Re: [osg-users] computeIntersections Bug + Fix (was View::computeIntersections with a node path)

2008-12-04 Thread J.P. Delport


could you please send the complete file to osg-submissions.

See here


Tanguy Fautre wrote:


I think I found the bug. Fixed implementation attached.

If you look at the implementation of the function 
osgViewer::View::computeIntersections() taking the nodepath argument, you'll 
see that it compute the LocalToWorld transformation using the complete given 

But this is incorrect if the last node of the path is a transformation. In 
which case the last transformation is applied twice before computing any 

I've currently copy/pasted the current implementation and changed it to a 
standalone function so that I could test and use it as a fixed version without 
modifying OSG code. See attachment.

The two important lines are:

const osg::NodePath shortPath(nodePath.begin(), nodePath.end() - 1);

osg::Matrix matrix = osg::computeLocalToWorld(shortPath) *  
camera->getViewMatrix() * camera->getProjectionMatrix();

Robert, if you agree with these modifications, what should I do for them to be 
integrated back into the trunk?



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tanguy Fautre
Sent: Friday 28 November 2008 15:21
Cc: Neil Groves
Subject: Spam: [osg-users] View::computeIntersections with a node path


Has anyone been able to successfully use
osgViewer::View::computeIntersections() taking a node path argument on a
non-trivial scenegraph?

I currently have a fairly complex scenegraph, but I only want a small
part of it to collide with computeIntersections. When I use
computeIntersections without the nodepath, everything works perfectly.
But as soon as I use the overload with the node path, I get an empty
intersection set. I'm pretty sure the node path I'm giving is correct.

Looking at the implementation of computeIntersections() with the node
path, the only thing that puzzles me is the use of
osg::computeWorldToLocal(nodePath) before computing the matrix inverse,
I'm not sure I fully understand why this is the case. It seems to me the
whole operation should be LocalToWorldMatrix * ViewMatrix *
ProjectionMatrix instead.

In any case, if anyone has a working example (which would show
computeIntersections() with a node path is working correctly, or help
finding the mistake I'm doing), it would be appreciated.


osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Attaching Nodes (Characters & Objects)

2008-12-04 Thread Wang Rui
Hy Ryan

Of course do not use dynamic_cast directly, because you model is not an
AnimationManager node. You may have a look at the osganimation* examples to
gain concepts of the new osgAnimation library. The latest SVN version of OSG
accepts .bvh file for constructing bones, but you should add each part of
your model as bones' children yourself. There is no easy way to create
animated skeleton models at present.

Wang Rui
2008/12/5 Ryan Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well i have to admit i'm embarrassed here. I've been loading animated
> models without bones to experiment with controlling the animation. In light
> of this, i've only been using osgDB::readNodeFile(). Now that I need to load
> a model with bones i need osgAnimation support (at least this is my
> understanding). However, with the current svn build i have, the dynamic cast
> osgAnimation::AnimationManager *am =
> dynamic_cast(osgDB::readNodeFile("file.osg"));
> doesn't work. "am" comes back as a null object. what am i doing wrong? this
> is driving me crazy! Thanks again for everyone's help.
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Attaching Nodes (Characters & Objects)

2008-12-04 Thread Ryan Morris
Well i have to admit i'm embarrassed here. I've been loading animated models
without bones to experiment with controlling the animation. In light of
this, i've only been using osgDB::readNodeFile(). Now that I need to load a
model with bones i need osgAnimation support (at least this is my
understanding). However, with the current svn build i have, the dynamic cast

osgAnimation::AnimationManager *am =
doesn't work. "am" comes back as a null object. what am i doing wrong? this
is driving me crazy! Thanks again for everyone's help.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Ryan Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's a skinned mesh with bones.
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] dynamic LOD

2008-12-04 Thread Ferdi Smit
Quick question: is there an (out-of-the-box) osg program/nodekit that 
does dynamic level-of-detail? I just want to run some comparisons on 
image quality, so all it has to do is dynamically decimate a very large 
single-object model (possibly with a preprocessed tree structure, of 
course), as opposed to do doing it statically beforehand and then 
choosing one. I know osg can do that based on distance etc, but that's 
not what I'm after.


Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgviewerQT example

2008-12-04 Thread Don Leich
The osgviewerQT example with the --QOSGWidget option has exposed some problems 
at the juction of OSG and the windowing system.  I was aware of a problem 
running this on Mac OS X for a couple of weeks, but didn't pay much attention to 
it.  I spent some time testing on a variey of Linux systems and found a problem 
there too.  Please note I'm running OSG version 2.6.0.

On Mac OS X osgviewerQT crashes after getting a BadWindow error from 
XGetWindowAttributes when called by osgViewer::GraphicsWindowX11::setWindow.

The window attributes are garbage values.

More curious, I tested two nearly identical systems and the example run OK on 
one and crashed on the other.

 $ osgviewerQT cow.osg --QOSGWidget --CompositeViewer

--- OK on system 1 ---

Fedora w/2.6.9-5.ELsmp kernel
OpenGL renderer string: Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.1.1 NVIDIA 100.14.19

--- Crashes on system 2 ---

Fedora w/2.6.9-5.ELsmp kernel
OpenGL renderer string: Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.0.0 NVIDIA 76.76

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x004417a2 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/
(gdb) where
#0  0x004417a2 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/
#1  0x00a6d955 in raise () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x00a6f319 in abort () from /lib/tls/
#3  0x0054d557 in __cxa_call_unexpected () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x0054d5a4 in std::terminate () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x0054d716 in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x00503e33 in std::__throw_logic_error () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x00540fc2 in std::string::_M_replace_safe () from 
#8  0x0053d894 in std::basic_string, 
std::allocator >::basic_string () from

#9  0x00fdf661 in osg::getGLVersionNumber () at 

#10 0x010adf34 in osg::State::initializeExtensionProcs (this=0x9196ce8) at
#11 0x00961c1f in osgUtil::SceneView::draw (this=0x919d898) at
#12 0x0063dd6a in osgViewer::Renderer::cull_draw (this=0x919d6d8) at
#13 0x0063e83f in osgViewer::Renderer::operator() (this=0x919d6d8, 
context=0x90e79f8) at

#14 0x01028521 in osg::GraphicsContext::runOperations (this=0x90e79f8) at
#15 0x00685289 in osgViewer::ViewerBase::renderingTraversals (this=0x90e6b88) at
#16 0x00684a80 in osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame (this=0x90e6b88, 
simulationTime=1.7976931348623157e+308) at

#17 0x0805b4c7 in CompositeViewerQOSG::paintEvent (this=0x90e6b88, 
event=0xbff758c0) at

#18 0x0350c0bc in QWidget::event () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#19 0x034778f9 in QApplication::internalNotify () from 

#20 0x03477a8a in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#21 0x03445f4c in QWidget::repaint () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#22 0x03507e0b in QWidget::repaint () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#23 0x0380ac13 in QWidget::qt_invoke () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#24 0x034d6450 in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#25 0x034d6b2a in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#26 0x0380929d in QTimer::timeout () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#27 0x034f615c in QTimer::event () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#28 0x034778f9 in QApplication::internalNotify () from 

#29 0x03477a8a in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#30 0x0346bc6e in QEventLoop::activateTimers () from 
#31 0x03427c2e in QEventLoop::processEvents () from 

#32 0x0348cf25 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from 
#33 0x0348ce7e in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#34 0x03476afb in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#35 0x08058ac3 in mainQOSGWidget ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at
#36 0x0805e927 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbff76184) at

Is the driver on system 2 known to be buggy?

I saw the thread on the affect of the locale setting on getGLVersionNumber, but 
I don't think that's the problem here.  Local is LC_ALL=C on both of these systems.

I'll be glad to provide more specific information if that will help smooth 

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

2008-12-04 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

John F. Richardson wrote:
> Hello,
> Your version is outdated. Here is an announcement on the latest version
> from the openvrml mailing list.
> OpenVRML 0.17.9 is now available.  The distribution can be obtained from


The OpenVRML plugin will not build with anything later than 0.14.3 due
to changed API and dependency on Boost. This is intentional. Upgrading
to 0.17.9 will *not* help.

The compilation issues with 0.14.3 are described here (minor updates for
 modern compilers):

It is described for Linux, but that patch should make OpenVRML compile fine.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 《OSG编程入门指南》

2008-12-04 Thread Paul Speed

For the curious (I was) these charts are interesting:

The power of google... the "I wonder how different the numbers really 
are..." questions can be answered with no effort. :)


Ümit Uzun wrote:

Hi Rui.

You are right :) I would learn most spoken Language all over the World 
which is Chinese! But at the mean time I think that, it's so easier 
writing this book in my own language Turkish than learning Chinese :)

However thanks so much for your advice ;)


2008/12/2 Wang Rui <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Hi Ümit,
Why not start to learn Chinese. I believe there are many "Getting

Started with Chinese" books. :-D
Best Wishes
Wang Rui
2008/12/2 Ümit Uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Hi FlySky,

I tried to look website but unfortunately I don't understand any
word :) I think there is only Chinese edition.
And I believe that, Chinese edition can be read by much more
people than English all over the world :) But we can't ;(


osg-users mailing list

Ümit Uzun

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Very simple Firefox-Plugin to display osg-files

2008-12-04 Thread Dusten Sobotta
Thanks for your contributions!  I'm really eager to see what projects will
use this plugin of yours.  It would be a great way of attracting new
developers to OSG if they could check out demos online :)

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I have reviewed my own code and realized that, of course, the global
> variables were no good idea. I was not aware of the fact, that a plugin (the
> dll) is loaded only once, and each time the plugin is embedded, a new
> instance of the plugin-class is created. The global variables that live in
> the dll exist only once, thus it was not possible to display more than one
> model on a page.
> I have refactored this, now one can display several models on one page.
> There are some more issues, but I will work on that tomorrow.
> Regards,
> Andreas
> Screenshot: Two models on one page.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Removing all identical children from a node

2008-12-04 Thread Dusten Sobotta

I implemented a dynamic hud manager in c++ whose public member functions are
bound to lua.  From a lua interface, the user is able to create hud
elements, and hud element groups; in addition controls are given to disable
both groups and individual hud elements.  This logic works fine, however a
problem comes in when trying to enable an element or group that is already
in the scene--two copies now exist.  It seems like quite a bit of overhead
to track whether or not each individual group and element is in the scene;
is there some way to remove -all- children that share the same reference
pointer?  By executing "removeChild( ptr )", it only removes the most recent

Thanks in advance,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Very simple Firefox-Plugin to display osg-files

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel


I have reviewed my own code and realized that, of course, the global
variables were no good idea. I was not aware of the fact, that a plugin
(the dll) is loaded only once, and each time the plugin is embedded, a
new instance of the plugin-class is created. The global variables that
live in the dll exist only once, thus it was not possible to display
more than one model on a page.

I have refactored this, now one can display several models on one page.

There are some more issues, but I will work on that tomorrow.



Screenshot: Two models on one page.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows

2008-12-04 Thread John F. Richardson


Your version is outdated. Here is an announcement on the latest version from
the openvrml mailing list.


OpenVRML 0.17.9 is now available.  The distribution can be obtained from




OpenVRML is a C++ runtime library for VRML97 and X3D worlds.  It is capable
of reading and displaying VRML/X3D; it can be used for creating loaders,
file converters, and VRML/X3D browsers.


OpenVRML includes an out-of-process viewer component for use in X11
environments along with hosts for this component in the form of a Mozilla
browser plug-in and a stand-alone player.


You can find OpenVRML on the Web at





New in OpenVRML 0.17.9:


-Use D-Bus for communication with the OpenVRML XEmbed control.


John F. Richardson



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Serge Lages
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 5:40 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] OpenVRML and Windows


Hi all,

I am currently trying to build the OSG VRML plugin under Windows, so I've
downloaded the 0.14.3 version of OpenVRML and tried to build it with VS8
SP1, and it's a real pain... :/ Maybe I've missed something but this version
really seems to be broken with "modern" compilers.

That's why I would like to know if anyone already have a compiled version of
this lib (build with VS8 SP1) ? Or at least a modified version of the
sources which build fine ?

Thanks for your help !

