Re: Guessing the encoding from a BOM

2014-01-17 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/17/2014 08:46 AM, Pete Forman wrote:

Chris Angelico writes:

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Slight aside, any chance of changing the subject of this thread, or even
ending the thread completely?  Why?  Every time I see it I picture Inspector
Clouseau, A BOM!!! :)

Special delivery, a berm! Were you expecting one?

Endian detection: Does my BOM look big in this?



Re: question about input() and/or raw_input()

2014-01-19 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/19/2014 12:26 AM, Rustom Mody wrote:

On Sunday, January 19, 2014 10:29:58 AM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:

As do these pieces of code:

-- def quux1(x): return str(x+1)
-- def quux2(x): return hex(x+1)[2:]

They do?

-- quux1(2.3)

-- quux2(2.3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File stdin, line 1, in quux2
TypeError: hex() argument can't be converted to hex

(Will be) fixed in 3.5 [1]  :)


[1] Which is to say, both will raise an exception.

Re: question about input() and/or raw_input()

2014-01-19 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/19/2014 08:38 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 3:14 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

-- def quux1(x): return str(x+1)

-- quux1(2.3)

(Will be) fixed in 3.5 [1]  :)
[1] Which is to say, both will raise an exception.

Why would that raise?

Sorry, should have read that closer.  It will not raise.

The difference I was thinking of is:

  %h % 3.14  # this works


  hex(3.14)  # this raises

In 3.5 both will raise.

Apologies for the noise.


Re: question about input() and/or raw_input()

2014-01-19 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/19/2014 10:41 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 4:50 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

The difference I was thinking of is:

   %h % 3.14  # this works


   hex(3.14)  # this raises

In 3.5 both will raise.

Now you have me *thoroughly* intrigued. It's not %h (incomplete format
- h is a modifier), nor %H (unsupported format character). Do you mean
%x? As of 3.4.0b2, that happily truncates a float:

%x % 3.14


Is that changing in 3.5? Seems a relatively insignificant point, tbh!

Argh.  Yes, %x or %X.


Re: Add followers at time of import

2014-01-21 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/21/2014 10:03 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 4:52 AM, emile wrote:

Ask if that's not clear.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think this might have been meant for
somewhere other than python-list. Welcome to the club.

And it's an elite club, too!  Very few members.  ;)


Re: Diving in to Python - Best resources?

2014-01-21 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/21/2014 08:00 AM, Rustom Mody wrote:

Most people -- even those using spreadsheets -- dont seem to think of
the spreadsheet macro language/VBA as a programming language

Ack, are you trying to put him off programming again?!?  ;)

Python us fun and a pleasure to use. VBA is not.  (IMNSHO  YMMV)


Re: awesome slugify and unicode

2014-01-22 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/22/2014 11:23 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

I thought this blog might interest some of you



Re: Case insensitive exists()?

2014-01-22 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/22/2014 04:58 PM, Larry Martell wrote:

I have the need to check for a files existence against a string, but I
need to do case-insensitively.

This should get you going.  As it is, it will check the /entire/ string you send in even if it has path parts to it, and 
there are probably other idiosyncrasies that you may want to change to match your needs.

def exists(filename, ci=False):
from glob import glob
search = filename
if ci:
new_search = []
for ch in filename:
new_search.append('[%s%s]' % (ch.lower(), ch.upper()))
search = ''.join(new_search)
found = glob(search)
return bool(found)


Re: buggy python interpretter or am I missing something here?

2014-01-26 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/26/2014 10:42 PM, me wrote:

My point of contention isn't so much about what specific syntax I should
be using as much as it is about being allowed to use a syntax that gives
erroneous results without triggering a syntax violation.  If the bare
except: clause is syntactically legal then it should yield deterministic
results based on a well defined language specification, right?  It's
looking very much like except: is undefined behaviour.

There is nothing undefined about it.  `except:` catches everything.  Occasionally there is a good reason to do it that 
way, but under typical circumstances you tell 'except' which exceptions you are prepared to deal with.


Re: buggy python interpretter or am I missing something here?

2014-01-26 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/26/2014 10:46 PM, me wrote:

[...]  I'm satisfied that the except: syntax yields
undefined behavior, and in my mind it shouldn't be
 syntactically allowed then.

Two points:

  1) Python is not C++

  2) You asked for help; you received it.  Coming back
 with an attitude of Python must be broken, I'll
 work around it is going to quickly lose you the
 support of those willing to help again.

Re: Highlighting program variables instead of keywords?

2014-01-27 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/26/2014 06:54 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

Chris Angelico wrote:

That said, though, I grew up without syntax highlighting of any sort,
and didn't think it particularly important; but now that I have
editors with all those sorts of features, I do find them handy.

Same here, except I'd replace find them handy with totally addicted



Re: UTC timezone causing brain explosions

2014-01-29 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/29/2014 01:52 PM, Skip Montanaro wrote:

Following up on my earlier note about UTC v. GMT, I am having some
trouble grokking attempts to convert a datetime into UTC.

Okay, let's see what GMT does for us:

GMT = pytz.timezone(GMT)
u = GMT.normalize(s)

datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 21, 39, 35, 263666, tzinfo=StaticTzInfo 'GMT')



That looks correct, but I don't understand why I don't get hour==21
out of the UTC.normalize call. It's like it's a no-op.

Having not examined the code, I can't tell you why UTC is different.  I can say 
that .astimezone seems to work in all cases:

-- GMT
StaticTzInfo 'GMT'

-- UTC

-- LOCAL_TZ = pytz.timezone(America/Los_Angeles)

-- now =

-- s = LOCAL_TZ.localize(now)
-- s
datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 14, 9, 56, 494967, tzinfo=DstTzInfo 
'America/Los_Angeles' PST-1 day, 16:00:00 STD)

-- s.astimezone(UTC)
datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 22, 9, 56, 494967, tzinfo=UTC)

-- s.astimezone(GMT)
datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 29, 22, 9, 56, 494967, tzinfo=StaticTzInfo 'GMT')


Re: Try-except-finally paradox

2014-01-30 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/30/2014 10:12 AM, Rotwang wrote:

On 30/01/2014 06:33, Andrew Berg wrote:

On 2014.01.29 23:56, Jessica Ross wrote:

I found something like this in a StackOverflow discussion.
-- def paradox():
... try:
... raise Exception(Exception raised during try)
... except:
... print Except after try
... return True
... finally:
... print Finally
... return False
... return None
-- return_val = paradox()
Except after try
-- return_val

I understand most of this.
What I don't understand is why this returns False rather than True.
Does the finally short-circuit the return in the except block?

My guess would be that the interpreter doesn't let the finally block
get skipped under any circumstances, so the return value gets set to
True, but then it forces the finally block to be run before returning,
which changes the return value to False.

Mine too. We can check that the interpreter gets as far as evaluating the 
return value in the except block:

-- def paradox2():
   raise Exception(Raise)
   return [print(Return), True][1]
   return False
   return None

-- ret = paradox2()
-- ret

And just to be thorough, if the finally block doesn't have a return:

-- def paradox3():
raise Exception(Raise)
return [print(Return), True][1]
return None

-- print(paradox3())


Re: 1 0 == True - False

2014-01-30 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/30/2014 11:03 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:56 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

Yes, that's probably how I would write that, although, this is even simpler:

(x  -1) and (y = 5)

Be careful; that's not the same thing.

How so?


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 11:33 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

 From which 

Called when the instance is created. The arguments are those passed to the 
class constructor expression. If a base class
has an __init__() method, the derived class’s __init__() method, if any, must 
explicitly call it to ensure proper
initialization of the base class part of the instance; for example: 
BaseClass.__init__(self, [args...]). As a special
constraint on constructors, no value may be returned; doing so will cause a 
TypeError to be raised at runtime.

Should the wording of the above be changed to clearly reflect that we have an 
initialiser here and that __new__ is the

I would say yes.  Go ahead and create an issue if one doesn't already exist.  


