Re: [Biofuel] B100 and jet fuel

2005-09-03 Thread Alan Petrillo
Greg and April wrote:

>The short answer is no.

The short answer is _yes_.  Baylor University did some testing with B20 
in their Beech King Air 90, and found that it did just fine. 

The report was available at the website for a while, but I 
can't find it just now.  A Google search of the site produced this:

Purdue University also did some testing on aviation fuel, and the report 
is available here:

Keep in mind, turbines are, almost by definition, multifuel engines.  As 
long as it doesn't overheat their burn units turbines don't care what 
they're running on.  You should see the list of alternate fuels for the 
OH-58 scout helicopters I flew in the Army! 

>The long answer is, BioDiesel does not have to BTU's of jet fuel 

No, it doesn't have the specific heat of jet fuel, but it's close enough 
that it makes little difference operationally. 

>( jet fuel
>is a highly refined cozen to jet fuel with allot of BTU's per gal ), 

Did you by any chance mean "kerosene"? 

Jet-A is high grade kerosene.  Keep in mind, kerosene comes in many 
flavors, and jet fuel is only one of them. 

>does it have the ability to take the low temperatures that jet fuel would
>encounter at altitude.

This could be taken care of with a properly effective antigel agent. 

>These things are workable, but, then you have to carry more fuel, and less
>cargo, and heated fuel tanks and fuel lines.This adds weight and costs
>to every aircraft, that is unacceptable.

Many aircraft already have fuel heaters in their fuel lines to prevent 
fuel icing.  The real problem is to prevent the fuel gelling in the 
tanks.  Some heat already gets into the fuel tanks in many airliners 
because they use the fuel tanks as a heat sink for the airconditioning 
systems.  I think only a good antigel agent would solve this completely, 

>Jet travel is also one of the
>least efficient forms of transportation there is.

That depends on how you look at it.  If you consider it in terms of 
passenger seat miles per gallon then it comes out around 24mpg, IIRC, 
which beats most SUV's. 

I did have a link to an article which went into this much more in depth, 
but I have lost it. 

Don't forget, in the airline industry fuel efficiency means profits. 

>Using biodiesel would
>only make it more inefficient.

Maybe.  But at least it would be using less petroleum. 


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[Biofuel] Model Aircraft Engines

2005-09-03 Thread Brian Ramsay
Hi everyone.  I too am a newcomer to the biodiesel experience.  In the
"Fryer to the Fuel Tank", Joshua Tickell says that Biodiesel can be
used as a fuel substitute in model aircraft engines with glow plugs.

There are conversion kits to convert a model engine to run straight
petroleum diesel, and I was wondering if this is necessary for
biodiesel as well.  The book makes it sound like no conversion is
necessary for biodiesel, but doesn't have much to say on the subject.

The reason I am wondering is that I figured it would be much cheaper
to set up and test the biodiesel in the r/c engine rather than in a
diesel generator.  Our whole set-up was about $100, $120 if you
include mounting the engine on some wood, which is much better than
$500 and up for a generator. Granted it's not really useful, but you
win some, you lose some...


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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-03 Thread Juan Gutierrez
He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained Soldiers to 
this country

From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered the 
United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the

victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban television 
program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the northern 
nation that were in the

path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he instructed 
the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s condolences 
for the loss of human

life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material catastrophe 
in Louisiana, Mississipi

and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, indicated 
Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as three field 
hospitals and the

personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and ideological 
differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as this, and 
he recalled the attitude

assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to offer 
assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of airliners 
flying towards that nation,

he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek publicity, and 
this was stressed in the

message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State Department 
Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the world, which 
failed to mention that

of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could send to 
the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of

essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,

plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with extensive 
medical experience tested in
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also have 
English language proficiency.


Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-03 Thread Alan Petrillo
Mike Weaver wrote:

>FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...

And we haven't found all of his horcruxes yet.  Obviously. 


>>Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
>>Juan G.
>>>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
>>>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900
>>>Hello Juan
I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read a few

on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a

processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at Freedom Fuel

the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure most on

list have seen them) are these any good?  Also is there any other place

or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or

Thank you for help.
Juan G.

>>>Huh, second time in 10 minutes...
>>>Re Freedom Fuel America - the odious FuelMeister rears its ugly head
>>>once again!
>>>Re: [biofuel] Best Processer
>>>"You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons
>>>of high-quality biodiesel for that price."
>>>The FuelMeister is overpriced junk that is not capable of making
>>>quality biodiesel. The instructions that come with it are just as
>>>BiodieselGear? Does anybody buy those things? They got some derisive
>>>comments when they launched.
>>>What's the point anyway? Build your own, a lot cheaper and a lot
>>>better, and anybody can do it:
>>>Biodiesel processors
>>>Best wishes

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[Biofuel] Happy Happy

2005-09-03 Thread Vin Lava
Hi Keith,

Hmmm. Imagine that! If any of you happen to find
yourselves in the Philippines, drop me a line and
we'll have "Happy Happy" (and talk biofuels too). :-)

Thanks and regards.

Vin Lava
Manila, Philippines

> Many of us here who are not Filipinos have fond and
> happy memories of the Philippines, including me.   >
Ask Gustl why he ends his messages "Happy Happy"!

> Regards, and thanks again

> Happy Happy! (No matter what!)

> Keith

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Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans - Louisiana Vital Records registry

2005-09-03 Thread Fritz Friesinger

Hi Mary Lynn Schmidt,
attached a Link to the Spiegel with an article from 
Maureen Dowd
Unitet States of Shame

  - Original Message - 
  Marylynn Schmidt 
  Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 7:55 
  Subject: [Biofuel] New Orleans - 
  Louisiana Vital Records registry
  I was born in Baton Rouge, La and because of the new 
  requirements for obtaining a drivers licenses .. issued by Homeland 
  Security and no longer issued by the state .. I needed to produce either 
  my birth certificate or a certified copy... and I just want to say 
  that .. below sea level and all .. the state of Louisiana choose New 
  Orleans as the site to hold all their vital records.Due to several 
  moves .. a flood and a house fire .. I couldn't find my original so I 
  needed to send for a copy ..and yes, I have it now .. but you better 
  believe this thing is going into a safe deposit box in some secure bank 
  someplace .. (oh dear .. what or where is secure???I'm becoming a 
  believer in Michael Gordon Scalions "map of the future" .. if any of you 
  have ever seen a copy you may remember that Louisiana no longer 
  exists  .. of course along with California etc  and if 
  Louisiana no longer exists and I didn't have a copy of my birth 
  certificate .. then New Jersey will never give me a drivers licenses and 
  I'll be condemed to petal close to 30 miles a day (sometimes more) on a 
  daily basis .. through rain, bitter cold, humid heat and sometimes the 
  dark.Ok .. I'm sure that if I survived New Jersey traffic I'd be in 
  great shape.I love it that Laura and George Bush had a photo-op 
  hugging the refuges in today's paper.Oh, by the way .. I've yet to 
  see any local (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) newspaper mention anything about 
  Chavez's offer of oil and eye operations for the poor.Guess I'll 
  keep reading .. I'm sure it must be some sort of oversight.Mary 
  LynnMary Lynn SchmidtONE SPIRIT ONE HEARTTTouch . Animal Behavior 
  Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained Minister .Pet Loss Grief 
  Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Herbs. . 
  Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual TravelThe Animal Connection Healing 
  mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  at Journey to Forever: 
  the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
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[Biofuel] New Orleans - Louisiana Vital Records registry

2005-09-03 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
I was born in Baton Rouge, La and because of the new requirements for 
obtaining a drivers licenses .. issued by Homeland Security and no longer 
issued by the state .. I needed to produce either my birth certificate or a 
certified copy.

