[mou-net] Carver County

2012-10-07 Thread John Cyrus
October yielded the expected species this first week of the month. Over the week I found 74 species in the county. Highlights are below. October 2 Rapids Lake MVNWR Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Eastern Phoebe 3 Blue-headed Vireo 1 Brown Creeper 2 House Wren 2 Winter Wren 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 4

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-30 Thread John Cyrus
A nice variety of mainly the usual late migrants/stragglers continue through the area with 4 vireo, 10 warbler, and 12 sparrow species over the past few days. September 27 Rapids Lake MVNWR Eastern Phoebe 4 Blue-headed Vireo 2 Philadelphia Vireo 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch 4 Brown Creeper 2

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-25 Thread John Cyrus
The variety and number of warbler/vireo in the area has sharply declined being replaced by kinglets, sparrow, and in the past couple of days the usual surge of Yellow-rumped Warbler. This month most of my time has been spent at Rapids Lake, as both Carver Park and the arboretum yielded less

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-18 Thread John Cyrus
Birding continues to be consistently good in the area. This fall has lacked the normal lull that I have become accustomed to occurring sometime during the first half of September. There has been the slower day mixed in, but it's not lasted any longer than that. Select counts are below.

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-13 Thread John Cyrus
Birding this morning was quite productive at Rapids Lake MVNWR. I covered the 1/2 mile loop trail south of the visitor's center, the Rapids Lake trail from the visitor's center to just north of the 3rd outlet channel, and a portion of the Carver Loop trail at the north end of the unit from the

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-11 Thread John Cyrus
Migrant warbler have not been quite as numerous the past few days. Today, especially, birds were pretty hard to come by. Though there was a nice variety. Winds yesterday and today were not a factor as winds yesterday were still light in the morning and today winds didn't really pick up until

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-09-08 Thread John Cyrus
It was a bit quieter in the area late this past week after the frontal passage Tuesday. I wasn't able to spend as much time out as I would have liked until today, so I couldn't get an accurate representation of what was around. This really is the year for shorebirds in Carver County, as

[mou-net] Carver County past several days(Prothonotary and Connecticut Warbler today)

2012-09-04 Thread John Cyrus
Birding continues to be good in the area with most of my time spent at Rapids Lake. From August 30 to September 4 I found a total of 20 warbler species. Though the best days turned up 13 on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. On Saturday I was only able to find 7 warbler species combined at both the

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-08-28 Thread John Cyrus
The arboretum yesterday turned up a decent variety of migrants but not many of each, and today Rapids Lake MVNWR had spurts of activity but less than this past Sunday. August 27 arboretum select count Yellow-throated Vireo 1 Blue-headed Vireo 1 Warbling Vireo 2 Red-eyed Vireo 3 Blue-gray

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-08-26 Thread John Cyrus
Warblers continue with good numbers both yesterday and today. While it always seems early during mid-August for migrants, this year is not that much different in regards to dates in Carver County. Compared to 2008-2011, it is probably slightly early for the number and variety of species that

[mou-net] Carver County warbler

2012-08-23 Thread John Cyrus
Yesterday at the arboretum turned up less variety of warbler, and those that were around were not especially cooperative. Warbler totals- Ovenbird 2, Tennessee Warbler 1, Nashville Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat uncounted, American Redstart 1, Magnolia Warbler 4, Chestnut-sided Warbler 5,

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-08-21 Thread John Cyrus
Good birding continues in the area with 13 warbler species at the arboretum yesterday and 15 warbler species at Rapids Lake MVNWR this morning. August 20 arboretum select count (also saw a Caspian Tern near Lake Grace in Chaska later in the day) Ruby-throated Hummingbird 13 Eastern Wood-Pewee

[mou-net] Carver County weekend birding

2012-08-19 Thread John Cyrus
I enjoyed good birding Friday at the arboretum, Saturday at Carver Park Reserve, and today at Rapids Lake MVNWR with 18 warbler species over the three days. Today had the highest warbler species total with 14. Canada Warbler were especially numerous today with 10 beating my previous high