Serge Lages

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSGviewerMFC example issues

2008-12-04 Thread Thrall, Bryan
Christopher Back wrote on Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:34 PM:

> Hi,
> I was looking to use the OSG in what is basically a MFC class for a
> project. I downloaded the example from the website but it does not
> properly. The largest issue is the message that is added to make sure
> other windows keeps rendering. I get an error that says:   
> error C2665:  'AfxMessageBox' : none of the 2 overloads could convert
all the
> argument types 
> the other error is:
> error C2664: 'cOSG::InitOSG' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const
> *' to 'std::string' 
> I saw a posting a year ago about the second error but no solution was
> I could not find anything mentioning the AfxMessageBox error. 
> I am using visual studios 8 and running OSG 2.2. If anyone could help
me with
> the problem I would be extremely grateful. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

It seems likely that the two are related; probably you need to set the
"Character Set" configuration property (under "General") in your Visual
Studio project to "Not Set"; it looks like you're having a clash between
multi-character strings and standard C strings.

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSGviewerMFC example issues

2008-12-04 Thread Christopher Back

I was looking to use the OSG in what is basically a MFC class for a final
project. I downloaded the example from the website but it does not compile
properly. The largest issue is the message that is added to make sure the
other windows keeps rendering. I get an error that says:

error C2665:  'AfxMessageBox' : none of the 2 overloads could convert all
the argument types

the other error is:

error C2664: 'cOSG::InitOSG' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const
wchar_t *' to 'std::string'

I saw a posting a year ago about the second error but no solution was given.
I could not find anything mentioning the AfxMessageBox error.

I am using visual studios 8 and running OSG 2.2. If anyone could help me
with the problem I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks in advance,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Very simple Firefox-Plugin to display osg-files

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel

Hi all,

as posted above in the thread "reading a node file from http", I have 
assembled a small firefox-plugin to display osg-files.

It is not yet "packed", I will have to carefully read the documentation 
on how to do this (I would like the plugin to be downloaded 
automatically when a user does not have it).

If someone would like to try it:

- it´s windows only, firefox 3.04 only (newer versions should work)
- you must have osg2.7.6 installed, bin-dir in your path. The plugin is 
compiled with VC 2005, so maybe only this will work
- download the plugin here: (it´s so small, not even 
worth zipping)

- testpages here:

I attach the source to the plugin. But be aware of the fact, that the 
most time-consuming step of building this plugin was to get the 
basic-example I started with to compile. I will send a zip with 
project-file later on.

Note that the sample-plugins shipped with the firefox-source do use 
completely different function-names than those described in the 
plugin-api that can be read on the firefox-dev site. I sticked to the 
functions named in the sample (and had to research with google for some 
things). I don´t know if their own samples are outdated, or if the 
api-documentation is outdated or whatever.

The thing that does not (!) work is to put several instances of the 
plugin on one page. Maybe robert can jump in and explain how the

window = viewer->setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow(100,100,800,600);

(which works like next to magic for me)

does find it´s OpenGL-context. Probably this is not so easy when there 
is more than one context.

But even if this won´t work, it´s quite a nice plugin so far. Read the 
source as an inspiration on how very easy this was - hopefully someone 
can jump in and do this for linux and mac.



/*OpenSceneGraph Firefox-plugin
*License: GPL 2.0
*Based on Work by and OpenSceneGraph osgviewerGLUT-sample by Robert Osfield
*(c) Andreas Goebel 2008


#include "plugin.h"


//Global Variables
osg::ref_ptr viewer;
osg::observer_ptr window;
char* filename;

//Functions that translate the Windows Mouse-Events to osg-events
void mousebutton( int button, int state, int x, int y )
	if (window.valid())
		if (state==0) window->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress( x, y, button+1 );
		else window->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease( x, y, button+1 );

void mousemove( int x, int y )
	if (window.valid())
		window->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion( x, y );

// general initialization and shutdown
NPError NS_PluginInitialize()

void NS_PluginShutdown()

// construction and destruction of our plugin instance object
nsPluginInstanceBase * NS_NewPluginInstance(nsPluginCreateData * aCreateDataStruct)
		return NULL;

	nsPluginInstance * plugin = new nsPluginInstance(aCreateDataStruct->instance);
	filename = aCreateDataStruct->argv[0]; //This structs holds tha value passed to the plugin with embed
	return plugin;

void NS_DestroyPluginInstance(nsPluginInstanceBase * aPlugin)
		delete (nsPluginInstance *)aPlugin;

// nsPluginInstance class implementation
nsPluginInstance::nsPluginInstance(NPP aInstance) : nsPluginInstanceBase(),
	mhWnd = NULL;


static WNDPROC lpOldProc = NULL;
void EnableOpenGL(HWND hWnd, HDC * hDC, HGLRC * hRC); 
void DisableOpenGL(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC, HGLRC hRC);


NPBool nsPluginInstance::init(NPWindow* aWindow)
	if(aWindow == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	mhWnd = (HWND)aWindow->window;
	if(mhWnd == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// subclass window so we can intercept window messages and
	// do our drawing to it
	lpOldProc = SubclassWindow(mhWnd, (WNDPROC)PluginWinProc);

	// associate window with our nsPluginInstance object so we can access 
	// it in the window procedure
	SetWindowLong(mhWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)this);

	//we add EnableOpenGL and SetTimer

	EnableOpenGL( mhWnd, &hDC, &hRC );
	SetTimer(mhWnd, 0,  1,  (TIMERPROC) NULL); // no timer callback

	//osg-related code:
	//Node-file is read via http by libcurl:
	osg::ref_ptr loadedModel = osgDB::readNodeFile(filename);
	viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
	window = viewer->setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow(100,100,800,600);
	viewer->setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);
	viewer->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler);

	mInitialized = TRUE;
	return TRUE;

void nsPluginIn

Re: [osg-users] Request: bool Polytope.contains(another_polytope)

2008-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Look at CustomPolytope code in osgSim::OverlayNode or 
osgShadow::ConvexPolyhedron. These two clases could be used to compute Polytope 
intersections. Rest of your goals should be straightforward.

I had no experience with PolytopeIntersector. Maybe this can suit your needs as 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Jefferson Pinheiro 
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
  Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 7:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Request: bool Polytope.contains(another_polytope)

  I understand.

  About my other question then, there is currently no workaround to test 
collision between two polytopes? I tried 
polytope.contains(polytope2.getReferenceVertexList()) but it doesn't seems to 
work either (always returning false). Any other ideas?

  On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:05 AM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Jefferson,

Like Gordon says, if you need the function then the thing to do is
implement it and submit it.  I'm not hear to take end users feature
requests and then go a implement them for free.  I have bucket load of
work to do, working well over my forty hour week every week, with many
of these hours doing project maintenance and support work without
financial return, the simply is no scope for doing extra stuff just
out of kind heartedness - I do strangely enough have a life outside
the OSG.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Jefferson Pinheiro
> Hello Robert,
> Can you please implement a function, in class Polytope, that checks if the
> current polytope intersects another polytope? Or is there another way to 
> that, and I'm not seeing?
> Thanks,
> --
> Jefferson Pinheiro

> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

  Jefferson Pinheiro
  (51) 9192 3535


  osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Jason Beverage
Hi Andreas,

I'm super interested in this work too, keep us posted;)


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> Hi Andreas,
>  It is working now (see picture below), and I will be OpenSourcing it. I
>> just need to add a way to pass filenames to the plugin.
> Nice work, though using the URL in the image doesn't work for me (I guess
> because you didn't put the plugin online so that it can be automatically
> downloaded by Firefox...) :-)
> Let us know when it's available, it's a nice thing to have on a web site!
> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KDTree Picking (at an angle)

2008-12-04 Thread Sean Spicer
Will do, and I'll report back...


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> Yes this makes sense.  There is a mechanism in Drawable that allows
> you to define an inital bound that is used in the compute of the
> geometry position, this was done quite a few years ago at begining of
> the journey in the land of vertex shader.  These days I think a better
> solution would be to just allow users to manually define it and
> disable the automatic compute of the bounding volume.
> So try using
>  geometry->setInitialBound(bb);
> Where bb is the max size you expect the goemetry to get to/or the
> bound that you used for the KdTree.
> If that works OK I can look at cleaning up the overriding of the computed
> bound.
> Robert.
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Robert,
> >
> > I think I know why things go bad in KDTree,
> >
> > I'm using KDTree to "spoof" the location of some actual geometry, which
> is
> > transformed in a vertex/geometry shader.
> >
> > So, I compute a bounding box for where the geometry ought to be, and
> create
> > a dummy geometry from that - I then compute the KDTree for this dummy
> > geometry, and assign it to the actual geometry that will be sent down the
> > pipe, which is at the scene origin, not its final location.
> >
> > When the line-segment intersector goes to pick, it first checks to see if
> > the line segment intersects the bounding box of the drawable, which as
> far
> > as I can tell is computed against the actual geometry (in this case the
> > geometry at the origin) and not the KDTree's bounding box.  When it
> doesn't
> > properly intersect, the line-segment intersector returns without hitting
> the
> > KDTree.
> >
> > I think what is needed is to test against the KDTree bounding box, rather
> > than the geometry bounding box, if a KDTree is assigned.
> >
> > Does this make any sense?
> >
> > sean
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Robert,
> >>
> >> I will see if I can repro the problem with osgpick and send you the osg
> >> file.  It may take me a week or two though as I've got a lot on my plate
> ;-)
> >>
> >> cheers,
> >>
> >> sean
> >>
> >> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Robert Osfield <
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Sean,
> >>>
> >>> This sounds like a bug, but without a dataset and example that
> >>> reproduces the problem it's next to impossible to home in on a fix.
> >>> Would it be possible for you to provide a problem dataset that
> >>> illustrates the problem?  If it can be reproduced with one of the
> >>> existing examples like osgpick then this will make it easier to track
> >>> down.
> >>>
> >>> Robert.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > Hi Gang,
> >>> >
> >>> > I'm working on improving picking performance via KDTree, but I'm
> >>> > hitting an
> >>> > issue that is driving me nuts: If I pick a node from directly above
> >>> > (e.g. +
> >>> > Z axis) everything works great, and picking is *very* fast.  If I
> pick
> >>> > at an
> >>> > angle, (e.g. from eye(1,1,1)) then picking is fast, but not accurate
> -
> >>> > nodes
> >>> > to the left, right, top, or bottom get picked instead of what I'm
> >>> > after.
> >>> >
> >>> > Here is my KDTree Build function:
> >>> >
> >>> > #ifdef USE_KDTREE
> >>> >
> >>> > // Update the KDTree
> >>> > osg::KdTree::BuildOptions kdTreeBuildOptions;
> >>> > osg::ref_ptr kdTree = new osg::KdTree();
> >>> >
> >>> > if(kdTree->build(kdTreeBuildOptions, geometry))
> >>> > {
> >>> > geometry->setShape(kdTree.get());
> >>> > }
> >>> > else
> >>> > {
> >>> > LOG_MSG(logERROR) << "osg::KdTree::build() unsuccessful.";
> >>> > }
> >>> > #endif
> >>> >
> >>> > Any suggestions?
> >>> >
> >>> > cheers,
> >>> >
> >>> > sean
> >>> >
> >>> > ___
> >>> > osg-users mailing list
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> ___
> >>> osg-users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KDTree Picking (at an angle)

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sean,

Yes this makes sense.  There is a mechanism in Drawable that allows
you to define an inital bound that is used in the compute of the
geometry position, this was done quite a few years ago at begining of
the journey in the land of vertex shader.  These days I think a better
solution would be to just allow users to manually define it and
disable the automatic compute of the bounding volume.

So try using


Where bb is the max size you expect the goemetry to get to/or the
bound that you used for the KdTree.

