Re: The Bat! v5 Upgrade Experience

2012-01-09 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
> So, if you are holding off on an upgrade because you are afraid that
> TB! v5 will not be as good as your current version, my experience is
> that the upgrade is painless. If you are expecting a new look and feel to
> the software, then v5 is probably not for you, however!

I tried v5 as well, but then went back after many weeks. At first, v5 seemed to 
work fine, but the longer I used it the more nuisances I discovered. For 

- At some point I needed to use TheBat without Internet connection (on a 
train). It's a pain, I can't remove Flags, can't save messages (since it tries 
to save them in the IMAP outbox on the server, which is not available), and so 

- I work a lot with virtual folders. Working inside these folders has become a 
pain, since they get constantly refreshed and messages disappear, see

- I also use quick search quite often. It used to work well in v4, but now 
doesn't, especially if you use several quick searches one after another, see

I would recommend to everyone to stay with v4 if you can live with its bugs and 
don't want to risk trying out new ones :-)

Best regards,

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Re: IMAP: working offline

2012-01-09 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
> I know about the basic concepts of IMAP, but was hoping for TB to use
> the cache while I am offline and do the deleting of the mails later,
> when connected.

> Is there a setting to make this possible, maybe?

If you don't have a permanent Internet connection you can forget IMAP with v5. 
I  mentioned this on the Beta list a long time ago, nothing changed. I can only 
recommend going back to v4.

It's not just deleting: You can remove flags, but suddenly they reappear. If 
you use a remote outbox you can't even save messages. It's ridiculous.


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Re: Bat 5.0.18 - mighty buggy still

2011-07-15 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hello Gary,

Saturday, July 9, 2011, 10:55:48 PM, you wrote:

>  My opinion is that The Bat! developers are pathetic testers of their 
>  product, and quite unprofessional to foist such a defective product upon 
>  consumers.

I can only confirm that. I'm now using 5.0.18, so a version several updates 
after 5.0, and there are still so many bugs that I wouldn't recommend updating 
to anyone who can live with v4 / got used to the bugs there and doesn't want to 
risk new ones.

The main problems I see, which is why I don't recommend updating:
- Problems during the update process (if you're lucky your IMAP folder settings 
is the only thing you lose)
- IMAP outbox still not working, risk of message loss (different bugs, but same 
result as in v4)
- IMAP periodical check and counters not working correctly (showstopper for me)

I complained a lot about IMAP in v4, and still think it's rediculous that v4 
was released with all those bugs. But at least I know the behaviour in and out 
now. With  v5 the bottom line is that it didn't get better, but you'll have to 
adjust to new bugs and new odd behaviour. I don't see the benefit.

Best regards,

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VCALENDAR messages

2008-03-11 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hi Tbudl,

I get a lot of messages from Outlook with Calendar invitations, like this:

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN

It's very hard to read those in The Bat, and impossible to confirm/decline such 
a request.

Does anyone know a good solution for this? Is there a plugin or an application 
that allows using these calendar requests?

Best regards,

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Account for common virtual folders

2008-01-31 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Ok, I fixed it. It's definitely a bug, but you can solve it by playing around 
with the "This is the default account" checkbox on several accounts: I removed 
it from my default account (account 1), so there was officially no account 
defined as default anymore. Message from the Virtual Folders were still created 
from account 3. So I set and then removed the flag from account 3, which 
resulted in new messages being created from account 2. Setting and removing the 
flag there resulted in finally new message being created from account 1!

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Account for common virtual folders

2008-01-28 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hello MFPA,

Monday, January 28, 2008, 1:31:41 AM, you wrote:

> Here, if I create a new message when the selected folder is a
> common virtual folder I get a dialog box to select the account
> before a new message window opens. I also get this if I click a
> mailto: link.

Do you have a default account defined (check under the account settings/general 
if the box at "this is the default account for mailto: url's is checked on any 

I get this dialog box when clicking on a mailto: - link without having a 
default account defined. But when creating a message from a virtual folder I 
don't get it.