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-08-16 Thread John Cyrus
It appears that the majority of the shorebirds that had been near New Germany left the area over the past day or two with yesterday's frontal passage. Today I counted 6 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Spotted, 2 Semipalmated, 15 Least, and 2 Pectoral Sandpiper. I did notice a few unidentified

[mou-net] Carver County warblers and shorebirds

2012-08-14 Thread John Cyrus
This morning I spent a couple hours at the arboretum turning up some migrants and went out to the New Germany area for shorebirds. I did not go to 158th St, so I missed on the Buff-breasted Sandpiper, but it's good to know that they are here. The biggest surprise of the day was a Dunlin.

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-08-11 Thread John Cyrus
Shorebirds continue and passerines have begun to move south through Carver County. This morning I birded a few hours at Rapids Lake MVNWR in interesting conditions. A wall of ground fog was on the east side of the Minnesota River over Louisville Swamp with one vein of dense fog over a

[mou-net] Shorebirds

2012-08-04 Thread John Cyrus
Shorebirds continue to be reliable in Carver County. July 27, though, turned up the fewest number of shorebirds for the entire month beaten even by July 1. July 27 Carver County Solitary Sandpiper 2 Lesser Yellowlegs 3 Semipalmated Sandpiper 2 Least Sandpiper 5 July 28 Carver County Solitary

[mou-net] Shorebirds this week

2012-07-26 Thread John Cyrus
A decent number of shorebirds departed the area the 24 hours between the mornings of July 23 and 24 likely before the overnight storms hit, as I checked areas as the heavy rain was just coming to an end. Since the storm shorebird numbers have been less. July 23 Carver County Spotted

[mou-net] Carver County(and Sibley)

2012-07-22 Thread John Cyrus
For those of you wondering about the Yancy Ave area southwest of New Germany(since I haven't mentioned it), it has not been until this past week that water has dropped enough to provide good habitat. Beginning this past Tuesday, mainly pelicans had begun staging in this area. Yesterday and

[mou-net] Shorebirds

2012-07-19 Thread John Cyrus
My luck with rain keeping fields flooded this year has run out, as Carver County missed out again yesterday on significant rain. Lesser numbers of shorebirds were around today with less habitat available. Counts this week Monday July 16 Carver County Solitary Sandpiper 5 Lesser Yellowlegs 26

[mou-net] Carver County(and Sibley)

2012-07-15 Thread John Cyrus
The few remaining flooded fields have about 1/2 the water that they had last weekend besides those that dried completely in Carver County. They have especially dried the past few days. I also checked flooded areas in Sibley County along 200th St. southeast of Green Isle the past 2 days. It

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-07-13 Thread John Cyrus
Shorebirds continue with the continued personal best numbers of Short-billed Dowitcher. All dowitcher this fall have been hendersoni except for one questionable griseus yesterday and a noticeably larger dowitcher(compared to others around it) that was sleeping that after the fact I thought

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-07-10 Thread John Cyrus
Shorebird variety continued to be pretty much the same as it has been. Habitat, though, is drying fast. Without significant rain I may be out of luck by early next week. Any other typical shorebird habitat in Carver County has too much water. July 8 Spotted Sandpiper 2 Solitary Sandpiper

[mou-net] Carver County shorebirds

2012-07-07 Thread John Cyrus
Wrapping up what may end up being the best shorebirding for the first week of July that I ever experience, the past 2 days has seen a surge in Least Sandpiper numbers. For location information, contact me.Be aware. All locations are along shoulderless roads with no ability to pull off..

[mou-net] Carver County 11 shorebird species including Avocet

2012-07-05 Thread John Cyrus
Per usual numbers and variety of shorebirds had changed again this morning compared to yesterday. Every morning this past week that I have been out I have checked the same fields twice. Each morning the numbers have changed between 6:00 and 7:30 with birds both arriving and departing at this

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-07-04 Thread John Cyrus
Just like this past spring's shorebird migration, fall is beginning much better than usual in the remaining flooded areas of western Carver County. Besides shorebirds about the only notable birds were 3 Black Terns that fed in a flooded field until they flew off to the south this morning.

