RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky / beta testers?

2001-06-29 Thread Marc Boeren


> > Seriously, we could use a couple beta testers. I've been told I
> > can accept 5 beta-testers. Benefits are that you can distribute
> > your first project for free... Interested? 
> *IF* I do not have to sign a non-compete, then count me in.  If you 
> end up going the commercial route, then I will probably re-open my 
> efforts into making a GPL version, and I won't sign away that right.

There will not be a non-compete thing or such. The only rule is that you
don't use it commercially and that you will give us comments on what works,
what doesn't, possible differences between a site on our app (which we
dubbed 'localsite' for now) and on an actual webserver, anything else you
notice that is either odd or good, and two-way communication to solve any
issues that arise.

> Small, amateur developers like me would be very unlikely to drop that 
> sort of cash unless the program was packed full of slick features 
> which made it invaluable.  The competative product is Visual Basic 
> and I think that's <$100.  I tend to look for shareware products in 
> the $40 and less arena.

Our expected target audience is a developer/company that builds custom
applications for clients. This means they can charge the extra costs
directly to their client, and usually the project costs a whole lot more
than that.
Our company builds websites for clients (and more, but that isn't relevant
here), but if our client wants a cd-rom application, we build a website and
distribute it on cd-rom using our application to make it work in a
standalone environment. Added-value here is that there is only one
development project for cd-rom and internet, as you can use the exact same
php-pages on both. So if a company wants both cd and www, the project costs
significantly less if you only have one development route.
This means the competative product is not visual basic, at least not in this
area. If you just use it to make some windows applications, vb would
probably make a better tool...

On the other hand, we didn't really think about amateur developers (or
shareware developers or the like) who create simple applications. Since we
have a project-based background, that was our first thought. But then, our
plans to create a project-based licensing scheme would probably be no good
to a shareware developer either, they just want to buy it once and then use
it whenever possible (at least, this is what I would do).

I'll discuss it here, and we'll see what emerges :-)

> Corporations would have no problem spending that sort of money, but 
> they also tend to hire professional programmers who would not be 
> daunted by the challenges of programming Windows in VC++.

But then, a VC++ (or VB) project cannot be put on a webserver, which is
where a php-application has the edge...

About the beta, I'll create a package tomorrow or early next week and mail
it to you, ok? (about 100k zipped).

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky / beta testers?

2001-06-28 Thread Gre7g Luterman

> Pricing is not definitive yet, but could be somewhere in the range
> $250-500, depending how many people are going to use it. Could you
> tell me if such a price would make you think twice about using it? 

I think it depends totally on the target audience.

Small, amateur developers like me would be very unlikely to drop that 
sort of cash unless the program was packed full of slick features 
which made it invaluable.  The competative product is Visual Basic 
and I think that's <$100.  I tend to look for shareware products in 
the $40 and less arena.

Corporations would have no problem spending that sort of money, but 
they also tend to hire professional programmers who would not be 
daunted by the challenges of programming Windows in VC++.  If you 
plan to market to corporations, then you would need to target your 
product as a development tool for companies that don't do Windows 
programming.  This sort of tool would be perfect for companies who 
write programs for other environments and need to generate a few 
small applications in Windows.  Those companies cannot justify having 
their programmers spend all the time it takes to learn the more 
complex environment.

> Seriously, we could use a couple beta testers. I've been told I
> can accept 5 beta-testers. Benefits are that you can distribute
> your first project for free... Interested? 

*IF* I do not have to sign a non-compete, then count me in.  If you 
end up going the commercial route, then I will probably re-open my 
efforts into making a GPL version, and I won't sign away that right.

Good luck!

Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 I want to be the master of time and space, a living god,
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky / beta testers?

2001-06-26 Thread Marc Boeren


> That's excellent.  Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this 
> is a cool idea.  How long have you been in development of this?  When 
> did you start?

