
2016-05-23 Thread pali

I created new perl module Email::Address::XS for parsing and formatting
email groups or addresses. Parser is borrowed from dovecot and that part
implemented in C/XS.

Source code is currently at:

Email::Address::XS has backward compatible API with old Email::Address
module (which has security problem CVE-2015-7686) and my new module is
intended to replace old Email::Address.

This module supports not only single list of addresses, but also named
groups of addresses (according to RFC 2822).

I tried to make source code readable, documented and also fast (thanks
to dovecot parser written in C; not in perl regex).

It contains also lot of examples and test cases to check that parser and
formatter is correct.

See pod documentation and unit tests:

Thanks to named group support I would like to extend Email::MIME module
to allow passing directly Email::Address::XS objects, not only string
headers to make MIME encoding and decoding from applications easier.

What do you think about it?

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-05-28 Thread pali
On Saturday 28 May 2016 22:33:02 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > Thanks to named group support I would like to extend Email::MIME
> > module to allow passing directly Email::Address::XS objects, not
> > only string headers to make MIME encoding and decoding from
> > applications easier.
> > 
> > What do you think about it?
> I'm not sure what you're suggesting.  Do you mean:
>   Email::MIME->create(..., header => [ To => $addr_xs, ...  ]);
> opposed to:
>   Email::MIME->create(..., header => [ To => $addr_xs->as_string, ...
>  ]);
> ?  Could you elaborate?

Basically yes. From caller perspective I want to pass email address 
object and let Email::MIME to do MIME encoding correctly. Something like 

my $email = Email::MIME->create(
header_addr => [
From => Email::Address::XS->new(Name => 'user@host'),
To => [
Email::Address::XS->new(Name2 => 'user2@host'),
Email::Address::XS->new(Name3 => 'user3@host'),

Currently Email::MIME module takes UTF-8 formatted To (or Cc) header, 
construct from it Email::Address object, then MIME encode phrase part 
and after that format header back to string line.

If I pass Email::Address::XS object directly to Email::MIME, then one 
step of decomposition (from ->as_string back to Email::Address object) 
will not be needed.

Also in same way I would to pass named group of email addresses, e.g:

my $email = Email::MIME->create(
header_grps => [
To => [
$group_name => [ $address1_obj, $address2_obj ],

Currently Email::MIME from all named groups, because it uses 
Email::Address parser and it does not support it.

My Email::Address::XS supports also named groups of addresses, so above 
syntax can be implemented via Email::Address::XS module.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-06-01 Thread pali
On Tuesday 31 May 2016 02:42:48 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-05-28T16:48:40]
> > Basically yes. From caller perspective I want to pass email address
> > object and let Email::MIME to do MIME encoding correctly. Something
> > like this:
> > 
> > my $email = Email::MIME->create(
> > 
> > header_addr => [ ... ],
> > 
> > );
> I think that requiring people to break headers up even further into
> to add a "header_addr" argument is a bit much.  And why header_grps?

In most cases you do not send emails with named group of addresses. So 
it make sense to make it more easier to specify just list of addresses 
which does not belong to any named group.

But in some cases you can compose & send email with list of addresses 
which are in some named group. So some extended syntax is needed.

>  How about object that represents the group?

For those who want to compose email is easier to specify addresses in 
perl list, not creating such objects or similar... It also leads to more 
readable code.

> Then the existing
> header and header_str arguments can start silently accepting these
> objects and doing the right thing.

Yes, that can be implemented. But there is problem with stringification 
and other such things of object. Currently when I passed some variable 
into header or header_str I was sure that string value of that variable 
was used. When some object magic is used then it will not be such easy 
to check if string value (stringified) or object value is used. So this 
is reason why I proposed header_addr and header_grps to make it clear 
what you want to pass.

Also it is similar to list/group API of Email::Address::XS module. If 
you think that API for named group support in Email::Address::XS is not 
good or can be improved, let me know.

What I would like to see is same/similar usage named group addresses in 
Email::MIME and Email::Address::XS.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-07-03 Thread pali
On Friday 01 July 2016 02:51:31 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> My coworkers have returned to the other side of the world!  I
> attended YAPC!  i had a vacation!  I am back.
> * [2016-06-01T12:44:01]
> > On Tuesday 31 May 2016 02:42:48 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > * [2016-05-28T16:48:40]
> > > 
> > > > Basically yes. From caller perspective I want to pass email
> > > > address object and let Email::MIME to do MIME encoding
> > > > correctly. Something like this:
> > > > 
> > > > my $email = Email::MIME->create(
> > > > 
> > > > header_addr => [ ... ],
> > > > 
> > > > );
> > > 
> > > I think that requiring people to break headers up even further
> > > into to add a "header_addr" argument is a bit much.  And why
> > > header_grps?
> So, you had some responses to this which were quite helpful.
> My suggestion was meant to be something like "why not make
> Email::MIME understand some kind of object as the value in a
> header?"  I think this is still right.
> Your main responses were (please correct me if I am misunderstanding
> them):
> 1.  it should be possible and easy to supply a list of address
> objects
> 2.  it should be possible to have a named group, but not
> required

Both 1. and 2. are required and 1. should be easy to use by caller. 2. 
is not so common, but still email module should be able to support such 

> 3.  we don't want ambiguity in how objects passed to
> (header_str => [...]) are interpreted


> What if we defined a role (here, just a well-known name) called
> Email::MIME::Header::Value, which is used to signal that a particular
> method, say "as_mime_header", should be used to stringify?

In this case, do we need role at all? Is not existence of method 
"as_mime_header" enough?

> When building the header, the code will do something like:
>   $string = $name . ": "
>   . ($value->DOES('Email::MIME::Header::Value')
>   ? $value->as_mime_header
>   : "$value");
> No existing object will become confused by this change, only objects
> which do the new role.
> Then Email::Address::XS could provide some helper routines, so you
> could write and of:
> From => ''
> From => Email::Address::XS->new(...)
> From => address('', 'Ricardo SIGNES')
> From => addrlist( address('', 'Ricardo SIGNES'), ...
> )
> From => addrgroup( Humans => address('', 'Rik'), ...
> )

And all this would be passed via header or header_str?

If address(), addrlist() and addrgroup() returns those objects (with 
as_mime_header() method) it could be usable...

But I was thinking about using same syntax in Email::MIME for passing 
addrlist/addrgroup as is in Email::Address::XS format_email_addresses 
and format_email_groups functions.

> It might be best to make the first code sample actually do:
>   $string = $name . ": "
>   . ($value->DOES('Email::MIME::Header::Value')
>   ? $value->as_mime_header($name, $mycrlf)  # <-- changed
>   : "$value");
> let the object do folding.  I'm not sure about that one.  I'd
> want to double-check whether there's a reason to not always do the
> folding of the post-stringified form in Email::MIME.

In my opinion folding and unfolding should be done in Email::Simple. I'm 
not huge fan of adding folding and CRLF code into Email::Address::XS as 
it has nothing to do with it. That module parse and format one line of 
list of addresses.

I think that automatically adding CRLF into output string is not good 
idea. But maybe it could make sense to tell Email::Address::XS module to 
"prepare" output string in format that it can be split by greedy 
algorithm for lines which are XX chars long (maybe 72 by default?).

But now I'm not sure if it is possible... Email::Address::XS know 
nothing about MIME or encodings. It just format what caller pass it...

> Anyway, this avoids adding multiple more places to set headers and
> makes the API extensible for other header types like Message-ID,
> etc, in the future.
> What do you think of this all?

Still do not know how to handle non-MIME headers correctly in 
Email::MIME module. We can either create blacklist of non-MIME headers 
and extend it every time when somebody report problem or create 
whitelist of MIME headers... Or let caller to decide if his header must 
be MIME-encoded or not.

And I think that it is better to let caller decide and do not do any 
magic (decide based on header name if MIME-encode or not). As adding any 
entry into black/white-list could cause breaking existing SW when update 
to new Email::MIME module.

My attempt with header_addr and header_grps achieve it. Passing objects 
with own as_mime_header() method could work too (problem is with that 
folding). But reason why I proposed header_addr and header_grps is 
ability to directly pass input to / output from Email::Address::XS 
functions (without 

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-07-12 Thread pali
On Monday 04 July 2016 01:52:41 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-07-03T08:39:22]
> > On Friday 01 July 2016 02:51:31 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > What if we defined a role (here, just a well-known name) called
> > > Email::MIME::Header::Value, which is used to signal that a
> > > particular method, say "as_mime_header", should be used to
> > > stringify?
> > 
> > In this case, do we need role at all? Is not existence of method
> > "as_mime_header" enough?
> That method alone is fine with me.
> > And all this would be passed via header or header_str?
> I'd stick to header_str, I think, but I'm not sure.  At any rate:
> yes.

And this is what I do not like... to pass objects to function with name 
header_str. That name sounds like it takes string, not object (or more 

> > If address(), addrlist() and addrgroup() returns those objects
> > (with as_mime_header() method) it could be usable...
> > 
> > But I was thinking about using same syntax in Email::MIME for
> > passing addrlist/addrgroup as is in Email::Address::XS
> > format_email_addresses and format_email_groups functions.
> I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

Syntax/API of passing email groups to function format_email_groups from 
Email::Address::XS module. E.g. to call format_email_groups and 
Email::MIME functions with same syntax of objects/structures/arguments..