[mou-net] Carver County fall migrants

2012-07-01 Thread John Cyrus
This year has resulted in the shortest amount of time between the last spring migrant and the first fall migrant that I have witnessed(15 days). The first few Yellowlegs(Greater and Lesser) were in 2 flooded fields on June 26. This morning, July 1, there was more passing through the area in

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-06-23 Thread John Cyrus
Since I have run into so many Dickcissel quite casually the past few weeks across Carver County, I decided to do a more thorough count of Dickcissel this morning. I found 1 copulating pair and 58 territories totaling 62 Dickcissel. The majority of these were singing males, so the number can

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-06-11 Thread John Cyrus
Straggling migrant shorebirds continued to move through Carver County the past few days. This was the first weekend of the spring that I did not notice any reports of migrant shorebirds in Illinois or Iowa, so there likely aren't that many more moving north through the area. June 8

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-06-08 Thread John Cyrus
With migration drawing to a close for spring 2012, a few shorebirds continue their northward move through Carver County. Coinciding with the end of spring shorebird migration, many fields have dried or are now quickly drying. I have added a few photos to my flickr account of shorebirds I

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-06-02 Thread John Cyrus
The daily turnover of good numbers(for this area) of shorebirds continues in Carver County. I have never birded so consistently for shorebirds during the spring season, so this may not be that abnormal.Though the amount of suitable shorebird habitat(still quite a few flooded fields though

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-31 Thread John Cyrus
Shorebirds have continued to pass through Carver County the past 2 days. May 30 Solitary Sandpiper 1 Lesser Yellowlegs 1 Semipalmated Sandpiper ~20 Least Sandpiper ~30 White-rumped Sandpiper ~35 Pectoral Sandpiper ~43 May 31 Lesser Yellowlegs 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper (4 Semipalmated in

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-29 Thread John Cyrus
With the 5-7 inches of rain all of Carver County has seen over the past week many farm fields are flooded, and it looks more like it did just after the snowmelt during the spring of 2011. There are ample places for shorebirds to stop(probably too many with several too far from any roads to

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-22 Thread John Cyrus
While numbers of migrant warbler have been poor in the county, shorebirding in the New Germany area has been pretty good over the past week. I have only been able to manage 12 warbler species since May 17 with the best being 2 male Mourning Warbler at Rapids Lake on Saturday and a female

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-15 Thread John Cyrus
While Carver Park was a bit busier today than it was on Sunday, Rapids Lake seemed quieter.For those wondering about warblers, the lack of migrant warblers seems to be a common theme across portions of the country. During my time in Tennessee in late April and early May, there were plenty

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-13 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants this morning during 2 short walks. Carver Park Blue-headed Vireo 1 Philadelphia Vireo 1 (1st 5 vireo species day of the year) Swainson's Thrush 1 Black-and-White Warbler 1 Tennessee Warbler 17 Nashville Warbler 1 Blackburnian Warbler 1 Blackpoll Warbler 1 Rapids Lake Tennessee

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
A Prothonotary Warbler was back at the 2nd(beaver pond) outlet channel at Rapids Lake MVNWR. I initially heard him, and he eventually came into view. The Henslow's Sparrow was still in the grassland north of the north hunters lot. While last summer the Henslow's Sparrows were further north

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-10 Thread John Cyrus
I had planned to spend most of the morning at Carver Park, but after 2 hours and short stops at a few places across the park and generally low warbler numbers(besides summer residents) I decided to do a quick rural sweep and a short stop at Rapids Lake. Highlights at Carver Park were Chimney

[mou-net] Carver County post-storm birds at Rapids Lake(16 warbler species)

2012-05-06 Thread John Cyrus
Beginning a bit past 6 this morning just as the rain ended, I managed 75 species in 4.5 hours at Rapids Lake MVNWR . I covered about 4.25 miles of unique trails and covered an additional 1.75 miles(of the 4.25) twice doubling back along the river. The only count done doubling back was double

