Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> No, not unless you can make the case why this handles NaNs and
>>> denormalized numbers compatibly across platforms...
>> NaNs and infinite (plus and minus) should not be a problem.
> Really?  Need I point out that these concepts, let alone their
> representation, are not standardized in non-IEEE float implementations?
So what? They only need be standardtized in our export format, which we
define. That's why we define it, after all
>> I'm not sure what denormalized numbers are.
> You should find out before proposing representation replacements for
> floats.
Yes, but we're still discussing the preliminary stages. At these stages,
it is enough to know that they CAN be defined (and they can).
>> What is the scenario in which you would want to tell them apart?
>> Likewise, would you really want to tell +0 and -0 apart?
> IIRC (it's been fifteen or so years since I did any serious numerical
> analysis) the arguments in favor have mostly to do with preserving
> maximal accuracy for intermediate results in a series of calculations.
> So maybe you could claim that these arguments are not so relevant to
> storage in a database.  But personally I don't think it's the province
> of a database to decide that it need not accurately preserve the data
> it's given to store.
This is not data given to store. It's data being exported.

I think you are failing to consider something. The simple truth of the
matter is that drivers are used far more often to access the server than
pqlib or direct TCP programming. OLE DB has been stagnant for over two
years now, is only available for one platform, and the easiest install
option for it is through the postgresql installer, and yet it is still
the third most popular download on pgfoundry (with the .NET provider
being #1).

What I'm getting at is that drivers are important. It is important that
they have good performance. It is important that they be stable. I
really think the backend should take driver considerations more
seriously. The suggested method, of switching to text mode, will surely
work, but it will also hurt performance.

I've said it before. I find it highly unlikely that the ARM FP format
will have any problem with being exported, even to a 64bit IEEE number.
Not knowing the FP format, but knowing the platform, it likely just got
rid of all the corner cases (NaN, denormalized numbers) merely so they
can implement it more efficiently in hardware. I find the chances that
it will have a wider range than IEEE in either mantissa or exponent

The question here is a broader question, though. Should we strive for
binary compatibility across all platforms of a given version? The
benefit is faster drivers and being able to COPY across platforms (but,
still, not across versions). The cost are a couple of types (I would
really change timestamp too, while at it) that need a non-straight
forward export/import function.

Tom seems to think this is not a goal (though, aside from his disbelief
that such a goal is attainable, I have heard no arguments against it).
What do the other people think?


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Re: [Oledb-dev] [HACKERS] Re: double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Andrew Dunstan

Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Even the original sentence does not describe the problem we're seeing
here. It does not mention cross platform incompatibility.

That's why I suggested it should be improved.

The COPY docs are probably more correct: "The BINARY key word causes all 
data to be stored/read as binary format rather than as text. It is 
somewhat faster than the normal text mode, but a binary-format file is 
less portable across machine architectures and PostgreSQL versions."

Again, to me this sentence spells "you have a problem, we're not going
to help you out, deal with it". 

Eh? It spells out what we provide and what the limitations are. You 
could put that spin on every documented limitation, if you were so inclined.

This is especially true if what Tom said
was true, that the text format does not maintain total precision. You
are essentially telling the user "you cannot move your data reliably
even between servers of the same version".


Since this is the exact mechanism used by pg_dump, we would surely have 
been long since deafened by complaints if this were a problem of any 



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> No, not unless you can make the case why this handles NaNs and
>> denormalized numbers compatibly across platforms...
> NaNs and infinite (plus and minus) should not be a problem.

Really?  Need I point out that these concepts, let alone their
representation, are not standardized in non-IEEE float implementations?

> I'm not sure what denormalized numbers are.

You should find out before proposing representation replacements for

> What is the scenario in which you would want to tell them apart?
> Likewise, would you really want to tell +0 and -0 apart?

There are competent authorities --- for instance, the guys who created
the IEEE float standard --- who think it's worth distinguishing them.
IIRC (it's been fifteen or so years since I did any serious numerical
analysis) the arguments in favor have mostly to do with preserving
maximal accuracy for intermediate results in a series of calculations.
So maybe you could claim that these arguments are not so relevant to
storage in a database.  But personally I don't think it's the province
of a database to decide that it need not accurately preserve the data
it's given to store.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [Oledb-dev] [HACKERS] Re: double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Why the heck do the OLE DB specs care about the internals of the 
> client-server prototocol? It is documented fairly clearly that text is 
> the only portable way to transfer data.
Is it?
> Perhaps we need to expand this sentence in the docs: "Keep in mind that 
> binary representations for complex data types may change across server 
> versions;"
Where is that in the docs. It does not appear in the page discussing
PQLIB and binary data transfers

Even the original sentence does not describe the problem we're seeing
here. It does not mention cross platform incompatibility.
> The COPY docs are probably more correct: "The BINARY key word causes all 
> data to be stored/read as binary format rather than as text. It is 
> somewhat faster than the normal text mode, but a binary-format file is 
> less portable across machine architectures and PostgreSQL versions."
Again, to me this sentence spells "you have a problem, we're not going
to help you out, deal with it". This is especially true if what Tom said
was true, that the text format does not maintain total precision. You
are essentially telling the user "you cannot move your data reliably
even between servers of the same version".