If that works OK I can look at cleaning up the overriding of the computed bound.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert,
> I think I know why things go bad in KDTree,
> I'm using KDTree to "spoof" the location of some actual geometry, which is
> transformed in a vertex/geometry shader.
> So, I compute a bounding box for where the geometry ought to be, and create
> a dummy geometry from that - I then compute the KDTree for this dummy
> geometry, and assign it to the actual geometry that will be sent down the
> pipe, which is at the scene origin, not its final location.
> When the line-segment intersector goes to pick, it first checks to see if
> the line segment intersects the bounding box of the drawable, which as far
> as I can tell is computed against the actual geometry (in this case the
> geometry at the origin) and not the KDTree's bounding box.  When it doesn't
> properly intersect, the line-segment intersector returns without hitting the
> KDTree.
> I think what is needed is to test against the KDTree bounding box, rather
> than the geometry bounding box, if a KDTree is assigned.
> Does this make any sense?
> sean
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Robert,
>> I will see if I can repro the problem with osgpick and send you the osg
>> file.  It may take me a week or two though as I've got a lot on my plate ;-)
>> cheers,
>> sean
>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> This sounds like a bug, but without a dataset and example that
>>> reproduces the problem it's next to impossible to home in on a fix.
>>> Would it be possible for you to provide a problem dataset that
>>> illustrates the problem?  If it can be reproduced with one of the
>>> existing examples like osgpick then this will make it easier to track
>>> down.
>>> Robert.
>>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi Gang,
>>> >
>>> > I'm working on improving picking performance via KDTree, but I'm
>>> > hitting an
>>> > issue that is driving me nuts: If I pick a node from directly above
>>> > (e.g. +
>>> > Z axis) everything works great, and picking is *very* fast.  If I pick
>>> > at an
>>> > angle, (e.g. from eye(1,1,1)) then picking is fast, but not accurate -
>>> > nodes
>>> > to the left, right, top, or bottom get picked instead of what I'm
>>> > after.
>>> >
>>> > Here is my KDTree Build function:
>>> >
>>> > #ifdef USE_KDTREE
>>> >
>>> > // Update the KDTree
>>> > osg::KdTree::BuildOptions kdTreeBuildOptions;
>>> > osg::ref_ptr kdTree = new osg::KdTree();
>>> >
>>> > if(kdTree->build(kdTreeBuildOptions, geometry))
>>> > {
>>> > geometry->setShape(kdTree.get());
>>> > }
>>> > else
>>> > {
>>> > LOG_MSG(logERROR) << "osg::KdTree::build() unsuccessful.";
>>> > }
>>> > #endif
>>> >
>>> > Any suggestions?
>>> >
>>> > cheers,
>>> >
>>> > sean
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> > osg-users mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> osg-users mailing list
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] gecko plugin working for windows?

2008-12-04 Thread hui
Is that true that gecko plugin so far only work under linux? I download win32 
gecko sdk but cannot fine xul library file, also mozjs library file. How to 
make it working? 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Request: bool Polytope.contains(another_polytope)

2008-12-04 Thread Jefferson Pinheiro
I understand.

About my other question then, there is currently no workaround to test
collision between two polytopes? I tried
polytope.contains(polytope2.getReferenceVertexList()) but it doesn't seems
to work either (always returning false). Any other ideas?

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:05 AM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi Jefferson,
> Like Gordon says, if you need the function then the thing to do is
> implement it and submit it.  I'm not hear to take end users feature
> requests and then go a implement them for free.  I have bucket load of
> work to do, working well over my forty hour week every week, with many
> of these hours doing project maintenance and support work without
> financial return, the simply is no scope for doing extra stuff just
> out of kind heartedness - I do strangely enough have a life outside
> the OSG.
> Robert.
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Jefferson Pinheiro
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Robert,
> >
> > Can you please implement a function, in class Polytope, that checks if
> the
> > current polytope intersects another polytope? Or is there another way to
> do
> > that, and I'm not seeing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > --
> > Jefferson Pinheiro
> >
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Jefferson Pinheiro
(51) 9192 3535
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KDTree Picking (at an angle)

2008-12-04 Thread Sean Spicer

I think I know why things go bad in KDTree,

I'm using KDTree to "spoof" the location of some actual geometry, which is
transformed in a vertex/geometry shader.

So, I compute a bounding box for where the geometry ought to be, and create
a dummy geometry from that - I then compute the KDTree for this dummy
geometry, and assign it to the actual geometry that will be sent down the
pipe, which is at the scene origin, not its final location.

When the line-segment intersector goes to pick, it first checks to see if
the line segment intersects the bounding box of the drawable, which as far
as I can tell is computed against the actual geometry (in this case the
geometry at the origin) and not the KDTree's bounding box.  When it doesn't
properly intersect, the line-segment intersector returns without hitting the

I think what is needed is to test against the KDTree bounding box, rather
than the geometry bounding box, if a KDTree is assigned.

Does this make any sense?


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Robert,
> I will see if I can repro the problem with osgpick and send you the osg
> file.  It may take me a week or two though as I've got a lot on my plate ;-)
> cheers,
> sean
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> This sounds like a bug, but without a dataset and example that
>> reproduces the problem it's next to impossible to home in on a fix.
>> Would it be possible for you to provide a problem dataset that
>> illustrates the problem?  If it can be reproduced with one of the
>> existing examples like osgpick then this will make it easier to track
>> down.
>> Robert.
>> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Sean Spicer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Gang,
>> >
>> > I'm working on improving picking performance via KDTree, but I'm hitting
>> an
>> > issue that is driving me nuts: If I pick a node from directly above
>> (e.g. +
>> > Z axis) everything works great, and picking is *very* fast.  If I pick
>> at an
>> > angle, (e.g. from eye(1,1,1)) then picking is fast, but not accurate -
>> nodes
>> > to the left, right, top, or bottom get picked instead of what I'm after.
>> >
>> > Here is my KDTree Build function:
>> >
>> > #ifdef USE_KDTREE
>> >
>> > // Update the KDTree
>> > osg::KdTree::BuildOptions kdTreeBuildOptions;
>> > osg::ref_ptr kdTree = new osg::KdTree();
>> >
>> > if(kdTree->build(kdTreeBuildOptions, geometry))
>> > {
>> > geometry->setShape(kdTree.get());
>> > }
>> > else
>> > {
>> > LOG_MSG(logERROR) << "osg::KdTree::build() unsuccessful.";
>> > }
>> > #endif
>> >
>> > Any suggestions?
>> >
>> > cheers,
>> >
>> > sean
>> >
>> > ___
>> > osg-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSGQSG: Error

2008-12-04 Thread Paul Martz
> page 63, fig 2-9
> "The State example scene graph displayed in osgviewer TBD move"
> "TBD move"?

Thanks. That's extraneous text that should have been removed before

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSGQSG: Error

2008-12-04 Thread Fred
page 63, fig 2-9

"The State example scene graph displayed in osgviewer TBD move"

"TBD move"?
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter:Index outof rangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Paul Martz
> - fixed a bug in flt-exporter with the help of Paul, sent 
> this file to paul

I'll review this and submit it with your credit.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Andreas,

It is working now (see picture below), and I will be OpenSourcing it. I 
just need to add a way to pass filenames to the plugin.

Nice work, though using the URL in the image doesn't work for me (I 
guess because you didn't put the plugin online so that it can be 
automatically downloaded by Firefox...) :-)

Let us know when it's available, it's a nice thing to have on a web site!

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Umit,

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Ümit Uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Himmm, I forgot Present3D :) I used and loved it very much. It's good
> starting point. Robert can I ask another question' if you need xml library
> to use in OSG releases in the future do you prefer libxml2 again?

Like everyone else I tend to prefer things that I'm familiar with, so
libxml2 would be a front runner for sure, but if needs take us along
some other route in the future so be it.

I don't have any current plans for integration of XML support into the
core OSG, so don't have an plans with making choices about XML
parsing.  It it comes to the project crossing this particular bridge
then we'll decide on the what to use when we get to it, the software
world can change so much it's not worth putting to much effort into
predicting the little details.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Can T. Oguz
I use CMarkup.



2008/12/4 Ümit Uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi All,
> I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and
> future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;
> 1 - LIBXML2
> 3 - XERCES C++
> I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?
> Best Regards.
> --
> Ümit Uzun
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] computeIntersections Bug + Fix (was View::computeIntersections with a node path)

2008-12-04 Thread Tanguy Fautre


I think I found the bug. Fixed implementation attached.

If you look at the implementation of the function 
osgViewer::View::computeIntersections() taking the nodepath argument, you'll 
see that it compute the LocalToWorld transformation using the complete given 

But this is incorrect if the last node of the path is a transformation. In 
which case the last transformation is applied twice before computing any 

I've currently copy/pasted the current implementation and changed it to a 
standalone function so that I could test and use it as a fixed version without 
modifying OSG code. See attachment.

The two important lines are:

const osg::NodePath shortPath(nodePath.begin(), nodePath.end() - 1);

osg::Matrix matrix = osg::computeLocalToWorld(shortPath) *  
camera->getViewMatrix() * camera->getProjectionMatrix();

Robert, if you agree with these modifications, what should I do for them to be 
integrated back into the trunk?



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tanguy Fautre
Sent: Friday 28 November 2008 15:21
Cc: Neil Groves
Subject: Spam: [osg-users] View::computeIntersections with a node path


Has anyone been able to successfully use
osgViewer::View::computeIntersections() taking a node path argument on a
non-trivial scenegraph?

I currently have a fairly complex scenegraph, but I only want a small
part of it to collide with computeIntersections. When I use
computeIntersections without the nodepath, everything works perfectly.
But as soon as I use the overload with the node path, I get an empty
intersection set. I'm pretty sure the node path I'm giving is correct.

Looking at the implementation of computeIntersections() with the node
path, the only thing that puzzles me is the use of
osg::computeWorldToLocal(nodePath) before computing the matrix inverse,
I'm not sure I fully understand why this is the case. It seems to me the
whole operation should be LocalToWorldMatrix * ViewMatrix *
ProjectionMatrix instead.

In any case, if anyone has a working example (which would show
computeIntersections() with a node path is working correctly, or help
finding the mistake I'm doing), it would be appreciated.


osg-users mailing list

Description: computeIntersections.cpp
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Mario Valle

Going in the direction of simplicity I use TinyXML
Minimal, but works very well, if you don't need to do too much.

Ümit Uzun wrote:

Hi All,

 >>You forgot to mention Expat, it's light and easy to use, personnaly 
it's my favorite XML parser.
Actually I didn't forget expat' I used a bit and don't like very as much 
as you :)

 >>The first thing you probably need to do is to decide if you want a 
validating parser or not.
No I don't need validation for xml format. I only save and read required 
data and a bit much of them.

 >>I use libxml2 , i dont use c++ stuff on top of xml. I use only 
std::map for node properties and xpath to find 
nodes in xml tree.

That is another good operation. It may helps.

 >>I use libxml2 in Present3D and it works nicely and it really straight 
forward to use.
Himmm, I forgot Present3D :) I used and loved it very much. It's good 
starting point. Robert can I ask another question' if you need xml 
library to use in OSG releases in the future do you prefer libxml2 again?

Thanks folks.

2008/12/4 Farrier, John E CTR USAF AFMC ASC/XRA 

I have used Xerces-C and found it to work very well, but be quite
bulky (as it is a "validating" XML parser).  I ended up going with
another open source project (ezxml) because it was much smaller,
though didn't offer any XML validation.  The first thing you
probably need to do is to decide if you want a validating parser or
not.  That will help guide your decision.

- John

-Original Message-
From: Ümit Uzun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:20 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

Hi All,

I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for
now and future usability. I have searched mail list and found
following libraries;

3 - XERCES C++

I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?

Best Regards.

Ümit Uzun

osg-users mailing list

Ümit Uzun

osg-users mailing list

Ing. Mario Valle
Data Analysis Group  |
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.60
v. Cantonale Galleria 2, 6928 Manno, Switzerland | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Ümit Uzun
Hi All,

>>You forgot to mention Expat, it's light and easy to use, personnaly it's
my favorite XML parser.
Actually I didn't forget expat' I used a bit and don't like very as much as
you :)

>>The first thing you probably need to do is to decide if you want a
validating parser or not.
No I don't need validation for xml format. I only save and read required
data and a bit much of them.

>>I use libxml2 , i dont use c++ stuff on top of xml. I use only
std::map for node properties and xpath to find
nodes in xml tree.
That is another good operation. It may helps.

>>I use libxml2 in Present3D and it works nicely and it really straight
forward to use.
Himmm, I forgot Present3D :) I used and loved it very much. It's good
starting point. Robert can I ask another question' if you need xml library
to use in OSG releases in the future do you prefer libxml2 again?

Thanks folks.