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-05 Thread John Cyrus
Select counts this morning from Carver County Carver Park Reserve Common Loon 2 Eastern Phoebe 1 Great Crested Flycatcher 3 Eastern Kingbird 1 Yellow-throated Vireo 5 Blue-headed Vireo 2 Warbling Vireo 1 House Wren 6 Sedge Wren 5 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 10 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 Gray Catbird 6

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-05-04 Thread John Cyrus
After missing out on Minnesota birds the last 10 days but enjoying some great birding on and near the Cumberland Plateau of east Tennessee, I was back early this afternoon to bird mainly Rapids Lake. I did check Rice Lake first thing this afternoon and found 1 Wilson's Phalarope, 1 Willet, and

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-24 Thread John Cyrus
Arrivals this morning were Blue-headed Vireo and House Wren at Rapids Lake MVNWR, Red-necked Grebe at Assumption Lake, and Gray Catbird at Rice Lake. Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-22 Thread John Cyrus
Species were pretty much what one would expect across Carver County this morning. There were good numbers of Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and White-throated Sparrow at Rapids Lake MVNWR. Yellow-rumped were also seen at Rice Lake, Maria Lake, and Lake Waconia. Yellow-bellied

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-19 Thread John Cyrus
Highlights this morning from Carver County Carver Park Ruby-crowned Kinglet 7 Orange-crowned Warbler 1 (western male V. c. lutescens) Yellow-rumped Warbler 13 Fox Sparrow 1 White-throated Sparrow 7 Rice Lake Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs Dunlin 7 (after not finding any yesterday) Rapids

[mou-net] Carver County shorebirds this morning

2012-04-16 Thread John Cyrus
Normally I take a break from birding on Mondays, but William Marengo's post of Hudsonian and Marbled Godwits at Rice Lake yesterday evening got me out again today. Regarding yesterday's birds, I suspect that since Bill mentioned 2 flocks of greater than 300 birds(though he only had time to

[mou-net] Rice Lake location

2012-04-16 Thread John Cyrus
Sorry for the delay. Rice Lake is located along Flying Cloud Dr. in both Carver and Hennepin County in the Upgrala Unit of the Minnesota Valley NWR. Access to the north and west side of the lake is from a dirt pulloff along Flying Cloud Dr. and access to the far east side of the lake is from

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-15 Thread John Cyrus
I covered a bit less of an area at Rapids Lake MVNWR than I normally do, not covering the immediate west shore of Rapids Lake and not going north of Carver Rapids along the river. Select count- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 Eastern Phoebe 2 Barn Swallow 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 Hermit Thrush 2

[mou-net] Carver County this week

2012-04-14 Thread John Cyrus
This past week has seen quite the surge in Yellow-rumped Warbler numbers. Most Yellow-rumped were seen in groups of 2-5 with the largest flocks of 10-15 birds. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary this week with the most unusual bird being a Rough-legged Hawk south of Norwood this

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-08 Thread John Cyrus
This was the first weekend since February that I did not have any new arrivals. Not too much has changed besides the still more than 200 Pectoral Sandpiper and more than 50 Greater Yellowlegs at Rice Lake(3 Lesser and a Killdeer as well). The only other shorebirds found in the county

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-04-05 Thread John Cyrus
I managed 65 species this morning at a few locations across the county. The only new bird for the year was a couple of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers at Rapids Lake MVNWR. There were still 17 waterfowl species in the area, but they were generally in small numbers. My first non-overwintering

Re: [mou-net] Inquiry (no sightings)

2012-04-02 Thread John Cyrus
When I first began posting to MOU, my posting style was based on listserves out of state. Year round, I read(though am not subscribed to) lists from Arizona/Texas/Florida/Tennessee/Illinois/Iowa/North Dakota/Manitoba/Sasketchewan and use/check Ebird just to keep track of what is being