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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [Oledb-dev] [HACKERS] Re: double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Obviously, if you are transporting the dump across platforms then that
> may be an impossibility.  In that case you use a text dump and accept
> that you get an approximation.
‎That's something that I've been meaning to ask about, but you all
seemed so sure of yourself. What you are essentially saying is that no
one aside from the server itself is allowed to get full precision. That
seems like a strange decision to make.
>   But there should be a way to ensure that
> you can have a lossless dump of whatever strange FP format your server
> may use, as long as you are restoring onto a similar machine.
Personally (and I know my opinion "doesn't count"), I find the "similar
machine" requirement a bit hard. It is usually accepted for HA or live
load balancing, but is really inappropriate for backups or data
transfers. Just my humble opinion.
> If there is a guaranteed-reversible transform between the ARM FP format
> and IEEE format, then I'd be interested in hacking things the way you
> suggest
I find it highly likely that there will be. After all, the ARM format
was not designed to be better packed than IEEE, just easier to hardware
implement in an efficient way. However
>  --- but what I suspect is that such a conversion must lose
> either range or precision.  There are only so many bits in a double.
Like I said elsewhere, a 64bit FP only has 64bits, but there is nothing
constraining us to export a 64bit number to 64bits.
>   regards, tom lane
What I'm worried about in that regard is about other platforms that PG
may be running on. Like I said above, I'm fairly sure (will get the
specs and make sure) that there shouldn't be a problem in exporting ARM
FP into 64bit IEEE with no loss at all. This says nothing, however,
about other platforms. Unless we map all cases, we had better choose an
export format that is capable of extension.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Sure it's "possible".  Send a Parse command, ask for Describe Statement
> output, then specify the column formats as desired in Bind.  Now this
> does imply an extra server round trip, which might be annoying if your
> client code doesn't have another reason to need to peek at Describe
> output.
No, it's far worse than annoying. It kills my performance. OLE DB does
have a mechanism for explicit "prepare", and I certainly COULD do it
only for those cases, but it is meaningless.
>> What if I send a patch that sends a 64bit float as 128bit number,
>> containing two integers, one for mantissa and one for exponent. This
>> format is guaranteed to never lose precision, but is wire compatible
>> across platforms. Would that be considered a good solution?
> No, not unless you can make the case why this handles NaNs and
> denormalized numbers compatibly across platforms...
NaNs and infinite (plus and minus) should not be a problem. I'm not sure
what denormalized numbers are. If you mean (switching to base 10 for a
second) that 2*10^3 vs. 20*10^2, then I would have to ask why you want
them treated differently. What is the scenario in which you would want
to tell them apart? Likewise, would you really want to tell +0 and -0
apart? If I have an export/import round trip that turns -0 into +0, is
that really a problem?
>   regards, tom lane

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[HACKERS] Passing more context info to selectivity-estimation code

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
I've been thinking about what it will take to solve the problem noted here:
which briefly is that 8.2 is really bad at estimating the number of
rows returned by locutions like

  tab1 LEFT JOIN tab2 ON (tab1.x = tab2.y)

the point being to extract just those rows of tab1 that have no join
partner in tab2.  We frequently recommend this idiom as a better-performing
substitute for NOT IN.  However, the selectivity of the IS NULL clause
is estimated without thought for the effects of the outer join; thus for
example if there are no nulls in the actual tab2.y column, the estimate
will be that there are no rows in the join result.  (Which gets clamped to
the minimum estimate of one row, but that's not much help.)  If this join
is then joined to something else, 8.2 is likely to think it should put the
"one-row-out" join on the outside of a nestloop join, yielding horrible
performance if there are actually many rows out.

Although pre-8.2 releases also failed to consider the effects of outer
joins' null insertion, they misestimated this case as returning at least
as many result rows as there were in the lefthand input relation (because
they didn't distinguish WHERE and JOIN/ON conditions in this context).
That's perhaps less likely to give rise to a fatally bad plan.