> I have used Xerces-C and found it to work very well, but be quite bulky (as
> it is a "validating" XML parser).  I ended up going with another open source
> project (ezxml) because it was much smaller, though didn't offer any XML
> validation.  The first thing you probably need to do is to decide if you
> want a validating parser or not.  That will help guide your decision.
> - John
> -Original Message-
> From: Ümit Uzun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:20 AM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?
> Hi All,
> I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and
> future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;
> 1 - LIBXML2
> 3 - XERCES C++
> I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?
> Best Regards.
> --
> Ümit Uzun
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Ümit Uzun
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Tomlinson, Gordon
A lot of the our customers are part of highly controlled programs that
dictate what software and hardware they have on their desks and most are
running as restricted user with no admin what so ever, even trying  to
get driver updates pushed in to the specs is very very hard.

This is currently the worst spec we have to deal with.

And on top of every thing else were don't run on our own, our 3d
controls are modules to out main product RemoteView product which in its
self is a resource memory hungry blighter. And worse many also have
programs like ArcView/Map running which again resource memory hungry

So we have fun :)


Gordon Tomlinson

Product Manager 3D
Email  : gtomlinson @
(C): (+1) 571-265-2612
(W): (+1) 703-437-7651

"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks 
but is a function of how quickly and intensely one 
can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:12 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index

HI Gordon,

Wow, 64Mb of memory... that's quite some constraint.

Is there a reason why hardware like this isn't be replaced?  A $50 card
would exceed it's capabilities and performance by a long way.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon
> nVidia Quadro4 700XGL 64 MB AGP Video Card
> General Features:
> nVidia Quadro4 700XGL chipset
> AGP interface
> 350 MHz RAMDAC
> 1920 x 1200 @ 76 Hz maximum resolutions (analog monitor) 1600 x 1200 @

> 60 Hz maximum resolutions (digital monitor) Lightspeed Memory 
> Architecture II nfiniteFX II engine Accuview high-resolution 
> antialiasing Hardware accelerated real-time shadows DirectX 8 and 
> OpenGL 1.3/4
> Supports some very minimal CG based shaders
> But anything fancy puts it into software path very quickly
> Gordon
> __
> Gordon Tomlinson
> Product Manager 3D
> Email  : gtomlinson @ 
> __
> (C): (+1) 571-265-2612
> (W): (+1) 703-437-7651
> "Self defence is not a function of learning tricks but is a function 
> of how quickly and intensely one can arouse one's instinct for 
> survival"
> - Master Tambo Tetsura
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Robert Osfield
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:45 AM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index 
> outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager
> Hi Gordon,
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> To be honest OGL 3.0 is not on my horizon right now ( I know its 
>> there
>> )
>> A lot of our customers are on base line machines with 7 year old 
>> cards
>> such as NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL OpenGl 2.1 and 256mb is a luxury :)
> Out of curiosity what version of OpenGL and extensions does this kit 
> support?
> VBO's?  PBO'S? FBO's?  Shaders?
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> or
> g
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> org
osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Andreas,

If you have the libcurl plugin built it should be just read the files
directly, osgDB::Registry should automatically find load the curl
plugin for http:// requests.

Any chance of you open sourcing your firefox plugin?   How did you go
about implementing it?  What platforms would it work on?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just writing a firefox-plugin for osgViewer, which was surprisingly
> easy so far. I already have got old bessy in firefox, but it is loaded from
> a local file.
> How can I load files from http? I guess that I either have to interact
> somehow with the firefox plugin-api and stream it somehow to my plugin, or
> something else that I am not aware of.
> If someone has done something of the kind, please give me a pointer at where
> to look for.
> Regards,
> Andreas
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Umit,

I use libxml2 in Present3D and it works nicely and it really straight
forward to use.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Ümit Uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and
> future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;
> 1 - LIBXML2
> 3 - XERCES C++
> I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?
> Best Regards.
> --
> Ümit Uzun
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Luigi Calori

Andreas Goebel ha scritto:


I am just writing a firefox-plugin for osgViewer, which was 
surprisingly easy so far. I already have got old bessy in firefox, but 
it is loaded from a local file.

How can I load files from http? I guess that I either have to interact 
somehow with the firefox plugin-api and stream it somehow to my 
plugin, or something else that I am not aware of.

If someone has done something of the kind, please give me a pointer at 
where to look for.

Not sure if I understood: you are putting osgviewer inside firefox like 
(windows onlysic)

or the other way around?
If it is the first case, we used curl osg built in functionality to get 
ive and osg from the web, just pass url to ReadNodeFile
I know that it should be possible to ask for firefox a url and get back 
like a stream, but we decided to go the easiest way.

On which platform are you working on?
There are several projects for putting osg inside browser and It would 
be really nice if we coud share efforts.
If your release plan is open source (like our), please let we know, we 
are more than willing to cooperate.
We found that most of the trouble comes when you scale both data as well 
as  deploymentplatforms.
Our stuff is relatively stable on NVidia recent HW but fails on old ATI 
and on some intel.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hi Jean-Sébastien,

Of course I compared my current version and the last one...

If I keep the last one... nothing changes compared to new...

The big changed I did is to switch for osgViewer to composite Viewer...
I'll have a look on that... because I will become mad looking my code still
not working whatever I do...



2008/12/4 Jean-Sébastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent,
>  But, this was working well weeks ago. So repair the bug is more simple
>> than to rebuilt half the code to adapt it...
> Do you use source control? If so you can just compare your code from a few
> weeks ago when it worked to the code now, and see what changed.
> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Cedric Pinson
I use libxml2 , i dont use c++ stuff on top of xml. I use only 
std::map for node properties and xpath to find 
nodes in xml tree.

it's the helper i use most of the time
static void getNodeParameters(xmlNodePtr 
node,std::map& map)

   xmlAttr* attribute;
   for(attribute = node->properties; attribute; attribute = 
attribute->next) {
   const char* value = (const 

   const char* variable = (const char*)attribute->name;
   map[variable] = value;


Ümit Uzun wrote:

Hi All,

I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for 
now and future usability. I have searched mail list and found 
following libraries;

3 - XERCES C++

I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?

Best Regards.

Ümit Uzun

osg-users mailing list

+33 (0) 6 63 20 03 56  Cedric Pinson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Farrier, John E CTR USAF AFMC ASC/XRA
I have used Xerces-C and found it to work very well, but be quite bulky (as it 
is a "validating" XML parser).  I ended up going with another open source 
project (ezxml) because it was much smaller, though didn't offer any XML 
validation.  The first thing you probably need to do is to decide if you want a 
validating parser or not.  That will help guide your decision.

- John

-Original Message-
From: Ümit Uzun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:20 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

Hi All,

I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and 
future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;

3 - XERCES C++

I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?

Best Regards.

Ümit Uzun

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

But, this was working well weeks ago. So repair the bug is more simple 
than to rebuilt half the code to adapt it...

Do you use source control? If so you can just compare your code from a 
few weeks ago when it worked to the code now, and see what changed.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

I will have a look one time more on NodeTrackerManipulator... but last 
time I read the sources... I do not understand how it works...

The benefit of using a library is that you don't need to understand how 
it works. You can just use its services. In this case, it looks like 
you're trying to re-do something that's already done for you.

And my manipulator is too much customized to be replaced by another 

You could subclass the NodeTrackerManipulator, let it do its work, and 
add whatever other functionality you need on the side. That's what we do.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Alberto Luaces
El Jueves 04 Diciembre 2008ES 16:11:41 Andreas Goebel escribió:
> How can I load files from http?

With the curl plugin?
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Serge Lages

You forgot to mention Expat, it's light and easy to use, personnaly it's my
favorite XML parser.
But you'll need to encapsulate it in C++ classes yourself, I don't know if a
C++ binding is freely available.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:20 PM, Ümit Uzun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and
> future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;
> 1 - LIBXML2
> 3 - XERCES C++
> I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?
> Best Regards.
> --
> Ümit Uzun
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
2008/12/4 Jean-Sébastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent,
>  My Earth model is already divided into lots of groups/drawables... So when
>> I put the normal COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_MODE, the plane and the Earth are well
>> renderd... But, the frustum near plane is too far... because, even if I can
>> move in spatial mode... I need to go into the plane too, and for now, the
>> frustum near plan do not allow that...
> Seriously, try depth partitioning, it's easy to integrate into an engine.
> Or try to change the nearFarRatio so that your near plane is pushed less far
> when you're inside the airplane.
> You may just need different strategies for the two cases, since they're
> very different situations as far as tyhe z-buffer is concerned. If it works
> well when outside the plane with the normal ComputeNearFarMode, and it works
> well outside the plane when you set the near and far distances explicitly
> and disable ComputeNarFarMode, then just set them that way when you switch
> from inside your plane to outside!

Yes, this is already implemented, but just to ajust the frustum a little.
Why ? because when we are in the plane, we can see the sky or Earth far
away... so I always need a FAR plane around 5000 ... and a near around
0.5 !!  With the plane rendered in Always mode, everything will be
good...  It is the only thing that causes Z-buffer fighting ...

>  PS : AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR do not exist... or I didn't find it.
> I was going from memory, seeing as the disable case is
> DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR. The other options are
>  Sorry to insist... I hear you about frustum and culling, but I know what I
>> expect and what is possible or not with my application structure...
> Everything is possible with any application structure. It's just the
> willingness to fix the problem that's missing. I think you've already wasted
> lots of time trying to get your workaround to work that in the end you won't
> have saved any time at all.

Of course...
But, this was working well weeks ago. So repair the bug is more simple than
to rebuilt half the code to adapt it...

>  and just setting my plane always rendered will be sufficient, and useful.
>> So the problem still stay the same : whatever is my Depth setting, the
>> plane render always the same...
> There's nothing more we can say about this. It should work, it does work in
> other applications, so if it doesn't work in yours then you need to find the
> problem, we can't really help that much since we don't have the app.


I will get it ! one day

Thanks a lot
Sorry to take so much of your time...


> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] xerces C++, cmarkup, libxml2 or which xml parser ?

2008-12-04 Thread Ümit Uzun
Hi All,

I need a xml parser library which should be powerful and easier for now and
future usability. I have searched mail list and found following libraries;

3 - XERCES C++

I am waiting advices who had experience any of these or another library?

Best Regards.

Ümit Uzun
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

My Earth model is already divided into lots of groups/drawables... So 
when I put the normal COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_MODE, the plane and the Earth are 
well renderd... But, the frustum near plane is too far... because, even 
if I can move in spatial mode... I need to go into the plane too, and 
for now, the frustum near plan do not allow that...

Seriously, try depth partitioning, it's easy to integrate into an 
engine. Or try to change the nearFarRatio so that your near plane is 
pushed less far when you're inside the airplane.

You may just need different strategies for the two cases, since they're 
very different situations as far as tyhe z-buffer is concerned. If it 
works well when outside the plane with the normal ComputeNearFarMode, 
and it works well outside the plane when you set the near and far 
distances explicitly and disable ComputeNarFarMode, then just set them 
that way when you switch from inside your plane to outside!

PS : AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR do not exist... or I didn't find it.

I was going from memory, seeing as the disable case is 
DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR. The other options are 

Sorry to insist... I hear you about frustum and culling, but I know what 
I expect and what is possible or not with my application structure... 

Everything is possible with any application structure. It's just the 
willingness to fix the problem that's missing. I think you've already 
wasted lots of time trying to get your workaround to work that in the 
end you won't have saved any time at all.

and just setting my plane always rendered will be sufficient, and useful.
So the problem still stay the same : whatever is my Depth setting, the 
plane render always the same...

There's nothing more we can say about this. It should work, it does work 
in other applications, so if it doesn't work in yours then you need to 
find the problem, we can't really help that much since we don't have the 

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier

Exactly !
I will have a look one time more on NodeTrackerManipulator... but last time
I read the sources... I do not understand how it works...
And my manipulator is too much customized to be replaced by another

Thanks for help...

Still waiting for a mathematical revelation if anyone see a problem in my


2008/12/4 Jean-Sébastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent,
>  I implement a new manipulator, with a way to set a node as reference.
>> The expected effect is that the camera will stay motionless relative to
>> the node (translation and rotation)
> In other words, it will follow the node? You could try
> osgGA::NodeTrackerManipulator...
>osg::ref_ptr manipulator =
>new osgGA::NodeTrackerManipulator;
> Then you can use setHomePosition() to change the offset to the node.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
HI Gordon,

Wow, 64Mb of memory... that's quite some constraint.