.. and I just want to say that .. below sea level and all .. the state of 
Louisiana choose New Orleans as the site to hold all their vital records.

Due to several moves .. a flood and a house fire .. I couldn't find my 
original so I needed to send for a copy ..

and yes, I have it now .. but you better believe this thing is going into a 
safe deposit box in some secure bank someplace .. (oh dear .. what or where 
is secure???

I'm becoming a believer in Michael Gordon Scalions "map of the future" .. if 
any of you have ever seen a copy you may remember that Louisiana no longer 
exists  .. of course along with California etc ..

.. and if Louisiana no longer exists and I didn't have a copy of my birth 
certificate .. then New Jersey will never give me a drivers licenses and 
I'll be condemed to petal close to 30 miles a day (sometimes more) on a 
daily basis .. through rain, bitter cold, humid heat and sometimes the dark.

Ok .. I'm sure that if I survived New Jersey traffic I'd be in great shape.

I love it that Laura and George Bush had a photo-op hugging the refuges in 
today's paper.

Oh, by the way .. I've yet to see any local (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) 
newspaper mention anything about Chavez's offer of oil and eye operations 
for the poor.

Guess I'll keep reading .. I'm sure it must be some sort of oversight.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Chris

>lol, yeah.   the volume from this list to my mailbox this past week has
>totally overwhelmed me.  even now i'm trying to catch up. i'm going to have to
>switch my mail option to digest or something.
>that item came to my mailbox

Only one mailbox. Try this:

Though maybe you need a real ISP for that rather than aol.

>and i just turned around and forwarded it right
>away.  as i browsed further down my backed-up inbox, i saw the post on this
>list.  i first heard of it through the green-trust list, which is why i
>forwarded that item.  wasn't trying to misattribute credit or anything.

I know you weren't. Not so sure about other people though.


No problem.

Best wishes


>-chris b.
> >Hello Chris
> >
> >>the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come
> >>quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.
> >>
> >>cheers,
> >>
> >>-chris
> >
> >Thanks, but we had it before:
> >
> >
> >5-August/003069.html
> >[Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel
> >
> >Note it comes from, not
> >
> >Best wishes
> >
> >Keith

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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-03 Thread capt3d
lol, yeah.   the volume from this list to my mailbox this past week has 
totally overwhelmed me.  even now i'm trying to catch up. i'm going to have to 
switch my mail option to digest or something. 

that item came to my mailbox and i just turned around and forwarded it right 
away.  as i browsed further down my backed-up inbox, i saw the post on this 
list.  i first heard of it through the green-trust list, which is why i 
forwarded that item.  wasn't trying to misattribute credit or anything.   sorry!


-chris b.

>Hello Chris
>>the subject of glycerine by-product, and what to do with it, seems to come 
>>quite frequently so i thought i'd pass on this bit of news.
>Thanks, but we had it before:
>[Biofuel] Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel
>Note it comes from, not
>Best wishes

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Re: [Biofuel] Another newbie

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Johanna

>Hi, another beginner to walk thru for you.
>I am planning on buying a new used car, heard about WVO and diesels 
>and wanted to get everything figured out.
>I read on your web site that some people are experimenting with 
>mixes for regular gasoline cars.

Biodiesel in gasoline engines

>I thought this would be just great.
>I can experiment with learning the process, and use the results in 
>my current car.
>Be ready to move past the testing stage into bigger batches by the 
>time I purchase the new diesel car.

It is experimental though, no guarantees.

>I have a 1998 Hyundia Elantra GLS
>I drive less than 20 miles a day back and forth from work.
>I seldom drive at any other time.
>(I always use the trips home from work to pick up whatever I need, 
>almost never do a "shopping trip.")
>Therefore, a very small operation making only 1 or 2 liters at a 
>time would be just fine.
>I have my choice of 2 Chinese restaurants, 1 taco bell, 1 burger 
>king, and about 2 miles out of my way, a mc donalds.
>There is also a seafood restaurant about a block away from a friends 
>house that I could hit up.
>So, basically, for such a small scale operation, and considering 
>that it would be for mixing to begin with (about 5% for such as me I 
>think, forget that  15% stuff till later, if ever)
>Which restaurant is most likely to have the best WVO, and which 
>recipe would be the best to begin with? (I've been studying Mike 
>Pelly's biodiesel method)

Don't start with WVO, start with small test batches of virgin oil. Start here:
"Where do I start?"

Keep going. Read the whole thing, two pages.

>Does cheesecloth have the 5 micron filter as required for the final 
>filtering, or is there another material that's not listed?

Quite a lot of people don't do any final filtering. If you do it 
right all the crud will be in the by-product layer, not the 
biodiesel. And you'll only be using 5%.

>I like the air stone method, it seems more workable for me. Would 
>there be a problem for a beginner to use this?

Stirring is better, but you can use bubbling. It oxidises the fuel, 
with resultant risk of polymerisation, but at only 5% blended with 
gasoline I guess you don't have to worry about that.

>When I do the washing, can I use regular water or do I use more 
>distilled water?

Tap water. The final wash water should be the same pH as the tap water. See:

>Is there a picture (or many pictures) on what it means to create "an 
>electric pump plumbed to form a mixing loop" for stirring the WVO 
>and Sodium Methoxide?

Check the processor section at JtF, especially this one:
Journey to Forever 90-litre processor

But for making 1 or 2 litres at a time you'll hardly be needing a pump.

Mix the methoxide this way:

Methoxide the easy way

>I also liked the idea of adding a "small cheap, clear or translucent 
>plastic inline fuel filter" before my installed fuel filter. Is this 
>hard to do?

Not hard, good idea, especially at first.

>Thanks for all the awesome information, if I read it enough times I 
>might eventually get it, though I think it will take actually 
>working thru it a couple of times.

You can make biodiesel more or less immediately, but it takes a few 
months at least to get to know what you're doing and know you're 
getting the quality right.

>Oh, one last question. (for this e-mail anyway)
>How does the bio diesel effect the gas mileage?
>My car gets about 25 miles per gallon.

Opinions seem to vary, but there's not much in it anyway.