The version I am currently using is alpha, but the behaviour was the 
same with 3.99.x.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Account for common virtual folders

2008-01-27 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hello Thomas,

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 3:41:04 PM, you wrote:

> This is what I have done: XRay adds a header X-Apparently-To to each
> incoming message, showing the account on which it was originally
> received. When replying, the reply template uses it and extracts the
> account name, and with the %Account= macro and a regex the correct
> account is used for sending.

Well, the problem is not with replying: When replying, The Bat automatically 
replies from the account the original message (not the one in the VFolder) is 
located in. So that's fine.

My problem is when creating a *new* message. Usually it is created from the 
account currently selected, or from the default account if you click on a 
mailto: link. But when browsing Virtual Folders, it is created from an account 
that is not the default account. I habe no idea why, but the problem is 
reproducable, and I don't see a way where to configure the default from: - 
account for new messages created when viewing a virtual folder.

It looks like a bug, maybe I'll have to report it to bugtrack.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Account for common virtual folders

2008-01-26 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hello Uwe,

> In the folder properties add a macro for "New Message" containing
> %ACCOUNT="accountname"

I can't: These folders do not have Templates. In the "Edit Folder Properties" 
window I only have the two sections "General" and "Filter".
You can try it yourself: Create a new Common Virtual Folder, right-click on it 
and select properties.

This is really a big problem, since I mostly read my messages in Virtual 
Folders, and whenever I create a new message now, it's default account is the 
wrong one, and I have to change it manually on each email.

Best regards,

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Account for common virtual folders

2008-01-25 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hi all,

Is there a way to configure the account from which new mails are created when I 
am in a common virtual folder?

When I am reader mail in these virtual folders (in my case they are on top of 
all the accounts), and then want to create a new message with Ctrl-N, it is 
created from my 3rd account. I have no idea why, as this is not even my default 
account. How can I change this?

Best regards,

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Re: Configure X-Header field

2004-02-28 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
GS> Transport Layer Security

So that only helps if my email provider supports it. But unfortunately they don't :-(


Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Configure X-Header field

2004-02-25 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
T> Have you tried using TLS? Some ISPs only block port 25 but don't block
T> TLS on port 465.

What exactly is this TLS? Never heard of it. 

Is the practise of blocking other SMTP servers common among North American ISPs? 
What's the sense of it? Sympatico says it's "to protect their customers", which sound 
like BS to me. I guess they kind of want to force me to use their email address which 
binds me closer to the provider. But it doesn't work for all those hotmail/outlook 
users anyway.


Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Configure X-Header field

2004-02-25 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
RO> You've got to prepare that for TB:
RO>   Options -> Preferences -> Messages -> Message header -> Edit items -> Add
RO> Now enter 'X-Sender' both at display and as RFC header and check
RO> 'this field is an address field'

Thanks a lot, works very well!


Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Configure X-Header field

2004-02-25 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Maybe some of you have the same problem: Some of the main Canadian ISPs (namely Bell) 
block all SMTP-Servers except their own. So I cannot send email over my 
email-provider's or domain provider's SMTP. As Bell's SMTP-Server accepts any FROM 
name, I could use it as relay and just put my normal email address (e.g. [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) in that field. I used this for quite a while, but now it's becoming 
problematic: I get caught more and more in other people's SPAM filters, because I send 
email with an address but not over the appropriate server. Bell doesn't put 
any X-Sender, so very understandable that my email gets filtered.

I can get arround this by putting my address at Bell into the X-Sender field manually. 
What I'd like to know is how I can have it put there automatically. I tried 
%SETHEADER("X-Sender", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") but when typin a message I still see 
nothing in the X-Sender field. Please help

Best Regards,

Current version is 2.04.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

How to filter Worm (the Microsoft one)

2003-09-26 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
Hi all,

For about a week now I get tons of email with this worm that pretends
coming from Microsoft and being a security update (most of you will know
the worm, I think it is called Swen). In the beginning I thought my
internet provider would filter it after a day or it would just stop, but
it's getting more and more.

There are two emails, one appearing to be from Microsoft, another one
telling me that a message couldn't be deliver. Both have this 106K
attachment containing the worm.
How do I filter this? The message text changes a little bit each time and I
can't filter for an attachment length.
Can anyone please just quickly post a working filter for this.