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 11:52 AM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

On 1/31/14 2:33 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

which states:-

Called when the instance is created. The arguments are those passed to
the class constructor expression. If a base class has an __init__()
method, the derived class’s __init__() method, if any, must explicitly
call it to ensure proper initialization of the base class part of the
instance; for example: BaseClass.__init__(self, [args...]). As a special
constraint on constructors, no value may be returned; doing so will
cause a TypeError to be raised at runtime.

Should the wording of the above be changed to clearly reflect that we
have an initialiser here and that __new__ is the constructor?

I'm torn about that.  The fact is, that for 95% of the reasons you want to say 
constructor, the thing you're
describing is __init__.  Most classes have __init__, only very very few have 

My problem is with the first sentence, as it makes it sound like there is no __new__ and everything you need is in 
__init__.  Figuring out how __new__ and __init__ were tied together took a long time because of that.

Why can't we call __init__ the constructor and __new__ the allocator?

I'm not so much concerned about the names (although I like those names ;) as I am about the prose.  If that first line 
was something like:

  Called after the instance has been created but before it is returned.

I think that would be much clearer.


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 12:48 PM, MRAB wrote:

On 2014-01-31 19:52, Ned Batchelder wrote:

Why can't we call __init__ the constructor and __new__ the allocator?

The advantage of calling it the initialiser is that it explains why
it's called __init__.

Hm, yes, good point.  Also, __init__ initializes so it is a good choice.   
Ignore the names comment in my previous post.


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 03:43 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

On 1/31/14 6:05 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Ned Batchelder writes:

I'm not hoping to change any official terminology. I just think that calling 
__init__ anything other than a constructor
is confusing pedantry.  It is a constructor, and Python constructors work 
differently than those in C++ and Java.

And I would say the opposite.  __init__ is not creating anything, which is what I think of when speaking of a 
constructor.  I'd be willing to yield the point that Python has a pair of methods that make up the constructor (an 
allocator and an initializer), but I found calling __init__ the constructor very confusing.


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 03:47 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

I would prefer it to be clear that “__init__” is called automatically,
*during* the constructor's operation. So, instead of:

 Called when the instance is created.

I suggest:

 Called automatically by the constructor “__new__” during instance
 creation, to initialise the new instance.

But __new__ does not call __init__, type does [1].


[1] And I seem to think pickle does, too, but I'm not sure.

Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 05:10 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Ethan Furman wrote:

I found calling __init__ the constructor very confusing.

I've heard many people say this, and it's always sort of befuddled me.

I have never learned C++, so I don't know its screwy semantics.  ;)

Nor Java, for that matter.


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 07:16 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 1/31/2014 7:13 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 01/31/2014 03:43 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

On 1/31/14 6:05 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Ned Batchelder writes:

I'm not hoping to change any official terminology. I just think that
calling __init__ anything other than a constructor
is confusing pedantry.  It is a constructor, and Python constructors
work differently than those in C++ and Java.

And I would say the opposite.  __init__ is not creating anything,

As you pointed out in a different response, Python has one default, two-phase 
constructor. type.__call__. Typically,
.__new__ allocates a generic object (with one customization as to class). 
.__init__ creates, from that mostly generic
object, a customized instance of class C with the minimal attributes needed to 
be an instance of C, with value specific
to the instance.

Creating a painting on canvas has two similar phases. Prepare a generic blank 
canvas stretched on a frame and coated
with a white undercoat. Paint a particular picture. Would you say that the 
second step is not creating anything?

Very nicely put.  Considering the discussion that this topic has engendered, you will hopefully agree that the current 
docs could use a little improvement.  :)


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 06:28 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

Construct a house:
   Clear and grade house site.
   Bring in power and water.
   Built temporary structures.
   Built foundation.
   Built house on foundation.

For most classes, __new__ stops with the foundation -- the bare object object 
(with the class name slapped onto it). A
*house* is not constructed until the house is constructed on top of the 

On the ground programming has the dividing line at:

  immutable objects -- everything done in __new__

  mutable objects -- everything done in __init__

Typically, immutable objects are not created in Python code because, well, it's really dang hard (__slots__, anyone?), 
but one still needs to understand how __new__ and __init__ go together to do the more interesting stuff (such as having 
__new__ return a dynamically selected subclass, which still needs to be (or not be) __init__ed).


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-01-31 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 08:35 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Thus, two methods. __new__ constructs (creates, allocates) a new object;
__init__ initialises it after the event.

Yes, but if you think in terms of abstractions, they're both just
steps in the conceptual process of creating the object.

So maybe it's best to talk about the two methods collectively as
the constructor, and then let people call the two parts whatever
they will.

I do like the idea of calling __init__ the initializer. The downside
of calling __new__ the constructor is that it'll encourage C++ and
Java programmers to override it and get themselves confused

Why do we worry so about other languages?  If and when I go to learn C++ or Lisp, I do not expect their devs to be 
worrying about making their terminology match Python's.  Part of the effort is in learning what the terms mean, what the 
ideology is, the differences, the similarities, etc., etc..


Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-01 Thread Ethan Furman

On 01/31/2014 09:51 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:35:17 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

The two methods could have been done as a single method, __construct__,
in which you get passed a cls instead of a self, and you call
self=super().__construct__() and then initialize stuff.

That would be called __new__ in Python. There's no *need* to use __init__
for anything (except old-style classic classes in Python 2).

While there may not be a /need/ for two, having two is quite handy.  Having __new__ take care of the nuts and bolts (or 
foundation, as Terry put it), and being able to further customize with __init__ (where the kitchen goes, how many 
bedrooms, to follow along with Terry) is quite useful.  One of my favorite Enum recipes uses that pattern to have some 
basic behavior, with some other behavior that is easily overridable/extendable [1].



Re: __init__ is the initialiser

2014-02-02 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/02/2014 09:12 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Dave Angel wrote:

  Skip Montanaro Wrote in message:

On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

And when the q-bits get entangled up,  we won't know the question
till after the answer has collapsed.

Won't looking at the answer change it?

No, looking at it is what collapses it. Before that it was just
  another Schroedinger's cat

So, what you're saying is when I delete an object, __del__() has both
been called and not been called?

That would certainly explain the problems with __del__!


Re: Latest Python 3.4 in the source repo is broken?

2014-02-04 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/04/2014 07:45 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Before I bother Python-Dev with this, can anyone else confirm that
building Python 3.4 from source using the latest version in the source
repository fails?

This is the check-out I'm using:

ethan@media:~/source/python/cpython$ hg parent

branch: default
user:   Vinay Sajip
date:   2014-02-04 16:42 +
desc:   Closes #20509: Merged documentation update from 3.3.

These are the settings I always use to make sure I have no weird problems 
between check-outs:

ethan@media:~/source/python/cpython$ make distclean  ./configure --with-pydebug 
 make -j3
Python build finished successfully!
The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found:
_gdbm _lzma
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for the 
module's name.

running build_scripts
creating build/scripts-3.4
copying and adjusting /home/ethan/source/python/cpython/Tools/scripts/pydoc3 - 
copying and adjusting /home/ethan/source/python/cpython/Tools/scripts/idle3 - 
copying and adjusting /home/ethan/source/python/cpython/Tools/scripts/2to3 - 
copying and adjusting /home/ethan/source/python/cpython/Tools/scripts/pyvenv - 
changing mode of build/scripts-3.4/pydoc3 from 664 to 775
changing mode of build/scripts-3.4/idle3 from 664 to 775
changing mode of build/scripts-3.4/2to3 from 664 to 775
changing mode of build/scripts-3.4/pyvenv from 664 to 775
renaming build/scripts-3.4/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.4/pydoc3.4
renaming build/scripts-3.4/idle3 to build/scripts-3.4/idle3.4
renaming build/scripts-3.4/2to3 to build/scripts-3.4/2to3-3.4
renaming build/scripts-3.4/pyvenv to build/scripts-3.4/pyvenv-3.4

Hope this helps.