AFAICS the only principled fix for this is to give selectivity estimator
functions more knowledge about the context their argument clause appears
in.  For instance if we restructure the above as

  tab1 LEFT JOIN tab2 ON (tab1.x = tab2.y AND tab2.y IS NULL);

the IS NULL estimator should certainly *not* count the effects of the
outer join, even though it's looking at exactly the same clause.  So
there has to be some context passed in to show which outer joins we are
"above" and which not.

There already is some context passed to the estimators, in the form of
"varRelid" and join-type parameters.  In the long term I am inclined to
replace these rather ad-hoc parameters with something along the lines of
"ClauseContext *context" to carry info about the context in which the
estimate needs to be made.  This notation would let us add or redefine
fields in the ClauseContext struct without having to touch every estimator
function again.  But it's a bit late to be considering that for 8.3, and
it's certainly a nonstarter to think of retrofitting it into 8.2.

The only way I can see to fix the problem in 8.2 is to store clause
context information within the PlannerInfo data structures.  This is
pretty grotty, since PlannerInfo is supposed to be global state
information for a planner run; but I can't see any need for selectivity
estimation code to be re-entrant with respect to a particular planner
invocation, so it should work without any problems.

The specific hack I'm thinking of is to extend the OuterJoinInfo
structures with some fields that would indicate whether the currently
considered clause is "above" or "below" each outer join, and further
show the estimated percentage of injected nulls for each one we're
"above".  A traversal of this list would then provide enough knowledge
for nulltestsel() or other routines to derive the right answer.  Callers
of clause_selectivity or clauselist_selectivity would need to ensure that
the correct state was set up beforehand.

For the moment I'm inclined to teach only nulltestsel() how to use the
info.  Probably in the long run we'd want all the selectivity estimators
to incorporate this refinement, but I'm not sure how good the estimates
of null-injection will be; seems prudent not to rely on them everywhere
until we get more field experience with it.

This is a pretty large and ugly patch to be thinking of back-patching :-(.
A quick-hack approach would be to revert this patch:
which would cause 8.2 to uniformly overestimate rather than underestimate
the size of the result.  That pretty well sucks too, as seen here:
but maybe it's less bad than an underestimate.

Comments, better ideas?

regards, tom lane

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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Andrew Dunstan

Tom Lane wrote:

Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I do recall someone telling me that text mode transfer could actually be 
faster than binary, somewhat to their (and my) surprise.

Seems a bit improbable --- what was their test case?


No idea - this was idle chat on IRC I think. I am similarly skeptical. 
After all, we just had a discussion about improving performance of PLs 
by avoiding use of the input/output functions in some cases.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I do recall someone telling me that text mode transfer could actually be 
> faster than binary, somewhat to their (and my) surprise.

Seems a bit improbable --- what was their test case?

The only such situation that comes to mind is that some values are
smaller as text than binary (eg "2" is shorter as text than as any
binary numeric format), so in a situation where number of bytes sent
dominates all other costs, text would win.  But of course there are also
many values that're smaller in binary format, so I'd think this would
only happen in restricted test cases.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
>> Is it not possible to use text
>> format in OLE DB, for floating points?

> It is impossible to use text format for just floating point. I often
> don't know in advance what type the result is going to be.

Sure it's "possible".  Send a Parse command, ask for Describe Statement
output, then specify the column formats as desired in Bind.  Now this
does imply an extra server round trip, which might be annoying if your
client code doesn't have another reason to need to peek at Describe

An idea that's been in the back of my mind for awhile is to provide some
way to let the client say things like "I want float and timestamp
results in text and everything else in binary", so that one setup step
at the start of the session avoids the need for the extra round trips.
Haven't got a detailed proposal at the moment though.

> What if I send a patch that sends a 64bit float as 128bit number,
> containing two integers, one for mantissa and one for exponent. This
> format is guaranteed to never lose precision, but is wire compatible
> across platforms. Would that be considered a good solution?

No, not unless you can make the case why this handles NaNs and
denormalized numbers compatibly across platforms...

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Andrew Dunstan

Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Perhaps OLE is trying to use binary instead of text transmission of

Of course it does. That's what the OLE DB specs say. Said so in my
original email.

Why the heck do the OLE DB specs care about the internals of the 
client-server prototocol? It is documented fairly clearly that text is 
the only portable way to transfer data.

Perhaps we need to expand this sentence in the docs: "Keep in mind that 
binary representations for complex data types may change across server 

The COPY docs are probably more correct: "The BINARY key word causes all 
data to be stored/read as binary format rather than as text. It is 
somewhat faster than the normal text mode, but a binary-format file is 
less portable across machine architectures and PostgreSQL versions."

I do recall someone telling me that text mode transfer could actually be 
faster than binary, somewhat to their (and my) surprise.



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Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Binary format has other goals that are not always compatible with 100%
>> platform independence --- that's unfortunate, sure, but it's reality.
> Maybe the misunderstanding is mine. What are the goals for the binary
> format?