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
AM> You said there's little difference between v1.62 and v2. I disagreed
AM> You said MicroEd is buggy. I disagreed

I didn't say either one. What I made were much more general statements.
That's why it doesn't help that you pick on the details: Even if the
two-editor solution was a good one (what we could argue about) - that was
just an example, not my statement!

AM> I do agree that there are things that could be done
AM> better in TB! and that it's far from perfect. Surprise! :) I'm not at
AM> all hesitant to make such a declaration. I've often criticized
AM> functionality in TB! and requested modifications, new features etc.

There you even agree with my statement about persisting bugs (or
functionality / long-requested modifications).
You don't see the editor as one of them - fine, it was just an example,
replace it with anything else you find appropriate.

AM> You will never please everyone. How can you expect to please someone
AM> whose viewer will not display more than 60 characters per line??

If you don't wrap your text (except for paragraphs): The client's display
will then wrap it correctly. Remains the quoting to be solved, which leads
to the discussion how a program should quote: Wrap the quote or leave it as
is and only use one > at the beginning of each paragraph? And what about

AM> If you don't wrap your text it will appear as very long lines in most
AM> client viewers,

That's why the viewer wraps it, and so does The Bat. Just adjust your
viewer window to the size you want it.

AM>  We noted this a long time ago and reported it. I see that
AM> it hasn't been fixed.

See what I mean with buggy editor ;-))


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Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
AM> Neither editor has a problem where this is concerned. One works
AM> differently from the other.

Or you could say they both have a problem.
They point is that they could have either made the editor customizable
enough or allow an external editor, instead of adding a second one.

Now you're probably gonna tell me that noone needs that or that the choice
that exists is enough. Wouldn't be the first discussion where you defend
Ritlabs and TB beyond a point that is reasonable for me. Go ahead and try a
more critical approach and you'll see that there are lots of things that
could have been done better. There are many features that I'm very happy with
well. Let's try to keep the balance.

AM> Am I detecting a pattern here or is it my imagination.

It's your approach.

AM> Wrap at 70 characters then. The standard is 72 anyway.

This doesn't help, because I'm not only reading my own messages. Or someone
a 67 character display will come along and complain again. Do you know what
mean? A text will look like this...

AM> A quote? What do you mean?

I inserted text with "paste as quotation" and when I continued writing
below it the text colour was light read. My greeting was still in black,
though. I can even reproduce it: I mark a block in a message in the preview pane, 
press F4 and there it is: everything I write unter the quote appears in light red. 
Doesn't happen all the time, I'm not sure what it depends on. Maybe only when the 
reply-template for the folder contains

in the first two lines. As soon as there is text on top of the first quote it doesn't 


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Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
CGS>> Some same stupid bugs persist (like the line-wrap

AM> What line wrap bug?

Almost forgot one more on that subject:
In the editor (even the new one!) the View/Original Text option is still
completely useless in most cases, because the windows doesn't momorize the
size of the window part with the original text. Due to my editor window not
being needlessly huge, the original text would always cover the full
window, preventing me from accessing the space where I actually type.

Is there any solution for that by now?


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
AM> Stop there. 1.63beta was not a release version. It's unfair to compare
AM> v2 to it when speaking of upgrades.

That's why I wrote it in brackets.

AM> What line wrap bug?
AM> Are you speaking of MicroEd here?

Yes, I was. Would make sense to fix it, especially as the alternative editor
doesn't have this problem, so they must somehow acknowledge this being not how
it is supposed to be. just image someone who has a 70 character wide display
reading a message written with MicroEd and broken at 75 characters.

Just tried the alternative editor: Why does the text I type suddenly appear
in light red, after I have inserted a quote?

And btw: when is *this* finally gonna appear bold? :-)

I guess we agree on the two main subjects:
- Time-limiting the update offer is a bad idea
- V2 could have used a little more testing before being released.

The combination of the two makes it worse...



Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Feature requests

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

MM> this is already in developers To-do AFAIK, it is not needed to add
MM> this to wishlist :-)

Where can I see this developers To-do and how can I add new wishes?


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: The Bat! v2 Upg Price of $17.50 until October 31, then what?

