Re: [osg-users] Dynamic Modification..

2009-04-22 Thread Ignazio
OK Paul..thanks a lot

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[osg-users] Ogre3D Ocean Demo

2009-04-22 Thread Cheng Guan
Hi all,

I'm trying to port the Ogre3D ocean demo to OpenSceneGraph but I've problem 
achieving the ocean demo effect. Has anybody did this before?



uniform float BumpScale;
uniform vec2 textureScale;
uniform vec2 bumpSpeed;
uniform float time;
uniform float waveFreq;
uniform float waveAmp;
uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrix;

varying vec3 eyePosition;
varying mat3 rotMatrix; //  transform from tangent to obj space
varying vec2 bumpCoord0;
varying vec2 bumpCoord1;
varying vec2 bumpCoord2;
varying vec3 eyeVector;

// wave functions
struct Wave {
  float freq;  // 2*PI / wavelength
  float amp;   // amplitude
  float phase; // speed * 2*PI / wavelength
  vec2 dir;

void main(void)
#define NWAVES 2

Wave wave[NWAVES];

wave[0] = Wave( waveFreq, waveAmp, 0.5, vec2(-1, 0) );
wave[1] = Wave( 3.0 * waveFreq, 0.33 * waveAmp, 1.7, vec2(-0.7, 0.7) );

vec4 P = gl_Vertex;

// sum waves
float ddx = 0.0, ddy = 0.0;
float deriv;
float angle;

// wave synthesis using two sine waves at different frequencies and 
phase shift
for(int i = 0; isetImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_X, imagePosX);
cubemap->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_X, imageNegX);
cubemap->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_Y, imagePosY);
cubemap->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_Y, imageNegY);
cubemap->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::POSITIVE_Z, imagePosZ);
cubemap->setImage(osg::TextureCubeMap::NEGATIVE_Z, imageNegZ);



return cubemap;

class updateShader : public osg::Uniform::Callback
updateShader() : time(0.0), dir(true) {}
virtual void operator() ( osg::Uniform* uniform, osg::NodeVisitor* nv )
time = nv->getFrameStamp()->getSimulationTime();

uniform->set( fmod(time, 100.0f) );

bool dir;
float time;

void setupOceanShader(osg::StateSet* stateset)
osg::Shader* vertexShader = new osg::Shader( osg::Shader::VERTEX );
osg::Shader* fragmentShader = new osg::Shader( osg::Shader::FRAGMENT );

vertexShader->loadShaderSourceFromFile( "./shaders/ocean2GLSL.vert" );
fragmentShader->loadShaderSourceFromFile( "./shaders/ocean2GLSL.frag" );

osg::Program* program = new osg::Program;
program->addShader( vertexShader );
program->addShader( fragmentShader );
stateset->setAttributeAndModes( program, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

osg::Uniform* param1 = new osg::Uniform( "BumpScale", 0.2f );
stateset->addUniform( param1 );
osg::Uniform* param2 = new osg::Uniform( "textureScale", 
osg::Vec2(25.0, 26.0) );
stateset->addUniform( param2 );
osg::Uniform* param3 = new osg::Uniform( "bumpSpeed", osg::Vec2(0.015, 
0.005) );
stateset->addUniform( param3 );
osg::Uniform* param4 = new osg::Uniform( "time", 100.0f );
param4->setUpdateCallback( new updateShader );
stateset->addUniform( param4 );
osg::Uniform* param5 = new osg::Uniform( "waveFreq", 0.028f );
stateset->addUniform( param5 );
osg::Uniform* param6 = new osg::Uniform( "waveAmp", 1.8f );
stateset->addUniform( param6 );

osg::Uniform* param7 = new osg::Uniform( "deepColor", osg::Vec4(0, 0.3, 
0.5, 1.0) );
stateset->addUniform( param7 );
osg::Uniform* param8 = new osg::Uniform( "shallowColor", osg::Vec4(0, 
1, 1, 1.0) );
stateset->addUniform( param8 );
osg::Uniform* param9 = new osg::Uniform( "reflectionColor", 
osg::Vec4(0.95, 1, 1, 1.0) );
stateset->addUniform( param9 );
osg::Uniform* param10 = new osg::Uniform( "reflectionAmount", 1.0f);
stateset->addUniform( param10 );
osg::Uniform* param11 = new osg::Uniform( "reflectionBlur", 0.0f);
stateset->addUniform( param11 );
osg::Uniform* param12 = new osg::Uniform( "waterAmount", 0.3f);
stateset->addUniform( param12 );
osg::Uniform* param13 = new osg::Uniform( "fresnelPower", 5.0f);
stateset->addUniform( param13 );
osg::Uniform* param14 = new osg::Uniform( "fresnelBias", 0.328f);
stateset->addUniform( param14 );
osg::Uniform* param15 = new osg::Uniform( "hdrMultiplier", 0.471f);
stateset->addUniform( param15 );
osg::Uniform* param16 = new osg::Uniform( "NormalMap", 0 );
stateset->addUniform( param16 );

[osg-users] Action in Handlers thread safe ?

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent Bourdier

Looking for a random bug, I found something strange and it would be more
easy for me if you can help me :

I have a complex group (group with osgManipulator, transforms, geodes, ...)
and it contains an osgManipulator::dragger.
So, in my DraggerHandler, during the drag, the group is modified (the geode
are removed and rebuilt).

But I have a reccursive function traversing the graph to count visible faces
... and it crashes randomly on these complex group... the deboger do not
return me interesting informations...

So the question is : it is ok to modify geometry/graph in the Handler even ?


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] terrain database popping...

2009-04-22 Thread Stefan Roettger

Hi Alejandro,

libmini contains some addons for the display of terrain as stand-alone  
(for example the libmini viewer). For an integration into osg most of  
that stuff is of course not needed, because osg has its own loader  
etc. What needs to be integrated within osg is just the very core of  
libMini, which is called the ministub. It encapsulates the main  
algorithm that produces a reduced triangle mesh from a height field.  
It doesn't even need OpenGL as a dependency, since the generated  
geometry is passed to the calling framework via a call-back mechanism.  
In the case of osg the call back would append to a osg::vertex_array,  
that is a double (front and back) vertex buffer. The rest would be  
handled by osg like texturing etc. The draw implementation of  
osgTerrain is a particularly nice place to fit that in, because it  
already provides the necessary height field and texture. There is an  
adaptor missing though that closes the cracks with adjacent tiles.  
libMini supports that by just passing pointers to the four adjacent  
tiles. I'd be glad to provide the necessary information (and potential  
modifications) to make that work with osg.


On Apr 17, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:

Hi Stefan,

I played with libmini some time ago. I didn't studied the code deeply,
but I think some things are already in OSG, like the viewer. I don't
have too much time right now, but with the proper insight, I may try
to do it.


-- A.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:32 AM, Stefan Roettger  
On Apr 15, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519  


I think it would be good to fold libmini (or something equivalent)  

That way you can use the databases built with VPB. I don't know  
much about

VTP but using VPB databases are nice...

Yes. I have been thinking for almost 2 years now about folding  
libMini into
OSG, but so far did not have the necessary time to do it. So it got  
and delayed... If someone is volunteering though, I'd be happy to  
give the

necessary insight into libMini.


osg-users mailing list

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Mojtaba Fathi

I have a developed a manipulator like the one you want. It has some extra code 
specialized for my needs. Let me clean extra codes and send it to you. Maybe it 
can help.
Regards, Moji the Great

--- On Wed, 4/22/09, Richard Baron Penman  wrote:

From: Richard Baron Penman 
Subject: [osg-users] CAD style rotation
To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 11:14 AM


I am after an osgManipulator with CAD style rotation. 
In a typical CAD program the rotation keeps the roll fixed and orbits around 
the centre of the screen.
In contrast the TrackballManipulator allows the roll to change and rotates 
around the origin.

Has anyone come across code that implements this type of rotation?


-Inline Attachment Follows-

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] AttributeBinding clarification needed

2009-04-22 Thread Peter Wraae Marino
Hi Users,

We encountered a bug with some geometry (lets call it geomA) acting weird
(disappearing) and found out that it was
another geometry (lets call it geomB) setColorBinding was effecting geomA.

It turns out that geomA did not use the method setColorBinding at all but of
course geomB did.

So this brought up a question we need answered:

Q: When we looked at the enum values possible we found that there is a
BIND_OFF, is this the default value
if not specified? and does this mean that the geom will use the last binding
value used from the last rendered geom?

Peter Wraae Marino - OpenSceneGraph support site
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 3D Point to ScreenSpace Coordinates

2009-04-22 Thread Hagen
Hello again,

> It sounds like you are trying to draw a 2D element at the same window
> position as a 3D object. Is this correct?