Best wishes


>Thanks again

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Re: [Biofuel] Query on MTBE

2005-09-03 Thread subramanian D.V
Thank you, Mr juan,
I have now full details of MTBE and only other use for it in industrial solvents but when a oil firm imports a large qty it can only be for mixing with petrol (gasoline) as an octane booster without caring for the health of unvary users.
I am writing to (our) Govt of India.
SubramanianJuan Boveda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Subramanian.For the possibles uses of MTBE try a search at the United States Patent Office using MTBE or Methyl Terbutyl might be a lot but select for chemical synthesis using MTBE as one of the reacting compounds, specially if you know or are able to know, that they have at least a chemical reactor for organic synthesis. With that information you could look for the line of products from that 'reputed oil refining and marketing company' and guest if they can use in some of them. So, you will be somehow ready for the answer 'we use it for that products, not for gasoline'.Regards.Juan-Original Message-From: subramanian D.V [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 28/08 2005 10:18 AMFor:
 Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSubject: [Biofuel] Query on MTBEHello Members,MTBE - Methyl tertiary butyl ether - an oxygenate for blending with gasoline in U.S around 1990, acquired a bad reputation quickly because of its capacity for polluting the environment and affecting human beings. I understand that the groundwater in most parts of US has been polluted with MTBE to varying degrees; it was banned in certain States of US for mixing with gasoline.It is banned in India too, as an oxygenate. Can any of you tell me what could be the possible use of MTBE other than as an oxygenate additive when a reputed oil refining and marketing company buys 10 tmt of MTBE from VITOL traders. I want to be doubly sure before raising this in the Indian Press.Thank you.Regards,Subramanian___Biofuel mailing
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[Biofuel] Looking for Co-op in Socal - Burbank area

2005-09-03 Thread Rob Stehlin
I live in Burbank, Ca and am in the process of converting a MINI-SUV to 
diesel and I want to run in Bio Diesel.  I am looking for a co-op in the 
SOCAL Burbank area to learn how to home brew my own.  I appreciate 
everyones assistance.

Rob Stehlin

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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-03 Thread Mika Feldmann
Not sure in gallons, but my processor could hold about 50 liters of oil mix, which should make enough to fill up an average Volkswagen tank.  It takes me two deep fryers to fill.
MikaMike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How many gallons does it hold?Mika Feldmann wrote:> I made my processor out of an abandoned Guiness keg (stainless) with a > few threaded stainless pipe couplings welded in place for an immersion > heater, a temperature probe for heat control, and fittings for a > circulation pump. Here in Canada, it isn't worthwhile sending the old > kegs back to Ireland.> Mika>> */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:>> FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...>> > Keith,> >> > Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.> > Juan G.> >> >> >>From: Keith Addison> >>Reply-To:> >>To:> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor>
 >>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900> >>> >>Hello Juan> >>> >> >I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read> a few> >> days> >>ago> >> >on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a> >> biodiesel> >> >processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at> Freedom Fuel> >>America> >> >the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure> most on> >>the> >> >list have seen them) are these any good? Also is there any> other place> >>web> >> >or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or> >>assembled.> >> >> >> >Thank you for help.> >> >Juan G.> >>> >>Huh, second time in 10 minutes...>
 >>> >>Re Freedom Fuel America - the odious FuelMeister rears its ugly head> >>once again!> >>> >>> >>Or:> >>> >>Re: [biofuel] Best Processer> >>"You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons> >>of high-quality biodiesel for that price."> >>> >>The FuelMeister is overpriced junk that is not capable of making> >>quality biodiesel. The instructions that come with it are just as> >>useless.> >>> >>BiodieselGear? Does anybody buy those things? They got some derisive> >>comments when they launched.> >>> >>What's the point anyway? Build your own, a lot cheaper and a lot> >>better, and anybody can do it:> >>>
 >>> >>Biodiesel processors> >>> >>Best wishes> >>> >>Keith> >>> >>> >>___> >>Biofuel mailing list> >>> >>> >>> >>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:> >>> >>> >>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000> >>messages):> >>> >>> >> > _> > Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!> >> >> >> > ___> > Biofuel mailing list> >> >>> >> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:> >> >> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000> > messages):> >> >>  ___> Biofuel mailing list>>>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:>>> Search the combined
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[Biofuel] State vs Federal responsibilities

2005-09-03 Thread Flamemom

Anybody ever hear of this agency???
Haven't heard it mentioned anywhere recently myself.
LA Homeland Security 
& Emergency Preparedness HomeThe Louisiana Citizen 
Awareness & Disaster Agency
Being from San Francisco originally, you know Earthquake zone.. we're very 
familiar with ours and the work that it does.
Every State has one.
This is the agency responsible for immediate response, for containment and 
evaluation of the disaster and for then requesting whatever assistance is needed 
by the State.
This is the agency that failed to provide for and co-ordinate the 
assistance that New Orleans and other areas needed immediately as the Federal 
Government ALWAYS takes a couple of days to respond.
This is the agency that is responsible for picking up any slack from the 
cuts in Federal Funding, and the diversion of the National Guard. 
Oh by the way, if anyone has any contacts in Louisiana, could you tell them 
that New Jersey has tons of food, manpower and bottled water all collected, has 
made arrangements for it's transportation, and is rabidly waiting for the 
request to come thru the State Mutual Assistance Agency.  Not sure why it's 
taking so long, but we're getting a bit antsy here, being all ready to assist 
and Louisiana seems to have forgotten to give the State permission to cross 
their borders.
I've enclosed the article by our Governor.
Please note the "ready to provide assistance to forthcoming requests. 
Any help you can provide getting Louisiana to get that request in gear 
would be greatly appreciated.
Announces Coordinated Statewide Relief Effortsfor Region Devastated by 
Hurricane KatrinaNew Jersey Residents Encouraged to Donate 
BottledWater for Victims(TRENTON) –Acting Governor Richard J. Codey 
todayannounced that New Jersey is coordinating a number ofefforts to aid 
the Gulf Coast states devastated byHurricane Katrina.  Among the relief 
efforts is theopening of the state’s military armories as drop-offpoints 
for residents looking to donate much-neededwater to the affected 
region."One of the biggest obstacles these states are facingright 
now is the lack of potable water," said Codey. "Without safe water, the 
already devastated areas facea public health threat in the form of 
diseaseoutbreaks.  I encourage every resident to donatewhatever 
they can in the form of bottled water to helpthose in desperate 
need."The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs(DMAVA) is 
working with the 108th Air Refueling Wingat McGuire Air Force Base and the 
250th ForwardSupport Battalion at Sea Girt to collect, package 
anddeliver bottled water.  Those citizens wishing toassist in this 
effort can bring packaged bottled waterin cases to the armory locations 
listed below betweenthe hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. now through 
Monday,September 5th.  Logistical restraints require that 
thebottled water be no smaller than case size. Additionally, under 
the Emergency ManagementAssistance Compact (EMAC), the Chief of the 
NationalGuard Bureau has authorized the National Guards in all50 states 
and four territories to provide essentialpersonnel and critical equipment 
support to theaffected states.  Both New Jersey’s Army and 
AirNational Guard have answered that call and aremobilized and ready to 
provide assistance toforthcoming requests. The New Jersey State 
Police Office of EmergencyManagement is standing by to send resources, 
includingTask Force One, to the affected states in a moment’snotice, 
once those states request help with theongoing recovery effort. Task Force 
One is a210-member emergency response team fully equipped withmultiple 
search, rescue and response capabilities. Theteam is ready to mobilize boats 
and technicalequipment needed for water and land-based 
rescues;high-powered generators; and state-of-the-arthazardous materials 
equipment, if needed. OEM is alsoprepared to send a fully equipped Medevac 
helicopter.Codey has also ordered the New Jersey TurnpikeAuthority 
to grant free passage on the state’s tollroads to all rescue, relief, and 
humanitarian serviceconvoys destined for the hurricane-ravaged 
regions.Organizations planning to travel through New Jerseyenroute to 
the disaster areas are asked to contactWilliam Darragh, assistant director 
of tolls for theNew Jersey Turnpike at 732-247-0900 ext. 5654, 
tocoordinate the free passage.In response to EMAC’s request for 
medicalprofessionals, the Department of Health and SeniorServices (DHSS) 
is surveying the availability ofqualified individuals, especially 
physicians, nursesand respiratory therapists, working in state 
agenciesincluding Rutgers University and the University ofMedicine and 
Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). Commissioner Fred M. Jacobs, M.D., J.D., 
has alsoasked DHSS technical specialists to considervolunteering for the 
long-term recovery effort,especially e

