[openstack-dev] testing performance/latency of various components?

2014-08-08 Thread Chris Friesen
Is there a straightforward way to determine where the time is going when 
I run a command from novaclient?

For instance, if I run "nova list", that's going to run novaclient, 
which will send a message to nova-api, which wakes up and does some 
processing and sends a message to nova-conductor, which wakes up and 
does some processing and then calls out to the database, which wakes up 
and does some processing and sends the response back to nova-conductor, 
etc...  And the messaging goes via rabbit, so there are additional 
messaging and wake-ups involved there.

Suppose nova-list takes A amount of time to run...is there a standard 
way to determine how much time was spent in nova-api, in nova-conductor, 
in the database, in rabbit, how much was due to scheduler delays, etc.? 
 Or would I be looking at needing to instrument everything to get that 
level of detail?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-20 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/20/2014 07:21 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:

Hi Thierry, thanks for the reply. Comments inline. :)

On 08/20/2014 06:32 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

If we want to follow your model, we probably would have to dissolve
programs as they stand right now, and have blessed categories on one
side, and teams on the other (with projects from some teams being
blessed as the current solution).

Why do we have to have "blessed" categories at all? I'd like to think of
a day when the TC isn't picking winners or losers at all. Level the
playing field and let the quality of the projects themselves determine
the winner in the space. Stop the incubation and graduation madness and
change the role of the TC to instead play an advisory role to upcoming
(and existing!) projects on the best ways to integrate with other
OpenStack projects, if integration is something that is natural for the
project to work towards.

It seems to me that at some point you need to have a recommended way of 
doing things, otherwise it's going to be *really hard* for someone to 
bring up an OpenStack installation.

We already run into issues with something as basic as competing SQL 
databases.  If every component has several competing implementations and 
none of them are "official" how many more interaction issues are going 
to trip us up?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-20 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/20/2014 09:54 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Jay Pipes's message of 2014-08-20 14:53:22 -0700:

On 08/20/2014 05:06 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

On 08/20/2014 07:21 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:

Hi Thierry, thanks for the reply. Comments inline. :)

On 08/20/2014 06:32 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

If we want to follow your model, we probably would have to dissolve
programs as they stand right now, and have blessed categories on one
side, and teams on the other (with projects from some teams being
blessed as the current solution).

Why do we have to have "blessed" categories at all? I'd like to think of
a day when the TC isn't picking winners or losers at all. Level the
playing field and let the quality of the projects themselves determine
the winner in the space. Stop the incubation and graduation madness and
change the role of the TC to instead play an advisory role to upcoming
(and existing!) projects on the best ways to integrate with other
OpenStack projects, if integration is something that is natural for the
project to work towards.

It seems to me that at some point you need to have a recommended way of
doing things, otherwise it's going to be *really hard* for someone to
bring up an OpenStack installation.

Why can't there be multiple recommended ways of setting up an OpenStack
installation? Matter of fact, in reality, there already are multiple
recommended ways of setting up an OpenStack installation, aren't there?

There's multiple distributions of OpenStack, multiple ways of doing
bare-metal deployment, multiple ways of deploying different message
queues and DBs, multiple ways of establishing networking, multiple open
and proprietary monitoring systems to choose from, etc. And I don't
really see anything wrong with that.

This is an argument for loosely coupling things, rather than tightly
integrating things. You will almost always win my vote with that sort of
movement, and you have here. +1.

I mostly agree, but I think we should distinguish between things that 
are "possible", and things that are "supported".  Arguably, anything 
that is "supported" should be tested as part of the core infrastructure 
and documented in the core OpenStack documentation.

We already run into issues with something as basic as competing SQL

If the TC suddenly said "Only MySQL will be supported", that would not
mean that the greater OpenStack community would be served better. It
would just unnecessarily take options away from deployers.

On the other hand, if the community says explicitly "we only test with 
sqlite and MySQL" then that sends a signal that anyone wanting to use 
something else should plan on doing additional integration testing.

I've stumbled over some of these issues, and it's no fun. (There's still 
an open bug around the fact that sqlite behaves differently than MySQL 
with respect to regex.)

IMO, OpenStack should be about choice. Choice of hypervisor, choice of
DB and MQ infrastructure, choice of operating systems, choice of storage
vendors, choice of networking vendors.

Err, uh. I think OpenStack should be about users. If having 400 choices
means users are just confused, then OpenStack becomes nothing and
everything all at once. Choices should be part of the whole not when 1%
of the market wants a choice, but when 20%+ of the market _requires_
a choice.

I agree.

If there are too many choices without enough documentation as to why 
someone would choose one over the other, or insufficient testing such 
that some choices are theoretically valid but broken in practice, then 
it's less useful for the end users.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Server Groups - remove VM from group?

2014-08-26 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/25/2014 11:25 AM, Joe Cropper wrote:

I was thinking something simple such as only allowing the add
operation to succeed IFF no policies are found to be in violation...
and then nova wouldn't need to get into all the complexities you

Personally I would be in favour of this...nothing fancy, just add it if 
it already meets all the criteria.  This is basically just a database 
operation so I would hope we could make it reliable in the face of 
simultaneous things going on with the instance.

And remove would be fairly straightforward as well since no
constraints would need to be checked.



OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Is the BP approval process broken?

2014-08-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/28/2014 01:44 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 08/27/2014 09:04 PM, Dugger, Donald D wrote:

I understand that reviews are a burden and very hard but it seems wrong
that a BP with multiple positive reviews and no negative reviews is
dropped because of what looks like indifference.

I would posit that this is not actually indifference. The reason that
there may not have been >1 +2 from a core team member may very well have
been that the core team members did not feel that the blueprint's
priority was high enough to put before other work, or that the core team
members did have the time to comment on the spec (due to them not
feeling the blueprint had the priority to justify the time to do a full

The overall "scheduler-lib" Blueprint is marked with a "high" priority 
at "http://status.openstack.org/release/";.  Hopefully that would apply 
to sub-blueprints as well.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Is the BP approval process broken?

2014-08-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/28/2014 02:25 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 08/28/2014 04:05 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

On 08/28/2014 01:44 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 08/27/2014 09:04 PM, Dugger, Donald D wrote:

I understand that reviews are a burden and very hard but it seems wrong
that a BP with multiple positive reviews and no negative reviews is
dropped because of what looks like indifference.

I would posit that this is not actually indifference. The reason that
there may not have been >1 +2 from a core team member may very well have
been that the core team members did not feel that the blueprint's
priority was high enough to put before other work, or that the core team
members did have the time to comment on the spec (due to them not
feeling the blueprint had the priority to justify the time to do a full

The overall "scheduler-lib" Blueprint is marked with a "high" priority
at "http://status.openstack.org/release/";.  Hopefully that would apply
to sub-blueprints as well.

a) There are no sub-blueprints to that scheduler-lib blueprint

I guess my terminology was wrong.  The original email referred to 
"https://review.openstack.org/#/c/89893/"; as the "crucial BP that needs 
to be implemented".  That is part of 
which is listed as a Gerrit topic in the "scheduler-lib" blueprint that 
I pointed out.

b) If there were sub-blueprints, that does not mean that they would
necessarily take the same priority as their parent blueprint

I'm not sure how that would work.  If we have a high-priority blueprint 
depending on work that is considered low-priority, that would seem to 
set up a classic priority inversion scenario.

c) There's no reason priorities can't be revisited when necessary

Sure, but in that case it might be a good idea to make the updated 
priority explicit.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Is the BP approval process broken?

2014-08-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/28/2014 03:02 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

I understand your frustration about the silence, but the silence from
core team members may actually be a loud statement about where their
priorities are.

Or it could be that they haven't looked at it, aren't aware of it, or 
haven't been paying attention.

I think it would be better to make feedback explicit and remove any 


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Is the BP approval process broken?

2014-08-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 08/28/2014 04:01 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Alan Kavanagh
mailto:alan.kavan...@ericsson.com>> wrote:

I share Donald's points here, I believe what would help is to
clearly describe in the Wiki the process and workflow for the BP
approval process and build in this process how to deal with
discrepancies/disagreements and build timeframes for each stage and
process of appeal etc.
The current process would benefit from some fine tuning and helping
to build safe guards and time limits/deadlines so folks can expect
responses within a reasonable time and not be left waiting in the cold.

This is a resource problem, the nova team simply does not have enough
people doing enough reviews to make this possible.

All the more reason to make it obvious which reviews are not being 
addressed in a timely fashion.  (I'm thinking something akin to the 
order screen at a fast food restaurant that starts blinking in red and 
beeping if an order hasn't been filled in a certain amount of time.)

Perhaps by making it clear that reviews are a bottleneck this will 
actually help to address the problem.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/05/2014 03:52 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

So my biggest fear with a model where each team had their own full
Nova tree and did large pull requests, is that we'd suffer major
pain during the merging of large pull requests, especially if any
of the merges touched common code. It could make the pull requests
take a really long time to get accepted into the primary repo.

By constrast with split out git repos per virt driver code, we will
only ever have 1 stage of code review for each patch. Changes to
common code would go straight to main nova common repo and so get
reviewed by the experts there without delay, avoiding the 2nd stage
of review from merge requests.

Why treat things differently?  It seems to me that even in the first 
scenario you could still send common code changes straight to the main 
nova repo.  Then the pulls from the virt repo would literally only touch 
the virt code in the common repo.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] anyone using RabbitMQ with active/active mirrored queues?

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen


I see that the OpenStack high availability guide is still recommending 
the active/standby method of configuring RabbitMQ.

Has anyone tried using active/active with mirrored queues as recommended 
by the RabbitMQ developers?  If so, what problems did you run into?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] expected behaviour of _report_state() on rabbitmq failover

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen

I'm running Havana and I'm seeing some less-than-ideal behaviour on rabbitmq 
failover.  I'd like to figure out if this is expected behaviour or if something 
is going wrong.

We're running rabbitmq in active/standby mode with DRBD storage.  On the 
controller the timeline looks like this:

07:25:38 rabbit starts going inactive on current active controller
07:25:47 rabbit fully disabled
07:25:50 rabbit starts going active on other controller
07:25:53 rabbit fully enabled

On the compute node, I've included the nova-compute logs below.  We can see 
that the "model server went away" log doesn't come out until long after the 
connection was reset, and then the "Recovered model server connection" log 
comes out right away.  In a controlled shutdown case like this would we expect 
the RPC "call" response to come back successfully?  If so, then why didn't it?  
 If not, then wouldn't it make sense to fail the call immediately rather than 
wait for it to time out?

As it stands, it seems that waiting for the RPC call to time out blocks 
_report_state() from running again in report_interval seconds, which delays the 
service update until the RPC timeout period expires.

2014-08-18 07:25:46.091 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Failed 
to consume message from queue: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2014-08-18 07:25:46.092 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:46.113 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Failed 
to consume message from queue: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2014-08-18 07:25:46.113 16126 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.common error: 
[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2014-08-18 07:25:46.113 16126 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.common 
2014-08-18 07:25:46.114 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:46.132 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 1 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:46.132 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 1 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:47.134 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:47.140 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:47.146 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 3 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:47.147 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 3 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:50.148 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:50.154 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:50.160 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 5 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:50.161 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] AMQP 
server on is unreachable: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. Trying 
again in 5 seconds.
2014-08-18 07:25:55.161 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:55.167 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:55.186 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Connected to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:25:55.190 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Connected to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:26:15.793 16126 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Failed 
to publish message to topic 'conductor': [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2014-08-18 07:26:15.793 16126 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.common error: 
[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
2014-08-18 07:26:15.793 16126 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.common 
2014-08-18 07:26:15.795 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Reconnecting to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:26:15.803 16126 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Connected to AMQP server on
2014-08-18 07:26:15.812 16126 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Auditing 
locally available compute resources
2014-08-18 07:26:16.101 16126 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free ram 
(MB): 25812, per-node: [11318, 14794], numa nodes:2
2014-08-18 07:26:16.101 16126 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free disk 
(GB): 36
2014-08-18 07:26:16.101 16126 AUDIT nova.compute.resource_tracker [-] Free 
vcpus: 289, free per-node float vcpus

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] expected behaviour of _report_state() on rabbitmq failover

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/10/2014 02:13 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

As it stands, it seems that waiting for the RPC call to time out blocks 
_report_state() from running again in report_interval seconds, which delays the 
service update until the RPC timeout period expires.