Yes, thats exactly what Im trying to achieve.
I have POINTS (not objects) in 3D Space that have to be labeled.
And I want them to be clickable.
As points have no volume thats a bit of a problem.
So I thought I add a sphere as apoint representation to the scene. But the 
clcikable sphere should of yourse always have the same size no matter how far 
from the camera. So this idea was born.

> You'd need two Camera nodes for this, one with your 3D projection and one
> for 2D.

This is what I was doing.
And I computed the projection by hand and wanted to give the coords to my 2D 
objects  with a event callback.
But the coords are not exact somehow, so the point is always just very near the 
supposed point.

> Another option would be to look at the AutoTransform node.

Wow, I guess this is exactly what I was looking for.
Thx, Ill try it out


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is polygon on screen

2009-04-22 Thread Mangu Liok
Something not quite understood,as I see from OpenSceneGraph
Quick Start Guide by Paul Martz and other examples in the forum/mailing list, 
the osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector is used to check a mouse click x,y if it's 
hitting something.
I need to know if a certain triangle in my node is on screen now.
maybe tip #2??

Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Jerky display?

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Akilan,

It kinda looks like you creating a scene graph that either uses the
low res whole earth model or a group of high res tiles that all site
in a single flat group.  This is *really* inefficient way to build
your scene graph.

The proper way to build paged databases is to build a quad tree
database.  I don't know if the concept of quad tree is familiar to you
so don't know how much to explain.  Wriiting software that creates
decent terrain paged databases is not a trivial matter, rather than
create it yourself you should considering using a 3rd party tool to do
it for you.  For instance VirtualPlanetBuilder is designed to
generated whole earth paged database that can be browsed with OSG
apps.  osgEarth and ossimPlanet also can generated paged databases on
the fly for you.


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Akilan  wrote:
> Hi
> The following is the environment which i am working on,
> Hardware configuration:
>        HP xw4400 Workstation
>        Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM
>        NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500
> OS:
>        MS Windows XP Professional Version 2002
>        Service Pack 3, v.3244
> OSG:
>        OSG2.2
> The following set of code shows about how I am building scene graph for 
> terrian visualization,
> //the file"TerrainModels.txt" Contains list of terrain models(.osga files) 
> with absolute path
> //all are geographic models with datum 'WGS-84' and 'UTM' projection
> ifstream fin("TerrainModels.txt");
> while(!fin.eof()){
>        fin>>str;
>        if(strstr(str,".osga")!=NULL){
>           osg::ref_ptr fog=new osg::Fog;
>           fog->setColor(osg::Vec4(.45,.45,.45,1.));
>           fog->setStart(0.f);
>           fog->setEnd(50.f);
>           fog->setDensity(1.f);
>           fog->setMode(osg::Fog::LINEAR);
>           fog->setFogCoordinateSource(osg::Fog::FRAGMENT_DEPTH);
>           osg::StateSet *statSet=new osg::StateSet();
>           statSet->setMode(GL_BLEND,osg::StateAttribute::ON);
>           statSet->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST,osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
>           statSet->setRenderingHint(osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN);
>           statSet->setAttributeAndModes(fog.get(),osg::StateAttribute::ON);
>          osg::PagedLOD *plod = new osg::PagedLOD();
>          plod->setName(str);
>          plod->setRangeMode(osg::PagedLOD::DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT);
>          plod->setFileName(0, str);
>          plod->setPriorityOffset(0, 1.f);
>          plod->setPriorityScale(0, 1.f);
>          plod->setRange(0, 50.f, 100.f);
>          plod->setStateSet(statSet);
>          group->addChild(plod);
>        }else if(strstr(str,"bluemarble.ive")==0)  //for specifically adding 
> virtual earth
>                group->addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile(str));
> }
> fin.close();
> osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
> osgUtil::Optimizer optimzer;
> optimzer.optimize(group.get());
> viewer.setSceneData(group.get());
> viewer.addEventHandler( new 
> osgGA::StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera()->getOrCreateStateSet()) );
> viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler);
> viewer.setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TerrainManipulator());
> viewer.realize();
> while(!viewer.done()){
>        viewer.frame();
> }
> Let me explain the problem,
> I am trying to load around 8000-9000 osg terrain models which are covering 
> part of india.
> As I have set the PagedLOD range 50-100, when I enter the range(zooming-down 
> thru virtual earth), all the terrain models start loading and from that range 
> onwards I am not able to zoom-down freely. It becomes very slow  and the view 
> also jerks.
> Please correct me.
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Action in Handlers thread safe ?

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Vincent Bourdier
> So the question is : it is ok to modify geometry/graph in the Handler even ?

It all depends upon what modifications you are making.  If you are
modify content of parents from within a callback/handler then you'll
be invalidating iterators that are held by the function that called
your callback, so this is very definitely something you should avoid

Beyond that there is much I can add, it's your code, there are many
things you can do wrong and frankly is pointless any of us attempting
guessing what these many things might be.  It's you code, you have it
front of you, you have a debugger and capability to step through the
code in the debugger, go do it.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] terrain database popping...

2009-04-22 Thread Cheng Guan

Stefan Roettger wrote:
> Hi Alejandro,
> libmini contains some addons for the display of terrain as stand-alone  
> (for example the libmini viewer). For an integration into osg most of  
> that stuff is of course not needed, because osg has its own loader  
> etc. What needs to be integrated within osg is just the very core of  
> libMini, which is called the ministub. It encapsulates the main  
> algorithm that produces a reduced triangle mesh from a height field.  
> It doesn't even need OpenGL as a dependency, since the generated  
> geometry is passed to the calling framework via a call-back mechanism.  
> In the case of osg the call back would append to a osg::vertex_array,  
> that is a double (front and back) vertex buffer. The rest would be  
> handled by osg like texturing etc. The draw implementation of  
> osgTerrain is a particularly nice place to fit that in, because it  
> already provides the necessary height field and texture. There is an  
> adaptor missing though that closes the cracks with adjacent tiles.  
> libMini supports that by just passing pointers to the four adjacent  
> tiles. I'd be glad to provide the necessary information (and potential  
> modifications) to make that work with osg.
> Cheers,
> Stefan
> On Apr 17, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
> > Hi Stefan,
> > 
> > I played with libmini some time ago. I didn't studied the code deeply,
> > but I think some things are already in OSG, like the viewer. I don't
> > have too much time right now, but with the proper insight, I may try
> > to do it.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > -- A.
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:32 AM, Stefan Roettger  
> > <> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Apr 15, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519  
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > I think it would be good to fold libmini (or something equivalent)  
> > > > into
> > > > OSG.
> > > > That way you can use the databases built with VPB. I don't know  
> > > > much about
> > > > VTP but using VPB databases are nice...
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Yes. I have been thinking for almost 2 years now about folding  
> > > libMini into
> > > OSG, but so far did not have the necessary time to do it. So it got  
> > > delayed
> > > and delayed... If someone is volunteering though, I'd be happy to  
> > > give the
> > > necessary insight into libMini.
> > > 
> > > Cheers,
> > > Stefan
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > osg-users mailing list
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> > 
> >
> > 
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
>  --
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

Hi Stefan,

I am also interested in the necessary information (and potential  
modifications) to make libMini work with osg.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is polygon on screen

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Mangu Liok  wrote:
> Something not quite understood,as I see from OpenSceneGraph
> Quick Start Guide by Paul Martz and other examples in the forum/mailing list, 
> the osgUtil::PolytopeIntersector is used to check a mouse click x,y if it's 
> hitting something.
> I need to know if a certain triangle in my node is on screen now.
> maybe tip #2??

The mouse picking code is just used to set up the polytope that is
used for picking, for your case you just use the whole viewport as
your picking region - you use the whole camera frustum as the
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Action in Handlers thread safe ?

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply.

So if I understand well, modifying the graph in a handler is not safe at
all... But if I modify in a callback, this will not be more safe because of
iterators as you said, no ? ... so when and how can I modify my graph safely

It looks like a beginner question, but I feel a bit lost with that
"revelation" ...



2009/4/22 Robert Osfield 

> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Vincent Bourdier
>  wrote:
> > So the question is : it is ok to modify geometry/graph in the Handler
> even ?
> It all depends upon what modifications you are making.  If you are
> modify content of parents from within a callback/handler then you'll
> be invalidating iterators that are held by the function that called
> your callback, so this is very definitely something you should avoid
> doing.
> Beyond that there is much I can add, it's your code, there are many
> things you can do wrong and frankly is pointless any of us attempting
> guessing what these many things might be.  It's you code, you have it
> front of you, you have a debugger and capability to step through the
> code in the debugger, go do it.
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to specify interleaved vertex data using Geometry node?