Re: how to reduce bugs due to incorrect indentation

2014-02-06 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/06/2014 12:36 PM, Larry Martell wrote:

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Roel Schroeven wrote: schreef:

While editing this file I accidentally pushed TAB on the line with 'y = z
+ y'.

My suggestion: configure your editor to insert the appropriate amount of
spaces instead of a tab when you press the tab key.

+1 - tabs are evil.

Tabs are not evil, and an argument can be made that tabs are better (a decent editor can be configured to show x many 
spaces per tab, then users could decide how much indentation they preferred to see... but I digress).

Using spaces instead of tabs would also have not prevented the error that Msustik encountered, and for that matter we 
don't know whether he was using tabs or spaces in his source file, only that he hit the Tab key -- surely you are not 
suggesting everyone rip out their tab key and just hit the space bar four times for each level of indentation?  ;)


Re: Finding size of Variable

2014-02-07 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/07/2014 06:48 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

That is not a trade-off that the core developers have chosen to make,
and I agree with them.

Even though you haven't broken all the build-bots yet, you can still stop saying 
them.  ;)


Re: imperative mood in docstrings

2014-02-09 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/09/2014 08:52 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  bagrat lazaryan wrote:

pep 257 -- docstring conventions, as well as a myriad of books and other
resources, recommend documenting a function's or method's effect as a command
(do this, return that), not as a description (does this, returns
that). what's the logic behind this recommendation?


Methods are verbs, and should be described as such.  If I had:

class Sheep:
def fly(self):
   Plummet to the ground.

I'm defining the action the verb performs.  If, on the other hand, I had:

Shouldn't that be:

  class Pig:
  def fly(self):
  Soar gracefully through the air if a hot place is very cold.
  if hell is frozen:
  self.altitude += 10
  self.velocity += 25



Re: Fun with function argument counts

2014-02-11 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/11/2014 05:05 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Travis Griggs wrote:

6) Who writes a function with 19 mandatory arguments anyway
subprocess._execute_child() and distutils.cygwincompiler._execute_child()

Hmm. Those are internal functions (leading underscore). Might be
fairer to remove those from consideration.

Not at all.  Even private routines get used by somebody!  ;)


Re: singleton ... again

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 03:50 AM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

On 2/13/14 4:00 AM, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

Ben Finney writes:

Gregory Ewing writes:

Roy Smith wrote:

It looks to me like he's trying to implement a classic Gang of Four
singleton pattern.

Which I've never really seen the point of in Python, or any other
language for that matter. Just create one instance of the class during
initialisation, put it in a global somewhere, and use it thereafter.

Make that “somewhere” a module namespace, and you effectively have a
Singleton for all practical purposes. So yes, I see the point of it; but
we already have it built in :-)

There is a use case for a singleton class: when creating the singleton
object takes considerable resources and you don't need it always in your

I still don't see it.  To convince me that a singleton class makes sense, you'd 
have to explain why by virtue of the
class's very nature, it never makes sense for there ever to be more than one of 

Say you have a database with a column that can only have a handful of values (like an enumeration, for instance) and 
this database can have hundreds of thousands of rows.  When you're working with all those rows at once having just one 
object for the third enum value is a useful optimization.

Say you have a class that represents serial ports or your computer.  You should get the same object every time you ask 
for SerialPort(2).


Re: singleton ... again

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 09:57 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Ethan Furman wrote:

Say you have a class that represents serial ports or your computer.  You
should get the same object every time you ask
for SerialPort(2).

Why?  Certainly, you should get objects which refer to the same physical
port.  So:

port_a = SerialPort(2)
port_b = SerialPort(2)

assert port_b.is_shutdown() == False

assert port_b.is_shutdown() == True

But, why do they have to be the same object?  Why should I care if

port_a is port_b

is False, as long as all operations I perform on either are reflected in
correct state changes on the other one?

You mean use the Borg pattern instead of the Singleton pattern?  As far as I can tell they are two shades of the same 
thing.  Are there any drastic differences between the two?  Besides one having many instances that share one __dict__ 
and the other just having one instance and one __dict__?


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 10:37 AM, wrote:

I ran across this and I thought there must be a better way of doing it, but 
then after further consideration I wasn't so sure.

   if key[:1] + key[-1:] == '': ...

Some possibilities that occurred to me:

   if key.startswith('') and key.endswith(''): ...


   if (key[:1], key[-1:]) == ('', ''): ...

I haven't run these through a profiler yet, but it seems like the original 
might be the fastest after all?

Unless that line of code is a bottleneck, don't worry about speed, go for readability.  In which case I'd go with the 
second option, then the first, and definitely avoid the third.


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 11:09 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

All I can say is that if you're worried about the speed of a single line of 
code like the above then you've got
problems.  Having said that, I suspect that using an index to extract a single 
character has to be faster than using a
slice, but I haven't run these through a profiler yet :)

The problem with using indices in the code sample is that if the string is 0 or 1 characters long you'll get an 
exception instead of a False.


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 11:20 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 02/13/2014 11:09 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

All I can say is that if you're worried about the speed of a single
line of code like the above then you've got problems.  Having said
 that, I suspect that using an index to extract a single character
has to be faster than using a slice, but I haven't run these through
 a profiler yet :)

The problem with using indices in the code sample is that if the
string is 0 or 1 characters long you'll get an exception instead
 of a False.

Oops, make that zero characters.  ;)


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 11:17 AM, Neil Cerutti wrote:

On 2014-02-13,

I ran across this and I thought there must be a better way of
doing it, but then after further consideration I wasn't so

   if key[:1] + key[-1:] == '': ...

Some possibilities that occurred to me:

   if key.startswith('') and key.endswith(''): ...


   if (key[:1], key[-1:]) == ('', ''): ...

I haven't run these through a profiler yet, but it seems like
the original might be the fastest after all?

I think the following would occur to someone first:

if key[0] == '' and key[-1] == '':

It is wrong to avoid the obvious. Needlessly ornate or clever
code will only irritate the person who has to read it later; most
likely yourself.

Not whet the obvious is wrong:

- key = ''
-- if key[0] == '' and key[-1] == '':
...   print good key!
... else:
...   print bad key
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
IndexError: string index out of range


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 11:43 AM, Peter Otten wrote: wrote:

I ran across this and I thought there must be a better way of doing it,
but then after further consideration I wasn't so sure.

   if key[:1] + key[-1:] == '': ...

Some possibilities that occurred to me:

   if key.startswith('') and key.endswith(''): ...


   if (key[:1], key[-1:]) == ('', ''): ...

I haven't run these through a profiler yet, but it seems like the original
might be the fastest after all?

$ python -m timeit -s 's = alpha' 's[:1]+s[-1:] == '
100 loops, best of 3: 0.37 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s 's = alpha' 's[:1] ==  and s[-1:] == '
100 loops, best of 3: 0.329 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s 's = alpha' 's.startswith() and
100 loops, best of 3: 0.713 usec per loop

The first is too clever for my taste.

The second is fast and easy to understand. It might attract improvements
replacing the slice with an index, but I trust you will catch that with your
unit tests ;)

Personally, I'm willing to spend the few extra milliseconds and use the
foolproof third.

For completeness:

# the slowest method from Peter
$ python -m timeit -s 's = alpha' 's.startswith() and s.endswith()'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.309 usec per loop

# the re method from Roy
$ python -m timeit -s import re;pattern=re.compile(r'^.*$');s = 'alpha' 
100 loops, best of 3: 0.466 usec per loop


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 01:01 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 7:55 AM, Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 2/13/2014 11:59 AM, Zachary Ware wrote:

In a fit of curiosity, I did some timings:

Snip of lots of TMTOWTDT/TIMTOWTDI/whatever... timed examples :)

But I didn't see this one:



Really, I actually did pause, double-take, and then scream under my
breath, when I saw that. Yes, it works. But please, if you EVER do
this, save me the trouble and just submit your code to
straight away!