> > In my opinion folding and unfolding should be done in
> > Email::Simple. I'm not huge fan of adding folding and CRLF code
> > into Email::Address::XS as it has nothing to do with it. That
> > module parse and format one line of list of addresses.
> I agree.  I think if we start with the API described above, and leave
> the folding for the message to perform, we'll be okay.  We can
> certainly find out by writing the code!
> > > What do you think of this all?
> > 
> > Still do not know how to handle non-MIME headers correctly in
> > Email::MIME module. We can either create blacklist of non-MIME
> > headers and extend it every time when somebody report problem or
> > create whitelist of MIME headers... Or let caller to decide if his
> > header must be MIME-encoded or not.
> I'm sorry, I don't understand.  Could you elaborate?

If passed pair (header-name, header-value) needs to be MIME encoded or 
not. Currently there is blacklist in Email::MIME for header names which 
are never MIME encoded (like Message-Id, Date, ...) when passing as 

> > Basically we need unambiguous way to specify:
> > 
> > * ascii string which will never be MIME-encoded (error for unicode
> > char)
> > * unicode string which will be MIME-encoded if contains
> > unicode char
> > * addresses/groups - but again with ability to
> > specify if do MIME-encode
> We have that, right?
> "header" is "already encoded", which is another way of saying "do not
> encode this."


> "header_str" is "text string" which means it will get encoded.

Not exactly, there are exceptions (Message-Id, Date, ...) plus special 
behaviour for addresses headers.

> The address or groups thing falls under "object."  I had assumed it
> would, itself, know how to become MIME encoded.  This is important,
> because the semantics of what gets encoded differ per field type. 
> So, as_mime_header is the encoded form.  If you want to offer an
> unencoded form, as_string seems like the obvious method.

Addresses and groups are really something different as previous types 
(strings). And if we threat them as objects, I would rather see e.g. 
header_obj (or other different name) instead mixing it again with 
header_str (which already have exceptions :-(). This is my initial 
reason for header_addr/grps to distinguish it.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-02 Thread pali
On Tuesday 02 August 2016 01:00:02 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-07-12T11:43:02]
> > On Monday 04 July 2016 01:52:41 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > I'd stick to header_str, I think, but I'm not sure.  At any rate:
> > > yes.
> > 
> > And this is what I do not like... to pass objects to function with
> > name header_str. That name sounds like it takes string, not object
> > (or more objects)...
> Either we can add a new name, so people end up having to give
> "header_str" and "header_obj" or we can say "in general everything
> uses header_str, which follows these simple rules."  I would rather
> do that.

I can imagine, that people could be confused about header_str meaning. 
It has suffix _str and I would expect it needs (Unicode) string, not 
object... Name "header" is better as it does not say it needs string.

> > > > Still do not know how to handle non-MIME headers correctly in
> > > > Email::MIME module. We can either create blacklist of non-MIME
> > > > headers and extend it every time when somebody report problem
> > > > or create whitelist of MIME headers... Or let caller to decide
> > > > if his header must be MIME-encoded or not.
> > > 
> > > I'm sorry, I don't understand.  Could you elaborate?
> > 
> > If passed pair (header-name, header-value) needs to be MIME encoded
> > or not. Currently there is blacklist in Email::MIME for header
> > names which are never MIME encoded (like Message-Id, Date, ...)
> > when passing as header_str.
> So, I'd assume we'd go forward with:
> * if you know exactly octets you, the user, want in the header field,
> use "header", but this is likely rare

Do you mean $email->header_raw_set()?

I think it is not rare to encode header (to MIME) externally and then 
pass ASCII 7bit string to $email. At least I see this usage for From 
header (in previous version of Email::MIME encoding of From/To/Cc 
headers was totally broken).

> * if you want to provide a string for a field that's pretty much just
> a string, use header_str and if it requires special handling, we do
> our best, which should get better over time

I fully agree.

> * but if things are complicated, use an object that represents the
> structured data


> I don't like the idea that this will be broken further by adding the
> object behavior, though.
>   $email->header_str_set($field => $email->header($field));
> ...should not break things.
> > > "header_str" is "text string" which means it will get encoded.
> > 
> > Not exactly, there are exceptions (Message-Id, Date, ...) plus
> > special behaviour for addresses headers.
> Those /mostly/ still get encoded, but we know that the strings are
> meant to be structured, so we try to deconstruct them and encode
> them correctly. I think those fields that get passed through
> unchanged are probably in error at least insofar as they let you put
> non-7-bit-clean data in your headers.  This should probably be
> fatal:
>   header_str => [ Date => "\N{SMILING FACE WITH HORNS}" ]

Here is problem: Should Email::MIME understand meaning of email headers?

--> If yes, then for Date should be accepted only valid Date header 
(according to RFC!) and so Unicode string is disallowed.

--> If not, then Email::MIME should not distinguish between header Date 
and X-MyOwnDate. And so it should be allowed to MIME encode string for 

But Email::MIME currently do something between...

Here we see that header_str does not say (or specify) which string must 
be specified as parameter. Unicode string? Arbitrary 8bit string? 7bit 
ASCII string? Or ASCII subset visible characters?

I think we should unify API for it. And ideally describe into 
documentation how to correctly use it.

That /mostly/ with special exceptions for Message-Id or Date is wrong.

> > Addresses and groups are really something different as previous
> > types (strings). And if we threat them as objects, I would rather
> > see e.g. header_obj (or other different name) instead mixing it
> > again with header_str (which already have exceptions :-(). This is
> > my initial reason for header_addr/grps to distinguish it.
> My feeling is that Perl programmers are used to polymorphic
> interfaces, and that multiplying the number of ways to specify
> headers is a needless confusion. What is the benefit to the end user
> of splitting things up?

I see at least 3 benefits:

1) Function name say what it accept

2) No problem with meaning which type of string is accepted (subset 
ASCII, ASCII or Unicode as described above)

3) Possible performance optimization (less objects are created)

And there is another problem still not solved. From $email object it is 
needed also to read From/To/Cc headers and user (caller) of Email::MIME 
module is sometimes interested in de-composited addresses objects (e.g. 
when want to parse each email address in CC field) and sometimes 
interested only in one string representation (e.g. want to write header 
to STDOUT)...

With explicit $email

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-08 Thread pali
On Wednesday 03 August 2016 00:36:11 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-08-02T17:03:07]
> > I can imagine, that people could be confused about header_str
> > meaning. It has suffix _str and I would expect it needs (Unicode)
> > string, not object... Name "header" is better as it does not say
> > it needs string.
> People will want to be able to pass non-ASCII strings in as subject,
> meaning that header is not suitable for the "one true list of
> fields."  Passing in a pre-encoded value is pretty sure to be the
> exception, not the rule.
> In other words, I think this would be more sensible:
>   header_str => [
> Foo => raw_mime($header_raw),
> Bar => "Text string to be encoded",
> Baz => $message_id_object,
>   ],
> The alternative, using header, is:
>   header => [
> Foo => $header_raw,
> Bar => mime_encode("Text string to be encoded"),
> Baz => $message_id_object,
>   ],

Here we are need to deal with objects which internally needs to be MIME 
encoded and objects which mustn't.

Image: I have $address object which phrase is already MIME encoded and I 
want to pass it into Cc header.

So I would suggest to use header => [...] syntax only for 7bit strings 
or object with 7bit strings (e.g. when caller is responsible for 
encoding all strings or object strings into 7bit MIME). And syntax 
header_str => [...] for Unicode strings (or objects which have Unicode 

Which means: if I pass $address object into "header", then phrase of 
$address must be already MIME encoded (or ASCII only) and when I pass it 
into "header_str" then it will be automatically MIME encoded.

It is OK?

> > And there is another problem still not solved. From $email object
> > it is needed also to read From/To/Cc headers and user (caller) of
> > Email::MIME module is sometimes interested in de-composited
> > addresses objects (e.g. when want to parse each email address in
> > CC field) and sometimes interested only in one string
> > representation (e.g. want to write header to STDOUT)...
> > 
> > With explicit $email->header_str() $email->header_addr() and also
> > $email->header_grps() calls user get type which wants. I cannot
> > imagine without 3 different calls how to achieve it.
> Here is the first idea that comes to mind:
> ->header_str always returns a text string.


> ->header_raw always returns a byte string.


> Pardon the arbitrary name, but:
>   $email->header_frob($field);
> Read only, always returns an object that can ->as_mime_string.  For
> fields that were set without an object, it returns an unstructured
> just-in-time proxy. Headers set with "raw" return the same kind of
> object I proposed above for passing a raw header into header_str. 
> Headers set with header_str get the kind of thing that mime_encode()
> returns.  Possibly/probably if you have set the From header with
> header_str, you get the object currently being produced, just for
> brief use, in Email::MIME::Encode.

If I create Email::MIME object from input string, I would like to get:

1) Raw (ASCII) string representation of To: field

2) Unicode string representation of To: field

3) List of Email::Address::XS objects which are in To: field

4) List of named groups with Email::Address::XS objects of To: field

For 1) and 2) I can use ->header_raw and ->header_str methods. For 3) 
and 4) are needed new method(s). Ideally if caller is able to get 
original MIME encoded objects (where in ->phrase part of address object 
is still MIME encoded) and also if objects strings are Unicode.

Any idea for 3) and 4)? Note that caller should be able to get list of 
those objects (maybe as one object?) of arbitrary header name. Not only 
for some hardcoded. As there are new headers like Original-From which 
contains addresses...

> > But if you still prefer that there should be only one function
> > which accept both objects and strings, lets define its name, how
> > should it act on different types of strings + header names. And
> > also how user of Email::MIME can receive for arbitrary header
> > Unicode string value...
> I believe I'm happy with my suggestion above that both header and
> header_str can work with objects, with the difference being the
> behavior on plain old strings.