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Zhidkov,

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Zhidkov Evgueny  wrote:
> Hi all!
> Due to some circumstances I'm now working under OSG. And looking on Geometry 
> node, I realized, that I don't know, how to do some basic things, which I 
> used to have:
> 1) Interleaved arrays.
> Say, I have vertex representation structure of 2 floats as vertex, 4 bytes as 
> color and 4 bytes as some factors. Vertex size is 16 bytes. How can I specify 
> my vertex array in such a interleaved order? As I found, OSG arrays simply 
> lay one after another in VBO memory, and I can't specify interleaved arrays.
> Is there any way to have interleaved vertex data representation to use 
> alignment features and GPU cache more effectively?

Modern graphics cards don't require interleaved arrays for good
performance.  Interleaved arrays were more relevant to CPU based T&L
processing as they made better use of the cache found on a CPU.

The OSG doesn't support interleaved arrays as they just complicate
setup and management for no gain in performance on modern systems.

> 2) Static VBO memory w/o system memory footprint.
> Say, I have some binary file with mesh representation, and I don't want to 
> have all this vertex soup in RAM. I want to load it directly to VBO and 
> forget about it. As I understood, that is impossible because of OSG base 
> paradigm, that drawing context may be attached or changed any time, so OSG 
> always get this arrays in system memory, loading to VBO on first 
> compilation/change event. So, memory consumption is twice (or sometimes even 
> 3 times) greater, than it could be.
> So, is it possible to "forget" about system memory source after loading data 
> to VBO?

It is possible, this is what is done for osg::Texture's - you can get
them to automatically unref data when download to the GPU.

In the case of vertex arrays you can do this manually if you wish, but
you'd loose all capability to do intersection testing etc.

As for the 3x memroy consumption, this is incorrect, you'll only get
2x memory consumption in main memory as the driver and application
memory will keep a copy of the data, while the GPU memory will only
copy from driver memory when required so this third copy is only
transient and doesn't even effect main memory.

For most user applications there is no need to try to be clever about
deleting the applications geometry data, even very large scale models
typically have few problems,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Action in Handlers thread safe ?

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent Bourdier
I just read some archives and I saw that the update callback is a good place
to modify the node children, but not its parent.
But , the osg Handler inherits from nodeCallback ... so it is safe to modify
children in a handle() isn't it ?

Last, when can I modify a node's parent, or the node itsef (I mean
adding/removing children by 'modify') ?

Thanks, any link or precision will be appreciated.


2009/4/22 Vincent Bourdier 

> Hi Robert,
> Thanks for the reply.
> So if I understand well, modifying the graph in a handler is not safe at
> all... But if I modify in a callback, this will not be more safe because of
> iterators as you said, no ? ... so when and how can I modify my graph safely
> ?
> It looks like a beginner question, but I feel a bit lost with that
> "revelation" ...
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> 2009/4/22 Robert Osfield 
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Vincent Bourdier
>>  wrote:
>> > So the question is : it is ok to modify geometry/graph in the Handler
>> even ?
>> It all depends upon what modifications you are making.  If you are
>> modify content of parents from within a callback/handler then you'll
>> be invalidating iterators that are held by the function that called
>> your callback, so this is very definitely something you should avoid
>> doing.
>> Beyond that there is much I can add, it's your code, there are many
>> things you can do wrong and frankly is pointless any of us attempting
>> guessing what these many things might be.  It's you code, you have it
>> front of you, you have a debugger and capability to step through the
>> code in the debugger, go do it.
>> Robert.
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] AttributeBinding clarification needed

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Peter,

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Peter Wraae Marino  wrote:
> Q: When we looked at the enum values possible we found that there is a
> BIND_OFF, is this the default value
> if not specified? and does this mean that the geom will use the last binding
> value used from the last rendered geom?

It simply means that Geometry will do an non op for that particular
vertex attribute, in your case it won't do set any colour array, so
the colour that OpenGL will use in rendering with will l be the last
glColour that the previous valid osg::Geometry (or other drawable)
set.   It's valid to have BIND_OFF for colour array for cases when you
are using OpenGL lighting and have an osg::Material that sets the
ColorMode to OFF.  However, if you have OpenGL lighting disabled or an
osg::Material with ColorMode not set to OFF then OpenGL will use the
glColor value, so you must assign at least a single colour to your

So... just fix you underdefined osg::Geometry so that it explicitly
set the colour and the problems will disappear.  The same applies to
the other vertex attributes.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Is it possible to specify interleaved vertex data using Geometry node?

2009-04-22 Thread Zhidkov Evgueny
Hi all!

Due to some circumstances I'm now working under OSG. And looking on Geometry 
node, I realized, that I don't know, how to do some basic things, which I used 
to have:

1) Interleaved arrays.
Say, I have vertex representation structure of 2 floats as vertex, 4 bytes as 
color and 4 bytes as some factors. Vertex size is 16 bytes. How can I specify 
my vertex array in such a interleaved order? As I found, OSG arrays simply lay 
one after another in VBO memory, and I can't specify interleaved arrays.
Is there any way to have interleaved vertex data representation to use 
alignment features and GPU cache more effectively?

2) Static VBO memory w/o system memory footprint.
Say, I have some binary file with mesh representation, and I don't want to have 
all this vertex soup in RAM. I want to load it directly to VBO and forget about 
it. As I understood, that is impossible because of OSG base paradigm, that 
drawing context may be attached or changed any time, so OSG always get this 
arrays in system memory, loading to VBO on first compilation/change event. So, 
memory consumption is twice (or sometimes even 3 times) greater, than it could 
So, is it possible to "forget" about system memory source after loading data to 

Any comments really appreciated,
  Zhidkov Evgueny.

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Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to specify interleaved vertex data using Geometry node?

2009-04-22 Thread Zhidkov Evgueny
Thanks, Robert.

It is good, that we can safely unref CPU-side geometry. Will discover it more 
precisely, thanks again.
But on interleaved arrays - it's controversial point, because my own tests not 
so while ago (on nv40-g80 cards) showed me, that interleaved arrays are still 
faster (yes, a little bit, but the fact).

Thank you for your efficiency.

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG + Qt4.5 + Textures

2009-04-22 Thread Bence Frenyo

I'm new to OSG, but found it handling 3D scenes several magnitudes faster than 
I did :)
So I jumped on integrating it with our existing Qt4.5 based application which 
has very complicated UI based on QGraphicsScene with a 3D earth rendered in the
background. 'osgEarth' plugin is just perfect for that job.

However I can't just change everything to OSG, I need to use our original GL 
as well. So I learned from other posts how to save the states for OSG/Qt 

I want to draw a texture still in OSG's 3D scene, but that is incorrect. 
Texture coordinates and quad coordinates are not the ones I expect.
It's visible especially when resizing the window.

Here's a short example:


static const double _R = 6378137.; // Earth radius

class OsgAdapterWidget : public QGLWidget, public osgViewer::Viewer
  osg::ref_ptr _gw;
  osg::ref_ptr _model;
  osg::ref_ptr _lastStateSet;
  GLuint _textureID;

  OsgAdapterWidget(QWidget* parent = 0);

  void paintGL();
  void resizeGL(int, int);

OsgAdapterWidget::OsgAdapterWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::Rgba | QGL::AlphaChannel |
  QGL::SampleBuffers | QGL::DoubleBuffer), parent),
  _lastStateSet(new osg::StateSet)
  _gw = new osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded(0, 0, width(), height());

  getCamera()->setClearColor(osg::Vec4f(0., 0., 0., 1.));
  getCamera()->setClearMask(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

  _model = osgDB::readNodeFile("");


  QImage image("image.png");
  glGenTextures(1, &_textureID);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textureID);
  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, image.width(), image.height(), 0,
   GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.bits());

void OsgAdapterWidget::resizeGL(int w, int h)
  glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
  gluOrtho2D(-w/2, w/2, h/2, -h/2);

  _gw->getEventQueue()->windowResize(0, 0, w, h);
  _gw->resized(0, 0, w, h);

  getCamera()->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(0, 0, double(w), double(h)));
  getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(35., double(w)/double(h), 1., 
  getCamera()->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(osg::Vec3d(3*_R, 0., 0.), osg::Vec3d(0., 
0., 0.), osg::Vec3d(0., 0., 1.));

void OsgAdapterWidget::paintGL()




  osg::State *state = getCamera()->getGraphicsContext()->getState();


  glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);  glPopMatrix();

  // This is not working, texture coordinates are not in 0-1 range
  // and quad seems to be in incorrect position as well.
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textureID);
glTexCoord2d(0., 0.);  glVertex3d(-_R, -_R, _R);
glTexCoord2d(1., 0.);  glVertex3d(_R, -_R, _R);
glTexCoord2d(1., 1.);  glVertex3d(_R, _R, -_R);
glTexCoord2d(0., 1.);  glVertex3d(-_R, _R, -_R);


  glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  glPopMatrix();
  glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);   glPopMatrix();

  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textureID);
glTexCoord2d(0., 0.);  glVertex2d(-50., -50.);
glTexCoord2d(1., 0.);  glVertex2d(50., -50.);
glTexCoord2d(1., 1.);  glVertex2d(50., 50.);
glTexCoord2d(0., 1.);  glVertex2d(-50., 50.);

int main(int ac, char* av[])
  QApplication app(ac, av);
  OsgAdapterWidget mainWindow;;
  return app.exec();

You'll need an "image.png" for the texture and for "" you can use 


I'd appreciate some suggestions.
Thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] 3D Point to ScreenSpace Coordinates

2009-04-22 Thread Hagen
Thanks again.
Works perfectly.