Oh, it's not that bad!  All you have to do is handle the edge case of an empty 

s[::len(s)-1 if s else True]

*ducks and runs*


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 02:13 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Oh, it's not that bad!  All you have to do is handle the edge case of an
empty string:

s[::len(s)-1 if s else True]

And the edge case of the one-character string.

Oops, my description should have said edge case of a one-character string.  
The empty string needs no extra handling.


Re: A curious bit of code...

2014-02-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/13/2014 01:24 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

  Emile van Sebille wrote:

But I didn't see this one:


I love it.  I need to add this to my list of Python trivia questions.

Great interview question:  What does this do?  What is its weakness?  How would 
you fix it?


Re: Best practices to overcome python's dynamic data type nature

2014-02-14 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/14/2014 08:10 AM, Sam wrote:

Dynamic data type has pros and cons. It is easier to program but
 also easier to create bugs. What are the best practices to reduce
 bugs caused by Python's dynamic data-type characteristic? Can the
 experienced Python programmers here advise?

Unit tests.


Re: Best practices to overcome python's dynamic data type nature

2014-02-14 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/14/2014 08:54 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

Here's some advice from a very experienced programmer: become a very
experienced programmer.


Re: unittest: assertRaises() with an instance instead of a type

2012-03-29 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 14:28:08 +0200, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:


I'm currently writing some tests for the error handling of some code. In
this scenario, I must make sure that both the correct exception is
raised and that the contained error code is correct:

   foo()'exception not raised')
   catch MyException as e:
   self.assertEqual(e.errorcode, SOME_FOO_ERROR)
   catch Exception:'unexpected exception raised')

Secondly, that is not the right way to do this unit test. You are testing 
two distinct things, so you should write it as two separate tests:

I have to disagree -- I do not see the advantage of writing a second 
test that *will* fail if the first test fails as opposed to bundling 
both tests together, and having one failure.


Re: unittest: assertRaises() with an instance instead of a type

2012-03-30 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
To the degree that the decision of how finely to slice tests is a matter 
of personal judgement and/or taste, I was wrong to say that is not the 
right way. I should have said that is not how I would do that test.

I believe that a single test is too coarse, and three or more tests is 
too fine, but two tests is just right. Let me explain how I come to that 

If you take a test-driven development approach, the right way to test 
this is to write testFooWillFail once you decide that foo() should raise 
MyException but before foo() actually does so. You would write the test, 
the test would fail, and you would fix foo() to ensure it raises the 
exception. Then you leave the now passing test in place to detect 

Then you do the same for the errorcode. Hence two tests.


So: never remove tests just because they are redundant. Only remove them 
when they are obsolete due to changes in the code being tested.

Very persuasive argument -- I now find myself disposed to writing two 
tests (not three, nor five ;).


Re: Number of languages known [was Re: Python is readable] - somewhat OT

2012-04-02 Thread Ethan Furman

Tim Rowe wrote:

On 22 March 2012 19:14, Chris Angelico wrote:

In any case, though, I agree that there's a lot of people
professionally writing code who would know about the 3-4 that you say.
I'm just not sure that they're any good at coding, even in those few
languages. All the best people I've ever known have had experience
with quite a lot of languages.

I know 10 languages. But I'm not telling you what base that number is :)

There are 10 types of people in the world:  those who know binary and 
those who don't.



remainder of dividing by zero

2012-04-12 Thread Ethan Furman
Okay, so I haven't asked a stupid question in a long time and I'm 
suffering withdrawal symptoms... ;)

5 % 0 = ?

It seems to me that the answer should be 5: no matter how many times we 
add 0 to itself, the remainder of the intermediate step will be 5.

Is there a postulate or by definition answer as to why this should not 
be so?


Re: remainder of dividing by zero

2012-04-13 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman wrote:
Okay, so I haven't asked a stupid question in a long time and I'm 
suffering withdrawal symptoms... ;)

5 % 0 = ?

Thanks for your replies, much appreciated.


Re: with statement

2012-04-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Ian Kelly wrote:

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 4/19/2012 1:15 PM, Kiuhnm wrote:

A with statement is not at the module level only if it appears inside a
function definition or a class definition.

This is true, I believe, of all statements.

Am I forgetting something?

Comprehensions (in Py3) and lambda expressions also introduce new local
scopes -- because they are abbreviated def statements. But they cannot
contain statements, only expressions, in that new scope.

Syntactically, that's true.  However, lambdas and comprehensions are
just functions and generator functions under the hood, so in principle
there is nothing preventing with blocks from being injected into their
byte code.

Which would still not be at the module level.


Re: syntax for code blocks

2012-04-28 Thread Ethan Furman

Kiuhnm wrote:
I'd like to change the syntax of my module 'codeblocks' to make it more 

Current Syntax:

with res  func(arg1)  'x, y':
print(x, y)

with res  func(arg1)  block_name  'x, y':
print(x, y)

New Syntax:

with res == func(arg1) .taking_block (x, y):
print(x, y)

with res == func(arg1) .taking_block (x, y) as block_name:
print(x, y)

The full form is equivalent to

def anon_func(x, y):
print(x, y)
res = func(arg1, block_name = anon_func)


I don't find either the current syntax nor the new syntax pythonic.


Re: syntax for code blocks

2012-05-01 Thread Ethan Furman

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

On May 1, 2012 6:42 PM, Jerry Hill wrote:

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Kiuhnm wrote:

If you had read the module's docstring you would know that the public
version uses

Are you aware that you've never posted a link to your module, nor it's
docstrings?  Are you also aware that your module is essentially
unfindable on google?  Certainly nothing on the first two pages of
google results for 'python codeblocks' jumps out at me as a python
module of that name.

Perhaps you would have better luck if you either post the actual code
you want people to critique, or posted a link to that code.

He did post a link to a blog post describing his module and also a link 
to the actual code, on bitbucket IIRC.

Actually, it was Ian Kelly that posted the blog reference.


__del__ and wisdom

2012-05-09 Thread Ethan Furman
Every time discussion about __del__ had come up I had thought to myself, 
yeah, but I'm being careful to not have reference loops -- /my/ classes 
are okay.

and then...


But hey, it wasn't a reference loop that got me, it was data being 
written back to disk after the disk portion had changed, thus clobbering 
new data with old.

Yeah, I know, that's not really any better.


Okay, no more __del__ for me!


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.
Wisdom is not putting them in a fruit salad.

ANN: dbf version 0.92.002 released

2012-05-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Available at

Fixed issue with Memo fields not returning correct unicode data.

Updated many docstrings.

Nulls now fully supported.

Getting closer to a 1.0 (non-beta!) release; working on PEP 8 
compliance, index files, and actual documentation.

Biggest change
records no longer auto-update back to disk; make sure and use 
record.write_record() if you want the on-disk version of the table 
updated, or use the new Write generator which calls .write_record() 
before returning the next record in the table/list/index/whatever.

As always, comments and bug-reports appreciated!

PyPI is being spammed

2012-05-10 Thread Ethan Furman

with Dr Sultan Spells of various natures.

Can anybody put a stop to that?


__all__, public API, private stuff, and leading _

2012-05-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Style question:

Since __all__ (if defined) is the public API, if I am using that should 
I also still use a leading underscore on my private data/functions/etc?


Re: __all__, public API, private stuff, and leading _

2012-05-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 5/11/2012 9:41 AM Ethan Furman said...

Style question:

Since __all__ (if defined) is the public API, if I am using that should
I also still use a leading underscore on my private data/functions/etc?

I would, even if only to alert any future maintainer of the internal vs 
exposed nature of things.

I find that a persuasive argument, thanks.


Re: Newbie naive question ... int() throws ValueError

2012-05-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

There are times when you want to catch all exceptions, though.
Top-level code will often want to replace exception tracebacks with
error messages appropriate to some external caller, or possibly log
the exception and return to some primary loop. Otherwise, though, most
code will just let unexpected exceptions through.

I'm not talking about unexpected exceptions. I'm saying, if I expect
invalid input for int, where should I go to find out how to deal with
said invalid input properly? How do I know that int raises ValueError
on failure, and not, for example, something like ArgumentError
(something that Python doesn't have) or (like chr) TypeError?

Apparently the answer is to read the documentation for ValueError.

It's a bit like putting the documentation on the return type for `map`
in the list documentation. Kinda hard to get there without already
knowing the answer.

Unit tests.  :)


Re: Dealing with the __str__ method in classes with lots of attributes

2012-05-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Karl Knechtel wrote:

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Andreas Tawn wrote:

And there's also something like...

return \n.join((: .join((str(k), str(self.__dict__[k]))) for k in 

which is a nice length, but I lose control of the order of the attributes and 
the formatting is fixed. It also looks a bit too much like Lisp ;o)

Is there a better way?

If you don't care about being able to change the attributes
dynamically, define the `__slots__` of your class  [...]

Firstly, __slots__ is a tuple.

Secondly, this is bad advice.  __slots__ is there as a memory 
optimization for classes that will have thousands of instances and do 
not need the ability to have arbitrary attributes added after creation. 
 __slots__ is an advanced feature, and as such is easier to get wrong. 
 It is *not* there to make __str__ nor __repr__ easier to write.

Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 18:30:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 class Test1(object):
... __slots__ = ('item', 'size')
... desc = 'class-only attribute'

 t1 = Test1()
 t1.desc = 'read-only attribute'  # fails because 'desc' is
 # not in __slots__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'Test1' object attribute 'desc' is read-only

 print t1.item# fails because 'item' was
 # not set
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: item

 class Test2(Test1):
... def __init__(self, price):
... self.price = price
 t2 = Test2(7.99)  # __slots__ not defined in
  # subclass, optimizations lost

 t2.oops = '__slots__ no longer active'
 print t2.oops
__slots__ no longer active


cPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy (Oh my!)

2012-05-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Just hit a snag:

In cPython the deterministic garbage collection allows me a particular 
optimization when retrieving records from a dbf file -- namely, by using 
weakrefs I can tell if the record is still in memory and active, and if 
so not hit the disk to get the data;  with PyPy (and probably the 
others) this doesn't work because the record may still be around even 
when it is no longer active because it hasn't been garbage collected yet.

For PyPy I can use `'PyPy' in sys.version` to set a constant 
(REFRESH_FROM_DISK in this case) to disable the cPython optimization; 
does anyone know what strings to look for for the other implementations?


Re: cPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy (Oh my!)

2012-05-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Ian Kelly wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Just hit a snag:

In cPython the deterministic garbage collection allows me a particular
optimization when retrieving records from a dbf file -- namely, by using
weakrefs I can tell if the record is still in memory and active, and if so
not hit the disk to get the data;  with PyPy (and probably the others) this
doesn't work because the record may still be around even when it is no
longer active because it hasn't been garbage collected yet.

For PyPy I can use `'PyPy' in sys.version` to set a constant
(REFRESH_FROM_DISK in this case) to disable the cPython optimization; does
anyone know what strings to look for for the other implementations?

Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 18:30:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

import sys

('CPython', 'tags/r271', '86832')

Jython 2.5.2 (Release_2_5_2:7206, Mar 2 2011, 23:12:06)
[Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)] on java1.6.0_31
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

import sys

('Jython', 'tags/Release_2_5_2', '7206')

I don't know what IronPython or PyPy return, but it should be
something other than 'CPython'.

Thanks!  That will do the trick.  On CPython 2.4 .subversion does not 
exist, so I'll use:

subversion = getattr(sys, 'subversion', None)
if subversion is not None and subversion[0] != 'CPython':

Hopefully all the others do have it defined (PyPy does, at least as of 1.8).


Re: cPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy (Oh my!)

2012-05-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Tim Delaney wrote:

On 17 May 2012 07:33, Ethan Furman wrote:

Just hit a snag:

In cPython the deterministic garbage collection allows me a
particular optimization when retrieving records from a dbf file --
namely, by using weakrefs I can tell if the record is still in
memory and active, and if so not hit the disk to get the data;  with
PyPy (and probably the others) this doesn't work because the record
may still be around even when it is no longer active because it
hasn't been garbage collected yet.

What is the distinguishing feature of an active record? What is the 
problem if you get back a reference to an inactive record? And if there 
is indeed a problem, don't you already have a race condition on CPython?

1. Record is active;
2. Get reference to record through weak ref;
3. Record becomes inactive;
4. Start trying to use the (now inactive) record.

A record is an interesting critter -- it is given life either from the 
user or from the disk-bound data;  its fields can then change, but those 
changes are not reflected on disk until .write_record() is called;  I do 
this because I am frequently moving data from one table to another, 
making changes to the old record contents before creating the new record 
with the changes -- since I do not call .write_record() on the old 
record those changes do not get backed up to disk.

With CPython as soon as a record goes out of scope it dies, and the next 
time I try to access that record I will get the disk version, without 
the temporary changes I had made earlier (this is good).  However, with 
PyPy (and others) not all records are destroyed before I try to access 
them again, and I end up seeing the temp data instead of the disk data.


Re: cPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy (Oh my!)

2012-05-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

A record is an interesting critter -- it is given life either from the user
or from the disk-bound data;  its fields can then change, but those changes
are not reflected on disk until .write_record() is called;  I do this
because I am frequently moving data from one table to another, making
changes to the old record contents before creating the new record with the
changes -- since I do not call .write_record() on the old record those
changes do not get backed up to disk.

I strongly recommend being more explicit about usage and when it gets
written and re-read, rather than relying on garbage collection.
Databasing should not be tied to a language's garbage collection.
Imagine you were to reimplement the equivalent logic in some other
language - could you describe it clearly? If so, then that's your
algorithm. If not, you have a problem.

Yeah, I've been thinking about this for a couple hours now;  initially 
(way back when) I didn't want to keep hitting the disk unnecessarily 
-- but all my other supporting data structures go to great lengths to 
not keep records in memory unless the user has them explicitly named or 
contained... I think I've been fighting against myself!  Good news is 
I'm winning.  ;)


Re: A better contextlib.contextmanager

2012-05-24 Thread Ethan Furman

Michele Simionato wrote:

but I am asking a question instead: should I add this feature to the
next release of the decorator module? 

I think it would be an excellent addition to your module.


Re: Scoping Issues

2012-05-25 Thread Ethan Furman

Andrew Berg wrote:

On 5/24/2012 8:59 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

so I fixed that, and got
 inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

because you mistakenly used tabs for indentation.

Not to start another tabs-vs.-spaces discussion, but tabs are perfectly
legal indentation in Python. That exception is raised when the
interpreter can't determine how much a line is indented because tabs and
spaces are both used.

To be clear: each entire suite must be consistent with its use of either 
tabs /or/ spaces -- attempting to use both, even on seperate lines, 
raises `TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation`. 
(Python 3, of course. ;)


DBF records API

2012-06-01 Thread Ethan Furman
I'm getting towards an actual non-beta release, which means even more 
tests, polishings, cleaning up of various things, and actual 
documentation.  :)

However, I am wondering about my current record API:

Currently, one does things like:






The reason those method names are so long is that field names are 
limited to 10 characters, and long method names means no possibility of 
name clashes.

Unfortunately, Version 7 tables can have much longer field names.

So, do I not ever support version 7, do I not worry about it until I get 
there (which could easily be a long time from now), or do I move all the 
methods out of the record class and make them module level functions 
instead?  That would like:




although probably with shorter names.



Re: DBF records API

2012-06-01 Thread Ethan Furman

MRAB wrote:

On 01/06/2012 18:50, Ethan Furman wrote:

I'm getting towards an actual non-beta release, which means even more
tests, polishings, cleaning up of various things, and actual
documentation.  :)

However, I am wondering about my current record API:

Currently, one does things like:






The reason those method names are so long is that field names are
limited to 10 characters, and long method names means no possibility of
name clashes.

Unfortunately, Version 7 tables can have much longer field names.

So, do I not ever support version 7, do I not worry about it until I get
there (which could easily be a long time from now), or do I move all the
methods out of the record class and make them module level functions
instead?  That would like:




although probably with shorter names.


I'd probably think of a record as being more like a dict (or an 

with the fields accessed by key:




Record fields are accessible both by key and by attribute -- by key 
primarily for those cases when the field name is in a variable:

for field in ('full_name','nick_name','pet_name'):
print record[field]

and since dbf record names cannot start with _ and are at most 10 
characters long I've used longer than that method names... but if I want 
to support dbf version 7 that won't work.

I would like to, not sure I will (it's not a need for me at work), but 
prudence suggests I make the easy preparations now.


Re: DBF records API

2012-06-01 Thread Ethan Furman

Tim Chase wrote:

On 06/01/12 19:05, Jon Clements wrote:

On 01/06/12 23:13, Tim Chase wrote:


*always* trump and refer to the method.

I did think about *trumping* one way or the other, but both *ugh*.

For the record, it sounded like the OP wanted to be able to use the
dot-notation for accessing fields by name, and I think it's a pretty
non-pythonic way to do it.  I'd much rather just stick to purely
using __getitem__ for the fields and attributes/methods for non-fields.

It can't be *that* non-Pythonic -- we now have namedtuples which pretty 
much behave just like my record class (although its indexes are only 
numbers, not strings as well).


Re: Import semantics?

2012-06-08 Thread Ethan Furman

Dan Stromberg wrote:

Did the import semantics change in cpython 3.3a4?

I used to be able to import even though I had a treap directory 
in my cwd.  With 3.3a4, I have to rename the treap directory to see

Check out PEP 420 -- Implicit Namespace Packages 



Re: [Python-Dev] Import semantics?

2012-06-08 Thread Ethan Furman

Eric V. Smith wrote:

On 6/8/2012 6:41 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Dan Stromberg wrote:

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
Dan Stromberg wrote:

Did the import semantics change in cpython 3.3a4?

I used to be able to import even though I had a treap
directory in my cwd.  With 3.3a4, I have to rename the treap
directory to see

Check out PEP 420 -- Implicit Namespace Packages

Am I misinterpreting this?  It seems like according to the PEP, I
should have still been able to import despite having a
treap/.  But I couldn't; I had to rename treap/ to treap-dir/ first.

During import processing, the import machinery will continue to
iterate over each directory in the parent path as it does in Python
3.2. While looking for a module or package named foo, for each
directory in the parent path:

* If directory/foo/ is found, a regular package is
  imported and returned.
* If not, but directory/foo.{py,pyc,so,pyd} is found, a module
  is imported and returned. The exact list of extension varies
  by platform and whether the -O flag is specified. The list
  here is representative.
* If not, but directory/foo is found and is a directory, it is
  recorded and the scan continues with the next directory in the
  parent path.
* Otherwise the scan continues with the next directory in the
  parent path.

I do not understand PEP 420 well enough to say if this is intentional or
a bug -- thoughts?

I missed the beginning of this discussion and I need some more details.
What directories are on sys.path, where do and treap/ appear in
them, and is there an in treap? At first blush it sounds
like it should continue working.

If you (Dan?) could re-create this in a small example and open a bug,
that would be great.



Re: using identifiers before they are defined

2012-06-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Julio Sergio wrote:

Jose H. Martinez josehmartinezz at writes:

You should define the function first and then call it.

 def something(i): return i

a = something(5)

If you want a reference to the function somewhere else you can do this:

I know that. That was what I meant by changing the order of the definitions 
will work in my original message.

And I insist in the issue, which is not trivial... In my message I mentioned 
crossed recursion, and I delve into it here:

Suppose I have to define two functions, aa, and, bb that are designed to call 
each other:

  def aa():
 ... a call of bb() somewhere in the body of aa

  def bb():
 ... a call of aa() somewhere in the body of bb

Whatever the order of definition of aa and bb the problem remains

No.  The reply from MRAB explains this.


Re: using identifiers before they are defined

2012-06-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Julio Sergio wrote:

Ethan Furman ethan at writes:

No.  The reply from MRAB explains this.


Thanks, you're right!
I was confusing statemens with declarations.

Yeah, it took me a while to get that straight as well.


Re: Academic citation of Python

2012-06-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Ben Finney wrote:

Curt writes:

On 2012-06-16, Christian Heimes wrote:

Actually it's van Rossum, Guido, not Rossum, Guido van. The
van is part of the family name, not a middle name. It's like da
Vinci, Leonardo or von Sydow, Max. On one occasion Guido
complained that Americans always get his name wrong.

I've read that now he prefers Guido V. Rossum, Jr.

Citation needed.

But what format should it take?




Re: exception problem

2012-06-28 Thread Ethan Furman

Charles Hixson wrote:

On 06/25/2012 12:48 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Catch any exception is almost certainly the wrong thing to do, almost

This time it was the right thing

No, it wasn't.  If you hadn't caught it, Python would have printed it 
out for you, along with the full trace-back, giving you most if not all 
the information you needed to track down the bug.


Re: I can't send images to this mail-list

2012-06-29 Thread Ethan Furman

Ben Finney wrote:

Chris Angelico writes:

梦幻草 wrote:

why can't I send images to

It's a text-only list.

I'll take this opportunity to give heartfelt thanks to the
administrators for that policy; please keep this a text-only forum.



Re: Question about weakref

2012-07-06 Thread Ethan Furman

Ian Kelly wrote:

def del_b(self, b):
for i, x in enumerate(self.array):
if b is x:
del self.array[i]

Nice work, Ian.

API design question for

2012-07-06 Thread Ethan Furman

I'm looking for some free advice.  ;)

My dbf module has three basic containers, all of which support list-like 
access:  Table, List, and Index, each of which is filled with _DbfRecords.

The fun part is that a _DbfRecord can compare equal to another 
_DbfRecord, a _DbfRecordTemplate, a tuple with the same values in the 
same locations, or a dict with the same keys/fields and values.

The really fun part is __contains__:  should the __contains__ method 
return True when a _DbfRecordTemplate, tuple, or dict is looked up in 
the Table, List, or Index and there is a matching record?


Re: API design question for

2012-07-06 Thread Ethan Furman

MRAB wrote:

On 06/07/2012 22:34, Ethan Furman wrote:

I'm looking for some free advice.  ;)

My dbf module has three basic containers, all of which support list-like
access:  Table, List, and Index, each of which is filled with 

The fun part is that a _DbfRecord can compare equal to another
_DbfRecord, a _DbfRecordTemplate, a tuple with the same values in the
same locations, or a dict with the same keys/fields and values.

The really fun part is __contains__:  should the __contains__ method
return True when a _DbfRecordTemplate, tuple, or dict is looked up in
the Table, List, or Index and there is a matching record?

Well, if x is in c and x == y, then y is in c. Does that help? ;-)

Heh, that's pretty much the conclusion I was coming to.  As a more 
concrete example:

-- x = 4.0
-- x in [1, 4, 7, 4, 9, 3, 4]

It's checking for equality, not identity.

Thinks for helping me think that through.


Re: API design question for

2012-07-06 Thread Ethan Furman

Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

It's checking for equality, not identity.

   x = float('nan')
   x in [x]

It's checking for equality OR identity.

Good point.  In my case, checking for equality will cover both cases.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the 
version where feature X has been introduced ?

As an example from today, if someone claimed to have 5+ years of Python 
experience, but didn't know that 'with' was standard in 2.6 (or at least 
the end of the 2.x cycle) I would be suspicious that they actually had 
the experience they claimed.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Of course, if they try to sell themselves as having
five years experience with Python 3.2...

... then they've been borrowing Guido's time machine for personal purposes.

Reminds me of a job posting a few years ago where the prospective 
employer wanted three plus years experience in some language, and that 
language had only been created a year and a half before.


Re: Python professional certification

2012-07-13 Thread Ethan Furman

Mark Lawrence wrote:
Google tells me that various certifications are available but I'd like 
to know if any of these are approved by the PSF or whoever would be 
responsible?  If there's anything out there I've missed it :-(

There is an O'Reilly Python Certification class offered in conjunction 
with the Illinois Institute of Technology (or something like that) which 
was created by Steve Holden, and taught by him and a couple others.

It's a great course of four classes.


Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2012-07-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jul 2012 10:19:16 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

(For the record, I can only think of one trap for the unwary: time
objects are false at *exactly* midnight.)

Ugh, that's irritating.  I can't think of any scenario where I would
ever want the semantics if timeval (is not midnight):.

Yes, it is a genuine gotcha. Time values are numbers, and zero is falsey, 
so midnight is falsey even though it shouldn't be.

There's no good solution here, since we have a conflict between treating 
time values as time values (midnight is nothing special) and as numbers 
(midnight == 0 which is falsey). 

-- import datetime
-- mn = datetime.time(0)
-- mn
datetime.time(0, 0)
-- mn == 0

Apparently, midnight does not equal zero.  Possibly because it should be 
truthy.  ;)


Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2012-07-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Andrew Berg wrote:

On 7/15/2012 9:38 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

I would expect None to mean doesn't exist or unknown or
something like that - e.g., a value of 0 means 0 jelly beans in the jar
and None means there isn't a jar.

How you interpret some_variable = None depends on what some_variable 
represents. If some_variable represents number of jelly beans in a jar, 
then that should be 0 if there is no jar.

What is None supposed to mean then, and what should I do when I have to
make a distinction between doesn't exist and empty? Sure, if I need
to count the total number of jelly beans in all my stores, the
distinction is meaningless, but if I need to find out which stores sell
jelly beans so I know which stores need to be restocked, the distinction
is quite important.

I'm not sure what Steven was trying to say there, but for me:

jar with no jellybeans == 0

no jar == None


Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Andrew Berg wrote:

To put it in duck-typing terms, why should everything have to quack like
True or False? Sure, I can see why 1 quacks like True or [] quacks like
False, but I don't see why say, a Logger or function should quack like
either. Should a Thread object be True if it's been started and False

True and False are red herrings.  It is more appropriate to think that 
True quacks like something and False like nothing than the other way 'round.

Maybe some examples from my own code will help:

DbfTable-- True if any records in table, False otherwise

DbfIndex-- True if any records in index, False otherwise

DbfList -- True if any records in list, False otherwise

DbfDate -- True if a date, False otherwise (could be eight spaces 
instead of a real date)

DbfDateTime -- True if a datetime, False otherwise

DbfRecord   -- True always

DbfRecordTemplate -- True always

DbfRecordVaporware -- False always

While I could have DbfRecord be False if, for example, it had no data 
stored in it, I have no use case for that scenario so haven't bothered. 
 Also, at this point I am using the distinction of True/False with 
regards to records to determine if I have a real record (True means a 
record/template I can read/write, False means I don't).

If it truly is about something vs. nothing, why is a NameError (or
AttributeError) raised when testing with an undefined variable? Being
undefined quacks like nothing, doesn't it?

It's about /representing/ something vs. nothing. An undefined name isn't 
representing anything (except a bug, of course ;).


Re: Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 7/17/2012 10:23 AM, Lipska the Kat wrote:

Well 'type-bondage' is a strange way of thinking about compile time type
checking and making code easier to read (and therefor debug

'type-bondage' is the requirement to restrict function inputs and output 
to one declared type, where the type declaration mechanisms are usually 
quite limited.

  def max(a, b):
if a = b: return a
return b

Surely you meant 'if a = b: . . .'

No worries, I'm sure your unittests would have caught it.  ;)


Re: Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 17/07/2012 18:29, Ethan Furman wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 7/17/2012 10:23 AM, Lipska the Kat wrote:

Well 'type-bondage' is a strange way of thinking about compile time 

checking and making code easier to read (and therefor debug

'type-bondage' is the requirement to restrict function inputs and
output to one declared type, where the type declaration mechanisms are
usually quite limited.

  def max(a, b):
if a = b: return a
return b

Surely you meant 'if a = b: . . .'

No worries, I'm sure your unittests would have caught it.  ;)


Wouldn't the compiler have caught it before the unittests? :-)

Silly me, the word processor would have caught it!


Foxpro goto command and deleted records

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

In Foxpro if you do a


with deleted off and record 7 is deleted, the record pointer doesn't
move (at least in version 6).

I don't like that.

I see four other options:

0) don't move the pointer (listed for completeness)
1) go to that record anyway
2) go to the next undeleted record
3) go to the seventh undeleted record (possibly the least practical)
4) raise an exception

Any opinions?


Re: Foxpro goto command and deleted records

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Ian Kelly wrote:

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

In Foxpro if you do a


with deleted off and record 7 is deleted, the record pointer doesn't
move (at least in version 6).

I don't like that.

I see four other options:

0) don't move the pointer (listed for completeness)
1) go to that record anyway
2) go to the next undeleted record
3) go to the seventh undeleted record (possibly the least practical)
4) raise an exception

Any opinions?

Relevance to Python?

I'm deciding how my python dbf module will handle this situation. for the curious.


Re: Foxpro goto command and deleted records

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

MRAB wrote:

On 17/07/2012 23:57, Ethan Furman wrote:

In Foxpro if you do a


with deleted off and record 7 is deleted, the record pointer doesn't
move (at least in version 6).

I don't like that.

I see four other options:

0) don't move the pointer (listed for completeness)
1) go to that record anyway
2) go to the next undeleted record
3) go to the seventh undeleted record (possibly the least practical)
4) raise an exception

Any opinions?

What happens when you 'delete' a record? Does it disappear immediately,
or is it merely marked for deletion?

Marked for deletion.

If it is marked for deletion, can it be unmarked? Will a marked record
be removed when the file is closed, or does the file need to be
explicitly purged/compacted?

Yes, it can be unmarked.  No, the table must be explicitly packed.

If it is merely marked, then I think the best option is 1, or possibly
4 if the file is compacted when closed.

There is a use_deleted setting that controls whether deleted records are 
accessed or skipped.  Skipping is fine when looping, not so fine when 
going directly to a particular record.


Re: Foxpro goto command and deleted records

2012-07-17 Thread Ethan Furman

MRAB wrote:

On 18/07/2012 03:19, Ethan Furman wrote:

MRAB wrote:

On 17/07/2012 23:57, Ethan Furman wrote:

In Foxpro if you do a


with deleted off and record 7 is deleted, the record pointer doesn't
move (at least in version 6).

I don't like that.

I see four other options:

0) don't move the pointer (listed for completeness)
1) go to that record anyway
2) go to the next undeleted record
3) go to the seventh undeleted record (possibly the least practical)
4) raise an exception

Any opinions?

What happens when you 'delete' a record? Does it disappear immediately,
or is it merely marked for deletion?

Marked for deletion.

If it is marked for deletion, can it be unmarked? Will a marked record
be removed when the file is closed, or does the file need to be
explicitly purged/compacted?

Yes, it can be unmarked.  No, the table must be explicitly packed.

If it is merely marked, then I think the best option is 1, or possibly
4 if the file is compacted when closed.

There is a use_deleted setting that controls whether deleted records are
accessed or skipped.  Skipping is fine when looping, not so fine when
going directly to a particular record.

If use_deleted is false, does that mean that deleted records are
hidden, or just that when iterating through the records the deleted
ones aren't yielded?

Definitely the latter, but I'm starting to wonder if the former should 
also be the case.


Re: Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

2012-07-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Lipska the Kat wrote:

On 18/07/12 14:05, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Even with a break, why bother continuing through the body of the function
when you already have the result? When your calculation is done, it's
done, just return for goodness sake. You wouldn't write a search that
keeps going after you've found the value that you want, out of some
misplaced sense that you have to look at every value. Why write code with
unnecessary guard values and temporary variables out of a misplaced sense
that functions must only have one exit?