Is there a reason why hardware like this isn't be replaced?  A $50
card would exceed it's capabilities and performance by a long way.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon
> nVidia Quadro4 700XGL 64 MB AGP Video Card
> General Features:
> nVidia Quadro4 700XGL chipset
> AGP interface
> 350 MHz RAMDAC
> 1920 x 1200 @ 76 Hz maximum resolutions (analog monitor)
> 1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz maximum resolutions (digital monitor)
> Lightspeed Memory Architecture II
> nfiniteFX II engine
> Accuview high-resolution antialiasing
> Hardware accelerated real-time shadows
> DirectX 8 and OpenGL 1.3/4
> Supports some very minimal CG based shaders
> But anything fancy puts it into software path very quickly
> Gordon
> __
> Gordon Tomlinson
> Product Manager 3D
> Email  : gtomlinson @
> __
> (C): (+1) 571-265-2612
> (W): (+1) 703-437-7651
> "Self defence is not a function of learning tricks
> but is a function of how quickly and intensely one
> can arouse one's instinct for survival"
> - Master Tambo Tetsura
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
> Osfield
> Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:45 AM
> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
> Subject: Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index
> outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager
> Hi Gordon,
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> To be honest OGL 3.0 is not on my horizon right now ( I know its there
>> )
>> A lot of our customers are on base line machines with 7 year old cards
>> such as NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL OpenGl 2.1 and 256mb is a luxury :)
> Out of curiosity what version of OpenGL and extensions does this kit
> support?
> VBO's?  PBO'S? FBO's?  Shaders?
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> g
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Reading a node file from http

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel


I am just writing a firefox-plugin for osgViewer, which was surprisingly 
easy so far. I already have got old bessy in firefox, but it is loaded 
from a local file.

How can I load files from http? I guess that I either have to interact 
somehow with the firefox plugin-api and stream it somehow to my plugin, 
or something else that I am not aware of.

If someone has done something of the kind, please give me a pointer at 
where to look for.



osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgcon and textures ?

2008-12-04 Thread Pierre Bourdin (gmail)
I'm trying to convert an ive file that contains some textures to a
collada file, but the textures are not exported at all ?
Did I miss an option ?
I've also tried to convert it to osg file with the same result...
(I'm using openscenegraph 2.6.1)

I was supposing the best way to exchange with someone working with
sketchup would be collada ? 
Do you see a better solution ?
Is there any plugin to read/write google sketchup file ?

Thanks, Pierre.

Av. Pascot BP 90443
tél: 04 68 56 80 18
fax: 04 68 55 03 86

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Tomlinson, Gordon
nVidia Quadro4 700XGL 64 MB AGP Video Card

General Features:
nVidia Quadro4 700XGL chipset
AGP interface
1920 x 1200 @ 76 Hz maximum resolutions (analog monitor)
1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz maximum resolutions (digital monitor)
Lightspeed Memory Architecture II
nfiniteFX II engine
Accuview high-resolution antialiasing
Hardware accelerated real-time shadows
DirectX 8 and OpenGL 1.3/4

Supports some very minimal CG based shaders

But anything fancy puts it into software path very quickly



Gordon Tomlinson

Product Manager 3D
Email  : gtomlinson @
(C): (+1) 571-265-2612
(W): (+1) 703-437-7651

"Self defence is not a function of learning tricks 
but is a function of how quickly and intensely one 
can arouse one's instinct for survival" 
- Master Tambo Tetsura


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:45 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index

Hi Gordon,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon
> To be honest OGL 3.0 is not on my horizon right now ( I know its there

> )
> A lot of our customers are on base line machines with 7 year old cards

> such as NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL OpenGl 2.1 and 256mb is a luxury :)

Out of curiosity what version of OpenGL and extensions does this kit

VBO's?  PBO'S? FBO's?  Shaders?

osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] About to reopen the osgNV project?

2008-12-04 Thread Wang Rui
Hi all,

Do you remember a C++ based project named osgNV, which supports for nVIDIA
OpenGL extensions and the Cg language? It has been discontinued from 2 years
ago, but still a great way to take advantage of modern GPUs. I have just
rewritten the osgNV library to fit OSG 2.7.6 and Cg 2.1 on my Core Quad
Q6600 and GeForce 9600GT last and this week. And all the examples seem to
run well.

Now I have a plan to reopen the famous and reliable osgNV project, make it
support newest nVIDIA features, like CGFX, CUDA and so on, and even the
RenderMonkey of ATI systems in future. The new project will still
be released as LGPL. I'm a beginninger of GPU programming myself so it needs
some time to add new features. But I will focus on the Cg languages first
and leave osgNVSlang and osgNVParse unchanged, for GLSL and vertex
programs are already supported by OSG itself.

I'd like to know if the new project could be still placed on the sourceforge
page of osgNV ( or should find a new home?

I will also apologize to Marco Jez and other authors of osgNV for my
boldness because I did not contact with them first. I would like to
share the modified osgNV code if anybody has a similar plan.

Any suggestions?

Best wishes

Wang Rui
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
2008/12/4 Jean-Sébastien Guay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent,
>  Using a HUD-like system seems to be a extrem solution for me... I am just
>> looking at a way to set a node always rendered...
> I did not suggest a HUD approach, Ralph did. It's one possible solution,
> but see below for what I'd suggest.
>  For the moment, using the .osg format file to see my stateset, I see that
>> the culling test still stay ON.
> Argh... How many times do I need to say that culling is not your problem?
> It's a z-buffer precision issue. Fix this the right way or you'll always
> have problems. I'll spell it out for you:
> Culling will only remove entire nodes / drawables. This is not happening
> with your airplane, since you can see part of it, but some of it is behind
> your terrain. This means that part of the object is failing the depth test,
> which is because your near and far planes are too far apart and thus your
> z-buffer precision is too small to resolve the airplane correctly over the
> terrain.
> The AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR mode will automatically push back the near plane
> to be closest to your airplane, and pull in the far plane to be just behind
> your terrain, which will make sure that the distance between the near and
> far planes is minimal, and thus that you have enough precision between them
> to resolve the airplane above the terrain.
> Then again, as I mentioned before, if you're using a whole Earth model for
> your terrain, then the far plane will be "behind the Earth" and the near
> plane will be in front of your airplane, which will result in there being
> more than the diameter of the Earth between the two, which if you use meters
> as your unit will be too much and you will get low z-buffer precision even
> with AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR enabled.
> One solution here is to use depth partitioning to render the Earth with one
> depth partition and the rest (the airplane and anything on the surface) with
> another. See the osgdepthpartition example.
> Another solution would be to break up your Earth model into multiple
> Geodes/Drawables, and use occlusion culling, which would remove the back
> part of the Earth. Anyways, breaking up the Earth will bring better
> performance in general because OSG will be able to cull parts of it that are
> outside of the view frustum. So it's a good idea if you haven't done it
> already.
> osg::ref_ptr depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::NEVER, 0.0,
>> 1.0);
> NEVER means it will NEVER pass the depth test. This is not what you want,
> you want ALWAYS.

Yes, it is just a mistake when I paste the code... I am in ALWAYS.

Okay for the culling, but when nothing seems to work... I tried everything
that can modify anything...

My Earth model is already divided into lots of groups/drawables... So when I
put the normal COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_MODE, the plane and the Earth are well
renderd... But, the frustum near plane is too far... because, even if I can
move in spatial mode... I need to go into the plane too, and for now, the
frustum near plan do not allow that...

PS : AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR do not exist... or I didn't find it.

That's why I would prefer to not change the frustum parameters... and to set
the plane always rendered, and a callback will adjust this parameter,
depending on camera's position.
I did it last week, it works well. But after some modifications in my code,
nothing seems to work about culling...

I use CompositeViewers, each one get one View...  this kind of thing can be
responsible of this problem ?

Sorry to insist... I hear you about frustum and culling, but I know what I
expect and what is possible or not with my application structure... and just
setting my plane always rendered will be sufficient, and useful.

So the problem still stay the same : whatever is my Depth setting, the plane
render always the same...

Thanks for you precisions.


> J-S
> --
> __
> Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

I implement a new manipulator, with a way to set a node as reference.
The expected effect is that the camera will stay motionless relative to 
the node (translation and rotation)

In other words, it will follow the node? You could try 

osg::ref_ptr manipulator =
new osgGA::NodeTrackerManipulator;

Then you can use setHomePosition() to change the offset to the node.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgviewerQT example

2008-12-04 Thread Serge Lages
Hi all,

I would like to know if in a correctly configured Linux, the osgviewerQT
example works with the --QOSGWidget option ?

I am asking that because we are currently trying to achieve something
similar with WinForms on Linux (using Mono), and we are following the same
way than the QT example and the QOSGWidget. The big deal is that we are
working with VMWare, without real graphics drivers, and this example crash
the same way as our application. That's why we would like to know if it's
related to VMWare or not.

Thanks in advance !

Serge Lages
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

Using a HUD-like system seems to be a extrem solution for me... I am 
just looking at a way to set a node always rendered...

I did not suggest a HUD approach, Ralph did. It's one possible solution, 
but see below for what I'd suggest.

For the moment, using the .osg format file to see my stateset, I see 
that the culling test still stay ON.

Argh... How many times do I need to say that culling is not your 
problem? It's a z-buffer precision issue. Fix this the right way or 
you'll always have problems. I'll spell it out for you:

Culling will only remove entire nodes / drawables. This is not happening 
with your airplane, since you can see part of it, but some of it is 
behind your terrain. This means that part of the object is failing the 
depth test, which is because your near and far planes are too far apart 
and thus your z-buffer precision is too small to resolve the airplane 
correctly over the terrain.

The AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR mode will automatically push back the near 
plane to be closest to your airplane, and pull in the far plane to be 
just behind your terrain, which will make sure that the distance between 
the near and far planes is minimal, and thus that you have enough 
precision between them to resolve the airplane above the terrain.

Then again, as I mentioned before, if you're using a whole Earth model 
for your terrain, then the far plane will be "behind the Earth" and the 
near plane will be in front of your airplane, which will result in there 
being more than the diameter of the Earth between the two, which if you 
use meters as your unit will be too much and you will get low z-buffer 
precision even with AUTO_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR enabled.

One solution here is to use depth partitioning to render the Earth with 
one depth partition and the rest (the airplane and anything on the 
surface) with another. See the osgdepthpartition example.

Another solution would be to break up your Earth model into multiple 
Geodes/Drawables, and use occlusion culling, which would remove the back 
part of the Earth. Anyways, breaking up the Earth will bring better 
performance in general because OSG will be able to cull parts of it that 
are outside of the view frustum. So it's a good idea if you haven't done 
it already.

osg::ref_ptr depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::NEVER, 
0.0, 1.0);

NEVER means it will NEVER pass the depth test. This is not what you 
want, you want ALWAYS.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performance comparison with older OSG versions

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Tugkan,

My best guess would that your StateStet and Drawables aren't taking
advantage of STATIC DataVariance, if the DataVariance isn't STATIC
then the DrawTheadPerContext and
CullThreadPerCameraDrawTheadPerContext threading models won't provide
any frame overlap and won't provide any improvement in performance.

Another thing to check up on is compiler optimization - make sure it's enabled.

Finally have a look at what type of ref counting has been implemented,
ideally cmake should have chosen atomic ref counting.  Have a look at
the include/OpenThreads/Config file for what type of ref counting has
been selected.  It does sound like you might be stuck using Mutex
based ref counting.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Tugkan Calapoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have been working on performance issues because after we ported our engine
> to OSG2.7.6 we lost some performance.
> In my tests I am using a complex town database which is pretty
> representative for our applications. I use osgviewer for the tests.
> I tested with several versions of OSG starting from 0.99 and I observe a
> gradual degredation of performance from 0.99 to 2.7.6
> Most notably, the frame rate I get in 2.7.6 with
> CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContex is not any better than one I get from
> OSG0.99. Other threading modes give even worse results.
> It is expected that thread syncronization adds some overhead but I was
> hoping to get overall better performance from new multithreading models.
> Here are some of my observations:
> - From SVN revision 7327 to 7328 a significant loss of cull performance is
> observed. I found out that this is due to the addition of
> I made some tests and measured following for SingleThreaded case:
> in 7327 cull time is ~1.15
> in 7328 cull time is ~1.65
> in 7328 where thread safe ref/unref is turned off cull time is ~1.35
> - cull time gets even worse from 7328 onward. In latest SVN version I have
> 1.95 ms in SingleThreaded mode. I couldn't find yet where the performance
> loss occurs.
> - A similar performance loss is observable in draw times but I didn't have
> time yet to look closer at it.
> Did anybody else compared old OSG versions to newer ones? How was your
> results?
> Tugkan
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ferdi,

The osgViewer::Viewer by default will open up a separate
GraphicsWindow on each graphics card, and will assign a separate
GraphicsThread to each of these contexts.   One thing I previous found
with running two cards on a PC was that the drivers really didn't like
driving the two context by two threads concurrently, even though it
was two separate GPU these were targeting, paradoxically I found that
serializing the draw dispatch produced better performance than letting
them run freely.