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Andreas Goebel


I use WinXP, Microsoft Visual Studio Express 8.0 Service Pack 1 and - of 
course - osg.

I ship the runtime-dlls as private assemblies, and this works good on 
Windows XP and used to work for vista-users, too.

Some months ago I updated Visual Studio with Service pack 1 and had to 
change the runtime-dlls, too. On winXP all still works fine, but not on 
Vista (at least on some machines, I cannot tell more precisely as I do 
not have Vista installed).

It would be of great help for me if someone experienced with deploying 
osg-apps here could perhaps bring some light into this issue, it´s 
driving me crazy.

If there are vista-users here which would like to play with the 
installer (and perhaps have a look at it with depends.exe or some other 
tool), it´s here:

Regards & Thanks,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is polygon on screen

2009-04-22 Thread Mangu Liok
I see, I misunderstood the polytope issue, I thought the polygon I'm checking 
is the polytope, that's why I got no where.
I'll try again. It seems easy now, hopefully.
thank you

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Is there osg SDK ? who can tell me!

2009-04-22 Thread Cuiqingshan
   who can offer me some information about OSG SDK. the downloap address is 
then we can use it to develop some simple applications. I think it will be very 
helpful for me.
Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Is there osg SDK ? who can tell me!

2009-04-22 Thread Gordon Tomlinson
Err how about looking at the web site

Gordon Tomlinson


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cuiqingshan
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:00 AM
Subject: [osg-users] Is there osg SDK ? who can tell me!

   who can offer me some information about OSG SDK. the downloap address is
then we can use it to develop some simple applications. I think it will be
very helpful for me.
Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman
your manifest uses 8.0.50727.762 but in dependecy viewer i actualy see loaded 

so there is definitely some plugin/lib which is compiled using old version  

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Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Andreas Goebel

Radioman schrieb:

your manifest uses 8.0.50727.762 but in dependecy viewer i actualy see loaded 

so there is definitely some plugin/lib which is compiled using old version  

Tanks a lot!

Do you have a good idea (or does you dependency viewer show) which one 
this might be? I´d have to search all the dlls for the embedded manifest 
otherwise. If there´s no other way, I´ll do that.



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Can you tell me how to use the function of setMinimumScale and setMaximumScale

2009-04-22 Thread Wangjian
   Can you tell me how to use the function of setMinimumScale and 
setMaximumScale?I run the program ,but I still don't know the function of the 
two function. :) 

Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Picking Problem NodeVisitor

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn

ive tried the Picking Handler from
ebook page 116

it uses the PolytopeIntersector
but the accuracy isnt very well

My Question:
can anybody help me to realize a working pick handler 
or a picking method which visits only nodes and which gives me the picked node 
How can i do that?

Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi all,

(from the thread "ffmpeg plugin streaming improvements (I hope)" on 
I'll probably also be able to give addresses of some public streams in 
various formats, so we can all test from the same streams.

I've gotten approval to open up our camera publically. I'd appreciate if 
only the people who want to test the ffmpeg plugin with http/rtsp 
streams from our camera would connect to it. It's currently just looking 
at a phone in our offices, and the admin interface should hopefully not 
be accessible without the password.

You can see the video by opening this page in a browser:

If you want to try it with the OSG ffmpeg plugin, try this command line:

osgmovie -e ffmpeg

(you can add --interactive to get a quad you can rotate around)

You will (hopefully) see that the video starts, runs for about 15-20 
seconds, and then stops. That's one bug I would like to see if someone 
can fix. Perhaps it's caused by my version of ffmpeg, I didn't think of 
trying with another but if others don't see this then I'll try).

Another problem (which you won't see because you don't have the real 
movement to compare to) is that there is a delay at the start of viewing 
the stream (video is about 5 seconds late with reality) and it catches 
up. At the end of the 15-20 seconds of video, the video is pretty much 
in sync with reality.

It would be great if that http stream worked without those problems.

The other part is that the camera also streams MPEG-4 over RTSP. The 
command for that should be:

osgmovie -e ffmpeg rtsp://

If you try that, currently it will hang while trying to read data (with 
OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG, you see "ReaderWriterFFmpeg::readImage 
rtsp://"). When I do that here, I 
can see the camera sending data (the data light flashes) but it seems 
the ffmpeg plugin is unable to decode that data. I suspect there is some 
initialization missing to tell ffmpeg what sort of data to expect over 
rtsp, but I'm not sure.

I'm also trying to see if I can use another video viewer to see if the 
rtsp address at least works, but I'm not sure what I can use on Windows 
to view rtsp streams. I've tried Windows Media Player but it says it 
can't open that protocol, and I've tried The KMPlayer (my player of 
choice) but that crashes when trying to open it. Any suggestions?

So, if anyone with some ffmpeg / streaming experience is inclined to 
help getting these working, I'd be very grateful. As I've said, I've 
kind of hit a wall here, I don't know how I can go forward.

I'll remove the public streams in a week if there's no progress, but 
will keep them up as long as needed if someone wants to use them to test.

Thanks in advance,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman

GetProcAddress(0x75EF [c:\windows\system32\MSVCRT.DLL], "_get_terminate") 
called from 
 at address 0x7322447F and returned NULL. Error: The specified procedure could 
not be found (127).

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Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman
p.s. all dll use correct manifes, it's hard to tell why actualy loaded dll is 
with lower version  :?

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Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman
can you try replace Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest content with this and test it 
where your program don't loaded


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Re: [osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J-S,

Thanks for the link to the camera.  I tried the mjpeg osgmovie
commandline and it took a number of seconds before the first frame
came up then looked to be working but then eventually stopped update.
The media.sav commandline does nothing right now, osgmovie just hangs
without reporting anything.

I haven't yet looked into the ffmpeg plugin and how it's coping with
these sources, but I am using svn/trunk rather than your suggested
changes that I haven't merged.  Do your suggested changes effect the
end result at all?


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
> Hi all,
> (from the thread "ffmpeg plugin streaming improvements (I hope)" on
> osg-submissions:
> )
>> I'll probably also be able to give addresses of some public streams in
>> various formats, so we can all test from the same streams.
> I've gotten approval to open up our camera publically. I'd appreciate if
> only the people who want to test the ffmpeg plugin with http/rtsp streams
> from our camera would connect to it. It's currently just looking at a phone
> in our offices, and the admin interface should hopefully not be accessible
> without the password.
> You can see the video by opening this page in a browser:
> If you want to try it with the OSG ffmpeg plugin, try this command line:
> osgmovie -e ffmpeg
> (you can add --interactive to get a quad you can rotate around)
> You will (hopefully) see that the video starts, runs for about 15-20
> seconds, and then stops. That's one bug I would like to see if someone can
> fix. Perhaps it's caused by my version of ffmpeg, I didn't think of trying
> with another but if others don't see this then I'll try).
> Another problem (which you won't see because you don't have the real
> movement to compare to) is that there is a delay at the start of viewing the
> stream (video is about 5 seconds late with reality) and it catches up. At
> the end of the 15-20 seconds of video, the video is pretty much in sync with
> reality.
> It would be great if that http stream worked without those problems.
> The other part is that the camera also streams MPEG-4 over RTSP. The command
> for that should be:
> osgmovie -e ffmpeg rtsp://
> If you try that, currently it will hang while trying to read data (with
> OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG, you see "ReaderWriterFFmpeg::readImage
> rtsp://"). When I do that here, I can
> see the camera sending data (the data light flashes) but it seems the ffmpeg
> plugin is unable to decode that data. I suspect there is some initialization
> missing to tell ffmpeg what sort of data to expect over rtsp, but I'm not
> sure.
> I'm also trying to see if I can use another video viewer to see if the rtsp
> address at least works, but I'm not sure what I can use on Windows to view
> rtsp streams. I've tried Windows Media Player but it says it can't open that
> protocol, and I've tried The KMPlayer (my player of choice) but that crashes
> when trying to open it. Any suggestions?
> So, if anyone with some ffmpeg / streaming experience is inclined to help
> getting these working, I'd be very grateful. As I've said, I've kind of hit
> a wall here, I don't know how I can go forward.
> I'll remove the public streams in a week if there's no progress, but will
> keep them up as long as needed if someone wants to use them to test.
> Thanks in advance,
> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Andreas Goebel


my program loads on my machine without problems with the modified manifest.