Well, the one that I'm concerned about at the moment is that dump/reload
using COPY BINARY ought to be 100% guaranteed to reproduce the original

Obviously, if you are transporting the dump across platforms then that
may be an impossibility.  In that case you use a text dump and accept
that you get an approximation.  But there should be a way to ensure that
you can have a lossless dump of whatever strange FP format your server
may use, as long as you are restoring onto a similar machine.

If there is a guaranteed-reversible transform between the ARM FP format
and IEEE format, then I'd be interested in hacking things the way you
suggest --- but what I suspect is that such a conversion must lose
either range or precision.  There are only so many bits in a double.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
>> But sometimes, like now, PG puts me in an impossible position. You are
>> essentially telling me "you will get the numbers in an unknown format,
>> you will not have any way of knowing whether you got them in a strange
>> format or not, nor will you have any docs on what that format is going
>> to be". That is no way to treat your driver developers.
> You seem to be ignoring the fact that the text format is
> platform-independent. That's what for example JDBC uses, and I'd
> imagine other interfaces as well. Is it not possible to use text
> format in OLE DB, for floating points?
It is impossible to use text format for just floating point. I often
don't know in advance what type the result is going to be.

I can switch EVERYTHING to text mode, but as the other end of the
interface requires me to get things out in binary format, I get the
following absurd path:
PG stores in binary
PG translates to text
PG sends to driver
driver translates to binary

As long as I get consistent binary format, I prefer to translate between
binary formats than between text and binary.
>> What are the "send" functions used for, beside server to client
>> communication, anyways? You are asking me to treat the binary data as an
>> opaque. Well, I'll counter with a question - what good is that to me?
> Imagine an application that does this:
> Issue query "SELECT foofloat FROM footable", and store the value to a
> variable
> Issue "INSERT INTO footable2 VALUES (?)", and send back the same value.
Why would I want to do that over "insert into footable2 select foofloat
from footable"?

I know, even if it makes no sense you'd want it to work. All I'm saying
is that something has got to give, and there is no reason to assume that
your usage is more likely than mine.

For that reason, without looking into the ARM float implementation, it
is just as likely that it contains LESS precision than the IEEE one.
Would that change the objection?
> Don't you think footable and footable2 should now have the same value?
> If "SELECT * FROM footable, footable2 WHERE foofloat=foofloat" returns
> 0 rows, I'd be pissed.
> It's possible that the conversion within the driver loses some
> precision, depending on the data types supported by the language and
> platform, but the wire protocol should at least give the driver a
> chance to get it right.
I'm not sure why there is a difference here. How is that above example
different than the exact same example written in ADODB (and thus passing
driver conversion)?

I'll take this one step further. Does the text representation never lose
precision? Ever?

What if I send a patch that sends a 64bit float as 128bit number,
containing two integers, one for mantissa and one for exponent. This
format is guaranteed to never lose precision, but is wire compatible
across platforms. Would that be considered a good solution?
> The current code is not used for communicating between two servers.
> And it works fine as long as the client and the server are on the same
> platform.
So does the driver. And yet, a user complained! In my dictionary, this
means that "as long as the client and server are on the same platform"
is not a good enough requirement.
> Don't get me wrong, I agree that the binary format is broken as it is,
> but the cure mustn't be worse than the disease.
>> Please, give your own interface designers something to work with. Your
>> attitude essentially leaves me out in the cold.
> Design a wire protocol that
> 1. Doesn't lose information on any platform
> 2. Is more efficient than text format
> and I'm pretty sure it'll be accepted.
I just offered one. I would hate it myself, and it would mean that pre
8.3 (or whenever it is that it will go in) will have a different
representation than post the change, but it will live up to your requests.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Binary format has other goals that are not always compatible with 100%
> platform independence --- that's unfortunate, sure, but it's reality.
Maybe the misunderstanding is mine. What are the goals for the binary


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Not ready for 8.3

2007-05-19 Thread Greg Smith

On Sat, 19 May 2007, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

What would making a branch actually do for you? The only advantage I can see 
is that it will give you a way of checkpointing your files.

Exactly.  It's not as bad now, but when I was getting started there were 
lots of times I got something working and I wanted a clean way to save it 
in that state before I started messing with anything else--such that I 
could backtrack what I did if I later broke it.  This style of work has 
some advantages for working on other people's patches as well, especially 
if you're trying to review two at once and it takes you a while to 
finish--the situation I always find myself in.

I don't see how you can do it reasonably off a local cvs mirror - rsync 
will just blow away any changes you have checked in next time you sync 
with the master.