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-03-31 Thread John Cyrus
Thanks to Janice Dunlap's post about the mudflats along Flying Cloud Dr in the Minnesota River Valley, I made a stop there both yesterday and today. Both days there were Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, and Pectoral Sandpiper on the mudflats of Rice Lake. Today I may have picked out a

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-03-29 Thread John Cyrus
For the most part birds this morning were pretty typical for an early spring day. The most unusual bird of the day was a Red-shouldered Hawk near the shore of Lake Waconia. Other arrivals today included 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 Hermit Thrush, 1 Vesper Sparrow at Rapids Lake MVNWR, and a

[mou-net] Carver County Swallow(2 species)

2012-03-18 Thread John Cyrus
What a difference a year makes. Deep snow and thick ice cover at this time last year to the arrival of swallows to the area about 20-30 days early this year. 2 swallow species arrived today along the west bank of the Minnesota River at Rapids Lake MVNWR. 2 Northern Rough-winged Swallow and

[mou-net] Carver County Phoebe, Harris's Sparrow and bugs

2012-03-17 Thread John Cyrus
Coinciding with the first gnats, flies, and mosquito an Eastern Phoebe was singing from a treetop along the east shore of Rapids Lake. Other arrivals to the area today were Canvasback at both Rapids Lake and Assumption Lake, a single Blue-winged Teal at Rapids Lake, many American Coot at

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-03-15 Thread John Cyrus
There wasn't much movement this morning with only 1 migrating flock of 30 Canada Geese.The only other geese were just the Canada that had stoped at any ponds or lakes in the area. Other waterfowl today include Trumpeter Swan, 12 Tundra Swan taking off from open water of Rapids Lake early

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-03-13 Thread John Cyrus
Some birds today in Carver County included 275 Greater White-fronted Geese(170 heading west over Salem Ave, 95 heading west over Rapids Lake MVNWR, 10 on ice of Assumption Lake), 1 Ross's Goose at Assumption Lake, 1 Sandhill Crane at Rapids Lake, and 2 Western Meadowlarks along Salem Ave.

[mou-net] Carver County geese galore, Canada's outnumbered

2012-03-11 Thread John Cyrus
I'm sure there have been as many Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese moving through Carver County in past years(at least the occasional year), but this is the first day that Canada Geese have been outnumbered by other goose species for me. I counted a total of 771 Greater White-fronted Geese

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-03-08 Thread John Cyrus
Despite the unfavorable wind direction there was some blackbird movement this morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR. Some birds seen include: Canada Geese, Trumpeter Swan, Wood Duck(6), Gadwall(11), Common Goldeneye(28), Hooded Merganser(7), Common Merganser(1), Bald Eagle(12), Northern Flicker(4),

[mou-net] Carver County American Woodcock and other arrivals

2012-03-06 Thread John Cyrus
I startled an American Woodcock this morning along the western shore of Rapids Lake. In addition to other migrants, I refound 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler. The normally reliable overwintering Swamp Sparrow was not cooperative. I last saw him on March 1. Also on March 1, I saw my FOY Song

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-02-16 Thread John Cyrus
Highlights this morning at Rapids Lake MVNWR were some repeats and a few recent arrivals. The male Northern Harrier soared over Rapids Lake. The Swamp Sparrow continued in his winter home(area has had flowing water all winter with water continuously seeping out of the bluff). 3

[mou-net] Carver County

2012-02-07 Thread John Cyrus
While it was pretty quiet along the shore of Rapids Lake this morning, I did relocate the Swamp Sparrow from last week. I also found(relocated?) 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler.These are likely some of those that I found last week. They were feeding on winter buds of a Cottonwood. Also near

[mou-net] Carver County Yellow-rumped Warbler

2012-01-31 Thread John Cyrus
As I was walking along the western shore of Rapids Lake, I heard the familiar chip of a Yellow-rumped Warbler coming from a Cedar. I spished once, and 5 Yellow-rumped Warbler appeared from several neighboring Cedar. They flew around me, chipping ocassionally, and then moved in and out of