I've previously called for feedback about whether this problem with
drivers/hardware existed on other machines/OS's, but haven't yet got
the results back that would help decide what the best default would be
for the range of platforms that the OSG supports.  With the vacum of
testing I've had to go with making the draw dispatch serialization the
default.  You can override the default by setting the env

With my new machine with its dual 16x PCI-Express 2.0, on chip memory
controller and bags of memory bandwidth and later NVidia drivers, the
situation may be different w.r.t what works best.  I haven't done the
dual GPU testing yet on this machine, I'll post the results when I
have.  The draw serialization is one area that I'm looking closely at,
as well as thread affinity.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Ferdi Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert,
> I believe this to be a driver issue as well. However, what it does show is
> that it is probably preferable to have different contexts on different
> cores, also to eliminate any possible opengl driver overhead. On 2 cores it
> runs perfectly as expected; same frame rates as stand-alone. On a single
> core they both drop back a little, probably because the quadro opengl driver
> is eating up a lot of CPU time for some obscure reason. Even when the opengl
> implementation is set to multi-threaded, I never see it start using any
> additional core by itself. This only happens when you set the affinity
> manually. So fully relying on the OS scheduling may not be the best option.
> I don't remember the exact stats, and I can't check them now as I don't have
> the machine here. I think it was something like 0/0/x for the 8800 and 0/y/y
> for the 5600, with x close to y.
> Robert Osfield wrote:
>> Hi Ferdi,
>> It sounds like the OpenGL driver is not behaviour well in your case
>> and twisting the results from what you would normally expect.  With
>> scene of 25M polygons you are almost certainly GPU/bandwidth limited,
>> and pretty likely that the OpenGL fifo is backing up and playing
>> havoc.  Multi-processing is this situation is not really going to make
>> a huge difference in terms of potential gain because the bottleneck is
>> elsewhere - you aren't CPU limited, it shouldn't make things worse,
>> and the fact that it is suggests that the driver is having issues.
>> What are you cull/draw/gpu stats?
>> Robert.
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Ferdi Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've been looking into thread/process affinity with respect to a dual-GPU
>>> setup. This is what I found back then:
>>> 2 processes, CPU affinity on different cores, each renders the full scene
>>> on
>>> a different GPU
>>> OSG_THREADING=SingleThreaded
>>> (1 core shows heavy use, 2nd core show moderate use, 2 cores idle)
>>>Quadro 56008800GTX
>>> Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1615 (fps)
>>> OSG_THREADING=ThreadPerContext
>>> (CPU Affinity is set but appears to be ignored: 1 core shows heavy use,
>>> others idle)
>>> Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1114 (fps)
>>> So, yes, it helps if the CPU load is balanced across cores, even for this
>>> simple 25M polygon scene that is for 99% GPU. Also, OSG seems to mess up
>>> manual settings when set to multi-threading :) Check CPU loads in the
>>> performance monitor. Don't let 3 cores stand idle all the time; it's a
>>> waste
>>> of available processing time, and this will only get worse in the future
>>> with more cores.
>>> Side note, I finally received my 4GB memory, so I can get this quad core,
>>> dual GTX260, pcie 2.0 machine running :) Let's see if it behaves
>>> differently
>>> from a Quadro+8800 on pcie 1.1.
>>> Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

 Additionally: what is the communities' experience with manually
 processes to cores?  Does it work?

 It sounds like a good idea but in my experience it's best to leave the
 scheduling up to the operating system to handle core affinity (except
 you're running Windows which has a completely fscked-up round-robin

 osg-users mailing list


Re: [osg-users] osgAudio/OpenAL/osgAL

2008-12-04 Thread Sukender
Hi Stephan, hi all OSX users,

OpenAL-Soft's author will certainly work on a "fallback backend" for OSes that 
it does not support yet (Mainly OSX). I'll post something when it's okay. Maybe 
you could do a quick test then?

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 02 Dec 2008 15:26:06 +0100, Stephan Maximilian Huber <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Sukender schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> This is only partially related to OSG, so I'll make it short:
>> In order to make an "osgAudio" layer and a corresponding plugin based on 
>> OpenAL-Soft and osgAL, there is some need for testing and/or development.
>> 1. Anyone that can help testing OpenAL-Soft on following platforms may mail 
>> me or openal-devel mailing list ( 
>> ):
>> - Mac OSX (most wanted of all tests)
> i downloaded OpenAL-Soft, compiled it and ran the sample-app. It
> couldn't create a context. I did not have time to dig deeper but it
> seems, OpenAl couldn't create an output device.
> OpenAL is part of the system-libs, though.
> cheers,
> Stephan
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hi David,

I see what you mean, but if I have this problem, I just would see this as
"jitter" as you said, but the camera would not move strangely without
I don't think this is the reason even it was in the past 3 months ago !

Still earing your ideas...



2008/12/4 David Spilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent,
> The only thing I can offer is that you have to be careful when you check
> your node position/rotation, and when you apply your manipulator update. For
> example, if your order is eventTraversal and then updateTraversal, then your
> manipulator may be one frame out (i.e. changing based on last frame's node
> position, not this one). You might see this as "jitter".
> David
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread David Spilling
Hi Vincent,

The only thing I can offer is that you have to be careful when you check
your node position/rotation, and when you apply your manipulator update. For
example, if your order is eventTraversal and then updateTraversal, then your
manipulator may be one frame out (i.e. changing based on last frame's node
position, not this one). You might see this as "jitter".

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Performance comparison with older OSG versions

2008-12-04 Thread Tugkan Calapoglu


The computer I am testing is a dual core machine with GeForce 7900 GTX. 
OS is Suse 10.3.

Hi All,

I have been working on performance issues because after we ported our 
engine to OSG2.7.6 we lost some performance.

In my tests I am using a complex town database which is pretty 
representative for our applications. I use osgviewer for the tests.
I tested with several versions of OSG starting from 0.99 and I observe a 
gradual degredation of performance from 0.99 to 2.7.6

Most notably, the frame rate I get in 2.7.6 with 
CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContex is not any better than one I get 
from OSG0.99. Other threading modes give even worse results.

It is expected that thread syncronization adds some overhead but I was 
hoping to get overall better performance from new multithreading models.

Here are some of my observations:
- From SVN revision 7327 to 7328 a significant loss of cull performance 
is observed. I found out that this is due to the addition of

I made some tests and measured following for SingleThreaded case:
in 7327 cull time is ~1.15
in 7328 cull time is ~1.65
in 7328 where thread safe ref/unref is turned off cull time is ~1.35

- cull time gets even worse from 7328 onward. In latest SVN version I 
have 1.95 ms in SingleThreaded mode. I couldn't find yet where the 
performance loss occurs.

- A similar performance loss is observable in draw times but I didn't 
have time yet to look closer at it.

Did anybody else compared old OSG versions to newer ones? How was your 

osg-users mailing list

Tugkan Calapoglu

VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH
Oberaustrasse 34
83026 Rosenheim
fax  +49.8031.463645
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Rosenheim
Handelsregister Traunstein  HRB 10410
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Marius Dupuis
   Wunibald Karl
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Performance comparison with older OSG versions

2008-12-04 Thread Tugkan Calapoglu

Hi All,

I have been working on performance issues because after we ported our 
engine to OSG2.7.6 we lost some performance.

In my tests I am using a complex town database which is pretty 
representative for our applications. I use osgviewer for the tests.
I tested with several versions of OSG starting from 0.99 and I observe a 
gradual degredation of performance from 0.99 to 2.7.6

Most notably, the frame rate I get in 2.7.6 with 
CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContex is not any better than one I get 
from OSG0.99. Other threading modes give even worse results.

It is expected that thread syncronization adds some overhead but I was 
hoping to get overall better performance from new multithreading models.

Here are some of my observations:
- From SVN revision 7327 to 7328 a significant loss of cull performance 
is observed. I found out that this is due to the addition of

I made some tests and measured following for SingleThreaded case:
in 7327 cull time is ~1.15
in 7328 cull time is ~1.65
in 7328 where thread safe ref/unref is turned off cull time is ~1.35

- cull time gets even worse from 7328 onward. In latest SVN version I 
have 1.95 ms in SingleThreaded mode. I couldn't find yet where the 
performance loss occurs.

- A similar performance loss is observable in draw times but I didn't 
have time yet to look closer at it.

Did anybody else compared old OSG versions to newer ones? How was your 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Each frame I do

mat = _node->asGroup()->getWorldMatrices()[0];

I don't understand why it can work only one time... and why it would be
My node is a PAT, but can be anything else...

I also tried
position = _node->getBound().center() * mat
Same result...

2008/12/4 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Vincent Bourdier schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> Hmm, complicted yes, but...
>> 2008/12/4 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>>sounds complicated.
>>You could do the following: You don´t need to do any translations
>>to your camera, you only need to apply the same rotation as to
>>your node, but not to the absolute position of your camera, but to
>>the relative position of your camera.
>>NodePosition: Old Position of node.
>>Camera Position: OldPosition of camera
>>RelativePosition = CameraPosition - NodePosition
>> I did :
>> osg::Vec3d vt(mat.getTrans() - getEyePoint());
> But mat.getTrans is not the same as your node position, right? This is only
> the same if the node was at (0,0,0), and then it is only right the first
> time.
> Regards,
> Andreas
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel

Vincent Bourdier schrieb:


Hmm, complicted yes, but...

2008/12/4 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >


sounds complicated.

You could do the following: You don´t need to do any translations
to your camera, you only need to apply the same rotation as to
your node, but not to the absolute position of your camera, but to
the relative position of your camera.

NodePosition: Old Position of node.
Camera Position: OldPosition of camera 

RelativePosition = CameraPosition - NodePosition

I did :
osg::Vec3d vt(mat.getTrans() - getEyePoint());
But mat.getTrans is not the same as your node position, right? This is 
only the same if the node was at (0,0,0), and then it is only right the 
first time.



osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier

Hmm, complicted yes, but...

2008/12/4 Andreas Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> sounds complicated.
> You could do the following: You don´t need to do any translations to your
> camera, you only need to apply the same rotation as to your node, but not to
> the absolute position of your camera, but to the relative position of your
> camera.
> NodePosition: Old Position of node.
> Camera Position: OldPosition of camera

> RelativePosition = CameraPosition - NodePosition

I did :
osg::Vec3d vt(mat.getTrans() - getEyePoint());

Notice I do the opposite vector...: NodePosition - CameraPosition

> NewRelativePosition = Rotate(RelativePosition)

osg::Vec3d vt2 = _q_ * vt ;

If you know an other way to apply the rotation to a vector... I'll be
pleased to learn it

> NewCameraPosition = NewNodePosition + NewRelativePosition

Hmmm... I don't agree with that.
If I add the NewRelativePosition, instead of adding the difference between
the relative position and the NewRelativePosition, I'll get something very
different... (difficult to explain... make a little drawing you will see
what I mean)

Me, I do that :
_eye = _eye - (vt-vt2)
equivalent to
NewCameraPosition = *CameraPosition *+ (RelativePosition-NewRelativePosition

An other problem, is that I must add a component to my camera position, and
not define it with a sum. Explanations : when i need to move the camera, i
modify the _eye vector (eye += mov)... so if i do _eye = a+b ... my move
will be erased...  I need to make something like _eye += c+d

Considering this, I think you proposition is the same what I have done yet.
If not, this mean I am so tired or I miss something.

Thanks for you help, it can makes me think about other potential bug...
Still open to propositions :-)



> Regards,
> Andreas
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel


sounds complicated.