Re: [Biofuel] using incomplete reaction biodiesel

2005-09-03 Thread Bill Clark
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your quick response. We are blending our bioD 50/50 and using it.

I wasn't so worried about the EPA as to potential engine problems. Oh well,
garbage has to be picked up and fires must be extinguished.

Thanks again for your encouraging words.

Bill Clark
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] using incomplete reaction biodiesel

> Hi Bill,
> I have used a wide array of biodiesel fuel which I have made.
> Some batches would smoke more than others.  Mostly I used my B100 in my
> f250 pickup.
> Luck = preparation + opportunity
> You have an excellent, small bio-refinery.  I encourage you to make the
> most of it and get bio-fuel into the vehicles that need it and worry
> about the EPA later.
> I would not hesitate to put your biodiesel in any city vehicle, ie fire
> truck, trash truck, ambulance, tractor, genset.  Your setup there is
> first rate, take this tragic set of events as your queue to use what
> you've prepared so hard for.
> I suggest you use what bio-fuel you can lay your hands on. 50-50 mix
> should due for the large trucks/buses.
> You have an excellent facility for cleaning used grease also.  Large
> diesels like trash trucks, tractors could probably do just fine on a 50-
> 50 mix of WVO and diesel.
> You should still have my contact information.  Call me anytime.  Best
> Regards,
> Let us know how this turns out,
> Michael Lendzian
> CINS Network Support Team
> Columbus State University
> CINS/Center for Commerce & Technology Room 105
> 706.569.3044 (help desk)
> - Original Message -
> From: Bill Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, September 1, 2005 11:03 am
> Subject: [Biofuel] using incomplete reaction biodiesel
> > Hello to all,
> >
> > The City of Eufaula is running out of diesel and calls to the
> > supplier have
> > not been returned. We have on hand about 1,000 gal of fuel that is not
> > completely reacted. We may need to use this fuel. Any suggestions
> > aboutblending with diesel? We would normally try to reproccess but
> > we need to
> > save our methanol for more fuel. Rapid responses are needed.
> >
> > Thanks to everyone and God help those people on the Gulf Coast.
> >
> > Bill Clark
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> >
> g
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> > messages):
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
We don't want them spreading the poison of socialized medicine to all 
those uninsured poor people in New Orleans.  Besides, the president is 
on it.
Everything is fine.  The National Guard is there, Bush is personally on 
the phone on the ground, directing the federal relief effort, calling 
the proper federal agency leaders to cut the red tape, working with his 
wealthy friends to raise money. 

We don't need no Canadians.

Alt.EnergyNetwork wrote:

>I have been following all the reports on CTV, CBC and BBC.
>Canada has the DART system that was used in the tsunami in Asia
>and is ready to be shipped to the disaster areas along with specialized
>teams and resources. Canadian hydro crews and all sorts of supplies
>and offers of help have been expressed by Canadian politicians.
>I have heard nothing on CTV, CBC or BBC about Canadian teams not being allowed
>in to help. Maybe you can check with "homeland security" and see what
>they have to say about it.
>Canadians have always stepped up to the plate to help, even though the U.S. 
>them like a friendly lap dog sometimes.
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>---Original Message---
>>Subject: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in
>>Sent: 02 Sep '05 22:37
>> I was sent this blog item about Canadian help being denied
>> entrance to flood areas. Did any Canadians hear the newscast?
>> Anone know if it is true?
>> US won't let Canada help Katrina victims
>> by kos Wed Aug 31st, 2005 at 20:58:29 PDT
>> "A specialized urban search and rescue team from Vancouver
>> will be joining the rescue efforts in Louisiana in the wake of
>> hurricane Katrina.
>> B.C. Solicitor General John Les said the province decided to
>> send Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) after officials
>> in Louisiana asked for help.
>> "We're the first non-U.S.-based team to be requested," said Les.
>> "They're going to be helping as many people as they can."
>> CTV Vancouver has learned that the team will board a plane
>> Wednesday night heading to Lafayette, Louisiana, where local
>> authorities will direct them to devastated areas.
>> Sounds great! Except for one problem -- this team wasn't
>> allowed to fly  into the US, blocked by Homeland Security from
>> entering. A Canadian  reader sends this report:
>> On tonight's news, CTV (Canadian TV) said that support was
>> offered from Canada. Planes are ready to load with food and
>> medical supplies and a system called "DART" which can provide
>> fresh water and medical supplies is standing by. Department of
>> Homeland Security as well as other U.S. agencies were
>> contacted by the Canadian government requesting permission
>> to provide help. Despite this contact, Canada has not been
>> allowed to fly supplies and personnel to the areas hit by Katrina.
>> So, everything here is grounded. Prime Minister Paul Martin is
>> reportedly trying to speak to President Bush tonight or tomorrow
>> to ask him why the U.S. federal government will not allow aid
>> from Canada into Louisiana and Mississippi. That said, the
>> Canadian Red Cross is reportedly allowed into the area.
>> Canadian agencies are saying that foreign aid is probably not
>> being permitted into Louisiana and Mississippi because of
>> "mass confusion" at the U.S. federal level in the wake of the
>> storm.
>> Once the hard-hit region is back on its feet, there better be a full
>> accounting of the preparation and response to this catastrophe."
>> ___
>> Biofuel mailing list
>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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>Alternative Energy Politics
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[Biofuel] The real reason

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
Rumor has it that the only reason President Bush offered money and aid 
to rebuild the Katrina-damaged coastal areas of Mississippi, Alabama and 
Louisiana is that he misheard on the news that there was "major damage 
and flooding all along the Golf Course."

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
Sussex county, where the big beach-front houses are located, is on the 
list of places covered by Fed. flood insurance.  As long as it is 
under-written, people will build there.  When beach front resorts and 
their beaches blow away in storms, the money to rebuild always comes 
from the taxpayers somehow.  Government policies encourage irresponsible 

The USACE often performs sand replenishment for beaches as well.