Also I wonder if the


version is really older, or newer, as 762 < 3053 (I don´t know how this is 



Radioman schrieb:

can you try replace Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest content with this and test it 
where your program don't loaded




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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem NodeVisitor

2009-04-22 Thread Paul Martz
Are you saying the Quick Start Guide picking example code doesn't do what
you want? If so, can you be more specific about your feature requirements?

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matthias
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 7:30 AM
Subject: [osg-users] Picking Problem NodeVisitor


ive tried the Picking Handler from
ebook page 116

it uses the PolytopeIntersector
but the accuracy isnt very well

My Question:
can anybody help me to realize a working pick handler or a picking method
which visits only nodes and which gives me the picked node object How can i
do that?

Thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] 3D Point to ScreenSpace Coordinates

2009-04-22 Thread Paul Martz
I don't see why picking a point would be a problem. Use the
PolytopeIntersector. Have you read the Quick Start Guide?

Glad to hear AutoTransform did the trick.

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hagen
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 3:01 AM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] 3D Point to ScreenSpace Coordinates

Hello again,

> It sounds like you are trying to draw a 2D element at the same window 
> position as a 3D object. Is this correct?

Yes, thats exactly what Im trying to achieve.
I have POINTS (not objects) in 3D Space that have to be labeled.
And I want them to be clickable.
As points have no volume thats a bit of a problem.
So I thought I add a sphere as apoint representation to the scene. But the
clcikable sphere should of yourse always have the same size no matter how
far from the camera. So this idea was born.

> You'd need two Camera nodes for this, one with your 3D projection and 
> one for 2D.

This is what I was doing.
And I computed the projection by hand and wanted to give the coords to my 2D
objects  with a event callback.
But the coords are not exact somehow, so the point is always just very near
the supposed point.

> Another option would be to look at the AutoTransform node.

Wow, I guess this is exactly what I was looking for.
Thx, Ill try it out


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Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Paul Martz
Yes, I've done this as well, pretty easy to write, just allows you to
position the camera in altitude and azimuth while maintaining an up vector.
I'd say it's more common in sim apps than CAD apps, though.
I see someone else has posted code for this.
Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC  
+1 303 859 9466


[] On Behalf Of Richard
Baron Penman
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12:44 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] CAD style rotation


I am after an osgManipulator with CAD style rotation. 
In a typical CAD program the rotation keeps the roll fixed and orbits around
the centre of the screen.
In contrast the TrackballManipulator allows the roll to change and rotates
around the origin.

Has anyone come across code that implements this type of rotation?


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] difficulty of examples from osg distribution

2009-04-22 Thread Francisco
I would like to have an ordered list (in increasing level of difficulty) of the 
examples that come with the svn version of osg.
At least, grouping them in some categories if a numerical order cannot be 

please forgive my english,

Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn
Yes it is.

First my SceneGraph has a a root ( osg::Group ).
The Root contains few transform nodes
under one transform nodes is one node, a model added by a loader.

now i want to click on a object on the screen. 
and i want to get a pointer of this object by picking!

the example in the book is done with the PolytopeIntersector 
but it doesnt work accurately 
i get a node when i clicked on a empty place in the scene 
or i clicked on another node and i get a other node from the picker. 

ive tested the LineIntersector in OSG examples it works great
but i get only points on the screen no nodes...

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the link to the camera.  I tried the mjpeg osgmovie
commandline and it took a number of seconds before the first frame
came up then looked to be working but then eventually stopped update.

Yep, those are my results too. The time to start is not that much of a 
concern, but it could explain the delay I was talking about (i.e. the 
plugin/ffmpeg reads X seconds of video to buffer, then plays that while 
reading more data for Y seconds and eventually catches up to itself and 
stops). Perhaps the fact that it stops is because it tries to read data 
too fast, resulting in an error which is not caught and just stops 
further reading? (just theorizing here, I don't know much about these 

The media.sav commandline does nothing right now, osgmovie just hangs
without reporting anything.

Same here. Turning up OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL will show that it's trying to 
read data, and as I said I can see the data light flashing here when 
that happens, so the camera seems to be sending the data.

I haven't yet looked into the ffmpeg plugin and how it's coping with
these sources, but I am using svn/trunk rather than your suggested
changes that I haven't merged.  Do your suggested changes effect the
end result at all?

Well, it enabled using the rtsp format for reading from the stream (you 
need to call av_find_input_format with "rtsp" instead of the file 
extension of "sav"). But from there, the result was pretty much the 
same. It just looks like the ffmpeg lib doesn't know what to do with the 
data once it gets it.

Thanks for testing,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] difficulty of examples from osg distribution

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Francisco,

I would like to have an ordered list (in increasing level of difficulty) of the 
examples that come with the svn version of osg.
At least, grouping them in some categories if a numerical order cannot be 

I don't know if there's an ordering in order of difficulty. I'd say it's 
more a case of each example demonstrating something, and you need to 
find the example that shows what you want to do to base your code on 
that. In general, you won't work through the examples in sequential 
order, you'll search through the examples for a given class name or 
method name (like setVertexArray for example) to see how it can be used.

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] How to make a thread running into the graph safely ?

2009-04-22 Thread Vincent Bourdier

I have a problem of how-to :

I have a function, which need to  run into the graph to count the visible
and total number of face. This is a code which is not so quick... so I would
like to put it in a separate thread to avoid my application lags.
But, my thread isn't synchronized yet, so in case of the graph modification
... it crashes.

How can I set my thread to be synchronized with osg threads, keeping the
thread advantage or parallel process to avoid the user seeing a lag when the
algorithm traverse the graph ?

This algorithm is based on NodeVisistors, does it change anything ?

Thanks for help.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman
hm  [Rolling Eyes]

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Re: [osg-users] difficulty of examples from osg distribution

2009-04-22 Thread Radioman  [Wink]

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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] problems in hanging in and out Nodes to a TransformNode

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn

if i perfom a pick in my scene
i get the picked node ( TransformNode1 )

i added to this picked Node a boundingbox 
( TransformNode1->addchild( boundingNode )

when TransformNode1 isnt picked 
i have to remove this boundigbox node
i do this with:
(TransformNode1->removeChild(  boundingNode )
and add it to the new picked 
(TransformNode2->addChild(  boundingNode )


now i picked the first ( TransformNode1 ) again 

then the code crashes in 
TransformNode1->addchild( boundingNode ) 


is there another method to show / hide Nodes? 

Thank you.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to make a thread running into the graph safely ?

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Vincent,

The osgviewer stats has scene info collection and works pretty fast so
I'm surprised similar code of yours has problems. Is you scene
particular big?  How many nodes/geometries etc?

As for running in a separate thread when not run the thread in a
parallel to the viewer.renderingTraversals(); just put a barrier
before and after the call to renderingTraversals().