Just noticed something...

In the case of _report_state(), does it really make sense to wait 60 
seconds for RPC timeout when we're going to send a new service update in 
10 seconds anyway?

More generally, the RPC timeout on the service_update() call should be 
less than or equal to service.report_interval for the service.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][cinder] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/10/2014 02:44 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

On Tue, Sep 09, 2014 at 05:14:43PM -0700, Stefano Maffulli wrote:

I have the impression this idea has been circling around for a while but
for some reason or another (like lack of capabilities in gerrit and
other reasons) we never tried to implement it. Maybe it's time to think
about an implementation. We have been thinking about mentors
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mentors, maybe that's a way to go?
Sub-team with +1.5 scoring capabilities?

I think that setting up subteams is neccessary to stop us imploding but
I don't think it is enough. As long as we have one repo we're forever
going to have conflict & contention in deciding which features to accept,
which is a big factor in problems today.

If each hypervisor team mostly only modifies their own code, why would 
there be conflict?

As I see it, the only causes for conflict would be in the shared code, 
and you'd still need to sort out the issues with the shared code even if 
you split out the individual drivers into separate repos.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][cinder] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/10/2014 04:11 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 09/10/2014 05:55 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

If each hypervisor team mostly only modifies their own code, why would
there be conflict?

As I see it, the only causes for conflict would be in the shared code,
and you'd still need to sort out the issues with the shared code even if
you split out the individual drivers into separate repos.

a) Sorting out the common code is already accounted for in Dan B's
original proposal -- it's a prerequisite for the split.

Fair enough.

b) The conflict Dan is speaking of is around the current situation where
we have a limited core review team bandwidth and we have to pick and
choose which virt driver-specific features we will review. This leads to
bad feelings and conflict.

Why does the core review team need to review virt driver-specific stuff. 
 If we're looking at making subteams responsible for the libvirt code 
then it really doesn't matter where the code resides as long as everyone 
knows who owns it.

c) It's the impact to the CI and testing load that I see being the
biggest benefit to the split-out driver repos. Patches proposed to the
XenAPI driver shouldn't have the Hyper-V CI tests run against the patch.
Likewise, running libvirt unit tests in the VMWare driver repo doesn't
make a whole lot of sense, and all of these tests add a
not-insignificant load to the overall upstream and external CI systems.
The long wait time for tests to come back means contributors get
frustrated, since many reviewers tend to wait until Jenkins returns some
result before they review. All of this leads to increased conflict that
would be somewhat ameliorated by having separate code repos for the virt

Has anyone considered making the CI tools smarter?  Maybe have a way to 
determine which tests to run based on the code being modified?

If someone makes a change in nova/virt/libvirt there's a limited set of 
tests that make sense to run...there's no need to run xen/hyperv/vmware 
CI tests against it, for example.  Similarly, there's no need to run all 
the nova-scheduler, neutron, server groups, etc. tests.

That way we could give a subteam real responsibility for a specific area 
of the code, and submissions to that area of the code would not be gated 
by bugs in unrelated areas of the code.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Server Groups - remove VM from group?

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/10/2014 04:16 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:

On Sep 10, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Joe Cropper 

I would like to craft up a blueprint proposal for Kilo to add two
simple extensions to the existing server group APIs that I believe
will make them infinitely more usable in any ‘real world’ scenario.
I’ll put more details in the proposal, but in a nutshell:

1. Adding a VM to a server group Only allow it to succeed if its
policy wouldn’t be violated by the addition of the VM

I'm not sure that determining this at the time of the API request is
possible due to the parallel and async nature of the system. I'd love
to hear ideas on how you think this might be done, but I'm really not
optimistic and would rather just not go down this road.

I can see a possible race against another instance booting into the 
group, or another already-running instance being added to the group.  I 
think the solution is to do the update as an atomic database transaction.

It seems like it should be possible to create a database operation that 
does the following in a single transaction:

--look up the hosts for the instances in the group
--check that the scheduler policy would be satisfied (at least for the 
basic affinity/anti-affinity policies)

--add the instance to the group


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] anyone using RabbitMQ with active/active mirrored queues?

2014-09-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/11/2014 12:50 AM, Jesse Pretorius wrote:

On 10 September 2014 17:20, Chris Friesen mailto:chris.frie...@windriver.com>> wrote:

I see that the OpenStack high availability guide is still
recommending the active/standby method of configuring RabbitMQ.

Has anyone tried using active/active with mirrored queues as
recommended by the RabbitMQ developers?  If so, what problems did
you run into?

I would recommend that you ask this question on the openstack-perators
list as you'll likely get more feedback.

Thanks for the suggestion, will do.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/11/2014 12:02 PM, Dan Prince wrote:

Maybe I'm impatient (I totally am!) but I see much of the review
slowdown as a result of the feedback loop times increasing over the
years. OpenStack has some really great CI and testing but I think our
focus on not breaking things actually has us painted into a corner. We
are losing our agility and the review process is paying the price. At
this point I think splitting out the virt drivers would be more of a
distraction than a help.

I think the only solution to feedback loop times increasing is to scale 
the review process, which I think means giving more people 
responsibility for a smaller amount of code.

I don't think it's strictly necessary to split the code out into a 
totally separate repo, but I do think it would make sense to have 
changes that are entirely contained within a virt driver be reviewed 
only by developers of that virt driver rather than requiring review by 
the project as a whole.  And they should only have to pass a subset of 
the CI testing--that way they wouldn't be held up by gating bugs in 
other areas.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Server Groups - remove VM from group?

2014-09-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/11/2014 03:01 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 09/11/2014 04:51 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

On 9/10/2014 6:00 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:

On 09/10/2014 06:46 PM, Joe Cropper wrote:

Hmm, not sure I follow the concern, Russell.  How is that any different
from putting a VM into the group when it’s booted as is done today?
  This simply defers the ‘group insertion time’ to some time after
initial the VM’s been spawned, so I’m not sure this creates anymore
conditions than what’s already there [1].

[1] Sure, the to-be-added VM could be in the midst of a migration or
something, but that would be pretty simple to check make sure its task
state is None or some such.

The way this works at boot is already a nasty hack.  It does policy
checking in the scheduler, and then has to re-do some policy checking at
launch time on the compute node.  I'm afraid of making this any worse.
In any case, it's probably better to discuss this in the context of a
more detailed design proposal.

This [1] is the hack you're referring to right?


That's the hack *I* had in the back of my mind.

I think that's the only boot hack related to server groups.

I was thinking that it should be possible to deal with the race more 
cleanly by recording the selected compute node in the database at the 
time of scheduling.  As it stands, the host is implicitly encoded in the 
compute node to which we send the boot request and nobody else knows 
about it.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Server Groups - remove VM from group?

2014-09-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/11/2014 04:22 PM, Joe Cropper wrote:

I would be a little wary about the DB level locking for stuff like that
— it’s certainly doable, but also comes at the expense of things
behaving ever-so-slightly different from DBMS to DBMS.  Perhaps there
are multiple “logical efforts” here—i.e., adding some APIs and cleaning
up existing code.

I think you could actually do it without locking.  Pick a host as we do 
now, write it into the database, then check whether you hit a race and 
if so then clear that host from the database and go back to the beginning.

Basically the same algorithm that we do now, but all contained within 
the scheduler code.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][cinder] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-12 Thread Chris Friesen

On 09/12/2014 04:59 PM, Joe Gordon wrote:

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:18 AM, Daniel P. Berrange mailto:berra...@redhat.com>> wrote:

FYI, for Juno at least I really don't consider that even the libvirt
driver got acceptable review times in any sense. The pain of waiting
for reviews in libvirt code I've submitted this cycle is what prompted
me to start this thread. All the virt drivers are suffering way more
than they should be, but those without core team representation suffer

Can't you replace the word 'libvirt code' with 'nova code' and this
would still be true? Do you think landing virt driver code is harder
then landing non virt driver code? If so do you have any numbers to back
this up?

If the issue here is 'landing code in nova is too painful', then we
should discuss solving that more generalized issue first, and maybe we
conclude that pulling out the virt drivers gets us the most bang for our
buck.  But unless we have that more general discussion, saying the right
fix for that is to spend a large amount of time  working specifically on
virt driver related issues seems premature.

I agree that this is a nova issue in general, though I suspect that the 
virt drivers have quite separate developer communities so maybe they 
feel the pain more clearly.  But I think the solution is the same in 
both cases:

1) Allow people to be responsible for a subset of the nova code 
(scheduler, virt, conductor, compute, or even just a single driver). 
They would have significant responsibility for that area of the code. 
This would serve several purposes--people with deep domain-specific 
knowledge would be able to review code that touches that domain, and it 
would free up the nova core team to look at the higher-level picture. 
For changes that cross domains, the people from the relevant domains 
would need to be involved.

2) Modify the gate tests such that changes that are wholly contained 
within a single area of code are not blocked by gate-blocking-bugs in 
unrelated areas of the code.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] how to debug RPC timeout issues?

2014-09-16 Thread Chris Friesen

I'm running Havana, and I just tried a testcase involving doing six 
simultaneous live-migrations.

It appears that the migrations succeeded, but two of the instances got stuck 
with a status of "MIGRATING" because of RPC timeouts:

2014-09-16 20:35:07.376 12493 INFO nova.notifier [-] processing ERROR 
2014-09-16 20:35:07.390 12493 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Connected to AMQP server on
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 ERROR nova.openstack.common.loopingcall [-] in 
fixed duration looping call
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall Traceback 
(most recent call last):
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
line 78, in _inner
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 4874, 
in wait_for_live_migration
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/exception.py", line 90, in wrapped
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/exception.py", line 73, in wrapped
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 4558, in 
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/compute/rpcapi.py", line 517, in 
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/rpcclient.py", line 85, in call
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/rpcclient.py", line 63, in _invoke
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/openstack/common/rpc/proxy.py", line 
131, in call
2014-09-16 20:35:07.396 12493 TRACE nova.openstack.common.loopingcall Timeout: 
Timeout while waiting on RPC response - topic: "compute.compute-0", RPC method: 
"post_live_migration_at_destination" info: ""

Looking at the migration destination compute node, I see it in turn getting 
stuck on an RPC timeout:

2014-09-16 20:35:32.216 12510 INFO nova.notifier 
[req-a8389c8d-7e5b-4f08-8669-ce14594e3863 24a43342a5ae4e31bd431aef2d395ebc 
02bf771ab40f4ecea6fe42135c5a09bc] processing ERROR 
2014-09-16 20:35:32.247 12510 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common 
[req-a8389c8d-7e5b-4f08-8669-ce14594e3863 24a43342a5ae4e31bd431aef2d395ebc 
02bf771ab40f4ecea6fe42135c5a09bc] Connected to AMQP server on
2014-09-16 20:35:32.248 12510 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common 
[req-2f7bd481-9aed-4d66-97dd-3075407282dd 24a43342a5ae4e31bd431aef2d395ebc 
02bf771ab40f4ecea6fe42135c5a09bc] Connected to AMQP server on
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp 
[req-a8389c8d-7e5b-4f08-8669-ce14594e3863 24a43342a5ae4e31bd431aef2d395ebc 
02bf771ab40f4ecea6fe42135c5a09bc] Exception during message handling
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp Traceback 
(most recent call last):
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py", line 
466, in _process_data
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
line 172, in dispatch
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/exception.py", line 90, in wrapped
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/exception.py", line 73, in wrapped
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 4647, in 
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 5065, 
in post_live_migration_at_destination
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 3709, 
in to_xml
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 3465, 
in get_guest_config
2014-09-16 20:35:32.270 12510 TRACE nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp   File 
"./usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 383, in 

Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] about resize the instance

2018-11-08 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/8/2018 5:30 AM, Rambo wrote:

  When I resize the instance, the compute node report that 
"libvirtError: internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 
2018-11-08T09:42:04.695681Z qemu-kvm: cannot set up guest memory 
'pc.ram': Cannot allocate memory".Has anyone seen this situation?And 
the ram_allocation_ratio is set 3 in nova.conf.The total memory is 
125G.When I use the "nova hypervisor-show server" command to show the 
compute node's free_ram_mb is -45G.If it is the result of excessive use 
of memory?