I can accept that both "header" and "header_str" will work with objects, 
but I think that my suggestion about do not encoding "phrase" string 
part of object passed to "header" is useful...

> I realize I have expanded it in the course of this email.  Do you
> think it is unworkable in some way?

I think once we solve problem how to get objects from email which is 
created from string (or file), it can be usable...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-18 Thread pali
On Thursday 18 August 2016 23:21:28 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > If I create Email::MIME object from input string, I would like to
> > get:
> > 
> > 1) Raw (ASCII) string representation of To: field
> > 
> > 2) Unicode string representation of To: field
> > 
> > 3) List of Email::Address::XS objects which are in To: field
> > 
> > 4) List of named groups with Email::Address::XS objects of To:
> > field
> > 
> > For 1) and 2) I can use ->header_raw and ->header_str methods. For
> > 3) and 4) are needed new method(s). Ideally if caller is able to
> > get original MIME encoded objects (where in ->phrase part of
> > address object is still MIME encoded) and also if objects strings
> > are Unicode.
> As you say, 1 and 2 are dealt with.  For 3 or 4, you want to have an
> object in the header slot, rather than a string.  Once you've done
> that, you use its methods.  If the object's To field stores a
> string, you "upgrade" it with something like:
>   $email->header(To => mailbox_headers_from( $email->header('To') );
> ...and it seems like one would quickly amass some sort of routine
> like:
>   upgrade_headers($email);
> ...that would upgrade all the headers it knows about.

Can you describe (or write code) how you imagine that I get header 
"Original-Cc" in form of addresses in list of named groups from email 
which is stored in string scalar? I'm not sure that I understand how you 
mean it...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-20 Thread pali
On Thursday 18 August 2016 23:35:10 wrote:
> On Thursday 18 August 2016 23:21:28 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > If I create Email::MIME object from input string, I would like to
> > > get:
> > > 
> > > 1) Raw (ASCII) string representation of To: field
> > > 
> > > 2) Unicode string representation of To: field
> > > 
> > > 3) List of Email::Address::XS objects which are in To: field
> > > 
> > > 4) List of named groups with Email::Address::XS objects of To:
> > > field
> > > 
> > > For 1) and 2) I can use ->header_raw and ->header_str methods.
> > > For 3) and 4) are needed new method(s). Ideally if caller is
> > > able to get original MIME encoded objects (where in ->phrase
> > > part of address object is still MIME encoded) and also if
> > > objects strings are Unicode.
> > 
> > As you say, 1 and 2 are dealt with.  For 3 or 4, you want to have
> > an object in the header slot, rather than a string.  Once you've
> > done that, you use its methods.  If the object's To field stores a
> > 
> > string, you "upgrade" it with something like:
> >   $email->header(To => mailbox_headers_from( $email->header('To')
> >   );
> > 
> > ...and it seems like one would quickly amass some sort of routine
> > 
> > like:
> >   upgrade_headers($email);
> > 
> > ...that would upgrade all the headers it knows about.
> Can you describe (or write code) how you imagine that I get header
> "Original-Cc" in form of addresses in list of named groups from email
> which is stored in string scalar? I'm not sure that I understand how
> you mean it...

I still do not know how you though about it, but I understand it as 
unusable API...

Currently with Email::Address::XS I can achieve it by:

 1  use Email::MIME;
 2  use Email::Address::XS qw(parse_email_groups);
 3  my $str = join "", <>;
 4  my $email = Email::MIME->new($str);
 5  my @groups = parse_email_groups($email->header_raw("Original-Cc"));
 6  foreach (0 .. int($#groups / 2)) {
 7  $groups[2 * $_] = mime_decode($groups[2 * $_]);
 8  next unless defined $groups[2 * $_ + 1];
 9  foreach (@{$groups[2 * $_ + 1]}) {
10  $_->phrase(mime_decode($_->phrase));
11  $_->comment(mime_decode($_->comment));
12  }
13  }
14  # @group now contains:
15  # ('group1' => [ $obj1, $obj2 ], 'group2' => [ $obj3 ])

(where mime_decode is equivalent to Encode::decode("MIME-Header", ...))

And for easier usage I need to have one Email::MIME method which will do 
everything in lines 5-13. Method should get header name (in that case it 
is Original-CC) and returns MIME decoded final @groups list.

Email::MIME is module which automatically do any MIME encoding/decoding 
without user interaction, so that decoding must be done automatically 
and without such "upgrade" function.

I do not want to do that decode manually or call some "upgrade" function 
which you propose... Reading one email header should not change internal 
email structure.

Also it must be possible to get either named groups from Original-Cc 
header or only list of addresses. And I think with your proposal API it 
is not possible. You would need to call some "downgrade" function and 
then "upgrade" it to another object or so...

This can be elegantly solved by my proposal, when there will be two 
additional Email::MIME method. First header_addr which just returns list 
of addresses objects and second header_grps which returns named group 
with addresses objects (that one is in lines 5-13).

Email::Simple & Email::MIME with Email::Address::XS

2016-08-21 Thread pali

Now after long discussion which started 3 months ago and not finished 
yet about Email::Address::XS support in Email::MIME I started to writing 
code... I want to have something working, usable and not never-ending 

I implemented new module Email::Address::List::XS which provides object 
representation of list of Email::Address::XS objects with parse() and 
format() methods.

Next I added support for Email::Address::List::XS objects into 
Email::Simple and Email::MIME modules.

All source code is available at:

Example of usage:

my $email = Email::Simple->create(
header => [
From => Email::Address::XS->new('Name' => 'user@host'),
To => '"My Name" ',
my $addr1 = Email::Address::XS->new(undef, '');
my $addr2 = Email::Address::XS->new(undef, '');
my $addrlist = Email::Address::List::XS->new($addr1, $addr2);
$email->header_raw_set(Cc => $addrlist);

Email::Simple can accept any object which has format() method. Both 
modules Email::Address::List::XS and Email::Address::XS provides them.

Email::Simple contains new method header_addrlist_raw() which returns 
Email::Address::List::XS object for specified header (it does not matter 
if header value was passed as object or as string).

my $addrlist_to = $email->header_addrlist_raw('To');
my $phrase = $addrlist_to->first_address()->phrase();

(Now $phrase contains string 'My Name').

Next situation with Email::MIME is a bit complicated as module 
Email::MIME is responsible for doing MIME encoding/decoding. And because 
$address needs to be specially MIME encoded and decoded it is not 
possible to accept arbitrary object with format() method as in 
Email::Simple module. Email::MIME needs to know how to each object 
correctly encode and decode...

So for Email::MIME I added object support only for Email::Address::XS 
and Email::Address::List::XS modules. I do not expect that there will be 
needed support for anything else...

Usage is same as for Email::Simple, just in create() method is used 
"header_str" argument and for retrieving Email::Address::List::XS object 
is used header_addrlist() method. Basically same as work with strings 
(raw methods have _raw suffix). Passing objects to _raw methods just 
cause that objects will not be MIME encoded.

Look at code and tell me if this Email::Address::List::XS module is 
usable and if patches for Email::Simple and Email::MIME are acceptable. 
If yes, I can clean up it, write some tests and release whole 
Email::Address::XS module to CPAN...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-23 Thread pali
On Monday 22 August 2016 22:26:09 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> Here's a verbose form:
>   # Get an email.
>   my $email   = get_some_email_mime();
>   # Get the header -- the (unfolded) raw bytes.
>   my $cc_hdr  = $email->header_raw('Original-CC');
>   # parse it into an object
>   my $cc_obj  = parse_mailboxes( $cc_obj );
>   # put that object into the header:
>   $email->header_set('Original-CC', $cc_obj);
>   # get the raw mime-encoded bytes again:
>   my $cc_hdr2 = $email->header_raw('Original-CC');
>   # get a list of sub-object from the object's imaginary interface:
>   my @boxes   = $email->header_obj('Original-CC')->boxes;

That is really bad API :-( User of Email::MIME is really not interested
in getting RAW header and then manually converting it to some object
(provided by parse_mailboxes), then putting it back to Email::MIME
object... Email::MIME is there for doing whole MIME encoding/decoding
and basically user should not need to call any RAW method (only in case
when he needs to manually encode/decode MIME parts).

And I would expect from Email::MIME to do that encoding/decoding also
for From, To, CC... headers...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-23 Thread pali
On Monday 22 August 2016 22:34:39 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-08-20T06:01:16]
> > Email::MIME is module which automatically do any MIME encoding/decoding 
> > without user interaction, so that decoding must be done automatically 
> > and without such "upgrade" function.
> So do you mean that whenever someone reads the header with a specific method,
> the header is parsed just-in-time?
> If so, this seems like something very easy to add in an Email::MIME subclass 
> to
> show it off.
> Of course, it's also easy to take the hypothetical code behind
> "upgrade_headers($email)" to do something just like this, on a 
> per-known-header
> basis.
> > I do not want to do that decode manually or call some "upgrade" function 
> > which you propose... Reading one email header should not change internal 
> > email structure.
> I never suggested that anything was changed by virtue of being read, but 
> rather
> that one could explictly upgrade structures if desired.
> > Also it must be possible to get either named groups from Original-Cc 
> > header or only list of addresses. And I think with your proposal API it 
> > is not possible. You would need to call some "downgrade" function and 
> > then "upgrade" it to another object or so...
> Why would this not be possible?  There is some object storing the mailboxes
> structure, and it provides methods that answer the questions one needs to ask.