It's certainly not easy.  I try not to let the fact that what I'd like to 
do may actually be impossible ever discourage me.

There are at least three ways to approach this general problem just 
counting the rsync/CVS variations, each with some obvious and some subtle 
advantages/disadvantages.  I'm still in the stage where I'm mapping out 
the options.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baltimore, MD

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I agree in principle that the wire protocol should be 
> platform-independent.

The *TEXT* format is for that.  The problem here is that Shachar is
insisting on using binary format in a context where it is inappropriate.
Binary format has other goals that are not always compatible with 100%
platform independence --- that's unfortunate, sure, but it's reality.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

Shachar Shemesh wrote:

Tom Lane wrote:

Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'll reiterate - the problem is not that PG is exporting the internal
ARM FP format. The problem is that the server is exporting the internal
ARM FP format when the server is ARM, and the IEEE format when the
server is Intel. It's not the format, it's the inconsistency.

This is not a bug, it's intentional.  While IEEE-spec floats are
reasonably interchangeable these days (modulo the endianness issue),
other FP formats tend to have different ranges, special cases, etc.
If we try to force them to IEEE spec we may have problems with overflow,
loss of precision, who knows what.

Yes, but if we do not then we have a data interchange library that is
useless for data interchange. I think overflow and precision loss is

I agree in principle that the wire protocol should be 
platform-independent. At the very least, if the server always sends in 
native format, the client needs to know which format it's receiving and 
be able to convert between all formats. Switching to a common format on 
all platforms would of course make life easier for client library 

But sometimes, like now, PG puts me in an impossible position. You are
essentially telling me "you will get the numbers in an unknown format,
you will not have any way of knowing whether you got them in a strange
format or not, nor will you have any docs on what that format is going
to be". That is no way to treat your driver developers.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that the text format is 
platform-independent. That's what for example JDBC uses, and I'd imagine 
other interfaces as well. Is it not possible to use text format in OLE 
DB, for floating points?

(In this context "reliable" means "can reproduce the original datum
exactly when transmitted back".)

Who cares? If you are using the same function for binary communication
inside the server and for communications to the clients (or, for that
matter, another server), then there is something wrong in your design.

What are the "send" functions used for, beside server to client
communication, anyways? You are asking me to treat the binary data as an
opaque. Well, I'll counter with a question - what good is that to me?

Imagine an application that does this:

Issue query "SELECT foofloat FROM footable", and store the value to a 

Issue "INSERT INTO footable2 VALUES (?)", and send back the same value.

Don't you think footable and footable2 should now have the same value? 
If "SELECT * FROM footable, footable2 WHERE foofloat=foofloat" returns 0 
rows, I'd be pissed.

It's possible that the conversion within the driver loses some 
precision, depending on the data types supported by the language and 
platform, but the wire protocol should at least give the driver a chance 
to get it right.

Please note that the current code is useless for communicating binary
data between two servers, even if they are guaranteed to be of the same
version! How much less reliable can you get?

The current code is not used for communicating between two servers. And 
it works fine as long as the client and the server are on the same platform.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that the binary format is broken as it is, 
but the cure mustn't be worse than the disease.

Please, give your own interface designers something to work with. Your
attitude essentially leaves me out in the cold.

Design a wire protocol that
1. Doesn't lose information on any platform
2. Is more efficient than text format

and I'm pretty sure it'll be accepted.

  Heikki Linnakangas

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'll reiterate - the problem is not that PG is exporting the internal
>> ARM FP format. The problem is that the server is exporting the internal
>> ARM FP format when the server is ARM, and the IEEE format when the
>> server is Intel. It's not the format, it's the inconsistency.
> This is not a bug, it's intentional.  While IEEE-spec floats are
> reasonably interchangeable these days (modulo the endianness issue),
> other FP formats tend to have different ranges, special cases, etc.
> If we try to force them to IEEE spec we may have problems with overflow,
> loss of precision, who knows what.
Yes, but if we do not then we have a data interchange library that is
useless for data interchange. I think overflow and precision loss is

Please remember that I'm only trying to help Postgresql here. I have a
spec to work with on the outside. I'm more than willing to do what's
necessary (see the STRRRANGE date conversion code) in order to adapt
whatever PG throws my way to the no less strange representation expected
of me. That's what I do as a driver hacker.

Sometimes, the specs don't help me. Windows' notion of "timezone free
timestamps" is nothing short of a disgrace, and some of the hacks that
are needed around that issues are, well, hacks. I don't come complaining
here, because this has nothing to do with PG. It's bad design on the
other end of the two ends that a driver has to make meet.