2003-09-07 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz
A> The Ritlabs site says:

You're right, it appears as if the update offer will be completely gone and
that is just ridiculous for a couple of reasons:
- The differences between 1.62 (especially 1.63beta) and 2.0 are not that
huge after all. Of course a lot changed since 1.0, but that doesn't help
the users who registered in July. To make it fair they should be allowed to
upgrade any time later, when 2.0 offers enough improvement for them to be
worth the upgrade. And don't anyone tell me that v2 has been 75% (or
completely as Ritlabs announec months or years ago) newly programmed. Some
same stupid bugs persist (like the line-wrap and the consequence that you
can't Ctrl-Backspace over lines) and the program looks pretty much the same

- V2 is still pretty much a beta, just released to keep the announced date.
I just installed it for a friend on a WinXP machine: The menu bar
background stays white after having clicked on a menu, and then there were
a couple of crashes (access violations), e.g. when purging folders. For
more see TBBETA list.

- It's something new that other companies haven't dared before. In the good
old days updates where something like 20% of the price of a product. Once
you bought it you had a license and the update price was relative to the
percentage of new features (or something like that). Then big companies
like MS came along who had to sell updates in stores and the update prices
went up to 50% to 70% of the original product's price. Bad enough, but now
the update availability is limited to two months while the product is not
even stable. Sorry, that's too much, I'm not gonna pay it. I don't need the
update now and if in a few months, when I think I'll want it, I'll have to
pay the full price again, I'll just go get another email program like
Mozilla. There at least I have an open developers' policy with a roadmap
and multi-platform support.
The advantage of The Bat are worth a price, but that's over the line,

The argument that Ritlabs is a company and is free to do what they want
doesn't count. Of course they can do what they want, but they have to live
with the users' opionions and/or reactions to that. (no to get into the
ethics stuff)

I can't believe that there are people who take it for a fair option to buy the
upgrade now and only start using it in a couple of months. Think about it,
how ridiculous is that?


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: simple question on PGP

2002-04-24 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

PP> 'Always encrypt to default key'

PP> This should encrypt every message to _your_ key too and you should be able
PP> to re-read them.

Okay, but this way I still can't save them in clear text in my sent
folder automatically, right?


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simple question on PGP

2002-04-23 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz


I'm using the PGP 6.5.8 plugin. When I mark messages to be signed and/or
encrypted everything works fine. However, the emails are always stored
encrypted in my SENT folder, so I can't read them myself anymore! How can I
send the messages encrypted, but have them stored in my messagebase as
clear text (maybe with a line "ENCRYPTED BY PGP" at the bottom)?


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KNOWN Filter

2002-04-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz


Why is an email with the follwing header not moved to my INBOX-KNOWN
(Filter is active), though the email address  is in my
address book?

Delivered-To: GMX delivery to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: (qmail 9313 invoked by uid 0); 12 Apr 2002 19:42:30 -
Received: from (
  by (mx012-rz3) with SMTP; 12 Apr 2002 19:42:30 -
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Fri, 12 Apr 2002 
12:42:28 PDT
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:42:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Lundy 
Subject: Re: ciao
To: Carsten Guthardt-Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
X-Modified-Forwards: 1A.inbox

hallo Carsten,


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Re: Shortcuts Editor and Expanding Threads

2002-03-28 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

GG> I didn't look for it but if it is available that is where is
GG> should be.  Perhaps one of the more experienced users or even one of
GG> the developers will know.

I asked them: Command that are not available through the menu (and this is
the case for Control-* and Control-+) can *not* be redefined.


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Search function

2002-03-26 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Am I blind? How do I do a search with multiple criteria, e.g.


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Size of Original Text in editor window

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Hi all!

We recently had the question here if it was possible to change the size of
the "original text" part of the editor window.

Alexander Leschinsky recently emailed me the registry key for that. It is 
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Editor]
"Original Height"



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Re[2]: Reply to sender

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

MR> I think you can add this to your reply template (or create a Quick
MR> Template for use on an individual message basis

Thanx. But I found it meanwhile, it's in the Specials Menu, Control-F4.
Even the Menu Navigator didn't help me in finding it, because I typed
"reply to sender" instead of "reply to the sender"...



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Reply to sender

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz


Is there a possibility to reply to the sender of the email (instead of to
the reply-to address)? I just can't find it.



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Thread oriented navigation

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

I find that reading through threads in Mailinglists (or longer personal
email exchange) is uncomfortable. I can't browse through the thread by
references. The only implementation of reference-searching is
Control-Backspace so far and that is really not sufficient.

In the message VIEW and PREVIEW windows there should be cross-like buttons
(with shortcuts) like this:

4   6

On pressing the up-arrow (or the 8) I get to the message that was replied
to. Pressing it several times will finally lead to the message that started
the thread. In the same way you can go "down" the thread by pressing the 2,
leading you each time to the first comment on a message. With the rigth/left arrows 
you can browse through different comments on the same
message. MausNet or FIDO Users might remember this feature, it's great,
especially for mailinglists and newsgroups.

What do you think?



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2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Hi all!

How come that I can't log in to the Bugtrack system? I just signed up,
received the email stating my username and password, but I can't sign in.
The message I get is "There was an error: your account may be disabled or
the username/password you entered is incorrect."
I tried it three times. Has anyone else signed up recently and it worked?



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Re[2]: Edit Control-+ shortcuts etc

2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

OG>  Not in the current version, but in 1.54 beta there is.

That's what I'm using, where is it? I know the "Edit Shortcuts" function,
but Control-* etc. don't appear there, do they?



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Re[2]: Feature wish: Editor improvement

2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

ACM> I haven't had this problem to deal with. I usually either quote the
ACM> entire message and delete the unwanted parts as I type 

There are two main types of quoting: 1) Quoting (almost) the whole message
and then deleting the parts you don't want and 2) quoting only WHAT you
want and WHEN you want it.
Nowadays most people use the former, simply because most email programs
don't offer a convenient way for the latter.

ACM> I find backing and forthing from window to window to transfer
ACM> clippings to be more tedious.

Moving the cursor through the complete quote, mark the unwanted parts and
delete them is cumbersome, too.
If the "original text" part of the editor window was resizeable
(constantly) and the cursor jumped to the editor part once you hit the
shortcut for Quote, things would be different.

ACM> Sounds great except for the part about the cursor being positioned two
ACM> lines below. That's a user specific need and a pre-emptive one.

Okay, let's forget about the LF, hitting Enter once or twice before
starting to type is acceptable.

ACM> While composing ... no.

For sure not, that would be sick.

ACM> When reading mail, yes ... soon. The RTF viewer
ACM> that's still in beta (I think ... it's been so long ;-)) supports this.

I am using Beta46 and I can't see it with the RTF viewer.

ACM> I've wished for this but wonder how much it would
ACM> take to implement such a feature.

I don't think it would take that much. Defnitely less work than the new
Windows XP look.

G>> Okay, but this forces me do leave a blank line between each paragraph.
G>> What's the use of that? I couldn't write a message like this here...
ACM> It makes for much easier reading for sure, especially in the context of
ACM> e-mail and having to read from a computer screen.

In English it is pretty common, in some other languages not so much. I
don't think the user should be forced to this.



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Re[2]: Feature wish: Editor improvement

2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

>>  > BTW: Is there a way to get the attributes *bold* /italic/ and
>>  > _underlined_ showed in TB? Is this on the wish list?
SH> Already does in TB! beta, using Rich Text Viewer. It's coloring :-)

I'm using Beta46, can't see anything using the RT Viewer. *Does this appear
bold anywhere?* _Or this underlined?_



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Re[2]: Feature wish: Editor improvement

2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

M> you need to have some context while replying, i think it works great that
M> way.

You have the context, because you mark the block in the message that you
are reading, so you have the full original message window. Or alternatively
the "original text" part of the editor window.

M> and if you'd mis-click somewhere the wrong quote would end up in the wrong
M> window. not really what i'd call user-friendly.

If one can't handle an email program one should use the web interface of
hotmail, yahoo etc. :-)



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Edit Control-+ shortcuts etc

2002-03-14 Thread Carsten Guthardt-Schulz

Hi all!

Is there a way to edit the Control-+ or Control-- or Control-* shortcuts
(to expand threads)?



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