Can you give me some suggestions about this?Thank you very much.

I suspect that you simply don't have any available memory on that system.

What is your kernel overcommit setting on the host?  If 
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory is set to 2, then try either changing the 
overcommit ratio or setting it to 1 to see if that makes a difference.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-19 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/18/2013 06:47 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:

An idea related to this, what would need to be done to make the DB have
the exact state that a compute node is going through (and therefore the
scheduler would not make unreliable/racey decisions, even when there are
multiple schedulers). It's not like we are dealing with a system which
can not know the exact state (as long as the compute nodes are connected
to the network, and a network partition does not occur).

How would you synchronize the various schedulers with each other? 
Suppose you have multiple scheduler nodes all trying to boot multiple 
instances each.

Even if each at the start of the process each scheduler has a perfect 
view of the system, each scheduler would need to have a view of what 
every other scheduler is doing in order to not make racy decisions.

I see a few options:

1) Push scheduling down into the database itself.  Implement scheduler 
filters as SQL queries or stored procedures.

2) Get rid of the DB for scheduling.  It looks like people are working 
on this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/no-db-scheduler

3) Do multi-stage scheduling.  Do a "tentative" schedule, then try and 
update the DB to reserve all the necessary resources.  If that fails, 
someone got there ahead of you so try again with the new data.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-19 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/19/2013 12:35 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Each scheduler process can own a different set of resources. If they
each grab instance requests in a round-robin fashion, then they will
fill their resources up in a relatively well balanced way until one
scheduler's resources are exhausted. At that time it should bow out of
taking new instances. If it can't fit a request in, it should kick the
request out for retry on another scheduler.

In this way, they only need to be in sync in that they need a way to
agree on who owns which resources. A distributed hash table that gets
refreshed whenever schedulers come and go would be fine for that.

That has some potential, but at high occupancy you could end up refusing 
to schedule something because no one scheduler has sufficient resources 
even if the cluster as a whole does.

This gets worse once you start factoring in things like heat and 
instance groups that will want to schedule whole sets of resources 
(instances, IP addresses, network links, cinder volumes, etc.) at once 
with constraints on where they can be placed relative to each other.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-19 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/19/2013 12:27 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:

Personally I would prefer #3 from the below. #2 I think will still have to
deal with consistency issues, just switching away from a DB doesn't make
magical ponies and unicorns appear (in-fact it can potentially make the
problem worse if its done incorrectly - and its pretty easy to get it
wrong IMHO). #1 could also work, but then u hit a vertical scaling limit
(works if u paid oracle for there DB or IBM for DB2 I suppose). I prefer
#3 since I think it is honestly needed under all solutions.

Personally I think we need a combination of #3 (resource reservation) 
with something else to speed up scheduling.

We have multiple filters that currently loop over all the compute nodes, 
gathering a bunch of data from the DB and then ignoring most of that 
data while doing some simple logic in python.

There is really no need for the bulk of the resource information to be 
stored in the DB.  The compute nodes could broadcast their current state 
to all scheduler nodes, and the scheduler nodes could reserve resources 
directly from the compute nodes (triggering an update of all the other 
scheduler nodes).

Failing that, it should be possible to push at least some of the 
filtering down into the DB itself. Stuff like ramfilter or cpufilter 
would be trival (and fast) as an SQL query.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-19 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/19/2013 01:51 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Chris Friesen's message of 2013-11-19 11:37:02 -0800:

On 11/19/2013 12:35 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Each scheduler process can own a different set of resources. If they
each grab instance requests in a round-robin fashion, then they will
fill their resources up in a relatively well balanced way until one
scheduler's resources are exhausted. At that time it should bow out of
taking new instances. If it can't fit a request in, it should kick the
request out for retry on another scheduler.

In this way, they only need to be in sync in that they need a way to
agree on who owns which resources. A distributed hash table that gets
refreshed whenever schedulers come and go would be fine for that.

That has some potential, but at high occupancy you could end up refusing
to schedule something because no one scheduler has sufficient resources
even if the cluster as a whole does.

I'm not sure what you mean here. What resource spans multiple compute

Imagine the cluster is running close to full occupancy, each scheduler 
has room for 40 more instances.  Now I come along and issue a single 
request to boot 50 instances.  The cluster has room for that, but none 
of the schedulers do.

This gets worse once you start factoring in things like heat and
instance groups that will want to schedule whole sets of resources
(instances, IP addresses, network links, cinder volumes, etc.) at once
with constraints on where they can be placed relative to each other.

Actually that is rather simple. Such requests have to be serialized
into a work-flow. So if you say "give me 2 instances in 2 different
locations" then you allocate 1 instance, and then another one with
'not_in_location(1)' as a condition.

Actually, you don't want to serialize it, you want to hand the whole set 
of resource requests and constraints to the scheduler all at once.

If you do them one at a time, then early decisions made with 
less-than-complete knowledge can result in later scheduling requests 
failing due to being unable to meet constraints, even if there are 
actually sufficient resources in the cluster.

The "VM ensembles" document at
has a good example of how one-at-a-time scheduling can cause spurious 

And if you're handing the whole set of requests to a scheduler all at 
once, then you want the scheduler to have access to as many resources as 
possible so that it has the highest likelihood of being able to satisfy 
the request given the constraints.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-20 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/20/2013 10:06 AM, Soren Hansen wrote:

2013/11/18 Mike Spreitzer :

There were some concerns expressed at the summit about scheduler
scalability in Nova, and a little recollection of Boris' proposal to
keep the needed state in memory.

I also heard one guy say that he thinks Nova does not really need a
general SQL database, that a NOSQL database with a bit of
denormalization and/or client-maintained secondary indices could

I may have said something along those lines. Just to clarify -- since
you started this post by talking about scheduler scalability -- the main
motivation for using a non-SQL backend isn't scheduler scalability, it's
availability and resilience. I just don't accept the failure modes that
MySQL (and derivatives such as Galera) impose.

Has that sort of thing been considered before?

It's been talked about on and off since... well, probably since we
started this project.

What is the community's level of interest in exploring that?

The session on adding a backend using a non-SQL datastore was pretty
well attended.

What about a hybrid solution?

There is data that is only used by the scheduler--for performance 
reasons maybe it would make sense to store that information in RAM as 
described at


For the rest of the data, perhaps it could be persisted using some 
alternate backend.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-21 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/21/2013 10:52 AM, Stephen Gran wrote:

On 21/11/13 15:49, Chris Friesen wrote:

On 11/21/2013 02:58 AM, Soren Hansen wrote:

2013/11/20 Chris Friesen :

What about a hybrid solution?
There is data that is only used by the scheduler--for performance
maybe it would make sense to store that information in RAM as
described at


I suspect that a large performance gain could be had by 2 fairly simple

a) Break the scheduler in two, so that the chunk of code receiving
updates from the compute nodes can't block the chunk of code scheduling

b) Use a memcache backend instead of SQL for compute resource information.

My fear with keeping data local to a scheduler instance is that local
state destroys scalability.

"a" and "b" are basically what is described in the blueprint above.

Your fear is addressed by having the compute nodes broadcast their 
resource information to all scheduler instances.

As I see it, the scheduler could then make a tentative scheduling 
decision, attempt to reserve the resources from the compute node (which 
would trigger the compute node to send updated resource information in 
all the scheduler instances), and assuming it got the requested 
resources it could then proceed with bringing up the resource.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does Nova really need an SQL database?

2013-11-21 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/21/2013 02:58 AM, Soren Hansen wrote:

2013/11/20 Chris Friesen :

What about a hybrid solution?
There is data that is only used by the scheduler--for performance reasons
maybe it would make sense to store that information in RAM as described at


For the rest of the data, perhaps it could be persisted using some alternate

What would that solve?

The scheduler has performance issues.  Currently the design is 
suboptimal--the compute nodes write resource information to the 
database, then the scheduler pulls a bunch of data out of the database, 
copies it over into python, and analyzes it in python to do the filtering.

For large clusters this can lead to significant time spent scheduling.

Based on the above, for performance reasons it would be beneficial for 
the scheduler to have the necessary data already available in python 
rather than needing to pull it out of the database.

For other uses of the database people are proposing alternatives to SQL 
in order to get reliability.  I don't have any experience with that so I 
have no opinion on it.  But as long as the data is sitting on-disk (or 
even in a database process instead of in the scheduler process) it's 
going to slow down the scheduler.

If the primary consumer of a give piece of data (free ram, free cpu, 
free disk, etc) is the scheduler, then I think it makes sense for the 
compute nodes to report it directly to the scheduler.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] future fate of nova-network?

2013-11-22 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/22/2013 02:29 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:

I honestly don't understand why openstack@ and openstack-operators@ are
different lists.  Perhaps openstack@ just needs better use of topic
tagging ...

Wouldn't openstack@ be the logical place for end-users to hang out, 
while openstack-operators@ is for the actual cloud providers?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Is there a way for the VM to identify that it is getting booted in OpenStack

2013-11-27 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/26/2013 07:48 PM, Vijay Venkatachalam wrote:


 Is there a way for the VM to identify that it is
getting booted in OpenStack?

 As said in the below mail, once the VM knows it is
booting in OpenStack it will alter the boot sequence.

What does "getting booted in OpenStack" mean?  OpenStack supports 
multiple hypervisors, so you could have something coming up via 
kvm/vmware/Xen/baremetal/etc. but they're all "getting booted in OpenStack".


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [heat] Is it time for a v2 Heat API?

2013-11-27 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/27/2013 11:50 AM, Zane Bitter wrote:

Even better would be if we had the keystone domain (instead of the
tenant id) incorporated into the endpoint in the keystone catalog and
then we could use the tenant^W project *name* in the URL and users would
never have to deal with UUIDs and invisible headers again - your server
is always at /my-project-name/servers/my-server-name. Where you might
expect it to be.

That sounds way too logical...


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] curious, why wasn't nova commit 52f6981 backported to grizzly?

2013-11-27 Thread Chris Friesen


Just wondering why nova commit 52f6981 ("Evacuated instance disk not 
deleted") wasn't backported to grizzly?

The symptoms of this bug are that if you evacuate a server off a compute 
node that uses local storage then you can never move it back to that 
compute node because the old files are still lying around.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Schduler] Volunteers wanted for a modest proposal for an external scheduler in our lifetime

2013-11-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/28/2013 09:50 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:

One option worth thinking about is to introduce a new scheduling driver to
nova - this driver will interface with the external scheduler. This will
let us define the scheduling API, model etc, without being in the current
confines of Nova. This will also enable all of the other modules, for
example Cinder to hook into it.

I see a couple nice things about this proposal:

1) Going this route means that we're free to mess with the APIs to some 
extent since they're not really "public" yet.

2) Once we have API parity with the current schedulers all in one place 
then we'll be able to more easily start extracting common stuff.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] problems with rabbitmq on HA controller failure...anyone seen this?

2013-11-29 Thread Chris Friesen


We're currently running Grizzly (going to Havana soon) and we're running 
into an issue where if the active controller is ungracefully killed then 
nova-compute on the compute node doesn't properly connect to the new 
rabbitmq server on the newly-active controller node.

I saw a bugfix in Folsom (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/718869) 
to retry the connection to rabbitmq if it's lost, but it doesn't seem to 
be properly handling this case.