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Vincent Bourdier
> Hi,
> I have a problem of how-to :
> I have a function, which need to  run into the graph to count the visible
> and total number of face. This is a code which is not so quick... so I would
> like to put it in a separate thread to avoid my application lags.
> But, my thread isn't synchronized yet, so in case of the graph modification
> ... it crashes.
> How can I set my thread to be synchronized with osg threads, keeping the
> thread advantage or parallel process to avoid the user seeing a lag when the
> algorithm traverse the graph ?
> This algorithm is based on NodeVisistors, does it change anything ?
> Thanks for help.
> Regards,
>    Vincent.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] problems in hanging in and out Nodes to a TransformNode

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Mathias,

Use osg::Switch or node->setNodeMask(0x0)/node->setNodeMask(0x);

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Matthias Asselborn
> Hi,
> if i perfom a pick in my scene
> i get the picked node ( TransformNode1 )
> i added to this picked Node a boundingbox
> ( TransformNode1->addchild( boundingNode )
> when TransformNode1 isnt picked
> i have to remove this boundigbox node
> i do this with:
> (TransformNode1->removeChild(  boundingNode )
> and add it to the new picked
> (TransformNode2->addChild(  boundingNode )
> okay
> now i picked the first ( TransformNode1 ) again
> then the code crashes in
> TransformNode1->addchild( boundingNode )
> why?
> is there another method to show / hide Nodes?
> Thank you.
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] difficulty of examples from osg distribution

2009-04-22 Thread Francisco

Skylark wrote:
> Hello Francisco,
> I don't know if there's an ordering in order of difficulty. I'd say it's 
> more a case of each example demonstrating something, and you need to 
> find the example that shows what you want to do to base your code on 
> that. In general, you won't work through the examples in sequential 
> order, you'll search through the examples for a given class name or 
> method name (like setVertexArray for example) to see how it can be used.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S

THANKS, that's exactly what I'm doing for the moment, just a grep over the 
examples looking for Classes or Methods and also running each example searching 
for some effect o personal need.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Peter Hrenka

Hi Matthias,

Matthias Asselborn schrieb:

Yes it is.

First my SceneGraph has a a root ( osg::Group ).
The Root contains few transform nodes
under one transform nodes is one node, a model added by a loader.

now i want to click on a object on the screen. 
and i want to get a pointer of this object by picking!

the example in the book is done with the PolytopeIntersector 
but it doesnt work accurately 
i get a node when i clicked on a empty place in the scene 
or i clicked on another node and i get a other node from the picker. 

Can you reproduce your problems with the osgkeyboardmouse example?
It switches to use the PolytopeIntersector when you press 'p' once 
(actually it toggles).
If you use a OSG loader you can pass your filename as first parameter to 
the executable.

I have not read the quick start guide but I have some general remarks:
- you can adjust the accuracy of the Polytope-Picking by the
  size of the polytope which is usually incorporated in the constructor
  arguments of PolytopeIntersector (see osgkeyboardmouse)
- the PolytopeIntersector returns *all* intersections it encounters,
  and if you call getFirstIntersection() you will only get one.
  This may account for your getting the "wrong" node.

ive tested the LineIntersector in OSG examples it works great
but i get only points on the screen no nodes...


Peter Hrenka
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Geometry considered in near+far plane auto computation

2009-04-22 Thread Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
> I just had a thought, could the object on which this callback is set
> have any influence on the results? Should I set the cull callback on the
> Geode, or will any parent node do?
> I was setting it on the parent node of my skydome, which is a
> MatrixTransform. Perhaps that had some influence...

  I no longer recall how I handled that, but I think I had a MatrixTransform up 
there too.

  I think I'd ask Robert if you're barking up the wrong tree. A little theory 
goes a long way.

> J-S

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere  Xenon
PixelSense Landsat processing now available!
"There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - Xen
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] problems in hanging in and out Nodes to a TransformNode

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn
thanks a lot it works!

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Geometry considered in near+far plane auto computation

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Chris,

I assume the call to traverse() is what actually adds the skydome to the 
render graph, so I'd need to trace down into that right?

I traced down into that, and the drawables are added to the graph... It 
goes down to

inline void CullVisitor::addDrawableAndDepth(
osg::Drawable* drawable,osg::RefMatrix* matrix,float depth)
// ...

and adds them. So it seems that they should be drawn.

I think the problem is that the skydome is being clipped by OpenGL 
before rasterization. I think there's no real way to get around that, 
because the dome is really big and the near/far computed are really 
small. So I think my only real solution is the additional camera.

What do you think?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Geometry considered in near+far plane auto computation

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson
> Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
>> I just had a thought, could the object on which this callback is set
>> have any influence on the results? Should I set the cull callback on the
>> Geode, or will any parent node do?
>> I was setting it on the parent node of my skydome, which is a
>> MatrixTransform. Perhaps that had some influence...
>  I no longer recall how I handled that, but I think I had a MatrixTransform 
> up there too.
>  I think I'd ask Robert if you're barking up the wrong tree. A little theory 
> validation
> goes a long way.

Can't add anything really, this has been a long and twisting thread.

Only things I can think of adding is perhaps adding the ability to
manually set the compute near/far that the CullVisitor would be
appropriate change.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn
oh what a great idee! 
ive checked that 
no... i can't reproduce my problems ...
in osgkeyboardmouse example

i will change my code! 
and i will notice you! 


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Matthias Asselborn
what is the difference between Polytope Intersector and Linesegment Intersector 

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Matthias Asselborn
> what is the difference between Polytope Intersector and Linesegment 
> Intersector  ?

The clue to the difference is the name PolytopeIntersector uses a
Polytope do the intersection tests, while a LineSegmentIntersector
uses a LineSegmenet.  A Polytope is convex hull built from a list of
planes (that represent half spaces).  A LineSegment is simple two
vertices that define the line segment.

I would encourage you to search the web for more indepth discussion of
what a Polytope is and what it's used for.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Matthias,

In the context of intersection, the different intersectors are just used 
for different tasks.

If you want to pick an object by a single click, you can use a line 
segment. If you want to pick by drawing a box, you can use a polytope.

If you want to pick something that has an area / volume, you can use a 
line segment. But if you want to pick points, you'll get a hard time 
getting a line segment from the mouse coordinates to intersect a point, 
so you'd use a polytope (perhaps one that represents a 2x2 or 4x4 pixel 
box around the clicked point, extruded from near to far plane).

Another difference, the line segment intersector orders objects by their 
distance (closest intersection first), but the polytope intersector 
doesn't (it would be pretty hard to implement even an approximation, and 
even that would be slow - the polytope intersector is slow enough as it is).

So you see, the two types of intersectors lend themselves naturally to 
different applications. Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

2009-04-22 Thread Tanguy Fautre
Hi Jean-Sebastien,

The osgFFmpeg plugin was written with a file source in mind. By default when it 
encounters an EOF, it will either loop the video or stop playing (depending on 
the ImageStream settings).

This behaviour may probably be incorrect with streaming sources. As you said, 
one needs to dive further into FFmpeg API to really understand what is really 



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jean-Sébastien 
Sent: Wednesday 22 April 2009 15:50
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

Hi Robert,

> Thanks for the link to the camera.  I tried the mjpeg osgmovie
> commandline and it took a number of seconds before the first frame
> came up then looked to be working but then eventually stopped update.

Yep, those are my results too. The time to start is not that much of a 
concern, but it could explain the delay I was talking about (i.e. the 
plugin/ffmpeg reads X seconds of video to buffer, then plays that while 
reading more data for Y seconds and eventually catches up to itself and 
stops). Perhaps the fact that it stops is because it tries to read data 
too fast, resulting in an error which is not caught and just stops 
further reading? (just theorizing here, I don't know much about these 

> The media.sav commandline does nothing right now, osgmovie just hangs
> without reporting anything.

Same here. Turning up OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL will show that it's trying to 
read data, and as I said I can see the data light flashing here when 
that happens, so the camera seems to be sending the data.

> I haven't yet looked into the ffmpeg plugin and how it's coping with
> these sources, but I am using svn/trunk rather than your suggested
> changes that I haven't merged.  Do your suggested changes effect the
> end result at all?

Well, it enabled using the rtsp format for reading from the stream (you 
need to call av_find_input_format with "rtsp" instead of the file 
extension of "sav"). But from there, the result was pretty much the 
same. It just looks like the ffmpeg lib doesn't know what to do with the 
data once it gets it.

Thanks for testing,

osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Copying top half of image using osg::copyImage

2009-04-22 Thread Donald Cipperly
Hi Robert,

I'm trying to copy the top half of an existing image using osg::copyImage.
I do this as such:

// Read in source image
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > pImageSrc = osgDB::readImageFile( "test.jpg"
int nHalfSrcHeight = (int)(pImageSrc->t() * 0.5);

// Allocate destination image
osg::Image *pImageDest = new osg::Image();
pImageDest->allocateImage(pImageSrc->s(), nHalfSrcHeight,
pImageSrc->r(), pImageSrc->getPixelFormat(), pImageSrc->getDataType());

// Copy top half of source image to destination
myCopyImage( pImageSrc.get(), 0, (nHalfSrcHeight-1), 0, pImageSrc->s(),
nHalfSrcHeight, pImageSrc->r(),
pImageDest, 0, 0, 0, false );

This appears to be the correct way to perform this operation.  Is this
correct?  If so, then line 210 of osg/ImageUtils.cpp appears to be incorrect
as it notifies that my input height is too large.  And indeed when I commend
out the block below in ImageUtils.cpp, then it outputs the top half of my
image as I expect.

if ((src_t+height) > (dest_t + destImage->t()))
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Public ffmpeg plugin testing streams

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Tanguy,

The osgFFmpeg plugin was written with a file source in mind. By default when it 
encounters an EOF, it will either loop the video or stop playing (depending on 
the ImageStream settings).
This behaviour may probably be incorrect with streaming sources. 