Because you have no idea about arbitrary object. If you want to e.g.
decode Email::Address::XS object, you must decode only ->phrase() and
->comment() parts! Not others.

Other objects will have different methods which needs to be
encoded/decoded. And MIME module (in this case Email::MIME) must known
which of them needs to be encoded/decoded.

Anyway, lets move forward. I already implemented something and send
information in email with subject "Email::Simple & Email::MIME with
Email::Address::XS" to pep mailing list...

I think this is good approach to provide usable API + ability to extend
code for other objects...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-08-25 Thread pali
On Wednesday 24 August 2016 22:55:05 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-08-23T03:56:24]
> > > > Also it must be possible to get either named groups from Original-Cc 
> > > > header or only list of addresses. And I think with your proposal API it 
> > > > is not possible. You would need to call some "downgrade" function and 
> > > > then "upgrade" it to another object or so...
> > > 
> > > Why would this not be possible?  There is some object storing the 
> > > mailboxes
> > > structure, and it provides methods that answer the questions one needs to
> > > ask.
> > 
> > Because you have no idea about arbitrary object. If you want to e.g.
> > decode Email::Address::XS object, you must decode only ->phrase() and
> > ->comment() parts! Not others.
> I don't understand "you have no idea about arbitrary object."  Obviously you
> would get a type of object based on the header in question.

Then you need to create mapping from header name to object name. Plus
this does not solve problems for extended/application specific header
(X-Something) which can be used for type which application wants.

> > Anyway, lets move forward. I already implemented something and send
> > information in email with subject "Email::Simple & Email::MIME with
> > Email::Address::XS" to pep mailing list...
> > 
> > I think this is good approach to provide usable API + ability to extend
> > code for other objects...
> This reads like, "Look, just use the API that you don't like because I already
> wrote some code."  That's not going to sway me.

It is not like it...

I would rather know what is wrong with it? And which part? Both
Email::Simple & Email::MIME? Or only some subpart of it? And both
getting and setting headers? Or only getting them?

Do not take me wrong, but to check that API is usable, you need to
implement at least some POC and try to use it yourself. If it does not
meet everything needed, then you need to rework it. And this is what now

And I thought we discuss about it for a long time without trying to
implement something.

Look at my proposal just for first version and lets change parts which
are not OK for you. I do not believe that everything is totally wrong.

> What happens when someone wants a Date object for the Date header?  Do we add
> header_date?  Then header_rcvd for Received headers, and so on?  This 
> interface
> leads to either a proliferation of these things or to some line where we say,
> "well *these* headers are important enough and *these* are not."  On the other
> hand, a generic mechanism is generic.

Hm... here we are dealing with problem: I want header XYX from
Email::MIME, but I want it as object of class ABC. Right?

So easy extensible API needs to have one method which do that. Now I
have only idea with something like this:

 my $addrlist = $email->header_to_obj("Cc", "Email::Address::List::XS");

That will convert header "Cc" to object Email::Address::List::XS and
MIME decode parts which needs to be decoded.

(Maybe class name could be optional and some mapping table for most
common headers could be prepared)

That method still needs to be know how to MIME decode object

But fill free to propose something different/better for this problem.

> You can always publish your work as a subclass, if you think it that popular
> acclaim will convince me I'm wrong.

I would rather fix it, instead creating fork or subclass.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-09-05 Thread pali
On Saturday 03 September 2016 18:24:56 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > Look at my proposal just for first version and lets change parts which
> > are not OK for you. I do not believe that everything is totally wrong.
> Okay!
> First, I think we should just leave Email::Simple alone.  In general, I think
> the cases for using Email::Simple are very few, and almost nobody should ever
> use it.  Giving it new and ostensibly MIME-related features seems unnecessary.
> Having said that, I'm not going to look at the Email::Simple changes in depth.
> (We definitely don't want to make installing Email::Simple require loading
> Email::Address::List::XS, I'll note.)
> I think that ->format is probably not a great name choice, as it might exist
> other places too easily.  For example, Email::Address has a ->format, but I
> don't think it will be suitable for this, as it doesn't encode properly.  This

For Email::Simple it is correct. And for _raw functions in Email::MIME
too. ->format from Email::Address (and also Email::Address::XS as it is
replacement) correctly generate that header. But it expect that input
fields are ASCII, so MIME encoding must be done by caller, who are
creating that /Email::Address(::XS)?/ object.

> is why I originally suggested something almost guaranteed not to clash, like
> ->as_mime_header.  We can assume that programmers won't have to call this very
> often, only the innards of Email::MIME, so it's okay if it's a bit wordy.

I do not want to add ->as_mime_header (or other function) which will do
MIME encoding/decoding into Email::Address::XS. That module is for
formating and parsing email addresses headers, not for MIME
encoding/decoding. Same as it is for Email::Address module.

And because whole MIME encoding/decoding is done in Email::MIME, I think
that encoding/decoding of Email::Address should be done in Email::MIME
too. Maybe code can be moved to some submodule e.g. Email::MIME::,
but still part of Email-MIME distribution.

> The Email::MIME changes look like they could be broken up into several PRs,
> some of which would be obviously good to apply immediately, like removals of
> dead code and pointers to bad modules.

If you think that some of those changes can be merged immediately,
please specify commits and I create new pull request for them. Btw, I'm
preparing another big patch series for Encode::MIME::Header module (call
encode("MIEM-Header", ...)) which will fix remaining bugs. So if you
know about some in that, let me know ASAP, so I can fix it in my patch
series ;-)

..Which means that removing pointer to that module will not be needed..

> Primarily, I don't like the special weight given to the addrlist header.  
> While
> it's likely to be the most common one, I think that implementing it as a
> special case rather than an application of the general case, is going to lead
> to problems.  (Just yesterday I spent much of the day on DKIM, and it was 
> clear
> that Authentication-Results and Domain-Signature could both usefully have
> special objects.)


> > [...]
> > So easy extensible API needs to have one method which do that. Now I
> > have only idea with something like this:
> > 
> >  my $addrlist = $email->header_to_obj("Cc", "Email::Address::List::XS");
> > 
> > That will convert header "Cc" to object Email::Address::List::XS and
> > MIME decode parts which needs to be decoded.
> > 
> > (Maybe class name could be optional and some mapping table for most
> > common headers could be prepared)
> I think this is all plausible.  The parts that are important to me are:
> * objects working for all headers equally well

That just mean to create classes for needed headers.

> * a registry of common field-name-to-class-name mappings

Problem is what is "common". From RFC5322? From some subset of RFC5322?
>From later RFCs which update RFC5322? Or all RFCs which define some
structured header?

> > That method still needs to be know how to MIME decode object
> > Email::Address::List::XS...
> I'm not sure what you mean, here.  Do you mean that if we've stored a header
> entry as an object that has an as-mime-encoded-string method, we also end up
> needed a means to get it as-decoded-string?  I'm afraid I just don't 
> understand
> the sentence.

Ok, I will try to explain it differently. You already pointed to module
Email::Address. That module represent structure of From header (contains
one email address) as specified in RFC5322 (or 2822 or 822).

But it does not do any MIME encoding/decoding. So if somebody fill
Unicode strings in Email::Address module and you want to include that
header (which is represented by Email::Address object), you first need
to call MIME encoder/decoder on ->phrase and ->comment members of that

If you create new class which will represent other structured header
defined in RFC5322, then it again does will not deal with MIME encoding
and decoding. But it will have different members (not ->phrase and
->comment) which will be needed

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-09-12 Thread pali
On Sunday 11 September 2016 18:58:42 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-09-05T04:25:11]
> > I do not want to add ->as_mime_header (or other function) which will do
> > MIME encoding/decoding into Email::Address::XS. That module is for
> > formating and parsing email addresses headers, not for MIME
> > encoding/decoding. Same as it is for Email::Address module.
> The best way to know how to properly encode a structured header field is to
> know both its structure and the way that the structure ie meant to be encoded.
> For example, to know that a `mailboxes` structure may have a display-name,
> which would be words, which can be encoded, and may have an addr-spec, which 
> is
> not words, and so cannot be encoded.
> Parsing and encoding are not separable concerns, here, because to know whether
> to decode a part, one most know what part it is, which means it has been
> parsed.  You can only properly decode the structured data by knowing the
> relationship between structure and encoding.  Then, you can only encode the
> data by knowing the same.  This means that any interface between Email::MIME
> and some structured field representation has a much more complex API, if
> Email::MIME is responsible for the encoding and decoding.  It doesn't just 
> need
> a map of field name to class name, but also instructions on how structured 
> data
> are encoded and decoded.
> This seems like it becomes a nasty mess of deep coupling.  Am I making some
> fundamental mistake, here?
> Anyway, isn't it certain that people who parse addresses from headers will 
> want
> to get a decoded form?  Surely this will be common:
>   my @recipients = map {; $_->phrase_str // $_->address }
>Address->parse( $email->header('To') );
> The Dovecot parser (as I recall) does not decode encoded-words, so phrase_str
> is easy to write.  Does every consumer of Address need to know how to decode?
> Further, won't people want to write:
>   my $to = Address->new("김정은", "");
> ...and then pass that object on to something that knows what to do with it?
> Does every possible consumer of Address need to know how to encode an Address
> object?

Yes, this is what I already wrote. User of Email::MIME and Address
modules just want to construct Unicode Address object and pass it into
Email module, without calling any encode/decode functions.