Greg and April wrote:

>I have been looking at the pdf link, in your post, and I am not
>understanding your reference.
>Could you please elaborate?
>Greg H.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 20:03
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?
>>I want to build my 2 million dollar dreamhouse on the beach and make the
>>taxpayers foot the bill when it gets flattened.
>>See:  Rehoboth Beach is almost all on a
>>barrier island.  It's nuts to build there,
>>and nuts to keep paying to put the houses back.  But I guess the money
>>is better spent than being used in Iraq.
>>Greg and April wrote:
>>>If people live in an area, they should learn of dangerous natural
>>>occurrences ( quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, blizzards and
>>>like ), and make preparations for them.
>>>Like I said in another post:
>>>"I have no issue with those that TRIED to do something to help them
>>>and still got into trouble.
>>>BUT I do have issues with those that did NOTHING  ( despite all the
>>>warnings ) to help them selves then expect the government and everyone
>>>to drop what their doing and save them, because they would rather buy a
>>>of beer, than a bus ticket.".
>>>Dams fail, if people are not willing to accept that they may only have 5
>>>warning to get to higher ground, and may lose everything they should not
>>>live below a dam.
>>>If people are going to fly, they need to take it upon them selves to find
>>>out what kind of aircraft they are going to be flying on and find out if
>>>that model of aircraft has a good history of flight safety, and then take
>>>the personal responsibility to accept that sometimes the one in a million
>>>chance actualy happens.
>>>If one looks at the past one can see that a given area is subject to
>>>hurricanes and should prepare accordingly.
>>>If you live below sea level near a coast, expect the fact that you have a
>>>chance of getting flooded.If you live within 50 ft of sea level near
>>>coast, expect that the tidal surge could very well reach you.
>>>Empathy?My empathy is for the kids that couldn't leave because of
>>>ignorant parents and for the people that tried and still failed.Not
>>>someone that bought a case of beer, instead of a 5 gal bucket of water
>>>could save their life.
>>>7 MRE's can keep a person alive for 2 weeks, and cost about the same as a
>>>case of beer.
>>>If people would pay attention when the experts tell them not to expect
>>>after a disaster for at least 72 hrs, they would be allot better off
>>>the money to a 72 hr kit than spending it to drink that stupid beer.
>>>a little ingenuity, 72 hr kits are not expensive nor are they hard to put
>>>together, I have put several together for my family.
>>>If I had to leave the house:
>>>I can with 5 min notice, keep my family of 4 going for 24 hrs.
>>>With 20 min notice, I can keep my family going 72 hrs, with some shelter.
>>>With an 1 hour notice, I can keep my family going for more than 2 weeks
>>>some comfort.
>>>With 1 day of notice, I can hook up with a couple of friends and my 2
>>>sisters, and live comfortably for a month with out any other assistance.
>>>If I don't have to leave the house, I'm good for 1 month in the winter,
>>>4+ months in the summer.
>>>I do not live in a flood plain.
>>>I have a little multi-fuel stove, that can burn any liquid fuel, and a
>>>fireplace that can burn any solid fuel ( I have a little wood stove I
>>>install in a day or so ), to cook food.
>>>I scrounged most of the materials and built a safe room in the basement.
>>>I have three 55 gal barrels filled with water, plus enough containers for
>>>another 500 gal of water ( and that is not counting the 55 gal water
>>>heater ).
>>>I have a chain saw and enough fuel to keep it going for a week strait.
>>>I also have a 5ft cross cut timber saw, a couple of axes, a maul and some
>>>splitting wedges, and know how to make wood wedges ( done it several

Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-03 Thread Alt.EnergyNetwork
Big deal,
He cut 2 days off his vacation to do this
...all for the cameras. As noted by others below, he was the one who
 cut army core of engineers budget
for urgent repair on sinking dykes and improvements to flood control systems.

He is the one who continues to distort sound science, the problems
of global warming and weakening the environmental protection act.
As mentioned by others as well, he is the one who has troops, vital
 rescue equipment in Iraq when needed here NOW.
The lack of a well planned rapid advanced response to this disaster is a shame.
There are many hard questions that will need answers in the months to come.


Alternate Energy Resource Network
  1000+ news sources-resources
 updated daily

---Original Message---
> From: Greg and April <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
> Sent: 03 Sep '05 03:33
>  He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New Orleans, and
>  Mississippi.
>  Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.
>  Greg H.
>  - Original Message -
>  From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  To: 
>  Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
>  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
>  Thanks.
>  I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
>  down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does is a
>  fly by?
>  I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get wound up
>  right now.
>  Hakan Falk wrote:
>  >Mike,
>  >
>  >LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.
>  >
>  >Hakan
>  >
>  >At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >>Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.
>  >>
>  >>Hakan Falk wrote:
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>>Taryn,
>  >>>
>  >>>You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
>  >>>he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
>  >>>efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
>  >>>that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
>  >>>Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
>  >>>not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
>  >>>more in shorter time frame.
>  >>>
>  >>>When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
>  >>>is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
>  >>>compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
>  >>>are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
>  >>>than Orleans.
>  >>>
>  >>>Hakan
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with "is there blame?"
>  I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
>  sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.
>  Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
>  is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
>  kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,
>  and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.
>  taryn
>  On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >How New Orleans Was Lost
>  >
>  >By Paul Craig Roberts
>  >
>  >09/01/05 "Antiwar" -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
>  >Bush's Iraq war.
>  >
>  >There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and
>  >rescue
>  >people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
>  >Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against
>  >looting.
>  >
>  >The situation is the same in Mississippi.
>  >
>  >The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.
>  >
>  >The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in
>  >the Bush
>  >administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
>  >incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the
>  >generals,
>  >who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the
>  >job.
>  >
>  >After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals
>  >were
>  >right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.
>  >
>  >Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV
>  >the
>  >families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
>  >floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
>  >families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed
>  >homes.
>  >
>  >The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicop

Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
How many gallons does it hold?

Mika Feldmann wrote:

> I made my processor out of an abandoned Guiness keg (stainless) with a 
> few threaded stainless pipe couplings welded in place for an immersion 
> heater, a temperature probe for heat control, and fittings for a 
> circulation pump. Here in Canada, it isn't worthwhile sending the old 
> kegs back to Ireland.
> Mika
> */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...
> > Keith,
> >
> > Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
> > Juan G.
> >
> >
> >>From: Keith Addison
> >>Reply-To:
> >>To:
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
> >>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900
> >>
> >>Hello Juan
> >>
> >> >I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read
> a few
> >> days
> >>ago
> >> >on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a
> >> biodiesel
> >> >processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at
> Freedom Fuel
> >>America
> >> >the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure
> most on
> >>the
> >> >list have seen them) are these any good? Also is there any
> other place
> >>web
> >> >or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or
> >>assembled.
> >> >
> >> >Thank you for help.
> >> >Juan G.
> >>
> >>Huh, second time in 10 minutes...
> >>
> >>Re Freedom Fuel America - the odious FuelMeister rears its ugly head
> >>once again!
> >>
> >>
> >>Or:
> >>
> >>Re: [biofuel] Best Processer
> >>"You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons
> >>of high-quality biodiesel for that price."
> >>
> >>The FuelMeister is overpriced junk that is not capable of making
> >>quality biodiesel. The instructions that come with it are just as
> >>useless.
> >>
> >>BiodieselGear? Does anybody buy those things? They got some derisive
> >>comments when they launched.
> >>
> >>What's the point anyway? Build your own, a lot cheaper and a lot
> >>better, and anybody can do it:
> >>
> >>
> >>Biodiesel processors
> >>
> >>Best wishes
> >>
> >>Keith
> >>
> >>
> >>___
> >>Biofuel mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >>
> >>
> >>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> >>messages):
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _
> > Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> > messages):
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
> messages):
> __
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Re: [Biofuel] Cross Posted: OpAmp Active Filter Synthesis

2005-09-03 Thread Brian Rodgers
Sheesh Mike why the hostility?
It sounds like you don't really want any help.
I am sorry if my humor comes off like what do you call it? 
"Hmmm? Please stop trying to be profound and get to the point."
You might reread your first post in this thread. You never stated a
point to begin with. I have no idea what level of expertise you have.
Thus, I speak in generalities.
Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer. 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
About time.  Still, a little late in my book.

Greg and April wrote:

>He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New Orleans, and
>Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.
>Greg H.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
>I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
>down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does is a
>fly by?
>I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get wound up
>right now.
>Hakan Falk wrote:
>>LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.
>>At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:
>>>Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.
>>>Hakan Falk wrote:

You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
more in shorter time frame.

When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
than Orleans.


At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:

>Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with "is there blame?"
>I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
>sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.
>Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
>is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
>kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,
>and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.
>On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:
>>How New Orleans Was Lost
>>By Paul Craig Roberts
>>09/01/05 "Antiwar" -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
>>Bush's Iraq war.
>>There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and
>>people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
>>Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against
>>The situation is the same in Mississippi.
>>The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.
>>The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in
>>the Bush
>>administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
>>incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the
>>who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the
>>After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals
>>right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.
>>Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV
>>families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
>>floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
>>families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed
>>The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place
>>sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few
>>away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the
>>massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.
>>What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war ­ one of our oldest and most
>>beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.
>>Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made
>>preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New
>>Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are
>>and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and
>>equipment to
>>save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.
>>Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public
>>by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the
>>administration slashed the funding for the C

Re: [Biofuel] open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-03 Thread Brian Rodgers
Sorry I haven't run this by credibility checkers except here. Brian Rodgers

Friday, September 2nd, 2005
Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

Dear Mr. Bush:

Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane
Katrina and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be
airlifted. Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military
choppers? Do you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears
parking lot. Man, was that a drag.

Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could
really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do
like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to
begin with?

Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of
Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then
but it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there
were still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this
storm was on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody
tell you? I know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know
how you don't like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to
and mothers of dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!

I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying
to Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps.
Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane
was over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?

And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you
specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New
Orleans this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them
that even if you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there
weren't going to be any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you
had a much more important construction job for them -- BUILDING

On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I
was moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the
clouds as you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of
the disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and
stand on some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there
done that.

There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to
use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out.
Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this
would happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter
and hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all
their global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a
hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado
that stretched from New York to Cleveland.

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30
percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had
no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean,
it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving
white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race
has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!

You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army
helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and
the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.


Michael Moore

P.S. That annoying mother, Cindy Sheehan, is no longer at your ranch.
She and dozens of other relatives of the Iraqi War dead are now
driving across the country, stopping in many cities along the way.
Maybe you can catch up with them before they get to DC on September

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina, who's to blame

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Vin

>Hi Keith,
> > I do wish the large list membership in the global  >
>South would be a little more vocal, really I do,   >
>though I do understand some of the reasons they're >
>Here goes one Listmember from the South...

Thankyou!!! Now where are all the others? :-)

>I know what the people in La, Al., and Ms. are going
>through and I deeply sympathize with the hurricane
>victims in the US Gulf Coast, having lived through a
>few natural disasters that struck the Philippines:
>Volcanic eruptions:
>Taal Volcano in 1965
>Mayon Volcano in 1968
>Mt. Pinatubo in 1991
>One in 1968 when a 6 storey building (Ruby Towers)
>collapsed killing 200 people in an earthquake
>measuring 7.3 on the Richter scales
>Another one in 1990 when Baguio City and other places
>in Northern Luzon were whacked by a major earthquake
>measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale.
>Oct. 11-15, 1970 Super Typhoon Sening 768 dead
>Aug. 31- Sept. 4, 1984 Typhoon Nitang 1,363 dead

I'm trying to remember what it was called by the time it hit Hong 
Kong, it really wrecked us and killed a lot of folk.  Typhoon Ellen? 
Not the only one... Like you I've lived through a lot of typhoons, 
and a lot of other kinds of storms too.

>Nov. 3-6, 1984 Typhoon Undang 895 dead
>Nov. 23-27, 1987 Super Typhoon Sisang 979 dead
>Nov. 10-14, 1990 Super Typhoon Ruping 748 dead, P11
>billion damage
>Nov. 2-7, 1991 Tropical Storm Uring 5,000 to 8,000
>dead, P1 billion damage.
>Sept. 30 - Oct. 7, 1993 Typhoon Kadiang 576 dead, P9
>billion in damage.
>Oct. 30 - Nov. 4, 1995 Super Typhoon Rosing 936 dead,
>P11 billion damage.
>Oct. 15-24, 1998 Super Typhoon Loleng More than 300
>dead, P7 billion damage.
>That's just the Philippines; there are other countries
>that have suffered (and will suffer) even more
>destructive natural disasters as we are all aware.
>The intense media coverage (and subsequent discussion)
>of Hurricane Katrina and its tragic effects makes me
>think that this just might serve as a signal for the
>US Government and the American people to reexamine
>current official and individual policies regarding
>Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Sustainable Development
>in general.

I reckon we're all hoping for that Vin, Hakan said something similar. 
Here's to hope!

Many of us here who are not Filipinos have fond and happy memories of 
the Philippines, including me. Ask Gustl why he ends his messages 
"Happy Happy"!

Regards, and thanks again

Happy Happy! (No matter what!)


>Vin Lava
>Manila, Philippines

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Re: [Biofuel] Materials, Venturis and Biodiesel

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Jim

>I had some general question about Biodiesel:
>1. I have some PVC Venturis that I thought would work for mixing the
>Methoxil and oil together.  Would it tear up the PVC? How about Venturis
>and PVC in the washing process?
>2. How much if any Biodiesel can be added to gasoline engines as an
>upper lubricant and carb cleaner additive?


Biodiesel in gasoline engines

Best wishes


>3. Has any one gotten good results from this usage of  biodiesel?
>4. Will this use work with 2 stroke engines? I need to winterize my boat
>and wonder how that would work as opposed to sea foam.
>5. I can get methanol for $2.24 US is this good bad or average?
>Thank you

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Re: [Biofuel] Silver, chlorine, etc. (was Katrina..

2005-09-03 Thread Brian Rodgers
Wow, I started off a great thread and didn't even follow it. 

Now, I thought I remembered reading a couple of dissertations on
colloid silver here. I am glad to get the input all over again. I
think that some of this stuff is a little over the top just to
sanitize a couple of ten gallon containers of stored water. Although
as a hobbyist fabricator of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals I can
appreciate the electro-plating techniques. That stuff is fun to setup
and watch work, but drink the results? Maybe if I had access to better
lab equipment I could feel more at ease after testing some of these
techniques. Don't fret I know you weren't talking electro-plating more
electrolysis of water. Pardon me, my mind wanders.

I would think that if I took the advice here and started with a
sanitized container and used distilled water the bottled liquid should
have a better chance of holding up and not getting murky. I think, we
need to keep it simple and as practical as possible, otherwise we risk
not doing it.  I am fully capable of  making things and doing for my
family, but I also know there are only so many hours in a day.

The elk are bugling and the coyotes are laughing as dawn approaches
here in northern New Mexico.
It's a beautiful world we live in. I plan to make the best of my day.
My family will be working in the forest this weekend. We have had
steady rain here. I guess it is remnants of Katrina. My daughter said
as we came down the mountain a few days ago the forest looks so alive
when it is wet. Indeed.

Yes New Mexico is not inherently prone to stagnant water issues so we
don't often worry about it. With the disaster on the Gulf Coast I
began to question the ability to store water for longer periods for
emergency use.
Brian Rodgers

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Re: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in

2005-09-03 Thread Alt.EnergyNetwork
I have been following all the reports on CTV, CBC and BBC.
Canada has the DART system that was used in the tsunami in Asia
and is ready to be shipped to the disaster areas along with specialized
teams and resources. Canadian hydro crews and all sorts of supplies
and offers of help have been expressed by Canadian politicians.

I have heard nothing on CTV, CBC or BBC about Canadian teams not being allowed
in to help. Maybe you can check with "homeland security" and see what
they have to say about it.

Canadians have always stepped up to the plate to help, even though the U.S. 
them like a friendly lap dog sometimes.


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---Original Message---
> Subject: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in
> Sent: 02 Sep '05 22:37
>  I was sent this blog item about Canadian help being denied
>  entrance to flood areas. Did any Canadians hear the newscast?
>  Anone know if it is true?
>  US won't let Canada help Katrina victims
>  by kos Wed Aug 31st, 2005 at 20:58:29 PDT
>  "A specialized urban search and rescue team from Vancouver
>  will be joining the rescue efforts in Louisiana in the wake of
>  hurricane Katrina.
>  B.C. Solicitor General John Les said the province decided to
>  send Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) after officials
>  in Louisiana asked for help.
>  "We're the first non-U.S.-based team to be requested," said Les.
>  "They're going to be helping as many people as they can."
>  CTV Vancouver has learned that the team will board a plane
>  Wednesday night heading to Lafayette, Louisiana, where local
>  authorities will direct them to devastated areas.
>  Sounds great! Except for one problem -- this team wasn't
>  allowed to fly  into the US, blocked by Homeland Security from
>  entering. A Canadian  reader sends this report:
>  On tonight's news, CTV (Canadian TV) said that support was
>  offered from Canada. Planes are ready to load with food and
>  medical supplies and a system called "DART" which can provide
>  fresh water and medical supplies is standing by. Department of
>  Homeland Security as well as other U.S. agencies were
>  contacted by the Canadian government requesting permission
>  to provide help. Despite this contact, Canada has not been
>  allowed to fly supplies and personnel to the areas hit by Katrina.
>  So, everything here is grounded. Prime Minister Paul Martin is
>  reportedly trying to speak to President Bush tonight or tomorrow
>  to ask him why the U.S. federal government will not allow aid
>  from Canada into Louisiana and Mississippi. That said, the
>  Canadian Red Cross is reportedly allowed into the area.
>  Canadian agencies are saying that foreign aid is probably not
>  being permitted into Louisiana and Mississippi because of
>  "mass confusion" at the U.S. federal level in the wake of the
>  storm.
>  Once the hard-hit region is back on its feet, there better be a full
>  accounting of the preparation and response to this catastrophe."
>  ___
>  Biofuel mailing list
>  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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---Original Message---

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[Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-03 Thread bob allen

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered the United 
States eleven hundred 
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and diagnostic 
teams, to help the 
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban television program 
The Informative Round 
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the northern 
nation that were in the 
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he instructed the 
Cuban Foreign Minister 
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s condolences for 
the loss of human 
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material catastrophe in 
Louisiana, Mississipi 
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs in 
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, indicated Cuba´s 
willingness to send 
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as three field 
hospitals and the 
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and ideological 
differences, the island has 
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as this, and he 
recalled the attitude 
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to offer 
assistance to the United 
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of airliners flying 
towards that nation, 
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek publicity, and this 
was stressed in the 
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State Department Thursday 
evening about the 
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the world, which 
failed to mention that 
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could send to the 
areas of greatest need 
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks containing 
24 kilograms of 
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand specialists 
in general medicine, 
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with extensive medical 
experience tested in 
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also have 
English language proficiency.


Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

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Re: [Biofuel] Preparation of ethanol from molasses

2005-09-03 Thread Guag Meister
Hi Keith ;

This is a great idea and link!!  Thanks.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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Re: [Biofuel] Drying ethanol

2005-09-03 Thread Pannirselvam P.V
 You need to  measure  the volume and  density
after and before adosrption and use the pubblished tables to calculate
the conecntration  and the make mass balance as you pointed out

Yours truely


Natal, RN, Brasil.
On 9/1/05, Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi All,
I finally found a source of 3A molecular sieve. It´s been sitting
in 95% ethanol overnight. How do I test the ethanol to see if I removed
the 5% water? Simple mass balance? I don´t have a Karl Fisher titrator.
BTW, I used the recommended 250 grams of 3A per liter of ethanol.
Tom Irwin
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--  Pagandai V PannirselvamUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRNDepartamento de Engenharia Química - DEQCentro de Tecnologia - CTPrograma de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Química - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPECAv. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus UniversitárioCEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - BrasilResidence :Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  MacioEP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - BrasilTelefone(fone ) ( 84 ) 3215-37690 Ramal21032171557Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 3215-3770 residencia 32171557
Cellular  84  88145083
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Re: [Biofuel] Drying ethanol

2005-09-03 Thread Pannirselvam P.V
 Hi  Tom Irwin
  Dear Tom ,really  very good  your  plan to make biofuel from Waste oil .As you are near by Brazil, you can think of the flexible car  as this can run both form 
ethanol as well as the biogas
which can be very made in small scale in the farm.Go ahead with the
help of several experts from  here  as the small scale 
unit of our can be  good start in the  South America .For the
same you can  better make use of several recent information ,
thanks to Keith  hard work to make  our list archives much
update , as this can solve  half of hard problems  to do
practical  woks  in the field of Biofuel.I believe  the
south America can be  the leader of the Biofuel  using
appropriate small bio refinery. 
Let us join to make this reality , with the help of this list members
too as the   wise peoples  and all relevant informations
needed are  made possible here.Wishing you the best success.

Yours truely
Natal, RN, Brasil.