Yes, seems so, it would need to wait and try again later... Interesting 
you didn't mention this earlier, I've been saying that it stopped after 
15-20 seconds of streaming and asking if someone knew why... Oh wait, 
are you not on osg-submissions? That discussion was there.

Where is that code located? I looked around but didn't find it, perhaps 
I was looking wrong :-)

As you said, one needs to dive further into FFmpeg API to really understand 
what is really happening.

Yeah, that's what's killing me. I really want this to work, but without 
knowing ffmpeg more I'm really grasping at straws...


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Copying top half of image using osg::copyImage

2009-04-22 Thread Donald Cipperly
oops, mis-copied a line from below:

osg::copyImage( pImageSrc.get(), 0, (nHalfSrcHeight-1), 0, pImageSrc->s(),
nHalfSrcHeight, pImageSrc->r(),
pImageDest, 0, 0, 0, false );

- Donny

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Donald Cipperly  wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> I'm trying to copy the top half of an existing image using osg::copyImage.
> I do this as such:
> // Read in source image
> osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > pImageSrc = osgDB::readImageFile( "test.jpg"
> );
> int nHalfSrcHeight = (int)(pImageSrc->t() * 0.5);
> // Allocate destination image
> osg::Image *pImageDest = new osg::Image();
> pImageDest->allocateImage(pImageSrc->s(), nHalfSrcHeight,
> pImageSrc->r(), pImageSrc->getPixelFormat(), pImageSrc->getDataType());
> // Copy top half of source image to destination
> myCopyImage( pImageSrc.get(), 0, (nHalfSrcHeight-1), 0, pImageSrc->s(),
> nHalfSrcHeight, pImageSrc->r(),
> pImageDest, 0, 0, 0, false );
> This appears to be the correct way to perform this operation.  Is this
> correct?  If so, then line 210 of osg/ImageUtils.cpp appears to be incorrect
> as it notifies that my input height is too large.  And indeed when I commend
> out the block below in ImageUtils.cpp, then it outputs the top half of my
> image as I expect.
> if ((src_t+height) > (dest_t + destImage->t()))
> {
> osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"copyImage("< "<< src_t<<", "< osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"  "< "<< dest_t<<", "< osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"   input height too large."< return false;
> }
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> Donny
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Copying top half of image using osg::copyImage

2009-04-22 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Donald,

Have you gone through your code with a debugger at all?  Check what
value of nHalfSrcHeight you are getting.

One fix to your code you could do would be to use /2 rather *0.5 as /2
can use integer maths, while *0.5 requires pImageSrc->t() to be
automatically promoted to a float for it work.


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Donald Cipperly  wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I'm trying to copy the top half of an existing image using osg::copyImage.
> I do this as such:
>     // Read in source image
>     osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > pImageSrc = osgDB::readImageFile( "test.jpg"
> );
>     int nHalfSrcHeight = (int)(pImageSrc->t() * 0.5);
>     // Allocate destination image
>     osg::Image *pImageDest = new osg::Image();
>     pImageDest->allocateImage(pImageSrc->s(), nHalfSrcHeight,
> pImageSrc->r(), pImageSrc->getPixelFormat(), pImageSrc->getDataType());
>     // Copy top half of source image to destination
>     myCopyImage( pImageSrc.get(), 0, (nHalfSrcHeight-1), 0, pImageSrc->s(),
> nHalfSrcHeight, pImageSrc->r(),
>         pImageDest, 0, 0, 0, false );
> This appears to be the correct way to perform this operation.  Is this
> correct?  If so, then line 210 of osg/ImageUtils.cpp appears to be incorrect
> as it notifies that my input height is too large.  And indeed when I commend
> out the block below in ImageUtils.cpp, then it outputs the top half of my
> image as I expect.
>     if ((src_t+height) > (dest_t + destImage->t()))
>     {
>     osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"copyImage("< "<< src_t<<", "<     osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"  "< "<< dest_t<<", "<     osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"   input height too large."<     return false;
>     }
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> Donny
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Cory Riddell

I tried compiling this into the released 2.8 code and it complained
about _horizontalLock and _verticalLock not being defined. 

Which source tree were you compiling against?


Martin Beckett wrote:

  I cleaned up the code a little to fit osg naming.
Removed the Visual Studio pre-compiled headers so it will build anywhere
Added mouse wheel zoom and  the ability to select the mod keys (horizontal and vertical rotate only) programmatically.

Can you check out the 'usage' function and note any other features I missed.


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Martin Beckett
Should be 
bool _horizontalLock;
bool _verticalLock;
at the bottom of the SphericalManipulator definition.

Sorry - I changed the name in the .h but the zip had the no-h version.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Cory Riddell
Mojtaba and Martin,

I like this manipulator and I think it is worthy of inclusion in OSG. Do
you plan on submitting it to the submissions list?


Martin Beckett wrote:
> Should be 
>   bool _horizontalLock;
>   bool _verticalLock;
> at the bottom of the SphericalManipulator definition.
> Sorry - I changed the name in the .h but the zip had the no-h version.
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RecordCameraPathHandler where is the saved_animation.path file?

2009-04-22 Thread Rodrigo Salvador
Felix, did you achieve to replay the animation?

I recorded a animation in a "saved_animation.path" file, but what I want is to 
play it in a external player. Does OSG save the animation with another kind of 
file, like .wmv?

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Martin Beckett
It's Moji's code so he should probably be the one to submit it.

There seems to be a few functions that aren't necessary (perhaps for some other 
code) which could be cleaned up.

It would be nice if there was a method to set a rotation origin in the model - 
or is there some general way to do this?


ps. There seems to be a lot of cut+paste code between the different 
manipulators - perhaps somebody who understands them better could look at how 
much could be moved to MatrixManipulator.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Paul Martz
> If you want to pick an object by a single click, you can use a line
> If you want to pick by drawing a box, you can use a polytope.

You _can_ use a line segment for mouse click picking, but in a perspective
view, polytope is really better suited for this task. Also, polytope will
pick point and line primitives, while line segment intersection will miss

Polytope intersection has traditionally been used for mouse click picking.
See gluPickMatrix in the GLU library, dating back over 15 years. It is
useful for OpenGL 1.x/2.x GL_SELECTION render mode. It restricts the
perspective projection matrix to a small box around the mouse click,
producing a narrow view frustum. The net result is essentially a polytope

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking Problem PolytopeIntersector

2009-04-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Paul Martz wrote:

If you want to pick an object by a single click, you can use a line


If you want to pick by drawing a box, you can use a polytope.

Err, that wasn't Paul, that was me...

You _can_ use a line segment for mouse click picking, but in a perspective
view, polytope is really better suited for this task. Also, polytope will
pick point and line primitives, while line segment intersection will miss

But PolytopeIntersection is really slow, and does not allow (easily) 
getting the first intersection. If all you want to do is select the 
object under the cursor, LineSegment is more than enough and is really 
fast with the kdtree support.

Polytope intersection has traditionally been used for mouse click picking.
See gluPickMatrix in the GLU library, dating back over 15 years. It is
useful for OpenGL 1.x/2.x GL_SELECTION render mode. 

Dinosaur! :-)

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Mojtaba Fathi

Hi all

Thanks Martin for his excellent work on SphericalManipulator. I will be so glad 
if this can be added to the submission list.

But there are a few notes and questions:

1 - you have commented the body of zoomOn function, but it's declaration exits 
in the class.
2 - I think zoomOn function offers a good and useful functionality. Is it 
necessary to remove it from the manipulator?
3 - I haven't implemented the setByMatrix function, because I don't need it. 
But this should be done.
4 - There is an small issue in getInverseMatrix and getMatrix functions. Both 
compute the matrix even if it hasn't changed from the previous step. Maybe it 
is better to compute it when needed and just return the computed one otherwise.
5 - The member variable named _dragged is not necessary and can be removed. I 
use it in my specialized version only.

Regards, Moji the Great

--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Martin Beckett  wrote:

From: Martin Beckett 
Subject: Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 12:18 AM

It's Moji's code so he should probably be the one to submit it.

There seems to be a few functions that aren't necessary (perhaps for some other 
code) which could be cleaned up.

It would be nice if there was a method to set a rotation origin in the model - 
or is there some general way to do this?


ps. There seems to be a lot of cut+paste code between the different 
manipulators - perhaps somebody who understands them better could look at how 
much could be moved to MatrixManipulator.

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] DBPager continuously reloading tiles

2009-04-22 Thread Evan Andersen

Thank you for the suggestion.  When I call
setTargetMaximumNumberOfPagedLOD(0) on the database pager, as you suggested
and then set the expiry delay to DBL_MAX and the expiry frames to 10, as
Jason Suggested the problem seems to go away.  I'm not really sure why this
works.  It seems like the default behavior should work in my usage case, but
at least it is working now.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Kawicki, Ryan H

>  As in your case, we also have high resolution insets which exhibit this
> problem, but our applications are centered around a continuous render
> update.
> Robert can correct me if I am wrong, but the new mechanism for controlling
> how nodes are paged in and out of memory is defaulted to ( I think ) 300 for
> the target maximum number of page lods.  Because this value is set, removing
> of expired subgraphs will go down the path of removing capped paged lods
> instead of the expiry.  To use the expiry system of old, make sure to call
> setTargetMaximumNumberOfPageLOD(0) on the database pager, and the expiry
> values you have set should kick in.
> We have tried increasing the target maximum, but we run a greater risk of
> consuming too much memory for a 32 bit application on Windows.  Because of
> time restraints, I have not been able to follow-up on this problem.  Sorry.
> *Ryan H. Kawicki*
> The Boeing Company
> Training Systems & Services
> Software Engineer
>  --
> *From:* Evan Andersen []
> *Sent:* Monday, April 13, 2009 10:08 AM
> *To:* OpenSceneGraph Users
> *Subject:* Re: [osg-users] DBPager continuously reloading tiles
> I tried the settings you suggested Jason, but I still get the same
> behavior.
> -Evan
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Jason Beverage 
> wrote:
>> Hi Evan,
>> What happens if you set the expiry frame to something like 10 and the
>> expiry time to DBL_MAX?
>> I haven't tried running the DatabasePager without non-continuous
>> rendering, so I'm not sure how well it works.
>> Jason
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Evan Andersen 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your response Robert.  I just tried setting the expiry delay
>>> of the database pager to 10, 100, and 1000, but still have the same
>>> problem.  I also tried increasing the expiry frames count to 60, but that
>>> didn't help either.
>>> -Evan
>>>   On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Robert Osfield <
>>>> wrote:
   On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Evan Andersen <> wrote:

> Sorry, I forgot to mention that.  I'm using version 2.9.2 from the
> trunk.

 Thanks for the clarification.  Changes in DatabasePager in 2.8 onwards
 should make it easier to do what you are doing.  The DatabasePager and
 PagedLOD were still designed around continuous rendering though so you are
 running a bit off usual usage model so might need to tweak a few things.

 My guess is that the PageLOD are expiring their children as they haven't
 been traversed for a given amount of time.  You can adjust the expiry delay
 via the DatabaePager API so have a browse.


 osg-users mailing list

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Martin Beckett

modjtabaf wrote:
> 1 - you have commented the body of zoomOn function, but it's declaration 
> exits in the class.

I was just playing with.  ZoomOn  is intended to zoom fullscreen on  a 
selected node ? That would be useful.

You can submit it by simply posting the files to the submission forum.
(zip the header/cpp - the forum has a problem with files without an extention). 
You will need to clean up a few things - like adding explanation comments for 
docgen for each function declaration - to get past Robert.

But I was wondering if it would be better as an extention to 
TrackBallManipulator? The spherical mode is really just a set of constraints to 
the regular trackball which you might want to turn on and off. For a CAD app 
being able to lock and free individual rotation axes is certainly useful.


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Re: [osg-users] Deploying on Vista vs. Deploying on XP

2009-04-22 Thread Thomas Hogarth

I've deployed a few apps across platforms now, and the best advise I can
give is to make sure that if you change dev environment (i.e. vs2003 to
vs2005) make sure you recompile everything with the new dev env (even stuff
like alut :( )

On a worse note. I did once deploy a simple proof of concept app on XP then
got asked to quickly ( lol) get it working on vista. It kept on crashing, in
the end I never found out the real cause, but building my scene graph in a
slightly different way made it work (no idea).

So good luck, but vista appears to be a beast in itself (bring on windows 7
:) )

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CAD style rotation

2009-04-22 Thread Richard Baron Penman
thanks very much - that's just what I was after.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Mojtaba Fathi  wrote:

> Hi
> I have a developed a manipulator like the one you want. It has some extra
> code specialized for my needs. Let me clean extra codes and send it to you.
> Maybe it can help.
> Regards, Moji the Great
> --- On *Wed, 4/22/09, Richard Baron Penman 
> >* wrote:
> From: Richard Baron Penman 
> >
> Subject: [osg-users] CAD style rotation
> To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
> Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 11:14 AM
> hello,
> I am after an osgManipulator with CAD style rotation.
> In a typical CAD program the rotation keeps the roll fixed and orbits
> around the centre of the screen.
> In contrast the TrackballManipulator allows the roll to change and rotates
> around the origin.
> Has anyone come across code that implements this type of rotation?
> thanks,
> Richard
> -Inline Attachment Follows-
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Re: [osg-users] DoomLike manipulator

2009-04-22 Thread Richard Baron Penman
'collision handling' - oh wow!
I eagerly await.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Simon Loic  wrote:

> Hi,
> In fact I've struggled quite a while to handle collision in a way that
> apparently doesn't work, and finally I had to postpone coding on it for work
> reason.
> I'll try to post a version of this manipulator with simple collision tests
> soon , let's say by the week end.
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 3:51 AM, Richard Baron Penman <
> > wrote:
>> hi,
>> I'm interested in using this manipulator. Have any updates been posted or
>> should I use the originally posted one?
>> Richard
>> 2009/3/24 Simon Loic 
>> In fact I didn't have enough time to finish this week-end. So It will be
>>> postponed to next week.
>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Simon Loic wrote:
 All right, I'll certainly finish during the week-end and post it on
 osg-users for testing.

 2009/3/20 Robert Osfield 

> Hi Loic,
> Great little discussion :-)
>  2009/3/19 Simon Loic 
>> Maybe when I will have finished to implement the GROUNDED/HORIZONTAL
>> mode you can give it a try and decide which  name best fits. In my 
>> concern I
>> clearly incline towars grounded as the implementation I was about to 
>> propose
>> allows step over small obstacles like stairs.
>> If you have remarks on the implementation so far, go ahead...
>> to sukender :
>> I didn't exacly get your remarks while I'm sure they are founded.
>> Anyway I think that when I wil have finished to code both mode, things 
>> will
>> become clearer for me and for you.
>> Get you informed as soon as the manipulator is ready.
> When you ready just post the changes to either osg-submissions if it's
> ready to merge, or to osg-users if you feel it still needs more 
> discussion.
> Cheers,
> Robert,
> ___
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 Loïc Simon

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>>> Loïc Simon
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> --
> Loïc Simon
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] osgdem gui 0.3 dev

2009-04-22 Thread Zhangyong
download the zip file, unzip a folder, delete the osgdemgui_zh.qm file, then 
the language is english.

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Re: [osg-users] Jerky display?

2009-04-22 Thread Akilan

I bit know about the concept of quad tree. But  I want to know applying the 
concept on OSG construction.
Can I get any reference for organizing the scenegraph in quad tree form?
Pls help me out.

Akilan A

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[osg-users] [vpb] what is the GDAL_INCLUDE and GDAL_INCLUDE?

2009-04-22 Thread Cuiqingshan

 I get some errors when  I build VirtualPlanetBuilder .
  I am a newbie ,so I donnot know anything. who can help me !Thanks very much!

  And the error picture is  

Thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] what is the GDAL_INCLUDE and GDAL_INCLUDE?

2009-04-22 Thread declic creation

Maybe you could search the web before posting here ? Type GDAL in google and
the first result is :

You could get binaries from


Loustaunau Christophe

Déclic Création
49, rue des remparts
03380 Huriel

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Cuiqingshan <> wrote:

> Hi,Everyone
>  I get some errors when  I build VirtualPlanetBuilder .
>  Cmake show me the error   GDAL_INCLUDE NOTFOUND and GDAL_INCLUDE
>  I am a newbie ,so I donnot know anything. who can help me !Thanks very
> much!
>  And the error picture is
> Thank you.
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> pLoustaunau
> ?p=10691#10691
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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] what is the GDAL_INCLUDE and GDAL_INCLUDE?

2009-04-22 Thread Cuiqingshan
Thank you very much! I am sorry for my lazy!

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