You could do the following: You don´t need to do any translations to 
your camera, you only need to apply the same rotation as to your node, 
but not to the absolute position of your camera, but to the relative 
position of your camera.

NodePosition: Old Position of node.
Camera Position: OldPosition of camera

RelativePosition = CameraPosition - NodePosition

NewRelativePosition = Rotate(RelativePosition)

NewCameraPosition = NewNodePosition + NewRelativePosition

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Ferdi Smit


I believe this to be a driver issue as well. However, what it does show 
is that it is probably preferable to have different contexts on 
different cores, also to eliminate any possible opengl driver overhead. 
On 2 cores it runs perfectly as expected; same frame rates as 
stand-alone. On a single core they both drop back a little, probably 
because the quadro opengl driver is eating up a lot of CPU time for some 
obscure reason. Even when the opengl implementation is set to 
multi-threaded, I never see it start using any additional core by 
itself. This only happens when you set the affinity manually. So fully 
relying on the OS scheduling may not be the best option.

I don't remember the exact stats, and I can't check them now as I don't 
have the machine here. I think it was something like 0/0/x for the 8800 
and 0/y/y for the 5600, with x close to y.

Robert Osfield wrote:

Hi Ferdi,

It sounds like the OpenGL driver is not behaviour well in your case
and twisting the results from what you would normally expect.  With
scene of 25M polygons you are almost certainly GPU/bandwidth limited,
and pretty likely that the OpenGL fifo is backing up and playing
havoc.  Multi-processing is this situation is not really going to make
a huge difference in terms of potential gain because the bottleneck is
elsewhere - you aren't CPU limited, it shouldn't make things worse,
and the fact that it is suggests that the driver is having issues.

What are you cull/draw/gpu stats?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Ferdi Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been looking into thread/process affinity with respect to a dual-GPU
setup. This is what I found back then:

2 processes, CPU affinity on different cores, each renders the full scene on
a different GPU

(1 core shows heavy use, 2nd core show moderate use, 2 cores idle)

Quadro 56008800GTX
Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1615 (fps)

(CPU Affinity is set but appears to be ignored: 1 core shows heavy use,
others idle)

Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1114 (fps)

So, yes, it helps if the CPU load is balanced across cores, even for this
simple 25M polygon scene that is for 99% GPU. Also, OSG seems to mess up
manual settings when set to multi-threading :) Check CPU loads in the
performance monitor. Don't let 3 cores stand idle all the time; it's a waste
of available processing time, and this will only get worse in the future
with more cores.

Side note, I finally received my 4GB memory, so I can get this quad core,
dual GTX260, pcie 2.0 machine running :) Let's see if it behaves differently
from a Quadro+8800 on pcie 1.1.

Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

Additionally: what is the communities' experience with manually assigning
processes to cores?  Does it work?

It sounds like a good idea but in my experience it's best to leave the
scheduling up to the operating system to handle core affinity (except when
you're running Windows which has a completely fscked-up round-robin

osg-users mailing list



Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list


Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ferdi,

It sounds like the OpenGL driver is not behaviour well in your case
and twisting the results from what you would normally expect.  With
scene of 25M polygons you are almost certainly GPU/bandwidth limited,
and pretty likely that the OpenGL fifo is backing up and playing
havoc.  Multi-processing is this situation is not really going to make
a huge difference in terms of potential gain because the bottleneck is
elsewhere - you aren't CPU limited, it shouldn't make things worse,
and the fact that it is suggests that the driver is having issues.

What are you cull/draw/gpu stats?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Ferdi Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been looking into thread/process affinity with respect to a dual-GPU
> setup. This is what I found back then:
> 2 processes, CPU affinity on different cores, each renders the full scene on
> a different GPU
> OSG_THREADING=SingleThreaded
> (1 core shows heavy use, 2nd core show moderate use, 2 cores idle)
> Quadro 56008800GTX
> Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1615 (fps)
> OSG_THREADING=ThreadPerContext
> (CPU Affinity is set but appears to be ignored: 1 core shows heavy use,
> others idle)
> Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1114 (fps)
> So, yes, it helps if the CPU load is balanced across cores, even for this
> simple 25M polygon scene that is for 99% GPU. Also, OSG seems to mess up
> manual settings when set to multi-threading :) Check CPU loads in the
> performance monitor. Don't let 3 cores stand idle all the time; it's a waste
> of available processing time, and this will only get worse in the future
> with more cores.
> Side note, I finally received my 4GB memory, so I can get this quad core,
> dual GTX260, pcie 2.0 machine running :) Let's see if it behaves differently
> from a Quadro+8800 on pcie 1.1.
> Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
>> Additionally: what is the communities' experience with manually assigning
>> processes to cores?  Does it work?
>> It sounds like a good idea but in my experience it's best to leave the
>> scheduling up to the operating system to handle core affinity (except when
>> you're running Windows which has a completely fscked-up round-robin
>> scheduler).
>> Cheers,
>> /ulrich
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> --
> Regards,
> Ferdi Smit
> INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
> CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Ferdi Smit
I've been looking into thread/process affinity with respect to a 
dual-GPU setup. This is what I found back then:

2 processes, CPU affinity on different cores, each renders the full 
scene on a different GPU

(1 core shows heavy use, 2nd core show moderate use, 2 cores idle)

 Quadro 56008800GTX
Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1615 (fps)

(CPU Affinity is set but appears to be ignored: 1 core shows heavy use, 
others idle)

Multi-GPU / Multi-Processing1114 (fps)

So, yes, it helps if the CPU load is balanced across cores, even for 
this simple 25M polygon scene that is for 99% GPU. Also, OSG seems to 
mess up manual settings when set to multi-threading :) Check CPU loads 
in the performance monitor. Don't let 3 cores stand idle all the time; 
it's a waste of available processing time, and this will only get worse 
in the future with more cores.

Side note, I finally received my 4GB memory, so I can get this quad 
core, dual GTX260, pcie 2.0 machine running :) Let's see if it behaves 
differently from a Quadro+8800 on pcie 1.1.

Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

Additionally: what is the communities' experience with manually assigning
processes to cores?  Does it work?

It sounds like a good idea but in my experience it's best to leave the
scheduling up to the operating system to handle core affinity (except when
you're running Windows which has a completely fscked-up round-robin scheduler).

osg-users mailing list


Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Ralph Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> so what's now your time for the full rebuild with optimization?
> I guess it's now more than 4m 36?

Just did a clean build, now with more of the plugins built as I've
pulled in gecko and xine-lib dependencies as well as few others, so
it's not quite apples to apples comparisons, but the total time is 6
minutes 5 seconds, this is the first build of the day so the file
cache isn't warm.  Re-running a clean build results in 5m 32s.

The fast build times will certainly help with my submissions work
where clean builds are quite common.  It'll be interesting to run
vpbmaster on the new system too.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Math problem relative to OSG

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier

First, sorry to post a lot on mailing list, but I have some difficulties,I
do not find any way to solve them, and I didn't find a way to stop time ...

This problem concern mathematical things, based on Quat, PAT, matrices, ...

I implement a new manipulator, with a way to set a node as reference.
The expected effect is that the camera will stay motionless relative to the
node (translation and rotation)

My manipulator is based on a quaternion : _rotation and a vector : _eye.
This quat and this vector are used in the getInverseMatrix().

To move the camera following a node, I use that :

osg::Matrixd mat = _node->asGroup()->getWorldMatrices()[0];//get world
> coordinate
> _eye -= mat.getTrans() - _oldmat.getTrans();
> [...]
> _oldmat = mat;

This looks good.

Now, when node rotate, it becomes more difficult : is camera is far/near
from the node, it have to stay motionless.
It imply to compute two things : the rotation, and the translation to apply.

The rotation is computed like that :

qq = pat->getAttitude();
> osg::Quat _q_ = qq * _QuatActual.inverse(); // = rotation from QuatActual
> to qq
> if(!_q_.zeroRotation()) {//apply only if necessary
> _rotation *= _q_;
> }
> _QuatActual = qq;

Last, the translation to put the camera at the same relative place of the

osg::Vec3d vt(mat.getTrans() - getEyePoint()); //getEyePoint return the
> current camera position
> osg::Vec3d vt2 = _q_ * vt ;
> _eye -= vt-vt2;

This is all.
The result ? so complicated too : the camera seems to be not exactly
motionless relative to the node. Can be a lack of precision but* if the
node is moved with two successive rotation, the camera is not at all
motionless and move without any sense...
I have tried a lot of things, but the result still stay the same...
I have this problem for months... and no new idea... so, if you have any
suggestion, idea,  it would be very great for me!

Thanks for help.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cmake-2.6-patch 0 optimisation problems

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi J-S,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:02 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
> We could also show a warning on Configure if we detect that the CMake
> version is one of those that cause the problem.

Looking at the follow up responses it might not be specific CMake
version, rather a particular build of it...

Perhaps checking valud of the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE variable to see
it's blank would be sufficient.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Sorry :

made a mistake

*Depth {
  UniqueID Depth_2
  function NEVER
  writeMask TRUE
  range 0 1

*is really*

Depth {
  UniqueID Depth_2
  function ALWAYS
  writeMask TRUE
  range 0 1
2008/12/4 Vincent Bourdier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Jean-Sébastien,
> Using a HUD-like system seems to be a extrem solution for me... I am just
> looking at a way to set a node always rendered...
> For the moment, using the .osg format file to see my stateset, I see that
> the culling test still stay ON.
> I correct it ; my code is now :
> *node->setCullingActive(false);
> osg::ref_ptr depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::NEVER, 0.0,
> 1.0);
> node->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(depth.get(),
> osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> node->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST,
> osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
> node->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(1000, "RenderBin");*
> my node is now :
> *PositionAttitudeTransform {
>   UniqueID PositionAttitudeTransform_0
>   name "F-GHOP"
>   nodeMask 0x
>   cullingActive FALSE
>   StateSet {
> UniqueID StateSet_1
> rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
> renderBinMode USE
> binNumber 1000
> binName RenderBin
> Depth {
>   UniqueID Depth_2
>   function NEVER
>   writeMask TRUE
>   range 0 1
> }
>   }
>   UpdateCallbacks {
> NodeCallback {
>   name "planeOverTheFloorCallback"
>   NodeCallback {
> name "triggerScaleCallback"
>   }
> }
>   }
> ...
> //with LOD children after.*
> And the result... still the same : culling make nothing different.
> Am I missing something important ?
> thanks,
> Regards,
> 2008/12/4 Ralph Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Jean-Sébastien Guay schrieb:
>> > Hi Vincent,
>> >
>> > Or perhaps your ground is a very very large sphere where no part of the
>> > sphere can be culled away, so the far plane is actually behind the Earth
>> > (which is very far away relatively to the distance between the airplane
>> > and the ground)...
>> >
>> > J-S
>> I second that. Your background sphere (which is the radius of the earth)
>> takes away all of the Z-Buffer resolution.
>> What you would really need is a two pass rendering: Rendering of the
>> earth sphere as a "background" with it's own depth range and then the
>> air plane as the front scene. So I'd propose a variant of the "HUD"
>> approach, but with 3 dimensional geometry for background and front part.
>> regards Ralph
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgViewer osgCool

2008-12-04 Thread Renan Mendes
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hi Jean-Sébastien,

Using a HUD-like system seems to be a extrem solution for me... I am just
looking at a way to set a node always rendered...

For the moment, using the .osg format file to see my stateset, I see that
the culling test still stay ON.

I correct it ; my code is now :

osg::ref_ptr depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::NEVER, 0.0,
node->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(1000, "RenderBin");*

my node is now :

*PositionAttitudeTransform {
  UniqueID PositionAttitudeTransform_0
  name "F-GHOP"
  nodeMask 0x
  cullingActive FALSE
  StateSet {
UniqueID StateSet_1
rendering_hint DEFAULT_BIN
renderBinMode USE
binNumber 1000
binName RenderBin
Depth {
  UniqueID Depth_2
  function NEVER
  writeMask TRUE
  range 0 1
  UpdateCallbacks {
NodeCallback {
  name "planeOverTheFloorCallback"
  NodeCallback {
name "triggerScaleCallback"
//with LOD children after.*

And the result... still the same : culling make nothing different.
Am I missing something important ?