Something like this:

  my $to = Address->new("김정은", "");
  $email->header("To", $to);

$to is internally stored as Unicode (no MIME) and $email in final must
be MIME-encoded. So either $email or something between must do that MIME

  $to->format()   # will produce  '"김정은" '
  $email->as_string() # will contains 'To: =?UTF-8?B?6rmA7KCV7J2A?= 

But as I wrote I do not want to add MIME encode/decode functions into
Address classes and I think that whole MIME encode/decode procedure
should be at one place (something like encode("MIME-Header", $str)).

Currently encoding and decoding MIME words is broken in perl,
Encode::MIME::Header has bugs, so I do not want to see that every
module will be its own decoding and encoding (plus badly).

Email::MIME is good place where can be correct encode/decode
implemented... Btw, I have prepared patches for Encode::MIME::Header so
I hope bugs will be out of perl...

And as I wrote if Email::MIME is not good place, then what about other
modules like Email::MIME::Header::Address (or invent other name) which
will use Address parse/format functions and will also do that MIME
encode/decode procedure? We can maybe add classes also for other headers
(like you suggested for DKIM signatures, etc...).

Dovecot parser does not do anything with MIME. Upper 8bit characters
stay as is unchanged.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-09-17 Thread pali
On Saturday 17 September 2016 00:37:40 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-09-12T03:26:52]
> > And as I wrote if Email::MIME is not good place, then what about
> > other modules like Email::MIME::Header::Address (or invent other
> > name) which will use Address parse/format functions and will also
> > do that MIME encode/decode procedure? We can maybe add classes
> > also for other headers (like you suggested for DKIM signatures,
> > etc...).
> I had started to write a lot of reply on the previous parts of your
> email, but I think that this is the only part that really matters in
> the end.  Yes, I think some thing like that is sufficient.  In the
> end, I think what's best is:
> * a thing that can take a raw (encoded) header string and give you an
> object * ...which is an object with access to the header's
> structured data * ...which you can turn back into a raw header to
> store as needed
> With that facility, people can plug in (header => class)
> configuration and things just go.  We can start off suggesting, for
> example, an address one.

Ok, so first step can be support passing blessed objects with 
as_mime_string() method into $email->header_str_set(). Object's 
as_mime_string() will be responsible for producing correct MIME-encoded 
header value

Next, I believe we agreed on $email->header_as_obj($name, $class) method 
which will return object for header name of class. It can use e.g. 
$class->from_mime_string() method for creating object. (Plus there will 
be some registration mechanism to predefine $name => $class mapping, so 
$class argument does not needs to be mandatory).

I think these two parts should be enough for Email::MIME API from user 
of Email::MIME perspective.

And I would propose new module (e.g. Email::MIME::Header::AddressList) 
which will be in Email::MIME distribution and will represent list of 
Email::Address::XS objects with own implementation of ->as_mime_string() 
and ->from_mime_string() methods. That could be used for passing 
list/groups of Email::Address::XS objects into Email::MIME and also get 
them via header_as_obj() API.

$class->from_mime_string() will take raw MIME encoded string and returns 
new object of $class (which will have decoded string parts)
$object->as_mime_string() will convert (Unicode) $object into raw MIME 
encoded string

It is OK for you?

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-09-18 Thread pali
On Sunday 18 September 2016 17:26:11 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-09-17T19:05:51]
> > $class->from_mime_string() will take raw MIME encoded string and
> > returns new object of $class (which will have decoded string
> > parts) $object->as_mime_string() will convert (Unicode) $object
> > into raw MIME encoded string
> > 
> > It is OK for you?
> That all sounded fine.  I think the paragraph I left quoted
> overspecifies a bit.  Whether the object is storing things decoded
> or not isn't any of our concern as long as it has those two methods.
>  But I think we're on the same page.


> The Email::Address::XS use should be optional, as right now people
> can install Email::MIME in an compiler-free environment.  We can add
> it as a recommended prereq.

Currently passing string values of From/To/Cc/Bcc/... headers into 
header_str() method is broken in Email::MIME. That is because 
Email::MIME currently uses Email::Address for generating those header 
values (which is broken) and then MIME encode those broken outputs.

Email::Address::XS has (looks like) correctly implemented formatter and 
so it is needed to correctly MIME encode From/To/Cc/Bcc headers.

I started working on Email::MIME::Header::AddressList module (which will 
have from_mime_string() and as_mime_string() methods for From/To/Cc/Bcc 
headers) and this module cannot work without Email::Address::XS.

So what to do with currently broken From/To/Cc/Bcc/... headers 
(incorrectly MIME encoded) which Email::MIME generate? I do not see 
other option as dependency on Email::Address::XS.

As compromise could be: Whole Email::MIME will not depends on module 
Email::Address::XS. But if somebody want to pass Unicode string (via 
header_str) to Email::MIME then MIME encoding will be done via 
Email::MIME::Header::AddressList (which will use Email::Address::XS). So 
if caller encodes manually From/To/Cc/... headers and pass them via 
header_raw() then Email::Address::XS will not be needed.

But when it pass Unicode string for From/To/Cc/.. headers via header_str 
then it Email::MIME will loads Email::MIME::Header::AddressList which 
depends on Email::Address::XS...

It is acceptable?

And can be Email::MIME::Header::AddressList part of Email-MIME 
distribution (even if only this module will depends on XS)?

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-09-30 Thread pali
On Wednesday 28 September 2016 15:29:28 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2016-09-18T11:40:53]
> > Currently passing string values of From/To/Cc/Bcc/... headers into
> > header_str() method is broken in Email::MIME. That is because
> > Email::MIME currently uses Email::Address for generating those
> > header values (which is broken) and then MIME encode those broken
> > outputs.
> > 
> > Email::Address::XS has (looks like) correctly implemented formatter
> > and so it is needed to correctly MIME encode From/To/Cc/Bcc
> > headers.
> I suggest making Email::MIME use Email::Address::XS if it is
> available, and adding Email::Address::XS to the recommended prereqs
> of Email::MIME. The right behavior will be easy to get, and usually
> be installed, but it will be possible to proceed with less correct
> behavior if you haven't got a compiler (for some sad reason).
> Part of the question is: how wrong do things go, in what
> circumstances, if Email::Address is substituted for
> Email::Address::XS.

First problem is CVE-2015-7686. If you pass "unsafe" string into 
Email::Address then perl starts eating CPU for a very long period.

Next problem with Email::Address is that it eats names of email groups. 
Which means that if you ask or pass MIME-decoded string version of raw 

  To: undisclosed-recipients:;

You will just get:


Another problem is parsing name/phrase which have MIME encoded string 
which "looks like" an email address. E.g. for MIME header:

  To: =?UTF-8?B?PG15Pg==?= 

You will get MIME-decoded string:

  To: , 

Because just of first problem CVE-2015-7686, I would really suggest to 
totally avoid using Email::Address. If you process "unsafe" email from 
attacker on some server, you get perfect DOS attack.

I think that returning original header (not MIME decoded) or croaking is 
better then using Email::Address.

> > As compromise could be: Whole Email::MIME will not depends on
> > module Email::Address::XS. But if somebody want to pass Unicode
> > string (via header_str) to Email::MIME then MIME encoding will be
> > done via Email::MIME::Header::AddressList (which will use
> > Email::Address::XS). So if caller encodes manually From/To/Cc/...
> > headers and pass them via header_raw() then Email::Address::XS
> > will not be needed.
> Specifically, I think, a non-ASCII string.  I'm guessing that
> most/many users are really just passing in fixed ASCII strings, so
> this rule wouldn't affect them at all.  Users passing in non-ASCII
> would start getting a "automatic encoding of non-ASCII $field header
> requires " error.  Seems okay.


> > And can be Email::MIME::Header::AddressList part of Email-MIME
> > distribution (even if only this module will depends on XS)?
> I guess so.  We need to mark this stuff experimental for a while, I
> think, too.

No problem.

I think now we discussed everything needed... I will implement patches 
for Email::MIME and will see how it is usable and how it is working...

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-11-12 Thread pali
On Monday 05 September 2016 10:25:11 wrote:
> On Saturday 03 September 2016 18:24:56 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > The Email::MIME changes look like they could be broken up into
> > several PRs, some of which would be obviously good to apply
> > immediately, like removals of dead code and pointers to bad
> > modules.
> If you think that some of those changes can be merged immediately,
> please specify commits and I create new pull request for them. Btw,
> I'm preparing another big patch series for Encode::MIME::Header
> module (call encode("MIEM-Header", ...)) which will fix remaining
> bugs. So if you know about some in that, let me know ASAP, so I can
> fix it in my patch series ;-)

New Encode was released with my fixes to MIME-Header...

> ..Which means that removing pointer to that module will not be
> needed..

Now I created pull request for Email::MIME:

It should contains only code cleanup and fixes, no Email::Address::XS... 
Look at it and if there are some problems, let me know!

Re: Email::Address::XS

2016-11-12 Thread pali
On Sunday 04 September 2016 00:24:56 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> If we never *store* objects, but only produce them as requested, then
> I think the total needed changes are -- but I'm sure I'll miss
> things -- as follows:
> * allow header_str and header args to Email::MIME->create to include
>   objects, which are immediately asked to encode themselves for
>   storage
> * add header_as_obj that takes a header name and, optionally, a class
>   name and offset (an offset so you can ask for an object of the nth
>   Received header)

As prerequisite for offset small change to Email::Simple is needed. 
Currently Email::Simple cannot returns just nth value for header with 
specified name. Support for this is in new pull request:

> * a registry used by header_as_obj to get a default class name from
>   header name

Re: Email::Address::XS

2017-01-14 Thread pali
On Sunday 04 September 2016 00:24:56 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> If we never *store* objects, but only produce them as requested, then
> I think the total needed changes are -- but I'm sure I'll miss
> things -- as follows:
> * allow header_str and header args to Email::MIME->create to include
>   objects, which are immediately asked to encode themselves for
>   storage
> * add header_as_obj that takes a header name and, optionally, a class
>   name and offset (an offset so you can ask for an object of the nth
>   Received header)
> * a registry used by header_as_obj to get a default class name from
>   header name

So lets move. This is implemented in my pull request:

Default class name for header name is retrieved from hash:

Comments and review is welcome!