But sometimes, like now, PG puts me in an impossible position. You are
essentially telling me "you will get the numbers in an unknown format,
you will not have any way of knowing whether you got them in a strange
format or not, nor will you have any docs on what that format is going
to be". That is no way to treat your driver developers.
>> Like I said elsewhere, I'm willing to write a patch to "pq_sendfloat8"
>> (and probably "pq_getmsgfloat8" too) to make sure it does the conversion
>> on ARM platforms. Hell, I think I can even write it portable enough so
>> that it will work on all non-IEEE platforms
> Really?  Will it be faster
Absolutely. Do you honestly believe that turning a 64bit binary number
into a 40 something byte decimal number will be quicker than turning a
64 bit binary number into another 64 bit number? For one thing, I really
doubt that my technique will require division, modulo or, in fact, any
math operations at all. It will likely be done with a few bit shifting
and that's it.

I also find it strange, though, that you berate me for using binary
rather than text format, and then complain about speed. That's what
makes OLE DB faster than ODBC - binary interface.
>  and more reliable than conversion to text?
Well, depends on how you define "more reliable". If you define it to
mean "exactly represents what happens in the server internals", then the
answer is "no". If you define it to mean "make more sense to the client,
and have better chances of producing results that more closely
approximate the right number than the current code", then the answer is
a definite yes.
> (In this context "reliable" means "can reproduce the original datum
> exactly when transmitted back".)
Who cares? If you are using the same function for binary communication
inside the server and for communications to the clients (or, for that
matter, another server), then there is something wrong in your design.
What are the "send" functions used for, beside server to client
communication, anyways? You are asking me to treat the binary data as an
opaque. Well, I'll counter with a question - what good is that to me?

Please note that the current code is useless for communicating binary
data between two servers, even if they are guaranteed to be of the same
version! How much less reliable can you get?

Please, give your own interface designers something to work with. Your
attitude essentially leaves me out in the cold.
>   regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tom Lane wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I've received a bug report on the OLE DB list, which I suspect is
>> actually a server bug. The correspondence so far is listed further on,
>> but, in a nutshell, user runs an OLE DB client on windows (OLE DB uses
>> the binary interface), and server version 8.1.9 on Windows, and all is
>> fine. When the server is switched to 8.1.8 on Debian Etch on ARM9,
>> float8 type is not received properly by OLE DB.
> Perhaps OLE is trying to use binary instead of text transmission of
> data?
Of course it does. That's what the OLE DB specs say. Said so in my
original email.
>   It's not a server bug if ARM has a different FP format than
> the client hardware;
No. The server can use, internally, whatever it wants.
>  it's the client's responsibility to either use
> text format or be prepared to cope with whatever the binary format is.
I agree 100%.

I'll reiterate - the problem is not that PG is exporting the internal
ARM FP format. The problem is that the server is exporting the internal
ARM FP format when the server is ARM, and the IEEE format when the
server is Intel. It's not the format, it's the inconsistency.

I can (and I do) handle, in PgOleDb, binary format that are vastly
different than those that I need (anyone said "timestamps"?). Handling a
format that is inconsistent across same version backends merely because
of platform, now that's a server bug if I ever saw one.
>   regards, tom lane
Like I said elsewhere, I'm willing to write a patch to "pq_sendfloat8"
(and probably "pq_getmsgfloat8" too) to make sure it does the conversion
on ARM platforms. Hell, I think I can even write it portable enough so
that it will work on all non-IEEE platforms (I'm not sure yet, but I
have a general idea). What I'm hoping for, however, is that if I do, you
(or another comitter) will get it in.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>> Hi guys of the pgsql-hackers list.
>> I've received a bug report on the OLE DB list, which I suspect is
>> actually a server bug. The correspondence so far is listed further on,
>> but, in a nutshell, user runs an OLE DB client on windows (OLE DB uses
>> the binary interface), and server version 8.1.9 on Windows, and all is
>> fine. When the server is switched to 8.1.8 on Debian Etch on ARM9,
>> float8 type is not received properly by OLE DB.
> if 8.1.8 is built based on the debian packages it is probably compiled
> with --enable-integer-datetimes.
> Is the oledb client library able to cope with that ?
I'm calling "GetPgStatus(&stat, _bstr_t("integer_datetimes") );" to find
out what the server representation is, and cope accordingly. This only
doesn't work on 7.4 servers, but otherwise I'm fine.

either way, this is off topic to this problem.

>From further reading, it seems that ARM indeed uses its own
representation for IEEE floats. I'll try to poll my sources, try and
find out what the %([EMAIL PROTECTED]&$ this format actually is (google was no 
and try and formulate a patch for PG to export it in IEEE despite the
> Stefan

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'll reiterate - the problem is not that PG is exporting the internal
> ARM FP format. The problem is that the server is exporting the internal
> ARM FP format when the server is ARM, and the IEEE format when the
> server is Intel. It's not the format, it's the inconsistency.