Interestingly, killing and restarting nova-compute on the compute node 
seems to work, which implies that the retry code is doing something less 
effective than the initial startup.

Has anyone doing HA controller setups run into something similar?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] problems with rabbitmq on HA controller failure...anyone seen this?

2013-11-29 Thread Chris Friesen

On 11/29/2013 06:37 PM, David Koo wrote:

On Nov 29, 02:22:17 PM (Friday), Chris Friesen wrote:

We're currently running Grizzly (going to Havana soon) and we're
running into an issue where if the active controller is ungracefully
killed then nova-compute on the compute node doesn't properly
connect to the new rabbitmq server on the newly-active controller

Interestingly, killing and restarting nova-compute on the compute
node seems to work, which implies that the retry code is doing
something less effective than the initial startup.

Has anyone doing HA controller setups run into something similar?

As a followup, it looks like if I wait for 9 minutes or so I see a 
message in the compute logs:

2013-11-30 00:02:14.756 1246 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] 
Failed to consume message from queue: Socket closed

It then reconnects to the AMQP server and everything is fine after that. 
 However, any instances that I tried to boot during those 9 minutes 
stay stuck in the "BUILD" status.

 So the rabbitmq server and the controller are on the same node?

Yes, they are.

> My

guess is that it's related to this bug 856764 (RabbitMQ connections
lack heartbeat or TCP keepalives). The gist of it is that since there
are no heartbeats between the MQ and nova-compute, if the MQ goes down
ungracefully then nova-compute has no way of knowing. If the MQ goes
down gracefully then the MQ clients are notified and so the problem
doesn't arise.

Sounds about right.

 We got bitten by the same bug a while ago when our controller node
got hard reset without any warning!. It came down to this bug (which,
unfortunately, doesn't have a fix yet). We worked around this bug by
implementing our own crude fix - we wrote a simple app to periodically
check if the MQ was alive (write a short message into the MQ, then
read it out again). When this fails n-times in a row we restart
nova-compute. Very ugly, but it worked!

Sounds reasonable.

I did notice a kombu heartbeat change that was submitted and then backed 
out again because it was buggy. I guess we're still waiting on the real fix?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Schduler] Volunteers wanted for a modest proposal for an external scheduler in our lifetime

2013-12-02 Thread Chris Friesen

On 12/02/2013 02:31 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:

I'm going to reopen a can of worms, though. I think the most difficult part of
the forklift will be moving stuff out of the existing databases into
a new database.

Do we really need to move it to a new database for the forklift?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Blueprint: standard specification of guest CPU topology

2013-12-03 Thread Chris Friesen

On 12/03/2013 04:08 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 01:47:31AM -0800, Gary Kotton wrote:

I think that this information should be used as part of the scheduling
decision, that is hosts that are to be selected should be excluded if they
do not have the necessary resources available. It will be interesting to
know how this is going to fit into the new scheduler that is being

The CPU topology support shouldn't have any interactions with, nor
cause any failures post-scheduling. ie If the host has declared that
it has sufficient resources to run a VM with the given vCPU count,
then that is sufficient.

What if we want to do more than just specify a number of vCPUs?  What if 
we want to specify that they need to all come from a single NUMA node? 
Or all from different NUMA nodes?  Or that we want (or don't want) them 
to come from hyperthread siblings, or from different physical sockets.

This sort of things is less common in the typical cloud space, but for 
private clouds where the overcommit ratio might be far smaller and 
performance is more of an issue they might be more desirable.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] anyone aware of networking issues with grizzly live migration of kvm instances?

2013-12-09 Thread Chris Friesen


We've got a grizzly setup using quantum networking and libvirt/kvm with 

I was live-migrating an instance back and forth between a couple of 
compute nodes.  It worked fine for maybe half a dozen migrations and 
then after a migration I could no longer ping it.

It appears that packets were making it up to the guest but we never saw 
packets come out of the guest.

Rebooting the instance seems to have restored connectivity.

Anyone aware of something like this?

We're planning on switching to havana when we can, so it'd be nice if 
this was fixed there.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Neutron] How do we know a host is ready to have servers scheduled onto it?

2013-12-12 Thread Chris Friesen

On 12/12/2013 11:02 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:

So I'm asking, is there a standard way to determine whether or not a
nova-compute is definitely ready to have things scheduled on it? This
can be via an API, or even by observing something on the nova-compute
host itself. I just need a definitive signal that "the compute host is

Is it not sufficient that "nova service-list" shows the compute service 
as "up"?

If not, then maybe we should call that a bug in nova...


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] why don't we deal with "claims" when live migrating an instance?

2014-01-15 Thread Chris Friesen
When we create a new instance via _build_instance() or 
_build_and_run_instance(), in both cases we call instance_claim() to 
reserve and test for resources.

During a cold migration I see us calling prep_resize() which calls 

How come we don't need to do something like this when we live migrate an 
instance?  Do we track the hypervisor overhead somewhere in the instance?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

2014-01-15 Thread Chris Friesen

On 12/26/2013 01:56 AM, cosmos cosmos wrote:


My name is Rucia for Samsung SDS.

I had in truouble in volume deleting.

I am developing for supporting big data storage such as hadoop in lvm.

it use as a full disk io for deleting of cinder lvm volume because of dd
the high disk I/O affects the other hadoop instance on same host.

If using dd for deleting the volume,  it takes too much time for
deleting of cinder lvm volume because of dd.

Cinder volume is 200GB for supporting hadoop master data.

When i delete cinder volume in using 'dd if=/dev/zero of $cinder-volume
count=100 bs=1M' it takes about 30 minutes.

While I think your ionice proposal makes some sense, I think it would be 
better to avoid the cost of the volume wipe on deletion in the first place.

I read a proposal about using thinly-provisioned logical volumes as a 
way around the cost of wiping the disks, since they zero-fill on demand 
rather than incur the cost at deletion time.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

2014-01-15 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/15/2014 06:00 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

What about a configuration option on the volume for delete type? I can see some 
possible options:

* None - Don't clear on delete. Its junk data for testing and I don't want to 
* Zero - Return zero's from subsequent reads either by zeroing on delete, or by 
faking zero reads initially.
* Random - Write random to disk.
* Multipass - Clear out the space in the most secure mode configured. Multiple 
passes and such.

Interesting idea, but for the "None" case I'd include the possibility 
that the user will be encrypting their data.

Also, I don't see any point for random or multipass given that anyone 
that really cares about it isn't going to trust their unencrypted data 
to someone else anyways.

Lastly, the "zero on delete" case could conceivably end up costing more 
since the provider could continue to bill for the volume while it is 
being deleted.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

2014-01-15 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/15/2014 06:30 PM, Jay S Bryant wrote:

There is already an option that can be set in cinder.conf using

Is there a reason that that option is not sufficient?

That option would be for the cloud operator and since it would apply to 
all volumes on that cinder node.

My impression was that Kevin was proposing a per-volume option for the 

If the cloud operator charged for the time/bandwidth required to delete 
the volume, that would cover their costs and give some incentive for 
customers to mark non-private data as such and save the effort of 
deleting the data.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

2014-01-16 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/15/2014 11:25 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Alan Kavanagh's message of 2014-01-15 19:11:03 -0800:

Hi Paul

I posted a query to Ironic which is related to this discussion. My thinking was I want to 
ensure the case you note here (1) " a tenant can not read another tenants 
disk.." the next (2) was where in Ironic you provision a baremetal server that 
has an onboard dish as part of the blade provisioned to a given tenant-A. then when 
tenant-A finishes his baremetal blade lease and that blade comes back into the pool and 
tenant-B comes along, I was asking what open source tools guarantee data destruction so 
that no ghost images  or file retrieval is possible?

Is that really a path worth going down, given that tenant-A could just
drop evil firmware in any number of places, and thus all tenants afterward
are owned anyway?

Ooh, nice one! :)

I suppose the provider could flash to known-good firmware for all 
firmware on the device in between leases.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] how is resource tracking supposed to work for live migration and evacuation?

2014-01-16 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm trying to figure out how resource tracking is intended to work for 
live migration and evacuation.

For a while I thought that maybe we were relying on the call to 
ComputeManager._instance_update() in 
ComputeManager.post_live_migration_at_destination().  However, in
ResourceTracker.update_usage() we see that on a live migration the 
instance that has just migrated over isn't listed in 
self.tracked_instances and so we don't actually update its usage.

As far as I can see, the current code will just wait for the audit to 
run at some unknown time in the future and call 
update_available_resource(), which will add the newly-migrated instance 
to self.tracked_instances and update the resource usage.

From my poking around so far the same thing holds true for evacuation 
as well.

In either case, just waiting for the audit seems somewhat haphazard.

Would it make sense to do something like 
ResourceTracker.instance_claim() during the migration/evacuate and 
properly track the resources rather than wait for the audit?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Proposal for dd disk i/o performance blueprint of cinder.

2014-01-16 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/16/2014 04:22 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

Excerpts from Fox, Kevin M's message of 2014-01-16 09:29:14 -0800:

Yeah, I think the evil firmware issue is separate and should be solved 

Ideally, there should be a mode you can set the bare metal server into where 
firmware updates are not allowed. This is useful to more folks then just 
baremetal cloud admins. Something to ask the hardware vendors for.

Yes, I think we call this mode "virtualization".

Nice. :)

Unfortunately, virtualization still has a pretty heavy price in some 
use-cases (heavy disk I/O, for instance).


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] "Evil" Firmware

2014-01-16 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/16/2014 05:12 PM, CARVER, PAUL wrote:

Jumping back to an earlier part of the discussion, it occurs to me
that this has broader implications. There's some discussion going on
under the heading of Neutron with regard to PCI passthrough. I
imagine it's under Neutron because of a desire to provide passthrough
access to NICs, but given some of the activity around GPU based
computing it seems like sooner or later someone is going to try to
offer multi-tenant cloud servers with the ability to do GPU based
computing if they haven't already.

I'd expect that the situation with PCI passthrough may be a bit 
different, at least in the common case.

The usual scenario is to use SR-IOV to have a single physical device 
expose a bunch of virtual functions, and then a virtual function is 
passed through into a guest.

The physical function is the one with the "real" PCI config space, so as 
long as the host controls it then there should be minimal risk from the 
guests since they have limited access via the virtual 
functions--typically mostly just message-passing to the physical function.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] Disk Eraser

2014-01-17 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/17/2014 04:20 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

tl;dr, We should not be recycling bare metal nodes between untrusted
tenants at this time. There's a broader discussion about firmware
security going on, which, I think, will take a while for the hardware
vendors to really address.

What can the hardware vendors do?  Has anyone proposed a meaningful 
solution for the firmware issue?

Given the number of devices (NIC, GPU, storage controllers, etc.) that 
could potentially have firmware update capabilities it's not clear to me 
how this could be reliably solved.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova]Why not allow to create a vm directly with two VIF in the same network

2014-01-24 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/24/2014 08:33 AM, CARVER, PAUL wrote:

I agree that I’d like to see a set of use cases for this. This is the
second time in as many days that I’ve heard about a desire to have such
a thing but I still don’t think I understand any use cases adequately.

In the physical world it makes perfect sense, LACP, MLT,
Etherchannel/Portchannel, etc. In the virtual world I need to see a
detailed description of one or more use cases.

Shihanzhang, why don’t you start up an Etherpad or something and start
putting together a list of one or more practical use cases in which the
same VM would benefit from multiple virtual connections to the same
network. If it really makes sense we ought to be able to clearly
describe it.

One obvious case is if we ever support SR-IOV NIC passthrough.  Since 
that is essentially real hardware, all the "physical world" reasons 
still apply.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron] PCI pass-through SRIOV

2014-01-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 01/28/2014 10:55 AM, Jani, Nrupal wrote:

While technically it is possible, we as a team can decide
about the final recommendationJGiven that VFs are going to be used for
the high-performance VMs, mixing VMs with virtio & VFs may not be a good
option.  Initially we can use PF interface for the management traffic
and/or VF configuration!!

I would expect that it would be fairly common to want to dedicate a VF 
link for high-speed data plane and use a virtio link for control plane 
traffic, health checks, etc.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] transactions in openstack REST API?

2014-02-03 Thread Chris Friesen

Has anyone ever considered adding the concept of transaction IDs to the 
openstack REST API?

I'm envisioning a way to handle long-running transactions more cleanly. 
 For example:

1) A user sends a request to live-migrate an instance
2) Openstack acks the request and includes a "transaction ID" in the 
3) The user can then poll (or maybe listen to notifications) to see 
whether the transaction is complete or hit an error.

I view this as most useful for things that could potentially take a long 
time to finish--instance creation/deletion/migration/evacuation are 
obvious, I'm sure there are others.

Also, anywhere that we use a "cast" RPC call we'd want to add that call 
to a list associated with that transaction in the database...that way 
the transaction is only complete when all the sub-jobs are complete.

I've seen some discussion about using transaction IDs to locate logs 
corresponding to a given transaction, but nothing about the end user 
being able to query the status of the transaction.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Scheduler] Policy Based Scheduler and Solver Scheduler

2014-02-03 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/03/2014 12:28 PM, Khanh-Toan Tran wrote:

Another though would be the need for Instance Group API [1].
Currently users can only request multiple instances of the same
flavors. These requests do not need LP to solve, just placing
instances one by one is sufficient. Therefore we need this API so
that users can request instances of different flavors, with some
relations (constraints) among them. The advantage is that this logic
and API will help us add Cinder volumes with ease (not sure how the
Cinder-stackers think about it, though).

I don't think that the instance group API actually helps here.  (I think 
it's a good idea, just not directly related to this.)

I think what we really want is the ability to specify an arbitrary list 
of instances (or other things) that you want to schedule, each of which 
may have different image/flavor, each of which may be part of an 
instance group, a specific network, have metadata which associates with 
a host aggregate, desire specific PCI passthrough devices, etc.

An immediate user of something like this would be heat, since it would 
let them pass the whole stack to the scheduler in one API call.  The 
scheduler could then take a more holistic view, possibly doing a better 
fitting job than if the instances are scheduled one-at-a-time.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] transactions in openstack REST API?

2014-02-03 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/03/2014 01:31 PM, Andrew Laski wrote:

On 02/03/14 at 01:10pm, Chris Friesen wrote:

Has anyone ever considered adding the concept of transaction IDs to
the openstack REST API?

I'm envisioning a way to handle long-running transactions more
cleanly.  For example:

1) A user sends a request to live-migrate an instance
2) Openstack acks the request and includes a "transaction ID" in the
3) The user can then poll (or maybe listen to notifications) to see
whether the transaction is complete or hit an error.

I've called them tasks, but I have a proposal up at
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/instance-tasks-api that is
very similar to this.  It allows for polling, but doesn't get into
notifications.  But this is a first step in this direction and it can be
expanded upon later.

Please let me know if this covers what you've brought up, and add any
feedback you may have to the blueprint.

That actually looks really good.  I like the idea of subtasks for things 
like live migration.

The only real comment I have at this point is that you might want to 
talk to the "transaction ID" guys and maybe use your task UUID as the 
transaction ID that gets passed to other services acting on behalf of nova.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Scheduler] Policy Based Scheduler and Solver Scheduler

2014-02-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/10/2014 10:54 AM, Khanh-Toan Tran wrote:

may orchestrate the provisioning process, but eventually the instances will be
passed to Nova-scheduler (Gantt) as separated commands, which is exactly the
problem Solver Scheduler wants to correct. Therefore the Instance Group API is
needed, wherever it is used (nova-scheduler/Gantt).

I'm not sure that this follows.

First, the instance groups API is totally separate since we may want to 
schedule a number of instances simultaneously without them being part of 
an instance group.  Certainly in the case of using instance groups that 
would be one input into the scheduler, but it's an optional input.

Second, there is nothing wrong with booting the instances (or 
instantiating other resources) as separate commands as long as we 
support some kind of reservation token.

In that model, we would pass a bunch of information about multiple 
resources to the solver scheduler, have it perform scheduling *and 
reserve the resources*, then return some kind of resource reservation 
tokens back to the caller for each resource.  The caller could then 
allocate each resource, pass in the reservation token indicating both 
that the resources had already been reserved as well as what the 
specific resource that had been reserved (the compute-host in the case 
of an instance, for example).


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Scheduler] Policy Based Scheduler and Solver Scheduler

2014-02-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/11/2014 03:21 AM, Khanh-Toan Tran wrote:

Second, there is nothing wrong with booting the instances (or

instantiating other

resources) as separate commands as long as we support some kind of
reservation token.

I'm not sure what reservation token would do, is it some kind of informing
the scheduler that the resources would not be initiated until later ?

Like a restaurant reservation, it would "claim" the resources for use by 
someone at a later date.  That way nobody else can use them.

That way the scheduler would be responsible for determining where the 
resource should be allocated from, and getting a reservation for that 
resource.  It would not have anything to do with actually instantiating 
the instance/volume/etc.

Let's consider a following example:

A user wants to create 2 VMs, a small one with 20 GB RAM, and a big one
with 40 GB RAM in a datacenter consisted of 2 hosts: one with 50 GB RAM
left, and another with 30 GB RAM left, using Filter Scheduler's default

If we pass the demand as two commands, there is a chance that the small VM
arrives first. RamWeigher will put it in the 50 GB RAM host, which will be
reduced to 30 GB RAM. Then, when the big VM request arrives, there will be
no space left to host it. As a result, the whole demand is failed.

Now if we can pass the two VMs in a command, SolverScheduler can put their
constraints all together into one big LP as follow (x_uv = 1 if VM u is
hosted in host v, 0 if not):

Yes.  So what I'm suggesting is that we schedule the two VMs as one call 
to the SolverScheduler.  The scheduler then gets reservations for the 
necessary resources and returns them to the caller.  This would be sort 
of like the existing Claim object in nova/compute/claims.py but 
generalized somewhat to other resources as well.

The caller could then boot each instance separately (passing the 
appropriate reservation/claim along with the boot request).  Because the 
caller has a reservation the core code would know it doesn't need to 
schedule or allocate resources, that's already been done.

The advantage of this is that the scheduling and resource allocation is 
done separately from the instantiation.  The instantiation API could 
remain basically as-is except for supporting an optional reservation token.

That responses to your first point, too. If we don't mind that some VMs
are placed and some are not (e.g. they belong to different apps), then
it's OK to pass them to the scheduler without Instance Group. However, if
the VMs are together (belong to an app), then we have to put them into an
Instance Group.

When I think of an "Instance Group", I think of 
  Fundamentally Instance Groups" describes a runtime relationship 
between different instances.

The scheduler doesn't necessarily care about a runtime relationship, 
it's just trying to allocate resources efficiently.

In the above example, there is no need for those two instances to 
necessarily be part of an Instance Group--we just want to schedule them 
both at the same time to give the scheduler a better chance of fitting 
them both.

More generally, the more instances I want to start up the more 
beneficial it can be to pass them all to the scheduler at once in order 
to give the scheduler more information.  Those instances could be parts 
of completely independent Instance Groups, or not part of an Instance 
Group at all...the scheduler can still do a better job if it has more 
information to work with.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][libvirt] Is there anything blocking the libvirt driver from implementing the host_maintenance_mode API?

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/20/2014 11:38 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

On 2/19/2014 4:05 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

The os-hosts OS API extension [1] showed up before I was working on the
project and I see that only the VMware and XenAPI drivers implement it,
but was wondering why the libvirt driver doesn't - either no one wants
it, or there is some technical reason behind not implementing it for
that driver?


By the way, am I missing something when I think that this extension is
already covered if you're:

1. Looking to get the node out of the scheduling loop, you can just
disable it with os-services/disable?

2. Looking to evacuate instances off a failed host (or one that's in
"maintenance mode"), just use the evacuate server action.

In compute/api.py the API.evacuate() routine errors out if 
self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service) is true, which means that 
you can't evacuate from a compute node that is "disabled", you need to 
migrate instead.

So, the alternative is basically to disable the service, then get a list 
of all the servers on the compute host, then kick off the migration 
(either cold or live) of each of the servers.  Then because migration 
uses a "cast" instead of a "call" you need to poll all the migrations 
for success or late failures.  Once you have no failed migrations and no 
servers running on the host then you're good.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] why doesn't _rollback_live_migration() always call rollback_live_migration_at_destination()?

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Friesen

I'm looking at the live migration rollback code and I'm a bit confused.

When setting up a live migration we unconditionally run 
ComputeManager.pre_live_migration() on the destination host to do 
various things including setting up networks on the host.

If something goes wrong with the live migration in 
ComputeManager._rollback_live_migration() we will only call 
self.compute_rpcapi.rollback_live_migration_at_destination() if we're 
doing block migration or volume-backed migration that isn't shared storage.

However, looking at 
ComputeManager.rollback_live_migration_at_destination(), I also see it 
cleaning up networking as well as block device.

What happens if we have a shared-storage instance that we try to migrate 
and fail and end up rolling back?  Are we going to end up with messed-up 
networking on the destination host because we never actually cleaned it up?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/24/2014 04:01 PM, Morgan Fainberg wrote:

TL;DR, “don’t break the contract”. If we are seriously making
incompatible changes (and we will be regardless of the direction) the
only reasonable option is a new major version.

Agreed.  I don't think we can possibly consider making 
backwards-incompatible changes without changing the version number.

We could stay with V2 and make as many backwards-compatible changes as 
possible using a minor version. This could include things like adding 
support for unified terminology as long as we *also* continue to support 
the old terminology.  The downside of this is that the code gets messy.

On the other hand, if we need to make backwards incompatible changes 
then we need to bump the version number.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/24/2014 04:59 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

So, that begs a new approach. Because I think at this point even if we
did put out Nova v3, there can never be a v4. It's too much, too big,
and doesn't fit in the incremental nature of the project.

Does it necessarily need to be that way though?  Maybe we bump the 
version number every time we make a non-backwards-compatible change, 
even if it's just removing an API call that has been deprecated for a while.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/24/2014 05:17 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

On 02/24/2014 06:13 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

On 02/24/2014 04:59 PM, Sean Dague wrote:

So, that begs a new approach. Because I think at this point even if we
did put out Nova v3, there can never be a v4. It's too much, too big,
and doesn't fit in the incremental nature of the project.

Does it necessarily need to be that way though?  Maybe we bump the
version number every time we make a non-backwards-compatible change,
even if it's just removing an API call that has been deprecated for a

So I'm not sure how this is different than the keep v2 and use
microversioning suggestion that is already in this thread.

It differs in that it allows the user to determine whether the changes 
are forwards or backwards compatible.  For instance, you might use an 
API version that looks like {major}.{minor}.{bugfix} with the following 

A new bugfix release is both forwards and backwards compatible.

A new minor release is backwards compatible. So code written against 
version x.y will work with version x.y+n.  New minor releases would 
generally add functionality.

A new major release is not necessarily backwards compatible.  Code 
written against version x may not work with version x+1.  New major 
releases remove or change functionality.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] why doesn't _rollback_live_migration() always call rollback_live_migration_at_destination()?

2014-02-25 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/25/2014 05:15 AM, John Garbutt wrote:

On 24 February 2014 22:14, Chris Friesen  wrote:

What happens if we have a shared-storage instance that we try to migrate and
fail and end up rolling back?  Are we going to end up with messed-up
networking on the destination host because we never actually cleaned it up?

I had some WIP code up to clean that up, as part as the move to
conductor, its massively confusing right now.

Looks like a bug to me.

I suspect the real issue is that some parts of:
self.driver.rollback_live_migration_at_destination(ontext, instance,
 network_info, block_device_info)
Need more information about if there is shared storage being used or not.

What's the timeframe on the move to conductor?