Object Oriented programming is all about encapsulating human concepts in 
a way that makes sense to human beings. Make no mistake, it is NEVER the 
case that a software system is written for any other reason than to 
serve human beings. OO is more than just the mechanics of writing code, 
it's a state of mind.

I must admit I have no idea how we went from discussing Single Exit 
functions to the One True Purpose of Object Oriented Programming;  are 
you saying that SE is one of the basic tenets of OO?

OO was 'invented' to address the many problems that beset increasingly 
complex software systems. The main problem was maintainability. 
Encapsulating a concept in a clear and concise way makes the code easier 
to understand. Sometimes this means writing code that is not 'optimal' 
for the machine. Good code should be readable as well as efficient but I 
contend that it is better to write something that is clear, concise and 
well encapsulated than always go for the 'meanest dog in the scrapyard' 
approach where a developer is determined to write unreadable code that 
shows how jolly clever he is. More often than not he is forced to admit 
six months down the line that he has no idea what his code does as he 
'forgot' to comment it.

And one of the many reasons I love Python is that it is so easy to write 
clear, readable, and sometimes concise code (nested list comps are still 
a challenge for me).

. . .

Python looks like an interesting language and I will certainly spend 
time getting to know it but at the moment it seems to me that calling it 
an Object Oriented language is just plain misleading.

Since *everything* in Python is an object, how can you /not/ call it an 
OO language?  Sure, you don't have to use everything as an object -- 
plain functions exist -- kinda ;)  Even functions live in some 
namespace: len() lives in __builtin__, any top level function lives in 
its module, etc.  Oh, and namespaces are objects.

It seems to me that Python is more about providing tools, and then 
staying out of your way.

That works for me.  Maybe it will work for you, too.


Re: Foxpro goto command and deleted records

2012-07-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Ed Leafe wrote:

On Jul 17, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

In Foxpro if you do a


with deleted off and record 7 is deleted, the record pointer doesn't
move (at least in version 6).

I don't like that.

I see four other options:

0) don't move the pointer (listed for completeness)
1) go to that record anyway
2) go to the next undeleted record
3) go to the seventh undeleted record (possibly the least practical)
4) raise an exception

Any opinions?

It's been many years since I fired up VFP, but the above doesn't sound 
correct. If you have SET DELETED OFF and the GOTO 7, the pointer should move to 
the 7th record, whether it is marked deleted or not. With SET DELETED ON, the 
pointer should not move, since 7 is not a valid record.

Your memory is good!  I typed it in wrong.

I still don't like it.  Any opinion on the other four choices?  I'm
leaning towards 1, possibly with 4 as an option:

def goto(self, recno, raise_if_deleted=True):
if is_deleted(self[recno)) and raise_if_deleted:
raise DbfError(
   Record %d is deleted and use_deleted is False % recno)
self._index = recno

Part of the reason I feel this is reasonable is that with my dbf module
it is possible to create an index that does /not/ include certain records:

def ignore_deleted(record):
if dbf.deleted(record):
return dbf.DoNotIndex
return dbf.recno(record)



ANN: 0.94

2012-07-20 Thread Ethan Furman

Getting closer to a stable release.

Latest version has a simpler, cleaner API, and works on PyPy (and 
hopefully the other implementations as well ;), as well as CPython.

Get your copy at

Bug reports, comments, and kudos welcome!  ;)


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-20 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 16:59:21 -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

Getting closer to a stable release.

Excellent! That's fantastic news! I've been waiting for a stable release 
of dbf for months! I just have one question.

What is dbf?


dbf (also known as python dbase) is a module for reading/writing
dBase III, FP, VFP, and soon Clipper, .dbf database files.  It's
an ancient format that still finds lots of use.

It even reads and writes memo fields -- something which none of the 
other modules do (which is why I wrote this one -- I needed that! ;).

It supports unicode, and returns all fields as native Python types:

  Character -- unicode
  Date  --
  Logical   -- bool/None
  Memo  -- unicode
  Numeric   -- int/float depending on field definition

If a field is uninitialized (Date, Logical, Numeric) then None is 
returned for the value.

Tables are accessible as lists; Records are accessible as lists, dicts, 
and objects ( attribute access ).

Enjoy your weekend!

Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
This mailing list is about helping our fellow Python developers improve 
their skills and solve problems. That doesn't just mean *coding* 
problems, it also means helping them to write better documentation and 
promote their software better.

Indeed it is, and your reminder is appreciated.  Hopefully my 
followup-post was more explanatory.

Unless the software is so well-known that everybody knows what it is, 
failure to mention what the software does gives the impression that: 

1) the software is so niche, or so ill-thought out, that the developer 
*can't* describe it succinctly;

Nah -- just the end of a long week, needed to go get my daughter, and 
wanted it out there for those few who actually need the bug fixes (which 
I neglected to mention).

2) the developer has such poor communication skills that trying to get 
support will be a nightmare;

My support is pretty good.  :)

3) that he just doesn't give a monkey's toss for anyone else's time

See point one.

or all three. Ethan is a good, helpful member of this community, and
so I'm pretty sure that neither 2) nor 3) are true, but others may get
the wrong impression.

Thank you.  The project is kinda niche, but very useful if you happen to 
be in that niche.

Here are a few randomly selected examples of good release announcements:

Those are good.  My announcement will be better next time.


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Simon Cropper wrote:

Question 1 - What version of VFP will dbf work with? Is VFP9 OK?

As long as you don't use auto-incrementing fields nor varchar fields 
you'll be fine.

Question 2 - You statement of compatibility is unclear.

Works with CPython 2.4 - 2.7. (Tested)

Works with PyPy 1.8. (Tested)

Should work with the others.  (Not tested)


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Works with CPython 2.4 - 2.7. (Tested)

Have you considered supporting 3.2/3.3 at all? It's often not
difficult to make your code compatible with both. Or is there some
dependency that is locked to 2.X?

I'll support 3.3+, but not with the same code base:  I want to use all 
the cool features that 3.3 has!  :)


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Alex Strickland wrote:


Getting closer to a stable release.

Latest version has a simpler, cleaner API, and works on PyPy (and
hopefully the other implementations as well ;), as well as CPython.

Get your copy at

Bug reports, comments, and kudos welcome!  ;)

Not supported: index files:

I have been using for 
years where a guy called Przemyslaw Czerpak has written an absolutely 
bullet proof implementation of NTX and CDX for DBF. Maybe it will 
interest you.

I'll check it out, thanks!

PS : bareable is spelt bearable.

I wondered about that.  :/



Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-23 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman wrote:

Alex Strickland wrote:

Not supported: index files:

I have been using for 
years where a guy called Przemyslaw Czerpak has written an absolutely 
bullet proof implementation of NTX and CDX for DBF. Maybe it will 
interest you.

I'll check it out, thanks!

Unfortunately his code is GPL'ed, so I can't use it.  :(


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-23 Thread Ethan Furman

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 4:15 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

I'll support 3.3+, but not with the same code base:  I want to use all the
cool features that 3.3 has!  :)

The trouble with double-codebasing is that you have double
maintenance. But sure. So long as your time isn't under great
pressure, it can be quite effective.

Once I get to 1.0 release, it will enter maintenance/bug-fix-only 
mode, and I'll start on the 3.3+ version.

The 1.0 release will have the final API, support for Clipper tables, 
hopefully support for auto-incrementing fields, maybe support for .idx 
files, plus everything there now.

.cdx files (and maybe .idx files) will have to wait for the 3.3+ version.

There, now I have a roadmap to follow!  :)


Re: Gender, Representativeness and Reputation in StackOverflow

2012-07-23 Thread Ethan Furman

Terry Reedy wrote:
Leaving aside the point that this is not directly related to Python, my 
opinion is that if the authors will not make past and future papers 
freely available, not even an abstract, they should not ask for valuable 
free data from freely donated time.

Thanks, Terry!  Save me some valuable time.


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