You can have  Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi Manick,
Although I am an American, I live in Uruguay. There is no access
to ethanol vehicles here as yet. Diesel vehicles definitely are
available though heavily taxed. Plus this fits my overall scheme for
making BioD in sufficient quantities to power an electric generator, my
car and ultimately my tractor. The waste heat from the generator will
heat hot water for house use  and it's heating system. I'm lining
up waste oil suppliers so I can have about 2000 or more liters per year
available. The money I hope to save doing this will be put into
the organic farm on high ground just outside the city. That's it in a
Tom Irwin

From: Manick Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]To: 
Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSent: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 02:21:06 -0300Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Drying ethanol
Yes, after making temperature correction for water at 25-30C
I get 0.785  which is very near literature value of 0.7893 for
ethanol and pure enough for mixing. Could you please enlighten me
why you did not opt for E85 auto which I understand is available in USA?Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Thanks Manick,
I just ran a density test. I got 0.7824g/cc vs. .7893g/cc from my
CRC handbook. The original material is .7924g/cc.  That's about a
10 or 12 % removal. with some slop for my measuring technique this
might be good stuff. I'll try mixing it with gasolene next. Thanks all.

Tom Irwin

From: Manick Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSent: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:00:26 -0300Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Drying ethanol
Hello Tom,
May I offer unorthodox solution? Try to measure the specific
gravity and density using specific gravity bottle. If it matches sg of
pure ethanol you are there for practical purposes, unless you are
aiming for AR quality..Tom Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,
I finally found a source of 3A molecular sieve. It´s been sitting
in 95% ethanol overnight. How do I test the ethanol to see if I removed
the 5% water? Simple mass balance? I don´t have a Karl Fisher titrator.
BTW, I used the recommended 250 grams of 3A per liter of ethanol.
Tom Irwin___Biofuel mailing at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
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___Biofuel mailing at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages): Pagandai V PannirselvamUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRNDepartamento de Engenharia Química - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CTPrograma de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Química - PPGEQGrupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPECAv. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus UniversitárioCEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil
Residence :Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102   Capim  Mac


2005-09-03 Thread Vin Lava

September 02, 2005
Worldwatch Projects Catastrophe Will Be Most Costly
Weather-Related Disaster in History

Washington, D.C. –  The overwhelming human and
financial impacts of Hurricane Katrina are powerful
evidence that political and economic decisions made in
the United States and other countries have failed to
account for our dependence on a healthy resource base,
according to an assessment released today by the
Worldwatch Institute.

Alteration of the Mississippi River and the
destruction of wetlands at its mouth have left the
area around New Orleans abnormally vulnerable to the
forces of nature. According to many scientists, the
early results of global warming—90 degree Fahrenheit
water temperatures in the Gulf and rising sea
levels—may have exacerbated the destructive power of

“The catastrophe now unfolding along the U.S. Gulf
Coast is a wake-up call for decision makers around the
globe,” says Worldwatch President Christopher Flavin.
“If the world continues on its current
course—massively altering the natural world and
further increasing fossil fuel consumption—future
generations may face a chain of disasters that make
Katrina-scale catastrophes a common feature of life in
the 21st century.”

“The appalling images from New Orleans demonstrate
that the world’s richest country is not immune from
the need to respect natural systems and to invest in
their protection,” continued Flavin. "This will likely
be the most expensive weather-related disaster the
world has ever faced." 

According to an assessment by Worldwatch researchers,
the long-term lessons of Katrina include:

Maintaining the integrity of natural ecosystems should
be a priority: Indiscriminate economic development and
ecologically destructive policies have left many
communities more vulnerable to disasters than they
realize. This, together with rapid population growth
in vulnerable areas, has contributed to worldwide
economic losses from weather-related catastrophes
totaling $567 billion over the last 10 years,
exceeding the combined losses from 1950 through 1989.
Losses in 2004 exceeded $100 billion for the second
time ever, and a new record will almost certainly be
set this year once Katrina’s damages are totaled. 

Short-term thinking is a dangerous approach to policy:
During the past few years, the U.S government has
diverted funding from disaster preparedness to help
finance the Iraq War, and has reduced protections for
wetlands in order to spur economic development. Both
decisions are now exacting costs that far exceed the
money saved. Natural ecosystems such as wetlands and
forests are often more valuable when left intact so as
to protect communities from floods, landslides,
drought, and other natural occurrences. Failure to
protect ecosystems contributed to the massive loss of
life when the tsunamis swept across the Indian Ocean
last year and when Hurricane Mitch killed 10,000
people in Central America in 1998. 

The links between climate change and weather-related
catastrophes need to be addressed by decision makers:
Although no specific storm can be definitively link to
climate change, scientists agree that warm water is
the fuel that increases the intensity of such storms
and that tropical seas have increased in temperature
by up to 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century.
(Katrina transformed rapidly from a Category 1 to a
Category 5 hurricane when it passed from the Atlantic
Ocean to the much warmer Gulf of Mexico.) In the next
few decades, water temperatures and sea levels will
continue to rise, greatly increasing the vulnerability
of many communities. Global warming and its
anticipated effects on the hydrological cycle will
make some areas more vulnerable as storms, floods, and
droughts increase in frequency and intensity. 

There is an urgent need to diversify energy supplies:
The national and global economic impact of Hurricane
Katrina is growing by the day, with consumers around
the world now paying significantly more for energy
than they were a week ago. Decades of failure to
invest in new energy options has left the world
dependent on oil and natural gas that are concentrated
in some of the world’s most vulnerable regions—the
U.S. Gulf Coast, the Persian Gulf, and the Niger Delta
in Africa. Biofuels and other renewable resources now
represent viable alternatives to fossil fuels, which
are not only vulnerable to natural disasters but could
have a big impact on the severity of future disasters.

- END -


Interviews: The following experts are available for
interviews in these areas: (Worldwatch Institute Press
Contact Information)

Christopher Flavin, Worldwatch Institute President: 

The links between climate change and weather-related
Economic effects of skyrocketing fuel prices 
The potential for renewable energy sources to
diversify energy supplies 

Re: [Biofuel] FDA Minimized Issue of Lotronex's Safety

2005-09-03 Thread Keith Addison
Marty Phee wrote:

> >>They chose a paid consultant to Glaxo to serve with an
> >>advisory committee that recommended approval of the drug.
>Who do you think advises the govt on many critical issues?  Many govt
>organizations who make decisions for us have corporations on the boards.

You don't say, well I never, whatever next.



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >
> >Thursday, November 2, 2000
> >
> >FDA Minimized Issue of Lotronex's Safety
> >  Health: Times study finds officials sided with drug maker on
> >regulatory concerns. Agency reevaluation is underway.
> >
> >By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer
> >
> > WASHINGTON--In the drug's first eight months on the market, five
> >people who took it died. Several others underwent bowel
> >surgeries--one had a colon removed. A total of 49 patients developed
> >ischemic colitis, a potentially life-threatening complication.
> > As a result, the Food and Drug Administration is now
> >"reevaluating" the safety of Lotronex, a drug intended to treat women
> >with a nonfatal disorder, irritable bowel syndrome. But a Los Angeles
> >Times investigation of the FDA's handling of Lotronex found that over
> >the last year agency officials repeatedly played down questions about
> >the drug's safety while siding with the manufacturer, Glaxo Wellcome
> >Inc., in important regulatory decisions.

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