I'm looking at fixing up the resource tracking over a live migration 
(currently we just rely on the audit fixing things up whenever it gets 
around to running) but to make that work properly I need to 
unconditionally run rollback code on the destination.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] need advice on how to supply automated testing with bugfix patch

2014-02-25 Thread Chris Friesen

I'm in the process of putting together a bug report and a patch for 
properly handling resource tracking on live migration.

The change involves code that will run on the destination compute node 
in order to properly account for the resources that the instance to be 
migrated will consume.

Testing it manually is really simple...start with an instance on one 
compute node, check the hypervisor stats on the destination node, 
trigger a live-migration, and immediately check the hypervisor stats 
again.  With the current code the hypervisor doesn't update until the 
audit runs, with the patch it updates right away.

I can see how to do a tempest testcase for this, but I don't have a good 
handle on how to set this up as a unit test.  I *think* it should be 
possible to modify _test_check_can_live_migrate_destination() but it 
would mean setting up fake resource tracking and adding fake resources 
(cpu/memory/disk) to the fake instance being fake migrated and I don't 
have any experience with that.

Anyone have any suggestions?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-26 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/26/2014 04:50 PM, Dan Smith wrote:

So if we make backwards incompatible changes we really need a major
version bump. Minor versions don't cut it, because the expectation is
you have API stability within a major version.

I disagree. If the client declares support for it, I think we can very
reasonably return new stuff.

If we take what we have today in v2 and call that 2, then we could make
novaclient send this header:

   Accept: application/json;version=2

Then, we have a common method in the api code called
get_client_version(req), which returns 2 if it's missing, otherwise it
returns the version the client declared.

When we want to return something new, we do so only if
get_client_version(req) >= 3. I think that if we did that, we could
support tasks in v2, properly, today.

As I see it, you're not actually disagreeing with using a major version 
bump to deal with backwards incompatible changes.

What you're really suggesting is having the client explicitly send 
version support in a header, and if they don't then we would assume 
version 2.

I don't see how this is fundamentally different than a scheme where the 
path has "v3" in it instead of "v2".  The two are essentially 
equivalent, either way the client indicates which version it supports.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-27 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/27/2014 08:43 AM, Dan Smith wrote:

So I think once we start returning different response codes, or
completely different structures (such as the tasks change will be), it
doesn't matter if we make the change in effect by invoking /v2 prefix
or /v3 prefix or we look for a header. Its a major api revision. I
don't think we should pretend otherwise.

I think you're missing my point. The current /v2 and /v3 versions are
about 10,000 revisions apart. I'm saying we have the client declare
support for a new version every time we need to add something new, not
to say that they support what we currently have as /v3. So it would be
something like:

  version=v2: Current thing
  version=v3: added simple task return for server create
  version=v4: added the event extension
  version=v5: added a new event for cinder to the event extension
  version=v6: changed 200 to 202 for three volumes calls

Sure, but that's still functionally equivalent to using the /v2 prefix. 
 So we could chuck the current /v3 code and do:

/v2: Current thing
/v3: invalid, not supported
/v4: added simple task return for server create
/v5: added the event extension
/v6: added a new event for cinder to the event extension

and it would be equivalent.

And arguably, anything that is a pure "add" could get away with either a 
minor version or not touching the version at all.  Only "remove" or 
"modify" should have the potential to break a properly-written application.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-02-27 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/27/2014 06:00 PM, Alex Xu wrote:

Does mean our code looks like as below?
if client_version > 2:

elif client_version > 3
elif client_version > 4:
elif client_version > 5:
elif client_version > 6:

And we need test each version...  That looks bad...

I don't think the code would look like that

Each part of the API could look at the version separately.  And each 
part of the API only needs to check the client version if it has made a 
backwards-incompatible change.

So a part of the API that only made one backwards-incompatible change at 
version 3 would only need one check.

if client_version >= 3

Maybe some other part of the API made a change at v6 (assuming global 
versioning).  That part of the API would also only need one check.

if client version >= 6


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] inconsistent naming? node vs host vs vs hypervisor_hostname vs OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host

2014-02-28 Thread Chris Friesen


I've been working with OpenStack for a while now but I'm still a bit 
fuzzy on the precise meaning of some of the terminology.

It seems reasonably clear that a "node" is a computer running at least 
one component of an Openstack system.

However, "nova service-list" talks about the "host" that a given service 
runs on.  Shouldn't that be "node"?  Normally "host" is used to 
distinguish from "guest", but that doesn't really make sense for a 
dedicated controller node.

"nova show" reports "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host" and 
"OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname" for an instance.  What is the 
distinction between the two and how do they relate to OpenStack "nodes" 
or the "host" names in "nova service-list"?

"nova hypervisor-list" uses the term "hypervisor hostname", but "nova 
hypervisor-stats" talks about "compute nodes".  Is this distinction 
accurate or should they both use the hypervisor terminology?  What is 
the distinction between hypervisor/host/node?

"nova host-list" reports "host_name", but seems to include all services. 
 Does "host_name" correspond to host, hypervisor_host, or node?  And 
just to make things interesting, the other "nova host-*" commands only 
work on compute hosts, so maybe "nova host-list" should only output info 
for systems running nova-compute?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] inconsistent naming? node vs host vs vs hypervisor_hostname vs OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host

2014-02-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 02/28/2014 11:38 AM, Jiang, Yunhong wrote:

One reason of the confusion is, in some virt driver (maybe xenapi or
vmwareapi), one compute service manages multiple node.

Okay, so in the scenario above, is the nova-compute service running on a
"node" or a "host"?  (And if it's a "host", then what is the "compute

What is the distinction between "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host" and
"OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname" in the above case?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Future of the Nova API

2014-03-03 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/03/2014 08:14 AM, Steve Gordon wrote:

I would be interested in your opinion on the impact of a V2
version release which had backwards incompatibility in only one
area - and that is input validation. So only apps/SDKs which are
currently misusing the API (I think the most common problem would
be sending extraneous data which is currently ignored) would be
adversely affected. Other cases where where the API was used
correctly would be unaffected.

In this kind of scenario would we need to maintain the older V2
version where there is poor input validation as long? Or would the
V2 version with strong input validation be sufficient?

This is a tricky one because people who have applications or SDKs
that are misusing the API are unlikely to realize they are misusing
it until you actually make the switch to stricter validation by
default and they start getting errors back. We also don't as far as I
know have data at a deep enough level on exactly how people are using
the APIs to base a decision on - though perhaps some of the cloud
providers running OpenStack might be able to help here. I think at
best we'd be able to evaluate the common/well known SDKs to ensure
they aren't guilty (and if they are, to fix it) to gain some level of
confidence but suspect that breaking the API contract in this fashion
would still warrant a similar period of deprecation from the point of
view of distributors and cloud providers.

Would there be any point in doing it incrementally?  Maybe initially the 
command would still be accepted but it would print an error log 
indicating that the command contained extraneous data.

That way someone could monitor the logs and see how much extraneous data 
is being injected, but also contact the owner of the software and notify 
them of the problem.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] how to regenerate doc/api_samples?

2015-01-14 Thread Chris Friesen
How do I regenerate the doc/api_samples tests if I change the corresponding 

The instructions in nova/tests/functional/api_samples/README.rst say to run 
"GENERATE_SAMPLES=True tox -epy27 nova.tests.unit.integrated", but that path 
doesn't exist anymore.

I suspect the instructions should have been updated when the templates were 
moved under nova/tests/functional.


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[openstack-dev] required libvirtd/qemu versions for numa support?

2015-01-26 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm interested in the recent work around NUMA support for guest instances 
(https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-numa-placement), but 
I'm having some difficulty figuring out what versions of libvirt and qemu are 

From the research that I've done it seems like qemu 2.1 might be required, but 
I've been unable to find a specific version listed in the nova requirements or 
in the openstack global requirements.  Is it there and I just can't find it?

If it's not specified, and yet openstack relies on it, perhaps it should be 
added.  (Or at least documented somewhere.)


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[openstack-dev] [Heat] looking to add support for server groups to heat...any comments?

2014-04-25 Thread Chris Friesen

I'm looking to add support for server groups to heat.  I've got working 
code, but I thought I'd post the overall design here in case people had 

Basically, what I propose is to add a "class NovaServerGroup" resource. 
 Currently it would only support a "policy" property to store the 
scheduler policy for the server group.  The scheduler policy would not 
support updating on the fly.

The "LaunchConfiguration" and "Instance" classes would be extended with 
an optional "ServerGroup" property.  In the "Instance" class if the 
"ServerGroup" property is set then the group name is added to the 
scheduler_hints when building the instance.

The "Server" class would be extended with an optional "server_group" 
property.  If it is set then the group name is added to the 
scheduler_hints when building the server.

All in all, its around a hundred lines of code.

Any comments?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] looking to add support for server groups to heat...any comments?

2014-04-25 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/25/2014 11:01 AM, Mike Spreitzer wrote:

Zane Bitter  wrote on 04/25/2014 12:36:00 PM:

 > On 25/04/14 12:23, Chris Friesen wrote:

More important is Zane's following question.

 > > The "Server" class would be extended with an optional "server_group"
 > > property.  If it is set then the group name is added to the
 > > scheduler_hints when building the server.
 > Given that we already expose the scheduler_hints directly, can you talk
 > about why it would be advantageous to have a separate property as well?
 > (e.g. syntax would be really finicky?)

I was thinking it'd be more intuitive for the end-user (and more 
future-proof if novaclient changes), but maybe I'm wrong.

In the version I have currently it looks something like this:

type: OS::Nova::Server
  name: cirros1
  image: 'cirros'
  flavor: 'm1.tiny'
  server_group: { get_resource: my_heat_group }

In the nova boot command we pass the group uuid like this:

--hint group=e4cf5dea-4831-49a1-867d-e263f2579dd0

If we were to make use of the scheduler hints, how would that look? 
Something like this?  (I'm not up to speed on my YAML, so forgive me if 
this isn't quite right.)  And how would this look if we wanted to 
specify other scheduler hints as well?

type: OS::Nova::Server
  name: cirros1
  image: 'cirros'
  flavor: 'm1.tiny'
  scheduler_hints: {"group": { get_resource: my_heat_group }}


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] looking to add support for server groups to heat...any comments?

2014-04-25 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/25/2014 12:00 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:

On 25/04/14 13:50, Chris Friesen wrote:

In the nova boot command we pass the group uuid like this:

--hint group=e4cf5dea-4831-49a1-867d-e263f2579dd0

If we were to make use of the scheduler hints, how would that look?
Something like this?  (I'm not up to speed on my YAML, so forgive me if
this isn't quite right.)  And how would this look if we wanted to
specify other scheduler hints as well?

 type: OS::Nova::Server
   name: cirros1
   image: 'cirros'
   flavor: 'm1.tiny'
   scheduler_hints: {"group": { get_resource: my_heat_group }}

Something like that (I don't think you need the quotes around "group").
Or, equivalently:

 type: OS::Nova::Server
   name: cirros1
   image: 'cirros'
   flavor: 'm1.tiny'
 group: { get_resource: my_heat_group }

Okay...assuming it works like that then that looks fine to me.

If we go this route then the changes are confined to a single new file. 
 Given that, do we need a blueprint or can I just submit the code for 
review once I port it to the current codebase?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] looking to add support for server groups to heat...any comments?

2014-04-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/26/2014 09:41 PM, Jay Lau wrote:

Just noticed this email, I have already filed a blueprint related to
this topic

My idea is that can we add a new field such as "PlacemenetPolicy" to
AutoScalingGroup? If the value is affinity, then when heat engine create
the AutoScalingGroup, it will first create a server group with affinity
policy, then when create VM instance for the AutoScalingGroup, heat
engine will transfer the server group id as scheduler hints so as to
make sure all the VM instances in the AutoScalingGroup can be created
with affinity policy.

 type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
   AvailabilityZones: ["nova"]
   LaunchConfigurationName: {Ref: LaunchConfig}
   PlacementPolicy: ["affinity"] 
   MaxSize: 3
   MinSize: 2

While I personally like this sort of idea from the perspective of 
simplifying things for heat users, I see two problems.

First, my impression is that heat tries to provide a direct mapping of 
nova resources to heat resources.  Using a property of a heat resource 
to trigger the creation of a nova resource would not fit that model.

Second, it seems less well positioned for exposing possible server group 
enhancements in nova.  For example, one enhancement that has been 
discussed is to add a server group option to make the group scheduling 
policy a weighting factor if it can't be satisfied as a filter.  With 
the server group as an explicit resource there is a natural way to 
extend it.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal: remove the server groups feature

2014-04-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/25/2014 03:15 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

There are myriad problems with the above user experience and
implementation. Let me explain them.

1. The user isn't creating a "server group" when they issue a nova
server-group-create call. They are creating a policy and calling it a
group. Cognitive dissonance results from this mismatch.

I actually don't think this is true.  From my perspective they are 
actually creating a group, and then when booting servers they can be 
added into the group.

The group happens to have a policy, it is not only a policy.

2. There's no way to add an existing server to this "group".

In the original API there was a way to add existing servers to the 
group.  This didn't make it into the code that was submitted.  It is 
however supported by the instance group db API in nova.

3. There's no way to remove members from the group

In the original API there was a way to remove members from the group. 
This didn't make it into the code that was submitted.

4. There's no way to manually add members to the server group

Isn't this the same as item 2?

5. The act of telling the scheduler to place instances near or away from
some other instances has been hidden behind the server group API, which
means that users doing a nova help boot will see a --group option that
doesn't make much sense, as it doesn't describe the scheduling policy

There are many things hidden away that affect server booting...metadata 
matching between host aggregates and flavor extra specs, for instance.

As I understand it, originally the concept of "server groups" was more 
broad.  They supported multiple policies, arbitrary group metadata, etc. 
 The scheduler policy was only one of the things that could be 
associated with a group.  This is why the underlying database structure 
is more complicated than necessary for the current set of supported 

What we have currently is sort of a "dumbed-down" version but now that 
we have the basic support we can start adding in additional 
functionality as desired.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal: remove the server groups feature

2014-04-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/28/2014 06:58 AM, Steve Gordon wrote:

- Original Message -

Create two new options to nova boot:

--near-tag  and --not-near-tag 

The first would tell the scheduler to place the new VM near other
VMs having a particular "tag". The latter would tell the scheduler
to place the new VM *not* near other VMs with a particular tag.

Would we continue to grow this set of arguments in response to the
addition of new policies, how much do we expect this to grow? The two
most likely additions I can think of are "soft"/"best effort"
versions of the current two, are there any other proposals/ideas out
there - I know we're a creative bunch ;)?

One logical extension that came up previously is a max group size, maybe 
expressed as a quota or something.

1. There's no need to have any "server group" object any more.
Servers have a set of tags (key/value pairs in v2/v3 API) that may
be used to identify a type of server. The activity of launching an
instance would now have options for the user to indicate their
affinity preference, which removes the cognitive dissonance that
happens due to the user needing to know what a server group is (a
policy, not a group).

Would the user's affinity preference stay with the instance for
consideration in future operations post-boot (either now or in a
future extension of this functionality)?

Whichever way it's implemented, we need to preserve the boot time 
scheduler constraints so that any time we reschedule (migration, 
evacuation, resize, etc.) the constraints will be re-evaluated.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal: remove the server groups feature

2014-04-28 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/28/2014 11:22 AM, Dan Smith wrote:

2. There's no way to add an existing server to this "group".

In the original API there was a way to add existing servers to the
group.  This didn't make it into the code that was submitted.  It is
however supported by the instance group db API in nova.

3. There's no way to remove members from the group

In the original API there was a way to remove members from the group.
This didn't make it into the code that was submitted.

Well, it didn't make it in because it was broken. If you add an instance
to a group after it's running, a migration may need to take place in
order to keep the semantics of the group. That means that for a while
the policy will be being violated, and if we can't migrate the instance
somewhere to satisfy the policy then we need to either drop it back out,
or be in violation. Either some additional states (such as being queued
for inclusion in a group, etc) may be required, or some additional
footnotes on what it means to be in a group might have to be made.

I think your comment actually applies to adding existing instances to a 
group.  There's no good reason not to allow removing instances from a group.

As for the case of addition, we could start with something simple...if 
adding an instance to a group would violate the group scheduling policy, 
then raise an exception.

It was for the above reasons, IIRC, that we decided to leave that bit
out since the semantics and consequences clearly hadn't been fully
thought-out. Obviously they can be addressed, but I fear the result will
be ... ugly. I think there's a definite possibility that leaving out
those dynamic functions will look more desirable than an actual

Your idea of "pending group membership" doesn't sound too ugly.

That said, I would expect "adding existing instances to a group" to be 
something that would be done under fairly well-controlled circumstances. 
 In that case I think it would be reasonable to push the work of 
managing any migrations onto whoever is trying to create a group from 
existing instances.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Heat] looking to add support for server groups to heat...any comments?

2014-04-30 Thread Chris Friesen

On 04/30/2014 03:41 PM, Mike Spreitzer wrote:

Chris Friesen  wrote on 04/28/2014 10:44:46 AM:

 > Using a property of a heat resource
 > to trigger the creation of a nova resource would not fit that model.

For the sake of your argument, let's pretend that the new ASG blueprint
has been fully implemented.  That means an ASG is an ordinary virtual
resource.  In all likelihood the implementation will generate templates
and make nested stacks.  I think it is fairly natural to suppose that
the generated template could include a Nova server group.

 > Second, it seems less well positioned for exposing possible server group
 > enhancements in nova.  For example, one enhancement that has been
 > discussed is to add a server group option to make the group scheduling
 > policy a weighting factor if it can't be satisfied as a filter.  With
 > the server group as an explicit resource there is a natural way to
 > extend it.

Abstractly an autoscaling group is a sub-class of "group of servers"
(ignoring the generalization of "server" in the relevant cases), so it
would seem natural to me that the properties of an autoscaling group
would include the properties of a server group.  As the latter evolves,
so would the former.

OTOH, I find nothing particularly bad with doing it as you suggest.

BTW, this is just the beginning.  What about resources of type
AWS::CloudFormation::Stack?  What about Trove and Sahara?

If we go with what Zane suggested (using the already-exposed 
scheduler_hints) then by implementing a single "server group" resource 
we basically get support for server groups "for free" in any resource 
that exposes scheduler hints.

That seems to me to be an excellent reason to go that route rather than 
modifying all the different group-like resources that heat supports.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Heat] Custom Nova Flavor creation through Heat (pt.2)

2014-05-05 Thread Chris Friesen

On 05/05/2014 10:51 AM, Steve Gordon wrote:

In addition extra specifications may denote the passthrough of additional 
devices, adding another dimension. This seems likely to be the case in the use 
case outlined in the original thread [1].



[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-November/018744.html


The ability to set arbitrary metadata on the flavor means that you could 
realistically have many different flavors all with identical virtual 
hardware but different metadata.

As one example, the flavor metadata can be used to match against host 
aggregate metadata.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Heat] Custom Nova Flavor creation through Heat (pt.2)

2014-05-05 Thread Chris Friesen

On 05/05/2014 11:40 AM, Solly Ross wrote:

One thing that I was discussing with @jaypipes and @dansmith over
on IRC was the possibility of breaking flavors down into separate
components -- i.e have a disk flavor, a CPU flavor, and a RAM flavor.
This way, you still get the control of the size of your building blocks
(e.g. you could restrict RAM to only 2GB, 4GB, or 16GB), but you avoid
exponential flavor explosion by separating out the axes.

I like this idea because it allows for greater flexibility, but I think 
we'd need to think carefully about how to expose it via horizon--maybe 
separate tabs within the overall "flavors" page?

As a simplifying view you could keep the existing flavors which group 
all of them, while still allowing instances to specify each one 
separately if desired.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Heat] Custom Nova Flavor creation through Heat (pt.2)

2014-05-05 Thread Chris Friesen

On 05/05/2014 12:18 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:

As a simplifying view you could keep the existing flavors which group
all of them, while still allowing instances to specify each one
separately if desired.

Also, if we're allowing the cpu/memory/disk to be specified 
independently at instance boot time, we might want to allow for 
arbitrary metadata to be specified as well (that would be matched as per 
the existing flavor "extra_spec").


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal: Move CPU and memory allocation ratio out of scheduler

2014-06-03 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/03/2014 07:29 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:

Hi Stackers,


Move CPU and RAM allocation ratio definition out of the Nova scheduler
and into the resource tracker. Remove the calculations for overcommit
out of the core_filter and ram_filter scheduler pieces.

Makes sense to me.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Arbitrary "extra specs" for compute nodes?

2014-06-09 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/07/2014 12:30 AM, Joe Cropper wrote:

Hi Folks,

I was wondering if there was any such mechanism in the compute node
structure to hold arbitrary key-value pairs, similar to flavors'
"extra_specs" concept?

It appears there are entries for things like pci_stats, stats and
recently added extra_resources -- but these all tend to have more
specific usages vs. just arbitrary data that may want to be maintained
about the compute node over the course of its lifetime.

Unless I'm overlooking an existing construct for this, would this be
something that folks would welcome a Juno blueprint for--i.e., adding
extra_specs style column with a JSON-formatted string that could be
loaded as a dict of key-value pairs?

If nothing else, you could put the compute node in a host aggregate and 
assign metadata to it.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal: Move CPU and memory allocation ratio out of scheduler

2014-06-09 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/09/2014 07:59 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 06/06/2014 08:07 AM, Murray, Paul (HP Cloud) wrote:

Forcing an instance to a specific host is very useful for the
operator - it fulfills a valid use case for monitoring and testing

Pray tell, what is that valid use case?

I find it useful for setting up specific testcases when trying to 
validate thingsput *this* instance on *this* host, put *those* 
instances on *those* hosts, now pull the power plug on *this* host...etc.

I wouldn't expect the typical openstack end-user to need it though.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Gate proposal - drop Postgresql configurations in the gate

2014-06-12 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/12/2014 09:36 AM, Sean Dague wrote:

This is what I mean by functional testing. If we were directly hitting a
real database on a set of in tree project tests, I think you could
discover issues like this. Neutron was headed down that path.

But if we're talking about a devstack / tempest run, it's not really

If someone can point me to a case where we've actually found this kind
of bug with tempest / devstack, that would be great. I've just *never*
seen it. I was the one that did most of the fixing for pg support in
Nova, and have helped other projects as well, so I'm relatively familiar
with the kinds of fails we can discover. The ones that Julien pointed
really aren't likely to be exposed in our current system.

Which is why I think we're mostly just burning cycles on the existing
approach for no gain.

What about


Would this have been caught by strict/traditional mode with mysql?  (Of 
course in this case we didn't actually have tempest testcases for server 
groups yet, not sure if they exist now.)

Also, while we're on the topic of testing databases...I opened a bug a 
while back for the fact that sqlite regexp() doesn't behave like 
mysql/postgres.  Having unit tests that don't behave like a real install 
seems like a bad move.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] mysql/mysql-python license "contamination" into openstack?

2014-06-12 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm looking for the community viewpoint on whether there is any chance 
of license contamination between mysql and nova.  I realize that lawyers 
would need to be involved for a proper ruling, but I'm curious about the 
view of the developers on the list.

Suppose someone creates a modified openstack and wishes to sell it to 
others.  They want to keep their changes private.  They also want to use 
the mysql database.

The concern is this:

nova is apache licensed
sqlalchemy is MIT licensed
mysql-python (aka mysqldb1) is GPLv2 licensed
mysql is GPLv2 licensed

The concern is that since nova/sqlalchemy/mysql-python are all 
essentially linked together, an argument could be made that the work as 
a whole is a derivative work of mysql-python, and thus all the source 
code must be made available to anyone using the binary.

Does this argument have any merit?

Has anyone tested any of the mysql DBAPIs with more permissive licenses?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] is the cpu feature check in _compare_cpu() valid

2014-06-12 Thread Chris Friesen
In nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py the _compare_cpu() function checks the 
cpu features using self._conn.compareCPU().

Is this actually valid?  The kvm processes don't seem to have the 
"--cpu" option specified, so we should get a compatible subset of cpu 
features from qemu.  If that's the case then the host cpu features 
shouldn't really matter, right?

We're running Havana and hitting live-migration issues between Sandy 
Bridge and Ivy Bridge due to some differences in the host processor 
flags.  Just wondering what the expected behaviour is.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] mysql/mysql-python license "contamination" into openstack?

2014-06-13 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/12/2014 01:30 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:

the GPL is excepted in the case of MySQL and other MySQL products
released by Oracle (can you imagine such a sentence being
written.), see

Okay, good start.  mysql itself is out of the picture.

MySQL-Python itself were an issue, OpenStack could switch to another
MySQL library, such as MySQL Connector/Python which is now MySQL's
official Python driver:

It seems like mysql-python could be an issue given that it's licensed GPLv2.

Has anyone tested any of the mysql DBAPIs with more permissive licenses?

I just mentioned other MySQL drivers the other day; MySQL
Connector/Python, OurSQL and pymysql are well tested within SQLAlchemy
and these drivers generally pass all tests.   There's some concern over
compatibility with eventlet, however, I can't speak to that just yet.

Okay, so they're not really tested with OpenStack then?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Rethink how we manage projects? (was Gate proposal - drop Postgresql configurations in the gate)

2014-06-16 Thread Chris Friesen

On 06/16/2014 03:33 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

David Kranz wrote:

There is a different way to do this. We could adopt the same methodology
we have now around gating, but applied to each project on its own
branch. These project branches would be integrated into master at some
frequency or when some new feature in project X is needed by project Y.
Projects would want to pull from the master branch often, but the push
process would be less frequent and run a much larger battery of tests
than we do now.

So we would basically discover the cross-project bugs when we push to
the "master master" branch. I think you're just delaying discovery of
the most complex issues, and push the responsibility to resolve them
onto a inexistent set of people. Adding integration branches only makes
sense if you have an integration team. We don't have one, so we'd call
back on the development teams to solve the same issues... with a delay.

In our specific open development setting, delaying is bad because you
don't have a static set of developers that you can assume will be on
call ready to help with what they have written a few months later:
shorter feedback loops are key to us.

On the other hand, I've had fairly trivial changes wait for a week to be 
merged because it failed multiple separate testcases that were totally 
unrelated to the change I was making.

If I'm making a change that is entirely contained within nova, it seems 
really unfortunate that a buggy commit in neutron or cinder can block my 
commit from being merged.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] [bug?] live migration fails with boot-from-volume

2014-03-07 Thread Chris Friesen


I was just testing the current icehouse code and came across some 
behaviour that looked suspicious.

I have two nodes, an all-in-one and a compute node.  I was not using 
shared instance storage.

I created a volume from an image and then booted an instance from the 
volume.  Once the image was up and running I tried to do a "nova 
live-migration " and got the following error:

cfriesen@controller:/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute$ nova live-migration 
ERROR: controller is not on shared storage: Live migration can not be 
used without shared storage. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: 

Shouldn't booting from volume count as a form of shared storage?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] UTF-8 required charset/encoding for openstack database?

2014-03-10 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm using havana and recent we ran into an issue with heat related to 
character sets.

In heat/db/sqlalchemy/api.py in user_creds_get() we call
_decrypt() on an encrypted password stored in the database and then try 
to convert the result to unicode.  Today we hit a case where this 
errored out with the following message:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf2 in position 0: 
invalid continuation byte

We're using postgres and currently all the databases are using SQL_ASCII 
as the charset.

I see that in icehouse heat will complain if you're using mysql and not 
using UTF-8.  There doesn't seem to be any checks for other databases 

It looks like devstack creates most databases as UTF-8 but uses latin1 
for nova/nova_bm/nova_cell.  I assume this is because nova expects to 
migrate the db to UTF-8 later.  Given that those migrations specify a 
character set only for mysql, when using postgres should we explicitly 
default to UTF-8 for everything?


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Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [bug?] live migration fails with boot-from-volume

2014-03-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/08/2014 02:23 AM, ChangBo Guo wrote:

Are you using  libvirt driver ?
As I remember,  the way to check if  compute nodes with shared storage
is :   create a temporary file from source node , then  check the file
from  dest node , by accessing file system from operating system level.
And boot from volume is just a way to boot instance , not means  shared
storage  or not .
For non-shared storage , have you try  block migration  with  option
--block-migration ?

Using block migration does seem to work.  However, it passes 
VIR_MIGRATE_NON_SHARED_INC to libvirt in the migration flags, which 
doesn't seem ideal for boot-from-volume.   I assume it starts to do an 
incremental copy but then decides that both are identical?

This raises an interesting question.  Why do we even need the user to 
explicitly specify --block-migration?  It seems like we could just test 
whether the instance storage is shared between the two compute nodes and 
set the appropriate flags automatically.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] UTF-8 required charset/encoding for openstack database?

2014-03-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/10/2014 02:02 PM, Ben Nemec wrote:

We just had a discussion about this in #openstack-oslo too.  See the
discussion starting at 2014-03-10T16:32:26

In that discussion dhellmann said, "I wonder if we make any assumptions 
elsewhere that we are using utf8 in the database"

For what it's worth I came across 
"https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Encoding";, which proposed a rule:

"All external text that is not explicitly encoded (database storage, 
commandline arguments, etc.) should be presumed to be encoded as utf-8."

While it seems Heat does require utf8 (or at least matching character
sets) across all tables, I'm not sure the current solution is good.  It
seems like we may want a migration to help with this for anyone who
might already have mismatched tables.  There's a lot of overlap between
that discussion and how to handle Postgres with this, I think.

I'm lucky enough to be able to fix this now, I don't have any real 
deployments yet.

It sounds like for the near future my best bet would be to just set the 
install scripts to configure postgres (which is used only for openstack) 
to default to utf-8.  Is that a fair summation?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] a question about instance snapshot

2014-03-10 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/10/2014 02:58 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On Mon, 2014-03-10 at 16:30 -0400, Shawn Hartsock wrote:

While I understand the general argument about pets versus cattle. The
question is, would you be willing to poke a few holes in the strict
"cattle" abstraction for the sake of pragmatism. Few shops are going
to make the direct transition in one move. Poking a hole in the cattle
abstraction allowing them to keep a pet VM might be very valuable to
some shops making a migration.

Poking holes in cattle aside, my experience with shops that prefer the
pets approach is that they are either:

  * Not managing their servers themselves at all and just relying on some
IT operations organization to manage everything for them, including all
aspects of backing up their data as well as failing over and balancing
servers, or,
  * Hiding behind rationales of "needing to be secure" or "needing 100%
uptime" or "needing no customer disruption" in order to avoid any change
to the status quo. This is because the incentives inside legacy IT
application development and IT operations groups are typically towards
not rocking the boat in order to satisfy unrealistic expectations and
outdated interface agreements that are forced upon them by management
chains that haven't crawled out of the waterfall project management funk
of the 1980s.

Adding pet-based features to Nova would, IMO, just perpetuate the above
scenarios and incentives.

What about the cases where it's not a "preference" but rather just the 
inertia of pre-existing systems and procedures?

If we can get them in the door with enough support for legacy stuff, 
then they might be easier to convince to do things the "cloud" way in 
the future.

If we stick with the hard-line cattle-only approach we run the risk of 
alienating them completely since redoing everything at once is generally 
not feasible.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] UTF-8 required charset/encoding for openstack database?

2014-03-11 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/11/2014 05:50 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:

But MySQL can't possibly know what you _meant_ when you were inserting
data. So, if you _assumed_ that the database was UTF-8, and inserted
UTF-8 with all of those things accidentally set for latin1, then you
will have UTF-8 in your db, but MySQL will think it is latin1. So if you
now try to alter the table to UTF-8, all of your high-byte strings will
be double-encoded.

It unfortunately takes analysis to determine what the course of action
is. That is why we added the check to Heat, so that it would complain
very early if your tables and/or server configuration were going to
disagree with the assumptions.

I find it interesting that the db migrations only specify character 
encodings for mysql, not any other database.  At the same time, devstack 
seems to create the nova* databases as latin1 for historical reasons.

postgres is supported under devstack, so I think this will end up 
causing a devstack/postgres setup to use utf-8 for most things but 
latin1 for the nova* databases, which seems odd.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] any recommendations for live debugging of openstack services?

2014-03-12 Thread Chris Friesen

Are there any tools that people can recommend for live debugging of 
openstack services?

I'm looking for a mechanism where I could take a running system that 
isn't behaving the way I expect and somehow poke around inside the 
program while it keeps running.  (Sort of like tracepoints in gdb.)

I've seen mention of things like twisted.manhole and 
eventlet.backdoor...has anyone used this sort of thing with openstack? 
Are there better options?

Also, has anyone ever seen an implementation of watchpoints for python? 
 By that I mean the ability to set a breakpoint if the value of a 
variable changes.  I found 
"https://sourceforge.net/blog/watchpoints-in-python/"; but it looks 
pretty hacky.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] [bug?] possible postgres/mysql incompatibility in InstanceGroup.get_hosts()

2014-03-14 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm trying to run InstanceGroup.get_hosts() on a havana installation 
that uses postgres.  When I run the code, I get the following error:

RemoteError: Remote error: ProgrammingError (ProgrammingError) operator 
does not exist: timestamp without time zone ~ unknown
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 
83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] LINE 3: uuid != instances.uuid 
AND (instances.deleted_at ~ 'None') ...
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance: 
83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] HINT:  No operator matches the 
given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

I'm not a database expert, but after doing some digging, it seems that 
the problem is this line in get_hosts():

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted_at': None}

It seems that current postgres doesn't allow implicit casts.  If I 
change the line to:

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted': 0}

Then it seems to work.  Is this change valid?


OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [nova] question about e41fb84 "fix anti-affinity race condition on boot"

2014-03-15 Thread Chris Friesen


I'm curious why the specified git commit chose to fix the anti-affinity 
race condition by aborting the boot and triggering a reschedule.

It seems to me that it would have been more elegant for the scheduler to 
do a database transaction that would atomically check that the chosen 
host was not already part of the group, and then add the instance (with 
the chosen host) to the group.  If the check fails then the scheduler 
could update the group_hosts list and reschedule.  This would prevent 
the race condition in the first place rather than detecting it later and 
trying to work around it.

This would require setting the "host" field in the instance at the time 
of scheduling rather than the time of instance creation, but that seems 
like it should work okay.  Maybe I'm missing something though...


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [bug?] possible postgres/mysql incompatibility in InstanceGroup.get_hosts()

2014-03-15 Thread Chris Friesen

On 03/15/2014 04:29 AM, Sean Dague wrote:

On 03/15/2014 02:49 AM, Chris Friesen wrote:


I'm trying to run InstanceGroup.get_hosts() on a havana installation
that uses postgres.  When I run the code, I get the following error:

RemoteError: Remote error: ProgrammingError (ProgrammingError) operator
does not exist: timestamp without time zone ~ unknown
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance:
83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] LINE 3: uuid != instances.uuid
AND (instances.deleted_at ~ 'None') ...
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance:
2014-03-14 09:58:57.193 8164 TRACE nova.compute.manager [instance:
83439206-3a88-495b-b6c7-6aea1287109f] HINT:  No operator matches the
given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

I'm not a database expert, but after doing some digging, it seems that
the problem is this line in get_hosts():

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted_at': None}

It seems that current postgres doesn't allow implicit casts.  If I
change the line to:

filters = {'uuid': filter_uuids, 'deleted': 0}

Then it seems to work.  Is this change valid?

Yes, postgresql is strongly typed with it's data. That's a valid bug you
found, fixes appreciated!

Bug report is open at "https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1292963";

Patch is up for review at "https://review.openstack.org/80808";, comments 


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