This is not a bug, it's intentional.  While IEEE-spec floats are
reasonably interchangeable these days (modulo the endianness issue),
other FP formats tend to have different ranges, special cases, etc.
If we try to force them to IEEE spec we may have problems with overflow,
loss of precision, who knows what.

> Like I said elsewhere, I'm willing to write a patch to "pq_sendfloat8"
> (and probably "pq_getmsgfloat8" too) to make sure it does the conversion
> on ARM platforms. Hell, I think I can even write it portable enough so
> that it will work on all non-IEEE platforms

Really?  Will it be faster and more reliable than conversion to text?
(In this context "reliable" means "can reproduce the original datum
exactly when transmitted back".)

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've received a bug report on the OLE DB list, which I suspect is
> actually a server bug. The correspondence so far is listed further on,
> but, in a nutshell, user runs an OLE DB client on windows (OLE DB uses
> the binary interface), and server version 8.1.9 on Windows, and all is
> fine. When the server is switched to 8.1.8 on Debian Etch on ARM9,
> float8 type is not received properly by OLE DB.

Perhaps OLE is trying to use binary instead of text transmission of
data?  It's not a server bug if ARM has a different FP format than
the client hardware; it's the client's responsibility to either use
text format or be prepared to cope with whatever the binary format is.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Stefan Kaltenbrunner
Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Hi guys of the pgsql-hackers list.
> I've received a bug report on the OLE DB list, which I suspect is
> actually a server bug. The correspondence so far is listed further on,
> but, in a nutshell, user runs an OLE DB client on windows (OLE DB uses
> the binary interface), and server version 8.1.9 on Windows, and all is
> fine. When the server is switched to 8.1.8 on Debian Etch on ARM9,
> float8 type is not received properly by OLE DB.

if 8.1.8 is built based on the debian packages it is probably compiled
with --enable-integer-datetimes.
Is the oledb client library able to cope with that ?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [HACKERS] Signing off of patches (was Re: Not ready for 8.3)

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
"Karl O. Pinc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 05/18/2007 08:59:11 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'd like to see something that emphasizes review and feedback at the
>> stages of germinal idea, rough functional spec, implementation
>> concept,

> Speaking as a larval Postgres hacker I have trouble asking about
> the germinal idea and rough functional spec parts.  Without
> having some clue about the implementation concept it's
> difficult for me to imagine whether or not I want to
> or will be able to put the effort into making the actual
> code work.

Well, but if you ask at an early stage it's perfectly fair to ask for
comments on how much work an implementation of idea X might be.  Plus
people could save you from wasting time going down dead-end paths.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [HACKERS] COPY into a view; help w. design & patch

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Lane
"Karl O. Pinc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I don't really want to do this.  I really want my users
> to be able to use the COPY statement without worrying
> about whether they are copying into a table or a view.

But ... but ... the proposed feature entirely fails to achieve that.
Copying into an explicit INSERT statement isn't necessarily a bad idea,
but surely it's not transparent in that way.

> I _could_ make tables that "correspond"
> to the views and put BEFORE INSERT triggers on them and
> have the triggers insert into the views (or the equalivent),
> but then the users would have to use the views for most
> things and the "corresponding tables" when doing a COPY
> or using the application's data import function.

There's been previous discussion of allowing BEFORE INSERT triggers
on views, so long as the triggers always return NULL to suppress
the actual insertion attempt (ie, we'd move the "can't insert into
view" test out of the rewriter and put it downstream of trigger firing
in the executor).  So far no one's figured out how to make that idea
work for UPDATE/DELETE, but maybe you could argue that even if it
only worked for INSERT it'd be a useful feature.  It'd certainly solve
the problem for COPY.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[HACKERS] Re: [Oledb-dev] double precision error with pg linux server, but not with windows pg server

2007-05-19 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Hi guys of the pgsql-hackers list.

I've received a bug report on the OLE DB list, which I suspect is
actually a server bug. The correspondence so far is listed further on,
but, in a nutshell, user runs an OLE DB client on windows (OLE DB uses
the binary interface), and server version 8.1.9 on Windows, and all is
fine. When the server is switched to 8.1.8 on Debian Etch on ARM9,
float8 type is not received properly by OLE DB.

Since OLE DB doesn't really care what version the server is running, the
chances of this being a server side bug are really high. I don't know
ARM9 well enough to comment on floating point format there.