Re: Email::Address::XS

2017-01-23 Thread pali
On Saturday 14 January 2017 21:32:57 wrote:
> On Sunday 04 September 2016 00:24:56 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > If we never *store* objects, but only produce them as requested, then
> > I think the total needed changes are -- but I'm sure I'll miss
> > things -- as follows:
> > 
> > * allow header_str and header args to Email::MIME->create to include
> >   objects, which are immediately asked to encode themselves for
> >   storage
> > * add header_as_obj that takes a header name and, optionally, a class
> >   name and offset (an offset so you can ask for an object of the nth
> >   Received header)
> > * a registry used by header_as_obj to get a default class name from
> >   header name
> So lets move. This is implemented in my pull request: 
> Default class name for header name is retrieved from hash:
> Email::MIME::Header::header_to_class_map
> Comments and review is welcome!

rjbs, can you review my pull request?

Re: Email::Address::XS

2017-02-14 Thread pali
On Saturday 28 January 2017 21:48:55 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2017-01-14T15:32:57]
> > So lets move. This is implemented in my pull request:
> >
> Done!

I have there open question about header_to_class_map. Can you look at it?

Re: Email::Address::XS

2017-02-18 Thread pali
On Monday 23 May 2016 19:05:39 wrote:
> Hello!
> I created new perl module Email::Address::XS for parsing and formatting
> email groups or addresses. Parser is borrowed from dovecot and that part
> implemented in C/XS.
> Source code is currently at:
> Email::Address::XS has backward compatible API with old Email::Address
> module (which has security problem CVE-2015-7686) and my new module is
> intended to replace old Email::Address.
> This module supports not only single list of addresses, but also named
> groups of addresses (according to RFC 2822).
> I tried to make source code readable, documented and also fast (thanks
> to dovecot parser written in C; not in perl regex).
> It contains also lot of examples and test cases to check that parser and
> formatter is correct.
> See pod documentation and unit tests:
> Thanks to named group support I would like to extend Email::MIME module
> to allow passing directly Email::Address::XS objects, not only string
> headers to make MIME encoding and decoding from applications easier.
> What do you think about it?

Back to the my original email about Email::Address::XS... I fixed last
known C/XS related bugs and automatic tests passed on Travis-CI and
AppVeyor with different perl versions.

Finally Email::Address::XS is available on cpan:

Module is compatible back to perl 5.6.0 and is working fine on Linux,
Windows, FreeBSD and HP-UX.

If you found any problems with it then let me know.

Re: Email::Address::XS

2017-03-07 Thread pali
On Tuesday 14 February 2017 21:26:34 wrote:
> On Saturday 28 January 2017 21:48:55 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > * [2017-01-14T15:32:57]
> > 
> > > So lets move. This is implemented in my pull request:
> > >
> > 
> > Done!
> I have there open question about header_to_class_map. Can you look at
> it?

And last part which implements Email::Address::XS support in Email::MIME 
via new module Email::MIME::Header::AddressList is in this pull request:

Feel free to comment it provide better idea or how to improve if it does 
not look ok...

Patches for Email::* modules

2017-11-24 Thread pali
Hi! There are opened lot of pull requests for perl Email::* modules,
some of them fixes reported bugs. Can somebody look & review my opened
pull requests? I would like to know if there are some problems with them
and they needs to be reworked or if they can be merged and released a
new version of Email::* modules. There is a big silence so I do not know
if Email::* modules are going to be unmaintained or if there is planned
some activity. Thanks!

Re: Patches for Email::* modules

2017-11-29 Thread pali
On Monday 27 November 2017 10:24:51 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2017-11-24T08:08:28]
> > There is a big silence so I do not know if Email::* modules are going to be
> > unmaintained or if there is planned some activity. Thanks!
> I do plan to work through these.  The situation roughly like this:
> * I am very busy
> * Insufficiently-reviewed changes could make me much more busy
> So, code review keeps getting bumped while I try to try to make time.  Part of
> the reason I'm busy is my day job, which relies, in part, on some of these
> libraries.  So, I should be able to do some of this stuff on the clock soon.  
> I
> just haven't been because I've been trying to get some other things done,
> first.
> I'll schedule a few days between Christmas and February 1, if not sooner.

Great! Thank you for information. I would wait for reviews.

Re: Patches for Email::* modules

2018-02-02 Thread pali
On Wednesday 29 November 2017 10:46:46 wrote:
> On Monday 27 November 2017 10:24:51 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > * [2017-11-24T08:08:28]
> > > There is a big silence so I do not know if Email::* modules are going to 
> > > be
> > > unmaintained or if there is planned some activity. Thanks!
> > 
> > I do plan to work through these.  The situation roughly like this:
> > 
> > * I am very busy
> > * Insufficiently-reviewed changes could make me much more busy
> > 
> > So, code review keeps getting bumped while I try to try to make time.  Part 
> > of
> > the reason I'm busy is my day job, which relies, in part, on some of these
> > libraries.  So, I should be able to do some of this stuff on the clock 
> > soon.  I
> > just haven't been because I've been trying to get some other things done,
> > first.
> > 
> > I'll schedule a few days between Christmas and February 1, if not sooner.
> Great! Thank you for information. I would wait for reviews.

Hi! Feb 1 already passed and people on github are asking when new
version with fixes is released... Any update for Email::* modules?

Re: Patches for Email::* modules

2018-02-08 Thread pali
On Friday 02 February 2018 11:55:28 wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 November 2017 10:46:46 wrote:
> > On Monday 27 November 2017 10:24:51 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > * [2017-11-24T08:08:28]
> > > > There is a big silence so I do not know if Email::* modules are going 
> > > > to be
> > > > unmaintained or if there is planned some activity. Thanks!
> > > 
> > > I do plan to work through these.  The situation roughly like this:
> > > 
> > > * I am very busy
> > > * Insufficiently-reviewed changes could make me much more busy
> > > 
> > > So, code review keeps getting bumped while I try to try to make time.  
> > > Part of
> > > the reason I'm busy is my day job, which relies, in part, on some of these
> > > libraries.  So, I should be able to do some of this stuff on the clock 
> > > soon.  I
> > > just haven't been because I've been trying to get some other things done,
> > > first.
> > > 
> > > I'll schedule a few days between Christmas and February 1, if not sooner.
> > 
> > Great! Thank you for information. I would wait for reviews.
> Hi! Feb 1 already passed and people on github are asking when new
> version with fixes is released... Any update for Email::* modules?


There are still unfixed bugs introduced in last Email:: module releases
which were reported back in September with proposed fixes...

Are you going to fix them? More people are already asking for it.

Also there are pull requests with new features, main part is proper
support for Unicode file names.

Re: Patches for Email::* modules

2018-04-19 Thread pali
On Thursday 08 February 2018 15:02:28 wrote:
> On Friday 02 February 2018 11:55:28 wrote:
> > On Wednesday 29 November 2017 10:46:46 wrote:
> > > On Monday 27 November 2017 10:24:51 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > > * [2017-11-24T08:08:28]
> > > > > There is a big silence so I do not know if Email::* modules are going 
> > > > > to be
> > > > > unmaintained or if there is planned some activity. Thanks!
> > > > 
> > > > I do plan to work through these.  The situation roughly like this:
> > > > 
> > > > * I am very busy
> > > > * Insufficiently-reviewed changes could make me much more busy
> > > > 
> > > > So, code review keeps getting bumped while I try to try to make time.  
> > > > Part of
> > > > the reason I'm busy is my day job, which relies, in part, on some of 
> > > > these
> > > > libraries.  So, I should be able to do some of this stuff on the clock 
> > > > soon.  I
> > > > just haven't been because I've been trying to get some other things 
> > > > done,
> > > > first.
> > > > 
> > > > I'll schedule a few days between Christmas and February 1, if not 
> > > > sooner.
> > > 
> > > Great! Thank you for information. I would wait for reviews.
> > 
> > Hi! Feb 1 already passed and people on github are asking when new
> > version with fixes is released... Any update for Email::* modules?
> Hi!
> There are still unfixed bugs introduced in last Email:: module releases
> which were reported back in September with proposed fixes...
> Are you going to fix them? More people are already asking for it.
> Also there are pull requests with new features, main part is proper
> support for Unicode file names.

Hi! Any progress for Email:: modules? Because more people are asking
what is happening with them.

Re: behavior change regarding quoted strings

2018-05-15 Thread pali

On Friday 11 May 2018 18:52:13 Eric Wong wrote:
> Hello, I noticed a behavior change somewhere in the Email::MIME
> stack when header_str_set is passed a string with a single-quote
> (') character in it.