2008/12/4 Ralph Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jean-Sébastien Guay schrieb:
> > Hi Vincent,
> >
> > Or perhaps your ground is a very very large sphere where no part of the
> > sphere can be culled away, so the far plane is actually behind the Earth
> > (which is very far away relatively to the distance between the airplane
> > and the ground)...
> >
> > J-S
> I second that. Your background sphere (which is the radius of the earth)
> takes away all of the Z-Buffer resolution.
> What you would really need is a two pass rendering: Rendering of the
> earth sphere as a "background" with it's own depth range and then the
> air plane as the front scene. So I'd propose a variant of the "HUD"
> approach, but with 3 dimensional geometry for background and front part.
> regards Ralph
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index outofrangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Gordon,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Tomlinson, Gordon
> To be honest OGL 3.0 is not on my horizon right now ( I know its there )
> A lot of our customers are on base line machines with 7 year old cards
> such as NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL
> OpenGl 2.1 and 256mb is a luxury :)

Out of curiosity what version of OpenGL and extensions does this kit support?

VBO's?  PBO'S? FBO's?  Shaders?

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Win32 : Gecko Plugin

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Adrian,

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D)
> i am looking for a manual how to build the xulrunner under windows (VS 2008)
> or (VS 2005). There is still a prebuild version for xulrunner 1.9 but we
> need actually the elder version. i tried to build against this
> later version, but there are some build errors. has anybody still tried to
> fix them? or any other suggestions.

UBrowser/LLMozLib that our gecko plugin is based on only works with
xulrunner 1.8.x.  I exchanged a number of emails with Callum Prentice
the author of UBrowser and he said porting to 1.9.x isn't something he
was planning to tackle soon, and maybe never as he and he's colleagues
are now looking seriously at using webkit or one of it's derivatives.

Callum mentioned that gecko engineers were never very open to helping
out users that wanted to embedded gecko renderers in custom apps, so
developing UBrowser/LLMozLib was rather a struggle, which in tern
makes trying to get help finding out what new API's would be
appropriate to replace the ones used in 1.8.x is not a welcoming
proposition.  xulrunner is really poorly documented, combine that with
unhelpful support and you can see why Callum and co. and looking

It does look like furture of embedded browsers will be webkit based,
but alas it's a bleeding edge there too, and documentation is not much
better than for xulrunner, but... the code looks better organised, and
google engineers that are pushing ahead with webkit also seem far more
friendly to outside interaction.

So the present gecko is likely to be just a short term fix.  xulrunner
1.8.x binaries should be available under windows as when I followed
the various online discussions about UBrowser/LLMozLib it looked like
Windows users were able to easily pull down and get a custom version
of libxulrunner working, it was Linux users that had the troubles.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Ralph Kern
Robert Osfield schrieb:
> Hi Guys,
> I've been done a few basic benchmarks today and was stunned to find
> far lower performance than on my older and slower quad core system,
> the cull and draw traversals being far longer.  I've traced the
> problem back to cmake's release build options being blank on this
> machine - so release build was build without the usual -O3 option in
> place.  I'm currently doing a rebuild to see what happens with
> manually putting -O3 in the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE entry.

so what's now your time for the full rebuild with optimization?

I guess it's now more than 4m 36?

regards Ralph

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Ralph Kern
Jean-Sébastien Guay schrieb:
> Hi Vincent,
> Or perhaps your ground is a very very large sphere where no part of the
> sphere can be culled away, so the far plane is actually behind the Earth
> (which is very far away relatively to the distance between the airplane
> and the ground)...
> J-S

I second that. Your background sphere (which is the radius of the earth)
takes away all of the Z-Buffer resolution.

What you would really need is a two pass rendering: Rendering of the
earth sphere as a "background" with it's own depth range and then the
air plane as the front scene. So I'd propose a variant of the "HUD"
approach, but with 3 dimensional geometry for background and front part.

regards Ralph

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 4m 36 seconds!

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ulrich,

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:32 AM, Ulrich Hertlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My take on hyper-threading was always to disable it, if enough (say >= 4) 
> cores
> are available.  It's not a separate core after all and there is a certain
> amount of work involved to make one core look like two.

For threads that don't have critical latency like file reading threads
hyper threading actually makes a lot of sense as the processor core
won't be highly contended - much of the times the paging threads will
be stalled waiting for IO.

For performance critical threads like cull and draw dispatch one will
need to take care about dropping two threads on to a core that will
contended at the same time for its resources.

> Additionally: what is the communities' experience with manually assigning
> processes to cores?  Does it work?

Yes, it's pretty important for multi-processor performance gains, even
under Linux as an move of the thread from core to core throws
invalidates the cache.  Thread affinity can make the difference of
multi-threaded viewer being faster or slower than a SingleThreaded.

Performance I've seen on this machine suggests a bit of mixed bag,
with desktop effects on I found that DrawThreadPerContext viewer
didn't perform better than SingleThreaded, but with desktop effect off
performance was much better with DrawThreadPerContext.  This is just
with a few limited tests, and no new controls on thread affinity to
take account of the hyper-threading, I have much to learn yet about
the dynamics yet.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Calendar time in FrameStamp

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Paul,

When I original introduced FrameStamp I thought ahead and saw that it
could be useful to have a calender time available via FrameStamp.  For
instance an ephemeris model could use it.   The use of it being in
FrameStamp is that it allows apps to decouple the time they use for
simulation purposes from the application implementation.

Right now the calander time ins't populated, and if you want to use it
you'd need to populate it yourself.  The way I'd implement it in an
app would be by overriding Viewer::advance() that updates the


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:26 PM, Paul Martz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Robert -- There doesn't appear to be any code in the OSG distribution
> that sets or gets the calendar time in FrameStamp. Is this purely for
> application convenience? Applications can store any values they want in the
> tm struct?
> (The header comment says, "Note the calendar time can be an artificial
> simulation time or capture the real time of day etc." The comment doesn't go
> into detail about how those options are set, but to me the comment seems to
> imply that FrameStamp (or something else in OSG) manages calendar time and
> can be configured for either of those options. But this is not the case from
> the code I've seen, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting it.)
> Paul Martz
> Skew Matrix Software LLC
> +1 303 859 9466
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgViewer osgCool

2008-12-04 Thread Pierre Bourdin (gmail)
if you're interested in creating particles, you can have a look at
Delta3D which is based on Openscenegraph:

There is a tool for creating particule effects in their utilities (IHM
is based on fltk).

Le jeudi 27 novembre 2008 à 13:46 -0200, Renan Mendes a écrit :

> My mistake, I thought it was an example but it is only an argument for
> the application. 
> Either way, I really wanted to learn how that particular particle
> effect was generated... How can I do it?
> Thanks,
> Renan
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Av. Pascot BP 90443
tél: 04 68 56 80 18
fax: 04 68 55 03 86

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question

2008-12-04 Thread Vincent Bourdier
Hmm just some doubts after a look on OpenGl specifications :

Why turning OFF the culling ? it will just eliminate or not the backface...
so it is not very useful for this problem, isn't it ?

Next, if I use a depth test to (ALWAYS,0,1), renderbindetails is not
necessary...isn't it ?

Last, still have no results...

Just a question now (or two) : If I set the depth test on a node (PAT) or if
I set it on a drawable/geode/... is there some difference ?
Have you any idea of why I have no visible results ?



2008/12/3 Vincent Bourdier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 2008/12/3 Tomlinson, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To NOT render a node and all its children simply set is Node mask to 0x0
>> to stop it being drawn, and set it 0xFFF and any value that results
>> in true when locial AND'ed cameras mask
>> As to alsway being drawn
>> 1) Turn OSG culling of on the node
>> 2) Place the node and its children in a render bin with a high number
>> like 100 or higher than any other you may be using.
>> This will make sure it is rendered last
>> node->setRenderBinDetails( 100,"LastRenderBin");
>> 3) If you want all of the geometry to be drawn then turn OFF the depth
>> test of for  node and its children as shown below
> Hmm, I use this code :
> *osg::ref_ptr state = node->getOrCreateStateSet();
>> node->setCullingActive(false);
>> state->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
>> state->setRenderBinDetails(1000, "RenderBin");*
> and nothing happen...
> It is not my lucky day today...
> Thanks.
> Regards,
>> Gordon
>> __
>> Gordon Tomlinson
>> Product Manager 3D
>> Email  : gtomlinson @
>> __
>> (C): (+1) 571-265-2612
>> (W): (+1) 703-437-7651
>> "Self defence is not a function of learning tricks
>> but is a function of how quickly and intensely one
>> can arouse one's instinct for survival"
>> - Master Tambo Tetsura
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ulrich
>> Hertlein
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 12:53 AM
>> To: OpenSceneGraph Users
>> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Depth/Cull question
>> Hi Vincent,
>> Quoting Vincent Bourdier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > I just need to set a node to be always rendered (or not).
>> > It needs to not depend on the Zbuffer/culling.
>> >...
>> > *osg::ref_ptr state = node->getOrCreateStateSet();*
>> > > *state->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::ON);*
>> > > *osg::ref_ptr depth;*
>> > > *if(set){*
>> > > *depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::ALWAYS, 0.0, 1.0);*
>> > > *state->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE,
>> osg::StateAttribute::OFF);*
>> > > *node->setCullingActive(false);*
>> > > *}else{*
>> > > *depth = new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0.0, 1.0);*
>> > > *state->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::ON);*
>> > > *node->setCullingActive(true);*
>> > > *}*
>> > > **
>> > > *state->setAttributeAndModes(depth.get(),
>> > > osg::StateAttribute::ON);*
>> Seems to me you're actually throwing different concepts into one bag:
>> - Zbuffer/depth test
>> - GL face culling
>> - OSG node culling
>> If I understand you correctly then you want to make sure a node is
>> always drawn irrespective of any objects that might be in front of it.
>> Simply turn of the depth test:
>> state->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF)
>> That might expose issues with the order in which objects are drawn - the
>> solution to that is RenderBins.
>> When you say "always rendered *(or not)*" (my emphasis) do you want to
>> turn it off completely?
>> Hope this helps,
>> Cheers,
>> /ulrich
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
>> g
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] setUpdateOperations?

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Brad,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Brad Colbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are the UpdateOperations used for in the osgViewer::Viewer class?

The UpdateOperations list is useful for integrating threaded
operations that run con-currently with the main frame loop.  For
instance you'd create an custom osg::Operation, add this to an
osg::OperationThreads and to the viewer, then it's called by both
threads, the operation itself will have to deal with its own thread

A use might be management of custom paging in the background, or
networking integration.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Request: bool Polytope.contains(another_polytope)

2008-12-04 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Jefferson,

Like Gordon says, if you need the function then the thing to do is
implement it and submit it.  I'm not hear to take end users feature
requests and then go a implement them for free.  I have bucket load of
work to do, working well over my forty hour week every week, with many
of these hours doing project maintenance and support work without
financial return, the simply is no scope for doing extra stuff just
out of kind heartedness - I do strangely enough have a life outside
the OSG.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Jefferson Pinheiro
> Hello Robert,
> Can you please implement a function, in class Polytope, that checks if the
> current polytope intersects another polytope? Or is there another way to do
> that, and I'm not seeing?
> Thanks,
> --
> Jefferson Pinheiro
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cmake-2.6-patch 0 optimisation problems

2008-12-04 Thread Michael


Debian testing/unstable
cmake version 2.6.2
installed from official debian package cmake 2.6.2-2

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] flt-exporter: Index outof rangeinVertexPaletteManager

2008-12-04 Thread Andreas Goebel

Hi Paul & Robert,

I have now done the following:
- changed my code to use DrawElements, which was easy in my case
- fixed a bug in flt-exporter with the help of Paul, sent this file to paul

Thanks for your help,

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Win32 : Gecko Plugin

2008-12-04 Thread Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D)
Hi all,

i am looking for a manual how to build the xulrunner under windows (VS 2008)
or (VS 2005). There is still a prebuild version for xulrunner 1.9 but we
need actually the elder version. i tried to build against this
later version, but there are some build errors. has anybody still tried to
fix them? or any other suggestions.



Adrian Egli
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Yet another poll

2008-12-04 Thread Can T. Oguz
Dear OSG Users,

I've been in need of some calculation stuff for sometime and now I've
realized that I'm writing unnecessary code. Today's issue was polygon
inflation/deflation. So I'm going to be smart and ask you people.

What library do you use for geometric calculation stuff? If you code your
own, please state.

Thank you for your time,

osg-users mailing list