Julian Heeb wrote:
> Shachar Shemesh schrieb:
>> Julian Heeb wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Our acounting software can use the PostgreSQL OLE DB driver to access
>>> a postgreSQL database. With the pg server installed on windows,
>>> everything works fine.
>>> I moved now the database to a postgreSQL server on a linux server, but
>>> now every floating point number gets wrongly interpreted by the
>>> acounting software, either by replacing it with a 0 or a very large
>>> number (e.g. xxxE+308). Only the floating point numbers are affected,
>>> integer or characters are correct. pgAdmin shows even the fp numbers
>>> correctly, so I guess it has something to do with the pgoledb driver.
>>> Can someone give me a hint, how to solve the problem?
>> It's hard to give a precise answer. Let's try a couple of venues.
>> First of all, what platform is the Linux server? Is that an Intel, or
>> something else?
> It is an ARM9 platform with Debian Etch (Linkstation Pro Fileserver with 
> Freelink).
>> Also, what is the precise type of the floating point var on the server?
>> Can you give the SQL line that generated the table?
> The table has been generated by the following SQL line. The problem 
> occures at the double precision fields.
I have some bad news. This is the comment in the Postgresql source code.
This seems to be a core problem at the server side of things:
> /* 
>  *pq_sendfloat8- append a float8 to a StringInfo buffer
>  *
>  * The point of this routine is to localize knowledge of the external
> binary
>  * representation of float8, which is a component of several datatypes.
>  *
>  * We currently assume that float8 should be byte-swapped in the same way
>  * as int8.  This rule is not perfect but it gives us portability across
>  * most IEEE-float-using architectures.
>  * 
>  */
Could it be that ARM9 is not IEEE float standard? Can anyone from the
"hackers" list give any insight into this? The function for the data
type import on the client side seems to be in order (switch the byte
order around, and assume it's a valid "double" C type).


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [HACKERS] Not ready for 8.3

2007-05-19 Thread Florian G. Pflug

Andrew Dunstan wrote:
What would making a branch actually do for you? The only advantage I can 
see is that it will give you a way of checkpointing your files. As I 
remarked upthread, I occasionally use RCS for that. But mostly I don't 
actually bother. I don't see how you can do it reasonably off a local 
cvs mirror - rsync will just blow away any changes you have checked in 
next time you sync with the master.

I don't think we can make CVS behave like a distributed SCM system, and 
ability to create local branches seems to me one of the fundamental 
points of such systems. If that's what the demand is for, then we should 
look again at moving to something like Mercurial.

I think the great thing about DCVS systems is that not everybody
necessarily needs to use the *same* system. And it doesn't really
matter what the central repository runs on - I think they are
gateway from/to nearly everything available...

I currently use GIT for my SoC project, and it works quite well -
I can create an abitrary number of local branches, and syncing
the currently active branch with CVS is archived by just doing
"cg-update pgsql-head".

greetings, Florian Pflug

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project by donating at

Re: [HACKERS] Reducing stats collection overhead

2007-05-19 Thread Arjen van der Meijden
Afaik Tom hadn't finished his patch when I was testing things, so I 
don't know. But we're in the process of benchmarking a new system (dual 
quad-core Xeon) and we'll have a look at how it performs in the postgres 
8.2dev we used before, the stable 8.2.4 and a fresh HEAD-checkout (which 
we'll call 8.3dev). I'll let you guys (or at least Tom) know how they 
compare in our benchmark.

Best regards,


On 18-5-2007 15:12 Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Tom Lane wrote:

Arjen van der Meijden told me that according to the
benchmark, HEAD is noticeably slower than 8.2.4, and I soon confirmed
here that for small SELECT queries issued as separate transactions,
there's a significant difference.  I think much of the difference stems
from the fact that we now have stats_row_level ON by default, and so
every transaction sends a stats message that wasn't there by default
in 8.2.  When you're doing a few thousand transactions per second
(not hard for small read-only queries) that adds up.

So, did this patch make the performance problem go away?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [HACKERS] Not ready for 8.3

2007-05-19 Thread Andrew Dunstan

Greg Smith wrote:

Heikki's great summary helps (I think the one piece I was screwing up 
is covered there), and Pavan's comments adds some useful bits.  The 
still missing part is how to make a real branch to work in, which is 
much easier to work with once you figure out how to do it than either 
using just diffs or tagging.

What would making a branch actually do for you? The only advantage I can 
see is that it will give you a way of checkpointing your files. As I 
remarked upthread, I occasionally use RCS for that. But mostly I don't 
actually bother. I don't see how you can do it reasonably off a local 
cvs mirror - rsync will just blow away any changes you have checked in 
next time you sync with the master.

I don't think we can make CVS behave like a distributed SCM system, and 
ability to create local branches seems to me one of the fundamental 
points of such systems. If that's what the demand is for, then we should 
look again at moving to something like Mercurial.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?