So you mean that input header

"Quoted N'Ame" 

is changed to

"Quoted N\'Ame" 


> On my Debian stable (stretch) machine the behavior is to
> leave the single quote alone.  On Debian unstable/sid,
> a backslash is added before the single-quote.
> Changes from stretch to current sid are as follows:
> perl (including  5.24.1-3+deb9u3 -> 5.26.2-3
> libemail-mime-perl  1.937-1 -> 1.946-1
> unchanged:
> libemail-mime-encodings-perl1.315-1 -> 1.315-2
>   (only Debian-specific packaging changes, I suspect)
> I think the old behavior (not adding backslash) is correct, but
> I'm not sure.


"Quoted N'Ame" 

"Quoted N\'Ame" 

are syntactically and semantically valid and correct. And represent
exactly same phrase. Just first one is shorter as an apostrophe
character is not needed to escape. (But you can).

Escaping ' character is done by Email::Address::XS module which
Email::MIME uses. So it is not Email::MIME (related) code.

> I can work around the problem with "header_set"
> instead.
>   use strict;
>   use warnings;
>   use Email::MIME;
>   my $mime = Email::MIME->create;
>   my $h = 'From';
>   my $n = q("Quoted N'Ame" );
>   $mime->header_str_set($h, $n);
>   print $mime->header($h), "\n"; # adds backslash to '
> Konstantin hit this with public-inbox on CentOS but using newer
> modules from CPAN and older Perl:

Ok, I will change Email::Address::XS module to not escape ' character
when it is not needed.

I found another similar problems in Email::Address::XS. I will try to
fix them in next Email::Address::XS version. And once it will be fixed
you would just need to update to new Email::Address::XS version. Nothing
to do in Email::MIME.

If you know more similar problems, please let me know.

Thanks for report!

>   # cpanm --info Email::MIME
>   RJBS/Email-MIME-1.946.tar.gz
>   # cpanm --info Email::MIME::Encodings
>   RJBS/Email-MIME-Encodings-1.315.tar.gz
>   # cpanm --info Email::Simple
>   RJBS/Email-Simple-2.214.tar.gz
>   # perl --version
>   This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for
>   x86_64-linux-thread-multi
>   (with 33 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Re: behavior change regarding quoted strings

2018-05-19 Thread pali
On Wednesday 16 May 2018 10:50:40 Eric Wong wrote:
> wrote:
> > Both
> > 
> > "Quoted N'Ame" 
> > 
> > "Quoted N\'Ame" 
> > 
> > are syntactically and semantically valid and correct. And represent
> > exactly same phrase. Just first one is shorter as an apostrophe
> > character is not needed to escape. (But you can).
> Ah, good point, I failed to realize that.

You can escape any character in quoted string.

> > Escaping ' character is done by Email::Address::XS module which
> > Email::MIME uses. So it is not Email::MIME (related) code.
> And I failed to realize Email::Address::XS was being used in
> this case :x  (I mainly support whatever's packaged for Debian stable)

Yes, Email::Address::XS is not in Debian stable. And older versions of
Email::MIME does not use Email::Address::XS.

> > Ok, I will change Email::Address::XS module to not escape ' character
> > when it is not needed.
> Thank you; it'll look a bit cleaner in the raw message, at least :>
> > If you know more similar problems, please let me know.
> > 
> > Thanks for report!
> Will do, thanks for catching this.  I guess this list covers
> everything in Email::*, anyways?

E.g. Email::Stuffer uses Email::MIME. So transitively - yes.

Anyway, Now I pushed more changes related to formatting and parsing
email addresses into Email::Address::XS git repository at github (branch master).

Can you test if everything is OK now in master branch?

Re: behavior change regarding quoted strings

2018-05-25 Thread pali
On Thursday 24 May 2018 05:28:27 Eric Wong wrote:
> wrote:
> > Anyway, Now I pushed more changes related to formatting and parsing
> > email addresses into Email::Address::XS git repository at github
> > (branch master).
> > 
> > Can you test if everything is OK now in master branch?
> Yep, tested commit b4bec06cbccd0a7e16ed55e3c34076112228a4ea
> and my original script behaves as expected.  Thanks.

Ok, thank you for confirmation and testing.

Re: behavior change regarding quoted strings

2018-06-13 Thread pali
On Friday 25 May 2018 15:39:27 wrote:
> On Thursday 24 May 2018 05:28:27 Eric Wong wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > Anyway, Now I pushed more changes related to formatting and parsing
> > > email addresses into Email::Address::XS git repository at github
> > > (branch master).
> > > 
> > > Can you test if everything is OK now in master branch?
> > 
> > Yep, tested commit b4bec06cbccd0a7e16ed55e3c34076112228a4ea
> > and my original script behaves as expected.  Thanks.
> Ok, thank you for confirmation and testing.

Hi! Just to note, new version of Email::Address::XS with those fixes is
now on CPAN.

CVE-2018-12558: Denial of Service in Email::Address

2018-06-20 Thread pali
Hi! Following trivial input can be used to DoS Email::Address module
when is used by server application to parse From or To email headers:

$ perl -MEmail::Address -E 'Email::Address->parse("\f" x 30)'

Yes, it is just 30 form-fields characters.

Because Ricardo as Email::Address maintainer had not response I
discussed this problem with Debian Security Team. As a result MITRE
assigned CVE-2018-12558 identifier for it.

Now I would say that Email::Address is now unmaintained.

And as I know because of those problems FreeBSD and Debian distributions
started removal of Email::Address module.

Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-06-25 Thread pali
Hi! I would like to ask: What is the state of the perl Email::* modules?
Currently there are lot of open pull request without review, some of
there more then year. Who is the maintainer or supporter of Email::*
modules? Currently, rjbs as primary person does not respond to emails.

For Email::MIME & co there is e.g. prepared change which add support for
Unicode file names and more people are asking when it will be merged.
Apparently there is no reaction on this topic.

So what is status of Email::* modules? Does silence now mean that
modules are abandoned / unmaintained? I guess so.

PS: Is somebody still active on this pep mailing list?

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-06-28 Thread pali
On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2018-06-25T05:08:32]
> > So what is status of Email::* modules? Does silence now mean that
> > modules are abandoned / unmaintained? I guess so.
> You are mistaken.
> The answer is the same as every other time you have asked:  I am here, I am
> alive, I am interested, and I am extremely busy, so these don't often make it
> to the top of my list.
> We don't have any sort of sense of community here or a practice of shared code
> review, so everything comes down to "when does Rik have the time to consider
> each change."  That is "not all that often."
> If we had three or four people who committed to create a better sense of group
> responsibility, maybe we'd see more progress.

On list are still more people interested in Email:: modules. Either as
direct users or developers of other Email:: modules.

So... is there somebody interested in doing some code review or
maintenance of Email:: modules?

> The last thing you wrung your hands about "we have no maintainer!" was
> something for which we didn't even have a clear and isolated fix, so the task
> here wasn't "nobody will review and apply this commit," but "nobody is willing
> to write a fix."  So, in that sense, yes, nobody is doing active maintenance 
> on
> Email::Address much of the time, but somebody is alive.

This just means that Email::Address is not going to be fixed...

> With Email::MIME, keep in mind that part of maintenance is not just applying
> any old patch, because people rely on this software to not change too
> radically.  So, there has to be not only patches, but also review and
> consideration, so "we aren't adding new features" isn't always a sign of
> disrepair, but can also indicate "we don't have the time to predict the impact
> of these changes on existing users."

I understand and I'm asking for reviewing my pull requests for longer
time. Not for "blind merge".

> So:  you can wait for me to have more time, or people with some vested
> interest can agree to step up to do more in general.
> I'm not going to be shamed into doing a release that might break things and
> cause me ten times as much work as leaving things be.

But doing some testing of users outside of pep mailing list would need
some CPAN trial release. Yes things which could break things are problem
and this needs to be done when doing review of patches.

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-08-09 Thread pali
On Thursday 28 June 2018 13:03:58 wrote:
> On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > * [2018-06-25T05:08:32]
> > > So what is status of Email::* modules? Does silence now mean that
> > > modules are abandoned / unmaintained? I guess so.
> > 
> > You are mistaken.
> > 
> > The answer is the same as every other time you have asked:  I am here, I am
> > alive, I am interested, and I am extremely busy, so these don't often make 
> > it
> > to the top of my list.
> > 
> > We don't have any sort of sense of community here or a practice of shared 
> > code
> > review, so everything comes down to "when does Rik have the time to consider
> > each change."  That is "not all that often."
> > 
> > If we had three or four people who committed to create a better sense of 
> > group
> > responsibility, maybe we'd see more progress.
> On list are still more people interested in Email:: modules. Either as
> direct users or developers of other Email:: modules.
> So... is there somebody interested in doing some code review or
> maintenance of Email:: modules?

Just in case, I have there open pull requests for more then year. If
Ricardo does not have time to look at them yet, can somebody else do
review? There is support for IDN email addresses or long and Unicode
file names in attachments.

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-08-13 Thread pali
On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> If we had three or four people who committed to create a better sense of group
> responsibility, maybe we'd see more progress.
> So:  you can wait for me to have more time, or people with some vested
> interest can agree to step up to do more in general.

Hi Ricardo! Branislav ( is interested in
doing some sort of code review for your Email:: modules. He already
wrote you an email. So hopefully this can speed up development...

Anyway, is there on pep list somebody else interested in helping Ricardo
with review of Email:: modules?