[mou-net] Some notes from 2011 birding in Carver County

2012-01-01 Thread John Cyrus
April 30 was the date with the most FOY species(19) followed by March 17 and May 10(10) Personal best 21 shorebird species for the year Very few Bonaparte's Gull seen in the fall Very few terns seen in the fall and 0 Black Terns seen all year 0 Yellow-billed Cuckoo seen/heard all year and

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-11-01 Thread John Cyrus
The past few days have had your typical late fall species here in Carver County. I haven't found many lingering Kinglets or Yellow-rumped Warbler like I normally do this time of year. Golden-crowned Kinglets are significantly less numerous than the past 2 falls this year. I also have spent

[mou-net] Carver County Great Black-backed Gull

2011-10-27 Thread John Cyrus
I saw a 2nd winter Great Black-backed Gull from the southwest shore of Lake Waconia this morning. This is the first North American Great Black-backed Gull I have seen, and the first I have seen side by side with ducks and other gulls which really brings out the size difference.When I left

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-10-25 Thread John Cyrus
While I haven’t posted over the past 10 days partially due to time and partially due to the ever decreasing variety, birds seen have been pretty much what one would expect this time of year. Select counts Sat. Oct. 15 Lake Waconia Northern Shoveler 2 Green-winged Teal 1 Redhead

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-10-13 Thread John Cyrus
It was another active morning at Carver Park with an influx of more Junco into the area overnight.There was a Common Loon on Lake Waconia, but besides Coot and Ring-billed Gull there wasn't much else. Carver Park migrants American Wigeon 7 Hooded Merganser 4 Pied-billed Grebe 3 Turkey

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-10-11 Thread John Cyrus
I enjoyed another birdy morning across the county. This fall weather is making up for some those rainy days I spent birding this past spring. Carver Park migrants Double-crested Cormorant 49 Osprey 1 (only raptor seen across the county today besides a roadkill Red-tailed Hawk) Northern

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-10-09 Thread John Cyrus
Birds this week in the county Tuesday Oct. 4 Carver Park Great Blue Heron 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 American Woodcock 2 Eastern Phoebe 2 Brown Creeper 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 7 Hermit Thrush 3 Orange-crowned Warbler 2 Nashville Warbler 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler 9 Fox Sparrow 3 Lincoln's Sparrow 2

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-10-01 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants the past few days in the area Thurs. morning before the wind really picked up Carver Park House Wren 1 Tennessee Warbler 1 Orange-crowned Warbler 2 Nashville Warbler 2 Yellow-rumped Warbler 12 White-throated Sparrow ~10 Dark-eyed Junco 16 Indigo Bunting 1 Landscape Arboretum (wind

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-27 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants this morning at the Landscape Arboretum, Lake Waconia, and Carver Park Arboretum Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1 Eastern Phoebe 5 Red-eyed Vireo 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 Brown Creeper 1 House Wren 6 Winter Wren 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet 4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 10 Gray Catbird 4 Orange-crowned

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-25 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants this morning at Carver Park/Lake Waconia and this afternoon at the Landscape Arboretum Carver Park Broad-winged Hawk 1 Eastern Phoebe 3 Warbling Vireo 1 Philadelphia Vireo 1 Red-eyed Vireo 4 House Wren 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 8 Orange-crowned Warbler 4 Nashville Warbler 12 Common

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-24 Thread John Cyrus
Considering the date I had another wonderfully birdy morning at the Landscape Arboretum for 3 hours and then a quick 45 minute 1/2 mile stop at Carver Park. Outside of 3 waves at the arboretum it was pretty quiet. Much of the activity at the arboretum was in places I did not have time to get

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-23 Thread John Cyrus
Migrants this morning during some very rushed(wasn't able to cover several areas I usually do) birding at the arboretum- Eastern Wood-Pewee 2 Eastern Phoebe 2 Blue-headed Vireo 2 Philadelphia Vireo 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 Brown Thrasher 1 Tennessee Warbler 3 Nashville Warbler 9 Common

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-22 Thread John Cyrus
After a bit of a lull over the last 10 days, things picked up once again at Carver Park this morning. The morning began with frustration, as the first wave was all around me but nowhere to be seen. They finally showed themselves by flying away. Of that group of 15 or so birds I was able

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-13 Thread John Cyrus
Things have continued to slow down over the past few days. There wasn't really a significant push of migrants this morning at the arboretum with the latest front. There probably will be in the next couple days. Select counts Sat. Sept. 10 at arboretum Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 Blue-gray

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-08 Thread John Cyrus
It took a combined effort at both Carver Park(3 hours) and the Landscape Arboretum(a little over an hour) to turn up 16 warbler and 5 vireo species this morning. Though one wave at the arboretum and one loose wave at Carver Park added 9 of the warbler and 2 of the vireo species. Without

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-05 Thread John Cyrus
The day to day changes in birds continue. Though I was able to find some migrants yesterday at Carver Park, it was otherwise fairly quiet. This morning there was a different variety of birds at the arboretum. Carver Park Sept. 4 Eastern Wood Pewee 3 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 1 Least

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-09-03 Thread John Cyrus
With the southerly winds for much of this past week and besides scattered pockets of migrants, many areas of both Carver Park and the arboretum were much quieter during the week. With the recent frontal passage, the arboretum was once again active this morning. Though if you are not

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-28 Thread John Cyrus
There were 14 warbler species this morning at Carver Park, but the most unusual bird seen today was a Lark Sparrow. It is the latest date I have seen a Lark Sparrow and the first Lark Sparrow I have seen at Carver Park. He was with other sparrows along the entrance road to the nature

[mou-net] Carver County(MN Landscape Arboretum)

2011-08-27 Thread John Cyrus
Birded yesterday and today at the arboretum with 16 warbler species in less than 2 hours yesterday and 13 warbler species in 4 hours today.While today I covered areas I birded during yesterday's shorter amount of time available, many of the warblers seen today were in areas I did not have

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-25 Thread John Cyrus
Normally I only post a select number of species that I see at Carver Park(Reserve). The following is the complete list of birds seen this morning at the park. Mallard Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Osprey Cooper's Hawk Mourning Dove Barred Owl Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-23 Thread John Cyrus
There was quite a bit of a difference in the birds around today at Carver Park vs. Sunday. Most areas of the park were very quiet this morning. Of the birds I saw, I wouldn't consider any them to really be in a wave. At best, there were 2 loose waves. Warbler count Golden-winged

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-22 Thread John Cyrus
Another good morning for migration, this time again at the MN Landscape Arboretum. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 1 (luckily sang several times) Golden-winged Warbler 3 (1 male, 2 immature) Black and White Warbler 1 Nashville Warbler 2 Common Yellowthroat several American Redstart 13 Magnolia

[mou-net] Carver County migrant waves at Carver Park

2011-08-21 Thread John Cyrus
There were 15 species of warbler at Carver Park this morning. The majority were in 5 different waves of migrants.In between the waves, it was fairly quiet with only scattered birds. I've been asked before about locations within the park, and my best advice is to walk as many trails as

[mou-net] Carver County Warblers Galore (16 species, significant Canada Warbler movement)

2011-08-20 Thread John Cyrus
In past years I have never made it to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in August, waiting until September and October to visit.This year I am making it a point to make several August trips to the arboretum beginning today. Yesterday's front brought with it the first significant wave of

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-14 Thread John Cyrus
Slowly migrants continue to make their way into the area. On Wednesday there were 5 Tennessee Warbler at Carver Park including a male still in breeding plumage.While there weren't any migrants on Thursday, there were 2 Black-crowned Night-Heron in the marsh on the north side of hwy. 5 just

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-08-09 Thread John Cyrus
Nearly 2 weeks later than last fall's first migrant warbler, the first couple migrants were back in the area this morning. A Northern Waterthrush was at Carver Park, and a Nashville Warbler was at Rapids Lake MVNWR. Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Carver County Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2011-07-30 Thread John Cyrus
There were at least 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper in the muddy field just north of the Salem Ave sod farm with mainly Killdeer and at least 1 other peep species. The sod farm itself has been planted with 2/3 corn this year and only has a small corner of sod viewable with the rest blocked from

[mou-net] Carver County-Past week's shorebirds

2011-07-21 Thread John Cyrus
Last weeks rain really helped provide shorebird habitat with several fields with flooded sections(not good news for farmers). Fields were significantly drier today vs. Tuesday, so unless we get more rain, shorebirds will likely be harder to come by.Like last summer, Chaska Lake and

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-24 Thread John Cyrus
Select morning count at Carver Park Eastern Wood-Pewee 4 Willow Flycatcher 1 Least Flycatcher 3 Great Crested Flycatcher 5 Eastern Kingbird 1 Yellow-throated Vireo 3 Warbling Vireo 2 Philadelphia Vireo 2 Red-eyed Vireo 10 Gray-cheeked Thrush 1 Swainson's Thrush 1 Blue-winged Warbler 1 Tennessee

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-22 Thread John Cyrus
Select count this morning at Carver Park Common Loon 1 Sandhill Crane 1 Black-billed Cuckoo 1 Eastern Wood-Pewee 6 Willow Flycatcher 2 Alder/Willow Flycatcher 1 Least Flycatcher 5 Eastern Phoebe 2 Great Crested Flycatcher 2 Eastern Kingbird 4 Yellow-throated Vireo 1 Warbler Vireo 1 Red-eyed Vireo

[mou-net] Carver County 18 warbler species (Connecticut at arboretum)

2011-05-21 Thread John Cyrus
Another dreary rainy morning, another good day of migration. Beginning at Rapids Lake(vistors center/river) the weather cooperated but migrants were scattered.I wasn't sure how birding would be at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. On Wednesday afternoon, I birded for an hour and only

[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-17 Thread John Cyrus
This morning there were 18 warbler species at Carver Park. Besides the residents, warblers were scattered and in no distinct wave. Select count Broad-winged Hawk 1 Sandhill Crane 1 Olive-sided Flycatcher 2 Least Flycatcher 4 Great Crested Flycatcher 8 Eastern Kingbird 2 Yellow-throated Vireo

[mou-net] Carver County Ferruginous Hawk and Golden Eagle

2011-05-15 Thread John Cyrus
This morning at Carver Park there was an adult Ferruginous Hawk that landed on a tree along a horse trail that runs east/west from the dirt road north of King Blind all the way to Grimm Rd. The Ferruginous landed about a mile west of the King Blind road. He stayed briefly and then flew NW

[mou-net] Carver County (Rapids Lake and arboretum) 23 warbler species

2011-05-14 Thread John Cyrus
Activity once again was quite good at both Rapids Lake and the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Highlights included 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers making an odd attempt to harass a Great Horned Owl and 2 Mourning Warblers feeding within 10 feet of each other on the ground below a Golden-winged Warbler

[mou-net] Carver County 22 warbler species

2011-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
There were 22 warbler species this morning at Carver Park. 5 of those species were in the largest wave of the morning at the rec area. That area is hit and miss, and when I got there it was pretty quiet. After hiking away from the rec area for about 20 minutes I returned and realized that

[mou-net] Carver County afternoon edition(largest wave yet)

2011-05-12 Thread John Cyrus
My plan was to cover two areas of Carver Park, that I didn't this morning. The largest single warbler wave yet this spring changed those plans, and I only birded a small area near King Blind. For those that don't know Carver Park is a 3700 acre park near the town of Victoria. It has a wide

[mou-net] Carver County 21 warbler species

2011-05-10 Thread John Cyrus
Good variety(20 species) and numbers of warblers were pretty much everywhere I stopped at Carver Park. A short stop at Rapids Lake(just visitors center and 1/2 mile loop trail) turned up 11 warbler species with one of those not seen at Carver Park. Yesterday at King Blind(Carver Park) there

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