It's been a project originally to do the same thing as described, but
without using php but rather a custom program that used IE as a gui frontend
and was built in the dll instead of as an executable. We've been turning
towards php lately, so I modified the application to be able to use php. So
I started about a year ago (maybe a little longer), but as it was such a
small part of the project I couldn't really say how long I worked on it. I
know it took a lot of trial and error coding, as microsoft documentation
looks really impressive (volume-wise), but when you get down to the details
it suddenly doesn't tell you much anymore...

> Open source is my goal, personally, but I respect your plans even if 
> they are commercial.  

They're not my plans, really. I would like OS too, but PHB's think
differently. I can understand that, though. They're coming around a little
(they let me contribute the dbx module under the php license).
I've been talking about it with the PHB's yesterday, and the plan is to
release it as a commercial app. 
License would be something like 
- free for personal/development/evaluation use
- pay for every project that you distribute with the app (regardless of how
many copies of that project you make)
Pricing is not definitive yet, but could be somewhere in the range $250-500,
depending how many people are going to use it. Could you tell me if such a
price would make you think twice about using it? The app will usually be
distributed as part of a site/app you developed, probably with a
project-price that is many-many times the proposed price.

> What do you call your app and what can I do to help?  Anything?

Yeah, you can come up with a good name ;-)
Seriously, we could use a couple beta testers. I've been told I can accept 5
beta-testers. Benefits are that you can distribute your first project for
free... Interested?

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-25 Thread Joey Smith

This is not what the GPL is for at all. The GPL only protects PHP
itself, and even that does not preclude you from charging for
simply requires that you make the source available at no additional

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Brian Tanner wrote the following to Marc Boeren :

> I'm not sure you would be able to distribute a commercial application that
> is built around PHP commercially, could you?  Isn't that what the GPL
> protects against?
> -Brian

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-25 Thread Marc Boeren


> I'm not sure you would be able to distribute a commercial 
> application that is built around PHP commercially, could you?  
> Isn't that what the GPL protects against?

Well, PHP is just distributed as a cgi-application, with any modules
compiled however you want. There are no modifications to php whatsoever. The
application doesn't use _any_ php-code, so I don't think there is a GPL (or
any license, for that matter) violation. 

You could see this as an application starting an executable (php), and
displaying the results. Rather the same as typeing './php -f filename.php >
filename.html' and then viewing filename.html (even though a file is never
actually generated). 

I see no licensing problems, but perhaps I'm misstaken. I've just read the
file LICENSE again, and I see no objections!

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-25 Thread Brian Tanner

I'm not sure you would be able to distribute a commercial application that
is built around PHP commercially, could you?  Isn't that what the GPL
protects against?


-Original Message-
From: Marc Boeren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 25, 2001 12:56 AM
To: 'Gre7g Luterman'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

> I am pleased to announce that I dove into this new idea last night
> and made my first proof-of-concept program (PoC-1) for this new
> programming environment (which I am calling LocalPHP for the lack of
> a better name, any suggestions?).

I have a version of exactly what you wish to do right here in the final
stages of development.
It includes an executable that contains the htmlview, a dll that catches all
requests from the htmlview and processes them (either by passing them on to
php and passing the results back to the browser, or by returning the
requested file as-is).
It doesn't need Apache or anything, just the cgi-version of php (including
any modules you wish to use), and an IE>4.
It could easily be extended to fetch all files from one big library (thus
protecting your php-source) or to start other apps as well (map any
extension to any executable... Perl, custom executables, whatever)

We're still looking into the method of distribution, whether it will be a
commercial app or an open source project and such things, but your efforts
might kick a few people over here into motion :-)

As you can understand, I can not really say more about this project at this
time, but I'll hope to come back to this soon!

Cheerio, MArc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-25 Thread Marc Boeren

> I am pleased to announce that I dove into this new idea last night 
> and made my first proof-of-concept program (PoC-1) for this new 
> programming environment (which I am calling LocalPHP for the lack of 
> a better name, any suggestions?).

I have a version of exactly what you wish to do right here in the final
stages of development. 
It includes an executable that contains the htmlview, a dll that catches all
requests from the htmlview and processes them (either by passing them on to
php and passing the results back to the browser, or by returning the
requested file as-is). 
It doesn't need Apache or anything, just the cgi-version of php (including
any modules you wish to use), and an IE>4. 
It could easily be extended to fetch all files from one big library (thus
protecting your php-source) or to start other apps as well (map any
extension to any executable... Perl, custom executables, whatever)

We're still looking into the method of distribution, whether it will be a
commercial app or an open source project and such things, but your efforts
might kick a few people over here into motion :-)

As you can understand, I can not really say more about this project at this
time, but I'll hope to come back to this soon!

Cheerio, MArc.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-23 Thread Gre7g Luterman

I am pleased to announce that I dove into this new idea last night 
and made my first proof-of-concept program (PoC-1) for this new 
programming environment (which I am calling LocalPHP for the lack of 
a better name, any suggestions?).

The proof-of-concept is very crude!  It simply brings up a dialog 
with an IWebBrowse2 ActiveX component in it and points the browser to 

a file called "index.php".  It then intercepts the fetch, processes 
the index.php into index.htm and redirects the browser to index.htm.  

Yes, this is very crude and not how I intend to do things long term!

The curious redirecting is important because index.php contains a 
link to index2.php.  When the user takes the link and the browser 
tries to fetch index2.php, the code again intercepts the request, 
converts index2.php into index2.htm and then redirects the browser.

As you may recall, I had expressed a hesitancy to open sockets so the 

program could communicate with itself.  It turns out that this will 
not be neccessary.  In fact, I did not even have to load Apache into 
the system as I had originally assumed.  Instead, I just use PHP 
stand-alone to process the .php files.

Plans for PoC-2:

The next proof-of-concept is coming along very nicely!  Instead of a 
dialog, I'm using a full, resizable window (CHtmlView).  Instead of 
converting .php files into .htm files, I want to pipe .php files into 

PHP and then pipe the result into the browser.  I've also begun some 
research into how we will be able to control the window (menus, 
status bar, etc.) from within the browser.  There are indeed some 
hooks we can use, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I am extremely excited about this project and think that it could be 
valuable to lots of people.  It is my hopes that this will someday be 

embraced by the PHP community and used world-wide.

Immediate needs:

In the meantime, I do need some help to get rolling.  I have the PHP 
source and binaries, but there is so much code that I get a bit dizzy 

when I look at it!  What I want to do is stick the php4ts.dll (I am 
supposing that would be the best choice) binary into my project and 
then pipe data in and out of it.  Can someone PLEASE give me some 
hints as to how I can do this?  I'm sure it's easy, but I don't know 
where to start.  I've never even tried to put someone else's DLL into 

my code.

For reference, it appears that the browser can accept IStream class 
objects as input.  I understand that this is probably not what 
php4ts.dll uses, but I am willing to do whatever massaging I need to 
make that work.  If anyone has messed with these before and would 
like to volunteer input, I'd love to hear it ([EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
via this forum).

Micro$oft is a tumor in the computer world:

Finally, I beat my head for several hours against one bug last night. 

It involved converting a tagVARIANT (I'd never seen such a struct 
before) into a simple null-terminated-string.  I'm sure this sort of 
thing is easy to do.  It has to be, right?  Surely I'm not the first 
person to want to manipulate tagVARIANT's.  Anyhow, I couldn't figure 

out how to do it and was forced to write a very crude conversion 
routine to keep me from slitting my wrists.  Does anyone out there 
know the CORRECT way to do this?  I do not want to leave this hack in 

the code.

Let me know what you think!

Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stay informed:

  It's sad that a family can be torn apart by something as simple a pack of wild dogs.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-21 Thread Andrei Zmievski

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> Brian Tanner wrote: 
> > GTK is actually a GUI and is not based on HTML at all... I think what Greg
> > is looking for is an HTML based application that runs standalone...
> doesn't GTK have a HTML component that could be embeded to mimic
> a browser frontend ?

Not yet, but I plan to put it in soon enough.


"Everything is a matter of a little programming" -- Rasmus Lerdorf

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-21 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Brian Tanner wrote: 
> GTK is actually a GUI and is not based on HTML at all... I think what Greg
> is looking for is an HTML based application that runs standalone...

doesn't GTK have a HTML component that could be embeded to mimic
a browser frontend ?

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Brian Tanner

GTK is actually a GUI and is not based on HTML at all... I think what Greg
is looking for is an HTML based application that runs standalone...


Have you looked at Maybe that's what you need.

- Original Message -
From: "Gre7g Luterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 9:43 PM
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

> Situation:
> PHP is the greatest damned language I've ever used.  With PHP and a
> database on the back-end, and a decent browser capable of running
> Javascript/JScript on the front end, you can create beautiful,
> seamless web applications with so little work that it almost seems
> like cheating.
> Problem:
> If you don't want your application to be just a web application, then
> you're stuck using some other relatively stinky language.   while thinking back to the days when you had to write thousands of
> lines of code just to put some graphics on the screen or open a
> socket to a web server>
> Variation on a theme:
> I'd love to be able to create a PHP Windows .exe that installed just
> like a regular application.  This ideal program would run just like
> an application too.  You'd launch it and it would open an application
> window, but the window contents would be the current web browser
> installed on the system, pointed to the index.php page in your newly
> installed application's directory.
> In other words, it would be like installing a PHP-enabled webserver
> whose output could only go to the application's main and child
> windows (if any).
> I do NOT want to require the user to install a webserver and I do NOT
> want the server to keep running after the application has quit, but I
> would LOVE to be able to do basic application type actions like
> saving files without having to resort to lame, bloated, miscarriages
> like signed Java applets.  Also, I would LOVE to be able to simply
> create user interfaces without writing tons of code like in Visual
> C++.  Admittedly, Visual BASIC is similar in purpose here, but as we
> all know, VB ain't got nothin' on PHP.
> Questions:
> [1] Does such a beast exist?
> [2] Can anyone think of a fundamental reason why we couldn't do such
> a thing?
> [3] Is the general consensus that this would be a handy thing to
> have, or is it just me?
> Please be kind with the flames, I'm new here...
> Gre7g.
> =
> Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Stay informed:
> I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather
>   ...not screaming in terror like his passengers.
> --
> PHP Development Mailing List 
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Wolfhome Priestess

> Check out

Oooohh.  Thanks to both of you who posted GTK related links.  
This looks like really good stuff and I will explore it more, but if 
I understand correctly GTK (via C++ or PHP) essentially still does 
what Visual C++ does, it just creates code that can run under 
multiple O/S's.

What I'm proposing is that we take DHTML, Javascript, PHP4, MySQL, 
and IE via OLE and turn them into a whole new programming 
environment.  Then, instead of writing handlers to instantiate icons, 
and behaviors of forms, we could just use HTML and the millions of 
HTML editing tools that already exist.

I suppose my focus on this thought is not just "how do we bring PHP 
to the desktop".  It isn't, "how do we make a cross-platform 
language".  It is, "how do we take advantage of this unbelievably 
simple, and graphically beautiful programming environment, and bring 
it to a new market where only stodgy or hard-to-create-in 
environments had existed before".

Thanks for the link though!  I know what I'll be downloading tonight!
-- Wolfhome Priestess


 I want to be the master of time and space, a living god,
...and then I'd like to visit Europe.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Andrei Zmievski

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Gre7g Luterman wrote:
> Questions:
> [1] Does such a beast exist?
> [2] Can anyone think of a fundamental reason why we couldn't do such 
> a thing?
> [3] Is the general consensus that this would be a handy thing to 
> have, or is it just me?

Check out


"C combines all the power of assembly language with
 all the ease of use of assembly language" -- trad

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Edin Kadribasic

Have you looked at Maybe that's what you need.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gre7g Luterman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 9:43 PM
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

> Situation:
> PHP is the greatest damned language I've ever used.  With PHP and a 
> database on the back-end, and a decent browser capable of running 
> Javascript/JScript on the front end, you can create beautiful, 
> seamless web applications with so little work that it almost seems 
> like cheating.
> Problem:
> If you don't want your application to be just a web application, then 
> you're stuck using some other relatively stinky language.   while thinking back to the days when you had to write thousands of 
> lines of code just to put some graphics on the screen or open a 
> socket to a web server>
> Variation on a theme:
> I'd love to be able to create a PHP Windows .exe that installed just 
> like a regular application.  This ideal program would run just like 
> an application too.  You'd launch it and it would open an application 
> window, but the window contents would be the current web browser 
> installed on the system, pointed to the index.php page in your newly 
> installed application's directory.
> In other words, it would be like installing a PHP-enabled webserver 
> whose output could only go to the application's main and child 
> windows (if any).
> I do NOT want to require the user to install a webserver and I do NOT 
> want the server to keep running after the application has quit, but I 
> would LOVE to be able to do basic application type actions like 
> saving files without having to resort to lame, bloated, miscarriages 
> like signed Java applets.  Also, I would LOVE to be able to simply 
> create user interfaces without writing tons of code like in Visual 
> C++.  Admittedly, Visual BASIC is similar in purpose here, but as we 
> all know, VB ain't got nothin' on PHP.
> Questions:
> [1] Does such a beast exist?
> [2] Can anyone think of a fundamental reason why we couldn't do such 
> a thing?
> [3] Is the general consensus that this would be a handy thing to 
> have, or is it just me?
> Please be kind with the flames, I'm new here...
> Gre7g.
> =
> Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Stay informed:
> I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather
>   ...not screaming in terror like his passengers.
> -- 
> PHP Development Mailing List 
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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Gre7g Luterman

> Sounds like a great idea. 


> You could probably improve it by not using an actual browser, but
> by using the browser properties in a standalone application.  Here
> me out... I am confident there are some Windows widgets that let
> you easily build you own browser.. which is actually Internet
> Explorer without all of the options. 

Oh yeah, I believe you just have to open a WebBrowse OLE object in a 
cWin.  I'm not having any luck doing it with my ancient, learning-
edition version of Visual C++, but all the how-to's I'm finding make 
it SOUND trivial.

Can anyone think of a down-side to this approach?

> If you were to make a more limited browser interface (so that you
> cut out the browser functionality that an application shouldn't
> have "home,forward,back,view source, disable javascript,disable
> cookies,etc, etc, etc"), and then install the "browser"
> application... you could probably make it a standardized .EXE so
> that any user written PHP program would run on it. 

... save image, context menu, etc...

Absolutely!  You would definitely need to disable that stuff, at 
least once the application debugging is complete.  Perhaps a 
conditional compile on the debugging flag so that those options are 
automatically disabled in release code.

> Other than that, you just need to get the web server figured out. 

I wouldn't think it would be too hard .  With Apache, 
PHP, and MySQL (or others) all being open source, I don't see any 
real reason why they couldn't be compiled into one big app.  Plus 
there's a web full of experts to draw on.

Actually, now that I think about it, it almost sounds like something 
that would make a killer commercial app if it weren't for GPL 
.  j/k  I'm sure an enterprising programmer could do quite 
well with it by publishing documentation like Larry Wall or by 
selling support like RedHat.

The only thing that strikes me as really sloppy in this is that the 
simplest mechanism for the browser OLE to communicate with the server 
portion of the app would be via a port.  In other words, you'd point 
your OLE at and tell Apache to serve port X, where X is 
some free port.

Since ports are basically analagous to global variables, it means 
that you could run a browser simultaneously and surf  I don't think there's generally much harm in 
such a thing, but it lacks the cleanliness of a real, compiled app.

That also means that port X is occupied while the app is running and 
if you simulataneously launch something that wants to use port X, it 
will fail.  That's not the end of the world, but I do find it 
annoying.  It would be a bit like buying those tennis shoes with the 
air cushions in the heals and then having to get some CO2 cartridges 
to keep them pumped up.

Oh also, another downside is that your PHP source would be stored as 
plaintext on the client machine.  I'm guessing that it would not be 
impossible to encrypt/decrypt the pages on-the-fly, but it is another 

> How hard would it be to customize this "browser application" to
> start and quit apache in tandem with the application. 

I don't see that as an issue.  If we're running a browser as an OLE, 
then you're really just running an .exe we've created.  I don't think 
it's any real magic to make Windows .exe's spawn child processes on 
initiation and slaughter them before exiting.

> Again, agree on a standardized apache config so that there is only
> one site running... which is on local host, you're pretty much set.

Well since I don't think any of us are chomping at the bit to rewrite 
Apache, it only makes sense to compile it in!  :)  Therefore the 
config would be according to the standard.

Any nay-sayers out there?  Anyone with more Windows programming 
experience?  I'm far from an expert here!

Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stay informed:
 Never pet a burning puppy.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-20 Thread Brian Tanner

Sounds like a great idea.  You could probably improve it by not using an
actual browser, but by using the browser properties in a standalone
application.  Here me out... I am confident there are some Windows widgets
that let you easily build you own browser.. which is actually Internet
Explorer without all of the options.

If you were to make a more limited browser interface (so that you cut out
the browser functionality that an application shouldn't have
"home,forward,back,view source, disable javascript,disable cookies,etc, etc,
etc"), and then install the "browser" application... you could probably make
it a standardized .EXE so that any user written PHP program would run on it.

Other than that, you just need to get the web server figured out.  How hard
would it be to customize this "browser application" to start and quit apache
in tandem with the application.  Again, agree on a standardized apache
config so that there is only one site running... which is on local host,
you're pretty much set.

I think its a great idea.

Brian Tanner
Project Manager
Zaam Internet Solutions
Toll Free: 1-866-225-2675


PHP is the greatest damned language I've ever used.  With PHP and a
database on the back-end, and a decent browser capable of running
Javascript/JScript on the front end, you can create beautiful,
seamless web applications with so little work that it almost seems
like cheating.


If you don't want your application to be just a web application, then
you're stuck using some other relatively stinky language.  

Variation on a theme:

I'd love to be able to create a PHP Windows .exe that installed just
like a regular application.  This ideal program would run just like
an application too.  You'd launch it and it would open an application
window, but the window contents would be the current web browser
installed on the system, pointed to the index.php page in your newly
installed application's directory.

In other words, it would be like installing a PHP-enabled webserver
whose output could only go to the application's main and child
windows (if any).

I do NOT want to require the user to install a webserver and I do NOT
want the server to keep running after the application has quit, but I
would LOVE to be able to do basic application type actions like
saving files without having to resort to lame, bloated, miscarriages
like signed Java applets.  Also, I would LOVE to be able to simply
create user interfaces without writing tons of code like in Visual
C++.  Admittedly, Visual BASIC is similar in purpose here, but as we
all know, VB ain't got nothin' on PHP.


[1] Does such a beast exist?
[2] Can anyone think of a fundamental reason why we couldn't do such
a thing?
[3] Is the general consensus that this would be a handy thing to
have, or is it just me?

Please be kind with the flames, I'm new here...

Gre7g Luterman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stay informed:

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather
  ...not screaming in terror like his passengers.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Totally Blue Sky

2001-06-19 Thread J Smith

""Gre7g Luterman"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Situation:

> I'd love to be able to create a PHP Windows .exe that installed just
> like a regular application. This ideal program would run just like
> an application too. You'd launch it and it would open an application
> window, but the window contents would be the current web browser
> installed on the system, pointed to the index.php page in your newly
> installed application's directory.

> I do NOT want to require the user to install a webserver and I do NOT
> want the server to keep running after the application has quit...

> Questions:
> [1] Does such a beast exist?

I haven't tried this myself, as I'd rather use Perl or a shell or something,
but PHP can be used as a command-line interpreter away from a web server.

This explains it...

I don't know if that's exactly what you mean, but it's close.

> [2] Can anyone think of a fundamental reason why we couldn't do such
> a thing?

I can't.

> [3] Is the general consensus that this would be a handy thing to
> have, or is it just me?

If you're all about PHP, then it's great. Like I said, I'd rather use
Perl for something like that, but I can definitely see the appeal.

> Please be kind with the flames, I'm new here...

Me too.

> Gre7g.

J Smith
code, dba, and linux guy
Tutorbuddy Inc.
The Magic Lantern Group

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