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-10-08 Thread pali
On Thursday 09 August 2018 15:34:27 wrote:
> On Thursday 28 June 2018 13:03:58 wrote:
> > On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > > * [2018-06-25T05:08:32]
> > > > So what is status of Email::* modules? Does silence now mean that
> > > > modules are abandoned / unmaintained? I guess so.
> > > 
> > > You are mistaken.
> > > 
> > > The answer is the same as every other time you have asked:  I am here, I 
> > > am
> > > alive, I am interested, and I am extremely busy, so these don't often 
> > > make it
> > > to the top of my list.
> > > 
> > > We don't have any sort of sense of community here or a practice of shared 
> > > code
> > > review, so everything comes down to "when does Rik have the time to 
> > > consider
> > > each change."  That is "not all that often."
> > > 
> > > If we had three or four people who committed to create a better sense of 
> > > group
> > > responsibility, maybe we'd see more progress.
> > 
> > On list are still more people interested in Email:: modules. Either as
> > direct users or developers of other Email:: modules.
> > 
> > So... is there somebody interested in doing some code review or
> > maintenance of Email:: modules?
> Just in case, I have there open pull requests for more then year. If
> Ricardo does not have time to look at them yet, can somebody else do
> review? There is support for IDN email addresses or long and Unicode
> file names in attachments.

@rjbs: some of pull requests were already checked by @gedge.

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2018-11-20 Thread pali
On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> * [2018-06-25T05:08:32]
> > So what is status of Email::* modules? Does silence now mean that
> > modules are abandoned / unmaintained? I guess so.
> You are mistaken.
> The answer is the same as every other time you have asked:  I am here, I am
> alive, I am interested, and I am extremely busy, so these don't often make it
> to the top of my list.

Ricardo, since June nothing happened... People are still asking for
changes in created pull requests and now downstream distribution
maintainers started to creating fork of your cpan distributions just to
address problems which were not fixed/reflected in upstream cpan.

Please, can you clarify state of your cpan modules? Are you going to
maintain them in near future? And if not, can you take ownership or
maintenance to other people, e.g. those who are started to create
downstream distribution fork?

Because having fixes and patches just in system distribution and not on
cpan is really bad situation which just say that upstream cpan is dead!

Also this would cause incompatibility for applications in system
distributions which starts depending on fixes/features available in
system, but not on cpan...

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2019-01-17 Thread pali
Hi Ricardo!

On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> So:  you can wait for me to have more time, or people with some vested
> interest can agree to step up to do more in general.

I'm really disappointed as you have not wrote anything about this topic
as people are already there...

E.g. see my email from August 2018:

On Monday 13 August 2018 17:02:38 wrote:
> Hi Ricardo! Branislav ( is interested in
> doing some sort of code review for your Email:: modules. He already
> wrote you an email. So hopefully this can speed up development...

Or email from October 2018:

On Monday 08 October 2018 14:30:57 wrote:
> On Thursday 09 August 2018 15:34:27 wrote:
> > Just in case, I have there open pull requests for more then year. If
> > Ricardo does not have time to look at them yet, can somebody else do
> > review? There is support for IDN email addresses or long and Unicode
> > file names in attachments.
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> @rjbs: some of pull requests were already checked by @gedge.

Does it mean that you rejected it?

And my email from November 2018 ...

On Tuesday 20 November 2018 09:30:14 wrote:
> Ricardo, since June nothing happened... People are still asking for
> changes in created pull requests and now downstream distribution
> maintainers started to creating fork of your cpan distributions just to
> address problems which were not fixed/reflected in upstream cpan.
> Please, can you clarify state of your cpan modules? Are you going to
> maintain them in near future? And if not, can you take ownership or
> maintenance to other people, e.g. those who are started to create
> downstream distribution fork?
> Because having fixes and patches just in system distribution and not on
> cpan is really bad situation which just say that upstream cpan is dead!
> Also this would cause incompatibility for applications in system
> distributions which starts depending on fixes/features available in
> system, but not on cpan...

... is unanswered.

There are more people interested in development of Email:: modules,
there are lot of open pull requests and we have not heard from you
anything about future development.

Can you clarify current status of Email:: modules?

Re: Are Email::* modules unmaintained?

2019-05-15 Thread pali
On Thursday 17 January 2019 12:25:04 wrote:
> Hi Ricardo!
> On Monday 25 June 2018 08:31:08 Ricardo Signes wrote:
> > So:  you can wait for me to have more time, or people with some vested
> > interest can agree to step up to do more in general.
> I'm really disappointed as you have not wrote anything about this topic
> as people are already there...
> E.g. see my email from August 2018:
> On Monday 13 August 2018 17:02:38 wrote:
> > Hi Ricardo! Branislav ( is interested in
> > doing some sort of code review for your Email:: modules. He already
> > wrote you an email. So hopefully this can speed up development...
> Or email from October 2018:
> On Monday 08 October 2018 14:30:57 wrote:
> > On Thursday 09 August 2018 15:34:27 wrote:
> > > Just in case, I have there open pull requests for more then year. If
> > > Ricardo does not have time to look at them yet, can somebody else do
> > > review? There is support for IDN email addresses or long and Unicode
> > > file names in attachments.
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > @rjbs: some of pull requests were already checked by @gedge.
> Does it mean that you rejected it?
> And my email from November 2018 ...
> On Tuesday 20 November 2018 09:30:14 wrote:
> > Ricardo, since June nothing happened... People are still asking for
> > changes in created pull requests and now downstream distribution
> > maintainers started to creating fork of your cpan distributions just to
> > address problems which were not fixed/reflected in upstream cpan.
> > 
> > Please, can you clarify state of your cpan modules? Are you going to
> > maintain them in near future? And if not, can you take ownership or
> > maintenance to other people, e.g. those who are started to create
> > downstream distribution fork?
> > 
> > Because having fixes and patches just in system distribution and not on
> > cpan is really bad situation which just say that upstream cpan is dead!
> > 
> > Also this would cause incompatibility for applications in system
> > distributions which starts depending on fixes/features available in
> > system, but not on cpan...
> ... is unanswered.
> There are more people interested in development of Email:: modules,
> there are lot of open pull requests and we have not heard from you
> anything about future development.
> Can you clarify current status of Email:: modules?

There is no reply for 11 months... and people are still asking for
updates/fixes in Email:: modules. Also without replies.

There were more people interested in Email:: develop (see above emails).

I think now it is good time for starting process of takeover of Email
modules until those people who were interested in development would not
loose they interested just because of silence and inactivity of

Re: French Perl Workshop hackathon ?

2019-05-16 Thread pali
On Wednesday 15 May 2019 15:19:10 Marc Chantreux wrote:
> hello people,
> > I think now it is good time for starting process of takeover of Email
> > modules until those people who were interested in development would not
> > loose they interested just because of silence and inactivity of
> > maintainers.
> I don't know where it is going but there will various hackathons during
> the french perl workshop (including the sympa mailing list manager).
> this should be a good opportunity to talk with people who care about
> Perl and Email.
> regards
> marc

Great! So there are still developers interested in maintaining and
developing Email modules. Do you want to reboot development?

Re: French Perl Workshop hackathon ?

2019-05-16 Thread pali
On Thursday 16 May 2019 10:15:27 Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:
> On 5/16/19 10:03 AM, wrote:
> > On Wednesday 15 May 2019 15:19:10 Marc Chantreux wrote:
> >> hello people,
> >>
> >>> I think now it is good time for starting process of takeover of Email
> >>> modules until those people who were interested in development would not
> >>> loose they interested just because of silence and inactivity of
> >>> maintainers.
> >>
> >> I don't know where it is going but there will various hackathons during
> >> the french perl workshop (including the sympa mailing list manager).
> >> this should be a good opportunity to talk with people who care about
> >> Perl and Email.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> regards
> >> marc
> > 
> > Great! So there are still developers interested in maintaining and
> > developing Email modules. Do you want to reboot development?
> > 
> Hello Marc,
> I'm certainly interested in maintaining and developing Email Perl modules.
> I'll also talk about "Email with Perl" at the French Perl Workshop (slides in 
> progress:
> Regards
>  Racke

Nice! If you have a time could you look or review some of my patches for
Email:: modules? I can send you link to opened pull requests. More are
about year or two old so now I do not have to remember all details in

Re: French Perl Workshop hackathon ?

2019-05-16 Thread pali
On Thursday 16 May 2019 11:57:01 Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:
> On 5/16/19 11:44 AM, wrote:
> > On Thursday 16 May 2019 10:15:27 Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:
> >> On 5/16/19 10:03 AM, wrote:
> >>> On Wednesday 15 May 2019 15:19:10 Marc Chantreux wrote:
> >>>> hello people,
> >>>>
> >>>>> I think now it is good time for starting process of takeover of Email
> >>>>> modules until those people who were interested in development would not
> >>>>> loose they interested just because of silence and inactivity of
> >>>>> maintainers.
> >>>>
> >>>> I don't know where it is going but there will various hackathons during
> >>>> the french perl workshop (including the sympa mailing list manager).
> >>>> this should be a good opportunity to talk with people who care about
> >>>> Perl and Email.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> regards
> >>>> marc
> >>>
> >>> Great! So there are still developers interested in maintaining and
> >>> developing Email modules. Do you want to reboot development?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Hello Marc,
> >>
> >> I'm certainly interested in maintaining and developing Email Perl modules.
> >>
> >> I'll also talk about "Email with Perl" at the French Perl Workshop (slides 
> >> in progress:
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>  Racke
> > 
> > Nice! If you have a time could you look or review some of my patches for
> > Email:: modules? I can send you link to opened pull requests. More are
> > about year or two old so now I do not have to remember all details in
> > code...
> > 
> Hello Marc,

Hi! I'm Pali, not Marc.

> please send a link for your pull requests so I can look at them.

Here are links to some of my pull requests: