or two key points which Doug's reply does not, in your opinion, answer. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Marx on Timon of Athens

1999-06-07 Thread Chris Burford
y complex psychological detail about the experience of money in a commodity dominated society, in contrast to a truly human relation to the world. The existence of the same passage in Capital 1867 and in the Paris Manuscripts 1844 raises the question once again of the continuity versus the contrast in Marx's early and later writings. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-06-06 Thread Chris Burford
asses of the working people and those oppressed by capital may take up such a position, propaganda and agitation alone are not enough. For this the masses must have their own political experience. Such is the fundamental law of all great revolutions..." Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: SV: M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-06-02 Thread Chris Burford
I am not sure that Bob would be able to read the map of his home city correctly enough to make the rendezvousm, from past comments of his BUT when, Bob, are you or someone, going to counter Doug's refutation? Take even two main points, take just one major one, on which he falls down, that we can all see, and argue it out. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-06-01 Thread Chris Burford
of why I believe we need to analyse capitalism closely, look for the contradictions and weaknesses and exploit them, is to do the *opposite* of passifying the masses. But if you just say it is a monolithic block and people must just rally round the correct centre of Trotskyist leadership, if they can tell which one that is, that is the way to energise 1 % of the population and switch off the other 99%. Do you not accept the Leninist argument that people must learn *in practice*. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: marxism-thaxis purpose

1999-06-01 Thread Chris Burford
t;>Thanks to Rob for his description of the principles behind thaxis. >> >>One of the most fortunate results of participating in a good mailing list >>is not so much to meet a really good friend as to meet a really good >>opponent. >> >>I thought I would copy t

M-TH: Criticism of "Wall Street"

1999-06-01 Thread Chris Burford
ary leadership? Could you for a start, summarise here the three or four criticisms of "Wall Street" made in this critique, which you think still stand up to Doug's refutation? That should not be too difficult. Then we could proceed, and perhaps all learn from the polemic. Otherwis

Re: M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-05-31 Thread Chris Burford
ommunist Manifesto. And no one who >denies its validity has any claim to be a revolutionary socialist or a >Marxist. Henwoodist or Bufordist, yes, but not Marxist. > >Cheers, > >Hugh Who wants to deny the relevance of class struggle in converting the already existing social "form" of production into a socialist content? How is it possible without class struggle? But also how will it be possible if we are saddled with such rigid dogmatism that Hugh displays in obscuring Marx's message? To reforms! Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Reforming Capitalism

1999-05-30 Thread Chris Burford
political control (even if not too stridently by a New Labour Government). So the question is not whether reforms, but whether the reforms will be pushed forward in a negative way or a positive way. I would appreciate more discussion of Marx's meaning here - and the reference. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: marxism-thaxis purpose

1999-05-29 Thread Chris Burford
a really good friend as to meet a really good opponent. I thought I would copy the passage about thaxis aims from the site JD located, below - Chris Burford London >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purpose: An open and moderated forum for the discussion of theoreti

Re: M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-28 Thread Chris Burford
has to be defeated in the test of practice. I do not appeal for John Walker's sympathy. I suggest it is in the interests of the wider cause, that he regards me as at least a teacher by negative example. Could we please be reminded of the list charter, or whatever it is called? Chris Burford

Re: M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-27 Thread Chris Burford
the US leftists who dominate these e-mail >>lists are not allowing an effective ventilation of the sort of left >>reformist position in Britain represented by the Guardian and the Observer. >>If that position is wrong for Britain, that will be demonstrated better by >>its op

Re: M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-26 Thread Chris Burford
the concrete conditions in a particular country. One of my objections is that the US leftists who dominate these e-mail lists are not allowing an effective ventilation of the sort of left reformist position in Britain represented by the Guardian and the Observer. If that position is wrong for Britain, that will be demonstrated better by its open debate. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-24 Thread Chris Burford
At 01:03 25/05/99 +, Dave B wrote: >We do not support ANY action by imperialism. Very revolutionary! What about the second world war? > "We" therefore are not >located in any specific country. Such purity to the spirit of idealism! Chris Burford London

M-TH: Guardian attack on LM

1999-05-15 Thread Chris Burford
see as the many misreprestations or perhaps downright falsehoods, but with the Guardian this morning it is now part of wider British civil society, and I would be interested in his response to what are the main *serious* political and ideological questions. Chris Burfo

Re: M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-10 Thread Chris Burford
is politically naive. It deliberately appears to ignore the actual balance of power. Instead it distributes moral reproofs on the basis of miraculously discovering most regimes are capitalist. What has this to so with marxism? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Tribune on the War

1999-05-10 Thread Chris Burford
announcement) Chris Burford Jim's announcement: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NATO and Kosovo - a Just war? Tuesday 11 May, 7.30 pm Methodist Central Hall, Storey's Gate,

Re: SV: M-TH: Revolutionary situations? -- Never heard of'em...

1999-05-09 Thread Chris Burford
utionary leadership purely an abstract exercise? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Could these be asteroid belts?

1999-05-07 Thread Chris Burford
that should not lead us to think they are absolutely stable. That is why, applied non-dogmatically, I consider dialectical materialism universally applicable. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Varieties of fascism

1999-05-06 Thread Chris Burford
ed the autonomy that Tito's consitution gave to Kosovo, and terrorises minorities. It is fascist. I do think there are even stronger reasons for a democrat in the USA to put his main efforts in opposing his own ruling class in war, but completely muddling up the concept of fascism is not one of them. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: progressive humanitarian imperialism

1999-05-06 Thread Chris Burford
the police, when government supporters can get aware with rape. >> >>It is reactionary in that it strives to use people like Anwar Ibrahim to >>prevent the capitalists and people of Malaysian from resisting neo-liberal >>economics of the IMF and the hedge fund raiders. >>

M-TH: progressive humanitarian imperialism

1999-05-05 Thread Chris Burford
t the capitalists and people of Malaysian from resisting neo-liberal economics of the IMF and the hedge fund raiders. Dialectics raises its ugly head again. How much more convenient if it did not. Chris Burford --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] U.S. Admits Sudan Bombing Mistake

1999-05-05 Thread Chris Burford
asement of the crimes against humanity of the Serbian fascist regime. This was also on the Independent site. Chris Burford London >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> War in The Balkans - Villagers saw more than 100 men shot By Emma Daley

Re: M-TH: Inter-capitalist war

1999-05-04 Thread Chris Burford
that George's neat formula, but more in conformity with actual concrete reality. And remember George's neat formula for all its purity also means accepting the reality of capitalist power relations. Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: United Electrical Workers (US) on Kosovo

1999-05-03 Thread Chris Burford
ate to a trade union, and a revolutionary organisation, even while making a statement on the same political issue? Chris Burford London --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Trotsky on the Balkans

1999-04-30 Thread Chris Burford
ld be interested if any Trotskyist now thinks the arguments below are outdated. Chris Burford London. an article written in 1910, entitled "The Balkan Question and Social Democracy." "The frontiers between the dwarf states of the Balkan Peninsula were drawn not in accordance with

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